November 2013 - Naperville Central High School Bands


November 2013 - Naperville Central High School Bands
NCHS Band Notes
Fall 2013
Upcoming Events
Following is a synopsis of upcoming Band events. Be sure
to check Charms for updated events and additional
details! Visit Charms at
Congratulations to the following band
students who will represent NCHS at ILMEA
District 9 Festival!
4 Drumshow Meetings, 6:30-7:30 am or 6:30-7:30 pm
6 Band Boosters Association Meeting
7 Market Day
13 Wind Symphony, Symphonic Band & Concert Band
14 South Side Band Festival with Wind Ensemble and
8th Grade Feeder School Bands
16 IMEA Jazz Festival, Hosted by Naperville Central
22 Little Spirits Clinic-performance at basketball game
23 IMEA Senior Band/Chorus/Orchestra
Marina Adamany
Thomas Cushing
Matthew Lee
Ivy Lei
Stanley Liu
Cynthia Plant
Isaac Frank
William Gayde
3 Drumshow Auditions
4 Band Boosters Association Meeting
5 Market Day
11 Holiday Concert—All Bands
Save the Date!
NCHS Band Boosters presents the 2nd Annual Trivia Night
An adult charity “friend-raiser” to benefit NCHS band students
Friday, January 17, 6:00 pm
Doors open at 6:00 pm, contest begins at 6:30
Naperville VFW Hall, 908 W. Jackson
Kayla Bull
Stuart Elliot
Youngeon Kim
Derek Duleba
Palak Shah
Derek Duleba
Vocal Jazz
Stephanie Echterling
Palak Shah
The mission of the Illinois Music Education Association
(ILMEA) is to promote lifelong music learning and to provide leadership for music education. ILMEA is a nonprofit association. Illinois is divided into 9 separate districts.
Students went through rigorous auditions that included
performance and sight-reading. The top students from
the District are then invited to participate in the All-State
experience from all nine District top musicians, to be held
in January in Peoria.
How does it work?
 Gather in groups of 8, including friends, family, or fellow band
 Pick a theme for your table
 Determine your table decorations and attire
 Bring food to fit your theme (cash bar)
 Book your table; tickets will be on sale soon!
Cash Bar  Silent Auction  Raffles  Prizes for best-themed table
Published by
Naperville Central High School and the
Naperville Central Band Boosters
of Naperville Community Unit School District 203
- Band Directors DJ Alstadt, Director -
Brandon Estes, Associate Director -
Band Office - 630.420.6462
Parent Preview Night
Marching Redhawks Season A Success!
Congratulations to the
Marching Redhawks on another
great season! The show title
this year was Amazonian
Rainforest, paying tribute to the
upcoming band trip to Brazil.
This year was a season of
growth in our program, both in
physical numbers (more than 120 members!) as well as
in rehearsal and performance philosophy; a year of
change in culture, all of which contributed to a
productive and positive marching band experience.
Percussion began preparing for the season in the spring
with “Chop Sessions”. The band bonded during
summer rehearsals and two weeks of summer band
camp, and debuted the show at the Parent Preview
Night. Whether performing at the Labor Day Parade,
NCHS football games, pep rallies, assemblies or in
competitions, they made their school proud by their
quality performances and conduct.
Parent Preview Night began with a potluck dinner, followed by
an overview of band camp and the debut performance of the
first two movements of Amazonian Rainforest.
Naperville Labor Day Parade
The band was honored with awards throughout the
season, and missed the finals at the state competition
by only one spot. We are very proud of the
accomplishments of our group.
Thank you to Mr. Kyle Matthews who graciously shared his photography expertise with us through still photos as well as
videos. Check out the links below to see a sampling of some of the videos that were created during the season. The
videos were used showcase performances and were also used as learning tools. Thank you Mr. Matthews!!!
"What Does The Band Say?"
“Safe & Sound” Lipdub
Illinois State Marching Band Invitational 10/12/13
Homecoming Assembly
The Drumline
prepares to perform
during the
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NCHS 7th Annual Marching Classic
The 7th Annual NCHS Marching Classic was held at Benedictine University, and featured 16 bands in competition,
in addition to exhibition performances by NCHS and the
Northern Illinois University Huskies Marching Band.
At the competition, Tom and
Karen Rogers, with two of
their four sons standing beside them, were recognized
for their 14 years of service to
the NCHS band program. In
their honor, the Grand Champion award will now be called
the Rogers Family Grand
Champion. Lincoln-Way
North took home top honors
as the recipients of the first Rogers Family Grand Champion award.
A rain shower didn’t dampen the mood of this wonderful
day. Mr. Alstadt was visited by Chris Jamrose, a former
NCHS student and current band director at Plainfield
South, while Mr. Estes was visited by the NCHS Redhawk
mascot who appeared at the NCHS Marching Classic!
THANK YOU to all of the many volunteers who helped with Classic!
Special thanks to all of the chairpersons for time, talents and dedication!
Tom Rogers, Marching Classic Chair
Martha Garcia, Tickets
Security, Brian Shapley
Denise Yaneck, Logistics (her Marching
Redhawk has graduated but she
came back to help at Classic!)
Michelle Wolfe, Volunteer Coordinator
Hosni Adra, Parking
Lisa Heigl, Hospitality
Karen Rogers, Tabulation
Kyle Matthews, Photographer
Felicia Bruessel, 50/50 Raffle
Mari Cohn, Nurses Station & Spirit
Sharon Oliver, Awards
Mary Hotz, Air Grams
An Interview With Senior Drum Major Alex Heigl
Q: What are your primary responsibilities as Senior Drum Major?
A: My primary responsibility as the Senior Drum Major is to be a liaison
between my directors and the band. It is my job to make sure that all instructions are understood and things run smoothly. I also act as an extra
pair of eyes for my directors and make sure that they know how the band
is doing and feeling. Other than that it is my responsibility to make sure
that all my director’s needs are met and that I help them in any way I can.
Q: Last year you were Junior Drum Major, and this year you are the Senior Drum Major. How did your responsibilities change this year?
A: Last year as the Junior Drum Major I handled a lot more of the behind
the scenes work such as handling speakers and headsets for rehearsals,
running the metronome, and having extra dot sheets for band members.
My primary job last year was to make the logistics of rehearsals happen,
while helping Elise [Robinson, Senior Drum Major 2012] with whatever she
needed to be done.
(Interview continued on next page)
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2013 Drum Majors
Alex Heigl, Senior Drum Major, center
Michelle Ross, Junior Drum Major, left
Chase Westenfelder, Junior Drum Major, right
An Interview With Senior Drum Major Alex Heigl (continued)
This year my responsibilities were much more involved and
thrust me into a much larger leadership role. You basically
turn from the backup quarterback that nobody’s heard of
into the face of the franchise in the matter of six months.
The responsibilities grow, but I was very lucky to have Elise
show me the ropes when I was a junior and I was very lucky
this year to have two very capable Junior Drum Majors in
Chase and Michelle who picked up the ropes very quickly
and who are going to be very successful next year.
Q: What did you like about the drum major experience?
A: I loved being constantly involved and always having stuff
going on. I loved being engaged all the time at rehearsals
and I loved helping Mr. Alstadt, Mr. Estes, and the staff get
things done. I also loved how it challenged me to improve
on things that I struggle with. For instance I’m someone
who likes to be prepared and know what the plan is and this
leadership position really challenged me to step out of my
comfort zone. It helped me learn how to better think on my
feet and I really enjoyed learning how to “wing it”. Getting
to know all the different band members is probably what I
found most interesting. As a low brass player I always enjoyed listening and watching the pit and drum line. Getting
to work with them was a very cool experience. Getting to
know all the different wind sections and getting to see all
the different personalities really opened my eyes and
showed me how many amazing people are in the Marching
Q: What is most challenging about being a drum major?
A: The thing I found most challenging was thinking before
speaking. Being the Drum Major I had to make sure that I
represented this organization with the utmost respect on
and off the field. This of course meant not saying anything
hurtful about band members, section leaders, other Drum
Majors, and of course my Directors. I’m someone who
really likes to speak my mind, so this is something that I
really found challenging at first. I found this very challenging at times because it can be easy to get frustrated with
people you are around all the time and it is really easy to
say something stupid or not thought out in those situations.
It really taught
me the importance of being
able to handle
my emotions as
well as how to
act when faced
with adversity.
Q: Any advice for
students considering
being a drum major?
A: Go for it! It is
such a worthwhile
experience and will
teach you so many
valuable life lessons.
You will be exposed to so many different people and sections and it will really change your outlook on what it means
to be a leader as well as an administrator. I would recommend any who are considering trying out to make sure that
this is something they really want to do. Being a Drum Major is challenging and difficult and it is often very stressful
and at times frustrating. You have to be willing to put up
with that and push through that. It is a very rewarding position and I am honored to have been able to serve as the
Senior Drum Major for the Marching Redhawks.
Q: What instrument(s) do you play?
A: My freshman and sophomore years I was a trombone
player in the low brass section, but I have always been primarily a choir boy. Fun Fact: I have actually never participated in a curricular band in high school. The reason I actually did marching band my freshman year was so that I
could continue playing my trombone while also being in
Q: What other activities are you involved in, through band
and outside of band?
A: I did jazz my freshmen year, but outside of that marching
band has always been my primary connection to band. Outside of band, I am in Boy Scouts and recently became an
Eagle Scout, I participate in a variety of different choirs, I
watch and love everything sports, and I play basketball at
any opportunity I can get.
Q: What are your future plans?
A: I hope to study Bioengineering at either Illinois, Marquette, or Wisconsin. I may decide to go down the premed
route, but I am not sure yet. Other than that I hope to
maybe one day march in a Drum Corps or somehow stay
involved in marching band. And of course I hope to somehow give back to the Marching Redhawks.
Editor’s Note: Thank you to Alex for providing such
thorough and honest answers to my questions. It
was a pleasure to watch him this season and
wish him all the best!
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Spirits News
By Laurie DeKruiff
Spirits color guard team for the fall season consisted of the following members:
Angela Adamo
Amanda Beles
Michaela Byrd
Corrine Conway
Gabby DeKruiff
Marlena Erickson
Michelle Fielden
Elizabeth Frita
Katie Gucwa
Kara Hagen
Jayne Kelley
Jordan Klespitz
Natalie Lee
Kayley Letcher
Erin Matthews
Daphne McColl
Angelica Moore
Seniors Anna Ochoa and Kara Hagen –
we are going to MISS YOU!!
Sade Nixon
Anna Sofia Ochoa*
Breana Pruett
Emily Schmied
Ashley Seaman**
Alyse Whelan
Heather Wilcher
Rachel Wisari
*Senior Captain
**Junior Captain
Chuck Cummings (Color Guard Director) and staff:
Stephanie Budzinski, Lauren Gogolew, Kristen Spathis & Gerry Manuel.
Thank you to everyone that has helped in some way to
make this season so successful especially to: Mr. Alstadt,
Mr. Estes and Mrs. Padmanabhan! This season was especially amazing because we had costumes for the first competition! This couldn’t have happened without the support from so many people, including band and Spirit parents: Mary Adams, Martha Garcia, Lisa Heigl, Linda Kashyap, Shawna Kelly-Swanson, Heather Klespitz, Lara
Krupicka, Joyce Levy, Tang Li, Michele Nixon, Susan Ochoa,
Linda Pera, Janelle Roberts, Sharon Ross, Sandy Seaman,
Janine Stevens, Ericka Wagner, Leslie Watson, Pam
Westfall, Leslie Wilcher, and Lynn Nolan (Dean of Student
Winter Guard—The Varsity Guard Team will travel and
compete at several local Chicagoland area competitions,
and travel out of state competitions to: Indianapolis, IN,
Cincinnati, OH, LaPorte, IN and Dayton, OH. To help offset
some of these travel costs, please support any of the upcoming Spirit Color Guard fundraisers:
Butter Braid Frozen Pastry (6 flavors) - $13 each
Bakers Square Gift Cards - $15 each
Little Spirits Fundraiser Clinic – A clinic offered to the
community for girls in 1st through 8th grade to learn a
simple flag routine to perform at the Naperville Central
Tip Off Basketball Tournament’s half time show. The 2day clinic will take place Tuesday, Nov. 19 and Thursday, Nov. 21, 6:00-7:30 pm. The performance will take
place on Friday, Nov. 22. Meet and practice at 6:00
pm, approximate performance at 8:00 pm. Includes a
Little Spirit performance T-Shirt and 2 tickets to the
basketball game!
To purchase a Butter Braid, Baker’s Square gift cards, or if
you know someone who may be interested in the Little
Spirits Clinic, Please contact Annette Pardun at 630-4282787 or .
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Midwest Percussion Cooperative Showcase Competitions
In addition to field competitions, the percussion section
participates in stand-still percussion competitions. The percussion section consists of the Battery (marching percussion: tenors, snares, bass drums) as well as the Pit (also
known as the Front Ensemble, with marimbas, vibes, xylophone, timpani, chimes, bells, synthesizer, congas and “the
rack” with various percussion instruments).
During the NCHS Marching Classic, the NCHS Bands and
Band Boosters, in conjunction with the Midwest Percussion
Cooperative (MPC), offered a stand-still marching percussion competition called the MPC Fall Percussion Showcase.
The percussion sections from eleven bands, who also participated in field competition, took advantage of this opportunity. NCHS placed 3rd in Open Class.
The final competition of the season was the Fall Showcase
Championship, where NCHS placed 2nd. Congratulations!
Competing at the MPC Fall Showcase during the NCHS Marching Classic.
Thanks to all of the Pit Crew volunteers who helped
out this season! It takes a small village to get the Pit
equipment on and off of the field at each football
game and competition. Pictured above are the volunteers who helped out at the state competition.
The percussion section is led by drum major Alex Heigl during percussion competitions. Also pictured are Mr. Estes, Director; Allan Zwettler,
Percussion Captain Head; Mark Felson, Percussion Staff; and Tom Moffitt, Front Ensemble Instructor.
After all bands had performed at the MPC Fall Showcase Championship, the Battery (Tenors, Snares, Bass Drums and Cymbals) from all competing bands came together for a mass drumline. The sound was incredible as they ran through some exercises together prior to the award announcements. More than 60 drummers participated!
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What are judges looking for?
A brief explanation of the typical scoring at marching
band competitions.
What do the judges do?
Each judge has to rank, rate, and evaluate the achievement of each band's show, based on the content and
the performance, within his/her score sheet provided by
the contest. Evaluations are recorded for the director.
"What" (content) plus "how" (performance) equals
achievement. "Rate" involves the specific score and
"rank" involves position (1-2-3 etc.) relative to other
The total score (100 possible) is based on a panel of
seven caption judges as follows:
Music General Effect: two judges in the press box
each with a 20 point sheet.
Music Performance Individual: one judge on the
field with a 20 point sheet (averaged).
Music Performance Ensemble: one judge in the
press box with a 20 point sheet (averaged).
Visual General Effect: one judge in the press box
with a 20 point sheet.
Visual Performance Individual: one judge on the
field with a 20 point sheet (averaged).
Visual Performance Ensemble: one judge in the
press box with a 20 point score sheet (averaged).
A typical set of "caption awards" would be:
Best Music (from the average score of MPI and
Best Visual (from the average score of VPI and VPE)
Best General Effect (from the total score of three GE
Music Performance Individual and Ensemble (20
points, caption is averaged):
This caption involves the technical accuracy of the musical performance of the wind and percussion players,
and also considers the difficulty level of the music. One
judge is on the field evaluating individual performance,
while the other is in the press box evaluating ensemble
Marching Redhawks 2013 Honors
At each judged competition, the band took home
honors. Congratulations on a great season!
Lake Park Lancer Joust
Outstanding Percussion, Class 2A
Wheaton North Marching Band Festival
Outstanding Percussion, Class 2A
3rd Place, Class 2A
Illinois State University Marching Invitational
5th Place, Class 6A
1st Place, Class 6A, Visual General Effect Caption
1st Place, Class 6A, Visual Ensemble Caption
MPC Fall Percussion Showcase
3rd Place, Open Class
MPC Fall Percussion Showcase Championship
2nd Place
Visual Performance Individual and Ensemble (20
points, caption is averaged):
This caption involves the technical accuracy of the
marching and visual evaluating accuracy, frequency, and
accessibility of movement as well as how well individuals carry themselves. The other judge is seated in the
press box evaluating execution while considering technical demand and drill content and construction.
Music General Effect (2 judges, 40 points.)
Judges consider how musically the instrumentalists play,
how effective their performance is, and how well the
show is put together to present a unified production.
These judges are located in the press box. This caption
consists of a possible total of 40 points.
Visual General Effect (20 points)
Two judges, both located in the press box, evaluate how
well the marching formations interpret the music presented in the show, as well as the visual coordination of
the instrumentalists and color guard.
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Marching Band Feeder Schools Tour
The marching season closed with stand-still
performances at Lincoln Junior High and
Madison Junior High, two of the schools that
feed into NCHS. The acoustics in the gymnasiums made the band sound amazing! The
Marching Redhawks performed demonstrations of warm up routines by section, as well
as the whole Amazonian Rainforest show.
After the performance, junior high students
had an opportunity to ask questions, and get up close and personal with members of the band. The junior high kids loved talking with our band and Spirits
members. A good time was had by all!
Jack Mouse Works With JSO
Members of the JSO Combo had the pleasure of working with Jack Mouse,
renowned drummer and Coordinator of Jazz Studies at North Central College.
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How To Help Your Student
By DJ Alstadt
How can I help my child improve on their instrument,
even if I am not a musician?
Teacher and education PhD Heather Allen Descollonges, as
quoted in an article on, offers the following advice:
Reinforce consistent practice.
Practice fundamentals daily
Practice with a metronome and tuner
Use a mirror (such as a small cosmetic mirror on a
music stand)
Ask your student what their short term, midterm,
and long term goals are for development, and
write them down together
Make practice consistent and SLOW
Encourage your student to record themselves,
perhaps consider ordering SmartMusic ®
During practice time, set aside devices that might
be distracting such as cell phones, iPads and
Development takes patience and results are FUN!
Acquire a private teacher, if possible
Encourage your child to participate in our chamber
 Flute Choir
 Clarinet Choir
 Saxophone Ensemble
 Brass Quintet
 Woodwind Quintet
 Low Brass Ensemble
 Drum Show
 Steel Pan Ensemble
Listen to live and recorded high quality music that
demonstrates characteristic tone quality on their
1. Don’t practice inside a
vacuum. All too often,
there’s no connection
between practice and
the rest of the musical
world, but the more
you expose your
children to live music
– be it from a
symphony orchestra or a high school marching band —
the more interested they will be in practicing at home.
But it’s not just about performances; check out a local
band during one of their practice sessions; this will give
your child a sense of how other musicians hone their
craft. Better yet, find other kids who play instruments
and set up an ensemble “jam” session so that your child
can play with others after practicing solo.
2. Establish a comfortable practice spot at home. Find a
spot in your house that is comfortable and free from
clutter and electronic games and encourage your child
to practice in the same space every day. “[It’s about]
creating a ritual around practice,” says Descollonges.
3. Aim for a short daily sessions over a longer, less
frequent sessions. More frequent sessions, though
shorter, help develop a child’s “muscle memory” for
the instrument, and are less likely to end in frustration.
4. Forget bribes. Reward your child with a new book of
music of his choosing or a trip see a local performance.
LaMoine Brass Quintet Visits NCHS
The LaMoine Brass Quintet performed for every curricular ensemble, along with a lecture with our music theory class, plus
worked with students by giving lessons on composition, performance and ensemble coaching during the lunches. The quintet
presents a major BRASSFEST every year—where it presents clinics and performances, and has hosted artists from the Chicago
Symphony, the American Brass Quintet, the Dallas Brass, the Louisville Brass Quintet and many others.
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Be A Band Booster!
NCHS Band Boosters support ALL band programs and the Spirits at NCHS. With your
support, these programs will be able to perform at their highest level.
To join, simply mail the membership form included in this newsletter. If your company
offers a gift-matching program, please include those forms also so our booster program
receives the maximum benefit of your gift. Thank you for your support!
Platinum Baton
Gold Baton
Silver Baton
Bronze Baton
Gary Beers & Leslie Watson
Lisa & Dieter Heigl
Joyce Levy
Hosni & Salwa Adra
James Cavenagh & Martha Garcia
Ed & Susan Crotty
Paul & Laurie DeKruiff
Phil & Julie Duffin
Bob & Pat Elliot
Pete & Ruth Gayde
Ruben & Maribel Guerra
Lisa Utschig-Johnson
Kathleen Kozurek
Alan Krabbenhoft &
Kathleen Klute-Krabbenhoft
Vidya & Paddy Padmanabhan
Bob & Liat Purpura
Kathleen O’Hagen & Kyle Ramsey
Curtis & Janelle Roberts
Steve & Gail Timmerberg
Matt & Kim Viehmann
Azmi & Cynthia Wandi
Todd & Diane White
Bill & Amy Barger
William & Lynn Birch
Frank Chow & Jiefei Hong
Mari & Brad Cohn
Ed & DeeAnn Crabill
Donald & Michelle Crebo
Mary & Jeff Hotz
Jeff & Dawn Hursh
Marci Jacobson
Elaine Kalantzis
Gregor & Vera McDonald
Jeanie & Frank Moccio
Frank & Debbie Morrone
Mike & Regina O'Connor
Tom & Barb Ruvarac
Charles Rydholm & Arnette Schultz
Kelly & Steve Schneck
David & Michelle Wolfe
Beth & Roy Beste
Ken & Valerie Bromenschenkel
Mary Browning & Chuck Bechtold
Brian & Linda Hale
Al Hook & Jackie Duffy-Hook
Scott & Heather Klespitz
Phil & Debbie LeBeau
Robert & Heather Lipschutz
John & Angela Loveless
Sheryl & Jeff Murawsky
Bill & Cindy Plant
Len & Jan Prazak
Bob & Shari Ross
Scott & Claudette Schmied
Brian & Vicki Shapley
Keith & Deb Smith
Mark & Janine Stevens
Anniepet & James Zabat
Platinum Baton: $500+
Gold Baton: $100 - $499
Silver Baton: $50 - $99
Bronze Baton: $25 - $49
Be a part of the BBA—
support our band
program and
make your
What is the Band Booster Association?
The Band Booster Association (BBA) is recognized as a notfor-profit organization under Section 501(c)3 of the Internal
Revenue Service. It is comprised of parents and other
friends of the band to provide additional finances for those
activities and/or enrichments of the band(s) which are not
provided by School District 203 appropriations. The BBA
also sponsors a limited number of partial scholarships
(when funding is available) for band students enrolled at
Naperville Central High School. All BBA meetings are open
to the public.
The BBA raises funds for NCHS Band Programs, including
assistance for clinicians, equipment, and instruments.
Additional activities include:
Organizing Jazz Café, Drumshow, NCHS Solo & Ensemble
Extravaganza, Spring Awards and other special events
Assisting the marching band with equipment, props and
uniforms at competitions, home football games and
Hosting the NCHS Marching Classic
Producing a newsletter, designing and maintaining the
band’s website, and notifying local media of band activities and achievements
Hosting potluck dinners and picnics
Providing refreshments at concerts
10 - NCHS Band Notes - Fall 2013
Be A Band Booster!
YOU are an instrumental part of the NCHS Band Programs!
Your contribution benefits the entire band program at NCHS. Contributions are tax deductible!
If your employer has a matching gifts program for educational institutions, please consider participating in this program to make your contribution go even further. All you need to do is:
1. Write a check to NCHS Band Boosters
2. Complete your employer’s matching gifts form and this form
3. Send the check and the forms to:
Attn. Vidya Padmanabahn
440 W. Aurora
Naperville, IL 60540
Make checks payable to NCHS Band Boosters. Please select one:
 Bronze Baton
 Silver Baton
 Gold Baton
 Platinum Baton
Name of Student(s)
Class _____________________
Name of Parent(s)
City, State, Zip
Email Address
Questions? Contact Martha Garcia at 630-778-2274 or visit
Your donation makes a difference! In appreciation of your contribution, your name will be published in programs
and newsletters.
Naperville Central High School Band Booster Association is a not-for-profit organization under Section 501(c)(3) of
the Internal Revenue Code and all contributions are tax deductible.
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Alumni Spotlight
Mike Collins-Dowden graduated from Naperville Central
High School in 1999, and now teaches elementary and
middle school band in Glenview, IL. During the summer,
he is also on the faculty at the Birch Creek Music Performance Center in Egg Harbor, WI.
Who is with Mr. Alstadt?
Answer at the bottom of the page.
Also an active composer and arranger of music for young
bands, he has published several pieces with Jalen Music.
He received his B.M. from the Eastman School of Music,
and M.M. from Temple University.
2013-2014 BBA Board
Paul DeKruiff, President
Paul Sweeney, Vice President
Chicago Flute Club
Thanks to all of the volunteers who helped with the Chicago Flute
Club event held at NCHS on Oct. 27!
Martha Garcia, Treasurer
Mr. Alstadt is with Governor Quinn, who marched just ahead
of the NCHS band in the Naperville Labor Day Parade.
Julie Duffin, Secretary
Michelle Wolfe, Volunteer Coordinator
DJ Alstadt, Director of Bands
Brandon Estes, Associate Director of Bands
Vidya Padmanabhan, Band Assistant
NCHS Band Notes is published three times per year by the NCHS Band Booster Association. To contribute photos or articles for
consideration, send them to Watch the weekly News & Notes emails for submission deadlines.
- Lee Ann Nasman, editor
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