St Mark`s Remarks - St. Mark`s Lutheran Church
St Mark`s Remarks - St. Mark`s Lutheran Church
St Mark’s Remarks St. Mark's Lutheran Church 1008 Franklin Rd., SW Roanoke, VA 24016 January, 2016 Faith Formation through Education - Preschool through Adult Monday Morning Bible Study The Monday morning Bible Study will resume on Monday, January 3rd. Anyone who is available on Monday mornings is invited to a bible study beginning at 10:00 a.m. Each week we read and discuss the scripture texts which will be heard in worship on the upcoming Sunday morning. We always come away with a insight or understanding. Sunday School to Resume Sunday School classes for children and all adults will resume on Sunday, January 10. The children will be meeting in their normal rooms. Pastor Armentrout’s book discussion class will be reading The Signature of Jesus by Brennan Manning. Everyone is welcome to come and participate in the conversation. The group will be meeting in the Sieber Room at 9:45 a.m. We hope you will be there. Donations to the Preschool Our preschool could benefit from donations of non-latex disposable gloves, baby wipes, paper towels, disinfecting wipes, large bottles of hand soap, Lysol spray, and laundry detergent and dryer sheets. Please consider picking up one of these items when you shop and placing it in the collection box near the elevator. Your gifts are a way to support our Child Development Ministry as we continue to reach out to more children in need. THANKS TO THE DAVID’S KINGDOM SANTA’S! Thanks to the following individuals for being a “Santa” to one of David’s Kingdom’s Angels this year. The gifts were greatly appreciated. Loretta Barnard, Howard Barnard, Mary Lou Blevins, McKinley Anders, Emma Pillis, Pat Gibbs, Martha Eddleman, Connie & Lebron Parsell, and Nathan Ugochukwu. Confirmation Class The next confirmation module, for youth in grades 6-8, will be Sunday afternoon, January 10 at 2:00 p.m. Please let Pastor Armentrout know if you won’t be present. Contact the Church David’s Kingdom Preschool Phone: 540-344-9051 Phone: 540-344-7144 E-mail: Web: E-mail: Web: S T MA R K ’ S R E MA R K S PAGE PAGE2 2 F ROM THE F INANCE C OMMITTEE Monthly Giving Report THANK YOU FOR YOUR GRACIOUS GENEROSITY Thank you, thank you, thank you for your generous giving in November. Our November Giving Goal: . . . . . . . . . $16,856.28 Our November Generous Giving: . . . . . $19,047.56 Our giving goal for the month of December: $20,470.25 Our year-to-date giving goal: $167,765.34 Our year-to-date generous giving: $198,974.19 G ARDEN L OAN U PDATE Lender Maturity Date APR Monthly Payment Loan Balance 1st Citizens Bank September, 2019 3.80% $1,011.77 $42,068.08 Moving forward in mission as faithful stewards of God’s good gifts. Total generous amount pledged toward the loan: $59,695.00 Total generous amount given in pledges: $50,128.37 Total generous amount given in one-time & lump-sum gifts: $81,631.81 Total amount of Guinther House income applied to the loan: $32,460.00 Total amount in pledges still to be given: $9,937.19 C ONGREGATIONAL L EADERSHIP Congratulations to Jean Weber, Loretta Barnard, & Emily McDaniel who wer e elected to church council at the annual meeting on December 6. They were elected to a threeyear term beginning January 1, 2016. Congratulations to the following people who were elected as congregational of-ficers for 2016 by the church council at their meeting on December 11: Teresa Stowasser, President; Prince Thompson, Vice President; Chuck Leiser, Secretary; and Ralph Anders, Treasurer. These men and women will be installed during worship on Sunday, January 3. G ENERAL R EMINDERS The Financial Books: Holiday Closings: St. Mark’s will close the financial books for the 2015 fiscal year on Dec. 31, 2015. In order to receive credit on your 2015 contribution statement for any pledges and or donations for the year, your check must be dated no later than 12/31/2015. St Mark’s church office & preschool will be closed on Thursday, December 24th and Friday, December 25th in observance of the Christmas holiday. We will continue to receive 2015 pledges and contributions through January 3, 2016. The church office and preschool will also be closed on Friday, January 1, 2016. PAGE 3 S T MA R K ’ S R E MA R K S Worship & Music Notes Worship Leaders for January Date Acolyte Crucifer Communion Assis- Lector Greeter Coffee Hour Keller Spraker Triniti House Steve Gordon Franci Sifers Jean & Jim Weber Pat Gibbs January 10 Eric Armentrout Keith Jensen Teresa Stowasser Wanda Miller Mary Lou Blevins & Laura Jean Weber January 17 Rilee Rodgers Nick Rodgers Lenore Trout Nan Keenan George Kegley & Janet Natt Barbara McLelland January 24 Haley Merrritt Briana Merritt Nan Keenan Kathleen Miko Sidney Miller & Alex Adkins Nan Keenan January 31 Caleb Anders McKinley Anders Mary Ann Snider Eric Mills Youth Charlotte Scholz January 3 Carols by Candlelight Report For those who were present, you know just how beautiful this year’s Carols by Candlelight service was. The nave was full of worshippers. (If you were wondering, well over 350 people were in attendance this year.) If you missed the service this year, know that the opportunity will come again in December, 2016. We are also very happy to report that $2,800 was received at the service for Lutheran Family Services of Virginia. We hope that this money will help them continue the extraordinary hard work and ministry they do throughout Virginia. January Baptismal Anniversaries January Birthdays We give thanks to God for the gift of new life through the sacrament of Holy Baptism. In January we give thanks and celebrate with: 1/1 1/7 Guy Deel Shirley Jensen David Lingerfelt Maggie Nelson Gary Nutter Sue Nutter Gail Scott Sid Scott Mary Sloan Luke Anders 1/8 1/14 1/18 1/25 1/27 Bryson Spangler Jaeda Wray Triniti House Emily McDaniel Jason Trout Members of St. Mark’s family celebrating birthdays in January are: 1/3 1/5 1/7 1/8 1/10 1/12 1/15 Lisa Altizer Rob Bryant Allison Armentrout Gary Nutter Brodie Nichols Robert Scholz Wanda Miller Mark Poore Michelle Rodgers Sarah Quesinberry 1/16 1/18 1/19 1/21 1/23 1/25 1/28 1/29 1/30 Betty Jones Amanda Wade Audrey Belcher Herb Scholz Joe Jensen Mary Ann Snider Chisom Ugochukwu Scott Anders Caleb Anders Mary Lou Blevins Steve Gordon PAGE 4 S T MA R K ’ S R E MA R K S O UTREACH O UTLOOK THE FOOD PANTRY CHRISTMAS FOOD BAGS During the month of December, the Food Pantry distributed food to feed families 155 individuals, representing 446 family members. Thank you to the December volunteers: Caleb, Luke, McKinley, Melissa, Ralph and Sandy Anders, Clara Chitty, Laura Bolton, Judy Adkins, Sidney Miller, Mark Heinlein, George Kegley and Martha Eddleman. Monday, December 21 was a beautiful day to deliver Christmas food boxes. 50 boxes of food were delivered to families across the city by the following volunteers: George Kegley, David Johnson, Sidney Miller, Mark Heinlein, Sandy and Ralph Anders, Joel Ugochukwu, Lynn Gregory, Sissy Kegley, Frank Harrison, Martha and Wayne Eddleman, Carol Jensen, David and Pearle Thompson, Nathan Ugochukwu, Rachel Scere, Carl Jensen, Keith Jensen, Sydney and Ashley Spangler, Prince Thompson, Mary Lou and Meredith Blevins. Thank you for volunteer ing! During the month of December the Clothes Closet provided clothing to a total of (37) people. Thank you to the December Clothes Closet volunteers: Sonny & Charlotte Scholz, Laura Bolton, Suzy Bubnell, Shirley Dyer, Judy Adkins, Melissa Anders, Gail & Sid Scott, Martha Eddleman, and Wally Coffey. Clothes Closet Needs: St. Mar k’s Clothing Closet is in need of men’s new/used underwear and socks, infant, toddler, and school age children’s clothing. Donations may be brought to the church, Monday -Thursday, 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Thank you for helping with this important outreach ministry. I N T HE C ONGREGATIONAL F AMILY CONGRATULATIONS We say “congratulations!” to Chi Chi Ugochukwu for receiving the Noel C. Taylor Scholarship Award for Academics, Citizenship, and Athletics at an awards ceremony on December 14th. (The picture to the left is from the awards banquet.) Chi Chi, who plays soccer and volleyball, has a 4.15 GPA and is ranked 7th in her class of 329 students. Aside from her academic and athletic achievements, she is a member of our synod’s Lutheran Youth Organization Board (LYOB). An interview with Chi Chi following the ceremony can be viewed on the WDBJ web site. THANK YOU NOTE: Dear Congregation of St. Mark’s, Thank you so much for the scholarship money. This means a great deal to me, and will help me greatly going into the next semester of school. Sincerely, Matthew Jones