Flood Warning And Evacuation Plan REPORT


Flood Warning And Evacuation Plan REPORT
Sanderson Watts Associates
West Register Realisations Limited
St. Marys Caravan Park
Flood Warning and Evacuation Procedure
Report Ref: R0769_02/EW/JB/
Issue No 01
Sanderson Watts Associates Ltd
Century House, 100 Chapel Lane
Wigan WN3 4HG, England
+44 (0) 1942 491777
+44 (0) 1942 491333
email: swa@sandersonwatts.com
Lloyd’s Register QA Accreditation to ISO 9001, OHSAS 18001, ISO 14001
Sanderson Watts Associates
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J. Buck
R. McMullan
E. Webb
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Revision Details
Amendments: To assist in identifying the amendments in the revised issue of this document, a vertical
line is displayed in the right margin, adjacent to the revised text, applicable to this current issue only.
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In line with conclusions and recommendations presented in the Flood Consequences
Assessment produced by Sanderson Watts Associates, and in conjunction with advice from the
Environment Agency, a site specific Flood Warning and Evacuation Procedure has been
developed for St. Marys Caravan Park, Prestatyn.
As highlighted in the Flood Consequences Assessment, the most significant source of flooding
at risk to the site is tidal from the Irish Sea. The site is protected to some extent to the
north from coastal sand dunes and the embankments of the Flint-Prestatyn railway line. The
mechanisms for site flooding include breach or overtopping of this protection.
The Flood Warning and Evacuation Procedure will be designed to help manage residual risks
from extreme events in case of a breach of flood defences, and will inform site residents of
potential risks, flood emergency procedures and identify escape / evacuation routes as
recommended by the Environment Agency publication ‘Flooding – Minimising the risk. (See
Appendix F)
This document outlines new procedures to implement, their limitations and recommendations
for improvements. Additionally, plans indicating a safe exit route and flood warning notices
for placement around the site have been included.
Figure 1 – Regional Location Plan (Source Google Maps)
Site Address:
St. Marys Caravan Park
Mostyn Road
Nr. Prestatyn
LL19 9TB
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EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ....................................................................................... iii
INTRODUCTION........................................................................................ 1
SITE INFORMATION & FLOOD RISK SUMMARY ..................................................... 2
FLOOD wARNING PROCEDURES ..................................................................... 6
EVACUATION PROCEDURES.......................................................................... 7
FLOOD WARNING NOTICE............................................................................ 9
TEMPORARY EVACUATION PROCEDURES ........................................................ 11
FLOOD WARNING CODES........................................................................... 12
CONCLUSIONS & RECOMMENDATIONS ........................................................... 17
APPENDICES ......................................................................................... 18
APPENDIX A Topographical Survey Data
APPENDIX B Plan of Safe Exit Route
APPENDIX C Flood Warning Notice
APPENDIX D Development Advice Map and Detailed Flood Risk Map
APPENDIX E Flood Warning Codes
APPENDIX F EA Guidance 2008 ‘Flooding - Minimising the Risk’
APPENDIX G EA Guidance - Business Flood Plan (Flood Warning Codes Out of Date)
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Sanderson Watts Associates (SWA) has been commissioned by West Register Realisations
Limited to prepare a Flood Warning and Evacuation Procedure for St. Marys Caravan Park in
Prestatyn, Flintshire. Although specific details of the proposed development of the site have
not yet been fully realised, it is understood that the site will be developed for a similar enduse i.e. touring caravans and as such the Flood Warning and Evacuation Procedure has been
developed on this basis.
This document has been written in line with current guidance from the Environment Agency,
‘flooding- Minimising the risk’ which is included in this report (See Appendix C).
The objectives of the site specific Flood Warning and Evacuation Procedure are to:
Outline responsibilities placed on the site owner
Know what precautions to take to safeguard everyone on site
Establish a set of actions to take in the event of a food
Highlight the Flood warning Codes and Signage
Provide a Evacuation Route/Map
Minimise the impact of flooding on the site
St Marys Caravan Park
Mostyn Road
Figure 2 – Site Location Plan (Source Google Maps)
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Existing Site Description
St. Marys Caravan Park is located to the North East of Gronant village centre and
approximately 3.5 km east of Prestatyn town centre. (Grid Reference SJ 09915 83507)
Area denotes
extents of
North Site
Mostyn Road
Area denotes
extents of
South Site
Dashed line denotes
approximate location of
section A-A See Figure 4
Figure 3 – Enlarged Site Plan (Source Google Maps)
The site is separated into two distinct areas either side of Mostyn Road (A548) Prestatyn.
For the purpose of this report these areas are referred to as ‘North Site’ and ‘South Site’. A
topographical survey of the two areas is provided in Appendix A. Both areas of the site are
considered vulnerable to Flooding from the Irish Sea to the north as detailed in the Flood
Consequences Assessment produced by Sanderson Watts Associates (R0769_01).
The North Site
camping and as
historically for
surfaced access
the east.
incorporates approximately 4.8 Ha of land, and was primarily used for
such consists mainly of grassed areas. The remainder of the site was used
touring and static caravans and comprises of grassed areas and gravel
roads, with a reception building located to the south and wooded areas to
The South Site is approximately 2.5 Ha of land arranged on four levels. The site entrance
level is at 7mAOD with three tiers at 11mAOD, 17mAOD and 26mAOD respectively, supported
by gabion walls. The site consists of primarily grassed areas with a gravelled access road
leading to the uppermost level to the south. A washroom building is located 45m south of
the site entrance and a small electrical out-building is present along the northern boundary.
Trees traverse the northern boundary of the site.
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Figure 4 – South Site (Section A – A)
The topography of the south site is highlighted by Figure 4 above; this clearly shows a
significant rise in level to the south of the site. The south boundary of the site is approx 20m
higher than levels by Mostyn Road. Therefore we would suggest the south part of the site is
significantly less vulnerable to tidal flooding from the Irish Sea.
Proposed Development
The site is to be re-developed with a similar end use to the existing arrangement, i.e. as a
caravan park. The site will retain many of the original features and infrastructure from the
existing development including the site access roads and the reception building.
Development plans for the South Site are still to be confirmed.
Sources of Flooding
There are several potential sources of flooding, these include;
Surface water run-off from the site
Fluvial flooding from several streams and a pond sited on the North Site
Tidal flooding from the Irish Sea to the north
There is no significant increase in impermeable area on site from the proposed development.
Also the majority of the site is free draining with the roof of the reception building providing
the most significant source of impermeable area.
It should also be noted that the site will be closed during winter months (a time when the
site is more at risk from flooding due to increased soil water saturation and groundwater
levels). As such the risk of an active site flooding from surface water is therefore considered
The EA have confirmed that the site will not be subject to fluvial flooding from the streams
and pond located on site.
It can therefore be seen that the major potential source of flooding for St. Marys Caravan
Park is tidal flooding from the Irish Sea.
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Flood Protection
The site is protected from sea defences to the North. These defences include formal
protection from coastal sand dunes and informal protection from the embankments of the
Flint-Prestatyn railway line to the north (this is considered informal as future maintenance of
the embankment cannot be relied on upon if the line is discontinued).
It should be noted that the extents of flooding shown on the EA Flood Risk Map exclude any
protection offered from sea defences.
Areas Affected by Flooding
During an extreme event of tidal flooding from the Irish Sea; where the costal sand dunes
could be breached, the first affected area in relation to St. Marys Caravan Park would most
likely be Presthaven Sands Holiday Park.
The Holiday Park lies within Flood Zone 3 on EA maps (Appendix D); the north boundary of
the site projects out onto the sand dunes, and follows the coastline for approximately 1.9km.
The EA maps also show these natural sand dunes have some localised defence measures.
Added to this Presthaven Sands and surrounding land, including the majority of the north Site
at St. Marys are described by the EA as: “areas benefiting from Defences” (See Appendix D).
The Presthaven Sands Holiday Park’s south boundary runs parallel, and backs onto the FlintPrestatyn railway line. The railway also divides Presthaven Holiday Park and Greenacres
caravan Park as presented in Figure 5 below.
Figure 5 – Site Plan and Surrounding Area
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The land separating Presthaven Sands Holiday Park and St. Marys Caravan Park which also lies
within Flood Zone 3 appears to be agricultural farmland with open drainage ditches some of
which are described as main rivers on the EA Flood Maps (Appendix D); we anticipate this
area may also have underground land drains that potentially run into the open ditches/rivers.
One river in particular runs straight through the north site of St. Marys Caravan Park and into
the pond to the East Part of the north site.
Flooding Route
In the worst case event of a tidal flood, it is expected that the flow of flood water will travel
upstream through the open ditches which run through the North Site of St. Marys Caravan
Park. It is expected that during an extreme flood event overwhelming surge loads will be
generated whereby all site infrastructure is liable to failure; resulting in burst pipes and
channel overflows which will be dispersed to the localised areas.
It is expected some flood water may be retained by the land drainage, however once the land
is saturated, ground water levels would increase and rapidly envelop the North Site.
Flooding History
The Strategic Flood Risk Assessment for Denbighshire County Council has been reviewed along
with information provided by the EA. There is a history of flooding in Denbighshire which can
be traced back from records to 1879. Several flood events occurred through overtopping of
sea defences which caused flooding of coastal properties in Rhyl and Prestatyn. Other
records indicate flood events near to major rivers in the area including the Dee, Severn, Wye
and Clwyd Rivers. There is also evidence of coastal flooding near to Colwyn Bay.
The SWA Flood Consequence Assessment (R0769-01) indicates that the south site lies in an
area known to have flooded in the past, though the EA have no record of this occurrence.
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Current Procedures
There have been no existing formal Flood Warning Procedures identified at the St. Marys
Caravan Park.
Limitations of Current Procedures
The current lack of formalised procedures between the EA and Flintshire LPA are considered
inadequate to offer site staff and visitors any form of protection against danger from flood
waters. With no mechanisms in place the site staff and visitors are unable to prepare for
possible flooding and arrange and organise the site accordingly. Safe egress from the site is
also compromised.
To ensure the safety of staff and visitors on site at the St. Marys Caravan Park, the following
procedures should be put in place: • The Site Manger should request receipt of ‘flood warning direct’ Automatic Voice Messaging
(AVM) from the EA.
• A Flood Warning Procedure to be put in place including the following actions:
- A log book to be kept of all visitors to the site (this is not currently in place). The Site
Manager will be responsible for notifying all staff and visitors on site flowing receipt of
an AVM.
- The Site Manager is to be responsible for coordinating responses to flood warnings
when an AVM is received (See Section 7.0 for the EA’s flood warning codes); managing
staff and visitors during the Flood Warning Procedure and ensuring safe evacuation
route is known and followed.
• All staff and visitors on site should be made aware of the EA Floodline telephone number
and the four flood warning codes and their meaning (see Section 7.0).
• According to the EA, the Local Authority/Police endeavour to give at least 2 hours warning
of an impending flood – however given the sites proximity it will be a requirement that all
staff and visitors will be assembled immediately upon receipt of any warning.
• Training on the Flood Warning Procedure will be given to site staff at Health and Safety
Briefings – staff will be made aware of the Safe Exit Route, EA Floodline, Flood Warning
Notice and Flood Warning Codes.
• Site induction for any staff working on site is to include awareness of the Flood Warning
• All visitors to the site are to be made aware that there is a Flood Warning Procedure and
Evacuation Plan in place and where to locate it.
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Safe Exit Plan
The Safe Exit Plan presented in Appendix B indicates the safest exit route that all people (i.e.
staff and visitors) on site at St. Marys Caravan Park should follow once a flood warning has
been received. This route is also appropriate for vehicular exit from the site.
The proposed ‘on-site’ meeting place is outside the Washroom Facility of the South Site. As
indicated in Figure 6 by the Green Circle. The level outside the washroom is approximately
8mAOD and lies within in Flood Zone 1 i.e. outside the extreme event flood extent and is
classed as low risk. There are available areas for car parking; and most importantly the
location provides safe egress from the site outside the floodplain.
Figure 6 – Flood Risk Map (Source environment-agency.gov.uk)
The route outlined in Appendix B specifies a safe vehicular exit route
from the north site and a suitable meeting point where a head count
can be undertaken out of danger of any sudden rise in water level.
The exit route and evacuation procedures have been determined
based on existing site conditions. It is also considered appropriate for
any future developments, unless the safe assembly point or access to
the safe area is inaccessible (See section 6.0).
As shown in Figure 4 (Page 3), the land rises steeply to the south of
the site. In a worst case event, should the intended assembly point
be affected by the flood, evacuees could retreat to these elevated
areas until the emergency services arrive.
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Plan Placement
The plan should be placed in the main reception and be A3 in size, otherwise the plan will be
A4 in size and placed in a prominent position such as the washroom facilities and on the
Health and Safety Notice Boards.
Figure 7 – Safe Exit Route Plan (See Appendix B)
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Flood Warning Notices are intended to complement the Safe Exit Plan, whilst being a Stand
alone directive, guiding site staff and visitors through appropriate actions when a Flood
Warning occurs.
Flood Warning Notice for St. Marys Caravan Park highlighted below in Figure 8 is presented
full size in Appendix C.
Figure 8 – Flood Warning Notice (See Appendix C)
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Notice Locations
The following notice shall be located in approximately 10 prominent positions throughout the
site. Such locations may include, but is not limited to the Health and Safety Notice Boards.
It is the intention that these notices be easily readable and concise with clear instructions to
be effective.
The notices should be at least A4 in size.
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Should any future construction work or any other activities on St. Marys site restrict access or
egress to, the ‘on-site’ evacuation assembly point described in the evacuation procedure
above, it is advised that a ‘Temporary Safe Exit Plan and Evacuation Procedure’ should be
developed and employed for the duration of the activities.
A Temporary Evacuation assembly point and safe access route to this point should be clearly
identified on a site map and made available to any staff or visitors on site before any such
activities are undertaken.
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Environment Agency Flood Codes
The EA issues its flood warnings according to a set of three easily recognisable codes that
indicate the level of danger involved. However it should be noted that codes may not always
be given in sequence and in the cases of flash flooding no time for warnings may be possible.
In the event of a serious flood event across the site the competent warning authority is the
Environment Agency. When a flood is expected the Local Authority and local emergency
services will be responsible for public care and safety.
This section sets out 3 action levels and the actions associated with each phase of the flood
risk as:
Flood Alert
Flood Warning
Severe Flood Warning
All Clear
Flood Alert
What it means:
Flooding is possible. Be prepared.
When it's used:
Two hours to two days in advance of flooding.
What to do:
Be prepared to act on your flood plan.
Prepare a flood kit of essential items.
Monitor local water levels and the flood forecast on the EA website.
In Detail:
The EA will issue a Flood Alert status when flooding is possible. This will be issued by the
EA through their website and Flood Warning Direct based upon the weather and river
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Flood Alert means – ‘Flooding of low lying land and roads is expected. Be aware, be
prepared, and watch out.
When a Flood Alert warning is issued residents should:
• Be aware of water levels and whether the river is rising or falling
• Reconsider travel plans
• Listen to and watch for weather and flood warnings on local radio and television stations
• Contact Floodline on 0848 988 1188
• Check that a flood kit has been prepared
At this stage residents should ensure that their neighbours are aware of the Flood Alert in
case residents are not subscribed to Floodline Warning Direct and do not receive the alert.
Flood Warning
What it means:
Flooding is expected. Immediate action required.
When it’s used:
Half an hour to one day in advance of flooding.
What to do:
* Move family, pets and valuables to a safe place.
* Turn off gas, electricity and water supplies if safe to do so.
* Put flood protection equipment in place.
In Detail:
Flood Warning means – ‘Flooding of homes and businesses is expected. Act now. The flood
warning alert will be issued when water levels are rising and further rain is expected – it is
advised to safeguard the property and prepare to evacuate.
At this stage residents should:
• Contact the local emergency authorities to find out whether evacuation is considered
necessary and where they are providing for evacuees
• Consider what is needed if evacuation to short term accommAODation is necessary:
children’s essentials (for example, milk, baby food, sterilised bottles and spoons, nappies and
wipes) medication and clothing (if there is heavy rainfall you may get wet whilst evacuating).
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• Consider moving suitable and sentimental belongings upstairs or in a high place downstairs
• Consider what provision can be made for family pets
• Check with neighbours that they are aware of the situation and have prepared accordingly
• Locate keys for locking windows and tools for switching off gas and electricity supplies. It
will be necessary to switch off utilities and secure unoccupied properties during evacuation.
• Put sandbags or flood boards in place
Residents must locate, water, electricity and gas supplies and switch off before evacuating.
If residents are unsure of how to do this they must contact their supplier. Neighbours may be
able to provide assistance as the houses within the development are generally similar and
other residents may have similar problems or solutions.
Residents should call the EA Floodline on 0845 988 11 88 periodically and listen to and watch
for weather and flood warnings on local radio and television stations.
If water levels begin to fall without reaching the properties, residents should continue to
monitor the situation. Residents should stay alert and be ready to evacuate and check the EA
warning code status.
Severe Flood Warning
What it means:
Severe flooding. Danger to life.
When it's used:
When flooding poses a significant threat to life.
What to do:
* Stay in a safe place with a means of escape.
* Be ready should you need to evacuate from your home.
* Co-operate with the emergency services.
* Call 999 if you are in immediate danger.
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In Detail:
Severe flood warning means that severe flooding is expected. There is extreme danger to life
and property and people are advised to act immediately i.e. Evacuate.
The Environment Agency aim to provide at least 2 hours warning between the Flood Warning
alert being issued and the commencement of flooding. The EA recommend that residents
should evacuate when a Flood Warning or Severe Flood Warning status is issued.
If flood levels continue to rise, residents are advised to evacuate before safe access is lost.
At this level driving through flood water may become hazardous and residents must evacuate
Residents should monitor the flood progression and evacuate, on foot as soon as possible.
The safe access route (See Appendix B) in times of flood will be clearly marked and
signposted and residents should use this route for means of evacuation rather than
attempting an alternative route. Residents should be aware that parts of the evacuation
route may be up to 300mm depth of flooding.
Before evacuating, residents must ensure that all windows are securely closed and locked;
this will provide protection against thieves and water pressure caused by flood waters. On
leaving the property residents must ensure that doors, including internal doors, are securely
locked and closed.
At this stage the local authority, the emergency services and the Environment Agency should
be managing the situation, with widespread flooding potentially over a large area, and will
endeavour to provide advice on an evacuation route, shelter and assistance to evacuees. The
Local Authority has a legal obligation to provide assistance to evacuees under the
Homelessness Act 2002. However, residents must be aware that at times of widespread
flooding local services may have difficulty providing for a large number of evacuees. In this
instance residents may be advised to stay upstairs in their home by the relevant authorities.
Flood Warnings are no longer in Force
What it means:
No further flooding is currently expected in your area.
When it's used
When river or sea conditions begin to return to normal.
What to do:
* Be careful. Flood water may still be around for several days.
* If you've been flooded, ring your insurance company as soon as possible.
All clear means that flood watches or warnings are no longer in force in this area.
• Keep listening to weather reports
• Only return to evacuated buildings if you are told it is safe
• Beware sharp objects and pollution in flood water
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Residents should contact the local authority to check that it is safe to return to their
Residents should be aware that if floodwaters have entered the property it will need to be
cleaned disinfected and repaired and fully dried out prior to reoccupation. Residents must
check that the building is safe before entering the building, and if there are any doubts
professional opinion should be sought.
If there is any doubt that appliances may be water damaged they must be checked before
switching the power or gas back on. Contact your insurance company as soon as possible to
get their approval before arranging any clean-up or repairs.
These codes are typically written for domestic/residential scenarios however in the event of
a flood the same principles should be applied to touring caravans and static lodges. IE, switch
off utilities at mains and secure windows and doors to prevent theft and water damage etc.
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This Flood Warning and Evacuation Procedure has been designed to help manage residual
risks from extreme events in case of a breach of flood defences which could affect St.
Marys Caravan Park, Prestatyn.
These measures are designed to minimise the impact of flooding and ensure the safety of
staff and visitors, not to prevent nor minimise the risk of flooding to the site.
This Flood Warning and Evacuation Procedure will enable the site manager to inform site
residents of potential risks, flood emergency procedures and identify escape / evacuation
It is apparent from acquired data that the North Site is at greater risk as it lies within
Flood Zone 3 of Environment Agency Maps.
Therefore, a safe evacuation assembly point has been identified outside the washroom of
the South Site as this area lies out of high-risk (Flood zones 3 & 2) and site levels are
higher than Mostyn Road and the North Site. The EA have confirmed that this is an
appropriate muster-point.
The Site Manager should register with the Environment Agency and sign up to ‘Floodline
Warnings Direct’ (call Floodline on: 0845 988 1188) This is a free, 24 hour service that
sends automated flood warnings by telephone, SMS text, email fax or pager.
The ‘Safe Exit Route Map’ and ‘Flood Warning Notice’ posters/or similar should be made
available/displayed to all people on the site, including all staff and visitors.
The Site Manager should complete a ‘Business flood plan’ See Appendix G to establish Key
Contacts and locations of service shut off points etc.
On receipt of a Flood Warning from the relevant authorities the Site Manager should
initiate the flood warning and evacuation procedures appropriate to the flood warning
code given.
If the Site Manager is informed of a flood warning via third party source, confirm the
authenticity with the Police, Environment Agency or Local Authority prior to instigating
If the usual meeting place or the route to the usual meeting place is obstructed by any
onsite activities a temporary meeting point/route should be identified and notified to all
staff and visitors for the duration of any such activities.
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