PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI A SET OF INTEGRATED MATERIALS FOR GRADE X STUDENTS OF THE APPLIED-FINE ART DEPARTMENT OF SMKN 5 YOGYAKARTA BASED ON THE 2006 EDITION OF SCHOOL-BASED CURRICULUM A Thesis Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree in English Language Education By Vonny Indriawati Student Number: 041214072 ENGLISH LANGUAGE EDUCATION STUDY PROGRAM DEPARTMENT OF LANGUAGE AND ARTS EDUCATION FACULTY OF TEACHERS TRAINING AND EDUCATION SANATA DHARMA UNIVERSITY YOGYAKARTA 2008 i PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI A Thesis on A SET OF INTEGRATED MATERIALS FOR GRADE X STUDENTS OF THE APPLIED-FINE ART DEPARTMENT OF SMKN 5 YOGYAKARTA BASED ON THE 2006 EDITION OF SCHOOL-BASED CURRICULUM By Vonny Indriawati Student Number: 041214072 Approved by Sponsor Carla Sih Prabandari, S.Pd., M.Hum. December 1, 2008 ii PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI A Thesis on A SET OF INTEGRATED MATERIALS FOR GRADE X STUDENTS OF THE APPLIED-FINE ART DEPARTMENT OF SMKN 5 YOGYAKARTA BASED ON THE 2006 EDITION OF SCHOOL-BASED CURRICULUM By Vonny Indriawati Student Number: 041214072 Defended before the Board of Examiners on December 19, 2008 and Declared Acceptable Board of Examiners Chairperson : A. Hardi Prasetyo, S.Pd., M.A. ____________________ Secretary : Made Frida Yulia, S.Pd., M.Pd. ____________________ Member : Carla Sih Prabandari, S.Pd., M.Hum. ____________________ Member : F.X. Ouda Teda Ena, S.Pd., M.Pd. ____________________ Member : Made Frida Yulia, S.Pd., M.Pd. ____________________ Yogyakarta, December 19, 2008 Faculty of Teachers Training and Education Sanata Dharma University Dean, Drs. Tarsisius Sarkim, M.Ed., Ph.D. iii PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI DEDICATION PAGE ASK and it will be given to you SEEK and you will find KNOCK and the door will be opened (Matthew 7: 7) This thesis is dedicated to: My beloved family: Papa, Mama, Cie Siany, Cie Leny and Ko Leo iv PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI STATEMENT OF WORK’S ORIGINALITY I honestly declare that this thesis, which I wrote, does not contain the work or parts of the work of other people, except those cited in the quotations and the bibliography, as a scientific paper should. Yogyakarta, December 19, 2008 The Writer Vonny Indriawati 041214072 v PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS First of all, I would like to express my greatest gratitude to the Almighty Jesus Christ for His love, grace, and blessings in my life. I always believe that there is nothing impossible in Him. My sincere gratitude goes to my sponsor, Carla Sih Prabandari, S.Pd., M.Hum., for her correction, guidance, support, suggestions, and her patience during my thesis accomplishment. I am deeply grateful to all the lecturers of the English Language Education Study Program for guiding and teaching me during my study in Sanata Dharma University. I sincerely thank Drs. Pius Nurwidasa Prihatin, M.Ed. and Dr. Retno Muljani, M.Pd., my academic advisors, for their guidance and support during my study. Furthermore, I would also like to say thanks to all secretariat staff of the English Language Education Study Program, especially Mbak Danik and Mbak Tari for always helping me with the administrative matters. I am thankful to all librarians of Sanata Dharma University for giving me their kind service in the library. My special gratitude also goes to Drs. Sutarto, the headmaster of SMKN 5 Yogyakarta. I thank him for giving me permission to conduct the study in SMKN 5 Yogyakarta. I would also like to give my special thanks to Ibu Rima, Ibu Endah, Ibu Tiwi, Ibu Nuryanti, and Ibu Rita, the English teachers of SMKN 5 Yogyakarta, I thank them for their help, guidance, and suggestions toward my designed materials. My special thanks go to the tenth grade students of SMKN 5 Yogyakarta, especially for class X Textile and X Wood Craft, for their help and cooperation during the try out of my designed materials. Moreover, I sincerely thank Christina vi PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Kristiyani, S.Pd., M.Pd. and Laurentia Sumarni, S.Pd. for their suggestions, comments, and criticism toward my designed materials. My deepest gratitude is addressed to my beloved parents, Eddy Triyanto and Laniawati. I thank them for their prayer, love, support, advice, patience they have given to me. My gratitude also goes to my lovely sisters, Cie Siany Ekawati and Cie Leny Setyawati. I thank them for their love, support, advice and the wonderful moments we have shared together. I am grateful to my brother, Ko Budi “Leo” Santoso for giving me support and advice as well as teaching me the meaning of life. I love them very much. My special thanks are addressed to all my lovely best friends: Heni, Adi, Festy, Hana, Hyacintha, Witri, Berta for their love, support, friendship, and all the happiness and sadness we have spent together. I hope our friendship will be everlasting. Next, I will never forget the beautiful process and experiences with my Play Performance friends “The Queen of Egypt”. I thank them for giving me a great opportunity to learn how to be a solid team. My gratitude also goes to my SPD team “MOSS English Course”: Festy, Adi, Putri, Kenyar, Retha, Haris. I thank them for their struggle, ideas, cooperation, and all happy and sad experiences during teaching in Boyolali. “What the life wants is the very best of us”. In addition, I would like to thank Hana’s family: Pak Endro, Bu Insi, and Empi. I thank them for giving me the second home in Yogyakarta. I am very grateful to my ex-boarding house friends: Shasa, Mbak Lisa, Mbak Nana, Tita, Eva, Mbak Ninuk. I thank them for the unforgettable moments we have spent together. vii PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI My thanks also go to all Speak First staff especially Pak Asta, Bu Asta, and Pak Warih. I thank them for giving me a great opportunity to develop myself. Last but not least, my gratitude also goes to all PBI 2004 students, for the unforgettable moments during the study in Sanata Dharma University, and to all the people whose names cannot be mentioned one by one here. May God bless us forever. Vonny Indriawati viii PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI ABSTRACT Indriawati, Vonny. 2008. A Set of Integrated Materials for Grade X Students of the Applied-Fine Art Department of SMKN 5 Yogyakarta Based on the 2006 Edition of School-Based Curriculum. Yogyakarta: English Language Education Study Program, Sanata Dharma University. English has been taught as a compulsory subject at Vocational High School in Indonesia. As stated in the 2006 Edition of School-Based Curriculum, the four skills are taught in integrated way to facilitate the students to achieve their English mastery and ability in communicating using English. From the observations, it was found that SMKN 5 Yogyakarta does not have enough integrated materials based on the current curriculum. Therefore, this study aimed to design a set of integrated materials for grade X students of the applied-fine art department of SMKN 5 Yogyakarta. This study was concerned with two research questions, which are, 1) How is a set of integrated materials for grade X students of the applied-fine art department of SMKN 5 Yogyakarta based on the 2006 Edition of School-Based Curriculum designed? and 2) What does the integrated materials look like? In answering the first research question, this study adapted Kemp’s and Banathy’s Instructional Design Model and employed R & D (Research and Development method). There were five steps applied in this study. The steps were: (1) Research and Information Collecting. Needs survey was conducted in this step. (2) Planning. Reviewing the English Syllabus of SMKN 5 Yogyakarta; stating goals, topics, and general purposes of the designed materials; stating learning objectives of the designed materials were applied in this step. Besides, this step was also aimed to classify subject contents of the designed materials and select teaching-learning activities and resources of the designed materials. (3) Development of Preliminary Form of Product. In this step, the materials were designed based on the results of Planning. (4) Preliminary Field Testing. A try out toward the designed materials was carried out and the questionnaire was distributed to English teachers of SMKN 5 Yogyakarta and English Language Education lecturers of Sanata Dharma University. (5) Main Product Revision. The data gathered from Preliminary Field Testing were analyzed. The results of the analysis indicated that the mean was 3.8 ranged from 3.6 up to 4 on five-point scale. It is concluded that the designed materials are suitable and acceptable to be used in the school. In answering the second research question, this study presented the final version of the designed materials. It consists of four units. Each unit in the designed materials is divided into two main sections, namely Oracy Cycle and Literacy Cycle. Each cycle contains four activities, namely: (1) Building Knowledge of the Field, (2) Modelling of the Text, (3) Joint Construction of the Text, and (4) Independent Construction of the Text. Hopefully, the designed materials can be applied in the school to facilitate the students to improve their abilities in communicating using English as well as to prepare them in facing the real working world. ix PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI ABSTRAK Indriawati, Vonny. 2008. A Set of Integrated Materials for Grade X Students of the Applied-Fine Art Department of SMKN 5 Yogyakarta Based on the 2006 Edition of School-Based Curriculum. Yogyakarta: Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Universitas Sanata Dharma. Bahasa Inggris telah diajarkan sebagai salah satu mata pelajaran wajib di Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan di Indonesia. Seperti dinyatakan dalam Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan edisi tahun 2006, empat keahlian diajarkan secara terintegrasi untuk memfasilitasi siswa-siswa dalam mencapai kemampuan dan penguasaan berkomunikasi menggunakan bahasa Inggris. Dari pengamatan yang dilakukan, diketahui bahwa SMKN 5 Yogyakarta belum memiliki cukup materi bahasa Inggris terintegrasi berdasarkan kurikulum yang diterapkan saat ini. Oleh karena itu, studi ini bertujuan untuk merancang seperangkat materi bahasa Inggris terintegrasi untuk siswa-siswa kelas sepuluh jurusan seni rupa SMKN 5 Yogyakarta. Studi ini difokuskan pada dua pertanyaan penelitian, yaitu: 1) Bagaimana seperangkat materi bahasa Inggris terintegrasi untuk siswa-siswa kelas sepuluh jurusan seni rupa SMKN 5 Yogyakarta berdasarkan Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan edisi tahun 2006 dirancang? dan 2) Bagaimanakah bentuk materi bahasa Inggris terintegrasi tersebut? Dalam menjawab pertanyaan penelitian yang pertama, studi ini mengadaptasi model perancangan dari Kemp dan Banathy dan juga menerapkan metode R & D (metode penelitian dan pengembangan). Ada lima tahap diterapkan dalam studi ini. Tahap-tahap tersebut adalah: (1) Pengumpulan Penelitian and Informasi. Survei kebutuhan dilakukan dalam tahap ini. (2) Perencanaan. Peninjauan kembali silabus bahasa Inggris SMKN 5 Yogyakarta; penentuan tujuan khusus, topik dan tujuan umum dari materi; penentuan tujuan-tujuan belajar dilakukan dalam tahap ini. Selain itu, tahap ini ditujukan untuk merinci isi materi dan memilih kegiatan pembelajaran dan sumber-sumbernya. (3) Pengembangan Bentuk Awal Produk. Dalam tahap ini, materi dirancang berdasarkan hasil dari Perencanaan. (4) Pengujian Awal di Lapangan. Uji coba terhadap materi dilakukan dan kuesioner dibagikan kepada beberapa guru bahasa Inggris SMKN 5 Yogyakarta dan dosen Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Universitas Sanata Dharma. (5) Perbaikan Utama Produk. Data-data yang terkumpul dari Pengujian Awal di Lapangan dianalisa. Hasil analisa menunjukkan bahwa nilai rata-ratanya 3.8 berkisar antara 3.6 sampai 4 pada skala 5. Dari hasil ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa materi dapat diterima dan digunakan di sekolah. Dalam menjawab pertanyaan penelitian yang kedua, studi ini menyajikan hasil akhir dari materi. Materi terdiri dari empat unit. Setiap unit terbagi menjadi dua bagian utama yaitu Oracy Cycle dan Literacy Cycle. Setiap bagian meliputi empat aktivitas, yaitu (1) Building Knowledge of the Field, (2) Modelling of the Text, (3) Joint Construction of the Text, dan (4) Independent Construction of the Text. Materi ini diharapkan dapat diterapkan di sekolah untuk memfasilitasi siswasiswa dalam meningkatkan kemampuan mereka berkomunikasi menggunakan bahasa Inggris dan juga mempersiapkan mereka dalam menghadapi dunia kerja yang sesungguhnya. x PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI TABLE OF CONTENTS Page TITLE PAGE …………………………………………………………..…….….. i APPROVAL PAGES ……………………………………………….……..….…. ii DEDICATION PAGE ………………………….……………….……….……… iv STATEMENT OF WORK’S ORIGINALITY .………………………...……..… v ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS …………………………………………………….. vi ABSTRACT …….…….……………….……..……………………………......... ix ABSTRAK ......…….………….……………………………………….…………. x TABLE OF CONTENTS …………………………………………………….….. xi LIST OF TABLES ………………………………………………………………. xiv LIST OF FIGURES ............................................................................................... xv LIST OF APPENDICES …………………….……………………………..…… xvi CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION A. Research Background ………………………………………..……… 1 B. Problem Formulation ………………………………………..………. 4 C. Problem Limitation ………………………………………..………… 4 D. Objectives of the Study …………………………………..…………. 5 E. Benefit of the Study …………………………………………..…….. 5 F. Definition of Terms …………………………………………..…….. 6 xi PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI CHAPTER II. LITERATURE REVIEW A. Theoretical Description ……………………………………………… 8 1. Instructional Design Models …………………………….…… 8 2. English for Specific Purpose (ESP) ………………….…..….. 12 3. Integrated Materials ………………………………………….. 14 4. The 2006 Edition of School-Based Curriculum ……………… 15 5. Communicative Tasks …………………………….…..…….. 15 6. Communicative Language Teaching ……………….…..…… 16 7. Scaffolding …………………………………………………. 25 B. Theoretical Framework ………………………………………….…. 29 1. Conducting Needs Survey …………………………………. 30 2. Reviewing the English Syllabus of SMKN 5 Yogyakarta .… 30 3. Stating the Goals, Topics and General Purposes …………... 31 4. Stating the Learning Objectives ………………………….… 31 5. Classifying the Subject Contents …………………………... 31 6. Selecting the Teaching-Learning Activities and Resources .. 31 7. Designing the materials ……………………………….…… 32 8. Conducting Materials Evaluation ………………………….. 32 9. Presenting the Final Version of the Designed Materials …... 32 CHAPTER III. METHODOLOGY..………………………….…………….…. 34 A. Research Method …………………………………….…….………. 34 B. Research Participants …………………………………….…….….. 38 xii PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI C. Research Instruments.……………………..…………………….… 39 D. Data Gathering Technique ………………………..…………….…. 40 E. Data Analysis Technique ………………………………………….. 41 F. Research Procedure ………………………………………….……. 44 CHAPTER IV. RESEARCH RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS ………..…… 49 A. The Steps of Designing A Set of Materials ….…………………..… 49 1. Research and Information Collecting ...…………..…..……. 49 2. Planning …………………………………………..………… 51 3. Development of Preliminary Form of Product… …………... 60 4. Preliminary Field Testing ………..……………………….… 61 5. Main Product Revision ……….. ………………………….... 65 B. Presentation of the Designed Set of Materials ……………………… 67 CHAPTER V. CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS ………………..…… 69 A. Conclusions ……………………………………………………….. 69 B. Suggestions ……………………………………………………….. 71 BIBLIOGRAPHY ……………………………………………………………. 72 APPENDICES ……………………………………………………………….. 73 xiii PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI LIST OF TABLES Table Page 1. Stages of Teaching-Learning Cycle ……………………………………….. 27 2. Degree of Agreement ……………………………………………………… 42 3. The Descriptive Statistics of Participants’ Opinions (Blank) ……………… 43 4. The Description of the Research Participants (Blank) ………………….….. 44 5. The Units and the Topics in the Designed Materials ……….……………… 53 6. The Basic Competencies …………………………………………………… 54 7. The Indicators ……………………………………………………………… 55 8. The Description of the Research Participants ……………………………… 62 9. The Descriptive Statistics of Participants’ Opinions ………………………. 63 xiv PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 1. Kemp’s Instructional Design Model ………………………………………… 10 2. Banathy’s Instructional Design Model ……………………………………… 12 3. The Framework for Analyzing Communicative Tasks ……………………... 16 4. The Theoretical Framework ………………………………………………… 33 5. The Procedural Steps in Designing the Materials …………………….…….. 47 xv PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix Page Appendix A …………………………………………………………………... 74 Letter of Permission to the Headmaster of SMKN 5 Yogyakarta …….... 75 Letter of Permission from BAPEDA …………..……………………… 76 Letter of Permission from Dinas Perizinan .....................................…... 77 Letter of official statement from SMKN 5 Yogyakarta …………….…. 78 Appendix B …………………………………………………………………… 79 List of Questions for Interview ……………………………………….. 80 Interview Transcription ……………………………………………….. 82 Questionnaire for the Designed Set of Materials Evaluation ………….. 110 Gambaran Umum ……………………………………………………... 113 General Description …………………………………………………... 115 Appendix C ……………………………………………………………………. 117 Syllabus of SMKN 5 Yogyakarta ………………………………………. 118 Lesson Plan ………………………………………………………….… 129 The Designed Set of Materials ………………………………………... 193 xvi PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION This chapter presents the introduction of the study. This includes the research background, the problem formulation, the problem limitation, the objectives of the study, the benefit of the study, and definition of terms. A. Research Background Nowadays, English has played a crucial role in the world. Therefore, it is needed in many aspects of our lives such as economics, politics, culture, and education as one of the languages that is used for communication. Moreover, in this globalization era, English is used universally as a means of communication. Many people learn English so that they can build a broad communication in the international world. Furthermore, English is used in international trading, tourism, banking, pleasures (watching English movies and listening to English songs), and gaining information from English textbooks. People really need English because it is very essential for the purposes stated above. They are demanded to be able to communicate both in spoken and written English fluently. Considering this, Indonesian government has decided that English should be taught at school in Indonesia as a compulsory subject. Vocational High School is one of the schools which teach English as a compulsory subject. As what is demanded in the 2006 Edition of School-Based Curriculum, the four skills, which include the skill on listening, speaking, reading, and writing, are taught in an integrated way in the 1 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 2 vocational high school. It is aimed to facilitate the students to achieve their English mastery and ability in communicating both in spoken and written English. As stated in the 2006 Edition of School-Based Curriculum, Vocational High School prepares the students to be able to work in many positions in the working world and industries after they graduate from the school. Some informal observations were conducted to observe the teaching-learning situation took place in SMKN 5 Yogyakarta. From the observations, it was found that SMKN 5 Yogyakarta does not have enough integrated English materials based on the 2006 Edition of School-Based Curriculum for the Vocational High School. In addition, grade X students of SMKN 5 Yogyakarta were seldom reinforced with listening and speaking skills. As a result, the students were accustomed to be passive learners. During the class, they seldom asked questions to the teacher even if they had not understood the materials yet. From this phenomenon, the teachers are demanded to be creative in finding many sources and creating English materials in order to motivate the students to be active learners who have communicative abilities. It also challenges the teachers to create a comfortable teaching and learning process in the classroom. The English syllabus for the Vocational High School is focused on communicative skills, which cover listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Therefore, those four skills must be taught equally. But, during the observations, it was found that listening and speaking materials were taught less than these two other skills. The teachers seldom gave exercises for listening ability because they did not have enough listening materials. They also seldom spoke in English during the class PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 3 that made the students not familiar enough with the spoken English. In addition, the books used as the references for English subject were less in those materials. The books were only focused on the two other skills, namely reading and writing. Therefore, the students did not get enough listening and speaking practice and tended to be passive learners in English. Considering this phenomenon, this study aims to design a set of integrated materials for grade X students of the applied-fine art department of SMKN 5 Yogyakarta based on the 2006 Edition of School-Based Curriculum. From some observations, it was known how the teaching-learning process for English subject took place in SMKN 5 Yogyakarta. Besides, the characteristics of the school and the students were also recognized during the observations. These were the reasons for choosing SMKN 5 Yogyakarta as the subject of the research. Another reason was that SMKN 5 Yogyakarta did not have enough integrated English materials which were based on the current curriculum. The English books which were usually used by the teachers only emphasized on certain skills. The reason for choosing grade X students was since this level is prepared and given basic English to continue to the next level that is the eleventh grade. The teacher are demanded to facilitate the students to have a good base of English. Hence, the designed materials are expected to help grade X students to build communicative ability since they are still in the beginning level. Furthermore, the materials are also expected to facilitate grade X students of the applied-fine art department of SMKN 5 Yogyakarta to strengthen their English mastery. The students are demanded to be able to communicate in English fluently since they might meet foreigners who speak English when they work in industries PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 4 after they graduate from the school. The designed materials include the four skills in which the topics in the materials were derived from the English syllabus of SMKN 5 Yogyakarta. B. Problem Formulation Based on the discussion in the research background above, this study formulated two questions to answer. Those questions are: 1. How is a set of integrated materials for grade X students of the applied-fine art department of SMKN 5 Yogyakarta based on the 2006 Edition of School-Based Curriculum designed? 2. What does the integrated materials look like? C. Problem Limitation This study was limited to designing a set of integrated materials for grade X students of the applied-fine art department of SMKN 5 Yogyakarta based on the 2006 Edition of School-Based Curriculum. It was aimed to improve the students’ English mastery and ability so that they are able to communicate using English when they work in the working world and industries. The English materials would be designed based on the current curriculum used in the vocational high school, the 2006 Edition of School-Based Curriculum. The designed materials concerned about the four skills that are listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Besides, language components such as vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation were also included in the materials. It would be presented in integrated way. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 5 D. Objectives of the Study This study elaborated two objectives. They are stated as follows: 1. To find out how a set of integrated materials for grade X students of the appliedfine art department of SMKN 5 Yogyakarta based on the 2006 Edition of SchoolBased Curriculum is designed. 2. To present the integrated materials. E. Benefits of the Study This study is expected to be able to give benefits to the students of SMKN 5 Yogyakarta, the English teachers of SMKN 5 Yogyakarta, the teachers and students of other vocational high schools and to the other researchers. The benefits can be described as follows: 1. For the students of SMKN 5 Yogyakarta The designed materials will help the students to be able to master English including four skills (listening, speaking, reading, and writing) and language components (vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation). It is hoped that it will be easier for the students to develop their communicative abilities. 2. For the English teachers of SMKN 5 Yogyakarta The designed materials can be alternative references for the English teachers to support their teaching materials. However, the teachers can still modify the designed materials in their own ways. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 6 3. For the teachers and students of other vocational high schools The designed materials can also be applied in other vocational high schools with the same department, that is applied-fine art department as alternative materials in teaching English. 4. For the other researchers This study will give other researchers a reference to conduct further research. F. Definition of Terms This study provided the definition of some important terms in order to clarify the concepts of the study. The terms that would be defined are the 2006 Edition of School-Based Curriculum, Integrated Materials, Grade X Students, and the AppliedFine Art Department of SMKN 5 Yogyakarta. 1. The 2006 Edition of School-Based Curriculum Muslich (2007: 17) defines School-Based Curriculum as the curriculum which was proposed as the improvement of Competency-Based Curriculum. Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan states that the 2006 Edition of School-Based Curriculum for Vocational High Schools is the curriculum that includes the overall teaching competencies for all subjects applied in Vocational High Schools. The purpose of English School-Based Curriculum for Vocational High Schools is to facilitate the students in order to communicate using English in real-life situation. It focuses on communicative tasks which consist of integrated skills (listening, speaking, reading, and writing) and language components. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 7 2. Integrated Materials Integrated materials are the materials which cover the four skills (listening, speaking, reading, and writing) which are interconnected each other. Richards and Rodgers (2001: 208) state that the students are often involved in activities that link the skills, because this is how the skills are generally involved in the real world. The topics for integrated materials are selected to provide coherence and continuity across skill areas and focus on the use of language in connected discourse rather than isolated fragments. 3. Grade X Students Grade X students are the students of the tenth school year after kindergarten who are usually 15- 16 years old. Grade X students of vocational high school are the students of the first year of vocational high school who are facilitated vocational education in order to give them skills needed to perform a certain job or jobs. They are classified in level novice. 4. The Applied-Fine Art Department of SMKN 5 Yogyakarta SMKN 5 Yogyakarta is located in Jalan Kenari 71 Yogyakarta. The general department in SMKN 5 Yogyakarta is the applied-fine art department. The appliedfine art department of SMKN 5 Yogyakarta is the department that supports the students to perform a certain skill especially for design of arts that function in everyday use. The applied-fine art department in SMKN 5 Yogyakarta is divided into some sub-departments. They are visual art department, textile department, leather department, ceramic department, metal department, and wood department. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW This chapter presents the literature review of the study. This includes two main parts, namely theoretical description and theoretical framework. A. Theoretical Description This part elaborates seven key points used in this study. They are Instructional Design Models, English for Specific Purpose (ESP), Integrated Materials, the 2006 Edition of School-Based Curriculum, Communicative Tasks, Communicative Language Teaching (CLT), and Scaffolding. 1. Instructional Design Models According to Kemp (1977: 7), instructional design is defined as “the process of systematic planning that establishes a way to examine instructional problems and needs, sets a procedure for solving them, and then evaluates the results”. This instructional design is planned to supply answers to three essential questions: (1) What must be learned? (Objectives), (2) What procedures and resources will work best to reach the desired learning levels? (Activities and Resources), and (3) How will we know when the required learning has taken place? (Evaluation). This study adapted two instructional design models. They are Kemp’s Model and Banathy’s Model. Each will be discussed further. 8 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 9 a. Kemp’s Instructional Design Model Kemp (1977: 8) states that the instructional design model consists of eight parts. The first part is considering goals, and then listing topics; stating the general purposes for teaching each topic. It determines what the teacher wants to accomplish in teaching each topic. The second part is enumerating the important characteristics of the learners for whom the instruction is to be designed. It indicates factors that the teacher wants to know about the students group or individual learners will affect plans for their learning. The third part is specifying the learning objectives to be achieved in terms of measurable student behavioral outcomes. It determines what the students should know or be able to do, or in what ways the students should behave differently after they have studied the topic. The fourth part is listing the subject content that supports each objective. It includes what subject content should be treated or what subject content, which supports each objective. Besides four parts above, there are other four parts in Kemp’s Instructional Design Model. The fifth part is developing pre-assessments to determine the student’s background and presenting level of knowledge about the topic. It determines whether each student has the background preparation to study the topic and he/she may already be proficient in what is to be taught. The sixth part is selecting teaching/learning activities and instructional resources that will treat the subject content so students will accomplish the objectives. It determines the instructional methods and resources that will be most appropriate for accomplishing each objective. The seventh part is coordinating such support services as budget, personnel, facilities, equipment, and schedules to carry out the instructional plan. It PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 10 indicates what support services which are required to implement the design plan. The last part is evaluating students’ learning in terms of their accomplishment of objectives, with a view to revising and reevaluating any phases of the plan that need improvement. It determines how the amount of student learning will be measured. This figure illustrates the relationship of each step in the plan to the other steps. Goals, Topics, and General Purposes Evaluation Support Services Learner Characterist ics Revise Learning Objectives Teaching/ Learning Activities, Resources Subject Content PreAssessment Figure 1: Kemp’s Instructional Design Model (Kemp, 1977: 9) PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 11 b. Banathy’s Instructional Design Model Banathy (1968: 23) proposes six major parts in designing an instructional system. The first part is formulating objectives. This step is formulating a statement that spells out what we expect the learner to do, know, and feel as a result of his learning experiences. The second part is developing test. A criterion test based on objectives is developed and used to test terminal proficiency. The third part is analyzing learning task. It is to find out what has to be learned by the students so that he can behave in the way described by the objective specifications. The analysis consists of three main parts. They are the analysis and inventory of the learning tasks, the assessment and testing of input competence and the identification and characterization of the actual learning tasks. The fourth part is designing the system. Developing a system consists of four major strategies: The first strategy is the functions analysis. It is to consider alternatives and identify what has to be done to ensure that the learner will master the tasks. The second strategy is the components analysis. It is to determine who or what has the best potential to accomplish these functions. The third strategy is the distribution of function among components. It is to determine the exact activities the learner will do. The fourth strategy is the scheduling. It is to determine when and where the activity will be done. The fifth part in Banathy’s Instructional Design Model is implementing and testing output. The designed system can be tried out or tested, implemented, installed, and evaluated. The last part is changing to improve. Finding of the PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 12 evaluation are then fed back into the system to see what changes if any- are needed to improve the system. This figure illustrates the steps in Banathy’s instructional design model. I Formulate System Objectives III Analyze Learning Tasks II Develop Test IV Design System V Implement and Test Output VI Change to Improve Figure 2: Banathy’s Instructional Design Model (Banathy, 1968: 22) 2. English for Specific Purpose (ESP) This study proposed English for Specific Purpose (ESP) materials development, especially the branch of ESP, namely English for Academic Purpose (EAP). PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 13 a. Definition of ESP According to Hutchinson and Waters (1987: 19), ESP must be seen as an approach not as a product. It is not a particular kind of language or methodology, which consists of a particular type of teaching material. Nevertheless, it is an approach to language learning, which is based on learners’ need. ESP, then, is an approach to language teaching in which all decisions as to content and method are based on the learner’s reason for learning. b. Types of ESP According to Robinson (1991: 2), there are two major distinctions within ESP, which are English for Occupational Purpose (EOP) and English for Academic Purpose (EAP). English for Occupational Purpose (EOP) involves work-related needs and training. The learners need English as part of their work or occupation. English for Academic Purpose (EAP) involves academic study needs. The learners need English to process their study. c. Criteria of ESP Robinson (1991: 2) elaborates a number of features which are often thought of as criteria of ESP. First, ESP is normally goal directed. Students study English not because they are interested in the English language or English-language culture but because they need English for study or work purposes. Second, an ESP course is based on a needs analysis, which aims to specify as closely as possible what exactly the students have to do through the medium of English. Needs analysis takes account of students’ needs including learning needs. Third, there is usually a very clearly specified time period for the course. It means that the objectives should be closely PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 14 specified and be related to the time available. It implies collaboration and negotiation among all those involved with the course, for instance, organizers, teachers, and students. Fourth, the students on an ESP course are likely to be adults rather than children. It is often assumed that ESP students will not be beginners but they have already studied general English for some years. Fifth, an ESP course consists of identical students. It means that all the students in a class are involved in the same kind of work or specialist studies. 3. Integrated Materials Integrated materials are the materials which cover the four skills (listening, speaking, reading, and writing) which are interconnected each other. Richards and Rodgers (2001: 208) state that language use is perceived as involving several skills together. Students are often involved in activities that link the skills, because this is how the skills are generally involved in the real world. Hence, students might read and take notes, listen and write a summary, or respond orally to things they have read or written. In integrated materials, grammar is seen as a component of other skills. The topics for integrated materials are selected to provide coherence and continuity across skill areas and focus on the use of language in connected discourse rather than isolated fragments. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 15 4. The 2006 Edition of School-Based Curriculum Recently, all schools in Indonesia have applied the 2006 Edition of SchoolBased Curriculum. One of them is SMKN 5 Yogyakarta. Muslich (2007: 17) states that School-Based Curriculum is a little bit different with the previous curriculum used in Indonesia, which was Competency-Based Curriculum. School-Based Curriculum is a curriculum which was proposed as the improvement of CompetencyBased Curriculum. Robertson (1971: 564), as mentioned in Yalden (1987: 18), defines curriculum as the goals, objectives, content, processes, resources, and means of evaluation of all the learning experiences planned for pupils both in and out the school and community through classroom instruction and related programs. Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan, an association which designs the guideline for the 2006 Edition of School-Based Curriculum, as quoted in Muslich (2007: 17), states that the 2006 Edition of School-Based Curriculum is the operational curriculum which is managed and done in each school. The schools are demanded to develop their own curriculum and make the materials. This curriculum is required to help the students to reach the standard of the students’ competencies. Therefore, the materials that will be used must be adjusted with the school level, regional characteristics, society cultural, and students’ characteristics. 5. Communicative Tasks Nunan (1989: 10) defines a communicative task as “a piece of classroom work which involves learners in comprehending, manipulating, producing or interacting in the target language while their attention is principally focused on meaning rather PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 16 than form”. This communicative task encourages the students to be more active by expressing their ideas or feeling. According to Nunan (1989: 11), there are some components that are involved in analyzing communicative task. They are goals, input, activities, settings, learners’ role, and teacher’s role. It can be described in this figure. Goals Teacher’s role Input TASKS Activities Learners’ role Settings Figure 3: The Framework for Analyzing Communicative Tasks (Nunan, 1989: 11) These components would be used to analyze the communicative tasks in designing the integrated materials for grade X students of the applied-fine art department of SMKN 5 Yogyakarta. 6. Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) a. The Characteristics of CLT Finocchiaro and Brumfit (1983), as mentioned in Richards and Rodgers (2001: 156-157), specify the characteristics of CLT. It would be discussed further below. Meaning is paramount since the focus of CLT is on the meaning rather than structure PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 17 and form. Dialogues, if used, center on communicative functions and are not normally memorized. Contextualization is considered as a basic premise. In CLT, language learning is learning to communicate. Therefore, effective communication and comprehensible pronunciation are sought. Drilling may occur, but peripherally since it is not a central technique. Any device that helps the learner is accepted and it will vary according to their age, interest, etc. Thus, learning to communicate may be encouraged from the very beginning. Moreover, judicious use of native language is accepted where feasible and translation may be used where students need or benefit from it. In CLT, reading and writing can start from the first day because the target linguistic system will be learned best through the process of struggling to communicate. Therefore, communicative competence is the desired goal which is the ability to use the linguistic system effectively and appropriately. Linguistic variation becomes a central concept in materials and methodology. Sequencing is determined by any consideration of content, function, or meaning that maintains interest. In addition, the teachers help learners in any way that motivates them to work with the language although the teachers cannot know exactly what language the students will use. Here, students are expected to interact with other people, either in the flesh, through pair and group work, or in their writings. Language is created by the individual, often through trial and error. Fluency and acceptable language is the primary goal. Accuracy is judged not in the abstract but in context. Intrinsic motivation will spring from an interest in what is being communicated by the language. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 18 In creating a set of integrated materials for grade X students of the applied-fine art department of SMKN 5 Yogyakarta, those characteristics of CLT would be used as a reference. b. Theory of Language Richards and Rodgers (2001: 159) assume that the communicative approach in language teaching starts from a theory of language as communication. The goal of language teaching is to develop what Hymes (1972) referred to as “communicative competence”. It means what a speaker needs to know in order to be communicatively competent in a speech community. Hymes (1975: 11-17), as mentioned in Richards and Rodgers (2001: 160) describes seven basic functions of language. First is the instrumental function: using language to get things. Second is the regulatory function: using language to control the behavior of others. Third is the interactional function: using language to create interaction with others. Fourth is the personal function: using language to express personal feelings and meanings. Fifth is the heuristic function: using language to learn and to discover. Sixth is the imaginative function: using language to create a world of the imagination. The last function is the representational function: using language to communicate information. Widdowson (1978), as mentioned in Richards and Rodgers (2001: 160), presents that a view of the relationship between linguistic systems and their communicative values in text and discourse. It focused on the communicative acts that underlie the ability to use language for different purposes. Canale and Swain (1980), as mentioned in Richards and Rodgers (2001: 160), identify four dimensions PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 19 of communicative competence. The first dimension is grammatical competence. It is the domain of grammatical and lexical capacity. The second dimension is sociolinguistic competence. It refers to an understanding of the social context in which communication takes place, including role relationships, the shared information of the participants, and the communicative purpose for their interaction. The third dimension is discourse competence. It refers to the interpretation of individual message elements in terms of their interconnectedness and of how meaning is represented in relationship to the entire discourse or text. The last dimension is strategic competence. It refers to the coping strategies that communicators employ to initiate, terminate, maintain, repair, and redirect communication. c. Theory of Language Learning Brumfit and Johnson (1979), as quoted in Richards and Rodgers (2001: 161), promote three elements of an underlying learning theory that can be determined in CLT practices. The first element is communication principle. It includes activities and real communication to promote learning. The second element is task principle. It involves the activities in which language is used for carrying out meaningful tasks to promote learning. The last element is meaningfulness principle. It required language, that is meaningful to the learner, supports the learning process. d. Objectives Piepho (1981:8), as mentioned in Richards and Rodgers (2001: 162) elaborates five levels of objectives in a communicative approach. The first level is an integrative and content level (language as a means of expression). The second level PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 20 is a linguistic and instrumental level (language as a semiotic system and an object of learning). The third level is an affective level of interpersonal relationships and conduct (language as a means of expressing values and judgments about oneself and others). The fourth level is a level of individual learning needs (remedial learning based on error analysis). The last level is a general educational level of extralinguistic goals (language learning within the school curriculum). Those objectives are general and applicable to any teaching situation. Curriculum or instructional objectives for a particular subject would reflect specific aspects of communicative competence according to the learners; proficiency level and communicative needs. e. The syllabus Robertson (1971: 564), as mentioned in Yalden (1987: 18), defines syllabus as a statement of the plan for any part of the curriculum, excluding the element of curriculum evaluation itself. It should be viewed in the context of an ongoing curriculum development process. A syllabus describes the objectives of a particular subject, the situations in which the teaching-learning activities might take place, and the topics that might be taught. Krahnke (1987: 10-12) formulates six types of syllabus. They are: 1) A Structural Syllabus A structural (formal) syllabus is a syllabus in which the content of language teaching is a collection of the forms and structures, usually grammatical, of the language being taught. Examples of structures include: nouns, verbs, adjectives, PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 21 statements, questions, complex sentences, subordinate clauses, past tense, and so on (Krahnke: 1987, 10). 2) A Notional/Functional Syllabus A notional/functional syllabus is a syllabus in which the content of the language teaching is a collection of the functions that are performed when language is used. Examples of functions include: informing, agreeing, apologizing, requesting, and promising, and so on. Examples of notions include: size, age, color, comparison, time, and so on (Krahnke: 1987, 10). 3) A Situational Syllabus A situational syllabus is a syllabus in which the content of language teaching is a collection of real or imaginary situations in which language occurs or is used. A situation usually involves several participants who are engaged in some activity in a specific setting. The primary purpose of a situational language teaching syllabus is to teach the language that occurs in the situations. Examples of situations include: seeing the dentist, complaining to the landlord, buying a book at the bookstore, meeting a new student, asking directions in a new town, and so on (Krahnke: 1987, 10). 4) A Skill-based Syllabus A skill-based syllabus is a syllabus in which the content of the language teaching is a collection of specific abilities that may play a part in using language. Skills are things that people must be ale to do to be competent in a language. The primary purpose of skill-based instruction is to learn the specific language skill. The secondary purpose is to develop more general competence in the language, learning PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 22 only incidentally any information while applying the language skills. Skill-based syllabus include: linguistic competencies (pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, sociolinguistics, and discourse) together into generalized types of behavior, such as listening to spoken language for the main idea, writing well-formed paragraphs, giving effective oral presentations, taking language tests, reading texts for main ideas or supporting detail, and so on (Krahnke: 1987, 10). 5) A Task-based Syllabus A task-based syllabus is a syllabus in which the content of the teaching is a series of complex and purposeful tasks that the students want or need to perform with the language they are learning. Task-based teaching has the goal of teaching students to draw on resources to complete some piece of work. Tasks that can be used for language learning are generally tasks that the learners actually have to perform in any case. Examples of the tasks are applying for a job, talking with a social worker, getting housing information over the telephone, completing bureaucratic forms, collecting information about preschools to decide which to send a child to, preparing a paper for another course, reading a textbook for another course, and so on (Krahnke: 1987, 11). 6) A Content-based Syllabus A content-based syllabus is not really a language teaching syllabus at all. In content-based language teaching, the primary purpose of the instruction is to teach some content or information using the language that the students are also learning. The subject matter is primary, and language learning occurs incidentally to the content learning. Content-based language teaching is concerned with information. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 23 Example of content-based language teaching is a science class taught in the language the students need or want to learn (Krahnke: 1987, 12). A set of integrated materials for grade X students of the applied-fine art department of SMKN 5 Yogyakarta was designed based on the 2006 Edition of School-Based Curriculum for Vocational High Schools. Furthermore, SMKN 5 Yogyakarta has applied structural and functional syllabus for the English subject. The syllabus describes what the course is like. It brings the students to use language to express their feeling in everyday situation and also helps the students to achieve the target language. f. Types of Learning and Teaching Activities in CLT Littlewood (1981), as quoted in Richards and Rodgers (2001: 166), distinguishes the classroom activities into two. The first activity is a functional communication activity. It includes such tasks as learners comparing sets of pictures and noting similarities and differences; working out a likely sequence of events in a set of pictures; discovering missing features in a map or picture; one learner communicating behind a screen to another learner and giving instructions on how to draw a picture or shape, or how to complete a map; following directions; and solving problems from shared clues. The second activity is a social interaction activity. It includes conversation and discussion sessions, dialogues and role plays, simulations, skits, improvisations, and debates. Those two learning and teaching activities are used a reference in designing a set of integrated materials for grade X students of the applied-fine art department of SMKN 5 Yogyakarta. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 24 g. Learner’s Roles The emphasis of CLT is on the processes of communication, rather than mastery of language forms. Breen and Candlin, as quoted in Richards and Rodgers (2001: 166), describe the learner’s role in CLT as in the following terms: The role of learner as negotiator-between the self, the learning process, and the object of learning- emerges from and interacts with the role of joint negotiator within the group and within the classroom procedures and activities which the group undertakes. The implication for the learner is that he should contribute as much as he gains, and thereby learn in an interdependent way. (1980:110) h. Teacher’s Roles According to Breen and Candlin, as quoted in Richards and Rodgers (2001: 167), the teacher has two main roles. The first role is to facilitate the communication process between all participants in the classroom, and between these participants and the various activities and texts. The second role is to act as an independent participant within the learning-teaching group. Other roles assumed for teachers are needs analyst, counselor, and group process manager. i. The role of instructional materials Materials are viewed as a way of influencing the quality of classroom interaction and language use. They have the primary role of promoting communicative language use. Richards and Rodgers (2001: 169-170) promote three kinds of materials currently used in CLT. First is text-based material. Numerous textbooks have been designed to direct and support Communicative Language Teaching. A typical lesson consists of a theme (e.g. relaying information), a task analysis for thematic development (e.g. understanding the message, asking questions to obtain clarification, asking for more information, taking notes, ordering and PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 25 presenting information), a practice situation description, a stimulus presentation, comprehension questions, and paraphrase exercises. Second is task-based material. A variety of games, role plays, simulations, and task-based communication activities have been prepared to support Communicative Language Teaching. Examples of materials are in the form of one-of-a-kind items: exercise handbooks, cue cards, activity cards, pair-communication practice materials, and student-interaction practice booklets. Third is realia. The use of “authentic”, “from-life” materials in the classroom has been advocated in Communicative Language Teaching. These might include language-based realia, such as signs, magazines, advertisements, and newspapers, or graphic and visual sources which can build communicative activities, such as maps, pictures, symbols, graphs, and charts. A plastic model also can be used to assemble from directions. 7. Scaffolding a. Definition of Scaffolding The process of learning language is a series of scaffolded developmental steps which address different aspects of language. Vygotsky, as quoted in Feez and Joyce (2002: 26), proposes that learning is collaboration between teacher and student with the teacher taking on an authoritative role. In addition, this collaboration always involves language in the form of a dialogue between teacher and student. Bruner (1986: 74), as quoted in Feez and Joyce (2002: 26), uses the term “scaffolding” to describe the teacher’s role in the learning collaboration. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 26 According to Feez and Joyce (2002: 27), through scaffolding the teacher provides support for the students. It aims to provide explicit knowledge and guided practice. The teacher explicitly contributes what students are not yet able to do or do not know. In the process of scaffolding, the teacher helps the student master a task or concept that the student is initially unable to grasp independently. The teacher offers assistance with only those skills that are beyond the students’ capability. The important point is allowing the student to complete as much of the task as possible, unassisted. The teacher only attempts to help the student with tasks that are just beyond his current capability. Student errors are expected, but, with teacher’s feedback and prompting, the student is able to achieve the task or goal. When the student takes responsibility for or masters the task, the teacher begins the process of scaffolding, which allows the student to work independently. b. Scaffolding in the Learning/Teaching Cycle According to Feez and Joyce (2002: 102), a range of skills is needed in order to use language successfully. The skills are clustered under the four macro skills, namely listening, speaking, reading, and writing. The macro skills are often paired in terms of spoken and written language. Listening and speaking skills are included in oracy cycle. Whereas, reading and writing skills are included in literacy cycle. It is because the skills which support listening are complimentary to the skills which support speaking. They both constitute the same channel of communication. In the same way the skills which support reading are complimentary to the skills which support writing. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 27 According to Feez and Joyce (2002: 27), the cycle of teaching and learning activities consists of a number of stages which the teacher and students go through so that students gradually gain independent control. The stages of the teaching-learning cycle are presented in this table. Table 1: Stages of Teaching-Learning Cycle ORACY CYCLE Building Knowledge of the Field Modelling of the Text Joint Construction of the Text Independent Construction of the Text (Linking to related texts) LITERACY CYCLE Building Knowledge of the Field Modelling of the Text Joint Construction of the Text Independent Construction of the Text (Linking to related texts) According to Feez and Joyce (2002: 28), each of the five stages of the teachinglearning cycle is designed to achieve a different purpose within the cycle of teaching and learning. Each stage, therefore, is associated with different types of activities. It would be discussed further below. 1) Building Knowledge of the Field In this part, the text/ dialogue is used for the social purpose. It describes what the text/ dialogue is about, what the students already know about it, and what experiences or activities will be part of the text/ dialogue. Information from the activities can be organised in many activities: using related images and realia such as photographs, video, illustration, objects, etc; brainstorming vocabulary from images; discussing topic including comparison with own culture and access issues; and researching activities to gather material on topic. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 28 2) Modelling of the Text In this part, the students identify the generic structure of the text/ dialogue, sorting, matching and labelling activities, such as sorting sets of texts, sequencing jumbled stages. This part also includes language or lexico-grammatical features. It focuses on a particular language feature at clause level. The example of activities are collecting examples of a language feature, eg list of noun phrases, adjectival phrases, connectives as cohesion devices, verbs, other key vocabulary, etc; collecting examples of presentation and practice related to the grammatical features of the text. This part facilitates the students with practices. 3) Joint Construction of the Text In this part, the students begin to contribute to the construction of whole examples of text/ dialogue. The teacher’s contribution to text/ dialogue construction is reduced gradually as students move closer to being able to control the text/ dialogue independently. The activities include: information gap activities to construct a text/ dialogue, listening to a text/ dialogue together and acting on it, role play of text/ dialogue in groups, skeleton texts/ dialogues, constructing or completing a text/ dialogue in groups, teacher questioning, discussing and editing whole class construction (teacher acting as a scribe and prompt while class jointly creates a written text), and as a class or in groups, editing a draft text/ dialogue. 4) Independent Construction of the Text In this part, the students work independently with the text and the students’ performances are used for achievement assessment. The activities include: (1) listening tasks: performing a task, sequencing pictures, answering questions, (2) PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 29 speaking tasks: spoken presentation to class, (3) listening & speaking tasks: role plays, simulated or authentic dialogs, (4) writing tasks: drafting & presenting whole texts, and (5) reading tasks: performing tasks, sequencing pictures, numbering, answering questions. 5) Linking to Related Texts In this part, the students investigate how what they have learnt in this teaching/learning cycle can be related to other texts of the same kind or stages of teaching and learning. The activities include: comparing text-types of different fields, role-playing what happens if the same text-type is used by people with different roles and relationships, comparing written and spoken models of the same text-type, researching how a key language feature used in this text-type is used in other texttypes. In creating a set of integrated materials for grade X students of the applied-fine art department of SMKN 5 Yogyakarta, this study would only apply four stages of the teaching-learning cycle, that are Building Knowledge of the Field, Modelling of the Text, Joint Construction of the Text, and Independent Construction of the Text. B. Theoretical Framework Some steps were applied in designing a set of integrated materials for grade X students of the applied-fine art department of SMKN 5 Yogyakarta based on the 2006 Edition of School-Based Curriculum. The designed materials are expected to give alternative sources of materials for the teachers. The materials were designed based on the teachers’ and the students’ needs in the classroom. Therefore, the materials PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 30 include all of the four skills. It was also designed based on the current curriculum applied in the school. In designing the materials, this study adapted Kemp’s Instructional Design Model and Banathy’s Instructional Design Model. The reason for choosing the steps from Kemp’s model was since this model emphasizes on three major problems, which are objectives; activities and resources; and also evaluation. Whereas, Banathy’s model completes Kemp’s model by emphasizing on implementation and testing output. Furthermore, both of them have some steps needed in the study. Each step would be discussed further below. 1. Conducting Needs Survey This step was the basic step before designing the materials. In this step, it was decided to whom the materials would be designed and the reason why this research was being conducted. Through this needs survey, it was conducted to find out what kinds of materials that would be designed and for what level. In this study, the materials would be designed based on the curriculum applied in SMKN 5 Yogyakarta, that is, the 2006 Edition of School-Based Curriculum. 2. Reviewing the English Syllabus of SMKN 5 Yogyakarta In this step, the English syllabus of SMKN 5 Yogyakarta would be reviewed in order to identify whether the syllabus had already met the goals and objectives stated in the School-Based Curriculum for Vocational High Schools. Besides, it would also identify whether the time allocation for teaching-learning process stated in the syllabus of SMKN 5 Yogyakarta was already suitable with the real implementation in the classroom. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 31 3. Stating the Goals, Topics and General Purposes of the Designed Materials (Kemp’s Model) In designing the materials, the goals, topics, and general purposes were based on the 2006 Edition of School-Based Curriculum for Vocational High Schools. Therefore, the designed materials would have the same topics as in the curriculum. The general purposes included what the students should achieve toward the designed materials. 4. Stating the Learning Objectives of the Designed Materials (Kemp’s Model and Banathy’s Model) The learning objectives of the 2006 Edition of School-Based Curriculum clarified what were expected for the students to achieve through the teachinglearning activities. The activities should be based on the basic competencies and indicators in each topic. The basic competencies and indicators referred to the standard of competency formulated in the 2006 Edition of School-Based Curriculum for Vocational High Schools especially for grade X students. 5. Classifying the Subject Contents of the Designed Materials (Kemp’s Model) In this step, the subject contents would be listed in order to simplify the learning objectives. The subject contents were adjusted with the topics in the 2006 Edition of School-Based Curriculum for Vocational High Schools. 6. Selecting the Teaching-Learning Activities and Resources of the Designed Materials (Kemp’s Model) The materials consisted of various teaching-learning activities in order to motivate the students to learn. The activities in the designed materials referred to the PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 32 activities currently used in CLT. The materials were aimed to provide the exercises that enable the students to work individually, in pairs, and in groups. 7. Designing the materials (Kemp’s Model and Banathy’s Model) After selecting the teaching-learning activities and resources, the materials would be designed based on the results of needs survey, the 2006 Edition of School-Based Curriculum for Vocational High Schools, the principles of Instructional Design Models, English for Specific Purpose (ESP), Communicative Language Teaching (CLT), Communicative Tasks, and Scaffolding. 8. Conducting Materials Evaluation (Kemp’s Model and Banathy’s Model) The designed materials were evaluated by some English teachers of SMKN 5 Yogyakarta and English Language Education lecturers of Sanata Dharma University. From this materials evaluation, it would be gained the feedback, opinions, comments, and suggestions toward the designed set of integrated English materials. The designed materials would be improved and revised in order to make the materials better and appropriate for grade X students of SMKN 5 Yogyakarta. 9. Presenting the Final Version of the Designed Materials After revising the designed materials, the final version of the designed materials would be ready for the operational use in the schools. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 33 Conducting Needs Survey Reviewing the English Syllabus of SMKN 5 Yogyakarta Stating the Goals, Topics and General Purposes of the Designed Materials Stating the Learning Objectives of the Designed Materials Feedback & Revision Classifying the Subject Contents of the Designed Materials Selecting the Teaching-Learning Activities and Resources of the Designed Materials Designing the Materials Conducting Materials Evaluation Figure 4: The Theoretical Framework continuing to (next step) feedback and revision Presenting the Final Version of the Designed Materials PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY This chapter presents detailed discussion on the methodology used in the study. This includes the description of the research method, the research participants, the research instruments, data gathering technique, data analysis technique, and the research procedure. A. Research Method As stated in problem formulation, this study aims to answer two research questions. The research questions are restated as follows: 1) How is a set of integrated materials for grade X students of the applied-fine art department of SMKN 5 Yogyakarta based on the 2006 Edition of School-Based Curriculum designed?, 2) What does the integrated materials look like? Moreover, this study intends to present a set of integrated materials for grade X students of the applied-fine art department of SMKN 5 Yogyakarta based on the 2006 Edition of School-Based Curriculum. Therefore, a research was conducted in order to obtain the data for this study. The method employed in this research was Educational Research and Development method (R & D). According to Borg and Gall (1983: 772), R & D method is a process used to develop and validate educational products, such as teaching materials, teaching methods and teaching instructions. Borg and Gall (1983: 771) state that the goal of R & D method is to develop the research knowledge and 34 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 35 incorporate it into a product that can be used in the schools by combining educational research and educational practice rather than discover new knowledge. The reason for choosing R & D method was since it created tested and applied products that were ready for operational use in the school; in this context was SMKN 5 Yogyakarta. Borg and Gall (1983: 772) state that R & D method develops the product based on the research findings and field-tests it in the setting where the product will be used eventually, and revises it to correct the deficiencies found in the field-testing stage. R & D method consists of a cycle where a product will be developed, field-tested, and revised on the basis of field-test data. Borg and Gall (1983: 775) promote ten major steps of R & D method, namely Research and Information Collecting, Planning, Development of Preliminary Form of Product, Preliminary Field Testing, Main Product Revision, Main Field Testing, Operational Product Revision, Operational Field Testing, Final Product Revision, and Dissemination and Implementation. However, this study would only apply five steps of R & D cycle since it conducted a cycle process of designing integrated materials in which an educational preliminary form of product was developed, preliminary field-tested, and revised based on the results of the preliminary field-test. Those steps are: 1. Research and Information Collecting It includes review of literature and classroom observation. This step describes as specifically as possible the educational product that would be developed in this study. This description includes (1) an overall narrative description of the proposed PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 36 product, (2) a tentative outline of what the product will include and how it will be used, and (3) a specific statement of the objectives of the product. Borg and Gall (1983: 777) state that literature review, interviews, and direct field observations are undertaken to collect research findings and other information related to the materials design. Nevertheless, in Research and Information Collecting, the data would be gathered through review of literature and interview. They were carried out to gain the information about the conditions and characteristics of the students, the method and the activities in teaching and learning English, the implementation of curriculum, and other information related to integrated English materials. 2. Planning It includes defining skills, stating objectives, and determining course sequence. The data from Research and Information Collecting were used as the basis to determine the learning objectives and the subject contents. The Research and Information Collecting data were important to identify the learners’ needs as well as the teaching-learning process. Those data would be used to develop the materials and lesson plans. Borg and Gall (1983: 779) identify that the most important aspect in planning is stating the specific objectives to be achieved by the product. Furthermore, objectives also regarded as the basis for developing materials; since the materials could be implemented to the students until they met the objectives. In Planning, the English syllabus of SMKN 5 Yogyakarta was reviewed in order to identify the goals and objectives of the designed materials. Subject contents of the designed materials were PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 37 classified in order to select the teaching-learning activities and resources which would be used in the designed materials. 3. Development of Preliminary Form of Product It includes preparation of instructional materials, handbooks/ handouts, and evaluation devices. The data from Research and Information Collecting were also used as the basis to design the materials. The data were needed to design materials which were appropriate for grade X students of the applied-fine art department of SMKN 5 Yogyakarta. In developing preliminary form of materials, the important principle is to organize the materials and permit obtaining as much feedback as possible from the field-test in order to be used as a basis on revising and improving the designed materials. Thus, it would be ready for the operational use in the schools. 4. Preliminary Field Testing It includes acquiring evaluation for the designed materials. The opinions, comments, and suggestion toward the designed materials would be used to revise and improve the designed materials. The designed materials would be evaluated by five English teachers of SMKN 5 Yogyakarta and two English Language Education lecturers of Sanata Dharma University. Questionnaire would be used to obtain the feedback from the research participants. 5. Main Product Revision It includes revision of designed materials as suggested by the Preliminary Field Testing results. The revision and improvement of the designed materials would be conducted on the basis of Preliminary Field Testing results. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 38 B. Research Participants In this study, there were two groups of research participants. The first group was the participants for the Research and Information Collecting. They were five English teachers of SMKN 5 Yogyakarta. They were chosen to contribute the data for needs survey. The interviews were conducted to five English teachers of SMKN 5 Yogyakarta. The English teachers were chosen as the participants since they are closely related to the implementation of the 2006 Edition of School-Based Curriculum for the Vocational High Schools. They have also the competence in conducting the materials based on the current curriculum. The English teachers were asked to give opinions about the materials, the method, and the interesting activities in learning English based on their experiences. The second group was the participants for the Preliminary Field Testing on the designed materials. They were five English teachers of SMKN 5 Yogyakarta and two English Language Education lecturers of Sanata Dharma University. From them, it could be gained the input for the designed set of integrated English materials for grade X students of the applied-fine art department of SMKN 5 Yogyakarta. The questionnaire was distributed to five English teachers who also contributed the data for Research and Information Collecting and two English Education lecturers to gain the feedback, opinions, comments, and suggestions toward the designed set of integrated English materials. It was required to improve and revise the designed materials in order to make the materials better. The English Language Education lecturers were involved in this research because they were considered competent and expert in the application of theories related to Instructional Design and other theories PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 39 used in this research. All of the research participants have more than two yearteaching experiences. C. Research Instruments To obtain the data for this study, some instruments employed in Research and Information Collecting and Preliminary Field Testing. In the Research and Information Collecting, interview was used as the instrument to gain the teachers’ needs about the materials, the method, and activities in teaching learning English. The subjects of the interview were the English teachers of SMKN 5 Yogyakarta. The questions of interview were in the form of open-ended questions. The questions were around the condition of the students they teach, how they implemented the curriculum, how far the implementation of the curriculum was relevant to the students’ needs, the method and kind of activities that they want to have in teaching English, and also other questions related to the materials. The interview was done using Indonesian language in order to minimize misinterpretation about the questions. During the interview, MP3 was used to record the answers of the participants. According to Quinn (1980: 247), a recording permits the researcher to be more attentive to the participants. In addition, recording increases accuracy of data collection. Note-taking was also conducted during the interview. It was done to help in formulating new questions as the interviews moved along and also to check out something that was said earlier. Note-taking was also to help pace the interview in PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 40 order to write down the participants’ answers that have been said conversely (Quinn, 1980: 247). In the Preliminary Field Testing, questionnaire was used to obtain the data for the evaluation of the designed materials. A questionnaire was chosen as the research instruments since a questionnaire is much more efficient in which it requires less time and less expensive. Gay (1992: 253) stated that a questionnaire permits collection of data from a much larger sample. In this study, the questionnaire was distributed to five English teachers of SMKN 5 Yogyakarta and two English Language Education lecturers of Sanata Dharma University to obtain the feedback, opinions, the comments, and suggestions toward the designed set of integrated English materials. It was needed to revise the designed materials. The questions were in the form of Likert scale item (close-ended questions) and open-ended questions. According to Ary, Jacobs, and Razavieh (1990: 234), a Likert scale assesses attitudes toward a topic by asking respondents to indicate whether they strongly agree, agree, undecided/ doubt, disagree, or strongly disagree with each of a series of statements about the topic. The responses in Likert scale items were indicated in numbers and the total score of the responses represented the participant’s attitude toward certain case. D. Data Gathering Technique In order to gather the data needed in this study, some techniques were applied in Research and Information Collecting and Preliminary Field Testing. In Research and Information Collecting, the first way was studying the relevant theories in order PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 41 to get some information related to the goals, the functions, the approach, and the related topics used in teaching English at the Vocational High Schools. The theories were about the 2006 Edition of School-Based Curriculum, integrated skills, Instructional Design, and English instructional materials. Besides, it was used to search literature such as books, documents, journals, articles, and web sites related to the materials used in teaching learning English at the Vocational High Schools. From the English literature, it would be used as the source for designing the materials. This literature review began in April 2008. The second way was conducting interview with five English teachers of SMKN 5 Yogyakarta in order to obtain the information about integrated English materials, the method and the activities in teaching and learning English. The interviews were conducted in May 3, 2008; May 6, 2008 and May 7, 2008. In Preliminary Field Testing, questionnaire was distributed to five English teachers of SMKN 5 Yogyakarta and two English Language Education lecturers of Sanata Dharma University for the materials evaluation. It was used to obtain feedbacks, opinions, comments, and suggestions toward the designed materials. From the materials evaluation, it would be used to revise the designed set of integrated English materials. The materials evaluation using questionnaire was done in July 21, 2008 until July 29, 2008. E. Data Analysis Technique In this study, the data were obtained from the interviews and the questionnaire. It would be presented in the forms of narrative description and numerical data. In the PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 42 Research and Information Collecting, the interviews were conducted in the form of open-ended questions to five English teachers of SMKN 5 Yogyakarta. From Research and Information Collecting, the data gathered from five English teachers of SMKN 5 Yogyakarta would be analyzed in the form of narrative description. In the Preliminary Field Testing, the questionnaire was distributed in the form of Likert scale item (close-ended questions) and open-ended questions to five English teachers of SMKN 5 Yogyakarta and two English Language Education lecturers of Sanata Dharma University. According to Ary, Jacobs, and Razavieh (1990: 235), in Likert scale item (close-ended questions), the judgment of the participants’ statements on the questionnaire uses five degree of agreement. They are: Table 2: Degree of Agreement Degree of Agreement 1 2 3 4 5 Meaning Strongly Disagree Disagree Doubt Agree Strongly Agree From Preliminary Field Testing, the data gained from the research participants would be analyzed to find out the central tendency of the participants’ opinions about the designed materials. According to Ary, Jacobs, and Razavieh (1990: 127), central tendency is regarded as the proper way of concluding the data because it represents the whole set of measurement. The measurement of central tendency or average is known as the mean, median, and mode. They are presented as follows: PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 43 Table 3: The Descriptive Statistics of Participants’ Opinions (Blank) No. Participant’s Opinion on ... Frequency of the Degree of Agreement 1 2 3 4 5 Central Tendency N Mn Mdn Note: N : Number of participants Mn : Mean Mdn : Median Md : Mode According to Ary, Jacobs, and Razavieh (1990: 127-132), mean is the average point that is counted by adding all the points and divided them by the number of questions. The median is the middle point of the odd ordered data from the smallest point into the biggest ones or the average to the middle points from the even ordered data. The mode is the points that frequently appear in the data. The formulation of mean is presented below: __ X = X N where X = Mean = Sum of X = Score N = Number of participants Md PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 44 For the open-ended questions, the data were analyzed in the form of narrative description. It presented the data about teacher’s opinions and comments toward the designed materials. Finally, some revisions and improvement toward the designed materials could be made on the basis of the results from the materials evaluation. In addition, from the Preliminary Field Testing, it could gain the data about the participants’ educational background. The description of the participants was presented in the following table: Table 4: The Description of the Research Participants (Blank) Group of Participants Sex No M English teachers of SMKN 5 Yogyakarta English Language Education lecturers of Sanata Dharma University F Educational Background S1 S2 S3 1-5 Teaching Experiences (in years) 6-10 11-15 16-20 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. Total F. Research Procedure This part presents the procedure in conducting the study. It adapted the theoretical framework in Chapter II and five steps of R & D method applied in this study. The procedure of the study would be explained in the following steps: 1. Research and Information Collecting In Research and Information Collecting step, a needs survey was conducted in order to gain the data needed in this study. Therefore, the interviews were carried out >20 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 45 to gain the information about integrated English materials, the method and the activities in teaching and learning English. The data gathered would be used to analyze suitable integrated English materials for grade X students of the applied-fine art department of SMKN 5 Yogyakarta. Besides, a review of literature was conducted in order to find out some theories related to the study. It was carried out by searching some relevant books, documents, journals, articles, web sites concerning with the 2006 Edition of School-based Curriculum for the tenth grade of Vocational High School. It was to obtain the materials for the tenth grade of Vocational High School and the goal for each material. The review of literature was also conducted by studying some books related to integrated skills, Instructional Design, and English instructional materials as the references to create interesting materials based on the current curriculum. 2. Planning In Planning step, the English Syllabus of SMKN 5 Yogyakarta was reviewed; goals, topics, general purposes of the designed materials were stated; learning objectives of the designed materials were also stated; subject contents of the designed materials were classified; and teaching-learning activities and resources were selected before designing the materials. The data from Research and Information Collecting were used as the basis to review the English Syllabus of SMKN 5 Yogyakarta; define the goals, topics, general purposes, learning objectives; classify the subject contents; and select the teaching-learning activities and resources. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 46 3. Development of Preliminary Form of Product In Development of Preliminary Form of Product step, designing the materials referred to the 2006 Edition of School-based Curriculum for Vocational High Schools and adapted many English materials in order to make a proper designed set of integrated English materials. The design was focused on integrative skills (speaking, listening, reading, and writing) to facilitate the students to be able to communicate in both written and spoken English. 4. Preliminary Field Testing In Preliminary Field Testing step, materials evaluation was conducted to obtain the teachers and lecturers’ feedback, opinions, comments, and suggestions toward the designed materials. The questionnaire would be distributed to five English teachers of SMKN 5 Yogyakarta and two English Language Education lecturers of Sanata Dharma University. 5. Main Product Revision In Main Product Revision step, revising the designed materials was required to improve the designed materials in order to make the materials better. The data gathered from the materials evaluation contained the feedback, opinions, comments, and suggestions from the English teachers and the English Language Education lecturers. Thus, the data would be analyzed to find out the central tendency of the participants’ opinions about the designed materials. Finally, the final version of the designed materials would be ready for the operational use in the schools. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 47 Research and Information Collecting Conducting Needs Survey Planning Reviewing the English Syllabus of SMKN 5 Yogyakarta Stating the Goals, Topics and General Purposes of the Designed Materials Stating the Learning Objectives of the Designed Materials Classifying the Subject Contents of the Designed Materials Selecting the Teaching-Learning Activities and Resources of the Designed Materials Development of Preliminary Form of Product Designing the Materials Preliminary Field Testing Conducting Materials Evaluation Main Product Revision Figure 5: The Procedural Steps in Designing the Materials Feedback & Revision Presenting the Final Version of the Designed Materials PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 48 continuing to (next step) providing the basis for feedback and revision PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI CHAPTER IV RESEARCH RESULTS AND DISCUSSION This chapter presents the results and discussion of the steps of designing a set of integrated materials for grade X students of the applied-fine art department of SMKN 5 Yogyakarta based on the 2006 Edition of School-Based Curriculum. This chapter answers two questions elaborated in the problem formulation. The discussion is divided into two parts. The first part discusses the result of the steps of designing the integrated materials. The second part presents the final version of the designed set of integrated materials. A. The Steps of Designing a Set of Materials This study adapted Kemp’s Instructional Design Model and Banathy’s Instructional Design Model to design the materials. R & D cycle was employed as the method in this study. There were five steps conducted in designing the integrated materials. Those steps were used to answer the first question stated in the problem formulation about how to design a set of integrated materials for grade X students of the applied-fine art department of SMKN 5 Yogyakarta based on the 2006 Edition of School-Based Curriculum. The results of the steps of designing the set of integrated materials are presented as follows: 1. Research and Information Collecting In Research and Information Collecting step, a needs survey was conducted before designing the materials. In this step, it was decided to whom the materials 49 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 50 would be designed and what kinds of materials that would be designed. It was also important to gain the teacher’s needs about the materials, the method, and activities in teaching learning English. In this step, the data were obtained by interviewing five English teachers of SMKN 5 Yogyakarta. The interviews were conducted in May 3, 2008; May 6, 2008 and May 7, 2008. From the results of the interviews, two teachers realized that generally most of grade X students of SMKN 5 Yogyakarta were not interested in English lesson. The students were not really enthusiastic in learning English. They thought that English lesson was very difficult to be learned. Therefore, they sometimes felt bored when they were following English class even if they had English lesson in the afternoon. Besides, two teachers admitted that the students had difficulties in receiving and understanding the English materials. As the result, the students were not very active in following the English class. All five teachers mentioned that grade X students of SMKN 5 Yogyakarta were in the beginner level (Novice level). The teachers had employed several activities and resources in the teaching-learning process. The activities conducted by the teachers were role-play, reading a dialogue, group discussion, writing a story, and so on. It could be concluded that the activities given by the teachers were already various. Based on the result of the interviews with five English teachers of SMKN 5 Yogyakarta, the general characteristics of grade X students of the applied-fine art department of SMKN 5 Yogyakarta could be described as follows: a. The students were in the age of 15 up to 17. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 51 b. The students were in grade X of SMKN 5 Yogyakarta. c. The students were less interested in English lesson since they had some difficulties in receiving and understanding the lesson. d. The student’s ability was considered in the beginner level (Novice level). From the interviews, one teacher admitted that some students had difficulties in understanding the materials since they did not have a good base of English when they were in Junior High Schools. Moreover, this study presents a set of materials which would be developed in such a way in order to help the teachers conducting English class and make the students interested in English. Here, the teacher also plays an important role in presenting the materials to the students. They are demanded to be able to develop and improve the materials as well as present the materials in order to encourage the students to be interested in English lesson. All conclusions above were used as the basis to design the materials. 2. Planning The data from Research and Information Collecting were used as the basis in Planning step. There were five parts conducted in Planning step. The first part was reviewing the English Syllabus of SMKN 5 Yogyakarta. The second part was stating goals, topics, and general purposes of the designed materials. The third part was stating learning objectives of the designed materials. The fourth part was classifying subject contents of the designed materials. The last part was selecting teaching- PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 52 learning activities and resources of the designed materials. Each would be discussed further. a. Reviewing the English Syllabus of SMKN 5 Yogyakarta The English Syllabus of SMKN 5 Yogyakarta was reviewed in order to identify whether the syllabus had already met the goals and objectives stated in the 2006 Edition of School-Based Curriculum for Vocational High Schools. From the results of the review, it was identified that the topics in the syllabus was already appropriate with the basic competency and standard competency which should be achieved by the students. Besides, reviewing the English syllabus of SMKN 5 Yogyakarta was intended to identify whether the time allocation for teaching-learning process stated in the syllabus of SMKN 5 Yogyakarta had already been suitable with the real implementation in the classroom. From some classroom observations, time allocation stated in the syllabus was not suitable with the real implementation. For instance, the syllabus stated that the first basic competency, that is understanding the transactional and interpersonal discourse used in daily activities, is allocated for 9 contact hours. However, during the classroom observations, the teaching-learning process was conducted more than 9 contact hours. Therefore, time allocation for the teachinglearning process in the designed materials would be added in order to balance the time and the materials which should be taught in the classroom. b. Stating the Goals, Topics and General Purposes of the Designed Materials The goals of designing the English materials were formulated after conducting the needs survey and gathering the data. Hence, the goal of designing the materials is to make the students more interested and enthusiastic in learning PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 53 English. Besides, the designed materials provide the students with the English materials which are related to a certain skill. Furthermore, it prepares the students to be able to work in many positions in the working world and industries after they graduate from the school. Besides, the topics of each unit were also formulated in this step. The topics that would be presented in each unit were taken from the 2006 Edition of SchoolBased Curriculum for Vocational High Schools and the English syllabus of SMKN 5 Yogyakarta. Therefore, the materials had the same topics as which were in the syllabus. Then, there were four units with some topics elaborated in this designed set of materials. The units and the topics were as follows: Table 5: The Units and the Topics in the Designed Materials Unit Title 1 How are you? 2 What does she look like? 3 What is his nationality? Topics Greetings and Leave Takings Introducing Thanking Apologizing Grammar Review: - Personal Pronoun - Simple Present Tense Adjectives showing colours, quality, size, shape, age, origin, material Profession, Nationality Adjectives showing physical (appearance), non-physical (characteristic) Nouns showing time, day, date, month, year Grammar Review: - Singular-Plural Nouns Cardinal and Ordinal Numbers Adjectives of quality, size, shape, age, color Nationality, Profession PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 54 4 Adjectives in Series Description of Events Antonym/ Synonym Expressions of Regrets and Apologies Expressions of Sympathy Adjectives of feelings Adjectives ‘–ing’ vs ‘–ed’ Adjectives set expressions Subject-Verb Agreement Expressions of Asking and Giving Permission Grammar: Modals + Auxiliary Expressions of Commands and Requests Expressions of Offering Things and Services Could you help me? Furthermore, the general purposes which should be achieved by the students towards the designed materials were also formulated in this step. The general purposes of the whole units in the designed materials were stated as the basic competencies in the 2006 Edition of School-Based Curriculum for Vocational High Schools and the English syllabus of SMKN 5 Yogyakarta. The following table presents the basic competencies of the whole units. Table 6: the Basic Competencies Unit Title 1 How are you? 2 What does she look like? 3 What is his nationality? 4 Could you help me? Basic Competencies Understanding the transactional and interpersonal discourse used in daily activities Mentioning things, people, and characteristics, time, day, month, and year. Describing things, people, and characteristics, time, day, month, and year. Producing interpersonal utterances used for basic functions PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 55 c. Stating the Learning Objectives of the Designed Materials Before designing the materials, it was needed to state the learning objectives. The learning objectives of each unit in the designed materials were stated as the indicators in the 2006 Edition of School-Based Curriculum for Vocational High Schools and the English syllabus of SMKN 5 Yogyakarta. The indicators were listed in order to specify the basic competency of each unit. The indicators function as the measurement of the students’ achievement in every meeting. The indicators are planned in the table: Table 7: the Indicators Unit Title 1 How are you? 2 What does she look like? 3 What is his nationality? Indicators At the end of the lesson, the students are able to: 1.apply the expressions of greetings and leave takings appropriately. 2.apply the expressions of introducing yourself and other people appropriately. 3.apply the expressions of thanking appropriately. 4.apply the expressions of apologizing appropriately. 5.apply personal pronoun and simple present tense appropriately. At the end of the lesson, the students are able to: 1. mention things and words to describe things according to its colours, shape, origin, size, materials, quality and quantity appropriately. 2. mention words to describe people according to the profession, nationality, physical appearance, characteristic, quality, and activities appropriately. 3. mention time of the day, name of day/date, month, year appropriately. 4. apply singular-plural nouns appropriately. At the end of the lesson, the students are able to: PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 56 4 Could you help me? 1. use cardinal/ordinal numbers in several contexts appropriately. 2. arrange words to describe things according to its colours, shape, origin, size, materials, quality and quantity appropriately. 3. arrange words to describe people according to the profession, nationality, physical appearance, characteristic, quality, and activities appropriately. 4. arrange words to describe an event according to the time of the day, name of day/date, month, year appropriately. 5. apply antonym/ synonym appropriately. At the end of the lesson, the students are able to: 1. apply the expressions of regrets and apologies appropriately. 2. apply the expressions of sympathy appropriately. 3. apply the adjectives of feelings, adjectives ‘–ing’ vs ‘–ed’, and adjectives set expressions appropriately. 4. apply subjectverb agreement appropriately. 5. apply the expressions of asking for and giving permission appropriately. 6. apply the expressions of commands and requests appropriately. 7. apply the expressions of offering things and services appropriately. 8. apply modal + auxiliary appropriately. d. Classifying the Subject Contents of the Designed Materials The contents of the designed materials were determined based on the needs survey data, goals, topics, general purposes and learning objectives. Adapting the concept of scaffolding in teaching-learning cycle (Feez and Joyce, 2002: 28), the subject contents of each unit was divided into two main sections. First section is Oracy Cycle which focuses on Listening and Speaking skills. Second section is Literacy Cycle which focuses on Reading and Writing skills. Each cycle in the PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 57 designed materials consisted of four activities, namely Building Knowledge of the Field, Modelling of the Text, Joint Construction of the Text, and Independent Construction of the Text. It would be explained further as follows: 1) Building Knowledge of the Field The activities involved in this part are brainstorming ideas from images/pictures, practicing sample of dialogues, discussing some questions, and dictating. This part is aimed to brainstorm the students’ prior knowledge toward the topic given. It describes what the students already know about it. It enables the students to comprehend the lesson easier. Besides, this part is aimed to give the students deeper explanation of the topics. This part provides both oral and written (pronunciation) exercises. 2) Modelling of the Text In this part, the activities involved are practicing sample of dialogues and texts which are intended to provide examples for the students to comprehend particular topics. This part facilitates the students with oral and written practice. Besides, it is also aimed to enable the students to do the next activities in the next part. 3) Joint Construction of the Text The activities involved in this part are in the form of role playing, arranging jumbled dialogue into a proper dialogue. By doing the activities, the students are expected to practice the topics have learned. This part provides oral and written exercises which can be done individually or in a group. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 58 4) Independent Construction of the Text In this part, the activities involved in this part are performing a task, answering questions, and giving spoken presentation to class. It facilitates the students with oral and written practice. The activities give chances for the students to practice the topics given individually. This part can be used as evaluation to measure the students’ achievement toward the materials learned. e. Selecting the Teaching-Learning Activities and Resources of the Designed Materials The materials were constructed with the consideration of the goals, general purposes and learning objectives. The materials for grade X students of the appliedfine art department of SMKN 5 Yogyakarta were designed for one semester. It consisted of four units. Each unit had one basic competency to discuss. Each unit consisted of two main sections. First is Oracy Cycle which focuses on Listening and Speaking skills. Second is Literacy Cycle which focuses on Reading and Writing skills. Each cycle consisted of four main activities, namely Building Knowledge of the Field, Modeling of the Text, Joint Construction of the Text, and Independent Construction of the Text. The tasks used in the teaching-learning activities in this designed materials would be discussed as follows: 1) Warming-up In this task, images or photographs are used to brainstorm what the topic would be discussed in this unit. This kind of task can be found in the beginning of each unit of the designed materials. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 59 2) Listening and Repeating In this task, the students are asked to listen to the teacher’s pronunciation then repeat what the teacher says. Through this task, the students are given the example of the correct pronunciation of the words. It helps the students to practice their pronunciation. 3) Practice In this task, the students try to practice the dialogues with their friends (in pairs or in a group) after they listen and repeat the teacher’s pronunciation of the dialogues. 4) Listening Comprehension In this task, the students are asked to listen to the spoken speech/ dialogue spoken by the teacher then comprehend the content of the spoken speech/ dialogue in order to answer the comprehension questions. 5) Oral presentation In this task, the students are asked to do oral presentation independently. It can be used to measure the student’s understanding toward the topic being discussed. 6) Role playing/ simulation In this task, the students work in pairs or in a group to perform a dialogue, role play toward the topic being discussed. This task encourages the students to cooperate with their friends in performing a dialogue/ role play. 7) Ordering In this task, the students are asked to arrange jumbled dialogues/sentences into proper dialogues/ sentences. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 60 8) Matching In this task, the students are asked to match specific points to the correct answer. 9) Completion In this task, the students are asked to complete the sentences/ texts by using the choices given or their own words. 10) Reading Comprehension In this task, the students are asked to read the paragraphs/the dialogues then comprehend them in order to answer the questions based on the paragraphs/the dialogues given. Through this task, the students are enriched with some vocabularies related to the topic being discussed. 11) Writing In this task, the students are asked to write a dialogue/ story based on the sequences of pictures. 3. Development of Preliminary Form of Product In Development of Preliminary Form of Product step, the materials were designed based on the results of Planning step. The topics in the designed materials were taken from the 2006 Edition of School-Based Curriculum for Vocational High Schools and the English syllabus of SMKN 5 Yogyakarta. Hence, the materials had the same topics as which were in the syllabus. The teaching-learning activities were selected based on the topics and the subject contents of the designed materials. In designing the materials, several English textbooks were used as the references in PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 61 order to make a proper designed set of English materials. Some materials were adapted from the English textbooks which have the same topics. The pictures in the designed materials were taken from the internet. 4. Preliminary Field Testing In Preliminary Field Testing step, a materials evaluation was conducted in order to know whether the materials were interesting, appropriate, and suitable for grade X students of the applied-fine art department of SMKN 5 Yogyakarta and met the goals, the general purposes, and learning objectives of English curriculum of Vocational High Schools. Preliminary Field Testing was carried out to obtain the evaluation of the designed materials by conducting a try out and distributing the questionnaire to five English teachers of SMKN 5 Yogyakarta and two English Language Education lecturers of Sanata Dharma University. A try out toward the designed materials was conducted only two meetings in Unit 1 for two classes (class X Textile and X Wood) on July 21, 2008; July 22, 2008; July 28, 2008 and July 29, 2008. The data obtained from the questionnaire were presented as follows: a. Descriptions of the Participants The evaluation of the designed materials was obtained by using questionnaire. It included three sections. The first section was the participants’ identity (name, sex, educational background, and the length of teaching English experiences). The second section described the teachers’ and lecturers’ opinions toward the designed materials (the extent of degree of agreement toward the designed materials). The last section PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 62 was the teachers’ and lecturers’ comments, opinions, suggestions or criticism toward the designed materials. The participants of Preliminary Field Testing toward the designed materials were five English teachers of SMKN 5 Yogyakarta and two English Language Education lecturers of Sanata Dharma University. The feedbacks, opinions, comments, suggestions obtained from the Preliminary Field Testing were used as a basis for revising and improving the materials. The descriptions of the participants were described as follows: Table 8: The Description of the Research Participants Group of Participants Sex 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. F Educational Background S1 S2 S3 2. No M English teachers of SMKN 5 Yogyakarta English Language Education lecturers of Sanata Dharma University Total 1-5 Teaching Experiences (in years) 6-10 11-15 16-20 >20 7 b. Data Presentation and Analysis The data obtained from Preliminary Field Testing revealed the participants’ opinions. The judgment of the participants’ statements toward the designed materials used five degree of agreement. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 63 Table 2: Degree of Agreement Degree of Agreement 1 2 3 4 5 Meaning Strongly Disagree Disagree Doubt Agree Strongly Agree The descriptive statistics of the participants’ opinions toward the designed materials were presented as follows: Table 9: The Descriptive Statistics of Participants’ Opinions No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Participant’s Opinion on ... The major goals of the designed materials are well formulated. The designed materials are able to meet the goals and objectives stated in the Curriculum at the School Level (KTSP). Generally, the contents of the designed materials are wellelaborated. The designed materials are relevant to the students’ knowledge and skills level. The level of difficulty of the designed materials is appropriate with what should be given to the students. The tasks or activities in each unit are relevant to the topic in each unit. The tasks or activities in each unit are well-elaborated and can facilitate the students Frequency of the Degree of Agreement 1 2 3 4 5 7 Central Tendency N 7 Mn 4 Mdn 4 Md 4 1 6 7 3.8 4 4 7 7 4 4 4 7 7 4 4 4 1 6 7 3.8 4 4 2 5 7 3.7 4 4 2 5 7 3.7 4 4 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 64 to achieve the goals and objectives. The instruction in each task or activity in each unit is clear enough to be understood by the students. The tasks or activities are interesting and various enough to motivate students to be more active. The tasks and activities given can help the students to understand the lesson taught. Generally, the pictures provided can help the students to understand the lesson more. Generally, the designed materials will enable the students to master both oral and written English. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 1 6 7 3.8 4 4 1 6 7 3.8 4 4 2 5 7 3.7 4 4 7 7 4 4 4 4 7 3.6 4 4 3 Note: N : Number of participants Mn : Mean Mdn : Median Md : Mode The result of the descriptive statistics indicated that the average degree of agreement on the evaluation of the materials was 3.8 from 3.6 up to 4. From this result, it could be concluded that the designed materials are acceptable and appropriate to be used in the school. However, the materials were still needed to be revised and improved as suggested by the participants of Preliminary Field Testing. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 65 The participants also gave comments, opinions, suggestions and criticism about the designed materials. The participants’ comments or opinions based on the questionnaire were described as follows: 1. Generally, the materials were well-designed, well-formulated, and wellelaborated. 2. The pictures in the materials were interesting and could attract the students’ attention to the materials. Besides, the pictures could help the teacher to make the students understand the material and activities easily. 3. The materials were appropriate for the students of SMKN 5 Yogyakarta. The participants’ suggestions or criticism were described as follows: 1. It would be better to add more written exercises in order to balance between oral and written activities. 2. For the evaluation, it would be better to add questions in the form of multiple choice and cutting-dialogue. 3. In chapter 2, it was suggested to give examples and exercises about describing things, not only describing people. 4. For the syllabus and lesson plans, they needed to be revised since the indicators in the syllabus and lesson plans were still not clear. It should use measurable verbs. 5. Some pictures in the designed materials were not well laid out. 6. It should add more ESP materials and terms related to the applied-fine art department. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 66 5. Main Product Revision In Main Product Revision step, the designed materials would be revised to improve the materials in order to make the materials better. Finally, the final version of the designed materials would be presented and ready for the operational use in the schools. The revisions were based on the participants’ suggestions and criticism as follows: 1. Adding more written exercises in Literacy cycle for each unit. For each unit, it would be added some exercises in Literacy cycle in order to balance between Oracy cycle and Literacy cycle. 2. Adding some questions in the form of multiple choice and cutting-dialogue for the evaluation. For the evaluation, it would be added some questions in the form of multiple choice and cutting-dialogue. Hopefully, it would make the students were familiar with the Final Examination exercises. 3. Giving examples and exercises about describing things for chapter 2. In chapter 2, it only focused on describing people. Therefore, it would be added the examples and exercises about describing things. Hopefully, the students could describe the things not only describing people. 4. Revising the syllabus and the lesson plans Since the indicators in the syllabus and lesson plans were still not clear, it needed to be revised. Therefore, the indicators would be changed into measurable verbs. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 67 5. Revising the lay out of the pictures For the pictures in the designed materials, it would be laid out well in order to make the materials more interesting. Hence, it could help the students to understand the lesson more. 6. Adding more ESP materials and terms related to the applied-fine art department. Since these materials were customized for the students of applied-fine art department of SMKN 5 Yogyakarta, the materials would be designed related to the field. Then, it would be added more ESP materials and some terms related to the applied fine-art materials in order to make the designed materials more specific. B. Presentation of the Final Version of the Designed Set of Materials This part answers the second question formulated in the problem formulation. After the revision and improvement of the materials, the final version of the designed materials was presented. The full version of the designed materials can be seen in the appendix C. The designed materials consisted of four units as follows: 1. How are you? 2. What does she look like? 3. What is his nationality? 4. Could you help me? Each unit consisted of two main sections. The first is Oracy Cycle which focuses on Listening and Speaking skills. The second is Literacy Cycle which focuses on Reading and Writing skills. Each cycle consisted of four main activities, PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 68 namely Building Knowledge of the Field, Modelling of the Text, Joint Construction of the Text, and Independent Construction of the Text. The materials were designed for one semester with the time allocation is 65 contact hours. Each contact hour lasts for 45 minutes. They were designed based on the English syllabus of SMKN 5 Yogyakarta. Therefore, the topics in the designed materials were the same as those in the syllabus. However, the time allocation for teaching learning activities in the designed materials would be a little bit different with the English syllabus of SMKN 5 Yogyakarta. Based on the try out of the designed materials which was done with grade X students of SMKN 5 Yogyakarta, it was noticed that the time allocation for Unit 1 was not suitable with was stated in the syllabus of SMKN 5 Yogyakarta. Hence, the revision toward the designed materials added the time allocation for teaching-learning activities in Unit 1 in order to balance the time allocation and the materials. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI CHAPTER V CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS This chapter presents the conclusion of the study and the suggestions. The conclusion part concludes the problems stated in the problem formulation. First is to find out how a set of integrated materials for grade X students of the applied-fine art department of SMKN 5 Yogyakarta based on the 2006 Edition of School-Based Curriculum was designed. Second is to present the integrated materials. Besides, the conclusion part concludes all the findings of the study. The suggestion part includes the recommendation for the English teachers of SMKN 5 Yogyakarta, for the students of SMKN 5 Yogyakarta, and other researchers. A. Conclusions As stated in problem formulation, this study aims to find out how a set of integrated materials for grade X students of the applied-fine art department of SMKN 5 Yogyakarta based on the 2006 Edition of School-Based Curriculum was designed and to present the integrated materials. Therefore, the first question stated in problem formulation deals with the steps of designing the materials and the second question concerns with the presentation of the designed materials. To answer the first question, this study adapted Kemp’s Instructional Design Model, Banathy’s Instructional Design Model and R & D method to design the materials. There were several step conducted in this study. The first step is Research and Information Collecting. In this step, a needs survey was conducted in order to 69 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 70 gain information related to the study. The second step is Planning. In this step, the English syllabus of SMKN 5 Yogyakarta was reviewed; the goals, topics and general purposes of the designed materials were stated; the learning objectives of the designed materials were also stated; the subject contents of the designed materials were classified; and the teaching-learning activities and resources of the designed materials were selected before the materials would be designed. The third step is Development of Preliminary Form of Product. The materials were designed based on the results of Planning step. The fourth step is Preliminary Field Testing. In this step, a materials evaluation was conducted in order to gain feedback toward the designed materials. The last step is Main Product Revision. The final version of the designed materials would be presented and ready for the operational use in the school. To answer the second question, the final version of the designed materials was presented after revising and improving the materials. There were four units in the designed materials. Each unit consisted of all four skills (listening, speaking, reading, and writing). Besides, language components such as structure, pronunciation, and vocabulary were included in each unit to facilitate the students with the communicative competence. Each unit consisted of two main sections. First section is Oracy Cycle which focuses on Listening and Speaking skills. Second section is Literacy Cycle which focuses on Reading and Writing skills. Each cycle in the designed materials consisted of four activities, namely: (1) Building Knowledge of the Field, (2) Modelling of the Text, (3) Joint Construction of the Text, and (4) Independent Construction of the Text. The full presentation of the designed materials is attached in the appendix C. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 71 Hopefully, the designed materials motivate the students to be active learners who have communicative abilities since the materials include four skills and language components. The teaching-learning activities are various in order that the students and the teacher feel enjoyable during the class. In addition, the designed materials can be applied to avoid boredom during the class. Finally, the activities enable the students to work individually, in pairs, and in groups. B. Suggestions This part provides some suggestions for the English teachers of SMKN 5 Yogyakarta, and the other researchers who are interested in a research in the same field. 1. For the English teachers of SMKN 5 Yogyakarta The teachers are suggested to implement the designed set of integrated materials for grade X students of SMKN 5 Yogyakarta as an alternative source of materials in order to encourage the students in learning English. The teachers should create teaching-learning process as interesting as possible so that the students will be interested in learning English and they will not get bored during the class. 2. For the other researchers The other researchers are suggested to design other sets of English materials for Vocational High Schools students in order to develop many English materials for Vocational High Schools which is based on the current curriculum used in the school. Hence, it can be used as alternative references of teaching materials for the teachers. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI BIBLIOGRAPHY Ary, D., Jacobs, L. C. & Razavieh, A. (1990). Introduction to Research in Education (4th Ed.). 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London: Prentice-Hall International. 72 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 73 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 74 Letter of Permission to the Headmaster of SMKN 5 Yogyakarta Letter of Permission from BAPEDA Letter of Permission from Dinas Perizinan Letter of official statement from SMKN 5 Yogyakarta PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 75 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 76 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 77 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 78 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 79 List of Questions for Interview Interview Transcription Questionnaire for the Designed Set of Materials Evaluation Gambaran Umum General Description PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 80 List of Questions for Interview 1. Untuk kelas X di SMKN 5 Yogyakarta ini, berapa kelas yang anda ajar? 2. Apakah siswa-siswi kelas X yang anda ajar tersebut tertarik dengan pelajaran Bahasa Inggris? 3. Jika tidak, apa alasannya? 4. Apakah solusi dari masalah tersebut? 5. Apakah siswa-siswi tersebut aktif dalam mengikuti pelajaran Bahasa Inggris? 6. Jika kurang tertarik, apa alasannya? 7. Apakah solusinya? 8. Pada umumnya, bagaimana kemampuan Bahasa Inggris siswa-siswi dari semua kelas X yang anda ajar? 9. Apakah mereka berada pada level yang sama? (beginner, intermediate, advanced) 10. Ketika mengajar di kelas, apakah anda memperhatikan perbedaan cara belajar siswa? Apakah mereka mempunyai cara belajar yang sama/ berbeda? 11. Apakah siswa-siswi yang anda ajar mengalami kesulitan dalam menerima dan mengerti pelajaran Bahasa Inggris? 12. Referensi/ materi-materi apa sajakah yang anda gunakan untuk mengajar Bahasa Inggris? 13. Strategi/ metode belajar apa sajakah yang sudah anda terapkan selama ini? 14. Media apa sajakah yang sudah anda gunakan? (pictures, video/movie, cassettes) 15. Apakah integrated materials yang bertujuan meningkatkan empat kemampuan bahasa (berbicara, mendengarkan, membaca, dan menulis) efektif dalam membantu siswa belajar Bahasa. Inggris? PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 81 16. Aktivitas dan materi seperti apakah yang diperlukan untuk meningkatkan kompetensi siswa? 17. Menurut pendapat anda, bagaimana penerapan Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP) untuk Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK) khususnya SMKN 5 Yogyakarta sendiri? 18. Bagaimana anda menyampaikan materi berdasarkan Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP) untuk mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris? PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 82 Interview Transcription Responden 1: Bu, sudah mengajar di SMKN 5 ini berapa tahun? Khusus untuk mengajar di SMKN 5 baru ditempatkan tahun ini, jadi baru satu tahun. Kalau untuk mengajar di SMK atau sekolah lain mulainya tahun 2003. Untuk kelas sepuluh, mengajar berapa kelas bu? Tiga kelas. Kelas Animasi, Keramik dan DKV. Untuk murid-murid kelas sepuluh yang ibu ajar tersebut, apakah mereka tertarik dengan pelajaran bahasa Inggris? Maksudnya tertarik bagaimana? Pada waktu mereka diterangkan, mereka memperhatikan, maksudnya di sini mereka mempunyai motivasi untuk belajar bahasa Inggris dan minatnya kelihatan. Ya kalau seperti itu dilihat-lihat per kelas berbeda-beda karena inputnya juga berbeda-beda, terus tergantung cara kita menyampaikan, kalau kita bisa mengikuti aliran pikiran mereka, misalnya kalau anak muda itu harusnya seperti ini maka kita join ke mereka, ya mereka jadi tertarik. Kalau kita mematok cara kita, ya mereka jadi tidak tertarik. Kalau kita mau mengajar, ya kita harus bisa membuat mereka tertarik dulu, bagaimana itu kita harus tahu dulu. Jangan mereka kita suruh ikut cara kita, tetapi harus kita yang mengikuti mereka. Kalau kelas saya, untuk kelas DKV dan Animasi anaknya lumayan, kalau mereka diajak ngomong bahasa Inggris ya mau, kalau kelas Keramik harus ditranslate dulu itupun ya macam-macam, latihannya harus pelan-pelan. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 83 Apa yang menyebabkan mereka kurang tertarik dengan pelajaran bahasa Inggris? Waduh, analisanya sulit sekali ini, harus penelitian dulu. Ini tergantung anaknya juga, kalau saya lihat-lihat, sejak SMP itu mereka sudah tidak senang bahasa Inggris dulu, terus yang kedua mereka sudah merasa tidak suka ya karena bahasa Inggris itu susah, kosakatanya susah, terus mereka menjadi malas. Kalau untuk materi, apakah meraka kurang tertarik karena materinya kurang menarik? Kalau seperti itu mereka tidak pernah complain. Kalau anak-anak di sini, materi apa yang diberikan mereka ya mengikuti, terus kalau materi tentang “to be“ tidak tertarik, materi tentang “greetings“ tidak tertarik, tidak ada yang complain kok. Tinggal kita yang menyampaikan bagaimana. Apakah menurut ibu siswa-siswa di kelas ibu aktif misalnya kalau mereka belum jelas, mereka mau bertanya atau kalau ibu memberi pertanyaan, mereka antusias untuk menjawab? Ya lumayan. Kalau saya sendiri, saya buat diri saya humoris, jadi saya buat masuk ke mereka. Kalau mereka belum mengerti ya diulang lagi. Kalau aktif untuk bertanya dan menjawab, ya mereka lumayan. Bagaimana kemampuan bahasa Inggris siswa-siswa kelas sepuluh di sekolah ini? Kemampuan bahasa Inggris secara umum. Kan bahasa Inggris itu skillsnya ada empat, terus yang susah ya speaking, mungkin karena ketika di SMP memang tidak dibangun. Ya kalau seumpama they have to answer our question in English ya mereka tidak mau. Kalau kelas Animasi dan DKV untuk pronunciation masih bisa, tetapi kalau di kelas Keramik ya saya harus mengulang pelajaran SMP. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 84 Kalau dibuat level bu? Mereka berada di level mana? Beginner, intermediate, atau...? Ya beginner. Apakah ibu memperhatikan cara belajar siswa di kelas? Ya jelas. Ada anak yang tidur di kelas, ada yang belajar sambil melakukan apa. Tetapi kalau mereka dipaksa duduk tenang, tidak bisa, ya sudah kalau memang itu strategi mereka, ya itu tidak apa-apa. Sejauh ini apakah siswa-siswi ibu mengalami kesulitan dalam menerima dan mengerti pelajaran bahasa Inggris? Ya bagaimana ya, seperti yang saya bilang tadi, kalau mereka dari SMP sudah tertarik dan kosakatanya sudah cukup, ya mereka enjoy aja tetapi kalau anak yang dari SMP tidak tertarik, kosakata bahasa Inggrisnya kurang ya seperti-seperti itu. Referensi atau materi-materi apa sajakah yang ibu gunakan dalam mengajar bahasa Inggris? Wah sulit ini. Guru-guru SMK ini kesulitannya memang mencari bukunya itu sulit. Sebenarnya memang banyak tetapi yang dijual diluaran itu kalau yang buku A kurang ini, buku B terlalu banyak ininya jadi tidak aplikatif. Ya gayanya kita bisa menilai, toh kalau suruh bikin ya tidak bisa, ya itu yang kita ambil. Kalau materi ini, kita ambil dari buku ini. Kalau dari buku ini sulit, kita cari buku yang lain. Kalau buku yang dari sekolah, buku yang ada di perpustakaan? Buku yang di perpustakaan tidak wajib, ya boleh kalau mau pakai, kalau pas materinya ya boleh pakai, tetapi boleh ambil dari buku lain juga. Jadi setiap guru boleh memakai materi yang berbeda-beda? Ya. Jadi saling melengkapi. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 85 Apakah selama ini ibu mengalami kesulitan selama mengajar bahasa Inggris? Kesulitan dalam hal apa? Mungkin dalam menyampaikan materi atau menangani kenakalan siswa? Ya itu pandai-pandai kita. Kalau selama ini tidak begitu, kalau bilang anaknya ramai ya itu memang masanya mereka. Itu tidak saya anggap sebagai suatu kesulitan, paling saya tanya kenapa ramai setelah itu ya lanjut lagi ke materinya. Paling kesulitannya ya mereka itu malas. Mau belajar ya di sekolah ini saja, sudah dikasih catatan atau ringkasan. Pas hari itu ya ingat tetapi pas ganti hari misal besoknya, karena di rumah mereka tidak mau buka, ya pas pertemuan berikutnya ya harus diulang lagi. Mungkin ini masalah motivasi mereka cuma bagaimana menumbuhkan motivasi mereka. Strategi atau metode belajar apa saja yang sudah ibu terapkan selama ini? Untuk materi listening? Kalau listening tidak harus memakai tape ya. Kalau saya bicara, mereka mau menjawab itu sudah listening, kalau saya bicara mereka menulis seperti dictation. Kalau mau lengkap ya harus memakai tape, tetapi kendalanya kelasnya banyak harus gantian. Pokoknya untuk listening tidak harus memakai media. Kalau untuk role play bagaimana bu? Apakah sudah pernah menerapkannya? Biasanya practicing dialogue, kalau untuk game mereka jadi ramai sekali. Kalau untuk role play waktunya tidak cukup. Untuk group discussion? Group discussion, kalau pas translation saya buat satu kelompok tiga orang. Tetapi itu tidak pasti, jarang. Media-media apa saja yang pernah ibu gunakan? Saya ini termasuk guru yang tidak kreatif, pakainya yang cuma buku-buku, kalau mau describing ya memakai picture. Kalau mau memakai lab media itu kan giliran. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 86 Kadang saya ambil dari majalah, kadang kartu untuk menambah vocabulary. Biasanya pakai kartu yang diacak, seperti kartu domino. Apakah ”integrated materials” yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan empat kemampuan (listening, speaking, reading, dan writing) efektif dalam membantu siswa mencapai kompetensinya? Ya jelas. Menurut pendapat saya, empat skills itu tidak harus dipisah-pisah sendiri. Hari ini listening, hari ini speaking, hari ini writing. Toh empat skills, hari itu semua sudah kita sampaikan. “When we speak, they listen, when we speak, they write what we talk” itu writing. Pokoknya anaknya sudah bisa dan hari itu keempat skills itu harus bisa dicapai. Aktivitas atau materi seperti apa yang ibu harapkan atau butuhkan? Yang meaningful, maksudnya apa? yang bisa untuk daily activity, yang bisa dipakai untuk bekal mereka nanti, tidak sekedar rule-rule saja. Kalau untuk listening? Materi seperti apa yang ibu harapkan? Apakah seperti movie atau potongan klip-klip? Kalau listening, mungkin mereka butuh melihat percakapan orang bule yang sesungguhnya, yang dipakai dalam komunikasi yang sesungguhnya. Ya karena mereka tidak terbiasa terus mereka menganggap itu sulit. Kalau untuk materi reading? Materi-materi yang ada di buku itu sudah lumayan, itu sudah aplikatif untuk siswa misal ada letter atau instruction. Kalau untuk past tense ya misalnya ada storynya, ada article terus ada reading comprehensionnya. Kalau untuk materi speaking? Yang bermanfaat untuk mereka di dunia kerja. Kalau di SMK memang diarahkan seperti itu misalnya telephoning, ya yang aplikatif, yang bermanfaat untuk mereka, seperti making invitation. Jadi kalau di SMK memang sudah functional text. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 87 Mungkin lebih ke role play atau dialogue-dialogue? Ya. Menurut ibu bagaimana penerapan KTSP itu sendiri untuk SMK? Untuk KTSP, kita benar-benar harus memahami sungguh-sungguh konsep KTSP itu sendiri. Kurikulum yang membuat kita sendiri, yang membuat harus sekolah sendiri, membuat materi disesuaikan dengan kondisi anak-anak kita, tetapi selama ini di kota dan di propinsi masih rancu. Ya guru-guru SMKN 5 berusaha mengarah ke sana, ya karena tuntutan nanti mereka di kelas tiga, mereka harus menguasai ini, ya kita mengikuti yang sudah ada. Kita juga harus melihat kemampuan anak, latar belakang anak. Kalau kita mau mengambil materi ini ya disesuaikan dengan kemampuan anak. Apakah topik-topik yang ada dalam KTSP sudah mendukung kompetensi yang harus dicapai siswa? Sudah. Memang dibuat untuk ke sana, harus terfokus semua. Bagaimana ibu menyampaikan materi sesuai KTSP agar bisa mencapai kompetensi yang ada di kurikulum? Ya kita sampaikan sesuai kompetensi yang harus dicapai siswa. Kalau sudah mencapai standar isi yang ada. Ya kemudian lanjut ke selanjutnya. Untuk materi saya nanti, mungkin pertama itu ada brainstorming terus exercise ada empat skills dalam satu unit, urutannya bagaimana ya bu? Misalnya ya kalau untuk reading dan writing ya digabung saja, nanti untuk listening dan speaking. Toh dalam speaking mereka juga belajar listening. Intinya memang percakapan tetapi mereka kan mendengarkan juga. Kalau untuk jurusannya sendiri, materi untuk jurusan tertentu atau materi untuk semua jurusan? Sebenarnya SMK itu general English. Materinya ya untuk umum. General English itu kan bacaannya ya yang berbeda, kalau untuk conversationnya ya yang general. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 88 Kalau untuk bacaannya untuk SMK itu diarahkan ke dunia kerja. Readingnya ya yang simple. Tidak seperti anak SMA bacaannya seperti narrative, recount. Untuk anak SMK ya mereka belum bisa. Kalau untuk mereka ya seperti letter, announcement, advertisement. Seperti itu. Baik bu, saya kira sudah cukup. Terima kasih. Sama-sama. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 89 Responden 2: Mengajar kelas sepuluh berapa kelas ya bu? Sekarang, sekarang mengajar kelas sepuluhnya dua kelas. Kelas Tekstil dan Logam. Dari siswa-siswi kelas sepuluh tekstil dan logam itu, apakah mereka tertarik dengan pelajaran bahasa inggris? Kalau dilihat secara garis besar, anak Tekstil dan Logam itu mungkin tertarik atau tidaknya tidak bisa diukur atau dilihat. Kalau dibilang antusias, lebih antusias anak Tekstil. Karena sebagian besar anak logam kan anak laki-laki, jadi mereka butuh treatment tersendiri agar mereka involve. Kalau untuk siswa yang aktif, yang mau involve sebagian besar anak perempuan. Cenderung siswa perempuan yang mau aktif. Kalau yang laki-laki cenderung mereka butuh perhatian sendiri, atau cari-cari kegiatan sendiri. Kira-kira menurut ibu, apakah alasan mereka kurang tertarik dengan pelajaran bahasa Inggris? Untuk anak Tekstil kendalanya mereka tidak tahu terjemahannya apa, terus kalau anak Logam mereka tidak tahu, belum jelas, mereka malas bertanya. Terutama anak yang laki-laki sulit sekali diajak berkonsentrasi. Mereka berpikir, kalau aku tidak bisa ya aku tidak bisa makanya mereka cari-cari kegiatan sendiri. Kemudian apa solusi dari masalah tersebut? Mungkin ada beberapa materi dimana guru harus bisa-bisanya melayani semua jenis siswa. Karena dalam satu kelas itu banyak anak dengan karakter yang beda-beda. Bisa-bisanya kita membuat suatu aktivitas, ketika ada materi ini agar mereka mau berkonsentrasi dengan membuat permainan, materi yang bisa membuat mereka berkonsentrasi. Misalnya tentang hal-hal yang ada di sekitar mereka. Misalnya kalau membuat kalimat menggunakan nama-nama mereka, kegiatan mereka sehari-hari, jadi mereka ingin ikut serta mendengarkan. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 90 Pada umumnya, bagaimana kemampuan bahasa Inggris siswa-siswa tersebut? Lebih baik anak Tekstil. Kalau mereka belum paham, mereka bertanya, tidak disuruh mencatat sudah berusaha mau mencatat sendiri. Sedangkan anak Logam, kalau tidak disuruh mencatat tidak mau mencatat, itupun gurunya masih harus intensif ke belakang satu per satu. Karena kalau tidak seperti itu ya tidak ketahuan kalau mereka punya catatan atau tidak. Mungkin yang menjadi kendalanya kalau melayani satu per satu ya take time. Seumpama ada anak yang sudah selesai mencatat, diberi tugas lagi supaya mereka menikmati KBM. Mungkin ada anak yang kalau tidak disuruh, mereka tidak akan pernah berkonsentrasi di kelas. Kalau dibuat level, bagaimana kemampuan mereka? Kalau menurut saya ya levelnya beginner, beginner aja beginner yang perlu dibimbing terus. Jadi masih perlu asistan. Kalau mereka harus bergerak sendiri, kreatif sendiri, cenderung tidak mau dan tidak bisa. Apakah ibu memperhatikan perbedaan cara belajar siswa di kelas? Cara belajar di kelas, itu yang seperti saya bilang tadi. Ada anak yang tidak bisa tetapi tidak mau bertanya, mengobrol sendiri, tidak mencatat. Kalau tidak diperhatikan guru, anak tidur di kelas sampai pelajaran selesai. Untuk karakteristik anak yang aktif mungkin cuma ada satu atau tiga, itu sudah maksimal maksudnya anak yang proaktif sendiri cuma satu atau tiga anak. Jadi di sini anaknya memang seperti itu. Mereka bisa kalau didampingi terus. Banyak anak banyak karakteristik. Mungkin bagus kalau anak dikelompokkan, anak dengan nilai berapa dikelompokkan ke kelompok ini, tetapi kadang anak menjadi malas. Rencana skripsi saya tentang ”integrated materials” yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan empat kemampuan (listening, speaking, reading, dan writing). Apakah ini efektif dalam membantu siswa belajar bahasa Inggris? Sebetulnya materi apapun itu tetap membantu. Bagaimana guru harus bisa menyelami karakteristik kelasnya, integrated materials dan kemampuan guru menyampaikannya, jadi guru harus punya kelebihan juga. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 91 Metode-metode apakah yang ibu gunakan dalam mengajar bahasa Inggris? Mungkin saya kadang agak jarang memakai metode atau membawa siswa ke multimedia. Menurut saya media itu penting, tetapi sebagus apapun media, kalau gurunya tidak bisa membawakan ya sama saja. Kebisaan guru membawakan materi, apakah kelas ini diberi media ini tepat. Mau tidak mau harus bisa menyampaikan materi selain menguasai materi. Metode yang saya gunakan sejauh ini cuma discussion, terus ceramah. Mungkin agak jarang saya untuk kelas sepuluh ini, jarang memakai multi media. Mungkin memang kalau yang multi media, seperti yang pernah mbak Vonny pakai dulu. Insyaallah ke depannya saya ingin membuat kelas lebih tertarik agar anak tidak bosan di kelas. Materi apa yang diharapkan atau dibutuhkan di SMK ini? Untuk SMK ini materi yang bisa digunakan untuk siap menghadapi UNAS. Mungkin ada reading dan listening yang menuntut mereka memahami bacaan reading, mau tidak mau listening memahami suatu percakapan omong-omongan, reading memahami suatu bacaan, suatu schedule atau menu itu dibutuhkan ke sananya, materi yang mengacu ke materi UNAS di mana itu dibikin semenarik mungkin. Untuk TOEIC juga ya bu? Ya untuk itu juga yang sebagian besar mengacu ke TOEIC. UNAS pun bentuknya potongan dialog. Strategi belajar apa yang diterapkan selama ini? Strategi yang membuat mereka involve, misal role play agar mereka terbiasa bekerjasama memahami dan mengerti dialog. Dengan dia sering melakukan dialog, itu membuat mereka sering berkomunikasi, berinteraksi. Mengenai penggunaan media, seperti gambar, obyek-obyek? Kemungkinan besar mempengaruhi, membuat mereka lebih mengerti, lebih masuk, lebih aktual dan nyata. Seumpama ada sesuatu yang butuh imaginasi maka diperlukan alat bantu dan itu membantu sekali. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 92 Bagaimana penerapan KTSP di SMK ini? Kalau kita sebenarnya itu kita mengacu ke standar isi. Materi-materi yang kita pakai itu mengacu kurikulum dari Bandung, mungkin materinya terlalu banyak. KTSP itu kan kurikulum yang sekarang dipakai jadi materinya banyak, tetapi materi-materi itu memang keluar di UNAS. Bagaimana topik-topik yang terdapat di KTSP? Topik-topik di KTSP memang English for General, jadi general English. Kira-kira untuk materi yang akan saya buat, apa yang ibu harapkan? Menurut saya yang general saja. Untuk unit ini topiknya di perusahaan keramik dan untuk istilah-istilahnya mungkin istilah-istilah yang umum. Tetapi kalau itu merasa kesulitan, bisa dimasukkan ke poin-poin bacaan, sebagai tambahan vocab di readingnya. Dalam satu unit ada empat skills, bagaimana urutannya? Apa berarti reading dulu, kalau menurut saya reading dulu atau listening, sebentar... Kalau saya biasanya enakan reading dulu. Kalau listening di kepala mereka belum ada apa-apa atau speaking dulu. Kalau itu berarti enaknya, apa reading dulu, di reading itu ada materi-materi tentang structure. Kemudian masuk ke listening, membuat sendiri sebuah dialog. Untuk reading bisa bacaan atau dialog. Kalau memungkinkan ada pertanyaan. Mereka bisa menggunakan topik-topik yang perlu mereka pelajari seumpama greetings. Terus listening activitiesnya tentang expression how are you today, dan sebagainya. Kemudian create their own conversation. Mungkin begitu. Baik, saya kira cukup. Terima kasih bu. Ya. Sama-sama. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 93 Responden 3: Bu, sudah mengajar berapa tahun di SMKN 5 ini? Sekitar dua tahun saya mengajar di SMKN 5. Untuk kelas sepuluh mengajar berapa kelas bu? Kalau untuk tahun ini saya cuma mengajar satu kelas. Kelas sepuluh Kulit B. Untuk murid-murid kelas sepuluh Kulit yang ibu ajar tersebut, apakah mereka tertarik dengan pelajaran bahasa Inggris? Ya fifty-fifty ya. Ada yang suka ada yang tidak tetapi secara keseluruhan bisa dibilang ya. Apakah itu murid perempuan atau laki-laki? Ya campur. Bagaimana kemampuan bahasa Inggris siswa-siswa kelas sepuluh yang ibu ajar? Ya memang karena dari beberapa anak ya bercampur ya. Ada yang pintar dan ada yang biasa, tidak samalah, ada yang menguasasi ada yang tidak. Untuk kelas yang ibu ajar, anak yang aktif murid laki-laki atau perempuan? Anak yang aktif untuk kelas Kulit B, murid perempuan dan laki-laki semua aktif. Kalau dibuat level, mereka di level apa bu? Beginner mungkin ya. Apakah ibu memperhatikan cara belajar siswa di kelas? Ya. Yang pertama, cara belajar mereka di kelas, ada anak yang ketika saya menerangkan mereka memperhatikan, terus kalau saya kasih soal mereka bisa menjawab. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 94 Rencana skripsi saya ini tentang “integrated materials”, apakah ini mendukung siswa menguasai empat kemampuan? Kalau empat skills itu, kalau kita sabar ya itu bisa, tetapi untuk waktunya, kalau waktunya sangat singkat ya hasilnya mungkin kurang begitu memuaskan. Apakah “integrated materials” itu mendukung mereka membantu belajar bahasa Inggris? Ya mungkin bisa, mungkin kan setiap anak kemampuannya berbeda-beda. Kalau di SMK, untuk “integrated mateials” dalam satu unit mencakup empat skills, menurut ibu apakah ini efektif? Ya mungkin efektif, dalam satu kali tatap muka kan dua jam. Mungkin pertama itu reading baru setelah itu masuk ke grammar yang masih berkaitan dengan itu. Aktifitas atau metode-metode apa yang pernah ibu gunakan? Ya biasanya di kelas saya beri materinya dulu baru kemudian saya kasih latihan soal, anak saya suruh mengerjakan. Baru kemudian pertemuan berikutnya saya suruh menceritakan kembali. Satu anak atau beberapa anak saja. Jadi mereka mereview sendiri, mungkin mereka saya suruh ke depan kelas baru kemudian kita bahas bersama-sama. Aktivitas atau materi seperti apa yang ibu gunakan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan listening? Apakah ibu sering memakai lab multi media? Karena untuk kelas sepuluh karena saya tidak mendapat jatah, jadi saya tidak memakainya. Mungkin karena lab memang digunakan untuk kelas sebelas dan dua belas. Dan untuk kelas sepuluh nanti kalau mereka sudah kelas sebelas. Kalau materi reading? Kalau menurut saya untuk reading, kalau untuk bacaan setiap anak dapat satu kalimat. Jadi kalau bacaannya panjang, semua anak dapat bagian terus saya periksa pronunciationnya. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 95 Kalau untuk materi speaking? Kalau untuk materi speaking, biasanya nanti saya kasih gambar kemudian mereka saya suruh menceritakan atau membuat kalimat dari gambar tersebut. Jadi itu nanti saya beri seperti question and response kemudian nanti setiap anak saya bagikan dan mereka mencari pasangannya masing-masing. Kalau untuk group discussion bu? Apakah ibu sudah pernah menerapkan? Kalau group discussion ya pernah tetapi jarang, karena kalau group discussion malah satu orang saja yang bekerja. Saya lebih sering kegiatan individu jadi mereka benarbenar mau berpikir dan berusaha sendiri. Menurut ibu materi-materi apa yang bisa meningkatkan motivasi mereka dalam belajar bahasa Inggris? Yang jelas semua materi itu bisa, tergantung penyampaiannya, tetapi yang jelas materi yang simple-simple. Ya karena mungkin mereka di sekolah pelajarannya sudah banyak dan menganggap pelajaran bahasa Inggris itu sulit. Jadi bagaimana membuat itu bisa menyenangkan, rileks tetapi tetap terarah. Bagaimana pendapat ibu tentang penggunaan media itu sendiri? Itu sangat besar pengaruhnya, bisa membuat mereka lebih tertarik daripada kita mengajar di depan kelas terus lalu anak mengerjakan soal. Dengan adanya media membuat mereka lebih tertantang, seperti materi yang pernah mbak Vonny berikan ke saya, itu bisa membuat mereka lebih tertantang. Kalau untuk listening, apakah ibu pernah menggunakan lagu? Ya, lagu pernah. Mereka disuruh melengkapi lirik yang hilang, kita kasih lirik yang kosong-kosong kemudian guru yang membacakan sendiri atau menggunakan kaset, kita pakai tape. Dan itupun diulang-ulang ya, tidak cukup dua kali tetapi minimal tiga kali. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 96 Jadi setelah mereka mendengarkan, apakah kemudian mereka diberi soal-soal comprehension? Kalau untuk soal-soal comprehension belum ya. Cukup hanya mengisi lirik-lirik saja. Kira-kira untuk materi yang akan saya buat, apa yang ibu harapkan? Kalau untuk reading inginnya yang jelas anak-anak suka yang singkat dan bahasanya tidak terlalu sulit. Kalau mereka lihat bacaan yang panjang halamannya, mereka sudah malas. Jadi kalau bisa yang pendek, terus nanti mereka mencari main idea dari bacaan itu. Menurut ibu bagaimana penerapan KTSP itu sendiri untuk SMK? Ya itu sudah bagus karena guru lebih terjun sendiri, boleh mengembangkan sendiri, di luar kelaspun juga boleh. Mungkin anak lebih senang karena tidak monoton. Strategi apa yang bisa membantu siswa mencapai kompetensi mereka? Itu bagaimana ya, yang jelas saya pasti menyampaikan materi seperti yang sudah biasanya. Saya kasih contoh, dari sini apakah mereka sudah mengerti. Kalau mereka belum mengerti, saya jelaskan ini materi tentang ini, kemudian setelah saya jelaskan, saya kasih latihan soal terus mereka maju mengerjakan di depan kelas. Baru nanti setelah beberapa kali pertemuan kita adakan ulangan. Kita lihat hasilnya, kalau hasilnya bagus, baru nanti kita mulai ulangan yang kedua. Apakah bahasa Inggris untuk SMK itu juga membantu mereka untuk latihan tes TOEIC? Ya memang untuk anak SMK ya, karena mungkin syarat-syarat di beberapa perusahaan, mereka harus punya sertifikat TOEIC, jadi selain mereka punya keahlian di bidangnya masing-masing, mereka juga punya kemampuan lain seperti kemampuan bahasa Inggris. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 97 Untuk UAN juga ya bu? Ya untuk UAN jelas karena termasuk salah satu dalam tiga mata pelajaran dalam UAN. Baik bu, saya kira sudah cukup. Terima kasih. Sama-sama. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 98 Responden 4: Bu, sudah mengajar di SMKN 5 ini berapa tahun? OK. Saya mengajar di SMKN 5 ini ya kira-kira sekitar dua tahunan. Jadi mulainya tugas mengajar saya 1 Juni 2006, jadi hampir dua tahunan. Untuk kelas sepuluh mengajar berapa kelas bu? Jadi kita di sini tidak selalu istilahnya kalau mengajar kelas sepuluh, kelas sepuluh terus. Untuk tahun pertama itu saya lebih banyak mengajar kelas sebelas dan untuk tahun ini saya lebih kelas sepuluh dan itu empat kelas. Kelas Jewelry, Furniture, Desain Busana, dan Tekstil A. Untuk murid-murid kelas sepuluh yang ibu ajar tersebut, apakah mereka tertarik dengan pelajaran bahasa Inggris? Kalau misalnya kita istilahnya mengetahui ketertarikan mereka terhadap bahasa Inggris. Awal-awal saya memberi seperti apa mereka tertarik sama bahasa Inggris atau tidak. Kalau tertarik mengapa, kalau tidak mengapa. Pada umumnya mereka tertarik, tetapi pada umumnya juga mereka bilang bahasa Inggris itu susah. Mereka kadang-kadang kesusahan dengan materi. Jadi kita tidak tahu apakah mereka masih tetap tertarik atau tidak dengan bahasa Inggris. Apa yang menyebabkan mereka kurang tertarik? Kalau menurut saya ini tentang metode. Murid akan tertarik kalau menyampaikan materi jangan hanya menerangkan, jangan monoton itu-itu saja. Mungkin kadangkadang bagus kalau kita ngeset game. Tetapi saya pernah memakai game, pertamatama mereka tertarik tetapi itu membuat suasana kelas ramai, kalau bertetangga dengan kelas lainnya, kelas yang lain itu jadi merasa terganggu. Jadi saya berusaha memakai metode yang lebih bervariasi, film atau aktivitas luar. Itu membuat mereka tertarik. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 99 Apakah menurut ibu siswa-siswa di kelas ibu aktif, misalnya kalau mereka belum jelas, mereka bertanya, atau kalau ibu memberi pertanyaan, mereka menjawab? Kalau masalah keaktifan siswa, yang saya lihat, itu tergantung juga tingkat kedekatan kita dengan siswa. Kalau seumpama kita dekat dengan mereka, mereka tidak akan sungkan bertanya pada kita. Kalau seumpama gurunya galak, kalau mereka tidak bisa, ya mereka malas bertanya. Menurut saya, saya cukup dekat dengan siswa. Untuk keaktifan, menurut saya mereka cukup aktif, kalau katakanlah ada beberapa yang tidak aktif ya itu wajar saja. Secara umum mereka aktif. Ya kalau ada yang tidak aktif, ya saya yang mengopyak-opyak. Bagaimana kemampuan bahasa Inggris siswa-siswa kelas sepuluh di sekolah ini? Di sini kemampuan bahasa Inggrisnya biasa-biasa saja, ada yang berada di level yang benar-benar tidak tahu apa-apa, tetapi ada juga yang bisa dikatakan smart, tahu banyak, cepat menangkapnya, tetapi itu bisa dihitung dengan jari. Kalau secara keseluruhan ya di tengah-tengah, biasa-biasa saja, sedang. Kalau dibuat level bu? Ini sebenarnya yang mau menggolongkan siapa ya? Kalau yang mau menggolongkan kelas sepuluh SMK, ya untuk kelas sepuluh SMK levelnya novice, ya beginner. Jadi kelas yang ibu ajar di semuanya hamper di level yang sama? Ya. Apakah ibu memperhatikan cara belajar siswa? Cara belajar di mana? Di kelas atau di rumah? PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 100 Di kelas, mungkin? Belajar di kelas. Ya tentu saja. Kalau belajar di kelas ya pertama mereka mendengarkan terus praktek. Kalaupun ada anak yang tidak mengerti, saya putar kelas, tetapi sebenarnya anak yang itu-itu saja yang tidak bisa. Sejauh ini apakah siswa-siswa mengalami kesulitan dalam menerima dan mengerti pelajaran bahasa Inggris? Sebenarnya mengerti atau tidak, kadang-kadang bisa dilihat dari nilai ulangan, kalau banyak yang jelek, mungkin akan kembali ke kita, apa kita yang tidak bisa menerangkan. Tetapi ada juga anak yang nilainya bagus. Tetapi saya tidak bilang kalau saya bisa menerangkan. Tetapi sejauh ini ya lumayan yang bisa paham. Tetapi yang tidak paham itu juga ada. Kalau saya lihat ketidakpahaman itu, bukannya mereka tidak suka bahasa Inggris tetapi menganggap bahasa Inggris itu susah. Bukannya kalau tidak bisa, itu memperhatikan . Kalau tidak bisa, ya sudahlah. Jadi sepertinya seperti itu. Referensi atau materi-materi apa sajakah yang ibu gunakan dalam mengajar bahasa Inggris? Kalau saya lebih ke buku, buku-buku yang ada, yang saya punya, comot sana comot sini atau kadang-kadang dari internet. Tetapi saya jarang memakai media yang bervariasi. Keterbatasan saya dalam materi. Kalau untuk listening, cuma untuk kasetnya agak kesusahan jadi saya jarang menggunakan untuk listening. Kalau untuk listening lebih sering oral by mouth. Apakah ibu pernah menggunakan gambar-gambar, bola, obyek-obyek yang nyata? Belum pernah, belum. Apakah selama ini ibu mengalami kesulitan selama mengajar bahasa Inggris? Kesulitan dalam hal apa? PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 101 Mungkin dalam menyampaikan materi atau menangani kenakalan siswa? Mungkin kalau menyampaikan materi, saya berusaha sebisa saya, menggunakan bahasa yang mereka pahami, tetapi kalau soal kenakalan siswa, agak seh. Tetapi tidak bisa dibilang itu. Gimana ya, maksudnya saya menganggap kenakalan mereka masih bisa dibilang wajar-wajar saja. Strategi atau metode belajar apa saja yang sudah ibu terapkan selama ini? Role play mungkin? Role play. Belum pernah, saya jarang menggunakan, yang agak sering mungkin rolling dialogue untuk speaking. Itupun satu kelas. Kalau role play menurut saya ternyata wasting time. Kalau kita ingin membuat sesuatu menarik, tetapi ada efek negatifnya. Kalau satu kelompok maju, kelompok yang lain bukannya memperhatikan, malah asyik dengan urusannya sendiri-sendiri. Jadi kalau ingin membuat aktivitas seperti role play. Media yang saya gunakan, jujur untuk media saya masih sempit, sedikit. Jujur saya banyak memberi latihan. Kalau group discussion bagaimana bu? Group discussion. Ya saya pernah menggunakan, tetapi jarang. Apakah ”integrated materials” yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan empat kemampuan (listening, speaking, reading, writing) efektif dalam membantu siswa belajar bahasa Inggris? OK. Saya yakin itu sudah ada teorinya. Istilahnya integrated materials ya. Aktifitas yang menggabungkan empat skills. Masalah efektif atau tidak, itu kembali ke siswa. Seumpama ada siswa yang harus alon-alon sekali, jadi misalnya kalau alon-alon sekali mungkin itu agak kesusahan. Mungkin itu agak susah di speaking dan listeningnya, tetapi tetap bisa asalkan memang dibuat materi yang sesuai dengan kemampuan mereka, dibuat sesederhana mungkin. Tetapi masih mungkin. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 102 Rencana skripsi saya ingin membuat materi bahasa Inggris untuk SMKN 5 jurusan seni rupa, jadi mungkin untuk jurusan tekstil, keramik. Apakah itu memungkinkan? Kalau masalah itu sudah menyangkut ESP, kalau sebenarnya di sini skill bahasa Inggris, English for all skills. Tetapi alangkah bagusnya memang seperti itu, tetapi itu agak susah. Jadi kalau mbak mau buat yang seperti itu, ya bagus, kalau bisa, ya monggo, tetapi kalau untuk SMK lebih ke general English. Aktivitas atau materi seperti apa yang diperlukan untuk meningkatkan kompetensi siswa misal untuk listening? Untuk listening, soal-soal yang menyangkut UAN, TOEIC juga, tetapi listening lebih efektif di kelas dua belas. Tetapi kalau mau mencoba membuat untuk kelas sepuluh, ya materi yang efektif untuk kelas sepuluh, semisal materi kelas dua belas yang bisa digunakan untuk kelas sepuluh. Materi yang tidak monoton, mungkin yang bervariasi jadi seumpama di unit 1 lagu, di unit dua puisi. Kalau materi reading? Kalau untuk reading, bagusnya yang ada gambarnya. Jadi seumpama bacaan diberi gambarnya, seumpama kacang yang bisa ngomong. Tetapi harus disesuaikan dengan temanya atau kalau topiknya darah, ya dikasih gambar blood. Tetapi tidak usah semuanya, itu susah. Kalau untuk materi speaking? Kalau untuk yang speaking lebih ke role play. Bagus ya. Memperagakan dialog cuma ada ceritanya. Jadi mereka mempraktekkan role play. Mereka diberi situasi, kemudian mereka memperagakannya. Tetapi sebelumnya diberi contoh dulu. Silakan ini diberi dialog untuk role play, bagus-bagus saja. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 103 Rencana di materi saya ini meliputi empat kemampuan sekaligus, ditambah grammar, pronunciation. Mungkin pertama brainstorming, kemudian expressions, lalu ke grammar, kemudian exercise. Ya untuk exercise itu cuma evaluasi. Kalau exercise empat skills itu agak susah. Terutama untuk listening dan speaking. Untuk UAN kan speaking tidak ada. Ya minimal listening, reading, writing itu bisa, untuk speaking mungkin disendirikan. Untuk role-play disendirikan. Menurut ibu bagaimana penerapan KTSP itu sendiri untuk SMK? KTSP (Kate Siape). Sebenarnya KTSP, apakah ini sudah melaksanakan KTSP atau belum, saya tidak tahu. KTSP itu yang membuat sekolahnya sendiri-sendiri. Kita cuma dikasih kompetensi dasar yang sudah ada. Tetapi pada pelaksanaannya, kita harus melihat kemapuan siswa, kemauan siswa, students’ interest, students’ need, dan sebagainya. Tetapi itu agak sulit karena mereka sendiri tidak tahu kebutuhannya apa. Tetapi sebenarnya kita sudah punya kurikulum jadi. Menurut saya kita sudah berdasarkan KTSP. Apakah topik-topik yang ada dalam KTSP sudah mendukung kompetensi yang harus dicapai siswa? Menurut saya sudah amat sangat cukup sekali membuat mereka menguasai bahasa Inggris. Ya. Topik-topik itu sudah mendukung siswa dalam mencapai kompetensinya. Tetapi itu tergantung apakah siswa mau untuk mencapai kompetensi-kompetensi itu sendiri. Baik bu, saya kira sudah cukup. Terima kasih. Sama-sama. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 104 Responden 5: Bu, sudah mengajar di SMKN 5 ini berapa tahun? Lima tahun, jalan enam tahun. Untuk kelas sepuluh mengajar berapa kelas bu? Tiga kelas eh empat. Kelas Woodcraft, Logam A, Logam B, satu lagi....eh tiga kelas berarti. Jadi kelas-kelas tersebut mayoritasnya murid-muridnya laki-laki ya bu? Ya, laki-laki. Untuk murid-murid kelas sepuluh yang ibu ajar tersebut, apakah mereka tertarik dengan pelajaran bahasa Inggris? Kalau ditanya tidak, tidak tertarik. Apa yang menyebabkan mereka kurang tertarik? Mereka pikir itu tidak ada hubungannya dengan pelajaran mereka. Nanti kalau lulus cuma jadi tukang. Begitu mereka pikirannya. Jadi selama ini kalau ditanya ya seperti itu kenapa to susah-susah belajar bahasa Inggris sementara kita sebenarnya tidak penting-penting banget. Menghadapi situasi seperti itu, apa solusinya bu? Kalau saya jadi ingin membuat suatu materi yang menarik bagi mereka. Ternyata belajar itu tidak susah, saya banyak pakai game, jadi mereka itu merasa tidak belajar padahal sebenarnya belajar. Sebisa mungkin kalau terlalu tegang mereka semakin menarik diri, makin susah, sudah susah tidak dipakai. Jadi mereka tidak mau. Apakah ibu berusaha memotivasi mereka supaya mereka tertarik dengan bahasa Inggris? Ya setiap hari, setiap waktu bahwa bahasa Inggris itu penting bagi anda. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 105 Apakah menurut ibu siswa-siswa di kelas ibu aktif, misalnya kalau ibu memberi pertanyaan, mereka menjawab, kalau mereka belum jelas, mereka bertanya? Ya. Tetapi itu juga tergantung jam berapa saya mengajar. Kalau jam 1 2 3 4 mereka masih aktif, kalau sudah siang, pas ditanya, mereka jawab ”sudah jelas bu” ”sudah”, karena mau pulang to. Jadi motivasinya sudah jelas bukan karena sudah jelas, tetapi karena sudah mau pulang to. Bagaimana kemampuan bahasa Inggris siswa-siswa kelas sepuluh di sekolah ini? Kalau menurut saya levelnya masih SMP kelas dua atau kelas tiga. Kalau dibuat level bu? Novice level atau beginner. Jadi kelas yang ibu ajar, semuanya hampir di level yang sama? Kalau satu kelas sih paling satu dua levelnya sudah tinggi, kalau dihitung penguasaan katanya sudah 450 lebih, kalau untuk yang rata-rata ya cuma novice ini. Ketika mengajar di kelas, apakah ibu memperhatikan cara belajar siswa? Ya, ada yang anak bisa mendengar saja. Istilahnya dia tidak terlalu suka nulis, nulis tidak pernah tetapi dia paham, begitu mendengar dia sudah dong mungkin auditorynya, dengar saja sudah dong. Ada yang harus ditulis pake pola, macammacam, tidak sama satu dengan yang lain. Jadi ada anak yang seperti ini, lebih ke drill. Sejauh ini apakah siswa-siswa mengalami kesulitan dalam menerima dan mengerti pelajaran bahasa Inggris? Sepertinya kalau itu dimotivasi dengan bagus, dipacking dengan bagus, seumpamanya penguasaan kata kerja lampau, kalau mereka disuruh menghafalkan dengan model konservatif, mereka cenderung tidak mau. Kalau pakai domino, PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 106 challengenya besar. Kalau anak-anak saya, belajar seperti tidak belajar, itu malah masuk. Referensi atau materi-materi apa sajakah yang ibu gunakan dalam mengajar bahasa Inggris? Sebagian besar buku yang di perpustakaan, rekomendasi dari dinas. Karena di sana tidak ada buku-buku game saya sering mengadopsi dari buku-buku publishnya Longman, dan lain-lain. Jadi gamenya itu seperti ini. Saya banyak juga cari dari internet misalnya bagaimana to mengajar pronouns dalam bentuk game supaya anakanak tidak bosan. Ini ada tabel seperti ini dihafalkan, ini ada latihan soal, mereka sudah liat, langsung jawab ”ya” tapi sebenarnya tidak dong. Apakah selama ini ibu mengalami kesulitan selama mengajar bahasa Inggris? Selama ini kesulitannya cuma memotivasi anak. Kadang bagaimana lagi cara memotivasi anak, kita sudah membuat materi menurut kita menarik, menurut kita lucu, tetapi ketika dikasih ke anak, mereka tidak melihat lucunya dimana. Kita sudah capek-capek cari source, ini ada bacaan lucu banget, nanti kalau dibaca pasti lucu tetapi ternyata pas dibaca tidak lucu, lucunya dimana to bu? tidak dong. Seperti itu kan kita jadi gimana. Mungkin kita sudah berusaha maksimal tetapi karena ya memang muridnya macam-macam, ada satu dua yang dong cuma nyengir yang lainnya tidak dong, mau tertawa juga bingung karena tidak pada tertawa. Strategi atau metode belajar apa saja yang sudah ibu terapkan selama ini? Selama ini saya masih klasikal tentu, habis itu strategi paling masih memakai game. Kalau untuk materi speaking? Speakingnya masih conversation dan role play. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 107 Kalau untuk materi listening? Listening kalau saya memakai VCD atau audio visual seperti di Interchange ada movie lima menitan, setelah ditonton, terus saya kasih pertanyaan itu mereka jawab sendiri dari apa yang mereka tahu. Kalau untuk lagu-lagu bu? Untuk lagu belum pernah saya coba karena saya tidak punya kaset, untuk yang movie kebetulan saya koleksi jadi saya sering pakai tapi itupun bukan movie yang 120 menitan. Kalau untuk materi reading? Untuk reading yang pemahaman, tidak pernah saya suruh baca satu kalimat tetapi retell, saya kasih cerita ini tentang ini. Ketika mereka sudah catch meaningnya berarti dia sementara ini sudah dong walaupun tidak detail, tetapi dia itu tahu, cari aktornya siapa, sedang apa, ya skimming, lebih banyak mereka sekali baca dapat apa, tidak pernah per kata saya suruh artikan. Itu take time. Media apa saja yang sudah ibu gunakan dalam mengajar bahasa Inggris? Movie, printed materials, pictures, card. Kalau obyek-obyek, bu? Obyek-obyek bukan yang tiga dimensi tetapi lebih ke picture. Apakah ”integrated materials” yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan empat kemampuan (listening, speaking, reading, writing) efektif dalam membantu siswa mencapai kompetesinya? Harusnya kalau selama ini, guru kalau ada materi listening speaking, ada juga yang speaking saja tetapi kalau sudah integrated, berarti kan nyambung. Tetapi jumpingnya juga harus manis, kalau dari listening ke speaking harus bagaimana. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 108 Untuk urutannya sendiri? Kalau selama ini writing itu terakhir, karena mencakup semua. Reading yang kedua terakhir. Speaking yang pertama karena kita basicnya adalah communication jadi paling tidak encourage speaking itu nomor satu baru listening atau bisa dicombine, listening speaking jadi satu paket kan itu kan tidak bisa dipisahkan. Jadi anak lebih tahu gunanya seperti ini. Kalau untuk materi listening? Yang komunikatif, jadi yang ada di dunia mereka, kita selama ini kan tahunya bukubuku luar itu kan dunianya mereka, jarang kita melihat buku-buku dari dunia kita. Ini lho SMK itu seperti ini, apalagi buku untuk jurusan seni. Seringnya kita melihat jurusan pariwisata, jarang misalnya buku ini untuk jurusan ini misalnya cara membuat keramik. Aktivitas atau materi seperti apa yang diperlukan untuk meningkatkan kompetensi siswa misalnya untuk listening? Yang menantang, jadi jangan hanya ada contoh, ada kalimat, kalau bikin kalimat negatif itu seperti ini, tinggal ditambah not, tetapi jangan terlalu menantang juga, mereka tidak suka. Mungkin incomplete sentence, jadi ada option-optionnya, yang kedua baru mereka melengkapi incomplete sentence dengan kalimat mereka sendiri. Kalau untuk speaking? Kita cari tahu trendnya sekarang apa misalnya tentang fashion sekarang style ini atau style ini, jadi ada satu yang tidak membosankan misalnya ada gambar rambut punk terus ditempel picture di situ, mereka coba bikin kalimat dari gambar-gambar ini, jadi lebih visual ya, meskipun mereka tidak tahu bahasa inggrisnya tetapi mereka tahu maksudnya seperti ini, jadi mereka catch dulu meaningnya apa. Menurut ibu bagaimana penerapan KTSP itu sendiri untuk SMK? Selama KTSP ini, kita sudah membuat silabus, tetapi silabusnya juga masih model sih dan kita pernah coba membuat sendiri tetapi ternyata dari dinas itu tidak PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 109 tervalidasi. Jadi kita adopsi dari kurikulum pusat. Menurut saya kalau menurut KTSP, ya kita butuhnya anak-anak itu seperti ini kalau tidak mau seperti itu, ya integrated skills mereka butuhnya apa? Kalau speaking and listening ya sudah kita buat materi-materi itu. Apakah topik-topik yang ada dalam KTSP sudah mendukung kompetensi yang harus dicapai siswa? Sejauh yang saya tahu ya. Jadi kurikulum itu harus dikuasai siswa dalam satu tahun, kalau dalam KTSP ya siswanya itu butuh apa. Apa harapan ibu terhadap materi yang akan saya buat ini? Menarik, lebih visual, kalau integrated materials jumpingnya yang mulus, kalau misalnya bisa, tiap unitnya ada evalusinya jadi seperti one stop book. Baik bu, saya kira sudah cukup. Terima kasih. Sama-sama. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 110 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 111 QUESTIONNAIRE FOR ENGLISH LECTURERS AND ENGLISH TEACHERS As a participant of this research, you are expected to state your evaluation toward the designed materials, which are enclosed with the questionnaire. Participant’s identity Name : ……………………………. Sex : Male/ Female Educational Background : S1/ S2/ S3 Teaching Experiences : …. years. You are expected to choose one of the opinions by ticking ( ) the number which indicates your degree of agreement. The number and the degree of agreement can be categorized as follows: No. 1 : Strongly Disagree 2 : Disagree 3 : Doubt 4 : Agree 5 : Strongly Agree The lecturer’s/ teacher’s evaluation on …. Degree of Agreement 1 1. The major goals of the designed materials are well formulated. 2. The designed materials are able to meet the goals and objectives stated in the Curriculum at the School Level (KTSP). 3. Generally, the contents of the designed materials are well-elaborated. 2 3 4 5 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 112 4. The designed materials are relevant to the students’ knowledge and skills level. 5. The level of difficulty of the designed materials is appropriate with what should be given to the students. 6. The tasks or activities in each unit are relevant to the topic in each unit. 7. The tasks or activities in each unit are wellelaborated and can facilitate the students to achieve the goals and objectives. 8. The instruction in each task or activity in each unit is clear enough to be understood by the students. 9. The tasks or activities are interesting and various enough to motivate students to be more active. 10. The tasks and activities given can help the students to understand the lesson taught. 11. Generally, the pictures provided can help the students to understand the lesson more. 12. Generally, the designed materials will enable the students to master both oral and written English. Comments or opinions about the designed materials ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ Suggestions and criticism ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ Thank You PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 113 GAMBARAN UMUM I. Tujuan Pengajaran Ada dua tujuan pengajaran dari materi ini. Tujuan yang pertama adalah untuk meningkatkan kemampuan siswa dalam berkomunikasi menggunakan bahasa Inggris baik secara lisan maupun tertulis. Tujuan yang kedua dari penyusunan materi ini adalah untuk memberikan pilihan materi ataupun materi tambahan bahasa Inggris bagi guru-guru Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK). II. Materi dan Penyusunannya Materi ini disusun berdasarkan kurikulum yang diterapkan saat ini di SMKN 5 Yogyakarta yaitu Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP) tahun 2006. Oleh karena itu, materi ini menggunakan tema dan isi yang sesuai dengan kurikulum tersebut. Sebagai bahan tambahan, materi ini dibuat dan disusun dari buku-buku bahasa Inggris yang disesuaikan dengan isi materi. Materi pembelajaran bahasa Inggris untuk siswa SMK kelas sepuluh semester satu ini terdiri dari empat unit yang dirangkum sebagai berikut: Unit Judul 1 How are you? 2 What does she look like? 3 What is his nationality? 4 Could you help me? III. Pemahaman Materi Untuk membantu siswa menguasai bahasa Inggris baik secara lisan maupun tertulis maka materi ini terbagi menjadi dua bagian. Bagian pertama yaitu Oracy Cycle yang meliputi mendengarkan (Listening) dan berbicara (Speaking). Bagian kedua yaitu Literacy Cycle yang meliputi membaca (Reading) dan menulis (Writing). PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 114 Selain itu, aktivitas-aktivitas atau tugas-tugas yang diberikan dalam materi ini merupakan latihan-latihan yang dapat dikerjakan baik secara individu maupun berkelompok. Aktivitas-aktivitas tersebut antara lain sebagai berikut: a. Building Knowledge of the Field Ada beberapa bentuk aktivitas dari bagian ini, yaitu gambar-gambar, contoh dialog, pertanyaan untuk diskusi, dan pendiktean. Bagian ini bertujuan untuk memancing daya ingat siswa akan materi atau topik yang akan diberikan (brainstorming) sehingga memudahkan siswa memahami materi yang akan diajarkan. Selain itu, bagian ini memberikan penjelasan yang mendalam dari topiktopik yang diberikan dengan dilengkapi latihan-latihan baik secara lisan (melatih pelafalan) maupun tertulis. b. Modelling of the Text Dalam bagian ini, aktivitas yang diberikan berupa contoh-contoh dialog dan bacaan yang merupakan pemberian contoh bagi siswa dalam memahami suatu topik tertentu. Bagian ini memfasilitasi siswa dengan latihan-latihan secara lisan maupun tertulis. Hal ini dimaksudkan untuk mempermudah siswa mengerjakan aktivitas selanjutnya. c. Joint Construction of the Text Ada beberapa aktivitas dalam bagian ini, yaitu role playing, menyusun kalimatkalimat atau dialog yang masih acak menjadi sebuah dialog yang tepat. Melalui aktivitas tersebut, siswa diharapakan dapat mempraktekkan langsung materi yang sudah diajarkan. Bagian ini menyediakan latihan-latihan yang dapat dikerjakan siswa baik secara individu maupun berkelompok. d. Independent Construction of the Text Dalam bagian ini, aktivitas yang diberikan meliputi mempertunjukkan tugas yang diberikan, menjawab pertanyaan, dan presentasi di depan kelas. Aktivitasaktivitas yang diberikan memberikan kesempatan bagi siswa mempraktekan materi yang diajarkan secara individu. Bagian ini dapat dijadikan evaluasi untuk mengukur kemampuan siswa akan materi yang dapat mereka kuasai. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 115 GENERAL DESCRIPTION I. Objectives of the Study There are two objectives in this study. The first is to increase students’ ability in communicating both in spoken and written English. The second is to present another source of materials as references for the teachers of Vocational High Schools. II. Subject Content The materials were designed based on the current curriculum applied in SMKN 5 Yogyakarta that is the 2006 Edition of School-Based Curriculum. Therefore, the materials have the same content and theme as which were in the curriculum. As additional sources, the materials were arranged by adapting some English textbooks which were suitable with the content of the materials itself. This English material for the students of the tenth grade of Vocational High Schools in the first semester consists of four units as follows: Unit Judul 1 How are you? 2 What does she look like? 3 What is his nationality? 4 Could you help me? III. Materials Description To help students in mastering both oral and written English therefore these materials were divided into two main sections. First section is Oracy Cycle which focuses on Listening and Speaking skills. Second section is Literacy Cycle which focuses on Reading and Writing skills. Besides, the activities and tasks given in the PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 116 materials are in the form of exercises which can be done individually or in a group. The activities are as follows: a. Building Knowledge of the Field The activities involved in this part are in the form of images, sample of dialogues, some questions to discuss, and dictation. This part is aimed to brainstorm the students’ prior knowledge toward the topic given. It describes what the students already know about it. It enables the students to comprehend the lesson easier. Besides, this part is aimed to give the students deeper explanation of the topics. This part provides both oral and written (pronunciation) exercises. b. Modelling of the Text In this part, the activities involved are sample of dialogues and texts which are intended to provide examples for the students to comprehend particular topics. This part facilitates the students with oral and written practice. Besides, it is also aimed to enable the students to do the next activities in the next part. c. Joint Construction of the Text The activities involved in this part are in the form of role playing, arranging jumbled dialogue into a proper dialogue. By doing the activities, the students are expected to practice the topics learned. This part provides exercises which can be done individually or in a group. d. Independent Construction of the Text In this part, the activities involved in this part are performing a task, answering questions, and spoken presentation to class. The activities give chances for the students to practice the topics given individually. This part can be used as evaluation to measure the students’ achievement toward the materials learned. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 117 Syllabus of SMKN 5 Yogyakarta Lesson Plan The Designed Set of Materials PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 118 SYLLABUS A SET OF INTEGRATED MATERIALS FOR GRADE X STUDENTS OF THE APPLIED-FINE ART DEPARTMENT OF SMKN 5 YOGYAKARTA BASED ON THE 2006 EDITION OF SCHOOL-BASED CURRICULUM School : SMK Negeri 5 Yogyakarta Subject : English Grade :X Semester :1 Standard Competence : The students are able to communicate using English in Level Novice. Contact hours/meeting : 65 x 45’ PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 119 Unit : 1. How are you? BASIC INDICATORS MATERIALS COMPETENCE EVALUATION ACTIVITIES 1.1 At the end of the Greetings and Understanding lesson, the students are the TEACHING-LEARNING leave takings. Introducing transactional able to: and interpersonal - apply the expressions Thanking discourse used in of daily activities. leave and Apologizing takings Grammar Review greetings appropriately. - apply the expressions of introducing yourself and other people appropriately. - apply the expressions of thanking appropriately. - apply the expressions - Personal Pronoun - Simple Present Tense ALLOCATION Listening - About Written test: greetings, leave takings, introducing, thanking, apologizing information sentences - Arranging for information jumbled dialogues - Dictation Speaking - Practicing dialogues about greetings, leave takings, introducing, thanking, - Listening for - Completing and - Listening TIME and 10 x 45’ PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 120 of apologizing appropriately. - apply apologizing - Role playing personal dialogues about pronoun and simple greetings, leave present takings, introducing, tense appropriately. thanking, and apologizing - Telling oneself Reading - Reading for information - Short passages - Dialogues Writing - Completing passages - Making stories PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 121 Unit : 2. What does she look like? BASIC INDICATORS MATERIALS TEACHING-LEARNING COMPETENCE EVALUATION ACTIVITIES 1.2 At the end of the lesson, Adjectives Mentioning the students are able to: - Dictation things, people and - mention things and quality, size, - Listening characteristics, shape, age, words to describe time, day, month, origin, material and year. things according to its Profession, colours, shape, origin, Nationality size, materials, quality Adjectives showing physical and quantity (appearance), appropriately. non-physical - mention words describe according to people to the (characteristic) Nouns ALLOCATION Listening showing colours, showing Written test: - Listening for for information quality sentences objects, of and objects persons, nationalities, and time of the day. - Practicing dialogues - Role playing - Reading - Matching word - Describing people and professions, time, day, date, Reading month, year information - Completing Speaking - Naming TIME for things 12 x 45’ PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 122 profession, nationality, Grammar physical appearance, characteristic, quality, and activities information Review: - Short passages - Singular-Plural - Dialogues Nouns Writing - Completing passages with suitable words appropriately. - Arranging - mention time of the day, name of day/date, month, year appropriately. - apply singular-plural nouns appropriately. jumbled dialogues - Making stories PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 123 Unit : 3. What is his nationality? BASIC INDICATORS MATERIALS COMPETENCE Describing things, lesson, the students are people, time, day, month, Ordinal Numbers Adjectives of and able to: characteristics, EVALUATION ACTIVITIES At the end of the Cardinal and 1.3 TEACHING-LEARNING - use cardinal/ordinal numbers in several and year. Quality, Size, Shape, Age, Colour contexts Nationality, appropriately. - arrange describe Profession words to Adjective in Series things Description of Events according colours, to its Antonym/ shape, Synonym. ALLOCATION Listening Written test: - Dictation - Listening for - Listening for information people, sentences things, profession, - Telling responding questions numbers, to about size, appearance. jumbled - Describing event -Matching words numbers - Discussing - Arranging words and nationalities things based on physical origin, information - Completing Speaking - Describing TIME 21 x 45’ PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 124 materials, quality and quantity - Role playing dialogues - Practicing dialogues appropriately. - arrange - Retelling stories words describe to people Reading - Understanding and discussing passages. according to the profession, - Short passages - Dialogues nationality, physical Writing - Describing things appearance, - Arranging jumbled characteristic, quality, paragraphs. and - Writing paragraphs based on pictures. activities - Completing passages appropriately. - arrange words with suitable words to - Matching words PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 125 describe an event according to the time of the day, name of day/date, month, year appropriately. - apply antonym/ synonym appropriately. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 126 Unit : 4. Could you help me? BASIC INDICATORS MATERIALS COMPETENCE TEACHING-LEARNING ACTIVITIES 1.4 At the end of the lesson, Expressions of Producing the students are able to: Regrets and - Dictation interpersonal - apply the expressions Apologies - Listening utterances used for basic functions. EVALUATION of regrets and Expressions of Sympathy apologies Adjectives of appropriately. Feelings - apply the expressions Adjectives ‘– ing’ vs ‘–ed’ of sympathy Adjectives Set appropriately. Expressions - apply the adjectives of Subject-Verb feelings, adjectives ‘– ing’ vs ‘–ed’, and Agreement Expressions of Asking and ALLOCATION Listening Written test: - Listening for for information information - Completing Speaking dialogues/ sentences - Pronunciation - Arranging practice - Dialogue practice jumbled - In pairs, creating and dialogues practicing dialogues - Identifying dealing with regret incorrect and words apologies, sympathy, asking for and TIME giving information, offering 22 x 45’ PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 127 adjectives set Giving Permission expressions Grammar: appropriately. - apply Modals + subject- verb Auxiliary Expressions of agreement Commands and appropriately. Request - apply the expressions Expressions of of asking for and Offering Things and Services giving permission appropriately. commands - Role playing - Expressing feelings about certain events Reading - Reading and requests appropriately. - apply the expressions for information - Dialogues Writing - Completing dialogues - Rearranging jumbled dialogues - apply the expressions of things and services. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 128 of offering things and services appropriately. - apply modal auxiliary appropriately. + PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 129 LESSON PLAN Unit : 1. How are you? Topic : Greetings and Leave Takings Introducing Thanking Apologizing Grammar Review: - Personal Pronoun - Simple Present Tense Time Allocation : 10 x 45’ Basic Competence : Understanding the transactional and interpersonal discourse used in daily activities. Indicators : At the end of the lesson, the students are able to: 1. apply the expressions of greetings and leave takings appropriately. 2. apply the expressions of introducing yourself and other people appropriately. 3. apply the expressions of thanking appropriately. 4. apply the expressions of apologizing appropriately. 5. apply personal pronoun and simple present tense appropriately. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 130 Learning Strategy : Meeting 1 Time Allocation : 2 x 45’ Learning Strategy Teacher’s Activities Time Students’ Activities Allocation Pre-Activity: Pre-Activity: 1. Greeting the students. 1. Greeting the teacher. 1’ 2. Reviewing previous materials. 2. Answering the teacher’s questions. 3’ ORACY CYCLE ORACY CYCLE Building Knowledge of the Field Building Knowledge of the Field 3. Introducing and defining the new topic by giving 3. Discussing some questions (TASK 1). 2’ warming-up (TASK 1). Whilst-Activity: Whilst-Activity: 4. Giving explanation about Greetings and Leave 4. Listening to the teacher’s explanation. 7’ Repeating the teacher’s pronunciation. 7’ Listening to the teacher’s explanation. 7’ Takings. 5. Giving correct pronunciation of some expressions 5. used in Greetings and Leave Takings. 6. Giving explanation about Introducing Yourself and 6. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 131 Other People. 7. Giving correct pronunciation of some expressions 7. Repeating the teacher’s pronunciation. 7’ Repeating the teacher’s example (TASK 2). 9’ Practicing the dialogues in TASK 2 in groups. 9’ used in Introducing Yourself and Other People. 8. Reading the dialogues in TASK 2. 8. 9. Monitoring the students while practicing the 9. dialogues in TASK 2 in groups. 10. Giving explanation about Thanking. 10. Listening to the teacher’s explanation. 7’ 11. Giving correct pronunciation of some expressions 11. Repeating the teacher’s pronunciation. 7’ used in Thanking. 12. Reading the dialogues in TASK 3. 12. Repeating the teacher’s example (TASK 3). 9’ 13. Monitoring the students while practicing the 13. Practicing the dialogues in TASK 3 in pairs. 9’ dialogues in TASK 3 in pairs. Post-Activity: Post-Activity: 14. Concluding today’s activities. 14. Answering the teacher’s questions. 3’ 15. Giving homework. 15. Listening to the teacher’s explanation. 1’ 16. Previewing the next meeting’s materials. 16. Listening to the teacher’s explanation. 1’ 17. Closing. 17. Closing. 1’ PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 132 Meeting 2 Time Allocation : 2 x 45’ Learning Strategy Teacher’s Activities Time Students’ Activities Allocation Pre-Activity: Pre-Activity: 1. Greeting the students. 1. Greeting the teacher. 1’ 2. Reviewing previous materials. 2. Answering the teacher’s questions. 3’ 3. Previewing today’s materials. 3. Listening to the teacher’s explanation. 2’ Whilst-Activity: Whilst-Activity: 4. Giving explanation about Apologizing. 4. Listening to the teacher’s explanation. 7’ 5. Giving correct pronunciation of some expressions 5. Repeating the teacher’s pronunciation. 7’ 6. Repeating the teacher’s example (TASK 4). 4’ 7. Monitoring the students while practicing the 7. Practicing the dialogue in TASK 4 in pairs. 4’ used in Apologizing. 6. Reading the dialogue in TASK 4. dialogue in TASK 4 in pairs. Modelling of the Text Modelling of the Text 8. Reading the dialogues in TASK 5. 8. Listening to the teacher’s example (TASK 5). 9’ 9. Monitoring the students while practicing the 9. Practicing the dialogues in TASK 5 in groups. 9’ PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 133 dialogue in TASK 5 in groups. 10. Playing the recording in TASK 6 three times. 10. Listening to the recording in TASK 6 carefully and (The script of the listening can be seen in the 5’ making some notes what the speaker says. Teacher’s Manual) 11. Asking some questions based on the recording in 11. Answering the questions in TASK 6. 3’ TASK 6. Joint Construction of the Text Joint Construction of the Text 12. Monitoring the students while doing TASK 7 in 12. Doing TASK 7 in pairs. 15’ 13. Performing TASK 7 in front of the class. 15’ pairs. 13. Selecting who will perform TASK 7 in front of the class and giving brief feedback toward the students’ performances Post-Activity: Post-Activity: 14. Concluding today’s activities. 14. Answering the teacher’s questions. 3’ 15. Giving homework. 15. Listening to the teacher’s explanation. 1’ 16. Previewing the next meeting’s materials. 16. Listening to the teacher’s explanation. 1’ 17. Closing. 17. Closing. 1’ PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 134 Meeting 3 Time Allocation : 2 x 45’ Learning Strategy Teacher’s Activities Time Students’ Activities Allocation Pre-Activity: Pre-Activity: 1. Greeting the students. 1. Greeting the teacher. 1’ 2. Reviewing previous materials. 2. Answering the teacher’s questions. 3’ 3. Previewing today’s materials. 3. Listening to the teacher’s explanation. 2’ Whilst-Activity: Whilst-Activity: Independent Construction of the Text Independent Construction of the Text 4. Monitoring the students while doing TASK 8 4. Doing TASK 8 individually. 8’ 5. Performing TASK 8 in front of the class. 8’ individually. 5. Selecting who will perform TASK 8 in front of the class and giving brief feedback toward the students’ performances. LITERACY CYCLE LITERACY CYCLE Building Knowledge of the Field Building Knowledge of the Field 6. Giving explanation about Simple Present Tense. 6. Listening to the teacher’s explanation. 14’ PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 135 7. Monitoring the students while doing TASK 1. 7. Doing TASK 1 individually. 6’ 8. Discussing TASK 1 in the class. 8. Discussing TASK 1. 6’ 9. Giving explanation about Personal Pronouns. 9. Listening to the teacher’s explanation. 20’ 10. Monitoring the students while doing TASK 2. 10. Doing TASK 2 individually. 8’ 11. Discussing TASK 2 in the class. 11. Discussing TASK 2. 8’ Post-Activity: Post-Activity: 12. Concluding today’s materials. 12. Answering the teacher’s questions. 3’ 13. Giving homework. 13. Listening to the teacher’s explanation. 1’ 14. Previewing the next meeting. 14. Listening to the teacher’s explanation. 1’ 15. Closing. 15. Closing. 1’ PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 136 Meeting 4 Time Allocation : 2 x 45’ Learning Strategy Teacher’s Activities Time Students’ Activities Allocation Pre-Activity: Pre-Activity: 1. Greeting the students. 1. Greeting the teacher. 1’ 2. Reviewing previous materials. 2. Answering the teacher’s questions. 3’ 3. Previewing today’s materials. 3. Listening to the teacher’s explanation. 2’ Whilst-Activity: Whilst-Activity: Modelling of the Text Modelling of the Text 4. Asking the students to read the paragraph in TASK 3 4. Reading the paragraph in TASK 3 and underlining and underline the verbs of Simple Present Tense. 15’ the verbs of Simple Present Tense. 5. Asking some questions based on the paragraph in 5. Answering the questions in TASK 3. 8’ TASK 3. 6. Discussing the questions in TASK 3 in the class. 6. Discussing the questions in TASK 3 Joint Construction of the Text Joint Construction of the Text 7. Monitoring the students while doing TASK 4 7. Doing TASK 4 individually. individually. 8’ 15’ PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 137 8. Asking the students to share their work with their 8. Sharing their work with their friends. 10’ friends. Independent Construction of the Text Independent Construction of the Text 9. Monitoring the students while doing TASK 5 9. Doing TASK 5 individually. 10’ individually. 10. Asking the students to share their work with their 10. Sharing their work with their friends. 10’ friends. Post-Activity: Post-Activity: 11. Concluding the whole materials in Unit 1. 11. Answering the teacher’s questions. 5’ 12. Giving homework. 12. Listening to the teacher’s explanation. 1’ 13. Previewing the next meeting. 13. Listening to the teacher’s explanation. 1’ 14. Closing. 14. Closing. 1’ PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 138 Meeting 5 Evaluation (Test) Time Allocation : 2 x 45’ PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 139 Unit : 2. What does she look like? Topic : Adjectives showing colours, quality, size, shape, age, origin, material Profession, Nationality Adjectives showing physical (appearance), non-physical (characteristic) Nouns showing time, day, date, month, year Grammar Review: - Singular-Plural Nouns Time Allocation : 12 x 45’ Basic Competence : Mentioning things, people and characteristics, time, day, month, and year. Indicators : At the end of the lesson, the students are able to: 1. mention things and words to describe things according to its colours, shape, origin, size, materials, quality and quantity appropriately. 2. mention words to describe people according to the profession, nationality, physical appearance, characteristic, quality, and activities appropriately. 3. mention time of the day, name of day/date, month, year appropriately. 4. apply singular-plural nouns appropriately. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 140 Learning Strategy : Meeting 1 Time Allocation : 2 x 45’ Learning Strategy Teacher’s Activities Time Students’ Activities Allocation Pre-Activity: Pre-Activity: 1. Greeting the students. 1. Greeting the teacher. 1’ 2. Reviewing previous materials. 2. Answering the teacher’s questions. 3’ ORACY CYCLE ORACY CYCLE Building Knowledge of the Field Building Knowledge of the Field 3.Introducing and defining the new topic by giving 3. Describing the picture in TASK 1. 2’ warming-up (TASK 1). Whilst-Activity: Whilst-Activity: 4. Giving explanation about Describing People: physical 4. Listening to the teacher’s explanation. 15’ (appearance), non-physical (characteristic). 5. Giving correct pronunciation of some words used in 5. Repeating the teacher’s pronunciation. 15’ Describing People. 6. Reading the dialogues in TASK 2. 6. Repeating the teacher’s example (TASK 2). 6’ PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 141 7. Monitoring the students while practicing the 7. Practicing the dialogues in TASK 2 in pairs. 6’ dialogues in TASK 2 in pairs. 8. Playing the recording in TASK 3 three times. (The script of the listening can be seen in the 8. Listening to the recording in TASK 3 carefully and 10’ making some notes what the speaker says. Teacher’s Manual). 9. Asking some questions based on the recording in 9. Answering the questions in TASK 3. 6’ TASK 3. 10. Monitoring the students while doing TASK 4. 10. Doing TASK 4. 10’ 11. Discussing TASK 4 in the class. 11. Discussing TASK 4. 10’ Post-Activity: Post-Activity: 12. Concluding today’s activities. 12. Answering the teacher’s questions. 3’ 13. Giving homework. 13. Listening to the teacher’s explanation. 1’ 14. Previewing the next meeting’s materials. 14. Listening to the teacher’s explanation. 1’ 15. Closing. 15. Closing. 1’ PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 142 Meeting 2 Time Allocation : 2 x 45’ Learning Strategy Teacher’s Activities Time Students’ Activities Allocation Pre-Activity: Pre-Activity: 1. Greeting the students. 1. Greeting the teacher. 1’ 2. Reviewing previous materials. 2. Answering the teacher’s questions. 3’ 3. Previewing today’s materials. 3. Listening to the teacher’s explanation. 2’ Whilst-Activity: Whilst-Activity: 4. Giving explanation about Nationalities. 4. Listening to the teacher’s explanation. 10’ 5. Giving correct pronunciation of the countries, people 5. Repeating the teacher’s pronunciation. 10’ and their languages. 6. Monitoring the students while doing TASK 5 in pairs. 6. Doing TASK 5 in pairs. 15’ Modelling of the Text Modelling of the Text 7. Reading the dialogue in TASK 6. 7. Repeating the teacher’s example (TASK 6). 9’ 8. Monitoring the students while practicing the dialogue 8. Practicing the dialogues in TASK 6 in pairs. 9’ in TASK 6 in pairs. 9. Asking some questions based on the dialogue in 9. Answering the questions in TASK 6. 5’ PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 143 TASK 6. Joint Construction of the Text Joint Construction of the Text 10. Monitoring the students while doing TASK 7 in 10. Doing TASK 7 in pairs. 10’ 11. Performing TASK 7 in front of the class. 10’ pairs. 11. Selecting who will perform TASK 7 in front of the class and giving brief feedback toward the students’ performances. Post-Activity: Post-Activity: 12. Concluding today’s activities. 12. Answering the teacher’s questions. 3’ 13. Giving homework. 13. Listening to the teacher’s explanation. 1’ 14. Previewing the next meeting’s materials. 14. Listening to the teacher’s explanation. 1’ 15. Closing. 15. Closing. 1’ PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 144 Meeting 3 Time Allocation : 2 x 45’ Learning Strategy Teacher’s Activities Time Students’ Activities Allocation Pre-Activity: Pre-Activity: 1. Greeting the students. 1. Greeting the teacher. 1’ 2. Reviewing previous materials. 2. Answering the teacher’s questions. 3’ 3. Previewing today’s materials. 3. Listening to the teacher’s explanation. 2’ Whilst-Activity: Whilst-Activity: Independent Construction of the Text Independent Construction of the Text 4. Monitoring the students while doing TASK 8 4. Doing TASK 8 individually. 8’ 5. Performing TASK 8 in front of the class. 8’ individually. 5. Selecting who will perform TASK 8 in front of the class and giving brief feedback toward the students’ performances. LITERACY CYCLE LITERACY CYCLE Building Knowledge of the Field Building Knowledge of the Field 6. Giving explanation about Adjectives. 6. Listening to the teacher’s explanation. 6’ PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 145 7. Reading the words in TASK 1 and discussing TASK 1 in the class. 7. Repeating the teacher’s example and discussing 8’ TASK 1. 8. Monitoring the students while doing TASK 2. 8. Doing TASK 2 individually. 10’ 9. Discussing TASK 2 in the class. 9. Discussing TASK 2. 10’ 10. Giving explanation about Describing Things. 10. Listening to the teacher’s explanation. 10’ 11. Monitoring the students while doing TASK 3. 11. Doing TASK 3. 9’ 12. Discussing TASK 3 in the class. 12. Discussing TASK 3. 9’ Post-Activity: Post-Activity: 13. Concluding today’s materials. 13. Answering the teacher’s questions. 3’ 14. Giving homework. 14. Listening to the teacher’s explanation. 1’ 15. Previewing the next meeting. 15. Listening to the teacher’s explanation. 1’ 16. Closing. 16. Closing. 1’ PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 146 Meeting 4 Time Allocation : 2 x 45’ Learning Strategy Teacher’s Activities Pre-Activity: Time Students’ Activities Allocation Pre-Activity: 1. Greeting the students. 1. Greeting the teacher. 1’ 2. Reviewing previous materials. 2. Answering the teacher’s questions. 3’ 3. Previewing today’s materials. 3. Listening to the teacher’s explanation. 2’ Whilst-Activity: Whilst-Activity: 4. Giving Explanation about Professions. 4. Listening to the teacher’s explanation. 5’ 5. Monitoring the students while doing TASK 4. 5. Doing TASK 4. 5’ 6. Discussing TASK 4 in the class. 6. Discussing TASK 4. 5’ 7. Monitoring the students while doing TASK 5. 7. Doing TASK 5. 5’ 8. Discussing TASK 5 in the class. 8. Discussing TASK 5. 5’ 9. Giving explanation about Time, Day, and Month. 9. Listening to the teacher’s explanation. 5’ 10. Monitoring the students while doing TASK 6. 10. Doing TASK 6. 3’ 11. Discussing TASK 6 in the class. 11. Discussing TASK 6. 3’ 12. Reading the dialogue in TASK 7. 12. Repeating the teacher’s example (TASK 7). 4’ 13. Monitoring the students while practicing the 13. Practicing the dialogue in TASK 7 in pairs. 4’ PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 147 dialogue in TASK 7 in pairs. 14. Monitoring the students while doing TASK 8. 14. Doing TASK 8. 4’ 15. Discussing the questions in TASK 8 in the class. 15. Discussing the questions in TASK 8. 4’ 16. Giving explanation about Singular-Plural Nouns. 16. Listening to the teacher’s explanation. 20’ 17. Monitoring the students while doing TASK 9. 17. Doing TASK 9. 3’ 18. Discussing TASK 9 in the class. 18. Discussing TASK 9. 3’ Post-Activity: Post-Activity: 19. Concluding today’s materials. 19. Answering the teacher’s questions. 3’ 20. Giving homework. 20. Listening to the teacher’s explanation. 1’ 21. Previewing the next meeting. 21. Listening to the teacher’s explanation. 1’ 22. Closing. 22. Closing. 1’ PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 148 Meeting 5 Time Allocation : 2 x 45’ Learning Strategy Teacher’s Activities Pre-Activity: Time Students’ Activities Allocation Pre-Activity: 1. Greeting the students. 1. Greeting the teacher. 1’ 2. Reviewing previous materials. 2. Answering the teacher’s questions. 3’ 3. Previewing today’s materials. 3. Listening to the teacher’s explanation. 2’ Whilst-Activity: Whilst-Activity: 4. Giving correct pronunciation of Singular-Plural Nouns. 4. Repeating the teacher’s example. 10’ 5. Monitoring the students while doing TASK 10. 5. Doing TASK 10. 10’ 6. Discussing TASK 10 in the class. 6. Discussing TASK 10. 8’ Modelling of the Text Modelling of the Text 7. Asking the students to read the paragraph in TASK 11. 7. Reading the paragraph in TASK 11. 10’ 8. Asking some questions based on the paragraph in TASK 8. Answering the questions in TASK 11. 5’ 9. Discussing the questions in TASK 11. 5’ 11. 9. Discussing the questions in TASK 11 in the class. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 149 Joint Construction of the Text 10. Monitoring the students Joint Construction of the Text while doing TASK 12 10. Doing TASK 12 individually. 8’ individually. 11. Asking the students to share their work with their friends. 11. Sharing their work with their friends. Independent Construction of the Text Independent Construction of the Text 12. Monitoring 10’ the students while doing TASK 5’ 13 12. Doing TASK 13 individually. 5’ individually. 13. Asking the students to share their work with their friends. 13. Sharing their work with their friends. Post-Activity: Post-Activity: 14. Concluding the whole materials in Unit 2. 14. Answering the teacher’s questions. 5’ 15. Giving homework. 15. Listening to the teacher’s explanation. 1’ 16. Previewing the next meeting. 16. Listening to the teacher’s explanation. 1’ 17. Closing. 17. Closing. 1’ PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 150 Meeting 6 Evaluation (Test) Time Allocation : 2 x 45’ PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 151 Unit : 3. What is his nationality? Topic : Cardinal and Ordinal Numbers Adjectives of Quality, Size, Shape, Age, Colour Nationality, Profession Adjectives in Series Description of Events Antonym/ Synonym Time Allocation : 21 x 45’ Basic Competence : Describing things, people, and characteristics, time, day, month, and year. Indicators : At the end of the lesson, the students are able to: 1. use cardinal/ordinal numbers in several contexts appropriately. 2. arrange words to describe things according to its colours, shape, origin, size, materials, quality and quantity appropriately. 3. arrange words to describe people according to the profession, nationality, physical appearance, characteristic, quality, and activities appropriately. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 152 4. arrange words to describe an event according to the time of the day, name of day/date, month, year appropriately. 5. apply antonym/ synonym appropriately. Learning Strategy : Meeting 1 Time Allocation : 2 x 45’ Learning Strategy Teacher’s Activities Time Students’ Activities Allocation Pre-Activity: Pre-Activity: 1. Greeting the students. 1. Greeting the teacher. 1’ 2. Reviewing previous materials. 2. Answering the teacher’s questions. 3’ ORACY CYCLE ORACY CYCLE Building Knowledge of the Field Building Knowledge of the Field 3. Introducing and defining the new topic by giving 3. Describing the picture in TASK 1. 2’ warming-up (TASK 1). Whilst-Activity: Whilst-Activity: 4. Giving explanation about Cardinal Numbers. 4. Listening to the teacher’s explanation. 10’ PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 153 5. Giving correct pronunciation of Cardinal Numbers. 5. Repeating the teacher’s pronunciation. 10’ 6. Playing the recording in TASK 2. 6. Listening to the recording in TASK 2 carefully and 9’ (The script of the listening can be seen in the writing the numbers down. Teacher’s Manual) 7. Discussing TASK 2 in the class. 7. Discussing TASK 2. 9’ 8. Playing the recording in TASK 3. 8. Listening to the recording in TASK 3 carefully and 5’ (The script of the listening can be seen in the circling the numbers in the box. Teacher’s Manual) 9. Discussing TASK 3 in the class. 9. Discussing TASK 3. 5’ 10. Giving explanation in TASK 4. 10. Listening to the teacher’s explanation. 10’ 11. Monitoring the students while answering the 11. Answering the questions in TASK 4. 10’ questions in TASK 4. 12. Discussing the questions in TASK 4 in the class. 12. Discussing the questions in TASK 4. 10’ Post-Activity: Post-Activity: 13. Concluding today’s activities. 13. Answering the teacher’s questions. 3’ 14. Giving homework. 14. Listening to the teacher’s explanation. 1’ 15. Previewing the next meeting’s materials. 15. Listening to the teacher’s explanation. 1’ 16. Closing. 16. Closing. 1’ PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 154 Meeting 2 Time Allocation : 2 x 45’ Learning Strategy Teacher’s Activities Time Students’ Activities Allocation Pre-Activity: Pre-Activity: 1. Greeting the students. 1. Greeting the teacher. 1’ 2. Reviewing previous materials. 2. Answering the teacher’s questions. 3’ 3. Previewing today’s materials. 3. Listening to the teacher’s explanation. 2’ Whilst-Activity: Whilst-Activity: 4. Giving explanation about Ordinal Numbers. 4. Listening to the teacher’s explanation. 10’ 5. Giving correct pronunciation of Ordinal Numbers. 5. Repeating the teacher’s pronunciation. 10’ 6. Monitoring the students while answering the 6.Answering the questions in TASK 5 10’ questions in TASK 5. 7. Discussing TASK 5 in the class. 7. Discussing TASK 5. 10’ 8. Reviewing the lesson about Nationality in Unit 2. 8. Listening to the teacher’s explanation. 6’ 9. Giving explanation about Nationality. 9. Listening to the teacher’s explanation. 10’ 10. Reading the dialogue in TASK 6. 10. Repeating the teacher’s example (TASK 6). 8’ 11. Monitoring the students while practicing the 11. Practicing the dialogue in TASK 6 in pairs. 8’ dialogue in TASK 6 in pairs. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 155 12. Asking some questions based on the dialogue in 12. Answering the questions in TASK 6. 6’ TASK 6. Post-Activity: Post-Activity: 13. Concluding today’s activities. 13. Answering the teacher’s questions. 3’ 14. Giving homework. 14. Listening to the teacher’s explanation. 1’ 15. Previewing the next meeting’s materials. 15. Listening to the teacher’s explanation. 1’ 16. Closing. 16. Closing. 1’ PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 156 Meeting 3 Time Allocation : 2 x 45’ Learning Strategy Teacher’s Activities Time Students’ Activities Allocation Pre-Activity: Pre-Activity: 1. Greeting the students. 1. Greeting the teacher. 1’ 2. Reviewing previous materials. 2. Answering the teacher’s questions. 3’ 3. Previewing today’s materials. 3. Listening to the teacher’s explanation. 2’ Whilst-Activity: Whilst-Activity: 4. Giving explanation about Description of Events. 4. Listening to the teacher’s explanation. 10’ 5. Reading the dialogue in TASK 7. 5. Repeating the teacher’s example (TASK 7). 15’ 6. Monitoring the students while practicing the dialogue 6. Practicing the dialogue in TASK 7 in pairs. 15’ 7. Monitoring the students while doing TASK 8 in pairs. 7. Doing TASK 8 in pairs. 15’ 8. Reading the dialogue in TASK 9. 8. Repeating the teacher’s example (TASK 9). 10’ 9. Monitoring the students while practicing the dialogue 9. Practicing the dialogues in TASK 9 in pairs. 10’ 10. Answering the questions in TASK 9. 8’ in TASK 7 in pairs. in TASK 9 in pairs. 10. Asking some questions based on the dialogue in TASK 9. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 157 Post-Activity: Post-Activity: 11. Concluding today’s materials. 11. Answering the teacher’s questions. 3’ 12. Giving homework. 12. Listening to the teacher’s explanation. 1’ 13. Previewing the next meeting. 13. Listening to the teacher’s explanation. 1’ 14. Closing. 14. Closing. 1’ PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 158 Meeting 4 Time Allocation : 2 x 45’ Learning Strategy Teacher’s Activities Pre-Activity: Time Students’ Activities Allocation Pre-Activity: 1. Greeting the students. 1. Greeting the teacher. 1’ 2. Reviewing previous materials. 2. Answering the teacher’s questions. 3’ 3. Previewing today’s materials. 3. Listening to the teacher’s explanation. 2’ Whilst-Activity: Whilst-Activity: Modelling of the Text Modelling of the Text 4. Reading the dialogue in TASK 10. 4. Repeating the teacher’s example (TASK 10). 5. Monitoring the students while practicing the dialogue 5. Practicing the dialogue in TASK 10. 15’ 15’ in TASK 10 in pairs. Joint Construction of the Text Joint Construction of the Text 6.Monitoring the students while doing TASK 11 in 6. Doing TASK 11 in pairs. 25’ 7. Performing TASK 11 in front of the class. 23’ pairs. 7.Selecting who will perform TASK 11 in front of the class and giving brief feedback toward the students’ PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 159 performances. Post-Activity: Post-Activity: 8. Concluding today’s materials. 8. Answering the teacher’s questions. 3’ 9. Giving homework. 9. Listening to the teacher’s explanation. 1’ 10. Previewing the next meeting. 10. Listening to the teacher’s explanation. 1’ 11. Closing. 11. Closing. 1’ PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 160 Meeting 5 Time Allocation : 2 x 45’ Learning Strategy Teacher’s Activities Time Students’ Activities Allocation Pre-Activity: Pre-Activity: 1. Greeting the students. 1. Greeting the teacher. 1’ 2. Reviewing previous materials. 2. Answering the teacher’s questions. 3’ 3. Previewing today’s materials. 3. Listening to the teacher’s explanation. 2’ Whilst-Activity: Whilst-Activity: Independent Construction of the Text Independent Construction of the Text 4. Monitoring the students while doing TASK 12 4. Doing TASK 12 individually. 15’ individually. 5. Selecting who will perform TASK 12 in front of the 5. Performing TASK 12 in front of the class. 15’ class and giving brief feedback toward the students’ performances. LITERACY CYCLE LITERACY CYCLE 18’ Building Knowledge of the Field Building Knowledge of the Field 15’ 6. Giving explanation about Simple Past Tense. 6. Listening to the teacher’s explanation. 15’ PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 161 7. Monitoring the students while doing TASK 1. 7. Doing TASK 1 individually. 8. Discussing TASK 1 in the class. 8. Discussing TASK 1. Post-Activity: Post-Activity: 9. Concluding today’s materials. 9. Answering the teacher’s questions. 3’ 10. Giving homework. 10. Listening to the teacher’s explanation. 1’ 11. Previewing the next meeting. 11. Listening to the teacher’s explanation. 1’ 12. Closing. 12. Closing. 1’ PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 162 Meeting 6 Time Allocation : 2 x 45’ Learning Strategy Teacher’s Activities Time Students’ Activities Allocation Pre-Activity: Pre-Activity: 1. Greeting the students. 1. Greeting the teacher. 1’ 2. Reviewing previous materials. 2. Answering the teacher’s questions. 3’ 3. Previewing today’s materials. 3. Listening to the teacher’s explanation. 2’ Whilst-Activity: Whilst-Activity: 4. Reviewing the lesson about Professions in Unit 2. 4. Listening to the teacher’s explanation. 7’ 5. Reading the words in TASK 2. 5. Repeating the teacher’s example (TASK 2). 8’ 6. Monitoring the students while doing TASK 2. 6. Doing TASK 2 individually. 15’ 7. Discussing TASK 2 in the class. 7. Discussing TASK 2. 12’ 8. Monitoring the students while doing TASK 3. 8. Doing TASK 3 individually. 8’ 9. Discussing TASK 3 in the class. 9. Discussing TASK 3. 8’ 10. Reading the dialogue in TASK 4. 10. Repeating the teacher’s example (TASK 4). 7’ 11. Monitoring the students while practicing the dialogue in 11. Practicing the dialogue in TASK 4 in pairs. 7’ 12. Discussing TASK 4. 6’ TASK 4 in pairs. 12. Discussing the questions in TASK 4 in the class. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 163 Post-Activity: Post-Activity: 13. Concluding today’s materials. 13. Answering the teacher’s questions. 3’ 14. Giving homework. 14. Listening to the teacher’s explanation. 1’ 15. Previewing the next meeting. 15. Listening to the teacher’s explanation. 1’ 16. Closing. 16. Closing. 1’ PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 164 Meeting 7 Time Allocation : 2 x 45’ Learning Strategy Teacher’s Activities Time Students’ Activities Allocation Pre-Activity: Pre-Activity: 1. Greeting the students. 1. Greeting the teacher. 1’ 2. Reviewing previous materials. 2. Answering the teacher’s questions. 3’ 3. Previewing today’s materials. 3. Listening to the teacher’s explanation. 2’ Whilst-Activity: Whilst-Activity: 4. Giving explanation about Antonym. 4. Listening to the teacher’s explanation. 10’ 5. Monitoring the students while doing TASK 5. 5. Doing TASK 5. 14’ 6. Discussing TASK 5 in the class. 6. Discussing TASK 5. 15’ 7. Giving explanation about Synonym. 7. Listening to the teacher’s explanation. 10’ 8. Monitoring the students while doing TASK 6. 8. Doing TASK 6. 14’ 9. Discussing TASK 6 in the class. 9. Discussing TASK 6. 15’ Post-Activity: Post-Activity: 10. Concluding today’s materials. 10. Answering the teacher’s questions. 3’ 11. Giving homework. 11. Listening to the teacher’s explanation. 1’ PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 165 12. Previewing the next meeting. 12. Listening to the teacher’s explanation. 1’ 13. Closing. 13. Closing. 1’ PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 166 Meeting 8 Time Allocation : 2 x 45’ Learning Strategy Teacher’s Activities Time Students’ Activities Allocation Pre-Activity: Pre-Activity: 1. Greeting the students. 1. Greeting the teacher. 1’ 2. Reviewing previous materials. 2. Answering the teacher’s questions. 3’ 3. Previewing today’s materials. 3. Listening to the teacher’s explanation. 2’ Whilst-Activity: Whilst-Activity: 4.Giving explanation about Adjectives in Series. 4. Listening to the teacher’s explanation. 30’ 5.Monitoring the students while doing TASK 7. 5. Doing TASK 7 individually. 20’ 6.Discussing TASK 7 in the class. 6. Discussing TASK 7. 15’ 7.Monitoring the students while doing TASK 8. 7. Doing TASK 8 individually. 13’ Post-Activity: Post-Activity: 8. Concluding today’s materials. 8. Answering the teacher’s questions. 3’ 9. Giving homework. 9. Listening to the teacher’s explanation. 1’ 10. Previewing the next meeting. 10. Listening to the teacher’s explanation. 1’ 11. Closing. 11. Closing. 1’ PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 167 Meeting 9 Time Allocation : 2 x 45’ Learning Strategy Teacher’s Activities Time Students’ Activities Allocation Pre-Activity: Pre-Activity: 1. Greeting the students. 1. Greeting the teacher. 1’ 2. Reviewing previous materials. 2. Answering the teacher’s questions. 3’ 3. Previewing today’s materials. 3. Listening to the teacher’s explanation. 2’ Whilst-Activity: Whilst-Activity: 4. Discussing TASK 8 in the class. 4. Discussing TASK 8. Modelling of the Text Modelling of the Text 5. Asking the students to read the paragraph in TASK 9 and 5. Reading the paragraph in TASK 9 and underline the verbs of Simple Past Tense. 6. Asking some questions based on the paragraph in TASK 10’ 15’ underlining the verbs of Simple Past Tense. 6. Answering the questions in TASK 9. 10’ 7. Discussing the questions in TASK 9 in the class. 7. Discussing the questions in TASK 9. 8’ 8. Asking the students to fill in the blanks, and underline the 8. Filling the blanks and underlining the verbs of 15’ 9. verbs of Simple Past Tense. Simple Past Tense. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 168 9. Discussing TASK 10 in the class. 9. Discussing TASK 10. 10’ 10. Asking the students to read the paragraph in TASK 10. 10. Reading the paragraph in TASK 10. 10’ Post-Activity: Post-Activity: 11. Concluding today’s materials. 11. Answering the teacher’s questions. 3’ 12. Giving homework. 12. Listening to the teacher’s explanation. 1’ 13. Previewing the next meeting. 13. Listening to the teacher’s explanation. 1’ 14. Closing. 14. Closing. 1’ PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 169 Meeting 10 Time Allocation : 1 x 45’ Learning Strategy Teacher’s Activities Time Students’ Activities Allocation Pre-Activity: Pre-Activity: 1. Greeting the students. 1. Greeting the teacher. 1’ 2. Reviewing previous materials. 2. Answering the teacher’s questions. 3’ 3. Previewing today’s materials. 3. Listening to the teacher’s explanation. 2’ Whilst-Activity: Whilst-Activity: Joint Construction of the Text Joint Construction of the Text 4. Monitoring the students while doing TASK 11 4. Doing TASK 11 individually. 12’ individually. 5. Asking the students to share their work with their 5. Sharing their work with their friends. 8’ friends. Independent Construction of the Text Independent Construction of the Text 6. Monitoring the students while doing TASK 12 6. Doing TASK 12 individually. 6’ individually. 7. Asking the students to share their work with their friends. 7. Sharing their work with their friends. 5’ PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 170 Post-Activity: Post-Activity: 8. Concluding the whole materials in Unit 3. 8. Answering the teacher’s questions. 5’ 9. Giving homework. 9. Listening to the teacher’s explanation. 1’ 10. Previewing the next meeting. 10. Listening to the teacher’s explanation. 1’ 11. Closing. 11. Closing. 1’ PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 171 Meeting 11 Evaluation (Test) Time Allocation : 2 x 45’ PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 172 Unit : 4. Could you help me? Topic : Expressions of Regrets and Apologies Expressions of Sympathy Adjectives of feelings Adjectives ‘–ing’ vs ‘–ed’ Adjectives set expressions Subject-Verb Agreement Expressions of Asking and Giving Permission Grammar: Modals + Auxiliary Expressions of Commands and Requests Expressions of Offering Things and Services Time Allocation : 22 x 45’ Basic Competence : Producing interpersonal utterances used for basic functions. Indicators : At the end of the lesson, the students are able to: 1. apply the expressions of regrets and apologies appropriately. 2. apply the expressions of sympathy appropriately. 3. apply the adjectives of feelings, adjectives ‘–ing’ vs ‘–ed’, and adjectives set expressions appropriately. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 173 4. apply subject- verb agreement appropriately. 5. apply the expressions of asking for and giving permission appropriately. 6. apply the expressions of commands and requests appropriately. 7. apply the expressions of offering things and services appropriately. 8. apply modal + auxiliary appropriately. Learning Strategy : Meeting 1 Time Allocation : 2 x 45’ Learning Strategy Teacher’s Activities Time Students’ Activities Allocation Pre-Activity: Pre-Activity: 1. Greeting the students. 1. Greeting the teacher. 1’ 2. Reviewing previous materials. 2. Answering the teacher’s questions. 3’ ORACY CYCLE ORACY CYCLE Building Knowledge of the Field Building Knowledge of the Field 3. Introducing and defining the new topic by giving 3. Describing the picture in TASK 1. 2’ PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 174 warming-up (TASK 1). Whilst-Activity: Whilst-Activity: 4. Giving explanation about Regret and Apologies. 4. Listening to the teacher’s explanation. 10’ 5. Giving correct pronunciation of some expressions 5. Repeating the teacher’s pronunciation. 10’ used in Regret and Apologies. 6. Reading the dialogues in TASK 2. 6. Repeating the teacher’s example (TASK 2). 10’ 7. Monitoring the students while practicing the 7. Practicing the dialogues in TASK 2 in pairs. 10’ dialogues in TASK 2 in pairs. 8. Giving explanation about Sympathy. 8. Listening to the teacher’s explanation. 9’ 9. Giving correct pronunciation of some expressions 9. Repeating the teacher’s pronunciation. 9’ used in Sympathy. 10. Reading the dialogues in TASK 3. 10. Repeating the teacher’s example (TASK 3). 10’ 11. Monitoring the students while practicing the 11. Practicing the dialogues in TASK 3 in pairs. 10’ dialogues in TASK 3 in pairs. Post-Activity: Post-Activity: 12. Concluding today’s activities. 12. Answering the teacher’s questions. 3’ 13. Giving homework. 13. Listening to the teacher’s explanation. 1’ 14. Previewing the next meeting’s materials. 14. Listening to the teacher’s explanation. 1’ 15. Closing. 15. Closing. 1’ PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 175 Meeting 2 Time Allocation : 2 x 45’ Learning Strategy Teacher’s Activities Time Students’ Activities Allocation Pre-Activity: Pre-Activity: 1. Greeting the students. 1. Greeting the teacher. 1’ 2. Reviewing previous materials. 2. Answering the teacher’s questions. 3’ 3. Previewing today’s materials. 3. Listening to the teacher’s explanation. 2’ Whilst-Activity: Whilst-Activity: 4. Giving explanation about Asking For and Giving 4. Listening to the teacher’s explanation. 10’ 5. Repeating the teacher’s pronunciation. 10’ 6. Reading the dialogue in TASK 4 6. Repeating the teacher’s example (TASK 4). 9’ 7. Monitoring the students while practicing the dialogue 7. Practicing the dialogue in TASK 4 in pairs. 9’ 8. Giving explanation about Commands and Requests. 8. Listening to the teacher’s explanation. 10’ 9. Giving correct pronunciation of some expressions 9. Repeating the teacher’s pronunciation. 10’ Permission. 5. Giving correct pronunciation of some expressions used in Asking For and Giving Permission. in TASK 4 in pairs. used in Commands and Requests. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 176 10. Reading the dialogue in TASK 5. 10. Repeating the teacher’s example (TASK 5). 10’ 11. Monitoring the students while practicing the 11. Practicing the dialogue in TASK 5 in pairs. 10’ dialogue in TASK 5 in pairs. Post-Activity: Post-Activity: 12. Concluding today’s activities. 12. Answering the teacher’s questions. 3’ 13. Giving homework. 13 Listening to the teacher’s explanation. 1’ 14. Previewing the next meeting’s materials. 14. Listening to the teacher’s explanation. 1’ 15. Closing. 15. Closing. 1’ PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 177 Meeting 3 Time Allocation : 2 x 45’ Learning Strategy Teacher’s Activities Time Students’ Activities Allocation Pre-Activity: Pre-Activity: 1. Greeting the students. 1. Greeting the teacher. 1’ 2. Reviewing previous materials. 2. Answering the teacher’s questions. 3’ 3. Previewing today’s materials. 3. Listening to the teacher’s explanation. 2’ Whilst-Activity: Whilst-Activity: 4.Giving explanation about Offering Things and 4. Listening to the teacher’s explanation. 10’ 5.Giving correct pronunciation of some expressions 5. Repeating the teacher’s pronunciation. 10’ Services used in Offering Things and Services 6. Reading the dialogue in TASK 6. 6. Repeating the teacher’s example (TASK 6). 13’ 7. Monitoring the students while practicing the dialogue 7. Practicing the dialogue in TASK 6 in pairs. 13’ in TASK 6 in pairs. 8. Playing the recording in TASK 7 three times. (The script of the listening can be seen in the Teacher’s Manual) 8. Listening to the recording carefully and filling the table in TASK 7. 16’ PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 178 9. Discussing TASK 7 in the class. 9. Discussing TASK 7. 16’ Post-Activity: Post-Activity: 10. Concluding today’s materials. 10. Answering the teacher’s questions. 3’ 11. Giving homework. 11. Listening to the teacher’s explanation. 1’ 12. Previewing the next meeting. 12. Listening to the teacher’s explanation. 1’ 13. Closing. 13. Closing. 1’ PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 179 Meeting 4 Time Allocation : 2 x 45’ Learning Strategy Teacher’s Activities Pre-Activity: Time Students’ Activities Allocation Pre-Activity: 1. Greeting the students. 1. Greeting the teacher. 1’ 2. Reviewing previous materials. 2. Answering the teacher’s questions. 3’ 3. Previewing today’s materials. 3. Listening to the teacher’s explanation. 2’ Whilst-Activity: Whilst-Activity: Modelling of the Text Modelling of the Text 4. Reading the dialogue in TASK 8. 4. Repeating the teacher’s example (TASK 8). 15’ 5. Monitoring the students while practicing the dialogue 5. Practicing the dialogues in TASK 8 in pairs. 15’ in TASK 8 in pairs. Joint Construction of the Text Joint Construction of the Text 6. Monitoring the students while doing TASK 9 in pairs. 6. Doing TASK 9 in pairs. 30’ 7. Selecting who will perform TASK 9 in front of the 7.Performing TASK 9 in front of the class. 18’ class and giving brief feedback toward the students’ performances. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 180 Post-Activity: Post-Activity: 8. Concluding today’s materials. 8. Answering the teacher’s questions. 3’ 9. Giving homework. 9. Listening to the teacher’s explanation. 1’ 10. Previewing the next meeting. 10. Listening to the teacher’s explanation. 1’ 11. Closing. 11. Closing. 1’ PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 181 Meeting 5 Time Allocation : 2 x 45’ Learning Strategy Teacher’s Activities Time Students’ Activities Allocation Pre-Activity: Pre-Activity: 1. Greeting the students. 1. Greeting the teacher. 1’ 2. Reviewing previous materials. 2. Answering the teacher’s questions. 3’ 3. Previewing today’s materials. 3. Listening to the teacher’s explanation. 2’ Whilst-Activity: Whilst-Activity: Independent Construction of the Text Independent Construction of the Text 4. Monitoring the students while doing TASK 10 4. Doing TASK 10 individually. 10’ 5. Performing TASK 10 in front of the class. 8’ individually. 5. Selecting who will perform TASK 10 in front of the class and giving brief feedback toward the students’ performances LITERACY CYCLE LITERACY CYCLE Building Knowledge of the Field Building Knowledge of the Field 6. Giving explanation about Adjectives. 6. Listening to the teacher’s explanation. 10’ PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 182 7. Reading the words in TASK 1 and discussing TASK 1 in 7. Repeating the teacher’s example (TASK 1) and the class. 10’ discussing TASK 1. 8. Monitoring the students while doing TASK 2. 8. Doing TASK 2 individually. 15’ 9. Discussing TASK 2 in the class. 9. Discussing TASK 2. 10’ 10. Giving explanation about Adjectives of Feelings. 10. Listening to the teacher’s explanation. 15’ Post-Activity: Post-Activity: 11. Concluding today’s materials. 11. Answering the teacher’s questions. 3’ 12. Giving homework. 12. Listening to the teacher’s explanation. 1’ 13. Previewing the next meeting. 13. Listening to the teacher’s explanation. 1’ 14. Closing. 14. Closing. 1’ PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 183 Meeting 6 Time Allocation : 2 x 45’ Learning Strategy Teacher’s Activities Time Students’ Activities Allocation Pre-Activity: Pre-Activity: 1. Greeting the students. 1. Greeting the teacher. 1’ 2. Reviewing previous materials. 2. Answering the teacher’s questions. 3’ 3. Previewing today’s materials. 3. Listening to the teacher’s explanation. 2’ Whilst-Activity: Whilst-Activity: 4. Monitoring the students while doing TASK 3. 4. Doing TASK 3 individually. 15’ 5. Discussing TASK 3 in the class. 5. Discussing TASK 3. 13’ 6. Giving explanation about Adjectives –ing vs, -ed. 6. Listening to the teacher’s explanation. 20’ 7. Monitoring the students while doing TASK 4. 7. Doing TASK 4 individually. 15’ 8. Discussing TASK 4 in the class. 8. Discussing TASK 4. 15’ Post-Activity: Post-Activity: 9. Concluding today’s materials. 9. Answering the teacher’s questions. 3’ 10. Giving homework. 10. Listening to the teacher’s explanation. 1’ 11. Previewing the next meeting. 11. Listening to the teacher’s explanation. 1’ PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 184 12. Closing. 12. Closing. 1’ PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 185 Meeting 7 Time Allocation : 2 x 45’ Learning Strategy Teacher’s Activities Time Students’ Activities Allocation Pre-Activity: Pre-Activity: 1. Greeting the students. 1. Greeting the teacher. 1’ 2. Reviewing previous materials. 2. Answering the teacher’s questions. 3’ 3. Previewing today’s materials. 3. Listening to the teacher’s explanation. 2’ Whilst-Activity: Whilst-Activity: 4. Giving explanation about Adjectives Set Expressions. 4. Listening to the teacher’s explanation. 25’ 5. Monitoring the students while doing TASK 5. 5. Doing TASK 5 individually. 15’ 6. Discussing TASK 5 in the class. 6. Discussing TASK 5. 14’ 7. Monitoring the students while doing TASK 6. 7. Doing TASK 6 individually. 12’ 8. Discussing TASK 6 in the class. 8. Discussing TASK 6. 12’ Post-Activity: Post-Activity: 9. Concluding today’s materials. 9. Answering the teacher’s questions. 3’ 10. Giving homework. 10. Listening to the teacher’s explanation. 1’ 11. Previewing the next meeting. 11 Listening to the teacher’s explanation. 1’ PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 186 12. Closing. 12. Closing. 1’ PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 187 Meeting 8 Time Allocation : 2 x 45’ Learning Strategy Teacher’s Activities Time Students’ Activities Allocation Pre-Activity: Pre-Activity: 1. Greeting the students. 1. Greeting the teacher. 1’ 2. Reviewing previous materials. 2. Answering the teacher’s questions. 3’ 3. Previewing today’s materials. 3. Listening to the teacher’s explanation. 2’ Whilst-Activity: Whilst-Activity: 4. Giving explanation about Modal Auxiliaries. 4. Listening to the teacher’s explanation. 18’ 5. Monitoring the students while doing TASK 7. 5. Doing TASK 7 individually. 15’ 6. Discussing TASK 7 in the class. 6. Discussing TASK 7. 15’ 7. Giving explanation about Subject-Verb Agreement. 7. Listening to the teacher’s explanation. 30’ Post-Activity: Post-Activity: 8. Concluding today’s materials. 8. Answering the teacher’s questions. 3’ 9. Giving homework. 9. Listening to the teacher’s explanation. 1’ 10. Previewing the next meeting. 10 Listening to the teacher’s explanation. 1’ 11. Closing. 11. Closing. 1’ PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 188 Meeting 9 Time Allocation : 2 x 45’ Learning Strategy Teacher’s Activities Time Students’ Activities Allocation Pre-Activity: Pre-Activity: 1. Greeting the students. 1. Greeting the teacher. 1’ 2. Reviewing previous materials. 2. Answering the teacher’s questions. 3’ 3. Previewing today’s materials. 3. Listening to the teacher’s explanation. 2’ Whilst-Activity: Whilst-Activity: 4. Giving explanation about Subject-Verb Agreement. 4. Listening to the teacher’s explanation. 15’ 5. Monitoring the students while doing TASK 8. 5. Doing TASK 8 individually. 15’ 6. Discussing TASK 8 in the class. 6. Discussing TASK 8. 12’ Modelling of the Text Modelling of the Text 7. Asking the students to read the paragraph in TASK 9 and 7.Reading the paragraph in TASK 9and underlining underline the sentences that express someone’s feelings. 8. Asking some questions based on the paragraph in TASK 20’ the sentences that express someone’s feelings 8. Answering the questions in TASK 9. 8’ 9. Discussing the questions in TASK 9. 8’ 9. 9. Discussing the questions in TASK 9 in the class. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 189 Post-Activity: Post-Activity: 10. Concluding today’s materials. 10. Answering the teacher’s questions. 3’ 11. Giving homework. 11. Listening to the teacher’s explanation. 1’ 12. Previewing the next meeting. 12 Listening to the teacher’s explanation. 1’ 13. Closing. 13. Closing. 1’ PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 190 Meeting 10 Time Allocation : 2 x 45’ Learning Strategy Teacher’s Activities Time Students’ Activities Allocation Pre-Activity: Pre-Activity: 1. Greeting the students. 1. Greeting the teacher. 1’ 2. Reviewing previous materials. 2. Answering the teacher’s questions. 3’ 3. Previewing today’s materials. 3. Listening to the teacher’s explanation. 2’ Whilst-Activity: Whilst-Activity: Joint Construction of the Text Joint Construction of the Text 4. Monitoring the students while doing TASK 10 4. Doing TASK 10 individually. 10’ individually. 5. Asking the students to share their work with their friends. 5. Sharing their work with their friends. 6. Selecting who will perform TASK 10 in front of the class 6. Performing TASK 10 in front of the class. and giving brief feedback toward the 10’ 15’ students’ performances Independent Construction of the Text Independent Construction of the Text 7. Monitoring the students while doing TASK 11 7. Doing TASK 11 individually. 15’ PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 191 individually. 8. Asking the students to share their work with their friends. 8. Sharing their work with their friends. 15’ Post-Activity: Post-Activity: 9. Concluding the whole materials in Unit 1- 4. 9. Answering the teacher’s questions. 15’ 10. Giving homework. 10. Listening to the teacher’s explanation. 1’ 11. Previewing the next meeting. 11 Listening to the teacher’s explanation. 2’ 12. Closing. 12. Closing. 1’ PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 192 Meeting 11 Evaluation (Test) Time Allocation : 2 x 45’ PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI COMMUNICATIVE ENGLISH FOR GRADE X STUDENTS OF THE APPLIED-FINE ART DEPARTMENT OF SMKN 5 YOGYAKARTA VONNY INDRIAWATI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PREFACE This book was designed for grade X students of the applied-fine art department of SMKN 5 Yogyakarta. The materials in this book are intended to increase students’ ability in communicating using English and to present another source of materials as references for the English teachers of SMKN 5 Yogyakarta. The materials were designed based on the 2006 Edition of School-Based Curriculum. This book is divided into two parts- student’s book and evaluation. In the student’s book, the materials consist of four units. Each unit is divided into two main sections. First section is Oracy Cycle which focuses on Listening and Speaking skills. Second section is Literacy Cycle which focuses on Reading and Writing skills. Each cycle consists of four main activities: 1) Building Knowledge of the Field. It is aimed to brainstorm the students’ prior knowledge toward the topic given. It describes what the students already know about it. It enables the students to comprehend the lesson easier. Besides, this part is aimed to give the students deeper explanation of the topics. 2) Modelling of the Text. It is intended to provide examples for the students to comprehend particular topics. Besides, it is also aimed to enable the students to do the next activities in the next part. 3) Joint Construction of the Text. This part enables the students to practice the topics learned. 4) Independent Construction of the Text. It gives chances for the students to practice the topics given individually. This part can be used as evaluation to measure the students’ achievement toward the materials learned. Besides, the evaluation provides the measurement toward the students’ achievement for each unit in this book. I hope you enjoy applying the exercises and activities in this book. I would be happy to receive any comments that you might like to share with me. Vonny Indriawati PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI TABLE OF CONTENTS PREFACE …………………………………………………………… i STUDENT’S BOOK UNIT 1: HOW ARE YOU? ....……………………………..….……. 1 UNIT 2: WHAT DOES SHE LOOK LIKE? …………...……………. 16 UNIT 3: WHAT IS HIS NATIONALITY? ….. ……...……………… 38 UNIT 4: COULD YOU HELP ME? ..……………………………….. 60 EVALUATION UNIT 1: HOW ARE YOU? .…....………………………….……….... 81 UNIT 2: WHAT DOES SHE LOOK LIKE? ………………………… 84 UNIT 3: WHAT IS HIS NATIONALITY? ….. ……...……………… 88 UNIT 4: COULD YOU HELP ME? ..……………………………….. 91 TEACHER’S MANUAL ……………………………………………. 96 BIBLIOGRAPHY …………………….……………………….........134 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 1 Building Knowledge of the Field TASK 1 Look at the picture and then answer the questions. Questions: 2. What are they doing? 3. Do you think they know each other? 4. What do you think they say to each other? Picture is taken from Clip Art. GREETINGS What would you say to greet someone? Listen to your teacher. Repeat after him/her. Practice your pronunciation. GREETINGS RESPONSES Good morning/ afternoon/ evening. Good morning/ afternoon/ evening. Hi, Bill. Hi, Mary. Hello, Sam. Hello, Jim. How are you? Fine, thanks. How is life? Pretty well, thanks. How are you doing? Not bad. 1 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI LEAVE TAKINGS What would you say to leave someone? Listen to your teacher. Repeat after him/her. Practice your pronunciation. LEAVE TAKINGS RESPONSES Goodbye, Kevin. Goodbye, Steve. I’m afraid I have to leave. Thank you for coming. This is fun, but I must go now. See you again. I’ve really got to go. OK. See you. See you later. See you. Time and expressions: + Good morning (0:00 p.m. until 12:00 a.m.) Good night (9:00 p.m. until 0:00 p.m.) + Good afternoon (12:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m.) Good night (time to go bed) Good evening (6:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m.) Good bye (departing) Pictures are taken from http://images.search.yahoo.com// 2 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI INTRODUCING YOURSELF What would you say to introduce yourself? Listen to your teacher. Repeat after him/her. Practice your pronunciation. INTRODUCING YOURSELF RESPONSES I’d like to introduce myself. My name is Valen. Nice to meet you. I’m Christi. Let me introduce myself. My name is Zee. Glad to meet you. I’m Wiby. Allow me to introduce myself. I’m Sonia. Nice to meet you. I’m Dandy. May I introduce my name? I’m Reina. Pleased to meet you. I’m Joy. Hello. I’m Shelomita. How do you do? I’m Ferly. Hi. I’m Hyacintha. What’s your name? Hi. I’m Clarinta. INTRODUCING OTHER PEOPLE What would you say to introduce other people? Listen to your teacher. Repeat after him/her. Practice your pronunciation. INTRODUCING OTHER PEOPLE RESPONSE A RESPONSE B I’d like to introduce Sandra Kirana. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you. I’d like you to meet Angelia. Pleased to meet you. Pleased to meet you. I’d like you to meet Ludwina. Glad to meet you. The pleasure is mine. Please meet Rosita Mayasari. How do you do? How do you do? This is Robert Juan. Hi. Hi. 3 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI TASK 2 Listen to your teacher. Repeat after him/her. Practice the dialogues with your friends. Dialogue 1 Marshel : Hi, I’m Marshel. Nice to meet you. Bernard : Hi, Marshel. Nice to meet you too. Marshel : What’s your name? Bernard : I’m Bernard. Marshel : How do you spell it? Bernard : B E R N A R D. Marshel : Where are you from, Bernard? Bernard : I’m from Magelang. And you? Marshel : I’m native. Bernard : I see. Dialogue 2 Sandra : Hi Ted, I’d like to introduce Angelia. Angelia, this is Teddy. Teddy : Pleased to meet you, Angel. Angelia : Pleased to meet you too, Ted. Teddy : Where do you come from? Angelia : I come from Sumatra. Sandra : This is fun, but we must go now. Bye. Teddy : Bye. See you. 4 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI THANKING What would you say to thank someone? Listen to your teacher. Repeat after him/her. Practice your pronunciation. THANKING RESPONSES Thank you. You’re welcome. Thanks a lot. Don’t mention it. Thanks. Forget it. Thanks a million. Sure. Thank you very much. It was my pleasure. Thank you so much for helping me. Don’t worry about it. I’m very grateful for lending me a computer. Thank you just the same. In general, people thank someone: for a gift for a compliment and a wish of success for a favor for an invitation for an offer of help for services TASK 3 Listen to your teacher. Repeat after him/her. Practice the dialogues with your friend. Dialogue 1 Peter : Happy Birthday, Bella! Bella : Thank you for coming. Peter : And….this is for you. I hope you like it. Bella : Wow….it’s beautiful! Thank you very much, indeed! Peter : You’re welcome. 5 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Dialogue 2 Willy : Hi, Rona. You look so busy. Rona : Yes, you’re right. I have to move these tables and chairs. Willy : May I help you? Rona : Sure, thanks. Dialogue 3 Agung : Can you come over for dinner on Saturday? Nila : Oh, I’d love to, but I’ve got an appointment at seven. Sorry. Agung : It’s okay. We’ll do it some other time. Nila : Thanks. APOLOGIZING What would you say to apologize? Listen to your teacher. Repeat after him/her. Practice your pronunciation. APOLOGIZING RESPONSES I’m sorry for disturbing you. That’s OK. Sorry for disturbing you. That’s quite all right. I apologize for my being late. Don’t worry about it. I’d like to apologize for my being late. No problem. Please accept my apologies for disturbing you. Forget it. I’m terribly sorry about that. No big deal. Please forgive me. It’s OK. 6 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI TASK 4 Listen to your teacher. Repeat after him/her. Practice the dialogue with your friend. Andri : Good morning, Sir. Mr. Luki : Good morning, Andri. Andri : I’m sorry for my being late, Sir. Mr. Luki : Why did you come late today? Andri : I got up late this morning. Mr. Luki : OK. That’s all right for this time. But, starting tomorrow, you mustn’t be late. Andri 2 : I won’t, Sir. Modelling of the Text TASK 5 Close your book and listen to your teacher. Then open your book and practice the dialogues with your friends. Mind your pronunciation and intonation. Dialogue 1 Bagus : Hi. I’m Bagus. Marin : Hi, Bagus. I’m Marin. Bagus : Are you from Jakarta? Marin : Yes, I am. And you? Bagus : I am from Semarang. 7 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Dialogue 2 Suzanne : Good morning, Sir. Mr. Heru : Good morning. I’m Mr. Heru. What’s your name? Suzanne : I’m Suzanne, Sir. Mr. Heru : S U S A N, right? Suzanne : No, Sir. SUZANNE. Mr. Heru : Oh! Nice to meet you, Suzanne. Suzanne : Nice to meet you too, Mr. Heru. Dialogue 3 Albert : Suzanne, meet Marin, my sister. Marin, this is my new friend, Suzanne. Suzanne : Hi, Marin. Pleased to meet you. Marin : Hi, Suzanne. Pleased to meet you too. TASK 6 Listen to the recording carefully. Make some notes, and then answer the questions. The recording will be played three times. …………………………………………… …………………………………………… …………………………………………… …………………………………………… …………………………………………… …………………………………………… …………………………………………… Picture is taken from Clip Art. 8 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Questions: 1. What is the name of the speaker? 2. What is the speaker’s nick name? 3. How old is the speaker? 4. Where does the speaker live? 5. What is the speaker’s occupation? Joint Construction of the Text 3 TASK 7 Work in pairs. Read the situations below. Make dialogues based on the situations. Then perform the dialogues in front of the class. 1. You meet your headmaster at 7.00 a.m. What would you say to greet him/ her? 2. You want to go to bed at night. What would you say to your parents? 3. You have a new classmate. How would you introduce yourself to him/her? 4. You have a new friend. You want to introduce your friend to your mother. What would you say? 5. You lost your money in the schoolyard. One of your friends found it and returned it to you. What would you say? How would your friend respond to it? 4 Independent Construction of the Text TASK 8 Introduce yourself in front of the class. Then, introduce your friend sitting next to you to the class. 9 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Building Knowledge of the Field 1 SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE Let’s study the Simple Present Tense. Understand the pattern and the explanation. Read the examples. 1. I go to school at 6.30 o’ clock. 2. She does not like coffee. 3. Do they come to your house? Functions: 1. To express activities or situations that occurs now. 2. To express habitual action (routine). 3. To express general truth (facts). Pattern: 1. Positive form Pattern A Pattern B S + to be (am/ is/ are) + …….. I am You We S + V1 (s/ es) + …….. I You are We They They He He She It is V1 She It 10 V1 (s/ es) PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 2. Negative form Pattern A S + to be (am/ is/ are) + not + ….. Pattern B S + do/ does + not + V1 + … 3. Interrogative form Pattern A To be (am/ is/ are) + S + …..? Pattern B Do/ Does + S + V1 +…? Time signal: always, generally, usually, often, regularly, sometimes, nowadays, every …… TASK 1 Complete the sentences using simple present tense of the verbs in brackets. 1. I _________ tea for breakfast. (usually, drink) 2. Nora _________ a TV in the evening. (watch) 3. The sun _________ in the east. (rise) 4. They _________ farmers. (be, not) 5. _________ Marshel and Mischa happy? (be) 6. Dina _________ lunch with her family every day. (usually, have) 7. Mrs. Sally _________ a teacher. (be) 8. _________ your grandfather angry? (be) 9. She _________ to the bank every Monday. (always, go) 10. Ferdy _________ a singer. (be, not) 11 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PERSONAL PRONOUNS A pronoun is used in place of a noun. It refers to a noun. I, he, she, it, we, you, and they are personal pronouns as subject pronouns. Now, read the sentences below. 1. Hi, I am Bagas. This is my sister, Dina. She is a student. 2. This is Krisna. He is my cousin. 3. Look at those girls! They are my classmates. 4. We are students of SMK Negeri 5 Yogyakarta. Me, him, her, it, us, you, and them are personal pronouns as object pronouns. Now, read the sentences below. 5. My grandmother gives me some money. 6. We choose you as a leader. 7. Mrs. Sinta told you to go to the library. 8. Look at Tika! Her parents love her so much. 9. Mr. Burhan is a wise man. I like him. 10. My father buys a hamster. He puts it in a cage. 11. We love basketball. Dedy wants us to join his team. 12. The students are in the laboratory. Mr. Seto asks them to do an experiment. 12 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI My, his, her, its, our, your, and their are personal pronouns as possessive adjectives. Possessive adjectives are followed immediately by a noun. They do not stand alone. Mine, his, hers, its, ours, yours, and theirs are personal pronouns as possessive pronouns. Possessive pronouns are not followed immediately by a noun. They stand alone. Now, read the sentences below. 13. This is my bag. This is mine. 14. I borrow your pen. I will return yours tomorrow. 15. It is his dictionary. I use his to do my homework. 16. It is her pencil case. She forgot to bring hers. 17. These are our motorcycles. We park ours in the parking area. 18. These are their balls. They save theirs in the box. TASK 2 Complete the text with the correct personal pronouns. Hello, friends. I’d like to introduce myself. (1) ________ name is Leny Setyawati. But you can call (2) ________ Leny. (3) ________ was born in Klaten on August 4, 1992. I am sixteen years old. I live at Jalan Cendrawasih number eleven. I live with my parents. (4) ________ are Mr. and Mrs. Eddy. (5) _______ father is an architect and my mother is a singer. I have a sister. (6) ________ name is Anisa. (7) ________ likes cooking. I also have a brother. (8) ________ name is Dendy. (9) ________ has a pet. (10) ________ is a cute dog. 13 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 2 Modelling of the Text TASK 3 Read the paragraph in the box and then underline the verbs of Simple Present Tense. Then, answer the questions. Mr. Farid is a school bus driver. Every day he gets up at 5:00 a.m. and prepares for his day. He showers, eats his breakfast, and puts on his uniform. His wife drives him to the station where he checks in with his supervisor. Then, he gets on Bus #10 and starts the engine. He pulls out of the parking lot and begins his route. At his first stop, he picks up a boy, who lives in a red house on the corner of Sudirman Street. At the next stop, the twins get on the bus. They attend class at Kanisius Elementary. More children get on at the next three stops, and they ride until the bus reaches their school. Mr. Farid enjoys seeing the kids every day and is happy to see them again in the afternoon when he drives them safely back home. Vocabulary: school bus driver : sopir bis sekolah shower : mandi put on : memakai, mengenakan supervisor : pengawas pull out : mengeluarkan pick up : menjemput 14 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Questions: 1. Who is Mr. Farid? 2. What time does he usually get up? 3. Who does Mr. Farid pick up at the first stop? 4. Where will the children go? 5. Does Mr. Farid enjoy his job? Why? Joint Construction of the Text 3 TASK 4 Look at the pictures. Make a story based on the situations using Simple Present Tense. Then, share it with your friends. 1 2 4 5 3 Pictures are taken from http://images.search.yahoo.com// and Clip Art. 4 Independent Construction of the Text TASK 5 Make 5 sentences using Simple Present Tense. Then, share it with your friends. 15 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 1 Building Knowledge of the Field TASK 1 Look at the picture. Can you describe the woman in the picture? Picture is taken from http://images.search.yahoo.com// DESCRIBING PEOPLE PHYSICAL (APPEARANCE) Height: tall, short, medium height Build: slim, thin, fat, skinny, well-built, frail, stocky, plump, slender Age: young, elderly, middle-aged, teenager, in 20s, 30s, 40s Face: round, oval, square, with scares, wrinkles, freckles, sun-tanned, pale Eyes: big, round, blue eyes, large, small, bright, narrow Hair: bald, straight, curly, spiky, wavy Complexion: light-brown, fair, tanned, pale, dark 16 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI NON-PHYSICAL (CHARACTERISTIC) careful, hard-working, cheerful, broad-minded, active, curious, aggressive, tough, careless, practical, sensible, independent, strong-minded, stupid, generous, loyal, moody, trusting, modest, tolerant, friendly, dull, boring, imaginative, ambitious, sensitive, gentle, energetic, confident, selfish, shy, stubborn, reliable, intelligent. Look at the pictures. Listen to your teacher. Read the words below the pictures aloud using proper pronunciation. Height Build He is tall He is short He is medium height She is skinny She is thin She is slim She is slender She is fat She is overweight She is plump She is stocky Type of hair She has long, straight, black hair. She has medium length, straight, blonde hair. She has short, straight, black hair. She has medium length, wavy, red hair. She wears glasses. 17 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI He has no hair. She has short, curly, blonde hair. Type of complexion He is Asian. He has light-brown skin. She is white. She has slightly tanned skin. She is black. She has dark skin. She is white. She has very pale skin. He is white. He has fair skin. Other features moustache beard chin lips forehead cheeks teeth nostrils eyebrows Pictures are taken from www.eslgold.com 18 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI TASK 2 What would you say to describe people? Listen to your teacher. Repeat after him/her. Practice the dialogue with your friend. Marta : Do you come here alone? Nana : No, I don’t. I come with my father and my sister. Marta : Which one is your father? Nana : He’s the one with short, curly, black hair. And he has beard. Marta : And…what does your sister look like? Nana : She has long, straight, black hair. Marta : I see. TASK 3 Listen to the recording carefully. Make some notes, and then answer the questions. The recording will be played three times. ………………………………………… ………………………………………… ………………………………………… ………………………………………… ………………………………………… ………………………………………… ………………………………………… ………………… Picture is taken from Clip Art. Questions: 1. What does Anita look like? 2. What is Anita wearing? 3. Why do Anita’s friends like her? 19 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI TASK 4 Look at the pictures below. Describe their appearances and then share it with your friend. Pictures are taken from http://images.google.co.id// NATIONALITIES Study the countries, people, and their languages. Say them using proper pronunciation. COUNTRY NATIONALITY LANGUAGE Australia Australian English Austria Austrian German Brazil Brazilian Portuguese Canada Canadian French, English England Englishman English Indonesia Indonesian Indonesian Italy Italian Italian Japan Japanese Japanese Korea Korean Korean Malaysia Malaysian Malay Norway Norwegian Norwegian Philippines Filipino English Portugal Portuguese Portuguese Russia Russian Russian 20 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabian Arabic Scotland Scottish English Thailand Thai Thai Singapore Singaporean Malay, English Spain Spanish Spanish Sweden Swede Swedish Switzerland Swiss French USA American English Taken from Multi-Purpose English for Vocational School Students pg.10 TASK 5 Work in pairs. Make dialogues based on the pictures below. Then practice them with your friend. Look at the example. Example: Hi, Andi. I’m Michael. Call me Mike. Hi. I’m Andi. Right. I’m from England. I’m Englishman. You’re the famous football player from England, right? Nice to meet you too, Andi. Nice to meet you, Mike. Pictures are taken from Clip Art. 21 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 1 Suzanne - Brazil Joko 2 Jordan – USA Farhan 3 Briggita – Scotland Donny Pictures are taken from Clip Art. 22 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 2 Modelling of the Text TASK 6 Close your book and listen to your teacher. Answer the questions. Then open your book and perform the dialogue with your friend. Siska : Do you have brothers or sisters? Heri : Yes, I only have one brother. Siska : Could you tell me about your brother? Heri : Sure, my brother is older than me. He studies in Sanata Dharma University. Siska : What does your brother look like? Heri : He is tall and well-built. He has oval face and curly hair. He also has big eyes and pointed nose. He wears eyeglasses. Siska : How about his character? Heri : He is very hard-working and sociable. Siska : I see. Questions: 1. How many brothers and sisters does Heri have? 2. What does Heri’s brother look like? 3. Is Heri’s brother wearing eyeglasses? 4. What kind of person is Heri’s brother? 23 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Joint Construction of the Text 3 TASK 7 Work in pairs. Arrange the sentences into a proper dialogue. Then perform the dialogue in front of the class. Santi Johan Does she have wavy hair? O, gosh. Can’t you remember her? She was our friend in elementary school. She is cute and beautiful. I see. Yes, that’s right. Hmm ….Has she got small eyes and an oval face? Not bad. Yesterday I met Rika. Who is she? Yes, she does. She likes writing poems, doesn’t she? You’re right. Hi! How are you? 4 Independent Construction of the Text TASK 8 1. Tell about the people in your family in front of the class. Describe their personality and appearance. 2. Describe your friend’s personality and appearance sitting next to you. 24 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 1 Building Knowledge of the Field ADJECTIVES Adjectives are used to describe nouns. They give more details or information about the nouns they are associated with. TASK 1 Read the words on the box aloud. What do the words mean? ambitious crazy horrible lazy bad fat impatient ugly beautiful friendly intelligent dizzy big handsome kind miserable TASK 2 Match the definition in column A with the correct words in column B. A B 1. He always says ‘Please’ and ‘Thank you’. He is a very a. impatient ________ child. b. happy 2. He starts work at 6:00 every day and often works overtime or c. beautiful at weekends. He is really _______. d. intelligent 3. She finds it very easy to learn things and has passed all his e. hard-working exams. He is extremely _______. f. shy 4. She never smiles on her face and always looks unhappy. She g. stupid is so _______. h. lazy 5. He hates working and would prefer to stay at home all day in i. miserable front of the television. He is so _______. j. ambitious 6. He hates waiting for people or trains and can’t stand it when k. polite things don’t happen immediately. He is very _______. 25 l. generous PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 7. The man has a lot of money. He always gives charities to poor people. He is so _______. 8. She doesn’t like meeting strange people and usually feels nervous and uncomfortable at parties. She is extremely _______. 9. She always smiles and thinks life is wonderful. She seems to be really _______. 10. She works as a model. When she walks into a room, every man turns and stares at her. She is really _______. DESCRIBING THINGS Size: big, gigantic, huge, large, long, short, wide, narrow. Shape: crooked, curved, deep, flat, round, square, circular, oval, triangular. Age: ancient, modern, old, new. Color: red, black, blue, white, pink, grey, black, green. Origin: Italian, English, Thai, French, Greek, American, Japanese, Chinese. Material: wooden, silk, silver, plastic, ceramic, paper, iron, cotton, metal. Look at the pictures. Read the words below the pictures aloud using proper pronunciation. It is a big brown Thai elephant It is a new black Japanese car. Pictures are taken from http://images.search.yahoo.com// 26 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI TASK 3 Look at the pictures below. Then, describe the things. PROFESSIONS Pictures are taken from http://images.google.co.id// TASK 4 What do these people do? Match the pictures with the names of the jobs. Describe each person’s job. Then, share your work with your friend. Example: I am a sales clerk. I work in a store. I serve customers. 1 2 3 4 5 6 27 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 7 8 9 Pictures are taken from http://images.google.co.id// a chef a sales clerk a mechanic a journalist a secretary a teacher a surgeon a baker a computer programmer in a store for the International News at the Seafood Restaurant in a bakery in a workshop in a hospital in a company in a school in an office write for the newspaper teach students handle paperworks cook the meals serve customers perform medical operation make programs for computers make cakes repairs cars TASK 5 Match the pictures with the names of the jobs. Then, complete the sentences with the words in the box. 1 policeman/ policewoman bricklayer waiter/ waitress dustman architect plumber travel agent vet electrician 2 3 28 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 4 7 5 6 8 9 Pictures are taken from http://images.search.yahoo.com// 1. A ____________ helps you book a journey or a holiday. 2. An ___________ designs new buildings. 3. A ____________ collects people’s rubbish which is usually in a garbage can. 4. A ____________ is a doctor who treats sick or injured animals. 5. An ___________ repairs the electricity. 6. A ____________ builds houses, etc. 7. A ____________ tries to stop people breaking the law. 8. A ____________ serves you in a restaurant. 9. A ____________ repairs the pipe. 29 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI TIME Morning Afternoon (0:00 p.m. - 12:00 a.m.) (12:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.) Evening Night (6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.) (9:00 p.m. - 0:00 p.m.) Pictures are taken from http://images.search.yahoo.com// Look at these clocks. Read the sentences. What time is it? What time is it? It is twelve o’clock. It is twelve fifteen or quarter past twelve. What time is it? What time is it? It is twelve thirty or half past twelve. It is twelve forty-five or quarter to one. 30 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI TASK 6 Complete the sentences based on the clocks. 1. 3. Terry : What time do you get up? Aldo : What time do you arrive at home? Rido Bella : At …… : At ….. 2. Denis : What time does your school begin? Nanda : At ….. DAY Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday MONTH January February March April May June July August September October November December 31 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI TASK 7 Listen to your teacher. Repeat after him/her. Perform the dialogue with your friend. Felix : When is your birthday? Marta : My birthday is in June. Felix : When were you born? Marta : I was born on the fourteenth of June nineteen ninety-one. Felix : So, how old are you now? Marta : I am seventeen years old. TASK 8 Look at Kartika’s plan and answer the questions. 2008 Sunday Thursday June 1st, 2008 My uncle’s wedding party. Friday June 27th, 2008 Monday Go to the seminar June 9th, 2008 Math Exam Saturday June 14th, 2005 Tuesday Go and see the movie 32 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Wednesday June 4th, 2008 Wash the motorcycle Questions: 1. When will Kartika go and see the movie? 2. When will Kartika’s uncle hold the wedding party? 3. When does Kartika have a Math exam? 4. When must Kartika wash the motorcycle? 5. When will Kartika go to the seminar? SINGULAR-PLURAL NOUNS Let’s study about singular-plural nouns. Understand the pattern and the explanation. Read the examples below. SINGULAR PLURAL One bird Two birds To make plural nouns, add –s. One street Two streets One rose Two roses One dish Two dishes One match Two matches One class Two classes One box Two boxes One baby Two babies If a noun ends in consonant –y, change ‘y’ to ‘i’ and add –es. One city Two cities If –y is preceded by a vowel, add only –s: boys, days, keys, etc One knife Two knives If a noun ends in –fe or –f, change the ending to –ves. One shelf Two shelves Exceptions: beliefs, chiefs, roofs, cuffs. Add –es to nouns ending in –sh, -ch, -ss, -x. 33 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI One tomato Two tomatoes The plural form of nouns that end in –o is sometimes –oes and One zoo Two zoos sometimes –os. One zero Two zeros -oes: tomatoes, potatoes, heroes, echoes, mosquitoes. -os: zoos, radios, studios, pianos, photos. -oes or –os: volcanoes/ volcanos. One child Two children Some nouns have irregular plural forms. One foot Two feet One goose Two geese One mouse Two mice One tooth Two teeth One woman Two women One deer Two deer The plural form of some nouns is the same as the singular One fish Two fish form. One sheep Two sheep Taken from Multi-Purpose English for Vocational School Students pg. 53 TASK 9 Change into plural forms. 1. one chair, two …. 2. one glass, five …. 3. a wife, four …. 4. an orange, some …. 5. one watch, three …. Listen to your teacher. Repeat after him/ her. Practice your pronunciation. s = /z/ s = /s/ s = /iz/ bag bags clerk clerks dress dresses pencil pencils cook cooks actress actresses shoe shoes student students watch watches 34 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI TASK 10 Pronounce these plural nouns. Then classify them in the correct column. iz candles desserts slices glasses doughnuts oranges eggs vegetables chickens snacks noodles sandwiches cups chips 2 z s Modelling of the Text TASK 11 Read the paragraph below and then answer the questions. My cousin is a sales clerk of a big supermarket. I think that she is a very interesting girl. She is friendly so she has many friends. Now, she is in an appropriate position. She is very busy because she has many tasks. She must serve customers in a polite and friendly helpful manner. She also writes down customer orders if necessary. Beside she helps serving counter area clean and tidy at all times. She also checks stock delivery details, ensuring correct stock has been delivered, price up and put stock on shelves in stockroom. Taken from Multi-Purpose English for Vocational School Students pg. 27 35 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Vocabulary: cousin : saudara sepupu sales clerk : penjaga toko, pramuniaga. customer : pelanggan order : pesanan stock : persediaan barang. Questions: 1. What is the main idea of the paragraph above? 2. What is the profession of the writer’s cousin? 3. Why does she have many friends? 4. What are her duties? 5. How does she serve customers? 3 Joint Construction of the Text TASK 12 Describe your daily activities based on the clocks below. What do you usually do from 5 a.m. until 10 p.m.? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 36 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 4 Independent Construction of the Text TASK 13 Find other examples of singular-plural nouns as much as possible and then share it with your friend. 37 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 1 Building Knowledge of the Field TASK 1 Look at the picture below. Describe the picture according to the size, colour, and function. Picture is taken from Clip Art. CARDINAL NUMBERS Cardinal numbers express quantity. Read these cardinal numbers aloud. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 zero one two three four five six seven eight nine ten 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty twentyone 22 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 101 1000 twentytwo thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety one hundred one hundred and one one thousand TASK 2 Listen to the recording carefully. There will be pairs of two different numbers. Write them down. 38 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI TASK 3 Listen to the recording carefully. There will be 15 numbers mentioned in the recording. Circle those numbers. 18 2 108 669 59 95 86 171 53 665 8 13 95 24 50 34 1 752 16 212 23 10 37 68 416 TASK 4 Read the explanation, and then answer the questions. Addition 14 + 5 = 19 (fourteen plus five is nineteen) 56 + 2 = 58 (fifty-six plus two equal to fifty-eight) Subtraction 25 – 4 = 21 (twenty-five minus four is twenty-one). 34 – 7 = 27 (thirty-four minus seven equal to twenty-seven). Multiplication 10 x 5 = 50 (ten times five is fifty) 7 x 3 = 21 (seven times three equal to twenty-one) Division 30 : 3 = 10 (thirty is divided by three is ten) 24 : 8 = 3 (twenty-four is divided by eight equal to three) 39 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Questions: 1. Koko’s father gave Koko five marbles. Then, his brother bought him seven marbles. So how many marbles does Koko have? 2. Mr. Fahri has 35 hens. Yesterday 8 hens were dead. So how many hens does Mr. Fahri have now? 3. Mrs. Wirda buys some stationery for her children. She buys 5 pens for Rudi and 3 pens for Dira. Each pen is Rp 1,500.00. She also buys 10 books. It’s Rp 3,000.00 each. How much does she spend to buy those stationeries? 4. Mrs. Indah has a cake. She has three children. She cuts it into 15 pieces. How many pieces of cake does each child get? 5. Yuni has 15 balloons. A few minutes ago Yuni lose her 9 balloons. So how many balloons does Yuni have now? ORDINAL NUMBERS Ordinal numbers indicate order or rank. The article "the" normally goes in front of an ordinal number. Read these ordinal numbers aloud. 1st = first 2nd = second 3rd = third 4th = fourth 5th = fifth 6th = sixth 7th = seventh 8th = eighth 9th = ninth 10th = tenth 11th = eleventh 12th = twelfth 15th = fifteenth 20th = twentieth 21st = twenty first 22nd = twenty second 23rd = twenty third 30th = thirtieth 35th = thirty fifth 40th = fortieth 40 50th = fiftieth 60th = sixtieth 70th = seventieth 80th = eightieth 90th = ninetieth 100th = one hundredth 1000th = one thousandth PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI TASK 5 Pronounce the ordinal numbers using proper pronunciation. 1. 3rd floor 6. June 14, 1986 2. 2nd building 7. December 10, 1950 3. 8th book 8. August 17, 1945 4. April 19 9. King Henry IV 5. February 28 10. Queen Elizabeth II NATIONALITY Review your lesson in Unit 2. Look at the pictures. Read the explanation below the pictures. It is Napoleon. His name is Napoleon Bonaparte. He comes from France. He is dead. He is French. They are 'The Beatles'. Their names are John Lennon, Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr and George Harrison. They come from England. They' are British. John Lennon and George Harrison are dead. Paul lives in England and Ringo lives in Monte Carlo. Pictures are taken from www.eslgold.com 41 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Here’s the pattern when we ask about someone’s nationality. Question Short answer "What's your name?" "Where do "It's Lynne Hand." you come "From England." Long answer "My name is Lynne Hand." "I come from England." from?" "Where are you from?" "From England." "I come from England." "What country do you "From England." "I come from England." come from?" "Where do you live?" "What nationality "In London." are "I'm English." you?" TASK 6 Listen to your teacher. Repeat after him/her. Practice the dialogue with your friend. Receptionist : What’s your name, please? Guest : I’m Mr. Bean. Receptionist : Do you come from London? Guest : No, I come from Derby. Receptionist : Do you live in Derby? Guest : No, I live in London. Receptionist : Are you English? Guest : Yes, I am. Receptionist : Thank you. Guest : You’re welcome. 42 "I live in London." "My nationality is English." PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Questions: 1. What is the guest’s name? 2. Where does he come from? 3. Where does he live? 4. What is Mr. Bean’s nationality? DESCRIPTION OF EVENTS Description of events includes the time of the day (day, date, month, and year). TASK 7 Listen to your teacher. Repeat after him/her. Practice the dialogue with your friend. Bagus : Hi, Rudy! What are you doing? Rudy : Hi, Bagus! I am reading a newspaper. By the way, do you still remember natural disaster that hit Bantul a few years ago? Bagus : Do you mean earthquake that hit Bantul? Rudy : Yes. I still remember it happened on May 27, 2006. Bagus : What do you think about that? Rudy : Very terrible. I have never seen such a horrifying disaster before. Bagus : I think this is one of the big disasters in our country. Rudy : You’re right. Many people died and became the victims. Bagus : Indonesia is crying. There have been so many natural disasters recently in our country. Rudy : Right. Flood happened in some area, while storm and landslide hit other areas. Bagus : But we can’t blame nature. 43 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Rudy : You’re right. We human beings are responsible for the most parts of disaster. Bagus : I see. TASK 8 Underline the sentences in the dialogue above that describe an event. Then retell the dialogue above using your own words. Share it with your friend. TASK 9 Listen to your teacher. Repeat after him/her. Practice the dialogue with your friend. Then, answer the questions. Rindra : Hi, Ben. How was your holiday? Benny : Oh, really good. I went to Jakarta. Rindra : What did you do there? Benny : On Sunday, the 8th of June, 2008, my family and I went to see Deddy Corbuzier’s show. Rindra : The magician? Benny : That’s right. Have you ever seen him? Rindra : Yes, I have. But, I just saw his show in the television. He is amazing. Benny : Yeah. He did some incredible things during the show. How about you? What did you do during the holiday? Rindra : I just stayed at home for about two weeks. Benny : Oh. Perhaps you should have a vacation next holiday. 44 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Questions: 1. How was Benny’s holiday? 2. When did Benny and his family see Deddy Corbuzer’s show? 3. Have Rindra ever seen Deddy Corbuzer? 4. How was Rindra’s holiday? 5. What does Benny suggest to Rindra about next holiday? 2 Modelling of the Text TASK 10 Listen to your teacher. Repeat after him/ her. Then practice the dialogue with your friend. Mind your pronunciation and intonation. Receptionist : Good afternoon, Madam. Mrs. Smith : Good afternoon. I want two rooms, please. Receptionist : Very well, Madam. What’s your name, please? Mrs. Smith : Mrs. Jean Smith. And this is Mrs. White- Mrs. Barbara White. Receptionist : What’s your address, please? Mrs. Smith : My address is 3 Ward Street, Tasmania, Australia. And Mrs. Barbara’s address is 9 Sesame Street, Victoria, Australia. Receptionist : Thank you, Madam. What’s your nationality, please? Mts. Smith : I’m Australian, and Mrs. Barbara is Australian too. Receptionist : Thank you, Madam. Mrs. Smith : Here’s my luggage. Receptionist : One, two, three, four suit-cases. Mrs. Smith : And here’s Mrs. Barbara’s luggage. Receptionist : One, two, three, four, five suit-cases. Here’s your key, Mrs. Smith. Room number 10. 45 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Mrs. Smith : Thank you. Receptionist : And here’s Mrs. Barbara’s key. Room number 11. Mrs. Smith : Thank you very much. Receptionist : And here’s a porter. He’s carrying your luggage now. (Adapted from Situational English Part I: Students’ Book pg. 25-26) 3 Joint Construction of the Text TASK 11 Work in pairs. Read the situations below and then make dialogues talking about these situations. You should include the time of the day (day, date, month, and year). You can use your imagination. Then, perform the dialogues in front of the class. A robber stole some money from the Central Asia Bank yesterday. Last weekend, your family visited Gembiraloka Zoo. Last night, a car accident happened in Adi Sucipto Street. 4 Independent Construction of the Text TASK 12 Describe your favourite foreign singers’ nationalities in front of the class. 46 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Building Knowledge of the Field 1 SIMPLE PAST TENSE Let’s study the Simple Past Tense. Understand the pattern and the explanation. Read the examples: 1. I went to my grandfather’s house yesterday. 2. She did not go to school two weeks ago. 3. Did they visit you last week? Functions: To express activities or situations that occurs in the past. Pattern: 1. Positive form Pattern A Pattern B S + to be (was/ were) + …….. I was You We S + V2 + …….. I You were We They They He He She It was She It 47 V2 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 2. Negative form Pattern A S + to be (was/ were) + not + ….. Pattern B S + did + not + V1 + … 3. Interrogative form Pattern A to be (was/ were) + S + …..? Pattern B Did + S + V1 +…? Time signal: yesterday, last ….., ….. ago, the day before yesterday. TASK 1 Complete the sentences using simple past tense of the verbs in brackets. 1. They _________ a car accident yesterday. (see) 2. Siska _________ a television last night. (watch) 3. My family and I _________ in Bali last week. (be) 4. The robber _________ some money from the bank two days ago. (steal) 5. We _________ happy yesterday night. (be, not) 6. She _________ in the classroom a few minutes ago. (eat) 7. You _________ pizza for lunch this afternoon. (have) 8. That famous singer _________ a love song on the stage yesterday. (sing) 9. My mother _________ some chocolate cakes this morning. (make) 10. I _________ well last night. (do, not, sleep) 48 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PROFESSION Review your lesson in Unit 2. TASK 2 Read the words in the box aloud. What do the words mean? Then describe each person’s job. Then, share your work with your friend. policeman taxi driver postman mechanic housewife nurse doctor barber typist engineer teacher lawyer actor actress secretary shopkeeper TASK 3 Read the following sentences and underline the word that doesn’t fit. Then, write the correct word. Example : She is a doctor. She works in a restaurant. She makes cakes. Correct answer: chef 1. Kevin is a barber. He works in a salon. He cooks food. Correct answer : ____________________ 2. Tita is an actress. She sells vegetables and fruits. She works in a market. Correct answer : ____________________ 3. Willy works for a travel agency. He is a teacher. He takes people on tours. Correct answer : ____________________ 4. Mr. Burhan delivers mails. He is a postman. He works in the school. Correct answer : ____________________ 5. Mrs. Tya is a doctor. She works in an office. She answers the phone. Correct answer : ____________________ 49 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI TASK 4 Listen to your teacher. Repeat after him/her. Practice the dialogue with your friend. Then, answer the questions. Inspector Jones : Good morning, Mrs. Green. Mrs. Green : Good morning, inspector. Can I help you? Inspector Jones : Yes, you can. I am looking for a good book. Mrs. Green : This is a good book, inspector. Inspector Jones : What is it? Mrs. Green : It’s a detective story. Inspector Jones : Good! I like detective stories. What’s the murderer’s name? Mrs. Green : I can’t tell you that, inspector. I am a librarian. I’m not a detective. (Adapted from Question and Answer pg.10) Questions: 1. What is the Inspector’s name? 2. What is the librarian’s name? 3. What does the Inspector want? 4. Can Mrs. Green help the Inspector? 5. What does the Inspector like? 6. Can Mrs. Green tell the Inspector the murderer’s name? Why? ANTONYM An antonym is a word that has the opposite meaning as another word. Antonyms can be nouns, verbs, adverbs, adjectives, or prepositions, but both words must be of the same part of speech. It means only a noun can be an antonym of another noun, only a verb can be an antonym of another verb, and so on. 50 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Examples: dead and alive (adjective) old and new (adjective) big and small (adjective) near and far (adjective) child and adult (noun) student and teacher (noun) war and peace (noun) in and out (preposition) slowly and fastly (adverb) increase and decrease (verb) TASK 5 Match each word in column A with its antonym in column B. Then find the meaning of each word. A B 1. strong a. departure 2. cheap b. solid 3. rich c. to harvest 4. rough d. enemy 5. narrow e. to empty 6. friend f. seller 7. arrival g. expensive 8. liquid h. poor 9. joy i. to forbid 10. customer j. wide 11. to attack k. to add 12. to plant l. weak 13. to fill m. smooth 14. to omit n. to defend 15. to permit o. sorrow 51 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI SYNONYM A synonym is a word that has the same (or almost the same) meaning as another word. Synonyms can be nouns, verbs, adverbs or adjectives, but both words must be of the same part of speech. It means only a noun can be a synonym of another noun, only a verb can be a synonym of another verb, and so on. Examples: car and automobile (noun) child and kid (noun) baby and infant (noun) student and pupil (noun) freedom and liberty (noun) buy and purchase (verb) sick and ill (adjective) quickly and speedily (adverb) on and upon (preposition) pretty and attractive (adjective) TASK 6 Match each word in column A with its synonym in column B. Then find the meaning of each word. A B 1. adoration a. to aply 2. world b. modest 3. imagination c. to reply. 4. ship d. heritage 5. safety e. conscious 6. inheritance f. worship 7. marriage g. earth 8. aware h. to alter 9. foolish i. security 52 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 10. humble j. to test 11. to change k. boat 12. to divide l. to distribute 13. to examine m. fancy 14. to use n. silly 15. to answer o. wedding ADJECTIVES IN SERIES (NOUN PHRASE) In English, it is common to use more than one adjective before a noun - for example: "He is a silly young man," or "She is a smart and energetic woman." When we use more than one adjective, we have to put them in the right order, according to type. Here is the correct order of adjective in Noun Phrase: 1. Determiner/ Article Determiner or Article precedes other attributive adjectives. Example: Determiner: this, that, these, those, my, mine, your, yours, him, his, her, hers, they, Willy’s. Article : a, an, the. 2. Opinion An opinion adjective explains what people think about something. Example: expensive, beautiful, busy, clever, crazy, dead, bad, alive, silly, difficult, polite, fun, cute. 3. Size A size adjective explains how big or small something is. 53 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Example: big, enormous, little, fat, gigantic, great, huge, large, massive, long, short, small, tall, tiny, high, low, wide, narrow, thin, slim. 4. Shape A shape adjective describes the shape of something. Example: crooked, curved, deep, flat, round, square, straight, circular, oval, triangular. 5. Age An age adjective explains how young or old something or someone is. Example: ancient, modern, old, new, young, old-fashioned, teenage, middleaged. 6. Colour A colour adjective describes the colour of something. Example: red, black, blue, white, pink, grey, black, light blue, bright green, warm yellow. 7. Origin An origin adjective describes where something comes from. Example: Italian, English, Thai, French, Greek, American, Japanese, Chinese. 8. Material A material adjective describes what something is made from. Example: wooden, silk, silver, plastic, ceramic, paper, iron, cotton, metal. 9. Purpose A purpose adjective describes what something is used for. These adjectives often end with “-ing”. Example: touring, hunting, sleeping, roasting. 10. NOUN Noun is something that the adjectives are describing. Example: car, house, mirror, table, book, woman, man, girl, boy. 54 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Example of Noun Phrase: Determiner/ Opinion Size Shape a huge round a small Age Colour Origin Material Purpose NOUN Article a silly a beautiful metal red young big English long your expensive my beautiful straight house American girl black hair Italian new silver silk TASK 7 Correct the order of the adjectives and nouns in the following sentences. 1. desk- office- big- ugly- an- wooden- brown. 2. hair- long- black- straight- my sister's. 3. photograph- black- white- and- oval- a- family- historic. 4. vase- beautiful- a- antique- little- green. 5. small- sleeping- a- red- bag. 6. lamp- round- small- reading. 7. German- car- old- car. 8. huge- sailing- ship- wooden. 9. physics- teacher- old- teacher. 10. slim- Canadian- handsome- snowboarder. TASK 8 Choose the correct order of adjectives in these following sentences. 1. He invited the ______________ woman to dinner. a. young beautiful. b. beautiful young. 55 bag man wooden black a sleeping modern a bowl bracelet wedding dress PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 2. These are ______________ products. a. excellent agricultural. b. agricultural excellent. 3. You are wearing ______________ dress tonight. a. pink silk. b. silk pink. 4. The boys need ______________ balls. a. ten cotton small. b. ten small cotton. 5. I have booked that ______________ table on the corner. a. big square. b. square big. 6. My uncle gave me a ______________. a. porcelain French. b. French porcelain. 7. He broke my ______________ coffee cup. a. green old. b. old green. 8. There are three ______________ dresses in the wardrobe. a. beautiful red. b. red beautiful. 9. She sells ______________ cookies. a. delicious chocolate. b. chocolate delicious. 10. The room was decorated with ______________ balloons. a. red big. b. big red. 56 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Modelling of the Text 2 TASK 9 Read the paragraph in the box and then underline the verbs of Simple Past Tense. Then, answer the questions. Last week I was on holiday in Magelang. I went for a days outing to Borobudur. Borobudur is an ancient temple near Yogyakarta. It is about an hour from Yogyakarta. I went to Borobudur with my family. I got up at 6 o’clock. We prepared everything together. We left about 7.30 a.m. by car. After an hour we arrived at a small town near Borobudur. We arrived at the entrance to the temple at around 9 o’clock. We bought some tickets and walked up to the temple. We looked at the beautiful carvings around the temple. At the top of the temple we can see the surroundings countryside. We spent about an hour on the temple, and took lots of photographs. Then we climbed down. We bought some souvenirs. At eleven we came back to Yogyakarta. We were all tired, but we were happy. Adapted from Multi-Purpose English for Vocational School Students pg. 85 Vocabulary: ancient : kuno, purbakala temple : candi entrance : pintu masuk carving : ukiran countryside : daerah pedalaman, luar kota. 57 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Questions: 1. Where did the writer go on holiday in Magelang last week? 2. How long does it take to get to Borobudur temple from Yogyakarta? 3. What did the writer and his family see at Borobudur temple? 4. What does Borobudur temple look like? 5. “It is about an hour from Yogyakarta.” What does the word “it” refers to? TASK 10 Read the paragraph below. Fill in the blanks with the suitable words in the box. Then underline the verbs of Simple Past Tense. inn suitcases room boy tourist objects motel crowded shuttle bus My family and I went to Bali last holiday. We visited many (1) ________ such as Kuta beach, Tanah Lot, Sangeh, Besakih Temple and many other places. We went there by plane. We leave about 6.00 a.m. and we arrived in Bali around 10:00 a.m. A (2) ________ had waited for us when we stepped our feet in Ngurah Rai Airport. This bus took us to the hotel. Actually, we wanted to stay in an (3) ________ or a (4) ________, but they were fully booked. Luckily, our hotel was not far from Kuta beach. When we arrived at the hotel, a (5) ________ took our (6) ________ to the rooms. Then, we decided to go to Kuta beach. On the holiday, the beach was very (7) ________. It was amazing. I knew why people love to go there. (Adapted from Multi-Purpose English for Vocational School Students pg. 66) 58 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 3 Joint Construction of the Text TASK 11 Look at the pictures. Make a story based on the situations using Simple Past Tense. Then, share it with your friends. 1 2 4 5 3 Pictures are taken from http://images.search.yahoo.com// and Clip Art. 4 Independent Construction of the Text TASK 12 Make 5 sentences using the order of adjectives (Noun Phrase). Then, share it with your friend. 59 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 1 Building Knowledge of the Field TASK 1 Look at the picture. What does this man feel? Picture is taken from Clip Art. REGRETS & APOLOGIES What would you say to express regrets and apologies? Listen to your teacher. Repeat after him/her. Practice your pronunciation. REGRETS & APOLOGIES RESPONSES I’m sorry. I don’t know. That’s quite all right. I’m terribly sorry. Don’t worry about it. I do apologize. It’s OK. What a pity. Forget it. That’s a shame. No problem. 60 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI TASK 2 Listen to your teacher. Repeat after him/her. Practice the dialogues with your friend. Dialogue 1 Agus : I’d like some chocolate ice cream, please. Waiter : I’m sorry. We haven’t got any chocolate left. Agus : Then I’ll have some strawberry, please. Waiter : I’m afraid we haven’t got any strawberry either. Agus : What have you got then? Waiter : Only vanilla and orange. Agus : I’ll have orange, please. Dialogue 2 Sandy : Here is your orange juice. Oh goodness! ….. Helen : It’s all over my shoes. Sandy : I’m really sorry. Helen : It’s OK. Sandy : I will get a towel and some water to clean it. Helen : Thank you. SYMPATHY What would you say to express sympathy? Listen to your teacher. Repeat after him/her. Practice your pronunciation. SYMPATHY RESPONSES I’m sorry to hear that. Thanks. Sorry to hear that. Thank you. I’m so sorry. Please extend my deepest condolences. Thanks a lot. 61 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI TASK 3 Listen to your teacher. Repeat after him/her. Practice the dialogues with your friend. Dialogue 1 Sari : What happens to you, Sari? You look so sad. Eko : My mother has been ill for two days, but I don’t have enough money to take her to a doctor. Sari : Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. Can I help you? I have some money in my savings. You can use it to take your mother to the doctor. Eko : Thanks for your help, Sari. Sari : Don’t mention it. Hope she’ll get better soon. Eko : Thank you. Dialogue 2 Kiki : Hai, Anisa! How are you? Anisa : Hai, Kiki! I’m not well. Kiki : What’s wrong with you? Anisa : I think I failed the English examination. Kiki : Oh, sorry to hear that. I know you must be very upset. But… don’t be so sad. Just study harder for the next examination. Anisa : You’re right. Thank you. 62 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI ASKING FOR AND GIVING PERMISSION What would you say to ask for and give permission? Listen to your teacher. Repeat after him/her. Practice your pronunciation. ASKING PERMISSION GIVING PERMISSION May I open the window? Sure. Can I move this table? Of course. Could I use this mobile telephone? Certainly. Do you mind if I come to your house? Sure. Would you mind if I pick you up? Certainly. TASK 4 Listen to your teacher. Repeat after him/her. Practice the dialogue with your friend. Keke : What are you cooking, Mom? Mrs. Fika : Fried rice. Keke : Um…. it must be delicious. By the way may I go after this lunch, Mom? Mrs. Fika : Sure. But, where will you go? Keke : I will go to Hana’s house. I have an appointment with her to do our home assignment together in her house. Mrs. Fika : All right, then. You may go. But, you must go home before six because we will attend your cousin’s birthday party tonight. Keke : Yes, I will. 63 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI COMMANDS AND REQUESTS COMMANDS What would you say to express commands? Listen to your teacher. Repeat after him/her. Practice your pronunciation. COMMANDS RESPONSES Open your book! All right. Wait here! Of course, I will. Be careful! Okay, I will. Be patient! Okay, I will. Don’t make a noise! Sure, I will. Don’t come late! Certainly, I will. Don’t be lazy! Sure, I will. REQUESTS What would you say to express requests? Listen to your teacher. Repeat after him/her. Practice your pronunciation. REQUESTS RESPONSES Please sit down! Sure. Come in, please! Okay. Would you come to my party tonight? Sure, I will. Will you go with me? Okay, I will. Would you mind lending me your car? Sure, I will. Would you mind not smoking here? Certainly, I will. 64 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI TASK 5 Listen to your teacher. Repeat after him/her. Practice the dialogue with your friend. Teacher : Good morning, class. Students : Good morning, Sir. Teacher : Is there any home assignment? Students : Yes, Sir. Teacher : Please hand in your assignment. Well, we are going to learn lesson 5. Open your books to page twenty. Students : All right, Sir. Teacher : Tita, read the first paragraph, please. Tita : I will, Sir. Teacher : Do you understand? Students : Yes, Sir. Teacher : Excellent. And as home assignment, do exercise three and submit it next week. Students : We will, Sir. OFFERING THINGS AND SERVICES What would you say to express offers things and services? Listen to your teacher. Repeat after him/her. Practice your pronunciation. OFFERING THINGS & SERVICES RESPONSES May I help you? Oh, thank you. Can I get you something to drink? Sure. Could I get you a dictionary? All right. Shall I get you a ruler? Sure. Would you like something to eat? No, thank you. 65 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI TASK 6 Listen to your teacher. Repeat after him/her. Practice the dialogue with your friend. Mr. Jodi : Good afternoon. Do you still have a table for two, please? Waiter : Yes, Sir. Please come this way. Please have your seat. Mr. Jodi : Thank you. Waiter : Would you like to order, Sir? Mr. Jodi : Yes, please. I’ll have fried rice. Waiter : And what will you have, Madam? Mrs. Jodi : I’ll have chicken soup. Waiter : And what would you like to drink? Mr. Jodi : Can you tell me what the special drink in this restaurant? Waiter : Well, we have banana juice for the special drink. Would you like to have some? Mr. Jodi : I’ll have two glasses of banana juice, please. Waiter : All right, Sir. TASK 7 Listen to the dialogues in the recording carefully. What do the people want? What does the receptionist offer? Complete the table below. Wants Is offered Person 1 Person 2 Person 3 Person 4 Person 5 66 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 2 Modelling of the Text TASK 8 Close your book and listen to your teacher. Then, open your book and practice the dialogues with your friend. Craftsman : Good morning. Welcome to Cemerlang Art Gallery. What can I do for you? Mr. George : Good morning. I’d like to see handicrafts and souvenirs in this gallery. Craftsman : All right. We have some handicrafts from pottery, leather, wood, and textile. Mr. George : I see. Craftsman : And this one is pottery and here we call it as ‘gerabah’. Our gallery produces household products such as plates, bowls, Gucci made of clay. Mr. George : It’s more unique rather than I’ve ever seen before in other countries. Craftsman : You may also enjoy the making process of the pottery, Sir. Beside pottery, we also have leather products such as jackets, shoes, bag, and belt as well as various accessories made of leather like pictures frames. Mr. George : And, what is this? Craftsman : It’s ‘batik’, a craft made of textile. ‘Batik’ is a kind of Javanese original garment drawn with certain styles. Here, we have table clothes and kebaya from ‘batik’. Mr. George : How about this one… Is it made of wood? Craftsman : Yes, you’re right. Here, we have wood crafts such as statues, wall ornaments, ashtrays, and furniture like table, chair, and cupboard. Mr. George : May I know the price for those products, please? Craftsman : The prices of the products are relatively cheap, Sir. 67 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Mr. George : All right. I want to buy a Gucci, two jackets, a bag, and three statues. Craftsman : May I have your name, please? Mr. George : Sure. My name is George Smith. Craftsman : It costs Rp. 4.500.000, 00 for all. Mr. George : Here you are. Craftsman : Thank you very much. Mr. George : You’re welcome. 3 Joint Construction of the Text TASK 9 Work in pairs. Read the situations below. Make dialogues based on the situations. Then perform the dialogues in front of the class. 1. You went to your friend’s house with your little brother. Unfortunately, he broke a vase on the table. What would you say? How did your friend respond? 2. Your friend lost in a speech contest. You know that he/she was very disappointed. What would you say? How would your friend respond to it? 3. You want to borrow your sister’s calculator. Your brother does not let you because he is using it. What would you say? How would your brother reply? 4. You ask your brother to help you move the big cupboard. What would you say? How would your brother reply? 5. You go to school by bus. The bus is very crowded. There is an old woman standing among the crowd. You offer her to sit on your seat. What would you say? How would the old woman reply? 68 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 4 Independent Construction of the Text TASK 10 1. Make 5 expressions used to express commands. 2. Make 5 expressions used to express requests. Then, perform them in front of the class. 69 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Building Knowledge of the Field 1 ADJECTIVES TASK 1 Read the words on the box using proper pronunciation. What do the words mean? happy sad angry worried amused scared surprised annoyed bored ashamed excited exhausted sleepy tired nervous TASK 2 How would you feel in the following situations? Choose the suitable words in the box. a. scared b. bored c. angry d. sad e. nervous f. annoyed g. jealous h. worried i. happy j. embarrassed 1. You heard a bad news. Your father got a serious accident. 2. You read a novel, but you found the story was uninteresting. 3. It’s getting dark. Your sister hasn’t come home yet. 4. You will hold a birthday party tonight. 5. Your friend said that your sister is more beautiful than you. 6. This morning, you will make a speech. This will be your first performance in public. 7. Tomorrow you will have a math test. Now, you are preparing yourself. But your brother turns on the radio too loud. 8. You go to school in a hurry. You wear different colours of socks. One is black and the other is red. 70 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 9. You are alone at home. You heard strange sounds from the back part of the house. 10. You and your friend make an appointment to study together at 5 o’clock. You have been waiting for an hour, but he has not shown up. ADJECTIVES OF FEELINGS Study the pattern. Read the examples. How do you express your feelings about something? Subject + be + (adverb) + adjective + to infinitive + object Here are some examples. Subject Be (Adverb) Adjective To Object Infinitive I am (really) happy to win this contest glad to meet his aunt pretty to wear that gown nice to have a trip to the mountain sad to fail in the final exam scared to stay alone at home to perform the dance He She is It (truly) We They You are (certainly) energetic TASK 3 Make sentences using the words below. Compare your sentences with your friend. Example: I’m surprised to listen to that story. jealous bored sad worried happy sleepy confused nervous 71 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI ADJECTIVES –ing vs. –ed Let’s study about adjectives ended in –ing and –ed. Read the examples below. 1. I read a boring story. 2. I have an exciting vacation for holiday. 3. Tiara always shows a smiling face. 4. Riana is a beautiful girl. She has a charming smile. Words like boring, exciting, smiling, and charming are present participles. Many present participles can be used as adjectives. Present participles used as adjectives refer to actions being performed by the things being described. Now, read the sentences below. 5. I felt so hungry so I decided to buy a fried chicken. 6. Riko often complains about everything. He is really a disappointed person. 7. There are classified advertisements in that newspaper. 8. The computer company has made satisfied customers. Words like fried, disappointed, classified, and satisfied are past participles of the regular verbs of fry, disappoint, classify, and satisfy. Many past participles are used as adjectives. Past participles used as adjectives refer to actions which have been performed on the things being described. TASK 4 Complete the sentences using the words in the box. a. boring b. bored e. interesting f. interested 1. Kemal Satria c. surprising d. surprised g. disappointing h. disappointed : We’ll go surfing. Will you join us? : No, I’m not _______ in surfing. 72 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 2. Lexi : Aren’t you well? Sukma : Yes, I’m very _______ because I have much housework to do. 3. Rafi : Have you ever been to Kuta Beach. Santi : Yes, I have. It is an _______ place. 4. Monic : What do you feel to win the award? Lidya : I don’t know what to say. It was a very _______ experience. 5. Marko : Happy birthday! And….this is for you. I hope you like it. Cantika : Wow! This is really a _______ present, Marko. Thanks. 6. Maya : Why did you leave before the show ended? Susan : It was a _______ show. 7. Mr. Adi : Why did you fire your secretary? Mr. Agung : Well, she was a _______ person. 8. Fajar : What’s wrong with Melani? Dimas : She is a _______ person because her friend didn’t invite her to the party. ADJECTIVES SET EXPRESSIONS Linking Verb is a verb that is followed by an adjective. It is usually used to describe someone’s feelings or condition. Study the patterns and sentences. 1. How do you describe someone’s feelings or condition? Subject + linking verb + adjective Subject Linking verb Adjective Alex feels sad Mira seems pale He looks angry She gets confused 73 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI I become healthy You look worried We turn red They appear beautiful Riko and Tina get scared 2. How do you deny the description of someone’s feelings or condition? Subject + do/ does not + linking verb + adjective Subject Do/ Does not Linking verb Adjective Alex feel sad Mira seem pale look angry She get confused I become healthy look worried We turn red They appear beautiful Riko and Tina get scared He does not You do not 3. How do you ask about someone’s feelings or condition? How + do/ does + subject + linking verb? How How Do/ Does does Subject Linking verb Alex feel Mira seem he look she get 74 ? ? PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI How do I become you look we turn they appear Riko and Tina get ? TASK 5 Make questions and answers based on the words given. Look at the example. Example: worried – heard bad news A: You look worried. Is something wrong? B: Yeah. I just heard bad news. 1. bored – read uninteresting novel 2. embarrassing – wear different colors of socks. 3. interested – learn English 4. nervous – have a speech in public 5. exhausted – run for about 10 kilometers. TASK 6 How would you respond to these following situations? Example: Situation : Your grandparents will come tomorrow. Your response : I feel happy to hear that. 1. You want to have a new bag, but your father doesn’t have enough money. 2. You read a title of a book. It sounds interesting. 3. This is the first time you join the singing contest. In 10 minutes, you’ll be on stage. 4. Tomorrow you’ll have an English test. You have some difficulties in English. Your friend invites you to have dinner together at a café. 75 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI MODAL AUXILIARIES Let’s study modal auxiliaries. Understand the explanation. People use may I, could I, and can I to ask polite questions. They are used to ask for someone’s permission. Please can come at the end of the question. Example: May I borrow your bag, please? Please can be omitted from the question. Example: May I borrow your bag? May I, could I, and can I are some expressions to offer something. TASK 7 Complete the dialogues using the words in the box. Would you like I’d like Could I use Shall I get you Can I speak Could I have 1. Yani Eka 2. Marta Mrs. Uti 3. Winda : ________ your magazine? : Sure. : ________ your handphone, Mom? My battery is low. : Of course. : Hello? Karin : Hello. ________ to Hani, please? Winda : Oh, I’m sorry. He is not at home. Karin : I see. 4. Handoko : ________ something to drink? Galih May I read : Yes, please. ________ orange juice. Handoko : Right. Wait a minute. 76 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 5. Fani : ________ some medicine? Tita : Yes, please. ________ an aspirin? Fani : Sure. SUBJECT – VERB AGREEMENT Let’s study about subject- verb agreement. Understand the explanation. 1. When the following words are used as subjects, they are always singular. Some of these words are plural in meaning, but they always require singular verbs. Examples: 1. Everyone is here. 2. Neither of these tables is very new. 2. When each or every comes before singular subjects joined by and, a singular verb is required. Examples: 1. Every man and woman is eligible to vote. 2. Each student and teacher has a locker. 3. Introductory “it” is singular and always followed by a singular verb. Example: It is his grades that worry him. 4. Words that come between a subject and its verb do not change the number of the subject. Examples: 1. The man together with his children is leaving soon. 2. The teacher along with her students is viewing a video. 5. Subjects joined by and or both … and …. take a plural verb. Examples: 1. A black truck and a yellow car are parked outside the garage. 2. Both tigers and elephants are becoming extinct. 6. When subjects are joined by the following structures, the verb must agree with the closer subject. Examples: 1. Neither the students nor the teacher is allowed to smoke. 2. Either the teacher or the students have your books. 3. Not only the nurses but also the doctor is coming soon. (Taken from Multi-Purpose English for Vocational School Students pg. 83) 77 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI TASK 8 Which of the underlined word is NOT correct? 1. A father together with his children are watching a televison. A B C D 2. Toni but not Sammy have gone to play soccer at the park. A B C D 3. Everyone were required to write a poem. A B C D 4. There are a pair of socks lying on the chair. A B C D 5. A motorcycle and a taxi is parked in the parking lot. A 2 B C D Modelling of the Text TASK 9 Read the paragraph below. Underline the sentences that express someone’s feeling. Then answer the questions. Yesterday I was so happy and really enjoyed the day. My family and I went to the beach. My father prepared the car and my mother prepared food. They looked enthused. My sister and I helped her. We went there early in the morning. After parking our car, we walked along the beach. We looked for a place to enjoy the scenery. My sister and I built a sand castle. Many children swam on the beach. They seem cheerful. Then, we had a lunch together. After that, we went home in the evening. Adapted from Multi-Purpose English for Vocational School Students pg. 81 78 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Vocabulary: prepare : mempersiapkan enthused : bersemangat scenery : pemandangan sand castle : istana pasir cheerful : ceria Questions: 1. What did the speaker feel yesterday? 2. Where did the speaker and her family go yesterday? 3. What did they do on the beach? 4. What are the children’s feelings when they were swimming? 5. When did they come back home? 3 Joint Construction of the Text TASK 10 Work in pairs. Arrange these jumbled dialogues and fill in the blanks with the appropriate words in the box. Then, share your work with your friend. Finally, perform this dialogue in front of the class. Who is speaking? Will you leave? Thank you. Can I Can I speak I’m sorry 79 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Secretary Mr. Yadi You’re welcome. No, thanks. I’ll him later. ________ Good Afternoon. Cahaya Gemilang Company. What ________ do for you? Oh. .this is Mr. Yudi, Mr. Iwan’s old friend ________ a message? Oh, ________ He is not at the office right now. He is attending a seminar at Garuda Hotel. ________ Good afternoon. ________ to Mr. Iwan? 4 Independent Construction of the Text TASK 11 Make sentences using the words below. Example: boring – bored The story is boring, so we are bored to watch that movie. 1. embarrassing- embarrassed 2. tiring – tired 3. amazing – amazed 4. interesting – interested 5. disturbing – disturbed Then, share your work with your friend. 80 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI A. GREETINGS & LEAVE TAKINGS Listen to the dialogue in the recording carefully, and then mention some expressions of greetings and leave-takings used in the dialogue. (The recording will be played three times). Some expressions of greetings and leave-takings used in the dialogue: ………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………….... B. INTRODUCING YOURSELF Listen to the dialogue in the recording carefully, and then mention some expressions of introducing yourself used in the dialogue. (The recording will be played three times). Some expressions of introducing yourself used in the dialogue: ………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………….... C. THANKING Arrange this jumbled dialogue into a proper dialogue, and then mention some expressions of thanking used in the dialogue. ( …….) Linda : Oh, hi, welcome back, Janet! Have a nice trip? ( …….) Janet : Don’t mention it. What are friends for? ( …….) Linda : Come on in. I have got the coffeepot on. ( …….) Janet : Yes, it was fantastic. Fresh air and sunshine everyday. 81 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI ( …….) Linda : Oh, thank you. It’s beautiful! I don’t have any plants like this. But you shouldn’t have to. ( …….) Janet : Thanks, but I have got a ton of laundry to do. I have something for you. ( …….) Linda : You’re welcome. ( …….) Janet : Oh, it’s a nice T-shirt. Thanks a lot. ( …….) Linda : Thank you, Jan. By the way, I have also something for you. Here you are. Some expressions of thanking used in the dialogue: ………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… D. APOLOGIZING Arrange this jumbled dialogue into a proper dialogue, and then mention some expressions of apologizing used in the dialogue. ( …….) Luky : Good morning, Sir. ( …….) Teacher : OK. That’s all right for this time. But, starting tomorrow, you mustn’t be late. ( …….) Luky : I won’t, Sir. ( …….) Teacher : Good morning, Luky. ( …….) Luky : Thank you, Sir. ( …….) Teacher : Why did you come late, Luky? ( …….) Luky : I’m sorry for my being late, Sir. ( …….) Teacher : You’re welcome. ( …….) Teacher : Have a seat, please. ( …….) Luky : This morning my mother is sick and I have to take her to hospital first. Some expressions of apologizing used in the dialogue: ………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… 82 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI E. PERSONAL PRONOUN Complete the sentences by choosing the correct option. 1. After reading the newspaper, Koko put ________ on the table. a. it. c. him. b. them. d. her. 2. The students are doing the test. The teacher asks ________ to do the test by themselves. a. him. c. them. b. her. d. it. 3. I feel happy now. My grandmother gives ________ some cakes. a. them. c. it. b. him. d. me. 4. These are their books. They save ________ in the shelf. a. theirs. c. mine. b. ours. d. yours. 5. It is her mirror. She forgot to bring ________. a. his. c. mine. b. hers. d. theirs. F. SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE Complete the sentences using simple present tense of the verbs in brackets. 1. My father _________ to the office at 7 o’clock. (go) 2. I _________ at 5 in the morning. (usually, wake up) 3. You _________ a teacher. (be, not) 4. Mirta _________ like soft drink. (do, not) 5. _________ Hendra _________ to Klaten twice a week? (do, go) GOOD LUCK 83 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI A. NATIONALITIES Listen to the recording carefully. Then, fill in the blanks with their nationalities and languages according to the country they come from. (The recording will be played three times). 1. Hi, I’m from …………….…... I’m …………………… I speak ……….…..… 2. Hi, I’m from ……………..….. I’m …………………… I speak ……………... 3. Hi, I’m from ………….……... I’m …………………… I speak ……...……… 4. Hi, I’m from ……….....……... I’m ……………….…... I speak ………...…… 5. Hi, I’m from ……………….... I’m ………………...…. I speak …………...… B. ADJECTIVES Match the words in column A with its meaning in column B. A 1. B glad (…….) a. kejam 2. quick (…….) b. kosong 3. cruel (…….) c. mentah 4. noisy (…….) d. gembira 5. ripe (…….) e. budiman 6. patient (…….) f. sabar 7. empty (…….) g. sangat besar 8. generous (…….) h. cepat 9. huge (…….) i. keras 10. alive (…….) j. gaduh k. hidup l. masak 84 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI C. PROFESSIONS What do these people do? Describe each person’s job. 1. Teacher ……………………………………………………………………… 2. Postman ……………………………………………....……………………… 3. Dentist ……………………………………………………………………… 4. Carpenter ……………………………………………………………………… 5. Potter ……………………………………………………………………… D. DESCRIBING PEOPLE Look at the pictures below. Describe their appearances. A B C D Pictures are taken from Clip Art. (A) ……………………………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………………….. (B) ………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… (C) ………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… 85 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI (D) ………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… E. DESCRIBING THINGS Look at the pictures below. Describe the things. A B Pictures are taken from Clip Art. (A) ………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… (B) ………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… F. TIME Draw the clocks that show the time given. 1. 2. What time is it? What time is it? It’s quarter to three. It’s half past eleven 86 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 3. 4. What time is it? What time is it? It’s ten forty-five. It’s twelve o’clock. G. SINGULAR-PLURAL NOUNS Change into plural forms. 1. one tooth, ten ………….. 2. one bus, five …………… 3. one fox, four ………..…. 4. a sheep, ten …………….. 5. one potato, three ……….. GOOD LUCK 87 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI A. CARDINAL NUMBERS Listen to the recording carefully. There will be 15 numbers mentioned in the recording. Circle those numbers. (The recording will be played twice). B. 25 42 44 99 664 41 82 725 37 875 7 1 100 28 54 39 89 447 58 610 63 47 33 21 20 225 55 10 56 4 ORDINAL NUMBERS Write these ordinal numbers. 1. 13th floor ………………………………………………… 2. 1st building ………………………………………………… 3. October 25, 2008 ………………………………………………… 4. King Arthur IX ………………………………………………… 5. Queen Elisabeth I ………………………………………………… 88 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI C. ANTONYM Match each word in column A with its antonym in column B. A B 1. wet (…….) a. to buy 2. far (…….) b. different 3. brave (…….) c. passive 4. active (…….) d. dry 5. same (…….) e. absence 6. refusal (…….) f. coward 7. presence (…….) g. to laugh 8. to cry h. acceptance (…….) 9. to build (…….) i. near 10. to sell j. to break (…….) k. surrender D. SYNONYM Match each word in column A with its synonym in column B. A B 1. aid (…….) a. to invent 2. couple (…….) b. whole 3. profit (…….) c. ground 4. discourse (…….) d. benefit 5. soil (…….) e. marvellous 6. wonderful (……) f. to embody 7. entire (…....) g. conversation 8. to talk about (……) h. help 9. to connect i. to discuss (…....) 10. to discover (…....) j. pair k. to link 89 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI E. ADJECTIVES IN SERIES (NOUN PHRASE) Correct the order of the adjectives and nouns in the following sentences. 1. small -lady -Canadian -a -thin ………………………………………………………………………………… 2. an -old -table –wooden -square ………………………………………………………………………………… 3. brown -a -jacket –leather ………………………………………………………………………………… 4. French -band -new -an -exciting ………………………………………………………………………………… 5. tie -cotton dirty -a -old ………………………………………………………………………………… F. SIMPLE PAST TENSE Complete the sentences using simple past tense of the verbs in brackets. 1. Yeny _________ two glasses of orange juice this morning. (drink) 2. I _________ the fried rice in this restaurant a week ago. (eat) 3. You _________ go to the library yesterday. (do, not) 4. My family _________ a nice trip last holiday. (have) 5. _________ Mila _________ a new pair of shoes last week? (do, buy) G. DESCRIPTION OF EVENTS Describe an event that you experienced when you were a child using the time of the day (day, date, month, and year). ( 5 sentences at least). ………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… GOOD LUCK 90 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI A. MODAL AUXILIARIES Listen to the dialogues in the recording carefully. Complete the blanks using modal auxiliaries mentioned in the recording. (The recording will be played twice). 1. Tita : Hello? Gita : Hello. __________ to Riris? Tita : She is not at home right now. __________ a message? Gita : No, thanks. I’ll call her later. 2. Waitress : __________ to eat? Danti : Um…those cakes look delicious. I’ll have a piece of them, please. Waitress : And __________ to drink? Danti : Yes, please. I’d like vanilla juice. Waitress : All right. B. REGRETS AND APOLOGIES If you are in the following situations, what will you say to express regrets and apologies? 1. Customer : You gave me the wrong change. Cashier : ………………………………… 2. Director Secretary 3. Agus Vani 4. Jojo Yuyun : You made some mistakes in this letter. : Did I? ………………………… Let me fix it then. : I spilt coffee on my new skirt. : …………………………………. : I think I’ve lost my wallet. : …………………………………. 91 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI C. SYMPATHY Arrange these jumbled dialogues into proper dialogues, and then mention the expressions of sympathy used in the dialogues. Dialogue 1 ( …….) Witri : I am sorry to hear that. Hope she’ll get better soon. ( …….) Sinta : My father is sick. I had to take care him all night. ( …….) Witri : You look horrible. What’s wrong? ( …….) Sinta : Thank you, Wit. The expressions of sympathy used in the dialogue: ………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… Dialogue 2 ( …….) Aan : I am so sorry. Please extend my deepest condolences to your family. ( …….) Rinto : My father passed away yesterday. ( …….) Aan : Why do you look sad? ( …….) Rinto : Thank you. The expressions of sympathy used in the dialogue: ………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… 92 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI D. ASKING FOR AND GIVING PERMISSION If you are in the following situations, what will you say to give permissions? 1. Secretary : Can I come late tomorrow, Mr. Hary? I have to see the dentist at 8 o’clock. Director 2. Sandi Yuke 3. Tourist : ………………………………… : May I go and see my old friend after this lunch? : ………………………………… : May I take my room key? Receptionist: ………………………………… 4. Sasa : I’m so hungry. Do you mind if we go to the restaurant to get some food? Tita : ………………………………… E. COMMANDS AND REQUESTS Underline the expressions of commands and requests in the following dialogue and then answer the questions. Resa : Hi, Ayu. Can I help you? Ayu : Sure. I’m making baked potatoes. Resa : So, what should I do? Ayu : Easy! Can you take a large potato? Resa : OK. Here you are. Then? Ayu : Wash it. Resa : And after that? Ayu : Well, now bake it in the oven until it’s soft. Resa : Does it take a long time? Ayu : Until it’s soft. And then cut it open and serve it with the butter. Resa : Yummy….yummy! 93 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Questions: 1. What are Ayu and Resa talking about? ……………………………………………………… 2. Where does the conversation take place? ……………………………………………………… 3. How long the potatoes bake in the oven? ……………………………………………………… F. OFFERING THINGS AND SERVICES Make questions that express offers based on the answers below. 1. Iwan Santi 2. Aldi Risa : ………………………………… : Yes, please. I’d like orange juice. : ………………………………… : Sure. I’ll have pizza and hamburger. G. ADJECTIVES OF FEELINGS How would you feel in the following situations? 1. You will have National Examination tomorrow. ………………………………………………………………………………… 2. You have been chosen to represent your school in a singing contest. ………………………………………………………………………………… 3. Your boyfriend/girlfriend has an affair with other people. ………………………………………………………………………………… H. ADJECTIVES –ing vs. –ed Make sentences using the words below. 1. frustrating – frustrated ………………………………………………………………………………… 2. confusing - confused ………………………………………………………………………………… 94 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI I. ADJECTIVES SET EXPRESSIONS Make sentences using the words below. 1. feel ………………………………………………………………………………… 2. look ………………………………………………………………………………… 3. turn ………………………………………………………………………………… J. SUBJECT – VERB AGREEMENT Which of the underlined word is NOT correct? 1. A book and a pen is thrown into the garbage can. A B C D 2. Everyone were asked to submit an article. A B C D 3. There are a pair of shoes lying on the chair. A B C D 4. Koko but not Andre have walked into the meeting room. A B C D 5. A baby-sitter together with her baby are walking in the park. A B C D GOOD LUCK 95 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PREFACE This part provides the steps which the teacher should conduct in each unit of this book. Each unit is divided into two main sections. First section is Oracy Cycle which focuses on Listening and Speaking skills. Second section is Literacy Cycle which focuses on Reading and Writing skills. Each cycle consists of four main activities: 1) Building Knowledge of the Field. In this part, the teacher helps the students to recall their prior knowledge by asking some questions based on the picture given. Besides, it is aimed to give the students deeper explanation of the topics. 2) Modelling of the Text. In this part, the teacher provides the pronunciation drilling and the exercises which enable the students to comprehend the particular topics. 3) Joint Construction of the Text. In this part, the teacher monitors the students while they are accomplishing the tasks. Then, the teacher gives the students feedback toward their performances. 4) Independent Construction of the Text. This part is intended to measure the students’ achievement related to the materials learned. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 1 Building Knowledge of the Field TASK 1 This task presents a warming up which helps the students to recall their prior knowledge. It also helps them to brainstorm what the unit is about. Tell the students to look at the picture carefully. Then ask them to answer the questions based on the picture. GREETINGS Ask the students some questions of how to greet others. This part will help the students to practice their pronunciation. Tell the students to listen to you and repeat your dictation. Give further explanation about some expressions of greeting. LEAVE TAKINGS Ask the students some questions of how to leave others. This part will help the students to practice their pronunciation. Tell the students to listen to you and repeat your dictation. Give further explanation about some expressions of leave takings. Time and expressions: This part presents expressions used in a particular time. Give the students some explanation about time and expressions. 96 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Tell the students to look at the pictures that show particular time including the expressions. INTRODUCING YOURSELF Ask some questions of how to introduce yourself. This part will help the students to practice their pronunciation. Tell the students to listen to you and repeat your dictation. Give further explanation about some expressions of introducing yourself. INTRODUCING OTHER PEOPLE Ask some questions of how to introduce people. This part will help the students to practice their pronunciation. Tell the students to listen to you and repeat your dictation. Give further explanation about some expressions of introducing people. TASK 2 This task will help the students to practice their listening skill and pronunciation. Tell the students to listen to you and repeat your dictation. Then, ask them to practice the dialogue in pairs. THANKING Ask some questions of how to thank someone. This part will help the students to practice their pronunciation. Tell the students to listen to you and repeat your dictation. Give further explanation about some expressions of thanking. TASK 3 This exercise will help the students to practice their listening skill and pronunciation. Tell the students to listen to you and repeat your dictation. Then, ask them to practice the dialogue in pairs. 97 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI APOLOGIZING Ask some questions of how to apologize. This part will help the students to practice their pronunciation. Tell the students to listen to you and repeat your dictation. Give further explanation about some expressions of apologizing. TASK 4 This task will help the students to practice their listening skill and pronunciation. Tell the students to listen to you and repeat your dictation. Then, ask them to practice the dialogue in pairs. Modelling of the Text 2 TASK 5 This task will help the students to practice their listening skill and pronunciation. Tell the students to close the book and listen to you. Then, ask them to open the book and practice the dialogue in pairs. Do not let the students to open the book first while you are reading the conversation. TASK 6 This task will help the students to practice their listening skill. Tell the students to listen to the recording carefully. You will play the recording three times. Tell the students to focus their attention to the recording. While they are listening to the recording, they should make some notes. Then, ask the students to answer the questions. The script of listening: Hello, everyone. I’d like to introduce myself. My name is Agnes Simatupang. But you can call me Agnes. I was born in Yogyakarta on January eleventh. I am 98 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI sixteen years old. I live at Jalan Legi number twenty one. I am a student of vocational high school. Now, I’m in grade ten. Thank you. Joint Construction of the Text 3 TASK 7 This task will help the students to practice their speaking skill. Tell the students to work in pairs and read the situations. They should make dialogues based on the situations. Then, ask some students to perform the dialogues in front of the class. You can ask volunteers or choose the group who will perform the dialogues in front of the class. Then, you can give them brief feedback toward their performances. 4 Independent Construction of the Text TASK 8 This task will help the students to practice their speaking skill. Tell the students to introduce themselves using expression of introducing yourself they’ve learned. They should also introduce their friend sitting next to them using expression of introducing other people. Then, ask some students to perform it in front of the class. You can ask volunteers or choose some students to perform it in front of the class. Then, you can give them brief feedback toward their performances. 99 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 1 Building Knowledge of the Field SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE This part presents a grammar focus related to the Simple Present Tense. Tell the students to read the examples provided. Tell them to understand the functions and the pattern of the Simple Present Tense. Give further explanation. TASK 1 This task will help the students to understand the use of Simple Present Tense. Tell the students to complete the sentences using simple present tense of the verbs in brackets. Then discuss the answers in the class. PERSONAL PRONOUNS This part presents a grammar focus related to Personal Pronouns. Tell the students to read the examples of personal pronouns. Give further explanation related to the use of personal pronouns. TASK 2 This task will help the students to understand the use of Personal Pronouns. Tell the students to complete the text with the correct personal pronouns. Then discuss the answers in the class. 2 Modelling of the Text TASK 3 This task will help the students to practice their reading skill and vocabulary. 100 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Tell the students to read the paragraph in the box and then underline the verbs of Simple Present Tense. Then, ask them to answer the questions. Ask them to pay attention to the difficult vocabularies given in the paragraph. Discuss the answers in the class. Joint Construction of the Text 3 TASK 4 This task will help the students to practice their writing skill. Tell the students to look at the pictures and make a story based on the situations using Simple Present Tense. Then, ask them to share their work with friends. 4 Independent Construction of the Text TASK 5 This task will help the students to practice their writing skill. Tell the students to make five sentences using Simple Present Tense. Then, ask them to share their work with friends. 101 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 1 Building Knowledge of the Field TASK 1 This task presents a warming up which helps the students to recall their prior knowledge. It also helps them to brainstorm what the unit is about. Tell the students to look at the picture carefully. Then ask them to describe the picture. DESCRIBING PEOPLE This part presents how to describe people. Tell the students to read the explanation about describing people. Tell them to understand some features used to describe people. Give further explanation. Then, ask the students to look at the pictures. This part will help the students to practice their pronunciation. Tell the students to listen to you and repeat your dictation. Give further explanation about some features to describe people. TASK 2 This task will help the students to practice their listening skill and pronunciation. Tell the students to listen to you and repeat your dictation. Then, ask them to practice the dialogue in pairs. TASK 3 This task will help the students to practice their listening skill. 102 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Tell the students to listen to the recording carefully. You will play the recording three times. Tell the students to focus their attention to the recording. While they are listening to the recording, they should make some notes. Then, ask the students to answer the questions. The script of listening: Good morning everyone. I have a sister. Her name is Anita. She is beautiful but she is a simple girl. She has straight black hair, a pointed nose and small eyes. She has an oval face and white skin. She likes to wear a blouse and a skirt. She always smiles. She looks happy. Her friends like her. She is sociable. TASK 4 This task will help the students to practice their speaking skill. Tell the students to look at the pictures. Then, ask them to describe the people in the pictures using some features they have learned. Afterwards, ask them to share their work with friends. NATIONALITIES This task will help the students to practice their pronunciation. Tell the students to study the countries, the nationalities, and their languages in the table. Then, ask them to pronounce the words in the table using proper pronunciation. TASK 5 This task will help the students to practice their speaking skill. Tell the students to work in pairs. Ask them to look at the example first. Then, ask the students to make dialogues based on the pictures given. After that, practice the dialogues in pairs. 103 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Modelling of the Text 2 TASK 6 This task will help the students to practice their listening skill and pronunciation. Tell the students to close the book and listen to you. Then, ask the students to answer some questions based on the conversation. Afterwards, tell them to open the book and practice the dialogue in pairs. Do not let the students to open the book while you are reading the conversation. Joint Construction of the Text 3 TASK 7 This task will help the students to practice their speaking skill. Tell the students to work in pairs and arrange the jumbled sentences into a proper dialogue. Then, ask some students to perform the dialogues in front of the class. You can ask volunteers or choose the group who will perform the dialogues in front of the class. Then, you can give them brief feedback toward their performances. 4 Independent Construction of the Text TASK 8 This task will help the students to practice their speaking skill. Tell the students to tell about the people in their family. They should describe their family including the personality and appearance. Afterwards, they should also describe their friend sitting next to them using some features of describing people. Then, ask some students to perform it in front of the class. You can ask volunteers or choose some students to perform it in front of the class. Then, you can give them brief feedback toward their performances. 104 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 1 Building Knowledge of the Field ADJECTIVES This part presents adjectives used to describe nouns. Tell the students to study the explanations provided. Give further explanation about adjectives. TASK 1 This task will help the students to improve their vocabularies. Tell the students to read the words in the box. Then, ask them to find the meaning of those words. After that, discuss the answers in the class. TASK 2 This task will help the students to improve their vocabularies. Tell the students to match the definition of adjectives in column A with the correct adjectives in column B. Then, discuss the answers in the class. DESCRIBING THINGS This part presents how to describe things. Ask the students to read the explanation about describing things. Tell them to understand some features used to describe things. Give further explanation. Then, ask the students to look at the pictures. This part will help the students to practice their pronunciation. Tell the students to read the words below the pictures using proper pronunciation. Give further explanation about some features to describe things. 105 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI TASK 3 This task will help the students to practice their writing skill. Tell the students to look at the pictures. Then, ask them to describe the things in the pictures using some features they have learned. Afterwards, ask them to share their work with friends. PROFESSIONS TASK 4 This task will help the students to understand about Professions. Tell the students to match the pictures with the names of the jobs. Then, describe each person’s job by matching the person with the place and the duty. Afterwards, ask them to share their answers with their friends. TASK 5 This task will help the students to understand more about Professions. Tell the students to match the pictures with the names of the jobs. Then, complete the sentences with the words in the box. Afterwards, ask them to share their answers with their friends. TIME This part presents explanation about Time. Tell the students to look at the pictures of clocks and read the sentences below the pictures. Give further information. TASK 6 This task will help the students to understand about Time. Tell the students to complete the sentences based on the clocks. Then, discuss the answers in the class. 106 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI DAY AND MONTH This part presents explanation about Day and Month. Tell the students to study the explanation provided in the boxes. Give further explanation. TASK 7 This task will help the students to practice their listening and speaking skill. Tell the students to listen to you and repeat after you. Then, ask them to practice the dialogue with their friend. TASK 8 This task will help the students to understand more about Day and Month. Tell the students to look at the table first and answer the questions based on the explanation in the table. Then, discuss the answer in the class. SINGULAR-PLURAL NOUNS This part presents explanation about Singular- Plural Nouns. Tell the students to understand the pattern and the explanation in the table. Ask them to read the examples provided. Give further explanation. TASK 9 This task will help the students to understand about Singular- Plural Nouns. Tell the students to change the words into plural forms. Then, discuss the answer in the class. This part will help the students to practice their pronunciation. Tell the students to listen to you carefully and repeat after you. Give the students some further explanation. Then, choose some students to pronounce the words to the class. 107 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI TASK 10 This task will help the students to understand more about Singular- Plural Nouns. Tell the students to pronounce some plural nouns in the box. Then, ask them to classify the words in the correct column. After that, discuss the answer in the class. 2 Modelling of the Text TASK 11 This task will help the students to practice their reading skill and vocabulary. Tell the students to read the paragraph in the box. Then, ask them to answer the questions. Ask them to pay attention to the difficult vocabularies given in the paragraph. Discuss the answers in the class. 3 Joint Construction of the Text TASK 12 This task will help the students to practice their writing skill. Tell the students to look at the pictures of the clocks. Then, ask them to describe their daily activities based on the clocks given. Afterwards, ask them to share their work with friends. 4 Independent Construction of the Text TASK 13 This task will help the students to practice their writing skill. Tell the students to find other examples of singular-plural nouns as much as possible. Then, ask them to share their work with friends. 108 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 1 Building Knowledge of the Field TASK 1 This task presents a warming up which helps the students to recall their prior knowledge. It also helps them to brainstorm what the unit is about. Tell the students to look at the picture carefully. Then ask them to describe the picture using their own words. CARDINAL NUMBERS This part presents explanation about Cardinal Numbers. Tell the students to read the cardinal numbers in the box. Give further explanation. TASK 2 This task will help the students to practice their listening skill. Tell the students to listen to the recording carefully. The speaker is going to say pairs of two different numbers. Tell the students to focus their attention to the recording. While they are listening to the recording, they should write the numbers down. Then, discuss the answers in the class. The script of listening: 1. thirteen – thirty. 2. fourteen – forty. 3. sixteen – sixty. 4. eighteen – eighty. 109 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 5. nineteen – ninety. 6. fifteen – fifty. 7. seventeen-seventy. TASK 3 This task will help the students to practice their listening skill. Tell the students to listen to the recording carefully. The speaker will say 15 numbers. Tell the students to focus their attention to the recording. While they are listening the recording, they should circle the numbers in the box. Then, discuss the answers in the class. The script of listening: 53 86 416 1 8 665 23 108 18 212 37 68 16 95 669 TASK 4 This task will help the students to practice Cardinal Numbers. Give further explanation about Cardinal Numbers including addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Tell the students to understand the explanation. Then, ask them to answer the questions. Discuss the answer in the class. ORDINAL NUMBERS This part presents explanation about Ordinal Numbers. Tell the students to read the ordinal numbers in the box. Give further explanation. TASK 5 This task will help the students to practice their pronunciation. Tell the students to pronounce the ordinal numbers using proper pronunciation. Then, ask some students to pronounce them in the class. 110 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI NATIONALITY Tell the students to review the lesson about Nationality in Unit 2. Ask the students to look at the pictures and read the explanation below the pictures. Give further explanation about the pattern how to ask someone’s nationality. Tell the students to understand the explanation in the table. TASK 6 This task will help the students to practice their listening and pronunciation skill. Tell the students to listen to you carefully and repeat after you. Then, ask them to practice the dialogue with their friend. After that, tell the student to answer the questions based on the dialogue. DESCRIPTION OF EVENTS This part presents explanation about description of events. Give further explanation how to describe an event. TASK 7 This task will help the students to practice their listening and pronunciation skill. Tell the students to listen to you carefully and repeat after you. Then, ask them to practice the dialogue with their friend. TASK 8 This task will help the students to practice their speaking skill. Tell the students to underline the sentences in the dialogue in TASK 7 which describe event. Then, ask them to retell the dialogue using their own words. Share their work with friends. TASK 9 This task will help the students to practice their listening and pronunciation skill. 111 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Tell the students to listen to you carefully and repeat after you. Then, ask them to practice the dialogue with their friend. After that, tell the student to answer the questions based on the dialogue. 2 Modelling of the Text TASK 10 This task will help the students to practice their listening skill and pronunciation. Tell the students to listen to you and repeat after you. Then, ask them to practice the dialogue in pairs. Tell them to mind their pronunciation and intonation. 3 Joint Construction of the Text TASK 11 This task will help the students to practice their speaking skill. Tell the students to work in pairs and read the situations given, then make dialogues talking about those situations. They should include the time of the day (day, date, month, and year). They can use their imagination. Then, ask some groups to perform the dialogues in front of the class. You can ask volunteers or choose the group who will perform the dialogues in front of the class. Then, you can give them brief feedback toward their performances. 4 Independent Construction of the Text TASK 12 This task will help the students to practice their speaking skill. 112 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Tell the students to describe their favourite foreign singers’ nationalities. Then, ask some students to perform it in front of the class. You can ask volunteers or choose some students to perform it in front of the class. Then, you can give them brief feedback toward their performances. 113 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 1 Building Knowledge of the Field SIMPLE PAST TENSE This part presents a grammar focus related to the Simple Past Tense. Tell the students to read the examples provided. Tell them to understand the functions and the pattern of the Simple Past Tense. Give further explanation. TASK 1 This task will help the students to understand the use of Simple Past Tense. Tell the students to complete the sentences using simple past tense of the verbs in brackets. Then discuss the answers in the class. PROFESSION Tell the students to review the lesson about Profession in Unit 2. TASK 2 This task will help the students to improve their vocabularies. Tell the students to read the words in the box and find the meaning of each word. Then, ask them to describe each person’s job. Afterwards, tell the students to share their work with friend. TASK 3 This task will help the students to practice their writing skill. Tell the students to read the sentences and underline the word that doesn’t fit. Then, write the correct word. Afterwards, discuss the answer in the class. 114 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI TASK 4 This task will help the students to understand about Professions. Tell the students to listen to you carefully and repeat after you. Then, ask the students to practice the dialogue with their friend. After that, tell them to answer the questions based on the conversation. Discuss the answer in the class. ANTONYM This part presents explanation about Antonym. Tell the students to study the explanation and the examples of antonym. Give further explanation. TASK 5 This task will help the students to understand more about Antonym. Tell the students to match each word in column A with its antonym in column B. Then find the meaning of each word. Then, discuss the answer in the class. SYNONYM This part presents explanation about Synonym. Tell the students to study the explanation and the examples of synonym. Give further explanation. TASK 6 This task will help the students to understand more about Synonym. Tell the students to match each word in column A with its synonym in column B. Then find the meaning of each word. Then, discuss the answer in the class. 115 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI ADJECTIVES IN SERIES (NOUN PHRASE) This part presents explanation about Adjectives in Series (Noun Phrase). Give further explanation about adjectives in series including the order of adjective in noun phrase. Give some examples of noun phrase. TASK 7 This task will help the students to practice about Noun Phrase. Tell the students to correct the order of the adjectives and nouns in the sentences. Then, discuss the answer in the class. TASK 8 This task will help the students to practice more about Noun Phrase. Tell the students to choose the correct order of adjectives in the sentences. Then, discuss the answer in the class. 2 Modelling of the Text TASK 9 This task will help the students to practice their reading skill and vocabulary. Tell the students to read the paragraph in the box and then underline the verbs of Simple Past Tense. Then, ask them to answer the questions. Ask them to pay attention to the difficult vocabularies given in the paragraph. Discuss the answers in the class. TASK 10 This task will help the students to practice their reading skill and vocabulary. Tell the students to read the paragraph and fill in the blanks with the suitable words in the box. Then underline the verbs of Simple Past Tense. 116 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 3 Joint Construction of the Text TASK 11 This task will help the students to practice their writing skill. Tell the students to look at the pictures and make a story based on the situations using Simple Past Tense. Then, ask them to share their work with friends. 4 Independent Construction of the Text TASK 12 This task will help the students to practice their writing skill. Tell the students to make five sentences using the order of adjectives (Noun Phrase). Then, ask them to share their work with friends. 117 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 1 Building Knowledge of the Field TASK 1 This task presents a warming up which helps the students to recall their prior knowledge. It also helps them to brainstorm what the unit is about. Tell the students to look at the picture carefully. Then ask them to describe what the man feels. REGRETS & APOLOGIES Ask the students some questions of how to express regret and apologies. This part will help the students to practice their pronunciation. Tell the students to listen to you and repeat your dictation. Give further explanation about some expressions of regret and apologies. TASK 2 This task will help the students to practice their listening skill and pronunciation. Tell the students to listen to you and repeat your dictation. Then, ask them to practice the dialogues in pairs. SYMPATHY Ask some questions of how to express sympathy. This part will help the students to practice their pronunciation. Tell the students to listen to you and repeat your dictation. Give further explanation about some expressions of sympathy. 118 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI TASK 3 This exercise will help the students to practice their listening skill and pronunciation. Tell the students to listen to you and repeat your dictation. Then, ask them to practice the dialogues in pairs. ASKING FOR AND GIVING PERMISSION Ask some questions of how to ask for and give permission. This part will help the students to practice their pronunciation. Tell the students to listen to you and repeat your dictation. Give further explanation about some expressions of asking for and giving permission. TASK 4 This task will help the students to practice their listening skill and pronunciation. Tell the students to listen to you and repeat your dictation. Then, ask them to practice the dialogue in pairs. COMMANDS AND REQUESTS Ask some questions of how to express commands and requests. This part will help the students to practice their pronunciation. Tell the students to listen to you and repeat your dictation. Give further explanation about some expressions of commands and requests. TASK 5 This task will help the students to practice their listening skill and pronunciation. Tell the students to listen to you and repeat your dictation. Then, ask them to practice the dialogue in pairs. OFFERING THINGS AND SERVICES Ask some questions of how to offer things and services. This part will help the students to practice their pronunciation. 119 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Tell the students to listen to you and repeat your dictation. Give further explanation about some expressions of offering things and services. TASK 6 This task will help the students to practice their listening skill and pronunciation. Tell the students to listen to you and repeat your dictation. Then, ask them to practice the dialogue in pairs. TASK 7 This task will help the students to practice their listening skill. Tell the students to listen to the dialogues in the recording carefully. The recording will be played three times. Tell the students to focus their attention to the recording. While they are listening to the recording, they should complete the table. The script of listening: 1. A : I’d like a room with a view of the beach. B : Certainly, Madam. We have a very nice room overlooking the beach. Would you like to see it? A : Yes, please. 2. A : Do you have a family room, for two adults and two children? B : I’m afraid we don’t have a family room available. But we can offer you twin rooms. A : Mm. No, the rooms won’t be suitable. 3. A : Could I have a luxury suite for two nights, please? B : I’m afraid we don’t have a suite available. But we can give you a studio. 4. A : I’d like a double room for three nights, please. B : Certainly, Madam. I can give you a nice double room on the second floor. 5. A : Do you have accommodation for non-smokers? B : Yes. We have non-smoking rooms on the third floor. Will you reserve one? 120 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 2 Modelling of the Text TASK 8 This task will help the students to practice their listening skill and pronunciation. Tell the students to close the book and listen to you. Then, ask them to open the book and practice the dialogue in pairs. Do not let the students to open the book first while you are reading the conversation. 3 Joint Construction of the Text TASK 9 This task will help the students to practice their speaking skill. Tell the students to work in pairs and read the situations. They should make dialogues based on the situations. Then, ask some students to perform the dialogues in front of the class. You can ask volunteers or choose the group who will perform the dialogues in front of the class. Then, you can give them brief feedback toward their performances. 4 Independent Construction of the Text TASK 10 This task will help the students to practice their speaking skill. Tell the students to make five expressions used to express commands and five expressions used to express request. Then, ask some students to perform it in front of the class. You can ask volunteers or choose some students to perform it in front of the class. Then, you can give them brief feedback toward their performances. 121 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 1 Building Knowledge of the Field ADJECTIVES TASK 1 This task will help the students to improve their vocabularies. Tell the students to read the words in the box using proper pronunciation. Then, ask them to find the meaning of those words. After that, discuss the answers in the class. TASK 2 This task will help the students to improve their vocabularies. Tell the students to describe someone’s feeling in the particular situations by choosing the suitable words in the box. Then, discuss the answers in the class. ADJECTIVES OF FEELINGS This part presents explanation about adjectives of feelings. Tell the students to study the pattern how to express feelings and the examples. Give further explanation. TASK 3 This task will help the students to improve their writing skill. Tell the students to make sentences using the words in the box. Then, compare their work with their friend. Discuss the answers in the class. ADJECTIVES –ing vs. –ed This part presents explanation about adjectives –ing vs. –ed. Tell the students to study the explanation in the box and the examples. Give further explanation. 122 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI TASK 4 This task will help the students to practice about adjectives –ing vs. –ed. Tell the students to complete the sentences using the words in the box. Then, compare their work with their friend. Discuss the answers in the class. ADJECTIVES SET EXPRESSIONS This part presents explanation about adjectives set expressions. Tell the students to study the pattern and examples of adjectives set expressions. Give further explanation. TASK 5 This task will help the students to practice about adjectives set expressions. Tell the students to make questions and answers based on the words given. Then, compare their work with their friend. Discuss the answers in the class. TASK 6 This task will help the students to practice more about adjectives set expressions. Tell the students to make response toward the particular situations. Then, compare their work with their friend. Discuss the answers in the class. MODAL AUXILIARIES This part presents explanation about Modal Auxiliaries. Tell the students to study the explanation and examples of modal auxiliaries. Give further explanation. TASK 7 This task will help the students to practice about modal auxiliaries. Tell the students to complete the dialogues using the words in the box. Then, compare their work with their friend. Discuss the answers in the class. 123 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI SUBJECT – VERB AGREEMENT This part presents explanation about Subject-Verb Agreement. Tell the students to study the explanation and examples of subject-verb agreement. Give further explanation. TASK 8 This task will help the students to practice about subject-verb agreement. Tell the students to decide the incorrect word in the sentence. Then, compare their work with their friend. Discuss the answers in the class. 2 Modelling of the Text TASK 9 This task will help the students to practice their reading skill and vocabulary. Tell the students to read the paragraph in the box and then underline the sentences that express someone’s feeling. Then, ask them to answer the questions. Ask them to pay attention to the difficult vocabularies given in the paragraph. Discuss the answers in the class. 3 Joint Construction of the Text TASK 10 This task will help the students to practice their writing skill. Tell the students to work in pairs. Ask the students to arrange the jumbled dialogue and fill in the blanks with the appropriate words in the box. Then, ask them to share their work with friends. Afterwards, ask some groups to perform the dialogues in front of the class. You can ask volunteers or choose the group who will perform the 124 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI dialogues in front of the class. Then, you can give them brief feedback toward their performances. 4 Independent Construction of the Text TASK 11 This task will help the students to practice their writing skill. Tell the students to make sentences using the words provided. Then, ask them to share their work with friends. Discuss the answers in the class. 125 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PREFACE This part provides the steps which the teacher should conduct in evaluation. The evaluation can be used as the measurement toward the students’ achievement for each unit of this book. The evaluation includes each topic discussed in each unit. The evaluation is divided into several sections. In the listening section, the teacher should read a dialogue or sentences to facilitate the students with listening skill. The other sections, they measure the student’s comprehension toward particular topics they have learned in the book. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI A. GREETINGS & LEAVE TAKINGS In this part, tell the students to listen to the dialogue in the recording carefully. Ask them to mention some expressions of greetings and leave-takings used in the dialogue. The recording will be played three times. The script of listening: Lisa : Hi, Flo. Haven’t seen you for ages. How are you doing? Flo : Lisa! Hi. I’m fine. Lisa : Flo, we haven’t been each other for a long time. Flo : Yeah, it must be close to four years. Lisa : By the way, how is your family? Flo : We are pretty well. Thanks. Why don’t you come to my house tonight? We’ll be very pleased to meet you. Lisa : OK. I’ll be there around seven. Flo : Alright. See you then. Lisa : Alright. Bye, Flo. Flo : Bye. B. INTRODUCING YOURSELF In this part, tell the students to listen to the dialogue in the recording carefully. Ask them to mention some expressions of introducing yourself used in the dialogue. The recording will be played three times. The script of listening: Susi : This seat taken? Rita : No, help yourself. Haven’t seen you before. Are you a new student? Susi : Yes, my name is Susi Anggraini. But everybody calls me Susi. 126 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Rita : Nice to meet you, Susi. My name is Rita Purnamasari. Just call me Rita. By the way, where did you study before? Susi : At SMU 3 Jakarta Rita : Oh, I see. Why did you move to Yogyakarta? Susi : Because my father was appointed as a branch manager here. Rita : The bell is ringing. Let’s go into the class. Susi : OK. C. THANKING In this part, the students are asked to arrange a jumbled dialogue into a proper dialogue, and then mention some expressions of thanking used in the dialogue. D. APOLOGIZING In this part, the students are asked to arrange a jumbled dialogue into a proper dialogue, and then mention some expressions of apologizing used in the dialogue. E. PERSONAL PRONOUN In this part, the students are asked to complete the sentences by choosing the correct option. F. SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE In this part, the students are asked to complete the sentences using simple present tense of the verbs in brackets. 127 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI A. NATIONALITIES In this part, tell the students to listen to the recording carefully. Then, ask them to fill in the blanks with their nationalities and languages according to the country they come from. The recording will be played three times. The script of listening: 1. Hi, I’m from Scotland. I’m Scottish. I speak English. 2. Hi, I’m from Malaysia. I’m Malaysian. I speak Malay. 3. Hi, I’m from Norway. I’m Norwegian. I speak Norwegian. 4. Hi, I’m from Italy. I’m Italian. I speak Italian. 5. Hi, I’m from Saudi Arabia. I’m Saudi Arabian. I speak Arabic. B. ADJECTIVES In this part, the students are asked to match the words in column A with its meaning in column B. C. PROFESSIONS In this part, the students are asked to describe each person’s job. D. DESCRIBING PEOPLE In this part, the students are asked to look at the pictures and describe their appearances. E. DESCRIBING THINGS In this part, the students are asked to look at the pictures and describe the things. 128 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI F. TIME In this part, the students are asked to draw the clocks that show the time given. G. SINGULAR-PLURAL NOUNS In this part, the students are asked to change the singular forms into plural forms. 129 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI A. CARDINAL NUMBERS In this part, tell the students to listen to the recording carefully. The speaker is going to say 15 numbers. Then, ask them to circle those numbers. The recording will be played twice. The script of listening: B. 99 89 21 7 610 447 28 42 725 63 25 4 10 1 875 ORDINAL NUMBERS In this part, the students are asked to write the ordinal numbers. C. ANTONYM In this part, the students are asked to match each word in column A with its antonym in column B. D. SYNONYM In this part, the students are asked to match each word in column A with its synonym in column B. E. ADJECTIVES IN SERIES (NOUN PHRASE) In this part, the students are asked to correct the order of the adjectives and nouns in the sentences. 130 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI F. SIMPLE PAST TENSE In this part, the students are asked to complete the sentences using simple past tense of the verbs in brackets. G. DESCRIPTION OF EVENTS In this part, the students are asked to describe an event that they experienced when they were a child using the time of the day (day, date, month, and year). They should make 5 sentences at least. 131 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI A. MODAL AUXILIARIES In this part, tell the students to listen to the dialogues in the recording carefully. Then, ask them to complete the blanks using modal auxiliaries mentioned in the dialogues. The recording will be played twice. The script of listening: 1. Tita : Hello? Gita : Hello. Can I speak to Riris? Tita : She is not at home right now. Will you leave a message? Gita : No, thanks. I’ll call her later. 2. Waitress Danti : Can I get you something to eat? : Um…those cakes look delicious. I’ll have a piece of them, please. Waitress : And would you like something to drink? Danti : Yes, please. I’d like vanilla juice. Waitress : All right. B. REGRETS AND APOLOGIES In this part, the students are asked to express regret and apologies toward the situations given. C. SYMPATHY In this part, the students are asked to arrange the jumbled dialogues into proper dialogues, and then mention the expressions of sympathy used in the dialogues. 132 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI D. ASKING FOR AND GIVING PERMISSION In this part, the students are asked to make expressions of giving permissions toward the situations given. E. COMMANDS AND REQUESTS In this part, the students are asked to underline the expressions of commands and requests in the dialogue and then answer the questions. F. OFFERING THINGS AND SERVICES In this part, the students are asked to make questions that express offers based on the answers given. G. ADJECTIVES OF FEELINGS In this part, the students are asked to express feeling toward the situations given. H. ADJECTIVES –ing vs. –ed In this part, the students are asked to make sentences using the words given. I. ADJECTIVES SET EXPRESSIONS In this part, the students are asked to make sentences using the words given. J. SUBJECT – VERB AGREEMENT In this part, the students are asked to decide incorrect word in the sentence given 133 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI BIBLIOGRAPHY Alexander, L. G. (1977). Question and Answer: Graded Oral Comprehension Exercises. London: Longman Group Ltd. Purwati, M. (2007). Multi-Purpose English for Vocational Schools Students. Klaten: PT. Macanan Jaya Cemerlang. The Commonwealth Office of Education, Sydney, Australia. (1965). Situational English Part I Students’ Book. London: Longman Group Ltd. Internet Sources: http: //www.eslgold.com//. Accessed on July 9, 2008. http: //images.google.co.id//. Accessed on July 9, 2008. http: //images.search.yahoo.com//. Accessed on September 29, 2008.