Township of Parsippany-Troy Hills ----------------------------------------------------------------------Recreation Department 1001 Parsippany Boulevard Parsippany, New Jersey 07054 (973) 263-7257 **ALL DAY PLAYGROUND** ***DROP OFF AND PICK UP PROCEDURES*** DROP OFF: All Day Playground does not open until 8:00 AM. Counselors are not responsible for your children until that time. PICK UP: All Day Playground closes at 5:30 PM. If you are late, the following steps will be taken. 1. At 5:40 PM, the director will make every effort to contact you at home or at work. If the director is unable to reach you, an attempt will be made to reach the person (s) listed as your emergency contacts. 2. At 6:00 PM, if the director has been unable to contact any of the people listed on your child’s emergency information sheet, the Parsippany Police will be called and asked to supervise your child until contact can be made with someone authorized to pick up the child. 3. If the police can not come to supervise your child, the director will call the Division of Youth and Family Services Child Abuse Hotline (1-877-652-2873) to seek assistance to care for the child until the parents or authorized persons are available to pick up the child. 4. A “Late Pick Up Notice” will be given to parents who are late and this notice must be signed by the parent. Refusal to sign will be noted. A copy of this notice will be given to the Parsippany Recreation Department. 5. The second time your child is picked up after 6:00 PM, the child Will be removed from the All Day Playground. Please make every effort to pick up your child (or send someone else) PROMPTLY AT 5:30 PM. ________________________ Jennifer Zitelli Recreation Supervisor Township of Parsippany – Troy Hills Recreation Department Name: ______________________________________________________________ Male____ Female____ Please print child’s name Birth Date: __________________ Age:_____ Grade:_____ School Attending_______________________ Mailing Address__________________________________________________________________________ Number Street (Apt# if any) Town Zip Code Telephone #____________________________Emergency Contact Name___________________________ Emergency Telephone #______________________________ Relationship? _________________________ Authorized People to pick up your child in the event of illness, accident or early dismissal: Name_________________________________________ Telephone #_____________________________ Cell #________________________________ Relationship to Child _______________________________ Name_________________________________________ Telephone #_____________________________ Cell #____________________ Relationship to Child ___________________________________________ Medical Insurance: Name of Company:______________________________________________________ Policy #_______________________________________________________________________________ Group #_______________________________________________________________________________ By enrolling and signing this application, I give my permission to attend any field trip or activity and authorize any medical treatment in my absence for the well being of the child, in case of an emergency. Please list any special medical or physical needs, medical conditions, or allergies the personnel should be aware of. I understand if my child requires an inhaler/epi-pen that the child is responsible for taking it with him/her on any field trip or activity. Any accident or injury must be reported to the Recreation Office the following work day. The applicant, parents, guardians or family members, to the fullest extent permitted by law, hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Township of Parsippany-Troy Hills and all of its agents, directors, officers, employees and volunteers and the physician or hospital treating my child, against any and all claims, judgments, demands for damages and expenses, including but not limited to attorney’s fees, arising out of, by reason of, on account of, in consequence of, or in connection with their child’s participation at the Playground and various activities, arising from accidents to any persons or property caused by or to the child or other participants or any other person(s) to which this application applies. Parent will be responsible for the conduct of their child while participating at the Playground and enforce all rules and regulations as required by the Township’s recreation program. Parent agrees and acknowledges that any violations to the rules and regulations will not be tolerated and child may be subject to expulsion from this program and any other Township sponsored program. Parent/Guardian _____________________________________________________________________ please print Parent/Guardian Signature _____________________________________________________________ LIST ALLERGIES (if any)______________________________________________________________ LIST MEDICATIONS (if any)____________________________________________________________ MEDICAL CONDITIONS (if any)_________________________________________________________ PARENT’S PERMISSION TO ADMINISTER ANESTHETIC AND/OR EMERGENCY TREATMENT AS MAY BE REQUIRED? YES_______________ NO_______________________ SIGNATURE OF PARENT OR GUARDIAN____________________________________________________ PROGRAM ATTENDING__________________________________________________________________ TRIP SIGN-UP PROCEDURES Please be advised of the following: 1. The deadlines that are listed on the trip permission slips are firm & NO EXCEPTIONS WILL BE MADE! 2. Due to limitations on the number of people at the trip locations, no one will be allowed to drive their child to the trip if he/she is not signed up for the trip. 3. Although we do accept mail-ins, NONE WILL BE ACCEPTED THAT ARE POSTMARKED AFTER THE DEADLINE DATE! Thank you for your cooperation in this matter! Township of Parsippany- Troy Hills Recreation Department MOVIES AT PARSIPPANY CLEARVIEW CINEMAS WHO: Children in the All Day Playground Program WHERE: PARSIPPANY CLEARVIEW CINEMAS, located on Rt. 46 in the Morris Hills Shopping Center WHEN: Thursday, July 14th, 2011 ***ALL DAY PLAYGROUND WILL BE CLOSED UNTIL 1:00PM*** TIME: Buses will leave PLAYGROUNDS at 9:30am Buses will leave the theaters at 12:00pm COST: $5.00 – This is for transportation and is due by 6/17/11! NO EXCEPTIONS! $8.75-- admission to theater, due in cash on day of trip. This fee includes admission, child popcorn, & child drink. (The snack bar will also be open for additional purchases.) Payments payable to PARSIPPANY RECREATION DEPARTMENT. Payment MUST be made no later than June 17th at the Recreation Department Office. Money can NOT be accepted at the playground. Only cash or check!! NO EXCEPTIONS!! **PLEASE NOTE: AN ADDITIONAL FEE OF $3.50 WILL BE DUE IN CASH ON THE DAY OF THE TRIP IF CHILD CHOOSES A 3D MOVIE** THERE ARE NO REFUNDS UNLESS THE TRIP IS CANCELLED ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------All DAY PLAYGROUND 2011 MOVIE TRIP Child’s Name: (Print) ______________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature: _________________________________________________ Movie Choices: To Be Announced 1 week prior to the trip **REMINDER: Payment of $5 must be made by June 17th, at the Recreation Office TOWNSHIP OF PARSIPPANY-TROY HILLS Recreation Department ROLLER SKATING WHO: PROGRAM Children in the ALL DAY PLAYGROUND WHERE: Florham Park Roller Rink WHEN: Tuesday July 19th, 2011 ***PLAYGROUND WILL BE CLOSED THIS DAY UNTIL 1:00PM*** TIME: Buses will leave from Smith Field at 9:30AM Buses will leave from Florham Park Roller Rink at NOON COST: $5.00 -- This is for transportation and is due by 6/17/11! NO EXCEPTIONS! $7.00-- admission to Florham Park Roller Rink, payable in cash on day of trip. This fee includes rental of Regular Roller Skates and some Roller Blades on a “First come, first serve basis.” You may bring your own skates of any type, but this does not reduce the admissions fee. Payments are payable to Parsippany Recreation Department. Payment MUST be made no later than June 17th at the Recreation Office. Money can NOT be accepted at the playground. Only cash or check!! ** NO EXCEPTIONS ** NOTE: NO food or beverage is allowed to be brought into the Rink. You may bring extra money for the snack bar, if you wish. NO GUM CHEWING IN THE BUILDING. THERE ARE NO REFUNDS UNLESS THE TRIP IS CANCELED --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ADP Summer 2011 Roller Skating CHILD’S NAME:___________________________________________________________________ please print PARENT/GUARDIAN SIGNATURE:___________________________________________________ **REMINDER** - All Day Playground will be closed until 1:00PM - Payment of $5.00 MUST be made by June 17th, at the Recreation Office. - No Gum Chewing in the Building TOWNSHIP OF PARSIPPANY - TROY HILLS Recreation Department BOWLING at HANOVER LANES WHO: Children in the ALL DAY PLAYGROUND PROGRAM WHERE: HANOVER LANES, Located on Route 10, East Hanover WHEN: Thursday, July 28, 2011 *** PLAYGROUND WILL BE CLOSED THIS DAY UNTIL 1:00PM *** TIME: Buses will leave SMITH FIELD at 9:30AM Buses will leave HANOVER LANES at 12:00PM COST: $5.00 -- This is for transportation & is due by 6/17/11!! NO EXCEPTIONS $8.00-- admission to Hanover Lanes, payable in cash to bowling alley on day of trip. This fee includes two (2) games of bowling and use of rental shoes and bowling balls. ABSOLUTELY NO GUM CHEWING!!! Payments: Payable to PARSIPPANY RECREATION DEPARTMENT. Payment MUST be made no later than June 17th at the Recreation Department Office. Money can NOT be accepted at the playground. Only cash or check!! NO EXCEPTIONS!!! NOTE: NO Food or Beverage is allowed to be brought into the Bowling Lanes. You may bring extra money for the snack bar, if you wish. THERE ARE NO REFUNDS UNLESS THE TRIP IS CANCELED -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ADP Summer 2011 BOWLING TRIP Child’s Name: _________________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature:______________________________________________ **REMINDER** --All Day Playground will be closed after 12:30PM -- Payment of $5.00 MUST be made by June 17th, at the Recreation Office. TOWNSHIP OF PARSIPPANY-TROY HILLS Recreation Department SPORTS ‘N’ GAMES --Funplex-WHO: Children in the ALL DAY PLAYGROUND PROGRAM WHERE: Sports ‘N’ Games, Route 10, East Hanover WHEN: Thursday, August 11, 2011 ***PLAYGROUND WILL BE CLOSED THIS DAY UNTIL 1:00PM*** TIME: Buses will leave Smith Field at 9:00AM Buses will leave Sports ‘N’ Games at 12:30PM COST: $5.00 -- This is for transportation and and is due by 6/17/11! NO ACCEPTIONS! $11.00-- admission to Sports and Games, payable in cash on day of event. This fee includes unlimited use of the Foam Frenzy and the Bumper Cars, plus 20 tokens. Additional tokens may be purchased at the facility. Payment MUST be made no later than June 17th at the Recreation Office. Money can NOT be accepted at the playground. Only cash or check!! ** NO EXCEPTIONS ** NOTE: NO food or beverage is allowed to be brought into Sports ‘N’ Games. You may bring extra money to the snack bar, if you wish. THERE ARE NO REFUNDS UNLESS THE TRIP IS CANCELED -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ADP Summer 2011 SPORTS ‘N’ GAMES CHILD’S NAME: __________________________________________________________ Please print PARENT/GUARDIAN SIGNATURE: __________________________________________ **REMINDER** - All Day Playground will be closed until 1:00PM - Payment of $5.00 MUST be made by June 17th at the Recreation Office