View the whole report - ODIN Fund Management
View the whole report - ODIN Fund Management
Annual Report 2013 ODIN’s Equity Mutual Funds February 2014 ODIN creates value for the future Content 3 Comments from CEO 4-5 Market Comments 6-7 ODINs Investment Process 8-9 Report from the Board of Directors for 2013 10Notes 11-14 ODIN Norden 15-18 ODIN Finland 19-22 ODIN Norge 23-26 ODIN Sverige 27-31 ODIN Europa 32-36 ODIN Europa SMB 37-41 ODIN Global 42-46 ODIN Emerging Markets 47-50 ODIN Maritim 51-54 ODIN Offshore 55-58 ODIN Eiendom I (Real Estate) 59 Auditor’s Report for 2013 60 Notice of election meeting This annual report was originally prepared in Norwegian. This is an unofficial translated version and no liability is assumed for any errors or ambiguities that may have arisen in connection with the translation. The original version of this annual report is available in Norwegian and can be ordered from ODIN Fund Management. Statements in this annual report reflect ODIN’s views on the market at the time when the annual report was published. This annual report shows past performance. Past performance is no guarantee for future performance. Future performance will depend on things such as movements in the market, the manager’s skills, the fund’s risk level and the costs of managing the funds. The value of the fund may decrease as a result of a fall in share prices. All return figures are stated in NOK, unless otherwise stated. The Company is a wholly owned subsidiary of SpareBank 1 Gruppen AS Company registration number: SpareBank 1 Gruppen AS ODIN Forvaltning AS ODIN Fonder, branch to ODIN Forvaltning AS, Norway ODIN Rahastot ODIN Fund Management AS Fjordalléen 16, N-0250 Oslo, P.O. Box 1771 Vika, N-0122 Oslo, Norway Telephone: +47 24 00 48 00 Fax: +47 24 00 48 01 E-mail: I2I 975 966 372 957 486 657 516402-8044 1628289-0 ODIN Fonder Kungsgatan 30, S-111 35 Stockholm Box 238, S-101 24 Stockholm, Sweden Telephone: +46 8 407 14 00 Fax: +46 8 407 14 66 E-mail: ODIN Rahastot Mannerheimvägen 14 A, FIN-00100 Helsinki, Finland Telephone: +358 (0) 9 4735 5100 Fax: +358 (0) 9 4735 5101 E-mail: ANNUAL REPORT 2013 Comments from the CEO Capacity for profitable growth One summer evening a few years ago, I had the pleasure of sitting together with an individual who had built up a major business through a long work life. He did essentially not have any start capital other than his own initiative. At the point in time when our conversation took place, his business had managed to combine growth and profitability over many years. The business had become a major business measured by revenue, earnings and workplaces. Such moments entail an opportunity to learn. I took therefore the opportunity to ask about what the most important things he had learned from his own business were and how he could explain the results that had been achieved. As an economist, I had expected that the conversation would have gone in the direction of efficient production, good logistics or successful marketing. The answer I was given surprised me. It was also given with the authority that only documented success can provide. His explanation for his success was essentially the fact that he had realised the necessity of growth early on. His answer was more or less as follows: ”If you want to succeed in business, it is necessary to realise how important it is to grow by achieving ever better results. In business, stable results are the same as a decline.” I did not understand the point immediately. Fortunately, he took the time to explain the reasoning behind his own experience. Freely quoted what he had learned was as follows: The development of any business is a process in which the necessary input factors are manpower and capital. Capital is a standard commodity with an international price. What distinguishes the labour market is the fact that the commodity is not standard. The development of a business is therefore closely linked to the quality of its employees. The best employees have many options when they decide on where they would like to work. Companies that have a preferred position in the labour market have, therefore, a competitive advantage over their competitors. There is every reason to believe that capable employees make a conscious decision regarding their employment. Such candidates will normally be interested in new and greater challenges over time. This means that they will seek companies that have demonstrated the ability to grow and are also expecting growth in the future. With the growth outlook as a necessary prerequisite for attracting the most capable employees in the industry, a stable size and earnings will be an impossible situation for a company over time. A lack of growth means that employees who ”want something” will leave. Such employees are not satisfied with the same thing this year as last year. When the best employees leave, they usually find employment at competing businesses. This results in decline. The business that my conversation partner had built up never had to raise any equity beyond its limited start capital. He never really liked debt. Under such circumstances, growth over time was synonymous with profitable growth. He had to earn money to invest. The importance of the capacity and willingness for growth cannot be overestimated for the long-term development of an organisation. For businesses that have good access to capital, it may nevertheless be useful to point out that growth can be both value-adding and destructive for a company’s assets. The economic value of growth is dependent on the growth yielding a satisfactory return for the capital that must be invested to realise the growth rate. Only when investments in growth yield a higher return than the relevant cost of capital is growth valueadding. At ODIN, our managers have learned the same lesson that I learned that summer evening a few years ago. Therefore, our funds invest in companies that are attractively priced relative to the value created by the business. ODIN’s long-term development is also dependent on our ability to create profitable growth. With the commitment and expertise we currently have in our own business, we have the best prerequisites for creating value for our customers, owners and employees. Rune Selmar ODIN creates value for the future ANNUAL REPORT 2013 I3I Market Comments 2013 – from tapering to winner The past year “Taper”, which coincidentally means loser in Norwegian, was the word in 2013. This rarely used English word for a long thin candle is also used as a verb – in the sense of a slowdown or a cautious reduction (to taper off something). Its significance to the financial markets was anything but cautious. There was a real hullabaloo when the retiring Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke warned in early summer that the central bank’s extensive bond buying would be scaled down as soon as the US economy was safely back on its feet. Naturally, gold and bonds dropped in value as a result of this, but also the prices of other assets such as equities dropped. This did seem a little strange, since the scale back was not to occur until the economy had clearly regained its health. However, the markets feared what the loss of USD 85 billion in liquidity monthly (USD 1 trillion annually) would mean. Through the summer, the markets assumed to be the most vulnerable, the emerging markets, were hurt the most. The stock exchange in Brazil was for the most part down by as much as 30 per cent from the start of the year. Turkey, which in addition suffered from political unrest, was down 20 per cent. Currencies in the emerging markets also suffered greatly. Many of them were down 15 to 20 per cent against the US dollar. As time passed, however, the markets started to get used to the idea of life without “QE”, which does not mean the Queen of England in this case, but the monetary policy weapon “Quantitative Easing”. The equity markets in emerging countries regained some of their lost territory, while stock exchanges in the Western countries (including Japan) all ended the year with significant gains. The stock exchanges in the US and Germany ended the year up by 30 and 26 per cent, respectively. The Tokyo exchange ended the year up 57 per cent, while Nordic equities rose 38 per cent. In China, however, the Shanghai exchange fell 7 per cent last year. China has been the engine of global growth in recent years, and fear of a slowdown – or even worse, a financial crisis – characterised last year. So far, however, this fear has proven to be unfounded. The Chinese economy continues to chug away, although perhaps at a somewhat slower tempo. We can also say that 2013 was an eventful year, but in a positive sense this time. The year also showed that the rumours of the death of equities were greatly exaggerated. We were never in doubt that equity prices would bounce back, as we wrote last year at this time in the same publication. “There are many indications that 2013 may be a good year for equity markets. However, we do not advise anyone to base their investments on such short-term expectations. On the other hand, we do advise everyone to have a significant proportion of long-term equity investments in their portfolio – including in 2013.” Some chief economists in Norway strongly suggest that Norway will now face greater challenges. Norway has been lucky to have high oil prices and low import prices for a long time, and a Norwegian downturn is inevitably at the door, in their opinion. This is of course plausible, but so far there are mostly anecdotal signals of this. There will be a downturn one day, but we are cautious about predicting the scope and timing. If we are to believe the development of the Norwegian krone, then foreigners think that the downturn is already knocking on our door. The otherwise so strong krone weakened last year 10 to 12 per cent against the dollar and euro, respectively. However, it is never so bad that it isn’t good for something: It may actually dampen the downturn by counteracting the galloping salary inflation that has been peculiar to Norway in recent years. We can then avoid a so-called internal devaluation, in other words salary reductions, which some of the eurozone countries may perhaps have to implement to restore their competitiveness. At the same time, many of the major companies on the Oslo Stock Exchange are less dependent on the economic situation in Norway and more dependent on the global economic situation. Of course a lot depends on the price of oil. Norway is undoubtedly very dependent on a high level of activity in the oil sector, and there are many who fear what shale gas and oil will do to prices. Yet shale production is already high, and the price of Brent crude oil has remained surprisingly stable at between 100 and 115 dollars per barrel. Shale production will, however, change the transport patterns for shipping. This may entail challenges for some of the ship-owning companies, but it also represents new opportunities. Among other things, this is positive for the transport of LPG, refined oil products and in fact, crude oil. Moreover, shipping was one of the sectors that was most ODIN has based its market comments on the views of sources that are considered to be reliable. However, ODIN cannot guarantee that the information provided by its sources is either accurate or complete. Statements in this annual report reflect ODIN’s views on the market at the time when the annual report was being prepared. I4I ANNUAL REPORT 2013 Market Comments affected by the financial crisis, but it has also been one of the sectors that has performed best since then. ODIN Maritim rose 44 per cent in 2013. The shipping index on the Oslo Stock Exchange rose over 200 per cent from its lowest point. The average return for our equity funds in 2013 was as high as 34.4 per cent. Several of the funds unfortunately ended the year behind their respective benchmark indices but for some of the funds, (such as ODIN Offshore and ODIM Maritim), these indices do not reflect the actual mandates. ODIN Norden is behind its index, because the fund is overweighted in Norway, which was bypassed by the extremely strong performance of Swedish and Finnish equities. The tremendous upswing in Japan, a country in which ODIN Global is not exposed, affected the relative return of this fund. In addition, this fund was impacted by the aforementioned downturn in emerging markets. We feel nevertheless that the positions in this fund are favourable in the long run. ODIN Norge is unfortunately still behind its benchmark index. However, we are satisfied with the quality of the portfolio and expect that the changes that have been made will show results in the future. ODIN Sverige was among the very best funds in the Nordic region. Several of the funds also improved their rating from the fund evaluation company Morningstar, although we don’t put too much emphasis on this. The Coming year The year 2013 thus went from “taper” to winner. This means that 2014 will in fact start with this gradual reduction (tapering) of the US central bank’s bond purchases. The start of the new year has been characterised by light anxiety after last year’s equities boom. The equity markets have namely gone from low to average pricing. This means that we expect that they will yield a return (dividends plus price appreciation) equal to or a little more than the required rate of return (cost of capital) in the future. To put it simply, we expect that equities will still yield a better return than fixed-income investments. Of course this does not hold true every day, every month or every year. For foreigners who look at international statistics, the Norwegian economy must appear to be very vulnerable: high salaries, explosive real estate prices and a significant dependence on oil. This is perhaps where we find the explanation for the weak Norwegian krone. However, Norway has exhibited an ability to adapt before. We can work smarter, and we can hope that foreign exchange rates help us in the export markets. We are not as pessimistic as many others with regard to the price of oil. Shale oil also requires a high price in order to be profitable. In addition, Norway has a solid supply of money that it can use if the downturn becomes serious. ANNUAL REPORT 2013 The coming years As equity managers, we try to look further into the future: Which companies are the future, and which belong to the past? Perhaps the most important driver for growth and earnings is demographics. Not just how many more or fewer people live in a country or region, but rather what they have of skills, income and consumption. Take China, for example. The population will inevitably decline, unless the one child policy is converted to a multiple child policy that is just as rigid. However, even if the population does not grow, each individual in China will earn and consume more. China is thus still a tremendous growth market, but in other areas than it was previously. Nothing is as it was, and that is how it will always be. At least not when we are talking about technology. There has been a rapid development in nanotechnology (IT and health), 3D printers and global trade. All of this gives grounds for optimism. We will limit our pessimism to climate, unless technology can also save us there. The willingness to implement genuine climate measures is half-hearted at best in many countries. Threats that do not appear to be immediate or obvious are always difficult to take a position on. Global warming, water scarcity and air pollution are of course already a challenge in many places, but they are not affecting enough (important) people yet. It is difficult to estimate the consequences of the climate crisis on returns. However, it is not very difficult to see that this can be harmful to many people if the necessary measures are not taken. We have put the worst of the financial crisis behind us, but it took five years before the world was solidly back on its feet again. Equity prices have already discounted this. Company earnings, however, have not followed equity prices. They should do so, otherwise equities may be this year’s “taper” in the Norwegian sense of the word – “loser”. Yet economic statistics, particularly from the USA, appear to be improving continuously, and there is significantly less unrest in the eurozone. We thus envision a new good year, for equities in general and for the ODIN funds in particular. Jarle Sjo, CIO ODIN Forvaltning AS I5I ODINs Investment Process Why responsible investments are important At ODIN we place special emphasis on making responsible investments, that is investments for sustainable value creation. Our attitude towards responsibility is closely linked to our investment philosophy. Beyond delivering excess return, we will monitor and attempt to improve the companies’ actions with respect to the environment, working conditions and consideration to shareholders. We have defined the principles we should follow in our investment process with respect to a responsible investment profile (ESG = environmental, social and corporate governance) in a separate document, but we feel that it is important to outline the general guidelines here in our annual report. ODIN Forvaltning is fundamentally a value-based manager that seeks to identify companies that can create value for their shareholders in the long term. Having a long-term perspective and active ownership are a key part of our investment philosophy, and this gives us an incentive to incorporate ESG into our investment analysis and decision-making processes. ODIN Forvaltning has concentrated portfolios, and the managers can thus spend more time on each individual investment in the portfolio. ODIN Forvaltning integrates ESG into its investment choices based on the belief that companies that operate in a responsible manner will also be the ones that create the highest long-term return for their owners. Companies that operate in an environmentally harmful manner will eventually meet resistance from the authorities and the consumers. Companies that do not treat their employees well will not be able to attract the best manpower. And companies that do not treat their shareholders fairly will remain low priced companies. In the summer of 2012, we signed and undertook to follow the UN Principles for Responsible Investment, a so-called PRI signature. PRI stands for Principles for Responsible Investments. More specifically, we undertake to follow these six principles: 1. We will incorporate ESG issues into our investment analysis and decision-making processes. I6I 2. We will be active owners and incorporate ESG issues into our ownership policies and practices. 3. We will seek appropriate disclosure on ESG issues by the entities in which we invest. 4. We will promote acceptance and implementation of the Principles within the investment industry. 5. We will work together to enhance our effectiveness in implementing the Principles. 6. We will report on our activities and progress towards implementing the Principles. Every one of our managers is responsible for this integration of ESG in their portfolios. A key element here is the quality of the data and analysis. Information on ESG issues comes from three sources: • Publicly available information (annual reports etc.) • Discussions and conversations with the companies • External ESG specialists ODIN Forvaltning desires to invest in quality companies that create value for their shareholders. We often see a link between good companies and responsibility. Good quality companies are often concerned about operating in a responsible and sustainable manner. ODIN Forvaltning has two criteria for excluding companies from the portfolio: • Ethical exclusion • Risk-based exclusion The first exclusion criterion is based on what the companies do. Companies that manufacture goods and services ANNUAL REPORT 2013 ODINs Investment Process that are fundamentally inconsistent with our ethical values will be excluded. This applies in particular to companies that manufacture tobacco and controversial weapons (nuclear weapons, biological weapons, landmines and cluster munitions). The other criterion is based on how the companies operate. These are companies that operate in a manner that is not sustainable over time, which entails a risk to the company’s earnings potential. When we identify this type of risk in a company in which we have invested, we will try to influence the company’s management and board to change the way the company operates. If the company’s management and board show little willingness to change, then ODIN will not want to continue as an owner and we will try to sell our stake in the company. ODIN Forvaltning believes that the integration of responsibility in the investment process will give our unit holders a better risk-adjusted return. Report from the Board of Directors for 2013 ODIN’s in-house managed equity funds include funds in the categories Norwegian funds (ODIN Norge), Swedish funds (ODIN Sweden), Nordic funds (ODIN Norden), European funds (ODIN Europa and ODIN Europa SMB), Global funds (ODIN Global and ODIN Emerging Markets) other regional funds (ODIN Finland) and sector funds (ODIN Eiendom I, ODIN Maritim and ODIN Offshore). The equity funds are managed according to an index independent and value oriented investment philosophy. The funds can freely invest within the limits stipulated in their regulations. The funds’ goal is to provide the unit-holders with the best possible absolute return over time. The fund mandates and fees have not been changed during 2013. At the year-end 2013, ODIN Forvaltning AS managed: NOK Fund 7 829 million ODIN Norden 1 935 million ODIN Finland 4 791 million ODIN Norge 4 548 million ODIN Sverige 1 671 million ODIN Europa 2 716 million ODIN Europa SMB 1 651 million ODIN Global 465 million ODIN Emerging Markets 888 million ODIN Maritim 2 163 million ODIN Offshore 142 million ODIN Eiendom I benchmark indices. Historic returns in ODIN’s various equity funds are available under each funds annual report. The funds’ independence of the indices and the manager’s knowledge and experience are important prerequisites for good investment decisions. The investment decisions are based on a fundamental analysis and are made on the background of in-house company analyses. Investments are made in those sectors that the manager possesses a good knowledge of and has a deep insight into. Monitoring of compliance with internal and external framework conditions is made by daily reports to the group management and the fund manager. ODIN has a permanent function which is responsible for risk management. The company has established a risk-management strategy containing general guidelines for risk management in the mutual funds and risk profiles for each mutual fund. The function responsible for risk management monitors and measures the risk in relation to the funds’ risk profiles. Redemptions during the period The funds have not experienced any extraordinarily large redemptions of units that have affected the value of their units during the year. The companies’ routines for subscribing for and redeeming units ensure equal treatment for the unit-holders. The largest amount redeemed in 2013 comprised: Fund % of assets under management ODIN Norden 1.33 % ODIN Finland 0.56 % ODIN Norge 0.36 % ODIN Sverige 2.70 % Handelsbanken ( 971171324) is the trustee for the funds. ODIN Europa 1.02 % ODIN Europa SMB 0.43 % Financial risk and risk management The financial risk relating to investments in equity funds is traditionally measured as being the price volatility or fluctuations in the fund’s unit values. Measured in this way, investments in shares and equity funds always involve a certain risk – in the sense that the value of the units will vary from day to day and over time. Equity funds should be a long-term investment alternative. The Norwegian Mutual Fund Association recommends a minimum investment period of at least five years. ODIN Global 3.23 % The funds’ performances are compared to their own benchmark indices. ODIN’s managers may freely compose the funds’ portfolios, irrespective of the benchmark indices to which the funds are compared. Since the funds are managed according to an index independent investment philosophy, performance will deviate from the benchmark indices. Over time, the result will be that the funds perform either worse or better than the I8I ODIN Emerging Market 0.61 % ODIN Maritim 0.77 % ODIN Offshore 0.48 % ODIN Eiendom I 1.30 % Continued operations All activity linked to the funds is carried out by ODIN Forvaltning AS. The various funds have in that respect no employees. The fund’s accounts have been prepared on the basis of the going concern assumption. The management company, ODIN Forvaltning AS, is in a healthy economic and financial position. ANNUAL REPORT 2013 Report from the Board of Directors for 2013 The profit for the year and their appropriation The 2013 annual accounts show that the funds made the following profit: Fund ODIN Eiendom I had a profit of NOK 29 652 000 which has been appropriated as follows: Appropriated NOK ODIN Norden 1 922 846 000 ODIN Finland 647 275 000 ODIN Norge 631 360 000 ODIN Sverige 1 457 849 000 ODIN Europa 416 184 000 ODIN Europa SMB 832 311 000 ODIN Global 337 400 000 ODIN Emerging Markets 59 433 000 ODIN Maritim 261 989 000 ODIN Offshore 472 993 000 NOK Dividend distributed to unit holders: 3 314 000 Transfered to equity: 26 338 000 Total appropriated: 29 652 000 The returns of ODIN’s equity funds vary from year to year. The board of ODIN Fund Management is satisfied with the fact that eleven equity funds had good positive return during 2013, although only three of the funds had higher returns than their benchmarks. The Board is confident that the valueoriented investment philosophy applied by ODIN, and the measures implemented the last years and in 2013, is a good foundation to create good long-term results. All these annual profits have been transferred in their entirety to equity. Oslo, 6 February 2014 The Board of ODIN Forvaltning AS Kirsten Idebøen Chairman of the Board (sig.) Joachim Høegh-Krohn (sig.) Tone Rønoldtangen (sig.) ANNUAL REPORT 2013 Stine Rolstad Brenna (sig.) Jan Friestad (sig.) Christian S. Jansen (sig.) Per Ivar Kleiven (sig.) Dag J. Opedal (sig.) Rune Selmar Managing Director (sig.) I9I Notes Note 1 - Note on the principle: - Financial instruments: All financial instruments, including shares, bonds, certificates and derivates, are assessed at their actual value (market value). - The determination of actual value: The actual values of the securities in the fund’s portfolio are determined on the basis of the sales prices in Blomberg at 4.30pm on each day that the stock market is open. If no sales of the secu rities zave been registered on the stock exchange that day, an estimated sales value is used. - Foreign currencies: Securities and bank deposits in foreign currencies are evaluated at the daily rate (information from Blomberg at 4.30pm). - Inclusion of transaction costs: The transaction costs relat ing to the purchase of securities (broker’s commission) are included in the securities’ cost prices. - Dividends to unit-holders: With the exception of ODIN Eiendom I, the funds do not distribute dividends. - Allocation of acquisition prices: When the funds’ securities are sold, the gain/loss on the sale is calculated based on the average cost price of the sold securities. Note 2 - Financial derivatives: The funds have not had any financial-derivative holdings during the year and do not have any at the year-end. Note 5/6 - Commission revenues/Costs: ODIN Forvaltning AS compensates the funds for brokerage costs in the case of large net subscriptions/redemptions. Note 7 - Management fee: The management fees are calculated daily based on the funds’ total assets according to that day’s evaluation of the funds’ assets. The fees are paid to the management company monthly. The funds’ management fee is 2 per cent. Note 8 - Other income and costs: Other portfolio income represents the difference between the original book value of foreign-currency bank deposits and the value of these deposits as at 31 December. Other income represents gains from underwriting fees (income from the funds underwriting a part of a share issue to the market). Other costs reflects the funds’ delivery costs invoiced by custodian banks. The basis for the calculations is the number of deliveries multiplied by the delivery cost per unit per market. Note 3 - Financial market risk: The balance sheet in the funds’ annual accounts reflects the funds’ market value, in Norwegian krone (NOK), on the last stock-exchange day of the year. The funds are equity funds whose operations expose them to share-price and foreignexchange risks. The management of the share-price risk is discussed in the annual report. Please refer to this report for further details. The equity funds have an open foreign-exchange position. Note 4 - Asset turnover: A fund’s asset-turnover rate states the amount of securities purchased or sold by a fund during a period. A low asset-turnover rate indicates a lower rate of purchasing/selling activity (trading) than a high asset-turnover rate. The asset-turnover rate is calculated by taking the sum of all the fund’s sales and purchases of securities, dividing this amount into two and then dividing the resultant figure by the fund’s average total assets during the accounting year. The funds’ asset-turnover rates for 2013 were: Fund Fund . . . ODIN Norden 0.21 ODIN Global 0.58 ODIN Finland ODIN Emerging 0.01 Markets 0.30 ODIN Norge 0.12 ODIN Maritim 0,28 ODIN Sverige 0.49 ODIN Offshore 0.26 ODIN Europa 0.36 ODIN Eiendom I 0.19 ODIN Europa SMB 0.40 I 10 I ANNUAL REPORT 2013 Fund commentary - ODIN Norden Good absolute returns, but slightly behind the index Truls Haugen, Portfolio Manager 2013 ended with a rise of 31.2 per cent for ODIN Norden The fund’s benchmark was up 38.5 per cent during the same period. Five best contributors 2013 Five largest shareholdings 2013 Five weakest contributors 2013 Return 2013 50 40 30 20 10 0 Fond Fund ANNUAL REPORT 2013 Indeks Benchmark I 11 I ODIN Norden ODIN Norden - Annual Report 2013 1) Benchmark Total return Since start 01/06/1990 (p.a.) 1 417,66% 12,22% 714,37% 9,30% 703,29% 2,92% Last 10 years (p.a.) Last 5 years (p.a.) Last 3 years (p.a.) 9,90% 12,66% 3,60% 10,90% 16,94% 10,34% -1,00% -4,28% -6,75% 2013 31,18% 38,46% -7,28% 2012 10,81% 15,38% -4,56% 2011 -23,51% -15,90% -7,62% 2010 18,85% 28,40% -9,54% 2009 37,39% 26,82% 10,57% 2008 -43,87% -39,51% -4,35% 2007 -7,41% 1,36% -8,78% 2006 30,15% 30,97% -0,82% 2005 50,30% 31,57% 18,73% 2004 39,37% 21,91% 17,45% ODIN Norden VINX Benchmark Cap NOK NI measured in NOK VINX Benchmark Cap NOK NI has been the benchmark since 31.12. 2000. Carnegie Total Index Nordic was the benchmark from 30.12.1993 to 30.12.2000. Alfred Berg Nordic Index was the benchmark from 01.06.1990 to 30.12.1993. Index This fund and ODIN Forvaltning AS are registered in Norway and regulated by Finanstilsynet (the Financial Supervisory Authority of Norway). Please note that the historical return is not a guarantee of future returns. The future return will among other things depend on market developments, the manager’s skills, the fund’s risk level and the costs of buying units and managing the fund. The return may be negative as a result of share losses. ODIN Forvaltning employees may trade for their own account in several types of financial instruments. This means that ODIN Forvaltning employees may own securities in companies that are referred to in this report as well as units in ODIN’s mutual funds. The employees’ own-account trading is to take place in accordance with ODIN Forvaltning AS’s internal guidelines on employee ownaccount trading, which have been prepared pursuant to the Norwegian Securities Trading Act and the Norwegian Fund and Asset Management Association’s industry standard. ODIN Forvaltning AS may only be held responsible for information in this document that is misleading, inaccurate or inconsistent in relation to relevant information in the prospectus. I 12 I ANNUAL REPORT 2013 ODIN Norden - Annual Report 2013 ODIN Norden NOK 1000 1.Interest income 2.Dividend 3.Gain/loss on sale 4.Net change unrealised price gains/losses 5.Other portfolio revenues/costs 8 NOK 1000 795 1,051 268,898 263,741 1.Shares -60,560 -169,162 2.Convertible securities 1,824,081 692,114 3.Warrants 2,579 -1,692 11 11 11 7,774,433 6,258,504 0 0 0 0 43 0 73,636 -40 196 142,981 511,362 -1,030,743 544,944 -611,127 18,616 41,795 1. Accrued, not yet received, revenues 2.Other receivables 6.Commission revenue from subscription and redemption of units 7.Costs of subscribing for and redeeming units 8.Administrative fee 9.Other revenues 5 6 7 10.Other costs 8 0 0 -143,141 42,678 -38 0 0 -130,129 449 -101 1.Unit equity at nominal value 2.Premium/discount 9,10 11.Tax cost 1.Net amount distributed to unit-holders during the year 2.Allocated for distribution to unit-holders -12,446 -12,018 0 0 0 0 Total liabilities 3.Transferred to/from accrued equity 6,359,845,972 657,597,247 -1,110,794,282 1,922,845,890 0 Equity as at 31/12/2012 Subscriptions in 2013 Redemptions in 2013 Profit/loss for the year 2013 Dividends distributed to unit-holders in 2013 7,829,494,827 Equity as at 31/12/2013 1 2 Lower risk Lower possible return 3 4 5 6 Amount of shares NAV 31/12 5,113,625 1,531.17 5,450,696 1,167.24 6,009,758 1,053.33 By NAV is meant the fund’s total assets divided by the number of units issued. There are no redemption costs for the unit-holders. No special agreements have been entered into with major unitholders regarding any limitation of the equity fund’s duty to redeem units. The fund has not redeemed any holdings that have affected the value of its units during the year. 7 Higher risk Volatility (3 years) 15,74 14,49 Higher possible risk The scale indicates the link between the risk involved in and possible return on an investment in the mutual fund. A low score indicates a low level of risk while a high score indicates a high level of risk. Note that achieving the lowest score does not mean the investment is risk-free. The indicator is based on fluctuations in the mutual fund’s historical year-end prices. The fluctuations are measured by the weekly returns that have been recorded for more than the past five years. Large historical fluctuations mean it is more likely that the investment may fluctuate a lot in the future too. The probability of the investment’s value rising and falling a lot in the future is thus greater if there have been large historical fluctuations. Large fluctuations may also mean there is a greater chance of the price falling to below that paid for the investment and of the return being negative due to share price losses. Past performance is no guarantee of future performance. Historical fluctuations in price will therefore not necessarily provide a correct picture of the fund’s future risk profile. The mutual fund’s score is thus not fixed and will normally change over time. ANNUAL REPORT 2013 I 13 I ODIN Norden - Annual Report 2013 ODIN Norden Local currency DKK/NOK= NOK 1000 NOK 1000 1,1257 Carlsberg B Consumer staples G4S Industrials Novo Nordisk B Health care EUR/NOK= NOK 1000 298 207 601,00 167 634 201 751 34 117 2,58% 3 776 746 23,32 82 576 99 145 16 568 1,27% 0,20% 0,24% 276 710 993,50 288 656 309 468 20 811 3,95% 0,06% 0,46% 8,3970 Nokian Renkaat/Tyres Consumer discretionary 609 744 34,75 125 715 177 921 52 205 2,27% Metso Industrials 737 035 31,02 117 185 191 979 74 794 2,45% 0,49% Ramirent Industrials 1 752 067 9,20 49 748 135 351 85 603 1,73% 1,61% Sampo A Financials 1 070 403 35,61 131 481 320 069 188 588 4,09% 0,19% Huhtamäki Materials 2 031 415 18,79 173 244 320 516 147 272 4,09% 1,89% Caverion Corp Industrials 1 210 326 8,87 17 754 90 147 72 392 1,15% 0,96% Amer Sports Consumer discretionary 1 790 535 15,10 121 579 227 030 105 451 2,90% 1,51% YIT Industrials 1 210 326 10,20 60 306 103 664 43 358 1,32% 0,95% Kongsberg Gruppen Industrials 1 518 977 127,50 75 956 193 670 117 713 2,47% 1,27% Aker A Financials 676 043 222,00 109 182 150 082 40 899 1,92% 0,93% Austevoll Seafood Consumer staples 4 276 670 35,50 163 920 151 822 -12 098 1,94% 2,11% BW Offshore Energy 11 292 933 7,25 272 706 81 874 -190 832 1,05% 1,64% Det Norske Oljeselskap Energy 1 933 769 66,70 82 415 128 982 46 567 1,65% 1,37% DNB Financials 2 168 061 108,50 147 523 235 235 87 711 3,00% 0,13% Infratek Industrials 3 275 600 14,60 47 035 47 824 789 0,61% 5,13% Marine Harvest Consumer staples 12 812 187 7,39 44 583 94 618 50 035 1,21% 0,31% Sparebank 1 SMN, Financials 2 854 979 55,00 116 211 157 024 40 813 2,01% 2,20% Protector Forsikring Financials 6 780 422 19,20 46 330 130 184 83 854 1,66% 7,87% Wilh. Wilhelmsen Holding B Industrials 1 261 626 202,00 86 006 254 848 168 842 3,25% 2,71% Yara International Materials 777 401 261,00 201 912 202 902 990 2,59% 0,28% Stolt Nielsen Industrials 1 315 374 167,00 172 336 219 667 47 332 2,81% 2,05% Sparebank 1 SR-Bank Financials 4 085 363 60,25 172 572 246 143 73 571 3,14% 1,60% Subsea 7 Energy 1 533 431 116,10 212 175 178 031 -34 143 2,27% 0,44% TeliaSonera (SEK) Telecommunication services 5 436 133 53,20 216 127 273 007 56 880 3,49% 0,13% NCC B Industrials 599 103 209,30 58 759 118 370 59 612 1,51% 0,56% Nordea (Sek) Financials 3 834 664 85,85 215 254 310 770 95 517 3,97% 0,09% Sandvik Industrials 1 866 350 90,45 151 734 159 358 7 624 2,04% 0,15% Svenska Cellulosa B Consumer staples 715 837 197,20 62 532 133 258 70 726 1,70% 0,10% Securitas B Industrials 3 721 857 68,25 207 188 239 792 32 603 3,06% 1,02% SKF B Industrials 907 171 168,60 55 315 144 384 89 069 1,84% 0,20% Investor B Financials 1 463 592 220,40 203 962 304 511 100 549 3,89% 0,19% SEK/NOK= 0,9440 Hennes & Mauritz B Consumer discretionary 1 339 017 294,60 246 199 372 384 126 185 4,76% 0,08% ABB (SEK) Industrials 1 811 862 169,90 237 871 290 597 52 725 3,71% 0,08% Boliden Materials 1 717 906 98,20 120 105 159 251 39 146 2,03% 0,63% Autoliv Consumer discretionary 701 007 590,00 264 960 390 433 125 473 4,99% 0,73% Atlas Copco AB ser. B Industrials 1 487 823 162,60 213 240 228 372 15 133 2,92% 0,38% 1) The Industry Classification is based on the Global Industry Classification Standard (GICS) from Morgan Stanley AND Standard & Poor's 2) Costprice is based on average I 14 I ANNUAL REPORT 2013 Fund commentary - ODIN Finland A fantastic year for ODIN Finland’s unit holders Truls Haugen, Portfolio manager 2013 ended with a rise of 49.4 per cent for ODIN Finland The fund’s benchmark was up 49.7 per cent during the same time period. Five best contributors 2013 Five largest shareholdings 2013 Five weakest contributors 2013 Return 2013 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Fund Fond ANNUAL REPORT 2013 Benchmark Indeks I 15 I ODIN Finland - Annual Report 2013 ODIN Finland 1) Benchmark Total return Since start 27/12/1990 (p.a.) 5 561,27% 19,17% 760,68% 9,81% 4 800,60% 9,37% Last 10 years (p.a.) Last 5 years (p.a.) Last 3 years (p.a.) 10,93% 15,28% 6,13% 9,92% 12,66% 6,90% 1,01% 2,62% -0,78% 2013 49,44% 49,70% -0,26% 2012 12,59% 10,40% 2,19% 2011 -28,96% -26,08% -2,88% 2010 24,98% 22,19% 2,80% 2009 36,33% 21,63% 14,71% 2008 -38,86% -34,64% -4,22% 2007 -4,59% 4,64% -9,23% 2006 42,88% 34,16% 8,72% 2005 37,92% 30,24% 7,68% 2004 20,64% 18,82% 1,82% ODIN Finland OMX Helsinki Cap GI measured in NOK OMX Helsinki Cap GI has been the benchmark since 03.06.1996. OMX Helsinki Cap was the benchmark from 27.12.1990 to 31.05.1996. Index This fund and ODIN Forvaltning AS are registered in Norway and regulated by Finanstilsynet (the Financial Supervisory Authority of Norway). Please note that the historical return is not a guarantee of future returns. The future return will among other things depend on market developments, the manager’s skills, the fund’s risk level and the costs of buying units and managing the fund. The return may be negative as a result of share losses. ODIN Forvaltning employees may trade for their own account in several types of financial instruments. This means that ODIN Forvaltning employees may own securities in companies that are referred to in this report as well as units in ODIN’s mutual funds. The employees’ own-account trading is to take place in accordance with ODIN Forvaltning AS’s internal guidelines on employee ownaccount trading, which have been prepared pursuant to the Norwegian Securities Trading Act and the Norwegian Fund and Asset Management Association’s industry standard. ODIN Forvaltning AS may only be held responsible for information in this document that is misleading, inaccurate or inconsistent in relation to relevant information in the prospectus. I 16 I ANNUAL REPORT 2013 ODIN Finland ODIN Finland - Annual Report 2013 NOK 1000 1.Interest income 2.Dividend 3.Gain/loss on sale 4.Net change unrealised price gains/losses 5.Other portfolio revenues/costs 8 NOK 1000 81 116 61,564 62,498 -1,930 697 626,005 126,379 1,650 -671 1.Shares 11 11 11 2.Convertible securities 3.Warrants 1,926,312 1,339,053 0 0 0 0 4 0 14,075 0 22 6,915 33,922 405,981 35,119 457,378 5,067 5,348 1. Accrued, not yet received, revenues 2.Other receivables 6.Commission revenue from subscription and redemption of units 7.Costs of subscribing for and redeeming units 8.Administrative fee 9.Other revenues 5 6 7 10.Other costs 8 0 0 -32,220 1,135 -10 0 0 -27,675 0 -28 1.Unit equity at nominal value 2.Premium/discount 9,10 11.Tax cost 1.Net amount distributed to unit-holders during the year 2.Allocated for distribution to unit-holders -9,002 -8,300 0 0 0 0 Total liabilities 3.Transferred to/from accrued equity 1,340,642,265 266,971,137 -319,564,474 647,274,949 0 Equity as at 31/12/2012 Subscriptions in 2013 Redemptions in 2013 Profit/loss for the year 2013 Dividends distributed to unit-holders in 2013 1,935,323,878 Equity as at 31/12/2013 1 2 Lower risk Lower possible return 3 4 5 6 Amount of shares NAV 31/12 339,223 5,705.43 351,599 3,817.95 366,879 3,390.96 By NAV is meant the fund’s total assets divided by the number of units issued. There are no redemption costs for the unit-holders. No special agreements have been entered into with major unitholders regarding any limitation of the equity fund’s duty to redeem units. The fund has not redeemed any holdings that have affected the value of its units during the year. 7 Higher risk Volatility (3 years) 19,08 17,19 Higher possible risk The scale indicates the link between the risk involved in and possible return on an investment in the mutual fund. A low score indicates a low level of risk while a high score indicates a high level of risk. Note that achieving the lowest score does not mean the investment is risk-free. The indicator is based on fluctuations in the mutual fund’s historical year-end prices. The fluctuations are measured by the weekly returns that have been recorded for more than the past five years. Large historical fluctuations mean it is more likely that the investment may fluctuate a lot in the future too. The probability of the investment’s value rising and falling a lot in the future is thus greater if there have been large historical fluctuations. Large fluctuations may also mean there is a greater chance of the price falling to below that paid for the investment and of the return being negative due to share price losses. Past performance is no guarantee of future performance. Historical fluctuations in price will therefore not necessarily provide a correct picture of the fund’s future risk profile. The mutual fund’s score is thus not fixed and will normally change over time. ANNUAL REPORT 2013 I 17 I ODIN Finland ODIN Finland - Annual Report 2013 Local currency NOK 1000 EUR/NOK= NOK 1000 NOK 1000 8,3970 Amer Sports Consumer discretionary 651 985 15,10 52 574 82 668 30 095 4,27% 0,55% Caverion Corp Industrials 526 311 8,87 11 185 39 200 28 015 2,03% 0,42% Cramo Industrials 825 518 15,41 97 948 106 820 8 872 5,52% 1,93% Kiinteistösijoitus Citycon Financials 2 017 441 2,56 26 319 43 368 17 048 2,24% 0,46% 0,06% Fortum Utilities 575 787 16,57 87 828 80 114 -7 714 4,14% Huhtamäki Materials 900 785 18,79 87 946 142 126 54 179 7,34% 0,84% KCI Konecranes Industrials 77 493 25,93 10 151 16 873 6 722 0,87% 0,12% Metso Industrials 236 824 31,02 48 651 61 687 13 035 3,19% 0,16% Marimekko Consumer discretionary 344 251 9,83 24 997 28 415 3 419 1,47% 4,26% Nordea (Eur) Financials 1 152 070 9,65 70 996 93 305 22 309 4,82% 0,03% Nokia Information technology 3 014 272 5,80 68 786 146 676 77 891 7,58% 0,08% Nokian Renkaat/Tyres Consumer discretionary 345 390 34,75 36 273 100 783 64 511 5,21% 0,26% Oriola Health care 1 044 510 2,53 24 275 22 190 -2 085 1,15% 0,69% Olvi A Consumer staples 142 796 28,24 4 279 33 861 29 582 1,75% 0,69% Outotec Industrials 747 904 7,67 36 610 48 137 11 527 2,49% 0,41% PKC Group Industrials 345 796 24,24 35 615 70 384 34 770 3,64% 1,45% Pohjola Bank Financials 754 850 14,61 46 974 92 605 45 631 4,78% 0,24% Poyry Industrials 254 460 4,10 6 641 8 760 2 119 0,45% 0,43% Rapala Consumer discretionary 1 326 869 5,19 56 456 57 826 1 369 2,99% 3,36% Ramirent Industrials 1 183 086 9,20 35 481 91 396 55 916 4,72% 1,09% Rautaruukki Materials 661 190 6,75 89 986 37 476 -52 510 1,94% 0,47% Sanoma Consumer discretionary 270 388 6,36 45 223 14 429 -30 794 0,75% 0,17% Sampo A Financials 378 266 35,61 49 673 113 108 63 435 5,84% 0,07% Stora Enso R Materials 878 787 7,31 34 618 53 942 19 324 2,79% 0,14% Tikkurila Materials 172 609 20,03 19 060 29 031 9 971 1,50% 0,39% TeliaSonera (EUR) Telecommunication services 1 709 220 5,99 59 198 85 899 26 701 4,44% 0,04% Technopolis Financials 1 119 944 4,35 28 300 40 908 12 609 2,11% 1,05% UPM Kymmene Materials 546 318 12,34 40 178 56 609 16 431 2,93% 0,10% Wärtsilä Industrials 232 780 35,73 29 129 69 840 40 711 3,61% 0,12% YIT Industrials 547 311 10,20 39 508 46 877 7 368 2,42% 0,43% Industrials 175 180 66,50 10 288 10 997 709 0,57% 0,18% SEK/NOK= 0,9440 Sanitec Corp 1) The Industry Classification is based on the Global Industry Classification Standard (GICS) from Morgan Stanley AND Standard & Poor's 2) Costprice is based on average I 18 I ANNUAL REPORT 2013 Fund commentary - ODIN Norge Turbulent end to 2013 2013 ended with a rise of 14.5 per cent for ODIN Norge The fund’s benchmark was up 24.2 per cent during the same time period. Carl Erik Sando, Portfolio manager Five best contributors 2013 Five largest shareholdings 2013 Five weakest contributors 2013 Return 2013 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 -5 Fund Fond ANNUAL REPORT 2013 Benchmark Indeks I 19 I ODIN Norge - Annual Report 2013 ODIN Norge 1) Benchmark Total return Since start 26/06/1992 (p.a.) 1 943,62% 15,06% 861,71% 11,09% 1 081,91% 3,96% Last 10 years (p.a.) Last 5 years (p.a.) Last 3 years (p.a.) 9,60% 10,38% -4,01% 11,83% 20,57% 6,82% -2,23% -10,19% -10,83% 2013 14,48% 24,17% -9,69% 2012 9,38% 21,01% -11,63% 2011 -29,36% -18,87% -10,49% 2010 23,85% 21,54% 2,30% 2009 49,64% 72,10% -22,46% 2008 -50,90% -57,71% 6,81% 2007 3,54% 10,10% -6,56% 2006 25,91% 33,13% -7,23% 2005 53,09% 39,59% 13,50% 2004 55,95% 38,84% 17,10% ODIN Norge Oslo Exchange Mutual Fund Index measured in NOK Oslo Exchange Mutual Fund Index has been the benchmark from 26.06.1992 to 31.12.1995. Index This fund and ODIN Forvaltning AS are registered in Norway and regulated by Finanstilsynet (the Financial Supervisory Authority of Norway). Please note that the historical return is not a guarantee of future returns. The future return will among other things depend on market developments, the manager’s skills, the fund’s risk level and the costs of buying units and managing the fund. The return may be negative as a result of share losses. ODIN Forvaltning employees may trade for their own account in several types of financial instruments. This means that ODIN Forvaltning employees may own securities in companies that are referred to in this report as well as units in ODIN’s mutual funds. The employees’ own-account trading is to take place in accordance with ODIN Forvaltning AS’s internal guidelines on employee ownaccount trading, which have been prepared pursuant to the Norwegian Securities Trading Act and the Norwegian Fund and Asset Management Association’s industry standard. ODIN Forvaltning AS may only be held responsible for information in this document that is misleading, inaccurate or inconsistent in relation to relevant information in the prospectus. I 20 I ANNUAL REPORT 2013 ODIN Norge ODIN Norge - Annual Report 2013 NOK 1000 1.Interest income NOK 1000 1,019 1,222 2.Dividend 169,481 132,473 1.Shares 3.Gain/loss on sale 208,285 -294,707 2.Convertible securities 4.Net change unrealised price gains/losses 5.Other portfolio revenues/costs 347,180 663,895 3.Warrants 219 44 8 11 11 11 4,744,714 4,475,945 0 0 0 0 366 0 57,788 -2 1,158 72,798 234,432 -1,056,104 254,102 -699,605 12,226 14,463 1. Accrued, not yet received, revenues 2.Other receivables 6.Commission revenue from subscription and redemption of units 7.Costs of subscribing for and redeeming units 8.Administrative fee 9.Other revenues 5 6 7 10.Other costs 8 0 0 -93,302 0 -20 127 0 -94,651 717 -44 1.Unit equity at nominal value 2.Premium/discount 9,10 11.Tax cost 1.Net amount distributed to unit-holders during the year 2.Allocated for distribution to unit-holders -1,501 0 0 0 0 0 Total liabilities 3.Transferred to/from accrued equity Equity as at 31/12/2012 Subscriptions in 2013 Redemptions in 2013 Profit/loss for the year 2013 Dividends distributed to unit-holders in 2013 4,535,435,761 480,654,531 -856,809,224 631,360,403 0 Equity as at 31/12/2013 4,790,641,471 1 2 Lower risk Lower possible return 3 4 5 6 Amount of shares NAV 31/12 2,344,317 2,043.62 2,541,593 1,785.15 2,631,673 1,632.07 By NAV is meant the fund’s total assets divided by the number of units issued. There are no redemption costs for the unit-holders. No special agreements have been entered into with major unitholders regarding any limitation of the equity fund’s duty to redeem units. The fund has not redeemed any holdings that have affected the value of its units during the year. 7 Higher risk Volatility (3 years) 16,23 16,33 Higher possible risk The scale indicates the link between the risk involved in and possible return on an investment in the mutual fund. A low score indicates a low level of risk while a high score indicates a high level of risk. Note that achieving the lowest score does not mean the investment is risk-free. The indicator is based on fluctuations in the mutual fund’s historical year-end prices. The fluctuations are measured by the weekly returns that have been recorded for more than the past five years. Large historical fluctuations mean it is more likely that the investment may fluctuate a lot in the future too. The probability of the investment’s value rising and falling a lot in the future is thus greater if there have been large historical fluctuations. Large fluctuations may also mean there is a greater chance of the price falling to below that paid for the investment and of the return being negative due to share price losses. Past performance is no guarantee of future performance. Historical fluctuations in price will therefore not necessarily provide a correct picture of the fund’s future risk profile. The mutual fund’s score is thus not fixed and will normally change over time. ANNUAL REPORT 2013 I 21 I ODIN Norge ODIN Norge - Annual Report 2013 Local currency Aker Solutions Energy Atea Information technology NOK 1000 NOK 1000 NOK 1000 982 381 108,40 63 034 106 490 43 457 2,22% 0,36% 1 670 463 59,75 97 488 99 810 2 322 2,08% 1,62% Austevoll Seafood Consumer staples 1 496 655 35,50 57 114 53 131 -3 982 1,11% 0,74% BW Offshore Energy 9 781 798 7,25 178 760 70 918 -107 842 1,48% 1,42% Det Norske Oljeselskap Energy 2 645 420 66,70 109 314 176 450 67 135 3,68% 1,88% Ekornes Consumer discretionary 1 432 808 82,25 120 022 117 848 -2 173 2,46% 3,89% Electromagnetic Geoservices Energy 7 838 224 7,87 47 986 61 687 13 700 1,29% 3,92% Farstad Shipping Energy 624 565 131,50 35 415 82 130 46 715 1,71% 1,60% 2 008 905 115,70 119 528 232 430 112 902 4,85% 0,40% 472 601 127,50 46 010 60 257 14 246 1,26% 1,40% 46,50 236 579 173 686 -62 893 3,63% 1,91% 7,34% Gjensidige Forsikring Financials Ganger Rolf Energy Hafslund B Utilities 3 735 192 I.M. Skaugen Energy 1 987 740 9,45 50 590 18 784 -31 805 0,39% Kongsberg Gruppen Industrials 1 152 181 127,50 62 712 146 903 84 191 3,07% 0,96% Marine Harvest Consumer staples 8 629 386 7,39 57 205 63 728 6 523 1,33% 0,21% Sparebank 1 SMN, Financials 4 168 311 55,00 171 805 229 257 57 452 4,79% 3,21% Norsk Hydro Materials 5 127 960 27,07 172 040 138 814 -33 227 2,90% 0,25% Nordic Semiconductor Information technology 1 827 622 27,70 11 765 50 625 38 860 1,06% 1,12% Olav Thon Eiendomsselskap Financials 91 901 1 070,00 94 904 98 334 3 430 2,05% 0,86% Petroleum Geo-Services Energy 1 611 040 71,45 124 992 115 109 -9 883 2,40% 0,74% Photocure Health care Q-Free Information technology Royal Caribbean Cruises (NOK) Consumer discretionary SalMar Consumer staples Schibsted Consumer discretionary Sparebank 1 SR-Bank Financials Statoil Energy Subsea 7 Energy Telenor Tomra Systems 679 037 25,70 25 955 17 451 -8 504 0,36% 3,17% 5 214 283 14,00 55 226 73 000 17 774 1,52% 7,67% 238 310 287,30 41 187 68 466 27 279 1,43% 0,11% 1 930 117 74,00 55 157 142 829 87 671 2,98% 1,70% 682 112 401,20 100 451 273 663 173 212 5,71% 0,63% 5 896 605 60,25 247 471 355 270 107 799 7,42% 2,31% 3 050 710 147,00 393 900 448 454 54 554 9,36% 0,10% 1 579 694 116,10 190 558 183 402 -7 156 3,83% 0,45% Telecommunication services 1 514 462 144,60 163 756 218 991 55 235 4,57% 0,10% Industrials 2 368 905 56,50 104 635 133 843 29 208 2,79% 1,60% Veidekke Industrials 1 413 268 48,80 56 210 68 967 12 757 1,44% 1,06% VIZRT Information technology 4 032 513 25,50 76 880 102 829 25 949 2,15% 5,98% Wilh. Wilhelmsen Holding B Industrials 655 510 202,00 47 867 132 413 84 546 2,76% 1,41% Yara International Materials 1 642 684 261,00 428 914 428 741 -173 8,95% 0,59% 1) The Industry Classification is based on the Global Industry Classification Standard (GICS) from Morgan Stanley AND Standard & Poor's 2) Costprice is based on average I 22 I ANNUAL REPORT 2013 Fund commentary - ODIN Sverige A good year for ODIN Sverige Vegard Søraunet Portfolio manager 2013 ended with a rise of 53.5 per cent for ODIN Sverige The fund’s benchmark was up 37.5 per cent during the same time period. Five best contributors 2013 Five largest shareholdings 2013 Five weakest contributors 2013 Return 2013 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Fund Fond ANNUAL REPORT 2013 Benchmark Indeks I 23 I ODIN Sverige ODIN Sverige - Annual Report 2013 1) Benchmark OMXSB Cap GI measured in NOK Total return Since start 31/10/1994 (p.a.) 2 293,76% 18,02% 816,94% 12,26% 1 476,82% 5,76% Last 10 years (p.a.) Last 5 years (p.a.) Last 3 years (p.a.) 13,43% 24,20% 14,55% 12,01% 20,31% 11,07% 1,43% 3,88% 3,48% 2013 53,53% 37,51% 16,02% 2012 18,99% 15,92% 3,07% 2011 -17,72% -14,04% -3,68% 2010 35,21% 36,08% -0,87% 2009 45,52% 35,30% 10,22% 2008 -35,26% -33,61% -1,65% 2007 -17,66% -9,85% -7,81% 2006 41,27% 35,99% 5,29% 2005 30,63% 28,43% 2,21% 2004 21,38% 18,00% 3,38% ODIN Sverige OMXSB Cap GI has been the benchmark since 31.12.1995. Stockholm Exchange General Index was the benchmark from 31.10.1994 to 31.12.1995. Index This fund and ODIN Forvaltning AS are registered in Norway and regulated by Finanstilsynet (the Financial Supervisory Authority of Norway). Please note that the historical return is not a guarantee of future returns. The future return will among other things depend on market developments, the manager’s skills, the fund’s risk level and the costs of buying units and managing the fund. The return may be negative as a result of share losses. ODIN Forvaltning employees may trade for their own account in several types of financial instruments. This means that ODIN Forvaltning employees may own securities in companies that are referred to in this report as well as units in ODIN’s mutual funds. The employees’ own-account trading is to take place in accordance with ODIN Forvaltning AS’s internal guidelines on employee ownaccount trading, which have been prepared pursuant to the Norwegian Securities Trading Act and the Norwegian Fund and Asset Management Association’s industry standard. ODIN Forvaltning AS may only be held responsible for information in this document that is misleading, inaccurate or inconsistent in relation to relevant information in the prospectus. I 24 I ANNUAL REPORT 2013 ODIN Sverige ODIN Sverige - Annual Report 2013 NOK 1000 1.Interest income NOK 1000 635 1,089 2.Dividend 108,275 92,472 1.Shares 3.Gain/loss on sale 245,193 36,131 2.Convertible securities 1,127,417 309,379 2,076 -3,953 4.Net change unrealised price gains/losses 5.Other portfolio revenues/costs 8 11 11 11 3.Warrants 4,524,096 2,356,582 0 0 0 0 51 0 42,491 310 159 64,528 188,853 1,240,536 154,013 601,140 18,860 5,884 1. Accrued, not yet received, revenues 2.Other receivables 6.Commission revenue from subscription and redemption of units 7.Costs of subscribing for and redeeming units 8.Administrative fee 9.Other revenues 5 6 7 10.Other costs 8 0 0 -71,198 46,697 -71 12 0 -45,623 0 -122 1.Unit equity at nominal value 2.Premium/discount 9,10 11.Tax cost 1.Net amount distributed to unit-holders during the year 2.Allocated for distribution to unit-holders -1,176 -226 0 0 0 0 Total liabilities 3.Transferred to/from accrued equity 2,415,693,905 1,981,466,256 -1,307,229,759 1,457,848,778 0 Equity as at 31/12/2012 Subscriptions in 2013 Redemptions in 2013 Profit/loss for the year 2013 Dividends distributed to unit-holders in 2013 4,547,779,180 Equity as at 31/12/2013 1 2 Lower risk Lower possible return 3 4 5 6 Amount of shares NAV 31/12 1,888,536 2,408.12 1,539,511 1,568.55 1,576,533 1,318.20 By NAV is meant the fund’s total assets divided by the number of units issued. There are no redemption costs for the unit-holders. No special agreements have been entered into with major unitholders regarding any limitation of the equity fund’s duty to redeem units. The fund has not redeemed any holdings that have affected the value of its units during the year. 7 Higher risk Volatility (3 years) 17,45 16,19 Higher possible risk The scale indicates the link between the risk involved in and possible return on an investment in the mutual fund. A low score indicates a low level of risk while a high score indicates a high level of risk. Note that achieving the lowest score does not mean the investment is risk-free. The indicator is based on fluctuations in the mutual fund’s historical year-end prices. The fluctuations are measured by the weekly returns that have been recorded for more than the past five years. Large historical fluctuations mean it is more likely that the investment may fluctuate a lot in the future too. The probability of the investment’s value rising and falling a lot in the future is thus greater if there have been large historical fluctuations. Large fluctuations may also mean there is a greater chance of the price falling to below that paid for the investment and of the return being negative due to share price losses. Past performance is no guarantee of future performance. Historical fluctuations in price will therefore not necessarily provide a correct picture of the fund’s future risk profile. The mutual fund’s score is thus not fixed and will normally change over time. ANNUAL REPORT 2013 I 25 I ODIN Norge ODIN Sverige - Annual Report 2013 Local currency Aker Solutions Energy Atea Information technology NOK 1000 NOK 1000 NOK 1000 982 381 108,40 63 034 106 490 43 457 2,22% 0,36% 1 670 463 59,75 97 488 99 810 2 322 2,08% 1,62% Austevoll Seafood Consumer staples 1 496 655 35,50 57 114 53 131 -3 982 1,11% 0,74% BW Offshore Energy 9 781 798 7,25 178 760 70 918 -107 842 1,48% 1,42% Det Norske Oljeselskap Energy 2 645 420 66,70 109 314 176 450 67 135 3,68% 1,88% Ekornes Consumer discretionary 1 432 808 82,25 120 022 117 848 -2 173 2,46% 3,89% Electromagnetic Geoservices Energy 7 838 224 7,87 47 986 61 687 13 700 1,29% 3,92% Farstad Shipping Energy 624 565 131,50 35 415 82 130 46 715 1,71% 1,60% 2 008 905 115,70 119 528 232 430 112 902 4,85% 0,40% 472 601 127,50 46 010 60 257 14 246 1,26% 1,40% 46,50 236 579 173 686 -62 893 3,63% 1,91% 7,34% Gjensidige Forsikring Financials Ganger Rolf Energy Hafslund B Utilities 3 735 192 I.M. Skaugen Energy 1 987 740 9,45 50 590 18 784 -31 805 0,39% Kongsberg Gruppen Industrials 1 152 181 127,50 62 712 146 903 84 191 3,07% 0,96% Marine Harvest Consumer staples 8 629 386 7,39 57 205 63 728 6 523 1,33% 0,21% Sparebank 1 SMN, Financials 4 168 311 55,00 171 805 229 257 57 452 4,79% 3,21% Norsk Hydro Materials 5 127 960 27,07 172 040 138 814 -33 227 2,90% 0,25% Nordic Semiconductor Information technology 1 827 622 27,70 11 765 50 625 38 860 1,06% 1,12% Olav Thon Eiendomsselskap Financials 91 901 1 070,00 94 904 98 334 3 430 2,05% 0,86% Petroleum Geo-Services Energy 1 611 040 71,45 124 992 115 109 -9 883 2,40% 0,74% Photocure Health care Q-Free Information technology Royal Caribbean Cruises (NOK) Consumer discretionary SalMar Consumer staples Schibsted Consumer discretionary Sparebank 1 SR-Bank Financials Statoil Energy Subsea 7 679 037 25,70 25 955 17 451 -8 504 0,36% 3,17% 5 214 283 14,00 55 226 73 000 17 774 1,52% 7,67% 238 310 287,30 41 187 68 466 27 279 1,43% 0,11% 1 930 117 74,00 55 157 142 829 87 671 2,98% 1,70% 682 112 401,20 100 451 273 663 173 212 5,71% 0,63% 5 896 605 60,25 247 471 355 270 107 799 7,42% 2,31% 3 050 710 147,00 393 900 448 454 54 554 9,36% 0,10% Energy 1 579 694 116,10 190 558 183 402 -7 156 3,83% 0,45% Telenor Telecommunication services 1 514 462 144,60 163 756 218 991 55 235 4,57% 0,10% Tomra Systems Industrials 2 368 905 56,50 104 635 133 843 29 208 2,79% 1,60% Veidekke Industrials 1 413 268 48,80 56 210 68 967 12 757 1,44% 1,06% VIZRT Information technology 4 032 513 25,50 76 880 102 829 25 949 2,15% 5,98% Wilh. Wilhelmsen Holding B Industrials 655 510 202,00 47 867 132 413 84 546 2,76% 1,41% Yara International Materials 1 642 684 261,00 428 914 428 741 -173 8,95% 0,59% 1) The Industry Classification is based on the Global Industry Classification Standard (GICS) from Morgan Stanley AND Standard & Poor's 2) Costprice is based on average I 26 I ANNUAL REPORT 2013 Fund commentary - ODIN Europa Good returns in a recovering region Alexandra Morris, Portfolio manager 2013 ended with a rise of 39,6 per cent for ODIN Europa. The fund’s benchmark was up 36.4 per cent during the same time period. Five best contributors 2013 Five largest shareholdings 2013 Five weakest contributors 2013 Return 2013 50 40 30 20 10 0 Fund Fond ANNUAL REPORT 2013 Benchmark Indeks I 27 I ODIN Europa ODIN Europa - Annual Report 2013 1) Benchmark MSCI Europe net Index USD measured in NOK Total return Since start 15/11/1999 (p.a.) 31,60% 1,96% 40,76% 2,45% -9,16% -0,49% Last 10 years (p.a.) Last 5 years (p.a.) Last 3 years (p.a.) 7,51% 14,98% 13,04% 6,19% 10,06% 11,07% 1,32% 4,92% 1,97% 2013 39,64% 36,38% 3,26% 2012 22,77% 11,17% 11,61% 2011 -15,76% -9,63% -6,13% 2010 13,29% 5,98% 7,31% 2009 22,91% 11,25% 11,65% 2008 -42,30% -30,67% -11,64% 2007 -17,59% -1,00% -16,59% 2006 41,99% 23,67% 18,32% 2005 40,46% 22,26% 18,19% 2004 8,30% 8,82% -0,52% ODIN Europa From 15.11.1999 to 24.11.2004 this fund was a fund of funds, invested solely in Robur Europafond. Index This fund and ODIN Forvaltning AS are registered in Norway and regulated by Finanstilsynet (the Financial Supervisory Authority of Norway). Please note that the historical return is not a guarantee of future returns. The future return will among other things depend on market developments, the manager’s skills, the fund’s risk level and the costs of buying units and managing the fund. The return may be negative as a result of share losses. ODIN Forvaltning employees may trade for their own account in several types of financial instruments. This means that ODIN Forvaltning employees may own securities in companies that are referred to in this report as well as units in ODIN’s mutual funds. The employees’ own-account trading is to take place in accordance with ODIN Forvaltning AS’s internal guidelines on employee ownaccount trading, which have been prepared pursuant to the Norwegian Securities Trading Act and the Norwegian Fund and Asset Management Association’s industry standard. ODIN Forvaltning AS may only be held responsible for information in this document that is misleading, inaccurate or inconsistent in relation to relevant information in the prospectus. I 28 I ANNUAL REPORT 2013 ODIN Europa ODIN Europa - Annual Report 2013 NOK 1000 1.Interest income NOK 1000 369 170 29,015 26,851 3.Gain/loss on sale 108,707 8,346 4.Net change unrealised price gains/losses 5.Other portfolio revenues/costs 301,858 164,382 2,262 -1,331 2.Dividend 8 1.Shares 2.Convertible securities 3.Warrants 11 11 11 1,619,878 952,212 0 0 0 0 4,784 0 50,461 4,552 -189 26,681 1,269,569 203,079 1,028,430 158,775 4,434 14,195 1. Accrued, not yet received, revenues 2.Other receivables 6.Commission revenue from subscription and redemption of units 7.Costs of subscribing for and redeeming units 8.Administrative fee 9.Other revenues 5 6 7 10.Other costs 8 0 0 -24,629 1,142 -54 0 0 -17,960 0 -89 1.Unit equity at nominal value 2.Premium/discount 9,10 11.Tax cost 1.Net amount distributed to unit-holders during the year 2.Allocated for distribution to unit-holders -2,486 -2,502 0 0 0 0 Total liabilities 3.Transferred to/from accrued equity 969,061,164 544,671,529 -259,228,370 416,184,376 0 Equity as at 31/12/2012 Subscriptions in 2013 Redemptions in 2013 Profit/loss for the year 2013 Dividends distributed to unit-holders in 2013 1,670,688,699 Equity as at 31/12/2013 1 2 Lower risk Lower possible return 3 4 5 6 Amount of shares NAV 31/12 12,695,686 10,264,131 131.60 94.24 10,189,526 76.76 By NAV is meant the fund’s total assets divided by the number of units issued. There are no redemption costs for the unit-holders. No special agreements have been entered into with major unitholders regarding any limitation of the equity fund’s duty to redeem units. The fund has not redeemed any holdings that have affected the value of its units during the year. 7 Higher risk Volatility (3 years) 15,27 11,66 Higher possible risk The scale indicates the link between the risk involved in and possible return on an investment in the mutual fund. A low score indicates a low level of risk while a high score indicates a high level of risk. Note that achieving the lowest score does not mean the investment is risk-free. The indicator is based on fluctuations in the mutual fund’s historical year-end prices. The fluctuations are measured by the weekly returns that have been recorded for more than the past five years. Large historical fluctuations mean it is more likely that the investment may fluctuate a lot in the future too. The probability of the investment’s value rising and falling a lot in the future is thus greater if there have been large historical fluctuations. Large fluctuations may also mean there is a greater chance of the price falling to below that paid for the investment and of the return being negative due to share price losses. Past performance is no guarantee of future performance. Historical fluctuations in price will therefore not necessarily provide a correct picture of the fund’s future risk profile. The mutual fund’s score is thus not fixed and will normally change over time. ANNUAL REPORT 2013 I 29 I ODIN Europa ODIN Europa - Annual Report 2013 Local currency DKK/NOK= NOK 1000 NOK 1000 NOK 1000 4 552 1,1257 Novo Nordisk B Health care 44 741 993,50 45 486 50 038 Schneider Electric Industrials 95 681 63,34 42 222 50 889 Michelin Consumer discretionary 64 406 76,84 28 791 41 556 Leoni Consumer discretionary 74 393 54,33 15 112 33 939 Adidas Consumer discretionary 73 904 92,63 29 177 57 484 Allianz Financials 50 507 130,40 36 680 EUR/NOK= EUR/NOK= 3,00% 0,01% 8 668 3,05% 0,02% 12 765 2,49% 0,03% 18 826 2,03% 0,23% 28 307 3,44% 0,04% 55 304 18 624 3,31% 0,01% 8,3970 8,3970 BASF Materials 61 556 77,70 25 260 40 162 14 902 2,40% 0,01% HUGO BOSS Consumer discretionary 53 393 103,65 28 795 46 471 17 676 2,78% 0,08% SAP AG Information technology 185 561 62,53 71 024 97 431 26 408 5,83% 0,02% EUR/NOK= 8,3970 Kerry Group Consumer staples 132 527 49,97 45 819 55 603 9 784 3,33% 0,08% C&C Group Consumer staples 1 311 722 4,29 45 138 47 241 2 103 2,83% 0,38% EUR/NOK= 8,3970 Astaldi Industrials 254 409 7,71 10 573 16 460 5 887 0,99% 0,26% Prysmian Industrials 335 847 18,72 32 139 52 792 20 653 3,16% 0,16% Petroleum Geo-Services Energy 589 425 71,45 40 580 42 114 1 535 2,52% 0,27% Subsea 7 Energy 357 904 116,10 40 785 41 553 768 2,49% 0,10% Information technology 139 337 30,95 22 557 36 206 13 649 2,17% 0,03% EUR/NOK= 8,3970 Amadeus IT Hldg A CHF/NOK= 6,8460 Austriamicrosystems Information technology 68 595 107,20 27 242 50 341 23 099 3,01% 0,47% Holcim Materials 122 846 66,70 51 436 56 095 4 659 3,36% 0,04% Syngenta Materials 23 267 354,30 55 875 56 435 560 3,38% 0,02% Swatch Group Consumer discretionary 66 220 99,90 27 267 45 289 18 022 2,71% 0,05% 219 042 2 469,00 46 053 54 316 8 263 3,25% 0,01% GBP/NOK= 10,0434 Unilever I 30 I Consumer staples ANNUAL REPORT 2013 ODIN Europa - Annual Report 2013 ODIN Europa Local currency NOK 1000 NOK 1000 NOK 1000 GBP/NOK= 10,0434 Weir Group Industrials 218 883 2 150,00 36 815 47 264 10 449 2,83% 0,10% Travis Perkins Industrials 330 203 1 836,00 55 994 60 888 4 895 3,64% 0,13% Tui Travel Consumer discretionary 397 123 407,80 16 116 16 265 149 0,97% 0,04% Spectris Information technology 224 540 2 549,00 42 777 57 484 14 706 3,44% 0,19% Rolls-Royce Holdings Industrials 383 764 1 257,00 27 323 48 448 21 125 2,90% 0,02% Shire Health care 230 149 2 820,00 38 012 65 184 27 172 3,90% 0,04% Smith & Nephew Health care 480 026 856,50 25 270 41 293 16 023 2,47% 0,05% 0,01% Standard Chartered Financials 302 514 1 357,00 44 392 41 229 -3 163 2,47% IMI Industrials 349 932 1 523,00 30 760 53 526 22 766 3,20% 0,11% GKN Consumer discretionary 1 397 409 371,00 23 502 52 069 28 567 3,12% 0,09% Diageo Consumer staples 285 122 1 982,00 41 542 56 756 15 215 3,40% 0,01% Bunzl Industrials 360 339 1 430,00 34 661 51 752 17 092 3,10% 0,11% 1) The Industry Classification is based on the Global Industry Classification Standard (GICS) from Morgan Stanley AND Standard & Poor's 2) Costprice is based on average ANNUAL REPORT 2013 I 31 I Fund commentary - ODIN Europa SMB A strong year for ODIN Europa SMB Alexandra Morris, Portfolio manager 2013 ended with a rise of 44,6 per cent for ODIN Europa SMB. The fund’s benchmark was up 52.2 per cent during the same time period. Five best contributors 2013 Five largest shareholdings 2013 Five weakest contributors 2013 Return 2013 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Fond Fund I 32 I Indeks Benchmark ANNUAL REPORT 2013 ODIN Europa SMB SMB - Annual Report 2013 ODIN Europa 1) Benchmark Total return Since start 15/11/1999 (p.a.) 122,43% 5,82% 217,64% 8,52% -95,21% -2,70% Last 10 years (p.a.) Last 5 years (p.a.) Last 3 years (p.a.) 10,99% 16,04% 14,19% 10,80% 19,80% 14,05% 0,19% -3,76% 0,14% 2013 44,62% 52,18% -7,56% 2012 32,35% 20,11% 12,24% 2011 -22,21% -18,84% -3,37% 2010 18,59% 23,89% -5,29% 2009 19,24% 34,39% -15,15% 2008 -39,53% -40,38% 0,85% 2007 -14,23% -11,11% -3,12% 2006 47,20% 34,32% 12,88% 2005 46,43% 32,89% 13,54% 2004 20,68% 19,47% 1,20% MSCI Europe net Small cap Index USD measured in NOK From 15.11.1999 to 24.11.2004 this fund was a fund of funds, invested solely in Robur Småbolagsfond Europa. ODIN Europa SMB Index This fund and ODIN Forvaltning AS are registered in Norway and regulated by Finanstilsynet (the Financial Supervisory Authority of Norway). Please note that the historical return is not a guarantee of future returns. The future return will among other things depend on market developments, the manager’s skills, the fund’s risk level and the costs of buying units and managing the fund. The return may be negative as a result of share losses. ODIN Forvaltning employees may trade for their own account in several types of financial instruments. This means that ODIN Forvaltning employees may own securities in companies that are referred to in this report as well as units in ODIN’s mutual funds. The employees’ own-account trading is to take place in accordance with ODIN Forvaltning AS’s internal guidelines on employee ownaccount trading, which have been prepared pursuant to the Norwegian Securities Trading Act and the Norwegian Fund and Asset Management Association’s industry standard. ODIN Forvaltning AS may only be held responsible for information in this document that is misleading, inaccurate or inconsistent in relation to relevant information in the prospectus. ANNUAL REPORT 2013 I 33 I ODIN Europa SMB SMB - Annual Report 2013 ODIN Europa NOK 1000 1.Interest income NOK 1000 292 617 2.Dividend 51,260 54,804 1.Shares 3.Gain/loss on sale 38,355 36,075 2.Convertible securities 781,892 392,198 7,152 -3,604 4.Net change unrealised price gains/losses 5.Other portfolio revenues/costs 8 3.Warrants 11 11 11 2,659,363 1,873,799 0 0 0 0 3,981 0 60,271 4,422 -68 76,693 1,220,872 769,840 1,248,829 779,071 8,106 34,463 1. Accrued, not yet received, revenues 2.Other receivables 6.Commission revenue from subscription and redemption of units 7.Costs of subscribing for and redeeming units 8.Administrative fee 9.Other revenues 5 6 7 10.Other costs 8 0 0 -44,417 1,785 -55 95 0 -34,073 61 -76 1.Unit equity at nominal value 2.Premium/discount 9,10 11.Tax cost 1.Net amount distributed to unit-holders during the year 2.Allocated for distribution to unit-holders -3,951 -4,785 0 0 0 0 Total liabilities 3.Transferred to/from accrued equity Equity as at 31/12/2012 Subscriptions in 2013 Redemptions in 2013 Profit/loss for the year 2013 Dividends distributed to unit-holders in 2013 1,920,384,008 475,614,418 -512,801,201 832,311,024 0 Equity as at 31/12/2013 2,715,508,250 1 2 Lower risk Lower possible return 3 4 5 6 Amount of shares NAV 31/12 12,208,723 12,481,462 222.43 153.80 11,992,269 116.21 By NAV is meant the fund’s total assets divided by the number of units issued. There are no redemption costs for the unit-holders. No special agreements have been entered into with major unitholders regarding any limitation of the equity fund’s duty to redeem units. The fund has not redeemed any holdings that have affected the value of its units during the year. 7 Higher risk Volatility (3 years) 17,07 13,65 Higher possible risk The scale indicates the link between the risk involved in and possible return on an investment in the mutual fund. A low score indicates a low level of risk while a high score indicates a high level of risk. Note that achieving the lowest score does not mean the investment is risk-free. The indicator is based on fluctuations in the mutual fund’s historical year-end prices. The fluctuations are measured by the weekly returns that have been recorded for more than the past five years. Large historical fluctuations mean it is more likely that the investment may fluctuate a lot in the future too. The probability of the investment’s value rising and falling a lot in the future is thus greater if there have been large historical fluctuations. Large fluctuations may also mean there is a greater chance of the price falling to below that paid for the investment and of the return being negative due to share price losses. Past performance is no guarantee of future performance. Historical fluctuations in price will therefore not necessarily provide a correct picture of the fund’s future risk profile. The mutual fund’s score is thus not fixed and will normally change over time. I 34 I ANNUAL REPORT 2013 ODIN Europa SMB - Annual Report 2013 ODIN Europa SMB Local currency EUR/NOK= NOK 1000 NOK 1000 NOK 1000 8,3970 Huhtamäki Materials 742 906 18,79 79 497 117 215 37 719 4,32% 0,69% Teleperformance Industrials 290 101 44,39 58 928 108 121 49 193 3,98% 0,51% SEB Consumer discretionary 223 760 64,73 94 216 121 622 27 406 4,48% 0,45% 0,63% EUR/NOK= EUR/NOK= 8,3970 8,3970 Leoni Consumer discretionary 204 590 54,33 46 080 93 336 47 255 3,44% Pfeiffer Vacuum Technology Industrials 112 000 98,94 64 685 93 050 28 364 3,43% 1,13% HUGO BOSS Consumer discretionary 96 944 103,65 70 020 84 375 14 355 3,11% 0,14% EUR/NOK= 8,3970 C&C Group Consumer staples 4 073 849 4,29 116 580 146 719 30 139 5,40% 1,18% Kerry Group Consumer staples 189 666 49,97 62 311 79 576 17 265 2,93% 0,11% Smurfit Kappa Materials 906 911 17,77 56 766 135 324 78 559 4,98% 0,40% EUR/NOK= 8,3970 Ansaldo STS Industrials 1 506 804 7,87 68 239 99 513 31 274 3,66% 0,84% Prysmian Industrials 525 000 18,72 46 293 82 526 36 232 3,04% 0,24% Danieli & C Risp NC Industrials 533 685 16,27 44 298 72 912 28 614 2,69% 0,66% Astaldi Industrials 2 029 498 7,71 92 028 131 306 39 278 4,84% 2,06% Royal Imtech Industrials 4 029 072 2,09 44 378 70 743 26 365 2,61% 0,89% Nutreco Consumer staples 487 574 35,83 100 903 146 673 45 770 5,40% 0,69% Petroleum Geo-Services Energy 977 997 71,45 77 287 69 878 -7 409 2,57% 0,45% Sparebank 1 SMN, Financials 1 326 937 55,00 54 492 72 982 18 490 2,69% 1,02% Schweizerische Natl-V Financials 160 791 64,00 36 879 70 450 33 570 2,59% 0,73% Bucher Industries Ltd Industrials 46 069 258,75 28 678 81 607 52 929 3,01% 0,45% Austriamicrosystems Information technology 161 835 107,20 64 097 118 769 54 672 4,37% 1,12% 1 190 499 942,50 63 398 112 691 49 294 4,15% 0,69% EUR/NOK= CHF/NOK= 8,3970 6,8460 GBP/NOK= 10,0434 Berendsen ANNUAL REPORT 2013 Industrials I 35 I ODIN Europa SMB SMB - Annual Report 2013 ODIN Europa Local currency NOK 1000 NOK 1000 NOK 1000 GBP/NOK= 10,0434 Dechra Pharmaceuticals Health care 561 425 691,50 31 482 38 991 7 509 1,44% Dixons Retail Consumer discretionary 22 918 641 48,59 52 725 111 845 59 120 4,12% 0,64% 0,63% GKN Consumer discretionary 2 014 359 371,00 55 795 75 057 19 262 2,76% 0,12% Spectris Information technology 409 436 2 549,00 75 091 104 818 29 727 3,86% 0,35% Travis Perkins Industrials 445 847 1 836,00 74 935 82 213 7 278 3,03% 0,18% Tui Travel Consumer discretionary 986 545 407,80 40 031 40 406 375 1,49% 0,09% Ultra Electronics Hldgs Industrials 494 496 1 946,00 72 708 96 647 23 938 3,56% 0,71% 1) The Industry Classification is based on the Global Industry Classification Standard (GICS) from Morgan Stanley AND Standard & Poor's 2) Costprice is based on average I 36 I ANNUAL REPORT 2013 Fund commentary - ODIN Global Good absolute return - weak relative return Oddbjørn Dybvad Portfolio manager 2013 ended with a rise of 26,9 per cent for ODIN Global. The fund’s benchmark was up 38.9 per cent during the same time period. Five best contributors 2013 Five largest shareholdings 2013 Five weakest contributors 2013 Return 2013 50 40 30 20 10 0 Fond Fund ANNUAL REPORT 2013 Indeks Benchmark I 37 I ODIN Global - Annual Report 2013 ODIN Global 1) Benchmark MSCI World Net Index measured in NOK Total return Since start 15/11/1999 (p.a.) 40,69% 2,45% 25,48% 1,62% 15,21% 0,83% Last 10 years (p.a.) Last 5 years (p.a.) Last 3 years (p.a.) 5,09% 15,23% 9,35% 5,87% 11,95% 12,62% -0,78% 3,28% -3,27% 2013 26,94% 38,85% -11,91% 2012 12,53% 7,18% 5,34% 2011 -8,46% -4,02% -4,44% 2010 18,18% 13,04% 5,14% 2009 31,54% 8,97% 22,57% 2008 -38,61% -24,28% -14,33% 2007 -10,88% -5,33% -5,55% 2006 15,91% 11,04% 4,87% 2005 18,31% 22,34% -4,03% 2004 7,74% 3,27% 4,47% ODIN Global From 15.11.1999 to 12.06.2007 this fund was a fund of funds, invested solely in Templeton Global Fund A. Index This fund and ODIN Forvaltning AS are registered in Norway and regulated by Finanstilsynet (the Financial Supervisory Authority of Norway). Please note that the historical return is not a guarantee of future returns. The future return will among other things depend on market developments, the manager’s skills, the fund’s risk level and the costs of buying units and managing the fund. The return may be negative as a result of share losses. ODIN Forvaltning employees may trade for their own account in several types of financial instruments. This means that ODIN Forvaltning employees may own securities in companies that are referred to in this report as well as units in ODIN’s mutual funds. The employees’ own-account trading is to take place in accordance with ODIN Forvaltning AS’s internal guidelines on employee ownaccount trading, which have been prepared pursuant to the Norwegian Securities Trading Act and the Norwegian Fund and Asset Management Association’s industry standard. ODIN Forvaltning AS may only be held responsible for information in this document that is misleading, inaccurate or inconsistent in relation to relevant information in the prospectus. I 38 I ANNUAL REPORT 2013 ODIN Global ODIN Global - Annual Report 2013 NOK 1000 1.Interest income NOK 1000 192 138 30,392 19,189 1.Shares 3.Gain/loss on sale 110,663 18,568 2.Convertible securities 4.Net change unrealised price gains/losses 5.Other portfolio revenues/costs 227,018 71,976 3.Warrants 253 -785 2.Dividend 8 11 11 11 1,616,416 871,190 0 0 0 0 3,611 0 34,649 1,525 -15 12,034 1,173,278 70,811 792,738 16,653 4,092 6,247 1. Accrued, not yet received, revenues 2.Other receivables 6.Commission revenue from subscription and redemption of units 7.Costs of subscribing for and redeeming units 8.Administrative fee 9.Other revenues 5 6 7 10.Other costs 8 0 0 -28,451 34 -78 2 0 -15,943 0 -66 1.Unit equity at nominal value 2.Premium/discount 9,10 11.Tax cost 1.Net amount distributed to unit-holders during the year 2.Allocated for distribution to unit-holders -2,624 -1,062 0 0 0 0 Total liabilities 3.Transferred to/from accrued equity 878,487,175 776,391,650 -341,694,191 337,399,736 0 Equity as at 31/12/2012 Subscriptions in 2013 Redemptions in 2013 Profit/loss for the year 2013 Dividends distributed to unit-holders in 2013 1,650,584,370 Equity as at 31/12/2013 1 2 Lower risk Lower possible return 3 4 5 6 Amount of shares NAV 31/12 11,732,775 140.69 7,906,313 110.83 7,184,420 98.49 By NAV is meant the fund’s total assets divided by the number of units issued. There are no redemption costs for the unit-holders. No special agreements have been entered into with major unitholders regarding any limitation of the equity fund’s duty to redeem units. The fund has not redeemed any holdings that have affected the value of its units during the year. 7 Higher risk Volatility (3 years) 10,70 8,97 Higher possible risk The scale indicates the link between the risk involved in and possible return on an investment in the mutual fund. A low score indicates a low level of risk while a high score indicates a high level of risk. Note that achieving the lowest score does not mean the investment is risk-free. The indicator is based on fluctuations in the mutual fund’s historical year-end prices. The fluctuations are measured by the weekly returns that have been recorded for more than the past five years. Large historical fluctuations mean it is more likely that the investment may fluctuate a lot in the future too. The probability of the investment’s value rising and falling a lot in the future is thus greater if there have been large historical fluctuations. Large fluctuations may also mean there is a greater chance of the price falling to below that paid for the investment and of the return being negative due to share price losses. Past performance is no guarantee of future performance. Historical fluctuations in price will therefore not necessarily provide a correct picture of the fund’s future risk profile. The mutual fund’s score is thus not fixed and will normally change over time. ANNUAL REPORT 2013 I 39 I ODIN Global ODIN Global - Annual Report 2013 Local currency AUD/NOK= NOK 1000 NOK 1000 -12 331 4,53% 0,40% 0,13% 5,4133 ALS Industrials EUR/NOK= NOK 1000 1 558 471 8,87 87 162 74 831 102 806 24,25 12 950 20 934 7 984 1,27% 66 353 77,70 30 260 43 292 13 031 2,62% 0,01% 8,3970 Carl Zeiss Meditec Health care BASF Materials Henkel Consumer staples 139 168 75,56 46 964 88 299 41 335 5,35% 0,05% Consumer staples 286 925 49,97 73 548 120 381 46 833 7,29% 0,16% Kongsberg Gruppen Industrials 374 564 127,50 37 639 47 757 10 118 2,89% 0,31% TGS Nopec Geophysical Energy 308 556 160,80 60 972 49 616 -11 356 3,01% 0,30% Telecommunication services 493 153 21 621,00 49 901 61 960 12 058 3,75% 0,03% Industrials 315 425 162,60 48 385 48 416 30 2,93% 0,08% Schweizerische Natl-V Financials 133 129 64,00 29 642 58 330 28 687 3,53% 0,60% Syngenta Materials 35 803 354,30 75 297 86 842 11 544 5,26% 0,04% Weir Group Industrials 182 126 2 150,00 27 330 39 327 11 997 2,38% 0,09% Rolls-Royce Holdings Industrials 387 112 1 257,00 20 153 48 871 28 718 2,96% 0,02% Halma Information technology 814 856 611,50 44 089 50 045 5 956 3,03% 0,22% 0,21% EUR/NOK= 8,3970 Kerry Group ZAR/NOK= 0,5811 MTN Group SEK/NOK= 0,9440 Atlas Copco AB ser. B CHF/NOK= 6,8460 GBP/NOK= 10,0434 USD/NOK= 6,0838 Hubbell Industrials 106 985 108,65 55 152 70 718 15 566 4,28% Illinois Tool Works Industrials 148 124 83,43 54 142 75 184 21 042 4,55% 0,03% Nordson Corp Industrials 171 717 74,39 58 144 77 715 19 571 4,71% 0,27% 38 445 337,80 51 434 79 009 27 574 4,79% 0,29% 425 279 37,82 79 464 97 852 18 388 5,93% 0,01% NewMarket Materials Oracle Information technology Agilent Technologies Health care 205 142 57,12 50 988 71 288 20 300 4,32% 0,06% Ball Corp Materials 164 519 51,47 42 726 51 516 8 790 3,12% 0,11% I 40 I ANNUAL REPORT 2013 ODIN Global - Annual Report 2013 ODIN Global Local currency NOK 1000 USD/NOK= NOK 1000 NOK 1000 6,0838 Covidien Health care 161 081 67,85 50 722 66 492 15 770 4,03% Halliburton Energy 49 770 50,76 10 230 15 370 5 139 0,93% 0,04% 0,01% Laboratory Corp of Amer Health care 37 484 90,92 23 667 20 734 -2 933 1,26% 0,04% 3M Industrials 93 171 139,05 47 972 78 818 30 846 4,78% 0,01% Varian Medical Systems Health care 155 572 76,94 59 596 72 821 13 225 4,41% 0,14% 1) The Industry Classification is based on the Global Industry Classification Standard (GICS) from Morgan Stanley AND Standard & Poor's 2) Costprice is based on average ANNUAL REPORT 2013 I 41 I Fund commentary - ODIN Emerging Markets Good returns in unpopular markets Oddbjørn Dybvad and Vegard Søraunet Portfolio managers 2013 ended with a rise of 18,4 per cent for ODIN Emerging Markets The fund’s benchmark was up 6.1 per cent during the same time period. Five best contributors 2013 Five largest shareholdings 2013 Five weakest contributors 2013 Return 2013 25 20 15 10 5 0 -5 -10 Fund Fond I 42 I Benchmark Indeks ANNUAL REPORT 2013 ODIN Emerging ODIN Emerging Markets Markets - Annual Report 2013 1) Benchmark Total return Since start 15/11/1999 (p.a.) 102,50% 5,12% 155,97% 6,88% -53,47% -1,76% Last 10 years (p.a.) Last 5 years (p.a.) Last 3 years (p.a.) 8,09% 12,35% 2,51% 10,03% 11,67% -1,00% -1,94% 0,67% 3,52% 2013 18,39% 6,06% 12,33% 2012 10,66% 10,01% 0,65% 2011 -17,76% -16,84% -0,92% 2010 17,22% 20,52% -3,30% 2009 41,79% 48,59% -6,80% 2008 -39,51% -39,89% 0,38% 2007 10,53% 20,57% -10,04% 2006 17,25% 22,24% -4,98% 2005 41,71% 49,73% -8,02% 2004 9,59% 13,02% -3,43% MSCI Daily TR Net Emerging Markets USD measured in NOK From 15.11.1999 to 12.06.2007 this fund was a fund of funds, invested solely in Templeton Global Fund A. ODIN Emerging Markets Index This fund and ODIN Forvaltning AS are registered in Norway and regulated by Finanstilsynet (the Financial Supervisory Authority of Norway). Please note that the historical return is not a guarantee of future returns. The future return will among other things depend on market developments, the manager’s skills, the fund’s risk level and the costs of buying units and managing the fund. The return may be negative as a result of share losses. ODIN Forvaltning employees may trade for their own account in several types of financial instruments. This means that ODIN Forvaltning employees may own securities in companies that are referred to in this report as well as units in ODIN’s mutual funds. The employees’ own-account trading is to take place in accordance with ODIN Forvaltning AS’s internal guidelines on employee ownaccount trading, which have been prepared pursuant to the Norwegian Securities Trading Act and the Norwegian Fund and Asset Management Association’s industry standard. ODIN Forvaltning AS may only be held responsible for information in this document that is misleading, inaccurate or inconsistent in relation to relevant information in the prospectus. ANNUAL REPORT 2013 I 43 I ODIN Emerging ODIN Emerging Markets Markets - Annual Report 2013 NOK 1000 1.Interest income 2.Dividend 3.Gain/loss on sale 4.Net change unrealised price gains/losses 5.Other portfolio revenues/costs 8 NOK 1000 158 25 12,040 6,283 1.Shares -3,401 -8,184 2.Convertible securities 59,584 20,828 -332 -274 11 11 11 3.Warrants 1. Accrued, not yet received, revenues 2.Other receivables 6.Commission revenue from subscription and redemption of units 7.Costs of subscribing for and redeeming units 8.Administrative fee 9.Other revenues 5 6 7 10.Other costs 8 0 0 -7,501 3 -49 450,837 149,004 0 0 0 0 1,494 0 13,473 122 -2 13,266 229,590 138,520 92,714 28,494 902 3,825 16 0 -2,918 0 -30 1.Unit equity at nominal value 2.Premium/discount 9,10 11.Tax cost 1.Net amount distributed to unit-holders during the year 2.Allocated for distribution to unit-holders -1,069 -1,013 0 0 0 0 Total liabilities 3.Transferred to/from accrued equity 158,565,638 316,770,508 -69,868,261 59,433,390 0 Equity as at 31/12/2012 Subscriptions in 2013 Redemptions in 2013 Profit/loss for the year 2013 Dividends distributed to unit-holders in 2013 464,901,275 Equity as at 31/12/2013 1 2 Lower risk Lower possible return 3 4 5 6 Amount of shares NAV 31/12 2,295,898 202.50 923,456 171.04 919,097 154.57 By NAV is meant the fund’s total assets divided by the number of units issued. There are no redemption costs for the unit-holders. No special agreements have been entered into with major unitholders regarding any limitation of the equity fund’s duty to redeem units. The fund has not redeemed any holdings that have affected the value of its units during the year. 7 Higher risk Volatility (3 years) 13,87 13,27 Higher possible risk The scale indicates the link between the risk involved in and possible return on an investment in the mutual fund. A low score indicates a low level of risk while a high score indicates a high level of risk. Note that achieving the lowest score does not mean the investment is risk-free. The indicator is based on fluctuations in the mutual fund’s historical year-end prices. The fluctuations are measured by the weekly returns that have been recorded for more than the past five years. Large historical fluctuations mean it is more likely that the investment may fluctuate a lot in the future too. The probability of the investment’s value rising and falling a lot in the future is thus greater if there have been large historical fluctuations. Large fluctuations may also mean there is a greater chance of the price falling to below that paid for the investment and of the return being negative due to share price losses. Past performance is no guarantee of future performance. Historical fluctuations in price will therefore not necessarily provide a correct picture of the fund’s future risk profile. The mutual fund’s score is thus not fixed and will normally change over time. I 44 I ANNUAL REPORT 2013 ODIN Emerging Markets Markets - Annual Report 2013 ODIN Emerging Local currency BRL/NOK= Financials NOK 1000 184 110 12,61 10 333 5 983 -4 351 1,29% 0,09% 46 439 75,56 19 045 29 464 10 419 6,34% 0,02% 8,3970 Henkel HKD/NOK= NOK 1000 2,5770 Banrisul EUR/NOK= NOK 1000 Consumer staples 0,7845 Samsonite International Consumer discretionary 1 075 908 23,15 14 283 19 540 5 257 4,20% 0,08% Texwinca Consumer discretionary 2 550 117 7,99 13 285 15 985 2 700 3,44% 0,19% INR/NOK= 0,0984 Mahindra & Mahindra Financial Financials 550 000 316,85 11 561 17 148 5 587 3,69% 0,10% Tata Motors Pref 715 252 192,90 12 360 13 576 1 216 2,92% 0,15% IDR/NOK= Consumer discretionary 0,0005 Semen Gresik Materials Telekomunikasi Indonesia Telecommunication services KES/NOK= 14 150,00 13 185 14 062 877 3,02% 0,03% 2 150,00 11 800 11 178 -622 2,40% 0,01% 5 942 750 47,50 14 085 19 873 5 787 4,27% 0,20% 0,0704 Kenya Commercial Bank KRW/NOK= 1 999 619 10 461 295 Financials 0,0058 Hyundai Mobis Consumer discretionary 5 378 293 500,00 8 392 9 099 707 1,96% 0,01% Hankook Tire OpCo Consumer discretionary 45 616 60 700,00 10 644 15 961 5 317 3,43% 0,04% Health care 571 400 7,27 7 560 7 677 117 1,65% 0,08% Financials 444 824 210,75 14 476 18 991 4 515 4,08% 0,18% 1 070 150 39,95 18 147 19 893 1 746 4,28% 0,12% MYR/NOK= 1,8480 Hartalega Holdings MUR/NOK= 0,2026 Mauritius Commerical Bank MXN/NOK= 0,4653 Corp.Moctezuma ANNUAL REPORT 2013 Materials I 45 I ODIN Emerging Markets - Annual Report 2013 ODIN Emerging Markets Local currency NGN/NOK= Financials 16 877 753 27,01 12 761 17 186 4 426 3,70% 0,06% Financials 992 343 80,03 13 527 14 724 1 197 3,17% 0,10% 38 789 58,35 13 115 13 770 655 2,96% 0,02% 0,04% 6,0838 Bashneft ZAR/NOK= NOK 1000 0,1854 Sberbank PFD CLS USD/NOK= NOK 1000 0,0377 Guaranty Trust Bank RUB/NOK= NOK 1000 Energy 0,5811 Bidvest Industrials 145 959 26 999,00 20 529 22 900 2 371 4,93% Nampak Materials 602 470 4 087,00 14 020 14 308 289 3,08% 0,09% MTN Group Telecommunication services 217 405 21 621,00 23 558 27 315 3 757 5,88% 0,01% Industrials 87 000 162,60 13 120 13 354 234 2,87% 0,02% Financials 602 306 6,88 16 232 11 854 -4 377 2,55% 0,01% Energy 242 419 565,00 12 118 13 756 1 639 2,96% 0,05% SEK/NOK= 0,9440 Atlas Copco AB ser. B TRY/NOK= 2,8607 Turkiye Garanti Bankasi GBP/NOK= 10,0434 Dragon Oil USD/NOK= 6,0838 Cia Cervecerias Unidas Adr. Consumer staples 122 489 24,02 18 917 17 900 -1 017 3,85% 0,07% Globaltrans Investment GDR Industrials 148 188 15,79 13 212 14 235 1 024 3,06% 0,08% 3M Industrials 21 267 139,05 11 502 17 991 6 489 3,87% 0,00% Mindray Medical Health care 79 522 36,03 16 562 17 431 869 3,75% 0,09% Nordson Corp Industrials 34 652 74,39 12 724 15 683 2 959 3,37% 0,05% 1) The Industry Classification is based on the Global Industry Classification Standard (GICS) from Morgan Stanley AND Standard & Poor's 2) Costprice is based on average I 46 I ANNUAL REPORT 2013 Fund commentary - ODIN Maritim A good year for ODIN Maritim Jarle Sjo and Lars Mohagen Portfolio managers 2013 ended with a rise of 44.3 per cent for ODIN Maritim. The fund’s benchmark was up 51.8 per cent during the same time period. Five best contributors 2013 Five largest shareholdings 2013 Five weakest contributors 2013 Return 2013 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Fund Fond ANNUAL REPORT 2013 Benchmark Indeks I 47 I ODIN Maritim - Annual Report 2013 ODIN Maritim 1) Benchmark Total return Since start 31/10/1994 (p.a.) 786,30% 12,06% 66,96% 2,71% 719,34% 9,35% 9,68% 6,41% -1,33% 4,27% 4,47% 0,50% 5,42% 1,94% -1,84% 2013 44,34% 51,82% -7,48% 2012 3,60% -2,84% 6,43% 2011 -35,77% -31,18% -4,59% 2010 20,87% 42,48% -21,61% 2009 17,57% -13,95% 31,53% 2008 -55,71% -32,80% -22,91% Last 10 years (p.a.) Last 5 years (p.a.) Last 3 years (p.a.) 2007 37,23% 10,05% 27,18% 2006 24,08% 3,46% 20,61% 2005 51,39% 44,89% 6,50% 2004 61,87% 10,10% 51,77% ODIN Maritim MSCI World Gross Marine Index measured in NOK MSCI World Gross Marine Index has been the benchmark since sedan 31.12.1998. Orkla Enskildas Shipping Index was the benchmark from 31.10.1994 to 31.12.1998. Index This fund and ODIN Forvaltning AS are registered in Norway and regulated by Finanstilsynet (the Financial Supervisory Authority of Norway). Please note that the historical return is not a guarantee of future returns. The future return will among other things depend on market developments, the manager’s skills, the fund’s risk level and the costs of buying units and managing the fund. The return may be negative as a result of share losses. ODIN Forvaltning employees may trade for their own account in several types of financial instruments. This means that ODIN Forvaltning employees may own securities in companies that are referred to in this report as well as units in ODIN’s mutual funds. The employees’ own-account trading is to take place in accordance with ODIN Forvaltning AS’s internal guidelines on employee ownaccount trading, which have been prepared pursuant to the Norwegian Securities Trading Act and the Norwegian Fund and Asset Management Association’s industry standard. ODIN Forvaltning AS may only be held responsible for information in this document that is misleading, inaccurate or inconsistent in relation to relevant information in the prospectus. I 48 I ANNUAL REPORT 2013 ODIN Maritim - Annual Report 2013 ODIN Maritim NOK 1000 1.Interest income NOK 1000 766 863 15,322 26,698 3.Gain/loss on sale -106,203 -256,525 2.Convertible securities 4.Net change unrealised price gains/losses 5.Other portfolio revenues/costs 363,439 264,776 3.Warrants 1,419 -1,228 2.Dividend 8 1.Shares 11 11 11 1. Accrued, not yet received, revenues 2.Other receivables 6.Commission revenue from subscription and redemption of units 7.Costs of subscribing for and redeeming units 8.Administrative fee 9.Other revenues 5 6 7 10.Other costs 8 0 0 -13,868 1,297 -24 856,622 560,240 8,214 10,700 0 0 639 0 28,452 476 79 40,533 100,137 570,119 99,186 554,338 5,904 2,732 0 0 -13,345 0 -38 1.Unit equity at nominal value 2.Premium/discount 9,10 11.Tax cost 1.Net amount distributed to unit-holders during the year 2.Allocated for distribution to unit-holders -159 -289 0 0 0 0 Total liabilities 3.Transferred to/from accrued equity Equity as at 31/12/2012 Subscriptions in 2013 Redemptions in 2013 Profit/loss for the year 2013 Dividends distributed to unit-holders in 2013 609,296,440 243,880,423 -227,142,154 261,989,041 0 Equity as at 31/12/2013 888,023,751 1 2 Lower risk Lower possible return 3 4 5 6 Amount of shares NAV 31/12 1,001,367 886.83 996,759 614.39 1,092,606 593.06 By NAV is meant the fund’s total assets divided by the number of units issued. There are no redemption costs for the unit-holders. No special agreements have been entered into with major unitholders regarding any limitation of the equity fund’s duty to redeem units. The fund has not redeemed any holdings that have affected the value of its units during the year. 7 Higher risk Volatility (3 years) 19,21 18,49 Higher possible risk The scale indicates the link between the risk involved in and possible return on an investment in the mutual fund. A low score indicates a low level of risk while a high score indicates a high level of risk. Note that achieving the lowest score does not mean the investment is risk-free. The indicator is based on fluctuations in the mutual fund’s historical year-end prices. The fluctuations are measured by the weekly returns that have been recorded for more than the past five years. Large historical fluctuations mean it is more likely that the investment may fluctuate a lot in the future too. The probability of the investment’s value rising and falling a lot in the future is thus greater if there have been large historical fluctuations. Large fluctuations may also mean there is a greater chance of the price falling to below that paid for the investment and of the return being negative due to share price losses. Past performance is no guarantee of future performance. Historical fluctuations in price will therefore not necessarily provide a correct picture of the fund’s future risk profile. The mutual fund’s score is thus not fixed and will normally change over time. ANNUAL REPORT 2013 I 49 I ODIN Maritim ODIN Maritim - Annual Report 2013 Local currency NOK 1000 DKK/NOK= NOK 1000 NOK 1000 1,1257 D/S Norden Industrials 180 907 286,40 39 838 58 325 18 486 6,57% 0,42% A.P. Möller - Maersk B Industrials 500 58 900,00 24 278 33 152 8 874 3,73% 0,01% Pacific Basin Shipping Industrials 6 100 000 5,48 24 321 26 224 1 903 2,95% 0,31% 8% TTS Group 11/16 Industrials 6 500 000 124,75 6 370 8 221 1 739 0,93% Awilco LNG Energy 702 784 18,60 12 556 13 072 515 1,47% Bonheur Energy 136 102 128,50 27 830 17 489 -10 341 1,97% 0,33% DOF Energy 765 247 31,70 19 389 24 258 4 870 2,73% 0,69% HKD/NOK= 0,7845 1,04% Farstad Shipping Energy 110 155 131,50 15 445 14 485 -959 1,63% 0,28% Frontline 2012 Ltd Energy 1 271 721 49,50 48 199 62 950 14 752 7,09% 0,51% Golden Ocean Group Industrials 3 400 000 14,54 24 541 49 436 24 895 5,57% 0,76% Ganger Rolf Energy 272 957 127,50 34 590 34 802 212 3,92% 0,81% Havila Shipping Energy 532 604 32,50 14 959 17 310 2 350 1,95% 1,76% 0,70% Höegh LNG Holdings Energy Hurtigruten Consumer discretionary I.M. Skaugen Energy 488 562 47,80 19 801 23 353 3 552 2,63% 2 000 000 3,47 8 661 6 940 -1 721 0,78% 0,48% 645 000 9,45 24 737 6 095 -18 642 0,69% 2,38% Odfjell B Industrials 900 000 39,50 50 337 35 550 -14 787 4,00% 1,47% Stolt Nielsen Industrials 380 000 167,00 48 275 63 460 15 185 7,15% 0,59% Solstad Offshore Energy 259 396 120,50 25 502 31 257 5 755 3,52% 0,67% Siem Shipping Industrials 199 537 71,00 19 957 14 167 -5 790 1,60% 2,07% Norwegian Car Carriers Industrials 12 113 999 1,71 37 481 20 715 -16 766 2,33% 5,00% The Containership Company Industrials 625 000 0,10 7 188 63 -7 125 0,01% 4,63% TTS Group Industrials 2 048 906 6,20 49 683 12 703 -36 980 1,43% 2,37% Western Bulk Industrials 2 083 400 16,00 25 001 33 334 8 334 3,75% 1,32% Wilh. Wilhelmsen Holding A Industrials 115 931 202,00 14 620 23 418 8 798 2,64% 0,25% Wilh. Wilhelmsen Holding B Industrials 212 218 202,00 33 091 42 868 9 777 4,83% 0,46% Industrials 4 000 000 1,12 27 079 21 505 -5 574 2,42% 0,15% SGD/NOK= 4,8003 Neptune Orient Lines USD/NOK= 6,0838 Navigator Holdings Energy 100 000 26,07 12 257 15 860 3 603 1,79% 0,18% Knightsbridge Tankers Energy 189 842 9,27 9 452 10 706 1 254 1,21% 0,62% Scorpio Tankers Energy 499 730 11,70 23 124 35 556 12 432 4,00% 0,26% DryShips Industrials 1 400 000 4,51 45 734 38 413 -7 321 4,33% 0,33% Navios Maritime Acquisition Energy 1 309 000 4,47 21 158 35 598 14 439 4,01% 0,96% DHT Holdings certificate Energy 609 000 5,24 17 726 19 414 1 688 2,19% 1,05% DHT Holdings Pref Energy 4 436 524,00 12 912 14 142 1 230 1,59% 0,01% 1) The Industry Classification is based on the Global Industry Classification Standard (GICS) from Morgan Stanley AND Standard & Poor's 2) Costprice is based on average I 50 I ANNUAL REPORT 2013 Fund commentary - ODIN Offshore A good year for ODIN Offshore Jarle Sjo and Lars Mohagen Portfolio managers 2013 ended with a rise of 24.5 per cent for ODIN Offshore. The fund’s benchmark was up 39.1 per cent during the same time period. Five best contributors 2013 Five largest shareholdings 2013 Five weakest contributors 2013 Return 2013 50 40 30 20 10 0 -10 Fond Fund ANNUAL REPORT 2013 Indeks Benchmark I 51 I ODIN Offshore ODIN Offshore - Annual Report 2013 1) Benchmark Total return Since start 18/08/2000 (p.a.) 139,17% 6,74% 37,36% 2,40% 101,81% 4,34% Last 10 years (p.a.) Last 5 years (p.a.) Last 3 years (p.a.) 14,23% 12,41% 0,17% 10,59% 15,34% 5,83% 3,64% -2,93% -5,65% 2013 24,52% 39,11% -14,59% 2012 4,05% -4,97% 9,02% 2011 -22,42% -10,35% -12,07% 2010 18,83% 26,66% -7,83% 2009 50,32% 36,06% 14,26% 2008 -56,74% -49,56% -7,18% 2007 10,73% 32,63% -21,90% 2006 41,66% 1,51% 40,14% 2005 96,83% 64,48% 32,35% 2004 57,95% 20,08% 37,87% ODIN Offshore Philadelphia Stock Exchange Oil Service Sector Index (OSX) measured in NOK The benchmark index is not adjusted for dividend. Index This fund and ODIN Forvaltning AS are registered in Norway and regulated by Finanstilsynet (the Financial Supervisory Authority of Norway). Please note that the historical return is not a guarantee of future returns. The future return will among other things depend on market developments, the manager’s skills, the fund’s risk level and the costs of buying units and managing the fund. The return may be negative as a result of share losses. ODIN Forvaltning employees may trade for their own account in several types of financial instruments. This means that ODIN Forvaltning employees may own securities in companies that are referred to in this report as well as units in ODIN’s mutual funds. The employees’ own-account trading is to take place in accordance with ODIN Forvaltning AS’s internal guidelines on employee ownaccount trading, which have been prepared pursuant to the Norwegian Securities Trading Act and the Norwegian Fund and Asset Management Association’s industry standard. ODIN Forvaltning AS may only be held responsible for information in this document that is misleading, inaccurate or inconsistent in relation to relevant information in the prospectus. I 52 I ANNUAL REPORT 2013 ODIN Offshore - Annual Report 2013 ODIN Offshore NOK 1000 1.Interest income NOK 1000 374 293 42,126 31,841 3.Gain/loss on sale 141,157 -153,815 2.Convertible securities 4.Net change unrealised price gains/losses 5.Other portfolio revenues/costs 329,357 271,874 3.Warrants 3,987 -2,072 2.Dividend 8 1.Shares 11 11 11 2,113,394 2,067,548 0 0 0 0 408 0 63,342 -11 53 33,293 904,420 -547,617 1,089,930 -329,882 14,145 7,632 1. Accrued, not yet received, revenues 2.Other receivables 6.Commission revenue from subscription and redemption of units 7.Costs of subscribing for and redeeming units 8.Administrative fee 9.Other revenues 5 6 7 10.Other costs 8 0 0 -43,410 -2 -22 104 0 -47,667 0 -18 1.Unit equity at nominal value 2.Premium/discount 9,10 11.Tax cost 1.Net amount distributed to unit-holders during the year 2.Allocated for distribution to unit-holders -574 -396 0 0 0 0 Total liabilities 3.Transferred to/from accrued equity Equity as at 31/12/2012 Subscriptions in 2013 Redemptions in 2013 Profit/loss for the year 2013 Dividends distributed to unit-holders in 2013 2,093,250,860 245,888,337 -649,134,122 472,992,915 0 Equity as at 31/12/2013 2,162,997,989 1 2 Lower risk Lower possible return 3 4 5 6 Amount of shares NAV 31/12 9,044,195 10,895,058 239.17 192.08 13,047,479 184.60 By NAV is meant the fund’s total assets divided by the number of units issued. There are no redemption costs for the unit-holders. No special agreements have been entered into with major unitholders regarding any limitation of the equity fund’s duty to redeem units. The fund has not redeemed any holdings that have affected the value of its units during the year. 7 Higher risk Volatility (3 years) 18,18 20,24 Higher possible risk The scale indicates the link between the risk involved in and possible return on an investment in the mutual fund. A low score indicates a low level of risk while a high score indicates a high level of risk. Note that achieving the lowest score does not mean the investment is risk-free. The indicator is based on fluctuations in the mutual fund’s historical year-end prices. The fluctuations are measured by the weekly returns that have been recorded for more than the past five years. Large historical fluctuations mean it is more likely that the investment may fluctuate a lot in the future too. The probability of the investment’s value rising and falling a lot in the future is thus greater if there have been large historical fluctuations. Large fluctuations may also mean there is a greater chance of the price falling to below that paid for the investment and of the return being negative due to share price losses. Past performance is no guarantee of future performance. Historical fluctuations in price will therefore not necessarily provide a correct picture of the fund’s future risk profile. The mutual fund’s score is thus not fixed and will normally change over time. ANNUAL REPORT 2013 I 53 I ODIN Offshore ODIN Offshore - Annual Report 2013 Local currency NOK 1000 NOK 1000 NOK 1000 Bonheur Energy 330 000 128,50 47 774 42 405 -5 369 1,96% 0,81% BW Offshore Energy 13 356 600 7,25 206 316 96 835 -109 481 4,48% 1,94% 3,63% Badger Explorer Energy 673 093 8,60 12 636 5 789 -6 848 0,27% DOF Energy 2 820 553 31,70 82 243 89 412 7 169 4,13% 2,54% Electromagnetic Geoservices Energy 8 473 631 7,87 72 298 66 687 -5 611 3,08% 4,24% EOC Energy 8 078 418 5,79 101 140 46 774 -54 366 2,16% 7,28% Atlantica Tender Drilling Energy 5 336 645 8,30 47 489 44 294 -3 195 2,05% 4,34% Bergen Group Energy 2 480 000 3,46 56 340 8 581 -47 759 0,40% 4,09% Farstad Shipping Energy 620 553 131,50 52 261 81 603 29 342 3,77% 1,59% Ganger Rolf Energy 215 754 127,50 31 505 27 509 -3 997 1,27% 0,64% Havila Shipping Energy 2 042 500 32,50 89 195 66 381 -22 813 3,07% 6,77% 0,47% Kongsberg Gruppen Industrials 558 500 127,50 24 368 71 209 46 840 3,29% Norwegian Energy Company A Energy 2 764 500 5,29 8 570 14 624 6 054 0,68% 0,56% Petroleum Geo-Services Energy 900 000 71,45 67 808 64 305 -3 503 2,97% 0,41% 2,44% Prospector Offshore Drilling Energy 2 307 173 24,80 27 845 57 218 29 373 2,65% Prosafe Energy 1 250 000 46,80 57 489 58 500 1 011 2,70% 0,53% Rector Marinus Invest Energy 1 838 000 3,67 18 380 6 745 -11 635 0,31% 9,51% Sevan Drilling Energy 16 988 480 4,95 97 549 84 093 -13 456 3,89% 2,86% Solstad Offshore Energy 1 035 204 120,50 100 498 124 742 24 244 5,77% 2,68% Subsea 7 Energy 350 000 116,10 38 368 40 635 2 267 1,88% 0,10% TGS Nopec Geophysical Energy 250 000 160,80 36 731 40 200 3 469 1,86% 0,24% Weatherford Intl. (USD) Energy 800 000 15,51 78 058 75 500 -2 558 3,49% 0,10% Superior Energy Services Energy 400 000 26,24 62 096 63 856 1 760 2,95% 0,25% Schlumberger Energy 221 900 89,66 95 404 121 040 25 637 5,60% 0,02% USD/NOK= 6,0838 Rowan Companies Energy 635 000 34,73 127 860 134 169 6 309 6,20% 0,51% National Oilwell Varco Inc Energy 200 000 79,22 54 138 96 392 42 254 4,46% 0,05% Pacific Drilling Energy 850 000 11,20 50 599 57 918 7 318 2,68% 0,40% Halliburton Energy 500 000 50,76 93 850 154 407 60 557 7,14% 0,06% Baker Hughes Energy 300 000 54,74 99 876 99 908 32 4,62% 0,07% Ensco PLC Energy 290 000 56,47 90 291 99 630 9 339 4,61% 0,12% Cameron International Energy 200 000 59,20 60 962 72 032 11 070 3,33% 0,08% 1) The Industry Classification is based on the Global Industry Classification Standard (GICS) from Morgan Stanley AND Standard & Poor's 2) Costprice is based on average I 54 I ANNUAL REPORT 2013 Fund commentary - ODIN Eiendom I Further rise of property shares Carl Erik Sando Portfolio manager 2013 ended with a rise of 27.8 per cent for ODIN Eiendom I. The fund’s benchmark was up 28.0 per cent during the same time period. Five best contributors 2013 Five largest shareholdings 2013 Five weakest contributors 2013 Return 2013 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 -5 Fund Fond ANNUAL REPORT 2013 Benchmark Indeks I 55 I ODIN Eiendom I ODIN Eiendom I - Annual Report 2013 1) Benchmark Total return Since start 06/10/2010 (p.a.) 34,34% 9,55% 34,21% 9,52% 0,13% 0,03% Carnegie Sweden Real Estate Index measured in NOK The benchmark index is not adjusted for dividend. Last 3 years (p.a.) 2013 8,66% 7,74% 0,92% 27,80% 28,02% -0,22% 2012 17,44% 13,44% 4,00% 2011 -14,51% -13,89% -0,63% 2010 4,70% 7,31% -2,61% Return in year of inception is calculated from the inception date for both fund and benchmark. ODIN Eiendom I Index This fund and ODIN Forvaltning AS are registered in Norway and regulated by Finanstilsynet (the Financial Supervisory Authority of Norway). Please note that the historical return is not a guarantee of future returns. The future return will among other things depend on market developments, the manager’s skills, the fund’s risk level and the costs of buying units and managing the fund. The return may be negative as a result of share losses. ODIN Forvaltning employees may trade for their own account in several types of financial instruments. This means that ODIN Forvaltning employees may own securities in companies that are referred to in this report as well as units in ODIN’s mutual funds. The employees’ own-account trading is to take place in accordance with ODIN Forvaltning AS’s internal guidelines on employee ownaccount trading, which have been prepared pursuant to the Norwegian Securities Trading Act and the Norwegian Fund and Asset Management Association’s industry standard. ODIN Forvaltning AS may only be held responsible for information in this document that is misleading, inaccurate or inconsistent in relation to relevant information in the prospectus. I 56 I ANNUAL REPORT 2013 ODIN Eiendom I - Annual Report 2013 ODIN Eiendom I NOK 1000 1.Interest income NOK 1000 72 61 2.Dividend 3,388 2,592 3.Gain/loss on sale 7,702 -27 21,017 13,941 200 -70 4.Net change unrealised price gains/losses 5.Other portfolio revenues/costs 8 1.Shares 11 11 11 2.Convertible securities 3.Warrants 1. Accrued, not yet received, revenues 2.Other receivables 6.Commission revenue from subscription and redemption of units 7.Costs of subscribing for and redeeming units 8.Administrative fee 9.Other revenues 5 6 7 10.Other costs 8 0 0 -2,635 0 -13 137,878 97,249 0 0 0 0 0 0 4,571 0 4 3,499 113,105 2,838 99,601 952 597 628 0 0 -1,883 0 -50 1.Unit equity at nominal value 2.Premium/discount 9,10 11.Tax cost 1.Net amount distributed to unit-holders during the year 2.Allocated for distribution to unit-holders -79 -73 3,314 0 2,482 0 Total liabilities 3.Transferred to/from accrued equity 100,124,684 72,569,912 -57,180,327 29,652,314 -3,313,864 Equity as at 31/12/2012 Subscriptions in 2013 Redemptions in 2013 Profit/loss for the year 2013 Dividends distributed to unit-holders in 2013 141,852,719 Equity as at 31/12/2013 1 2 Lower risk Lower possible return 3 4 5 6 Amount of shares NAV 31/12 1,131,047 125.42 999,819 100.54 949,958 88.13 By NAV is meant the fund’s total assets divided by the number of units issued. There are no redemption costs for the unit-holders. No special agreements have been entered into with major unitholders regarding any limitation of the equity fund’s duty to redeem units. The fund has not redeemed any holdings that have affected the value of its units during the year. 7 Higher risk Volatility (3 years) 12,46 14,02 Higher possible risk The scale indicates the link between the risk involved in and possible return on an investment in the mutual fund. A low score indicates a low level of risk while a high score indicates a high level of risk. Note that achieving the lowest score does not mean the investment is risk-free. The indicator is based on fluctuations in the mutual fund’s historical year-end prices. The fluctuations are measured by the weekly returns that have been recorded for more than the past five years. Large historical fluctuations mean it is more likely that the investment may fluctuate a lot in the future too. The probability of the investment’s value rising and falling a lot in the future is thus greater if there have been large historical fluctuations. Large fluctuations may also mean there is a greater chance of the price falling to below that paid for the investment and of the return being negative due to share price losses. Past performance is no guarantee of future performance. Historical fluctuations in price will therefore not necessarily provide a correct picture of the fund’s future risk profile. The mutual fund’s score is thus not fixed and will normally change over time. ANNUAL REPORT 2013 I 57 I ODIN Eiendom I ODIN Eiendom I - Annual Report 2013 Local currency EUR/NOK= NOK 1000 NOK 1000 NOK 1000 8,3970 Kiinteistösijoitus Citycon Financials 310 315 2,56 5 951 6 671 719 4,70% Sponda Financials 219 905 3,42 6 211 6 315 104 4,45% 0,07% 0,08% Technopolis Financials 246 088 4,35 7 043 8 989 1 946 6,34% 0,23% 0,15% Norwegian Property Financials 809 170 7,27 7 968 5 883 -2 086 4,15% Olav Thon Eiendomsselskap Financials 12 470 1 070,00 11 134 13 343 2 209 9,41% 0,12% Selvaag Bolig Financials 250 535 17,70 5 047 4 434 -612 3,13% 0,27% Eiendomsspar Financials 18 963 153,00 3 033 2 901 -132 2,05% 0,03% Fabege Financials 93 175 76,55 5 339 6 733 1 394 4,75% 0,06% Heba Fastigheter B Financials 69 060 75,50 3 794 4 922 1 129 3,47% 0,17% Hufvudstaden A Financials 166 847 85,85 11 897 13 522 1 625 9,53% 0,08% JM Bygg Consumer discretionary 29 280 181,50 2 968 5 017 2 049 3,54% 0,04% SEK/NOK= 0,9440 Kungsleden Financials 246 243 43,20 9 713 10 042 329 7,08% 0,18% Klövern Financials 233 016 28,40 5 202 6 247 1 045 4,40% 0,13% 0,23% Diös Fastigheter Financials 171 714 45,30 5 086 7 343 2 257 5,18% Balder B Financials 109 471 66,25 2 814 6 846 4 032 4,83% 0,07% Castellum Financials 59 160 100,20 4 527 5 596 1 069 3,94% 0,03% 0,38% Corem Property Financials 309 526 20,20 6 023 5 902 -121 4,16% Tribona Financials 166 050 39,10 4 199 6 129 1 930 4,32% 0,43% Wallenstam B Financials 57 190 97,80 3 051 5 280 2 229 3,72% 0,03% Wihlborgs Financials 52 970 115,25 4 236 5 763 1 527 4,06% 0,07% 1) The Industry Classification is based on the Global Industry Classification Standard (GICS) from Morgan Stanley AND Standard & Poor's 2) Costprice is based on average I 58 I ANNUAL REPORT 2013 Auditor’s Report for 2013 To the Board of Directors of ODIN Forvaltning AS Independent auditor’s report Report on the Financial Statements We have audited the accompanying financial statements of the funds, which comprise the balance sheet as at December 31, 2013, and the income statement, showing an annual result for the year then ended, and a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory information. The financial statements are showing the following results: ODIN Norden ODIN Finland ODIN Norge ODIN Sverige ODIN Europa ODIN Europa SMB NOK 1 922 846 000 NOK 647 275 000 NOK 631 360 000 NOK 1 457 849 000 NOK 416 184 000 NOK 832 311 000 ODIN Global ODIN Emerging Markets ODIN Maritim ODIN Offshore ODIN Eiendom I NOK NOK NOK NOK NOK 337 400 000 59 433 000 261 989 000 472 993 000 29 652 000 The Board of Directors’ Responsibility for the Financial Statements The Board of Directors of the fund manager is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these financial statements in accordance with Norwegian accounting act and accounting standards and practices generally accepted in Norway, and for such internal control as The Board of Directors determines is necessary to enable the preparation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. Auditor’s Responsibility Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with laws, regulations, and auditing standards and practices generally accepted in Norway, including International Standards on Auditing. Those standards require that we comply with ethical requirements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement. An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor’s judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the entity’s preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity’s internal control. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion. Opinion In our opinion, the financial statements give a true and fair view of the financial position of the funds as at December 31, 2013, and of its financial performance for the year then ended in accordance with the Norwegian accounting act and accounting standards and practices generally accepted in Norway. Report on Other Legal and Regulatory Requirements Opinion on the Board of Directors’ report Based on our audit of the financial statements as described above, it is our opinion that the information presented in the Board of Directors report concerning the financial statements and the going concern assumption, and the proposal for the allocation of the profit/ coverage of loss is consistent with the financial statements and complies with the law and regulations. Opinion on Registration and documentation Based on our audit of the financial statements as described above, and control procedures we have considered necessary in accordance with the International Standard on Assurance Engagements ISAE 3000, “Assurance Engagements Other than Audits or Reviews of Historical Financial Information”, it is our opinion that the company’s management has fulfilled its duty to produce a proper and clearly set out registration and documentation of the company’s accounting information in accordance with the law and bookkeeping standards and practices generally accepted in Norway. Oslo, 6 February 2014 PricewaterhouseCoopers AS Magne Sem State Authorised Public Accountant (Norway) Note: This translation from Norwegian has been prepared for information purposes only. ANNUAL REPORT 2013 I 59 I Notice of election meeting An election meeting is to be held for the following mutual funds: ODIN Norden, ODIN Norden II, ODIN Finland, ODIN Finland II, ODIN Norge, ODIN Norge II, ODIN Sverige, ODIN Sverige II, ODIN Europa, ODIN Europa II, ODIN Europa SMB, ODIN Global, ODIN Global II, ODIN Emerging Markets, ODIN Maritim, ODIN Offshore, ODIN Eiendom, ODIN Eiendom I, ODIN Konservativ, ODIN Flex, ODIN Horisont, SpareBank 1 Pengemarked, ODIN Pengemarked, ODIN Kort Obligasjon, ODIN Obligasjon and ODIN Rente. Time: 6pm on Tuesday the 25 th of March 2014. Place: Felix Conference center, Bryggetorget 3, 0250 OSLO The following items are on the agenda: 1) Approval of the notice of the meeting 2) The election of two unit-holders to sign the minutes of the meeting 3) The election of unit-holders to the board of ODIN Forvaltning AS 4) Election of members to the nominating committee for unit-holders to the board of ODIN Forvaltning AS 5) Any other business Unit holders who have questions they want discussed at the election meeting, must notify the Board of ODIN Forvaltning AS in writing no less than a week before the election meeting is held. At the election meeting, the voting rights will be adjusted so that unit holders who own equal values receive equal numbers of votes. With the exception of the elections, the election meeting cannot pass decisions that bind the funds or the management company. Oslo, 6 February 2014 The board of ODIN Forvaltning AS After the election meeting, we have the pleasure of inviting you to an information meeting, at which CIO Jarle Sjo will provide an update of the market situation. We kindly ask those who wish to attend the annual unit-holders meeting on Wednesday the 25th of March 2014 to submit this in writing to: ODIN Forvaltning AS PO Box 1771 Vika NO-0122 Oslo NORWAY Attn: Customer Service Fax: +47 24 00 48 01 e-mail: Please rsvp no later than by 17 March 2014. I 60 I ANNUAL REPORT 2013 ODIN Fund Management AS Fjordalléen 16, N-0250 Oslo, P.O. Box 1771 Vika, N-0122 Oslo Telephone: +47 24 00 48 00 Fax: +47 24 00 48 01 E-mail:
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