Sunday Mass - Newman Center


Sunday Mass - Newman Center
Newman Center
To Praise, to Bless, to Preach,
to Proclaim a Year of Favor
to the Lord! – Luke 4:19
Sunday Mass & …
Sunday Mass: 12:30pm & 6:30pm
4321 Eastgate Mall, San Diego, CA 92121
Corner of Eastgate Mall & Genesee Ave
Late Night On-Campus Mass
Sundays, October 25 and November 22 at 9:00pm
Once a month on campus throughout the school year
Newman News
Connect with our Newman Center.
Register for our weekly Newman News email
and keep up to date with all things Newman!
Newman Website
Fr. John Paul:
Be sure to check out our new website
filled with lots of helpful and exciting
features, including a terrific looking
homepage and great ways for everyone
to get involved and deepen their faith.
You can listen to our latest homily,
read reflections written by students,
our staff, and our friars, find our all
about our 50th Anniversary
celebrations, and much more!
Fr. Dominic:
Weekday Mass
12:10pm Mass in the Chapel: Tuesday, Thursday, Friday
Candlelight Mass
8:00pm Wednesdays in the Cross-Cultural Center Library
Located on the second floor of Price Center East
Sacrament of Reconciliation ♦ Confessions
Sundays from 5:50pm to 6:20pm, or by appointment.
Contact friar directly by email:
Liturgy and Outreach
Candlelight Mass
Candlelight Mass continues every W ednesday at 8:00pm in the
Cross-Cultural Center Library next to the Loft. All are
Late Night On-Campus Mass
Our very first on-campus Mass of the year will be held in
PC Ballroom West on October 25, 9:00pm. Ballroom West A is
located on the second floor of Price Center, behind the
bookstore. On-campus Mass will be held again on November
22, 9:00pm in Ballroom West A in PC.
Thanksgiving Eve Mass
Give thanks for a year of the Lord’s favor on Thanksgiving
eve, Wednesday, November 25, 7:00pm at the Newman Center.
Bring the bread and wine for your Thanksgiving meal to be
blessed. Bring pie to share in Roetter Hall after Mass!
Immaculate Conception Mass
On Tuesday, December 8, celebrate Mass for the Immaculate
Conception on campus, 12:00pm at the PC Forum, on the
fourth floor of PC, and at the Newman Center at 6:30pm.
Liturgical Minister Training
Thank you to all who signed up. Once we get an idea of what
time and date works with everyone, we will announce when
and where we will be training LMs this quarter. If you haven’t
had the opportunity to sign up but still want to get involved,
feel free to email Keir.
Relay for Life
This year’s Relay for Life is Saturday, April 23 at Spanos Field
(just north of RIMAC). Join the team online:
Keir McMaster:
Gracia Innocentia:
Vincent Abalos:
David Berry:
Julia Brown:
Faith Formation
A Journey through the Bible
Our study will begin this quarter
and continue through the school
year, beginning with an overview of
the Old Testament. Contact Stephen
or Joy for times and locations.
Social Justice
Burundi, Border, Barrio
Burundi: Let’s Talk About Fabrice
We’ll follow up on our visiting Burundian brother Fabrice’s inspiring
presentation with our monthly B3 gathering for study, prayer, and action
planning on Saturday, October 24, 10:30am to 12:00pm in Roetter
Hall. Meanwhile, pray for our brothers and sisters in Burundi. We will
have a special collection for our partner organization, Burundi Friends
International, on Sunday, November 1. Make checks out to Catholic
Community at UCSD; write BFI on the memo line.
Future B3 meeting times:
Sunday, November 1, 2:00pm to 3:30pm
Sunday, November 22, 2:00pm to 3:30pm
Saturday, December 12, 10:30am to 12:00pm
Pope Francis, the Environment, and Us
On Sunday, November 1, 2:00pm to 3:30pm in Roetter Hall, Good Sam
and Newman will gather for a special workshop on Pope Francis’ letter
on the environment. Come and discover how we can work together for
environmental justice.
Advent Giving Tree
On Sunday, November 15, after the 12:30pm Mass, we’ll have our
annual Advent Giving Tree Unveiling Party. Take home an ornament
that has a Christmas gift you can bring for someone in need. We’ll also
put together care packages for our homeless brothers and sisters.
Barrio: Upcoming Meal Ministry Opportunities
So Others May Eat (SOME): Serve Tuesday dinner to those in need
at Mary, Star of the Sea Catholic Church in downtown La Jolla.
Carpool leaves from UCSD at 5:30pm. To volunteer on October 27,
November 10, November 24, or December 1, contact Jazmin at
Storefront: We serve Sunday dinner the first Sunday of each month at
the Storefront shelter for teens in the Hillcrest area. For November 1,
please contact Sandy at For December 6, please
contact Sara at
St. Vincent de Paul: We serve a Saturday meal for those in need at
St. Vincent de Paul Village in downtown San Diego once a month.
We carpool from Newman at 10:30am for lunch or 3:30pm for dinner.
To volunteer for lunch on November 28 or December 13, or for dinner
on January 9, contact Rosy at
Rachel’s House: Make dinner for women at Rachel’s House in
downtown San Diego the first and third Friday of the month.
A carpool leaves from La Jolla at 4:30pm. Both women and men are
invited to help. Contact Sally at
St. Andrew’s Hunger Feed: We prepare and serve dinner to 80-100
homeless and poor individuals at St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church in
Pacific Beach on the fourth Tuesday of the month. We cook in the
Roetter Hall Kitchen starting at 3:00pm and carpool to St. Andrew’s. To
volunteer, contact Shelley at
For more info on all our Meal Ministries, visit our website:
Stephen Howell:
Jazmin Jones:
Joy Nwarueze:
Valentín García:
Community Life
IntraMural Sports
Community Life invites you to play Dodgeball with the “Crazy
Catholics” IM team this quarter. Games are W ednesday evenings.
Please sign up on the IM League’s website and be sure to join the
“Newman Center IM Sports” Facebook page. No experience
necessary to play! Contact Edgar with any questions.
Thursday Night Dinner
Need a break from expensive dining hall food? Thursday Night
Dinners will be on November 5 and November 19, 6:30pm at the
UCSD International Center. Please bring $1 and an empty
stomach! If you would like to sign up to cook for one of these
TNDs, please contact Coralys. We will provide you with cooking
supplies and ingredients.
Edgar Villaruel:
Coralys Muñoz:
Share Your Experience
You are invited to share, in a paragraph or less, how you have
experienced Welcoming & Reaching Out, Doing Justice, and/or
Sharing Our Belief within our Newman Community. Please
submit your experience(s) to or to
the Newman Center offices. All or part of your experience(s)
may be used in the Newman News, on the website, or in our
50th Anniversary marketing material.
Prayer and Living Simple
On Sunday, November 1, at both Masses, we’ll hand out a
prayer card with a special 50th Anniversary “Doing Justice”
prayer and a challenge to live simple.
Newman Advent Calendar
Opening Mass
On Sunday, November 8, at both Masses, we’ll celebrate the
start of the Order of Preachers’ 800th Jubilee. That's right,
Fr. John Paul and Fr. Dominic’s Dominican family began
800 years ago in 1216.
Dominican Party and Study Break
All students are invited to end the quarter with a bang at our
Dominican Party and Study Break on Sunday, December 6,
2:00pm in Roetter Hall. Come for the free finals care
packages and stay for the free study buddies. A Dominican
motto: “To contemplate and to pass on the fruits of
contemplation.” Our Dominican Party motto: “To study and
to pass the finals for which we study.”
On Tuesday, December 1, a new evangelization-themed
message will be posted each day on the Newman Facebook
page. The post may involve self-reflection, an action, or a
behavioral change. You will then be invited to post your
thoughts, responses, reflections, and/or results for each daily
David and Rosy Vacchi:
Student Ministers:
Celia Pérez:
Felicia Gunawan:
Young Adults and
Graduate Students
Even Sunday
Our Sunday lunches and discussions are at 2:00 pm in Roetter Hall
on the second and fourth Sundays of the month. All of our graduate
students, recent grads, and other young adults are encouraged to
come. RSVP to Anisha if you’d like to be included for lunch and to
let her know if you have any special dietary needs.
Recent Grads
Resident Community
Healing Circle
Our Care Ministry holds its healing circle on the second Sunday of
the month, November 8 and December 13, after the 12:30 Mass in
the Chapel. Everyone is welcome, especially those who would like
to join together in praying for healing in any aspect of their lives or
those of their loved ones.
Paula McMahon:
Community Events
All new graduates and others 21 to 27 are invited to attend the
gathering on Thursdays at 7:30pm in Roetter Hall. Bring a Bible
and a friend or make a new friend at this weekly gathering of faith
sharing, Bible study, and camaraderie. Contact Gaby for more info.
2nd Annual Newman Gala
Buy your ticket after Mass or online to this fun 50th
anniversary celebration, a hugely important event
for our community’s financial well-being. Bring a
friend. This is a great opportunity to involve people
financially and spiritually in our mission. Saturday,
November 7, 6:30pm at Our Mother of Confidence
hall. Let's make this a night to remember .
Contemplative Taizé Prayer
Our contemplative prayer experience around the cross take place
on the third Wednesday of the month, October 21, November 18,
and December 16 at 7:15pm in the Chapel. If you have any
questions, contact Anne.
Thanksgiving Dinner
The Young Adults and Graduate Students have their annual
Thanksgiving dinner on Saturday evening, November 21. RSVP
with Anisha and let her know what dish you will bring to share.
Anisha Jonas:
Gaby Perdomo:
Anne Chmilewski:
Fr. John Paul Forté, O.P.
Burke Lecture
The Burke Lectureship began right here in the
Newman community and sponsors semi-annual
lectures on religious dimensions of our culture.
On Thursday, October 29, 6:00pm in the
Multipurpose Room (located in the Student Services Center at
UCSD), Associate Professor of Systematic Theology and Black
Church Studies at Duke Divinity School, J. Kameron Carter, will
present “Post-Racial Blues: Religion and the 21st Century Color
Line.” Visit for more info.
Communications Coordinator
Vincent Fung
Advent Events
Advent Mission
Associate Director
Fr. Dominic DeLay, O.P.
Pastoral Associate
Patty Stewart
Music Director
Julie Marner
Evening Music Coordinator
Chris Chan
Co-Advisors to Student Ministry
Maria Florendo
David Woo
Josh Sykes
Student Ministers
Pastoral Council
50th Anniversary Committee
On Monday, November 30 at 7:00pm in the Church,
we will start our journey through Advent reflecting
with Fr. Daniel Pearson, Interim Rector of Good
Samaritan Episcopal Church.
Advent Reconciliation Service
On Tuesday, December 1 at 7:00pm in the Church,
we will celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation
(also known as Confession). What better way to
prepare to share our belief?
Advent Choral Celebration
Relax this Advent and prepare to experience the
coming presence of Jesus through music presented by
the Music Ministries of Good Samaritan Episcopal
Church and the Newman Center at 7:00pm on
Saturday, December 5. A reception of cider and
cookies follows in Roetter Hall. Best of all, it’s free.