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NEWS cnyREALTOR.com News cny REALTOR September 2008 com The official publication of the Central New York Information Service, Inc. and the Greater Syracuse Association of REALTORS® Get the quis Ut wisi to enim know ad minim veniam, nostru exerci tation ullamcor pert nominees for 2009 iusto odio dig nis sim qui blandit, Director positions! P42 AlongwithaFairHousingSymposium.....allinone! RS 3 HOU FREE! OR F E C OF Minim veniam, quis nostru exerci Microsoft Word tation ullamcor pert iusto odio dig training at GSAR nis sim qui blandit, praesent option congue nihil lorem dolore. 3 P3 Two real estate Quis nostru exerci tation ullamcor pert iusto odio dig nis priorities sim qui blandit, prae legislative sent option congue lorem passed into nihil law dolore. 5 9:30am 11:00am 11:30am 11:45am Voting is open, electronic or paper ballots available. Membership Meeting Lunch is served, voting closes Merrilee Witherell, Executive Director of the Fair Housing Council of CNY & NYSAR Instructor, Roseann Farrow, present “The One Class you Don’t Want to Fail” Fair Housing Risk Reduction for Agents, Brokers & Managers 3hrs.ofCE,andfulfillsyourDOSFairHousingrequirement!Embrace the diversity of the US and NYS. Recognize fair housing do’s and don’ts inadvertising,andmuch,muchmore.Youdon’twanttomiss! 3:45pm Get to know the nominees! See page 4 for nominee biographies! Friday, October 10th, 2008 at The Maplewood Inn,Liverpool RoseannFarrow praesent option congue nihil. End of event, election results are annouced Only $12 pe inc 2008Nomineesfor(3)VacantGSARDirectorpositions: A quorum is needed at this meeting (156 members) in porder din r perso owe luto rful p g lunch n, HarrietAverill changes. GwennMcDonald , pass Bylaw Please make every effort to attend, 3 ho resen and urs of C tation, fu E r DO lfillmen , S re t Chris Teelin quir of eme nt! FindoutmoreaboutthenomineesoncnyREALTOR.com/election! BrianMacGorman George Mango JoeNastri it is very important! you 10.10.08GeneralMembershipMeetingandElection-$12perperson MAIL OR FAX REGISTRATION TO: GSAR, 1020 7th North Street, Suite 140, Liverpool, New York 13088 Phone: (315) 457-5979 Fax (315) 457-5884 www.cnyrealtor.com OPEN TO GSAR MEMBERS ONLY Please Print Full Name: ___________________________________________________________________________ Enclosed is my check # ___________made to the order of GSAR in the amount of ___________________ Please charge my : ( )VISA ( )MasterCard ( )Discover ( )Amex in the amount of _________________ Account Number: ________________________________________________ Exp. Date: ___________________ Cancellation Policy: All cancellations must be made 72 hours in advance of the event. If the reservation is not cancelled within 72 hours, no refund will be issued. REGISTER ON-LINE AT WWW.CNYREALTOR.COM GSAR 1020 7th North Street Suite 140 Liverpool, NY 13088 PRSRT STD US POSTAGE PAID SYRACUSE, NY Permit #43 Message from the CEO Life is good.... I recently attended a member’s clam bake for their agents. Upon walking into the event, I approached the seating area and noticed a very familiar man’s back. I knew this back from somewhere. As I passed by him, I turned around and to my astonishment that man, who I have not seen in over 14 years, was the very man who interviewed me and hired me 25 years ago as a part time Multiple Listing Director! He is the very person that gave me the gift of my career path. That one decision, made by a stranger, has affected my life forever. He couldn’t believe his eyes and neither could I. I immediately sat down to fill him and his wife in with the last 14 years of my life. Then the photos started. They were so very proud of me and you would have thought I was the most famous person they Lynnore, Elliott Blauvelt Jr., and his wife, Michelle knew.... or at least that is how they made me feel. After about an hour of great conversation, as I was leaving the event, I turned back to catch a wave goodbye to these two great people. I no longer could see his back, he was fully turned around at the bench and was watching my every move, my every conversation that I was having with others. At that moment it dawned on me, as my career has evolved, at the end of the day it’s been the people that I have worked with that fills my heart with joy and makes me realize that life is good. As a REALTOR®, I am sure when you run into a client that you haven’t seen in years, they tell you of all the wonderful times they have had in their home, or how much they love their home and how you are the very person they think of when they are thankful that they have their home. You think life is good, and no monetary gain fills your life with as much joy as the people you have served. In these economic times, we are all facing career challenges. Try and remember the personal difference you make in peoples’ lives with what you do every day. This is my short story of how my career has affected my life. What is yours? Soon you will see accompanying my article a featured member and their story. Any volunteers? Lynnore Fetyko, Chief Executive Officer fetyko@cnyrealtor.com 315.457.5979 Ext.28 NEWS CNYIS MLS CNYIS Member Benefit: Instanet Webinars! We are excited to announce that CNYIS is now offering pre-scheduled, ongoing live Instanet Forms webinars to all of our members at no charge! These webinars will be from 30-60 minutes in length and will be on a variety of topics. The longer sessions will be system overviews and the shorter sessions will be focused on particular feature areas. Please visit the following link for more information on this great tool: www.transactiondesk.com/webinars ActiveKEY upgrades On Wednesday, September 3rd, GE Security upgraded all ActiveKEYs with a new version of ActiveKEY firmware - v1.9 - that includes several improvements relating to battery and key performance, and that will prepare the ActiveKEY for introduction of the new Alert feature, which will be available shortly. This feature allows an ActiveKEY user to send a pre-defined email message from their ActiveKEY by pressing and holding the GE Logo button on their ActiveKEY for 3 seconds. The Alert message will be sent to a select contact list, created by each agent in KIMweb. Activation of the ActiveKEY Alert feature will occur a short time later, once the feature has been enabled for CNYIS. Additional details and instructions regarding activation, setup and use of the ActiveKEY Alert feature will be provided shortly, and will also be available soon on www.supraekey.com. 2 NEWS cnyREALTOR.com Upcoming Education Microsoft Word Training at GSAR! October 16th, 2008 Word 2003 for Beginners 8:30am-12:30pm This course is intended for persons with a basic understanding of Microsoft Windows who need to learn how to use Microsoft Office Word 2003 to create, edit, and format, standard business documents. Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to: • Create a basic document. • Edit documents by locating and modifying text. • Format text. • Format paragraphs. Word 2003 for Advanced Users 1:00pm - 5:00pm This course is intended for persons with a basic understanding of Microsoft Windows who need to learn how to use Microsoft Office Word 2003 to create, layout, and print standard business documents complete with tables and graphics. Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to: • Create a basic document. • Use Word tools to make your documents more accurate. • Add tables to a document. • Add graphic elements to a document. • Control a document’s page setup and its overall appearance. Register today by calling Kalin at 457-5979 x25. Seating is very limited. Price is $60 per class for GSAR Members and Affiliates, $90 for non-members. Accredited Buyer Representative ABR - Required course with Randy Templeman, ABR, CRB, CRS, e-PRO, GRI, PMN September 9th & 10th 8:30am-5:30pm $320 for members, $345 non-members 15 hours CE credit Build an effective buyer representation business with an understanding of agency relationships, disclosure requirements, office policy options, conflict avoidance, risk management, and more. Foreclosure: Prevention & Opportunities for Buyer-Clients with Randy Templeman, ABR, CRB, CRS, e-PRO, GRI, PMN September 23rd 9:00am - 4:30pm (ABR Elective) $175 for members, $200 for non-members 6 hours CE credit You will learn how to council home-buying clients on the perils of risky finance programs, as well as how to work with buyer/clients who wish to take advantage of foreclosure properties. NYSAR GRI Designation GRI 408 - Real Estate Service Strategies in the Information Age with Randy Templeman, ABR, CRB, CRS, e-PRO, GRI, PMN October 17th 8:30am-5:30pm $150 for NYSAR members, $175 for non-members If you want to retain or grow your market share, this course is a must. The focus is on how the Internet has changed the real estate industry and demonstrates how you can stay ahead of the curve when it comes to meeting or exceeding the needs of today’s techno-savvy consumer. VISIT WWW.NYSAR.COM TO REGISTER FOR ANY OF THE ABOVE COURSES REALTOR® Safety: A Year-round Priority Safeguard Your Computer Your computer—and the interactive sites you visit online—hold personal information that may be ripe for identity theft. Here are three steps you can take to protect your identity, your financial information and other personal data: 1. Don’t get caught by “phishing”. Scam artists “phish” for victims’ information by posing as representatives of banks, stores or government agencies. This is done over the phone, through regular mail, and especially via e-mail. Don’t respond to a request to verify your account number or password. Don’t give out your personal information unless you made the contact. Legitimate companies will not request this kind of information in this way. 2. Shield your computer from viruses and spies. Protect your personal information on your home computer. Use passwords with at least eight characters, including a combination of letters, numbers, and symbols. Use firewall and virus protection software and update it regularly. Download free software only from sites you know and trust, and don’t install software without knowing what it is. Set Internet Explorer browser security to at least “medium.” Don’t click on links in pop-up windows or in spam e-mail, and don’t download any file from an e-mail address you don’t know. 3. Click with caution. When shopping online, check out a Web site before entering your credit card number or other personal information. Read the privacy policy and look for opportunities to opt out of information sharing. (If there is no privacy policy posted, shop elsewhere!) Enter personal information only on secure Web pages with “https” in the address bar and a closed padlock symbol at the bottom of the browser window. These are signs that your information will be encrypted or scrambled, protecting it from hackers. If you don’t see these signs, order by telephone. Also, you should always use a credit card rather than a debit card to make online purchases. Check your credit reports — for free. One of the best ways to protect yourself from identity theft is to monitor your credit history. You can get one free credit report every year from each of the three national credit bureaus. Request all three reports at once, or order from a different bureau every four months. (More comprehensive monitoring services from the credit bureaus cost from $44 to over $100 per year.) Order your free annual credit reports by phone, toll-free, at 877-322-8228, or online at www. annualcreditreport.com. (Sources: The Federal Trade Commission, The Office of Privacy Protection in the California Department of Consumer Affairs) September 2008 3 2008 GSAR ELECTION Get to Know this Year’s GSAR Director Nominees! After special requests from our members, we are providing you with a brief biography of each of our six nominees for our open Director positions for 2009. Please take the time to read through them, so that you can vote for the ones you feel are most qualified to represent you! See page 9 for more about the election procedure. Harriet Averill Gwenn McDonald Brian MacGorman Joe Nastri Harriet Averill has been a licensed ® REALTOR since 1993. She is a Licensed Associate Broker, Certified Buyer Representative, and Designated Senior Real Estate Specialist. Harriet is a current member GSAR’s Professional Standards Committee, current Chairperson of the Equal Opportunity Committee, and past Chairperson of the Risk Reduction Committee. She is a multiple winner of the GSAR Silver Award, and has recently published an article on down-sizing in “55 Plus” magazine. Harriet was honored with the ® GSAR REALTOR of the Year Award for 2008. “I would be honored to represent my fellow REALTORS as a member of the Board of Directors of the GSAR.” Gwenn McDonald has been in Real Estate for over 10 years, currently as an Associate Broker. She is an Alumnus of Saint Andrews Presbyterian College (Bachelors) and started her Masters at SUNY Oswego (Education), until the children came. Currently, Gwenn is serving on GSAR’s Legislative Committee and Education Committee. If she is not doing real estate (highly unlikely), then chances are you’ll find her volunteering at her children’s school. She has chaired and/or co-chaired family fun nights, 5th grade ceremony, movie nights, volunteered at book fairs, and several PTA events. “I am thrilled and honored to be nominated and look forward to using my time, knowledge and experience in assisting GSAR.” Brian MacGorman, CRS, CBR, SRES, ® has been a REALTOR and a member of the GSAR for 13 years, the past 11 as Broker Associate. Brian has been active in the Board for the past 10 years, serving on a variety of committees. He is currently a member of GSAR’s Grievance Committee, and has served twice as Chairman of the Hats Off Committee. Brian takes pride in being active in the Syracuse community. He is currently involved with the Jenna Foundation for Non-Violence and Vera House for abused Women and Children. “I believe strongly in profession and in the need to give back and that is why I am running for the Board of Directors of the GSAR to help ensure we have a strong organization and to protect and further the rights of our members.” Joe Nastri has been a life long Syracuse ® resident and a REALTOR for 23 years, currently an Associate Broker. Joe has previously served as a GSAR Director from 1999 to 2006. He is also a past President of the board. In addition, Joe serves on several committees for NYSAR, and is a past Director for NYSAR. He is the team leader for his real estate business and manages a team of four. Joe demonstrates his leadership in his community through his involvement with Tomorrows Neighborhoods Today, serving as a facilitator from 1998 to 2002, leading his neighborhood planning group in formulation of a 5 year plan for his community. Joe was also instrumental in bringing the city, county and state leadership together to step up and clean our highways, exit ramps and our community. George Mango Chris Teelin George A. Mango, GRI, CBR, e-PRO, has been active as a full time professional in real estate since 2001 & holds an Associate Brokers license, since 2003. George enjoys a commitment to serve both our community, as well as his chosen profession, real estate. He serves on GSAR’s Legislative. Committee, and Greater Syracuse Chamber of Commerce, and is on the Board of the Camillus Chamber. George’s volunteer activity includes Meals on Wheels and Camillus Rotary. “My reason for running for a board position is to give back through my time and experience to my profession that has served me well.” 4 NEWS cnyREALTOR.com Chris Teelin grew up in Central New York and around our Real Estate industry. After graduating from Franklin Pierce University and moving to Washington D.C., he worked for The Journal Newspapers, as an account rep calling on R.E. Brokers and national builder accounts. Chris returned to Syracuse and Real Estate in 1998. Chris is proud to be a member of the NYSAR Board of Directors, and a State Delegate for GSAR. He served as a GSAR Director from 2003-2007, and GSAR Secretary/ Treasurer 2006-2007. Chris has been a member of and/or chaired many GSAR Committees, including the Legislative Action Committee, Equal Housing Opportunity Committee, and Marketing Task Force, to name a few. He was also nominated for GSAR’s Broker/Manager of the year in 2003. NEWS STATE & NATIONAL UPDATE GOVERNMENT AFFAIRS Gov. Paterson signs two REALTOR legislative priorities into law NYSAR is thrilled to report that two of our top legislative priorities NYSAR to conduct free Commission Escrow Act were signed into law by Governor David Paterson. These are: webinars In response to the passing of the Commission Escrow Act, NYSAR’s Legal Counsel Anthony Gatto will present live informational webinars beginning in September. These webinars will provide an explanation of how the new law affects REALTORS® in New York State. During the webinars Gatto will cover: the proper procedures to comply with the law which takes effect January 1, 2009; how to avoid potential issues; and what liability a REALTOR may face if they fail to comply with the law. By the end of each webinar, attendees will have a basic understanding of the law and be aware of their rights and liabilities. For more inforamtion, visit: www.nysar.com NEW realtor.org resources It’s a Great Time to Buy! is a new NAR pro- duced brochure for REALTORS to provide first time home buyers and clients “on the fence”. This new NAR best-seller was introduced during the Midyear Trade Expo and sold out of the first print run in less than one week! Getting It Sold is another informative consumer- focused piece about preparing a home for sale. As the saying goes, you never get a second chance to make a first impression and the same holds true for selling a home. Packs of 100 brochures are available for only $29.95 per pack. Receive a 10% discount by entering Promotional Code GSAR2! Visit NAR’s store at www.REALTOR.org/Store. 2009 Hope Awards Apply online through Dec. 5 for the 2009 HOPE Awards, which recognize the outstanding contributions of individuals and organizations to increase minority homeownership. For more information, visit www.realtor.org. Commission Escrow Act After decades of grassroots efforts, New York REALTORS® today applaud Governor Paterson for signing into law a long overdue measure to ensure REALTORS® have a fair chance to recover earned but unpaid commissions. The Commission Escrow Act provides that when a contractually agreed upon commission has not been paid, the disputed funds shall be placed into safe keeping from the proceeds of the sale, pending an impartial review and determination. We thank Governor Paterson and our legislative sponsors, Assemblyman Michael Gianaris and Senator Dale Volker. NYSAR will be conducting numerous webinars on how to comply with the Commission Escrow Act. To view NYSAR’s press release announcing the signing of this landmark law, visit nysar.com. Sex offender ban REALTORS® also commend Governor Paterson for signing the NYSAR-supported legislation to preclude all convicted sex offenders from obtaining a real estate license. Under the parameters of the new law, any convicted sex offender will be barred from holding a real estate license. The measure closes a loophole in previous statute that only precluded felons from obtaining a real estate license. As such, misdemeanor-level sex offenders had been eligible to obtain a real estate license. Again, NYSAR recognizes the efforts of Governor Paterson and our legislative sponsors, Senator Charles Fuschillo and Assemblyman Jonathan Bing, for taking the lead on this issue. Thank you to the countless REALTORS® who helped to advance NYSAR’s legislative agenda by participating in Lobby Day and responding to several online “Calls for Action” reinforcing our support for the Commission Escrow Act and the sex offender ban to lawmakers. As a result of persistent REALTOR® grassroots advocacy, these top priority bills managed to beat what seemed to be insurmountable odds, move through the legislative process and ultimately became law. Together we will remain front and center leading the way toward protecting real estate interests in Albany! NYSAR is also pleased to report the status of several other real estate-related pieces of legislation: New Green Designation Governor vetoes Well Water Education Act Take the NEW NAR-recognized Green Designation program at the NAR meetings in Orlando. The Real Estate Buyers Agent Council (REBAC) of the National Association of REALTORS will offer attendees of NAR’s REALTOR Conference and Expo, being held in Orlando, FL, November 7-11, several different courses before the start of the convention. This two-day course will discuss the meaning of being green, how to define green homes and building and how to “green” up your real estate practice. Visit realtor.org for more information. Governor signs legislation to address mortgage crisis Governor signs Long Island Workforce Housing Program into law For more information on any of these pieces of legislation, visit nysar.com. September 2008 5 NEWS GSAR GSAR Golf Outing 2008 August 4th, 2008, GSAR’s Annual Golf Outing took place at Lafayette Hills Golf and Country Club. We had a successful turnout, with 112 golfers and 81 for dinner. We raised over $600 for the Mia Sgroi fund, with 50/50 tickets and the sale of mulligans. REALTORS® love to give back! Congratulations to the winners for the day: Womens & Mixed Division: 1st: Mary Morrissey, Mike Morrissey, Ted Kelly, Nate Walker 2nd: Keith Brignall, Sonny Pickard, Shirley Pickard, James Pickard 3rd: Eileen Schill, Sandy Kirnan, Tina Seymour, Bill Davies Longest Drive: Abbey Daley-Proulx Closest to the Pin: Mary Morrissey-Kerwick Men’s Division: 1st: Tom O’Hara, Chip Hodgkins, Eric Johnson, David Smith 2nd: Brian Dumigan, Daryl Wilkie, Steve Tillman, Ken Nelipowitz 3rd: John Anthis, Dave Cook, Pat Coyle, Gary Gilbert Longest Drive: Scott Ellison Closest to the Pin: Ted Kelly Only one skin was awarded! Eagle 3 on the PAR 5 3rd hole to: Eileen Schill, Sandy Kirnan, Tina Seymour, Bill Davies SEE YOU NEXT YEAR FOR A WHOLE NEW LAYOUT! August 3, 2009 Keep an eye on our billboards! Where are they this month? Large Bulletin: I-690, 1/4 west of Midler Avenue exit, facing west Posters: Wolf @ Ley Creek I-690, east of Beech Street 4938 West Genesee Street Erie Blvd. E. at Crouse Ave 6 NEWS cnyREALTOR.com Also, check out our TV commercials on channel 3 during the Today Show! NEWS GSAR continued Free Public Event: Syracuse Home Buying Workshop Home Builders & Remodelers Clam Bake 2008 Brokers and agents: Bring your clients to this free home buyers workshop which will be held on Saturday, September the 27th at 11am. The DeWitt Community Library will host a special real estate panel discussion entitled “Syracuse Homes: Buying Now Makes $ense.” Resource material and information for home buyers and sellers will be made available. A question and answer period and buffet lunch follows the panel discussion. The moderator is Don Radke owner/broker of FM Realty Group and President of CNYIS (MLS). Panel participants include: • Attorney, Rosemary O. Nwawka, Esq., of The Law Office of Rosemary O. Nwawka, P.C. • John Harris, Loan Officer and Regional Department Head, Mortgage Division, M&T Bank • Prudential First Properties Real Estate Broker, Dave Manzano, also current President of GSAR • Mortgage Broker, Bryan Parmley of PARMCO Mortgage Co., Inc. • Tom Sherman of Absolute Home Inspection & President of CNYASHI • Sharon Owens, HomeOwnership Center Director, Home HeadQuarters, Inc. Lynnore Fetyko & David Manzano Another collaboration between the Home Builders & Remodelers of CNY, the Greater Syracuse Association of REALTORS®, and the CNY Mortgage Bankers Association. With over 700 members in attendance, the clam bake was once again a complete success. Thank You to HBR for all of your hard work in planning this great event, and thanks to all of our members that participated! GSAR’s Denise Yerdon, Katie DeAnthony, & Lynnore Fetyko “What you read about real estate market conditions in the national press is clearly not what’s happening here in Syracuse,” says Don Radke, a 33-year veteran of the Central New York professional real estate community. The DeWitt Community Library is located below the ShoppingTown Mall Food Court at street level. MEMBER BENEFITS To register for this program, please stop by the library, call (315)446-3578, or log onto www.dewlib.org and click the yellow star to access the library’s Events Calendar. Registration is a must as seating is limited. Next RIEP Event at GSAR REALTOR® Information Exchange Professionals will meet on Thursday, October 2nd from 1-2:30pm. Topics will be reverse mortgages and the Housing Stimulus Bill with special guest Lynn Connors from Wells Fargo. All GSAR members are invited to attend! If interesting in attending, e-mail Kalin at moon@cnyrealtor.com. Annual GSAR Affiliate Appreciation Mixer All GSAR Affiliates are invited to our Annual Affiliate Appreciation Mixer to be held on Friday, September 26th at 9:00am in the Genesee Grand Tuscan Room. You will enjoy a wonderful hot breakfast, networking with GSAR staff and affiliates, plus, be the first to learn about the 2009 advertising and sponsorship opportunities. Door prizes will be given away in addition to six NYS wine tour packages which will be awarded to six lucky 2009 GSAR Sponsors. New! Member Benefit Day at GSAR We realize you have very little time outside of work and family…even when it involves saving money. That’s why we are dedicating four days a year to providing you with one place and time to have your questions answered by our affiliate account representatives and sign up for our various member benefit programs . Friday, September 26th, 2008, 1:00pm-3:00pm at GSAR Participating Benefit Partners: BJs, Verizon, Clearwire, At&T, Delta Sonic…and more. Please call ahead to GSAR to confirm partners you would like to visit with. For a list of member benefits, please visit www.cnyrealtor.com/benefits+. Please email any questions to moon@cnyrealtor.com. This event is only open to 2008 GSAR Affiliates. You must RSVP by email to moon@cnyrealtor.com before September 18th. September 2008 7 WELCOME New Members One procedure for a Designated-REALTOR® or REALTOR® membership in the Greater Syracuse Association of REALTORS® is written notice to our current Designated-REALTOR® and REALTOR® members. Section 3, Election. (a) says in part, “the Board of Directors shall give written notice to the REALTOR® members of an applicants request for membership and invite written comment, thereon, within ten (10) days of such notice, to be addressed to the Chairman of the Membership Committee.” In accordance with the Bylaws, we submit the following applicant(s) for membership: Designated REALTOR®: Patti Smith Gallinger RealtyUSA – Marcellus Brian Normoyle Normoyle Real Estate – Syracuse Crystal Thomas Coldwell Banker Prime Properties – Liverpool REALTORS: Libby McKitttrick Weichert Realtors First Residential Group – Baldwinsville Kara Niver Gallinger RealtyUSA – Camillus Scott Nichols Coldwell Banker Prime Properties – Brewerton Denise Meyer Ernie Tuff Real Estate – Sryacuse Maria Fong-Sheehan Re/Max Masters – Fayetteville Virginia Barella Weichert Realtors First Residential Group – Baldwinsville Matthew Seeley Re/Max Masters – Fayetteville Brenda Bochino CNY Advantage Realty – Baldwinsville Alex Somerville CNY Homes – Marcellus Nancy Barnes Coldwell Banker Prime Properties – Brewerton Rachel Doyle Syracuse Homes – Fayetteville Michelle Duggan Syracuse Homes – Fayetteville MaryAnn Young Bouck Real Estate – Auburn Kimberly Loucy 2.5% Real Estate Direct – Liverpool Donna Barclay Gallinger RealtyUSA – Camillus John Bolos Dominion Homes – Clinton Affiliate: John Decker Clearwire Corporation – Dewitt Timothy Googin Syracuse Homes – Fayetteville Pamela Guth Hunt Real Estate ERA – Fayetteville Anne Kavanagh Hunt Real Estate ERA – Liverpool Joanne Weaver Coldwell Banker Prime Properties – Cicero Karen Colianni CNY Advantage Realty – Baldwinsville Gabriella Mangovski Coldwell Banker Prime Properties – Camillus 8 Susan Collins Gallinger RealtyUSA – Camillus NEWS cnyREALTOR.com YOU CAN USE HOUSING NEWS Central New York’s Economy Continues to Grow 8/26/08 - Central New York’s economy continues to grow, despite the threat of a national recession. A combination of a diversified industrial base, a healthy local housing market, and aggressive recruitment efforts by local employers should help to insulate the region from the full-blown effects of any national slowdown. However, a protracted U.S. recession would adversely affect the regional employment base, especially among goods-producing industries. Region Grows: Between February 2007 and February 2008, the private sector job count in the Central New York region rose by 2,900, or 1.0 percent, to 294,600 -- its highest February level since 2001. Local over-the-year job growth was double that of the nation (+0.5 percent) and matched the state’s rate of growth (+1.0 percent) over the same period. Broad-based local job growth continued, with most industries adding jobs over the year. Two consistent performers are professional and business services and educational and health services. A growing reliance on jobs requiring technical, science, computer, and math skills helped to boost employment at professional, scientific, and technical services firms. Hiring has been particularly robust at local nursing and residential care facilities, in response to an aging population base. The largest over-the-year job decline was in manufacturing, which continues to be the Achilles Heel of the regional economy. The job count at Central New York factories is at a record low for February. Recent layoffs at auto parts maker New Process Gear contributed to these losses. Despite these job reductions, there is plenty of other good news from local high-tech manufacturers. Bitzer Scroll, a German maker of air conditioning and refrigeration compressors, will create 289 high-end engineering and manufacturing jobs when it opens a facility at the former General Motors plant in Salina. Lockheed Martin’s Maritime Systems & Sensors Systems group recently held a job fair to hire 150 workers with engineering and project management skills. Medical instruments maker Welch Allyn plans to break ground this spring on a $30 million expansion and renovation project that will add 175 jobs over the next five years. GE Inspection Technologies in Skaneateles Falls recently moved 165 existing employees into a new manufacturing facility, and expects to add another 50 high-tech jobs over the next five years. G.A. Braun Inc., a maker of commercial washers and dryers, will move to larger quarters at Hancock Air Park in Cicero and create 40 new jobs over the next three years. Housing and Labor Supply: The area’s stable housing market and labor force are key forces that help to keep the local economy strong. The National Association of Realtors recently singled out Syracuse as an example of a healthy real estate market that is bucking the national trend of falling prices and slower sales. While the Syracuse market did not enjoy the spectacular price run-up that affected many other areas of the country between 2000 and 2005, it has avoided the subsequent crash that occurred in many of those same areas. Moreover, the local market has been relatively steady since then. In 2007, the number of units sold in greater Syracuse increased by 0.1 percent, compared with a 12.8 percent decline in sales nationwide. Similarly, the median price in Syracuse increased by 3.5 percent in 2007, while the U.S. price dropped by 1.4 percent last year. A combination of slow population growth, increasing numbers of baby boomers retiring, and fewer young people entering the local job market have contributed to a tightening labor supply in Central New York. If these trends continue, local employers will have great difficulty filling positions, which could hamper future job growth. In response, the region’s employers are aggressively advertising to fill vacancies at various skill levels. Entry-level workers, employees with specialized technical skills, and highly skilled professional workers are all in demand. There are just not enough new workers entering occupations like carpenters, nurses, engineers, and machinists, which have led to persistent shortages. Summary: Recent good news in the Central New York region far outweighs the bad. Diversified job growth, a balanced housing market, and aggressive recruiting by local employers in the face of a shrinking labor supply have all helped to propel the local economy. by Karen Knapik -Scalzo, Associate Economist, Central New York Excerpted from the April 2008 issue of the Employment in New York State newsletter. 2008 GSAR ELECTION Electronic Voting Details In 2008, for the first time, electronic voting has been approved for the election of GSAR’s vacant Director positions. Here are the details of how it will work for you: Electronic Proxy voting will be available for one week prior to the election at the GSAR office. Voting will begin Friday, October 2nd, and continue into the next week, Monday, October 6th thru Thursday, October 9th. Voting will be open at GSAR on these days from 9:00am to 4:00pm. Once arriving at GSAR to vote, you will be required to sign a master list, verifying that you did place your vote. We will have two laptops available for your use in our lobby, or you may use our computer lab. The GSAR office is located at 1020 7th North Street, Suite 140, Liverpool, NY 13088. On October 10th, voting will be open at the Annual Meeting, held at the Maplewood Inn, 400 7th North Street, Liverpool, from 9:3011:30am. Paper ballots will also be available at the meeting. September 2008 9 6 MONTHS at a GLANCE BLUE ITEMS ARE EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES SEPTEMBER 1st GSAR Office CLOSED - Labor Day 4th REALTOR Information Exchange Professionals Event 1-2:30 * 5th Parade of Homes Preview Party 6-10pm Country Meadow 6-22nd Parade of Homes 9-10th ABR Course (NYSAR) * 9th Broker/Manager Meeting, 2pm * 10th REALTOR Day at Parade of Homes - 9am-12pm 11th GSAR Board of Directors Meeting - 9:30am * 11th Foreclosures with Jay Gelb - 8:30am-5pm * 12th e-PRO Seminar - 9am-10:30am * 14-17th NYSAR Fall Business Meetings in Saratoga 22nd Environ. Home Inspections w/ Steve Selig - 9am-5:30pm* 22nd Fair Housing, Easier than you Think w/ Fran Carroll 9am-12 * 23rd ABR Elective (NYSAR) * 24th Phase I– New Member Orientation (full day) 9am-5pm * 25th Phase II– New Member Orientation (1/2 day) 9am-12:30pm * 25th CNYIS Board of Directors Meeting - 9:00am * 26th Affiliate Appreciation Breakfast -Genesee Grande OCTOBER 1st Mandatory Ethics & Local Association Training- 1pm-5pm * 2nd 1031 Exchange class with Kelly Bradley - 9am-12pm * 2nd REALTOR Information Exchange Professionals Event 1pm * 3rd Electronic Proxy Voting opens at GSAR 9am-4pm * 6-9th Electronic Proxy Voting at GSAR 9am-4pm * 6th Salesperson Qualifying Course Begins 6pm-9pm * 7-8th Doing the Right Thing w/ Shirley Norquest 9:00am-5:30pm * 10th Annual Meeting & Fair Housing Symposium, Maplewood Inn 14-15th GSAR & CNYIS Directors Retreat - TurningStone Casino 16th Computer classes (Word) at GSAR with New Horizons * 17th GRI 408 (NYSAR) * 18-20th HBR Ready to Remodel Show 20-21st CRS 206 -Technologies to Advance Your Business * 20th Home Inspection Licensing Course Begins 6pm-10pm * 21st Fair Housing, Easier than you Think w/Fran Carroll 1-4pm * 23rd GSAR Board of Directors Meeting - 9:30am * 30th Tri-Association Dinner/Auction - Lafayette Hills CC 30th CNYIS Board of Directors Meeting - 9:00am * NOVEMBER 5-10th NAR Convention in Orlando 13th Thru the Eyes of an Appraiser w/ Jane Mostow 8:30-5 * 18th Contracts with Frank D’Agostino 8:30am-5pm * 19th Mandatory Ethics & Local Assoc. - Maplewood Inn 9-1pm 20th Mandatory Ethics & Local Assoc. - Maplewood Inn 1-5pm 20th GSAR Board of Directors Meeting - 9:30am * 27-28th GSAR Office CLOSED - Thanksgiving DECEMBER 2nd Phase I– New Member Orientation (full day) 9am-5pm * 3rd Phase II– New Member Orientation (1/2 day) 9am-12:30pm * 3rd CNYIS Annual Meeting - Antonio’s 4th Basic Underst. of Major Systems w/Greg Booth 9-12:30pm * 9-11th Triple Play Conference in Atlantic City 11th GSAR & CNYIS Directors Luncheon at Antonio’s 24-25th GSAR Office CLOSED - Christmas Holiday 31st-1st GSAR Office CLOSED - New Year’s Holiday * held at GSAR 2009 Save the Dates January 16th March 12th April 22-23rd May 11-16th August 3rd Sept. 13-16th Oct. 20th Nov. 11-16th Installation Dinner - location TBD Associate’s Day - all new! Holiday Inn Liverpool GRI 409 (NYSAR) * NAR Midyear Meetings in Washington DC GSAR Golf Outing, location TBD NYSAR Fall Business meetings in Saratoga GRI 406 (NYSAR) * NAR REALTOR Conference & Expo, San Diego CRS Course coming to GSAR! CRS206 “Technologies to Advance Your Business” with Mark Porter, CRS October 20 & 21, 2008 Register now! www.cnyREALTOR.com For more information on the CRS designation, visit www.crs.com ? ? QUICK POLL August’s Question Results: What computer classes would you be interested in taking at GSAR? Responses: Word, Outlook, PowerPoint, Excel, Publisher Thank you for your replies! SEPTEMBER QUESTION: What technology topic would you be interested in learning more about? Ex. websites, smart phones, virtual tours etc. Please send responses to: poll@cnyrealtor.com. (Put poll in the subject line) YOUR OPINION COUNTS! Submit a response to this question to be entered into a drawing for an iPod docking station! (Drawing in December) 10 NEWS cnyREALTOR.com ? 2008 GSAR Affiliate Members GSAR Sponsors ABSTRACT COMPANIES 24-HR Record Retriever&Abstract Envision Abstract Monroe Title Insurance Stewart Title Insurance Co. Ryan Thorpe Anita Barone Kimberly Allen Michael Iles ACCOUNTING, Tax & Payroll Services The Terzolo Accounting Firm Ed Terzolo 342-8363 468-1228 472-4761 474-5263 484-1020 ADVERTISING Harmon Homes/Dominion Enter. Linda Diel 258-9402 Lamar David Groesbeck 422-6708 Syracuse.com Michele Sardinia-Barker 251-1845 The Post-Standard Lois Davis-Wilson 470-2045 APPRAISERS Affiliated Appr.Service Allen Appraisal Allied American Co Appr & Real Estate Srvc Apple Appraisal Group Appraisal Reports Appraisals Unlimited Barbara Just Bear Appraisal Service Bertonica Appraisal Services Bollinger, Christopher Carney Appraisal Consultant CNL Appraisal & Realty Svc, LLC CNY Appraisal Associates Copeland & Copeland DRB Appraisal Services Essig Appraisal Association Fidelity Appraisal Fir Tree Appraisal Associates H. Eric VanLeer, Appraisals Haggerty Appraisal Services Haskell-James Real Estate Home Appr. Srvc. Inc Keith Pylinski Appraisal Kimball Appraisal Group, Inc Kirchmeyer & Associates JEM Appraisals John Lavine JT Appraisal Liddell Appraisal Service Limestone Appr MJM Real Estate & Appraisals Mercury Appraisals Oak Hill Appraisals Onondaga County Appraisal Ser Patrick O’Connor Appraisals Pioneer Appraisal PK Appraisals Petrocci Appraisal Residential Appraisal Srvc Roberts Appraisal Service R.U.S.H. Appraisal Service Salt City Realty & Man. Spinner Appraisals Successful Appr. Srvc. Surace Appraisal Assoc., Inc. Tarolli, John The Dennison Company Toole Appraisals Wallace Appraisal Associates Wicker Appraisal Associates Zalizniak Appraisal Thomas Perry 622-0496 David Allen 736-2020 Nicholas Vescio Jr. 422-2806 Nancy O’Connor 676-4117 Thomas Galster 637-0790 Jeff Davis 662-3428 Sarah DuMond 492-2144 Barbara Just 607-749-3703 Timothy Sayers 729-6892 Frank Bertonica 214-0355 Christopher Bollinger 637-2904 Thomas P Carney 622-5091 Carmen Liberatore 622-3051 Greg Segar 422-1784 Walt Copeland 479-8889 Derrick Burford 607-770-3822 Steven Essig 699-4972 Robert Riedl 655-1001 Mike Bucci 637-9014 H. Eric VanLeer 784-5620 Mark Haggerty 468-3624 Patrick James 363-8720 Christine Yaro 635-1304 Keith Pylinski 607-859-2929 David Beecher 422-5577 Andrew Doherty 452-1555 Jane Mostow 689-3926 John Lavine 446-7624 Joyce S Taurisano 732-3583 Paul Liddell 768-6639 Ronald Bollinger 682-2888 Michael Morrissey 468-6399 John Mody 424-1379 William J. Ryan Jr. 687-6275 Barbara Emerson 446-0868 Patrick O’Connor 727-1441 Matthew Haynes 607-756-1848 Jonnie Nickles 794-6503 Michael Petrocci 487-3648 John LeClair 622-4369 Beverly Roberts 768-7611 Ralph Smaldon 336-0289 Eskew Young 877-795-7941 Susan C. Spinner 458-7139 Edward J. Pfohl, Jr. 471-0510 Joseph J. Surace Jr. 337-0315 John W. Tarolli 488-6951 Ronald Dennison 453-7028 James Toole 447-6312 Art Wallace 457-6010 Paul Wicker 471-8866 Victor Zalizniak 472-2771 ATTORNEYS Attorney at Law Dana Grillo 487-3262 Bond Schoeneck & King LLP Ellen M. Hemmerlein 422-0121 Carol A. Zenzel, PLLC Carol Zenzel 701-1115 Carpenter Law Office Karen Carpenter 453-4282 Gilberti Stinziano Heintz & Smith P.C. Francis Stinziano 442-0100 Hill & Fischer, P.C. Seth A. Fischer 475-0000 Karp Law Offices Stephen Karp 458-5040 Lang Law Office Vaughn D. Lang, Esq.445-1831 Mackay, Caswell & Callahan PC Joseph Callahan Esq. 472-5201 Mangano, Lucchesi & Collins Rocco Mangano 471-0065 Marinello Ries, LLC Robert Carter 701-2727 Meggesto, Crossett & Valerino LLP Edwina Schleider 471-1664 Melvin & Melvin, PLLC David Jones 422-1311 Murphy & Davis Jeffery Davis 478-1234 O’Hara, O’Connell & Ciotoli Dennis G. O’Hara 451-3810 Priest Law Offices Ellen Priest 474-7401 Sugarman Law Firm, LLP Maria Armstrong 362-8901 The Wladis Law Firm, PC Justin Nackley 445-1700 ENGINEERING Peter Riehlman, P.E. FINANCIAL PLANNING SERVICES Liberty Mutual Insurance Diane Nies-Wilson The Terzolo Accounting Firm Ed Terzolo 345-5584 699-3090 484-1020 HOME BUYERS/SELLERS SERVICES Attainable Rrestorations Terry Wood COTA Development Samir Tawil CRAL Contracting Craig Zinserling Greater Syr. Moving & Storage Jon Cleland Home Builders/Remodelers of CNYMary Thompson Home Headquarters, Inc. Kerry Quaglia John W. White Construction John White Move In Condition Edaina Jeschke Pet Containment Systems Stan Shane Pelligra Transport Tom Fragola Preferred Home Services Janet Kobor Ryan Homes Tom Peters The Community Preservation SocietyNick Petragnani Watkins Environmental Services Andrew Watkins, P.E. INSURANCE Dominick Falcone Agency Inc David MacLachlan Fiscal Fitness/Employee Benefits Clark Gronsbell Liberty Mutual Insurance Diane Nies-Wilson Stewart Title Insurance Co Michael Iles LEAD INSPECTORS/ASSESSORS A Best Home Inspection Thomas Francis Pillar to Post Greg Booth Quality Home Inspection Vincent Domboski 469-5000 478-2161 671-6006 458-9080 463-6261 474-1939 446-0020 479-6390 655-8337 479-5311 682-7197 457-8942 476-3173 446-4763 422-6128 477-1906 699-3090 474-5263 439-1103 424-9970 638-0865 MEMBER SERVICES Accurate Background Investigation Jamie Fortino 671-0988 Bresee Chevrolet Gail Hagan 233-0333 Carlson Wagonlit Travel Shelly Wilson 622-2040 Cingular Wireless Jodi Colavencenzo 560-8100 Commission Express of WNY Jason Musinger 585-271-7788 Creative Capital, Inc Richard Goldstein 682-2436 Estate Planning Team John Lowell 585-919-7429 Fiscal Fitness/Employee Benefits Clark Gronsbell 477-1906 Infocus 360 TJ Tutor 671-3560 J.B. Kane, Inc John Beardslee 451-7590 NYSAR Sal Prividera 518-463-0300 RealBiz360, Inc Sherry Marques 888-732-5249 Recycall-Cleanouts/Dumpster Rental John Farstler 423-0768 The Professional Career Center Frank Duesel 432-1045 Visual Technologies David Foor 423-2000 MOLD A Best Home Inspection Ace Home Services A Total Home Inspection Attainable Restorations, Inc. Cornerstone Building Inspection CRAL Contracting, Inc Life Science Laboratories, Inc Pillar to Post The Home Team Insp. Service Quality Home Inspection Thomas Francis Anthony Cavallaro Mark Smith Terry Wood David Hartpence Craig Zinserling Hugh Guider Greg Booth John Baranick Vince Domboski 439-1103 699-8232 698-8326 469-5000 622-1698 671-6006 445-1105 424-9970 252-7466 415-6088 MORTGAGE COMPANIES/BANKS/PROGRAMS 1st Priority Mortgage, Inc Dean Sunkes 518-348-6900 Alliance Bank, N.A Cheryl Sheedy 363-4500 Always Home Mortgage Mike Frazier 413-0340 AmeriCU Fred Pushlar 622-5447 x225 Bank of America Bill Fischer 426-4219 Beacon Federal David Hammond 433-0111 CNY Mortgage Bankers Assoc Chris Dardano 445-2000 Commonfund Mortgage Jane Cagwin 422-2325 Countrywide Home Loans Jeff Pinard 458-4777 Devere Capital Thomas Ferrara 256-9327 First Niagara Karen Gaebler 449-2156 Fulton Savings Bank Kenneth Parrotte 592-3126 Geddes Federal Savings Bill Hemmerlein 468-6281 GMAC Mortgage Corp Anne Proppe 622-1900 Home Funding Finders, Inc Carol Wink 518-783-1234 Homestead Financial Service Aleen Morris 445-2000 HSBC Mortgage Corporation (USA)Sharon Marziale 424-3055 J.P. Morgan Chase Bank John Petrus 424-2637 Key Bank Anne Marie Donohue 488-8611 M & T Bank John Harris 424-4475 PARMCO Mortgage Co. Inc Bryan Parmley 682-4600 Partners Trust Bank Dave Raycraft 671-5552 Pathfinder Bank Reyne Pierce 207-8052 Salt City Mortgage Pro. Inc. Rose Reiser 234-4600 Solvay Bank .Louise Hoffmann 468-1661 Syracuse Securities Tim Smith 424-0218 Territory Mortgage Inc Keith Bond 635-5847 The Funding Source Phil La Tessa 434-9292 The Nehemiah Program David Baritell 488-0583 Visions Federal Credit Union Megan Detrick 800-242-2120 Wells Fargo Home Mortgage Gregory Fitts 454-9346 NYS LICENSED HOME INSPECTORS A Total Home Inspection Mark Smith A Best Home Inspection Thomas Francis Absolute Home Inspection Thomas Sherman Ace Home Services Anthony Cavallaro 698-8326 439-1103 673-1755 699-8232 Adolos Home Inspections, LLC Paul B. Drew 416-4859 American Bldg. Insp. & Training Co Joseph Mahr 432-5555 Ardent Home Inspections Annie-Laurie Hunter 481-4237 Bob Builder Home Inspections Bob Hutchinson 830-2548 Braga Home Inspection Christopher Braga 382-8650 Casey’s Home Inspection James Casey, Jr. 638-2852 Closer Look Home Insp. Michael Chapman 652-4975 Central New York ASHI Robert Sterner 638-9458 CNY NACHI Annie-Laurie Hunter 481-4237 Cornerstone Building Inspection David Hartpence 622-1698 County Property Inspection Group Lawrence Turchin 492-3160 Craftsman Home Inspection Peter Apgar 278-3143 Dean Home Inspection Service Simon Dean 345-6726 DGHI Dave Gambocarto 727-9909 DiRaddo’s Home Inspection Svc. Ronald DiRaddo 445-1234 Expert Building Inspections Jay Rotella 380-3294 Foley Home Inspection Services John D. Foley 655-3701 G.F. Frost Construction, Inc Gary Frost 488-0950 Greg Haley Home Inspection, LLC Greg Haley 559-6666 HomePro of CNY Robert Sterner 638-9458 Indepth Home Inspection, Inc Donald DeVaul 447-6587 JAF Home inspection Services James Frascatore 699-4837 J.P. Home Inspections Joseph Peluso 857-7048 Lloyd Hubbard Lloyd Hubbard 427-7691 Morgan & Morgan Home Inspect Will Morgan 422-0852 Paul R. Ellard, P.E. Paul Ellard 638-4980 Pillar to Post Greg Booth 424-9970 Quality Home Inspection Vince Domboski 638-0865 Ralph A. Garcea Jr. Home Ralph Garcea Jr 478-9185 Reliable Home Services, Inc Darrick Hokanson 451-8332 Robert E. Cooper Home Inspection Robert Cooper 446-4258 Safe Home Inspections Rudy Sapp 638-2382 Smith Inspection Services, LLC Michael Smith 363-8074 Spectrum Home & Building Insp. Michael Angello 677-9249 The Home Team Insp. Service John Baranick 252-7466 Thomas A. Tyler Home Inspection Tom Tyler 453-2949 U.S.A. Building Inspection Service Michael Jones 682-2428 Wise Professional Services David Flood 451-7881 PEST INSPECTION A Best Home Inspection Ace Home Services A Total Home Inspection Cornerstone Building Inspection DGHI Greg Haley Home Inspection LLC Pillar to Post Quality Home Inspection The Home Team Insp. Service Watkins Environmental Services Thomas Francis Anthony Cavallaro Mark Smith David Hartpence Dave Gambocarto Greg Haley Greg Booth Vince Domboski John Baranick Andrew Watkins 439-1103 699-8232 698-8326 622-1698 727-9909 559-6666 424-9970 415-6088 252-7466 446-4763 PRINTING COMPANIES EM Print Services KinaneCO Emmett Kinney Greg Kinane 487-4877 468-6201 PROPERTY MANAGEMENT CNY Property Management MB Management John St. Denis Eric Vogt 671-5788 475-6390 RADON TESTERS: Only NYSDOH Certified are listed. Absolute Home Inspection Tom Sherman 673-1755 American Bldg. Insp. & Training Co Joseph Mahr 432-5555 Ardent Home Inspections Annie-Laurie Hunter 481-4237 Closer Look Home Inspection Mike Chapman 652-4975 Cornerstone Building Inspection David Hartpence 622-1698 County Property Insp. Group Lawrence Turchin 492-3160 DGHI Dave Gambocarto 727-9909 Greg Haley Home Inspection Greg Haley 559-6666 HomePro of CNY Robert Sterner 638-9458 Safe Home Inspections Rudy Sapp 638-2382 Smith Inspection Services, LLC Michael Smith 363-8074 Thomas A. Tyler Home Inspection Tom Tyler 453-2949 TITLE SERVICES Monroe Title Insurance Stewart Title Insurance Co. First Amer. Title Insurance Co. of NY Ticor Title Insurance Co Kimberly Allen Michael Iles Deborah Haffner Derek Teeter 472-4761 474-5263 422-6900 474-1273 WEBSITE & GRAPHIC DESIGN Redrock Communications, LLC David Hill 699-6796 Do you know someone interested in becoming a GSAR Affiliate? Contact Kalin at moon@cnyrealtor.com September 2008 11 23509-GreaterSyracuse_S_4x4.75_bw 7/22/08 11:37 AM Page 1 REALTOR® Convention & Trade Expo Mold Remediation December 9-11, 2008 Atlantic City Convention Center Atlantic City, NJ Registration opens in September www.realtorstripleplay.com Grand Assembly Keynote Speaker Asbestos Abatement Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. “A Contract with Our Future” Integrated Environmental Remediation Services Don’t miss Triple Play Grand Assembly Keynote Speaker Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Wednesday, December 10 12:15 – 1:45 pm Kennedy was named one of Time magazine’s “Heroes for the Planet” for his success in helping Riverkeeper lead the fight to restore the Hudson River. The group’s achievement helped spawn more than 160 Waterkeeper organizations across the globe. He has worked on environmental issues across the Americas, and has assisted several indigenous tribes in Latin America and Canada in successfully negotiating treaties to protect their traditional homelands. In “A Contract with Our Future,” Kennedy offers advice on how businesses can utilize sound environmental policies and procedures to grow, save money and help preserve the environment for the future. Brought to you by the New Jersey, New York State and Pennsylvania associations of REALTORS® Demolition Lead Abatement Syracuse: 315.671.6006 Rochester: 585.678.4137 craig@cralinc.com www.cralinc.com DryDown Have You Seen Ben Lately? Millions Advanced to Thousands of REALTORS® 300 million advanced to 30 thousand agents!
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