REALTOR News ®® In This Issue: N O V E M B E R 2 0 0 7 The The official official publication publication of of The The Greater Greater Syracuse Syracuse Association Association of of REALTORS REALTORS®® and and the the Central Central New New York York Information Information Service, Service, Inc. Inc. November newsletter sponsored by Alliance Bank GSAR Education News .... 2 GSAR Awards .................... 3 Dues News ......................... 4 New GSAR Members ........ 5 SUPRA Hotsheet ............... 5 Do not call registry ........... 6 2007 Directors Retreat ..... 6 NAR Conference ............... 7 Token upgrading .............. 7 Residential Home Sales Report ................................. 8 Sponsorship Opportunities .................... 9 Marketing Campaign ....... 9 6 mo. at a glance .............10 Upcoming education .....10 GSAR Affiliates ............... 11 NEED ANSWERS? USE YOUR MEMBERSHIP HOTLINES… SUPRA AGENT SUPPORT 1-877-699-6787 SUPRA UPDATE NUMBER 1-888-968-4032 INTEREALTY ANSWERLINK 1-888-825-5472 INSTANET TECH SUPPORT 519-432-9115 NYSAR LEGAL HOTLINE 518-436-9727 Monday - Thursday 9:00 am – 1:00 pm Your Total Real Estate Resource This publication printed cour tesy of KinaneCo Printing Systems All news and information should be sent to Katie DeAnthony, REALTOR® News Editor, GSAR, 1020 7th North Street, Suite 140, Liverpool, NY 13088. REALTOR®® News November 2007 Page 2 November newsletter sponsored by Alliance Bank Because You Should Know ... GSAR is serving over 1,600 members to date. The challenge for our Board of Directors and staff has been to improve our services while maintaining cost. No one has ever settled for status quo…and we have a lot in store for 2008. Adding value, bringing the latest and greatest is our motto! We are cutting edge, and taking leaps of faith. With that, GSAR will be one of the very few REALTOR Associations in the history of NAR that will be offering it's membership FREE...that's right I said FREE New York state approved continuing education in 2008! I guess more appropriately, we should bill it "CE is included" with your dues for 2008. "FREE" is just plain more powerful than "included", when you have had to pay for it all years previous. Is there a catch? No! Why did we do it? It's simple, to support our members' efforts to be the best professionals they can possibly be. That means not only those who are grandfathered, those who are new, or those who have met their quota for this period. Take notice.... NEVER, NEVER, stop learning! That is the key to being the best of the best! Take every class offered, or just what you need. When the room is full, jump into the next class and the next. Members are expected to overflow the classrooms. There will be a waiting list to attend, so we have developed policies to make things fair for all members once you reserve a spot in the class. We promise you this...if you don't take advantage of this outstanding opportunity your colleagues will pass you by. Not only will they learn the newest and best practices but this is our opportunity to keep the members informed of current events and regulatory changes. Get involved and stay connected to one of the most professional organizations supporting your business today, GSAR! Here is just a sampling of courses that will be offered "FREE" to GSAR members, with many new classes that are still in the works... Historic Preservation for REALTORS®, 15 hours of CE, this course is designed to help REALTORS® advise clients who are purchasing properties protected under historic preservation ordinances. This course includes a 4 hour limo-bus tour to locally protected historic landmarks and districts. Pitfalls & Challenges, Where do we go from here?, 4.5 hours of CE, never before has the real estate industry faced the challenges presented by today's market. The speed and magnitude of the changes occurring today present both challenges and opportunities. Learn how you can use the challenges to improve your performance. Through the Eyes of an Appraiser, 7.5 hours of CE, learn how to discover and identify the potential assets and defects in a property. Learn how to select the correct comparable properties for your CMA. Discuss the importance of correctly filling out the Profile sheet and to use key words that will help the appraiser reach an accurate value. Discuss the values of various adjustments and how to apply them to your analysis. Finish with doing an accurate CMA/ Appraisal. Multiple Offers….Handle with Care, 3.0 hours of CE, this class will help you negotiate the ethical and strategic paths through multiple offers in the way that they commonly occur. Learn how to deal with simultaneous offers, contingent offers, and what you may disclose and may not disclose. An organized approach to multiple offers means fewer consumer complaints, too. Fair Housing Compliance, Easier than you think, 3.0 hours of CE, Can you afford an $11000 fine for a first time offense? Learn how to protect yourself from charges of discrimination. If charged, you are presumed GUILTY unless you can prove your innocence. Meets new DOS fair housing requirement. Save the Date: April 25th, 2008 - Celebrating You and New York State at the OnCenter REALTOR®® News November 2007 Page 3 November newsletter sponsored by Alliance Bank For questions, comments, or advertising information, please contact the REALTOR® News Editor, Katie DeAnthony at (315) 457-5979. GSAR Newsletter produced by Redrock Communications, LLC • Website: • Email: REALTOR®® News November 2007 Page 4 November newsletter sponsored by Alliance Bank Affiliate & REALTOR Membership Dues News It is that time again; GSAR members will receive their dues notice on or about November 01, 2007, due January 07, 2008 without penalty. A late fee of $15.00 will be added January 08, 2008 to those of you with an unpaid balance. Membership will be terminated for members with a balance still remaining as of January 18, 2008. Balance due, including a late fee of $15.00 and reinstatement fee of $75.00, will be due at the time your service is restored. GSAR reserves the right to restore service within 24 hours of payment. On January 21, 2008 a 10 day notice will go out to the Designated REALTOR. Companies will be shut off February 04, 2008 for anyone with an unpaid balance still remaining. The following is a list of your 2008 annual dues. Please note that GSAR's local dues and NAR's National dues have both increased. Local Dues have increased to $260.00. NYSAR's State Dues are $62.00, and NYSAR's Special Assessment Dedicated to the Legal Action Fund and the Issues Mobilization Fund is $8.00. NAR's National Dues have increased to $80.00, and NAR's Special Assessment for the Public Awareness Campaign is $30.00. The RPAC Political Action Campaign is a voluntary contribution. RPAC represents over 400,000 politically active REALTORS that members of Congress want as their friends. RPAC is your voice, on a statewide and national level. They are fighting to make an impact on issues affecting your business. Designated REALTORS are asked to contribute $200.00. REALTOR members are asked to contribute $20.00. Your total for 2008, including RPAC, will be $460.00 for REALTOR members, and $640.00 for Designated REALTORS. Please watch for your billing, you should be receiving it shortly from your Broker. GSAR Affiliate Dues have increased to $300 per year in 2008. For 2008 dues of $80 per member, NAR computes 22 percent or $18 to be nondeductible for the member's income tax due to NAR lobbying efforts. Note that the entire $30 portion of dues related to public awareness qualifies as deductible dues. For 2008 dues and assessment of $70 per member, NYSAR computes $10.00 to be non-deductible for income tax purposes due to NYSAR's lobbying efforts. GSAR ELECTION RESULTS Congratulations to the winners of the (5) open 2008 GSAR Directors Positions! They are: Terry Marshfield Terri Micho Donna Rausch Pat Snyder Linda Thomas-Caster Thank you to everyone who ran on the ballot, your participation is greatly appreciated! REALTOR®® News New Member Publication Notice One procedure for a Designated-REALTOR® or REALTOR® Membership in the Greater Syracuse Association of REALTORS® is written notice to our current Designated-REALTOR® and REALTOR® members. Section 3, Election. (a) says in part, " the Board of Directors shall give written notice to the REALTOR® members of an applicant's request for membership and invite written comment, thereon, within ten (10) days of such notice, to be addressed to the Chairman of the Membership Committee." In accordance with the Bylaws, we submit the following applicant(s) for membership: REALTORS: Jodie DeCosty Coldwell Banker Prime Properties - Sylvan Beach Jeffrey Rogers Prudential First Properties - Liverpool Sam Vecchio Weichert Realtors - Liverpool November 2007 November newsletter sponsored by Alliance Bank Teresa McSweeny Keller Williams - Syracuse Rachel Scripa Coldwell Banker Prime Properties - Liverpool Matthew Hanford Syracuse Realty - N. Syracuse Ann Becker North Shore Properties - West Monroe Rose Ann Calabrese Gallinger RealtyUSA - Liverpool Sam Giamas Kirnan Real Estate - Liverpool Jodi Marvin Brzostek's Real Estate - Phoenix Lori O'Reilly Gallinger RealtyUSA - Liverpool Dale Wolfe Weichert Realty Syracuse Homes - Fayetteville Kimberly Bell Gallinger RealtyUSA - Liverpool Aaron Standish Exit E-Z Realty - E. Syracuse Affiliate: Sherry Marques RealBiz 360 Inc. Daivd Green Weichert Realty Syracuse Homes - Fayetteville Carrie Vincent Coldwell Banker All Bridge - Elbridge Christopher O'Hara Carella Real Estate - Clay Janis Landes Coldwell Banker Prime Properties - Camillus Lloyd Hubbard Lloyd Hubbard Home Inspector Christopher Braga Braga Home Inspection Rebecca Dambach Keller Williams - Syracuse Thomas Kehoskie Prudential First Properties - Syracuse William Locke Exit E-Z Realty - E. Syracuse Page 5 TJ Tutor Infocus 360 Michele Olon Kirnan Real Estate - Liverpool Joshua Peckham Coldwell Banker Prime Properties - Fayetteville SUPRA HOTSHEET Missing showing activity? If you find you are missing some expected showing activity when you run a report in ShowingValue on KIMweb, you should consider a few possible explanations. The most likely reason is that the showing agent has not done an eSYNC with their key since the showing. When you open a KeyBox, that activity is recorded in the KeyBox and in your key. The next time you eSYNC your key, the showing details transfer to the Supra system and will be added to the listing agent's showing activity on KIMweb. Until you eSYNC, the information has no way to reach the system. Another possibility is that the showing agent was let in by another agent and so did not need to open the KeyBox. Showing activity is maintained within the KIM system for 90 days. If you need showing activity older than 90 days, it can be pulled manually from archived data. Normally this is done only for cases involving litigation or the investigation of a crime. The KeyBox itself stores showing information regardless of age. While the old gray (AEII) boxes held the last 43 accesses, the iBox stores 100. Doing a "read" on the KeyBox with your key will verify whether the agent in question ever opened that KeyBox. If you are not yet taking advantage of the showing activity features that are already part of your Supra key service, download the "Is KIM working for you?" flyer at under Brochures and Images, or simply click here. Enter your open houses on! It's free! REALTOR®® News Is it time for you to renew your license? If so, you can renew your license online at http:// or you may mail your renewal to the Department of State: NYS Department of State Division of Licensing Services P.O. Box 22001 Albany, NY 12201-2001 When you renew your license you should consider renewing at least 2 or 3 weeks prior to your expiration date. The turn around process can run 2 or 3 weeks before you receive your new license. This way, you are avoiding the possibility of not being able to work because of an expired license. Play it safe and allow adequate time. November 2007 Page 6 November newsletter sponsored by Alliance Bank Do Not Call Registry On October 1, 2007, a new contractor began operating the National Do Not Call Registry. When the telemarketer website reopened on Thursday, October 4, 2007 at 9 a.m. ET. Please note that when you first try to log in after the transition, the system will not accept your password. Instead, click on the "Log In" button, and then click on the "Forgot My Password"link. The system will then prompt you for your Organization ID, email address and user type (Representative or Downloader). After you submit this information, the system will send an email to your organization's authorized representative with a link to generate a new password. Once you click on the link in the email, a web page will be shown asking for your Organization ID again. The new password will be displayed after you click on "Get New Password" button. REALTOR®® News November 2007 November newsletter sponsored by Alliance Bank Going to Las Vegas for the NAR Conference & Expo? As a member of NYSAR, you are invited to a NYSAR Hospitality Reception on Wednesday, November 14th between 5:30pm and 7:00pm. The reception will be located in the Lido Ballroom, Level 3 of the Venetian Resort Hotel Casino. You should be receiving an invitation in the mail. Paid Advertisement Following this reception, GSAR is hosting a group dinner for all GSAR members. Please let us know if you will be interested in attending! Call Katie at 457-5979 ext. 27. Hope to see you there! Optional Token Upgrade If you missed previous information on the optional security upgrade, don't worry. Here is some information for those who are interested. Your one-time use passwords for MLS access can now be delivered to the device of your choice. Users will now have a choice on the type of authenticator (device that generates the passwords) they use. Your current key-fob (blue token) can be upgraded to your GE Supra DisplayKey, eKey or use TEXTpass. The "key" choice is now yours. Current DisplayKey or eKey users: You may upgrade your DisplayKey or eKey to show your one-time password for logging into the MLS, with a one time charge of $44.95. Page 7 Paid Advertisement For those of you that want to upgrade your cellular phone or Smartphone that supports SMS messaging, the charge is $85.00 for the first year or $135.00 for two years. For more information, please contact Denise Yerdon at GSAR 315-4575979 ext 23 or email Paid Advertisement REALTOR®® News November 2007 Page 8 November newsletter sponsored by Alliance Bank REALTOR®® News Onondaga County Executive Debate A Success GSAR hosted the first scheduled debate since the primary for Onondaga County Executive on September 27th. Over 200 people from the community and Tri-Associaton attended this event to hear the candidates' plans for the local housing market, economic development, small business and more. The debate between Bill Magnarelli, Dale Sweetland and Joanie Mahoney was very educational and surprising. Dale Sweetland announced that he would not be running during the debate. GSAR would like to thank panelists Dan Cummings (Channel 9), Bill Carey (Channel 10) and John Mariani (The Post-Standard) and the moderator Robert McClure (Syracuse University's Maxwell School). A big thank you goes to Jeff Pinard, GSAR's 2007 Legislative Committee Chair, and the rest of the Legislative Committee for organizing such a wonderful event. Everyone Loved Microsoft Training @ GSAR! 16 GSAR members took advantage of the discounted Microsoft Word and/or Outlook training courses offered through GSAR in September. Classes were taught by New Horizons. GSAR Members who successfully completed the course(s) include: Susan & Robert Acker Pat Dickman Michell St. Peirre Hetz Chris Tzetzis Linda Harwood Donavan Pieterse Susan Proch John Sweeney Tifini Moyer Peter Babbles Katherine Moran George Mango Sandy Kirnan Steven Essig Future computer education classes may include QuikBooks, Excell and Publisher. November 2007 Page 9 November newsletter sponsored by Alliance Bank On October 17th GSAR held their annual Affiliate Appreciation Reception at the Genesee Grand. Over 35 Affiliates participated in the mixer. Lynnore Fetyko, Chief Executive Office to GSAR, presented all the awesome opportunities available for Affiliates to connect with REALTORS in 2008. If your company would like to support Association Members and increase your bottom line in 2008 by taking advantage of our advertising or sponsorship opportunities I encourage you to call or email me to set up a time to meet before Nov. 8th. We expect to sell out of all our advertising and sponsorship packages by this time. Sincerely, Kalin Moon - Director of Member Services Marketing Campaign Feedback If you have not seen or heard our new marketing campaign yet then you must be living under a rock! We are on the radio and all over the TV. You may also notice us on several billboards while driving around Syracuse. We want to know what your thoughts and any feedback you have heard from your consumers. Our new marketing campaign has been designed to bring the consumer to for open houses, searching listings and finding local REALTORS. Please email your thoughts to If you are interested in receiving computer training through GSAR please sign up for the interest list with Kalin at 2008 Sponsor and Advertising Opportunities I am very excited to be a part of the Greater Syracuse Association of REALTORS going into 2008. There are many of new services and technologies we are introducing and our REALTOR Members and GSAR Affiliates are sure going to love them. I hope we can share the same enthusiasm :) Website Updates • 427 REALTOR Open Houses posted on 10.12.07 • From October 1st to October 17th 2,520 visitors searched for an open house and 14,302 visitors searched the MLS for homes for sale. • GSAR commercial posted on front page of website • WallStreet Journal Housing News feed added to front page of website • Instructions on how to add an open house posted on Member side of website REALTOR®® News 6 Months at a Glance November 2007 Page 10 November newsletter sponsored by Alliance Bank REALTOR®® News 0 VIP Sponsors 24 - HR Record Retriever & Abstract….Ryan Thorpe Envision Abstract...................................Anita Barone Monroe Title Insurance………….….....Kimberly Allen Stewart Title Insurance Co. ………….….Michael Iles November newsletter sponsored by Alliance Bank The Terzolo Accounting Firm...Ed Terzolo 342-8363 468-1228 472-4761 474-5263 ACCOUNTING, Tax & Payroll Services Brian D. Baker, CPA, P.C……...Brian Baker 0 The Terzolo Accounting Firm ....Ed Terzolo 682-1506 484-1020 ADVERTISING Harmon Homes/Dominion Enter. …...Linda Diel ………………………....Jamie Waller The Post-Standard………….........Lois Davis-Wilson 258-9402 251-1845 470-2080 APPRAISERS Affiliated Appr.Service.......Thomas Perry Allen Appraisal….David Allen Allied American Co.......Nicholas Vescio Jr. Appr & Real Estate Srvc.......Nancy O'Connor Apple Appraisal Group.......Thomas Galster Appraisal Reports…….Jeff Davis Appraisals Unlimited.......Sarah DuMond Barbara Just.........Barbara Just Bear Appraisal Service….Timothy Sayers Bertonica Appraisal Services…...Frank Bertonica Bollinger, Christopher …..Christopher Bollinger Carney Appraisal Consultant…..Thomas P Carney CNL Appraisal & Realty Svc, LLC ...Carmen Liberatore CNY Appraisal Associates.......Greg Segar Copeland & Copeland.......Walt Copeland DRB Appraisal Services…..Derrick Burford Essig Appraisal Association.......Steven Essig Fidelity Appraisal.......Robert Riedl Fir Tree Appraisal Associates.......Mike Bucci Finger Lakes Appraiser…..Eva Taylor-Sholes H. Eric VanLeer, Appraisals...H. Eric VanLeer Haggerty Appraisal Services…..Mark Haggerty Haskell-James Real Estate….Patrick James Home Appr. Srvc. Inc.......Christine Yaro Keith Pylinski Appraisal….Keith Pylinski Kimball Appraisal Group, Inc…..David Beecher Kirchmeyer & Associates…..Andrew Doherty JEM Appraisals…...Jane Mostow John Lavine….John Lavine JT Appraisal…..Joyce S Taurisano Liddell Appraisal Service…..Paul Liddell Limestone Appr.......Ronald Bollinger MJM Real Estate & Appraisals....Michael Morrissey Mercury Appraisals…...John Mody MZ Appraisals…..Manny Zevallos Oak Hill Appraisals…..William J. Ryan Jr. Onondaga County Appraisal Ser.....Barbara Emerson Patrick O’Connor Appraisals...Patrick O’Connor Pioneer Appraisal…...Matthew Haynes PK Appraisals…….Jonnie Nickles Petrocci Appraisal.......Michael Petrocci Kirchmeyer & Associates.......Andrew Doherty Residential Appraisal Srvc.......John LeClair Roberts Appraisal Service…...Beverly Roberts R.U.S.H. Appraisal Service…..Ralph Smaldon Salt City Realty & Man. …..Eskew Young Spinner Appraisals…..Susan C. Spinner Successful Appr. Srvc.......Edward J. Pfohl, Jr. Surace Appraisal Assoc., Inc. …..Joseph J. Surace Jr. Tarolli, John.......John W. Tarolli The Dennison Company……...Ronald Dennison Toole Appraisals…..James Toole Wallace Appraisal Associates…..Art Wallace Wicker Appraisal Associates.......Paul Wicker Zalizniak Appraisal.......Victor Zalizniak 622-0496 736-2020 422-2806 676-4117 637-0790 662-3428 492-2144 607-749-3703 729-6892 214-0355 637-2904 622-5091 622-3051 422-1784 479-8889 607-770-3822 699-4972 655-1001 637-9014 834-6306 784-5620 468-3624 363-8720 635-1304 607-859-2929 422-5577 452-1555 689-3926 446-7624 732-3583 768-6639 682-2888 468-6399 424-1379 718-646-4925 687-6275 446-0868 727-1441 607-756-1848 794-6503 487-3648 497-1012 622-4369 768-7611 336-0289 877-795-7941 458-7139 471-0510 337-0315 488-6951 453-7028 447-6312 457-6010 471-8866 472-2771 ATTORNEYS Bond Schoeneck & King LLP….Ellen M. Hemmerlein Carpenter Law Office…...Karen Carpenter Collison Law Firm…..Gary Collison Dana Grillo, Attorney at Law Devorsetz Stinziano...Francis Stinziano Hill & Fischer, P.C.......Seth A. Fischer Karp Law Offices………...Stephen Karp 0 Lang Law Office.......Vaughn D. Lang, Esq. Law Office of F. Xlander…..Frederick Xlander Law Office of Keith D. Miller Mackay Caswell & Callahan...Joseph M. Callahan, Esq. Mangano, Lucchesi & Collins.......Rocco Mangano Meggesto, Crossett & Valerino LLP...Edwina Schleider Melvin & Melvin, PLLC...David Jones Murphy & Davis………………...Jeffery Davis Priest Law Offices.......Ellen Priest Sugarman Law Firm, LLP....Maria Armstrong The Wladis Law Firm, PC …..Justin Nackley 422-0121 453-4282 701-5768 487-3262 442-0100 475-0000 458-5040 445-1831 607-777-9601 701-5768 472-5201 471-0065 471-1664 422-1311 478-1234 474-7401 362-8901 445-1700 ENGINEERING 345-5584 FINANCIAL PLANNING SERVICES Liberty Mutual Insurance…...Diane Nies-Wilson MassMutual/Daystar Financial ….Mariam Atri Page 11 2007 GSAR AFFILIATE MEMBERS ABSTRACT COMPANIES Peter Riehlman, P.E. November 2007 699-3090 449-3000 ext. 311 484-1020 NYS LICENSED HOME INSPECTORS A Total Home Inspection…....Mark Smith AAA Best Home Inspection…..Thomas Francis Absolute Home Inspection......Thomas Sherman Ace Home Services…...Anthony Cavallaro Adolos Home Inspections, LLC…..Paul B. Drew American Bldg. Insp. & Training Co........Joseph Mahr Ardent Home Inspections…..Annie-Laurie Hunter Axiom Home Inspection, LLC …..Brian Lancer Bob Builder Home Inspections…..Bob Hutchinson Casey’s Home Inspection…..James Casey, Jr. Certified House Inspectors…….Rick Recuparo Closer Look Home Insp.......Michael Chapman 0 Central New York ASHI….Robert Sterner CNY NACHI…....Annie-Laurie Hunter Cornerstone Building Inspection….David Hartpence County Property Inspection Group ..Lawrence Turchin Craftsman Home Inspection...Peter Apgar Dean Home Inspection Service….Simon Dean DGHI……………….Dave Gambocarto DiRaddo’s Home Inspection Service…..Ronald DiRaddo Expert Building Inspections …..Jay Rotella Foley Home Inspection Services...John D. Foley G.F. Frost Construction, Inc….Gary Frost Greg Haley Home Inspection, LLC….Greg Haley HomePro of CNY.......Robert Sterner Hubbard, Lloyd Indepth Home Inspection, Inc. ….Donald DeVaul JAF Home inspection Services...James Frascatore J.P. Home Inspections...Joseph Peluso Morgan and Morgan Home Inspection….Will Morgan Paul R. Ellard, P.E. ......Paul Ellard Pillar to Post…….Greg Booth Quality Home Inspection.......Vince Domboski Ralph A. Garcea Jr. Home….Ralph Garcea Jr Reliable Home Services, Inc. …...Darrick Hokanson Robert E. Cooper Home Inspection….Robert Cooper Safe Home Inspections…..Rudy Sapp Spectrum Home & Building Inspection...Michael Angello The Home Team Insp. Service….John Baranick Thomas A. Tyler Home Inspection.......Tom Tyler U.S.A. Building Inspection Service….Michael Jones Watkins Environmental Sciences..Andrew Watkins, P.E. Wise Professional Services…..David Flood 698-8326 439-1103 673-1755 699-8232 416-4859 432-5555 481-4237 676-4876 830-2548 638-2852 428-0582 652-4975 638-9458 481-4237 622-1698 492-3160 278-3143 345-6726 727-9909 445-1234 380-3294 655-3701 488-0950 559-6666 638-9458 427-7691 447-6587 699-4837 857-7048 422-0852 638-4980 424-9970 638-0865 478-9185 451-8332 446-4258 638-2382 677-9249 252-7466 453-2949 682-2428 446-4763 451-7881 INSURANCE Dominick Falcone Agency Inc.…..David MacLachlan Fiscal Fitness/Employee Benefits…..Clark Gronsbell Liberty Mutual Insurance…...Diane Nies-Wilson MetLife……..David Feingold Stewart Title Insurance Co…...Michael Iles 422-6128 477-1906 699-3090 451-4020 474-5263 LEAD INSPECTORS/ASSESSORS AAA Best Home Inspection…..Thomas Francis Pillar to Post…….Greg Booth Quality Home Inspection...Vincent Domboski 439-1103 424-9970 638-0865 MEMBER SERVICES American Home Shield…...Graham Ellison Cingular Wireless…..Jodi Colavencenzo Classic Carpet Care…….Mark Inman CNY E-Media Services. Inc. …….Patrick O’Conner Commission Express of WNY…..Jason Musinger Creative Capital, Inc…..Richard Goldstein Express Save Industries, Inc. …….John Abdo Fiscal Fitness/Employee Benefits…..Clark Gronsbell Greater Syracuse Moving and Storage..Michael Merklein Gold’s Gym…….Tom Muller Home Staging by Susan…..Susan Kraushaar IPX1031 ……. Kelly Bradley J.B. Kane, Inc…..John Beardslee Life Science Laboratories, Inc….Hugh Guider Lamar …....David Groesbeck NYSAR…....Sal Prividera Recycall...Residential & business cleanout John Farstler Staying In Touch……...John Van Epps 546-6226 560-8100 638-4676 430-1887 585-271-7788 682-2436 454-5555 477-1906 458-9080 451-5050 708-7672 423-7525 451-7590 445-1105 422-6708 518-463-0300 423-0768 263-1227 OTHER Accurate Background Investigation...Jamie Fortino CNY Mortgage Bankers Association…..Debby Bradley CNY Property Management Inc. …….John St. Denis Community Preservation Soc…..Nick Petragnani COTA Development……...Samir Tawil CRAL Contracting, Inc…….Craig Zinserling EnTherm, Inc. …...Richard Kornbluth HBA of CNY.......Robert Tomeny Home Headquarters, Inc.......Kerry Quaglia John W. White Construction…..John White MB Management.......Eric Vogt Move In Condition.......Edaina Jeschke Pet Containment Systems of NY…...Stan Shane Preferred Home Services…..Janet Kobor Ryan Homes.......Karin Hull Syr U.Real Est. Srvc.......Claudia Bement The Professional Career Center…...Frank Duesel Visual Technologies…..David Foor 671-0988 445-2000 671-5788 476-3173 478-2161 671-6006 474-6549 463-6261 474-1939 446-0020 475-6390 479-6390 655-8337 682-7197 457-8942 443-2104 432-1045 423-2000 PEST INSPECTION AAA Best Home Inspection…..Thomas Francis Ace Home Services….Anthony Cavallaro A Total Home Inspection…..Mark Smith Cornerstone Building Inspection….David Hartpence DGHI………………...Dave Gambocarto Greg Haley Home Inspection LLC…..Greg Haley Pillar to Post…...Greg Booth Quality Home Inspection…….Vince Domboski The Home Team Insp. Service….John Baranick Watkins Environmental Services…..Andrew Watkins 439-1103 699-8232 698-8326 622-1698 727-9909 559-6666 424-9970 415-6088 252-7466 446-4763 PRINTING COMPANIES EM Print Services.......Emmett Kinney 0 KinaneCO …...Greg Kinane 487-4877 468-6201 MOLD AAA Best Home Inspection….Thomas Francis Ace Home Services….Anthony Cavallaro A Total Home Inspection…..Mark Smith Corner Building Inspection….David Hartpence CRAL Contracting, Inc…….Craig Zinserling Life Science Laboratories, Inc...Hugh Guider Pillar to Post…..Greg Booth The Home Team Insp. Service….John Baranick Quality Home Inspection…….Vince Domboski 439-1103 699-8232 698-8326 622-1698 671-6006 445-1105 424-9970 252-7466 415-6088 MORTGAGE COMPANIES/BANKS/PROGRAMS 1st Priority Mortgage, Inc…...Dean Sunkes 518-348-6900 0 Alliance Bank, N.A........Cheryl Sheedy 363-4500 Always Home Mortgage…..Mike Frazier 413-0340 0 AmeriCU………..Fred Pushlar 622-5447 x225 American Home Loans…...Linda VanMarter 452-5626 Bank of America.......Bill Fischer 426-4219 Beacon Federal…...David Hammond 433-0111 Citizens Bank……..Terri Scherer 652-9792 0 Commonfund Mortgage.......Jane Cagwin 422-2325 0 Countrywide Home Loans.......Jeff Pinard 458-4777 Devere Capital…….Thomas Ferrara 256-9327 First Niagara….James Conway 446-4239 Fulton Savings Bank.......Kenneth Parrotte 592-3126 Geddes Federal Savings.......Bill Hemmerlein 468-6281 0 GMAC Mortgage Corp…..Anne Proppe 622-1900 H B & O Funding Company…..Michael Bennett 299-2871 Home Funding Finders, Inc….Carol Wink 518-783-1234 Homestead Financial Service.......Aleen Morris 445-2000 HSBC Mortgage Corporation (USA).......Sharon Marziale 424-3055 J.P. Morgan Chase Bank.......John Petrus 424-2637 Key Bank…...Anne Marie Donohue 488-8611 M & T Bank.......John Harris 424-4057 OCNB…….Susan Hilliard 326-3263 PARMCO Mortgage Co. Inc….Bryan Parmley 682-4600 0 Partners Trust Bank.......Dave Raycraft 671-5552 Pathfinder Bank.......Rhonda L. Hutchins 800-811-5620 Salt City Mortgage Prof………...Rose Reiser 234-4600 Seneca Federal Savings & Loan...Erin Chavoustie 243-0585 Solvay Bank.......Alfred DeRosa 468-1661 Syracuse Securities.......Tim Smith 424-0218 Territory Mortgage Inc…….Keith Bond 635-5847 The Funding Source…..Phil La Tessa 434-9292 The Nehemiah Program…...David Baritell 488-0583 Visions Federal Credit Union…..Megan Detrick 800-242-2120 0 Wells Fargo Home Mortgage, Inc....Jane Goodman 454-9346 RADON TESTING **=Certified Radon Testers AAA Best Home Inspection (& mitigation)..Thomas Francis **Absolute Home Inspection….Tom Sherman Ace Home Services….Anthony Cavallaro A Total Home Inspection…..Mark Smith **American Bldg. Insp. & Training Co........Joseph Mahr **Ardent Home Inspections…....Annie-Laurie Hunter **Closer Look Home Inspection….Mike Chapman Cornerstone Building Inspection….David Hartpence **DGHI…………...Dave Gambocarto EnTherm, Inc. …...Richard Kornbluth **Greg Haley Home Inspection …(NYDOH Certified) **HomePro of CNY.......Robert Sterner **Pillar to Post…..Greg Booth Quality Home Inspection…….Vince Domboski **Safe Home Inspections…..Rudy Sapp The Home Team Insp. Service….John Baranick Watkins Environmental Services…..Andrew Watkins Wise Professional Services…..David Flood 439-1103 673-1755 699-2905 698-8326 432-5555 481-4237 652-4975 622-1698 727-9909 474-6549 559-6666 638-9458 424-9970 415-6088 638-2382 252-7466 446-4763 451-7881 WEBSITE & GRAPHIC DESIGN Redrock Communications, LLC...David Hill 699-6796 TITLE SERVICES Monroe Title Insurance............Kimberly Allen Stewart Title Insurance Co. …….Michael Iles The Talon Group…………....Deborah Haffner Ticor Title Insurance Co……...Chris Dardano 0 VIP Sponsors 472-4761 474-5263 422-6900 474-1273 GSAR PRSRT STD US POSTAGE PAID SYRACUSE, NY Permit #43 1020 7th North Street Suite 140 Liverpool, NY 13088 National Home Management Solutions of New York, LLC U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development M&M Contractor for New York Presents… HUD HOMESELLERS SEMINAR Learn how to sell HUD Homes Successfully! November 13, 2007, 1:00PM - 4:00PM Greater Syracuse Association of Realtors 1020 Seventh North St. Suite 140 | Liverpool, NY 13088 The seminar covers the latest policies and procedures regarding the marketing of HUD owned homes, including the electronic bidding process, contract and document requirements and open Q&A session. To RSVP please call toll free 866-382-4447
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