Winter 2016
Winter 2016
Board of Nephrology Examiners Nursing and Technology Winter 2016 Keeping BONENT Members Informed New Bio-Medical Exam Update For the last two years BONENT has been working on a new exam for Bio Medical Technicians. The debut of the Certified Hemodialysis Bio-Medical Technician (CHBT) exam was on February 1st 2015. The goal of the BONENT Board was to establish an exam to help the Bio Medical Technicians to be BONENT in India! recognized as professionals and to demonstrate their competency in the dialysis setting. Adding to its CHT, CHN and CPDN dialysis certifications, BONENT has introduced the new CHBT exam to measure technical proficiency in certain skills and general areas of knowledge. Eligibility for the exam is 12 months of work experience in nephrology, of which includes a minimum of 6 months of dialysis BioMedical (BM) experience and any BM training certificates. Nephrology technicians may receive certification in either or both exams - patient care (CHT) and bio-medical (CHBT). The 3-hour examination, via Paper amd Pencil Exam only, tests eight major domains of practice and tasks performed in the scope of hemodialysis technology. Apply now or tell your BioMed Tech about the new exam. Tips & Facts Annual Certification Fee Paying the Annual Certification Fee keeps your BONENT certification up-to-date. BONENT each time your address or contact information changes to ensure you • Notify continue to receive the Annual Certification Fee Invoice and friendly email reminders. • You can also make these changes on the BONENT website (click the My Info link BONENT can only VERIFY in the orange tab at the top to log into your YOUR CERTIFICATION account). to your employer if your Remember to pay the BONENT Certification Fee • each year to continue receiving certification benefits. Annual Certification Fee • To avoid late fees, remember to pay by the due date is paid to date. listed on your invoice. • Payment can be made via: • Check or money order (paid by mail) and made out to BONENT • Credit card (paid by fax or via the BONENT website (click the My Info link in the orange tab at the top). Recertification Process Thank you to Phil Varughese, (third from left) CHT, BONENT India Advisor, for submitting this photo from his recent travels to India. He visited one of the dialysis centers in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, which is also a BONENT Approved Training Program. Dr. Sairta Desari, Medical Director is next to Varughese. Follow these tips for a successful BONENT Recertification: • BONENT certification lasts 4 years. Your recertification date is found on your wallet card, annual invoice and on the BONENT website (click the My Info link in the orange tab at the top). Don’t wait until the • Make a plan to obtain continuing education each year of Last Minute! your certification period: 3-4 Weeks Required to • A total of 40 hours is needed every 4 years. • Start by planning on getting 10 CEs each year. Process Your Application • Remember to pay your Annual Certification Fee to stay (from the date we receive it) current. • Mail your signed Recertification Application to the BONENT Executive Office 4-8 weeks before your certification expiration date. Certification UPDATE Summer ‘07 FROM THE PRESIDENT Let’s Look at BONENT’s Accomplishments & Plans Another year has come and gone, in what seems like a moment. It is time to review what we at BONENT accomplished in 2015 and look forward to what is to come in 2016. The BONENT Certification UPDATE is published quarterly by: Board of Nephrology Examiners Nursing & Technology 100 South Washington St. Rockville, MD 20850 Phone: 202-462-1252 Fax: 202-463-1257 Web: BOARD OF DIRECTORS President RJ Picciano, BA, CHT, OCDT, CHBT Cuyahoga Falls, OH Vice President & Update Editor Carol Johnson, PhD, FNP, CPDN Jamaica, NY Secretary/Treasurer Paulette C. Sheeley, RN, BSN, CHN Rock Creek, OH Directors Zelma Griffin, BS, CHT South Holland, IL Michael Morales, MHA/Ed., CHT, CHBT Bellflower, CA Dennis Schell, CHT, OCDT Maumee, OH Lyle Smith, BSN, CNN, CPDN Umatilla, OR EXECUTIVE OFFICE Executive Director Peter Anas Phone: 202.462.1252, ext. #20 Director of Membership and Certification Laikisha Jeffries Phone: 202.462.1252, ext. #15 2 Two New Exams Introduced In 2015, we introduced 2 new exams. In addition to the CHT, CHN, and CPDN exams that we have had for years, we added 2 more exams: The Certified Hemodialysis Bio-Medical Technician (CHBT) exam was first administered RJ Picciano President in the Spring of 2015. We, at BONENT, realized that the professionals that work on our machines are as important to the safety of our patients and to the quality of the treatments they receive as the clinical staff. So, over a 2 year period we enlisted the best Bio-Med Technicians in the field to put together an exam that is comprehensive, fair and valid. We had over 200 years of combined Hemodialysis Bio-Med experience. Since patient care technicians now must be nationally certified, we believe it is time that the professionals that maintain and repair our equipment be nationally certified. Hopefully, the Bio-Med technicians and their employers will step up and do this voluntarily. The second new exam, which we first administered in September 2015, is the Spanish language CHT. We recognized that many of our colleagues are bilingual and speak Spanish as a first language. We decided to offer the CHT exam in Spanish. After a 2 year process of translating the CHT into Spanish and back into English and then back into Spanish in order to ensure that content and context were not lost. We then had it reviewed by a number of bilingual CHTs who spoke a number of different dialectics of Spanish. We were finally ready to offer the Spanish language CHT knowing it was a valid translation of the CHT. At present, we are only offering this in the US and via Paper and Pencil. Once we have all of the kinks out of the administration, we will offer it to the rest of the Spanish world and also, in a Computer Based setting, CBT. We hope that Latin America will take advantage of this. It would allow them to emigrate to the US to work without obtaining a new certification. Three Successful Regional Seminars Again, in 2015, there were 3 BONENT Regional Seminars in Indianapolis, Newark NJ and Ft. Lauderdale FL. They were all very successful. You can talk to anyone that attended. They will tell you that the content was second to none. They were a combination of local and national experts. It is a great opportunity to meet new people, expand your professional network and knowledge. They are held on Sunday since that is the only day most dialysis clinics are closed. 2016: Three Exams to be Updated For 2016, we will be updating 3 exams, the CHT, CPDN and CHN. Zelma Griffin is in charge of the CHT update. Lyle Smith is in charge of the CPDN update and Paulette Sheeley is in charge of the CHN update. If you want to be part of this process, we always need volunteers. Contact for these individuals can be found on the BONENT website under the Board tab. Three Regional Seminars In 2016, we will have 3 BONENT Regional Education Seminars. They will be in Los Angeles on April 17, 2016, Chicago on June 5, 2016 and in Newark on August 21, 2016. Mike Morales will be in the lead for the Los Angeles meeting, which will have a concurrent track for Bio-Med Technicians. This will allow participants to choose the topics that they feel are most important to them. Armani Rashad and Felix Otero will be in the lead of the NJ/NY seminar. John Larsen will be in the lead for the meeting in Chicago. If you are interested in being a volunteer for any of the meetings, please contact these gentlemen or Lyle Smith (chair of Continuing Education). We need people to be part of a local committee that helps select content, get the word out, to help get more people attending and to assist the day of the event. If you have a chance to attend any of these meetings, you will not be disappointed. A Major Role in the New Core Curriculum Finally, I would like to take this advantage to congratulate those BONENT members who have been selected to be authors for the Core Curriculum for the Dialysis Technician, 6th Edition. They are: • Charles Johnson CHT • Phillip Varughese CHT • Heather Paradis CHT • Tia Sabin CHT • Joan Arslanian CHN • Lyle Smith CPDN • Kazim Naqvi CHT, CHBT • Dennis Schell CHT, CHBT • Mike Morales CHT, CHBT Again, BONENT shows that we are the premiere international organization for certifying dialysis professionals. Certification UPDATE Winter ‘16 Board of Nephrology Examiners Nursing and Technology 2015 International Grant Recipient The Biggest Challenges Facing the Nephrology Profession in the Country The 2015 BONENT Wesley Watkins International Grant recipient is Ntokozo Diamini of Swaziland. Below is his winning essay. The grant is awarded exclusively to applicants for the BONENT certification examination who reside in underprivileged countries as defined by the World Bank and have difficulty paying for the exams. We will provide grants only to individuals that presently work in the field of nephrology for at least one year and their work records can be verified. BONENT will apply the grant to the cost of a BONENT exam. Swaziland is a developing country with a small economy. It’s GDP per capita of $7,917 means it is classified as a country with a lower-middle income. The Swazi population faces major health issues: HIV/AIDS and, to a lesser extent, tuberculosis are serious challenges. As of 2013, Swaziland had an estimated life expectancy of 50 years. The population of Swaziland is fairly young with a median age of 20.5 years and people aged 14 years or younger constituting 37.4% of the country’s total population. The present population growth rate is 1.195%. The biggest health care challenges facing the nephrology profession locally, are many in number, broad in scope and fundamental in nature. Apart from the high cost of kidney care and the prevailing low socio economic state, the management of kidney diseases especially end stage kidney in the country is froth with diverse challenges listed as follows: (1)Medical staff - Shortage of Nephrologists - Scarcity of Renal medical staff - Insufficient Nephrology nurses - Need for dietician - In-house psychologist (2)Prevention or early detection - Primary care early detection program - Need to strengthen management of communicable + non communicable diseases known to cause kidney failure ( diabetes, HIV, Hypertension and glomerulonephritis ) Dedication Deserves Recognition. Order Your 10 Karat Lapel Pin Today! Dedication to your profession. It’s one of the reasons why you became BONENT-certified. Proudly display your certification status by wearing a beautifully crafted 10k gold lapel pin. Select from your area of certification (CHN, CHT, CHBT or CPDN) for only $30. For an Order Form, visit and click on Lapel Pins. Now, you can purchase a BONENT Pin Online! Log into the “My Info” section to access the online store. Your Annual Fee must be paid up-to-date before your order is shipped. Board of Nephrology Examiners Nursing and Technology - Need for continuous education for all nephrology personnel (3)Need for secondary level nephrology clinics - Human resource (4)The rapid increase in end stage renal disease(ESRD) patient numbers - Need for kidney transplant as an exit for dialysis (5)Costs of renal replacement therapy - Possibility of charging patients on medical aid to assist the government via their medical aid schemes. (6)Many risks for Acute Kidney Injury - Late presentation to health facilities with already damaged kidneys which could have been prevented with education/sensitization - Herbal + over the counter medicines (7)Non availability of Vascular Surgeon locally - Extra expense for government to refer to South Africa for insertion (8)A fully functional laboratory and imaging department (9)Clean and reliable water delivery system Lack of adequate and appropriate health facilities, dialysis units including health care personnel poses a great challenge to care of patients with kidney related ailments. The states below require BONENT Regional Representatives. Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Hawaii Idaho Iowa Kansas Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Mexico North Carolina North Dakota Oklahoma Oregon Rhode Island South Carolina Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wyoming Interested in becoming a Regional Representative? Visit for qualification requirements and responsibilities. Contact BONENT Executive Director Peter Anas at 202-462-1252, ext. 20 or via email at Certification UPDATE Winter ‘16 3 DIALYSIS PROFESSIONALS: For ALLBONENT Members & Non Members: Nurses Technicians & Bio Med • Join Your Colleagues & Get 8 CEs in 1 Day at a BONENT Regional Seminar || BONENT is truly focused on improving caregiver education to improve patient care.” “Very informative and very well organized!” “It was very informative and interesting.” “I’ll bring my colleagues next year! || Western Regional Seminar Midwest Regional Seminar Sunday, April 17, 2016 Los Angeles, CA Starts at ONLY for 8 CEs 99 $ 4 Sunday, June 5, 2016 Chicago, IL Sunday, August 21, 2016 Newark, NJ For More Details & Registration Go to; Click on Seminars (at bottom of left hand bar) & Get a Facility Discount: SAVE up to $10 Each! Certification UPDATE Winter ‘16 Board of Nephrology Examiners Nursing and Technology
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100 South Washington St.
Rockville, MD 20850
Phone: 202-462-1252
Fax: 202-463-1257
RJ Picciano, BA, CHT, OCDT
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