Product Data Sheet - G


Product Data Sheet - G
Product Data Sheet
Welcome to the world of simball 4D joysticks!
Launched 2007 simball 4D joysticks represent a new era in joysticks for demanding control applications.
Whatever purpose in Medical, Rehabilitation, Education, Research, Defense or Entertainment segments,
simball 4D is most probably the joystick solution for you. Explore the freedom,
excitement and control of true 4D movement control without using buttons.
Forget calibration, it is plug’n play! Based on an unique ball joint design and patented sensor technology simball
4D joysticks offer superior user flexibility, cost effectiveness, accuracy and
robustness for demanding virtual training, simulation, 3D navigation, CAD
engineering, gaming and process control applications.
simball 4D joystick concept includes both standard as well as tailormade handles
and other accessories like simulation tables.
Various handle types and SW modules can be used in the same joystick individual. simball 4D therefore is a real
multi purpose joystick saving costs and investments.
Main Features
True 4D movement control, no button control needed!
Large handle flexibility
Very small and large workspace possible
Robust and simple design with long service life
Flexible fixture; position the simball unit in whatever angle you want
for best comfort and ergonomics
• Compability with SW modules from various external vendors
• Very high accuracy and resolution also at slow speeds
• User friendly - no calibration - just plug’n play!
Designed and manufactured in Sweden, simball 4D joystick is today
primarily used in virtual training of endoscopy surgeons. Using various
types of genuine and tailormade handles simball 4D has enhanced the
training efficiency and reality coupling.
For endoscopy training a tailormade table station has been developed.
With a height adjustable table-top and wheels for best mobility the simball 4D table station guarantees
optimised ergonomics and training efficiency.
Technical description
simball 4D is a non-haptic input device designed to track the motion of various types of instruments in four
degrees of freedom (4DOF). Using the natural freedom of a ball joint the simball 4D design is very compact.
A self-developed and patented sensor technology – G-coder sensors - has been developed to detect the
movements of the ball joint. All movement detection is absolute, no calibration is needed whatsoever.
Technical data
Pitch range
+/- 45 degrees
Yaw range
+/- 45 degrees
Roll or rotation range
Insertion length of instrument
Standard: 225 mm
Special lengths: From 50 mm to
1500 mm
simball 4D unit and fixture
1.4 kg
Instrument with handle
0.3-0.6 kg
Depending on insertion length
Size of simball 4D unit
23 x 12 x 5 cm
Communication protocol with host
USB 2.0
Not necessary
Absolute 4D position feedback
Operating system compability
Linux, MAC available at request
Power consumption
1.4 W
Powered via USB
Maximum number of stations
connected to host
Instruments possible per station
Instrument signals
4 analogue
Pedals possible per station
Pedal signals
Double digital
One signal is dedicated for handle
type identification
E.g. pedals
Detection of handle type
Up to 18 handle types can automatically be detected
Number of degrees of freedom
5 and 6 DOF possible at request
Fixture stand
Flexible position
Stiff fixture possible at request
12 Months
Compliance and standards:
simball 4D is CE and FCC certified.
Safety: EN61010-1
EMC: EN61000-6-1:2001
CFR 47,Part 15, Subpart B, Class B
For more information: Please contact Jonas Nilsagård,, M. +46 734 298155 or visit
G-coder Systems AB has various patents and its trademarks simball 4D and G-coder sensors and related logotypes registered and/or patents and trademark
applications pending, in many countries and regions like EU, USA, Japan, China, India and South America.
G-coder Systems AB. All rights reserved.