69th ADA Bde - Archived Editions of the Fort Hood Sentinel
69th ADA Bde - Archived Editions of the Fort Hood Sentinel
69th ADA Bde Section C Domestic violence..... C3 Health Works ............ C5 Lightning Brigade Spouse Challenge C8 T H U R S D A Y , O C T O B E R 9, 2014 www.FortHoodSentinel.com Photos by Erin Rogers, Sentinel Staff TOP, National Night Out superheroes congratulate children on their costume creativity during the contest at National Night Out Tuesday at Hood Stadium. ABOVE LEFT, Pfc. Tyler Manygoats, 226th Military Working Dog Detachment, 720th MP Bn., and his military working dog, Rocky, demonstrate how an MWD and handler controls “bad guy” Pfc. Colloggero Vignati, 266th MWDD, 720th MP Bn. at NNO Tuesday evening. ABOVE CENTER, Sophia Welton, 7, chooses a pumpkin at the National Night Out pumpkin patch at Hood Stadium during the event Tuesday night. ABOVE RIGHT, Children compete with each other in the human hamster ball races during the National Night Out celebration at Hood Stadium Tuesday. BY ERIN ROGERS Sentinel Staff Fort Hood celebrated an evening of crime prevention and safety during the nationwide effort of National Night Out Tuesday night at Hood Stadium. Hosted by Fort Hood Family Housing and the Directorate of Emergency Services, the annual event was a success with hundreds of people from the Fort Hood community turning out for the celebration. But even though the event had a carefree feel – with a pumpkin patch, costume contest, food, carnival games and much more – the goal of the evening was to heighten awareness of crime and encourage prevention, sending a message of understanding between the neighborhoods and police, fire departments, DES and military police. “This is a good opportunity for our residents here at Fort Hood to get to know the DES, the fire department, the various groups of people who support them here in our community. That’s the primary reason why we have this event, for our community members to get to know the people who work to keep them safe every day,” said Mack Quinney, FHFH project director. “We have different villages spread out through Fort Hood, but this is an opportunity for all of the villages here on post to get together and see each other. It’s a meet-and-greet type of activity and event, and it’s fun for everyone.” NNO on Fort Hood has been celebrated for more than eight years a n d it gets b i g g e r and bigger every year. T h i s year, the night has been celebrated t w i c e – once in August throughout the neighborhoods, and Tuesday night as a giant gettogether at the stadium. “National Night Out for the rest of the United States is usually in the summer, and we tried to do that last year and it was way too hot for everyone,” said Lt. Col. Dave Stender, commander of the 720th Military Police Battalion, 89th Military Police Brigade and installation provost marshal. “Housing is in charge of setting this night up and getting everything going, but we (military police) were able to coordinate with them and come out here to meet everyone and get to know them. This is the same night the rest of the state of Texas has their National Night Out, so all over, every community is doing this. “Our MPs are walking around talking to people, residents in the community, about the focus of the night,” he added, “to encourage neighborhood safety.” Stender explained that Fort Hood is divided into four sectors for the MPs, with each company being assigned a sector. The residents at NNO were able to see and talk to their MPs that keep them safe every day and to become familiar with their own sector MP. “I’ve got all of my company commanders and plenty of MPs out here talking to folks, getting to know them, so they are comfortable talking to us. We’re coming together, working together, and the community can see that.” FHFH has won the National Night Out Military Participation Award for the last four years, along with the Community Participation Award and others, so going big on the event is nothing new for the organization, “but we continue to try and make it bigger, better and more fun every year, “Quinney said with a smile. “It’s just a wonderful opportunity for all residents to get out and get to know each See NNO, C7 Photos by Erin Rogers, Sentinel Staff UPPER LEFT, James Mayhugh, 7, dressed as the Tranformer “Bumblebee,” shows off his costume before heading over to be judged in the National Night Out costume contest Tuesday night during the event at Hood Stadium. CENTER LEFT, Mr. Bubbs the Clown stands tall on stilts before walking around to challenge kids to high fives at National Night Out Tuesday at Hood Stadium. LEFT, Pfc. Garrett McGee, 226th MWDD, 720th MP Bn., 89th MP Bde., leads his MWD, Bobek, over a hurdle during an obedience demonstration for the guests at National Night Out Tuesday evening at Hood Stadium. Rocky and his fellow MWDs showed off their skills for the crowd, from controlled aggression, obedience, escorting to just showing love for their dog handlers.
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