al bawadi
al bawadi
Issue 4, September 2007 PROJACS INTERNATIONAL NEWSLETTER AL BAWADI MEGA PROJECT 15 Years in Dubai Profiling Projacs UAE Offices Maximizing Projacs User Productivity Introducing the New IT Committee Contents 2 3 Page 5 5 9 14 Note from Chairman of Saudi Projacs Recognizing the Greatest Resource Maximizing Projacs User Productivity Introducing the New Projacs IT Committee Al Bawadi Mega Project 15 Years in Dubai Profiling the UAE Office Abbas Ibrahim Fssai Interview with the Assistant Vice President, Accounts and Finance 15 To Canvas Bag or Not to Canvas Bag 16 Football Focus New functional, eco-friendly and unique Resounding Success for Projacs!Resounding Success for Projacs! 16 17 18 Page 17 4th Annual Projacs Retreat A special announcement Yafour Gardens Project, Syria Inauguration of the Yafour Gardens in Syria Projacs at Syria Arabian Property Expo 19 Projacs Morocco 21 New Staff 22 Face 2 Face Profiling the Casablanca Office Page 19 22 Editor-in-Chief: Ali Shawwa Projacs Announcements Meet some of our staff Projacs Ramadan Fotour Schedule Editor: Anne Harris Please submit your comments to: Cover: Al Bawadi Page 19 Note from Chairman of Saudi Projacs Recognizing the Greatest Resource " vision is like painting a picture of what your organisation should look like in the future. Our vision of Projacs is specific and tells us what we are trying to build. It is an expansive outlook, full of passion that allows us to dream of future possibilities. Projacs today is already the product of an earlier great vision achieved by members of the Projacs family. These words are a clear expression of a value.......and values “In Projacs our people are our most important assets.” are visible through the actions people take. They are the foundation for everything that happens in a given organisation. No matter how big or complex an organisation may seem, it cannot operate effectively without the hard work, cooperation and dedication of its people. For nearly four years now we, at Projacs, have set aside time from our busy daily work for two days of both professional and social activities that we refer to as the “Annual Retreat”. This is a wonderful occasion on which we invite guest speakers, conduct group discussions and exchange thoughts and ideas along with other social and sporting activities. This retreat also holds an annual recognition ceremony and has become a wonderful celebration in which we pay tribute to some of the outstanding members of Projacs who, through their commitment to excellence, have made us all proud to be part of the Projacs family. As we appreciate and value everybody’s contribution and commitment, we look forward to a brighter future for this young and great organisation and simultaneously we look forward to the opportunity to honour more of our outstanding colleagues. Dr. Fuad Al-Saleh Chairman of Saudi Projacs 4&15&.#&3 Maximizing Projacs User Productivity Introducing the New Projacs IT Committee * n recent years, Projacs International has been experiencing a rapid growth of its business in Project • To have a system in place that requires little upkeep and maximizes the productivity of its users. and Construction Management Services. As a direct result of Projacs entering into new markets and The IT Committee is headed by Mr. Yasser Khreis, IT Manager providing additional services, our sales have increased in Kuwait and is comprised of IT representatives from different and subsequently so has the size of our organization. geographical areas who represent their regional offices. These are Mr. Hussein Deen (Qatar, UAE and Saudi Arabia), Mr. Such rapid growth has a knock-on effect on the internal Joselito Figueroa (Bahrain), Ms. Lama Habash, (Egypt, Jordan, resources of the company which must adapt to support and Lebanon and Syria) and Ms. Jolene Siedbald, who also acts as facilitate this growth. Naturally this raises new challenges in the the Committee Secretary. Each brings in their unique knowledge management of areas such as human resources, information and expertise of the systems and services provided within systems and other internal support services. To identify and their region and any local issues that need to be addressed resolve some of these challenges, Projacs’ senior management corporately. has created a committee to handle and oversee all the issues Following initial meetings, the new committee identified a related to Information Technology. number of challenges that they have faced in implementing Thus, in September 2006, the IT Committee was formed with company wide IT standards. These included: its primary focus to ensure the optimum standardization and delivery of IT products and services across the company. Their • widely dispersed trans-national offices mission statement is: • To develop and continuously improve Projacs’ Information Systems to better serve the management and staff. LAMA HABASH $0..6/*26² JOLENE SIEDBALD JOSELITO FIGUEROA • staff scattered across site and support offices challenges identified earlier, it was decided to take a step-by- • meagre IT resources step approach to the implementation of these standards and • a lack of appreciation of the central role IT plays within the policies. company The hardware and software policy and the IT requisition Therefore the IT Committee established a number of clear goals workflow were implemented first. Secondly, level 1 licensing of for the coming year (2007). These were: operating systems and office software was achieved throughout Projacs. Now, with the recent issue of the IT Policies and 1. Implementation of level 1 software licenses and Procedures document to all staff, the IT committee is on target standards. to successfully achieve all of its goals for 2007. 2. Development and implementation of the IT Policies and Procedures. The ongoing success of this initiative is dependent on the 3. Establishment of the Mission and Vision for the IT support of all staff and in particular that of senior management. Committee. Regular communication and monitoring will ensure the effective 4. Definition of the IT roles, responsibilities and area of implementation of each step of the IT policy. To this end the IT concerns. Committee meets every quarter to review the progress of all IT 5. Definition of hardware and PC standards. activities and report back to the CEO and the Corporate Vice 6. Definition of software standards. President. 7. Definition of the IT requisition workflow. The vision of the IT Committee is: The corporate IT standards and policies were drawn up with the aim of aligning IT objectives with the strategic objectives of the company. However, to overcome the • To not only meet but exceed the corporate IT standards within the company. • To build a professional IT Department that can support and serve other departments within Projacs. • To support and promote the productive use of technology throughout the organization. To promote this vision, the IT Committee has already drawn up its action plan for 2008: 1. IT Budget for 2008. 2. Training for IT staff. 3. Implementation of an inventory control system. 4. Re-development of the website and improvements to Projacs’ Portal. 5. Primavera web-based solutions. 6. Implementation of level 2 software. The IT Committee welcomes comments and feedback from staff via their local IT representative. HUSSEIN DEEN 4&15&.#&3 Al Bawadi Mega Project On May 1st 2006, His Highness Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, UAE Vice President, Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai unveiled the Bawadi hospitality project in Dubai. $0..6/*26² T his unique project is to be developed and managed by Tatweer, a member of Dubai Holdings. It marked their entrance into the hospitality industry in Dubai. Since this announcement, the initial investment has been doubled to AED 200 billion (US$ 54.5 billion). The Bawadi project was developed in reaction to the predicted dramatic increase in tourism to Dubai, which is set to reach more than fifteen million visitors over the coming years, compared to the current six million tourists who visited the Emirates in 2005. Embracing a unique urban pedestrian community environment, it is intended to be the world’s largest hospitality and entertainment project including the best cultural and entertainment attractions in the world. Not only will the Bawadi project help to stimulate direct growth in the tourism industry in the UAE, but it will act also as a strong catalyst to tourism dependent industries such as MICE (Meetings, Incentive Travel, Conventions and Exhibitions) and the corporate travel business. The development will feature the largest concentration of leading hotels anywhere in the world. The urban master plan for Bawadi encompasses 51 spectacular hotels along a central strip, providing a total of 60,000 rooms with supporting facilities. The Bawadi project is intended to be the longest and most attractive entertainment boulevard in the world. Stretching over a 10 km long central strip (approximately 1.3km wide), Bawadi will contain the world’s largest hotel (the Asia-Asia Hotel) and the world’s largest shopping mall. It will set a new standard in themed and non-themed entertainment venues including top quality retail, entertainment facilities, indoor sports arenas and a variety of restaurants. On both sides of the central strip there will be areas allocated for commercial, light industry and residential activities. It is expected that Bawadi will host 3.3 million guests by 2016, which in turn will represent more than 21% of the total number of tourists that Dubai expects to host by that time. 4&15&.#&3 The Bawadi Boulevard passing through the center of the site of the world’s largest shopping area, which will offer over 40 forms the backbone of the entire scheme and is akin to the Strip million square feet of gross leasable area. The shopping area in Las Vegas and the Champs Elysees Boulevard in Paris. The will consist of shopping malls, boutique malls, street shopping Bawadi strip is 10km long with a pair of iconic crystalline towers and an underground shopping area connecting the Bawadi at each entrance. However, the Bawadi Boulevard is designed to hospitality and leisure zone creating the world’s longest be a unique pedestrian experience in Dubai and will encompass shopping boulevard. Phase one is set to complete by 2012 and pedestrian friendly features. The boulevard continues centrally will cover a gross leasable area of four million square feet. through the site taking visitors on a journey through different districts and to different destinations. The journey is punctuated The Projacs Bawadi team is now being led by Issam Haj Ali, by hotel entrances, retail areas, after the previous Project Director, Bassem Badr moved to our restaurants and cafes. On the Abu Dhabi office. The team members are Hani Fidawi, Zareh edges of the boulevard will be Bedrossian, Mehdi Khan Rana, Ismail N. Vandeliwala, Adelito shaded areas for pedestrians, Q. Bunyi, Ameen Azwer, Sujith Correya and Kuldip Dhakal. providing They have already accomplished a number of contractual and a separate, smaller scale experience.. financial achievements and are currently working on activities for the design phase of the Asia-Asia Hotel and the preparatory stages for the Desert Gate Hotel and Office Towers. Bawadi itself is predominantly a hospitality venue. However, Asia-Asia Hotel: strategically it is ideally positioned The center piece of the Bawadi development is the world’s largest to support future developments. The structure plan for the hotel, Asia-Asia, which will provide 6,500 rooms, combining development of Dubai has earmarked certain areas adjoining 5,100 four star and an additional 1,400 five star rooms. It is a Bawadi for various uses. To the north of the site, a new residential district in itself incorporating the largest entertainment venue in community is envisaged which will further strengthen the Dubai, an arena of 23,000 seats. Raised up above the desert- Bawadi development and provide a catchment area for visitors floor, with entrances and a back-of-house area at grade level, as well as providing a residential location for employees. To the Asia-Asia incorporates a distinctive pedestrian environment west, light industry and utility sites are proposed whilst beyond comprising piazzas, streets and lanes providing retail, restaurant this is a large tract of land earmarked for the future Jebel Ali and intimate entertainment venues. International Airport. This makes Bawadi a convenient location for future international and regional visitors arriving by air. The Projacs Badawi team issued a request for proposal (RFP) Immediately to the south of the site, there is potential for hotel following which four firms conducted workshops pertaining expansion parks and residential developments. Immediately to to the artistic illustrations of Asia-Asia. These were Creative the north of the site is an area appropriate for high-rise offices, Kingdom, Cox, Aedas and Gensler. Aedas was the final choice business parks and low density commercial development. This of the stake holders. is reinforced by the good transportation links into the city and airport. Beyond this, to the north of the site is the Dubailand The client’s vision for the Asia-Asia hotel has a number of key themed world. elements. The hotel is to be a landmark for Dubai and the world, a truly incomparable hotel, providing visitors and residents alike Other recently announced investments include development with their ultimate ‘Kodak moment’. The theme and architecture of one of the world’s largest shopping malls, at a cost of AED of the hotel must evoke a ‘look and feel’ instantly identifiable 10 billion with Al Ghurair Investment. The new mall will be part with traditional Asia for all guests, visitors and passers-by. Internal and external areas of the hotel are to evoke images of $0..6/*26² the continent of Asia through traditional icons and landmarks such as the Forbidden City in Beijing, the Great Wall of China, the Taj Mahal, Asian markets famed for their diversity and multitude of colors, temples and pagodas from China, Japan and Thailand. A variety of themed Asian gardens such as Japanese rock gardens, bamboo gardens and courtyards, along with water features such as lakes, dancing fountains and pools, with generous landscaped grounds incorporating Asian monuments and structures will be integrated in the project. The objective is to provide a total Asian experience for all the five senses. Desert Gate Hotel and Office Towers: The entrance to Bawadi will be via the Desert Gateway Towers, a pair of crystalline towers attached to volcanic rock base structures, set to create the maximum effect for visitors approaching the area by vehicle from the highway. Visitors will pass between the podium structures creating a sense of arrival. Thereafter, they would either be directed down the Bawadi Boulevard to their respective hotels or to adjacent car parking structures, from which they will be able to access the transit systems to continue their journey. The gateways will be visible directly across a landscaped open space, increasing their presence by way of contrast, and will set the scene for the whole of the Bawadi strip. The client requires that the towers be an architectural marvel, to be showcased around the world. Architecturally, the towers will depict crystalline structures (fenestration glass, shrouding and enveloping the steel skeleton as a quartzite), dramatically bursting from within their bases shaped as bulging volcanic rock formations in the desert. It is envisioned that the towers shall have a futuristic exterior, emphasized by vivid lighting effects throughout the day, created The Projacs Bawadi team has issued request for proposals (RFP) for the pre-conceptual design to NORR and is following up on the process. The Bawadi concept will create a hospitality destination around an urban framework based on a clear hierarchy of streetscape and offering a sophisticated sense of place that will attract holidaymakers, tourists, local residents and families. The concept is layered with enlivened public squares, energetic building forms and textures, lively building edges and frontages, friendly, comfortable and safe street designs and indigenous xerophytic landscaping - all of which create a unique and distinctive place. It is set to become one of the world’s most exciting entertainment and leisure hubs catering for the wide variety of tourists that visit Dubai. Bawadi will define the ‘next generation’ in hospitality and entertainment experiences and Projacs is proud to be a part of this breath-taking venture. by multi-colored reflections from the sunlight on their textured skins or from internal artificial lighting during the night so that they resemble the shimmering lights of crystals. The podium bases of the towers, taking the form of stratified rock, contain parking and a back-of-house area. Under the proposal, the Dubai Metro Link would make its first stop adjacent to the gateway and parking decks. $0.1"3"5*7&$045"/"-:4*4 ".0/(455)&-"3(&45130+&$54 64# 64# 64# 64# 64# 64# 64# 64# "M#BXBEJ 1BMN+FCFM 5IF8PSME +FCFM"MJ "MJ *OUFSOBUJPOBM "JSQPSU 1BMN +VNFJSBI %VCBJ .BSJOB #BISBJO 2BUBS $BVTFXBZ 1FBSMPG 2BUBS 4&15&.#&3 15 Years in Dubai Profiling the UAE Office O n August 18th 2007, Projacs UAE celebrated its 15th anniversary. From its humble beginnings, Projacs UAE has expanded into three regional offices based in Dubai, the region, issues that our local offices face and their expectations for the future. Sharjah and Abu Dhabi with a total staff of 70 and growing……. this year a new joint venture and sister companies have started Nader began by explaining that demand for construction their businesses in the UAE. projects in the UAE is expected to outstrip supply until the turn of the decade with mega projects expected to continue This expansion has been fuelled by the tremendous boom well into the next decade (up to 2018). He cited a new study within the UAE construction industry which is continuing way published in Dubai (August 2007) showing that the supply beyond normal expectations. Visitors arriving today, via either of residential properties will total 175,000 new units by 2010. Dubai or Sharjah airports, may wonder if Dubai is in fact a However, an estimate of demand indicates that 181,000 units large construction site with projects such as the Dubai Metro, are required by the end of 2009. In Nader’s opinion, this explains renovation and extension of airports and construction of many the unexpected construction explosion in Dubai, with growth ‘cities’ underway (Dubai Medical Care City, Sport City, Media not only in residential properties but also in all the areas that and Internet Cities, etc.). These extraordinary and marvellous service the increasing population such as shopping malls, projects require a high level of innovation and design to keep commercial offices, hotels, etc. The other main finding of the pace with the rising ‘quality of life’ standards within the UAE. study shows that construction growth in the UAE has averaged 32.7% a year since 2001. This means that construction funds In an interview with Mr. Nader Kamal, PMP, Operations Manager have almost doubled in the UAE within six years and the current (Dubai), Communiqué finds out about our current projects in forecast will exceed this percentage. The UAE (Dubai) has been $0..6/*26² ranked as the best performing area in the Gulf over capped with sloping roofs. At level 16, a tubular glass sky bridge the past six years and this is largely due to property is cantilevered between the two towers creating a spectacular development. sight as it glows at night. It houses the sky gym which overlooks the skyline of Dubai and the beautifully landscaped gardens at Projacs UAE is managing twenty ongoing projects level 15 alongside the pool and outdoor dining area. This mixed at different stages, eleven of which are based in use development provides commercial areas in the North Tower Dubai. The construction cost of these projects whilst the South Tower has some serviced apartments. The exceeds 15 billion AED (US$ 4 billion) and Projacs project completion date is March 2009. fees are around 165 million AED (US$ 45 million). Sky Gardens Tower: I am handling our Construction At the time of going to press several projects will Management service for this tower which is located within the be completed or nearing completion; these are the premises of the Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC). ‘Black & Decker’ warehouse and office extension The tower consists of three basement levels, a ground floor, (phase III) and two residential projects in Dubai Marina, a mezzanine floor, the concourse level, thirty-seven typical the Jewels Twin Towers, Holiday Inn Express Hotel and the floor levels and two penthouse levels with a total built-up area Marina View Towers. of approximately 102,000 m2. The project is scheduled to be completed in February 2008. Projacs UAE (Dubai) is currently managing several exciting projects based in different locations across Dubai and one Barsha Boutique Offices: Fadi Farah and Robert Maksoudian based in Karachi, Pakistan including: together with Dima Qumsiah are managing our Design and Project Management services on this commercial building in Al Palm Jumeirah Hotels: I am the Project Manager for our Design Barsha First. The building features were described in issue 2 of Management service and am working together with Tariq Abu Communiqué (March 2007). Briefly, it consists of three basement Kheil, the Senior Architect for these hotels. They are designed levels, a ground floor and five office floors with a total built-up around the principal feature of the development, the Palm area of approximately 28,000m². The project completion date is Lagoon, which itself is designed to reflect the Palm Jumeirah on scheduled for September 2008. a smaller scale. A series of two storey chalets, themed as desert tents, form water surrounded pavilions at the ends of the palm fronds. The Palm Lagoon is connected to the family resort by an axis from the entrance of the hotel through the lagoon and to I-Rise Tower: Bashar Meselmani and Ihab Abbas are managing our Project Management service for this office tower, located in TECOM Site C, Dubai’s technology and media free zone. the beach. The luxury hotel is connected to the lagoon through the perpendicular axis. Around the lagoon are entertainment facilities such as a miniature golf course, swimming pools and a freestanding restaurant (designed as a desert tent to continue the theme). The landscaping forms a verdant ring around the lagoon emphasizing both the ellipse of the water’s edge and the palm shape. The project completion is scheduled for November 2009. West Wharf Residential Tower (formerly the Bay 21 project): Fadi Farah is managing our Design Management and Project Management services on this nineteen storey residential tower project located in the Business Bay. The tower offers a range of apartments, duplexes, penthouses and loft apartments with retail areas on the ground floor. A health club and swimming pool are also provided for future residents. The project completion is scheduled for February 2009. Emirates Financial Towers (EFT): Projacs is again providing both the Design and Project Management services with Ashraf Gomaa as the Project Manager. This project is comprised of three basement levels, three podium levels and twenty-six levels above the concourse level. The development is made up of two towers rising above the podium in a dramatic elliptical form Emirates Financial Towers 4&15&.#&3 reported on the Sharjah International Airport Redevelopment Project being managed by Wissam Mujahed. The other projects currently in the Northern Emirates portfolio are: ‘Centro by Rotana’ Hotel: Abdulhafiz Zaghoul and Issam Khoury are managing our Project Management service for this new 300-room hotel at Sharjah International Airport. The hotel is intended to be highly distinctive, expressed by its contemporary architecture and unique living spaces. It houses a mix of standard rooms and suites with in-room wireless internet connectivity and entertainment. Other facilities include a casual dining area, gymnasium and swimming pool as well as on-site business facilities such as private meeting rooms and business centers. The project completion is scheduled for October 2008. Buhaira Tower (located in Al Nahda): Nasser Sani Mohamad is leading our Design Management service for this large residential complex of three adjoining towers. The three twenty-five floor towers sit on a common ground floor with four podium levels. The towers will house a mixture of one, two and three bedroom deluxe apartments and the podium will house show rooms, a car park and other modern health and leisure facilities such as a swimming pool, health club, day care center and multi-purpose hall. The complex is scheduled for completion in October The Jewels Dubai The project, intended to be one of the most prominent business towers in Dubai, features a striking curvilinear design. The tower comprises of three basement levels for parking, a ground floor, a level enclosing the main entrance lobby and retail areas, one 2009. “Handing over a project successfully is a great motivator…” mezzanine level, five podium levels for car parking and thirtyone floors above ground level for offices. The total built-up area is approximately 1,800,000 ft2. The projected completion date is Buhaira Tower (located in Al Khan): Ghada Al-Hindi is the December 2009. Project Manager for our Project Management service of this deluxe residential and commercial tower. It comprises of a Karachi Financial Tower: Jihad Usta and Aylin Peker are ground floor, four podium levels and sixteen standard floors. It managing our Project Management service for this project, contains one and two bedroom apartments and is scheduled based in Pakistan. It consists of two towers, cantilevered at for completion in April 2008. levels 26-28 with a tubular glass sky bridge. The towers consist of three basement levels, two retails levels, four podium parking Al Corniche Residential Tower: Projacs will be providing our levels and thirty-three floor levels above the podium level. Project Management service for this fifty storey residential tower development in the Al-Khan district of Sharjah. The tower Al Bawadi: The Bawadi project is a new hospitality corridor of consists of a ground floor, six podium levels for car parking and hotels serving as a gateway between the Dubailand area and the forty-four standard floors. It is designed to have modern Arabic desert. Issam Haj Ali is currently the Project Director managing characteristics and is intended to be an outstanding building in our Project Management services, replacing Bassem Badr who the area. moved to our Abu Dhabi office this month, for the development of Phase I of the project, including the Asia Asia Hotel which With no sign of a slow-down in the construction market, Projacs will be the world’s largest hotel with 6500 guest rooms, is is seeking to maintain and build on these successes through scheduled for completion by 2010. The current timeframe for the monitoring the marketplace and preparing timely proposals for entire development is 2018. Communiqué explores this exciting new project bids. development in a separate article in this issue. Looking at the advantages and disadvantages for Projacs in the Projacs UAE (Sharjah & Northern Emirates) is managing projects UAE construction market today, Nader explained that Projacs totalling around US$ 300 million. In issue 3, Communiqué UAE (Dubai) has been lucky to be involved with high profile $0..6/*26² Sky Gardens Tower projects where we are exposed to the latest technology in every and QS positions. aspect including daily work procedures, unusual approaches, hi-tech method statements, etc. Projacs UAE is also able Nader recalled the time he joined Projacs in July 2003. Initially to support other Projacs’ offices when it comes to similar he faced some early difficulties in understanding the culture and experiences and approaches (recently they have supported coping with the hectic life and work in Dubai; but within a few Projacs Saudi in Jeddah and our new offices in Oman & Syria). months he realized he had made the right decision to continue In addition, Projacs’ teams in the UAE are working with world his career in project management. Nader still enjoys his job class consultants and contractors. This provides a unique work today and has learnt to keep a sense of humour whilst working atmosphere and increases the challenges in communication at Projacs which has helped improve his communication skills. and leading different consultants and contractors within one His technical and professional skills have widened and are project. Thus the skills acquired by Projacs’ teams are growing sustained through the excellent training policy with which we substantially and this improves the clients’ perception of Projacs. are all acquainted at Projacs. The level of support and trust he Nader also notes that the ambiance within Projacs UAE attracts obtains from senior management motivates Nader and it is this ex-staff to return to the company. that has encouraged him not to spare any efforts to gain their satisfaction. It has continually driven him; to successfully pass On the down side the high level of competition in the UAE market his PMP exam at the first attempt in 2005, to be promoted from can make the job of getting new projects much harder. The cost Project Manager to Assistant Vice President in 2006 and finally of living in the UAE (and particularly in Dubai) is very high and to be appointed as the Operations Manager for Dubai in March this limits the rates that the company can charge which may 2007. Nader believes that an ambitious profession with Projacs result in the loss of some projects. These costs also constrain is limitless indeed even dreams of becoming the Projacs CEO the salaries we are able to offer to new staff. However, with such one day are not impossible…!! a massive construction boom, the region is suffering a shortage of manpower. Nader recognizes that continuous effort is required In his current role, Nader works with people and staff from many to recruit skilled staff in particular for the Project Manager, PCS different disciplines and cultures and it is he who has to bring 4&15&.#&3 them all together into a happy, homogenous workforce to move Of course, adds Nader with a smile, ‘A further motivation is forward with the company vision. This requires a lot of effort and when I get my bonus or salary increase!’ in-house communication management to adhere to Projacs’ strategy. Dealing with different clients that have no idea about As to the future, Nader envisages a healthy growth in Projacs project management requires a lot of patience and endurance. UAE. Currently there are a number of potential prestigious To convince them of our methodology and get their trust, Nader clients and projects that Projacs has targeted in Dubai and he learns from the Chairman, CEO and COO and he always seeks hopes that Projacs may be awarded a further mega project by their advice and guidance. the end of 2007. With such an increased work load it is clear that more staff will be required and Nader believes that Projacs As well as his operations role, Nader is managing two major UAE (Dubai) may easily double its current staff reaching eighty projects but this does not ruffle him. On the contrary, having by early 2008. Keeping the existing staff happy with their jobs such a busy and challenging job provides Nader with many and salaries plays an important part in this vision. To this end, daily motivations. For him, most of project management means a new regime is being established in the Dubai office allowing planning and most of this planning translates into risk evaluation; everyone the opportunity to work on different stages of projects either opportunity or threat. When one of the risk items meets (e.g. design, construction, etc.). Newcomers will be taught how his predictions it is highly satisfying conversely when he is able to prepare proposals and cover absence of other technical to resolve a staff problem, this again leads to great satisfaction. staff. This will develop and broaden the skills and experiences of individual staff members whilst providing them with exciting Handing over a project successfully is a great motivator and challenges in their careers. By 2008, Nader plans to have all Nader has celebrated many such events in Dubai. Receiving staff capable and skilled in many areas of project management, recognition and appreciation from his managers or the client’s business development and even marketing. He aims to provide representatives is hugely gratifying. On the Emirates Financial services that satisfy Projacs International senior management Tower project, Nader remembers ‘I was very proud when one of and clients at all levels. His ultimate goal is that Projacs UAE is the clients met me and expressed his full satisfaction to all the ranked as the “Alpha Project Managers” since they will know Projacs’ staff working at his jobsite’. what everyone else does not….!!! $0..6/*26² Abbas Ibrahim Fssai Interview with the Assistant Vice President, Accounts and Finance “Communication is critical within a rapidly changing environment…” M r. Abbas Fssai is the assistant vice president of accounts and finance at our Projacs International Kuwait Office. Mr. Fssai, how would you describe Projacs and your beginnings with the company? At the end of year 2000, I was called by Dr. Nabil Qaddumi as there was a need for a Financial Manager for Projacs International, which was under establishment at the time. I joined the company in 2001 as Projacs International Financial Manager and Projacs Kuwait Supervisor. It was the best way for me to start with such a company because it enabled me in learning many details within my department including the history of the company. I consider Projacs to be quite a unique company in its components on various levels. It provides a sense of security (for me at least!). I find Projacs to be a continuous challenge to my skills and experience. Every day I have a different situation to handle, hence a new experience to gain. What role do you currently play within Projacs? I am now the Assistant vice President, Accounts and Finance in the Corporate Office located in Kuwait. With the continuous growth of Projacs, I have participated in financial and strategic planning, business expansion and start-up planning. I have good knowledge of the preparation processes for financial statements (ensuring conformance with accepted auditing standards), modern methods of fiscal planning and budget preparation, reporting concepts and preferred business practices. I have developed financial estimates and projections and have prepared and reviewed the company consolidated financial statements. I also have consistently met deadlines while demonstrating strong analytical and problem-solving skills in the achievement of corporate objectives. I have assisted the regional Projacs Vice Presidents and Area Managers on financial and policy matters and worked with them to meet their deadlines. I have monitored the implementation of budgets and kept management informed, about the key trends and issues for concern, through regular management reports, also liaised with the President and CEO concerning financial forecasts and reports. Through dedication and hard work I have established and maintained good working relationships with staff and have developed a highly skilled accounting and financial management team to achieve the established objective. Additionally, I served as the unit’s secondary point of contact (after the Vice President) on all financial matters. My management responsibilities have included hiring new employees, taking any disciplinary action, conducting employee evaluations, training or arranging training for employees and utilizing reward methods whenever possible. I have been responsible for the review and approval of unit policies, internal controls and procedures. I have developed and implemented these for all financial activities and ensured unit compliance. I have also administered financial management systems and evaluated / integrated new applications. I retain good working knowledge of automated accounting and financial management systems (including advanced levels of spreadsheet applications) and expertise in the efficient and effective use of these. Being involved in several facets of the company, how would you describe the recent internal Projacs developments, especially after the establishment of the corporate organizational structure and its designated supporting units and departments? Although some of the developments came late, it is better late than never. With the continuous growth of Projacs, in line with the owners/shareholders vision for the company’s future, the Corporate office is responsible for realizing this vision and provide the appropriate path and timeline to achieve our goals. The recent internal developments were a must to shift the company from a small partnership/family company to a medium/ large well established company that is strong enough to handle the strong/tough competition in the market. In turn that would add value to services provided to its Clients. I hope this will lead Projacs to having a unique and strong culture that will certainly ensure and maintain the company’s future success. 4&15&.#&3 The re-structuring of Projacs internally seemed to have been extensive and involved almost all parts of the company, how has this affected your department and work process? You have been with the company for over seven years, what major changes have you witnessed in Projacs that you believe will contribute to leaping growth of the Company? As accountants, we consider ourselves as the heart of the company as we have a direct and daily contact with all company departments/units and we can view the entire company as one whole unit. I believe that the recent developments had simplified our communication with other parts of the company and made many processes more transparent. Any development in the company whether it is small or large will affect the Finance and Accounts Department. I consider taking the decision to establish Projacs International in Bahrain was quite a major step. Combining the Training & Development group into one unit under Projacs International was another beneficial move. In 2003 can also be considered a significant year for Projacs which had elevated the company to a higher platform through winning the Khalifa Sport City Project in Doha, Qatar. Of course, the mergers of Projacs Companies. What problematic challenges do you deal with on a regular basis at Projacs and how do you think they may be resolved? As a support unit, we have certain responsibilities to meet when it comes to our staff’s needs. I do not believe that we have specific regular problems or issues. Furthermore, what we find helpful is the fact that when other supporting units and staff members understand and follow the set procedures, it expedites most of our tasks. We generally find that problems mostly occur due to misunderstanding or miscommunication. Solving such matters required a lot of practice, a “long breath”, self discipline and most importantly to keep in mind that we are support staff and its is our duty to complete our job in the up-most professional manner. In your perspective, how would you describe Projacs as an international company within the global market? We still did not become an international company, in my opinion. Although we have presence in some international countries, we still need to go through many steps and changes to reach that status, and we are not that far off. Currently, I believe we are on the right track... A company such as Projacs, with owners/shareholders who focus less on profit (which of course is important, but pushed to the second place) and aim primarily at elevating the quality of the services provided to Clients while maintaining a wellbalanced and challenging environment for their staff. Such an approach will hold a steady path to continuous success for Projacs, where profits is less of a distraction and the company’s value-added services and quality staff is the true focus. Like several other members of the corporate team, you are dealing with central issues that hold great responsibility within the company, what do you consider as your daily motivation? Expecting to face and handle new challenges, and most importantly to maintain the continuous support and respect from the management. Thank you Abbas for your time. We leave you with a question we ask almost everyone we interview for Communique, what are you looking forward to achieving within the next year - 2008? We are still growing as a company, which translates to more staff to see to, more new office locations opened, more joint ventures and strategic partnerships and more changes and developments. Therefore we should expect many achievements need to be accomplished not only in the coming months, but years. As for myself and 2008, I hope to complete the new enhanced budget and reporting system that will be adopted by all of our regional offices. To Canvas Bag or Not to Canvas Bag New functional, eco-friendly and unique Projacs bags A lmost everyone is familiar with the question: “Would you like paper or plastic?” The answer to this dilemma is, of course, neither! They both devour natural resources and cause significant pollution. So what is the answer?...Serviceable, reusable bags! Projacs is very excited to announce the introduction of a new functional alternative to traditional exhibition paper bags. This year we will provide canvas bags instead of our traditional paper offering at our exhibitions. “This is an inexpensive yet significant opportunity for our staff and visitors to reduce waste by reusing these light-weight and durable Projacs’ canvas bags.” stated Luay Khoury, President and CEO. It is hoped that participants will continue using them after the events thus contributing to an even greater reduction in plastic and paper bag wastage. $0..6/*26² Football Focus E very Monday evening, a surprise awaits those from Anjary Engineering Consultants and Al-Jazeera Engineering Projacs who visit the local sports centre in Kuwait. Look Consultants as well as a local Egyptian team. closely and you may recognize some of your colleagues working overtime; practising teamwork at the highest level as Our Qatar team, who plays on Saturday evenings, and they display their skills football! comprises of Nabil Mango, Ammar Hazem, Faris Farah, Ahmad Isleem and his son, Talal, Ayman Badr, Mohammad Fathy, Tariq Teams comprising of Projacs staff, both site and office based, Heneidak, Ramzi Qumsieh, Nidal Al Samman, Muneer Akl and and family members also play matches against other local his two sons, Lal, Navrj Gurung, Amin, Abdul Fattah Sabassi, company teams. It is a great way for the staff and their families, Sami Ragheb Hussein, Ashraf Lotfi, Fathy Al Araj, Sameeh Al whose paths might not cross regularly, to meet and become Tamimi and his son, Ismail. friends! The Projacs Qatar team has played against local Syrian and Our Kuwait team comprises of Zaher Al-Hanbali, Rami Ghosheh, Qatari teams as well as teams from DAGOC and the Ali bin Ali Mohammed Farag, Basel Al-Jazzar, Ashraf Al-Garf, Haitham Al- and alliance team. Tabarani, Mohammed Anwer Khedr, Ibrahim Al-Falah, Mazen Ayyash, Mamdouh Khalil, Mohammed Halawa, Yasser Khries, If your office has any sporting or social activities that you Ayman Darwish, Mohammed Anwar Moussa, Raed Al-Shaer want to share through the newsletter, please email us at and Basel Alami. The Projacs Kuwait team has enjoyed recent games against teams from the Kuwait Port Authority (Shuaiba Port), Nizar Al- 4th Annual Projacs Retreat W e are pleased to announce that the 4th Projacs Annual Retreat is to be hosted at the Kempinski Hotel by the Dead Sea in Jordan from November 7th – 9th 2007. Preparations are well under way to ensure the high standard of previous retreats is continued. Interesting key speakers and case study presentations are already booked. The Dead Sea is unique for its ozone-rich air, mineral sea water and sunshine, an ideal place for participants to relax, renew acquaintances and make new friends whilst enjoying superb Jordanian hospitality. For those of you who enjoy the sporting competition, Communiqué recommends that you brush up on your bowling skills!!! 4&15&.#&3 Inauguration of the Yafour Gardens Project, Syria O n 18th July 2007, the Minister of Tourism H.E. Dr. Saadallah Agha Al Qalla laid the foundation stone for Yafour Gardens under the patronage of H.E. Eng. Mohammad Naji Outri, Prime Minister of Syria. The event was attended by senior Syrian officials including Governors, Deputy Ministers and several Ambassadors. Projacs’ client for the project is the Urban Development Group The Projacs team comprises of Mr. Ayman Darouich, Project (UDG), a Syrian based real estate developer. At the inauguration Manager, Mr. Hasan Zein, Senior Architect, Mr. Moutaz Lattouf, ceremony, Mr. Riad Kahale, CEO of UDG, gave a speech about Senior Structural Engineer and Mr. Baraa Wardi, Quantity the company, project and team involved and presented a 3D Surveyor and Cost Engineer. Communiqué wishes them good animation of the project. Attendees were invited to an open luck and we look forward to receiving an update on the project dinner to complete the celebration. progress in a later issue. Yafour Gardens is a mixed use development project located in the countryside of Damascus, 15 minutes drive from the city, in an area intended for upscale developments. One side of the site will be comprised of luxurious condominium buildings surrounded by an array of water features, landscaping and walkways whilst the other will feature a commercial center, accompanied by a suite hotel and boutique office building, integrated to create a vibrant atmosphere around the main plaza of coffee shops and restaurants. $0..6/*26² Projacs at Syria Arabian Property Expo Khaled Kahale, Jihad Usta, Ayman Darouich and Baraa Wardi uly 19th-22nd. The New Exhibition City in Damascus hosted the Arabian Properties Exhibition and Conference 2007, organized by EXCON Middle East. Focussing on the real estate industry, this business-to-business (B2B) event included an exhibition, conferences and associated activities intended to reflect the modernism in the real estate industry and to provide exhibitors and visitors with a truly focused platform. Leading real estate development companies as well as real estate investors, real estate owners, financial analysts, specialists in the financial fields, architects and influential figures across the region participated in the event. J Projacs International was represented by Mr. Ayman Darouich, Mr. Khaled Kahale, Mr. Baraa Wardi and Mrs. Nisreen Alsaid from Projacs Syria, supported by Mr. Luay Khoury, Mr. Ammar Waez and Mr. Jihad Usta. It was the first time in Syria that a leading project management, training and development firm exposed its services and experience to the public. There was a marked interest from attendees since for many of them the concept of project management and the services it provides are completely new. Projacs’ staff were interviewed by television stations and our stand was covered in several press articles. Over 2000 copies of company literature including the newsletter, Project Management profile, Training and Development profile and our corporate brochure were distributed. Many new contacts were made with suppliers, contractors and designers and these have been added to our database. Since the Expo many of these have sent us their profiles and several meetings have been held. At least five prospective clients for Project Management Services have been identified. 4&15&.#&3 Projacs Morocco Profiling the Morocco Office P rojacs Morocco is one of the smaller branches of Projacs International but as Communiqué learnt in a recent interview with Mr. Chaker Absi, Operations Manager, since it was established in 2002, he has built up a thriving business in the country. Chaker began by explaining that in recent years there has been a huge growth in tourism in Morocco that has had a massive impact on growth in the construction industry. The catalyst behind this growth, and the enormous overseas investment in the construction of stunning new luxury properties, is the national plan devised by HRH King Mohammed VI to increase the number of annual tourists to 10 million by the year 2010. Chaker and his secretary, Nawal Charqi, administer our services in Morocco. Chaker is currently providing a range of management services for three projects in different cities in Morocco: CASABLANCA Project Management for the renovation of the Golden Tulip Farah Hotel $0..6/*26² TANGIERS Design Management of a tourist complex for the Consortium Morocco Koweitien de Development – CMKD i i …growth in tourism in Morocco has had a massive impact on growth in the construction industry. This hotel is located in the Avenue des FAR, a prime location in Casablanca. There are 310 rooms and the total area of the hotel building is 34,000m2. The hotel has under gone a complete renovation with all the electro-mechanical works completely altered and the architecture of the public area and guest rooms redesigned. The construction phase of the project, starting at the beginning of September 2006, was scheduled for a period of 15 months. The current completion date is on target for the end of November 2007. This project includes a 90 room hotel and 75 apartments, restaurants, SPA, conference rooms and 4 swimming pools in a total building area of 45,000m2. The project is expected to start at the beginning of 2008. MARRAKECH Facilities Management for Farah Maghreb Golden Tulip Hotels Chaker manages the contract for hotels at Marrakech (168 rooms and 30 bungalows), Rabat (210 rooms), Safi (80 rooms) and Khouribga (90 rooms). Following the renovation of these hotels, under Projacs management, the client requested that Projacs provide maintenance management of the facilities. As part of this standard service, Projacs Morocco is now providing a regular property inspection, verification of purchase orders and the quality of purchases, the implementation of routine maintenance programs, etc. As can be seen by the range of services provided, Projacs is recognized as a trusted provider of management services in Morocco. Chaker points to our professionalism and proven credibility as key factors for the spread of our reputation in the Moroccan market. Currently, the majority of our clients are from the Gulf and have previously had successful experiences with Projacs managing other projects, this has helped to raise our profile and influence potential new clients. Chaker believes that one of the main advantages that Projacs brings to Morocco is the knowledge of how to adapt the French way of managing projects, familiar to the Moroccan market, to the American system prevalent in the Gulf. However, as he readily acknowledges, there is a lot of work to do to convince local investors, who are used to this French system of construction without a Construction Manager, of the necessity and advantages that a professional project management firm can bring to their projects. Projacs has provided him with the opportunity to grow both professionally and intellectually. His ideas are received and discussed by the management whilst his efforts and work are appreciated in terms of economic stability and security within the organization. Chaker enjoys a very challenging career and is motivated through the variety of everyday problems he faces and solves. He enjoys the fulfillment of the different tasks and obligations he performs and, of course, finding new projects and clients. Chaker hopes to complete 2007 as it started with a good year for Projacs Morocco. He is expecting to sign a new PM/CM contract for an upcoming project at Marrakech. Looking towards 2008, Chaker sees a strong growth period and he expects further expansion this year, with an anticipated project management portfolio totaling 90 million US dollars. Communiqué thanks Chaker for his insights and wishes the Moroccan office another productive and successful year. After five years with Projacs International, Chaker describes Projacs as an “ideal working environment”. In his experience, 4&15&.#&3 NEW STAFF Name Title Joining Date Qatar Name Title Joining Date UAE Pamela Pinto Document Controller 21/05/07 Lota Nuevo Mahendra Hemraj Kacha Ahmad Diab Training Assistant 1/05/07 Quantity Surveyor 23/05/07 Adnan Arif Document Controller Senior Planner 26/05/07 Anees Ahmad Gorikhan Senior Electrical Engineer 16/04/07 7/05/07 Ahmad Fazal Ali IT Engineer 2/06/07 Sudheesh Ummarath Valappil Office Assistant 8/05/07 Syed Khateeb ur Rahman Project Engineer 2/06/07 Harikumar Pillai 1/05/07 6/06/07 Danodhara Kurup Sasi Kumar Driver Cynthia De Leon Secretary Mercipina Monforte Officer, HR & Adminstration 17/06/07 Vanessa Rina Nebres Document Controller 19/06/07 Nidal Al Samman Project Manager Quantity Surveyor 10/06/07 Kuwait 1/07/07 Said Ghanayem Senior Mechanical Engineer 9/07/07 5/05/07 Rami Ashoor Civil Engineer Thair Mohammed Abuskhaila Planning Engineer Mohammed Sherif Youssef Architect 10/07/07 Dareen Abu Seda Secretary 19/05/07 George Maher Azouz Senior Planning Engineer 11/0707 Ehab Abu Khadra IT Supervisor 14/06/07 Rasha Ramzi Salman Senior Architect 1507/07 Janet Barboza Secretary 1/06/07 Fathi Mohammed Al-Araj Construction Manager 9/06/07 16/07/07 Lina Ahmed Abbas Secretary 2/06/07 Gamal Younes Amin Habashy Project Manager 21/07/07 Mohammed Basheer Accountant 2/06/07 Mohammed Al-Behery Junior Planner 24/07/07 Rami Khalid Ismail Accountant 16/05/07 Mahmoud Taha Architect 1/08/07 Mariam Falahi Secretary ( Temporary ) 1/08/07 Leka Raja Hassan QA/QC Engineer 19/08/07 Syria Ammar Waez Senior Project Engineer 11/08/07 Senior Architect 1/08/07 ANNOUNCEMENT Rawan Shou’b Al-Hakeem Planning Engineer 1/07/07 Lebanon 20/07/07 Anders Danielsson Project Manager 4/06/07 Ehab Ismail Project Engineer 18/06/07 Sarah Akle Architect/Doc. Controller Azza Gomaa Accountant 1/07/07 10/07/07 Lama Habash Jordan IT Manager John Joseph Corporate Bahrain Senior Officer, HR/ Admin Relocation From To Ameen Azwer Qatar Dubai Mohamed Baraa Wairdi Dubai Syria Issa Qumsieh Sharjah Oman Abdulhafiz Zaghloul Kuwait Sharjah Adelito Q. Bunyi Bahrain Dubai News Sudan Project Manager 25/07/07 Ahmed El Enany Senior Architect 5/07/07 Yasser Mohamed Khaled MEP Engineer 15/07/07 Hussain Al Makhloog Business Development Manager Oil & Gas Clients 17/06/07 Bahrain $0..6/*26² Promotion 2/07/07 Egypt Ahmad Al-Ghandour 9/08/07 Project Manager 12/05/07 Trainee 9/06/07 Project Manager Mohammed Hussein Sarrar Project Manager Edwar Matta Project Manager Nabil Atef Atiya Adnan Ahmed Hussein Imad Zamamiri Project Manager Ali Al-Fraiji 1/07/07 Jordan Mohamad Itani KSA Yara Abdullah obtained her second bachelor’s degree in IT & Computing. Kuwait Basil Alami got bachelor of English Language & Literature Kuwait face face .FFUTPNFPGPVSTUBGG Name: Ihab A. Loutfy Title: PMCS Manager Projacs Office Location: Kuwait What do you do at Projacs? Direct responsibility of devising and implementing project control systems and procedures in “Al-Hamra & Firdous Mixed Use Complex”, managed by Turner-Projacs JV. What do you enjoy most about your job? Being a member, with essential role, in a professional team running one of the most prestigious projects in Kuwait which involves construction of a complex sculptured Tower of 412m height, ranked as the 16th tallest building in the world. Getting exposure to state of the art technologies in construction in a fast-track multi-packaged approach besides working closely with top notch international consultants. What are your goals? Get the job done successfully and as per envisioned cost & time objectives. Name: Moutaz Lattouf Title: Project Manager/Senior Str. Engineer Projacs Office Location: Riyadh, KSA What do you do at Projacs? Total project management (pre design-design and construction), value engineering (as structural engineer) and design review. What do you enjoy most about your job? The team work, the management system and dealing with different type of projects. What are your goals? To participate effectively in the continuous growth of Projacs and continuously update my skills (technical and managerial). Name: Liza Tan Lallana Title: Training Coordinator Projacs Office Location: Training & Development Group – Dubai, U.A.E. What do you do at Projacs? As a Training Coordinator in UAE office, my work generally entails logistics coordination among T & D Group. Interacts with divisional teams on action items for upcoming training events and follow up open issues relative to training. Supports training process including receiving and answering training queries, follow-up with potential clients, and involvement in the full registration procedure be it In-House or Public Training course. Schedules event including preparation/coordination that requires the following information be carried out. Instructors visa, accommodation, production of materials, training venue and other necessities. Stands as “onsite” representative to ensure training events are properly prepared and excuted. Serves as a primary communicator or focal person on any issues that comes up during the course period. Directly responsible for the divisions client database. What do you enjoy most about your job? Part of our aim is to demonstrate strong client-service focus. And what I enjoy most about it, is I get to meet and work with people from diverse backgrounds and with diverse personalities notwithstanding the uncertainties, yet keeping in mind professionalism is the only way to represent oneself and of course, the Company. What are your goals? My personal goal is to continuously inspire myself, and expand my horizon. Be constantly determined as life is a never-ending experience while traveling the road of better learning and living. Projacs Ramadan Fotour Schedule Projacs Bahrain 20th September Projacs Egypt 23rd September Projacs Jordan 24th September Projacs KSA 25 September Projacs Qatar 27th September Projacs U.A.E 30th September Projacs Kuwait 6th October 4&15&.#&3 CONTACTS Projacs Bahrain (Corporate Office) Tel: + 973 17228066 Fax: + 973 17228099 Manama Centre, Suite 607 P.O.Box 21674, Manama, Bahrain E-mail: Projacs Kuwait Tel: + 965 2439255/6/7/8 Fax: +965 2409897 P.O.Box 25944 Safat, 13120 Kuwait E-mail: kuwait@projacstraining .com Projacs Dubai Tel: + 971 4 3439122/3432339 Fax: + 971 4 3439771/3432098 P.O.Box 31155, Dubai, UAE E-mail: Projacs Lebanon Tel: + 961 1 301741/2 Fax: + 961 1 301743 Sabbah Center, Korniche Al-Mazraa Beirut, Lebanon E-mail: Projacs Sharjah Tel: + 971 6 5321400 Fax: + 971 6 5321404 King Abed Al- Aziz Street, 1/F Khaled Gomaa Al-Majid Building E-mail: Projacs Syria Tel: + 963 11 6110328 Fax: + 963 11 6110329 Al-Salam St. B20, Mazzeh, P.O.Box 12600 Damascus, Syria E-mail: Projacs KSA – Riyadh Tel: + 966 1 4640345 Fax: + 966 1 4658562 P.O.Box 93401, Riyadh 11673 Kingdom of Saudi Arabia E-mail: Projacs Abu Dhabi Tel: + 971 2 6711121 Fax: + 971 2 6717619 P.O.Box 29287, Abu Dhabi, UAE Projacs Libya Tel: + 218 214870062/64 Fax: + 218 214872346 Palm City, Janzur, Libya E-mail: Projacs KSA – Jeddah Tel: + 966 2 6689231 Fax: + 966 2 6689235 Al-Aqeel Building, 1st Floor Al-Hamra District, Palestine Street, Jeddah, K.S.A E-mail: Projacs Iraq Tel: + 964 790 1915601 Al-Mansour District, Baghdad, Iraq E-mail: Projacs Egypt Tel: + 202 27924674/5/6 Fax: + 202 27924672 20 Aisha Al-Taimoria St. Garden City, Cairo, Egypt E-mail: Projacs Qatar Tel: + 974 4420902 Fax: + 974 4420857 P.O.Box 7286, Doha, Qatar E-mail: Projacs Jordan Tel: + 962 6 5544344 Fax: + 962 6 5544345 P.O.Box 1667, Um Al-Sumaq 11821, Amman, Jordan E-mail: Projacs Morocco Tel: + 212 22 473439/40 Fax: + 212 22 204759 5 Mohamed Fakir St, Casablanca, Morocco E-mail: XXXQSPKBDTDPN Page 5 Note from Contents Chairman of Saudi Projacs 2 3 Recognizing the Greatest Resource 5 9 14 Note from Chairman of Saudi Projacs Recognizing the Greatest Resource Maximizing Projacs User Productivity Introducing the New Projacs IT Committee " Al Bawadi Mega Project 15 Years in Dubai Profiling the UAE Office vision is like painting a picture of what your organisation should look like in the future. Our vision of Projacs is specific and tells us what we are trying to build. It is an expansive outlook, full of passion that allows us to dream of future possibilities. Projacs Abbas Ibrahim Fssai today is already the product of an earlier great vision achieved Interview with the Assistant Vice President, Accounts and Finance by members of the Projacs family. 15 To Canvas Bag or Not to Canvas Bag These words are a clear expression of a value.......and values New functional, eco-friendly and unique are visible through the actions people take. They are the 16 Football Focus 16 17 18 19 “In Projacs our people are our most important assets.” Resounding Success for Projacs!Resounding Success for Projacs! Page 17 4th Annual Projacs Retreat A special announcement 22 22 No matter how big or complex an organisation may seem, it cannot operate effectively without the hard work, cooperation and dedication of its people. For nearly four years now we, at Projacs, have set aside time from our busy daily work for two days of both professional and social activities that we refer to as the “Annual Retreat”. This Yafour Gardens Project, Syria is a wonderful occasion on which we invite guest speakers, Inauguration of the Yafour Gardens in Syria conduct group discussions and exchange thoughts and ideas along with other social and sporting activities. This retreat Projacs at Syria Arabian Property Expo also holds an annual recognition ceremony and has become a wonderful celebration in which we pay tribute to some of Projacs Morocco the outstanding members of Projacs who, through their Profiling the Casablanca Office commitment to excellence, have made us all proud to be part Page 19 21 foundation for everything that happens in a given organisation. of the Projacs family. As we appreciate and value everybody’s New Staff Projacs Announcements Face 2 Face Meet some of our staff Projacs Ramadan Fotour Schedule Page 19 contribution and commitment, we look forward to a brighter future for this young and great organisation and simultaneously we look forward to the opportunity to honour more of our outstanding colleagues. Dr. Fuad Al-Saleh Chairman of Saudi Projacs Editor-in-Chief: Ali Shawwa Editor: Anne Harris Please submit your comments to: Cover: Al Bawadi 4&15&.#&3 Maximizing Projacs User Productivity Introducing the New Projacs IT Committee * n recent years, Projacs International has been experiencing a rapid growth of its business in Project • To have a system in place that requires little upkeep and maximizes the productivity of its users. and Construction Management Services. As a direct • staff scattered across site and support offices challenges identified earlier, it was decided to take a step-by- • meagre IT resources step approach to the implementation of these standards and • a lack of appreciation of the central role IT plays within the policies. result of Projacs entering into new markets and The IT Committee is headed by Mr. Yasser Khreis, IT Manager providing additional services, our sales have increased in Kuwait and is comprised of IT representatives from different and subsequently so has the size of our organization. geographical areas who represent their regional offices. These Therefore the IT Committee established a number of clear goals workflow were implemented first. Secondly, level 1 licensing of are Mr. Hussein Deen (Qatar, UAE and Saudi Arabia), Mr. for the coming year (2007). These were: operating systems and office software was achieved throughout Such rapid growth has a knock-on effect on the internal Joselito Figueroa (Bahrain), Ms. Lama Habash, (Egypt, Jordan, resources of the company which must adapt to support and Lebanon and Syria) and Ms. Jolene Siedbald, who also acts as facilitate this growth. Naturally this raises new challenges in the the Committee Secretary. Each brings in their unique knowledge management of areas such as human resources, information and expertise of the systems and services provided within systems and other internal support services. To identify and their region and any local issues that need to be addressed resolve some of these challenges, Projacs’ senior management corporately. has created a committee to handle and oversee all the issues related to Information Technology. Following initial meetings, the new committee identified a number of challenges that they have faced in implementing Thus, in September 2006, the IT Committee was formed with company wide IT standards. These included: company The hardware and software policy and the IT requisition 1. Implementation of level 1 software licenses and standards. 2. Development and implementation of the IT Policies and Procedures. 3. Establishment of the Mission and Vision for the IT Committee. 4. Definition of the IT roles, responsibilities and area of concerns. 5. Definition of hardware and PC standards. 6. Definition of software standards. Projacs. Now, with the recent issue of the IT Policies and Procedures document to all staff, the IT committee is on target to successfully achieve all of its goals for 2007. The ongoing success of this initiative is dependent on the support of all staff and in particular that of senior management. Regular communication and monitoring will ensure the effective implementation of each step of the IT policy. To this end the IT Committee meets every quarter to review the progress of all IT activities and report back to the CEO and the Corporate Vice T his unique project is to be developed and managed by Tatweer, a member of Dubai Holdings. It marked their entrance into the hospitality industry in Dubai. Since this announcement, the initial investment has been doubled to AED 200 billion (US$ 54.5 billion). The Bawadi project was developed in reaction to the predicted the continent of Asia through traditional icons and landmarks such as the Forbidden City in Beijing, the Great Wall of China, the Taj Mahal, Asian markets famed for their diversity and multitude of colors, temples and pagodas from China, Japan and Thailand. A variety of themed Asian gardens such as Japanese rock gardens, bamboo gardens and courtyards, along with water features such as lakes, dancing fountains and pools, with generous landscaped grounds incorporating Asian monuments and structures will be integrated in the project. The objective is to provide a total Asian experience for all the five senses. Desert Gate Hotel and Office Towers: The entrance to Bawadi will be via the Desert Gateway Towers, a pair of crystalline towers attached to volcanic rock The Bawadi Boulevard passing through the center of the site of the world’s largest shopping area, which will offer over 40 base structures, set to create the maximum effect for visitors forms the backbone of the entire scheme and is akin to the Strip million square feet of gross leasable area. The shopping area approaching the area by vehicle from the highway. Visitors in Las Vegas and the Champs Elysees Boulevard in Paris. The will consist of shopping malls, boutique malls, street shopping will pass between the podium structures creating a sense of Bawadi strip is 10km long with a pair of iconic crystalline towers and an underground shopping area connecting the Bawadi arrival. Thereafter, they would either be directed down the at each entrance. However, the Bawadi Boulevard is designed to hospitality and leisure zone creating the world’s longest Bawadi Boulevard to their respective hotels or to adjacent car be a unique pedestrian experience in Dubai and will encompass shopping boulevard. Phase one is set to complete by 2012 and parking structures, from which they will be able to access the pedestrian friendly features. The boulevard continues centrally will cover a gross leasable area of four million square feet. transit systems to continue their journey. The gateways will be visible directly across a landscaped open space, increasing through the site taking visitors on a journey through different The Projacs Bawadi team is now being led by Issam Haj Ali, their presence by way of contrast, and will set the scene for the by hotel entrances, retail areas, after the previous Project Director, Bassem Badr moved to our whole of the Bawadi strip. The client requires that the towers be restaurants and cafes. On the Abu Dhabi office. The team members are Hani Fidawi, Zareh an architectural marvel, to be showcased around the world. edges of the boulevard will be Bedrossian, Mehdi Khan Rana, Ismail N. Vandeliwala, Adelito districts and to different destinations. The journey is punctuated shaded areas for pedestrians, Q. Bunyi, Ameen Azwer, Sujith Correya and Kuldip Dhakal. Architecturally, the towers will depict crystalline structures providing They have already accomplished a number of contractual and (fenestration glass, shrouding and enveloping the steel skeleton a separate, smaller The Projacs Bawadi team has issued request for proposals (RFP) for the pre-conceptual design to NORR and is following up on the process. The Bawadi concept will create a hospitality destination around an urban framework based on a clear hierarchy of streetscape and offering a sophisticated sense of place that will attract holidaymakers, tourists, local residents and families. The concept is layered with enlivened public squares, energetic building forms and textures, lively building edges and frontages, friendly, comfortable and safe street designs and indigenous xerophytic landscaping - all of which create a unique and distinctive place. It is set to become one of the world’s most exciting entertainment and leisure hubs catering for the wide 15 Years in Dubai Profiling the UAE Office ranked as the best performing area in the Gulf over capped with sloping roofs. At level 16, a tubular glass sky bridge the past six years and this is largely due to property is cantilevered between the two towers creating a spectacular development. sight as it glows at night. It houses the sky gym which overlooks the skyline of Dubai and the beautifully landscaped gardens at Projacs UAE is managing twenty ongoing projects level 15 alongside the pool and outdoor dining area. This mixed at different stages, eleven of which are based in use development provides commercial areas in the North Tower Dubai. The construction cost of these projects whilst the South Tower has some serviced apartments. The exceeds 15 billion AED (US$ 4 billion) and Projacs project completion date is March 2009. fees are around 165 million AED (US$ 45 million). Sky Gardens Tower: I am handling our Construction At the time of going to press several projects will Management service for this tower which is located within the be completed or nearing completion; these are the premises of the Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC). ‘Black & Decker’ warehouse and office extension The tower consists of three basement levels, a ground floor, (phase III) and two residential projects in Dubai Marina, a mezzanine floor, the concourse level, thirty-seven typical the Jewels Twin Towers, Holiday Inn Express Hotel and the floor levels and two penthouse levels with a total built-up area Marina View Towers. of approximately 102,000 m2. The project is scheduled to be completed in February 2008. Projacs UAE (Dubai) is currently managing several exciting projects based in different locations across Dubai and one Barsha Boutique Offices: Fadi Farah and Robert Maksoudian based in Karachi, Pakistan including: together with Dima Qumsiah are managing our Design and Project Management services on this commercial building in Al Palm Jumeirah Hotels: I am the Project Manager for our Design Barsha First. The building features were described in issue 2 of Management service and am working together with Tariq Abu Communiqué (March 2007). Briefly, it consists of three basement Kheil, the Senior Architect for these hotels. They are designed levels, a ground floor and five office floors with a total built-up around the principal feature of the development, the Palm area of approximately 28,000m². The project completion date is Lagoon, which itself is designed to reflect the Palm Jumeirah on scheduled for September 2008. a smaller scale. A series of two storey chalets, themed as desert tents, form water surrounded pavilions at the ends of the palm I-Rise Tower: Bashar Meselmani and Ihab Abbas are managing reported on the Sharjah International Airport Redevelopment Project being managed by Wissam Mujahed. The other projects currently in the Northern Emirates portfolio are: ‘Centro by Rotana’ Hotel: Abdulhafiz Zaghoul and Issam Khoury are managing our Project Management service for this new 300-room hotel at Sharjah International Airport. The hotel is intended to be highly distinctive, expressed by its contemporary architecture and unique living spaces. It houses a mix of standard rooms and suites with in-room wireless internet connectivity and entertainment. Other facilities include a casual dining area, gymnasium and swimming pool as well as on-site business facilities such as private meeting rooms and business centers. The project completion is scheduled for October 2008. Buhaira Tower (located in Al Nahda): Nasser Sani Mohamad is leading our Design Management service for this large residential complex of three adjoining towers. The three twenty-five floor towers sit on a common ground floor with four podium levels. The towers will house a mixture of one, two and three bedroom deluxe apartments and the podium will house show rooms, a car park and other modern health and leisure facilities such as a swimming pool, health club, day care center and multi-purpose hall. The complex is scheduled for completion in October The Jewels Dubai The project, intended to be one of the most prominent business 2009. them all together into a happy, homogenous workforce to move Of course, adds Nader with a smile, ‘A further motivation is forward with the company vision. This requires a lot of effort and when I get my bonus or salary increase!’ in-house communication management to adhere to Projacs’ strategy. Dealing with different clients that have no idea about As to the future, Nader envisages a healthy growth in Projacs project management requires a lot of patience and endurance. UAE. Currently there are a number of potential prestigious To convince them of our methodology and get their trust, Nader clients and projects that Projacs has targeted in Dubai and he learns from the Chairman, CEO and COO and he always seeks hopes that Projacs may be awarded a further mega project by their advice and guidance. the end of 2007. With such an increased work load it is clear Abbas Ibrahim Fssai Interview with the Assistant Vice President, Accounts and Finance that more staff will be required and Nader believes that Projacs As well as his operations role, Nader is managing two major UAE (Dubai) may easily double its current staff reaching eighty projects but this does not ruffle him. On the contrary, having by early 2008. Keeping the existing staff happy with their jobs such a busy and challenging job provides Nader with many and salaries plays an important part in this vision. To this end, daily motivations. For him, most of project management means a new regime is being established in the Dubai office allowing planning and most of this planning translates into risk evaluation; everyone the opportunity to work on different stages of projects either opportunity or threat. When one of the risk items meets (e.g. design, construction, etc.). Newcomers will be taught how his predictions it is highly satisfying conversely when he is able to prepare proposals and cover absence of other technical to resolve a staff problem, this again leads to great satisfaction. staff. This will develop and broaden the skills and experiences of individual staff members whilst providing them with exciting Handing over a project successfully is a great motivator and challenges in their careers. By 2008, Nader plans to have all Nader has celebrated many such events in Dubai. Receiving staff capable and skilled in many areas of project management, recognition and appreciation from his managers or the client’s business development and even marketing. He aims to provide representatives is hugely gratifying. On the Emirates Financial services that satisfy Projacs International senior management Tower project, Nader remembers ‘I was very proud when one of and clients at all levels. His ultimate goal is that Projacs UAE is the clients met me and expressed his full satisfaction to all the ranked as the “Alpha Project Managers” since they will know Projacs’ staff working at his jobsite’. what everyone else does not….!!! “Communication is critical within a rapidly changing environment…” M r. Abbas Fssai is the assistant vice president of accounts and finance at our Projacs International Kuwait Office. Mr. Fssai, how would you describe Projacs and your beginnings with the company? At the end of year 2000, I was called by Dr. Nabil Qaddumi as there was a need for a Financial Manager for Projacs International, which was under establishment at the time. I joined the company in 2001 as Projacs International Financial budgets and kept management informed, about the key trends and issues for concern, through regular management reports, also liaised with the President and CEO concerning financial forecasts and reports. Through dedication and hard work I have established and maintained good working relationships with staff and have developed a highly skilled accounting and financial management team to achieve the established objective. Additionally, I served as the unit’s secondary point of contact (after the Vice President) on all financial matters. The re-structuring of Projacs internally seemed to have been extensive and involved almost all parts of the company, how has this affected your department and work process? You have been with the company for over seven years, what major changes have you witnessed in Projacs that you believe will contribute to leaping growth of the Company? As accountants, we consider ourselves as the heart of the company as we have a direct and daily contact with all company departments/units and we can view the entire company as one whole unit. I believe that the recent developments had simplified our communication with other parts of the company and made many processes more transparent. Any development in the company whether it is small or large will affect the Finance and Accounts Department. I consider taking the decision to establish Projacs International in Bahrain was quite a major step. Combining the Training & Development group into one unit under Projacs International was another beneficial move. In 2003 can also be considered a significant year for Projacs which had elevated the company to a higher platform through winning the Khalifa Sport City Project in Doha, Qatar. Of course, the mergers of Projacs Companies. What problematic challenges do you deal with on a regular basis at Projacs and how do you think they may be resolved? As a support unit, we have certain responsibilities to meet when it comes to our staff’s needs. I do not believe that we have specific regular problems or issues. Furthermore, what we find helpful is the fact that when other supporting units and staff members understand and follow the set procedures, it expedites most of our tasks. We generally find that problems mostly occur due to misunderstanding or miscommunication. Solving such matters required a lot of practice, a “long breath”, self discipline and most importantly to keep in mind that we are support staff and its is our duty to complete our job in the up-most professional manner. In your perspective, how would you describe Projacs as an A company such as Projacs, with owners/shareholders who focus less on profit (which of course is important, but pushed to the second place) and aim primarily at elevating the quality of the services provided to Clients while maintaining a wellbalanced and challenging environment for their staff. Such an approach will hold a steady path to continuous success for Projacs, where profits is less of a distraction and the company’s value-added services and quality staff is the true focus. Football Focus E very Monday evening, a surprise awaits those from Anjary Engineering Consultants and Al-Jazeera Engineering Projacs who visit the local sports centre in Kuwait. Look Consultants as well as a local Egyptian team. closely and you may recognize some of your colleagues working overtime; practising teamwork at the highest level as Our Qatar team, who plays on Saturday evenings, and they display their skills football! comprises of Nabil Mango, Ammar Hazem, Faris Farah, Ahmad Isleem and his son, Talal, Ayman Badr, Mohammad Fathy, Tariq Teams comprising of Projacs staff, both site and office based, Heneidak, Ramzi Qumsieh, Nidal Al Samman, Muneer Akl and and family members also play matches against other local his two sons, Lal, Navrj Gurung, Amin, Abdul Fattah Sabassi, company teams. It is a great way for the staff and their families, Sami Ragheb Hussein, Ashraf Lotfi, Fathy Al Araj, Sameeh Al whose paths might not cross regularly, to meet and become Tamimi and his son, Ismail. friends! Like several other members of the corporate team, you are dealing with central issues that hold great responsibility within the company, what do you consider as your daily motivation? Expecting to face and handle new challenges, and most importantly to maintain the continuous support and respect from the management. Thank you Abbas for your time. We leave you with a question we ask almost everyone we interview for Communique, what are you looking forward to achieving within the next year - 2008? The Projacs Qatar team has played against local Syrian and Our Kuwait team comprises of Zaher Al-Hanbali, Rami Ghosheh, Qatari teams as well as teams from DAGOC and the Ali bin Ali Mohammed Farag, Basel Al-Jazzar, Ashraf Al-Garf, Haitham Al- and alliance team. Tabarani, Mohammed Anwer Khedr, Ibrahim Al-Falah, Mazen Ayyash, Mamdouh Khalil, Mohammed Halawa, Yasser Khries, If your office has any sporting or social activities that you Ayman Darwish, Mohammed Anwar Moussa, Raed Al-Shaer want to share through the newsletter, please email us at and Basel Alami. The Projacs Kuwait team has enjoyed recent games against Projacs at Syria Arabian Property Expo Inauguration of the Projacs Morocco Profiling the Morocco Office P rojacs Morocco is one of the smaller branches of Projacs International but as Communiqué learnt in a recent interview with Mr. Chaker Absi, Operations Manager, since it was established in 2002, he has built up a thriving business in the country. Chaker began by explaining that in recent years there has been a huge growth in tourism in Morocco that has had a massive impact on growth in the construction industry. The catalyst behind this growth, and the enormous overseas investment in the construction of stunning new luxury properties, is the national plan devised by HRH King Mohammed VI to increase the number of annual tourists to 10 million by the year 2010. Chaker and his secretary, Nawal Charqi, administer our services in Morocco. Chaker is currently providing a range of management services for three projects in different cities in Morocco: of these hotels, under Projacs management, the client requested that Projacs provide maintenance management of the facilities. As part of this standard service, Projacs Morocco is now providing a regular property inspection, verification of purchase orders and the quality of purchases, the implementation of routine maintenance programs, etc. As can be seen by the range of services provided, Projacs is recognized as a trusted provider of management services in Morocco. Chaker points to our professionalism and proven credibility as key factors for the spread of our reputation in the Moroccan market. Currently, the majority of our clients are from the Gulf and have previously had successful experiences with Projacs managing other projects, this has helped to raise our Projacs has provided him with the opportunity to grow both professionally and intellectually. His ideas are received and discussed by the management whilst his efforts and work are appreciated in terms of economic stability and security within the organization. Chaker enjoys a very challenging career and is motivated through the variety of everyday problems he faces and solves. He enjoys the fulfillment of the different tasks and obligations he performs and, of course, finding new projects and clients. face NEW STAFF Name Title Joining Date Qatar Name face Title .FFUTPNFPGPVSTUBGG Joining Date Name: Ihab A. Loutfy Title: PMCS Manager UAE Pamela Pinto Document Controller 21/05/07 Lota Nuevo Training Assistant Mahendra Hemraj Kacha Quantity Surveyor 23/05/07 Adnan Arif Document Controller Ahmad Diab Senior Planner 26/05/07 Anees Ahmad Gorikhan Senior Electrical Engineer Ahmad Fazal Ali IT Engineer 2/06/07 Sudheesh Ummarath Valappil Office Assistant 8/05/07 Syed Khateeb ur Rahman Project Engineer 2/06/07 Harikumar Pillai 1/05/07 6/06/07 Danodhara Kurup Sasi Kumar Driver Quantity Surveyor 1/05/07 16/04/07 Projacs Office Location: Kuwait What do you do at Projacs? Direct responsibility of devising and implementing project control systems and procedures in “Al-Hamra & Firdous Mixed Use Complex”, managed by Turner-Projacs JV. 7/05/07 Cynthia De Leon Secretary Mercipina Monforte Officer, HR & Adminstration 17/06/07 10/06/07 Vanessa Rina Nebres Document Controller 19/06/07 Nidal Al Samman Project Manager 1/07/07 Said Ghanayem Senior Mechanical Engineer Rami Ashoor Civil Engineer 9/07/07 Thair Mohammed Abuskhaila Planning Engineer Mohammed Sherif Youssef Architect 10/07/07 Dareen Abu Seda Secretary 19/05/07 George Maher Azouz Senior Planning Engineer 11/0707 Ehab Abu Khadra IT Supervisor 14/06/07 What do you enjoy most about your job? Being a member, with essential role, in a professional team running one of the most prestigious projects in Kuwait which involves construction of a complex sculptured Tower of 412m height, ranked as the 16th tallest building in the world. Getting exposure to state of the art technologies in construction in a fast-track multi-packaged approach besides working closely with top notch international consultants. What are your goals? Get the job done successfully and as per envisioned cost & time objectives. Kuwait 5/05/07 9/06/07 Rasha Ramzi Salman Senior Architect 1507/07 Janet Barboza Secretary 1/06/07 Fathi Mohammed Al-Araj Construction Manager 16/07/07 Lina Ahmed Abbas Secretary 2/06/07 Gamal Younes Amin Habashy Project Manager 21/07/07 Mohammed Basheer Accountant 2/06/07 Mohammed Al-Behery Junior Planner 24/07/07 Rami Khalid Ismail Accountant 16/05/07 Mahmoud Taha Architect Mariam Falahi Secretary ( Temporary ) Leka Raja Hassan QA/QC Engineer Name: Moutaz Lattouf Title: Project Manager/Senior Str. Engineer Projacs Office Location: Riyadh, KSA What do you do at Projacs? Total project management (pre design-design and construction), value engineering (as structural engineer) and design review. What do you enjoy most about your job? The team work, the management system and dealing with different type of projects. 1/08/07 1/08/07 19/08/07 KSA Ali Al-Fraiji Project Manager 9/06/07 What are your goals? To participate effectively in the continuous growth of Projacs and continuously update my skills (technical and managerial).