Religious Education - St. Frances Cabrini Parish


Religious Education - St. Frances Cabrini Parish
9000 Laurence Avenue
Allen Park, Michigan 48101
Phone: (313) 381-5601
Fax: (313) 381-7837
No matter what your present status
in the Catholic Church;
No matter what your current family
or marital situation;
No matter what your past or present
religious affiliation;
No matter what your personal history, age,
background, race or color;
No matter what your self-image or esteem;
You are invited, welcomed, accepted,
loved and respected at
St. Frances Cabrini Catholic Church.
Vision Statement Building upon our Catholic tradition and diversity, we are committed to the spiritual and
physical well-being of all. Our sacramental life challenges us to life-long Catholic formation and Christian service.
Mission Statement As a Faith Community, we are called to serve through worship, service, and education.
Weekend Masses
In today’s Gospel reading, we have a
man who is blind shouting out to Christ and
others trying to shout at him to be quiet.
Why? The man was screaming out for help.
He was blind for the love of God and people
were telling him to be quiet! Really!
The man wanted to come to Jesus. He
knew that Jesus would help him and make
him well. He knew what he needed and
others were keeping him from the one who
could make him whole. Why would they do
that to him? Why do we do that to others?
Recently, I had a couple come to me to
have their daughter baptized. They said
they had been to other Catholic parishes
who told them only after they had been registered and giving money for six months
would they baptize the child. I thanked the
family for not giving up on the Catholic
Church and for coming to us. I told them
that I would be happy to baptize the child. I
also spoke to them about the importance of
baptism, raising the child in faith and coming
to mass. They wanted to find Jesus and
others tried to shut them down.
Saturday Evening 5:00pm
Sunday 8:00am, 10:00am &
Daily Mass
Monday - Saturday at 8:30am
Tuesday 7:30pm (see pg. 8)
Saturday 4:00pm
Tuesday 7:00pm
Holy Day Masses
As scheduled in Bulletin
Rectory Office Hours
Monday thru Thursday
8:00am-7:00pm Friday
8:00am to 5:00pm
(Closed for lunch 12 - 1pm)
Saturday 9:00am - 2:00pm
We do the same thing when we turn
people away for weddings, funerals, religious education, school, or any other event
or ministry here. I know that people get
frustrated with the number of baptisms at
the masses and that some of the people
don’t look like they know what they are doing, but they came to us to help them find
Jesus. If we turn them away, why would
they seek Him again? I wonder how many
other people in the time of Jesus were prevented from seeing Him because people
had told them they could not come or told
them to be quiet. I know that not everyone
at weddings have been to mass on a regular basis and are not always dressed in a
modest way, but to point that out is to lose
sight of the greater opportunity to reach out
to them and teach them and maybe draw
them back to God.
The cry for help coming from the world
comes in many ways and if our first reaction is to tell them to stop, we will have
failed the person and we will have failed in
our primary purpose for being, which is to
bring people to Jesus.
At the end of the Gospel, it tells us that
the man immediately got up and followed
(continued next page)
Page 2
Jesus. Notice it does not say that about any person in the
crowd who was telling him to shut up! So my friends, when
we encounter someone who is calling out to Jesus, we need
to bring them to Jesus, not stop them. No matter the circumstance, no matter the person, no matter what we feel,
we must oblige the desire of Jesus and bring all people to
Him. Jesus wants people to experience the love of His Divine Mercy and love. That can only come when the encounter happens and that encounter needs you to be the vehicle
to bridge the distance. Jesus said to the people, “call Him”
and now He says it to you.
I have heard this call in my life as well and so after Tuesday night mass, when I do not have a scheduled meeting
with the Finance Council or Parish Council, I will be hearing
confessions. I know that it is not always easy to get to confession on Saturday afternoon and some do not want to
make an appointment to see me, so I will add time during
the week to help people out. Please feel free to come to
mass at 7 and then I will stay in the confessional until all of
the confessions are heard. Let people know, especially if
they have hinted that they would like to go to confession
but… Let’s see if we can’t bring them to the Lord through
this one path. God bless you all.
Save the Dates
On November 4th from 11am to 2pm we will be having
our annual Monarch Day for 7th and 8th graders to come
and see what it would be like to be a freshman at Cabrini.
Students from all schools are welcome. To sign up for Monarch Day, contact Paula Steele at the Rectory Office.
November 12th, we will have an all family Open House at
Cabrini High School from 6:30 to 8 pm. All are welcome.
High School Placement Test: This is the standardized
test for entrance to all Catholic High Schools. The test is
offered to all interested 8th graders only. You can register in
advance by clicking on to the website at The two dates for the test are on
Nov. 21st and December 5th. There is a $40 fee for the
Within the next few weeks you will noce
that there will be glass vove candle holders
placed in each corner of the church. You will
simply drop your candle into the holder.
There will be specific (glass) colors for each
statue. We ask that the glass not be removed
or rearranged from where it is posioned.
Effecve immediately, we will be using a
different process for the purchase of vove
candles. The candles will always be available for purchase in the
Rectory Office. They will no longer be available in the Sacristy and
will only be available in the Ushers Room during weekend masses.
Just a reminder that candles are $3.00 each. A deposit box is
available next to the candles in the Ushers Room for purchases
made during weekend masses.
Come, Encounter Christ!
Wednesday, November 4
Thursday, November 5
Friday, November 6
St. Cyprian Church
13249 Pennsylvania Rd.
Riverview, MI
Come, Encounter Christ! is a 3-night vibrant formation
event featuring dynamic preaching, live music, Eucharistic
adoration and private confession.
All are welcome! There is no cost to attend!
Preachers: Msgr. Robert McClory, Fr. Mario Amore
Music: Rick Nork and "In Praise"
Attend all three nights, or choose the evenings that fit
your schedule
Learn More: Call 313-237-5801 or email
Bible Study with Fr. Joe
Holy Family Hall
October 26
November 9
November 23
December 14
January 4, 2016
January 18
February 1
February 15
February 29
March 14
March 28
April 11
April 25
The Visionary
Page 3
Athletic, Parish & School News
The Cabrini Monarch Theatre Troupe
Proudly Presents
Agatha Chrise’s
A deligh0ul Murder-Mystery
November 5th, 6th and 7th at 7:30pm and
November 8th at 3:00pm
in the Cabrini Center Theatre
Tickets: $10 /Adults $5/Students & Seniors
Available in the Rectory Office,
the CHS Office and at the door
Getting Ready to Rake and Run
Those colorful leaves are starting to fall, which means it
is time to organize a team of parishioners for the yearly
service project, Rake and Run. We invite youth, adults
and families to join us as we accomplish this seasonal task
for our fellow neighbors, parishioners and loved ones who
need our help.
The Rake and Run will take place Saturday, November 14, starting at 9:00am in the Holy Family Hall and ending at approximately 2:00pm. To be part of our awesome
raking crew, please fill out the form below and drop it off at
the Rectory Office by Wednesday, November 11 to the
attention of Maria Wyatt. Participants under 18 not accompanied by a parent will need a permission slip; they are
available in the Rectory Office as well. Participants should
bring rakes and work gloves, and dress for the weather.
Of course, we need lawns to rake, and there is no
charge to have leaves raked and bagged. If you, a loved
one or neighbor need our help, please fill out the form below and return it to the Rectory Office by November 14. If
you have questions please call Maria Wyatt at (734) 2831929 or email her at
Rake and Run Participation Form
Please fill out and return to Parish Office or Stewardship
Box in Church
Person who needs lawn raked:
Address: ______________________________
I want to join the Raking Crew:
Name: _________________________________
Phone: ________________________________
Email: _________________________________
Trivia Night “Audible Edition”, Saturday, November 21
The Cabrini Booster Club meets on the 1st Wednesday of the
month at Holy Family Hall at 7:30 pm. All men and women are
open to join, as our goal is to help serve the sports programs
at Cabrini Schools, as well as the Parish. Come on down and
check us out. Our next meeting is November 4. To become a
member, register online for $25. Any questions or if you need
more information, please email us at:
Our website:
Facebook: Athletic Boosters
CABRINI ATHLETICS ~ Dean Allen, Athletic Director
Please see (listed under
Cabrini High School) for up-to-date game times for both
CYO & High School student-athletes. You can also contact
the Athletic Department at (313) 388-0576.
The new High School athletic website is at
Bus drivers for afternoon athletic routes are still needed.
Contact Debbie Norman at (313) 388-0576.
See what’s happening at our school!
CHS PTG ~ Firekeepers Casino Bus Trip
Date: Saturday, November 7, 2015
Time: 5:00pm ~ 12:30am
Depart at 5:00pm sharp from Cabrini High School
parking lot to Firekeepers Casino in Battle Creek
Cost: $30/person (21+), includes $20 casino free play &
$5 food coupon
$30/person cash or check (payable to CHS PTG) can be
dropped off to the Rectory or school offices c/o CHS
PTG. Please include name(s), email and phone numbers.
Credit cards accepted by appointment only with Amy at
RSVP with payment by Monday, October 26!
Questions? Contact Amy at (313)623-8964 (cell) or
Page 4
Christian Service / Christian Women
Sr. Judie Ann Lunch Ministry
Downriver Vicariate Dementia Series II
The Downriver Vicariate is sponsoring a second dementia
series with HOPE Dementia Ministry LLC. The new series
will run each month hosted at a different parish through
June 2016.
Finding the ME in DeMEntia: Reducing the Stigma
on Dementia
• End the social stigma
• End the isolation of both the person with dementia
and the care partner
• Empower the person who is still there
Hosted by:
St. Pius Parish
14101 Superior,
Southgate, MI 48195
Saturday, November 14, 2015
9:00 ~ 11:30am
Contact: Micki Bovitz at (734) 285-1100
We are running down to the end of the year. Our next General Meeting is Thursday, November 12 in Holy Family
Hall from 7:00-9:00pm. After the meeting we will induct
new members. If this will be your irst meeting as a new
member, you will also be inducted. Our main item of concern
is the annual Christmas Party on December 12. This is our
inal event of 2015.
On Tuesday,November10, a trip to Divine Mercy Center is scheduled. We will car pool. For more information and
to sign up, call Rose Kenzie at (313) 382-4520.
Our irst CorporateCommunionwill be at the 10:00am
Mass on Sunday,November15. Please sit as a group in the
front pews in the reserved section on the left side of the
church. Hope to see all regular and new members at the Mass.
There will be no events or meetings in January,2016, due
to last year’s very cold, icy and slippery conditions. We
thought it best not to even try to have a meeting. Thursday,
February18,2016is the date of our next scheduled General
On Thursday, November 5 we will again join Sr.
Judie Ann in her ministry to serve those in most need
in the Eastern Market neighborhood. Our help will
consist of making up lunches which include: a sandwich, a piece of fruit, a cookie, bag of chips and a water bottle. After the lunches are made we will hop in
Sr. Judie Ann’s car and begin to deliver them to her
friends in the neighborhood. In all 150 lunches will be
served. If you would like to assist in this ministry by
donating needed items please drop them off to the
Rectory office by Tuesday, November 3 in the morning or if you would like to volunteer on the day of the
service call Therese Tardiff at (313)381-5601 or email Some items needed are:
Peanut butter and jelly, water bottles, individually
wrapped cookies, chips, lunch size fruit cups/apple
sauce, spoons, napkins, men’s and women’s white
socks, underwear and t-shirts, and monetary donations.
Day-Trippin’ with Tuesday Travelers
The November 17 Parade Company & Historic Trinity
Cathedral trip is FULL. We will be leaving at 9:00am and
we are scheduled to return by 4:30pm.
October 25, 2015
30th Sunday in Ordinary Time
In this Sunday’s Gospel, Jesus asks
Bartimaeus: “What do you want me to do
for you?” And he answers, “Master, I
want to see.” Let us ask Jesus for the
grace to “see” our brothers and sisters who are
poor and lonely.”
This month, through your gifts, the Society
of St. Vincent de Paul was able to bring God’s
love and mercy to several families within our
community providing food, rent, utility assistance and help with other needs. Thank you and
God Bless You!
60 Years
45 Years
Lawrence & Laura Henri
Jim & Carol Shaw
68 Years
58 Years
40 Years
Robert & Eileen Scarlett
Edward & Irene Barnas
Our Jubilarians
55 Years
James & Sandie Bonin
Kenneth & Patricia Moore
Michael & Denise Pawlowski
Charles & Angie Sammut
35 Years
64 Years
Jim & Kathleen Stauder
63 Years
Louis & Ruth Hurliman
Charles & Marjorie Resetar
51 Years
Ron & Faith Pelley
Bill & Phillipa Matakas
30 Years
50 Years
Joe & Nancy Trela
Tony & Sylvania DeMarco
Ernest & Carol Flotte
Ken & Angela Scott
Page 5
Christian Service / Nurse’s Notes
Blessed Hope
We will be preparing and serving a delicious
lunch at St.Leo’son October31.
If you would be willing to be an ‘At Home’ volunteer by
cooking some hamburger with Manwich (recipe: one pound of
hamburger per one can of Manwich, put in a zip lock bag) or
by donating baked goods, please call the Rectory ofice at
(313)381-5601 and leave a message with the staff.
All donations need to be droppedoffto the Rectory ofice
by Friday, October 30 before 5:00 pm. Thank you in advance for your time in preparing food at home.
Dear St Frances Cabrini Parishioners,
Meeting the needs of those who come to Our Lady of the Angels
Food Pantry always includes those essential items for daily living…
soap, toilet paper, detergent, etc. In addition to a variety of perishable
and canned/boxed food, we like to add personal care items. We don’t
find many of these items in our weekly donation box. How timely your
donation! Now the shelves that looked empty are full!!
Thank you to all who participated in this collection so that we can
better serve those families and senior citizens who come to our food
pantry. It is truly what Pope Francis encouraged us to do as we work
together to help the poor.
God Bless and thank you,
Marvel Boyd, Food Pantry Manager
All Saints Soup Kitchen
Nourishing the Hungry
Wednesday , November 11, 2015
Volunteers are needed to help us cook and serve more than 150
men, women and children who depend on All Saints for lunch. If you
would like to join us on this day at All Saints, please call Kathy Bates at
(734) 324-0944. We meet outside Holy Family Hall at 9:00am to carpool
and are back at Cabrini around 1:30pm.
We also provide desserts to complement the meal. These special
diners really enjoy cakes, cookies, brownies and cupcakes. If you would
like to donate goodies, please call the Rectory Office and leave a message with the staff. Baked goods need to be delivered to the Rectory
Office by Tuesday, November 10, no later than 7:00pm.
CassCommunitySocialServicesis Detroit-based agency
dedicated to providing food, housing, health services, and job
Our job on this day will be preparing a meal for the guests
who are currently housed at the Cass Community shelter. Call
Therese at (313) 381-5601 if you are interested in volunteering. Families are welcome. We will meet in the Holy Family
Hall and car pool to Cass Community.
Our Taking off Pounds Sensibly (TOPS)
program will be starng soon. Meengs
include an informaon program to support
your weight maintenance efforts. The
meeng usually closes with a thought for
the week or other inspiraonal acvity.
TOPS members learn to eat be8er, move more, and stay movated through engaging educaonal programs that volunteers present at weekly meengs. TOPS members discover that ongoing
support and accountability are the keys to lifelong health. TOPS
meengs will be held 5-6pm weekly. See the bullen for more
informaon to follow or call Megan Pierrel in the rectory.
Thursday, November 6: Lifeline Screening
Make sure to check the Nurse’s corner in the narthex for your
health educaƟon. As always, if there is a topic you would like to
see, please contact Megan Pierrel in the rectory.
Megan Pierrel, RN, BSN, CPN
St. Frances Cabrini is pleased to offer a preventive
health event. Life Line Screening, a leading provider of
community-based preventive health screenings, will host
their affordable, non-invasive and painless health screenings on November 6, 2015.
Five screenings will be offered that scan for potential
health problems related to: blocked arteries, which is a
leading cause of stroke; abdominal aortic aneurysms,
which can lead to a ruptured aorta; hardening of the arteries in the legs, which is a strong predictor of heart disease;
atrial fibrillation or irregular heart beat, which is closely tied
to stroke risk; and a bone density screening, for men and
women, used to assess the risk of osteoporosis.
Register for a Wellness Package which includes 4 vascular tests and osteoporosis screening from $149 ($139
with our member discount). All five screenings take 60-90
minutes to complete. In order to register for this event and
to receive a $10 discount off any package priced above
With recent changes in Medicare benefits, eligible beneficiaries can now receive an Annual Wellness Visit (AWV)
with NO out-of-pocket cost! To learn more and to see if you
I am looking for Healthcare Professionals who are willing to assist in the
event there is an emergency during Mass.
If you are willing to check in with an usher when you arrive at Mass and let
them know where you may be seated in the event of an emergency, please
contact Megan by email at or calling the Rectory at
(313) 381-5601. I will compile a list for our ushers.
Page 6
Religious Education
Grifin Ackley, Benjamin Alderson, Donald Andrysiak,
Nicholas Arnoldy, Samantha Barajas, Paola Barbosa-Rios,
Zachary Biggs, Hannah Bloomer, Kameron Bloye, Kelsey
Boldiszar, Kyle Bonsall, Jordan Bradley,Nicholas Brithnee,
Daniel Colegrove, Madalynn Cope, Lauren Curtis, Maria Cyr,
Catherine Day, Ava Demorow, MacKenzie Donahue, Brook
Fell, Mateo Fernandez, Donald Finn, James Fister, Logan Fryz,
Lauren Gale, Luke Garcia, Joshua Gazdecki, Gabrielle Genaw,
Kylie George, Caitlyn Goch, Jacob Godlewski, Esperanza
Gonzalez, Andrew Gottlob, Celine Guerrero, Madelyn Hughes,
Kaitlyn Jacques, Daniel Jones, Edith Jurado, Mason Jurko,
Jacksen Kamen, Sydney Kiley, Seth King, Madelyn Kugelman,
Teagan Lechnar, Nathan Machczynski, Nicolas Maloney,
Nicholas Mangiapane, Gabrielle Martin, Jon Metzger, Jared
Miller, Joseph Misovich, Austin Molina, Ken Moline, Brennan
O’Connor, Xavier Pawlowski, Sydney Peterson, Hunter
Pierrel, Lauren Pinkava, Charles Price, Erin Renaud, Joshua
Riling, Luke Said, Monserrat Salinas, Scott Sams, Jacob
Schantz, Hannah Schultz, Lola Shoemaker, Dylan Shogren,
Joseph Smith, Jonah Sobczak, Nolan Solano, Andrew Sowa,
Makayla Sukel, Halena Sutowski, Sean Szalai, Ashley Taylor,
Alex Teed, Gabriella Teems, Jack Trela, Mikayla Trumbla,
Hailey Widner, Camden Wilson, Ethan Yuhaz
The following children were
baptized on October 17, 2015 by
Rev. Joseph S. Mallia.
Dylan Michael Sanfilippo,
child of
Mark and Kristy (Piecucha) Sanfilippo.
Heyson Dalkiel Nunez,
Janiel Jomall Nunez &
Aleyshla Marie Nunez,
children of Jaison Nunez and Catherine Franqui.
The following children were baptized on
October 18, 2015 by Rev. Joseph S. Mallia.
Eliza Grace Carpenter,
child of Bryan and Krystin (Suarez) Carpenter.
Luna Isabella Gomez,
child of Eric Gomez and Jessica Flores.
Ava Laila Awad,
child of Shady and Linda (Migally) Awad.
Got Questions? Get ALPHA!!!
When: Thursdays 7:00 - 9:00pm
Where: Holy Family Hall
Who: Adults who are Catholics, Non-Catholics, skeptics,
parish members, friends, and neighbors. ALL are welcome
What: A ten week program where we share a
delicious meal together and then listen to a talk on a Christian topic. Ends with questions and small group discussion.
October 29
November 5
November 12
November 19
Faith & Prayer
Chili & Cornbread
Sweet & Sour Chicken
The Church
Chops & Mashed Potatoes
The Rest of My Life
Pot Pie
We are kid friendly so on-site babysitting with snacks for
kids are available. There is no charge for this course, however, a basket will be available for a Freewill offering for
the meal. Contact Catherine Borsh
or 381-5601.
Adults 18 or older, who would like to complete the Sacraments of Initiation- Baptism, Eucharist, and Confirmation are asked to contact Catherine Borsh (381-5601) in the Religious Education office. Even if you are interested in learning
more about our Catholic Faith without making any kind of
commitment, you are welcome to inquire. We will be meeting regularly on Sunday morning at 11:15am in Mother
Cabrini Room to discuss the basics of the Catholic Faith beginning this weekend, but it’s not too late to join us. Everyone
is invited, even fully initiated Catholics who want an update
of their Catholic faith.
Openings in Sunday Preschool
Did you know that St. Frances Cabrini Parish has a religious
education program for preschoolers? The program, now in its 60th
year, serves 3,4 and 5 year olds and is held during 10:00 Mass.
The children learn how God created the world around them and
hear stories about the life and miracles of Jesus. They learn about
Baptism and the Mass and they learn simple prayers. We have
room for more students, particularly in the 3-year old class.
Classes began September 13 and run through the school year.
We also have a nursery available for toddlers. If you would like to
enroll, please contact the Religious Education Office. For more
information, call Jeannine Little at 313-386-3795.
Page 7
Youth Ministry
Therese Tardiff: Coordinator of Youth Ministry
(313)381-5601 or
Maria Wyatt: Middle School Youth Leader
(734) 283-1929 or
High School Youth Ministry October News
All high school aged teens are invited to any Youth
Ministry sponsored activities and events
Sunday, November 1
7:00 ~ 9:00pm HFH
Young Neighbors in Action (YNIA)
Mandatory Prep Meeting
All those who will be participating in the YNIA
program in Kentucky or Chicago are expected to
attend this meeting.
Candy Grams
for College Students/ Military
Youth Ministry is collecting Halloween candy to fill the
boxes of treats we send to our college students/military each
fall. In addition to the candy, we include a prayer card and a
letter of support from Fr. Joe. This annual tradition reminds
these young adults that their parish community keeps them in
thought and prayer while they are away at school/military
There will be boxes in the Narthex for candy donations
until Nov. 1, the day after Halloween. So, if you don’t hand out
all your candy to trick-or-treaters, bring it to church with you
the next day. With candy sales this time of year, another suggestion is to buy an additional bag of candy … keep one to distribute and donate the other to the Candy Gram collection. If
you would like your child(ren) or family member to receive one
of these special packages, please fill out the form and return
it to the parish office no later than Nov. 2.
St. Frances Cabrini Presents:
An International Food
Tasting Experience
Sunday, November 15
1:00pm ~ 5:00pm
Cabrini Center
Tickets: $10 (advance ticket sales only)
Exchange your ticket at the door for a passport to
sample cuisine at five different countries
of your choice
Visit Malta, Poland, Mexico, Hungary, Italy, China,
the Philippines, USA and more!
Be entertained with live music and ethnic dancers
Shop at the International bakery and try your luck at
the basket raffles
Obtain tickets at the parish office by November 8th
Contact Carole Noel (313) 330-2392
Sheila Gorski-Schulte (313) 550-3945
for more info
Bakers Needed for
International Food Tasting Experience
An “International Bakery” will be featured at the
International Food Tasting Experience being held at
Cabrini on November 15 and we’re looking for folks
who can donate a batch or two of their favorite
ethnic dessert item (cookies, pies, pastries, etc.) to be
sold at the event.
Please contact Carole Noel at (313) 330-2392 or
Sheila Gorski-Schulte (313)550-3945 if you would
like to bake for this fun fundraising event!
100% of the proceeds will help send the youth of our
parish to World Youth Day in Poland in 2016!
Halloween Candy Gram
Name: _________________________________________
College/Military Base:____________________________
Thank You!
The Youth Ministry of the parish would like to
thank all those who once again supported our Annual Pumpkin Patch Day by purchasing outside fall
decorations, making crafts with the kids, purchasing items from the bake sale, and eating lots of
food. The day was beautiful and another huge success. What a
great show of support for the teens in the parish. We would also
like to thank Meijer of Allen Park, Papa Romanos, Saveland,
Gordan Foods and Dough Boy for their very generous donations.
Thank you also to all the parents and adult leaders who gave tirelessly that day to ensure organization and success. It couldn’t have
happened without your help.
Page 8
Week of October 26
Host an Exchange Student with PSE!
Monday, October 26
CW Sewing Guild
Bible Study w/Fr. Joe HFH
Tuesday, October 27
Mom’s In Prayer
BS#1052 Troop Mtg
Pastoral Council
CHS Chapel
HFH Mtg #2
HFH Bsmnt
Wednesday, October 28
Cabrini Seniors
Rel Ed 1st-6th
Rel Ed 1st-6th
HFH Bsmnt
Thursday, October 29
CES/CMS - NO School (Conferences)
Mass - CHS
TOPS Program
Little Flowers
Adult Choir
APPC Basketball
Music Room
Friday, October 30
CES/CMS - NO School (Conferences)
Saturday, October 31
HFH Bsmnt
Sunday, November 1
Mass - All Saints Day Church
Coffee & Donuts
Mass - All Saints Day Church
Sunday Pre School
Clare Hall
Mass - Confirmation Church
and All Saints Day
Franciscan Council
Franciscan Gathering MCR
YNIA Prep Meeting
Are you interested in other cultures and
languages? Would you like to share your
culture with a young person from another
Private & Public School F-1 Exchange (PSE) is currently
seeking families to open their homes and lives to an international
exchange student.
PSE strives to bring people together from around the world to
share ideas and foster cross-cultural relationships and understanding. Our exchange students are eager to share their culture,
customs and values with you, as well as learn about American
culture by participating in your daily life and attending high school.
It is only through kindness and generosity of families like
yours that enables PSE students and families to share in an experience of a lifetime.
Help promote international understanding and goodwill by
hosting with PSE!
Benefits of Hosting:
• Expose your family to a new culture and language
• Form a lasting international relationship
• Enrich your community
• Receive a monthly stipend to help assist with the costs of
PSE Exchange Students:
• Want to learn about American culture and values
• Have proficient English language skills
• Bring their own spending money & insurance
For more information, contact Theresa Ledesma at (248) 6704030; or
St. Frances Cabrini High School is planning to recruit through the council on Standards for International Educational Travel,
CSIET, several international students for the
next school year. We have been approached
by agencies interested in assisting us with the international
students studying at Cabrini High School in preparing for a
college career at a U.S. university.
In order to enroll international students, we need to identify Cabrini Catholic Parish or School families who would be
interested in providing home-stay housing.
As a host family, you will share your home and family
life with an international student as well as expose them to
the best of American history and culture. Together, you will
celebrate cultural differences and discover similarities with
regards to values and beliefs. Most importantly, your family
can make a difference in the life of an international student
by fulfilling the dream of an American private educational
experience and in providing a safe, Christian home away
from home.
For more information, please contact:
FLAG Beyond Program at or
Page 9
Please Pray For………..
If you are aware of someone in need of the prayers of our parish family, please call the Rectory at (313) 3813815601. Also, please help keep us current with the list by notifying us if a name should be removed from the list.
Jeff Adamczyk.....Miller Allgood.....Sherri Antoszewski….Erika Bacha....Joseph Bachleda…..Nick Beasanski…..Mary Beaubien…
Dwight Behm......Bill Benson…..Robert Billing….Ronald Bloom...Michael Booth….Erica Born….Byrne Family....Danny Cain…
Dean Cape... Mae Cape..Louise Cevora...Vincent D’Amico.....Marie Dean...Rocco DiGiulio...Jason Dolinski...Laurie Ann Fedo….
David Filak.....Norma Fusco...Herman Gaines....Alanna Gehringer....Ronald Gering II…..Ronald Gering III...Samantha Gerlach….
Katherine Tallon Grundman..Cecilia Haig …Edward Harbulak.....Steve Hecmanczuk…..Patricia Henneberry…..Rinetta Heman…
Laura Henri...Virginia Holowecky….Catherine Humbles..Catherine Husky….Kathleen Jackson....Bob Johnstone....Quentin
Kastlan…Eddie Kastl.....TomKearns…Peggy Kiss.....Alice Klenczar….Brittany Kmita….Karin Kozlo…..Ralph Kosmalski…..
Monica “Gerri” Lambert….Candice “Candy” Lamborghini...William Liphardt….Shirley & Alfred Locker…Helen MacKinnon...
Mike Manor…Richard Matash….Dolores McKernan....Rita Megge….Mike Mizzi....Tony Muklewicz...David Mulmgren….Michelle
Mulmgren...Jennifer Mussio...Maureen Mussio....Randy Pearson…..Charles Reseter.....Joan Reckinger…..Maita Riling...Jackie
Riopelle.....Bill Sabo...Emery Salamon,Jr....Renee Salamon...John Sanchez….Claire Scalici….Jacqueline Smith.....Gloria
Staley….Helen Soter…Sam Sturgill...Samantha Stugill...Robert Sucheck…..Joan Sullivan....NormaSzczesny....Cody Terteling...
Judith Tink.....Mary Tirpak....Dorothy Trader…Rhonda Turner…Ed Vespa...Al Williams..Dennis Wilson…..Carie Woodall
Please pray for those being
joined in
Holy Matrimony
Saturday, November 7, 2015 at 2:30pm
Christine Bossio & Joseph Latkovic
Friday, November 13, 2015 at 4:00pm
Rachel Maurer & Jake Laird
Saturday, November 21, 2015 at 2:30pm
Sarah Humbles & Patrick Gyetvay
EPTG would like to announce the all new Under Armour Spirit Store Website!
For a short time only you can order any size you want and pay with a credit card.
Get your Christmas shopping started early!
Everything you order will be shipped to the school around Thanksgiving. Contact
Sarah Maffesoli if you don’t want it sent home with your student
All of these clothing items are spirit wear. As a reminder, they cannot be worn
daily to school or on gym days.
Once this sale closes on Monday, November 2, you will not be able to order
again until spring.
This is an EPTG fundraiser and all profits will go back to the school to benefit the
students and teachers.
St. Frances Cabrini Elementary School
Mom2Mom Sale
Saturday, November 21, 2015
8:00am - 1:00pm
Setup is Friday, November 20 7:00pm – 8:30pm
Table rental is as follows:
$20.00 Each
$3.00 Rack space---Must supply own rack
Large Items $1/per Item
Contact: Kathy Atkinson
Phone: (313) 310-6053 or
Lord, hold our troops in your loving
hands. Protect them as they protect
us. Bless them and their families for
the selfless acts they perform for us
in our time of need. In Jesus’ name,
Please God, grant them courage
when times are bleak. Grant them
strength when they feel weak. Grant
them comfort, when
they feel all alone.
And most of all, God,
Do you like hiking?
Do you like camping?
Do you like learning
about the world around
Boy Scout Troop 1052 has
begun their year!
Any boy who has completed the 5th
grade or has turned 11 years old is eligible to become a Boy Scout! Why not
check us out? We meet in the Wayne
Wesenberg Wing (WWW) at 7:00 pm
on Tuesday evenings.
Any quesons, call Senior Patrol
Leader Jesse Boggs at (313) 405-4434
or Scout Master Steve Witberg at (313)
Page 10
Monday, October 26, 2015 8:30 am Mass
Romans :8:12-17; Psalm 68; Luke 13:10-17
Special Intentions for Cabrini Parishioners
Tuesday, October 27, 2015 8:30 am Mass
Romans 8:18-25; Psalm 126; Luke 13:18-21
Mary J. Harbulak by Edward Harbulak
Mary Csatari (Birthday Remembrance) by Daughter Pat
Paul Ondo by Helen Gariacz
7:00pm Mass
Mary Trometer by Family & Friends
Wednesday, October 28, 2015 8:30 am Mass
Saints Simon and Jude, Apostles
Ephesians 2:19-22; Psalm 19; Lukek 6:12-16
Orville “Little Oak” Oakley (1st Anniversary) by Family
Jack Rourke (2nd Anniversary) by Family
Gerald Williams (1st Anniversary & Birthday Remembrance) by Graf Family
Thursday, October 29, 2015 8:30 am Mass
Romans 8:31b-39; Ps 109; Lk 13:31-35
Ruth Schiffer & Living & Deceased members of her family
Michele Gazdag (2nd Anniversary) by Husband
Bug & Margaret Kelly by Judy & Family
Friday, October 30, 2015 8:30 am Mass
Romans 9:1-5; Ps 147; Lk 14:1-6
Emery Salamon (Birthday Remembrance) by Wife Dorothea
Francis E. Burger (15th Anniversary) by Family
E. Helen Samoluk by Domenick & Grace Rubino
Saturday, October 31, 2015 8:30 am Mass
Romans 11:1-2a, 11-12, 25-29; Ps 94; Lk 14:1, 7-11
Deceased Members of St. Hugh
Saturday and Sunday, October 31 and November 1, 2015
Lector - John Cicotte
Commentator - Ellen Farkas
Sacristan - Kim & Bruce
Altar Servers - Norah Hancock, Adam Hancock & Sonja Lentz
Lector - Jim Shannon
Commentator - Kate Zimnicki
Sacristan - Robert Powell
Altar Servers - Camrin Harrington, Elaine Teed & Maria Snider
Is God Calling you to the priesthood?
Discernment Weekend (High School seniors to 55yrs
old)Interact with seminarians, experience their daily schedule, attend a class, learn more about the program and
spend time in prayer and discernment.
Thursday ~ Sunday
November 5 ~ November 8, 2015
January 21 ~ January 24, 2016
March 31 ~ April 3, 2016
Discernment Overnight (Freshmen-Junior HS men)
Specifically structured for HS students who would like to
learn more about the seminary, discernment and prayer.
Friday, April 15 ~ Saturday, April 16, 2016
Discernment Retreat (all men 16-65 discerning the
The opportunity to spend 3 days in prayer, reflection and
discussion focused on discernment of the priesthood with
qualified speakers, featuring
Archbishop Vigneron.
Friday, May 20 ~ Sunday, May 22, 2016
Registration required. Visit
Prayer of Pope Francis for the Synod on the Family
Jesus, Mary and Joseph, in you we contemplate the splendor of
true love, to you we turn with trust.
Holy Family of Nazareth, grant that our families too may be places
of communion and prayer, authentic schools of the Gospel and
small domestic Churches.
Holy Family of Nazareth, may families never again experience
violence, rejection and division: May all who have been hurt or
scandalized find ready comfort and healing.
Holy family of Nazareth, may the approaching Synod of Bishops
make us once more mindful of the sacredness and inviolability of
the family, and it’s beauty in God’s plan.
Jesus, Mary and Joseph, graciously hear our prayer.
Candles 5th Friday
Therese Zacny
Towels 1st Sunday
Alice Klenczar
Please pray for the family and friends
of our dearly departed
Olivia R. Hamet
Lector - Marge Wolber
Commentator –Sheila McAfee
Sacristan – Marge Wolber
Altar Servers - Joseph Misovich, Daniel Misovich & Ava Danich
12:00 pm Mass ~ NO MASS INTENTIONS
Lector - Bea Cassidy
Commentator - Shirley Bardallis
Sacristan - Helen Carisse
Altar Servers - Matthew Smith, Lily Andrysiak & Emma Clemente
Prayer for Pope Francis
Lord, source of eternal life and truth, give to Your shepherd, Francis,
a spirit of courage and right judgment, a spirit of knowledge and a spirit of
By governing with fidelity those entrusted to his care, may he, as
successor to the Apostle Peter and Vicar of Christ, build Your Church into
a sacrament of unity, love and peace for all the world.
We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and
reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen.
Page 11
St. Frances Cabrini
9000 Laurence, Allen Park, MI 48101
Rectory Office / Religious Formation (313) 381-5601
Fax (313) 381-7837 Web:
Rectory Office Hours
(Closed for Lunch 12:00pm to1:00pm)
Monday-Thursday 8:00am to 7:00pm
Friday 8:00am to 5:00pm
Saturday 9:00am to 2:00pm
Reverend Joseph Mallia
Permanent Deacon
Reverend Mr. Luis Flores
Budget Director
Howard Behr
Director of Music Ministry/Liturgy Coordinator
Nick Beasanski
Dir. Religious Education
Catherine Borsh
Coordinator of Christian Service & Youth Ministry
Therese Tardiff
Paula Steele
Joy Mousseau
Facilities & Calendar/ Bulletin Editor
Janet Shea
Parish Policy: Before any sacramental preparation can
begin, we require that you be a registered member or a
baptized Catholic.
Baptism: Contact the Rectory Office.
Marriage: Arrangements must be made by the engaged
couple by contacting the Rectory Office at least six months
before date of marriage.
Reconciliation (Confession): Saturday at 4:00pm and
upon request.
Cabrini Elementary School
Cabrini High School
High School Attendance
High School Athletic Office
Extended Day Program
Rectory Office
Music Director
CHS Campus Ministry
Holy Family House
Cabrini Center
Part of the Athletic Field renovations
include a new entry which will include a
paved walkway. We are offering a limited opportunity to purchase custom
engraved pavers. And when you purchase a brick, you will be entered in a
drawing at the inal home football game
on October 17 to win prizes valued from $75-$100! Plus you will
mark your place in history for many years to come! Act soon
because time is ticking away.
You've probably heard the buzz and may have even seen some
changes being made to the Cabrini High School Athletic Complex. So
what's this all about and where is the money coming from?
Hello, we are Friends of Cabrini, a 501(c)(3) organization and a
community volunteer group from Southeast Michigan which plans to
help support the communities in Wayne County.
Mission: Building community to create hope, dreams and opportunities for our children's future
Vision: A brighter future through community involvement
Executive Board
Kevin Rourke, Chair
Tim Roberts, Vice Chair
Tom Sweeney, Jr, Treasurer
Denise Kochis, Secretary
The scope of the organization is to not only support the Cabrini
Schools, which are essential in our community and the initial focus,
but other worthwhile projects in our community to help our children,
too. The 501(c)(3) establishment provides legal financial independence. Therefore, every penny raised through this organization gets
invested where the organization decides. Our first order of business is
the Cabrini Athletic Complex upgrade followed by a new science lab
and second gymnasium in Cabrini High School.
Educational material is being produced daily about the projects
and momentum is building as support starts to grow. CAN YOU FEEL
IT? Join us today and make a difference in your community!!!
Visit often because the site will be updated frequently due to all the
Kevin, Tim, Tom & Denise
Pastoral Commission
Carolyn Sohoza
Education Commission
Catherine Borsh
Christian Service Commission
Therese Tardiff
Worship, Finance & Vicariate Rep
Vicariate Website:
WANTED: Box Tops for Education
Did you know that each Box Top is worth 10 cents
cash for our school? Clipping Box Tops is an easy way
for you to help our school earn cash and they add up so
quickly! To help out, just look for Box Tops on many
products, clip them and place them in the bin in the Narthex. Box Tops are found on many everyday products such as: Ziploc, Betty Crocker, Kleenex, Hefty, Old El Paso, and General Mills to
name a few. For more information on the Box Tops for Education
Program and a list of participating products, visit Be
sure to become a member to receive exclusive coupon offers and
recipes along with extra ways to earn for our school.
Thanks for helping to support our schools!
Page 12
Hiring / For Sale ~ For Hire / For Free / Tutoring
Ads will stay in as long as there is room :) Please contact the Rectory at (313) 381-5601 if your item has sold or if you would like to
make changes. Ads may be dropped off at the Rectory or emailed to Home Care/Senior Care ads have been
removed and no longer accepted. Ads below are posted as a courtesy to our St. Frances Cabrini parishioners. Cabrini is not affiliated
with nor has any more information than what is stated in the ads.
HIRING: Seeking mature, friendly and poised individual for Valet
Cashier at Oakwood Hospital. PartPart-time help needed during late
mornings and afternoon. Should be familiar with cashier processes
and comfortable during busy times. Perfect for a mom who may be
looking for 1515-20 per week. $9 p/hr.(734)392p/hr.(734)392-7560 or (313) 4604604470 or (10(10-4)
For Hire: A wide variety of pet care in your home or mine. Cabrini
Parish family. Call Kathy at (313) 982-7004
Tutoring: Teacher available for tutoring. Reading and Math. Call
Ruth at (734) 934934-1405 or email
For Hire: Light house cleaning and errands. Minimum 3/4 hours at
$10.00 per hour, Allen Park/Melvindale area. Call Gloria at (313)
FREE: 4 yr old Calico cat, female. Up to date on shots, spayed &
declawed (front & back). Looking for a new, loving home. Very 389-5506.
sweet and great w/all ages. Please contact Ashley at (734) 716716-1098
For Hire: Snow removal, serving Allen Park, residents sign up now
to meet her. (9(9-6)
for my snow list. Reasonable rates, 26 years experience, Senior
For Sale: Like new leather double recliner sofa. Steel construction. discounts. Lawn maintenance also available. Call Dave at (313)
“Man Cave”, living room or family room. Purchase price $1650, 386-3776.
asking $825 OBO. Call (313) 386-4588 for more info. (9-13)
Renter /Helper: Semi-retired guy, Cabrini grad, seeks room to r e n t
For Sale: Oak TV stand. Glass door one side, wood door other. house/share in Allen Park. Has transportation and income. Neat,
Holds 46” TV $70. Blonde sofa table, contemporary, 50’ across, $60. quiet, non-smoker. Can help with chores to reduce rent if desired.
Call (313) 587-1541 after 12 noon.
Call Valerie at (313) 381-0985. (9-27)
For Sale: 1998 Ford Ranger, 127K miles $2,000. 2002 Ford For Hire: Tile Mason. Specializing in fire places, floors, back
Windstar $3,000. 2009 Ford Escape $10,500. Call Marybeth at (313) splashes, bathroom renovations. 20 years experience, Cabrini
parishioner. Call Walter at (313) 971-3462.
715-4803 (8-16)
HIRING: Symon Rental is looking for a college student that is
commuting to school and is looking for part time work. The job
would be assisting delivery and set up of party rental equipment.
Please contact Colleen at Symon Rental at (734) 283283-5374. (9(9-20)
For Sale: Boys Roller Derby skates with lighted wheels. Size 5,
black. Never used. $35 (313) 381-3964 (9-13)
Tutoring For Hire: Math, chemistry & physics for high school &
college students. ACT prep in all subjects. I am a Cabrini
parishioner with a solid engineering & tutoring background.
Reasonable rates and flexible scheduling.
Contact Dan at
For Hire: Rides to the doctor, store, errands and light housekeeping.
Call Danielle at (734) 497-4696.
For Hire: House cleaning, laundry and shopping for you. I am a
Cabrini parishioner, references available. Call Shirley at (313) 434- For Sale: Wood kitchen table w/formica top, 41” x 41” square w/5
wood chairs & 2 table leafs (1’ each). $350 OBO (313)386-4410
For sale: 9 drawer bedroom dresser by Drexel with matching
For Sale: “Liquidation Sale”. Victorian style furniture. Excellent
detachable mirror $200. Entertainment center/TV stand, light birch
condition. Please call (313)303-7888. (9-27)
w/2shelves and glass doors. $20. (313) 386- 4410. (8-30)
For Sale: Fur Vault-Macy’s. Beautiful mahogany full length real mink For Sale: Dining room table w/4 black high-back chairs. Also, new
coat. Size S-M. Must sell. $2,000. Suzanne at (313) 561-1148 / (313) water heater. Make offer. Call Mary (734) 680-0812. (8-16)
544-8070 (9-13)
Misc: Maple Heights Retirement Community is now offering specials
that could save you up to $1350! Please call (313)383-6226 for
For Hire: Cabrini mom with 35 years experience in child care field,
more information and a tour.
especially in infant/toddler care seeking part time, occasional or
overnight babysitting. References available, flexible schedule.
For Sale: Craftsman 3HP 1400 PSI High Pressure Washer $190.
Call Christine Latkovic at (313) 401-6591.
16” Hanging ceiling lamp w/leaded & stain glass panels $30. Queen
For Sale: Couch, slightly used. Paid $800, will sell for $400. Color of Mattress foam (1.5) with removable decorative knit cover, like new
$30. Call (734) 287-6418. (10-11)
a ripe pear. Call (313) 381-3964. (9-13)
FREE: For scrap metal, Riding Mower. (313) 587587-8991. Bill/Patty
For Hire: Handyman, parishioner and child in Cabrini school.Please
call Stefano Lalicata (313) 386-0165. You will be happy you did.
For Hire: Seamstress--Uniform hems to Formal wear, I do it all.
Custom sewing /Crocheting/Knitting. Allen Park resident/
parishioner. Call Robbie at (734) 626-4037 .
For sale: Rocker Recliner for sale. brand new, brown, and asking
$150.00. Call (734)258-8166 . (10-18)
For sale: Bedroom set/dbl or queen, dresser, morror, nightstand,
frame & headboard $150. Older Singer sewing machine $75.
Babylock surger $150. Reasonable offers welcome. Call Kathy (313)
550-0812 (10-25)

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