GPF-1 - DIRD Pune
GPF-1 - DIRD Pune
'E -o) {ts, ' qftft-eooe/9qq( j9u/looe) sn (sft.) cr-;i..Ti ftqrq, ;r:'rdq, Ifs{-uoo og?. rd"fiz5 :- : ./\:,/?ooi P.ft, qtf)g-o, sdHil. ciBrdt *s-o (s.n.), 'Ir{s. ftw '-**r t$_T'la-.q fq-..iftdvffiq q-.rd"ll qrnfl.. r{q{ s-ciF?3 riilt .- 3ilq-e Ti F-qi6 qfrci/qnedr-l/ocrc, hqqifdrd n-o-wfi qftq fu{io 9?.o?.?oo9. ti"fi? c-{I-i,i,n+ sTrcqir a,aii.Ecia l,,i qjt, TEr\rq Tl-Jqlqyur FIqIF Fttit P{qrrrq-,fi eaar Erfto -_ r)"nqr er- *._ c,rn* / Fffir Jm Tm, H,'TIR,ffi qqi sr.ri m'n6-sli/e3 (!q). ft-rie orvoil ia qri. ncr v'r+at qftyrqr3Tn ft,fFrd 3q.o3.tooq n;ry::(fti.a.rrurc) tl|tf,:tot s.6I qliir-ffi N(l :{iqT-.r(r,.vr-eiiqrt flqq'rs qrni+.:;. Irrii 3::1 ,saq _"-:fiHcrr / sdkrfi qftdil, sn (nrti.) Fr.,-s t,rR6r en (ri*.) v.#.;r1 fi,rn,, e*rri if r.t. rrrr,4rrFlr-at $q!-Ll?oor, 9d :- JUt 200i, rrr.forr'I v?fsq 4q 'flrtnrnd hrqrqr rfrr crftdlflrdt q):-q lfqrqqrrfrrrfa E rrf ,ar;;; o D:!-( 1": ) *rtur s fsrrR *irrnqroq_ <,qlifear ats, qu-l_u?? oo?. fEafo :1 'A) srdd..Jrt rrf,t r'.'l grfr. '..\, MIMry-rulgo rff{liff q d.rrdo, 7_:nJl rrrd';tl Jrrluq o foor4 €'!r$]-t, Ia;rr ,^.-.--^^-. qii-6lrnr. Q ,g n,r,4,r 196 a-- '4D qfrF{ftqht{tftT'fuwidi{t're<;q ' *o. frm{ autriargrrr rrarF'rqit v're : , . ' 'tt ng.SSEiBJgJt'lst r;r) , W/ w{Y{lrl:{ *tcaogerqfiFn{rr i './ 5 fifgqqftT{S?i. qfrfr-iocqir1trr9.9;.q. ioe,'q?-s, {tmc' iiet - voo o31' "- i $,, i -. TAqqftqi$sl.q.B. tr.- qftH ioaq,&.iE.q/l;-3{ i;',i.,,'", '\A -tl)/ q{:-r)r rzot \i -:qfrqltzn':o\ ' - / r* i^[ ffia-qn dr,n-qr etrsr-'2riqr selit -ii'zi i'it-''n-_'dl is ) *"Taq.|rl** i qnrrora'.*q n-*i fr$-* q{uft q*' id -{rqlqGti liErll*iiFl qi*Eq qlFH s-{tr'rrrrffr et ag k t/?' ?oo'{ ar ii.ta t .t fut t1le qt frqqrg(v) i oru+trqd ' I "'-- vK{qR{i-"5,rqqrrq+<Yqrdq6eiqiirc' fr.t ffilft t{qqlfi xrffi arq< q1 q'5 ftrl€nr=rr f' ',fr* FqhTsrruet qfu'q Gfit6 FGt q'i!frqfiq @ q dfircor - "r"t""i*Fr<{i{tsqruFfrcrdcrlrirsTqffi "fldt fiqk nur lsrri-{sr fr6n#**iigfl* *tffiffiH**"rr* *t$ *tdfr"** 'ftce vl' TTII rro'.rl,+ml @-mma ry ry qiii6q FEht ao crfi. qfiprd rtdpra arrhrqnru er;qi Xq crrntln 61-'i qar'{ciq-F'r ff-"*" Jtdtg ,$"-'*'n or*eqrq qFI cgi e rorT$ vnr<rn qrF+, €ilFrs T{s q-sdl' 'r SJg13e B^YSF;I-*; qlqSiddcqftr$kqmd+dr'5{' T-*t"Y*qn 3go'j5 q-Rq s {ftil{or g{Flsrt zirqi-+-qq qd qrorn crfr , . ,{ t"tr q,ft ft"o * ;(tt;*#; 6" Z ##;-+{-;.{o ft vR/?oo\ qI qfi.otrnrfin qfigq m. r td qg fmnrnd riq'n nradri +ro'iin t. r$/;;diiffi" itrfom trq1.q srqr erqun'rn an"n* aqdr'eriaerq """ **' -,\g) .l$EI e;lqt':iqis i gllcrw q n..'\ >r ffiq qflqd.T ftqrrs iqiq.r .1].€-fllfTdr,4-ciFqrqr Rqr+'t;iii"o" '*"t il."* qF{qfqdfrr -.iti q€iqri :,{ic{r cta qr'i ;r ,qr{<"]'rci **tar otzisliii"t "nr*rt-*"*rq qiRqd sl"qlfi fiFT; qT6rqlti\ qh'dl qr qftqr+EsR qkqn qEldqqi{ mrqidctg qnhuqn qrqr' q.;qnqqqftrcFlr6].rlqTtRFrruTlwu,'4l.icai{eqt qooI o \e 'j191 slrd aq@I 6{ucrd rFd wqr F{Ir* rfi am Ti+-d[dF i u !' I \ c \e t rnmqd (rqqlf, fi aitvrEen a n-*'a' errqre t o q o I ,qi.$m effi{Ri-.T.r, crfr, rr;qqrfiin qhe, rrqr{-cq, tFr*, uun qt{d, qxrfrq, tq+' Seri* fi ; s|. ai.u|rdaao I I Flt'al_roOt n6rrrln-eOsr( 3 500-or -2 oo8 ) -1 {1.m.u.1 a 2 .. /'i;t jr,,r;'i.: . , .,i[F' 1'*uq. !q61q, i[qi, r i'.,qr q r,.:{iqdl)-q, qffr1g, . .';."1'r...te i:qm. rE?, ':. ,.'.t1.,,.a :.:ra1t. tts, . :!f| ..-,t..:1.r1 -lr,rural, tsi (qo qfr.1fdg[), tiri, .-,,i: -';:,, -,irilit lr'.1rq. q{{, j, :: =-.i ;ia;'j...qqq cii 6tcldTq, IFi, i,::! r . . ,-Jii.j .:r-la;;i{ -qgfti*:,tut. {pi. ' ;;.r. -' , '.i6;; --. r:r,qaq tral* frrft vncr, T* *.*.d. ,.. . .:,:rr, .q ':: (qo qfflff#gf) ',, ; : .'r:=r' qiirit. ;.,4'di dri, q*qsf .14{, {& td, -r-:1 -:r ;:rl :1-l t"lr.'f, fffi, i :. :,r.; . ..r l -r, .nr,:a.-. -. ; .-rit? *; j.irr: kdq, n rr0q f,rfts, .- .t;,:";*. rj4-*, ';i.;p1r". , ,,i'r1; 3$;61fi,A4{, '..-:' :.... :'.;.7-'.i1. .''-._.+ ; -: i .,r '';,.,..a1 Sliitnltt, -;ilg,q,tg't, J . r.'i, i ;,-,:. :,;.i r.1;' liilqq f-br:'rt, ;-3 , [i r-r.. i, ct;,i -i.i-'..), :l,ir :' ii., f-qqr,iar q?T|{#F 1';firi"urRil?ft€ T{ frlnr qBs, fiqftr6,fu{Fl cttE ., : -...i :,.: \,tJ. i,..: .i i ;,.;';.ft riql4q, tia-o<, qe-i (f rr*), ,., ,. ;.:.. t.. ,...ri'r* s qitt.r* iiq?fqrifq, tqt, qfl-flq, tt r*1, "jci l-i-t r. i :i .?'0\o \ w,. fi ryr.qKf &HTI,E"H i"l *#' x,i\, fr-,,,,{ -* azo Ltrroat*'e*_ ldrql <tr}S Tm;T. ,n-6T /T(<71r;T ne.; * 6E# -fi|:rnV, ;nr nfuzlttf u' sr+r ^1fitffi 66 '**-H**o l. z, 6n ApR emf : qftft-eooq/eQ3(eqo/looq) sn(ffir ) crcdsTt fu{rr, iera-o. {{-uoo o31. liFTffi - ./,. /ic,t)? .l / 1 I ; I'- qmd c-d ario' a;qn;7qTRr_3/oco, ;'fr,', ff{io' e?.o? ?oo9. 'l " .'..' -'.i 4t *ffiil*T trffi ffiq q51irirrr$ m *#";,:il #H:TH HH y * m -*f iat-Jti '\' (15\\ ^^r,{ " ;f"r= ;-" dF* "" '\\(' -rqro' riq.' h-qi6.-?3 qqfd ili"Aq Gl-'ry -,i6*?}1,T:r.TT"I",-;Hff F-nrqid zrd qr*. i*o*rt ffiffi rtr':jnl2 /i-,:- r,oi,J liI -.r., .-\ o,l1,ro :- g ]fl wa.ty.oq,criT / ci{hrn an.(rft; ) ft..,---s rffi51 "fiqdT. w.(rit ) i{rori. - -- t s**il J^^ FrT?rrF, crc-isTt f651-q q-6rrfu-g ",";+-E *, rir-9' {arrllrq- 3 ('1"1 ..r1ufr qr\,er .r G.tl6\ $,T )4,- _ qfl',ri/e. .]v ra,"..sf,:. &L 2001 lf,-+ 1*-*+ ( G.qrG"rscuri+ <.J r,,.) rarqtI n-t .\^ 2\\ t(n\ titt- (T ir,.r nii *,[.,,]\,uN. '{*+DI.E{TL]r l7-:oor r {",$ f,ltnlil|P f4zi :i i; i?::-, iaqa frqnak tErfa{a {'t;rm qi<q[.r<i6 fa'i q,ilire-rrr tai* rriq=uciH-d f+".idtet rr+c i:'{<a rqti q-,rq'iqr{i:. --:.' I rfil{IcE lThli' r1Fff;4 p;r111 ,.'1: .:1."1 wit-d i'.r.'h rrei.F fq.tfi . rrf{fq-l12\/x. t:ll *arsq,t.rtvo".il f<{ic ?c . \ ,<r-:r i l\zi ni11it l;MlT , :'t;.,. i,iit ('r'itnrrtq ,,tr[,,i .,irtqr.ii) F.rrfitr.{,.It'ii. ; Ag,,r f.r,r* '..?,4 ii i.4; Li:i:':it rtf.r-.l.1.ri( f;;.i 11Li64 ;iqt ::.t-.)-.jl 1'Ii:ri, iqliqi i;qt nr.;it.zr iTlrn4i '.,t . t', 1111;11rnr- i,1.i';i1- 3:i.{il l:' iir <l 6.1'. \, -lii.i'i .'1;r<l ir.l,: r'1i:-,ulfl -n Fnli frytir Frrrrri.{..ii'iri; flw q1 11) q .,i:lrii rifq.qf.rqr1 fafr (1.;l) ic+,tr' .jii.f. r-*; i:.;tr -(" (9) qrrrR_ Er"it{rA-qT (Eiaqfq q-rg A(-(if Tizr,:r S.i"ii.Rrfl aiq .r.=r.,.r;1+r, ir qrq1+.t ;iii:J;'iit q;i riTkr r,r.aFr,r-r .qrur r{FI +ti a i'a'r'qfuqr-:.* iiiq c'Te :q-<'tffi,a ia;;j tq.T!;,. q-?.lrtl6 .,lT.I.c fuaq 11 (i) s is (i) .qqr{, c'i.,ifflTF fdq< +qrcri n#f{ iRrfrTd q}wrvr an<&-en g <{ arnfi 'lfqq f+qk fini-f,fs 3{rq-A rmc atfrFd; f,raprnrrrir qri rr<< rriqqrsr 3ni. qa;T '' €1{i 3rfi{]qrizT Trq flraqr;r.r( {;iftr( +€r i{Rlf'rqri iqr -r{:Itd <liffi err qri!fi<T(r=n qGrqf";qk f"ur '.: iqr( grfi :{i+dl rcFi;q r<1l {,Ilrn{r{di rrfu-r;rrra, r:r arifr{s6;fi Grm qa-r,fia flqft-qr antt;rfl tritd r,rit gr qk{r i,mtst .rru-{rq{rit 3ni,. rifd, Tfllctn tra: T.r.t;{ it en..aiu i,rr*r idi-.{I ltl.r q;nt;-+ rlqii-rr ditrrifi flrrenta rr i q,ir :im.Tr\'i in). -<. r1;t-qt q,-iFqi a'riiftc q,iff 4 3rfml;n :.-t- .:- +_-:' -f." - Tr:4-Ti:JTqTrTa +.a -,:, qrn (r r? i r:+q:ri :,.{i<r.:zt i. .,f; ,;fu--i.;i fazir;r; i?qrl ir.ire Eirc crr.\il io4l q{iqi adl ni{rr.rnii.rq ;tn q.,..rq ,iji ,.ii, ,i'.itrrc;' ,:.ri 'i,iiqi :ri._,. lqa: nirr. i;qi qir rnr,lr, kirll, qfr;)a 1 qri ge,'+q ii:,, '..r;r{, ,.ioir,tr{l+r ;ir 1';,.id .i,i,,,.r iiqi, f:.,'i t;iri )i;rflltr :n;rirrt rrt:frl f,i,:rri,,i, ji ft qirrir ,;t+,Tifr ri:i ii qi'i{; 1a.l t(,L-:, r:il -;i:(1 -:li it+,,':rt ;'l Tr ;lfIi{T ziZ.irIjz; f:rqir rl,FqT+f{ vlIF qlts q;4-rr.-il 1'"ifir qqiafn ncrl ar'..,ri irei1i.l'icii.{a?'' .i.rfiiro <+;q iq;; r +r;n.ji {r "{; ilqir ."ili't;,. 'c,i; ,ii{( .i:r,r ia:,i;ti i, .i-:r1ii ri rl {;.ipr;qr* r;dq-,ri: ui:i,1, trrir.i-.rir 'i:l ,r:irl{ '.:rt :1,.1-, ' , nl(,. ..1---j .:I'r-d; ,'..---- i:Tol;{t{Ii -:. -..- ',rTii-iL ll,;'I;. '.,!l;.I.1 -a^a.-..,." a; ilf iiq-{I IliI--Tf 1;;f itll'q:'t i.,- ; :l,....;,.*, i. ;,i..rl 'ir.,.< itr,at'i !r1: Fi qrTTl F,r:r( i,it.tan- rr.;c-'rr,.r1+ rrl:.{r,rl rrFqqfTck ftu;rft aiqi} i. ',rivr i .., I ari.i.rii;r qr,.,Lil<l(.t .{.qq. n(lnltt ittti./, 4qrr{r.{, . TtliiTqiR !t'j-c. il ('/l {q.;rq 4qit fErhliii q-{qqrd ardTni fcrqTl {{a{r 1 i, / *f.., -,--ri .--r, ,t ia-':Cjn-qi, i:1 i1 :;'1r14a1ii1; faln i1_:i r- jrrrir{t .qf.": efi.jrl i,,;r i,,-{.r r.;r. .r.-r ; ;:11 -,....:_.,r; .t;- .il riiii 4iz-qt ..,.1 f.FI...l4 t:,iti-.:: i : i,.;:; , .. ..-.::r:.;, r ,r--;.r1; ; .li-.--,.,'. i:6if -ijiijrri iqr{.i,,,.l l.iqpii E;lri11:;;., ii q=rf q-rifqt fR .:i.,., ,; .t, . ,.,..,-...:,: i :... .... ,1..:.'.t' i,-i,, .;,, l;.ii ,;,rrn ,ri,:ii..ii TI,;iqd. -ti q{*..ii.ii (: r.r.:, .,: r, ,, ,,,: .,, .,.1 .i,i::i' jr:rl r.;: q,;,n; i,:,;;;61 ;i1;; qk,.qla1 , i-nt""i:r ;1,.,r ir{t ..rriull,if..r--f.iiF, ; rL:1i ri.:.i -:. ,:.i r, , ,.,:i::. ., t..; f,;.,i,; I'r:i, r-;nnt-,iftT c.:tia.:.I f.tai i1_.; ii;._{T,.,-:.a i:',tl t, -. r l; 7y, 1.,:;1 4 ,.;11;.;j; :i..r; i,; ;1:,i.;f; r ti,l, :i.iriI .t1 ..-.ini{ fi,iir ii,lC iin;,_rrir, 'i' '--l l:iri " ir ,.'i,,t 'tl i i-j':f-: f:-(,ri, (i.-iri i ra'l-n d{qqt-t ii:i'. f q,;ui r i;, t . ., 1 : i, r;t lrvt r ii;t...l qiil j ,rr ;i;.; ' , ri,:fl ,jj.-1., i.r..;i i;.,;l.i'r -rt-.t rr;.- i: ,_..,i;r'.:,i ;i;;:.--q':.:q6t-r-f .(ai4 r;{f Al T: ', ': ..: ;64'i-'ir f;r -i' i.iZ.. rri{i- rirfor .: r.oqr.t n l;r't.{.t; i;i[<r :;ft.. ) .qi i{iii?-,\.1'n iq irqT ri4?T nqlfl4-\..iitnTq {wEIc: qld. ., a{T tii;' (z .iP-r:, -..-...'. 7 li;e F<ai{ f'.'reir.; .<r.fq. .3ifdi-: fqa'rcR.rir sr<( +,l|i|4rsn rrliqr gr,6- {5nr "r'.' ; .l,f :'i.t riili ,.-, F-rii-d {'r-4k-I qt,i.;. ,r; 'ri,'i,,i iiiii,r' I f .it,r i;{,iri;r jfl.r,ar .{jri.t d(iiiT rI;T 3?q .{iqihi11a11 .r1j;2fiqi- f.{,itjr,; ". i-rr\i :,:". .:- '':.,.: 'irit ,,':;* .,-ii d(of drfoT .zr":qr.- -r< at r,.rtl ga: faf60r ,fiir; .ir 1.a. ..1 ..r r,J.t-+fqnC r,1,; q1q, 71 rn,1 ';.-rA ';'r;l l ,: .tr'r ',;,';t :t.: ,.r',tf ;if tFrI'1-r q?.d: lf:;i T'i {{rT i; ., .,i:ti=.i.i i...i.1.. . ..:.'., .,i,'..,. ,r:,:ir 1..;,r-ifiiit. ir itirl f,Tiq. li(\riir flqr4f.r..; tr r;tiar:; .-,,.i..: r. , , ,i ,r . i; r.r il.;. ,: :..',:,:',, r,1,,1 ri,,ir, leii. ; -tiij,;..r {.-if,:.fii .1..7..51. .-:,ir .lir.r -.i..1 ;i.r; .;i r:i, t,ir ( r.t-,i;{ ._ i:i-t f{ir.{ lol. ?. dTnt {,I c;{t4.i :,rtilr .,il-C,.ihaia f+,ii{i,; a,i j, .,q ,n -; ., . ,.i,: .-,.; .,1;;_,r 4:r.riif tti.1 -q.ilaiiT<ir .;,12c. rirek hirtir.; ii,pi {Fi ri ':.i-1di iil--Jt ,it:4- ,,..1. r"-,-- ;j,:i.; iiriid( dl?ft(il4 fiTZ rii"t. !i iir:ruif :r;ri \. i .;i'l'', .i ''.,J ', ',Ji .it..i,i ;,1!;i.: c-irz r.1;;] 'i 1 ,{i.lF4 I c.z t {Trir i,n'''qe Qiqr.qr rirll{F.iir -.,, -_l . :.. -: ,".,.,. ;.., ..:-rc,i-,.n..r {'.;.iir ",j,,i .riii ;rc,..i-t; r1: ril l;'r, :+ne-r f4;q ,;t -,a, ;;l.,;:,;1.;i, ..;i-1i ir;ri,,. citti.i tTi;i,.ir,.;{ i 11i!;1 .qii..:.i f;i;i{- i la.-,jr qri oi1 a-1ri q1 ir;q]. ? ., \. i.i : ..; i,,.:t ., :;i::i -.;t lli r.,.iir {ritT q4;t^i..1.,.r ,,i ;: r-r:{- I ,-. :,..:,, lit :-nl. i:,1.;:;.r--,..,;i itt,.rjj,; : i. r.'1- ,;.,',.,,i-.; ..1;r;f.; l.: f<;i ; :r.16;i1 ai,,r.;F,i:, faLj ''1':ii qt fu:{'l;-r.i ,a.; i. .,ii:l ,lr:'i:r ..1T.; i f;;1,;, ;i, ;,.'.,..',--1t it :li,irt,I ir)ir{'i!i i,lT! q-t !i1i)d :rri{ rri,i,rri,i q t-r T {fild- ii: 1.; ;t:irf ,.i., 1-.:\ ri {(rq*fai {iz .. ijt 'Ii;, fq"r., ii-r ii.,i.,r=;iii (rrT fn.iir,.r;t ir.t i'li.:."it ri6;i.iri f<,ifua o<q'{rd tcqri{ii l<..r a, fiTjtrr:! o tt,.;., iz4r4 ?u {d qrt ?,:rrrF-tq 1T:qFir rqr :' Q.i :: ",o.t ' iil-,r-;l1; -; .,'.t !t. tl, cr\1irr1i(j -.:+--_ ' s! iit{", qer(tg .itiF;. C4 'cooq,lmrfrfufufiff tn664 rerf eqaqtft{rnwwrcqnd rhmtrlcUr' ffi.'C'. I. B tEB 2@r rrr-<ir. (t{f quvrq unrT frttfr{n d{l ttTgrt ffqcr tr.fron0-co. r<tlrror 1 ' i;. \' d*' i'q l(-. 'r,. 1.''f \ qftqTtf I ;'s"l I { rmil Hrqr r quffir - wr nfinr slqdt Tq rffi{' dooft,tr tig Fnfo Frfl c Rtqnftr rlh rft{ rf wr tq tr$'cooq,rrq fu I fth1ltft'1t fur fi{ iqri srfqnqr qnr frdilr rmqql rrrir rrrFilqr wrt rtif i'm rft{ / sq rffi lnvqr qnd Envqr mn d. :- rftr qfinft frltvttt n$c q.fii gqfqnr ffi ffi{ rrqr r IrKTFrril .--:.:?. qfri 1 (.q)c{rnil dooq-vurqfrqtrrfr6 \ ) e(cl -u-t-l I oq/Wto*rdr{qns-1. {iluc,frsoo ol?. ffiqr: n {flq1,por, 5'# eqtc,FnFqrlnr ql o+clqff qoes{q|qrw h|fr (cool-qo+l) qo+dtgrfiqlr fiq ffit frO (dool-telc) qo$qfuil clrffq *rt qfuq ffi ftO (aooC-qo*q) fu tr[ glfqoq qcfcq qGffir ilqfl frO qh ffit fifr (eo"C-tpuc) co+drrnmqqr qfuc ffiftTnftrc Frffcoor-q$$) qot$Tq fin{ lF ffir fiO (coog.'pq-S) Rprqo fn firqffir fi6 eo$fiF dmrilqa ypi- coot. vmrffiffififi (?){ftffi aool-nw rfufuft fitff o+Cf.Tff qo+t{gttttttut tfuq ffiF qo+Elmlnnlt fu qo+Efua qmiq *il *qfu-gt"C-qco-og-o?) R,O (eooq-oor-l) ffi frtft (aool-oo+c) fit{ frqfu ffi (aooj-oo3.e) 9 r3 -/ t .-*"ffiffi* co+ftqt lrrrF$q6 fiq Frqfu ttd qo+{utlttnurr cfrq frrhfiEd|thfi qottrrrq Cfrf rftq Mr ffi (cooq-oou-q) fid {cooq-oorrrr) (coot-ooq-y) erpr-Eo mv qfuuFrqfu Bfl gttrilr - eooq - qw ffif ftfi 3. ffi qlrm t ' dqla, frifi! dlut,qo?, ffil *q (ir'|O, (c) tcttftq tM q tffiunh lifcrf ti fit ilut ffi,wtttcrqln trt qrFr vtw urqrr qrr,rd urcftic,St qffr q$d stf. cfl rwpr v? Fo+ot cr nfqqr lrftto ururn ctfi. t qnqrr fis qyntrnrn (tlur q qlatnfl.qlrrr;,ltrl dtr frllr F.r.?ooq n alrnrllu # sfi dwnftqwVtilcqmfhrofl *,nr rmtqnu (Hfm, tqr q dn'rnt, rfif qffi nrE i.l.Fot t' qtlhiltlb rfrr{ l.nllhtrlrrrcfooqf*q cr*rilrooq qq{ FFfrtt i* qtt. lum;rt'nqttrar Aw rrluryn qrtlri < r<Q'Y> JRMI ilr, ' ' ' ' ' qqrmrqfiqfrr, Ts{'fiqltfrq,q d {f,ctuq*fl sq{'fi qft dq qmltr, imrsnftc wd tnmfiqtffii qfur, ffi,nlqrq|U| (Trtl|ro,til, nnu.slrqnrnr1eftiutu1,1nf, iltr,qrm;ffilTilqlrr,Trt, fi1,q61qfrqn{TrqfumFq,tr{, lirlu,rito aqlnr! Eq d|oaryrtqft fiqftre,qnrq usrrtr,ft q[dcrra T llt<-'\oc (dut q q5lcilg vo,ilrflq,?fi{, - o9-61'> 17 r l4 ' @ 3 (ffitl C6,q[rrrq,S{, cr,rdqrrnfr (.+ar q qt*n )"ltr.rwtE,rfiW cTr*qrqTs (ffi|st{, qlrrrq, qrqtp, wdunrd *n Effi,qrtvtq rmr,${, f{ilrfrdutsffi,${, €rfo{r< s qftcrqrlqFfiv€rffi,@ T{futqtllhmnsrffi, q{gq61rnqp €rffi. dwdrr,tct c qntrrt,${, sc frrrro,ltut c qrhFrt,td, gs frrmr,*qr s 61qrttt, gq,fifu6t!ilrlqr/dttqnr{, Htfi *ei,uloq qr{,aff E{.uoo qry, tq *cnfiutr,wtHrr frrlr gtqtt,nwq nmtr,{rsr; wrnr,uhffiuq r}r,q0 frRrhqqo -q, v{n*'6o "t*, rr{fficlQ, *rscrfl frfrc nmcfu vndwr5c, ffir frfiincrlhc lttv w{ ftqn rT! s* Frtrrfinrfi gn vr{urfr fritr0 sd Ftct ffir a{ frrrrftr Trq dq c ftt nffi, qqffi Emqnfl,qffi r w<ffi firgmrq,fTcc,trrt, Arfurmkw{ffi, 6rcffi (drnrqtw't rO FlwcRfi,E{dr-1. fur frrrq16o.1 ' qfli. ' {q- qtdY m.o.R. rl cnt - o i -o D "? l! q z1 fa {rnmftr srrw E {rf, vnffiq'Ctt{ ugCu6 (ftHM) {i{r qq t.l.tca q * qr cmn**a +*rr$ erffiqfttuqtqffi- qnrq ffratf Rd Enarrr trrfi !6Tqqlir trr rqs*e{ aFT arn 6tt'qT'mkr' IGT{IEIII TT' frmftrrrr, troQE n \eila-c ri1qq, liqf Yoo o11. te dd(? Qool. ilrrqGwfqrqir : igt - . rt*;\ @. ftaic: .(, -. '?) \ \ t-. t. -1/-- A I rns{ .tnrqf{, kf, ffl{rq, mqis : dg{ ! r"Ertrtv. i*"t tt+o, fe-fr l*emrrrr. -. - 'i O - .- #r-t"' ik+iq; Hqn, mcim : dg1 ttlq/c.s ?\/11/iqr-(", fui6 s . t ?r\ r artFTHutI, Rrfifinrq, mqin': tgr trro'!'m' \eY/tv/Cal'qo' i kqi-*' n qfuf, qqqv. qlsvqqprr-q,aql --6 €ei .;\ v' ilmGpiq {qrdf, f,{dq-6 (fu{M) qdflITltilowFffirrnr +r 3qfiqis r td a1< i*c<t Raio ff.x.SSfx * ortvnWn T.qqyo-qo-Rqoo-gfl-eq-lioo fi 5a:qqrf{d df,rffi k{t6 ercm Rai* t cnffi c,qzq e ?q u;wcn s{r6 o-€$. fr ,tH ,qqr'* *r-srq.qtdf, qmfudi{ csfl61{-dfuai{r q5frr t*u*l fuor4 q!.fl 3rtcni+ iqii r[6 srd r-qio' : lqvo/il q n\edlqv ftnrR q{nseilq ' qr trqls-r qmrq svnq-+tq ql-qrftIq'{trl-i r'i q*qr+l riaift]tri-n t =rnrftrortr iQ Src; nd' tH. :ftaiqr sn6 s{ql6,r$ or€T Fluiq ftqis x s€q{ r11e t-d k{ilyns'{rdfr mqi5 : qq'{v31 ql qffi q-q{ rrrrqrq qvng-qitq qlqrfrrit{urd R""f,r k{iq; i x s.i{i q,qqc qi qrfurs sidftc sffi qr* orrft ct*{r 3EI qrqrf,q' i+i <ilr mwro sirffi rnt. {rq Yrrq-{rn t o{+.T 3q qlqrmq' iFi aq'qdfe-d 3{rt' qEnrt{s{Tr<-#qqqfrrfiunq{sirisrurwg3q{i-fi q-dsnnl scdfulc-d {d 3Tol t q"E{i6' : lj,vo/3? s \e'sY/jY qti qrqrfurfsnqT qr+flim qdf,qqlq"fl { +eIr'rqCE sTcrqrq qiq6r Fqis : lqq/qq qrqi1 +i+ dd. qr qeql{ qffi{Eqia qrraq s{rlT.frtq qrqrnr6.{Uni, ' ririFrciar rffI elrqqri4l cr6qls1-acl *-{qldtd Riqr Raifi Y {*dt qqqcq 3{Rvnd q.ftqaiqnii'or.qtl+ofter qlry qipqla ifl-*tff. rt siq'm-{qlqqftRqis' q .}ffi{{ q111{s16-{I* " qmftrofuiEattm. qT 3l-{fiqifi v.q. qr. c6Rrq cymrdq qqrftqi{qlqr T-q{ fi{oiqlqr 3l1ftri, vnmri q;a-ei nrsqi{oiqrqa 1 id a6 q-6i{rq (s{) {rq vrmm-+c RTdsq' (hq*"fr) ild-q qilfiq, qcRlE i+6$-qt s{rqiq, qqvo-?qoo rflrrq-@ {frqdq q cto qr{m q sq-diqi 3n5ffi fi orqffie q6Frqil{r t. -i . / - ,- :":) ,, "./'.'.t / <l 6- f<- a{ ) 1\ 2 qI {qrft-d +dr*'ftd a-n* FrRqddd qceq e ts Pg{qr tqji qr !fl cRt{ .oiqr qft rq er*r errt *mnd e{ 6{uo''d cr4. ftt qrt{r i6o dscrqr BRdqdRqI fiflutfrd q qr1.rfr tsJq a * *"i"n-+" *-**f +* (") tq"" tq dqrt Rnm q qriql-t i i 6ffi ffi.{f, f qE6uru1 Rin tq tf,s q "rtod sr+ emtqli"cld tmd' wlrudqT-qi{idisqnmruqtdqI* "*l"i{|q-{ qrtilrqr q1qln+ trq ftdf Fnft qren qq1 s'{sqiT qr-del y.l er5ia oru<n qra il*c Y<t {ffiq-$ qfrq FHk fr$ lffi+fi d"r€f sTd s,,i-d t *.4*W kr {d( qqnqm qfliqtcrrfrd ffid sq{tft *t trt* rnrr+-tqr g-q'.Rfr q trt-{+-flR ddT. qft c {dnrdi{ cqi oruqn qri fttqr -3 qrq*dqt ,.FT g-r / &/q1 / Rq'r, Fqifi : dlr w*-{ sndrh silfu iil q} 6}qsa ffiq, qtcq Frek ftrfi rcrdld qql Cer-q', Ris s seq{ qici €rqi rid'ke o4ql-qiqr qri' a*q qlqq .n+er qq.c|dq {"ic{ ftcts. q sffi{r ccii crq{ qrq u-1*a env<n qmwnqT FriqTqr qRra rtqa rl<t w'+tr:' F"l. h,ft FTqqr*H ilc{ftq 3{${ t*t \. dc {iifr.niTl qfuq{Wr{uqrqrrwqnft. rr@ rrqqnm qtrqr - atEm$r q qret-+' h. qrrqunfi Ilrs{rnwsfuq. I tt. qh qtrd€Tqrii-t 1frgl qflqil), qfiI% tqiqrrd'qrqro-r (ticr rfrut), rurq; rrqr. qfldqrcrd-\ (tfcr s qi{.TI), qtrrlq' {tt {6r&tcrclc-r (e+er e' er5fu'at), rTfi{q';rFF[t' orRr<nqdeftrfifr, firerddqr c0HI qftort, qFt. 5q{aid nm nF*< / eq ffi{Fdhqm Sqqqii sqn qfuq' Yq ;qrqMq ({t Y[sI)' {c*. rqiiq6, T€ qrqrtrq t qfu vnqr)' {T{. +clirrfi, +{frq, q6RIq ffi* +qfuq, fid'r' {{t {qt arqFfitrqtfic' s{r{ffiqsqdr do 'ni'ro, Emqfrqndsa {fustmc' riqrem, dqr e friqFlt {qqaftq. t{i' rvlftoffi ft*s, 5n! / gd I ilftnfi / qliqnlq / rFrS{ I ermTtr' i* q{,nffitq H.rFriqr qlMq frctq qg / creto< qg. nw A"t ons*, n-drgfta5frffiWqtre. 5e vr{orft drcrt' qtrsrt {dkars}qrn k*s rd, tdfl f$Tpr' lifl-r. €d fqF6r qRrrin * trrt{R c:47- { {S ( 3 aad'l'4o-11- o<) 4- ',@ (qt{d /r' rrnrq fftr{Eirq qfuq FrdlE fi$ s siyrqrfi 'rTPdq tc rl" fisft.i-e tdl s qql l'7-ro.ffid qrs rtrErra sns{ 3tftr{d{r. fua frqrq. f,i6'$fl-1, frcio I {, looe ?) rrq {Trqc.,+c Fffi rre ftqr q}srtr tqcr- fufl fttn*a iFEir {ttt'ffi€ qs eTrs{ Frsiq Fqi'F-qfud- t oot/s.r.1 r/ot /vn fff, krio tc Df snonoffcrcd sI ffie ,d q) c'ffi trz fuqr qlc-{,t sa-q{f, mql ilq sqnd qfurfi!'r&q ?rd' Frotqrfii€- qftrql to.ol/s.r.tlhoot/*, ftlri6:- lq qt, lo"l- ft-qi6 :- i3 1 ;:1...,.2 IFrffi 5w \' riqrtro / T6'niqmo'. qrs€ri ftqrq, uFe-ri-d, crddwrf ftqnT, {-d srdbo qFtrid. qr-ffi qiTr efiidl qxrIqld +d f{qFr. qi, €ifl wE-t YIFtr;I frufq eqra erfrcflrsl-$ffd q-d q'Iqlnrq rgu. erfroafr q om qrn Mlm 3uurid. ' j "i'tt\! (u-om u. o-lr1 rrmcld oel 3{fif6rff ntl :- crc€rt fdqFl. Crra-q (W). qd srftrorff 7 oraFri. o,rqftr{ o{Renq-{r (q-*mq). sfliprrq--fl (d.x l). ct€. qrc-ffi lh{r'r. sfl.(d.c.q) F{-qrE qlR-6r (qtuq eir.(d.s.q)frTs qrftor (rc sTr.(d.c q) rts-6rri. "rqt-tn. ftsk tuft) lm dw<t) deTdq. Td. 7 qETfir{ €nqr;T T|EIrtrt l3 mhf-a c6Tw 'gwor*, RiiT d'64{ T6RIE vlr+rlri *W ru, lootltvno ils, vr} qqll qTfa o.wqrsrdqr qFrrar it#d e-qn y€ Fqio, Rd 3rTk P.r.rq ir*d:(qrq 96, g6-cr orft s6-a qiqd q sn+s qiqftRw) ftqc q qrtfl. Aq-rd-6 crftq+iqr sndl srff6'*d 6tq-qn d eo-o !no.3 EFrdd enid d FI srqfto cttFrild E'rrd-fir ftc-cr+ srfqht ifitd. frd fuTrrr {il-6q, tr{-uoo olq, ft{iir F-qio' - ffi qFI qR{il **q qftffi cRrE o { : rrftff-qo.oq/T.o.llhfqr-1, -- I l, Qooq. sdsrsT{sr qRiq fuE ftd q ffit qffiql }{f q siqr qqr qs&m ftrao d{rflc Tdtqr qiw rfu q frrn, Tff *n{ cqa *a'r qPqq ffiF ffi 6-rqrqr q-frr iff q siqr qts qgdar Rriffi r+qT qrq-r q ffta, ?ooq srql g rfurvr ftRftq qqffidr qFiliil <s *fi-sr r.r r* (ru Xuto vn ccb) uwt qfuq ffrqfg frS qrqd dcrfi irTsnqr I!'ai" crar crt . q) wfsqnq qf{a{Fsf6 frfr (wrt?T) ' l) q-cqt=qiq qffir ffi (€r+{r) ffd (rarlyr) r) dvr<rd) qft,qfuqfs Y) sqfrdt q-{d uilqfl (f-rrcn1 qETrErn lrqqra uiar cr+vrgwn q riqri. (n{r a Ahrff) qrsrd vl sitrE {w lrrsstq cimrre ftrnrrls-+r,tqa qqd f*ftqr drq rer+ri qfurft'r&q md'. {6RrqeTrF{, fu{Rnrrrl, fl rF{ Frofq r.qifi drroq, r$:- dq{:- (t; qrrrrc Fr4q, - qM t o. o t /c.!F. I I /r oot /tn.E*, too oit. fu+io:- tq qfl, r""t. fot futFrr, vrrio &lisnc-rocr/8bor/q$\rq-\, kria 111 rq rfta, tca. qnm Pfltq, fut furm, r'qt6: rrM'.s/ccl6isFrtt-\, kric t qdrt, tscc. (a )flrff{ Hq, fu{ forrr", r.{is: qftRl -r oc s/s.s. qq r/c q/foqr, ' klir (?)rnr+ ktio c wdqrt Ht, rc 19q.. fuf, Rmrq, r-qio: qfuqi -r"csle.F.qqc/cqlfuqr, \urft, rsr". Hq, futr ftrcrrr, lr{icr: {ft{d, fu+io5ffi1qe*". (q)$rri Fruf'q, fti foFFr, r'qk: lM -toct/\r/s?/m, (\)rnwr F+io t" srJrr€, tqqr. ( b )cns{ ftqf q, fu{ foTrq, grrio: {M - r o sr/c.F-r e / s r /m.6*, qdq<, k+ic'rq rssr. (c)vnsc Frqfq, fu{ fuqrrr, o"cic rrfual -r"ealg.5.r1/qalfl.F*, kqio I tsr{qr. tsqc. rnsq frt{q:- trnr< FT4c, fu{ Rrqrq r.qio: rrM-1oea/s.n,.ti/q./lrrs{ a*, ft.f/rt/lqsc wqi f+riq I srt'qFft,tqqq im srftr Qoot rtt qqfq+d €ii€[€ +igerc tun-ur 6'{qr- ' eq dqn-qr qqd ffi crq $Srq iF{uqrsrS nqn Frrfqc o-<cqtd rTrd di. aqrt, E.ollothoot vrqr e'r< Atrc ** tr€qrf WRvrr *Fcrt* furiqr l/tr/tssc qT r{FT fficnun aqflnfts nqio "o," a<n Enfu fiu{rd td olqr s{ too! sr qsiq{d sqrFc-f, rfgen vrmre *q f}qr-qr e-{d hrm Ffirr rFil? elqrfifr Rnftd cmftc ilffr ilqnt-{vlniT 3rrdr 3rq{ di +q-d +s-dr rnl. Hrio r srffi,ro"? q ilr*tr{qr omqtfu qHd wr+rEcr dge.rc tw-ur w*er-qrq 6qr {rnkd qftnsftftq irwrd s{|M, cRr XFcctRir q-ira P+ft* ft-r rmq rcn 6wrd qrff. t. ird ffi{ furq il+q +fld{r fumrqr Fr{x"nq-*a ftqrr yTs / q.rqiaq vguiff R.t qrffi,roo! +tr{ {*{rrr, W ffin +dil sr<-tr<r Tqqrq€rl s g-il{ sr& ERorl rre fuqr +tr+i qirTrtirdr rigro tun-ur o.fur-cirr srfqr-siq snsiil slTrq a-wrtsnuiqT / tq titnft qcc FUttt rqqrq niq sftftqw rttrrrrT gqn qr<enqrqr snq{qcr ff crd.{rft o{rft. :r6rlETi {qqrd ctqr srivrtsn q rrsri, T. {t. 6T{fi qnr+ri erw efoo, fud ftrqrtr t5 \5 E -l-_ Ii 5 o o ,rtl; 9 tl <r J^!a ,' !iloir v o l9 v)o lJ (f> lo € ('}l v I rrt ft t v c|. vl(r| cr € q9 J-r ! | Jo rrt cr> (YICr, v E tv tv kIt P. €o V ig 9 (v IV lCt J- v tn tv IE w F#E EEE r)Ev. F v fs,'F fit o-Fat gFE -4S (n .9 grr (r, O i.r, rv E 1EF. !Dv l,-te ?!? Yl(Y E iFE l&F lf )Fr€ tc *l ut , %t E-ts sfr #F €'E Ee trtF ts,{ n, v o (> o \) 9 ai (Y a> o <r cr I I ir '- lol Yl J' ql oi lojP rrt i i 9 o- f,o e v o ei; ri) a w > ut 9 fo o 9 cr € (f> \) Jo '- (1> o e J- f t, IF ltv )o cr (r> J. l.v n}l)o l\) tq €lY crto- lEp l-l Edl tvl vi q J. ct> o e I af> (v ! tr> Iv\, <r \, o lo v lYl tu I (1> (Y \, 9 ! ,o (f> (1> o JO tr> v ! I i I I flT xlairrr € q- <r q- 9 rY w ar o' ry i .,r lo cr^ lo o Iio(v (v (Vlott (t> lo fe lv tq v a- l-. a1> 9 o' ut v v t ut )o a' cr <r t> (v lo o w \J ts c ato rv v q)a ! v \, cr - \) |.,' ff> a- cr ar art n> w !o eo o' 9l9. I't> J.lfy ql ltt v J' ! <r lo ft a' v cr> e Iw (l | (1> lo J' I €1y q € q. IV I! e'lv vv oo le € t e e V le a- lcr a' o' e lq 9' ?Y tl E E 11T li I (> J' fr> 9 .r EIF 5l ,oitu 5_ | ar' F ,tr ;(v I IF FF il -lo.t9 a l.D *ls/s o-9 {!? (v rv Io (f> (v .',l:" at> I e oo 9 o - v (t9 tuir'Y - F €' Jr cl <r (1> )o | (f, (> (v (v F, I wl o 1:ol €l 'io. )riryj tt, I o- 9 a o lrv .?it o lo- v 9 Fl; olo \,lrtl €tr *t* :o ct | (., J-l I I lv O I r,^t 9l vt fo ql, wi \Jl I -i I to (v 3 € pi*i$ (r'l Jfl piv 9 (o ft 9 o J o tJ. lo ao fi) (> 'ojtV! ---r I w utlt 9 tr> olr rt €lo ut utl o v v V I O Iut o- Ja- )e I )jd 9ie Ff "rl l"l*i riJ _it )o r> (Y € € € Cr ;T; t-Yl€ oloi- ; I l-l--l ;l; )o ar} ao o )o ut ,A lg l> I"- ft w tt rY lox!* rip l(v fo"i* 5^ ft> f(> 3i" .:r w I t€ v IE tr- ZlY,tr *FF € 9 J' ri9 *{sts :TE :ru fr a' \) o (v (r> lutlutJ J' \)IJ ! lo o o- g a- iutifYl (o w lJ^i )o ! qo r"lo lo -lfo gt, o .r ITIfr r!.:r F '.|:lt ETE -Fro ! ft g aFv o- tF;o F :F# : Fd! E19F 9 3' I|".t rF .-- E .BFr r ut € fi. FiI atl> ; )o J-ltY> q F> o lol9 frl V (> tu e ocr (> si* *1;j* \) J' Jo 9 .;b-D FG E&F 4v EtsE] o o lo- m {E+ :EE 8Ptr.. lo ('1> I i> Wl|'rt ,! I 7, tuv TE -' '|f vlo jq glr !lrt Joi:o I'}ltt \)lrt l& o .:r r, E lt> t> (r> (?l! o dluY :oiJ' |' t. S€ I lr'> )ol> (v (l (t F g t 9'J. !lo (r> gl-lrD r\) >o I tz i I I (> 7 l{ iT-q rTrqr+1c qqa ffi rrzfqql finffiiT qrq ({ +ffr, tq e r lr.% F-{uqlq|-{d. qfRrgYmr{, fuaEqFr, arq: t) vns< ffiq f t v,rs-c fuq Tdqx xqift rffi{ir€r. F*. d{rdq, yoo o3?., tT{r k{iff?4 qrre,?ool. wi+ rffi qte\e&.6..t t\/z\riHq-\, R{iff j gd,lqerr. ffiifi; qffi 1o.o!,fi.n11/1o"rtqtl.6d, ftiTffi ti qd,?oot. Q {kr* , grq' fil,fq ni*':lfqd. qo.or,fi.s..q1/1o"1/m.tfi, k{i6 gd,?oot sqrsi {Fq CS ws*tq ryiqri +fiI' qo,eQ qr qqa frqtrqr srg sqnrQ qfinft'r#q rffirfu fu.r q*{td r}*e* q}s 'tc Et,ni rqa F*fr* rwq a*q iqfri{fi iffi qqn diwqFnarT qny.Ffi.* 6Tffi e-fl+' qr QrS'tq ttumfr qqe f+frs rqq wn n'*q efr Ffi lffiq rw E{rqTqrcfl qrqqq-+' iii mlffi m-trd' qc qrqd q sr;irt qft6 qzfuql rqir.t r;qri sqrkecr"qrd (r) - rq dd qri. o-ffi rz isqt qlq{r,rqz? qT qfidc z.c qqd qqc Filicri-d frrmrs roqi+r <rsm ffi'<a c{rt tftqnfr qfi-qra ?}glri) q-q iuqFrfi n-rq< eii. nq vn{-+tq #'rz Hqr qlq41,r.o'21 qr q-+o frfu+fre +{d {friT{ f*i- 1 qqqrs,l"Jq qrq{ o.srfi rl -* {iri (tdqT*i yrT's{+q qm-crgffi)qrqcrrsRufiilqrd. Tfrrqrd Trana <tar rrtrrryn a il{r{ 11. fl arm) ffcrcfuaftrfu{Fr, u F lv v 19 r- P € v v|q b It av F 4f ts H 'nt IU F o r A' a) v E B t9 .e , ,6 o v w € lc t^ \.) t' KE F s IW ftr fa Itr |q arl I F> frt \) w o <r av l:r" o- lv J' J^ o- rv ut av (t' (r' o Ct w <r <r TY tu o o :o w Cr e \) v w \) (Y o 9 , rv ? fY o- a a o (f, e B ! all il q fr> CY (v (Y oJ' lo o9 e 9 <r e (Y v (ft o d, o f g' I ts (J' ci> (Y> fl J^ lt> J. r o vV w v lo o J' (v o fr v ar (f> ut w .Y :a f|, <r r :o \, € o rv 9 J' Cr )o (v v' o (1> 9 F (1, o 9 rt :o c" o o J' ft (v (v (v (Y (r J' <r 9 € 9 (Y' o (t> Cr (l t \) ft € lo <r € 9 v qv F o- o o o )o rt (11 o (v \) e ff, (Y (Y (Y o tu e \) v 9o a' (f, € 9 I o9 \) v J' J^ .9 ft I 9 <r JO (v 9 t a o' 3 , al> (v <r \) o 9€ e w fr t'o lv o CT J' ar <r ,o (rl (f> (1> (v fY o- )o io € v (Y € 9 € € (Y I :o € J. lo € I a to rr> J. o ! Ct € (J> fv t v' J- J" ar tt> cr aft I J^ trl \) r"i I ! (Y (Y € q J^ o \, € ao € (Y lo (t o' 9 o t € € :o o- CY aY t1> (ff (Y b <r v o (f, :o q (Y at rv (v .9 v (v o fY cr f|} € 9 \, o o€ o \) )o v ts (1, ct c,. rY o- o- a' \) F J. lo ao I a t n (r> f,o (|.' cv ut € (r> e \) 9 F lo fn E € lr o' 9 <r fr lv v G t2 v r/ IF E )-' |\t f( tf, 9 = F HZ <r \., :o to € o fQ w <r F v € cr (1' o- ta o \) o Io cr o cr J' o (v ft 5 :o (> 9 v c|. olo q a \) lo al, at> rr> (v (v q o ts rv .F; (Y € (, v <r 9 :o o \) \) ct 9 g )g ar> (f 9 :o I 9 o lo \J :o E it" ,tr lo lf/ .l- F \) N J. v t o_ ttv tv av F ,w .p ts o cr o ,o o (v (7 |ft o- V El) o o )o tv 4, L F Fp F r 9 ! (l't 9 € v € al 16 En )o (Y '. 9 Itr t'9 \) \) 9 Io rrl dt I I tl E t 9 EF F ?. alt to (r> \) !9 \J ll .la) 1: 9 E p c lf p F o 9 , trt ft (v e o 9 V :'(Y \) tr> € J' (1> € (r o- <r at> af. af o 9 9 (l (Y v o I \) 9 € r> I ?r> \) fv E 9 t' , io )o (J' ai (1> c q )o rrl lo (v nt lo ?- oe tr w ts vlo pf tr t r o- f ft F NtrE It, F .pl JO (v AI,1 !.tl' tv tu o a|, J' F /.,J o 4f F E Fr I ro 9 r F I , \,) \J \) € o€ o€ v ar fv fr plv tD r!F .F r J. Fds I F F9 o <r I o lo \) lo o fr> (f' € o' (r> (Y )o vv v cr (o \) o- € (Y )o ar (v .9 \) e to :o J9 \) e \) € € € r/ € € € € v ov aca € V v € v v aV € l€ o€ € lv oo' l"- o' o o (v ft )o \) cf (v L'tt IE ar <r o o o 1g qRq fuE -7 IEB Zti3 ITEr{IE qr{FI F-n frr{Trt , - -'iE -'---+aA' tfii1-r qnrra cRtri-6 rqio : {ff-qooqlc. iqTaq, Srli voo otQ, t*.}r]l**' g/ 1/ ftfi d€qrn ft6 duqlsrq-d. t6. qlqf6}n-c.-\. friia; ql rldn loo? qflrfli ftqrq ntqr6 fr(qary-qoiv/d. filio qr rrd. q1!y tri nrm vftm-+ {{lqra qlTrlFr ftt{rr itqr6 ftvcF$r-qou(ri il'fr:ql 3i. fu{r6 ?o qrd. clez (3) nrsr qRcr6 l-rr'lTq FfiRrl frqrtl. mqr6 ffgq3;R-q69a1irrr-q j it, R-{r6 ?u Rrr. rqor, qFtra cRqr-6, F{fiTdrd drle f{m a-'i-i (qz-o){ftd Eaiqr-lrn qffq Frsl6 Fdfii d T6ra-srq-a q.l-y (,re.e) oiqr=on rFlq Fq.l€ fftftn fr orrl*q-n-59n:!:iq1{qlil3{I]B] nrqru rmrr.l D'tqral ,?'iro qr qr{ qtqs frm e-Eri Aufi oira.'uti qftq ftd? frtlri ff{i 6fi qfusr ri fttrr'' a rnqr tq{ ft+gt crria zt qRtrroriul qRRrs q qfid qH< z 1ffR rad-fi :}rFtol 3IfuiaF qrFS {I6ft-d <{rfl wr E ca.-l$ qrm c-E4rq'qrdt cqr PtrFr r5ero omiaan or cnul a5a c, Rd g{ri rrrqifrqrd qrltsfr qo qtil iqrqr +6 T6T-+{clqrfl ffi'6 F6rilcrvrd crdqrcqr{ flirq orqia.qnr d fi ffi rqql }q'-cra r{r&er gtd rroTrlt i-r-r rrq- tuqrd 3{rqt en(a 4 ge-ar-141-q frqFrild ?Erdqrfi oruttru r5u&,r'r l5c ari6sr fiw{3 {d ir6 srn 3{re wi qftq ftqiE R!S{i 3{Frq rolrq fl oivr=uri srrora Rrao 3r€-+ff r-rtrnt 3{l}i F}qqr3ltn iq snrofl=ut r6i 5ff6tn I - t 6w oruqn td q q+rqrqr*nlerfurn a aqr mrqiaqra tffi rtr<r irci r{iFi 3Ir6R-d dA rni qr. Efu'cn dr<tn trq,'ilrl \Y \1.6 ."-*" cooq rrfqq flqit f*i iiri" q; *srflTsisd 3n5.rvt q sfuffu 3{Qrorff qii-6Er ordrarf,/3itR-a oraqn srien \ roqrql crRr6 E-q fifier crri 6{"':ln oa 1.i& q iuri uii ffi Frd4r$ # Brd nr€t. 3Rt& l}<ri-rrs irn 'qG '.{ftq fu6 ftrlr| .irE i.r"rrcro'a d-i" ta q!-qrdr{d trlrlri drd Fr'iftd +*al ipr''yn o,"ie.rf,r ridl sre'rr'anr \ )1 c-{ra-c Eq.Frd'R rftq Frdt fun-{a rtr-" Eret.fid s+rsd Fr<rhm grd 3,rt 3flfl rotriar 3fl-qftir frrq{Fn 4'V,/*a ' I 'qftwn "-**" o-q rde 6qr eti ftr;o ffifa+n rgu cr4 oraiac n5omgr <d-y (rz-s) 64qrqd qftq Frelt Gfi qrrrd rir.'ir qRc-*Fr$a {4{rysR e" T,tff {r<a 6r-rri td }Ti qT{ d|i 65-r qd a-irq q qrra q-Fr&€rqil i5rq'JciEl.l wEl/q(I" r6zrn n-6 eFql-fl oFilrfl ffi ;r< crG, ur* 6TiTM qerff ivqrd ffi hqo -.'qrrgc-rqa X{i,rrn$ zr{ fu|'n lr:ETn cRftff d-€ €{ fi6rn 6rqrr1 t"&'d. i-€'] srrrq 3r'fu6r-} 1*6Tq nqRra cqrqr gtrTc"d-qa sq-.I 66r to-mit ir$q e{ C-6-,@l orqln qY'q i rrcd q qfur 6{,n qql/trEFT?l iirqia FFtfud *:rdn q<qJt9n qRq-roran qfr drqd nltsurrn vmql nria rt fti cRqr'mt-f,rc q Erm+ fu{Fr rgalaru'i.lo v5a al4 'rtft"uii ir< *ol eaSn 6rffi 6-{rd ur1vR old?r€l dd a l-63 *16 ,+m 3rFnr FFII afun, c-d]Tfi ffisqrd t-f,a 3{Frqfuirfl/3{qE'n grarn , vrn-<ri {{it vqfi dridn rTr€? cfrqro ft,iFa fiwcTr tn a: nl']'-.:q r{r€-r ftqFrrEqr 3rd T?{ Fqrs stigl-3r. ft-{t-6 rs *{qri locr 3rqi fifrr&il ft{fisrr r,r*. {F rrElt ?rnqqr?l 4i'n] 3rra$*, *m o. g"n e -i -i ft. crrfi. art ,rrTt efuo \1 : cfr. ?rvqqrarn {rft-q rrq1l-{r 34{ trTrn rrfuq qaraq. t,-r.. 5s sq 5{s{qain rfrq srrq+. rfd q-* a r]-J!Ti ain r{u {{-6rq6 q-6-e€rqrd (+qI a :t-5iro-m).r. '|FR[E 1a-{. q 'nr&srqra (-+qI sr5irq-dr)-t rERrE. rrrr{r qtrnerqrd (+sr qfrm)-c. rn-ng qF;d-srqrd q-6rd-€rqTa y{ (+gI qar{r)-a. qTrrrE. irrTr. (ilfuftq-o ftsrq€crr) rrnrg. ERe sc q-6r*srqra.qtnrg qftq 5aE. fr'aF€ F{D ln fuq.q 'lr|cn (T{) Tri 6165'J, m s-E {-rqrdq (Td Ynsr). T{g 'rl!r rb sE anurfrq (3rf-d [rcr) 5li. 'grnrqr, qayrE qsntr#q ;qrqrfto-wr T{i 'qEEr6. la aintc DePart tl 'sfua. qERrE aro*ql "dr'r :rri 'sfoq. F6Rrq furcr€-d sft-qmq Rqn ri-i, 5Tg. 'q-rir6. drmrgrn q sc dr6sng6 wn oruiao, 5r-i mi ftxFtq sngm n D -\a F miffi ffir urgn.arrrg n-<l. drqf*cs rts. T6 kdfl-qqo oo'r. *g| dcr'Irt. 5rt q offi gi^rfir6frFrTqsfi.{,TER/sTRrq-&/rdr6vr frqrq, €qrd6. dsr sq riqrfrfi. 3rffi T{iFi 5u Mcr+. rqrffo h!$ dqr dmsr.ron rd T{i, srft-<n q I e i4 trl *cr sq T@ +sTqR!r6 (cft€) I{nF{6 ffi *cr qftc{ 3{ffii Tf{ tsr. 5-r{/!dr/rT'TT{/ClT,rr{rqFrRrs/arTtlq-4. fuil drrrR 3lfu.Fr0. s{ gq aicFrR 3{ffi. w{ g{ r*m$n qfi.r q nalnqrqr wd ft,{r.rnar E-r fuqr.ndfd F{ ?Frqffi (9lrrou r rd). ft{E T{S. R-n foir4. drr -FrTr .q s.lMrd fu{r't q:u q 6Tqhq n5s ffi' i --r= r' .)"./ 3Q d Mointetrance of Gener<tl proL,tdent Ftncl Accouuts o/ C/oss IV Govenvnerl Seruants_Transfer of tttorh relotilg lo-F<trnts a\d instructiotls regordtng theu mdintenance. GO\TRNMENT OF MAHARASHTRA GENlin,\t ADwtNIsrRltloN L)ep,ltrlrr:l;r Circular No pFR. 1064,J Sachivalaya, Bombay_32, BR. l.2th I{arch lg64/phalguna 22,. 1S85 CIRCULAR OF COVERNMENT . In continuation of Governmeot Resolution, General Administration Departnrent, No. pFR. tO6Ugg37S/ 6185-J, dated rhe 23rd Decernber I963, Govcrnment is pleased to issue the following instructions for the malntcnance of Provident Fund Accoun:s of Class I\t Government servants for rhe guilance of the Heads of f)epartments and Heads of Offrces :- ' tlt All Departments of the Secretariat, the Heads of DepartmenldOllices ( Drawing Offrcers ) should start maintaining the Crneral Provident Fund Accounts ofClass IV Governnrelt servanG with eilect from the lst April 1964, i.e , the subscriprions declucted from the pay of Class IV Governmant servants for.the ntonth of March 1964, payable in April 1964, rvill have, to be accounted for by the respective Heacls of Departments/Offices (Drawing Officers). They will be responsible for the coriect nrainienance of these ac,jountS. (2) The (;eneral Provident Func Accounts ofallClass IV Governurent servants (cxcepting the Gencrul Provident Fund Accounts of the Police Constabulary staf which will continue to be rnainiained by the Accountant General, Nlaharashtra State. Bombay/Senicr Deputy Accountant General, Maharashtra State. Nagpur as heretofore) will be transfened by the Accountant Geueral, Bombay/Senior Deputy Accountant General, Nagpur to the Drawing Officers concerned who shcruld start maintaining them fronl 'lst April 1964 as indicated in sub-para.(1) above. (3) The detailed procedure to be adopted by Heads of Departments and Heads of Offices for the malntenarce ofthe General Provident Fund Accounts ofClass IV employees is given in Alnexure I to this Circrrlar AII Secretariat Departmenki, Heads ofDepartnEitl and Heacti of Offiles are requested to follo1j the proccdure strictly. a i4) The forms and register which are prescribed for the maintenance of the accounts are grven rn Annexure II to this circular. Tbe forms mentioned at Serial Nos. I, II, III, V and VII in the annexure are printed and tlre Director, Government Pnnting and Stationery is being requested to supply theEto sl! Secretariat Departments, Heads ofDepartments and Heads ofOffrces on-indents in firture. iti" .".urn,ng forms should be got typed and used. As, however, the supply of forms from the Director, Governnrcnt Printing and Stationery will mke time, all Secetariat Departments, the Heads ofDepartments a1d Heads of Offices are rcquested to get these forms typed in the first rnstance alrd saart ure maint€nance of the Accounts with effect from the lst ADril 1964. (5) The work of mainten4ryggqqg!4Provident Fund Accounts of Class IV Govemmenr servarts . 5-\--:----__--" -may De preteraot] entrusted to who have 's@iDi."-.-iiiif e ittrut-rrd}abfe-ir-Errufil6;IEe wor-t m;.-y iniTGttl, Ac"";;;;;;;;;; le mtrus-tcaio u ."nio. .nJiexperienced hand in the Accounls Branch of the DepartmenvOffice. l6) 'The Heads of DepartmentvOffices ( Drawing Officers ) should classify all deductions on accoqnt ol ^ ueneral Provrdent Fund Accounts ofclass IV Government servants under thc head " s.unfunded DebtStste Provident Fu-Ed-Stat€ General provident Fund of Class IV Servants" 2. Amendments to t}le Bombay General provident Fund Rules rvill be issued seDaratelv. By order and in the name of the Governor of Mahargshtra. D. S. KASBEKAR Under Secretary to the Government of Maharashtra, General Administration Department. iP.'t'-o 4 Accompeniment to Government circular, General Administration Department, No. pFR. 1064-J, dsted lzth March 1964/phalgune ZZ, tg8,6. ANNEXURE I Prqed.ure to be odopaed by the Heods of Deportments / Offices for the malntenattce of the Gcncrol prot,rclettt Frutd Accounts of Closs IV enrployees of State Gouenlnrcnt. The detailed Provident Fund Ledger Accounts should be maintained by the Heads of offices (Dralving OfFcers) in the enclosed Form No. l. The Accounts should be kept in bouncl ledgers rvhich will be machine numbered particulars of policies financed from the General Provident F-und and the sanctlons lor -The withdrawals etc should also be noted in this ledger. The Head of t}e Oflice or a cazetted Officer nominatcd t., him should initial the Provident Fund Accounts monthly in order to ensure that the amount of subscrrption deducted, refunl ofadvance and temporary and final withdrawals are posted correctly. He should also init ial the entries in the ledger accounts when signing bills for withdrawal from the provident Funcl. 2 Each month the Drawing Officers will prepare a schedule ofGeneral Provident Fund deductions for posting the ledger accounts maintained by them. They will sign the schedule at the time of signing the Establishment bills after comparingthe total in the schedule with 6e total deduction shown in the pay bills. The schedule of General Provident Fund deductions will not be enclosed to the Pay Bills but instead a certificate in Form No. XII will be attached to the Pay Bills indicating the total anrount deducted as General provident Fur..j subscriptions and refund ofwithdrawals. In respect ofp4yments arriving at the monthly total. a consolidated record should be maintained frrr A broadsheet in Form No. II should be maintained by each Heatl ol Offrce. All cleposits ancl withdrawals posted in a ledger should also be posted in the broadsheet. The broadsheet shoul<l be posted direct fronr lhe ledgers. and ao! from thc schedules or vouchers Each broadsheet in respect of depo6its and withclrawals cl rr rin g a month should be closed on or before the Sth ofthe following month i. e. broacls-heet for April should be closed on or before the 5th of Ivlay and submitted to the Head ofOflicc for rcvicw on the following day. Tbe Head of Office shall verifo that the anrount as booked in the broadsheet agrees with that of the totat of *re certilicates of' deductjons attached to the Pay Bilts and the payments made duiing the month. The totals ofthe debit and credits as worked out iD the broadsheet shourd be communicated to the Heacr of Department as in para g. 3 On receipt ofan application in the prescribed form for admissioo to the Fund t}le Head ofthe Office r,,.ill test the eligibility ol tlre new subscriber under the General Provident Fund Rules (at prescnt done in the nu4it offIce)and assign the Account No. to hinr, with a prefix indicating clistinctly the ofnceto which the subsscriber belongs AJl permanent employees and temporary ernployees other than re-employed pensioners in continuous service for more thar one year may alone be admitted to the fund. The nominaiions be kept by the Head of the Ofrice instead of by the Audit Ofiicer. The nomination, when received must be "rill scrutilised carefully with reference to the provisions ofthe Bombay General Provident Fund Rules, and should be in one of t.1'1e prescribed forms appropriate to the subscriber. It should be primarily seen that if at the tirne of maling a nomination the subscriber has a family, the nomination shall not be in favour of any person or persons otbei than members oi his family as defined in the Bombay General Provident Fund Rules Particular care should also be taken \,,.ith regard to the following points while scrutinising the nomination forms :(a) The examination of each form should be carried out in detail vvitb reference to each entrv therein. n)a(Je (b) The specification of 'death'as a contingency in the penultim ate colunrn of the forms ofnomination is not proper. Only contingencies, such as insanity, divorce, etc can be filled in. (c) The additional remarks in the forms ofnomination providing for guardianship ofa minor nomrpee are invalid and should not be accepted. (dJ If at the time of making tbe nomination the subscriber has only one nrernber of the fanilv and. therefore the alternate norninee (last column ofthe nomination lbrnr) is a person othcr than a member ot his fanrily, the nomination should provide that the right conferred upon the alternate nomrnee shall become invalid in the event of his subsequently acquiring other members of family. Appropriate arrangements should be m ade for the safe custody ofthe nominattons ar)d these should be kept und er lock and key in the person al custody of the Head ofthe offi ce or a Gazetted Offi ce r nomr nared by hinr aftcr m-aking entries in the ledger as * ell as the General lndex Register Form III which s6oulcl be at restecl by the Head ofthe Ollice (Drawing Officer). Al acknowledgement in Form I\/ shoulcl be g:iven ro !i)c subscriberas soon as thc non)ination is acceoted. ,@ 1'Z- .) All applrcatrons for temporary advances and part rvithdrawals from the Geueral Provident Fund as rvell and sanctions as for paynrents ofinsurance premia will, as at present, be scrwinisg! bV the Heads ofthe O{Iices V accordedingofarastheyareconPetenttocioso;odEEn'E-e]he-ffioi also scrutinise and sanction the advances for special where the Class IV servants are actually serving of Ofhces, reasons. Actual payment will be made by the Heads on the Banctions issued by themselves or by the Heads of Departnrentl, as the case may be DepirtmenG'th-einsiiies-Tfie-FeadiofSepiililits will Where Life Insurance Policies are financed from General Provident Fund the Head ofthe Office should require the subscriber to produce premia receipts in order to 6atissfy himself that the anrount withdrawn from the !\nd for payment of premia has been utilised for that purpose The Head of Office should scrutinise the 5. receipts and mal'e necessary endorsements on them to the effect that no abatement of Income Tax wrll be admissible. A policy rvill be reassigned on its maturity or earlier on the death of the subffiber or otherwise as provided in Rules 22 and 23 ofthe Bombay General Provident Fund Rules and handed over t! the subscriber or the claimant entitled to receive l!. '6 Th" H.aCs ofOffices will also maintain the General Index Register ofGeneral Provident Fund Accounts in Form No. IIL The Stock Register of policies financed from General Provigent Furrd will also be maintained 'by thern in Fmm No. V. Class IV servant is transferred from one oflice to anothcr his account will be transferred along with'the last pay certificate to the nerv Head of Office with I statenlent shorvig the opening balcnce at the beginning ofthe y ear, deduction alcl withdrawals during the various months and the closing balLncc otr the dat(' oftransfer- A copy ofthe statenrent in duplicate should also be furnished by him to the Head oftbe Departnlent for noting aDd onward transmission ofone copy to the Accountant General, IUaharashtra Statc' Bombay/Senior Deputy Accountant General, Maharashtra State, Nagpur. A copy ofthe Subscriber's L€dger Account togethel with his nomination form in original and the insurance pohcy or policies (if any ) should also be forwarded to the new Head of Office. Any sum withdra,,r,n under the fund rules and which remains to be recovered should also bc ? Ifany communicated to the new Head of Oflice. 8. Each Drawrng Ofhcer should send evcry month to his Head ofDepartmenl the total ofdebits and crcdits under the following columns in Form VI :- (i) Credit on account ofsubscription. (ii) Credit on account ofrefund ofadvance. (iii ) Toral Credits. (iu) Debits on accoutt ofwithdrawals. From the information received from the Heads of Offices under him the Head of the Department should maintain a reg:lster in Form IX for colecting the totals in respect ofeach m onttr fbr comunication to the Accountant . General, Maharashtra State, Bombayr'senior Deputy Accountant Genelal, Maharashtra State, Nagpur, quar\erly. A Head of Department may also have offices in more than one Audit Circle. lt is, therefore, neccssary that the registers and statements to be maintained bl him should be according to the audit circles. Each head of Department should intimate quart€rly in Form X the total credits and debits frr (ieneral. eoch months to the Accountant General, Maharashtra State, Bombay/Senior Deputy Accountant the figurcs him to enable under Maharashtra State, Nagpur, showing the figures for each Head of Offrce be agrced Ollice to in the Audit appearing in respect of credits and debits in the broadsheet maintained should Departments, *ith the corre"ponding liglres intimated by the Ilcads of Department. The Heads of crcdits also furnish to the concerned Audit Office an annual statement in Form XI showing tht'total and debits during the year and the total balance at the close of the year and get thcsc confirmed by the Audit Offrcer. At the timc ofsending the annual statement to the Accountant Gencral, Maharashtra State, Bombay/Senior Deputy Accountant General, Maharashtra State, Nagpur, a certificato should be furnished by the Head of Department to the effcct that the balance shown in the annual stat€nrent agrees with the aggregate of balances arrived at aftcr squaring of broadsheets maintaincd by various Disbursing Officers and that the balanccs in thc individual accounts have been communicatcd to the subscribers 9. lF o-9 l0 lnterest for each year will be calculatcd rvith the help of read.v reckoners by the Heads of offices rrncl entered in the ledger accounts as well as in the Broaclsheet. The statement in Fornr XIII ofinterest urus credited will then be forrvarded to the Head ofthe Department who will consolidate the statements rcceived fronr all the Draeing officers under his control and send the consolidated statemeot in Form XIV to the Audit office where the necessary trarrsfer cntry will be prepared for incorporation in the accounts The statement ofinterest which is required to be firrnished by the Head ofDepartn)ent to the Accountant General, N,Iaharashtra state, Bomb6y./ Senior Deputy Accountant General, Maharashtra State, Napur, shorrld .rthe also show figures . Head ol. Olficewise'. .ll Attheend of each year the -Head of ofllce will prepare statemenrs in l'orm VII showing thebalanco at the credit ofthe subscribers and forward the same to tire individual subscribers iur ac"efilnce ortr,"ir balances. \y'2 Final Povnetrt Provident Fund rnoney at thc credit ofthe subscrrber fullilmert ofthe provisio:]s-The ofRtrles 28, 29 ancl 30 ofthc Bombay General provi<lcnt beconres payable on the Funcl Rules The an)ounts becr.rme payable when a Government servant retires-or whcn heiroceeds on leavc preparatory to retirement or whcn he dies. As soon as such ar containingthereq,,i"it",,'"loT*#i,rHx40'#$n"sxffiT:?tl1:1ff.",i,:1:i,"l*X."1fl:i:1"Ji.,1,l' checked, particular care being taken- of any temporary advances ancl an-v othcr final withdrawals etc., taken rluring the last one year care should also be taien tn ii"t no obiection raised by audit drrring local lnspectlon In respect ot subscriber remains rrnsettled. The"n",,." account should be scrutinised bl,ihe'Ceaa" olom""". generally as a whole, aDd in particular all the entries ol debits. credits and interest nl ade i;the last 3 years l,efore the.year in which the payrnent is to be madc, shoulcl be carefJ)y checked. After verification in the mirnn{,r ind icat€d above the account should be brl.uglt ue nlio"'ii g i nt.r""t u pto th e c ncl ofthe - onti, pr""ea in g that in which the payment is made or upto the endT-d-olu of the sixth nronth the n)onth in rvbich such anrounr becomes payable whicherver of these periods be less under iut" rsilr ofthe provident Fund Rules and the amount should be paid to the subscriber, ifalive. where thc subscriber is not alive and a valitl nomination subsists tre payment should be made to the nominee or nonrinecs. where the subscriber is rrot aliye and no valid nomitration also subsists payment should be made to thc faDily members/other claimants *ho may be eligible to rcceive pavment under rule 30 of the Bombay General P.oiident r""a nur"". iol""" iil *o" linancing an insurance policy from his General Frovident Fund, ""i".r,u". steps should simultaneously be taken under rules 22 and 23 to reassign it and return it to the subscriber. 13 1'r, when a Class IV employee is promoted to a post in Class a p'sition to certif} that there ,".rnnublu'p.*f"Jt" III ancl the }Iead ofthe Ofrice (Drawing oftne emptoy"" iiihe class ut """ Pru"icl".rt Fund'Aclounts for at least one year, the balance in the General "or,,ir,,.,irrg ofthe 6ubscriber should be transfcrred to the Accountant General, Maharashtra State, Bombay/senior Deputy Accountant c"n"rr1 l,t^t,"r."t t.. state, Nagpur immediatly, who wi then commence ,n"int"r"rng tt u"u Accounts in his orfice. (6 ) In case where it is not possible to.c€rtify to the above effect, the General pr<.rviclent Fund.4.ccount ofsuch persons during the period ofone year will have to be trea!ed asif it relates to class IV Gor.ernment servanis and maintained by the Head ofoftice, and should be transferred io ir," General, Maharashtra state, Bombay/senior Deputy AccountantGeneral, Ir{ahara"irtr" st"ru,-x.gpo., th" tr"a ,"na"r"a on" year's continuous senice in crass III post. consequently, "fte. duriug rtus period, whether"mpio1."" ti";"y is drawn on a separate bill or is drawn along with orher class III employees, the General ";;;';;;";;;;; provrdent Fund deductions of such subscribers may .' class-ified .a;"-ri"u.'."aer the head s-unfunded. Debt_srate Prouident Fund-Gerleral prouid.ent _be Fund of Class I "" v* "r;;r;;i (c).Itt both the cases, only a certificate of deduction should be attachecl with the pay bill and the schedule . retained by the Head of office (Drawing officer) for postiie t-he iedcer Accounts in his o{hce. l4 These instructions should not be treated as exhaustir e and drawing officers should make themsclves familiar with the Bombay General Provident runa n"tes ior ih-"-"0..o.t -u.rnt"nance ofthe accounts. . If a clarification is required_i,l respect of any point of doubt, or any difficulties arise in the course ot maintenance of accounts bv the Heads oi offi"e", ttr"y rt outd .orrr"ct the Accou'tant C".,".J, rrruiro.""t t.u State, Bombay/Senior Deputy AccountaDt, Maharashtra State, Nagpnr, for guidance. 15 The Provident Fund accounts maintained by Heads ofoffrces will be checked cent per cent. by Audit during the local inspections ofthe offices. officer) is in a n\ ANNEXI,'RE Fornrs L.. (2) Form II (3t Form IIl ... (4) Form IV (5) Form V .. (6) Form VI (1) Fornr II and Registers General Provident Fund Ledger Account Broad Sheet ofthe General Provident Fund Account General Index Register. Acknowledgment of nomination Stock Register of Insurance Policies Statement showing the total debits and credits to be sent by the Head of office to the Head of DePartment. ' t7t Form VII ... Yearly Account Slip to be given to the subscriber' (8t Fornr VIIL . (a) Forn of application for final payrnent of balances in the General Provident Fund Account to be made by the subscriber' tb) Fornr of application for final payment of balances in thc General Protideni Fund in case of death of the subscriber. . 't9) Form I IX (IO) FormX (lI) Form .. Register showing total debits and credits on account of General Provident Fund Accounts ofClass IV emp)r-ryees to be maintained by the Head ofthe Deparmerrt' .. Statenent of the total Xr clebits and credits ott accourlt of General Provldent Fund Accounts of Class fV enrployees to be sent every quarter by the Heads of the DePartnrent to the Audit Offrce. .. ( Annual statement ofbalaoces on account of General ProvidentFund Accounts of )lass Oflice. the Audit to fV employees to be submitted b,y the Heads of Departments (12) Form XIL.. Certificate attached with pay bill in respect of General Provident Fund deductions made from the pay bills ofClass IV employees' tl3) Form XIII ... Statement showing the amount of yearly interest to be submitted by the Heads of Offices to the Heads of Departments. r14) Form XIV ... Statement showing the consolidated informatton of int€rest to be submitted by the Heads ofthe Departments to the Accountant General, Maharashtra State' Bombay/the Senior Deputy Accountant General, Nagpur' Nors -Forms No3 I, ll. lll, V .nd VII rte Pnnt.d The othcr forms are nct Benerell) prrnled Typed coptcr art t'ken wh'n"ver q-{ 8 FORM I Nomination received uide letter No.. S R. No. Polrc) Ullrcral Destgnation No. ArDoun! of Prenriuur Dua df,t. Drte of .qupcrinr€ndenL/ . l/reniunr LAI Exmr rner District !repartn)ent =.._-_ Pay on 31 sr tltarch of precedrng t9 Rpnit Lr _19 April rl ^t J{rh Augu!t b€r Oc!ober Novembcr Urlrnle |ron D€ccb bcr l9 -lt Dcposrr, rnd R.r!ndr T.rrrt R\. Februnry Ilarch D.,/lt r EJlan.c -\t,lhijn\ uh fn ilsr Il.!a-n It Itlarch (Finair Pon.d bf !l3rch rSy.) E\3rDrn.d --'--(.lGlt'lb, br--- - BrRocD Officer v' tt' -t a_6 9 FORM l--carrrd Admiucd. Nomination acccptcd. Branch Officcr. Supdt./Examincr. Name ............. Branch Officer. Suptd, ......Numbcr........ .Discontinucd.....................Timcs. sUpOl./EXamrner. Pry ob tl rl Y.tcb ofprrcrdin3 Ramrrb tlrr tD -19 April MaY Juna July Autu.t Sapl.:ib.r O*obcr Norubrr D6!b.t Edarcrfrstr 19 -19 D.p6itr .!d tctu|d Jaauart , lnEn.t fo. lt -19 Rbrurry Tord Rt. M.r!h I).dlfl-WitMrltr lrrrcb (?i!d) Bdo6c. on lLrc\ tgt.) vrt 1g?--? lli olr Morch q,1 t0 FORM II Broad Sheet ofthe Rccerpts rn lhe 'ronth of lt.\ r( 11,\r bio. of rl Brrl:ince Credil()n Credit on Total C|'edits Cr€crt on i Cred)t on accoun! of acclun! of subsrr iption refunds of Adrance€ To!al C:edit !-redits nccouoi on I Credit cn I Torai of ' nccouni of Cred:r, subscription refu ids of A0vances L I I I I I I I I i I { Provident Fund for the year 19 Withdrawals in the month of lltlerest for !he Jear -19 TotFl of Closiog Bnlan.€ T o4 ll FORM JII Ge ladger No Nan!e Rnd designntion of Subscriber neral Ittdet Regisler Nomin6tron. Altcltatioh I Dat. of tealon I for clos,-rre I I ofaccount i receip! of nonri' nation by B.O. Re*at ks I l i I a I I I I I I I ' Ltt'r " S' tbould b! edd€d to the numb.r in carar rvherc tlre rubrcriber is a .ubscrib€r to the Starling Braocb of the Fund. /\ \-- qI 12 FORM IV Orflct ol rxt Shri (Thmugh t}e Sir, I have the honour to acknowledge receipt ofthe forn ofnomination in respect ofyour General provident Fuqd Account No. ................ received with letter No- ..................... dated ..............from the .............................. It contsins the particulars noted below :Ni|na Rchtion hip A8a ShArc ofd€ I Yours Faithfullv. Head Of Office. t? 3o a I E ! t = E a : ; .'l L : ! o .E .E /<E 3 :l i. 5+ Iji t. t; =t 14. q J,l :x Vt a ili' t!! t E c EF t! -t a.f FORM VI Statement shouitLg the tot<tl debits ond credits o4 Acc()unt ol Generol Provi.clent FLotd Aarorutts of Cktss Enrplovees t'or the month of ... Name of the Drawing Officer tv .. Cr.dits on accoun! of Credilr oo eccount of 6ubs.riptjon r€fund of Ad!snce ll) r2) Tot:\lCr.di!s debits on accouot of R.nrnrks (3) ,5, FORM VII Year of Accorrnt Rate of interest .... . per cent Nrm. ofSub!.riber Opening h;rlsncc No. 'D€ durinS th€ Ienr lnreres! for the Withdralv{l BilsDce duriog lhe -vear 'lncludcr r.covcries nladc during !he monlhs ofADril ! Nol? J-Th€ 6ubscriber t5. is requerted to state \ehethcr he FuDd. de!ir!! to rnrke 3n) rl!e!it!ion rn nny no,,'inarion nride undcr the rutes of l\b/d2-Inca6a$,h€reth.subs.ribcrbasmad.nonominationirfavourofarne:nberofhisfeinityowingtohishsvir)gnofamrlyat th. rim!, but acquircd a familv th.reajl.r, rh. fsc! should be r.porred the Hcad ofrh! Of6; forrhwith. -ro Notc 3-The rubscribcr ir requ€st d to !!tisry himr.lfa! t-o th. con.ctre6s ofih. slatenreD! aod ro bring erro,., itanv, !o rhe norrce of theHeed of lbe Omc. within ....._... .....month(s)fronthads:eof rr.s recerDi Signature Designation Date .. .. . To be filled in according to the rules of the fiurd concerned. A flap is provided in the middle ofthe form and the letterE o.l.G.S. and the place for writing the address of the so as to do away rvith' r.r"."."ity fo, o"irrf.'*"p"i"t" urru"rop". offcer concerned indicated at tlre back ofthe fonn @ 31_ FORM VIII.A ( For n otr - Go zetted Offic e | ) APPLICATION FOR FINAJ. PAYMENT OF BAI-ANCES IN THE G. P. FI.-IND ACCOTJNT FORITT OF To. I request that arrangements may kindly be nrade to pay the amount standing ro mv credit in nry G.P. Fun No. as particulars as gtven belorv :- - J Account (i) I am due to retire/have retired/have .. nrottths/have been ' proceeded on leave preparatory discharged,/disnrissed-4ravc resigned to retirenrcnt for finally from Governntcnt Service and nry resigrration has becn accepted rvith effect from forenoon/a fternoon. ' { ii ) The undermention.'d Life Insurance Policies frrianced by me from my providerrt frrnd accourrt nr a-"- kindly be released in accordancc $'ith the provisions ofrule 22 ofthe B. G. P. F Rules. Poli.) No. Nam. of th. Companr SLrn) .Fsurpd I. 2. (iii ) I desire to receive payment through my oflicey'through the Treasury/Sub-Treasury. My personal marks ofidentification, left hand thumb and finger impressions and specimen signatures in duplicate duly attested by a Gazetted Officer ofthe Government are enClosed. (iu) I have not opted for the continued retention ofmy G. P. Fund in the Fund in tcrms ofthe MinistrlJ of Fioutce O. M. No. F.28 Q2) EV/57, dated lSth December I957. I therefore request lhat the entire amount at my credit with intercst due under the Rules may be paid to me. Or I have opted for the contirued retention of my Provident Fund money in the Fund in terms ofthe Ministry ofFinance O. M. No. F.28(22FEVI57, dated lSthDecember 1.95? and nryoptionhas been for',r'arded urde lctter No.......................,...,..,dated-.... ............,. /is attached. I rcquest tlat a sum of Rs...... ......... maybe paid to me in terms ofpara. 2 ofthat letler. a Station : ( Date : Si gnature l 3 e) t6 FORMVIII.B FORM OF APPLICATION FOR FINAL PA]MENT OF BAIAI\CES IN TIIE G. P. FI'ND ACCOI.J}|IT IN TIID CASE OF TED DEATII OF THE ST'BSCR,IBER. lo Sir, IA{e requestthat arrangementr tllaykindly be madc to pqy the aEount standing to t}e qedit in G. P. Fund No. of my/our..,............,.................Shri/Srnt.............,... Account who died {t'litionrhip rrith tub'crilct) on . (ii ) The undermentioned Life Insurance Policies financed by him/lrer frorn hielher provident fund account may kindly be released in accordance with the provisions ofrule 22 ofthe B.G.P.F. Rules. Policl No. N^|n. of tha Conrp^ny Sum a||urod z. 4. (iii) U$te desirc toreceive paym€ntthrouShthe ofiicey'o0throuth the............... ..Treasura/ Sub-Treraury. lt(y/Our prceonal marks ofid€Dtification, left hen&right hand thumb and fingrr impreseions and specimcn 8ig:raturer in duplicate duly attestrd by a Gazetted Ofhcer of the Government ar. enclosed. (iv) Lrta Shrirsmt............ .........had filed e nomination on ury/our fevour td receive the fund money. Or Shri/Smt............ .....................had made no nominetion in reepect of his/'her G. P. Fund aesets. A list ofthe euwiving membere ofhis/her family stating ttre relationships with the subscdber and their agee on the date of his/her death is enclosed. Or had not ecquircd eny family upto the date of his/trer death ........1e8a1heirs to receive ttre fund rnoney. and Station Date : : Youre faithfully, ( Signature ) q e1 t7 FORM IX Register shouing total Debits and Credits on <tccoult of Ceneral Providet.t Fund Accounts Class N Emptoyees for the month of of Name of the Head of Department Nr'|a of Opcni!t balanc? C!.diti on eacount of Herd of (i... Clolin8 Oftic! brlence ofthe p.aliout month) rublcriptioD \Zl l3) rll a (rn q 3 ) (! c3o?-a (1i.qis-r1-?oot) Crcditr on rccount of rcfund of D.biE oo caadit.| racoudt of (3+4) witbdrrrv!I. advanc?3 {tl r5) (61 Clo!ing Ballncc (5-5, . 11l DAIADCC Ramarks t2+7) (81 (9) 7 3{ t8 FORM X Statenrent of the totol Credits and Debits on occoult of Generql Prouident Futtd Accourtts Closs fV Entployees for the qr,arter endi,rg.... Tota)Credits Namc of Hcrd of Olficc (ll Name ofmonth for th. Dcbrt3 o! laiount of (3) t4l lp Brlanca | 3--4l Ren&rl..s {51 (6, month 12) of l-otal Total Grand ... lotat --- Totsl ... rq, Y- 4 l9 3e FORM XI Antunl Slatenrett of bulatce on occot.nt of Ge,.erol prouident Fund, Accounts of Class IV emploXees for the finctncial yeor 19 _tg Name of the Hgad of Depanment...................... Opcaiog Name ofHcrd of Oiicr (11 o rq cto?-131 balrtrc! u on I.t April !9 -19 t2) Tots.l crcdils duriog th. financielycar 19 -19 tg) lnt.re3t crcdited To!rl dirburse- duriq th. ytrr l9 -19 fibanci.l (a) mcn! duriDg 2+3+{ (5) th. fiarocirl t9 -19 (51 Balaocc !! th. ciosc of fioaociel y.rr 19 -19 i.!. 3l3t Mr!.h t7) a! on l9 Ccrtific^t. (81 20 .r1 J \ FORM XII Certihcate attached with pay bill in respect of General Provident Fund deductions made from the Pay Bills of Class IV Employees for the rnonth of .. , lt paid in ' Name ofthe Head of Offtce Certified that a sum (RuPees ' ofRs. .. . . . .. . monthof....................-.............-paidin ........ has been deducted from the Pay Bill No. , .. dated for the ' in respect ofClass IVemployeesof this Officeasunder(i)SubscriptionRs..'''''...'.(ii)RefundofwithdrawalsRs''-' Signature of Head o{ Office (For use in the Accounts Offrce) Superiltendent, ....................'7 Section FORM XNI sta.cmcntsho|oingtheamo..||tofinterestcreclitcdtotheGenerolProuidentFunclAccountsofClosslV Seruants for the Yeor 19 -19 Name of Head of Office (i.e. Drawing Oflicer) Amount of Int€rest for the year - e Date Place t (Sigrrature) : :' Head of Office. jr 31 22 FORM XIV Statemerrt shouing consolidoted infornntion regarding interest credited to the CeneraL Prouident Fund Accot.nts of Closs IV Seruants for the year 19 -19 Name of Head of Office (i.e. Drawing Oflicer) Amount of Interest credited for the year' (Signaturc) Head of Dc?anmcnt I :) t" Fraudulent drawal of Oeneral provident Fund Advance t ,rtt,^atana fo, "*ia^naa of- GOWRNMENT OF MAHARASHTRA General Administration Department Circular No. PFR- IO??.XIII_A. Mantralaya, Bombay 400 032, Dated the 20th March l9?g. CIRCULAR A few cases have come to the Dotice of Government where General pror4dent Fund advances were drawn on forged sanctions and forged billg and acquittances due to provident improper distribution ofGeneral account slips- Government is, therefore, pleased to issue the followrng rnstructions a" (l) (2) Y (3) (4) Fund :_ The General Provident Fund Slips received fronr the Accountant General should be distributed to the pereons concerned and his/}rer signature obtained in token of receift. The General ProvideDt Fund slips which are not distributed should be returned to the Accou.ts olficer, ifthe persons concerned are not available. In any case the oeneral provident Fund slips should not be retained by the Head of DepartmenuHead ofofhce in his ' custody for more than four montbs Irom the date ofreceipt ofthe General Provident Fund slips from the Accountant General. A regular reconciliation oftbe debitvcredits in tbe Geoeral provident F\rnd accounts should be done by each Drawing and Disbursing offrce periodically with the pay and Accounts offrcer/Tteasury. The periodical returns in respect of Cl. IV Governrnent servants prescribed in this respect by Governrnent should be s€nt to tle Accountant General, regularly without fail. AII the Heads of Departments/tleads of offices are advised to Dote these instructions carefully, and to follow them scrupulously. By order arrd in the name ofthe Governor ofMaharashtra. ( \' K. R. NII-AWAR, Section Officer. I I 4t rl 24 in respect ol Provident F'r:rd Accounts .,f Class IV employees-Elimination of Subrnission of returns deiay in t,.i, the- GOVERNMENT OF MA}IARASHTR A General Administration Department Circular No. PFR-10?8-XIII-A. Bombay 400 032, Dat€d the 27th December 1979. Mantralaya, CIRCUT.AR It has been brought to the notice of Government that inspit€ of repeated instructions issued uncler Government Circulars, Generat Administration Department, No. PFR-10?8,0(III-A, dated the 3lst March 197S, the loth August 19?8 ald the 19th February 1979, the information in respect of General Pmvi(lent Fun(l Accrunts of Clsss IV Government enrployees in Forms X, XI and XIV prescribed under Government Circular, General Adminietration Department, No. PFR-106{,/J, dated the 12th March 1964, is not being furnished by the Heads ofDepartments to the concemed Audit Officers periodically. In the absence ofthe necesaary inforn)atF-n the Audit Officer i8 not in a position to make any proposals for budget provisions and complete the reconciliAtion of departmental figuree with the figures booked by bis office. Wit} a view to facilitating the concerned Audit O{ficers to submit budget proposals and to complete the reconciliation work every year io time, it i.8 necessary that returns in forms X, XI and XIV in respect ofProvident Fund Accounts of Class IV em ployeeE are invariably 6ubmitted to t}lem by the Heads of Depirtments periodically and regularly. Attention ot all Heads of Departments and Heads of Oflices is once again invited to the instructions issued under Govemment Circular, General Administration Department, No. PFR- 1064-J, dated the lzth March 1964 and they are reque6ted to follorv the following instructions scrupulously.(i) Atl Heads of Department should ensure that the required informatior.t in Forms X, XI and XIV is furniehed to tle Audit Oflicer concerned on or before tlre 15th of the month following the month in which it is due and a copy there of endorsed to the Adminietrativo Department concerned simulta- 2. neouslY. (ii) The Heads of Depariments/Offrces should also ensure that t}le retonciliation parties visiting Atrdit office carry out necessary adjustments as per retums already furnished to it by them and forward completion report to the Administrative Department concerned as soon as reconciliation work is over. (iii). The Administrative Department should expedite the concerned Head8 ofDepartments ifthe required informstion and the report on completion of reconciliation work are not received by them by the due dates.ltrey should alsotal.e suitable steps to ensure that the work ofthe Audit Oflicer is not hampered due to want of required information from the Heads of D€padments. By order and in the name ofthe Governor of Maharashtra, C. V. SAAAPH. AsEistant Secretary tD Government. GorErracjr (b{rn r hrss. Mr,l|!x I @, rzvqrqcq-qi-nqftqFrqhffin ( dd auqls|q-( q qrtq Frqh t+rt qrare/ :rr-qGr.Tr qtJq ffi TI<t in.TilFrr Ernnlrcil qfdTrqd E cIIrgFH nI({ qr{qrErftT. 4Em6g €IrslEr. qrqrqFynglBqrq vm+ qli.r-*-o oqlo-q.ft.H. ?oovr?.F.?q/?ooi4?_q rirnrq, Iivi-voo oiQ. frai+ 99 '4rrg?ooy. vnm qfrrrrr,qrclq sTns{ hqFI, FiF{qrqn_ q,q v/i, ft.qr qrd, t'{qv. qngr qftqrs, {rqtq qvns{ ftqrq, mqh- dgsf,R_to\r\/y?z/1,?, ft. l) qY v€qr qtirq. yffi $qrs, srqrq crrRtr fucrr, fr. tv *Trri tqse. wi+ffff q{r/qoq7q1_*, -:ffqm: :'Rfcqhfu Q qI qftqrarai m t^ql frvrsr<d rz-ld' qr nrr+te 5trql-qi+ qfrq ffir Fcft idcqhfu fi. q srqrqrrd ffi tqrrrqf',-ftqr qtdr+ft( ft"r, ,{. / qtrdErqre #'k se nuqra qd qB. *<.cffi ; r-$ m.rrcr=A,ra TIgS t "ttu ., wgo .....,. tuatqFdqt .r,rqrsiet rr< ct{uqKl EIIff qff,. : a,r,r'ir 6t{qqd..r* I x.frH. ?Ris SiF rfu "rd "ri iRlS ffi;-q. _: ffifrsrqcifrqtuN'icr qq+ vtq 3c+n qftqqia ft-tur {qlr5m sT{ilrt gy k$a|jq ryfqT Eitd rs*rr+ *Fnr* m *T$^*#"ffi JH'H'H fr-4 si-fi -,fi;_",tw frka qqiiiqr qrc 51 {RFtRt {T<{ i5-{urTi-e1; iualrc .q1@I q1id. 1ffi'1Fl.t ry-T,"".rild "d insrn d"' q 1rfr +iq.r'nr srqr*qri o,rqrrq, frofi'* i-l-.{'iEt ;i # 'f,:xts$ aqrq qz^-m;ilrrtu rFr 'J#il+# rw *,rsstq 6+qr-qiq +a< d# tc*ini'*r qftfr. quu q'tufriliqr^'rao w.H.fa. crd mrioryorcna. qqq{ufrooiqrrl.ilji]i#; ;^,+'arss p' + n-qrd*r tqqfr'o{ qrfufrqRirr r6tsr ;"i" ft,fr- *d. *G * {qdd +q "F.H "F rl{'i-c q'tunq'iq' crro6 6fr +nrrfi; # il; ffi JniH,# Ti-qErdR 6€-{A ffiid *'rtor itrfc-fiq qftTn1 "tfr.*qi+s$ rft€l{ k iT ffi T6rdetcrqmrqiFTqriyrs{rqrhqtiirgqmdqr}. I sr{iffi q* *t^*"*ry qfurfumn qW {rrrrrog qrqrqir qqa "i*{qi ad qri' q qm qr.* ds ra 'doqrd Fnrs vi s fr il{q qfrfi r0, Frqr€q qin qvn qqtr i,qn *w ."rt" +, n] ci *.{, rss" e ft. c" {,a;'i*u ry, E" ,rr, .' t. qffi q|ffi+ r;qri13Rmr*q t ctq q rrz #*;,_or+ * i eO G,f-An" ctlqrd 4r RtTTtrd ftq-ceil-froTTn citdq .* n*T{ qmFfu:"*" q-d q,fsfrq*i€ar q*nE/ "r"i"*g -r-*.otur ",gd * qRftrqnn frfra idwl cTqa cqrqr{ qiserftrqrq c{-ilsr i "n"*ro* *=-g*, .rrfirqr s d{sr orcldc r dcr e 6ts'nR -rqlfiq qi*qd {,o{ 6.uo'il q ai. ac.,""*" sr+i qq( 6..{uo,il qrd-r lM +*M c.H.H. * ** t* ds*qin q rar aqvhe *q+rni q-rsqd ow +", **,+;i'#"*'"ft" m{'qn*eFTd. i* rlct &-clcq-ssz 1 sooo -rr -oa ) r l- la q> v' Rd ffi Ht{Friil fuFfr o,"qie *i +1, atfletqr qnrmqrsd-on s*hc qu a hr+m crqi{r qM mrfqrs oruo'u.-n{ dd{.*, r*" iil #*-E *'ffi ffi a d*u.xi6 qsq'rqn nwo*mcrErsra,"u.'d qqr. qrftil*qsrfrrd ".n 2 alr =rcer{^an-g qrwrs ffifl q",Fm irFR crqT vT*ro, ricnfi q-flqffn HFqc m-c< Ridfu.{rvmq'nsr *+. .Trflo rcqqTqr lqrqFnrg {ilR s.{uqrd qrEr. "*ua FrRIEd rrqcrd qfql eTtflrTgR q rrqd. **" c.s. qt"rfl / qrffi qiqq( **ii'aa} -rffi* (+n) t cfr, cr-qqrfiid€Fq, g@diqiierrrr{fb-{, sqgsdflqiiqqaqfuq, s{ t'fl q n-"qdfl qin qlq'fr {fue, wrdcrqm- t ( dql q qTtTdr), qorg {+{ (t. qrcr r#sr ), Tfld€rqrd-Q ( ders-q-frrdr), qtnrE; irqW fto qcrcikf-), wrdqrqv-t ( dcr cfrFr), * r . ' ' :I qrRrqa ,joi Cf. iq, *fr*. ), qrmr), cEd€rctd- ? (dcr r11nrS.ilq3( p qlql qfuq,qtmqft'.m{saqfretoq,tsi sfqq,qiRrg#sTqrdq,iS{, cfoq,{rlrrfus"Jq.qd,r,{ct ;icc,TsqqriFfiq,If6qrqvncr,tsi, g{r1q,3qqr.r;pr{r,afuvrcl,fr, *T*, rfurj, * urqiar,r, trt "i* sdrrfi,qirlqcrns6lqqrqrFr6ilT,iqi, qrgqr qgrr ido cqrr q8e w quderqm, qpqq Frsfd Fcfr nn, trwr$ tcsi,r, Tilrdrdr rts, rtt'nq, (Td ) {T{-yoo oq,i. (q" wql;fi€F) pn der vfts+, frqnfr dd, qi-sor raq, T+ qq{ r-qrc-o,eorqEM,tvi, .qFmqqdurqfiffirfl,td, ftsr$ dqr trngr qfttr0, tr{, €dHrqrfrqqr5ff, -}\ v{frqlFtsRt g{HRrdcFrRqnrsr$, urqk*rs HqF/ rrn krrs Hqrqg*r kqrrr (friqr_ *q),{flFrc, {T{. {{rdqrqrd{s{fEqT'r, ri{rfrfr H'qrqi-q ww+q ffi qs+d q{ frfl r ugc {fficcurqiftfqrtrc, drr-6c, {{i ( a c{fi ), srqrqsflr{rrffidv46rqhs+, ft-+sqtfr. I .--.---l 141ti. va-ssz(sooo-e-oo)rv e mratea rqg, 3 rrr<qftqft'r. tr,ft.f{. ?ooyh.6. tq/tooVq?-a, ft. 11 drreroou tq6ql IIERIE rrhq Fnto fi+fr qrtrqr / qr r{f,|qr ffi{d +sr+rrq sqrorr{ t) *l"s"orooia5wmil:+rqffiaiqqqrr [qF'|qt sqrFrds-{uqta+++1, *. / ffi uiu q6 guUfrdl qrd *.qifi ilitqr s{r qt* rqa tt-+ sr< +"ruqr qril< F---JF-cra1, wlrwqfrrmane+rt vqaffir /-( ( FTd FrA-----------* --- ) ra+ltq-q tq* ctfrd+fls q sqrr+.+i qiny{r fiuqTiTdiqr qhq Ffii6 t{fi fuid ilql{r qfrq Frii[ frtfi dcr erq|e-d s-{oq|d Atd. gflFinrqdkflqoftq.rfr caTqtkcqi{{lctw|vffir:- crt sFnFr.ilqlFIqqfll gilEvltli{ sqtfurd sluqrf, (tqn), qiqr qfuq ffi6 Fft1Iffiqfrtwq'qrt futq:- \rq-s82(sooo-8-o4)2 . *d +1, *.1 ffi---------- flilfi srd m. ----------ir{Tr eTrt diqr ect}ff qld tlf qfr,q Frqfu P+ffqqr elfuq {qr mirnl /raoq trr6< nvmr tffi ftnr Xr *r*r< 1u daa an qo % fr*qrnnf drrfficqtc qfTc'dTl rw,t* qRlrtrrsn c.{vqrqrqd. ---- - {6r{lqYIfl:I' grqrq qvns{ frqrrr' vns+ qft qro etqi6. qffi - - q oo q/ q I ; /q.m. t q,/ q 1 - 3r, rial6q,Iffi-xoo oi1, foqi6:- qqd, ?""\. qftq*o:vtrqq tTotq, yRrri ffisr kfl lqqFr, dt.rrqql tqox/q.m.q/tfl-3, qpq4 fr"iqTsR R. 1 arne loov R sj 5d lo"x err4 {n€-dh a qcn vs 6fq1-qi4 lrq qETTi q-flrffi ga *a+rt+r qo% ga6r q6q( Ao +d-{rd{ tq ersun-cr \.{ur rmr eiqr {d +d-{rqd ffi+ q-ruqra gTr+mr gTG. s<cqr wrtni fiil an-{q*Frqd #* Il-f,nild qr +aamn i <{it{dr "qEFrd aa{' (Dearness pay (D. P.) EUt{ ffiiTqd fi qhq Frei6 frtid qitrrunr q-{uqrc{r$ s<r {drn€ +* t qr aaqrcti ffi{ +eli 1fra uoa R|q-qrd qffi qlt'ruHr q'{T-s 3{c fu-r frqrrlliq 3-*I YIRFI E{tbrqra rtflqnq qfqq FTst6 f{tn frqqqqR 3{tqq (q{-dtqr 154) ri;g orarqr fihar f+iKq lffiq rqs FTofqrd in-{uznd 3il-d 3TrA. 6rdu{rnr (+-vrar+r) ( ffi tdrcl, qr qftRertrd Yns+tq 6fqr-qnl qERrE {d +d-{rd q-6l4ri {a +tr{ + r1ffi *na ) il$T{ 3irt. dtlrfr, qI {Eqid qfirrfurf, ?. +.{r* oiflqq 6}ra-ffi frf{E cni-fl{i-d s{tdr 3TC ssz 6-{mIkT / n-qRI.Ir q-rqr qrqtq-d qr tqqrqro3 q-qru *r+ Rqr (Dearness pay ) {drFrr qf{rlford +1. isremrrcr ( +-vrar*) q'rq :irqg++ 3Ttt' {6rllq etiqrqnq ftqq 1jqa, cri-d ilqd-f{R qffi<niar 3lttq (q.drqr fr-frfi {ffic qI @@trt ) q.qr +rnr=n ter* q{$ idr{l Kr +d{rd {6rrfl-t +il{ pai')-ffiqq;€q ( x56**+ qOrn**.r+ )erfl 6-5-{ aarflri srrfr lwq s{Tr6ri fu{rri6-q{ kqRulr €ta fi ffic u1fim/qr- (Deauress- q{arqTffiqqffil'rd Ftuqrdqlql., rta/g<-o re ( sooo -z -zoos ) - : ?;.T,II @ $rfu'q ffif qo % fn* qfrrnf drn fidq 6€'{ irfrelrS F+ftqT{ srfuc {T.r qf,?rfl /"sqq xrqa toare hr<r W riir+m qa dra err _]' ffi rw** qftrrnrun fiT{nqwfr . --rrd-{rq {tRr-{, qrqFq q{ns{ hrTFt', vr€q qfrq-{fi q;qi6 - qffi - q " " q /q I ; ; rial-61q,1$-6"" fuf6:- qfrq{6:- q /q. m. ? q,/ q - 7 - t - sr, "11, 5d,1""\. trRrq fiTuh, fuf, hlTrrt, jr.rtrlql qqox/q.m.q/tfl-j, fr tq {-d to"x a;+4 t snrre looy qq4 rrq vrnr+tq q go-r qrd 6fqr-qi4r ,hqr {a +d-{qi tq srqun-qr \r{"r 116r,r{ q-flrffi Xa i-a-+rtqr q.% g+a e-arn* *g,+i d-dd-flr frduTsr tq. Td +d-{rqtd ffi4 5'1u+n BTr+dr s{ri. u<rqr qerrni 'riTr aa-{T:+lqrA trennd qr +a-+r+d c E{ifudr "{drrlr{ {6q" (Deamess pay (D. P.) 6of+ €ii*rd rrt1 siql srif+rqrd adi qfdeT frei6 fui-m qfrrrqrT Bdad;iqri 'Idn qoadTmqrq sffiS ffiqp6 qTq .F{u.rkr e{rd 3Trt. m..crqrsr& qfr'runr q<t {6Fn* Ftrfr ard +* i qa *fiTqd iqr fqqrrnqr sfiT yrr{r;T qt qftR{dtd yrRdq +riqr-qirr qoriE s*q'nn{.a qhq Fst6 frtfr hcqr{qR qllq (qcdrqr rwq) q{t fidrqr fi*;dr futifq{ {ffir{ +Tdvqm (+-qrdrqr) tr{t tdr+r, 1a +d-m rcrri *rr (Dearness pay ) ffic 6-fi ( qa +* + {drni *a+ ) sr{€R 3fqq / sTrt. ilqriq, qr riEdd +}urqrfr hfrte q*i-flid snor g{C He u'$Efld rmq qfinfrid q-rq anqwfi qfir Rflr r{twri qfrqftre s-{r* qrqmd ar furaFffi q-?Trq -t., Tr-qcdrqr lqqrri*-$ ia d. h-qwun s<rfr qffiq +-{nq6ri *d 3Tri. qE*rq etrs'ERur .frqq qqqa, qqhd ilt-{d-flR qriufrfiiqt oriqq (rrfiHT @_re-B rwq ) {g oror+ tqr* h-flEr rffiq-+rd"qq ( ai-crdrqr) fi3 tdnr ryr *cr+nr {6TTTrt +il{ (Dearness pay ) ffi< oaq ( Td +r{ + r6rpi ia-+ ) srqr erFJc /+- q{dr"{I {tr6'q rftrfr* oru-qnqrd. tra/cs-o ro ( sooo -z -zoos ) -r F.qr.q q1 4v 2 t qRq?-fi in-fl R. telv/1oot^ erad fuqrri eiqr 66* {Eq-#{qR {6Rrqri {Frqrm qiq orffi+' h{fril orTim-{lsR 't riqti m :- tuu/1ooq/frq1-1, r6{uqrd Afl silt, q"rqr+, l/l YlL (K.qr.(dql.) 3q qfuq,qEmE vrs{. cfr, {rerqlFltqql-Is, 5ed*uinwrnrfue, 3qgsd*<iiwmrfua, ' rrd{*qrr;qq*fi qre'ft €'hq {6rActqr-d ( *er a aa1ft-ar)-s , {6rt19, qFi (qo qrfl q-#sd q6r&qTqt-€ ( g=1 q sq$mr)-t , T6Rrq, rrrT{ (q" qrcr c*{r6 ), (t" qr(r c-trrrd ), {fldcTqro ( dor qfierr)-s , q-rRE, qfldclcl-o (d{gr qis{r)-t , :T6rag cF'FI( so qrEr trtrfi'd ), qhq, qERrE Eqraqs-d siqqmc, , sfuq, Ttnrqrffitr 3rrd'r, iFi, rTrd'I,'fd*, efua, 6q qdrr+', 3Eq <rqrFrq, 5.a alqvnor, Iffi, miqo, r.q <rqrsq, stdm {Trqr, tst, rdu*., dE 3{qfte 3q6}q e1q*afiFrdf,q, ri{i, sitl-+', TdRrE cvrwstq anrftr+-{rr, ridt, qn-rftq der qfrerr 3{rfur +or det a ergirat 1-q, etrrlg qii +t-qidq,ql4q Frqto F+fr vner f*.d.+.3n. aqtn 6rf,;s, q"q +-drts, S-Y.o olo (qo crflc#s6) ), ' . 'f rf P6* hqn, ffin, ffi Sedwrfrn-o, kdr$fu, oi+q q*t, TdT{*, {qm*., d'or q o}qrTri, Ii"r{, qFr'ff{ q dgt rrftrdnfi , T{q, Frqrn egr qnefl eqftr*'r0, r-dhqrfrq #, eTrTffi, s-d tq-6rftr6rfr, {dfr€stqnn 3fir6rfr, qnfr+rs fuqrq/ q'R fu+ls fu{rq/t{fi hqrrt (6}sr- c-\),qet-{q, rj-d{ {n-cqr#e rtn wd kqrq, tifldft fuTrqiqr qflqstq ftdrunqrdfi qd filrn qgs, qriftm hqrq s5€ q olqteqsT€, qTmq qq-{di drrT-dq, qiliiq,'iqi ( ? rd ), qrqrq svrwr h{rr-d€ sd srqhf , Fffsrd. q"r+. qil-616 -l3l. I .w l /;\ \:-,- ,r fited rtEr(rEE triii flrqrr{ grrdr f#rq, rhrae, qn cf(rrn6 .gcfo {fqfr-?Qos./?qoo/t. g. cc/ os/2 7a fqnro dEd r ftdct roou i creilcmr,l tur e tglonr- r $e{ E xEri€rqrq ilor o aXftanr-l antgr rrfcur orqfqqre qRfcrqfn sril-rqr arq.cfr.arr.pil. q:tDlqr nrc Urqrt'idlg qr fEqcrt qtrdt Fil...- er.yr. q17Y6q1-'r, )V)e- /o'l crd.isrt drhlq q firorn dqlirqrnq <, eti.ftlr tts, git:utt ,'l oot feah: iig fvtAR2005 gfn: or{orrT af,Hqf,z Us fldtil cfqcrtt, iiqrqarflqfil'fn ad fqsrq, qr'-tr qrfEfinrfi q qtrq rqr or{srfrnrfr rlfrn. rq.f.l.r.s ri. ufll dgr baT rrB. r^aAnq) afr€o cfidnr E n-qrf,s 0.5,{.ut! n'rr}uc s frorn R'qrclrnq @,"'\gi:urt oot qittrftnr gn: riurorrncrfrn 3lfqorrlzo{qrfr qr'ar iTe is-qrardt' Fn: crFet +rgf,. flr/u30q/Q -T6T * ,lditirgrqr.-t 6dgr -.r er{iq?fr) -t, g*6 qtrettqrqr('r (stet e srtizrer )- R, qrn1r qitqt -qaqioaa qshuqm endwr '1 -,rrlAN?oo5 nqrrt rtrricr r ftl|t 'l o{ rq. d. irn. qs. zixol qr {{r$r quqruiatti--- eS) I ATdKIEYN'€C tlrqFq qvrRfi f\rrrr, qRqxm m.rffi -q?dVtSoo/s. xZloy7q1*, riamq, 1io(-;4oooQQ, fufo:- 1 f'gCq*,i""r 7"/' (dqr e eqi<-or)-t, 5e{ a qddqrqq (dqr q e-{iqrfi}r' rrr$ qiqr mfcleqqti rrtntq vRFIrq ++d€ qhq firek Fnfr e'iqlwiqr eiraqrrrfquqF#6f nfr qnr+r+riaerqqr*aqrkfr srocr6-o.{ffi \ronr+{ .a{T{frt. zixun qq s'{u-rTrd fi-+d oTrt vt .iffi q4th{R mCqFciql ){ r+q, qrq qqta srd-der .-6qiqr i*i.'fr -fl s" l*,-ji ru,*", so^$qqXs, eifrq rsmq +r-g drqrqr u-qtrun-s ssM, r-crl6-fr fu{ {r+f,. "s' " ""'"' -"" '4P- qs.qt q*"H qr|trs srq ftq ffi erqerq F-rrsqrqr $4-+qlqd an.qs ,ryt ftdi-{ rsfuRc q+cr ?TI r{Rq-1-drsre_d-tal fu*urqxra irqrd 3il+€T T!:<$$ ;il ir)l *- eTrt'n. q fr'qT'r q srqr FrriroTtod-d fuqTq s5o, criftm lqqrq c5q sd srctf,q c{qifr q1 qfi s7-*rche qF-+ ariqr frziilncrrft a rs-d e4'1* q'trqFqi-€4T grat fi-<vi-<re sTTUIl-dTfd. ffi{ qor<rqrq {qqre qitqr e{Ihqr+r{ q --irqri, ercd) sr{qfqq,rr{ttrs(Yns{ ( fu.n. crd, {qqreinqfu-q, ge{*fiwneFr<, sq5e'i*<iistlnqh-q, sd q* q tqqfi ,{ii €Tq'fr qfus, qqrv-trsr), Tddsrqrm ( dqrq oq+q-dr)-r , qdrrq, €-*tts" i-a/gs-aor(rso0- 12-0q ) - 01 ( QEi:o') (b I r'''. ticttcr&l ( A & Ii) ' Ollicc gt tlrc r\.i)cil.rr',. lvL lNrERAcl lvE volcE "iiio u"i ;' -i"; ". lVi trrbli oF RosPdNSr't:lry'f:l "Pr AccouNrs li Grrlri-cYEES i"l-'t "-'' Class lV itent employces' excluding .t" ' '')\/eir1i The AIS Offrce,s st by.srate Government Departments' tnaii'i"in=ti t't u"JJnt Fund subscriptions €mployees whose GPF rr r"rr Geireral Provident can now accoss inform"i"l "'""t :r.''' i:i'Dle tc thom over the Phone through an v'/iii b'j €lsctronioally' fne intormutiun lnteractiveVoiceResponsu.rrr,r,,,(!'ir.,l:.).hrftlrrre,payingavisittotheAccountant vvirr rt/i !'e lrecessary' 6"""4" ofrce or vwiting long lorte'.s ' the has been modernizing India ol General IVRS for The Comptroller & Auditor on a continuous basis' Department euOit a R""outrts efrod' This tochniques in the lndian tatest in this on-going the is t'O"t'i''"rs Genoltl Provident f 'nOof th€ Stato of Maharastrba Government kndu fewants usel-friendly innovation also thoso who do not and villages and u'" tn Ai"tunt to*ns including those who *;;"ip Englishorwhoare""';;;;;t"*v't"ascertalnthostausolthelrGPFaocount 20 systsm wtlich can handle th€ using obiairreJ bo The inlormation carr a weok' Th€r€ a day and seven days hours za ;'onrin" ;;;; tn: lines simuhaneo""'' ""0 tor obtainiri the information' :u:""n*tI' *tot"''""s offtce General are no holidays or ntt*nont orfi":_-ol C-" IA&D phone will the over whose account is mainJiieo oniioit) 2207400f in" into't"tion nti'" lacilW for Mumbai' Maharashba, f fter" is ulso the mailbox Er:glish' t"O be available in Hindi' messagos' sub€crib€rs to lsave his to the subscriber on allowed be will The access to GPF instan$Y. \ i""' i, *" *"rat dia|ingthecorlectGPr.Jc"oun.'.,u'u",..r.aoateotuirttrwhenpromptedbytheIVRS' Subscriberswhoare"*li"toaccesstirru"'"qui'Jtointimatetheir'conectGPF of the accourrtnumb€]*oo".".iuinnaspertheir'.,]i"u,*o.a.,thloughthei]Drawing om"ti Cpr EDP centre'offrce *'"Ji";o"io**"tt d;;i and Disbursing Karve Road' Mumbal -4oo *"i"t"nt 101' ;;"'ashtra' Accountant Genoral of the s€rvrc€' Oi immeOiatdy to get the benefit on closing balance' iairrbow of information a obt;airl can etc' A Subscribors withdrawal applicalion O""i credits' debits' from "i to help them to move current balance' missing tuit"'iUers ii'" Oy heerd bo the been buitt in to'protect hierarchy of instructtonican t*tt one information to unoi'*'' is"iu(e: 'ectrtity t;;;;" ;;otinto''uti'lol'l'ni*ii*::**;ffJT:[llHfr v"' subscriber must do In tne !.r-801 - 2 €ver rr vr q u' -'- - lwhata rl -4- ,I quNl,,r$L (A&II lL MauAnarErla srjltlui eri ltt-l-u a(;qol-[{raN'!] !!4!PUB Interactive Voi<:c l{csporrse(IVll) System -GPIi by dinltttg: [)F Subscribers can avail the facility -- |t 9J8 Nagpur within xtgp"t ti'onr *iirtitt .riiri,,g ii:,-, ri,i: diilirrg 9i8 lirr 0712-l9Jtl lbr tlinling liom outside Nigpur Dial any trurnbcr betweclr Oi tif --- zsrnt7s and 256217 _ -l __) 9 t__ Aftcrtheconncctionismadc'thcsysbmwillautomaticBllyinterBctwiththccsllcr.Sclectthe to press or 5 for Marathi aftcr the Bcep. Callcr has by pressrng 6 fo, f f-dioi i f- ii"efi;h Language ir,.?pp."pii,i".yll.":::-qi-;;[f*;;f p,ffi *trl#;f ffJ'#,*"i.'}o:. sven 'rii svsrcm.on_verituing the ,y,t",n 0,",* if iound concct, ptays thc 1"8!6t crcdit Postcd GpF no and plN *rii"" t"-"*or* *a optiors as follows: Th"n th" user is givcn a mcnu for various i;i'il:Tff:tr;ffi'Lt Scncs coctc, U:f il:rfi whcn thc ;;;; il i;. for Closing Balancc as on 3l st March of the Prelrous Financial Ycar; lor Current Balances; 4 for Advanc'cs tlrawtr' 5 for Mrssing Credisl 6 for Irinal Psynlent Status' 7 for changing PIN; 8 (if nor available in the databasc ) for updating tr'i-;t" of Birth 9 to ljKit 0 is availablc option fionr 3 to 7 a rcpeat playing optron 3 l(rr each 'l he GPI; Scrtcs hus [rcen codctl tirr thc purPosc o[ IVRS as: -- GI'tr Nurncrl GI'I" Numcrl oi'u ;;t':";it !$i---t$ Scries ,, lsds - --')rri''i c-ar&--Jcrlsr lo_ MSBN -- fiiiU ---ffi--_ j;'n @ _ EL,pr\ --- '-- -- l,Jiu*- - - -,o-'7 . _..., . ux N -, , M'r- N:d""-------* _. FMAI{.--- -,-99 -\D[tl qs-801 - 231 -- rc _fABN_______15 11 tr spRN sPsN rs -v!N----21 26 '?6 - t qlrdeTqret (fuTqsr{sqiTl) -t, r AN ?005 '-:"Y (ucEr qaqictr qlqrqrqiFr'.T|?I ie*- a )- r, <nqt ondwr quqrciGi+-or lq. d. orn. uq. zieol qr qlq I @e$l ]rdRIEYIIfi-{ gr:qrq qvmfifcaTq, qftqxs' m.rfih-r 1oV13oo/r. xcloxlqle+, rifll?I.r, 1ia{- r ooo? i, fuiqr:- 1 ft+iq{,'roor ^qfrgr*-" z qtrrdcrqm (dqr q q{iqar}q, ilrw qi<t sr*r '5+t e (dor q :r1i+cn}r, qo{rq Tnffii-tar +++d qrcq fiek f+fi trhq fuik fi+fr €fiqTfl+nd ersqr*a qrprfr srtrdr ft-a +qrqld| qq j*((|.qffi. cs;r+{ ?ixw ftlu*d sn-+ox wt qr zixo6 q'iufrq* q6-sr-qicr .,._< rrAq Frqt6 Fnfl -+€ Rt4d f{rffio, 1166 {qi-rfl , qrq qsifl srd-+eT r6qiql )<*(ig}}r .Qr+\'trr --' is^a'hffie, oi*q {ffiq srEl drqF4l* {-sRrft' r'qtkfi fiT{ vr+d' s'6r dncrsd ereaiq F{qqrqr qt{dnqil ** .ii* ;dert ;J.;; '"" \)7 sTrid. q sd 4a6fra frr-1q q siq fr{i{qr€fidd fon'r cgq, lrrifuo furFI cgs q-4 qffifi q.+qrqiqr orqtmq cgeifi qr qftq:-sr+f, qtr+ trrrqr t{q?q€tah€ Tcqr firfff{-s sTTUTTaIt.t. q{nrqd{qq€qitqr srli{r{sR q qmi, ( a Fr.n crcd ) 3qqfi{q,c6nrqws{ efr, rrqqreiiqfuq, qeri*qiaqqqrshq, sqs{*fiqq1q€fqq, ddflq{rqd*fiqrtt'frqFrs, ( d-erqsrtiq-ar)-t ' q€RIE, {tdrlgs-8o1(4soo- 12-04 ) - or tqgtt' qmrfrfla)' ( .? si;q, s3 * r * * * * * '!- q6ldslcr(4 ( dqr q 3l=tiqaT)'e , r1d5{E; qTr1{t (1o iilSl g-trs6 ), qrrA€Tqm ( dqr qfrarr)-s , q{nrq; (so qqr e*${ ), 'jct lr6rd€Twte (+€T'n}qn} r, qa{ig qT'rT( ( qrfl rfrs( ), " {fidq,qEniEfr'trrqqsd'qfusrmq,t{'r*, sfqdl, rffittqf,]+-s.rrandq, {-dt, rtfqq, qaffi, 6q fa.Tg'u;a ffiq, ry, BigPJF:n-iTq, ga =+r+vrn*r, 5d, gdqs, iieq;qrqtFfdl, .a-nerrncr, ti*t, sritrs, dq.ilg<qscer* ertT.RqiAq,rqttrq, tg{ gaffi,qirrqe-{n€-qilq=qrqrfrffi{'r,tq{, aTrcfrq Aqt .r$trT 3TrFr d€T frqT'T dcr q er{*cdr }c, q6nE sr+mq,rrflqq finto F+fi vncr 1fl.*.fr. si. ftrd'r, ;qqfrqefq, t"t wft+dite rjq{-;"" o1o (\o qErg-Ss{) fi g&ui*t"tr*,md,ofow.rcq,r-+5a{, TisrFFF, dqr q +iqrnt, {q{, r ' srftmq q dsr srFr+rfr, {qt, n-qnfr d€T .r0qrl erfr{-sr$, Iid, sdBr+rfrqenqFo, q{fii€rftr+rfr, g4fr€r*isrrrRatRrqrfr, qrqfufi r+{ fr !rFr/ qrn hs'rg fulTrrrit{fr ferr ia (+lvr- !F \),qilfiC, tCt {xreqr+cT{o-rrrd fq*r'l, daffiqt{ fr qFrqr qyn-€-*lq fi r.iillo rcil-er vd fr rnq cts, qRfr ffi fr rqFr s{oe flqtircqgq. rixmqqtaq$riqrarq, riancr.t, 1iad( c c-fr), qrqrq v'vn*r+ frrnqrdn qd qrql+r+' * fuqcrd. q6{. a qq-801 - l3l {p ()lfics qyf f lr;- .r,r ...,. rr', t;e ncral ( A rv.ll-1",,_.:,;:r_:\4!nrll4 r7 & Ii) I, .,:, ! .{,.:,.f EII FOR cpF ACCOUNTS _s't A't E 6i-,1/: ,_.;- ,11.Ji. E,rtPLCYEES INTERACI tvE vOIcE R . Of si.,. The AIS Officers a:i,, .,,.,,:.,r.ritt employ€ss, excluding Class M employees whose GPF accounts aie ;'rairrl.rinecj by state Government Deparbn€nts. can now access information aborr,' ;,.r,,, Ge:reral Provident Fund subscriptions elec{ronically. The information v,ii: ir.' ...:)te tilem over the phone through an fnteractive voice Response s'1,,;v,;,1 .' . '. t.', i'rir-ire, paying a visit to the Accountant General's office or writng iong leite,,; 'rr!:: , i. ! DJ necessary. ., il The Comptroller & Auciitor General of India has been modemizing the techniques in the Indian Audit & ,{ccoLints ,epartm€nt on a continuous basis. MRS for Gcnoral Provident Fund subscriirers is tho latest in this on-going efiort. This user-ftiendly innovation will help Government servants of the state of Maharashta including those who ar€ in dishnt towns and villages and also those wtro do not know Engllsh or who aro not computer saw).., to ascertaln th€ status of thelr GpF acrount instanty. The infonnation carr bo obtai,re.l using the system which can handle 20 lines simultaneously and will be online 24 hours a day and seven daya a week. There are no holidays or ofiice hour restrictions for obtaining the information. The subscriber vvhose account is mainhined by the Oftice of the Accounbnt General (A&E) l, Maharashba, Mumbai. has to dial (O22) 22}740CI1. The informaUon over the phone will be available in Hindi, Marathi and E,:glisir. l-here is llso the mailbox facility for subecribers to leave messages. The access to GPF accout'rr wiil be allowed to the subscriber on his dialing the conect GPF account number and date of birth when prompted by the IVRS. subscribers who are not able to access will be required to intimat€ their conecl GpF accounl number and date of birth as per their service records, through their Drawing and Disbursing Officers, to the Asstt Accounts fficer, GPF EDP Centre, Ofrice of the at Accountant C'oneral (A&E)-|, Maharashtra, 101 , Maharshi Karve Road. Mumbai _4OO 026 immediatoty to get the benefrt of the ie;vice. SUbscribors can obtain a r'aiirbow of information on closing balance, cunent balance. missing credits, debits, siatus of final withdrawal application etc. A hierarchy of instuctions can be hearcl b,, ti-,e subscribers to help them to move from one inbrmation to another. Security ieai,.,ies have also been built in to protect the privacy of information. A unique feature ot this IVRS will be instuctions about wfrat a subscrib€r must do in the event of a credrt f,:und missing from his GPF Account. qq-801 - 2 @) 5r rf -/:-. gll,rcE QIr ',t'I.tti ^!(.x)Irut'/tll'l'(;ltN!'lt4! i!^Gglll-i li 6&IiI I!' tl/unr n^|rula Intcractive Voicc llcsponse(IVR) System -GPIi I)F Subscribers can avail thc facrlitl'b1' diahng: 9Jf for dialing liom within Nagpur 0712-l9Jtt firr dinling from outside NAgpur | I ()r Dial any ltunlirct bern'eclt filllzi,c'ttts antzseztm -- I L,_ - I I with the caller' Select thc After the conncction is madc, lhc system wrll automatically interact Beep. coller has to press i."g,rrg" ly pr*"ing 6 for Ilindi or 7 for Errgirsh or 5 for Marathi aftcr the To Login thc system requres thc irt"'?6.pii,it" nrirnier according to his spicc'fic. r"qurancnt Scrics snd GPF no for confirmatiprq' the Numeric series code srd the GI,!'-no. The system Playt back systcm on veriSing the given prompts. The ifr* ,f," pIN numbcr has ro bc clialed whcn thc system ocdit postcd and PIN verihcs lhc accowtt and if found concct, plays thc Istcst scrics codc, GPF no .ontt, -a ior. 3 Then the user is given a menu for various Options as follows: for Closing Balancc as on 3lst N4arch of thc Previous Financial Year, for Currcnt l3alattccs; for Advanccs dra*lr, for Missing Credtts; for Final Psyment Status; for changing PIN; for upclaiing thc l)ate of llirth (if not available in thc databasc 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 ) to Exlt lior cach option from 3 to 7 a rcpcat playtng ol.rtron is avarlable 'I'hc Gl)li Sertcs hr,. lrt-en c<xlec! lirr lhe pt'trlxrse ot lVRS as: Series GPF f{uurcric GFI. -- ___ADN_ - epflc r)l- -. -tigle-s Numerl c Coae GPF Serics l0- MSBN - !ia9,[---- - Numtrl c CoAc 12 lfvBN --20 -g2- --!asDLI- - --x-: _gBuu _ --!l04 - !i's --p--!lEN-,--------2 22 13 PttsN Li'liJtl]! ersx - --- -cnBn ---CSglL - 05-- lP.sBN- - l4 EoBN Il1.{ lBN __rpell---, _oq L9 Q] !.kr-iN ---!!-- ___rxpry-_-",,i--t1.a,qli n?-ar\ 1 - ?31 ,,x - !e r\ilrlr\ r qP-EN--' -^:s--J: \ll)-liN. --18 vBN 23 2l 26 '--2?- @.9 ..,e5 ,ltrrdcr{F{ro 6ifufl q er{Sq-dr) -q' )AN ?0t5 q tct- u {I )- Q' cFtT( rcrqr +rqkTqn emtsrqtd erd@I 3trq..61.3{n qe. .iTolqr drq +tqrciti+-qdrcte{It{lar (r'irm I 3r-{ttq-dr t, I I q{I{lEYlr{FT i *o*lt{rr+tqfsq'r' fl €iqft cnsqi.rll='ifi i-q1o1/13oo/q'xzloxl(13{' v , I ' riTff,q, lffi- 6oool?, fEqiEh:- 1 fbdog,?oox Z *e.* (dcr q arEicarls, 'fd a qtrd{ilq'q (dqr e wgi+at}r' .' . I q'rw *dhiq*a 'fr*y'"*i; *adn qfrq Frskfqlfr q'lufr<ntTl Bq6d{ s6- tscrsr& y aeh J# 'H fr"k ilfr **"*d amqqo qrftfr qr zjfl+<lt effiR . -< r#.A.3mlfr' {*- *tl *t*" 3Trffi 3nt' n+. mm- *** m-m' rrdra 1't1*i" ^*^"B g tt<''.ffi "-ra* $ '{#,: :#;-.*" -tg', +'** s'rqi-s {qtufr; lqrft-s tu{ Y'+P' Gs-E{l' ermie 6{qqrqr -ry qIK s'u'r ffi ;dail;tb" w* rn 'ffiqd=*r fu+qurqard iqf, aTder ,':, "*'"*d';; ffifrd*t-"h* ir)7 3Trid. lrgq' niii{T6 hT vd qflre+{ tqlrn q diiar fil{aoflsffi€ furnq t5",frqr qfiqrorfre qq+ srtqr tri:unqrde sd etuif<no'qq-qrqt ryu "*i"" Tcqriiq{iqlq erronaira' :rtnrEri rr-qqm qitqr enivrtsrq q -rnd, ( Fr.n. erda ) sqqf{q,q6RrqYns{ ]TRT, nqqreiiqfue, 1g{'*<iiwnet++ 3qlwti*urn*rnqfu-q' e-{qflq{qq***'01qfr+e' {otdqlqrer ( c}qrq q-{iq-dr)-R ' rf6f{1E, tH ta/gq-sot(asoo- rz-oa) - t-t t (s'qsrc-fu)' I ra,sr ny' v\l ,-.,. ' d.-n I >l t' fifcd qEl(16g trnq flrcr?q Filrdi felrq, dxroq]" ied u r'?r cftrro .gnfo rrfi fr-t ?oulaqoo/g . 9. cu ow I er fsafo r frdEt toou i qreturqr,{ iler a rlionr- r ie{ s leriorsrq icr e rgitnr-l antgt urcar orqfoqrn qRftrqfn 1fiFer qtqqr nrc bqri'iiidtr qr fssqrb etrfr Fil"" eI.r,. $llll3ffrlf-B/ )Y)' /o\ crd"isrt drtut s fiorn dqrqqraq <, Rti,ftar tts, gil:utt oor fEais: B9lttARZ00i Ffr: ordorfi sf,nqnrz Es ddqt cfq{rfi, riqrorrqqr'n'ld' ad fecn, qr'.rr crftfinrfi e qtrq rur orderfrnrfr c)frl. ri. uf.rT riEr tqt arB. rtl.F.a.x.q 6^74nil R-qtoo 3ftu5 sgqor s ql$dr! n'rrlqq s fr6rn dqr'larflq &,"\St:crr ooe qibftnr gn: fl'qr.i'tr.lqrfio gfqorfizo{qrrT qr'ar 'rTe b"qraroT' gn: nrrct +rdo. {- dr/u3oq/Q -'.@ F.-.- v tg rt 0 tl,'-: Zot qfrq fr* ftnind qfinflffiq @am Fnn ao}rr*rgcn q T4fqt fttqr r Gqn fillrrd. rrtKlq urwr, glrg ftrn, vnsq qnqr6, 6iu fifr ?oq/sF'ilcts, mrrq qilan,{lf uoo oSit Rrriu:. q/?/?oo! ilqt rrEivlq stffqgq qfrq ffiB fifr Frqq qqta qq1a ftqq b(8) eqwn q'tufr<w 6'rtl$qr n!|@t r qfrqrqA q'i'ft qftT Trfr qrt' F$ft, (F rq, {'rtl 3rt q.luft srt i{r6. avqrd qrcf rFFfi c qw.l sq#i iDYs.Ird Cqq rMTcraT|g eutrffi rc?rrrgwn F+rrEFn srFtlq rtuftqrirq gt|i.rfi $**E ^f.-. " _// !\ ^4!4".*U q6r}arqrirfr qrec , Brl?fl Frqc q+fi'TrTrrlt *!fiftgtff -*1..,^.' rscrcrn rrcnE Frqqrdfd dr{fri 61totiqd dil rrfr crt rtrrtrurr FtT{,|-flq €n'rd qrt. ffit{rcrSst{ Cq[F{Ff tlqr-ql c'tsftsr{rdgr ilrqt *'1.17 ffi{ffi firlTftqr d{cqt g qfi.qd qft'q ffiE ffi TwIr ir-ers q{ffiqt irftq ffia ffi rc{Ii tid frfur ift TrlFKI $1"\ c!'rdqrqrd vr.qfmnn nw *tt crfl. €r5e r{ifua q'fuftqrqs Wiac qftq fidr ffid rwq ftauqrs ftde o ffi q grqY qttr rqn ovd nrsqrs mr qd. ?. rrt T$ $rtdt qfficcr fiFr ilqF dqnr fu! sauqnrrd 5t 1gn twia d-d qrt sn, ftqd rdHtcrtrsn frtf{F dsnll qffflq"q rovfr 1atftfi aqa Xfrr r qFaqrd q,acq frqt{ frrftfl erfon Tqil " qfrq irrTwnlFRT T4TFrtwr Hl fr$ f{qq qqq,a en Fqq o(u) i c,r€mM qGrq urtrnir qTt. qftrqr"i orffi q gtwri ffir$r qfukrrg qftq ftqfr ftftfkr clctc ftuuqts frtir srilrs q qMl fir{ f'd qrrrqrft {tfuciw qfiRqf, qtr{ ETail EFrutt-q Errfffrcqfrfifiiltr{r{;r qtiuqrd qrfi lTlxFTnI qiqr qri{Effr cnicri, rrrsns iqFrt zqrq c-qrr cFri qFr ql.rttq erqrrdfr 'Ttitrsi rTfV_ ( v. or. vtr Cat sfrq qFRTE ) ilrtr{ ftfut ,\ 51 Temq Fqb qfrh q":lqT(.*,/*,1'i1yl. . , . :' ." cfr, vrsr "..,,,,..... alffl@, . . w{ g ird qErffi, qffiq?fl ftqrq, rnw qRqf,o iFf.fTFFIfatT l.Fm.Ielit I;FE{-;Itg qIgIfqI. fi (T)|+{r o,rqtr{, rrfii{"rqr ftqFT, ltafi4, iFrqrtIFFTIUIiC',gIr(G. t. . lil Ifd:- . F' : gftt'ilv*ro qfui, !ffidq{r ftqrr, ffi or? 8/3Roos .. ..' '''' qiqr odft'rqrd nd qfi, . ffiff;oo ftrtio :- rnrer O ffi t3t qicl qFff sd <rn qrqrrFr' ..: ; ..:. '#m+* d-'\(.^t:Y i .sd.Effi/o.rqi$i, qagqst eT(tu)'fti's{.'iffi. 'i frqT.r, q"rcq, ' tq{ O eo ?oos q+q ftqi6 (st'c< wfsn-sn :iftts 'etek ftd} s 3r:T-{'dt qRfl q*r"* -nt <*a'G. ffi k{i4' i qff"'' 11'KlH$"ffT-tr creqR ftl-l'T, aqro: qftB-loou\oq4l(84?iloox)/cr'(*'l ) i:Rc, 5<{'uoo o??. ftlcio - q\iqc/?oo8 _-.d t' c' ,r -rJ ;'- ' "'-' _rtrHt s-,ffi {ql66, sd qfl'rga, crzriqTf ftqiq' ;Gs.mqarq1nuaTry1iq,I. eTEqsRt''dtd q.ii onqtqr lTi'{tr-t YnF{ ql;ri L%t#il* ii il'fr*td gi.ti*tff-l orqtsi, "=qqi fttqlq, qawq' gr{ qlct q'kfr e'el qrq$ra eT '/1 a's+. it). te/rr/o>' (q. rc. ffs&) w crGrrnt ( V, / rt "TsnF rr, rerq ) 37:f+,gC. +EE.K-: . ei 1e.r )6TqiE-{, sqtTel' .-i rF\-t"+tr- )tlli'-' ( Asol.r19-11-04 C:\i:l(!d Adrn\481.04.dcc \ i (l q-rffiq {..FT {finmi,3ffiq{, ?a, looiiffi ffm Aqrq d"req, gd-soo o3t, ,?rio a, \ lrr,tvr '\ \ Y.* cqla ?q q'Qst, loov. Fqra,. :TFift qo.oyl9.a.c/*ql d-FtsTE-iwI ?{F4q FrEi-F ffit s ffit trffi H q'.czl sitTq:q qtrg;-qT rzrcdhtcT ifi q sel s'q: s,e*eq; *,ttro roqi qrct e€e q nildf{, gqqE Tff u,'dl q< ffir qfqcsFrct6 FdnlE sqvIETr 6tqi-ql qdf|-qr td q roiq; qis' sqiirflT ftao rocl cr.i-r q vDa, ?oou qrqq gr &ri-a ft*'q qsi"ftid a-riltiT qq Easiil r{trb-ei c ea$ (a-ie ea*) sren rtfruqrd qrn e,'i ,(r) vd'ertnw qfttqftqit FdJ (€trtvl), (l) qen-qifl qfrqF{sir F{tit (qwn.E{T). (3)si{sf qR#,r (v) ir*,* q*e zlqr: Ftrf} (qE;gfrl), (t-r'cr:<) q'ffqrrqii lTmrfi urat "mt*rgmv q qimi, (grei oriov) Yl;F{,q; gc F.,k f >./ 6-2 i ffi H,6 sff., iq-is< r,i€,*"irq \-ft'q Frci6 ftd\ e 3ivreld} qftq MF qT frq fu,TFIrS YIrs{ ioo8 grqi qTvfEq <{gIiI EYfliF-gl Z r+b a..erq,'rd rTqqz, fCnia ?4 .qo.?oo8 FqliF':rrftft -qo.ov/9.F.2Fql-c, furo ?e i ?oo8 dl 9-d ) M qredqi ?rqr6: qfth-aoor/yoqz^84, ?7loox)/or.(t1.r.) ia;qq, t{-{'uoc ftRits nft. ftq-r,T, - o3?. ql/qq/?oot. -Erffl dqlilr, sd qErqgd, qac"ft ftqFl. I rrd!ffi qFrq'a, qrcqqR fcqrq. rTiT'-oafqqqTa qd dl. i4f, fuir.tri ttRrc {l-qtn qrqan rrf 5u qFrad trfraq tdi;q $Tq*. qzrffi fufl, =ni effi 7 antri, "e;-,2*6ziq: orwrrrqlEl nT'-f,s, 5r{ qial orl-*"<q,s,'dlc qft-* e"';1 e{ smrq?r qqlq-d f . -7€[-uJar (v. o. ffsd) ttrffira eg crGrofi t-id. :r (*: )E-CF, c"=-iw\. w.1e.r ) o;q'sq, qlrFTej, C:\Fititi Adrn\48i 04.doc A(oldl9-! l-04 s I" C9 q-FTr,< {..G"r qFcz, nal-cq, :{Fft ",4-". ,Tftqftq'. 3* qc'n ' loo'i/i#6 ftffi ftqFr s€s1, ?l S-uoo oir' kfl6 cq?A E-ft:6 qftiq firciF ftf,1 q ::E="i' $}K#ffi il; ffi'ffi** **;-wgqH EG *'.'uJ;'@ 6 <ctr6 rm dpir-ci {+ : c as fficrff E ?"u e*) (c::c qt*ffiqa*e{EiE;61rtmkr)' L- c.-:r /".rrrrisr\ g0 NoV 'X ('vl ^ ^ Ael tqqctm)' )li H-qrs'-- "ft"-FRiE -tg+'cE 'e6 i=are*)' *-iri"a'wrqe drl{i;;H qtqq (i-r'qr) \-./ qial fu ' ^+ ' qrqFl' :frdlv'I1trR q ;:'IT*. (rtffi an-6q) q.,F.k g' €F( / 'L l\ ls*rt' ?ooY' .ro.oB/T.F.1i+EI e-q&qrElqsr o#" ;+'-; e' |t.i,'rr "I s'st Kr \)/ 64 INDIAN AUI)IT & ACCOUNTS Df PARI'M1]N'I' OFFICE OF THE ACCOUNTANT GENERAL ot wirr i (Accounts & l:ntitlements)-1. MAHARASHTRA. (il'l \\ tNc tlR|l\\'/\st t]t tx; \( t\ (;()lll (;AO\ (l Slr \llrNlllAl4(Xl ^u lclcphon( (022t l6n6t t9t. I AX ((rt:l a 6L1 fo56 I r. r +rrr '...bll ;.t|.+ 3{Nqi{r qrtrilq 3rB d 3r€ lrgnrq {rq qnq-dq 6fq qA rrrqfq tifdq hsid grt Fc.h.t hir. Hd Rr.rr.h.h. qtqr.sin eri'rqe ali :mrur+< Lg bqvqt?t rmi qin qzrd rR 3fl}i i{ffiq 3nd f<ii*Ts eGq Fr.f-{ Frdir 1:rru.d.:nr.rr ) 116 Ad ra?. h ffi rdardi qmrcrin qfua qrt.fu ittirE racflq siwr srft rrq rirorq oqq-altqd.i hfr o4qrtt, m4qrtt, "qil['t. rsrt dli".rr +rqictqrd )qi qlir .,{iir q,rqrl .,{ir [.|| .r,rq.ry e -r?'r, (9t<'{l eri.q ln' err.+ fur. q'n ir* l!1t.}1.f.1.t1ql Firit-lt qr6Hl ?T{"". ft-69 eeqm'. q< qr*rfi T{rA. i*il q +n;i qrqa f"uh;r ,* -" q 3nflsqri Hrfa ar --\ ;3* - * FaSq gfow drq oqrq .(,22\ (2207 4oo1) {i SqiFq iF{vqrd sridf 3n? 3{ft, qrdrt eftwro cfdtuqr, qr&dr idn w{ cr+ri. "*, un1r. qT ,rt9.. qlmlqdf, .3rffqr-ql dkq qiT g{._qr e-sqrd r{rFtt r{rF,, n6{Fr BTrerfrf, gr+t_qr n6{Fr.3rffqr-qr rrF., .rqqr wqdtq *;';'--?;il' i'dt rrFtt irdt qrqil orq.rd il€1, .qrn {ror qrnnfqr m.q.F.R. qiqr.sin (sgd }"i "-{-eeo't j..::;; offir +,rqr1 eiqr m.q.h.Fq ereTdre ]ifu inw+, eq rqr iftr{," ,{{, *1" *-:,-"ti 39.r-2! rqndi {flRrfi {srR rtffi qr rnq.dl.srn-.sq ,irffi dr<-sAn & {-st. fi # -ot*" mrgt oft-te oruA-flt qd rr;q wghq s4-ql qrq Trft( 3{r"il4. 6trqr qia{r :firffr . m.q.R.R. {r rwq enr il+sarq q crrd{i dffqrr."Tcar qqd 3.*rdn. erfldr" ,irr6rd,' ns*nFii qrrrff q. qkd{"r-qfuflqr+sq €-ftK{ qrs srflr {rufli vgi nqq u<r {izi{rc r'-ior F{q rrrq"frn ari q qr.q.h.h. qT*'ftd qrd dsq rqr +-ar ,,'p556'. ,{1;.orq r{.nn, $4 t')rr.l/' \ApAt " qttrftqr xErfi qdrira fred irt Whr-d{ qTqi erqr Yq rq ^"ttfs \"tJY,, {ffigr\'lf i ' rrrl k4rr+'d sfqr ofl ey qi{ lntirq r,rr ql q iliT roiqr srdrdre ffld6 r'fr{fi rrqr Mq{m +da :iffi'lzcc<+s -*sq silRl qri*it crq in-cq, qir;qr;in cckfia {rfiI +qm, iltqr.n qits+, ao.{r F dqr,qiq qr.dF qr.flqr.rq r Ton -crfrft{ri nq^ airq qS ona. _Tackitd fld aritift ctt rr?ifw tsrrf-td epTr-qr s{q qln m.q.h.h. urrcn Mrn*iran rti iF qR :ntir ,riTqri" q 3iftq qfi{rql sr-d Mffii ffi qq q{ 3flqr; qr orqioqr+? qram+. 3nq!r s{N"Iis :rtft ht it il} ;6r wqq riq q1-q1 nyi r-ar cdr }iiaq ramqr rqbr ;fic q-Hr qfeqr.j . flrn Tqq i1qd tmr-qr er+r.rtir qr{ ilran fl.q h h.iTer6cfsrw ql Tdfd qqtcqror ffiql r wwr u crd-qrdi. Trqr r{rrsr snioqq ]-rd furd ra_ff sqrs iflFr Y6-qr Eqn oilErfl iffisrEr. iarosc q.h m n Lrt,nc+iqr r6rd 3rsrq-r rrefifi qfriil qtqt i6-s=f eftsTmin qsc dttd rMnr l-*". ?@; .'11ft;i; \CFtcfr,y i-1 4{ qRe'n g-{q-qqr-qr r6ra oiarn/'Frd offir g oroqmrd d+q s+qr qin eft qTd iq'q-flrA s{c"r etfrd Rhet g_q-{n ffir vtaq FG. 'ls gm filqgo {A qlffi d{"i riq, ga hcr, k4r qfrnqti sidtn +rshfl ff.q.R.F iler oqlo fil{rq}t cTq +'Trsr. 2u ffi1-qrqr {<fi T6{Jff ofqr-qrqr rqrr{lt sTqfeq v-or tqgc qA IdFilil TW firql. c-frs iq5 cqn ou4-c. (3ierflvrcd+c 1sq; ffi 4;s1s, dt q +-e'qri ry{sr qrtfiTqr riErs'4R hsrdqd q< wt. trq5qfiF cis 6S 66 rt. 5o qr6qprrq1 riqie €d srdnq Tcqr eii qi q qi riq +cd grilsr qtrqrim cco sfrd dt 3 qfri Egdq& cdfrt qA. go 4o ontdqr€Td 1lFIxt€{{1 qiqr$id {qfr Kdr tri 5u qfuq1q1 {-drqq seftfr-frr \.{'r ff.q.ft.h. qr rqrfr r+}rt }qgd-S c{"r ffiq dd-fi vrBi. n qd sqqqr s{-q-qffi afi-q qr.q.ft.ft. qrt sqis qr srqlf,qFTrfr kdr qrft h€r dTd ii{ gt q*q-qrqr fr-qT qRdqtf, qdr qnvq+ snt. Bo ffi' qr srFf{ scin eftsrsin 1*gd hfl sffi fl-{O qrdrcr ,sqqr ir c{drsr o{ftq rsqi-A qffi emq ilqrq* qr sr+dqrdT sr<< on{. eke qr -iil{ cffi A qttrfr ffi's 30 cDi,{ 2oo3-2oo.a Tqt q €ffi ?*flr ar+sarq cd-d Hr{r fira. q.t5. eTffi riq eR *. T'FFI €. (r) sflc'rio{r (2) W (3) {6$rqffi oltfl .rilt. (4) €ltlrR iF. q T{tt qrt$ iflr.f E IIT6 Rct-{ (6) (s) I )t" INDIAN AUDIT & ACCOTINTS DNPARTMENT OFFICE OF THE ACCOUNTANT GENERAL (Accounts GPF WING ARIJWASI ALDG SONAWAT-A RO GOREGAON (EAST). MUMBAI ,loo 063. Tebphone: (022) - 26861192: FAX: (022) 26860282 c-mai | : DEDlltbsi(rlldidisqgs!! Fl+r iqJ i'lL|) &Entitlementsll, MAHARASHTRA. eul{ ToP PRIoRITY No. PF Misc/Genl/l I qtti-:ilA-' '' Dare:-08/06/2004 rl suPDT. AND DIRFCTOR OF r.R. & D. IRRICATNN RESEARCH & DEV. PUNEYbI&-. -F>-: . . )l ' I I 6lmay be a*arc we are maintaining the GpF account of rhe employees of the of Maharashtra. It has been our conslant endeavour to bring about quality in maintenance ofthese accounts and to ensure that subscriber's satisfaction is achiCved. yol.,. Ir Govemhent rlecenlly we have introduced Interactive Voice Response syslem (lvRS) so thar AIS officers and State Government employees excluding class IV employees (whose GpF accounts are maintained by State Govemment Department) can now access informalion on closing balance, current balance, missing credits, debits, status of final withdrawal application elc. about their GPF account electronically. The information can be obtained on phone No. (022) 2207 4001 and will be available 24 hours a day and seven days a week and will be in Hindi, Marathi and English. There is also the mailbox facility for sub*ribers to leave messages. This may be brought lo the notice of all govemment servanls working under your conuol. l2 - { 1A\- 1 This user liiendly innovation will help Govemment servants including those who are in distant town'dlt-villages and also those who do not know English or who are nor puter savvy to asce(ain information. Further, we also generally ensure that at thc time of retirement of the Governmenr Scrvant his dues are settled expediously in one lump sum. Further, the problem of missing credits make it difficult for us to make final payment and residual balance are kept pending until receipt ofdetails ofthe missing credits. with a view to - ensure that the persons retiring are not put to hardship, we shall be grateful if you could fumish the voucher details of the last fund deduction such as voucher number, month of accounr, amount of subscription/refund (if any) so as to enable us to settle his claim in one lump suraln peath cases please fumish name of nominee or else full details of family members.llf case of persons retiring on superann*tion subscription shall be stopped three months prior to retirement as required by rule and their applications for final wirhdrawal may be sent to this office one year in advance before the date retirement. @ €e I 61 we also rakc this opportuniry ro request you ro mention the full rcsitjcntial addreis of rhe subscribcrs on Ir. R. application and also a list of subscribers retiring within nexi six months mav be scnt ()n l" Januarv and l'r .lul'e'cn.vear along *ith ijlrlr account Nn. Please also lurnish lour'l-clephonc No and []ax N.. so as r. cnablc us to take up on telephone thc problerns rclating t. subscribcrs viz their rnissing crcdits. unposted iiems \ I ), ), t ctc. l"urthcr, to avoid missing credits/missing debits in rhe (ipF account ol'(hc subscriber and also to enablc us to maintain the account pcrfectll.. follorving instructions mar,bc adhercd to:a) Gl'l: Schedulcs should contain lirll nanrc of'subscribcr. llasic [,a1. and corrccl (ll'li account nuntbsr as 1,.-^r scrvicc book. should bc rncntioncd against thc right pcrson. b) A rcmark should be norcd indicating old and ncu orficiar address in thc schcdule against account nurnr,,.ur. s,hsncver translcrs takc nlacc. Scpara(c schcdulc should hc prcpared lor crnplorccs .,nd ,1r., for pcrsons whosc (iP[: account is adjusrablc b1 othcr A. (i. Reasons lor non-rcco'cn .f subscription/refund of' ad'ancc should bc indicated against .arne .[ subscribcr. [)o not derctc thc name of the c) d) subscriber fronr schcdule. In casc of change of namc pleasc rnention ncw a.d old narne in thc schedrrle atleast lbr next 3 months tiom thc month of chanse f. l otal amounr of c[)lr dcducti.rrs rnadc on p"l Lrur shour<i bc talicd uiih thc total amount of rnonthly schcdule. when GPF account numbcrs arc alottcd to ncrv subscribcr b1 this office thc entry ofthe same should be invariabll, takcn in Servicc Book. c) f) s) h) [-ist c.ntaining follouing derails of ad'ancc, l{cfundableNon-rcfundablc. sanctioned and paid to subscriber (orhcr than class lV) during the 1,car 200304 may be lurnished to this ollicc irnmediatell, and thcreafrcr by 30,', April cvcn, \fcatSr. No. Suhscribcr's Nanrc Account No. Atnount No. & Month Vr. Sanction Order No & l)ate (l) \tr'e cxpcct (ll (.1) (.1 ) (s) (6) full co-opcration in this rcgtrd. Sr. Accounts Officer/Pl:-Misc. Y ( \FJif lct|.tilp ttruflr) d.h. I {6T{rK lIr{FI 6t F,qitr qftfr ?ooqifqe4r/(3?q/?ooq) €n -":?f-\"q:; flqT|T. (*s) *ir:'{l..lsi too o:l? ft;r.l-.'{r cqlqAooE ) r sre ffi '3= * ; ${ Frffi Eqre-iE, cri,iqrt H:ltmrdrffi, qFr$q.sffi frrfi fuIs qF-FrsJ, ssnvc €Rfi q q-eniwr 3w ofuin7 sqkf'.fillqT, 3rffi Tltrl'-€ qFlzRTi"= ftsnq ftrq'-'re'd a;fqFrii qftq P+?h ffiA *ti ta:'+an" a wrilrdtd aial EFI r-oc-drda (cru?rs airns) I dr-.{:- virs'l cfw{qr trFrFq g:lrTrfi ftt|In qffi 1oov,|r.F,?q/?oo3/q?-€[, ft,S97e7roo;' ^en dEffu sn€-i qRq-Tfirqd qe 'id 6'farqii n-qriTrql 3fllfic !t.*$/r\etoL.---:*;-..,+FF-+FFI qri qi* ttTP'T:Ir dT.{ ?i-{dA. rntqi rfrtr|rdf *d ffiF q Eadi giqr qq, !id{h qfrq i.'ro-rlT3lm 4 1ll"iq Ddi EqrfifiEfl mimrata] FzcI tTqq ffi (rE{ fiFrtI nfrrflS qfrq PCrft I'. fitS ?r.'tttf-larr.rgr T+-+qqT err?'r q-ffi= FfqtF Fldt atrl-srqrrn q]dl wd\ fp;1 snfu e-:ri =5 ifil !T!1 (qTql.{ f<l-s) Ad. ftdt ftqc r.qf(q) E 1-*'qc F ctr t'J':+ !.ft-s FeiF er.'j di--iril s-fle redT]q sqi aulTwfr iT4lqa' qq{t qrffi q-.{Eff.fiTs cr*l i. s qtTq €fi.€{fi .sTi. F{Ift, ''|'Tff tritt ;rfi' iiis Fi'';rr:i qTFFT q a-cdrq q.{'rs trl -?-drd qcl -,F.r+rr.rqrd-q, q:lr:iE. 5l? cii-l --q'Frtrr Frfihrs 3n'rd int. TErSrsmE ci-{t ci.$ ri'q-a qroft-a sfli TsEd: cElaTq '- l- *i$qr{q cft'q ffi ffia #rrrsi'+ qTA. drrfwr qiE-{qrqlq cFT i qtsq ttqtf IEr'TI -tffi E€q : nFrrlillsqfo"r-c dfrr.*r i i tuii *te i""{ Tsrt{srqa si+ crdffit sfrffirfi i q)-...@triftffi 3TSddT i ---,-----.--r1 q.nren-d.r6 iI i''-l iqird{ r) I "td-rr{ll Biq ..cfhqat. :-'''-":'-ii'-i{R ilril. Eiail-{f ir"o''-"r< ii 1rtqFr, C}.qfrr i'}twa lqlgcq$S Yl.ros i i I i i 'iqfr?iFi rr,-v-iiitr rnriii'iii 1i) t+,"tli- ,rlfl.neq;, . llilY? 'r | t'/.rr.l.r sri}mTnr ii ;r.a-rr:{Trri'8"'r' T--,.':I ard ftqFri ln.l, l-*,r"ft i iu{o ---i-tisrt-rq lqlsq{cs,q r(-) I I i rruir.;- iie:rE fir;i-'T ': ''l$l lji. -'l '{llr3: ;q+r{i ;iiirr' -:'l '-'} , q 10 r3-t-- It-r.qTdkf---T{ret A'r{qI i d| rrf${tEfg qirfirq *-<a, .jffllitdf , I J.tI(l'Y! i-; rtiui 3iftq-dr, *cl furq fr6lq fi.Q. - r?91?rt rn$rge iftqrn l---4 r6fl nrRr6 JEg-..J_ dfi qfrqrd r --_-^---i\ 3is ff-+- ifil'i?rii, i-i \ / ct9'J/' -' qtgds'R crtgra --D .'- q!.fi qFrqfr'd-{l u-q -r-d, qr* ane; n.'qra-l $'- E*ll ._; qRqrflqffdqffiinorffiql.r{r(g.qFznqq{rc{rvl;ul'rftrq'ersr|\iic; qrana q qt ffEr.4 q lgfufisl erFqqr,ql gzT :irqrd 3nhi qai S? '*)- s-*:: 't': rI dr;dl qt{t oFi i'vq,d q-ft. ^i:*)T \ \r \+/t2 ))- ' (r.ald) Hn:T:;j rzv qi-+:, *(t),rrr-c eT' t'-sn, str+tl-fl efiFT, Er-'rq, gr (dte ) uruiee.qurTaii itaetrrri+"' Td 'b -t l,Fr. u.ltdgniar qftrq,?r'crtrdr Trf, qo(IETrsI qrqrag$rg{fifqn rrrq'{ cRct6' . frt{isrirr;IT dq& ontwd qar m qfniUfqfm ur-.i+.*q'Ir Ertrr?ogutmt. '1fl | FcIs',- 6ft-1ooty'((Y&'F'1o/oay't'l'q' 4rfic, tqi - voo ol?. ftgi6:. 14f1lQooe. !ftqt; qffitg R*firtrRq nm n* mn rlrqq trqz nfta t:nrq qi. qs( i ) rria mgttgn'efr' : n fitF Fnfr s'i"fm(-'1qgT qiqq Hqt[ FTdT uR+ wT {r+r!{ .sftr<hr-cfinsr Tffic'T{r fr'rmcl ct$ srirrr* qe ra a gam fui srfir*rt, lrTdqqtd Hdec, qiT slifikr f,,d cnqtlo arri, d"t+rra diiqr qiqT arfuficrflqr qfi,qbrqfu Eri d'aqdil E{ft dc nq q;tdgclFr qrskrctdta +dflrd dql qidrq rrn tii. nqrfr, rgrrdqqiu sTqi$ri qr frqrrnqr 3rd Hqf{Tg wq-d qd qfi, snq iq'fr qfi{*Tn' Ii#6 P{tft i{qcniriT wt Ft-{++ tnrr qt{RT cIft n( diftr {Tft ctrirrc} rtt q6rfraiqfl lnrctfrutt. qdtrd 6frd {fr. Erg} qifuilqTa Fqiclt€ qfulq Glqtf ffi qfi,frtn* risr sr*qd qaqi*e iq"t rrw rin rnft monfr qrsqqtn sfrfrfldl FTcfui frta. qlitr st' qftR f,-rchF+ rtrql tlra t*d* Fqftftt frswra +dt qtfrct-ri* ri$ ertvrfl w m a s+ar '\rg qrlshrnm EmqEffimqr {ffi tqr rr-anr rirnna -rlr {riaflrrrtnln qhr qiJfi{z qftq F'ob ?nfr Hcq $. ts(l) srqt 6q*. qilrqFi fi'tcrfi'{ HrF{T,i ETfr filqdi ffi{tqtrd rilai qqrrqri Crn|tr ff stftffI{?*{dlr qI* TccI *.c qlqln qiqr' srfiT'qfqtfi r{ciqFarrr t qrr* qftm qnrq Trqr|IErr www. mshrrllbtrr. Gov. In qt iqmian srrcrar t. ogotiqttllv 4, ool a,gl afi . cRtqn fid .rqr agr {T runr {krfO ''.lo ulrrrq|*qiwrerhrEFRqqET'i, qffi ffi i i. r{ ffi F tufL -'*ii'* q6,;.r'' -'",^ l-'---d** t' - 9llT. 'r t + 'I -.' (ft. T. t'/ tx-ocrdla td frurmatr arvr 5u sfuq, rrr?e.q6r{lgHqr.ifwrtissTmq, cn*) 3q'fqq,qdrr?Tnfl gr{r+ qfi{q c Ffirq, {toq,{R9n}cr*{t'lnfrttriq*, l? E fii:l t;t; afrq,6"cHlrcqlsrndqJtci, gdftF'.Er?FrFrrflq,rI6qrRnEl.g{4. $run,rq<rmgc,.a{rxrur,{*i, ,tci. qiir<rra:ain$ftr6rilSrf, ti{r$fiqT.rfuIafirirff.tqe. rrdrr6,qnflV"rtrgfit"-*.i !.-.**-.' 1r'rlii: ,.r-4{ { ltt --t ' '" .''." {l+ :\; l* it ..Y i. Frrg.frriq'{nigTrnnsci'{fq.ilfttdffi<ffrqnsTqdtftrm-frcttTq5qq?flqt1Tqc{qia .... -.. q-d \:J ({ncd q, q{ufiEriril srfiqf+t-tr{frrsr {ffiq qqt o-rcr* rv^{l GrMt \-fi nTIrtFI ftfirrnd rfe ?r.ii6 rT3ft ;rdsm" FTqldqrg qrsft,tqrrs qr M sFTrdIailgdt qTF ) ?ooo/qq8/Y.tF'.Qo/ote/iQ-f,, ft,tcl?/Coo(e dl t" F}fd 1'.L- T{rflq vrsr qd{{<r Fqto rt+lu{ ?oore/ctse/(cqu/?oo{e) rn (ds) +rera, gc{ ftqj6,' cft. 6rffit t{tiT6. sd qFr{q6, ft?Trq, Eoo oE? l/yieoou qtrsqET ftqFl. n-d ge oftriilqfuo crfuid ftqrrn-;qr t qicr q'-eftuqrd td dt, q|tc-ffiqilizrdta qr-+r srFFdn g{Frq-dr€'rdld ffif a qrrqfq.riqr ftflf{rqr rrrsnqrd q ilit qtrioisqu} vrc-c H qrfd qtd} cH-dI Prd} qq qffi, qr (d) rrqtsc, .rmi'{<I ftqiq (qF), dTFq, 5s{'trirT'ilftfl csri qrqr8fir'qflffi qnft-d. . qd€c-{ ttFrjt:- qqtfrFqldt -l:(-i,.-':'t ( q.a.oruio-t ) *qi *"sflro*/ qd- cr(*r) anfv-+ €.r5nl $qt': . '. i''. i j':: ri r Qrtri. :,:f ;.a +i.t r.r.t ffit a #v7 !-- .,{,. -lr 6 ... *-M,ror@ *7 **tf a:ze;'sv.-y.+ q.gfl*w^ @a]c' e.rzfuE7-x"<e/ et r /v(s-'s/-i 93 /' fi . rrt,o, r, nnQ De,z evA €,r.t</ i=izar- #€W) c.F--y' *rA $*,/ e2.o...-- nl -,-g 4.*-r (_*,ffi]...oso- gefrxn*rr*qcraungqffi irrr{fl H R t"'*tnt*o a'.rli rtf" Jr' iJrr(r' { 't I gr{tqitn qvarq \Td;rl 'twi' "\iriliJi''r q:i 'i ' 1' ". rr'' iq"Til'l irl': qr l fliti fttrqq ' strqtdqrg croft+{rsd \ r' dqa dl ';l.| 'rtr sr, fr te/i/lootr t'.1"/"u/q? 'l-c F. .-:) .r,1ufrc1-{Fr ) qElTrq vngr 3bar,F {-dsl loote/ct$e/( ct 8/?oorg) -"{ilri6t lilllrl, t*ri{q. 5<ii Y!a o(-l nr (qlc) Itaiq; vfi,' Ttrd-{tr{t riqrar gd {Frrtsd' - ./u/.'oote . -"mgq-a ftl{Ft' ri 1rx crlitrl rl'rrlb-r 3TfuiA rt'i qiq1 o6fdu-qfd q.r ai, flsif.-qf rrtrdlai (ic''lt 3rrqdn 'td'')r*ttl-qt..tkr qitil qtfrll tr" fl qlulFqrd q cqit orcortg"r grci;l lri qriio ar qi<rqiqt fi<rl'ntr iD n{i.'} ;rt' Fq qfi-+Tft, rir (ri) orulu'r, qd{qci fdqrr (tts)' 'i'iinq' ${'rli'rr qdfi{fl tilrirntql rnfutqnrrdf.q 3Trq{{6 oTfclamdt srifta rrrqq ..{t*fiTd -"("'''-i'""1( ) "r.a.sProt qfifild crrr+rd oq /'louu qr.r,.crdqfb,'rtt.8/ ':r " qrd,iqrt dttlua q frorn dqrnlrill ( qtlfcrr rr4' gtt-t ft''- 'l F:, ' - ortq,rfl a1-l{nrz !G nduu Jftn't-fr qfar crfefinrol e ghir rftn c'rder*arol a6 l)fin' rrna ?/ fll{f, ftfln,nrrira I$rn'l fo{rl,riar'lu.dc€ q'frtrfr 9.rfrfizaoou trtg $'y'rJo-ou-?3 3 ft'?('3'ou-qr qrni cerat tsl-t g{ift frcrfis rfl{rdl{ ortotrcq ti qrdn qrff enr bqrn qrfr' ''xlir-' t4/ i g'q'otirn l !d dAfl xflsrfr qre,lqrt rifirn s frorn l).' q\+troot t 13 ', i-{-.ttitrit.n.t'tt lllg r;;: ir-$ffiai ' .., - .q'i, .i-oliI,r'ni,lill t .i,f{ 6Tfii;fi -:-'. n1 .. --: rfiF{5FtF{ *;1--{f',:liiSia-'reFif4h' i?l'{19'flTr'{ ,ilqFl {iin-l rrTfl-tii tq\ltr \Tiqrqi -c.til+; :- qiarr- iootr/(i u;,. ,..iu/t.5i l:l'oi, rr{rip{, IFi - yoo ori. leFtiq; :- ?z;'i/ i o-.i. rRrr*; hci6 fiTd hcc tt!4 i:'il i: l } q?i?i iflilii{fr'r rn': 1'l :-r,rr. i+fi 4riui15111t 'l:nvfi qiqq t-.rqr.< i'+* rSfdl ,,rqf T${cF .,ri'l<;lt-qffirqr i4+n qn( 51661 '{'{i jilqq{rq; sr$i, d"i+n e*'nr m+rr-ii g,.; t;-r a *ct g{itl+Tit, I6idcnTd +rqiiry, qier .Ji,t1'1-d fiql qiimm :;t:il wt.fiqtnar qf.,d liq!,{ i:rff tri* *i''i61A fi{fr ii-C ofl r161g:1s1'l;'t +,-lqrdturiffl C' a{ol -dEfiT. F'.rl11igti1 qrrqicr{ti ql ft{rtfiJu{t ;rd hqrl+a rrr:itrl 3l1i q' . airm ri;flt qn\rFrfi t{raa {rqri {id. l: ,l,r ir* i.iriq,i r("- ?rf, Fr{S-'t rn1-,a q.i131 nfu q n riqhfl ,l,rii .rlr(nFii cd qFrdsrqm hlqlc|. tF iriiirl\i S-flri .rtdlri. iqIS* q({|qr-el $rqi'i4Jrg qiq.q fuf r, rr 'i'n'iic]Tf i} aer urdc{i litr'r;+e itpr qffiqc1d 3{tfqllddl frqful dmd. ti<\q 6R{ {ifi r{lr.lrrn FTr ri',** trqfiqni hqma +dI T<r {s:r q"'na r}d "nt''o s+' qi-qq f-rcfu 'hfr q,rirfififf .ghcqi-q{f,fcr tcq;c q'$ iETdr;ttdd$Ifi S'r,ftrcr-Wn ullrt sniRI'+VFJIir 1$'"Ij'rr"j cr;rflY ' i Ff.1-plt (.1 *xlq riq i. r ?'r{ il t t' tri-it Jrgiq;i i *tqi' qrqqld ql'tail'r grFnte' +rdi !ilk{"' :n* rrrk'rqrdfqqih toqr qrcr' ; $t(l)Fffirq n'qh fr'ft h* .lkrlqam r{rr..,;qmiqrqn'tr$riT'i;rqrdqrn d{fm i {T.{T qiilr6, c-dlflq Tnrmr{ www] ,r,ohu.arbtrn. Gov. lo ql ritt|rizqr 3ri+l' mq{rfi 3{rfi G{+rn arrq riqunr ihritF, F loogoliqqtllxc rot diilt i'fil(' :nnF{rtrrqq€qi:aql qllrllTfi q q|cr,-i' *"ffiffi1lit* ' , ,,, i.,'l' &t"' .. st,1, r . r + r * ffl rA ttw N. ' *i'r' J,t {r{. qI. qaEn, :,r xi.ra, eAnnq $tr{<. .. :rrcalr$a lrd tqqrmato 'aqr gr,l, sqr{ qfuq q rll-i'{, lii!{, rrr,Rlq fqqr.r{.ca q,tsrfrq, s1rq, qrrlg er)<rriN an.irr,iti, qfaq,:.1.q l*:rsqp lr,lh,gi, !r${rF, itq;qrqffiq, Ira qrq?nlillJde. r,iirrl";, iw aiqi.trq',el*( {n$'{31, tloi'.&,,r{.;t{|o?c{trgdiq:qldk{m,fi{' .ii.r..ra a ,rist 3fir+ft].t r'1, tqdlF.I H{fl rRlqir ilfil+]it. tqi, ''rrrer.ih ia'.{Fri'qir rrnndq hix"n'Jtttir€ wd lq'fl'l v5rc, qlEi{l{;-ffirl cSJ ';lqia ,iir'l{4 rnlF|:itl?l gq $T5Rf]' "i' i;illr qijr, , ,.. T|d. i lr: \.\- .:' '. .r' t---\ d l?itqh,tq Trirli' , r \^ i"l ..ri) qftq M6 frdl q|ioflq/ lrff{i?n qtwqqT"rd-df 6rd,cR-d}, "ir66 vqrqH +(rrn-r qt ftTqri rrrrner gTrr{rq fttrrtT, {lTq" qftc-To r. qffi 900b'/1Q9/?.;F.89/o8/C3-€?r (€Iq-d ft.f c affict, lootg dl c-d.) .rERIE tr{io, cfrfr ?ooo/?qc4l(qoV?oou) 't to qtrffi fl VIT{FI (*c) q-ddq-<t furTq, q-dldq, T{i voo oq? ftqi?F:-?,c/q q/?oog dqTcqr, gd cFrS, srcnnr<r fuqrq, sd 5w crfuriil ic*r6 irfu{ie'. q?r:iwr ftqrr qicr qrdftv-qTd id o1, dq-ffi wfln qRq-{-r om-gl oFq-eqrtrrd-o wd orqlsqt-qr ffiric H-rrs cpn|. T6q=t - T€lfrrqTdr .'. ( o. f. rrml; emffirqr oq'arEror{I 9TI: aa [.6'DFC Z0tll qffi, w (r*rcr<) orqiffi, qFi*tm ftqm, {?req, W{ qinr qrfr-d) dcl GrH{qiF ordqrd},nrfr:rifta. lr(e]c) lnrqts.r. +inxrrf *9v rtrr t. csr/nfylyttkgl r_,?;.:r, qranbri L- la..J idrrr r nrru. g.i cR q{gq G'' I ,t,rrir<rr . /an adtc zodl a ^ ya1fiwm'r';;ffi, <+n -,r-.{"'# u*'* /Vrfu 1'-$;f #ar zlfulla# e gfu ifr 'Tffi<-# '7C t rre{qFrchffiq'fttftq/ rrqniqrqtr6F6ciifu6-{ @ F€r{rgrTrF{ qrqrqgffs+hqtq, I Y' irr{:T qftTi-fi FqtGF-qfrfr-qoov/q1(&.m'.vt/ox/qtg{' riil-6q, {q*-voo ot?. fuffi:- iq,,3i-dd{,Qoo\e. r Erbnqntrt rrhrq firElo t+fr ftqcrtrf, iltg-{-$R snqt 6t".Ia qqruflfl *6 3[rd4| tqru 3qfuq twr rmqr qi-qr rmra Toqi.qr q-qr{utid *aqr d-a a qr€ri qtdqt .m* wt. crFfts c{E 6Rorfi1?r r{rirft.r q,iuflqRi-qT srqn rqr*qftHrq flvrcq-q rr6dkl -c RITA E$ ftdf{d dqn uot"* arsflrn rr6t-iqlctdi* vnr'rrqr tr<qt'Tm qrord ent :-'i-flqcrt{T qfqq tqdtFftd {dtfle+t sr1gral &fi ndrd fce,:qr eTiYnf{R aqn-}n cr qrd ard-d q kid-fln grqi it{ **t 0 }+qntl ffis?r vrw-rr+ artii'iiifd "isiTd 16-qI tdra {rfilkl. r) rrhq firqk i'dt mqi*' q'tufr<nri 3) qRqPfiikFT$ ermtrrier ar+ erqS fiatr*i-d rsi' qiqqtrEH$a5{$\Tq qt-q aqs toftftfr;mt v) tr,rqinrfiqf qsqridrqTftqrsrtrEril{64r4-{<q+ 3Tt*€r .r,foffqmAr sninfi ilrqt'l?qrfiqttqztff qqF rtf,I slqsr siukqr ndrFrqr srff qriilqrtrFrrqranrho eqq*ntt :r{s +Fn qrd r{r{.fsr d(trflrsw.fsr cIE d(trfl ftql6r'iil cr{ ftqgr'iilt nwfo .ar1g'iirni rrg ian vmarfr qrfl. crd. a.{+E a-{+E dt lo 100-rl-2oo? ROrl/E-18t8( l/vl@, f rtd d..{ld-6-x ll 'rl atqiild e*ofr<ra-tqr at{#d e*"fr<rrr-tqr )-l n'l I qadsrcr-diii'lrra roriiqr awt''r alrlfrqniqlslfrfi frqtqqrm +}qFm qqlur+ aaitll arr riii'i* rnrilasn cllk*^ s<t'.qa ; a*t 3I-{Eqt* ffic' q{uftd c)' \ {ffi'r,**" l't* m.r{i-+',tq-drd rg,rr q.f,qtfl'.q r61frg1'rnrq ftTqi-mffi diats sqtrdl q;c-{ fl(mr qrd ,Trfi. s) ariofl-{r{inqr artT dq **ftl#*'t-tnto gdel tl"r rqrfl?ful w'ra {$qiqwfl q'fld€Tqtfli-q 6rciil'{t4-$ cfd{K crfi *rqtoqt+-W frcn rict, 66iq'nrin ' srq'am Frqfua e-d{ iqflq-n rftiftiari aia a q'raar 3rT(sta i+.Er 'lq:nr I|' HorJ ;'**trl "Tq-dtr It **i#d.*a"tn*it* Bq-arsrsrgd€o-rd 3ilew6 *tt' a-$ rdqa'drqnqrfr' I\ .fl "oa ? l,\ ogqffi6fufrd-ofrffiswqi$qfrq.Iffiq'lftsnr€ I ut l''--'' ;"*k*rget"-gn-trdurvmorqi-cqmg I\ Fcfficra-aqqt' " qrdfqfleraqr6l. qtqq tqsi6 fi$ft E'turtq/3Tfiqq/ rfiT 1. f,-tq ilr* €Idtd ftdeur Beqrq'ff';d*; IrqTd qq-{ irqn i-a sntc:- oI) -ctF{ rwm roqii **-** -qT ui* *Tgfgd +d-er rcrqrqr €q-sim-i qd 6rqt-crq q'ru<rd;r{q ai'qrT+rn.f 1qn arthr urer+t uu*j-ruir t"t ftr'<+*, roqtfr erfrm, frq{qq} <rror 4rura) qdk:fsTqtm '#i qlqi-eo*qq g<t tr.nqnen *' 'ro" q'tofrcRiqr qizq s{..lqrflat qFd greliin q trq'lu-d rci'ql 3Trfrff tiilf, aid erinq j'q'5'175q1 iTC{fd dEf, Gi-6diqr {ikd{ur $f*-IfrT-uji} q3657,r qtftFz' oI *f.,; ;qrunrrra riqf,e-o +rrqr' q ilr fl{s'{qq{r* 3{qrt q* a-otl* u o** ** qiantit' s<r{ fqswmil-^ql *ot**qa'rtra qqrirs-'i 16'ci* qsdlaltfr fircrd ** *rl*** #; A-sa'iqsi 3fqd *u * fl"q,?ttf,. 6ld qlaq "'t"t+"* ftni-e ftrfr oren t qtbq firqlo ft+ff'a T fla qqrAr{ r6'qr q1q-qsq<r orar+frfte qFd-q 3{lq?t[I arngm q arqa iqldldcr{4r aqqa'qrut6. sqi6'' {' 3ffi z{ ta' ffi{$' eqe-al *d ;RIFlrfl ' otcfi'{sqislqd +fl T{q*' s) t *if* -ta r-t824 o'lt (1ini ib.\Ir.l6d.k ' rr -78 I {tjtro srrflq e rtkar,'r erftrsr-qiii F(FI-A sqTd.r{f,i qcTurrll E. er1ilir.n $rqiqr qrqti ddf tr<ta qrqn. .'qT ns-{uft {ili{rqrd srgifir+ stldd 3q-s*r eta +rr,fra ennsiruft qr6{rr s $kfl,r srfir+l-qi* d.ra qtilrc{r qf{fure "e' q*l fufra id-oqr q{ena *i"iFra qduflsRrs-$ rnrn oo:r qrA. q s< ql,rsrq*n qg i-d,<r nwfl-oRaitft qi"mrfr srqidd=t orFrfrq 3ri(T'!ri 'niclrqmtrd rrsmiruft +..o.{ qodotqmtqr qaqd. qdi fl gTq Eis-q{ q?irtttfiRfr {dFm dTd+i yvn€-dr{ feqrffi d5i,fld waltluqrd td-c{ q il{rqlql d$t HR Hrflt+t ervn rrara r:nqiq} qiq qrivi-{Rrnqr €retrqri t +rqffi TdrAsrq r€iEF{{ dnqn r tie. eftr<H u get' qfrrsrfi,t+t ut+ tl-+'aqrsonr qhq'H6 fofr ergqtqi elgo aria qrq-di;i orft maa qrd anqffied qtfu s{ qfrq fr+6 finfr arlqtqr q+ka mtqhqTtg <rqfl a giridr srdarqrd. qrq|e-r$ ik Eiil +<+#o i'qra .n4. vd 6tsnR qfti-srfr, ffiflr y. -.{ oc+ q rqA-m* aiftror-qi* 6F+qr-qirT riry otn+n sirder qrdrEri?r-rrdnr oftrqi* ds rqih ied. qo-,ienn-e 6rqtdqTs-$ qfrq Frqt6 icti* qrfirfi kdrqqi gremR en mCqr-qi* ffiflT 3ifuid/r6qid q-sr* Er€fu"qtd 3Trd oTIf Erfr q.rd q nvfr <reh'qd ffi-fr qs€R{, qtfre; k+iqq*n ilnqroi gosfi woqrqr E*i Tfld'qmrd 6rqid?n-rg grtqrqq' d q:rarEr6r{ s-d arrepr ffid tqfmq-trql. \. qfuEi Fr4i€ i-itr.h'.ftd tor-a r-qrrr,--qr cifr d"iitrir q'l-,fi-"nian rdtilF*n nra-Si doqmnq*i ddfttd .Hqkqri ilrirvrEr ifr sr'l-qftii fuTrft?iq +-ir*. qrd'-fltir trkfr i1a jul.i rr{qdf ftr"ie gn('n gr+f, nr s{w tq dqt-qr -"qrffqrfr y,,rrr{rdl a+rra nrq +Rd qr'}a. tqr=fr rr*n* fq"iqrq gqFfiu gg"rpr 3liftrt/ 3Iq{r E6fqimzT q{q Ui:an+g;m;r'.lu-.{r6 ?nd. wrtorqm i 6m q. rll fu, q$rsqiFr hqrq nd-q qfdeiq qfusr-qi* faqn q{€/6rqiiaq zriar mrqlsqrqi fi-iiqrriqr +dji qarftfiqd mnla+r+qa 'ifu'q frrqta hdr {dr,i qr,ra s{rdri {{.i +idfua +nleqmqa na-and i{firdrd 3Trfd ffi-qr qrdd.{rql 'ia nqtsufr q-{rd. .'qr 6rq1-€rqrd 3rt Tiqri daif'r fc-{i,Td srad tta RFTI Frsrcft 'r+r.rta qcn qqrcrqn o.rduqrqwd'ffi 3lrrqr-qr ard fuot< q}r,r flrqrd. nSq fE*t-{rg * opiqrfi m*rqn qr$. dildfr{ {fir r-1828 -t d.h\r\t.r-ir.L. t r,ld ar or |l/taoo? i t '71 6 vnm tfiqr*, ST.y.h., 6qifi- qQq/ c.s..Vq/ loov/ frqi6 1 q/qo/1 oo\e i sdrr*. 1131, qftfrtq-e qfr{rqa fr *./ffi T6rA{fi"rilqT 3ry{rqk{r (paid month) fiilft qfuqrqr +fufl-S rcra q{frr4r*rrda rffiq(rqn) Ttr(tqd) qflf,nttcfr€t+tiqrn 3Trdff sflelrqs<t qtdq-qn qcd s-fi-{' trqt-e fufr rwq,srcrfrfl qFIRtc 4 wsarc fc<tq;ftmrq:- itqnrfifld-d qhsq erism{fr i5rqFrqrq ;|ld qqdl I[ttTsttltT +-i dt,*./ffi--- ------------' Fqi-s-------------------qt-fi efl-a stiFilc{rd aqq ++sql rrdra rficivfr ridFra qfiTdslg{rd +.rqitrqilq 3ftd@f,Yiq nsq€lsqd-.q *d qrfril. eqfirrfl F{u-qkl Raifffufiut:rl'l"P,a*;1s,r,,,",, o{16{0l q {kflur qftr*rt T'D t \. - .i"t* cns{ qftqFF T6Rrg ur aqqrfcg{ EqFcr r5'grc|ir efld qqF Rrqr {rrsr6 ii+dt6 loosl(os{\iQiQoo( er{r 3{It ErdRrqri llcFni{ fi qRYnT{R s qrEr+, (c. a. qt6) 3qqfuq, rT[Rtg{IRFr. cfr, n-,'qqririn qfuq, rawe-r, iet, gen4* <ituvntrq, fireq, trt, w gqg'ff qiq *rt frs, {xrffq, td, s{ {* riqd* qt+ gtq'ft nks, wrdqqm-(dctqq{trr*)-q,rumE;q{ s qt.vr<rrdm), > qudqmn ( der s q{irdr)-e, qtrrg, arrrtg (lo qr<t sdqt;, :ndetqro (der q$6r)-q,qtRrg, tci (t' flqt ctr{rt), qrrdcsm (dEt qS6I;-1,rrtRrE, cFqr (co qrql r*sf), qfuq, qsq ftq-ads {ket6c, $t qfuq,rGRrgffisrqrdq,td, f*a, nq Frcsqs qr{frrr, iF{, grffi,3qqg16q, Tr qrcflIqt, {ci, liirrq, Tq qrqrtrq, q+d ilqt, tst, tr qqm rnitm, ato ongeil q sq gqqo, rrtnrq qYrqfrtc tqmnwq, c0s sc qtrdgtcrm,qEq ffir qii srntfiq, {lt, fr'ft vner, t{t, 5* S.*. d. ffirr, A qflq qfq, 1"q, ffi 5-{ fg,iqi-yooolo (qo qrqr rftm) tsdqr Fitw*', m dd, *loq qqa, qd t?a*, {qrdc,,fr€rqsM,T{*, qfimqqdqr aftrffi,1*9, Frsr$ dqr cfrsr oftr+rt, 1fi{, v4fuqFftq glrg{fi, v{keffirsrft, rqftrsrfr, F4frRr*isrqn l: qrc k6rs fur{r/Trr k6rs fscpr/frd frqrrr (6lsr-c-\), dxrffT,Iiqt {ereqrirmv4ftqrq, q-{mlr fur{F iq qvttr*tq vd. hrqn sge, sdfrtc, frr{n cgsssFflFrcqgq, ,zr'A2qq{fr qffiq, riqrfiq, dxrtrq rt( tqi (Q r$), ;t'.r. *<tfulntI^YLVI q-a{qnro, qk*qwq{'qtirdqmtrdq, {rrf,c, iFi -t4 X'.;a a}ui aria€ 1/. frqs{d. f *r -? a r^lrL' avw a^ *c{ri. yi: -zldvuwdviffir a-G;r.? T+ t \.{ aotl,Laa.r.C t t Ft-r.r.20ot y-fit-r-'nTar nt>,W r y,5a ifii H,,tnF trffi t#*|#a*, ,46 fuC# _ H-r 96a(8 ) -1a . ufu ,4 rra nielul sftrort g s1 rre rErr ?il qr+qi-qi"i rli-.c-i i.ralE 0 i.r.'l :108 ffi IT6T{19IIRFT )1or\ ffqrqgqr|{r{frqrrr qnrF qftqr-s. F. qffi 1 ooq/qq/q.m. ie i/o q/q i_ si, {71R?T, {S* - loo oQl. k<im:- s fr{q1, loos qrqr :- t) flrs;i qRq*F' m.du$3rR loEvAi,, ? ) vrs{ qftwfr sr,c.fq. F'.frSsqR to s\/v i z,/q t-3{, R. q v/qltqs _ K. q, 1; qn6a qftsi-s Hr.c.fq. F.qP{H Iojw?.F..qo/qzltt-er, R.rx/q1qqqa, y) vnm qfrqit.,fr .5', qo{1o"q/ql-sT,k. tzlf,?/tooq, u; wrs{ qftq-rrfr sr.y,h. F.qHh Roov&.m.tq/toot/q}sr, I (/ loou'. -: ," Tkqhna s'. t qr clrs{ qftqrfiFqt rre g EcT 6+qr-qi-t qtrr fucit Filfr aqrqd 6rq frqrrcge q .nrql-flqctcls,'g trRfafrd sluqrd,3rF+d ont. rK{ qftrr*md qfrq frretd fttft iaucrdl-ciT+ ordcq* q 'ra \d .qr *.+sr-fi snrqils frtrd lt.qioml frqn urorqrfte fut{rrqrs/q'dde|qrm qrqidqrq,t qrahuqnmr$ +r4qr+al wq q'ruqn ofld efit nirrfr Tns{rqr erc Ffi{i{rs errd qB +1, *.rfr srqk{Trdi{ 3lr6{-q s dhfiq srRmr0'ra q,qrq.fqr-fi qfrsq ersm :rEiq w5irF+l-rqT Tgril rffiI ftr9 qftqn$:- fr # t. qrqr* qt{ dreftrdk€T t. 3qr}fi qfrrrul=n.fud* ffiqifr irerql d, qd. qM qdqrff Tff{T{"J Sie|Ef[ qrEl rirfn wsqrr{ qFrqfq-ddr srq--r {n-s'-ir-6-E4 qrinda rhfi{ sqd iuqrd d-d 3Tril. ersfi artrqfuddiift gr{-f* *s rra e"n tr+ q r#qar.,] qRr*rfr' 6rqi..r i4r nry{ qe "r.ei"r ;rff qsqT *rqtfr.rd-srT-d'*1, srlils,sqx qffie wrtisn sdqr{d srtssc rre 'g iar qttr{-qinfr.rlrqq Frei6 ft* fu fu{-{6 }q.'rqa +sq ffir6 Esrrn} qardsrqm +rqterqr.rg n** ;roltiqr$ oru-s unqt. arretor e {hd{q o{frrfiT-qin n-,q-d +{s i4siqrfirfi i4{i{q q rrecr ei{ ql srqrf, Frir: dqr EflaF qfrq ffi6 i{$ ft k+qs dq-d orm ertrd, qlqi a Gi*unngo qi-{r era-rqqtqs-+tqrfr. v. 6ffi {kfi* v{ **4.lqqrqiil q fuTrrrq{Eiqr frifr +rrqn t}.} Ei, +i-crcqr"i dd rvflrn qrdfi o{rernT fi'cT qErEd disn crq aiers *iaiftro 316{w -d qftrdFrfr qfuTrar q-qr-i-{rfr nme/H-lrcc t t l, dr.W.h.rd.i.(; f f (B ) ( n rior,ll,lrl) frRqf, osq ioia fu6*E frRn {rnfr 35oo-12-o?) -1 -.6r{i-.rtsr 6{r.ft iP.1r.O. | g'2- 6P ,\ 6qif 1{dtqdn q.dldf )far\'\ . ?-{<tq "t* aqlcrqr${tr {rflft{Tii fl 4e .lll ftrn nggg.t-SrqTl-:Kr-*en- t-;7) qtiaqYrFsi sqr-qqqrs{rEql'l $qqqftq?Sg.,, Sft-qooqiq1tr/t.s.q( ioEil.l-3{, Wj/ ,./ ; ., ' b ,z.+ i $'Yk/ ,z gi 'v',1n' qfffi,ig{- voo o3Q. ffi4q' 1o"1o' :- t) vtrq-{ trTdo. w'q'ft ' s'- qffi 1ooqfi a'' 1/l?- x' kqi6:- q7 l-'i 1/ i/ :lo'' \ -: qfi|qxo:\i or'ol'f' i-[ o\ ' / f*o qqrqnrwn ffiqn fron-q1 c{q-uiq1 s-fl"?' -{* lii*e'I ao ) o6Fqtfr qtqq frstf ft{tfiq1 s'i"ft TEa 4 6'{ozTlqfio- +iEfiltri-ul *"*iff-t*-* a qt 4' ftfiT"ft fr." titc trrrq s(v) i mrzmlrqd vrcfi +{uqFilififr +t aqg i< th''ioo'1 ) qrtd' ,fr; t,-ctt Filft ftqqrd 3{€dFfi 6q< s-{ aql :11.tna,'-<it €--r Yns4tFr i' 6Tqffi ctlsaql t1hq ep'q-6 ar},<il' em'l erqtoqtqr fiTq*-{ts *"Ffr q{ufrfl-{qr "td"-tit l.enrtq q ffcrq ',fr* trctr FTtft vrs< qfis-*+rqQ qr{r ic"qtd €fildtqr *dt @ ad;c g i#,Ffta oto* ffi *'nn**' uot$ #ry.--d#;rrq,i;d;n, !s ar;qr qiirq kqtr t* t" qnrun41 {dfi{ilqrqqd"iq*rq X" *{ffiffiffi*. qfrsftTn qrd qar'irsrqr"t n*" SYffffift""'*q qn Fr)* crqteqrs t. q,ft c5+ ,orrd-{iifudl{ |uds .td. "tO. RrE&^vRmc{ q{.{i *f;* il(;i ; q *tfr ao, "{"13r geartwn nd 3{ik +dI' "qm-*frsntil ; qtl."t e rthdit qf-I6lt rnq, *-q1 ar(i sIo{T{ qfr 11Y .\ t.* ft*; '*i R rh/?oo\ qr qtoq?tFr&n qfidc m. I td aq< *-rulgqd {q"i ;hw #Hi;.{o a*ffi aqal eiim.Ea fi.i +ruq.r _g;;h-ililu" *-* .6m o-ffi 6rrqt , . 6" Z arn iaFTsTr-q1 -,( .Y q|4. -r*W ..*d ffii qu*r+tq ftw,qi-S rqiq.r srrg-tqrk{lil +rqhrqffi d 'rx€ro1 tl tn^"' "-' qfiqfof,dT EFilfi s{u-sri arqr c*e fi':ir*'ri i/ioor +*" "n-*'+; qr qftc-{65qsn **t* *.""" it" ; q6wr{ <q-dl qd q eirs<ql-'i ++er niqrd-qt qq. qrem q cft"fld q.ttdsrqt€ qrqimqrs qr&uqn t{.tr$s{qftT{6TT6Rlq{rRrlrflrrwww,'inqrdq'argcqr +rc"r , erd'xg ritr"d; Ti+aF5' loosqR\zf \eo\el\ooq'arm fft' rnnrqri{F{qiafi urtvnSeneann' i6-ttarn I $t *'...$# (sI. erflqFJa, cfr. {frq, {cFlGFt, Iiq{, qrrfiq, tqi, Seri* fi run qt{q, Tr-qqrdin a \.L -..\raa..S t I Ft'dr_:oot eorrTtr-zorr ( 35oo-01 -2 ooB ) -r (5.ut-u.1 s3 ? ', .i. ., ;' i- . .r" . ,, iliil:r rir, : /ri.:l : i illF' li*qq, {q1gq, $i, .lrqr q .lq-{iq-dl)-1, CIETq, (to 8i qfCf CdCT), {6lTIg, qTIFII (q.o qr<r c-*s6), '.:,.1, i ..1, :,.., ;;'r.;; q?,on'-q qilf,g, tiqi, (S. iilfqf ffr{f6), ;;,-' i. :. - r, ;i''.:- ":' n.,'* r- -.,, 4ilfl q, qin'F (f o qffl Iftr{G), '; il :. ... ,.';' 11.11;rr;.gr r:liren|{, {qt, l' .- : ,,11 :-"1..,=5rqa'r)-'1, -: rt.{}/1 . r .:"r'rJiq- ;,ra1q, rql, - .':e -i-, 2jToi'l i;EE_ 7rr4$l€l;5if{, ,.1.,..:,. ;- ir -. ;;r,-,ira, etriti'rqrril. qqt, q:r1,: -. ..i ;r, 3{l{ii{,a { Ti -.1ial gttq-rff q'r{ 6fqtdTq, iF*, .-.tni,.1r:, -....r{ ,,+Jii.j l:r;1l:;$q -gp.fiiF{or, tst. :,f1: =' -.7 .:; ,. 11i1,q1ip'{ r{d{r ftrft yfcl, E-S r,::r'.. r.. {.*.si. ,. .:ir,; ..':: +q,Ei_qg-yooo?o (\oqglffi*ff) ',. l:rei -r-:: rjiqtr. ilqdlff, q+6ul r1aq, {stdt, T:i6ar . +T, q +1r..-,r'..1, id, .r..1:1-;;: - ;::r-!-l frrdT, a qh qrfq, ,.- t:t?,qli. Ki, iqa.1lil -r',, ;i,1,; 1fi;ffi,rial, -,I:i .:l'r, , j'I -jirf.,jil, .*..*,..+' +',.1 rri. r, ,/ 1. 11. :,i fi, ,r, ::', iil alli6Ttr, l1 1 i;i: ,ri1 i dni,- tr'-t-.), :iry1,;q,{F{, 1i...1r,: 'i;:, i;':. r1;f t;;' xlfi;6 f*rr1, g$q r; ; r ;: i;t fq qr,, a{ qqTrs+tl ft {zumdg c4 ftclq q1g, cRft (t6' frtcFI r i ;: i-',-.'. \. 1 ,;'1141, 'i'^,:..r, - . u-,.fr rji,151q, -ifirq, (f f*), iiqffqrifq, ${, dffiq, qS{ lri;ir;..r.-,. ,,rr:;* e-sf{+j,rr$ r ,-1 ..,. ",,,r'.'i i-r.rrriliilc4{ri6[qts{, lF tt nA1 -tL\o t7 6 zar I sr-t/.fi,y/ p-i \ r 3T. <r>r5 l,< t qfiq., ' - 2F EB 2008 i, ,,*t Tq ft-r.,,.,'*-*." i, zzer,yls "\l ?"-a I -rmd#' e*- ft T fimn, t6.- n'.a7 tTi416T 3'T.,ii.\. t , rfr.S -q dtq irrr F,6<-?* q- <,rtT r*rr sh qft,ffi hjbd 4rtunrq---b;m rd;;b4 rx 5< w{aM .4 21 fu! fft (S-cer-l) c6,t-egrqrd Frqfsqln ?oo'3 o. ql qqk{ qftq 'sri c"rqtqdt qi-s ri:sq'rqrro-i ftqi5 911o471ooc (r) cFRIg ilwldld vnsdlq 6tfqr qr'T rqrqr ftT q lrsrd q-<R ilss ffi+c'iqno.rrr ffq-Sffi c'<ri +iitql+d $i 6-ivqrql d|q+d +-s{d fbfl sqriv Eaqqrrrrtt?I 6o gqrr,vlrFi ffiq m.nd'Fi qooe/c,a.vqfoiqr c-S, k{i6 \4o.l?ood (3) w€-6lq qlft-itft tvqrqrq-d qvd .q*qr gFR qrrnq grrm ftTrr qfu*o a tft'oi ?oo(./iqt,/r.F..8/o{.noc, ft{i6 qi/o(./lool q (8) ffifc rrulT-q rtR-rdq o*ql-qiT FqRfffir.r'fi 6q t*at q{ qrid rncrd qrrqrq crr{l iia' (rmri-r{) ftoq, qqar dld ftqq qqe d q+r qT d-q+n orffir ql,ffi oiimTd ftn a,nq trrtrl cRc-{-o'36. QfQ 9oo3lqoda u, fr. iteF\l?oo.- ql l-dl *s-<r qrid ) crrqE wFT 6qi?E :- - riffi aooa11Xrjl1ooc) poo< m (*r) wfirq-a fu+r" {";6q, F 5'oo o?? fr{iqr - ol.oq iooz cfr qtrffi q-a-sq-< d TEFis6, ra-(rsqqr ftqrq, funqrqrclMa wd 3< afuiii /3l{hm qiisd dqrtro. ir,qd q {fr tzrrrwrrri FFn, qrd} dtqrqsrcxrq etft{Lryd} dviq{ dnrr (+{l) TRro' 4refrT+1q {q:ac. qrrtrg qffiqnq qrFis-o, ert-r.nnE qFriiqlF qiqr ?r-oftuqrd ta di. rfrd-d rntrq ffiq oh,drrsrdfd sd qrrqfila 7 offi / ?r*fl-qiqr Hqrfl qrvnl q iqrqEi F{iRrd +-€rgw v alrdqrf) oroqrrrqa sd arqisq raur+r Gdftra o-roqrd zlri fiffi w<qa: qflanqtu\ nd, o(d.r.) oruf'm drrni sv5. affi lur.t/s\tuo( ctt46T .€att., a'n6g g6 SEP z(fr''' Q'i-.| -fi.4.,raar,rv1",h, ,4. cril# l;rli-- hTdrl.i 1'6"#'vnnW ag,+^--G.M# 'fr'-,G't a4i-t 6. rrefi ria)sc r frrtr )r, ? ) t =t a, \ o 8r PF(\fisc) !i G-PF .{nnu1l Sliitsr 65 08 rrr TO Setrttsry lrigriron DcP:rtmcnt The \ hntrlar a. \trmrbai 'l0O 03?' sub: Ds,rr Sir \{adalt ,t.Inorrl'd8cl!'nt 21i07-1[{8 of GPF Annal Actqun$ $1$16rui61 - i c' "-' 5ta:6'J 'lcn!:e' ?t'\'l(i'n: l"r:::s L':iei .' Sl;'e )i l 1.'i :',-''' o..",liiy:c:.:.i nr di.ou:rs of r\e s.bscnir.,r, ,ir,t'* 1i",:i,,af-:t:.*,1,.,' .tccrniitii 1* T',-i:::.:': -;'"-, ,i,,,:'','',, - a:3n'ii: I: -;', d_ _*'-i: l'id::r l:1ci;8c'{'::c' (J:sc:.bcis ' lta e l anol; ir l1:\c *.i: t') r:16 oi;ice wit' n 'i tro-'':r i,.ii "..cprta" .\ tc: j(uit 16 of i'Iai'sasifra ;:;;;;'.;i 'D;;;.;, i-a: -'ll:,' Yours firthfr',i1' sd' D)' .{ccounrant Gcucni lFunris; !rr{6tqqffitlqr{lqd' ffiliffiffi-- 8d T6RlqVnffi TIFnqsfirg<ftrrFT' Tng{ dcrcl' lqin riFrdrl"" /o1/1aq' '/\\r^h'6'1't f l. rinec, {{vooo frfiiF,:qvbd?ooz. qrqr : ?) {Irsr ftdqs.1|qr,$qosq,/?2, ft.\.S,t.qquq.R.\.tt'tC\tq ?) yrs<qftqxr n.rifgtft-to'oqhstl?.F.qo/zql?o-ir, R.\.t.eo f) ws{ frrn6F.dNrqoCvt\rl&.p.ioia3l?o-4 R'11'{o.41 TrI({qfrqfo vtrgsilq, cr*nrgdq ?r qd4salEtt qr& Wq-*ra Rwr eiun<T qrfuA rrue qlkq qfqFr' w& erriv vngq qRgxc,, gsrq gllrs{ fu{Fr' 5-qi5'166q1'rorelh4' q.q d{-ct, tqsq qrri{itiilfi4-{ ftrqrqiililwqds{5pteu sfitd. F{F11qp}orqqrt{r 61fr:igR s1qcfqr qiffi nguiar <u'q|d rfld{ qrquqmr& vne-cri qr"16 qfi'WdT Rns{ ftt{n ri6 r ri+1ofqo\ej/iY\t/?e' ffieft qrtd, d R{' Trmslc sTqlflql+'fla;' edoq ftqR rFFr vtrgq qftqlfi qrqq ft.q qrd qqa !ft qrlrirfrr' " sreri 6 q*frq{4nwftfi${Friil oafrdqrt q. rriqurglqftqron ritrdrtoeq/ I'oq/ ajl\rq c q tfld, qizo qr qnRr$ q{#d utalrir, qy[ gwrn ?o-.r, qqd qfrqmrnflpt qqqiTsr( rrrrd qrfrq, qr{r T{r r{d Frer urun<l vrscrtq, "kT qrffiq EFlucKT anwr anh. wil?T rr.Fnql ir0 ws-ctrd q r5FianqT qfiRrS arqt$ {rffi q{T* ftie T qd qtt rrfl{rqr q{r&qr qrq{c &qirfr fr{rd q{fr fi t* qqlsqonqt*q*laclwfixrrr qm q*qtad tnan Mffi q Fr0 qrrrrqt qFRH qrsnil qrrmt qm trft Ent tvr€J s'{r qrd zrd rdid qrss{6r'srqF qnrn gri rTnrflqr fTtfl{rs vrsilulT Ir4FlqkTq rguta s|qclqr s{, lnnrftft *ra y+ qyfr ffift rruqn h qtd, qn&fqs qsrqd, qr triFrd q}rq d ffiIr qtr'& |{|fr6, crFl qd. ftrilm ftrqvrsstq qtrqkrqq q rtr*Flrqr s{|!qlqgtt* srsdccr Frtr<taqt w'bi* / chtti 'lTtc€Trcrqt qfiRrfr Tft€t nqlqt r +flll nrc< qfismn finier qrrl<ris rRTIsnq *qdrT t qrdlqn{ftq wd. q s{ffi, offi q qGk F'-&q :r:i g'7 n fifl-{dqrT frqqq' srrsfq clr t6 q6fl-ct q-rrir4{ iqqnid {'iikiil drq iqr' q+flsrdflR. {qtdnffn.}rfttfr qq{T+ {qm{imfl ${ q{r& t i*q fr* qI frct {dqnq-{iat ker erfrS q qrq:qT qlnnr$ imfi-q< qTers, etl EFtoqrfi'frdr fuqtnwt qre' {+d e Rr daiFrd ttqhrqm qtdmTtr 6{vcrq-h q<a qr&er. qteIFI srflI qft RrS fu snwr qrirn 0 sTc lrciT't*t qq< EFq rrtr& fr. r t. s6. a ffi rrffi qq''* q<rqq*. {qlffirfrqFl cr"qn q<r rng< qftqxc, c${q vlrv{qr eqmq tF'{uq( qIAFr q{4 srql Ti+f, i6, qrnqri rr.,qcre dt *a vfr qi5 3rC orq*l 3{tgrs, sr h I cl&€I rrorq{ (wu/w'rn:harashtra 'gov'in) 1oo Z o/ t ? q q a I v q o oq s{€I scrt rrrtntTsRu qicrt' gq r{fi{q, t q; I "' c{*' {ft/- I r+;'r BttqrctEF-ftil qr{slfr eltr IFrtdI T{d (tuc.q*) t ewn I q1 $ni{ qtrHlqq frfl fi* dqlaqri-{r frler qpn<r vnfiRr* ffi€ RffiReI qrs rAf, q er {dfttrcrqhrqrs qreqrn, iflfa. $til F 6rffi qFnq frirrl' 'YI|g{ ' 8e ' qlrtrq rr"qffia $Rr{+q rhr{Ei- 'r' F r-ur tfi c xlqlil rqn r$v ffiic-+nr+mr fiitniffi rqrs lffin tvtu tiril srrtrr anrq|qr dq+n lrfltqrrrm rar|r! w{r{ mm Frdfq . IlTqI . ftrr fufrim fufi r. tdd.rooz.ii.Ir.Ugr6lq s.\ t!:ttal, fi 1oo ogi. furto : ' t4 !if{e. rooz - s.rlrrt?l f.Fh Err ftqn a. A[ftn.qoay'!.nVlin n-q, ft. * siirrs, ?sog ?,q;lrc it{r, trfiil t" {cfiir,, ntftR, cncfm - t, u* itrg, rrqr.g#r cha, rtt 0It4), irt r;o1q r1tr ft, qo.!.?ooc q ft. l.d,.??o{, qr i ttwfriir: roo1/n.l'.9/Flqr l-r, fr. rq ortrr?. 1oo,1 . ttlfr l|!tq. Atr F,qn n. Sdht .t qlt tffit !q; drqtffA qn*q tur{ ii,i qqq,di :3 W Tr1rrln 'tn q fdel-qr rr*lcfr utqii leftr gcrun iqq scy fq.16 qTrJ;1 F^.lttt <rtnti qfi ltqFn f*ira f*cqr cA c rd qrq.- rtrffirfr o*n i\-er, -lwr qrvnll n*q!il I leto' undc 6{cl-qlql k" ffi iq $qBourff qid crtlt. r.ltc carfri arrm trTrfi {rr rcffril ct+|fotr.nnfiq.'*+c,-r,F,,'ffi rvral y6o rln drr{ f{ilrrnmluni RrFitt;;" il;tu : "qq _*HH*'#; :ti nVil, {H &r}, tr(,vo*.rt qr {iri cri{}tr rrnqt Rlttr .,r*''.. qrirtet tcr cqltt[ qt ttrcl qrrAi ftF srfrfiqc, qqlr rrl Tfl-cr 15qQs vrqrlu wran {,*{r {il. qqifu, Iq vr firi rqiqr enlt tm. mEfiffi aarEn nrsrn csnh rt re rnffi tuvT Oru"r"niti A*O .r*mo Rmstg qrl|, ":T - E* q sflt[ nr* rdd "r. r.16r 3. {qr qd,!11, -rtrf ciril $q uvlw H?lfrtlnqrronr.. ihrn{ri .\fttirl rqn ltrnqfr 6r{qqn c ior 5tri rrntututr {w ltcl qr.t, lrniu ilt(. ft 'rqtfut, Trrt @ rmrqtu rcq.rnr trr{ q ftrffi nar '' -f" tldar :@t!{q!.tt qrtr utrr nrfr q.crl,R. tf" ,e d-dd.jic,fi irr* *-oo \d hrflftkn !,irder'oq P" A+tr #1*"effi** **. q'*qrrc t tr-;.,it **-ffi'il'ffi;; F* 3 Ttft.r, cF[fi Rf qr]. r0"rrr-rtr?( tcro+t O-a-Iooa) -r. (r.I.6. e1 ltrlt[tf . ,; .,, €!r6q ;r, -E *Htt**'-w -sa 'irqii fiq' itn !!6atn qR'Aq rnc' nqq*t fuiFi' qq F Jirlftc wwafu Rqr$fifl frql{tqr fYtttqqtfrs nt ult#ttrt' it rn snfu rrdcro.yq ;'ilna ' -"h..:... tr{rr'r*1*re{*;cwq' qi' i*qt I Ei$rdfir' r$q!q' {ft5r rmtqrtng !*rn fuqttt tcFftlt#tntl' '#;.-ffi 'oic;, r!r{'lq' t(' .#H;i'* W;'{L "n ffi A3[ 5fI' C trlFrlr-ii' * ffi #dh ffic ittq{, r", dlqt qqFrnc 1t{r o"ffi t(mfiq-frrdtt'' q.rta qfrq{ rr '' ."--' . . .: . $t' stitto'durt-'dl@r{c'r' "4 lFt ic *rflirq. irei c cllrqi, t", affi'Jil'X# qficn r 8<t qfiIfit. 5{t'itrl' P{qRfr tgl ffr I'ii}uri, !lTf' ;";ffi;. ^- -q;!q'ol nrr' <a 1Ft fi ftt {u*ctt' ltlfi Eft qltc, qFil qrn, c i'rrs. {d {iqr.,rcfrq' r!"ssFciqs, niid Ed'ir, qir-rl:I'j## ffi HH#'ffiJ'Jc";' : r' "'a ao*''t'na't H H H: ifto, fit tt{t; trf-r-o'rr Anacnmtuq@fltrs ilrt, ffi fu4n rttq c-t' H-fal? -1r. ' !llr' ,', frqt+i{" {nrd-6r. ' ; iq|(q (s nt!o' fi'. ' srt8. {rdl qrr*rq r!,fic {Frt, lFt' ' rt.r. E|{FP fiY6qiii qdqrc' $' ' -,frn. trnrg atldct .qqh' td ddaq' ' irqIFRt, 'i: ' il;Jdr"ft+gr-tu-r'rwr;'1Fl';' I qfr8fr?. rfr{rt. tll4rS, ,' 'td. trrfur ${'{r mrk rdqdtr Afii*sr rltr i&r rv qftt wd wog irqt ftr GStrH) fiqq, nar rss frcq Rc t t* rsl mfiuhftqitr'itnrlrtnf. I I - rwflqrnrr . Jo -\ ftrftrmr finqft!-r*{lrreiqlrbr ' klq,tFlrq. ortirfr rq?r.c clrr- t) t|F!ftcfi, trtwr, r*{if tr.trdt f h ty'rltoe r) rn'rfiq* htqq, *f* t-vtrrrlv 1. ftfi 11/6r\rrr r) F.|i!fi!nr. hriqtr r* -lftltrvhqzlrha, pltf, 11114.or r)rrgdrn frnr fr{tt, ffi Srl q..,,,!qtt a, 1qil, 1.t /rr,r \) rrri !ftmt fri ftcn, r* dfsf 1..9"r/& r. lil trirfr-t . frqr : ffi= lqq<t BIqilt Ert ttR |tF rRlf,tw !!n@{ rnFt ft tu;cti nF Ec ur fu ; ; $niltsru tTr rvr. r! rrrq r. rfrr utl icl - n t nc ctr ntf qtil t r.,at*r...-,, frmt#nc w w nr r-'"i*.f-ffi; !r{t re wqr anm ri-i. F:$iti r. (nt r rSrnf * ilq,-ld (rirr r rqrlqlr, qrq, r!;'! m;ilr "n,f( lt{frhcht r| ffix mri d n ro_t f6-* trrk,{i a"; fFSffi h; nil' n;r'* n;;m,ditlt rai rfi G * ffi r|!|ti *.fi r irr* r r td ,,i **"A, g,h ry |r'.r"'E ;f,<rrr, -ffi "if ;;; rm e n rrtuimr ii *r* no, rt,1a rsw r!rr*r q.m ffi'}. uE tn'-frnrqqrildfiirw*mr *qr d.,,*r;"d. qr *ft$o. fri mt illi'ili ilt'#;'rrfrmfr td nF frirrn*fh=1a[armr u&qn, qq.*.lw rtr.,tr@F ! ft fr w tr ; err F r. *m trq .,rt fu Gitilrnl *ii, riji i qf, 6 q rnr!0!rr( ttqfrdrrrftt Rr wrru rF Er! .RF ir,all:qq-;rnr*irw q f, ,'qr lrn TrrEqtlflt, wtt, lot fia tu,slt RrhF 1Frrtr !!r? rw==t = Wrcawffittrr;*, *o.ry*3rrrrrr, Ff,r rd* *rrar iUl,fnq, rrillt rtrth wr rF fiqr 5!::L. <.8 Hl{**r ilF,rG q* |[|ft ilttnqrrrrmu r* n6r ilrr miln qE aRrn: -;=T, rlh ri6fir 516q1 im. sgrt1a1;d;;pF g1p*r qlir i.r rr'ri ir'',i rihi fr;t##;iiil T '.fiic o' qaftd-ilffi T .- E rn-{F mr iir q.rR1qiii r :r rU illprr 14rr ilGk ilq fm er:rri wnqirfmrFil mIB t' rlu l v llqlitd|rl +{r rrn trlft r*rf, mqfqfiiq$qrHfitarl qn nq lurn - *.*t f,{qqrfti.qrr qEld crn r {F mr ;rtLtril *m r*s,nr I},tffi|E iq t\f Vl r|r hi uqrr. errilfr$*nrn*r llfu w tr luffr rrr*, rci hrffiFt Fs?Frtilt rwltw qrltrrntirr. nlgt rqcr tnm qr nmrqr nrit{,i( tili. rilFGtlF F iFrE rrltF t a,|!mh rnlid lKqt q!r, |ri? a;. arr Itrrl'ftd. j_ . il!:c.ifr.tFi EFtqrtr? |liw tq* xrq, ffit*w|iqrrrFtUrF. lT_.I'.fqf *w *w a|Fi il (tiR, Hq, ncr w t|{{ rv r Kq q ti{d( cF F.rrqtrt qar SFr rffih ildF FK f,rif,w rrRGr T rrrK f ts|.[rv ;e'ctrii urmr rrrEG trmr Rn' rlrn *G, -E;, =rF tuilfirn*rcwvc*purrrnir*ridb *iiiiiirttr -torerir-r r !t ( !, ooo-6-aooa ) -r (r.t.o. L. q1 r'! r 'a- rn r H ffi rn lt khn qrGr iit rtrut nr rrf ulF Krt'iclnH Grltl!f, r|Fm [E |IB]ilG n-. El ,,'1-a1lfigilrtclirX* '|t mnl'(ln flhfflfin ''hirfiltr+tft rd.irr|*tllrtr ta,iliiile!{ti. rrfrF f RrF f t rF.ll f,RrF- .. [it;lrtFltFtllCtlttrGf,tif, llilEf,lrF FIEI |tllGttI;rl|;. rttr*F'ralr,mrirr.rr1rrlgritc uffif,.rlrFrr c,. rntmritllinrrir|.trtttirfUllrtiRilCil|lrill illtt rFc.qt(llrl..t ll. qrrnird6rtr*, %nP ti" G. qrr*|F](Fr'lt' E;[ltttDr ffirr''DlrFr'Fll En(Grlt,i|ll.tFl(\it, ...r(. m\ril fn,hrin\tttltr JfrrirrHrrLlitvrnb frr,rtutrtin,fn,t* (r.r0 tFrqdi. !r*r*,nhffrl. {rrl{6r*1, '.,.. : ri!ti;tlcfrl.lL. ltrt|FrFrcErilr wrtl th anrrr frf.lUqr ffir, fi | tHt\raf tiar|i|(iiff,rtrf trrir . . rthftinfflrtl.trfr rtlr|l,-Efrf ri,EIEFIGI.r[, tf rFt|l. kffrtl. rFrrFr|!t. rpt|tlr{tr. drQrrlrirtdfrr, irriFi-tilrrlil 'iir,*il|rrrrn,r!t. ffirQ trltrrlt ;,,; .- ,.' tEtirr-,|E:F'rF|rrrl,rFFFrtafFr mr(rorS .il., ;lf rli r rrlr rrg {llff. l{ rrn,q6;Pr|titriFl|.r f tiltfilrlcltril ratr*rrifrarlff ila$dI r|h*lls rfindlcagt'thatf tlrtnrol Frtn,lltqil(trdI rfirfilGr{dtrdt iG[r*Gt{$fit taffihl*lcu'*trltl dHr.lhfrlrOl*t+{h f,rFErrntti[t -L!|UlFt;.rFt .fr,*ritE|adrfrnr,i+ lf F t qr|i,-f !r|F, R, rFtr'.t^ .:t lE r|rrh*fiftfilt rl|rtr|GISlt'.trfrF rE!t-r, t|rilrrqr.qrr|i|l firr trl*rcq rnrfc rrd*iair. t*i+.raqq,flfrtilfii. rltlt rlGr l|rr lafft:fffqr -iFfta-lBrt'-lF' 'F* -_rrn -..,J,\.,,.jr.. . l*r,ilillta:'Grt{FtO tIu'lG rGrFiirirr Frr.tFEGaG-rG (rrrt Fhrtwrll.r:c{d(t?-t ailrrrrrtErtrlGrib i.ii.tarr-til.tE'F 16af trrtl;rr;!:. .FiBrrF . .?:;.::1":._-.:_, . - +qo.qTm-d, qFn{r ftdin (sl-d-d qftsq looq dl KI ioots/33Riy.tF. €,s/oo/e3-q. fa.q # ME qrffit, q6RIE nqi-c *qffst ro"V(valfooq) 2l ttB ;. trt. fl tlr€i forqrA qRq-rd n.qftft qrt +sdt ) ;l {Irsl q6niq-{ ftqT?r, q4t7q. Tr{ soo oE,? (clc) 2009 ft{i6':-e1/?/?ooq I C.--t.t -r'>).\.l .Zft..1 -b orffil g-qrcr6. $1 qFrrrg6, qcs'ret frT:i, qEn{qrd6. qd s {dt qmPrtq-{ dell. qlrtrq 3rfuqiBrd} riYnr{ d€n. (+O) TIRTIt zrfianq61q €erco. t, r%) qrd. dr'n$E/ qrnrq qtr{iqlrq qrr{c6, .nlsqTqrc qoqqn fr{r.nq q|Mla wd gu cfurid7 cdbrr cftrii, qrn o-aftqqrd fi dl. qlra-€qr qRqxordFa gE-{l efirq-dl sr|Md edar*aq r1uiqr ftavfnq ,qFaI\ #rl-'" qTsTrartr q ilrA atdoffi crd-{ Atd or$a qdl ,arff - !-{tdcqrd ' ---'-- 1ri',r'n"") | '-+-i_ {€ia ) ( Fb. qL--': vnffird :nqr qfuq 'L;i ',',ln oq erRror{ el (q"rcq)/3Tt (q'i-c) q (q't-?y1 (vn-er orftrrm! (rcrfuo)/al (rs.o,i.-l), qdsqfl focrq, t*q. sr (aifi-o)7ct 5.{ oiqr qrRdhsrd q 3fl-q{qrn fll orffi. q(de) 6TqfiF-{. tmd or. -er. .xhffidrq;nnh- idr q u,&o /.t# / t r, -vt4T z' Ai- D:'dcsrilWy Docunents'voFtJ\Nanxrnn- |2 doc ti., 1etu | o< 4im1 z l+"q, iq"-al;r|fr X:3* -t<zrT, _ *;"**HE" "+ rfu ffi jfu iZ,q 4^-fuzraq_,pqvi--r?"mic ft):z gral #& -T<!Ei4- VT ery4af z"$?<te- 1 Rffi .r-t Astiz- <r-t-t.qt.grJan<( -x@f lf crc.rirri sri;al q f{q;; r <- gw-r I t-- ir!.r-r trqtF t.t.{tq C|'tt oqurn.IlaLl rrd.T{rgYrs{ <-) gFTrq qcnffr ftqFl. rTrsc qRqrfi 6qfqr ; qffi -]s od3lqfu .rr. qg/odc rf.niFl. Tqg-8oo o3?, friro , r !;<ffi, 1ooq. d{{ ' a _sr, e) w{Er+qrcro, ifir[{ EFFnf ft;l-q) qin q-, Fqr6 D O.No. FM/c' uMe€ring wirh Gow./412. ftlio ?8.9o. ?ocrr. ?i cgr*srcrd, gai ni q-e iD'cE pFMtSC/gl, rFr.F o9.9?.?oorc' qR q"o qurnqrqrd Frqfcrqrdrf qft.q fhrfg ftfl da1"*,q &.rqrdada er --nidm tu'r=r crsr"fur 3i-f{trFr gqqEr-grqrd, qrra (sg€) -"tqr .izrtrdh wnraftq sirEr"r q dftdcq srfrcrd| q *6f urnott"ortf qrdfud.arroqrd srd,dff, qr +flr qrld -r, !g{ qi.{r$ qr qqqh looo an q-*rert ord} qq-{I 6-ilt 3iltd. & gg]Erfutt ffid n# "t r t* "*.#;-*ff'jn4q-*" fui; i {ETds,qrE, TTi il€s scq6rd-srcrd, qrqiF qrff vrs-crdr Ar+flr q{drqrqr 3qrqri qrdldeqtq qsff tuqd qi 3Trtd :-- q6rrq sd-smcq qfrq fuE frd} f{sq 6qr6 e0 131 rdta il-sd-$n fr"tatrt q{ qfuqrnicrcnT ini!-qrd .rrder rosan s{rM} T6 *ttr^ql grrr6r ii{'I orffit, dqfuo qrrerqrqrq qqffrq cr{r gErfud E'-iTdl il+q ftcc (3{) S \lir i r-qrir qu (v) sma cg n-irrqrd .rrFd"q;-"."* ;rd} # d* _.{rd-er l;r-+srcrd o'rqfeq rTdi wqed q"ffrqRTqr;dX#'}}16 q;q q"-dl d-€r "ff-lii: 3rfruur'.at Ttt y{ flq lwr.ivqTfi vrrq<r0 *,t&-a ",iW} q cfuator rtffif {r#d F{ *{fi neor.ivffi-{"r-; H "rfr--,{y"r*" qd} ts€ ffi. "h-r+ vff Tr-S#i crc{ r $-ery* Ei'qrt cftq fu6 ftd}q,f"fld srftq-{ii q qfdr{-qr +r qmia vo arffio frqyoTq.* ::5q ry *fo-Sfr. T6rdsrqrd qrrqiaqls qrEfu'qrd qfi e-d", .rftq eirrf" A* .+,ffc,r** gfidFR d crd -ft|rff{ qr 6rdrq6-d 4W ir+f,r qftq fuE BS qrcrqr r6-+d ftassr qr" ft} "dl.t*, m""#*'qtqTd rr€i d gfu-d q.F^nd qFTFtsrqrd urqftrttq qrsoTi ry ilRrqr"i Ced i F*qy i'1 **oOu dgg ir*e<r tfrT ft.f( Ptdt srFJqfir-r€rqr rl+d Rr{"r Rft" ,T-* Tfi qfdqr {ft-{rd lr6r-dsmra 6rql-fqr€ s.rdqTd sd ftcl'llTi{t -"i -"t'rgv ftG-c 1s.frd s_{ld orffirqd qrrr lrvri. ftqwrrd qrrlsrqra ltiqfdqrq crorda q#t arfl qrfi. qur*crqrd o-rqffi qr ftqrrn-ql ft{dinr 3{IgId 3nt di, 6.rdl 3rF{vr q ^ (a) m-*wt.srtartrrl-ggO qrfroFfi qfrq Altr rmT|funcTqrqr a.n nb-"rr nF|I rfiFq qill ro?ll 3nB vFrftflr i E rfrr iliqr vrn v.o{fg qfuo rmiq s.fuc/n_rrrfrrqr rffil qc qrrcn. qMl rrnFrd q?iufuTqr",rT TF .*, (Minus Batance) sd TqE: Tr.s.t" qrRr< vfsrqrcq ffi.q "rdl;vrr fuE ffil iiEq 6qT; q3 (e), qq ^* srm cqrTt orftRotr rqri ilridq.f,n{lvtrrrl Tqd qrwqrqr.Rt qr{qr FlqlE tffi ff{q inqro qo (9) rfl-c erg*gqr FtiRE srTtd 'aurh, 3rC arq_iTr<I vgat otdl 3rrETr q €'frdy"r $fuon1 u* ti#i"otdn o -.* srfi,{rir- X:"s1f nit.rjlil1\rv nJ'". - .-, .-., "+rn*.t" 1\ q{ qrnfir 6{drd s 3rfttrqri grder: rqtl* rr5s qF+€Iqrd orqffi flti\h ava crFtd q?[dl srd go "i{R stql'dl g{Ftqfr-irdl 3rB ""-!Eri (cS) s e$ (q) qrdld trr-{fl-n r{, qr seqt{ qfrq ffi6 fid q:-? rqi6 ca (c), srM srtrl Ftvqla[ qs-cl sd qlr.Fr z dfufr<q qffrdrfin{q$ qlGrflt qr{I a"qta ta crtc rr<tg q"+ qldn I F{qi<r 3 F@I rr Rfu{tr"I 3{ffiyqTff .|lrgtirrr{l or*qr{ ocu'qrd qrtl^ ,rrfi:orff inqrc{ .{otffi Rfua tot-c ai-iAtq .{.{nldl T.FF-q Tqr{ f4dl q'f"ffcTiT"qr i.Q'r c<rqrqr erd q'6r+srqrd 6m'laqr€ vtutftgdfat s-qf,{d €str-d q''Fftcl{rEl irEt '':aawnm T*"'1 "*fattdl cr cR.qrqd 'r.dt {tq-eta'l q-4gftffirg iqrql *qr r?-qrfrc't-dq 45 rF1rrr. illlqqT"t qftq ftqi6 FFff 3{FJq {o-fi ft"-{q ddfua rorqrc <{< 6Yd srrq{q-6 .rid w rtq-cqr qr rF{rd oiurdr{l 3lliq ft*sr r€-d ilr{qTR *ftifi'a rorqra (o) qftq ffiE *T m -i'*" *+* il r.3rd rq< a-tri. (s) 3ilfl'r q {ft-fivl 3{ffi} qidl'P;j! qa:i ciq, rr<{rc {-t$.""Tf*t ". r-+m qfqq fd'F ffi41 {lggdqti a-rt-e cEriqrcrd F'rqtilqrs sfqq qd-flI s1 .'qEr+slqfd orqldqrfl \iqtd-d ryqqFRRt q< aiwn, +C"ri qtiq<rdl medqr u-tr'fi riirq'r q r+fua-*"r srFrorqrri RRd riq'e srqal tfa' s{ti (q) itT+truv5uri wa:i qfte ftqts trtqr srRq uqnrn 3t-q ilrar" qrdfrlar( t-.if*ic," 6r"laqr*t I qrsfet Erqr qF.€ s{'s*-€I 3{E-61-qfqT e{fi "fti6 :rria (v.)s{qfttqffiEftdlq{sftEr{iqr:fqrqftqFrq'l'FtrlrsrdliriqqFd3{E{Iqd is4Tq{ra qErdiflqrd ?ttit4ri gqnTq ?tFr ts'{Ild 3{rd@ iEard *o O cq, 0VRS) I-t+dl qrft-dl R-qi+ cq q?'?oo8 qI ITrtl:l "tt 6.'-tqd srdl W s'r,.r.'n qrB. qr q{qq{r{cq qI fficq( d'r eir FK'k ftdl qrtsftqR qETtrsTqrd ctrqidqTTql 'agmaha.cag'9ovin" qlkd} i-s vro-era sd *r{ nsqR-d qI,HJ strf,q !'T{ qffi ffic tq oi y ft td;# ;; "i*t "ft* e"tt e*.;#;+$e *q]ddt qrttdt c-nir{n q$rffolq tr{rqugs/ ffi5etut"icq ryF L'* 3{rurdl' #-#;#tdl".{ tfr* MF frdl'r'iof}flvq Frqslirfle{fufirqm nqT-{r 3rsEufi (q) ,rTftq FrqfE ftdl Ftqqt*a# q-d anrcol c dftfiq. *i trtitF 3{re art frqr'frq s{r{n t fr"sTnd dsr ilffl cRlfiut ?q.ffi "'r€ *ry*t",^yo -aa!f5dj eiqr t,n.rr*ra qnqidrrqr;fl"-;; rcrqrqr 6rd-6'-q Frdl ii*n" "*dl* 3{r6{q q rlfutrrq 3{fu6rqi'i cfuffq smiiFa-a *t.dt* eTar fu{'Trdfd Fd ta;are nl vqrdl ct {|&-d. rrqq, frqFftq $r5ffrfl cftHq srruTftt-d oruqrql {trddq o'=ilii* n'rqdlq c,tqffild qiqt "S.t,fo" qilq*{ 6-r"{r''r'& dsrfra' +cr q TFr srsFfl ERs "Rt --sta-qrdra qRls " 'h-': i Elltl. qd ftqrq stt/iF,Irfaq. q"{8 riargdlq q:rr$tq ftrrFri?lr nravr.ngl*e g{qqp-c sd rffB-d fr.nrfrq * afi;'#. ; gffi "* #a-q#a ' -rr':rrirq o####q;; !Ir* arqffia ffi 3rffi ;tfrorqidl "fr"]agt f"ltu.er1vor 1 dR=-wt -qrr-I-irfl qr6q'd't. rr+q Aunm ",[H ffi" .' dsFli ?T* ;; ista *"*'qr'rqrfrq :,-*r,r<T <r €qRa \*.F'rEI ; urivdff-t f{'n'ftr q-ri-.rslcrd, qEnr<-g. qf'J, *t'Hra ;Extq'?' .#' i't#'"d"f"" q'<vqr{ srii'.fii qTol sr+,rq arq a -. t rns" '11qf,t ;{Eeq{ g.*o .s.lF "=et= qErttqti vrg'r(nd q-,t rtrq $rwr"n Wyy,nd'+:-+*iii:ri?ll:lil 3* ;;T- -ngr6 qiitfli?F ri'-r'ocr'iq'j''j1'rto"' /'. liat :nlnr1+ni I tcri' 1-l cr (fl. F. Fffiq) erasfiqe, E.I{IqvrsT :-'::: ' qftft-qoor/3ii/ :'.\ ( vms-c qRqr6, srqw q.qrirFt ftcrr, Fqio',Voolc3-3f Filr'f,i cRfurE ) qRFI€ -3r sFHfi q,l q.Aq rr qfffi{fiq6r*qrqrasrqlfiqrssra" trvtqqd s-dTq1-fifufl4Ctr. qft-#qr lnrdrqdt qrffi 5d Jrg*or q €fufrq 3rffr6rfl qli lTq s r) r<n Td ,sllcfi.ffi ; I - an*gr sffrq/il-qr.::ql rrr+i ft!-{"r --------------- i 16l ------:-------- d Rrn-cy c'w-ara qrffil ; m. qfir,i adutTna i c;a I ir.v{"li[ i -Oit* qis I 6tit-,T I verq i rrf,t6, ir i ,tlrqt ir{r'q|il qr6kl Vf,trql q{t{ "qra|iv il- * c|MIiF Itrf.F rl qFd q{f,IEr wI qftq lH.g l)dl E fuff<rqrdr{,i v}s-€n e qFqn (qr'ftd) :{ftq fu6 ftr! q{EftS st-d er,!rtrqla s{rdt 3rt r*F Z ffia / 3r{fiqrrq rqr qr 6-r{qrtrq) ?) 14 q'l 3) Tcd\F qdh oTrfd-qrd trfr i i qftfumqiq u) qt vq sr)r,.rr ra$cnA srqto qf{ I urqtdmd iiE q or{6r irercl i orqfsfifi irq Ftt cfqfirqri a q"fuft<rnar qicn a-+a sr*ar .,,1 ffi "wn ffi lrnqTsrEr,F Ar-qqr .- otrvsl q v.ftaqsr qftur=cr0 gO :- qFr :- IRFIq.. irrqfdr{nq, rnn :. $wfl6.'t6 qrarel Gtffi - \rqiq gqqfldql rTa cwrff gA. S. qo,ooo/. [rooo X tp] . ,ar ar YX STX \{ONTLY RETI REGARDINC GPF 'I?N TO BE SUBMITTED TO ACCOLINTANT {}JT GENERAL ON OR BEFORE ISTH JL'],Y ATJD I5TH JANUAN'" EVERY YEAR T\TORMATION FOR TI{E PERIOD JANUARY ....................... TO J|.J\F. . JULY................................ TO DF.CEMBER......................... \ {\fE AND DESIGNATION OF DDO...................... l. Ad'vrnces SsDcttoned and Pald llom J Nemc of Gqt/t. Sr. No. GPF .Vc. i r\rnr,unt of to Senction No./Dalc I i Sen"anr Junr ...-...................... C.r.gory of Adv. nhctircr Tr1 . \'r. No.& \{onth RA or r NL{ 2. Llst olsubscrlberr In resperi oltrtom no recorery of Subscrlptlon made (Susperulon/E0uAbrcondinS/rr-nruthorlscd Ab$nt) Durlng lrst 6 months' Sr, Namc of Govt No. S€rvant GPF A/c. No. sroPPing i Rcaron forluld I rgcovery dal€ i Llst of subscrlb€N $ho hrv€ Jotned or trrtEferred thc I Sublcrib€r t Name of Sr. No. GPF .Vc. \o. Transfsncd from (Mcnrion oficc namc and datc of Lbt ofsubscrlb€r rrtosc names hrve becn changg{ Ncw |;atuc Transfcrred to I (lvl,enrion€d offcc namc and darc of rcli fbr chtnse Rcosons i I I Signature of DDo :- Namc :- Designation :Full Office Address :Telephone uo :I * ln of rsfirndable advanc€s nutnL.:r ofadvanccs should also bc indicated e.g. Rs. 50,t)00/- is [ 1000 X 50 ] "."" in this column. qt'r all-rl ' qll{Ig '|I:r rTJ|||', ird{0 tt, ?oor/w t, F ttto 11 fofi fumr qaaq, Trt yoo "ri, ft.ri6 at fuCT{ ?0o6 to".&.6. ?ti*qr-z._ qrRrg {-*sNnq cffi[ frti q d <rd qfaqhclr i.nff r'GRrg) qrqd *t<a olqRr qq#q Ad c niq ccr .Tsdan fr,R6 ral r< alit t firr lr\s Tqi crd {t( *der qhqfich hdqd rirn".6r"rRr . id a eiw dr .rr*er ftrao rwr qrer f 1*nw tfu f vg gF ilrflq fuSq q (rgtf, <{lr.e.o z z* (qrd (t) R?irrtlRq qhqfiqt ftrd (cqcirr). avleft-at qrqrqr ""z z++) :r{fl ahrqla Jrdr fii ._ (i) c.sRiqr qfrqt{ciF Hlfr (qqc+T). (t) dn<rd qfi|qli{k ffi (cqrfu), ) RRld (qn +f{r (tnrR). (Y r(rRrqr{ rrqcrd qiqr qrirnTfi{ q aari, I (:DC ?009 dfi( cr*f,, rfq{. we-dq sc {rg{qt ww*, Rrqr qr Rinis ?..t.toelqyttr,ool *Tgr€T{ 3Tfi .rni. gr'o ?f,.Jr)u s^r ;ilr,,+q$'6 toJ ftt!!N -ftqF Nq \ r rr!a{l',11 rl f rat .'i a i q -t3 aera*^+fu <a'ai;ffi| -( frlffiI+trt q4 fr&qtt ; q,#rffi -, rrrf* lB€T ") ##- dv}ar lFt r &m ! !i?, qoaerqn t.ler s sqlw )-1. rnt'nq, qaRry, ili (\o q.Iinr qrd (i€l q 3r{S{dr)-t, erRrq, tFi (a. c-tr), A.T IUO e-ii), qtraelqld ti{Er q J]-ilrrrdr)-i, qiRtg, aT'r$ (S" e-fr). r6rnslqrd (+€rcfrcn)-l, crrrg, . . T{i (2" c?i), cdriisrqrd (ffirsr)-1, q6I{Iq, aq11qo e-Ay. * 5e tro aFmrn, $ " rds. fid qnm". iT6r€ Ffi, rd fcid fffi (c rd), iniTs. dgl, cT{lq qrrdc, {.i' (1. 9-d). q Ti"r-ir6, Agl 6lcrrrR. {{i (\ !d), sirr<rr q dgt .{irdrfr. qri (r" rrd), I@ dsr qftffi. Rrtr6 Frd dqr, 6t{"q ,rq-{, alri, rd id tr" r*t, i'r I@ agl qicr{F, sfi6 hn +sr, rjTi./'lsl^{rawl$t nfi,r,rfu6/qro{S (rd61 s. rd). qftq EisFrR 3{hr6Rl, gli,tnTv,elrqnRi irr6 (!-id qq !d), ffi n?i frs'c{rHr qF{sd, f{6r 6fqrrR .xir6Rl, 5ri lr. ndl, (1. rd). {rqqrdin RfTs, Vilq-*rv rtqq, T@c'4iq {fuq, mi trt a rEq=i' qiri erc'il Ffuq. 3q ' : , . ciu6. Ta {Tq ynct, re <nrcc, . cirr6, rr+f, mgl, 3Eq {rcrirc, rjst,iri, . rfea. lrrng affir wrin, ari, . nfe<. roq favmra nf-qltaq, . eriirs, Fis3Trg€ q sc ais3ilTffi t{i, qin 6Tqidq, fircqd'a sd kqn, rcnFr, vr+, ciqErs i=, ad kd, 'GR|q qrdqrqr fT{kflafl furcniq qd? .Ts-*f,r ed kqrqti {'i : T{l, fqqri,q srT{n (e-d q 9-fr). E drqidcFi ccE fiwin ge crffi qfr{mrfr (!-dia1 r\ l-d), r{ Frer qftc<ii qqs (cd q rd). d k*r ffir<i{ qe do s fin ecfi{6r0 (rd lq !-*), tfinq dlta6. rrmg rrrq, g tt. ra1t, rir fr|aq tqF6, ctl{tq {rq, i{t (rd \ rd), rd Foar {srd6, qrmRltfftcr crrs{. rri fi* (\ e-d), ftroptq frm"r sq dqrtcE (YFd 3 rd). nd Foqr'frq ;i:frrc"r 3q riqrtr6 frrqq f$FF, (r# I rrd), 1r;iri crrr{ sfi{6r0. flrqrft{qt frrsq dE (e-d \ l-fr), rcii qar{ftqrfuFr q rraqfrqq, qlTflq rrq (rff c !-d), rd P+ain cftq MF6' (frrHur) (e-ff c rd), <fu"rrrfidqQsc, ed ftrqfrq, yacfua, cnmFdTfuffi,lrft, rrara 5ft ffi* fuer src<l'rr (t" rd), (r. rfr), c{qsfr (1" rd), F-nRfus, {crr{rc Tfr ffi4 sttdl T-fisfsq, dirrr Tft fuoft, <rffi, kdr rdfirn (1. Fd), srcfucm q na{qT{q ftqrr, iTFq, iri (li rd), iri Mrrr n-*q fins"r ftqn. *xraq, ttc r*), ftqrr, q]lfiq (r'1 r*), ra q drftnsq qlft Tfr, .RId"d", 5'qqqxlq krrg s F€Tetqqlq fufirs, iatfq, fi (t. rA), qftqi{ak qrn'nc'ftn, F{fl fucT'r, sts datlta cin 6l+drq, frrfr* fqa frq'nda €{ Trqi€i, I i+cs rel. *n-e ffi. I il ft ,i ,t 2009 5 ApR af,trl, qf* , qtn gf Un alrq (T art a r al'|ll ' ,) rl f{ +i-{ qfrqrfir* r*vroq Gr{iiia-{ r'.1 6iin-i 3rYfQiIzIT TFr 1oo6,-o! | t: tllt q6KrqYlrtr;r 't.dI il f{fifrr{FT r61H fipiq. 6qi6 : sifrd too3{ ?hiEr- y {'flFq, IEi - Yoo o??, k{i6 lr .' 1o s..{qRl looq t. il ioo\ qEFl rag vftrrfr"r [+.'rrn FEqrnrq +Jrisffd e'dt- flTq61q 6{q= 6FqFcT5E- F{rqr Ta ffFI 3{iq6 qr .flirto;rr,'nE ctT'tTii an-{ {<*eTsi rar rrian to% f<h qrfu+ :rivnra qqe.wuqrqr a-sq lTrtt crdet 3itrfiF.l I el-q-g ettffi ivn-qr hoiq {rqrd 3{rdr s{ri 3{v[ l.fiR qrq ynslTqr roqiqr t{qmsr{ tfdr. iuqrqr cr{ ifi t'il u - -1ti{ ,=t') hoiq, i.rn fu:TFr, 6'. dfi'd (ooq/t?qh*qr-y, iiqis' ?1 3Tr€i.{ idrq *trdr qT* +t, ama cftr{ifrfi siirqrr iq++fi qifi.tid'ia vmsic 6{!FqTs-$ aga e;a-er dsq rtq vRFIrqr s'r{fl 3i?RTrr+A q:rt gki@r q6ha T6-q{{ si looz,-?ooq qT fofiq qcis'frdr F+€rqRq qfue'frqiE fui6i'dT 6fq1t .€r-d +s qrq ({Ti F,r-fq 4% '({ri qri ilqTd qiA. qrq EFrr 6{oc|d(iiiiil srrieni rrq 3rF]-d€ c€qr-d {rTrr{q srflT 3rF1 ?. 6 fi({r r{rRIE vlr€-{rafl qr iq€It-rr{ gqa-dr ergr ervrdo-aiu loolo?lyllEov\eoo( ol{n anfr, qfrogri rqqra qi-qr 3{riTrFR s ilqri €6-{.rqrd 3{re d9=--' fr.qr.Erid-{ vng<risc{Fq-d tra, T6:iianrrd {.rsr a rraiqart-t. r.rnrq. (sdrft !r\rfl). rtr+crc'-d (ffitnt.r, rrrqg, (s.*d \ e-ft), $sru-c" dx'r q 6}t(rrrr}. iF{ tr{ t{{ (nd ! q-A). -u ;irt ,tft*, re. {r{ (cFiqi r\ e-ff), tizrro, qftrft q rr-dq* ffi.F . riTaq, tqf. (rarqi \ rfi) T@;+at cff3rq. {irrf{q hrdt ier,rtrsq rrar, Et1fi,:rff tlt (q?iiff l" e-ff), lq.T,u iiTr q8ln6 RnF{6 hrtr iEr, lTr{rE/qrft 16r' Jrc-rr!-ft (e-.j-d ros-it), rtc rzrrE- a <e. e.[ < ooo+ g rer oq l :rgftrar ]-? ). i, |rdT{rE, -.rFr!'{ (eiffilr\rfr), qriqrqrn (ffi;n)-r, (c-ffre-n), :rftrcn rirti {dhrr'rw,3fr r6rCamratiiur q-dnrq, qrr5 crrdm iT{hr{ran r{{rrrrql gvtr :nraan d furmtd q lrrqiachi n{s, d hn'ftc urgm tc-aqff: nfrt. td fivr vftwi-i 5a orffil:rfu.w{i (effir\qft), s{frrffcffi3firE r{ f;r€ qftqfn '{@ a'fi q Pri :,lftF,rt (r:i01 r: rr$ t. ft:Fsr tqrrr6, Tfi{rq rw, gvt t r " rS t, c. loL <l fi;.rqr tiq'o.6, q6itr.4 i.l. rga. tt rdl t' {{d f,.\Trf,r i5 t{,,I!I3q rtqr.{qi rgR[.1 ig-n ' ,F. ,R 3[ltri,i.. g"r/.t,.r51 3frt{rrr</ 'rrflial (*ffi t',;dlt. i<i,i-rfl i., .i'.,:r '.,rf*rr:,rt. iir{ t-' "''it' ,o-n;q,i 1o rflr' r,.a F,r-.+:r ziqFm :rr\.-.tit {ffIq ..,1 ql/3-ddcR''rd' fi,lror htir.;' Eo=s, i:ai t d ,,.m,.r :rf':ait. 't rRql;fr+t \c-6i.r:l ^ t<Ti. fs1::1q-q 1iTt[ iqrfrq' ta{ toc ori. .-;,qr. ..iqra . -?. $'fqr({l!-- rfs-{' ir-\r.* ra ' irg ftr:ird:-ir iff,rqr trr,c-'f s u,ftt' gi,| '*tt .. #* {{{ '!- .to]*. *rr.rq or*i.o tqd,S r" 1=' atq' ilrg€ Tii 6r[i6l[' t' {rd eG:rI *""nqi"'Es {lr' {d ;; "at* "tga. urufrn Hl. Frc iwrfin-'r rrlqrrs-*' tT{ rndd r rra)' H. t"-"*'f-rs# lg-JU rrd firqFftq trnT,'l N r'i{rf€ ' r$r. (q-drftl to sdt L <q qrr*r :ngq' c-6nr9' 5l{ q*raqrcttfr' ta{' ri:zia q -:t{; <-'"+'fl ffrsn' *rrtrqr.8'a ffi vPw tr,eire 1ft i'rt'r{fd' 5 {4' lt.-ru :iq' ;qr'rfb6{ql E€k qt'! { zft-.c. rrrrzzrr' 1fo ga :'-.'.'fn' ..',u-* n rra,w S.i tt'r iuTrftd' T{lt' ' 'r'{r nf.l. 3r-rq'qim {g-&$11. \:ifl). :';r cin i-r::ril r'flc' IEI;{Flri{a' {-:I' . i-.j.;. rt {t-eFrt I'rrfl' oratqi. :,1fl-a jir.1l. :lio {ToFrr. ${' '.i,r'g i-6{fo ' r{-r:? hrr.t-'r "irrd. qdt), vd'Rrqc'i q're *ur 'rtFc (f\tlrdit E n-ur! a{rl.T, rig'5 tr6Tllq rrw i.ii rr|i-irrGlPc .i.: q :.'r{qlttr(i' ,r.tSi r rn'lt' :{!rl\i .;i \]iI' 1.F :;l -;..r '';l:ri rri'i' {d,rt{l \ liirll r; f nfw, ona.ui $ft ffi6' ftrt lqdqi' lo tlft). <ino, ,rn tq "u " Fe trrr"n ndel qrtmtr' 'ata' ftrfrr? R{.rrdrd iro*.lrq q retitrlol Pa.rm'' {'!' tr rdi)' $r*q f\trlr tfin' dT |(q' {T{ ta-ffi rr ral', furfi' qYraq' sw q dt Ql$vr ififu't{f{nia dTi (rirsl i\ c-n,, q-'E H q qrKifliq, <'rr qlsn Rltrc tlraq' tr{ rsd'.ff r" e-ffr' ;*;*' P*rc {d, {ruf{fi *qt't' .--.----q lq:ara] L ar.t: +o-tln#1 t:")': -qrT,* ,tita5 rt^t- +ffi .r r\Y 2q0g -sd l'fi.t;rftT dfq Laffi-4rq ;;tfrafl . i6':. i.qxnt,ni^,1sr^ =f ##v:' |{-n-?da.{.-?}' -l rmffi dn'lgr r frrlri / li-r 2q Ns ntle llF,,r+fu -r:isrq'-.r ;r-qfz-rio q qr&gfttirfuas F+Tcirq h"6 103 qfiar Frr{E frrm 'lrul{rff rl7.rd€rfE L;{ .5Elfrnn.: !i'dl-.Ij iF5.r iqrqTr.f,.i rrir{r{ ) c:: ^y'B qntr*+ 'lli?i'rFit.. tm.T;I rriaia t""r/q.q;.i __ -,1q{ z!.r uJ, \:1r,.i{r. -,.L. ta.,t- , '. *,,..." .,-, i.'1 ) ;q {a(1':rrq3. -,Iq=. ( l: . . zr 3116. :t'. ': i';ar;. t;Cit-.Tr,..-i {rsqqr,Tra L-.r:rl ii?cr,.i., r, +; . i..-ii i^tir rr.I qriuir<T{i--fr <vqra irm,qr..rria qflrmi ( l/ riq q.i trriifi : ql.trr irlc..;r{qi.*t/S;Enq/ ie;iz i i q-.q. i,,,. Ca-i i ) iirri:t qir,Jr.z. ;rrtr;q ,itnII;I f{qr:r *rriz, : rri.rFr ''.-,.'t,ltg,..l \.1'..1(t,i, t .:- c r 'l <,1..,113_-:,i, iiFfi.q riliTiT:I ]cliri. il rf. t:iii i' :. '.r;rn'o : drqr-{q' " ;rrmaha. , ilr.jqqr=trrq afuqr;q1q1 q-6ff@T.rd qfo!{ FntE hitiirir rc,qirir qiirm rq-drqnfliil go iltr :nz. aqri.{ q,rdt uroirEnhn zrira qrtr+ql a4rt{ iwqn::rgEnn qa ,rcaqr.r qii.qi? qqi qF{{f trint iTiqq. lqa ic,Tl.r rsffiFlrl{ {6rtr@FIIi{ (-r€[ f .jrfir{rar). 5+g e arqgr unir \r€ d-,:q :no'ri:ra O{qrm :rn"ir;rir tr€-{t{ia 3r€ Tq( s.o-{rd .fi. .FrzI ir.i; rrnrqiq orlqrq-.r '+d lhq {'qiaqkird o iarg.nim faaia :q-aar ;rrr,-rrq rr.rFra Hrqq fi-,ria iadrqr .:rir.+"--na g-{t qrnrif* +q q6rarmqra orqia-{Fr u"l rr+c ? i.ri, qftq.rri :*qn ,.;ra oi.qrqiqr igii+ 3rr,a I E{rqf, roo! q11I|.6q iarRlfi 3a+r7 q'ir;{T , d': ,?rr airir r:;.1.1.11q;,4 q;iqi,;;-4tn &;l-ten iliqr " agmaha. aqrika fuq lra.a arfr. enn +:i'nqi;ir crir qfnigllt+ er,;i.irr,t l;gq q<--r: r.lq qrraq .rF 'r[x. -T{{qr<l qI .rirEF,Frr.ra l. '{1fi qEcn qi"q qirll i"qrd qr '171 l'Eaq1 ? qv4l rri? irriffi J'lrifr di. rta :rin+€.rn -.riiiq+dr Elr"ir<R ooo-q-? oo.: I - ? -;.iq1 .;,jea r.rqi6 irriir.rro q,rr+-n tT.qr ,farit-rri ffi I'n)r lo\iri, \i.'rr!hi ( rr!utrr rlztzva- ctleJ " ar aamfzrn :,: sr6+€r qft4 aKlfrfl "ciTr TrL; tr, aiuori/+;rcr; .., :.r,Tal f:E;I ?i"r:...,ir a',rj..ti G-*iqii?r.E hq'6rqr is-.t16 \"1 {€rasrqrd fi'rirqnr rqitd 6-6qrfl srilirflrtTr i-fur r,rql rieciRF i{r,iqrqr Err{ 6E{ ara :rrnrur q rjfa-in"r i -rS; " a-1a uitror-oi*r nnror q {iPfiol niq6l-qw qdf. qird qrftsft R.t/r/to<,8 qT flr{FT qRstqrs}c-d.ql tatn"rqmitir a*er q*a-fft q<I {6T*smd otsidqrd qr qtBP{-dI +g-d. qqn q{ ftiftra Gfft/3Tftrqr-qiEn h<f+rq 3rorqrn. rrd dqrsrin iqrnrr q siralr srftrmcrsrdra foqnr u5a, rr*flnn f,orm* qT {-dftra qi€-rotirr rfq-{r il+{ {sci*{ E.r f&t Qo"s qI r5a o oratnira qfttasr*rf, qa-+ aizt iariq"ngrcira qri tiqftra-rqr irErt+m sflorrqrd. ,. ctrq-*o q{rrlg lTr€:lrzlT rvww, in cr iraxrfem 3q"rdr i -rnil irrfq ilrql rirrrrd {Tiiidi6 loogo\otla!loaooi F6Rrgt< Trqqir qiqr rrr<rrr{gn 3rFI3rG. q arEn, 1{.s.qr&a) 3csfu{,{r.c.ft{r|I fl?!. ,| rrgqr.Ti-I{{irrit, Trrq-d-{, rH, r Tsq=it mq qun {Firq. dldq. rF' ;. lr 5wdir qrq ftrr{ cftrq,'i?ldq. TCi' a. rrc q=il q rrsq=ir crt qrfiir qiqq, {rict-q' 1q$' '1. {6ra€Tcft{ te+or q srtiq-crl, qERIE-t/r, #/4rtrEr (1o drql c{t{r6)' e. :r6rffsrq.a (+sr qftClT), q6nrq-r/r, @/iT{gr ( t" ar<r q-tt{6), * rr. {ia-o. rrnrq iaur{iga c'P{-{Tirq. rria-q, rgmg adqr 3ndrr, T{E' 't' .. ,i t. rr?trq. n:q kae"I6 srdFr, to-g, :1, Ta an{'n. t€, "t,. Tanro. ra arur'eq, ;qroFrr, irtim nrqr, TG, !. tri11r6, 3iq 'rfiqffi a ;a mo :n5+a uii' s'rqiaq' T€' '' i. mj$o. rlro ' I i. cii"m, F6rrE qrrF{drq qtqrfu6T4' riErg' qia q 't'd. ,{R?ftq a{ar .rfia{Lni'n aqr iaqrq' rcr.tqrqnr (+qI 3rT}tl-frI)-l' {6I{rq 't r ' r. 't\. 1rr. '1.. ', r,rqiirq. .,Iiq'q Fr{i? i+ir rnsr,.,T'ir dt.*€rlr {ifr iEq 'E. tirS'.,t, uao (,1" ]Tra qiiFr6t, Ts r+sr.qirqr6, .itranit d' or-o"r rrc+, a-& 5*i' TiqrFr6, {gr q {nqFrl{, Ts5' ',ri{rgra,t +ar ,riu6Tfr, tag' i+anir +sr qfft.n lriuolir' 5{i' Itr\ll Jorhr'!hruth, ( rrculu sa-o?qa. -?3 ;(qiH arfs' t"t' ir:F 'rta .-7\ l"r s. ro. 11. ri. gq iv. qrrcfn furrmiqr qrrsffq ! r.:IqrrTrq 3rrq.Fr, s{ fir.tftr*lft. {-d ir(Er iFreIIrR 3rftrq,rti, qrq la6m fu'qrrr/Trn ?dq'rrr €q q.'lefiIl;I FIATFI, rriirro fcwm d'fiq qugfi r5a efirl/fufr frqrr (orsr-q-r), *ildq, tgE. F+riT"nsR*rd ad q urqiaq r1F, q?rrmq, riT,Frq, rF (r ft}rrr sTs, u-rir), wqFq gltnra iTqrrrrdtd srl srqr€qib. F{q-g ;rkil q-tr:l- /)- ir €. IF'f,h P*l|' -qirrlr-,6q -olna' a-'naq'T+" 2 9 irr rr0lr i:.- ft"-,Er- 8. <s"& # ,A+ 6;alv t6t€ inn ffi ,l.W sW huw ietaar,qa' I'ri) J Jojri/M,!r,rgi Crruulir qq-o?qq. -?. 6 t-f,Ar=r0ift.r8 'B'R t-q,,r#.D? r+e <IfC T.TII: Ei{ +?i I 1i???3$$ ; 1$ $ I $ I +$ $ + I 'fl.$i{i+i${4i f, i i13 ; { f,e; {; $1 ${ lii {f, {g{i + $x lii+ ' +1 If i+f- '- 3g ii ting-+.? l+ f$-lAliailii' 31-ui {i t4 trl + "$, $.A * i $s$ TH !-r C. ':t iD9*g ri. .5. :4ea tn {9fi .'-;: A:s I {e) {, & l\e at gc f:4 a P 'z Eg fl4 ol tl r{l e, qg .t. 3l !( I a iPr,s '.i tn? s: 4 4L iD I !otta 9l & n "3 ifj ,a ! {..9 rl q et ?J n u !J' + I d f a al 3l 3 r| ?t,4 n !t A &. 4 d q *a' a. t t ; { ,l ! g c ? I H n i I A ,d ; 4 1 E A rFF 1oe \o1 '-1 E -<F 'lr it r9 t+ ;E iE €! c F nt sqn "E tF € siFc!?a Fa fE € :.*Ei r:g € €EEf;,tnqt;E FFE';Ff tizEEFr;;+t Es! EEES"IrtE g * F* E sE €FEEEf i EFF;eFFEFEf EEE -EEEf$1. .i. cFf EeEEt€€€tEt**tT [EEEF€ 'E g tE EE E [E p€ Ft * € f E I F€ E E + E Et !-t n E E Ir A ry F F E tr r n F E. FF VrzE E ptE * 4rr\r- E; Bd It F - 5 N P E !:: l: .it F? F Ir F F F{; E E.F= FT F.V P P E. E-_F\.=.E:E E,*8.:;f;fr.eF :iEET;E€ E-'E F 1r-E E F 1,8!Ett.EE E,r! F E S S R* E F .,tt EE iEt €BP F.,&,.r cl .l,l [ $]F tl ,IE E ts I IE Its ttt F);a;; iiJ! - - IT - Rrl oq F IE It 'lc f 6fr'., E ifr €K$; EE EF i5 q[[PEF L-. E -E F F"i'EE;: E E i F Ffi F *,t f'' ,FRH nFF FE* Et{ t5 \ $rF. $FH I I F,EE I: l\ n qRtrfd. ftqq : qfiq a FrqtF ffiqrll qrcrqr (srFrq) /cI qrf,rqt rfiFq {qftqTqd. {iETilird{in"ffid wd fuTni-{ qr qRrrolglt qfud rruqrd td ol, rtmq wd-snRq qfuq FrqiE ffdi frqq eqqz rffa eficiq 6-qfi-{sTr Effiflti{ erdd Gretlqt 3r*i rrdi qadrfl (g{FJc) / il-q{ilqr .trc q-{t 6-{'qrd n-fd oaffi or*DTfr'qiql s) q{drfl tiit"qt .m (frtrrrftq RrrqY )'iqffi:rffi ord-<nrq c*q r<-€rn <vrd T+q frqI nff urd sri 6Ruqi< t{-d. *gA- "rt iliqr rsrsrd {FIlEIt=tisFir 665 sni qroa-d-d sr$ sr$ a-rq e#* ttg*qfre ffi-ftn Frqq t cdid frfrfre onqftre efic qq.i or"qn *ia snfu d ftqq cj(c) q.qlo) 3rf<rciql 5q qF{ iilflEm 3{E-6 T+d v{6 fttqr Fffcsn diqr srff qcr 3rs&.qr rfiiiqt Fr4 rm qIffi d 6ff q-S-d ff i@q riT{ dr'{"nt +€ Trrd 3rffi qret o-rd s{rqgq6'3drd dilqid n-{d. orrvn-sr& orfovts {finq orauqfs 3fq{qiF-dl sr-d nrs. d,u-+1q ( Reimbursemenl) orcr t{-c dt5} ftSqql srBrcri qm ed fbct ql fgn Td ffi€' 3{Flqrqr +cr-ql E:qt qTffi d 3ilS 3rfd erd q.d$-s ?FMd, ftilq onq ddl crqi o,Iurerfi q4sff-qRtdt d-e hqc (e) qd srq.i Rdqr oqrd qql?ien qr<I 3rFrq TW o-ru'qrd t"rR qr$. qfrq FrqiE fut F{qq qt qd frfrfre fcqr!fld qt qr oxqiqrd il-q{drtn rrFFr iurd.fl ti sr er er orvriqrd o-rffi 3{fuidl I T< sdwq eIErrrO qidl rwq r.{Ssnd rrTtl srfi ff{q 3{rqs{o {d 6Frqic-i +€ 5{ri crrTqTfl)qd' qr{t 6{u{IRI q,fd. d-Sq wt owungrd rfl-rr{drql {fiFt c'rdssrd tqn on* iqt onvnsd sdqriri {ff bel q ffi i-or roqr o-rd&flI 3{rid qrst dc$la r3r{t iFTrrrlt| qrql eflft qr oriqrsr8 {ffi o'rdrrgrf, tqTi 3{rt iqrq ortqnsrd fl e{ qfrq fuE hfr ftm qa(g) oRvqld t{-d sT{fl 3{R|qrA q{rulTt orrrffi $rqrs-6 {6q ft-drdilqrqi Elr qG-qrqt 3{id sr<{ owqrd i-{-d 3rd 3rffi M dqq-t tti enq*ao rr*d qrqrqd orqiaq qSs i r6i?r frffiqrcrrd qril ow frqafircfqrfl :r<qra sr<t ordla. rfi, n-qrarq {Gq riWfstrrn r€rq €qFt=tlerqr*I €rc{ iFtdFn atffi q c-dfrrd fqFd Gqqii qraq e-sq errfu Fqr{Fftq rRmqr +.q EITff orq cR{"! rKrq IlreR o-wsTtr qrd-d dq-firi qdsRrF r@q rq{ oti gdq *la q 3't-{rq{{o q-Gqtr6r eracr Tcrd i-$-a. cit u q. qffi q5a .<*I<{ ffi *l arl. 39L qr.o.cdftd/qfrft/3il.Vqolr/ /srqo qz{sR ffisi q fuors €qrc+r*q e qtSkn tts, Sd.c *, *#*alAHt#u*u-*o qfr.idr crc?iqri ripis-i ftqT,r Sd crRr6 Tq q{fi'r ro : ffia / (q.r.oiqq1 erffi, a< vdwur qrcdqrt riyils-r q ft-onr €qranrerq, 5"i r uffi, / 1-< wftror / qtt.nqr / ?E-dql-drq / 3r61-dr fr'qTq gd / nr.rT{.. qin qtrffi q or{cr-ffi srift-d. qd qgort / 6ffi ds qiil qrRffi s orfqrfrnr8. 1Ps {oJ ' (srtrd "rrfrq ME trrn ilff cW qrgftrqrca"cl nOld-qooql:g. f.qoqfFim 'tn-'i, ft'Trd C/C?/?ooq dt cn ftqqTi ft.: ft'nn rqiO ) Tfl{IK llrq;l 6516 s$ld-1oot/dlqql/(c 5 93\1oq)3flI q-rriq-<r ftqT'l, q-i, e-r, :q-{ 8oo 03?. (dc)' fr.rr6- 9 L9 14iq:lo cr'ri?Frff {ql'fr6 rr{ qHTigd. qtrriqEl R$.tl' q:l:E6 wd 5u sftq-o /stftr''iF c,rfft tqfuidr. ffi; iil,H / "n"rs,.'aw qrqan eftq'errs*a Fd g-'F{EI qq-rr r*rf,ra dr-rqT qT<t 66fr!'qia t'd dl' urii' dt foq{\' a arSs;v 6rtr5r$ 6crir'Ja " {iftanlT sfoarq,an ft{-n-ne 3rlqnam fi(qzta-rl) 6rqis-r, qilir<r fo{Fr' tiET64' 5r{ qff qTftdt€ra 3fln$d ..., ,..n. ' ''- I (s e. trirC<r) qrqe: - T{la,rrrro}. vnnrT-i 6 FEB 2tlm .,[^'rfi\t9n ^ {arrf}€O :*6F-ro : it-c '_ qarlrq erFror0 (rt-c rn-or) ' dqi-m, (e\c) sr oe ceft srrg ',t\ ''24$..... 1t{' %,,1t (T"T9 €) 1\ 0 .1"3 u nrsat<ft-,"i# ln-s' -lnttT ftnftT a.@ -Tir, -4i. M #t / ro cgl3ltoqo 6j;r ala+.+qrq-nxofil>fr7t ---aar 'r5{F,Tija7 zvffi ---!b" =f. - nerr: -t >raffil.t cd? riz.s:r. zs€pt,-,.-,77 j,% sf.,M DE"_ i,r._.,t4,_F__iT r\W/ z/ ".rVn / ^\s|' \t\ 6* , ,/ "l &tq/ mirri.ifl6r r ftrn <._ t't-l -' t\ ' a-€aLl'I'trrtY -'=-a;f- ) fiqiff ri*lot qooqfti.m.toq1 '- l5lv rvl-l \t1 {6RI9Yrrtr{, fui fuqFT, qrTf,q' Iiql voo ol? iiaiq: I ffiq{ crd, Rdffir, wmftfuxnqc, trcq,T<iir looo'. ?.1,-r'-t1 I I keq:- tr6q fiait fr+mi d-d qfiW qrutq"rqtqn rdni,- r[6*** * 3{.w.rt.6. PFt/ChalarVT6l ifiiqr ?ooq , qilqt TFffii'il iiiqq mqiaqrcri? qifiqrr qlr{di t{adH. duqFqr gstta qqd€mfiT€ qiqr -.]@Tqr r:orrcTgnd 3rgqJn 3trc-€ri kdrT{ 3nqF F+d 3n?r. qrtdcrrdirql trdTTsR ".oo1 ' qT €r€rqqtd ?Fnrzn {ftFqrintqrrm. am snrpr q {ftr<'n rri'i'l, qq'ta clqidlt{ scf;q.lqq fi?l cEI qrfrki. ilrry; iqisn ffi rqu i# qrdrd olli d-€r qa-nF 3qrqqlr:t qsF qffi"+r d 3{rf{ul a E'kT;'r' ;'l;-a 3rtr6T{ <tcl IEI#d cnd qq-{ isqrd nqa 3rrr qer'ffi 3q-{rff ,'' ,i'r, i ?ooq s) t) t\J- s{dvm*frq E*Esn qqiara s{ra T€Filfi fqqFri ah zr*q }r-qrc* .1n6. q6-{t-*t gliTfiItr {ie q .Iiaq irsiF i+'.i-{ qtd sqr6 zr+'cqd ZIIEII. 1^' Nz^t '/'r5" qt i) a' qqrEqlr 3{frr+, cIeER hqkFilfrqtqra .a-t qr rqTd snqtqr rrtqm m,qi-6 a qa-<r'n r+s r** arqfuoqa s1;E6r'rq riq riiaa qld eftt+R .x€der crqiaqtT tnrjerfl '*,rvqrqr{{ql qq-+:ts'qaqqn,frfuid. 0, f.9'-./ *.r&6 (or.x.alra; 6Gr 3rftrq,rfi, f{a fu|{rrl ( T v7:v1)