united nations system
united nations system
UNITED NATIONS SYSTEM Annual Statistical Report 2006 • Procurement of Goods & Services • All Sources of Funding • Procurement from DAC Member Countries • International & National Project Personnel • United Nations Volunteers • Fellowships Published: July 2007 by Annual Statistical Report 2006 Procurement of Goods and Services • All Sources of Funding Procurement from DAC Member Countries International & National Project Personnel United Nations Volunteers Fellowships July 2007 Copyright © 2007 by the United Nations Development Programme 1 UN Plaza, New York, NY 10017, USA All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior permission of UNDP/IAPSO. TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................... 1 GLOASSARY OF TERMS ...................................................................................................... 2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: ALL SOURCES OF FUNDING (UN SYSTEM) ............................ 3 PROCUREMENT OF GOODS AND SERVICES - ALL SOURCES OF FUNDING Procurement of goods by country of procurement and services by country of head office ................................................................................................... 8 Procurement by UN agency ....................................................................................... 11 Procurement of goods by country of procurement and source of funding...................12 Procurement of goods by UN agency and country of procurement ........................... 15 Procurement of services by contractor’s country of head office and source of funding....................................................................................................36 Procurement of services by UN agency and contractor’s country of head office ...... 39 Major Equipment ordered by UN agency .....................................................................54 Major Subcontracts placed by UN agency .................................................................122 Top Ten Items/Product Groups procured by UN agency .......................................... 190 Summary of Project Personnel by Nationality .......................................................... 196 PROCUREMENT FROM DAC MEMBER COUNTRIES ............................................ 199 Australia ................................................................................................................... 200 Austria ...................................................................................................................... 201 Belgium .................................................................................................................... 202 Canada ..................................................................................................................... 203 Denmark .................................................................................................................. 204 Finland...................................................................................................................... 205 France ...................................................................................................................... 206 Germany .................................................................................................................. 207 Greece ..................................................................................................................... 208 Ireland....................................................................................................................... 209 Italy ........................................................................................................................... 210 Japan ....................................................................................................................... 211 Luxemburg ............................................................................................................... 212 Netherlands .............................................................................................................. 213 New Zealand ............................................................................................................ 214 Norway ..................................................................................................................... 215 Portugal .................................................................................................................... 216 Spain ........................................................................................................................ 217 Sweden .................................................................................................................... 218 Switzerland .............................................................................................................. 219 United Kingdom ........................................................................................................ 220 United States ............................................................................................................ 221 ANNEXES ..................................................................................................................... 222 1. Abbreviations ............................................................................................................ 223 2. Developing Countries ............................................................................................... 224 3. Industrialized Countries ............................................................................................ 226 INTRODUCTION BACKGROUND The first annual statistical report on procurement by UN agencies in respect of operational activities, prepared by the Inter-Agency Procurement Services Office (IAPSO) of the United Nations Development Programme, was submitted to the 39th session of the General Assembly (Doc. A/39/417) in 1984. By resolution 39/220 the General Assembly established the need for recurrent reporting of such information on operational activities and encouraged organizations of the UN system to co-operate with IAPSO in this important exercise. To obtain more complete reporting on operational activities, data on other components of technical cooperation, such as project personnel, United Nations Volunteers and fellowships was included as from 1991. Experience has shown that it has proven very difficult for a great number of agencies and UNDP field office to provide data on personnel components in the required format. Several UN agencies encounter difficulties in apportioning cost of the personnel components in view of insufficient links between administrative and financial records. Resulting in less then representative data being available for presentation in the Annual Statistical Report. PREPARATIONS Statistical data on procurement of goods and services and the personnel components for operational activities are requested from UN organizations. To facilitate collection and compilation of the large number of data, IAPSO provides pro-forma tables available from the IAPSO website or on diskette, together with instructions for completing the reporting requirements. ASR 2006 The 2006 edition of the Annual Statistical Report sees a number of changes to the report structure that are designed to make the report more succinct and improve its usability. The ASR continues to report on procurement under all sources of funding, while the reporting of procurement under UNDP funding has been discontinued. The 2006 report compiles information provided by 29 UN organizations, UNDP now provides a corporate data submission encompassing the procurement of all country offices under the NEX and DEX modalities. Whereas in previous editions the ASR distinguished between UNDP procurement under NEX and DEX and Headquarters the new format reports on UNDP procurement as a whole, thus providing a comprehensive representation of the data. IAPSO relies entirely on the co-operation of the reporting entities and, in general, the responses have been encouraging and the quality of data has steadily improved from previous years. Data collection from UN agencies involves processing of reports on procurement of goods and services received from supply divisions and procurement units. Data on procurement is reported based on country of procurement for goods and country of head office for services. Moreover, procurement orders and contracts for services are reported on the basis of contract amount and not on expenditures incurred. It is, at the present time, not feasible for most UN agencies to report data based on country of origin of goods nor on actual expenditures. Data on procurement of goods and services are based on reports from ECLAC, ESCAP, ESCWA, FAO, IAEA, IFAD, ILO, ITC, PAHO, UN/PS, UNCTAD, UNESCO, UNDP, UNDP/IAPSO,UNECA, UNECE, UNFPA, UNHCR, UNICEF, UNIDO, UNOG, UNON, UNOPS, UNOV, UNRWA, UNU, WFP(partial data), WHO, WIPO, WMO and WTO . No data were reported by CTBTO, ICAO, ICTR, ICTY, ITU, UPU. The overall procurement volume of UN Agencies during 2006 increased to USD 9.4 billion from USD 8.3 billion in 2005, representing an increase of approx. 11.4%. Procurement from Developing countries has increased by USD 1.5 billion in absolute terms and in percentage terms by 11.8 % from the previous year. This increase is continues the trend of recent years of a steadily increase procurement share from developing countries. This further evidenced by four developing countries being amongst the top ten countries to supply the UN system of organisations. 1 Glossary of Terms Procurement: Goods: Services: Refers to the acquisition of goods and services. Comprises both equipment and supplies. Concerns subcontracts with contractors or consulting firms and does not include hiring of individual experts and consultants. International Project Personnel: Experts and consultants hired internationally for technical cooperation activities. National Project Personnel: National personnel of all categories, including experts and consultants, hired locally for technical cooperation activities. United Nations Volunteers: Volunteers administered by the United Nations Volunteers for technical co-operation activities and humanitarian assistance. Fellowships: Scholarships and study tours awarded to individuals for study and training within various operational activity programmes. Group training activities, seminars, etc., which do not involve individual award of a scholarship are not included. Developing Country (DC)/ Economies in Transition: Relates to a country for which UNDP provides financial/technical assistance. The list of countries is attached as Annex 2. All sources of UN funding: Covers technical cooperation and other development assistance from regular, extra budgetary and trust funds, as well as emergency, humanitarian and peacekeeping operations. National Execution (NEX): Operational arrangement whereby the recipient government assumes responsibility for execution of technical assistance projects and programmes, mainly under UNDP funding. Direct Execution (DEX): Operational arrangement whereby UNDP in special circumstances assumes responsibility and accounts for the performance of the execution of technical assistance projects and programmes, mainly under UNDP funding. UNDP Funding: Funds allocated to technical cooperation from core funds, special programme resources and UNDP administered trust funds such as the Global Environmental Facility (GEF) and Montreal Protocol, including cost sharing contributions. Agency Programme (AP): Funds allocated to operational activities from the regular programme of the reporting agency. 2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY All Sources of Funding (UN SYSTEM) 3 TOTAL PROCUREMENT OF GOODS AND SERVICES for operational activities of the UN System (technical cooperation, humanitarian assistance and peace keeping operations) (USD Millions) Goods 10,000 Services 9,402 9,000 8,331 8,000 6,527 4,737 7,000 6,000 4,559 5.067 2,743 5,000 4,000 3,777 1,576 1,936 3,000 2,000 1,000 2,623 3,491 3,783 2003 2004 4,553 4,665 2005 2006 0 2002 PROCUREMENT FROM DEVELOPING COUNTRIES (USD Millions) Goods Services 4.926 5,000 4,000 3,594 3,000 2,291 1,874 2,000 673 2.681 1,504 954 779 1,000 1,095 2,656 1,618 1,727 2003 2004 2,090 2,510 0 2002 2005 2006 PROCUREMENT FROM DEVELOPING COUNTRIES (Percentage of Total Procurement) 60% 50% 40% 30% 45.1% 41.2% 54.9% 41.1% 20% 43.1% 10% 0% 2002 2003 2004 4 2005 2006 TOTAL PROCUREMENT BY UN AGENCY: 2005 - 2006 ALL SOURCES OF FUNDING (USD Millions) 2005 AGENCY 2006 GOODS SERVICES TOTAL (%) GOODS SERVICES TOTAL (%) ESCAP 6.57 6.01 12.58 0.15% 3.08 3.64 6.71 0.07% ESCWA 2.04 1.12 3.16 0.04% 3.10 1.19 4.29 0.05% ECE Data included in UNOG figures 3.10 2.44 5.54 0.0% 0.07% FAO 65.44 45.80 111.25 IAEA 73.10 33.97 107.07 ICAO Data not submitted ECLAC 1.27 2.26 3.53 0.0% 0.04% 1.34% 58.36 41.12 99.48 1.06% 1.29% 67.86 29.40 97.26 1.03% ICTR ICTY Data not submitted Data not submitted 0.0% Data not submitted 0.0% Data not submitted 30.01 0.36% 1.05 24.41 25.46 0.0% 0.27% 41.03 58.63 0.70% 21.61 56.43 78.04 0.83% 2.88 4.25 0.05% 1.20 2.19 3.39 0.04% 8.85 9.27 18.12 0.22% 199.69 6.15 205.84 2.47% 227.24 0.0% 2.42% IFAD 30.01 ILO 17.61 ITC 1.38 ITU PAHO Data included in UNOG figures Data not submitted 227.24 UNCTAD 0.24 1.57 1.81 0.02% 0.79 1.73 2.53 0.03% UNDP (a) 534.38 608.81 1,143.19 13.72% 656.03 1,595.07 2,251.11 23.94% UNDP/IAPSO 175.81 17.48 193.30 2.32% 119.45 19.21 138.66 1.47% 4.86 1.40 6.27 0.08% 1.47 1.47 0.02% 244.44 2.60% 130.66 0.0% 1.39% UNECA UNESCO UN/DPKO UNFPA 77.98 Data included in UN/PS figures 179.93 73.55 UNHCR 65.74 46.25 UNICEF 1,135.05 166.46 Data included in UN/PS figures 253.48 3.04% 103.95 26.71 36.90 111.99 1.34% 52.21 1,135.05 13.63% 1,207.41 89.12 0.95% 1,207.41 12.84% UNIDO 20.72 24.76 45.47 0.55% 19.34 33.80 53.14 0.57% UN/PS 734.03 821.68 1,555.71 18.67% 947.66 1,047.50 1,995.16 21.22% UNOG 23.12 39.61 62.74 0.75% 9.68 22.16 31.84 0.34% UNON 14.41 10.77 25.18 0.30% 12.38 26.29 38.67 0.41% 5.93% UNOPS 110.58 608.85 719.43 8.64% 81.84 475.88 557.72 UNOV 11.13 5.37 16.51 0.20% 5.03 5.07 10.10 0.11% UNRWA 75.62 39.40 115.02 1.38% 103.68 60.57 164.25 1.75% UNU 1.29 1.29 0.02% 0.00 0.00 0.00% UNV 2.54 2.54 0.03% 1,319.95 2,180.41 26.17% 709.61 UPU Data not submitted 0.48 0.48 0.01% 1,762.66 18.75% 132.85 132.85 1.41% 31.90 31.90 0.34% 5.59 12.40 0.13% 0.02 0.15 0.17 0.00% 4,665.35 4,736.79 9,402.14 100.00% WFP 860.46 WHO 149.83 149.83 1.80% WIPO 43.94 43.94 0.53% WMO 5.66 5.10 10.76 0.13% 6.81 WTO 0.05 0.13 0.18 0.00% 4,553.36 3,777.17 8,330.53 100.00% TOTAL 1,053.05 (a) UNDP procurement data includes UNDP HQ procurement, procurement under National Execution (NEX) and Direct Execution (DEX). (DEX), . Total UNDP project delivery consists of procurement of goods and services under the NEX and DEX modalities as well as the contracting of individual experts and consultants, the total UNDP project delivery for 2003 is USD 991.3 million. (b) The statistics presented are representative of all UNOPS procurement of goods and services processed through the Reality procurement system. Procurements that are not processed through the Reality system — including local purchases processed through UNDP Country Offices and certain Headquarters purchases — cannot currently be fully described without and exhaustive, in depth review of myriad individual transactions 5 TEN MAJOR COUNTRIES OF SUPPLY TO THE UN SYSTEM : 2006 UN System operational activities (Technical cooperation, humanitarian assistance and peace keeping operations) (US Million) Countries Goods Services Total % of Total USA 112.1 413.6 525.7 INDIA 375.3 42.8 418.1 4.4% SWITZERLAND 281.9 67.9 349.8 3.7% AFGHANISTAN 5.6% 23.5 294.1 317.6 3.4% FRANCE 279.4 34.2 313.6 3.3% BELGIUM 296.0 9.9 306.0 3.3% ITALY 148.1 100.9 249.0 2.6% 22.9 209.4 232.3 2.5% 88.3 140.1 228.4 2.4% 153.9 73.0 226.9 2.4% RUSSIAN FEDERATION KENYA CONGO, DEM. REP. Top-Ten Total 1,781.5 1,385.9 3,167.4 33.7% Grand Total 4,665.3 4,736.8 9,402.1 100.0% TEN MAJOR COUNTRIES OF SUPPLY TO THE UN SYSTEM : UN System operational activities (US Million) 700.0 600.0 525.7 500.0 418.1 400.0 349.8 317.6 313.6 300.0 306.0 249.0 232.3 228.4 226.9 200.0 100.0 0.0 U SA IN DI A SW IT ZE R AF G LA ND HA N FR IS TA N AN C 6 BE E LG IU M IT AL Y R US SI AN KE C NY A FE DE RA TI O N O NG O ,D EM .R EP . TOTAL PROCUREMENT OF GOODS & SERVICES All Sources of Funding (UN SYSTEM) 7 TOTAL PROCUREMENT OF GOODS BY COUNTRY OF PROCUREMENT AND SERVICES BY COUNTRY OF HEAD OFFICE : 2005 - 2006 ALL SOURCES OF FUNDING COUNTRY AFGHANISTAN ALBANIA ALGERIA ANDORRA ANGOLA ANTIGUA & BARBUDA ARGENTINA ARMENIA AUSTRALIA AUSTRIA AZERBAIJAN BAHAMAS BAHRAIN BANGLADESH BARBADOS BELARUS BELGIUM BELIZE BENIN BHUTAN BOLIVIA BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BOTSWANA BRAZIL BRUNEI DARUSSALAM BULGARIA BURKINA FASO BURUNDI CAMBODIA CAMEROON CANADA CAPE VERDE CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC CHAD CHILE CHINA COLOMBIA COMOROS CONGO CONGO, DEM. REP. COSTA RICA COTE D'IVOIRE CROATIA CUBA CYPRUS CZECH REPUBLIC DENMARK DJIBOUTI DOMINICA DOMINICAN REPUBLIC DPR KOREA ECUADOR EGYPT EL SALVADOR EQUATORIAL GUINEA ERITREA ESTONIA ETHIOPIA FIJI FINLAND FRANCE GABON GAMBIA GEORGIA GERMANY GHANA GREECE GRENADA GUATEMALA GUINEA GUINEA-BISSAU GUYANA HAITI HONDURAS HUNGARY ICELAND INDIA INDONESIA IRAN (ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF) IRAQ IRELAND ISRAFL ITALY JAMAICA JAPAN (USD Thousand) GOODS 2005 SERVICES TOTAL (%) GOODS 38,974.12 600.49 1,616.70 318,325.72 3,821.35 684.39 357,299.83 4,421.84 2,301.09 4.29% 0.05% 0.03% 23,510.25 1,065.31 1,571.07 7,284.81 17.01 25,618.65 1,659.30 7,789.15 35,134.95 5,069.02 17,376.44 16.30 12,101.14 179.87 7,888.38 22,495.33 512.33 24,661.25 33.31 37,719.79 1,839.17 15,677.53 57,630.28 5,581.35 0.30% 0.00% 0.45% 0.02% 0.19% 0.69% 0.07% 256.73 11,761.76 492.59 3,920.33 371,450.39 690.73 2,862.38 1,622.49 3,576.46 2,109.05 527.02 70,637.76 478.64 5,873.10 187.08 770.57 5,270.61 64.15 1,801.82 194.28 6,232.32 9,981.16 872.61 53,213.43 735.37 17,634.87 679.67 4,690.90 376,721.00 754.88 4,664.20 1,816.77 9,808.78 12,090.21 1,399.63 123,851.19 0.01% 0.21% 0.01% 0.06% 4.52% 0.01% 0.06% 0.02% 0.12% 0.15% 0.02% 1.49% 6,131.08 4,337.48 10,440.55 5,754.05 2,237.79 132,363.51 221.68 1,797.27 2,798.27 3,612.36 72,674.78 20,077.43 343.61 990.17 63,460.08 2,892.97 23,226.52 396.23 4,030.76 39,018.67 12,774.45 203,296.50 804.98 8.10 657.94 6,830.25 34,051.67 5,307.42 10,129.72 278.92 7,376.95 118.73 52,150.69 377.86 29,733.26 204,974.42 2,088.69 373.38 1,319.87 120,869.43 5,204.76 703.84 60.79 19,101.82 1,895.89 2,194.40 409.04 29,142.18 59,283.02 3,369.37 4.15 353,329.89 79,305.83 3,908.12 1,290.87 6,741.86 19,908.90 188,824.48 672.02 190,960.59 26,874.73 1,856.47 14,430.93 2,972.06 1,667.80 27,497.58 331.85 368.74 1,412.89 6,950.24 11,297.86 30,994.44 71.00 1,849.52 44,314.02 4,186.59 15,510.68 1,275.05 268.97 33,491.21 6,544.55 61,800.96 516.81 56.09 1,977.91 434.06 4,831.84 6,276.02 16,085.11 347.57 3,752.23 7,018.83 14,335.05 681.52 1,165.16 28,736.12 168.70 208.27 1,074.82 36,662.77 2,630.02 213.74 591.24 10,405.51 559.12 743.98 240.99 18,097.37 17,657.43 2,923.37 53.72 36,892.82 35,633.41 2,647.53 16,030.36 32,216.20 2,113.14 78,770.59 844.04 68,212.58 33,005.80 6,193.95 24,871.48 8,726.11 3,905.59 159,861.09 553.54 2,166.01 4,211.16 10,562.60 83,972.64 51,071.88 414.61 2,839.69 107,774.11 7,079.56 38,737.21 1,671.28 4,299.73 72,509.88 19,319.00 265,097.46 1,321.79 64.19 2,635.85 7,264.31 38,883.52 11,583.44 26,214.83 626.48 11,129.18 7,137.55 66,485.74 1,059.37 30,898.41 233,710.54 2,257.39 581.65 2,394.69 157,532.20 7,834.78 917.58 652.03 29,507.33 2,455.01 2,938.39 650.03 47,239.54 76,940.46 6,292.73 57.87 390,222.71 114,939.24 6,555.66 17,321.23 38,958.07 22,022.03 267,595.07 1,516.05 259,173.18 0.40% 0.07% 0.30% 0.10% 0.05% 1.92% 0.01% 0.03% 0.05% 0.13% 1.01% 0.61% 0.00% 0.03% 1.29% 0.08% 0.47% 0.02% 0.05% 0.87% 0.23% 3.18% 0.02% 0.00% 0.03% 0.09% 0.47% 0.14% 0.31% 0.01% 0.13% 0.09% 0.80% 0.01% 0.37% 2.81% 0.03% 0.01% 0.03% 1.89% 0.09% 0.01% 0.01% 0.35% 0.03% 0.04% 0.01% 0.57% 0.92% 0.08% 0.00% 4.68% 1.38% 0.08% 0.21% 0.47% 0.26% 3.21% 0.02% 3.11% 8 2006 SERVICES TOTAL (%) 294,108.85 3,558.73 2,780.76 317,619.11 4,624.03 4,351.83 3.38% 0.05% 0.05% 11,747.31 5.77 138,804.67 2,459.66 12,495.51 28,018.41 7,896.70 1.62 471.35 10,383.93 255.44 4,405.08 296,045.20 278.20 9,776.66 2,963.38 22,538.06 2,143.18 2,077.77 32,615.18 39,017.65 212.88 87,344.17 2,779.86 16,430.85 13,904.41 6,546.15 81.77 2,652.31 10,243.08 785.77 4,424.62 9,948.88 177.04 6,157.97 1,379.60 12,799.27 10,022.38 3,707.95 86,047.36 50,764.96 218.65 226,148.85 5,239.51 28,926.36 41,922.82 14,442.84 83.39 3,123.66 20,627.01 1,041.21 8,829.70 305,994.09 455.24 15,934.63 4,342.98 35,337.33 12,165.56 5,785.72 118,662.54 0.54% 0.00% 2.41% 0.06% 0.31% 0.45% 0.15% 0.00% 0.03% 0.22% 0.01% 0.09% 3.25% 0.00% 0.17% 0.05% 0.38% 0.13% 0.06% 1.26% 3,152.32 10,441.26 10,029.09 10,971.18 4,034.24 92,888.49 920.34 4,866.44 4,906.41 5,408.13 71,183.51 26,356.60 1,248.46 46,243.22 153,929.28 2,957.26 25,696.32 1,030.88 8,858.92 65,922.95 5,266.77 169,330.56 2,353.58 1.92 7,834.92 2,330.29 33,061.93 12,712.62 3,472.95 461.77 11,967.43 351.56 56,679.58 982.67 13,315.85 279,407.89 5,757.12 1,011.81 3,547.05 90,976.13 8,975.30 444.14 22,223.97 7,471.09 23,467.89 19,292.99 2,748.22 66,511.65 2,008.46 5,777.03 6,667.79 9,761.34 17,511.11 55,579.37 871.53 4,581.84 72,964.56 3,316.14 34,386.80 2,090.45 2,496.55 41,074.18 2,340.91 49,193.47 1,759.92 49.70 3,326.99 1,636.07 18,662.26 38,417.17 11,450.63 342.80 9,872.14 3,925.71 20,124.70 1,733.95 7,674.62 34,194.08 1,930.24 1,937.15 10,789.09 49,836.02 6,346.15 1,574.99 52.77 48,224.37 3,747.01 2,730.09 2,105.39 49,871.83 38,595.28 1,945.34 58.04 42,787.79 69,590.98 9,185.21 29,020.06 3,400.42 8,366.16 100,859.40 1,824.37 16,423.88 25,376.29 17,912.35 33,496.98 30,264.17 6,782.46 159,400.14 2,928.80 10,643.48 11,574.21 15,169.47 88,694.62 81,935.97 2,120.00 50,825.06 226,893.85 6,273.40 60,083.12 3,121.34 11,355.46 106,997.12 7,607.68 218,524.04 4,113.50 51.62 11,161.92 3,966.36 51,724.18 51,129.78 14,923.58 804.57 21,839.57 4,277.27 76,804.28 2,716.62 20,990.47 313,601.97 7,687.36 2,948.96 14,336.14 140,812.15 15,321.45 2,019.13 52.77 72,524.29 7,196.17 4,868.12 3,091.37 82,746.84 76,394.62 5,669.92 59.12 418,132.76 111,655.98 12,673.61 29,089.30 9,610.69 32,686.13 248,972.14 2,475.22 208,465.75 0.27% 0.19% 0.36% 0.32% 0.07% 1.70% 0.03% 0.11% 0.12% 0.16% 0.94% 0.87% 0.02% 0.54% 2.41% 0.07% 0.64% 0.03% 0.12% 1.14% 0.08% 2.32% 0.04% 0.00% 0.12% 0.04% 0.55% 0.54% 0.16% 0.01% 0.23% 0.05% 0.82% 0.03% 0.22% 3.34% 0.08% 0.03% 0.15% 1.50% 0.16% 0.02% 0.00% 0.77% 0.08% 0.05% 0.03% 0.88% 0.81% 0.06% 0.00% 4.45% 1.19% 0.13% 0.31% 0.10% 0.35% 2.65% 0.03% 2.22% 24,299.91 3,449.16 2,138.03 985.98 32,875.01 37,799.34 3,724.58 1.08 375,344.97 42,065.00 3,488.40 69.24 6,210.27 24,319.97 148,112.74 650.85 192,041.88 TOTAL PROCUREMENT OF GOODS BY COUNTRY OF PROCUREMENT AND SERVICES BY COUNTRY OF HEAD OFFICE : 2005 - 2006 ALL SOURCES OF FUNDING COUNTRY JORDAN KAZAKHSTAN KENYA KIRIBATI KUWAIT KYRGYZSTAN LAO P.D.R. LATVIA LEBANON LESOTHO LIBERIA LIBYAN ARAB JAMAHIRIYA LIECHTENSTEIN LITHUANIA LUXEMBOURG MACEDONIA (TFYR) MADAGASCAR MALAWI MALAYSIA MALDIVES MALI MALTA MARSHALL ISLANDS MAURITANIA MAURITIUS MEXICO MICRONESIA (FED. STATES OF) MOLDOVA (REPUBLIC OF) MONACO MONGOLIA MONTENEGRO MOROCCO MOZAMBIQUE MYANMAR NAMIBIA NAURU NEPAL NETHERLANDS NEW ZEALAND NICARAGUA NIGER NIGERIA NORWAY OMAN PALAU PAKISTAN PANAMA PAPUA NEW GUINEA PARAGUAY PERU PHILIPPINES POLAND PORTUGAL QATAR REPUBLIC OF KOREA ROMANIA RUSSIAN FEDERATION RWANDA SAMOA SAN MARINO SAO TOME & PRINCIPE SAUDI ARABIA SENEGAL SERBIA SEYCHELLES SIERRA LEONE SINGAPORE SLOVAKIA SLOVENIA SOLOMON ISLANDS SOMALIA SOUTH AFRICA SPAIN SRI LANKA ST KITTS & NEVIS ST. LUCIA ST. VINCENT & THE GRENADINES SUDAN SURINAME SWAZILAND SWEDEN SWITZERLAND SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC TAJIKISTAN THAILAND (USD Thousand) GOODS 2005 SERVICES TOTAL (%) GOODS 34,476.90 3,005.60 70,485.99 64,962.51 1,102.61 80,510.14 99,439.40 4,108.22 150,996.13 1.19% 0.05% 1.81% 4,008.68 6,896.74 3,879.73 369.54 19,262.03 4,227.14 48,977.14 118.75 6,144.50 77.11 1,319.77 7,217.91 3,751.20 14,298.04 21,479.02 9,492.66 2,477.16 404.15 519.32 989.67 1,160.48 56.15 9,485.61 239.55 7,717.59 1,172.43 66.16 703.29 1,396.94 2,623.44 1,179.14 2,193.66 3,839.93 3,284.21 317.69 4,528.00 7,886.41 5,040.21 425.68 28,747.64 4,466.68 56,694.73 1,291.18 6,144.50 143.27 2,023.05 8,614.85 6,374.64 15,477.18 23,672.68 13,332.59 5,761.37 721.84 0.05% 0.09% 0.06% 0.01% 0.35% 0.05% 0.68% 0.02% 0.07% 0.00% 0.02% 0.10% 0.08% 0.19% 0.28% 0.16% 0.07% 0.01% 2,581.24 328.83 4,232.19 2,597.16 42,139.02 1,058.80 2,684.13 87.16 13,140.73 86.73 4,327.38 27,359.99 690.31 5,265.37 415.98 17,372.92 86.73 6,924.54 69,499.02 1,749.11 0.06% 0.00% 0.21% 0.00% 0.08% 0.83% 0.02% 19,972.47 2,741.93 88,346.92 114.59 3,558.58 3,755.11 4,050.49 1,387.12 36,972.23 3,413.08 77,787.23 203.43 59.10 489.08 7,917.47 869.63 3,991.30 15,955.62 19,852.66 3,764.35 7,600.32 172.05 29.49 4,222.53 1,320.04 16,598.64 58.78 1,864.18 80,713.83 2,087.79 4,967.41 6,328.26 8,042.38 1,232.31 2,089.04 9,897.27 948.29 1,577.09 7,056.44 16,225.53 8,990.68 2,809.41 0.08% 0.19% 0.11% 0.03% 11,040.10 95,956.87 5,420.31 3,010.90 2,418.81 17,481.05 27,466.57 774.81 3,125.36 8,930.18 1,432.00 3,546.79 1,735.62 6,108.35 6,009.71 470.69 14,165.46 104,887.04 6,852.31 6,557.69 4,154.43 23,589.40 33,476.29 1,245.50 0.17% 1.26% 0.08% 0.08% 0.05% 0.28% 0.40% 0.01% 62,198.52 975.37 362.35 2,123.43 25,248.30 4,060.16 731.79 406.38 64.04 21,538.68 848.68 34,073.71 6,622.58 115.88 46.19 106.63 542.88 7,477.10 21,278.42 24,744.22 42.43 8,817.72 25,665.19 1,576.02 2,109.08 198.06 14.00 1,690.94 1,546.52 133,039.63 1,901.48 60.00 587.60 87.69 690.24 7,458.39 83,476.94 25,719.59 404.78 10,941.15 50,913.49 5,636.18 2,840.87 604.44 78.04 23,229.62 2,395.19 167,113.35 8,524.06 175.88 633.79 194.31 1,233.12 14,935.48 1.00% 0.31% 0.00% 0.13% 0.61% 0.07% 0.03% 0.01% 0.00% 0.28% 0.03% 2.01% 0.10% 0.00% 0.01% 0.00% 0.01% 0.18% 4.97 4,217.90 786.51 2,613.35 1,183.48 4.97 15,660.47 6,268.42 3,637.50 1,733.46 58.90 15,277.25 129,048.77 24,068.27 27,523.94 0.00% 0.19% 0.08% 0.04% 0.02% 0.00% 0.18% 1.55% 0.29% 0.33% 42.43 7.44 100,714.89 345.84 2,629.14 25,838.28 288,271.81 16,123.53 8,421.24 70,954.07 0.00% 0.00% 1.21% 0.00% 0.03% 0.31% 3.46% 0.19% 0.10% 0.85% 6,958.40 15,007.32 7,990.35 5,046.64 2.79 21,918.05 92,530.98 2,967.21 9,081.91 7,614.93 12,157.77 10,277.61 704.40 0.12 84,292.35 16,584.46 883.90 6,474.24 22,539.36 6,367.96 347.85 422.56 25.09 29,581.12 1,837.40 22,878.82 7,173.02 268.84 250.60 182.27 450.12 5,733.82 3,927.05 71.30 12,196.32 3,466.47 3,698.47 259.24 390.78 1,959.38 84,521.41 8,504.77 20,019.92 4.02 11.11 10.30 51,511.46 1,329.48 1,564.66 15,148.66 281,867.81 12,709.77 3,877.31 17,599.56 11,442.56 5,481.91 1,024.15 549.98 58.90 8,918.11 82,866.35 19,099.23 24,016.52 31.90 7.44 43,809.22 28.28 2,085.77 22,587.28 208,447.27 9,069.58 3,718.30 38,667.93 6,359.14 46,182.42 4,969.04 3,507.42 10.52 56,905.67 317.56 543.37 3,251.00 79,824.54 7,053.95 4,702.95 32,286.14 9 2006 SERVICES TOTAL (%) 77,311.53 2,421.04 140,094.85 254.09 4,340.62 6,074.25 5,540.04 917.49 21,779.18 1,738.19 33,307.96 613.13 53.96 1,056.52 785.50 4,555.85 6,584.07 4,756.90 4,076.86 8,860.13 6,363.04 427.09 175.90 8,478.45 909.60 24,030.28 93.83 5,958.87 3,019.89 2,183.73 97,284.00 5,162.97 228,441.77 368.68 7,899.20 9,829.36 9,590.53 2,304.61 58,751.42 5,151.27 111,095.19 816.57 113.07 1,545.60 8,702.97 5,425.48 10,575.37 20,712.52 23,929.52 12,624.48 13,963.36 599.14 205.39 12,700.97 2,229.64 40,628.92 152.61 7,823.05 83,733.72 4,271.52 1.03% 0.05% 2.43% 0.00% 0.08% 0.10% 0.10% 0.02% 0.62% 0.05% 1.18% 0.01% 0.00% 0.02% 0.09% 0.06% 0.11% 0.22% 0.25% 0.13% 0.15% 0.01% 0.00% 0.14% 0.02% 0.43% 0.00% 0.08% 0.89% 0.05% 7,926.08 8,816.42 17,470.14 5,434.00 2.92 10,181.57 15,615.31 1,052.38 13,915.68 5,423.54 23,199.50 4,123.04 5,395.84 42.10 46,873.73 139,247.55 1,452.42 18,421.66 71,138.49 7,459.14 5,419.72 1,643.76 12.10 3,147.15 5,300.63 209,411.84 7,656.33 1,800.41 831.40 395.82 11,239.70 9,239.77 7,419.12 1,234.55 7,613.04 3,930.19 2,363.03 2,513.05 1,094.38 5,493.96 66,372.23 21,221.13 40,928.94 51.22 417.21 57.59 113,157.76 510.87 1,663.23 13,388.79 67,900.71 11,160.43 8,757.55 45,575.39 14,884.47 23,823.73 25,460.50 10,480.63 5.71 32,099.62 108,146.29 4,019.59 22,997.59 13,038.47 35,357.27 14,400.65 6,100.25 42.22 131,166.08 155,832.01 2,336.33 24,895.90 93,677.84 13,827.10 5,767.57 2,066.32 37.19 32,728.26 7,138.03 232,290.66 14,829.36 2,069.25 1,082.00 578.09 11,689.82 14,973.59 11,346.16 1,305.85 19,809.36 7,396.66 6,061.50 2,772.28 1,485.16 7,453.34 150,893.64 29,725.90 60,948.86 55.24 428.32 67.89 164,669.21 1,840.35 3,227.89 28,537.45 349,768.52 23,870.20 12,634.86 63,174.95 0.16% 0.25% 0.27% 0.11% 0.00% 0.34% 1.15% 0.04% 0.24% 0.14% 0.38% 0.15% 0.06% 0.00% 1.40% 1.66% 0.02% 0.26% 1.00% 0.15% 0.06% 0.02% 0.00% 0.35% 0.08% 2.47% 0.16% 0.02% 0.01% 0.01% 0.12% 0.16% 0.01% 0.21% 0.08% 0.06% 0.03% 0.02% 0.08% 1.60% 0.32% 0.65% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 1.75% 0.02% 0.03% 0.30% 3.72% 0.25% 0.13% 0.67% TOTAL PROCUREMENT OF GOODS BY COUNTRY OF PROCUREMENT AND SERVICES BY COUNTRY OF HEAD OFFICE : 2005 - 2006 ALL SOURCES OF FUNDING COUNTRY TIMOR-LESTE TOGO TONGA TRINIDAD & TOBAGO TUNISIA TURKEY TURKMENISTAN TUVALU UGANDA UKRAINE UNITED ARAB EMIRATES UNITED KINGDOM UNITED REP. OF TANZANIA URUGUAY USA UZBEKISTAN VANUATU VENEZUELA VIET NAM YEMEN ZAMBIA ZIMBABWE SUB-TOTAL UNSPECIFIED COUNTRIES GLOBAL PROJECTS INTERREGIONAL PROJECTS ARAB COUNTRIES AFRICAN COUNTRIES ASIAN COUNTRIES EUROPEAN COUNTRIES LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIB. (USD Thousand) GOODS 2005 SERVICES TOTAL (%) GOODS 3,918.05 457.97 8,760.52 373.11 12,678.57 831.09 0.15% 0.01% 106.02 879.82 42,883.74 431.40 556.26 1,912.94 8,421.71 92.55 662.28 2,792.75 51,305.44 523.95 0.01% 0.03% 0.62% 0.01% 37,297.88 57,677.65 8,009.10 163,223.92 35,016.70 3,427.30 297,931.78 871.28 0.66 14,166.29 5,011.19 9,361.97 17,490.69 5,103.79 44,098.78 7,029.50 27,997.19 101,213.45 4,559.74 2,124.19 378,362.73 2,873.54 407.21 1,972.77 3,642.68 783.42 1,212.13 1,558.73 81,396.66 64,707.15 36,006.29 264,437.37 39,576.44 5,551.49 676,294.51 3,744.82 407.86 16,139.05 8,653.86 10,145.39 18,702.82 6,662.52 0.98% 0.78% 0.43% 3.17% 0.48% 0.07% 8.12% 0.04% 0.00% 0.19% 0.10% 0.12% 0.22% 0.08% 4,305.62 1,594.46 60.03 233.65 753.09 58,529.47 587.21 29.78 38,112.96 55,852.47 12,513.03 111,023.93 25,095.90 8,271.15 112,073.13 1,625.60 7.81 17,601.00 7,030.49 10,044.58 8,675.84 4,965.58 4,506,855.66 2,582,548.84 7,089,404.50 85.10% 26,284.25 1,154,091.40 1,180,375.66 16,381.75 25,088.74 540.07 3,297.95 43.54 15,401.58 2006 SERVICES TOTAL (%) 2,888.39 3,173.65 325.14 3,756.25 3,918.96 22,168.38 853.05 98.15 16,342.04 13,959.98 29,253.78 73,956.11 20,556.98 10,624.97 413,588.33 2,917.69 108.78 9,642.25 4,849.29 5,237.05 6,484.56 7,000.15 7,194.01 4,768.11 385.17 3,989.90 4,672.05 80,697.85 1,440.26 127.93 54,455.00 69,812.45 41,766.81 184,980.04 45,652.88 18,896.12 525,661.45 4,543.29 116.59 27,243.25 11,879.78 15,281.64 15,160.40 11,965.73 0.08% 0.05% 0.00% 0.04% 0.05% 0.86% 0.02% 0.00% 0.58% 0.74% 0.44% 1.97% 0.49% 0.20% 5.59% 0.05% 0.00% 0.29% 0.13% 0.16% 0.16% 0.13% 4,582,453.59 3,832,403.66 8,414,857.25 89.50% 14.17% 54,743.64 876,272.99 931,016.63 9.90% 41,470.48 0.50% 27,832.97 28,031.52 55,864.49 0.59% 583.62 18,699.52 0.01% 0.22% 316.85 77.56 7.00 77.56 323.85 0.00% 0.00% 4,665,347.05 49.62% 4,736,792.73 50.38% 9,402,139.78 100.00% 100.00% GRAND-TOTAL 4,553,359.67 54.66% 3,777,174.10 45.34% 8,330,533.77 100.00% INDUSTRIALIZED COUNTRIES: Percentage DEVELOPING COUNTRIES/ ECONOMIES IN TRANSITION Percentage 2,437,018.22 53.52% 1,118,978.11 29.62% 3,555,996.34 42.69% 2,100,244.61 45.02% 1,204,969.01 25.44% 3,305,213.63 35.15% 2,090,057.20 45.90% 1,504,104.59 39.82% 3,594,161.78 43.14% 2,510,358.79 53.81% 2,655,550.73 56.06% 5,165,909.52 54.94% ARAB STATES Percentage 173,829.87 3.82% 232,138.63 6.15% 405,968.50 4.87% 232,435.19 4.98% 395,775.35 8.36% 628,210.54 6.68% AFRICA Percentage 572,646.51 12.58% 354,452.10 9.38% 927,098.61 11.13% 826,447.76 17.71% 647,315.84 13.67% 1,473,763.60 15.67% ASIA & PACIFIC Percentage 787,676.49 17.30% 489,670.87 12.96% 1,277,347.36 15.33% 773,909.27 16.59% 667,697.25 14.10% 1,441,606.52 15.33% EUROPE & CIS Percentage 213,465.80 4.69% 153,184.33 4.06% 366,650.13 4.40% 199,447.75 4.28% 220,176.03 4.65% 419,623.79 4.46% LATIN AMERICA & THE CARIB. Percentage 338,520.46 7.43% 265,898.14 7.04% 604,418.60 7.26% 478,118.82 10.25% 724,586.25 15.30% 1,202,705.08 12.79% 26,284.25 0.58% 1,154,091.40 30.55% 1,180,375.66 14.17% 54,743.64 1.17% 876,272.99 18.50% 931,016.63 9.90% OTHERS Percentage 10 100.00% TOTAL PROCUREMENT BY AGENCY, INCLUDING NEX : 2005 - 2006 ALL SOURCES OF FUNDING 2005 % (USD Thousand) % 2006 PROCURED IN AGENCY GOODS SERVICES TOTAL DEVELOPING COUNTRIES PROCURED IN GOODS SERVICES TOTAL DEVELOPING COUNTRIES ESCAP 6.57 6.01 12.58 92.84% 3.08 3.64 6.71 91.02% ESCWA 2.04 1.12 3.16 72.41% 3.10 1.19 4.29 59.73% ECE ECLAC FAO IAEA ICAO ICTR ICTY IFAD ILO ITC ITU PAHO Data included in UNOG figures Data included in UNOG figures 3.10 2.44 5.54 63.09% 1.27 2.26 3.53 74.88% 65.44 73.10 45.80 33.97 111.25 107.07 38.06% 13.05% 58.36 67.86 41.12 29.40 99.48 97.26 35.21% 15.58% 24.41 56.43 2.19 25.46 78.04 3.39 1.24% 60.04% 15.80% 227.24 35.51% Data not submitted Data not submitted Data not submitted Data not submitted Data not submitted Data not submitted 41.03 2.88 9.27 6.15 30.01 58.63 4.25 18.12 205.84 0.90% 63.35% 21.97% 20.95% 33.09% 0.24 1.57 1.81 99.33% 0.79 1.73 2.53 98.53% UNDP 534.38 608.81 1,143.19 60.27% 656.03 1,595.07 2,251.11 87.97% UNDP/IAPSO 175.81 17.48 193.30 21.48% 119.45 19.21 138.66 11.52% 4.86 1.40 6.27 49.97% 1.47 1.47 18.10% 244.44 46.78% UNCTAD UNECA 30.01 17.61 1.38 8.85 199.69 UNESCO Data not submitted UN/DPKO Data included in UN/PS figures 1.05 21.61 1.20 Data not submitted 227.24 77.98 166.46 Data included in UN/PS figures UNFPA 179.93 73.55 253.48 48.58% 103.95 26.71 130.66 62.54% UNHCR 65.74 46.25 111.99 23.37% 52.21 36.90 89.12 30.56% UNICEF 1,135.05 1,135.05 45.13% 1,207.41 UNIDO UN/PS (b) UNOG UNON UNOPS 1,207.41 45.40% 20.72 24.76 45.47 54.40% 19.34 33.80 53.14 64.68% 734.03 821.68 1,555.71 36.63% 947.66 1,047.50 1,995.16 44.51% 23.12 39.61 62.74 1.15% 9.68 22.16 31.84 2.37% 14.41 10.77 25.18 34.13% 12.38 26.29 38.67 56.72% 110.58 608.85 719.43 74.29% 81.84 475.88 557.72 73.95% UNOV 11.13 5.37 16.51 2.47% 5.03 5.07 10.10 3.28% UNRWA 75.62 39.40 115.02 83.67% 103.68 60.57 164.25 83.08% UNU 1.29 1.29 0.0% 0.00 0.00% UNV 2.54 2.54 UPU Data not submitted WFP(c) 860.46 WHO WIPO WMO 5.66 WTO TOTAL 1,319.95 0.00 Data not submitted 0.48 0.48 69.93% 1,762.66 38.87% 132.85 132.85 10.29% 31.90 31.90 2.49% 5.59 12.40 8.27% 0.02 0.15 0.17 86.67% 4,665.35 4,736.79 9,402.14 54.94% 2,180.41 33.90% 709.61 149.83 149.83 18.71% 43.94 43.94 1.83% 5.10 10.76 10.11% 6.81 0.05 0.13 0.18 66.88% 4,553.36 3,777.17 8,330.53 43.14% 1,053.05 a) Total UNDP procurement data includes UNDP HQ procurement, procurement under National Execution (NEX) and Direct Execution (DEX). And UNDP IAPSO data. 11 PROCUREMENT OF GOODS BY COUNTRY OF PROCUREMENT AND SOURCE OF FUNDS : 2006 ALL SOURCES OF FUNDING COUNTRY AFGHANISTAN ALBANIA ALGERIA ANDORRA ANGOLA ANTIGUA & BARBUDA ARGENTINA ARMENIA AUSTRALIA AUSTRIA AZERBAIJAN BAHAMAS BAHRAIN BANGLADESH BARBADOS BELARUS BELGIUM BELIZE BENIN BHUTAN BOLIVIA BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BOTSWANA BRAZIL BRUNEI DARUSSALAM BULGARIA BURKINA FASO BURUNDI CAMBODIA CAMEROON CANADA CAPE VERDE CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC CHAD CHILE CHINA COLOMBIA COMOROS CONGO CONGO, DEM. REP. COSTA RICA COTE D'IVOIRE CROATIA CUBA CYPRUS CZECH REPUBLIC DENMARK DJIBOUTI DOMINICA DOMINICAN REPUBLIC DPR KOREA ECUADOR EGYPT EL SALVADOR EQUATORIAL GUINEA ERITREA ESTONIA ETHIOPIA FIJI FINLAND FRANCE GABON GAMBIA GEORGIA GERMANY GHANA GREECE GRENADA GUATEMALA GUINEA GUINEA-BISSAU GUYANA HAITI HONDURAS HUNGARY ICELAND INDIA INDONESIA IRAN (ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF) IRAQ IRELAND ISRAEL ITALY JAMAICA JAPAN (USD Thousand) SOURCE OF FUNDING UNDP AP TOTAL (%) 7,256.69 422.77 1,036.93 16,253.56 642.54 534.14 23,510.25 1,065.31 1,571.07 0.50% 0.02% 0.03% 7,570.95 5.77 122,022.13 776.94 533.78 491.02 6,592.07 1.62 335.89 2,417.42 147.88 4,069.09 3,901.18 131.69 5,956.59 1,648.69 16,304.14 1,919.55 855.68 869.37 4,176.36 11,747.31 5.77 138,804.67 2,459.66 12,495.51 28,018.41 7,896.70 1.62 471.35 10,383.93 255.44 4,405.08 296,045.20 278.20 9,776.66 2,963.38 22,538.06 2,143.18 2,077.77 32,615.18 0.25% 0.00% 2.98% 0.05% 0.27% 0.60% 0.17% 0.00% 0.01% 0.22% 0.01% 0.09% 6.35% 0.01% 0.21% 0.06% 0.48% 0.05% 0.04% 0.70% 3,152.32 10,441.26 10,029.09 10,971.18 4,034.24 92,888.49 920.34 4,866.44 4,906.41 5,408.13 71,183.51 26,356.60 1,248.46 46,243.22 153,929.28 2,957.26 25,696.32 1,030.88 8,858.92 65,922.95 5,266.77 169,330.56 2,353.58 1.92 7,834.92 2,330.29 33,061.93 12,712.62 3,472.95 461.77 11,967.43 351.56 56,679.58 982.67 13,315.85 279,407.89 5,757.12 1,011.81 3,547.05 90,976.13 8,975.30 444.14 0.07% 0.22% 0.21% 0.24% 0.09% 1.99% 0.02% 0.10% 0.11% 0.12% 1.53% 0.56% 0.03% 0.99% 3.30% 0.06% 0.55% 0.02% 0.19% 1.41% 0.11% 3.63% 0.05% 0.00% 0.17% 0.05% 0.71% 0.27% 0.07% 0.01% 0.26% 0.01% 1.21% 0.02% 0.29% 5.99% 0.12% 0.02% 0.08% 1.95% 0.19% 0.01% 24,299.91 3,449.16 2,138.03 985.98 32,875.01 37,799.34 3,724.58 1.08 375,344.97 42,065.00 3,488.40 69.24 6,210.27 24,319.97 148,112.74 650.85 192,041.88 0.52% 0.07% 0.05% 0.02% 0.70% 0.81% 0.08% 0.00% 8.05% 0.90% 0.07% 0.00% 0.13% 0.52% 3.17% 0.01% 4.12% 16,782.54 1,682.72 11,961.73 27,527.39 1,304.63 135.46 7,966.51 107.56 335.99 292,144.02 146.51 3,820.07 1,314.69 6,233.92 223.63 1,222.09 31,745.81 1,764.77 1,595.49 746.27 1,500.98 617.78 3,441.52 906.85 2,250.53 1,458.92 1,874.45 6,548.04 16,767.76 736.61 45,871.07 2,329.22 617.65 2,590.58 552.58 6,065.47 889.33 32.34 31,393.25 1,094.75 1.92 1,065.09 229.60 3,352.70 2,930.12 2,296.04 73.03 395.66 351.56 8,650.04 442.38 164.62 5,114.18 5,462.63 500.87 1,911.22 3,579.63 2,191.87 2.17 1,387.55 8,845.77 9,282.82 9,470.20 3,416.46 89,446.97 13.49 2,615.91 3,447.49 3,533.68 64,635.47 9,588.84 511.85 372.15 151,600.06 2,339.61 23,105.74 478.30 2,793.45 65,033.62 5,234.43 137,937.31 1,258.83 13,484.70 1,679.24 1,051.17 782.05 3,829.85 28,070.72 130.08 1.08 29,941.04 2,278.79 1,381.81 -4,868.21 40.08 685.50 3,002.46 332.58 37,939.82 10,815.21 1,769.92 1,086.86 203.93 29,045.16 9,728.62 3,594.50 12 6,769.83 2,100.69 29,709.23 9,782.50 1,176.91 388.74 11,571.77 48,029.54 540.29 13,151.23 274,293.71 294.49 510.94 1,635.83 87,396.50 6,783.43 441.97 345,403.93 39,786.21 2,106.59 4,937.45 6,170.19 23,634.47 145,110.28 318.27 154,102.06 PROCUREMENT OF GOODS BY COUNTRY OF PROCUREMENT AND SOURCE OF FUNDS : 2006 ALL SOURCES OF FUNDING COUNTRY JORDAN KAZAKHSTAN KENYA KIRIBATI KUWAIT KYRGYZSTAN LAO P.D.R. LATVIA LEBANON LESOTHO LIBERIA LIBYAN ARAB JAMAHIRIYA LIECHTENSTEIN LITHUANIA LUXEMBOURG MACEDONIA (TFYR) MADAGASCAR MALAWI MALAYSIA MALDIVES MALI MALTA MARSHALL ISLANDS MAURITANIA MAURITIUS MEXICO MICRONESIA (FED. STATES OF) MOLDOVA (REPUBLIC OF) MONACO MONGOLIA MONTENEGRO MOROCCO MOZAMBIQUE MYANMAR NAMIBIA NAURU NEPAL NETHERLANDS NEW ZEALAND NICARAGUA NIGER NIGERIA NORWAY OMAN PALAU PAKISTAN PANAMA PAPUA NEW GUINEA PARAGUAY PERU PHILIPPINES POLAND PORTUGAL QATAR REPUBLIC OF KOREA ROMANIA RUSSIAN FEDERATION RWANDA SAMOA SAN MARINO SAO TOME & PRINCIPE SAUDI ARABIA SENEGAL SERBIA SEYCHELLES SIERRA LEONE SINGAPORE SLOVAKIA SLOVENIA SOLOMON ISLANDS SOMALIA SOUTH AFRICA SPAIN SRI LANKA ST KITTS & NEVIS ST. LUCIA ST. VINCENT & THE GRENADINES SUDAN SURINAME SWAZILAND SWEDEN SWITZERLAND SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC TAJIKISTAN THAILAND (USD Thousand) SOURCE OF FUNDING UNDP 3,608.18 685.73 5,688.20 110.90 722.35 3,569.70 1,195.62 938.30 7,088.31 891.85 10,535.97 144.43 177.19 44.16 531.72 2,639.29 1,315.13 1,355.00 2,394.68 3,072.00 7.50 29.49 2,347.53 315.50 7,751.14 58.78 1,283.98 1,016.92 967.95 2,585.84 1,252.51 720.41 2.79 2,086.34 30,824.47 477.25 4,096.18 3,060.55 3,251.68 381.51 0.12 7,781.92 13,138.65 458.03 6,102.20 11,773.33 2,819.31 254.52 53.74 0.12 249.13 1,109.46 2,980.14 1,517.61 259.54 158.25 113.38 813.32 14.89 52.30 1,421.54 590.63 30.19 383.21 731.03 34,602.96 1,389.76 2,555.46 4.02 11.11 10.30 5,501.11 1,306.15 232.21 535.25 1,534.60 3,491.45 2,984.45 1,127.20 13 AP TOTAL (%) 16,364.29 2,056.20 82,658.72 3.69 2,836.23 185.41 2,854.87 448.82 29,883.92 2,521.23 67,251.26 59.00 59.10 311.89 7,873.31 337.91 1,352.01 14,640.49 18,497.66 1,369.67 4,528.32 164.55 19,972.47 2,741.93 88,346.92 114.59 3,558.58 3,755.11 4,050.49 1,387.12 36,972.23 3,413.08 77,787.23 203.43 59.10 489.08 7,917.47 869.63 3,991.30 15,955.62 19,852.66 3,764.35 7,600.32 172.05 29.49 4,222.53 1,320.04 16,598.64 58.78 1,864.18 80,713.83 2,087.79 0.43% 0.06% 1.89% 0.00% 0.08% 0.08% 0.09% 0.03% 0.79% 0.07% 1.67% 0.00% 0.00% 0.01% 0.17% 0.02% 0.09% 0.34% 0.43% 0.08% 0.16% 0.00% 0.00% 0.09% 0.03% 0.36% 0.00% 0.04% 1.73% 0.04% 6,958.40 15,007.32 7,990.35 5,046.64 2.79 21,918.05 92,530.98 2,967.21 9,081.91 7,614.93 12,157.77 10,277.61 704.40 0.12 84,292.35 16,584.46 883.90 6,474.24 22,539.36 6,367.96 347.85 422.56 25.09 29,581.12 1,837.40 22,878.82 7,173.02 268.84 250.60 182.27 450.12 5,733.82 3,927.05 71.30 12,196.32 3,466.47 3,698.47 259.24 390.78 1,959.38 84,521.41 8,504.77 20,019.92 4.02 11.11 10.30 51,511.46 1,329.48 1,564.66 15,148.66 281,867.81 12,709.77 3,877.31 17,599.56 0.15% 0.32% 0.17% 0.11% 0.00% 0.47% 1.98% 0.06% 0.19% 0.16% 0.26% 0.22% 0.02% 0.00% 1.81% 0.36% 0.02% 0.14% 0.48% 0.14% 0.01% 0.01% 0.00% 0.63% 0.04% 0.49% 0.15% 0.01% 0.01% 0.00% 0.01% 0.12% 1,875.00 1,004.54 8,847.50 580.20 80,713.83 1,070.87 5,990.45 12,421.48 6,737.84 4,326.23 19,831.71 61,706.51 2,489.96 4,985.73 4,554.38 8,906.09 9,896.10 704.40 76,510.43 3,445.81 425.87 372.04 10,766.03 3,548.65 93.33 368.82 24.97 29,331.99 727.94 19,898.68 5,655.41 9.30 250.60 24.02 336.74 4,920.50 3,912.16 19.00 10,774.78 3,466.47 3,107.84 229.05 7.57 1,228.35 49,918.45 7,115.01 17,464.46 46,010.35 23.33 1,332.45 14,613.41 280,333.21 9,218.32 892.86 16,472.36 0.00% 0.26% 0.07% 0.08% 0.01% 0.01% 0.04% 1.81% 0.18% 0.43% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 1.10% 0.03% 0.03% 0.32% 6.04% 0.27% 0.08% 0.38% PROCUREMENT OF GOODS BY COUNTRY OF PROCUREMENT AND SOURCE OF FUNDS : 2006 ALL SOURCES OF FUNDING COUNTRY TIMOR-LESTE TOGO TONGA TRINIDAD & TOBAGO TUNISIA TURKEY TURKMENISTAN TUVALU UNITED ARAB EMIRATES UGANDA UKRAINE UNITED KINGDOM UNITED REP. OF TANZANIA URUGUAY USA UZBEKISTAN VANUATU VENEZUELA VIET NAM YEMEN ZAMBIA ZIMBABWE (USD Thousand) SOURCE OF FUNDING UNDP AP TOTAL (%) 4,305.62 523.74 0.09% 0.03% 0.00% 0.01% 0.02% 1.25% 0.01% 0.00% 0.82% 1.20% 0.27% 2.38% 0.54% 0.18% 2.40% 0.03% 0.00% 0.38% 0.15% 0.22% 0.19% 0.11% 10.27 1,070.72 49.76 150.94 275.39 1,407.22 360.09 29.78 2,997.82 2,455.88 8,415.02 13,092.02 6,895.10 4,237.72 -103,942.88 1,028.06 2.35 16,926.73 498.70 4,141.36 1,381.18 1,165.85 35,115.14 53,396.59 4,098.01 97,931.91 18,200.80 4,033.43 216,016.01 597.54 5.46 674.27 6,531.79 5,903.22 7,294.66 3,799.73 4,315.89 1,594.46 49.76 233.65 753.09 58,529.47 587.21 29.78 38,112.96 55,852.47 12,513.03 111,023.93 25,095.90 8,271.15 112,073.13 1,625.60 7.81 17,601.00 7,030.49 10,044.58 8,675.84 4,965.58 655,360.83 3,927,092.76 4,582,453.59 98.22% 2,030.93 52,712.71 54,743.64 1.17% 27,832.97 27,832.97 0.60% 316.85 316.85 0.01% 657,391.76 4,007,955.28 4,665,347.04 100.00% 37,660.31 5.73% 2,062,584.30 51.46% 2,100,244.61 45.02% 617,700.52 93.96% 1,892,658.27 47.22% 2,510,358.79 53.81% 31,694.17 4.82% 200,741.02 5.01% 232,435.19 4.98% 181,681.92 27.64% 644,765.84 16.09% 826,447.76 17.71% ASIA & PACIFIC Percentage 77,991.43 11.86% 695,917.83 17.36% 773,909.27 16.59% EUROPE & CIS Percentage 42,800.95 6.51% 156,646.80 3.91% 199,447.75 4.28% 283,532.05 43.13% 194,586.77 4.86% 478,118.82 10.25% 2,030.93 0.31% 52,712.71 1.32% 54,743.64 1.17% SUB-TOTAL UNSPECIFIED COUNTRIES GLOBAL PROJECTS INTERREGIONAL PROJECTS ARAB COUNTRIES AFRICAN COUNTRIES ASIAN COUNTRIES EUROPEAN COUNTRIES LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN GRAND-TOTAL INDUSTRIALIZED COUNTRIES: Percentage DEVELOPING COUNTRIES/ ECONOMIES IN TRANSITION Percentage ARAB STATES Percentage AFRICA Percentage LATIN AMERICA & THE CARIBBEAN Percentage OTHERS Percentage 14 82.71 477.70 57,122.25 227.12 TOTAL PROCUREMENT OF GOODS BY AGENCY AND COUNTRY OF PROCUREMENT : 2006 ALL SOURCES OF FUNDING (USD Thousand) AGENCY COUNTRY ESCAP AFGHANISTAN ALBANIA ALGERIA ANDORRA ANGOLA ANTIGUA & BARBUDA ARGENTINA ARMENIA AUSTRALIA AUSTRIA AZERBAIJAN BAHAMAS BAHRAIN BANGLADESH BARBADOS BELARUS BELGIUM BELIZE BENIN BHUTAN BOLIVIA BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BOTSWANA BRAZIL BRUNEI DARUSSALAM BULGARIA BURKINA FASO BURUNDI CAMBODIA CAMEROON CANADA CAPE VERDE CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC CHAD CHILE CHINA COLOMBIA COMOROS CONGO CONGO, DEM. REP. COSTA RICA COTE D'IVOIRE CROATIA CUBA CYPRUS CZECH REPUBLIC DENMARK DJIBOUTI DOMINICA DOMINICAN REPUBLIC DPR KOREA ECUADOR EGYPT EL SALVADOR EQUATORIAL GUINEA ERITREA ESTONIA ETHIOPIA FIJI FINLAND FRANCE GABON GAMBIA GEORGIA GERMANY GHANA GREECE GRENADA GUATEMALA GUINEA GUINEA-BISSAU GUYANA HAITI HONDURAS HUNGARY ICELAND INDIA INDONESIA IRAN (ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF) IRAQ IRELAND ISRAEL ITALY JAMAICA JAPAN ECA ESCWA ECLAC 2.27 21.00 194.92 701.75 5.51 30.64 4.00 42.35 496.00 618.45 14.11 4.47 79.00 30.45 2.01 37.00 15 136.10 TOTAL PROCUREMENT OF GOODS BY AGENCY AND COUNTRY OF PROCUREMENT : 2006 ALL SOURCES OF FUNDING (USD Thousand) AGENCY COUNTRY ESCAP JORDAN KAZAKHSTAN KENYA KIRIBATI KUWAIT KYRGYZSTAN LAO P.D.R. LATVIA LEBANON LESOTHO LIBERIA LIBYAN ARAB JAMAHIRIYA LIECHTENSTEIN LITHUANIA LUXEMBOURG MACEDONIA (TFYR) MADAGASCAR MALAWI MALAYSIA MALDIVES MALI MALTA MARSHALL ISLANDS MAURITANIA MAURITIUS MEXICO MICRONESIA (FED. STATES OF) MOLDOVA (REPUBLIC OF) MONACO MONGOLIA MONTENEGRO MOROCCO MOZAMBIQUE MYANMAR NAMIBIA NAURU NEPAL NETHERLANDS NEW ZEALAND NICARAGUA NIGER NIGERIA NORWAY OMAN PALAU PAKISTAN PANAMA PAPUA NEW GUINEA PARAGUAY PERU PHILIPPINES POLAND PORTUGAL QATAR REPUBLIC OF KOREA ROMANIA RUSSIAN FEDERATION RWANDA SAMOA SAN MARINO SAO TOME & PRINCIPE SAUDI ARABIA SENEGAL SERBIA SEYCHELLES SIERRA LEONE SINGAPORE SLOVAKIA SLOVENIA SOLOMON ISLANDS SOMALIA SOUTH AFRICA SPAIN SRI LANKA ST KITTS & NEVIS ST. LUCIA ST. VINCENT & THE GRENADINES SUDAN SURINAME SWAZILAND SWEDEN SWITZERLAND SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC TAJIKISTAN THAILAND ECA ESCWA ECLAC 1,276.00 39.23 115.59 34.00 0.99 172.10 3.46 30.42 27.72 0.95 2.00 2,165.78 16 TOTAL PROCUREMENT OF GOODS BY AGENCY AND COUNTRY OF PROCUREMENT : 2006 ALL SOURCES OF FUNDING (USD Thousand) AGENCY COUNTRY ESCAP TIMOR-LESTE TOGO TONGA TRINIDAD & TOBAGO TUNISIA TURKEY TURKMENISTAN TUVALU UNITED ARAB EMIRATES UGANDA UKRAINE UNITED KINGDOM UNITED REP. OF TANZANIA URUGUAY USA UZBEKISTAN VANUATU VENEZUELA VIET NAM YEMEN ZAMBIA ZIMBABWE SUB-TOTAL ECA ESCWA ECLAC 14.17 224.20 79.78 24.00 278.63 5.60 231.15 1,107.00 173.10 470.37 20.00 3,076.87 3,100.00 1,472.83 1,266.55 3,076.87 3,100.00 1,472.83 1,266.55 520.99 16.93% 1,685.00 54.35% 1,206.28 81.90% 508.15 40.12% 2,555.88 83.07% 1,415.00 45.65% 266.55 18.10% 758.41 59.88% 1,411.00 45.52% 224.20 15.22% 4.00 0.13% 42.35 2.88% UNSPECIFIED COUNTRIES GLOBAL PROJECTS INTERREGIONAL PROJECTS ARAB COUNTRIES AFRICAN COUNTRIES ASIAN COUNTRIES EUROPEAN COUNTRIES LATIN AMERICA & THE CARIBBEAN GRAND-TOTAL INDUSTRIALIZED COUNTRIES: Percentage DEVELOPING COUNTRIES/ ECONOMIES IN TRANSITION Percentage ARAB COUNTRIES Percentage AFRICAN COUNTRIES Percentage ASIAN COUNTRIES Percentage 2,555.88 83.07% EUROPE & CIS Percentage 758.41 59.88% LATIN AMERICA & THE CARIB. Percentage OTHERS Percentage 17 TOTAL PROCUREMENT OF GOODS BY AGENCY AND COUNTRY OF PROCUREMENT : 2006 ALL SOURCES OF FUNDING (USD Thousand) AGENCY COUNTRY FAO AFGHANISTAN ALBANIA ALGERIA ANDORRA ANGOLA ANTIGUA & BARBUDA ARGENTINA ARMENIA AUSTRALIA AUSTRIA AZERBAIJAN BAHAMAS BAHRAIN BANGLADESH BARBADOS BELARUS BELGIUM BELIZE BENIN BHUTAN BOLIVIA BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BOTSWANA BRAZIL BRUNEI DARUSSALAM BULGARIA BURKINA FASO BURUNDI CAMBODIA CAMEROON CANADA CAPE VERDE CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC CHAD CHILE CHINA COLOMBIA COMOROS CONGO CONGO, DEM. REP. COSTA RICA COTE D'IVOIRE CROATIA CUBA CYPRUS CZECH REPUBLIC DENMARK DJIBOUTI DOMINICA DOMINICAN REPUBLIC DPR KOREA ECUADOR EGYPT EL SALVADOR EQUATORIAL GUINEA ERITREA ESTONIA ETHIOPIA FIJI FINLAND FRANCE GABON GAMBIA GEORGIA GERMANY GHANA GREECE GRENADA GUATEMALA GUINEA GUINEA-BISSAU GUYANA HAITI HONDURAS HUNGARY ICELAND INDIA INDONESIA IRAN (ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF) IRAQ IRELAND ISRAEL ITALY JAMAICA JAPAN IAEA IFAD ILO ITC 2,298.81 134.61 26.06 286.67 28.26 80.38 17,923.61 9.50 15.71 706.14 0.56 13.15 9.81 3.74 105.41 291.43 546.31 22.17 9.10 818.06 426.19 51.05 11.86 1,112.22 78.82 7.58 1,516.15 1,035.13 1,327.10 87.62 121.53 242.36 1.24 6.40 143.88 126.35 241.72 18.05 0.90 3,042.36 229.65 169.24 441.31 37.20 2.02 30.70 563.80 50.73 105.24 0.26 23.73 938.99 4.99 490.10 16.50 12.26 1.88 2,081.90 99.75 1,537.03 22.29 6.07 12,119.11 4,705.14 236.02 191.07 10.80 50.75 5.36 2.45 3,297.44 259.55 529.16 112.73 2.30 2.00 49.50 2.56 126.08 95.00 203.21 1,407.37 0.07 138.06 8,460.84 712.93 18 946.13 351.00 228.27 74.25 TOTAL PROCUREMENT OF GOODS BY AGENCY AND COUNTRY OF PROCUREMENT : 2006 ALL SOURCES OF FUNDING (USD Thousand) AGENCY COUNTRY FAO JORDAN KAZAKHSTAN KENYA KIRIBATI KUWAIT KYRGYZSTAN LAO P.D.R. LATVIA LEBANON LESOTHO LIBERIA LIBYAN ARAB JAMAHIRIYA LIECHTENSTEIN LITHUANIA LUXEMBOURG MACEDONIA (TFYR) MADAGASCAR MALAWI MALAYSIA MALDIVES MALI MALTA MARSHALL ISLANDS MAURITANIA MAURITIUS MEXICO MICRONESIA (FED. STATES OF) MOLDOVA (REPUBLIC OF) MONACO MONGOLIA MONTENEGRO MOROCCO MOZAMBIQUE MYANMAR NAMIBIA NAURU NEPAL NETHERLANDS NEW ZEALAND NICARAGUA NIGER NIGERIA NORWAY OMAN PALAU PAKISTAN PANAMA PAPUA NEW GUINEA PARAGUAY PERU PHILIPPINES POLAND PORTUGAL QATAR REPUBLIC OF KOREA ROMANIA RUSSIAN FEDERATION RWANDA SAMOA SAN MARINO SAO TOME & PRINCIPE SAUDI ARABIA SENEGAL SERBIA SEYCHELLES SIERRA LEONE SINGAPORE SLOVAKIA SLOVENIA SOLOMON ISLANDS SOMALIA SOUTH AFRICA SPAIN SRI LANKA ST KITTS & NEVIS ST. LUCIA ST. VINCENT & THE GRENADINES SUDAN SURINAME SWAZILAND SWEDEN SWITZERLAND SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC TAJIKISTAN THAILAND IAEA 202.80 IFAD ILO ITC 3.50 554.37 626.74 42.49 0.98 19.10 448.82 311.20 7.77 613.20 19.18 233.89 2.93 158.05 6.51 49.21 26.52 49.44 79.21 122.85 0.30 8.19 0.10 94.86 2,066.85 3.20 1,738.46 7.00 1.11 270.31 0.80 0.30 1.20 6.87 9.70 4,001.55 0.98 12.00 3.00 4.50 19.94 14.92 2.96 5.89 15.32 82.56 2.12 0.70 247.13 42.89 1,428.24 623.88 9.30 146.37 72.49 3.60 1.32 108.66 1,845.49 42.25 212.58 771.51 1,360.65 67.56 2,456.05 257.07 446.99 3.79 379.91 177.58 58.09 2.29 199.98 3,462.31 18.80 32.04 1,144.01 19 1.25 6.20 19,460.76 934.55 TOTAL PROCUREMENT OF GOODS BY AGENCY AND COUNTRY OF PROCUREMENT : 2006 ALL SOURCES OF FUNDING (USD Thousand) AGENCY COUNTRY FAO TIMOR-LESTE TOGO TONGA TRINIDAD & TOBAGO TUNISIA TURKEY TURKMENISTAN TUVALU UNITED ARAB EMIRATES UGANDA UKRAINE UNITED KINGDOM UNITED REP. OF TANZANIA URUGUAY USA UZBEKISTAN VANUATU VENEZUELA VIET NAM YEMEN ZAMBIA ZIMBABWE IAEA IFAD ILO ITC 5.40 220.00 246.48 2,858.89 2,820.04 2,058.72 1,372.51 24.39 0.59 441.25 2,880.59 0.57 195.00 67.92 3.66 2.53 11,966.74 4.19 161.20 0.23 1,045.67 21,609.57 1,203.54 10.62 961.26 0.66 35.35 56,729.76 67,843.01 1,633.60 20.80 GRAND-TOTAL 58,363.35 67,863.82 1,045.67 21,609.57 1,203.54 INDUSTRIALIZED COUNTRIES: Percentage DEVELOPING COUNTRIES/ ECONOMIES IN TRANSITION Percentage 27,632.19 47.35% 57,891.04 85.30% 1,045.67 100.00% 21,531.89 99.64% 1,065.70 88.55% 29,097.57 49.86% 9,951.97 14.66% 77.67 0.36% 137.84 11.45% 2,069.63 3.55% 42.46 0.06% AFRICAN COUNTRIES Percentage 10,487.03 17.97% 297.17 0.44% 67.92 0.31% ASIAN COUNTRIES Percentage 14,172.47 24.28% 987.03 1.45% 2.00 0.01% 431.22 0.74% 7,893.47 11.63% 7.76 0.04% LATIN AMERICA & THE CARIB. Percentage 1,937.23 3.32% 731.84 1.08% OTHERS Percentage 1,633.60 2.80% 20.80 0.03% SUB-TOTAL UNSPECIFIED COUNTRIES GLOBAL PROJECTS INTERREGIONAL PROJECTS ARAB COUNTRIES AFRICAN COUNTRIES ASIAN COUNTRIES EUROPEAN COUNTRIES LATIN AMERICA & THE CARIBBEAN ARAB COUNTRIES Percentage EUROPE & CIS Percentage 20 132.48 11.01% 5.36 0.45% TOTAL PROCUREMENT OF GOODS BY AGENCY AND COUNTRY OF PROCUREMENT : 2006 ALL SOURCES OF FUNDING (USD Thousand) AGENCY UNDP/ IAPSO COUNTRY PAHO AFGHANISTAN ALBANIA ALGERIA ANDORRA ANGOLA ANTIGUA & BARBUDA ARGENTINA ARMENIA AUSTRALIA AUSTRIA AZERBAIJAN BAHAMAS BAHRAIN BANGLADESH BARBADOS BELARUS BELGIUM BELIZE BENIN BHUTAN BOLIVIA BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BOTSWANA BRAZIL BRUNEI DARUSSALAM BULGARIA BURKINA FASO BURUNDI CAMBODIA CAMEROON CANADA CAPE VERDE CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC CHAD CHILE CHINA COLOMBIA COMOROS CONGO CONGO, DEM. REP. COSTA RICA COTE D'IVOIRE CROATIA CUBA CYPRUS CZECH REPUBLIC DENMARK DJIBOUTI DOMINICA DOMINICAN REPUBLIC DPR KOREA ECUADOR EGYPT EL SALVADOR EQUATORIAL GUINEA ERITREA ESTONIA ETHIOPIA FIJI FINLAND FRANCE GABON GAMBIA GEORGIA GERMANY GHANA GREECE GRENADA GUATEMALA GUINEA GUINEA-BISSAU GUYANA HAITI HONDURAS HUNGARY ICELAND INDIA INDONESIA IRAN (ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF) IRAQ IRELAND ISRAEL ITALY JAMAICA JAPAN UNCTAD UNDP 5.00 74.84 717.65 8.00 45,519.12 16.50 10,691.31 47.10 1,744.37 121.30 1.30 3.00 2,097.03 2.50 251.60 362.62 26.50 454.71 39.73 5.50 139.00 9.00 98.83 50,266.46 76.86 50.00 2,391.27 52.30 272.10 42,205.67 189.23 8.50 8,102.90 1,492.57 21 7,256.69 422.77 1,036.93 7,570.95 5.77 122,022.13 776.94 533.78 407.72 6,592.07 1.62 335.89 2,417.42 147.88 4,069.09 3,886.48 131.69 5,956.59 1,648.69 16,304.14 1,919.55 855.68 869.37 1,759.07 1,595.49 746.27 1,500.98 617.78 3,441.52 906.85 2,250.53 1,458.92 1,874.45 6,548.04 16,766.46 736.61 45,871.07 2,329.22 617.65 2,590.58 552.58 6,065.47 889.33 32.34 31,393.25 1,094.75 1.92 1,065.09 218.56 3,352.70 2,930.12 2,296.04 73.03 395.66 351.56 8,650.04 442.38 164.62 4,104.23 5,462.63 500.87 1,911.22 3,506.93 2,191.87 2.17 13,484.70 1,679.24 1,051.17 782.05 3,829.85 28,070.72 130.08 1.08 29,931.24 2,278.79 1,381.81 -4,868.21 40.08 685.50 3,002.46 332.58 37,939.82 UNESCO 11.12 9.90 1.00 1,299.51 18.37 0.17 747.74 764.69 17.26 0.15 13,852.67 1,056.14 387.55 105.96 5.00 240.51 92.24 0.01 14.39 21,644.03 79.17 30.56 0.69 3.24 2,542.71 1,036.36 101.95 40,271.19 1,296.37 251.15 0.54 1,725.87 8,065.66 33.18 11.36 99.85 4,206.67 3,688.26 929.31 28,461.13 173.93 TOTAL PROCUREMENT OF GOODS BY AGENCY AND COUNTRY OF PROCUREMENT : 2006 ALL SOURCES OF FUNDING (USD Thousand) AGENCY UNDP/ IAPSO COUNTRY PAHO JORDAN KAZAKHSTAN KENYA KIRIBATI KUWAIT KYRGYZSTAN LAO P.D.R. LATVIA LEBANON LESOTHO LIBERIA LIBYAN ARAB JAMAHIRIYA LIECHTENSTEIN LITHUANIA LUXEMBOURG MACEDONIA (TFYR) MADAGASCAR MALAWI MALAYSIA MALDIVES MALI MALTA MARSHALL ISLANDS MAURITANIA MAURITIUS MEXICO MICRONESIA (FED. STATES OF) MOLDOVA (REPUBLIC OF) MONACO MONGOLIA MONTENEGRO MOROCCO MOZAMBIQUE MYANMAR NAMIBIA NAURU NEPAL NETHERLANDS NEW ZEALAND NICARAGUA NIGER NIGERIA NORWAY OMAN PALAU PAKISTAN PANAMA PAPUA NEW GUINEA PARAGUAY PERU PHILIPPINES POLAND PORTUGAL QATAR REPUBLIC OF KOREA ROMANIA RUSSIAN FEDERATION RWANDA SAMOA SAN MARINO SAO TOME & PRINCIPE SAUDI ARABIA SENEGAL SERBIA SEYCHELLES SIERRA LEONE SINGAPORE SLOVAKIA SLOVENIA SOLOMON ISLANDS SOMALIA SOUTH AFRICA SPAIN SRI LANKA ST KITTS & NEVIS ST. LUCIA ST. VINCENT & THE GRENADINES SUDAN SURINAME SWAZILAND SWEDEN SWITZERLAND SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC TAJIKISTAN THAILAND UNCTAD UNDP 14.60 2.60 46.30 16.39 12.80 1.00 3,608.18 685.73 5,675.75 110.90 722.35 3,569.70 1,195.62 938.30 7,088.31 891.85 10,535.97 141.66 UNESCO 954.34 5.39 2,448.26 177.19 44.16 531.72 2,639.29 1,315.13 1,355.00 2,392.76 3,072.00 0.69 12.78 6.05 29.49 2,347.53 315.50 7,751.14 58.78 1,283.98 693.35 3.58 37.59 0.42 45.96 1,016.92 967.95 2,585.84 1,252.51 720.41 2.79 2,086.34 30,824.47 477.25 4,096.18 3,060.55 3,251.68 381.51 2,437.12 154.50 1,045.99 2,615.73 2.11 26.27 10.00 14,871.22 0.12 7,781.92 13,138.65 458.03 6,092.20 11,773.33 2,819.31 254.52 53.74 0.12 249.13 1,109.46 2,974.89 1,517.61 259.54 7,817.42 110.84 1,106.99 41.91 3.29 470.87 0.42 9.21 64.41 4.00 27.08 28.78 5.81 158.25 113.38 813.32 14.89 52.30 1,421.54 46.22 62.05 6.00 4.40 1,832.59 7,057.74 19.40 22 590.63 30.19 383.21 731.03 34,602.96 1,389.76 2,555.46 4.02 11.11 10.30 5,501.11 1,306.15 232.21 535.25 1,534.60 3,491.45 2,984.45 1,025.18 15.56 273.10 102.42 24.16 19.74 39.73 2.00 227.14 3,242.33 3.57 383.63 250.56 162.72 TOTAL PROCUREMENT OF GOODS BY AGENCY AND COUNTRY OF PROCUREMENT : 2006 ALL SOURCES OF FUNDING (USD Thousand) AGENCY UNDP/ IAPSO COUNTRY PAHO TIMOR-LESTE TOGO TONGA TRINIDAD & TOBAGO TUNISIA TURKEY TURKMENISTAN TUVALU UNITED ARAB EMIRATES UGANDA UKRAINE UNITED KINGDOM UNITED REP. OF TANZANIA URUGUAY USA UZBEKISTAN VANUATU VENEZUELA VIET NAM YEMEN ZAMBIA ZIMBABWE SUB-TOTAL UNSPECIFIED COUNTRIES UNCTAD UNDP 18.13 326.67 25.69 0.70 417.57 3,565.08 24,990.08 53.00 29.10 227,157.35 791.40 83.18 1,070.72 49.76 150.94 275.39 1,407.22 360.09 29.78 2,997.82 2,455.88 8,415.02 13,092.02 6,895.10 4,237.72 -103,943.34 1,028.06 2.35 16,926.73 498.70 4,141.36 1,381.18 1,165.85 UNESCO 848.50 0.30 275.66 39.72 19.77 2.51 2,044.98 9.60 59.43 278.25 20.91 10,015.04 4,614.97 0.75 653,999.71 108,673.33 60,787.42 2,030.93 10,773.53 17,190.73 GLOBAL PROJECTS INTERREGIONAL PROJECTS ARAB COUNTRIES AFRICAN COUNTRIES ASIAN COUNTRIES EUROPEAN COUNTRIES LATIN AMERICA & THE CARIBBEAN GRAND-TOTAL 227,240.53 791.40 656,030.64 119,446.86 77,978.15 INDUSTRIALIZED COUNTRIES: Percentage DEVELOPING COUNTRIES/ ECONOMIES IN TRANSITION Percentage 146,468.55 64.46% 26.50 3.35% 36,473.95 5.56% 93,029.92 77.88% 45,577.99 58.45% 80,688.81 35.51% 764.90 96.65% 617,525.76 94.13% 15,643.41 13.10% 15,209.43 19.50% ARAB COUNTRIES Percentage 25.69 0.01% 28.80 3.64% 31,691.40 4.83% 3,678.27 3.08% 230.62 0.30% AFRICAN COUNTRIES Percentage 46.22 0.02% 301.20 38.06% 181,669.47 27.69% 119.68 0.10% 448.13 0.57% 57,093.28 25.12% 88.00 11.12% 77,856.39 11.87% 9,250.18 7.74% 303.92 0.39% 326.67 0.14% 8.00 1.01% 42,787.75 6.52% 869.41 0.73% 26.18 0.03% 23,196.95 10.21% 338.90 42.82% 283,520.75 43.22% 1,725.87 1.44% 14,200.59 18.21% 2,030.93 0.31% 10,773.53 9.02% 17,190.73 22.05% ASIAN COUNTRIES Percentage EUROPE & CIS Percentage LATIN AMERICA & THE CARIB. Percentage OTHERS Percentage 83.18 0.04% 23 TOTAL PROCUREMENT OF GOODS BY AGENCY AND COUNTRY OF PROCUREMENT : 2006 ALL SOURCES OF FUNDING (USD Thousand) AGENCY COUNTRY UNHCR UNFPA AFGHANISTAN ALBANIA ALGERIA ANDORRA ANGOLA ANTIGUA & BARBUDA ARGENTINA ARMENIA AUSTRALIA AUSTRIA AZERBAIJAN BAHAMAS BAHRAIN BANGLADESH BARBADOS BELARUS BELGIUM BELIZE BENIN BHUTAN BOLIVIA BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BOTSWANA BRAZIL BRUNEI DARUSSALAM BULGARIA BURKINA FASO BURUNDI CAMBODIA CAMEROON CANADA CAPE VERDE CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC CHAD CHILE CHINA COLOMBIA COMOROS CONGO CONGO, DEM. REP. COSTA RICA COTE D'IVOIRE CROATIA CUBA CYPRUS CZECH REPUBLIC DENMARK DJIBOUTI DOMINICA DOMINICAN REPUBLIC DPR KOREA ECUADOR EGYPT EL SALVADOR EQUATORIAL GUINEA ERITREA ESTONIA ETHIOPIA FIJI FINLAND FRANCE GABON GAMBIA GEORGIA GERMANY GHANA GREECE GRENADA GUATEMALA GUINEA GUINEA-BISSAU GUYANA HAITI HONDURAS HUNGARY ICELAND INDIA INDONESIA IRAN (ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF) IRAQ IRELAND ISRAEL ITALY JAMAICA JAPAN UNICEF 709.97 201.68 43.98 3,875.02 292.91 158.32 795.27 3,108.57 84.17 56.32 25.27 4.05 267.98 247.96 116.48 1,876.84 301.61 239.05 901.23 3.30 666.70 18.31 95.77 94.90 9.18 303.87 49.44 258.95 19.75 223.50 124.33 35.97 39.12 1,584.77 220.52 640.04 423.40 315.38 11.09 703.68 44.06 129.59 886.36 49.86 8.25 77.59 4,295.09 30.80 449.94 0.11 247.62 6,439.76 9,493.43 17.19 3,537.67 4.07 5,409.69 74.70 134.81 217,320.72 54.32 1,768.43 646.41 1,587.33 194.78 142.40 2,836.51 325.21 1,211.19 2,943.64 2,913.11 1,087.31 2,052.71 1,242.60 1,454.56 1,183.87 40,076.31 360.26 503.60 192.04 2,332.73 46.87 3,441.21 115.68 987.93 8,380.50 380.54 35,876.69 678.26 113.19 36.30 28.78 446.97 471.15 256.50 319.75 215.98 801.86 371.14 491.68 422.57 126.74 508.54 572.13 318.03 12.18 389.67 70.18 139.48 66.34 825.68 245.50 8,410.11 195.16 3,102.83 109,527.36 224.31 273.71 173.42 23,104.21 3,105.84 72.68 716.51 3,355.25 728.54 265.39 296.50 998.83 971.24 570.64 203.93 1,691.91 617.30 175.60 385.44 601.07 13,402.43 1,327.88 216.73 54.53 38.99 445.29 43.80 123.75 285.26 5,342.19 171.50 16.81 2,190.66 5,736.14 24 247,474.04 13,518.08 1,514.68 1,992.70 3,490.86 3,222.34 29,267.26 177.30 44,993.74 UNIDO UNOG 603.00 1.32 594.30 30.00 113.70 29.70 5.70 20.00 4.38 78.00 99.00 7.00 1.00 99.00 154.86 433.00 1,376.00 124.20 2.54 524.31 954.70 61.00 42.01 12.00 1,041.80 152.00 175.00 124.00 5.00 568.00 2,525.00 118.00 515.00 152.88 40.91 381.30 TOTAL PROCUREMENT OF GOODS BY AGENCY AND COUNTRY OF PROCUREMENT : 2006 ALL SOURCES OF FUNDING (USD Thousand) AGENCY COUNTRY UNHCR UNFPA JORDAN KAZAKHSTAN KENYA KIRIBATI KUWAIT KYRGYZSTAN LAO P.D.R. LATVIA LEBANON LESOTHO LIBERIA LIBYAN ARAB JAMAHIRIYA LIECHTENSTEIN LITHUANIA LUXEMBOURG MACEDONIA (TFYR) MADAGASCAR MALAWI MALAYSIA MALDIVES MALI MALTA MARSHALL ISLANDS MAURITANIA MAURITIUS MEXICO MICRONESIA (FED. STATES OF) MOLDOVA (REPUBLIC OF) MONACO MONGOLIA MONTENEGRO MOROCCO MOZAMBIQUE MYANMAR NAMIBIA NAURU NEPAL NETHERLANDS NEW ZEALAND NICARAGUA NIGER NIGERIA NORWAY OMAN PALAU PAKISTAN PANAMA PAPUA NEW GUINEA PARAGUAY PERU PHILIPPINES POLAND PORTUGAL QATAR REPUBLIC OF KOREA ROMANIA RUSSIAN FEDERATION RWANDA SAMOA SAN MARINO SAO TOME & PRINCIPE SAUDI ARABIA SENEGAL SERBIA SEYCHELLES SIERRA LEONE SINGAPORE SLOVAKIA SLOVENIA SOLOMON ISLANDS SOMALIA SOUTH AFRICA SPAIN SRI LANKA ST KITTS & NEVIS ST. LUCIA ST. VINCENT & THE GRENADINES SUDAN SURINAME SWAZILAND SWEDEN SWITZERLAND SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC TAJIKISTAN THAILAND 170.09 1,184.06 3,190.74 UNICEF 895.36 80.61 29,317.49 3.69 7.97 67.40 233.24 98.92 2,412.97 712.08 445.86 562.08 1,208.96 763.97 1,166.84 UNIDO UNOG 49.00 3.40 7,343.19 103.79 1,181.28 112.28 71.08 551.93 1,123.73 2,307.08 635.47 1,169.13 1,254.84 7.50 644.34 4.37 240.24 575.34 13.05 948.26 113.00 457.35 366.89 703.64 93.18 1,044.80 439.49 398.14 425.87 3,073.84 2,982.29 444.45 739.80 6,870.84 1,499.03 487.71 1,189.16 2,712.70 479.37 0.22 773.53 26.33 86.16 85.10 6,030.94 203.91 3,308.32 2,244.29 4,962.77 72.67 693.19 2,694.33 6,106.53 2,676.68 320.52 23.00 292.00 203.51 24,006.22 502.74 339.71 270.58 690.83 3,166.45 5.00 53.00 218.84 30.21 202.52 2,379.53 9,297.66 463.70 1,960.17 636.25 606.63 24.02 4.24 1,254.00 19.00 173.97 82.33 13.05 1,015.75 135.76 25.71 72.00 38.00 51.82 804.48 84.66 178.79 1,508.88 0.18 200.60 17.10 262.18 680.12 96.05 265.90 25 553.38 7.57 151.72 8,797.95 540.15 6,976.20 1,419.84 3,636.62 8,192.10 21.15 728.28 6,366.95 122,395.05 2,628.47 587.13 7,710.35 1,129.00 3,310.00 182.00 9.90 6,486.11 TOTAL PROCUREMENT OF GOODS BY AGENCY AND COUNTRY OF PROCUREMENT : 2006 ALL SOURCES OF FUNDING (USD Thousand) AGENCY COUNTRY UNHCR 42.22 UNICEF 931.32 432.27 21.93 153.43 258.24 47.43 3.81 315.28 4,577.50 179.69 UNFPA TIMOR-LESTE TOGO TONGA TRINIDAD & TOBAGO TUNISIA TURKEY TURKMENISTAN TUVALU UNITED ARAB EMIRATES UGANDA UKRAINE UNITED KINGDOM UNITED REP. OF TANZANIA URUGUAY USA UZBEKISTAN VANUATU VENEZUELA VIET NAM YEMEN ZAMBIA ZIMBABWE SUB-TOTAL UNSPECIFIED COUNTRIES 340.90 1,691.67 267.40 283.57 1,932.34 604.07 1.55 18,471.12 78.27 3,877.82 1,005.06 249.33 343.71 171.32 487.67 233.48 1,024.13 103,945.98 52,214.21 6.35 5,404.83 3,132.75 369.00 19,099.22 4,949.96 100.94 16,333.30 417.26 5.46 225.95 1,670.04 4,872.03 1,346.16 1,565.33 UNIDO UNOG 175.00 181.00 1,267.00 654.51 2,438.00 848.16 41.00 87.00 1,204,094.15 19,184.80 3,311.54 156.00 9,678.62 GLOBAL PROJECTS INTERREGIONAL PROJECTS ARAB COUNTRIES AFRICAN COUNTRIES ASIAN COUNTRIES EUROPEAN COUNTRIES LATIN AMERICA & THE CARIBBEAN GRAND-TOTAL 103,952.34 52,214.21 1,207,405.69 19,340.80 9,678.62 39,642.35 38.14% 27,739.32 53.13% 655,887.31 54.32% 14,436.90 74.64% 9,555.62 98.73% 64,303.63 61.86% 24,474.88 46.87% 548,206.84 45.40% 4,747.90 24.55% 123.00 1.27% 4,593.04 4.42% 1,863.17 3.57% 29,259.10 2.42% 853.00 4.41% AFRICAN COUNTRIES Percentage 25,496.39 24.53% 4,749.18 9.10% 106,343.56 8.81% 1,394.00 7.21% ASIAN COUNTRIES Percentage 21,761.87 20.93% 17,469.81 33.46% 379,307.89 31.42% 1,436.70 7.43% 1,809.91 1.74% 392.72 0.75% 17,760.14 1.47% 300.20 1.55% 10,642.42 10.24% 15,536.16 1.29% 764.00 3.95% 6.35 0.01% 3,311.54 0.27% 156.00 0.81% INDUSTRIALIZED COUNTRIES: Percentage DEVELOPING COUNTRIES/ ECONOMIES IN TRANSITION Percentage ARAB COUNTRIES Percentage EUROPE & CIS Percentage LATIN AMERICA & THE CARIB. Percentage OTHERS Percentage 26 118.00 1.22% 5.00 0.05% TOTAL PROCUREMENT OF GOODS BY AGENCY AND COUNTRY OF PROCUREMENT : 2006 ALL SOURCES OF FUNDING (USD Thousand) AGENCY COUNTRY UNON AFGHANISTAN ALBANIA ALGERIA ANDORRA ANGOLA ANTIGUA & BARBUDA ARGENTINA ARMENIA AUSTRALIA AUSTRIA AZERBAIJAN BAHAMAS BAHRAIN BANGLADESH BARBADOS BELARUS BELGIUM BELIZE BENIN BHUTAN BOLIVIA BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BOTSWANA BRAZIL BRUNEI DARUSSALAM BULGARIA BURKINA FASO BURUNDI CAMBODIA CAMEROON CANADA CAPE VERDE CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC CHAD CHILE CHINA COLOMBIA COMOROS CONGO CONGO, DEM. REP. COSTA RICA COTE D'IVOIRE CROATIA CUBA CYPRUS CZECH REPUBLIC DENMARK DJIBOUTI DOMINICA DOMINICAN REPUBLIC DPR KOREA ECUADOR EGYPT EL SALVADOR EQUATORIAL GUINEA ERITREA ESTONIA ETHIOPIA FIJI FINLAND FRANCE GABON GAMBIA GEORGIA GERMANY GHANA GREECE GRENADA GUATEMALA GUINEA GUINEA-BISSAU GUYANA HAITI HONDURAS HUNGARY ICELAND INDIA INDONESIA IRAN (ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF) IRAQ IRELAND ISRAEL ITALY JAMAICA JAPAN UNOPS 303.40 3.44 UNOV UN/PS 3,822.49 UNRWA 2,795.26 286.36 5,008.39 2,447.30 15.01 5.81 39.87 2,394.36 2,174.18 4,625.22 49.12 33.30 1,511.76 502.56 81.54 62.38 1,034.71 283.70 24.15 4,010.61 205.16 380.48 47,915.34 1,487.17 611.45 81.46 2,167.00 98.84 7,891.46 88.42 17.63 141,332.83 102.42 16,848.36 21.79 240.43 648.10 60.77 3,066.29 928.99 55,072.37 4,680.44 41,606.99 29.40 1,241.03 273.36 6,416.94 20.35 126.03 53.69 4,418.17 10,732.89 26.72 3.99 979.95 22.44 4,158.78 0.82 95.85 1,261.06 113.45 87.63 6.10 1,847.90 42,016.69 1,127.26 25,006.28 1,236.21 233.96 2,895.26 1,378.76 34.22 383.95 24,515.01 113.42 64.84 95.65 1,458.85 218.17 2,898.68 4.65 1,312.02 1,225.85 684.14 11,716.99 64,885.76 7.85 3,039.96 1,458.24 36,010.62 480.66 60.97 36.88 2,824.05 10.86 17.15 40.10 2,653.78 27 56.97 5.03 TOTAL PROCUREMENT OF GOODS BY AGENCY AND COUNTRY OF PROCUREMENT : 2006 ALL SOURCES OF FUNDING (USD Thousand) AGENCY COUNTRY UNON JORDAN KAZAKHSTAN KENYA KIRIBATI KUWAIT KYRGYZSTAN LAO P.D.R. LATVIA LEBANON LESOTHO LIBERIA LIBYAN ARAB JAMAHIRIYA LIECHTENSTEIN LITHUANIA LUXEMBOURG MACEDONIA (TFYR) MADAGASCAR MALAWI MALAYSIA MALDIVES MALI MALTA MARSHALL ISLANDS MAURITANIA MAURITIUS MEXICO MICRONESIA (FED. STATES OF) MOLDOVA (REPUBLIC OF) MONACO MONGOLIA MONTENEGRO MOROCCO MOZAMBIQUE MYANMAR NAMIBIA NAURU NEPAL NETHERLANDS NEW ZEALAND NICARAGUA NIGER NIGERIA NORWAY OMAN PALAU PAKISTAN PANAMA PAPUA NEW GUINEA PARAGUAY PERU PHILIPPINES POLAND PORTUGAL QATAR REPUBLIC OF KOREA ROMANIA RUSSIAN FEDERATION RWANDA SAMOA SAN MARINO SAO TOME & PRINCIPE SAUDI ARABIA SENEGAL SERBIA SEYCHELLES SIERRA LEONE SINGAPORE SLOVAKIA SLOVENIA SOLOMON ISLANDS SOMALIA SOUTH AFRICA SPAIN SRI LANKA ST KITTS & NEVIS ST. LUCIA ST. VINCENT & THE GRENADINES SUDAN SURINAME SWAZILAND SWEDEN SWITZERLAND SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC TAJIKISTAN THAILAND UNOPS 190.86 8,044.90 UNOV UN/PS 325.39 1,638.10 UNRWA 13,520.15 1,304.04 651.90 2,111.88 5.23 1,007.21 13,053.66 9,430.26 33.00 63,690.82 45.69 55.70 19.35 325.14 105.13 0.98 129.47 6.63 17.34 960.18 53.39 202.93 0.04 80,286.66 16.84 4,890.48 28.43 107.00 1,412.79 7.16 9.30 38.65 1,028.12 9,771.02 2,121.19 7,499.47 2,713.16 2.12 219.79 5.75 127.39 314.10 65.35 239.49 190.20 3,769.66 2.00 5.84 159.12 9.65 191.32 1,849.34 2.50 4.48 490.31 201.14 500.00 31.62 210.00 1,727.72 328.21 33.41 20.82 778.33 1,224.63 34.94 3,583.95 4.47 29.50 259.23 10.59 92.79 1,231.91 1,491.83 3,780.98 4,099.95 849.77 2,805.53 13,902.68 423.65 25.63 368.24 28 8,014.63 998.20 12.40 104.22 16.81 2,788.32 12,132.23 3,334.29 0.84 7.34 101.01 150.85 23.57 1,922.04 TOTAL PROCUREMENT OF GOODS BY AGENCY AND COUNTRY OF PROCUREMENT : 2006 ALL SOURCES OF FUNDING (USD Thousand) AGENCY COUNTRY UNON TIMOR-LESTE TOGO TONGA TRINIDAD & TOBAGO TUNISIA TURKEY TURKMENISTAN TUVALU UNITED ARAB EMIRATES UGANDA UKRAINE UNITED KINGDOM UNITED REP. OF TANZANIA URUGUAY USA UZBEKISTAN VANUATU VENEZUELA VIET NAM YEMEN ZAMBIA ZIMBABWE SUB-TOTAL UNOPS 69.41 UN/PS 3,304.89 3.60 94.05 1,210.38 21,193.45 4.52 4,474.66 273.10 12,320.89 2,121.40 2,540.03 905.13 6,906.50 33.53 2.39 8,854.11 698.78 31,108.56 236.93 1,322.11 313.90 101,905.89 213.60 5,026.34 947,593.88 75,528.24 333.19 UNOV UNRWA 21.60 530.72 12,376.66 81,833.87 8.50 UNSPECIFIED COUNTRIES 66.58 GLOBAL PROJECTS INTERREGIONAL PROJECTS ARAB COUNTRIES AFRICAN COUNTRIES ASIAN COUNTRIES EUROPEAN COUNTRIES LATIN AMERICA & THE CARIBBEAN GRAND-TOTAL 27832.97* 316.85 12,376.66 81,842.37 5,026.34 947,660.46 103,678.06 INDUSTRIALIZED COUNTRIES: Percentage DEVELOPING COUNTRIES/ ECONOMIES IN TRANSITION Percentage 2,484.50 20.07% 36,795.71 44.96% 5,021.87 99.91% 521,746.31 55.06% 21,132.60 20.38% 9,892.16 79.93% 45,038.16 55.03% 4.47 0.09% 425,847.58 44.94% 82,545.46 79.62% ARAB COUNTRIES Percentage 1,061.98 8.58% 10,297.23 12.58% 51,634.84 5.45% 59,678.50 57.56% AFRICAN COUNTRIES Percentage 8,096.06 65.41% 7,014.87 8.57% 257,132.86 27.13% ASIAN COUNTRIES Percentage 628.14 5.08% 13,321.57 16.28% 19,939.31 2.10% 108.29 0.10% EUROPE & CIS Percentage 35.44 0.29% 1,887.32 2.31% 66,208.63 6.99% 22,441.82 21.65% LATIN AMERICA & THE CARIB. Percentage 70.54 0.57% 12,517.17 15.29% 30,931.95 3.26% 316.85 0.31% OTHERS Percentage 4.47 0.09% 8.50 66.58 0.01% 0.01% * Procurement from the Palastine Authority Autonomous Area (West Bank and Gaza Strip). 29 TOTAL PROCUREMENT OF GOODS BY AGENCY AND COUNTRY OF PROCUREMENT : 2006 ALL SOURCES OF FUNDING (USD Thousand) AGENCY COUNTRY UNU UPU AFGHANISTAN ALBANIA ALGERIA ANDORRA ANGOLA ANTIGUA & BARBUDA ARGENTINA ARMENIA AUSTRALIA AUSTRIA AZERBAIJAN BAHAMAS BAHRAIN BANGLADESH BARBADOS BELARUS BELGIUM BELIZE BENIN BHUTAN BOLIVIA BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BOTSWANA BRAZIL BRUNEI DARUSSALAM BULGARIA BURKINA FASO BURUNDI CAMBODIA CAMEROON CANADA CAPE VERDE CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC CHAD CHILE CHINA COLOMBIA COMOROS CONGO CONGO, DEM. REP. COSTA RICA COTE D'IVOIRE CROATIA CUBA CYPRUS CZECH REPUBLIC DENMARK DJIBOUTI DOMINICA DOMINICAN REPUBLIC DPR KOREA ECUADOR EGYPT EL SALVADOR EQUATORIAL GUINEA ERITREA ESTONIA ETHIOPIA FIJI FINLAND FRANCE GABON GAMBIA GEORGIA GERMANY GHANA GREECE GRENADA GUATEMALA GUINEA GUINEA-BISSAU GUYANA HAITI HONDURAS HUNGARY ICELAND INDIA INDONESIA IRAN (ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF) IRAQ IRELAND ISRAEL ITALY JAMAICA JAPAN WFP WHO 2,423.23 40.48 271.51 10,449.19 1,481.65 2,710.93 173.72 780.10 428.49 1.53 1,794.00 14.56 98.36 22.10 95.49 38.40 22,191.65 62.28 1,708.35 565.25 4,387.64 1,040.88 22.12 3,480.04 15.87 995.50 5,922.67 995.83 5,636.63 1,826.92 32,544.61 63.14 8.49 58.19 1,867.41 4.51 4,538.97 8,973.22 122.51 99.53 3,536.60 2,239.89 1,274.00 30.43 1.60 12,986.07 213.00 122.24 28,849.61 3,241.27 99.89 22.50 2,483.61 186.58 10.59 37,886.13 334.18 13,675.92 335.41 3,922.46 97.74 262.74 7,961.35 1,735.42 167.69 4,609.40 6,110.76 480.44 219.73 398.71 8,394.38 9.90 30 16,694.60 24,022.61 28.68 6,068.17 0.10 69.09 17,259.49 1,548.25 74.61 138.26 17,669.03 11,071.38 TOTAL PROCUREMENT OF GOODS BY AGENCY AND COUNTRY OF PROCUREMENT : 2006 ALL SOURCES OF FUNDING (USD Thousand) AGENCY COUNTRY UNU UPU JORDAN KAZAKHSTAN KENYA KIRIBATI KUWAIT KYRGYZSTAN LAO P.D.R. LATVIA LEBANON LESOTHO LIBERIA LIBYAN ARAB JAMAHIRIYA LIECHTENSTEIN LITHUANIA LUXEMBOURG MACEDONIA (TFYR) MADAGASCAR MALAWI MALAYSIA MALDIVES MALI MALTA MARSHALL ISLANDS MAURITANIA MAURITIUS MEXICO MICRONESIA (FED. STATES OF) MOLDOVA (REPUBLIC OF) MONACO MONGOLIA MONTENEGRO MOROCCO MOZAMBIQUE MYANMAR NAMIBIA NAURU NEPAL NETHERLANDS NEW ZEALAND NICARAGUA NIGER NIGERIA NORWAY OMAN PALAU PAKISTAN PANAMA PAPUA NEW GUINEA PARAGUAY PERU PHILIPPINES POLAND PORTUGAL QATAR REPUBLIC OF KOREA ROMANIA RUSSIAN FEDERATION RWANDA SAMOA SAN MARINO SAO TOME & PRINCIPE SAUDI ARABIA SENEGAL SERBIA SEYCHELLES SIERRA LEONE SINGAPORE SLOVAKIA SLOVENIA SOLOMON ISLANDS SOMALIA SOUTH AFRICA SPAIN SRI LANKA ST KITTS & NEVIS ST. LUCIA ST. VINCENT & THE GRENADINES SUDAN SURINAME SWAZILAND SWEDEN SWITZERLAND SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC TAJIKISTAN THAILAND WFP WHO 52.79 1,421.22 37,307.74 7.65 14.44 189.64 743.91 1,311.40 1,798.53 13.31 464.47 5.54 10,538.92 17,460.04 17.00 2,700.62 551.18 6,585.43 224.24 555.89 8,272.68 3,287.54 1,868.99 16,831.50 7,252.68 7,729.96 285.10 936.07 660.03 3,901.52 147.23 52.00 52.29 43,196.45 297.03 222.40 160.96 1.98 2.96 108.27 255.28 15,075.53 4,284.79 0.11 73.00 427.23 594.83 1,548.29 132.52 0.46 906.85 45.90 30,843.69 4.41 3,954.59 459.56 7.09 19,556.21 7.30 31 23.66 1,271.73 377.73 604.08 190.88 2,743.33 130.03 79,740.13 1,721.55 TOTAL PROCUREMENT OF GOODS BY AGENCY AND COUNTRY OF PROCUREMENT : 2006 ALL SOURCES OF FUNDING (USD Thousand) AGENCY COUNTRY UNU TIMOR-LESTE TOGO TONGA TRINIDAD & TOBAGO TUNISIA TURKEY TURKMENISTAN TUVALU UNITED ARAB EMIRATES UGANDA UKRAINE UNITED KINGDOM UNITED REP. OF TANZANIA URUGUAY USA UZBEKISTAN VANUATU VENEZUELA VIET NAM YEMEN ZAMBIA ZIMBABWE SUB-TOTAL UPU WFP WHO 49.25 27,877.25 4,532.13 44,540.99 2,980.77 4,814.70 9,235.01 299.14 13,624.75 102.00 3.00 13.30 3.00 3,310.26 2,784.90 2,155.71 3,642.17 501.17 5,665.31 644.19 444.39 690,192.25 40.00 19,421.90 3.00 484.39 709,614.15 132,849.19 3.00 100.00% 105.66 21.81% 174,294.20 24.56% 119,175.34 89.71% 338.73 69.93% 515,898.05 72.70% 13,673.85 10.29% 30,283.72 4.27% 3,496.84 2.63% UNSPECIFIED COUNTRIES 132,849.19 GLOBAL PROJECTS INTERREGIONAL PROJECTS ARAB COUNTRIES AFRICAN COUNTRIES ASIAN COUNTRIES EUROPEAN COUNTRIES LATIN AMERICA & THE CARIBBEAN GRAND-TOTAL INDUSTRIALIZED COUNTRIES: Percentage DEVELOPING COUNTRIES/ ECONOMIES IN TRANSITION Percentage ARAB COUNTRIES Percentage AFRICAN COUNTRIES Percentage 134.28 27.72% 221,257.14 31.18% 1,070.26 0.81% ASIAN COUNTRIES Percentage 199.94 41.28% 147,396.26 20.77% 9,074.36 6.83% 36,126.60 5.09% 32.40 0.02% EUROPE & CIS Percentage LATIN AMERICA & THE CARIB. Percentage 4.51 0.93% 80,834.33 11.39% OTHERS Percentage 40.00 8.26% 19,421.90 2.74% 32 TOTAL PROCUREMENT OF GOODS BY AGENCY AND COUNTRY OF PROCUREMENT : 2006 ALL SOURCES OF FUNDING (USD Thousand) AGENCY COUNTRY WIPO AFGHANISTAN ALBANIA ALGERIA ANDORRA ANGOLA ANTIGUA & BARBUDA ARGENTINA ARMENIA AUSTRALIA AUSTRIA AZERBAIJAN BAHAMAS BAHRAIN BANGLADESH BARBADOS BELARUS BELGIUM BELIZE BENIN BHUTAN BOLIVIA BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BOTSWANA BRAZIL BRUNEI DARUSSALAM BULGARIA BURKINA FASO BURUNDI CAMBODIA CAMEROON CANADA CAPE VERDE CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC CHAD CHILE CHINA COLOMBIA COMOROS CONGO CONGO, DEM. REP. COSTA RICA COTE D'IVOIRE CROATIA CUBA CYPRUS CZECH REPUBLIC DENMARK DJIBOUTI DOMINICA DOMINICAN REPUBLIC DPR KOREA ECUADOR EGYPT EL SALVADOR EQUATORIAL GUINEA ERITREA ESTONIA ETHIOPIA FIJI FINLAND FRANCE GABON GAMBIA GEORGIA GERMANY GHANA GREECE GRENADA GUATEMALA GUINEA GUINEA-BISSAU GUYANA HAITI HONDURAS HUNGARY ICELAND INDIA INDONESIA IRAN (ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF) IRAQ IRELAND ISRAEL ITALY JAMAICA JAPAN WMO WTO 14.26 42.74 281.23 20.73 15.00 15.86 0.22 7.29 17.29 271.52 13.29 0.90 7.25 0.70 1.95 201.30 11.04 1.04 269.49 3,191.70 1,230.01 161.33 67.09 34.72 0.26 9.14 9.72 3,011.50 200.82 33 TOTAL (ALL) % 23,510.25 1,065.31 1,571.07 0.50% 0.02% 0.03% 11,747.31 5.77 138,804.67 2,459.66 12,495.51 28,018.41 7,896.70 1.62 471.35 10,383.93 255.44 4,405.08 296,045.20 278.20 9,776.66 2,963.38 22,538.06 2,143.18 2,077.77 32,615.18 0.25% 0.00% 2.98% 0.05% 0.27% 0.60% 0.17% 0.00% 0.01% 0.22% 0.01% 0.09% 6.35% 0.01% 0.21% 0.06% 0.48% 0.05% 0.04% 0.70% 3,152.32 10,441.26 10,029.09 10,971.18 4,034.24 92,888.49 920.34 4,866.44 4,906.41 5,408.13 71,183.51 26,356.60 1,248.46 46,243.22 153,929.28 2,957.26 25,696.32 1,030.88 8,858.92 65,922.95 5,266.77 169,330.56 2,353.58 1.92 7,834.92 2,330.29 33,061.93 12,712.62 3,472.95 461.77 11,967.43 351.56 56,679.58 982.67 13,315.85 279,407.89 5,757.12 1,011.81 3,547.05 90,976.13 8,975.30 444.14 0.07% 0.22% 0.21% 0.24% 0.09% 1.99% 0.02% 0.10% 0.11% 0.12% 1.53% 0.56% 0.03% 0.99% 3.30% 0.06% 0.55% 0.02% 0.19% 1.41% 0.11% 3.63% 0.05% 0.00% 0.17% 0.05% 0.71% 0.27% 0.07% 0.01% 0.26% 0.01% 1.21% 0.02% 0.29% 5.99% 0.12% 0.02% 0.08% 1.95% 0.19% 0.01% 24,299.91 3,449.16 2,138.03 985.98 32,875.01 37,799.34 3,724.58 1.08 375,344.97 42,065.00 3,488.40 69.24 6,210.27 24,319.97 148,112.74 650.85 192,041.88 0.52% 0.07% 0.05% 0.02% 0.70% 0.81% 0.08% 0.00% 8.05% 0.90% 0.07% 0.00% 0.13% 0.52% 3.17% 0.01% 4.12% TOTAL PROCUREMENT OF GOODS BY AGENCY AND COUNTRY OF PROCUREMENT : 2006 ALL SOURCES OF FUNDING (USD Thousand) AGENCY COUNTRY WIPO JORDAN KAZAKHSTAN KENYA KIRIBATI KUWAIT KYRGYZSTAN LAO P.D.R. LATVIA LEBANON LESOTHO LIBERIA LIBYAN ARAB JAMAHIRIYA LIECHTENSTEIN LITHUANIA LUXEMBOURG MACEDONIA (TFYR) MADAGASCAR MALAWI MALAYSIA MALDIVES MALI MALTA MARSHALL ISLANDS MAURITANIA MAURITIUS MEXICO MICRONESIA (FED. STATES OF) MOLDOVA (REPUBLIC OF) MONACO MONGOLIA MONTENEGRO MOROCCO MOZAMBIQUE MYANMAR NAMIBIA NAURU NEPAL NETHERLANDS NEW ZEALAND NICARAGUA NIGER NIGERIA NORWAY OMAN PALAU PAKISTAN PANAMA PAPUA NEW GUINEA PARAGUAY PERU PHILIPPINES POLAND PORTUGAL QATAR REPUBLIC OF KOREA ROMANIA RUSSIAN FEDERATION RWANDA SAMOA SAN MARINO SAO TOME & PRINCIPE SAUDI ARABIA SENEGAL SERBIA SEYCHELLES SIERRA LEONE SINGAPORE SLOVAKIA SLOVENIA SOLOMON ISLANDS SOMALIA SOUTH AFRICA SPAIN SRI LANKA ST KITTS & NEVIS ST. LUCIA ST. VINCENT & THE GRENADINES SUDAN SURINAME SWAZILAND SWEDEN SWITZERLAND SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC TAJIKISTAN THAILAND WMO WTO 37.37 8.13 1.98 2.77 1.92 6.82 1.55 203.84 8.74 19.09 86.54 25.55 52.00 1.42 8.32 1.84 22.17 11.94 26.04 68.94 191.42 0.33 41.06 0.81 18,826.39 1,223.11 34 TOTAL (ALL) 19,972.47 2,741.93 88,346.92 114.59 3,558.58 3,755.11 4,050.49 1,387.12 36,972.23 3,413.08 77,787.23 203.43 59.10 489.08 7,917.47 869.63 3,991.30 15,955.62 19,852.66 3,764.35 7,600.32 172.05 29.49 4,222.53 1,320.04 16,598.64 58.78 1,864.18 80,713.83 2,087.79 6,958.40 15,007.32 7,990.35 5,046.64 2.79 21,918.05 92,530.98 2,967.21 9,081.91 7,614.93 12,157.77 10,277.61 704.40 0.12 84,292.35 16,584.46 883.90 6,474.24 22,539.36 6,367.96 347.85 422.56 25.09 29,581.12 1,837.40 22,878.82 7,173.02 268.84 250.60 182.27 450.12 5,733.82 3,927.05 71.30 12,196.32 3,466.47 3,698.47 259.24 390.78 1,959.38 84,521.41 8,504.77 20,019.92 4.02 11.11 10.30 51,511.46 1,329.48 1,564.66 15,148.66 281,867.81 12,709.77 3,877.31 17,599.56 % 0.43% 0.06% 1.89% 0.00% 0.08% 0.08% 0.09% 0.03% 0.79% 0.07% 1.67% 0.00% 0.00% 0.01% 0.17% 0.02% 0.09% 0.34% 0.43% 0.08% 0.16% 0.00% 0.00% 0.09% 0.03% 0.36% 0.00% 0.04% 1.73% 0.04% 0.15% 0.32% 0.17% 0.11% 0.00% 0.47% 1.98% 0.06% 0.19% 0.16% 0.26% 0.22% 0.02% 0.00% 1.81% 0.36% 0.02% 0.14% 0.48% 0.14% 0.01% 0.01% 0.00% 0.63% 0.04% 0.49% 0.15% 0.01% 0.01% 0.00% 0.01% 0.12% 0.08% 0.00% 0.26% 0.07% 0.08% 0.01% 0.01% 0.04% 1.81% 0.18% 0.43% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 1.10% 0.03% 0.03% 0.32% 6.04% 0.27% 0.08% 0.38% TOTAL PROCUREMENT OF GOODS BY AGENCY AND COUNTRY OF PROCUREMENT : 2006 ALL SOURCES OF FUNDING (USD Thousand) AGENCY COUNTRY WIPO TIMOR-LESTE TOGO TONGA TRINIDAD & TOBAGO TUNISIA TURKEY TURKMENISTAN TUVALU UNITED ARAB EMIRATES UGANDA UKRAINE UNITED KINGDOM UNITED REP. OF TANZANIA URUGUAY USA UZBEKISTAN VANUATU VENEZUELA VIET NAM YEMEN ZAMBIA ZIMBABWE SUB-TOTAL WMO WTO 10.27 24.68 3,789.17 5.74 2.38 4,673.99 228.63 6.64 31,903.46 6,806.22 21.30 UNSPECIFIED COUNTRIES GLOBAL PROJECTS INTERREGIONAL PROJECTS ARAB COUNTRIES AFRICAN COUNTRIES ASIAN COUNTRIES EUROPEAN COUNTRIES LATIN AMERICA & THE CARIBBEAN TOTAL (ALL) % 4,305.62 1,594.46 60.03 233.65 753.09 58,529.47 587.21 29.78 38,112.96 55,852.47 12,513.03 111,023.93 25,095.90 8,271.15 112,073.13 1,625.60 7.81 17,601.00 7,030.49 10,044.58 8,675.84 4,965.58 0.09% 0.03% 0.00% 0.01% 0.02% 1.25% 0.01% 0.00% 0.82% 1.20% 0.27% 2.38% 0.54% 0.18% 2.40% 0.03% 0.00% 0.38% 0.15% 0.22% 0.19% 0.11% 4,582,453.59 98.22% 54,743.64 1.17% 27,832.97 0.01 316.85 0.00 4,665,347.05 100.00% 2,100,244.61 45.02% 45.01% 2,510,358.79 53.81% 53.81% GRAND-TOTAL 31,903.46 6,806.22 INDUSTRIALIZED COUNTRIES: Percentage DEVELOPING COUNTRIES/ ECONOMIES IN TRANSITION Percentage 31,108.85 97.51% 6,451.26 94.78% 794.61 2.49% 354.96 5.22% ARAB COUNTRIES Percentage 8.94 0.03% 2.77 0.04% 232,435.19 4.98% AFRICAN COUNTRIES Percentage 32.41 0.10% 289.95 4.26% 826,447.76 17.71% ASIAN COUNTRIES Percentage 656.90 2.06% 27.30 0.40% EUROPE & CIS Percentage 51.29 0.16% LATIN AMERICA & THE CARIB. Percentage 45.06 0.14% 21.30 21.30 100.00% 21.30 100.00% 773,909.27 16.59% 199,447.75 4.28% 34.94 0.51% OTHERS Percentage 478,118.82 10.25% 54,743.64 1.17% 35 PROCUREMENT OF SERVICES BY CONTRACTOR'S COUNTRY OF HEAD OFFICE AND SOURCE OF FUNDS: 2006 ALL SOURCES OF FUNDING COUNTRY AFGHANISTAN ALBANIA ALGERIA ANDORRA ANGOLA ANTIGUA & BARBUDA ARGENTINA ARMENIA AUSTRALIA AUSTRIA AZERBAIJAN BAHAMAS BAHRAIN BANGLADESH BARBADOS BELARUS BELGIUM BELIZE BENIN BHUTAN BOLIVIA BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BOTSWANA BRAZIL BRUNEI DARUSSALAM BULGARIA BURKINA FASO BURUNDI CAMBODIA CAMEROON CANADA CAPE VERDE CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC CHAD CHILE CHINA COLOMBIA COMOROS CONGO CONGO, DEM. REP. COSTA RICA COTE D'IVOIRE CROATIA CUBA CYPRUS CZECH REPUBLIC DENMARK DJIBOUTI DOMINICA DOMINICAN REPUBLIC DPR KOREA ECUADOR EGYPT EL SALVADOR EQUATORIAL GUINEA ERITREA ESTONIA ETHIOPIA FIJI FINLAND FRANCE GABON GAMBIA GEORGIA GERMANY GHANA GREECE GRENADA GUATEMALA GUINEA GUINEA-BISSAU GUYANA HAITI HONDURAS HUNGARY ICELAND INDIA INDONESIA IRAN (ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF) IRAQ IRELAND ISRAEL ITALY JAMAICA JAPAN (USD Thousand) SOURCE OF FUNDING UNDP AP TOTAL (%) 119,624.81 3,262.56 1,905.52 174,484.04 296.17 875.24 294,108.85 3,558.73 2,780.76 6.21% 0.08% 0.06% 4,514.52 159.42 84,020.38 2,412.86 7,760.45 810.83 5,669.60 1.77 866.22 4,499.53 690.89 4,293.05 3,092.11 156.74 5,218.49 1,360.13 12,407.70 9,480.20 3,352.44 904.61 34,503.13 53.46 3,323.79 367.00 8,670.40 13,093.58 876.55 80.00 1,786.09 5,743.55 94.88 131.57 6,856.77 20.30 939.48 19.47 391.57 542.18 355.51 85,142.75 39,017.65 212.88 87,344.17 2,779.86 16,430.85 13,904.41 6,546.15 81.77 2,652.31 10,243.08 785.77 4,424.62 9,948.88 177.04 6,157.97 1,379.60 12,799.27 10,022.38 3,707.95 86,047.36 0.82% 0.00% 1.84% 0.06% 0.35% 0.29% 0.14% 0.00% 0.06% 0.22% 0.02% 0.09% 0.21% 0.00% 0.13% 0.03% 0.27% 0.21% 0.08% 1.82% 18,384.44 4,727.46 4,912.81 16,735.77 1,021.23 4,626.43 1,690.52 4,513.46 3,609.49 7,229.74 5,932.62 51,468.61 860.30 3,693.22 39,544.33 1,931.28 4,457.40 1,588.02 2,440.71 2,715.48 1,004.35 10,494.14 1,216.69 6.39 3,040.68 912.59 16,052.05 35,039.51 7,936.00 281.70 3,586.05 304.73 6,513.80 1,621.94 7,213.73 8,762.68 1,820.78 1,147.47 6,735.34 7,002.59 4,142.57 105.80 3,839.53 2,743.63 18,555.08 2,557.22 1,726.99 61,885.22 317.94 1,263.57 3,058.30 2,531.60 11,578.49 4,110.76 11.23 888.62 33,420.23 1,384.86 29,929.40 502.43 55.84 38,358.70 1,336.56 38,699.33 543.23 43.31 286.31 723.49 2,610.21 3,377.66 3,514.63 61.10 6,286.09 3,620.98 13,610.90 112.01 460.89 25,431.40 109.46 789.68 4,053.75 42,833.43 2,203.58 1,469.19 52.77 8,380.27 609.35 271.10 25.70 28,397.59 821.63 450.48 21.75 17,418.62 15,013.46 871.27 21,851.47 3,120.58 5,811.42 89,225.83 248.77 7,227.06 22,223.97 7,471.09 23,467.89 19,292.99 2,748.22 66,511.65 2,008.46 5,777.03 6,667.79 9,761.34 17,511.11 55,579.37 871.53 4,581.84 72,964.56 3,316.14 34,386.80 2,090.45 2,496.55 41,074.18 2,340.91 49,193.47 1,759.92 49.70 3,326.99 1,636.07 18,662.26 38,417.17 11,450.63 342.80 9,872.14 3,925.71 20,124.70 1,733.95 7,674.62 34,194.08 1,930.24 1,937.15 10,789.09 49,836.02 6,346.15 1,574.99 52.77 48,224.37 3,747.01 2,730.09 2,105.39 49,871.83 38,595.28 1,945.34 58.04 42,787.79 69,590.98 9,185.21 29,020.06 3,400.42 8,366.16 100,859.40 1,824.37 16,423.88 0.47% 0.16% 0.50% 0.41% 0.06% 1.40% 0.04% 0.12% 0.14% 0.21% 0.37% 1.17% 0.02% 0.10% 1.54% 0.07% 0.73% 0.04% 0.05% 0.87% 0.05% 1.04% 0.04% 0.00% 0.07% 0.03% 0.39% 0.81% 0.24% 0.01% 0.21% 0.08% 0.42% 0.04% 0.16% 0.72% 0.04% 0.04% 0.23% 1.05% 0.13% 0.03% 0.00% 1.02% 0.08% 0.06% 0.04% 1.05% 0.81% 0.04% 0.00% 0.90% 1.47% 0.19% 0.61% 0.07% 0.18% 2.13% 0.04% 0.35% 39,844.10 3,137.66 2,458.99 2,079.69 21,474.24 37,773.65 1,494.86 36.29 25,369.17 54,577.52 8,313.94 7,168.59 279.84 2,554.74 11,633.57 1,575.60 9,196.82 36 PROCUREMENT OF SERVICES BY CONTRACTOR'S COUNTRY OF HEAD OFFICE AND SOURCE OF FUNDS: 2006 ALL SOURCES OF FUNDING COUNTRY JORDAN KAZAKHSTAN KENYA KIRIBATI KUWAIT KYRGYZSTAN LAO P.D.R. LATVIA LEBANON LESOTHO LIBERIA LIBYAN ARAB JAMAHIRIYA LIECHTENSTEIN LITHUANIA LUXEMBOURG MACEDONIA (TFYR) MADAGASCAR MALAWI MALAYSIA MALDIVES MALI MALTA MARSHALL ISLANDS MAURITANIA MAURITIUS MEXICO MICRONESIA (FED. STATES OF) MOLDOVA (REPUBLIC OF) MONACO MONGOLIA MONTENEGRO MOROCCO MOZAMBIQUE MYANMAR NAMIBIA NAURU NEPAL NETHERLANDS NEW ZEALAND NICARAGUA NIGER NIGERIA NORWAY OMAN PALAU PAKISTAN PANAMA PAPUA NEW GUINEA PARAGUAY PERU PHILIPPINES POLAND PORTUGAL QATAR REPUBLIC OF KOREA ROMANIA RUSSIAN FEDERATION RWANDA SAMOA SAN MARINO SAO TOME & PRINCIPE SAUDI ARABIA SENEGAL SERBIA SEYCHELLES SIERRA LEONE SINGAPORE SLOVAKIA SLOVENIA SOLOMON ISLANDS SOMALIA SOUTH AFRICA SPAIN SRI LANKA ST KITTS & NEVIS ST. LUCIA ST. VINCENT & THE GRENADINES SUDAN SURINAME SWAZILAND SWEDEN SWITZERLAND SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC TAJIKISTAN THAILAND (USD Thousand) SOURCE OF FUNDING UNDP AP 8,032.28 2,336.39 20,669.82 254.09 1,556.50 5,987.88 5,329.33 901.70 5,162.79 1,443.27 20,639.57 471.33 1,036.66 281.34 4,308.68 3,118.38 3,762.33 2,926.58 4,284.49 4,379.62 6.74 127.77 6,511.01 846.66 14,247.27 4.47 2,932.31 1,659.41 4,596.16 6,324.44 16,976.52 3,410.92 2.92 8,301.66 6,675.39 714.91 12,354.05 3,583.38 21,867.05 966.91 19,815.28 138,058.46 1,344.46 18,215.09 35,773.36 6,034.15 5,261.32 1,091.85 0.62 1,775.00 1,297.01 6,896.50 6,322.95 1,680.92 391.82 8,548.18 4,224.51 1,225.71 3,745.47 1,550.05 2,351.41 1,094.38 130.80 7,177.36 3,678.25 15,929.02 8.22 171.92 34.35 33,816.52 452.00 1,454.91 9,978.29 3,438.57 1,959.03 8,478.84 4,874.79 37 69,279.25 84.65 119,425.03 2,784.12 86.37 210.71 15.79 16,616.39 294.92 12,668.39 141.80 53.96 19.86 504.16 247.17 3,465.69 994.57 1,150.28 4,575.64 1,983.42 420.35 48.13 1,967.44 62.94 9,783.01 89.36 3,026.56 3,019.89 524.32 3,329.92 2,491.98 493.62 2,023.08 1,879.91 8,939.92 337.47 1,561.63 1,840.16 1,332.45 3,156.13 5,395.84 42.10 27,058.45 1,189.09 107.96 206.57 35,365.13 1,424.99 158.40 551.91 11.48 1,372.15 4,003.62 202,515.34 1,333.38 119.49 831.40 4.00 2,691.52 5,015.25 7,419.12 8.84 3,867.57 3,930.19 812.98 161.64 5,363.16 59,194.87 17,542.88 24,999.92 43.00 245.29 23.24 79,341.24 58.87 208.32 3,410.50 64,462.14 9,201.40 278.71 40,700.60 TOTAL (%) 77,311.53 2,421.04 140,094.85 254.09 4,340.62 6,074.25 5,540.04 917.49 21,779.18 1,738.19 33,307.96 613.13 53.96 1,056.52 785.50 4,555.85 6,584.07 4,756.90 4,076.86 8,860.13 6,363.04 427.09 175.90 8,478.45 909.60 24,030.28 93.83 5,958.87 3,019.89 2,183.73 1.63% 0.05% 2.96% 0.01% 0.09% 0.13% 0.12% 0.02% 0.46% 0.04% 0.70% 0.01% 0.00% 0.02% 0.02% 0.10% 0.14% 0.10% 0.09% 0.19% 0.13% 0.01% 0.00% 0.18% 0.02% 0.51% 0.00% 0.13% 0.06% 0.05% 7,926.08 8,816.42 17,470.14 5,434.00 2.92 10,181.57 15,615.31 1,052.38 13,915.68 5,423.54 23,199.50 4,123.04 5,395.84 42.10 46,873.73 139,247.55 1,452.42 18,421.66 71,138.49 7,459.14 5,419.72 1,643.76 12.10 3,147.15 5,300.63 209,411.84 7,656.33 1,800.41 831.40 395.82 11,239.70 9,239.77 7,419.12 1,234.55 7,613.04 3,930.19 2,363.03 2,513.05 1,094.38 5,493.96 66,372.23 21,221.13 40,928.94 51.22 417.21 57.59 113,157.76 510.87 1,663.23 13,388.79 67,900.71 11,160.43 8,757.55 45,575.39 0.17% 0.19% 0.37% 0.11% 0.00% 0.21% 0.33% 0.02% 0.29% 0.11% 0.49% 0.09% 0.11% 0.00% 0.99% 2.94% 0.03% 0.39% 1.50% 0.16% 0.11% 0.03% 0.00% 0.07% 0.11% 4.42% 0.16% 0.04% 0.02% 0.01% 0.24% 0.20% 0.16% 0.03% 0.16% 0.08% 0.05% 0.05% 0.02% 0.12% 1.40% 0.45% 0.86% 0.00% 0.01% 0.00% 2.39% 0.01% 0.04% 0.28% 1.43% 0.24% 0.18% 0.96% PROCUREMENT OF SERVICES BY CONTRACTOR'S COUNTRY OF HEAD OFFICE AND SOURCE OF FUNDS: 2006 ALL SOURCES OF FUNDING COUNTRY TIMOR-LESTE TOGO TONGA TRINIDAD & TOBAGO TUNISIA TURKEY TURKMENISTAN TUVALU UNITED ARAB EMIRATES UGANDA UKRAINE UNITED KINGDOM UNITED REP. OF TANZANIA URUGUAY USA UZBEKISTAN VANUATU VENEZUELA VIET NAM YEMEN ZAMBIA ZIMBABWE (USD Thousand) SOURCE OF FUNDING UNDP AP (%) 0.06% 0.07% 0.01% 0.08% 0.08% 0.47% 0.02% 0.00% 0.35% 0.29% 0.62% 1.56% 0.43% 0.22% 8.73% 0.06% 0.00% 0.20% 0.10% 0.11% 0.14% 0.15% 18.38 2,854.66 325.14 3,322.77 2,938.87 4,680.78 201.91 98.15 10,757.08 4,634.94 6,901.52 22,006.29 15,334.28 9,297.74 91,700.75 2,705.26 97.08 8,944.61 3,948.93 4,473.77 4,330.13 4,828.58 5,584.96 9,325.04 22,352.26 51,949.82 5,222.70 1,327.23 321,887.58 212.43 11.70 697.64 900.36 763.28 2,154.43 2,171.57 2,888.39 3,173.65 325.14 3,756.25 3,918.96 22,168.38 853.05 98.15 16,342.04 13,959.98 29,253.78 73,956.11 20,556.98 10,624.97 413,588.33 2,917.69 108.78 9,642.25 4,849.29 5,237.05 6,484.56 7,000.15 1,584,134.97 2,248,268.69 3,832,403.66 80.91% 11,306.91 864,966.07 876,272.98 18.50% 28,031.52 28,031.52 0.59% 77.56 7.00 77.56 7.00 0.00% 0.00% 1,595,441.88 3,141,350.85 4,736,792.73 100.00% 220,999.08 13.85% 983,969.94 31.32% 1,204,969.01 25.44% 1,363,135.90 85.44% 1,292,414.83 41.14% 2,655,550.73 56.06% ARAB STATES Percentage 136,954.40 8.58% 258,820.95 8.24% 395,775.35 8.36% AFRICA Percentage 258,286.45 16.19% 389,029.39 12.38% 647,315.84 13.67% ASIA & PACIFIC Percentage 327,537.00 20.53% 340,160.25 10.83% 667,697.25 14.10% EUROPE & CIS Percentage 108,283.95 6.79% 111,892.08 3.56% 220,176.03 4.65% LATIN AMERICA & THE CARIBBEAN Percentage 532,074.09 33.35% 192,512.16 6.13% 724,586.25 15.30% 11,306.91 0.71% 864,966.07 27.53% 876,272.98 18.50% SUB-TOTAL UNSPECIFIED COUNTRIES GLOBAL PROJECTS INTERREGIONAL PROJECTS ARAB COUNTRIES AFRICAN COUNTRIES ASIAN COUNTRIES EUROPEAN COUNTRIES LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN GRAND-TOTAL INDUSTRIALIZED COUNTRIES: Percentage DEVELOPING COUNTRIES/ ECONOMIES IN TRANSITION Percentage OTHERS Percentage 38 2,870.02 318.99 TOTAL 433.48 980.09 17,487.60 651.14 TOTAL PROCUREMENT OF SERVICES BY AGENCY AND COUNTRY OF PROCUREMENT 2006 ALL SOURCES OF FUNDING (USD Thousand) AGENCY COUNTRY AFGHANISTAN ALBANIA ALGERIA ANDORRA ANGOLA ANTIGUA & BARBUDA ARGENTINA ARMENIA AUSTRALIA AUSTRIA AZERBAIJAN BAHAMAS BAHRAIN BANGLADESH BARBADOS BELARUS BELGIUM BELIZE BENIN BHUTAN BOLIVIA BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BOTSWANA BRAZIL BRUNEI DARUSSALAM BULGARIA BURKINA FASO BURUNDI CAMBODIA CAMEROON CANADA CAPE VERDE CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC CHAD CHILE CHINA COLOMBIA COMOROS CONGO CONGO, DEM. REP. COSTA RICA COTE D'IVOIRE CROATIA CUBA CYPRUS CZECH REPUBLIC DENMARK DJIBOUTI DOMINICA DOMINICAN REPUBLIC DPR KOREA ECUADOR EGYPT EL SALVADOR EQUATORIAL GUINEA ERITREA ESTONIA ETHIOPIA FIJI FINLAND FRANCE GABON GAMBIA GEORGIA GERMANY GHANA GREECE GRENADA GUATEMALA GUINEA GUINEA-BISSAU GUYANA HAITI HONDURAS HUNGARY ICELAND INDIA INDONESIA IRAN (ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF) IRAQ IRELAND ISRAEL ITALY JAMAICA JAPAN ESCAP ESCWA ECLAC FAO 361.93 3.20 7.15 12.75 411.13 0.93 145.93 2,292.85 2.53 2.53 2.28 15.77 30.00 25.81 1,329.69 17.77 7.88 3.97 404.39 2.70 8.00 36.11 153.08 297.61 23.29 15.97 30.33 9.17 28.29 12.16 4.42 5.40 10.64 21.40 18.63 0.49 1.19 0.65 2.10 464.45 2.80 11.06 9.13 106.26 589.70 2.65 12.50 7,442.41 533.73 1.00 0.34 0.41 1.69 88.50 33.74 5.91 7.07 19.42 11.25 16.68 8.05 5.23 1,381.53 4.00 0.40 39 19,039.17 10.75 8.55 TOTAL PROCUREMENT OF SERVICES BY AGENCY AND COUNTRY OF PROCUREMENT 2006 ALL SOURCES OF FUNDING (USD Thousand) AGENCY COUNTRY JORDAN KAZAKHSTAN KENYA KIRIBATI KUWAIT KYRGYZSTAN LAO P.D.R. LATVIA LEBANON LESOTHO LIBERIA LIBYAN ARAB JAMAHIRIYA LIECHTENSTEIN LITHUANIA LUXEMBOURG MACEDONIA (TFYR) MADAGASCAR MALAWI MALAYSIA MALDIVES MALI MALTA MARSHALL ISLANDS MAURITANIA MAURITIUS MEXICO MICRONESIA (FED. STATES OF) MOLDOVA (REPUBLIC OF) MONACO MONGOLIA MONTENEGRO MOROCCO MOZAMBIQUE MYANMAR NAMIBIA NAURU NEPAL NETHERLANDS NEW ZEALAND NICARAGUA NIGER NIGERIA NORWAY OMAN PALAU PAKISTAN PANAMA PAPUA NEW GUINEA PARAGUAY PERU PHILIPPINES POLAND PORTUGAL QATAR REPUBLIC OF KOREA ROMANIA RUSSIAN FEDERATION RWANDA SAMOA SAN MARINO SAO TOME & PRINCIPE SAUDI ARABIA SENEGAL SERBIA SEYCHELLES SIERRA LEONE SINGAPORE SLOVAKIA SLOVENIA SOLOMON ISLANDS SOMALIA SOUTH AFRICA SPAIN SRI LANKA ST KITTS & NEVIS ST. LUCIA ST. VINCENT & THE GRENADINES SUDAN SURINAME SWAZILAND SWEDEN SWITZERLAND SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC TAJIKISTAN THAILAND ESCAP ESCWA ECLAC FAO 284.76 7.87 1,145.00 5.95 88.71 3.07 10.23 10.00 437.35 177.52 196.27 30.35 68.87 1.00 16.05 18.00 2.94 1.86 48.12 79.08 11.12 17.45 163.62 3.41 4.99 6.00 5.19 5.40 67.70 4.22 710.06 111.47 84.26 190.79 5.83 8.00 3,343.98 40 9.93 1,385.73 16.30 17.32 TOTAL PROCUREMENT OF SERVICES BY AGENCY AND COUNTRY OF PROCUREMENT 2006 ALL SOURCES OF FUNDING (USD Thousand) AGENCY COUNTRY TIMOR-LESTE TOGO TONGA TRINIDAD & TOBAGO TUNISIA TURKEY TURKMENISTAN TUVALU UNITED ARAB EMIRATES UGANDA UKRAINE UNITED KINGDOM UNITED REP. OF TANZANIA URUGUAY USA UZBEKISTAN VANUATU VENEZUELA VIET NAM YEMEN ZAMBIA ZIMBABWE SUB-TOTAL ESCAP ESCWA ECLAC FAO 9.33 309.94 6.45 90.33 11.35 2.76 24.77 37.55 4.50 10.00 11.83 262.19 2,075.96 22.63 3.44 842.96 23.84 10.47 7.92 52.59 3,637.33 1,186.00 2,264.72 41,116.99 3,637.33 1,186.00 2,264.72 41,116.99 81.88 2.25% 41.00 3.46% 378.84 16.73% 35,190.17 85.59% 3,555.45 97.75% 1,145.00 96.54% 1,885.88 83.27% 5,926.82 14.41% UNSPECIFIED COUNTRIES GLOBAL PROJECTS INTERREGIONAL PROJECTS ARAB COUNTRIES* AFRICAN COUNTRIES ASIAN COUNTRIES EUROPEAN COUNTRIES LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN GRAND-TOTAL INDUSTRIALIZED COUNTRIES: Percentage DEVELOPING COUNTRIES/ ECONOMIES IN TRANSITION: Percentage ARAB STATES Percentage 1,145.00 96.54% 2,331.16 5.67% AFRICA Percentage ASIA & PACIFIC Percentage 2,330.23 5.67% 3,555.45 97.75% 940.02 2.29% EUROPE & CIS Percentage 27.05 0.07% LATIN AMERICA & THE CARIBBEAN Percentage 1,885.88 83.27% Others Percentage 41 298.36 0.73% TOTAL PROCUREMENT OF SERVICES BY AGENCY AND COUNTRY OF PROCUREMENT 2006 ALL SOURCES OF FUNDING (USD Thousand) AGENCY COUNTRY AFGHANISTAN ALBANIA ALGERIA ANDORRA ANGOLA ANTIGUA & BARBUDA ARGENTINA ARMENIA AUSTRALIA AUSTRIA AZERBAIJAN BAHAMAS BAHRAIN BANGLADESH BARBADOS BELARUS BELGIUM BELIZE BENIN BHUTAN BOLIVIA BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BOTSWANA BRAZIL BRUNEI DARUSSALAM BULGARIA BURKINA FASO BURUNDI CAMBODIA CAMEROON CANADA CAPE VERDE CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC CHAD CHILE CHINA COLOMBIA COMOROS CONGO CONGO, DEM. REP. COSTA RICA COTE D'IVOIRE CROATIA CUBA CYPRUS CZECH REPUBLIC DENMARK DJIBOUTI DOMINICA DOMINICAN REPUBLIC DPR KOREA ECUADOR EGYPT EL SALVADOR EQUATORIAL GUINEA ERITREA ESTONIA ETHIOPIA FIJI FINLAND FRANCE GABON GAMBIA GEORGIA GERMANY GHANA GREECE GRENADA GUATEMALA GUINEA GUINEA-BISSAU GUYANA HAITI HONDURAS HUNGARY ICELAND INDIA INDONESIA IRAN (ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF) IRAQ IRELAND ISRAEL ITALY JAMAICA JAPAN IAEA IAPSO IFAD ILO ITC UNCTAD 618.00 25.00 0.56 13.50 742.21 73.16 149.73 6,989.70 60.71 46.60 58.52 902.55 13.80 280.00 49.80 7.80 696.95 12.00 120.16 58.43 0.62 80.00 174.87 7.77 218.44 28.65 2.20 1.30 7.12 59.59 55.70 715.51 89.62 0.67 5.00 3.93 145.99 501.72 1.88 348.89 234.89 1,261.21 81.15 68.35 8.90 42.50 22.60 6.70 5.80 13.83 129.01 9.59 2.07 325.14 147.00 26.11 7.72 2.30 384.46 123.80 277.98 104.28 34.91 78.54 0.59 10.90 4.20 8.50 41.58 2.10 1,256.09 0.20 15,638.33 6.08 43.62 8.39 85.96 1.50 26.90 6.23 43.10 449.80 56.49 142.52 1,753.69 432.12 0.30 20.00 22.88 2.18 361.28 15.30 162.50 21.00 18.00 10.35 613.02 212.57 29.11 630.30 809.55 212.45 27.71 63.70 17.38 9.80 7.12 231.33 0.60 59.04 1,337.58 364.74 108.98 7.50 24.62 21.42 8,128.46 2,819.50 333.49 8.32 743.70 9.99 3.50 372.70 515.78 15,788.69 12.25 42 1,264.43 TOTAL PROCUREMENT OF SERVICES BY AGENCY AND COUNTRY OF PROCUREMENT 2006 ALL SOURCES OF FUNDING (USD Thousand) AGENCY COUNTRY JORDAN KAZAKHSTAN KENYA KIRIBATI KUWAIT KYRGYZSTAN LAO P.D.R. LATVIA LEBANON LESOTHO LIBERIA LIBYAN ARAB JAMAHIRIYA LIECHTENSTEIN LITHUANIA LUXEMBOURG MACEDONIA (TFYR) MADAGASCAR MALAWI MALAYSIA MALDIVES MALI MALTA MARSHALL ISLANDS MAURITANIA MAURITIUS MEXICO MICRONESIA (FED. STATES OF) MOLDOVA (REPUBLIC OF) MONACO MONGOLIA MONTENEGRO MOROCCO MOZAMBIQUE MYANMAR NAMIBIA NAURU NEPAL NETHERLANDS NEW ZEALAND NICARAGUA NIGER NIGERIA NORWAY OMAN PALAU PAKISTAN PANAMA PAPUA NEW GUINEA PARAGUAY PERU PHILIPPINES POLAND PORTUGAL QATAR REPUBLIC OF KOREA ROMANIA RUSSIAN FEDERATION RWANDA SAMOA SAN MARINO SAO TOME & PRINCIPE SAUDI ARABIA SENEGAL SERBIA SEYCHELLES SIERRA LEONE SINGAPORE SLOVAKIA SLOVENIA SOLOMON ISLANDS SOMALIA SOUTH AFRICA SPAIN SRI LANKA ST KITTS & NEVIS ST. LUCIA ST. VINCENT & THE GRENADINES SUDAN SURINAME SWAZILAND SWEDEN SWITZERLAND SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC TAJIKISTAN THAILAND IAEA IAPSO IFAD ILO ITC UNCTAD 788.72 1.95 0.18 11.30 1,894.74 28.90 15.00 7.50 14.81 482.00 1.00 1.00 42.69 23.86 18.18 3.69 998.93 20.00 223.87 293.00 4.40 3.25 7.78 6.40 18.50 1.10 20.57 58.03 4.50 0.90 8.16 27.19 17.64 40.20 163.75 228.97 0.50 448.53 13.64 294.57 10.00 12.30 43.51 1,288.66 19.10 4.20 7.04 2,800.28 8.26 219.24 5.00 4.40 3.06 3.26 29.60 12.00 9.22 20.00 55.95 1.92 1,611.26 11.01 0.10 53.42 1,245.15 1,068.96 14.89 4.70 220.30 0.70 23.80 3.30 0.13 10.86 109.31 7,558.38 2.70 144.79 6.20 18.00 287.00 114.80 5.00 120.84 8.95 12.32 10.93 30.00 3.50 29.81 110.00 110.00 114.96 14.70 5.93 1.80 2,707.32 2,703.26 41.12 8,647.17 1.50 7.03 7.25 373.04 37.37 61.50 4.40 5.01 1.49 313.35 669.80 4,312.93 28.00 700.55 43 1,498.95 7.90 TOTAL PROCUREMENT OF SERVICES BY AGENCY AND COUNTRY OF PROCUREMENT 2006 ALL SOURCES OF FUNDING (USD Thousand) AGENCY COUNTRY TIMOR-LESTE TOGO TONGA TRINIDAD & TOBAGO TUNISIA TURKEY TURKMENISTAN TUVALU UNITED ARAB EMIRATES UGANDA UKRAINE UNITED KINGDOM UNITED REP. OF TANZANIA URUGUAY USA UZBEKISTAN VANUATU VENEZUELA VIET NAM YEMEN ZAMBIA ZIMBABWE SUB-TOTAL UNSPECIFIED COUNTRIES IAEA IAPSO IFAD ILO ITC UNCTAD 60.62 40.00 46.38 0.60 0.53 192.20 16.34 3.37 285.30 1,460.55 5.83 30.12 62.48 2,537.93 3,572.49 4.10 3,138.06 13.72 3.50 29,397.62 19.95 19,212.30 2.91 425.70 159.56 1,074.72 220.43 262.95 131.28 21.60 278.50 183.40 475.74 1.50 24,389.19 56,203.11 25.15 230.00 22.10 59.76 20.00 4.30 9.96 20.85 29.40 2,189.61 1,727.80 7.10 GLOBAL PROJECTS INTERREGIONAL PROJECTS ARAB COUNTRIES* AFRICAN COUNTRIES ASIAN COUNTRIES EUROPEAN COUNTRIES LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN GRAND-TOTAL INDUSTRIALIZED COUNTRIES: Percentage DEVELOPING COUNTRIES/ ECONOMIES IN TRANSITION: Percentage 29,400.53 19,212.30 24,414.34 56,433.11 2,189.61 1,734.90 24,195.04 82.29% 18,878.81 98.26% 24,072.96 98.60% 9,427.34 16.71% 1,791.23 81.81% 3.50 0.20% 5,202.58 17.70% 333.49 1.74% 316.23 1.30% 46,775.78 82.89% 398.38 18.19% 1,724.30 99.39% ARAB STATES Percentage 106.48 0.36% 85.96 0.35% 4,456.01 7.90% 16.87 0.77% 4.40 0.25% AFRICA Percentage 191.92 0.65% 87.40 0.36% 10,002.99 17.73% 151.33 6.91% 506.90 29.22% 46.77 0.19% 27,050.85 47.93% 10.78 0.49% 1,030.80 59.42% ASIA & PACIFIC Percentage 1,562.41 5.31% EUROPE & CIS Percentage 2,371.79 8.07% 46.80 0.19% 698.80 1.24% 124.23 5.67% LATIN AMERICA & THE CARIBBEAN Percentage 969.99 3.30% 49.30 0.20% 4,567.14 8.09% 95.17 4.35% Others Percentage 2.91 0.01% 25.15 0.10% 230.00 0.41% 333.49 1.74% 44 182.20 10.50% 7.10 0.41% TOTAL PROCUREMENT OF SERVICES BY AGENCY AND COUNTRY OF PROCUREMENT 2006 ALL SOURCES OF FUNDING (USD Thousand) AGENCY COUNTRY AFGHANISTAN ALBANIA ALGERIA ANDORRA ANGOLA ANTIGUA & BARBUDA ARGENTINA ARMENIA AUSTRALIA AUSTRIA AZERBAIJAN BAHAMAS BAHRAIN BANGLADESH BARBADOS BELARUS BELGIUM BELIZE BENIN BHUTAN BOLIVIA BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BOTSWANA BRAZIL BRUNEI DARUSSALAM BULGARIA BURKINA FASO BURUNDI CAMBODIA CAMEROON CANADA CAPE VERDE CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC CHAD CHILE CHINA COLOMBIA COMOROS CONGO CONGO, DEM. REP. COSTA RICA COTE D'IVOIRE CROATIA CUBA CYPRUS CZECH REPUBLIC DENMARK DJIBOUTI DOMINICA DOMINICAN REPUBLIC DPR KOREA ECUADOR EGYPT EL SALVADOR EQUATORIAL GUINEA ERITREA ESTONIA ETHIOPIA FIJI FINLAND FRANCE GABON GAMBIA GEORGIA GERMANY GHANA GREECE GRENADA GUATEMALA GUINEA GUINEA-BISSAU GUYANA HAITI HONDURAS HUNGARY ICELAND INDIA INDONESIA IRAN (ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF) IRAQ IRELAND ISRAEL ITALY JAMAICA JAPAN UNDP UNESCO UNFPA UNHCR UNIDO 119,624.81 3,262.56 1,905.52 34.74 32.72 135.98 396.53 73.62 82.93 46.28 4,514.52 159.42 84,020.38 2,412.86 7,760.45 791.83 5,669.60 1.77 866.22 4,499.53 690.89 4,293.05 3,092.11 156.74 5,218.49 1,360.13 12,407.70 9,480.20 3,337.91 904.61 204.54 0.25 194.55 13.75 85.24 187.35 83.22 85.26 20.00 18,384.44 4,727.46 4,912.81 16,735.77 1,021.23 4,624.89 1,690.52 4,513.46 3,609.49 7,229.74 5,932.62 51,468.61 860.30 3,693.22 39,544.33 1,931.28 4,457.40 1,588.02 2,440.71 2,715.48 1,004.35 10,494.14 1,216.69 6.39 3,040.68 900.57 16,052.05 35,039.51 7,936.00 281.70 3,586.05 304.73 6,513.80 1,621.94 7,213.73 8,742.68 1,820.78 1,147.47 6,735.34 7,002.59 4,142.57 105.80 85.45 50.00 143.21 509.94 4.57 167.51 205.70 12.50 82.44 384.38 31.10 83,250.72 135.57 4.77 28.10 7.98 183.35 146.76 107.78 99.16 7.62 26.14 199.15 1,522.46 20.33 23.18 8.11 1,025.17 238.39 264.23 4.31 5.08 173.88 301.35 117.43 136.50 4.20 62.13 50.20 53.39 18.77 89.81 348.43 11.52 17.20 90.71 13,460.10 31.25 26.26 32.63 657.47 35.20 216.63 19.03 5.00 36.33 11.80 5.80 211.03 44.22 91.61 6.00 88.27 80.00 35.00 1,413.36 14.00 139.35 7.51 3.53 122.76 8.19 54.00 216.08 39,844.10 3,137.66 2,458.99 2,079.69 21,474.24 37,773.65 1,494.86 36.29 25,360.10 54,577.52 8,313.94 7,168.59 279.84 2,554.74 11,633.57 1,575.60 9,196.82 87.62 50.27 9.58 0.80 191.19 331.95 135.00 19.48 412.54 255.75 117.39 65.59 9,014.39 70.12 2.52 127.89 282.39 2.92 306.62 413.21 177.26 549.27 181.83 19.88 110.00 1.45 19.40 717.53 16.92 8,941.92 46.75 38.50 162.05 157.44 12.91 41.10 30.40 41.31 78.22 13.20 53.13 24.35 0.23 275.64 537.54 6.75 40.26 32.00 488.75 26.51 330.92 11.00 20.00 6.59 170.92 21.99 313.28 2.70 48.06 13.90 1,458.26 187.01 45 236.96 20.00 40.10 1,492.32 157.76 19.95 12.70 1,256.29 53.41 25.70 416.38 183.35 107.82 1,977.95 30.00 2,138.52 5.11 3.20 1,212.85 44.75 120.26 52.78 0.25 35.53 37.59 32.40 9.28 129.72 1,015.25 187.64 165.00 958.49 780.73 34.77 446.85 TOTAL PROCUREMENT OF SERVICES BY AGENCY AND COUNTRY OF PROCUREMENT 2006 ALL SOURCES OF FUNDING (USD Thousand) AGENCY COUNTRY JORDAN KAZAKHSTAN KENYA KIRIBATI KUWAIT KYRGYZSTAN LAO P.D.R. LATVIA LEBANON LESOTHO LIBERIA LIBYAN ARAB JAMAHIRIYA LIECHTENSTEIN LITHUANIA LUXEMBOURG MACEDONIA (TFYR) MADAGASCAR MALAWI MALAYSIA MALDIVES MALI MALTA MARSHALL ISLANDS MAURITANIA MAURITIUS MEXICO MICRONESIA (FED. STATES OF) MOLDOVA (REPUBLIC OF) MONACO MONGOLIA MONTENEGRO MOROCCO MOZAMBIQUE MYANMAR NAMIBIA NAURU NEPAL NETHERLANDS NEW ZEALAND NICARAGUA NIGER NIGERIA NORWAY OMAN PALAU PAKISTAN PANAMA PAPUA NEW GUINEA PARAGUAY PERU PHILIPPINES POLAND PORTUGAL QATAR REPUBLIC OF KOREA ROMANIA RUSSIAN FEDERATION RWANDA SAMOA SAN MARINO SAO TOME & PRINCIPE SAUDI ARABIA SENEGAL SERBIA SEYCHELLES SIERRA LEONE SINGAPORE SLOVAKIA SLOVENIA SOLOMON ISLANDS SOMALIA SOUTH AFRICA SPAIN SRI LANKA ST KITTS & NEVIS ST. LUCIA ST. VINCENT & THE GRENADINES SUDAN SURINAME SWAZILAND SWEDEN SWITZERLAND SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC TAJIKISTAN THAILAND UNDP UNESCO 8,032.28 2,336.39 20,652.96 254.09 1,556.50 5,987.88 5,329.33 901.70 5,162.79 1,434.99 20,639.57 471.33 UNFPA 315.50 3.30 289.37 8.00 71.89 22.06 0.98 90.39 2.50 121.85 24.76 12.21 12.27 22.85 7.10 121.34 41.00 201.08 1,036.66 281.34 4,308.68 3,118.38 3,762.33 2,904.54 4,284.49 4,379.62 6.74 127.77 6,511.01 846.66 14,242.27 4.47 2,932.31 36.34 97.28 48.13 85.62 10.50 586.04 UNHCR UNIDO 206.83 683.91 38.98 1,025.69 15.00 14.47 165.84 8.48 5.73 19.84 780.42 25.00 28.99 71.25 23.19 44.73 227.84 83.20 244.47 14.84 84.71 34.15 328.41 7.91 7,888.64 6.33 1,659.41 4.00 71.29 4,596.16 6,324.44 16,976.52 3,410.92 2.92 8,301.66 6,675.39 714.91 12,354.05 3,583.38 21,825.84 966.91 175.21 22.95 143.58 251.58 452.18 11.80 42.92 3.00 438.11 117.45 59.00 87.01 145.37 147.65 8.90 42.10 102.63 95.00 19.56 3.00 14.11 169.14 81.48 122.94 11.48 16.00 12.50 777.33 1.50 9.00 0.50 19,815.28 138,058.46 1,344.46 18,214.39 35,773.36 6,034.15 5,261.32 1,091.85 0.62 1,775.00 1,297.01 6,896.50 6,322.95 1,680.92 391.82 8,548.18 4,109.24 1,033.74 99.99 1,448.56 140.00 87.86 40.00 78.66 5.43 353.34 70.26 19.80 25.17 306.28 926.42 86.47 1,774.15 116.80 83.45 17.28 162.58 87.80 36.45 45.08 359.69 56.45 189.77 104.43 48.44 3,734.82 351.58 0.15 154.30 59.00 34.77 1,225.71 3,745.47 4.70 5.60 42.61 18.26 31.22 1,550.05 2,351.41 1,094.38 130.80 7,172.83 3,673.94 15,929.02 8.22 171.92 34.35 33,816.52 452.00 1,454.91 9,978.29 3,438.57 1,959.03 8,478.84 4,837.60 7.70 502.13 486.97 34.10 3.00 61.50 7.00 64.51 10.00 35.00 43.42 1,053.71 26.10 28.12 2,310.91 46 4.14 2.50 269.94 4.11 52.44 72.74 6.00 337.69 46.16 3.51 11.40 123.51 862.03 666.50 66.81 40.00 123.45 83.65 18.16 319.24 144.95 151.07 15,942.87 38.32 32.40 19.95 12.60 TOTAL PROCUREMENT OF SERVICES BY AGENCY AND COUNTRY OF PROCUREMENT 2006 ALL SOURCES OF FUNDING (USD Thousand) AGENCY COUNTRY TIMOR-LESTE TOGO TONGA TRINIDAD & TOBAGO TUNISIA TURKEY TURKMENISTAN TUVALU UNITED ARAB EMIRATES UGANDA UKRAINE UNITED KINGDOM UNITED REP. OF TANZANIA URUGUAY USA UZBEKISTAN VANUATU VENEZUELA VIET NAM YEMEN ZAMBIA ZIMBABWE SUB-TOTAL UNSPECIFIED COUNTRIES UNDP UNESCO UNFPA UNHCR 2,854.66 325.14 3,322.77 2,938.87 4,680.78 201.91 98.15 10,757.08 4,634.94 6,901.52 21,989.49 15,334.28 9,297.74 91,700.28 2,705.26 97.08 8,944.61 3,948.93 4,473.77 4,330.13 4,828.58 114.91 51.51 139.31 1,636.74 17.95 535.18 5,135.87 7.77 11.70 39.28 118.92 15.90 7.46 6.04 1,583,767.77 131,216.01 26,676.69 11,306.91 35,147.08 32.94 GLOBAL PROJECTS INTERREGIONAL PROJECTS ARAB COUNTRIES* AFRICAN COUNTRIES ASIAN COUNTRIES EUROPEAN COUNTRIES LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN 15.41 31.82 8.84 263.27 39.49 0.91 72.22 67.32 UNIDO 196.58 11.00 264.15 28.26 173.38 166.62 1,604.06 152.28 3,878.81 183.07 4,875.79 44.73 1,424.87 27.21 80.67 94.04 506.80 29.31 71.05 134.46 354.09 194.81 591.85 112.81 734.67 36,903.24 33,796.45 10.97 77.56 7.00 1,595,074.68 166,458.62 26,709.64 36,903.24 33,796.45 220,936.95 13.85% 32,176.07 19.33% 9,258.60 34.66% 34,143.49 92.52% 4,174.06 12.35% 1,362,830.82 85.44% 99,135.47 59.56% 17,418.09 65.21% 2,759.75 7.48% 29,622.39 87.65% ARAB STATES Percentage 136,954.40 8.59% 1,945.24 1.17% 1,705.79 6.39% 973.68 2.64% 859.20 2.54% AFRICA Percentage 258,085.78 16.18% 3,945.16 2.37% 5,395.76 20.20% 1,405.47 3.81% 2,684.45 7.94% ASIA & PACIFIC Percentage 327,438.30 20.53% 4,872.85 2.93% 5,563.58 20.83% 276.08 0.75% 12,551.30 37.14% EUROPE & CIS Percentage 108,283.95 6.79% 1,488.45 0.89% 1,071.90 4.01% 59.44 0.16% 4,217.69 12.48% LATIN AMERICA & THE CARIBBEAN Percentage 532,068.39 33.36% 86,883.77 52.20% 3,681.06 13.78% 45.08 0.12% 9,309.75 27.55% 11,306.91 0.71% 35,147.08 21.11% 32.94 0.12% GRAND-TOTAL INDUSTRIALIZED COUNTRIES: Percentage DEVELOPING COUNTRIES/ ECONOMIES IN TRANSITION: Percentage Others Percentage 47 TOTAL PROCUREMENT OF SERVICES BY AGENCY AND COUNTRY OF PROCUREMENT 2006 ALL SOURCES OF FUNDING (USD Thousand) AGENCY COUNTRY AFGHANISTAN ALBANIA ALGERIA ANDORRA ANGOLA ANTIGUA & BARBUDA ARGENTINA ARMENIA AUSTRALIA AUSTRIA AZERBAIJAN BAHAMAS BAHRAIN BANGLADESH BARBADOS BELARUS BELGIUM BELIZE BENIN BHUTAN BOLIVIA BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BOTSWANA BRAZIL BRUNEI DARUSSALAM BULGARIA BURKINA FASO BURUNDI CAMBODIA CAMEROON CANADA CAPE VERDE CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC CHAD CHILE CHINA COLOMBIA COMOROS CONGO CONGO, DEM. REP. COSTA RICA COTE D'IVOIRE CROATIA CUBA CYPRUS CZECH REPUBLIC DENMARK DJIBOUTI DOMINICA DOMINICAN REPUBLIC DPR KOREA ECUADOR EGYPT EL SALVADOR EQUATORIAL GUINEA ERITREA ESTONIA ETHIOPIA FIJI FINLAND FRANCE GABON GAMBIA GEORGIA GERMANY GHANA GREECE GRENADA GUATEMALA GUINEA GUINEA-BISSAU GUYANA HAITI HONDURAS HUNGARY ICELAND INDIA INDONESIA IRAN (ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF) IRAQ IRELAND ISRAEL ITALY JAMAICA JAPAN UNOPS UNOG UNON UNOV UN/PS 168,391.51 126.32 744.68 23.35 407.86 69.31 40.00 995.25 52.70 6,662.55 1,906.01 244.14 80.00 1.40 618.93 33,178.52 0.73 106.52 10.00 14.46 763.33 34.60 27.46 41.96 404.69 13.21 110.10 5.00 3,108.18 1,367.82 377.19 225.75 80.76 3.20 1,694.73 9.59 7.95 928.97 19.35 8.00 92.70 959.47 198.52 3.66 463.72 1,220.65 5.00 22.08 8.00 615.51 48.74 547.22 1,332.69 4.00 3,571.24 18.48 16,636.91 374.98 240.29 56,073.93 1,138.99 54.76 6.00 9,079.06 559.91 52.03 70.27 16.05 8.15 6.48 782.70 17,672.98 28,075.48 23.12 26.10 3,230.62 2.25 6.28 5,460.95 4.00 39.78 40.00 1.69 1,251.14 3,336.09 248.13 21.13 207.46 675.40 7,547.56 15.79 52.72 539.06 4.00 4.00 4.50 196.92 451.27 24.00 5,176.57 3,620.98 2,955.53 157.04 16.00 911.26 27.65 176.37 31.58 10.61 35,105.90 28.86 5,044.64 47.28 566.24 10.69 256.69 249.34 247.52 7,248.11 11.71 129.62 6,678.89 2,879.97 27,920.01 72.52 930.17 33.79 246.57 8.00 298.61 25,911.19 1.20 52.31 919.38 6,946.53 275.48 2,476.47 248.43 8.00 7,203.01 67.81 3,106.41 120.23 7.40 12,608.73 27.54 1.21 4.35 11.00 48 414.35 107.41 60.28 4.60 609.22 24.18 422.49 3.36 4,791.84 1,163.34 1,718.12 14,742.60 50.00 771.90 TOTAL PROCUREMENT OF SERVICES BY AGENCY AND COUNTRY OF PROCUREMENT 2006 ALL SOURCES OF FUNDING (USD Thousand) AGENCY COUNTRY JORDAN KAZAKHSTAN KENYA KIRIBATI KUWAIT KYRGYZSTAN LAO P.D.R. LATVIA LEBANON LESOTHO LIBERIA LIBYAN ARAB JAMAHIRIYA LIECHTENSTEIN LITHUANIA LUXEMBOURG MACEDONIA (TFYR) MADAGASCAR MALAWI MALAYSIA MALDIVES MALI MALTA MARSHALL ISLANDS MAURITANIA MAURITIUS MEXICO MICRONESIA (FED. STATES OF) MOLDOVA (REPUBLIC OF) MONACO MONGOLIA MONTENEGRO MOROCCO MOZAMBIQUE MYANMAR NAMIBIA NAURU NEPAL NETHERLANDS NEW ZEALAND NICARAGUA NIGER NIGERIA NORWAY OMAN PALAU PAKISTAN PANAMA PAPUA NEW GUINEA PARAGUAY PERU PHILIPPINES POLAND PORTUGAL QATAR REPUBLIC OF KOREA ROMANIA RUSSIAN FEDERATION RWANDA SAMOA SAN MARINO SAO TOME & PRINCIPE SAUDI ARABIA SENEGAL SERBIA SEYCHELLES SIERRA LEONE SINGAPORE SLOVAKIA SLOVENIA SOLOMON ISLANDS SOMALIA SOUTH AFRICA SPAIN SRI LANKA ST KITTS & NEVIS ST. LUCIA ST. VINCENT & THE GRENADINES SUDAN SURINAME SWAZILAND SWEDEN SWITZERLAND SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC TAJIKISTAN THAILAND UNOPS UNOG 5,182.65 7.50 8,944.01 UNON UNOV UN/PS 50,989.73 71.90 90.06 7,338.32 17,248.61 20.60 2,755.52 0.31 3,227.78 22.86 1,160.49 34.15 1.89 2,728.17 10,095.59 25.00 41.75 6.59 319.80 15.29 2,270.91 7.29 465.18 4,492.44 307.59 57.59 129.67 207.45 266.63 33.08 89.36 15.58 291.65 2.40 537.27 2,840.91 2,499.27 139.23 182.10 40.44 1,881.87 22.00 2,332.83 13.62 79.58 624.12 32.33 916.37 365.32 390.24 321.26 1.60 256.13 204.45 47.85 614.92 49.51 94.96 35.29 134.09 5,298.45 811.72 10,329.30 41.72 4.95 181.29 32,801.25 56.09 5.53 150.70 15.74 6,938.38 5.00 11.60 3.08 329.05 1,240.52 41.35 4,028.63 145.07 105.49 34.37 0.75 148.40 4.00 69.08 2,374.11 1,667.35 339.17 3,791.55 191.64 20.42 25.85 1,782.68 18,068.06 3,226.99 12,965.31 40.00 166.40 7.88 78.50 189,247.93 156.61 115.27 2,553.60 28.80 5,717.00 30.81 142.19 2,840.80 17.21 61.00 4.05 36,077.91 13,148.77 15.89 8.26 153.44 17.39 16.24 5,670.76 61,558.19 1.25 931.50 13,980.90 235.78 0.15 1,073.78 465.91 16,708.62 49 12.00 90.15 15.00 133.43 999.59 2,155.40 41.03 32,259.98 TOTAL PROCUREMENT OF SERVICES BY AGENCY AND COUNTRY OF PROCUREMENT 2006 ALL SOURCES OF FUNDING (USD Thousand) AGENCY COUNTRY TIMOR-LESTE TOGO TONGA TRINIDAD & TOBAGO TUNISIA TURKEY TURKMENISTAN TUVALU UNITED ARAB EMIRATES UGANDA UKRAINE UNITED KINGDOM UNITED REP. OF TANZANIA URUGUAY USA UZBEKISTAN VANUATU VENEZUELA VIET NAM YEMEN ZAMBIA ZIMBABWE SUB-TOTAL UNSPECIFIED COUNTRIES UNOPS UNOG UNON UNOV UN/PS 288.62 5.22 2,581.40 41.60 487.36 16,245.07 650.23 22.63 20.00 7.26 2,123.16 1,573.13 36.65 15,130.44 944.50 154.90 42,827.99 549.48 36.64 62.62 9.30 38.50 877.21 1,853.81 462.30 226.97 120.04 340.79 1,563.84 4,050.85 21,526.32 10,625.72 1,031.93 249,516.84 15.44 280.27 104.37 24.25 136.80 5.00 8.00 475,870.11 22,163.61 26,289.27 5.20 5,069.27 1,047,331.89 3.11 170.23 GLOBAL PROJECTS INTERREGIONAL PROJECTS ARAB COUNTRIES* AFRICAN COUNTRIES ASIAN COUNTRIES EUROPEAN COUNTRIES LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN 475,875.31 22,163.61 26,289.27 5,072.38 1,047,502.11 108,450.84 22.79% 21,533.11 97.16% 4,359.33 16.58% 4,742.81 93.50% 585,146.30 55.86% 367,419.27 77.21% 630.50 2.84% 21,929.93 83.42% 326.45 6.44% 462,185.59 44.12% ARAB STATES Percentage 23,087.69 4.85% 45.00 0.20% 12,771.15 48.58% 12.50 0.25% 139,088.26 13.28% AFRICA Percentage 59,614.85 12.53% 286.55 1.29% 7,532.10 28.65% 102.96 2.03% 176,539.79 16.85% ASIA & PACIFIC Percentage 212,746.21 44.71% 80.60 0.36% 478.63 1.82% 52.11 1.03% 44,347.92 4.23% EUROPE & CIS Percentage 23,101.67 4.85% 197.61 0.89% 237.82 0.90% 158.89 3.13% 76,280.43 7.28% LATIN AMERICA & THE CARIBBEAN Percentage 48,868.85 10.27% 20.73 0.09% 910.23 3.46% GRAND-TOTAL INDUSTRIALIZED COUNTRIES: Percentage DEVELOPING COUNTRIES/ ECONOMIES IN TRANSITION: Percentage Others Percentage 5.20 0.00% 25,929.19 2.48% 3.11 0.06% 50 170.23 0.02% TOTAL PROCUREMENT OF SERVICES BY AGENCY AND COUNTRY OF PROCUREMENT 2006 ALL SOURCES OF FUNDING COUNTRY AFGHANISTAN ALBANIA ALGERIA ANDORRA ANGOLA ANTIGUA & BARBUDA ARGENTINA ARMENIA AUSTRALIA AUSTRIA AZERBAIJAN BAHAMAS BAHRAIN BANGLADESH BARBADOS BELARUS BELGIUM BELIZE BENIN BHUTAN BOLIVIA BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BOTSWANA BRAZIL BRUNEI DARUSSALAM BULGARIA BURKINA FASO BURUNDI CAMBODIA CAMEROON CANADA CAPE VERDE CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC CHAD CHILE CHINA COLOMBIA COMOROS CONGO CONGO, DEM. REP. COSTA RICA COTE D'IVOIRE CROATIA CUBA CYPRUS CZECH REPUBLIC DENMARK DJIBOUTI DOMINICA DOMINICAN REPUBLIC DPR KOREA ECUADOR EGYPT EL SALVADOR EQUATORIAL GUINEA ERITREA ESTONIA ETHIOPIA FIJI FINLAND FRANCE GABON GAMBIA GEORGIA GERMANY GHANA GREECE GRENADA GUATEMALA GUINEA GUINEA-BISSAU GUYANA HAITI HONDURAS HUNGARY ICELAND INDIA INDONESIA IRAN (ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF) IRAQ IRELAND ISRAEL ITALY JAMAICA JAPAN (USD Thousand) UNRWA WFP WMO 3,930.11 11.95 201.63 TOTAL (ALL) WTO 5.74 932.00 10.00 116.72 39.00 173.22 7.66 121.12 3,520.31 14.88 20.00 361.63 82.08 1.56 200.60 62.78 34.50 5.00 107.99 4.94 14.53 313.08 858.04 1,421.05 816.05 571.19 950.32 2,410.40 52.80 166.22 2,022.25 1.54 67.92 169.39 5,771.06 901.76 152.42 0.19 19.74 267.23 2,213.17 467.53 65.85 11.73 1.20 188.05 1,992.42 575.72 12.02 381.13 2,693.41 298.74 204.12 459.58 0.75 756.54 638.23 853.63 41.52 98.60 38.00 7.50 537.55 480.24 223.04 741.73 381.84 18.00 3,706.02 597.57 0.33 1,450.60 4,857.68 276.24 123.74 455.37 225.05 25,763.70 8.35 262.48 241.58 4.25 144.82 51 3.13 0.45 % 294,108.85 3,558.73 2,780.76 6.21% 0.08% 0.06% 39,017.65 212.88 87,344.17 2,779.86 16,430.85 13,904.41 6,546.15 81.77 2,652.31 10,243.08 785.77 4,424.62 9,948.88 177.04 6,157.97 1,379.60 12,799.27 10,022.38 3,707.95 86,047.36 0.82% 0.00% 1.84% 0.06% 0.35% 0.29% 0.14% 0.00% 0.06% 0.22% 0.02% 0.09% 0.21% 0.00% 0.13% 0.03% 0.27% 0.21% 0.08% 1.82% 22,223.97 7,471.09 23,467.89 19,292.99 2,748.22 66,511.65 2,008.46 5,777.03 6,667.79 9,761.34 17,511.11 55,579.37 871.53 4,581.84 72,964.56 3,316.14 34,386.80 2,090.45 2,496.55 41,074.18 2,340.91 49,193.47 1,759.92 49.70 3,326.99 1,636.07 18,662.26 38,417.17 11,450.63 342.80 9,872.14 3,925.71 20,124.70 1,733.95 7,674.62 34,194.08 1,930.24 1,937.15 10,789.09 49,836.02 6,346.15 1,574.99 52.77 48,224.37 3,747.01 2,730.09 2,105.39 49,871.83 38,595.28 1,945.34 58.04 42,787.79 69,590.98 9,185.21 29,020.06 3,400.42 8,366.16 100,859.40 1,824.37 16,423.88 0.47% 0.16% 0.50% 0.41% 0.06% 1.40% 0.04% 0.12% 0.14% 0.21% 0.37% 1.17% 0.02% 0.10% 1.54% 0.07% 0.73% 0.04% 0.05% 0.87% 0.05% 1.04% 0.04% 0.00% 0.07% 0.03% 0.39% 0.81% 0.24% 0.01% 0.21% 0.08% 0.42% 0.04% 0.16% 0.72% 0.04% 0.04% 0.23% 1.05% 0.13% 0.03% 0.00% 1.02% 0.08% 0.06% 0.04% 1.05% 0.81% 0.04% 0.00% 0.90% 1.47% 0.19% 0.61% 0.07% 0.18% 2.13% 0.04% 0.35% TOTAL PROCUREMENT OF SERVICES BY AGENCY AND COUNTRY OF PROCUREMENT 2006 ALL SOURCES OF FUNDING COUNTRY JORDAN KAZAKHSTAN KENYA KIRIBATI KUWAIT KYRGYZSTAN LAO P.D.R. LATVIA LEBANON LESOTHO LIBERIA LIBYAN ARAB JAMAHIRIYA LIECHTENSTEIN LITHUANIA LUXEMBOURG MACEDONIA (TFYR) MADAGASCAR MALAWI MALAYSIA MALDIVES MALI MALTA MARSHALL ISLANDS MAURITANIA MAURITIUS MEXICO MICRONESIA (FED. STATES OF) MOLDOVA (REPUBLIC OF) MONACO MONGOLIA MONTENEGRO MOROCCO MOZAMBIQUE MYANMAR NAMIBIA NAURU NEPAL NETHERLANDS NEW ZEALAND NICARAGUA NIGER NIGERIA NORWAY OMAN PALAU PAKISTAN PANAMA PAPUA NEW GUINEA PARAGUAY PERU PHILIPPINES POLAND PORTUGAL QATAR REPUBLIC OF KOREA ROMANIA RUSSIAN FEDERATION RWANDA SAMOA SAN MARINO SAO TOME & PRINCIPE SAUDI ARABIA SENEGAL SERBIA SEYCHELLES SIERRA LEONE SINGAPORE SLOVAKIA SLOVENIA SOLOMON ISLANDS SOMALIA SOUTH AFRICA SPAIN SRI LANKA ST KITTS & NEVIS ST. LUCIA ST. VINCENT & THE GRENADINES SUDAN SURINAME SWAZILAND SWEDEN SWITZERLAND SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC TAJIKISTAN THAILAND (USD Thousand) UNRWA WFP 10,884.97 WMO 587.11 81,857.38 7,843.94 TOTAL (ALL) WTO 6.55 302.36 233.44 1,270.62 57.90 8.28 1.13 16.73 865.04 1.21 22.04 616.84 1,352.06 5.10 95.51 5.03 5.00 2,013.04 8.93 142.33 1,472.18 827.46 1.00 9.54 436.67 1,345.91 6.97 41.21 760.59 0.43 9.94 5,306.08 869.42 1,084.64 29.70 94.39 68.52 894.65 2.70 9.69 889.77 228.14 12.67 370.08 865.46 1,189.44 24.18 317.27 2,078.45 383.51 51.20 6,461.97 11,219.07 48.87 105.26 523.78 3,476.96 172.24 204.28 624.78 52 4,107.74 4.53 4.31 % 77,311.53 2,421.04 140,094.85 254.09 4,340.62 6,074.25 5,540.04 917.49 21,779.18 1,738.19 33,307.96 613.13 53.96 1,056.52 785.50 4,555.85 6,584.07 4,756.90 4,076.86 8,860.13 6,363.04 427.09 175.90 8,478.45 909.60 24,030.28 93.83 5,958.87 3,019.89 2,183.73 1.63% 0.05% 2.96% 0.01% 0.09% 0.13% 0.12% 0.02% 0.46% 0.04% 0.70% 0.01% 0.00% 0.02% 0.02% 0.10% 0.14% 0.10% 0.09% 0.19% 0.13% 0.01% 0.00% 0.18% 0.02% 0.51% 0.00% 0.13% 0.06% 0.05% 7,926.08 8,816.42 17,470.14 5,434.00 2.92 10,181.57 15,615.31 1,052.38 13,915.68 5,423.54 23,199.50 4,123.04 5,395.84 42.10 46,873.73 139,247.55 1,452.42 18,421.66 71,138.49 7,459.14 5,419.72 1,643.76 12.10 3,147.15 5,300.63 209,411.84 7,656.33 1,800.41 831.40 395.82 11,239.70 9,239.77 7,419.12 1,234.55 7,613.04 3,930.19 2,363.03 2,513.05 1,094.38 5,493.96 66,372.23 21,221.13 40,928.94 51.22 417.21 57.59 113,157.76 510.87 1,663.23 13,388.79 67,900.71 11,160.43 8,757.55 45,575.39 0.17% 0.19% 0.37% 0.11% 0.00% 0.21% 0.33% 0.02% 0.29% 0.11% 0.49% 0.09% 0.11% 0.00% 0.99% 2.94% 0.03% 0.39% 1.50% 0.16% 0.11% 0.03% 0.00% 0.07% 0.11% 4.42% 0.16% 0.04% 0.02% 0.01% 0.24% 0.20% 0.16% 0.03% 0.16% 0.08% 0.05% 0.05% 0.02% 0.12% 1.40% 0.45% 0.86% 0.00% 0.01% 0.00% 2.39% 0.01% 0.04% 0.28% 1.43% 0.24% 0.18% 0.96% TOTAL PROCUREMENT OF SERVICES BY AGENCY AND COUNTRY OF PROCUREMENT 2006 ALL SOURCES OF FUNDING COUNTRY TIMOR-LESTE TOGO TONGA TRINIDAD & TOBAGO TUNISIA TURKEY TURKMENISTAN TUVALU UNITED ARAB EMIRATES UGANDA UKRAINE UNITED KINGDOM UNITED REP. OF TANZANIA URUGUAY USA UZBEKISTAN VANUATU VENEZUELA VIET NAM YEMEN ZAMBIA ZIMBABWE SUB-TOTAL (USD Thousand) UNRWA WFP GRAND-TOTAL TOTAL (ALL) WTO 18.38 3.42 22.55 77.73 47.71 1,644.80 2,929.50 344.79 6,068.14 2,623.87 0.55 11,029.72 40.69 32,548.16 64.53 16.80 180.73 357.65 997.88 1,263.25 8.02 223,707.15 5,590.73 148.64 829,342.36** UNSPECIFIED COUNTRIES GLOBAL PROJECTS INTERREGIONAL PROJECTS ARAB COUNTRIES* AFRICAN COUNTRIES ASIAN COUNTRIES EUROPEAN COUNTRIES LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN WMO 28,020.55* % 2,888.39 3,173.65 325.14 3,756.25 3,918.96 22,168.38 853.05 98.15 16,342.04 13,959.98 29,253.78 73,956.11 20,556.98 10,624.97 413,588.33 2,917.69 108.78 9,642.25 4,849.29 5,237.05 6,484.56 7,000.15 0.06% 0.07% 0.01% 0.08% 0.08% 0.47% 0.02% 0.00% 0.35% 0.29% 0.62% 1.56% 0.43% 0.22% 8.73% 0.06% 0.00% 0.20% 0.10% 0.11% 0.14% 0.15% 3,832,403.66 80.91% 876,272.99 18.50% 28,031.52 0.59% 77.56 7.00 0.00% 0.00% 100.00% 60,568.71 1,053,049.51 5,590.73 148.64 4,736,792.73 INDUSTRIALIZED COUNTRIES: Percentage DEVELOPING COUNTRIES/ ECONOMIES IN TRANSITION: Percentage 6,661.08 11.00% 54,382.70 5.16% 4,920.24 88.01% 22.66 15.24% 1,204,969.01 25.44% 53,907.63 89.00% 170,667.81 16.21% 670.49 11.99% 125.98 84.76% 2,655,550.73 56.06% ARAB STATES Percentage 53,325.41 88.04% 16,861.14 1.60% AFRICA Percentage 395,775.35 8.36% 118,354.40 11.24% 29.27 0.52% 68.54 46.11% 647,315.84 13.67% 52.44 35.28% 667,697.25 14.10% ASIA & PACIFIC Percentage 184.46 0.30% 24,424.41 2.32% 97.79 1.75% EUROPE & CIS Percentage 392.82 0.65% 1,189.78 0.11% 226.93 4.06% LATIN AMERICA & THE CARIBBEAN Percentage 4.94 0.01% 8,494.73 0.81% 316.50 5.66% Others Percentage 220,176.03 4.65% 5.00 3.36% 724,586.25 15.30% 827,999.00 78.63% * Procurement from the Palastine Authority Autonomous Area (West Bank and Gaza Strip). 876,272.99 18.50% ** Denotes cost of Transport services contracted by WFP, not available as a by country break down 53 Major Equipment ordered by Agency during 2006 (Orders of USD 30,000 or more) Agency / Location of Procurement Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) Total Cost (USD) ECA Cyprus Infotrend Company Ltd Computer Supplies 42,350.72 Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Inter Agency Procurement Servi Inter Agency Procurement Services Office Danoffice Plc Inter Agency Procurement Servi Iapso Iapso Computer Hardware Computer Hardware Computer Hardware Computer Hardware Computer Software Vehicles 183,443.48 139,508.69 122,029.00 80,860.74 50,988.00 41,623.92 Ethiopia Nh Ethiopia General Importer & Exporte Vehicles 42,500.00 Italy Italy Italy Intertrade International Services Intertrade International Servi Intertrade International Servi Air Conditioning and Related Equipment Electronic Equipment Computer Hardware 52,687.24 52,360.70 31,053.56 UAE UAE UAE Truebell Marketing And Trading Nile World Trading Jacky’s Gulf Fze Printing and Publishing Supplies Office Supplies & Stationery Office Supplies & Stationery UK UK UK UK UK UK Hunter Penrose Supplies Ltd Hunter Penrose Supplies Ltd Hunter Penrose Supplies Ltd Bannerbridge Plc Sheargold Ltd Sheargold Ltd Printing and Publishing Supplies Printing and Publishing Supplies Printing and Publishing Equipment Office Supplies & Stationery Electronic Equipment Computer Supplies 77,177.31 74,324.95 55,359.48 46,195.20 36,981.30 34,783.40 USA USA USA USA United Nations Headquarters Infoptics Bytes Document Solution Tandberg Inc Banners/ Flags/ Logos Computer Hardware Photocopiers Communications Equipment 53,050.00 43,156.25 42,048.06 34,843.62 ECLAC Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Haydee Vidal Y Cia. Ltda. Dist. Papeles Industriales S.a. S & A Consultores Asoc. Chile S.a. Centro De Espec. Farmaceuticas Ltda. Wc Covers Y Cia Ltda. Printing And Bookbinding Equipment Paper Of Paperboard N.e.c., For Printing Software Application Packages Drugs And Medicines Industry Toilet Tissue Stock; Miscellaneous Other 103,644.03 48,515.35 43,829.07 31,833.20 31,683.09 USA USA USA USA Danoffice Cisco Systems, Inc. Hudson Bay Environments Advanced Computer Concepts Micro-computers Equipment And Accessories For Connect Seats And Chairs Electronic Storage Units/Media 202,436.75 105,493.80 41,764.26 38,311.00 ESCAP Republic Of Korea Republic Of Korea Ssangyong Motors A&D Engineering Co., Ltd. Motor Cars Security/Safety Equipment 7 Supplies 32,303.54 139,800.00 Spain Tst-stag, S.a. Refrigeration Training Equipment Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Inter Far East Enginnering Public Co., Ltd. Inter Far East Enginnering Public Co., Ltd. It Techcom Co., Ltd. Scs Enterprise Systems (Thailand) Ltd. S&P Nakornluang Aluminium Ltd., Part. Lighting Today Co., Ltd. Bmw (Tahiland) Co., Ltd. Bmw (Tahiland) Co., Ltd. First Inter Business Ltd. Diethelm Limited Vichai Training (1983) Company Limited T.r. Enterprise Co., Ltd. Copiers Copiers Computers, Others Computer Hardwares/Softwares & Supplies Building Maintenance, Others Electrical Items Motor Cars Motor Cars Pc, Desktop Drugs & Medicines Communications & Audio Visual Equipment Printing Publications United Kingdom United Kingdom Glasdon International Limited Glasdon International Limited Janitorial & Sanitary Supplies Janitorial & Sanitary Supplies 133,547.67 48,271.00 42,384.00 30,428.00 35,035.69 34,008.53 53,394.69 36,442.69 48,536.44 69,086.02 36,618.00 37,076.32 47,980.48 31,500.77 570,052.34 58,755.34 36,719.40 32,854.20 United States Of America Cisco Systems, Inc. Softwares 148,372.70 ESCWA Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Dan Office Dan Office Dan Office Inter Agency Procurement Services Office Dan Office Procurment Of Servers For Ina Project In Iraq. It Equipment It Equipment Vehicles It Equipment 211,362.00 99,810.00 58,786.00 33,380.00 31,900.00 Iraq Al-thakira For It And Software Co. Ltd Computer Hardware To Furnish 2 Centers In Iraq, Ina Project. Italy Intertrade International Services Srl Original Toner Cartridges Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Private Lebanese Dairy (Prileda) Company Armobel For Industry And Trade Quantech Sal T. Gargour And Fils Computer Communication Consultant International Computer And Communication Systems Midware Data Systems Office Technologies Dairy Processing Equipment Dairy Processing Equipment It Equipment Mercedes Benz Model S500 Long It Equipment It Equipment It Equipment Photocopiers Oman Saud Bahwan Automotive Llc Vehicles USA USA Cisco Systems, Inc. Lenovo Pruchse Of Cisco Equipment For Ina Project. Purchase 447 Computers, Ina Project In Iraq. Ghulam Mohammad Din Co Sultan Daud Seed Enterprise Sultan Daud Seed Enterprise Afghan Seeds Project Shir Abda Seed Enterprise Baba-i-dehqan Seed Enterprise 45,140.00 32,324.00 191,898.00 183,413.00 103,750.00 93,719.00 31,520.00 31,000.00 30,540.00 30,340.00 33,640.00 552,908.00 491,253.00 FAO Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Ramin Fardeen Co Ltd Ghulam Mohammad Din Co Hambastagi Seed Enterprise Sar-i-sang Seed Enterprise Fertilizers Wheat Seeds Wheat Seeds Wheat Seeds Wheat Seeds Wheat Seeds Wheat Seeds Motorbykes Fertilizers For Project Pak/06/001/01/34 Wheat Seeds Wheat Seeds Albania Albania Bnt Electronics Albania Ndertim Montim Dashi Computer Equipment For Project Gcp/Alb/005/Ita Building Material For Project Gcp/Alb/005/Ita Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Shimadzu Handelsgesellschaft Mbh Amex Export- Import Gmbh Amex Export- Import Gmbh Amex Export- Import Gmbh Amex Export- Import Gmbh Wintersteiger Ag Hplc System Grain Moisture Meters For Project Gcp/Afg/042/Ec Seed Testing Equipment For Project Tcp/Gam/3101 Pr. 34102 - Laboratory Equipment Pr 34438 - Veterinary Equipment For Project Osro/Sud/504/Usa Pr 35564 - Tractor Mounted Plot Seeder, Plot Thresher, Stationary Thresher And Hand Pushed Single R 69,261.40 49,722.00 40,566.90 37,988.40 32,854.00 295,596.00 Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Demimpex-vrp Demimpex-vrp Demimpex-vrp Demimpex-vrp P.r. 34324 - 4wd Station Wagons For Project Osro/Tun/501/Ita Pr 33493 Under Osro/Raf/412/Can For Vehicle Fpo 5-21091 2 X Toyota Land Cruiser Hzj 105 Std / 4.2 L / Diesel 4 X 4 Lhd / 5 Doors Pr 35443 - Toyota Land Cruiser For Project Osro/Eri/601/Swe 131,400.00 59,280.00 55,020.00 44,695.00 54 1,116,980.00 200,625.00 149,900.00 127,010.00 114,280.00 103,180.00 72,450.00 65,044.00 56,400.00 36,400.00 30,740.00 77,910.00 56,695.00 Major Equipment ordered by Agency during 2006 (Orders of USD 30,000 or more) Agency / Location of Procurement Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) Total Cost (USD) FAO cont. Botswana Botswana Botswana Vaccine Institute (Pty) Ltd Botswana Vaccine Institute (Pty) Ltd Purchase Of Cbpp Vaccines For Tanzania And Zambia Foot And Mouth (Fmd) Trivalent Vaccine 108,954.30 668,680.00 Brazil Brazil Brazil Zenith Assessoria Ex Importacao E Exportacao Ltda Fec -fund Euclides Da Cunha Ap Inst A U F Fluminen Rotamax Ind E Com De Equipamentos Agricolas Ltda Farm Machinery Equipment - Tceso Contribución Relacionada Con El Programa Hambre Cero Bulk Dryer And Storage Bin For Bulk Seeds - Rnerd 118,093.80 95,813.98 33,786.00 Burundi Burundi Burundi Burundi Burundi Burundi Rwasa Salvator Ndacayisaba Dieudonne Ets Ndacayisaba Dieudonne Ets Rwasa Salvator Mehta Ratilal Lm Ets Rwasa Salvator Mixed Bean Seeds Bean Seeds For Project Osro/Bdi/507/Ec Bean Seeds For Project Osro/Bdi/507/Ec Bean Seeds Hoes Mixed Bean Seeds For Project Osro/Bdi/607/Cha 288,069.00 250,200.00 175,140.00 165,480.00 150,144.62 58,950.00 Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chilectra Sa Servicio De Limpieza Mecanizada Slim Sa Pnud Equant Chile S.a. Termofrio Sa Consumo De Energía Eléctrica Año 2006 Servicio De Limpieza Edificio Fao/Pnud Año 2006 Guardias De Seguridad (Agosto-diciembre 2006) Ip Directo ( Internet ) Año 2006 Mantención Aire Acondicionado Edificio Fao/Pnud Año 2006 113,352.82 101,637.43 36,007.43 34,307.99 30,409.36 China China Xiamen Rich Fishing & Sports Co Ltd Xiamen Rich Fishing & Sports Co Ltd Gillnets Ropes And Twines Large Mesh Gillnets For Project Osro/Srl/506/Nor 971,640.00 194,750.00 Colombia Reforestadora El Guásimo Producción De 550.000 Pinus Pátula Cote d'Ivoire Programme National Riz - Pnr Upland Rice Seed Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Westrup A/S Kuhne & Nagel A/S Kuhne & Nagel A/S Justesen Peter Company A/S Bukkehave Ltd Kuhne & Nagel A/S Kuhne & Nagel A/S Bukkehave Ltd Kuhne & Nagel A/S Cleaning Equipment For Project Utf/Lib/026 Transportation And Insurance For 1000 Awassi Sheep Under Osro/Irq/407/Udg Freight And Insurance Costs Against Po 178342 (Weed Harvesters) Server Racks For 30 Field Offices Three Vehicles For Project Gcp/Afg/042/Ec Freight Costs Against Equipment Of Pos 162506, 162507, 162602 And 170465 Freight And Insurance Charges Against Po 170979 (Tipper Trucks) Osro/Eth/601/Mul -2 Pickups Freight And Insurance Charges Against Po 182688 (Protective Clothing Kits) Djibouti Djibouti Djibouti Emtc-east Afr. Motor&Trading Corp. F.z.c.o Emtc-east Afr. Motor&Trading Corp. F.z.c.o Emtc-east Afr. Motor&Trading Corp. F.z.c.o Toyota Hilux / Pick Up Double Cabin / Lwb / 4wd Diesel 2 X Toyota Hi-lux Pick Up Doubel Cabin / Lwb 4wd / Diesel / Lan 25l Prmdem / With All Standard Equip 2 X Toyota Hi-lux Pickup / Double Cabin / Lwd / 4wd Model Code Lan 25l- Prmden Egypt Global Brands Purchase Of 35 Computers (Model Dell Optiplex Gx520) France France France France France France France France France France France France France Merial Sas Manitou Bf Novacom Services Manitou Bf Areva T & D Coophavet Zhendre Sa Bio-rad Laboratories Ltd Manitou Bf Ceva Sante Animale Sa Pompes Japy Merial Sas Etablissement André Coquard Inactivate Avian Influenza Vaccine For Project Osro/Glo/504/Mul Forklifts Vehicle Package - Tceod Procurement Of Forklifts For Project Osro/Raf/426/Fra Vacuum Contactors - Rehab. Of Pumping Stations Oxytetracycline 200mg/Ml + 100mg/Ml & 50mg/Ml And Multivitamin + Oxytetracycline 10% - Tceoa 40 Feet Reefer Complete Real Time Pcr Forklift Truck 4 Wheel Drive Pr 34581-bid5617 Procurement Of Vaccine For Projects Osro/Taj/501/Ec & Osro/Taj/405/Can Kit Composed Inactivated Avian Influenza Vaccine Articles Of Material Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Wirth Fleischhacker Gmbh & Co Kg Daimlerchrysler Ag Daimlerchrysler Ag Daimlerchrysler Ag European Space Imaging Gmbh Daimlerchrysler Ag Labsco Gmbh & Co Kg Laboratory Supply Company Fleischhacker Gmbh & Co Kg Labsco Gmbh & Co Kg Laboratory Supply Company Solo Kleinmotoren Gmbh Daimlerchrysler Ag Drilling Rigs For Mosul Dam Osro/Irq/404/Udg Laboratory Equipment And Supplies For Faor Hanoi Procurament Of Two Unimog For Desert Locust - Project Osro/Raf/426/Fra Unimog Truck Unimog For Mauritania Procurement Of Ikonos Satellite Imagery Mercedes-benz Type C 220 Cdi Estate For Office Use. Real Time Rotary Analyzer And Accessories For Project Osro/Glo/601/Swe Laboratory Equipmen Automatic Syringe / Spare Glass Barrel / Thermometers / Automatic Syringes / Needles / Backpack Spra Knapsack Sprayers For Project Afg/06/001/01/99 Motor Vehicles United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd (Tgs) Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd (Tgs) Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd (Tgs) Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd (Tgs) Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd (Tgs) Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd (Tgs) Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd (Tgs) Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd (Tgs) Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd (Tgs) Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd (Tgs) Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd (Tgs) Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd (Tgs) Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd (Tgs) Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd (Tgs) Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd (Tgs) Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd (Tgs) Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd (Tgs) Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd (Tgs) Procurement Of 12 Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles 260,712.00 77,423.35 59,247.30 58,060.00 52,230.86 49,292.19 49,292.19 49,180.00 45,166.78 35,234.00 34,888.18 34,710.00 34,086.00 32,251.16 31,248.14 30,770.00 30,202.09 30,087.60 Guatemala Agrovessa Bean Seeds (Osro/Hai/501/Can; Osro/Hai/504/Fra) 191,070.00 Haiti Agrotechnique S.a. Pesticides For Project Gtfs/Hai/018/Ita India Maxcare Marketing & Technical Services Liquid Milk Processing - For Project Gcp/Afg/040/Ger 143,200.00 Indonesia Pt Yamindo Hand Tractors For Project Osro/Ins/509/Ec 481,958.40 Iraq Iratrac 2 Forklifts For Osro/Irq/406/Udg - Supersedes Po 162621 Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Tecmon Srl Cogemat Srl Harpa Italia Srl Dell Spa Dell Spa Rvr Elettronica Spa Imv Italia Srl Edisco Srl Edisco Srl Gcp/Gha/029/Ita For Tomato Processing Plant Slaughterhouses Hp Server 12-way Rp7420 Fast Rmkt Solution Mod.ab207ar - Afiud Servers For Field Offices (Feocd) Optiplex Gx 745 - Feocd Complete Fm Rural Radio Station For Eseka And Mokolo. Sdred Lead Acid Battery Pack For Ups Sie & Audio Visual Equip For German Room - Afsic Audio Systems For Conference Room. 55 48,195.88 83,125.00 527,163.05 264,833.00 218,387.00 130,380.00 127,754.40 92,200.00 61,726.00 44,220.00 35,994.00 41,990.00 41,676.00 41,676.00 36,161.78 393,790.00 274,400.00 136,880.00 117,600.00 114,000.00 66,750.00 52,690.23 49,748.10 40,360.00 36,860.00 36,460.47 35,880.00 32,076.20 2,850,000.00 342,318.84 231,000.00 115,500.00 111,353.00 74,682.00 73,669.60 68,108.00 53,746.76 48,977.20 46,200.00 43,144.47 50,750.00 49,498.52 599,492.00 246,142.00 224,489.80 131,560.62 131,330.70 105,699.00 80,368.91 68,887.57 68,536.00 Major Equipment ordered by Agency during 2006 (Orders of USD 30,000 or more) Agency / Location of Procurement Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) Total Cost (USD) FAO cont. Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Harpa Italia Srl Dell Spa Dell Spa Osv Srl Organizzazione Sviluppo Vendite Iveco Spa Fiat Center Italia Spa Dell Spa Dell Spa Dell Spa Dell Spa Harpa Italia Srl Dell Spa Harpa Italia Srl Chimica Omnia Srl Actamed Srl Harpa Italia Srl Dell Spa Pricewaterhousecoopers Advisory Srl Oti Service Srl Intech Srl Gecal Accessori Srl Intertrade International Services Srl Fotoforniture Guido Sabatini Srl Chimica Omnia Srl Gestel Hp Dl580 & Dl380 Servers - Afiut Dell Desktops Laptops Afiud Optiplex Gx745 Computers - Feocd Knapsack Sprayers For Project Osro/Bdi/507/Ec Mini Truck And Spare Parts For Project Gcp/Sil/023/Ger Lancia Thesis Vehicle Optiplex Gx745 Computers - Leg Optiplex Gx745 Computers - Agadd Latitude D620 Laptops - Feocd Optiplex Gx745 Computers - Feocd 3tb Of Disks For San Eva3000 - Afiut Optiplex Gx620 Computers - Foddd Ltu, Disks & Licenses For Eva3000 - Afiut Laboratory Equipment For Project Gtfs/Int/907/Ita Personal Protection Equipment - Afdmd Lto For Eva3000 - Afiut Latitude D420 Laptops & 19" Lcd Monitors - Tci Audit Software Teammate - Aud Vestiario - Afsid Laboratory Equipment For Project Tcp/Pan/4504 Printers Toner Feocd Generating Sets For Various Localities For Project Osro/Raf/426/Fra Digital Camera - Feocd Laboratory Equipment Electrical Panel - Afsid 61,193.68 54,357.05 49,249.01 48,471.95 47,413.00 45,617.92 45,152.67 44,529.26 44,519.10 43,386.03 39,007.54 38,963.10 37,868.20 37,054.68 36,749.00 35,090.45 34,860.05 34,000.00 32,187.92 32,124.70 31,768.12 31,419.00 31,304.35 30,673.11 30,102.04 Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Toyota Motor Corporation Africa Division, Group 7 Toyota Motor Corporation Africa Division, Group 5 Arano K & Co, Ltd Toyota Motor Corporation Africa Division, Group 6 Nissan Trading Co, Ltd Vehicles Dept Nissan Trading Co, Ltd Vehicles Dept Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles P.r. 34803 - Paddy Threshers For Project Osro/Srl/ 511/Swe Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles 84,954.00 57,623.93 54,680.00 50,918.97 37,742.00 37,742.00 Jordan Jordan Jordan Al Juneidi Trade & Industrial Engineering Company Emad Abdullatif - Em Motors Jovac - Jordan Bio Industries Center Pr 35487 - Cheese And Yoghurt Incubators Motor Vehicles Freeze Dried Live Peste Des Petite Ruminants Vaccine Against Ppr Disease In Sheep And Goat 88,000.00 65,800.00 40,000.00 Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Appropriate Technologies For Enterprise Creation East African Supplies & Logistics Ltd East African Supplies & Logistics Ltd Appropriate Technologies For Enterprise Creation Appropriate Technologies For Enterprise Creation Export Trading Co Ltd Appropriate Technologies For Enterprise Creation Irrigation Equipment And Spare Parts Solar Fridge Freezer Solar Fridge Freezer Appro Tec ‘Super Money Maker Plus’ Manuel Micro Irrigation Pump Appro Tec ‘Super Money Maker Plus’ Manuel Micro Irrigation Pump Hand Tools For Project Osro/Sud/608/Chf Appro Tec Super Money Maker Plus Manual Micro / Piston Cups / Bottom Valves / Nozzles / Manuals 47,209.66 46,666.80 46,361.34 43,292.77 42,469.66 35,700.00 32,707.51 Korea, Republic of Korea, Republic of Korea, Republic of Korea, Republic of Korea, Republic of Korea, Republic of Korea, Republic of Bada Trading Corporation Dong Kwang International Dong Kwang International Bada Trading Corporation Dong Kwang International Bada Trading Corporation Bada Trading Corporation Large Mesh Gillnets Large Mesh Gillnets Nylon Net For Trap Net Fishing Equipment For Project Osro/Bdi/504/Swe Drift Long Lines And Floats Twine And Rope Ropes And Twines Kuwait Luai A Al-abdul Razzak & Part Gen Trad & Contr Co Additional Charges To Cover Storage Fees In Connection With Po 174655 Malawi Malawi Malawi Centre For Ticks And Tick-borne Diseases (Ttbd) Centre For Ticks And Tick-borne Diseases (Ttbd) Delt-tech Engineering Company Vaccine Muguga Cocktail Plus Diluent Vaccine Including Diluent For Tanzania Treadle Irrigation Pumps With Accessories 206,710.00 165,710.00 151,300.00 98,303.88 59,820.00 55,620.00 46,813.50 30,927.00 250,000.00 241,000.00 122,000.00 Malta Toltecna Group Ltd Personal Protective Equipment Ppe Mauritania Agri-co Sorghum And Niebe Seed 59,220.00 45,090.00 Mexico Quipus Sa Servicio De Hospedaje De La Plataforma Blackboard Para El 2006 79,205.50 Moldova, Republic of Agrosargal Ltd Winter Wheat Seeds For Project Tcp/Mol/3102 52,650.00 Namibia Container World Mobile Veterinary Laboratories For Project Osro/Raf/511/Saf 94,860.00 Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Id Lelystad Bv Simonis Bv Industrie-en Handelsondernerning Santpoort Project Supplies Bakker Brothers Zaadteelt En Zaadhandel Bv Nissan Trading Europe Ltd The Medical Expert Group Bv Koudijs Wouda Voeders B V Fmd Vaccine Mineral Manure For Burundi Pr 33234 - Greenhouses And Tools Tcp/Bul/3002 Semences Maraicheres - Packed In 10 Gram Packets 4wd Pick Ups For Project Osrotun/501/Ita Surgical Face Masks - Afdmd Layer Feed Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Ghulam Mohammad Ltd (Pakistan) Al Hamd Traders Pakistan Agri Services Punjab Seed Corporation Toyota Azad Motors Pakistan Agri Services Al Hamd Traders Haji Sons Al Hamd Traders Dap And Urea - Pakistan Dap And Urea For Project Osro/Afg/605/Cha & Afg/06/001/01/99 Maize Seeds For Project Osro/Pak/603/Can & Osro/Pak/605/Uk Wheat Seed Vehicles Maize Seed, Variety Sarhad Yellow. Tceod Dap And Urea Fertilizer For Project Osro/Afg/607/Swi And Osro/Afg/607/Swi Wheat Seed P.r. 35593 - Dap And Urea For Project Osro/Afg/605/Cha & Osro/Afg/505/Swi Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Federal Governmental Institution (Fgi “Arriah”) Private Entrepreneur Pboul Tumgoev Aa Federal Governmental Institution (Fgi “Arriah”) Quadrivalent Vaccine Steel Pipes Vaccine For Project Mtf/Int/003/Eec 697,969.54 206,825.00 109,997.45 99,803.50 96,500.00 79,040.23 32,951.65 1,294,730.00 609,950.00 430,000.00 429,975.00 428,160.00 313,040.00 153,032.00 98,175.00 55,460.00 444,400.00 79,688.88 47,700.00 San Marino Axys Srl Community Date Juice And Jam Processing Lines Singapore Bio-rad Laboratories (Singapore) Pte Ltd Real Time Pcr 187,236.00 Somalia Somalia Somalia City Center Techno (Llc) Hiddig Boat Factory Hiddig Boat Factory Seawater Flake Ice Plants For Osro/Som/508/Cgc And Osro/Som/515/Wfp For Payment Purpose Only Due To Erroneusly Cancellation Of Po 179685 Fishing Boats For Project Osro/Som/512/Sbs And Osro/Som/609/Cha 296,400.00 235,455.00 214,500.00 South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa V & M Grain Trading Ltd V & M Grain Trading Ltd Capstone Seeds Pty Ltd Virbac Rsa Omnia Fertilizer (South Africa) Capstone Seeds Pty Ltd Fertilizers Can & Npk (Osro/Zim/601/Ec) Fertilizers For Project Osro/Zim/601/Ec Vegetable And Crop Seeds For Angola - Project Osro/Ang/602/Wbk Veterinary Equipment For Project Osro/Raf/510/Saf Urea & Npk Fertilizer (Osro/Ang/601/Hcr) Vegetable And Crop Seeds For Angola 316,875.00 289,325.00 282,388.30 150,854.00 94,500.00 59,992.20 Spain Syva Laboratorios Sa Vaccine 56 60,063.38 32,300.00 Major Equipment ordered by Agency during 2006 (Orders of USD 30,000 or more) Agency / Location of Procurement Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) Total Cost (USD) FAO cont. Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Associated Motor (Lanka) Co.ltd. Browns Group Industries Associated Motor (Lanka) Co.ltd. Dimo Limited Neil Marine Ltd Browns Group Industries Associated Motor (Lanka) Co.ltd. Jayasara Enterprises (Pvt) Ltd. Associated Motor (Lanka) Co.ltd. Dimo Limited A Baur & Co Ltd Yamaha Outboard Kerosene Engines - Project Osro/Srl/507/Ec Imboard Diesel Engines Yamaha Outboard Kerosene Engine 11.0 Kw (15 Hp) Model Ek15pmhl. Including Freight Charges. Tceo Inboard Engines Outboard Engines Imboard Diesel Engines For Project Osro/Srl/504/Ita Outboard Engines. Inboard Diesel Engines For Project Osro/Srl/504/Ita Penalty To Pay For Cancellation Of Purchase Order 186232 Inboard Engines Fertilizers 482,778.35 330,085.00 321,077.50 308,601.00 213,600.00 183,480.00 170,157.00 164,750.00 63,185.00 61,720.20 38,080.00 Swaziland Swaziland Swaziland Afritool Pty Ltd Afritool Pty Ltd Afritool Pty Ltd Hoes Hand Tools Hand Tools 204,120.00 93,240.00 30,950.00 Sweden Biab International Ab Household Tools And Equipment For Iraq Tanzania, United Republic of Tanzania, United Republic of Tanzania, United Republic of Tanzania, United Republic of Suba Agro-trading & Engineering Co. Lti Suba Agro-trading & Engineering Co. Lti East African Seed (T) Ltd Mukpar Tanzania Limited For Seed Procurment For Tanzania Sorghum Seeds For Seed Procurement For Tanzania Sprayers For Project Osro/Urt/603/Uk Thailand Hanna Novel Winner Limited Partnership Fishing Nets Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda Kiboko Enterprises Ltd. Akuku Farm Seeds Ltd Farm Inputs Care Centre (Fica) Ltd Akuku Farm Seeds Ltd Techno Relief Services Ltd Akuku Farm Seeds Ltd Otis Garden Seed Kiboko Enterprises Ltd. Farm Inputs Care Centre (Fica) Ltd Kiboko Enterprises Ltd. Kampala Mapping Project Kiboko Enterprises Ltd. Hoes / Machettes / Rakes / Water Cans Vegetable Seeds For Project Osro/Uga/605/Nor Seed Kits And Ploughs Seed Kits For Uganda Chickpea Seeds For Project Osro/Eri/502/Ec Crop Seed Kits And Ox Ploughs. Seed Kits For For Lir And Gulu Uganda Hoes Without Handles For Project Osro/Drc/409/Ec Cereal Seed Kits Hoes For Uganda Procurement Of Maps For Uganda For Project Osro/Uga/501/Usa Tools For Project Osro/Uga/605/Nor United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates The Mgt Group Technical Parts Company Western Auto Llc Motor Vehicles Silicon Oil For Iraq 2 X Toyota Hilux 2.5l Diesel / 4wd / Color White / Model 2006 United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom Spp Pumps Ltd Greenham Export Micron Sprayers Limited Greenham Export Codan Ltd Dulas Ltd Greenham Export Rehabilitation Of Al Sijillah Pumping Station Personal Protective Equipment Ppe Vehicle Mounted Sprayers For Dl Operation Protective Clothing Kits Against Avian Influenza For Iraq Radios For Project Mtf/Ras/001/Mul Solar Fridge For Project Osro/Sud/504/Usa Protective Equipment For Project Osro/Bdi/507/Ec 558,806.00 225,030.35 125,116.18 83,337.39 74,396.70 54,317.00 39,965.22 United States United States United States United States United States United States Microwave Telemetry Inc Drumbeaters Of America Inc Drumbeaters Of America Inc Drumbeaters Of America Inc Applied Biosystems Division Headquarters Microwave Telemetry Inc Transmitters For Avian Flu - Tceoe Trc Drum Cleaning & Crushing System Including Operating Manual. Tceod Drum Crusher For Osro/Raf/424/Ger Trc Manual Drum Cleaning & Crushing System Project Osro/Raf/407/Fra Real Time Pcr System For Project Gcp/Pak/095/Usa Transmitters For Avian Influenza Emergency - Po 187985 -tceod 278,500.00 259,000.00 68,500.00 68,500.00 44,000.00 37,500.00 Viet Nam Viet Nam Viet Nam Labotech Joint Stock Company Labotech Joint Stock Company Europ Continents Pte Ltd Cold Boxes Cold Boxes For Viet Nam Real Time Pcr 477,048.00 302,354.00 137,802.00 Zimbabwe Plas Rubber Products Pipes IAEA Argentina Argentina Equipos Y Proyectos S.a.c.i. Molinari Sa Reactor Equipment Tools Australia Gammasonics Institute For Medical Researchpty Ltd Nuclear Medicine Equipment Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Ibm Österreich Gmbh Meet Handels Gmbh Lb-electronics Ges.m.b.h. Siemens Aktiengesellschaft Oesterreich Thermo Electron Austria Wissenschaftliche Geraete Gmbh Agilent Technologies Österreich Gmbh Thermo Electron Austria Wissenschaftliche Geraete Gmbh Aufricht Gmbh Stiassny Ges.m.b.h. Canberra Packard Central Europe Gmbh Siemens Aktiengesellschaft Oesterreich Mondi Business Paper Midas, Mikro-datensysteme Handelsgmbh. Porsche Austria Gesellschaft M.b.h & Co. Elimpex Medizintechnik Ges.m.b.h. Reder A. Ges.m.b.h. Meet Handels G.m.b.h Meet Handels Gmbh Canberra Packard Central Europe Gmbh Hali-büromöbel Ges.m.b.h. Canberra Packard Central Europe Gmbh Stiassny Ges.m.b.h. Luft-klima Lüftungstechnik Gmbh Canberra Packard Central Europe Gmbh Amex Export-import Gmbh Canberra Packard Central Europe Gmbh Canberra Packard Central Europe Gmbh Canberra Packard Central Europe Gmbh Shimadzu Handelsgesellschaft Mbh Amex Export-import Gmbh Ph Palden Gmbh Elekta Oncology Systems Gmbh Canberra Packard Central Europe Gmbh Xds Xtra Datensysteme Gmbh. Lindeberg Gmbh Canberra Packard Central Europe Gmbh Amex Export-import Gmbh Madras Computer Vertriebsges.m.b.h. Amex Export-import Gmbh Amex Export-import Gmbh Lindeberg Gmbh Lb-electronics Ges.m.b.h. Canberra Packard Central Europe Gmbh Meet Handels Gmbh Meet Handels Gmbh Dionex Austria Gmbh Shimadzu Handelsgesellschaft Mbh Hardware And/Or Software Maintenance And Repair Nuclear Research / Radiation Monitoring Instruments Video Systems Radiotherapy Equipment - Simulator Spectrometer Mass Spectrometer Mass Spectrometer Mass X-ray Equipment Paper For Laser Printers Nuclear Research / Radiation Monitoring Instruments Radiotherapy Equipment - Simulator Paper, Photocopying Printer Accessories Motor Vehicles And Parts And Accessories Thereof Nuclear Medicine Equipment Water And Heat Systems Maintenance And Repair Detectors, Radiation Nuclear Research / Radiation Monitoring Instruments Laboratory Equipment And Supplies Furniture, Office, Melamine Nuclear Research / Radiation Monitoring Instruments Paper For Printing Air Conditioning, Cold Chain And Refrigerating Equipment Nuclear Research / Radiation Monitoring Instruments Nuclear Medicine Equipment Nuclear Research / Radiation Monitoring Instruments Nuclear Research / Radiation Monitoring Instruments Nuclear Research / Radiation Monitoring Instruments Spectrophotometer Laboratory Equipment And Supplies Insulated Wire And Cable; Optical Fibre Cables Computer Software Nuclear Research / Radiation Monitoring Instruments Pc Accessories Nuclear Reactor Fuel Handling Equipment Nuclear Medicine Equipment Laboratory Equipment And Supplies - Standing Offer Computers, Laptop/Notebook Laboratory Equipment And Supplies Laboratory Equipment And Supplies Ssd Dosimetry System, Dci, Ion Chambers, Check Sources, Cali Television And Video Monitors, Colour, Professional Or Indus Laboratory Equipment And Supplies Nuclear Research / Radiation Monitoring Instruments Nuclear Research / Radiation Monitoring Instruments Chromatographic Equipment Chromatographic Equipment 57 98,536.80 1,137,180.01 485,349.10 216,988.99 175,000.00 73,531.25 1,092,654.00 418,861.45 333,000.00 183,085.00 136,370.00 120,000.00 106,000.00 99,997.50 67,932.00 41,735.00 36,897.00 32,743.00 49,360.00 42,400.00 41,420.00 35,350.00 181,800.00 76,633.00 34,225.00 377,326.58 348,498.73 315,520.51 250,000.00 204,151.32 157,302.70 145,131.58 128,940.79 126,440.75 114,171.05 114,028.95 105,391.30 103,670.81 89,955.01 89,498.68 89,027.50 84,693.88 82,100.00 81,487.06 80,777.76 76,512.73 75,089.81 73,438.74 72,776.32 71,174.00 70,480.00 69,950.00 68,894.74 67,752.93 67,363.89 65,628.55 64,503.95 62,309.21 60,459.49 60,279.19 60,152.15 59,149.30 57,974.55 57,805.14 57,026.49 56,599.11 54,249.36 53,947.37 53,500.00 52,691.53 51,404.78 51,181.17 Major Equipment ordered by Agency during 2006 (Orders of USD 30,000 or more) Agency / Location of Procurement Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) Total Cost (USD) IAEA cont. Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Canberra Packard Central Europe Gmbh Canberra Packard Central Europe Gmbh Alfred Kaercher Ges.m.b.h. Canberra Packard Central Europe Gmbh Canberra Packard Central Europe Gmbh G4s Security Systems Gmbh S&T Austria Gmbh Canberra Packard Central Europe Gmbh Teerag-asdag Aktiengesellschaft Amex Export-import Gmbh Minerva Wissenschaftliche Buchhandlung Gmbh Canberra Packard Central Europe Gmbh Midas, Mikro-datensysteme Handelsgmbh. Amex Export-import Gmbh Meet Handels G.m.b.h Edelbacher Druck Ges.mbh Amex Export-import Gmbh Amex Export-import Gmbh S.o.t. Handelsgmbh & Co. Kg Schmidberger Elektro Ges.m.b.h. Linde Gas Ges.m.b.h. Canberra Packard Central Europe Gmbh Meet Handels Gmbh Transpack Verpackungsmittel Gmbh Kapsch Businesscom Ag Berthold Technologies Gmbh Biolab Ges.m.b.h. Telekom Austria Ag Lindeberg Gmbh Amex Export-import Gmbh Amex Export-import Gmbh Lindeberg Gmbh Amex Export-import Gmbh Johann Hums Gmbh Kodak Gmbh Imago Ges.m.bh Amex Export-import Gmbh Europapier Ag /Eplus Europapier Ag /Eplus Amex Export-import Gmbh Meet Handels Gmbh Amex Export-import Gmbh Meet Handels Gmbh Amex Export-import Gmbh Amex Export-import Gmbh Labor Partner Vienna Lindeberg Gmbh Tecbit Handelsgesellschaft M.b.h Amex Export-import Gmbh At&Tglobal Network Services Austria Gmbh Atominstitut Der Oesterreichischen Universitaeten Möbel Zottl Gesmbh Amex Export-import Gmbh Canberra Packard Central Europe Gmbh Amex Export-import Gmbh Klimonitors Oeg Canberra Packard Central Europe Gmbh Amex Export-import Gmbh Schmidberger Elektro Ges.m.b.h. Canberra Packard Central Europe Gmbh Instrumentation Laboratory Austria Shimadzu Handelsgesellschaft Mbh Nuclear Medicine Equipment Nuclear Research / Radiation Monitoring Instruments Non-nuclear Industrial Equipment Nuclear Research / Radiation Monitoring Instruments Nuclear Research / Radiation Monitoring Instruments Electronic Access Control Systems Software Licenses Spectrometer Nuclear Laboratory Construction Work Laboratory Equipment And Supplies - Standing Offer Books/Journals Nuclear Research / Radiation Monitoring Instruments Toner For Laser Printers Laboratory Equipment And Supplies Dosimeters, Gamma Printing Services Laboratory Equipment And Supplies Nuclear Research / Radiation Monitoring Instruments Security System Installation Cabinets, 19", For Technical Components Gases, Rare, Other Nuclear Research / Radiation Monitoring Instruments Laboratory Equipment And Supplies Bags, Plastic Telephone Equipment Nuclear Research / Radiation Monitoring Instruments Laboratory Equipment And Supplies Video Studio Equipment Containers Of Iron, Steel Or Aluminium Laboratory Equipment And Supplies Laboratory Equipment And Supplies Houses Or Cabinets For Cameras Laboratory Equipment and Supplies Roofing services X-Ray Equipment General management services Laboratory Equipment and Supplies Paper for laser printers Paper for printing Laboratory Equipment and Supplies X-Ray Equipment Laboratory Equipment and Supplies X-Ray Equipment Laboratory Equipment and Supplies Laboratory Equipment and Supplies - Standing Offer Laboratory Equipment and Supplies Housing Computer monitored systems for remote control of power plant Laboratory Equipment and Supplies Telecommunications Spectrometer Nuclear Carpentry work Laboratory Equipment and Supplies Nuclear Research / Radiation Monitoring Instruments Laboratory Equipment and Supplies Nuclear Research / Radiation Monitoring Instruments Nuclear Research / Radiation Monitoring Instruments Medical Equipment Cabinets, metal, other Nuclear Medicine Equipment Centrifuges, laboratory Spectrophotometer 50,000.00 50,000.00 49,295.69 49,151.32 48,947.37 47,552.84 46,676.57 46,430.00 46,330.69 45,394.60 45,338.67 45,338.00 44,779.81 44,285.00 43,871.37 42,863.36 42,807.36 42,127.80 41,399.49 41,296.95 41,261.33 41,040.00 40,000.00 39,805.91 39,656.49 39,344.74 38,567.31 37,845.85 37,185.93 36,872.98 36,684.43 36,275.70 36,202.17 36,005.85 35,678.45 35,138.46 34,592.68 34,587.21 34,200.52 33,999.16 33,715.01 33,651.32 33,587.79 33,189.42 33,145.35 33,109.11 33,078.68 32,625.63 32,538.17 32,496.89 32,457.74 32,451.78 32,294.08 32,285.65 31,786.68 31,650.00 31,320.00 31,015.00 30,348.25 30,229.01 30,123.08 30,029.94 Belarus Belarus Ue ‘Simmtechbel” Meet Handels G.m.b.h Computer System, PC Detectors, radiation 35,931.00 33,200.00 Belgium Belgium Belgium Canberra Packard Central Europe Gmbh Orfit Industries Nv Centre D’etude De L’energie Nucleaire - Sck.cen Detectors Nuclear Medicine Equipment Computer Software 95,306.12 54,457.64 30,606.58 Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Mds Nordion Bot Engineering Ltd Mds Nordion Bot Engineering Ltd Pico Envirotec Inc. Bot Engineering Ltd Terraplus Inc Mds Nordion Atomic Energy Of Canada (Aecl-candu) Mds Nordion Bot Engineering Ltd Bot Engineering Ltd Nanometrics Inc. Satlantic Inc. Bot Engineering Ltd Radiotherapy Equipment - Cobalt-60 Machine - Standing Offer Data acquisition systems, automatic Radiotherapy Equipment - Cobalt-60 Machine - Standing Offer Detectors Nuclear Research / Radiation Monitoring Instruments Cables, electrical Geophysical Equipment Electronic Equipment and Components Wire seals Medical Equipment Computer monitored systems for radiation monitoring Detectors, electronics, preamplifier Laboratory Equipment and Supplies Laboratory or chemical reagents for water Detectors, gamma 319,761.21 155,997.85 97,413.79 93,120.00 81,656.25 81,640.00 62,015.00 50,567.43 49,824.56 47,703.73 46,500.00 46,296.14 38,630.00 34,328.00 32,206.01 114,405.11 Chile Analitica Weisser Sa Chromatograph, Gas China China Andrews A. & Co. (Mail Order) Ltd. China Nuclear Energy Industry Corporation (Cneic) Non-Nuclear Industrial Equipment Nuclear Medicine Equipment Costa Rica Costa Rica Orgoma S.a. Resident Representative Of The U.n. - Cos Spectrometer Mass Laboratory Equipment and Supplies 102,000.00 41,878.00 Croatia Croatia Ruder Boskovic Institute Technozavod-maruzic D.o.o. Laboratory Equipment and Supplies Security system installation 111,842.11 86,872.11 Czech Republic Vf A.s. Nuclear Research / Radiation Monitoring Instruments 85,780.00 Denmark Denmark Risoe National Laboratory Risoe National Laboratory TLD Reader TLD Reader 58,200.51 41,983.70 Finland Finland Fortum Nuclear Services Ltd Capistore Oy Computer Software Electronic Equipment and Components 62,390.75 32,319.23 France France France France France France France France France France France General Electric Medical Systems General Electric Medical Systems Thermo Electron S.a. Saphymo Ishtar S.a.r.l. Laboratoire Aries - Applications Pour La Recherche Et L’industrie Arplay Medical Canberra France S.a.s. Spot Image Sa Arplay Medical Bio-rad Laboratories Gamma Camera Gamma Camera Spectrometer Mass Nuclear Research / Radiation Monitoring Instruments Hydrology Equipment Spectrometer Mass Medical Equipment Detectors Satellite imagery Nuclear Medicine Equipment Laboratory Equipment and Supplies 58 51,686.30 38,540.00 194,364.03 181,398.00 155,131.58 119,733.84 56,143.78 53,787.88 53,049.00 50,578.66 42,133.89 41,003.40 38,013.25 Major Equipment ordered by Agency during 2006 (Orders of USD 30,000 or more) Agency / Location of Procurement Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) Total Cost (USD) IAEA cont. Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Siemens Ag - Medical Solutions, Gs So Thermo Electron G.m.b.h. (Ger./France) Siemens Ag - Medical Solutions, Gs So Zag Zyklotron Ag Eckert & Ziegler Isotope Products Europe Gmbh Thermo Electron Gmbh Eckert & Ziegler Isotope Products Europe Gmbh Zag Zyklotron Ag Eckert & Ziegler Isotope Products Europe Gmbh Siemens Ag - Medical Solutions, Gs So Brabender Ohg Target Systemelectronic Gmbh Labsco - Laboratory Supply Company Gmbh & Co. Kg Cms Gmbh - Computerized Medical Systems Labsco - Laboratory Supply Company Gmbh & Co. Kg Spectro Analytical Instruments Gmbh Spectro Analytical Instruments Gmbh Christ (Martin) Gefriertrocknungsanlagen Gmbh Thermo Electron (Erlangen) Gmbh Hans Waelischmiller Gmbh. Dr. Neumann Beratungsbüro Labsco - Laboratory Supply Company Gmbh & Co. Kg Cms Gmbh - Computerized Medical Systems Cms Gmbh - Computerized Medical Systems Cms Gmbh - Computerized Medical Systems Wagner Analysen Technik Vertriebsgmbh. Lap Gmbh Laser Applikationen Aufricht Gesellschaft M.b.h. Ats Elektronik Gmbh Cms Gmbh - Computerized Medical Systems Technidata Siemens Ag - Medical Solutions, Gs So Icx Radiation Gmbh (Formerly Target Systemelectronic Gmbh) Labsco - Laboratory Supply Company Gmbh & Co. Kg Westmeier (Dr.) Gmbh Target Systemelectronic Gmbh Labsco - Laboratory Supply Company Gmbh & Co. Kg Cms Gmbh - Computerized Medical Systems Icx Radiation Gmbh (Formerly Target Systemelectronic Gmbh) Gbs Elektronik Gmbh Lctech Gmbh Chromatographie Autohaus Liewers Ag Labsco - Laboratory Supply Company Gmbh & Co. Kg Gesellschaft Fuer Forschungs- Und Entwicklungsservice Mbh Labsco - Laboratory Supply Company Gmbh & Co. Kg Hans Waelischmiller Gmbh. Thermo Electron (Erlangen) Gmbh Labsco - Laboratory Supply Company Gmbh & Co. Kg Labsco - Laboratory Supply Company Gmbh & Co. Kg Labsco - Laboratory Supply Company Gmbh & Co. Kg Radpro International Gmbh - Synodys Passive Dosimetry Gmbh Ist Ltd. Thermo Electron (Fra/Aus/Usa) Thermo Electron Corporation Labsco - Laboratory Supply Company Gmbh & Co. Kg Icx Radiation Gmbh (Formerly Target Systemelectronic Gmbh) Ccs Messgeraete Vertriebs-gmbh Contamination Control Systems Labsco - Laboratory Supply Company Gmbh & Co. Kg Thermo Electron G.m.b.h. (Ger./France) Labsco - Laboratory Supply Company Gmbh & Co. Kg Fischer Analysen Instrumente Gmbh Aufricht Gesellschaft M.b.h. Labsco - Laboratory Supply Company Gmbh & Co. Kg Labsco - Laboratory Supply Company Gmbh & Co. Kg Newport Gmbh Icx Radiation Gmbh (Formerly Target Systemelectronic Gmbh) Kleindiek Nanotechnik Gmbh Westmeier (Dr.) Gmbh Scanditronix Wellhöfer Gmbh Ist Ltd. Westmeier (Dr.) Gmbh Winopal Forschungsbedarf Gmbh Labsco - Laboratory Supply Company Gmbh & Co. Kg Icx Radiation Gmbh (Formerly Target Systemelectronic Gmbh) Radpro International Gmbh - Synodys Passive Dosimetry Gmbh Labsco - Laboratory Supply Company Gmbh & Co. Kg Operon Biotechnologies Gmh Varian Medical Systems Haan Gmbh Gbs Elektronik Gmbh Nuclear Medicine Equipment Spectrometers, mass Radiotherapy Planning System Isotope Production Facility Radiotherapy Equipment - Brachytherapy Equipment Spectrometer Mass Radiotherapy Equipment - Brachytherapy Equipment Isotope Production Facility Nuclear Medicine Equipment Nuclear Medicine Equipment Testing Equipment Detectors, gamma Laboratory Equipment and Supplies Nuclear Medicine Equipment Laboratory Equipment and Supplies - Standing Offer X-Ray Equipment Laboratory Equipment and Supplies Laboratory Equipment and Supplies TLD Reader Laboratory Equipment and Supplies Database management systems Laboratory Equipment and Supplies Radiotherapy Planning System Radiotherapy Planning System Radiotherapy Planning System Spectrometers, mass, accessories thereof. Medical Equipment X-ray equipment for dosimetry Detectors, radiation Radiotherapy Planning System Nuclear Research / Radiation Monitoring Instruments Radiotherapy Planning System Nuclear Research / Radiation Monitoring Instruments Laboratory Equipment and Supplies Nuclear Research / Radiation Monitoring Instruments Radio isotopes Laboratory Equipment and Supplies Nuclear Medicine Equipment Nuclear Research / Radiation Monitoring Instruments Detectors, radiation Laboratory Equipment and Supplies Minibuses Laboratory Equipment and Supplies Nuclear Research / Radiation Monitoring Instruments Laboratory Equipment and Supplies - Standing Offer Laboratory Equipment and Supplies TLD Reader Laboratory Equipment and Supplies - Standing Offer Laboratory Equipment and Supplies - Standing Offer Spectrophotometer, Fast Fourier Transform IR TLD Reader Cameras Monitoring equipment, survey meter Monitoring equipment, survey meter Laboratory Equipment and Supplies Nuclear Research / Radiation Monitoring Instruments Chemicals Laboratory Equipment and Supplies Spectrometers, mass, accessories thereof. Laboratory Equipment and Supplies Nuclear Medicine Equipment X-ray equipment, parts and accessories thereof Laboratory Equipment and Supplies - Standing Offer Laboratory Equipment and Supplies Nuclear Research / Radiation Monitoring Instruments Nuclear Research / Radiation Monitoring Instruments Electron microscopes, accessories therefor Nuclear Research / Radiation Monitoring Instruments Medical Equipment Cameras, still, 35 mm, accessories therefor Nuclear Research / Radiation Monitoring Instruments Laboratory Equipment and Supplies Laboratory Equipment and Supplies Nuclear Research / Radiation Monitoring Instruments TLD Reader Laboratory Equipment and Supplies - Standing Offer Chemicals Radiotherapy Equipment - Brachytherapy Equipment Spectrometers 453,704.00 387,865.61 328,626.00 307,894.74 263,669.42 244,315.79 218,987.07 206,381.58 203,280.57 188,409.49 163,636.05 152,701.01 132,049.43 128,040.20 103,662.60 100,055.36 96,990.79 91,458.17 87,379.00 84,671.05 78,260.87 70,591.88 69,915.99 69,255.00 69,150.00 68,982.41 66,183.46 62,450.59 62,165.81 60,611.00 60,363.87 59,016.00 56,447.37 56,365.95 55,362.32 53,291.93 49,511.84 49,000.00 47,039.47 46,964.93 45,750.00 45,470.57 45,037.97 42,629.21 41,993.43 41,614.47 41,005.01 40,842.47 40,816.97 39,913.24 39,894.60 39,790.75 39,593.71 38,796.21 37,164.18 36,760.93 36,160.71 35,008.05 34,944.26 34,893.54 34,821.05 34,173.65 33,417.21 33,138.17 33,040.71 33,015.08 32,708.23 32,663.16 32,539.08 32,532.24 31,770.41 31,272.49 31,258.48 31,236.50 31,129.74 30,921.05 30,715.21 30,540.88 30,434.78 Hungary Hungary Hungary Hungary Hungary Hungary Hungary Hungary Hungary Hungary Hungary Hungary Hungary Hungary Mediso Medical Equipment Development And Service Ltd. Mediso Medical Equipment Development And Service Ltd. Mediso Medical Equipment Development And Service Ltd. Mediso Medical Equipment Development And Service Ltd. Mediso Medical Equipment Development And Service Ltd. Mediso Medical Equipment Development And Service Ltd. Mediso Medical Equipment Development And Service Ltd. Mediso Medical Equipment Development And Service Ltd. Comprad Mediso Medical Equipment Development And Service Ltd. Comprad Mediso Medical Equipment Development And Service Ltd. Mediso Medical Equipment Development And Service Ltd. Csepel Mernokiroda Ltd. Nuclear Medicine Equipment Gamma Camera Gamma Camera Nuclear Medicine Equipment Nuclear Medicine Equipment Gamma Camera Gamma Camera Gamma Camera Irradiator Gamma, Semi-Industrial Gamma Camera Irradiator Gamma, Semi-Industrial Gamma Camera Gamma Camera Laboratory Equipment and Supplies 345,645.00 328,577.00 324,585.00 324,377.00 324,376.93 318,584.98 279,584.99 221,377.00 189,750.00 164,350.00 116,988.16 100,000.00 45,000.00 44,300.00 India Board Of Radiation & Isotope Technology (Brit) Irradiator Gamma, Semi-Industrial 99,000.00 Israel Israel Israel Bio-fly Bio-fly Arava Development Co. Ltd. Entomological Equipment & Supplies Entomological Equipment & Supplies Entomological Equipment & Supplies 55,277.49 54,000.20 33,393.12 Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Fao - Food & Agriculture Organization Of The United Nations Fao - Food & Agriculture Organization Of The United Nations Perkin Elmer Singapore Pte.ltd. Perkin Elmer Singapore Pte.ltd. Perkin Elmer Singapore Pte.ltd. Perkin Elmer Singapore Pte.ltd. Perkin Elmer Singapore Pte.ltd. Perkin Elmer Singapore Pte.ltd. Tecniplast S.p.a Perkin Elmer Singapore Pte.ltd. Gnr Analytical Instruments Group Srl. Milestone S.r.l. Gnr Analytical Instruments Group Srl. Entomological Equipment & Supplies Entomological Equipment & Supplies Counter, Liquid Scintillation Automatic Laboratory Equipment and Supplies Counter, Liquid Scintillation Automatic Laboratory Equipment and Supplies Counter, Liquid Scintillation Automatic Laboratory Equipment and Supplies Laboratory Equipment and Supplies Laboratory Equipment and Supplies X-Ray Equipment Laboratory Equipment and Supplies X-Ray Equipment 203,947.60 172,000.00 109,896.05 107,264.47 97,789.75 87,966.32 81,222.50 73,686.45 49,929.21 46,348.07 39,369.14 36,289.47 31,171.05 Kazahstan Technical Buerau “Alarm System” Ltd. TV surveillance equipment 554,368.60 Latvia Latvia Baltic Scientific Instruments Bsi Ltd. Ritec Ltd. Detectors Detectors, radiation 292,180.09 44,427.48 59 Major Equipment ordered by Agency during 2006 (Orders of USD 30,000 or more) Agency / Location of Procurement Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) Total Cost (USD) IAEA cont. Lithuania Meet Handels G.m.b.h Surveillance/control systems, other Malaysia Crest Systems (M) Sdn Bhd Non-Destructive Testing Equipment (Non-Radioactive) 233,894.74 Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Varian Medical Systems Varian Medical Systems Panalytical B.v. Emea Hq Philips Medical Systems Netherlands B V Philips Medical Systems Nederland B.v. Philips Medical Systems Nederland B.v. Philips Medical Systems Nederland B.v. Springer Verlag (Ger / Net) Idb Holland B.v. Inhol Bv Radiotherapy Planning System Accelerator, Electron X-Ray Equipment X-Ray Equipment Medical Equipment Nuclear Medicine Equipment X-Ray Equipment Publishing services Nuclear Medicine Equipment Laboratory Equipment and Supplies 328,421.05 304,615.86 154,898.68 96,300.00 67,934.21 67,934.21 58,656.13 58,645.71 39,799.49 38,486.84 Poland Agh - University Of Science And Technology Tritium Enrichment Equipment Republic Of Korea Republic Of Korea Km Tech Co., Ltd Eb Tech Co., Ltd Laboratory Equipment and Supplies Irradiation Equipment Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Scientific Production Centre “Aspect” Snipp-systematom Scientific Production Centre “Aspect” Fsue “Niiefa” The D.v. Efremov Scientific Research Institute Scientific Production Center “Aspect” Sovinformsputnik Spectron Inc. Russia Federal Nuclear Center Lex Com Scientific Production Centre “Aspect” Stroymontage Ltd. Ronik-at Nuclear Research / Radiation Monitoring Instruments Electronic Equipment and Components Nuclear Research / Radiation Monitoring Instruments Accelerator, Cyclotron Coincidence, anticoincidence counters Satellite imagery Laboratory Equipment and Supplies Detectors, gamma Electronic Equipment and Components Nuclear Research / Radiation Monitoring Instruments Electronic Equipment and Components Nuclear Research / Radiation Monitoring Instruments Singapore Singapore Agilent Technologies Singapore (Sales) Pte Ltd Techcomp (Singapore) Pte Ltd Laboratory Equipment and Supplies Spectrometer Nuclear Slovakia Slovakia Slovakia Slovakia Moro Institute Of Zoology - Slovak Academy Of Sciences Institute Of Zoology - Slovak Academy Of Sciences Geotech Bratislava Entomological Equipment & Supplies Entomological Equipment & Supplies Entomological Equipment & Supplies Laboratory Equipment and Supplies Spain Tecnatom S.a. Non-Destructive Testing Equipment (Non-Radioactive) Sweden Sweden Relcon Ab Unfors Instruments Computer Software Testing Equipment Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Varian Medical Systems International Ag Varian Medical Systems International Ag Varian Medical Systems International Ag Swiss Neutronics Varian Medical Systems International Ag Dionex Corporation Tecbit Handelsgesellschaft M.b.h Varian Medical Systems International Ag Varian Medical Systems International Ag Camag F. Hoffmann-la Roche Ltd. Tecbit Handelsgesellschaft M.b.h Accelerator, Electron Radiotherapy Equipment - Brachytherapy Equipment Radiotherapy Equipment - Brachytherapy Equipment Nuclear Research / Radiation Monitoring Instruments Radiotherapy Equipment - Brachytherapy Equipment Laboratory Equipment and Supplies Personal computers (PC), general purpose Electronic Equipment and Components Accelerator, Electron Laboratory Equipment and Supplies Influenza virus vaccine Computer systems, special purpose other 94,896.34 47,105.26 74,328.00 57,000.00 211,476.00 185,600.00 138,192.11 118,385.00 82,678.37 50,000.00 46,741.57 38,358.78 37,606.00 33,000.00 32,482.30 30,020.00 61,733.37 30,851.70 1,571,501.58 70,580.28 61,747.03 37,257.61 375,665.13 33,435.11 32,758.93 1,620,934.21 335,371.00 309,341.08 261,229.51 146,904.61 111,765.00 68,458.28 47,344.09 45,969.74 41,945.97 39,861.66 38,030.53 Turkey Genatom Co. / Interaktif Sistemler A.s. Nuclear Medicine Equipment 203,157.89 Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukratominstrument Corporation Closed Joint Stock Company Ukratominstrument Corporation Ukratominstrument Corporation Ulys Systems Atom Komplex Prylad Nuclear Research / Radiation Monitoring Instruments Surveillance cameras and accessories Nuclear Research / Radiation Monitoring Instruments Nuclear Research / Radiation Monitoring Instruments Computer System, PC Computer Software 103,415.96 94,627.56 47,952.00 46,282.74 34,495.00 31,675.69 United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom A.n. Technology Ltd. Bil Solutions Limited Bil Solutions Limited Gulmay Medical Limited Croft Associates Ltd. Ametek Advanced Measurement Technology Ametek Advanced Measurement Technology Elekta Limited Ametek Advanced Measurement Technology Ametek Advanced Measurement Technology Ametek Advanced Measurement Technology Ametek Advanced Measurement Technology Ametek Advanced Measurement Technology Ist Ltd. Pdqm Ltd. Labquip Projects Limited Southern Scientific Ltd British Shielding Windows Ametek Advanced Measurement Technology Thermo Electron Corporation Labquip Projects Limited Rodwell Scientific Instruments Detectors, radiation, fission chamber Nuclear Research / Radiation Monitoring Instruments Nuclear Research / Radiation Monitoring Instruments Radiotherapy Equipment - Brachytherapy Equipment Containers for atomic energy purposes Spectrometer, Emission Spectrometer Nuclear Medical Equipment Nuclear Research / Radiation Monitoring Instruments Nuclear Research / Radiation Monitoring Instruments Nuclear Medicine QA Equipment - Standing Offer Spectrometer Nuclear Nuclear Research / Radiation Monitoring Instruments Cameras Scientific research Electrical Equipment Nuclear Medicine Equipment Radiation Protection Supplies Computer Equipment, Other Spectrophotometer, Atomic Absorption Laboratory Equipment and Supplies Laboratory Equipment and Supplies 248,993.27 221,985.00 220,000.00 215,964.44 90,122.46 83,557.00 67,020.00 55,263.16 55,050.00 55,030.00 52,938.93 51,820.00 43,630.00 39,123.41 38,694.07 34,855.91 34,299.41 33,175.37 32,350.00 31,131.58 30,588.00 30,305.28 USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA Canberra Albuquerque, Inc. Aquila Technologies Group, Inc. Huestis Medical Corp. Capgemini Consulting Österreich Ag Hopewell Designs Inc Canberra Albuquerque, Inc. Hopewell Designs Inc Edo Corporation,Defense System Acp Computer Handels Gmbh Canberra Albuquerque, Inc. Rad Source Technologies, Inc. Hopewell Designs Inc Canberra Albuquerque, Inc. Hopewell Designs Inc National Electrostatics Corp. Ge Medical Systems Hot Cell Services Corporation Software House International Varian, Inc. Aquila Technologies Group, Inc. Advanced Measurement Technology Cnmc Company, Inc. Canberra Albuquerque, Inc. Technical Associates Inc. Atmoslytic Inc. Sfsi - Service For Science And Industry, Inc. Vwr International Inc. Sfsi - Service For Science And Industry, Inc. Labor Service Ges.m.b.h. Kapsch Businesscom Ag Sfsi - Service For Science And Industry, Inc. Wire seals Surveillance/control systems Radiotherapy Equipment - Simulator Computer systems, special purpose other X-Ray Equipment Surveillance/control systems X-Ray Equipment Nuclear Research / Radiation Monitoring Instruments Security devices for EDP equipment Surveillance cameras and accessories Detectors, radiation, X-ray X-Ray Equipment Computer monitored systems, industrial, for measuring, steer Irradiation Equipment Isotopes, Radioactive, Large Radiation Source Laboratory Equipment and Supplies Laboratory Equipment and Supplies PC software, general Spectrophotometer, Atomic Absorption Surveillance cameras and accessories Coincidence, anticoincidence counters Nuclear Research / Radiation Monitoring Instruments Computer network communication equipment Air Monitoring Equipment Laboratory Equipment and Supplies Laboratory Equipment and Supplies Laboratory Equipment and Supplies Laboratory Equipment and Supplies Laboratory equipment, special purpose, other Switches, other Laboratory Equipment and Supplies 60 1,139,250.00 313,514.75 289,979.10 276,075.27 271,714.93 224,213.00 183,111.00 175,698.94 169,960.47 169,241.00 147,400.00 127,305.06 118,542.00 105,291.00 98,123.20 94,100.00 81,308.00 78,228.00 75,683.00 72,120.00 64,325.00 63,614.00 61,553.00 60,872.73 57,175.00 56,848.16 55,649.21 53,787.42 53,436.39 47,801.70 46,149.02 Major Equipment ordered by Agency during 2006 (Orders of USD 30,000 or more) Agency / Location of Procurement Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) Total Cost (USD) IAEA cont. USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA Eddy Current Technology Incorporated Thermo Electron Corporation Thermo Electron (Fra/Aus/Usa) Sfsi - Service For Science And Industry, Inc. East View Cartographic, Inc. Clarkson University Ibm Österreich Gmbh Acp Computer Handels Gmbh Sfsi - Service For Science And Industry, Inc. Sii Nanotechnology Usa Inc. Sfsi - Service For Science And Industry, Inc. Dp3-digitalprepress & Printing Solutions Planson International Corporation Planson International Company Schoeller Network Control Gmbh Codonics, Inc. Reuter Stokes, Inc. Canberra Packard Central Europe Gmbh Sfsi - Service For Science And Industry, Inc. Elsinco Elektron. Geräter Pdt - Precision Data Technology Inc. Diebold Enterprise Security Systems, Inc Planson International Company Planson International Company Non-Destructive Testing Equipment (Non-Radioactive) Detectors, radiation Detectors, radiation Non-Nuclear Industrial Equipment Maps Laboratory Equipment and Supplies Switches, other Hard disks Laboratory Equipment and Supplies Nuclear Research / Radiation Monitoring Instruments Laboratory Equipment and Supplies - Standing Offer Photocopiers, high volume (over 30,000 copies/month) Batteries, primary Computer Software Software licenses Nuclear Medicine Equipment Nuclear Research / Radiation Monitoring Instruments Spectrometers Laboratory Equipment and Supplies Battery testing equipment Preamplifiers Security system installation Computer System, PC Computer System, PC IAPSO Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Codan Limited Codan Limited Codan Limited Codan Limited Codan Limited Communication Equipment Communication Equipment Communication Equipment Communication Equipment Communication Equipment 850,212.65 114,491.94 53,205.70 49,569.18 38,947.12 Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Alpinter Sa Alpinter Sa Becton Becton Alpinter Sa Becton Election Ballot Paper/Printing Agriculture Equipment And Supplies Laboratory Equipment And Supplies Laboratory Equipment And Supplies Election And Registration Kits Laboratory Equipment And Supplies 205,734.04 198,565.70 111,138.22 99,687.59 94,794.36 47,033.59 46,050.00 45,100.00 44,838.00 44,400.00 44,181.38 43,149.67 42,787.01 42,138.17 41,169.68 40,275.00 40,170.48 39,873.52 38,080.00 38,055.00 37,335.40 37,293.79 36,560.00 35,881.77 35,533.77 34,434.48 33,850.00 31,787.02 31,315.00 30,772.16 Benin Nouvelle Presse Election Ballot Paper/Printing 592,394.87 Canada Canada Canada Canada Code Incorporated Code Incorporated Code Incorporated Code Incorporated Election Ballot Paper/Printing Election Ink Election And Registration Kits Election And Registration Kits 458,136.44 298,971.50 196,313.69 62,107.74 China China China Peak International H.d. Hudson Asia Ltd. H.d. Hudson Asia Ltd. Agriculture Equipment And Supplies Malaria –Bed Nets And Related Supplies Malaria –Bed Nets And Related Supplies 138,261.28 109,691.01 104,511.30 Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Vestergaard Frandsen A/S Vestergaard Frandsen A/S Vestergaard Frandsen A/S Vestergaard Frandsen A/S Undp/Iapso Vestergaard Frandsen A/S Vestergaard Frandsen A/S Missionpharma Missionpharma Missionpharma Missionpharma Danish Camp Supply Vestergaard Frandsen A/S Missionpharma Missionpharma Bukkehave Ltd. Missionpharma Dell Computer (Denmark) Dell Computer (Denmark) Missionpharma Bukkehave Ltd. Vestergaard Frandsen A/S Netdesign Dell Computer (Denmark) Danoffice Plc Dell Computer (Denmark) Kjaer & Kjaer Bukkehave Ltd. Dell Computer (Denmark) Missionpharma Dell Computer (Denmark) Vestergaard Frandsen A/S Bukkehave Ltd. Dell Computer (Denmark) Gmisu Bukkehave Ltd. Dell Computer (Denmark) Peter Justesen Company A/S Dell Computer (Denmark) Kjaer & Kjaer Unfpa Canon Gmisu Vestergaard Frandsen A/S Kjaer & Kjaer Kjaer & Kjaer Missionpharma Dell Computer (Denmark) Danoffice Plc Bukkehave Ltd. Danoffice Plc Undp/Iapso Missionpharma Bukkehave Ltd. Gmisu Missionpharma Dell Computer (Denmark) Dell Computer (Denmark) Bukkehave Ltd. Dell Computer (Denmark) Vestergaard Frandsen A/S Dell Computer (Denmark) Dell Computer (Denmark) Danoffice Plc Kjaer & Kjaer Kjaer & Kjaer Danoffice Plc Dell Computer (Denmark) Gmisu Gmisu Malaria –Bed Nets And Related Supplies Malaria –Bed Nets And Related Supplies Malaria –Bed Nets And Related Supplies Malaria –Bed Nets And Related Supplies Communication Equipment Malaria –Bed Nets And Related Supplies Malaria –Bed Nets And Related Supplies HIV/Aids incl. STI and diagnostics Kit HIV/Aids incl. STI and diagnostics Kit HIV/Aids incl. STI and diagnostics Kit Malaria – drugs/ACT Election And Registration Kits Malaria –Bed Nets And Related Supplies Malaria – drugs/ACT Malaria – drugs/ACT Motor Vehicles Malaria – drugs/ACT IT Hardware & Software IT Hardware & Software Laboratory Equipment And Supplies Motor Vehicles Malaria –Bed Nets And Related Supplies IT Hardware & Software IT Hardware & Software IT Hardware & Software IT Hardware & Software Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles IT Hardware & Software HIV/Aids incl. STI and diagnostics Kit IT Hardware & Software Malaria –Bed Nets And Related Supplies Motor Vehicles IT Hardware & Software Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles IT Hardware & Software Audio Visual Equipment IT Hardware & Software Motor Vehicles Condoms IT Hardware & Software Motor Vehicles Malaria –Bed Nets And Related Supplies Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Malaria – drugs/ACT IT Hardware & Software IT Hardware & Software Motor Vehicles Office Equipment And Supplies Communication Equipment Laboratory Equipment And Supplies Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Malaria – drugs/ACT IT Hardware & Software IT Hardware & Software Motor Vehicles IT Hardware & Software Malaria –Bed Nets And Related Supplies Communication Equipment IT Hardware & Software IT Hardware & Software Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles IT Hardware & Software IT Hardware & Software Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles 7,072,176.94 2,680,459.39 1,316,174.67 1,212,971.17 1,042,199.58 887,178.14 863,868.13 742,610.05 740,183.74 722,491.96 608,071.38 508,046.80 478,871.95 368,030.80 346,625.22 346,197.93 323,464.19 291,081.36 269,595.32 257,766.61 235,645.29 232,010.30 205,105.25 198,356.10 190,818.08 182,155.54 181,349.08 165,100.19 154,539.72 153,866.92 147,979.76 145,467.89 138,185.69 109,052.21 106,122.56 102,195.63 101,583.95 101,281.28 99,416.57 90,836.00 89,724.26 86,839.99 86,604.00 78,432.71 77,998.84 75,344.61 75,301.04 72,570.63 72,105.44 71,769.52 71,565.10 71,250.00 70,788.10 65,329.67 64,781.73 63,781.24 62,596.01 61,408.90 60,699.81 57,922.52 52,535.76 51,999.02 51,650.91 50,982.01 50,861.13 50,440.77 48,094.18 47,533.62 47,280.55 47,273.24 61 Major Equipment ordered by Agency during 2006 (Orders of USD 30,000 or more) Agency / Location of Procurement Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) Total Cost (USD) IAPSO cont. Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Peter Justesen Company A/S Dell Computer (Denmark) Kjaer & Kjaer Bukkehave Ltd. Dell Computer (Denmark) Dell Computer (Denmark) Kjaer & Kjaer Dell Computer (Denmark) Dell Computer (Denmark) Bukkehave Ltd. Danoffice Plc Dell Computer (Denmark) Danoffice Plc Kjaer & Kjaer Dell Computer (Denmark) Missionpharma Netdesign Dell Computer (Denmark) Gmisu Dell Computer (Denmark) Danoffice Plc IT Hardware & Software Office Equipment And Supplies Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles IT Hardware & Software IT Hardware & Software Motor Vehicles IT Hardware & Software IT Hardware & Software Motor Vehicles IT Hardware & Software IT Hardware & Software IT Hardware & Software Motor Vehicles IT Hardware & Software Malaria – drugs/ACT Communication Equipment Audio Visual Equipment Motor Vehicles IT Hardware & Software IT Hardware & Software Finland Finland Naps Naps Power Generators And Related Supplies Power Generators And Related Supplies France France France France France France France Mge Renault Sdmo Sdmo Sodexa Sodexa Sodexa IT Hardware & Software Motor Vehicles Election And Registration Kits Election And Registration Kits Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles 440,371.92 100,556.23 78,413.14 59,202.67 33,434.58 31,883.77 31,103.53 Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Sandberg & Schneidewind Sandberg & Schneidewind Sandberg & Schneidewind Sandberg & Schneidewind Sandberg & Schneidewind Sandberg & Schneidewind Sandberg & Schneidewind Sandberg & Schneidewind Sandberg & Schneidewind Sandberg & Schneidewind Sandberg & Schneidewind Sandberg & Schneidewind Sandberg & Schneidewind Sandberg & Schneidewind Laboratory Equipment And Supplies Laboratory Equipment And Supplies Laboratory Equipment And Supplies Laboratory Equipment And Supplies Laboratory Equipment And Supplies Laboratory Equipment And Supplies HIV/Aids incl. STI and diagnostics Laboratory Equipment And Supplies Laboratory Equipment And Supplies Laboratory Equipment And Supplies Laboratory Equipment And Supplies Laboratory Equipment And Supplies TB diagnostics Kits Laboratory Equipment And Supplies 277,955.50 168,623.89 154,860.24 136,750.42 109,865.27 65,567.27 59,261.03 54,732.70 52,214.38 47,916.50 41,023.04 37,259.03 37,087.97 31,424.36 United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles 899,776.60 528,194.34 386,082.13 377,644.44 365,663.27 297,122.63 293,851.05 288,783.88 222,999.83 219,085.96 210,932.17 186,804.55 168,495.93 140,748.71 139,142.66 136,480.34 133,636.96 133,071.36 132,114.16 131,247.90 117,428.67 115,376.05 114,473.02 108,053.31 103,319.41 102,325.17 100,404.26 98,056.98 96,516.18 94,783.31 89,252.66 87,116.27 86,457.16 86,384.72 80,399.98 79,343.83 78,381.72 73,308.85 70,687.48 70,167.59 69,631.85 69,158.74 67,905.59 67,293.79 66,966.99 66,375.25 64,085.68 63,329.80 61,252.87 61,083.55 59,113.87 57,334.39 55,577.83 55,376.85 54,937.72 52,811.04 52,087.44 51,221.70 50,711.74 50,294.55 50,281.98 49,115.79 48,602.43 47,664.14 46,910.33 45,223.62 43,183.89 42,431.29 41,897.65 41,317.26 41,246.69 41,171.78 62 47,134.30 46,327.18 45,435.47 43,256.35 43,240.19 42,557.04 41,152.62 40,579.91 39,545.64 39,539.51 39,369.78 37,820.52 36,678.19 36,367.65 35,491.65 33,266.50 32,795.44 32,169.38 31,727.65 31,336.87 30,981.66 2,495,582.81 35,010.66 Major Equipment ordered by Agency during 2006 (Orders of USD 30,000 or more) Agency / Location of Procurement Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) Total Cost (USD) IAPSO cont. United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Haiti Haiti Haiti Le Nouveau Matin Le Nouveau Matin Le Nouveau Matin Election Ballot Paper/Printing Election Ballot Paper/Printing Election Ballot Paper/Printing 1,480,195.13 198,309.44 139,437.36 India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India Same Strides Strides Cadila Cadila Strides Lupin Cadila Cadila Lupin Lupin Lupin Lupin Strides Strides Lupin Strides Lupin Strides Parkash Wool Lupin Cadila Cadila Cadila Strides Lupin Strides Lupin Sandoz Cadila Cadila Motor Vehicles TB Drugs TB Drugs TB Drugs TB Drugs TB Drugs TB Drugs TB Drugs TB Drugs TB Drugs TB Drugs TB Drugs TB Drugs TB Drugs TB Drugs TB Drugs TB Drugs TB Drugs TB Drugs Woolen Textiles TB Drugs TB Drugs TB Drugs TB Drugs TB Drugs TB Drugs TB Drugs TB Drugs TB Drugs TB Drugs TB Drugs 1,169,918.09 852,247.93 852,247.93 712,982.86 712,982.86 665,490.94 611,904.95 599,142.72 360,357.19 245,614.27 245,614.27 240,106.15 234,095.43 218,457.05 216,360.68 210,074.41 174,062.45 118,220.28 114,469.56 102,905.76 97,602.85 91,920.13 89,753.73 84,735.76 81,846.34 59,174.28 41,442.71 39,328.62 33,933.05 33,378.01 33,294.03 40,632.88 40,159.90 40,096.33 39,010.29 38,911.89 37,356.29 37,072.65 36,166.94 35,784.17 34,693.26 34,379.63 34,348.59 33,861.25 33,748.22 32,329.77 32,032.19 31,734.06 31,559.63 30,326.01 30,295.75 30,239.14 30,066.38 Israel Ortek Security Equipment 4,206,672.46 Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Co.ri.mec. Italiana S.p.a. Clima S.r.l Co.ri.mec. Italiana S.p.a. Co.ri.mec. Italiana S.p.a. Coelmo Coelmo Iveco Trucks Mfb Di Monchio Co.ri.mec. Italiana S.p.a. Pontvertit Coelmo Co.ri.mec. Italiana S.p.a. Emergency Relief Supplies Construction Equipment And Supplies Emergency Relief Supplies Emergency Relief Supplies Power Generators And Related Supplies Power Generators And Related Supplies Motor Vehicles Office Equipment And Supplies Office Equipment And Supplies Others Power Generators And Related Supplies Construction Equipment And Supplies 1,998,555.28 314,539.37 304,029.92 194,321.05 146,892.67 128,039.90 125,788.00 106,482.02 102,986.83 98,350.21 82,477.79 60,852.20 Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Nissan Trading Company Ltd. Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Nissan Trading Company Ltd. Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Scc Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Nissan Trading Company Ltd. Nissan Trading Company Ltd. Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation J Gerber And Company (Japan) Ltd. Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Nissan Trading Company Ltd. Nissan Trading Company Ltd. Nissan Trading Company Ltd. Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation J Gerber And Company (Japan) Ltd. Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation J Gerber And Company (Japan) Ltd. Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Nissan Trading Company Ltd. Toyota Motor Corporation Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Malaria –Bed nets and related supplies Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles 63 673,323.50 470,359.27 458,169.76 431,845.53 359,719.05 299,163.96 287,804.19 240,431.24 222,353.25 209,726.40 204,337.70 203,448.31 201,803.85 201,449.55 201,268.87 199,407.92 198,626.24 197,039.83 196,716.85 196,342.45 195,230.92 163,912.90 159,878.91 148,408.67 148,159.50 141,933.98 141,809.75 141,732.61 137,609.84 137,040.84 132,024.55 130,427.26 126,852.69 120,375.49 120,375.49 119,743.16 117,635.47 117,459.28 116,036.72 113,458.38 112,684.91 111,824.46 109,334.18 108,143.37 107,857.28 104,048.90 Major Equipment ordered by Agency during 2006 (Orders of USD 30,000 or more) Agency / Location of Procurement IAPSO cont. Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Nissan Trading Company Ltd. Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Nissan Trading Company Ltd. Nissan Trading Company Ltd. Toyota Motor Corporation Nissan Trading Company Ltd. Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Nissan Trading Company Ltd. Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Nissan Trading Company Ltd. Toyota Motor Corporation Nissan Trading Company Ltd. Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Nissan Trading Company Ltd. Toyota Motor Corporation Nissan Trading Company Ltd. Nissan Trading Company Ltd. Nissan Trading Company Ltd. Toyota Motor Corporation Nissan Trading Company Ltd. Toyota Motor Corporation J Gerber And Company (Japan) Ltd. Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Nissan Trading Company Ltd. Nissan Trading Company Ltd. Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Scc Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation J Gerber And Company (Japan) Ltd. Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Nissan Trading Company Ltd. Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Nissan Trading Company Ltd. Toyota Motor Corporation Nissan Trading Company Ltd. Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Nissan Trading Company Ltd. Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation J Gerber And Company (Japan) Ltd. Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Malaria –Bed nets and related supplies Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles 64 Total Cost (USD) 100,562.64 100,396.63 100,313.08 98,847.81 98,428.93 96,733.83 95,064.06 94,605.14 94,550.37 94,178.39 93,311.06 91,525.59 88,679.05 87,136.04 86,802.23 86,024.41 85,927.47 85,927.47 85,862.50 84,940.58 84,036.07 83,496.46 83,297.27 82,398.46 80,991.45 80,727.37 80,162.27 79,587.88 79,023.68 77,664.82 77,412.14 77,357.82 75,874.08 75,128.55 74,797.48 71,981.90 71,341.64 69,381.20 68,811.70 68,128.85 67,518.20 66,357.68 65,980.82 65,117.65 64,785.83 63,489.45 63,128.34 63,035.73 61,278.15 60,765.39 59,716.66 58,834.31 58,671.81 58,625.64 57,994.82 57,921.98 57,755.37 57,145.94 55,609.62 55,582.82 55,272.44 54,468.21 53,499.54 52,785.02 52,202.94 51,441.88 51,365.45 51,000.75 50,737.01 50,257.45 50,122.20 49,826.21 49,760.64 49,554.81 49,489.66 48,810.67 48,665.64 48,620.21 48,520.73 48,143.86 47,617.53 47,466.93 47,117.22 46,648.29 46,518.69 46,244.77 45,687.54 45,625.73 45,353.04 45,146.95 44,419.64 44,176.07 43,553.77 43,472.00 43,251.10 43,212.86 43,136.03 42,708.14 42,602.67 41,785.51 41,689.66 41,345.80 41,218.75 41,105.39 40,822.01 40,656.00 40,196.73 40,055.26 39,971.86 39,198.86 38,534.04 38,002.33 37,812.94 37,487.09 37,213.50 36,824.30 36,536.18 36,162.05 36,088.89 36,088.89 Major Equipment ordered by Agency during 2006 (Orders of USD 30,000 or more) Agency / Location of Procurement Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) Total Cost (USD) IAPSO cont. Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Nissan Trading Company Ltd. Toyota Motor Corporation Nissan Trading Company Ltd. Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Nissan Trading Company Ltd. Nissan Trading Company Ltd. Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Nissan Trading Company Ltd. Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation J Gerber And Company (Japan) Ltd. Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Nissan Trading Company Ltd. Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Nissan Trading Company Ltd. Toyota Motor Corporation Nissan Trading Company Ltd. Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles 36,052.63 35,750.66 35,632.71 35,356.98 35,327.40 35,272.14 34,794.72 34,718.07 34,206.83 34,172.33 33,955.56 33,872.94 33,805.57 33,774.93 33,680.40 33,600.89 33,560.89 33,521.17 33,465.00 33,423.50 33,210.07 32,775.37 32,540.44 32,479.59 32,472.74 32,256.93 32,211.03 31,898.10 31,624.61 31,471.17 31,465.00 31,387.68 31,350.99 31,318.26 31,139.56 31,100.70 31,028.81 30,892.08 30,789.12 30,713.53 30,658.01 30,600.10 30,519.59 30,514.23 30,475.58 30,397.91 30,173.53 Jordan Jordan Al Ruba Company Ltd. Al Ruba Company Ltd. Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles 714,871.50 239,472.17 Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Mds Mds Mds Mds IT Hardware & Software IT hardware & software IT hardware & software IT hardware & software 1,158,762.54 1,050,251.76 141,908.95 104,231.79 Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Svizera Europe Svizera Europe Svizera Europe Svizera Europe Svizera Europe Svizera Europe Svizera Europe Svizera Europe Svizera Europe Svizera Europe Svizera Europe Svizera Europe Svizera Europe Svizera Europe Svizera Europe Svizera Europe Svizera Europe Svizera Europe Svizera Europe Svizera Europe Svizera Europe Svizera Europe Svizera Europe Svizera Europe Svizera Europe Nte Nte Svizera Europe Svizera Europe Svizera Europe Svizera Europe Svizera Europe Svizera Europe Svizera Europe Svizera Europe Svizera Europe Svizera Europe Svizera Europe Svizera Europe Svizera Europe TB Drugs TB Drugs TB Drugs TB Drugs TB Drugs TB Drugs TB Drugs TB Drugs TB Drugs TB Drugs TB Drugs TB Drugs TB Drugs TB Drugs TB Drugs TB Drugs TB Drugs TB Drugs TB Drugs TB Drugs TB Drugs TB Drugs TB Drugs TB Drugs TB Drugs Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles TB Drugs TB Drugs TB Drugs TB Drugs TB Drugs TB Drugs TB Drugs TB Drugs TB Drugs TB Drugs TB Drugs TB Drugs TB Drugs 1,439,260.56 1,256,261.44 601,235.98 495,559.75 450,238.05 448,861.99 437,356.07 393,645.66 219,526.05 194,108.66 189,323.93 177,738.04 165,790.47 154,540.86 153,308.50 135,239.95 133,572.87 122,249.14 110,757.69 110,194.37 107,910.76 104,839.83 104,688.87 92,239.88 78,863.49 71,125.54 67,727.11 64,033.45 61,619.80 60,457.72 58,648.24 54,001.12 48,443.40 47,220.04 44,761.08 44,488.89 43,931.15 42,384.49 41,191.96 36,975.80 1,106,993.58 Norway Giertsen HallSystem AS Emergency Relief Supplies Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Zahra Tent Industries Pvt Ltd Interwood Mobel (Pvt) Ltd. Saturn Saturn Malaria –Bed Nets And Related Supplies Office Equipment And Supplies Security Equipment Security Equipment South Africa South Africa Townsend Ictd Laboratory Equipment Laboratory Equipment And Supplies 71,281.10 31,139.44 Sweden Sweden Sweden Sweden Volvo Cars International Ab Volvo Cars International Ab Volvo Cars International Ab Volvo Cars International Ab Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles 61,075.12 33,816.94 33,788.34 30,771.78 Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Vestergaard Vestergaard Vestergaard Vestergaard Vestergaard Bci World Health Organisation (Who) Avicomp Malaria –Bed Nets And Related Supplies Malaria –Bed Nets And Related Supplies Malaria –Bed Nets And Related Supplies Malaria –Bed Nets And Related Supplies Malaria –Bed Nets And Related Supplies HIV/Aids incl. STI and diagnostics Kits Malaria – drugs/ACT IT Hardware & Software 65 249,735.63 102,790.01 52,973.70 50,803.06 761,555.59 656,950.37 478,871.95 478,871.95 461,362.54 102,294.50 86,367.10 79,951.72 Major Equipment ordered by Agency during 2006 (Orders of USD 30,000 or more) Agency / Location of Procurement Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) Total Cost (USD) IAPSO cont. Switzerland Switzerland Vestergaard Vestergaard Malaria –Bed Nets And Related Supplies Malaria –Bed Nets And Related Supplies 72,948.86 56,114.51 Thailand Thailand Gfs Gfs Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles 71,186.57 40,254.31 Turkey Ram Motor Vehicles 875,720.31 United Arab Emirates Globalis IT Hardware & Software 277,699.45 United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom Eagle Scientific Ltd Lantrade Global Supplies Ltd Foster + Freeman Ltd. Eagle Scientific Ltd Intequip Conrico Eagle Scientific Ltd Eagle Scientific Ltd Intequip Lantrade Global Supplies Ltd Eagle Scientific Ltd Eagle Scientific Ltd Conrico Project Vehicles Eagle Scientific Ltd Intequip Ocd Eagle Scientific Ltd Intequip Intequip Eagle Scientific Ltd Eagle Scientific Ltd Eagle Scientific Ltd Intequip Eagle Scientific Ltd Eagle Scientific Ltd Eagle Scientific Ltd Eagle Scientific Ltd Eagle Scientific Ltd Eagle Scientific Ltd Ocd Nrg International Eagle Scientific Ltd Eagle Scientific Ltd F.g. Wilson Engineering Ltd. Eagle Scientific Ltd Eagle Scientific Ltd Eagle Scientific Ltd Lantrade Global Supplies Ltd Armor Products Lantrade Global Supplies Ltd Nrg International Eagle Scientific Ltd Eagle Scientific Ltd Eagle Scientific Ltd Eagle Scientific Ltd Eagle Scientific Ltd Laboratory Equipment And Supplies Election Ink Security Equipment Laboratory Equipment And Supplies Election And Registration Kits Motor Vehicles Laboratory Equipment And Supplies Laboratory Equipment And Supplies Election And Registration Kits Election Ink Laboratory Equipment And Supplies Laboratory Equipment And Supplies Motor Vehicles Laboratory Equipment And Supplies Election And Registration Kits HIV/Aids incl. STI and diagnostics Kits Laboratory Equipment And Supplies Election And Registration Kits Election And Registration Kits Laboratory Equipment And Supplies Laboratory Equipment And Supplies Laboratory Equipment And Supplies Election And Registration Kits Laboratory Equipment And Supplies Laboratory Equipment And Supplies Malaria –Bed Nets And Related Supplies Laboratory Equipment And Supplies Malaria –Bed Nets And Related Supplies Laboratory Equipment And Supplies HIV/Aids incl. STI and diagnostics Kits IT Hardware & Software TB Diagnostics Kit Laboratory Equipment And Supplies Power Generators And Related supplies Laboratory Equipment And Supplies Laboratory Equipment And Supplies Laboratory Equipment And Supplies Election Ink Security Equipment Election Ink IT Hardware & Software Laboratory Equipment And Supplies Laboratory Equipment And Supplies Laboratory Equipment And Supplies Laboratory Equipment And Supplies Laboratory Equipment And Supplies United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States Motorola The Armoured Group The Armoured Group The Armoured Group The Armoured Group Motorola The Armoured Group The Armoured Group Motorola Motorola Planson The Armoured Group The Armoured Group Motorola Planson Planson Planson Motorola Planson Motorola Motorola Communication Equipment Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Communication Equipment Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Communication Equipment Communication Equipment IT Hardware & Software Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Communication Equipment Election And Registration Kits Office Equipment And Supplies IT Hardware & Software Communication Equipment Security Equipment Communication Equipment Communication Equipment 756,623.13 481,166.15 472,352.57 458,382.21 355,278.24 331,397.71 250,386.06 222,087.28 116,551.66 111,335.81 101,356.12 95,153.78 92,243.82 88,661.99 74,117.87 64,453.06 47,573.99 41,650.56 40,394.95 35,754.33 35,210.63 IFAD Italy Italy Italy Italy Angelo Po Grandi Cucine S.p.a. Catalano Ufficio S.r.l. Karnak S.a. Ibm Italia Spa Furniture Furniture Office Suppliers Ict - Servers 309,053.34 232,425.00 201,308.73 109,863.75 1,326,584.03 830,522.12 713,303.51 494,955.99 374,756.90 364,844.96 321,217.18 321,080.91 315,333.80 310,444.99 298,820.49 293,101.75 272,983.76 272,634.81 265,417.16 244,851.91 193,718.00 180,456.35 163,115.58 139,855.67 132,335.13 125,012.25 120,121.89 106,397.84 103,329.91 98,798.00 87,676.03 82,758.56 79,713.19 78,270.12 69,454.28 69,190.23 64,142.95 60,816.85 60,000.31 53,667.52 52,726.29 49,176.85 48,845.90 44,917.78 42,453.82 39,878.00 38,420.98 34,156.48 33,660.52 31,958.79 ILO France Office Depot Bs S.a.s. Stationery Articles N.e.c. Ireland Microsoft Ireland Operations Ltd Software, Computer, Including Manuals 33,276.32 Netherlands Ebsco Subscription Serv.europe Newspapers, Journals And Periodicals 171,981.68 Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Crivelli & Trabold S.a. Crivelli & Trabold S.a. Portales & Bonnet Xerox Ag Heptago S.a. Dell Computer S.a. Petroleum Oils And Petroleum Products Petroleum Oils And Petroleum Products Petroleum Oils And Petroleum Products Machinery, Electrical Equipment And Vehicles Maintenance And Repair Office, Computer And Communication Equipment Maintenance And Repair Micro-computers 210,560.00 192,640.00 163,200.00 73,132.80 72,576.00 39,780.00 116,586.21 112,121.21 36,807.67 34,145.92 34,128.46 30,497.67 ITC Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland UNCTAD Cambodia Quadra Mtf Sa Hitachi Data Systems Ag Bechtle Comsoft Direct Sa Quadra Mtf Sa Bechtle Comsoft Direct Sa Personnal Computers Storage Units And Storage Media For Edp Lan File Servers Personnal Computers Security Devices For Edp Equipment Deam Computer International Private Limited/ Phnom Penh It Equipment 44,000.00 Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Toyota Gibraltar Toyota Gibraltar Alta Computec Motor Vehicle Motor Vehicle It Equipment 35,000.00 35,000.00 30,000.00 Guinea Eti- Equipments Techniques Informatiques/ Conakry It Equipment 40,000.00 Haiti Haiti Turbo System Sunauto It Equipment Vehicle 125,000.00 36,000.00 Papua New Guinea Daltron /Boroko It Eqipment 44,700.00 66 Major Equipment ordered by Agency during 2006 (Orders of USD 30,000 or more) Agency / Location of Procurement Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) Total Cost (USD) UNDP Aghanistan Aghanistan Aghanistan Aghanistan Aghanistan Aghanistan Aghanistan Aghanistan Aghanistan Aghanistan Aghanistan Aghanistan Aghanistan Aghanistan Aghanistan Aghanistan Aghanistan Aghanistan Mashaal Construction Company Liwal Limited Motorola Company Hyndai National Motors Roshan Zamir Co Ltd Ali Mohammad Cement Store Brotheran - E - Arghawan C- C Roshan Zamir Co Ltd Hyndai National Motors Ubid Haqmal Construction Co. Roshan Zamir Co Ltd Hyndai National Motors Hyndai National Motors Roshan Zamir Co Ltd Almaoyed Group Mashaal Construction Company Najibullah Tabibzada Bashiri Company Limited Albania Megapharm Shpk Medical Equipment 42,230.00 Algeria Algeria Algeria Bergerat Monnoyeur Alg- Mecedes-benz Handynet Cetic Camion Citerne Mercedes - Benz Scanner Hp 4500 A0 Information Equipment 91,010.00 46,560.00 35,480.00 Angola Angola Angola Angola Angola Angola Angola Angola Angola Angola Angola Angola Angola Angola Angola Unicef Denmark Unicef Denmark Kwaplah International , Inc Kwaplah International , Inc Unicef Denmark Unicef Denmark Armazens Continental Lda Armazens Continental Lda Marcenaria Adriano Emiliano & Filhos Unicef Denmark Unicef Denmark Intraco Angola, Lda Ncr Lda Ida Foundation Ida Foundation Bed Nets, Impregnated Bed Nets, Impregnated Medical And Surgical Equipment And Medical And Surgical Equipment And Lab Equipment And Accessories For H Lab Equipment And Accessories For H Furniture Furniture Boats, Wood, Fishing Medical And Surgical Equipment And Medical And Surgical Equipment And Generating Sets, Diesel, Exceeding Computer, Mt, Piv, 3.0 Ghz, 512mb, Drugs And Medicines Industry Drugs And Medicines Industry 672,810.00 672,810.00 285,720.00 285,720.00 201,750.00 201,750.00 130,380.00 73,570.00 45,900.00 43,240.00 43,240.00 42,620.00 33,120.00 32,270.00 32,270.00 Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Grafica Pinter S.a. Hewlett Packard Argentina S.r.l. Grafica Pinter S.a. Grafica Pinter S.a. Arte Grafica Nesdan S.r.l. Softnet S.a. Eliovac S.a. Hewlett Packard Argentina S.r.l. Kohan Marcelo Hewlett Packard Argentina S.r.l. Hynet S.a. Hewlett Packard Argentina S.r.l. Bgh S.a. Taisa S.a. Taisa S.a. Books It Equipment Books Impression Books Communications Software Salinometro It Equipment Books It Equipment Software Licenses It Equipment Support License Eledtricity Undp Office - Instalación Electrica 607,130.00 605,390.00 208,150.00 107,140.00 68,030.00 61,390.00 58,250.00 57,840.00 48,490.00 43,480.00 40,910.00 34,280.00 31,310.00 30,340.00 30,340.00 Armenia Armenia Armenia Arman Meltonyan P.e. Aviainfotel Cjsc Aviainfotel Cjsc Community Recovery Risk Procurement Of Law Enforcement Info Procurement Of Law Enforcement Info Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Codan Codan Codan Codan Codan Codan Codan Communication Equipment Communication Equipment Communication Equipment Communications (Iapso Po No 79879-3 Communication Equipment 82291-1 Codan Radio (19 Units) Radio Equipment Kit 826,210.00 114,970.00 39,510.00 39,510.00 39,260.00 39,260.00 33,580.00 Austria Austria Austria Austria Anymed Handels Gmbh Anymed Handels Gmbh Biomerieux Austria Gmbh Biomerieux Austria Gmbh Test-systems Viroseq Hiv-1 Genotype Test Kits For The Sti Diagnostics Elisa Processor For Hiv Blood Testi Elisa Processor For Hiv Blood Testi 167,040.00 76,830.00 44,420.00 44,420.00 Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Bestcomp Group Bestcomp Group Yuva Mmc Yuva Mmc Intermedservis Risk Risk Contracts Contracts Equipment-sps Project Kitchen Furniture-sps Projc Medical Equipment Maintenance And R Computer Equipment Maintenance And Computer Equipment Maintenance And 162,270.00 162,270.00 92,070.00 92,070.00 44,010.00 35,360.00 35,360.00 Construction Materials Of Plastic; Software Installation Motorola Radios Motor Vehicles It Equipment Russian Cements (M-400 Stones 1st Class Cubic Meter It Equipment Motor Vehicles Dispose & Tarnsportation The Excava It Equipment Toyota Hi Lux Double Cabin Model: L Motor Vehicles It Equipment Cisco Networking Academy Books. 1 L Construction Services, Other Cement Generators Bahrain Euro Rscg Promopub Public Advertisements Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Desktop Computer Connection Desktop Computer Connection Karnaphuli Industries Ltd. Ibcs-primax Software (Bangladesh) Ltd. Flora Limited Uttara Motors Limited Information Solution Ltd Rangs Electronics Ltd. Daffodil Computers Ltd. Daffodil Computers Ltd. Karnaphuli Industries Ltd. External Modem:Brand:Us Robotics; S High-end Notebook, Brand:Hp, Model: Motor Cycle: Yamaha - Fazer Software Workgroup Printer, Microbus, Model: Maruti Suzuki, 800 Ms Office 2003 Pro. Volume License Sony Digital Camera, Brand: Sony, M Workgroup Printer: Hp 4250n; Ram:64 Workgroup Printer: Motor Cycle - Yamaha Crux-s Belarus Belarus Belarus Belarus Belarus Belarus Intek Ltd Transteks Oao Omela Tchup Belmedinfarm Ooo Vitvar Sp Ooo Bolear Belmed Ooo Video Endoscope Vd 46-150 Printing And Publishing Of The Hiv\ Antiseptic Napkings Realdiron 3000000 Me #5, Teba School Kits Extra Strong Condoms 3 In Pack Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Toyota Motor Marketing Europe Toyota Motor Marketing Europe Toyota Motor Marketing Europe Toyota Motor Marketing Europe Alpinter Sa Toyota Motor Marketing Europe Demimpex Vrp Toyota Motor Marketing Europe Demimpex Vrp Becton Dickinson International Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Toyota Motor Marketing Europe Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Motor Vehicles Toyota - 4wd Hi-lux Pick-up Double Motor Vehicles Vehicles N.e.c. Motor Vehicles Vehicles, 4wd, Hard Top, 13 Seater School Kits Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Vehicles, 4wd, Hard Top 10 Seater S Motor Vehicles 85080-1: Laboratory Equipment Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Toyota - 4wd Station Wagon Std, 10 Motor Vehicles 67 149,190.00 119,720.00 116,520.00 89,200.00 60,000.00 58,980.00 53,000.00 52,000.00 47,980.00 46,380.00 46,000.00 44,600.00 44,600.00 44,100.00 41,430.00 38,530.00 31,700.00 30,400.00 47,870.00 39,720.00 39,720.00 30,290.00 121,000.00 109,750.00 97,030.00 52,320.00 49,440.00 43,640.00 41,170.00 38,500.00 36,730.00 34,530.00 34,380.00 64,960.00 50,400.00 42,540.00 38,560.00 34,490.00 30,730.00 715,350.00 715,350.00 527,030.00 527,030.00 285,670.00 285,670.00 195,580.00 193,860.00 133,250.00 116,320.00 116,080.00 108,000.00 85,830.00 77,530.00 73,840.00 73,840.00 72,220.00 Major Equipment ordered by Agency during 2006 (Orders of USD 30,000 or more) Agency / Location of Procurement Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) UNDP cont. Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Toyota Motor Marketing Europe Toyota Motor Marketing Europe Toyota Motor Marketing Europe Toyota Motor Marketing Europe Toyota Motor Marketing Europe Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Toyota Motor Marketing Europe Toyota Motor Marketing Europe Eslp Sprl Toyota Motor Marketing Europe Toyota Motor Marketing Europe Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Becton Dickinson International Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Toyota Motor Marketing Europe Toyota Motor Marketing Europe Toyota Motor Marketing Europe Toyota Motor Marketing Europe Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Toyota Motor Marketing Europe Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Involution Nv/Sa Motor Vehicles Three (3) Toyota Lhd Hilux Double C Motor Vehicles Two (2) Unit Toyota Land Cruiser G Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Media Mobile Van, Complete With All Motor Vehicles Toyota Landcruiser Gx Station Wagon Clothing Accessorize Motor Vehicles Two (2) Unit Toyota Land Cruiser Pr Motor Vehicles Toyota 4wd Land Cruiser Pick-up 3 S Laboratory Equipment- Facscount Fro Toyota Land Cruiser Gx 4.2l Rear Li Vehicles, 4wd, Hard Top Vehicles, 4wd, Hard Top Motor Vehicles Toyota Land Cruiser Std Station Wag Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Vehicles, 4wd, Hard Top, 10 Seater Vehicles, 4wd, Hard Top10 Seater St Motor Vehicles Sea Freight Transport & Insurance F Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Toyota - 4wd Land Cruiser Station W Clothing Accessorize Benin Benin Benin Benin Benin Benin Benin Benin Benin Benin Benin Benin Benin Imprimerie Commercial General Imprimerie Minute Librairie Sonaec 2mb Savi 2mb Savi Vsm Sad Negoces Sad Negoces Entreprise Ttm Societe Sena Entreprise Ttm Le Travail Du Bois Le Travail Du Bois Furniture Furniture Delivery Tables Roasted Tables Roasted Election Equipment Photocopying Machines Photocopying Machines Canteen Delivery Photocopying Machines Delivery Of Computers Tables Roasted Clothes Industry And Delivery Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Toyosa S.a. Toyosa S.a. Dima Ltda. Oshkosh Truck Corporation Toyosa S.a. Toyosa S.a. Toyosa S.a. Ovando S.a. Dima Ltda. Taiyo Motors S.a. Comercial Industrial Agropecuaria S.a. Toyosa S.a. Artes Graficas Sagitario Srl. Industrias Lara Bisch S.a. - F Datec Ltda. Datec Ltda. Dima Ltda. Toyosa S.a. Nosiglia Sport Beco Internacional Ltda. Hansa Ltda Datec Ltda. Comercial Industrial Agropecuaria S.a. Vicar S.a. Electro Hogar Srl. Southtec S.r.l. Psi Bolivia Psi Bolivia Integradores Y Consultores En Tecnologi Jdc System Integrators Cosin Ltda Illimani De Comunicaciones Sa Toyosa S.a. Toyosa S.a. Ingenium Srl- Ingenieria De Soluciones Ingenium Srl- Ingenieria De Soluciones Sistemas Analiticos Srl. Corporacion Transandina Comunicaciones El Pais S.a. Taiyo Motors S.a. Digital Telecomunicaciones Integradores Y Consultores En Tecnologi Jdc System Integrators Southtec S.r.l. Distribuidora De Servicios Hansa Ltda Dima Ltda. Toyosa S.a. Comunicaciones El Pais S.a. Comunicaciones El Pais S.a. Span Inc Bisa Seguros Y Reaseguros S.a Hemdkuster Editores Asociados S.a. Hansa Ltda Bisa Seguros Y Reaseguros S.a Ecor Ltda. Red Uno De Bolivia S.a. Bolivision Srl Ser Medica S.r.l. Ovando S.a. Ecor Ltda. Esteban Roberto Urgel Aguilar Esteban Roberto Urgel Aguilar Empresa Nacional De Television Boliviana Illimani De Comunicaciones Sa Toyosa S.a. Imagen Propia S.r.l. Jtv Consultores Corporacion Transandina Red Uno De Bolivia S.a. Comtec S.r.l. Red P.a.t. Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Communication Equipment Corresponding Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Advance Payment By The Acquisition Communication Equipment Corresponding Amendment Card Motor Vehicles Election Equipment Impressions Problems Of Suffrage Communication Equipment Communication Equipment Communication Equipment Motor Vehicles Motorcycles Meidcine Equipment Meidcine Equipment Communication Equipment Amendment Card Motor Vehicles Prov. De 50 Comp.snis C.114/05-1 Pago 100% Proc 149/05-1 Eq. De Comp Payment For Activities Desembolso Para Actividades De Q10 Equipment Measurement Quality And Cobertur Refrigerators To Gas And Electricity Difusion Spots Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles 80% S/Enmienda Y Contrato Nº 176/05 Pago 80% Segun Enmienda Nº 176/05-1 Laboratory Equipment Centrífuga Refrigerada Marca Pres Printing Pago Final Correspondiente A La Adq Radio Equipment Primer Pago 40% Adquisicion De Sist Pago 100% Proceso 179/05-1 Communication Equipment Pago 80% Lic 167/04-2 Communication Equipment Motor Vehicles Printing Printing Pago Proc.165/04-2 Insumos Red De L Security Computer Equipment Impression And Distribution Assembly C Generators Election Equipment Diffusion Episode Juries Election Equipment Ion Provision Cromatografo Co Light Truck Anticipo Para Refaccion Laboratorio 5 Assembly C Diffusion Spots Assembly Constitute Spare Part Laboratory Miniseries Episode Diffusion Spots Assembly Constitute Motor Vehicles Spots Television Software License Estufa De Secado Y Esterilización Diffusion Spots Assembly Constitute 68 Total Cost (USD) 65,200.00 65,200.00 61,460.00 61,460.00 58,730.00 56,590.00 56,590.00 55,870.00 55,870.00 52,190.00 50,120.00 50,120.00 48,610.00 48,610.00 45,710.00 42,910.00 42,300.00 42,300.00 41,400.00 40,600.00 38,770.00 38,770.00 38,770.00 38,770.00 37,270.00 37,270.00 35,270.00 34,780.00 34,780.00 31,740.00 102,170.00 101,510.00 58,450.00 49,560.00 49,510.00 49,320.00 49,180.00 49,120.00 44,240.00 44,010.00 43,340.00 31,240.00 31,200.00 1,193,510.00 1,173,750.00 1,019,130.00 654,590.00 620,630.00 514,500.00 486,550.00 359,640.00 272,450.00 229,500.00 228,670.00 206,350.00 185,950.00 185,950.00 163,860.00 149,700.00 138,970.00 137,200.00 129,500.00 127,330.00 104,550.00 99,800.00 99,270.00 97,470.00 96,220.00 91,130.00 89,400.00 89,400.00 88,980.00 86,660.00 82,830.00 78,900.00 78,250.00 75,260.00 75,260.00 73,910.00 73,560.00 69,780.00 68,000.00 66,060.00 66,060.00 65,950.00 65,720.00 60,720.00 60,260.00 51,480.00 51,380.00 50,100.00 49,460.00 46,110.00 45,300.00 45,160.00 43,540.00 43,030.00 42,340.00 42,200.00 41,930.00 40,680.00 39,960.00 39,310.00 38,010.00 38,010.00 37,760.00 36,390.00 36,320.00 36,000.00 34,730.00 32,430.00 31,980.00 31,670.00 30,540.00 Major Equipment ordered by Agency during 2006 (Orders of USD 30,000 or more) Agency / Location of Procurement Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) Total Cost (USD) UNDP cont. Bosnia-Herzgovina Bosnia-Herzgovina Bosnia-Herzgovina Bosnia-Herzgovina Bosnia-Herzgovina Bosnia-Herzgovina Bosnia-Herzgovina Bosnia-Herzgovina Bosnia-Herzgovina Bosnia-Herzgovina Bosnia-Herzgovina Bosnia-Herzgovina Bosnia-Herzgovina Bosnia-Herzgovina Bosnia-Herzgovina Bosnia-Herzgovina Bosnia-Herzgovina Attrade Doo Attrade Doo Agromehanika Komerc Agromehanika Komerc Geowild Doo As Vukovic Doo As Vukovic Doo Poljooprema Dd Poljooprema Dd Quality Software Solutions Qss Geoprof Doo Asa Pss Dnc Digital Nett Computers Agromehanika Komerc Agromehanika Komerc Comp 2000 Doo Comp 2000 Doo Scientific Impression Cattle Production Difusion Episodios Miniserie 2 Y 3. Cultivators Cattle Production Cultivators Sheep, Live Receiver, Global Positioning System Feed, Animal, Other Sheep, Live Feed, Animal, Other Software Licenses Radar Apparatus, Radio Navigational Vehicles, Goods, G.v.w. Exceeding 1 Tillers, Self-propelled Lan File Servers Software Application Packages 196,550.00 196,550.00 125,970.00 125,970.00 83,700.00 70,210.00 70,210.00 46,690.00 46,690.00 43,480.00 41,460.00 39,060.00 37,100.00 35,090.00 35,090.00 34,760.00 34,760.00 Botswana Botswana Xtec (Pty) Limited Xtec (Pty) Limited Tillers, Self-propelled Photocopiers, Parts And Accessories 38,300.00 38,300.00 Brazil Brazil Brazil Guarany Industria E Comercio Ltda Poly Urethane Industria E Comercio Ltda Edimit Guarany Industria E Comercio Ltda Pumps Acquisition Of Maquinas Inyectoras Processors 428,430.00 240,740.00 107,110.00 Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Kontrax Prosoft Ad Strategy Object Odd Stemo Computer Systems And Software Kia Motors Bulgaria Ad Export I Import Ood Computers, Laptop/Notebook Computers, Laptop/Notebook It Equipment Plain Paper Copiers Vehicles N.e.c. Computers, Laptop/Notebook 132,650.00 132,370.00 102,710.00 51,470.00 41,880.00 30,100.00 Burkina Faso Burkina Faso Burkina Faso Burkina Faso Programme Alimentaire Mondial Programme Alimentaire Mondial Beteir Beteir Rations Alimentaires Pour Les Patie Rations Alimentaires Pour Les Patie It Equipment Video Surveillance 67,790.00 67,790.00 40,790.00 40,790.00 Burundi Afripo Furniture 50,100.00 Cambodia Cambodia Cambodia Cambodia Cambodia First Cambodia Co.,Ltd First Cambodia Co.,Ltd Comin Khmer Co., Ltd Khmer Solar Comin Khmer Co., Ltd Install Network + Tel Cable Install Network + Tel Cable Pabx System And Desk Phones Solar Power System Pabx System And Desk Phones 44,280.00 44,280.00 37,790.00 37,790.00 37,790.00 Cameroon Trade Factors Overseas Limited Vehicles N.e.c.-suivant V/Ref 63934 107,390.00 Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Mds Nordion Inc. Code Incorporated Code Incorporated St. John Ambulance Code Incorporated Code Incorporated Code Incorporated Globalis International Inc. Code Incorporated St. John Ambulance Wantok Enterprises Ltd Canard Productions Ltd Installation Election Equipment Election Equipment First Aid Kits Election Equipment Election Equipment Election Equipment Election Equipment Election Equipment First Aid Kits First Aid Kits Memory Upgrades 539,530.00 445,200.00 376,040.00 326,600.00 289,750.00 268,330.00 268,330.00 265,280.00 184,440.00 77,050.00 42,580.00 39,820.00 Cape Verde Cape Verde Unicef Supply Division - Copenhagen Unicef Supply Division - Copenhagen Medical And Other Technical Equipment Medical And Other Technical Equipme 61,660.00 61,660.00 Central African Republic Central African Republic Central African Republic Central African Republic Central African Republic Biosciences Planson International Corporation Cfao Centrafrique Les Classiques Ivoiriens Slecllassiques Ivoiriens Medical And Other Technical Equipme Generators, Electric Vehicles, 4wd, Hard Top Books Books 88,560.00 73,100.00 52,130.00 31,200.00 31,200.00 Chad Chad Chad Chad Chad Chad Toyota Gibraltar Stickholdings Ltd Toyota Gibraltar Stickholdings Ltd Societe Eldo Cons Societe Eldo Cons Toyota Gibraltar Stickholdings Ltd Toyota Gibraltar Stickholdings Ltd Vehicles Vehicles Work Of Extention Of The Buildings Of P Travaux D’extention Des Locaux Du P Vehicle For The Service Center Vehicles, All Terrain, Truck, Light Chile Ocho Libros Editores Ltda. Bulletins China China China China China China China China China Nuctech Company, Ltd Nuctech Company, Ltd Dandong Landtrade Co, Ltd China First Automob.group Imp.& Exp. Co. China First Automob.group Imp.& Exp. Co. Peak International Trade (Tianjin)Co Ltd Peak International Trade (Tianjin)Co Ltd Guangzhou Wondfo Biotech Co. Ltd Guangzhou Wondfo Biotech Co. Ltd Radio Equipments Rays Desktop Computers Audi A 6 2.0t Fsi Audi A 6 2.0t Fsi Syringes 2 Ml, Single Use (Luer) Rapid Semi Expandable Rapid Tests: Semi Expandable Rapid Tests: 1,057,350.00 453,150.00 67,930.00 46,000.00 46,000.00 41,810.00 41,810.00 32,500.00 32,500.00 Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Union Temporal Tcs-heinsohn Eds Colombia Sa Dell Marketing Lp Co Dell Usa Lp Global Union Temporal Dell Colvista Union Temporal Piso 4 Y 10 Montamant Ltda Infogroup Ltda Dell Marketing Lp Co Dell Usa Lp Almacenes Generales De Deposito Mercanti Intergrupo Ltda Software Y Algoritmos Dell Marketing Lp Co Dell Usa Lp Dell Marketing Lp Co Dell Usa Lp Tecnoimagenes S A Compañia De Servicios Archivisticos Ltda Dell World Trade Lp Purificacion De Analisis De Fluidos Ltda Biotoscana Farma S.a. Biotoscana Farma S.a. Digiware De Colombia & Cia Ltda Consorcio Microchif Sysman Estudios Cartograficos Ltda Silvio Meza Galeano Colsof Colombiana De Sofware Y Hardware Branch Of Microsoft Colombia Inc Siemens A.g. Ibm De Colombia Sa Tecnoimagenes S A Ingeal Sa Comware Sa Impsat Sa Etek International Rapid Rapid Software Application Certain Goods Software, Computer, Including Manua Software, Computer, Including Manua Software Application Cables, Telecommunication Power Supplies It Equipment Filing System, Hanging Files Software Equipment Computadores Software Application Packages It Equipment License Filing System, Hanging Files Software, Computer, Including Manua Compra De Medicamentos Antiretrovir Chemicals For Laboratory Medicine Adquisicion, Instalacion E Implemen Software, Computer, Including Manua Dates Desks, School It Equipment Software Applications, Special Purp Network, Switch Software Application Packages Software Applications, Special Purp Provision, Installation And Putting Acquisition, Installation, Form 4,443,860.00 2,577,960.00 2,035,400.00 1,512,860.00 997,060.00 691,820.00 593,090.00 433,370.00 395,960.00 368,440.00 347,360.00 347,130.00 347,130.00 284,970.00 236,400.00 226,810.00 225,090.00 202,410.00 202,410.00 200,870.00 196,310.00 192,890.00 189,350.00 184,760.00 178,650.00 177,800.00 164,280.00 157,510.00 152,680.00 150,080.00 133,690.00 125,750.00 69 107,660.00 68,820.00 42,670.00 42,670.00 39,850.00 37,670.00 41,590.00 Major Equipment ordered by Agency during 2006 (Orders of USD 30,000 or more) Agency / Location of Procurement Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) UNDP cont. Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Colsof Colombiana De Sofware Y Hardware Nathan Associates Inc. Plaza Y Janes Editores Colombia S A Procalculo - Prosis Sa Getronics Colombia Ltda Riegner Y Cia Ltda Archivos Funcionales Y Oficinas Colsof Colombiana De Sofware Y Hardware Dell Marketing Lp Co Dell Usa Lp Colsof Colombiana De Sofware Y Hardware Avance Digital Ltda Ajc Soluciones Informaticas Ajc Soluciones Informaticas Colsof Colombiana De Sofware Y Hardware Casa Editorial El Tiempo Sa Soluciones Educativas Y/O Rafael Gualdro Ingeal Sa Getronics Colombia Ltda Etek International Holding Corp Ajc Soluciones Informaticas Distribuidora Y Editora Aguilar, Altea, Siemens Educar Editores S.a. Prounix Sa Software Y Algoritmos Software Y Algoritmos Ciel Ingenieria Dell Colombia Inc Silvio Meza Galeano Industrias Saad S.a Procibernetica Gestiontek Sa Gestiontek Sa Dell Colombia Inc Jairo Antonio Restrepo Vasquez Computel System Ltda Dell Marketing Lp Co Dell Usa Lp Dell Marketing Lp Co Dell Usa Lp Premac S.a. Empresa De Telecomunicaciones De Bogota Procibernetica Union Temporal Db System Ltda M.s.l. Distribuciones &Cia Ltda. Gold Sys Ltda Ingeal Sa Links S.a Links S.a Procalculo - Prosis Sa Reyes Consultores Co Ltda Reyes Consultores Co Ltda Pawi Alarmas Ltda Dell Marketing Lp Co Dell Usa Lp Dell Colombia Inc Montamant Ltda Colsof Colombiana De Sofware Y Hardware Colsof Colombiana De Sofware Y Hardware Controles Empresariales Ltda Avs Colombia Ltda Newnet Sa Procibernetica Virtual Television Ltda Software Applications, Special Purp Edp Equipment/Machinery, Other, And It Equipment Indicators Books, General Software Implementation Installation Furniture It Equipment It Equipment Acquisition And Gives In Site Of I Desarrollo Y Puesta En Funcionamien Web Server, Applications And Dir, P Development And Putting In Funcionamien Personal Computers (Pc), General Pu El Tiempo Furniture, School Power Supplies Computer Hardware Or Software Renta Edp Equipment/Machinery, Other, And It Equipment Books, General Office Equipment Computer Equipment Adquisición De Equipos De Computo System Installation It Equipment It Buys Of 1,000 Dinner Services Tra Acquisition And Installation Of Estant Office Equipment Software Applications, Special Purp Software Applications, Special Purp It Equipment Software Equipment Adquisicion De Impresoras Para Los It Equipment It Equipment Acquisition Of 150 Pumps Of Vacio Services Of Com Infrastructure Office Equipment Software Applications, Special Purp Software Application Packages Software Antivirus Power Supplies Computer Equipment Adquisición De Equipos De Computo License To Establish The Real Balance That You Run Establecer El Saldo Real Que Corres To Establish The Real Balance That You Run It Equipment It Equipment Provision And Installation Wiring E It Equipment Adquisición De Estaciones De Trabaj Software Applications, Special Purp Office Furniture, Wooden Act In Agreement No. 2 To Agreement N Office Equipment Elaboration Of Four (4) Programs Comoros Comoros Zombo Negoce Graphica Imprimerie Vehicles Paper, Reproduction Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Automobiles Anglo-americaines Fort Info Technology Fzc Contitrades Limited Contitrades Limited Filatures Tissages De Fibres À Kinshasa Genitec Demimpexvrp Contitrades Limited Filatures Tissages De Fibres À Kinshasa Genitec Fort Info Technology Fzc Csv International Sotricom Sotricom Trading Congo Protecop Demimpexvrp Africa Green Africa Green Automobiles Anglo-americaines Bukkehave Ltd. Lantrade Global Supplies Limited Demimpexvrp Lantrade Global Supplies Limited Filatures Tissages De Fibres À Kinshasa Genitec Trading Congo Fort Info Technology Fzc U.a.c. Sprl Demimpexvrp Johs. Gram-hanssen A/S Demimpexvrp Graphic Systems Graphic Systems Demimpexvrp Celtel Celtel Nouvelles Imprimeries Havaux Nouvelles Imprimeries Havaux Data Computer Services Data Computer Services Buromeca / Canon Africa Green Instaprint Instaprint Ets Le Serveur Instaprint Jetra Services Air Automobiles Anglo-americaines Africa Green Microcom Arno Raga Raga Agetraf Cmc Automobiles Sprl Africa Green Vehicles, All Terrain Phone/Year Thuraya Hughes 7101 Acquisition Matériels Spec Acquisition Matériels Spec Gilets Pare-coup Pick-up 4x4 : Unites Territoriales Paiement De 28000 Paires De Bottine Sacs En Polypropylène Tissé Bpp: Baton De Défense Casques Battery Achat Sacs À Dos Cartouche Hp8543x Cartouche Hp8543x Matelas En Mousse Color Grey Manuel Des Agents Des Bureaux De Vo Jambières Pick-up 4x4 : Vehicules De Renseign Election Equipment Textes De La Loi Électorale Et De L Motor Vehicles Motorcycles Suzuki Tf125 (105 Units Ceinturons Manchettes Pare-coup Coût De Transport Sacs En Polypropylène Tissé Bpp: Baton De Défense Casques Matelas En Mousse Color Grey. Dimen Activation Fee Mégaphones Freight Mégaphones Mg-220 Db&W ( Deep Bleue Portes-matraques Printing, Publishing And Bookbindin Printing, Publishing And Bookbindin Menottes Individuelles Téléphone Cellulaire Téléphone Cellulaire Manuel Des Agents Des Bureaux De Vo Jambières Manuel Des Agents Des Bureaux De Vo Cartridge Color Hp 5766a Cartridge Color Hp 5766a 269-07616 Office Pro 2003 269-07616 Office Pro 2003 Banderoles Banderoles Badges Observ / Témoins Mémento Pour Agents Électoraux Cinquieme Paiement Selon Le Contrat Transport De Kits (Goma-lubumbashi) Motor Vehicles Achats De Véhicules Pour Unifem Achat De Vsats Motor Vehicles Spot Télé Air-time Spot Télé Air-time Transport Materials Motor Vehicles Election Equipment 70 Total Cost (USD) 123,950.00 120,000.00 119,390.00 117,390.00 116,530.00 105,510.00 102,990.00 93,380.00 87,800.00 87,000.00 85,990.00 84,320.00 84,320.00 83,940.00 73,690.00 73,080.00 67,740.00 66,100.00 66,050.00 64,730.00 63,970.00 61,400.00 59,020.00 58,960.00 58,090.00 58,090.00 55,250.00 53,190.00 53,050.00 51,150.00 50,950.00 50,690.00 50,690.00 49,200.00 49,110.00 48,920.00 47,890.00 44,030.00 43,480.00 42,390.00 42,360.00 41,360.00 41,260.00 40,510.00 40,170.00 39,780.00 39,780.00 39,520.00 38,550.00 38,550.00 37,550.00 37,520.00 36,730.00 36,400.00 36,160.00 36,160.00 34,740.00 34,510.00 31,310.00 30,900.00 30,810.00 95,680.00 33,830.00 1,353,600.00 1,237,500.00 973,620.00 973,620.00 833,760.00 775,500.00 749,060.00 682,640.00 570,000.00 532,000.00 488,800.00 488,800.00 467,500.00 463,590.00 436,150.00 386,250.00 386,250.00 381,040.00 312,000.00 294,000.00 266,220.00 228,180.00 217,840.00 204,000.00 200,000.00 180,950.00 171,000.00 158,720.00 157,190.00 142,880.00 142,880.00 140,560.00 139,440.00 139,440.00 120,000.00 120,000.00 105,750.00 105,750.00 99,420.00 99,420.00 90,680.00 90,680.00 84,630.00 83,210.00 83,130.00 81,000.00 80,620.00 80,620.00 74,920.00 74,600.00 72,000.00 72,000.00 70,000.00 68,000.00 66,630.00 Major Equipment ordered by Agency during 2006 (Orders of USD 30,000 or more) Agency / Location of Procurement Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) Total Cost (USD) UNDP cont. Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Africa Green Jetra U.a.c. Sprl Graphic Systems Graphic Systems Raga Raga L.mat Color Dispromalt Dispromalt Filatures Tissages De Fibres À Kinshasa Genitec Instaprint Graphic Systems Samkha Samkha Graphic Systems Graphic Systems Lantrade Global Supplies Limited Moto De Tourisme Et Bicyclette De Loisir Zahra Tents Industries (Pvt.) Ltd. U.a.c. Sprl Graphic Systems Radio-tele Armee De L’eternel Radio-tele Armee De L’eternel Label Print Label Print Instaprint Instaprint Instaprint Instaprint U.a.c. Sprl Digital Congo Tv Groupe L’avenir Digital Congo Tv Groupe L’avenir Africa Green Africa Green Fort Info Technology Fzc Graphic Systems Buromeca / Canon Automobiles Anglo-americaines Digital Congo Tv Digital Congo Tv Cmc Automobiles Sprl Kinpresse Kinpresse Canal Tropical Television Groupe L’avenir Canal Tropical Television Groupe L’avenir Sotricom Sotricom Cmc Automobiles Sprl Cmc Automobiles Sprl Cmc Automobiles Sprl Sotricom Sotricom Agetraf Africa Green Africa Green Textes: Constitution Et Loi Elector Construction Des Baraques À Luberiz Table De Bureau Tsd 180x80x70cm Ave Dépliants Secret Vote Dépliants Secret Vote Spot Radio Spot Radio Achat Des Brassards Pour La Pnc Location, Production Et Installatio Location, Production Et Installatio Sacs En Polypropylène Tissé Bpp: Baton De Défense Casques Affiche Marquage Bul. Vote Affiches Sur Tâches Mbvd Rames Papier A4 80 G/M2 500 Feuille Rames Papier A4 80 G/M2 500 Feuille Dépliants Accept. Résultat Français Dépliants Accept. Résultat Français Berêts Achat De 25 Motorcylces Dt 125 Tents Bicycles Fully Assembled Equiped Wi Dépliants Électoraux Emission Télé Air-time Emission Télé Air-time Printing, Publishing And Bookbindin Printing, Publishing And Bookbindin Message 1 Banderoles Messages 2 Banderoles Message 1 Banderoles Messages 2 Banderoles Coût De Transport Emission Télé Air-time Spot Radio Emission Télé Air-time Spot Radio Election Equipment Textes: Constitution Et Loi Elector Solar Charger Affiche Procédures De Vote E85-00480 Windows Xp E85-00480 Windows Xp Spot Télé Air-time Spot Télé Air-time Motor Vehicles Petit Guide Citoyen Franc. Petit Guide Citoyen Franc. Spot Télé Air-time Spot Télé Air Time Spot Télé Air-time Spot Télé Air Time Imprimante Laser Monochrome Imprimante Laser Monochrome Achat D’un Pik-up Pour Le Cbr Luber Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Cartouche Imprimante Laser Monochro Cartouche Imprimante Laser Monochro Transport Materials Election Equipment Textes:Constitution Et Loi Electora 66,630.00 66,500.00 62,670.00 62,120.00 62,120.00 60,000.00 60,000.00 59,800.00 58,650.00 58,650.00 56,610.00 55,930.00 55,500.00 55,500.00 55,500.00 55,000.00 55,000.00 50,000.00 49,630.00 46,030.00 46,000.00 45,100.00 45,000.00 45,000.00 44,320.00 44,320.00 42,750.00 42,750.00 42,750.00 42,750.00 42,350.00 42,000.00 42,000.00 42,000.00 42,000.00 40,500.00 40,500.00 40,000.00 40,000.00 39,860.00 39,860.00 37,200.00 37,200.00 36,750.00 36,750.00 36,750.00 36,000.00 36,000.00 36,000.00 36,000.00 35,640.00 35,640.00 34,000.00 34,000.00 34,000.00 32,040.00 32,040.00 31,390.00 30,380.00 30,380.00 Congo Rep Congo Rep Congo Rep Congo Rep Toyota Gibraltar Stock Holdings Ltd New Tech New Tech Toyota Gibraltar Stock Holdings Ltd Toyota Land Cruiser Prado Gx, Lhd 5 Fourniture Et Installation D’un Sys Fourniture Et Installation D’un Sys Toyota Land Cruiser Gx 10 4x4 Lhd 65,690.00 46,330.00 46,330.00 36,550.00 Costa Rica Rti Technologies, Inc Reciclyng Equipment Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Pharmacie Saint Hermann Tdm Challenger Olam Ivoire Total Cote D’ivoire Vehicles, All Terrain Antituberculosis Drugs Fish, Canned T-shirts, Printed Rice, Husked Fuel Croatia Croatia Otto Bock Adria D.o.o Otto Bock Adria D.o.o Equipments Supply Equipments Supply 60,910.00 60,910.00 Cyprus Cyprus Cyprus Cyprus Cyprus Cyprus Cyprus Cyprus Cyprus Cyprus Cyprus Cyprus Mitsa International Free Birds Publishing Free Birds Publishing Netinfo Group Of Companies Ltd Netinfo Group Of Companies Ltd Mitsa International Mitsa International Mitsa International Hemd Sti Ltd Hemd Sti Ltd Humanitarian Relief Mission Humanitarian Relief Mission It Equipment Internet, Design And Construction O Internet, Design And Construction O It Equipment Internet, Design And Construction O It Equipment It Equipment It Equipment 40 Bicycles And 40 Helmets 40 Bicycles And 40 Helmets Dairy Products, Other Dairy Products, Other 53,690.00 51,060.00 51,060.00 50,310.00 50,310.00 34,570.00 34,520.00 34,520.00 32,310.00 32,310.00 30,220.00 30,220.00 Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Missionpharma A/S Missionpharma A/S Missionpharma A/S Mahe Airfreight Missionpharma A/S Missionpharma A/S Vestergaard Frandsen Vestergaard Frandsen Missionpharma A/S Missionpharma A/S Missionpharma A/S Vestergaard Frandsen Missionpharma A/S Johs Gram Hanssen As Vestergaard Frandsen Vestergaard Frandsen Eagle Scientific Limited Vestergaard Frandsen Vestergaard Frandsen Iapso Missionpharma A/S Missionpharma A/S Iapso Johs. Gram-hanssen A/S Bukkehave Ltd Eagle Scientific Limited Eagle Scientific Limited Kuhne And Nagel Dal Logistics Intequip Ltd Medicine Cr83703 National Malaria Program Ma Medicine Airfreight Malaria Drugs As Per Undp/Iapso Quo Malaria Drugs As Per Undp/Iapso Quo Bed Nets Cr82309 For 200,000 Bed Nets, Perma Medicine 81920-1 Arvs Achat Test Kit Pour Le Cnts Bed Nets Achat Io & Ist T4 2006 Sheets, Of Iron Or Steel Bed Nets Cr82232 Bednets As Per Iapso Quotat Laboratory Equipment 82869-1: Impregnated Bednets 82869-1: Impregnated Bednets Vehicles Laboratory Equipment Laboratory Equipment Vehicles 80% Final Por La Adquisición De: 3 Vehicles Laboratory Equipment Laboratory Equipment Freight Voting Materials 71 33,000.00 176,950.00 74,060.00 71,340.00 60,690.00 45,580.00 35,540.00 1,642,490.00 1,642,490.00 1,492,770.00 1,042,010.00 1,008,410.00 1,008,410.00 930,700.00 930,700.00 731,580.00 719,280.00 693,510.00 638,400.00 481,060.00 476,780.00 465,350.00 465,350.00 464,850.00 448,340.00 448,340.00 424,030.00 386,680.00 386,680.00 353,000.00 330,720.00 329,710.00 312,150.00 312,010.00 310,000.00 306,430.00 Major Equipment ordered by Agency during 2006 (Orders of USD 30,000 or more) Agency / Location of Procurement UNDP cont. Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) Danish Camp Supply Aps Dell Computer A/S Eagle Scientific Limited Missionpharma A/S Mahe Airfreight Eagle Scientific Limited Eagle Scientific Limited Intequip Ltd Dell Computer A/S Missionpharma A/S Missionpharma A/S Missionpharma A/S Johs Gram Hanssen As Dan:Xx Net Design A/S Net Design A/S Dell Computer A/S Danimex Communication Ltd. Danimex Communication Ltd. Iapso Iapso Eagle Scientific Limited Danoffice Trading Danimex Communication Ltd. Missionpharma A/S Intequip Ltd Kjaer And Kjaer Worldwide A/S Missionpharma A/S Missionpharma A/S Mahe Airfreight Danimex Communication Ltd. Vestergaard Frandsen Vestergaard Frandsen Dell Computer A/S Bukkehave Limited Net Design A/S Missionpharma A/S Missionpharma A/S Bukkehave Bukkehave Eagle Scientific Limited Eagle Scientific Limited Iveco Spa Kuhne And Nagel Dal Logistics Kuhne And Nagel Dal Logistics J Gerber And Co (Japan) Ltd J Gerber And Co (Japan) Ltd Bukkehave Ltd Bukkehave Ltd Eagle Scientific Limited Dell Computer A/S Unicef Plads Unicef Plads Bukkehave Ltd Eagle Scientific Limited Eagle Scientific Limited Kuhne And Nagel Dal Logistics Eagle Scientific Limited Eagle Scientific Limited Bukkehave Ltd Kuhne And Nagel Dal Logistics United Nations Children Fund United Nations Children Fund Peter Justesen Peter Justesen United Nations Population Fund Kuhne And Nagel Dal Logistics Kuhne And Nagel Dal Logistics Eagle Scientific Limited Missionpharma A/S United Nations Children Fund United Nations Children Fund Kjaer And Kjaer Worldwide A/S Vestergaard Frandsen Vestergaard Frandsen Dan:Xx J Gerber And Co (Japan) Ltd J Gerber And Co (Japan) Ltd Autokjaer A/S Bukkehave Ltd Bukkehave Ltd Missionpharma A/S Vestergaard Frandsen Dell Computer A/S Scanprint Scanprint Eagle Scientific Limited Eagle Scientific Limited Missionpharma A/S Danoffice Trading Eagle Scientific Limited Eagle Scientific Limited Danoffice Trading Dell Computer A/S Unicef Supply Division Peter Justesen Company A/S Eagle Scientific Limited Eagle Scientific Limited United Nations Children Fund United Nations Children Fund Fg Wilson Engineering Ltd Fg Wilson Engineering Ltd Bukkehave Ltd Unicef Supply Division Dell Computer A/S Topnordic A/S Topnordic A/S Vestergaard Frandsen Danimex Communications Ltd Dan Office Mahe Airfreight Missionpharma A/S Eagle Scientific Limited Eagle Scientific Limited Johs Gram Hanssen As Johs. Gram-hanssen A/S Johs. Gram-hanssen A/S Dell Computer A/S Dell Computer A/S Kjaer And Kjaer Worldwide A/S Voting Materials It Equipment Laboratory Equipment Hiv Kits Airfreight Laboratory Equipment Laboratory Equipment Voting Materials Computers Medicine Achat Consumables T4 2006 Hiv Kits Wood, Timber Vehivles 83560-1, Telephone And Telefax, Ins 83560-1, Telephone And Telefax, Ins It Equipment Communication Equipment Wallmount,Repeater,Vhf,Base Station Vehicles White Armoured B6 Nato Class Toyota Laboratory Equipment It Equipment Radio Communication Equipment Exact Equipment Voting Materials Motorcycles Hiv Kits Tests Diagnostics Airfreight Communication Equipment Bed Nets 85911-1 Bed Nets, Impregnated It Equipment Vehicles It Equipment Reagents, Diagnostic Or Laboratory, Reagents, Diagnostic Or Laboratory, Toyota Landcruiser Hzj105 Gx Armore Toyota Landcruiser Hzj105 Gx Armore Laboratory Equipment Laboratory Equipment Vehicles Freight Cr83703 Sea Freight And Forwarding Iapso 80921-1/Ang - Motorcycles 60 Iapso 80921-1/Ang - Motorcycles 60 Vehicles Mitsubishi Rosa High Roof, 26 Seats Laboratory Equipment Desktops Medical Consumables Medical Consumables Vehicles Laboratory Equipment Laboratory Reagents And Accessories Freight Laboratory Equipment Cr81696 Hospital Beds, Cabinets And Vehicles Freight Medicine Doxycyine 100mg Tabs/ Pac-1000 Uom Toner Hp C8543x For 9050 Printer Toner Hp C8543x For 9050 Printer Female Condoms Freight Freight Laboratory Equipment Medicine Amoxicillin 250mg Caps - Pack Amoxicillin 250mg Caps - Pack Motorcycles Bed Nets 84233-1 For Long-lasting Impregnate Motorcycles 85755-1 Motorcycles With Accessorie 85755-1 Motorcycles With Accessorie Busses Vehicles Isuzu Fts33, 4x4, Cargo Truck With Achat Test Kit Pour Le Cnts 83380- Impregnated Bednets It Equipment Iar Printing And Inv: 118953, 2006 Iar Printing And Laboratory Equipment 84797-1(konelab)Laboratory Equipmen Diagnostic Test Kits Fo It Equipment Laboratory Equipment Cr83569 Laboratory Equipment, For T It Equipment It Equipment Icelined Refrigerators 85519-2 27 X Digital Cameras And 3 Laboratory Equipment 84797-1 (Consummables) - Laboratory Pessaries Clotrimazole Pessaries 200mg Pac-3 Generators And Generating 83657-1, Generators And Generating Vehicles Medical Consumables It Equipment 130 Ups And 80 Hp Printers 80433-2: 130 Ups And 80 Hp Printers Bed Nets, Impregnated It Equipment Computers, Laptop/Notebook Airfreight Achat Reagents T4 2006 Laboratory Equipment 84177-1: Microscopes-laboratory Equ Flat Metal Sheets Gynecological Arm Chair Model Gynecological Arm Chair Model No. G It Equipment 85865-1 / Desktops Computers (46 X Motorcycles 72 Total Cost (USD) 295,700.00 291,100.00 290,380.00 272,960.00 270,000.00 262,360.00 262,360.00 260,200.00 259,440.00 253,040.00 252,510.00 221,960.00 214,980.00 207,820.00 193,620.00 193,620.00 192,760.00 192,670.00 192,670.00 188,480.00 188,480.00 186,420.00 184,940.00 184,860.00 178,370.00 176,400.00 172,660.00 169,360.00 163,900.00 153,000.00 141,380.00 141,360.00 141,360.00 141,040.00 138,560.00 136,560.00 132,940.00 132,940.00 128,700.00 128,700.00 121,480.00 121,480.00 118,740.00 116,000.00 116,000.00 109,540.00 109,540.00 108,010.00 108,010.00 107,570.00 102,950.00 101,660.00 101,660.00 100,180.00 100,000.00 100,000.00 99,370.00 96,010.00 96,010.00 94,680.00 94,000.00 93,140.00 93,140.00 89,020.00 89,020.00 86,920.00 85,510.00 82,690.00 82,580.00 80,780.00 78,570.00 78,570.00 76,430.00 76,220.00 76,220.00 75,690.00 73,030.00 73,030.00 71,690.00 71,500.00 71,500.00 71,490.00 70,890.00 69,840.00 69,280.00 69,280.00 69,130.00 69,130.00 68,790.00 67,840.00 62,180.00 62,180.00 61,800.00 59,670.00 59,110.00 58,630.00 58,220.00 58,220.00 58,080.00 58,080.00 57,410.00 57,410.00 57,300.00 56,960.00 54,950.00 54,560.00 54,560.00 54,530.00 54,410.00 53,800.00 53,390.00 52,770.00 52,150.00 52,150.00 51,080.00 49,950.00 49,950.00 49,060.00 49,060.00 48,010.00 Major Equipment ordered by Agency during 2006 (Orders of USD 30,000 or more) Agency / Location of Procurement Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) Total Cost (USD) UNDP cont. Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Kjaer And Kjaer Worldwide A/S Kjaer And Kjaer Worldwide A/S Kjaer And Kjaer Worldwide A/S Net Design A/S Kuhne And Nagel Dal Logistics Bukkehave Dell Computer A/S Dan:Office Aps Iapso Kuhne And Nagel Dal Logistics Kuhne And Nagel Dal Logistics Kjaer And Kjaer Worldwide A/S Kjaer And Kjaer Worldwide A/S Missionpharma A/S Danoffice Trading Danoffice Trading Dell Computer A/S Ostergaard Group 4 X 4 Bukkehave Ltd Dell Computer A/S Dell Computer A/S Missionpharma A/S United Nations Children Fund United Nations Children Fund Bukkehave Ltd Dell Computer A/S Iapso Missionpharma A/S Kuehne & Nagel Mahe Airfreight Peter Justesen Company Peter Justesen Company Danoffice Trading Dell Computer A/S Dell Computer A/S Dan:Office Aps Kuhne And Nagel Dal Logistics Eagle Scientific Limited Eagle Scientific Limited Kuhne And Nagel Dal Logistics Dell Computer A/S Dell Computer A/S Mahe Airfreight Mahe Airfreight Eagle Scientific Limited Eagle Scientific Limited Eagle Scientific Limited Eagle Scientific Limited Kuhne And Nagel Dal Logistics Dan:Xx Kuhne And Nagel Dal Logistics Mahe Airfreight Mahe Airfreight Unicef Dinamarca Unicef Dinamarca Net Design A/S Net Design A/S Dell Computer A/S Dell Computer A/S Kuhne And Nagel Canon Danmark 86412-1 / Liberia - 3 X Ex-stock Ve Motorcycles 84101-1 : 24 Motos As Per Iapso Po Acess Swithces Cat3560 48x10/100+4x Freight Vehicles N.e.c. It Equipment Supply Of Computers, Servers And Ot Vehicles Freight Cr82309 Sea Freight Forwarding From Motorcycles 84929-1/Liberia - 22 X Motorcycles Medicine It Equipment Liberia - Office Equipment It Equipment Motorcycles, Off Road Vehicles It Equipment Liberia - It Equipment For Medicine Medicine Amphotericin B Pdr/Inj 50mg Vl/BoxVehicles It Equipment Laboratory Equipment Medicine Freight Airfreight Computer, Gx520 P4, 3,20 Ghz/800mhz Computer, Gx520 P4, 3,20 Ghz/800mhz It Equipment It Equipment 83063-1 Dell Equipment For Undp Sud It Equipment Freight Laboratory Equipment Laboratory Equipment(microscopes) A Freight Computers 82164-1 Processing Units For Edp An Airfreight Airfreight Laboratory Equipment 85360-6 (Corlab Scientific) Laborat Laboratory Equipment Cr81941 X-ray Machine And Accessori Shipping Transportation Generators Shipping Transportation Airfreight Airfreight Transport Arvs Against Ce 10006350 Except Niv Arvs Against Ce 10006350 Except Niv 85903-1, Communications 85903-1, Communications It Equipment 83531-3 : Dell Computer As Per Iaps Shipment Of 14 Vehicles From Port O 85519-4 9 X Photocopiers Medium S 48,010.00 47,620.00 47,620.00 47,540.00 46,420.00 46,230.00 46,190.00 45,770.00 45,250.00 44,000.00 44,000.00 42,890.00 42,890.00 42,780.00 41,750.00 41,750.00 41,660.00 41,260.00 41,190.00 41,150.00 41,150.00 40,960.00 40,630.00 40,630.00 40,140.00 38,920.00 38,630.00 38,540.00 38,460.00 38,000.00 37,260.00 37,260.00 37,170.00 36,750.00 36,750.00 35,870.00 35,290.00 34,590.00 34,590.00 34,550.00 34,490.00 34,490.00 34,320.00 33,140.00 32,870.00 32,870.00 32,710.00 32,710.00 32,340.00 31,730.00 31,440.00 31,400.00 31,400.00 31,380.00 31,380.00 31,260.00 31,260.00 30,370.00 30,370.00 30,170.00 30,030.00 Djibouti Djibouti Who - Regional Office For Europe Bileni Structures Who - Regional Office For Europe Bileni Structures Medicine Medicine 84,730.00 83,390.00 Dominican Republic Dominican Republic Dominican Republic Dominican Republic Dominican Republic Ferreteria Hache Ferreteria Hache Santo Domingo Motors Co. Decoraciones Guzman Decoraciones Guzman Adquisicíón De Aluzinc Acanalado/Li Adquisicíón De Aluzinc Acanalado/Li Doubles Cabin Acquisition Of Interior Doors Adquisición De Puertas De Interior 39,150.00 39,150.00 35,000.00 32,090.00 32,090.00 Ecuador Ecuador Ecuador Ecuador Ecuador Ecuador Ecuador Ecuador Fatosla C.a. Automekano Cia. Ltda. Skioda Sa Andeantrade S.a Uniplex Uniplex Andeantrade S.a Quito Motors S.a.comercial E Industrial 12296 Lpo06-15 90% Cif Vehicles Vehicles Switch Final Payment 32377 Lpo06004 85% Pago Final Switch Vehicles 99,650.00 98,980.00 95,290.00 62,450.00 47,250.00 47,250.00 41,630.00 40,340.00 Egypt Egypt Egyptian Trading & Automotive Co. Egyptian Trading & Automotive Co. Payment Payment 37,350.00 37,350.00 El Salvador El Salvador El Salvador El Salvador El Salvador El Salvador El Salvador El Salvador El Salvador El Salvador El Salvador El Salvador El Salvador El Salvador El Salvador El Salvador El Salvador El Salvador El Salvador El Salvador Secretaria De Integracion Economica C. Imberton, S.a. De C.v. Anibal De Jesus Zuniga Anibal De Jesus Zuniga C. Imberton, S.a. De C.v. C. Imberton, S.a. De C.v. Freund, S.a. De C.v. Freund, S.a. De C.v. Productos Roche Interamericana, S.a. Productos Roche Interamericana, S.a. Herramientas Centroamericanas, S.a. De C Herramientas Centroamericanas, S.a. De C C. Imberton, S.a. De C.v. Compañia Bristol-myers Squibb De Centro Amate Travel, S.a. De C.v. Anibal De Jesus Zuniga Anibal De Jesus Zuniga Alta Tecnologia, S.a. De C.v. Cristiani Burkard, S.a. De C.v. Cristiani Burkard, S.a. De C.v. First Disbursement For Consultancy Purchase Of Milk Similac And Ensure Manual Pump 20 Lts Manual Pump 20 Lts Purchase Of Drugs “ Lopinavir And R Purchase Of Drugs. Mascarilla Plástica Reutilizable. Mascarilla Plástica Reutilizable. Purchase Of Drugs. Purchase Of Reactives. Carretilla De Mano, Rueda Sólida De Carretilla De Mano, Rueda Sólida De Purchase Of Similac And Insure. Estavudina 40mg (D4t) 60 Tabs, Deli Air Tickets For Participants In Gua Hand Wheelbarrow, Type Chapina Hand Wheelbarrow, Type Chapina Payment No. 1 And No2 Of Contract B Item 2 - Semilla De Maiz Hs-5g - Bo Item 2 - Semilla De Maiz Hs-5g - Bo Eritrea Red Sea Trading Corporation Portland Cement Estonia Eesti Forwarder Ou Flow-type Cytofluorimeter Epics Xl- Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Drs Data Services Limited Drs Data Services Limited United Systems Integrators Plc Dawson Books General Mercantile Moenco Moenco Ecas Trading Pvt. Ltd. Co. Gibralter Plc Abadir Engineering Plc Neuronet P.l.c General Mercantile Questionnaires Printing Scanners & Accessories (Including S Ssa 45% Payment Books Generators Procurement Of Two Vehicles Procurement Of Two Vehicles Electrical Equipment Motor Vehicles Shelves Ssa From 30 May, 05 - 30 June, 05 Generators 73 810,160.00 226,650.00 156,480.00 156,480.00 110,160.00 78,210.00 55,340.00 55,340.00 54,330.00 54,330.00 52,530.00 52,530.00 49,920.00 49,000.00 41,380.00 38,000.00 38,000.00 33,500.00 31,370.00 31,370.00 88,000.00 84,000.00 1,518,100.00 925,710.00 123,340.00 92,580.00 63,750.00 61,030.00 61,030.00 42,530.00 41,070.00 41,050.00 40,100.00 37,760.00 Major Equipment ordered by Agency during 2006 (Orders of USD 30,000 or more) Agency / Location of Procurement Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) Total Cost (USD) UNDP cont. Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Gibralter Plc General Mercantile Gibralter Plc Alta Computec Plc Dawson Books Alta Computec Plc Motor Vehicles Generators Motor Vehicles Pumps, Compressors, Hydraulic And P Motor Vehicles Computer Hardware Or Software Renta 33,180.00 32,270.00 31,480.00 31,410.00 31,360.00 30,280.00 Fiji Fiji Office Products Office Products Computer Pc, Laptop/Portable Workstation 30,170.00 30,170.00 Finland Finland Finland Naps Systems Oy Naps Systems Oy Naps Systems Oy It Equipment France France France France France France France France France France France Campagnie Mediterraneennee De Commerce Mge Ups Systems S.a.s. Cfao Cps France Schneider Electric France Schneider Electric France Sdmo Cicc Fevam Induatrie Biomeriux Sa Sdmo Cicc Fevam Induatrie Sodexa Solar Panels Gabon Rti Technologies Peugeot 607 Sedan 34,160.00 Gambia Gambia Gamscot Production Project Gamscot Production Project Refrigerant Compressors Production Of Polling Materials For 33,700.00 33,700.00 Georgia Georgia Georgia Georgia Georgia Georgia Georgia Georgia Esabi Ltd Ugt Gegi Ltd Ugosetenergo Orient Logic Ltd Kristal 94 Greennet Ltd Logos Ltd. Production Of Polling Materials For 155,360.00 70,960.00 62,920.00 55,130.00 51,520.00 49,970.00 38,990.00 33,000.00 Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Sandberg & Schneidewind Sandberg & Schneidewind Helm Phramaceuticals Gmbh Helm Phramaceuticals Gmbh Sandberg & Schneidewind Sandberg & Schneidewind Sandberg & Schneidewind Sandberg & Schneidewind Sandberg & Schneidewind Heller & C Sandberg & Schneidewind Abbott Gmbh & Co.kg Abbott Gmbh & Co.kg Hospitalia International Gmbh Sandberg & Schneidewind Sandberg & Schneidewind Helm Phramaceuticals Gmbh Helm Phramaceuticals Gmbh Sandberg & Schneidewind Sandberg & Schneidewind Sandberg & Schneidewind Sick Maihak Gmbh Sandberg & Schneidewind Sandberg & Schneidewind Sandberg & Schneidewind Sandberg & Schneidewind Sandberg & Schneidewind Sandberg & Schneidewind 4tv Ebinger Prüf- Und Ortungstechnik Gmbh Ebinger Prüf- Und Ortungstechnik Gmbh Sandberg & Schneidewind Sandberg & Schneidewind Cytecs Gmbh Cytecs Gmbh Receivers, Telecommunication Cr83694 Medical And Surgical Equipm Male Latex Lubricated Condoms As Pe Laboratory Equipment Male Latex Lubricated Condoms As Pe Cr83860 Blood Bank Equipment For Li Laboratory Equipment 81858-1 Laboratory Equipment For An Laboratory Equipment Laboratory Equipment Printing, Publishing And Bookbindin Abbot - M 200 Rt, Laboratory Equipment Abbot - M 200 Rt, Cr81811 Laboratory Equipment As Per Horizontal Steam Application Unit Condoms Laboratory Equipment Cr83694 Reagents, Diagnostic Or Lab Condoms Laboratory Equipment Laboratory Equipment Laboratory Equipment Laboratory Equipment Various Laboratory Equipment For Th Laboratory Equipment Cr82261 Humalyzer Machines For Undp Laboratory Equipment Laboratory Equipment Large Loop Detectors Upex740m 01 Mdg/Cu/06/071 Cr81811 Blood Bank Refrigerators-qu Large Loop Detectors Upex740m 01 Laboratory Equipment 237,960.00 237,960.00 205,200.00 205,200.00 163,860.00 150,460.00 150,460.00 132,930.00 132,930.00 75,570.00 63,720.00 53,930.00 53,930.00 47,770.00 44,270.00 44,270.00 44,100.00 44,100.00 39,990.00 39,990.00 39,860.00 39,640.00 36,210.00 36,210.00 36,040.00 36,040.00 34,950.00 34,950.00 34,350.00 32,690.00 32,690.00 30,920.00 30,920.00 30,540.00 30,540.00 Ghana Ghana Ecozone Limited Ecozone Limited Laboratory Equipment Solar Panels Equipments And Accesso 119,110.00 119,110.00 Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Fundacion Desc Facenco, S.a. Facenco, S.a. Solar Panels Equipments And Accesso 54.87% Of Consultancy Services As P Beds 43,900.00 36,710.00 36,710.00 Guinea Guinea Guinea Guinea Guinea Guinea Guinea Guinea Guinea Guinea Dan:Xx Cisco Systeme,Inc Karou Voyages Eti.sa (Informatique & Internet) Dan:Xx Eti.sa (Informatique & Internet) Accoh Guinee Sarl Eti.sa (Informatique & Internet) Dan:Xx Entreprise Egte Beds Computer Equipment Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Travel Costs Paiement Biasy, Installation Vsat Motorcycles Communications Equipment And Accessories For Conne Paiement Eti 207,820.00 155,580.00 108,110.00 96,200.00 75,690.00 46,510.00 36,960.00 36,350.00 31,730.00 30,950.00 Guinea-Bissau Guinea-Bissau Petro-dis Petro-dis Furniture Gas Oils (Diesel Oil) 37,260.00 37,260.00 Guyana Guyana Holland E. Productions Holland’s Telecommunication Services Gas Oils (Diesel Oil) 91,340.00 91,340.00 Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Le Nouveau Matin Le Nouveau Matin Le Nouveau Matin Strategy Object Limited Sunauto S.a. Television Broadcasting- Payment Of Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras Dromeinter Drogueria Lopez, Empresa Laborat. Lopez Laboratorios Internacionales, S. De R.l. Drogueria Pharma Fabrica De Ropa Montecarlo S.a. De C.v. Farinter S.a. De C.v. Drogueria Hilca Laboratorio Finlay Fabrica De Ropa Montecarlo S.a. De C.v. Farinter S.a. De C.v. Eyl Comercial Drogueria Pharma Dromeinter Alfacom, S.a. Bayer De Honduras, Sa De Cv Corporacion Cefa S.a. De C.v. Drogueria Universal 79880-2 : Solar Panels As Per Iapso Dredgers And Dredging Equipment Mai Voltage Switz Purchase Of Medium Voltage Switch U Car, Jeep And Station Wagon Bodies Voltage Switz Generators + Accessori Watering Can/Arrosoir Hiv Test Kits Generators + Accessori Office, Computer And Communication Network Connection Equipment 10-bas Cleaning Machinery Electric Power Transmission Systems Computers, Laptop/Notebook Furniture, School Printing Ballots Printing Ballots Printing Ballots Hyundai Tucson Gl, 4x4, 2000cc Dohc Medicine Saldo Pendiente A Cancelar Del Cont Contrato De Adquisición De Medicame Saldo Contrato De Medicamentos Ss Adquisicion De Medicamentos Lpi/000 Adquisicion De Medicamentos Lpi/000 Medicine Saldo Pendiente De Cancelar- Contra Adquisicion De Medicamentos Lpi/000 Preservativos (Condones) Empaque In Medicine Medicine 74 2,425,110.00 33,500.00 33,500.00 1,448,090.00 422,000.00 192,850.00 116,810.00 116,810.00 75,460.00 63,530.00 59,340.00 56,970.00 49,560.00 31,560.00 1,397,300.00 864,180.00 185,160.00 99,200.00 35,400.00 1,528,290.00 917,930.00 805,340.00 675,100.00 604,080.00 377,400.00 288,850.00 266,850.00 210,580.00 197,190.00 164,340.00 124,400.00 123,740.00 117,390.00 Major Equipment ordered by Agency during 2006 (Orders of USD 30,000 or more) Agency / Location of Procurement Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) Total Cost (USD) UNDP cont. Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras Eyl Comercial Agropecuaria S.a. Drogueria Farsiman Decora Dromeinter Syre, S.a. De C.v. Siemens S.a. Yude Canahuati S.a De C.v. Decora Bayer De Honduras, Sa De Cv Corporacion Cefa S.a. De C.v. Laboratorio Finlay Promusic Industrias Panavision S.a. De C.v. Distribuidora Textil, S.a. (Ditex) Corporacion Masada Laboratorios Andifar Distribuidora De Motores, S.a. Distribuidora Comercial S.a. (Dicosa) Fabrica De Ropa Montecarlo S.a. De C.v. Farinter S.a. De C.v. Decora Reprimhsa Distribuidora Comercial S.a. (Dicosa) Analitica Hondureña, S.de R.l. Eyl Comercial Agropecuaria S.a. Bombas Motomochilas Adquisicion De Medicamentos Lpi/000 Porcelanato De 40x40 Algodon Medicine Autobus Con Capacidad Para 30 Perso Telephone Equipment Vehicles Porcelanato De 40x40 Algodon Medicine Medicine Diseño Producc. Y Reprod. Cda De 17 Medicine Tela Tipo Wadany O Similar Vehicles Medicine Motorcycles Cotton Jeans Esquineras Metallic Porcelanato Of 30x30 Carts Giemsa Bottles Recolectores Of Esputo With Insecticida Peritroide En Polvo Hum India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India Polycraft Rusan Pharma Ltd Savers Impex Supreme & Co. Rusan Pharma Ltd Angelique International Limited Hcl Infinet Limited Lupin Limited Dew Point Appliances Rusan Pharma Ltd Savers Impex Supreme & Co. Parkash Woollen Industries Tata Motors Limited Mohan Exports (India) Pvt Ltd Tata Motors Limited Frigtools Refrigeration & Engineering Co Tech Wizards Thomas International Hcl Infinet Limited Lupin Limited Tata Motors Limited Rusan Pharma Ltd Savers Impex Supreme & Co. Savers Impex Tagros Chemicals India Limited Tagros Chemicals India Limited Techno Relief Overseas(india)Pvt.ltd Techno Relief Overseas(india)Pvt.ltd Polycraft Dell Asia Pacific Sdn Dell Asia Pacific Sdn Hcl Infinet Limited Dell Asia Pacific Sdn Ideal Auto Services Frigtools Refrigeration & Engineering Co Tata Motors Limited Adico Spares Pvt Ltd Addnok Tab. 2mg ?10 (Buprenorphine Addnok Tab. 2mg Spare Parts It Equipment 2fdc It Equipment 90 Km Of Aluminum Conductors 120/20 Iapso 81339-1/Eth/Lm Blankets (1 Lo Tata Dump Truck Lpk1615 Tata Telcon Loader Twl 3036(2cbm) Tankers, Road Motor Portable Charging And Evacuation Un Large Station Bench As Per Qoute Da Singer 2818 Sewing Machine As Per S Rice Processing Machines It Equipment 2fdc 150/150 Procurement Of Tata Sumo Victa Ex 1 Tata Dump Truck Lpk 613 Naltrexone 50 Mg, Pack Of 10 Tablet Naltrexone 50 Mg, Pack Of 10 Tablet Insecticides. Alphacypermethrin 5%, Insecticides. Alphacypermethrin 5%, Singer 2818 Sewing Machine As Per S Large Station Bench As Per Qoute Da Singer 2818 Sewing Machine As Per S Consumable And Wear Parts For It Equipment It Equipment It Equipment It Equipment It Equipment It Equipment Spare Parts 325,400.00 278,600.00 278,600.00 234,900.00 132,160.00 129,050.00 108,240.00 104,260.00 100,000.00 94,200.00 93,000.00 67,600.00 55,850.00 51,900.00 51,480.00 49,640.00 49,370.00 48,600.00 44,550.00 44,550.00 40,000.00 40,000.00 37,450.00 37,450.00 36,650.00 36,110.00 36,110.00 35,830.00 34,560.00 33,780.00 33,320.00 31,330.00 30,680.00 Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Waymark Infotech Universal Print Group Waymark Infotech Universal Print Group Waymark Infotech Universal Print Group Computer Centre(tz) Limited Universal Print Group St Augustine University Of Tanzania Waymark Infotech Makmur Gracia, Pt Export Trading Co. Ltd Universal Print Group Satcom Networks Africa Ltd Dt Dobie&Company(t) Ltd Undp/Inter Agency Proc. Services Office General Trading Limited Computech Ics (T) Limited Makmur Gracia, Pt Sound Ideas Simply Computers Rex Investment Limited Spss East Africa Limited Suba Agro-trading & Engineering Co Ltd Suba Agro-trading & Engineering Co Ltd Simply Computers General Trading Limited Computech Ics (T) Limited Mantrac General Trading Limited Computech Ics (T) Limited Makmur Gracia, Pt Procurement Of Tata Sumo Victa Ex 1 Tata Dump Truck Lpk 613 Procurement Of Adico Spare Parts Fo Toyota Pickups Vehicles Completion Of The Capture Of Zone 1 Training Forms For Pnvr Commencement Of Contract Toyota (Japan) Land Cruiser 4wd Har Completion Of The Capture Of Zone Registration Forms Completion Of The Capture Of Zone 1 Payment On Commencement Of Contract Training Forms For Pn Toyota (Japan) Land Cruiser 4wd Har Completion Of The Capture Of Zone Registration Forms Vehicles Universal Print Group For 35,000 Ca Establishment Of Ict Services For T Completion Of The Capture Of Zone 1 Payment On Commencement Of Contract Training Forms For Pn Truck With Arm Roll And Hydrulic; E Nissan Pick Up Hardbody Double Cabi Urea Fertilizer As Quoted Under You Universal Print: Reg. Registration Provision Of Local Area Network To Dell Latitude D620 Laptop Computers Nissan Pick Up Hardbody Double Cabi Urea Fertilizer As Quoted Under You Toyota (Japan) Land Cruiser 4wd Har Completion Of The Capture Of Zone Registration Forms Motorcycle Installation Of Network Points For Servers Dump Truck With Container; Engine T Dell Optiplex Gx520 Intel Pentium I Communication Materials To Support Provision Of Local Area Network To Dell Latitude D620 Laptop Computers Pv Solar Equipment Systems For The Statistical Software Sc 513 Maize Seed Sc 627 Maize Seed Dell Optiplex Gx520 Intel Pentium I Communication Materials To Support Suzuki Tf125 Trial Farm Motorcycle Installation Of Network Points For Servers - Power Dell Edge 2850 W 726,770.00 594,630.00 512,440.00 275,000.00 267,380.00 261,180.00 256,170.00 215,250.00 180,000.00 100,000.00 94,470.00 82,870.00 70,200.00 68,030.00 62,400.00 57,170.00 55,940.00 55,190.00 51,170.00 51,040.00 47,180.00 46,650.00 38,370.00 38,370.00 35,310.00 33,930.00 33,600.00 33,050.00 32,810.00 Low/Medium Pressure Variable Ratio 99,170.00 91,870.00 87,600.00 85,380.00 76,510.00 71,650.00 70,630.00 68,640.00 61,320.00 60,260.00 58,420.00 52,540.00 45,900.00 42,250.00 42,220.00 41,650.00 40,800.00 40,750.00 39,000.00 38,080.00 34,650.00 33,330.00 31,480.00 Iraq Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd. Suzuki Tf125 Trial Farm Motorcycle Installation Of Network Points For Servers - Power Dell Edge 2850 W Israel Israel Israel Israel Ortek Ltd Union Motors Union Motors Union Motors Pick-up Truck; Engine Type4 Cylinde Maintenance And Repair Services. 2 Solar Panels Equipments And Accesso Maintenance And Repair Services. 3 4,061,400.00 80,050.00 80,050.00 31,730.00 Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Co.ri.mec. Italiana S.p.a. Impianti Oms Spa Co.ri.mec. Italiana S.p.a. Co.ri.mec. Italiana S.p.a. Gtp Service S.r.l Co.ri.mec. Italiana S.p.a. Co El Mo Srl Impianti Oms Spa Galileo Tp Process Equipment Co.ri.mec. Italiana S.p.a. Gtp Service S.r.l M.f.b. Di Monchio & C. S.n.c. Officine Di Annone Srl M.f.b. Di Monchio & C. S.n.c. Co El Mo Srl Co El Mo Srl Co.ri.mec. Italiana S.p.a. Impianti Oms Spa Corade Spa Corade Spa Gtp Service S.r.l Gtp Service S.r.l Costruzioni Elettroniche Industriali-aut Galileo Tp Process Equipment Gtp Service S.r.l Toyota Vehicles, 4wd, Land Cruiser Toyota Land Cruiser 82945-2,Houses, Portable 82945-2,Houses, Portable 5 Units Of Low/Medium-pressure Foam Freight Forwarding Office Containers Refrigerant Recovery & Accessories Office Containers 84858-1 / 22 X Office Containers Fo Sets Of Generators 3 Units Of Low/Medium-pressure Foam 84024-1,Furniture, Office, Other Th Double-stage Rotary Vane Vacuum Pu 85395-1 / 33 X Sets Of Generators Refrigerant Recovery & Accessories Furniture, Office, Other Th Generators Hand Tools, Masonry Furniture Automatic Recovery Recycling Units Trolley-mounted, Office Containers F Trolley-mounted, Semi Automatic Furniture 1,923,270.00 668,200.00 305,740.00 273,650.00 246,440.00 161,130.00 141,360.00 116,700.00 110,400.00 109,270.00 101,740.00 100,520.00 100,520.00 99,550.00 99,550.00 99,110.00 95,400.00 88,220.00 88,220.00 80,410.00 78,140.00 65,670.00 50,600.00 47,250.00 75 500,000.00 Major Equipment ordered by Agency during 2006 (Orders of USD 30,000 or more) Agency / Location of Procurement Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) Total Cost (USD) UNDP cont. Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Gtp Service S.r.l Impianti Oms Spa Impianti Oms Spa M.f.b. Di Monchio & C. S.n.c. Officine Di Annone Srl Officine Di Annone Srl Furniture Refrigerant Recovery & Accessories Refrigerant Equipments 4 Units Of Low/Medium-pressure Foam Sea Freight Charges 44,520.00 40,300.00 34,730.00 33,440.00 33,440.00 Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Hitachi, Ltd., Power Systems Hitachi, Ltd., Power Systems Hitachi, Ltd., Power Systems Nissan Trading Company Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd. Orient Trading Co., Ltd Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Orient Trading Co., Ltd Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Toyota Motor Corporation Sumitomo Chemical Company Ltd Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation J Gerber And Co (Japan) Ltd Nissan Trading Company Nissan Trading Company Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Nissan Trading Company Nissan Trading Co. Ltd. Toyota Motor Corporation Nissan Trading Company Nissan Trading Company Nissan Trading Company J Gerber And Co (Japan) Ltd J Gerber And Co (Japan) Ltd Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corp Itochu Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation M/S. Kokusai Links Co., Ltd. Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd. M/S. Kokusai Links Co., Ltd. Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Tsusho Corporation Toyota Tsusho Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Nissan Trading Company Toyota Motor Corporation Nissan Trading Company Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Cash Rehabilitation Of Units Cash Rehabilitation Of Units Cash Rehabilitation Of Units Vehivles Vehicles, All Terrain, Truck, Speci Motor Vehicles Mitsubishi L200 Gl, Model K74tjensr Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Land Cruiser Prado 4x4, Model: Lj12 Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Iapso 80921-1/Ang - Motorcycles 60 Motor Vehicles 84972-3 Seven Nissan Pickups From J Iapso 80921-1/Ang - Motorcycles 60 Toyota Land Cruiser 4x4 Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles 84972-1 Four Nissan Vehicles For Li Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles 85755-1 Motorcycles With Accessorie Motor Vehicles 85755-1 Motorcycles With Accessorie Motor Vehicles Toyota Land Cruiser 4x4 Station Wag Vehicles, All Terrain, Truck, Speci Motor Vehicles Mitsubishi L200 Gl, Model K74tjensr Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Mitsubishi L200 Gl, Model K74tjensr 81220-1/Zwe/Lm 1 X Toyota Land Crui Mitsubishi L200 Gl, Model K74tjensr Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles 83853-1, Motor Vehicles And Parts A Motor Vehicles 85747-1 / Liberia 3 X Units Ex-fact Motor Vehicles Car Toyota Royal Saloon Motor Vehicles Car Toyota Royal Saloon Vehicles 3gr-fe(462 Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles 8,500,000.00 6,321,640.00 6,200,000.00 635,620.00 500,000.00 355,200.00 303,570.00 282,410.00 249,630.00 228,920.00 222,000.00 218,920.00 209,900.00 195,760.00 168,760.00 128,980.00 110,880.00 109,750.00 109,540.00 109,540.00 101,970.00 101,970.00 93,940.00 93,940.00 89,260.00 84,340.00 82,310.00 82,060.00 82,060.00 75,670.00 73,030.00 73,030.00 70,610.00 67,370.00 65,520.00 61,470.00 60,900.00 53,180.00 52,470.00 49,870.00 49,150.00 48,720.00 44,600.00 44,600.00 44,480.00 43,910.00 43,650.00 42,620.00 42,620.00 41,760.00 41,760.00 36,370.00 36,370.00 33,780.00 33,380.00 32,850.00 32,210.00 31,830.00 31,420.00 Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Al Ruba Company Ltd Jordan Data Systems Antemina International L.l.c. Orient Transport Co. Billeh Electrical Materials Co. Billeh Electrical Materials Co. Jordan Data Systems Billeh Electrical Materials Co. Specialized Technical Services (Sts) Computer & Engineering Bureau Mojab For Technology & Engineering Aviocom Technologies Al Saad Trading Est Billeh Electrical Materials Co. Image Technologies (Itec) Image Technologies (Itec) Motor Vehicles Vehicle_ Toyota Land Cruiser Statio Motor Vehicles Supply Of Toyota Glx-hilu Freight Forwarding Spare Parts Spare Parts Cost Of Laptops Spare Parts Computer Hardware Computer Equipment Kazakhstan Kazakhstan Kazakhstan Kazakhstan Kazakhstan Kazakhstan Smc Plus Ltd Smc Plus Ltd Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Private Sector Wilmers Environment Systems Spare Parts #3advpmntcontr#06-150-s/A50%Pmnt Supply 11kv , 100a Distribution Fus Vehicle Toyota Prado Mod. Grj120l-g Spare Parts Computer Equipment Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Spartan Trading Company Ryce Motors Limited Wireless Innovations Wireless Innovations Spartan Trading Company Rhino Leisure & Safari Spartan Trading Company Spartan Trading Company Wireless Innovations Nairobi Ltd Spartan Trading Company Mfi Office Solutions Mfi Office Solutions Spartan Trading Company Millennium Information Technologies Ltd Smart Printers Limited Smart Printers Limited Ryce Motors Limited Ryce Motors Limited Unops Esa Regional Office Large Size Aluminium Cooking Pot With Lid Standard Sw/Am/Fm Radio With Set Of #3advpmntcontr#06-150-s/A50%Pmnt Vehicle Toyota Prado Mod. Grj120l-g Radio Transmitters For Srt Enumerat Khudaikulov//100%Pmnt/Germanshepher Windmeasurementsystem Air Freight Charges To Kinshasa Air Freight Charges To Kinshasa Toyota Landcruiser Hardtop For Unoc Radio Transmitters For Srt Enumerat Blankets Tent Man Tent Large Size Aluminium Cooking Pot With Lid Standard Sw/Am/Fm Radio With Set Of Trousers For Men Communication Equipment Manufacture Printed World Aids Day T-shirts T-s Trousers For Men - Large Size Aluminium Cooking Pot With Lid Standard Toyota Land Cruiser Long Wheel Base Photocopiers(heavy Duty) For Public Kosovo Kosovo Kosovo Kosovo Kosovo Kosovo Autotrade Sh.p.k. Ltg Ltg Dan Church Aid Dan Church Aid Medicom Trousers For Men - Large Size Aluminium Cooking Pot With Lid Standard Sw/Am/Fm Radio With Set Of Surveillance/Control Systems Transport Equipment, Other And Part Printed World Aids Day T-shirts T-s Contracts Toyota Land Cruiser Long Wheel Base Vehicles, All Terrain, Truck, Light Cost Of Desktops Pick-ups 76 680,830.00 348,100.00 233,750.00 214,630.00 162,500.00 142,000.00 125,280.00 111,000.00 99,480.00 84,210.00 71,820.00 47,620.00 45,600.00 42,400.00 39,890.00 39,890.00 34,750.00 34,750.00 32,620.00 32,620.00 32,000.00 30,640.00 409,460.00 97,500.00 85,570.00 85,570.00 63,750.00 59,340.00 56,640.00 55,800.00 50,550.00 43,400.00 40,500.00 39,930.00 34,800.00 31,440.00 31,420.00 31,420.00 30,280.00 30,280.00 30,090.00 77,570.00 75,000.00 75,000.00 50,290.00 50,290.00 34,840.00 Major Equipment ordered by Agency during 2006 (Orders of USD 30,000 or more) Agency / Location of Procurement Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) Total Cost (USD) UNDP cont. Kyrgystan Kyrgystan Kyrgystan Kyrgystan Kyrgystan Tfi International Llc Tfi International Llc Bishkekselmashstroy Plant Ltd Uazservice Cjc Uazservice Cjc Supervision/Inspection Of Equipment Contract For Works#06-011 Vehicle Purchase Vehicle for dog transportation (wit Vehicle For Dog Transportation (Wit Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Matelec Sal Midware Data Systems Sal Matelec Sal Matelec Sal Matelec Sal Matelec Sal Matelec Sal Lindustry Off Shore Lindustry Off Shore Distributiontrans Equipment Hardware For M Distributiontrans Distributiontrans Distributiontrans Distributiontrans Distributiontrans Mobile Radiographic Unit, With 20 K Automatic Anaesthesia Machine, Moun Lesotho Lesotho Monument Toyota West Rand Maseru Toyota Procurement Of A Motor Vehicle Procurement Of A Motor Vehicle Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Africa Motors Africa Motors Liberia Inland Construction Associate Liberia Inland Construction Associate Liberia Inland Construction Associate Liberia Inland Construction Associate Liberia+Cement+Corporation Liberia Inland Construction Associate Beever Company Inc. Beever Company Inc. Mystic Production Inc Center For Skill Training&General Cons. Center For Skill Training&General Cons. United Nations Mission In Liberia Liberia+Cement+Corporation Liberia Inland Construction Associate Africa Motors Africa Motors Cytecs Gmbh Cytecs Gmbh Catteografik Press Africa Motors Africa Motors National Printers Liberia Inland Construction Associate Liberia Inland Construction Associate Nissan Terrano Station Wagon-4wd Td Nissan Terrano Station Wagon-4wd Td Completion Of Work Upon 50% Completion Of Work Completion Of Work Upon 90% Completion Of Work Upon Signature Of The Contract For Cement: Portland Cement: Portland Tool Kits, Computer Repairs Course Tool Kits, Computer Repairs Course T-shirts T-shirts Renovation / Construction Of Zwedru Vehicles Upon Signature Of The Contract For Cement: Portland Upon Signature Of The Contract For Motorcycle Honda Xl125 Motorcycle Honda Xl125 Easy Count Kit Cd4 Easy Count Kit ( Reagents Kit F T-shirts Motorcycle Honda Xl200 Motorcycle Honda Xl200 T-shirts Easy Count Kit 90 Days After Issuance Of Certifica Lithuania Galuotas” Uab Project Management Madagascar Madagascar Madagascar Madagascar Madagascar Madagascar Madagascar Madagascar Madagascar Telemad Blanche Birger A.p.m.a (Rank Xerox) Blanche Birger Pharmacie Metropole Toyota Rasseta Auto Diffusion Blanche Birger Global Plus Lan File Servers Line Printers Laser Printers Printer Accessories Medical Consumables Vehicles, All Terrain Vehicles, All Terrain Impact Matrix Printers Mobile Satellite Communications 339,180.00 203,290.00 105,650.00 68,750.00 68,720.00 59,540.00 47,270.00 46,630.00 39,840.00 Malawi Malawi Farmers World Ltd Ideaa Bunda Project Three Fertilisers Groundnuts (Peanuts), Green 270,880.00 30,310.00 Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia Dell Asia Pacific Sdn Dell Asia And Pacific Sdn Dell Asia Pacific Sdn Dell Asia Pacific Sdn Dell Asia Pacific Sdn Dell Asia Pacific Sdn Performance Pc Computer Ao-210ldt Dell Optiplex 21 Personal Computer (Mid Range) Mid-range Server Desktop Computer Mid Range Pc 109,790.00 98,250.00 57,830.00 52,510.00 30,620.00 30,620.00 Maldives Maldives Maldives Maldives Maldives Maldives Maldives Maldives Maldives Maldives Maldives Maldives Maldives Maldives Maldives Maldives Maldives Maldives Maldives Maldives Maldives Maldives Maldives Maldives Maldives Maldives Maldives Maldives Maldives Maldives Maldives Coastline Investments Pvt. Ltd Coastline Investments Pvt. Ltd Coastline Investments Pvt. Ltd Coastline Investments Pvt. Ltd Coastline Investments Pvt. Ltd Coastline Investments Pvt. Ltd Century International Trading Llc Century International Trading Llc Focus Education Centre Focus Education Centre Focus Education Centre Focus Education Centre Focus Education Centre Focus Education Centre Coastline Investments Pvt. Ltd Coastline Investments Pvt. Ltd Coastline Investments Pvt. Ltd Coastline Investments Pvt. Ltd Sonee Hardware Focus Education Centre Coastline Investments Pvt. Ltd Coastline Investments Pvt. Ltd Focus Education Centre Focus Education Centre Coastline Investments Pvt. Ltd Coastline Investments Pvt. Ltd Coastline Investments Pvt. Ltd Coastline Investments Pvt. Ltd Freight Links Global Pvt. Ltd. Focus Education Centre Peter Edwin Gill Hosking Building Materials Coarse Sand Building Materials Ltabldingmaterialsblk1 Building Mat Building Materials Ltabldingmaterialsblk2 Building Mat Procurement Of Doors And Windows As Ordinary Grey, Cl Milestone Milestone Milestone 2 - 30% Milestone 3 - 30% Milestone Milestone 1 - 25% Cement Aggregate Aggregate Procurement Of Doors And Windows As Construction Materials As Per Below Construction Materials As Per Below Coarse Sand Cement Milestone 15% Upon Signing Sand Sand Building Materials River Coarse Sand Transportation Of 570 Tonnes Of Bui Transportation Of 570 Tonnes Of Bui Consultations 986,650.00 986,650.00 857,960.00 857,960.00 729,270.00 729,270.00 431,960.00 431,960.00 102,260.00 102,260.00 102,260.00 102,260.00 85,220.00 85,220.00 84,400.00 84,400.00 78,490.00 78,490.00 76,230.00 76,230.00 53,140.00 53,140.00 51,130.00 51,130.00 39,530.00 39,530.00 34,040.00 34,040.00 32,720.00 32,720.00 32,400.00 Mali Mali Mali Mali Mali Mali Mali Mali United Nations Children’s Fund United Nations Children’s Fund Cfao Cps France Sera Mali Toyota Gibraltar Toyota Gibraltar Toyota Gibraltar Toyota Gibraltar Commande D’arv Pharmaceutical Products N.e.c. Car, Jeep And Station Wagon Bodies Car, Jeep And Station Wagon Bodies Automobiles, Utility Vehicles Paiement Gibraltar Car, Jeep And Station Wagon Bodies Automobiles, Utility Vehicles Paiement Gibraltar Car, Jeep And Station Wagon Bodies Automobiles, Utility Vehicles Paiement Gibraltar Vehicles, All Terrain Vehicles, All Terrain Mauritania Mauritania Mauritania Mauritania Global Cnc Papeterie 2000 Imprimerie Ideale Global Cnc Voting Equipment Furniture, Office, Other Than Chair Printing On Demand Payment 86,620.00 51,630.00 38,920.00 36,730.00 Mauritius Mauritius Floatdene International Ltd. Floatdene International Ltd. Engine 40 Hp Procurement Of 18 Individual Fishi 69,310.00 49,810.00 77 954,690.00 954,690.00 37,000.00 35,180.00 35,180.00 2,675,800.00 1,115,110.00 478,050.00 335,800.00 200,430.00 62,000.00 50,110.00 33,200.00 31,300.00 55,010.00 33,490.00 130,000.00 130,000.00 127,960.00 127,960.00 111,970.00 111,970.00 109,370.00 109,370.00 107,240.00 107,240.00 75,000.00 73,270.00 73,270.00 49,540.00 47,990.00 47,990.00 45,900.00 45,900.00 41,880.00 41,880.00 40,000.00 39,000.00 39,000.00 32,000.00 31,990.00 31,990.00 59,420.00 1,123,230.00 215,110.00 192,850.00 159,760.00 132,000.00 70,810.00 48,480.00 48,480.00 Major Equipment ordered by Agency during 2006 (Orders of USD 30,000 or more) Agency / Location of Procurement Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) Total Cost (USD) UNDP cont. Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Control Tec Y Representaciones Sa De Cv Dell Mexico Sa De Cv Bayer De Mexico Sa De Cv Cmcp Mexico Sa De Cv Impape, S.a. De C.v. Abalat Sa De Cv Bayer De Mexico Sa De Cv Cmcp Mexico Sa De Cv Solyz Impresores S De Rl De Cv Z Films, S.a. De C.v. Laboratorios Rapil Sa De Cv Control Tec Y Representaciones Sa De Cv Dell Mexico Sa De Cv Maria Del Carmen Vazquez Escalante Automotriz Meta Sa De Cv Oliver Gantner Weimer Programe Sa De Cv Pedro Carrasco Rivera Solyz Impresores S De Rl De Cv Z Films, S.a. De C.v. Computer Equipment Generators Contracts Vehicles Producto Permetrina, Marca Aqua-res Contracts Fast Test Of Two Passages For Computer Equipment Contracts Vehicles Contracts Impression Of The Publication Anticipates Contracts Impression Of The Publication Anticipates Contracts Contracts Moldova Moldova (R) Ap Infotag Srl (R) Fors Computer Srl Editing And Publishing The Parliame Workstation, Hp Compaq Business Des 44,470.00 30,050.00 292,600.00 264,610.00 194,470.00 129,490.00 111,110.00 110,850.00 72,180.00 70,470.00 58,270.00 40,470.00 39,140.00 38,350.00 32,150.00 31,180.00 Mongolia Khurd Auto Co., Ltd Passenger/Cargo Van 46,000.00 Mozambique Mozambique Mozambique Mozambique Mozambique Mozambique Mozambique Mozambique Bytes & Pieces Lda Ipcom Lda Entreposto Com.de Moc.s.a.r.l. Ricotecnica De Mocambique Lda. Afritool (Pty) Ltd Mz Buziness.co.lda Mz Buziness.co.lda Motorcare Lda Computers Acquisition Hp Desktop 2double Cab4x4 Veh Gaza It Equipm For Gazaproject 8motorbikes125cc Forgaza Computer Network Communication Equi Computer Network Communication Equi Purchas Vehicle M Village 87,310.00 82,300.00 72,470.00 51,390.00 36,490.00 34,990.00 34,990.00 32,600.00 Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Sein Phoo Services Co., Ltd Win Win Win International Co. Ltd. Zero Zero Seven Population Svcs Intl. (Psi) Aung Moe Hein Co., Ltd. Win Win Win International Co. Ltd. Zero Zero Seven Company Aung Moe Hein Co., Ltd. Aung Moe Hein Co., Ltd. Farm Trucks Amw Kits Deltamethrin 25% Tablet (Vbdc) Power Tiller Daungfeng Brand, 151, Trailer Jeep 7’cgi Sheet With 28 Gauge 6' Cgi Sheet With 28 Gauge Nepal Nepal Nepal Kanishka Marketing Pvt. Ltd. Aakirti International (P) Ltd. Aakirti International (P) Ltd. All Partitioning Job, Vertical Blin Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Ida Foundation Ida Hiv/Aids Group Ida Hiv/Aids Group Ida Hiv/Aids Group Ida Hiv/Aids Group International Dispensary Association Ida Foundation International Dispensary Association Ida Foundation Ida Foundation International Dispensary Association International Dispensary Association Ida Hiv/Aids Group Ida Hiv/Aids Group International Dispensary Association International Dispensary Association International Dispensary Association Ida Foundation Ida Foundation Ida Hiv/Aids Group Ida Hiv/Aids Group International Dispensary Association Ida Foundation The Medical Export Group International Dispensary Association International Dispensary Association International Dispensary Association International Dispensary Association International Dispensary Association Ida Foundation Ida Foundation Drc B.v. Ida Foundation Ida Foundation International Dispensary Association Ida Foundation Ida Foundation International Dispensary Association Ida Foundation Ida Foundation Ida Foundation Dutchmed International B.v. International Dispensary Association International Dispensary Association International Dispensary Association International Dispensary Association Svizera Europe Bv International Dispensary Association International Dispensary Association Ida Foundation Ida Foundation International Dispensary Association International Dispensary Association International Dispensary Association International Dispensary Association Polaroid Trading B.v. International Dispensary Association International Dispensary Association International Dispensary Association International Dispensary Organization The Medical Export Group International Dispensary Association International Dispensary Association International Dispensary Association International Dispensary Association Ida Foundation Ida Foundation Ida Foundation International Dispensary Association Ida Foundation International Dispensary Association Ida Foundation Ida Foundation Ida Foundation International Dispensary Association International Dispensary Association Ida Foundation Ida Foundation International Dispensary Association All Partitioning Job, Vertical Blin Pharmaceutical Products N.e.c. Antiretroviral (Arvs) Listed As Per Pharmaceutical Products N.e.c. Drugs And Medicines Industry Antiretroviral (Arvs) Listed As Per Drugs And Medicines Industry Efavirenz 600 Mg Medical And Other Technical Equipme Pago De Antiretrovirales (Incluye E Abacavir 300 Mg Laboratory Equipment Pharmaceutical Products N.e.c. 20% Advance Payment On The Whole Or Purchase Of Drugs Purchase Of Drugs Purchase Of Drugs Purchase Of Drugs Pago De Antiretrovirales (Incluye D Purchase Of Drugs Purchase Of Arvs /3rd Po For Adults Laboratory Equipment Purchase Of Drugs Purchase Of Drugs Laboratory Equipment Laboratory Equipment Purchase Of Drugs Purchase Of Drugs Purchase Of Drugs Blood Bags Efavirenz 600mg / Pack Of 30 Tablet Hiv Determine Laboratory Equipment Long-lasting Insecticide Bednets Analysing Equipment, Medical Laboratory Equipment Lamivudine 150mg+Zidovudine 300mg / Zidovudina Laboratory Equipment Final Payment For Procurement Of Ar Purchase Of Drugs Laboratory Equipment Laboratory Consumables Mortuary Supplies, Mortuary Freezer Purchase Of Drugs Drugs Drugs Antituberculosis Drugs Purchase Of Drugs Antituberculosis Drugs Compra De Reactivos De Laboratorio Purchase Of Drugs Laboratory Equipment Purchase Of Drugs Hepatitis B Hbsag Determine *A 100 Purchase Of Drugs Polaroid Camara’s & Film For Voter Hiv Determine Hiv 1+2 Determine (Abbott 7d23) *A Polaroid Camara’s & Film For Voter Hiv Determine Condoms, 12084 Boxes X 144pcs Incl. Laboratory Equipment Nelfinavir 250 Mg Blood Collection Tubes 5ml Plain Si Didanosina 100mg Blood Bag 50% Prepayment For Arv Drugs As Per Condoms Purchase Of Drugs Purchase Of Drugs Final Payment For Arv Drugs As Per Laboratory Equipment Didanozine 400mg Enteric Coated / P Purchase Of Drugs Needles 21 Gx 1.5 Vacutainer-100 Pc Laboratory Equipment Nevirapine 10mg/Ml Oral Suspension Needles 21 Gx 1.5 Vacutainer-100 Pc Destination Support Package 78 110,000.00 88,810.00 84,830.00 79,450.00 72,610.00 44,930.00 37,430.00 42,820.00 33,760.00 33,760.00 4,853,120.00 1,296,920.00 1,296,920.00 977,930.00 977,930.00 883,430.00 681,800.00 582,110.00 393,900.00 393,900.00 362,350.00 361,680.00 324,230.00 324,230.00 313,850.00 306,760.00 304,170.00 287,020.00 287,020.00 200,380.00 200,380.00 166,140.00 164,760.00 148,270.00 135,760.00 123,390.00 119,440.00 109,220.00 102,810.00 101,720.00 101,720.00 99,940.00 92,860.00 92,860.00 89,410.00 81,080.00 81,080.00 68,600.00 67,790.00 67,790.00 67,740.00 65,000.00 63,570.00 61,840.00 52,360.00 51,740.00 51,610.00 51,610.00 49,950.00 49,340.00 49,340.00 48,980.00 48,520.00 46,430.00 46,430.00 46,410.00 46,410.00 45,860.00 45,860.00 45,320.00 43,380.00 42,870.00 40,940.00 39,430.00 39,430.00 39,170.00 38,570.00 38,570.00 37,850.00 37,800.00 37,800.00 37,800.00 37,080.00 37,080.00 36,490.00 36,490.00 36,180.00 36,180.00 34,420.00 Major Equipment ordered by Agency during 2006 (Orders of USD 30,000 or more) Agency / Location of Procurement Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) Total Cost (USD) UNDP cont. Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands International Dispensary Association The Medical Export Group Ida Foundation Ida Foundation International Dispensary Association International Dispensary Association Ida Foundation Blood Collection Tubes 5ml Edta- K Laboratory Equipment Blood Bag Abacavir 300mg / Pack Of 60 Tablets Solar Vaccine Blood Bag Cpd 63ml For 450ml Blood Laboratory Equipment New Zealand New Zealand Commsystems Ltd Peter Edwin Gill Hosking Blood Bag Transport Operations 351,270.00 32,400.00 Nicaragua Nicaragua Nicaragua Nicaragua Nicaragua Nicaragua Nicaragua Nicaragua Nicaragua Nicaragua Nicaragua Nicaragua Holcim De Nicaragua Sa Comergesa Gbm De Nicaragua Agronegocios S A Datatex Raya Sa Horticola Ecologista Sa (Horteco) Elda Maria Pastora Centeno Syscom Sa Syscom Sa F Alf Pellas S A Monolit De Nicaragua Sa Ebinger Ordnance Detector Eb 421 Gc Consultations Cements Contracts(last Pymt) Computer Hardware Or Software Renta Rice Seeds Inversores Tripplite Aps 1250v Traffic Signs(leds Green 300 Mm Rice Seeds Wood Purchase Furniture 85 % Last Pymt Furniture 85% Pymt On Contract 155,410.00 121,660.00 79,860.00 73,210.00 72,880.00 62,100.00 61,380.00 44,100.00 42,690.00 42,520.00 41,500.00 35,250.00 Niger Toutelec Niger Perlin Joist Purchase Nigeria Nigeria Nigeria Nigeria Nigeria Nigeria Nigeria Nigeria Nigeria Tec Mac Sri Tec Mac Sri Gf Technology Co Ltd Cannon -viking Ltd Ministry Of Economic Planning, Kaduna Agricultural Input Supply Project Gtesc Universal Furniture Ltd Verizon Technologies Ltd Power Supplies Power Supplies Semi Auto Industrial Process Machinery And Eq Semi Auto Industrial Process Machinery And Eq Semi Auto Industrial Process Machinery And Eq Semi Auto Industrial Process Machinery And Eq Furniture Seeds, Maize And Fertilizers To Mdv Furniture Norway Norway Supertanker As Supertanker As Telecommunication Equipment-vsat C Mdg Midia Campaign Week 51-52 2005 128,320.00 128,320.00 Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Zahra Tents Industries Pvt Ltd Computer Super Market Dell Asia And Pacific Sdn Interwood Mobel (Pvt) Ltd., Interwood Mobel (Pvt) Ltd., Saturn Solutions Pakistan Saturn Solutions Pakistan Saturn Solutions Pakistan Saturn Solutions Pakistan Qureshi Fire Control Services Ghandhara Nissan Limited Sigma Motors (Pvt) Ltd Mdg Midia Campaign Week 51-52 2005 Balance Payment On For Supplying Of Tents Computers, Laptop/Notebook 83135-2, Furniture Computer Ao-210ldt Dell Optiplex 21 84370-1, Security And Safety Equipm 83135-2, Furniture 83620-1, Security And Safety Equipm 84370-1, Security And Safety Equipm Nissan Sunny 1.3l Exs A/T For Erra Balance Payment On For Supplying Of Tents 235,750.00 134,310.00 98,250.00 97,030.00 97,030.00 50,010.00 50,010.00 49,460.00 49,460.00 41,930.00 35,970.00 31,790.00 Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Dell Marketing L.p. C/O Dell Usa L.p. Msli Latam, Inc. Sonitel, S.a. Sinergit Panama, S.a. Abm Worldwide Technologies Inc Security And Technology, S.a. Cia Chiricana De Automoviles, Sa Cibernetica, S.a. Fertitec, S.a. Ingramar, S.a. Multitek Pacifico Rodeiba, S.a. Tecnologia Aplicada, S.a. (Tecnasa) Sonset, S.a. Sonitel, S.a. Advanced Techno Products, Inc. Promocion Medicas, S.a. Trex America, Inc. Trex America, Inc. Inversiones Metalicas, S.a Cardoze & Lindo, S.a. Inmobiliaria Punta Del Este, S.a. Panamena De Motores, S.a. Quifar Internacional, Sa Bombasa Powerlink Corp. Almacenes Geneva Icaza Gbm De Panama, S.a. Multitek Pacifico, S.a. Advanced Techno Products, Inc. Sonitel, S.a. Tecnologia Aplicada, S.a. (Tecnasa) Sonset, S.a. Caja De Ahorros Powerlink Corp. E.b. Tecnologia, S.a. Rodeiba, S.a. Grupo Q Panama S.a Plastimetal, S.a. Durman Esquivel, S. A. Dell Computer Corp. Gsi Internacional Inc Contratistas Internacionales, S.a. Compulab Ricardo Perez, S.a. Gbm De Panama, S.a. Durman Esquivel, S. A. Abernathy, S.a. Dell Marketing L.p. C/O Dell Usa L.p. E-business Distribution, S.a E-business Distribution, S.a. Verite Broadcast Panama,Sa Durman Esquivel, S. A. Fertitec, S.a. Ricardo Perez, S.a. Sonitel, S.a. Plastimetal, S.a. Ultramar Commercial Corporation Ricardo Perez, S.a. Gsi Internacional Inc Cia. Chiricana De Automoviles, S.a Contratistas Internacionales, S.a. Contratistas Internacionales, S.a. Daisol, S.a. Panamena De Motores, S.a. Panamena De Motores, S.a. Scandinavian Motors, S.a. Quotations Licenses Order Of Purchase Order Of Purchase Procurement Of Computers And Other Security Equipment Vehicles O/C Pnud/Pan/069/06 Order Of Purchase Order Of Purchase Order Of Purchase Construction O/C Pnud/Pan/074/06 Order Of Purchase Order Of Purchase Order Of Purchase Order Of Purchase Order Of Purchase Order Of Purchase Order Of Purchase Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Order Of Purchase Order Of Purchase Order Of Purchase Order Of Purchase Order Of Purchase Order Of Purchase Order Of Purchase Technology Equipment Order Of Purchase Technology Equipment Order Of Purchase Order Of Purchase Order Of Purchase Order Of Purchase Presentation Order Of Purchase Order Of Purchase Order Of Purchase Computer Equipment O/C Pnud/Pan/071/06 Presentation Order Of Purchase Vehicles Order Of Purchase Order Of Purchase Order Of Purchase Computer Equipment Order Of Purchase Order Of Purchase Order Of Purchase Order Of Purchase Order Of Purchase Vehicles Order Of Purchase Order Of Purchase Order Of Purchase Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Presentation Presentation Construction Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles 852,760.00 466,760.00 258,040.00 178,290.00 164,140.00 149,990.00 148,910.00 145,100.00 137,500.00 136,500.00 121,430.00 116,470.00 99,980.00 99,750.00 97,990.00 96,180.00 91,570.00 84,470.00 84,470.00 82,800.00 77,670.00 76,480.00 74,100.00 72,590.00 67,640.00 63,650.00 61,740.00 59,800.00 57,000.00 56,770.00 54,920.00 53,720.00 52,440.00 52,080.00 52,050.00 52,020.00 51,720.00 49,920.00 49,500.00 49,200.00 47,870.00 47,720.00 45,700.00 44,170.00 43,700.00 43,390.00 41,230.00 40,990.00 40,170.00 38,990.00 37,420.00 37,420.00 36,750.00 36,190.00 35,830.00 35,450.00 34,630.00 34,500.00 34,320.00 34,150.00 33,920.00 33,330.00 33,130.00 33,130.00 33,080.00 32,670.00 32,090.00 32,000.00 79 34,420.00 33,210.00 31,620.00 31,620.00 31,400.00 31,400.00 31,180.00 67,080.00 566,100,000.00 917,080.00 522,000.00 374,850.00 83,390.00 54,640.00 49,970.00 46,890.00 31,320.00 Major Equipment ordered by Agency during 2006 (Orders of USD 30,000 or more) Agency / Location of Procurement Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) Total Cost (USD) UNDP cont. Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Raenco Internacional S.a. Dell Marketing L.p. C/O Dell Usa L.p. Eis Consulting Panama, S.a. Sonitel, S.a. Multitek Pacifico, S.a. Inversiones M.r.v., S.a. Vehicles Computer Equipment Orden De Compra Pnud/Pan/095/06 Order Of Purchase Order Of Purchase Order Of Purchase 31,260.00 30,940.00 30,910.00 30,360.00 30,250.00 30,070.00 Papa New Guinea Papa New Guinea Daltron Electronics Pty Ltd Datec (Png) Pty Ltd Daltron Electronics Pty Ltd Datec (Png) Pty Ltd Datec I System Pc Sff Small Form Fa Unctad:Cisco As5350 Series Universa 47,800.00 31,910.00 Paraguay Paraguay Paraguay Paraguay Kasba S.a. Kasba S.a. Olam Srl Infocenter S.a. Computer Equipment Computer Equipment Computer Equipment Computer Equipment 174,330.00 67,230.00 36,100.00 31,920.00 Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Dimexa Soluciones Integrales S.a.c. Dimexa Soluciones Integrales S.a.c. Dimexa Soluciones Integrales S.a.c. Dimexa Soluciones Integrales S.a.c. Goals Sa Dimexa Soluciones Integrales S.a.c. Datacont Sac Tecnologia Digital Victoria Peru Sac Dimexa Soluciones Integrales S.a.c. Dimexa Soluciones Integrales S.a.c. Storagedata Sac Dat & Net Del Peru Sa E-business Distribution Peru S.a Computer Equipment Computer Equipment Computer Equipment Computer Equipment Network, Switch Computer Equipment Photo Equipment Audiovisual Equipment Computer Equipment Computer Equipment Computer Equipment Impresora Laser Color Oki C5400n Telephone Equipment 620,900.00 317,310.00 203,590.00 117,240.00 67,830.00 57,580.00 48,380.00 48,370.00 38,280.00 33,290.00 33,000.00 32,980.00 30,420.00 Phillippines Phillippines Phillippines Phillippines Phillippines Phillippines Phillippines Phillippines Phillippines Phillippines Phillippines Phillippines Phillippines The Boat Shop Schmidt Philippines Inc. Toyota Cubao, Incorporated Yokogawa Philippines, Inc. Senco Link Tech. Toyota Cubao, Incorporated Dumalag Corporation Kestronics Philippines, Inc. The Boat Shop The Boat Shop Schmidt Philippines Inc. The Boat Shop The Boat Shop Boat Schimdt, 1st Set Lab Equipment Vehicle Yokogawa, 2nd Pay(85%) Computer Equipment Vehicle Photovoltaic Module 160 Pcs 65% Payment Kestronics Boat Boat Schimdt, 2nd Set Lab Equipment Boat Boat 197,150.00 132,130.00 131,420.00 104,090.00 79,630.00 72,240.00 66,910.00 57,500.00 49,660.00 47,880.00 45,760.00 45,310.00 45,310.00 Poland Centre For Social And Economic Research Euro Intertrade Cor Rhdr Cis Report 60,000.00 Romania Romania Romania Novus Integral Advertaising Integral Advertaising Delivery Of 5 Water Pumps La 21 Project Vehicle Purchase - Pr Support To Training Of Managers Thr La 21 Project Vehicle Purchase - Pr Support To Training Of Managers Thr 69,170.00 67,930.00 35,080.00 Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Xerox Limited Jsc Sovico Co Ltd Jsc Sovico Co Ltd Rusflowgroup Ltd Plc “Lomo” Plc “Lomo” Rus-lan Ooo Jsc “Vologodsky Engineering Plant” Orion Ooo Lables Ooo Rusflowgroup Ltd C.i.technology Jsc Sovico Co Ltd Jsc Sovico Co Ltd Ip Voloshina Elena Viktorovna Rusflowgroup Ltd Rusflowgroup Ltd Centr. Nii Epidemiologii Fgun Flash Engineering Ltd Dia Clon Jsc Dia Clon Jsc Peredovie Technologii Ooo Multi Function Boards Iv-th Installment Iv-th Installment Office Equipment Microscopes Microscopes Minibuses Agriculture Machinery And Parts The Equipment For The Pcr Laboratories, Steriliser Spva-75-1-nn Office Equipment Computer Centres Iii-rd Installment Iii-rd Installment Payment Office Equipment Office Equipment Test-systems For The Detection Of T “Femina” Gynecological Sets Size M: Contraband Detector “Vatson” Test-systems For The Detection Of T “Femina” Gynecological Sets Size M: Femina Gynecological Sets Size M: Payment 351,300.00 167,600.00 167,600.00 127,400.00 116,120.00 116,120.00 91,740.00 87,400.00 78,100.00 73,720.00 65,410.00 62,620.00 59,000.00 59,000.00 55,590.00 54,450.00 49,950.00 44,030.00 35,600.00 34,800.00 34,800.00 33,370.00 Rwanda Rwanda Rwanda Computer Technologies Consultancy Computer Technologies Consultancy Galaxie Systeme Project Support To Mininfra. 17 Co 15 Hp Compaq Dx 2000 Personal Compu 62,660.00 32,730.00 30,580.00 Serbia and Montenegro Serbia and Montenegro Uni Chem Unchem 10 Machines Photocopieuse Digitale Becton Dickinsion Facscount System 41,880.00 41,880.00 Sierra Leone Sierra Leone Sierra Leone Sierra Leone Toyota Motor Marketing Europe Toyota Motor Marketing Europe Aa Enterprises Toyota Motor Marketing Europe Becton Dickinsion Facscount System Vehicles Vehicles 233,010.00 139,880.00 41,000.00 31,080.00 Slovakia Slovakia Porsche Inter Auto Slovakia, S.r.o. Porsche Inter Auto Slovakia, Volkswagen Lnf T5 Multivan Comfort Vehicles Somalia Somalia Somalia Somalia Two Aez Limited Human Diagnostic Somalia Human Diagnostic Somalia Human Diagnostic Somalia Vehicles Prison Trucks Hiv Test Kits Hepatitis B Test Kits South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa Lithotech Exports Lithotech Exports Lithotech Exports Lithotech Exports Lithotech Exports Lithotech Exports Lithotech Exports Lithotech Exports Lithotech Exports Lithotech Exports Lithotech Exports Lithotech Exports Lithotech Exports Lithotech Exports Lithotech Exports Lithotech Exports Lithotech Exports Lithotech Exports Lithotech Exports Lithotech Exports Lithotech Exports Universal Print Group Daeta International Daeta International Lithotech Exports Lithotech Exports Lithotech Exports Blood Analysers Blood Analysers Blood Analysers Lot 1 Lubumbashi Lot 2 Kinshasa Lot 3 Kinshasa Blood Analysers Blood Analysers Blood Analysers Lot 2 Entebbe Lot 3 Entebbe Blood Analysers Airport Kinshasa Blood Analysers Blood Analysers Blood Analysers Airport Entebbe Lot 2 Kisangani Lot 3 Kisangani Airport Lubumbashi Blood Analysers Airport Kinshasa Airport Kisangani Airport Lubumbashi Lot 1 Lubumbashi Airport Kinshasa Airport Kisangani Airport Lubumbashi Lot 1 Lubumbashi Food Baskets Airport Kisangani Training Forms For Pnvr Lot 4 Kinshasa 80 39,360.00 39,360.00 119,490.00 54,540.00 41,280.00 39,990.00 5,636,010.00 4,163,390.00 4,160,890.00 3,612,120.00 2,668,320.00 2,666,710.00 2,604,310.00 2,602,750.00 2,260,500.00 1,669,100.00 1,668,100.00 1,581,870.00 1,466,350.00 1,463,780.00 1,462,900.00 1,411,970.00 1,026,130.00 939,390.00 938,830.00 925,340.00 684,030.00 594,630.00 559,220.00 559,220.00 464,900.00 455,020.00 309,250.00 Major Equipment ordered by Agency during 2006 (Orders of USD 30,000 or more) Agency / Location of Procurement Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) Total Cost (USD) UNDP cont. South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa Universal Print Group Universal Print Group Universal Print Group Lithotech Exports Lithotech Exports Lithotech Exports Saab Grintek Technologies (Pty) Ltd. Lithotech Exports Universal Print Group Saab Grintek Lithotech Exports Universal Print Group Midsouth Distributors Townsend International (Pty) Ltd Lithotech Exports Lithotech Exports Lab World Lab World Lithotech Exports Lithotech Exports Lithotech Exports Lithotech Exports Rmb Properties Lithotech Exports Food Baskets Lot 3 Kinshasa Tents Tents Universal Print Group For 35,000 Ca Lot 1 Bis Kinshasa Lot 3 Kinshasa Telephone Equipment Lot 1 Bis Kinshasa Telephone Equipment New Pabx Telephone System With Rele Voting Equipment Telephone Equipment Universal Print: Reg. Registration 79383-1 : 40 X Tents As Per Iapso P Lot 4 Entebbe Photo Identification Equipment And Hplc Equipment Tents A5 Pads Hplc Equipment Lot 4 Kisangani A5 Pads Utilities 275,000.00 261,180.00 215,250.00 106,730.00 89,950.00 89,950.00 89,290.00 89,290.00 76,240.00 70,830.00 70,830.00 70,200.00 70,110.00 69,380.00 69,380.00 63,140.00 57,600.00 57,600.00 37,120.00 37,120.00 35,520.00 35,520.00 30,250.00 30,250.00 Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Waymark Infotech (Ptty) Ltd Ateradata, S.l. Target Producciones Audiovisuales Toyota Gibralter Stockholding Ltd Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Toyota Gibralter Stockholding Ltd Utilities Utilities Ink, Writing Or Drawing, And Other Purchase Of Citometro. Ink, Writing Or Drawing, And Other Purchase Of Citometro. Personal Computers (Pc), General Pu Motor Vehicles And Parts And Access Vehicles 245,000.00 154,270.00 145,720.00 51,560.00 43,550.00 33,670.00 Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Abc Computers (Pvt) Ltd Chief Secretary, Southern Province Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd E-w Information Systems Ltd Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Public Service Training Institute Sri Lanka Inst.of Local Governance Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Chief Secretary -north East Province Chief Secretary, Southern Province Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd John Keells Office Automation (Pvt) Ltd Nissan Trading Co., Ltd Kuhne & Nagel (Pvt) Ltd Softlogic Trading (Pvt) Ltd Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd Vehicles Vehicles Personal Computers (Pc), General Pu Cs-southern P.c.-moa Passenger Saloons, 4wd, Pc Type Ii Hp Cpmpaq Dx6120 Vehivles Moa - Psti Moa-slilg Vehicles Moa- Cs Northeast Pc Moa - Vta Vehicles Toshiba Digital Photocopier 407,990.00 390,000.00 155,400.00 105,960.00 103,480.00 85,000.00 80,000.00 69,400.00 60,000.00 60,000.00 43,280.00 39,000.00 38,550.00 35,420.00 31,050.00 31,000.00 Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Inner Power Limited Inner Power Limited Manasek For Electricity Equipment International Center For Cars Assembly Ultra Vision Co Ltd Es-ko International Inc Es-ko International Inc Diesel Genertors Diesel Genertors Yousif Salama Ahmed Integrated Business Co Ideal Solutions Co. Diesel Link Enterprises Ideal Solutions Co. Prefabricated Offices(support To Th Prefabricated Offices(support To Th Audio Systems Combined Vehicles, 4wd, Hard Top Computers, Laptop/Notebook Container Units, Office, Workshop, Container Units, Office, Workshop, Generators, Diesel Generators Humanitarian Assistance Personal Computers (Pc), General Pu Projectors For Computer Screens, Vd Generators For Governance (Lgrp) Projectors, Slide 98,000.00 98,000.00 78,600.00 68,760.00 61,960.00 59,850.00 59,850.00 53,620.00 52,400.00 48,030.00 44,600.00 42,610.00 37,680.00 31,330.00 Sweden Sweden Sweden Sweden Volvo Car Corporation Volvo Car Corporation Vcic Volvo Car Corporation Volvo Car Corporation Vcic Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles 37,150.00 37,150.00 37,150.00 37,150.00 Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Alcatel Esd Alcatel Esd Ccmed International Ag Beckman Coulter International S.a Beckman Coulter International S.a F.hoffmann-la Roche Ltd F.hoffmann-la Roche Ltd Textronica Ag Textronica Ag World Health Organization World Health Organization Pabx Equipment For Un House Pabx Equipment For Un House Rehabilitation, Supply And Installa Cr83261 Six Beckman Coulter Haemato Cr83261 Six Beckman Coulter Haemato Sakvinavir (Invirase) 200mg, Capsul Sakvinavir (Invirase) 200mg, Capsul Finnigan Focus Dsq Gas Chromatograp Finnigan Focus Dsq Gas Chromatograp Medical Consumables Medical Consumables 275,030.00 275,030.00 149,720.00 109,600.00 109,600.00 80,600.00 80,600.00 74,980.00 74,980.00 38,120.00 38,120.00 Syria Syria Syria Syria Syria Syria Syria Syria Syria Syria Syria Syria Syria Syria Syria Syria Syria Emircom Emircom Emircom Emircom Dassouki Group Emircom Emircom Syrian Data Systems R & E Homsi Emircom Emircom Emircom Emircom Rakha Middle East Marketing Co. Memo Emircom Emircom Pc Esprimo P5700 With Lcd Monitor R Pc, Esprimo P5701 Fire Wall Fire Wall Fire Wall Fire Wall Pc Esprimo P5700 With Lcd Monitor R Pc, Esprimo P5700 Fire Wall Surveillance Camera, 23x Outdoor Do Generator, Diesel, Marabco 150 Kva Fire Wall Fire Wall Storage Array Storage Array Vehicles Storage Array Fire Wall Fire Wall 443,190.00 314,900.00 181,570.00 162,040.00 107,260.00 87,890.00 76,880.00 64,350.00 55,000.00 54,890.00 54,630.00 50,700.00 49,920.00 48,000.00 41,630.00 39,170.00 35,940.00 Tajkistan Tajkistan Tajkistan Tajkistan Tajkistan Tajkistan Tajkistan Tajkistan Tajkistan ‘Turan’ Llc ‘Turan’ Llc ‘Turan’ Llc ‘Tajiktranscar’ Llc ‘Tajiktranscar’ Llc Dushanbinskiy Avtocenter Kamaz Dushanbinskiy Avtocenter Kamaz Farvardin Ltd Farvardin Ltd Hiv Test Kits Insecticides Truck, Special Purpose Motor Vehicles And Accessories Insecticides Truck, Special Purpose Software, Computer, Including Manua Software, Computer, Including Manua Vehicles, All Terrain 156,850.00 139,800.00 139,800.00 79,300.00 79,300.00 68,850.00 68,850.00 39,830.00 39,830.00 Thailand Thailand Thailand Global Fleet Sales Co. Ltd Global Fleet Sales Co. Ltd Chumchon Thai Foundation Vehicles Malaria Vehicles 72,400.00 39,400.00 38,500.00 Togo Togo Togo Cfao Togo Beteir Beteir Vehicles, 4x4 Heavy Patrol Armoured Malaria Specialised Veterinary Equipment In 35,950.00 30,550.00 30,550.00 81 Major Equipment ordered by Agency during 2006 (Orders of USD 30,000 or more) Agency / Location of Procurement Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) Total Cost (USD) UNDP cont. Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Ram Dis Ticaret A.s Mpe Engineering , Consulting , Contracti Otokoc Otomotiv Tic. Ve San. A.s. Otokoc Otomotiv Tic. Ve San. A.s. Maro Tarim Ins. Tic. Ve San. A.s. Mpe Engineering , Consulting , Contracti Datasel Bilgi Sistemleri As 81800-1, Trucks Design , Manufacture , Testing ,And Pick-ups, 4wd, Diesel, Double Cab Passenger Saloons, 2wd, Diesel Driv Seed Equipment And Supplies N.e.c. Containrization Of Entire 50cum/Hr Computers, Laptop/Notebook 808,100.00 198,600.00 154,870.00 153,680.00 131,420.00 49,050.00 33,410.00 Turkmenistan Turkmenistan Ucha Farm Ucha Farm Specialised Veterinary Equipment In Cost Of 4 Nissan Hardbody Pick-up D 96,530.00 96,530.00 Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda Motorcare Uganda Ltd. Motorcare Uganda Ltd. Uchumi Commodities Ltd Uchumi Commodities Ltd Toyota Uganda Limited Toyota Uganda Limited Gonissan Limited Vehicles Vehicle Fertilisers, 150mt Dap Fertilizer @ Fertilisers, 140mt Urea Fertilizer Vehicles Integration Works To Create A Joint Cost Of 2 Nissan Hardbody J84 Doubl 99,220.00 99,220.00 77,220.00 70,720.00 55,350.00 55,350.00 49,610.00 Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Jv Monis Enrantelecom Nvf Ltd Enrantelecom Nvf Ltd Automobilniy Dom Odessa Automobilniy Dom Odessa Integration Works To Create A Joint Iapso Order 81524-1telecommunicatio Integration Works To Create A Joint Iapso Order 81524-1telecommunicatio Search Tool Kit - Skt2 Vw T5 Multivan Highline Po # 2006/7 Vw Transporter Kombi 1.9tdi, Po # 2 Vw T5 Multivan Highline Po # 2006/7 Vw Transporter Kombi 1.9tdi, Po # 3 837,730.00 84,530.00 84,530.00 72,010.00 36,710.00 United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates Mideast Data Systems Uae. Mideast Data Systems Uae. Jubaili Bros. Jubaili Bros. Jubaili Bros. Relief Projects International G.t. Peeraj Group Jacky’s Gulf Fze Western Auto Computer Hardware Or Software Renta Installation And Support Of A Clust Sheets, Of Iron Or Steel Generator With The Following Specs: Wood, Timber Syringes, 2ml Toyota Corolla 1.8 Xli Power Steeri Freight Forwarding Yamaha 2 Stroke Outboard Motors 15h 275,000.00 192,610.00 147,040.00 113,540.00 106,110.00 80,960.00 65,760.00 44,700.00 33,980.00 United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom Lantrade Global Supplies Motorola Inc Foster And Freeman Ltd Eagle Scientific Limited Armor Products International Land Rover (Lfpv Ltd) Explosive & Ordnance Demilit. Solutions Motorola Inc Eagle Scientific Limited Eagle Scientific Limited Intequip Ltd Lantrade Global Supplies Eton International Eton International Eagle Scientific Limited Land Rover (Lfpv Ltd) Eagle Scientific Limited Eagle Scientific Limited Intequip Ltd Satake Corporation Uk Division Ortho Clinical Diagnostics Johnson&Johns Ortho Clinical Diagnostics Johnson&Johns Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Eagle Scientific Limited Geest Overseas Limited Geest Overseas Limited Intequip Ltd Conrico International Limited Conrico International Limited Abm Worldwide Technologies Inc Eton International Eton International Geest Overseas Limited Geest Overseas Limited Eagle Scientific Limited Eagle Scientific Limited Eton International Motorola Inc Geest Overseas Limited Geest Overseas Limited Eagle Scientific Limited Eagle Scientific Limited Eagle Scientific Limited Eagle Scientific Limited Eagle Scientific Limited Motorola Inc Motorola Inc Eagle Scientific Limited Geest Overseas Limited Geest Overseas Limited Eton International Drafix Services Ltd Drafix Services Ltd Ortho Clinical Diagnostics Johnson&Johns Ortho Clinical Diagnostics Johnson&Johns Floatdene International Limited Floatdene International Limited Ore Technologies Ltd, Uk Toyota Gibralter Land Rover&Ford Land Rover&Ford Eagle Scientific Limited Eagle Scientific Limited Nrg International Limited Geest Overseas Limited Geest Overseas Limited Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Eagle Scientific Limited Eagle Scientific Limited Sheargold Limited Geest Overseas Limited Geest Overseas Limited Allen Vanguard Ltd Allen Vanguard Ltd Eagle Scientific Limited Eagle Scientific Limited Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Schneider Electric Ltd Schneider Electric Ltd Geest Overseas Limited Geest Overseas Limited Election Materials Communication Equipment security And Safety Equipm Airconditioning & Refrigeration Laboratory Equipment Vehicles Vehicles, 4wd, Hard Top (Iapso Orde Explosive Ordnance Disposal Or Mine Communication Equipment Laboratory Equipment Laboratory Equipment Voting Material Election Materials Condoms Condoms Laboratory Equipment Vehicles Laboratory Equipment Laboratory Equipment Hand Cuffs Rice Mills Blood Banking Equipment Cr83473 Six Biochemistry Analysers Vehicles Toyota Hilux Double Cabin 6-seater, Laboratory Equipment Metal Smith & Welding Working Hand Sea Freight Charges Metal Smith & Welding Working Hand Voting Material Electric Key Start Generating Sets Pipes And Other Accessories, For Us Procurement Of Computers And Other Condoms Container 5 And 6 Condoms Container 5 And 6 Working Hand Tools Carpentary Working Hand Tools Laboratory Equipment Laboratory Equipment Printing Press Communication Equipment Working Hand Tools Auto Mechanic Working Hand Tools Laboratory Equipment Laboratory Equipment Laboratory Reagents And Accessories Laboratory Equipment Cr81696 Hospital Beds, Cabinets And Communication Technologi 83529-1 Communication Technology Laboratory Equipment Aircondition Airconditioning & Refrigeration Wor Hei/Pd3020-polar 92 Guillotine 791,550.00 735,260.00 686,430.00 464,850.00 454,220.00 397,670.00 397,400.00 322,040.00 312,150.00 312,010.00 306,430.00 298,750.00 291,100.00 291,100.00 290,380.00 262,700.00 262,360.00 262,360.00 260,200.00 239,080.00 237,940.00 237,940.00 228,140.00 228,140.00 186,420.00 181,140.00 181,140.00 176,400.00 166,760.00 166,760.00 164,140.00 148,900.00 148,900.00 140,010.00 140,010.00 121,480.00 121,480.00 118,000.00 113,260.00 113,200.00 113,200.00 107,570.00 100,000.00 100,000.00 96,010.00 96,010.00 86,160.00 86,160.00 82,580.00 80,140.00 80,140.00 80,000.00 79,370.00 79,370.00 76,060.00 76,060.00 75,990.00 75,990.00 74,540.00 74,280.00 73,540.00 73,540.00 69,130.00 69,130.00 66,840.00 65,850.00 65,850.00 64,630.00 64,630.00 63,460.00 63,180.00 62,180.00 62,180.00 60,480.00 60,040.00 60,040.00 59,760.00 59,760.00 58,220.00 58,220.00 55,750.00 55,660.00 55,660.00 55,320.00 55,320.00 Laboratory Equipment Cut 84920-1. Blood Banking Equipment. Pipes And Other Accessories, For Us 80939-1: Customs Control Tool Set Blood Banking Equipment Customs Control Tool Set Duplication Machines Vehicles, 4wd Vehicles 84797-1(konelab)Laboratory Equipmen Vehicles, 4wd Laboratory Equipment Sea Freight Charges 82324-1, Photocopiers, High Volume Toyota Land Cruiser Gx Station Wago Metal Smith & Welding Working Hand Sea Freight Charges Vehicles Laboratory Equipment Cr83569 Laboratory Equipment, For T Computers, Laptop/Notebook Tailoring Working Hand Tools Tailoring Working Hand Tools Search Tool Kit - Skt2 Electric Key Start Generating Sets Laboratory Equipment 84797-1 (Consummables) - Laboratory Vehicles Purchase: Medium Voltage Cable And Purchase: Medium Voltage Cable And Working Hand Tools Auto Electricity Working Hand Tools 82 Major Equipment ordered by Agency during 2006 (Orders of USD 30,000 or more) Agency / Location of Procurement Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) UNDP cont. United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Dahabshiil Transfer Services Ltd Floatdene International Limited Floatdene International Limited Eagle Scientific Limited Eagle Scientific Limited Armor Products International Norbar Torque Tools Ltd Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Lantrade Global Supplies Lantrade Global Supplies Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Ore Technologies Ltd, Uk Adc Bioscientific, Ltd Motorola Inc Motorola Inc Eagle Scientific Limited Eagle Scientific Limited Eagle Scientific Limited Eagle Scientific Limited Eagle Scientific Limited Eagle Scientific Limited Polaroid Trading B.v. Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Satake Corporation Uk Division Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Vehicles Vehicles, All Terrain Purchase Of Generators Drug Detection Device Drug Detection Device Laboratory Equipment 84177-1: Microscopes-laboratory Equ Armoured B6 (Nato Class) Toyota Lan Iapso 79417-1/Som/Lm Bullet-proof 70% - Lab Equipment Vehicles Vehicle, Toyota Land Cruiser, Uzj10 Vehicles Election Materials 83067-3 : Election Ink Items As Per Vehicles Duplication Machines 70%-contrato 114/06-lab Equip., Fon Communication Equipment Cr84199-1 Communication Equipment M Laboratory Equipment Laboratory Equipment(microscopes) A Laboratory Equipment 85360-6 (Corlab Scientific) Laborat Laboratory Equipment Cr81941 X-ray Machine And Accessori Biochemistry Analyzers Vehicles Spare Parts(list Attached) Vehicles Toyota Lhd Hilux Double Cabin, 6sea United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States Dell Marketing L.p. Dell Marketing L.p. The Armored Group The Armored Group Hewlett Packard Latin America Alcatel Esd Alcatel Esd Cisco Systems Cisco Systems Dell Inc Cisco Systems Cisco Systems Colvista Inc Dell Marketing L.p. Mythics Inc Ronberg Gruppe Llc Ag Dell Marketing L.p. Cedar Enterprise Solutions, Inc. Hewlett Packard Latin America The Armored Group Hoechstetter Printing Company Hoechstetter Printing Company Dell Marketing L.p. Black Box Corporation Cisco Systems Inc. United Nations General Fund Deposit Acco Ingeal Inc Dell Marketing L.p. The Armored Group The Armored Group The Armored Group Population Svcs Intl. (Psi) Dell Marketing L.p. Dell Marketing L.p. Dell World Trade Lp Cisco Systems Inc. Dmi Medical Inc. Dell Marketing L.p. Dell Marketing L.p. Planson International Corporation Colorcraft Of Virginia Inc. Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Geometrics Inc Labsphere, Incorporated Cisco System Inc Cisco System Inc Cisco Systems Inc Mcquay Latin America, L.c. Dell Marketing L.p. Dell Marketing L.p. Dell Marketing L.p. Planson International Corporation Dell World Trade Lp Cisco Systems Inc. Dell World Trade Lp Cisco Systems Inc. Rti Technologies Inc Cisco Systems Inc Procibernetica Cisco Systems Inc Labsphere, Incorporated Labsphere, Incorporated Ronberg Gruppe Llc Ag Planson International Co Inc Planson International Co Inc Ifes Ifes Dell World Trade Lp Perkin Elmer Instruments New Generation International Ltd. New Generation International Ltd. Cisco Systems Inc Cisco Systems Inc Procibernetica Cisco Systems Inc. Cisco Systems Inc Dell Marketing L.p. Planson International Co Inc Planson International Co Inc Cisco Systems Inc Dell Marketing L.p. Dell Marketing L.p. Dell Marketing L.p. Dell Marketing L.p. Dell Marketing L.p. Motorola, Inc Motorola, Inc Dell World Trade Lp Dlt Solutions Computer Equipment Computer Equipment Vehicles Vehicles Adquisicion Y Entrega En Sitio De I Pabx Equipment For Un House Pabx Equipment For Un House Switch Cat 4507 Switch Cat 4507 Computer Equipment Switch Cat 6513 Switch Cat 6513 Installation Computer Equipment Year 1 Support Payment - Q1, Period Aircondition Computer Equipment Periodic Servi Cedar Data Acquisition Systems, Automatic Vehicles Printing Services: Hdr 2006 (Inv. # Printing Services: Hdr 2006 (Inv. # Computer Equipment Review Of Atlas Post Implem Routers E-subscription 1 Jan-dec 31,2006 Se Installation Computer Equipment Vehicles Armoured 4x4 Motor Vehicles Vehicles Deltamethrin 25% Tablet (Vbdc) Computer Equipment Compra De Equipos De Computación Y Computer Equipment Computer Equipment Njevo Leica Fs Macrocospio Of Compa Computer Equipment Back End Servers Generators, Electric Printing Services For Hdr 2006 Fren Toyota Landcruiser Hardtop {With Ac Computer Equipment Computer Equipment Supply Of Cisco Network Equipments Supply Of Cisco Network Equipments Computer Equipment Cotizacion Umas Para Edificio 154 P Computer Equipment Domain Controller Domain Controller Dell Optlex Gx620 Computer Computer Equipment Computer Equipment Computer Equipment Computer Equipment Aircondition Computer Equipment Office Equipment Computer Equipment Computer Equipment Computer Equipment Aircondition Computer Equipment 83302-4 Hp Equipment For Liberia Installation 1st & 2nd Instalment Payment On Pro Computer Equipment Arg/02/018 - Liquid Chromatography Personal Computers (Pc), General Pu Personal Computers (Pc), General Pu Computer Equipment Computer Equipment Adaptadores Hba - Switches San - So Computer Equipment Computer Equipment Computer Equipment Safety Equipment Cr84907-5 Safety Equipment Computer Equipment Computer Equipment F5 Solution Computer Equipment Computer Equipment Compra De Computadoras Desktop Y La Radios Unicef Radios Mth500-mtp700 Computer Equipment Software Application Packages 83 Total Cost (USD) 52,750.00 52,750.00 52,630.00 52,610.00 52,610.00 52,150.00 52,150.00 46,550.00 46,220.00 44,230.00 44,230.00 43,440.00 43,230.00 43,230.00 42,740.00 40,080.00 35,340.00 34,630.00 34,630.00 34,590.00 34,590.00 32,870.00 32,870.00 32,710.00 32,710.00 32,070.00 31,730.00 31,570.00 31,130.00 31,130.00 1,545,910.00 886,110.00 445,900.00 432,710.00 332,610.00 275,030.00 275,030.00 255,010.00 255,010.00 251,400.00 249,870.00 249,870.00 240,770.00 206,000.00 201,380.00 197,010.00 192,000.00 186,310.00 184,760.00 179,650.00 176,570.00 176,570.00 147,820.00 146,840.00 119,550.00 115,610.00 103,180.00 97,770.00 89,830.00 89,830.00 87,080.00 84,830.00 81,530.00 81,530.00 77,990.00 77,890.00 76,500.00 75,660.00 75,660.00 73,100.00 72,840.00 70,870.00 68,120.00 68,080.00 66,660.00 66,660.00 62,810.00 62,400.00 61,130.00 61,110.00 61,110.00 60,450.00 59,010.00 56,840.00 56,750.00 56,550.00 53,250.00 51,990.00 50,950.00 49,270.00 48,630.00 48,630.00 47,480.00 45,680.00 45,680.00 45,570.00 45,570.00 45,360.00 43,950.00 43,360.00 43,360.00 43,330.00 43,330.00 42,360.00 41,480.00 41,440.00 38,110.00 37,420.00 37,420.00 37,290.00 36,440.00 36,440.00 35,770.00 35,480.00 35,480.00 34,550.00 34,550.00 33,420.00 32,660.00 Major Equipment ordered by Agency during 2006 (Orders of USD 30,000 or more) Agency / Location of Procurement Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) Total Cost (USD) UNDP cont. United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States Arj-med, Inc. Verisign, Inc. Noble Security, Inc. Dell Marketing L.p. Cisco Systems Inc Procibernetica Videocam Corporation Herman Miller Inc. Herman Miller Inc. Motorola, Inc Motorola, Inc Refrigerant Mini-reclamation Units, Inhalation Equipment Hp Security Lock, Provi Computer Equipment Computer Equipment Office Equipment Technology Equipment Aeron Chairs - Size B Aeron Chairs - Size B Who Radios Who Radios Mth500-mtp700 Uruguay Uruguay Pamasol Willi Mader Ag Pamasol Willi Mader Ag Inhalation Equipment 80% Inhalation Equipment Venezuela Venezuela Venezuela Venezuela Venezuela Venezuela Venezuela Venezuela Venezuela Venezuela Venezuela Venezuela Venezuela Venezuela Venezuela Venezuela Venezuela Venezuela Venezuela Venezuela Venezuela Venezuela Venezuela Venezuela Venezuela Venezuela Venezuela Venezuela Venezuela Venezuela Venezuela Venezuela Venezuela Venezuela Venezuela Venezuela Venezuela Venezuela Venezuela Venezuela Venezuela Venezuela Venezuela Venezuela Venezuela Venezuela Venezuela Venezuela Venezuela Venezuela Venezuela Venezuela Venezuela Venezuela Venezuela Venezuela Venezuela Venezuela Venezuela Venezuela Venezuela Venezuela Venezuela Venezuela Venezuela Venezuela Venezuela Msg Solucion Gerencial Msg Solucion Gerencial Msg Solucion Gerencial Corporacion Cientifica Venezolana C.a. Sparcsolutions, C.a. Corporacion Cescar, C.a. Sistemas Mpc Transtraders Corporation Azertia, C.a. Corporacion Cescar, C.a. Sparcsolutions, C.a. Corporacion Cientifica Venezolana C.a. Corporacion Cescar, C.a. Corporacion Cientifica Venezolana C.a. Msg Solucion Gerencial Coasin, C.a Equilab Cientifica, C.a. Corporacion Video Carrillo, C.a. Corporacion Cientifica Venezolana C.a. Equilab Cientifica, C.a. Didacta, C.a. Sistemas Mpc Albis Venezolana, C.a. Propixel, C.a. Tecnologia Medica Del Caribe Ko Be Representaciones Cientificas Inmunolab Laboratorios Corporacion A.r.s., C.a. Corporacion Cientifica Venezolana C.a. Azertia, C.a. Siemens Propixel, C.a. Azertia, C.a. Ko Be Representaciones Cientificas Msg Solucion Gerencial High Tech Electronica, C.a. Coasin, C.a Ko Be Representaciones Cientificas Corporacion Video Carrillo, C.a. Tecnica Comercial De Ingenieria, C.a Tecnologia Omega, C.a. Propixel, C.a. Corporacion Cientifica Venezolana C.a. Equilab Cientifica, C.a. Laboratorios Geminis Equilab Cientifica, C.a. Albis Venezolana, C.a. Tecnologia Medica Del Caribe Equilab Cientifica, C.a. Coasin, C.a Telemulti, Ca Equilab Cientifica, C.a. Coasin, C.a Propixel, C.a. Corporacion Cientifica Venezolana C.a. Ko Be Representaciones Cientificas Equilab Cientifica, C.a. Corporacion Video Carrillo, C.a. Inmunolab Laboratorios Mega Import Supply, C.a. Sistemas Mpc Siemens Oficina Tecnica Ran Central, C.a. Corporacion Internacional De Tecnologia Seijiro Yazawa Iwai C.a. Tecnica Comercial De Ingenieria, C.a Inmunolab Laboratorios Computer Equipment Computer Equipment Computer Equipment Laboratory Equipment Computer Equipment Telephone Equipment Computers Laboratory Equipment Laboratory Equipment Telephone Equipment Computer Equipment Laboratory Equipment Telephone Equipment Laboratory Equipment Computer Equipment Electricity Equipment Laboratory Equipment Hardware And Software Laboratory Equipment Laboratory Equipment Laboratory Equipment Hardware Laboratory Equipment Audio Visual Equipment Medical Equip Laboratory Equipment Laboratory Equipment Telephone Equipment Laboratory Equipment Laboratory Equipment Scanners Computadoras Laboratory Equipment Laboratory Equipment Computer Equipment Eq. De Procesamiento De Datos Electricity Equipment Laboratory Equipment Hardware And Software Fuente De Poder Lector De Dosimetros Hardware-ct-144/06, Ivic Laboratory Equipment Laboratory Equipment Laboratory Equipment Laboratory Equipment Laboratory Equipment Laboratory Equipment Laboratory Equipment Laboratory Equipment Equipos De Oficina Laboratory Equipment Telephone Equipment Audio Visual Equipment Laboratory Equipment Laboratory Equipment Laboratory Equipment Hardware And Software Laboratory Equipment Computer Equipment Computer Hardware Or Software Renta Scanners Ontrato 145/06, Equipos De Ai Laboratory Equipment Electrocardiografos De 12 Canales C Laboratory Equipment Laboratory Equipment 1,616,960.00 692,980.00 687,690.00 653,840.00 644,550.00 580,050.00 430,590.00 350,000.00 340,980.00 339,320.00 326,750.00 280,220.00 240,740.00 239,770.00 204,040.00 191,600.00 182,420.00 180,360.00 179,360.00 147,160.00 124,450.00 123,300.00 118,750.00 116,610.00 116,120.00 115,500.00 107,800.00 105,130.00 103,740.00 91,670.00 90,800.00 89,740.00 89,190.00 87,630.00 87,450.00 85,370.00 82,120.00 79,200.00 77,300.00 75,610.00 69,130.00 66,260.00 63,980.00 63,070.00 56,170.00 55,360.00 54,490.00 53,650.00 52,550.00 52,010.00 51,830.00 50,140.00 49,990.00 49,970.00 49,500.00 49,500.00 48,410.00 47,580.00 46,200.00 41,840.00 38,980.00 38,910.00 38,900.00 36,250.00 34,740.00 31,600.00 30,960.00 Yemen Yemen Yemen Yemen Yemen Yemen Yemen Yemen Yemen Yemen Yemen Yemen Automotive Mechinery Trading Centere (To Net Technology Shaher Trading Co. Ltd Print Art Ebinger Design Art Presses Al-majd Establishment Dhofar Tourism Agency Tehama Tractors & Eng. Co. Ltd. Thabet Son Corporation Tehama Tractors & Eng. Co. Ltd. Thabet Son Corporation Al-etehad For Advertising & Marketing Yemen Computer Company Ltd. Pick-ups, 4wd, Diesel, Double Cab Computer Hardware Or Software Renta Toner For Xerox Printers Printing, Publishing And Bookbindin Detectors Spares Booklet, 16 Pages Including Cover, Contracts Vehicles Rentals Printer Computers Banners Laser Printers 156,000.00 151,200.00 68,390.00 50,640.00 49,380.00 45,000.00 43,520.00 41,580.00 35,000.00 34,240.00 32,840.00 32,350.00 Zambia Zambia Zambia Zambia Zambia Zambia Zambia Zambia Zambia Zambia Zambia Zambia Zambia Itr Pharmaceuticals (1976) Limited Itr Pharmaceuticals (1976) Limited Itr Pharmaceuticals (1976) Limited Itr Pharmaceuticals (1976) Limited Itr Pharmaceuticals (1976) Limited Itr Pharmaceuticals (1976) Limited Power Equipment Ltd. Itr Pharmaceuticals (1976) Limited Power Equipment Ltd. Toyota Zambia Limited Power Equipment Ltd. Itr Pharmaceuticals (1976) Limited Southern Cross Motors Glass Slides Glass Slides Gravindex Gravindex Esr Tubes Esr Tubes Immersion Oil Methylated Spirit Tractors, Mf440, 4wd Immersion Oil Immersion Oil Methylated Spirit Tractors, Mf440, 4wd Vehicles, 4x4 Heavy Patrol Armoured Immersion Oil Methylated Spirit Tractors, Mf440, 4wd Methylated Spirit Mitubishi Pajero Gl 2800cc Turbo Di Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Croco Motors Itochu Corporation Vehicles, All Terrain, Truck, Speci Vehicles, All Terrain, Truck, Speci 84 32,390.00 32,360.00 32,210.00 32,180.00 31,870.00 30,900.00 30,710.00 30,690.00 30,690.00 30,120.00 30,120.00 215,860.00 53,960.00 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 700,000.00 700,000.00 350,000.00 350,000.00 240,000.00 240,000.00 59,280.00 50,290.00 38,000.00 38,000.00 34,000.00 106,760.00 65,520.00 Major Equipment ordered by Agency during 2006 (Orders of USD 30,000 or more) Agency / Location of Procurement Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) Total Cost (USD) UNFPA Venezuela Afghanistan Nissan/ Caracas Ministry Of Health (Moh) Motor Vehicle Miscellaneous 40,000.00 50,000.00 Angola Angola Ngo Caj-centro De Apoio Aos Jovens Ngo Caj-centro De Apoio Aos Jovens Miscellaneous Miscellaneous 36,990.80 35,915.74 Botswana Botswana Time Projects Gaborone Autoworld Miscellaneous Vehicles 55,497.43 30,890.30 Burkina Faso Burkina Faso Burkina Faso Burkina Faso Burkina Faso Burkina Faso Burkina Faso Burkina Faso Burkina Faso Nana Bibata Progr. D’appui Developpement Sanitaire Progr. D’appui Developpement Sanitaire Undp/Ouagadougou Undp/Ouagadougou Cabinet D’etudes De Form. Et D’organisat Hotel Sofitel Ouaga 2000 Rajs/Bf Rajs/Bf Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous 125,000.00 100,000.00 100,000.00 64,531.86 64,531.86 38,361.99 33,064.79 30,802.89 30,076.34 Cambodia Ponleu Pich Printing House Publication/Printing Cameroon Obolo Georges Miscellaneous 36,867.99 Canada Canada Canada Maclean Consulting Quality Condoms Vending Ltd. Congress Canada Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous 100,000.00 55,200.00 35,711.21 Chile Flacso Miscellaneous China China Beijing Shenzhoutaiyue Computer Tech. Co Shanghai Medical Instruments Impt. Edp / Av / Teleconference Medical Equipment 30,000.00 30,000.00 178,791.38 42,600.00 Congo Unesco Publication/Printing 38,000.00 Congo, The Democratic Republic Congo, The Democratic Republic Congo, The Democratic Republic Congo, The Democratic Republic Congo, The Democratic Republic Congo, The Democratic Republic Congo, The Democratic Republic Congo, The Democratic Republic Fonds Social Fonds Social Mopane Brigitte Julienne Lusenge Kikoko Kafuti Clarys Kavalami Kambere Kikoko Kafuti Clarys Bilanda Ndele Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous 40,260.00 40,000.00 36,275.00 35,200.00 35,000.00 34,725.00 31,800.00 30,775.00 Cuba Tokmakjian Group Inc. Vehicles Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Iapso Copenhagen Undp/Iapso Iapso Copenhagen Iapso Copenhagen Iapso Copenhagen Iapso Copenhagen Unicef Copenhagen Iapso Copenhagen Iapso Copenhagen Iapso Copenhagen Iapso Copenhagen Iapso Copenhagen Connectra Aps Iapso Copenhagen Iapso Copenhagen Iapso Copenhagen Iapso Copenhagen Iapso Copenhagen Iapso Copenhagen Iapso Copenhagen Iapso Copenhagen Iapso Copenhagen Iapso Copenhagen Iapso Copenhagen Iapso Copenhagen Iapso Copenhagen Iapso Copenhagen Iapso Copenhagen Danimex Communication Ltd Danimex Communication Ltd Iapso Copenhagen Iapso Copenhagen Iapso Copenhagen Iapso Copenhagen Iapso Copenhagen Connectra Aps Iapso Copenhagen Kpto As Iapso Copenhagen Iapso Copenhagen Iapso Copenhagen Connectra Aps Iapso Copenhagen Connectra Aps Unicef Copenhagen Iapso Copenhagen Iapso Copenhagen Iapso Copenhagen Iapso Copenhagen Iapso Copenhagen Iapso Copenhagen Planson Europe Iapso Copenhagen Iapso Copenhagen Planson Europe Iapso Copenhagen Iapso Copenhagen Iapso Copenhagen Dan:Office Connectra Aps Johs. Gram-hanssen Product Ltd. Iapso Copenhagen Iapso Copenhagen Iapso Copenhagen Connectra Aps Iapso Copenhagen Iapso Copenhagen Iapso Copenhagen Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Medical Equipment Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Miscellaneous Edp / Av / Teleconference Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Edp / Av / Teleconference Edp / Av / Teleconference Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Edp / Av / Teleconference Vehicles Publication/Printing Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Medical Equipment Vehicles Medical Equipment Medical Equipment Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Edp / Av / Teleconference Vehicles Vehicles Edp / Av / Teleconference Vehicles Medical Equipment Vehicles Edp / Av / Teleconference Medical Equipment Medical Equipment Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Medical Equipment Vehicles Vehicles Miscellaneous 426,124.13 268,096.50 232,239.62 173,298.00 173,298.00 162,043.25 151,503.60 139,185.55 137,295.52 136,969.40 130,000.00 115,963.39 104,505.93 103,969.66 103,969.66 101,516.15 99,520.13 96,717.86 94,605.14 86,881.63 86,854.58 84,731.04 81,338.98 78,984.62 77,310.77 76,407.46 74,712.27 71,975.38 64,679.45 64,679.45 64,212.92 58,377.41 58,377.41 57,667.74 55,671.32 54,137.02 52,412.14 52,268.00 52,000.00 52,000.00 51,949.66 50,800.00 50,249.21 50,000.00 46,800.00 46,000.00 45,020.69 42,844.43 42,475.09 42,475.09 41,745.03 41,731.00 40,583.25 40,583.25 40,320.00 40,181.22 39,084.31 38,170.68 37,877.47 37,440.00 36,487.00 36,162.05 34,546.86 33,710.56 31,750.00 31,617.34 31,042.61 30,445.00 East Timor East Timor Lita Store Superindo Pte. Ltd Medical Equipment Edp / Av / Teleconference 55,300.00 33,156.00 Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Uneca Lucent Pvt. Ltd. Co Jupiter Trading Miscellaneous Office Equipment/Furniture/Supplies Edp / Av / Teleconference 85 42,570.00 109,224.00 64,010.33 47,478.76 Major Equipment ordered by Agency during 2006 (Orders of USD 30,000 or more) Agency / Location of Procurement Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) Total Cost (USD) UNFPA cont. France France Gmc Services Interdeco Global Advertising Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Germany Germany Germany Fleischhacker Gmbh And Co. Kg Helm Pharmaceuticals Gmbh Abbott Gmbh & Co. Kg Medical Equipment Medical Equipment Medical Equipment 244,729.91 216,738.77 40,000.00 258,639.18 53,309.24 46,810.51 United Kingdom (Gibraltar) Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Vehicles Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Geminis Textiles, Sociedad Anonima Adolfo’s Confeccion Y Dise?O Industrial Representaciones Tecnicas Equipo Medico Adolfo’s Confeccion Y Dise?O Industrial Representaciones Tecnicas Equipo Medico Geminis Textiles, Sociedad Anonima Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous 75,196.60 58,977.73 51,531.79 39,662.52 36,787.36 30,226.10 Guinea-Bissau Cfao Senegal Vehicles 52,235.08 Honduras Honduras Graficentro Editores Papeleria E Imprenta Honduras Publication/Printing Publication/Printing 43,384.64 32,103.33 India India India India India India India India India India India Secretary, Ministry Of Health And Family Secretary, Ministry Of Health And Family Secretary, Ministry Of Health And Family Secretary, Ministry Of Health And Family Medikits Medikits Medikits Medikits Prakash Airfreight Pvt. Ltd. Deepak Enterprises Medikits Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Medical Equipment Medical Equipment Medical Equipment Medical Equipment Miscellaneous Medical Equipment Medical Equipment 5,200,000.00 2,800,000.00 2,730,000.00 1,470,000.00 101,700.00 101,700.00 67,800.00 60,500.00 43,996.08 35,400.00 32,205.00 Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Pt Dina Medindo Pt Dina Medindo Pt. Triyasa Nagamas Farma Pt Dina Medindo Pt. Era Surya Persada Pt Dina Medindo Pt Chandra Medica Pt Chandra Medica Medical Equipment Medical Equipment Medical Equipment Medical Equipment Vehicles Medical Equipment Medical Equipment Office Equipment/Furniture/Supplies Iran (Islamic Republic Of) Amir Kabir Fahani Company Medical Equipment 36,087.19 Israel Israel Israel Israel United Nations Children Fund Artistic Printing Press Techno-line Toyota Yehezkel & Sons Medical Equipment Publication/Printing Medical Equipment Vehicles 108,000.00 72,489.09 42,000.00 36,956.31 Japan Japan Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Vehicles Vehicles 35,735.04 35,735.04 Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Mediae Company Salama Pharmaceuticals Limited Coast Dev. Authority Ffs - Rh Project Crown Healthcare (K) Ltd. Sciencescope Limited Miscellaneous Medical Equipment Miscellaneous Medical Equipment Edp / Av / Teleconference 50,000.00 46,338.97 32,557.99 32,244.61 30,058.65 Lao People's Democratic Rep New Chip Xeng Co., Ltd. Vehicles 41,160.00 Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Jubaili Bros. S.a.l. Armenian Relief Cross Lebanese Maroun E. Hrawi Maroun E. Hrawi Medical Equipment Miscellaneous Medical Equipment Medical Equipment 86,900.00 56,482.00 55,000.00 31,680.00 Lesotho Lesotho Lesotho Lesotho Bos Ministry Of Gender & Youth, Sports & Rec Bos Bos Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Vehicles Vehicles 201,000.00 33,333.00 31,618.02 30,842.44 Liberia Liberia Undp, Liberia Power Tech Inc. Miscellaneous Miscellaneous 72,260.00 33,000.00 Malawi Malawi Malawi Malawi Malawi Impression Printers Limited Kris Offset & Screen Printers Ltd Impression Printers Limited Banja La Mtsogolo Impression Printers Limited Publication/Printing Publication/Printing Publication/Printing Miscellaneous Publication/Printing 140,794.86 128,872.00 115,765.63 93,909.02 32,183.50 Malaysia Malaysian Medical Relief Society Medical Equipment 30,000.00 Mali Microstore Sarl Edp / Av / Teleconference 31,312.77 Mauritania Mauritania Pnud Mauritanie Pnud Mauritanie Miscellaneous Miscellaneous 53,425.20 35,616.80 Mongolia Mongolia Wega Express Co., Ltd Wega Express Co., Ltd Edp / Av / Teleconference Edp / Av / Teleconference 36,500.00 36,500.00 Mozambique Mozambique Ministerio De Saude Holiday Inn Miscellaneous Miscellaneous 44,128.85 34,020.00 Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Department Of Population Myanmar Medical Association Myanmar Medical Association Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous 49,682.54 47,350.00 34,993.00 Nepal Nepal Nepal Nepal Kirloskar Oil Engines Limited Dell Asia Pacific Sdn M/S Neat Technology Pte.ltd Undp Nepal Miscellaneous Edp / Av / Teleconference Edp / Av / Teleconference Miscellaneous 50,475.00 39,435.00 39,200.00 30,720.00 Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Imres The Medical Export Group Bv Imres The Medical Export Group Bv Dutchmed International B.v. Drc Bv Drc Bv The Medical Export Group Bv The Medical Export Group Bv The Medical Export Group Bv The Medical Export Group Bv The Medical Export Group Bv The Medical Export Group Bv Imres Imres Imres Imres The Medical Export Group Bv The Medical Export Group Bv Medical Equipment Medical Equipment Medical Equipment Medical Equipment Medical Equipment Medical Equipment Medical Equipment Medical Equipment Medical Equipment Medical Equipment Medical Equipment Medical Equipment Medical Equipment Medical Equipment Medical Equipment Medical Equipment Medical Equipment Medical Equipment Medical Equipment 86 126,819.77 69,885.06 68,750.00 53,402.30 46,978.26 43,631.49 42,651.25 42,651.25 290,114.00 223,133.40 174,068.40 145,069.57 119,813.88 117,978.17 117,978.17 111,019.20 109,542.00 109,542.00 100,580.30 95,628.60 79,117.80 78,750.00 70,299.00 63,843.50 57,834.80 56,250.00 54,771.00 Major Equipment ordered by Agency during 2006 (Orders of USD 30,000 or more) Agency / Location of Procurement Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) Total Cost (USD) UNFPA cont. Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands The Medical Export Group Bv Imres The Medical Export Group Bv The Medical Export Group Bv The Medical Export Group Bv The Medical Export Group Bv Imres Imres Imres The Medical Export Group Bv The Medical Export Group Bv The Medical Export Group Bv The Medical Export Group Bv The Medical Export Group Bv Imres The Medical Export Group Bv Imres Imres Imres The Medical Export Group Bv The Medical Export Group Bv Imres Imres The Medical Export Group Bv The Medical Export Group Bv The Medical Export Group Bv The Medical Export Group Bv The Medical Export Group Bv The Medical Export Group Bv Imres Imres Medical Equipment Medical Equipment Medical Equipment Edp / Av / Teleconference Medical Equipment Medical Equipment Medical Equipment Medical Equipment Medical Equipment Medical Equipment Medical Equipment Medical Equipment Medical Equipment Medical Equipment Medical Equipment Medical Equipment Medical Equipment Medical Equipment Medical Equipment Medical Equipment Medical Equipment Medical Equipment Medical Equipment Medical Equipment Medical Equipment Medical Equipment Medical Equipment Medical Equipment Medical Equipment Medical Equipment Medical Equipment Nicaragua Nicaragua Ministerio De Salud Rarpe Medihopsital S.a. Miscellaneous Medical Equipment Niger Niger Cfao Niger Secretariat Permanent De La D.s.r.p. Vehicles Miscellaneous Nigeria Nigeria Nigeria Nigeria Nigeria Nigeria Nigeria Nigeria Saropharma Limited Unfpa Local Project Staff Nigeria Unfpa Local Project Staff Nigeria Unfpa Local Project Staff Nigeria Unfpa Local Project Staff Nigeria Unfpa Local Project Staff Nigeria Unfpa Local Project Staff Nigeria Panalpina World Transport (Nigeria) Ltd Medical Equipment Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Medical Equipment 1,300,595.24 91,880.99 89,259.60 86,450.71 84,597.08 83,651.02 82,791.22 30,946.25 Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan M/S Quality Medical Services Strongman Medifur Systems (Pvt) Limited M/S Quality Medical Services Strongman Medifur Systems (Pvt) Limited Rustam Towel (Pvt) Limited M/S Dewan Farooque Motors Limited Medical Equipment Medical Equipment Medical Equipment Medical Equipment Medical Equipment Vehicles 151,645.78 124,148.42 66,424.08 46,713.71 46,205.73 34,446.28 Palestine Intermed Medical Equipment 58,500.00 Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Sunat-banco Continental Sunat-banco Continental Banco Continental-unfpa Banco Continental-unfpa Banco Continental-unfpa Banco Continental-unfpa Banco Continental-unfpa Banco Continental-unfpa Banco Continental-unfpa Banco Continental-unfpa Banco Continental-unfpa Banco Continental-unfpa Banco Continental-unfpa Corporacion Valtaks S.c.r.l. Gestion De Innovacion Tecnologica S.a.c. Banco Continental-unfpa Corporacion Valtaks S.c.r.l. Banco Continental-unfpa Banco Continental-unfpa Banco Continental-unfpa Banco Continental-unfpa Banco Continental-unfpa Banco Continental-unfpa Banco Continental-unfpa Banco Continental-unfpa Banco Continental-unfpa Banco Continental-unfpa Banco Continental-unfpa Banco Continental-unfpa Banco Continental-unfpa Banco Continental-unfpa Banco Continental-unfpa Banco Continental-planilla Haberes Inei Banco Continental-unfpa Banco Continental-unfpa Banco Continental-planilla Haberes Inei Banco Continental-planilla Haberes Inei Banco Continental-planilla Haberes Inei Banco Continental-planilla Haberes Inei Banco Continental-planilla Haberes Inei Banco Continental-planilla Haberes Inei Banco Continental-planilla Haberes Inei Banco Continental-unfpa Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Medical Equipment Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Medical Equipment Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous 346,162.69 337,252.01 121,362.23 121,341.46 120,807.45 119,637.46 119,444.44 119,266.06 118,452.38 115,789.47 105,700.00 71,428.57 71,428.57 71,296.30 71,000.00 70,175.44 68,216.74 67,682.93 65,507.32 64,054.88 60,559.01 59,603.66 59,523.81 58,184.52 58,035.71 57,763.98 56,574.92 55,891.24 55,555.56 54,347.83 54,012.35 52,599.39 51,541.81 48,338.37 42,658.61 39,490.85 38,550.60 38,082.57 37,622.36 36,128.83 36,128.83 36,074.07 35,603.72 54,512.19 54,398.00 52,317.20 48,774.81 47,470.68 46,860.36 45,602.50 45,246.00 45,246.00 45,000.00 42,025.50 40,860.00 39,577.40 39,160.00 37,506.00 37,000.00 36,962.25 36,916.41 36,720.00 36,250.32 36,250.32 36,120.00 34,500.00 33,092.80 32,896.64 32,264.00 31,488.80 31,217.92 30,994.80 30,164.00 30,080.00 100,000.00 43,200.00 49,711.67 37,602.75 Romania Ministry Of Foreign Affairs Of Romania Miscellaneous 46,401.48 Rwanda National Institute Of Statistics Rwanda Miscellaneous 30,000.00 Senegal Novotel Accor Miscellaneous 48,987.50 Sierra Leone Uniworld Sl Limited Medical Equipment 30,000.00 Singapore Credent Technology (Asia) Pte Ltd. Edp / Av / Teleconference South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa Mccarthy Toyota Daeta International Trading C.c The Pan -african Parliament Trust Fund M&H Suppliers Cc Yamaha Distributors Mccarthy Limited Vehicles Medical Equipment Miscellaneous Publication/Printing Vehicles Vehicles Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Micro Cars Ltd. Micro Cars Ltd. Vehicles Vehicles 87 53,200.00 115,490.12 112,350.00 50,000.00 43,620.58 30,836.02 30,508.93 69,565.22 46,376.81 Major Equipment ordered by Agency during 2006 (Orders of USD 30,000 or more) Agency / Location of Procurement UNFPA cont. Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) Total Cost (USD) Sidco Telecom Ohm For Computer Commerce South Sudan Center For Census , Statisti Golden Arrow Co. Ltd Edp / Av / Teleconference Edp / Av / Teleconference Miscellaneous Vehicles 137,500.00 57,090.00 43,000.00 42,817.00 Swaziland Swaziland National Youth Council Miscellaneous 53,000.00 Syrian Arab Republic Syrian Arab Republic Rami Al-aydi Mohamad Saadi Alomari Publication/Printing Publication/Printing 37,004.41 36,573.45 Tajikistan Undp Tajikistan Co Miscellaneous 70,000.00 Tanzania, United Republic of Mr. Daniel Kadala Kayanda Miscellaneous 32,099.58 Ukraine Pharmasco Llc Medical Equipment United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom Viacom Outdoor Pharmchem International Limited Mtv Networks Europe Rockhopper Productions Ltd. The Female Health Company Viacom Outdoor Pharmchem International Limited Drs Data Services Limited Mtv Networks Europe Pharmchem International Limited The Female Health Company Neomedic Ltd Neomedic Ltd Eagle Scientific Limited Nst&T Univers Phone International. Crown Agents Drs Data Services Limited Miscellaneous Medical Equipment Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Medical Equipment Miscellaneous Medical Equipment Edp / Av / Teleconference Miscellaneous Medical Equipment Medical Equipment Medical Equipment Medical Equipment Medical Equipment Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Edp / Av / Teleconference 141,609.76 133,950.00 100,000.05 75,000.00 67,236.33 64,790.48 61,050.00 57,142.86 49,999.95 44,650.00 43,714.29 38,509.00 38,509.00 33,440.76 32,256.00 31,280.00 30,041.99 United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United Nations Development Programme Slg 220 News Owners Llc United Nations Development Programme United Nations Development Programme Slg 220 News Owners Llc Slg 220 News Owners Llc Ibrt Slg 220 News Owners Llc Gccp United Nations Second 820 Owner Llc Dell Marketing L.p. United Nations Development Programme United Nations Development Programme Prographics, Inc. Second 820 Owner Llc Gccp Sweet Construction Corporation Sun Microsystems Computer Corp Prographics, Inc. Kay Printing And Envelope Co., Inc. United Nations Prographics, Inc. Prographics, Inc. Second 820 Owner Llc Gccp Gccp United Nations Sun Microsystems Computer Corp Government Technology Services Inc. Environmental Systems Research Institute Gccp Prographics, Inc. Slg 220 News Owners Llc Second 820 Owner Llc Gccp Dell Marketing L.p. Second 820 Owner Llc Sweet Construction Corporation Gccp Gccp Gccp Gccp Prographics, Inc. Gccp Dell Marketing L.p. Prographics, Inc. Slg 220 News Owners Llc Slg 220 News Owners Llc Dell Marketing L.p. Gccp Gccp Dell Marketing L.p. Gccp Dell Marketing L.p. Gccp Gccp Gccp Macro International Inc Orasure Technologies, Inc. Canon Business Solutions United Nations Gccp Gccp Slg 220 News Owners Llc Slg 220 News Owners Llc Gccp Second 820 Owner Llc Canon Business Solutions Gccp Sun Microsystems Computer Corp Gccp Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Medical Equipment Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Edp / Av / Teleconference Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Publication/Printing Miscellaneous Medical Equipment Miscellaneous Edp / Av / Teleconference Publication/Printing Publication/Printing Miscellaneous Publication/Printing Publication/Printing Miscellaneous Medical Equipment Medical Equipment Miscellaneous Edp / Av / Teleconference Edp / Av / Teleconference Miscellaneous Medical Equipment Publication/Printing Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Medical Equipment Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Medical Equipment Medical Equipment Medical Equipment Medical Equipment Publication/Printing Medical Equipment Edp / Av / Teleconference Publication/Printing Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Edp / Av / Teleconference Medical Equipment Medical Equipment Miscellaneous Medical Equipment Edp / Av / Teleconference Medical Equipment Medical Equipment Medical Equipment Publication/Printing Medical Equipment Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Medical Equipment Medical Equipment Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Medical Equipment Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Medical Equipment Edp / Av / Teleconference Medical Equipment 2,406,136.20 1,475,689.15 1,295,611.80 943,666.79 794,601.85 651,145.30 500,000.00 350,616.70 232,400.00 170,612.00 163,163.00 152,240.48 144,522.65 131,794.74 125,925.38 122,374.20 111,750.00 110,808.75 103,473.19 97,546.00 93,695.00 91,868.00 89,946.70 89,946.70 87,857.00 87,600.00 85,800.00 82,752.60 79,999.90 79,329.00 79,200.00 75,000.00 67,515.88 66,040.00 65,893.80 64,000.00 61,460.89 61,107.85 59,666.25 58,240.00 58,000.00 57,200.00 57,120.00 53,968.02 53,640.00 52,953.00 51,007.50 49,909.92 46,800.00 45,510.50 45,000.00 43,600.00 43,440.00 43,260.00 42,232.70 42,000.00 40,500.00 40,417.93 40,100.00 40,000.00 39,000.00 38,942.40 36,435.72 35,760.00 35,560.00 35,100.00 34,860.00 32,904.23 31,625.00 30,600.00 30,000.02 30,000.00 Yemen Cby 1001-10906 Publication/Printing Zambia Ministry Of Health Miscellaneous Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Pal Surgical Works Kadoma Hotel And Conference Center Medical Equipment Miscellaneous 88 32,027.83 82,000.00 100,000.00 90,000.00 43,764.71 Major Equipment ordered by Agency during 2006 (Orders of USD 30,000 or more) Agency / Location of Procurement Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) Total Cost (USD) UNICEF Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Ahmad Printing Press, Kabul Uno Education Press, Kabul Tryco Intl. Inc. Qais Farid Ltd (Mirwaise Hameed) Awse Kabul Ali Ashraf Afshari & Abdul Wasi Faqiri Humanitarian Assistance Muska, Ham Wali Asr Awesp, Khedamat Tabaht-e Bungah Z,A Al-haaj M, Akbar Darman Ltd Ecw Kabul Packages Albania Infosoft Systems Sh. A. Communication Equipment, IT & Office Supplies 102,421.00 Angola Angola Angola Angola Angola Angola Angoroyal Trading, Lda Ponto Um, Publicidade, Lda Publibrinde, Brindes Publicitarios-lda Plástica De Angola, Lda Ncr - Angola Armazens Continental, Lda Communication Equipment, Education Supplies Printing Clothing & Footwear, Printing, Shelter/Field Equipment Water & Sanitation IT & Office Supplies, Printing IT & Office Supplies 850,967.00 706,911.00 558,852.00 174,213.00 157,955.00 101,774.00 Argentina Ediciones Emede S.a Printing 120,353.00 Australia Australia Australia Codan Limited Mono Pumps (Australia) Pty. Ltd. Csl Limited Codan Limited Mono Pumps (Australia) Pty. Ltd. CSL Limited 970,387.00 452,550.00 378,385.00 IT & Office Supplies, Printing IT & Office Supplies, Printing Fuel & Lubricants IT & Office Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies, Printing Education Supplies Education Supplies Warehousing 777,114.00 330,042.00 199,068.00 194,849.00 175,086.00 169,048.00 152,665.00 152,665.00 136,417.00 134,333.00 134,333.00 130,759.00 Austria Semperit Technische Produkte Medical Renewable 269,174.00 Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Progressive Enterprise Press Brac Printers Binimoy Printers Ltd. Elite Printing & Packages Ltd. Incepta Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Goodwill Trade International Essential Drugs Company Ltd. Square Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Printers Line Ltd. S. S. Scientific Corporation Orchid Printers Globe Stationery Gazi Enterprise Sidko Limited Printing Printing Printing Printing Pharmaceuticals Communication Equipment, Education Supplies Pharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals Printing Education Supplies, IT & Office Supplies, Printing Printing Clothing & Footwear, Education Supplies Education Supplies, Medical/Hygiene Kit Water & Sanitation 670,341.00 653,367.00 532,613.00 530,050.00 404,292.00 399,829.00 258,663.00 237,970.00 179,942.00 148,196.00 123,351.00 104,230.00 103,522.00 101,775.00 Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Glaxosmithkline Becton Dickinson International Terumo Europe Nv Purna Pharmaceuticals N.v. Michiels Fabrieken N.v. Alpinter Sa/Nv Laboratoria Wolfs N.v. Innogenetics Nv Vaccines/Biologicals Medical Renewable, Diagnostic Test Kits Medical Renewable Pharmaceuticals Nutrition Education Supplies, Medical/Hygiene Kits Pharmaceuticals Diagnostic Test Kits Benin Benin Benin Sté Tunde S.a. Psi Cobemag Education Supplies, Printing Bednets Agriculture, Water & Sanitation 174,862.00 145,063.00 123,251.00 171,469,155.00 38,703,156.00 3,797,276.00 1,606,945.00 765,745.00 309,096.00 305,200.00 262,804.00 Bhutan Lhazeen Printers & Allied Services Printing 132,555.00 Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Nosiglia Sport Ltda. Miriam Salinas De Gamboa Southtec De Bolivia Transport Shelter/Field Equipment Communication Equipment, IT & Office Supplies 156,920.00 133,960.00 101,173.00 Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Fiotec Fundação Para O Desenvolvim Fingerprint Proc Dados Graf Edit Ltda Door To Door Logistica Distribuicao Ltda Commlogik Do Brasil Ltda Van Moorsel Andrade & Cia Ltda Vaccines/Biologicals Printing Warehousing Communication Equipment Printing 955,500.00 206,031.00 203,247.00 118,650.00 103,122.00 Bulgaria Marketing-v Ltd. Medical/Hygiene Kits 325,214.00 Burkina Faso Burkina Faso Burkina Faso Ets Bagagnan Tahere Et Freres Total Burkina Esof Water & Sanitation Fuel & Lubricants Water & Sanitation 196,572.00 137,352.00 105,568.00 Burundi Burundi Burundi Burundi Burundi Burundi Burundi Burundi Evimac A.p.a.d. Altebu Engen Petroleum Burundi Ets Karimanzira Gaspard J.p. Nziraguhindwa Ngabonziza Janvier Bitco Water & Sanitation Clothing & Footwear, Education Supplies Water & Sanitation Fuel & Lubricants Education Supplies, Transport, Warehousing Communication Equipment, Education Supplies Education Supplies, Transport Water & Sanitation 377,942.00 285,345.00 283,434.00 264,788.00 251,826.00 185,704.00 179,456.00 116,814.00 Cambodia Cambodia Cambodia Cambodia Cambodia Cambodia Kry Sok Kheng Ariyathoar Printing Shop C & T Advertising Pte., Ltd Kim Heng Centre Pps International Modern Printing Design Education Supplies, Nutrition, Printing Education Supplies, Printing Printing Communication Equipment, Education Supplies Water & Sanitation Clothing & Footwear, Printing 409,236.00 298,542.00 211,551.00 209,991.00 108,492.00 100,534.00 Cameroon Macpac International IT & Office Supplies, Transport Canada Canada Canada Canada Intervax Accucaps Industries Ltd. Banner Pharmacaps (Canada) Ltd Gravenhurst Plastics Limited Vaccines/Biologicals Pharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals Water & Sanitation 305,963.00 Central African Republic (the) Total Centrafrique Fuel & Lubricants 289,859.00 Chad Chad Ets Chema - Cherif Malik Librairie Al-akhbaar Communication Equipment, Education Supplies Education Supplies 133,126.00 107,850.00 1,122,711.00 373,507.00 221,700.00 111,703.00 Chile Ajay - Sqm Chile S.a. Nutrition 1,040,749.00 China China China China China China China China China China China China China China Ningbo Binbin Stationery Co., Ltd. Shandong Medicines & Health Products Qingdao Gyoha Entech Co. Ltd. Minsource International Ltd Maxleaf Stationery Ltd. Tianjin Bene- Kind Tech, Co. Ltd Iti Company (Shanghai) Ltd. Ningbo Binbin Stationery Co.,Ltd. Iti Company (Shanghai) Ltd. China-han Technical Development Top Sources Trading Ltd Guilin Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd Freeplay Asia Ltd Top Sources Trading Ltd. Education Supplies, Identific, & Signage Shelter/Field Equipment Shelter/Field Equipment Clothing & Footwear, Nutrition, Printing, Warehousing Education Supplies, Medical Renewable, Printing Clothing & Footwear Education Supplies, Identific, & Signage Education Supplies Clothing & Footwear Education Supplies, Printing Clothing & Footwear Pharmaceuticals Education Supplies Education Supplies, Medical Renewable 9,322,759.00 6,078,900.00 3,665,879.00 3,421,600.00 3,221,477.00 2,389,445.00 2,069,116.00 1,201,204.00 869,311.00 799,537.00 730,503.00 726,066.00 708,230.00 625,769.00 89 Major Equipment ordered by Agency during 2006 (Orders of USD 30,000 or more) Agency / Location of Procurement Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) Total Cost (USD) UNICEF cont. China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China Zhengzhou Nissan Automobile Co. Ltd A.andrews & Co. Ltd. 2/F Block E-f China Edu, Instrument & Equipment Co. Beijing Cheng Xin International Trade Benxi Beitai Ductile Cast Iron Pipe Tianjin Flying Pigeon Bicycle Co. Tainjin Wantex Import & Export Co Ltd. Bjg Renfa Reproductive Health Co. Ltd Hangzhou Cereal, Oils & Minsource International (H, Kong) Ltd. Beijing Xintongjiu Science & Trade Co. China-han Technical Development Co.l On Hing Paper Co. Ltd. Jilinsunking Technology Devel, Co. Ltd China Xinjiang Foreign Economic & Trad Beijing Sanjiangjinke Auto Sales Co. Transport IT & Office Supplies, Education Supplies Education Supplies, Water & Sanitation Communication Equipment, Education Supplies Water & Sanitation Transport Education Supplies Clothing & Footwear Education Supplies Education Supplies Communication Equipment, Education Supplies Clothing & Footwear Printing Communication Equipment, Education Supplies Shelter/Field Equipment Transport 606,194.00 565,836.00 523,183.00 443,191.00 409,235.00 361,692.00 321,010.00 317,865.00 289,652.00 251,760.00 241,629.00 195,755.00 179,499.00 128,485.00 120,750.00 106,258.00 Cote d’Ivoire Cote d’Ivoire Cote d’Ivoire Cote d’Ivoire Cote d’Ivoire Cote d’Ivoire Cote d’Ivoire Cote d’Ivoire Cote d’Ivoire Cote d’Ivoire Kodif Global Trading Gema S.a Satoci-ci Shell Cote D’ivoire Geci Sarl Mipa Total Ci Librairie De France Groupe Kochama International Education Supplies, IT & Office Supplies, Warehousing Clothing & Footwear, Education Supplies Water & Sanitation Education Supplies Fuel & Lubricants Education Supplies, Printing Education Supplies, Bednets Fuel & Lubricants Education Supplies Education Supplies 423,448.00 398,963.00 353,467.00 227,409.00 198,125.00 194,390.00 172,516.00 169,417.00 131,037.00 108,369.00 Cuba Heber Biotec S,..a Vaccines/Biologicals Cyprus Remedica Ltd. Pharmaceuticals 240,500.00 8,380,496.00 Czech Republic (the) Papirny Brno A.s. Education Supplies 354,796.00 Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (the) Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (the) Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (the) Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (the) Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (the) Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (the) Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (the) Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (the) Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (the) Korea Soriggoch Trading Company Kinpress (Imprimerie Typo-ofset) Korea Sambok Trading Co. Instaprint Congotex (Ex Utexafrica) Mson Ka-bey / Boma Mebeco Sprl Societe Congolaise Des Petroles Agb S.p.r.l. Printing, Transport Communication Equipment, Printing Education Supplies Education Supplies, Printing Identific, & Signage, IT & Office Supplies, Printing Education Supplies Education Supplies Fuel & Lubricants IT & Office Supplies, Printing 367,308.00 251,160.00 205,894.00 201,867.00 184,231.00 148,134.00 136,607.00 126,704.00 115,330.00 Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Topnordic A/S Statens Seruminstitut Missionpharma A/S A/S Vestfrost Monarflex A/S Zarges Aps Unops Boxon A/S A/S Vestfrost Linex A/S Select Sport A/S Paul Hartmann A/S Danimex Communication A/S Connectra Aps Kjaer & Kjaer Worldwide A/S Peter Justesen Company A/S Ambu A/S Grundfos Dk A/S Bukkehave A/S Compact A/S Canon Danmark A/S Topnordic A/S Scanpharm A/S Unomedical Hach Lange A/S Borg & Bigum Danmark A/S Ahlsell Aps Brenntag Disinfection A/S Psion Teklogix Denmark Canon Danmark A/S Kivex A/S Atlas Copco Kompressorteknik A/S United Nations Population Fund Still Danmark A/S Fairpoint A/S Dsm Nutritional Products A/S IT & Office Supplies Vaccines/Biologicals Medical Renewable, Pharmaceuticals Cold Chain Equipment Shelter/Field Equipment, Water & Sanitation Education Supplies Medical Equipment, Printing, Transport Education Supplies, Warehousing Cold Chain Equipment Education Supplies Education Supplies Medical Renewable Communication Equipment Medical Equipment, Shelter/Field Equipment Transport Communication Equipment, IT & Office Supplies Medical Equipment Water & Sanitation Transport Nutrition IT & Office Supplies Communication Equipment, IT & Office Supplies Nutrition, Pharmaceuticals Medical Renewable Laboratory Supplies, Water & Sanitation Clothing & Footwear, Identific, & Signage Water & Sanitation Pharmaceuticals Warehousing Education Supplies, IT & Office Supplies Medical Equipment Water & Sanitation Diagnostic Test Kits, Medical Equipment Warehousing Communication Equipment, Water & Sanitation Nutrition 6,324,625.00 4,163,414.00 3,027,055.00 1,944,111.00 1,822,586.00 1,723,140.00 1,477,967.00 1,348,918.00 1,133,840.00 1,110,204.00 1,043,582.00 1,024,875.00 779,868.00 764,945.00 736,816.00 689,818.00 654,808.00 580,665.00 495,229.00 453,232.00 323,699.00 315,938.00 278,846.00 243,804.00 237,974.00 214,890.00 204,079.00 192,856.00 183,021.00 168,234.00 155,520.00 154,761.00 153,567.00 150,698.00 139,889.00 104,977.00 Djibouti Nepolean Education Supplies, Laboratory Supplies 136,483.00 Eritrea Red Sea Soap Factory Bednets, Water & Sanitation 126,134.00 Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Electrocommercial S.c. Moenco Micro Sun & Solutions P.l.c Edm Printing Enterprise Ged Private Limited Company Rias Metal Artistic Works Omedad Pvt. Ltd. Co. Jupiter Trading Messebo Build, Materials Productn, Plc Kombolchasteel Products Industry Plc Tesfahun Bezuneh C.b.b.g. Private Limited Company Shell Ethiopia Limited Alta Computec Plc Selamawit Abate Importer Minche P,L,C Star Printing Press Transport Transport Communication Equipment Clothing & Footwear, Education Supplies, Printing Printing Education Supplies, Medical Equipment Education Supplies, IT & Office Supplies, Printing Education Supplies, IT & Office Supplies, Printing Water & Sanitation Education Supplies, Water & Sanitation Education Supplies IT & Office Supplies Education Supplies, IT & Office Supplies Fuel & Lubricants Education Supplies, IT & Office Supplies Shelter/Field Equipment, Warehousing Education Supplies, Printing Education Supplies, Printing Finland Finland Finland Finland Finland Finland Finland Pa-hu Oy Huurre Finland Oy Naps Systems Oy Sademan Oy Ab Crown Products Oy Painotalo Ky Esko Ahtee Pensi Rescue Oy Medical Renewable Cold Chain Equipment Cold Chain Equipment, Communication Equipment Nutrition Education Supplies Nutrition Medical Equipment France France France France France France France France France Sanofi Pasteur Nutriset Sovema Panpharma Laboratories Cofranlait Guerbet Apex Bp Solar Omyacolor Sa Vergnet Hydro Pharmaceuticals, Vaccines/Biologicals Nutrition, Pharmaceuticals Water & Sanitation Pharmaceuticals Nutrition Pharmaceuticals Cold Chain Equipment, Water & Sanitation Education Supplies, IT & Office Supplies Water & Sanitation 90 1,709,813.00 527,610.00 385,574.00 354,063.00 329,723.00 280,053.00 260,224.00 232,801.00 228,496.00 185,206.00 174,242.00 164,945.00 152,677.00 148,635.00 114,311.00 105,798.00 101,941.00 833,578.00 753,046.00 593,364.00 340,121.00 174,047.00 135,074.00 116,478.00 83,967,735.00 13,919,590.00 3,109,148.00 1,894,585.00 871,869.00 770,007.00 758,118.00 618,346.00 546,810.00 Major Equipment ordered by Agency during 2006 (Orders of USD 30,000 or more) Agency / Location of Procurement Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) Total Cost (USD) UNICEF cont. France France France France France France France France Bio-rad Laboratories Sofip Export Sanofi Winthrop Industrie S.a. Spengler Sas Bio Merieux S.a. Bristol-myers Squibb Sarl Laboratoire Renaudin Agencinox Diagnostic Test Kits, Laboratory Supplies IT & Office Supplies Pharmaceuticals Medical Equipment Diagnostic Test Kits Pharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals Medical Equipment 504,049.00 453,358.00 421,359.00 348,453.00 225,199.00 194,747.00 130,840.00 103,877.00 Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Abbott Gmbh & Co Kg Lomapharm, Rudolf Lohmann Gmbh Herlitz Pbs Ag Fleischhacker Gmbh & Co.kg Henke-sass, Wolf Gmbh Seca Gmbh & Co. Kg. Kbi Kunststoffbeutel Prod, Gmbh&C Msi Gmbh Fleischhacker Gmbh & Co.kg Polimoon Gmbh Rotexmedica Gmbh Boehringer Ingelheim Gmbh Dr, Paul Lohmann Gmbh Kg Smurfit Kappa Gmbh Boss Pro-tec Gmbh Chempatex Medizinische Kirsch Pharma Gmbh Partec Gmbh K,D, Medical Gmbh Hospital Products Deltaselect Gmbh Hagemann & Partner Bildungsmedien Rudolf Riester Gmbh & Co. Kg Stoehr Turn- Und Sportgeraete Ernst Klett Sprachen Gmbh Diagnostic Test Kits, Laboratory Supplies Nutrition, Pharmaceuticals Education Supplies, IT & Office Supplies Diagnostic Test Kits, Laboratory Supplies Medical Renewable Nutrition Pharmaceuticals Nutrition Diagnostic Test Kits, Laboratory Supplies Water & Sanitation Pharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals Nutrition Warehousing Transport Medical Renewable Pharmaceuticals, Warehousing Diagnostic Test Kits, Laboratory Supplies Medical Renewable Pharmaceuticals Nutrition Medical Equipment Education Supplies Education Supplies 4,919,252.00 2,228,049.00 2,168,102.00 2,107,697.00 1,759,447.00 1,469,580.00 1,346,937.00 949,865.00 739,832.00 596,433.00 548,613.00 408,455.00 358,691.00 310,597.00 308,501.00 287,673.00 238,099.00 203,552.00 188,340.00 186,336.00 177,388.00 116,643.00 111,285.00 108,263.00 Ghana Ghana Ghana Ghana Ghana Royal Crown Press Ltd. Sedco Publishing Ltd. Cool Keep Trading Agency Sharp Impressions Capacity Press Printing Printing Education Supplies, Staff Supplies, Water & Sanitation Education Supplies, Printing Printing 474,077.00 359,228.00 237,563.00 219,235.00 155,543.00 Guatemala Guatemala Ferreterias Rottmann Ruiz Amanco Tubosistemas Water & Sanitation Water & Sanitation 220,694.00 133,622.00 Guinea Guinea Total Guinee Ets Aly K,S Fawaz Fuel & Lubricants Agriculture, Clothing & Footwear, Education Supplies 368,773.00 166,654.00 Guinea-Bissau Lamarana Sow Communication Equipment, Education Supplies 107,493.00 Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Maison Henri Deschamps Ator / Les Ateliers Oreste Henropo Joca Ebenisterie Maujyf Education Supplies, IT & Office Supplies, Printing Education Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies 301,379.00 275,174.00 249,221.00 217,127.00 104,347.00 Hungary Pannonpharma Pharmaceutical Ltd. Pharmaceuticals India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India Panacea Biotec Ltd. Serum Institute Of India Ltd. Aurobindo Pharma Limited Hetero Drugs Ltd. Cipla Ltd. Orchid Biomedical Systems Shantha Biotechnics Ltd. Ipca Laboratories Limited Ranbaxy Laboratories Ltd. Geetanjali Woollens Pvt. Ltd. Span Pumps Private Limited Strides Arcolab Limited Ajay Industrial Corporation Nicholas Piramal India Limited, Thane Nikhil Offset Gopsons Papers Limited Salter India Private Ltd. Mohan Mutha Exports Pvt. Ltd. Blow Kings Ok Play (India) Ltd Jvs Foods Pvt. Ltd. Godrej & Boyce Mfg, Co. Ltd., Mumbai Gland Pharma Ltd. Haffkine Bio-pharmaceutical Corpora Kadam Marketing Ltd Wipro Ge Medical Systems S, Narayan & Sons Calibre Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. Patna Offset Press Kanam Latex Industries Private Ltd. Strides Arcolab Limited, Bangalore Caxton Printers Print House India Pvt. Ltd. Redington Distribution Pte Limited Aov International Calcutta Chromotype Private Limited Mbi Kits International Poddar Screen Printers Micro Labs Ltd. Zephyr Biomedicals Ori Plast Pvt Ltd The Offsetters India Pvt. Ltd. Salem Steel Plant Excel Advertising Agency, Patna Osho Tools Pvt. Ltd. Ajanta Pharma Limited Poly Glass Fibre Industries Pvt Ltd Span Diagnostics Ltd. Surya Print Process Pvt. Ltd. Ergomaxx (India) Private Limited Merck Specialities Pvt. Ltd. Newage Industries Aey Kay Enterprises Blow Kings Techno Relief Overseas (I) Pvt. Ltd. Union Quality Plastics Ltd. Sports Land Overseas (Pvt.) Ltd. Kay Tent Industries Techno Relief Overseas India Pvt. Ltd. Avon Cycles Ltd. Shreedhar Printers Utkarsh Tubes Pvt. Ltd. Zeal Medical Pvt. Ltd. Fdc Limited - International Division Vaccines/Biologicals Vaccines/Biologicals Pharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals Diagnostic Test Kits Vaccines/Biologicals Pharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals, Warehousing Shelter/Field Equipment Water & Sanitation Pharmaceuticals Water & Sanitation Medical Equipment, Pharmaceuticals Education Supplies, Identific, & Signage, Printing Education Supplies, Printing Medical/Hygiene Kits, Nutrition, Water & Sanitation Water & Sanitation Cold Chain Equipment Education Supplies, IT & Office Supplies Nutrition Communication Equipment, Laboratory Supplies Pharmaceuticals Vaccines/Biologicals IT & Office Supplies, Shelter/Field Equipment Medical Equipment Printing Nutrition Printing Medical Renewable Pharmaceuticals Printing Printing Communication Equipment, IT & Office Supplies Cold Chain Equipment Printing Laboratory Supplies, Nutrition Printing Pharmaceuticals Diagnostic Test Kits Water & Sanitation Printing Nutrition, Water & Sanitation Printing Water & Sanitation Pharmaceuticals Transport Diagnostic Test Kits Education Supplies Education Supplies Laboratory Supplies, Water & Sanitation Education Supplies, IT & Office Supplies Education Supplies, Water & Sanitation Cold Chain Equipment Medical/Hygiene Kits Shelter/Field Equipment Education Supplies, Shelter/Field Equipment Shelter/Field Equipment Nutrition, Water & Sanitation Transport Printing Water & Sanitation Medical Equipment, Medical/Hygiene Kits Pharmaceuticals 91 158,050.00 124,281,631.00 38,171,454.00 13,243,904.00 7,779,165.00 6,928,278.00 6,490,576.00 5,667,721.00 4,402,130.00 4,157,416.00 2,540,755.00 1,869,168.00 1,665,728.00 1,631,486.00 1,403,116.00 1,266,884.00 1,117,823.00 1,079,924.00 954,758.00 747,288.00 743,643.00 697,365.00 647,173.00 627,653.00 620,880.00 614,506.00 592,594.00 530,265.00 430,224.00 410,538.00 381,460.00 356,024.00 355,218.00 352,949.00 342,310.00 327,878.00 321,794.00 321,195.00 304,588.00 299,290.00 279,525.00 272,475.00 266,121.00 265,705.00 235,671.00 230,982.00 226,242.00 221,000.00 220,750.00 216,972.00 205,037.00 201,091.00 191,267.00 186,438.00 173,061.00 169,459.00 169,052.00 159,876.00 159,444.00 153,870.00 151,417.00 135,485.00 134,179.00 130,357.00 127,543.00 Major Equipment ordered by Agency during 2006 (Orders of USD 30,000 or more) Agency / Location of Procurement Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) UNICEF cont. India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India Tata Motors Limited Thakral Brothers Pte. Ltd. Aadarsh Printers And Publishers It Power India Ori-plast Ltd. Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd., Mumbai Ajay Industrial Corporation Bihar Tubes Limited Navnirmiti, Mumbai Water Health Laboratories, Roorkee Fdc Ltd. J.m.d.i. Linen Private Limited Pasricha Surgicals Co.pvt.ltd. Sanjay Printing Works, Patna Libra Diesel Engineers Pvt. Ltd. A J Stationery Pvt. Ltd. Transport Communication Equipment, Education Supplies Printing Medical Equipment Water & Sanitation Transport Water & Sanitation Water & Sanitation Education Supplies Water & Sanitation Pharmaceuticals Identific, & Signage, Printing Medical Equipment Printing Medical Equipment, Water & Sanitation Education Supplies Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia P.t. Bio Farma (Persero) Pt Indonesia Printers Pt Harrisma Informatika Jaya Officepro Pt Tisa Diamanta Kusuma Pt Heinz Abc Indonesia Pt Chitose Indonesia Manufacturing Pt Gaya Bella Diantama Cv, Pudak Scientific Pt, Global Sinar Abadi Pt Sunindo Varia Motor Gemilang Pt Bahana Karsa Mandiri Cv, Alkautsar Aflah Mandiri Pt Printindo Utama Pt Agra Kencana Gita Cemerlang Cv Mahkota Pt Synergia Total Tenaga Office Pro Harapan Prima Cv Ganeca Exact Bandung P.d. Wira Utama Pt Metro Tiga Berlian Motors Vaccines/Biologicals Education Supplies, Printing Communication Equipment, IT & Office Supplies Communication Equipment, Education Supplies Clothing & Footwear, Education Supplies Nutrition Education Supplies, IT & Office Supplies Clothing & Footwear, Education Supplies, Printing Education Supplies Identific, & Signage, Printing Transport Clothing & Footwear, Communication Equipment Education Supplies Printing Clothing & Footwear, Education Supplies Communication Equipment, Shelter/Field Equipment Warehousing Clothing & Footwear, Communication Equipment Identific, & Signage, Printing Printing Clothing & Footwear, Communication Equipment Transport Total Cost (USD) 124,034.00 123,902.00 123,305.00 123,241.00 122,173.00 121,567.00 117,646.00 116,683.00 113,620.00 112,511.00 110,004.00 108,204.00 104,374.00 104,315.00 100,968.00 100,687.00 3,565,240.00 1,059,309.00 753,033.00 634,747.00 559,764.00 539,890.00 421,895.00 399,297.00 378,805.00 324,758.00 294,217.00 251,043.00 243,709.00 237,437.00 236,677.00 225,628.00 217,807.00 160,227.00 144,103.00 139,885.00 107,744.00 103,204.00 Iran (Islamic Republic of) Ab Hayat Kerman Water & Sanitation 417,141.00 Iraq Iraq Iraq Al Wifaq Printing Press Abdul Samad Printing Press Al Sa’doun Printing Press Education Supplies Education Supplies, Printing Education Supplies, Printing 726,013.00 514,479.00 511,321.00 Ireland Ireland Ireland Trinity Biotech Medentech Ltd Ovelle Limited Diagnostic Test Kits Pharmaceuticals Water & Sanitation Pharmaceuticals Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Janssen-cilag Health Care Ltd. Nasser Eddin Bros, Stores Odis Filtering Ltd. Advanced Business Machines Ltd. Omega Ltd - Chalk Factory Sarel Orgenics Ltd. Pharmaceuticals Clothing & Footwear, Identific, & Signage Water & Sanitation Communication Equipment, Printing Education Supplies Vaccines/Biologicals Diagnostic Test Kits Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Novartis Vaccines And Diagnostics S Gio Style Spa Coelmo S.r.l. Fazzini S.r.l. Gio Style Spa Universal S.p.a. Alfa Intes Laboratorio Farmacologico Milanese Iveco S.p.a. Nuova Industrie Biscotti Crich S.p. Fulton Medicinali S.p.a. Tasco S.r.l. Caprari S.p.a. Beltapharm Spa Clivet S.p.a. Euromec Srl I.m.o. Saponerie M, Fissi S.p.a. Vaccines/Biologicals Cold Chain Equipment IT & Office Supplies, Medical Equipment, Transport Medical Equipment, Nutrition Cold Chain Equipment Education Supplies, IT & Office Supplies Pharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals Transport Nutrition Pharmaceuticals Water & Sanitation Water & Sanitation Pharmaceuticals IT & Office Supplies Water & Sanitation Water & Sanitation Medical Renewable 21,964,330.00 1,022,980.00 875,751.00 873,664.00 719,284.00 636,071.00 525,715.00 426,613.00 341,484.00 300,604.00 300,050.00 238,015.00 159,004.00 135,859.00 125,382.00 112,477.00 111,497.00 102,069.00 Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Sumitomo Chemical Co. Ltd. Toyota Motor Corporation Japan Bcg Laboratory J, Gerber & Company (Japan) Ltd. Nissan Trading Co., Ltd Nissan Trading Co. K, Arano & Co., Ltd. Fujirebio Inc. Bednets Fuel & Lubricants, Transport Vaccines/Biologicals Transport, Water & Sanitation Transport Transport Education Supplies, Fuel & Lubricants Diagnostic Test Kits, Pharmaceuticals 25,801,217.00 9,646,418.00 4,058,780.00 3,414,930.00 888,625.00 599,321.00 177,993.00 134,591.00 Jordan Jordan Jordan Forum Furniture Co. Reetaj Technology&Technical Services Jordan Modern Intenational Ltd. Education Supplies, IT & Office Supplies Water & Sanitation IT & Office Supplies Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Techno Relief Services Ltd. Rymans Limited Population Services International Toyota East Africa Ltd Colour Creations Petrocity Enterprises (Ns) Ltd Vestergaard Frandsen (Ea) Ltd. Nairobi Ironmongers Ltd Lino Stationers (K) Ltd. Insta Products (Epz) Ltd English Press Ltd Gordhandas Dharamshi & Bros Ltd Proctor & Allan Davis & Shirtliff Limited Kentainers Ltd Modern Lithographics (K) Ltd. Nairobi Sports House Ltd. Proctor & Allan (East Africa) Ltd. Caltex Oil (Kenya) Limited Blackwood Hodge (Kenya) Ltd Diamond Chemicals Limited Roto Moulders Ltd Tarpo Industries Limited Metro Plastic Kenya Ltd. Telemedia Kenya Ltd. Mfi Office Solutions Megamart Appliances Limited Silpack Industries Ltd. Bidco Oil Refineries Limited Clothing & Footwear, Shelter/Field Equipment Clothing & Footwear, Education Supplies Bednets, Water & Sanitation Fuel & Lubricants, Transport Clothing & Footwear, Education Supplies, Printing Fuel & Lubricants Bednets Fuel & Lubricants, IT & Office Supplies, Medical Equipment Communication Equipment, Education Supplies Nutrition Education Supplies, Identific, & Signage, Printing Warehousing Nutrition IT & Office Supplies, Water & Sanitation Water & Sanitation Printing Education Supplies Nutrition Fuel & Lubricants Cold Chain Equipment, Shelter/Field Equipment Water & Sanitation Laboratory Supplies, Shelter/Field Equipment Shelter/Field Equipment Water & Sanitation Communication Equipment Communication Equipment, Education Supplies, Printing Clothing & Footwear, Communication Equipment Medical Renewable, Warehousing Nutrition 92 2,437,698.00 858,182.00 192,422.00 465,280.00 457,950.00 372,212.00 181,807.00 134,868.00 114,905.00 111,033.00 284,492.00 176,670.00 141,448.00 12,906,567.00 1,528,984.00 1,383,552.00 1,148,130.00 754,934.00 639,138.00 601,200.00 532,739.00 499,611.00 472,839.00 423,577.00 410,523.00 408,532.00 333,534.00 316,668.00 300,893.00 258,063.00 253,170.00 240,137.00 233,568.00 228,500.00 222,046.00 206,729.00 187,050.00 155,834.00 151,482.00 129,019.00 119,701.00 119,387.00 Major Equipment ordered by Agency during 2006 (Orders of USD 30,000 or more) Agency / Location of Procurement Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) Total Cost (USD) UNICEF cont. Kenya Kenya Kenya Lisal Chemicals Company Ltd Color Creations Kenwan Services Medical Renewable, Nutrition, Pharmaceuticals Clothing & Footwear, Education Supplies, Printing Cold Chain Equipment, Fuel & Lubricants 119,266.00 107,853.00 102,245.00 Lao People’s Democratic Republic (the) Lao People’s Democratic Republic (the) Lao People’s Democratic Republic (the) Lao People’s Democratic Republic (the) Lao People’s Democratic Republic (the) Lao People’s Democratic Republic (the) Lao People’s Democratic Republic (the) Lao People’s Democratic Republic (the) Lao People’s Democratic Republic (the) Lao People’s Democratic Republic (the) Pakpassack Printing Press Soukphaseut Construction Co. Xiengkhuang Mixay Construction Phothixay Construction Co., Ltd Provincial Health Dept. Oudomxay Sisavath Printing Press Provincial Health Dept. L,Namtha Provin Oudomsouk Construction Co Somphamith Construction Co. Sengphet Construction Co., Ltd Printing Water & Sanitation Water & Sanitation Water & Sanitation Water & Sanitation Laboratory Supplies, Printing Water & Sanitation Water & Sanitation Water & Sanitation Water & Sanitation 281,425.00 233,696.00 202,784.00 195,322.00 145,755.00 121,714.00 105,296.00 104,600.00 102,649.00 101,055.00 Lebanon Lebanon Tannourine Jubaili Industrial Metal Co. Water & Sanitation Medical Equipment 431,035.00 209,056.00 Lesotho Sunny Hardware (Pty) Ltd Agriculture Luxembourg Luxembourg Dometic Sarl Dometic Sarl Cold Chain Equipment, Laboratory Supplies Cold Chain Equipment 211,236.00 Madagascar Madagascar Msm Madagascar Sedico IT & Office Supplies, Printing Education Supplies, Printing 151,328.00 132,629.00 Malawi Malawi Malawi Malawi Malawi Mapanga Furniture Limited Far Distribution Company Limited Design Printers Shayona Cement Corporation Total Malawi Limited Education Supplies, Nutrition, Shelter/Field Equipment Education Supplies, Shelter/Field Equipment Education Supplies, Printing Water & Sanitation Fuel & Lubricants 316,437.00 297,812.00 258,654.00 231,788.00 138,357.00 589,500.00 3,801,039.00 3,542,155.00 Malaysia Hovid Sdn Bhd Pharmaceuticals Maldives Dhivehi Raajjeyge Gulhun Pvt. Ltd IT & Office Supplies, Printing 676,326.00 Mali Mali Total- Mali Cfao Technologies Fuel & Lubricants Water & Sanitation 261,512.00 108,458.00 Mauritania Naftec Mie Fuel & Lubricants 110,932.00 Mexico Mexico Mexico Baxter Sa De Cv Operadora Detiendas Voluntarias,Sacv Rogas, S. A. De C.v. Pharmaceuticals Education Supplies Education Supplies 295,200.00 201,595.00 185,711.00 Mozambique Mozambique Mozambique Mozambique Mozambique Mozambique Mozambique Mozambique Plural Editores, Lda Officemart Ltd Dataserv Lda Sirius Movarte - Móveis E Arte Spectrum Graphics Limitada Dimatec, Lda Casa Ana, Lda Education Supplies Education Supplies Communication Equipment, Education Supplies Communication Equipment Education Supplies Education Supplies, Printing Transport Shelter/Field Equipment 559,496.00 329,512.00 236,855.00 205,469.00 171,509.00 148,855.00 102,214.00 100,962.00 Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Excel Co. Shwe Naing Ngan Printing House New Telesonic (May Thu Trading) Mahar Kyaw Department Store Shay Saung Printing Press New Telesonic Wood & Gen,Prod,Trade Aa Pharmacy Man International Co., Ltd. Bednets, Water & Sanitation Education Supplies, Printing Warehousing Clothing & Footwear, Education Supplies Printing Education Supplies, Warehousing Medical Renewable Education Supplies, Printing 418,818.00 392,151.00 300,000.00 273,626.00 258,186.00 192,500.00 162,250.00 158,808.00 Namibia John Meinert Education Supplies, Printing 162,428.00 Nepal Nepal Hulas Steel Industries (P) Ltd. Balaju Yantrashala Pvt. Ltd. Water & Sanitation IT & Office Supplies, Water & Sanitation 124,839.00 117,914.00 Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands The Medical Export Group Bv Merck Sharp & Dohme B.v. Imres Bv Ida Foundation- International Dispe Abbott Logistics B.v. Nvi (Netherlands Vaccine Institute) Laboratory Supplies, Medical Equipment Pharmaceuticals Diagnostic Test Kits, Medical Renewable Nutrition, Pharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals Vaccines/Biologicals Niger Niger Niger Niger Niger Sta (Société De Transformation Agrico Société Des Huiles Olga Ucoma Zinder Nouvelle Imprimerie Du Niger Maison Ollas Nutrition Nutrition Agriculture, Education Supplies, Transport Printing Education Supplies, IT & Office Supplies 573,816.00 415,331.00 129,621.00 108,270.00 100,666.00 Nigeria Nigeria Nigeria Nigeria Nigeria Nigeria Nigeria Nigeria Nigeria Nigeria Nigeria N, Danco Nigeria Limited Nigeria Engineering Works Limited Sokoto Furniture Factory Ltd. Longman Nigeria Plc. Bolyn Constructions Company Letco Furnishing Industry Ltd O-brains Technical Limited University Press Plc. Otibros Nig, Limited Danimex Nigeria Limited Swalek Nig Trading Co Education Supplies IT & Office Supplies, Warehousing Education Supplies Education Supplies, Printing Rehab,/Disabilities Education Supplies, IT & Office Supplies Education Supplies, IT & Office Supplies Education Supplies Shelter/Field Equipment, Water & Sanitation Communication Equipment Education Supplies, Nutrition 971,563.00 785,593.00 433,532.00 383,923.00 289,527.00 277,937.00 274,534.00 246,940.00 178,718.00 142,676.00 120,781.00 Norway Norway Norway Norway Norway Norway Norway Norway Telenor Satellite Networks As Fiskars Brands Norge As Stork Prosjekt As W. Giertsen A/S Laerdal Medical A/S O,B, Wiik As Rofi Industrier As Scandinavian Water Technology As Communication Equipment, IT & Office Supplies Communication Equipment, Education Supplies Water & Sanitation Warehousing Education Supplies, Medical Equipment Warehousing Transport Water & Sanitation 646,591.00 479,669.00 452,613.00 308,370.00 219,096.00 192,531.00 156,529.00 150,241.00 Occupied Palestinian Territory Occupied Palestinian Territory Occupied Palestinian Territory Occupied Palestinian Territory Occupied Palestinian Territory Occupied Palestinian Territory Occupied Palestinian Territory Occupied Palestinian Territory Occupied Palestinian Territory Occupied Palestinian Territory Occupied Palestinian Territory Paper Industrial Co. Hirbawi Investment & Int’l Trade Co. Annahda Book Shop Birzeit Pharmaceutical Company Bashir Siksik & Co. Ltd. Lemix Co. Ltd. Nobel Medical Supplies Co. Zant Co. For Medical Supplies & Labs Al-aqqad For Fasion Modern Electronic Company Al-quds Stationery Mfg. & Trading Co. Printing Education Supplies, Printing Clothing & Footwear, Education Supplies Pharmaceuticals Water & Sanitation Medical Equipment Medical Equipment, Pharmaceuticals Medical Equipment, Medical/Hygiene Kits Clothing & Footwear IT & Office Supplies Education Supplies, Printing 542,122.00 457,156.00 343,756.00 315,877.00 205,048.00 202,654.00 190,777.00 179,253.00 159,011.00 140,182.00 119,808.00 Oman Saud Bahwan Automotive Llc Medical Equipment, Transport, Vaccines/Biological 159,100.00 93 2,196,473.00 960,993.00 595,977.00 395,110.00 319,077.00 132,090.00 Major Equipment ordered by Agency during 2006 (Orders of USD 30,000 or more) Agency / Location of Procurement Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) Total Cost (USD) UNICEF cont. Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan H.sheikh Noor-ud-din & Sons Pvt Ltd H, Nizam Din & Sons (Pvt) Ltd. International Industries Limited National Tent House Imgc Global (Pvt) Ltd. Indus Motor Company Ltd. National Fiber Glass H,Sheikh Noor-ud-din & Sons Pvt The Times Press Pak Suzuki Motor Co. Ltd., M/S Rehman & Brothers Master Glass Fiber Ajk Teachers Foudation Buraq Surgical Corporation Dadex Eternit Limited M/S Muhammadi Traders International Industries Ltd. Nikmat Printers Ali Abdullah Enterprises Colgate Palmolive (Pakistan) Limited Entrepreneur Global Trust Bashir Pipe Industries (Pvt) Ltd. Victory Pipe Industries (Pvt) Limited Fibertech Composites Multi Media Imgc Global (Pvt) Ltd Lareb Printing Press M/S Instant Print System (Pvt) Shani Engineers Compsi Pvt. Ltd. H.s. Ahmedally Prince Book Bank King Faisal Multi Sign Service Delphi Traders Shaukat Soap & Ghee Industries (Pvt) Ltd. Qureshi Hardware. New Khalil Printings Dawood Yamaha Limited Jubilee Traders Akbar & Zikria Pipes (Pvt) Ltd. Arsal Enterprises Shelter/Field Equipment Shelter/Field Equipment Water & Sanitation Clothing & Footwear, Education Supplies Clothing & Footwear, Medical/Hygiene Kits Transport IT & Office Supplies, Water & Sanitation Shelter/Field Equipment Education Supplies Transport Clothing & Footwear, Communication Equipment Water & Sanitation Education Supplies Medical Equipment Water & Sanitation Clothing & Footwear, Water & Sanitation Water & Sanitation Printing Water & Sanitation Medical/Hygiene Kits Education Supplies Water & Sanitation Water & Sanitation Warehousing, Water & Sanitation Clothing & Footwear, Education Supplies, Printing Education Supplies, Medical/Hygiene Kits Printing Education Supplies, Printing Water & Sanitation IT & Office Supplies, Printing Cold Chain Equipment, IT & Office Supplies, Warehousing Education Supplies Clothing & Footwear, Education Supplies, Identific, & Signage Water & Sanitation Medical/Hygiene Kits Education Supplies, Bednets Clothing & Footwear, Identific, & Signage Transport Education Supplies, IT & Office Supplies, Warehousing Water & Sanitation Clothing & Footwear, Communication Equipment Philippines (the) Philippines (the) Philippines (the) Philippines (the) Philippines (the) Anssel Enterprises Central Home Furnishing Inc. Toyota Makati, Inc. Ec-tec Commercial Educational Marketing Mentors Clothing & Footwear, Education Supplies Clothing & Footwear, Communication Equipment Transport Printing Education Supplies, Nutrition, Shelter/Field Equipment Republic of Korea (the) Republic of Korea (the) Lg Life Sciences Ltd. Puyoung Ind, Co., Ltd. Vaccines/Biologicals Shelter/Field Equipment Russian Federation (the) Russian Federation (the) Russian Federation (the) Ooo “Deacom” Gup “Knizhnoe Izdatelstvo” Ooo “Vostok” Communication Equipment, IT & Office Supplies, Printing Printing Cold Chain Equipment, Medical Equipment, Nutrition 209,636.00 142,215.00 137,161.00 Senegal Senegal Institut Pasteur De Dakar Total Vaccines/Biologicals Fuel & Lubricants 210,000.00 156,849.00 2,692,189.00 2,296,015.00 2,126,193.00 1,863,154.00 933,879.00 813,394.00 811,691.00 744,223.00 589,274.00 559,660.00 446,964.00 445,241.00 443,922.00 410,385.00 359,504.00 343,822.00 342,331.00 269,544.00 265,588.00 260,187.00 231,597.00 214,813.00 214,791.00 212,817.00 200,395.00 199,204.00 192,283.00 168,725.00 162,310.00 161,779.00 160,106.00 158,411.00 156,829.00 155,122.00 150,912.00 125,408.00 125,238.00 124,076.00 118,028.00 113,417.00 104,129.00 454,498.00 396,000.00 239,431.00 215,878.00 196,598.00 8,598,603.00 537,680.00 Sierra Leone Sierra Leone National Petroleum Co. Ltd. Fuel & Lubricants South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa Bayer Pty (Ltd) Townsend International Pty Ltd. Maskew Miller Longman (Pty) Ltd. Basf South Africa Pty Ltd. Wefco Marketing Cc Saubatech (Pty) Ltd Edeni Chemical Trading Cc Bednets Clothing & Footwear, Education Supplies Communication Equipment, Education Supplies, Printing Bednets Agriculture, Water & Sanitation Medical Equipment Water & Sanitation Spain Spain Spain Guido Rayos X,S.a. Serra Salt Machinery Laboratorio Arago S.a. Medical Equipment Water & Sanitation Medical Renewable 180,161.00 123,901.00 120,494.00 Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Unilever Sri Lanka Ltd Enex Agencies (Pvt) Ltd Tvs Lanka (Pvt) Ltd Pilot Stationers (Pte) Ltd Pc House (Pvt) Ltd Narah Stationers Mackwoods Ltd Amerasian (Pvt) Ltd Velona Silks Ltd Vidya Silpa (Pvt) Ltd Associated Motorways Ltd Ralhum Ventures (Pvt)Ltd G Group Contractor Star Industrial Service (Pvt) Ltd Five Star Textiles Centre Amcom (Pvt) Ltd Sarvodaya Wood Work Production Unit E-w Information Systems Ltd Neat Lanka (Pvt) Ltd Mediquipment (Pvt) Limited Alpha Industries Limited Bednets, Medical/Hygiene Kits Communication Equipment, Education Supplies Transport Clothing & Footwear, Education Supplies, Printing Communication Equipment, IT & Office Supplies, Printing Education Supplies, Identific, & Signage, Water & Sanitation IT & Office Supplies, Medical Equipment Transport Medical/Hygiene Kits Laboratory Supplies Printing, Transport Education Supplies, IT & Office Supplies IT & Office Supplies Education Supplies, IT & Office Supplies Clothing & Footwear, Education Supplies, IT & Office Supplies Education Supplies, Nutrition, Transport Education Supplies IT & Office Supplies IT & Office Supplies, Printing Medical Equipment Education Supplies, IT & Office Supplies, Medical Equipment 599,384.00 542,331.00 338,864.00 327,116.00 300,573.00 263,902.00 190,150.00 186,728.00 169,714.00 166,796.00 162,078.00 152,058.00 146,923.00 143,277.00 141,392.00 122,808.00 118,690.00 117,896.00 108,638.00 108,500.00 100,404.00 Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Albaraka Plastic Factory M/S Bishoy Trading Co. Ltd. Tawfig Soap Factory Chevron Kenya Ltd. Diesel Generator Co. Ltd. Dimitry Sh,Fahmy Contracting & Tradin Abu Saifain (Jabal Marrah) Plastic Factory Tarbia Printing Press A/Aziz El Khair Mohammed Nour Amira Printing & Publishing Al Batrik Trading & Services Co. Ltd. New Life Printing Press Azoom Plastic Factory Ibm Enterprise Co. Ltd. Abdaa For Publicity And Advertising Water & Sanitation Clothing & Footwear Bednets Fuel & Lubricants IT & Office Supplies, Water & Sanitation Water & Sanitation Water & Sanitation Education Supplies, Printing Water & Sanitation Printing Water & Sanitation Printing Water & Sanitation IT & Office Supplies, Shelter/Field Equipment Clothing & Footwear, Identific, & Signage, Printing Swaziland Swaziland Leites Motors Ltd. M,P,D, Marketing & Supplies Transport Clothing & Footwear, Nutrition, Shelter/Field Equipment 94 213,860.00 4,524,949.00 2,198,863.00 465,167.00 415,282.00 220,728.00 147,191.00 130,378.00 1,588,044.00 1,390,674.00 1,356,284.00 405,972.00 404,922.00 377,467.00 368,628.00 365,519.00 314,073.00 170,823.00 153,801.00 136,699.00 112,480.00 103,153.00 102,974.00 179,884.00 142,152.00 Major Equipment ordered by Agency during 2006 (Orders of USD 30,000 or more) Agency / Location of Procurement Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) Total Cost (USD) UNICEF cont. Sweden Sweden Sweden Sweden Sweden Sweden Sweden Sweden Smurfit Kappa Lagamill Ab Sibir International Ab Sibir International Ab Linden International Ab Hemocue Ab Nordic Sports Ltd. Ab Sbl Vaccin Ab Kanmed Ab Medical Renewable Cold Chain Equipment Cold Chain Equipment Medical Equipment Laboratory Supplies Education Supplies Vaccines/Biologicals Medical Equipment Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Vestergaard Frandsen S.a. Berna Biotech Ltd. Novartis Pharma Ag Tyco Healthcare Group Ag Hoffmann-la Roche Ltd. Medela Ag Baxter Ag Dps Sa Syngenta Crop Protection Ag K-tron (Switzerland ) Ltd. Assut Medical Sarl Bednets, Identific, & Signage Vaccines/Biologicals Pharmaceuticals Medical Renewable Pharmaceuticals Medical Equipment Pharmaceuticals Communication Equipment, IT & Office Supplies Bednets Nutrition Medical Renewable Syrian Arab Republic (the) Syrian Arab Republic (the) Syrian Arab Republic (the) Alhouda Co. Rend Child Kingdom Dar Alfikr Medical/Hygiene Kits, Warehousing Education Supplies, IT & Office Supplies Printing 864,565.00 854,012.00 257,160.00 Tajikistan Tajikistan Private Enterpriser Murodova Office Krause Llc Education Supplies, IT & Office Supplies Education Supplies, IT & Office Supplies, Printing 144,530.00 103,264.00 Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Sunshine World Net 2003 Co., Ltd. Commonwealth Trading Co., Ltd. Tana Netting Co., Ltd Hua Nam Printing Co., Ltd. Romar Industrial Company Darnsutha Press Co., Ltd. First Interbusiness Ltd. Advanced Country Education Co. Department Of Health Service Support Roumsub Industry Co., Ltd. Good Luck Steel Tubes Ltd. Eastern Printing Public Co., Ltd. Plan Creations Co. Ltd. Iti Company (Shanghai) Ltd. Pimolchai Susakorn S,C, Stationery Industry Co., Ltd. Ricoh (Thailand) Limited Cdg Microsystems Limited Jinlin Sunking Technology Dev, Saengroong Books Factory Co. First ‘N’ First Co., Ltd. Sirivatana Interprint Public Co. Bednets Bednets Bednets IT & Office Supplies, Printing Education Supplies, Printing Communication Equipment, Printing Communication Equipment, Education Supplies, Printing Education Supplies, Printing Printing Medical Equipment, Medical/Hygiene Kits Water & Sanitation Printing Education Supplies Education Supplies, Printing, Warehousing Education Supplies, Medical Equipment Education Supplies, IT & Office Supplies IT & Office Supplies, Printing IT & Office Supplies, Printing Water & Sanitation Education Supplies, Printing Medical/Hygiene Kits Printing 701,280.00 599,920.00 437,560.00 412,988.00 386,181.00 350,812.00 314,649.00 313,878.00 300,387.00 291,494.00 268,922.00 252,027.00 224,932.00 167,340.00 162,011.00 153,789.00 148,067.00 116,613.00 112,883.00 111,973.00 100,485.00 118,211.00 Timor-Leste Timor-Leste Victory De Timor Image Offset Pty Ltd. IT & Office Supplies, Water & Sanitation Printing 118,865.00 112,380.00 2,709,532.00 890,478.00 767,892.00 595,849.00 409,943.00 336,700.00 130,000.00 120,188.00 84,942,443.00 19,561,981.00 11,298,032.00 2,991,073.00 1,795,715.00 437,727.00 342,568.00 138,341.00 134,400.00 115,450.00 113,882.00 Togo Total - Togo Fuel & Lubricants 151,507.00 Tunisia Imprimerie Beta Education Supplies 139,620.00 Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Kaynak Dis Ticaret Atabay Pharmaceuticals Factory A.s. Pensan Kalem Ve Kagit San,Tic, A.s. Meteksan Printing & Ind, Trade Co. Bicakcilar Dis Ticaret A.s. Education Supplies Pharmaceuticals Education Supplies Printing Medical Renewable 3,178,000.00 313,930.00 174,971.00 139,620.00 123,368.00 Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda Crestanks Mukwano Industries (U) Ltd Shell (Uganda) Crestanks Limited Mantrac (U) Ltd Hass Scientific & Medical Sups, Rajan Enterprises (U) Ltd Kwera Ltd Graphic Systems(u) Ltd Roadmaster Cycles (U) Ltd Prime General Supply Ltd Medical/Hygiene Kits, Water & Sanitation Bednets, Medical Equipment Cold Chain Equipment, Fuel & Lubricants, Water & Sanitation Medical/Hygiene Kits, Water & Sanitation IT & Office Supplies, Transport, Water & Sanitation Laboratory Supplies, Medical Renewable, Pharmaceuticals Clothing & Footwear, Shelter/Field Equipment, Warehousing Clothing & Footwear, Identific, & Signage, Printing Identific, & Signage, Printing Transport Education Supplies, IT & Office Supplies United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates Abu Dhabi Medical Devices Co. L.l.c National Plastic & Building Nrs International Fze Cosmoplast Ind, Co. F,G, Wilson (Engineering) Fze Transglobal International Ltd. Medical Renewable Water & Sanitation Shelter/Field Equipment Water & Sanitation Transport, Water & Sanitation Water & Sanitation 4,263,127.00 359,041.00 252,745.00 182,827.00 122,108.00 101,363.00 United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom Glaxosmithkline Export Limited Dulas Ltd. Evenproducts Limited Morningside Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd. Durbin Plc Wagtech International Ltd. A.j. Cope & Son Ltd Avery Berkel Ltd Trading As Avery W Dando Drilling International Ltd. A.j. Cope & Son Ltd Oxfam Dawson Books Cromwell International Ortho-clinical Diagnostics Findel Education Ltd Lfpv Limited Osprey Ltd. Bright Light Solar Ltd. Star Project Vehicles Ltd. Ele International Sunrise Medical Limited Butyl Products Ltd. Aladdin Sales & Marketing Limited Armor Products International Limite Bestnet Europe Limited Office Depot Robens Institute Pharmaceuticals Cold Chain Equipment, Communication Equipment Water & Sanitation Medical Renewable, Pharmaceuticals Transport Medical Equipment, Pharmaceuticals Laboratory Supplies, Water & Sanitation Diagnostic Test Kits, Laboratory Supplies Nutrition Water & Sanitation Medical Equipment, Medical Renewable Nutrition Printing Clothing & Footwear, Education Supplies Diagnostic Test Kits Education Supplies Medical Equipment, Transport Bednets, Medical/Hygiene Kits Cold Chain Equipment, Communication Equipment Transport Laboratory Supplies, Water & Sanitation Medical Equipment Water & Sanitation Cold Chain Equipment Staff Supplies Bednets IT & Office Supplies Water & Sanitation 2,808,000.00 2,731,255.00 1,884,862.00 1,384,141.00 893,300.00 861,176.00 843,546.00 729,342.00 631,456.00 619,080.00 552,876.00 495,426.00 424,203.00 355,351.00 344,530.00 303,170.00 293,673.00 261,812.00 260,340.00 241,073.00 228,031.00 227,362.00 188,126.00 173,325.00 158,983.00 158,700.00 144,914.00 108,834.00 United Republic of Tanzania (the) United Republic of Tanzania (the) United Republic of Tanzania (the) United Republic of Tanzania (the) A To Z Textile Mills Limited Tanzania Printing Services Ltd. Tanzania Printers Limited Jamana Printers Limited Bednets Education Supplies, Printing Education Supplies, Nutrition, Printing Printing 3,048,967.00 645,801.00 573,073.00 180,246.00 95 245,646.00 218,891.00 209,335.00 183,601.00 128,701.00 120,316.00 118,399.00 118,046.00 117,211.00 113,640.00 105,493.00 Major Equipment ordered by Agency during 2006 (Orders of USD 30,000 or more) Agency / Location of Procurement Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) Total Cost (USD) UNICEF cont. United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States E-plus Technology, Inc Microsoft Corporation Atlantic Business Systems, Inc. Merck & Co., Inc. Hewlett Packard Software Spectrum Sap America Inc. Shorr Production Wisconsin Aluminum Foundry Cisco Systems, Inc Converged Access, Inc. Gilead Sciences Incorporated Cognos Corporation Abbott Laboratories Enterasys Networks Future Tech Enterprise, Inc. Planson International Corporation Office Depot Inc. Gist And Herlin Press E-plus Technology, Inc Hatteras Press Inc. Procter & Gamble Company Atlantic Business Systems, Inc. Canon Business Solutions-east, Inc. International Bussiness Machines Sybase, Inc. Oracle Usa Inc. Manhattan Information Systems, Inc. Louis M, Gerson, Inc The Document Company Xerox Nextiraone,Llc IT & Office Supplies IT & Office Supplies IT & Office Supplies Vaccines/Biologicals IT & Office Supplies IT & Office Supplies IT & Office Supplies Nutrition, Pharmaceuticals Medical Equipment IT & Office Supplies Communication Equipment, IT & Office Supplies Pharmaceuticals IT & Office Supplies Pharmaceuticals IT & Office Supplies Communication Equipment, IT & Office Supplies IT & Office Supplies IT & Office Supplies Nutrition, Printing Communication Equipment, IT & Office Supplies Printing Water & Sanitation Communication Equipment, IT & Office Supplies IT & Office Supplies IT & Office Supplies IT & Office Supplies IT & Office Supplies Communication Equipment, IT & Office Supplies Medical Renewable IT & Office Supplies IT & Office Supplies Viet Nam Viet Nam Viet Nam Viet Nam Cong Ty Tnhh Mot Thanh Ct San Xuat&Thuong Mai Phuong Dong Aviation Printing Co Cong Ty Xay Dung Vat Tu Khkt Identific, & Signage Medical/Hygiene Kits Printing Medical/Hygiene Kits 136,741.00 117,067.00 108,146.00 107,951.00 Yemen Yemen Yemen Yemen Yemen Yemen Yemen Yemen Yemen Yemen A.m.t.c. (Toyota Agent) Hashem Abdul-karim Al-magrebi Print Art Alganad Light Industries Co. Ard Hemyer Exhibition Nasser Saleh Al-agbari Al-mahfadi & Abo-miskah Co,Ltd Bahaj Al-zahra Stationary-hadda United Com, Furniture & Wooden Transport Water & Sanitation Printing, Transport Printing Education Supplies, Shelter/Field Equipment Water & Sanitation Water & Sanitation Water & Sanitation Education Supplies Education Supplies 755,241.00 210,042.00 197,314.00 162,645.00 134,506.00 122,752.00 122,358.00 117,148.00 109,176.00 102,969.00 1,727,169.00 1,506,903.00 1,308,295.00 1,261,552.00 951,585.00 934,204.00 720,009.00 664,585.00 442,131.00 427,930.00 401,299.00 379,492.00 356,938.00 340,848.00 253,732.00 225,795.00 216,159.00 216,000.00 211,051.00 209,123.00 208,529.00 196,351.00 188,939.00 187,059.00 184,000.00 175,780.00 143,930.00 127,447.00 111,007.00 110,488.00 107,625.00 Zambia New Horizon Printing Press Printing 500,203.00 Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Musiwa Trading T/A Hardware J F Bredenkamp T/A Petraf Trading Omni Africa Water & Sanitation Fuel & Lubricants, Water & Sanitation IT & Office Supplies 167,710.00 116,937.00 107,409.00 UNIDO Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Green Tecnologia Srl Dosivac Eti Satch Poliuretanos S.r.l Tecnopouder S.a. Equip To Replace Sub Cfcs Refrig/Ac Equip To Replace Sub Cfcs Refrig/Ac Agricultural Machinery And Equipmen Equip To Replace Sub Cfcs Refrig/Ac Ozone Layer Depletion - Solvents 273,669.01 185,380.00 66,312.34 34,500.00 31,500.00 Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Amex Export Import Gmbh Amex Export Import Gmbh Amex Export Import Gmbh Osakwe Agro Consulting Bbm Austria Beschaffungsbetrieb Der Miva Ods Phaseout Equipment Laboratory Equipment, Special Purpo Laboratory Equipment Food Processing Equipment Environmental Protection 116,431.99 75,473.25 70,803.90 56,745.72 31,906.09 Belgium Taminco N V Ods Phaseout Equipment 64,281.01 China China Dandong Qinglong Trading Co Ltd Equip To Replace Sub Cfcs Refrig/Ac 48,557.00 Croatia Danon D O O Plastic Products N.e.c. Egypt A.o.i. Kader Factory Ods Phaseout Equipment 86,180.00 432,500.00 Finland Finnsonic Oy Cleaning Machinery France France Elecrem Elecrem Agricultural Machinery And Equipmen Agricultural Machinery And Equipmen 1,375,813.40 30,351.90 30,094.79 Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Fuelcon Ag Labsco Laboratory Supply Company Ceilcote Luftreinhaltung Air-cure Gmbh Labsco Laboratory Supply Company Institute For Refrigration Air Conditioning Energy Dr Ing K Busch Gmbh Futuree Weber Kunststofftechnik Gab Neumann Gmbh Measuring, Checking And Testing Ins Food Processing Equipment Ozone Layer Depletion - Solvents Dairy Equipment Ods Phaseout Equipment Ozone Layer Depletion - Solvents Measuring, Checking And Testing Ins Plastic Products N.e.c. Ozone Layer Depletion - Solvents 296,000.00 72,679.01 72,350.00 53,648.00 52,688.00 52,169.00 48,341.23 44,352.60 42,955.91 Ghana Gratis Foundation Food Processing Equipment India India India India India India India India India India India India India Gmm Pfaudler Limited A.l. Jacob & Sons Sukhras Machines Pvt Ltd Voltas Limited Viscus Swiss Glascoat Equipment Limited Swiss Glascoat Equipment Limited United Phosphorus Ltd United Phosphorus Ltd Tata Bp Solar India Ltd Shree Ganesh Engineering Company Mechano India Raj Process Eqipments And Systems Pvt Ltd Ozone Layer Depletion Ozone Layer Depletion - Solvents Ozone Layer Depletion - Solvents Ozone Layer Depletion - Solvents Ozone Layer Depletion - Solvents Ozone Layer Depletion - Solvents Ods Phaseout Equipment Measuring, Checking And Testing Ins General Purpose Machinery, Other An Energy Resources Ozone Layer Depletion - Solvents Preparing,Spinning,Weaving And Knit Ods Phaseout Equipment Indonesia P T Kharisma Sejahtera Agungjaya Ods Phaseout Equipment 145,000.00 Iran, Islamic Republic of Sarooyeh Industries Co Ods Phaseout Equipment 170,000.00 60,772.00 129,062.00 115,958.00 82,540.00 74,845.01 69,250.00 64,504.24 59,246.00 50,000.00 43,625.01 41,500.00 40,195.01 37,500.00 37,166.00 Iraq Unatrac International Electric Motors, Generators And Tra 124,232.12 Israel Israel Ginegar Plastic Products Ltd Ginegar Plastic Products Ltd Ods Phaseout Equipment Film, Polyethylene, For Horticultur 289,432.00 252,000.00 Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Proras Gtp Service S R L Sicplant International Torielli Rag Pietro Firbimatic S P A Mac-dry Degreasing Division Measuring, Checking And Testing Ins Equip To Replace Sub Cfcs Refrig/Ac Equip Replacing Carbon Tetrachlorid Machinery, Special Purpose Equip Replacing Carbon Tetrachlorid 860,295.96 297,270.00 282,500.00 99,076.51 94,750.00 96 Major Equipment ordered by Agency during 2006 (Orders of USD 30,000 or more) Agency / Location of Procurement Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) Total Cost (USD) UNIDO cont. Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Afros S P A Qs Group Galileo Tp Process Equipment Srl Bromotirrena S.r.l. Sicplant International Vtech Torielli Rag Pietro Torielli Rag Pietro Torielli Rag Pietro Torielli Rag Pietro Equip To Replace Sub Cfcs Refrig/Ac Equip To Replace Sub Cfcs Refrig/Ac Equip To Replace Sub Cfcs Refrig/Ac Ods Phaseout Equipment Equip To Replace Sub Cfcs Refrig/Ac Equip To Replace Sub Cfcs Refrig/Ac Textile, Apparel And Leather Produc Textile Working Machinery Laboratory Equipment Machinery, Special Purpose 90,026.00 77,000.00 69,695.00 63,070.00 59,000.00 49,603.99 43,187.66 40,629.15 39,259.64 38,293.06 Japan Japan Nihon Kaisui Co Ltd Sanwa Tsusho Co Ltd Filtering/Purifying Machinery And A Equip To Replace Sub Cfcs Refrig/Ac 474,500.00 40,627.51 Jordan Antemina International Llc Motor Vehicles And Parts And Access 49,300.00 Mexico Quimobasicos, S.a. De C.v. Equip To Replace Sub Cfcs Refrig/Ac 112,806.00 Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Devotra B V Devotra B V Varian Bv Devotra B V Laboratory Equipment, Special Purpo Ozone Layer Depletion - Refrigerati Laboratory Equipment Laboratory Equipment, Special Purpo 109,131.84 62,317.40 46,922.99 32,085.36 156,000.00 Palestine Al Assbah Company For Heavy Equipment & Trucks Building, Construction Machinery Portugal Zipor – Equipamentos E Tecnologia Industrial, S.a. Machinery, Special Purpose 40,816.33 Saudi Arabia Ejada Systems Company Limited Personal Computers (Pc), Gen. Purp. 72,097.00 Singapore Krauss Maffei Asia Pacific Measuring, Checking And Testing Ins South Africa South Africa Automa Multi Styrene (Pty) Ltd Technology Solutions Ods Phaseout Equipment Inorganic Chemicals, Basic, N.e.c. 1,069,200.00 60,135.00 Spain Spain Spain Tst Stag S A Inkoa Sistemas S L Agroquimicos De Levante S A Equip To Replace Sub Cfcs Refrig/Ac Ods Phaseout Equipment Ods Phaseout Equipment 2,348,288.99 721,302.00 45,526.80 Switzerland Switzerland Liebherr Export Ag Mettler Toledo Ag Lifting And Handling Equipment And Laboratory Equipment 48,174.14 39,651.01 Turkey Turkey Antalya Fide Uretim Ve Pazarlama A S Delta Elektronics Plants, Bulbs,Tubers And Roots, Cut Measuring, Checking And Testing Ins 72,843.00 72,460.00 38,362.81 Uganda Kazinga Channel Office World Ltd Processing Units For Edp And Access 181,252.07 United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom Eagle Scientific Ltd Eagle Scientific Ltd Cromwell Tools Limited Wagtech International Ltd Tapps Uk Limited Labquip Projects Limited Toyota Gibralter Stockholdings Ltd Laboratory Equipment Measuring, Checking And Testing Ins Metal Products, Fabricated, Other Hand Tools Incl. Glaziers Diamonds Industrial Process Machinery And Eq Measuring, Checking And Testing Ins Pick-up Doublecab 4wd 1,8-3,2l Disl 384,110.00 284,668.00 179,890.89 60,251.98 55,160.00 34,220.07 30,627.50 United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America Rti Technologies, Inc. Teledyne Energy Systems Inc Proton Energy Systems Hart Scientific A Fluke Company Ceyhinz Link International Inc Equip To Replace Sub Cfcs Refrig/Ac Measuring, Checking And Testing Ins Measuring, Checking And Testing Ins Measuring, Checking And Testing Ins Plants, Flower, Fruit And Vegetable 2,041,456.63 186,973.00 95,805.00 35,500.00 35,000.00 Venezuela Industrias Intermi Ozone Layer Depletion - Refrigerati 40,850.00 Vietnam High Performance Technology Jsc Software, Computer, Including Manua 70,665.36 UNOG Denmark Dan Office Plc Micro-computers 65,904.00 France Smi Service Medical International Articles For Medical Or Surgical Pu India Parkash Woollen Industries Blankets And Travelling Rugs 118,000.00 Italy Italy Ferrino & C. Spa Intertrade - Internat. Services Camping Equipment Electric Motors, Generators And The 338,300.00 43,002.57 Japan Japan Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Motor Vehicles, Special Purpose Motor Vehicles, Special Purpose 114,905.17 37,974.36 Norway Norway Telenor As Telenor As Satellite Communication Systems Telephone Equipment 146,742.00 36,400.00 Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Intersitag Buroroy Sa Round Office & Collectivites Sa Sihl & Eika Papiers Sa Dell Computer Sa Lenovo (Schweiz) Gmbh Dell Computer Sa Otto Fischer Sa Xerox Office Supplies Lenovo (Schweiz) Gmbh Dell Computer Sa Dell Computer Sa Sihl & Eika Papiers Sa Round Office & Collectivites Sa Fluke (Switzerland) Gmbh Comsoft Direct Sa Round Office & Collectivites Sa Lenovo (Schweiz) Gmbh Lachenal Sa Lenovo (Schweiz) Gmbh Sihl & Eika Papiers Sa Dell Computer Sa Telios Sa R/F/S Mikrofilm Ag Fogal Fabrice Audio Bauer Pro Ag Hewlett-packard (Schweiz) Ag Performance System Software S.a. Xerox Office Supplies Emc Computer Systems Sa Sharp Electronics (Suisse) Sa Symetria Ltd. Seats And Chairs Furniture, Office, Other Than Chair Paper Of Paperboard N.e.c., For Pri Micro-computers Micro-computers Micro-computers Insulated Wire And Cable; Optical F Paper Of Paperboard N.e.c., For Pri Micro-computers Micro-computers Micro-computers Paper Of Paperboard N.e.c., For Pri Furniture, Office, Other Than Chair Equipment And Accessories For Conne Software Application Packages Furniture, Office, Other Than Chair Micro-computers Carpets And Other Textile Floor Cov Micro-computers Paper Of Paperboard N.e.c., For Pri Micro-computers Micro-computers Optical And Photographic Equipment, Agricultural Machinery For Harvesti Microphones, Loudspeakers, Headphon Printing And Plotting Devices For E Software Application Packages Paper Of Paperboard N.e.c., For Pri Expansion Cards & Other Add-on Hard Computer Display Terminals Input/Output Units, Other 136,391.74 88,577.18 87,403.52 76,793.80 71,653.00 67,413.08 64,298.83 61,421.80 61,231.40 60,750.39 59,931.71 59,516.59 56,093.95 52,070.07 48,752.44 47,171.53 45,720.00 45,564.52 43,872.50 43,042.94 41,546.40 40,272.36 38,830.77 38,400.00 37,657.26 37,157.26 37,000.00 33,266.33 32,474.00 31,066.12 30,213.57 United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd. Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd. Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd. Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd. Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd. Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd. Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd. Jack Ellis Body Protection Motor Vehicles, Special Purpose Motor Vehicles, Passenger, Other Motor Vehicles, Passenger, Other Motor Vehicles, Passenger, Other Motor Vehicles, Passenger, Other Motor Vehicles, Passenger, Other Motor Vehicles, Special Purpose Crowd Control Equipment 106,264.05 101,509.41 96,066.15 67,605.04 58,983.29 51,679.36 41,722.25 36,986.00 97 32,762.56 Major Equipment ordered by Agency during 2006 (Orders of USD 30,000 or more) Agency / Location of Procurement Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) Total Cost (USD) UNOG cont. United Kingdom United Kingdom Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd. Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd. Motor Vehicles And Parts And Access Motor Vehicles, Passenger, Other 32,067.92 31,999.92 United States of America United States of America United States of America Cisco Systems Inc Cisco Systems Inc Some’s Uniforms Worldwide Telecommunication Equipment Expansion Cards & Other Add-on Hard Tulles, Lace, Narrow Woven Fabrics, 689,286.50 33,558.80 31,320.50 UNON Afghanistan Tata Motors Local Procurement Of Waste Material Equipment For Afghanistan 303,400.00 Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Deko Partitions Ltd Of Denmark Deko Partitions Ltd Of Denmark Deko Partitions Ltd Of Denmark Danish Interpretation Systems Iapso Deko Partitions Supply Of Deko Partitions For Open Office Project Building Materials Simultaneous Interpretation Equipments 4 X 4 Vehicle 235,545.94 139,163.99 104,312.34 33,533.55 32,298.36 Djibouti Marill International S.a.z.f. Vehicles For Somalia Programme, Hargeisa 40,481.74 Hong Kong Hong Kong A.andrews & Co. (Mail Order) Ltd. A.andrews & Co. (Mail Order) Ltd. Video Switches For Dcs Audio Visual Equipments For Dcs 36,279.60 35,458.60 India Acme Machinery International Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Shell & Bp Malindi Kenya Ltd Shell & Bp Malindi Kenya Ltd Shell & Bp Malindi Kenya Ltd Shell & Bp Malindi Kenya Ltd Shell & Bp Malindi Kenya Ltd Shell & Bp Malindi Kenya Ltd Shell & Bp Malindi Kenya Ltd Shell & Bp Malindi Kenya Ltd Car & General (K) Limited Symphony Colpro Ltd. Transpaper Kenya Transpaper Kenya Pegrume Ltd Circuit Business Systems Ltd Pegrume Ltd Pacific Stationers Pathcare Kenya Ltd. First Computers Ltd Victoria Furniture Ltd Newline Ltd Walijee Glass Mart Lino Stationers Victoria Furniture Ltd Decora Nova Symphony First Computers Ltd First Computers Ltd E.p. Dis Kenya Ltd First Computers Ltd M/S. D.l. Patel Press (Kenya) Ltd (Former Dallas) Legend Power Systems Toyota E.a.ltd First Computers Ltd Pacific Stationers Mutiso Menezes International Sunny Daze Ltd First Computers Ltd C.mehta & Co. Ltd Kosovo Guillotine Paper Cutter For Publishing Section 45,000.00 Fuels, Oils & Lubricants Fuels, Oils & Lubricants Fuels, Oils & Lubricants Fuels, Oils & Lubricants Fuels, Oils & Lubricants Fuels, Oils & Lubricants Fuels, Oils & Lubricants Fuels, Oils & Lubricants Generators Sun Fire Servers Clothing, Fabrics Materials & Related Paper For Unon Stores Paper For Publishing Service Section Telephones For Unon Stores Flat Panels For Dcs Telephone Sets For Unon Stores Cartridges For Unon Stores Lab Tests Computers For Dcs Supply Of Carpet Tiles Furniture For Dec Supply Of Glass Panels Cartridges For Stores, Unon Carpet Tiles For Office Open Space Window Blinds Requested By Bmtu, Unon San Disk Upgrade Computers For Bfms Desktop Computer Vaccines Computer Equipment Stationery For Stores, Unon Smart Ups Toyota Landcruiser Hardtop For Juba S/Sudan Computer Equipment Paper For Unon Stores Construction Services Furniture For Central Cafeteria Computers For Icts Drugs For Avian Flu 612,837.89 587,219.18 530,680.60 516,501.69 339,251.89 329,354.07 329,271.75 278,831.74 153,973.00 147,425.89 122,500.00 88,200.00 87,888.50 82,200.00 74,783.80 69,400.00 66,226.08 60,851.00 55,731.30 52,050.00 51,292.07 50,000.00 48,124.99 47,950.00 47,414.07 47,175.00 42,996.96 40,650.00 40,567.95 39,597.95 37,876.08 37,800.00 37,348.00 35,884.60 35,480.73 34,623.28 34,077.08 32,194.80 30,003.65 Local Procurement Of Vehicles For Kosovo Kuwait Kuwait Hayakel Steel Industries Hayakel Steel Industries Libya Atlastech Pakistan Pakistan Nissan Nissan Somalia Somalia Alkhayr Cnstruction & Contracting Company Bulale General Trading And Contracting Company Solid Waste Management Equipment Solid Waste Management Equipment Gis Software For Libya Local Procurement Of 10 Units Nissan Vehicles For Erra Seconded Staff In Pakistan Local Procurement Of 5 Nissan Vehicles Construction Material For Shelter Project In Hargeisa Building Materials, Tools And Equiment 77,572.98 574,020.00 77,880.00 45,691.28 121,351.13 98,441.97 95,270.00 74,685.50 Spain Tst Stag S.a. Equipment For The Training Centers In Yemen United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom Mediworld Ltd Mediworld Ltd Astel (Uk) Ltd Earthscan Tapis & Co. Ltd Engineering Equipment For Basrah, Iraq Engineering Equipment Basrah Flat Panels For Dcs 2000 Copies Watsan Global Report Supply Of Acoustic Ceiling Tiles USA Some’s World Wide Uniform Uniform Items For Sss, Unon UNOPS Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Tirab Stores Digitech System (Pvt) Ltd Aria Maihan Ltd Aaria Middle East Co.ltd Allied Machinery Limited Jubaili Bros Electrical Materials Supply And Installation Of Cctv Network (Video Recorder, Cameras, Controller, Tvs Cabling And Installat Supply And Installation Of Furniture For Ministry Of Energy And WaterT It Equipment For Training Centerw Two Sets Of 165 Kva Diesel Power Generatore Generators 110,303.43 66,630.00 50,900.00 49,590.00 49,320.00 36,950.00 Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Azzollini Construcciones S.r.l Quebecor World Pilar S.a. Melenzane S.a. Electrografica S.r.l Arcangel Maggio S.a Satch Poliuretands Unitech S.a. Sun Microsystems De Argentina S.a. Quebecor World Pilar S.a. Office Equipment Office Equipment CuadernillosU Cuadernillosm Impresora Offset De 4 Colores SimultáneosU CuadernillosD Ods (Ozone Depleting Substances) Phaseout Equipmentr Provisión De Servicio De Mantenimiento Y Soporte Tecnico Del Sistema Tramix Por El Período 15 De Ab Contratacion Anual De Mantenimiento Del Servidor Sun-fire 4800 Y Demas Especificaciones Tecnicas.4 2,587,378.61 727,577.55 527,670.00 402,744.97 216,369.64 70,100.00 55,058.82 45,600.00 38,627.06 Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Codan Uk Ltd Codan Uk Ltd Minelab Electronics Pty. Ltd. Minelab Electronics Pty. Ltd. Minelab Electronics Pty. Ltd. Minelab Electronics Pty. Ltd. Codan Limited Minelab Electronics Pty. Ltd. Minelab Electronics Pty. Ltd. Codan Limited Codan Limited Codan Limited Codan Limited 140 000 Piezas X 11 Pliegos Adicionales Communication Equipment Radio Voice System Radio Voice System Radio Communications, Hf Radios Etc.i Mine Detectorsi Mine Detectorsi Mine Detectorsi Mine Detectors5 Communication Equipment Mine Detectorsi Mine Detectors2 Communication Equipment 98 59,466.00 337,627.00 225,078.00 87,187.05 66,600.00 47,566.35 81,562.50 656,135.44 315,474.21 271,825.00 232,922.00 194,939.00 155,805.00 136,171.99 127,828.00 110,406.00 83,705.72 73,273.91 39,617.06 30,576.27 Major Equipment ordered by Agency during 2006 (Orders of USD 30,000 or more) Agency / Location of Procurement Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) UNOPS cont. Bahrain Gulf Equipment & Technology Vhf RadiosO Codan Ngt Srx Hf Base Station & Mobile PackageH Belgium Belgium Zetes Nialco S.a. Brazil Alubar Metais S.a. Canada Canada Canada Canada Med-eng Systems Inc Med-eng Systems Inc Bombardier Recreational Products Inc Bombardier Recreational Products, Inc. Chad Cfao Motors Aluminium Wire, Approx 100 Tons China China Orient Corporation Orient Corporation Personal Protective Equipm. For Mine Action (Aprons, Visors Etc.)e Personal Protective Equipm. For Mine Action (Aprons, Visors Etc.)u Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Dan:Office Dell A/S Bukkehave Ltd Planson Europe Dan:Office Planson Europe Montana Moebler A/S Bukkehave Ltd Planson Europe Calamus Danmark A/S Djob A/S Planson Europe Dtk Audio Produkter A/S Kjaer & Kjaer A/S Danimex Communications Ltd Planson Europe Dan:Office Djob A/S Topnordic A/S Peter Justesen Scandinavian Relief Services Aps Kjaer & Kjaer A/S Coomunication Equipment Coomunication Equipment Vehicles Dell Model Poweredge 2850i Office Equipment Vehicles Corrugated Galvanized Iron (Cgi) Sheetso Corrugated Galvanized Iron (Cgi) Sheets Dell Model Poweredge 2850i Video Equipment Multifunctional Canon Copiers, Apc Computers & Hp Printerso Computers, Servers, & Other It Equipm. For Unops Hq Transition.r Truck Crane For Uzbekistanh Photocopier Canon Ir2230 With 2x 550sheet Cassettes, Adf (Dadf-n1), Duplexer And 3x Toner C-ecv 11o Computer Equipment And PrintersE Dell Model Poweredge 2850i Filing Systems & Cabinets For Unops Hq Transitione Helmets, Motorcycleo Notebook - Dell Latitude D620U Audio Visual Equipmentf Various Mine Action Equipment Motorcycles, Off-road, Honda France France France France France Schneider Electric France Renault Trucks International Iveco France S.a. Cirad-cp Cps Contract With Schneider For Supply, Transportation And Installation Of Water Treatment Equipment Trucks, Renault Kerax For Mali Endusers Buses, Private Passenger Transport Cirad Palm Oil Germinated Seeds 2 Ambulances, 4wd, Toyota Land Cruiser Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Henne Unimog Gmbh Fleischhacker Albert Kunstmann Kg Ebinger Gmbh Kulkoni Import+Export Ebinger Gmbh Smiths Heimann Gmbh Bomag Gmbh Purchase Of Four Unimogs, Hydraulic Spare Parts And Accessories Hospital Beds, Wheel Chairs Etc. Aluminium Profiles Mine Detectors Purchase Of 2 Vw Golf And 1 Vw Touareg Mine Detectors One Portable System For Indentification Bomag Vibratory Rollers With Standard Equipment + Freight Vhf Radios Jcb (U.k) Loadall Machine (Telescopic Handler)-diesel Engine Total Cost (USD) 81,536.20 727,010.00 387,681.16 - Computer Softwaret Computer Softwaret Steel Sheets Various Dimensions For Mali Ghana Toyota Gh Ltd Purchase Of Toyota Land Cruisers United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) Toyota Gibraltar Stockholding Ltd. Toyota Gibraltar Stockholding Ltd. Toyota Gibraltar Stockholding Ltd. Star Project Vehicles Ltd Toyota Gibraltar Stockholding Ltd. Toyota Gibraltar Stockholding Ltd. Toyota Gibraltar Stockholding Ltd. Toyota Gibraltar Stockholding Ltd. Toyota Gibraltar Stockholding Ltd. Toyota Gibraltar Stockholding Ltd. Toyota Gibraltar Stockholding Ltd. Toyota Gibraltar Stockholding Ltd. Toyota Gibraltar Stockholding Ltd. Toyota Gibraltar Stockholding Ltd. Toyota Gibraltar Stockholding Ltd. Land Cruiser Hardtop, 13 Seater Vehicles, 4x4 Lhd. Heavy Duty T13 Black Station Bulbar, Fire Extinguis Ambulances, Toyota Landcruisers & Hiace, Incl. Equipm. Toyota Vehicles Mercedes Trucks, Actros 3340s 6x4 For Malian Endusers Purchase Of 2 Toyota Land Cruiser & 6 Hilux Toyota Vehicles Vehicles Ambulances, 4wd Fpo Dso6032 Dated 14.02.06. Purchase Of 2 Units Of Toyota Landcruiser 105l, Station Wagon For Unop Two Mortuary Vans: Toyota Land Cruiser Hardtop,13 Seater Toyota Lhd Kilux Double Cabin, Incl Options Toyota Lhd Kilux Double Cabin, Incl Options Prado & Toyota Hi Lux Toyota Land Cruiser Prado Std Station Wagon Toyota Land Cruiser Prado Gx, 5 Door, 8 Seater - 4x4 Lhd, Model Lj120l-gkmee For Remabar Project In Guatemala Guatemala Ingenio Soluciones Informaticas, Ltda. Sealed Air Central America, S.a. Computer Systems, Special Purpose Other Film, Polyethylene, Food Packaging 132,435.16 98,183.97 65,196.00 62,716.00 81,461.34 1,572,000.00 708,075.00 495,126.00 375,993.51 186,204.00 182,173.47 177,820.00 138,118.25 117,350.69 114,572.93 113,183.29 89,923.59 77,854.79 75,828.30 62,715.12 60,768.00 49,971.50 48,824.00 47,515.00 37,373.99 36,150.51 33,882.45 31,890.00 31,682.00 2,836,734.69 612,173.91 382,142.86 192,032.31 122,997.20 336,620.31 218,040.48 170,684.70 161,002.05 84,788.39 83,524.00 63,050.00 58,886.26 108,953.74 1,033,395.86 496,639.70 408,785.55 311,557.32 189,384.09 78,673.95 74,949.76 74,116.50 73,767.16 67,808.80 59,083.97 59,083.97 46,121.42 38,709.06 33,419.39 196,520.00 55,050.50 Honduras Comercial Rio Dulce Pinewood Frames 121,420.56 India India India India India India India Org Informatics Limited Bharat Bhari Udyog Nigam Limited Jaguar International Limited Jaguar Overseas Ltd. Org Informatics Limited Yogesh Pharma Machinery Pvt. Ltd Global Products Corporation Idirect5100 Satellite Modem, 1 Year Bw Charges 13 Container Flat Wagons W/ 2 Bogies Each With 4 Wheels & 2 Axles, 1 Flat Rack With Locks For 2 20Strip Band Steel Sheet 13"W & 4.76 Mm (3/16) Thick Galvanized Steel Coils Vsat Systems And Internet Connections Rotary Tableting Machines, Automatic Tube Filling, Sealing And Coding Machine, Sticker Labelling 1 Lot Of Surgical And Orthopaedic Equipment (See Description Attached). 590,200.00 560,300.00 95,040.00 66,947.00 62,558.00 49,970.00 37,056.00 Indonesia Pt Datascrip Office Machines - 15 Toshiba A80 P442, 21 A1340l, 1 Laser Printer A3, Hp 5100 Tn, 4 Canon Mp-130, 3 Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Iveco S.p.a. Servizi Alle Imprese - Essei- Srl World Food Programme Iveco S.p.a. Servizi Alle Imprese - Essei- Srl Servizi Alle Imprese - Essei- Srl Coelmo Srl Tanker Trucks, 10; Refrigerated Trucks, 2 Tubes, Pipes And Hoses, Rigid, Of Polymer Of Ethylene Payment Of Equipment And Prefab Offices At Unmacc (Lebanon) Skip Loader Incl. Detachable Container + 4 Additional Containers Pipes, Water Pipes, Water Generating Set For Unoca Compound Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Nissan Trading Co.,Ltd. Toyota Motors Corporation (Japan) Toyota Motor Corporation K. Arano & Co., Ltd. Nissan Trading Co.,Ltd. K. Arano & Co., Ltd. Toyota Motors Corporation (Japan) K. Arano & Co., Ltd. Nissan Trading Co.,Ltd. Toyota Motor Corporation Vendor: Toyota Motors, Japan; Fpodso5275 Amend.1 Dated 22/12/05; 25 Xtoyota Landcruisers Lc78;10 Purchase And Freight Costs Of 25 Toyota Landcruiser Hard Tops For Sudan Pif From Toyota Motors Co Vehicle Accessories For Above Mentioned 2 Vehicles As Per Quotation Ref: Mun-8996 12 (Twelve)Toyota Hilux Pick-ups, Vendor: Toyota Motor Corporation, Japan; Fpodso5278 Amendment 1 Dated 27/12/05; 6 X Toyota Landc Kamaz Trucks, 4, And Freight + Associated Charges. 4 Nissan Pickup 4wd Vibratory Plates Compactor Sakai Pf301, Incl. Freight Charges 3 Pick-ups Hilux, 4wd, Diesel, Double Cab, 5 Speed Manual Floor Shift, 6-seater Vibrating Roller, Sakai Model Hv80 Nissan Patrol Station Wagon Lwb 4wd Std (Ex_Stock Japan) Workshop Repair Manual, Eng Code: 215aa 973,724.00 499,513.81 262,844.83 219,134.48 142,747.74 140,096.00 92,634.29 72,717.95 59,617.95 44,456.89 37,836.52 32,010.35 Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenelec Supplies Ltd Tim Sales Ltd. Steel Structures Ltd Bitumen And Asphalt, Natural; Asphaltites And Asphaltic Rock Structural Grade Plywood Flooring Steel Composed Of Items:1,674 X F1-2mm Thick Rhs Stumps, 734 X F2-2mm Thick Rhs Stumps, 2,756 444,278.76 68,000.00 55,628.00 Korea, Republic of Korea, Republic of Hn Corporation Hn Corporation Galvanized Steel In Coils Galvanized Steel Coil Inpif Kosovo Ppc It Solutions Procurement Of It Equipment Lebanon Azarco Trading & Consulting S.a.r.l Sniffex Explosive Detection Devices 99 60,161.77 1,420,918.98 733,699.75 347,705.00 84,419.42 76,570.30 70,659.18 32,611.94 99,350.00 81,420.00 313,566.54 40,500.00 Major Equipment ordered by Agency during 2006 (Orders of USD 30,000 or more) Agency / Location of Procurement Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) UNOPS cont. Mauritius Mauritius Editions De L’ocean Indien Editions De L’ocean Indien Grade Cm2, School Books Grade Cp2, School Books Monaco Monaco Es-ko International Inc Es-ko International Inc 10 Units Of Es-ko Containers With A/C Units Supply Of Pre-fab Office Containers And Ablutions, Etc Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Schaart Communications The Medical Export Group B.v. Lineco Bv Lineco Bv Santpoort Project Supplies Lineco Bv Lineco Bv The Medical Export Group B.v. Schaart Communications Codan Radio Lot Of Surgical And Orthopaedic Equipment Audio Visual Equipment Gps System Mobile Forensic Laboratory Supplied By Santpoort For Strenghtening Control Along Tajikistan And Afgan Measuring Equipment Photomicroscopes And Other Wheel Chairs Communication Equipm Nicaragua Europa Motors Nicaragua, S.a. Motor Vehicles, Passenger, Public Transport Type Oman Saud Bahwan Automotive Llc Automobile Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Ideal Business Systems Attock Petroleum Limited Attock Petroleum Limited Attock Petroleum Limited Shaheen Traders Braspak Engineers & Consultants Abacus Consulting Technology (Pvt) Ltd Konica Minolta Digital Photocopier, Model 210 With Built In Printer/ Scanner To Be Reimbursed By Other Un Agencies - Unoca Fuel Station. Fuel Costs: June06 To Be Reimbursed By Other Un Agencies - Unoca Fuel Station. Fuel Costs: July05 To Be Reimbursed By Other Un Agencies - Unoca Fuel Station. Fuel Costs: Aug06 Seel Pipes Explosives, Prepared And Similar Preparations Software Licenses Sas/Gis Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Cons.telefónica Empresas S.a.a.-telefóni Ibero Peru S.a.c. Autronie S.r.l. Adexus Peru S.a. Urbe Visual Media S.a.c. Greentechnology S.a.c. Urbe Visual Media S.a.c. Industria Del Mueble S.a. Reencauchadora Heintz S.a. Adexus Peru S.a. Compañia Goodyear Del Peru S.a. Urbe Visual Media S.a.c. Fabricaciones Industriales Metalic S.a.c Carp Y Asociados Scrl Telephone Equipment Office Furniture Lcd Projection Panels Network, Switch - Central Switch Cisco Boards, Panels Installation Equipment For Communication Equipment Boards, Panels Furniture 1000 Tyres, Llantas Marca Bridgestone, Modelo Dueler H/T 689, Dimension 205/80r16 - 104s Lan File Servers, Advanced Level Tyres, 480 Llantas De Marca Wrangler At/S Dimensión 215/80r16 (Precio Unit. $105 Sin Igv) Boards, Panels Closets Sheeting, Plastic Saudi Arabia Almutlak Metal Industries 4 Semi-trailers, Floor Steel Plate (5/5+2) Mm, 2 Water Tankers, 55,000 Ltrs Senegal Senegal Senegal Senegal Senchim Sa Asprodeb A B Trade And Services Novosen Fertilisers, Npks, Npksb, Urea, Dap For Malian Endusers Projectors And Related Equipment Pc Accessories Matériel Informatique Raf/03/013 Singapore Singapore Singapore Singapore Tash Overseas Pte Ltd Thakral Brothers (Pte) Ltd Thakral Brothers (Pte) Ltd Thakral Brothers (Pte) Ltd Prefabricated Offices, Specification As Per Attached Annex. Computers, Software, Printers And Other Office Equipm Computers, Software, Printers And Other Office Equipm Computers, Software, Laser Printers And Other Office Equipm Total Cost (USD) 703,501.80 256,683.00 94,990.00 89,543.00 247,772.12 232,094.89 79,609.01 74,350.17 69,376.28 65,134.56 47,254.80 46,760.93 35,264.56 2,999,350.00 73,200.00 149,600.00 121,379.49 86,260.62 59,715.19 41,310.01 33,886.40 31,760.00 1,373,199.78 631,014.16 280,869.57 188,023.25 181,621.81 83,184.03 82,509.77 82,186.47 82,110.00 64,071.42 59,976.00 55,341.61 45,200.03 33,499.02 273,000.00 1,478,977.50 215,544.69 30,891.94 30,857.86 495,360.00 121,539.00 83,395.00 78,487.25 Slovakia Way Industry Mechanical Mine Clearance South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa Face Technologies Face Technologies Armour Systems & Projects (Pty) Ltd. Institute For Security Studies Tactical Medical Development Lvp Technology C.c. Computer Software Computer Software Armour System Kit + Installation Of Kits In Afghanistan, Books Brochures Etc Kits, Medical Complete Rest Mobile +Box Of Tubes + Rest Man Packs Maintenance And Mobile 12v Diesel Pomp 759,200.00 189,800.00 99,891.00 53,916.00 51,085.00 42,959.40 Spain Spain Spain Ghesa Ingenieria Y Tecnologia S.a. Trenzas Y Cables De Acero (Tycsa) Trenzas Y Cables De Acero (Tycsa) System Composed Of Thirteen (13) Interactive Water Fountains Include Pumps, Pipes, Electronic Comm Steel Stitched Wire & Cable Steel Stitched Wire & Cable 757,396.32 546,146.83 232,200.00 Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Gtb Colombo Corporation (Pvt) Ltd Holcim (Lanka) Ltd. Tor Steel Holcim Supiri 50 Kg Cement Bags Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Akadabi Steel Sudanmap Rivers General Transport Integrated Business Company Gelabi Stores Ahmed & Mustafa Hassouna Trading Co Ibm Enterprises Golden Arrow Trading M & S Bros Trading Enterprises M & S Bros Trading Enterprises Supply And Construction Of Prefabricated Office Building For The State Ministry Of Finance And Econom Equipment & Supplies 200 X Runflat Tyres. Hp Compaq Dx2200 Purchase Of Electrical Materials For Unops Sudan Purchase Of Suzuki Motocycles And Crash Helmets For Unops Khartoum And Juba, Sudan Offices Purchase Of Computer Equipment And Accesories For Unops Sudan Toyota Land Cruiser Station Wagon (Gxr) Purchase Of 300 Heavy Duty Single Top Tube Bicycles For Men Purchase Of 300 Heavy Duty Single Top Tube Bicycles For Men 360,366.54 268,802.00 165,500.00 94,710.00 57,663.00 55,520.74 45,815.15 36,000.00 32,703.49 32,703.49 Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Unops Geneva Outpost Imprest Account Geosig Ltd. Verizon Switzerland Ag Procurement Of Equipment For The Cardiological Dep In Mitrovica Earth Moving Equipment & Spares Internet Services Verizon 157,803.73 91,080.00 40,656.00 Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Global Fleet Sales Co Ltd Thai Nippon Rubber Industry Co., Ltd Global Fleet Sales Co. Ltd Global Fleet Sales Co. Ltd Global Fleet Sales Co. Ltd Purchase Of 4 Units Of Ford Ranger Pickup Trucks Model: Up25rag, For Unops Colombo, Srilanka. Scented Condom (Non-branded), Plain Natural Color, Smooth Surface, Slicone Lubricated, Size 49+/-2 M Motor Vehicle Parts And Accessories Ford Ranger Pick Up Truck 2.9 Litre Diesel, Base Vehicle, Additional Options Included: All Terrain Tyres Ford Ranger Pick Up Truck 2.9 Litre Diesel, Base Vehicle With Standard Options. Unit Price Includes De Turkey Treysan Collapsible Containers: 12 + 8 UAE UAE UAE UAE UAE UAE UAE UAE UAE UAE UAE UAE UAE UAE UAE UAE UAE UAE UAE UAE UAE UAE UAE UAE UAE UAE Emirates Computers Est. Golden Relief Resources Llc Alpha Diesel Fzco Skylink Arabia Alpha Diesel Fzco Emirates Computers Est. Habtoor International Nk Global Gulf Commercial Group Al Futtaim Technologies Ultimate Armored Works Fze Jubaili Bros. Abdullah Mohd. Ibrahim Trading Est Nk Global Al Futtaim Panatech Diar Al Andalous General Trading Abdullah Mohd. Ibrahim Trading Est Truebell Marketing & Trading Llc Al Futtaim Auto & Machinery Company Llc View Net Technologies Emirates Computers Co.l.l.c Thuraya Satellite Telecommunication Com Emirates Computers Est. Golden Relief Resources Llc Microtech International Emirates Computers Dell Optiplex Gx620 With Windows Xp Professional With Media And Microsoft Office 2003 Small Busines Office Furniture Generating Sets, 250kva Packing And Transport Services Generating Sets, 75kva Laser Printers Hp Laserjet 1020 & 4250tn With Two Replacement Toners Each 1 Water Dispenser, 1 Cutlery Despenser, 1 Heated Floor Cabinet And Other Furniture Office Machines, Printers, Heavy Duty Copiers Panasonic-kxt7665-1line Bright Lcd Display Feature Phone 1 Armored Vehicle Incl. Freight Cost Ddu Kabul Thuraya Gen Ii (So-2510) Satellite Phone Handsets With Accessories 30 Dell Optiplex Sx280 Desktops And Dell 17'’ Analogue Flat Panels 1 Generator: 250 Kva Diesel Power, Incl Airfreight Ddu Kabul Collapsible Prefabricated Office/Accomodation Units Vendor: Emirates Computers, Uae. Fpo Dso5154, Procurement Of 25sets Of Desktop Computers For Idl 100 1,224,629.00 2,458,483.39 93,348.16 70,080.00 48,722.80 44,142.06 43,755.00 37,800.00 89,200.00 586,040.00 452,890.00 429,930.00 274,485.00 250,720.00 199,296.00 199,245.49 141,953.68 116,432.70 105,431.38 96,500.00 73,663.00 73,239.00 71,215.31 65,800.99 56,848.34 54,860.99 48,987.00 47,566.98 45,575.18 45,020.00 44,200.00 41,580.00 39,400.00 36,000.00 32,775.00 Major Equipment ordered by Agency during 2006 (Orders of USD 30,000 or more) Agency / Location of Procurement Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) Total Cost (USD) UNOPS cont. UAE UAE UAE UAE Arabian Technology And Communication Various Uae-based Companies Advance Business Computers K5 Trading Llc Telephone Equipment Procurement Of Goods For Undp Somalia. Dell Computers Kitchen Equipment Uganda Uganda Uganda Terrain Services Ltd. Terrain Services Ltd. Toyota Uganda Ltd Supply And Construction Of Pre-fabricated Office Building For The State Governor Office At Kwajok, Wa Supply And Construction Of Prefabricated Office Buildings For State Government Office In Warab Purchase Of 2 Toyota Land Cruisers For Africa 2000 Network Uganda UK UK UK UK UK UK Trigon Energy Ltd. Mabey & Johnson Ltd Software House International Lonestar Corporation Eton International Westminster Sonus Gas Oil, 5038 Tons, For Various Endusers In Mali Invoice Nbr X6131 Microsoft Visio 2003 Standard Edition With Media Kit 1 (One) Truck, North-benz 2532s/3450 4 Pair Heavy Duty Jack Stand 12 Tones Capacity & Others Incl. Air Freight Charges To Kabul, 28-feb-06 Additional Costs For The Supply And Installation Of Av Facilities For Afghan Parliament Chambers, Offic 2,887,151.00 534,800.00 62,681.51 56,850.00 42,870.00 33,826.74 USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA Steel Resources Inc. Steel Resources Inc. Quimtec L.p. Steel Resources Inc. Steel Resources Inc. Muehlstein Holding Corp Ronco Consulting Corporation Genie International, Inc L.e.b. Enterprises, Inc New York Interactive, Inc. Noaa Climate Program Office Addis Enterprise L.l.c. International Steel, Inc. International Steel, Inc. Motorola Inc. (Tx) Gribetz International Fedlock Planson International Corporation Cisco Systems Inc Hyperion Hyperion Various Steel And Iron Products Cold Rolled Steel High Density Polyethylene Resin (Hdpe) Hot Rolled Steel Hot Rolled Steel High Density Polyethylene Resin (Hdpe) Various Equipment, Vehicles Clear Float Glass & Bronze Float Glass, Various Dimensions Copolymer Polyol - 33.6 Mt. Toluene Di-isocyanate (Tdi) - 40 Mt Audio And Video Records And Tapes Atlas Buoy Mooring System Work Stations And Server For Pmu Sitc: 692 Containers Caps Of Aluminum, Food Packaging, 209.5 Dia Containers, Caps Of Aluminum, Food Packaging 165 Vhf Handleds Gp 360, 165 Motorola Vhf Mobile Radio & Others Border Slitter, Flange Machine, Quilts And Skip Repairing Machine, All Purpose Ruffler Machine Purchase Of 4 Units Of Gsa Container Class 6 Five Drawer Safes & 3 Units Of Gsa Container Class 6 T Computers, Laptop/Notebook Cisco Smartnet Annual Maintenance Renewa Hyperion Brio Intelligence Version 6 Hyperion Brio Designer V6 Single User Hyperion Brio Intelligence Version 6 Hyperion Brio Designer 5,101,605.00 1,213,742.80 624,186.00 447,072.27 401,000.00 352,009.19 224,133.09 217,362.57 181,888.00 169,316.00 85,000.00 79,620.00 74,437.20 74,437.20 66,256.75 65,129.00 41,100.00 37,045.00 33,462.46 32,040.00 32,040.00 Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Security Devices Security Devices Security Devices Aprons For Mine Action Protective Vests, Aprons For Mine Actions Trowels 400,152.82 97,676.00 42,116.00 UNOV Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria S&T Austria Gmbh Center Communication Systems Gmbh Acp Computer Handels Gmbh Motorola Gmbh Madras Computer Vertriebsges M.b.h. Spp-handelsges M.b.h. & Co.kg Canon Gmbh Wiesenthal & Co. Sybase Edv-systeme Hali-bueromoebel Gmbh Three M (3m) Osterreich Ges.m.b.h. Schwandl Autohandelsges M.b.h. Anixter Austria Gmbh Unisys Gmgh Computers Walkie Talkies, Pagers Hardware, Hp Printers Cell Phones Computers Software, Hardware Photocopier Motor Vehicles Software Office Furniture Projectors Liesegang Motor Vehicles Transmitting & Communicating Equipment Sun Equipment 482,620.46 296,628.60 252,986.09 217,944.45 204,007.96 164,892.62 82,295.08 72,209.72 69,167.09 69,062.38 55,825.82 54,748.73 48,713.21 33,399.49 Belgium Sdl International Belgium Hardware 33,300.00 Denmark Denmark Dan Office Undp/Iapso Computers Research 886,441.99 40,565.75 Germany Boss Pro-tec Gmbh Tool Kits Ofr Eletronic Engineers Italy Rittal S.p.a. Racks For Compaq Servers Russian Federal Sovico Co. Ltd. Motor Vehicles 490,310.00 United Kingdom United Kingdom Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Shi Uk Motor Vehicles Microsoft Products 580,378.90 54,827.64 United States of America Cisco Systems Inc. Cisco Computer Products 267,068.68 UNPS Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Mustafa Halmand Trading Co. Ltd. United Nations Humanitarian Air Services/Unhas Pachakhil Esmat Trading Co; Ltd. United Nations Office For Project Services Mustafa Halmand Trading Co. Ltd. Aria Stationery Mustafa Store United Nations Office For Project Services Elhaj M. Akbar Darman B. Co. Ltd Hamed Habib Trading Pachakhil Esmat Trading Co;Ltd. Elite-decor Ltd Afghan National Integrated Services Insaf Rehmat Pump Station & Service Station Home Essentials Rahim Akbarzada Jamshidi Pump Station Construction Goods, Ceramic, Other Motor Spirit (Gasoline), Including Aviation Spirit Construction Goods, Ceramic, Other Fuel Oils, N.e.c. Timber, Hard Plant Materials Plant Materials Gas Oils (Diesel Oil) Clothing Of Textile Materials Sanitaryware And Plumbing Fixtures, Plastic Pebbles, Gravel, Broken Or Crushed Stone, Macadam Etc. Telecommunication Equipment, Parts And Accessories Thereof Construction Goods, Ceramic, Other Fuel Oils, N.e.c. Seats And Chairs Construction Goods, Ceramic, Other Fuel Oils, N.e.c. 203,319.96 168,066.23 137,486.20 130,687.81 105,000.00 83,000.00 58,000.00 53,495.12 46,864.96 45,244.60 40,725.28 38,686.50 37,993.10 35,726.84 35,705.00 34,998.20 34,050.42 Algeria Algeria Naftal Spa Naftal Spa Jet Fuel, Spirit Type (Gasoline Type) Safety Clothing And Headgear; Other Headgear Of Rubber Or Plastics 130,000.00 113,141.28 Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Bp Australia Limited Mtech Systems Pty Ltd Codan Limited Bp Australia Limited Eiw Wangara Pty Ltd Nortruss Builders Supplies Kooyong Industrial Supplies Regal Information Technology Pty Ltd Optical System Design Thorn Dnt Airfield Lighting Pty Ltd Nortruss Builders Supplies Expro Qld Pty Ltd Motor Spirit (Gasoline), Including Aviation Spirit Electronic Measuring Equipment N.e.c. Telecommunication Equipment, Other Chemical Products, Other Electricity Distribution Or Control Apparatus Automotive Workshop Equipment Construction Goods, Ceramic, Other Software Licences Telephone Equipment Components For Telecommunication Equipment Taps, Cocks, Valves And Similar Appliances Primary Cells And Primary Batteries 576,269.36 196,546.00 123,169.35 107,381.17 74,857.69 74,851.34 69,107.87 50,733.85 43,915.00 40,744.95 36,907.01 31,192.31 Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Rosenbauer International Ag Rosenbauer International Ag Feuerwehrtechnik Kreps Handelsgesellschaft Keg. Kreps Handelsgesellschaft Keg. Kreps Handelsgesellschaft Keg Kreps Handelsgesellschaft Keg. Rosenbauer International Ag Feuerwehrtechnik Kreps Handelsgesellschaft Keg Bridgestone / Firestone Austria Gmbh Kreps Handelsgesellschaft Keg. Kreps Handelsgesellschaft Keg Motor Vehicles And Parts And Accessories Thereof Containers For Compressed Or Liquefied Gas, Or Atomic Energy Purposes Recording And Reproducing Apparatus, For Sound And Video Telecommunication Equipment, Other Furniture, Workshop, Shop Etc. Radio Or Television Transmission Apparatus, Parts And Accessories Thereof Safety Clothing And Headgear; Other Headgear Of Rubber Or Plastics Security Equipment And Supplies N.e.c. Tyres, Pneumatic New, Inner Tubes, Solid Or Cushion Tyres, Etc. Software Application Packages Motor Vehicle Parts And Accessories 101 31,640.00 31,634.77 31,131.77 30,750.00 105,800.00 83,754.00 57,488.07 38,904.83 56,973.86 1,862,244.90 385,781.48 258,233.67 167,059.13 153,758.61 131,666.00 131,262.36 125,126.57 83,165.23 70,853.08 70,314.39 Major Equipment ordered by Agency during 2006 (Orders of USD 30,000 or more) Agency / Location of Procurement Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) Total Cost (USD) UNPS Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Ivellio-vellin, Prof. Edv-loesungen Rosenbauer International Ag Feuerwehrtechnik Rosenbauer International Ag Kreps Kreps Handelsgesellschaftkeg Kreps Handelsgesellschaft Keg Kreps Keg Kreps Kreps Kreps Handelsgesellschaft Keg Rosenbauer International Ag Kreps Handelsgesellschaft Keg Kreps Handelsgesellschaftkeg Kastner And Oehler Warenhaus Ag Transmitting And Communicating Equipment For Edp, Eg. Modems, Pc Servers Etc. Safety Equipment Construction Materials Of Plastic; Containers Of Plastic Sound Or Visual Signalling Apparatus, Electric, Other Footwear With Uppers Of Leather Brushes Gymnasium Or Athletics Articles And Equipment Security Equipment And Supplies N.e.c. Mortuary Supplies Telecommunication Equipment, Other Safety Equipment Soap And Cleaning Preparations Telecommunication Equipment, Parts And Accessories Thereof Snow-skis And Other Snow-ski Equipment; Ice-skates Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Siemens Atea General Business Consultants Siemens Atea Rdsm Nv Reibel (Belgium) N.v. Reibel (Belgium) N.v. Inventive Designers General Business Consultants A Div Of Gmb General Business Consultants General Business Consultants Siemens, N.v. Parts Trading Company Tdp General Business Consultants General Business Consultants Testing Equipment N.e.c. Paints And Varnishes (Including Enamels And Lacquers) And Related Products Telecommunication Equipment Articles For Medical Or Surgical Purposes N.e.c. Structures, Other, And Sections Of Iron, Steel Or Aluminium Books, Brochures, Leaflets And Similar Printed Matter Software, Computer, Including Manuals Antibacterials, Other Expendables And Accessories For Use With Edp Equipment N.e.c. Articles For Medical Or Surgical Purposes N.e.c. Insulated Wire And Cable; Optical Fibre Cables Motor Vehicle Parts And Accessories Radio Broadcast And Television Receivers Mainframe Computers Radio Broadcast And Television Receivers 137,210.67 105,239.46 97,886.70 94,019.11 60,282.00 51,870.00 49,727.70 49,647.75 43,256.30 40,802.18 39,722.13 38,997.46 38,393.32 36,204.97 34,840.99 Burundi Burundi Burundi Burundi Burundi Burundi Burundi Burundi Burundi Burundi Burundi Burundi Burundi Burundi Burundi Burundi Burundi Burundi Burundi Burundi Burundi Burundi Burundi Burundi Burundi Burundi Engen Petroleum Burundi S.a Getra S.a Getra S.a Amsar Burundi S.a Amsar Burundi S.a Betraco & Extraca Amsar Burundi S.a Amsar Burundi S.a Engen Petroleum Burundi S.a Btce S.a Burundi Mister Minute Service General Trading Services S.a Socoa Sprl Eccm General Trading Services S.a Agglobu Sprl Archidiocese De Gitega Btce S.a Burundi Ets Sadhana S.p.r.l. Liquids S.p.r.l Socoa Sprl International Business Network S.u.r.l Engen Petroleum Burundi S.a Anand Sprl Ets Ndiragora Daniel Buronet Gas Oils (Diesel Oil) Sands Pebbles, Gravel, Broken Or Crushed Stone, Macadam Etc. Cements Pebbles, Gravel, Broken Or Crushed Stone, Macadam Etc. Pebbles, Gravel, Broken Or Crushed Stone, Macadam Etc. Mortars And Concretes, Non-refractory Sands Lubricating Preparations Sands Articles For Medical Or Surgical Purposes N.e.c. Wood For Joinery And Carpentry, Other Sands Pebbles, Gravel, Broken Or Crushed Stone, Macadam Etc. Furniture, Office, Other Than Chairs Structural Components, Prefabricated, Of Cement Or Concrete Paper And Paperboard Products, Other Structural Components, Prefabricated, Of Cement Or Concrete Domestic Metal Products Waters, Not Sweetened Pebbles, Gravel, Broken Or Crushed Stone, Macadam Etc. Motor Vehicle Parts And Accessories Kerosene Insulated Wire And Cable; Optical Fibre Cables Pebbles, Gravel, Broken Or Crushed Stone, Macadam Etc. Paper And Paperboard Products, Other 586,000.00 371,397.18 261,153.82 220,745.64 210,220.31 194,784.28 156,611.67 131,763.97 103,124.60 97,432.60 91,927.15 80,907.85 77,936.21 63,945.23 63,054.28 61,099.24 58,379.94 55,499.50 51,812.08 49,971.62 48,927.20 48,435.92 42,391.60 38,113.95 33,931.03 31,356.22 Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Skylink Aviation Inc. Skylink Aviation Inc. Zheijang Kangle Group Co. Ltd. (Canada Office) Radian Communication Corporation Code Incorporated Newcon Optik Stolcraft Inc. Zheijang Kangle Group Import & Export Co, Ltd Carmanah Technologies Inc. Navigation Aeronav International Inc. Infosat Communications, Inc. Radarsat International Creatrix Design Group Terminotix Inc. Lowe-martin Company, Inc Radarsat International Inc. Motor Spirit (Gasoline), Including Aviation Spirit Pumps, Other Than Water Pumps; Air Or Other Gas Compressors Electric Motors, Generators And The Like Bridges, Bridge Sections, Towers And Lattice Masts, Of Ironor Steel Packing And Sealing Articles Of Plastics Optical Instruments Hydrographic, Hydrological, Meteorological Or Geophysical Instruments Telecommunication Equipment, Parts And Accessories Thereof Lighting Equipment Telecommunication Equipment, Parts And Accessories Thereof Telecommunication Equipment Maps And Charts Transfers (Decalcomanias); Printed Calendars; Other Printedmatter Software Application Packages Transfers (Decalcomanias); Printed Calendars; Other Printedmatter Maps And Charts China China China China China China China Zheijang Kangle Group Import & Export Co. Ltd Zheijang Kangle Group Zhejiang Kangle Group Import & Shunde Longling Wooden Products Co Shunde Longling Wooden Products Co.ltd Shunde Longling Wooden Products Co.ltd Zheijang Kangle Group Import And Export Co. Ltd Electric Motors, Generators And The Like Electric Motors, Generators And The Like Electric Motors, Generators And The Like Furniture, Office, Other Than Chairs Furniture, Office, Other Than Chairs Furniture, Domestic Electric Motors, Generators And The Like Congo, Dem. Rep. Congo, Dem. Rep. Congo, Dem. Rep. Congo, Dem. Rep. Congo, Dem. Rep. Congo, Dem. Rep. Congo, Dem. Rep. Congo, Dem. Rep. Congo, Dem. Rep. Congo, Dem. Rep. Congo, Dem. Rep. Congo, Dem. Rep. Congo, Dem. Rep. Congo, Dem. Rep. Congo, Dem. Rep. Congo, Dem. Rep. Congo, Dem. Rep. Congo, Dem. Rep. Congo, Dem. Rep. Congo, Dem. Rep. Congo, Dem. Rep. Congo, Dem. Rep. Congo, Dem. Rep. Congo, Dem. Rep. Congo, Dem. Rep. Congo, Dem. Rep. Congo, Dem. Rep. Congo, Dem. Rep. Congo, Dem. Rep. Congo, Dem. Rep. Congo, Dem. Rep. Congo, Dem. Rep. Congo, Dem. Rep. Congo, Dem. Rep. Congo, Dem. Rep. Congo, Dem. Rep. Congo, Dem. Rep. Fina Congo Shell Rdc Shell Rdc Fina Congo Buromeca Groupe Industriel Du Kivu (Ginki Sprl) Agb (Art Graphic Business) Buromeca Transimport Ets Ekima Fawaz Trading Company Quincaillerie & Alimentation La Joie Buromeca La Congolaise Des Hydrocarbures (Cohydro) Ets Misafa Ets Le Bosseur Randy Motors Quing Materiaux S.p.r.l Societe Panache Quing Materiaux S.p.r.l Grabes Quing Materiaux S.p.r.l Syntexkin Srl Tambakis & Freres Sotragec Top Chrono Mobimetal S.p.r.l. Mobimetal S.p.r.l. Tramic Buromeca Congopetrol Tambakis & Freres Quing Materiaux S.p.r.l Cobil Sarl Buhendwa Bagalwa Ets Le Bosseur Quincaillerie & Alimentation La Joie Petroleum Oils, Light, And Other Light Oils Gas Oils (Diesel Oil) Petroleum Oils, Light, And Other Light Oils Gas Oils (Diesel Oil) Photocopying Apparatus Gas Oils (Diesel Oil) Paper Of Paperboard N.e.c., For Printing Or Other Graphic Purpose Telecommunication Equipment, Parts And Accessories Thereof Pebbles, Gravel, Broken Or Crushed Stone, Macadam Etc. Cements Cements Pebbles, Gravel, Broken Or Crushed Stone, Macadam Etc. Paints And Varnishes (Including Enamels And Lacquers) And Related Products Petroleum Oils, Light, And Other Light Oils Waters, Not Sweetened Pebbles, Gravel, Broken Or Crushed Stone, Macadam Etc. Electric Motors, Generators And Transformers, Parts Thereof Plywood Plywood Construction Goods, Ceramic, Other Iron Or Steel, Flat Rolled Products Thereof, Other Pallets, Box Pallets And Other Load Boards Of Wood Clothing Of Textile Materials Metal Goods N.e.c. Mortars And Concretes, Non-refractory Newspapers Safety Equipment Containers Of Iron, Steel Or Aluminium General Purpose Machinery, Parts And Accessories Thereof Software Application Packages Petroleum Oils, Light, And Other Light Oils Construction Goods, Ceramic, Other Iron Or Steel, Flat Rolled Products Thereof, Other Petroleum Oils, Light, And Other Light Oils Bricks, Blocks, Tiles Etc. And Ceramic Goods, Other Wood, Sawn Of Chipped Lengthwise, Sliced Or Peeled Wood, Sawn Of Chipped Lengthwise, Sliced Or Peeled 102 68,536.90 60,100.46 53,538.39 48,168.05 42,713.70 39,794.34 39,515.42 38,369.00 38,104.33 38,026.99 32,322.45 31,903.34 31,403.60 31,296.32 37,239,266.00 6,859,097.11 1,545,726.00 402,103.65 333,240.00 306,268.73 292,425.00 231,078.00 169,889.00 80,111.96 69,414.00 55,938.00 47,222.00 39,950.00 39,098.00 36,960.00 4,015,140.00 1,814,598.00 1,556,716.00 177,860.90 129,198.00 76,400.00 30,282.00 77,070,852.00 23,735,505.00 19,909,005.57 12,257,500.00 1,253,141.65 435,247.15 431,728.00 242,418.34 192,000.00 185,886.10 150,000.00 147,000.00 130,851.94 107,286.44 103,380.00 99,098.40 96,400.00 95,000.00 95,000.00 93,670.00 91,100.00 90,000.00 90,000.00 89,000.00 88,000.00 85,963.95 83,990.00 81,700.00 80,685.50 78,721.74 75,000.00 75,000.00 73,900.00 72,412.50 71,501.60 70,000.00 70,000.00 Major Equipment ordered by Agency during 2006 (Orders of USD 30,000 or more) Agency / Location of Procurement Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) Total Cost (USD) UNPS Congo, Dem. Rep. Congo, Dem. Rep. Congo, Dem. Rep. Congo, Dem. Rep. Congo, Dem. Rep. Congo, Dem. Rep. Congo, Dem. Rep. Congo, Dem. Rep. Congo, Dem. Rep. Congo, Dem. Rep. Congo, Dem. Rep. Congo, Dem. Rep. Congo, Dem. Rep. Congo, Dem. Rep. Congo, Dem. Rep. Congo, Dem. Rep. Congo, Dem. Rep. Congo, Dem. Rep. Congo, Dem. Rep. Congo, Dem. Rep. Congo, Dem. Rep. Congo, Dem. Rep. Congo, Dem. Rep. Congo, Dem. Rep. Congo, Dem. Rep. Congo, Dem. Rep. Congo, Dem. Rep. Congo, Dem. Rep. Congo, Dem. Rep. Congo, Dem. Rep. Congo, Dem. Rep. Congo, Dem. Rep. Amza Construction Quing Materiaux S.p.r.l Elicom Sprl Limif Trading Agb (Art Graphic Business) Buromeca Ets Ekima D2 Supply & Services Buromeca Buhendwa Bagalwa Hyper Psaro Buhendwa Bagalwa Mis Impressions Fawaz Trading Company Fawaz Trading Company Technoprint Sprl Siforco (Societe Industrielle Et Forestiere Du Con Service D’electricite & Froid Quincaillerie & Alimentation La Joie Cobil Sarl Tramic M.m. Congo Materiaux Quing Materiaux S.p.r.l Utexafrica Quing Materiaux S.p.r.l Quincaillerie & Alimentation La Joie D2 Supply & Services A.t. Services Maison Amka Pharmaprix Amza Construction Limif Trading Electrical Equipment N.e.c. Metal Goods N.e.c. Insulated Wire And Cable; Optical Fibre Cables Construction Goods, Ceramic, Other Books, Brochures, Leaflets And Similar Printed Matter Transmission Equipment Electricity Distribution Or Control Apparatus Photographic And Cinematographic Equipment Paper Of Paperboard N.e.c., For Printing Or Other Graphic Purpose Plywood Waters, Not Sweetened Construction Goods, Ceramic, Other Clothing Of Textile Materials Electrical Equipment, Parts And Accessories Thereof Construction Goods, Ceramic, Other Paper Of Paperboard N.e.c., For Printing Or Other Graphic Purpose Timber, Hard Electricity Distribution Or Control Apparatus Electrical Equipment N.e.c. Gas Oils (Diesel Oil) Cements Insulated Wire And Cable; Optical Fibre Cables Paints And Varnishes (Including Enamels And Lacquers) And Related Products Clothing Of Textile Materials Air Conditioning, Cold Chain And Refrigerating Equipment Construction Goods, Ceramic, Other Accumulators, Electric Motor Vehicle Parts And Accessories Metal Goods N.e.c. Pharmaceutical Products N.e.c. Construction Goods, Ceramic, Other Metal Goods N.e.c. 66,000.00 65,474.00 63,180.00 60,000.00 55,676.50 53,170.95 50,181.00 49,960.00 49,720.00 49,000.00 47,880.00 46,000.00 46,000.00 44,160.00 44,000.00 43,840.00 42,525.00 41,638.00 40,000.00 39,600.00 38,730.00 35,050.00 35,000.00 34,500.00 34,000.00 32,624.20 32,600.00 32,395.26 30,436.00 30,409.10 30,000.00 30,000.00 Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Total Cote D’ivoire Total Cote D’ivoire Sic-tp Globe Assistance Globe Assistance Groupe Eres Sca (Societe Des Ciments D’abidjan Globe Assistance Globe Assistance Texaco Cote D’ivoire Sotaci (Societe De Transformation De L’acier En Co Odyssey West Africa Texaco Cote D’ivoire Globe Assistance Diabate Texaco Cote D’ivoire Entreprise K.g.e Sca (Ste De Ciments D’abidjan) Novaplast Toles Ivoire S.a. (Tisa) Trident Shipping Africhim Sek Oryx Mondial - Prestation Flock-ci Sipma/Sipatco Semat Sipma/Sipatco Seritex Ivoirienne De Gaz Sfelec (Service Froid Electricité) Groupe Eres Diabate Ferronnerie La Paix Ivoire Camel-inter Oryx Afnet Internet Services Sic-tp (La Carrieres De Boli) Cfao Technologies Ver-alu-ci Energie Services Sectronic Belle Demeure Odyssey West Africa Saga Sisag Ver-alu-ci Gas Oils (Diesel Oil) Motor Spirit (Gasoline), Including Aviation Spirit Pebbles, Gravel, Broken Or Crushed Stone, Macadam Etc. Pipes, Iron And Steel Pebbles, Gravel, Broken Or Crushed Stone, Macadam Etc. Electricity Distribution Or Control Apparatus Cements Plywood Structures, Other, And Sections Of Iron, Steel Or Aluminium Lubricating Preparations Bars And Rods Of Iron Or Steel, Hot Rolled Security Equipment, Special Purpose Chemical Elements, N.e.c. Timber, Hard Sands Regulating Instruments; Mechanical Property Testing Appliances Pebbles, Gravel, Broken Or Crushed Stone, Macadam Etc. Cements Taps, Cocks, Valves And Similar Appliances Structures, Other, And Sections Of Iron, Steel Or Aluminium Hydrographic, Hydrological, Meteorological Or Geophysical Instruments Paints And Varnishes (Including Enamels And Lacquers) And Related Products Tiles, Flagstones, Bricks Etc. Of Cement, Concrete Or Artificial Stone Metal Goods N.e.c. Pebbles, Gravel, Broken Or Crushed Stone, Macadam Etc. Clothing Of Textile Materials Aircraft, Parts Thereof Containers Of Iron, Steel Or Aluminium Pebbles, Gravel, Broken Or Crushed Stone, Macadam Etc. Hats And Headgear Pebbles, Gravel, Broken Or Crushed Stone, Macadam Etc. Domestic Appliances Other Than Cooling And Heating Equipment Office Machines, Other Pebbles, Gravel, Broken Or Crushed Stone, Macadam Etc. Office Machines, Other Transformers, Electrical Ethylene, Propylene, Butylene, Butadiene And Other Petroleum Gas Telecommunication Equipment, Parts And Accessories Thereof Pebbles, Gravel, Broken Or Crushed Stone, Macadam Etc. Elevators And Conveyors Domestic Metal Products Radio Or Television Transmission Apparatus; Television Cameras Security Equipment, Special Purpose Newspapers Metal Goods N.e.c. Motor Vehicle Parts And Accessories Pebbles, Gravel, Broken Or Crushed Stone, Macadam Etc. Bricks, Blocks, Tiles And Other Ceramic Goods Of Siliceous Earths 7,633,308.58 4,587,918.24 317,279.75 297,705.59 237,774.66 160,926.22 138,254.96 120,459.53 120,286.24 116,628.08 112,859.38 99,378.82 98,925.87 96,390.43 96,016.27 88,496.18 88,159.28 76,342.26 71,874.03 70,073.15 69,770.00 67,382.51 66,965.14 65,374.09 63,630.37 62,703.91 60,000.00 58,712.27 58,038.98 55,684.09 54,860.21 53,254.59 50,929.26 50,708.70 48,062.06 46,092.25 45,039.19 43,529.23 42,805.99 40,000.00 39,947.50 39,382.09 38,586.59 37,249.46 35,402.43 31,453.46 30,668.88 30,138.03 Cyprus Cyprus Cyprus Cyprus Cyprus Cyprus Cyprus Cyprus Cyprus Cyprus Cyprus Cyprus Cyprus Cyprus Cyprus Cyprus Cyprus Cyprus Cyprus Cyprus Cyprus Cyprus Cyprus Cyprus Cyprus Cyprus Cyprus Cyprus Eurest Support Services Worldwide Ess Support Services Worldwide -(suspended Not For Eurest Support Services Worldwide** Ess Support Services Worldwide Ess Support Services Worldwide Christis Dairies Ltd Marcos Stephanou & Sons Ltd. Royale Bakeries Eurest (Cyprus) Ltd. Cyprus Trading Corporation Public Ltd. One Net Ltd Bp Eastern Mediterranean Ltd. Cyprus Services Support Unit Protonics Ltd Bp Eastern Mediterranean Ltd. Hellenic Mining Company Ali Tosun Cyprus Trading Corporation Public Ltd. S. Hadjichristofi Construction Ltd Keo Plc Comet Farm Ltd Demstar Information Group Ltd. V. & C. Karalouka Bros (Beton) Ltd. M.s. Constantinides Ltd Cyprus Trading Corporation Ltd. Andreas Ioannou & Son Ltd Lagrome Trading Ltd. Kenas Ltd Food Products, Other Food Products, Other Food Products, Other Food Products, Other Meat And Edible Offal, Fresh, Chilled Or Frozen N.e.c. Dairy Products N.e.c. Fruit, Other, Fresh Bread, Other, And Bakers’ Wares, Other Food Products, Other Derricks; Cranes Telephone Equipment Motor Spirit (Gasoline), Including Aviation Spirit Food Products, Other Safety Equipment Jet Fuel, Spirit Type (Gasoline Type) Pebbles, Gravel, Broken Or Crushed Stone, Macadam Etc. Pebbles, Gravel, Broken Or Crushed Stone, Macadam Etc. Vehicles N.e.c. Pebbles, Gravel, Broken Or Crushed Stone, Macadam Etc. Waters, Not Sweetened Food Products, Other Office And Accounting Machinery, Parts And Accessories Thereof Pebbles, Gravel, Broken Or Crushed Stone, Macadam Etc. Construction Materials Of Plastic; Containers Of Plastic Motor Vehicle Parts And Accessories Pebbles, Gravel, Broken Or Crushed Stone, Macadam Etc. Tyres, Pneumatic New, Inner Tubes, Solid Or Cushion Tyres, Etc. Wood For Joinery And Carpentry, Other 103 38,251,680.59 7,805,580.97 2,573,652.76 1,371,540.93 1,330,000.00 217,320.53 174,740.00 172,550.11 171,669.00 163,474.39 140,795.00 134,609.50 97,388.06 96,161.47 95,431.42 83,610.66 64,897.17 59,111.62 47,830.74 46,729.08 44,333.33 43,114.65 41,336.30 41,266.38 39,783.20 38,634.45 36,344.54 30,367.65 Major Equipment ordered by Agency during 2006 (Orders of USD 30,000 or more) Agency / Location of Procurement Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) Total Cost (USD) UNPS Czech Republic Czech Republic Czech Republic Czech Republic Czech Republic Czech Republic Czech Republic Czech Republic Czech Republic Czech Republic Svos Spol. S.r.o. Barum Continental Barum Continental Spol S.r.o. Barum Continental Spol. S.r.o. Svos Spol. S.r.o. Barum Continental Spol S.r.o. Barum Continental Spol S.r.o Svos S.r.o. S.v.o.s Svos Spol S.r.o. Motor Vehicles And Parts And Accessories Thereof Tyres, Pneumatic New, Inner Tubes, Solid Or Cushion Tyres, Etc. Tyres, Pneumatic New, Inner Tubes, Solid Or Cushion Tyres, Etc. Tyres, Pneumatic New, Inner Tubes, Solid Or Cushion Tyres, Etc. Motor Vehicle Parts And Accessories Motor Vehicle Parts And Accessories Motor Vehicle Parts And Accessories Motor Vehicle Parts And Accessories Motor Vehicle Parts And Accessories Motor Vehicle Parts And Accessories 3,280,268.64 436,949.11 202,308.65 172,944.14 123,331.68 74,898.31 48,262.26 42,518.37 32,289.00 31,259.98 Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Johs.gram-hanssen Product Ltd. Johs.gram-hanssen Product Ltd. Johs. Gram-hanssen A/S Danoffice Iapso (Inter-agency Proc. Ser. Of.) Cicci Aps Bukkehave Ltd. Danoffice Plc Dan Office Trading Dan Office Plc Cicci Holding Ltd. Johs.gram-hanssen A/S. Cicci Aps Danoffice Johs. Gram-hanssen Product Ltd Danoffice Plc Johs.gram-hanssen Product Ltd. Johs.gram-hanssen A/S. Danoffice Aps Bukkehave Bukkehave Danoffice Ltd Bukkehave Ltd Johs.gram-hanssen A/S. Dan Office Plc Johs. Gram-hanssen Product Ltd Johs. Gram-hanssen A/S Danimex Communication Ltd Danoffice Danoffice Cicci Aps Johs. Gram-hanssen Product Ltd Cicci Holding Ltd. Cicci Holding Cicci Danoffice Plc Johs. Gram-hanssen A/S Dan Office Johs. Gram-hanssen Product Ltd Johs. Gram-hanssen A/S Netcom It Johs. Gram-hanssen A/S Danoffice Plc Teletech Congress Service Johs. Gram-hanssen A/S Danoffice Danoffice Trading Danoffice Plc Danoffice Cicci Holding Dan Office Plc Dan Office Plc Johs. Gram-hanssen Product Ltd Danoffice Plc Johs. Gram-hanssen A/S Cicci Aps Johs. Gram-hanssen Product Ltd Cicci Dan:Office Aps Danoffice Plc Danoffice Plc Dan Office Johs.gram-hanssen Product Ltd. Cicci Holding Dan Office Plc Johs. Gram-hanssen Products Ltd. Dlh A/S Dan Office Plc Danoffice Plc Danoffice Dan Office Trading Cicci Aps Dan Office Plc Dan Office Plc Danoffice Danish Camp Supply Dan Office Plc Cicci Asp Dan Office Trading Planson Europe Johs.gram-hanssen Product Ltd. Dan:Office Aps Cicci Aps Netcom It Danoffice Johs. Gram-hanssen A/S Planson Europe Dan Office Plc Johs. Gram-hanssen Product Ltd Danoffice Aps Dan Office Dlh A/S Dhl Danzas Air & Ocean Cicci Danimex Communications Limited Danoffice Plc Danoffice Ltd Danoffice Plc Planson Europe Danoffice Plc Danoffice Ltd Dhl Danzas Air & Ocean A/S Dan Office Plc Danimex Communications Ltd. Johs.gram-hanssen A/S. Planson Europe Danimex Communication Ltd Hecksher Linieagenturer A/S Danoffice Trading Insulated Wire And Cable; Optical Fibre Cables Stoppers, Caps, Lids And Other Metal Packing Accessories; Wire And Wire Products Insulated Wire And Cable; Optical Fibre Cables Micro-computers Motor Vehicles And Parts And Accessories Thereof Radio Or Television Transmission Apparatus; Television Cameras Tyres, Pneumatic New, Inner Tubes, Solid Or Cushion Tyres, Etc. Micro-computers Micro-computers Transmitting And Communicating Equipment For Edp, Eg. Modems, Pc Servers Etc. Radio Or Television Transmission Apparatus; Television Cameras Containers Of Iron, Steel Or Aluminium Buildings, Prefabricated For Office, School, Home Or Warehouse Printing And Plotting Devices For Edp Equipment Electrical Equipment, Parts And Accessories Thereof Computer Systems, Special Purpose Other Electricity Distribution Or Control Apparatus Electricity Distribution Or Control Apparatus Transmitting And Communicating Equipment For Edp, Eg. Modems, Pc Servers Etc. Motor Vehicle Parts And Accessories Tyres, Pneumatic New, Inner Tubes, Solid Or Cushion Tyres, Etc. Transmitting And Communicating Equipment For Edp, Eg. Modems, Pc Servers Etc. Motor Vehicle Parts And Accessories Insulated Wire And Cable; Optical Fibre Cables Expendables For Use With Edp Equipment Electricity Distribution Or Control Apparatus, Parts And Accessories Thereof Electricity Distribution Or Control Apparatus Alternative Energy Systems; Steam, Hydraulic And Gas Turbines Expendables For Use With Edp Equipment Optical Input/Output Units, Such As Scanners, Optical Readers Etc. Satellite Communication Systems Electric Motors, Generators And Transformers, Parts Thereof Telecommunication Equipment Protection Devices For Edp Equipment Telecommunication Equipment, Parts And Accessories Thereof Expendables For Use With Edp Equipment Hydrographic, Hydrological, Meteorological Or Geophysical Instruments Micro-computers Sacks And Bags, Of A Kind Used For The Packing Of Goods Angles, Shapes And Sections, Of Iron Or Non-alloy Steel Expendables For Use With Edp Equipment Air Conditioning, Cold Chain And Refrigerating Equipment Protection Devices For Edp Equipment Microphones, Loudspeakers, Headphones, Earphones, Amplifiers Electric Motors, Generators And The Like Transmitting And Communicating Equipment For Edp, Eg. Modems, Pc Servers Etc. Micro-computers Security Equipment, Special Purpose Software Application Packages Printing And Bookbinding Equipment Paints And Varnishes (Including Enamels And Lacquers) And Related Products Micro-computers Hand Tools Storage Units And Storage Media For Edp Electricity Distribution Or Control Apparatus, Parts And Accessories Thereof Aerials And Antennae Electricity Distribution Or Control Apparatus Telecommunication Equipment, Other Transmitting And Communicating Equipment For Edp, Eg. Modems, Pc Servers Etc. Aerials And Antennae Processing Units For Edp, Other Protection Devices For Edp Equipment Nickel Or Nickel Alloys, Semi-finished Products Thereof Radio Or Television Transmission Apparatus; Television Cameras Office And Accounting Machinery, Parts And Accessories Thereof Air Conditioning, Cold Chain And Refrigerating Equipment Plywood Expansion Cards & Other Add-on Hard- Or Firm-ware Printing And Plotting Devices For Edp Equipment Hydrographic, Hydrological, Meteorological Or Geophysical Instruments Protection Devices For Edp Equipment Radio Broadcast And Television Receivers Telephonic Apparatus, Other Printing And Plotting Devices For Edp Equipment Edp Equipment N.e.c. Stationery Articles N.e.c. Optical Input/Output Units, Such As Scanners, Optical Readers Etc. Transformers, Electrical Components For Telecommunication Equipment Weighing Equipment, Micrometers, Gauges Etc. Hand Tools (Including Glaziers Diamonds) N.e.c. Expendables For Use With Edp Equipment Bridges, Bridge Sections, Towers And Lattice Masts, Of Ironor Steel Software Application Packages Telecommunication Equipment, Parts And Accessories Thereof Metal Goods N.e.c. Recording And Reproducing Apparatus, For Sound And Video Transformers, Electrical General Purpose Machinery, Parts And Accessories Thereof Storage Unit Accessories Metal Goods N.e.c. Hand Tools Pipes And Other Accessories, For Use With Pumps Radio Broadcast And Television Receivers Alternative Energy Systems; Steam, Hydraulic And Gas Turbines Processing Units For Edp And Accessories And Parts Thereof Edp Equipment N.e.c. Telecommunication Equipment, Parts And Accessories Thereof Projectors Edp Equipment/Machinery, Other, And Parts Thereof Chemical Elements, N.e.c. Construction Materials Of Plastic; Containers Of Plastic Mainframe Computers Telecommunication Equipment Gas Oils (Diesel Oil) Expendables And Accessories For Use With Edp Equipment N.e.c. Telecommunication Equipment, Other Electric Motors, Generators And Transformers, Parts Thereof Edp Equipment N.e.c. 7,255,317.10 2,124,256.80 2,040,065.05 1,641,882.20 1,303,695.58 1,234,374.46 1,211,911.64 1,063,141.43 975,697.80 952,546.20 838,196.43 835,113.07 813,894.47 685,875.33 673,838.75 666,817.18 615,864.35 613,946.65 586,257.20 537,014.08 495,286.95 428,747.50 419,619.25 359,143.00 345,076.62 338,213.10 319,288.62 315,147.20 309,584.26 301,792.23 273,730.00 262,419.30 221,197.97 219,773.88 216,931.68 215,978.70 213,976.28 212,979.40 211,540.00 195,646.20 187,900.32 187,200.00 172,490.60 171,796.19 171,324.12 170,361.00 163,567.40 160,667.10 152,327.00 150,361.37 140,454.56 136,204.00 135,945.00 132,260.87 127,940.69 126,166.01 119,439.00 116,852.48 115,092.00 109,615.70 107,240.50 104,370.00 102,302.00 96,756.28 96,696.89 93,600.00 92,462.00 84,231.16 81,200.73 81,065.00 80,965.00 79,225.89 78,464.60 77,403.74 72,591.08 70,274.89 70,195.00 69,822.86 67,555.00 65,853.75 63,683.01 63,620.00 63,012.82 60,365.04 59,428.20 58,080.41 57,228.64 56,708.23 56,540.00 56,455.01 56,065.60 54,895.46 54,232.30 53,481.22 51,926.50 51,595.48 50,930.77 50,174.81 48,869.00 48,225.00 46,831.36 46,271.28 46,074.53 41,445.20 39,525.69 37,662.03 37,409.00 36,900.00 36,825.00 104 Major Equipment ordered by Agency during 2006 (Orders of USD 30,000 or more) Agency / Location of Procurement Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) Total Cost (USD) UNPS cont. Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Dan Office Danoffice Planson Europe Bukkehave Hss Engineering Aps Danoffice Planson Europe Danoffice Scan Shipping A/S Johs. Gram-hanssen A/S Transmitting And Communicating Equipment For Edp, Eg. Modems, Pc Servers Etc. Mini-computers Transformers, Electrical Rubber Tyres And Tubes Microphones, Loudspeakers, Headphones, Earphones, Amplifiers Equipment And Accessories For Connecting Edp Equipment Intonetworks Micro-computers Protection Devices For Edp Equipment Domestic Appliances Other Than Cooling And Heating Equipment Construction Materials Of Plastic; Containers Of Plastic Dominican Republic Dominican Republic Dominican Republic Madig Dominicana Madig Dominicana Madig Dominicana Bitumen And Asphalt, Natural; Asphaltites And Asphaltic Rock Bituminous Mixtures Based On Natural Asphalt, On Natural Bitumen Etc. Buildings, Prefabricated For Office, School, Home Or Warehouse 6,084,235.00 191,634.00 99,827.30 Eritrea Eritrea Eritrea Eritrea Eritrea Eritrea Eritrea Eritrea Eritrea Eritrea Eritrea Eritrea Eritrea Mobil Oil East Africa Ltd (Eritrea) Shell Eritrea Ltd Tamoil Eritrea Ltd Mobil Oil East Africa Ltd (Eritrea) Tamoil Eritrea Ltd Mobil Oil East Africa Ltd (Eritrea) Total Eritrea S.c. Tamoil Eritrea Ltd Shell Eritrea Ltd Total Eritrea S.c. Total Eritrea S.c. Tamoil Eritrea Ltd Hotel Intercontinental Asmara Gas Oils (Diesel Oil) Motor Spirit (Gasoline), Including Aviation Spirit Gas Oils (Diesel Oil) Motor Spirit (Gasoline), Including Aviation Spirit Electric Motors, Generators And The Like Petroleum Oils And Petroleum Products Petroleum Oils And Petroleum Products Motor Spirit (Gasoline), Including Aviation Spirit Petroleum Oils And Petroleum Products Gas Oils (Diesel Oil) Electric Motors, Generators And The Like Lubricating Preparations Printing And Bookbinding Equipment 1,906,479.10 1,531,015.73 1,451,332.47 1,440,473.81 1,004,039.72 914,561.21 529,450.73 528,390.00 489,791.96 419,022.49 284,792.94 72,311.77 39,888.00 Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Total Ethiopia S.c. Total Ethiopia S.c. Total Ethiopia S.c. Motor Spirit (Gasoline), Including Aviation Spirit Gas Oils (Diesel Oil) Petroleum Oils And Petroleum Products 776,956.26 115,465.60 80,626.72 Finland Finland Finland Finland Finland Finland Finland Finland Patria Vehicles Wallas-marin Oy Stonesoft Inc. Stonesoft Corporation Stonesoft Corp. Stonesoft Corporation Stonesoft Corp. Stonesoft Corporation Motor Vehicle Parts And Accessories Domestic Cooking And Heating Equipment Protection Devices For Edp Equipment Transmitting And Communicating Equipment For Edp, Eg. Modems, Pc Servers Etc. Telecommunication Equipment Edp Equipment N.e.c. Equipment And Accessories For Connecting Edp Equipment Intonetworks Telecommunication Equipment, Parts And Accessories Thereof 1,280,328.48 196,615.36 98,328.00 44,546.00 44,546.00 43,676.00 40,956.00 37,476.00 France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France Renault Vehicules Industriels G. Feron - E. De Clebsattel S.a. G. Feron - E. De Clebsattel S.a. Manitou Economat Des Armees Sides Economat De L’armee Renault Trucks Tld Europe Renault Vehicules Industriels G. Feron - E. De Clebsattel Sa G. Feron E. De Clebsattel Sa Renault Vehicles Industries G.ferron - E.de Clebsattel Sa G. Feron E. De Clebsattel Pronal Sa Renault Vehicles Industrielles Sms-rt2i Renault Trucks Renault Vehicles Industrielles G. Feron E. De Clebsattel. Sa Oligo S.a.s Tokheim Sofitam Applications Sas Marck Sa G. Feron - E. De Clebsattel Sa Spot Image Bahia Europe Sas Manitou G. Feron E. De Clebsattel. Sa Concept Etude Equipment ‘’c2e’’ Florida Purchasing Agency Paris Parlym International Florida Purchasing Agency Paris Renault Trucks Florida Purchasing Agency Paris Florida Purchasing Agency Paris Sdmo Direction Generale De L’economat Des Armees Florida Purchasing Agency G. Feron - E. De Clebsattel Sa Sanofi Pasteur International Zhendre S.a. Florida Purchasing Agency Paris Cma-cgm G. Feron E De Clebsattel Motor Vehicles And Parts And Accessories Thereof Buildings, Prefabricated For Office, School, Home Or Warehouse Prefabricated Buildings, Parts Thereof Motor Vehicles And Parts And Accessories Thereof Food Products, Other Motor Vehicles And Parts And Accessories Thereof Food Products, Other Motor Vehicle Parts And Accessories Motor Vehicles And Parts And Accessories Thereof Motor Vehicle Parts And Accessories Prefabricated Buildings, Parts Thereof Buildings, Prefabricated For Office, School, Home Or Warehouse Motor Vehicle Parts And Accessories Prefabricated Buildings, Parts Thereof Prefabricated Buildings Trailers And Semi-trailers; Containers Motor Vehicle Parts And Accessories Instruments For Measuring Temperature Or Other Physical Properties N.e.c. Automotive Workshop Equipment Motor Vehicles And Parts And Accessories Thereof Trailers And Semi-trailers; Containers Filtering And Purifying Equipment Pumps, Other Than Water Pumps; Air Or Other Gas Compressors Clothing Of Textile Materials Prefabricated Buildings Maps And Charts Security Equipment, Special Purpose Motor Vehicle Parts And Accessories Sanitaryware And Plumbing Fixtures, Plastic Crowd Control Equipment Expansion Cards & Other Add-on Hard- Or Firm-ware Pumps, Water General Purpose Machinery, Parts And Accessories Thereof Pumps, Compressors, Valves, Etc., Parts Thereof Telecommunication Equipment, Parts And Accessories Thereof Electric Motors, Generators And Transformers, Parts Thereof Filtering And Purifying Equipment Food Products, Other Machine Tools, Parts And Accessories Thereof Domestic Metal Products Epi Vaccines General Purpose Machinery, Parts And Accessories Thereof Telecommunication Equipment, Other Pipes And Other Accessories, For Use With Pumps Packing And Sealing Articles Of Plastics 8,473,501.28 5,879,396.98 5,414,211.36 4,513,422.15 3,722,504.20 3,273,033.42 2,379,817.82 1,468,114.18 660,019.48 651,198.73 440,390.33 416,452.44 339,233.27 325,628.14 243,914.68 176,141.35 168,930.75 168,128.00 156,996.05 156,351.50 155,769.23 149,250.00 141,953.52 141,814.00 124,775.06 112,520.05 96,600.00 88,755.64 87,078.14 57,631.36 57,194.47 56,015.42 55,982.49 50,488.49 49,454.90 48,718.00 41,345.56 40,579.13 40,469.51 39,200.51 38,373.07 37,890.00 37,219.83 34,910.71 31,981.56 Georgia Georgia Georgia Georgia Georgia Georgia Georgia State Company Abkhazskie Airlines Aviafuelservice Ltd Air Bp Georgia Llc State Company Abkhazskie Airlines Canargo Standard Oil Products Ltd Fittich State Company Abkhazskie Airlines Petroleum Oils Medium, And Other Medium Oils Motor Spirit (Gasoline), Including Aviation Spirit Motor Spirit (Gasoline), Including Aviation Spirit Motor Spirit (Gasoline), Including Aviation Spirit Petroleum Oils Medium, And Other Medium Oils Safety Equipment Engines, Internal Combustion, Of A Kind Used For Motor Vehicles Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Supreme Gmbh Fleischhacker Gmbh & Co. Kg Liebherr-werk Ehingen Gmbh Alfred Karcher Gmbh & Co.kg Alfred Kaercher Gmbh & Co. Nowar Security Equipment Gmbh Ecst Container Services And Trading Gmbh Barco Control Rooms Gmbh Fleischacker Gmbh & Co; Rg Alfred Karcher Gmbh & Co. Kg Fleischhacker Gmbh & Co. Kg, Germany Kassbohrer Gelandefahrzeug Ag Nowar Security Equipment Gmbh Krone Gmbh Heckler & Koch Gmbh Asbeck Armoring Bonn Gmbh Alfred Karcher Gmbh & Co.kg Fleischhacher Gmbh & Co Kg All4sat.com Fleischhacker Gmbh Nowar Security Equipment Gmbh Fleischhacker Gmbh & Co. Kg Alfred Kaercher Gmbh & Co Brahler Ics Ag Meat And Edible Offal, Fresh, Chilled Or Frozen N.e.c. Articles For Medical Or Surgical Purposes N.e.c. Motor Vehicles And Parts And Accessories Thereof Decanting, Distilling, Evaporating, Extracting, Filtering Equipment Etc. Filtering And Purifying Equipment Firearms And Ammunition Trailers And Semi-trailers; Containers Metal Goods N.e.c. Sterilizers, Medical, Surgical Or Laboratory Decanting, Distilling, Evaporating, Extracting, Filtering Equipment Etc. Boring, Grinding, Cutting, Pressing, Pumping, Heating Equipand Baths Laboratory Motor Vehicle Parts And Accessories Recording And Reproducing Apparatus, For Sound And Video Insulated Wire And Cable; Optical Fibre Cables Firearms And Ammunition Motor Vehicle Parts And Accessories Sampling Equipment, Water Purification And Histology Equipment, Laboratory Pharmaceutical Products N.e.c. Aerials And Antennae Safety Equipment Security Equipment And Supplies N.e.c. Medical, Appliances, Precision And Optical Instruments, Watches And Clocks Pumps, Compressors, Valves, Etc., Parts Thereof Audio And Video Accessories 105 35,789.00 34,058.38 33,501.28 33,218.85 32,718.00 31,761.00 31,519.00 30,586.60 30,571.00 30,000.00 319,054.00 175,525.00 144,000.12 133,200.00 55,555.56 50,699.03 37,260.00 15,885,718.21 2,691,000.66 1,342,056.56 783,609.69 443,986.73 232,685.33 198,717.95 195,279.90 178,479.82 170,024.84 148,736.79 129,931.92 120,867.59 109,185.30 103,329.05 96,820.97 81,285.71 78,338.60 74,279.68 70,760.04 63,928.50 61,955.79 56,191.62 55,500.00 Major Equipment ordered by Agency during 2006 (Orders of USD 30,000 or more) Agency / Location of Procurement Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) Total Cost (USD) UNPS cont. Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Fleischacker Gmbh & Co; Rg Fleischhacker Gmbh & Co. Kg Rocablanca Handels Gmbh & Co. Kg Heckler & Koch Gmbh Fleischhacker Gmbh & Co. Kg Tbv-techno Consult, G.volland Nowar Security Equipment Gmbh Fleischhacker Gmbh & Co. Kg Fleischhacker Gmbh & Co. Kg Bks-sattronix Gmbh Heckler & Koch Gmbh Alfred Karcher Gmbh & Co.kg Rocablanca Handels Gmbh & Co. Kg. Federal Armed Forces Germany Registers, Account Books, Note Books, Order Books Etc. Mechano-therapy Appliances, Respiration Apparatus Etc. Electric Motors, Generators And Transformers, Parts Thereof Packing And Sealing Articles Of Plastics Instruments And Appliances, Medical Or Surgical N.e.c. Machinery, Special Purpose, Other Aerials And Antennae Instruments & Appliances, Surgical Medical, Surgical Or Dental Instruments And Appliances Equipment And Accessories For Connecting Edp Equipment Intonetworks Telephone Equipment Filtering And Purifying Equipment Micro-computers Epi Vaccines, Other Ghana Ghana Mobil Oil Ghana Limited Buck Press Limited Motor Spirit (Gasoline), Including Aviation Spirit Stationery Articles N.e.c. 806,000.00 357,588.22 Greece Greece 3m Hellas Ltd Ace Power Electronics Ltd. Security Equipment, Special Purpose Protection Devices For Edp Equipment 141,540.67 69,961.73 Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Dinasa Dinasa Sodigaz Haytian Tractor And Equipment Company S.a. L.v.m. & Associates Acerie D’haiti Cimenterie National Gdg Beton Total Haiti S.a. Total Construction S.a. Mediacom M & S Construction Entreprise De Construction Electro-mecanique S.a. Acerie D’haiti Mediacom Skandra Acerie D’haiti Topline Skandra Indepco Global Home & Office Smart Maison Max Laroche Quincaillerie Nouvelle Universal Motors S. A Hl Construction Logotech Acerie D’haiti Additec Fourniturexpo M & S Construction Acerie D’haiti J&M Construction S.a. Carole Design Francois Murat Excellent S.a. Skandra Skandra Alleluia Materiaux De Constructions Computer Systems Network And Services Topline Sodigaz Jba Constructions Mediacom La Foi Materiaux De Construction Acerie D’haiti Gas Oils (Diesel Oil) Petroleum Oils And Petroleum Products Propane And Butane, Liquefied Motor Spirit (Gasoline), Including Aviation Spirit Construction Materials Of Plastic; Containers Of Plastic Construction Materials Of Plastic; Containers Of Plastic Cements Mortars And Concretes, Non-refractory Pumps, Other Than Water Pumps; Air Or Other Gas Compressors Plywood Clothing Of Textile Materials Construction Materials Of Plastic; Containers Of Plastic Structural Components, Prefabricated, Of Cement Or Concrete Angles, Shapes And Sections, Of Iron Or Non-alloy Steel Textile Articles Made-up, Other Stoppers, Caps, Lids And Other Metal Packing Accessories; Wire And Wire Products Iron And Steel Metallurgy, Primary Materials Thereof Detergents, Perfumes And Washing Preparations Textile Articles Made-up, Other Clothing Of Textile Materials Paper Of Paperboard N.e.c., For Printing Or Other Graphic Purpose Sanitaryware And Plumbing Fixtures, Plastic Construction Materials Of Plastic; Containers Of Plastic Motor Vehicle Parts And Accessories Sands Sports Or Outdoor Games, Articles And Equipment Therefor, Other Structural Components, Prefabricated, Of Cement Or Concrete Sanitaryware And Plumbing Fixtures, Plastic Paper Of Paperboard N.e.c., For Printing Or Other Graphic Purpose Structural Components, Prefabricated, Of Cement Or Concrete Timber, Soft Granite, Sandstone And Other Monumental Or Building Stone Curtains And Blinds Alternative Energy Systems; Steam, Hydraulic And Gas Turbines Filtering And Purifying Equipment Camping Equipment Construction Goods, Ceramic, Other Micro-computers Toilet Tissue Stock; Miscellaneous Other Papers Petroleum Oils And Petroleum Products Structural Components, Prefabricated, Of Cement Or Concrete Transfers (Decalcomanias); Printed Calendars; Other Printedmatter Sands Pipes, Iron And Steel Hungary S&T Software Application Packages India India India India India India India India India India India India Pcp International Ltd Pcp International Ltd. Pcp International Ltd Toyop Relief Trans Image Corporation Toyop Relief Telecommunications Consultants Indi Telecommunications Consultants Indi Trans-image Telecommunications Consultants India Ltd. (Tcil) Pcp International Ltd Eastern Surgical Company. Stoppers, Caps, Lids And Other Metal Packing Accessories; Wire And Wire Products Electric Motors, Generators And The Like Electric Motors, Generators And The Like Sacks And Bags, Of A Kind Used For The Packing Of Goods Telecommunication Equipment Stoppers, Caps, Lids And Other Metal Packing Accessories; Wire And Wire Products Optical Input/Output Units, Such As Scanners, Optical Readers Etc. Transmitting And Communicating Equipment For Edp, Eg. Modems, Pc Servers Etc. Telecommunication Equipment, Parts And Accessories Thereof Micro-computers Pumps, Other Than Water Pumps; Air Or Other Gas Compressors Gastrointestinal Drugs Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Erbil Fuel Distribution Directory Dyako Trading Company S. Babylon Company Al-sharq Al-awsat Company For General Contracts Al-usool Office For Equipment Services Hameed For Fuel Rona Company Al-salam Shop Kodo Company Dunya Furniture Ministry Of Oil; Iraq Dyako Trading Company Orascom Telecom Iraq (Iraqna) Al-sharq Al-awsat Company Al-sharq Al-awsat Company For General Contracts Fuel Oils, N.e.c. Safety Equipment Safety Equipment Air Conditioning, Cold Chain And Refrigerating Equipment Office And Accounting Machinery, Parts And Accessories Thereof Fuel Oils, N.e.c. Furniture Stationery Articles N.e.c. Structural Components, Prefabricated, Of Cement Or Concrete Furniture, Office, Other Than Chairs Fuel Oils, N.e.c. Stationery Articles N.e.c. Telephone Equipment Pumps, Other Than Water Pumps; Air Or Other Gas Compressors Electricity Distribution Or Control Apparatus, Parts And Accessories Thereof 133,424.10 112,050.00 108,150.00 71,588.00 54,650.00 49,375.00 49,120.00 46,000.00 45,000.00 40,000.00 36,300.00 34,999.30 32,795.00 31,632.00 30,000.00 Ireland Ireland Mmi Group Ltd. Mmi Group Ltd Metal Goods N.e.c. Metal Goods N.e.c. 274,224.00 162,372.16 Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel E-drive Technology Ltd. Odis Filtering Ltd Odis Filtering Ltd. Odis Filtering Ltd. E-drive Technology Ltd Odis Filtering Ltd Odis Filtering Ltd Atara Ltd Classica International Ltd. Sonol Israel Ltd Paz Oil Company Ltd. Lan-lee International Ltd L.a.d.m. Agencies Ltd. Odis Filtering Ltd Odis Filtering Ltd Lan-lee International Ltd. Atara Ltd Odis Filtering Ltd. Odis Filtering Ltd L.a.d.m. Ltd. Motor Vehicle Parts And Accessories Filtering And Purifying Equipment Decanting, Distilling, Evaporating, Extracting, Filtering Equipment Etc. Filtering And Purifying Equipment Motor Vehicle Parts And Accessories Construction Materials Of Plastic; Containers Of Plastic Stoppers, Caps, Lids And Other Metal Packing Accessories; Wire And Wire Products Vegetables, Preserved, Other Insulated Wire And Cable; Optical Fibre Cables Kerosene Gas Oils (Diesel Oil) Safety Clothing And Headgear; Other Headgear Of Rubber Or Plastics Buildings, Prefabricated For Office, School, Home Or Warehouse Pumps, Compressors, Valves, Etc., Parts Thereof Sampling Equipment, Water Purification And Histology Equipment, Laboratory Motor Spirit (Gasoline), Including Aviation Spirit Juices, Fruit And Vegetable Packing And Sealing Articles Of Plastics Machinery And Equipment For The Pharmaceutical Industry Safety Equipment 106 53,325.05 47,818.14 47,010.40 46,818.77 44,709.65 43,529.30 42,965.74 41,957.98 40,551.98 36,697.60 35,432.79 33,142.24 31,758.59 30,418.38 15,458,528.02 2,818,521.55 508,870.00 445,000.00 392,486.00 356,602.00 232,330.00 198,000.00 192,020.00 164,735.00 150,849.95 141,980.00 141,160.00 140,700.00 111,594.00 106,090.00 91,369.88 81,236.43 78,680.00 73,322.50 72,300.00 67,096.50 66,628.50 62,219.00 61,475.00 58,047.45 57,048.70 55,125.00 50,400.00 47,810.00 47,735.00 45,126.50 44,422.00 43,400.00 42,300.00 41,445.39 40,000.00 36,002.96 34,850.05 33,567.35 33,300.00 32,850.00 32,601.12 31,294.45 53,581.73 1,087,157.60 655,244.53 357,697.80 352,216.00 291,295.00 135,686.00 98,939.84 88,069.80 64,135.00 55,774.16 35,333.00 30,712.00 1,570,643.56 1,039,579.24 678,396.15 669,229.55 650,748.15 353,860.00 348,775.00 308,665.79 284,103.79 263,698.50 249,509.30 212,574.30 181,221.00 179,332.04 156,890.00 144,650.00 127,090.30 119,596.60 119,343.40 119,325.00 Major Equipment ordered by Agency during 2006 (Orders of USD 30,000 or more) Agency / Location of Procurement Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) UNPS cont. Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Classica International Ltd. Lan Lee International Ltd. Lan-lee International Ltd. L.a.d.m Agencies Ltd Tnuva Ltd Classica International Ltd. Classica International Ltd. Classica International Ltd. Eres Refrigiration & Engineering District Bakery Delek -israel Fuel Corporation Ltd. Karat Israel Ltd. Bynet Data Communications Ltd (Tlv) L.a.d.m Agencies Ltd Pazomat Co.- Paz Group Ltd. Classica International Ltd. Odis Filtering Ltd. Lan Lee International Ltd. Tadiran Communications Ltd Classica International Ltd. Paz Oil Company Ltd. Odis Filtering Ltd E-drive Technology Ltd. L.a.d.m. Agencies Ltd. Arnir A. T. Communication Ltd E.d.t.e Drivetech Ltd L.a.d.m Agencies Ltd. Odis Filtering Ltd. Classica International Ltd. L.a.d.m. Agencies Ltd Lan Lee International Ltd. Classica International Dorgas Ltd Classica International Ltd. Classica International Ltd Raz Agencies Security Equipment, Special Purpose Firearms And Ammunition Micro-computers Safety Equipment Dairy Products N.e.c. Testing Equipment N.e.c. Furniture, Office, Other Than Chairs Paints And Varnishes (Including Enamels And Lacquers) And Related Products Air Conditioning, Cold Chain And Refrigerating Equipment Bread, Other, And Bakers’ Wares, Other Fuel Oils, N.e.c. Photocopying Apparatus Instruments For Measuring Temperature Or Other Physical Properties N.e.c. Meat And Edible Offal, Fresh, Chilled Or Frozen N.e.c. Fuel Oils, N.e.c. Optical Input/Output Units, Such As Scanners, Optical Readers Etc. General Purpose Machinery, Parts And Accessories Thereof Security And Safety Equipment Primary Cells And Primary Batteries Printing And Plotting Devices For Edp Equipment Kerosene Pumps, Water Electronic Components, Parts And Accessories Thereof Detergents, Perfumes And Washing Preparations Insulated Wire And Cable; Optical Fibre Cables Motor Vehicle Parts And Accessories Safety Equipment Pumps, Water Soap And Cleaning Preparations Seats And Chairs Safety Clothing And Headgear; Other Headgear Of Rubber Or Plastics Safety Clothing And Headgear; Other Headgear Of Rubber Or Plastics Propane And Butane, Liquefied Food Packaging And Bottle Cleaning Equipment; Spraying Machinery Carpets And Other Textile Floor Coverings Transformers, Electrical Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Corimec Italiana S.p.a. Shellbox S.r.l. Corimec Italiana S.p.a Corimec Italiana Spa Corimec Italiana Spa Corimec Italiana S.p.a. Ama Spa - Italy Ama S.p.a. Ama S.p.a. Ama S.p.a. Coelmo S.r.l. Ama S.p.a A. Bellomi Srl A. Bellomi S.r.l. Erreci S.r.l. Ama S.p.a. Intertrade Internatonal Services Srl Ama Spa Calabrese Spa Db Elettronica Telecomunicazioni A.bellomi S.r.l. Erreci S.r.l. A. Bellomi S.r.l. A.bellomi S.r.l. Intertrade International Services Ama Spa - Italy Italtrend Spa A.bellomi S.r.l. Edilsider S.p.a A.bellomi S.r.l. Sicom Spa A.bellomi S.r.l. A. Bellomi S.r.l A. Bellomi Coelmo S.r..l Intertrade International Services Limongelli Srl Corimec Italiana Spa Intertrade International Services Srl A. Bellomi Srl Intertrade International Services Edilsider Spa Ama Spa - Italy Coelmo S.o.c.a.i. (S.r.l.) Carrelli Elevatori Om Intertrade International Services (Iis) For.el. S.r.l. Intertrade International Services (Iis) Coelmo S.r..l Intertrade International Services S.r.l. Sirti Sistemi Spa Intertrade International Services S.r.l. Intertrade International Services Officine Maccaferri Spa Erreci S.r.l. Sematron Italia Srl Erreci Srl A.bellomi S.r.l. Intertrade International Services Corimec Italiana Spa Intertrade International Services A. Bellomi Srl Emc² Computer Systems Italia Spa Hewlett- Packard Italiana S.r.l. Rc Trade Emerson Network Power Srl Intertrade International Services (Iis) Intertrade International Services Srl Intertrade International Services Ama S.p.a. Intertrade International Services Srl Vrm Italia Srl A. Bellomi For.el. S.r.l. Essegi Srl Erreci Sprl A. Bellomi S.r.l. A.bellomi S.r.l. Sematron Italia Srl Intertrade Internatonal Services Srl A.bellomi S.r.l. Intertrade International Services S.r.l. Intertrade International Services Buildings, Prefabricated For Office, School, Home Or Warehouse Prefabricated Buildings, Parts Thereof Buildings, Prefabricated For Office, School, Home Or Warehouse Prefabricated Buildings Buildings, Prefabricated For Office, School, Home Or Warehouse Prefabricated Buildings, Parts Thereof Containers Of Iron, Steel Or Aluminium Pumps, Compressors, Valves, Etc., Parts Thereof Containers Of Iron, Steel Or Aluminium Pumps, Other Than Water Pumps; Air Or Other Gas Compressors Electric Motors, Generators And The Like Containers Of Iron, Steel Or Aluminium Stoppers, Caps, Lids And Other Metal Packing Accessories; Wire And Wire Products Binders, Folders And File Covers Furniture Rubber, Articles Thereof, N.e.c. Electric Motors, Generators And The Like Containers Of Iron, Steel Or Aluminium Motor Vehicles And Parts And Accessories Thereof Telecommunication Equipment Paper Of Paperboard N.e.c., For Printing Or Other Graphic Purpose Furniture, Domestic Stationery Of Paper Or Paperboard Expendables For Use With Edp Equipment Expendables For Use With Edp Equipment Trailers And Semi-trailers; Containers Trailers And Semi-trailers; Containers Plates, Sheets, Film, Foil And Strip Of Plastics, Other Buildings, Prefabricated For Office, School, Home Or Warehouse Binders, Folders And File Covers Trailers And Semi-trailers; Containers Stationery Articles N.e.c. Stationery Articles N.e.c. Binders, Folders And File Covers Electric Motors, Generators And The Like Air Conditioning, Cold Chain And Refrigerating Equipment Detergents, Perfumes And Washing Preparations Trailers And Semi-trailers; Containers Office Machines, Other Paper And Paperboard Products, Other Electricity Distribution Or Control Apparatus Telecommunication Equipment, Other Pumps, Compressors, Valves, Etc., Parts Thereof Electric Motors, Generators And The Like Forklift Trucks And Other Works Trucks Electric Motors, Generators And Transformers, Parts Thereof Electrical Equipment N.e.c. Waters, Not Sweetened Electricity Distribution Or Control Apparatus Construction Materials Of Plastic; Containers Of Plastic Insulated Wire And Cable; Optical Fibre Cables Furniture, Workshop, Shop Etc. Telecommunication Equipment, Parts And Accessories Thereof Plastics In Primary Forms, N.e.c.; Ion Exchangers Furniture, Office, Other Than Chairs Converters, Ladles, Ingot Moulds And Casting Machines, Metallurgical Furniture, Domestic Registers, Account Books, Note Books, Order Books Etc. Firearms And Ammunition Prefabricated Buildings, Parts Thereof Disinfectants Paper Of Paperboard N.e.c., For Printing Or Other Graphic Purpose Telecommunication Equipment, Other Printing And Plotting Devices For Edp Equipment Water Pipe Fittings And Accessories Cooling, Incubating, Cleaning, Drying, Etc. Equipment, Laboratory Telecommunication Equipment, Parts And Accessories Thereof Sampling Equipment, Water Purification And Histology Equipment, Laboratory Equipment And Accessories For Connecting Edp Equipment Intonetworks Agricultural Machinery, Parts And Accessories Thereof Water Pipe Fittings And Accessories Audio And Video Accessories Paper And Paperboard Products, Other Electrical Equipment, Parts And Accessories Thereof Pumps, Compressors, Valves, Etc., Parts Thereof Camping Equipment Stationery Articles N.e.c. Furniture, Domestic Telecommunication Equipment, Other Forklift Trucks And Other Works Trucks Furniture, Office, Other Than Chairs Footwear With Uppers Of Leather Paints And Varnishes (Including Enamels And Lacquers) And Related Products 107 Total Cost (USD) 109,048.79 105,713.75 102,393.75 102,001.25 94,005.02 90,880.00 85,900.00 83,531.00 79,359.25 79,095.46 78,956.46 72,865.35 70,302.54 65,968.50 62,934.58 57,089.33 54,257.76 53,890.50 52,325.00 51,917.00 50,000.00 47,915.00 47,265.00 43,920.00 43,735.48 42,790.40 39,571.62 36,240.00 34,162.98 33,430.00 32,256.95 32,150.00 31,741.98 30,592.50 30,571.69 30,000.00 8,908,344.93 7,359,449.32 7,347,742.92 6,469,030.40 3,216,201.59 2,843,758.25 1,833,751.89 1,238,016.45 1,033,973.46 998,722.89 884,750.31 815,463.12 593,786.19 560,097.58 558,488.97 536,294.87 525,663.17 495,036.13 475,289.94 474,528.39 461,970.00 454,022.74 432,811.76 422,672.70 342,704.03 333,105.88 309,169.95 299,807.89 290,673.52 243,527.30 241,706.16 237,928.49 237,577.17 198,149.60 190,331.36 187,483.50 187,386.53 180,119.37 173,070.33 172,782.52 171,762.24 165,648.86 163,083.47 160,848.34 158,802.90 152,523.62 150,000.00 146,094.32 127,509.58 126,598.48 125,702.39 124,744.04 124,668.35 122,103.99 120,751.12 118,134.00 117,294.05 113,653.82 107,212.19 106,972.75 102,596.40 101,598.00 100,484.55 95,743.97 92,139.52 91,450.24 90,880.37 87,467.45 84,961.42 84,386.26 83,330.33 82,127.80 81,056.10 81,000.00 79,900.00 78,790.08 77,206.82 76,240.00 76,150.00 74,686.89 72,868.88 71,838.78 69,626.98 Major Equipment ordered by Agency during 2006 (Orders of USD 30,000 or more) Agency / Location of Procurement Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) UNPS cont. Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy A. Bellomi Srl Ama S.p.a. Ama Spa - Italy Intertrade International Services S.r.l. Intertrade International Services (Iis) Intertrade International Services Srl Brindedil Srl Intertrade International Services Sematron Italia Srl Vodafone Erreci S. R.l. A. Bellomi Srl Intertrade International Services (Iis) Intertrade International Services Srl Erreci Srl Intertrade Internatonal Services Srl Edilsider S.p.a. Intertrade International Services Erreci S. R.l. A. Bellomi S.r.l Intertrade International Services Intertrade International Services A. Bellomi Srl Videoworks Srl Ama Spa Erreci S.r.l Intertrade International Services Srl A. Bellomi Intertrade International Services Srl Intertrade International Services Intertrade International Services Elettronica Componenti S.r.l. Intertrade International Services Coelmo S.r.l A Bellomi S.r.l Intertrade International Services Intertrade International Services Srl Intertrade International Services S.r.l. Agmin Italy S.r.l. Intertrade International Services Intertrade International Services Intertrade International Services (Iis) Intertrade International Services Intertrade International Services Pivicom Srl A. Bellomi Intertrade Int’l Services S.r.l. Corimec Italiana Spa Intertrade International Services Srl Intertrade International Services Srl Erreci Sprl Gfo Europe Spa Intertrade International Services; S.r.l Colaianni Mario & C. Sas Pivicom Srl Intertrade International Services Limongelli Srl A. Bellomi S.r.l. Softway Srl Erreci Sprl Intertrade International Services S.r.l. La Termosanitaria S.r.l. Intertrade International Intertrade International Services Erreci Intertrade International Services Srl Edilsider S.p.a. Intertrade International Services Intertrade International Services Intertrade International Services Rs Components S.p.a. Erreci S. R.l. Erreci S.r.l. Intertrade International Services (Iis) Unifibre Srl Intertrade International Services S.r.l. Agilent Technologies Italia S.p.a. Intertrade International Services Intertrade International Services Salentauto Spa A. Bellomi S.r.l. Intertrade International Services Limongelli Srl Insulated Wire And Cable; Optical Fibre Cables Primary Cells And Primary Batteries General Purpose Machinery, Parts And Accessories Thereof Glass Articles, Other General Purpose Machinery, Parts And Accessories Thereof Tableware, Kitchenware, Other Household And Toilet Articles, Of Plastic Prefabricated Buildings, Parts Thereof Footwear, Safety Telecommunication Equipment, Parts And Accessories Thereof Electronic Components, Parts And Accessories Thereof Furniture, Office, Other Than Chairs Stationery Articles N.e.c. Detergents, Perfumes And Washing Preparations Forklift Trucks And Other Works Trucks Metal Goods N.e.c. Safety Clothing And Headgear; Other Headgear Of Rubber Or Plastics Telecommunication Equipment Stationery Articles N.e.c. Seats And Chairs Expendables For Use With Edp Equipment Paper And Paperboard Products, Other Insulated Wire And Cable; Optical Fibre Cables Expendables For Use With Edp Equipment Equipment And Accessories For Connecting Edp Equipment Intonetworks Parts N.e.c. For Special Purpose Machinery Furniture, Office, Other Than Chairs Recording And Reproducing Apparatus, For Sound And Video Soap And Cleaning Preparations Insulated Wire And Cable; Optical Fibre Cables Soap And Cleaning Preparations Agrochemicals Prefabricated Buildings, Parts Thereof Radio-broadcasting, Reception Apparatus, Parts And Accessories Thereof Electric Motors, Generators And The Like Stationery Articles N.e.c. Radio Broadcast And Television Receivers Electricity Distribution Or Control Apparatus Telephone Equipment General Purpose Machinery, Parts And Accessories Thereof Electric Motors, Generators And Transformers, Parts Thereof Detergents, Perfumes And Washing Preparations Insulated Wire And Cable; Optical Fibre Cables Gymnasium Or Athletics Articles And Equipment Structures, Other, And Sections Of Iron, Steel Or Aluminium Domestic Metal Products Sacks And Bags, Of Plastic Materials Motor Vehicle Parts And Accessories Camping Equipment Sports Or Outdoor Games, Articles And Equipment Therefor, Other Plastics In Primary Forms, N.e.c.; Ion Exchangers Furniture, Other, N.e.c. Optical Instruments Expendables For Use With Edp Equipment Mortars And Concretes, Non-refractory Electrical Equipment, Parts And Accessories Thereof Pumps, Other Than Water Pumps; Air Or Other Gas Compressors Plasters Registers, Account Books, Note Books, Order Books Etc. Expendables For Use With Edp Equipment Furniture, Office, Other Than Chairs Components For Telecommunication Equipment Wood For Joinery And Carpentry, Other Tableware, Kitchenware, Other Household And Toilet Articles, Of Plastic Telecommunication Equipment, Other Furniture, Domestic Tubes, Pipes And Hoses, And Fittings Therefor, Of Plastics Satellite Communication Systems Weighing Equipment, Micrometers, Gauges Etc. Protection Devices For Edp Equipment Testing Equipment Miscellaneous N.e.c. Electronic Components N.e.c. Furniture, Domestic Furniture, Other, N.e.c. Laboratory Glassware Software Application Packages Security Equipment, Special Purpose Electronic Measuring Equipment N.e.c. Micro-computers Electricity Distribution Or Control Apparatus, Parts And Accessories Thereof Motor Vehicles, Passenger, Other Paper And Paperboard Products, Other Motor Vehicle Parts And Accessories Paints And Varnishes (Including Enamels And Lacquers) And Related Products Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Toyota Motor Corporation Nissan Trading Co., Ltd. Nissan Trading Co. Ltd Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Industries Corporation Nissan Trading Co., Ltd. Toyota Motor Corporation Nissan Trading Co Ltd Nissan Trading Co. Ltd Nissan Trading Co.;Ltd Nissan Trading Co. Ltd. Toyota Motor Corporation Nissan Trading Co. Ltd Nissan Trading Co.ltd. K. Arano & Co. Ltd. Nissan Trading Co. Ltd Nissan Trading Co., Ltd. Nissan Trading Co.; Ltd Motor Vehicles And Parts And Accessories Thereof Motor Vehicles And Parts And Accessories Thereof Motor Vehicle Parts And Accessories Motor Vehicle Parts And Accessories Motor Vehicles And Parts And Accessories Thereof Motor Vehicles, Special Purpose Ironmongry Motor Vehicle Parts And Accessories Ironmongry Motor Vehicle Parts And Accessories Motor Vehicle Parts And Accessories Motor Vehicles, Special Purpose Pulley Tackle And Hoists, Winches And Capstans; Jacks Motor Vehicle Parts And Accessories Tyres, Pneumatic New, Inner Tubes, Solid Or Cushion Tyres, Etc. Automotive Workshop Equipment Motor Vehicles, Passenger, Other Motor Vehicle Parts And Accessories Jordan Jordan Jordan Petroleum Refinery World Health Organization Registers, Account Books, Note Books, Order Books Etc. Articles For Medical Or Surgical Purposes N.e.c. Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Adwest Communications Mercantile Freighters Ltd Archen Company Timsales Limited Alibhaishariff & Sons Ltd Ramco Printing Works Ltd Techno Relief Services Alibhaishariff & Sons Ltd Telemedia Communications Doshi & Co Hardware Ltd Alibhaishariff & Sons Ltd Dt Dobie Asl Ltd Nairobi Ironmongers Ltd Telecommunication Equipment, Other Bitumen And Asphalt, Natural; Asphaltites And Asphaltic Rock Bricks, Blocks, Tiles Etc. And Ceramic Goods, Other Timber, Soft Structures, Other, And Sections Of Iron, Steel Or Aluminium Clothing Of Textile Materials Construction Materials Of Plastic; Containers Of Plastic Domestic Metal Products Transformers, Electrical Timber, Soft Timber, Soft Motor Vehicle Parts And Accessories Tubes, Pipes And Hoses, And Fittings Therefor, Of Plastics Construction Goods, Ceramic, Other 108 Total Cost (USD) 69,480.00 69,433.47 69,100.36 68,894.60 68,726.22 67,245.18 66,964.29 66,953.17 66,448.00 66,218.71 64,072.67 64,003.62 62,809.58 62,124.37 61,463.12 59,296.74 59,025.03 58,309.51 58,279.32 58,135.39 57,669.46 57,608.71 56,509.50 55,602.48 54,757.44 52,161.37 51,459.61 51,227.84 51,172.58 51,126.89 51,045.96 50,000.00 48,877.95 48,153.85 47,784.93 47,748.75 47,451.25 46,803.11 46,785.00 46,442.60 46,238.28 46,015.59 45,796.40 45,285.95 45,060.46 44,423.05 44,240.82 43,073.46 42,233.42 42,131.04 41,781.14 41,364.01 41,102.38 40,000.00 40,000.00 39,661.35 39,530.70 38,714.04 38,634.22 38,377.89 37,433.80 37,000.00 36,763.00 36,709.39 36,667.00 36,248.00 36,231.88 36,197.71 36,177.73 35,012.85 34,753.41 34,615.94 34,506.28 33,601.54 33,540.26 32,835.70 31,997.16 31,529.50 31,258.52 31,001.32 30,197.80 30,131.23 30,000.00 16,367,694.55 9,747,301.70 3,273,816.13 1,703,349.96 889,748.32 800,495.47 368,837.61 355,591.58 334,110.30 278,903.41 184,072.08 163,160.14 138,853.12 134,529.38 81,506.84 80,374.46 61,733.33 48,622.49 50,790.96 45,642.22 182,610.62 167,776.00 155,800.00 140,461.50 89,849.33 65,126.27 54,250.00 49,311.31 40,785.58 39,050.00 37,883.68 34,948.66 34,486.80 33,029.60 Major Equipment ordered by Agency during 2006 (Orders of USD 30,000 or more) Agency / Location of Procurement Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) Total Cost (USD) UNPS cont. Kuwait Kuwait Kuwait Kuwait Kuwait Kuwait Kuwait Kuwait Kuwait Kuwait Kuwait Kuwait Kuwait Kuwait Kuwait Kuwait Neo Technology Co. American Logistics Services Co. Gulf Telecom Co. W.l.l. Kuwaiti Digital Computer Co. (Previously Kuwait Da Salhiya Tower Stationery International Center Group For Foodstuff Co. Al-balad Al Amin Co. Kuwait & Gulf Link Transport Co. Sports Corner Quality Eighty Gen. Trad. & Cont. Co. International Center Group Co. Al-nahar International Co. Saba Group International Gen. Trdg. & Cont. Co. Wl Boodai Trading Co. Ltd. (W.l.l.) Mars Furniture Company National Computer Services Protection Devices For Edp Equipment Sacks And Bags, Of Plastic Materials Telecommunication Equipment, Parts And Accessories Thereof Electronic Storage Units/Media Stationery Articles N.e.c. Waters, Not Sweetened Furniture Fuel Oils, N.e.c. Orthopaedic Appliances; Physiological Appliances Telecommunication Equipment, Parts And Accessories Thereof Water Office And Accounting Machinery, Parts And Accessories Thereof Paper And Paperboard Products, Other Electric Motors, Generators And Transformers, Parts Thereof Furniture, Office, Other Than Chairs Pc Software, General Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Mediterranean Oil Shipping & Transport Company (Me Mounir Osman & Co. S.a.r.l. Hanna Khoury And Brothers Co. Mediterranean Oil Shipping & Transport Company (Me Liban Lait S.a.l. Mediterranean Oil Shipping & Transport Company (Me Parissis (Eng. & Cont. Co. Yamen Est. For General Trading & Contracting / Eng Aquarius Malco Trading Co. (Pain D’or) Parissis (Eng. & Cont. Co. Sidaco S.a.l. Rim Co. For Natural Mineral Water S.a.l. Professional Security S.a.r.l. Lebeco S.a.l. Lebanese Europeain Company For Comme Hanna Khoury And Brothers Co. Allied Diesel Lebanon Ltd. Brothers Electronics Sarl. Sultan Steel Sarl Mediterranean Oil Shipping & Transport Company (Me Shaft Electro Mechanical Trade Master Liban Cables Sal Class Sport Leon Industries Halwany Transtec;S.a.l. Technical Paper Co. Nassar Techno Group Sal (Ntg) Lebeco S.a.l. Lebanese Europeain Company For Comme Lumatron Sarl. Rafic Bawab & Co. Gabriel Abou Adal Quantech S.a.l. Computer Information Systems Asaco Co. National Beverage Company S.a.l. Midware Data Systems S.a.l. Wehbe Interbusiness Avianco Communication Gas Oils (Diesel Oil) Food Products, Other Pebbles, Gravel, Broken Or Crushed Stone, Macadam Etc. Motor Spirit (Gasoline), Including Aviation Spirit Food Products, Other Lubricating Preparations Camping Equipment Pebbles, Gravel, Broken Or Crushed Stone, Macadam Etc. Disinfectants Food Products, Other Stoppers, Caps, Lids And Other Metal Packing Accessories; Wire And Wire Products Propane And Butane, Liquefied Food Products, Other Security Equipment, Special Purpose Angles, Shapes And Sections, Of Iron Or Non-alloy Steel Structural Components, Prefabricated, Of Cement Or Concrete Electric Motors, Generators And Transformers, Parts Thereof Air Conditioning, Cold Chain And Refrigerating Equipment Semi-finished Products Of Lead, Zinc And Tin Or Their Alloys Pumps, Other Than Water Pumps; Air Or Other Gas Compressors Electricity Distribution Or Control Apparatus Containers Of Iron, Steel Or Aluminium Insulated Wire And Cable; Optical Fibre Cables Sports Or Outdoor Games, Articles And Equipment Therefor, Other Domestic Cooking And Heating Equipment Pumps, Other Than Water Pumps; Air Or Other Gas Compressors Paper Of Paperboard N.e.c., For Printing Or Other Graphic Purpose Containers Of Iron, Steel Or Aluminium Orthopaedic Appliances; Physiological Appliances Lighting Equipment, Parts Thereof Tyres, Pneumatic New, Inner Tubes, Solid Or Cushion Tyres, Etc. Motor Vehicle Parts And Accessories Micro-computers Micro-computers Safety Equipment Waters, Not Sweetened Software Licences Structures, Other, And Sections Of Iron, Steel Or Aluminium Transmitting And Communicating Equipment For Edp, Eg. Modems, Pc Servers Etc. Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia General Petroleum Corporation (Gepco) Mobil Oil Liberia Inc. General Petroleum Corporation (Gepco) Total Liberia Inc. General Petroleum Corporation (Gepco) Fofana Quick Service Supply W. C. Trading Center Cemenco General Petroleum Corporation (Gepco) Bashir Business Center Inc Sethi Brothers Inc. York Trading Inc. Cosby Inc Global Trading Centre Inc. Atlas Trading Corporation (Atlas Gas) York Trading Inc. Sethi Brothers Inc. Powertech Inc. Emmak Construction & Maintenance Inc. Sethi Brothers Inc. York Trading Inc. J-mart Mid-land Enterprise Fine Things Inc The Carpet House Corporation Thunder Bird Corporation James H. Kabakole Xero Liberia Ltd. Beever Company Inc York Trading Inc. Beever Company Inc Sethi Brothers Inc. Sunny Brothers Inc. York Trading Inc. Kollie Edward Trading & Investment Andalucia Estate Corp. Beever Communication Inc. Spring Water Inc. Variety Services Inc Consolidated Group Inc. Andalucia Estate Corp. Capricorn International Inc Beever Communication Inc. York Trading Inc. T. Choithram & Sons (Liberia) Inc. Gas Oils (Diesel Oil) Motor Spirit (Gasoline), Including Aviation Spirit Motor Spirit (Gasoline), Including Aviation Spirit Motor Spirit (Gasoline), Including Aviation Spirit Petroleum Oils And Petroleum Products Plywood Domestic Cooking And Heating Equipment Cements Kerosene Lubricating Preparations Construction Materials Of Plastic; Containers Of Plastic Water Pipe Fittings And Accessories Hand Tools (Including Glaziers Diamonds) N.e.c. Timber, Hard Petroleum Oils And Petroleum Products Cements Water Pipe Fittings And Accessories Electric Motors, Generators And The Like Timber, Hard Timber, Hard Metal Goods N.e.c. Furniture, Domestic Timber, Hard Clothing Of Textile Materials Furniture, Domestic Tyres, Pneumatic New, Inner Tubes, Solid Or Cushion Tyres, Etc. Pebbles, Gravel, Broken Or Crushed Stone, Macadam Etc. General Purpose Machinery, Parts And Accessories Thereof Safety Equipment Tubes, Pipes And Hoses, And Fittings Therefor, Of Plastics Hand Saws, Files, Rasps, Pliers, Pincers, Tweezers, Spanners Etc. Bars And Rods Of Iron Or Steel, Hot Rolled Metal Goods N.e.c. Furniture, Medical, Surgical Or Veterinary Newspapers Metal Goods N.e.c. Telephone Equipment Air Conditioning, Cold Chain And Refrigerating Equipment Curtains And Blinds Satellite Communication Systems Carpets And Other Textile Floor Coverings, Woven Sampling Equipment, Water Purification And Histology Equipment, Laboratory Satellite Communication Systems Containers Of Iron, Steel Or Aluminium Articles For Medical Or Surgical Purposes N.e.c. 21,542,513.58 16,276,259.39 8,409,919.31 6,589,574.44 4,075,250.51 1,262,630.00 767,277.30 600,300.00 344,616.72 315,045.00 170,120.00 150,300.40 149,800.00 143,600.00 126,793.00 118,360.00 102,842.23 97,213.74 93,400.00 87,701.50 71,977.50 68,330.00 67,150.00 59,700.00 59,116.00 58,050.00 56,000.00 51,000.00 49,570.00 48,669.20 48,190.50 47,845.00 45,015.00 42,290.00 40,823.43 39,723.75 39,175.00 37,200.00 35,999.96 33,000.00 32,000.00 31,511.94 30,623.75 30,500.00 30,000.00 Monaco Monaco Monaco Monaco Es-ko International Inc. Es-ko International Incorporated Es-ko International Inc. Es-ko International Inc. Food Products, Other Food Products, Other Prefabricated Buildings Prefabricated Buildings, Parts Thereof 77,580,011.86 2,388,677.19 236,607.28 37,500.00 Morocco Morocco Morocco Morocco Morocco Morocco Morocco Morocco Morocco Morocco Societe Shell Du Maroc Scab La Societe Atlas Sahara S.a. La Societe Atlas Sahara S.a. Jamal Ahmed Ben M’barek Ou Jamaa Scab La Societe Atlas Sahara S.a. Scab El Kamar (Pharmacie & Laboratoire) Scab Jet Fuel, Spirit Type (Gasoline Type) Food Products, Other Gas Oils (Diesel Oil) Fuel Oils, N.e.c. Waters, Not Sweetened Bread, Other, And Bakers’ Wares, Other Filtering And Purifying Equipment Electricity Distribution Or Control Apparatus, Parts And Accessories Thereof Pharmaceutical Products N.e.c. Soap And Cleaning Preparations 2,801,411.93 656,019.22 405,949.94 300,000.00 158,150.35 146,119.93 57,242.91 55,927.73 31,377.69 30,964.67 Namibia Windhoeker Maschinenfabrik (1998) Motor Vehicles And Parts And Accessories Thereof 1,412,790.00 109 186,318.34 176,349.48 164,494.81 140,311.42 108,248.70 100,000.00 86,972.51 85,229.97 77,439.45 72,532.46 63,142.27 51,730.10 51,319.86 48,896.19 45,017.24 30,830.45 4,541,771.24 2,400,976.21 989,982.50 414,500.00 282,239.08 269,000.00 235,950.00 170,067.00 169,900.00 163,452.00 132,000.00 124,000.00 74,998.51 70,000.00 65,010.00 57,050.00 56,100.00 55,555.00 54,107.90 53,600.00 49,978.48 49,390.00 48,126.42 47,492.00 46,728.00 42,770.80 42,240.00 39,948.00 39,233.03 39,086.29 38,610.00 35,987.11 34,122.00 33,999.00 32,080.00 32,000.00 31,900.00 31,250.00 30,597.90 Major Equipment ordered by Agency during 2006 (Orders of USD 30,000 or more) Agency / Location of Procurement Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) Total Cost (USD) UNPS cont. Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Devotra B.v Devotra B. V. Devotra B. V. Devotra Bv Santpoort International Procurement Agency Devotra Bv Imres Sanquin Bloedbank Northwest Drc-(development & Relief Corp.) B.v. Imres Bv Devotra Bv Kemper En Van Twist Diesel Bv Santpoort Project Supplies Santpoort Project Supplies Santpoort Sanquin Santpoort Project Supplies Santpoort Project Suppliers B.v. Santpoort Project Supplies Santpoort Project Supplies Devotra B.v. Sanquin Bloedbank Santpoort Project Supplies Santpoort Project Supplies Imres Santpoort Sanquin Blood Bank Regio Northwest The Medical Export Group Of The Netherlands Santpoort Project Supplies Santpoort Project Supplies Sanquin Blood Bank North West Imres Santpoort Santpoort Project Supplies Santpoort Project Supplies Van Assendelft Import Groothandel Bv International Procurement Agency B.v. Santpoort Project Supplies Devotra Bv Santpoort Project Supplies Amca Hydraulic Fluid Power Bv Santpoort Project Supplies Imres Bv Santpoort Project Supplies Santpoort Project Supplies Santpoort Project Supplies Devotra Bv Santpoort Project Supplies Santpoort Project Supplies International Procurement Agency B.v. Sanquin Blood Bank Santpoort Project Supplies Devotra B.v France Telecom Mobile Satellite Santpoort Project Supplies Santpoort Imres Medical Supplies Santpoort Project Suppliers B.v. Santpoort Project Supplies Santpoort Project Supplies Trailers And Semi-trailers; Containers Electric Motors, Generators And The Like Automotive Workshop Equipment Hand Tools Expendables For Use With Edp Equipment Structures, Other, And Sections Of Iron, Steel Or Aluminium Automotive Workshop Equipment Gastrointestinal Drugs Blood Products And Plasma Substitutes X-ray Or Alpha, Beta Or Gamma Radiation Apparatus, Medical And Surgical Articles For Medical Or Surgical Purposes N.e.c. Metal Goods N.e.c. Camping Equipment Detergents, Perfumes And Washing Preparations Insulated Wire And Cable; Optical Fibre Cables Pipes, Iron And Steel Blood Products And Plasma Substitutes Stoppers, Caps, Lids And Other Metal Packing Accessories; Wire And Wire Products Motor Vehicles, Special Purpose Electric Motors, Generators And The Like Microphones, Loudspeakers, Headphones, Earphones, Amplifiers Prefabricated Buildings Blood Products And Plasma Substitutes Paper Of Paperboard N.e.c., For Printing Or Other Graphic Purpose Audio And Video Accessories Pharmaceutical Products And Vaccines Telecommunication Equipment, Other Blood Products And Plasma Substitutes Pharmaceutical Products N.e.c. Expendables For Use With Edp Equipment Footwear, Safety Blood Products And Plasma Substitutes Insulins And Other Antidiabetic Agents Aerials And Antennae Telephone Equipment Processing Units For Edp, Other Quilts, Eiderdowns, Cushions, Pouffes, Pillows, Sleeping Bags And The Like Electric Motors, Generators And Transformers, Parts Thereof Air Conditioning, Cold Chain And Refrigerating Equipment Machine Tools, Parts And Accessories Thereof Expendables And Accessories For Use With Edp Equipment N.e.c. Pumps, Other Than Water Pumps; Air Or Other Gas Compressors Chemical Elements, N.e.c. Pharmaceutical Products N.e.c. Radio-broadcasting, Reception Apparatus, Parts And Accessories Thereof Electric Motors, Generators And Transformers, Parts Thereof Disinfectants Hand Tools (Including Glaziers Diamonds) N.e.c. Printing And Plotting Devices For Edp Equipment Micro-computers Books, Brochures, Leaflets And Similar Printed Matter Blood Products And Plasma Substitutes Hand Tools Security Printing, Finished Articles Telecommunication Equipment General Purpose Machinery, Parts And Accessories Thereof Primary Cells And Primary Batteries Laboratory Equipment, Miscellaneous Electric Motors, Generators And Transformers, Parts Thereof Agrochemicals Forklift Trucks And Other Works Trucks New Zealand New Zealand New Zealand New Zealand New Zealand New Zealand New Zealand New Zealand New Zealand 4rf Communication Ltd. 4rf Communications Ltd 4rf Communications 4rf Communications 4rf Communications 4rf Communications Ltd 4rf Communication Ltd. 4rf Communications Ltd 4rf Communications Ltd Telecommunication Equipment, Other Radio Broadcast And Television Receivers Telephonic Apparatus, Other Telecommunication Equipment, Other Telecommunication Equipment Radio Or Television Transmission Apparatus; Television Cameras Telecommunication Equipment, Parts And Accessories Thereof Furniture, Office, Other Than Chairs Telecommunication Equipment, Other 657,714.50 549,063.72 216,987.40 165,760.48 141,317.60 79,521.04 57,960.00 31,693.71 31,647.28 Norway Norway W. Giertsen As. W. Giertsen As Buildings, Prefabricated For Office, School, Home Or Warehouse Prefabricated Buildings, Parts Thereof 168,389.94 135,324.48 1,780,484.22 565,198.86 390,768.52 305,904.18 297,338.43 279,681.44 230,613.17 175,582.37 153,161.92 152,402.70 149,080.02 137,821.54 136,142.51 117,297.46 115,085.00 110,262.21 109,076.21 97,400.00 93,420.00 92,012.55 91,165.81 90,970.75 90,454.18 80,085.43 75,775.39 73,364.52 72,384.62 70,486.61 67,513.80 66,317.64 60,868.32 58,767.84 56,976.87 55,388.00 54,900.00 54,049.69 53,690.00 53,294.73 52,254.50 48,432.06 46,236.02 45,908.10 44,895.41 43,841.73 43,253.85 41,100.36 40,497.63 40,342.71 40,111.37 39,048.06 38,711.93 37,146.36 36,276.35 35,262.85 34,670.00 33,529.36 31,371.47 31,234.00 30,912.71 30,593.83 30,443.44 Oman Saud Bahwan Automotive Llc Motor Vehicle Parts And Accessories Republic of Korea Republic of Korea Republic of Korea Republic of Korea Republic of Korea Republic of Korea Republic of Korea Hn Corporation Caravan International Co. Ltd. Hyundai Mobis Care Of Hanwha Corporation Caravan International Co.ltd Caravan Int’l Co., Ltd. Hyundai Mobis Hn Corporation Air Conditioning, Cold Chain And Refrigerating Equipment Camping Equipment Motor Vehicle Parts And Accessories Camping Equipment Prefabricated Buildings Motor Vehicle Parts And Accessories Protection Devices For Edp Equipment 639,191.00 327,000.00 282,892.85 168,425.00 89,540.00 85,129.86 37,740.00 Russian Federation Vostok Aviation Company Motor Spirit (Gasoline), Including Aviation Spirit 198,582.78 Rwanda Caltex Exports (Rwanda) Petroleum Oils, Light, And Other Light Oils 495,000.00 San Marino Dema Tech Srl Office Machines, Other 31,620.31 Saudi Arabia Tamimi Global Co. Ltd (Tafga) Radio Broadcast And Television Receivers 31,339.64 Serbia and Montenegro Serbia and Montenegro Serbia and Montenegro Serbia and Montenegro Serbia and Montenegro Serbia and Montenegro Serbia and Montenegro Serbia and Montenegro Serbia and Montenegro Serbia and Montenegro Serbia and Montenegro Serbia and Montenegro Serbia and Montenegro Serbia and Montenegro Bis Oil Team Sh.p.k. Dagi Commerce Install Engineering Infosoft Systems Izolimi Kujtesa Isp Talens Oil-trade Sh.p.k. Dagi Commerce Autocolors Dpt Agani Interpress R. Company - Kosova Sot Jetoil D.o.o. Non Tel Cs Fuel Oils, N.e.c. Binders, Folders And File Covers Pipes, Iron And Steel Expendables For Use With Edp Equipment Cements Equipment And Accessories For Connecting Edp Equipment Intonetworks Paper Of Paperboard N.e.c., For Printing Or Other Graphic Purpose Lubricating Preparations Insulated Wire And Cable; Optical Fibre Cables Vehicles N.e.c. Non-epi Vaccine, Other Books, Brochures, Leaflets And Similar Printed Matter Fuel Oils, N.e.c. Accumulators, Electric 2,012,409.93 174,157.66 143,007.45 72,836.76 52,842.64 52,132.70 49,945.37 42,739.99 40,394.40 39,714.45 34,230.77 33,233.42 31,500.00 31,091.37 Sierra Leone Sierra Leone Sierra Leone Sierra Leone Sierra Leone Sierra Leone Sierra Leone Sierra Leone Sierra Leone Sierra Leone Sierra Leone Safecon Petroleum (Sl) Ltd. Mobil Oil Sierra Leone Ltd Safecon Petroleum (Sl) Ltd Total Sierra Leone Ltd. Safecon Petroleum (Sl) Ltd. International Associated Services International Associated Services Sierra Leone National Petroleum Ltd Bao Limited A. A. Enterprises Sierra Leone Cement Corporation Ltd. Gas Oils (Diesel Oil) Motor Spirit (Gasoline), Including Aviation Spirit Gas Oils (Diesel Oil) Motor Spirit (Gasoline), Including Aviation Spirit Lubricating Preparations Expendables For Use With Edp Equipment Plywood Petroleum Gases And Other Gaseous Hydrocarbons, Except Natural Gas Pebbles, Gravel, Broken Or Crushed Stone, Macadam Etc. Air Conditioning, Cold Chain And Refrigerating Equipment Cements 4,968,889.91 1,607,906.13 571,000.00 170,000.00 54,565.20 49,539.00 43,431.03 39,204.50 37,875.20 34,486.30 31,500.00 110 48,089.10 Major Equipment ordered by Agency during 2006 (Orders of USD 30,000 or more) Agency / Location of Procurement Description of goods (equipment) Total Cost (USD) Recording And Reproducing Apparatus, For Sound And Video Containers Of Iron, Steel Or Aluminium Clothing Of Textile Materials Safety Clothing And Headgear; Other Headgear Of Rubber Or Plastics Micro-computers Pumps, Water Audio Visual Equipment, Parts And Accessories Hand Tools (Including Glaziers Diamonds) N.e.c. Measuring, Checking And Testing Appliances N.e.c. 332,168.77 161,380.00 73,045.80 59,000.00 56,000.00 51,680.00 44,464.72 33,230.00 32,558.00 Name of supplier UNPS cont. Singapore Singapore Singapore Singapore Singapore Singapore Singapore Singapore Singapore Vision 8 Pte Ltd Khatibeng Establishment Hills International (Singapore) Pte Hills International (Singapore) Pte Vision 8 Pte Ltd Khatibeng Establishment Vision 8 Pte Ltd Khatibeng Establishment Vision 8 Pte Ltd Slovenia Ilir Servis D.o.o. Printing And Plotting Devices For Edp Equipment South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa Townsend International (Pty) Ltd Bae Systems - Land Systems South Hydraform Africa ( Pty ) Ltd African Commodity Traders Bae Systems -land Systems Ltd Townsend International (Pty) Ltd. Townsend International (Pty) Ltd African Commodity Traders Townsend International (Pty) Ltd Cochrane Steel Products (Pty) Ltd Jansons Tranding C.c. Townsend International (Pty) Ltd Townsend International (Pty) Ltd Unicompex Sa Cc Sherwood International African Commodity Traders Townsend International (Pty) Ltd Uni-group Holdings (Pty) Ltd Cochrane Steel Products (Pty) Ltd Townsend International (Pty) Ltd Townsend International (Pty) Ltd Bitumen And Asphalt, Natural; Asphaltites And Asphaltic Rock Motor Vehicles And Parts And Accessories Thereof Machine Tools For Working Stone, Ceramics And The Like, Bone, Hard Plastics Etc. Construction Goods, Ceramic, Other Motor Vehicle Parts And Accessories Clothing Of Textile Materials Insulated Wire And Cable; Optical Fibre Cables Paper Of Paperboard N.e.c., For Printing Or Other Graphic Purpose Weighing Equipment, Micrometers, Gauges Etc. Security Equipment, Special Purpose Furniture, Workshop, Shop Etc. Machinery, Special Purpose, Other Construction Materials Of Plastic; Containers Of Plastic Electric Motors, Generators And Transformers, Parts Thereof Wood For Joinery And Carpentry, Other Paints And Varnishes (Including Enamels And Lacquers) And Related Products Paper And Paperboard Products, Other Furniture, Office, Other Than Chairs Security Equipment And Supplies N.e.c. Pumps, Other Than Water Pumps; Air Or Other Gas Compressors Ironmongry 732,780.00 706,611.63 312,633.87 245,543.50 213,371.12 165,379.68 152,912.08 139,920.00 111,504.38 101,508.99 92,875.00 90,077.48 87,275.96 74,200.00 61,458.60 45,045.00 43,577.83 43,354.01 42,083.24 33,826.13 30,126.11 Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Redondo Y Garcia S.a. Redondo Y Garcia, S.a Redondo Y Garcia, S.a Redondo Y Garcia S.a. Redondo Y Garcia S.a. Tbn Redondo Y Garcia S.a. Hand Tools Hand Tools (Including Glaziers Diamonds) N.e.c. Hand Tools Motor Vehicle Parts And Accessories Automotive Workshop Equipment Jet Fuel, Spirit Type (Gasoline Type) Forklift Trucks And Other Works Trucks 169,282.02 121,609.18 95,161.16 53,001.86 36,494.21 33,441.77 33,292.67 Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Mohamed Abuzeid Quarrys Giad Elsewedy Co African Logistic Support Petronas Marketing Sudan Ltd Merit Group Mam For Roads & Bridges Co. Ltd. Petronas Marketing Sudan Ltd Tolan Project For Manufacturing & Assembly Of Elec El Barkal Engineering Ltd. International Factory For Iron & Steel Haneer Engineering Co. Megatrade Co. Ltd El Barkal Engineering Ltd. Shiekh Aldien Brothers Tiga Plastic Factory Pancrop Commercial Co. Ltd Two Star Services Shibarkal Engineering Tomak & Target (Jv) Victor Stores Co. Ltd. Mohamed Abuzeid Quarrys Villa Factory For Cement Production Southern Sudan Logistics Wad Azrag Investment & Construction Co Dal Food Industries Haneer Engineering Co. ‘Tola’ Trading & Services Co. Hassan Bashir Engineering El Barkal Engineering Ltd. International Factory For Iron & Steel El Barkal Engineering Ltd. Rodan Investments Limited Zaman Trading Enterprises Intouch Communications Megatrade Co. Ltd Repro Company Ltd Universal Technologies Fze. Shibarkal Engineering Meimar Stores A.a. Ahmed Interprises ‘Tola’ Trading & Services Co. Terab Electric Works Hafez Elsayed Elbarbary Co. Ltd Shibarkal Engineering Victor Stores Co. Ltd. Welcomes General Services & Trading Co. Ltd Salem Company For Building Materials Giem For Construction & Cont. Rodan Investments Limited Conquers Computer & Engineering Abdelwahab Abdelrahman Mudasir Universal Technologies Fze. Tomak & Target (Jv) Emircom For Investment Co. Ltd. Abu Al Fadil Furniture & Decor Silver Star Printing Press Social Services - Abyei Solo Class (2) Wad Azrag Investment & Construction Co Welcomes General Services & Trading Co. Ltd Intouch Communications Welcomes General Services & Trading Co. Ltd Softway Intl Company Yasir Ennimeri Shiekh Aldien Brothers Pancrop Commercial Co. Ltd Shibarkal Engineering Pebbles, Gravel, Broken Or Crushed Stone, Macadam Etc. Insulated Wire And Cable; Optical Fibre Cables Pebbles, Gravel, Broken Or Crushed Stone, Macadam Etc. Motor Spirit (Gasoline), Including Aviation Spirit Stoppers, Caps, Lids And Other Metal Packing Accessories; Wire And Wire Products Pebbles, Gravel, Broken Or Crushed Stone, Macadam Etc. Gas Oils (Diesel Oil) Pipes, Iron And Steel Bricks, Blocks, Tiles Etc. And Ceramic Goods, Other Angles, Shapes And Sections, Of Iron Or Non-alloy Steel Cements Limestone Flux And Calcareous Stone Structures, Other, And Sections Of Iron, Steel Or Aluminium Insulated Wire And Cable; Optical Fibre Cables Construction Materials Of Plastic; Containers Of Plastic Angles, Shapes And Sections, Of Iron Or Non-alloy Steel Cements Mortars And Concretes, Non-refractory Structural Components, Prefabricated, Of Cement Or Concrete Insulated Wire And Cable; Optical Fibre Cables Cements Cements Construction Materials Of Plastic; Containers Of Plastic Domestic Metal Products Waters, Not Sweetened Bricks, Blocks, Tiles Etc. And Ceramic Goods, Other Electricity Distribution Or Control Apparatus Tubes, Pipes And Hoses, And Fittings Therefor, Of Plastics Cements Structures, Other, And Sections Of Iron, Steel Or Aluminium Doors, Windows And Their Frames, Of Iron, Steel Or Aluminium Bricks, Blocks, Tiles Etc. And Ceramic Goods, Other Motor Spirit (Gasoline), Including Aviation Spirit Insulated Wire And Cable; Optical Fibre Cables Structures, Other, And Sections Of Iron, Steel Or Aluminium Security Printing, Finished Articles Software Application Packages Motor Vehicle Parts And Accessories Tubes, Pipes And Hoses, And Fittings Therefor, Of Plastics Sands Tubes, Pipes And Hoses, And Fittings Therefor, Of Plastics Insulated Wire And Cable; Optical Fibre Cables Timber, Hard Bars And Rods Of Iron Or Steel, Hot Rolled Bars And Rods Of Iron Or Steel, Hot Rolled Tyres, Pneumatic New, Inner Tubes, Solid Or Cushion Tyres, Etc. Limestone Flux And Calcareous Stone Pebbles, Gravel, Broken Or Crushed Stone, Macadam Etc. Pebbles, Gravel, Broken Or Crushed Stone, Macadam Etc. Plates, Sheets, Film, Foil And Strip Of Plastics, Other Tubes, Pipes And Hoses, And Fittings Therefor, Of Plastics Furniture, Office, Other Than Chairs Mortars And Concretes, Non-refractory Expendables For Use With Edp Equipment Furniture, Domestic Security Printing, Finished Articles Waters, Not Sweetened Furniture, Office, Other Than Chairs Plywood Motor Vehicle Parts And Accessories Telephone Equipment Metal Goods N.e.c. Structural Components, Prefabricated, Of Cement Or Concrete Waters, Not Sweetened Lamps, Electric Filament Or Discharge; Arc Lamps Office Machines, Other Doors And Their Frames And Thresholds, Of Wood 1,931,200.00 1,145,959.03 980,000.00 882,310.00 606,404.00 515,250.00 455,733.00 409,152.39 365,344.27 354,049.55 330,116.32 299,887.00 288,965.15 198,570.74 184,508.27 175,422.15 153,875.60 145,993.33 139,432.31 129,700.00 122,900.00 116,332.49 114,671.00 97,080.03 92,101.30 89,448.55 87,580.66 86,744.82 85,520.69 84,107.30 76,059.51 74,940.17 71,671.86 66,248.87 64,111.54 60,900.00 60,861.00 58,845.49 58,512.06 58,484.59 57,529.04 55,886.63 52,832.61 50,528.85 50,019.21 49,835.50 49,815.50 47,250.00 44,937.33 42,844.60 42,314.41 40,430.00 38,782.35 38,541.04 38,017.47 37,790.70 37,117.90 36,109.17 35,241.21 34,792.00 33,013.98 32,096.07 31,484.72 31,450.28 31,129.40 30,869.35 30,838.59 Sweden Sweden Sweden Sweden Sweden Sweden Sweden Sweden Sweden Biab International Ab Ericsson Enterprise Ab Kalmar Industries Ab Moeller Electric Ab Biab International Dafo Brand Ab Ip Technology Communication Biab International Ab Bro Bargningsbyggen Ab Stoppers, Caps, Lids And Other Metal Packing Accessories; Wire And Wire Products Telephone Equipment Forklift Trucks And Other Works Trucks Insulated Wire And Cable; Optical Fibre Cables Furniture, Medical, Surgical Or Veterinary Containers For Compressed Or Liquefied Gas, Or Atomic Energy Purposes Telephone Equipment Nickel Or Nickel Alloys, Semi-finished Products Thereof Motor Vehicle Parts And Accessories 1,332,934.00 640,274.48 152,950.00 127,266.53 99,441.00 85,692.73 64,539.85 52,600.00 41,797.39 111 31,223.54 Major Equipment ordered by Agency during 2006 (Orders of USD 30,000 or more) Agency / Location of Procurement Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) Total Cost (USD) UNPS cont. Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland F. Hoffman-laroche Ltd. Supreme Foodservice Ag Caterpillar S.a.r.l. Supreme Foodservice Ag Farma Mondo Sa Crypto Ag Caterpillar S.a.r.l. Crypto Ag Articles For Medical Or Surgical Purposes N.e.c. Food Products, Other Motor Vehicles And Parts And Accessories Thereof Meat And Edible Offal, Fresh, Chilled Or Frozen N.e.c. Articles For Medical Or Surgical Purposes N.e.c. Telecommunication Equipment Motor Vehicle Parts And Accessories Telephone Equipment Syrian Arab Republic Syrian Arab Republic Syrian Arab Republic Syrian Arab Republic Syrian Arab Republic Syrian Arab Republic Syrian Arab Republic Syrian Arab Republic Syrian Arab Republic Syrian Arab Republic Syrian Arab Republic Syrian Arab Republic Syrian Arab Republic Syrian Arab Republic Syrian Arab Republic Alrashed Commercial Company R & E Homsi Sadcop (Mahroukat) Boukein Water Filling Factory Sadcop (Mahroukat) Omran Institute Alharouni Omran Institute Karam Group For Commerce Alwalid Alimentary Company Al Rifai Trading Company R & E Homsi Hamza Co. Hamza Co. Subhi Abdul Nabi Vegetables, Preserved, Other Electric Motors, Generators And The Like Gas Oils (Diesel Oil) Waters, Not Sweetened Kerosene Cements Construction Materials Of Plastic; Containers Of Plastic Construction Materials Of Plastic; Containers Of Plastic Analgesics, Antipyretics, Non-steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs Milk, Processed, In Liquid Form Plywood Electric Motors, Generators And Transformers, Parts Thereof Pipes, Iron And Steel Timber, Soft Construction Materials Of Plastic; Containers Of Plastic 678,958.49 362,235.57 307,482.99 287,001.75 268,653.73 125,168.01 95,705.27 66,087.46 50,251.60 50,155.10 40,000.00 39,472.77 34,861.00 32,810.00 30,000.00 Tanzania, United Rep. of Simbanet (T) Ltd Satellite Communication Systems 223,980.00 TFYR of Macedonia TFYR of Macedonia TFYR of Macedonia Micei International Micei International Euronet Firearms And Ammunition Security Equipment, Special Purpose Optical Input/Output Units, Such As Scanners, Optical Readers Etc. Timor-Leste Timor-Leste Timor-Leste Timor-Leste Timor-Leste Timor-Leste Timor-Leste Timor-Leste Timor-Leste Timor-Leste Timor-Leste Timor-Leste Timor-Leste Pertamina Pertamina M. A. Santander Construction M. A. Santander Construction Makikit Hardware Svsc Jj Mcdonald & Sons Engineering Pty Ltd Pertamina Jj Mcdonald & Sons Engineering Pty Ltd Golden Dragon Trading Pty Ltd East Timor Trading Safety Development East Timor Trading Electric Motors, Generators And The Like Motor Spirit (Gasoline), Including Aviation Spirit Electric Motors, Generators And Transformers, Parts Thereof Buildings, Prefabricated For Office, School, Home Or Warehouse Plywood Automotive Workshop Equipment Pebbles, Gravel, Broken Or Crushed Stone, Macadam Etc. Lubricating Preparations Electrical Equipment N.e.c. Motor Vehicles, Special Purpose Waters, Not Sweetened Furniture, Office, Other Than Chairs Trailers And Semi-trailers; Containers Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Rion Ltd. Dis Ticaret Limited Sirketi Orbit Engineering, Construction & Procurement Serv Rion Ltd. Dis Ticaret Limited Sirketi Tepe Construction Industry Inc. Tecimer Export & Import Tepe Insaat Sanayi A.s. (Tepe Prefabricated Buildi Tecimer Ltd. Prekons Tecimer Limited Tecimer Limited Tableware, Kitchenware, Other Household And Toilet Articles, Of Plastic Containers Of Iron, Steel Or Aluminium Sports Or Outdoor Games, Articles And Equipment Therefor, Other Prefabricated Buildings, Parts Thereof Structures, Other, And Sections Of Iron, Steel Or Aluminium Trailers And Semi-trailers; Containers Footwear With Uppers Of Leather Buildings, Prefabricated For Office, School, Home Or Warehouse Wood For Joinery And Carpentry, Other Metal Goods N.e.c. 241,671.42 178,160.00 126,681.23 125,098.00 75,050.00 71,488.00 47,023.65 46,814.00 34,560.00 31,995.00 Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda Gapco Uganda Limited Hima Cement Ltd Doshi Hardware (Uganda) Ltd Nile Plywood Uganda Ltd. Arbo Construction Imperial Paints Mittico International The Building Center (U) Ltd Kifra Garage Ltd Gapco Uganda Limited Hurstfold Investments Ltd Keystone Construction Ltd ‘’kcl’’ Sadolin Paints (U) Ltd Doshi Hardware (Uganda) Ltd Hima Cement Mittico International Mittico International The Building Center (U) Ltd Berger Paints Uganda Ltd Sadolin Paints (U) Ltd Mittico International Gas Oils (Diesel Oil) Cements Electrical Equipment, Parts And Accessories Thereof Plywood Pebbles, Gravel, Broken Or Crushed Stone, Macadam Etc. Paints And Varnishes (Including Enamels And Lacquers) And Related Products Paints And Varnishes (Including Enamels And Lacquers) And Related Products Pipes And Other Accessories, For Use With Pumps Electric Motors, Generators And Transformers, Parts Thereof Lubricating Preparations Electric Motors, Generators And Transformers, Parts Thereof Pebbles, Gravel, Broken Or Crushed Stone, Macadam Etc. Brushes Plywood Cements Metal Goods N.e.c. Wood, Sawn Of Chipped Lengthwise, Sliced Or Peeled Machine Tools, Parts And Accessories Thereof Paints And Varnishes (Including Enamels And Lacquers) And Related Products Metal Goods N.e.c. Iron Or Steel, Flat Rolled Products Thereof, Other 244,854.75 187,973.54 140,000.00 140,000.00 123,500.00 98,000.00 98,000.00 87,452.67 74,950.00 72,844.04 67,457.14 66,500.00 64,104.40 60,000.00 50,625.00 49,000.00 49,000.00 35,190.10 32,957.00 32,251.50 30,000.00 United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates Pcp International Ebasco Trading Corporation Enoc International Sales L.l.c. Ebasco Trading Corporation Pcp International Limited Pcp International Suzan General Tradng L.l.c. Pcp International Limited Pcp International Western Seas Freight Jacky’s Gulf Fze Sky Gulf Trading Ebasco Trading Corporation Jacky’s Gulf Fze The Mgt Group Truebell Marketing & Trading Jacky’s Gulf Fze Sky Gulf Trading Al Azhar Trading Co. (L.l.c. The Mgt Group Truebell Marketing & Trading Llc Truebell Marketing & Trading L.l.c Truebell Marketing & Trading L.l.c. Truebell Marketing & Trading Transglobal International The Mgt Group Yamulky Trading L.l.c. Pcp International Ebasco Trading Corporation United Grease & Lubricants Co. L.l.c. Ebasco Trading Corporation Truebell Marketing & Trading L.l.c. Trilok Marketing & Trading Llc The Mgt Group Transglobal International Limited Zarnash General Trading L.l.c. The Mgt Group Lexar Media (Me Office) Truebell Marketing & Trading L.l.c Rhema Communications Truebell Marketing & Trading L.l.c. Safa Cb Stoppers, Caps, Lids And Other Metal Packing Accessories; Wire And Wire Products Sanitaryware And Plumbing Fixtures, Plastic Motor Spirit (Gasoline), Including Aviation Spirit Plates, Sheets, Film, Foil And Strip Of Plastics, Other Buildings, Prefabricated For Office, School, Home Or Warehouse Electric Motors, Generators And The Like Structures, Other, And Sections Of Iron, Steel Or Aluminium Electric Motors, Generators And The Like Nickel Or Nickel Alloys, Semi-finished Products Thereof Motor Spirit (Gasoline), Including Aviation Spirit Printing And Plotting Devices For Edp Equipment Tubes, Pipes And Hoses, And Fittings Therefor, Of Plastics Electricity Distribution Or Control Apparatus Office Machines, Other Telephone Equipment Furniture, Workshop, Shop Etc. Expendables For Use With Edp Equipment Software Application Packages Insulated Wire And Cable; Optical Fibre Cables Atomic Energy Equipment N.e.c. Lamps, Electric Filament Or Discharge; Arc Lamps Expendables And Accessories For Use With Edp Equipment N.e.c. Seats And Chairs Air Conditioning, Cold Chain And Refrigerating Equipment Telephone Equipment Sports Or Outdoor Games, Articles And Equipment Therefor, Other Radio Or Television Transmission Apparatus; Television Cameras Tyres, Pneumatic New, Inner Tubes, Solid Or Cushion Tyres, Etc. Insulated Wire And Cable; Optical Fibre Cables Lubricating Preparations Hydrographic, Hydrological, Meteorological Or Geophysical Instruments Carpets And Other Textile Floor Coverings, Knotted Ironmongry Furniture, Domestic Angles, Shapes And Sections, Of Iron Or Non-alloy Steel Safety Equipment Tyres, Pneumatic New, Inner Tubes, Solid Or Cushion Tyres, Etc. Electronic Storage Units/Media Safety Equipment Equipment And Accessories For Connecting Edp Equipment Intonetworks Stationery Articles N.e.c. Satellite Communication Systems 112 7,793,323.99 1,888,553.91 1,516,703.10 337,748.13 111,563.39 72,177.42 62,361.41 39,917.36 61,677.02 48,714.65 35,730.20 1,699,749.20 608,684.83 171,000.00 127,285.00 70,534.00 57,899.95 50,000.00 49,987.79 47,605.00 46,425.00 45,972.60 43,111.00 31,990.00 1,506,713.52 954,462.16 678,661.10 319,312.65 237,600.00 214,630.14 185,370.00 171,491.47 158,719.00 134,435.41 118,068.00 110,859.90 109,527.56 106,118.50 105,575.00 105,316.25 101,097.00 100,685.00 95,345.40 90,215.00 79,001.57 77,058.00 76,020.00 73,990.00 70,820.00 70,003.25 68,000.00 66,554.00 66,451.42 65,656.08 64,436.93 62,806.00 62,525.00 61,844.00 61,211.00 60,720.00 60,250.00 60,200.00 57,175.00 55,316.00 54,437.60 50,420.00 Major Equipment ordered by Agency during 2006 (Orders of USD 30,000 or more) Agency / Location of Procurement Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) Total Cost (USD) UNPS cont. United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates Pcp International Ltd Ebasco Trading Corporation Pcp International Ebasco Trading Corporation Jerry Varghese Trading L.l.c. Pcp International Limited Century International Trading.llc. Ebasco Trading Corporation The Mgt Group Truebell Marketing & Trading Llc Truebell Marketing & Trading Llc Pcp International Ltd Truebell Marketing & Trading L.l.c Jacky’s Gulf Fze Truebell Marketing & Trading L.l.c. The Mgt Group Jacky’s Gulf Fze Ebasco Trading Corporation Maitha General Trading Truebell Marketing & Trading L.l.c. Truebell Marketing & Trading L.l.c. Peeraj General Trading Co. Jacky’s Gulf Fze Trilok Marketing & Trading Llc Truebell Marketing & Trading L.l.c. Pcp International Limited Truebell Marketing & Trading Llc Eton International Truebell Marketing & Trading L.l.c. Suzan General Tradng L.l.c. Ebasco Trading Corporation Truebell Marketing & Trading Jerry Varghese Trading L.l.c Truebell Marketing And Trader Llc Al Azhar Trading Co. (L.l.c. Pcp International Limited Truebell Marketing & Trading Llc Enoc International Sales L.l.c. Truebell Marketing & Trading Llc Sky Gulf Trading Ebasco Trading Corporation Truebell Marketing & Trading Llc Electric Motors, Generators And The Like Equipment And Accessories For Connecting Edp Equipment Intonetworks Machine Tools For Working Stone, Ceramics And The Like, Bone, Hard Plastics Etc. Textile Articles Made-up, Other Domestic Appliances Other Than Cooling And Heating Equipment Electric Motors, Generators And Transformers, Parts Thereof Hand Tools (Including Glaziers Diamonds) N.e.c. Water Pipe Fittings And Accessories Motor Vehicle Parts And Accessories Plastic Articles N.e.c. Insulated Wire And Cable; Optical Fibre Cables Lighting Equipment, Parts Thereof Electronic Measuring Equipment N.e.c. Aerials And Antennae Tyres, Pneumatic New, Inner Tubes, Solid Or Cushion Tyres, Etc. Hand Tools (Including Glaziers Diamonds) N.e.c. Optical Input/Output Units, Such As Scanners, Optical Readers Etc. Domestic Appliances Other Than Cooling And Heating Equipment Detergents, Perfumes And Washing Preparations Insulated Wire And Cable; Optical Fibre Cables Motor Vehicle Parts And Accessories Telecommunication Equipment, Other Food Packaging And Bottle Cleaning Equipment; Spraying Machinery Motor Vehicle Parts And Accessories Telecommunication Equipment, Parts And Accessories Thereof Electricity Distribution Or Control Apparatus Telecommunication Equipment, Parts And Accessories Thereof Microphones, Loudspeakers, Headphones, Earphones, Amplifiers Ironmongry Furniture, Office, Other Than Chairs Detergents, Perfumes And Washing Preparations Hand Tools (Including Glaziers Diamonds) N.e.c. Air Conditioning, Cold Chain And Refrigerating Equipment Engines And Motors, Hydraulic And Pneumatic Power Hand Tools (Including Glaziers Diamonds) N.e.c. Telecommunication Equipment, Parts And Accessories Thereof Tubes, Pipes And Hoses, And Fittings Therefor, Of Plastics Petroleum Oils, Light, And Other Light Oils Telecommunication Equipment, Other Telephone Equipment Software Application Packages Motor Vehicle Parts And Accessories 49,656.34 48,029.86 47,719.00 47,622.56 47,240.00 46,548.00 46,230.00 45,519.53 45,400.00 45,251.00 44,440.00 43,784.00 43,425.00 42,948.00 42,835.60 41,550.00 41,292.50 40,676.26 40,445.00 38,732.21 38,700.00 38,528.40 38,309.00 38,090.00 37,612.50 37,500.00 36,498.00 36,250.00 36,026.06 35,570.00 35,171.55 34,499.40 33,420.00 33,135.86 33,046.70 32,231.10 32,148.50 32,050.00 31,390.00 31,275.00 30,371.01 30,000.00 United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom Barrett Europe Limited Hesco Bastion Limited Jankel Armouring Ltd. Hesco Bastion Limited Hesco Bastion Limited Flight Refuelling Ltd Vt Merlin Communications Limited Hesco Bastion Ltd. Metalite Aviation Lighting Cw Headdress Hesco Bastion Limited Hesco Bastion Ltd Flight Refuelling Ltd Flight Refuelling Limited Hesco Bastion Limited Armor Products International Ltd Hesco Bastion Ltd. Vt Communications Barrett Europe Limited Stratex Networks Firmin & Sons Plc World Fuel Services Europe Ltd Armor Products International Ltd. Vt Merlin Communications Limited Air British Petroleum Limited Vaughans Of Leicester Ltd Armor Products International Ltd. Mediworld Limited Sematron Uk Ltd Richardson Supply Co.ltd. Barret Europe Ltd Lantrade Global Supplies Ltd. Vt Communications Sheargold Limited Interwave Communications Intl. Ltd. Barrett Europe Limited Floatdene Power Products Limited Hesco Bastion Limited Rainbo Supplies And Services Ltd Brandcontact (Uk) Ltd Armor Products International Brandcontact (Uk) Ltd Floatdene International Limited Rainbo Supplies And Services Ltd Sematron Uk Ltd Metalline International Ltd Comtech Ef Data Metalite-aviation Lighting Barrett Europe Ltd. Barrett Europe Limited Alan Dick & Company Ltd. Hesco Bastion Ltd Drafix Services Ltd. I2 Limited Barrett Europe Ltd. Richardson Supply Company Limited Rainbo Supplies And Services Ltd. Rainbo Supplies And Services Ltd Armor Products International Barrett Europe Limited L.teq Rainbo Supplies And Services Ltd Richardson Supply Co.ltd. Paraby Ltd. Rainbo Supplies And Services Ltd Team Overseas Services Ltd Eton International Drafix Services Limited Aircraft Maintenance Support L.teq Limited Brandcontact (Uk) Ltd. Winchester Procurement Limited Soft-ex Sheargold Limited Armor Products International Ltd Vt Merlin Communications L.teq Ltd. Telecommunication Equipment, Other Nickel Or Nickel Alloys, Semi-finished Products Thereof Motor Vehicles And Parts And Accessories Thereof Security Equipment And Supplies N.e.c. Structures, Other, And Sections Of Iron, Steel Or Aluminium Containers Of Iron, Steel Or Aluminium Telecommunication Equipment Stoppers, Caps, Lids And Other Metal Packing Accessories; Wire And Wire Products Lighting Equipment Clothing Of Textile Materials Sacks And Bags, Of A Kind Used For The Packing Of Goods Stoppers, Caps, Lids And Other Metal Packing Accessories; Wire And Wire Products Radio Broadcast And Television Receivers Primary Cells And Primary Batteries Buildings, Prefabricated For Office, School, Home Or Warehouse Motor Spirit (Gasoline), Including Aviation Spirit Security Equipment And Supplies N.e.c. Recording And Reproducing Apparatus, For Sound And Video Telecommunication Equipment Telecommunication Equipment, Other Clothing Of Textile Materials Motor Spirit (Gasoline), Including Aviation Spirit Safety Clothing And Headgear; Other Headgear Of Rubber Or Plastics Radio Or Television Transmission Apparatus, Parts And Accessories Thereof Motor Spirit (Gasoline), Including Aviation Spirit Mineral Products, Non-metallic, N.e.c. Crowd Control Equipment Security Equipment, Special Purpose Electricity Distribution Or Control Apparatus Photographic And Cinematographic Equipment Telecommunication Equipment, Other Stationery Articles N.e.c. Photographic And Cinematographic Equipment Insulated Wire And Cable; Optical Fibre Cables Telecommunication Equipment Telecommunication Equipment, Parts And Accessories Thereof Insulated Wire And Cable; Optical Fibre Cables Trailers And Semi-trailers; Containers Limestone Flux And Calcareous Stone Weighing Equipment, Micrometers, Gauges Etc. Crowd Control Equipment Safety Clothing And Headgear; Other Headgear Of Rubber Or Plastics Primary Cells And Primary Batteries Electricity Distribution Or Control Apparatus Transmitting And Communicating Equipment For Edp, Eg. Modems, Pc Servers Etc. Lighting Equipment Telecommunication Equipment, Parts And Accessories Thereof Hydrographic, Hydrological, Meteorological Or Geophysical Instruments Telecommunication Equipment, Other Radio Broadcast And Television Receivers Containers, Paper And Paperboard Trailers And Semi-trailers; Containers Containers Of Iron, Steel Or Aluminium Software Application Packages Aerials And Antennae Protection Devices For Edp Equipment Radio Or Television Transmission Apparatus; Television Cameras Water Pipe Fittings And Accessories Security And Safety Equipment Aerials And Antennae Satellite Communication Systems Insulated Wire And Cable; Optical Fibre Cables Aerials And Antennae Telephonic Apparatus, Other Recording And Reproducing Apparatus, For Sound And Video Construction Goods, Ceramic, Other Optical Input/Output Units, Such As Scanners, Optical Readers Etc. Electric Motors, Generators And Transformers, Parts Thereof Motor Vehicles And Parts And Accessories Thereof Testing Equipment N.e.c. Security Equipment And Supplies N.e.c. Pumps, Compressors, Valves, Etc., Parts Thereof Telephone Equipment Expansion Cards & Other Add-on Hard- Or Firm-ware Crowd Control Equipment Radio Or Television Transmission Apparatus; Television Cameras Satellite Communication Systems 2,862,642.58 2,711,284.37 1,602,181.33 1,337,261.59 1,289,975.73 1,139,490.89 925,758.86 919,265.63 694,401.60 669,804.17 596,927.43 502,406.00 491,686.62 388,347.58 360,678.26 348,584.00 339,189.31 287,259.16 225,076.92 211,834.84 202,688.24 201,099.23 193,642.43 193,505.57 186,150.00 175,217.39 173,810.53 169,258.50 167,851.51 160,192.00 157,850.38 152,507.09 148,705.01 148,573.35 145,200.00 141,835.88 140,613.00 139,648.44 138,027.00 136,185.65 134,657.90 132,293.20 131,673.22 125,775.42 124,001.00 118,244.76 116,779.63 116,564.45 116,427.32 111,154.96 108,690.00 106,671.43 106,606.68 105,512.32 103,581.02 100,961.53 100,132.61 98,664.20 97,027.78 95,048.85 92,934.40 90,436.37 87,261.96 85,686.20 80,069.84 79,180.75 77,625.00 76,849.95 75,889.01 75,665.00 75,527.60 73,784.69 72,034.82 71,132.15 70,120.00 69,914.54 66,713.59 113 Major Equipment ordered by Agency during 2006 (Orders of USD 30,000 or more) Agency / Location of Procurement Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) Total Cost (USD) UNPS cont. United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom Rainbo Supplies And Services Ltd Sheargold Limited Brandcontact (Uk) Ltd. Mabey & Johnson Ltd. Brandcontact (Uk) Ltd. Rainbo Supplies And Services Ltd. Surfcontrol Plc L.teq Ltd. Brandcontact (Uk) Ltd. Brandcontact (Uk) Ltd Brandcontact (Uk) Ltd. Drafix Services Limited Metalite Cromwell International Winchester Procurement Limited Brandcontact Mediworld Ltd. Impulse United Limited Universal Procurement Services Ltd. Eton International Sheargold Limited Sheargold Limited Farmco International Sheargold Limited Floatdene International Limited Brandcontact (Uk) Ltd Barham Global Ltd Aircraft Maintenence Support Services Ltd Winchester Procurement Limited Flight Refuelling Ltd Rainbo Supplies & Services Ltd Richardson Supply Company Limited Winchester Procurement Limited Kopax Uk Ltd Jankel Armouring Ltd. Cromwell International Aircraft Maintenance Support Services Ltd Kidde Fire Protection Drafix Services Ltd South Midland Communication Ltd Brandcontact (Uk) Ltd Sheargold Ltd. Drafix Services Limited Intequip Ltd Brandcontact (Uk) Ltd. Sheargold Limited Rainbo Supplies And Services Ltd. Floatdene International Limited Dawson Uk Floatdene International Limited Cromwell International Telephone Equipment Expendables For Use With Edp Equipment Furniture, Workshop, Shop Etc. Bridges, Bridge Sections, Towers And Lattice Masts, Of Ironor Steel Safety Clothing And Headgear; Other Headgear Of Rubber Or Plastics Pumps, Compressors, Valves, Etc., Parts Thereof Pc Software, General Transmitting And Communicating Equipment For Edp, Eg. Modems, Pc Servers Etc. Filtering And Purifying Equipment Security Equipment, Special Purpose Safety Equipment Bridges, Bridge Sections, Towers And Lattice Masts, Of Ironor Steel Lighting Equipment, Parts Thereof Furniture, Domestic Buildings, Prefabricated For Office, School, Home Or Warehouse Furniture, Workshop, Shop Etc. Gastrointestinal Drugs Electronic Measuring Equipment N.e.c. Security Equipment And Supplies N.e.c. Processing Units For Edp And Accessories And Parts Thereof Instruments For Measuring Temperature Or Other Physical Properties N.e.c. Containers Of Iron, Steel Or Aluminium Electric Motors, Generators And Transformers, Parts Thereof Transformers, Electrical Hand Tools (Including Glaziers Diamonds) N.e.c. Paints And Varnishes (Including Enamels And Lacquers) And Related Products Tapes And Other Unrecorded Media For Sound Or Other Phenomena Motor Vehicle Parts And Accessories Components For Telecommunication Equipment Pumps, Compressors, Valves, Etc., Parts Thereof Primary Cells, Primary Batteries And Electric Accumulators,Parts Thereof Expendables For Use With Edp Equipment Security Equipment And Supplies N.e.c. Machine Tools For Woodworking Motor Vehicle Parts And Accessories Interchangeable Tools For Hand Tools Or For Machine Tools Motor Vehicle Parts And Accessories Electric Motors, Generators And The Like Articles For Medical Or Surgical Purposes N.e.c. Telecommunication Equipment, Other Footwear, Safety Radio Broadcast And Television Receivers Expendables And Accessories For Use With Edp Equipment N.e.c. Stationery Articles N.e.c. Telephone Equipment Pumps, Water Pumps, Other Than Water Pumps; Air Or Other Gas Compressors Electricity Distribution Or Control Apparatus Dictionaries And Encyclopedias Protection Devices For Edp Equipment Electronic Measuring Equipment N.e.c. 65,919.28 64,656.00 64,035.00 63,648.34 61,681.71 61,426.40 59,190.00 58,735.00 57,684.83 56,063.48 54,825.03 54,124.50 53,772.50 53,743.56 52,109.51 49,175.06 48,389.30 48,012.00 47,695.00 47,500.00 47,314.00 46,530.24 45,549.29 45,530.00 44,012.81 43,614.97 43,161.39 42,145.39 41,646.50 41,611.98 40,669.36 40,550.73 40,521.20 40,065.49 39,054.41 38,872.34 38,644.64 38,258.77 38,167.05 37,992.50 37,400.00 36,950.00 36,250.98 36,055.82 36,045.00 35,694.09 35,671.00 35,331.10 34,621.85 34,418.23 33,010.16 United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America Cisco Systems, Inc. World Fuel Services Corp Emc Corporation Motorola Inc. Globecomm Systems Inc. Lenovo (United States) Inc. Office Depot Business Services Div Cisco Systems Globecomm System Inc Lenovo, Inc. Aastra Intecom Inc. Motorola Inc Motorola Inc. Cisco Systems, Inc. Heidelberg Usa, Inc. Globecomm Systems Inc. Cisco Systems Inc Ericsson Enterprise Ab World Fuel Services Corp Lenovo, Inc. Lenovo Inc. Marquardt & Company Dmc Stratex Networks Inc. Alpine Armoring Inc. All Points Intl. Distributors, Inc. Stratex Networks, Inc. Cisco Systems Inc. Tryco Ericsson Enterprise Ab Adwar Video Ericsson Inc Aar Mobility Systems Muller-martini Corporation Alvarion Inc. Cisco Systems Inc All Points International Dist. Inc Traditional Casket Corp. Graphic Paper New York, Inc. Motorola;Inc Cisco Systems, Inc. Cisco Systems Emc Corporation Microsoft Corporation Cisco Systems Lenovo; Inc. Adt Security Services Symantec Corporation Tryco L3 Communications, Security & Emc Corporation Kwaplah International;Inc. L3 Communications Security & Detection Systems L3 Communications Security & Detection Systems Ibm Corporation Doosan Infracore America Corp. Lenovo Group Some’s World-wide Uniforms Ericsson Inc Some’s World Wide Uniforms Inc Ericsson Sky It Group, Llc Logicalis Inc. Stonesoft Corp Tandberg Inc. Lenovo Tryco Cisco Systems Inc La Cresta Communications;Inc. Transmitting And Communicating Equipment For Edp, Eg. Modems, Pc Servers Etc. Motor Spirit (Gasoline), Including Aviation Spirit Computer Systems, Special Purpose Other Telecommunication Equipment Satellite Communication Systems Micro-computers Stationery Articles N.e.c. Transmitting And Communicating Equipment For Edp, Eg. Modems, Pc Servers Etc. Satellite Communication Systems Micro-computers Telecommunication Equipment Telecommunication Equipment, Other Radio Broadcast And Television Receivers Edp Equipment N.e.c. Printing And Bookbinding Equipment Aerials And Antennae Equipment And Accessories For Connecting Edp Equipment Intonetworks Telephone Equipment Petroleum Oils And Petroleum Products Computer Display Terminals Micro-computers Paper Of Paperboard N.e.c., For Printing Or Other Graphic Purpose Telecommunication Equipment, Other Motor Vehicles And Parts And Accessories Thereof Prefabricated Buildings Telecommunication Equipment Transmitting And Communicating Equipment For Edp, Eg. Modems, Pc Servers Etc. Petroleum Oils And Petroleum Products Telecommunication Equipment, Parts And Accessories Thereof Radio Or Television Transmission Apparatus; Television Cameras Telephone Equipment Containers For Compressed Or Liquefied Gas, Or Atomic Energy Purposes Printing And Bookbinding Equipment Telephone Equipment Transmitting And Communicating Equipment For Edp, Eg. Modems, Pc Servers Etc. Buildings, Prefabricated For Office, School, Home Or Warehouse Mortuary Supplies Paper Of Paperboard N.e.c., For Printing Or Other Graphic Purpose Radio-broadcasting, Reception Apparatus, Parts And Accessories Thereof Telecommunication Equipment Equipment And Accessories For Connecting Edp Equipment Intonetworks Electronic Components, Parts And Accessories Thereof Software, Computer, Including Manuals Edp Equipment N.e.c. Photographic And Cinematographic Equipment Crowd Control Equipment Software, Computer, Including Manuals Motor Spirit (Gasoline), Including Aviation Spirit Security And Safety Equipment Micro-computers Office Machines, Other Atomic Energy Equipment Motor Spirit (Gasoline), Including Aviation Spirit Pc Software, General Motor Vehicles And Parts And Accessories Thereof Micro-computers Clothing Of Textile Materials Audio Visual Equipment N.e.c., Parts And Accessories Thereof Clothing Of Textile Materials Telephone Equipment Edp Equipment/Machinery, Other, And Parts Thereof Computer Systems, Special Purpose Other Edp Equipment N.e.c. Radio Or Television Transmission Apparatus; Television Cameras Micro-computers Fuel Oils, N.e.c. Electricity Distribution Or Control Apparatus Furniture, Workshop, Shop Etc. 5,737,398.85 3,275,231.76 2,426,081.04 2,198,021.39 2,181,206.00 2,115,773.20 2,067,040.75 2,003,851.86 1,916,165.00 1,779,187.70 1,745,474.00 1,715,497.30 1,698,303.32 1,628,958.60 1,573,965.00 1,464,648.00 1,430,725.71 1,423,112.94 1,294,627.20 1,186,426.00 1,180,099.00 1,103,003.00 1,018,176.95 1,003,459.94 944,687.00 897,490.65 814,633.20 795,020.92 786,774.15 765,281.00 759,613.81 758,728.22 721,278.00 705,861.00 665,964.50 603,698.90 594,059.00 589,128.40 558,262.58 556,842.00 532,785.10 527,558.00 517,689.06 511,159.80 476,605.00 472,160.60 467,857.64 451,699.99 431,160.00 429,200.00 422,750.00 422,500.00 422,500.00 417,240.00 412,519.10 392,454.00 385,004.13 382,855.76 370,462.00 368,181.15 366,331.00 363,821.70 363,508.00 359,298.77 354,378.65 350,000.00 348,913.50 325,228.00 114 Major Equipment ordered by Agency during 2006 (Orders of USD 30,000 or more) Agency / Location of Procurement UNPS cont. United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America Name of supplier Lenovo, Inc. Cisco Systems Inc Cisco Systems Inc. Tryco Cisco Systems Cisco Systems Inc. Dmc Stratex Networks Cisco Systems, Inc. Cisco Systems L3 Communications, Security & Detection System Motorola;Inc Ericsson Enterprise Ab Arenson Office Furnishings, Inc. Cisco Systems, Inc. Stratex Networks Inc. Eplus Technology, Inc. Information Builders, Inc. L3 Communications Tandberg, Inc Stratex Networks Inc. Ibm Corporation La Cresta Communications Inc. Ericsson Enterprise National Flag And Display Co. Cisco Systems Inc Diebold Enterprise Security Systems Apcom Computers All Weather Inc. (Awi) Baldor Electric Company Access It Group, Inc. Globecomm System Inc Motorola Inc. Office Depot Business Services Div Tandberg Inc La Cresta Communications, Inc. Stratex Networks Inc. Aar Mobility Systems Comp -u-field Motorola Gimco General Dynamics C4 Systems Hudson Bay Environments Arenson Office Furnishings, Inc. Hudson Bay Environments Allied Global Inc Cisco Systems, Inc. Cisco System;Inc. Comp -u-field Computhink Consolidated Carpet Trade Workroom, Tandberg Inc Computhink Inc. Ready Data, Inc. Ericsson Dmc Stratex Networks Motorola Inc. Ericsson Enterprise Solutions Motorola;Inc Cisco Systems Inc. Cisco Systems Inc Cisco Systems Inc L3 Communication; Security & Detection System Cisco Systems;Inc. La Cresta Communications;Inc. Motorola;Inc. La Cresta Communications Inc. Aar Mobility Systems Ericsson Enterprise Shanghai Int’l Holding Corp(america Lenovo Group Napco International Llc Ibm Corporation Allied Global Inc Tandberg Inc. Tandberg;Inc Tandberg, Inc. Tandberg Inc. Anixter, Inc. Doosan Infracore America Corporation Comp -u-field Dmc Stratex Networks Inc. Motorola Inc.. Globecomm Systems Inc Adwar Video Sabre Integrated Security Systems;Llc Mpex Inc Petrocelli Electric Company, Inc. Radian Communications Services Inc. Cisco Systems Inc. Computhink Inc. Potamkin Cadillac Buick Some’s Uniforms Inc. Globecomm Systems Inc. Gimco Gimco Cisco Systems Usa Stratex Networks, Inc. International Fleet Sales Inc Computhink Ibm/Lenovo (United States) Inc. Potamkin Cadillac Buick Melillo Consulting, Inc. New York Funeral Supply Globecomm System Inc Westwood Computer Corporation Adventure Medical Kits Business Objects Americas The Gunlocke Company Llc Eplus Technology, Inc. Gtsi Corp. Dmc Stratex Networks Gimco U.s. Postal Service Emc Corporation Cisco Systems;Inc. Kwaplah International; Inc. Dade Sky Trading Trigyn Technologies Inc. Lenovo Inc. Cisco Systems Description of goods (equipment) Processing Units For Edp And Accessories And Parts Thereof Expendables And Accessories For Use With Edp Equipment N.e.c. Telecommunication Equipment, Other Gas Oils (Diesel Oil) Software Application Packages Processing Units For Edp, Other Expendables For Use With Edp Equipment Inter-office Communication Systems Processing Units For Edp, Other Telecommunication Equipment, Parts And Accessories Thereof Radio Broadcast And Television Receivers Telecommunication Equipment, Other Furniture, Office, Other Than Chairs Computer Systems, Special Purpose Other Telecommunication Equipment, Other Computer Systems, Special Purpose Other Software Application Packages Machinery, Special Purpose, Other Audio Visual Equipment N.e.c., Parts And Accessories Thereof Satellite Communication Systems Computer Monitored Systems, Industrial, For Measuring, Steering Etc. Radio Broadcast And Television Receivers Telephone Equipment Clothing Of Textile Materials Micro-computers Chemical Products; Rubber And Plastic Products Printing And Plotting Devices For Edp Equipment Electronic Measuring Equipment N.e.c. Engines And Turbines, Parts Thereof Software Application Packages Aerials And Antennae Telecommunication Equipment, Parts And Accessories Thereof Paper Of Paperboard N.e.c., For Printing Or Other Graphic Purpose Microphones, Loudspeakers, Headphones, Earphones, Amplifiers Audio Visual Equipment Telecommunication Equipment, Parts And Accessories Thereof Trailers And Semi-trailers; Containers Printing And Plotting Devices For Edp Equipment Telecommunication Equipment, Parts And Accessories Thereof Construction Materials Of Plastic; Containers Of Plastic Telecommunication Equipment, Parts And Accessories Thereof Furniture, Office, Other Than Chairs Furniture Furniture Gymnasium Or Athletics Articles And Equipment Micro-computers Furniture, Office, Other Than Chairs Equipment And Accessories For Connecting Edp Equipment Intonetworks Edp Equipment N.e.c. Carpets And Other Textile Floor Coverings Audio And Video Accessories Security Printing, Finished Articles Printing Equipment, Other Telephonic Apparatus, Other Recording And Reproducing Apparatus, For Sound And Video Microphones, Loudspeakers, Headphones, Earphones, Amplifiers Telephone Equipment Telecommunication Equipment, Parts And Accessories Thereof Expendables For Use With Edp Equipment Electronic Components, Parts And Accessories Thereof Satellite Communication Systems Expendables For Use With Edp Equipment Components For Telecommunication Equipment Security Equipment And Supplies N.e.c. Telecommunication Equipment, Other Expendables And Accessories For Use With Edp Equipment N.e.c. Plastic Articles N.e.c. Telephonic Apparatus, Other Clothing Of Textile Materials Mainframe Computers Inter-office Communication Systems Micro-computers General Purpose Machinery, Parts And Accessories Thereof Recording And Reproducing Apparatus, For Sound And Video Telecommunication Equipment, Parts And Accessories Thereof Telecommunication Equipment Telecommunication Equipment, Other Telecommunication Equipment Motor Vehicle Parts And Accessories Transmitting And Communicating Equipment For Edp, Eg. Modems, Pc Servers Etc. Aerials And Antennae Telecommunication Equipment, Other Transmitting And Communicating Equipment For Edp, Eg. Modems, Pc Servers Etc. Audio Visual Equipment Recording And Reproducing Apparatus, For Sound And Video Optical Input/Output Units, Such As Scanners, Optical Readers Etc. Insulated Wire And Cable; Optical Fibre Cables Aerials And Antennae Equipment And Accessories For Connecting Edp Equipment Intonetworks Computer Systems, Special Purpose Other Motor Vehicles And Parts And Accessories Thereof Clothing Of Textile Materials Telecommunication Equipment, Parts And Accessories Thereof Insulated Wire And Cable; Optical Fibre Cables Air Conditioning, Cold Chain And Refrigerating Equipment Equipment And Accessories For Connecting Edp Equipment Intonetworks Telecommunication Equipment, Other Motor Vehicles And Parts And Accessories Thereof Packing And Sealing Articles Of Plastics Computer Display Terminals Motor Vehicles, Goods Transport Computer Systems, Special Purpose Other Mortuary Supplies Telephone Equipment Expendables For Use With Edp Equipment Articles For Medical Or Surgical Purposes N.e.c. Software, Computer, Including Manuals Furniture, Office, Other Than Chairs Edp Equipment/Machinery, Other, And Parts Thereof Protection Devices For Edp Equipment Telecommunication Equipment, Other Expendables For Use With Edp Equipment Postage, Revenue Or Similar Stamps, Unused Software, Computer, Including Manuals Expansion Cards & Other Add-on Hard- Or Firm-ware Carpets And Other Textile Floor Coverings Primary Cells And Primary Batteries Software Application Packages Mini-computers Satellite Communication Systems 115 Total Cost (USD) 301,211.00 294,393.50 287,691.60 275,401.68 267,620.70 263,975.40 259,914.72 258,004.90 257,073.40 253,500.00 244,157.81 241,820.55 235,168.49 222,300.00 215,064.18 213,680.00 212,273.05 212,197.00 211,301.72 205,970.90 205,336.23 202,065.00 201,161.00 199,377.86 197,608.90 195,825.15 195,440.00 193,719.00 189,455.27 188,538.00 187,215.00 183,976.98 182,540.00 179,370.58 177,933.00 175,037.71 173,304.50 171,176.00 168,896.10 163,599.34 160,421.00 159,052.40 158,686.00 156,877.59 155,991.00 153,247.60 147,682.50 146,684.00 146,037.98 144,750.00 140,963.24 139,896.34 139,565.65 138,859.76 138,769.48 136,454.29 133,009.85 131,833.00 131,712.20 131,486.00 128,151.00 126,750.00 122,791.80 122,392.00 122,183.30 121,695.00 116,876.56 114,934.44 111,666.80 109,993.00 109,202.72 108,946.20 108,897.00 107,382.10 107,107.10 104,980.86 104,530.86 104,522.70 104,397.86 104,271.50 103,068.00 101,333.00 101,303.42 99,102.00 98,800.00 98,620.00 97,834.40 96,274.34 94,574.40 94,042.36 92,400.00 91,868.95 90,231.00 90,150.00 89,137.50 88,183.20 87,608.94 87,550.00 87,506.92 87,274.00 87,096.00 86,977.05 86,894.10 85,585.00 85,427.00 84,800.00 83,957.00 83,577.66 80,877.00 80,204.30 80,107.84 80,062.00 80,000.00 78,569.94 78,126.00 75,387.00 74,881.58 73,600.00 73,320.00 72,500.00 Major Equipment ordered by Agency during 2006 (Orders of USD 30,000 or more) Agency / Location of Procurement UNPS cont. United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America Name of supplier Microsoft Corporation Ericsson Enterprise Globe Comm. System Inc. Tandberg, Inc. Cisco Systems, Inc. Tandberg Inc Mpex Inc Planson International Corporation Globecomm Systems, Inc. Gimco W.w. Grainger;Inc. All Points International All Points International President Container Inc. Walker And Associates L3 Communications Security & Detection Systems Planson International Gimco Consolidated Edison Company Comp-u-field Kc Electronics Distributors, Inc. Cisco Systems Inc Allied Global Inc Fiber Instruments Sales Inc. Ericsson Enterprise Solution Gimco Planson International Ericsson Enterprise Ab Exxon Mobil Fleet/Gecc W.w. Grainger;Inc. Ericsson Enterprise Solutions Cisco Systems Inc. Motorola Tacticom Planson International Corporation Kuehne & Nagel Inc. Herman Miller Inc. Planson International Cisco Systems;Inc. Lenovo ( United States ) Inc. Dmc Stratex Networks;Inc. Cisco Systems Inc Kwaplah International Inc. Planson International Motorola Inc Notable Solutions Inc (Nsi) Cable X-perts Inc. Gimco Peregrine Systems Conserve Electrical Supply Corp. W.w. Grainger, Inc. Tgi Office Automation Gimco Cisco Systems, Inc. Comp-u-field Stonesoft Inc. La Cresta Communications Inc Groove Networks, Inc. Bottomline Technologies, Inc. La Cresta Communications;Inc. Aeroflex Test Solutions Ericsson Enterprise Solutions Kwaplah International Inc. Gimco Logicalis Inc. Some’s Uniforms Motorola Inc Gimco Usa Inc Applied Fabric Technologies, Inc. Westwood Computer Corporation Computhink, Inc. Lenovo (United States) Inc. Cisco Systems Inc Cavalier Technical Service / Cts Gimco Gimco Planson International La Cresta Communications Computhink Inc. Cingular Wireless Engineering & Prof. Services, Inc. Tacticom Planson International Sybase, Inc. Bayer Healthcare Llc Center Industrial Electronics, Inc. Henry Schein Inc. Michaels Electrical Supply Corp. Mpex Inc Aero Tec Laboratories Inc. Gimco Computhink Gimco Adwar Video Corporate Computer Solutions Express Distributors Llc Motorola;Inc. Helpstar Help Desk Technology Corporation Planson International La Cresta Communications, Inc. Diebold Enterprise Security Systems Associated Industries Computhink Inc Westwood Computer Corporation Dade Sky Trading Gtsi Corporation Carahsoft Technology Corp. Stratex Networks Inc. Cisco Systems Inc. Conserve Electrical Supply Corp. Accredited Lock Supply Co. Planson International Corporation Comp-u-field Toyota Of Manhattan Mid-island Electrical Sales Corp. Main Attractions Allied Global Inc Tandberg Tandberg, Inc. W.w. Grainger;Inc. Description of goods (equipment) Software Application Packages Expansion Cards & Other Add-on Hard- Or Firm-ware Satellite Communication Systems Microphones, Loudspeakers, Headphones, Earphones, Amplifiers Electricity Distribution Or Control Apparatus Transmission Equipment Printing And Plotting Devices For Edp Equipment Primary Cells And Primary Batteries Aerials And Antennae Primary Cells And Primary Batteries Hand Tools (Including Glaziers Diamonds) N.e.c. Buildings, Prefabricated For Office, School, Home Or Warehouse Prefabricated Buildings, Parts Thereof Containers, Paper And Paperboard Telecommunication Equipment, Parts And Accessories Thereof Machinery, Special Purpose, Other Audio And Video Accessories Hydrocarbons And Their Halogenated, Sulphonated Or Nitrosated Derivatives Pc Software, General Printing And Plotting Devices For Edp Equipment Insulated Wire And Cable; Optical Fibre Cables Components For Telecommunication Equipment Safety Clothing And Headgear; Other Headgear Of Rubber Or Plastics Toy Electric Trains; Model Assembly Kits Etc. Telephone Equipment Recording And Reproducing Apparatus, For Sound And Video Pc Software, General Components For Telecommunication Equipment Motor Spirit (Gasoline), Including Aviation Spirit Laboratory Glassware Telecommunication Equipment, Other Edp Equipment N.e.c. Telecommunication Equipment, Other Telephone Equipment Pc Software, General Security Equipment And Supplies N.e.c. Seats And Chairs Hand Tools Protection Devices For Edp Equipment Micro-computers Telecommunication Equipment, Parts And Accessories Thereof Expansion Cards & Other Add-on Hard- Or Firm-ware Telecommunication Equipment, Parts And Accessories Thereof Machine Tools, Parts And Accessories Thereof Components For Telecommunication Equipment Software Application Packages Insulated Wire And Cable; Optical Fibre Cables Furniture, Medical, Surgical Or Veterinary Pc Software, General Insulated Wire And Cable; Optical Fibre Cables Electrical Equipment, Parts And Accessories Thereof Office And Accounting Machinery, Parts And Accessories Thereof Gymnasium Or Athletics Articles And Equipment Expendables For Use With Edp Equipment Software Licences Equipment And Accessories For Connecting Edp Equipment Intonetworks Telecommunication Equipment, Other Software Application Packages Software, Computer, Including Manuals Telecommunication Equipment, Other Testing Equipment N.e.c. Telephonic Apparatus, Other Projectors Forklift Trucks And Other Works Trucks Software, Computer, Including Manuals Clothing Of Textile Materials Telephone Equipment Telecommunication Equipment, Parts And Accessories Thereof Lubricating Preparations Optical Input/Output Units, Such As Scanners, Optical Readers Etc. Edp Equipment/Machinery, Other, And Parts Thereof Transformers, Electrical Telecommunication Equipment, Parts And Accessories Thereof Expendables And Accessories For Use With Edp Equipment N.e.c. Typewriters Paper Of Paperboard N.e.c., For Printing Or Other Graphic Purpose Micro-computers Bridges, Bridge Sections, Towers And Lattice Masts, Of Ironor Steel Printing And Plotting Devices For Edp Equipment Mini-computers Lighting Equipment Furniture, Workshop, Shop Etc. Office And Accounting Machinery, Parts And Accessories Thereof Software Application Packages Articles For Medical Or Surgical Purposes N.e.c. Audio And Video Accessories Articles For Medical Or Surgical Purposes N.e.c. Insulated Wire And Cable; Optical Fibre Cables Equipment And Accessories For Connecting Edp Equipment Intonetworks Pumps, Other Than Water Pumps; Air Or Other Gas Compressors Components For Telecommunication Equipment Office Machines, Other Agricultural Machinery For Harvesting Tapes And Other Unrecorded Media For Sound Or Other Phenomena Printing And Plotting Devices For Edp Equipment Computer Systems, Special Purpose Other Radio Broadcast And Television Receivers Software Licences Expendables And Accessories For Use With Edp Equipment N.e.c. Recording And Reproducing Apparatus, For Sound And Video Security And Safety Equipment Inter-office Communication Systems Photographic And Cinematographic Equipment Input/Output Units For Edp, Accessories And Parts Thereof Security Equipment And Supplies N.e.c. Telecommunication Equipment, Parts And Accessories Thereof Software Application Packages Equipment And Accessories For Connecting Edp Equipment Intonetworks Mini-computers Electricity Distribution Or Control Apparatus Metal Goods N.e.c. Transformers, Electrical Input/Output Units, Other Motor Vehicles And Parts And Accessories Thereof Insulated Wire And Cable; Optical Fibre Cables Camping Equipment Radio-broadcasting, Reception Apparatus, Parts And Accessories Thereof Telecommunication Equipment, Other Recording And Reproducing Apparatus, For Sound And Video Hand Tools 116 Total Cost (USD) 71,677.33 70,442.90 70,335.00 69,687.24 69,594.20 69,086.36 68,800.00 68,375.00 68,039.00 66,623.00 65,970.51 65,589.00 65,589.00 65,246.50 64,760.00 62,974.00 62,419.00 62,148.24 62,000.00 61,900.00 61,465.00 61,213.20 61,000.00 60,956.64 60,723.77 60,165.00 59,515.00 58,490.00 58,000.00 57,908.25 57,443.11 57,005.30 56,685.20 56,547.00 55,730.00 55,600.00 55,582.00 55,560.00 55,254.50 54,415.00 54,359.18 53,844.30 52,453.00 52,200.00 51,950.50 51,672.00 51,257.15 50,495.00 50,390.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 49,650.00 49,387.50 49,233.30 48,065.00 47,919.40 47,100.00 47,033.00 47,023.00 46,950.00 46,748.00 46,538.30 45,750.00 45,007.00 44,899.75 44,810.39 44,625.00 44,575.00 44,372.50 44,008.20 43,700.40 43,377.00 43,369.50 43,074.00 42,797.25 42,380.50 42,085.00 41,992.00 41,879.57 41,872.50 41,419.35 41,270.00 40,345.76 40,320.00 40,000.00 40,000.00 40,000.00 40,000.00 39,790.00 39,663.38 39,615.00 39,477.52 39,440.00 38,683.00 38,560.00 38,557.00 38,440.10 38,374.45 38,340.00 38,169.50 38,160.98 37,750.00 37,340.04 37,287.00 36,942.16 36,808.93 36,755.00 36,665.04 36,235.50 35,875.00 35,818.30 35,662.50 35,650.00 35,395.00 35,000.00 34,938.00 34,850.00 34,843.62 34,843.62 33,857.50 Major Equipment ordered by Agency during 2006 (Orders of USD 30,000 or more) Agency / Location of Procurement Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) UNPS cont. United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America La Cresta Communications Inc. Lenovo Group Waypoint Technology Group Llc Lenovo, Inc. Lawmen Supply Company Of New Jersey La Cresta Communications;Inc. Motorola;Inc. Gimco Usa Floscan Instrument Co. Inc. Computhink Westwood Computer Corporation Gimco Sdv(usa)Inc Ericsson Enterprise Solution Some’s Uniforms Some’s World-wide Unifroms Computhink Inc Cdw Government,Inc. Kwaplah International Inc. Apcom Computers Inc Express Distributors Llc Motorola Exim Group Llc Cisco Systems;Inc. Computhink Samuel Meisel & Co., Inc. Cisco Systems;Inc. La Cresta Communications, Inc. Comp-u-field Hth Engineering, Inc. Park Surgical Co., Inc. Satellite Communication Systems Expansion Cards & Other Add-on Hard- Or Firm-ware Telecommunication Equipment Edp Equipment/Machinery, Other, And Parts Thereof Packing And Sealing Articles Of Plastics Telephone Equipment Radio-broadcasting, Reception Apparatus, Parts And Accessories Thereof Electronic Components, Parts And Accessories Thereof Electric Motors, Generators And Transformers, Parts Thereof Expansion Cards & Other Add-on Hard- Or Firm-ware Recording And Reproducing Apparatus, For Sound And Video Printing And Plotting Devices For Edp Equipment Motor Vehicle Parts And Accessories Telecommunication Equipment, Other Crowd Control Equipment Crowd Control Equipment Expendables For Use With Edp Equipment Mini-computers Recording And Reproducing Apparatus, For Sound And Video Transformers, Electrical Radio-broadcasting, Reception Apparatus, Parts And Accessories Thereof Bridges, Bridge Sections, Towers And Lattice Masts, Of Ironor Steel Audio And Video Accessories Photographic And Cinematographic Equipment Photographic And Cinematographic Equipment Liquor Telecommunication Equipment, Other Computer Display Terminals Processing Units For Edp And Accessories And Parts Thereof Processing Units For Edp And Accessories And Parts Thereof Articles For Medical Or Surgical Purposes N.e.c. UNRWA Belgium Belgium Belgium Maxx Logistics Nv Volvo Europa Truck N.v., Parts Agfa Gevaert Nv Sugar Volvo, Trucks And Buses Chemicals For Automatic Processing. Canada Canada Saskan Pulse Trading Inc. Health Partners International Pulses Misc.-drugs Acting On Respiratory Total Cost (USD) 33,701.25 33,620.04 33,457.00 33,135.00 32,934.78 32,845.00 32,800.20 32,710.00 32,443.54 32,402.59 32,305.00 32,245.00 32,110.00 32,089.98 32,063.74 32,016.25 31,990.89 31,495.20 31,250.00 31,233.00 31,225.00 30,799.45 30,600.00 30,542.80 30,474.00 30,440.00 30,306.60 30,148.00 30,000.00 30,000.00 30,000.00 356,685.00 71,176.10 62,990.69 1,310,575.50 176,351.28 China Maxleaf Stationery Ltd Exercise Books Cyprus Cyprus Remedica Ltd. Medochemie Antidepressants. Antidepressants. 102,415.84 Denmark Denmark Missionpharma International Bukkehave A/S Disposable Syringes Needles Cannula Vehicles Egypt Egypt Egypt Egypt Egypt Egypt Egypt As-sonbolah Co. Gefco For Rice Mills S.a.e Egyptian Red Crescent Egyptian Traders Riva Pharma Egyptian Inter. Publishing Co. Unesco Cairo Office Rice Rice Sugar Rice Antibacterial Drugs Misc. Non-cat. Text Books Teaching Aids 1,604,228.25 1,353,038.00 681,500.87 336,354.43 261,307.25 117,695.00 34,385.50 2,879,487.69 1,091,238.72 149,795.05 141,821.51 95,610.93 France Bauche Sugar Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Schwarz Pharma Ag Lucas Nuelle Lehr-u Messgerate F. Undutsch Gmbh Festo Didactic Gmbh & Co. Kg Human Ges. Biochemica & Diagno Human Ges. Biochemica & Diagno F. Undutsch Gmbh Wyeth Pharma Gmbh Drugs Acting On Cardiovascular Syst Equipment Electronics Misc.-laboratory Equipment Equipment Electronics Equipment Laboratory Kits And Reagents. Equipment Medical And Physiotherapy Drugs Acting On The Endocrine Sys.& Greece Demo S.a. Drugs Acting On The Respiratory Sys Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Paz Oil Co. Paz Oil Co. Computer Media Center-cmc Motorolla Communications Computer Media Center-cmc Union Motors Ltd. Al-mashreq Trading Co. Brotim Marketing (1984) Ltd. Haj Bader El-jubeh Sonol J’lem Ltd. The Ha’argas Group (1932) Ltd. Pacific Auto Importers Ltd Adi Communication Ltd. Educational Bookshop Medtechnica Ltd. Educational Bookshop Unfpa Tadiran Ltd. Benzine Gas Oil Misc.-office Stationary Equipment Communications Equipment Computer Vehicles Equipment Office Timber & Construction Supplies Misc.-insecticides Misc. Non-cat. Gaz Oil Equipment Surveying & Construction Vehicles Equipment Communications Misc. Non-cat. Ref. & Library Books Equipment Surveying & Construction Misc.-office Stationary Drugs Acting On The Endocrine Sys.& Equipment Communications 1,433,942.04 837,478.83 392,849.22 316,530.68 306,496.03 277,804.71 253,233.31 208,674.06 196,648.73 188,344.99 164,233.72 84,716.62 50,619.04 40,402.31 36,848.67 36,532.92 35,115.55 32,753.42 Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Fiat Auto S.p.a. Didacta Italia S.r.l Agmin Italy Bmi Biomedical International S Kartell Fiat Auto Spa Vehicles Equipment Domestic (Household) Vehicles Equipment Medical And Physiotherapy Laboratory Expendable Supplies. Fiat Punto 705,167.16 200,263.20 173,775.51 143,540.61 114,947.79 114,923.64 Japan Japan Japan Japan Rissho Kosei - Kai Toyota Motor Corporation Nissei Trading Company Ltd K.arano & Co.ltd Misc.-sundry Supplies Vehicles Equipment Medical And Physiotherapy Mt Accessories Tyres And Tubes 192,842.77 122,844.94 107,377.05 51,772.68 Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Ministry Of Education Al-kindi Pharmaceutical Indust Arab Australia Dairy Goods & P Ram Pharmaceuticals Sts- Specialized Technical Ser Sts- Specialized Technical Ser Ministry Of Health United Pharmaceutical Mfg. Co. United Pharmaceutical Mfg. Co. Zumout Materials & Industrial Industrial Development Formati Middle East Pharm. & Chem. Ind Middle East Pharm. & Chem. Ind Amman Pharm. Industries Co. W. Ministry Of Health Roche Diagnostics Gmbh Jordan Petroleum Refinery Co. Munir Sukhtian Hassouneh Carpentry Arab Pharmaceutical Mfg. Co. L Misc. Non-cat. Text Books Drugs Acting On The Endocrine Sys.& Whole Milk Drugs Acting On Cardiovascular Syst Computer Software Equipment Computer Misc.-vaccines & Immunological Prod Misc. Non-cat. Medical Supplies Drugs Acting On Cardiovascular Syst Tools Vehicles Drugs Acting On The Skin. Drugs Acting On The Endocrine Sys.& Drugs Acting On The Skin. Drugs Acting On The Endocrine Sys.& Equipment Laboratory Lubricants Misc. Non-cat. Medical Supplies Furniture Drugs Acting On The Gastro Intestin 2,008,115.28 1,444,305.96 1,382,400.00 1,088,026.30 869,472.51 842,345.65 656,121.49 583,181.07 549,423.57 494,684.25 478,920.00 362,696.95 317,262.50 314,418.50 295,884.35 280,158.58 230,185.08 215,380.74 197,691.68 193,293.85 117 355,164.87 274,174.31 259,328.19 197,612.07 161,468.39 160,291.34 60,060.59 54,288.68 34,224.05 Major Equipment ordered by Agency during 2006 (Orders of USD 30,000 or more) Agency / Location of Procurement Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) Total Cost (USD) UNRWA cont. Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Dar Al-dawa Glaxosmithkline Al-buthaina Modern Ind.tech. C H. M . King Abdullah (Ii) Al-hashmi Fuel Station. Philadelphia Pharmaceuticals Munir Sukhtian Fadi Carpentry United Telecom Sevices Co., Lt Hammoudeh Bros. Co. Arab Pharmaceutical Mfg. Co. L Scientific And Medical Supplie Arab Australian Dairy Goods & General Computers & Electronic Roche Diagnostics Gmbh Jordan Petroleum Refinery Co. United Telecom Sevices Co., Lt Ram Pharmaceuticals Golden Bookshop Ibn-rushd Drug Store Rasheed’s Plastic Company Target Scientific Supplies Central Trade & Auto Co. Central Trade & Auto Co. Kima Modern Chemical Co. Arab Center For Pharma. & Chem Arab Center For Pharma. & Chem Scientific And Medical Supplie Anonymous Donor Al-bashiti Stores For General Zohal For Industrial Engineeri Baba Hayo Al-hashmi Fuel Station. Waraa Al-bihar Unity Medical Supplies Est.(un Istiklal Library Co. Khamaiseh Electrical Establis Ideal Tech. Co. Ltd. Ideal Tech. Co. Ltd. Soft Hygienic Paper Ltd . Drugs Acting On The Skin. Drugs Acting On Cardiovascular Syst Equipment Electronics Misc. Non-cat. Supplies Misc. Non-cat. Gaz Oil Drugs Acting On The Skin. Drugs Used In Parkinsonism And Rela Furniture Equipment Communications Sugar Antibacterial Drugs Misc.-laboratory Equipment Whole Milk Computer Software Kits And Reagents. Gas Oil Computer Software Antibacterial Drugs Misc.-handicraft Supplies Dental Supplies Printed Forms Equipment Photographic And Audio Vehicles Toyota Coaster Bus Cleaning Supplies Drugs Acting On The Skin. Drugs Acting On The Gastro Intestin Equipment Electronics Misc.-drugs Affect. Nutrition,Blood Misc.-construction Supplies Equipment Warehousing, Tarpulins Protective Clothing Cooking And Heating Fuel Mt Accessories Tyres And Tubes Kits And Reagents. Handicraft Supplies Electrical Supplies Equipment Computer Computer Software Cleaning Supplies 189,483.75 177,068.30 159,686.49 130,169.46 126,422.48 125,681.40 125,231.03 109,384.15 105,925.55 103,561.41 100,650.25 95,123.08 87,846.02 85,606.07 79,049.58 78,427.42 74,371.59 68,594.63 66,163.81 65,616.65 65,010.72 61,357.90 54,478.22 54,101.04 50,062.68 46,845.95 46,477.88 43,411.23 42,675.31 42,672.98 42,514.11 41,608.30 40,876.40 38,536.99 34,772.50 34,255.05 32,260.83 31,013.06 30,746.81 30,623.25 Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Librairie Antoine Amine Aour Middle East Foods S Fairco International Librairie Du Liban Mediterranean Oil Shipping&Tra Metalsyco Sal The Delegation Of The Ec Unicef Metalsyco Sal Local Supplies Lebanon Jubaili Bros. S.a.l. Khoudor Adlouni Zahrani Oil Installation Zahrani Oil Installation Ets. Avtech Sons Of Khalil Khattab Ets. Avtech Societe’ Kamel Bekdach & Fils Mesco Rasamny Younis Motor I.hakim Dowek & Sons S.a.l. World Food Programme Amine Aour Middle East Foods S K. Fleifel Ind. Co. Sarl Yogeco Corporation Jonatex Medicap Medicap Bissat Fre’res Sal Yousif Saed El Yassir Est. Societe El Baba Pour Le Commer Bioteck Bioteck Teletrade Computer System World Food Programme Electronic Business Equipment Sami Dandan & Co.-sadco Mega Prefab S.a.l Abela Freres Ahmad Mustafa El-masri Image Systems S.a.l. Misc. Non-cat. Ref. & Library Books Whole Milk Misc.-office Stationary Misc. Non-cat. Text Books Misc. Non-cat. Gaz Oil Protective Clothing Equipment Computer Misc.-sundry Supplies Misc.-domestic(household) Equipment Misc. Non-cat. Supplies Equipment Generators, Pumps And Furniture Misc. Non-cat. Gaz Oil Gas Oil Misc.-laboratory Equipment Misc. Non-cat. Supplies Equipment Office Stationery Equipment Vehicles Misc. Non-cat. Supplies Pulses Oils Furniture Equipment Electronics Misc.-textiles Equipment Misc.-medical & Physiotherapy Equip Sugar Misc.-baby Cereals Rice Misc.-chemicals Chemicals. Equipment Computer Oils Equipment Office Antifungal Drugs Equipment Warehousing, Tarpulins Misc. Non-cat. Medical Supplies Electrical Supplies Equipment Office 5,466,946.07 4,279,327.57 503,237.32 491,915.09 298,719.87 291,419.40 232,525.00 222,234.78 205,207.34 181,398.60 176,605.00 175,763.41 163,460.92 160,389.53 159,312.65 156,575.00 156,000.00 137,256.00 116,545.00 115,016.00 114,310.00 112,241.41 103,873.10 88,559.21 68,119.90 67,948.07 67,020.70 65,640.36 63,960.00 60,425.07 54,900.00 50,412.81 50,209.84 48,844.99 41,939.50 36,969.21 36,176.70 34,017.50 32,597.68 32,202.70 32,172.00 Liechtenstein Ivoclar Vivadent Ag / Div. Cli Dental Supplies Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Hoogwegt Int. Bv Limako Suiker Bv Alanheri (Produkten) B.v. Akkermans Industrial Engineeri The Medical Export Group International Dispensary Ass.( Freetime The Medical Export Group International Dispensary Ass.( Whole Milk Sugar Rice Equipment Electronics Equipment Medical And Physiotherapy Misc. Non-cat. Medical Supplies Handicraft Supplies Cold Chain Hospital Sundries. 5,466,060.52 1,586,981.00 316,845.50 171,858.41 84,761.99 67,600.19 65,257.84 64,762.73 38,148.47 Palestine Authority Autonomous Area* Palestine Authority Autonomous Area* Palestine Authority Autonomous Area* Palestine Authority Autonomous Area* Palestine Authority Autonomous Area* Palestine Authority Autonomous Area* Palestine Authority Autonomous Area* Palestine Authority Autonomous Area* Palestine Authority Autonomous Area* Palestine Authority Autonomous Area* Palestine Authority Autonomous Area* Palestine Authority Autonomous Area* Palestine Authority Autonomous Area* Palestine Authority Autonomous Area* Palestine Authority Autonomous Area* Palestine Authority Autonomous Area* Palestine Authority Autonomous Area* Palestine Authority Autonomous Area* Palestine Authority Autonomous Area* Palestine Authority Autonomous Area* Palestine Authority Autonomous Area* Palestine Authority Autonomous Area* Palestine Authority Autonomous Area* Palestine Authority Autonomous Area* Palestine Authority Autonomous Area* Ramco Ltd. Rashad Hamada And Bros. Rashad Hamada And Bros. El-salam Mills Co. El-eman Mills Co. Al Bader Flour Mills Ministry Of Education Cpu Ministry Of Health Palest. Nat Palestinian Petroluem Corporat Ma’ayeh Manufacturing Co. Ma’ayeh Manufacturing Co. Pna-ministry Of Education Pna-ministry Of Health Talmasco Indus. & General Trad Royal For Office Furniture Sto Intermed Birzet Pharmaceuticals Jerusalem Pharmaceuticals Co. Palestinian Petroluem Corporat Muian Hamdouna For General Tra Local Supplies Gaza Intermed Arab Technology Systems. Pna-ministry Of Health Coulter Counter Supplies(reagents A Flour Misc.-pulses Flour Flour Flour Misc. Non-cat. Text Books Misc.-construction Supplies Misc.-vaccines & Immunological Prod Misc.-gas Oil Misc.-carpentry Equipment Furniture Misc. Non-cat. Text Books Drugs Affecting Nutrition And Blood Misc.-sundry Supplies Furniture Misc. Non-cat. Medical Supplies Drugs Acting On The Skin. Misc.-drugs Acting On The Eye/Ear Gas Oil Towels Misc.-whole Milk Equipment Equipment Garage, Auto-mechanic And Misc.-vaccines & Immunological Prod 5,350,355.68 5,273,140.61 5,132,998.14 3,778,711.09 2,504,813.50 2,330,301.96 1,864,771.00 808,618.21 661,004.50 598,598.98 581,852.88 558,699.57 512,953.14 419,243.62 297,178.27 262,206.29 254,872.17 248,978.78 245,415.19 240,617.90 216,035.27 200,522.04 178,168.89 177,868.87 176,131.28 118 55,700.52 Major Equipment ordered by Agency during 2006 (Orders of USD 30,000 or more) Agency / Location of Procurement UNRWA cont. Palestine Authority Autonomous Area* Palestine Authority Autonomous Area* Palestine Authority Autonomous Area* Palestine Authority Autonomous Area* Palestine Authority Autonomous Area* Palestine Authority Autonomous Area* Palestine Authority Autonomous Area* Palestine Authority Autonomous Area* Palestine Authority Autonomous Area* Palestine Authority Autonomous Area* Palestine Authority Autonomous Area* Palestine Authority Autonomous Area* Palestine Authority Autonomous Area* Palestine Authority Autonomous Area* Palestine Authority Autonomous Area* Palestine Authority Autonomous Area* Palestine Authority Autonomous Area* Palestine Authority Autonomous Area* Palestine Authority Autonomous Area* Palestine Authority Autonomous Area* Palestine Authority Autonomous Area* Palestine Authority Autonomous Area* Palestine Authority Autonomous Area* Palestine Authority Autonomous Area* Palestine Authority Autonomous Area* Palestine Authority Autonomous Area* Palestine Authority Autonomous Area* Palestine Authority Autonomous Area* Palestine Authority Autonomous Area* Palestine Authority Autonomous Area* Palestine Authority Autonomous Area* Palestine Authority Autonomous Area* Palestine Authority Autonomous Area* Palestine Authority Autonomous Area* Palestine Authority Autonomous Area* Palestine Authority Autonomous Area* Palestine Authority Autonomous Area* Palestine Authority Autonomous Area* Palestine Authority Autonomous Area* Palestine Authority Autonomous Area* Palestine Authority Autonomous Area* Palestine Authority Autonomous Area* Palestine Authority Autonomous Area* Palestine Authority Autonomous Area* Palestine Authority Autonomous Area* Palestine Authority Autonomous Area* Palestine Authority Autonomous Area* Palestine Authority Autonomous Area* Palestine Authority Autonomous Area* Palestine Authority Autonomous Area* Palestine Authority Autonomous Area* Palestine Authority Autonomous Area* Palestine Authority Autonomous Area* Palestine Authority Autonomous Area* Palestine Authority Autonomous Area* Palestine Authority Autonomous Area* Palestine Authority Autonomous Area* Palestine Authority Autonomous Area* Palestine Authority Autonomous Area* Palestine Authority Autonomous Area* Palestine Authority Autonomous Area* Palestine Authority Autonomous Area* Palestine Authority Autonomous Area* Palestine Authority Autonomous Area* Palestine Authority Autonomous Area* Palestine Authority Autonomous Area* Palestine Authority Autonomous Area* Palestine Authority Autonomous Area* Palestine Authority Autonomous Area* Palestine Authority Autonomous Area* Palestine Authority Autonomous Area* Palestine Authority Autonomous Area* Palestine Authority Autonomous Area* Palestine Authority Autonomous Area* Palestine Authority Autonomous Area* Palestine Authority Autonomous Area* Palestine Authority Autonomous Area* Palestine Authority Autonomous Area* Palestine Authority Autonomous Area* Palestine Authority Autonomous Area* Palestine Authority Autonomous Area* Palestine Authority Autonomous Area* Palestine Authority Autonomous Area* Palestine Authority Autonomous Area* Palestine Authority Autonomous Area* Palestine Authority Autonomous Area* Palestine Authority Autonomous Area* Palestine Authority Autonomous Area* Palestine Authority Autonomous Area* Palestine Authority Autonomous Area* Palestine Authority Autonomous Area* Palestine Authority Autonomous Area* Palestine Authority Autonomous Area* Palestine Authority Autonomous Area* Palestine Authority Autonomous Area* Palestine Authority Autonomous Area* Palestine Authority Autonomous Area* Palestine Authority Autonomous Area* Palestine Authority Autonomous Area* Palestine Authority Autonomous Area* Palestine Authority Autonomous Area* Name of supplier Arab Company For Wood Sharbain’s Bookshop Al-baian Co. Al-salam Medical Services Sport King Co. Dar El-manara Bookshop Golden Wheat Mills Plc. Al Raha Industrial & Trading C Zakout For Metal Works Zakout For Metal Works Modern Industrial Group Ghatasheh Technology & Investm Cmc Jerusalem Medipharm Company Ltd. Modern Industrial Group Muian Hamdouna For General Tra Qwaider For General Trading Co Mohammad Sa’id Hasan Shehada Sport King Pc World Company Ltd. Bahloul & Salah Co. For Petrol Copy Max Co. Holly Land Medical Modern (Hom A/Fattah Hasan Safi & Sons Co Al-nahda Bookshop Amie Al-mimi Center For Wood . Mohammad Sa’id Hasan Shehada Ashraf El-qudeiri Institute Fo Al-baian Co. Birzeit Pharmaceutical Compan Jamal Sons Telecom Computer Sy Zant Co. Medical Supplies & La Jamal Sons Telecom Computer Sy El-haj Ishaq Amassi Sons Co. Public Market Establishment Bahloul & Salah Co. For Petrol Chempal Co. For General Tradin Dar El-manara Bookshop Al- Mashreq Trading Company Bci For Communication & Advanc Hirbawi Investment & Intr Trad Al-ghusain Co. Al Madani Bros Factory Royal For Office Furniture Sto Dajani Company Tarek Z.r. Khalaf Copy Max Co. Ramadan Hasan El-aydi Samir Mansur Bookshop A/Hakim Ismail Company I T Partners Intermed Company Khatib & Anbar Co. Sport King Yahya Ahmed Al-jarro Al- Mashreq Trading Company Amer Co., Indust., Trad. & Con Modern Coling House Air Condit Technical Engineering Applicat El-qubti Electronic Medipharm Company Ltd. Sport King Co. Various Donors Al-saqqa Electrical Equipments Bci Distances Disappear Sports World Abed Ulayyan El-shamali Jerusalem Pharmaceuticals Co. Hirbawi Investment Int. Trade Ashraf El-qudeiri Institute Fo Ministry Of Health Palest. Nat Modern Coling House Air Condit Hassouneh For Building Materials Dispomed El-qubti Electronic Bci Distances Disappear Mohammad Omar Sousi General Tr International Drug Store Co. L Abed Ulayyan El-shamali Al-yassini Furniture Abu Watfa Press Star Nation Co. Al-sarisi Company Cmc Jerusalem Al Fiha’a Engineering Cont.& Hirbawi Investment Int. Trade Lemix Co. Ltd. Dulux Co. C/O Mohammad El-shar C.m.c - Computer Media Center Global Tec For Training & Comp Al-rewaq Co. Network Medical Systems Compan Akram Sbitany & Sons Co. Al-ghusain Co. Hassouneh For Industrial Mater Computer & Communication Syste Areej Al Zohour Investment Co. Unicef Jumbo Trading Akram Sbitany & Sons Co. Description of goods (equipment) Total Cost (USD) Misc.-timber Misc. Non-cat. Ref. & Library Books Misc.-timber Chemicals. Sport Clothing Misc. Non-cat. Ref. & Library Books Flour Misc.-sundry Supplies Furniture Equipment Ventillation And Aircond. Misc.-timber Equipment Office Equipment Computer Misc.-drugs Acting On The Skin Furniture Misc.-sundry Supplies Misc.-sundry Supplies Supplemental And Fresh Food Textiles Misc.-communication Equipment Lubricants Equipment Office Misc.-general Diagnostic Instr. Misc.-hardware Supplies/Bolts,Nuts Misc.-office Stationary Misc.-disposable Syringes,Needles, Timber & Construction Supplies Bread Equipment Ventillation And Aircond. Equipment Warehousing, Tarpulins Misc. Non-cat. Medical Supplies Misc.-computers Equipment Laboratory Equipment Computer Misc.-office Stationary Blankets Gas Oil Misc.-general Diagnostic Instr. Misc. Non-cat. Supplies Misc.-computer Consumable Supplies Equipment Communications Office Stationery Misc.-hardware Supplies/Bolts,Nuts Equipment Warehousing, Tarpulins Equipment Furniture Furniture Misc.-computer Consumable Supplies Misc.-sundry Supplies Misc. Non-cat. Ref. & Library Books Equipment Ventillation And Aircond. Misc.-computer Consumable Supplies Misc.-general Diagnostic Instr. Equipment Ventillation And Aircond. Misc.-sport Clothing Misc.-office Stationary Equipment Office Equipment Garage, Auto-mechanic And Misc.-ventilation &Air Conditioning Equipment Electronics Misc.-office Equipment Equipment Misc.-sport Clothing Equipment Office Equipment Ventillation And Aircond. Equipment Communications Misc.-sport Clothing Supplemental And Fresh Food Drugs Acting On The Skin. Protective Clothing Misc.-electrical Supplies Vaccines And Immunological Products Equipment Ventillation And Aircond. Misc. Non-cat. Supplies Misc.-kits & Reagents Equipment Office Misc.-communication Equipment Misc.-hardware Supplies/Bolts,Nuts Misc.-antibacterial Drugs Bread Furniture Printed Forms Equipment Cosmetic, Hairdressing & Misc.-handicraft Supplies Misc.-computers Equipment Domestic (Household) Sport Clothing Equipment Laboratory Timber & Construction Supplies Misc.-office Stationary Equipment Office Equipment Ventillation And Aircond. Misc.-assorted Items Equipment Domestic (Household) Equipment Fire Fighting And Safety Hardware Supplies Steel Etc Equipment Computer Misc.-handicraft Supplies Equipment Communications Misc.-electronics Equipment Misc. Non-cat. Supplies 174,321.34 171,947.18 170,625.84 162,061.34 160,247.09 155,870.93 146,227.95 143,227.71 140,951.86 139,544.85 136,640.96 133,938.82 130,633.10 128,655.10 125,196.43 119,664.27 118,433.19 115,341.34 112,938.35 112,639.85 107,891.40 107,822.57 103,008.12 99,436.83 96,965.18 96,793.81 94,004.16 93,056.34 92,569.06 92,387.02 91,940.12 87,790.06 87,600.80 87,268.63 85,356.12 80,741.84 80,153.45 73,674.91 71,344.92 70,681.33 69,159.15 65,367.80 65,209.85 64,306.79 63,248.41 61,762.58 61,326.90 60,817.28 59,372.31 59,372.31 58,500.00 57,754.00 57,413.92 56,250.00 56,151.09 55,116.53 54,981.88 54,720.48 54,644.24 54,404.67 54,287.73 53,892.09 53,827.40 53,255.00 52,673.65 52,176.52 50,996.98 49,198.68 48,199.28 48,079.20 47,385.87 46,694.46 45,916.42 45,782.56 45,341.97 45,112.92 44,937.19 44,687.12 44,404.43 44,386.49 43,760.37 42,400.08 42,270.79 41,780.51 41,605.87 41,490.27 41,200.10 40,517.50 39,009.48 36,428.93 35,794.27 34,200.00 34,139.30 33,701.29 33,171.92 33,092.56 32,737.38 32,438.22 31,971.44 31,094.14 30,906.52 159,120.99 Portugal Atral Antibacterial Drugs Spain Spain Biosystems Biosystems Equipment Medical And Physiotherapy Kits And Reagents. Sweden Sweden Volvo Truck Corporation Hemocue Ab Vehicles Kits And Reagents. 119 81,085.17 54,210.17 144,897.12 39,576.22 Major Equipment ordered by Agency during 2006 (Orders of USD 30,000 or more) Agency / Location of Procurement Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) Total Cost (USD) UNRWA cont. Syrian Arab Rep. Syrian Arab Rep. Syrian Arab Rep. Syrian Arab Rep. Syrian Arab Rep. Syrian Arab Rep. Syrian Arab Rep. Syrian Arab Rep. Syrian Arab Rep. Syrian Arab Rep. Syrian Arab Rep. Annas Al-harash Co. General Est.for Printed & Txt Wafa Syringe Company Ministry Of Health, Sar Mahrokat (Government) Mahrokat (Government) Wa’el Taher Auodeh Mohd. Munzer Al Hafez Fayes Nimer Nassar Antoun Basheer Affaki Unicef- (Syria) Misc. Non-cat. Supplies Misc. Non-cat. Text Books Disposable Syringes Needles Cannula Vaccines And Immunological Products Benzine Gas Oil Misc. Non-cat. Gaz Oil Equipment Ventillation And Aircond. Furniture Equipment Disposable Syringes Needles Cannula 487,764.86 275,795.46 178,663.00 111,565.80 108,034.95 107,477.49 73,889.23 35,984.83 35,343.33 34,466.86 30,534.00 Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Kucukbay Yag Ve Deterjan Sanay Arbel Marmara Un Sanayi Anonim Sirke Hidiroglu Gida San. Ve. Tic. L Memisoglu Tarim Tic. Bafra Eris Un Yem Gida San. Ve Arbel Turkish Government Donations Temeller Gida San. Ve Tic. Ltd Memisoglu Tarim Tic. Doruk Una Deger Katma Gida San Mersin Un Sanayi Ve Ticaret Lt Tecimer Ltd Shimadzu Oils Pulses Flour Flour Pulses Flour Sugar Flour Flour Rice Flour Flour Protective Clothing Equipment Medical And Physiotherapy 5,348,890.99 3,362,433.34 3,229,702.07 2,966,814.82 1,943,002.90 1,564,693.42 1,472,163.74 1,051,879.89 996,179.00 395,800.76 360,155.16 268,105.00 61,542.44 40,054.00 United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates Gulf Pharmaceutical Industries Becton Dickinson Int’l Gulf Pharmaceutical Industries Anaesthetics. Disposable Syringes Needles Cannula Drugs Acting On The Skin. 2,081,941.30 448,661.46 169,442.00 United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom Peters Commodities Limited Durbin Plc. Htspe Ltd Labquip Projects Limited Greenham Export Optimum (Uk) Ltd. Quayle Dental Mfg. (Export)Co. Pulses Drugs Acting On The Gastro Intestin Drugs Acting On The Endocrine Sys.& Equipment Domestic (Household) Protective Clothing Misc.-laboratory Equipment Burs. 691,448.54 170,946.56 136,694.00 102,099.54 69,619.11 39,931.31 36,707.24 United States of America United States of America Planson International Corporat Boaleeco Computer Software Equipment Generators, Pumps And WFP Afghanistan N/A Food 569,960.00 Argentina N/A Food 10,449,187.18 Armenia N/A Food 1,382,065.31 Australia N/A Food 1,350,055.50 Austria N/A Food 173,720.00 Azerbaijan N/A Food 689,140.00 Bangladesh N/A Food 781,972.02 Belgium N/A Food 21,975,275.50 85,105.00 33,072.00 Belize N/A Food 62,278.00 Benin N/A Food 1,708,353.20 Bhutan N/A Food 565,248.15 Bolivia N/A Food 4,167,713.90 Botswana N/A Food 12,400.00 Brazil N/A Food 3,480,043.78 Bulgaria N/A Food 995,504.00 Burkina Faso N/A Food 5,648,425.02 Cambodia N/A Food 5,389,382.90 Cameroon N/A Food 1,676,503.38 Canada N/A Food 32,532,091.16 Central African Rep. N/A Food 58,188.00 Chad N/A Food 322,791.52 China N/A Food 4,365,536.38 Colombia N/A Food 6,674,031.51 Côte d'Ivoire N/A Food 1,619,043.66 Cuba N/A Food 1,274,002.41 Dem.Rep.Congo N/A Food 925,042.20 Denmark N/A Food 8,083,845.77 Ecuador N/A Food 28,006,025.67 Egypt N/A Food 2,927,298.04 El Salvador N/A Food 87,516.09 Ethiopia N/A Food 37,011,737.12 11,746,924.95 France N/A Food Gambia N/A Food 7,838.13 Germany N/A Food 4,228,335.66 Ghana N/A Food 1,733,918.89 Guatemala N/A Food 5,621,512.66 Honduras N/A Food 7,951,503.90 India N/A Food 15,721,528.17 Indonesia N/A Food 22,511,962.48 120 Major Equipment ordered by Agency during 2006 (Orders of USD 30,000 or more) Agency / Location of Procurement Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) Total Cost (USD) WFP cont. Italy N/A Food 13,306,150.46 Japan N/A Food 14,425,222.07 Kazakhstan N/A Food 1,421,219.10 Kenya N/A Food 29,661,206.38 189,642.82 Laos N/A Food Lebanon N/A Food 455,295.53 Lesotho N/A Food 1,256,433.63 Malawi N/A Food 9,446,430.23 Malaysia N/A Food 17,061,398.95 2,448,405.81 Mali N/A Food Mauritania N/A Food 6,185.61 Mexico N/A Food 6,479,531.40 Morocco N/A Food 555,892.38 Mozambique N/A Food 7,439,410.04 3,287,538.89 Myanmar N/A Food Namibia N/A Food 1,868,992.95 Nepal N/A Food 16,475,059.10 Netherlands N/A Food 4,146,470.92 Nicaragua N/A Food 663,318.75 Niger N/A Food 154,624.02 Pakistan N/A Food 34,733,973.80 Palestinian Terr. N/A Food 15,741,840.93 Peru N/A Food 68,946.71 Philippines N/A Food 160,961.23 Russian Fed. N/A Food 14,930,206.07 Rwanda N/A Food 4,095,722.00 Senegal N/A Food 217,354.96 Somalia N/A Food 15,550.00 South Africa N/A Food 28,580,575.83 Sri Lanka N/A Food 3,233,262.75 Sudan N/A Food 8,693,784.19 Syria N/A Food 549,697.60 Tajikistan N/A Food 14,166.58 Tanzania N/A Food 8,583,805.90 Thailand N/A Food 2,154,071.70 Togo N/A Food 49,251.97 Turkey N/A Food 27,872,926.11 Uganda N/A Food 41,202,876.12 Ukraine N/A Food 2,980,774.87 United Kingdom N/A Food 983,438.50 Uruguay N/A Food 299,136.00 USA N/A Food 11,819,955.56 Vietnam N/A Food 3,642,172.25 Yemen N/A Food 385,030.87 Zambia N/A Food 4,719,288.09 121 Major Subcontracts placed by Agency during 2006 (Contracts of USD 30,000 or more) Agency/Location Procurement Name of supplier Description of services Total Cost (USD) ECLAC Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Central Restaur. Aramark Mult. Ltda. Sonda S.a. Prim Clima Ltda. Ingenieria Integral Fray Jorge S.a. Imac Ltda. Equant Chile S.a. Dimacofi S.a. Productora Grafica Andros Ltda. Logica S.a. Imprenta Salesianos S.a. Quintec Educacion S.a. Cleaning Services Pc Hardware Maintenance And Support Construction Services, N.e.c. Outdoor Areas And Trees Maintenance Building Maintenance And Repair N.e.c. Pc Hardware Maintenance And Support Office Equipment Leasing And Rentals Printing Services Pc Hardware Maintenance And Support Printing Services Technical Vocational Training 238,308.06 139,693.75 111,404.05 82,183.24 67,640.38 54,658.92 41,256.93 38,519.91 35,294.12 33,348.59 31,600.00 France Sodexho Chile S.a. General Management Services Mexico Jorge Manuel Acevedo Pc Hardware Maintenance And Support Trinidad and Tobago Trinidad and Tobago Trinidad and Tobago Maritime Life (Caribbean) Limited Carib-link Ltd. Citizen Security (1989) Ltd. Leasing Or Rental Services Communications Security Services 170,277.47 44,124.73 31,956.23 USA Xerox De Chile S.a. Data Processing Services 163,780.95 ESCAP Republic Of Korea Korea Rural Economic Institute Replication Of Best Pratics On Rural Community Development 170,000.00 ESCWA Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Solidere Solidere Assiyana Sarl Assiyana Sarl Star System Computer Information Systems Computer Information Systems Un- Escwa Building Operation And Manitenance Un- Escwa Building Operation And Manitenance Cleaning & Gardening Services Cleaning & Gardening Services Provision Of Concert Services Maintenance And Repair Services For It Equipment Maintenance And Repair Services For It Equipment 135,166.00 135,166.00 84,335.00 84,335.00 35,000.00 34,671.00 34,670.00 FAO Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghan Building Construction Company Afghan Sharq Construction Company Construction Of 5 Warehouses In Afghanistan Construction Of Warehouses In Afghanistan Austria International Atomic Energy Agency Iaea Commitment To Un Agency Iaea For Expenses Incurred On Behalf Of Joint Division Age In 2006 And Not Yet P Bangladesh Techno-foki (Bd) Limited Contract No. Tf/Bgd/Cpa 189055-2006/Fabgd - Refurbishment Of The Fpmu Premises In Dhaka Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Sita (Office In France) Sita (Office In France) Sita (Office In France) Centre Wallon De Recherches Agronomiques Cra-w Sita (Office In France) Hendyplan Sa/Nv Sita (Office In France) Global Telecom Service (Voice/Data Traffic) Global Telecoms Service (Voice/Data Traffic) For Contract No. Gf/Hqr/Cpa 91564-2000/Afit Global Telecomms Service - Voice/Data Traffic Quality Control Of Pesticide Formulations In Stock In Desert Locust Affected Countries Global Telecomms Service - Voice/Data Traffic Maintenance Of Troll Software Package Global Telecoms Service - Voice/Data Traffic 90,934.57 31,553.21 96,467.00 36,612.00 411,127.00 89,860.52 760,000.00 720,000.00 280,000.00 234,500.00 125,000.00 59,400.00 31,400.00 Brazil Deloitte Et Touche Local Auditing Services For Faor Brazil (Year 2006) Burkina Faso Geramhy Travaux D’amenagement Des 6 Bas-fonds Au Burkina Faso Canada Canada Canada Allstream It Services Allstream It Services Allstream It Services Systems Development Assistance Systems Development Assistance Systems Development Assistance Cape Verde Instituto Nacional De Engenharia Rural E Florestas Construction Et Equipement D’un Forage 297,605.26 Egypt Regional Observation Center (Roc) Data Integration And Analysis Tool For Environment And Natural Resources Assessment 363,400.00 France France France France Trans Helicoptere Service Sarp Industries/Veolia Propreté Tredi Sa Novacom Services Hiring Of 1 Helicopter For Desert Locust Survey/Spraying Operations In Mauritania For A Total Of 100 Hours Re-packaging, Centralization, Analysis, Transportation And Disposal Of Obsolete Pesticide Stocks Near Asunció Disposal Of Diflubenzuron Insecticide In Mali And Niger Satellite Data Reporting Project For Fao/Eclo Desert Locust Early Warning And Plague Prevention System: Eloc 315,000.00 75,392.60 68,400.00 46,308.19 Germany Germany Ksb Aktiengesellschaft Innenausbau Prott Rehabilitation Of Hutaman, Al-hussainiyah And Salman Pak Pumping Stations Wood Works For The Renovation Of The German Room Grenada Symbiosis Works For Lot Ii : 25 Fishermen Lockers In Gouyave, St. John Iraq Iraq Iraq Al-hadi Engineering Co (Ltd) Al Darraji Co For Construction Contracts Al Fijaj Company Rehabilitation And Construction Of Al Musseib Irrigation Scheme Modification And Renovation Of The Cottage Industries Training Centre At Al Qurna Modification And Renovation Of The Cottage Industries Training Centre At Nassiriyah Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Puli-coop Scarl Accenture Rinaldi Rinaldo Spa Hitrac Engineering Group Srl Dhl International Srl Poste Italiane Spa- Sede Lazio Vodafone Omnitel N.v. Xerox Noleggi Spa Gruppo Psc Spa Sda Logistica Srl Vodafone Omnitel N.v. Edisco Srl Softlab Spa Siram Spa Gloria Artec Srl Ayno Videoconferenze Srl Canon Italia Spa Colt Telecom Spa Enterprise Digital Architects Spa Xerox Spa Xerox Spa Hewlett Packard Italiana Spa Mitsa Srl Xerox Spa Zanzi Servizi Spa Gruppo Psc Spa Colt Telecom Spa Ocs Italia Srl Oracle Software (Switzerland) Gmbh Siram Spa Poste Italiane Spa- Sede Lazio Kone Spa Gruppo Psc Spa Kone Spa Telespazio Spa Gruppo Psc Spa Softlab Spa Oracle Software (Switzerland) Gmbh Hitrac Engineering Group Srl Softlab Spa World Food Programme Satyam Computer Services Gruppo Psc Spa Filenet Italy Srl Wind Telecomunicazioni Spa Gruppo Psc Spa Softlab Spa Cleaning, Portering, Gardening And Transport Services Accenture Hrms High-level Technical And Functional Support International Courier And Diplomatic Pouch Services Running And Maintenance Of The Air Conditioning International Courier And Diplomatic Pouch Services “Handling Of The Organization’s Mail And Distribution Services: Re-mailing” Mobile Telecommunication Services Installation And Renting Of Digital Duplicators In Internal Printing Payment For Outsourced Maintenance Services For 2006 (Estimate) - Ordinary Maintenance Works Handling Of The Organizations Publications Mobile Telecommunication Services La Trasformazione Di Due Uffici In Due Sale Riunioni Equipaggiate Con Sistemi Di Audio E Videoconferenza Systems Development Assistance Running And Maintenance Of A/C And Heating Supply And Installation Of Laboratory Furniture In Halhale, Eritrea La Trasformazione Di Due Uffici In Due Sale Riunioni Equipaggiate Con Sistemi Di Videoconferenza Rental Of Duplicating System Long Distance Telephone Calls - Least Cost Routing Supply Installation And Maintenance Of A Pabx System At Hqs Supply And Maintenance Of Multi-function Copiers/Printers Supply And Maintenance Of Multi-funcion Copiers/Printers Hewlett Packard Hardware Maintenance/Software Rental Maintenance Water Treatment Of Heating/Cooling Systems And Disinfection Of Airconditioning Systems Supply And Maintenance Of Multi-function Copiers/Printers Maintenance Of Electrical Installations And Fire Detection And Alarm Systems Ordinary Maintenance Works Long Distance Telephone Calls Handling Of The Organization’s Mail And Distribution Services: Remailing Un Agreement For Procurement Of Oracle Corp Licenses (Dbms And Applications Payment Of Running And Maintenance Of A/C And Heating Plants Handling Of The Organization’s Mail And Distribution Services Maintenance Of Lifts Ordinary Maintenance Works Maintenance Of Lifts Headquarter’s Raf Vsat Telecommunications Link Ordinary Maintenance Works Assistance In The Development And Maintenance Of The Computer And Communications Infrastructure Learning Management Trainee Perpetual Running And Maintenance Of Air Conditioning Assistance In The Development And Maintenance Of The Computer And Communications Infrastructure Memorandum Of Understanding To Cost Share Of Ta Support To Sadc Rvac 2006 High Level Functional And Technical Support For Hrms Project Ordinary Maintenance Works Filenet Licenses And Technical Support Long Distance Telephone Calls - Least Cost Routing Ordinary Maintenance Works Assistance In The Development And Maintenance Of The Computer And Communications Infrastructure 122 30,000.00 386,012.07 53,625.00 49,500.00 33,000.00 7,308,484.00 108,186.75 33,738.89 703,750.00 513,480.00 162,099.00 3,273,067.13 1,196,940.31 710,059.17 537,628.50 485,207.10 479,857.82 449,871.47 439,698.50 385,093.17 355,029.59 319,416.24 255,293.37 235,836.63 231,020.83 227,745.00 220,903.06 213,438.74 201,421.80 177,725.12 176,708.52 174,471.58 169,033.86 164,708.15 159,052.48 157,889.33 150,791.74 133,248.73 130,566.43 127,500.00 125,124.06 121,212.12 116,561.83 112,607.75 106,043.05 94,152.84 84,402.45 79,048.98 75,225.00 74,681.93 69,701.29 69,650.00 68,624.30 67,593.90 65,794.64 65,165.88 63,915.71 61,239.13 Major Subcontracts placed by Agency during 2006 (Contracts of USD 30,000 or more) Agency/Location Procurement Name of supplier FAO cont Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Sda Logistica Srl Cm Sistemi Spa Softlab Spa Siram Spa Softlab Spa Sas Institute Srl Gruppo Psc Spa Softlab Spa Gruppo Psc Spa Softlab Spa Gruppo Psc Spa Ecobyte Technology Srl Proge Software Srl Proge Software Srl Softlab Spa Softlab Spa Gruppo Psc Spa Siram Spa Computer Associates Spa Softlab Spa Hewlett Packard Italiana Spa Softlab Spa Getronics Solutions Italia Spa Colt Telecom Spa Cofathec Servizi Spa Itel Srl Poste Italiane Spa- Sede Lazio Softlab Spa Irdi Systems Srl Softlab Spa Rinaldi Rinaldo Spa Scarpellini Ivo Softlab Spa Softlab Spa Scarpellini Ivo Interoute Spa Edisco Srl Gruppo Psc Spa Softlab Spa Softlab Spa Rentex Spa Proge Software Srl Oracle Italia Srl Softlab Spa Softlab Spa Softlab Spa Softlab Spa Colt Telecom Spa Gruppo Psc Spa Gruppo Psc Spa Softlab Spa De Besi - Di Giacomo Spa Softlab Spa Softlab Spa Softlab Spa Softlab Spa Softlab Spa Proge Software Srl Handling Of The Organization’s Publications (Period November - December 2006) Pilot Project For Procurement Tracking System Using Microsoft Sql Server 2005 Analysis Services Systems Development Assistance Running And Maintenance Of A/C And Heating Plants Systems Development Assistance Rental/Maintenance Of Sas Products Ordinary Maintenance Works Systems Development Assistance Ordinary Maintenance Works Systems Development Assistance Ordinary Maintenance Works Maintenance Of Symantec Anti-virus And Ghost Software Po Covers 1st Year Of Amd Assistance In The Development-maintenance Of The Computer-communications Infrastructure Assistance In The Development And Maintenance Of The Computer And Communications Infrastructure Assistance In The Development And Maintenance Of The Computer And Communications Infrastructure Systems Development Assistance Ordinary Maintenance Works Running And Maintenance Of Air-conditioning And Heating Systems Purchase And Maintenance Of Ca Unicentre Serviceplus Service Desk Assistance In The Development And Maintenance Of The Computer And Communications Infrastructure Hardware Maintenance Service For Fao Computer Equipment Assistance In The Development And Maintenance Of The Computer And Communications Infrastructure Maintenance And Support Service For Two Years Dedicated Connection For Fao/Unep Pic Secretariat Maintenance Of Electrical System Assistance In The Development Maintenance Of The Computer/Communications Infrastructure Telex Service - Poste Italiane Systems Development Assistance Integrated Pedestrian Access Control System Systems Development Assistance Management Of Incoming And Outgoing Shipments Of Official Material Of The Organization Maintenance Of Catering (Bars And Kitchen) And Commissary Equipment Systems Development Assistance Assistance In The Development And Maintenance Of The Computer And Communications Infrastructure Maintenance Of Catering Bars And Kitchen And Commissary Equipment Fao Internet Connectivity Services Assistance In The Development And Maintenance Of The Computer And Communications Infrastructure Ordinary Maintenance Works Systems Development Assistance Systems Development Assistance Roller Towel And Entrance Mats Distribution Assistance In The Development And Maintenance Of The Computer And Communications Infrastructure Umbrella Contract For Oracle Consultancy Services Systems Development Assistance Systems Development Assistance Systems Development Assistance Systems Development Assistance Fao Internet Connectivity Services - 01.10.06-30.09.07 Ordinary Maintenance Works Ordinary Maintenance Works Assistance In The Development And Maintenance Of The Computer And Communications Infrastructure Computer Insurance Systems Development Assistance Systems Development Assistance Systems Development Assistance Systems Development Assistance Systems Development Assistance Assistance In The Development And Maintenance Of The Computer Communications Infrastructure Jordan Jordan Consolidated Consultants Engineering & Environment Consolidated Consultants Engineering & Environment Provision Of Consultancy And Supervision In Iraq Provision Of Consultancy And Engineering Services In Iraq Luxembourg Cae Aviation Sarl Training Of A Pilot In Pesticide Treatment/Locust Control Operations Mali Mali Mali Entreprise Emacots Sarl Entreprise G.d. Sarl Entreprise Emacots Sarl Réhabilitation Réhabilitation Travels 156,300.70 128,556.00 121,720.00 Mauritania Uncacem Rehabilitation 108,810.00 Mexico Pricewaterhousecoopers Local Auditing Services For Faor Mexico (Year 2006) Morocco Naciri & Associes Gln Assistance Juridique 52,508.75 New Zealand Gbs & Associates Ltd Contract With Gbs & Associates To Provide Computer Services 79,075.00 Pakistan Pakistan Af Ferguson And Co Af Ferguson And Co Local Audit Services In Fao Representation In Afghanistan Local Audit Services For The Faor Afghanistan (Amd To Cover 2006 Costs) 96,762.83 58,183.63 Description of services Total Cost (USD) 59,288.54 57,150.51 57,085.43 55,597.96 55,100.50 54,519.10 53,614.77 53,517.59 53,378.46 53,059.13 52,402.28 51,419.13 50,381.68 50,381.68 49,742.93 49,011.86 47,190.44 46,227.25 45,577.44 43,892.15 43,536.90 43,447.24 42,083.89 42,030.46 41,925.83 41,878.26 41,469.19 41,163.32 40,843.21 39,218.59 38,071.07 37,885.19 36,758.89 36,743.48 35,405.08 34,500.00 34,308.30 34,067.37 33,675.89 33,675.89 33,603.44 33,587.79 33,547.56 33,361.55 33,161.95 32,553.36 32,553.36 32,142.86 31,868.14 31,293.15 30,875.01 30,704.43 30,592.89 30,592.89 30,592.89 30,592.89 30,592.89 30,380.71 146,442.50 73,000.00 88,711.54 30,351.34 San Marino Karnak Sa Stationary And Office Supplies Service Senegal Ceres-locustox Pesticides Residue Analysis In Soil And Water Samples For Senegal, Mauritania, Chad, Mali And Niger 45,000.00 Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Ceynor Foundation Limited Neil Fernando & Co Pvt Ltd Boat And Boat Engine Repair Works Telephone Services 81,122.29 78,432.00 Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Icc Icc Icc Icc Kpmg Fides Mci Communications Switzerland Ag Icc Unep United Nations Environment Programme Allianz Suisse Provision Of Mainframe Service Os/390 Environment Provision Of Mainframe Service Os/390 Environment Provision Of Mainframe Service Os/390 Environment Provision Of Mainframe Service Os/390 Environment Fao/Human Resources/Payroll Project Quality Assurance Dedicated Tcp/Ip Connection Between Fao Hqs In Rome And Fao Premises In Bangkok, Thailand Provision Of Mainframe Service Os/390 Environment Provision Of Funds To Unep In Support Of The Mountain Partnership Secretariat Insurance Of Accompanied Personal Luggage Tunisia Tunisia Sogetraz Societe Generale Des Travaux Zrelli Entreprise Yahyaoui Boubaker Travel Travel United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom Veolia Es Uk Ltd Veolia Es Uk Ltd Environmental Research Group Oxford Institute For Animal Health Marsh Uk Ltd Marsh Uk Ltd Disposal Of Obsolete Pesticides In Ethiopia To Cover Abortive Costs Production Of Baseline Spatial Data For The Igal Livestock Policy Initiative World Reference Laboratory For Morbilliviruses Third Party Legal Liability Insurance (Premises/Vehicles) Fidelity Guarantee Insurance United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States Wildlife Conservation Society Allstream It Services Hewitt Associates Hugh Wood Inc Allstream It Services Allstream It Services Flying Tiger Aviation United Nations Hugh Wood Inc Implementation Of Project Activities Systems Development Assistance Annual Actuarial Review Of After-service Staff Benefits Plans For Rome-based Agencies Of The Un Cargo Insurance Systems Development Assistance Systems Development Assistance Training Of Three Senegalese Pilots Fao/Unseiac Invoice 2006 Subscriptions - Reimbursement To Dpi/Dh Library Cargo Insurance 123 710,059.17 330,082.00 190,373.00 179,056.00 172,734.00 144,628.10 118,800.00 85,529.00 60,000.00 39,737.50 46,374.05 43,954.20 1,455,536.80 99,816.95 98,625.00 61,000.00 59,422.50 50,700.00 173,117.00 141,900.00 87,675.00 80,000.00 69,300.00 49,500.00 45,000.00 41,790.50 40,000.00 Major Subcontracts placed by Agency during 2006 (Contracts of USD 30,000 or more) Agency/Location Procurement Name of supplier Description of services Total Cost (USD) IAEA Argentina Argentina Invap S.e. Invap S.e. Services, Construction Services, Construction 352,930.83 344,031.17 Armenia Haek-i Shinararutiun Cjsc Services, Installation 73,157.89 Australia Australia Australia Microanalytical Research Center - School Of Physics Unisearch/Unsw Scientific Advisory Services Pty Ltd Services, Construction Services, Technical Services, Feasibility Studies 46,773.23 41,300.00 33,399.79 Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Oce Österreich Ges.m.b.h. Capgemini Consulting Österreich Ag American Express Bank Ltd. Capgemini Consulting Österreich Ag Ing. Josef Schaffer G4s Security Systems Gmbh S&T Austria Gmbh Xerox Austria Gmbh Miklo Busunternehmen Dobrosavljevic Keg Miklo Busunternehmen Dobrosavljevic Keg Capgemini Consulting Österreich Ag Nr Neue Raumpflege Ges.m.b.h. & Co.kg Heimlich Gebäudereinigung Gmbh Computer Associates Int’l Ges.m.b.h. Xds Xtra Datensysteme Gmbh. At&Tglobal Network Services Austria Gmbh Arbyte Web Solutions Gmbh Punch Graphix International Nv. Schmidberger Elektro Ges.m.b.h. Xerox Austria Gmbh Crowne Plaza Vienna Datentechnik Gmbh T-systems Austria Gesmbh Reiter’s Supreme Hotel Management Resource Centre Syrch & Partner Informatik Kega Computer Associates Int’l Ges.m.b.h. Ernst & Young Wirtschaftsprüfungsmbh Lauggas Gmbh. Studio Objektiv Ges.m.b.h Tele2uta Telekommunication Gmbh Ansto Australian Nuclear Science & Danka Austria Gmbh Techwork Data Gmbh I-net Gmbh Atominstitut Der Österreichischen Global Knowledge Network Gmbh Printing Equipment Rental Computer Systems, Special Purpose Other Travel Agencies System Design And Development Technical Assistance And Advisory Services Security System Installation Hardware And/Or Software Maintenance And Repair Printing Equipment Rental Passenger Transport Passenger Transport Computer Programming Cleaning Services Cleaning Services Hardware And/Or Software Maintenance And Repair Pc Lan Based Applications Software Development Telecommunications Computer Applications System Design And Development Offset Printing Machines, Parts And Accessories Thereof Inspection And Testing Of Equipment Printing Equipment Lease Residence Rental Hardware And/Or Software Maintenance And Repair Technical Assistance And Advisory Services Residence Rental Specialised Management Training Software Application Packages Computer Related Services N.e.c. Auditing Laboratory Construction Work Office Equipment/Supplies Telecommunications Technical Assistance And Advisory Services Printing Equipment Rental Vendor-specific Software Support And Maintenance Technical Assistance And Advisory Services Technical Assistance And Advisory Services Technical Vocational Training, Other 538,810.16 465,311.03 421,612.65 410,936.84 204,198.47 173,477.95 168,080.75 162,101.57 149,231.62 134,043.55 132,487.31 102,827.76 99,491.63 74,447.40 71,173.47 60,527.79 50,592.89 49,689.44 45,165.39 44,008.73 43,486.01 40,628.78 39,949.11 39,031.81 38,265.31 38,071.07 36,890.65 36,641.22 35,967.86 35,429.32 33,627.57 33,432.06 33,316.58 33,090.33 32,307.69 31,055.90 30,739.80 Azerbaijan Azecolab Services, Research Vessel Hiring 53,777.50 Bosnia And Herzegovina Arcus D.o.o., Sarajevo Security System Installation 32,542.46 Brazil Luxor Hotel Regente Office Building Rental 50,400.00 Canada Ontario Hydro Surveillance/Control Systems, Other 43,026.32 China China Nuclear Energy Industry Corporation (Cneic) Services, Technical 94,135.00 Costa Rica Pinocho Del Sur S.a. Services, Feasibility Studies 33,000.00 Croatia Ekoteh Dozimetrija Co Radiation Protecti Radioactive Material Recovery 66,000.00 Czech Republic Czech Republic Czech Republic Czech Republic Czech Republic Czech Republic Skoda Js As Skoda Js As Nuclear Research Institute Rez Plc Nuclear Research Institute Rez Plc Nuclear Research Institute Rez Plc Nuclear Research Institute Rez Plc Services, Construction Services, Construction Services, Technical Services, Engineering Design Services, Technical Services, Technical 844,479.97 71,428.57 65,000.00 60,100.00 50,000.00 37,407.79 Finland Hci Productions Oy Hardware And/Or Software Maintenance And Repair France France Euriware Sa Stilo Sarl Databases Technical Assistance And Advisory Services 149,553.57 64,000.00 Georgia Scientists For Development Services, Technical 121,523.96 Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Dr. Neumann Beratungsbüro Open Text Gmbh - Ixos Software Gamma Service Recycling Gmbh Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe Microstrategy Gmbh Prosoft Krippner Gmbh Microstrategy Gmbh European Commission Vkta Rossendorf University Of Bremen Tüv Österreich Uba Unternehmungsberatung Gmbh Ufz Centre For Environmental Research Leipzig-halle Surveillance/Control Systems, Other Vendor-specific Software Support And Maintenance Services, Waste Conditioning Technical Vocational Training, Other Vendor-specific Software Support And Maintenance Information Transfer Hardware And/Or Software Maintenance And Repair Nuclear Materials Analysis Feasibility Studies, Systems Analysis Marine Environment Technical Studies Technical Assistance And Advisory Services Services, Sample Analysis 339,195.98 185,429.86 141,947.37 89,238.21 84,885.13 79,758.27 61,837.94 60,000.00 52,411.17 50,285.53 37,659.03 32,608.42 30,688.78 Hungary Kfki Atomic Energy Research Institute Services, Technical India India Larsen & Toubro Infotech Limited Datamatics Ltd. Technical Assistance And Advisory Services Technical Assistance And Advisory Services 545,695.65 413,065.55 Italy Italy Eurimage S.p.a Eurimage S.p.a Satellite Imagery Satellite Imagery 300,000.00 52,700.92 Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Mitsubishi Materials Techno Corporation Mitsubishi Materials Techno Corporation Mitsubishi Materials Techno Corporation Keio Plaza Hotel Tokyo Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute Hewlett Packard Aus/Ger/Jpn Kowa Electric Corporation Electrical/Mechanical Installation Work System Design And Development Software Application Packages Hotels Nuclear Materials Analysis Printing Equipment Maintenance And Repair Installation Of Machinery And Equipment 160,869.57 95,897.44 59,067.80 54,792.98 45,000.00 35,853.85 32,586.21 36,600.00 34,644.67 Monaco Monte-carlo Protection Security Services 174,454.29 Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Punch Graphix International Nv. Nucletron International B. V. Nucletron International B. V. Nucletron International B. V. Printing Equipment Rental Services, Maintenance Services, Maintenance Services, Training 943,168.08 97,934.21 47,363.16 37,598.68 Poland Agh - University Of Science And Technology Services, Sample Analysis 30,526.32 Romania Gmb Computers Srl Installation Of Machinery And Equipment Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Research And Development Company Sosny Plc Research And Development Company Sosny Plc Fsue “Sri Sia “Luch” Fsue “Sri Sia “Luch” Research And Development Company Sosny Plc Research And Development Company Sosny Plc Research And Development Company Sosny Plc Services, Technical Services, Technical Services, Technical Services, Transportation Services, Technical Services, Transportation Services, Transportation 124 62,532.46 2,839,685.04 1,014,314.96 898,497.54 552,283.19 475,000.00 465,604.00 349,999.60 Major Subcontracts placed by Agency during 2006 (Contracts of USD 30,000 or more) Agency/Location Procurement Name of supplier Description of services Total Cost (USD) IAEA cont. Russian Federation Russian Federation Federal State Unitary Enterprise Vniiaes - All-russian Institute For Nuclear Power Plant Oper Technical Assistance And Advisory Services Services, Technical 235,914.70 120,230.00 Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Vniiaes - All-russian Institute For Nuclear Power Plant Oper Laboratory For Microparticle Analysis Jsc “Techsnabexport” Jsc “Techsnabexport” Services, Construction Nuclear Materials Analysis Installation Of Machinery And Equipment Industrial Nucleonic Flow Measuring System 88,308.00 45,000.00 39,500.00 32,720.00 Slovenia Iedc - Bled School Of Management Services, Training Spain Colegio Oficial De Físicos De España System Design And Development 95,857.14 Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Xinexus Nuclear Ag Shl Uk Ltd. Xinexus Nuclear Ag Convera Ges.m.b.h. Xinexus Nuclear Ag Eth - Eidgenoessische Technische Hochschule Zurich Vendor-specific Software Support And Maintenance Skills Development Software Licenses Hardware And/Or Software Maintenance And Repair Databases Services, Feasibility Studies 92,307.69 76,251.65 54,461.54 52,569.53 37,531.81 33,300.00 Ukraine Ukraine Closed Joint Stock Company United Nations Development Programme Installation Of Machinery And Equipment General Management Services 93,527.88 56,000.00 United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom Axios Systems Limited Ingenia Technology Limited British Nuclear Fuels Instruments Plc The Learning Laboratory Ltd Htspe Ltd. Agresso Ltd. Ingenia Technology Limited Croft Associates Ltd. United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority Iskra Mont D.o.o. Podgorica Software Application Packages Feasibility Studies, Systems Analysis Technical Assistance And Advisory Services Management Training Technical Assistance And Advisory Services Hardware And/Or Software Maintenance And Repair System Design And Development Containers, Radiation Shielded Nuclear Materials Analysis Security System Installation 266,521.03 129,879.50 128,914.29 124,990.48 70,956.52 66,726.78 57,397.96 47,980.47 40,000.00 38,444.77 United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States Air Force Technical Applications Center Canberra Albuquerque, Inc. Canberra Albuquerque, Inc. Canberra Albuquerque, Inc. Sword & Shield Enterprise Security, Inc. Aquila Technologies Group, Inc. Geoeye Talisam Tripod Technology Group, Inc. Ovid Technologies, Inc. Geoeye Canberra Albuquerque, Inc. Ut-battelle, Llc Media Training Worlwide Hoffman & Hoffman Public Relations Pointe Technologies Usda-ars Nuclear Materials Analysis Surveillance/Control Systems, Other Technical Assistance And Advisory Services System Design And Development Project Management Software System Design And Development System Design And Development Specialised Management Training Technical Assistance And Advisory Services Portable Data Logger Satellite Imagery Surveillance/Control Systems Nuclear Materials Analysis Professional Training Press Hardware And/Or Software Maintenance And Repair Services, Feasibility Studies 300,000.00 298,562.00 285,544.92 280,200.00 106,623.00 101,400.00 95,714.00 91,080.00 64,102.56 58,729.00 55,000.00 54,960.00 50,000.00 43,555.20 40,000.00 36,000.00 30,000.00 IAPSO Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Mahe (Kastrup, Denmark) Mahe (Kastrup, Denmark) Kuehne & Nagel (Denmark) Mahe (Kastrup, Denmark) Kuehne & Nagel (Denmark) Mahe (Kastrup, Denmark) Kuehne & Nagel (Denmark) Mahe (Kastrup, Denmark) Kuehne & Nagel (Denmark) Kuehne & Nagel (Denmark) Kuehne & Nagel (Denmark) Kuehne & Nagel (Denmark) Kuehne & Nagel (Denmark) Mahe (Kastrup, Denmark) Mahe (Kastrup, Denmark) Kuehne & Nagel (Denmark) Kuehne & Nagel (Denmark) Kuehne & Nagel (Denmark) Kuehne & Nagel (Denmark) Kuehne & Nagel (Denmark) Netdesign Mahe (Kastrup, Denmark) Kuehne & Nagel (Denmark) Kuehne & Nagel (Denmark) Kuehne & Nagel (Denmark) Kuehne & Nagel (Denmark) Kuehne & Nagel (Denmark) Kuehne & Nagel (Denmark) Kuehne & Nagel (Denmark) Kuehne & Nagel (Denmark) Kuehne & Nagel (Denmark) Mahe (Kastrup, Denmark) Kuehne & Nagel (Denmark) Mahe (Kastrup, Denmark) Kuehne & Nagel (Denmark) Mahe (Kastrup, Denmark) Kuehne & Nagel (Denmark) Kuehne & Nagel (Denmark) Kuehne & Nagel (Denmark) Mahe (Kastrup, Denmark) Kuehne & Nagel (Denmark) Kuehne & Nagel (Denmark) Kuehne & Nagel (Denmark) Kuehne & Nagel (Denmark) Kuehne & Nagel (Denmark) Kuehne & Nagel (Denmark) Kuehne & Nagel (Denmark) Kuehne & Nagel (Denmark) Kuehne & Nagel (Denmark) Kuehne & Nagel (Denmark) Kuehne & Nagel (Denmark) Mahe (Kastrup, Denmark) Kuehne & Nagel (Denmark) Kuehne & Nagel (Denmark) Mahe (Kastrup, Denmark) Kuehne & Nagel (Denmark) Kuehne & Nagel (Denmark) Kuehne & Nagel (Denmark) Kuehne & Nagel (Denmark) Kuehne & Nagel (Denmark) Mahe Freight (Billund) Kuehne & Nagel (Denmark) Kuehne & Nagel (Denmark) Kuehne & Nagel (Denmark) Kuehne & Nagel (Denmark) Kuehne & Nagel (Denmark) Mahe (Kastrup, Denmark) Kuehne & Nagel (Denmark) Mahe (Kastrup, Denmark) Mahe (Kastrup, Denmark) Kuehne & Nagel (Denmark) Freight Freight Freight Freight Freight Freight Freight Freight Freight Freight Freight Freight Freight Freight Freight Freight Freight Freight Freight Freight Freight Freight Freight Freight Freight Freight Freight Freight Freight Freight Freight Freight Freight Freight Freight Freight Freight Freight Freight Freight Freight Freight Freight Freight Freight Freight Freight Freight Freight Freight Freight Freight Freight Freight Freight Freight Freight Freight Freight Freight Freight Freight Freight Freight Freight Freight Freight Freight Freight Freight Freight 125 100,000.00 1,192,160.71 1,065,982.61 443,601.00 406,477.75 314,467.90 240,718.77 234,885.13 231,725.74 202,421.68 189,863.95 189,304.30 169,411.37 161,176.04 150,242.41 141,051.51 140,356.11 139,667.83 137,328.69 135,043.89 133,777.49 131,517.49 123,795.63 123,630.80 120,984.44 118,341.62 111,182.20 110,837.07 108,999.11 104,237.48 90,584.91 87,469.90 86,083.13 83,185.35 82,363.17 79,105.04 77,564.99 75,521.32 75,038.88 73,071.52 70,886.83 68,257.45 67,501.57 66,118.47 64,902.60 64,318.97 63,287.04 61,779.77 58,843.42 57,813.39 56,906.89 55,722.85 54,943.40 54,598.50 54,561.85 52,300.34 52,029.65 49,172.21 48,785.69 45,422.59 43,056.60 42,194.69 41,859.85 41,776.43 41,739.28 41,641.42 40,839.69 40,027.83 39,711.64 38,612.54 38,232.55 37,444.68 Major Subcontracts placed by Agency during 2006 (Contracts of USD 30,000 or more) Agency/Location Procurement Name of supplier Description of services Total Cost (USD) IAPSO cont. Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Kuehne & Nagel (Denmark) Kuehne & Nagel (Denmark) Kuehne & Nagel (Denmark) Kuehne & Nagel (Denmark) Kuehne & Nagel (Denmark) Freight Freight Freight Freight Freight 36,816.54 36,576.27 36,370.12 36,319.56 35,953.60 Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Kuehne & Nagel (Denmark) Kuehne & Nagel (Denmark) Kuehne & Nagel (Denmark) Kuehne & Nagel (Denmark) Kuehne & Nagel (Denmark) Mahe (Kastrup, Denmark) Mahe (Kastrup, Denmark) Kuehne & Nagel (Denmark) Kuehne & Nagel (Denmark) Mahe (Kastrup, Denmark) Kuehne & Nagel (Denmark) Kuehne & Nagel (Denmark) Kuehne & Nagel (Denmark) Kuehne & Nagel (Denmark) Kuehne & Nagel (Denmark) Kuehne & Nagel (Denmark) Kuehne & Nagel (Denmark) Mahe (Kastrup, Denmark) Kuehne & Nagel (Denmark) Kuehne & Nagel (Denmark) Mahe (Kastrup, Denmark) Kuehne & Nagel (Denmark) Kuehne & Nagel (Denmark) Kuehne & Nagel (Denmark) Freight Freight Freight Freight Freight Freight Freight Freight Freight Freight Freight Freight Freight Freight Freight Freight Freight Freight Freight Freight Freight Freight Freight Freight 35,753.25 35,551.61 34,524.89 34,381.95 34,309.12 34,291.83 34,009.59 33,958.90 33,928.65 33,923.08 33,279.72 33,051.54 32,815.02 32,698.90 32,642.12 32,628.96 32,352.48 32,314.84 31,569.69 31,178.62 31,154.77 30,447.75 30,354.39 30,081.78 India India India K&N/Bom,Ind K&N/Bom,Ind K&N/Bom,Ind Freight Freight Freight 182,178.12 182,178.12 31,028.59 Italy Co.ri.mec. Italiana S.p.a. Freight 317,708.41 Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Sgs Sgs Sgs Sgs Sgs Sgs Sgs Sgs Sgs Sgs Sgs Sgs Akkerman Proxy Proxy Freight Freight Freight Freight Freight Freight Freight Freight Freight Freight Freight Freight Microtunneling, Pipejacking, Tunnel boring Freight Freight 440,192.63 416,954.70 285,949.84 256,753.03 251,507.99 248,222.36 121,208.84 100,642.85 85,125.47 81,464.58 55,039.75 48,333.74 43,652.27 41,063.84 34,276.94 United Kingdom Sheargold Supply Services To The Sugar Industries 60,063.64 IFAD Armenia Alpha Plus Consulting Llc Consultancy 46,600.00 Egypt El-zanaty And Associates Consultancy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Nexse Srl Integra Solutions Srl Pricewaterhousecoopers Advisory The Ok Design Group Pride Spa ICT Consultancy ICT Consultancy Consultancy Consultancy ICT Consultancy 83,195.00 199,450.39 164,708.52 149,929.65 89,055.00 45,284.25 Nepal Sea Bass Software Ltd ICT Consultancy Switzerland Kpmg Advisory Spa Consultancy 181,575.08 74,563.74 United kingdom United kingdom Square One Resources Ltd Peacepath Consulting ICT Consultancy Consultancy 445,228.92 326,518.03 United States Oracle (Kef) ICT Consultancy 85,736.00 ILO Afghanistan Association Of Experts In Field Of Migration Research And Training 618,000.00 Argentina Argentina Italia Lavoro Argentina Universidad Nacional De General Sarmiento Construction/Rehabilitation Social Aspects 852,430.00 50,000.00 Australia Australia Asia Pacific Broadcasting Union Mtv Europe Foundation Videos/Communications Videos/Communications 140,000.00 100,000.00 Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Dhaka Ahsania Mission Resource Integration Centre Dhaka Ahsania Mission Social Aspects Social Aspects Social Aspects 313,854.00 293,341.00 89,756.00 Belarus National Endorsement For Democracy Social Aspects 80,000.00 Benin Benin Institut National De La Statistique Sœurs Unies A L’œuvre Study, Survey Social Aspects 158,475.00 59,965.00 Botswana Social Welfare & Development Services Ltd Social Aspects 55,698.00 Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Ciranda Central De Notìcias Dos Direitos Da Infância E Adolescência Açao Social Arquidiocesana Caritas Diocesana De Penedo Associaçao Joao Paulo Ii Uniao Brasileira De Educaçao E Ensino/Instituto Marista De Solidariedade Fundacao De Apoio A Pesquisa E Extensao Instituto Nacional De Prevençao E Erradicaçao Do Trabalho Infantil Social Aspects Social Aspects Social Aspects Social Aspects Social Aspects Report, Survey Social Aspects 189,474.00 113,115.00 112,180.00 101,552.00 96,339.00 59,634.00 42,040.00 Burkina Faso Burkina Faso Burkina Faso Burkina Faso Le Ministère De L’action Sociale Et De La Solidarité Nationale Association Tin Tua Association Etre Comme Les Autres Terre Des Hommes Social Aspects Social Aspects Social Aspects Social Aspects 120,000.00 87,958.00 60,000.00 35,927.00 Burundi Conseil Pour Le Développement Intégré Social Aspects 201,000.00 Cambodia Cambodia Cambodia Cambodia Cambodia Cambodia Cambodia Cambodia Cambodia Provincial Department Of Labour Municipal Department Of Labour And Vocational Training, Phnom Penh Municipal Department Of Labour And Voc. Training The Mekong Private Sector Development Facility Municipal Department Of Labour & Vocational Training, Kep Provincial Department Of Labour And Vocational Training Provincial Department Of Labour & Vocational Training, Siem Reap Cambodian Federation Of Employers And Business Associations Cambodian Children & Handicap Dev. Social Aspects Social Aspects Social Aspects Micro/Small Enterprise Development Social Aspects Social Aspects Social Aspects Social Aspects 225,730.00 202,348.00 183,647.00 135,000.00 114,992.00 102,000.00 99,940.00 82,859.00 36,574.00 Cameroon Cameroon Ong Maeva - Sev Association Noah’s Ark Social Aspects Social Aspects 126 46,407.00 34,743.00 Major Subcontracts placed by Agency during 2006 (Contracts of USD 30,000 or more) Agency/Location Procurement Name of supplier Description of services Total Cost (USD) ILO cont. China China China China China China Equal Step Centre General Office To Hunan Committee Office Of Henan Anhui Provincial Women’s Federation Guangdong Working Committee On Children & Women General Office Jiangsu Provincial Women’s Federation Social Aspects Social Aspects Social Aspects Social Aspects Social Aspects Social Aspects 88,771.00 51,631.00 48,171.00 47,972.00 44,438.00 44,160.00 Colombia Colombia Rep Grey Worldwide Sa Video Movil S.a. Social Aspects Social Aspects 92,000.00 55,000.00 Congo, Dem. Rep. Congo, Dem. Rep. Initiatives Congolaises Pour La Gestion Autonome Des Populations Centre D’impulsion Des Organisations Pour Le Developpement Social Aspects Social Aspects 76,400.00 47,400.00 Congo, P. Rep. Congo, P. Rep. Cooperazione E Sviluppo Groupe D’appui Aux Personnes Vulnérables Social Aspects Social Aspects 209,788.00 145,632.00 Costa Rica Costa Rica Costa Rica Costa Rica Costa Rica Centro De Estudios Y Capacitacion Familiar Asociacion De Justicia De Jutiapa Asociacion Quincho Barrilete Asociacion Coordinadora Nacional De La Mujer Instituto De Promocion Humana Inprhu-esteli Social Aspects Social Aspects Social Aspects Social Aspects Social Aspects 60,000.00 45,000.00 40,000.00 37,300.00 34,862.00 104,281.00 Cote d'Ivoire Direction De La Reglementation Et De La Protection - Drp Social Aspects Dominican Republic La Agencia Latino Americana De Expertos En Planificacion Aleph Study, Survey 30,087.00 Ecuador Ecuador Asociacion Nacional De Productores De Flores Fundación Nuestros Jóvenes Social Aspects Social Aspects 200,000.00 164,741.00 El Salvador El Salvador La Fundación Del Azúcar Catholic Relief Services Social Aspects Social Aspects 42,000.00 40,000.00 Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopian Federation Of Persons With Disabilities Confederation Of Ethiopian Trade Unions Ethiopian Employers Federation Ministry Of Labour And Social Affairs, Government Of Ehtiopia Social Aspects Social Aspects Social Aspects Social Aspects 40,000.00 30,000.00 30,000.00 30,000.00 France France France Ism Corum Dynetcom Sas Ritzenthaler Report, Survey Vendor-specific Software Support And Maintenance Security Installations Maintenance And Repair 175,544.00 48,768.88 36,850.06 Germany Germany Germany Bundesministerium Fur Gesundheit Bundesministerium Fur Arbeit Und Soziales Stellent Gmbh Research/Study/Training Study, Survey Economics, Statistics, Feasibility, Technical And Other General Studies 187,000.00 145,000.00 43,228.54 Ghana Ghana Ghana Ghana Ghana Ghana Ghana Ghana Ghana Ghana Ghana Ghana Ghana Ghana Ghana Center For Rural Enterprise Development Network For Community Planning & Developent Parent And Child Foundation International Needs Ghana Ghana Police Service General Agricultural Union Volta Care Organisation Legal Resource Center Royals Health Organisation General Agricultural Workers Union Fishing Charity Care Foundation Mission For Hope For Society Foundation Fit Ghana Partners In Development Centre For Community Studies, Action And Development Social Aspects Social Aspects Social Aspects Social Aspects Social Aspects Social Aspects Social Aspects Social Aspects Social Aspects Social Aspects Social Aspects Social Aspects Social Aspects Social Aspects Social Aspects 96,816.00 69,656.00 65,926.00 62,118.00 56,690.00 54,334.00 45,836.00 39,993.00 38,424.00 37,237.00 34,520.00 33,889.00 33,783.00 33,000.00 30,000.00 Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Ministerio De Trabajo Cooperación Al Desarrollo Centro Ecuménico De Integración Pastoral Social Aspects Social Aspects Social Aspects 93,483.00 71,985.00 46,616.00 Honduras Honduras Movimondo Molisv - Honduras Casa Alianza De Honduras Social Aspects Social Aspects 141,325.00 90,000.00 India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India Hyderabad District Child Labour Project Society Delhi Child Labour Rehabilitation Cum Welfare Society Bidar District Child Labour Rehabilitationb Society Andhra Pradesh School Education Society Child Labour Welfare Society, Ferozabad Hyderabad District Society National Child Labour Project Society Chamarajnagar The Kurnool District Society For The Rehabilitation Of Child Labour Mahabubnagar District Society Mahabubnagar District Society Kurnool Distric Society The Andhra Pradesh Civil Society Organizations’ Cso Centre For Entrepreneurship Development Madhya Pradesh Anna Institute Of Management Indus Bal Sharmik Pariyojna Samiti, Katni Bal Shram Unmoolan Janad Samiti, Moradabad Andhra Pradesh Federation Of Trade Unions Consortium Of Employers’associations Child And Police Bal Shram Unmoolan Janpad Samiti Jila Bal Shram Unmoolan, Sagar Kanchi Nation Child Labour Proj. Kanchipuram V.v. Giri National Labour Institute Bidar District Child Labour Rehabilitation Society Centre For Research & Industrial Staff Perfor. Yashada Namakal Child Labour Abolition Support Society, Namakal Kanchi National Child Labour Project Tiruvallur Child Laboour Abolition Tiruvallur Child Labour Abolition Rehabilitation And Education Society Prasar Bharati Bal Kamgar Punarvasan Prakalp Sanstha Child Labour Rehabilitation Cum Welfare Society National Child Labour Proj. Society, Chamrajnagar Yashawantrao Chavan Academy Child Labour Elimination & Rehab. Society Bidar District Child Labour Rehabilitationb Society Child Labour Welfre Society, Ferozabad Rajya Bal Shram Sansadham Kendra Bal Shram Unmoolan Kanpur Nagar National Child Labour Project Society Chamarajnagar Centre For Media And Alternative Communication Social Aspects Social Aspects Social Aspects Social Aspects Social Aspects Social Aspects Social Aspects Social Aspects Social Aspects Social Aspects Social Aspects Social Aspects Social Aspects Social Aspects Social Aspects Social Aspects Social Aspects Social Aspects Social Aspects Social Aspects Social Aspects Social Aspects Study, Survey Social Aspects Social Aspects Social Aspects Social Aspects Social Aspects Social Aspects Social Aspects Videos/Communications Social Aspects Social Aspects Social Aspects Social Aspects Social Aspects Social Aspects Social Aspects 666,667.00 395,943.00 360,537.00 333,333.00 260,078.00 259,156.00 256,861.00 222,222.00 222,222.00 204,429.00 203,083.00 200,000.00 200,000.00 179,865.00 169,134.00 147,182.00 146,096.00 136,126.00 105,769.00 102,512.00 100,000.00 100,000.00 96,949.00 89,935.00 86,241.00 85,781.00 85,487.00 85,487.00 85,487.00 79,798.00 72,057.00 66,981.00 61,380.00 61,242.00 60,970.00 59,391.00 58,132.00 53,175.00 50,332.00 43,352.00 42,547.00 37,578.00 Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia United Nations Development Programme Atmajara Catholic University Education Department Of Nias Education Department Of Nanggroe Aceh Directorate Of Special Education - Minsitry Of National Education Education Department Nad Sub Directorate Basic Education Cv. Jasa Beurrata Ministry Of Social Welfare Of Nanggroe Aceh Hotline Surabaya Foundation Bidding Process Badan Koordinasi Himpunan Mahasiswa Islam Yayasan Anak Bangsa Social Aspects Social Aspects Social Aspects Social Aspects Social Aspects Social Aspects Construction/Rehabilitation Social Aspects Social Aspects Construction/Rehabilitation Construction/Rehabilitation Social Aspects Social Aspects Social Aspects Videos/Communications 127 1,466,523.00 84,632.00 75,119.00 75,119.00 58,259.00 54,220.00 53,422.00 52,279.00 51,628.00 50,000.00 44,956.00 42,944.00 Major Subcontracts placed by Agency during 2006 (Contracts of USD 30,000 or more) Agency/Location Procurement Name of supplier ILO cont. Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia The Directorate Of Labour Inspection Norms On Women And Children Social Aspects Yayasan Cinta Anak Bangsa Social Aspects Perkumpulan Keluarga Berencana Indonesia Social Aspects Ministry Of Religious Affairs Asahan District Social Aspects Ministry Of Religious Affairs Social Aspects Smartfm Videos/Communications Mr. Aziz Financial And Social Services The Center For Women’s Resource Development - Pusat Pengembangan Sumber Social Aspects Persatuan Guru Republik Indonesia Tanjung Balai Social Aspects 40,515.00 39,783.00 37,240.00 33,032.00 33,032.00 33,000.00 32,169.00 32,142.00 31,855.00 Italy Italy Italy International Training Centre In Turin (Itc) International Training Center Turin International Training Centre In Turin (Itc) Training Web-site Development, Maintenance Printing, Publishing And Bookbinding 56,800.00 33,000.00 30,128.21 Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Department Of Statistics Of Jordan Department Of Statistics Of Jordan Jordanian Heshemite Fund For Human Development The Ministry Of Education Social Aspects Report, Survey Social Aspects Social Aspects 289,361.00 249,360.00 200,000.00 50,000.00 Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Anppcan Undugu Society Of Kenya Child Welfare Society Of Kenya Forum For African Women Educationalists Street Family Rehabilitation Trust Fund Kenya Alliance For Advancement Of Children Kenya Institute Of Education Federation Of Kenya Employers Solidarity With Women In Distress Kudheiha Kitui Development Center Undugu Society Of Kenya University Of Nairobi African Network For The Prevention Against Child Abuse And Neglect Center For Education, Population, Environment And Development Central Organization Of Trade Unions Kenya Quality Management For Sustainable Development Mathare Youth Sports Association Sinaga Women And Child Centre Social Aspects Social Aspects Social Aspects Social Aspects Social Aspects Social Aspects Social Aspects Social Aspects Social Aspects Social Aspects Social Aspects Social Aspects Social Aspects Social Aspects Social Aspects Social Aspects Social Aspects Social Aspects Social Aspects 245,313.00 231,743.00 160,003.00 152,800.00 123,507.00 122,135.00 88,317.00 87,565.00 86,374.00 85,767.00 71,227.00 70,000.00 67,763.00 61,449.00 58,632.00 55,431.00 49,764.00 42,924.00 34,025.00 Latin America and the Caribbean Bbc World Service Trust Videos/Communications 180,000.00 Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Municipality Of Tripoli Ministry Of Education & Higher Learning The Armenian Relief Cross Ministry Of Labour Social Aspects Social Aspects Social Aspects Social Aspects 133,350.00 129,342.00 117,205.00 102,100.00 Madagascar Madagascar Madagascar Madagascar Madagascar Madagascar Himo Batiments Himo Batiments Himo Batiments Fondation Terre Des Hommes Sos Villages D’enfants De Madagascar Himo Batiments Construction/Rehabilitation Construction/Rehabilitation Construction/Rehabilitation Social Aspects Social Aspects Construction/Rehabilitation 266,000.00 260,500.00 203,520.00 96,544.00 58,646.00 37,500.00 Mali Mali Ong Jekataanie Groupe De Recherche Pour Le Développement Au Mali Social Aspects Social Aspects 153,000.00 140,000.00 Moldova Moldova Labour Inspection Of The Republic Of Moldova Municipal Directorate For Child’s Rights Protection, Chisinau Social Aspects Social Aspects 81,875.00 81,873.00 Mongolia Mongolia Mongolia Mongolia Mongolia Mongolia Mongolia Governor’s Office Of Uvurkhangai Aimag Governor’s Office Of Bayankhongor Aimag Adolescents Development Centre Governor’s Office Of Dornod Aimag Mongolian Child Rights’ Centre National Statistical Office Of Mongolia Family Development Centre Social Aspects Social Aspects Social Aspects Social Aspects Social Aspects Social Aspects Social Aspects 78,659.00 77,020.00 68,495.00 60,145.00 54,987.00 47,170.00 35,851.00 Morocco Morocco Morocco Morocco Académie Regionale De L’education Et La Formation Du Gharb Chrarda Beni HsseSocial Aspects Ministère Du Plan Du Maroc Report, Survey Chambre D’artisanat De La Wilaya De Marrakech Social Aspects Association Marocaine De Soutien Aux Enfants En Situation Précaire Social Aspects 94,248.00 90,000.00 61,582.00 48,739.00 Namibia Design & Development Services Ltd Namibia Social Aspects 43,505.00 Nepal Nepal Nepal Nepal Sathsath Ministry Of Land Reform And Management Rural Reconstruction Nepal Creation Of Creative Society Social Aspects Social Aspects Social Aspects Social Aspects 60,326.00 58,299.00 42,347.00 30,503.00 Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Workers Federation Social Aspects Thardeep Rural Development Program Social Aspects Serhad Rural Support Programme Social Aspects National Rural Support Programme Research And Training First Women Bank Limited Social Aspects Skill Development Council, Lahore Social Aspects Employers Federation Of Pakistan Social Aspects Idara-e-taleem-o-aagahi Social Aspects Akida Management Consultants Research And Training Jobs Creating Development Society Social Aspects Paradise Environmental & Community Welfare Society Social Aspects Government Of The Punjab, Center For The Improvement Of Working Conditions ASocial Aspects Paradise Environmental & Community Welfare Society Social Aspects De Laas Gul Welfare Programme Social Aspects The Directorate Of Schools And Literacy Gonwfp Social Aspects Directorate Of Technical Education & Manpower Training Social Aspects Directorate Of Technical Education & Manpower Training Social Aspects Pakistan Pediatric Association Social Aspects Jobs Creating Development Society Social Aspects 194,069.00 140,000.00 132,295.00 126,000.00 108,000.00 98,000.00 97,984.00 85,980.00 63,000.00 62,617.00 60,337.00 60,000.00 52,929.00 50,524.00 48,000.00 47,555.00 45,000.00 43,181.00 35,437.00 Palestine Undp/Papp Social Aspects 230,000.00 Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Instituto Nacional De Estadística E Informática Fundacion Quimera Prosegur Compania De Seguridad Asociacion Ceapra Asociacion La Restinga Religiosas Maria Immaculada Centro Bartolome De Las Casas Asociacion Via Libre Instituto De Estudios Peruanos Centro De Capacitacion E Investigacion Pontificia Universidad Catolica Del Peru Research/Study/Training Social Aspects Social Aspects Social Aspects Social Aspects Social Aspects Social Aspects Social Aspects Report, Survey Social Aspects Social Aspects 309,818.00 213,050.00 125,000.00 104,434.00 83,481.00 80,713.00 80,708.00 79,762.00 70,000.00 64,203.00 33,983.00 Philippines Philippines Philippines Philippines Philippines Philippines Philippines Philippines Philippines Philippines Negros Occidental Institute For Rural Development Kamalayan Development Foundation Kamalayan Development Foundation, Inc. Education For Life Foundation Federation Of Free Workers Department Of Education - Bulacan Department Of Education Share A Child Movement, Inc. Center For Rural Development-cebu Provincial Government Of Negros Occidental Social Aspects Social Aspects Social Aspects Social Aspects Social Aspects Social Aspects Social Aspects Social Aspects Social Aspects Social Aspects Description of services 128 Total Cost (USD) 87,420.00 83,165.00 83,165.00 72,516.00 56,810.00 55,586.00 55,586.00 54,713.00 54,395.00 50,733.00 Major Subcontracts placed by Agency during 2006 (Contracts of USD 30,000 or more) Agency/Location Procurement Name of supplier Description of services Total Cost (USD) ILO cont. Philippines Philippines Philippines Philippines Philippines Philippines Philippines Kaugmaon Center For Children’s Concerns Foundation Lingap Pangkabataan Incorporated Stop Abuse Of Minors Association Quezon City Government Department Of Education Bishop Thibault Media Center Metsa Foundation Social Aspects Social Aspects Social Aspects Social Aspects Social Aspects Social Aspects Social Aspects 49,037.00 44,373.00 41,032.00 36,115.00 35,258.00 34,979.00 34,024.00 Russian Federation Russian Federation Leningrad Regional Exhibition Leningrad Regional Exhibition Region-expo Social Aspects Social Aspects 92,928.00 51,856.00 San Jose Muchachos Y Muchachas Con Don Bosco Social Aspects 65,950.00 Senegal Senegal Senegal Senegal Senegal Direction Nationale De La Promotion De L’enfant & De La Famille Enda Graf A.pro.fes. Direction De L’enseignement Elémentaire Direction De La Planification Et De La Réforme De L’education Social Aspects Social Aspects Social Aspects Social Aspects Social Aspects 90,000.00 57,973.00 55,549.00 42,237.00 41,243.00 Somalia Somalia Somalia Unops Unops Koosar Village Development Committee Social Aspects Construction/Rehabilitation Construction/Rehabilitation 1,321,160.00 1,321,160.00 65,000.00 South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa Performance Solutions Africa Tecl South Africa Children’s Rights Project, Community Law Centre, University Of Western Cape Meropa Communications Dynacon Consulting Engineers Nell And Shapiro The Imi Yomkhosi Trust Not Yet Selected Human Sciences Research Council Human Sciences Research Council Tecl Project Berea Home Of Hope Tecl Advocacy Research & Training Consultancy Micro/Small Enterprise Development Social Aspects Social Aspects Social Aspects Social Aspects Social Aspects Social Aspects Social Aspects Research/Study/Training Research And Training Report, Survey Social Aspects Social Aspects Research And Training 1,200,000.00 392,600.00 283,550.00 133,768.00 110,000.00 76,367.00 72,698.00 70,000.00 48,500.00 48,315.00 40,000.00 39,000.00 35,000.00 31,391.00 Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Jana Karaliya Theatre Company Mullai Economic Consultancy House Community And Technical Education Center Unops The National Child Protection Authority Valvuthayam (Caritas) Eastern Self-reliant Community Organization Institute Of Nursery And Gender Studies Porativupattu Pradesa Development Rehabilitation Organization Department Of Labour Imcap, University Of Colombo Research And Training Social Aspects Social Aspects Construction/Rehabilitation Social Aspects Social Aspects Social Aspects Social Aspects Social Aspects Social Aspects Report, Survey Sweden Ramboll Management Report, Survey Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Fondation Des Immeubles Pour Les Organisations Internationales Services Industriels De Geneve Cgc Dalkia Sa Cgc Dalkia Sa Oracle Software (Schweiz) Gmbh Iss Facility Services Iss Facility Services Mobiliere Suisse United Nations Office - Geneva Gardy Nt Sa Sps / Service Privee De Securite Danka Suisse S.a. Services Industriels De Geneve United Nations Office - Geneva Sharp Electronics (Schweiz) Ag Hts Suisse Cws Portales & Bonnet Ascenseurs Schindler S.a. Asc International House Apex Consulting Services Ascenseurs Schindler S.a. Nextiraone Yes Transports Sarl Association Ok Foret Novell Schweiz Ag Dps S.a. Asc International House Unilog Novell Schweiz Ag United Nations System Electronic Information Acquisition Consortium Ikon Office Solutions Ascenseurs Schindler S.a. Iss Facility Services Hts Suisse Sa United Nations Office - Geneva United Nations Office - Geneva Iss Facility Services Sas Institute Services Industriels De Geneve Sas Institute Avision Sa The International Cooperative Alliance Verizon Swisscom Solutions S.a. Asc International House Services Industriels De Geneve Videolink Ag Yes Transports Sarl Asc International House Dps S.a. E-secure Sarl Xerox Ag Xerox Ag Dell Computer S.a. Asc International House Sps / Service Privee De Securite Asc International House United Nations Office - Geneva Sro-kundig S.a. Sas Institute Allianz Suisse Assurances Danka Suisse S.a. Alpina Woud Sa Vtx Editel Sa Danka Suisse S.a. Novell Schweiz Ag Novell Schweiz Ag Vtx Editel Sa Sro-kundig S.a. Novell Schweiz Ag Novell Schweiz Ag Leasing Or Rental Services Public Utilities Conversion Category Building Maintenance And Repair N.e.c. Vendor-specific Software Support And Maintenance Building Maintenance And Repair N.e.c. Cleaning Services Insurance Services Leasing Or Rental Services Security Installations Maintenance And Repair Security Services Leasing Or Rental Services Public Utilities Leasing Or Rental Services Leasing Or Rental Services Study, Survey Public Utilities Building Maintenance And Repair N.e.c. Language Services Study, Survey Building Maintenance And Repair N.e.c. Building Maintenance And Repair N.e.c. Leasing Or Rental Services Building Maintenance And Repair N.e.c. Vendor-specific Software Support And Maintenance Leasing Or Rental Services Language Services Research And Training Vendor-specific Software Support And Maintenance Web-site Development, Maintenance Printing, Publishing And Bookbinding Building Maintenance And Repair N.e.c. Building Maintenance And Repair N.e.c. Building Maintenance And Repair N.e.c. Leasing Or Rental Services Leasing Or Rental Services Cleaning Services Vendor-specific Software Support And Maintenance Building Maintenance And Repair N.e.c. Vendor-specific Software Support And Maintenance Videos/Communications Research And Training Telecommunications Telecommunications Language Services Building Maintenance And Repair N.e.c. Photographic, And Similar Graphics Services Leasing Or Rental Services Language Services Leasing Or Rental Services Vendor-specific Software Support And Maintenance Leasing Or Rental Services Leasing Or Rental Services Micro-computers Language Services Security Services Language Services Leasing Or Rental Services Printing, Publishing And Bookbinding Operations, Maintenance And Support (It) Insurance Services Leasing Or Rental Services Security Installations Maintenance And Repair Telecommunications Leasing Or Rental Services Vendor-specific Software Support And Maintenance Vendor-specific Software Support And Maintenance Telecommunications Printing, Publishing And Bookbinding Vendor-specific Software Support And Maintenance Vendor-specific Software Support And Maintenance 129 305,505.00 95,986.00 65,000.00 64,178.00 63,276.00 57,851.00 49,228.00 38,276.00 32,588.00 32,279.00 30,000.00 316,176.00 2,961,840.00 1,600,000.00 1,347,123.36 1,346,147.20 439,892.89 357,200.16 357,200.00 340,469.12 310,500.00 260,000.00 233,528.80 212,524.80 199,520.16 198,820.00 172,261.92 166,150.00 161,520.00 148,106.06 143,708.96 135,000.00 121,046.00 116,232.00 114,280.00 110,400.00 106,853.40 102,480.00 94,464.00 93,894.00 87,712.24 86,553.00 86,400.00 83,041.60 82,041.60 80,416.00 76,543.00 71,204.00 68,800.00 66,000.00 62,981.36 61,145.04 59,000.00 57,851.00 57,600.00 57,560.00 56,224.00 53,956.12 53,432.00 50,376.00 48,784.00 48,206.11 47,000.00 46,088.00 46,088.00 46,016.00 44,688.00 44,185.52 42,624.00 41,672.00 41,600.00 40,856.00 40,722.60 40,640.00 40,317.36 38,544.00 38,400.00 38,280.00 37,839.20 37,219.20 37,197.60 37,004.00 36,442.56 Major Subcontracts placed by Agency during 2006 (Contracts of USD 30,000 or more) Agency/Location Procurement Name of supplier Description of services Total Cost (USD) ILO cont. Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland United Nations Office - Geneva Videolink Ag Asc International House Oracle Software (Schweiz) Gmbh Mb Environnement S.a. United Nations Office - Geneva Novell Schweiz Ag Siemens Suisse S.a. Apex Consulting Services Economics, Statistics, Feasibility, Technical And Other General Studies Photographic, And Similar Graphics Services Language Services Vendor-specific Software Support And Maintenance Building Maintenance And Repair N.e.c. Security Services Vendor-specific Software Support And Maintenance Building Maintenance And Repair N.e.c. Study, Survey Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Department Of Child Labour, Ministry Of Labour Provincial Depart. Of Labour Foundation For Child Development Program For Appropriate Technology In Health The Mirror Foundation Labour Rights Promotion Network Foundation Social Aspects Social Aspects Social Aspects Social Aspects Social Aspects Social Aspects 219,915.00 182,588.00 69,040.00 60,000.00 46,547.00 46,359.00 Togo Direction Regionale Du Developpement Social Des Plateaux Social Aspects 60,619.00 Trinidad & Tobago Heller Construction/Rehabilitation 40,000.00 Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkish Statistical Institution Hak-is Trade Union Confederation Metropolitan Minicipality Of Gaziantep Study, Survey Social Aspects Social Aspects 90,000.00 52,167.00 50,000.00 Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda Kids In Need Uganda Children Charity Foundation Uganda Youth Development Link Juveniles Welfare Services Child Restoration Outreach Uganda Youth Development Link Kids In Need Child Restoration Outreach Uganda Childrens’ Charity Foundation Social Aspects Social Aspects Social Aspects Social Aspects Social Aspects Social Aspects Social Aspects Social Aspects Social Aspects 66,500.00 64,500.00 63,782.00 47,560.00 45,393.00 33,872.00 33,812.00 30,000.00 30,000.00 Ukraine Ukraine Donetsk Youth Debate Center Uspishna Zhinka Social Aspects Social Aspects 90,454.00 49,099.00 United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom Bbc World Service Trust Rockhopper Tv Production Higher Institute For Labour Studies Stephenson & Associates Ltd. Stellent Videos/Communications Videos/Communications Report, Survey Web-site Development, Maintenance Web-site Development, Maintenance United Republic Of Tanzania United Republic Of Tanzania United Republic Of Tanzania United Republic Of Tanzania United Republic Of Tanzania Small Industries Development Organization Research On Poverty Alleviation Csi Installations Ltd Gender And Development Consultants Research On Poverty Alleviation Social Aspects Study, Survey Construction Social Aspects Social Aspects 85,000.00 69,140.00 65,000.00 34,978.00 31,310.00 United States United States United Nations - New York Yale University School Of Public Health Newspapers, Journals And Periodicals Report, Survey 86,553.52 30,000.00 Uruguay Italia Lavoro Uruguay Construction/Rehabilitation Viet Nam Viet Nam Viet Nam Viet Nam Department For Social Evils Prevention Department Of Labour Quang Ninh Province Department Of Labour Thanh Hoa City Department Of Labour, Ho Chi Minh Social Aspects Social Aspects Social Aspects Social Aspects 64,744.00 62,427.00 60,288.00 59,571.00 Yemen Yemen Yemen The Governorate Of Aden Office Of The Mayor Of Sana’a Al Nahda Cultural & Social Charity Organization Social Aspects Social Aspects Social Aspects 53,000.00 45,200.00 40,000.00 Zambia Zambia Zambia Zambia Zambia Zambia Zambia Zambia Zambia Zambia Rural Net Associates Tasintha Programme Equilibria Research Associates Jesus Cares Ministries Copperbelt Healt Education Project Copperbelt Health Education Project Jesus Cares Ministries Livingstone Anglican Church Project Tasintha Programme Zambia Red Cross Society Social Aspects Social Aspects Social Aspects Social Aspects Social Aspects Social Aspects Social Aspects Social Aspects Social Aspects Social Aspects 92,425.00 66,359.00 66,359.00 55,600.00 45,000.00 30,000.00 30,000.00 30,000.00 30,000.00 30,000.00 36,439.00 36,332.00 34,912.00 34,747.36 33,600.00 31,182.00 31,121.64 30,492.12 30,000.00 156,000.00 90,000.00 53,647.00 46,000.00 35,000.00 262,945.00 ITC Argentina Hoteles Estelar Sa Business Seminars 36,554.46 Bulgaria Hilton Sofia Business Seminars 37,100.76 China Hotel Regal Hong Kong Business Seminars 63,211.25 Djibouti Atta Centre De Plongée Lagon Bleu Tourism Related Training 66,271.19 France France Service Congrès Chamonix Sadag Sa Business Seminars Printing Services 86,234.92 62,152.36 Germany Germany Albeck Und Zehden Hotel Gmbh Crowne Plaza Albeck Und Zehden Hotel Gmbh Crowne Plaza Business Seminars Business Seminars 155,347.71 45,648.85 Kenya Honey Care Africa Ltd Honey Marketing 35,614.00 Mali Mali Hotel Kempinski Al Farouk Bamako Hotel Kempinski Al Farouk Bamako Business Seminars Business Seminars 31,822.30 30,895.89 Morocco Royal Mansour Meridien Business Seminars 69,674.31 Singapore Carlton Hotel Singapore Business Seminars 33,135.80 South Africa South Africa Centurion Lake Hotel Southern Sun North Beach Business Seminars Business Seminars 56,814.92 31,506.71 Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Secutiron Sa Xerox Ag Atiks Sa Atiks Sa Avesco Ag 3m Suisse Sa Mab Ingenierie Sa Cometel Sharp Electronics Suisse Sa Securiton Sa Nextiraone International Computing Centre Security System Installation Printing Equipment Rental Cleaning Services Cleaning Services Generators and Generating Sets Maintenance and Repair Security System Installation Security Services Sonic Boom Protection Printing Equipment Rental Security System Installation Communication Equipment Maintenance and Repair Data Communications Systems Turkey Yanki Seyhat Ve Turizm Axentasi Ltd. Sti. Business Seminars 130 148,760.33 86,421.64 74,353.64 74,353.64 64,563.20 61,308.26 58,130.08 45,014.96 35,356.06 34,118.18 32,945.38 32,575.00 30,520.55 Major Subcontracts placed by Agency during 2006 (Contracts of USD 30,000 or more) Agency/Location Procurement Name of supplier Description of services UNCTAD India India India India India India India India India India Textile Committee/ Mumbai Center For International Trade In Agriculture Agricultural& Processed Food /New Delhi Federation Of Indian Micro, Small&Medium Enterprises Federation Of Indian Chambers Of Commerce /New Delhi Indian Merchants Chamber /Mumbai National Academy Of Agricultural Research Management Marine Products Export Development Authority/ Cochin Genesis Fintec Limited/ Kolkata Seafood Exporters Association Of India Technical Study Technical Study Technical Study Technical Study Technical Study Technical Study Technical Study Technical Study Technical Study Technical Study Mexico Holiday Inn Centro Historico/ Puebla Hotel Reservation Pakistan Pakistan Logistics Consulting Group Sidat Hyder Morshed Associates/ Karachi Technical Study Technical Study Senegal Senegal Hotel Novotel /Dakar Hotel Novotel /Dakar Computer Hardware And Software Rental Hotel Reservation 35,000.00 30,330.00 South Africa University Of Cape Town, Faculty Of Health Sciences Hotel Reservation 56,700.00 UNDP Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Tryco Int’ I Inc Quicklink Communications Quicklink Communications Aina N. Mohammad Oil Seller N. Mohammad Oil Seller Dunya Travel Services Dunya Travel Services High speed diesel with 0.2% sulpher Bandwidth charges for central offic Bandwidth charges for central offic Conference organizing Diesel (High Quality), Containing Diesel (High Quality), Containing L Travel costs flight booking for top leadership Albania Albania Albania Albania Albania Albania Albania Albania Albania Albania Albania Albania Albania Albania Albania Albania Albania Albania Albania Albania Albania Albania Albania Albania Albania Albania Albania Albania Albania Albania Albania Albania Albania Albania Albania Albania Albania Albania Albania Albania Albania Albania Albania Albania Albania Albania Albania Albania Albania Melita Leka (Shapllo) Melita Leka (Shapllo) Vellazeria Shpk Vellazeria Shpk Malishpk Scardus Shpk Scardus Shpk Lamnica Shpk Lamnica Shpk Armemil Shpk Armemil Shpk Euro Brahaj Euro Brahaj Sinani Shpk Sinani Shpk Oruci Shpk Oruci Shpk Bogdani Shpk Bogdani Shpk Beni Shpk Beni Shpk Simon Shpk Simon Shpk Energy And Envir. For Sust. Deve. Center Energy And Envir. For Sust. Deve. Center Eurovizion Shpk Eurovizion Shpk Halimi Shpk Halimi Shpk Dede Shpk Dede Shpk Scardus Shpk Scardus Shpk Nak Shpk Nak Shpk Gabrrica Shpk Gabrrica Shpk Victims Of Mines & Weapons Association Victims Of Mines & Weapons Association Vellezerit Kastrati Vellezerit Kastrati Fatjoni Shpk Fatjoni Shpk Petriti Shpk Petriti Shpk Scardus Shpk Scardus Shpk Malishpk Malishpk Wages And Salaries Wages And Salaries Construction Works: Water Supply In Construction Works: Water Supply In Construction Works Construction Works: Electrical Line Construction Works: Electrical Line Construction Works: Road In Construction Works: Road In Construction Works: Hc, Kindergarte Construction Works: Hc, Kindergarte Construction Works: Shishtaveci Sch Construction Works: Shishtaveci Sch Construction Works: Water Supply In Construction Works: Water Supply In Construction Works: Linkage Road To Construction Works: Linkage Road To Construction Works: Irrigation Cana Construction Works: Irrigation Cana Construction Works: Sidewalks Towar Construction Works: Sidewalks Towar Construction Works: Topojani Health Construction Works: Topojani Health Contracts Contracts Construction Works: School And Kind Construction Works: School And Kind Construction Works: Footbridge In Z Construction Works: Footbridge In Z Construction Works: Swage System In Construction Works: Swage System In Construction Works: Water Supply In Construction Works: Water Supply In Construction Works: Health Center I Construction Works: Health Center I Construction Works: Water Supply In Construction Works: Water Supply In Vocational Training Vocational Training Construction Works Construction Works: Health Centre I Construction Works: Vehicle Bridge Construction Works: Vehicle Bridge Construction Works: Irrigation Cana Construction Works: Irrigation Cana Construction Work: Second Payment M Construction Work: Second Payment M Construction Work: Second Payment B Construction Work: Second Payment B 99,250.00 99,250.00 76,800.00 76,800.00 76,160.00 73,380.00 73,380.00 69,400.00 69,400.00 67,960.00 67,960.00 67,890.00 67,890.00 66,260.00 66,260.00 64,870.00 64,870.00 62,390.00 62,390.00 57,950.00 57,950.00 55,930.00 55,930.00 55,710.00 55,710.00 55,650.00 55,650.00 54,320.00 54,320.00 53,230.00 53,230.00 52,620.00 52,620.00 51,890.00 51,890.00 46,610.00 46,610.00 44,360.00 44,360.00 44,110.00 44,110.00 43,600.00 43,600.00 41,290.00 41,290.00 37,230.00 37,230.00 30,620.00 30,620.00 Algeria Algeria Algeria Gismed Ibn Rochd Appui Aux Associations & Initiatives De Logiciels De Cartographie Paiement Des 70% De L’installation Contrat Bureau Aid 96,520.00 32,030.00 30,540.00 Angola Angola Angola Angola Ceso Ci Angola-consultores Intern. Sarl Ceso Ci Angola-consultores Intern. Sarl Sonair Servico Aereo, Sa Sonair Servico Aereo, Sa Contract For Restructuring Of Minar Contract For Restructuring Of Minar Air Charter Services Air Charter Services 60,170.00 49,230.00 31,170.00 31,170.00 Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Veritas Dgc Land Inc.sucursal Argentina Opsm Invest. Social Consult. Y Serv. S.a Fundacion Universidad Nacional San Juan Instituto Torcuato Di Tella Mus Arg Cs Natura B Rivadavia Equipo Argentino De Antropologia Forense Equipo Argentino De Antropologia Forense Gustavo Quiroga Epm S.a. Gustavo Quiroga Epm S.a. Pa Consulting Services, S.a. Cnp-proyecto B-b-22 Cnp-proyecto B-b-27 Fundacion Playa Union Cnp-proyecto B-b-68 Cnp-proyecto B-c-28 Cnp-proyecto B-c-29 Arg98008 Veritas Dgc Land Inc. Suc. Adrla99d74 Opsm-subcontrato Contrato F.05-0002-a Evaluación Y A Arg04028 Instituto Di Tella Pago Fi Arg02018 Museo Arg. Cs. Sociales Be Wire Transfer To Eaaf - Third Insta Wire Transfer To Eaaf - Third Insta Arg04021- Epm Gustavo Quiroga Pago Arg04021- Epm Gustavo Quiroga Pago Enmienda F.04-0021-d Segunda Fase D Arg02018 Cnp-proyecto B-b-22 2do De Arg02018 Cnp-proyecto B-b-27 2do. D Arg02018 Fundacion Playa Union Helb Arg02018 Cnp Proy. B B 68 2do. Dese Arg02018 Cnp-proyectob-c-28 Dif. An Arg02018 Cnp Proyecto B-c-28 Dif. A 315,630.00 138,070.00 109,660.00 67,620.00 45,580.00 40,000.00 40,000.00 38,930.00 38,930.00 36,600.00 35,000.00 35,000.00 35,000.00 31,710.00 30,410.00 30,110.00 Armenia Armenia Armenia Armenia Armenia Armenia Armenia Armenia Armenia Armenia Armenia Armenia Armenia Armenia Armenia Hope & Help Ngo Epal Ltd. Dilijanshin Ojsc Drenaj Llc Sernde Serund Llc Arpine Gor Ltd. Jermax A.r.a. Ltd Crd/Transparency International Armenia Astghik-5 Llc Masisshin Cjsc Hunan Ev Eghbayrner Ltd. Vahagn-94 Ltd. Jermax A.r.a. Ltd James & Co Ltd Hermes Ltd. Law Drafting Initiative Rehabilitation Of Cultural Center I Beautification Of Center Of Dilijan Renovation Of Park In Ijevan City, Rehabilitation Of Water Network In Construction Of Roof Construction Of Heating System Of K Implementation Of A Countrywide Sur Construction Of A New School In Var Renovation Of Buildings’s Entrances Rehabilitation Of Shenik Secondary Partial Renovation Of Side Pavement Construction Of Heating System For Construction Rehabilitation Of Kindergarten #3 I 235,200.00 148,910.00 75,960.00 68,600.00 64,910.00 53,300.00 53,110.00 52,820.00 44,290.00 43,560.00 42,570.00 41,840.00 40,590.00 34,510.00 31,040.00 131 Total Cost (USD) 95,356.00 69,666.00 69,666.00 56,765.00 56,765.00 41,508.00 40,748.00 34,777.00 33,459.00 31,412.00 33,945.00 114,020.00 100,841.00 147,910.00 100,800.00 100,800.00 52,470.00 52,200.00 52,200.00 43,250.00 43,230.00 Major Subcontracts placed by Agency during 2006 (Contracts of USD 30,000 or more) Agency/Location Procurement Name of supplier Description of services UNDP cont. Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Acil Australia Pty Ltd Acil Australia Pty Ltd Acil Australia Pty Ltd Acil Australia Pty Ltd Acil Australia Pty Ltd Acil Australia Pty Ltd Acil Australia Pty Ltd Acil Australia Pty Ltd Acil Australia Pty Ltd Acil Australia Pty Ltd Acil Australia Pty Ltd Acil Australia Pty Ltd Acil Australia Pty Ltd Acil Australia Pty Ltd International Atomic Energy Agency Amd Trading Ltd. Austcare Austcare Austcare Austcare Australian Council Of Educat. Research Acil Australia Pty Ltd Amd Trading Ltd. Amd Trading Ltd. Austcare Austcare Acil Australia Pty Ltd Amd Trading Ltd. Codan Amd Trading Ltd. Amd Trading Ltd. 5th Payment Upon Acceptance Of Nara 5th Payment Of Professional Service 3rd Payment Of Professional Service 4th Payment Upon Acceptance Of Nara 4th Payment Of Professional Service 6th Final Payment Upon Acceptance O 6th Payment Of Professional Service 8th Payment - After End Of Month 9 9th Payment - After End Of Month 9 7th Payment - After End Of Month 8 10th Payment - After End Of Month 1 7th Payment - after end of month 8 2nd Payment upon receipt of Invento 2nd payment of professional service Pre-salvage Marine Environmental Ba Water Bath with Test Tube Rack and 3RD PAYMENT OF SERVICE CONTRACT 3rd Payment PS 042/2005 Austcare 4TH PAYMENT OF SERVICE CONTRACT 4th Payment PS 042/2005 Austcare SCTt20060021 ACER 6th Additional Payment - after end Orbital Shaker, Stuart SO3 Single, 5-50u 5th Payment Of Service Contract 5th Payment PS 042/2005 Austcare Salary Simon Field Period Jun-Oct05 Sterilizing Oven, 53L, 400Wx400Hx33 CR84099-1 Communication technology Finn Pipette Focus Single, 5-50ul Finn Pipette Focus, Austria Austria Austria Austria Kuttin Metal Gmbh Internatrional Centre For Migration Poli Internatrional Centre For Migration Poli Aims International Congress Services Toxic/hazardous waste disposal rela 3 -rd installment 3 -rd Installment Contracts Azerbaijan Mhc International Ltd 2nd paym-30%-MHCI-Hopkins 50,080.00 Bahrain Ali Sayed Ahmed Elsawi Consultancy Fees 58,900.00 Bangladesh Bangladesh Accenture Uk Ltd. Desktop Computer Connection Upon Completion Of The Assignment A Hp Desktop Dx 6100: Intel Pentium 4 58,000.00 35,720.00 Belarus Belsens Logistical Support For The 12 Regio 75,740.00 Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Ite Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Dredging International N.v. European Datacomm Nv Universiteit Antwerpen Emes European Research Network Emes European Research Network Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Toyota Motor Marketing Europe Iridium Po Industrial Pollution Related Servic Dredging Works, Last Contract Incre Telephone Set, Cellular One (1) Unit Toyota Land Cruisre St Contracts Contracts Toyota - 4wd Hi-lux Pick-up Double Toyota - 4wd Land Cruiser Station W Toyota - 4wd Land Cruiser Station W 246,000.00 190,380.00 134,510.00 100,390.00 50,070.00 49,900.00 49,900.00 35,010.00 35,010.00 34,400.00 Benin Benin Benin Institut Regional De Sante Publique Mapcom Technologies Comtel Technologies 70 % Du Contrat N° 2006/002/0015 Paiement Premiere Tranche Payment For Organisation Of Study T 157,640.00 63,990.00 46,380.00 Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Fades Ballyco Enterprises S.r.l. Fades Constructora Rah Gomez Catholic Relief Services Crs Procosi Procosi Fund Boliviana Democracia Multipartidari Fund Boliviana Democracia Multipartidari Korigoma Ltda. Gerimex S.r.l. Unicef Procosi Inducomex Neotec Ltda Mallas Olimpicas Torrez Fades Constructora Rah Gomez C.i.c.hnos Vicente S.r.l. Fades Fades Fades Fades Universidad Nur Bisa Seguros Y Reaseguros S.a Psi Bolivia Psi Bolivia Fades Entel S.a. Fades Fades Procosi Procosi Nova Confecciones Fades Alma Film - Producciones Audiovisuales Fades Regine’s Tours Ltda. Fades Fondo Rotatorio Nº 1 Para Pago De B Primer Pago (50%) Segun Contrato N° Incremento Al Fondo Rotatorio Peu Pago 4ta Planilla De Avance 90% Fondos En Avance Para Mejorar C Desmbolso Final Q8 Desmbolso Final Q8 Primer Pago Correspondiente Al 70% Primer Pago Correspondiente Al 70% Compra De 4150 Colchones De Espuma 100% Por Concepto De Adquisición De Reembolso De Gastos Realizados En C Desembolso Para Actividades Q 8 Pago Por Compra De 2420 Colchonetas Pago De 70% Por La Elaboracion De P 1600 Gaviones Segun Contrato 013/06 Reembolso 42 Fondo Rotatorio Peu Pago Planilla De Cierre Lpz 1,926 Qq Harina Y 474 Qq De Fideo Reembolso 26 Fondo Rotatorio Peu Reembolso 21 Fondo Rotatorio Peu Reembolso 54 Fondo Rotatorio Peu Reembolso 35 Fondo Rotatorio Peu 2do Pago 30% Curso Epidemiología Prima Póliza De Seguro N° 1007363 Actividades Octubre Q10 Actividades Octubre Q10 Septimo Reembolso Fondo Rotatorio P Pago Serv.internet Feb,Mar,Abr Y Ma Reembolso 45 Fondo Rotatorio Peu 2do Reembolso Al Fondo Rotatorio P Desembolso Para Cubrir Actividades Desembolso Para Cubrir Actividades 675 Mosquiteros Y 300 Carpas Para L Reembolso 18 Al Fondo Rotatorio Peu 2º Pago Filmaciones En La Paz Y El Primer Reembolso Fondo Rotatorio Pa Taller Organismo Electoral 15 Al 19 Reembolso 34 Fondo Rotatorio Peu 150,750.00 147,840.00 100,000.00 92,910.00 90,000.00 82,770.00 82,770.00 70,000.00 70,000.00 69,310.00 61,620.00 56,690.00 50,000.00 45,300.00 44,600.00 42,050.00 41,750.00 41,740.00 41,280.00 40,340.00 39,750.00 39,590.00 38,850.00 38,100.00 37,250.00 36,910.00 36,910.00 36,170.00 35,840.00 33,470.00 33,150.00 32,730.00 32,730.00 32,700.00 32,580.00 32,520.00 31,940.00 31,330.00 30,530.00 Bosnia Herzgovina Bosnia Herzgovina Bosnia-Herzgovina Bosnia-Herzgovina Bosnia Herzgovina Bosnia Herzgovina Bosnia-Herzgovina Bosnia Herzgovina Bosnia-Herzgovina Bosnia Herzgovina Bosnia-Herzgovina Bosnia Herzgovina Bosnia-Herzgovina Bosnia Herzgovina Bosnia-Herzgovina Bosnia Herzgovina Bosnia-Herzgovina Bosnia Herzgovina Bosnia Herzgovina Bosnia-Herzgovina Bosnia Herzgovina Bosnia-Herzgovina Export Import Eso Doo Krug Masina Export Import Eso Doo Krug Masina Attrade Doo International-s Doo International-s Doo Gp Gratod Gp Gratod Gp Mc Gradnja Gp Mc Gradnja Pp Jankovic Inzenjering Pp Jankovic Inzenjering Doo Vrac Doo Vrac Energetik Inzenjering Trgovina Energetik Inzenjering Trgovina Ibhi-independ. Bureau For Hum. Issues Ad Zvornik Putevi Ad Zvornik Putevi Krug Masina Krug Masina Livestock Livestock Livestock Livestock Livestock Reconstruction Reconstruction Reconstruction Reconstruction Reconstruction Reconstruction Reconstruction Reconstruction Reconstruction Reconstruction Construction Work And Site Manageme Construction Work And Site Manageme Research And Development Road Construction Work Road Construction Work Value Added Tax Value Added Tax 534,670.00 499,350.00 494,560.00 462,060.00 328,540.00 251,750.00 251,750.00 250,850.00 250,850.00 141,130.00 141,130.00 134,820.00 134,820.00 114,140.00 114,140.00 113,560.00 113,560.00 90,180.00 86,280.00 86,280.00 84,890.00 84,890.00 132 Total Cost (USD) 1,112,890.00 1,112,890.00 744,120.00 741,920.00 741,920.00 741,920.00 741,920.00 685,690.00 685,690.00 601,800.00 457,130.00 457,130.00 338,770.00 338,770.00 165,600.00 156,570.00 156,570.00 156,570.00 156,570.00 156,570.00 115,380.00 91,000.00 77,400.00 66,220.00 62,630.00 62,630.00 54,000.00 51,600.00 37,570.00 36,040.00 36,040.00 114,960.00 70,520.00 70,520.00 62,610.00 Major Subcontracts placed by Agency during 2006 (Contracts of USD 30,000 or more) Agency/Location Procurement Name of supplier Description of services UNDP cont. Bosnia Herzgovina Bosnia Herzgovina Bosnia-Herzgovina Bosnia Herzgovina Bosnia-Herzgovina Bosnia Herzgovina Bosnia-Herzgovina Bosnia Herzgovina Bosnia-Herzgovina Bosnia Herzgovina Bosnia-Herzgovina Bosnia Herzgovina Bosnia-Herzgovina Bosnia Herzgovina Bosnia-Herzgovina Bosnia Herzgovina Bosnia-Herzgovina Bosnia Herzgovina Bosnia-Herzgovina Bosnia Herzgovina Bosnia-Herzgovina Bosnia Herzgovina Bosnia-Herzgovina Bosnia Herzgovina Bosnia-Herzgovina Bosnia Herzgovina Bosnia-Herzgovina Aa Komerc Siming Trade Siming Trade Hm Company Doo Hm Company Doo Agrimex Doo Agrimex Doo Orbiter Orbiter Prism Research Attrade Doo Alfa Therm Grijanje I Klimatizacija Alfa Therm Grijanje I Klimatizacija Bh 4 Doo Bh 4 Doo Feroelektro Feroelektro Vukic Doo Za Gradjevinu I Trgovinu Vukic Doo Za Gradjevinu I Trgovinu Metal Ad Metal Ad Dzg Gradjevinar Fajic Doo Dzg Gradjevinar Fajic Doo Ad Zvornik Putevi Ad Zvornik Putevi Geokop Doo Geokop Doo Weapons Destruction Construction Work And Site Manageme Construction Work And Site Manageme Construction Work And Site Manageme Construction Work And Site Manageme Livestock Livestock Electrical Tools, Electro-mechanica Electrical Tools, Electro-mechanica Public Opinion Polls Livestock Heating/ Cooling Installation Maint Heating/ Cooling Installation Maint Reconstruction Reconstruction Leasing Or Rental Services Leasing Or Rental Services School And University Construction School And University Construction Construction Technology, Equipment Construction Technology, Equipment Reconstruction Reconstruction Construction Work And Site Manageme Construction Work And Site Manageme Reconstruction Reconstruction Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Colbrtive Labelng & Applce Stanrds Prgrm Bul/00/006 Beautiful Bulgaria Iii Rhodope Project Btc Ad Bul/02/013 Sustainable Rural Development 11722 From Social Assist. To Employment Statema Ood Social Services Against New Employment Bul/02/011 Minority Urbaniz. Proj. 11718 Bbss Gallup International Federation Of Bread Producers And Confec Ttz Bremerhaven Stanoeva Maria Krumova Et Nikstroy - Nikolay Iliev 43507 Sustainable Land Management Hristov Tzvetan Rashkov Suppor To Mlsp On A Regional Level National Business Development Network Consultations Wages and salaries Salaries Internet, Design and Construction o Staffing services, contract Salaries Contracts Salaries Salaries Data processing services Contracts Consultations Rent Contracts Salaries Rent Salaries Urban training and skill developmen Total Cost (USD) 80,620.00 75,540.00 75,540.00 74,350.00 74,350.00 68,610.00 68,610.00 64,270.00 64,270.00 62,910.00 57,920.00 50,830.00 50,830.00 50,510.00 50,510.00 43,910.00 43,910.00 42,040.00 42,040.00 41,660.00 41,660.00 41,490.00 41,490.00 33,680.00 33,680.00 33,100.00 33,100.00 284,950.00 265,930.00 115,060.00 101,300.00 85,350.00 79,820.00 78,710.00 59,380.00 54,420.00 53,830.00 43,340.00 41,590.00 39,730.00 37,960.00 35,870.00 34,750.00 30,770.00 30,640.00 Burundi Compuservices Maintenance Cambodia Cambodia Cambodia Cambodia Cambodia Cambodia Cambodia Cambodia Cambodia Cambodia Cambodia Cambodia Cambodia Cambodia Cambodia Cambodia Cambodia Cambodia Cambodian Mine Action Center Cambodian Mine Action Center Cambodian Mine Action Center Fauna & Flora International Stf/Undp Project Cmb01007 Acleda Bank Plc (Plg Payroll) Acleda Bank Plc (Plg Payroll) Fauna & Flora International Acleda Bank Plc (Plg Payroll) Bactec Se Asia Pty. Ltd. Bactec Se Asia Pty. Ltd. Bactec Se Asia Pty. Ltd. Wildlife Conservation Society Cambodia Develop.resource Inst De Speville & Associates Bactec Se Asia Pty. Ltd. Economic Institute Of Cambodia Economic Institute Of Cambodia 2nd Qtr-06 budget to CMAC 3rd Qtr-06 Budget to CMAC 4th Qtr-06 Budget to CMAC Payment to FFI Salaries for Nat. April 06 Salary for Nov. 2006 (PLG staff) Salary staff for October 2006 Payment to FFI PLG National Staff salary for Augus 2nd payment contract2006/001-BACTEC 3rd payment contract2006/001-BACTEC 4th payment contract2006/001-BACTEC Contract to WCS ( Tonle Sap Conserv Request for MileStone D Pay_ COPCEL Consultancy Service 1st payment contract2006/001-BACTEC 1st Installment to Economic Institu 1st Installment To Economic Institu Cameroon Cameroon Societe Civile Immobiliere Foulassi Societe Civile Immobiliere Foulassi Office building rental Paiement Loyer semestriel pour la l Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Samaritans Purse Samaritans Purse Samaritans Purse Samaritans Purse Globescan Inc. Forensic Technology Wai Inc. York University Ems Technologies Canada, Ltd. Samaritans Purse Samaritans Purse Flaman Management Partners Ltd. Flaman Management Partners Ltd. R. Nicholl’s Distributors Inc Fourth Payment, Women's Vocational Samaritan 4th Payment_UNDP-025/2005 Third Payment, Women's Vocational T Second Payment, Women's Vocational Corporate Surveys Contracts - DREAM Software University co-operation Maritime satellites Fifth Payment, Women's Vocational T Samaritan 5th Payment_UNDP-025/2005 Contract Extension for FMP (Richard Richard Flaman and FMP working on S Air freight cost for NOn Lethal Equ Cape Verde Edicoes Artiletra Publications, general Central African Republic Central African Republic Central African Republic Arfrance Maxi Services T.o.t.a.l-centrafrique Travel costs Constructions Fuel oils, n.e.c. 101,670.00 40,170.00 36,200.00 Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Universidad De Chile Fundacion Chile Expert Services, E.i.r.l. Expert Services, E.i.r.l. Ocho Libros Editores Ltda. Expert Services, E.i.r.l. Expert Services, E.i.r.l. Proponer una metodología que permit Contracts Expert Services, E.I.R.L., Mr. Jorg Expert Services, E.i.r.l., Mr. Jorg Edición y Publicación de libro "Are Expert Services E.I.R.L. for evalua Expert Services E.i.r.l. For Evalua 190,000.00 145,130.00 40,960.00 40,960.00 38,650.00 37,220.00 37,220.00 China China China China China China Peak International Trade (Tianjin) Co Peak International Trade (Tianjin) Co Peak International Trade (Tianjin) Co Xie Li Guo Ji Lu Xing She Xie Li Guo Ji Lu Xing She Peak International Trade (Tianjin) Co 4 units Ice Flake Plants including Building construction, other Building Construction, Other Logisitic Services for Wuyishan Wor Logisitic Services For Wuyishan Wor Containerzation of ice flake plant 233,180.00 130,520.00 130,520.00 36,190.00 36,190.00 36,000.00 Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Fiduoccidente Sa Fideicomisos N.3-1-1250 Ingenieria Financiera Ingefin Consor Famoc De Panel Costructora Consorcio Bdo Consultoria Colombiana Patrimonio Autonomo Fideicomiso Union Temporal Regalias Union Temporal Interventorias 2005 Union Temporal Bdo-ccrp Credivalores Sa Ut Proyectos 2003 Ingetec S.a Ingenieria Cicgeomatica S.a. Union Temporal Soluciones Catastrales Y Consorcio Nipsa Geosistemas Spea Ingenieria Europea S.p.a Fundacion Caritas Diocesana Cgr Biotecnologia Reproductiva Eu Inventory Administration Inventory Administration Building Construction, Other Inventory Administration Inventory Administration Inventory Administration Inventory Administration Aplicación Por Barrido De La Ficha Inventory Administration Inventory Administration And Tecnique Inventory Administration Consultations Inter-industry Relations Consultations Inventory Administration Consultations Consultations 133 50,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 730,000.00 160,000.00 155,670.00 153,320.00 152,350.00 152,000.00 151,730.00 90,000.00 90,000.00 90,000.00 78,620.00 51,580.00 50,530.00 40,000.00 33,000.00 33,000.00 86,330.00 81,220.00 141,190.00 141,190.00 141,190.00 111,190.00 97,270.00 70,240.00 67,500.00 60,800.00 47,060.00 47,060.00 36,000.00 36,000.00 32,470.00 33,200.00 5,063,610.00 3,953,050.00 3,567,660.00 3,475,990.00 2,632,690.00 2,359,770.00 2,303,490.00 1,774,850.00 1,541,100.00 1,410,640.00 1,393,080.00 1,247,540.00 1,076,400.00 1,016,050.00 996,690.00 837,560.00 779,750.00 Major Subcontracts placed by Agency during 2006 (Contracts of USD 30,000 or more) Agency/Location Procurement Name of supplier Description of services Total Cost (USD) UNDP cont. Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Procalculo - Prosis Sa Patrimonio Autonomo Ut Puertos Union Temporal Soluciones Catastrales Y Consorcio Garzon Y Mora Ingenieros Sistema De Gestion Gubernamental Procalculo - Prosis Sa Marques Y Uriza Ltda Ut Procalculo Prosis Multiprocesos Sigtech Ltda Consorcio Nipsa Geosistemas Consorcio Bdo Datum Tecnoimagenes S A Union Temporal Procalculo Prosis - Netco Union Temporal Kpmg Llp Advisory Service Avance Digital Ltda Valtec Vallas Tecnicas Sa Steer Davies & Gleave Limited Equity Investment S.a. Consorcio Interventoria Costa Norte Bahamon Asesores Asociados Ltda Bahamon Asesores Asociados Ltda Certicamara S.a. Ut Environmental Novotecni Stereocarto U.t. Cited - Unad Dell Marketing Lp Co Dell Usa Lp Consorcio Fal -aprosig Procibernetica Advanced Telesystem Research Cal Y Mayor Y Aosciados S.c. Corporacion Universitaria Minuto De Dios Pricewaterhousecoopers Asesores Gerencia Lorenzo Orozco Pabon Universidad Autonoma De Bucaramanga Corp Desarrollo Paz Piedemonte Oriente Corp Desarrollo Paz Piedemonte Oriente Dell Marketing Lp Co Dell Usa Lp Etek International Holding Corp Consultores Regionales Asociados Corpo. Dominicana Opcion Vida Justicia Colvista Ltda Union Temporal Tcs-heinsohn Les Systemes Geomatiques Dvp Inc. Procalculo - Prosis Sa Sistemas Y Computadores Caceres Bolaños Y Cia Ltda Compañia De Construccion E Ingenieria Cc Consultores Regionales Asociados Consorcio Acabados Arquitectonicos Hidrotec Ltda Consorcio Aguas Calamar Union Temporal Corporacion Nuevo Union Temporal Corporacion Nuevo Rep Grey Worldwide Equity Investment S.a. Universidad Externado De Colombia Global Technology Services Ltda Sap Andina Y Del Caribe C A En Colombia Edgardo Curiel De La Hoz Ut Corporacion Excelencia En La Justicia Ut Corporacion Excelencia En La Justicia Fundacion Carvajal Riaño Construcciones Ltda Union Temporal Arco Econometria S.a. Napoleon Franco & Cia Royal Technologies S A Consorcio Tecnico Del Valle Avance Digital Ltda Organizacion De La Sociedad Civil Union Temporal Db System Ltda Global Union Temporal Corporacion Nuevo Union Temporal Corporacion Nuevo Pontificia Universidad Javeriana Hospital De Nuestra Sra De Los Remedios Corp Desarrollo Paz Piedemonte Oriente Corp Desarrollo Paz Piedemonte Oriente A Y A Comunicaciones E Ingenieria Union Atlas Ingenieria Universidad Nacional De Colombia Nueva Era Organizacional Gs1 Colombia Gs1 Colombia Sitel De Colombia S.a. Inecon Ingenieros Y Economistas Consult Procibernetica Montenegro Lizarralde Y Cia Ltda Jb Ingenieria Integral S.a. Jb Ingenieria Integral S.a. Union Temporal Ocade-saniplan-lito Fundacion Educacion Y Desarrollo Fundacion Educacion Y Desarrollo Coinfin Ltda Coinfin Ltda Asesorias E Inversiones De Colombia Ltda Asesorias E Inversiones De Colombia Ltda Integrar Sa Pricewaterhousecoopers Asesores Gerencia Pricewaterhousecoopers Asesores Gerencia Global Technology Services Ltda Hewlett Packard Colombia Ltda Hewlett Packard Colombia Ltda Pratco S.a. Pratco S.a. Sistemas Especializados De Informacio Sa Union Temporal Geospatial Sysdatec Centro De Investigacion Y Educacion P. Centro De Investigacion Y Educacion P. Asejuridica Ltda Asejuridica Ltda Electro Diseños Ltda Union Temporal Tequendama Siglo Xxi Union Temporal Tequendama Siglo Xxi Db System Ltda Estudios Cartograficos Ltda Fundacion Creamos Colombia Fundacion Creamos Colombia Gestiontek Sa Gestiontek Sa Universidad Nacional De Colombia U.t. Econometría S.a Juan Carlos Gomez Douglas Trade Ltda Douglas Trade Ltda Branch Of Microsoft Colombia Inc Incorporar En Formato Digital Geore Inventory Administration Analyses Construction Design Consultations Management Contracts Digital Mapping Adelantar Las Fases De Construcción Digital Mapping Interventoria Al Contrato Pnud-eds Adquisición, Licenciamiento, Instal Software Application Packages Consultance Software Maintenance Vallas Studies Consultance Inventory Administration Implementación De La Fusión Por Abs Fusion Implementation Realizar Las Modificaciones Al Apli Digital Mapping Realizar La Sensibilizacion Comunit Payment Consultations Payment Design Studies Social Action Realizar El Análisis Y Diseño Del S Civil Engineering Design Economic Agreements Economic Agreements Computer Hardware Or Software Renta Software Applications, Special Purp Inventory Administration 38819- Copr Opcion Vida Adquisición, Instalación, Configura Software Applications, Special Purp System Installation Saldo Po 2012 U.t. Procalculo-prosi Adquisicion E Instalacion De La Sol Supervision Of Construction Construction Services Adicion - Otrosi No. 2 Al Contrato2 Construction Inventory Administration Realizar Los Estudios Conducentes A Convenio Contribuir Con La Construc Construction Contracts Consultations Adelantar Un Proceso De Consulta Co Research And Development Software License Maintenance Design Design Capacitar Por Competencias Laborale Construction Work And Site Manageme Reposición Alcantarillado Y Obras C Medicion De La Tasa De Evasion Y La Acta De Acuerdo Bilateral No. 3 A Implementation Construction Services Installation Pilot Project Software Applications, Special Purp Construction Services Construction Consultations Brindar Atención Integral, En Salud Iniciativas De Paz Initiatives Security Services System Installation Determinar Indicadores Objetivos Pa Consultance Design Design Consultations Evaluation Adquisición De Un Sistema De Almace Realizar La Revisión Y Ajuste Del P To raise The Folios To raise The Folios Inventories Contracts Contracts Consultoria Back Office Consultance Modernizar Esuqema Org De Inpec Modernizing Rental Services Rental Services Rise Of The Inventories Realizar El Análisis, Diseño E Impl Contracts Contracts Levantamiento De Inventarios Fase I Rise Of The Inventories Sociological Surveys Inventory Control Economic Agreements Economic Agreements Informacion Catastral Informacion Catastral Contracts Estructurar El Modelo De Operación To structure The Operation Model Configuration Dates Rediseño Dir Nal Estupefacientes Redesign Software Applications, Special Purp Software Applications, Special Purp Caracterizacion De La Movilidad Del Apertura Proceso Contracacion Consu Optimizar Conforme A Los Objetivos Optimizing Realización De Un Contrato Con El O 779,050.00 706,850.00 697,750.00 697,480.00 619,860.00 605,950.00 534,550.00 516,770.00 470,990.00 469,100.00 446,590.00 437,510.00 421,080.00 420,000.00 398,640.00 363,490.00 357,730.00 357,490.00 347,500.00 327,630.00 327,630.00 319,330.00 311,670.00 310,230.00 307,500.00 305,820.00 300,950.00 295,650.00 293,330.00 287,540.00 276,490.00 266,680.00 259,350.00 258,840.00 258,840.00 255,970.00 251,090.00 249,870.00 247,320.00 240,610.00 239,300.00 234,340.00 231,470.00 221,240.00 220,870.00 220,120.00 215,820.00 202,260.00 201,250.00 195,070.00 193,000.00 193,000.00 192,390.00 191,720.00 190,800.00 188,440.00 186,000.00 184,850.00 184,140.00 184,140.00 183,340.00 180,370.00 179,490.00 175,590.00 173,110.00 170,160.00 169,600.00 168,190.00 166,770.00 166,730.00 164,050.00 164,050.00 163,790.00 163,330.00 162,000.00 162,000.00 160,620.00 159,150.00 158,730.00 154,030.00 153,130.00 153,130.00 152,970.00 152,800.00 152,150.00 148,420.00 147,870.00 147,870.00 147,020.00 144,950.00 144,950.00 141,840.00 141,840.00 139,760.00 139,760.00 139,550.00 138,090.00 138,090.00 137,670.00 135,800.00 135,800.00 132,740.00 132,740.00 132,730.00 131,580.00 130,000.00 130,000.00 127,660.00 127,660.00 127,420.00 127,190.00 127,190.00 125,490.00 125,490.00 122,060.00 122,060.00 118,290.00 118,290.00 117,460.00 116,810.00 116,390.00 116,390.00 116,310.00 134 Major Subcontracts placed by Agency during 2006 (Contracts of USD 30,000 or more) Agency/Location Procurement Name of supplier Description of services Total Cost (USD) UNDP cont. Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Branch Of Microsoft Colombia Inc Reyes Consultores Co Ltda Reyes Consultores Co Ltda Selfinver Ltda Union Temporal Piso 4 Y 10 Consorcio Donado Csn Fundacion Social De La Costa Asejuridica Ltda Asejuridica Ltda Advisory Services Ltda Union Temporal De Occidente Gestiontek Sa Asejuridica Ltda Asejuridica Ltda Jorge Enrique Mendoza Ramirez Patrimonio Autonomo Ut Puertos Mpc Publicidad Ltda Universidad La Gran Colombia Advanced Telesystem Research Maria Regina Solarte Ñañez Urbanizaciones Y Construcciones Del Sur Yolanda Cabrera Balcazar Bdo Audit Age Sa Corporacion Cabildo Abierto Prodeco Ltda Consorcio Mahates 2005 Douglas Trade Ltda Patrimonio Autonomo Fc Informatica Ii Ruiz Ramon Y Angel Ruiz Ramon Y Angel Duarte Guterman Y Cia. Ltda. Urbanizaciones Y Construcciones Del Sur Hewlett Packard Colombia Ltda Hewlett Packard Colombia Ltda Harold Zea Y Asociados S.a Napoleon Franco & Cia Proyectos Y Estudios Proes S.a. Alcides Lorenzo Choles Lopez Asesorias Liderflex Integrar Sa Parcomun Trabajadores Temporales Ltda. Universidad De Los Andes Villamizar Abogados Asociados Villamizar Abogados Asociados Dattis Comunicaciones Sa Daniel Aldana Sanin Daniel Aldana Sanin Ajc Soluciones Informaticas Procalculo - Prosis Sa Branch Of Microsoft Colombia Inc Branch Of Microsoft Colombia Inc Victor De Jesus Camargo Escorcia Newnet Sa Raquel Sofia Amaya Producciones Union Temporal Codacop-fundac Asociacion Departamental De Usuarios Asociacion Departamental De Usuarios Miguel Edgar Alfonso Gonzalez Franco Newnet Sa Montenegro Lizarralde Y Cia Ltda Credivalores Sa Maria Regina Solarte Ñañez Agricultural Assessment International Agricultural Assessment International Grupo 13 Ltda Redes Y Comunicaciones De Colombia Ltda Universidad De Los Andes Corporacion Nuevo Arco Iris Union Temporal Vias Yumbo –4 Diego Osorio Martinez Bdo Audit Age Sa Bdo Audit Age Sa Immunity Ltda Immunity Ltda Colegio Mayor De Nuestra Sra Del Rosario Mario Noriega Y Asociados Jose Jaime Daza Gnecco G&L Arquitectos Ltda Cydep Ltda-consultoria Y Direccion De Pr U T Para La Convivencia Y Los Derechos Fundacion Social Fundacion Social Ideas Aplicadas Sa Planing De Colombia Ltda Urbanizaciones Y Construcciones Del Sur Union Temporal Valor Union Temporal Valor Eds Colombia Sa Fundacion Foro Nacional Por Colombia Canal Capital Consultores Y Facilitadores En Gestion Informatica Siglo 21 Construcciones, Interventorias Entorno Urbano, S.a. Entorno Urbano, S.a. Construcciones, Interventorias Bdo Audit Age Sa Union Temporal Dell Colvista Archivos Funcionales Y Oficinas Premac S.a. Universidad Nacional De Colombia Corp Centro De Investigacion Y Desarroll William Suarez Otero Nathan Associates Inc. Duarte Guterman Y Cia. Ltda. Hewlett Packard Colombia Ltda Hewlett Packard Colombia Ltda Colvista Ltda Dell Colombia Inc Corpo Para La Paz Y Los Derechos Humanos Corpo Para La Paz Y Los Derechos Humanos Universidad Externado De Colombia Fesa S A Pontificia Universidad Javeriana Mision Temporal Ltda Programa Desarrollo Para La Paz Programa Desarrollo Para La Paz Branch Of Microsoft Colombia Inc Branch Of Microsoft Colombia Inc William Jimenez Gil Union Temporal Vias Yumbo –5 Union Temporal Arco Contract Accomplishment Establecer El Saldo Real Que Corres Establishing The Real Balance Consultations Adecuación Física De La Torre A Pis Consultoria Para Realizar Los Estud Agricultural Management, Economics Study Of Títulos Study Of Títulos Consultations Remodelación Y Adecuación Física D Diseño Y Construccion De Una Bodega Desarrollar Las Gestiones Requerida To Develop The Managements Required Civil Engineering Accountancy Diseño Y Elaboración De La Estrateg Diseño Y Desarrollo De Un Modelo Pa Otrosi No. 1 Contrato 1410 Acta De Acuerdo Bilateral N° 2 Al C Construction Services Construction Services Adicion No. 3 Al Contrato No. 0000 Development, General Construction Services Servicios De Consultoria Para Reali Consultance Rental Services Studies Study Of Títulos Transportation Policies And Investm Construction Services Contracts Contracts Design, Development And Automatization Design Integration Civil Engineering Sub0205330025 - Apoyar Y Acompañar Leasing Or Rental Services Consultations Suministro De Personal Para El Supe Evaluation Construction Services Construction Design Redesign Redesign Rental Services Contract Contract Contract Accomplishment Construction Services Circuit Switching Systems Conceptualización, Diseño, Preprodu Experiencia De Ciudadanía Apoyar Iniciativas Estratégicas Que To support Strategic Initiatives Construction Services Software Maintenance Reemplaza Po 1967 Retención En Garantía Al Contrato I Construction Services Estudio De Las Estudio De Las Carat Study Of The Carateristicas Consultoria Imagen Corporativa Inte Interventoría Técnica Y Administrat General Management Services Development, General Ejecutar El Proyecto De Desarrollo Sistemas De Tratamiento De Aguas Re Realizar La Interventoria Al Contr Adicion No. 2 Al Contrato No. 00000 Proceso Rediseño Para Desmovil Y Re Process Redesign Formar A 13 Funcionarios De Las Un Asesorar A La Mesa De Planificación Rehabilitation Maintenance Evaluation Formación Y Capacitación Para La Re Economic Agreements Economic Agreements Design, Development And Automatization Administrative Assistance Construction Services Suip Ii Suip Ii Software Applications, Special Purp Formación Y Capacitación Para La Re Tv Announcement Systems Dianogstics Data Storage Building Construction, Other Contract Contract Adecuacion De La Sede De La Direcci Auditoria Fiduagraria Bdo Rental Services Office Implementation Adquisicion De 150 Bombas De Vacio Evaluation Programme Implementation Construction Saldo Po 2264 Nathan Associates Saldo Po 2283 Duarte Guterman Item (Dos) 2: Tramite Para La Inscr Item (Dos) 2: Tramite Para La Inscr Contracts License Economic Agreements Economic Agreements Sociology Studies Technical Publications Economical Evaluation Suministro De Personal Que Presten Economic Agreements Economic Agreements Item (Dos) 2: Tramite Para La Inscr Item (Dos) 2: Tramite Para La Inscr Abogado Proyecto Desarrollo Urbano Denomina Reposición Alcantarillado Y Pavimen 116,310.00 115,640.00 115,640.00 110,260.00 108,090.00 107,460.00 107,290.00 106,340.00 106,340.00 105,130.00 104,200.00 102,230.00 102,130.00 102,130.00 101,270.00 99,420.00 96,790.00 95,810.00 95,780.00 94,100.00 93,740.00 92,150.00 91,140.00 90,700.00 90,570.00 88,750.00 88,440.00 87,740.00 87,730.00 87,730.00 87,720.00 87,670.00 87,400.00 87,400.00 86,790.00 84,870.00 83,950.00 83,860.00 83,370.00 82,760.00 82,030.00 81,840.00 79,720.00 79,570.00 79,570.00 79,370.00 78,950.00 78,950.00 78,810.00 78,250.00 78,000.00 78,000.00 76,670.00 76,010.00 75,260.00 75,140.00 75,000.00 75,000.00 74,910.00 74,480.00 74,020.00 73,980.00 73,690.00 72,150.00 72,150.00 71,310.00 71,280.00 70,060.00 68,930.00 68,800.00 67,330.00 66,980.00 66,170.00 65,630.00 65,630.00 64,240.00 62,570.00 62,070.00 62,050.00 61,990.00 60,100.00 60,000.00 60,000.00 59,750.00 57,960.00 57,840.00 57,510.00 57,510.00 56,610.00 54,610.00 54,550.00 54,360.00 53,910.00 53,860.00 53,620.00 53,620.00 53,350.00 52,640.00 52,540.00 51,600.00 51,150.00 49,970.00 49,300.00 49,220.00 48,000.00 47,110.00 47,000.00 47,000.00 46,790.00 45,550.00 44,800.00 44,800.00 44,730.00 43,740.00 43,360.00 43,170.00 43,100.00 43,100.00 43,000.00 43,000.00 42,920.00 42,830.00 42,760.00 135 Major Subcontracts placed by Agency during 2006 (Contracts of USD 30,000 or more) Agency/Location Procurement Name of supplier Description of services UNDP cont. Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Carmen Del Socorro Maussa Anaya Union Temporal Arco Corporacion Bucaramanga Emprendedora Ibm De Colombia Sa Procibernetica U.t. Cited - Unad Newnet Sa Empresa De Telecomunicaciones De Bogota Union Temporal Vias Yumbo –3 Corporacion Bucaramanga Emprendedora Urbanizaciones Y Construcciones Del Sur Ecoflora Ltda Trabajadores Temporales Ltda. Diego Osorio Martinez Entorno Urbano, S.a. Empresa De Telecomunicaciones De Bogota Imagen Y Color Publicitario Ltda Consorcio Proeza Gutierrez Red Colombia S A Red Colombia S A Corporacion Quiero Ser Virtual Technologies Ltda Virtual Technologies Ltda Departamento De La Guajira Union Temporal Arco Compufacil Sa Fundacion Incubar Caribe Luz Marina Mejia Mejia Instituto Misionero Hijas De San Pablo Union Temporal Vias Yumbo –2 Union Temporal Vias Yumbo –1 Union Temporal Control Fiscal Edu Entorno Urbano, S.a. Fundacion Incubar Caribe Instituto Misionero Hijas De San Pablo Bdo Audit Age Sa Bdo Audit Age Sa Fundacion Incubar Caribe Impuestos Y Servicios Legales Graficas Ducal Ltda Hoteles Estelar S A Francisco Estupiñan Heredia Corporacion Universidad Piloto De Colomb Covinoc Amezquita & Cia Sa Fundacion Centro Colombiano Union Temporal Uam Confamiliares Ivan Chapeton Perez Diego Osorio Martinez Corp Colom De Investigacion Agropecuaria Amezquita & Cia Sa Paez Y Asociados Cia Ltda Consorcio Constructores Del Atlantico German Buritica Galvis Dicorel Ltda Agricultural Assessment International Agricultural Assessment International Maria Regina Solarte Ñañez Oracle Colombia Ltda Hoteles Estelar S A Consultance Construction Services System Development Actualizar Las Herramientas De Visu Design Ut Cited-unad - Otrosí Adición Design, Development And Automatization Hosting Services Ejecución Proyecto De Desarrollo Ur Construction Services Construction Services Apoyo Y Acompañamiento Del Proyecto Otrosi No. 1 Construction Services Contract Infrastructure Services Elaboration Administrative Assistance Design, Development And Automatization Design, Development And Automatization Fortalecimiento Y Apoyo A Las Mujer Programming Programming Convenio De Cooperacion Con El Depa Construction Services Adquisición, Instalación, Configura Sub0205330019 - Apoyo Y Acompañamie Apoyar Las Labores Adminsitrtivas Y Programme Implementation Ejecucion Proyecto De Desarrollo Ur Bacheo Cra 3n Entre Calles 7n Y 11 Tecnology Implementation Contacts Sub0205330017 - Apoyo Y Acompañamie Contracts Auditing Auditing Sub0205330016 - Apoyo Y Acompañamie Consultations Technical Publications Hotel And Related Reservation Syste Asesorar A La Dian En La Evaluacion Capacitación A Través De Un Diploma Debt Management Auditoria Externa Del Programa De I Realizar 98 Talleres En Las Entidad Teacher Training Teacher Training Construction Services Consultations Auditoria Externa Al Crédito Bid 13 Auditoria Del Proyecto Asistencia P Adecuacion Canchas Deportivas Manau Software Rental Rehabilitation Studies Study Of The Carateristicas Construction Services Consultations Regional Crisis Prevention And Reco 42,670.00 42,400.00 42,330.00 42,220.00 42,090.00 41,930.00 41,550.00 41,090.00 40,940.00 40,520.00 40,460.00 40,210.00 40,210.00 40,100.00 39,710.00 39,450.00 38,490.00 37,970.00 37,720.00 37,720.00 37,640.00 37,490.00 37,490.00 37,280.00 37,240.00 37,140.00 37,120.00 37,070.00 37,040.00 36,820.00 36,720.00 36,550.00 35,740.00 35,740.00 34,950.00 34,650.00 34,650.00 34,590.00 34,190.00 34,180.00 33,750.00 33,540.00 33,450.00 33,270.00 32,730.00 32,610.00 32,590.00 32,520.00 32,410.00 32,130.00 31,580.00 31,500.00 31,350.00 31,040.00 31,000.00 30,920.00 30,920.00 30,690.00 30,680.00 30,240.00 Costa Rica Costa Rica Costa Rica Costa Rica Costa Rica Costa Rica Costa Rica Costa Rica Costa Rica Corporacion Salinas E Hijos Sa Corporacion Salinas E Hijos Sa Corporacion Salinas E Hijos Sa Corporacion Salinas E Hijos Sa Sanigest International Comite Regional De Recursos Hidraulicos Sanigest International Frutas De Parrita S.a. Catie 2006 Office Rent & Parking Charges 2006 Office Rent & Parking Charges Office Rental Office Rental Assessment In 4-5 Additional Countr Flood Forecasting Meeting Sjo 13-17 Completion Of Research For Gap Anal Land Work Fp-04-05 1st. Pymt. On Contract 94,050.00 94,050.00 72,250.00 72,250.00 64,190.00 46,290.00 45,850.00 36,400.00 34,730.00 Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Les Classiques Ivoiriens Nouvelles Editions Ivoiriennes Mici Isis-tech Etel-ci Africar Ria Ria Cabinet M. N. Consultants Teaching Materials Teaching Printing Services Management Consultancy Rehabilitation Vehicle Rental Printing services Printing Services Agricultural training Croatia Croatia Croatia Croatia Croatia Croatia Aqua-invest D.o.o. Target D.o.o. Instalotehna D.o.o. Raiffeisen Consulting D.o.o. Ekonerg Ltd. Target D.o.o. Water pipes and fittings packs Reaearch And Development Water supply and sanitation managem Contr. Services PGF Evaluation 2nd Introduction of EMS 3rd instalment Research report Cyprus Cyprus Cyprus Cyprus Cyprus Cyprus Cyprus Cyprus Cyprus Cyprus Cyprus Cyprus Cyprus Cyprus Cyprus Cyprus Cyprus Cyprus Cyprus Cyprus Cyprus Cyprus Cyprus Cyprus Cyprus Cyprus Cyprus Cyprus Cyprus Cyprus Fap Construction Ltd Fap Construction Ltd Ali Tosun Ltd. Ali Tosun Ltd. Public Sub Account - Hmg00837507 Public Sub Account - Hmg00837507 Pricewaterhousecoopers Limited Pricewaterhousecoopers Limited Rai Consultants Public Ltd Rai Consultants Public Ltd Tetraktys Films Ltd Tetraktys Films Ltd Public Sub Account - Hmg00837506 Public Sub Account - Hmg00837506 Intercollege (Clts) Intercollege (Clts) Bulent Kanol Bulent Kanol Humanitarian Relief Mission Humanitarian Relief Mission Humanitarian Relief Mission Humanitarian Relief Mission Danore Ltd(mr. Sukru Dalkilic) Danore Ltd(mr. Sukru Dalkilic) Tetraktys Films Ltd Tetraktys Films Ltd Cardet Cen.adv.res. & Dev. Edu.tec.ltd Cardet Cen.adv.res. & Dev. Edu.tec.ltd Ali Tosun Ltd. Ali Tosun Ltd. Civil Works Rehabilitation Civil Works Rehabilitation Civil Works Rehabilitation Civil Works Rehabilitation Payment Payment Feasibility Studies Feasibility Studies Second payment under 47409_06_000 Second Payment Under 47409_06_000 First Installment under 47351_06_01 First Installment Under 47351_06_01 Funds received from the Government Funds Received From The Government 1st instalment of the contract 4735 1st Instalment Of The Contract 4735 Paying CSO Directory upon receipt o Paying Cso Directory Upon Receipt O Payment for the period 0.1.06 - 30. Payment For The Period 0.1.06 - 30. 1st INSTALMENT TO HUMANITARIAN ASSI 1st Instalment To Humanitarian Assi Kitchen equipment Kitchen Equipment Second Intallment for 47351_06_015 Second Intallment For 47351_06_015 Payment Payment Civil works rehabilit Civil Works Rehabilit 136 Total Cost (USD) 285,950.00 222,650.00 54,620.00 49,500.00 48,320.00 46,670.00 37,240.00 37,240.00 33,730.00 88,740.00 78,960.00 59,710.00 43,080.00 34,970.00 32,900.00 638,640.00 638,640.00 470,960.00 470,960.00 123,970.00 123,970.00 88,330.00 88,330.00 78,200.00 78,200.00 69,370.00 69,370.00 61,960.00 61,960.00 47,810.00 47,810.00 44,050.00 44,050.00 40,650.00 40,650.00 39,800.00 39,800.00 38,810.00 38,810.00 38,720.00 38,720.00 37,880.00 37,880.00 30,340.00 30,340.00 Major Subcontracts placed by Agency during 2006 (Contracts of USD 30,000 or more) Agency/Location Procurement Name of supplier Description of services Total Cost (USD) UNDP cont. Czech Republic Czech Republic Czech Republic Czech Republic Czech Republic Educon Seven O.p.s. Todero Todero Institute Of Integration Of Cze Conference organizing services ENERGY POLICY AND MANAGEMENT Conference organizing services Workshop and study tours Conference organizing services 101,130.00 62,990.00 61,000.00 44,500.00 40,000.00 Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Afrima Afrima Kuhne & Nagel (K&N) Jeffery Travels Fina Congo Fina Congo Jalla International Services Jalla International Services Mister Cash Transfert Mister Cash Transfert Mister Cash Transfert Mister Cash Transfert Agetraf Agetraf Contitrades Limited Contitrades Limited Bukkehave Ltd. Sapro Afrima Fina Congo Fina Congo Achat véhicules pour les SB SidaFM Achat véhicules pour les SB Sida/ F Transport by AIr for 32 000 Kg of M Transport par avion de 286 policier Gasoline to be picked up at SEP fue Gasoline To Be Picked Up At Sep Fue Imperméables agents(raincoat) Imperméables Agents(raincoat) 50% honoraires sur avenant n°1 au c Reliquat honoraires (50%) 50% Honoraires Sur Avenant N°1 Au C Reliquat Honoraires (50%) Camions pour le transport des kits Camions Pour Le Transport Des Kits Gamelles Gamelles Achat motorcycles SUZUKI TF 125 on/ Desktop Computers (Dell OptiPlex 17 Achat véhicules pour les SB palu/FM Lub Oil in cans of 1 liter to be d Lub Oil In Cans Of 1 Liter To Be 604,200.00 295,100.00 222,450.00 215,000.00 193,940.00 193,940.00 173,750.00 173,750.00 160,290.00 160,290.00 160,290.00 160,290.00 155,850.00 155,850.00 148,400.00 148,400.00 145,600.00 144,770.00 136,200.00 107,330.00 107,330.00 Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Contitrades Limited Contitrades Limited Kuhne & Nagel (K&N) Ets Afrisen Kuhne & Nagel (K&N) Bony Lubamba Agence De Communication Jeffery Travels Jeffery Travels Jeffery Travels Jetra Dan Office Celtel Corporate Afrinet Sprl Afrinet Sprl Radio-tele Armee De L’eternel Fina Congo Fina Congo Agetraf 2m Construct Jetra Jetra Microcom Agb Bukkehave Ltd. Graphitech Microcom Microcom Microcom 2m Construct 2m Construct Jeffery Travels Jalla International Services Jalla International Services Cobil Cobil Jeffery Travels Afrima Bukkehave Ltd. Biosha Construct Gourdes et porte gourdes Gourdes Et Porte Gourdes Transport by Air of 14 000 Kg of sh Commande des casquettes Transport by Air of increase volume Fabrication des Tee-Shirt Transport Policiers MbujiMayi-Kinsh Affrêtement d'un avion pour le tran Transport par avion de150 policier 2e Paiement à JETRA pour réhabilita HP Laser jet 1320n Printer Recharge CELTEL Réseau LAN ex-BCCE Réseau Lan Ex-bcce RTAE Paiement Loyer 2ème trimestre Paiement Loyer 2ème Trimestre Location camions pour le déploiemen 2e paiement à 2M CONSTRUCT de 40% m 1er Paiement à JETRA réhabilitation 3e Paiement apres réception proviso Bande passante Impression de 1 040 Boîtes à Images PYT Air Freight CPT N'djili Kinshas T-shirts, printed Augmentation Bande passante PNUD of Augmentation Bande Passante Pnud Of Monthly Internet Fees Goma, Bukavu, 1er paiement à 2M CONSTRUCT de 30% 3e paiement à 2M CONSTRUCT moins re Transport de policiers par avion de Imperméables officiers(raincoat Off Imperméables Officiers(raincoat Off Carburant essence Carburant Essence Billets d'avion aller et retour pou Achat véhicules pour les SB palu/ F PYT spare parts kit including: 2 s 3e paiement après réception proviso 102,200.00 102,200.00 97,500.00 90,000.00 78,050.00 78,000.00 69,900.00 65,000.00 65,000.00 63,930.00 63,070.00 60,000.00 58,600.00 58,600.00 52,000.00 50,700.00 50,700.00 49,700.00 49,150.00 47,950.00 47,950.00 41,170.00 40,730.00 40,420.00 40,000.00 39,000.00 39,000.00 37,670.00 36,860.00 36,860.00 34,950.00 32,850.00 32,850.00 32,170.00 32,170.00 32,000.00 31,800.00 30,580.00 30,330.00 Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Danish Demining Group-ngo Mt Hojgaard A/S Mt Hojgaard A/S Mt Hojgaard A/S Mt Hojgaard A/S Mt Hojgaard A/S Mt Hojgaard A/S Danish Demining Group-ngo Unicef Supply Division - Denmark Mahe Airfreight Mt Hojgaard A/S Mt Hojgaard A/S Missionpharma A/S Kuhne And Nagel Dal Logistics Kuhne And Nagel Dal Logistics Mahe Airfreight Connectra Aps Connectra Aps Mahe Airfreight Mahe Airfreight Kuhne And Nagel Dal Logistics Peter Justesen Eagle Scientific Limited Kuhne And Nagel Dal Logistics Kuhne & Nagel A/S Unicef Supply Division - Denmark Kuhne And Nagel Dal Logistics Eagle Scientific Limited Unicef Supply Division - Denmark Kuhne And Nagel Dal Logistics Ramboll Kuhne & Nagel A/S Mahe Airfreight Mahe Airfreight Mahe Airfreight Unicef Supply Division - Denmark Missionpharma A/S Eagle Scientific Limited Ramboll Dell Computer A/S Dell Computer A/S Dan: Office Unicef Supply Division - Denmark Ramboll Danmark A/S Unicef Supply Division - Denmark Unicef Supply Division - Denmark Kuhne And Nagel Dal Logistics Pem Consult Pem Consult Cowi Consulting Engineering Vestergaard Frandsen Mahe Airfreight Dell Computer A/S Kuhne And Nagel Dal Logistics Payment in connection with contract Construction Construction (Rehabilitation Of Dhi Construction Construction Harbour construction work Harbour Construction Work Payment for services under contract Artemether + Lumefantrine, 80+480mg 81553-2 / ZAM - Airfreight transpor Madifushi Harbour Reconstruction Co Madifushi Harbour Reconstruction Co Antimalarial drugs and Rapid test k 82834-7 : sea for 2 sizes of tents 81800-2, Forward exchange markets IAPSO 78824-2/DRC - Airfreight tran Truck, special purpose Truck, Special Purpose IAPSO 81113-1/DRC /NO - Airfreight IAPSO 81005-1 DRC / NO - Airfrei 84362-2: Maritime transport Laptop Computer (Dell Latitude D510 100 units Olympus CX21 microscope w 85391-4 Seafreight transportation f Freight forwarding and Insurance fo Clean Delivery Kit 82834-9 : air for 228 extra tents f Laboratory equipment for the GFATM Serodia HIV-1/2,Kit of 220 tests IAPSO 81330-2/ZWE/LM Shipping freig Supervision and support of the prep Freight forwarding and Insurance of CR79172-3, airfreight from Copenhag Cr79172-3, Airfreight From Copenhag 82584-2/Airfreight transport for Sc Artemether 80mg/ml, 1 ml. Pack of 6 Distribution of 141000 Mosquito Bed Tuberculosis related laboratory equ Paymnt for elaboraton of Heating Se Computer Services 82132-1 Computer Related Services N Computer equipment maintenance and Artemether + Lumefantrine, 60+360mg Consultancy service for prefeasibil Artesunate 50mg tabs/PAC-300 Amphotericin B inj 50mg/Vial 83812-3 Estimated charges for seafr Consulting service Consulting Service Developing GIS for the National Ele Rectangular 190x180x150 PermaNet, 1 84309-3 / Airfreight transport for DELL-EMC CX300 STORAGE ARRAY, DUAL 82885-2 Sea freight transport 137 1,320,000.00 998,240.00 998,240.00 984,750.00 984,750.00 777,870.00 777,870.00 740,570.00 409,840.00 395,000.00 382,030.00 382,030.00 336,840.00 300,000.00 273,290.00 225,180.00 147,760.00 147,760.00 146,000.00 120,300.00 115,000.00 103,540.00 102,190.00 98,400.00 91,160.00 88,440.00 87,000.00 78,070.00 78,000.00 76,250.00 76,000.00 74,800.00 72,410.00 72,410.00 70,890.00 70,200.00 68,750.00 66,580.00 66,500.00 66,180.00 66,180.00 64,830.00 64,010.00 64,000.00 60,000.00 57,740.00 56,180.00 52,850.00 52,850.00 52,760.00 51,050.00 48,000.00 41,240.00 41,010.00 Major Subcontracts placed by Agency during 2006 (Contracts of USD 30,000 or more) Agency/Location Procurement Name of supplier Description of services UNDP cont. Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Unicef Supply Division - Denmark Unicef Supply Division - Denmark Kuhne And Nagel Dal Logistics Kuhne And Nagel Dal Logistics Kuhne And Nagel Dal Logistics Kjaer And Kjaer Worldwide A/S Unicef Supply Division - Denmark Kuhne And Nagel Dal Logistics Mahe Airfreight Missionpharma A/S Iapso Iapso Unicef Supply Division - Denmark Balance of funds transfer to UNICEF d4t +3TC+NVP,30+150+200mg/tabs/PACIAPSO 81403-2/SDN/LM Seafreight tra Iapso 81403-2/Sdn/Lm Seafreight Tra 82729-2, Freight forwarding 81122-1,Motor cycle and bicycle man Efavirenz 600mg caps/PAC-30 Freight forwarding 84213-2 / Airfreight transport for Antifungal drugs (Fluconazole and N Air freight transport Air Freight Transport Artemether + Lumefantrine, 40+240mg 40,930.00 38,900.00 38,550.00 38,550.00 35,000.00 34,330.00 34,260.00 33,000.00 33,000.00 32,330.00 31,500.00 31,500.00 31,420.00 Djibouti Djibouti Djibouti Djibouti Djibouti Djibouti Abdou Kamil Mohamed Entreprise Ibrahim Aboubaker Abdoulkader Entreprise Mohamed Habib Entreprise Ibrahim Aboubaker Abdoulkader Entreprise Ibrahim Aboubaker Abdoulkader Entreprise Aran Muda Parpaings de ciment de 15x20x40 Lot 2 Ciment typeCPA PARPAING DE 15X20X40 (LOT N°01) Lot 1 Parpaings 15x20x40 CIMENT DE TYPE CPA (LOT N°02) Barre HA de fer à béton de 6ml, dia 89,970.00 52,670.00 42,130.00 35,670.00 31,880.00 30,510.00 Dominican Republic Dominican Republic Dominican Republic Dominican Republic Dominican Republic Dominican Republic Dominican Republic Dominican Republic Talleres Alce Talleres Alce Khoury Industrial Khoury Industrial Bionuclear Inc. Bionuclear Inc. Blocks Y Ferreteria Alfonsina Blocks Y Ferreteria Alfonsina Adquisición de Ventanas Salomonicas Adquisición De Ventanas Salomonicas Khoury Industrial, Adquisición Khoury Industrial, Adquisición C-1 Pago 45% Final monto total. C-1 Pago 45% monto total. Adquisición de 500 metros de Adquisición De 500 Metros De 53,950.00 53,950.00 52,880.00 52,880.00 38,770.00 36,460.00 32,610.00 32,610.00 Ecuador Ecuador Ecuador Ecuador Jose Cartellone Construcciones Civiles Fundacion Charles Darwin Comware Del Ecuador Fundacion Charles Darwin 2do. Abono A Liquidacion De Contrat 12293 Sc01266 Pago Productos 1, 2, Storage Area Network (San) Sun Stor 12293 Sc01266 Pago Productos 3.3.5 1,000,000.00 689,460.00 317,940.00 220,720.00 Ecuador Ecuador Ecuador Ecuador Ecuador Ecuador Ecuador Ecuador Ecuador Ecuador Ecuador Fundacion Charles Darwin Guerra Robayo Diego Marcelo Proviento S.a. Energias Renovables Ecuad Proviento S.a. Energias Renovables Ecuad Comware Del Ecuador Consultora Vera & Asociados C.ltda. Guerra Robayo Diego Marcelo Pazmino Alvear Roberto Vinicio Consultora Vera & Asociados C.ltda. Comware Del Ecuador Spondylus Comercializadora De Medios 12293 Sc01266 Pago Cazadores Períod 12293 65% Contra Planillas De Avanc 12297 Sc06328 2do Pago 60% 12297 Sc06328 1er Pago 40% Computer Equipment Maintenance And 12280 Cs/02/295 4to Pago 12293 30% Reembolsable Por Gasto De 12278 Cs05303 Consul Sistemas 12280 Cs02295 Pago Final 12286 Cs05017 Enm.1 Alquiler Enero 41311 Cs06440 Campaña Comunicación 193,180.00 103,120.00 85,150.00 56,770.00 56,480.00 51,520.00 47,590.00 44,600.00 41,000.00 34,000.00 31,970.00 Egypt Egypt Pricewaterhouse Coopers Egypt Egyptian Electricity Holding Company Review Of The Undg-itf Engineering Training Servvice(see T 249,770.00 87,320.00 El Salvador El Salvador El Salvador El Salvador El Salvador El Salvador El Salvador El Salvador El Salvador El Salvador El Salvador El Salvador El Salvador El Salvador El Salvador El Salvador El Salvador El Salvador El Salvador El Salvador El Salvador El Salvador El Salvador El Salvador El Salvador El Salvador El Salvador El Salvador El Salvador El Salvador El Salvador El Salvador El Salvador El Salvador El Salvador El Salvador El Salvador Cte, S.a. De C.v. Cte, S.a. De C.v. Cte, S.a. De C.v. Jmtelcom, S.a. De C.v. Care El Salvador Jmtelcom, S.a. De C.v. Jmtelcom, S.a. De C.v. Consorcio Crs-iica-catie-uca Care El Salvador Consorcio Crs-iica-catie-uca Construfisa, S.a. De C.v. Consorcio Crs-iica-catie-uca Construfisa, S.a. De C.v. Cte, S.a. De C.v. Care El Salvador Care El Salvador Care El Salvador Care El Salvador Care El Salvador Consorcio Crs-iica-catie-uca Consorcio Crs-iica-catie-uca Consorcio Crs-iica-catie-uca Consorcio Crs-iica-catie-uca Consorcio Crs-iica-catie-uca Construfisa, S.a. De C.v. Fepade Ana Gertrudis Mejia De Rubio Anibal De Jesus Zuniga Anibal De Jesus Zuniga Adel / Sonsonate Adel / Sonsonate Care El Salvador Care El Salvador Anibal De Jesus Zuniga Anibal De Jesus Zuniga Care El Salvador Care El Salvador Internet Services For 300 Cra Of Ba Payment For Internet Services. Internet Services For Basic Educati 40% Of Payment For The Purchase Of Third Desbursement For Technical Co Payment No.1 Of 30% For The Purchas Payment No.3 (30%) For The Purchase Fith Disbursement For Consultancy S Fourth Disbursement For Consultancy Third Desbursement For Technical Co Payment For The First Estimation On Fourth Disbursement For Consultancy Third Estimation For Technical Cons Internet Services For Cra Basic Edu First Estimation For Technical Cons Payment For Estimation No. 04/2005 Payment For The Third Estimation No Second Estimation (April-june 2006) Third Estimation Corresponding To I First Estimation For Technical Cons Payment For Estimation No. 04/2005 Payment On Third Estimation No. 03/ Second Estimation (April-june 2006) Third Estimation Corresponding To I Payment For The Second Estimation O Fourth And Fith Desibursement For C Third Estimation For Reconstruction Lam,Acan. Galv, 3x2 Yda Lam,Acan. Galv, 3x2 Yda Last Desbursement As Per Cooperatio Second Disbursement For Project In Third Payment Of 30% For Consultanc Fith Disbursement For Consultancy S Bomba Manual De 20 Ltrs Bomba Manual De 20 Ltrs Fourth Payment Of 20% For Consultan Second Payment Of 20% For Consultan 191,370.00 169,540.00 153,740.00 150,080.00 150,000.00 112,560.00 112,560.00 102,030.00 100,000.00 100,000.00 95,280.00 93,970.00 91,050.00 88,650.00 70,000.00 70,000.00 70,000.00 70,000.00 70,000.00 70,000.00 70,000.00 70,000.00 70,000.00 70,000.00 65,840.00 49,140.00 48,890.00 46,800.00 46,800.00 46,600.00 46,600.00 46,440.00 46,000.00 35,590.00 35,590.00 30,960.00 30,960.00 Eritrea Eritrea Red Cross Society Of Eri Red Cross Society Of Eri Office building rental Office Building Rental Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia John Snow, Inc. Helm Corporation Limited Helm Corporation Limited Hst Plc Hst Plc Hst Plc Hst Plc 1st SSA Payment of Period 60% SSA Payment for period 28/11/05 60% Ssa Payment For Period 28/11/05 Consultancy 3rd & 4th Installment P Consultancy Payment Consultancy 3rd & 4th Installment P Consultancy Payment 318,280.00 32,400.00 32,400.00 31,540.00 31,540.00 31,540.00 31,540.00 Fiji Fiji Fiji Fiji South Pacific Applied Geoscience Comm Raghwan Construction Co. Ltd Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat Equal Ground Pasifika Management consultants 4th Contract Payment - Raghwan Cons Contracts Contracts 55,000.00 52,740.00 40,000.00 39,570.00 Finland Finland Finland Wartsila Finland Oy Steerprop Ltd. Jp Management Consulting (Europe) Oy Generators, diesel Safety equipment, marine Contracts France France France France France France Medecins Du Monde Medecins Du Monde Rh Solutions Carlos Cruz Diez International Conseil Energie Enerdata Second advance payment to MDM under Reimbursement of costs incurred by Elaboration d'un outil informatique APROB. DEL PROY. SC 5147/07 Etude 11ème Plan Etude GES 138 Total Cost (USD) 92,330.00 92,330.00 2,548,000.00 2,416,870.00 243,450.00 95,190.00 90,400.00 88,760.00 70,200.00 38,260.00 36,610.00 Major Subcontracts placed by Agency during 2006 (Contracts of USD 30,000 or more) Agency/Location Procurement Name of supplier Description of services Total Cost (USD) UNDP cont. Gambia Gambia Gambia Gambia Gambia Gambia Gambia Gambia Lamin Sawo Amadou Samba Amadou Samba Amadou Samba Amadou Samba Olympic Travels Ltd Elton (Gmb) Elton (Gmb) Contract extension for period July UNICEF & UNFPA contribution to UN H Unicef & Unfpa Contribution To Un H UNDP contribution to UN House Rent Undp Contribution To Un House Rent Cost of return economy class air ti Payment for fuel supply to the UN S Payment For Fuel Supply To The Un S 185,790.00 64,310.00 64,310.00 53,330.00 53,330.00 37,100.00 36,030.00 36,030.00 Georgia Georgia Georgia Georgia Georgia Georgia Georgia Georgia Georgia Georgia Georgia Georgia Georgia Georgia Georgia Georgia Georgia Georgia Georgia Posch&Partners Iberia Ltd. Iberia Ltd. Iberia Ltd. Greennet Ltd Imedi Ltd Cerma Consulting Ltd. Terma Ltd Kartli Ltd. Remmsheni Borjomi Ltd Ie Shevardeni - Vakhtang Kapanadze Volna Cooperative For Meliorationservice S.i.n. Ltd Dagi Ltd Jsc “ J And J” Orient Logic Ltd Orient Logic Ltd Stroitel Ltd Logos Ltd. Enginnering Services Contracts Construction Reconstruction Information networks Pipeline construction work Management consultancy Air conditioning equipment Reconstruction Reconstruction Construction Civil works rehabilitation Internet/intranet based systems dev General minor repair of buildings Software development tools Computer hardware or software renta Computer Hardware Or Software Renta Construction work and site manageme Installation 530,000.00 500,000.00 300,000.00 250,880.00 226,280.00 165,400.00 139,920.00 98,280.00 96,270.00 57,290.00 55,580.00 53,210.00 50,120.00 49,740.00 47,500.00 40,470.00 40,470.00 33,890.00 32,840.00 Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Fichtner Gmbh & Co. Kg Igip Igip Igip Igip Igip Igip Igip Igip Konica Minolta Bonn Igip Igip Igip Igip Igip Igip Konica Minolta Bonn Lahmeyer International Gmbh Viola Laske Lahmeyer International Gmbh Veno Gmbh Bauengeneering Veno Gmbh Bauengeneering Anders Jonsson Anders Jonsson Siegfried Geuenich Bicc Contract for the Engineering Consul water 3 Water 3 water 2 water 4 Water 2 Water 4 water 1 Water 1 rental ammendement to contract - 30/07/200 ammendement to contract -31/05/06 ammendement to contract- completion Ammendement To Contract - 30/07/200 Ammendement To Contract -31/05/06 Ammendement To Contract- Completion COPIER RENTAL B/W CUOTA 3 SCT20060228 LAHMEYER MDG/CU/2006/016 CUOTA 3 SC20060227 LAHMEYER Final payment upon final 100% compl Final Payment Upon Final 100% Compl Management consultants Management Consultants personal files SALW Survey of Croatia - BICC contr 346,100.00 174,220.00 174,220.00 87,110.00 87,110.00 87,110.00 87,110.00 85,250.00 85,250.00 73,500.00 72,120.00 72,120.00 72,120.00 72,120.00 72,120.00 72,120.00 71,230.00 55,240.00 49,200.00 45,970.00 37,280.00 37,280.00 36,000.00 36,000.00 35,980.00 31,220.00 Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Instituto Nutricion Ca Y Panama (Incap) Abbott Laboratorios S.a. Banco Del Cafe, S.a. Banco Del Cafe, S.a. Fafg Fafg Fafg Fafg Agro Comercial E Industria Super Pollo Agro Comercial E Industria Super Pollo Accion Ciudadana Accion Ciudadana Incap Hidro Energia Sa Hidro Energia Sa Hidro Energia Sa Accion Ciudadana Accion Ciudadana Accion Ciudadana Accion Ciudadana Coalicion Por La Transparencia Coalicion Por La Transparencia Medicos Descalzos Medicos Descalzos Fundacion Myrna Mack Fundacion Myrna Mack Fundacion Myrna Mack Fundacion Myrna Mack Alejandro Lopez Hernandez Alejandro Lopez Hernandez Hidro Energia Sa Hidro Energia Sa Aepdi Aepdi Aepdi Aepdi Abjp/Proyecto Reconciliacion Abjp/Proyecto Reconciliacion Abjp/Proyecto Reconciliacion Abjp/Proyecto Reconciliacion Lorenzo Pecher Julajuj Lorenzo Pecher Julajuj Producciones Y Exp. Agricolas Barrios Producciones Y Exp. Agricolas Barrios Ilsa Catalina Galicia De Leon De Lopez Ilsa Catalina Galicia De Leon De Lopez Defensoria Indigena Wajxaqib Noj Defensoria Indigena Wajxaqib Noj Grupo De Apoyo Mutuo Grupo De Apoyo Mutuo Grupo De Apoyo Mutuo Grupo De Apoyo Mutuo Incap Pnud Gua/04/002 Pnr/Digap Pnud Gua/04/002 Pnr/Digap Asoc.de Abogados/Notarios Mayas De Guate Asoc.de Abogados/Notarios Mayas De Guate Asoc.de Abogados/Notarios Mayas De Guate Asoc.de Abogados/Notarios Mayas De Guate Union Nacional De Mujeres Guatemaltecas Union Nacional De Mujeres Guatemaltecas Union Nacional De Mujeres Guatemaltecas Adp Proy Vida En Democracia Y Desarrollo Adp Proy Vida En Democracia Y Desarrollo Coimch Coimch Coimch 80% Adv. Workshop Conteo De Carga Viral Contracts Contracts Contracts Agree 05/05 Pago 3 Contracts Agree 05/05 Pago 3 Chicken, Fresh Chicken, Fresh 5th&Last Pymt Agreement 02/04 5th&Last Pymt Agreement 02/04 Regional Development Orientation Pl 3o. Pymt. On Contract 3th. Pymt. On Contract 10% (Addendu 3th. Pymt. On Contract 10% Addendum First Pymt Agreement 005/06 First Pymt Agreement 005/06 2nd Pymt Agreement 005-06 2nd Pymt Agreement 005-06 2nd&Last Pymt Agreement 02/05 2nd&Last Pymt Agreement 02/05 5th Pymt Agreement 20/04 Amendment 5th Pymt Agreement 20/04 Amendment 6th&Last Pymt Agreement 006/04 6th&Last Pymt Agreement 006/04 5th Pymt Agreement 06/04 5th Pymt Agreement 06/04 Maize (Corn) Maize (Corn) 4o. Pymt. On Contract 5o. Pymt. On Contract 6th&Last Pymt Agreement 04/04 6th&Last Pymt Agreement 04/04 5th Pymt Agreement 04/04 5th Pymt Agreement 04/04 7th&Last Pymt Agreement 03/04 Amedm 7th&Last Pymt Agreement 03/04 Amedm 5th Pymt Agreement 03/04 5th Pymt Agreement 03/04 Construction Construction Agricultural Supplies/Services Orga Agricultural Supplies/Services Orga Coffee Coffee 3rd Pymt Agreement 10/05 3rd Pymt Agreement 10/05 6th&Last Pymt Agreement 008/04 6th&Last Pymt Agreement 008/04 5th Pymt Agreement 08/04 5th Pymt Agreement 08/04 Study Of Importancy Of National Bud Agree 01/05 Enm 1 Pago 3/4 Agree 01/05 Enm 1 Pago 3/4 3rd&Last Pymt Agreement 13/05 3rd&Last Pymt Agreement 13/05 2nd Pymt Agreement 13/05 2nd Pymt Agreement 13/05 2nd Pymt Agreement 15/05 3rd&Last Pymt Agreement 15/05 2nd Pymt Agreement 15/05 5th & Last Pymt Agreement 21/04 5th & Last Pymt Agreement 21/04 5th Pymt Agreement 27/04 Amendment 5th Pymt Agreement 27/04 Amendment 6th&Last Pymt Agreement 027/04 Amed 1,128,680.00 118,800.00 113,000.00 113,000.00 100,000.00 100,000.00 100,000.00 100,000.00 65,140.00 65,140.00 46,570.00 46,570.00 46,000.00 43,500.00 43,500.00 43,500.00 42,020.00 42,020.00 41,850.00 41,850.00 40,310.00 40,310.00 39,550.00 39,550.00 39,110.00 39,110.00 38,850.00 38,850.00 38,280.00 38,280.00 38,000.00 38,000.00 37,850.00 37,850.00 37,580.00 37,580.00 37,380.00 37,380.00 37,290.00 37,290.00 37,100.00 37,100.00 36,860.00 36,860.00 34,320.00 34,320.00 34,140.00 34,140.00 33,410.00 33,410.00 33,190.00 33,190.00 33,000.00 32,940.00 32,940.00 32,800.00 32,800.00 32,710.00 32,710.00 32,560.00 32,560.00 32,560.00 32,050.00 32,050.00 31,990.00 31,990.00 31,950.00 139 Major Subcontracts placed by Agency during 2006 (Contracts of USD 30,000 or more) Agency/Location Procurement Name of supplier Description of services UNDP cont. Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Coimch Centro Defensa Legal Derechos Indigenas Centro Defensa Legal Derechos Indigenas Diocesis De La Verapaz - Pnud Diocesis De La Verapaz - Pnud Diocesis De La Verapaz - Pnud Diocesis De La Verapaz - Pnud Defensoria Indigena Wajxaqib Noj Defensoria Indigena Wajxaqib Noj 6th&Last Pymt Agreement 027/04 Amed 3rd Pymt Agreement 008/05 3rd Pymt Agreement 008/05 3rd Pymt Agreement 09/05 3rd Pymt Agreement 09/05 2nd Pymt Agreement 09/05 2nd Pymt Agreement 09/05 4th Pymt Agreement 10/05 4th Pymt Agreement 10/05 31,950.00 31,800.00 31,800.00 31,230.00 31,230.00 31,140.00 31,140.00 30,240.00 30,240.00 Guinea Guinea Dan: Office Raka Construction De Batiment Computer equipment maintenance and CONSTRUCTION 64,830.00 35,330.00 Guinea Bissau Guinea-Bissau Dell - H.d.f. S.a.s Dell - H.d.f. S.a.s SOFTWARE, COMPUTER, INCLUDING MANUA Software, Computer, Including Manua 103,910.00 103,910.00 Guyana Guyana Guyana Guyana Guyana The Electoral Assistance Bureau The Electoral Assistance Bureau Tagman Inc Bank Of Nova Scotia Brainstreet Technologies Civil and political rights, For the Civil and political rights P/ment as per contract/TOR - design SALARY P/ment as per Contract/TOR - Evalua 100,000.00 99,000.00 48,350.00 34,550.00 31,100.00 Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Us Geological Survey Samir Handal Samir Handal Samir Handal Samir Handal Samir Handal Samir Handal #NAME? LOYER AVRIL 2006 LOYER MAI 2006 LOYER MARS 2006 Loyer Avril 2006 Loyer Mai 2006 Loyer Mars 2006 Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras Coltel Coltel Coltel Constructora Sato S. De R.l. De C.v. Coltel Coltel Coltel Ja Telcom S. De R.l. Industrias Contempo Coltel Nacional De Ingenieros Electromecanica Consorcio Ortega Cia. - Class / Sei S.a. Coltel Coltel Ja Telcom S. De R.l. Coltel Coltel Industrias Contempo Ja Telcom S. De R.l. Cars, Vehiculos S.a. (Carsa) Coltel Coltel Ja Telcom S. De R.l. Industrias Contempo Gabinete Tecnico S.a. De C.v. Coltel Industrias Contempo Coltel Gabinete Tecnico S.a. De C.v. Consultores Asoc. De Honduras (Conash) Ja Telcom S. De R.l. Industrias Contempo Industrias Contempo Coltel Coltel Coltel Coltel Industrias Contempo Coltel Coltel Coltel Ja Telcom S. De R.l. Coltel Coltel Consorcio Ortega Cia. - Class / Sei S.a. Coltel Ja Telcom S. De R.l. Coltel Corporacion Masada Coltel Moore De Centroamerica, S.a. De C.v. Coltel Coltel Coltel Ja Telcom S. De R.l. Coltel Coltel Ja Telcom S. De R.l. Coltel Ja Telcom S. De R.l. Consultores En Ingenieria S.a. De C.v. Coltel Coltel Ja Telcom S. De R.l. Industrias Contempo Serv. Especializados En Ing. Y Admin S.a Zamira Isabel Handal Caceres Ja Telcom S. De R.l. Ja Telcom S. De R.l. Drogueria Americana Ja Telcom S. De R.l. Ja Telcom S. De R.l. Aned Consultores Coltel Coltel Ja Telcom S. De R.l. Industrias Contempo Coltel Ja Telcom S. De R.l. Cars, Vehiculos S.a. (Carsa) Ja Telcom S. De R.l. Cable de Acometida Exterior 2x18 AW VEHICULO PICK UP DOBLE CABINA 4X4 Cable Subterráneo 1200x24 saldo a pagar a partir de junio 200 Cable Subterráneo 600x24 Cable Aéreo Relleno 300x24 F8 Cable Subterráneo 2100x26 Bloque para MDF de 100 pares con di Cierre Aéreo 1e-1s/P(10) Hasta 100 Cable Subterráneo 2400x26 Instalaciones Eléctricas en Quirófa ELABORACION ESTUDIO DE FACTIBILIDAD Cable Subterráneo 600x26 Cable Subterráneo 1800x26 Strandvise de 1/4" Cable Subterráneo 1500x24 Cable Subterráneo 1800x24 Cierre Subterráneo Cables de 1500-2 Grapa Para Cable De Caída ( Mordaza VEHICULO PICK UP DOBLE CABINA 4X2 Cable Subterráneo 1500x26 Cable Aéreo Relleno 200x24 F8 Conector Para Cable De Acometida E Cierre Aéreo de Fácil Acceso sin Te LOTE 1 Y 2 ESTUDIO Y DISEÑO AGUA PO Cable Aéreo Relleno 200x26 F8 Cierre Aéreo Ct Incorp. Prot. Gas D Cable Aéreo Relleno 150x24 F8 Estudio Agua potable ESTUDIO Y DISEÑO DEL PLAN MAESTRO D Protector p/MDF, estado sólido bala Cierre Aéreo 1e-2s/P(10) Hasta 100 Cierre Aéreo 1e-1s/P(20) Hasta 100 Cable Subterráneo 900x24 Cable Aéreo Relleno 100x24 F8 Cable Aéreo Relleno 400x24 Cable Aéreo Relleno 150x26 F8 Cierre Subterráneo 1e-2s De 1800 Ha Cable Aéreo Relleno 50x24 F8 Cable Aéreo Relleno 400x26 F8 Cable Aéreo Relleno 300x26 F8 Poste de madera curada de 25' Cable Aéreo Relleno 20x24 F8 Cable Aéreo Relleno 50x26 F8 Saldo a partir de junio/2006- Contr Cable Aéreo Relleno 10x24 F8 Armario de Distribución 600/900 Cable Aéreo Relleno 100x26 F8 MOTOCICLETAS DE DOS TIEMPOS MARCA S Cable Aéreo Relleno 20x26 F8 FORMULARIO DE AVISO DE COBRO POR SE Cable Aéreo Relleno 30x26 F8 Cable Subterráneo 900x26 Cable Aéreo Relleno 70x24 F8 Conector Modular de 25 pares (24-26 Cable Aéreo Relleno 70x26 F8 Cable Subterráneo 400x26 Cinta Plástica ( Cr Tape ) Cable Aéreo Relleno 30x24 F8 Protector para bloque de distribuid saldo a pagar a partir de junio 200 Cable Aéreo Relleno 10x26 F8 Cable de Acometida Interior 2x22 AW Conector Telefónico Sellado Con Gel Cierre Aéreo de Fácil Acceso con Te Registro saldo contrato sdp/0001287 OBRAS CIVILES TUBERCULOSIS LOTE 1 Y Strandvise de 3/16" Grapa Tangente (Pa296) Zidovudina 10 mg/200 -240ml Conector Con Gel Para Empalme Aéreo Varilla para puesta a tierra ONGOING MONITORING IN PUERTO RICO Cable Subterráneo 300x26 Cable Subterráneo 200x24 Gancho j para poste de madera Cierre Subterráneo 1e-1s De 600 Has Cable Subterráneo 300x24 Cinta de acero inoxidable para flej ESTUDIO DE LINEA BASE EN TUBERCULOS Cinta Selladora ( Sealing Tape ) Hungary Hungary Hungary Hungary Hungary Hungary Janos Meszaros Janos Meszaros Janos Meszaros Zagon Csaba Janos Meszaros Zagon Csaba SALARY FOR JULY-OCTOBER Salary For July-october Salary January, February, March, Ap Salary January, February, March, Ap Salary January, February, March, Ap Salary January, February, March, Ap 140 Total Cost (USD) 38,540.00 31,320.00 31,320.00 31,320.00 31,320.00 31,320.00 31,320.00 960,440.00 298,000.00 295,800.00 251,370.00 246,870.00 245,620.00 223,980.00 220,350.00 219,120.00 212,550.00 207,340.00 201,060.00 195,830.00 193,320.00 190,860.00 188,010.00 185,970.00 181,280.00 177,810.00 168,000.00 161,760.00 150,270.00 147,260.00 142,190.00 137,820.00 135,390.00 131,680.00 131,050.00 130,150.00 127,370.00 121,370.00 108,380.00 105,720.00 104,070.00 104,040.00 103,430.00 102,570.00 101,520.00 100,250.00 94,720.00 91,200.00 90,540.00 87,560.00 84,120.00 82,390.00 79,530.00 79,510.00 77,250.00 76,000.00 73,930.00 71,850.00 70,700.00 70,690.00 70,210.00 66,290.00 60,240.00 56,180.00 54,230.00 52,910.00 49,900.00 48,050.00 47,630.00 46,200.00 45,270.00 44,180.00 43,850.00 43,680.00 43,330.00 42,690.00 42,330.00 41,450.00 39,370.00 38,540.00 37,570.00 35,990.00 35,740.00 35,260.00 34,910.00 31,100.00 30,820.00 30,350.00 32,660.00 32,660.00 30,770.00 30,770.00 30,770.00 30,770.00 Major Subcontracts placed by Agency during 2006 (Contracts of USD 30,000 or more) Agency/Location Procurement Name of supplier Description of services UNDP cont. India India India India India India Tata Consultancy Services Limited Intercontinental The Grand Resort Goa Rmsi Private Limited Rmsi Private Limited Intercontinental The Grand Resort Goa Rmsi Private Limited Software applications, special purp Balance for hotel fees (E&E Practic Consultations Consultations Partial balance of hotel fees (E&E Final 50% payable upon submission o 1,468,150.00 111,500.00 95,950.00 95,950.00 62,600.00 47,980.00 Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Alhas Jaya Group Pt Alhas Jaya Group Pt Alhas Jaya Group Pt Project Concern International Project Concern International Project Concern International Project Concern International Association For Community Empowerment Tuah Sejati, Pt International Relief And Development Inc International Relief And Development Inc International Relief And Development Inc International Relief And Development Inc International Relief And Development Inc Alhas Jaya Group Pt Alhas Jaya Group Pt Alhas Jaya Group Pt Alhas Jaya Group Pt Alhas Jaya Group Pt Alhas Jaya Group Pt Alhas Jaya Group Pt Alhas Jaya Group Pt Alhas Jaya Group Pt Alhas Jaya Group Pt Alhas Jaya Group Pt Alhas Jaya Group Pt International Relief And Development Inc Islamic Relief Islamic Relief Islamic Relief Alhas Jaya Group Pt Alhas Jaya Group Pt Alhas Jaya Group Pt Alhas Jaya Group Pt Alhas Jaya Group Pt Alhas Jaya Group Pt Alhas Jaya Group Pt Alhas Jaya Group Pt Alhas Jaya Group Pt Alhas Jaya Group Pt Alhas Jaya Group Pt Alhas Jaya Group Pt Ibm Indonesia Pt Islamic Relief Witteveen Bos Indonesia Alhas Jaya Group Pt Alhas Jaya Group Pt Witteveen Bos Indonesia Yayasan Dian Desa Yayasan Dian Desa Tuah Sejati, Pt Project Concern International Project Concern International Ibm Indonesia Pt Tuah Sejati, Pt Amal Sejahtera Cv Project Concern International Project Concern International Tuah Sejati, Pt Association For Community Empowerment Association For Community Empowerment Association For Community Empowerment Association For Community Empowerment Association For Community Empowerment Ibm Indonesia Pt Project Concern International Project Concern International Association For Community Empowerment Yayasan Dian Desa International Relief And Development Inc International Relief And Development Inc International Relief And Development Inc Ibm Indonesia Pt Ibm Indonesia Pt Mitra Lingkungan Dataconsult, Pt Mitra Lingkungan Dataconsult, Pt Islamic Relief Islamic Relief Islamic Relief Tuah Sejati, Pt Project Concern International Mitra Lingkungan Dataconsult, Pt Mitra Lingkungan Dataconsult, Pt Mitra Lingkungan Dataconsult, Pt Mitra Lingkungan Dataconsult, Pt Mitra Lingkungan Dataconsult, Pt Cagar Ghighantara.pt Dikatama Adidaya, Pt Ibm Indonesia Pt Ibm Indonesia Pt Ibm Indonesia Pt Sani, Aminoeddin & Partners Hope International Hope International Mitra Lingkungan Dataconsult, Pt Association For Community Empowerment Tuah Sejati, Pt Dikatama Adidaya, Pt Tuah Sejati, Pt Ibm Indonesia Pt Lambrineu Foundation Lambrineu Foundation Lambrineu Foundation Tuah Sejati, Pt Tuah Sejati, Pt Bamboedoea Komunikasi Bamboedoea Komunikasi Dikatama Adidaya, Pt Dikatama Adidaya, Pt Dikatama Adidaya, Pt Fauna & Flora International Menara Thamrin, Pt Hope International Lppm Itb Ibm Indonesia Pt Dikatama Adidaya, Pt Remaining Balance for October, Pay Remaining Balance for November, Pay Remaining Balance for September, Pa 3rd payment - PCI_PS 047/2005_Livel 4th payment - PCI_PS 047/2005_Livel PCI Livelihood 3rd Payment_UNDP-047 PCI Livelihood 4th Payment_UNDP-047 4th Pymnt ACE - UNDP 036/2005 Supply of 3-5 ton Armour Rock at Ul IRD Livelihood 3rd payment UNDP-044 IRD Livelihood 4th payment UNDP-044 Fourth payment, Emergency Livelihoo IRD 4th Payment_UNDP 020/2005 Third payment, Emergency Livelihood 10th Tranche 11th Tranche 12th Tranche 13th Tranche 2 nd Tranche (Note: Tranche for rem 3rd Tranche 4th Tranche 5th Tranche 6th Tranche 7th Tranche 8th Tranche 9th Tranche Second payment, Emergency Livelihoo Fourth Payment, Islamic Relief Islamic Relief 4th Payment_UNDP-027 Third Payment, Islamic Relief 10th tranche 11th tranche 12th tranche 13th tranche 2nd tranche 3rd tranche 4th tranche 5th tranche 6th tranche 7th tranche 8th tranche 9thtranche 1. NETWORK AND INFRASTR. - QUARTERL Second Payment, Islamic Relief Witteveen Boss - Sinabang PS-UNDP 0 1st payment of Heavy Equipment Con 2nd payment of Heavy Equipment Con Witteveen Boss - Calang PS-UNDP 007 M-021 Second Payment: Building Sust M-021 Third Payment: Building Susta Supply of 150-300 kg Armour Rock at PCI - 3rd Payment of Contract 010/2 PCI - 4th Payment of Contract 010/2 1. NETWORK AND INFRASTRUCTURE -2ND Supply of 1-3 ton Armour Rock at Ul 2nd Amal Sejahtera - Heavy Equipmen 5th payment - PCI_PS 047/2005_Livel PCI Livelihood 5th Payment_UNDP-047 Supply of selected core material fo 3rd payment - ACE - PS036/2005 - Sm 3rd payment-ACE-PS036/2005-Small Gr 4th payment - ACE - PS036/2005 - Sm 5th payment - ACE - PS036/2005 - Sm 6th payment - ACE - PS036/2005 - Sm 1.3. NETWORK and INFRASTRUCTURE - Q PCI - Final Payment of Contract 010 PCI Final Payment_UNDP-010/2005 5th Payment ACE UNDP PS 028/2005 M-021 First Payment: Building Susta IRD Livelihood 5th payment UNDP-044 Fifth payment, Emergency Livelihood IRD 5th Payment_UNDP 020/2005 PS041 LOA IBM - Travel expenses of Travel expenses of IBM personnel, a MLD Singkil PS-UNDP 014/2006 - 3rd MLD Singkil PS-UNDP 014/2006 - 4th Fifth Payment, Islamic Relief Final Trance UNDP-PS 027/2005 (Amen Islamic Relief 5th Payment_UNDP-027 Supply of 500-1000 kg Armour Rock a PCI - 2nd Payment of Contract 010/2 2nd Payment MLD PS 014/2006 3th payment-Mitra Duta Linkungancon 4th payment-Mitra Duta Linkungancon MDL 3rd Payment_UNDP-034/2005 MDL 4th Payment_UNDP-034/2005 Honda Win On road motorcycle, model 3rd Tranche Dikatama Adidaya Civil 3. SEVICES - Monthly Helpdesk & Sup 2.2. PC / SOFTWARE / LICENSE - 2nd 4. BCS - 2ND PAYMENT PS UNDP-015/2006 Legal Service -tot 3rd payment HOPE_PS-UNDP-012/2006 4th payment HOPE_PS-UNDP-012/2006 2nd payment-Mitra Duta Linkungancon 7th payment - ACE - PS036/2005 - Sm 4th payment Tuah Sejati_PS-UNDP-033 5th Tranche Dikatama Adidaya Civil 7th payment_Tuah Sejati UNDP 033/20 1.2. NETWORK and INFRASTRUCTURE - 2 3rd Payment Lambrineu 3rd Payment-Lambrineu Foundation_Li 4th Payment-Lambrineu Foundation_Li 3th payment Tuah Sejati - Clearing 4th payment Tuah Sejati - Clearing 35% of contract amount, by end of 2 35% of contract amount, by end of 4 3rd payment_Dikatama Adidaya Civil 4th payment_Dikatama Adidaya Civil 5th payment_Dikatama Adidaya Civil 3rd payment FFI, UNDP-028/2005 Base rent and service charge for MT 2nd payment HOPE_PS-UNDP-012/2006 ITB CBDRM - PS 008/2006 - paymnet f 2. SERVER, SOFTWARE & LICENCES - 3R 4th Tranche Dikatama Adidaya Civil 1,090,810.00 1,090,810.00 1,090,810.00 897,720.00 897,720.00 897,720.00 897,720.00 682,580.00 676,180.00 675,760.00 675,760.00 659,310.00 659,310.00 659,310.00 638,660.00 638,660.00 638,660.00 638,660.00 638,660.00 638,660.00 638,660.00 638,660.00 638,660.00 638,660.00 638,660.00 638,660.00 629,310.00 629,140.00 629,140.00 629,140.00 629,080.00 629,080.00 629,080.00 629,080.00 629,080.00 629,080.00 629,080.00 629,080.00 629,080.00 629,080.00 629,080.00 629,080.00 600,000.00 599,140.00 495,530.00 468,760.00 468,760.00 441,490.00 408,150.00 408,150.00 371,900.00 320,650.00 320,650.00 315,270.00 311,040.00 305,100.00 299,240.00 299,240.00 296,380.00 282,450.00 282,450.00 282,450.00 282,450.00 282,450.00 264,600.00 256,520.00 256,520.00 235,370.00 233,230.00 225,250.00 219,770.00 219,770.00 219,000.00 219,000.00 218,880.00 218,880.00 209,710.00 209,710.00 209,710.00 202,850.00 192,390.00 188,980.00 187,520.00 187,520.00 187,520.00 187,520.00 182,260.00 177,360.00 170,180.00 169,110.00 168,360.00 166,120.00 161,170.00 161,170.00 157,520.00 156,920.00 154,790.00 154,530.00 151,980.00 145,560.00 143,750.00 143,750.00 143,750.00 142,420.00 142,420.00 139,290.00 139,290.00 138,230.00 138,230.00 138,230.00 136,190.00 133,680.00 131,310.00 129,880.00 128,520.00 118,240.00 141 Total Cost (USD) Major Subcontracts placed by Agency during 2006 (Contracts of USD 30,000 or more) Agency/Location Procurement Name of supplier Description of services Total Cost (USD) UNDP cont. Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Yayasan Dian Desa Fauna & Flora International Tuah Sejati, Pt Dikatama Adidaya, Pt Ibm Indonesia Pt Gunung Jerai, Pt Lambrineu Foundation Dikatama Adidaya, Pt Dikatama Adidaya, Pt Tuah Sejati, Pt Lppm Itb Lppm Itb Menara Thamrin, Pt Menara Thamrin, Pt Pt. Tetrasa Geosinindo Fauna & Flora International Jurusan Matematika Fmipa Unsyiah Association For Community Empowerment Association For Community Empowerment Tuah Sejati, Pt Ibm Indonesia Pt Jurusan Matematika Fmipa Unsyiah Mitra Lingkungan Dataconsult, Pt Evans Consulting Inc (Usd Payment) Ibm Indonesia Pt Ibm Indonesia Pt Ibm Indonesia Pt Jurusan Matematika Fmipa Unsyiah Dikatama Adidaya, Pt Mitra Lingkungan Dataconsult, Pt Mitra Lingkungan Dataconsult, Pt Dikatama Adidaya, Pt Ppa Consultants Cagar Ghighantara.pt Cagar Ghighantara.pt Tuah Sejati, Pt Lppm Itb Aceh Raja Apprisindo Pt Hope International Yayasan Dian Desa Yayasan Dian Desa Tuah Sejati, Pt Kantor Kebersihan Pertamanan Dan Pemadam Asean-undp Hiv/Aids Fund Asean-undp Hiv/Aids Fund Aceh Raja Apprisindo Pt Bamboedoea Komunikasi Lambrineu Foundation Lambrineu Foundation Lambrineu Foundation Tuah Sejati, Pt Menara Thamrin, Pt Menara Thamrin, Pt Ibm Indonesia Pt Evans Consulting Inc (Usd Payment) Menara Thamrin, Pt Menara Thamrin, Pt Ibm Indonesia Pt Jurusan Matematika Fmipa Unsyiah Ibm Indonesia Pt Lp3es Kantor Kebersihan Pertamanan Dan Pemadam Ibm Indonesia Pt Kantor Kebersihan Pertamanan Dan Pemadam Perkumpulan Ide Bamboedoea Komunikasi Ppa Consultants Gunung Jerai, Pt Ibm Indonesia Pt Aceh Raja Apprisindo Pt Ibm Indonesia Pt Karya Beurata, Pt Karya Beurata, Pt Karya Beurata, Pt Karya Beurata, Pt Karya Beurata, Pt Karya Beurata, Pt Dinas Kimpraswil Nias Dikatama Adidaya, Pt Dikatama Adidaya, Pt Dikatama Adidaya, Pt World Vision International Mitra Lingkungan Dataconsult, Pt Tuah Sejati, Pt M-021 Final Payment: Building Susta Flora & Fauna - 3 rd payment, UNDP 2nd payment Tuah Sejati - Clearing 2nd payment_Dikatama Adidaya Civil 2. SERVER, SOFTWARE & LICENCES - 4T Payment for Fuel (August 5-6 Oct, a 4th Payment Lambrineu 3rd pay_Dikatama Sinabang_CW 003/20 4th pay_Dikatama Sinabang_CW 003/20 6th payment_Tuah Sejati UNDP 033/20 3rd payment_ITB_UNDP-008/2006 4th payment_ITB_UNDP-008/2006 Base rent and service charge for Ma Base rent and service charge for 7Supply and delivery of Geotextiles, Flora & Fauna - 2 nd payment, UNDP 4th Payment - By middle of 7th week 6th Payment ACE UNDP PS 028/2005 7th Payment ACE UNDP PS 028/2005 Tuah Sejati additional fuel cost_PS 3. SERVICES - 2ND PAYMENT Second payment - By end of 3rd week MLD Singkil PS-UNDP 014/2006 - 5th Salary Hugh Evans SSA106/2006 3.3. SERVICES - Monthly Helpdesk an 4. BCS - Monthly Application Suppor 4. BCS - 3RD PAYMENT 3rd Payment - By end of 5th week. 6th Tranche Dikatama Adidaya Civil 5th payment-Mitra Duta Linkungancon MDL 5th Payment_UNDP-034/2005 2nd pay_Dikatama Sinabang_CW 003/20 PS UNDP-016/2006 - HR Services to B 2nd payment Motorcycle project_PT 3rd payment Motorcycle project_PT C 8th payment_Tuah Sejati UNDP 033/20 2nd payment_ITB_UNDP-008/2006 Supply of rock amour material for U 5th payment HOPE_PS-UNDP-012/2006 M-021; Final payment Contract No.:P M-021; Third payment Contract No.:P 5th payment Tuah Sejati_PS-UND 3rd Payment LoA DKPPK Aceh Besar 1st part of first installment to AS Balance of first installment to ASE Supply of rock armour material for 20% of contract amount, by end of 1 5th Payment Lambrineu 5th Payment-Lambrineu Foundation_Li 6th Payment Lambrineu 5th payment Tuah Sejati - Clearing Base rent and Service Charge for 7Base rent and service charge, MT Bu 3. SERVICES - 3RD PAYMENT Salary for Hugh Evans SSA106/2006 Base rent and service charge for Ap Base rent and service charge for Ju 4.1. BUSINESS CONSULTING SERVICES 5th Payment - By middle of 9th week 3.2. SERVICES - 2nd Payment (Upon N Payment - By end of 6th week. 2nd Payment LoA DKPPK Aceh Besar 2.1. PC / SOFTWARE / LICENSE-1st Pa 1st Payment LoA DKPPK Aceh Besar NM087- First Payment for Perkumpula 10% of contract amount, by middle o PPA Consultant - PS UNDP-016/2006 O Gunung Jerai Payment Period 23 May 1.1. NETWORK and INFRASTRUCTURE - 1 Aceh Raja Apprisindo for Supply cru 4. BCS - 4TH PAYMENT Karya Beurata 2nd payment UNDP-053/ Karya Beurata 3rd. payment UNDP-053 2nd payment_Karya Beurata-Moveable 3th payment_Karya Beurata-Moveable 4th Payment Karya Beurata 5th Payment Karya Beurata 1st payment LoA TWRMP Nias 1st pay_Dikatama Sinabang_CW 003/20 5th pay_Dikatama Sinabang_CW 003/2 1st payment_Dikatama Adidaya Civil First Payment (30%) NM-091Teachers 1st Payment MLD PS 014/2006 1st payment Tuah Sejati - Clearing 116,610.00 113,690.00 111,940.00 107,610.00 105,150.00 102,140.00 95,830.00 93,310.00 93,310.00 91,190.00 89,920.00 89,920.00 89,800.00 89,380.00 87,450.00 83,690.00 82,370.00 78,460.00 78,460.00 75,430.00 75,220.00 73,770.00 72,960.00 72,000.00 70,060.00 70,000.00 67,350.00 66,330.00 65,690.00 62,510.00 62,510.00 62,200.00 61,710.00 61,680.00 61,680.00 60,790.00 59,920.00 58,380.00 53,720.00 51,650.00 51,650.00 51,600.00 50,140.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 49,950.00 49,660.00 47,920.00 47,920.00 47,920.00 47,470.00 45,770.00 45,770.00 45,130.00 45,000.00 44,900.00 44,900.00 44,650.00 44,530.00 43,230.00 42,910.00 42,580.00 42,280.00 41,500.00 40,990.00 39,800.00 38,900.00 38,450.00 36,390.00 33,710.00 33,670.00 33,460.00 33,460.00 32,960.00 32,960.00 32,910.00 32,910.00 31,110.00 31,100.00 31,100.00 30,620.00 30,560.00 30,520.00 30,480.00 Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Basrah Eurolane Co. Snafee Company Basra Development Services Dhabi Aliraq For General Trading Co. Al-ula Engineering Bureau Basrah Eurolane Co. War Child-ngo Basrah-mas Co. For General Contracting Zubair Water Department Al-ula Engineering Bureau Mahmoud Abdul Kadie Al-massry Mahmoud Abdul Kadie Al-massry Dhabi Aliraq For General Trading Co. Al-ula Engineering Bureau Al-butaila Co. For General Contracts Husnieh Ibrahim Khrais Al-butaila Co. For General Contracts Al Rusul Muthana Technical Institute Saad Hikmat Nassir & Partner Co. Qandil Swedish Humanitarian Aid Org. Al-ula Engineering Bureau Al-ula Engineering Bureau Adnan Aklouk Zhen Consultantas Bureau Al-sama Engineering Consultations Amman Marriott Hotel Al-butaila Co. For General Contracts Electrical distribution network con Electrical distribution network con Provision of consultancy servcies f Turnkey operations - Turn Key Desig FEES & REIMBURSABLE COSTS FOR PHASE INSTALLATION OF MACHINERY AND EQUIP River and canal project constructio Supply, Construction and Installati Water supply and sanitation Design: contract IRQ10/P/CY042/0 Rent Rent CONTRACT AMENDMENT NO.1 -Turnkey op Provision of Engineering Consultanc Provision of Consulting Services fo Rent ENGINEERING SERVICES, observation o Water system rehabilitation and upg Water resources mapping Engineering consultancy Services -R Final Payment ENGINEERING SERVICES - Contract IRQ Design: contract IRQ10/P/CY041/06 Rent ENGINEERING SERVICES, Phase II, Mon ENGINEERING SERVICES Hotels Engineering services - Contract P/C 508,220.00 491,560.00 363,400.00 337,440.00 301,900.00 207,730.00 190,800.00 153,050.00 133,520.00 130,860.00 124,290.00 124,290.00 108,670.00 94,250.00 78,750.00 73,450.00 68,000.00 54,500.00 53,560.00 52,350.00 51,790.00 51,300.00 43,440.00 42,370.00 38,400.00 33,430.00 32,540.00 31,000.00 Iran Iran Iran Iran Iran Iran Iran Iran Iran Shimbar Co. Ltd Sabir-shimbar Joint Venture Shimbar Co. Ltd Shimbar Co. Ltd Sabir-shimbar Joint Venture Shimbar Co. Ltd Shimbar Co. Ltd Sabir-shimbar Joint Venture Shimbar Co. Ltd Progress payment for January, Febru Progress payment for May and June 2 Progress payment for May and June 2 Progress payment for July 2006, Cer Progress payment for January 2006, Progress payment for December 2005, Progress payment for September 2006 Progress payment for May 2006, Cert Progress payment for April 2006, Ce 734,630.00 680,860.00 680,860.00 641,060.00 457,910.00 356,500.00 282,830.00 197,980.00 180,610.00 142 Major Subcontracts placed by Agency during 2006 (Contracts of USD 30,000 or more) Agency/Location Procurement Name of supplier Description of services Total Cost (USD) UNDP cont. Iran Iran Iran Iran Iran Iran Sabir-shimbar Joint Venture Sabir-shimbar Joint Venture Sabir-shimbar Joint Venture Sabir-shimbar Joint Venture Parscyberian Consultants Co. Parscyberian Consultants Co. Progress payment for April 2006, Ce Progress payment for June 2006, Cer PAYMENT FOR EXECUTED WORKS FOR MARC Progress payment for Fabruary 2006, Internet bandvidth(Taide) Internet Bandvidth(taide) 176,510.00 144,870.00 128,250.00 111,370.00 75,860.00 75,860.00 Israel Israel Odis Filtering Ltd Lawrence Tours&Travel Co Progress payment for the period of Travel agency Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Alisei Alisei Alisei Alisei Alisei Intersos Ngo Fondazione Terre Des Hommes Fondazione Terre Des Hommes Fondazione Terre Des Hommes Fondazione Terre Des Hommes Fondazione Terre Des Hommes Fondazione Terre Des Hommes Intersos Ngo United+Nations+System+Staff+College United+Nations+System+Staff+College Fondazione Terre Des Hommes Fondazione Terre Des Hommes Alisei Alisei Alisei Fondazione Terre Des Hommes United+Nations+System+Staff+College United+Nations+System+Staff+College Clima Srl Clima Srl United+Nations+System+Staff+College United+Nations+System+Staff+College Fondazione Terre Des Hommes Fondazione Terre Des Hommes Fondazione Terre Des Hommes Fondazione Terre Des Hommes Fondazione Terre Des Hommes Imed - Mediterranean Institute Joseph Cristafaro Joseph Cristafaro Co El Mo Srl Finsiel Spa Co.ri.mec. Italiana S.p.a. Cooperazione Internazionale Giancarlo Canzanelli Giancarlo Canzanelli Peacepath Consulting Ltd Peacepath Consulting Ltd Cirps Centro Interuniversitario Di Ricer Finsiel Spa 3rd payment Alisei _PS-011/2005 (re 3rd payment Alisei_PS-011/2005 ALISEI-First Payment, Cash for Work ALISEI-Second Payment, Cash for Wor ALISEI-Third Payment, Cash for Work Payment for services under contract 3rd Payment-TdH Livelihoods_PS 045/ 4th Payment-TdH Livelihoods_PS 045/ TDH 3rd_PS-045/2005 TDH 4th_PS-045/2005 2nd Payment-TdH Livelihoods_PS 045/ TDH 2nd_PS-045/2005 Landmine Clearance, (Demining), Co Payment to UNSSC of 3rd Quarter tra Payment To Unssc Of 3rd Quarter Tra Fondazione Terre des Hommes - 3rd T Fondazione Terre des Hommes - 4th T 4th payment Alisei_PS-011/2005 ALISEI - Final Tranche PS-011/2005 ALISEI-Final Payment, Cash for Work Fondazione Terre des Hommes - 5th T Payment of 4th quarter tranche to t Payment Of 4th Quarter Tranche To T 83135-1, FURNITURE 83135-1, Furniture Payment to UNSSC of 4th Quarter Adv Payment To Unssc Of 4th Quarter Adv Fondazione Terre des Hommes - 1st T Fondazione Terre des Hommes - 2nd T 5th Payment-TdH Livelihoods_PS 045/ TDH 5th_PS-045/2005 5th payment Terres des Hommes Research and gender analysis on wom ARCHITECTURE (IAPSO PO NO 82353) Architecture (Iapso Po No 82353) IAPSO 81981-1/MYM/LM 43 x Generator Pilot Application 85706-1, Houses, portable Final Payment Management consultancy Management Consultancy Management consultants Management Consultants Research and gender analysis on wom Preparing a request for proposal fo 936,310.00 936,310.00 936,310.00 936,310.00 936,310.00 738,100.00 511,100.00 511,100.00 511,100.00 511,100.00 481,100.00 481,100.00 470,390.00 394,160.00 394,160.00 388,120.00 388,120.00 312,100.00 312,100.00 312,100.00 310,490.00 301,900.00 301,900.00 296,920.00 296,920.00 279,560.00 279,560.00 232,870.00 232,870.00 170,370.00 170,370.00 155,250.00 145,600.00 122,020.00 122,020.00 121,920.00 64,120.00 58,560.00 55,320.00 42,000.00 42,000.00 40,000.00 40,000.00 38,560.00 32,060.00 Jamaica Jamaica Jamaica Management Services And Support Inc. Management Services And Support Inc. Management Services And Support Inc. For initial capital & working capit Pymt. of final installment of contr Pymt. of 2nd. installament of contr 200,000.00 184,000.00 100,000.00 Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Hitachi, Ltd., Power Systems Hitachi, Ltd., Power Systems Hitachi, Ltd., Power Systems Un-habitat Un-habitat Un-habitat Un-habitat Un-habitat Un-habitat Un-habitat Un-habitat Pentax Industrial Instruments Co., Ltd Un Habitat Un-habitat Un Habitat Un-habitat Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Rehabilitation of Units 1,4, & 6 at Rehabilitation of Units 2 & 4 at Mo Rehab. of Mussaib PS, Stage1 - Cash 50% of 2005 budget - in support wit 50% Of 2005 Budget - In Support Wit The letter of Agreement betweeen UN UN-Habitat fifth installement ''25% UN-habitat forth installment ''25% The Letter Of Agreement Betweeen Un Un-habitat Fifth Installement ‘’25% Un-habitat Forth Installment ‘’25% Contracts Consultations INVOICE dated 15 July 2005 against Consultations Invoice Dated 15 July 2005 Against 83447-1 MOTOR VEHICLES AND PARTS AN 83447-1 Motor Vehicles And Parts An 3,500,000.00 3,300,000.00 531,670.00 505,620.00 505,620.00 207,620.00 207,620.00 207,620.00 207,620.00 207,620.00 207,620.00 172,700.00 86,180.00 86,180.00 86,180.00 86,180.00 31,550.00 31,550.00 Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Al Saad Trading Est Scientific For Computers & Systems Orient Transport Co. Modern Technology Construction Co. Modern Technology Construction Co. Specialized Database Technologies Orient Transport Co. Fastlink Fastlink Image Technologies (Itec) Orient Transport Co. Grafica Jordan University For Science & Tech. Image Technologies (Itec) Fondazione Terre Des Hommes Italia Onlus Aviocom Technologies Aviocom Technologies Jordan Center For Social Research Orient Transport Co. The provision of electrical equipme Cost of 200 personal computers Freight forwarding Construction work for UNDP-Iraq pre Construction Work For Undp-iraq Pre Oracle Support (Software Updates + Freight forwarding and insurance co Mobile cellular communications Mobile Cellular Communications Cost of Application Freight Forwarding Design , Layout and Printing of the Professional Contract with JUST- 1s Cost of Singularity - Workflow syst Second Payment Terres Des hommes X-ray Machine FEP ME 640 X-ray Machine Fep Me 640 2nd payment for JCSR/ main research STORAGE CHARGES for Undp cargo/ di 2,996,060.00 173,730.00 167,820.00 140,530.00 140,530.00 73,450.00 58,940.00 57,740.00 57,740.00 55,080.00 50,140.00 49,380.00 43,200.00 42,370.00 39,230.00 36,610.00 36,610.00 35,710.00 30,040.00 Kazakhstan Kazakhstan Kazakhstan Kazakhstan Kazakhstan Enterprise Smc Plus Ltd Smc Plus Ltd Yuzhkazenergoremont Ltd Yuzhkazenergoremont Ltd ParsonBrinckerhof#2156323AContr#06#12CageProducingContr#06-150-S/AFin Contracts #67,68ВЛ-10/0,4кВ&КТП-25кВАConstruc Construction 56,340.00 37,550.00 37,550.00 30,150.00 30,150.00 Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Cmc Motors Group Ltd Cmc Motors Group Ltd Northern Frontiers Inter.dev.org Standard Chartered Bank Kenya Limited Cmc Motors Group Ltd United Nations Common Air Service Spartan Trading Company United Nations Common Air Service Spartan Trading Company United Nations Common Air Service East African Courier Ltd East African Courier Ltd Spartan Trading Company Spartan Trading Company Diakonia Kenya Anti-corruption Commission Spartan Trading Company United Nations Common Air Service Tractors NH TT 75 2WD Tractors NH 75 4WD Payment to Northern Frontiers Inter Staffing services, contract Tractors NH TT 55 2WD Air travel for the TFG TARPAULINS 4 X 5 MTRS UN COLOUR BLU TRANSPORT OPERATIONS Trousers for men - large size TRANSPORT OPERATIONS (Inv. No. 01/0 International courier services International Courier Services Total freight charges to, KINSHASA, transport charges to Goma(for 14000 Contracts Advance of project money to the KAC standard SW/AM/FM radio with sET OF Air travel 143 47,080.00 40,930.00 381,500.00 339,680.00 291,480.00 254,300.00 224,280.00 177,310.00 171,160.00 168,710.00 151,420.00 144,160.00 141,740.00 141,740.00 141,000.00 121,970.00 96,780.00 82,100.00 81,200.00 79,290.00 Major Subcontracts placed by Agency during 2006 (Contracts of USD 30,000 or more) Agency/Location Procurement Name of supplier Description of services UNDP cont. Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Spartan Trading Company South Consulting Africa Limited Africaexpeditions Africaexpeditions 748 Air Services (K) Ltd Wendy Ayres Salim Alio Ibro Spartan Trading Company Archevanell General Relief And Supplies Gobaysane Spartan Trading Company Spartan Trading Company Safari Park Hotel Safari Park Hotel Africaexpeditions Africaexpeditions Spartan Trading Company Spartan Trading Company Spartan Trading Company Kenya Anti-corruption Commission United Nations Common Air Service The Transitional Federal Goverment Of So Mutuma Kathurima International Labour Office Salim Alio Ibro Africaexpeditions Africaexpeditions Raqiya Dualeh Abdalla Sheargold Limited Sheargold Limited Standard Chartered Bank Kenya Limited Spartan Trading Company Africa Expeditions Ltd Spartan Trading Company Africa Expeditions Ltd Ahmed Noorani Ahmed Noorani Trax Construction Ltd Trax Construction Ltd Salih Mohamed Osman Salih Mohamed Osman Telemedia Communications Ltd Telemedia Communications Ltd Coopi - Cooperazione Internationale Catholic Relief Services Uscc Sudan Off. Fairmont Investment Ltd Fairmont Investment Ltd African Virtual University Windsor Golf Hotel & Country Club Africaexpeditions Africaexpeditions Springette Properties Limited Springette Properties Limited Entwise Associates Telemedia Kenya Ltd Telemedia Kenya Ltd Collapsible jerrycan - 20 ltrs Consultations being payment of outstanding rental Being Payment Of Outstanding Rental Air Charter for Commissioners 'Cons SSA149/2006 1Jul05-31Mar2006 Vehicle rental Cotton / polyester T-shirts wiTH SH Tent man tents Payment travel bags with straps and ziPPERS Sandals of size 45 for men (leather Conference organizing services Conference Organizing Services Rental of Afex accomodation,Ref. In Rental Of Afex Accomodation,Ref. In Aluminium sauce pan 7ltrs with lid TOTAL FREIGHT CHARGES TO KINDU Aluminium sauce pan 5 ltrs with lid Payment to Kenya Anti-Corruption Co TRAVEL Office support services 1 year rent (DDC house ) period cov Contracts Miscellaneous Rent of tents Oct.2005 & Jan.2006 r Rent Of Tents Oct.2005 & Jan.2006 R Staffing services, contract Personal computers (PC), for IMO RE Personal Computers (Pc), For Imo Re Staffing Services, Contract blankets(150 X 200cm) Upon completion of works (40%) TOTAL FREIGHT CHARGES TO GOMA Upon completion of excavations(incl Rent for period 01.06.2006 to 31.05 Rent For Period 01.06.2006 To 31.05 Trax final Payment for the Renovati Balance of third instalment payment OCHA-RSO/CEA Rent for period 15 Sep Ocha-rso/Cea Rent For Period 15 Sep Satellite communications inv # MA16 Satellite Communications Inv # Ma16 Contracts Regulatory framework work shop rumb Rental for July to Sept 2006 for Ru Rental For July To Sept 2006 For Ru Model contracts SO workshop 2nd instal May 2006 & June 2006, Juba Accomoda May 2006 & June 2006, Juba Accomoda Rent Rent Contracts Mobile satellite communications Mobile Satellite Communications 71,360.00 66,100.00 65,950.00 65,950.00 64,960.00 63,450.00 62,880.00 59,640.00 57,540.00 55,200.00 54,880.00 54,670.00 50,290.00 50,290.00 49,720.00 49,720.00 47,460.00 47,100.00 45,140.00 44,440.00 44,360.00 43,060.00 42,000.00 40,000.00 40,000.00 39,980.00 39,980.00 39,150.00 39,120.00 39,120.00 38,490.00 37,240.00 36,450.00 36,000.00 35,670.00 35,590.00 35,590.00 35,360.00 33,710.00 33,600.00 33,600.00 33,190.00 33,190.00 32,880.00 32,580.00 32,510.00 32,510.00 32,260.00 31,760.00 31,650.00 31,650.00 31,350.00 31,350.00 31,200.00 30,020.00 30,020.00 Korea - Republic Of Korea - Republic Of Korea - Republic Of Korea - Republic Of Korea - Republic Of Environmental Facilities Management Corp Environmental Facilities Management Corp Environmental Facilities Management Corp Environmental Facilities Management Corp Environmental Facilities Management Corp PAYMENT FOR EXECUTED WORKS FOR APRI PAYMENT FOR EXECUTED WORKS FOR JULY PAYMENT FOR EXECUTED WORKS FOR MARC PAYMENT FOR EXECUTED WORKS FOR May Progress payment for January 2006, 84,680.00 81,620.00 81,510.00 80,240.00 80,110.00 Kosovo Kosovo Kosovo Kosovo Kosovo Kosovo Kosovo Kosovo Kosovo Kosovo Kosovo Kosovo Kosovo Kosovo Kosovo Kosovo Kosovo Kosovo Kosovo Kosovo Community Development Fund Community Development Fund Dan Church Aid Anrra-4 Vllezer Kosovo Center For Internat. Cooperation Dan Church Aid Appk Agef-dawidak Cacttus Gezim Kabashi Gezim Kabashi Developing Together Developing Together Index Kosova Interadria Neet Patria Archsystems Appk Agef-dawidak Pronet Motorola Israel Ltd Riinvest Riinvest Technical assistance and advisory s Technical Assistance And Advisory S Contracts Construction services, other Nongovernmental liaison services Technical Survey Technical assistance and advisory s Computer training Rent Rent Technical assistance and advisory s Technical Assistance And Advisory S Household surveys PC and local area network (LAN) har Medical gases Technical Assistance And Advisory S Computer hardware or software renta Professional training PRINTING, PUBLISHING AND BOOKBINDIN Economic development research Kuwait Kuwait Maritime & Mercantile Co. K.s.c. Shipping and Insurance for Steel Po Kyrgystan Kyrgystan Kyrgystan Kyrgystan Kyrgystan Kyrgystan Kyrgystan Kyrgystan Kyrgystan Kyrgystan Kyrgystan Kyrgystan Kyrgystan Kyrgystan Kyrgystan Kyrgystan Kyrgystan Kyrgystan Kyrgystan Iom Kazakhstan Iom Kazakhstan Nurstroy Ltd Nurstroy Ltd Teran Ltd Sher-kurulush Ltd Building Company Sher-kurulush Ltd Building Company Almaz Jsc Remservice Jsc Remservice Jsc Injenernaya Zashita Ltd Naiman Stroi Ltd Isfana Jsc Taist-service Ltd Jsc Oshremstroy Jsc Oshremstroy Fluid Private Fund Fluid Private Fund Oao Leileksuukurulush Final payment_LOA UNDP and IOM unde Final Payment_Loa Undp And Iom Unde BOMCA 4.2, Project 2 - Construction Bomca 4.2, Project 2 - Construction Contract for Civil works #2006-21 Contract for works #06-010 Contract For Works #06-010 Contract for Civil works #2006-16 ( CADAP 2, P.7 - Renovation prison # Cadap 2, P.7 - Renovation Prison # PO for CW contract #2006-24 (Injene PO for Civil works contract #2006-2 Contract for works # 2006-18 Contract for Civil works #2006-17 CADAP 2, P.7 - Renovation Prison#10 Cadap 2, P.7 - Renovation Prison#10 60% INTERIM PAYMENT FOR SUPPLY AND 60% Interim Payment For Supply And Contract for works #2006-19 Laos Laos National Statistics Center National Statistics Center 2nd installment for National Statis 2nd Installment For National Statis 39,200.00 39,200.00 Latvia- Republic Of Latvia- Republic Of Latvia- Republic Of Latvia- Republic Of Latvia- Republic Of Envirotech Sia Estonian Latvian Lithuanian Environment Estonian Latvian Lithuanian Environment Estonian Latvian Lithuanian Environment Tietoenator Alise Sia PROVISION OF A DIGITAL SOIL MAP FOR FINAL INCEPTION REPORT TO NVBR SECOND QUARTER REPORT THIRD QUARTER REPORT NVBR INFORMATION DATABASE DEVELOPME 52,450.00 41,350.00 41,350.00 41,350.00 39,730.00 Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Midware Data Systems Sal Escwa (Un Econ&Soc. Commiss. W.asia) Escwa (Un Econ&Soc. Commiss. W.asia) Midware Data Systems Sal Midware Data Systems Sal Unescwa Midware Data Systems Sal Midware Data Systems Sal It Services - Warranty Upgrade Transfer Of Funds To Arab States Re Transfer Of Funds To Arab States Re It Services - Hps (Hw Services Exis It Services - Overall Project Manag Implemetaiton Of Managmnet Skills A It Services - 80% Installation Of B It Services - 80% Site Preparation 144 Total Cost (USD) 1,162,630.00 1,162,630.00 234,080.00 165,500.00 115,080.00 90,400.00 84,480.00 74,190.00 73,890.00 73,890.00 73,190.00 73,190.00 72,700.00 53,470.00 45,300.00 39,840.00 35,900.00 35,560.00 33,530.00 30,170.00 31,390.00 167,360.00 167,360.00 119,620.00 119,620.00 72,150.00 71,990.00 71,990.00 70,340.00 67,600.00 67,600.00 66,870.00 60,890.00 51,900.00 45,190.00 42,780.00 42,780.00 40,880.00 40,880.00 35,600.00 330,000.00 150,000.00 150,000.00 110,000.00 96,800.00 70,000.00 63,360.00 63,360.00 Major Subcontracts placed by Agency during 2006 (Contracts of USD 30,000 or more) Agency/Location Procurement Name of supplier Description of services UNDP cont. Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Midware Data Systems Sal Midware Data Systems Sal Midware Data Systems Sal Youmna Ghorayeb Midware Data Systems Sal It Services - 80% Warranty And Inst It Services - 80% Training Expenses It Services - Hps (Sw Services Exis 10 Month Ssa Contract It Services - 80% On-site Implement 53,020.00 42,240.00 33,000.00 32,500.00 31,680.00 Lesotho Lesotho Local Government Service Commission Local Government Service Commission Transfer of Funds Transfer Of Funds 32,890.00 32,890.00 Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Eku People Trade Corporation Eku People Trade Corporation Africa Motors Africa Motors Eku People Trade Corporation Eku People Trade Corporation Genesis Technology And Management Group Genesis Technology And Management Group Building Materials Center Building Materials Center The Talking Drum Studios Tony T. Hage Tony T. Hage Tony T. Hage Tony T. Hage Guinii Creek United Dev. Association Beever Company Inc. Beever Company Inc. Print Tech Inc. Print Tech Inc. Foundation For International Dignity Society For Advancemt Of Humanity, Inc. Upon 50% completion of work require Upon 50% Completion Of Work Require NISSAN DOUBLE CABIN PICK-UP, 4X4, D Nissan Double Cabin Pick-up, 4x4, D Upon 90% completion of work require Upon 90% Completion Of Work Require Technological assessment of the Min Technological Assessment Of The Min Lease of warehouse facility at the Lease Of Warehouse Facility At The Services related to educational aud Rent - JIU premises, Sinkor Rent for JIU premises - Sinkor Rent - Jiu Premises, Sinkor Rent For Jiu Premises - Sinkor Tiahyee Public School, gbelleh Publ Generators (230 KVA) Generators (230 Kva) Printing services (A4 Flyers printe Printing Services (A4 Flyers Printe To Perform Services In Respect Of D Dazabah, Betijama & Nekebuzu Town C 77,460.00 77,460.00 70,500.00 70,500.00 67,780.00 67,780.00 67,070.00 67,070.00 51,000.00 51,000.00 38,930.00 37,500.00 37,500.00 37,500.00 37,500.00 35,510.00 33,750.00 33,750.00 33,000.00 33,000.00 31,670.00 31,030.00 Macedonia Macedonia Macedonia Macedonia Macedonia Macedonia Macedonia Macedonia Macedonia Macedonia Macedonia Macedonia Macedonia Macedonia Davos Inzinering Evgenijaer-flaj D.o.o. Uvoz-izvoz Kuman Fondacija Za Razvoj Na It - Itc Kicevo Kontinental Inzinering Stopanska Banka Interkomm Y Rep Stopanska Banka Evgenijaer-flaj D.o.o. Uvoz-izvoz Kuman Dooel, Export-import Ezg Dooel Makedonska Avtorska Agencija Stopanska Banka Evgenijaer-flaj D.o.o. Uvoz-izvoz Kuman Reconstruction Construction services, other Lump sum transfer for projet implem Reconstruction works - library in r Salary for 479 workers - City of S Inmarsat Sattelite tel charges, 1-J Inmarsat Sattelite Tel Charges, 1-j Salary for 30 volunteers for Jan '0 Fourth Installment, 01 September, 3 CONSTRUCTION Reconstruction works - library Fetk Compensation for the training for Salary for project workers in the C Construction services, 3-rd tempora 84,740.00 74,670.00 49,940.00 47,760.00 42,160.00 39,120.00 39,120.00 38,910.00 37,990.00 35,500.00 35,370.00 33,370.00 31,200.00 30,210.00 Madagascar Madagascar Madagascar Madagascar Madagascar Madagascar Madagascar Madagascar Raharinarivonirina Razafindrasoa Maria S Voyage Bourdon Pro Media Consulting Voyage Bourdon Madcom Sarl Ist D’antsiranana Infoscribe Pro Media Consulting Consultations Air travel Data processing services Travel costs Data processing services Data processing services Data processing services Consultations 355,550.00 123,350.00 105,860.00 85,900.00 72,120.00 65,420.00 56,910.00 33,870.00 Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia Karol Consulting Pty Ltd Wwf-malaysia Kpmg Malaysia National Healthcare Financing Mecha Scientific research Final payment CMAC Audit Contract N 262,420.00 200,820.00 39,110.00 Maldives Maldives Maldives Maldives Maldives Maldives Maldives Maldives Maldives Maldives Maldives Maldives Maldives Maldives Maldives Maldives Maldives Maldives Maldives Maldives Maldives Maldives Maldives Maldives Maldives Maldives Maldives Maldives Maldives Maldives Maldives Maldives Maldives Maldives Maldives Maldives Maldives Maldives Maldives Maldives Maldives Maldives Maldives Maldives Maldives Maldives Maldives Maldives Maldives Maldives Maldives Maldives Maldives Maldives Maldives Maldives Maldives Maldives Maldives Transport & Contracting Co. Plc Maldives Transport & Contracting Co. Plc Moreway Construction Pvt Ltd Moreway Construction Pvt Ltd Moreway Construction Pvt Ltd Moreway Construction Pvt Ltd Dh. Meedhoo Island Development Committee Dh. Meedhoo Island Development Committee Floor Plan Design Associates Floor Plan Design Associates Riyan Design & Management Consultants Riyan Design & Management Consultants Freight Links Global Pvt. Ltd. Freight Links Global Pvt. Ltd. Aviroalhi Construction Company Pvt. Ltd. Aviroalhi Construction Company Pvt. Ltd. Shaviyani Komandoo Idc Shaviyani Komandoo Idc Dh. Meedhoo Island Development Committee Dh. Meedhoo Island Development Committee Meemu Atoll Veyvah Idc Meemu Atoll Veyvah Idc Aviroalhi Construction Company Pvt. Ltd. Aviroalhi Construction Company Pvt. Ltd. Modern Academy For Professional Studies Modern Academy For Professional Studies Modern Academy For Professional Studies Modern Academy For Professional Studies Apollo Holdings Pvt. Ltd Apollo Holdings Pvt. Ltd Sunwind Maldives Pvt. Ltd Sunwind Maldives Pvt. Ltd Modern Academy For Professional Studies Modern Academy For Professional Studies Modern Academy For Professional Studies Modern Academy For Professional Studies Modern Academy For Professional Studies Modern Academy For Professional Studies R.maduvvari Idc R.maduvvari Idc Maldives Transport & Contracting Co. Plc Maldives Transport & Contracting Co. Plc Apollo Holdings Pvt. Ltd Apollo Holdings Pvt. Ltd Apollo Enterprises Private Limited Apollo Enterprises Private Limited Apollo Enterprises Private Limited Apollo Enterprises Private Limited Apollo Enterprises Private Limited Apollo Enterprises Private Limited Apollo Enterprises Private Limited Apollo Enterprises Private Limited Apollo Enterprises Private Limited Apollo Enterprises Private Limited Apollo Enterprises Private Limited Apollo Enterprises Private Limited Sanco Maldives Pvt. Ltd Sanco Maldives Pvt. Ltd CONSTRUCTION Construction Lhaviyani Hinnavaru Harbour Rehabil Lhaviyani Hinnavaru Harbour Rehabil Naifaru Harbour Rehabilitation and Naifaru Harbour Rehabilitation And Dh.Meedhoo, 2 GA, 50% for 126 repai Dh.meedhoo, 2 Ga, 50% For 126 Repai Contract of Professional Consultati Contract Of Professional Consultati Contract for Professional Services Contract For Professional Services Sea freight transport Sea Freight Transport Construction of Fishmarket in Dhaan Construction Of Fishmarket In Dhaan Building construction, other Building Construction, Other Building construction, other Building Construction, Other General minor repair of buildings General Minor Repair Of Buildings Construction of Fishmarket in Dhigg Construction Of Fishmarket In Dhigg First Payment Second Payment First Payment Second Payment Construction of Fishmarket Construction Of Fishmarket Construction of Fish Market in Lh. Construction Of Fish Market In Lh. Final Payment Final Payment- Island COmmunity Org Final Payment Final Payment- Island Community Org 15%Upon Signing 15%Upon Signing MicCapitalGrantAgreemnt Building co Miccapitalgrantagreemnt Building Co Rehabilitation of the Eydafushi Har Rehabilitation Of The Eydafushi Har Generators, Diesel (Yanmar YTB10S 1 Generators, Diesel (Yanmar Ytb10s 1 1EqualInstl$2741700 Civil engineeri 2EqualInstl$2741700 Civil engineeri 3EqualInstl$2741700 Civil engineeri 4EqualInstl$2741700 Civil engineeri 5EqualInstl$2741700 Civil engineeri 6EqualInstl$2741700 Civil engineeri 1equalinstl$2741700 Civil Engineeri 2equalinstl$2741700 Civil Engineeri 3equalinstl$2741700 Civil Engineeri 4equalinstl$2741700 Civil Engineeri 5equalinstl$2741700 Civil Engineeri 6equalinstl$2741700 Civil Engineeri Sewing machine Sewing Machine 874,070.00 874,070.00 639,000.00 639,000.00 517,850.00 517,850.00 376,970.00 376,970.00 353,670.00 353,670.00 273,080.00 273,080.00 264,680.00 264,680.00 152,560.00 152,560.00 149,570.00 149,570.00 148,520.00 148,520.00 148,060.00 148,060.00 136,930.00 136,930.00 91,630.00 91,630.00 91,630.00 91,630.00 91,510.00 91,510.00 79,010.00 79,010.00 76,360.00 76,360.00 76,360.00 76,360.00 45,820.00 45,820.00 42,710.00 42,710.00 42,670.00 42,670.00 42,330.00 42,330.00 35,840.00 35,840.00 35,840.00 35,840.00 35,840.00 35,840.00 35,840.00 35,840.00 35,840.00 35,840.00 35,840.00 35,840.00 33,870.00 33,870.00 Mali Mali Saphir Communication Cfao Motor COMMUNICATIONS Vehicles, 4x4 heavy patrol armoured 145 Total Cost (USD) 45,100.00 38,890.00 Major Subcontracts placed by Agency during 2006 (Contracts of USD 30,000 or more) Agency/Location Procurement Name of supplier Description of services Total Cost (USD) UNDP cont. Mauritania Mauritania Mauritania Tenessee Valley Infrastructure Group Bureau Etudes Pf&3p Bureau D’etudes,D’analyse Statistiques Contracts Contracts Contracts 121,840.00 56,950.00 47,600.00 Mauritius Mauritius Mauritius Mauritius Kpmg East Africa Ltd Servansingh Jadav & Partners Consulting Servansingh Jadav & Partners Consulting Kpmg Advisory Services Ltd Contracts Technical drawings Technical Drawings 20% of contract sum will be paid 229,730.00 99,760.00 99,760.00 31,890.00 Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Televisa Sa De Cv Bosque Sustentable Ac Grupo Ecologico Sierra Gorda Iap Tv Azteca Sa De Cv Victor Rodriguez Chavez Mercaei, S.a. De C.v. Grupo Ecologico Sierra Gorda Iap Universidad Nacional Autonoma De Mexico Olabuenaga Chemistri Sa De Cv Sandra Ruth Moreno Sala Bosque Sustentable Ac Equipamientos Urbanos De Mexico Sa De Cv Camadds A.c. Un Eclac - Mexico Un Eclac - Mexico Redes De Investigacion Ac Proyecto Sierra De Santa Marta, A.c. Conf Patronal De La Republica Mexicana Conf Patronal De La Republica Mexicana Conf Patronal De La Republica Mexicana Geoconservacion A.c. Felipe Ochoa Y Asociados S.c. Benno George Alvaro De Keijzer Fokker Consultorias Y Servicios Agroambientales Instituto Mexicano Del Petroleo Ernesto Dos Santos Caetano Neto El Colegio De La Frontera Sur Un Eclac - Mexico Un Eclac - Mexico Benito Herrera Reyes Un Eclac - Mexico Un Eclac - Mexico Energy Research Centre Of The Netherland Cecilia Martinez Leal Le Groupe Conseil Baastel Itee Un Eclac - Mexico Un Eclac - Mexico Red Para El Desarrollo Sostenible De Ana Carmen Cardenas Fuentes Un Eclac - Mexico Un Eclac - Mexico Ascencion Enrique Trujillo Rosas Energia Tecnologia Y Educacion S.c. Web Comunicaciones, S.c. Contracts Contracts Executive agreements Contracts Contracts Contracts Payment Executive agreements Contracts Contracts Restauración y manejo forestal para Contracts Contracts Rent Rent Contracts Contracts Segunda ministración del Fondo de O Ministración inicial del Fondo de O Tercera ministración del Fondo de O Contracts Contracts Contracts Contracts Contracts Contracts Contracts GASTOS MISCELANEOS EDIFICIO MES DE Gastos Miscelaneos Edificio Mes De Contracts RENTA OFNAS. EDIF. PNUD, DER. HUM., Renta Ofnas. Edif. Pnud, Der. Hum., Contracts AS INDICATED IN BUDGET Contracts RENTA Y SERVICIOS DE VIGILANCIA - O Renta Y Servicios De Vigilancia - O Contracts Contracts RENTA Y SERVICIOS DE VIGILANCIA - J Renta Y Servicios De Vigilancia - J Contracts Contracts Contracts 482,400.00 384,590.00 360,020.00 324,090.00 196,600.00 196,220.00 123,910.00 107,120.00 88,710.00 76,410.00 65,750.00 64,260.00 61,550.00 61,000.00 61,000.00 60,540.00 57,180.00 57,140.00 56,130.00 53,140.00 52,340.00 50,470.00 45,200.00 41,790.00 40,360.00 40,020.00 39,480.00 37,060.00 37,060.00 36,980.00 36,970.00 36,970.00 35,460.00 35,000.00 34,360.00 34,060.00 34,060.00 33,610.00 33,580.00 33,070.00 33,070.00 32,410.00 30,900.00 30,000.00 Moldova Moldova Moldova Moldova Moldova Moldova Moldova Moldova Moldova Moldova Moldova Moldova Moldova (R) Incp Urbanproiect (R) Incp Urbanproiect (R) Consocivil Sa Filiala 13 (R) Ignis Electrum Sa Consind Sa Consind Sa (R) Marconex Prim Srl (R) Marconex Prim Srl (R) Incp Urbanproiect (R) Incp Urbanproiect (R) Mecontec Zz Srl (R) Consandrex Srl (R) Consandrex Srl Milestone II. Upon acceptance of th Milestone I. Upon signature of cont Payments upon submission of deed of intermediary payments - upon accept RECONSTRUCTION WORKS OF JOINT UN CO Reconstruction Works Of Joint Un Co Renovation services - intermediary Renovation/reconstruction of premis FORTH TRANSH OF 25% PAID UPON SUBMI THIRD TRANSH OF 25% PAID UPON SUBMI III payment for reconstruction of C Reconstruction of Garage into Offic Reconstruction Of Garage Into Offic 240,100.00 102,900.00 75,090.00 74,350.00 72,960.00 72,960.00 62,720.00 54,640.00 37,170.00 37,170.00 37,040.00 36,430.00 36,430.00 Mongolia Mongolia Monnis International, Inc Monnis International, Inc Nissan Maxima SE Sedan car Nissan Maxima Se Sedan Car 36,200.00 36,200.00 Mozambique Mozambique Mozambique P. G Glass P. G Glass Aero Servicos, Sarl Payment of Anti-Shatter Film Payment Of Anti-shatter Film Payment of Services to Aero Service 46,930.00 46,930.00 34,250.00 Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Save The Children Uk Artsen Zonder Grenzen Population Svcs Intl. (Psi) Wah Wah Aung Save The Children Uk Population Svcs Intl. (Psi) Medecins Sans Frontieres-switzerland Medecins Sans Frontieres-switzerland Artsen Zonder Grenzen Artsen Zonder Grenzen Europ Continents Myanmar Artsen Zonder Grenzen Population Svcs Intl. (Psi) Wah Wah Aung Population Svcs Intl. (Psi) Save The Children Uk Wah Wah Aung Population Svcs Intl. (Psi) National Aids Programme Save The Children, Us Care Australia(myanmar) Population Svcs Intl. (Psi) Pyi Gyi Khin World Concern National Aids Programme Parami Engineering Co., Ltd Wilfried A. Herrmann Or Surasak Jamsuk Medecins Sans Frontieres-switzerland Europ Continents Myanmar World Concern Unisan Plastic Factory Co., Ltd Amd Trading Ltd. International Hiv/Aids Alliance International Hiv/Aids Alliance Aide Medicale Internationale Amd Trading Ltd. Wah Wah Aung Wilfried A. Herrmann Or Surasak Jamsuk Wilfried A. Herrmann Or Surasak Jamsuk Win Win Win International Co. Ltd. International Hiv/Aids Alliance Save The Children, Us Wah Wah Aung Burnet Institute Marie Stopes International Myanmar National Aids Programme Myanmar Nurses Association (Central) Amd Trading Ltd. Quarterly advance payment to Consor Quarterly advance payment to AZG un Fund disbursement for PSI(Malaria) Obligation for NTP Adv for April to June'06 to Consort Quarterly advance for July to Sep'0 Quarterly Adv for Q5 to Q9 for MSFQuarterly adv. for Q5 to Q9 for MSF Adv for Q9RII& II(b) (Apr to June'0 Q10(July to Sep'06) adv. to AZG und DOMETIC Refrigerator Q8 advance payment to AZG for FHAM Q9 adv (April to June'06) for Round Obligation for NMCP Quarterly adv. for Oct to Nov'06(RI Q10(July to Sept'06) to Consortium Obligation for NAP-Act 1 Deltamethrin 25%, tablet, KO tab pa NAP - Contracts component total Q5 & Q6(april to Sept'06) to SCUS u cash adv. for 1July to 21 August un Adv -Q8 for RII & Q5 for RII(b) to Q1 advance payment to Pyi Gyi Khin 2nd qtr (Jul-Sep 06) fund for Capac NAP - Equipment component total Payment to Parami Funds for FNF-KDN Local Development Quarterly advance payment to MSF-CH X'ray Machine 500 MA with Vertical First installment for World Concern Latrine Pan Colour-White Size: 53.9 Sterilizing Oven, 53L, 400Wx400Hx33 Adv for Jan to Mar'06 under FHAM pr Quarterly advance payment to IHAA u Q8 adv. for jant to mar.06 to AMI u Orbital Shaker, Stuart SO3 Cost of Global Fund Support Unit Op Payment of 1st Quarter for Friedric Payment ot Friedrid Naumann Foundat Impregnated Bed Nets Q7 advance payment to IHAA for the Adv for Jan to Mar'06 to SCUS under Obligation for MNA Quarterly adv. for Jan. to Mar'06 t Advance payment to MSI for the peri NAP - Training component total MNA - Personnel component total Water Bath with Test Tube Rack and 146 538,510.00 406,500.00 389,180.00 337,390.00 317,820.00 294,210.00 284,800.00 284,800.00 277,220.00 277,220.00 272,000.00 268,310.00 247,440.00 243,240.00 215,730.00 200,000.00 187,330.00 160,040.00 158,290.00 137,310.00 126,950.00 126,200.00 93,370.00 93,280.00 90,430.00 87,160.00 87,060.00 86,170.00 82,740.00 82,470.00 79,320.00 77,400.00 74,400.00 71,460.00 69,650.00 66,220.00 62,070.00 61,580.00 60,660.00 60,480.00 59,980.00 57,460.00 57,240.00 55,720.00 54,930.00 54,580.00 52,580.00 51,600.00 Major Subcontracts placed by Agency during 2006 (Contracts of USD 30,000 or more) Agency/Location Procurement Name of supplier Description of services UNDP cont. Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Marie Stopes International Myanmar Wah Wah Aung Care Australia(myanmar) System Engineering Co., Ltd. Marie Stopes International Myanmar Association Francois-xavier Bagnoud Association Francois-xavier Bagnoud Wah Wah Aung Wilfried A. Herrmann Or Surasak Jamsuk Wilfried A. Herrmann Or Surasak Jamsuk Association Francois-xavier Bagnoud Burnet Institute Amd Trading Ltd. Amd Trading Ltd. Burnet Institute Malteser Germany Wilfried A. Herrmann Or Surasak Jamsuk Moe Thida Malteser Germany Malteser Germany Malteser Germany Aung Moe Hein Co., Ltd. Unisan Plastic Factory Co., Ltd Genergy International Parami Engineering Co., Ltd Fourth advance payment to MSI under Obligation for MMA-AIDS cash adv for extension of GF activi Payment to System Engineering Co., Third advance payment to MSI for th Q6(July to Sept'06) to AFXB under F Quarterly adv for Oct. to Dec'06 to Obligation for MHAA 4th qtr bal. FNF/KDN (Act6) FNF Q5 adv for AFXB under FHAM Quarterly adv. to Burnet Institute Finn Pipette Focus Single, 5-50ul Finn Pipette Focus, Quarterly adv. for oct to Nov'06 to Quarterly advance payment to Maltes First payment of second installment NTP Adv for Q7 to Malteser under FHAM p Q6 (July to Sep. 05) advance paymen Q8 (Jan to Mar'06) to Malteser unde Rice Huller with Capacity 3 Tons/ho Latrine pipe PVC Colour-Blue Outer 30 KVA, Sound Proof, Diesel Generat Second payment to Parami Engineerin Namibia Namibia Namibia Namibia Namibia Namibia Namibia Namibia Namibia Consulting Services Africa Emcon Creative Computer Connections Cc. Resource Futures International Social Impact Assessment&Policy Analysis Amusha Consultancy Services Resource Futures International Consulting Services Africa M.u. Electro Contracts Contracts Telecommunication Studies Contracts Payment Contracts Payment Solar energy systems 136,360.00 69,080.00 62,010.00 54,000.00 48,460.00 42,940.00 41,840.00 37,920.00 35,900.00 Nepal Nepal Nepal Nepal Nepal Nepal Nepal Nepal Nepal Nepal Nepal Nepal Nepal Nepal Nepal Nepal Nepal Nepal Nepal Nepal Nepal Help Group For Creative Community Dvlpmt Blue Diamond Society Furniture 2000 Pvt. Ltd. (Fusion) Furniture 2000 Pvt. Ltd. (Fusion) Nepal Red Cross Society Gramin Sasaktikaran Samaj, Tanahun Save The Children Sweden Save The Children Sweden Nepal Red Cross Society General Welfare Pratisthan Community Awareness Against Hiv/Aids & D Furniture 2000 Pvt. Ltd. (Fusion) Furniture 2000 Pvt. Ltd. (Fusion) Nap+N/Cf Hasti-aids Himalyan Ass. Against Sti-aid Youth Power Nepal Nepal Red Cross Society The Richmond Fellowship Nepal Community Welfare Center Blue Diamond Society National Society For Earthquake Technolo Inst Contract 040/2006 : Contract f DFID Funded : NGO Agreement :2006/N 1st installment 40% of contract va 1st Installment 40% Of Contract Va NGO Agreement : 2006/NGO/012 2006/NGO/014 For developing training materials, For Developing Training Materials, NGO Agreement : 2006/NGO/19 : RFP 2 GFATM Agreement for RFP 19 : 2006/N NGO Agreement 2006/NGO/15 UNDP Programme Refurbishment 25% of Undp Programme Refurbishment 25% Of DFID -NGO Agreement : 2006/NGO/36 NGO Agreement : 2006/ngo/002 : GFAT (DFID)NGO Agreement : 2006/NGO/23 NGO Agreement : 2006/NGO/18- RFP 24 Institutional Contract 043-2006 : R GFATM Agreement : 2006/NGO/006 OLD PO : 1535 NGO Agreement : 2006/NGO/022 154,490.00 123,470.00 71,730.00 71,730.00 68,570.00 63,420.00 60,000.00 60,000.00 56,390.00 52,120.00 46,520.00 44,830.00 44,830.00 43,040.00 41,560.00 39,190.00 38,600.00 37,400.00 36,450.00 35,850.00 32,800.00 Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Dhv B.v. Kurhaus Hotel Kurhaus Hotel Imants B.v. Nedeco Dhv Water Bv Kurhaus Hotel Kurhaus Hotel Kurhaus Hotel Kurhaus Hotel Imants B.v. Kurhaus Hotel Kurhaus Hotel Kurhaus Hotel Kurhaus Hotel Transition International (Ti) DHV (Gunung Sitoli) - PS 003/2006 2nd Deposit to Global Management Me 2nd Deposit To Global Management Me metham spader with tractor, type D Payment for consulting services for Payment 4th Payment On Gmm Conference Centr 3rd Prepayment Invoice - Partial 3rd Prepayment Invoice - Partial dazomet spader, type A Downpayment on GMM Conference Centr Downpayment On Gmm Conference Centr 5th Payment on GMM Conference Centr 5th Payment On Gmm Conference Centr Consultancy Services(final payment) 570,030.00 365,410.00 365,410.00 269,440.00 246,850.00 200,000.00 200,000.00 150,000.00 150,000.00 69,720.00 51,510.00 51,510.00 48,560.00 48,560.00 46,780.00 New Zealand New Zealand New Zealand New Zealand Helipark Ltd. Helipark Ltd. Helipark Ltd. Helipark Ltd. Horas vuelo Mar06 F.32 Horas vuelo feb06 F.31 Horas vuelo dic05 Hora vuelo min.ene06 165,760.00 77,090.00 52,440.00 49,630.00 Nicaragua Nicaragua Nicaragua Nicaragua Nicaragua Nicaragua Nicaragua Nicaragua Nicaragua Nicaragua Nicaragua Nicaragua Nicaragua Nicaragua Nicaragua Nicaragua Nicaragua Nicaragua Nicaragua Nicaragua Nicaragua Nicaragua Nicaragua Nicaragua Nicaragua Nicaragua Nicaragua Nicaragua Nicaragua Nicaragua Nicaragua Oficina Sanitaria Panamericana Consorcio Fcc Construccionesy/O Corp M&S Fundesonic Habitar Movimondo Acsur Las Segovias Fundesonic Habitar Movimondo Movimondo Fni/Cne-pch-microturbinas Acsur Las Segovias Consorcio Fcc Construccionesy/O Corp M&S Fundesonic Habitar Acsur Las Segovias Durman Esquivel De Nicaragua S A Acsur Las Segovias Fundesonic Habitar Movimondo F Alf Pellas S A Fundesonic Movimondo Acsur Las Segovias Ofasa Budget Rent-a-car Dagoberto Escobar Mejia Dagoberto Escobar Mejia Dagoberto Escobar Mejia Oficina Sanitaria Panamericana Trancis Sa 80% Adv. Workshop Construction Contracts Contracts Contracts Construction(3rd.pymt On Contract) Construction Construction 40% Pymt On Contract 3/4 Construction(2nd.pymt) Sole Pymt. On Contract Contracts Contracts 2do.pymt 30% Of Addendum 2do Desembolso Correspondiente Al 3 2do. Pymt 30% Of Addendum Last Pymt On Contract Supply Of Pip 10% Last Pymt. On Contract 10% Last Pymt On Contract 10% Last Pymt On Contract 10% Last Pymt. On Contract Vehicle Rental 9% Pymt On Original Contract 9% Pymt. On Contract 8% Pymt On Original Contract Vehicle Rental Transportations Services Materials Transportations Materials & Transportation Design, Publications & Workshop Ser Remodelacion Para El Centro De Cap 1,128,680.00 472,290.00 291,130.00 273,850.00 264,360.00 249,530.00 249,530.00 249,530.00 249,530.00 249,530.00 200,000.00 198,430.00 175,770.00 124,770.00 117,360.00 85,040.00 63,040.00 62,380.00 62,380.00 62,380.00 62,380.00 59,130.00 56,150.00 56,150.00 51,260.00 45,320.00 44,040.00 37,780.00 34,560.00 33,670.00 30,770.00 Nigeria Nigeria Nigeria Nigeria Nigeria Nigeria Nigeria Nigeria Nigeria Nigeria Nigeria Nigeria Ecorys Holding Bv Ecorys Holding Bv Zinox Technologies Ltd Environmental Resource Managers Ltd Centre For Population And Environmental Tec Mac Sri Robert Kwao Djangmah Robert Kwao Djangmah Perfect Printers Ltd Arizona Construction Nigeria Ltd Gf Technology Co Ltd Tec Mac Sri Census External Monitoring Census External Monitoring Voter Registration 35% Upon Submission Of 2nd Draft Re 25% Due Upon Production Of Manual Training, Other-at The Submission O Ssa For Robert Djangmah As Joint Un Ssa For Robert Djangmah As Joint Un Printing, Publishing And Bookbindin Rental Housing Training, Other-10% At The Submissi Contract For Tec Mac Srl (10% Balan 1,721,750.00 1,721,750.00 270,100.00 127,350.00 120,990.00 101,900.00 90,000.00 90,000.00 69,610.00 61,050.00 58,000.00 56,610.00 147 Total Cost (USD) 51,470.00 45,970.00 44,000.00 41,460.00 41,220.00 40,170.00 40,170.00 40,170.00 40,000.00 38,880.00 36,760.00 36,330.00 36,040.00 36,040.00 36,000.00 35,400.00 35,000.00 34,870.00 34,010.00 33,610.00 33,610.00 33,110.00 32,220.00 31,200.00 30,980.00 Major Subcontracts placed by Agency during 2006 (Contracts of USD 30,000 or more) Agency/Location Procurement Name of supplier Description of services UNDP cont. Nigeria Nigeria Nigeria Nigeria Nigeria Nigeria Nigeria Nigeria Nigeria Nigeria Nigeria Nigeria Nigeria Intertel Sage Nigeria Limited Wider Perspectives Limited Arizona Construction Nigeria Ltd Cannon -viking Ltd Solidarity International Ventures Ltd Solidarity International Ventures Ltd Lias Freight Agencies Limited Soma And Associates Nicon Hilton Hotel Abuja Bcg Associates Soma And Associates Solidarity International Ventures Ltd Solidarity International Ventures Ltd Management Consultancy Translation-igbo,Hausa,Yoruba And P Storage 10% At The Submission Of The Report Upon Subtantial Completion Of One H Upon Subtantial Completion Of One H Customs Formalities For 10x 20' Con Voter Registration Hotel Conference And Banqueting Ser Final Instalment For Bcg Associate Translation-igbo,Hausa,Yoruba And P Construction Construction Of Car Lot 3rd Milesto Norway Norway Norway Norway Norway Norway Norway Norway Norway Norway Norway Giertsen Hallsystems As Giertsen Hallsystems As Telenor Satellite Services As Telenor Satellite Services As Telenor Satellite Services As Telenor Satellite Services As Norwegian People’s Aid (Npa Telenor Satellite Services As Pricewaterhousecoopers Roberto J. Garcia Roberto J. Garcia 82834-6 : 2 sizes of tents for post 82834-8 : 228 extra tents for post Dec 2005 - VSAT Monthly Charge for Jan 2005 - VSAT Monthly Jan 2006 Feb 2005 - VSAT Monthly Communication satellites Management advisory services 2005 RMA Invoices Contracts Contract-SSA-Fee Contract-ssa-fee Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Wak Limited Akbar Associates Pvt Ltd. Wak Limited Haider Enterprises Wak Limited Shell Gas Lpg (Pakistan) Limited Wak Limited Halifax Cotex Malik Welding Store Akbar Associates Pvt Ltd. Akbar Associates Pvt Ltd. Standard Chartered Bank Eirad Co Ltd Wak Limited Standard Chartered Bank Eirad Co Ltd Wak Limited Malik Welding Store Halifax Cotex Haider Enterprises Eirad Co Ltd Standard Chartered Bank Halifax Cotex Wak Limited Haider Enterprises Ghulam Sabir & Co Akbar Associates Pvt Ltd. Standard Chartered Bank Shell Gas Lpg (Pakistan) Limited Standard Chartered Bank Halifax Cotex Gerry’s Travel Agency(pvt)Ltd Standard Chartered Bank Standard Chartered Bank Eirad Co Ltd Wak Limited Wak Limited Wak Limited Standard Chartered Bank Qureshi Fire Control Services Standard Chartered Bank Eirad Co Ltd Malik Welding Store Fastracks Akbar Associates Pvt Ltd. Haider Enterprises Malik Welding Store Shell Gas Lpg (Pakistan) Limited Standard Chartered Bank Standard Chartered Bank Standard Chartered Bank Standard Chartered Bank Akbar Associates Pvt Ltd. Eirad Co Ltd Usman Enterprises Standard Chartered Bank Standard Chartered Bank Wak Limited Wak Limited Wak Limited Refill (11.8 kg) Empty LPG Cylinders 11.8 kg Gas cylinders Heaters, gas Refill (45 kg) Cylinder 11.8 Kg GAS, NATURAL Double Burner Stove Double Burner Stove Empty LPG Cylinders-11.8 Kg Refill (11.8 Kg Cyld) Salary COOKING & HEATING staff Refill 11.8 kg Cylinders 11. 8 Kg (New) Salary OCHA Staff Cylinder 11.8 kg (Without LPG) Cyllinders (11.8 Kg New) Double Burner Stove (P#89) Double Burner Stoves (Ref of PO # I Heaters, kerosene/diesel Refill 45 kg Staffing services, contract Burners Pipes, rubber Kerosene Heaters (2000@2175) Heaters, gas Regulator Salary DEX-Muzaffarabad Staff LPG Gas 11.8 Kg Salary Livelihood Project Staff Doubel Burner Stove Travel costs Salary Salary for DEX Mansehra staff Gas cylinders Cylinder 11.8 kg Cylinders 11.8 Kg (New) LPG (11. 8 Kg Cylinders) Salary Tameer (ERRA) Project Staff CHEMICAL PRODUCTS, BASIC MISCELLANE Salary for DEX Mansehra & Muzaffara Cylinder 11.8 Kg (without LPG) Heaters, gas Coal-based Stoves Refill - 11.8 Kg Cylinder LPG Heaters Stoves, kerosene Regulators 11.8 Kg 22 Radio Room Staff 22 Radio Room Staff Inter-Agency Emergency Telecom.Staf Inter-agency Emergency Telecom.staf 2.5 Meter Plastic Pipe LPG Gas (11.8 Kg) 5000 x 1 =5000 Charcoal Supply (100000@18.50) 23 Inter-Agency Emergency Telecom.S 23 Inter-agency Emergency Telecom.s LPG (11.8 Kg Cyld) Cylinder 45 Kg Regulator Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Dywidag Engineering & Construction Primer Banco Del Istmo, S.a. Primer Banco Del Istmo, S.a. Primer Banco Del Istmo, S.a. Primer Banco Del Istmo, S.a. Constructora Urbana, S.a. Constructora Urbana, S.a. Primer Banco Del Istmo, S.a. Constructora Urbana, S.a. Constructora Urbana, S.a. Constructora Urbana, S.a. Constructora Urbana, S.a. Fideicomiso 04idv Aseg. Mundial Grupo Tiesa, S.a. Constructora Urbana, S.a. Constructora Urbana, S.a. Constructora Urbana, S.a. Bicsa Constructora Urbana, S.a. Constructora Y Escavaciones, S.a. Transcaribe Trading, S.a. Concol Panama, S.a. Constructora Urbana, S.a. Constructora Urbana, S.a. Constructora Urbana, S.a. Constructora Urbana, S.a. J.e. Constructores, S.a Constructora Urbana, S.a. Cons Transcaribe Y Serv Multiples Cons Transcaribe Y Serv Multiples Consorcio Global Pharmaceutical, S.a. Y Consorcio Global Pharmaceutical, S.a. Y Consorcio Global Pharmaceutical, S.a. Y Constructora Urbana, S.a. J.e. Constructores, S.a Gesaworld, S.a. Cuenta no. 34. Contrato AJ1-141-00 Cuenta no.2. Contrato AL-1-76-05 Cuenta no. 4. Contrato AL-1-76-05 Cuenta no.1. Contrato AL-1-76-05 Cuenta no. 3. Contrato AL-1-76-05 Cuenta 11. Contrato AL-1-01-05 Cuenta No.12 del Contrato AL-1-01-0 Cuenta no. 6. Contrato AL-1-76-05 Cuenta 9 Contrato AL-1-01-05 Cuenta 7 Contrato AL-1-01-05 Cuenta 1 Contrato AL-1-01-05 Cuenta 10 Contrato AL-1-01-05 Pago de cuenta no. 21, factura no. Cuenta1, Contrato AL-2-56-05 Cuenta 8 Contrato AL-1-01-05 Cuenta no. 6. Contrato DINAC-1-67-0 Cuenta 17 Contrato CAL-1-179-01 Cuenta no. 3. Contrato AL-1-66-05 Cuenta 3 Contrato AL-1-01-05 Cuenta no. 1. Contrato AL-1-25-06 Cuenta 4. Contrato AL-1-18-05 Cuenta No.1 del Contrato AL-1-33-06 Cuenta 3. Contrato AL-1-34-05 Cuenta 3 Contrato DINAC-1-67-04 Cuenta 1, Contrato DINAC-1-67-04 Cuenta no. 5. Contrato DINAC-1-67-0 Cuenta 2, Contrato AL-1-65-05 Cuenta 16 Contrato CAL-1-179-01 Cuenta 2 Contrato AL-1-18-05 Cuenta 1 Contrato AL-1-18-05 Pago correspondiente a la 3era. ron Segundo Pago/ Contrato F.06-0054-A Tercer Pago/ Contrato F.06-0054-A Cuenta 18 Contrato CAL-1-179-01 Cuenta no. 2. Contrato AL-1-64-05 Contrato F.03-0096-A Evaluciación c 148 Total Cost (USD) 51,420.00 46,640.00 45,690.00 41,650.00 38,550.00 38,550.00 34,790.00 34,030.00 32,370.00 32,140.00 30,940.00 30,150.00 30,150.00 1,045,000.00 196,080.00 168,450.00 168,450.00 143,580.00 113,870.00 70,000.00 51,390.00 41,880.00 37,440.00 37,440.00 572,570.00 413,690.00 390,370.00 317,030.00 241,810.00 218,050.00 185,890.00 134,790.00 122,380.00 121,540.00 120,010.00 116,460.00 111,710.00 102,230.00 100,070.00 99,800.00 95,670.00 90,570.00 89,900.00 89,320.00 81,790.00 79,720.00 78,760.00 75,390.00 72,960.00 70,360.00 70,190.00 69,870.00 68,600.00 67,580.00 56,190.00 56,010.00 53,570.00 48,430.00 47,100.00 46,390.00 45,270.00 44,870.00 44,040.00 42,160.00 40,920.00 39,920.00 37,400.00 36,060.00 35,260.00 35,220.00 35,080.00 34,380.00 32,020.00 32,020.00 31,830.00 31,830.00 31,380.00 31,030.00 31,030.00 30,860.00 30,860.00 30,700.00 30,530.00 30,030.00 2,778,200.00 1,362,030.00 1,288,740.00 1,253,060.00 1,251,220.00 1,173,290.00 1,084,160.00 1,014,860.00 974,150.00 906,170.00 793,890.00 613,820.00 613,210.00 564,490.00 560,130.00 553,720.00 527,450.00 515,140.00 496,750.00 484,360.00 462,950.00 456,090.00 434,420.00 433,390.00 407,250.00 407,250.00 384,430.00 381,310.00 370,230.00 369,960.00 365,650.00 365,650.00 365,650.00 359,360.00 350,420.00 346,500.00 Major Subcontracts placed by Agency during 2006 (Contracts of USD 30,000 or more) Agency/Location Procurement Name of supplier Description of services Total Cost (USD) UNDP cont. Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Banco Continental De Panama Consorcio Global Pharmaceutical, S.a. Y Consorcio Global Pharmaceutical, S.a. Y Constructora Urbana, S.a. Fideicomiso 04idv Aseg. Mundial The Louis Berger Group Inc. Constructora Urbana, S.a. Constructora Urbana, S.a. Fideicomiso 04idv Aseg. Mundial J.e. Constructores, S.a American Assurance Corp. J.e. Constructores, S.a Bicsa Constructora Urbana, S.a. Consorcio Global Pharmaceutical, S.a. Y Constructora Urbana, S.a. Constructora Urbana, S.a. Asfaltos Panamenos, S.a. J.e. Constructores, S.a Primer Banco Del Istmo, S.a. Constructora Y Escavaciones, S.a. Consorcio Vialidad Fideicomiso 04idv Aseg. Mundial Inversiones Murcia, S.a. Multi Credit Bank, Inc. J.e. Constructores, S.a Bicsa Asoc. Criadores De Ganado Cebu Pma Cons Transcaribe Y Serv Multiples Albertsons, Inc American Assurance Corp. Consorcio Eptisa Servicios De Ingenieria Consorcio Eptisa Servicios De Ingenieria Constructora Urbana, S.a. Cons Transcaribe Y Serv Multiples Constructora Urbana, S.a. Consorcio Eptisa Servicios De Ingenieria Consorcio Eptisa Servicios De Ingenieria Asoc. Criadores De Ganado Cebu Pma J.e. Constructores, S.a Consorcio Vialidad Consultores Prof. De Ingenieria Constructora Urbana, S.a. Ininco, S.a. Factor Global Inc. J.e. Constructores, S.a The Bank Of Nova Scotia Bicsa Inversiones Murcia, S.a. Grupo Howard, S.a. Constructora Y Escavaciones, S.a. Constructora Urbana, S.a. Bicsa Constructora Urbana, S.a. Primer Banco Del Istmo, S.a. Almacenadora Nacional, S.a. Constructora Nova, S.a. Mercer Human Resource Consulting Inc. Universidad Americana, S.a. Universidad Latina De Panama Corporacion M&S Internacional Ca Sa Constructora Y Escavaciones, S.a. Constructora Urbana, S.a. Cia. Internacional De Seguros, S.a. Asfaltos Panamenos, S.a. Cons Transcaribe Y Serv Multiples Constructora Y Escavaciones, S.a. Bicsa J.e. Constructores, S.a The Bank Of Nova Scotia Consorcio Global Pharmaceutical, S.a. Y Inversiones Murcia, S.a. Constructora Urbana, S.a. Constructora Urbana, S.a. Bicsa Universidad Americana, S.a. Multi Credit Bank, Inc. Asfaltos Panamenos, S.a. Constructora Y Escavaciones, S.a. The Bank Of Nova Scotia Factor Global Inc. Constructora Nova, S.a. Concor, S.a. Bb&M, S.a. The Bank Of Nova Scotia Transcaribe Trading, S.a. Constructora Urbana, S.a. Consorcio Eptisa Servicios De Ingenieria Ininco, S.a. Jose Manuel Gallardo Asfaltos Panamenos, S.a. Transcaribe Trading, S.a. Constructora Urbana, S.a. Factor Global Inc. Constructora Y Escavaciones, S.a. Asfaltos Panamenos, S.a. Factor Global Inc. Constructora Urbana, S.a. Constructora Urbana, S.a. Constructora Urbana, S.a. Financiera Govimar, S.a. J.e. Constructores, S.a Transcaribe Trading, S.a. Constructora Urbana, S.a. The Bank Of Nova Scotia Constructora Y Escavaciones, S.a. Empresas Melo, S.a. Mercer Human Resource Consulting Inc. Constructora Urbana, S.a. Bicsa Transcaribe Trading, S.a. Tarjetas Tecnicas, S.a. (Tecnicard) Almacenadora Nacional, S.a. Asfaltos Panamenos, S.a. Cons Transcaribe Y Serv Multiples Constructora Urbana, S.a. Constructora Y Escavaciones, S.a. Cia. Internacional De Seguros, S.a. Financiera Govimar, S.a. Factor Global Inc. Fincap, S.a. Land & Sea Consultants Inc. Universidad Del Istmo, S.a. Cuenta no. 1- Contrato AL-1-42-05. Segundo pago / Contrato F.05-0034-A Tercer pago / Contrato F.05-0034-A Cuenta No.9 del Contrato DINAC-1-67 Pago cuenta 20 Contrato F.03-0047-A Contrato F.06-0011-A Estudio de fac Cuenta 2, Contrato DINAC-1-67-04 Cuenta No.5 del Contrato AL-1-73-05 Pago fact. 019, contrato F.03-0047Cuenta 1, Contrato AL-1-68-05 Cuenta 10 Contrato CAL-1-175-01 Cuenta 1, AL-1-64-05 Cuenta 3 Contrato AL-1-70-05 Cuenta 2 Contrato AL-1-01-05 Cuarto pago / Contrato F.05-0034-A Cuenta no. 4. Contrato AL-1-50-05 Cuenta 4 Contrato DINAC-1-67-04 Cuenta 13 Contrato 047-97 Cuenta no. 3. Contrato AL-1-64-05 Pago cuenta no. 14 (fact. 374). Con Contrato No. DINAC-1-24-04, cuenta Cuenta 1 Contrato F.06-0001-A Pago cta. 23, contrato F.03-0047-A. Cuenta No.2, Factura No. 4755 del c Cuenta No.1 del Contrato AL-1-78-05 Cuenta 1, Contrato AL-1-65-05 Cuenta no.3. Contrato AL-1-71-05 Cuenta 2 Contrato 009/N/07/05 Cuenta 1 Contrato AL-1-31-05 Constr. 3 cajas pluviales carretera Cuenta 11 Contrato CAL-1-175-01 Octavo pago / Contrato F.03-0014-A Sexto pago / Enmienda F.03-0014-C P Cuenta No.7 del Contrato DINAC-1-67 Cuenta 1 Contrato AL-1-32-05 Cuenta no. 4, Contrato DINAC-1-71-0 Pago Cta no. 11-06. Pago de Serv. d Cuenta no. 14. Cont. F.03-0014-A. P Cuenta 1 Contrato 2-009/N/07/05 Cuenta no. 4. Contrato AL-1-65-05 Cuenta 2 Contrato F.06-0001-A Cuenta 11 Contrato AJ1-08-00 Cuenta no. 6. Contrato DINAC-1-71-0 Cuenta 1 Contrato AL-1-03-05 Cuenta no. 8. Contrato DINAC-1-90-0 Cuenta 3, Contrato AL-1-65-05 Cuenta no. 5. Pav. y Mant. de la Ca Cuenta 2 (Ver Header Comments) Cont Cuenta no. 1. Factura 4614. Contrat Primer pago / Enmienda F.05-0003-B Cuenta no. 3. Contrato AL-1-63-05 Cuenta No.5 del Contrato AL-1-50-05 Cuenta 2 Contrato AL-1-66-05 (Ver H F-06-000-A, Const. Puente Changuino Cuenta 11 Enmienda F.03-0095-C PAN0 Cuenta no. 2. Contrato AL-1-72-05 Cuenta 2 Contrato AL-1-51-01 Segundo pago correspondiente a la e F.06-0135-A, Capacitación -English Contrato F.05-0082-A Capacitación d Cuenta 3. Contrato AL-1-21-06 Cuenta 3 Contrato DINAC-1-24-04 cta. 3, contrato AL-1-61-05 Cuenta 1 Contrato 0-50-2002 Cuenta 12 Contrato 047-97 Cuenta 2 Contrato AL-1-31-05 Contrato No. DINA-1-24-04 Cuenta no. 2. Contrato AL-1-71-05 Cuenta no. 5. Contrato AL-1-65-05 p Cuenta No.6, Factura No. 00007 del Quinto pago/Contrato F.05-0034-A pa Pago cta. 3. factura 4787 contrato Cuenta no. 5. Contrato DINAC-1-71-0 cuenta 2. contrato AL-1-50-05 Cuenta no. 1. Contrato AL-1-70-05 Contrato F.05-0081-A Capacitación d Cuenta 15 Contrato CAL-1-47-01 Cuenta 11 Contrato 047-97 Cuenta 6. Contrato No. DINAC-1-24-0 Cuenta no. 8. F.06-0001-A PS. Pav. Cuenta 19 Contrato 047-97 Cuenta 1 Contrato AL-1-51-05 Cuenta 18 Contrato AJ1-107-00 Contrato F.06-0002-A Divulgación de Cuenta no. 4. Pavimentación y Mant. Cuenta no. 3. Contrato AL-1-32-05 Cuenta no. 1. Contrato 217-2005 Décimo segundo pago/F.03-0014-C PAN Cuenta no. 2. Contrato AL-1-03-05 Cuenta 8 Contrato AJ1-154-00 Cuenta 16 Contrato 047-97 Cuenta 1. Contrato AL-1-34-06 PS 14 Cuenta No.4 del Contrato AL-1-73-05 Cuenta no. 1 contrato DINAC-1-17-04 Cuenta 7 Contrato No. DINAC-1-24-04 Cuenta 1 Contrato AL-1-15-06 Cuenta 3 Contrato AL-1-52-05 Cta. 4. Contrato AL-1-61-05. Cuenta No.8 del Contrato DINAC-1-71 Cuenta No.8 del Contrato DINAC-1-67 Cuenta no. 2. Contrato 0-103-2005 Cuenta No.4 del Contrato AL-1-64-05 Cuenta no. 3. Contrato AL-1-01-06 Cuenta no. 3. Contrato AL-1-50-05 Pago cuenta no. 7, factura no. 0000 Cuenta 1 Contrato AL-1-63-05 Cuenta 1 Contrato AL-2-19-05 Tercer pago correspondiente a la ac Cuenta 4, Contrato AL-1-44-05 Cuenta No.4 del Contrato AL-1-71-05 Cuenta no. 4. Contrato AL-1-25-05 Suministro de tarjetas de prepago Cuenta No.2 del Contrato AL-1-08-06 Cuenta No.1 del Contrato AL-1-35-06 Cuenta 3 Contrato AL-1-18-05 Cuenta No.7 del Contrato DINAC-1-71 Cuenta no. 4. Contrato AL-1-63-05 Cuenta 5. Contrato AL-1-28-05 Cuenta No.5 del Contrato 0-103-2005 Cuenta 7. DINAC-1-90-04 Enmienda F.05-0045-B Construcción d Contrato F.05-0055-A Elaboración de Contrato F.05-0080-A Capacitación d 345,250.00 345,050.00 345,050.00 344,280.00 338,890.00 336,850.00 336,410.00 328,710.00 327,960.00 327,290.00 312,960.00 311,740.00 307,310.00 306,850.00 297,040.00 285,360.00 285,100.00 284,800.00 284,750.00 283,450.00 282,070.00 276,440.00 276,110.00 274,970.00 273,460.00 273,430.00 271,520.00 265,500.00 265,180.00 263,040.00 262,830.00 261,070.00 261,070.00 259,590.00 253,230.00 249,830.00 247,640.00 247,630.00 247,500.00 245,350.00 244,560.00 241,800.00 241,790.00 238,790.00 238,630.00 234,800.00 234,100.00 232,840.00 231,230.00 230,830.00 230,790.00 230,010.00 228,620.00 218,550.00 216,430.00 214,300.00 212,140.00 211,500.00 209,670.00 209,600.00 205,780.00 204,340.00 201,280.00 200,760.00 200,240.00 200,100.00 198,080.00 197,200.00 195,450.00 194,170.00 193,960.00 188,690.00 188,500.00 188,290.00 187,920.00 183,400.00 182,990.00 182,850.00 182,050.00 181,820.00 181,010.00 180,710.00 180,590.00 180,000.00 179,550.00 179,330.00 178,910.00 178,650.00 178,110.00 177,880.00 177,870.00 177,870.00 175,310.00 175,310.00 174,360.00 173,670.00 170,280.00 165,940.00 165,540.00 165,220.00 163,930.00 162,970.00 162,040.00 160,060.00 158,650.00 157,910.00 157,540.00 157,500.00 156,970.00 155,690.00 155,620.00 155,600.00 154,140.00 153,480.00 152,550.00 152,480.00 152,480.00 150,260.00 150,060.00 149,730.00 148,430.00 147,650.00 146,720.00 149 Major Subcontracts placed by Agency during 2006 (Contracts of USD 30,000 or more) Agency/Location Procurement Name of supplier Description of services Total Cost (USD) UNDP cont. Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Consorcio Global Pharmaceutical, S.a. Y Consultores Prof. De Ingenieria Constructora Nova, S.a. Constructora Urbana, S.a. Japa De Panama, S.a. Banco Continental De Panama Factor Global Inc. Aseguradora Mundial, S.a. Japa De Panama, S.a. Factor Global Inc. E.p.card, S.a. Consorcio Vialidad Transcaribe Trading, S.a. Fincap, S.a. Almacenadora Nacional, S.a. Primer Banco Del Istmo, S.a. Consorcio Global Pharmaceutical, S.a. Y Factor Global Inc. Consorcio Eptisa Servicios De Ingenieria Cia. Internacional De Seguros, S.a. Consorcio Eptisa Servicios De Ingenieria Constructora 2g, S.a. Constructora Urbana, S.a. Consorcio Eptisa Servicios De Ingenieria Cia. Internacional De Seguros, S.a. Financiera Govimar, S.a. Multi Credit Bank, Inc. Financiera Govimar, S.a. Mak Construcciones, S.a. Asfaltos Panamenos, S.a. Multi Credit Bank, Inc. American Assurance Corp. Constructora Urbana, S.a. Asfaltos Panamenos, S.a. Kampsax A/S Cowi A/S American Assurance Corp. Constructora Y Escavaciones, S.a. Fincap, S.a. Fincap, S.a. Corporacion M&S Internacional Ca Sa Constructora Urbana, S.a. Riegos De Chiriqui, S.a. Asfaltos Panamenos, S.a. Transcaribe Trading, S.a. Constructora Dum, S.a. Multi Credit Bank, Inc. Asfaltos Panamenos, S.a. Factor Global Inc. J.e. Constructores, S.a Asfaltos Panamenos, S.a. Grupo Corporativo Gs, S.a. Asfaltos Panamenos, S.a. Doral Appliances, S.a. Transcaribe Trading, S.a. Asfaltos Panamenos, S.a. Factor Global Inc. Pass, S.a. Pass, S.a. Multi Credit Bank, Inc. Gesaworld, S.a. Asfaltos Panamenos, S.a. Asfaltos Panamenos, S.a. Ultra Partes, S.a. Dywidag Engineering & Construction Asfaltos Panamenos, S.a. J.e. Constructores, S.a Bicsa Japa De Panama, S.a. Financiera Govimar, S.a. Plastic World Inc. Aseguradora Mundial, S.a. Factor Global Inc. Constructora Urbana, S.a. Constructora Urbana, S.a. Towerbank International Constructora Urbana, S.a. Constructora Urbana, S.a. Constructora Urbana, S.a. Universidad Latina De Panama Constructora Urbana, S.a. Universidad Latina De Panama Constructora Urbana, S.a. Universidad Del Istmo, S.a. Primer Banco Del Istmo, S.a. Programa De Promocion Y Desarrollo Multi Credit Bank, Inc. Factor Global Inc. Caja De Ahorros Asoc. Criadores De Ganado Cebu Pma Constructora Urbana, S.a. Cedeño, Cedeño & Asociados, S.a. Transcaribe Trading, S.a. Asfaltos Panamenos, S.a. Constructora Urbana, S.a. Rb Ingenieros, S.a. Constructora Urbana, S.a. Asfaltos Panamenos, S.a. Factor Global Inc. Cia. Internacional De Seguros, S.a. Transcaribe Trading, S.a. Asfaltos Panamenos, S.a. Constructora Y Escavaciones, S.a. Asfaltos Panamenos, S.a. Asfaltos Panamenos, S.a. Constructores Unidos, S.a. Ingenieria Y Proyectos, S.a. Factor Global Inc. Universidad Latina De Panama Multi Credit Bank, Inc. Producciones Rila, S.a. Cia. Internacional De Seguros, S.a. Inmobiliaria Punta Del Este, S.a. Constructora Y Escavaciones, S.a. Japa De Panama, S.a. Fundacion Tecnologica De Panama Constructora Urbana, S.a. Constructora Urbana, S.a. Pricewaterhousecoopers Bagatrac, S.a. Caja De Seguro Social Bicsa Representaciones Y Servicio Aro, S.a. Banco Continental De Panama Primer Pago/ Contrato F.06-0054-A Cuenta 1 Contrato AL-1-38-05 Cuenta No.1 del Contrato AL-1-62-06 Cuenta 1, Contrato F.06-0003-A Cuenta 3, Contrato AL-1-49-05 Cuenta no. 2 - Contrato AL-1-42-05 cuenta 4. contrato 006-A/00/08-05 Cuenta 9, Contrato AJ1-171-00 Cuenta 4, Contrato AL-1-49-05 Cuenta no. 9. Contrato DINAC-1-90-0 Pago Final -Segundo pago. Contrato Cuenta 3 Contrato F.06-0001-A Cuenta No.4 del Contrato AL-1-01-06 Cuenta no. 4. Contrato 40-2006 Cuenta no. 1. Contrato AL-1-72-05 Pago cuenta no. 13 (fact. 0369). Co Primer pago / Contrato F.05-0034-A Cuenta 18 Contrato 047-97 Décimo primer pago/ Enmienda F.03-0 Cuenta 4, Contrato AL-1-28-05 Décimo tercer pago/F.03-0014-C PAN/ Cuenta no. 1. Contrato AL-1-27-06 Cuenta 2, Contrato AL-1-44-05 Séptimo pago / Contrato F.03-0014-A Cuenta 3 Contrato 0-50-2002 Cuenta no. 4. Contrato 0-103-2005 Cuenta 13 Contrato CAL-1-47-01 Cuenta no. 1. Contrato 0-103-2005 Contrato F.05-0075-A Construcción d Cuenta 15 Contrato 047-97 Cuenta 11 10% retención Contrato AJ Cuenta 4 Contrato DINAC-1-33-04 Cuenta No.9 del Contrato DINAC-1-71 Cuenta 20 Contrato 03-98 Enmienda F.03-0053-E, pago final de Cuenta 12. Contrato CAL-1-175-01. P Cuenta 2 Contrato AL-1-63-05 Cuenta 1 Contrato 0-35-2006 Cuenta no. 5. Contrato 40-2006 Cuenta no. 2. Contrato AL-1-21-06 Cuenta 20 Contrato CAL-1-179-01 Pago Cuenta 1 Contrato 007/R-2,R-3, Cuenta 10 Contrato 047-97 Cuenta 1 Contrato AL-1-01-06 Enmienda F.06-0172-B Cuenta 14 Contrato CAL-1-47-01 Cuenta no. 2. Contrato AL-1-63-06 Cuenta 2 Contrato AL-1-52-05 Cuenta No.5 del Contrato AL-1-64-05 Cuenta no. 1. Contrato AL-1-18-06 Cuenta no. 4. Contrato AL-1-46-05 Cuenta 1. Contrato AL-1-36-06 Contrato F.05-0066-A Construcción d Cuenta no. 2. Contrato AL-1-01-06 Cuenta No.1 del Contrato AL-1-04-06 Cuenta 17 Contrato 047-97 Cta. No. 1 del Contrato 007/R4-R8/0 Cuenta no. 1. Contrato 007/R-3/036/ Cuenta 3 Contrato AL-1-45-05 F.03-0096-B Cons. para la eval. del Cuenta No.3 del Contrato AL-1-15-06 Cuenta No.1 del Contrato AL-1-55-06 Orden de Compra PNUD/PAN/069/05-B Cuenta 33 Contrato AJ1-141-00 Cuenta no. 1. Contrato AL_1-59-06 Cuenta No.1 del Contrato AL-1-52-06 Cuenta 1 Contrato AL-1-66-05 Cuenta No.5 del Contrato AL-1-49-05 Cuenta no. 3. Contrato 0-103-2005 Cta. No.1 del Contrato 62-06 Cuenta No. 4 Contrato AJ1-172-00 Cuenta no. 1. Contrato 0-89-2005 Cuenta 31 Contrato CAL1-44-01 Cuenta 19 Contrato CAL-1-179-01 Cuenta No.8 del Contrato 0-45-2002, Cuenta 23 Contrato CAL-1-179-01 Cuenta 23. Contrato CAL-1-179-01 Cuenta 6. Contrato AL-1-73-05. ps 1 Servicios de F.06-0131-A , Capacita Cuenta No.3 del Contrato 013/R9/024 Servicios de F.06-0127-A , Capacita Cuenta 1. Contrato AL-1-73-05. ps 1 F.06-0129-A , Capacitación -English Cuenta 10 Enmienda F.03-0095-C PAN0 Tercer pago / Contrato F.05-0036-A Cuenta 16 Contrato CAL-1-47-01 Cuenta 20 Contrato 047-97 Cuenta 14 Contrato CAL1-58-01 Cuenta 3 Contrato 009/N/07/05 Cuenta No.1 del Contrato 013/R1/025 1er. pago a la firma del contrato y Pago Cuenta 1 AL-1-03-06 Cuenta 1 Contrato DINAC-1-43-04 Cuenta 1, Contrato AL-1-34-05 Contrato F.06-0175-A Construcción d Cuenta no. 2. Contrato AL-1-43-05 Cuenta 2 Contrato DINAC-1-49-03 Cuenta 2 Contrato Cuenta 2 Contrato 0-50-2002 Cuenta 2. Contrato 013/R5/03//05 Cuenta no. 1. Contrato AL-1-63-06 Cuenta 2 Contrato DINAC-1-24-04 Cuenta 2 Contrato DINAC-1-43-04 Cuenta No.2 del Contrato AL-1-36-06 Contrato F.05-0057-A Construcción d Pago total del contrato F.06-0155-A Cuenta 2. Contrato no. 54-06 Servicios de F.06-0128-A , Capacita Cuenta 2 Contrato AL-1-45-05 Orden de Compra PNUD/PAN/154/06 Cuenta 4 Contrato 0-50-2002 Cuenta No.4 del Contrato DINAC-2-10 Cuenta 1, Contrato DINAC-1-24-04 Cuenta 2, Contrato AL-1-49-05 Contrato F.05-0086-A Capacitación d Cuenta 15 Contrato CAL-1-179-01 Cuenta no. 3. Contrato AL-1-48-05. F.06-0144-A, Nuevo Acuerdo de Capit Cuenta 2 Contrato AL-1-37-05 Cuenta No.3 del Contrato CAL-1-64-0 Cuenta No.4 del Contrato AL-1-66-05 Pago por la presentación de 2do. in Pago a Cuenta 4-Presconsa/ AL-1-29- 146,260.00 145,930.00 143,650.00 142,880.00 142,690.00 141,810.00 141,760.00 141,550.00 141,380.00 141,230.00 140,400.00 139,970.00 139,490.00 139,440.00 138,900.00 138,250.00 138,020.00 136,960.00 136,860.00 136,130.00 135,760.00 135,400.00 134,940.00 134,610.00 134,520.00 134,480.00 133,870.00 133,580.00 132,930.00 132,260.00 131,290.00 131,210.00 131,060.00 130,710.00 130,380.00 129,750.00 128,860.00 128,590.00 128,300.00 127,920.00 125,480.00 124,760.00 123,610.00 122,720.00 122,420.00 121,900.00 121,540.00 120,250.00 120,050.00 119,810.00 119,020.00 118,790.00 118,010.00 117,600.00 116,780.00 116,550.00 116,370.00 116,370.00 116,090.00 115,500.00 114,730.00 114,100.00 113,000.00 112,620.00 112,250.00 111,120.00 111,070.00 109,910.00 109,250.00 108,890.00 108,090.00 108,040.00 108,000.00 107,680.00 105,750.00 105,650.00 105,650.00 105,410.00 105,320.00 104,400.00 103,950.00 103,630.00 103,490.00 103,380.00 103,240.00 103,200.00 102,840.00 100,760.00 100,500.00 99,970.00 99,870.00 99,720.00 99,640.00 99,260.00 99,250.00 99,150.00 99,140.00 99,050.00 98,930.00 98,850.00 98,570.00 97,220.00 95,900.00 95,790.00 95,570.00 95,070.00 95,010.00 94,980.00 94,770.00 93,190.00 92,690.00 92,460.00 92,200.00 91,980.00 91,700.00 91,680.00 91,580.00 91,000.00 90,790.00 90,450.00 90,110.00 89,960.00 89,130.00 150 Major Subcontracts placed by Agency during 2006 (Contracts of USD 30,000 or more) Agency/Location Procurement Name of supplier Description of services UNDP cont. Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panafactoring, S.a. Factor Global Inc. Apasan Apasan Apasan Industrias Villadea, S.a. Industrias Villadea, S.a. Bicsa Constructora Urbana, S.a. Banco Continental De Panama Consorcio Eptisa Servicios De Ingenieria Mercadeo Integral, S.a. Panamena De Motores, S.a. Factor Global Inc. Fincap, S.a. Constructora Urbana, S.a. Apasan Primer Banco Del Istmo, S.a. Asoc. Criadores De Ganado Cebu Pma Consultores Prof. De Ingenieria Asfaltos Panamenos, S.a. Constructora Urbana, S.a. Global Bank Corporation Centro Para La Investigacion En Sistemas Financiera Govimar, S.a. Mercer Human Resource Consulting Inc. Factor Global Inc. Constructora Urbana, S.a. Consultores Prof. De Ingenieria Constructora Urbana, S.a. Consorcio Eptisa Servicios De Ingenieria Banco Continental De Panama Pre Escolar Oxford, S.a. Constructora Urbana, S.a. Factor Global Inc. Consorcio Eptisa Servicios De Ingenieria Global Bank Corporation Constructora Urbana, S.a. Financiera Govimar, S.a. Constructora Tropicana, S.a Chantal Constructora, Sa Cm America Publicidad Arc Systems Mat. Construccion, S.a. Asfaltos Panamenos, S.a. Financiera Govimar, S.a. Corporacion M&S Internacional Ca Sa Mercadeo Integral, S.a. Aseguradora Ancon, S.a. Dragados Fcc Intl. De Construccion Ultimus Panama, Sa Fundacion Tecnologica De Panama Cons Transcaribe Y Serv Multiples Bagatrac, S.a. Factor Global Inc. Banco Continental De Panama Ingemar Panama, S.a. Towerbank International Transcaribe Trading, S.a. Aprogalpa Representaciones Y Servicio Aro, S.a. Alex Morales Munoz Alex Morales Munoz Cons Transcaribe Y Serv Multiples Transcaribe Trading, S.a. Factor Global Inc. Cons Transcaribe Y Serv Multiples Fundacion Pro-ninos De Darien (Funproda) Fundacion Pro-ninos De Darien (Funproda) Fundacion Pro-ninos De Darien (Funproda) Fundacion Pro-ninos De Darien (Funproda) Fundacion Pro-ninos De Darien (Funproda) Fundacion Pro-ninos De Darien (Funproda) Asfaltos Panamenos, S.a. Ulacit - Laureate Intl. Univ. Constructora Urbana, S.a. Concor, S.a. Coop De Ahorro De Credito Spia, R.l. Florida State University C.s.a. Constructores Y Consultores, S.a. Aliado Factoring, Sa Inversiones Globo, S.a Dimaro, S.a. Presforzados De Concreto, S.a. Factor Global Inc. Universidad Del Istmo, S.a. Factor Global Inc. Coop De Ahorro De Credito Spia, R.l. Japa De Panama, S.a. Primer Banco Del Istmo, S.a. Asfaltos Panamenos, S.a. Aliado Factoring, Sa Servi Electro Correa, S.a. Japa De Panama, S.a. Constructora Tropicana, S.a Almacenadora Nacional, S.a. Constructora Urbana, S.a. Factor Global Inc. Constructora Urbana, S.a. Asfaltos Panamenos, S.a. Japa De Panama, S.a. Fincap, S.a. Ulacit - Laureate Intl. Univ. Intracorp Estr. Empresariales, S.a. Consorcio Lain, S.a./Corpav, S.a. Consorcio Lain, S.a./Corpav, S.a. Constructora Urbana, S.a. Factor Global Inc. Arden & Price Consulting Inc. Proyectos Y Maquinaria Cedeno, S.a. Consorcio Eptisa Servicios De Ingenieria Consorcio Eptisa Servicios De Ingenieria Tecnologia Aplicada, S.a. (Tecnasa) Grupo Howard, S.a. Cons Transcaribe Y Serv Multiples Fincap, S.a. Factor Global Inc. Cepsa Contratistas Generales Y Electricos Factor Global Inc. Factor Global Inc. Dimaro, S.a. Erick Manuel Chen C. Constructora Urbana, S.a. Cuenta 14, Contrato DINAC-1-41-04 Cuenta 4 Contrato AL-1-52-05 Pago correspondiente a la era. rond Segundo Pago / Contrato F.06-0051-A Segundo pago Contrato F.06-0051-A ( Contrato F.06-0181-A Construcción d Cuenta no. 3 Contrato 012/R8/038/05 Cuenta no. 1. Contrato AL-1-71-05 Cuenta 3, Contrato AL-1-44-05 Cuenta 2 Contrato AL-1-05-05 Noveno pago / Enmienda F.03-0014-D Contrato F.05-0070-A Implementación Cuenta 1 Contrato AL-2-55-05 Cuenta 2 Contrato 006-A/00/008-05 Contrato F.05-0063-A Construcción d Cuenta 1 Contrato AL-1-50-05 Segundo pago / Contrato F.05-0031-A Cuenta 8, Contrato F.03-0095-A Cuenta 5 Contrato 009/N/07/05 Cuenta 2 Contrato AL-1-38-05 Cuenta 7 Contrato DINAC-1-44-04 Cuenta 4. Contrato AL-1-48-05 Cuenta 4 Contrato DINAC-1-90-04 Cont. no. F.06-0198-A Elab. de estr Cuenta 1. Contrato 0-162-2005 PS142 Primer pago por presentación de Pri Cuenta 1. Contrato 005/R2/017/05 Cuenta 2 Contrato AL-1-34-05 Cuenta 6 Contrato DINAC-1-07-04 Cuenta No.3 del Contrato AL-1-16-06 Décimo cuarto pago/F.03-0014-C PAN/ Cuenta 5. Contrato AL-1-29-05 PS142 Contrato F.05-0085-A Capacitación d Cuenta no. 5. Contrato AL-1-61-05 Cuenta 4 Contrato DINAC-1-45-03 Décimo pago/ Enmienda F.03-0014-C P Cuenta 6, Contrato DINAC-1-90-04 Cuenta No.2 del Contrato AL-1-16-06 Cuenta No.1 del Contrato 0-122-06, Cuenta 1 Contrato 2-07-2005 Cuenta no. 1. Contrato AL-1-07-06 Cuenta 1 Contrato F.06-0100-A Cuenta 1 Contrato 232-2005 Cuenta no. 2. Contrato AL-1-15-06 Enmienda F.05-0056-B Construcción d Cuenta no. 1. Contrato AL-1-21-06 Contrato F.06-0055-A Desarrollo Pla Cuenta No. 1. Contrato 002-98 Cuenta 29 Contrato 046-97 F.06-0082-A , Adm. de Procesos para F.06-0137-A , Capacitación -English Cuenta 2 Contrato AL-1-32-05 Cuenta 1 Contrato AL-1-37-05 Cuenta 2 Contrato DINAC-1-113-03 Pago a Cuenta 3-Presconsa/ AL-1-29Contrato F.06-0163-A, Estudio de Im Cuenta no. 11. Contrato DINAC-1-131 Cuenta no. 3. Contrato No. AL-1-31Cuenta 1 Contrato 1-009-N-07-05 Contrato F.06-0004-A Construcción d Cuenta 1 Contrato 2-06-2005 Cuenta 2 Contrato 2-06-2005 Cuenta 2 Contrato AL-1-25-05 Cuenta no. 1. Contrato 0-119-2005 Cta. No 3, Contrato 013/R8/011/05 Cuenta 3 Contrato AL-1-25-05 Cuarto Pago / Contrato F.05-0033-A Pago por la 3era. ronda de GP 8 y 9 Segundo Pago/ Contrato F.06-0050-A Segundo pago/ Contrato F.05-0033-A Tercer pago corresp. a la 2da. rond Tercer pago/ Contrato F.05-0033-A Cuenta 14 Contrato 047-97 Contrato F.05-0087-A Capacitación d Cuenta 2, Contrato AL-1-48-05 Cuenta 19 Contrato AJ1-107-00 Cuenta no. 2. Contrato 53-06 Contrato F.05-0079-A Capacitación d Contrato F.06-0147-A. Diseño y Cons Cuenta no. 1. Contrato AL-0-142-200 Enmienda F.05-0058-B Construcción d Paga cta. 2 por presentacion del 2d Cuenta 2 Contrato AL-1-29-05 Cuenta no. 1. Contrato 0-80-2005 Contrato F.05-0080 Capacitación del Cuenta 1 Contrato 013/R8/011/05 Cuenta 1. Contrato 53-06 Cuenta 1, Contrato AL-1-49-05 Cuenta 9 Contrato F.03-0095-A PAN0 Cuenta 19 Contrato 003-98 Cta. No 2, Cont. 60-06 Pago Cuenta 1 Contrato 012/N/029/05 Cuenta 1 Contrato DINAC-1-111-03 cuenta 2 Contrato 2-07-2005 Cuenta No.2 del Contrato AL-1-23-06 Cuenta no. 2. Contrato DINAC-1-71-0 Cuenta 2. Contrato 005/R2/017/05 Cuenta 27 Contrato CAL1-44-01 Cuenta 17 Contrato 30-95 Cuenta No.6 del Contrato AL-1-49-05 Cuenta 2 Contrato 0-38-2006 F.06-0132-A , Capacitación -English F.06-0190-A , tudio de Factibilidad Cuenta 28 Contrato 051-97 Cuenta 29 Contrato 051-97 Cuenta 1, Contrato AL-4-44-05 Cuenta 3. Contrato 005/R2/017/05 Pago a Consultoría/ F.05-0017-B Cuenta 2. Contrato 013/R/04/06/05 Cuarto pago / Enmienda F.03-0014-C Séptimo pago / Enmienda F.03-0014-C Primer pago Contrato DG-52-06 INADE Segundo pago / Enmienda F.05-0003-B Cuenta No.4 del Contrato AL-1-31-05 Cuenta no. 5. Contrato 0-118-2005 Cuenta 4. Contrato 013/R8/011/05. Último pago por la presentación y a Pago a la presentación del 2do. inf Cuenta 21 Contrato 047-97 Cuenta no. 3. Contrato 0-89-2005 Enmienda F.04-0066-B Construcción d Contrato F.06-0182-A Construcción d Cuenta no. 1. Contrato AL-1-82-05 151 Total Cost (USD) 88,740.00 88,590.00 88,320.00 88,320.00 88,320.00 88,030.00 87,720.00 87,110.00 86,680.00 86,240.00 85,930.00 85,500.00 84,910.00 84,820.00 84,370.00 83,470.00 83,320.00 82,790.00 82,500.00 82,490.00 82,000.00 81,970.00 81,700.00 81,530.00 81,290.00 81,000.00 80,560.00 80,020.00 79,330.00 79,180.00 78,790.00 78,700.00 78,600.00 78,350.00 77,500.00 76,720.00 76,700.00 76,530.00 76,130.00 76,100.00 74,900.00 74,850.00 74,470.00 74,110.00 73,460.00 73,280.00 71,250.00 70,680.00 70,380.00 70,000.00 69,560.00 69,420.00 68,850.00 68,820.00 68,680.00 68,040.00 67,750.00 67,550.00 67,500.00 67,470.00 67,260.00 67,260.00 66,870.00 66,820.00 66,590.00 66,120.00 65,810.00 65,810.00 65,810.00 65,810.00 65,810.00 65,810.00 65,760.00 65,500.00 65,010.00 64,580.00 64,220.00 64,190.00 64,080.00 63,850.00 63,600.00 63,410.00 63,360.00 63,260.00 62,880.00 62,530.00 62,320.00 61,960.00 61,670.00 61,220.00 61,180.00 61,100.00 61,000.00 60,880.00 60,700.00 60,580.00 60,330.00 60,100.00 59,400.00 59,240.00 59,230.00 59,020.00 58,800.00 58,720.00 58,720.00 58,550.00 58,460.00 58,380.00 58,280.00 58,060.00 58,060.00 57,750.00 57,710.00 57,600.00 57,320.00 56,980.00 56,420.00 56,420.00 56,420.00 56,420.00 56,340.00 56,110.00 55,960.00 Major Subcontracts placed by Agency during 2006 (Contracts of USD 30,000 or more) Agency/Location Procurement Name of supplier Description of services UNDP cont. Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Global Bank Corporation Constructora Disconsa, S.a. Almacenadora Nacional, S.a. Centro Especializado De Promocion, The Oxford School, Sa Factor Global Inc. Constructora Urbana, S.a. Constructora Urbana, S.a. Proyectos Y Maquinaria Cedeno, S.a. Financiera Govimar, S.a. Programa De Promocion Y Desarrollo Programa De Promocion Y Desarrollo Programa De Promocion Y Desarrollo Interventorias Y Estudios Tecnicos Asfaltos Panamenos, S.a. Constructora Urbana, S.a. Centro De Materiales Factor Global Inc. Asoc. Criadores De Ganado Cebu Pma Constructora Urbana, S.a. Fincap, S.a. Banco Continental De Panama Asfaltos Panamenos, S.a. Constructora Urbana, S.a. Constructora Hidrotecnica, S.a. Factor Global Inc. Cons Transcaribe Y Serv Multiples Programa De Promocion Y Desarrollo Consultores Prof. De Ingenieria Industrias Villadea, S.a. Factor Global Inc. Suministros Centrales, S.a. Doral Appliances, S.a. Jose Del C. Echevers A. Factor Global Inc. Aliado Factoring, Sa Asfaltos Panamenos, S.a. Japa De Panama, S.a. Fincap, S.a. Luis Lopez Barria Mauricio Tolosa Financiera Govimar, S.a. Suministros Centrales, S.a. Asfaltos Panamenos, S.a. Global Bank Corporation Rossi Portones, S.a. Consorcio Eptisa Servicios De Ingenieria Consorcio Eptisa Servicios De Ingenieria Banco Continental De Panama Banco Continental De Panama Palma & Company, Sa Constructora Eravi, S.a. Constructora Urbana, S.a. Constructora Urbana, S.a. Consorcio Global Pharmaceutical, S.a. Y Providex International, S.a. Factor Global Inc. Dimaro, S.a. Consorcio Eptisa Servicios De Ingenieria Multi Credit Bank, Inc. Fincap, S.a. Almacenadora Nacional, S.a. Fincap, S.a. Dese Construction, S.a. Constructora Urbana, S.a. Financiera Govimar, S.a. Constructora Urbana, S.a. Moragil, S.a. Industrias Villadea, S.a. Ingenieria Y Proyectos, S.a. Factor Global Inc. Constructora Urbana, S.a. Dragados Fcc Intl. De Construccion Dragados Fcc Intl. De Construccion Dragados Fcc Intl. De Construccion Dragados Fcc Intl. De Construccion Refrigeracion Vergara, S.a. Constructora Urbana, S.a. Financiera Govimar, S.a. Constructora Urbana, S.a. Servicios Jamarva, S.a. Presforzados De Concreto, S.a. Tarjetas Tecnicas, S.a. (Tecnicard) The English Language Center, Inc. Evaluaciones De Proyectos Y Const. Multi Credit Bank, Inc. Grupo Howard, S.a. Florida State University Aliado Factoring, Sa Constructora Nova, S.a. Financiera Govimar, S.a. Contratistas Generales Y Electricos Multi Credit Bank, Inc. Admin De Proyectos De Construccion Concor, S.a. Factor Global Inc. Asfaltos Panamenos, S.a. Admin De Proyectos De Construccion Financiera Govimar, S.a. Representaciones Y Servicio Aro, S.a. Constructores Unidos, S.a. Factor Global Inc. Chantal Constructora, Sa Asfaltos Panamenos, S.a. Asfaltos Panamenos, S.a. Representaciones Y Servicio Aro, S.a. Grupo Howard, S.a. Factor Global Inc. Constructora Urbana, S.a. Constructora Hidrotecnica, S.a. Industrias Villadea, S.a. Financiera Govimar, S.a. Fincap, S.a. Compania Nacional De Seguros Cia. Internacional De Seguros, S.a. Sistemas De Informacion, S.a. Constructora Urbana, S.a. Financiera Govimar, S.a. Constructora Urbana, S.a. Fincap, S.a. Fincap, S.a. Cobuys, Sa Latinoamericana Ing Civil Y Estruct Cuenta 7 Contrato DINAC-1-113-02 Cuenta 11 Contrato 2-02-2003 Cuenta No.1 del Contrato AL-1-23-06 Segundo pago / Contrato F.05-0037-A F.06-0141-A , Capacitación -English Cuenta 1 Contrato 006-A/00/008-05 Cuenta No.5 del Contrato AL-1-44-05 Cuenta 29 Contrato 45-97 Cuenta no. 3. Contrato 013/R4/06/05 Cuenta no. 2. Contrato 0-128-2005 Pago corresp, a la 2da. ronda de lo Pago corresp. a la III Ronda de los Segundo Pago/ Contrato F.06-0053-A Cuenta 2 Contrato AL-1-23-05 Cuenta 2 Contrato DINAC-1-44-04 Cuenta no. 3, Contrato DINAC-1-71-0 Pago Cuenta - Contrato no.231-2005 Cuenta 3 Contrato DINAC-1-113-03 Cuenta 4 Contrato 009/N/07/05 Cuenta 1. Contrato Cuenta no. 3. Contrato 38-06 Cuenta del 10%. Contrato AL-1-42-05 Cuenta 13 Contrato DINAC-1-44-04 Cuenta 29 Contrato CAL1-44-01 Cuenta no. 1. Contrato 0-77-2005 Cuenta 1. Contrato AL-1-41-06 PS 14 Cuenta 1 Contrato AL-1-24-05 Segundo pago / Contrato F.05-0036-A Cuenta no. 3. Contrato AL-1-38-05 Cuenta no. 1. Contrato 012/R8/038/0 Cuenta 1. Contrato 0-81-2005 Cuenta 2 Contrato DINAC-2-103-04 Cancela cuenta 3 a la presentación Contrato F.05-0062-A Construcción d Cta. No. 3 contrato 012/R2/041/05 Cuenta no. 1. Contrato no. 60-06 Cuenta 11 Contrato DINAC-1-44-04 Cuenta 1 Contrato 59-2006 Cuenta no. 1. Contrato AL-1-53-05 F.06-0060-A, Apoyo Comercio Exterio Contrato P-06-0870-A, Consultor en Cuenta no. 1. Contrato 0-143-2005 Cuenta 3 Contrato DINA-2-103-04 Cuenta 9 Contrato DINAC-1-44-04 Cuenta 8 Contrato DINAC-1-113-02 Contrato F.06-0180-A, remodelación Octavo pago / Enmienda F.03-0014-C Quinto pago / Enmienda F.03-0014-C Cuenta 6. Contrato AL-1-29-05 Cuenta no. 6 Contrato AL-1-29-05 PS F.06-0150-B , Capacitación Construcción de dos acueductos rura Cuenta no. 3. Contrato AL-1-43-05 Cuenta 2 Contrato AL-1-54-05 Cuenta pago / Contrato F.05-0034-A Contrato F.05-0029-A Construcción d Cuenta 5. Contrato 005/R2/017/05. p Contrato F.06-0010-A Construcción d Segundo pago / Enmienda F.03-0014-C Cuenta 5 Contrato AJ1-43-00 Cuenta No.7 del Contrato 0-118-2005 Cuenta no. 1. Contrato AL-1-08-06 Cuenta 1, Contrato 40-2006 Pago Total a Contrato F.06-0152-A Cuenta 1, Contrato AL-1-48-05 Cuenta no. 1. Contrato 0-128-2005 Cuenta No.1 del Contrato AL-1-16-06 Cuenta no. 1. Contrato no. 0-158-20 Cuenta No. 2. Contrato 012/R8/038/0 Orden de Compra PNUD/PAN/152/06 Cuenta 4. Contrato 005/R2/017/05 Cuenta 28 Contrato CAL1-44-01 Cuenta 29 Contrato 048-97 Cuenta 30 Contrato 048-97 Cuenta 31 Contrato 048Cuenta 32 Contrato 048-97 Orden de Compra PNUD/PAN/115/05 Cuenta No.3 del Contrato 013/R1/025 Cuenta No.2 del Contrato 0-84-2005, Cuenta 22 Contrato CAL-1-179-01 Cuenta 1 Contrato DINAC-1-98-04 Cuenta 1 Contrato AL-1-29-05 Tarjetas Prepago Contrato F.05-0083-A Capacitación d Contrato F.06-0173-A Construcción d Cuenta no. 4 Contrato AL-1-45-05 Contrato F.06-0118-A, primer pago c F.06-0134-A , Capacitación -English Cta. no. 3. Cont. 60-06 Cuenta 3 Contrato AL-1-51-05 Cuenta no. 1. Contrato 0-132-2005 Cancela cuenta 1 por presentacion d Cuenta 17 Contrato CAL-1-47-01 Contrato F.05-0064-A Demolición del Cuenta 2 Contrato AL-1-28-05 Cuenta no. 2. Contrato 0-89-2005 Cuenta 5 Contrato DINAC-1-43-04 Cuenta 3 Contrato AL-1-59-05 Cuenta no. 1. Contrato 0-76-2005 Contrato F.05-0032-A Construcción d Cancela pago a la presentación Terc Cuenta No.1 del Contrato 0-91-2005, Cuenta no. 2. Contrato AL-1-07-06 Cuenta 5 Contrato DINAC-1-44-04 Cuenta 16, Contrato DINAC-1-028-04 Contrato F.05-0032-A, Construcción Cuenta no. 1. Contrato AL-1-65-06 Cuenta no. 1. Contrato 0-92-2005 Cuenta 2. Contrato 013/R9/024/05 Cta. No 1 del Cont. 0-161-2005 Cuenta 2. Contrato 012/R040/05 Cuenta no. 1. Contrato 0-84-2005 Cuenta 1. Contrato 013/R2/013/05 Cuenta no. 6. Contrato 0-52-2005 Cuenta 5 Contrato 0-50-2002 Tercer pago / Contrato F.06-0174-A Cuenta 21 Contrato CAL-1-179-01 Cuenta No.1 del Contrato 0-04-2006, Cuenta no. 2. Contrato AL-1-73-05 Cuenta 3, Contrato 40-2006 Enmienda F.05-0077-B Construcción d F.06-0085-A , Online Contact Networ Segundo pago / Contrato F.05-0050-A 152 Total Cost (USD) 55,930.00 55,810.00 55,690.00 55,650.00 55,610.00 55,480.00 55,010.00 55,000.00 54,930.00 54,810.00 54,680.00 54,680.00 54,680.00 54,590.00 54,550.00 54,430.00 54,370.00 54,110.00 54,000.00 53,090.00 52,710.00 52,660.00 52,320.00 52,120.00 52,090.00 51,880.00 51,840.00 51,620.00 51,540.00 51,380.00 50,720.00 50,720.00 50,570.00 50,570.00 50,470.00 50,460.00 50,460.00 50,230.00 50,040.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 49,880.00 49,480.00 49,320.00 49,320.00 49,220.00 48,700.00 48,700.00 48,440.00 48,440.00 48,400.00 48,270.00 48,210.00 48,150.00 48,010.00 47,960.00 47,700.00 47,560.00 47,260.00 46,790.00 46,570.00 46,320.00 46,240.00 46,100.00 45,960.00 45,780.00 45,630.00 45,590.00 45,550.00 45,400.00 45,340.00 45,150.00 45,060.00 45,060.00 45,060.00 45,060.00 44,870.00 44,420.00 44,380.00 44,190.00 43,520.00 43,480.00 43,230.00 43,230.00 43,160.00 42,960.00 42,860.00 42,840.00 42,510.00 42,470.00 42,380.00 42,310.00 41,960.00 41,920.00 41,880.00 41,650.00 41,630.00 41,580.00 41,430.00 41,430.00 40,960.00 40,630.00 40,620.00 40,600.00 40,450.00 40,310.00 40,180.00 40,080.00 40,050.00 39,850.00 39,690.00 39,360.00 39,330.00 39,220.00 39,040.00 39,030.00 38,990.00 38,980.00 38,950.00 38,890.00 38,800.00 38,570.00 38,420.00 Major Subcontracts placed by Agency during 2006 (Contracts of USD 30,000 or more) Agency/Location Procurement Name of supplier Description of services UNDP cont. Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Interventorias Y Estudios Tecnicos Factor Global Inc. Proyectos Y Maquinaria Cedeno, S.a. The English Language Center, Inc. Towerbank International Consorcio Technologies Manag Delca Consorcio Technologies Manag Delca Consorcio Technologies Manag Delca Fincap, S.a. Cia. Internacional De Seguros, S.a. Concor, S.a. Multi Credit Bank, Inc. Factor Global Inc. Pesas Y Balanzas, S.a. Factor Global Inc. Factor Global Inc. Florida State University Fincap, S.a. Gustavo A. Paredes M. Providex International, S.a. Providex International, S.a. Fincap, S.a. Comain, S.a. Apasan Constructora Urbana, S.a. E.p.card, S.a. Interventorias Y Estudios Tecnicos Jose Del C. Echevers A. D Y D Mantenimiento, S.a. Transcaribe Trading, S.a. Factor Global Inc. Constructora Urbana, S.a. Consorcio Eptisa Servicios De Ingenieria Banco Continental De Panama Financiera Govimar, S.a. Factor Global Inc. Mauricio Tolosa Constructora Hidrotecnica, S.a. Diseño Y Construcciones Grexa, S.a. Ventanas Y Materiales Moris, S.a. Ingenieria Y Proyectos, S.a. Admin De Proyectos De Construccion Asfaltos Panamenos, S.a. Apasan Contratistas Internacionales, S.a. Land & Sea Consultants Inc. Abilio A. Dominguez C. Factor Global Inc. Asfaltos Panamenos, S.a. Apasan Newbrook Finance, S.a. Univ. Interamericana De Panama, S.a. Inversiones Yoriel, Sa Ulacit - Laureate Intl. Univ. Constructora Urbana, S.a. Inversiones Yoriel, Sa Towerbank International Factor Global Inc. Constructora Urbana, S.a. Factor Global Inc. Constructora Urbana, S.a. Factor Global Inc. Goethals Consulting Corp Consorcio Eptisa Servicios De Ingenieria Standard Services Corporation, S.a. Constructora Hidrotecnica, S.a. Consorcio Eptisa Servicios De Ingenieria Juan Jose Nunez Garcia Financiera Govimar, S.a. Constructora Hidrotecnica, S.a. Banco Continental De Panama Admin De Proyectos De Construccion Inversiones Yoriel, Sa Congrexpo Internacional Fincap, S.a. Btu Energia, S.a. Factor Global Inc. Global Bank Corporation Cons Transcaribe Y Serv Multiples Towerbank International Peralda Diaz, S.a. Banco General Rosslink Projects S.a. Rosslink Projects S.a. Goethals Consulting Corp Inversiones Globo, S.a Banco General Fincap, S.a. Consultores Prof. De Ingenieria Banco Continental De Panama Cuenta 1 Contrato AL-1-23-05 Cuenta 8 Contrato AJ1-175-00 Cuenta 1 Contrato 013/R/04/06/05 F.06-0136-A , Capacitación -English Cuenta 15 Contrato DINAC-1-23-04 Cuenta 2 Contrato AL-1-111-04 Cuenta 3 Contrato AL-1-111-04 Cuenta no. 4. Contrato AL-1-111-04 Cuenta no. 1. Contrato 0-100-2005 Ceunta 3, Contrato AL-1-28-05 Cuenta 1 Contrato AL-1-28-05 Cuenta 6 Contrato AJ1-015-00 Cuenta no. 1. Contrato No. 54-06 Cuenta 1 al Contrato 012/N/034/05 Cuenta No.5 del Contrato AL-1-46-05 Cuenta 3 Contrato 006-A/00/008-05 F.06-0140-A , Capacitación -English Cancela pago a la presentación del P-06-0590-A , Consultor en Asuntos Contrato F.05-0029-A, Construcción Enmienda F.05-0029-B, Construcción Cta. No.2 del Contrato 013/R2/013/0 Orden de Compra PNUD/PAN/297/06 Primer Pago/ Contrato F.06-0051-A Cuenta 30 Contrato CAL1-44-01 Primer pago. Contrato F.06-0071-A Cuenta 3, Contrato AL-1-23-05 Pago por la presentación del segund Cuenta no. 1. Contrato no. 0-79-200 Cuenta no. 5. Contrato AL-1-25-05 Cuenta No.1 del Contrato 0-156-2005 Cuenta No. 1. Contrato AL-1-61-05 P Tercer pago / Enmienda F.03-0014-C Cuenta 3 Contrato AL-1-05-05 Cuenta No.1 del Contrato 0-129-2005 Cuenta no. 1. Contrato 0-83-2005 Contrato P-06-0051-A, Estrategia de Cuenta No.1 del Contrato 0-27-2006, Cuenta no. 1. Contrato 0-117-2005 F-06-0074-A, Instalación Mobiliario Único pago del contrato F.06-0146-A Pago del 40% según contrato F.05-00 Cuenta 15 Contrato DINAC-1-44-04 Primer pago / Contrato F.05-0031-A Pago por presentación de informe co Contrato F.05-0018-A - Coordinación Cancela pago presentación de Primer Cuenta 5 Contrato AL-1-52-05 Cuenta 18 Contrato 30-95 Sexto pago/Contrato F.05-0031-A APA Contrato F.06-0179-A, Suministro e Contrato F.05-0084-A Capacitación d Pago Cuenta 2 Contrato 0-90-2005 F.06-0133-A , Capacitación -English Cuenta no. 1. Contrato 013/R9/024/0 Pago Cuenta 1 Contrato 0-90-2005 Cuenta 11 Contrato DINAC-1-23-04 Cuenta no. 1. Contrato 0-85-2005 Cuenta no. 2. Contrato AL-1-6105 Cuenta no. 2. Contrato 0-69-2005 Cuenta no. 1. Contrato 013/R7/018/0 Cuenta No.5 del Contrato 013/R8/011 F-06-0112-A, Rediseño de Procesos Pago fact. 12-06. Contrato F.03-001 Contrato F.06-0109-A. Const. de 4 a Cuenta No.2 del Contrato 0-27-2006, Cuenta no. 13. Cont. F.03-0014-A. P Contrato F.05-0074-A Construcción d Pago por la presentación del 3er in Cuenta no. 2. Contrato 0-77-2005 Cuenta 7 Contrato AJ1-104-00 Cuenta 1 Contrato AL-1-59-05 Pago Cuenta 3 Contrato 0-90-2005 Orden de Compra PNUD/PAN/017/06 Cuenta no.6. Contrato 0-118-2005 Contrato F.05-0001-A Fiscalización Cuenta no. 2. Contrato 0-80-2005 Cuenta 5 Contrato DINAC-1-90-04 Cuenta 1 Contrato AL-1-25-05 Cuenta 13 Contrato DINAC-1-23-04 Cuenta No.2 del Contrato 008/R3/015 Cuenta 12 Contrato Supply of office quipment as per co Supply Of Office Quipment As Per Co F-06-0111-A, Desregulación de Hidro Cuenta no. 1. Contrato 008/R8/04/05 Cuenta 10 Contrato Cuenta No.4 del Contrato 0-94-2005, Cuenta no. 4. Contrato AL-1-38-05 Cuenta no. 1. Contrato 0-34-2005 Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Gmd Sa Consorcio Indust Arguelles Infecon Sac Tecnica Y Proyectos Sa Sucursal Del Peru Kerometalic Contratistas Generales S A C Qual Media S A C Constructora E Inmobiliaria A L & M Sac Fujita Gumi S A C Kerometalic Contratistas Generales S A C Estudio Ghersi Abogados S Civil De R L Cli Almacenaje Y Distribucion Sa Apoyo Opinion Y Mercado Sa Gmd Sa Inst Nac Invest Extension Agraria-iniea Universidad Esan Universidad Del Pacifico Serv Tec Ing Cons Intgr Suc Integral Sa Sofmul S A C Proyecto Andino De Tecnologias Campesina Continental Movers S A C Cons Constr E Inm Al & M Sac-infecon Sac M & A Intertechcos S R L Manufacturas De Acero Com E Ind Sa Building S A C Constructora Chiang Sa Contrat Generales Suministro e Instalación de un Sist REMODELACION DE LA AV GRAU DISTR LA ESTUDIOS A NIVEL DE FACTIBILIDAD TR CONSTR DE PISTAS Y SARDINELES DE LA EJECUCION DE UNA CAMPAÑA DE PROMOCI PAVIMENTACION DE CALLES DEL SECTOR SISTEMA CONTRA INCENDIO DEL EDIFICI PAVIMENTACION DE CALLES PERIM COMPL ASESORIA EN PROCESO ARBITRAL DE COB Distribucion material manipulativo ESTUDIO SOBRE TURISMO RECEPTIVO: V ADDENDA No 1. 30 MAYO 2005. ADENDA 3 AL CONVENIO ENERO-JULIO 20 ESTUDIO DE CLIMA DE INVERSION DEL P SERVICIOS DE CONSULTORIA DISENO DE PER/03/007 21.81 ESTUDIOS DE PRE IN AUSPICIO DE PROMPERU A SOFIA MULAN ENMIENDA 1 CONVENIO ENTRE EL PROYEC SERVICIO DE MUDANZA DE BIENES MUEBL PAVIMENTACION DE JR COLMENA EN EL D MANTENIMIENTO DE LAS INSTALACIONES SERV DE DISTRIB MOD MATERIAL MANIPU Addenda 2 CONSTRUCCION DEL CERCO PERIM LINDER 153 Total Cost (USD) 38,270.00 38,140.00 38,080.00 38,060.00 37,950.00 37,910.00 37,910.00 37,910.00 37,870.00 37,810.00 37,470.00 37,120.00 36,850.00 36,800.00 36,650.00 36,460.00 36,420.00 36,160.00 36,000.00 35,970.00 35,970.00 35,940.00 35,370.00 35,330.00 35,280.00 35,100.00 35,040.00 35,010.00 34,960.00 34,810.00 34,800.00 34,740.00 34,700.00 34,460.00 34,350.00 34,030.00 34,000.00 33,930.00 33,820.00 33,760.00 33,600.00 33,540.00 33,460.00 33,330.00 33,130.00 33,100.00 33,030.00 33,030.00 33,000.00 32,880.00 32,800.00 32,750.00 32,640.00 32,620.00 32,400.00 32,380.00 32,350.00 32,090.00 31,960.00 31,820.00 31,730.00 31,680.00 31,640.00 31,620.00 31,590.00 31,570.00 31,550.00 31,550.00 31,480.00 31,430.00 31,360.00 31,350.00 31,210.00 31,120.00 31,000.00 30,760.00 30,760.00 30,760.00 30,700.00 30,680.00 30,630.00 30,470.00 30,470.00 30,470.00 30,450.00 30,440.00 30,400.00 30,300.00 30,270.00 30,210.00 815,310.00 592,050.00 136,980.00 136,480.00 134,980.00 113,940.00 111,460.00 109,970.00 104,720.00 104,190.00 74,890.00 73,530.00 70,630.00 65,790.00 64,120.00 59,140.00 57,120.00 52,680.00 52,660.00 47,380.00 45,300.00 40,230.00 39,550.00 34,850.00 Major Subcontracts placed by Agency during 2006 (Contracts of USD 30,000 or more) Agency/Location Procurement Name of supplier Description of services UNDP cont. Phillippines Phillippines Phillippines Phillippines Phillippines Phillippines Phillippines Phillippines Phillippines Phillippines Phillippines Phillippines Philippine-sundt Const. And Devt. Corp. R.r. Encabo Constructors & Traders Philippine-sundt Const. And Devt. Corp. Sycip Gorres Velayo & Co. First Metro Travelex R.r. Encabo Constructors & Traders Dumalag Corporation R.r. Encabo Constructors & Traders Philippine-sundt Const. And Devt. Corp. Phil. Institute For Development Studies Phil. Institute For Development Studies Philippine-sundt Const. And Devt. Corp. 15 % Inital paymnt for Maharlika Tr RREncabo3rdpay-SIBP PhilSundt.-Payment for ther 3rd pr Payment Excess Baggage RREncabo2nd pay-SIBP Final payment -20% 3rd pay for Package A&B PhilSundt.-Payment for ther 5th pro Upon submission and acceptance of p Upon Submission And Acceptance Of P PhilSundt.-Payment for ther 4th pro 86,020.00 69,840.00 54,160.00 51,850.00 45,710.00 43,630.00 43,040.00 40,910.00 35,820.00 31,730.00 31,730.00 31,260.00 Poland Case Poland Fundacja Naukowa Advisory services, contract # 2005/ 90,370.00 Romania Romania Romania Romania Romania Sc Grup Corint Sa Sc Grup Corint Sa Concept Consult Prospect Sc Grup Corint Sa Sc Grup Corint Sa Invoice 1285982/12.09.2006 Invoice 9900216/20.11.2006 Services for Pre-departure seminar Construction works South Gate Alba Construction works Gate IV Alba Iul 63,980.00 51,640.00 43,140.00 34,070.00 31,140.00 Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Sodruzhestvo Fpmsb Pinol Pinol Marine Complexes & Systems Ltd Center Of Fiscal Policy Community Of People Living With Hivaids North Ossetian Institute Of Ecology&Secu Novy Mir Fuert Help-hilfe Zur Selbsthilfe E.v. Community Of People Living With Hivaids Private Farm “Rifa” Private Farm “Zarya-m” Pavlov State Medical University St.peter Pavlov State Medical University St.peter Ovo Nazran Rovd Laman-az Ngo Let’s Save The Generation, Ngo Agriculture Commodity Producers(acc) Payment Office building rental Office Building Rental Marine radio equipment Legal aid Teaching/learning materials product Influenza Payment CONSTRUCTION Payment Honey Honey Payment Payment SECURITY SERVICES WELFARE AND SOCIAL SERVICES CULTURE Agricultural extension 490,180.00 279,190.00 279,190.00 92,570.00 79,840.00 74,840.00 68,000.00 62,500.00 52,290.00 51,230.00 40,000.00 40,000.00 34,540.00 34,540.00 31,310.00 30,790.00 30,370.00 30,250.00 Rwanda Rwanda Rwanda Rwanda Rwanda Rwanda Rwanda Rwanda Rwanda Rwanda Rwanda Rwanda Rwanda Rwanda Rwanda Ets Rubangura & Fils International Management Consultants Ltd Odi-overseas Development Institute Odi-overseas Development Institute Kps Associates Hotel Intercontinental Hotel Intercontinental Netcom Rwanda Sarl Symposia Consult Sarl Symposia Consult Sarl Symposia Consult Sarl Symposia Consult Sarl Overseas Development Institute (Odi) Overseas Development Institute (Odi) Haguruka-asbl 10 Generators of 15 KVA with 15 Au Management consultancy Payement final ODI Consultancy fees for PRSP Independe Management consultancy Conference organizing services Conference Organizing Services ORACLE 9i Training for 2 persons 50% advance for a conference organi 50% for a conference organizing ser 50% Advance For A Conference Organi 50% For A Conference Organizing Ser APD Consultancy -ODI 50% Apd Consultancy -odi 50% Women's rights 85,470.00 83,790.00 80,330.00 63,260.00 59,150.00 46,280.00 46,280.00 41,170.00 35,750.00 35,750.00 35,750.00 35,750.00 35,170.00 35,170.00 30,330.00 Samoa South Pacific Regional Environment Progr 2nd Payment - MOU between UNDP/SPRE 50,000.00 Sao Tome and Principe Cinforma Study: Grandes Opções Pl Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia E-gov Staff Payroll Neep Staff Payroll Salary Saudi Hotels And Resorts Co (Sharco) Saudi Hotels And Resorts Co (Sharco) Moep Samba Accounts Moep Samba Accounts Moep Samba Accounts Moep Samba Accounts Moep Samba Accounts Salaries Salaries Rent Rent Monthly Salary - Dec 06 Monthly Salary - Nov 06 Monthly Salary - Oct 06 Monthly Salary - Sept 06 Monthly Salary - Aug 06 524,410.00 76,410.00 37,330.00 37,330.00 36,510.00 36,510.00 36,510.00 36,510.00 32,930.00 Senegal Senegal Senegal Senegal Senegal Senegal Senegal Senegal Senegal Senegal Senegal Adama Boubou Dia Adama Boubou Dia Senegal Tours Senegal Tours Enda Tiers Monde (Enda Rup) Enda Tiers Monde (Enda Rup) Awomi Abm Senegal Abm Senegal Sagam Sagam Rental housing Rental Housing TRAVEL Travel Payment Payment Payment Payment Payment Custodial equipment rental Custodial Equipment Rental 756,910.00 756,910.00 97,770.00 97,770.00 82,250.00 82,250.00 40,000.00 36,840.00 36,840.00 32,750.00 32,750.00 Seychelles Seychelles Seychelles Seychelles Vijay Construction Ltd Vijay Construction Ltd Vijay Construction Ltd Vijay Construction Ltd Payment Vijay Construction Ltd Payment Vijay Construction Ltd Payment of 10% to Vijay Constructio Payment Of 10% To Vijay Constructio 484,000.00 484,000.00 387,990.00 387,990.00 Sierra Leone Sierra Leone Sierra Leone Sierra Leone Sierra Leone Sierra Leone Sierra Leone Sierra Leone Sierra Leone Care Sierra Leone Print Point Ltd Carlos Valenzuela Campaign For Good Governance Catholic Relief Services Ministry Of Finance German Technical Cooperation German Technical Cooperation Sam King Services 2nd payment for Management of grant Printing & binding services Fee for consultancy Aug - Oct 06 at PAYMENT OF 80% OF THE TOTAL AMOUNT Training for Apprenticeship and Job Expenditure Survey GTZ: Module 1 and 2 trainings Gtz: Module 1 And 2 Trainings DESK TOP COMPUTERS -DELL OPTIPLEX 1 225,000.00 50,370.00 45,000.00 36,560.00 33,130.00 32,080.00 31,170.00 31,170.00 30,570.00 Slovak Republic Slovak Republic Slovak Republic Slovak Republic Slovak Republic Zuzana Fialova Awt Bavaria, Spol. S R. O. Awt Bavaria, Spol. S R. O. Peter Zitny, Ing. Jan Harfst Consultations BMW 525i Limousine Bmw 525i Limousine Consultations SSA Slovenia Slovenia Slovenia Slovenia Slovenia Slovenia Slovenia Slovenia Slovenia International Trust Fund For Demining International Trust Fund For Demining International Trust Fund For Demining International Trust Fund For Demining International Trust Fund For Demining International Trust Fund For Demining International Trust Fund For Demining International Trust Fund For Demining International Trust Fund Demining Mine Contract's PAYMENT Contract’s Payment Advance Payment Advance Payment Contract's payment Contract’s Payment Contracts Contracts Landmine Clearance (Demining) Solomon Islands Solomon Airlines Contracts South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa Universal Print Group Universal Print Group Rmb Properties Rmb Properties Radium Africa Universal Print Group Mari-angelique Savane Reprinting of the 2005 Presidential Presidential Ballot Papers LEASING OR RENTAL SERVICES Leasing Or Rental Services Generators, diesel Reprint of Pilot Papers for the 200 Management advisory services 154 Total Cost (USD) 33,000.00 47,370.00 44,860.00 44,860.00 38,780.00 32,500.00 814,190.00 814,190.00 508,870.00 508,870.00 407,100.00 407,100.00 244,260.00 244,260.00 133,850.00 49,510.00 400,000.00 335,210.00 308,250.00 308,250.00 225,950.00 176,870.00 139,180.00 Major Subcontracts placed by Agency during 2006 (Contracts of USD 30,000 or more) Agency/Location Procurement Name of supplier Description of services Total Cost (USD) UNDP cont. South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa Telkom Sa Telkom Sa Coin Security Group Coin Security Group Townsend International Price Water House Coopers Inc. Price Water House Coopers Inc. Ntsundeni Rockson Luvhongo Dumisani Magadlela Rmb Properties Rmb Properties Rmb Properties Rmb Properties Thuhlo Communications Rosebank Hotel Conference Connection Moqhaka Aids Consortium Price Water House Coopers Inc Dramaide Health And Development Africa (Pty) Afrique Voyages Cc Honda Auto Hatfield Margaret Mmaphetlhi Sakatsie TELECOMMUNICATIONS Telecommunications SECURITY SERVICES Security Services Kelvinator Full Fridge - 385 litres ACCOUNTANCY Accountancy 12 MONTHS SERVICE CONTRACT 9 MONTHS SERVICE CONTRACT Rent Rent Office building rental Office Building Rental COMMUNICATIONS AND MASS MEDIA WORKSHOP VENUE Hotel and related reservation syste COMMUNICATIONS AND MASS MEDIA Auditing COMMUNICATIONS AND MASS MEDIA Payment of Consultancy fees for Hea TRAVEL Diplomatic vehicle for APRM Contracts 113,780.00 113,780.00 98,480.00 98,480.00 86,030.00 70,180.00 70,180.00 57,390.00 56,480.00 47,410.00 47,410.00 46,500.00 46,500.00 41,690.00 38,920.00 38,910.00 38,480.00 38,070.00 37,150.00 33,740.00 32,760.00 30,390.00 30,180.00 Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Indra Sistemas, S.a. Alatec Alatec Alatec Alatec Toyota Gibralter Stockholding Ltd Alatec Alatec Atelier Ace, Asesores De Comercio Exterior, S.l. Toyota Gibralter Stockholding Ltd Pago de la primera factura. Corresp Final Report Final Report Interim Report Interim Report TOYOTA LANDCRUISER STD STATION WAGO Inception Report Inception Report Consultations Contrato F.05-0013-A Actualización Vehicles, 4WD, STD Station Wagon (p Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka S & K Enterprises Danish Demining Group Univell Microsystems (Pvt) Ltd Un Human Settlelments Programme Univell Microsystems (Pvt) Ltd Univell Microsystems (Pvt) Ltd Hatton National Bank Ltd Tokyo Cement Company (Lanka)Ltd. Chief Secretary -north East Province Village Development Society - Kudawella Univell Microsystems (Pvt) Ltd S L Institute Of Dev Administration Sudar Construction The Ceylon Chambers Of Commerce-ndf Univell Microsystems (Pvt) Ltd Zanu Construction Works Tokyo Cement Company (Lanka)Ltd. Tokyo Cement Company (Lanka)Ltd. Abc Computers (Pvt) Ltd Enthys Giso Construction Giso Construction Tokyo Cement Company (Lanka)Ltd. Chief Secretary, Southern Province Univell Microsystems Pvt Ltd S L Institute Of Dev Administration The Ceylon Chambers Of Commerce-ndf Nation Builders (Pvt) Ltd Gangaa Smart Engineers & Builders Gangaa Smart Engineers & Builders Ajasmin Industrial Southern Province Road Devlpmnt Authorit S & K Enterprises Univell Microsystems (Pvt) Ltd Balasuriya Construction Works Iceman Technologies (Pvt) Ltd Construction of community centre , Professional Consulting Services Progress Payment 3 Construction of community infrastru Progress Payment 2 Advance Payment Office building rental Cements MOA- CS NORTHEAST PC Construction of harbour road - Kuda Progress Payment 1 MOA-VTA - VOC. TRNG. AUTHORITY MUL/39885/36 - Reconstruction of Di 25% of the budget by 31st January a Progress Payment 4 MAN/39885/06 Construction of Distri VAV/46045/11 Mitsui Cement 50kg Bag KIL/39885/33 - Cement Computer Desktop JAF/39885/04-Reconstruction of 3 km JAF/47437/01A - Reconstruction of V JAF/47437/01B - Reconstruction of V MAN/39885/9A Cement bags 50Kg MOA -VTA Interim Payment for cabling works MOA-VTA - VOC. TRNG. AUTHORITY 15% of budget upon signing of the c Road construction work JAF/47437/03 - Reconstruction of 1. JAF/47437/02 - Reconstruction of 1. VAV/39885/05/02 18' 6" Non mechanis 30% Progress payment for improvemen 40% Progress payment for constructi Progress Payment 5 3rd Installment-50% MAN/39885/07 3 Ton Ice flake machin Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Unicef International Rescue Committee Unicef Sos Sahel International Nrc Norwegian Refugee Council Norwegian Church Aid United Nations Human Settlements Prog. Uof K Institute For Peace Stuides Uof K Institute For Peace Stuides The Sudan Peoples Liberation Movement Sudan Organisation Against Torture International Rescue Committee Tomak Engineering Tomak Engineering Sos Sahel International Abyei Area Recovery Programme Sudan Organisation Against Torture International Rescue Committee Integrated Business Co Gezira Trade And Services Co Ltd Diesel Genertors Diesel Genertors Tomak Engineering International Institute For Democracy Policy Asesmt Consultancy & Training Cen Unicef Jetconnect Afrika Travel Peace Research Institute Sudanese Red Crescent Society Pinnarche And Envision Architects Pinnarche And Envision Architects Fellowship For African Relief - Far Abdul Fadile Mohamed The Sudan Peoples Liberation Movement Goldstyle Cleaning Services Goldstyle Cleaning Services Almanar Koinonia Community Sudanese Environmnt Conservation Society Abyei Area Recovery Programme Grand Holiday Villa Khartoum Almanar Elwasat Co Ltd MOU UNICEF/UNDP-IDDRP Contracts Health services Payment Contracts Co-op. agreement Resources transfer Contracts Contracts Consultancy fee 50% 1st Installment to 1st installment of the amendment to 2nd instl -worksagreement 3rd instl -worksagreement Contracts TRAINING N.E.C. 40% 2nd Installment to SOAT as per 2nd installment of the amendment to PREFABRICATED BUILDINGS SPECIFICATI Vehicles, all terrain, truck, light Generators Generators 1st Install- Works agrmt Contracts Contracts Administrative fees Charter flight for Governance forum Contracts Health services CONSTRUCTION Construction Contracts Contracts SPLA Pre-registration Cleaning services Cleaning Services Contracts Contracts Payment Contracts Rent 2nd (40%) installment of signed MOU 1st Installment of Contract for civ Suriname Suriname Suriname Suriname Energy Resources & Environment Harsons Trading Inc Harsons Trading Inc The Caribbean Institute Contract mining assessment Prof Cam Contract Renovation work Contract Renovation Work Implementation CC awareness program 155 1,400,000.00 150,750.00 150,750.00 100,500.00 100,500.00 54,110.00 52,260.00 52,260.00 51,150.00 48,000.00 34,440.00 439,290.00 261,700.00 236,710.00 175,840.00 140,990.00 136,510.00 120,000.00 118,970.00 90,000.00 88,900.00 75,590.00 68,750.00 62,520.00 61,920.00 61,530.00 57,280.00 53,470.00 50,890.00 50,460.00 50,030.00 44,880.00 44,880.00 44,160.00 42,000.00 40,700.00 37,500.00 37,150.00 36,460.00 36,430.00 35,340.00 34,430.00 32,490.00 31,980.00 31,200.00 31,030.00 31,030.00 2,768,230.00 1,040,940.00 434,210.00 363,070.00 292,500.00 268,950.00 237,630.00 188,000.00 188,000.00 187,900.00 124,680.00 121,750.00 120,480.00 120,480.00 118,120.00 104,000.00 99,750.00 97,400.00 91,470.00 83,000.00 78,310.00 78,310.00 77,240.00 70,000.00 69,000.00 60,790.00 57,810.00 56,500.00 55,400.00 51,330.00 51,330.00 47,940.00 43,090.00 42,530.00 41,310.00 41,310.00 40,520.00 37,870.00 37,110.00 33,670.00 33,350.00 32,410.00 31,980.00 57,500.00 38,590.00 38,590.00 32,000.00 Major Subcontracts placed by Agency during 2006 (Contracts of USD 30,000 or more) Agency/Location Procurement Name of supplier Description of services UNDP cont. Swaziland Swaziland Swaziland Swaziland Royal Swazi National Airways Harvey World Nisela Safaris Nhlangano Sun TRAVEL TRAVEL Training, other Training, other Sweden Sweden Sweden Sweden Sweden Sweden Abb Power Technologies Alfa Laval Tumba Ab World Maritime University Riksförbundet Narkotikafritt Samhälle, R Futurniture Ab Futurniture Ab Electricity power system operation Marine engines, parts thereof Contribution to World maritime Univ CONSULTING SERVICES Conference organizing services - SW Conference Organizing Services - Sw Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland World Health Organization World Health Organization Swiss Foundation For Mine Action Swiss Foundation For Mine Action Swiss Foundation For Mine Action Swiss Foundation For Mine Action Fondation Institut Univer Hei Small Arms World Health Organization Un High Commissioner For Refugees Unctad World Health Organization Un Institute For Disarmament Resreach Who Geneva Who Geneva Unitar Genassurances Sa Unaids World Health Organization World Health Organization World Health Organisation ( Icc) Copytrend Sa Volvo Car International Volvo Car International Malaria Malaria Contracts Contracts Management consultancy Management Consultancy Contracts Technical assistance and advisory s INVOICE 2005/11/013 to charge salar DMFAS Update and training. (Integra Health services UNDP contribution to project "Scopi HQ/06/318072 RLA for Veronique M Fa Hq/06/318072 Rla For Veronique M Fa Protocole d'accord du 27/04/05 Insurance for EUBAM personnel 28 No Reimbursement of travel costs relat Training, other Logistics Provision of Disaster Recovery Host Printing of RTC GBS documents UNDP Geneva Official car Undp Geneva Official Car Syria Syria Syria Syria Syria Bassam Dabaj Mohammed Adnan Al-dobs Mohammed Adnan Al-dobs Abdallah Halak & Sons Mohammed Adnan Al-dobs Cost of Renovation the Training and 80 % Upon final completion of works 75 % Upon final completion of works 80% Upon completion of works. Cost of Building of 14 Booths for T Tajkistan Tajkistan Tajkistan Tajkistan Tajkistan Tajkistan Tajkistan Tajkistan Tajkistan Tajkistan Tajkistan Tajkistan Tajkistan Tajkistan Tajkistan Tajkistan Tajkistan Tajkistan Tajkistan Tajkistan Tajkistan Tajkistan Tajkistan Tajkistan Tajkistan Tajkistan Tajkistan Tajkistan Tajkistan Tajkistan Tajkistan Tajkistan Tajkistan Tajkistan Tajkistan Tajkistan Tajkistan Tajkistan Tajkistan Tajkistan Tajkistan Tajkistan Tajkistan Tajkistan Tajkistan Tajkistan Tajkistan Tajkistan Tajkistan Tajkistan Tajkistan Tajkistan Tajkistan Tajkistan Tajkistan Tajkistan Tajkistan Tajkistan Tajkistan Tajkistan Tajkistan Tajkistan Tajkistan Tajkistan Tajkistan Tajkistan Tajkistan Tajkistan Tajkistan Tajkistan Tajkistan Tajkistan Tajkistan Tajkistan Tajkistan Tajkistan Tajkistan Tajkistan Tajkistan Victory Lls Victory Lls Jamoat Resource Center “Muksu” Jamoat Resource Center “Muksu” Pildon Jdc Pildon Jdc Jsc “Binokor-5” Jsc “Binokor-5” Jamoat Resource Center Langari-shoh Jamoat Resource Center Langari-shoh Jsc “Binokor-5” Jsc “Binokor-5” Republican Centre For Tropical Diseases Republican Centre For Tropical Diseases Ngo Center For Development Ngo Center For Development Globalink, Multimodal Transp Globalink, Multimodal Transp Public Corporation “Ssu Tajikabad” Public Corporation “Ssu Tajikabad” Jamoat Resource Center “Shogadoev” Jamoat Resource Center “Shogadoev” Khreu Khreu Jamoat Resource Center “Muksu” Jamoat Resource Center “Muksu” Jamoat Resource Center “Dar-dar” Jamoat Resource Center “Ivan Tojik” Jamoat Resource Center “Rudaky” Jamoat Resource Center “Shing” Jamoat Resource Center “Dar-dar” Jamoat Resource Center “Ivan Tojik” Jamoat Resource Center “Rudaky” Jamoat Resource Center “Shing” Jamoat Resource Center “Lakhsh” Jrc “Shirinchashma” Jamoat Resource Center “Lakhsh” Jrc “Shirinchashma” Llc “Neo Systems & Technologies” Llc “Neo Systems & Technologies” Lcc “Sohibkor-2001” Lcc “Sohibkor-2001” International Organization For Migration International Organization For Migration Jdc Surhob Jdc Surhob Jamoat Resource Center “Kashot” Jamoat Resource Center “Kashot” Jamoat Resource Center “Amondara” Jamoat Resource Center “Anzob” Jamoat Resource Center “Khurmy” Jamoat Resource Center “Kosatarosh” Jamoat Resource Center “Moghiyon” Jamoat Resource Center “Muksu” Jamoat Resource Center “Sarazm” Jamoat Resource Center “Shamtuch” Jamoat Resource Center “Urmetan” Jamoat Resource Center “Voru” Jamoat Resource Center “Yori” Jamoat Resource Center “Amondara” Jamoat Resource Center “Anzob” Jamoat Resource Center “Khurmy” Jamoat Resource Center “Kosatarosh” Jamoat Resource Center “Moghiyon” Jamoat Resource Center “Muksu” Jamoat Resource Center “Sarazm” Jamoat Resource Center “Shamtuch” Jamoat Resource Center “Urmetan” Jamoat Resource Center “Voru” Jamoat Resource Center “Yori” Pildon Jdc Pildon Jdc Jamoat Resource Center “Shogadoev” Jrc “Shirinchashma” Jamoat Resource Center “Shogadoev” Jrc “Shirinchashma” Khudoyor Llc Khudoyor Llc Langari Shoh Jdc Civil works rehabilitation Civil Works Rehabilitation Community development Community Development Community development Community Development CONSTRUCTION Construction Community development Community Development Civil works rehabilitation Civil Works Rehabilitation 1st PAYMENT OF CONTRACTS 1st Payment Of Contracts Community development Community Development Transhipment. Transportation of 5 m Transhipment. Transportation Of 5 M Rehabilitation Rehabilitation Community development Community Development Water system rehabilitation and upg Water System Rehabilitation And Upg Farm management Farm Management Community development Community development Community development Community development Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Community development Community development Community Development Community Development computer Computer Water system rehabilitation and upg Water System Rehabilitation And Upg DEVELOPMENT, GENERAL Development, General Community development Community Development Community development Community Development Community development Community development Community development Community development Community development Loans Community development Community development Community development Community development Community development Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Loans Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Farming systems Farming Systems Revolving loan funds Revolving loan funds Revolving Loan Funds Revolving Loan Funds Water system rehabilitation and upg Water System Rehabilitation And Upg Farm management 156 Total Cost (USD) 34,360.00 34,150.00 33,020.00 32,040.00 10,025,530.00 153,850.00 107,890.00 38,650.00 37,390.00 37,390.00 1,342,970.00 1,342,970.00 282,860.00 282,860.00 150,000.00 150,000.00 112,840.00 111,600.00 103,440.00 91,180.00 64,140.00 62,100.00 60,400.00 60,400.00 60,250.00 59,720.00 56,090.00 56,000.00 50,000.00 38,900.00 34,630.00 31,380.00 31,380.00 76,010.00 64,450.00 60,710.00 57,380.00 36,350.00 218,010.00 218,010.00 93,390.00 93,390.00 86,210.00 86,210.00 84,180.00 84,180.00 80,510.00 80,510.00 70,730.00 70,730.00 61,840.00 61,840.00 52,510.00 52,510.00 51,650.00 51,650.00 50,630.00 50,630.00 46,690.00 46,690.00 46,100.00 46,100.00 45,960.00 45,960.00 44,000.00 44,000.00 44,000.00 44,000.00 44,000.00 44,000.00 44,000.00 44,000.00 43,960.00 43,960.00 43,960.00 43,960.00 43,730.00 43,730.00 37,670.00 37,670.00 37,500.00 37,500.00 37,370.00 37,370.00 35,670.00 35,670.00 35,000.00 35,000.00 35,000.00 35,000.00 35,000.00 35,000.00 35,000.00 35,000.00 35,000.00 35,000.00 35,000.00 35,000.00 35,000.00 35,000.00 35,000.00 35,000.00 35,000.00 35,000.00 35,000.00 35,000.00 35,000.00 35,000.00 34,950.00 34,950.00 33,500.00 33,500.00 33,500.00 33,500.00 32,820.00 32,820.00 32,640.00 Major Subcontracts placed by Agency during 2006 (Contracts of USD 30,000 or more) Agency/Location Procurement Name of supplier Description of services UNDP cont. Tajkistan Tajkistan Tajkistan Langari Shoh Jdc Llc ‘’ Psso-2" Llc ‘’ Psso-2" Farm Management Water system rehabilitation and upg Water System Rehabilitation And Upg Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Population And Community Development Chumchon Thai Foundation Chumchon Thai Foundation Asian Harm Reduction Network Wilfried A. Herrmann Or Surasak Jamsuk Chumchon Thai Foundation Asian Harm Reduction Network Asian Disaster Preparedness Center Asian Coalition For Housing Rights Wilfried A. Herrmann Or Surasak Jamsuk Wilfried A. Herrmann Or Surasak Jamsuk Ten Music Television Thailand Co Ltd Ten Music Television Thailand Co Ltd Chumchon Thai Foundation Asian Harm Reduction Network The Population And Community Development Chumchon Thai Foundation Wilfried A. Herrmann Or Surasak Jamsuk Wilfried A. Herrmann Or Surasak Jamsuk Alternate Visions Llc Asian Disaster Preparedness Center Wilfried A. Herrmann Or Surasak Jamsuk Asian Disaster Preparedness Center Andaman Pilot Project Asian Disaster Preparedness Center Asian Coalition For Housing Rights 1st Installment 3rd Payment to Chumchonthai: Suppor Payment upon submission of fifth Pr Quarterly advance payment to AHRN u Funds for FNF-KDN Local Development 4thPayment to Chumchonthai: Suppor Quarterly advance for April to Sept 6th Milestone payment upon receipt Regional Community Workshop - 2nd P Payment of 1st Quarter for Friedric Payment ot Friedrid Naumann Foundat Full Payment for 'MTV Staying Alive Full Payment For ‘Mtv Staying Alive 5th Payment to Chumchonthai: Suppor Quarterly adv for July to Sept'06 t 2nd part of 2nd installment Payment upon submission of fourth P 4th qtr bal. FNF/KDN (Act6) FNF Finalisation of logistics and surve 8th Milestone to ADPC First payment of second installment 5th Payment Completion of 4 Courses 2nd Payment to CUSRI: Tsunami Rehab 7th Milestone Payment to ADPC Regional Community Workshop - 1st P Togo Togo Togo Togo Togo Togo Togo Togo Togo Togo Compagnie D’ingenierie Geologique Direction Generale Statistique Conseil National Du Patronat Direction Generale Statistique Soted Croix Rouge Togolaise Ingienerie Et Travaux De Construction Concert Nati Pour La Societe Civile Comité National Anti-drogue Hohoueto Drilling rig services Mission Subsistence Management consultants 2ème décaissement en fav. DG Statis TECHNICAL STUDIES Contracts MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR SERVICES N.E Training, other Second payment and last of 50% pert Salaries Trinidad and Tobago Trinidad and Tobago Trinidad and Tobago Trinidad and Tobago Trinidad and Tobago Trinidad and Tobago Trinidad and Tobago Trinidad and Tobago Trinidad and Tobago Trinidad and Tobago Trinidad and Tobago Trinidad and Tobago Republic Bank Limited Republic Bank Limited Republic Bank Limited Republic Bank Limited Republic Bank Limited Republic Bank Limited Republic Bank Limited Republic Bank Limited Republic Bank Limited Republic Bank Limited Public Service Commission Of Canada Victoria Investments Ltd SEPT.06 VLA+SIG DRS Adj VLA, SIGPLUS AUG.06 VLA UNV DOC VLA June 2006 UNV Doctors VLA Jul.06 UNV M/Doctors March VLA +UNV Medical Docs UNV VLA for Docs-Feb06 VLA APRIL 06-UNV MEDICAL DOCTORS January 2006 VLA for UNV Doctors UNV VLA Contracts Rent Tunisia Tunisia Tunisia Bureau Consulting Développement Communau Bureau Consulting Développement Communau Apex Conseil Elaboration des PAR Elaboration Des Par Consulting Service Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Mpe Engineering , Consulting , Contracti Mpe Engineering , Consulting , Contracti Orbit Muhendislik Insaat Ve Satinlma Ltd Surdurulebilir Kir.knt.kal.der Yanki Seyahat Ve Turizm Acentasi Ltd Sti Yanki Seyahat Ve Turizm Acentasi Ltd Sti Gap-habitat Ve Gundem 21 Genclik Dernegi Gap-habitat Ve Gundem 21 Genclik Dernegi Nature Conservation Centre Nature Conservation Centre Mpe Engineering , Consulting , Contracti Tahir Aksoy&Sukru Melek Ins.sa Tahir Aksoy&Sukru Melek Ins.sa Girisim Egitim Ve Danismanlik Merkezi Girisim Egitim Ve Danismanlik Merkezi Mpe Engineering , Consulting , Contracti Yanki Seyahat Ve Turizm Acentasi Ltd Sti Tahir Aksoy&Sukru Melek Ins.sa Tahir Aksoy&Sukru Melek Ins.sa Mehmet Murat Candemir Mehmet Murat Candemir Atila Uras Supply of 100 m3/hr RO unit , assoc Supply of 50m3/hr RO unit, associat Modular Tanks Capacity of 500 m3, c RURAL DEVELOPMENT Training, other Training, Other Model contracts Model Contracts ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT Environmental Management Containersation for both RO plants UNDP 2006 RENT Undp 2006 Rent Management consultancy Management Consultancy Freight forwarding Conference organizing services UNICEF 2006 RENT PARTIAL PMT. Unicef 2006 Rent Partial Pmt. Wages and salaries Wages And Salaries Wages and salaries Turkmenistan Turkmenistan Aziya Hususy Karhanasy Aziya Hususy Karhanasy Construction of the Veterinary Unit Construction Of The Veterinary Unit 31,880.00 31,880.00 Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda Cowi Executive Investments Limited Executive Investments Limited Executive Investments Limited Executive Investments Limited Cowi Cowi Cowi Snv/Ndo-uganda Snv/Ndo-uganda COWI A/S being first milestone upon UNDP Juba Office Renovation. 1st Ce Undp Juba Office Renovation. 1st Ce UNDP Juba Office Renovation. 3rd Ce Undp Juba Office Renovation. 3rd Ce COWI A/S being first status report COWI A/S being payment for the fina COWI A/S being second status report Reprofiling Phase 2-Final submissio Reprofiling Phase 2-final Submissio 82,000.00 67,010.00 67,010.00 55,250.00 55,250.00 54,670.00 54,670.00 54,670.00 52,330.00 52,330.00 Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Pmk-2 Pmk-8 Of Trust Grazhdanstroy Vizyt Service 2nd tranche, Contract #2006/74 2nd tranche, Contract #2006/71 Final payment (85%), conference ser 81,630.00 38,300.00 36,730.00 United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates Al- Amal Commercial Brokerage (L.l.c) University Corporation For Atmospheric R Mideast Data Systems Uae. Navispec Marines Services Maersk Logistics Uae Fze Maersk Logistics Uae Fze Maersk Logistics Uae Fze Maersk Logistics Uae Fze Al- Amal Commercial Brokerage (L.l.c) United Nations Office For Project Svcs United Nations Office For Project Svcs Truebell Marketing & Trading Llc. Al- Amal Commercial Brokerage (L.l.c) Al- Amal Commercial Brokerage (L.l.c) Kuehne + Nagel Llc Kuehne + Nagel Llc World Food Program-dubai Adso Llc Adso Llc Maersk Logistics Uae Fze Maersk Logistics Uae Fze Maersk Logistics Uae Fze Maersk Logistics Uae Fze Contracts Computer hardware or software renta 15% after successful final acceptan Dredging and Ports Advisor- months shipment Shipment Shipment Shipment Payment Vehicle handling, maintaining and s Vehicle Handling, Maintaining And S Generators, diesel Rent Rent shipment Shipment Solar pack, complete w/ 4 panels, 2 Shipment to Chad, N'djemena Shipment To Chad, N’djemena shipment for 5 Vehicles Shipment For 5 Vehicles Shipment to Nigeria, Abuja Shipment To Nigeria, Abuja 271,900.00 129,240.00 82,590.00 72,000.00 57,020.00 57,020.00 51,680.00 51,680.00 50,970.00 48,780.00 48,780.00 48,550.00 42,410.00 42,410.00 42,080.00 42,080.00 40,510.00 40,350.00 40,350.00 35,390.00 35,390.00 35,000.00 35,000.00 157 Total Cost (USD) 32,640.00 31,080.00 31,080.00 150,000.00 115,500.00 106,500.00 105,670.00 87,060.00 77,000.00 75,440.00 70,000.00 63,000.00 61,580.00 60,660.00 57,780.00 57,780.00 57,750.00 53,240.00 50,000.00 43,000.00 40,000.00 38,880.00 38,000.00 35,660.00 35,000.00 34,750.00 33,720.00 31,870.00 31,500.00 85,060.00 77,430.00 64,760.00 43,960.00 42,480.00 41,700.00 38,710.00 37,990.00 37,000.00 35,530.00 238,240.00 212,950.00 207,680.00 196,320.00 193,580.00 192,470.00 180,100.00 176,470.00 165,350.00 157,620.00 58,000.00 45,290.00 96,160.00 54,950.00 50,940.00 395,350.00 237,800.00 198,000.00 157,710.00 137,400.00 137,400.00 126,960.00 126,960.00 99,890.00 99,890.00 98,100.00 84,650.00 84,650.00 66,020.00 66,020.00 59,500.00 55,800.00 48,370.00 48,370.00 33,450.00 33,450.00 32,810.00 Major Subcontracts placed by Agency during 2006 (Contracts of USD 30,000 or more) Agency/Location Procurement Name of supplier Description of services UNDP cont. United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates Advanced Engineering Systems Co. Ltd Advanced Engineering Systems Co. Ltd Al- Amal Commercial Brokerage (L.l.c) X-ray security equipment X-ray Security Equipment PETROLEUM OILS AND PETROLEUM PRODUC 33,350.00 33,350.00 33,020.00 United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom Transas Eurasia Ltd Dahabshiil Transfer Services Ltd Transas Eurasia Ltd. Transas Eurasia Ltd. Dahabshiil Transfer Services Ltd Resanco Ltd. Dahabshiil Transfer Services Ltd The Halo Trust The Halo Trust Wagtech International Ltd The Halo Trust Bannock Consulting Ltd/Dai Europe Bbc World Limited Bbc World Service Trust Bbc World Service Trust Bbc World Service Trust Dahabshiil Transfer Services Ltd Cranfield University Dahabshiil Transfer Services Ltd London School Of Economics And Political Cranfield University Willis Limited Eagle Scientific Limited Enterplan Limited Bannock Consulting Ltd/Dai Europe Standard & Poor’s Eagle Scientific Limited Dahabshiil Transfer Services Ltd The Halo Trust Dante International Hiv/Aids Alliance Satyam Computer Services Ltd. Satyam Computer Services Ltd. International Hiv/Aids Alliance London School Of Economics And Political Sinclair Knight Merz (Eur) Ltd Eagle Scientific Limited Dahabshiil Transfer Services Ltd Satyam Computer Services Ltd. Satyam Computer Services Ltd. Bannock Consulting Ltd/Dai Europe Satyam Computer Services Ltd. Satyam Computer Services Ltd. International Hiv/Aids Alliance University Of Essex Accenture Uk Ltd. Energy Resources & Environment Satyam Computer Services Ltd. Satyam Computer Services Ltd. Satyam Computer Services Ltd. Satyam Computer Services Ltd. Electoral Reform International Services Electoral Reform International Services International Management Consultants Ltd Satyam Computer Services Ltd. Satyam Computer Services Ltd. Satyam Computer Services Ltd. Bbc World Service Trust Dante The Salvation Army Satyam Computer Services Ltd. Dahabshiil Transfer Services Ltd Satyam Computer Services Ltd. Gavin Jones Gavin Jones Satyam Computer Services Ltd. Prince Of Wales International Business Runtime Collective Limited Electoral Reform International Services Overseas Development Institute (Odi) Satyam Computer Services Ltd. The Institute For Fiscal Studies Satyam Computer Services Ltd. Accenture Uk Ltd. Dahabshiil Transfer Services Ltd Enterplan Ltd Enterplan Ltd Esterbrook John Satyam Computer Services Ltd. Satyam Computer Services Ltd. Saferworld Enterplan Ltd Enterplan Ltd Election Reform International Services Dahabshiil Transfer Services Ltd Satyam Computer Services Ltd. Satyam Computer Services Ltd. Satyam Computer Services Ltd. Reuters Foundation Reuters Foundation Donald Oliver Bridge Donald Oliver Bridge Marine engineering Payment Radar navigation Marine radio equipment Payment Management consultancy Payments arrangements Progress Payment 2 Progress Payment 3 Wagtech Potalab Water Testing Kit Final Payment III payment upon submission of the PLAN DE MEDIOS ODM. PUBLICACIONES BBC World Service Trust fourth and BBC World Service Trust second inst BBC World Service Trust third insta Delivery of Fuel and Lubricating oi Invoice 1109874 for payment of ff: Armo phase 2:5th Payment based on i Upon sign.of contr INVOICE 1106967 - Global Middle Man Insurance 100 units Olympus CX21 microscope w 20% of Technical assistance and adv II payment upon submission of Funct Contracts Laboratory equipment for the GFATM delivery of construction materials Progress Payment 1 Information networks Adv for Jan to Mar'06 under FHAM pr Mar 06: Ext Access Proj - A Gurudu( Mar 06: Ext Access Proj - A Gurudu( Quarterly advance payment to IHAA u LSE - Newsletter Production Price Assessment for Mussaib Power Tuberculosis related laboratory equ PAYMENT OF 90% ON CONTRATC NO. 127C Feb 06: Ext Access Proj - A Gurudu( Feb 06: Ext Access Proj - A Gurudu( I payment upon signing of the contr Jan 06: Ext Access Proj - A Gurudu( Jan 06: Ext Access Proj - A Gurudu( Q7 advance payment to IHAA for the Contracts Upon completion of the assignment a Contract mining assessment Prof Cam Mar 06: Atlas Prod Unit Support: S Feb 06: Atlas Prod Unit Support: S Sept 06-Technical Specialist ; Laks Mar 06: Dev FIN-YE and Reports: G R ERIS's Fourth milestone payment af ERIS's Third milestone payment afte Contracts April 06: Ext Access Proj - A Gurud April 06: Ext Access Proj - A Gurud Feb 06: Dev FIN-YE and Reports: G R Election Reporting TYraining in Tan Pago cuota Pais membresia a la Red Final Payment Oct 06-Technical Specialist ; Laks 2ND PAYMENT FOR REINTEGRATION ASSIS Aug 06- Work Flow/ Upgarde/HCM Tech Contract-SSA-Fee Contract-ssa-fee June 06- Work Flow/ Upgarde/HCM Tec Contracts for professional services 3rd Invoice Installment : Upgrade H Consutancy on Civic and Voter Educa 2nd Installment - ODI Contract on S May 06- Work Flow/ Upgarde/HCM Tech REALIZAR UNA EVALUACION INTEGRAL DE April 06: Atlas Prod Unit Support: 3rd Payment PS 050/2005 ACSCC Proje PAYMENT FOR HYDROGEOLOGICAL SURVEY Module 5 for delivery and acceptanc Module 5 For Delivery And Acceptanc PAYMENT FOR CONSULTING SERVICES FOR Aug 06: Analyst Report Writer: Momi April 06: Dev FIN-YE and Reports: J SALW Survey Kosovo-Saferworld-final Milestone 4 - 360 Degree Training $ Milestone 4 - 360 Degree Training $ Evaluation research 2ND INSTALLMENT TO PENHA FOR REINTE May 06: Analyst Report Writer: Jana Aug 06: Speciallist, PS Admin/DBA: July 06- Work Flow/ Upgarde/HCM Tec Consultancy - Reuters for BIPD Consultancy - Reuters for Women SALARY FOR JULY-OCTOBER Salary For July-october 938,920.00 691,590.00 598,020.00 538,000.00 500,950.00 388,250.00 374,940.00 317,600.00 317,600.00 259,580.00 236,740.00 153,230.00 151,470.00 139,350.00 139,350.00 139,350.00 127,880.00 120,890.00 117,050.00 116,840.00 112,640.00 112,140.00 102,190.00 97,880.00 91,940.00 80,000.00 78,070.00 75,300.00 75,000.00 74,590.00 74,400.00 72,680.00 72,680.00 71,460.00 70,110.00 67,000.00 66,580.00 65,630.00 62,720.00 62,720.00 61,290.00 61,280.00 61,280.00 59,980.00 58,420.00 58,000.00 57,500.00 53,910.00 53,080.00 52,360.00 51,840.00 49,620.00 49,620.00 48,570.00 47,600.00 47,600.00 46,560.00 46,450.00 43,970.00 43,330.00 43,180.00 42,950.00 42,820.00 42,000.00 42,000.00 41,200.00 40,450.00 39,860.00 39,700.00 39,480.00 38,320.00 37,610.00 37,180.00 36,000.00 35,670.00 35,000.00 35,000.00 34,920.00 34,540.00 34,080.00 33,960.00 32,000.00 32,000.00 31,560.00 31,200.00 31,200.00 30,910.00 30,850.00 30,640.00 30,640.00 30,150.00 30,150.00 United Republic Of Tanzania United Republic Of Tanzania United Republic Of Tanzania United Republic Of Tanzania United Republic Of Tanzania United Republic Of Tanzania United Republic Of Tanzania United Republic Of Tanzania United Republic Of Tanzania United Republic Of Tanzania United Republic Of Tanzania United Republic Of Tanzania United Republic Of Tanzania United Republic Of Tanzania United Republic Of Tanzania United Republic Of Tanzania United Republic Of Tanzania United Republic Of Tanzania United Republic Of Tanzania United Republic Of Tanzania United Republic Of Tanzania United Republic Of Tanzania United Republic of Tanzania United Republic Of Tanzania United Republic Of Tanzania United Republic Of Tanzania Waymark Infotech The Director Of Elections Universal Print Group Universal Print Group Tanzania Election Monitoring Committee Tanzania Election Monitoring Committee Tanzania Election Monitoring Committee Atma Electronic & Software Limited Universal Print Group Tanzania Election Monitoring Committee Waymark Infotech Media Institute Of Southern Africa Economic And Social Research Foundation Economic And Social Research Foundation Christian Social Services Commission Waymark Infotech Christian Social Services Commission Simbanet (T) Ltd Media Institute Of Southern Africa Media Institute Of Southern Africa Media Institute Of Southern Africa Patels Construction Co. (1967) Ltd Pa Ttels Construction Co. (1967) Ltd Patels Construction Co. (1967) Ltd Waymark Infotech Economic And Social Research Foundation Consultancy on establishment of Can Refund for the pyments made by NEC Reprinting of the 2005 Presidential Presidential Ballot Papers 40%,1st instalment 40%,2nd instalment 2005 General Elections Monitoring Supply and installation of Local Ar Reprint of Pilot Papers for the 200 20% ,3rd &final instalment Waymark Infotech-K957-INV-15a 40% 1st installment MISA ESRF 2nd Payment post graduate dipl ESRF 3rd Pymt Postgraduate Diploma 1st Instalment - 45%: paid upon sig Waymark Infotech-Invoice K957-INV-1 45 % - Christian Social Services Co Connectivity, Hardware and training Media monitoring and Police traini 25% 2nd installment MISA 25% 3rd installment MISA M/s Patels Construction Co. (1967) M/S Patels Construction Co. (1967) Rehabilitation, renovation, refurbi Consultancy on provision of informa Final Instalment for the Post Gradu 158 Total Cost (USD) 1,387,460.00 735,210.00 400,000.00 335,210.00 318,670.00 318,670.00 220,340.00 191,290.00 176,870.00 159,330.00 158,570.00 135,500.00 117,250.00 117,250.00 112,850.00 111,840.00 109,560.00 107,300.00 93,570.00 84,690.00 84,690.00 83,260.00 83,260.00 82,890.00 71,200.00 70,000.00 Major Subcontracts placed by Agency during 2006 (Contracts of USD 30,000 or more) Agency/Location Procurement Name of supplier Description of services UNDP cont. United Republic Of Tanzania United Republic Of Tanzania United Republic Of Tanzania United Republic Of Tanzania United Republic Of Tanzania United Republic Of Tanzania United Republic Of Tanzania United Republic Of Tanzania United Republic Of Tanzania United Republic Of Tanzania United Republic Of Tanzania United Republic Of Tanzania United Republic Of Tanzania United Republic Of Tanzania United Republic Of Tanzania United Republic Of Tanzania Economic And Social Research Foundation Simbanet (T) Ltd Tanzania Election Monitoring Committee Patels Construction Co. (1967) Ltd Vibindo Society Musoma Textile Mills Tanzania Ltd Economic And Social Research Foundation Simbanet (T) Ltd Darworth Limited An Ttfemale Genital Multilation Network Scanagri Group Media Institute Of Southern Africa Samuel Wangwe Massawe Ernst&Young Wellworth Hotels & Lodges Ltd Zanzibar Legal Services Centre Second Installment for post-Graduat Internet connectivity to Immigratio PNVR Monitoring - (20%)4th instalme Refurbishment and extension of the Advocacy for behaviour change progr Khanga Grade 'A' Fees & Expenses for undertaking the Installation of internet connectivi Computer Supplies and stationery 1st installment upon signature of a Third and final payments- Value Cha 10% 4th installment MISA 1st Transfer - Prof. Wangwe for Con 2nd Instalment (50% - on submission Hotel and related reservation syste ZLSC-60%; 1st instalment United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United Nations Gva Williams Real Estate As Agent Gva Williams Real Estate As Agent Enterprise Electronics Corporation Enterprise Electronics Corporation United Nations United Nations United Nations United Nations Gva Williams Real Estate As Agent Gva Williams Real Estate As Agent Mercy Corps Mercy Corps Vietnam Veterans Of American Foundation Lyon Associates, Inc. Unisys Corporation United Nations United Nations Q-matic Sweden Ab Daniel J Edelman Inc Ibrd T - Promissory Notes One Source One Source Unisys Corporation Mercy Corps Mercy Corps Mercy Corps Acdi-voca United Nations Trustees Of Columbia University (Nyc) Trustees Of Columbia University (Nyc) United Nations General Fund Deposit Acco Permanent Mission Of Uganda To The Unite Permanent Mission Of Uganda To The Unite Mercy Corps Pact Inc Population Svcs Intl. (Psi) Trustees Of Columbia University (Nyc) Ltm Artists, Inc United Nations General Fund Deposit Acco Procibernetica Unisys Corporation Population Svcs Intl. (Psi) Microsoft Corporation Unisys Corporation Acdi-voca Acdi-voca Unisys Corporation Unisys Corporation Unisys Corporation Unisys Corporation Unisys Corporation Unisys Corporation Unisys Corporation Unisys Corporation Unisys Corporation Synergy International Systems Inc Synergy International Systems Inc Tgi Office Automation Tgi Office Automation Acdi-voca Permanent Mission Of Nigeria To U.n. Permanent Mission Of Nigeria To U.n. Population Svcs Intl. (Psi) Gva Williams Real Estate As Agent Gva Williams Real Estate As Agent Population Svcs Intl. (Psi) Mercy Corps Accenture Llp Dalberg Development, Llc Carrier Corporation Carrier Corporation Mercy Corps Oracle Usa, Inc. Population Svcs Intl. (Psi) Kwaplah International, Inc. Kwaplah International, Inc. Marriott Hotel Ny Procibernetica American Bar Association Colin Construction Co. Inc. Colin Construction Co. Inc. Vietnam Veterans Of American Foundation Auditor General- Republic South Africa Auditor General- Republic South Africa Birches Group Llc Birches Group Llc Oracle Usa, Inc. Ibrd The Conde Nast Publication Inc Usa Population Svcs Intl. (Psi) Colin Construction Co. Inc. Colin Construction Co. Inc. Uhy Advisors Dc Inc. Uhy Advisors Dc Inc. Synergy International Michael Page International National Democratic Institute Michael Page International Un Escap American Express Travel Related Services American Express Travel Related Services James Madison University American Express Travel Related Services American Express Travel Related Services Unicef Office support services Rental for six months Jan-June 2006 Rental For Six Months Jan-june 2006 Procurement of Early Warning System Procurement Of Early Warning System Rental for six months July-Dec 200 Rental for six months Jan-June 2006 Rental For Six Months July-dec 200 Rental For Six Months Jan-june 2006 FF Building Rental from Aug. to Dec Ff Building Rental From Aug. To Dec MCI_2nd Payment_UNDP-009/2005 MCI_3rd Payment_UNDP-009/2005 Payment Payment Lyon UNDP 005/2006_fixed mo UNHCR Early Termination Fee $804,82 DC1-Building Rental until December Dc1-building Rental Until December Compra e implementación de un siste SERVICIO DE RELACIONES PUBLICAS PAR Transfer of final tranche for reimb 2006 - Maintenance and Cleaning Con 2006 - Maintenance And Cleaning Con PS Atlas Hosting Services - UNDP MCI-First Payment, Cash for Work MCI-Second Payment, Cash for Work MCI-Third Payment, Cash for Work 3rd Payment ACDI VOCA PS 004/2006 UNV SECURITY SERVICES 2006 1st 20% of African MVs budget 2nd 20% of African MVs Budget 2006: UNITSD Operational and Produc Rental for 2006 - Uganda House Rental For 2006 - Uganda House MCI_4th Payment_UNDP-009/2005 Project Cooperation Agreement PACT Fund disbursement for PSI(Malaria) Final payment to TF1 as per agreeme MDG/CU/06/057 2006 IMIS Common Service Fund ONA ADQUISICION E INSTALACION DE LA SOL May 06: UNDP People Hosting Fixed Quarterly advance for July to Sep'0 Select Program Licenses Version: E6 Nov 06: UNDP PeopleSoft Hosting Fix 4th Payment ACDI VOCA PS 004/2006 ACDI VOCA - PS UNDP 004/2006 - 4th April 06: UNDP People Hosting Fixed Jan 2006: UNDP People Hosting Fixed Feb 2006: UNDP People Hosting Fixed Mar 2006: UNDP People Hosting Fixed Oct 06: UNDP PeopleSoft Hosting Fix August 06: UNDP PeopleSoft Hosting June 06: UNDP PeopleSoft Hosting Fi July 06: UNDP PeopleSoft Hosting Fi Sept 06: UNDP PeopleSoft Hosting F DAD Amendment contract for Aid Coor Dad Amendment Contract For Aid Coor Rental of Photocopiers for the peri Rental Of Photocopiers For The Peri 2nd Payment ACDI VOCA PS 004/2006 Rental for 2006 - Nigeria House 4th Rental For 2006 - Nigeria House 4th Q9 adv (April to June'06) for Round FF-Building Rental until Dec. 2006 Ff-building Rental Until Dec. 2006 Quarterly adv. for Oct to Nov'06(RI MCI-Final Payment, Cash for Work Expense Estimate Invoice for Footprint Neutral 2006 Retrofit and maintenance fees 2006 Retrofit And Maintenance Fees 4th quarter release- 2005 LTA Consultancy Services for Peopl Deltamethrin 25%, tablet, KO tab pa Tailoring kits (lot 9) Tailoring Kits (Lot 9) Accommodation for Youth Summit part Adquisición de un sistema de almace Final Pymt ABA Cooperation Agmt-Inv DC1-21st floor - Changing Ceiling t Dc1-21st Floor - Changing Ceiling T Payment for services under contract Ext. Audit costs - 2nd quarter of 2 External Audit costs - 1st quarter Statement # 1043 at the amount of $ Statement # 1043 At The Amount Of $ May-Dec.06 HRMS GP Functional Analy MOU between WB and UNDP, reimbursem PUBLICIDAD EN CONDE NAST TRAVELER U Adv -Q8 for RII & Q5 for RII(b) to Construction design Construction Design UHY Advisors DC, Inc - Contract to Uhy Advisors Dc, Inc - Contract To Second Payment, on satisfactory del RLAs for Bank Recon & Assets Mngmt Consulting Services 40%;3rd and 4th Rlas For Bank Recon & Assets Mngmt Payment to UNESCAP for activities t September Travel Services 2005 September Travel Services 2005 Contract with JMU for the 2006 UNDP March 2006 Travel Services March 2006 Travel Services UNICEF - payment for extension of M 159 Total Cost (USD) 70,000.00 57,830.00 52,900.00 50,550.00 50,000.00 48,820.00 45,990.00 43,120.00 40,970.00 36,470.00 34,740.00 33,880.00 33,000.00 32,990.00 31,890.00 30,930.00 3,633,660.00 2,312,650.00 2,312,650.00 1,862,560.00 1,862,560.00 1,810,350.00 1,810,350.00 1,810,350.00 1,810,350.00 1,800,000.00 1,800,000.00 1,246,740.00 1,246,740.00 1,218,240.00 990,700.00 804,830.00 756,670.00 756,670.00 756,260.00 747,000.00 704,050.00 697,990.00 697,990.00 656,720.00 623,360.00 623,360.00 623,360.00 573,000.00 567,420.00 468,110.00 468,110.00 462,760.00 443,290.00 443,290.00 415,570.00 400,000.00 389,180.00 371,310.00 370,000.00 323,560.00 300,950.00 298,370.00 294,210.00 292,250.00 290,020.00 286,500.00 286,500.00 286,430.00 286,430.00 284,570.00 284,570.00 274,830.00 273,180.00 273,180.00 261,800.00 261,800.00 261,190.00 261,190.00 260,000.00 260,000.00 256,500.00 251,960.00 251,960.00 247,440.00 242,370.00 242,370.00 215,730.00 207,790.00 199,000.00 195,620.00 186,420.00 186,420.00 175,920.00 173,280.00 160,040.00 159,870.00 159,870.00 158,500.00 152,150.00 150,000.00 146,940.00 146,940.00 142,030.00 140,580.00 140,580.00 136,000.00 136,000.00 135,720.00 126,910.00 126,450.00 126,200.00 125,000.00 125,000.00 123,390.00 123,390.00 121,260.00 120,000.00 120,000.00 120,000.00 116,920.00 113,020.00 113,020.00 112,120.00 106,340.00 106,340.00 105,780.00 Major Subcontracts placed by Agency during 2006 (Contracts of USD 30,000 or more) Agency/Location Procurement Name of supplier Description of services Total Cost (USD) UNDP cont. United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States Unicef Georgia State University Synergy International Systems Inc Synergy International Systems Inc Architectural Flooring Resource, Inc Architectural Flooring Resource, Inc Cedarcrestone, Inc. Tcs America, Div. Of Tata America Intl C Oracle Usa, Inc. Acdi-voca Acdi-voca Vietnam Veterans Of American Foundation Angkor Llc Hewlett-packard Company Hewlett-packard Company United Nations International Drug Contro United Nations International Drug Contro Synergy International System Agile Learning Company, Inc. Duke University Duke University Duke University Duke University Duke University American Express Travel Related Services American Express Travel Related Services People Movement For H.rights Education Un Office Of High Rep. Ldcs- Ohrlls American Express Travel Related Services American Express Travel Related Services People Movement For H.rights Education Unicef Unicef Ibrd - World Bank Ibrd - World Bank Synergy International Systems Inc Synergy International Systems Inc Oracle Usa, Inc. Oracle Usa, Inc. American Express Travel Related Services American Express Travel Related Services Abacus International Management Abacus International Management Lyon Associates, Inc. Institute For International Economics Jmp Multiproducts Corp Accenture Llp Synergy International System Inc American Express Travel Related Services American Express Travel Related Services Auditor General- Republic South Africa Hewlett-packard Company Hewlett-packard Company Accenture Llp Evans Consulting Inc (Usd Payment) Architectural Flooring Resource, Inc Architectural Flooring Resource, Inc Architectural Flooring Resource, Inc Architectural Flooring Resource, Inc Toppan Printing Company American Inc American Express Travel Related Services American Express Travel Related Services Center For Strategic & International Stu Colvista Inc Angkor Llc Beckerman Paul Ely The New York Times (Usa) Auditor General- Republic South Africa Synergy International Systems Inc Synergy International Systems Inc Ingeal Inc Accenture Llp Unisys Corporation 1a Distribution Inc 1a Distribution Inc Induex Llc Corsys Technologies Inc. Corsys Technologies Inc. Accenture Llp Accenture Llp Accenture Llp Dell Marketing L.p. American Express Travel Related Services American Express Travel Related Services Rti Technologies Inc American Express Travel Related Services American Express Travel Related Services Northstar Travel Media Llc Synergy International Systems Inc Synergy International Systems Inc Center On International Cooperation Center On International Cooperation Q-matic Sweden Ab Woolper International, Inc. Synergy International Synergy International Synergy International National Democratic Institute The Global Development Space The Global Development Space Un Escap Travel + Leisure Gva Williams Real Estate As Agent Gva Williams Real Estate As Agent Accenture Llp American Express Travel Related Services American Express Travel Related Services Corsys Technologies Inc. Accenture Llp Corsys Technologies Inc. Dalberg Consulting Dalberg Development, Llc Corsys Technologies Inc. Un Fund For International Partnerships Unicef Un Fund For International Partnerships Unicef Dalberg Development, Llc Aptare International Inc. United Nations - Habitat Oracle Usa, Inc. Automated Graphic Systems Inc. Dalberg Development, Llc Unicef - Payment For Extension Of M Training Fees Payment of Satisfactory Phase I Payment Of Satisfactory Phase I FF-4th floor - Carpet tile replacem Ff-4th Floor - Carpet Tile Replacem Consultancy work under Project UNDP End of Configuration;End of week 12 Oracle: LTA consultancy services fo 5th Payment ACDI VOCA PS 004/2006 ACDI VOCA - PS UNDP 004/2006 - 5th Payment - Contract LIS TA, No. P/AM First Installment for the period fr Prof Services Contract Prof Services Contract Professional training Professional Training 50% contract completed Services related to educational aud 1st quarter (1st. Activity Report): 2nd quarter (2nd Activity Report): 3rd quarter (3rd Activity Report): 4th quarter (4th Activity Report): 5th quarter (5th Activity Report): December Travel Service 2005 November Travel Services 2005 Upon Signature of Contract Contribution from UNDP Cotonou Meet December Travel Service 2005 November Travel Services 2005 Upon Signature Of Contract David Bassiouni's contract 01 June David Bassiouni’s Contract 01 June Econ. Assesment "Sustainability and Econ. Assesment “Sustainability And Contract for the Purchase and Licen Contract For The Purchase And Licen May.06 Atlas user security roles re June.06 Design of the Peoplesoft c January 2006 Travel Services January 2006 Travel Services Consulting services Consulting Services Payment Lyon UNDP 005/2006_DSA with Economic research ADQUISICION DE 230 TANQUES DE RECUP Projected Expenses Contracts AUGUST 2006 - TRAVEL SERVICES August 2006 - Travel Services Q3 - 2006/07 - M&A: CO portion Prof. Services Contract Prof. Services Contract LTA 35 HRGP Aug 1-31 Professional Salary Hugh Evans SSA106/2006 DC1-23rd floor - Carpet Tiles Repla DC1-24th floor - Carpet tiles repla Dc1-23rd Floor - Carpet Tiles Repla Dc1-24th Floor - Carpet Tiles Repla Printing services: HDR Summaries 2 July 2006 - Travel Services July 2006 - Travel Services Payment for 05 overdue fees - MCA Contracts Last Installment after completion o Macroeconomic Modelling PLAN DE MEDIOS OMD. PUBLICACION EN Q3 - 2006/07 - M&A: HQ portion Advance Payment Advance Payment Electricity power system automation LTA 35 HRGP Oct 1-31 Professiona PS Atlas Hosting Services - UNHCR Payment for supply of office equipm Payment For Supply Of Office Equipm ADQUISICION DE 100 RECUPERADORAS DE June 06 - Consultancy fee May 06 - Consultancy fee LTA 35 HRGP Dec 1-Professional fe LTA 35 HRGP Nov 1-Professional fe LTA 42 Feb.06 HRGP Wave 2(Lia & Lev Compra de Equip de Comput.NDF Proc. October Travel Services 2005 October Travel Services 2005 ADQUISICION DE 15 EQUIPOS DE RECUPE June 2006 - Travel Services June 2006 - Travel Services PUBLICACION EN LA REVISTA TRAVEL WE payment to Synergy Payment To Synergy Payment ($ 61,200) for the 2nd inv Support to Afghanistan National Dev Software, servicios conexos y Siste Primer pago al Contrato F.06-0105-A Advance Payment as per Contract/LTA Forth Payment, on Satisfactory deli Third Payment, on Satisfactory deli Consulting Services - 20%,5th miles Global dDevelopment Space: Sub-le Sub-Lease (Sept '06 - Feb '07) Payment to UNESCAP for implement st PUBLICACION EN REV TRAVEL & LEISURE FF Building Rental for December 200 Ff Building Rental For December 200 LTA 42 PeopleSoft Human Resources February 2006 Travel Services February 2006 Travel Services Jan 06 - Consultancy fee LTA 42 Jan.06 HRGP Wave 2( Lia & L Mac 06 - Consultancy fee Contract for BCPR Change Management Research and Analysis April 06 - Consultancy fee UNDP support of UNFIP Executive Dir David Bassiouni - Salary 1 Sept-31O Undp Support Of Unfip Executive Dir David Bassiouni - Salary 1 Sept-31o 2006-2007 ICT Strategy formulation APTARE-01 April 2004 through 30 Jun Three months consultancy fee - UN H April.06 Design and Implementation PRINTING, PUBLISHING AND BOOKBINDIN Support in workflow and planning 105,780.00 105,000.00 100,350.00 100,350.00 99,930.00 99,930.00 99,860.00 98,550.00 98,270.00 95,500.00 95,500.00 90,790.00 90,000.00 89,000.00 89,000.00 88,370.00 88,370.00 84,730.00 80,750.00 80,620.00 80,620.00 80,620.00 80,620.00 80,620.00 80,000.00 80,000.00 80,000.00 80,000.00 80,000.00 80,000.00 80,000.00 79,500.00 79,500.00 79,000.00 79,000.00 78,850.00 78,850.00 78,460.00 76,600.00 76,140.00 76,140.00 76,010.00 76,010.00 75,140.00 75,000.00 74,900.00 74,160.00 73,880.00 73,150.00 73,150.00 73,100.00 73,000.00 73,000.00 72,980.00 72,000.00 71,930.00 71,930.00 71,930.00 71,930.00 71,650.00 71,510.00 71,510.00 70,900.00 70,720.00 70,000.00 69,190.00 68,460.00 67,480.00 66,900.00 66,900.00 66,800.00 66,630.00 66,540.00 66,370.00 66,370.00 65,600.00 64,860.00 64,620.00 63,460.00 63,460.00 63,450.00 63,270.00 62,750.00 62,750.00 62,690.00 62,250.00 62,250.00 62,000.00 61,330.00 61,330.00 61,200.00 61,200.00 61,090.00 60,670.00 60,630.00 60,630.00 60,630.00 60,000.00 60,000.00 60,000.00 60,000.00 59,920.00 58,600.00 58,600.00 58,380.00 57,050.00 57,050.00 56,350.00 56,280.00 55,500.00 55,500.00 54,200.00 54,110.00 53,000.00 53,000.00 53,000.00 53,000.00 52,250.00 52,200.00 51,120.00 50,830.00 50,710.00 50,600.00 160 Major Subcontracts placed by Agency during 2006 (Contracts of USD 30,000 or more) Agency/Location Procurement Name of supplier Description of services UNDP cont. United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States Dalberg Development, Llc Motorola, Inc Primus Telecommunications, Inc. Motorola, Inc Oracle Usa, Inc. Iron Mountain Corp. Iron Mountain Corp. Marsh And Mclennan Marsh And Mclennan American Express Travel Related Services American Express Travel Related Services Search For Common Ground United Nations General Trust Fund Search For Common Ground Eton International Gurneys Inn Resort & Spa Eplus Technology, Inc. Accenture Llp Balanced Scorecard Institute American Express Travel Related Services American Express Travel Related Services Accenture Llp Robert Half International Inc ( Boston ) Robert Half International Inc ( Boston ) Dascom Inc. Dascom Inc. Michael Page International Michael Page International The Trustees Of Columbia University Commercium Technology, Inc. Commercium Technology, Inc. Commercium Technology, Inc. Accenture Llp Ntt/Verio Accenture Llp Accenture Llp Unicef Unicef Evans Consulting Inc (Usd Payment) Oracle Usa, Inc. Peoplesoft Usa, Inc. Accenture Llp Accenture Llp Qwest Communications A-1 International, Inc. A-1 International, Inc. Oracle Usa, Inc. Marriott Hotel International Marriott Hotel Services, Inc. Dba Marriott Hotel Services, Inc. Dba Marriott Hotel International Marriott Hotel Services, Inc. Dba Marriott Hotel Services, Inc. Dba Wellco Enterprises, Inc. The Trustees Of Columbia University Synergy International System Synergy International System Accenture Llp Accenture Llp Procibernetica United Nations Federal Credit Union United Nations Federal Credit Union Unisys Corporation Oracle Usa, Inc. Marriott Hotel Services, Inc. Dba Marriott Hotel Services, Inc. Dba Accenture Llp Hewlett-packard Company Hewlett-packard Company Oracle Usa, Inc. Oracle Usa, Inc. The Levy Economics Institute Of Bard Accenture Llp Oracle Usa, Inc. Oracle Usa, Inc. Unisys Corporation Oracle Usa, Inc. Voxiva, Inc Voxiva, Inc Oracle Usa, Inc. Dalberg Development, Llc Accenture Llp Oracle Usa, Inc. Dell Marketing L.p. United Nations Federal Credit Union World Bank United Nations Federal Credit Union World Bank Accenture Llp Annika Rosenblatt Un Escap Oracle Usa, Inc. Oracle Usa, Inc. Accenture Llp Oracle Usa, Inc. Oracle Usa, Inc. One World Online, Inc. Standard & Poor’s Synergy International Oracle Usa, Inc. Oracle Usa, Inc. Oracle Usa, Inc. Oracle Usa, Inc. United Nations United Nations Accenture Llp Accenture Llp Michael Page International Michael Page International Ntt/Verio Oracle Usa, Inc. A.k. Office Supplies, Ltd A.k. Office Supplies, Ltd Oracle Usa, Inc. Oracle Usa, Inc. Ntt/Verio Oracle Usa, Inc. Oracle Usa, Inc. Ntt/Verio Qwest Communications Synergy International System Glencove Mansion Hotel & Confer. Center Accenture Llp Support in workflow and planning UNDP PROJECTS RADIOS MTH500, MTP700 Primus Oct, Nov, Dec 2004 Long Dist Undp Projects Radios Mth500, Mtp700 Travel Storage and monthly invoices Storage And Monthly Invoices Vehicle Insurance for various Count Vehicle Insurance For Various Count April 2006 Travel Services April 2006 Travel Services Sensitize the Liberian populace on Organisation, funding and programmi Sensitize The Liberian Populace On SPECIAL PURPOSE EQUIPMENT AND MACHI Upon Completion of Retreat Symantec Antivirus Ent. Edition 10. Aug.06 LTA 48.1 HRGP Wave 2, Intern Balanced Score Card Training, Balan May 2006 - Travel Services May 2006 - Travel Services Nov.06 HRGP Functional Analyst Lia Accountants hired for Corporate Ass Accountants Hired For Corporate Ass Construction design Construction Design ACCOUNTANCY Accountancy 1st payment upon signature by both 01/03/2006 to 31/05/2006 June - Aug 06 - Annual Service Fee Postini Perimeter Manager: Enterpri Aug.06 HRGP Functional Analyst Lia April 06 - NTT/VERIO - Service Orde June.06 LTA 48.1 HRGP Wave 2, Inter May.06 LTA 48.1 HRGP Wave 2, Intern Encumber funds to pay emoluments to Encumber Funds To Pay Emoluments To Salary for Hugh Evans SSA106/2006 Fit-gap Analysis Mar.06 PeopleSoft: LTA # 12 Engagement o Nov.06 LTA 55 Ext HRGP Wave 2, Inte Oct.06 LTA 55 Ext HRGP Wave 2, Inte PVC New York Arizona Messenger Service from July to Dec. Messenger Service From July To Dec. Mar.06 HRMS Interface Analyst MYFF Workshop MYFF Workshop Management Workshop Management Myff Workshop Myff Workshop Management Workshop Management Cost of de-mining equipment 3rd paymetn completion of envt. eco 2nd installment Synergy 3rd installment Synergy July.06 LTA 48.1 HRGP Wave 2, Inter Sept.06 LTA 55 Ext HRGP Wave 2, Int DISEÑO, CONSTRUCCIÓN E IMPLEMENTAC 25% payment on SSA # 2006/162 to Je 25% Payment On Ssa # 2006/162 To Je Outsourcing HCM Upgrade - $41,825.0 Aug.06 HRMS Interface Analyst 154 CMP Packages x $269 154 Cmp Packages X $269 Dec.06 LTA 55 Ext HRGP Wave 2, Inte Prof Serv Contract dated 27 Decembe Prof Serv Contract Dated 27 Decembe May .06 HRMS Interface Analyst June.06 HRMS Interface Analyst 2nd payment upon submission & accep April.06 LTA 48.1 HRGP Wave 2, Inte Payroll Bus.Process Req. Jan 3-31.0 Recommendation on conf. GP8.9 modul UNISYS PS Hosting Agreement dated 2 Oct.06 HRMS Interface Analyst Services provided Feb - Jun. 2006 Services Provided Feb - Jun. 2006 Nov.06 HRMS Interface Analyst Review on Trust Funds Management, t Mar.06 LTA 48.1 HRGP Wave 2, Intern Aug.1-31.06 HRMS Global Payroll Fun Extension of maintenance service f 25% payment SSA # 2006/050 for Mr. Implementation of the Northern part 25% Payment Ssa # 2006/050 For Mr. Implementation Of The Northern Part Oct.06 HRGP Functional Analyst Lia SSA contract 1 April to 31 December Payment To Unescap For Activities T July.06 HRMS Interface Analyst Sept.06,HRMS Interface Analyst LTA 43 HCM Technical Upgrade of t June 1-30.06 HRMS Global Payroll F May 1-31.06 HRMS Global Payroll Fu MDG/CU/06/26 ADQUISICION BASE DE DATOS COMPUSTAT Payment in connection with contract Aug.06 HRMS P/soft HR Functional An Mar.06 HRMS GP Functional Analyst Mar.06 HRMS P/soft HR Functional An April.06 HRMS Interface Analyst DC1-Building Rental until Dec. 2006 Dc1-building Rental Until Dec. 2006 July.06 HRGP Functional Analyst Li Sept.06 HRGP Functional Analyst Lia Accountants hired for Corporate Ass Accountants Hired For Corporate Ass August 06 - NTT/VERIO - Service Ord Dec.06 HRMS Interface Analyst AK Office - payment 2nd tranche Ak Office - Payment 2nd Tranche Nov 1-30.06 HRMS Global Payroll Fun Oct 1-31.06 HRMS Global Payroll Fun Sept 06 - NTT/VERIO Service Order V June.06 HRMS P/soft HR Functional A May. 06 HRMS P/soft HR Functional A Nov 06 - NTT/VERIO Service Order Ve Facilities & Data Service Fees (Oct Adv 20% contract signed OIST Retreat Feb 06 (9/02 to 11/02) June.06 HRGP Functional Analyst 161 Total Cost (USD) 50,600.00 50,390.00 50,390.00 50,390.00 50,330.00 50,310.00 50,310.00 50,070.00 50,070.00 50,010.00 50,010.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 49,460.00 49,230.00 48,680.00 48,470.00 48,440.00 48,320.00 48,320.00 48,060.00 48,060.00 48,060.00 48,000.00 48,000.00 47,760.00 47,760.00 47,500.00 46,800.00 46,800.00 46,800.00 46,790.00 45,830.00 45,530.00 45,530.00 45,500.00 45,500.00 45,000.00 44,680.00 44,680.00 44,420.00 44,420.00 44,240.00 43,750.00 43,750.00 43,670.00 43,400.00 43,400.00 43,400.00 43,400.00 43,400.00 43,400.00 42,760.00 42,500.00 42,370.00 42,370.00 42,300.00 42,300.00 42,090.00 42,000.00 42,000.00 41,830.00 41,550.00 41,430.00 41,430.00 40,190.00 40,000.00 40,000.00 39,990.00 39,810.00 39,600.00 39,590.00 39,410.00 39,040.00 39,000.00 38,430.00 38,300.00 38,300.00 38,250.00 38,000.00 37,840.00 37,720.00 37,580.00 37,500.00 37,500.00 37,500.00 37,500.00 37,380.00 37,140.00 36,920.00 36,870.00 36,690.00 36,490.00 36,080.00 36,080.00 36,000.00 36,000.00 36,000.00 35,880.00 35,880.00 35,880.00 35,740.00 35,680.00 35,680.00 35,600.00 35,600.00 35,490.00 35,490.00 35,330.00 35,310.00 34,680.00 34,680.00 34,440.00 34,440.00 34,320.00 34,320.00 34,320.00 34,120.00 34,000.00 33,890.00 33,680.00 33,570.00 Major Subcontracts placed by Agency during 2006 (Contracts of USD 30,000 or more) Agency/Location Procurement Name of supplier Description of services Total Cost (USD) UNDP cont. United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States Synergy International Systems Inc Synergy International Systems Inc Synergy International Systems Inc Synergy International Systems Inc Accenture Llp Annika Rosenblatt African American Institute Robert Half International Inc ( Boston ) Robert Half International Inc ( Boston ) Tcs America, Div. Of Tata America Intl C Tcs America, Div. Of Tata America Intl C Tcs America, Div. Of Tata America Intl C Oracle Usa, Inc. Oracle Usa, Inc. Ntt/Verio Accenture Llp Accenture Llp Accenture Llp Accenture Llp Accenture Llp Ntt/Verio Ntt/Verio Oracle Usa, Inc. Oracle Usa, Inc. Oracle Usa, Inc. Accenture Llp Accenture Llp Oracle Usa, Inc. Oracle Usa, Inc. Aptare International Inc. United Nations General Trust Fund Kintera Inc. Claro & Associates, Inc. Hewlett Packard Latin America Corsys Technologies Inc. Corporate Executive Board Corporate Executive Board Globe Newspaper Co Dba The Boston Globe Accenture Llp Fourth Payment upon satisfactory de Third Payment upon satisfactory del Fourth Payment Upon Satisfactory De Third Payment Upon Satisfactory Del LTA 40 October 21 SSA contract 1st may to 31st Decem MDG/CU/05/06 last pt. Contractors for Agency Unit - Jan 1 Contractors For Agency Unit - Jan 1 End of Process and Data Analysis P End of Testing including UAT) Phase End of moving to production phase;E July 1-31.06 HRMS Global Payroll Fu Sept 1-30.06 HRMS Global Payroll Fu June 06 - NTT/VERIO - Service Order LTA 44 Peoplesoft Accounting Specia LTA 35 HRGP July 5-31 HR Professi LTA 43 Feb.06 HCM Technical upgrade LTA 40 November 22 LTA 40 Peoplesoft HCM Technical Upg May 06 - NTT/VERIO - Service Order July 06 - NTT/VERIO - Service Order Feb.06 HRMS GP Functional Analyst Feb.06 HRMS P/soft HR Functional An July.06 HRMS P/soft HR Functional A LTA 47:Project Management Enhanceme Lta 47:Project Management Enhanceme April 1-30.06 Dec 1-31.06 HRMS Global Payroll Fun APTARE- 1-31 Dec 2004 (OIST/RLA/200 Miscellaneous MDG/CU/04/21 06 Balance & Amendment Último pago por la aceptación confo “Adquisición, Montaje e Instalación Feb 06 - Consultancy fee Membership for 2006 Membership For 2006 PLAN MEDIOS OMD PUBLICACION EN BOST LTA 43 Jan.06 HCM Techincal upgrade Uruguay Kriterion Contrato F.06-0096-A Auditoria de P Uzbekistan Uzbekistan Uzbekistan Uzbekistan Uzbekistan Uzbekistan Uzbekistan Uzbekistan Uzbekistan Uzbekistan Uzbekistan Uzbekistan Sifat Jiont Stock Construction Company Sifat Jiont Stock Construction Company Unodc Regional Office For Central Asia Unodc Regional Office For Central Asia Sifat Jiont Stock Construction Company Sifat Jiont Stock Construction Company Unodc Regional Office For Central Asia Unodc Regional Office For Central Asia Unodc Regional Office For Central Asia Unodc Regional Office For Central Asia Unodc Regional Office For Central Asia Unodc Regional Office For Central Asia Progress payment for completed cons Progress Payment For Completed Cons II-Intstallment Ii-intstallment Payment for completed construction Payment For Completed Construction II-installment CADAP 2, Project 2 Ii-installment Cadap 2, Project 2 I-installment CADAP 3, Project 2 I-installment Cadap 3, Project 2 III-installment CADAP 2, Project 2 Iii-installment Cadap 2, Project 2 Venezuela Venezuela Audio Visual Arts Producciones C.a. Jose Rojas Consultoria NOMINA, CC-2005-99-1410-B 81,630.00 38,380.00 Viet Nam Viet Nam Viet Nam Cong Ty Tnhh May Tinh Truyen Thong Cmc Cong Ty Tnhh May Tinh Truyen Thong Cmc Cong Ty Tnhh May Tinh Truyen Thong Cmc Hardware receipt, 100% Software certification, 30% Software designl, 30% 85,250.00 31,660.00 31,660.00 Yemen Yemen Yemen Yemen Yemen Yemen Yemen Yemen Yemen Al-majd Establishment Osan Consultancy, Inc Bin Humaid For Publishing & Advertising Osan Consultancy, Inc Bin Humaid For Publishing & Advertising Dhofar Tourism Agency National Org. For Defending Rights & Fre Baztours Computer Engineering World Contracts Delivery of goods Banners: size 10x 2, Fabric high qu Services relating to water Banners Vehicle rental Contracts Vehicles rentals Computer hardware or software renta 304,260.00 193,050.00 136,600.00 50,900.00 49,900.00 49,010.00 42,550.00 41,580.00 31,280.00 Zambia Zambia Zambia Zambia Zambia Zambia Zambia Zambia Zambia Zambia Zambia Zambia Zambia Multi Vendor Services Lake Safari Lodge Toyota Zambia Limited Protea Hotel Fringilla Farm Guest House Cowi Zambia Limited Mcdss-women’s Programme Pamodzi Hotel Spencon Zambia Limited Spencon Zambia Limited Chikamba, Fanny Mulungushi International Conference Hotel Inter-continental Contracts Conference organizing services Vehicles, 4x4 heavy patrol armoured Conference organizing services Conference organizing services Contracts Payments arrangements Conference organizing services Construction of pre-fabricated buil Construction Of Pre-fabricated Buil Contracts Conference organizing services Hotel and related reservation syste 104,860.00 99,340.00 94,720.00 65,410.00 41,640.00 39,600.00 38,290.00 35,320.00 35,190.00 35,190.00 33,230.00 32,960.00 32,340.00 Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Tapiwa Magure Yekeye, Raymond Contract labour Contract labour 54,000.00 36,940.00 UNFPA Afghanistan Badakhshan Project Technical Services 45,400.00 Botswana Botswana National Youth Council Technical Services 30,000.00 Brazil Fundacao Dos Economiarios Federais Technical Services 41,130.16 Canada Canada Canada Canada Wyeth Pharmaceuticals Wyeth Pharmaceuticals Wyeth Pharmaceuticals Wyeth Pharmaceuticals Technical Services Technical Services Technical Services Technical Services 46,000.00 46,000.00 43,680.00 35,600.00 33,450.00 33,450.00 33,450.00 33,450.00 33,260.00 33,010.00 33,000.00 33,000.00 33,000.00 32,850.00 32,850.00 32,850.00 32,800.00 32,800.00 32,600.00 31,860.00 31,730.00 31,730.00 31,680.00 31,680.00 31,560.00 31,520.00 31,200.00 31,200.00 31,200.00 31,190.00 31,190.00 31,160.00 31,160.00 31,000.00 31,000.00 30,700.00 30,610.00 30,580.00 30,510.00 30,350.00 30,350.00 30,260.00 30,140.00 31,390.00 184,560.00 184,560.00 98,160.00 98,160.00 92,280.00 92,280.00 84,550.00 84,550.00 76,140.00 76,140.00 75,500.00 75,500.00 China Qingdao Double Butterfly Group Co. Ltd Technical Services 36,800.00 Colombia Raquel Sofia Amaya Producciones Y Cia Technical Services 50,314.35 Cote D'Ivoire Cote D'Ivoire Cote D'Ivoire Aimas Epscb Etbfb Technical Services Technical Services Technical Services 47,289.00 41,349.81 33,449.38 Denmark Denmark Denmark Undp/Iapso Iapso Copenhagen Iapso Copenhagen Technical Services Technical Services Technical Services 93,537.15 44,810.26 33,660.00 Germany Schering Ag Technical Services 46,000.00 Greece Mediterranean Women’s Studies Centre Technical Services 40,260.00 Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Groupe De Recherche Et D’echange Technol Groupe De Recherche Et D’echange Technol Ihsi Les Centres Gheskio Direction Departementale Sanitair Dunord Direction Sanitaire Du Nord-ouest Technical Services Technical Services Technical Services Technical Services Technical Services Technical Services 136,551.92 94,202.18 93,191.74 83,436.87 48,620.30 43,323.56 162 Major Subcontracts placed by Agency during 2006 (Contracts of USD 30,000 or more) Agency/Location Procurement Name of supplier Description of services Total Cost (USD) UNFPA cont. Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Les Centres Gheskio Medecins Du Monde Canada Departement Sanitaire Du Sud Direction Sanitaire Du Nord-ouest Faculte Des Sciences Humaines Technical Services Technical Services Technical Services Technical Services Technical Services 42,606.61 36,264.85 33,358.50 32,382.00 32,249.88 India India India India Datamatics Limited Famy Care Ltd Hexaware Technologies Ltd. Ttk-lig Ltd. Technical Services Technical Services Technical Services Technical Services 100,000.05 78,396.00 40,000.00 36,220.00 Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya African Medical And Research Foundation African Medical And Research Foundation African Medical And Research Foundation Gtz/Unfpa/Eastleigh Somalia Air Services Ltd Technical Services Technical Services Technical Services Technical Services Technical Services 133,308.50 66,654.25 66,654.25 56,880.00 49,500.00 Korea, Democratic People's Rep Central Bureau Of Statistics Technical Services 38,500.00 Korea, Republic of Korea, Republic of Unidus Corporation Unidus Corporation Technical Services Technical Services 104,680.00 70,200.00 Malaysia Kpmg Business Advisory Sdn Bhd Technical Services 188,775.00 Mali Mali Mali Entreprise Mah Travaux Entreprise Simema Sarl Entreprise Mah Travaux Technical Services Technical Services Technical Services 63,762.78 41,735.23 31,881.39 Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar World Health Organization (Myanmar) World Health Organization (Myanmar) World Health Organization (Myanmar) World Health Organization (Myanmar) Technical Services Technical Services Technical Services Technical Services 100,000.00 100,000.00 35,000.00 35,000.00 Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Imres N.v. Organon Imres Imres Imres N.v. Organon Imres N.v. Organon Technical Services Technical Services Technical Services Technical Services Technical Services Technical Services Technical Services Technical Services 106,723.00 92,000.00 63,254.41 50,000.00 50,000.00 39,440.20 36,783.00 33,333.33 Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan International Org. For Mirgration (Iom) M/S Team-nayyer International Org. For Mirgration (Iom) Metecno Pakistan (Pvt) Limited Metecno Pakistan (Pvt) Limited International Org. For Mirgration (Iom) Reliance Services Company Technical Services Technical Services Technical Services Technical Services Technical Services Technical Services Technical Services 320,377.92 238,510.57 230,629.04 130,184.50 91,129.15 46,470.97 45,905.13 South Africa South Africa Kopanong Hotel And Conference Centre Kopanong Hotel And Conference Centre Technical Services Technical Services 82,061.81 41,141.37 Sudan Sudan Azza Air Ltd. Eastern Africa Statistical Training Cent Technical Services Technical Services 46,127.55 33,480.00 Sweden Academedia Learning Consulting Technical Services 40,000.00 Switzerland World Health Organization Technical Services 63,000.00 Ukraine Pe Rulevska Olena Valeriyivna Technical Services 40,000.00 United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom Crown Agents The Female Health Company Ssl International Plc Mtv Networks Europe The Female Health Company Mtv Networks Europe Mott Macdonald Limited Back2back Productions Ltd Dahabshiil Transfer Services Ltd Dahabshiil Transfer Services Ltd The Female Health Company Dahabshiil Transfer Services Ltd Ssl International Plc Technical Services Technical Services Technical Services Technical Services Technical Services Technical Services Technical Services Technical Services Technical Services Technical Services Technical Services Technical Services Technical Services 240,000.00 140,150.00 83,714.00 81,000.00 75,000.00 69,000.00 68,175.00 46,959.76 45,000.00 45,000.00 40,707.96 40,000.00 36,220.00 United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United Nations Development Programme United Nations Development Programme Sds Global Logistics, Inc. Etsec, Inc Pixelpress United Med-health International Corp Custom Staffing Inc. Aries Computer Systems, Inc United Med-health International Corp United Med-health International Corp United Nations Development Programme Mohonk Mountain House Kekkai Corporation Custom Staffing Inc. Deloitte Financial Advisory Services Llp Enterasys Networks Microsoft Licensing, Gp Primus Telecommunications, Inc. T-mobile(formerly Voicestream Wireless) Sita (Societe Int. De Telecommunicatio T-mobile(formerly Voicestream Wireless) At&T T-mobile(formerly Voicestream Wireless) T-mobile(formerly Voicestream Wireless) Technical Services Technical Services Technical Services Technical Services Technical Services Technical Services Technical Services Technical Services Technical Services Technical Services Technical Services Technical Services Technical Services Technical Services Technical Services Technical Services Technical Services Technical Services Technical Services Technical Services Technical Services Technical Services Technical Services Technical Services 277,230.56 149,277.99 100,000.00 84,490.08 73,214.00 59,740.00 58,240.00 58,040.00 51,000.00 50,000.00 42,380.00 40,641.50 40,000.00 40,000.00 34,000.00 32,175.41 30,000.09 30,000.00 30,000.00 30,000.00 30,000.00 30,000.00 30,000.00 30,000.00 Uzbekistan 33,618.77 “Sm-print” Ltd Technical Services UNIDO Argentina Instituto Nacional De Tecnologia Industrial Ozone Layer Depletion Azerbaijan Ministry Of Ecology And Natural Resources Environment Bangladesh Brota Services International Environmental Management 509,941.00 Benin Benin Centre For Environment And Development In Africa Centre Pour L‘Environnement Et Le Développement Du Environmental Protection Environmental Protection 134,750.00 197,200.00 175,000.00 50,000.00 Brazil Ibrad Waste Disposal Related Services 135,000.00 Cameroon Cameroon Group Of Local Development Facilitators (Gold F) Bureau National De L Ozone Environmental Protection Ozone Layer Depletion - Refrigerati 195,747.01 45,000.00 Canada Aqueous Geochemistry Laboratory Satellite Communication Systems 163 46,960.00 Major Subcontracts placed by Agency during 2006 (Contracts of USD 30,000 or more) Agency/Location Procurement Name of supplier Description of services UNIDO cont. China China China China China China China China China China China China China China State Environmental Protection Adm China State Environmental Protection Adm China State Environmental Protection Adm Energy And Environmental Devepment Eed Cecic Blue-sky Investment Consulting & Management Changzhou Tongli Machine & Electric Equipment Manu Chinese Academy Of Agricultural Engineering Township Enterprise Development Center Moa Xian Research And Design Institute Hongyuan Energy And Environmental Protection Co. L School Of Environment And Natural Resources Itpc Shenzhen Jiangsu Province Metallurgical Design Institute Co Ozone Layer Depletion - Refrigerati Ozone Layer Depletion - Solvents Ozone Layer Depletion - Foams Energy Conservation Energy Conservation Energy Conservation Energy Conservation Energy Conservation Energy Conservation Energy Conservation Energy Conservation Conference Organizing Services Energy Conservation Total Cost (USD) 3,639,668.99 2,933,184.57 1,500,000.00 150,000.00 120,000.00 100,000.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 40,000.00 40,000.00 34,200.00 30,000.00 Cote d`Ivoire Infopeche Fisheries 110,000.00 Democratic Republic of Korea Ministry Of Chemical Industry Ozone Layer Depletion 488,750.00 Dominican Republic Fundodesa Ozone Layer Depletion - Solvents Egypt Universal Company Training 270,000.00 France French Agency For Environment And Energy Managemen Environmental Protection 216,956.00 Germany Germany Germany Germany Bioenergy Berlin Gmbh Bioenergy Berlin Gmbh Integration Umwelt Und Energie Gmbh Bioenergy Berlin Gmbh Electricity, Generation And Distrib Electricity, Generation And Distrib Environment Electricity, Generation And Distrib 685,000.00 588,250.00 97,575.00 40,119.01 Ghana Ghana Civil And Coastal Engineering Consultancy Services Mamsco Environ Management Consortium Ltd Environmental Protection Environmental Protection India India India India India Saurav Chemicals Ltd Coromandel Fertilisers Ltd Indian Istitute Of Science Avon Organics Limited Kemix Chemicals Ozone Layer Depletion Ozone Layer Depletion - Solvents Machinery, Special Purpose, Other A Ozone Layer Depletion Ozone Layer Depletion Indonesia Indonesia Yayasan Tambuhak Sinta Yayasan Lestari Environment Environment Italy Italy Italy Mcquay Italia Spa Area Science Park Pisie Politecnico Intern Per Lo Sviluppolndus Ecn Water Pollution Related Services Leasing Or Rental Services Leather Goods Macedonia Mepring Engineering Doo Water Pollution Related Services Mexico Mexico Cydsa Corporativo S A De C V Ediciones El Naranjo S A De C V Ozone Layer Depletion Printing, Publishing And Bookbindin Morocco Apefel Association De Producteurs Exportateurs Methyl Bromide Netherlands Boart Longyear Interfels Gmbh Mining And Quarrying Nigeria Nigeria Norway Norway Norway Norway Bioresources Development And Conservation Programm Nigerian Institute For Oceanography And Marine Res Institute Of Marine Research Norwegian Accreditation Norsk Akkreditering Norsk Akkreditering Environmental Protection Environmental Protection Environmental Protection Trade Promotion Trade Promotion Trade Promotion Oman Ministry Of Regional Muncipalities Environmental Institution Building Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Mustehkam Construction National Institute Of Science And Technical Educat Zafa Chemie Trade Promotion Ozone Layer Depletion - Refrigerati Ozone Layer Depletion 255,784.07 53,121.00 30,000.00 Romania Romania Romania Romania Romania Romania Oltchim S A Sinteza S A Chimcomplex S.a. Borzesti Bicapa S.a. Tirnaveni S.c. Mebra S.r.l. Ltd Romanian General Association For Refrigeration Ozone Layer Depletion - Solvents Ozone Layer Depletion - Solvents Ozone Layer Depletion - Solvents Ozone Layer Depletion - Solvents Ozone Layer Depletion - Aerosols Ozone Layer Depletion - Refrigerati 2,300,000.00 600,000.00 400,000.00 200,000.00 145,765.99 50,000.00 Russian Federation State University Higher School Of Economics Technological Information Exchange Saudi Arabia Ejada Systems Company Limited Training Sierra Leone National Commission On Environment And Forestry Environment 290,000.00 Spain Opti Fundacion Industrial Policies 102,185.09 Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Enco Private Limited Enco Private Limited Hydro-electric Generators Hydro-electric Generators 784,460.00 75,540.00 Sudan Geological Research Authority Of The Sudan Environment 134,948.00 Togo North-south Environment (Nse) Environmental Protection 196,580.00 Turkey Turkey Turkey Technology Development Foundation Ttgv The Ministry Of Environment And Forestry Moef Ozone Layer Deplition - Methyl Brom Environment 196,200.00 50,000.00 United Kingdom Nigel Bauer And Associates Standardization United Republic of Tanzania Tan Discovery Environment 134,462.00 United States of America United States of America United States of America Climate Institute Sonal Enterprises Climate Institute Energy Policy Mining And Quarrying Energy Policy 108,000.00 47,810.00 39,000.00 Uruguay Uruguay Agro Consulting S A Agro Consulting S A Ozone Layer Depletion Ozone Layer Depletion 194,093.00 160,000.00 Venezuela Fondoin Fondo Venezolano De Reconversion Indus Ozone Layer Depletion - Refrigerati 580,000.00 Vietnam Earth Systems Lao Environmental Institution Building Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Tobacco Research Board Institute Of Mining Research University Of Zimbabw Methyl Bromide Environment 164 32,000.00 83,905.00 73,850.00 235,785.00 225,195.00 99,600.99 88,230.00 46,215.64 94,970.00 40,125.01 187,625.67 172,135.20 49,112.43 71,246.50 7,603,300.00 60,766.01 140,000.00 70,257.20 184,372.96 93,410.00 540,000.00 263,424.74 69,000.00 54,000.00 40,121.00 351,577.91 59,000.00 61,054.02 74,500.00 587,000.00 135,000.00 Major Subcontracts placed by Agency during 2006 (Contracts of USD 30,000 or more) Agency/Location Procurement Name of supplier Description of services Total Cost (USD) UNOG Belgium Belgium Belgium Televic Sa Televic Sa Televic Sa Office, Computer And Communication Office, Computer And Communication Office, Computer And Communication 366,465.20 238,567.58 152,154.34 Ethiopia Shebelle Ethiopia Conference Servic Legal Specialisms 130,000.00 France France France France France France Malinvaud Freres Sa Dynetcom. Prezioso Prezioso Prezioso Prezioso Printing Services Wide Area Network (Wan) Maintenance General Building Maintenance And Re Construction Services, N.e.c. General Building Maintenance And Re Production Engineering 122,398.31 97,019.00 94,786.73 51,000.00 43,943.47 30,012.69 Germany Frankfurter Buchmesse Gmbh Trade Promotion 66,748.09 Hungary Mercure Budapest Metropol Legal Specialisms 42,304.63 Kazakhstan Regional Env.centre Cent.asia-carec Legal Specialisms 38,900.00 Kenya Hotel The Panari - Nairobi Professional Training Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Swets Information Services Bv C-content B.v. Unu-merit Legal Specialisms Data Transmission Operation Studies 131,612.60 36,864.41 33,189.00 Norway Norway Norway Norway Norway Norway Norway Norway Telenor As Fast Search And Transfer Telenor As Nilu Nilu Telenor As Telenor As Telenor As Satellite Communications Vendor-specific Software Support An Satellite Communications Legal Specialisms Legal Specialisms Satellite Communications Satellite Communications Satellite Communications 220,120.00 189,500.00 113,985.24 82,000.00 82,000.00 41,627.64 37,676.40 30,284.00 Spain Instituto Valenciano Exportacion Development, General N.e.c. Sweden Sweden Sweden Sipri-stockholm Int.peace Res.inst. Sipri-stockholm Int.peace Res.inst. Raw Materials Group Legal Specialisms Legal Specialisms Legal Specialisms Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Iss Facility Services Sa Iss Facility Services Sa Dentan Etancheite Sa Fondation Des Immeub. Organ.intern. Fondation Des Immeub. Organ.intern. Iffland Freres Sa Sottas Sa Sottas Sa Construction Perret Sa Aig Europe Xerox Ag Egg-telsa Sa Iss Facility Services Sa Fondation Des Immeub. Organ.intern. Iss Facility Services Sa Iss Facility Services Sa Fondation Des Immeub. Organ.intern. Privera Immeubles Commerciaux Sa Adeco Gremlich Freres Sa D’orlando Claudio Sa Cegelec Sa Boccard Parcs Et Jardins Sa Espaces Metalliques Dlg Sa Xerox Ag Xerox Ag Ascenseurs Schindler Ag Sharp Electronics (Suisse) Sa Adeco Sharp Electronics (Suisse) Sa Soraco Sa Fondation Des Immeub. Organ.intern. Kone (Suisse) Sa Sedelec Sa Lachenal Sa Cisco Systems International Bv Gremlich Freres Sa Egg-telsa Sa Aav Contractors Sa Mottu Sa Jacques Bugna -f.barro Architectes Minerg-appelsa Sa Cegelec Sa Siemens Suisse Sa - Detect.incendie Xerox Ag Software Spectrum Ag Sharp Electronics (Suisse) Sa Fondation Des Immeub. Organ.intern. Kaech Sa Losinger Construction Sa Soraco Sa Egg-telsa Sa Glanzmann Veredelungen Mottu Sa Microsoft Schweiz Gmbh Technicongres Martano Sa Sharp Electronics (Suisse) Sa Cj Entreprise De Batiment Sarl Jardins Et Batiments Sa Cegelec Sa Egg-telsa Sa Carlson Wagonlit Travel Services Industriels De Geneve Metalu Sa G. Constantin Sa Hotel Du Golf Hotel Cailler Egg-telsa Sa Sharp Electronics (Suisse) Sa Egg-telsa Sa Iss Facility Services Sa Sharp Electronics (Suisse) Sa Fondation Des Immeub. Organ.intern. Small Arms Survey Iss Facility Services Sa Weyermann Sa Nextiraone Suisse Sarl Arbotech-butty Et Cie Nextiraone Suisse Sarl Danka Suisse Sa Thomson Corporation Switzerland Ag Cleaning Services Cleaning Services General Building Maintenance And Re Real Estate Services Real Estate Services Construction Services, N.e.c. Locksmiths Locksmiths General Building Maintenance And Re Insurance Office Equipment Leasing And Rental Electrical Installations Maintenanc Cleaning Services Real Estate Services Cleaning Services Cleaning Services Real Estate Services Real Estate Services Conditions Of Employment Construction Services, N.e.c. Construction Work And Site Manageme Telephone Services General Building Maintenance And Re Locksmiths Office Equipment Leasing And Rental Office Equipment Leasing And Rental Electrical Installations Maintenanc Office Equipment Leasing And Rental Conditions Of Employment Office Equipment Leasing And Rental Pre-erection And General Erection W Locksmiths Electrical Installations Maintenanc Electrical Installations Maintenanc Construction Services, N.e.c. Telecommunication Management Construction Services, N.e.c. Electrical Installations Maintenanc Locksmiths Construction Services, N.e.c. Building Engineering Plumbing Maintenance And Repair Telephone Services Security Installations Maintenance Office Equipment Leasing And Rental Vendor-specific Software Support An Office Equipment Leasing And Rental Hotel Industry Electrical Installations Maintenanc Construction Work And Site Manageme Locksmiths Electrical Installations Maintenanc Printing Services Construction Services, N.e.c. Vendor-specific Software Support An Office, Computer And Communication Office Equipment Leasing And Rental Construction Services, N.e.c. General Building Maintenance And Re Telephone Services Engineering Planning Services Travel Facilitation Data Transmission Locksmiths Plumbing Maintenance And Repair Business Seminars Training Electrical Installations Maintenanc Office Equipment Leasing And Rental Electrical Installations Maintenanc Vehicle Rental Office Equipment Leasing And Rental Special Purpose Equipment Rental An Legal Specialisms Vehicle Rental Building Maintenance And Repair N.e Legal Specialisms General Building Maintenance And Re Telephone Services Office Equipment Leasing And Rental Data Communications Systems 165 30,000.00 48,456.25 279,898.22 62,814.07 45,000.00 1,457,441.63 681,333.33 609,848.48 491,378.23 428,320.00 405,130.65 374,995.93 369,270.80 346,688.47 342,635.66 252,692.31 247,615.38 242,126.69 234,580.38 225,364.08 221,949.47 218,026.74 211,295.19 200,000.00 190,243.90 172,391.06 150,000.00 148,422.58 137,016.13 135,786.75 135,743.80 131,576.34 127,917.76 116,000.00 113,975.90 108,243.90 107,975.61 101,873.47 101,639.34 101,209.23 98,000.00 96,969.70 96,341.46 93,854.47 88,729.03 83,474.39 76,249.59 76,000.00 74,990.31 74,095.00 70,753.50 70,161.29 65,739.27 64,762.40 64,056.72 62,983.47 61,035.12 60,891.60 60,606.06 60,483.87 60,181.82 60,011.26 59,403.23 57,732.46 57,600.00 56,837.10 56,818.18 55,751.61 54,140.00 50,624.62 50,406.50 50,220.12 49,404.03 46,850.00 46,553.39 45,447.84 43,985.00 43,781.69 43,600.00 43,037.73 42,301.46 41,157.02 41,157.02 40,867.61 40,320.61 39,102.00 Major Subcontracts placed by Agency during 2006 (Contracts of USD 30,000 or more) Agency/Location Procurement Name of supplier Description of services UNOG cont. Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Thomson Financial Limited Institut Oecumenique De Bossey E-secure Sarl Centre For Humanitarian Dialogue Carlson Wagonlit Travel Fondation Des Immeub. Organ.intern. Adeco Construction Perret Sa Et Dmb Sa Metalu Sa Mannet Sarl Carlson Wagonlit Travel Sro-kundig Sa Otis Cd Training Data Communications Systems Business Seminars Vendor-specific Software Support An Professional Training Travel Facilitation Real Estate Services Conditions Of Employment General Building Maintenance And Re Locksmiths Organisational Development Travel Facilitation Printing Services Electrical Installations Maintenanc Technical Vocational Training Total Cost (USD) 39,102.00 38,159.83 37,660.57 37,637.10 37,612.35 36,535.89 36,000.00 35,893.91 32,298.40 32,000.00 32,000.00 30,995.12 30,372.52 30,303.03 Ukraine State Ecological Inst.ministry Env. Legal Specialisms United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom Sbj International Playerthree Heckfield Place Tve International Adas International Ltd Tve International Savvis Uk Limited Online Solutions Uk Ltd. Insurance Audio-visual Services Training Audio-visual Services Legal Specialisms Audio-visual Services Data Storage Legal Specialisms 38,500.00 United States of America United States of America Endeavor Information Systems Inc. Google Ireland Limited Vendor-specific Software Support An Vendor-specific Software Support An 44,845.03 35,384.62 UNON Argentina Argentina Alhec Tours Sa Casel S.a. (Hotel Castelar) Accomodations, Foods And Meeting Services Accomodations, Foods And Meeting Services 75,412.10 31,058.35 Denmark Cowi A/S Review If Scientific Information On Lead 229,400.00 France France France Nai Evolis Utilisateurs 100 Watt Sarl Impremerie Montligeon Lumpsum Fees For Renting Production Of Oan 2006 Printing 100,502.51 57,061.23 48,625.63 241,615.55 248,091.60 67,500.00 53,064.25 46,375.00 45,000.00 43,625.00 37,015.77 31,017.39 Germany Bm Seminar Delivery Of Training & Technical Support Greece Mnp Hospitality For The 30th B.c. Anniversary India Tata Interactive Systems Distance Learning Technology 103,560.00 Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Barakat Company Yowm Al Faith Company Al Qubba Al Thahabiya Company Al Khas Bureau Al Hussainy Company Al Farkad Company Anwar Al Hassanein Company Al Rahman Bureau Iraq Company Al Bashaer Company Ahmed Salman Engineering Bureau Al Muadad Company Al Qaem Engineering Company New Iraq Company Al Yakeen Al Muttahida Company Mihwar Al Khair Company Medar Al Fayhaa Company International Al Aaariya Mihwar Al Kheir Company Al Jabari Bureau Razaq Sharif Abid Bureau Al Mawan Company Qabas Al Jazeera Al Salmiya Company Al Zahoo Company Abraj Company Almass Company Bahar Al Najaf Company Abas Thjel Hzam Bureau Al Habwa Company Al Sana Company Al Najim Al Muhe Company Al Yasir International Company Al Yasir International Company Al Kubar Company Al Rawabi Soor Thi Qar Company Nafee Madhloon Al Jehad Company Al Nabaa Al Yaqeen Company Al Faiafi Company Al Faiafi Company Al Kamel Company Aveen Company Al Qudes World Company Al Fadhaa Company Shajeret Adem Bureau Kamel Maliouch Bureau Al Sad Al Handanya Rahiem Jabbar Bureau Amel Al Janoop Company Al Nasik Company Al Sana Company Mk Life Shamik Jabar Bureau Al Asdeqaa Company Al-rasool Bureau Al Khora Company Modern Company Comnstruction Rehabilitation Rehabilitation Comnstruction Rehabilitation Rehabilitation Constructing Comnstruction Rehabilitation Of Al Faw Residential Complex Comnstruction Install Water Treatment Unit At Bahia Village. Comnstruction Rehabilitation Delivery Of Furniture For 25 Schools In Baghdad Rehabilitation Rehabilitation Install Water Treatment Unit Rehabilitation Rehabilitation Rehabilitation Rehabilitation Rehabilitation Of 83 Houses In Baghdad Rehabilitation Of 83 Houses In Baghdad Construction Of Sumir Kindergarten Rehabilitation Rehabilitation Rehabilitation Rehabilitation Rehabilitation Rehabilitation Rehabilitation Rehabilitation Construction Rehabilitation Construction Rehabilitation Rehabilitation Rehabilitation Rehabilitation Rehabilitation Of 136 Houses In Baghdad Rehabilitation Of Ur Primary School Construction Of Pump Station Rehabilitation Of 60 Houses In Erbil Rehabilitation Of 29 Houses In Rumaitha Renovation & Rehabilitation Rehabilitation Rehabilitation Rehabilitation Construction Of A Pumping St
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2011 Annual Statistical Report on United Nations
Countries for which the United Nations provides financial/technical assistance.
A list of these countries is attached as Annex 2 and 3.