2011 Annual Statistical Report on United Nations
2011 Annual Statistical Report on United Nations
2011 Annual Statistical Report on United Nations Procurement Procurement of goods and services - all sources of funding Procurement profiles of the Development Assistance Committee member countries Procurement profiles of the top twenty developing countries and countries with economies in transition 2011 Annual Statistical Report on United Nations Procurement UNOPS would like to acknowledge the contribution of the various organizations to the 2011 Annual Statistical Report on United Nations Procurement. The views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect those of the United Nations. Copyright © 2012 All rights reserved. The use of data from this publication must be accompanied by a reference to the title and a website location of this report. This publication and the accompanying Annual Thematic Supplement may be reproduced for personal use but may not otherwise be reproduced or, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior written permission of UNOPS. This document is available online at www.ungm.org and www.unops.org. It has been published in electronic format to limit the use of paper, ink, and transport emissions to further support UNOPS’ leadership role in advancing sustainable practices. Table of Contents Introduction.....................................................................................................................................................................1 Glossary of terms...........................................................................................................................................................2 Executive Summary.......................................................................................................................................................3 Total procurement of goods and services for operational activities of the UN system...........................................3 Ten major countries of supply to the UN system in 2011.......................................................................................4 Procurement by UN agencies in 2010 – 2011........................................................................................................5 Procurement from developing countries and countries with economies in transition.............................................6 Procurement from developing countries and countries with economies in transition by region.............................7 Procurement from developing countries and countries with economies in transition by top 10 UN agencies.......8 Top 20 developing countries and countries with economies in transition supplying UN operations in 2011.......................................................................................................................................9 United Nations procurement and the Global Compact.........................................................................................10 Procurement from Global Compact members as a percentage of orders of $30,000 or more............................10 Sustainability reporting in the UN system.................................................................................................................12 About the report...........................................................................................................................................................16 Procurement profiles of the DAC member countries...............................................................................................17 Australia...............................................................................................................................................................18 Austria..................................................................................................................................................................19 Belgium................................................................................................................................................................20 Canada.................................................................................................................................................................21 Denmark...............................................................................................................................................................22 Finland.................................................................................................................................................................23 France..................................................................................................................................................................24 Germany .............................................................................................................................................................25 Greece.................................................................................................................................................................26 Ireland..................................................................................................................................................................27 Italy.......................................................................................................................................................................28 Japan...................................................................................................................................................................29 Luxemburg...........................................................................................................................................................30 Netherlands..........................................................................................................................................................31 New Zealand........................................................................................................................................................32 Norway.................................................................................................................................................................33 Portugal................................................................................................................................................................34 Republic of Korea................................................................................................................................................35 Spain....................................................................................................................................................................36 Sweden................................................................................................................................................................37 Switzerland...........................................................................................................................................................38 United Kingdom....................................................................................................................................................39 United States........................................................................................................................................................40 i | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on United Nations Procurement Procurement profiles of the top twenty developing countries and countries with economies in transition................................................................................................................ 41 Afghanistan.................................................................................................................................................... 42 Argentina........................................................................................................................................................ 43 Brazil.............................................................................................................................................................. 44 China.............................................................................................................................................................. 45 Congo, Democratic Republic of..................................................................................................................... 46 Ethiopia.......................................................................................................................................................... 47 Haiti................................................................................................................................................................ 48 India............................................................................................................................................................... 49 Indonesia........................................................................................................................................................ 50 Jordan............................................................................................................................................................ 51 Kenya............................................................................................................................................................. 52 Pakistan......................................................................................................................................................... 53 Panama.......................................................................................................................................................... 54 Peru................................................................................................................................................................ 55 Russian Federation........................................................................................................................................ 56 South Africa.................................................................................................................................................... 57 Sudan............................................................................................................................................................. 58 Uganda........................................................................................................................................................... 59 Ukraine........................................................................................................................................................... 60 United Arab Emirates..................................................................................................................................... 61 Procurement of goods and services - all sources of funding............................................................................ 62 Total procurement of goods by country of procurement and services by country of head office................... 63 Total procurement by UN agency................................................................................................................... 66 Procurement of goods by country of procurement and source of funds........................................................ 67 Total procurement of goods by UN agency and country of procurement....................................................... 70 Procurement of services by contractor’s country of head office and source of funds.................................... 85 Total procurement of services by agency and country of procurement.......................................................... 88 Top 10 items/product groups procured by UN agencies...................................................................................103 Agency share by category of goods and services.............................................................................................110 Major goods and supplies ordered by UN agencies..........................................................................................123 Major service and works contracts placed by UN agencies............................................................................. 210 Project personnel - all sources of funding..........................................................................................................337 Annexes.................................................................................................................................................................341.... Annex 1 - Abbreviations................................................................................................................................323 Annex 2 - Developing countries....................................................................................................................324 Annex 3 - Economies in transition.................................................................................................................331 Annex 4 - Developed countries.................................................................................................................... 332 ii | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on United Nations Procurement Introduction United Nations procurement delivery in 2011 has decreased slightly in comparison to the previous year. The total UN procurement volume has decreased by $268 million over the previous year, representing a decrease of 1.9 percent. In terms of procurement of goods and services, procurement of goods decreased by $10 million, while procurement of services decreased by $258 million over 2010. The 2011 data further confirms that the UN’s requirement for services exceeds that of goods, reversing the trend of previous years where the proportion of goods procured far outweighed that of services contracted. The 2011 report analyzes procurement from developing countries and countries with economies in transition, and examines United Nations system performance in increasing opportunities for vendors in developing countries and countries with economies in transition. Significant progress has been made towards achieving that objective (refer to Figures 4-8 in the Executive Summary for further details). In addition, the 2011 report looks at procurement by United Nations organizations from vendors that support the ‘Global Compact’. The Compact measures engagement by the United Nations system with companies that take corporate social responsibility seriously, an increasingly important consideration in the global marketplace. The number of vendors that have signed the Global Compact has almost doubled over the past five years and currently has approximately 10,000 members. While United Nations organizations give no preferential treatment to Compact signatories, the volume of procurement with registered Global Compact vendors shows an increase of six percent over the period 2006-2011 The distribution of countries and territories used in the report has been revised to follow those used by the Statistics Division, Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA) of the United Nations. In previous reports the designations used were developing countries, countries with economies in transition and industrialized countries. The 2011 report uses the following designations developing countries, countries with economies in transition and developed countries. The designations ‘developing’, ‘in transition’ and ‘developed’ are intended for statistical convenience and do not necessarily express a judgment about the stage reached by a particular country or area in the development process. The 2011 statistical report features an annual thematic supplement, now in its fourth year, that focuses on current issues in procurement. For 2011, the focus of the supplement is on the issue of transparency and its effects on public procurement in the context of the global move towards creating a more accountable and robust system of development cooperation. The supplement provides an overview of the benefits and challenges of transparency, as well as case studies and contributions from practitioners and experts. This publication has been produced by the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) on behalf of the United Nations system of organisations. UNOPS is grateful to the United Nations organizations listed in Table 2 on page five for their continuous support and contributions that make the publication possible. UNOPS hopes that this report provides useful information on the breadth and spectrum of United Nations procurement to the reader. UNOPS continually strives to improve and refine the report to better serve expectations and objectives of government stakeholders, donors, the business community and United Nations organizations. This report is available online at the website locations shown below. United Nations Global Marketplace (UNGM) UNOPS 1 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on United Nations Procurement Glossary of terms All sources of UN funding: Covers technical cooperation and other development assistance from regular, extra budgetary and trust funds, as well as emergency, humanitarian and peacekeeping operations. Development Assistance Committee (DAC) member countries: A key forum of major bilateral donors who work together to increase the effectiveness of their common efforts to support sustainable development. DAC consists of 22 member countries as well as the Commission of the European Communities. Developing countries and countries with economies in transition (DC/ET): Countries for which the United Nations provides financial/technical assistance. A list of these countries is attached as Annex 2 and 3. Fellowships: Scholarships and study tours awarded to individuals for study and training within various operational activity programmes. Activities which do not involve individual award of a scholarship, such as group training and seminars, are not included. Goods: Includes both equipment and supplies. International Project Personnel: Experts and consultants hired internationally for technical cooperation activities. National Project Personnel: National personnel of all categories, including experts and consultants, hired locally for technical cooperation activities. Procurement: The acquisition of goods and services. Services: Contracts with companies/contractors or consulting firms. This does not include the hiring of individual experts and consultants. 2 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on United Nations Procurement Executive Summary Total procurement of goods and services for operational activities of the UN system The overall procurement volume (goods and services combined) of United Nations organizations during 2011 decreased to $14.3 billion, from $14.5 billion in 2010 – a reduction of 1.9 percent, this is the first recorded decrease in the annual reporting of UN procurement volume since 20021. The total procurement of goods decreased $10 million, a decrease of 0.1 percent, while procurement of services dropped by $258 million, a decrease of 3.5 percent. Between 2007 and 2011, United Nations procurement volume increased from $10.1 billion to $14.3 billion, attributable to a $1.8 billion growth in the procurement of goods and a $2.4 billion growth in the procurement of services for the same period. Figure 1 Total procurement of goods and services, 2007-2011 ($ Million) Figure 16,0001: Total procurement of goods and services 13,797 13,594 Services Total 14,000 Goods 2004 3,783 2,743 6,527 2006 4,665 4,739 9,404 12,000 10,113 2007 5,273 4,839 10,113 2008 6,754 6,840 13,594 6,840 10,000 2009 6,394 7,403 13,797 2010 7,075 7,469 14,544 8,000 4,839 2011 7,066 7,210 14,276 6,000 4,000 5,273 2,000 0 2007 Services Goods 14,544 14,276 7,469 7,210 7,403 6,754 6,394 7,075 7,066 2008 2009 2010 2011 From 2007 to 2011, the procurement of services by the United Nations system rose as a share of total procurement, and in 2008 slightly overtook the procurement share goods. In 2011, the share of services still exceeded that of goods albeit only by a margin of 1 percent compared to 7.3 percent in 2009 and 2.7 percent in 2010. Figure 2 Proportion of goods and services procured, 2007-2011 Services Goods Figure 2: Proportion of goods and servcies procured 60.0% 50.5% 49.5% 51.4% 48.6% 53.7% 46.3% 50.3% 49.7% 20.0% 47.9% 30.0% Goods Services 49.6% 50.4% 52.1% 47.9% 49.7% 50.3% 46.3% 53.7% 48.6% 51.4% 49.5% 50.5% 52.1% 2006 50.0% 2007 2008 2009 40.0% 2010 2011 10.0% 0.0% 1. 2007 2008 2009 2010 In 2002 the total UN procurement volume decreased to $4.5 billion from $4.6 billion in 2001, a decrease of 1.5 percent. 3 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on United Nations Procurement 2011 Ten major countries of supply to the UN system in 2011 The 10 major countries to supply United Nations organizations in 2011 (see Table 1) included two developing countries and one country with its economy in transition, with Afghanistan, India and the Russian Federation accounting for 30.7 percent of the total procurement volume of the top 10 countries of supply. Afghanistan is among the 10 major countries to supply the UN for the third year running, despite its share of total United Nations procurement volume decreasing by 0.8 percentage points in 2011. Procurement from Afghanistan consisted primarily of construction, transport and demining services executed with national contractors by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) respectively. India has featured in this list since 2000, and in 2011, was the third largest supplier to the United Nations system, with a 5.1 percent share of total United Nations procurement volume representing an increase of 1.2 percentage points over 2010. Procurement from India included vaccines, pharmaceuticals and medical equipment procured primarily by the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF). The Russian Federation’s share of total procurement volume for 2011 was of 4.2 percent representing an increase of 0.4 percentage points over 2010. Procurement from the Russian Federation consisted primarily of airline management and operations services and food supplies, procured by the United Nations Procurement Division (UN/PD) and the World Food Programme (WFP) respectively. Table 1 Top 10 countries of supply to the UN system in 2011 ($ Million) Countries United States of America Switzerland India Russian Federation Afghanistan Belgium France Italy Denmark United Kingdom Top 10 Total Grand Total Goods 409.9 386.5 658.0 143.6 66.8 413.5 374.2 236.0 298.0 260.6 3,247.1 7,065.6 Services 1,124.9 349.3 66.6 453.6 470.5 41.8 62.5 187.3 124.4 156.4 3,037.4 7,210.5 Total $ Million 1,534.8 735.9 724.6 597.2 537.3 455.3 436.7 423.3 422.4 417.0 6,284.5 14,276.0 % of Total 10.8% 5.2% 5.1% 4.2% 3.8% 3.2% 3.1% 3.0% 3.0% 2.9% 44.0% 100.0% The percentage share of total goods and services procured from the top 10 major countries of supply showed a decreasing trend between 2004 and 2006, reflecting a broadening of the geographical spread of UN procurement. Between 2007 and 2009 (see Figure 3) this downward trend reversed with the total procurement share of the top ten countries of supply to the United Nations increasing. During this period the percentage share has increased by 9 percent, However, since 2009 the total share of procurement from the top ten countries of supply has again been declining, with an initial decline of 0.9 percent in 2010 followed by a further decline of 1.5 percent in 2011 indicating a reduction in the concentration of UN procurement spend within the primary supplier countries and widening of supply sources. 4 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on United Nations Procurement Figure 3 Percentage share of total procurement volume of the top 10 countries to supply the UN system 50.0% 46.6% 2004 46.6% 2005 40.6% 2006 33.7%40.6% 37.6% 40.0%2007 2008 38.1% 33.7% 2009 46.4% 2010 45.5% 2011 44.0% 30.0% 2004 2005 2006 45.5% 46.4% 44.0% 38.1% 37.6% 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Procurement by UN agencies in 2010 - 2011 The following table lists the procurement volume of individual United Nations organizations in 2010 and 2011. Data is presented by the percentage share from developing countries and those with economies in transition, which has increased by 2 percentage points from 2010 to 2011. Total procurement volume from 2010 to 2011 decreased by $268 million2. Despite this decrease, 15 of the 30 reporting United Nations organizations increased their procurement volume over the previous year. The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) recorded the largest volume increases. Table 2 Procurement by UN agencies, including percentage procured in developing countries and countries with economies in transition, 2010-2011 ($ Million) Agency Goods (%) Goods 2011 Services Total (%) ESCAP 2.54 5.06 7.61 79.08% 4.41 7.11 11.52 83.15% ESCWA 0.43 1.44 1.87 83.88% 1.39 1.39 2.77 64.98% ECLAC 2.58 6.29 8.87 84.02% 2.83 12.19 15.02 88.92% FAO 122.18 45.63 167.81 60.71% 78.25 56.85 135.10 41.20% IAEA 66.06 79.13 145.19 12.24% 69.02 94.11 163.12 15.39% IFAD 0.91 46.19 47.09 11.71% 1.16 46.39 47.55 10.83% ILO 9.42 89.51 98.93 40.23% 14.28 79.21 93.49 33.04% INSTRAW 0.05 0.08 0.13 12.94 93.19% ITC 1.17 9.87 11.04 ITU 4.81 7.72 12.53 85.29% Now UNWOMEN - Data not received 7.62% 1.02 11.93 11.72% No data received OPCW 1.36 5.79 7.15 0.23% 2.68 6.30 8.98 0.11% PAHO 693.12 15.21 708.33 27.30% 593.24 13.43 606.67 33.30% UNDP 649.08 2,279.37 2,928.44 79.47% 652.04 2,039.93 2,691.97 78.52% 3.36 4.90 8.26 69.86% 17.24 5.39 22.63 33.04% UNECA UNESCO 43.02 139.49 182.51 62.54% 23.91 121.03 144.94 62.20% 160.95 220.94 381.89 60.02% 148.84 213.52 362.36 60.53% UNHCR 244.43 178.38 422.81 69.32% 264.71 270.40 535.10 59.95% UNICEF 1,823.74 1,823.74 40.89% 2,153.57 0.00 2,153.57 38.96% UNFPA UNIDO 30.47 41.49 71.96 48.27% 47.77 38.24 86.01 44.18% UN/PD 977.40 2,167.12 3,144.52 36.14% 1,073.85 2,099.90 3,173.75 54.01% UNOG 14.24 73.96 88.20 1.04% 24.01 86.21 110.22 0.88% UNON 9.54 25.38 34.92 53.89% 24.33 82.76 107.08 52.73% 496.23 519.29 1,015.52 79.62% 318.29 459.96 778.25 73.00% 4.23 7.08 11.30 10.26% 5.15 9.61 14.76 23.32% UNOPS UNOV UNRWA 144.42 76.48 220.90 87.67% 141.19 140.79 281.97 86.51% UNU 0.02 1.11 1.13 13.18% 0.02 1.10 1.13 24.29% UNV 0.53 14.89 15.42 0.97% 0.90 15.10 16.00 1.71% UPU 0.83 0.83 74.57% 0.94 0.00 0.94 74.90% WFP 1,451.75 2,717.03 75.80% 1,395.08 1,137.26 2,532.34 76.69% WHO 110.91 WIPO 1,265.28 110.91 42.78% No data received 133.19 133.19 2.05% 0.00 146.12 146.12 2.53% WMO 5.70 5.15 10.84 3.60% 5.01 10.71 15.72 6.08% WTO 0.03 3.29 3.32 11.74% 0.43 3.53 3.96 24.15% 7,075.49 7,468.70 14,544.20 57.77% 7,065.56 7,210.48 14,276.04 59.74% TOTAL 2. 2010 Services Total The total number UN reporting agencies was 30 agencies compared to 33 agencies the previous year where a portion of the decrease in total UN procurement volume may be attributed to. 5 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on United Nations Procurement Procurement from developing countries and countries with economies in transition General Assembly resolution 57/279 (2005) on procurement reform (specifically paragraph six), encourages United Nations organizations to increase sourcing opportunities for suppliers from developing countries and countries with economies in transition. General Assembly resolution 61/246 (2007) (specifically paragraph 24), reiterates the request. In response, United Nations organizations have placed more orders with suppliers from these countries. The growth of such orders has steadily grown over the 2007 to 2011 period (as shown in Figure 4), a cumulative increase of 57.2 percent for the same period. Figure 4 UN procurement from developing countries and countries with economies in transition, 2007-2011 ($ Million) Services Goods Figure 10,0004: UN procurement from developing countries 2006 8,000 2007 2008 6,000 2009 2010 2011 4,000 2,000 0 Goods Services Total 2,510 2,656 5,166 2,752 2,6736,972 5,425 3,635 3,337 6,972 5,425 3,313 4,263 7,576 3,808 4,5943,337 8,402 3,894 4,634 8,528 2,673 2,752 2007 7,576 4,263 8,402 8,528 4,594 4,634 3,635 3,313 3,808 3,894 2008 2009 2010 2011 In 2011, procurement from developing countries and countries with economies in transition increased by $126 million over 2010 further building upon the $826 million increase from 2009 to 2010, the $600 million increase from 2008 to 2009 and the $1.5 billion increase from 2007 to 2008. This is reflected by an increase in the percentage share from 57.7 percent in 2010 to 59.7 percent of total United Nations procurement volume in 2011, while procurement from developed countries decreased from 41.7 percent in 2010 to 39.2 percent in 2011. Procurement from unspecified countries was $159 million in 2011. Countries are unspecified when organizations cannot attribute the origin of the supplier in their management information systems. Figure 5 UN procurement from industrialized countries, developing countries and countries with economies in transition, 2007-2011 (as a percentage of the total procurement volume) 80.0% 60.0% 40.0% 20.0% 0.0% 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Developing Countries & Countries Developed Unspecified with Economies in Transition Countries Countries 54.9% 35.2% 9.9% 53.6% 37.7% 8.7% 51.3% 37.9% 10.8% 54.9% 44.0% 1.1% 57.8% 41.7% 0.5% 59.7% 39.2% 1.1% 2007 2008 6 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on United Nations Procurement 2009 2010 Developed countries Developing countries & countries with economies in transition Unspecified countries 2011 Procurement from developing countries and countries with economies in transition by region United Nations procurement from African, Latin American, Caribbean and Arab states has remained stable in the period from 2010 to 2011, despite the reduction in the overall United Nations procurement volume. The Asia Pacific region experienced a reduction of $266 million in their share of procurement from the United Nations organizations in 2011. Notably, Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States have experienced an increase of $422 million in UN procurement across the region in the period from 2010 to 2011. Figure 6 UN procurement from developing countries and countries with economies in Figure 6: UN procurement developing countries and countries with economies in transistion transition by region, from 2007-2011 ($ Million) 3,000.00 2006 2,500.00 ARAB STATES 2007 628.21 AFRICA 790.74 1,473.76 2009 2010 2011 1,561.91 1,571.02 1,607.51 1,623.39 2,000.00 ASIA & PACIFIC 2,005.17 2,099.30 2,088.98 1,441.61 1,677.46 1,939.07 2,130.38 2,524.91 2,259.26 EUROPE & CIS 419.62 365.45 540.40 620.50 615.09 1,036.94 1,202.71 1,435.27 1,698.71 1,257.96 1,591.51 1,525.45 LATIN AMERICA & THE CARIB. 1,500.00 1,156.21 2008 1170.31 1,000.00 500.00 0.00 2007 2008 2009 2010 ARAB STATES AFRICA ASIA & PACIFIC EUROPE & CIS 2011 LATIN AMERICA & THE CARIB. Regional data from developing countries and countries with economies in transition show that all regions except the Asia and Pacific region and CIS states have seen a stable trend in procurement business. The percentage share has decreased from Asia and Pacific region by 1.5 percent and increased from the CIS states by 3 percent. Figure 7 UN procurement from developing countries and countries with economies in transition by region, 2007-2011 (percentage of total UN procurement) Figure 7: UN procurement from developing countries and countries with economies in transistion (%) 20.00% 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 6.68% 7.82% 8.61% 11.32% 10.80% 11.26% 15.67% 11.43% 11.94% 14.53% 14.43% 14.63% 15.33% 16.59% 14.26% 15.44% 17.36% 15.83% 4.46% 3.61% 3.98% 4.50% 4.23% 7.26% 12.79% 14.19% 12.50% 9.12% 10.94% 10.69% 16.00% ARAB STATES AFRICA ASIA & PACIFIC 12.00% EUROPE & CIS LATIN AMERICA & THE CARIB. 8.00% 4.00% 0.00% 2007 2008 2009 2010 ARAB STATES AFRICA ASIA & PACIFIC EUROPE & CIS LATIN AMERICA & THE CARIB. 7 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on United Nations Procurement 2011 Procurement from developing countries and countries with economies in transition by top 10 UN agencies Figure 8 represents percentage of procurement volume by the 10 largest United Nations organizations (which account for 93 percent of total procurement), from developing countries and countries with economies in transition in 2011, as well as the percentage change compared with 2010. Organizations are listed in descending order by total procurement volume, detailed in the left hand column. Figure 8 UN agency procurement from developing countries and countries with economies in transistion by region by top 10 UN agencies 8 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on United Nations Procurement 2011 2010 Top 20 developing countries and countries with economies in transition supplying UN operations in 2010 In total, procurement of goods and services from the top 20 developing countries and countries with economies in transition represents 38.5 percent of overall United Nations procurement volume, an increase of 1.7 percentage points over 2010. For a detailed overview of procurement volume trends, categories of goods and services procured, as well United Nations organizations shares for each of the countries listed in Table 3, please refer to the procurement profiles of these countries available on page 41 onwards. Table 3 Top 20 developing countries and countries with economies in transition supplying UN operations in 2011 ($ Million) *. Countries Goods Services Total India Russian Federation Afghanistan Sudan* Kenya Argentina United Arab Emirates Pakistan Panama Brazil South Africa Indonesia Ethiopia Congo, DRC Peru Ukraine Jordan Haiti China Turkey Top twenty Grand Total 658.0 143.6 66.8 170.8 115.0 206.1 249.9 162.4 113.8 109.8 114.9 144.2 79.8 56.3 67.2 14.8 19.4 41.6 86.9 84.7 2,706.0 7,065.6 66.6 453.6 470.5 234.0 283.9 159.7 56.7 105.2 82.4 79.1 73.3 34.4 94.0 96.6 82.0 134.3 129.5 88.0 40.6 27.3 2,791.7 7,210.5 724.6 597.2 537.3 404.8 398.8 365.8 306.6 267.7 196.2 188.9 188.2 178.6 173.8 152.9 149.3 149.1 148.9 129.6 127.5 111.9 5,497.7 14,276.0 % of Total 5.1% 4.2% 3.8% 2.8% 2.8% 2.6% 2.1% 1.9% 1.4% 1.3% 1.3% 1.3% 1.2% 1.1% 1.0% 1.0% 1.0% 0.9% 0.9% 0.8% 38.5% 100.0% Due to limitations in management information systems of the reporting agencies, some goods and services attributed to Sudan may have originated in South Sudan following the country’s independence on 9 July 2011. 9 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on United Nations Procurement United Nations Procurement and the Global Compact UN agencies, in cooperation with their suppliers, are increasingly trying to ‘buy for a better world’. They are looking beyond traditional economic parameters to make decisions based on life-cycle costs and associated environmental and social implications, to help producers - especially in the developing world - become more efficient and competitive in larger markets. For the fifth consecutive year, the Annual Statistical Report 2011 features an analysis of the participation of UN suppliers in the world’s largest global corporate citizenship initiative, the Global Compact. The United Nations strongly encourages its suppliers to support the Global Compact and its principles3. • In 1999, the United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan challenged the business leaders gathered at the World Economic Forum in Davos to develop greater social and environmental responsibility in their business activities. He offered them a new compact of shared values and principles, to give a human face to the global market: the Global Compact. • The Global Compact is a framework for businesses that are committed to aligning their operations and strategies with ten universally accepted principles in the areas of human rights, labour, the environment and anti-corruption. As the world’s largest global corporate citizenship initiative, the Global Compact is a voluntary scheme, a learning dialogue and a platform for action. Procurement from Global Compact members as a percentage of orders of $30,000 or more Overall, the total procurement volume of the UN has slightly decreased from 2010 to 2011. However, the percentage of procurement volume which comes from contracts with Global Compact members has constantly increased over the period 2006-2011, reaching 18.10 percent in 2011. The number of vendors that have signed the Global Compact has almost doubled over the past 5 years and currently has almost 7,000 business members. Figure 9 Global compact membership as a percentage of orders of $30,000 or more 3. Being a signatory to the UN Global Compact does not provide a company preferential treatment throughout a procurement process. The procurement process as applied by UN organisations ensures that all prospective bidders are treated equally, fairly and in a transparent manner. 10 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on United Nations Procurement Year Total of UN Procurement (million) Total contracts of $30,000 or more (million) Procurement from Global Compact members (million) Percentage 2006 9,404 6,141 756 12.32% 2007 10,029 6,819 1,056 15.50% 2008 13,594 9,338 1,321 14.15% 2009 13,801 10,964 1,778 16.22% 2010 14,765 11,271 2,022 17.94% 2011 14,276 11,182 2,024 18.10% Global Compact Geographical Origin according to the volume of orders Since 2006, the geogrpahical orogin of Global Compact members has evolved from a northern hemispehere majority (Europe and North America) to a more widespread representation. In comparison to the previous years’ analysis, data for 2011 show a positive evolution, as the aggregated share of UN suppliers from Africa, Asia and Central/South America with Global Compact membership has dramatically increased to reach almost half of the overall procurement volume. On the other hand, share of the suppliers from Europe has decreased from 46.7 percent to 12.6 percent in 2011 to the benefit of North American suppliers. Participation of supplier from the Oceania continues to be very limited. Figure 10 Regional breakdown of Global Compact registered suppliers in 2011 Regional breakdown 2010 28% 0% 10% 12% 13% 37% 0% Africa Asia Central/SouthAmerica Europe 37% North America Oceania 28% Africa Asia Central/SouthAmerica Europe North America 10% 13% Oceania 12% Figure 11 Regional breakdown of Global Compact registered suppliers 2010 and 2009 Regional breakdown 2010 Regional breakdown 2009 6% 0% 11% 13% 47% 23% 0% Africa Asia 23% Central/SouthAmerica Europe North America Oceania 6% 11% 13% Africa Asia Africa Asia Central/SouthAmerica Europe 37% North America Oceania 5% 0% 11% 3% 44% 37% 0% 5% 11% 3% Africa Asia Central/SouthAmerica Central/SouthAmerica Europe Europe North America North America Oceania Oceania 44% 47% 2010 11 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on United Nations Procurement 2009 United Nations procurement spend with Global Compact members in 2011 For the fourth year, procurement statistics on contracts of $30,000 or more have been crossed-referenced with the list of Global Compact members. The result of the analysis shows that the percentage of spend with Global Compact members varies across the reporting agencies, depending on the agencies’ procurement volume and spend profile. Figure 12 Percentage of expenditure with Global Compact suppliers % of spend 60% with Global Compact suppliers ESCAP 50% ECLAC FAO 40% ITC UNECA 30% UNHCR UNICEF 20% UNIDO 10% UNOG UNON 0% UNOPS UNOV UNV WTO 24.00% 3.40% 12.90% 3.10% 19.60% 7.20% 33.50% 33.50% 10.60% 8.10% 8.80% 22.10% 5.30% 54.20% Sustainability reporting in the UN System The United Nations has an impact on the economic, environmental and social fabric where it conducts its operations. Acknowledging this, the UN has committed to achieving climate neutrality and overall environmental sustainability, and it is pursuing this goal with a system-wide initiative since 2009. Openness and transparency on the way UN operations are managed and donor funds are employed are in the best interest of UN stakeholders and of the international community. For these reasons, a sustainability reporting system has been introduced. For the fourth year, the Annual Statistical Report contains a section on sustainability reporting. The report focuses on two key areas of sustainability performance for the UN: sustainable procurement and sustainable office management Out of the 30 agencies that returned statistical information for 2011 and are therefore included in the ASR, 40 percent provided (in whole or in part) information on their sustainability performance3. Depsite difficulties in collecting information on sustainability factors, the participating agencies have returned more detailed and comprehensive reports, showing their growing interest in initiating internal measures towards sustainable procurement activities. 3. The reports provided by ECLAC, FAO, UNOPS and UNIDO refer to the respective HQ only. UNICEF reports on its Supply Division,with the exception of some procurement environmental information which refer to the global procurement function 12 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on United Nations Procurement Figure 13 Sustainability reporting among UN for 2011 Sustainability reporting among UN agencies agencies Agencies reporting on sustainability Agencies not reporting on sustainability 40% 40.00% 60.00% Agencies reporting on sustainability 60% Agencies not reporting on sustainability From vision to implementation: description of measures by agency Some of the major advances in practice and measurement of sustainable procurement initiatives reported by United Nations agencies include; • United Nations Volunteers (UNV) and the International Trade Centre (ITC) reported the implementation of a sustainable procurement policy (SPP), and the World Trade Organization (WTO), the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) and UNOPS have indicated plans to adopt a SPP in 2012, complemented by the adoption of a global sustainable procurement programme. • The Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) and UNV apply, where appropriate, environmental criteria for in the evaluation of certain tenders (cleaning contract, furniture, construction, stationary, paper and IT). UNV has also applied its sustainable procurement policy to cases where environment and social issues are prevalent, such as printing, travel and contracts. • ITC estimates that about 26 percent of its suppliers have a written statement of their environmental policy, and 100 percent of procurement and resources consumption for administrative needs are recycled, eco-labelled or based on the Sustainable Procurement Guidelines. • UNICEF reported that 47 percent of its orders are placed with suppliers holding an ISO 14001 certification (or equivalent), while 43 percent are placed with suppliers holding the SA 8000 certification (or equivalent), a global social accountability standard for decent working conditions. • Recycling initiatives and waste management programmes have been initiated in UNOPS offices, encouraging personnel to reduce paper, water and electricity consumption. The UNOPS sustainability team in cooperation with UNDP, UNFPA and WFP have developed initiatives for the Common Facilities to raise awareness on sustainability by implementing recycling measures and by proposing suggestions to the management to move toward improved environmental performance. • The UN World Trade Organization (WTO) has implemented “green office” initiatives to raise awareness of actions staff should undertake towards neutralizing the organization’s carbon footprint. This includes for instance the circulation by the Management team of an internal note with recommendations and measures to follow, as well as the organization of debates on environmental issues during the management and Staff Association meetings. A “Climate-neutral” focal points has also been designated, and measures regarding paper recycling and reduction have been reinforced, as no printed documents are sent in the context of WTO statutory meetings. 13 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on United Nations Procurement Environmental performance The use of resources, materials and production of office waste has also been explored within the theme of environmental office performance. This is an area that intersects with sustainable procurement for administrative functions, and with the carbon neutrality goal of the UN System. The number of agencies which have been able to report on 2011 water consumption, waste production and electricity consumption has slightly increased compared to 2010 reporting exercise. Figure 14 illustrates water consumption in relation to the number of office occupants across the ten reporting agencies. Figure 14 Water consumption by agency in metres cubed per occupant Figure 15 shows the level of energy consumption per office occupant across 11 reporting agencies. Figure 15 Electricity conumption by agency in kilowatt/hours per occupant 14 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on United Nations Procurement Figure 16 on waste production and management provides information not only on the amount of waste produced (in kilograms per office occupant), but also on the disposal system where figures exist for 2011 and 2010. According to the waste hierarchy, recycling is the most favoured option, followed by energy recovery (incineration) with disposal in landfill being the least favoured option. Figure 16 Waste production (kilogram per occupant) and disposal method per agency The objective for future reporting is to increase the amount of information received, involving a higher number of agencies and improving data quality. The sustainability report will also reinforce coordination with other existing UN programmes that share its objectives and partly also its tools, such as the UN Global Compact or the Sustainable UN (SUN) initiative. While acknowledging that the report may reflect the significant challenges that underlie the measurement and reporting of sustainability initiatives that are ongoing across the United Nations system of organisations, there is much interest and progress in the important area. We are confident that our work in this area sends the right signal to the international community, to UN suppliers and the market at large, and finally to civil society and all our stakeholders about the strategic intent of the United Nations to support sustainability objectives through our operations. 15 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on United Nations Procurement About the report Background The first annual statistical report on procurement by UN agencies in respect of operational activities, prepared by the InterAgency Procurement Services Office (IAPSO) of the United Nations Development Programme, was submitted to the 39th session of the General Assembly (Doc. A/39/417) in 1984. By resolution 39/220 the General Assembly established the need for recurrent reporting of such information on operational activities and encouraged organizations of the UN system to co-operate with IAPSO in this important exercise. Since 2008 the report has been compiled by UNOPS (United Nations Office for Project Services) as a result of the partial merger between UNOPS and IAPSO in 2008. Methodology Statistical data on procurement of goods and services and the personnel components for operational activities are requested from UN organizations. To facilitate collection and compilation of the large amount of data, UNOPS provides pro-forma tables available from the UNGM website, together with instructions for completing the reporting requirements. The 2011 report compiles information supplied by 31 UN organizations in total (of which 30 provided procurement data and 8 personnel data). UNOPS relies entirely on the co-operation of the participating entities in the compilation and reporting of the statistics. In general, response rates were satisfactory and data quality has improved with the use of better reporting tools. Data is reported on goods based on countries of supply and on services based on country of contractor. Moreover, procurement orders and contracts for services are reported by contract amount and not by expenditures incurred. Most UN agencies cannot report data based on country of origin of goods, or on actual expenditures at the present time. 16 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on United Nations Procurement Procurement profiles of the DAC member countries 17 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on United Nations Procurement AUSTRALIA Procurement from DAC Member Countries Share of Total Procurement Value 2011 Goods & Services UN SYSTEM USD 110.1 mill. 0.8% 1. Procurement Trend ($ Millio 2. Procurement by Agency of Goods & Services 3. Commonly Procured Goods & Services ($ Million) UN/PD WFP UNDP PAHO UNOPS IAEA UNICEF UNFPA UNHCR FAO UNESCO UNV OTHER 81.58 13.03 6.57 3.59 1.56 0.79 0.69 0.58 0.49 0.45 0.29 0.24 0.22 TOTAL 110.11 18 ⏐ 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement Goods • Petroleum Products • Electric Motors, Generators • Telecommunications Equipment • Laboratory & Medical Equipment • Food Supplies Services • Transport Services • General Project Management • Logistics Support • Medical Services • Freight Forwarding AUSTRIA Procurement from DAC Member Countries Share of Total Procurement Value 2011 Goods & Services UN SYSTEM USD 109.1 mill. 0.76% 1. Procurement Trend ($ Million) 2. Procurement by Agency of Goods & Services 3. Commonly Procured Goods & Services ($ Million) IAEA UNDP UNOV UNIDO UN/PD FAO UNOPS UNFPA UNHCR WFP UNESCO ILO OTHER 77.56 14.61 5.12 4.86 4.49 0.90 0.36 0.17 0.13 0.12 0.10 0.08 0.21 TOTAL 109.1 19 ⏐ 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement Goods • IT Equipment • Medical & Lab. Equipment and Supplies • Telecommunication Equipment • Motor Vehicles Services • • • • • Building and Construction Services Energy and Policy Management Cleaning Services Equipment Installation, Maintenance, Repairs Environmental Management BELGIUM Procurement from DAC Member Countries Share of Total Procurement Value 2011 Goods & Services UN SYSTEM USD 447.7 mill. 3.14% 1. Procurement Trend ($ Million) 2. Procurement by Agency of Goods & Services 3. Commonly Procured Goods & Services ($ Million) UNICEF PAHO WFP UNDP UNHCR UN/PD UNRWA UNESCO UNOPS ILO FAO WTO UNU WIPO IAEA UNFPA UNIDO OPCW OTHER TOTAL 243.36 106.78 51.19 9.71 9.61 7.22 5.22 2.99 2.53 1.52 1.29 1.22 1.13 1.08 0.86 0.83 0.41 0.39 0.28 447.7 20 ⏐ 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement Goods Vaccines, Biologicals Food Supplies Medical & Laboratory Supplies, Renewables Pharmaceuticals Tent/Camp outdoor Equipment Telecommunication & Software Equipment • • • • • • Services • Freight Forwarding • Insurance Services • Consultancy Services & Health Management • Translation services • IT Services • Industrial Planing & Programming • Telecommunication Services CANADA Procurement from DAC Member Countries Share of Total Procurement Value 2011 Goods & Services UN SYSTEM USD 147.4 mill. 1.03% 1. Procurement Trend ($ Million) 2. Procurement by Agency of Goods & Services 3. Commonly Procured Goods & Services ($ Million) UN/PD WFP UNDP IAEA UNESCO UNICEF UNHCR UNOPS PAHO ILO FAO UNFPA UNOV UNV OTHER 78.22 31.28 17.49 2.10 1.98 1.75 1.29 1.19 1.12 1.07 0.82 0.77 0.75 0.31 0.65 TOTAL 147.4 21 ⏐ 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement Goods • Food Supplies • Vaccines, Biologicals • Pharmaceuticals • Election Equipment • Computer Equipment • Nuclear Research Services • Transport Services • Airline Management Operations • Environmental Management • Construction Services • Consulting Services DENMARK Procurement from DAC Member Countries Share of Total Procurement Value 2011 Goods & Services UN SYSTEM USD 422.4 mill. 2.96% 1. Procurement Trend ($ Million) 2. Procurement by Agency of Goods & Services 3. Commonly Procured Goods & Services ($ Million) UNICEF UNDP UNHCR UNOPS UN/PD WFP UNFPA PAHO FAO ILO UNIDO UNESCO UNOV ECA WIPO UNRWA IAEA OTHER TOTAL 128.59 91.60 61.17 37.70 35.20 22.30 16.44 14.31 5.01 1.88 1.75 1.13 1.11 0.78 0.66 0.52 0.47 1.33 422.4 22 ⏐ 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement Goods • IT Equipment & Office Supplies • Vaccines, Medical Supplies • Bednets • Elections Equipment • Telecommunications Equipment • Motor Vehicles Services • Freight & Transport Services • Mine Clearance Services • Management Advisory Services • Leasing Services FINLAND Procurement from DAC Member Countries Share of Total Procurement Value 2011 Goods & Services UN SYSTEM USD 21.8 mill. 0.15% 1. Procurement Trend ($ Million) 2. Procurement by Agency of Goods & Services 3. Commonly Procured Goods & Services ($ Million) UNFPA UNDP UNICEF UN/PD UNHCR WFP OPCW WMO IAEA UNESCO ILO UNOV UNOG UNV UNRWA OTHER 8.31 5.98 2.24 1.45 1.25 1.05 0.43 0.41 0.16 0.14 0.11 0.10 0.08 0.05 0.05 0.01 TOTAL 21.8 23 ⏐ 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement Goods • Contraceptives • Personal Safty and Protection • Telecommunication Equipment • Cold Chain Equipment • Education Supplies Services • Machinery & Vehicle Maintenance • Engineering Training Services • Consulting Services FRANCE Procurement from DAC Member Countries Share of Total Procurement Value 2011 Goods & Services UN SYSTEM USD 436.7 mill. 3.06% 1. Procurement Trend ($ Million) 2. Procurement by Agency of Goods & Services 3. Commonly Procured Goods & Services ($ Million) UNICEF PAHO WFP UNESCO UN/PD UNDP UNOPS UNHCR UNOG WIPO FAO ILO IAEA UNFPA WMO ITC UNV OTHER TOTAL 164.48 103.19 68.06 29.98 24.77 14.14 7.03 5.21 4.26 3.04 2.72 2.42 1.72 1.14 0.41 0.26 0.14 0.48 436.7 24 ⏐ 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement Goods • Vaccines, Biologicals • Food Supplies • Pharmaceuticals • Construction Equipment • Medical Equipment & supplies Services • Freight Forwarding • Consultancy Services • Environmental Management Services • Construction Services GERMANY Procurement from DAC Member Countries Share of Total Procurement Value 2011 Goods & Services UN SYSTEM USD 195.4mill. 1.37% 1. Procurement Trend ($ Million) 2. Procurement by Agency of Goods & Services 3. Commonly Procured Goods & Services ($ Million) UN/PD UNDP UNFPA UNICEF WFP IAEA UNV UNHCR UNIDO UNOPS PAHO FAO ECA WMO ILO UNESCO WIPO OTHER 44.63 28.58 25.14 24.81 20.79 18.39 6.53 5.19 3.67 3.67 2.02 1.44 1.38 1.25 1.04 0.91 0.88 3.24 TOTAL 195.4 25 ⏐ 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement Goods • Vaccines/biologicals • Contraceptives • Food Supplies & Nutrition • Laboratory Equipment • Packing and Sealing Articles of Plastics Services • Transport Services • Airline Management & operations • Security Services • Management Consultancy Services • Investment and Funds Services GREECE Procurement from DAC Member Countries Share of Total Procurement Value 2011 Goods & Services UN SYSTEM USD 4.3 mill. 0.03% 1. Procurement Trend ($ Million) 2. Procurement by Agency of Goods & Services 3. Commonly Procured Goods & Services ($ Million) WFP UNHCR UNDP IAEA UN/PD UNOPS UNESCO UNV ILO OTHER TOTAL 1.69 0.80 0.50 0.28 0.17 0.16 0.09 0.01 0.01 0.00 4.3 26 ⏐ 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement Goods • Fire Protection • Radiation Detectors and Monitors • Security/ Detection Equipment Services • Transport Services • Environmental Management Services • Waste Disposal IRELAND Procurement from DAC Member Countries Share of Total Procurement Value 2011 Goods & Services UN SYSTEM USD 26.1 mill. 0.18% 1. Procurement Trend ($ Million) 2. Procurement by Agency of Goods & Services 3. Commonly Procured Goods & Services ($ Million) WFP UNICEF UN/PD UNDP ILO UNHCR UNESCO UNOPS UNOG OPCW PAHO ITC WIPO ECA UNIDO OTHER TOTAL 10.12 4.82 2.93 1.84 1.48 1.38 0.83 0.59 0.37 0.24 0.22 0.20 0.14 0.13 0.11 0.28 26.1 27 ⏐ 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement Goods • Water & Sanitation Equipment • Electric Motors & Generators • Pharmaceuticals • Food Supplies • Diagnostic Test Kits Services • Computer Services • Transportation and Logistics • Office, Computer & Communication Equi. Maintenance & Repair • Training Services ITALY Procurement from DAC Member Countries Share of Total Procurement Value 2011 Goods & Services UN SYSTEM USD 423.3mill. 2.97% 1. Procurement Trend ($ Million) 2. Procurement by Agency of Goods & Services 3. Commonly Procured Goods & Services ($ Million) WFP UN/PD UNICEF FAO IFAD UNHCR UNIDO UNDP PAHO ILO IAEA UNOPS UNESCO UNFPA UNOG UNRWA OTHER TOTAL 122.02 68.12 53.18 49.78 29.62 23.39 23.13 16.08 11.22 8.05 4.99 3.77 2.73 1.93 1.51 1.42 1.53 423.3 28 ⏐ 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement Goods • Vaccines/biologicals • Prefabricated buildings • Food Supplies • Electric motors & Generators • Water & Sanitation Equipment • Motor Vehicles Services • Freight Forwarding • Air Charter services • Advertising and Information Services • Engineering Consultancies • Office Building Rental • Environmental Services JAPAN Procurement from DAC Member Countries Share of Total Procurement Value 2011 Goods & Services UN SYSTEM USD 122.6 mill. 0.9 % 1. Procurement Trend ($ Million) 2. Procurement by Agency of Goods & Services 3. Commonly Procured Goods & Services ($ Million) UNOPS UNICEF UN/PD UNHCR UNDP WFP WIPO IAEA UNESCO FAO UNFPA ILO UNIDO OTHER 34.69 24.11 22.48 18.52 7.54 5.58 4.89 1.98 1.49 0.33 0.32 0.19 0.08 0.17 TOTAL 122.6 29 ⏐ 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement Goods • Motor Vehicles • Motor Cycles • Food Supplies • Household technology • Rescue Vehicles & Ambulances • Vaccines/Biologicals Services • Leasing Services • Security Services • Consultancy Services • Transport Services • Financial Services & Insurance LUXEMBURG Procurement from DAC Member Countries Share of Total Procurement Value 2011 Goods & Services UN SYSTEM USD 5.4 mill. 0.04% 1. Procurement Trend ($ Million) 2. Procurement by Agency of Goods & Services 3. Commonly Procured Goods & Services ($ Million) UNICEF UNHCR UNESCO UNDP ITC UNFPA UNOG UN/PD FAO WFP OTHER TOTAL 4.11 0.54 0.49 0.05 0.05 0.04 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 5.4 30 ⏐ 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement Goods • Cold Chain Equipment Services • Printing & Publishing Services • Design/Photographic Services NETHERLANDS Procurement from DAC Member Countries Share of Total Procurement Value 2011 Goods & Services UN SYSTEM USD 137.7 mill. 0.96% 1. Procurement Trend ($ Million) 2. Procurement by Agency of Goods & Services 3. Commonly Procured Goods & Services ($ Million) UNDP UNFPA UNRWA UNICEF UN/PD PAHO OPCW WFP UNHCR FAO UNOPS UNIDO ILO IAEA UNESCO IFAD OTHER 30.76 21.83 18.97 14.48 14.20 13.62 6.53 5.12 3.48 2.10 1.52 1.23 0.98 0.80 0.57 0.34 0.88 TOTAL 137.7 31 ⏐ 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement Goods • Pharmaceuticals • Food Supplies • Medical & Laboratory Equipment • Trailers & Machinery • Communication Equipment • Vaccines Services • Rental Services • Transport Services • Construction Services • Environmental Management • IT Services & PC Software Maintenance & Repair • Consultancy Services NEW ZEALAND Procurement from DAC Member Countries Share of Total Procurement Value 2011 Goods & Services UN SYSTEM USD 3.0 mill. 0.02% 1. Procurement Trend ($ Million) 2. Procurement by Agency of Goods & Services 3. Commonly Procured Goods & Services ($ Million) UNDP UN/PD UNOPS UNICEF UNESCO UNFPA WFP ILO IAEA OTHER TOTAL 1.34 0.93 0.19 0.17 0.09 0.08 0.06 0.05 0.03 0.02 3.0 32 ⏐ 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement Goods • Telecommunication Equipment • Software • Cold Chain Equipment Services • Consultant Services • Telecommunication Services NORWAY Procurement from DAC Member Countries Share of Total Procurement Value 2011 Goods & Services UN SYSTEM USD 22.5 mill. 0.16% 1. Procurement Trend ($ Million) 2. Procurement by Agency of Goods & Services 3. Commonly Procured Goods & Services ($ Million) WFP UNICEF UNOG UNDP UNHCR UNIDO UNRWA FAO PAHO UNOPS OTHER 8.36 3.32 1.94 1.87 1.86 1.76 0.95 0.81 0.51 0.25 0.43 TOTAL 22.5 33 ⏐ 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement Goods • Food Supplies • Education Supplies • Electric Motors & Generators • Satelite Communication Systems • Water and Sanitation Services • Trade Data Interchange • Transport and Logistics • Construction Services PORTUGAL Procurement from DAC Member Countries Share of Total Procurement Value 2011 Goods & Services UN SYSTEM USD 8.0mill. 0.06% 1. Procurement Trend ($ Million) 2. Procurement by Agency of Goods & Services 3. Commonly Procured Goods & Services ($ Million) UNDP UN/PD WFP UNIDO UNOPS ECA IAEA UNHCR UNESCO UNICEF UNOG ILO OTHER TOTAL 4.36 2.53 0.32 0.25 0.16 0.13 0.09 0.05 0.04 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.01 8.0 34 ⏐ 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement Goods • Industrial Products • Mobile Clinics • Wood & Paper Products Services • Airline Management and Operation Services • Consultancy Services • Engineering Services KOREA-REPUBLIC OF Procurement from DAC Member Countries Share of Total Procurement Value 2011 Goods & Services UN SYSTEM USD 28.9.2mill. 0.20% 1. Procurement Trend ($ Million) 2. Procurement by Agency of Goods & Services 3. Commonly Procured Goods & Services ($ Million) PAHO UNDP UNICEF IAEA UNHCR WIPO UNFPA UNOPS ESCAP UNESCO OTHER TOTAL 14.08 6.77 4.70 1.20 1.17 1.05 0.40 0.37 0.31 0.30 -1.49 28.9 35 ⏐ 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement Goods • Laboratory Equipment • Vaccines & Biological • Office Furniture • Medical Equipment • Vehicles Services • Radioactive material disposal and decontamination • Information & Printing Services • Electrical Installation Services • Technical Studies • Construction Services • Environmental Management SPAIN Procurement from DAC Member Countries Share of Total Procurement Value 2011 Goods & Services UN SYSTEM USD 52.4 mill. 0.37% 1. Procurement Trend ($ Million) 2. Procurement by Agency of Goods & Services 3. Commonly Procured Goods & Services ($ Million) UN/PD UNDP UNIDO WTO UNICEF UNESCO UNOPS UNHCR FAO UNFPA UNOG PAHO ILO ITC IAEA OTHER TOTAL 26.19 13.34 4.20 2.22 1.72 0.90 0.65 0.60 0.59 0.58 0.30 0.29 0.19 0.15 0.10 0.07 52.4 36 ⏐ 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement Goods • Green Houses • Water & Sanitation • Office Furniture • Medical Equipment • Pharmaceuticals Services • Airline Management & Operations • Information & Printing Services • Electrical Installation Services • Construction Services • Advisory Services SWEDEN Procurement from DAC Member Countries Share of Total Procurement Value 2011 Goods & Services UN SYSTEM USD 18.5 mill. 0.13% 1. Procurement Trend ($ Million) 2. Procurement by Agency of Goods & Services 3. Commonly Procured Goods & Services ($ Million) UN/PD UNICEF UNDP WFP UNHCR UNOPS UNFPA UNON UNOG FAO UNIDO IAEA OTHER 6.34 4.94 2.36 1.22 1.18 0.65 0.36 0.31 0.20 0.19 0.19 0.15 0.38 TOTAL 18.5 37 ⏐ 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement Goods • Medical Consumables • Education Supplies • Cold Chain Equipment • Laboratory Supplies • Cargo Trucks Services • Maintenance & Repair Services • Environmental Management Services • Professional Consultancy Services • Advertising & Information Services • Procurement Services SWITZERLAND Procurement from DAC Member Countries Share of Total Procurement Value 2011 Goods & Services UN SYSTEM USD 735.9 mill. 5.16% 1. Procurement Trend ($ Million) 2. Procurement by Agency of Goods & Services 3. Commonly Procured Goods & Services ($ Million) UNICEF WIPO UNOG UNHCR ILO PAHO WFP UN/PD UNDP WMO ITC UNOPS IAEA IFAD UNIDO FAO UNESCO UNFPA UNRWA UNOV OTHER TOTAL 297.28 117.61 90.62 40.31 37.82 34.22 27.80 21.95 21.42 10.16 10.03 7.95 3.32 2.71 2.41 2.15 2.05 1.20 0.81 0.08 0.20 735.9 38 ⏐ 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement Goods • Vaccines & Biologicals • Household Technology • Pharmaceuticals • Mosquito Nets • Food Supplies Services • Travel Services • Computer Services (Programming) • Construction & Engineering Services • Leasing & Rental Services • Building Maintenance & Repair • Transport Services UNITED KINGDOM Procurement from DAC Member Countries Share of Total Procurement Value 2011 Goods & Services UN SYSTEM USD 417.0 mill. 2.92% 1. Procurement Trend ($ Million) 2. Procurement by Agency of Goods & Services 3. Commonly Procured Goods & Services ($ Million) UN/PD PAHO UNOPS UNICEF UNDP WFP UNFPA UNHCR IAEA FAO WIPO UNOG IFAD UNESCO UNIDO ILO UNOV ECA OPCW WMO OTHER TOTAL 87.59 87.09 59.80 37.02 28.45 27.67 25.23 16.73 8.74 7.21 6.84 6.08 3.03 2.95 2.75 1.94 1.34 1.28 0.78 0.64 1.43 417.00 39 ⏐ 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement Goods • Vaccines • Contraceptives • Telecommunication Equipment • Pharmaceuticals • Electric Motors and Generators Services • Mine Clearance Services • Catering Services • Office Equipment Leasing & Rentals • Professional Consultancy Services • Transport Services UNITED STATES Procurement from DAC Member Countries Share of Total Procurement Value 2011 Goods & Services UN SYSTEM USD 1,534.8 mill. 10.8% 1. Procurement Trend ($ Million) 2. Procurement by Agency of Goods & Services 3. Commonly Procured Goods & Services ($ Million) UN/PD UNICEF UNDP WFP UNOPS UNFPA PAHO UNHCR IAEA WIPO IFAD ECA UNOG FAO ILO UNESCO UNOV ESCAP WMO OTHER 865.82 183.53 160.09 153.06 44.15 36.76 26.34 18.76 8.34 6.60 5.28 4.06 2.65 2.64 2.55 2.50 1.55 1.51 1.41 3.77 TOTAL 1534.8 40 ⏐ 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement Goods • Telecommunications & EDP Equipment • Vaccines/Biologicals • Contraceptives • IT & Office Supplies • Food and Nutrition Supplies • Motor Vehicles Services • Construction Services • Transport Services • Communication & Telecom. Services • Mine Clearance Services • Leasing & Rental Services Procurement profiles of the top 20 developing countries and countries with economies in transition 41 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on United Nations Procurement Procurement from Developing Countries & Countries with Economies in Transition AFGHANISTAN Share of Total Procurement Value 2011 Goods & Services UN SYSTEM USD 537.3 mill. 3.77% 1. Procurement Trend ($ Million) 2. Procurement by Agency of Goods & Services 3. Commonly Procured Goods & Services ($ Million) UNDP UNOPS WFP UN/PD UNHCR UNESCO FAO UNICEF UNFPA UNOV UNOG OTHER 325.95 80.25 43.71 41.56 20.42 5.17 4.95 3.65 2.77 2.44 0.01 0.00 TOTAL 537.30 42 ⏐ 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement Goods • Fuels Oils (primarily Aviation fuel) • Building Materials • Fertilizer • IT & Office Supplies • Food Supplies Services • Tranport Services • Security & Safety Services • Demining Services • Construction Services • HR Support Services ARGENTINA Procurement from Developing Countries & Countries with Economies in Transition Share of Total Procurement Value 2011 Goods & Services UN SYSTEM USD 365.8 mill. 2.56% 1. Procurement Trend ($ Million) 2. Procurement by Agency of Goods & Services 3. Commonly Procured Goods & Services ($ Million) UNDP UNOPS WFP UNICEF PAHO UNESCO UNFPA IAEA UNOG UNHCR ECLAC WIPO OTHER 226.52 118.28 15.52 1.44 1.30 0.76 0.62 0.48 0.23 0.19 0.16 0.10 0.22 TOTAL 365.80 43 ⏐ 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement Goods • IT Equipment & Software • Food Supplies • Pharmaceuticals • Security & Safety Equipment • Medical Equipment • Office Machinery & Supplies • Audio Visual & Telecommunication Equip. Services • Construction Services • ICT Maintenance & Support • Printing Services • Environmental Management Procurement from Developing Countries & Countries with Economies in Transition BRAZIL Share of Total Procurement Value 2011 Goods & Services UN SYSTEM USD 188.9 mill. 1.32% 1. Procurement Trend ($ Million) 2. Procurement by Agency of Goods & Services 3. Commonly Procured Goods & Services ($ Million) PAHO UNDP WFP UNESCO UNICEF UNFPA UNOPS IAEA FAO ILO UNHCR WIPO OTHER 73.26 61.60 27.80 19.04 2.01 1.94 0.72 0.67 0.51 0.51 0.30 0.29 0.07 TOTAL 188.9 44 ⏐ 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement Goods • Ozone Depleting Substances • Food & Nutrition • Vaccines and Biologicals • Insecticides • Office Supplies & Equipment • Agricultural Machinery Services • Consultancies, Social Aspects • Project Management • Rental & Leasing Services • Printing Services CHINA Procurement from Developing Countries & Countries with Economies in Transition Share of Total Procurement Value 2011 Goods & Services UN SYSTEM USD 127.5 mill. 0.89% 1. Procurement Trend ($ Million) 2. Procurement by Agency of Goods & Services 3. Commonly Procured Goods & Services ($ Million) UNICEF UNDP UN/PD UNFPA UNIDO WFP UNHCR UNESCO UNRWA FAO WIPO UNOPS IAEA UNOG ILO WMO OTHER 29.16 27.11 23.98 14.66 7.50 7.33 6.21 2.64 1.79 1.58 1.53 1.45 1.00 0.37 0.27 0.21 0.50 TOTAL 127.5 45 ⏐ 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement Goods • Food Supplies • Medical Equipment • Pharmaceuticals • Cold Chain Equpment • Educational Supplies • Electric Motors & Generators Services • Environmental Management & Protection • Ozone Layer Depletion • Freight Forwarding • Maintenance & Repair Services • Technical Services • Printing Services Procurement from Developing Countries & Countries with Economies in Transition CONGO, DEM. REP. OF Share of Total Procurement Value 2011 Goods & Services UN SYSTEM USD 152.9 mill. 1.1% 1. Procurement Trend ($ Million) 2. Procurement by Agency of Goods & Services 3. Commonly Procured Goods & Services ($ Million) UN/PD 39.21 UNDP 38.41 WFP 30.55 UNOPS UNHCR UNICEF UNFPA ILO UNESCO IFAD OTHER 23.16 7.08 6.87 5.63 1.12 0.47 0.19 016 46 ⏐ 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement Goods • Fuel Oils • Food Supplies • Motors, Generators • Building Materials • Proffesional Toolkits • Vehicles • IT & Office Supplies Services • Professional Consultancy Services • Security Services • Freight Forwarding • Real Estate Services • Construction Services ETHIOPIA Procurement from Developing Countries & Countries with Economies in Transition Share of Total Procurement Value 2011 Goods & Services UN SYSTEM USD 173.8 mill. 1.2% 1. Procurement Trend ($ Million) 2. Procurement by Agency of Goods & Services 3. Commonly Procured Goods & Services ($ Million) WFP UNICEF UNDP UNHCR ECA UNOPS UNFPA UNESCO UN/PD UNOG IAEA ILO OTHER TOTAL 109.81 18.14 15.43 12.31 5.32 4.98 3.17 2.72 1.56 0.12 0.11 0.09 0.04 173.8 47 ⏐ 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement Goods • Food & Nutrition • Transportation Equipment • Education supplies • Shelter & Field Equipment • IT & Office Supplies Services • Transport Services • Airline Management Operations • Construction Works • Security Services • IT and Communication Services Procurement from Developing Countries & Countries with Economies in Transition HAITI Share of Total Procurement Value 2011 Goods & Services UN SYSTEM USD 129.6 mill. 0.9% 1. Procurement Trend ($ Million) 2. Procurement by Agency of Goods & Services 3. Commonly Procured Goods & Services ($ Million) UNDP UN/PD WFP UNOPS PAHO UNICEF ILO FAO UNFPA IFAD OTHER 45.94 31.82 21.17 12.69 7.71 5.70 1.50 1.42 1.30 0.26 0.00 TOTAL 129.6 48 ⏐ 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement Goods • Food supplies • Gas & Oils • Education supplies • Shelter & Field Equipment • Tele Communication Equipment Services • Transport Services • Airline Management Operations • Construction Works • Security Services • Electricity Distribution Services Procurement from Developing Countries & Countries with Economies in Transition INDIA Share of Total Procurement Value 2011 Goods & Services UN SYSTEM USD 724.6 mill. 5.08% 1. Procurement Trend ($ Million) 2. Procurement by Agency of Goods & Services 3. Commonly Procured Goods & Services ($ Million) UNICEF WFP PAHO UNDP UNOPS UNHCR UNIDO UNFPA IAEA FAO ILO UN/PD UNESCO IFAD UNRWA ESCAP OTHER TOTAL 473.91 88.03 58.30 33.05 18.95 17.94 10.67 7.40 6.73 3.27 2.44 1.31 0.95 0.63 0.41 0.24 0.34 724.6 49 ⏐ 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement Goods • Vaccines & Biologicals • Food Supplies • Medical Equipment • Pharmaceuticals & contraceptives • Cold Chain Equipment • Diagnostic Test Kits Services • Transport Services • IT & Software Development (Computer Programming) • Printing & Publication Services • Technical Consulting Services • Environmental Protection Procurement from Developing Countries & Countries with Economies in Transition INDONESIA Share of Total Procurement Value 2011 Goods & Services UN SYSTEM USD 178.6 mill. 1.3% 1. Procurement Trend ($ Million) 2. Procurement by Agency of Goods & Services 3. Commonly Procured Goods & Services ($ Million) WFP UNDP UNICEF UNOPS ILO UNFPA UNESCO UNHCR UNIDO IAEA ESCAP UPU OTHER TOTAL 119.69 23.33 22.57 5.45 2.90 2.23 1.46 0.43 0.21 0.12 0.11 0.02 0.03 178.6 50 ⏐ 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement Goods • Food Supplies • Vaccines/Biologicals • Pharmaceuticals • Contraceptives • Medical & Laboratory Equipment Services • Transport Services • Environmental Management Services • IT & Software Development • Printing Services • Construction Services Procurement from Developing Countries & Countries with Economies in Transition JORDAN Share of Total Procurement Value 2011 Goods & Services UN SYSTEM USD 148.9 mill. 1.04% 1. Procurement Trend ($ Million) 2. Procurement by Agency of Goods & Services 3. Commonly Procured Goods & Services ($ Million) UN/PD UNDP UNRWA UNOPS UNHCR UNESCO UNICEF UNFPA WFP UNIDO FAO ILO OTHER 89.25 16.13 15.50 7.56 6.17 2.98 2.96 2.85 1.76 0.79 0.38 0.25 0.14 TOTAL 148.9 51 ⏐ 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement Goods • Food Supplies • Pharmaceuticals & Medical Supplies • Communication Equipment • Fuels, Oils & Lubricants • IT Equipment & Office Supplies • School Kits & Books Services • Airline Management & Operations • Leasing & Rental Services • Construction & Engineering Services • Professional Training Services • Security Services Procurement from Developing Countries & Countries with Economies in Transition KENYA Share of Total Procurement Value 2011 Goods & Services UN SYSTEM USD 398.8 mill. 2.8% 1. Procurement Trend ($ Million) 2. Procurement by Agency of Goods & Services 3. Commonly Procured Goods & Services ($ Million) WFP UN/PD UNHCR UNDP UNICEF UNOPS FAO UNFPA UNESCO ILO ECA IFAD OTHER TOTAL 156.82 65.92 34.41 29.47 29.00 26.07 3.31 2.98 1.71 1.04 0.58 0.34 0.51 398.8 52 ⏐ 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement Goods • Food Supplies • Shelter & Field Equipment • Construction Material • Motor Vehibles, Machinery & Parts Thereof • Fuels, Oils & Lubricants Services • Transport Services • Construction • Architecural & Engineering Services • Management Consultancy • Trade & Business Servicesl • Airline Management & Operations PAKISTAN Procurement from Developing Countries & Countries with Economies in Transition Share of Total Procurement Value 2011 Goods & Services UN SYSTEM USD 267.7 mill. 1.9% 1. Procurement Trend ($ Million) 2. Procurement by Agency of Goods & Services 3. Commonly Procured Goods & Services ($ Million) WFP UNDP UNICEF UNHCR UN/PD FAO UNFPA UNESCO UNOPS IAEA ILO UNRWA UPU OTHER TOTAL 139.44 37.45 32.07 25.47 8.63 6.45 4.10 2.76 2.64 1.98 0.58 0.33 0.14 0.12 267.7 53 ⏐ 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement Goods • Shelter & Field Equipment • Food Products & Nutrition • Matresses, Blankets • Kitchen Ware • Water Cans Services • Transport Services • Construction Services • Training • Mine Clearance Services • Shelter Construction • Security Services PANAMA Procurement from Developing Countries & Countries with Economies in Transition Share of Total Procurement Value 2011 Goods & Services UN SYSTEM USD 196.2 mill. 1.38% 1. Procurement Trend ($ Million) 2. Procurement by Agency of Goods & Services 3. Commonly Procured Goods & Services ($ Million) UN/PD UNDP PAHO UNFPA WFP UNOPS UNICEF UNESCO UNHCR FAO OTHER TOTAL 144.43 38.63 7.13 2.08 0.98 0.57 0.41 0.40 0.24 0.14 0.00 196.2 54 ⏐ 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement Goods • Food Supplies • IT & Office Supplies • Vehicles • Laboratory Supplies Services • Construction Services • Freight Forwarding Services • Engineering Services • Health Servies • Marine & Environmnetal Management PERU Procurement from Developing Countries & Countries with Economies in Transition Share of Total Procurement Value 2011 Goods & Services UN SYSTEM USD 149.3 mill. 1.05% 1. Procurement Trend ($ Million) 2. Procurement by Agency of Goods & Services 3. Commonly Procured Goods & Services ($ Million) UNOPS UNDP UNFPA PAHO WFP UNICEF UNESCO ILO IAEA WIPO IFAD OTHER TOTAL 110.18 32.72 2.11 1.64 1.09 0.59 0.28 0.19 0.19 0.05 0.05 0.06 149.3 55 ⏐ 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement Goods • Food Supplies • Medical & Surgical Equipment • Uniforms • Telecommunication Equipment • Motor Vehicles Services • Civil works & Construction Services • Leasing & Rental Services • Engeneering Services • Technical Services • Transport Services Procurement from Developing Countries & Countries with Economies in Transition RUSSIAN FEDERATION Share of Total Procurement Value 2011 Goods & Services UN SYSTEM USD 597.2 mill. 4.19% 1. Procurement Trend ($ Million) 2. Procurement by Agency of Goods & Services 3. Commonly Procured Goods & Services ($ Million) UN/PD WFP UNDP UNICEF IAEA UNIDO UNHCR UNESCO FAO UNFPA UNOV ILO OTHER 437.54 138.94 8.08 5.24 2.37 1.36 1.13 0.70 0.66 0.62 0.19 0.15 0.10 TOTAL 597.20 56 ⏐ 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement Goods • Food Supplies • Vaccines and Biologicals • Education Supplies • Telecommunication Equipment • Motor Vehicles Services • Airline management and operations • Leasing & Rental Services • Engeneering Services • Technical Services • Transport Services SOUTH AFRICA Procurement from Developing Countries & Countries with Economies in Transition Share of Total Procurement Value 2011 Goods & Services UN SYSTEM USD 188.2 mill. 1.3% 1. Procurement Trend ($ Million) 2. Procurement by Agency of Goods & Services 3. Commonly Procured Goods & Services ($ Million) WFP UN/PD UNDP UNICEF UNOPS UNFPA UNIDO UNESCO UNHCR FAO ILO IFAD IAEA ECA OTHER 70.02 42.53 28.12 26.65 9.27 3.14 2.07 1.93 1.22 0.67 0.59 0.46 0.42 0.37 0.15 TOTAL 188.2 57 ⏐ 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement Goods • Food Supplies • Motor Vehicles • Medical & Lab Equipment • Fertilizers • Education Supplies • Pharmaceuticals Services • Airline Management & Operations • Engineering Services • Mine Clearance Services • Environmental Management • Technical Services Procurement from Developing Countries & Countries with Economies in Transition SUDAN Share of Total Procurement Value 2011 Goods & Services UN SYSTEM USD 404.8 mill. 2.8% 1. Procurement Trend ($ Million) 2. Procurement by Agency of Goods & Services 3. Commonly Procured Goods & Services ($ Million) UN/PD WFP UNDP UNHCR UNICEF UNFPA UNOPS UNESCO FAO IAEA UNIDO OTHER TOTAL 160.30 157.47 52.99 12.98 8.01 7.57 4.73 0.23 0.16 0.12 0.11 0.17 404.8 Goods • Fuel Oils • Food Supplies • Construction Materials • Water & Sanitation • Bednets & Insecticides • Motor Vehicles & Spare Parts • Communication Equipment Services • Transport Service • Construction Services • Oil & Gas Distribution • Maintenance & Repair Services • Cleaning & Catering Services • Economic Reintegration Support • Communication Services • Freight Forwarding Note: Due to limitations in management information systems of the reporting agencies, some goods and services attributed to Sudan may have originated in South Sudan following the country’s independence on 9 July 2011. 58 ⏐ 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement Procurement from Developing Countries & Countries with Economies in Transition TURKEY Share of Total Procurement Value 2011 Goods & Services UN SYSTEM USD 111.9 mill. 0.78% 1. Procurement Trend ($ Million) 2. Procurement by Agency of Goods & Services 3. Commonly Procured Goods & Services ($ Million) WFP UNRWA UNDP UN/PD UNOPS FAO UNFPA UNHCR UNIDO UNICEF IAEA UNESCO ITC OTHER 57.73 19.82 15.59 4.96 3.91 3.84 2.20 1.21 1.00 0.98 0.21 0.19 0.14 0.10 TOTAL 111.9 59 ⏐ 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement Goods • Food Supplies • Seeds, Cereals, Oils & Fats • Pharmaceuticals • Water & Sanitation Equipment • Education Supplies Services • Transport Services • Construction Works • Security Services • IT & Communication Services • Engineering Services Procurement from Developing Countries & Countries with Economies in Transition UKRAINE Share of Total Procurement Value 2010 Goods & Services UN SYSTEM USD 149.1 mill. 1.0% 1. Procurement Trend ($ Million) 2. Procurement by Agency of Goods & Services 3. Commonly Procured Goods & Services ($ Million) UN/PD WFP UNDP UNOPS IAEA UNFPA UNHCR ILO UNIDO UNICEF OTHER 120.10 14.45 10.40 1.04 0.89 0.56 0.53 0.48 0.30 0.29 0.10 TOTAL 149.1 60 ⏐ 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement Goods • Food Supplies • Medical & Laboratory Equipment • Pharmaceuticals • Education Supplies Services • Airline Management & Operations • Transport Services • Construction Works • Demining Services • Environmental Management Procurement from Developing Countries & Countries with Economies in Transition UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Share of Total Procurement Value 2011 Goods & Services UN SYSTEM USD 306.6 mill. 2.15% 1. Procurement Trend ($ Million) 2. Procurement by Agency of Goods & Services 3. Commonly Procured Goods & Services ($ Million) UN/PD UNHCR WFP UNICEF UNOPS UNRWA UNDP FAO PAHO UNFPA ECA UNIDO UNESCO ILO OTHER TOTAL 197.81 31.93 30.94 11.23 9.66 8.39 7.76 5.69 0.99 0.63 0.48 0.18 0.14 0.07 0.02 306.6 61 ⏐ 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement Goods • Food Supplies • Motor Vehicles & Armoured Vehicles • Building Materials • Communication Equipment • Safety Equipment Services • Construction Services • Air Transport Services • Freight Forwarding • Catering Services • Professional Training Services Procurement of goods and services - All sources of funding 62 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on United Nations Procurement Total Procurement of Goods by Supplier Country and Services by Country of Contractor: 2010-2011 (USD Thousand) 2010 Country Afghanistan Albania Algeria Andorra Angola Antigua and Barbuda Argentina Armenia Australia Austria Azerbaijan Bahamas Bahrain Bangladesh Barbados Belarus Belgium Belize Benin Bhutan Bolivia (Plurinational State of) Bosnia and Herzegovina Botswana Brazil Brunei Darussalam Bulgaria Burkina Faso Burundi Cambodia Cameroon Canada Cape Verde Central African Republic Chad Chile China Colombia Comoros Congo, Republic of the Costa Rica Côte D'Ivoire Croatia Cuba Cyprus Czech Republic Democratic People's Rep. of Korea Democratic Republic of the Congo Denmark Djibouti Dominica Dominican Republic Ecuador Egypt El Salvador Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Estonia Ethiopia Fiji Finland France Gabon Gambia Georgia Germany Ghana Greece Grenada Guatemala Guinea Bissau Guinea Guyana Haiti Honduras Hungary Iceland India Indonesia Iran (Islamic Republic of) Iraq Ireland 2011 Goods 65,045.39 1,733.56 4,820.85 56.28 3,000.74 42.10 248,051.95 2,163.69 50,706.15 40,457.54 3,338.15 6.52 484.39 30,610.38 1,309.67 4,228.77 287,523.18 694.96 18,069.77 1,370.33 13,324.32 2,854.66 1,040.76 97,135.87 Services 604,162.67 5,872.00 5,911.35 7.47 10,221.20 451.57 96,436.55 4,275.91 22,573.80 37,394.25 5,647.89 459.84 999.99 46,495.19 945.76 7,088.52 37,338.45 1,630.68 21,045.16 1,877.61 9,030.81 13,772.95 5,627.90 130,107.47 Total 669,208.06 7,605.56 10,732.20 63.75 13,221.94 493.67 344,488.50 6,439.60 73,279.95 77,851.79 8,986.05 466.36 1,484.39 77,105.57 2,255.43 11,317.29 324,861.63 2,325.64 39,114.93 3,247.94 22,355.13 16,627.60 6,668.66 227,243.35 % 4.60% 0.05% 0.07% 0.00% 0.09% 0.00% 2.37% 0.04% 0.50% 0.54% 0.06% 0.00% 0.01% 0.53% 0.02% 0.08% 2.23% 0.02% 0.27% 0.02% 0.15% 0.11% 0.05% 1.56% 1,662.66 14,092.66 10,540.42 11,833.89 9,148.12 48,717.01 1,729.76 7,875.65 15,263.87 10,045.65 101,906.05 18,920.65 1,655.33 3,274.21 3,760.45 22,190.40 724.43 7,176.75 18,690.84 8,051.26 4,802.46 61,998.76 348,053.28 2,667.68 47.19 28,784.79 6,856.74 14,430.26 12,327.39 164.34 1,646.52 3,133.44 115,919.18 1,410.19 16,818.11 373,044.96 1,988.82 1,108.45 2,345.45 144,109.51 12,605.88 134.25 71.96 25,384.92 2,543.21 5,139.86 1,039.73 35,756.63 22,928.66 5,858.92 17,724.17 15,086.94 30,973.97 18,596.72 32,938.39 109,321.58 4,161.99 11,871.45 63,194.39 14,045.64 47,615.41 55,696.21 1,842.82 11,525.69 6,962.31 50,010.59 5,706.25 2,813.97 20,733.42 4,264.64 2,504.84 95,761.51 121,842.51 8,433.23 165.50 10,677.00 11,560.05 75,952.48 12,040.31 1,122.49 10,191.67 1,295.85 142,750.82 4,460.59 2,460.84 70,725.80 2,059.76 3,202.55 59,882.07 58,134.54 12,916.12 5,897.14 128.63 43,588.85 6,782.32 11,603.69 1,251.42 88,591.25 24,358.87 2,712.81 11,873.39 55,459.78 32,124.56 13,130.44 27,065.82 4,778.99 19,386.83 29,179.60 41,514.39 30,430.61 42,086.51 158,038.58 5,891.75 19,747.10 78,458.26 24,091.28 149,521.47 74,616.86 3,498.15 14,799.90 10,722.76 72,200.99 6,430.68 9,990.72 39,424.25 12,315.89 7,307.30 157,760.28 469,895.79 11,100.91 212.69 39,461.79 18,416.80 90,382.74 24,367.69 1,286.84 11,838.19 4,429.29 258,670.00 5,870.78 19,278.95 443,770.77 4,048.57 4,311.01 62,227.52 202,244.05 25,522.00 6,031.38 200.59 68,973.78 9,325.54 16,743.55 2,291.15 124,347.87 47,287.53 8,571.72 11,873.39 567,608.26 119,110.43 18,005.28 41,788.37 16,396.49 0.13% 0.20% 0.29% 0.21% 0.29% 1.09% 0.04% 0.14% 0.54% 0.17% 1.03% 0.51% 0.02% 0.10% 0.07% 0.50% 0.04% 0.07% 0.27% 0.08% 0.05% 1.08% 3.23% 0.08% 0.00% 0.27% 0.13% 0.62% 0.17% 0.01% 0.08% 0.03% 1.78% 0.04% 0.13% 3.05% 0.03% 0.03% 0.43% 1.39% 0.18% 0.04% 0.00% 0.47% 0.06% 0.12% 0.02% 0.85% 0.33% 0.06% 0.08% 3.90% 0.82% 0.12% 0.29% 0.11% 512,148.47 86,985.87 4,874.83 14,722.55 11,617.50 63 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement Goods 66,773.38 1,307.44 4,338.57 Services 470,527.13 6,371.61 6,210.28 Total 537,300.51 7,679.05 10,548.85 % 3.76% 0.05% 0.07% 2,401.51 9.61 206,061.01 1,897.10 97,015.23 44,279.86 3,729.70 242.81 90.57 33,558.85 1,812.86 2,226.33 413,459.77 510.12 7,107.10 1,100.05 9,098.01 2,930.22 1,672.96 109,841.26 3,615.39 676.96 159,748.65 3,970.23 13,097.97 64,829.48 5,468.05 288.18 817.77 42,420.37 1,279.44 5,570.66 41,840.27 1,156.94 26,549.03 1,895.16 9,864.67 18,084.89 5,351.94 79,059.80 2.00 28,366.57 13,630.90 14,460.64 10,302.36 46,602.16 121,256.55 4,376.98 13,924.90 47,116.76 21,039.11 40,617.46 50,019.22 1,939.15 14,058.84 7,036.13 52,575.24 6,254.10 4,547.14 14,455.28 2,850.44 1,900.60 96,565.18 124,395.71 18,944.19 270.48 10,624.11 9,021.67 75,314.55 18,327.15 1,141.34 6,057.24 564.73 93,959.85 5,090.53 2,736.18 62,545.25 3,260.49 2,668.34 20,313.64 52,146.23 15,378.05 3,761.55 242.96 46,763.32 6,315.49 10,941.66 1,502.34 87,992.20 15,079.02 2,947.77 16,090.28 66,627.23 34,360.15 25,196.45 30,239.10 13,171.99 6,016.90 686.58 365,809.66 5,867.33 110,113.20 109,109.33 9,197.76 530.99 908.34 75,979.23 3,092.30 7,796.99 455,300.04 1,667.06 33,656.13 2,995.22 18,962.67 21,015.11 7,024.90 188,901.06 2.00 31,519.12 23,539.22 23,226.21 18,164.50 53,455.36 147,415.57 7,195.54 25,969.78 60,213.80 24,902.82 127,475.12 70,231.53 3,312.04 21,320.85 10,098.99 82,017.45 7,091.93 13,541.07 27,442.22 14,415.75 6,004.73 152,879.83 422,400.54 22,405.04 1,019.98 31,536.21 17,664.50 100,098.52 34,231.88 1,342.24 7,689.51 566.46 173,796.37 6,271.98 21,815.33 436,711.83 4,077.44 3,711.32 22,747.52 195,355.72 27,914.87 4,283.72 242.96 71,100.33 9,635.34 14,360.84 2,082.34 129,564.06 46,134.88 7,295.00 16,090.28 724,630.02 178,558.88 29,980.10 41,718.49 26,119.78 0.04% 0.00% 2.56% 0.04% 0.77% 0.76% 0.06% 0.00% 0.01% 0.53% 0.02% 0.05% 3.19% 0.01% 0.24% 0.02% 0.13% 0.15% 0.05% 1.32% 0.00% 0.22% 0.16% 0.16% 0.13% 0.37% 1.03% 0.05% 0.18% 0.42% 0.17% 0.89% 0.49% 0.02% 0.15% 0.07% 0.57% 0.05% 0.09% 0.19% 0.10% 0.04% 1.07% 2.96% 0.16% 0.01% 0.22% 0.12% 0.70% 0.24% 0.01% 0.05% 0.00% 1.22% 0.04% 0.15% 3.06% 0.03% 0.03% 0.16% 1.37% 0.20% 0.03% 0.00% 0.50% 0.07% 0.10% 0.01% 0.91% 0.32% 0.05% 0.11% 5.08% 1.25% 0.21% 0.29% 0.18% 3,152.55 9,908.32 8,765.56 7,862.15 6,853.20 26,159.02 2,818.57 12,044.88 13,097.04 3,863.71 86,857.66 20,212.31 1,372.89 7,262.01 3,062.86 29,442.21 837.82 8,993.93 12,986.94 11,565.31 4,104.13 56,314.65 298,004.83 3,460.85 749.50 20,912.09 8,642.83 24,783.98 15,904.74 200.90 1,632.27 1.73 79,836.52 1,181.44 19,079.15 374,166.58 816.95 1,042.98 2,433.88 143,209.48 12,536.82 522.17 24,337.01 3,319.86 3,419.18 579.99 41,571.86 31,055.85 4,347.22 658,002.80 144,198.73 4,783.65 11,479.39 12,947.79 Total Procurement of Goods by Supplier Country and Services by Country of Contractor: 2010-2011 (USD Thousand) 2010 Country Afghanistan Israel Italy Jamaica Japan Jordan Kazakhstan Kenya Kiribati Kuwait Kyrgyzstan Lao People’s Democratic Republic Latvia Lebanon Lesotho Liberia Libya Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Madagascar Malawi Malaysia Maldives Mali Malta Marshall Islands Mauritania Mauritius Mexico Micronesia (Federated States of) Monaco Mongolia Montenegro Morocco Mozambique Myanmar Namibia Nauru Nepal Netherlands New Zealand Nicaragua Niger Nigeria Norway Oman Pakistan Palau Panama Papua New Guinea Paraguay Peru Philippines Poland Portugal Qatar Republic of Korea, (South) Republic of Moldova Romania Russian Federation Rwanda Saint Kitts and Nevis Saint Lucia Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Samoa San Marino Sao Tome and Principe Saudi Arabia Senegal Serbia Seychelles Sierra Leone Singapore Slovakia Slovenia Solomon Islands Somalia South Africa South Sudan Spain 2011 Goods 65,045.39 34,698.13 238,134.66 1,240.19 136,185.44 30,255.10 15,743.48 72,877.29 45.27 17,257.65 9,498.13 6,912.32 1,176.69 38,425.24 3,987.65 33,426.93 327.98 Services 604,162.67 15,392.79 138,764.21 3,399.46 19,012.53 123,360.08 6,162.77 226,024.89 273.83 5,431.59 9,561.46 8,318.40 1,174.22 60,233.05 4,883.92 34,319.31 12,336.02 Total 669,208.06 50,090.92 376,898.87 4,639.66 155,197.96 153,615.18 21,906.25 298,902.18 319.10 22,689.24 19,059.59 15,230.73 2,350.91 98,658.29 8,871.58 67,746.24 12,664.01 % 4.60% 0.34% 2.59% 0.03% 1.07% 1.06% 0.15% 2.06% 0.00% 0.16% 0.13% 0.10% 0.02% 0.68% 0.06% 0.47% 0.09% Goods 66,773.38 35,204.32 235,976.56 1,108.86 106,499.34 19,366.88 13,708.90 114,956.85 29.43 32,953.53 6,746.11 4,363.16 589.59 49,257.37 2,113.65 44,535.81 429.22 73.57 5,985.93 7,360.57 23,844.10 27,668.68 404.04 11,978.88 2,913.17 29.13 2,810.88 3,408.08 11,082.88 98.97 18.57 2,884.23 178.82 9,034.65 15,106.72 20,789.68 1,839.70 36.76 12,463.95 133,994.56 2,192.41 12,001.19 23,094.14 9,408.14 19,462.71 8,033.30 369,680.18 10.50 60,570.19 1,677.16 4,127.82 135,880.13 15,092.58 436.90 1,252.26 27.90 70,908.97 3,264.31 1,297.70 66,009.42 9,056.56 0.44 21.33 13.98 588.85 31.34 168.90 1,302.66 7,269.43 3,073.77 182.25 11,422.84 5,975.48 359.18 76.30 751.40 6,234.25 111,249.70 2,063.50 1,326.75 7,829.31 15,245.28 8,492.89 1,268.70 18,258.38 665.72 100.50 11,785.91 8,981.06 30,864.81 368.95 1,686.61 4,711.36 494.64 12,029.02 21,150.00 12,913.96 8,085.23 137.44 32,432.91 21,656.53 2,335.64 18,143.51 45,772.33 33,618.62 5,104.94 3,843.73 98,817.51 124.81 79,999.47 5,041.84 11,013.51 130,956.82 16,444.45 1,624.55 3,989.45 310.24 2,975.47 5,318.04 1,575.61 486,075.00 13,809.74 238.15 441.40 236.51 1,827.08 591.51 491.32 9,225.02 21,103.71 17,706.00 764.24 16,551.09 8,451.79 2,213.45 929.69 2,089.61 41,002.29 98,879.92 2,137.07 7,312.68 15,189.88 39,089.39 36,161.57 1,672.74 30,237.26 3,578.89 129.63 14,596.79 12,389.13 41,947.69 467.92 1,705.18 7,595.59 673.45 21,063.67 36,256.72 33,703.64 9,924.93 174.20 44,896.86 155,651.09 4,528.04 30,144.70 68,866.47 43,026.76 24,567.65 11,877.03 468,497.69 135.31 140,569.67 6,719.00 15,141.33 266,836.94 31,537.03 2,061.45 5,241.71 338.14 73,884.43 8,582.35 2,873.31 552,084.42 22,866.30 238.59 462.72 250.49 2,415.93 622.84 660.23 10,527.68 28,373.14 20,779.77 946.49 27,973.93 14,427.28 2,572.63 1,005.99 2,841.01 47,236.54 210,129.62 0.01% 0.05% 0.10% 0.27% 0.25% 0.01% 0.21% 0.02% 0.00% 0.10% 0.09% 0.29% 0.00% 0.01% 0.05% 778.22 4,116.54 9,334.65 48,956.44 9,845.55 212.79 17,246.98 31.42 15.51 2,252.92 3,889.20 14,213.37 21.19 16,218.44 40,232.83 56,451.27 0.39% 64 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement 0.14% 0.25% 0.23% 0.07% 0.00% 0.31% 1.07% 0.03% 0.21% 0.47% 0.30% 0.17% 0.08% 3.22% 0.00% 0.97% 0.05% 0.10% 1.83% 0.22% 0.01% 0.04% 0.00% 0.51% 0.06% 0.02% 3.80% 0.16% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.02% 0.00% 0.00% 0.07% 0.20% 0.01% 0.19% 0.10% 0.02% 0.01% 0.02% 0.32% 1.44% 2,936.99 155.76 12,035.53 20,117.14 23,014.88 1,379.38 313.84 8,401.93 115,975.43 1,222.19 7,937.09 33,705.90 4,298.52 12,343.38 4,778.63 162,422.85 33.79 113,818.58 686.25 4,282.00 67,243.06 6,723.58 399.51 555.54 95.20 23,751.28 2,551.55 3,472.90 143,570.69 8,462.99 22.00 12.07 0.72 850.98 26.15 225.90 408.93 6,749.39 2,370.55 168.77 10,009.84 1,395.98 966.76 60.98 506.89 4,546.13 114,949.53 1,199.10 16,399.04 Services 470,527.13 19,141.34 187,281.92 3,792.03 16,137.33 129,535.38 4,630.24 283,866.75 219.63 8,055.67 8,543.50 6,389.85 1,459.42 48,932.27 3,663.46 39,287.62 6,679.45 94.91 2,527.57 1,259.82 7,955.19 13,519.90 10,941.10 1,431.53 19,210.20 8,009.09 136.17 8,819.78 12,176.38 30,923.52 576.40 266.02 4,550.52 597.06 12,697.62 24,134.30 11,606.25 8,741.65 164.97 41,389.22 21,675.87 1,743.50 19,114.41 22,127.04 38,529.44 10,155.56 2,341.87 105,230.94 319.57 82,426.36 3,746.70 17,003.33 82,021.19 16,314.35 2,639.71 7,418.37 691.88 5,100.29 7,211.79 1,957.63 453,603.42 10,927.59 258.38 554.04 283.58 3,225.31 864.37 875.94 19,704.95 24,891.96 6,496.75 2,852.84 13,556.49 4,922.90 2,597.78 1,056.57 1,854.79 41,898.07 73,256.23 3,888.19 36,005.46 Total 537,300.51 54,345.66 423,258.48 4,900.89 122,636.68 148,902.26 18,339.14 398,823.60 249.06 41,009.21 15,289.61 10,753.01 2,049.01 98,189.64 5,777.11 83,823.42 7,108.67 94.91 3,305.79 5,376.37 17,289.84 62,476.35 20,786.65 1,644.33 36,457.18 8,040.52 151.68 11,072.70 16,065.58 45,136.88 597.59 266.02 7,487.51 752.82 24,733.15 44,251.44 34,621.13 10,121.02 478.81 49,791.15 137,651.30 2,965.69 27,051.50 55,832.94 42,827.96 22,498.94 7,120.51 267,653.79 353.36 196,244.95 4,432.96 21,285.33 149,264.25 23,037.93 3,039.23 7,973.91 787.08 28,851.57 9,763.34 5,430.54 597,174.11 19,390.58 280.38 566.12 284.30 4,076.29 890.52 1,101.84 20,113.87 31,641.35 8,867.30 3,021.61 23,566.33 6,318.89 3,564.54 1,117.54 2,361.68 46,444.20 188,205.76 5,087.29 52,404.50 % 3.76% 0.38% 2.96% 0.03% 0.86% 1.04% 0.13% 2.79% 0.00% 0.29% 0.11% 0.08% 0.01% 0.69% 0.04% 0.59% 0.05% 0.00% 0.02% 0.04% 0.12% 0.44% 0.15% 0.01% 0.26% 0.06% 0.00% 0.08% 0.11% 0.32% 0.00% 0.00% 0.05% 0.01% 0.17% 0.31% 0.07% 0.00% 0.35% 0.96% 0.02% 0.19% 0.39% 0.30% 0.16% 0.05% 1.87% 0.00% 1.37% 0.03% 0.15% 1.05% 0.16% 0.02% 0.06% 0.01% 0.20% 0.07% 0.04% 4.18% 0.14% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.03% 0.01% 0.01% 0.14% 0.06% 0.02% 0.17% 0.04% 0.02% 0.01% 0.02% 0.33% 1.32% 0.04% 0.37% Total Procurement of Goods by Supplier Country and Services by Country of Contractor: 2010-2011 (USD Thousand) 2010 Country Afghanistan Sri Lanka Sudan Suriname Swaziland Sweden Switzerland Syrian Arab Republic Tajikistan Thailand The former Yugoslav Republic of Mace Timor-Leste Togo Tonga Trinidad and Tobago Tunisia Turkey Turkmenistan Tuvalu Uganda Ukraine United Arab Emirates United Kingdom United Republic of Tanzania United States of America Uruguay Uzbekistan Vanuatu Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) Viet Nam Yemen Zambia Zimbabwe 2011 Goods 65,045.39 34,577.44 136,657.90 381.70 2,591.56 11,754.22 499,702.09 18,517.94 5,158.25 20,288.35 500.01 4,604.08 5,043.77 30.68 2,228.05 227.13 59,661.28 609.08 40.29 74,338.62 68,996.54 114,176.59 348,606.66 28,279.43 409,114.22 4,807.16 1,678.03 33.06 2,213.92 24,078.40 20,840.83 12,155.27 32,324.83 Services 604,162.67 33,008.90 465,050.12 1,041.47 3,337.35 6,717.76 341,651.98 30,980.55 13,435.61 19,005.89 8,782.81 5,230.67 16,391.90 138.71 2,380.04 5,558.08 26,521.20 2,109.22 512.45 53,287.32 130,265.54 50,355.06 141,387.20 29,577.96 1,109,905.76 19,306.82 4,574.93 129.88 6,499.37 12,704.58 13,840.58 10,621.94 39,304.79 Total 669,208.06 67,586.34 601,708.02 1,423.17 5,928.91 18,471.98 841,354.06 49,498.49 18,593.86 39,294.24 9,282.82 9,834.75 21,435.67 169.39 4,608.09 5,785.21 86,182.49 2,718.30 552.74 127,625.94 199,262.08 164,531.64 489,993.86 57,857.40 1,519,019.98 24,113.98 6,252.96 162.95 8,713.29 36,782.98 34,681.41 22,777.21 71,629.61 % 4.60% 0.46% 4.14% 0.01% 0.04% 0.13% 5.78% 0.34% 0.13% 0.27% 0.06% 0.07% 0.15% 0.00% 0.03% 0.04% 0.59% 0.02% 0.00% 0.88% 1.37% 1.13% 3.37% 0.40% 10.44% 0.17% 0.04% 0.00% 0.06% 0.25% 0.24% 0.16% 0.49% Goods 66,773.38 18,625.07 170,814.95 560.60 2,200.94 8,020.34 386,549.63 15,487.49 4,362.68 20,008.61 1,070.08 3,308.67 5,199.56 60.50 1,263.89 8,421.24 84,670.19 727.71 94.76 52,824.74 14,847.02 249,879.68 260,628.50 41,334.60 409,948.99 3,444.16 1,412.58 46.24 4,086.52 13,435.84 30,161.77 14,483.14 28,020.97 Services 470,527.13 24,014.37 234,026.32 835.27 1,940.58 10,463.03 349,343.70 18,938.33 18,632.65 17,024.50 11,802.06 7,707.80 6,817.71 317.50 1,855.89 8,424.91 27,255.23 1,340.44 447.06 58,794.24 134,290.24 56,685.20 156,409.31 34,806.69 1,124,854.03 17,349.84 4,473.70 164.27 3,649.23 12,091.13 19,131.32 9,880.76 54,635.40 Total 537,300.51 42,639.44 404,841.26 1,395.87 4,141.52 18,483.37 735,893.33 34,425.83 22,995.33 37,033.11 12,872.14 11,016.47 12,017.26 378.00 3,119.79 16,846.15 111,925.42 2,068.16 541.82 111,618.98 149,137.26 306,564.89 417,037.81 76,141.29 1,534,803.02 20,794.00 5,886.28 210.51 7,735.75 25,526.97 49,293.09 24,363.90 82,656.37 % 3.76% 0.30% 2.84% 0.01% 0.03% 0.13% 5.15% 0.24% 0.16% 0.26% 0.09% 0.08% 0.08% 0.00% 0.02% 0.12% 0.78% 0.01% 0.00% 0.78% 1.04% 2.15% 2.92% 0.53% 10.75% 0.15% 0.04% 0.00% 0.05% 0.18% 0.35% 0.17% 0.58% 6,935,641.84 7,356,635.40 14,292,277.24 98.27% 6,880,477.20 7,035,677.02 13,916,154.22 97.48% 22,891.97 56,701.60 79,593.57 0.55% 110,969.90 48,077.61 159,047.51 1.11% 113,272.57 30.35 33.93 920.42 2,701.76 49,380.06 75.59 276.30 529.18 5,104.17 162,652.63 105.95 310.24 1,449.60 7,805.93 1.12% 0.00% 0.00% 0.01% 0.05% 70,921.37 219.51 536.74 1,860.76 574.34 110,160.63 212.80 705.32 8,380.62 7,262.10 181,081.99 432.31 1,242.06 10,241.38 7,836.44 1.27% 0.00% 0.01% 0.07% 0.05% Grand-Total 7,075,492.86 48.65% 7,468,702.30 51.35% 14,544,195.15 100.00% 100.00% 7,065,559.82 49.49% 7,210,476.09 50.51% Developed Countries: Percentage Developing Countries/ Economies In Transition: Percentage 3,244,598.80 45.86% 2,818,180.24 37.73% 6,062,779.04 41.69% 3,060,662.96 43.32% 2,528,418.58 35.07% 5,589,081.55 39.15% 3,808,002.08 4,593,820.45 53.82% 61.51% 8,401,822.54 57.77% 3,893,926.95 4,633,979.90 55.11% 64.27% 8,527,906.85 59.74% 556,592.26 1,014,428.81 7.87% 13.58% 1,571,021.07 10.80% 722,120.75 10.22% 885,385.14 12.28% 1,607,505.89 11.26% 1,285,042.55 17.21% 2,099,295.89 14.43% 844,258.42 11.95% 1,244,722.77 17.26% 2,088,981.18 14.63% 1,435,817.40 1,089,096.28 20.29% 14.58% 2,524,913.68 17.36% 1,305,248.69 18.47% 954,015.90 13.23% 2,259,264.59 15.83% Sub-Total Unspecified Countries Global Projects Interregional Projects Arab Countries African Countries Asian Countries European Countries Latin America And The Caribbean Arab States Percentage Africa Percentage Asia & Pacific Percentage 814,253.34 11.51% 14,276,035.91 100.00% 100.00% Europe & Cis Percentage 230,401.45 3.26% 384,684.61 5.15% 615,086.07 4.23% 290,865.53 4.12% 746,079.10 10.35% 1,036,944.63 7.26% Latin America & The Caribbean Percentage 770,937.62 10.90% 820,568.21 10.99% 1,591,505.83 10.94% 728,882.00 10.32% 796,565.21 11.05% 1,525,447.21 10.69% 22,891.97 0.32% 56,701.60 0.76% 79,593.57 0.55% 110,969.90 1.57% 48,077.61 0.67% 159,047.51 1.11% Others Percentage 65 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement Total Procurement by Agency: 2010-2011 (USD Million) 2010 Services Total % of Total Goods 2011 Services Total % of Total Agency Goods ESCAP 2.54 5.06 7.61 0.05% 4.41 7.11 11.52 0.08% ESCWA 0.43 1.44 1.87 0.01% 1.39 1.39 2.77 0.02% ECLAC 2.58 6.29 8.87 0.06% 2.83 12.19 15.02 0.11% FAO 122.18 45.63 167.81 1.15% 78.25 56.85 135.10 0.95% IAEA 66.06 79.13 145.19 1.00% 69.02 94.11 163.12 1.14% IFAD 0.91 46.19 47.09 0.32% 1.16 46.39 47.55 0.33% ILO 9.42 89.51 98.93 0.68% 14.28 79.21 93.49 0.65% INSTRAW 0.05 0.08 0.13 0.00% ITC 1.17 9.87 11.04 0.08% ITU 4.81 7.72 12.53 0.09% OPCW 1.36 5.79 7.15 0.05% PAHO 693.12 15.21 708.33 UNDP 649.08 2,279.37 3.36 Now UNWOMEN - Data not submitted 11.93 12.94 0.09% 2.68 6.30 8.98 0.06% 4.87% 593.24 13.43 606.67 4.25% 2,928.44 20.13% 652.04 2,039.93 2,691.97 18.86% 4.90 8.26 0.06% 17.24 5.39 22.63 0.16% 43.02 139.49 182.51 1.25% 23.91 121.03 144.94 1.02% UNFPA 160.95 220.94 381.89 2.63% 148.84 213.52 362.36 2.54% UNHCR 244.43 178.38 422.81 2.91% 264.71 270.40 535.10 3.75% UNICEF 1,823.74 1,823.74 12.54% 2,153.57 2,153.57 15.09% UNECA UNESCO 1.02 Data not submitted UNIDO 30.47 41.49 71.96 0.49% 47.77 38.24 86.01 0.60% UN/PD 977.40 2,167.12 3,144.52 21.62% 1,073.85 2,099.90 3,173.75 22.23% UNOG 14.24 73.96 88.20 0.61% 24.01 86.21 110.22 0.77% UNON 9.54 25.38 34.92 0.24% 24.33 82.76 107.08 0.75% 496.23 519.29 1,015.52 6.98% 318.29 459.96 778.25 5.45% 4.23 7.08 11.30 0.08% 5.15 9.61 14.76 0.10% 144.42 76.48 220.90 1.52% 141.19 140.79 281.97 1.98% UNU 0.02 1.11 1.13 0.01% 0.02 1.10 1.13 0.01% UNV 0.53 14.89 15.42 0.11% 0.90 15.10 16.00 0.11% UPU 0.83 0.83 0.01% 0.94 0.94 0.01% WFP 1,451.75 2,717.03 18.68% 1,395.08 2,532.34 17.74% WHO 110.91 110.91 0.76% 133.19 133.19 0.92% 146.12 146.12 1.02% UNOPS UNOV UNRWA WIPO 1,265.28 1,137.26 Data not submitted WMO 5.70 5.15 10.84 0.07% 5.01 10.71 15.72 0.11% WTO 0.03 3.29 3.32 0.02% 0.43 3.53 3.96 0.03% 7,075.49 7,468.70 14,544.20 100.00% 7,065.56 7,210.48 14,276.04 100.00% TOTAL The UN Annual Statistical Report presents all data in US dollars. Some agencies, as is the case with WIPO which has its budgets and accounting in currencies other than US dollars thereby necessitating currency conversion using an average annual conversion rate. Due to extreme exchange rate fluctuations, data presented in US dollars may show trends in terms of procurement volume increases or decreases that are the reciprocal of the trend shown by the data in the original currency. This is the case with the WIPO procurement volume from 2010 and 2011, where the change in the procurement volume for the period in Swizz Francs denotes a decrease of 8.3%, however after conversion to US dollars and due to the currency exchange rate fluctuations between the two currencies throughout the period, the change in the procurement volume denotes an increase of 9.7%. 66 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement Procurement of Goods by Supplier Country: 2011 Supplier Country Afghanistan Albania Algeria Andorra Angola Antigua and Barbuda Argentina Armenia Australia Austria Azerbaijan Bahamas Bahrain Bangladesh Barbados Belarus Belgium Belize Benin Bhutan Bolivia (Plurinational State of) Bosnia and Herzegovina Botswana Brazil Brunei Darussalam Bulgaria Burkina Faso Burundi Cambodia Cameroon Canada Cape Verde Central African Republic Chad Chile China Colombia Comoros Congo, Republic of the Costa Rica Côte D'Ivoire Croatia Cuba Cyprus Czech Republic Democratic People's Rep. of Korea (North) Democratic Republic of the Congo Denmark Djibouti Dominica Dominican Republic Ecuador Egypt El Salvador Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Estonia Ethiopia Fiji Finland France Gabon Gambia Georgia Germany Ghana Greece Grenada Guatemala Guinea Bissau Guinea Guyana Haiti Honduras Hungary Iceland India Indonesia Iran (Islamic Republic of) Iraq 67 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement Procurement of Goods 66,773.38 1,307.44 4,338.57 (USD Thousand) % 0.95% 0.02% 0.06% 2,401.51 9.61 206,061.01 1,897.10 97,015.23 44,279.86 3,729.70 242.81 90.57 33,558.85 1,812.86 2,226.33 413,459.77 510.12 7,107.10 1,100.05 9,098.01 2,930.22 1,672.96 109,841.26 0.03% 0.00% 2.92% 0.03% 1.37% 0.63% 0.05% 0.00% 0.00% 0.47% 0.03% 0.03% 5.85% 0.01% 0.10% 0.02% 0.13% 0.04% 0.02% 1.55% 3,152.55 9,908.32 8,765.56 7,862.15 6,853.20 26,159.02 2,818.57 12,044.88 13,097.04 3,863.71 86,857.66 20,212.31 1,372.89 7,262.01 3,062.86 29,442.21 837.82 8,993.93 12,986.94 11,565.31 4,104.13 56,314.65 298,004.83 3,460.85 749.50 20,912.09 8,642.83 24,783.98 15,904.74 200.90 1,632.27 1.73 79,836.52 1,181.44 19,079.15 374,166.58 816.95 1,042.98 2,433.88 143,209.48 12,536.82 522.17 0.04% 0.14% 0.12% 0.11% 0.10% 0.37% 0.04% 0.17% 0.19% 0.05% 1.23% 0.29% 0.02% 0.10% 0.04% 0.42% 0.01% 0.13% 0.18% 0.16% 0.06% 0.80% 4.22% 0.05% 0.01% 0.30% 0.12% 0.35% 0.23% 0.00% 0.02% 0.00% 1.13% 0.02% 0.27% 5.30% 0.01% 0.01% 0.03% 2.03% 0.18% 0.01% 24,337.01 3,319.86 3,419.18 579.99 41,571.86 31,055.85 4,347.22 0.34% 0.05% 0.05% 0.01% 0.59% 0.44% 0.06% 658,002.80 144,198.73 4,783.65 11,479.39 9.31% 2.04% 0.07% 0.16% Procurement of Goods by Supplier Country: 2011 Supplier Country Ireland Israel Italy Jamaica Japan Jordan Kazakhstan Kenya Kiribati Kuwait Kyrgyzstan Lao People’s Democratic Republic Latvia Lebanon Lesotho Liberia Libya Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Madagascar Malawi Malaysia Maldives Mali Malta Marshall Islands Mauritania Mauritius Mexico Micronesia (Federated States of) Monaco Mongolia Montenegro Morocco Mozambique Myanmar Namibia Nauru Nepal Netherlands New Zealand Nicaragua Niger Nigeria Norway Oman Pakistan Palau Panama Papua New Guinea Paraguay Peru Philippines Poland Portugal Qatar Republic of Korea, (South) Republic of Moldova Romania Russian Federation Rwanda Saint Kitts and Nevis Saint Lucia Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Samoa San Marino Sao Tome and Principe Saudi Arabia Senegal Serbia Seychelles Sierra Leone Singapore Slovakia Slovenia Solomon Islands Somalia South Africa South Sudan 68 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement Procurement of Goods 12,947.79 35,204.32 235,976.56 1,108.86 106,499.34 19,366.88 13,708.90 114,956.85 29.43 32,953.53 6,746.11 4,363.16 589.59 49,257.37 2,113.65 44,535.81 429.22 (USD Thousand) % 0.18% 0.50% 3.34% 0.02% 1.51% 0.27% 0.19% 1.63% 0.00% 0.47% 0.10% 0.06% 0.01% 0.70% 0.03% 0.63% 0.01% 778.22 4,116.54 9,334.65 48,956.44 9,845.55 212.79 17,246.98 31.42 15.51 2,252.92 3,889.20 14,213.37 21.19 0.01% 0.06% 0.13% 0.69% 0.14% 0.00% 0.24% 0.00% 0.00% 0.03% 0.06% 0.20% 0.00% 2,936.99 155.76 12,035.53 20,117.14 23,014.88 1,379.38 313.84 8,401.93 115,975.43 1,222.19 7,937.09 33,705.90 4,298.52 12,343.38 4,778.63 162,422.85 33.79 113,818.58 686.25 4,282.00 67,243.06 6,723.58 399.51 555.54 95.20 23,751.28 2,551.55 3,472.90 143,570.69 8,462.99 22.00 12.07 0.72 850.98 26.15 225.90 408.93 6,749.39 2,370.55 168.77 10,009.84 1,395.98 966.76 60.98 506.89 4,546.13 114,949.53 1,199.10 0.04% 0.00% 0.17% 0.28% 0.33% 0.02% 0.00% 0.12% 1.64% 0.02% 0.11% 0.48% 0.06% 0.17% 0.07% 2.30% 0.00% 1.61% 0.01% 0.06% 0.95% 0.10% 0.01% 0.01% 0.00% 0.34% 0.04% 0.05% 2.03% 0.12% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.01% 0.00% 0.00% 0.01% 0.03% 0.00% 0.14% 0.02% 0.01% 0.00% 0.01% 0.06% 1.63% 0.02% Procurement of Goods by Supplier Country: 2011 Supplier Country Spain Sri Lanka Sudan Suriname Swaziland Sweden Switzerland Syrian Arab Republic Tajikistan Thailand The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Timor-Leste Togo Tonga Trinidad and Tobago Tunisia Turkey Turkmenistan Tuvalu Uganda Ukraine United Arab Emirates United Kingdom United Republic of Tanzania United States of America Uruguay Uzbekistan Vanuatu Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) Viet Nam Yemen Zambia Zimbabwe Sub-Total Procurement of Goods 16,399.04 18,625.07 170,814.95 560.60 2,200.94 8,020.34 386,549.63 15,487.49 4,362.68 20,008.61 1,070.08 3,308.67 5,199.56 60.50 1,263.89 8,421.24 84,670.19 727.71 94.76 52,824.74 14,847.02 249,879.68 260,628.50 41,334.60 409,948.99 3,444.16 1,412.58 46.24 4,086.52 13,435.84 30,161.77 14,483.14 28,020.97 (USD Thousand) % 0.23% 0.26% 2.42% 0.01% 0.03% 0.11% 5.47% 0.22% 0.06% 0.28% 0.02% 0.05% 0.07% 0.00% 0.02% 0.12% 1.20% 0.01% 0.00% 0.75% 0.21% 3.54% 3.69% 0.59% 5.80% 0.05% 0.02% 0.00% 0.06% 0.19% 0.43% 0.20% 0.40% 6,880,477.20 97.38% 110,969.90 1.57% 70,921.37 219.51 536.74 1,860.76 574.34 1.00% 0.00% 0.01% 0.03% 0.01% Grand-Total 7,065,559.82 100.00% Industrialized Countries: Percentage Developing Countries/ Economies In Transition: Percentage 3,060,662.96 43.32% Unspecified Countries Global Projects Interregional Projects Arab Countries African Countries Asian Countries European Countries Latin America And The Caribbean 3,893,926.95 55.11% Arab States Percentage 722,120.75 10.22% Africa Percentage 844,258.42 11.95% Asia & Pacific Percentage 1,305,248.69 18.47% Europe & Cis Percentage 290,865.53 4.12% Latin America & The Caribbean Percentage 728,882.00 10.32% Others Percentage 110,969.90 1.57% 69 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement Total Procurement of Goods by Agency and Supplier Country: 2011 Procurement of Goods (USD Thousand) Agencies Supplier Country ESCAP Afghanistan Albania Algeria Andorra Angola Antigua and Barbuda Argentina Armenia Australia Austria Azerbaijan Bahamas Bahrain Bangladesh Barbados Belarus Belgium Belize Benin Bhutan Bolivia (Plurinational State of) Bosnia and Herzegovina Botswana Brazil Brunei Darussalam Bulgaria Burkina Faso Burundi Cambodia Cameroon Canada Cape Verde Central African Republic Chad Chile China Colombia Comoros Congo, Republic of the Costa Rica Côte D'Ivoire Croatia Cuba Cyprus Czech Republic Democratic People's Rep. of Korea (North) Democratic Republic of the Congo Denmark Djibouti Dominica Dominican Republic Ecuador Egypt El Salvador Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Estonia Ethiopia Fiji Finland France Gabon Gambia Georgia Germany Ghana Greece Grenada Guatemala Guinea Bissau Guinea Guyana Haiti Honduras Hungary Iceland India Indonesia Iran (Islamic Republic of) Iraq Ireland 70 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement ESCWA 6.14 ECA ECLAC FAO 4,946.00 68.01 206.25 337.57 901.17 22.16 IAEA 22.07 95.05 516.46 22,190.36 1,197.51 29.84 30.44 104.34 26.28 2.02 512.68 18.86 17.09 3,060.62 26.30 155.49 130.70 234.48 1,731.38 1,322.95 1,117.20 0.86 137.75 2.62 1,582.06 91.42 6.74 5.48 28.57 17.06 9.25 0.98 328.96 4.87 74.10 130.54 499.05 699.29 36.73 205.78 16.44 1,780.56 4,823.90 40.57 352.19 1,135.13 135.28 1,298.72 10.26 57.32 70.49 53.34 28.66 1,381.80 12.23 1,552.28 0.81 1,641.06 60.23 1,348.35 34.15 16,170.43 251.88 23.48 29.44 1,056.38 1,865.80 2.56 2,777.96 1,940.89 1,165.35 117.83 84.92 134.85 29.78 Total Procurement of Goods by Agency and Supplier Country: 2011 Procurement of Goods (USD Thousand) Agencies Supplier Country ESCAP Israel Italy Jamaica Japan Jordan Kazakhstan Kenya Kiribati Kuwait Kyrgyzstan Lao People’s Democratic Republic Latvia Lebanon Lesotho Liberia Libya Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Madagascar Malawi Malaysia Maldives Mali Malta Marshall Islands Mauritania Mauritius Mexico Micronesia (Federated States of) Monaco Mongolia Montenegro Morocco Mozambique Myanmar Namibia Nauru Nepal Netherlands New Zealand Nicaragua Niger Nigeria Norway Oman Pakistan Palau Panama Papua New Guinea Paraguay Peru Philippines Poland Portugal Qatar Republic of Korea, (South) Republic of Moldova Romania Russian Federation Rwanda Saint Kitts and Nevis Saint Lucia Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Samoa San Marino Sao Tome and Principe Saudi Arabia Senegal Serbia Seychelles Sierra Leone Singapore Slovakia Slovenia Solomon Islands Somalia South Africa South Sudan Spain 71 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement ESCWA 22.05 ECA 5,180.79 1,089.53 ECLAC FAO 7,544.07 95.52 328.44 377.14 32.57 471.90 IAEA 149.24 1,034.93 1,308.47 31.34 3,305.12 495.43 1,249.22 288.09 426.13 57.81 103.96 960.33 353.93 35.15 25.62 7.59 8.70 9.14 119.29 1,997.50 431.69 771.50 2.01 6,449.59 143.13 11.81 471.03 95.93 7.05 939.44 663.03 239.00 5.31 708.63 14.67 145.38 5.32 20.59 60.61 48.92 325.37 670.67 4.20 590.39 66.65 Total Procurement of Goods by Agency and Supplier Country: 2011 Procurement of Goods (USD Thousand) Agencies Supplier Country Sri Lanka Sudan Suriname Swaziland Sweden Switzerland Syrian Arab Republic Tajikistan Thailand The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Timor-Leste Togo Tonga Trinidad and Tobago Tunisia Turkey Turkmenistan Tuvalu Uganda Ukraine United Arab Emirates United Kingdom United Republic of Tanzania United States of America Uruguay Uzbekistan Vanuatu Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) Viet Nam Yemen Zambia Zimbabwe Sub-Total ESCAP ESCWA ECA ECLAC FAO 2,021.84 69.23 1,545.30 183.37 1,123.31 644.87 86.98 37.99 2,789.56 IAEA 117.85 1,815.05 47.69 33.98 3,844.96 206.70 334.38 2.69 74.83 51.75 478.83 1,213.69 1,256.63 480.87 3,971.49 1,022.50 2.75 5,688.30 2,781.95 5,875.60 708.65 6,038.28 2,069.00 4,336.07 Unspecified Countries 1,387.63 17,240.21 2,831.15 76,224.89 59.53 Global Projects Interregional Projects Arab Countries * African Countries Asian Countries European Countries Latin America And The Caribbean 68,978.59 36.94 2,029.14 12.42 0.75 Grand-Total 4,408.01 1,387.63 17,240.21 2,831.15 78,254.78 69,015.54 Developed Countries: Percentage Developing Countries/ Economies In Transition: Percentage 1,482.19 33.62% 807.29 58.18% 14,490.91 84.05% 1,316.55 46.50% 24,548.86 31.37% 64,911.85 94.05% 2,866.29 65.02% 580.34 41.82% 2,749.29 15.95% 1,514.60 53.50% 53,705.92 68.63% 4,066.75 5.89% 2.69 0.06% 580.34 41.82% 515.55 2.99% 10,259.36 13.11% 575.30 0.83% 2,095.99 12.16% 13,729.48 17.54% 38.09 0.06% 137.75 0.80% 18,812.85 24.04% 2,257.91 3.27% 4,774.47 6.10% 1,139.03 1.65% 6,129.76 7.83% 56.42 0.08% Arab States * Percentage Africa Percentage Asia & Pacific Percentage 2,863.61 64.96% Europe & Cis Percentage Latin America & The Caribbean Percentage Others Percentage 1,514.60 53.50% 59.53 1.35% * Procurement from the Palestine Authority Autonomous Area (West Bank and Gaza Strip). 72 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement 36.94 0.05% Total Procurement of Goods by Agency and Supplier Country: 2011 Procurement of Goods (USD Thousand) Agencies Supplier Country Afghanistan Albania Algeria Andorra Angola Antigua and Barbuda Argentina Armenia Australia Austria Azerbaijan Bahamas Bahrain Bangladesh Barbados Belarus Belgium Belize Benin Bhutan Bolivia (Plurinational State of) Bosnia and Herzegovina Botswana Brazil Brunei Darussalam Bulgaria Burkina Faso Burundi Cambodia Cameroon Canada Cape Verde Central African Republic Chad Chile China Colombia Comoros Congo, Republic of the Costa Rica Côte D'Ivoire Croatia Cuba Cyprus Czech Republic Democratic People's Rep. of Korea (North) Democratic Republic of the Congo Denmark Djibouti Dominica Dominican Republic Ecuador Egypt El Salvador Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Estonia Ethiopia Fiji Finland France Gabon Gambia Georgia Germany Ghana Greece Grenada Guatemala Guinea Bissau Guinea Guyana Haiti Honduras Hungary Iceland India Indonesia Iran (Islamic Republic of) Iraq Ireland IFAD ILO ITC OPCW PAHO 0.77 2.26 UNDP 8,518.28 438.17 290.60 774.27 1,297.67 1.36 2.15 3,589.51 0.56 95,855.12 1,321.55 358.00 11,362.31 3,434.53 242.81 648.51 1,342.62 3.07 106,749.71 187.76 10.52 1,472.00 1.13 22.98 72,850.31 16.89 3.72 89.75 4.70 16.56 188.38 0.47 933.52 1,021.80 8,812.54 696.75 1,938.09 0.02 125.57 73 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement 3.43 1,124.88 1,781.04 14,266.00 2,549.54 1,793.63 31.46 2,471.26 12.25 0.63 37.61 279.34 10.23 251.84 48.39 26.72 0.83 4.58 9.83 103,089.89 184.54 2,011.50 4.17 5,005.18 291.89 7,709.07 1,721.33 83.88 0.85 73.39 14.45 595.05 902.54 3.24 58,304.88 242.51 224.25 64.48 7,565.65 362.88 1,820.40 1,518.85 183.73 2,923.33 490.53 1,464.14 2,160.20 338.54 6,354.01 2,184.68 2,097.94 2,340.06 801.02 1,132.07 4,022.52 1,004.60 2,647.28 1,394.81 1,282.45 6,047.19 5,690.88 655.39 5,017.27 1,677.05 1,013.16 577.89 5,257.17 372.03 20.65 271.99 13,866.69 57,635.67 599.46 8.21 11,516.34 959.25 4,974.77 6,377.97 158.82 869.11 1.73 8,130.72 833.43 5,076.42 3,961.60 464.46 380.71 1,176.33 12,770.26 3,926.67 11.53 3,994.56 1,827.83 1,318.48 210.00 3,563.57 1,104.52 16.52 11,941.02 1,949.19 1,049.50 534.80 171.30 Total Procurement of Goods by Agency and Supplier Country: 2011 Procurement of Goods (USD Thousand) Agencies Supplier Country Israel Italy Jamaica Japan Jordan Kazakhstan Kenya Kiribati Kuwait Kyrgyzstan Lao People’s Democratic Republic Latvia Lebanon Lesotho Liberia Libya Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Madagascar Malawi Malaysia Maldives Mali Malta Marshall Islands Mauritania Mauritius Mexico Micronesia (Federated States of) Monaco Mongolia Montenegro Morocco Mozambique Myanmar Namibia Nauru Nepal Netherlands New Zealand Nicaragua Niger Nigeria Norway Oman Pakistan Palau Panama Papua New Guinea Paraguay Peru Philippines Poland Portugal Qatar Republic of Korea, (South) Republic of Moldova Romania Russian Federation Rwanda Saint Kitts and Nevis Saint Lucia Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Samoa San Marino Sao Tome and Principe Saudi Arabia Senegal Serbia Seychelles Sierra Leone Singapore Slovakia Slovenia Solomon Islands Somalia South Africa South Sudan Spain IFAD ILO 1,012.83 74 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement ITC 43.88 6.99 OPCW PAHO 43.97 11,186.54 443.69 1.60 1.49 119.26 52.36 244.33 UNDP 1,167.17 6,580.71 266.23 4,920.97 1,154.62 554.89 4,951.32 21.48 17.95 2,529.53 1,348.56 301.50 3,953.16 302.05 6,253.68 32.46 435.78 2.11 1.00 1,878.20 708.85 1,501.32 447.43 159.90 2,050.95 -1.19 15.51 569.34 695.12 2,715.58 18.69 821.85 48.28 10.89 198.75 5.85 1,987.34 25.96 13,624.33 1,707.30 514.28 9.90 59.92 7,132.70 664.66 1,642.85 0.06 14,084.86 16.94 1.75 35.13 3,260.44 3,688.05 708.61 466.65 10.95 2,369.46 24,973.31 174.22 1,856.84 18,576.87 1,166.18 44.68 5,479.07 33.79 11,324.85 175.54 2,536.34 13,662.49 883.39 193.12 454.97 6,248.98 2,369.35 355.54 1,561.55 1,132.98 2.55 0.72 654.91 188.72 275.42 2,087.95 17.28 156.20 4,781.00 205.12 8.16 456.15 1,199.36 15,574.41 133.14 4.87 71.55 6,238.88 Total Procurement of Goods by Agency and Supplier Country: 2011 Procurement of Goods (USD Thousand) Agencies Supplier Country IFAD ILO Sri Lanka Sudan Suriname Swaziland Sweden Switzerland Syrian Arab Republic Tajikistan Thailand The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Timor-Leste Togo Tonga Trinidad and Tobago Tunisia Turkey Turkmenistan Tuvalu Uganda Ukraine United Arab Emirates United Kingdom United Republic of Tanzania United States of America Uruguay Uzbekistan Vanuatu Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) Viet Nam Yemen Zambia Zimbabwe Sub-Total ITC OPCW PAHO 50.55 298.28 0.72 6,258.91 6.81 806.06 10.34 34,198.39 20.89 4.54 100.00 1,022.01 13.64 69.81 399.29 4.88 12.08 135.87 150.16 70.58 991.16 86,739.13 14,537.05 1,537.43 322.76 28.40 1,164.04 14,161.63 1,018.09 2,683.46 593,239.89 11.04 Unspecified Countries Global Projects Interregional Projects Arab Countries * African Countries Asian Countries European Countries Latin America And The Caribbean UNDP 2,473.19 13,703.82 217.77 190.40 141.90 5,361.92 1,141.43 3,428.46 1,310.89 163.68 988.79 60.50 194.84 455.38 1,115.82 617.69 94.76 2,031.97 2,002.83 5,150.15 6,572.08 2,735.43 35,186.14 1,233.72 641.57 2.90 2,832.54 1,060.39 2,056.05 2,809.15 4,979.23 635,477.68 15,617.44 111.48 72.22 335.88 538.38 Grand-Total 1,164.04 14,284.15 1,018.09 2,683.46 593,239.89 652,041.60 Developed Countries: Percentage Developing Countries/ Economies In Transition: Percentage 1,154.14 99.15% 10,502.55 73.53% 881.50 86.58% 2,682.99 99.98% 391,782.98 66.04% 192,799.05 29.57% 9.89 0.85% 3,770.57 26.40% 136.59 13.42% 0.47 0.02% 201,456.90 33.96% 443,625.11 68.04% 991.16 0.17% 41,138.58 6.31% 560.00 3.92% Arab States * Percentage Africa Percentage Asia & Pacific Percentage 9.90 0.85% 1,283.77 8.99% 133.35 13.10% 1,649.33 11.55% 3.24 0.32% Europe & Cis Percentage 122.69 0.86% Latin America & The Caribbean Percentage 137.84 0.96% Others Percentage 11.04 0.08% 128,639.49 19.73% 0.47 0.02% 72,411.62 12.21% 23,880.97 3.66% 128,054.13 21.59% * Procurement from the Palestine Authority Autonomous Area (West Bank and Gaza Strip). 75 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement 63,313.63 9.71% 184,283.09 28.26% 15,617.44 2.40% Total Procurement of Goods by Agency and Supplier Country: 2011 Procurement of Goods (USD Thousand) Agencies Supplier Country Afghanistan Albania Algeria Andorra Angola Antigua and Barbuda Argentina Armenia Australia Austria Azerbaijan Bahamas Bahrain Bangladesh Barbados Belarus Belgium Belize Benin Bhutan Bolivia (Plurinational State of) Bosnia and Herzegovina Botswana Brazil Brunei Darussalam Bulgaria Burkina Faso Burundi Cambodia Cameroon Canada Cape Verde Central African Republic Chad Chile China Colombia Comoros Congo, Republic of the Costa Rica Côte D'Ivoire Croatia Cuba Cyprus Czech Republic Democratic People's Rep. of Korea (North) Democratic Republic of the Congo Denmark Djibouti Dominica Dominican Republic Ecuador Egypt El Salvador Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Estonia Ethiopia Fiji Finland France Gabon Gambia Georgia Germany Ghana Greece Grenada Guatemala Guinea Bissau Guinea Guyana Haiti Honduras Hungary Iceland India Indonesia Iran (Islamic Republic of) Iraq Ireland UNESCO 30.54 7.50 UNFPA 586.15 550.78 3.54 UNHCR 8,509.02 262.65 UNICEF 3,646.91 296.61 153.44 47.39 16.63 128.30 1,289.87 31.89 17.56 3.66 15.92 29.76 128.68 25.55 33.78 271.12 1,444.64 115.73 688.95 60.01 113.04 3,525.25 620.91 2.17 344.35 2.11 339.91 113.42 9,047.74 14.70 10.38 29.70 19.64 3.79 132.47 13.48 0.20 0.35 72.77 412.19 56.29 92.97 107.78 53.34 76.01 1,136.88 8.73 2.57 14.71 260.60 254.61 204.93 55.68 16.42 186.80 83.20 107.24 25.03 115.42 318.05 1.03 15.65 110.45 502.06 1.35 603.76 338.17 12,276.58 141.53 66.64 237.91 6.66 1,388.30 35.82 1.01 1,958.42 6.24 1,926.03 20.13 2,248.37 8,671.60 2.70 4,748.67 368.69 826.45 36.56 652.41 4.15 8.82 844.17 19.34 46.69 154.80 181.35 152.60 3.41 10,065.82 80.76 76 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement 339.67 60.18 58.24 39.70 26.37 72.76 155.75 15.82 139.39 411.60 1,112.44 1,127.93 13,024.37 22.13 33.99 4,249.77 521.99 153.84 14.93 5.35 184.28 70.10 8,229.68 440.46 80.94 76.07 9.25 22,773.90 194.12 71.12 14.48 300.95 9.01 303.38 147.09 120.20 3,172.28 500.65 15.01 9.05 4,338.73 17,507.33 1,428.46 235.40 2,850.46 39.74 7,480.39 1,117.02 4,377.95 21.67 102.20 909.17 4,592.00 616.72 227.36 7,487.92 103.57 290.33 243,363.12 126.58 983.74 581.36 1,128.47 620.11 82.60 2,012.60 500.11 973.14 1,360.64 1,027.24 366.39 1,748.91 1,125.43 2,392.96 304.05 29,155.39 398.18 635.21 558.52 119.58 3,668.69 254.81 1,419.99 5,220.87 225.92 2,086.43 6,873.58 128,593.98 843.53 3,688.19 101.42 785.77 498.80 7.54 718.07 18,138.53 263.91 2,241.15 164,476.96 133.68 208.42 253.93 24,806.88 2,586.87 120.71 1,993.85 712.32 668.54 69.10 5,695.89 203.81 1,185.36 15,260.34 27.51 2,151.66 5,242.44 218.88 473,911.39 22,573.41 249.94 1,019.68 4,815.94 17.48 800.36 UNIDO UNOG 138.85 3,311.59 92.45 45.66 182.31 54.82 2,383.04 186.04 1,692.26 275.18 5.00 25.24 75.91 1,031.73 3,674.61 187.14 289.50 208.71 117.74 Total Procurement of Goods by Agency and Supplier Country: 2011 Procurement of Goods (USD Thousand) Agencies Supplier Country Israel Italy Jamaica Japan Jordan Kazakhstan Kenya Kiribati Kuwait Kyrgyzstan Lao People’s Democratic Republic Latvia Lebanon Lesotho Liberia Libya Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Madagascar Malawi Malaysia Maldives Mali Malta Marshall Islands Mauritania Mauritius Mexico Micronesia (Federated States of) Monaco Mongolia Montenegro Morocco Mozambique Myanmar Namibia Nauru Nepal Netherlands New Zealand Nicaragua Niger Nigeria Norway Oman Pakistan Palau Panama Papua New Guinea Paraguay Peru Philippines Poland Portugal Qatar Republic of Korea, (South) Republic of Moldova Romania Russian Federation Rwanda Saint Kitts and Nevis Saint Lucia Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Samoa San Marino Sao Tome and Principe Saudi Arabia Senegal Serbia Seychelles Sierra Leone Singapore Slovakia Slovenia Solomon Islands Somalia South Africa South Sudan Spain UNESCO 15.13 157.92 24.02 146.84 169.80 27.29 376.51 UNFPA 177.64 1,115.80 18.70 82.92 109.96 79.13 533.49 15.00 8.08 16.36 86.29 96.09 3.33 46.92 141.89 38.71 315.11 16.49 31.61 224.91 8.75 12.30 154.56 84.62 208.54 9.54 123.37 66.71 47.58 6.91 63.39 0.20 571.70 40.92 52.51 1.12 425.77 252.08 2,674.89 6.42 269.35 117.58 0.50 101.33 2.50 UNHCR 40.43 2,152.50 17,886.86 2,456.76 107.22 21,864.78 2.64 119.62 178.19 3,564.96 7.17 429.43 343.84 57.52 29.71 242.72 126.25 375.86 643.41 34.17 367.13 81.05 102.05 42.40 69.37 705.12 1.95 4.26 957.53 784.62 135.99 157.59 2,717.99 19.51 85.50 747.67 1,007.68 34.94 915.01 87.97 225.69 2,562.73 2,578.43 303.57 106.37 1,822.72 1,473.49 20,325.20 26.42 15.37 327.30 1.23 18,760.12 64.14 42.87 19.24 2.62 91.78 1,801.11 862.55 1,483.47 14,477.72 171.07 683.49 12,119.02 1,977.98 3,321.72 67.08 32,072.17 454.02 681.28 1,183.14 1,279.78 410.11 340.79 138.28 592.94 2,417.79 101.41 18.14 4,704.94 46.83 2,022.06 5,237.92 666.40 88.69 849.30 5.96 195.36 1.71 477.54 81.69 28.05 23.85 229.95 1,100.97 449.42 1.85 1,107.91 1.19 77 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement 175.13 180.59 303.67 281.57 118.24 336.25 1,345.53 280.40 10.18 1,205.18 272.73 666.78 17.17 260.04 5.58 9.13 1,469.27 18.35 119.18 16.98 28.22 54.29 52.30 127.27 1,004.96 UNOG 1,069.05 604.78 224.99 3,119.78 UNIDO 4,109.65 6,744.39 5,952.06 1,532.37 40.93 1,729.40 64.26 1,045.57 46.86 346.90 86.33 43.58 302.89 62.08 18,343.44 UNICEF 14,863.45 53,182.84 252.61 24,111.57 2,959.48 67.76 29,004.83 7.95 157.80 50.74 1,578.40 26,646.93 693.20 1,721.47 4,197.06 Total Procurement of Goods by Agency and Supplier Country: 2011 Procurement of Goods (USD Thousand) Agencies Supplier Country Sri Lanka Sudan Suriname Swaziland Sweden Switzerland Syrian Arab Republic Tajikistan Thailand The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Timor-Leste Togo Tonga Trinidad and Tobago Tunisia Turkey Turkmenistan Tuvalu Uganda Ukraine United Arab Emirates United Kingdom United Republic of Tanzania United States of America Uruguay Uzbekistan Vanuatu Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) Viet Nam Yemen Zambia Zimbabwe Sub-Total UNESCO 1.05 55.38 6.87 877.30 249.05 0.55 97.29 69.13 1.68 89.65 90.49 UNFPA 248.44 747.25 10.78 123.92 33.15 117.13 502.55 41.80 1,123.42 436.75 90.81 7.85 52.45 198.62 42.03 UNHCR 512.14 4,944.29 650.73 3,949.87 1,743.93 46.46 617.62 69.48 1.64 989.71 UNICEF 2,690.15 8,006.99 33.77 256.45 4,943.91 297,284.06 1,619.21 696.77 6,321.07 147.09 862.81 547.19 4,056.22 282.77 0.27 5.21 267.77 976.53 67.72 2,230.91 140.74 31,464.15 8,477.25 3,737.74 2,788.80 224.28 464.26 41.52 502.98 18,858.94 287.12 14,243.20 18.66 0.08 28.80 8.43 41.81 54.18 54.71 1,119.08 66.49 11.89 2,042.37 509.66 829.72 3,068.19 291.14 11,228.41 37,024.01 12,711.92 183,533.68 179.57 770.93 14.54 211.14 68.19 3,921.95 1,578.63 17,178.69 23,666.23 148,594.38 264,640.24 2,057,503.70 711.71 184.31 392.00 70.37 65.17 75.52 21.84 243.36 Unspecified Countries Global Projects Interregional Projects Arab Countries * African Countries Asian Countries European Countries Latin America And The Caribbean UNIDO 191.01 600.80 UNOG 49.58 12,607.78 248.81 939.51 178.74 2,131.65 5,373.49 872.66 1,478.58 580.00 292.21 47,467.67 24,008.99 95,000.00 234.89 738.30 65.96 0.67 8.50 306.09 25.74 304.90 Grand-Total 23,909.59 148,838.44 264,706.20 2,153,573.83 47,772.57 24,008.99 Developed Countries: Percentage Developing Countries/ Economies In Transition: Percentage 14,435.70 60.38% 98,049.32 65.88% 78,821.89 29.78% 1,219,481.68 56.63% 36,713.31 76.85% 24,008.99 100.00% 9,230.53 38.61% 50,789.12 34.12% 185,884.31 70.22% 839,092.14 38.96% 11,059.25 23.15% 841.69 3.52% 3,349.18 2.25% 60,960.62 23.03% 35,505.88 1.65% 1,165.47 2.44% Africa Percentage 4,517.82 18.90% 11,817.99 7.94% 68,275.55 25.79% 171,362.43 7.96% 2,024.36 4.24% Asia & Pacific Percentage 1,992.99 8.34% 28,662.03 19.26% 52,588.57 19.87% 597,892.67 27.76% 5,181.42 10.85% Europe & Cis Percentage 270.33 1.13% 1,119.08 0.75% 3,170.48 1.20% 11,832.42 0.55% 1,244.41 2.60% 1,607.70 6.72% 5,776.70 3.88% 834.79 0.32% 22,451.91 1.04% 1,443.59 3.02% Arab States * Percentage Latin America & The Caribbean Percentage Others Percentage 243.36 1.02% 95,000.00 4.41% * Procurement from the Palestine Authority Autonomous Area (West Bank and Gaza Strip). 78 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement Total Procurement of Goods by Agency and Supplier Country: 2011 Procurement of Goods (USD Thousand) Agencies Supplier Country Afghanistan Albania Algeria Andorra Angola Antigua and Barbuda Argentina Armenia Australia Austria Azerbaijan Bahamas Bahrain Bangladesh Barbados Belarus Belgium Belize Benin Bhutan Bolivia (Plurinational State of) Bosnia and Herzegovina Botswana Brazil Brunei Darussalam Bulgaria Burkina Faso Burundi Cambodia Cameroon Canada Cape Verde Central African Republic Chad Chile China Colombia Comoros Congo, Republic of the Costa Rica Côte D'Ivoire Croatia Cuba Cyprus Czech Republic Democratic People's Rep. of Korea (North) Democratic Republic of the Congo Denmark Djibouti Dominica Dominican Republic Ecuador Egypt El Salvador Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Estonia Ethiopia Fiji Finland France Gabon Gambia Georgia Germany Ghana Greece Grenada Guatemala Guinea Bissau Guinea Guyana Haiti Honduras Hungary Iceland India Indonesia Iran (Islamic Republic of) Iraq Ireland UNON 1,299.94 UNOPS 4,608.72 13.62 UNOV UN/PD 16,247.33 UNRWA UNU 130.29 3.94 370.80 91,828.48 0.28 777.11 32.45 3.56 1.01 1,418.40 77,608.92 4,453.54 71.45 0.69 105.06 1,026.56 26.09 5.08 4.77 47.04 266.15 9.94 9.59 5.14 66.10 119.75 23.12 861.18 1,813.15 11.32 810.35 66.05 4.64 0.58 178.56 71.61 6.77 673.93 1.08 36.26 0.40 912.92 34.89 187.14 210.38 12.35 67.47 20.43 16.51 3,876.08 26,949.81 0.41 14.69 77.34 284.98 266.68 100.78 1,619.60 20.65 946.20 71.45 12.00 20,831.02 1,794.13 19,490.06 2.44 4,129.26 9,256.90 1,074.77 19,201.25 22,021.81 2,649.68 238.92 1,654.50 14.69 24.78 776.83 22,471.48 34.76 104.79 0.34 59.69 226.94 79 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement 4,783.68 8.72 88.25 3.62 3,235.55 28.46 33.80 24.02 81.22 26.32 3.18 30,632.05 88.53 4.13 3,686.07 406.58 10.17 16.63 3,853.49 13,371.65 44.19 5.42 2.13 21.76 14,064.64 45.09 5.43 0.36 916.70 4,261.29 2,710.00 805.77 0.96 23.03 Total Procurement of Goods by Agency and Supplier Country: 2011 Procurement of Goods (USD Thousand) Agencies Supplier Country Israel Italy Jamaica Japan Jordan Kazakhstan Kenya Kiribati Kuwait Kyrgyzstan Lao People’s Democratic Republic Latvia Lebanon Lesotho Liberia Libya Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Madagascar Malawi Malaysia Maldives Mali Malta Marshall Islands Mauritania Mauritius Mexico Micronesia (Federated States of) Monaco Mongolia Montenegro Morocco Mozambique Myanmar Namibia Nauru Nepal Netherlands New Zealand Nicaragua Niger Nigeria Norway Oman Pakistan Palau Panama Papua New Guinea Paraguay Peru Philippines Poland Portugal Qatar Republic of Korea, (South) Republic of Moldova Romania Russian Federation Rwanda Saint Kitts and Nevis Saint Lucia Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Samoa San Marino Sao Tome and Principe Saudi Arabia Senegal Serbia Seychelles Sierra Leone Singapore Slovakia Slovenia Solomon Islands Somalia South Africa South Sudan Spain UNON 218.96 8.09 153.49 79.79 13,501.70 8.30 UNOPS 238.01 1,062.39 UN/PD 8,312.61 50,989.64 UNRWA 4,948.90 1,105.76 33,598.84 1,258.09 6.26 3,495.15 20,117.14 813.01 9,569.81 141.54 225.94 2.16 32,776.40 0.13 2,081.97 UNOV 81.48 4,130.58 0.14 1,166.86 31,362.21 8,019.39 29,579.08 136.91 4.78 4.45 0.03 1,158.18 5.55 12.20 153.52 10.48 14.77 592.64 19.66 1,993.39 133.77 3,911.11 960.00 56.54 64.36 10.32 1,305.12 182.98 882.15 5.00 41.99 102.00 5.82 -75.24 11,630.96 687.00 102.54 3,109.74 571.58 42.82 917.14 230.14 108.65 94,187.75 894.83 51,198.15 14.84 0.50 77.10 10.55 275.52 0.06 67.67 -2,537.73 0.53 1.81 1,035.94 0.18 102.05 22.00 3.94 7.75 11.48 153.86 53.13 121.14 164.91 2.39 228.10 138.09 13.25 805.29 1,634.79 462.94 32.41 3.90 124.45 234.61 80 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement 5,753.57 596.63 113.21 18,966.81 67.33 8,560.74 0.18 2,388.38 36.94 328.20 UNU Total Procurement of Goods by Agency and Supplier Country: 2011 Procurement of Goods (USD Thousand) Agencies Supplier Country Sri Lanka Sudan Suriname Swaziland Sweden Switzerland Syrian Arab Republic Tajikistan Thailand The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Timor-Leste Togo Tonga Trinidad and Tobago Tunisia Turkey Turkmenistan Tuvalu Uganda Ukraine United Arab Emirates United Kingdom United Republic of Tanzania United States of America Uruguay Uzbekistan Vanuatu Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) Viet Nam Yemen Zambia Zimbabwe Sub-Total UNON 92.06 38.80 1,175.87 UNOPS 4,868.33 874.05 179.50 1,633.22 0.54 41.73 912.41 6.31 UNOV UN/PD 52.20 596.31 861.58 UNU 105,953.92 45.52 79.76 12.40 998.66 1,173.63 5.63 2,929.14 22,039.86 12.77 7,645.43 246.16 UNRWA 1,209.25 17,488.89 4,188.97 11.75 1.11 4,381.01 43.17 678.42 1,784.70 918.05 75.91 19,762.97 22,956.83 890.07 1,150.47 159,191.44 55,464.57 877.53 123,499.34 8,020.40 206.12 1,073,673.50 83,156.75 18.09 153.55 58,028.71 211.87 6.06 11.36 24,176.35 314,009.57 5,149.40 23.03 Unspecified Countries Global Projects Interregional Projects Arab Countries * African Countries Asian Countries European Countries Latin America And The Caribbean Grand-Total Developed Countries: Percentage Developing Countries/ Economies In Transition: Percentage Arab States * Percentage Africa Percentage Asia & Pacific Percentage 3,365.68 149.16 913.22 1.73 24,325.51 318,290.21 5,149.40 1,073,845.14 141,185.46 23.03 5,027.89 20.67% 104,435.20 32.81% 4,952.43 96.17% 468,630.21 43.64% 30,301.08 21.46% 23.03 100.00% 19,297.62 79.33% 213,855.00 67.19% 196.97 3.83% 605,214.93 56.36% 110,884.38 78.54% 171.80 0.71% 11,149.71 3.50% 6.19 0.12% 342,936.16 31.94% 88,081.03 62.39% 13,779.67 56.65% 19,389.35 6.09% 4,804.76 19.75% 27,645.16 8.69% 11.68 0.23% 38,590.03 3.59% 3,040.38 2.15% 2,383.76 0.75% 0.53 0.01% 1,559.92 0.15% 19,762.97 14.00% 153,287.02 48.16% 178.56 3.47% 109,918.89 10.24% Europe & Cis Percentage Latin America & The Caribbean Percentage 541.40 2.23% 112,209.93 10.45% Others Percentage * Procurement from the Palestine Authority Autonomous Area (West Bank and Gaza Strip). 81 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement Total Procurement of Goods by Agency and Supplier Country: 2011 Procurement of Goods (USD Thousand) Total Agencies Supplier Country Afghanistan Albania Algeria Andorra Angola Antigua and Barbuda Argentina Armenia Australia Austria Azerbaijan Bahamas Bahrain Bangladesh Barbados Belarus Belgium Belize Benin Bhutan Bolivia (Plurinational State of) Bosnia and Herzegovina Botswana Brazil Brunei Darussalam Bulgaria Burkina Faso Burundi Cambodia Cameroon Canada Cape Verde Central African Republic Chad Chile China Colombia Comoros Congo, Republic of the Costa Rica Côte D'Ivoire Croatia Cuba Cyprus Czech Republic Democratic People's Rep. of Korea (North) Democratic Republic of the Congo Denmark Djibouti Dominica Dominican Republic Ecuador Egypt El Salvador Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Estonia Ethiopia Fiji Finland France Gabon Gambia Georgia Germany Ghana Greece Grenada Guatemala Guinea Bissau Guinea Guyana Haiti Honduras Hungary Iceland India Indonesia Iran (Islamic Republic of) Iraq Ireland UNV UPU WFP 18,380.50 WMO WTO 3,498.06 9.61 15,470.03 119.44 12,833.82 39.34 12,415.58 50,663.91 49.27 2,694.70 27.95 4,757.77 27,501.28 328.36 3,490.67 376.43 5,840.69 2,694.80 14,577.62 1,635.40 2,972.05 196.24 6,582.71 4,706.97 15.40 1.90 108.84 459.75 2,120.03 0.54 46.41 3.90 616.76 5,905.51 5,451.05 470.23 726.60 234.63 3.54 863.58 14,991.74 6,302.08 19.62 44,334.24 48.53 87.22 721.36 82 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement 62.72 28.85 1,050.14 55,205.15 163.30 21.34 15,619.67 5,001.11 9,555.40 282.93 266.99 5,224.92 25,986.09 19.73 77,608.54 118,124.52 1,183.90 169.70 2,957.25 408.25 340.92 1,230.26 13.99 All 66,773.38 1,307.44 4,338.57 % 0.95% 0.02% 0.06% 2,401.51 9.61 206,061.01 1,897.10 97,015.23 44,279.86 3,729.70 242.81 90.57 33,558.85 1,812.86 2,226.33 413,459.77 510.12 7,107.10 1,100.05 9,098.01 2,930.22 1,672.96 109,841.26 0.03% 0.00% 2.92% 0.03% 1.37% 0.63% 0.05% 0.00% 0.00% 0.47% 0.03% 0.03% 5.85% 0.01% 0.10% 0.02% 0.13% 0.04% 0.02% 1.55% 3,152.55 9,908.32 8,765.56 7,862.15 6,853.20 26,159.02 2,818.57 12,044.88 13,097.04 3,863.71 86,857.66 20,212.31 1,372.89 7,262.01 3,062.86 29,442.21 837.82 8,993.93 12,986.94 11,565.31 4,104.13 56,314.65 298,004.83 3,460.85 749.50 20,912.09 8,642.83 24,783.98 15,904.74 200.90 1,632.27 1.73 79,836.52 1,181.44 19,079.15 374,166.58 816.95 1,042.98 2,433.88 143,209.48 12,536.82 522.17 0.04% 0.14% 0.12% 0.11% 0.10% 0.37% 0.04% 0.17% 0.19% 0.05% 1.23% 0.29% 0.02% 0.10% 0.04% 0.42% 0.01% 0.13% 0.18% 0.16% 0.06% 0.80% 4.22% 0.05% 0.01% 0.30% 0.12% 0.35% 0.23% 0.00% 0.02% 0.00% 1.13% 0.02% 0.27% 5.30% 0.01% 0.01% 0.03% 2.03% 0.18% 0.01% 24,337.01 3,319.86 3,419.18 579.99 41,571.86 31,055.85 4,347.22 0.34% 0.05% 0.05% 0.01% 0.59% 0.44% 0.06% 658,002.80 144,198.73 4,783.65 11,479.39 12,947.79 9.31% 2.04% 0.07% 0.16% 0.18% Total Procurement of Goods by Agency and Supplier Country: 2011 Procurement of Goods (USD Thousand) Total Agencies Supplier Country UNV Israel Italy Jamaica Japan Jordan Kazakhstan Kenya Kiribati Kuwait Kyrgyzstan Lao People’s Democratic Republic Latvia Lebanon Lesotho Liberia Libya Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Madagascar Malawi Malaysia Maldives Mali Malta Marshall Islands Mauritania Mauritius Mexico Micronesia (Federated States of) Monaco Mongolia Montenegro Morocco Mozambique Myanmar Namibia Nauru Nepal Netherlands New Zealand Nicaragua Niger Nigeria Norway Oman Pakistan Palau Panama Papua New Guinea Paraguay Peru Philippines Poland Portugal Qatar Republic of Korea, (South) Republic of Moldova Romania Russian Federation Rwanda Saint Kitts and Nevis Saint Lucia Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Samoa San Marino Sao Tome and Principe Saudi Arabia Senegal Serbia Seychelles Sierra Leone Singapore Slovakia Slovenia Solomon Islands Somalia South Africa South Sudan Spain 83 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement UPU WFP WMO 23.09 77,188.16 76.64 38.32 145.97 33.87 3,551.77 215.54 12,866.35 33,228.13 WTO 12.59 43.63 93.34 2,897.00 294.02 2.40 1,465.99 857.35 252.69 284.63 55.08 1,434.70 40,766.44 3,552.26 11,942.32 2.90 11.52 233.97 7,746.90 36.72 4,261.92 12,526.52 17,664.29 278.77 4,240.53 3,520.21 13.23 1,820.21 2,613.71 137.42 5,243.42 3,124.13 92,024.10 132.86 5.49 64.34 1,904.11 5.38 0.94 135,190.96 5,204.77 74.81 24.81 56.52 1,761.54 1,233.81 97.01 1,222.24 54,884.57 483.04 4.12 8.21 431.41 All 35,204.32 235,976.56 1,108.86 106,499.34 19,366.88 13,708.90 114,956.85 29.43 32,953.53 6,746.11 4,363.16 589.59 49,257.37 2,113.65 44,535.81 429.22 % 0.50% 3.34% 0.02% 1.51% 0.27% 0.19% 1.63% 0.00% 0.47% 0.10% 0.06% 0.01% 0.70% 0.03% 0.63% 0.01% 778.22 4,116.54 9,334.65 48,956.44 9,845.55 212.79 17,246.98 31.42 15.51 2,252.92 3,889.20 14,213.37 21.19 0.01% 0.06% 0.13% 0.69% 0.14% 0.00% 0.24% 0.00% 0.00% 0.03% 0.06% 0.20% 0.00% 2,936.99 155.76 12,035.53 20,117.14 23,014.88 1,379.38 313.84 8,401.93 115,975.43 1,222.19 7,937.09 33,705.90 4,298.52 12,343.38 4,778.63 162,422.85 33.79 113,818.58 686.25 4,282.00 67,243.06 6,723.58 399.51 555.54 95.20 23,751.28 2,551.55 3,472.90 143,570.69 8,462.99 22.00 12.07 0.72 850.98 26.15 225.90 408.93 6,749.39 2,370.55 168.77 10,009.84 1,395.98 966.76 60.98 506.89 4,546.13 114,949.53 1,199.10 16,399.04 0.04% 0.00% 0.17% 0.28% 0.33% 0.02% 0.00% 0.12% 1.64% 0.02% 0.11% 0.48% 0.06% 0.17% 0.07% 2.30% 0.00% 1.61% 0.01% 0.06% 0.95% 0.10% 0.01% 0.01% 0.00% 0.34% 0.04% 0.05% 2.03% 0.12% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.01% 0.00% 0.00% 0.01% 0.10% 0.03% 0.00% 0.14% 0.02% 0.01% 0.00% 0.01% 0.06% 1.63% 0.02% 0.23% Total Procurement of Goods by Agency and Supplier Country: 2011 Procurement of Goods (USD Thousand) Total Agencies Supplier Country Sri Lanka Sudan Suriname Swaziland Sweden Switzerland Syrian Arab Republic Tajikistan Thailand The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Timor-Leste Togo Tonga Trinidad and Tobago Tunisia Turkey Turkmenistan Tuvalu Uganda Ukraine United Arab Emirates United Kingdom United Republic of Tanzania United States of America Uruguay Uzbekistan Vanuatu Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) Viet Nam Yemen Zambia Zimbabwe Sub-Total UNV UPU 54.28 WFP 5,717.88 36,355.18 All 18,625.07 170,814.95 560.60 2,200.94 8,020.34 386,549.63 15,487.49 4,362.68 20,008.61 1,070.08 3,308.67 5,199.56 60.50 1,263.89 8,421.24 84,670.19 727.71 94.76 52,824.74 14,847.02 249,879.68 260,628.50 41,334.60 409,948.99 3,444.16 1,412.58 46.24 4,086.52 13,435.84 30,161.77 14,483.14 28,020.97 % 0.26% 2.42% 0.01% 0.03% 0.11% 5.47% 0.22% 0.06% 0.28% 0.02% 0.05% 0.07% 0.00% 0.02% 0.12% 1.20% 0.01% 0.00% 0.75% 0.21% 3.54% 3.69% 0.59% 5.80% 0.05% 0.02% 0.00% 0.06% 0.19% 0.43% 0.20% 0.40% 6,880,477.20 97.38% 1.60 110,969.90 1.57% 6,395.07 70,921.37 219.51 536.74 1,860.76 574.34 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 84.15 123.35 1.34 1,264.99 107.45 5,405.99 WMO WTO 1,120.54 25.47 2,513.93 3,575.35 56,384.80 9.96 21.67 33.48 20,601.77 12,017.13 23,931.29 4,928.62 20,787.78 8,492.12 155.52 23.74 1,332.87 12,149.64 22,059.32 9,238.78 1,609.61 900.54 941.53 Unspecified Countries Global Projects Interregional Projects Arab Countries * African Countries Asian Countries European Countries Latin America And The Caribbean 1,388,377.65 5,012.92 431.41 302.20 900.54 941.53 1,395,076.52 5,012.92 431.41 7,065,559.82 100.00% 900.54 100.00% 236.29 25.10% 262,094.87 18.79% 4,758.24 94.92% 431.41 100.00% 3,060,662.96 43.32% 43.32% 705.23 74.90% 1,132,980.05 81.21% 254.68 5.08% 3,893,926.95 55.11% 55.11% 65.80 6.99% 123,264.23 8.84% Africa Percentage 369.15 39.21% 294,476.47 21.11% 115.54 2.30% 844,258.42 11.95% Asia & Pacific Percentage 270.28 28.71% 382,974.76 27.45% 133.65 2.67% 1,305,248.69 18.47% Grand-Total Developed Countries: Percentage Developing Countries/ Economies In Transition: Percentage Arab States * Percentage Europe & Cis Percentage 219,604.47 15.74% Latin America & The Caribbean Percentage 112,660.11 8.08% Others Percentage 1.60 0.00% 722,120.75 10.22% 290,865.53 4.12% 5.49 0.11% 728,882.00 10.32% 110,969.90 1.57% * Procurement from the Palestine Authority Autonomous Area (West Bank and Gaza Strip). 84 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement Procurement of Services and Works by Country of Contractor/Supplier: 2011 Country of Contractor/Supplier Afghanistan Albania Algeria Andorra Angola Antigua and Barbuda Argentina Armenia Australia Austria Azerbaijan Bahamas Bahrain Bangladesh Barbados Belarus Belgium Belize Benin Bhutan Bolivia (Plurinational State of) Bosnia and Herzegovina Botswana Brazil Brunei Darussalam Bulgaria Burkina Faso Burundi Cambodia Cameroon Canada Cape Verde Central African Republic Chad Chile China Colombia Comoros Congo, Republic of the Costa Rica Côte D'Ivoire Croatia Cuba Cyprus Czech Republic Democratic People's Rep. of Korea (North) Democratic Republic of the Congo Denmark Djibouti Dominica Dominican Republic Ecuador Egypt El Salvador Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Estonia Ethiopia Fiji Finland France Gabon Gambia Georgia Germany Ghana Greece Grenada Guatemala Guinea Bissau Guinea Guyana Haiti Honduras Hungary Iceland India Indonesia Iran (Islamic Republic of) Iraq 85 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement Procurement of Services 470,527.13 6,371.61 6,210.28 3,615.39 676.96 159,748.65 3,970.23 13,097.97 64,829.48 5,468.05 288.18 817.77 42,420.37 1,279.44 5,570.66 41,840.27 1,156.94 26,549.03 1,895.16 9,864.67 18,084.89 5,351.94 79,059.80 2.00 28,366.57 13,630.90 14,460.64 10,302.36 46,602.16 121,256.55 4,376.98 13,924.90 47,116.76 21,039.11 40,617.46 50,019.22 1,939.15 14,058.84 7,036.13 52,575.24 6,254.10 4,547.14 14,455.28 2,850.44 1,900.60 96,565.18 124,395.71 18,944.19 270.48 10,624.11 9,021.67 75,314.55 18,327.15 1,141.34 6,057.24 564.73 93,959.85 5,090.53 2,736.18 62,545.25 3,260.49 2,668.34 20,313.64 52,146.23 15,378.05 3,761.55 242.96 46,763.32 6,315.49 10,941.66 1,502.34 87,992.20 15,079.02 2,947.77 16,090.28 66,627.23 34,360.15 25,196.45 30,239.10 (USD Thousand) % 6.53% 0.09% 0.09% 0.05% 0.01% 2.22% 0.06% 0.18% 0.90% 0.08% 0.00% 0.01% 0.59% 0.02% 0.08% 0.58% 0.02% 0.37% 0.03% 0.14% 0.25% 0.07% 1.10% 0.00% 0.39% 0.19% 0.20% 0.14% 0.65% 1.68% 0.06% 0.19% 0.65% 0.29% 0.56% 0.69% 0.03% 0.19% 0.10% 0.73% 0.09% 0.06% 0.20% 0.04% 0.03% 1.34% 1.73% 0.26% 0.00% 0.15% 0.13% 1.04% 0.25% 0.02% 0.08% 0.01% 1.30% 0.07% 0.04% 0.87% 0.05% 0.04% 0.28% 0.72% 0.21% 0.05% 0.00% 0.65% 0.09% 0.15% 0.02% 1.22% 0.21% 0.04% 0.22% 0.92% 0.48% 0.35% 0.42% Procurement of Services and Works by Country of Contractor/Supplier: 2011 Country of Contractor/Supplier Ireland Israel Italy Jamaica Japan Jordan Kazakhstan Kenya Kiribati Kuwait Kyrgyzstan Lao People’s Democratic Republic Latvia Lebanon Lesotho Liberia Libya Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Madagascar Malawi Malaysia Maldives Mali Malta Marshall Islands Mauritania Mauritius Mexico Micronesia (Federated States of) Monaco Mongolia Montenegro Morocco Mozambique Myanmar Namibia Nauru Nepal Netherlands New Zealand Nicaragua Niger Nigeria Norway Oman Pakistan Palau Panama Papua New Guinea Paraguay Peru Philippines Poland Portugal Qatar Republic of Korea, (South) Republic of Moldova Romania Russian Federation Rwanda Saint Kitts and Nevis Saint Lucia Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Samoa San Marino Sao Tome and Principe Saudi Arabia Senegal Serbia Seychelles Sierra Leone Singapore Slovakia Slovenia Solomon Islands Somalia South Africa South Sudan 86 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement Procurement of Services 13,171.99 19,141.34 187,281.92 3,792.03 16,137.33 129,535.38 4,630.24 283,866.75 219.63 8,055.67 8,543.50 6,389.85 1,459.42 48,932.27 3,663.46 39,287.62 6,679.45 94.91 2,527.57 1,259.82 7,955.19 13,519.90 10,941.10 1,431.53 19,210.20 8,009.09 136.17 8,819.78 12,176.38 30,923.52 576.40 266.02 4,550.52 597.06 12,697.62 24,134.30 11,606.25 8,741.65 164.97 41,389.22 21,675.87 1,743.50 19,114.41 22,127.04 38,529.44 10,155.56 2,341.87 105,230.94 319.57 82,426.36 3,746.70 17,003.33 82,021.19 16,314.35 2,639.71 7,418.37 691.88 5,100.29 7,211.79 1,957.63 453,603.42 10,927.59 258.38 554.04 283.58 3,225.31 864.37 875.94 19,704.95 24,891.96 6,496.75 2,852.84 13,556.49 4,922.90 2,597.78 1,056.57 1,854.79 41,898.07 73,256.23 3,888.19 (USD Thousand) % 0.18% 0.27% 2.60% 0.05% 0.22% 1.80% 0.06% 3.94% 0.00% 0.11% 0.12% 0.09% 0.02% 0.68% 0.05% 0.54% 0.09% 0.00% 0.04% 0.02% 0.11% 0.19% 0.15% 0.02% 0.27% 0.11% 0.00% 0.12% 0.17% 0.43% 0.01% 0.00% 0.06% 0.01% 0.18% 0.33% 0.16% 0.12% 0.00% 0.57% 0.30% 0.02% 0.27% 0.31% 0.53% 0.14% 0.03% 1.46% 0.00% 1.14% 0.05% 0.24% 1.14% 0.23% 0.04% 0.10% 0.01% 0.07% 0.10% 0.03% 6.29% 0.15% 0.00% 0.01% 0.00% 0.04% 0.01% 0.01% 0.27% 0.35% 0.09% 0.04% 0.19% 0.07% 0.04% 0.01% 0.03% 0.58% 1.02% 0.05% Procurement of Services and Works by Country of Contractor/Supplier: 2011 Country of Contractor/Supplier Spain Sri Lanka Sudan Suriname Swaziland Sweden Switzerland Syrian Arab Republic Tajikistan Thailand The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Timor-Leste Togo Tonga Trinidad and Tobago Tunisia Turkey Turkmenistan Tuvalu Uganda Ukraine United Arab Emirates United Kingdom United Republic of Tanzania United States of America Uruguay Uzbekistan Vanuatu Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) Viet Nam Yemen Zambia Zimbabwe Sub-Total Procurement of Services 36,005.46 24,014.37 234,026.32 835.27 1,940.58 10,463.03 349,343.70 18,938.33 18,632.65 17,024.50 11,802.06 7,707.80 6,817.71 317.50 1,855.89 8,424.91 27,255.23 1,340.44 447.06 58,794.24 134,290.24 56,685.20 156,409.31 34,806.69 1,124,854.03 17,349.84 4,473.70 164.27 3,649.23 12,091.13 19,131.32 9,880.76 54,635.40 (USD Thousand) % 0.50% 0.33% 3.25% 0.01% 0.03% 0.15% 4.84% 0.26% 0.26% 0.24% 0.16% 0.11% 0.09% 0.00% 0.03% 0.12% 0.38% 0.02% 0.01% 0.82% 1.86% 0.79% 2.17% 0.48% 15.60% 0.24% 0.06% 0.00% 0.05% 0.17% 0.27% 0.14% 0.76% 7,035,677.02 97.58% 48,077.61 0.67% 110,160.63 212.80 705.32 8,380.62 7,262.10 1.53% 0.00% 0.01% 0.12% 0.10% Grand-Total 7,210,476.09 100.00% Developed Countries: Percentage Developing Countries/ Economies In Transition: Percentage 2,528,418.58 35.07% Unspecified Countries Global Projects Interregional Projects Arab Countries African Countries Asian Countries European Countries Latin America And The Caribbean 4,633,979.90 64.27% Arab States Percentage 885,385.14 12.28% Africa Percentage 1,244,722.77 17.26% Asia & Pacific Percentage 954,015.90 13.23% Europe & Cis Percentage 746,079.10 10.35% Latin America & The Caribbean Percentage 796,565.21 11.05% Others Percentage 87 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement 48,077.61 0.67% Total Procurement of Services and Works by Agency and Supplier Country: 2011 Procurement of Services & Works (USD Thousand) Agency Supplier Country ESCAP Afghanistan Albania Algeria Andorra Angola Antigua and Barbuda Argentina Armenia Australia Austria Azerbaijan Bahamas Bahrain Bangladesh Barbados Belarus Belgium Belize Benin Bhutan Bolivia (Plurinational State of) Bosnia and Herzegovina Botswana Brazil Brunei Darussalam Bulgaria Burkina Faso Burundi Cambodia Cameroon Canada Cape Verde Central African Republic Chad Chile China Colombia Comoros Congo, Republic of the Costa Rica Côte D'Ivoire Croatia Cuba Cyprus Czech Republic Democratic People's Rep. of Korea (North) Democratic Republic of the Congo Denmark Djibouti Dominica Dominican Republic Ecuador Egypt El Salvador Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Estonia Ethiopia Fiji Finland France Gabon Gambia Georgia Germany Ghana Greece Grenada Guatemala Guinea Bissau Guinea Guyana Haiti Honduras Hungary Iceland India Indonesia Iran (Islamic Republic of) Iraq Ireland 88 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement ESCWA ECA ECLAC FAO IAEA 49.62 65.13 40.00 45.00 159.24 117.42 62.04 453.92 8.39 274.95 55,373.81 190.73 52.18 1,264.20 25.16 759.91 37.08 44.35 15.70 40.82 673.03 22.96 136.13 154.73 9.79 31.45 72.92 366.91 39.00 6.88 590.27 75.41 34.50 9,130.14 166.12 967.12 102.45 55.65 39.50 44.50 53.05 35.70 88.31 187.06 5.68 244.26 6.86 84.93 35.00 28.89 3.19 188.89 35.00 120.65 134.69 0.86 7.48 40.12 107.92 4,020.84 1,168.30 92.12 16.09 26.03 155.85 81.14 8.39 2,223.11 173.60 29.35 61.39 40.00 5.87 359.23 1.13 215.38 107.87 1,327.19 59.67 5.19 25.52 40.94 23.28 249.94 5,561.20 124.26 71.19 5.59 6.54 Total Procurement of Services and Works by Agency and Supplier Country: 2011 Procurement of Services & Works (USD Thousand) Agency Supplier Country ESCAP Israel Italy Jamaica Japan Jordan Kazakhstan Kenya Kiribati Kuwait Kyrgyzstan Lao People’s Democratic Republic Latvia Lebanon Lesotho Liberia Libya Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Madagascar Malawi Malaysia Maldives Mali Malta Marshall Islands Mauritania Mauritius Mexico Micronesia (Federated States of) Monaco Mongolia Montenegro Morocco Mozambique Myanmar Namibia Nauru Nepal Netherlands New Zealand Nicaragua Niger Nigeria Norway Oman Pakistan Palau Panama Papua New Guinea Paraguay Peru Philippines Poland Portugal Qatar Republic of Korea, (South) Republic of Moldova Romania Russian Federation Rwanda Saint Kitts and Nevis Saint Lucia Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Samoa San Marino Sao Tome and Principe Saudi Arabia Senegal Serbia Seychelles Sierra Leone Singapore Slovakia Slovenia Solomon Islands Somalia South Africa South Sudan Spain 89 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement ESCWA ECA ECLAC FAO 74.73 IAEA 42,235.57 3.75 14.04 1.70 108.13 1,176.87 17.47 3,958.13 59.40 675.86 3.49 12.55 269.83 172.50 11.18 9.49 39.29 15.52 41.00 21.06 33.55 216.26 4.89 5.32 22.54 12.62 54.55 304.77 33.20 1,884.38 245.95 31.45 1.12 138.87 17.12 5.87 4.19 6.93 7.36 9.32 95.40 163.08 106.84 366.76 28.44 47.37 6.99 65.83 810.81 10.21 1,981.20 1.88 13.50 178.29 177.54 208.41 85.26 132.68 300.05 265.37 3.20 143.10 1,664.61 31.81 0.89 24.86 49.78 17.20 864.37 8.00 39.42 256.14 2,023.89 29.04 44.45 344.54 91.20 4.82 49.41 414.73 38.90 29.35 Total Procurement of Services and Works by Agency and Supplier Country: 2011 Procurement of Services & Works (USD Thousand) Agency Supplier Country Sri Lanka Sudan Suriname Swaziland Sweden Switzerland Syrian Arab Republic Tajikistan Thailand The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Timor-Leste Togo Tonga Trinidad and Tobago Tunisia Turkey Turkmenistan Tuvalu Uganda Ukraine United Arab Emirates United Kingdom United Republic of Tanzania United States of America Uruguay Uzbekistan Vanuatu Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) Viet Nam Yemen Zambia Zimbabwe Sub-Total ESCAP ESCWA ECA ECLAC FAO IAEA 2.57 90.30 8.94 17.09 10.94 1,024.72 5,877.20 492.97 35.00 99.70 4.86 16.78 28.35 2.56 255.31 93.08 69.55 50.00 84.26 12.67 4,429.68 247.92 2.57 1,927.28 1,386.79 5,387.13 12,192.88 56,848.69 Unspecified Countries Developed Countries: Percentage Developing Countries/ Economies In Transition: Percentage 10.48 221.90 211.37 122.81 558.23 13.98 2,868.25 124.76 2,302.39 139.27 15.03 94,035.01 70.85 Global Projects Interregional Projects Arab Countries * African Countries Asian Countries European Countries Latin America And The Caribbean Grand-Total 30.75 1,506.65 167.73 102.80 255.36 59.24 2.78 190.58 28.02 83.38 44.13 73.14 46.50 7,101.10 96.16 116.39 13.50 7,114.60 1,386.79 5,387.13 12,192.88 56,848.69 94,105.86 399.95 5.62% 164.26 11.84% 661.41 12.28% 347.93 2.85% 54,888.97 96.55% 73,004.47 77.58% 6,714.64 94.38% 1,222.53 88.16% 4,725.73 87.72% 11,844.95 97.15% 1,959.72 3.45% 21,030.54 22.35% 1,205.75 86.95% 145.00 2.69% 215.52 0.38% 1,201.00 1.28% 16.78 1.21% 4,580.73 85.03% 8.00 0.01% 2,379.44 2.53% 1,327.19 2.33% 10,139.00 10.77% Arab States * Percentage Africa Percentage Asia & Pacific Percentage 6,707.19 94.27% Europe & Cis Percentage 7.45 0.10% Latin America & The Caribbean Percentage 4,844.39 5.15% 11,844.95 97.15% 409.01 0.72% Others Percentage 2,463.51 2.62% 70.85 0.08% * Procurement from the Palestine Authority Autonomous Area (West Bank and Gaza Strip). 90 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement Total Procurement of Services and Works by Agency and Supplier Country: 2011 Procurement of Services & Works (USD Thousand) Agency Supplier Country IFAD Afghanistan Albania Algeria Andorra Angola Antigua and Barbuda Argentina Armenia Australia Austria Azerbaijan Bahamas Bahrain Bangladesh Barbados Belarus Belgium Belize Benin Bhutan Bolivia (Plurinational State of) Bosnia and Herzegovina Botswana Brazil Brunei Darussalam Bulgaria Burkina Faso Burundi Cambodia Cameroon Canada Cape Verde Central African Republic Chad Chile China Colombia Comoros Congo, Republic of the Costa Rica Côte D'Ivoire Croatia Cuba Cyprus Czech Republic Democratic People's Rep. of Korea (North) Democratic Republic of the Congo Denmark Djibouti Dominica Dominican Republic Ecuador Egypt El Salvador Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Estonia Ethiopia Fiji Finland France Gabon Gambia Georgia Germany Ghana Greece Grenada Guatemala Guinea Bissau Guinea Guyana Haiti Honduras Hungary Iceland India Indonesia Iran (Islamic Republic of) Iraq Ireland 91 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement ILO 13.36 ITC 1.83 385.84 0.30 OPCW PAHO UNDP 317,431.95 4,587.02 1,446.59 32.77 62.24 50.00 3.13 40.47 4.21 58.51 79.92 3.37 2,938.56 24.98 20.86 16.33 1.93 26.75 1,520.74 387.17 34.69 6.00 20.11 20.81 29.00 79.52 24.15 683.82 95.34 31.40 482.05 55.00 130.00 1.52 480.55 147.25 1,068.94 15.61 117.00 51.29 160.00 368.88 11.75 86.59 222.33 116.10 105.69 410.88 11.56 20.78 81.33 7.84 3.59 190.25 64.31 85.04 76.94 4.10 4.38 3.36 192.10 51.20 4.56 143.84 21.70 47.15 71.32 13.09 839.43 258.98 257.95 25.91 630.15 5.19 70.46 96.81 181.94 387.16 32.94 0.66 28.78 3.23 72.90 7.11 75.28 2,138.27 0.75 785.27 1,060.01 5.25 6.35 42.85 425.12 42.34 103.38 6.39 10.00 10.84 207.53 69.72 21.02 265.38 271.21 1,420.47 531.27 28.40 2,426.80 2,303.65 9.28 12.14 108.85 0.42 575.00 202.44 0.97 2,241.70 487.24 130,666.43 2,893.05 6,213.28 3,245.41 4,543.96 69.33 597.89 32,610.48 788.92 4,754.19 8,187.35 910.85 17,507.48 1,747.66 6,834.94 16,325.49 2,996.17 55,242.21 6,088.30 7,364.42 8,479.43 6,278.91 3,222.80 13,464.61 3,677.47 4,863.08 15,068.38 9,904.86 21,060.98 33,595.26 798.51 9,404.55 4,300.94 9,196.54 5,483.16 1,994.55 8,518.58 404.12 294.00 24,547.80 33,967.79 1,712.97 124.54 6,943.90 4,180.05 60,332.73 14,832.43 578.34 5,641.73 521.38 7,298.23 3,207.94 904.29 10,180.23 1,682.81 1,672.03 5,337.90 15,814.65 6,422.99 486.05 26,790.83 2,885.83 5,874.60 929.73 42,375.25 8,481.19 820.14 545.40 21,109.72 21,379.14 8,186.74 7,125.84 1,663.75 Total Procurement of Services and Works by Agency and Supplier Country: 2011 Procurement of Services & Works (USD Thousand) Agency Supplier Country Israel Italy Jamaica Japan Jordan Kazakhstan Kenya Kiribati Kuwait Kyrgyzstan Lao People’s Democratic Republic Latvia Lebanon Lesotho Liberia Libya Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Madagascar Malawi Malaysia Maldives Mali Malta Marshall Islands Mauritania Mauritius Mexico Micronesia (Federated States of) Monaco Mongolia Montenegro Morocco Mozambique Myanmar Namibia Nauru Nepal Netherlands New Zealand Nicaragua Niger Nigeria Norway Oman Pakistan Palau Panama Papua New Guinea Paraguay Peru Philippines Poland Portugal Qatar Republic of Korea, (South) Republic of Moldova Romania Russian Federation Rwanda Saint Kitts and Nevis Saint Lucia Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Samoa San Marino Sao Tome and Principe Saudi Arabia Senegal Serbia Seychelles Sierra Leone Singapore Slovakia Slovenia Solomon Islands Somalia South Africa South Sudan Spain IFAD ILO 2.00 28,611.49 92 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement 100.00 1.00 337.02 7.17 16.60 ITC 29.94 8,044.30 9.26 70.19 195.45 4.57 1,041.14 4.50 31.80 98.46 3.40 2.26 580.50 OPCW 83.87 44.19 PAHO 9.29 2.00 28.48 33.78 55.66 6.55 26.79 UNDP 4,147.70 9,502.27 1,742.03 2,623.29 14,974.16 2,523.64 24,522.98 140.79 1,009.95 6,175.41 3,950.66 1,441.02 9,956.12 1,423.90 18,152.02 375.43 94.91 0.70 7.23 50.00 686.94 8.77 1.32 522.21 2,417.81 54.01 3,542.70 7,038.99 1,915.39 1,058.71 8,987.40 184.44 83.49 3,699.48 723.63 15,624.21 104.90 49.68 21.13 66.76 50.00 17.00 7.20 933.02 53.83 153.32 13.12 7.28 2,515.42 39.64 58.16 44.68 340.41 6.78 31.68 76.75 778.58 46.47 150.00 64.39 76.61 57.63 519.35 11.90 47.90 100.27 0.49 1.91 0.43 0.33 386.67 191.05 546.56 33.34 10.06 8.02 10.38 268.11 19.92 112.94 4.01 4,546.25 3.86 31,966.30 226.27 27,300.65 1,867.85 15,854.09 19,052.76 8,156.13 2,071.15 3,902.87 42.07 0.45 519.36 6,234.77 1,034.59 6,517.92 5,242.78 176.48 273.40 157.00 2,890.38 2.19 67.74 2.04 88.00 309.60 60.83 0.43 45.41 9.35 3.56 101.70 666.59 620.54 748.30 11,229.03 10,023.92 13.55 1,063.20 6,848.65 41.60 187.92 154.05 14.36 2.88 1,879.83 774.99 1,727.07 19,867.61 12,541.97 5.76 3.50 464.25 453.06 0.58 181.58 152.86 7,428.25 10,614.73 3,555.78 5,941.70 114.29 15,491.66 5,782.35 1,167.41 11,928.30 6,936.67 33,813.78 1,827.64 3.52 214.25 7,100.62 Total Procurement of Services and Works by Agency and Supplier Country: 2011 Procurement of Services & Works (USD Thousand) Agency Supplier Country Sri Lanka Sudan Suriname Swaziland Sweden Switzerland Syrian Arab Republic Tajikistan Thailand The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Timor-Leste Togo Tonga Trinidad and Tobago Tunisia Turkey Turkmenistan Tuvalu Uganda Ukraine United Arab Emirates United Kingdom United Republic of Tanzania United States of America Uruguay Uzbekistan Vanuatu Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) Viet Nam Yemen Zambia Zimbabwe Sub-Total IFAD ILO ITC OPCW PAHO 71.55 65.86 60.75 2,712.91 52.85 25.00 4.00 9.37 62.28 31,558.96 27.25 22.22 34.62 150.99 9,225.66 49.04 16.82 18.33 UNDP 11,042.68 39,282.45 652.96 740.54 2,220.52 16,053.81 2,863.83 16,642.45 3,488.20 10,521.06 60.00 806.52 90.96 44.80 44.54 3.66 44.34 28.75 53.38 19.33 144.41 89.60 581.12 464.00 2.87 3,034.59 2.80 5,272.62 48.00 1,541.40 8.32 2,414.26 1.36 161.12 4.76 192.02 123.50 46,390.25 Unspecified Countries 1.54 875.80 1.48 73.04 10.00 78,155.70 98.00 630.37 350.61 172.81 11,798.51 6,298.56 13,391.54 1,987,495.16 39.86 47,704.01 52.87 29.60 11,926.45 165.19579 Global Projects Interregional Projects Arab Countries * African Countries Asian Countries European Countries Latin America And The Caribbean 3,344.50 198.66 854.20 1,901.00 14,477.91 877.68 418.93 8,141.03 8,398.74 2,606.45 21,880.23 10,068.23 124,899.38 14,056.93 3,708.15 72.26 1,991.79 8,230.51 2,265.12 5,295.84 37,469.14 886.09462 2.06 334.04 4,232.85 163.30 Grand-Total 46,390.25 79,206.99 11,926.45 6,298.56 13,431.40 2,039,931.42 Developed Countries: Percentage Developing Countries/ Economies In Transition: Percentage 41,249.35 88.92% 51,922.11 65.55% 10,786.08 90.44% 6,289.40 99.85% 12,797.62 95.28% 321,991.26 15.78% 5,140.89 11.08% 27,119.68 34.24% 1,140.37 9.56% 9.17 0.15% 593.92 4.42% 1,670,236.15 81.88% 848.50 1.83% 1,989.88 2.51% 120.53 1.01% 6.55 0.10% 2,011.79 4.34% 6,835.75 8.63% 355.38 2.98% Asia & Pacific Percentage 1,197.53 2.58% 10,608.48 13.39% 301.24 2.53% 0.42 0.01% 524,964.24 25.73% Europe & Cis Percentage 83.90 0.18% 2,222.25 2.81% 178.18 1.49% 2.19 0.03% 118,014.13 5.79% 999.16 2.15% 5,195.21 6.56% 185.04 1.55% Arab States * Percentage Africa Percentage Latin America & The Caribbean Percentage Others Percentage 197,660.15 9.69% 360,177.57 17.66% 593.92 4.42% 463,185.29 22.71% 165.20 39.86 0.21% 0.30% * Procurement from the Palestine Authority Autonomous Area (West Bank and Gaza Strip). 47,704.01 2.34% 93 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement Total Procurement of Services and Works by Agency and Supplier Country: 2011 Procurement of Services & Works (USD Thousand) Agency Supplier Country Afghanistan Albania Algeria Andorra Angola Antigua and Barbuda Argentina Armenia Australia Austria Azerbaijan Bahamas Bahrain Bangladesh Barbados Belarus Belgium Belize Benin Bhutan Bolivia (Plurinational State of) Bosnia and Herzegovina Botswana Brazil Brunei Darussalam Bulgaria Burkina Faso Burundi Cambodia Cameroon Canada Cape Verde Central African Republic Chad Chile China Colombia Comoros Congo, Republic of the Costa Rica Côte D'Ivoire Croatia Cuba Cyprus Czech Republic Democratic People's Rep. of Korea (North) Democratic Republic of the Congo Denmark Djibouti Dominica Dominican Republic Ecuador Egypt El Salvador Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Estonia Ethiopia Fiji Finland France Gabon Gambia Georgia Germany Ghana Greece Grenada Guatemala Guinea Bissau Guinea Guyana Haiti Honduras Hungary Iceland India Indonesia Iran (Islamic Republic of) Iraq Ireland UNESCO 5,140.07 511.36 5.00 UNFPA 2,188.64 676.60 221.44 UNHCR 11,913.47 45.31 953.76 289.27 29.91 725.09 48.43 278.81 92.08 120.17 79.18 54.09 47.50 224.13 219.31 2,862.17 37.60 120.44 10.30 150.61 762.90 20.39 18,628.81 2.00 76.26 464.91 29.70 29.80 1,160.23 1,729.87 306.31 161.06 98.01 1,289.03 2,323.47 464.01 131.70 127.64 1,087.08 122.74 118.41 1,059.18 30.10 1,777.65 49.80 466.94 286.15 90.91 6.01 221.01 433.15 899.59 89.34 29.90 14.45 215.56 33.48 599.04 208.23 565.55 135.32 382.13 30.96 1.18 2,583.97 88.59 265.22 484.35 134.13 2,542.43 109.34 1,215.11 351.80 1,077.70 1,886.92 666.54 39.05 162.88 86.40 222.55 132.33 236.15 59.09 345.00 80.79 1,545.46 173.36 2,155.57 867.73 920.32 1,951.99 690.06 70.74 3,058.58 4,461.39 169.76 2,384.10 3,765.91 577.06 1,445.35 813.39 5,195.60 7.05 98.80 0.50 30.10 171.25 4,504.55 3,414.17 225.97 10.14 400.47 2,108.34 2,534.05 1,290.71 528.77 244.09 84.95 1,305.84 221.17 558.84 409.71 102.58 4.74 421.36 182.61 290.09 80.56 87.73 641.94 46.43 1,148.08 1,266.09 377.27 248.22 275.00 955.56 4,502.05 36.85 1,463.85 1,236.26 464.07 243.58 777.21 42.68 5,118.34 46.19 43.28 81.31 95.00 1,000.00 34.75 123.46 2,743.87 43,658.25 1,632.00 1.12 1,001.57 964.08 164.72 56.99 100.00 50.00 48.97 84.22 2,568.98 243.79 139.17 19,914.63 301.31 92.51 75.66 574.58 776.68 91.94 139.34 106.26 93.68 395.75 28.85 3.00 984.23 22.00 21.52 2,029.57 328.99 2,039.22 262.67 995.44 1,383.91 29.69 1,059.15 881.31 1,304.31 243.79 748.15 418.68 4,229.46 1,732.20 302.19 94.45 28.75 2,677.65 400.68 15,835.41 487.61 1,163.01 94 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement 2,984.34 1,433.37 78.66 700.47 560.57 362.18 317.97 2,370.06 1,499.10 UNIDO 4,828.46 135.49 827.17 599.55 106.65 1,629.42 597.80 1,294.41 571.17 89.63 112.50 29.86 251.96 94.52 10,378.16 442.22 107.66 UNOPS 75,639.16 14.76 208.62 3.70 58.97 26,448.24 16.47 779.58 330.78 182.27 108.71 29.08 139.47 151.60 39.99 2,261.33 74.37 67.01 27.87 141.65 89.98 943.04 650.04 13.51 381.98 327.68 300.10 351.86 1,181.41 31.85 1,108.22 138.14 56.06 773.38 505.59 19.72 43.65 265.30 4,824.69 250.49 167.86 84.54 206.80 0.52 19,288.72 10,751.14 55.90 108.01 80.57 61.21 1,348.32 297.96 4.33 8.79 UNOG 14.50 225.86 11.68 67.00 49.72 6.00 124.07 365.74 24.46 6.37 4,871.39 77.06 124.00 2,242.16 63.23 72.95 26.15 436.51 318.83 161.50 15.43 15,255.92 24.39 83.65 1.03 8,833.56 447.04 63.03 3,223.97 5,575.50 5,400.94 158.74 632.38 593.04 283.10 15.47 256.55 Total Procurement of Services and Works by Agency and Supplier Country: 2011 Procurement of Services & Works (USD Thousand) Agency Supplier Country Israel Italy Jamaica Japan Jordan Kazakhstan Kenya Kiribati Kuwait Kyrgyzstan Lao People’s Democratic Republic Latvia Lebanon Lesotho Liberia Libya Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Madagascar Malawi Malaysia Maldives Mali Malta Marshall Islands Mauritania Mauritius Mexico Micronesia (Federated States of) Monaco Mongolia Montenegro Morocco Mozambique Myanmar Namibia Nauru Nepal Netherlands New Zealand Nicaragua Niger Nigeria Norway Oman Pakistan Palau Panama Papua New Guinea Paraguay Peru Philippines Poland Portugal Qatar Republic of Korea, (South) Republic of Moldova Romania Russian Federation Rwanda Saint Kitts and Nevis Saint Lucia Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Samoa San Marino Sao Tome and Principe Saudi Arabia Senegal Serbia Seychelles Sierra Leone Singapore Slovakia Slovenia Solomon Islands Somalia South Africa South Sudan Spain UNESCO 45.30 2,568.35 355.91 1,342.61 2,807.79 549.22 1,337.56 50.14 98.52 209.39 460.09 599.31 212.49 576.87 2.00 491.58 163.45 288.24 380.18 71.50 987.29 40.00 152.13 230.88 255.12 59.00 751.51 21.32 999.18 1,838.19 19.98 1,165.18 50.68 43.70 518.86 85.40 903.49 694.82 72.05 60.00 132.23 2,183.33 88.00 356.99 225.74 277.07 282.34 257.60 28.05 38.08 354.84 298.20 84.59 19.25 655.07 89.18 30.07 82.66 33.40 160.44 19.70 17.01 1,983.60 365.46 96.57 72.52 142.69 95 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement 32.30 63.34 23.51 826.96 1.47 904.17 UNFPA 188.31 816.09 1,078.18 234.55 2,737.14 548.83 2,443.65 24.20 76.02 379.00 840.13 8.29 821.47 680.51 885.26 17.00 UNHCR 194.41 21,236.27 31.04 35.40 1,651.52 1,469.14 838.57 239.24 2,072.40 8.50 12.68 1,766.80 121.56 1,465.66 18.22 7.88 537.08 634.86 3,712.17 563.81 12,544.97 UNIDO 4,371.80 60.92 671.72 1,616.46 487.37 1,570.81 78.82 28.10 4.26 1,649.53 45.17 3,884.07 218.36 373.05 2,574.47 353.49 451.67 1,512.53 45.46 127.61 59.40 52.97 460.29 338.46 180.00 1,154.50 592.22 1,863.19 1,073.38 761.93 1,395.99 3,490.48 83.66 2,043.64 3,001.51 2,693.20 83.55 150.92 3,735.36 2.97 1,997.48 1,605.47 465.73 2,044.98 3,333.89 0.50 2.50 25.24 397.60 387.14 365.46 614.35 1,692.07 1.68 18.82 34.38 45.32 99.87 0.54 3,323.30 193.13 10.28 3,133.83 95.61 23.48 2.35 36.66 108.86 2,963.60 584.43 UNOPS 506.86 2,706.72 159.53 1,090.00 6,304.29 258.85 22,578.37 8.53 54.67 41.99 67.00 35.17 224.83 4.23 UNOG 39.85 38.43 22.54 37.16 95.73 75.59 394.28 26.73 129.55 139.74 695.94 796.03 265.53 784.30 364.31 270.75 1,016.53 224.42 48.93 30.00 557.41 42.04 2.50 5,145.67 1,757.32 87.90 217.64 8.74 7.90 256.37 165.37 50.17 1,137.43 202.21 278.02 1,003.86 1,162.62 353.09 1,497.44 1,253.59 246.25 72.74 1,362.67 235.00 35.00 276.13 91.38 34.22 943.23 80.37 3,013.29 358.91 601.68 211.43 11.09 2,642.49 280.81 862.55 143.21 2,069.76 2.33 457.25 38.56 8.42 58,986.60 615.34 79.45 84.77 0.67 92.91 7.82 6.34 120.91 25.73 50.16 12.55 0.05 14.63 67.80 86.59 661.74 8.37 14.63 27.00 64.98 4.52 10.00 1,689.94 663.99 1,677.36 105.91 515.56 125.32 92.56 14.09 623.34 943.15 542.57 266.18 1,376.87 3,512.30 601.51 537.32 11.85 302.64 Total Procurement of Services and Works by Agency and Supplier Country: 2011 Procurement of Services & Works (USD Thousand) Agency Supplier Country Sri Lanka Sudan Suriname Swaziland Sweden Switzerland Syrian Arab Republic Tajikistan Thailand The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Timor-Leste Togo Tonga Trinidad and Tobago Tunisia Turkey Turkmenistan Tuvalu Uganda Ukraine United Arab Emirates United Kingdom United Republic of Tanzania United States of America Uruguay Uzbekistan Vanuatu Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) Viet Nam Yemen Zambia Zimbabwe Sub-Total UNESCO 141.97 176.27 10.27 32.81 66.33 1,174.24 10.01 99.99 1,073.27 414.32 298.07 480.94 39.32 68.27 410.01 103.21 UNHCR 992.43 8,032.48 212.41 100.30 135.04 2,236.00 1,518.26 2,103.45 529.55 31.71 43.31 148.72 1,008.71 44.97 124.58 531.14 UNFPA 613.11 6,821.27 158.44 531.46 325.09 1,085.74 928.26 433.86 2,704.63 228.24 1,864.28 680.98 50.62 116.73 623.06 1,997.35 405.42 5.58 2,734.81 514.14 123.76 6,369.84 975.29 22,521.20 1,021.15 659.65 30.62 778.62 1,117.38 765.00 1,460.85 2,978.07 442.73 4.31 3,986.25 630.54 499.28 250.00 335.01 120,935.82 212,921.16 270,201.39 38,239.52 Unspecified Countries 532.41 36,360.71 3,386.39 102.81 1,509.20 227.55 64.52 1,198.86 2,403.13 930.84 33.37 1,387.26 390.42 468.41 8,257.10 2,141.02 15,970.81 4.17 UNIDO 605.99 114.64 1,809.49 332.60 60.00 301.39 614.11 7.80 UNOPS 6,419.40 3,860.85 13.60 28.82 469.06 6,313.01 20.36 16.18 583.97 38.35 78.84 79.42 28.90 49.25 225.78 2,913.27 23.98 22.56 15,904.21 1,030.50 6,735.66 37,761.56 356.45 36,507.89 1,546.83 51.58 18.07 33.04 82.00 41.60 43.07 1,337.34 442,865.60 UNOG 154.56 78,007.31 21.48 709.95 1,170.76 86,208.96 97.70 Global Projects Interregional Projects Arab Countries * African Countries Asian Countries European Countries Latin America And The Caribbean 340.02 7,278.63 195.44 21.30 219.36 15.09 45.21 3,915.66 5,856.97 121,033.52 213,516.93 270,396.83 38,239.52 459,962.07 86,208.96 40,010.06 33.06% 44,961.51 21.06% 135,506.80 50.11% 11,299.43 29.55% 105,676.38 22.98% 85,244.48 98.88% 80,925.76 66.86% 168,555.42 78.94% 134,890.03 49.89% 26,940.10 70.45% 354,285.69 77.02% 964.47 1.12% Arab States * Percentage 8,134.04 6.72% 19,853.90 9.30% 45,783.66 16.93% 2,905.99 7.60% 31,349.69 6.82% 106.23 0.12% Africa Percentage 20,891.72 17.26% 74,251.96 34.78% 47,091.05 17.42% 2,215.05 5.79% 86,800.32 18.87% 135.85 0.16% Asia & Pacific Percentage 17,895.14 14.79% 37,006.93 17.33% 30,019.47 11.10% 16,725.75 43.74% 102,740.06 22.34% 410.08 0.48% Europe & Cis Percentage 4,406.24 3.64% 8,402.34 3.94% 7,805.66 2.89% 2,519.77 6.59% 9,732.19 2.12% 86.46 0.10% 29,514.03 24.39% 28,653.15 13.42% 3,987.98 1.47% 2,573.54 6.73% 123,655.60 26.88% 225.86 0.26% Grand-Total Developed Countries: Percentage Developing Countries/ Economies In Transition: Percentage Latin America & The Caribbean Percentage Others Percentage 97.70 0.08% * Procurement from the Palestine Authority Autonomous Area (West Bank and Gaza Strip). 96 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement Total Procurement of Services and Works by Agency and Supplier Country: 2011 Procurement of Services & Works (USD Thousand) Agency Supplier Country Afghanistan Albania Algeria Andorra Angola Antigua and Barbuda Argentina Armenia Australia Austria Azerbaijan Bahamas Bahrain Bangladesh Barbados Belarus Belgium Belize Benin Bhutan Bolivia (Plurinational State of) Bosnia and Herzegovina Botswana Brazil Brunei Darussalam Bulgaria Burkina Faso Burundi Cambodia Cameroon Canada Cape Verde Central African Republic Chad Chile China Colombia Comoros Congo, Republic of the Costa Rica Côte D'Ivoire Croatia Cuba Cyprus Czech Republic Democratic People's Rep. of Korea (North) Democratic Republic of the Congo Denmark Djibouti Dominica Dominican Republic Ecuador Egypt El Salvador Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Estonia Ethiopia Fiji Finland France Gabon Gambia Georgia Germany Ghana Greece Grenada Guatemala Guinea Bissau Guinea Guyana Haiti Honduras Hungary Iceland India Indonesia Iran (Islamic Republic of) Iraq Ireland UNON 5,109.94 UNOV 2,443.64 2.79 15.05 UN/PD 25,315.64 45.00 3,706.35 3,969.54 31.71 UNRWA UNU UNV 81.66 67.37 10.00 10.00 26.94 122.18 114.40 244.44 13.34 12.60 7,114.94 4,190.22 1,102.32 7,578.40 10.54 15.13 137.54 1.36 14,594.60 1,071.84 5,808.55 332.58 14.66 208.18 153.85 753.93 42.44 76,599.16 41.25 305.82 749.92 343.18 150.00 3,150.73 0.50 27,755.74 85.17 18.67 3,439.28 3.97 5.00 21.00 16.43 44.79 6.39 22.73 19.16 12.57 245.68 1,335.78 18.00 33.26 34.03 86.48 100.03 20.82 45.04 20,012.88 13,180.21 285.98 210.17 2,625.21 5,027.32 15.59 1,561.84 53.40 3,210.67 15.60 1,545.75 5.38 545.39 50.58 5.00 104.22 21.54 553.41 7.98 671.48 2,302.02 39.93 29.34 12,668.07 13,997.42 1,571.82 168.75 46.61 51.99 5,809.57 14.07 841.58 8.86 51.09 79.36 70.00 45.95 8.00 3,862.60 417.94 97 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement 17,755.85 0.49 15.60 2.21 3.09 15,516.48 396.77 15.82 44.50 15,143.46 224.16 407.94 5.00 11.83 Total Procurement of Services and Works by Agency and Supplier Country: 2011 Procurement of Services & Works (USD Thousand) Agency Supplier Country Israel Italy Jamaica Japan Jordan Kazakhstan Kenya Kiribati Kuwait Kyrgyzstan Lao People’s Democratic Republic Latvia Lebanon Lesotho Liberia Libya Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Madagascar Malawi Malaysia Maldives Mali Malta Marshall Islands Mauritania Mauritius Mexico Micronesia (Federated States of) Monaco Mongolia Montenegro Morocco Mozambique Myanmar Namibia Nauru Nepal Netherlands New Zealand Nicaragua Niger Nigeria Norway Oman Pakistan Palau Panama Papua New Guinea Paraguay Peru Philippines Poland Portugal Qatar Republic of Korea, (South) Republic of Moldova Romania Russian Federation Rwanda Saint Kitts and Nevis Saint Lucia Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Samoa San Marino Sao Tome and Principe Saudi Arabia Senegal Serbia Seychelles Sierra Leone Singapore Slovakia Slovenia Solomon Islands Somalia South Africa South Sudan Spain UNON 5,331.91 565.89 339.78 115.90 2,121.03 1.59 33,151.50 UNOV 67.79 30.00 UN/PD 5,454.80 17,126.42 UNRWA 571.28 315.08 2,358.23 88,435.15 5,926.57 61,792.44 UNU UNV 14.30 2,935.68 18.19 9,305.45 3.17 8,656.32 73.75 23,838.45 21.47 3.75 31.49 167.56 198.69 65.14 629.61 106.73 20.49 6.24 11.65 13.83 21.00 12.89 231.56 1,283.65 3.38 56.32 14,192.99 2,571.77 238.28 2,388.89 80.26 210.92 1,998.60 7,716.16 1,002.69 50,245.31 415.14 98 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement 9.61 946.21 11.36 98.73 6.24 41.36 2,526.88 302.62 896.75 190.79 437,538.51 738.95 8.40 63.96 1.07 51.25 44.53 58.75 7.29 80.63 46.68 164.98 1.87 62.13 468.99 67.54 7,711.88 42.54 1,260.83 173.40 732.39 4.65 96.95 4.50 15.80 15.78 57.69 2,297.81 33,973.25 23,803.70 24.88 Total Procurement of Services and Works by Agency and Supplier Country: 2011 Procurement of Services & Works (USD Thousand) Agency Supplier Country Sri Lanka Sudan Suriname Swaziland Sweden Switzerland Syrian Arab Republic Tajikistan Thailand The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Timor-Leste Togo Tonga Trinidad and Tobago Tunisia Turkey Turkmenistan Tuvalu Uganda Ukraine United Arab Emirates United Kingdom United Republic of Tanzania United States of America Uruguay Uzbekistan Vanuatu Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) Viet Nam Yemen Zambia Zimbabwe Sub-Total UNON 1,093.34 UNOV UN/PD UNRWA UNU UNV 54,351.00 90.57 270.68 2,621.72 16.41 4.77 63.00 5,130.25 4,461.17 1,555.49 23.18 41.15 809.73 6,718.63 44.00 6.26 134.00 5,342.09 18.00 22.79 45.36 216.55 4,881.69 1,463.77 601.16 1,832.78 988.50 2,572.23 454.30 403.16 52.70 0.89 13,025.32 120,104.35 38,614.33 32,126.05 1,703.28 742,318.12 372.90 370.20 311.11 149.22 219.72 2,099,694.82 45,087.67 190.87 15.30 95,688.92 3.02 26.20 5.55 82,756.81 9,613.09 1,102.32 15,097.18 Unspecified Countries Global Projects Interregional Projects Arab Countries * African Countries Asian Countries European Countries Latin America And The Caribbean 12.75 7.25 Grand-Total 82,756.81 9,613.09 2,099,900.99 140,789.33 1,102.32 15,104.43 Developed Countries: Percentage Developing Countries/ Economies In Transition: Percentage 26,293.38 31.77% 6,366.98 66.23% 990,851.66 47.19% 7,741.56 5.50% 1,102.32 100.00% 14,831.05 98.19% 56,463.43 68.23% 3,246.11 33.77% 1,109,049.34 52.81% 133,047.78 94.50% Arab States * Percentage 8,203.26 9.91% 54.62 0.57% 229,569.76 10.93% 132,574.40 94.17% Africa Percentage 36,562.18 44.18% 242.55 2.52% 174,950.29 8.33% Asia & Pacific Percentage 9,143.52 11.05% 2,653.24 27.60% 57,230.29 2.73% 407.94 0.29% 16.26 0.11% Europe & Cis Percentage 140.72 0.17% 209.21 2.18% 576,672.62 27.46% 65.45 0.05% 0.89 0.01% 2,413.74 2.92% 86.48 0.90% 70,626.37 3.36% Latin America & The Caribbean Percentage 216.34 1.43% Others Percentage * Procurement from the Palestine Authority Autonomous Area (West Bank and Gaza Strip). 99 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement 273.38 1.81% 39.90 0.26% Total Procurement of Services and Works by Agency and Supplier Country: 2011 Procurement of Services & Works (USD Thousand) Total Agency Supplier Country Afghanistan Albania Algeria Andorra Angola Antigua and Barbuda Argentina Armenia Australia Austria Azerbaijan Bahamas Bahrain Bangladesh Barbados Belarus Belgium Belize Benin Bhutan Bolivia (Plurinational State of) Bosnia and Herzegovina Botswana Brazil Brunei Darussalam Bulgaria Burkina Faso Burundi Cambodia Cameroon Canada Cape Verde Central African Republic Chad Chile China Colombia Comoros Congo, Republic of the Costa Rica Côte D'Ivoire Croatia Cuba Cyprus Czech Republic Democratic People's Rep. of Korea (North) Democratic Republic of the Congo Denmark Djibouti Dominica Dominican Republic Ecuador Egypt El Salvador Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Estonia Ethiopia Fiji Finland France Gabon Gambia Georgia Germany Ghana Greece Grenada Guatemala Guinea Bissau Guinea Guyana Haiti Honduras Hungary Iceland India Indonesia Iran (Islamic Republic of) Iraq Ireland WFP 25,328.29 WIPO WMO WTO 3,139.96 52.34 48.83 360.06 198.86 82.25 99.56 2,512.72 2.31 13.22 16.11 5.57 12.32 1.65 3.89 1.23 524.06 45.62 1,079.57 37.83 1,215.44 6,166.01 425.88 7.19 294.72 290.17 7,070.40 2,800.49 3,031.01 2,036.81 38,322.27 16,699.90 27.36 162.32 2,953.06 22,138.54 93.88 745.71 9,594.89 11.51 1,534.17 26.93 0.67 119.51 31.50 99.16 37.51 9.69 2,512.66 0.52 4,585.73 16.96 2,324.26 1,233.73 24,643.60 16,853.85 13,821.63 3.78 265.37 645.61 3,716.84 1,721.17 147.94 657.03 5.00 1.08 56.47 65,478.16 4.80 10.26 15.91 12,858.12 3,036.79 330.70 233.73 5,171.44 1,967.27 1,687.98 881.78 2,375.82 2,093.63 1,985.23 17.53 73.12 0.49 1.99 18.63 65.52 0.10 15,940.35 3,559.60 10,426.38 1,567.81 344.63 1,666.09 7,162.03 100 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement 83.76 1.94 205.20 2.58 141.80 19.38 All 470,527.13 6,371.61 6,210.28 % 6.53% 0.09% 0.09% 3,615.39 676.96 159,748.65 3,970.23 13,097.97 64,829.48 5,468.05 288.18 817.77 42,420.37 1,279.44 5,570.66 41,840.27 1,156.94 26,549.03 1,895.16 9,864.67 18,084.89 5,351.94 79,059.80 2.00 28,366.57 13,630.90 14,460.64 10,302.36 46,602.16 121,256.55 4,376.98 13,924.90 47,116.76 21,039.11 40,617.46 50,019.22 1,939.15 14,058.84 7,036.13 52,575.24 6,254.10 4,547.14 14,455.28 2,850.44 1,900.60 96,565.18 124,395.71 18,944.19 270.48 10,624.11 9,021.67 75,314.55 18,327.15 1,141.34 6,057.24 564.73 93,959.85 5,090.53 2,736.18 62,545.25 3,260.49 2,668.34 20,313.64 52,146.23 15,378.05 3,761.55 242.96 46,763.32 6,315.49 10,941.66 1,502.34 87,992.20 15,079.02 2,947.77 16,090.28 66,627.23 34,360.15 25,196.45 30,239.10 13,171.99 0.05% 0.01% 2.22% 0.06% 0.18% 0.90% 0.08% 0.00% 0.01% 0.59% 0.02% 0.08% 0.58% 0.02% 0.37% 0.03% 0.14% 0.25% 0.07% 1.10% 0.00% 0.39% 0.19% 0.20% 0.14% 0.65% 1.68% 0.06% 0.19% 0.65% 0.29% 0.56% 0.69% 0.03% 0.19% 0.10% 0.73% 0.09% 0.06% 0.20% 0.04% 0.03% 1.34% 1.73% 0.26% 0.00% 0.15% 0.13% 1.04% 0.25% 0.02% 0.08% 0.01% 1.30% 0.07% 0.04% 0.87% 0.05% 0.04% 0.28% 0.72% 0.21% 0.05% 0.00% 0.65% 0.09% 0.15% 0.02% 1.22% 0.21% 0.04% 0.22% 0.92% 0.48% 0.35% 0.42% 0.18% Total Procurement of Services and Works by Agency and Supplier Country: 2011 Procurement of Services & Works (USD Thousand) Total Agency Supplier Country Israel Italy Jamaica Japan Jordan Kazakhstan Kenya Kiribati Kuwait Kyrgyzstan Lao People’s Democratic Republic Latvia Lebanon Lesotho Liberia Libya Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Madagascar Malawi Malaysia Maldives Mali Malta Marshall Islands Mauritania Mauritius Mexico Micronesia (Federated States of) Monaco Mongolia Montenegro Morocco Mozambique Myanmar Namibia Nauru Nepal Netherlands New Zealand Nicaragua Niger Nigeria Norway Oman Pakistan Palau Panama Papua New Guinea Paraguay Peru Philippines Poland Portugal Qatar Republic of Korea, (South) Republic of Moldova Romania Russian Federation Rwanda Saint Kitts and Nevis Saint Lucia Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Samoa San Marino Sao Tome and Principe Saudi Arabia Senegal Serbia Seychelles Sierra Leone Singapore Slovakia Slovenia Solomon Islands Somalia South Africa South Sudan Spain WFP 2,649.37 44,831.78 2,028.73 1,541.30 130.71 123,588.96 WIPO WMO WTO 87.74 4,888.15 5.13 50.24 709.89 1,115.04 1,100.30 3.60 424.25 1,290.20 4,528.65 5,593.50 15.51 2,459.66 3,410.18 5,639.53 29.55 0.60 0.19 21.60 6,332.81 6,826.20 3.68 2,641.30 10,778.62 9,819.27 10.90 10.15 22.50 8,792.35 3,134.56 186.05 8,748.15 1,595.57 58.83 1,487.44 11,206.25 95.80 3,118.25 7.98 231.37 12.85 71.53 6.34 2.12 11.50 47,414.91 846.03 1,022.56 2,849.94 52.51 12.33 5.38 316.34 7.88 53.23 1,045.96 23.95 3,746.13 1,821.47 4.97 1.55 4,759.86 0.40 2.11 52.97 5.43 2,170.09 3,667.28 128.82 4.25 10.13 18,914.81 15,130.56 2,742.64 13.19 101 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement 1.38 41.33 9.90 1.64 1,793.07 All 19,141.34 187,281.92 3,792.03 16,137.33 129,535.38 4,630.24 283,866.75 219.63 8,055.67 8,543.50 6,389.85 1,459.42 48,932.27 3,663.46 39,287.62 6,679.45 94.91 2,527.57 1,259.82 7,955.19 13,519.90 10,941.10 1,431.53 19,210.20 8,009.09 136.17 8,819.78 12,176.38 30,923.52 576.40 266.02 4,550.52 597.06 12,697.62 24,134.30 11,606.25 8,741.65 164.97 41,389.22 21,675.87 1,743.50 19,114.41 22,127.04 38,529.44 10,155.56 2,341.87 105,230.94 319.57 82,426.36 3,746.70 17,003.33 82,021.19 16,314.35 2,639.71 7,418.37 691.88 5,100.29 7,211.79 1,957.63 453,603.42 10,927.59 258.38 554.04 283.58 3,225.31 864.37 875.94 19,704.95 24,891.96 6,496.75 2,852.84 13,556.49 4,922.90 2,597.78 1,056.57 1,854.79 41,898.07 73,256.23 3,888.19 36,005.46 % 0.27% 2.60% 0.05% 0.22% 1.80% 0.06% 3.94% 0.00% 0.11% 0.12% 0.09% 0.02% 0.68% 0.05% 0.54% 0.09% 0.00% 0.04% 0.02% 0.11% 0.19% 0.15% 0.02% 0.27% 0.11% 0.00% 0.12% 0.17% 0.43% 0.01% 0.00% 0.06% 0.01% 0.18% 0.33% 0.16% 0.12% 0.00% 0.57% 0.30% 0.02% 0.27% 0.31% 0.53% 0.14% 0.03% 1.46% 0.00% 1.14% 0.05% 0.24% 1.14% 0.23% 0.04% 0.10% 0.01% 0.07% 0.10% 0.03% 6.29% 0.15% 0.00% 0.01% 0.00% 0.04% 0.01% 0.01% 0.27% 0.35% 0.09% 0.04% 0.19% 0.07% 0.04% 0.01% 0.03% 0.58% 1.02% 0.05% 0.50% Total Procurement of Services and Works by Agency and Supplier Country: 2011 Procurement of Services & Works (USD Thousand) Total Agency Supplier Country Sri Lanka Sudan Suriname Swaziland Sweden Switzerland Syrian Arab Republic Tajikistan Thailand The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Timor-Leste Togo Tonga Trinidad and Tobago Tunisia Turkey Turkmenistan Tuvalu Uganda Ukraine United Arab Emirates United Kingdom United Republic of Tanzania United States of America Uruguay Uzbekistan Vanuatu Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) Viet Nam Yemen Zambia Zimbabwe Sub-Total WFP 2,935.18 121,114.81 444.02 1,098.45 27,796.65 3,191.13 1,173.65 1,388.44 WIPO WMO WTO 2.51 117,605.97 5.28 9,042.98 13.68 29.74 6.84 2.50 10.58 4.05 39.22 226.49 1,824.92 1,343.46 14,783.93 2,428.16 7,013.53 22,740.08 16,861.65 144,566.80 328.30 6,840.74 6,604.35 612.00 3.38 78.65 164.10 10,711.48 3,530.70 4.56 44.27 11,993.33 2,066.72 11,719.80 1,129,977.31 146,123.94 Unspecified Countries Global Projects Interregional Projects Arab Countries * African Countries Asian Countries European Countries Latin America And The Caribbean Grand-Total 5,776.09 291.27 All 24,014.37 234,026.32 835.27 1,940.58 10,463.03 349,343.70 18,938.33 18,632.65 17,024.50 11,802.06 7,707.80 6,817.71 317.50 1,855.89 8,424.91 27,255.23 1,340.44 447.06 58,794.24 134,290.24 56,685.20 156,409.31 34,806.69 1,124,854.03 17,349.84 4,473.70 164.27 3,649.23 12,091.13 19,131.32 9,880.76 54,635.40 % 0.33% 3.25% 0.01% 0.03% 0.15% 4.84% 0.26% 0.26% 0.24% 0.16% 0.11% 0.09% 0.00% 0.03% 0.12% 0.38% 0.02% 0.01% 0.82% 1.86% 0.79% 2.17% 0.48% 15.60% 0.24% 0.06% 0.00% 0.05% 0.17% 0.27% 0.14% 0.76% 7,035,677.02 97.58% 48,077.61 0.67% 110,160.63 212.80 705.32 8,380.62 7,262.10 1.53% 0.00% 0.01% 0.12% 0.10% 1,219.49 1,219,486.53 1,137,264.16 146,123.94 10,711.48 3,530.70 7,210,476.09 100.00% Developed Countries: Percentage Developing Countries/ Economies In Transition: Percentage 328,292.52 28.87% 142,423.58 97.47% 10,009.36 93.45% 3,304.71 93.60% 2,528,418.58 35.07% 35.07% 808,971.64 71.13% 3,700.36 2.53% 702.12 6.55% 225.99 6.40% 4,633,979.90 64.27% 64.27% Arab States * Percentage 203,450.50 17.89% 5.13 0.00% 1.08 0.01% 424,519.36 37.33% 43.90 0.03% 434.75 4.06% 1.99 0.06% 1,244,722.77 17.26% Asia & Pacific Percentage 121,089.19 10.65% 3,051.15 2.09% 249.60 2.33% 131.98 3.74% 954,015.90 13.23% Europe & Cis Percentage 10,530.95 0.93% 95.56 0.07% 4.05 0.04% 54.52 1.54% 746,079.10 10.35% Latin America & The Caribbean Percentage 49,381.65 4.34% 480.67 0.33% 12.64 0.12% 37.51 1.06% 796,565.21 11.05% Africa Percentage Others Percentage 885,385.14 12.28% 48,077.61 0.67% * Procurement from the Palestine Authority Autonomous Area (West Bank and Gaza Strip). 102 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement Top 10 items (goods and services) - All sources of funding 103 | 2010 Annual Statistical Report on United Nations Procurement Top Ten Items (Goods and Services) Procured by Agency During 2011 UN Agency ECLAC Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Group of Goods/Services Construction, engineering and architectural services Building & machinery maintenance & repair Rent & Lease IT equipm. & software IT Services Mail & printing services Furniture Conferences, workshops & training Books, paper, office stationery & supplies Security and safety equipm., incl. mine act. Total number of orders & contracts raised during 2011: ESCAP Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Group of Goods/Services Out-sourced personnel services IT equipment Architectural & engineering services Cleaning services IT services Maintenance of installations & equipment Internet services Fire fighting pump system Catering services X-Ray baggage scanner Total number of orders & contracts raised during 2011: ESCWA Rank Group of Goods/Services 1 IT equipm. & software 2 Building & machinery maintenance & repair 3 Construction, engineering and architectural services 4 Telecom equipm. & satellite 5 Printing, publishing services 6 Service industries, hotel & catering 7 Security & safety equipm., incl. PPE for mine act. 8 Books, paper, office stationery & supplies 9 Furniture 10 Product related services No. of PO's Value (USD) 7,371,173.75 1,429,171.78 1,213,400.10 1,048,314.44 631,953.75 615,311.50 372,180.30 227,610.38 220,458.94 195,965.25 13,325,540.18 1,142 No. of PO's 16 7 18 5 4 13 9 3 16 1 92 820 No. of PO's Value (USD) 1,274,862.14 1,076,736.81 1,067,300.12 486,700.92 207,869.95 195,842.76 194,134.42 121,491.81 91,362.47 88,464.00 4,804,765.40 Value (USD) 649,100.05 645,763.56 382,528.13 142,453.58 89,563.70 87,656.44 53,729.45 51,293.74 47,343.89 45,516.53 2,194,949.07 Total number of orders & contracts raised during 2011: FAO Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Group of Goods/Services Chemicals, basic Repair & maintenance services Information technology Grain mill products / Starches & starch products Transportation, storage & materials handling Architecture, engineering, construction and other technical rvices Agricultural produce Office, accounting and computing machinery Transport equipment Machinery, special purpose Total number of orders & contracts raised during 2011: IAEA Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Group of Goods/Services Politics, humanitarian assistance & mine action services Medical, lab & surveillance equipm. IT equipm. & software Construction, engineering and architectural services Quality control, research & development Building & machinery maintenance & repair IT services Electronic Components Environmental management & protection Books, paper, office stationery & supplies Total number of orders & contracts raised during 2011: 104 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement No. of PO's Value (USD) 18,736,978.11 17,035,432.85 9,302,865.51 8,428,414.75 7,884,320.48 7,297,825.90 6,118,899.82 5,949,241.08 5,888,132.31 5,857,570.03 92,499,680.85 2,216 No. of PO's Value (USD) 35,377,503.51 33,457,110.76 26,021,050.87 18,230,216.25 11,402,097.37 9,695,574.71 7,628,468.02 2,878,911.20 2,489,046.83 2,122,923.61 149,302,903.13 Top Ten Items (Goods and Services) Procured by Agency During 2011 UN Agency IFAD Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Group of Goods/Services Urban, rural & regional development Leasing, rental of equipm.& premises IT services, operations support Financial services, fees, audit & insurance Building & machinery maintenance & repair Communication services Public utilities; water, electr. supply Conference, workshop & training Printing & publishing services Security services Total number of orders & contracts raised during 2011: ILO Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Group of Goods/Services Social aspects, employment, languages services and Child Labour prevention Subsidies and public utilities Seminars, conferences, workshops Travel services IT equipment and & software; offiche machinery Feasibility studies Building &machinery maintenance Training services IT Services Printing, publishing services Total number of orders & contracts raised during 2011: ITC Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Group of Goods/Services Leasing, rental of equipm.& premises IT services Training Building & machinery maintenance & repair IT equipm. & software Printing, publishing services Communications Public utilities Telecommunications Translation No. of PO's 285 11 233 48 188 97 21 218 218 57 1,376 2,140 No. of PO's Value (USD) 10,655,109.40 9,324,402.22 7,134,235.40 5,772,577.07 2,921,622.16 2,143,521.18 1,792,159.92 1,745,648.37 1,412,502.86 1,071,536.99 43,973,315.55 Value (USD) 13,562,177.18 9,778,402.52 9,245,170.59 9,212,219.28 7,766,714.62 7,005,296.55 6,475,630.42 5,779,040.08 4,879,843.20 4,013,692.36 77,718,186.81 2,608 No. of PO's Value (USD) 1,877,623.92 1,097,602.46 624,796.29 581,650.21 539,592.14 277,758.49 268,267.96 262,189.05 229,912.53 191,819.23 5,951,212.29 Total number of orders & contracts raised during 2011: OPCW Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Group of Goods/Services Leasing & rental services Medical & lab equipment Communication services IT services Maintenance of office, building, equipm Public utilities Training IT equipment Transport services Financial services No. of PO's 0 Value (USD) 2,996,933.67 481,913.95 373,300.00 353,808.36 323,459.82 322,550.00 294,714.00 288,889.00 280,000.00 152,000.00 5,867,568.80 Total number of orders & contracts raised during 2011: PAHO Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Group of Goods/Services Vaccines Pharmaceuticals and reagents Insecticides/pesticides Condoms Laboratory/hospital equipment Syringes Trade and business services Computer software & equipment Construction sevices Technical services Total number of orders & contracts raised during 2011: 105 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement No. of PO's 1,065 676 24 2 182 154 208 2,311 3,236 Value (USD) 376,431,933.00 41,269,281.00 19,046,112.00 13,716,636.00 6,031,621.00 3,938,153.00 2,620,183.06 2,174,222.00 2,108,090.92 2,040,234.82 469,376,466.80 Top Ten Items (Goods and Services) Procured by Agency During 2011 UN Agency UNDP Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Group of Goods/Services HR, consultants and project staff Construction, engineering services Travel services Pharmaceuticals & vaccines Security services Leasing, rental of equipm.& premises Medical, lab & precision equipm. Conference, workshop & training Daily subst. allowance Motor vehicles, parts & other transport equ. Total number of orders & contracts raised during 2011: UNECA Rank Group of Goods/Services 1 Electronic Equipment 2 Construction Works 3 Computer Hardware 4 Computer Software 5 Institutional Contractor 6 Office Supplies & Stationery 7 Electrical Equipment 8 Vehicles 9 Medicines 10 Computer Supplies Total number of orders & contracts raised during 2011: UNESCO Rank Group of Goods/Services 1 Conference, workshop & training 2 HR, consultants and project management 3 Culture, social & populaton science 4 Education 5 Product related services 6 Leasing, rental of equipm.& premises 7 Building & machinery maintenance & repair 8 Travel services 9 Construction, engineering services 10 IT equipm. & software No. of PO's Value (USD) 466,375,343.72 123,834,539.05 107,285,406.91 85,479,431.28 62,094,863.20 60,937,203.07 54,930,683.31 53,441,678.45 49,569,451.35 49,084,029.24 1,113,032,629.58 394,026 No. of PO's 25 17 34 26 31 34 48 16 135 16 382 856 No. of PO's Value (USD) 5,359,020.36 3,048,714.07 2,656,680.97 1,010,516.08 990,292.20 975,526.58 899,845.97 746,997.34 555,064.95 501,172.90 16,743,831.42 Value (USD) 16,265,897.88 13,657,281.22 9,705,337.63 8,097,365.17 7,463,766.40 5,563,538.62 4,654,886.09 4,296,447.40 3,926,942.60 3,364,009.02 76,995,472.03 Total number of orders & contracts raised during 2011: UNFPA Rank Group of Goods/Services 1 Contraceptives & other pharmaceuticals 2 General & Project management services/consultancy 3 Travel 4 Medical, Lab. & Hospital equipm. 5 Conferences, workshops & training 6 Printing, publishing services 7 Trade & business services 8 Motor Vehicles & parts, incl. other transport equipm. 9 Leasing and rental services 10 Construction, engineering and architectural services Total number of orders & contracts raised during 2011: UNHCR Rank Group of Goods/Services 1 Freight forwarding & air charter services 2 Tents, blankets, mattresses 3 Fuel oils 4 Communication services 5 Leasing & rental of equip. & buidlings 6 Security services 7 IT consultants 8 UN joint admin contributions 9 Construction of shelter & buildings 10 Plastic, tarpaulins Total number of orders & contracts raised during 2011: 106 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement No. of PO's Value (USD) 88,373,221.52 58,257,668.70 47,836,322.33 21,610,628.45 18,865,284.23 13,986,745.93 13,450,527.49 12,683,126.54 11,660,752.92 11,388,597.98 298,112,876.09 161,717 No. of PO's 1,818 133 804 273 974 830 129 102 291 45 5,399 23,933 Value (USD) 57,855,883.94 55,461,288.77 25,313,076.07 20,216,818.68 18,073,192.99 18,048,272.74 13,051,849.72 10,273,166.46 8,339,820.01 7,797,642.53 234,431,011.91 Top Ten Items (Goods and Services) Procured by Agency During 2011 UN Agency UNICEF Rank Group of Goods/Services 1 Vaccines/Biologicals 2 Pharmaceuticals 3 Nutrition 4 Bednets/Insecticides/Household Tech 5 Freight forwarding 6 Medical supplies & equipment 7 Construction 8 Water and sanitation equipment 9 Printing equipment 10 Education supplies Total number of orders & contracts raised during 2011: UNIDO Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Group of Goods/Services Environmental protection Trade & business services Medical/surgical, lab, precision & photogra equipm. Installation, inspection of equipment Industrial process & domestic machinery Trade & import related services Pumps, engines, solar energy systems, compressors Construction, engineering, environmentally sound technology Natural & energy resources development Agricultural & construction machinery and tools No. of PO's Value (USD) 1,034,908,701.99 197,003,635.79 167,436,916.96 110,577,980.52 105,128,120.79 97,255,772.11 95,000,000.00 69,796,225.49 53,639,455.59 51,917,149.07 1,982,663,958.31 27,090 No. of PO's Value (USD) 20,395,333.59 10,803,261.87 8,562,694.24 5,947,812.22 3,007,562.22 2,920,840.82 2,914,087.78 2,412,411.71 2,347,226.07 2,261,492.61 61,572,723.13 Total number of orders & contracts raised during 2011: UNOG Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Group of Goods/Services Travel Building & machinery maintenance Trade and bussiness services, other Construction, engineering and architectural services IT equipm.& software; office machinery IT services Motor Vehicles & parts, incl. other transport equipm. Communications services Transport services Furniture Total number of orders & contracts raised during 2011: UNOPS Rank Group of Goods/Services 1 Construction, engineering and architectural services 2 Politics, humanitarian assistance & mine action services 3 Motor vehicles, parts & other transport equ. 4 Medical, lab & surveillance equipm. 5 IT equipm. & software 6 Books, paper, office stationery & supplies 7 Travel services, incl. DSA 8 Leasing, rental of equipm.& premises 9 Pharmaceuticals & Vaccines 10 Environmental management & protection Total number of orders & contracts raised during 2011: UNOV Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Group of Goods/Services IT equipment, incl. software Training services IT services Cartographic services Communications services Construction Special purpose machinery Translation Security and safety equipment Printing & publishing services Total number of orders & contracts raised during 2011: 107 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement No. of PO's Value (USD) 27,193,000.00 15,105,030.00 13,195,823.00 7,455,342.00 7,359,663.00 7,154,743.00 5,807,778.00 3,858,274.00 3,273,249.00 2,408,147.00 92,811,049.00 2,309 No. of PO's Value (USD) 233,326,037.97 83,294,775.69 82,913,086.97 60,910,927.54 51,060,450.81 26,114,804.53 19,322,259.35 16,828,082.72 15,508,967.55 14,207,072.23 603,486,465.36 28,488 No. of PO's 235 37 96 10 40 18 27 21 101 38 623 1,550 Value (USD) 2,090,722.43 927,532.38 881,516.38 837,667.75 716,482.47 647,376.06 418,347.63 410,527.13 383,690.75 349,415.47 7,663,278.45 Top Ten Items (Goods and Services) Procured by Agency During 2011 UN Agency UN-PD Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Group of Goods/Services Air transportation services Architecture, engineering & construction related services Chemical & petroleum products Food rations/catering services Freight forwarding & delivery services Rental & lease Telecommunication equipment & services IT equipment and maintenance services Maintenance & repair services Motor vehicles/parts & transportation equipment Total number of orders & contracts raised during 2011: UNRWA Rank Group of Goods/Services 1 Construct. & alterat. of agency premises 2 Agricultural products 3 Shelter construct/rec on contract. basis 4 Dairy products, other 5 Pharmaceuticals 6 Other contractual services 7 Insurance 8 Petroleum oils and petroleum products 9 Maintenance of premises and other construcition services 10 Medical and surgical equipment and orthopaedic appliances Total number of orders & contracts raised during 2011: UNU Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Group of Goods/Services HR, consultants and project staff Building & machinery maintenance & repair IT services Insurance and pension fund services Legal services Inorganic minerals Service industries, hotel & catering Communications services Printing, publishing services Furniture No. of PO's 626 891 1,047 252 1,684 893 1,469 1,805 1,078 1,022 10,767 20,682 Value (USD) 863,340,304.46 439,304,606.92 396,554,241.94 241,691,283.94 145,113,926.59 110,908,940.00 99,457,868.11 99,191,942.67 84,852,683.67 73,423,886.98 2,553,839,685.28 No. of PO's 157 257 25 164 599 1,135 4 403 251 1,028 4,023 9,958 Value (USD) 50,586,989.44 50,077,115.82 44,245,172.71 18,053,698.68 13,903,261.73 11,401,543.74 9,779,020.35 5,923,151.02 5,549,541.82 3,317,957.35 212,837,452.66 No. of PO's Value (USD) 963,572.30 51,260.17 20,168.23 15,013.66 14,733.20 13,786.65 12,310.35 9,971.55 6,230.19 4,899.15 1,111,945.45 Total number of orders & contracts raised during 2011: UNV Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Group of Goods/Services Insurance and pension fund services Security services Travel HR, consultants and project staff IT equipm. & software Communications services Printing, publishing services Building & machinery maintenance & repair Service industries, hotel & catering Conferences, workshops & training Total number of orders & contracts raised during 2011: UPU Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Group of Goods/Services IT Equipment Vehicles (motorcycles included) Postal items (scales and date stamps) Solar panels Generators Total number of orders & contracts raised during 2011: 108 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement No. of PO's Value (USD) 7,607,974.00 2,415,395.00 2,048,750.00 1,461,233.00 706,769.00 486,980.00 267,000.00 260,108.00 164,680.00 163,972.00 15,582,861.00 1,439 No. of PO's 14 10 5 1 1 31 31 Value (USD) 423,435.50 432,216.68 37,063.44 29,080.54 19,729.15 941,525.30 Top Ten Items (Goods and Services) Procured by Agency During 2011 UN Agency WFP Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Group of Goods/Services Food items Transport/freight services, logistics, air charter Other services ("non food") Other goods ("non food") No. of PO's Value (USD) 1,232,031,777.35 857,550,854.04 279,713,302.28 163,044,742.64 2,532,340,676.31 Total number of orders & contracts raised during 2011: WIPO Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Group of Goods/Services Building & machinery maintenance & repair Social services & translation Leasing, rental of equipm.& premises General management services/consultancy IT services, operations support Financial services & insurance Inter-agency co-operation IT equipment Postal services Public utilities, e.g. electricitry, gas No. of PO's Value (USD) 65,298,212.93 18,357,448.94 12,590,863.16 12,352,762.08 7,243,379.50 4,983,168.95 4,535,345.30 4,440,059.03 3,260,422.95 3,091,944.83 136,153,607.65 Total number of orders & contracts raised during 2011: WMO Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Group of Goods/Services General building & machinery maintenance and repair Radiosondes & meteorological equipment IT services IT equipment, incl. software Public utilities; water, electr. supply Hotel management and organization Security services Leasing and rental of office equipm. & vehicles Printing & publishing services Public administration and finance No. of PO's Value (USD) 4,613,496.14 3,214,807.00 2,321,605.00 930,744.53 583,386.00 536,989.43 424,026.00 328,103.96 310,490.00 260,973.04 13,524,621.10 Total number of orders & contracts raised during 2011: WTO Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Group of Goods/Services Health Insurance services Travel Services Consultancy Services IT Equipment Security Services Telecommunication Services Printing Services Office Equipment Cleaning services Exhibition Services Total number of orders & contracts raised during 2011: 109 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement No. of PO's 1 6 26 4 3 5 9 29 3 3 89 537 Value (USD) 1,225,013.84 812,444.10 443,223.29 284,132.44 232,203.10 223,238.15 217,568.62 147,276.84 115,535.27 106,407.68 3,807,043.33 Agency share by category of goods and services 110 | 2010 Annual Statistical Report on United Nations Procurement Agency Market Share by Category of Goods Services Goods & services procured by UN agency Totals USD 1000 ECLAC USD 1000 % of total ESCAP USD 1000 % of total Agricultural & construction machinery and tools Agriculture & forestry products, incl. live animals Aircon, refriger. equip a.o. gen. purpose machinery 35,085 6 0.0% 0.0% 29,754 20 0.1% 0.0% 43,037 89 0.2% 0.0% Audio visual equipment 34,170 33 0.1% 2,688 ESCWA USD % of 1000 total GOODS USD 1000 IAEA % of total USD 1000 5,135 14.6% 0.0% 7,474 25.1% 5 0.0% 196 0.5% 0.2% 4 0.0% 1,447 4.2% 0.0% 8 0.3% 0.0% 13 0.5% 0.0% 0.0% 24,263 8 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 11,708 11 0.1% 0.0% 0.0% 173,127 224 0.1% 0.0% 52 0.0% 1,004 0.6% 2,123 1.2% 75,027 182 0.2% 0.0% 26 0.0% 472 0.6% 1,155 1.5% 5,210 0.0% 0.0% 16 0.3% 0.0% 2,879 55.3% 270,629 3 0.0% 0.0% 7 0.0% 8,428 3.1% 73,969 372 0.5% 0.0% 47 0.1% 1,791 2.4% 428 0.6% 14,967 33 0.2% 0.0% 39 0.3% 2,087 13.9% 370 2.5% 17,625 66 0.4% 0.0% 0.0% 105 0.6% 0.0% 7,646 0.2 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 67,998 64 0.1% 0.0% 4 0.0% 1,777 2.6% 214 0.3% 318,923 1,048 0.3% 0.3% 649 0.2% 7,840 2.5% 26,021 8.2% 991 0.0% 0.0% 327,697 26 0.0% 0.0% 38 0.0% 3,140 1.0% 33,457 10.2% 266,656 43 0.0% 0.0% 29 0.0% 5,888 2.2% 439 0.2% 3,149 0.4 0.0% 0.0% 0.01 0.0% 24,282 44 0.2% 0.0% 13 0.1% 435,914 6 0.0% 0.0% 2,051,452 11 0.0% 0.0% 12,518 3 0.0% 0.0% 88,015 22 0.0% 0.0% 29,288 32 0.1% 37,098 198 0.5% 11,849 61 0.5% 0.0% Telecom equipm., radio, satellite 77,363 61 0.1% 0.0% Textiles: Tents, blankets, bednets, clothes, shelter equpm. 241,501 179 0.1% 0.0% Wood, timber, crates, pallets etc. 9,928 14 0.1% 0.0% 16,682 0.0% 0.0% 4,840,211 701 0.0% Bags & footwear Chemicals, plastics, incl fertilizer & explosives Construction material, glass, ceramic, cement etc. Educational equipm., books/paper, office stationery Electric equipm, generators, boards, cables etc. Electronic Components Food & beverage products Furniture Industrial process & domestic machinery Ink, reagents, cleaning prod. a.o. chemical products Inorganic minerals, incl. sands, stones, asphalt Iron, steel prod./tools for construction, storage equipm. IT equipm. & software Medical/surgical, lab, meteo. & photo equipm. Medical/surgical, lab, meteo. & photo equipm. Motor vehicles, parts & other transport equipm. Musical instruments, sports equip, games, jewellery Office machinery Petroleum & fuel products Pharmaceuticals, vaccines, nutrition, contraceptives Prefabricated buildings Pumps, engines, alt. energy systems, lifting equipm Rubber & plastic: packing equip, tyres, tubes, PVC Security & safety equipm., incl. PPE Stationery articles, toolkits & training equipm. Other goods Total Goods 111 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement 1,077 73 210 210 18,737 327 371 0.0% 1.5% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.1% 0.8% 0.0% 0.0% 35 0.3% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 21 77.2% 104 % of total 0.0% 74 0.03 FAO 0.0% 251 0.0% 1.0% 0.0% 0.0% 4,229 0.2% 0.0% 11 0.1% 2 0.0% 1,981 2.3% 0.0% 0.2 0.0% 571 1.9% 0.6% 61 0.2% 415 1.1% 0.0% 1 0.0% 0.0% 138 0.2% 1,106 1.4% 0.0% 29 0.0% 205 0.1% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 152 0.9% 0.0% 0.0% 380 0.0% 1,727 82 0.0% 0.0% 545 0.6% 0.0% 249 249 0.7% 0.0% Agency Market Share by Category of Goods Services Goods & services procured by UN agency Totals USD 1000 ECLAC USD 1000 % of total ESCAP USD 1000 ESCWA % of total USD 1000 % of total FAO USD 1000 IAEA % of total USD 1000 % of total SERVICES Agriculture and forestry management Building, vehicle & machinery maintenance & repair 7,446 2 0.0% 319,759 1,429 0.4% 487 0.2% Communication services 149,178 162 0.1% 194 Conference, workshop & training 135,898 61 0.0% 1,020,325 7,371 0.7% 22,390 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 60,735 2 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 1,314 2.2% 2,489 4.1% 96,805 33 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 922 1.0% 62 0.1% 77,588 68 0.1% 0.0% 0.0% 949 1.2% 728 0.9% 63,778 8 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 27 0.0% 9 0.0% 567,717 0.1 0.0% 1,275 0.2% 0.0% 0.0% 968 0.2% IT services, operations support 154,974 632 0.4% 208 0.1% 4 0.0% 9,604 6.2% 7,628 4.9% Leasing, rental of premises, vehicles a.o. equipm. 276,562 1,213 0.4% 196 0.1% 35 0.0% 1,102 0.4% 1,725 0.6% 16,757 6 0.0% 0.0% 1,260,787 45 0.0% 0.0% 13,470 0.0% 6,835 0.0% 59,926 604 1.0% 0.0% 90 0.1% 107 0.2% 45,480 34 0.1% 0.0% 46 0.1% 109 0.2% 143,364 0.0% 0.0% 23 0.0% 2 0.0% 35,783 3 0.0% 0.0% 2 0.0% 115 0.3% 21,095 4 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 1,151 5.5% 113,885 60 0.1% 0.0% 0.0% 143 0.1% 0.0% 49,274 388 0.8% 0.0% 0.0% Technical studies 71,422 Trade & business services Trade & import related services Construction, engineering a.o. technical services Education Environmental management & protection Financial services, fees, audit & insurance General management services/consultancy Health control, disease prevention, food supply HR, consultants and project management Legal services Logistics, storage, freight forwarding, charter Natural & energy resources development Printing & publishing services Product related services, marketing & distribution Public adm, human.assistance, disaster prevention, mine action Public utilities; water, electr. supply Research & development, quality control Security services Service industries, hotel & catering Social dev., welfare, child labour prev. culture & translation Travel services (incl. DSA) Urban, rural & regional development Other services Total Services Total: Goods & Services by agency UN Grand total* 0.0% 1,067 633 91 0.0% 800 10.7% 687 0.2% 17,061 5.3% 9,696 3.0% 0.1% 18 0.0% 3,318 2.2% 866 0.6% 0.0% 29 0.0% 2,532 1.9% 1,293 1.0% 0.1% 383 0.0% 7,298 0.7% 18,230 1.8% 3 0.0% 0.0% 0.3 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 9,881 0.8% 1,787 0.1% 0.0% 0.0% 2,636 19.6% 557 4.1% 9.3% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 488 0.8% 0.0% 35,378 24.7% 0.0% 11,402 54.1% 0.2% 88 0.2% 23 0.0% 0.0% 1 0.0% 7 0.0% 2 0.0% 25,670 4 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 562 2.2% 435 1.7% 82,242 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 1,120 1.4% 15 0.0% 4,238 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 185 4.4% 330,774 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 84 0.0% 75,614 0.4 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 5,309,766 12,154 0.2% 4,151 10,149,977 15,725 0.2% 5,795 0.1% 22 349 0.0% 0.1% 0.0% 1,428 0.0% 61,028 94,106 1.8% 3,154 0.0% 136,831 1.3% 163,370 1.6% 14,276,036 *The UN grand total is not the total of the values listed in the above column. Data by category was not available from all submitting agencies. 112 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement 0.0% Agency Market Share by Category of Goods Services Goods & services procured by UN agency Agricultural & construction machinery and tools Agriculture & forestry products, incl. live animals Aircon, refriger. equip a.o. gen. purpose machinery Audio visual equipment Bags & footwear Chemicals, plastics, incl fertilizer & explosives Construction material, glass, ceramic, cement etc. Educational equipm., books/paper, office stationery Electric equipm, generators, boards, cables etc. Electronic Components Food & beverage products Furniture Industrial process & domestic machinery Ink, reagents, cleaning prod. a.o. chemical products Inorganic minerals, incl. sands, stones, asphalt Iron, steel prod./tools for construction, storage equipm. IT equipm. & software Medical/surgical, lab, meteo. & photo equipm. Medical/surgical, lab, meteo. & photo equipm. Motor vehicles, parts & other transport equipm. Musical instruments, sports equip, games, jewellery Office machinery Petroleum & fuel products Pharmaceuticals, vaccines, nutrition, contraceptives Prefabricated buildings Pumps, engines, alt. energy systems, lifting equipm Rubber & plastic: packing equip, tyres, tubes, PVC Security & safety equipm., incl. PPE Stationery articles, toolkits & training equipm. Totals USD 1000 IFAD USD 1000 % of total 35,085 0.0% 29,754 0.0% 43,037 USD 1000 % of total 672 OPCW USD % of 1000 total GOODS USD 1000 PAHO % of total USD 1000 % of total 1.9% 59 0.2% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 3 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 99 0.2% 2 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 34,170 0.0% 479 1.4% 19 0.1% 0.0% 0.0% 2,688 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 24,263 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 11,708 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 173,127 0.0% 734 0.4% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 75,027 0.0% 45 0.1% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 5,210 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 270,629 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 73,969 1 ITC ILO 34 0.3% 468 0.6% 178 0.2% 0.0% 0.0% 14,967 0.0% 201 1.3% 17 0.1% 0.0% 0.0% 17,625 0.0% 4 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 7,646 0.0% 537 7.0% 9 0.1% 0.0% 0.0% 67,998 0.0% 109 0.2% 3 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.1% 7,166 2.2% 540 0.2% 318,923 206 75 443 991 327,697 0.0% 2 266,656 3,149 7 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 319 0.1% 0.0% 1,206 0.5% 0.2% 10 0.0% 289 0.1% 2,174 0.0% 0.0% 482 0.7% 0.1% 23,686 7.2% 0.0% 0.0% 434 0.2% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 24,282 0.0% 601 2.5% 15 0.1% 435,914 0.0% 1 0.0% 2 0.0% 2,051,452 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 436,747 12,518 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 88,015 0.0% 14 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 29,288 0.0% 6 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 37,098 0.0% 54 0.1% 171 0.5% 0.1% 0.0% 29 40 21.3% 11,849 199 1.7% 1,356 11.4% 90 0.8% 0.0% 0.0% Telecom equipm., radio, satellite 77,363 129 0.2% 184 0.2% 21 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% Textiles: Tents, blankets, bednets, clothes, shelter equpm. 241,501 0.0% 24 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% Wood, timber, crates, pallets etc. 9,928 0.0% 5 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 16,682 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% Other goods Total Goods 4,840,211 113 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement 327 0.0% 1,622 282 0.0% 40 - 0.0% Agency Market Share by Category of Goods Services Goods & services procured by UN agency Totals USD 1000 IFAD USD 1000 ILO % of total USD 1000 ITC % of total USD 1000 OPCW % of total USD 1000 PAHO % of total USD 1000 % of total SERVICES Agriculture and forestry management Building, vehicle & machinery maintenance & repair 7,446 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 319,759 2,922 0.9% 6,476 2.0% 582 0.2% 323 0.1% 0.0% Communication services 149,178 2,144 1.4% 1,203 0.8% 498 0.3% 520 0.3% 0.0% Conference, workshop & training 135,898 1,746 1.3% 15,024 11.1% 2,082 1.5% 393 0.3% 0.0% 1,020,325 0.0% 27 0.0% 32 0.0% 0.0% 22,390 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.2% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.1% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% Construction, engineering a.o. technical services Education Environmental management & protection Financial services, fees, audit & insurance General management services/consultancy Health control, disease prevention, food supply HR, consultants and project management 4,148 0.4% 60,735 11 0.0% 96,805 5,773 6.0% 1,047 1.1% 77,588 416 0.5% 1,320 1.7% 0.0% 63,778 300 0.5% 0.0% 0.0% 567,717 179 0.0% 2,503 0.4% 61 0.0% IT services, operations support 154,974 7,134 4.6% 4,880 3.1% 1,098 0.7% 354 0.2% 1,027 0.7% Leasing, rental of premises, vehicles a.o. equipm. 276,562 9,324 3.4% 1,902 0.7% 1,878 0.7% 2,997 1.1% 1,160 0.4% 16,757 111 0.7% 20 0.1% 1,260,787 471 0.0% 891 0.1% Legal services Logistics, storage, freight forwarding, charter Natural & energy resources development Printing & publishing services Product related services, marketing & distribution Public adm, human.assistance, disaster prevention, mine action Public utilities; water, electr. supply Research & development, quality control Security services Service industries, hotel & catering Social dev., welfare, child labour prev. culture & translation 18 0.0% 188 80 0.0% 13 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 280 0.0% 255 0.0% 13,470 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 6,835 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.5% 0.0% 59,926 1,413 2.4% 4,014 6.7% 45,480 251 0.6% 1,125 2.5% 0.0% 0.0% 7,188 5.0% 0.0% 5.0% 2,591 7.2% 262 0.7% 0.0% 9 0.0% 67 0.3% 143,364 35,783 1,792 21,095 278 54 323 977 1.6% 0.1% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.9% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 113,885 1,072 0.9% 416 0.4% 49,274 676 1.4% 170 0.3% 22 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% Technical studies 71,422 115 0.2% 12,160 17.0% 192 0.3% 0.0% 0.0% Trade & business services 25,670 0.0% 7,005 27.3% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% Trade & import related services 82,242 63 0.1% 27 0.0% 4,238 1 0.0% Travel services (incl. DSA) Urban, rural & regional development Other services Total Services Total: Goods & Services by agency UN Grand total* 330,774 0.0% 9,212 10,655 14.1% 5,309,766 46,568 0.9% 79,207 10,149,977 47,882 0.5% 95,113 *The UN grand total is not the total of the values listed in the 114 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement 5 0.0% 75,614 14,276,036 0.0% 2.8% 4,642 0.0% 0.9% 0.0% 78 35 0.1% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 1.4% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 198 2,620 0.2% 3.2% 0.0% 228 0.1% 0.0% 11,729 0.2% 5,624 10,614 0.2% 13,227 0.1% 6,538 0.1% 473,656 4.7% Agency Market Share by Category of Goods Services Goods & services procured by UN agency Agricultural & construction machinery and tools Agriculture & forestry products, incl. live animals Aircon, refriger. equip a.o. gen. purpose machinery Audio visual equipment Bags & footwear Chemicals, plastics, incl fertilizer & explosives Construction material, glass, ceramic, cement etc. Educational equipm., books/paper, office stationery Electric equipm, generators, boards, cables etc. Electronic Components Food & beverage products Furniture Industrial process & domestic machinery Ink, reagents, cleaning prod. a.o. chemical products Inorganic minerals, incl. sands, stones, asphalt Iron, steel prod./tools for construction, storage equipm. IT equipm. & software Medical/surgical, lab, meteo. & photo equipm. Medical/surgical, lab, meteo. & photo equipm. Motor vehicles, parts & other transport equipm. Musical instruments, sports equip, games, jewellery Totals USD 1000 UNDP USD 1000 UNECA % of total USD 1000 % of total UNESCO USD % of 1000 total GOODS UNFPA USD 1000 % of total UNHCR USD 1000 % of total 35,085 10,349 29.5% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 29,754 6,027 20.3% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 43,037 950 2.2% 0.0% 717 1.7% 204 0.5% 0.0% 34,170 21,779 63.7% 0.0% 1,128 3.3% 638 1.9% 0.0% 2,688 656 24.4% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 24,263 2,130 8.8% 0.0% 0.1% 0.0% 0.0% 11,708 1,163 9.9% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 173,127 7,432 4.3% 238 0.1% 2,700 1.6% 5,458 3.2% 0.0% 75,027 11,928 15.9% 6,054 8.1% 483 0.6% 1,577 2.1% 0.0% 5,210 655 12.6% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 270,629 1,099 0.4% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 73,969 162 0.2% 364 0.5% 1,113 1.5% 6.0% 0.0% 14,967 1,178 7.9% 81 0.5% 96 0.6% 0.0% 0.0% 17,625 166 0.9% 0.0% 38 0.2% 4.4% 0.0% 7,646 916 12.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 67,998 15,316 22.5% 0.0% 58 0.1% 0.0% 318,923 44,369 13.9% 1.2% 3,364 1.1% 3,730 0.0% 991 20 0.0% 0.0% 4,408 769 11,090 11,990 17.6% 3.5% 0.0% 991 ###### 0.0% 327,697 54,921 16.8% 1,401 0.4% 204 0.1% 20,619 6.3% 266,656 49,084 18.4% 859 0.3% 1,004 0.4% 12,683 4.8% 3,149 460 14.6% 0.0% 5.8 0.2% 24,282 14,039 57.8% 614 2.5% 564 2.3% 435,914 7,605 1.7% 42 0.0% 114 2,051,452 85,507 4.2% 555 0.0% 12,518 1,022 8.2% 88,015 1,271 1.4% 29,288 231 0.8% 37,098 7,861 21.2% 600 1.6% 393 1.1% 11,849 540 4.6% 1,077 9.1% 735 6.2% Telecom equipm., radio, satellite 77,363 9,233 11.9% 919 1.2% 253 0.3% Textiles: Tents, blankets, bednets, clothes, shelter equpm. 241,501 8,589 3.6% 442 0.2% 41 0.0% 0.0% Wood, timber, crates, pallets etc. 9,928 654 6.6% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 16,682 633 3.8% 0.0% 94 0.6% 0.0% 0.0% 4,840,211 27,510 0.6% 1,516 0.0% Office machinery Petroleum & fuel products Pharmaceuticals, vaccines, nutrition, contraceptives Prefabricated buildings Pumps, engines, alt. energy systems, lifting equipm Rubber & plastic: packing equip, tyres, tubes, PVC Security & safety equipm., incl. PPE Stationery articles, toolkits & training equipm. Other goods Total Goods 115 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement 263 4,380 1.6% 0.0% 0.0% 592 2.4% 0.0% 0.0% 139 0.0% 12 0.0% 87,604 4.3% 0.0% 0.0% 6 0.0% 173 1.4% 0.0% 0.3% 87 0.1% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 1.8% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 1.6% 0.0% 0.0% 3,038 0.0% 684 1,207 1,892 25,313 63,259 63,259 5.8% 26.2% 1.3% Agency Market Share by Category of Goods Services Goods & services procured by UN agency Totals USD 1000 UNDP USD 1000 UNECA % of total USD 1000 % of total UNESCO USD 1000 % of total UNFPA USD 1000 UNHCR % of total USD 1000 % of total SERVICES Agriculture and forestry management Building, vehicle & machinery maintenance & repair 7,446 3,447 46.3% 319,759 30,229 9.5% Communication services 149,178 22,937 15.4% Conference, workshop & training 135,898 53,442 39.3% 1,020,325 123,835 12.1% 22,390 12,410 60,735 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.1% 4,655 1.5% 2,718 0.9% 10,273 3.2% 0.0% 1,978 1.3% 3,180 2.1% 20,217 13.6% 55 0.0% 16,266 12.0% 18,865 13.9% 2,988 0.3% 3,927 0.4% 11,389 1.1% 55.4% 0.0% 8,097 36.2% 887 4.0% 0.0% 10,544 17.4% 0.0% 2,647 4.4% 0.0% 0.0% 96,805 31,283 32.3% 0.5% 2,710 2.8% 4,477 4.6% 0.0% 77,588 30,479 39.3% 0.0% 1,251 1.6% 260 0.3% 0.0% 63,778 8,587 13.5% 0.0% 43 0.1% 567,717 466,375 82.1% 0.2% 13,657 2.4% 57,997 10.2% IT services, operations support 154,974 27,290 17.6% 0.0% 2,133 1.4% 3,788 2.4% 13,052 8.4% Leasing, rental of premises, vehicles a.o. equipm. 276,562 60,937 22.0% 0.0% 5,564 2.0% 11,661 4.2% 18,073 6.5% 16,757 4,830 28.8% 0.0% 0.0% 63 0.4% 1,260,787 30,552 2.4% 172 0.0% 0.1% 11,325 0.9% 13,470 3,058 22.7% 178 1.3% 6,835 1,533 22.4% 59,926 20,730 34.6% 45,480 15,175 143,364 Construction, engineering a.o. technical services Education Environmental management & protection Financial services, fees, audit & insurance General management services/consultancy Health control, disease prevention, food supply HR, consultants and project management Legal services Logistics, storage, freight forwarding, charter Natural & energy resources development Printing & publishing services 200 0.0% 531 990 1,381 0.0% 0.0% 8,340 6,837 0.8% 10.7% 0.0% 0.0% 57,856 4.6% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 103 1.5% 0.4% 1,429 2.4% 13,987 23.3% 0.0% 33.4% 0.0% 7,464 16.4% 2,039 4.5% 0.0% 10,769 7.5% 0.0% 295 0.2% 0.0% 0.0% 35,783 5,154 14.4% 0.0% 802 2.2% 2,388 6.7% 0.0% 21,095 1,846 8.7% 0.0% 44 0.2% 577 2.7% 0.0% 113,885 62,095 54.5% 0.0% 978 0.9% 2,152 1.9% 49,274 10,988 22.3% 0.0% 97 0.2% 3,695 7.5% 0.0% Technical studies 71,422 22,668 31.7% 0.0% 9,705 13.6% 746 1.0% 0.0% Trade & business services 25,670 14,385 56.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% Trade & import related services 82,242 39,331 47.8% 0.0% 16.4% 0.0% 4,238 392 9.2% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 330,774 156,836 47.4% 75,614 16,852 22.3% 5,309,766 1,298,989 24.5% 5,387 92,439 1.7% 213,517 152,696 2.9% 10,149,977 1,694,422 16.7% 25,666 0.3% 107,182 1.1% 364,247 3.6% 320,897 3.2% Product related services, marketing & distribution Public adm, human.assistance, disaster prevention, mine action Public utilities; water, electr. supply Research & development, quality control Security services Service industries, hotel & catering Social dev., welfare, child labour prev. culture & translation Travel services (incl. DSA) Urban, rural & regional development Other services Total Services Total: Goods & Services by agency UN Grand total* 14,276,036 *The UN grand total is not the total of the values listed in the 116 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement 267 5 0.0% 0.0% 2,916 3.5% 13,451 0.0% 4,296 0.0% 18,048 15.8% 1.3% 47,836 14.5% 0.0% 0.0% 35 0.0% 0.0% Agency Market Share by Category of Goods Services Goods & services procured by UN agency Agricultural & construction machinery and tools Agriculture & forestry products, incl. live animals Aircon, refriger. equip a.o. gen. purpose machinery Audio visual equipment Bags & footwear Chemicals, plastics, incl fertilizer & explosives Construction material, glass, ceramic, cement etc. Educational equipm., books/paper, office stationery Electric equipm, generators, boards, cables etc. Electronic Components Food & beverage products Furniture Industrial process & domestic machinery Ink, reagents, cleaning prod. a.o. chemical products Inorganic minerals, incl. sands, stones, asphalt Iron, steel prod./tools for construction, storage equipm. IT equipm. & software Medical/surgical, lab, meteo. & photo equipm. Medical/surgical, lab, meteo. & photo equipm. Motor vehicles, parts & other transport equipm. Musical instruments, sports equip, games, jewellery Office machinery Petroleum & fuel products Pharmaceuticals, vaccines, nutrition, contraceptives Prefabricated buildings Pumps, engines, alt. energy systems, lifting equipm Rubber & plastic: packing equip, tyres, tubes, PVC Security & safety equipm., incl. PPE Stationery articles, toolkits & training equipm. Totals USD 1000 UNICEF USD 1000 35,085 UNIDO % of total 0.0% USD 1000 UNOG % of USD total 1000 GOODS 2,261 UNOPS % of total USD 1000 % of total 6.4% 172 0.5% 10,800 30.8% 0.0% 31 0.1% 368 1.2% 29,754 989 3.3% 43,037 18,778 43.6% 1,646 3.8% 231 0.5% 1,695 3.9% 34,170 0.0% 78 0.2% 111 0.3% 4,244 12.4% 2,688 0.0% 145 5.4% 6 0.2% 104 3.9% 24,263 0.0% 881 3.6% 22 0.1% 614 2.5% 11,708 0.0% 125 1.1% 7 0.1% 1,940 16.6% 61.0% 338 0.2% 1,733 1.0% 25,907 15.0% 75,027 0.0% 1,324 1.8% 1,282 1.7% 5,836 7.8% 5,210 0.0% 0.0% 10 0.2% 76 1.5% 270,629 0.0% 33 0.0% 1 0.0% 78 0.0% 73,969 0.0% 246 0.3% 2,408 3.3% 10,754 14.5% 14,967 0.0% 3,008 20.1% 375 2.5% 1,749 11.7% 17,625 0.0% 179 1.0% 54 0.3% 314 1.8% 7,646 0.0% 0.0% 21.0 0.3% 906 11.9% 67,998 0.0% 1,847 2.7% 849 1.2% 4,054 6.0% 15.3% 466 0.1% 7,256 2.3% 51,060 16.0% 173,127 318,923 105,557 48,777 991 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 327,697 97,344 29.7% 8,563 2.6% 270 0.1% 60,911 18.6% 266,656 30,902 11.6% 791 0.3% 5,808 2.2% 82,913 31.1% 0.0% 728 23.1% 3,149 0.0% 24,282 0.0% 0.0% 57 0.2% 104 0.4% 4,562 18.8% 435,914 9,378 2.2% 0.0% 161 0.0% 3,338 0.8% 2,051,452 1,399,349 68.2% 0.0% 97 0.0% 15,509 0.8% 0.0% 281 2.2% 12,518 0.0% 1,224 9.8% 79.3% 2,914 3.3% 78 0.1% 2,912 3.3% 29,288 0.0% 667 2.3% 357 1.2% 1,380 4.7% 37,098 0.0% 0.0% 247 0.7% 2,206 5.9% 0.0% 229 1.9% 208 1.8% 88,015 69,796 11,849 613 5.2% Telecom equipm., radio, satellite 77,363 6,081 7.9% 1 0.0% 1,340 1.7% 10,847 14.0% Textiles: Tents, blankets, bednets, clothes, shelter equpm. 241,501 144,960 60.0% 40 0.0% 838 0.3% 10,098 4.2% Wood, timber, crates, pallets etc. 9,928 4,001 40.3% 25 0.3% 16 0.2% 1,898 19.1% 16,682 15,802 94.7% 4,840,211 171,458 3.5% Other goods Total Goods 117 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement 0.0% 66 0.0% 2,670 0.1% 0.0% 25,257 Agency Market Share by Category of Goods Services Goods & services procured by UN agency Totals USD 1000 UNICEF USD 1000 UNIDO % of total USD 1000 UNOG % of total USD 1000 UNOPS % of total USD 1000 % of total SERVICES Agriculture and forestry management Building, vehicle & machinery maintenance & repair 7,446 0.0% 851 11.4% 7 0.1% 936 12.6% 319,759 0.0% 1,293 0.4% 15,105 4.7% 10,694 3.3% Communication services 149,178 0.0% 185 0.1% 3,858 2.6% 8,194 5.5% Conference, workshop & training 135,898 0.0% 1,731 1.3% 627 0.5% 6,511 4.8% 9.4% 2,412 0.2% 7,455 0.7% 233,326 22.9% 22,390 0.0% 604 2.7% 0.0% 256 1.1% 60,735 0.0% 20,395 33.6% 430 0.7% 14,207 23.4% 96,805 0.0% 794 0.8% 1,243 1.3% 4,821 5.0% 77,588 0.0% 712 0.9% 2,323 3.0% 6,686 8.6% 63,778 0.0% 211 0.3% 243 0.4% 881 1.4% 567,717 0.0% 762 0.1% 465 0.1% 10,908 1.9% IT services, operations support 154,974 0.0% 1,107 0.7% 7,155 4.6% 4,094 2.6% Leasing, rental of premises, vehicles a.o. equipm. 276,562 0.0% 278 0.1% 1 0.0% 16,828 6.1% 16,757 0.0% 2,100 12.5% 344 2.1% 2,568 15.3% 8.3% 827 0.1% 203 0.0% 13,414 1.1% 13,470 0.0% 2,347 17.4% 12 0.1% 2,648 19.7% 6,835 0.0% 59,926 0.0% 148 0.2% 955 1.6% 1,484 2.5% 45,480 0.0% 5,948 13.1% 3,306 7.3% 1,972 4.3% 143,364 0.0% 898 0.6% 73 0.1% 83,295 58.1% 35,783 0.0% 2 0.0% 20 0.1% 1,024 2.9% 21,095 0.0% 655 3.1% 30 0.1% 975 4.6% 113,885 0.0% 5 0.0% 19 0.0% 1,460 1.3% 49,274 0.0% 139 0.3% 13,917 28.2% 3,184 6.5% Technical studies 71,422 0.0% 318 0.4% 791 1.1% 1,381 1.9% Trade & business services 25,670 0.0% 477 1.9% 72 0.3% 1,682 6.6% Trade & import related services 82,242 0.0% 10,520 12.8% 220 0.3% 5,582 6.8% 4,238 0.0% 2,921 68.9% 35 0.8% 284 6.7% 330,774 0.0% 463 0.1% 27,193 8.2% 19,322 5.8% 75,614 0.0% 51 0.1% 0.0% 1,345 1.8% 86,103 1.6% 459,962 112,888 1.1% 803,510 Construction, engineering a.o. technical services Education Environmental management & protection Financial services, fees, audit & insurance General management services/consultancy Health control, disease prevention, food supply HR, consultants and project management Legal services Logistics, storage, freight forwarding, charter Natural & energy resources development Printing & publishing services Product related services, marketing & distribution Public adm, human.assistance, disaster prevention, mine action Public utilities; water, electr. supply Research & development, quality control Security services Service industries, hotel & catering Social dev., welfare, child labour prev. culture & translation Travel services (incl. DSA) Urban, rural & regional development Other services Total Services Total: Goods & Services by agency UN Grand total* 1,020,325 1,260,787 96,118 105,128 0.0% 5,309,766 201,246 3.8% 59,154 10,149,977 2,325,032 22.9% 86,078 14,276,036 *The UN grand total is not the total of the values listed in the 118 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement 0.8% 0.0% 0.0% 7.9% Agency Market Share by Category of Goods Services Goods & services procured by UN agency Agricultural & construction machinery and tools Agriculture & forestry products, incl. live animals Aircon, refriger. equip a.o. gen. purpose machinery Audio visual equipment Bags & footwear Chemicals, plastics, incl fertilizer & explosives Construction material, glass, ceramic, cement etc. Educational equipm., books/paper, office stationery Electric equipm, generators, boards, cables etc. Electronic Components Food & beverage products Furniture Industrial process & domestic machinery Ink, reagents, cleaning prod. a.o. chemical products Inorganic minerals, incl. sands, stones, asphalt Iron, steel prod./tools for construction, storage equipm. IT equipm. & software Medical/surgical, lab, meteo. & photo equipm. Medical/surgical, lab, meteo. & photo equipm. Motor vehicles, parts & other transport equipm. Musical instruments, sports equip, games, jewellery Office machinery Petroleum & fuel products Pharmaceuticals, vaccines, nutrition, contraceptives Prefabricated buildings Pumps, engines, alt. energy systems, lifting equipm Rubber & plastic: packing equip, tyres, tubes, PVC Security & safety equipm., incl. PPE Stationery articles, toolkits & training equipm. Totals USD 1000 35,085 UNOV USD 1000 UNPD % of total % of USD total 1000 GOODS UNV % of total USD 1000 % of total 0.0% 5,094 14.5% 0.0% 0.0% 29,754 0.0% 691 2.3% 0.0% 0.0% 43,037 0.0% 17,267 40.1% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 3,827 11.2% 0.0% 0.0% 2,688 0.0% 864 32.2% 0.0% 0.0% 24,263 0.0% 872 3.6% 0.0% 0.0% 11,708 0.0% 5,199 44.4% 0.0% 0.0% 34,170 11 USD 1000 UNU 2 173,127 194 0.1% 12,850 7.4% 75,027 237 0.3% 43,032 57.4% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 1,564 30.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 5,210 4 0.0% 6 0.0% 270,629 6 0.0% 196,799 72.7% 73,969 128 0.2% 46,888 63.4% 14,967 57 0.4% 4,867 32.5% 0.0% 0.0% 17,625 0.0% 14,810 84.0% 0.0% 0.0% 7,646 0.0% 4,433 58.0% 0.2% 0.0% 0.0% 5 13.8 0.0% 67,998 23 0.0% 28,851 42.4% 0.0% 318,923 2,639 0.8% 87,793 27.5% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 991 0.0% 41 707 0.1% 0.2% 0.0% 0.0% 327,697 260 0.1% 14,147 4.3% 0.0% 266,656 161 0.1% 67,201 25.2% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 1,230 39.1% 0.0% 0.0% 1.0% 1,338 5.5% 0.0% 0.0% 435,914 0.0% 383,860 88.1% 0.0% 0.0% 2,051,452 0.0% 3,975 0.2% 0.0% 0.0% 12,518 0.0% 9,478 75.7% 0.0% 0.0% 88,015 0.0% 7,103 8.1% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 3,149 24,282 253 87 29,288 70 0.2% 25,197 86.0% 0.0% 37,098 461 1.2% 22,659 61.1% 0.0% 0.0% 5,293 44.7% 0.0% 0.0% 11,849 27 0.1% Telecom equipm., radio, satellite 77,363 488 0.6% 44,778 57.9% 0.0% 0.0% Textiles: Tents, blankets, bednets, clothes, shelter equpm. 241,501 49 0.0% 9,462 3.9% 0.0% 0.0% Wood, timber, crates, pallets etc. 9,928 87 0.9% 2,778 28.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% Other goods Total Goods 16,682 4,840,211 119 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement 0.0% 1,085 0.0% 84,969 - 0.0% 27 Agency Market Share by Category of Goods Services Goods & services procured by UN agency Totals USD 1000 UNOV USD 1000 UNPD % of total USD 1000 UNU % of total USD 1000 UNV % of total USD 1000 % of total SERVICES Agriculture and forestry management Building, vehicle & machinery maintenance & repair 7,446 0.0% 1,401 18.8% 0.0% 0.0% 319,759 646 0.2% 115,146 36.0% 51 0.0% 19 0.0% Communication services 149,178 726 0.5% 76,931 51.6% 10 0.0% 487 0.3% Conference, workshop & training 135,898 913 0.7% 8,854 6.5% 0.0% 164 0.1% 1,020,325 973 0.1% 440,194 43.1% 0.0% 11 0.0% 0.0% 135 0.6% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% Construction, engineering a.o. technical services Education Environmental management & protection Financial services, fees, audit & insurance General management services/consultancy Health control, disease prevention, food supply HR, consultants and project management 22,390 60,735 850 1.4% 7,729 12.7% 96,805 25 0.0% 19,831 20.5% 0.0% 18,380 23.7% 77,588 19 0.0% 7,608 7.9% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 63,778 251 0.4% 41,005 64.3% 0 0.0% 567,717 19 0.0% 10,032 1.8% 15 0.0% 1,468 0.3% IT services, operations support 154,974 314 0.2% 52,523 33.9% 20 0.0% 125 0.1% Leasing, rental of premises, vehicles a.o. equipm. 276,562 85 0.0% 125,222 45.3% 0.0% 241 0.1% 16,757 494 2.9% 6,195 37.0% 15 0.1% 0.0% 1,260,787 167 0.0% 1,025,378 81.3% 2 0.0% 0.0% 13,470 0.0% 15.1% 0.0% 0.0% 6,835 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% Legal services Logistics, storage, freight forwarding, charter Natural & energy resources development Printing & publishing services Product related services, marketing & distribution Public adm, human.assistance, disaster prevention, mine action Public utilities; water, electr. supply Research & development, quality control Security services Service industries, hotel & catering Social dev., welfare, child labour prev. culture & translation 2,033 59,926 767 1.3% 11,324 18.9% 45,480 100 0.2% 4,080 143,364 3 0.0% 35,783 21,095 6 0.0% 267 0.4% 9.0% 0.0% 119 0.3% 4,154 2.9% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 17,506 48.9% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 4,335 20.5% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 2,415 2.1% 165 0.3% 113,885 93 0.1% 23,486 20.6% 49,274 315 0.6% 14,294 29.0% 12 0.0% Technical studies 71,422 407 0.6% 3,434 4.8% 948 1.3% 0.0% Trade & business services 25,670 0.0% 1,049 4.1% 0.0% 0.0% Trade & import related services 82,242 0.0% 5,407 6.6% 0.0% 0.0% 4,238 0.0% 314 7.4% 0.0% 0.0% 330,774 0.0% 57,393 17.4% 0.0% 1,784 2.4% Travel services (incl. DSA) Urban, rural & regional development Other services Total Services Total: Goods & Services by agency UN Grand total* 22 75,614 1 5,309,766 7,171 0.1% 2,099,546 10,149,977 13,382 0.1% 3,258,715 14,276,036 *The UN grand total is not the total of the values listed in the 120 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement 32.1% 2 0.0% 2,049 0.0% 0.6% 0.0% 1,102 0.0% 15,137 1,125 0.0% 16,032 0.2% Agency Market Share by Category of Goods Services Goods & services procured by UN agency Agricultural & construction machinery and tools Agriculture & forestry products, incl. live animals Aircon, refriger. equip a.o. gen. purpose machinery Audio visual equipment Bags & footwear Chemicals, plastics, incl fertilizer & explosives Construction material, glass, ceramic, cement etc. Educational equipm., books/paper, office stationery Electric equipm, generators, boards, cables etc. Electronic Components Food & beverage products Furniture Industrial process & domestic machinery Ink, reagents, cleaning prod. a.o. chemical products Inorganic minerals, incl. sands, stones, asphalt Iron, steel prod./tools for construction, storage equipm. IT equipm. & software Medical/surgical, lab, meteo. & photo equipm. Medical/surgical, lab, meteo. & photo equipm. Motor vehicles, parts & other transport equipm. Musical instruments, sports equip, games, jewellery Totals USD 1000 UNWRA USD 1000 WIPO % of total USD 1000 WMO % of USD total 1000 GOODS WTO % of total USD 1000 % of total 35,085 423 1.2% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 29,754 14,151 47.6% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 43,037 591 1.4% 4 0.0% 235 0.5% 0.0% 34,170 285 0.8% 14 0.0% 9 0.0% 0.0% 2,688 892 33.2% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 24,263 607 2.5% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 11,708 1,172 10.0% 2,092 17.9% 0.0% 0.0% 173,127 5,455 3.2% 937 0.5% 106 0.1% 0.0% 75,027 1,333 1.8% 0.0% 26 0.0% 0.0% 5,210 10 0.2% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 270,629 64,174 23.7% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 73,969 2,644 3.6% 1,169 1.6% 149 0.2% 0.0% 14,967 604 4.0% 179 1.2% 27 0.2% 0.0% 17,625 1,078 6.1% 39 0.2% 4 0.0% 0.0% 7,646 807.1 10.6% 0.0% 1.8 0.0% 0.0% 67,998 2,838 4.2% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 318,923 4,770 1.5% 991 4,440 0.0% 1.4% 931 0.0% 0.3% 284 0.1% 0.0% 0.0% 327,697 4,591 1.4% 15 0.0% 3,215 1.0% 0.0% 266,656 2,502 0.9% 17 0.0% 228 0.1% 0.0% 3,149 614.1 19.5% 104 3.3% 0.0% 0.0% 24,282 1,004 4.1% 47 0.2% 435,914 5,925 1.4% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 2,051,452 17,752 0.9% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 12,518 320 2.6% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 88,015 472 0.5% 0.6% 0.0% 0.0% 29,288 778 2.7% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 37,098 344 0.9% 218 0.6% 0.0% 0.0% 11,849 864 7.3% 551 4.6% 35 0.3% 0.0% Telecom equipm., radio, satellite 77,363 490 0.6% 68 0.1% 17 0.0% 0.0% Textiles: Tents, blankets, bednets, clothes, shelter equpm. 241,501 3,241 1.3% 18 0.0% 28 0.0% 0.0% Wood, timber, crates, pallets etc. 9,928 450 4.5% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% Office machinery Petroleum & fuel products Pharmaceuticals, vaccines, nutrition, contraceptives Prefabricated buildings Pumps, engines, alt. energy systems, lifting equipm Rubber & plastic: packing equip, tyres, tubes, PVC Security & safety equipm., incl. PPE Stationery articles, toolkits & training equipm. Other goods Total Goods 16,682 4,840,211 121 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement 5,388 0.1% 554 855 2 80 0.0% 0.0% 147 - 0.6% Agency Market Share by Category of Goods Services Goods & services procured by UN agency Totals USD 1000 UNWRA USD 1000 WIPO % of total USD 1000 WMO % of total USD 1000 WTO % of total USD 1000 % of total SERVICES Agriculture and forestry management Building, vehicle & machinery maintenance & repair 7,446 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 319,759 19,141 6.0% 65,298 20.4% 4,628 1.4% Communication services 149,178 329 0.2% 946 0.6% 56 0.0% Conference, workshop & training 135,898 3,911 2.9% 1,167 0.9% 232 0.2% 0.0% 1,020,325 50,801 5.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 22,390 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 60,735 0.0% 96 0.2% 21 0.0% 0.0% 137 0.1% 10 0.0% Construction, engineering a.o. technical services Education Environmental management & protection Financial services, fees, audit & insurance General management services/consultancy Health control, disease prevention, food supply HR, consultants and project management 223 0.1% 96,805 10,286 10.6% 4,983 5.1% 77,588 1,219 1.6% 12,353 15.9% 0.0% 443 0.6% 63,778 3,987 6.3% 83 0.1% 0.0% 1,225 1.9% 0.0% 40 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 567,717 IT services, operations support 154,974 1,242 0.8% 7,243 4.7% 2,322 1.5% 0.0% Leasing, rental of premises, vehicles a.o. equipm. 276,562 3,221 1.2% 12,591 4.6% 328 0.1% 0.0% 0.0% 11 0.1% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 83 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% Legal services Logistics, storage, freight forwarding, charter Natural & energy resources development Printing & publishing services Product related services, marketing & distribution Public adm, human.assistance, disaster prevention, mine action Public utilities; water, electr. supply Research & development, quality control Security services Service industries, hotel & catering Social dev., welfare, child labour prev. culture & translation 16,757 1,260,787 13,470 0.0% 6,835 0.0% 4,566 66.8% 40 0.1% 24 0.0% 312 0.5% 218 0.4% 45,480 148 0.3% 3,260 7.2% 211 0.5% 39 0.1% 143,364 1,026 0.7% 0.0% 261 0.2% 35,783 16 0.0% 8.6% 583 1.6% 0.0% 511 0.4% 424 0.4% 49,274 0.0% 300 0.6% 733 1.5% 0.0% 0.0% 18,357 25.7% 139 0.2% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% Trade & import related services 82,242 Total: Goods & Services by agency UN Grand total* 0.3% 113,885 25,670 Total Services 107 0.0% Trade & business services Other services 3,092 0.0% 21,095 71,422 Urban, rural & regional development 253 59,926 Technical studies Travel services (incl. DSA) 423 27 0.0% 0.0% 39 4,238 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 662 0.8% 70 0.1% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 106 2.5% 812 0.2% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 75,614 44,892 59.4% 0.0% 0.0% 5,309,766 140,797 2.7% 135,667 10,149,977 287,363 2.8% 146,987 122 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement 0.2% 116 49 *The UN grand total is not the total of the values listed in the 232 0.1% 330,774 14,276,036 0.0% 1.4% 0.0% 10,711 0.2% 3,533 15,804 0.2% 3,964 0.0% Major goods and supplies ordered by UN agencies ($30,000 or more) 123 | 2010 Annual Statistical Report on United Nations Procurement Major Orders for Goods Placed by Agency During 2011 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of Supplier ECA China Cyprus Cyprus Cyprus Cyprus Cyprus Cyprus Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Djibouti Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia France Germany Germany Germany Germany Ireland Israel Israel Israel Israel Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Netherlands South Africa Sweden Sweden United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America ECLAC Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Denmark Mexico Mexico United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America Name of Supplier Description of Goods TELLHOW SCI-TECH INTERTRADE INTERN INTERTRADE INTERN INFOTREND COMPANY INFOTREND COMPANY INFOTREND COMPANY INFOTREND COMPANY DAN OFFICE DANOFFICE Plc DANOFFICE Plc DANOFFICE Plc DAN OFFICE IT DAN OFFICE IT DANOFFICE Plc RED SEA AUTOMOTIV EQUATORIAL BUSINE ETHIOPIAN TOURIST ETHIOPIAN TOURIST BIOMERIEUX Carestream Health HEIDELBERG DRUCKM DAIMLER A. g. DAIMLER A. g. APC by Schneider ONSET SYSTEMS ENG ONSET SYSTEMS ENG ORAD CONTROL SO ARES A. N INTERNA INTERTRADE INTERN INTERTRADE INTERN INTERTRADE INTERN INTERTRADE INTERN INTERTRADE INTERN INTERTRADE INTERN A BELLOMI S R L A BELLOMI S R L INTERTRADE INTERN INTERTRADE INTERN INTERTRADE INTERN NEURONET PLC ESRI Eastern Afri VECTOR INTERNATIO NJIMIA PHARMACEUT NJIMIA PHARMACEUT MFI OFFICE SOLUTI BEDI INVESTMENTS Autocar Internati SCHINDLER LIFT (S AASTRA TELECOM SW AASTRA TELECOM SW EBASCO TRADING CO TRUEBELL MARKETIN TRUEBELL MARKETIN EBASCO TRADING CO EBASCO TRADING CO EBASCO TRADING CO MOTOROLA UNIVERSAL PROCURE MOTOROLA KGT (UK) LTD WINCHESTER PROCUR WINCHESTER PROCUR WINCHESTER PROCUR WINCHESTER PROCUR SHEARGOLD LTD BANNERBRIDGE Plc BANNERBRIDGE Plc BANNERBRIDGE Plc WINCHESTER PROCUR WINCHESTER PROCUR SHEARGOLD LTD SOMES WORLD- WIDE SOMES WORLD- WIDE Cisco Systems, In Cisco Systems, In Cisco Systems, In Cisco Systems, In Cisco Systems, In Cisco Systems, In Cisco Systems, In Cisco Systems, In Cisco Systems, In Cisco Systems, In Cisco Systems, In Cisco Systems, In Cisco Systems, In URSANAV INC EMC CORPORATION Cisco Systems, In Cisco Systems, In EMC CORPORATION PLANSON INTERNATI PLANSON INTERNATI PLANSON INTERNATI SOMES WORLD- WIDE SOMES WORLD- WIDE SOMES WORLD- WIDE United Nations Of United Nations Of United Nations Of United Nations Of United Nations Of United Nations Of United Nations Of Electrical Equipment Building Materials Communications Equipment Electronic Equipment Electronic Equipment Furniture Photocopiers Communications Equipment Computer Hardware Computer Hardware Computer Hardware Computer Hardware Computer Supplies Computer Supplies Vehicles Medicines Uniform Linen and Related Uniform Linen and Related Medical Equipment Medical Equipment Printing and Publishing Equipment Vehicles Vehicles Electronic Equipment Communications Equipment Communications Equipment Electronic Equipment Electronic Equipment Computer Hardware Electronic Equipment Electronic Equipment Fire Fighting Equipment & Supplies Furniture Kitchen & Cafeteria Supplies/ Cutlery Office Supplies & Stationery Office Supplies & Stationery Printing and Publishing Equipment Printing and Publishing Supplies Server Computer Software Computer Software Electrical Equipment Medicines Medicines Printing and Publishing Supplies Uniform Linen and Related Vehicles Electrical Equipment Communications Equipment Telephone Apparatus Banners/ Flags/ Logos Computer Hardware Electrical Equipment Office Supplies & Stationery Promotional Material Vehicles Communications Equipment Communications Equipment Communications Equipment Electrical Equipment Electrical Equipment Electrical Equipment Electronic Equipment Gases ID Card ID Card ID Card Office Supplies & Stationery Photocopiers Printing and Publishing Supplies Vehicle Spare Parts/ Accessories & Rela Banners/ Flags/ Logos Banners/ Flags/ Logos Computer Hardware Computer Hardware Computer Hardware Computer Hardware Computer Hardware Computer Hardware Computer Hardware Computer Hardware Computer Hardware Computer Hardware Computer Hardware Computer Software Computer Software Computer Software Computer Software Computer Software Computer Software Computer Supplies Office Supplies & Stationery Office Supplies & Stationery Office Supplies & Stationery Uniform Linen and Related Uniform Linen and Related Uniform Linen and Related Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles PERSINAS ROLLUX LTDA PERSINAS ROLLUX LTDA FERROSTAAL CHILE S.A.C. EQUIPOS ELECTRONICOS Y COMPUT SA DIST. PAPELES INDUSTRIALES S.A. NETSECURE INFORMATICA LTDA. DAN:OFFICE APS INDUSTRIAS RIVIERA , S.A. DE C.V. ADT PRIVATE SECURITY SERVICES DE ME LENOVO (UNITED STATES) INC. LENOVO (UNITED STATES) INC. ID CARD SYSTEMS, INC. CISCO SYSTEMS, INC. PLANSON INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION LASER SHOT, INC Curtains Curtains Hotmelt machine (for binding) IBM Lotus software Paper Security software for access via internet IT equipment (servers) Furniture Security equipment Desktops Desktops ID cards IP telephone equipment Toners Training equipment 124 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO Value USD 137,751.00 40,408.32 114,879.12 40,078.92 40,078.92 35,865.86 71,275.00 68,649.00 333,903.00 60,500.00 44,479.00 37,475.00 112,070.00 42,213.00 36,726.57 35,519.61 39,600.00 36,674.00 57,323.09 88,340.00 1,153,396.43 63,147.44 44,424.10 109,769.00 194,649.00 185,714.29 4,727,280.00 73,150.00 33,012.95 107,313.27 85,089.70 59,310.00 36,760.56 33,780.25 165,162.07 94,197.14 74,734.15 71,539.00 58,180.20 99,976.89 30,579.45 37,812.01 56,070.95 39,250.78 34,950.00 33,403.40 57,936.00 320,627.00 35,799.37 38,719.37 39,779.05 30,020.00 44,370.00 30,433.00 31,500.00 33,677.38 75,079.50 39,763.44 34,027.44 56,324.75 51,610.20 32,303.00 51,838.69 30,179.85 131,215.00 35,172.00 31,901.00 58,966.40 40,490.99 74,979.50 74,540.00 74,317.95 74,317.95 465,624.20 317,904.28 294,431.20 178,727.00 178,727.00 130,293.50 107,626.80 100,291.00 84,827.90 39,520.32 38,523.60 255,318.40 183,245.20 61,786.00 53,403.00 39,531.10 37,475.00 192,436.00 86,835.00 38,785.00 33,099.00 91,488.50 65,943.50 50,236.60 144,549.55 60,297.66 58,023.53 58,023.53 35,472.58 34,146.18 31,091.40 53,939.89 42,005.86 50,593.72 73,564.56 58,161.35 30,309.00 47,210.00 47,522.29 41,900.78 141,774.00 41,180.00 36,044.00 66,504.80 59,279.00 44,181.90 Major Orders for Goods Placed by Agency During 2011 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of Supplier ECLAC Continued United States of America ESCAP Denmark Germany Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand United Kingdom United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America Denmark Denmark Iraq Japan Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon United Kingdom United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America FAO Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Argentina Armenia Armenia Armenia Australia Australia Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Burkina Faso Burkina Faso Burkina Faso Cambodia Cameroon Canada Canada Canada Central African Republic Central African Republic Central African Republic Central African Republic Central African Republic Central African Republic Central African Republic Central African Republic Central African Republic Central African Republic Central African Republic China China China China China China China, Hong Kong Colombia Cuba Cuba Cuba Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark PO Value USD Name of Supplier Description of Goods WALDNER'S BUSINESS ENVIRONMENTS Workstations DANOFFICE ApS BERNT LORENTZ GMBH & CO. KG FIRST INTER BUSINESS LTD. PATARARUNGROJ LTD., PART. EMC INFORMATION SYSTEMS (THAILAND) LTD. FMA GROUP CO., LTD. SJS FINE IMPORTS CO., LTD. ETON CARS CO., LTD. CLUNG WICHA PRESS CO., LTD. NTN SOLUTION LIMITED IT TECHCOM CO., LTD. BMW (THAILAND) CO., LTD. ROCKWORTH PUBLIC CO., LTD. MODERNFORM INTEGRATION SERVICES CO., LTD. MTS ENGINEERING AND RENTAL CO. LTD. FASTER ENTERPRISE CO., LTD. N.T.E. LIMITED TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD. CISCO SYSTEMS, INC. CISCO SYSTEMS, INC. CISCO SYSTEMS, INC. CISCO SYSTEMS, INC. CISCO SYSTEMS, INC. CISCO SYSTEMS, INC. LENOVO (UNITED STATES) INC. LENOVO (UNITED STATES) INC. LENOVO (UNITED STATES) INC. LENOVO (UNITED STATES) INC. LENOVO (UNITED STATES) INC. ASTROPHYSICS, INC. EDART GTI, INC. ASTROPHYSICS, INC. DAN OFFICE DAN OFFICE AL-THAKIRA FOR IT AND SOFTWARE CO. LTD Nissan Trading Co, Ltd. Group 4 Security Systems Lebanon sal ALWAN STATIONERY AND LIBRARY TECHNICAL PAPER CO. Modern House AUTOMATION AND COMPUTER TECHNOLOGIES PRESSTEK Europe Limited Globecomm systems Inc CISCO SYSTEMS, INC. LENOVO (UNITED STATES) INC. LENOVO (UNITED STATES) INC. LENOVO (UNITED STATES) INC. HP"printer CP4525DN:11; "HP"printer P3015DN:40 Solar panels and Grid Tie Inverters CCTV Redundant Server with Rack for SSS Conference Camera System Contract No. PD/C0029/02 by UNHQ Digital Multifunction Medium Duty Photocopiers Multi-purpose Van for OCHA Multi-purpose Vehicle for OCHA Printing of publication on Economic and Social Survey of Asia and the Pacific 2011, MPDD Provision of converged network adapter (CAN) Remarketed HP server rp-3440-4 for IMCTS Representational car for UNESCAP (BMW 7 series) Rockworth Modular Furniture Servers:HP Proliant DL380G7 SFF CTO Chassis Supply of elevated work platform for FMU Supply of elevated work platforms for FMU "BOSCH" digital microphone:CMU-Nusra Vehicle for SRO CISCO Equipments for UNCC Infrastructure Upgrade Project Cisco Equipments for IPT project phase 2 and infrastructure upgrade Cisco License, Meeting place, Smartnet MA Service Support Cisco UC Phone for ESCAP Infrastructure Upgrade CISCO" TelePresence Codec C40 (2sets) IP Phone system (CISCO) for UNISDR's office in Incheon Lenovo computers for CMU Lenovo computers for Software Development sub-unit and CSR center Lenovo Desktop ThinkCenter M91p with LCD monitor for IMCTS Lenovo Desktops and Laptops for SSS Lenovo Laptop- Communications for IPT project (IMCTS) Supply of one set of X-Ray Scanning System UNFCCC: DLP Projectors-2011 Provision of baggage and luggage screening systems HP Laserjet Printers + HP Digital Sender Supply and Delivery of HP Toners Supply and delivery to MOE Baghdad and MOE Erbil of Promethean Tools Supply and Delivery of Nissan Patrol 4X4 Vehicle Supply and Delivery of Qty 4 Portable Vehicle Barriers/Road Blockers Supply and Delivery of Stationery Items to UNESCWA Supply and delivery on DDU basis to UNESCWA A4 Photocopying paper Supply, Delivery and Installation of Blackout Rollup Curtains at UNESCWA Supply, Delivery and Installation of Intrusion Prevention System Digital PlateMaker Portrait MRIP Momentum Purchase of Satellite Earth Station Equipment Supply and Delivery FCA, JFK New York, through SDV USA Supply and delivery of IT equipment Supply and delivery on DDU Basis at UNESCWA, Beirut of Lenovo IT Equipment Supply and delivery on DDU Basis at UNESCWA, Beirut of Lenovo IT Equipment 39,106.00 49,995.36 50,450.11 53,503.49 181,380.00 39,974.21 35,900.00 57,601.51 32,131.74 33,836.95 117,025.18 73,158.91 48,250.25 154,438.27 45,819.07 45,011.01 74,163.69 59,525.86 67,820.56 261,493.00 138,755.36 32,030.50 45,609.20 30,184.60 36,187.00 49,944.00 88,800.00 35,044.00 134,845.00 39,186.00 52,500.00 88,464.00 30,270.00 46,749.68 84,915.00 32,568.06 126,304.52 35,000.00 30,500.00 41,000.70 40,526.50 39,300.00 46,578.90 89,284.70 205,320.00 64,440.00 43,400.00 GHULAM MUHAMMAD DIN CO LTD GHULAM MUHAMMAD DIN CO LTD GHULAM MUHAMMAD DIN CO LTD FAMACON SA LOGIC INTER LLC CONCERN ENERGOMASH CONCERN ENERGOMASH SEAGREEN RESOURCES PTY LTD STERIDIUM PTY LTD PESSL INSTRUMENTS GMBH AMEX EXPORT- IMPORT GMBH AMEX EXPORT- IMPORT GMBH AMEX EXPORT- IMPORT GMBH VWR INTERNATIONAL GMBH AMEX EXPORT- IMPORT GMBH AMEX EXPORT- IMPORT GMBH AMEX EXPORT- IMPORT GMBH AMEX EXPORT- IMPORT GMBH SAMIN POULTRY COMPLEX TARA TARI SAMIN POULTRY COMPLEX ALIM INDUSTRIES LTD. ALIM INDUSTRIES LTD. ACI MOTORS LTD ALIM INDUSTRIES LTD. FITARELLI MAQUINAS AGRICOLAS LTDA FITARELLI MAQUINAS AGRICOLAS LTDA FITARELLI MAQUINAS AGRICOLAS LTDA TRAMONTINA MULTI SA FANKHAUSER LTDA GLOBAL BUSINESS COMPANY SARL KING AGRO TROPIC AGRO CHEM SARL HENG PICH CHHAY IMPORT-EXPORT CO.,LTD. LANAVET UNIVERSAL AUTOMATION SYSTEMS TOKMAKJIAN INTERNATIONAL INC SUPLAY INC SACB ALHADJI ISSA OUMAROU - SOCIETE FNEC SOCAVI ETS ROLEX 3000 OUSMAN SHEHOU ABDEL - KARIM ALI OUMAROU ALIM ABDEL AZIZ MAHAMAT ABDEL - KARIM ALI GROUPE DJIBRO SERVICE ETS SICAAL ITI COMPANY (SHANGHAI) LTD. TAIHUA INTERNATIONAL TRADING GUANGZHOU LAND CENTURY CO. LTD DANDONG IMPORT & EXPORT CORPORATION SUPERMAP SOFTWARE CO LTD DANDONG IMPORT & EXPORT CORPORATION GLOBAL FLEET SALES LIMITED ETEC SA LAFUENTE SEGOVIA LABRECO TRADE SA LAFUENTE SEGOVIA DANOFFICE LTD DANOFFICE LTD ADVIZING IT HVALPSUND NET DANOFFICE LTD DANOFFICE LTD DANOFFICE LTD DANOFFICE LTD DANOFFICE LTD DANOFFICE LTD DAP Fertilizer DAP Fertilizer UREA Fertilizer Containers for project GCP/CUB/016/SPA Laboratory Equipment Laboratory Equipment Seed processing equipment to Armenia FISH FEED EQUIPMENT Germinator / incubator and spare parts AGROMETEOROLOGICAL EQUIPMENT Lab. reagents & consumables Lab. supplies, Reagents and Consumables. Laboratory (diagnostic) kits Laboratory Equipment (Lots 3 & 5) Laboratory Expandables Miscellaneous laboratory sampling material PPE Kits for Mongolia Veterinary laboratory equipments and supplies for project CHICKENS TO MULTIPLE LOCATIONS IN Fiberglass boats HICKENS TO MULTIPLE LOCATIONS IN BANGLADESH PADDY TRESHERS + FAST MOVING SERVICE AND SPARE PARTS PADDY TRESHERS + FAST MOVING SERVICE AND SPARE PARTS Power Tillers and implements RICE THRESHERS TO TIMOR LESTE Agricultural equipments for various projects Agricultural machinery Conservation Agriculutre Equipments Garden Hand Tools Planter and seeder machines Animal Feed (Tourteaux de Coton) FERTILIZER (UREA/NPK) TO BURKINA FASO FERTILIZERS (UREA, NPK) TO BURKINA FASO FERTILIZERS FOR CAMBODIA Veterinary Vaccines for G. Bissau Telecommunication equipments for FAO Afghanistan Tractor Windmill Animal Livestock: Oxen Animal Livestock: Oxen Barrows for project Bovins Bovins Bovins Bovins Local seeds PLOUGHS (CHARRUES) Amendment to the actual quantities against the original qty: 10000 PR 47272 TARPAULINS Semences locales Agricultural Hand Tools Hatchery machines PLASTIC SHEETING ROLLS TO NAMPO PORT IN NORTH KOREA change the quantities VEGETABLE SEEDS TO PYONGYANG Software UREA Fertilizer Vehicles Pick ups 4WD Water pumps with accessories Metal goods Metal goods Wire and metal products for various projects CISCO WI-FI EQUIP,EMT FOR FIELD OFFICES Communication and IT equipments for various projects Desktops for project OSRO/EGY/701/USA Fishing tools and equipments HP 8540P EliteBook Laptops - GCP/GLO/208/BMG HP Elite 8100 CM Mini Towers - Various TF INT Projects HP Elite 8100 CM Mini Towers + HP 8540P & HP 2540P EliteBook Laptops HP Elite 8100 SFF Computers + HP 8440P EliteBook Laptops HP Elite 8200 CM MiniTowers HP Elite 8200 CM MiniTowers 162,350.00 2,377,050.00 2,406,600.00 68,007.00 53,257.00 51,900.00 90,900.00 258,272.00 79,295.00 62,651.00 95,686.64 122,024.00 145,208.60 32,824.03 59,796.00 141,452.00 35,000.00 139,897.00 42,080.00 107,175.00 261,940.00 164,000.00 150,300.00 388,640.00 83,370.00 87,357.00 225,286.92 37,879.60 38,269.00 113,629.00 232,993.87 1,350,123.00 1,477,500.00 155,492.54 130,700.00 35,745.00 34,284.00 134,149.04 82,793.72 76,094.21 123,641.78 82,309.44 71,066.53 83,364.73 72,640.14 238,684.00 86,322.66 120,884.25 221,062.90 125,880.00 92,628.92 564,816.00 129,360.00 68,460.00 346,752.90 174,800.00 91,419.00 144,188.67 112,011.65 72,755.60 188,929.81 58,391.50 110,542.25 93,300.00 33,934.00 49,900.50 35,411.25 36,835.00 72,389.50 33,258.00 125 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement 82,940.51 Major Orders for Goods Placed by Agency During 2011 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of Supplier FAO Continued Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Djibouti Dominican Republic Dominican Republic Dominican Republic Dominican Republic Dominican Republic Egypt France France France France France France France France France France Georgia Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Haiti Haiti Haiti Honduras Honduras Honduras India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Name of Supplier Description of Goods DANOFFICE LTD DANOFFICE LTD DANOFFICE LTD BALTIC CONTROL LTD BALTIC CONTROL LTD DANOFFICE LTD DANOFFICE LTD KRUUSE JORGEN A/S KJAER & KJAER A/S KUEHNE & NAGEL A/S KJAER & KJAER A/S United Nation Office for Project Services (UNOPS) United Nation Office for Project Services (UNOPS) United Nation Office for Project Services (UNOPS) ETS AGROAMIN ALEJANDRO RAMIREZ BIDO COMITE AGROPECUARIO SAN JUAN ALEJANDRO RAMIREZ BIDO FERTILIZANTES SANTO DOMINGO SA (FERSAN) FERTILIZANTES QUIMICOS DOMINICANOS SA Agitech- Arabian Group of Integrated Technology KULKER SAS BIOTOP SPOT IMAGE SA KULKER SAS TREDI SA GERMICOPA SA FRARIMPEX SARL CPS - CFAO PROCUREMENT SERVICES CPS - CFAO PROCUREMENT SERVICES AQUA TEC UGT LTD LABSCO GMBH & CO KG LABORATORY SUPPLY COMPANY E-OBS GMBH FLEISCHHACKER GMBH & CO KG LABSCO GMBH & CO KG LABORATORY SUPPLY COMPANY TECHNOLOGIE TRANSFER MARBURG FLEISCHHACKER GMBH & CO KG LABSCO GMBH & CO KG LABORATORY SUPPLY COMPANY LABSCO GMBH & CO KG LABORATORY SUPPLY COMPANY LABSCO GMBH & CO KG LABORATORY SUPPLY COMPANY SANDBERG & SCHNEIDEWIND LEICA MIKROSYSTEME VERTRIEB GMBH LABSCO GMBH & CO KG LABORATORY SUPPLY COMPANY LABSCO GMBH & CO KG LABORATORY SUPPLY COMPANY FLEISCHHACKER GMBH & CO KG SOGESEP SA VIDRO TRADING AU JARDIN TROPICAL ESCUELA AGRICOLA PANAMERICANA FERTILIZANTES DEL NORTE SA DE CV (FENORSA) EYL COMERCIAL - AGROPECUARIA SA MAXCARE MARKETING & TECHNICAL SERVICES MAXCARE MARKETING & TECHNICAL SERVICES BRILLIANT BIO PHARMA LIMITED BRILLIANT BIO PHARMA LIMITED BELLSTONE HI-TECH INTERNATIONAL INDOSAW MAALAB SCIENTIFIC EQUIPMENT (I) PVT LTD BELLSTONE HI-TECH INTERNATIONAL OSAW AGRO INDUSTRIES PVT LTD WEBEL MEDIATRONICS LTD BRY AIR ASIA PVT LTD OSAW AGRO INDUSTRIES PVT LTD OSAW AGRO INDUSTRIES PVT LTD OSAW AGRO INDUSTRIES PVT LTD OSAW AGRO INDUSTRIES PVT LTD SOFTWAY SRL HARPA ITALIA SRL HARPA ITALIA SRL HARPA ITALIA SRL HARPA ITALIA SRL HARPA ITALIA SRL HARPA ITALIA SRL HARPA ITALIA SRL SOFTWAY SRL SOFTWAY SRL ECOBYTE TECHNOLOGY SRL WORLD TRADE SERVICES SRL PHYTO SERVICE SRL SOFTWAY SRL SFOGGIATECH SRL HARPA ITALIA SRL HARPA ITALIA SRL INTERTRADE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES SRL CITTADINI SPA IZSLER IST ZOOPROFILATTICO SPERIMENTALE B.UBERTINI HERMAN MILLER LTD HERMAN MILLER LTD HERMAN MILLER LTD ARES LINE SRL COELMO SRL CHIMICA OMNIA SRL CHIMICA OMNIA SRL HERMAN MILLER LTD DAL DEGAN SRL SOFTWAY SRL HERMAN MILLER LTD HERMAN MILLER LTD HERMAN MILLER LTD AZIENDA AGRICOLA PIETRO GIANNOCCARO WORLD TRADE SERVICES SRL AYNO VIDEOCONFERENZE SRL AYNO VIDEOCONFERENZE SRL AYNO VIDEOCONFERENZE SRL GIUSEPPE TIRASSA SRL MARCHI SRL HARPA ITALIA SRL INTERTRADE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES SRL HARPA ITALIA SRL HARPA ITALIA SRL SOFTWAY SRL IMPEX SRL IMPEX SRL SUBA & UNICO S.R.L. HARPA ITALIA SRL ARTIGIANA DESIGN SRL HARPA ITALIA SRL EDISCO SRL EDISCO SRL HP Elite 8200 CM MiniTowers + HP 8460P, HP 8560P & HP 2560P EliteBook Laptops HP Elite 8200 SFF Computers + HP 8460 & HP 2560P EliteBook Laptops HP PRINTERS TO MULTIPLE LOCATIONS Inspection at loading and unloading against PO 272937 (G. Muhammad Din Co.)) Inspections at unloading against PO 274879 fodder to various locations in Palestine IT Equipment for FAOR Sierra Leone - UNJP/SIL/037/UNJ - CIOFD IT equipments for various projects Laboratory tools and consumables Motorcycles and helmets for various projects sea/land freight charges for drip irrigation equipment against Vehicle with accessories Vehicle with accessories Vehicle with accessories for FAO Congo Vehicle with accessories for FAO Laos Veterinary products Bean Seeds Bean Seeds Arroyo Loro Bean Seeds Buena Vista Fertilizers (Urea and NPK) UREA & NPK granular fertilizer reimburement against Laboratory Equipment for Project Drip irrigation equipment Ephestia Eggs for project Images of Viet Nam Irrigation equipment for project PACKAGING MATERIAL Potato Seeds Spunta Potato Seeds Toyota Land Cruiser Vehicles Vehicle with accessories for project Water tanks for project Servers and Storage Equipment Backpack Sprayers & Disinfectant Virkon for Mongolia Direct Procurement of GPS Collars to Mongolia Laboratory Consumables for Mongolia Laboratory Equipment for National Vet. Lab LABORATORY EQUIPMENT FOR PROJECT LABORATORY EQUIPMENT TO VARIOUS LOCATIONS Laboratory equipments and reagent supplies for project Laboratory equipments and supplies for project Laboratory supplies Laboratory tools and equipments for project Microscopes for project EP/GLO/802/GEF Miscellaneous laboratory tools and consumables Miscellaneous seed testing laboratory equipment Poultry Isolators for Egypt Crops Seeds for Projects Hand Operated PUMPS for Haiti Maize Seeds for Project Bean Seeds and Maize Seeds Fertilizers (DAP- UREA - NPK) Foliar Fertilizer Animal feed plant for Herat under project FEED MILL EQUIPMENT FMD vaccines for DPRK FMD vaccines for DPRK, project Galvanized buckets for Project Laboratory consumables for project Laboratory Equipment (Lots 1 & 2) Laboratory Equipment for Elisa Labs Laboratory equipments and consumables for project Radio and Studio Equipment for Project SEED DRYER-OSRO/IRQ/703/UDG Seed processing equipment to Armenia Seed Treating Machines for Project Small scale seed processing plant for Mozambique VEGETABLE SEED PROCESSING PLANT 3 Years Extension of initial lot of VMware Licenses Acquired - CIOHD Acquisition of 1 Server DL380, 2 Servers DL580 & 1 Rack Acquisition of 2 Autoloaders for Backup Acquisition of 6TB Disk Space for SAN XP24000 Acquisition of GAEZ Geoprocessing Server Acquisition of Hardware for Business Continuity Planning Acquisition of Servers and Storage for Hosting Acquisition of Storage+Rack+Small Server Acquisition of Wmware licenses Acquisition of Wmware licenses Additional licences Agricultural Hand Tools for Projects Agricultural tools and equipments for project CISCO NETWORK EQUIPMENT Dairy Kits Disk Backup FC Part for IPSAS Disk Enclosure for Centralized GAEZ Infrastructure DNA Synthesizer for Egypt Fishing tools for project FMDV & NSP detection kits Furniture and Fitting for open space area 7th floor - TC Furniture for ERP Project- Supply and Installation of Office Furniture for Open Spaces Furniture for ESW Open space Furniture for Sheik Al-Zayed Generator of 1000 KVA Lab Equipment for project Laboratory equipment for project Meeting furniture for OSP Mistblowers Network equipment to replace old ones - CIOFD Office Furniture for GFCM HQ at Palazzo Blumensthil Open Space Area - FODDD Open Space Area D630/632-D660/658/656 (15 Workstations) - TCD PLANTS FOR PROJECT Plastic tanks and watering cans for project POLYCOM VIDEO AND AUDIO EQUIPMENT FOR EGYPT Polycom Video Conference POLYCOM VIDEO CONFERENCE EQUIPMENT Purchase of Bags for Diplomatic Pouch Service Refrigerators for project Renting of memory for 11 months Rice Production Equipment SAN Storage and FC Switch SDW & TechCDR Hardware Security Switches SEEDS (Betterave, Oignon) TO CHAD Seeds for various projects Seeds for various projects Server Part for IPSAS Sheikh Sayed Center Storage for Backup on Disk Technical Assistance in System Development and Support and ICT Support Technical Assistance in System Development and Support and ICT Support 126 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO Value USD 44,353.50 36,489.25 468,732.00 39,204.00 46,000.00 59,170.50 35,880.50 37,412.02 58,188.03 70,836.76 39,614.00 96,414.82 39,916.50 58,477.81 40,571.95 207,869.20 369,899.02 329,220.80 147,285.00 43,159.00 116,061.40 362,874.90 53,983.52 57,551.58 69,790.28 75,475.00 371,000.00 51,108.40 229,525.00 36,871.11 152,903.68 60,232.00 42,612.00 33,214.29 42,403.23 82,102.00 72,354.26 102,285.06 74,315.50 66,570.00 105,280.00 61,333.49 64,520.00 43,278.00 122,238.64 260,332.98 797,891.00 86,800.00 160,000.00 322,096.65 1,437,653.90 91,959.76 42,874.00 196,275.00 216,000.00 400,000.00 32,278.00 31,245.53 34,308.48 59,827.00 31,245.53 81,155.00 65,625.00 115,906.00 34,838.00 140,772.00 281,896.00 48,339.66 84,352.00 95,002.73 59,344.73 185,654.88 45,580.67 69,766.40 69,952.00 52,195.71 49,494.88 92,570.64 120,813.45 84,793.68 352,789.55 37,368.62 64,959.15 34,446.87 89,692.00 54,512.00 88,238.00 332,109.73 141,861.14 61,662.56 161,433.74 216,542.20 80,283.48 70,861.10 53,221.20 31,420.00 31,058.10 82,778.15 50,277.28 46,397.60 45,322.34 43,334.90 59,140.03 41,195.05 41,704.51 35,811.97 51,233.45 30,666.67 52,982.50 45,730.77 551,658.43 36,652.50 60,531.55 47,391.56 45,818.00 53,305.63 47,094.13 67,001.43 187,529.78 108,906.58 Major Orders for Goods Placed by Agency During 2011 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of Supplier FAO Continued Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Jamaica Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Mali Mali Mexico Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Nicaragua Nicaragua Nicaragua Nicaragua Nicaragua Nicaragua Occupied Palestinian territory Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Panama Philippines Philippines Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Rwanda Rwanda Rwanda Rwanda Senegal South Africa South Africa Spain Spain Spain Spain Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sudan Swaziland Swaziland Swaziland Swaziland Swaziland Swaziland Sweden Sweden Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Syrian Arab Republic Syrian Arab Republic Turkey Turkey Turkey Uganda United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates Name of Supplier Description of Goods ATS ADVANCED TELECOM SYSTEMS SPA IMPEX SRL SUBA & UNICO S.R.L. SUBA & UNICO S.R.L. SUBA & UNICO S.R.L. AYNO VIDEOCONFERENZE SRL KINGSTON INDUSTRIAL AGENCIES LTD. GERBER, J & COMPANY (JAPAN) LTD EARTH REMOTE SENSING DATA ANALYSIS CENTER OGAWA SEIKI CO. LTD TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION JOVAC - JORDAN BIO INDUSTRIES CENTER SAHOURY FOR LABORATORIES & SCIENTIFIC SUPPLIES VAPCO Veterinary & Agriculture Products MFG CO JOVAC - JORDAN BIO INDUSTRIES CENTER KENYA VET. VACCINES PRODUCTION INST. (KEVEVAPI) DEVJI MEGHJI & BROTHERS LTD KARI KATUMANI RESEARCH CENTRE DEVJI MEGHJI & BROTHERS LTD DEVJI MEGHJI & BROTHERS LTD GLOBAL LINK TRADING & LOGISTICS LTD KENHORN JUBA (K) LTD KICKSTART INTERNATIONAL INC DRYLAND SEED LIMITED (DSL) DEVJI MEGHJI & BROTHERS LTD SAFARI SEEDS LIMITED BOVIQUINE SUPPLIERS LIBAN SOL SARL LIBAN SOL SARL ARD (UNIFERT) SAL N.J. SH. LATHE WORKS EST LIBAN SOL SARL ARD (UNIFERT) SAL ARD (UNIFERT) SAL TOGUNA AGRO INDUSTRIES TOGUNA AGRO INDUSTRIES NOVATEC PAGANI SA DE CV INTERVET INTERNATIONAL BV JSB SIMONIS BV INDUSTRIE-EN HANDELSONDERNERNING BAKKER BROTHERS ZAADTEELT EN ZAADHANDEL BV AGRICO BV BAKKER BROTHERS ZAADTEELT EN ZAADHANDEL BV BAKKER BROTHERS ZAADTEELT EN ZAADHANDEL BV BAKKER BROTHERS ZAADTEELT EN ZAADHANDEL BV BAKKER BROTHERS ZAADTEELT EN ZAADHANDEL BV BAKKER BROTHERS ZAADTEELT EN ZAADHANDEL BV AUTOCAR INTERNATIONAL BV TRANSMOTORS BV AUTOCAR INTERNATIONAL BV COOP DE PROD AGROPECUARIA DE INICIATIVAS LOCAL RL SAGSA DISAGRO S.A. HORTICOLA ECOLOGISTA - HORTECO DUWEST NICARAGUA AGROPECUARIO EN GENERAL S.A. (AGROGENSA) AGROPECUARIO EN GENERAL S.A. (AGROGENSA) AL MAKHARZEH STORES SAREMCO INTERNATIONAL CHAPPAL TRADERS ICI PAKISTAN ICI PAKISTAN SAREMCO INTERNATIONAL JOINT VENTURE ICI PAKISTAN PROMOTORA LUX SA LITO ARENAS JHT MICRO ENTERPRISES FEDERAL GOVERNMENTAL INSTITUTION (FGI "ARRIAH") FEDERAL GOVERNMENTAL INSTITUTION (FGI "ARRIAH") FEDERAL GOVERNMENTAL INSTITUTION (FGI "ARRIAH") FIDEX DISTRIBUTION SARL FIDEX DISTRIBUTION SARL FIDEX DISTRIBUTION SARL OSTERGAARD RWANDA LTD SENCHIM V & M GRAINS CC V & M GRAINS CC ANONIMA ESPAÑOLA DE COMERCIO Y ECONOMIA SA NOVEDADES AGRICOLAS S.A. EUROTRADE COMMERCE SL RIEGOS DE CASTILLA Y LEON S.A. AGSTAR SEEDS (PVT) LTD SUPREME MARKETING COMPANY EDNA ENGINEERING (PVT) LTD EDNA ENGINEERING (PVT) LTD DOCTORS CO. LTD AFRITOOL PTY LTD AFRITOOL PTY LTD AFRITOOL PTY LTD AFRITOOL PTY LTD AFRITOOL PTY LTD AFRITOOL PTY LTD BCC AB BIAB INTERNATIONAL AB PRIONICS AG YARA SWITZERLAND LTD PRIONICS AG GLOBAL MOUNTAIN BIODIVERSITY ASSESSMENT GMBA RURAL WOMEN EMPOWERMENT DIRECTORATE (RWED) GENERAL ORGANIZATION FOR FODDER IPEK YEM VE GIDA SANAYI TICARET AS IPEK YEM VE GIDA SANAYI TICARET AS OST OLGUN DIS TICARET AS TIANJIN MACHINERY COMPANY (U) LTD WORLD FOOD PROGRAMME AGRI COMMODITIES & FINANCE FZE NATIONAL UNITED TRADING AND INVEST CO LLC (NUTICO) NATIONAL UNITED TRADING AND INVEST CO LLC (NUTICO) AL WATHBA MARIONNET LLC NATIONAL UNITED TRADING AND INVEST CO LLC (NUTICO) NATIONAL UNITED TRADING AND INVEST CO LLC (NUTICO) OKI GENERAL TRADING LLC STREIT GROUP FZE OKI GENERAL TRADING LLC WORLD FOOD PROGRAMME STREIT GROUP FZE STREIT GROUP FZE OKI GENERAL TRADING LLC uniper Gateways Vegetable Seeds for Projects Vegetable Seeds for Projects Vegetable Seeds for Projects VEGETABLE SEEDS TO GUATEMALA Video Conference Equipment Agriculture Machinery 18 units Yamaha AG200 motorcycles for variuos projects 253 Images for land Cover of Fouta Djallon Countries Laboratory tools and equipments for project OSRO/SOM/107/CHS Vehicle for FAO Cambodia Vehicle with accessories for FAO Banglandesh Vehicle with accessories for FAO Pakistan E - PPR vaccines Laboratory equipment for project Laboratory supplies Vaccine for Projects CCPP and RVF Vaccines for Projects DAP Fertilizers Drought Seeds Fertilizer for various projects Fertilizers DAP & NPK transportation of goods purchased under FPO SOM transportation of goods Presure pump for project Sorghum Seeds Urea Vegetable seeds for Projects Veterinary Drugs for Projects Dairy Equipment ELECTRIC GENERATORS KNAPSACK SPRAYERS Micro Dairy Units MILK REFRIGERATION EQUIPMENT Repackaging of vegetable seeds WATER COOLING FOR MILK CENTRES Fertilizer Urea and NPK Fertilizers UREA 46% and NPK 15-15-15 Animal cages for project Bivalent Vaccines for Turkey Chomatographic equipment for project Fertilizer NPK 15-15-15 and UREA 46% Forage and Vegetable Seeds for Project Kondor Potato Seeds for Projects Seeds for various projects Seeds to Chad SEEDS TO CHAD Vegetable seeds for Projects Vegetable Seeds for Projects Vehicle for project Vehicle for project Vehicle for various projects Bean Seeds Fertilizers Maize seeds Pesticides for Project Potato seeds Potato seeds FODDER TO PALESTINE Animal Compound Feed Animal Feed Animal Feed Compound Animal Feed Compound Animal Feed DAP AND UREA Sunflower Seeds. Engine for project Bucks and does for Project Sheredders Chippers for Philippines FMD Vaccines for Armenia, Georgia & Azerbaijan FMD Vaccines for PAKISTAN Vaccines for Georgia, Armenia & Azerbaijan Vehicle for project Vehicle for project Vehicle for project Vehicle for project Project OSRO/LIR/101/CHA & GCP/LIR/014/EC Fertilizer Compound C Fertilizers (CAN + D NPK 7:14:7) Agricultural machinery for project Items of miscellaneous irrigation equipment & material Laboratory equipments for project Miscellaneous sprinkler irrigation material (40 items) SEEDS SEEDS Self priming 2"X 2" engine driven water pump and spare parts Self Priming engine driven water pumps Vaccines Agricultural tools for project Agricultural tools for project Agricultural tools for project Agricultural tools for project Hoes without handle Motorcycles to Zimbabwe RIGID CONTAINERS TO ARMENIA Water filters for project Antibody Detection Elisa Fertilizer NPK 15-15-15 FMD serosurveillance FMD Elisa Ab-O type Puchase of publications "Mountain Biodiversity and Global Change" Ewes with lambs Wheat bran and Barley Additional qty of Animal feed for project Animal Feed for project Fertilizer for Iraq Hand Tools 2 TOYOTA LAND CRUISERS Fertilizer for various projects Fertilizer UREA (46-0-0) Fertilizers for project Seedlings for project UREA Fertilizer (granular) Urea fertilizer for Burundi Vehicle for project Vehicle for project Vehicle for project Vehicle for project Vehicle for project OSRO/AFG/102/JPN Vehicles for project Vehicles for project 127 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO Value USD 55,261.00 69,185.80 60,952.20 48,350.00 108,596.00 64,356.22 79,370.00 76,021.74 30,185.05 35,168.00 51,862.32 47,233.71 55,345.30 150,000.00 40,446.00 30,860.00 124,000.00 90,000.00 101,500.00 149,800.00 1,033,500.00 119,655.00 650,000.00 655,727.00 40,961.64 68,000.00 69,500.00 76,550.00 239,119.30 65,080.00 139,426.00 196,100.00 152,400.00 279,170.00 85,000.00 332,040.90 657,230.02 303,100.00 35,146.00 733,850.00 98,539.57 237,762.50 65,934.50 96,480.00 39,549.00 47,596.80 35,090.50 124,091.50 99,429.00 41,950.00 35,106.00 106,220.00 96,524.56 253,128.51 48,965.10 35,358.50 197,106.10 125,445.22 2,029,140.00 448,247.40 1,710,882.99 411,302.93 917,907.44 911,006.32 1,573,565.50 476,677.60 46,342.00 211,797.40 259,235.00 289,394.40 183,375.00 190,256.00 79,000.00 79,000.00 39,500.00 41,500.00 145,380.00 95,840.00 527,500.00 86,671.35 226,831.37 34,927.84 141,196.85 145,395.46 142,520.00 1,342,000.00 391,925.00 69,225.00 112,200.00 44,423.55 33,183.00 36,000.00 106,229.76 1,148,970.00 37,778.25 77,400.00 37,352.00 830,060.00 30,400.00 80,322.58 229,840.36 415,030.00 1,098,000.00 2,645,000.00 83,875.00 206,700.90 91,138.80 2,325,000.00 39,784.00 228,100.00 89,130.00 73,650.00 375,177.00 92,000.00 106,300.00 88,750.00 43,747.00 106,300.00 850,400.00 191,041.80 Major Orders for Goods Placed by Agency During 2011 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of Supplier FAO Continued United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Zimbabwe IAEA Armenia Australia Australia Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria PO Value USD Name of Supplier Description of Goods STREIT GROUP FZE STREIT GROUP FZE UNITED MERCANTILE RESOURCES FZC PBSC LTD SCIENTIFIC LABORATORY SUPPLIES LIMITED BIOLOGICAL DIAGNOSTIC SUPPLIES LIMITED MICRON SPRAYERS LIMITED VEOLIA ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES MICRON SPRAYERS LIMITED WA PRODUCTS UK LTD WA PRODUCTS UK LTD BIOLOGICAL DIAGNOSTIC SUPPLIES LIMITED GREENHAM EXPORT SWETS INFORMATION SERVICES VEOLIA ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD (TGS) TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD (TGS) TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD (TGS) TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD (TGS) TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD (TGS) TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD (TGS) TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD (TGS) TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD (TGS) TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD (TGS) TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD (TGS) TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD (TGS) TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD (TGS) TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD (TGS) TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD (TGS) TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD (TGS) TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD (TGS) SEEDBURO EQUIPMENT COMPANY AG WORLD INTERNATIONAL SEEDBURO EQUIPMENT COMPANY DRUMBEATERS OF AMERICA INC BOCA PUBLICATIONS GROUP INC COOPERS ZIMBABWE (1992) (PVT) LTD ZFC LIMITED COOPERS ZIMBABWE (1992) (PVT) LTD OMNIA FERTILIZER ZIMBABWE (PVT) LTD Vehicles for project Vehicles for project Vehicles for project Additional Items for Gas tight Doors. Laboratory Equipment Laboratory Expendables for Locust Control operations (Spraying Equipment) METALLIC DRUMS Micron sprayers for Locust Control for Afghanistan, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan PPE + VIRKON - AGAHD Protective equipment Reagents for project Safety clothing project OSRO/ETH/105/CHA Subscription to Swets TOOLS AND HANDLING EQUIPMENT Vehicle for FAO Ethiopia Vehicle for FAO Gambia Vehicle for FAO Guinea Bissau Vehicle for FAO Kenya Vehicle for FAO Malawi Vehicle for FAO Mali Vehicle for project GCP/HAI/021/SPA Vehicle for project OSRO/IVC/104/EC Vehicle for project OSRO/KEN/102/EC Vehicle for project UTF/IVC/027/IVC Vehicle for various projects Vehicle pick up Vehicle with accessories for FAO Sierra Leone Vehicle with Codan radio for various projects Vehicle with radio for FAO Ethiopia Vehicles for FAO Gabon Agricultural tools for project Livestock - goats for project Miscellaneous seed laboratory material PR 45131 - 1 drumcrushing for Project OSRO/MAG/004/USA The reference manuals to multiple locations Amitraz Wettable Powder Calcitic Lime and Compound D NPK Deltamethrin for Project Fertilizers (NPK Compound D and Calcium Ammonium Nitrate) 528,500.00 318,900.00 98,500.00 95,124.15 64,606.15 138,126.18 106,878.00 275,972.50 63,123.63 97,010.00 31,280.00 34,316.00 116,680.00 296,618.51 40,010.44 47,776.23 62,539.00 73,354.94 51,478.32 47,762.45 30,720.64 38,549.73 35,272.11 102,229.89 35,272.11 82,548.78 47,905.36 71,387.86 196,265.32 75,274.44 91,766.60 42,247.50 97,495.00 130,772.59 104,196.80 30,820.00 895,000.15 577,500.00 192,000.00 404,500.00 Armenian Scientific Research Institute for NPP Operation CSIRO Exploration and Mining GBC Scientific Instrument EAS Envimet Analytical Systems Minerva Wissenschaftliche Buchandlung WATERS Ges.m.b.H. A1 Telekom Austria AG CANBERRA PACKARD Central Europe GmbH CANBERRA PACKARD Central Europe GmbH TecBit Handelsgesellschaft m.b.H Dataphone GmbH SCHMIDBERGER ELEKTRO Ges.m.b.H. NATIONAL INSTRUMENTS Ges.m.b.H. Kolbinger Electronic Kapsch BusinessCom AG AMEX EXPORT-IMPORT Ges.m.b.H. HALI-BÜROMÖBEL Ges.m.b.H. PFEIFFER VACUUM Austria GmbH THP Medical Products Vertriebs GmbH ACP IT Solutions GmbH Reichholf & Reichholf GmbH CARL ZEISS GmbH. L+H Vakuumtechnik Vertriebs GmbH Thermo Fisher Scientific Messtechnik GmbH Thermo Fisher Scientific Messtechnik GmbH CANBERRA PACKARD Central Europe GmbH CANBERRA PACKARD Central Europe GmbH CANBERRA PACKARD Central Europe GmbH CANBERRA PACKARD Central Europe GmbH CANBERRA PACKARD Central Europe GmbH PFEIFFER VACUUM Austria GmbH Glogar Umwelttechnik GmbH PFEIFFER VACUUM Austria GmbH Shimadzu Handelsgesellschaft mbH DMG Austria, Vertriebs und Service GmbH IVELLIO-VELLIN Bechtle GmbH IT-Systemhaus Wien OCE Österreich Ges.m.b.H. Viking Direkt GesmbH Lindeberg GmbH Mondi Uncoated Fine Paper Sales GmbH Mondi Uncoated Fine Paper Sales GmbH IVELLIO-VELLIN Bechtle GmbH IT-Systemhaus Wien S and T Austria GmbH XEROX Austria GmbH OMEGA Handelsges.m.bH HEWLETT-PACKARD Ges.m.b.H. CANBERRA PACKARD Central Europe GmbH CANBERRA PACKARD Central Europe GmbH Bruker Austria GmbH CANBERRA PACKARD Central Europe GmbH MEET Instuments GmbH CANBERRA PACKARD Central Europe GmbH CANBERRA PACKARD Central Europe GmbH CANBERRA PACKARD Central Europe GmbH CANBERRA PACKARD Central Europe GmbH MEET Instuments GmbH AMEX EXPORT-IMPORT Ges.m.b.H. Bechtle GmbH IT-Systemhaus Wien Dell Computer GmbH PH Palden GmbH SCHMIDBERGER ELEKTRO Ges.m.b.H. IBM Oesterreich Internationale Bueromaschinen GmbH SOFTWARE AG Bull GmbH HEWLETT-PACKARD Ges.m.b.H. Capgemini Consulting Österreich AG MICROSOFT Ges.m.b.H. ORACLE GmbH Accenture GmbH Bull GmbH CA Software Österreich GmbH S and T Austria GmbH ORACLE GmbH Syrch and Partner Informatik KEGa Accenture GmbH Accenture GmbH arbyte web solutions GmbH Laboratory equipment and supplies - specialized Non-destructive testing equipment (radioactive) Spectrometers, mass Air Conditioning Equipment Books and Publications. Chromatographic equipment Computer network equipment and services. Dosimetry Equipment Dosimetry Equipment Electronics. Electronics. Electronics. Electronics. Electronics. Electronics. Electronics. Furniture, office and industrial Irradiators Isotopes, Radioactive IT Equipment, Special Purpose IT Equipment, Special Purpose Laboratory equipment and supplies - specialized Laboratory equipment and supplies - specialized Laboratory equipment and supplies. Laboratory equipment and supplies. Laboratory equipment and supplies. Laboratory equipment and supplies. Laboratory equipment and supplies. Laboratory equipment and supplies. Laboratory equipment and supplies. Laboratory equipment and supplies. Laboratory equipment and supplies. Laboratory equipment and supplies. Laboratory equipment and supplies. Machinery, Special Purpose Notebook computers. Notebook computers. Office machines - specialized Office supplies and consumables. Operations general supplies. Paper, printing and copying Paper, printing and copying Personal computers (PC), general purpose (SG Only) Personal computers (PC), general purpose (SG Only) Personal computers (PC), general purpose (SG Only) Photocopiers Printer consumables Printers Radiation detectors and monitors - General. Radiation detectors and monitors - General. Radiation detectors and monitors - General. Radiation detectors and monitors - General. Radiation detectors and monitors - General. Radiation detectors and monitors - General. Radiation detectors and monitors - General. Radiation detectors and monitors - General. Radiation detectors and monitors - General. Radiation protection equpment Radiotherapy Equipment - Brachytherapy Equipment Safeguards Inspection Equipment Safeguards Inspection Equipment Safeguards Inspection Equipment Security systems and installation. Software licenses, installation,and maintenance Software licenses, installation,and maintenance Software licenses, installation,and maintenance Software licenses, installation,and maintenance Software licenses, installation,and maintenance Software licenses, installation,and maintenance Software licenses, installation,and maintenance Software licenses, installation,and maintenance Software licenses, installation,and maintenance Software licenses, installation,and maintenance Software licenses, installation,and maintenance Software licenses, installation,and maintenance Software licenses, installation,and maintenance Software licenses, installation,and maintenance Software licenses, installation,and maintenance Software licenses, installation,and maintenance 95,046.74 86,053.33 423,778.53 227,622.96 61,136.37 34,943.65 433,267.88 37,261.12 36,722.98 119,725.34 78,407.97 66,364.99 64,151.47 62,816.60 52,415.48 34,249.32 45,355.74 44,628.64 38,203.20 143,462.54 32,522.76 46,824.50 35,824.32 768,760.37 768,760.37 124,063.95 82,822.37 68,839.00 65,568.27 64,768.76 52,799.37 43,973.09 34,296.29 32,178.24 206,866.43 461,941.12 421,940.42 34,230.80 145,365.60 34,279.72 108,220.49 77,916.60 767,113.83 431,322.09 288,009.23 112,859.61 446,958.87 75,741.98 439,549.23 146,022.54 113,496.99 102,077.40 80,062.90 68,680.35 51,990.91 36,883.72 32,497.60 79,391.98 32,025.16 54,372.32 41,652.83 41,471.13 79,207.48 820,298.07 388,260.33 208,060.68 195,684.46 187,297.98 186,389.45 150,730.12 86,660.26 82,000.17 81,069.28 74,564.53 64,855.16 55,909.85 51,996.16 47,565.30 47,408.75 128 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement Major Orders for Goods Placed by Agency During 2011 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of Supplier IAEA Continued Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Belgium Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Czech Republic Czech Republic Czech Republic Denmark France France France France France France France France France France France Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Greece Hungary Hungary Hungary Hungary Hungary Hungary Hungary India Iran, Islamic Republic of Isle of Man Israel Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Name of Supplier Description of Goods IBM Oesterreich Internationale Bueromaschinen GmbH Comparex Austria GmbH ACP IT Solutions GmbH Accenture GmbH CANBERRA PACKARD Central Europe GmbH MEET Instuments GmbH MEET Instuments GmbH Thermo Fisher Scientific: wissenschaftliche Geraete GmbH MEET Instuments GmbH Biolab Ges.m.b.H. Thermo Fisher Scientific Messtechnik GmbH CANBERRA PACKARD Central Europe GmbH Dlouhy GmbH Wolfgang Denzel SCHWANDL GmbH SCHWANDL GmbH AUFRICHT Gesellschaft m.b.H. IBA Molecular BOT ENGINEERING Ltd SEASTAR CHEMICALS BOT ENGINEERING Ltd BOT ENGINEERING Ltd BOT ENGINEERING Ltd Amenaza Technologies Limited Acura of Oakville UJP Praha a.s. UJP Praha a.s. Tovek spol. s.r.o. RISO NATIONAL LABORATORY Landauer Europe AERIAL Centre de Ressources Technologiques CEM W Waves IBA Detec Europe Landauer Europe Landauer Europe Detec Europe MIRION TECHNOLOGIES IST CIS Bio International Euriware SA SAM - Standards and More GmbH and Co. KG Springer Customer Service Center GmbH Thermo Fisher Scientific Messtechnik GmbH Unfors Instruments GmbH RadPro International GmbH Isotope Technologies Dresden GmbH Dr. NEUMANN Elektronik GmbH Zambelli Metalltechnik GmbH & Co. KG Gamma-Service Recycling GmbH Vaices GmbH LABSCO Laboratory Supply Company GmbH&Co LABSCO Laboratory Supply Company GmbH&Co Geradts GmbH BrainLAB Sales Gmbh JEOL (Germany) GmbH Huber GmbH Germany CMS GmbH - Computerized Medical Systems Analytic Consult GmbH and Co KG INTEGRA Biosciences GmbH LABSCO Laboratory Supply Company GmbH&Co Retsch Technology GmbH LECO Instrumente GmbH Astro- und Feinwerktechnik Adlershof GmbH QIAGEN Vertriebs GmbH WHS Sondermetalle FLIR Radiation GmbH Schneider Digital FLIR Radiation GmbH Envinet GmbH Thermo Fisher Scientific Messtechnik GmbH Thermo Fisher Scientific Messtechnik GmbH Thermo Fisher Scientific Messtechnik GmbH Envinet GmbH Bruker Nano GmbH GC TECHNOLOGY Messgeräte Vertriebs GmbH Saphymo GmbH Saphymo GmbH Saphymo GmbH AnalytiCON Instruments GmbH Saphymo GmbH CMS GmbH - Computerized Medical Systems Dr. NEUMANN Elektronik GmbH FLIR Radiation GmbH GBS Elektronik GmbH MICROSOFT Ges.m.b.H. Vaices GmbH Open Text Software GmbH MICROSOFT Ges.m.b.H. IT-CUBE SYSTEMS GmbH Geosystems GmbH Pegatec GmbH BrainLAB Sales Gmbh Analytik Jena AG JAS Joint Analytical Systems FCI Frenzel Consulting and Instruments CMS GmbH - Computerized Medical Systems Thermo Fisher Scientific Messtechnik GmbH SIEMENS AG AnalytiCON Instruments GmbH Envirocoustics A.B.E.E. FALCO-SOPRON BUTOR KFT. Mediso Medical Imaging Systems Institute of Isotopes Co. Ltd. Institute of Isotopes Co. Ltd. Csepel Mernokiroda Ltd. Greif Hungary Kft Jakab es Tarsai Environmental Services and Trade SYMEC ENGINEERS (India) Pvt. Ltd. Kasra Resaneh co. KasraWeb Mastrad Ltd Attunity Israel -1992-Ltd Joint Research Centre Joint Research Centre Comecer S.P.A Comecer S.P.A Comecer S.P.A Comecer S.P.A Milestone S.R.L. Comecer S.P.A Perkin Elmer Italia S.p.A. Software licenses, installation,and maintenance Software licenses, installation,and maintenance Software licenses, installation,and maintenance Software licenses, installation,and maintenance Spectrometer. Spectrometer. Spectrometer. Spectrometer. Spectrometer. Spectrometer. Spectrometers, mass Therapy planning systems Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles X-ray equipment Nuclear medicine and radiology QA equipment Electronics. Laboratory equipment and supplies - specialized Radiation detectors and monitors - General. Radiation detectors and monitors - General. Radiation detectors and monitors - General. Software licenses, installation,and maintenance Vehicles Machinery, Special Purpose Radiotherapy teletherapy - Cobalt-60 machine Software licenses, installation,and maintenance Laboratory equipment and supplies. Dosimetry Equipment Laboratory equipment and supplies. Laboratory equipment and supplies. Pharmaceuticals Radiation detectors and monitors - General. Radiation detectors and monitors - General. Radiation detectors and monitors - General. Radiation detectors and monitors - General. Radiation portal monitors Software licenses, installation,and maintenance Software licenses, installation,and maintenance Books and Publications. Books and Publications. Dosimetry Equipment Dosimetry Equipment Dosimetry Equipment Electronics. Electronics. Furniture, office and industrial Isotopes, Radioactive, Large Source IT Equipment, Special Purpose Laboratory equipment and supplies - specialized Laboratory equipment and supplies - specialized Laboratory equipment and supplies - specialized Laboratory equipment and supplies. Laboratory equipment and supplies. Laboratory equipment and supplies. Laboratory equipment and supplies. Laboratory equipment and supplies. Laboratory equipment and supplies. Laboratory equipment and supplies. Laboratory equipment and supplies. Laboratory equipment and supplies. Laboratory equipment and supplies. Laboratory equipment and supplies. Laboratory equipment and supplies. Laboratory equipment and supplies. Personal computers (PC), general purpose (SG Only) Radiation detectors and monitors - General. Radiation detectors and monitors - General. Radiation detectors and monitors - General. Radiation detectors and monitors - General. Radiation detectors and monitors - General. Radiation detectors and monitors - General. Radiation detectors and monitors - General. Radiation detectors and monitors - General. Radiation detectors and monitors - General. Radiation detectors and monitors - General. Radiation detectors and monitors - General. Radiation detectors and monitors - General. Radiation detectors and monitors - General. Radiotherapy Equipment - Simulator Safeguards Inspection Equipment Safeguards Inspection Equipment Safeguards Inspection Equipment Software licenses, installation,and maintenance Software licenses, installation,and maintenance Software licenses, installation,and maintenance Software licenses, installation,and maintenance Software licenses, installation,and maintenance Software licenses, installation,and maintenance Software licenses, installation,and maintenance Spectrometer. Spectrometer. Spectrometers, mass Spectrophotometers Therapy planning systems TLD readers X-ray equipment X-ray equipment Radiation detectors and monitors - General. Furniture, office and industrial Gamma camera Irradiators Irradiators Shielded containers. Shielded containers. Software licenses, installation,and maintenance Irradiators Software licenses, installation,and maintenance Non-destructive testing equipment. Software licenses, installation,and maintenance Electronics. Electronics. Hot Cell Devices Laboratory equipment and supplies - specialized Laboratory equipment and supplies - specialized Laboratory equipment and supplies - specialized Laboratory equipment and supplies. Laboratory equipment and supplies. Liquid scintillation counters 129 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO Value USD 41,132.65 40,041.93 36,495.15 32,259.98 110,072.51 91,253.25 91,253.25 82,045.71 79,391.98 38,326.20 908,534.99 87,342.36 157,732.86 55,909.85 41,834.54 32,018.44 160,104.82 96,074.08 115,968.90 55,092.70 796,966.89 381,826.10 149,111.56 49,035.73 56,158.18 68,475.58 1,565,411.37 110,059.93 127,194.90 66,667.25 136,210.36 43,078.54 32,025.16 115,873.15 61,188.36 48,900.08 43,036.60 407,009.70 239,669.24 196,012.93 68,945.53 43,987.07 43,205.74 34,574.65 32,854.72 108,814.54 44,029.00 109,305.10 123,281.21 77,658.78 1,663,484.33 87,131.30 83,165.89 198,424.32 176,507.38 133,344.98 125,098.28 95,854.63 86,997.12 81,131.60 71,498.91 66,043.50 58,579.54 56,722.49 49,088.84 34,837.26 86,066.22 466,120.38 299,736.59 280,285.13 203,315.13 145,998.20 113,174.11 94,627.41 93,509.22 88,373.90 88,373.90 74,877.26 57,587.14 33,696.86 208,264.17 4,879,475.85 663,090.77 457,615.38 439,004.11 359,779.85 199,051.49 139,634.84 75,852.66 69,887.31 52,806.85 208,106.23 144,233.42 380,186.95 75,478.29 418,624.97 89,531.73 83,864.77 66,392.94 232,698.52 124,224.27 104,677.21 2,000,873.59 268,367.26 178,659.91 35,642.53 55,825.98 1,165,346.03 41,932.38 36,942.02 132,087.01 92,251.24 73,801.00 64,296.32 173,570.72 125,797.15 69,887.31 41,025.90 32,672.32 92,654.77 Major Orders for Goods Placed by Agency During 2011 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of Supplier IAEA Continued Italy Italy Italy Japan Japan Korea, Republic of Korea, Republic of Latvia Latvia Lebanon Lebanon Malaysia Netherlands Netherlands Poland Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Slovenia Spain Sweden Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America IFAD Denmark Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy ILO Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh China Democratic Rep. of Democratic Rep. of Democratic Rep. of Democratic Rep. of the Congo the Congo the Congo the Congo Name of Supplier Description of Goods Perkin Elmer Italia S.p.A. Comecer S.P.A Perkin Elmer Italia S.p.A. Interactive Corporation SEISHIN Trading Co., Ltd. EB-Tech Co.,Ltd Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute KAERI - DAEJEON Baltic Scientific. Instruments ZRF RITEC SIA SAKR power group Intertech Batinorm SAL KL ANALYTICAL SDN BHD ScienceDirect Elsevier Illumina Netherlands, B.V. AGH University of Science and Technology (AGH-UST); Sosny Aspect Scientific Production Center National Research Nuclear University MEPhI Karanta Ljubljana d.o.o Transformaciones y Servicios Radeq Agilent Technologies International SARL VAT Vakuumventile AG Buechi Labortechnik AG Varian Medical Systems International AG Varian Medical Systems International AG Xinexus Nuclear AG Atom Komplex Prylad Atomkomplexprylad Atom Komplex Prylad Limited Liability Company "Intellectual Technologies - Slavutich" Elsevier EMEA Elsevier EMEA IHS Global Limited Elsevier EMEA Elsevier EMEA Elsevier EMEA Track Analysis Systems Limited -TASL Eton International Wagtech Projects Ltd. Wagtech Projects Ltd. PSA - P S Analytical LTD Wagtech Projects Ltd. Wagtech Projects Ltd. Wagtech Projects Ltd. Wagtech Projects Ltd. Sunrise Imaging EMEA Ltd. AMETEK Advanced Measurement Technology AMETEK Advanced Measurement Technology MIRION TECHNOLOGIES IST Palantir Technologies, Inc SHI International Corp. SHI International Corp. Axios Systems Plc BORSUK SOFTWARE ENGINEERING LTD. SHI International Corp. Microsoft (Ireland) Axios Systems Plc BYG Systems Ltd. SHI International Corp. Entrust Ltd. Babcock Nuclear Ltd United Nations Consortium United Nations Consortium Thomson Scientific Inc. Canberra Industries, Inc. Canberra Industries, Inc. Canberra Industries, Inc. QUAESTA Instruments, LLC Aquila Technologies RAD SOURCE TECHNOLOGIES, Inc. SONALYSTS Inc. Hopewell Designs Inc American Casting & Manufacting Corp. National Electrostatics Corp. Aquila Technologies PICARRO INC McLane Research Laboratories Inc. McLane Research Laboratories Inc. National Electrostatics Corp. ANTECH Corporation GE REUTER-STOKES Inc. Chemchek Instruments, Inc. GE REUTER-STOKES Inc. PGT Instruments, Inc. (Princeton Gamma-Tech Instruments) Canberra Industries, Inc. Canberra Industries, Inc. Canberra Industries, Inc. Canberra Industries, Inc. Language Weaver POINTE TECHNOLOGIES POINTE TECHNOLOGIES ProMax Corporation Liquid scintillation counters Nuclear medicine and radiology QA equipment Radiation detectors and monitors - General. Electron microscope Laboratory equipment and supplies - specialized Laboratory equipment and supplies. Laboratory equipment and supplies. Radiation detectors and monitors - General. Radiation detectors and monitors - SG standardized Electronics. Spectrometers, mass Laboratory equipment and supplies. Books and Publications. Laboratory equipment and supplies. Laboratory equipment and supplies. Operations general supplies. Radiation portal monitors Software licenses, installation,and maintenance Chromatographic equipment Entomological equipment - specialized Laboratory equipment and supplies. Electron microscope Laboratory equipment and supplies - specialized Laboratory equipment and supplies. Linear accelerator, medical Radiotherapy Equipment - Brachytherapy Equipment Software licenses, installation,and maintenance Laboratory equipment and supplies - specialized Operations general supplies. Operations general supplies. Software licenses, installation,and maintenance Books and Publications. Books and Publications. Books and Publications. Books and Publications. Books and Publications. Books and Publications. Dosimetry Equipment Electronics. Laboratory equipment and supplies - specialized Laboratory equipment and supplies - specialized Laboratory equipment and supplies - specialized Laboratory equipment and supplies - specialized Laboratory equipment and supplies. Laboratory equipment and supplies. Laboratory equipment and supplies. Office machines - specialized Radiation detectors and monitors - General. Radiation detectors and monitors - General. Safeguards Inspection Equipment Software licenses, installation,and maintenance Software licenses, installation,and maintenance Software licenses, installation,and maintenance Software licenses, installation,and maintenance Software licenses, installation,and maintenance Software licenses, installation,and maintenance Software licenses, installation,and maintenance Software licenses, installation,and maintenance Software licenses, installation,and maintenance Software licenses, installation,and maintenance Software licenses, installation,and maintenance Software licenses, installation,and maintenance Books and Publications. Books and Publications. Books and Publications. Electronics. Electronics. Electronics. Electronics. Electronics. Irradiators IT Equipment, Special Purpose Laboratory equipment and supplies - specialized Laboratory equipment and supplies - specialized Laboratory equipment and supplies - specialized Laboratory equipment and supplies - specialized Laboratory equipment and supplies. Laboratory equipment and supplies. Laboratory equipment and supplies. Machinery, Special Purpose Radiation detectors and monitors - General. Radiation detectors and monitors - General. Radiation detectors and monitors - General. Radiation detectors and monitors - General. Radiation detectors and monitors - General. Safeguards Inspection Equipment Safeguards Inspection Equipment Safeguards Inspection Equipment Software licenses, installation,and maintenance Software licenses, installation,and maintenance Software licenses, installation,and maintenance Software licenses, installation,and maintenance Transport Equipment DANOFFICE APS AYNO VIDEOCONFERENZE SRL EDISCO SRL DIMENSION DATA ITALIA SRL SOFTWAY G.D. GRAFIDATA SRL IMPRESA PIERANTONI SRL CATALANO UFFICIO S.R.L. STUARR FORM SRL IL PRISMA ROMA SRL CON SOCIO UNICO ESKER ITALIA SRL ADVANCED TELECOM SYSTEMS SPA IT Equipment Audio Visual Equipment Audio Visual Equipment IT Equipment IT Equipment IT Equipment Office Furniture Office Furniture Office Furniture Office Furniture Office Furniture Telecommunication Equipment ADVANCE TECHNOLOGY CONSORTIUM ELECTRICIAN COURSE EQUIPMENT ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT FOR MACHINE MAINTENANCE LAB/COMPUTER SERVICING COURSE FOOD PROCESSING AND QUALITY TESTING EQUIPMENT MACHINE MAINTENANCE LEATHER WELDER AND FITTER COURSE EQUIPMENT MINING, QUARRYING AND CONSTRUCTION MACHINERY AND PARTS THEREOF PROFESSIONAL KITS AND INTRANTS PROFESSIONAL KITS AND INTRANTS PROFESSIONAL KITS AND INTRANTS PROFESSIONAL KITS AND INTRANTS ADVANCE TECHNOLOGY CONSORTIUM ADVANCE TECHNOLOGY CONSORTIUM ADVANCE TECHNOLOGY CONSORTIUM ADVANCE TECHNOLOGY CONSORTIUM PEAK INTERNATIONAL TRADE (TIANJIN) CO., LTD. MAISON DE REFERENCE ETS ELDORADO QUICAILLERIE ALBATROS ETS GHADEER SPRL 130 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO Value USD 92,654.77 69,887.31 38,370.23 1,237,005.33 43,043.84 882,676.68 38,830.37 51,856.38 145,561.28 45,186.63 369,501.18 103,959.33 41,161.67 188,881.20 66,323.05 81,638.02 406,597.36 195,684.46 48,921.11 66,064.81 58,202.15 161,209.05 49,893.47 43,791.57 1,154,883.90 197,691.62 51,996.16 67,275.17 92,399.41 77,832.54 80,817.68 54,306.63 42,246.88 42,064.22 40,095.75 35,139.34 33,245.39 71,405.62 101,318.77 83,987.53 61,813.90 43,591.73 32,339.67 143,848.39 137,071.08 43,274.71 46,317.66 436,372.71 50,764.48 163,456.63 929,557.98 136,777.80 115,057.21 109,286.28 96,141.72 88,430.37 64,193.90 56,248.81 37,126.56 36,786.53 36,294.98 35,819.89 155,145.28 134,742.83 38,505.36 371,800.47 250,566.46 180,309.25 149,253.08 66,595.61 207,470.95 154,380.12 161,577.69 71,522.67 53,433.47 37,791.56 141,308.72 46,681.83 34,157.37 79,794.00 143,574.99 88,372.50 84,144.32 41,863.03 33,021.75 1,359,400.79 430,177.90 35,423.64 145,931.25 76,844.64 46,897.18 36,795.67 51,701.69 125,574.25 65,063.39 61,582.72 97,197.38 86,275.61 61,472.00 48,909.91 47,203.92 32,136.77 31,436.25 30,309.52 108,765.40 51,643.84 57,260.27 218,177.10 128,457.45 192,972.60 174,398.00 757,349.00 88,795.00 58,886.00 55,874.00 Major Orders for Goods Placed by Agency During 2011 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of Supplier ILO Continued Democratic Rep. of the Congo Democratic Rep. of the Congo Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Finland France Germany Germany Germany Haiti Indonesia Ireland Ireland Ireland Israel Japan Japan Japan Lebanon Lebanon Netherlands Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Pakistan Russian Federation Serbia, Republic of South Africa South Africa Sudan Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Timor-Leste United Arab Emirates United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United States of America ITC France Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland OPCW Germany Germany Ireland Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands UNITED KINGDOM PAHO Argentina Australia Belgium Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Canada PO Value USD Name of Supplier Description of Goods INTER DIESEL MAINSONELVA ADVIZING IT ADVIZING IT PLANSON EUROPE ADVIZING IT ADVIZING IT ADVIZING IT ADVIZING IT ADVIZING IT ADVIZING IT ADVIZING IT KJAER & KJAER KJAER & KJAER ADVIZING IT ADVIZING IT ADVIZING IT VERSEIDAG BALLISTIC PROTECTION OY SARL AND (Animation Diffusion Nouvelle) Informatique BOSS PRO-TEC DASSEL, STEFAN 144592 BOSS PRO-TEC HINOTAU S.A. PT WIDYA SAPTA COLAS (WASCO). MICROSOFT IRELAND OPERATIONS LTD MICROSOFT IRELAND OPERATIONS LTD MICROSOFT IRELAND OPERATIONS LTD DELEK MOTORS TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION TELETRADE KETTANEH EBSCO SUBSCRIPTION SERV.EUROPE BARAQ FATOUH COMMERCIAL STORES EDUCATION SCIENTIFIC SUPPLIES CO. Ltd. (ESSCO) MS MIA CORPORATION PVT LTD INDEPENDENCE POSLOVNA INTELIGENCIA DOO MCCARTHY TOYOTA LYNNWOOD MCCARTHY TOYOTA LYNNWOOD SAYED ABDALLA ALSAYED ENGINEERING COMPANY DORIER S.A. ORACLE SOFTWARE (SCHWEIZ) GMBH IBM SCHWEIZ MTF QUADRA S.A. NOS S.A. NOS S.A. CHROMOS AG ARP SUISSE SA NEXTIRAONE DOORS COMPUTER S.A. SHARP ELECTRONICS (SCHWEIZ) AG DOORS COMPUTER S.A. DOORS COMPUTER S.A. CONNECTIS AG DOORS COMPUTER S.A. HEWLETT PACKARD (SUISSE) SARL DOORS COMPUTER S.A. NEXTIRAONE DOORS COMPUTER S.A. HEWLETT PACKARD (SUISSE) SARL ANTALIS SA PAPYRUS SUISSE SA UNITED NATIONS OFFICE - GENEVA ORACLE SOFTWARE (SCHWEIZ) GMBH ORACLE SOFTWARE (SCHWEIZ) GMBH HEWLETT PACKARD (SUISSE) SARL NEXTIRAONE DL GROUPE GMG HP INVENT (COMPAQ COMPUTER AG) HEWLETT PACKARD (SUISSE) SARL NEXTIRAONE LAY SHOP UNIPESSOAL LDA VAN VLIET XL GROUP FZE TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD UNITED NATIONS - NEW YORK PROFESSIONAL KITS AND INTRANTS PROFESSIONAL KITS AND INTRANTS MICRO-COMPUTERS MICRO-COMPUTERS MICRO-COMPUTERS MICRO-COMPUTERS MICRO-COMPUTERS MICRO-COMPUTERS MICRO-COMPUTERS MICRO-COMPUTERS MICRO-COMPUTERS MICRO-COMPUTERS MOTOR VEHICLES AND PARTS AND ACCESSORIES THEREOF MOTOR VEHICLES AND PARTS AND ACCESSORIES THEREOF PROCESSING UNITS FOR EDP AND ACCESSORIES AND PARTS THEREOF PROCESSING UNITS FOR EDP AND ACCESSORIES AND PARTS THEREOF PROTECTION DEVICES FOR EDP EQUIPMENT (UPS, ETC.) SECURITY AND SAFETY EQUIPMENT SOFTWARE, COMPUTER, INCLUDING MANUALS AGRICULTURE MACHINERY AND PARTS THEREOF BOOKS, BROCHURES AND LEAFLETS, MAPS AND MUSIC MINING, QUARRYING AND CONSTRUCTION MACHINERY AND PARTS THEREOF VEHICLE EMULSION BITUMEN SOFTWARE, COMPUTER, INCLUDING MANUALS SOFTWARE, COMPUTER, INCLUDING MANUALS SOFTWARE, COMPUTER, INCLUDING MANUALS MOTOR VEHICLES PARTS AND ACCESSORIES MOTOR VEHICLES AND PARTS AND ACCESSORIES THEREOF MOTOR VEHICLES AND PARTS AND ACCESSORIES THEREOF MOTOR VEHICLES AND PARTS AND ACCESSORIES THEREOF IT EQUIPMENT VEHICLES (SEDAN) NEWSPAPERS, JOURNALS AND PERIODICALS ALUMINIUM WORKSHOP OFFICE EQUIPMENT HVAC CHILLER VEHICLE SOFTWARE, COMPUTER, INCLUDING MANUALS VEHICELS VEHICLES GABIONS AUDIO VISUAL EQUIPMENT Equipment and Accessories for Connecting the EDP Equipment into Network Equipment and Accessories for Connecting the EDP Equipment into Network EQUIPMENT AND ACCESSORIES FOR CONNECTING EDP EQUIPMENT INTO NETWORK FURNITURE FURNITURE GENERAL PURPOSE MACHINERY, OTHER AND PARTS THEREOF MICRO-COMPUTERS MICRO-COMPUTERS MICRO-COMPUTERS OFFICE AND ACCOUNTING MACHINERY AND PARTS AND ACCESSORIES PROCESSING UNITS FOR EDP AND ACCESSORIES AND PARTS THEREOF PROCESSING UNITS FOR EDP AND ACCESSORIES AND PARTS THEREOF PROCESSING UNITS FOR EDP AND ACCESSORIES AND PARTS THEREOF PROCESSING UNITS FOR EDP AND ACCESSORIES AND PARTS THEREOF PROCESSING UNITS FOR EDP AND ACCESSORIES AND PARTS THEREOF PROCESSING UNITS FOR EDP AND ACCESSORIES AND PARTS THEREOF PROCESSING UNITS FOR EDP AND ACCESSORIES AND PARTS THEREOF PROCESSING UNITS FOR EDP AND ACCESSORIES AND PARTS THEREOF PROCESSING UNITS FOR EDP AND ACCESSORIES AND PARTS THEREOF PULP, PAPER AND PAPERBOARD PULP, PAPER AND PAPERBOARD SOFTWARE, COMPUTER, INCLUDING MANUALS SOFTWARE, COMPUTER, INCLUDING MANUALS SOFTWARE, COMPUTER, INCLUDING MANUALS SOFTWARE, COMPUTER, INCLUDING MANUALS SOFTWARE, COMPUTER, INCLUDING MANUALS SOFTWARE, COMPUTER, INCLUDING MANUALS SOFTWARE, COMPUTER, INCLUDING MANUALS STORAGE UNITS AND STORAGE MEDIA FOR EDP TELECOMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS MOTOR VEHICLES AND PARTS AND ACCESSORIES THEREOF MOTOR VEHICLES AND PARTS AND ACCESSORIES THEREOF MOTOR VEHICLES AND PARTS AND ACCESSORIES THEREOF MOTOR VEHICLES AND PARTS AND ACCESSORIES THEREOF MOTOR VEHICLES AND PARTS AND ACCESSORIES THEREOF MOTOR VEHICLES AND PARTS AND ACCESSORIES THEREOF BOOKS, BROCHURES AND LEAFLETS, MAPS AND MUSIC 43,997.00 33,735.00 202,016.27 193,085.09 125,739.00 52,683.45 52,009.29 51,709.59 39,512.45 39,308.53 38,898.91 32,060.33 126,741.00 56,505.00 62,296.68 57,139.53 31,725.32 36,935.70 51,778.39 40,816.00 38,267.39 153,033.81 36,300.00 537,167.00 532,468.24 186,415.35 171,760.37 43,174.60 40,998.96 33,541.18 32,468.96 77,935.00 35,000.00 178,000.00 41,588.00 58,879.00 59,921.00 35,130.98 47,369.18 61,307.44 71,830.26 50,552.00 354,734.58 295,770.00 107,933.27 42,433.32 41,939.25 33,738.21 35,359.91 61,120.73 51,981.14 40,168.22 539,138.41 252,037.38 176,225.45 119,873.07 84,254.21 68,342.48 62,962.62 62,704.44 60,252.34 43,200.00 51,214.95 35,887.85 350,000.00 167,393.80 153,650.00 134,640.70 60,433.20 51,748.97 41,635.51 641,895.76 124,439.25 100,000.00 59,740.00 133,992.33 69,676.99 50,608.06 36,480.06 31,141.45 86,500.00 OFFICE DEPOT BUSINESS SOLUTIONS S.A.S. MIB SUISSE SA DAN OFFICE SA NMB OFFICE DESIGN SA ROUND OFFICE AND COLLECTIVITES SA LAN EXPERT SA NEXTIRAONE SECURITON SA Stationery articles n.e.c. Computers, laptop/notebook and LAN servers Computers, laptop/notebook and LAN servers Furniture, parts and accessories thereof Furniture, parts and accessories thereof IT Data storage (Equipment, Upgrade, Software thereof) IT Data storage (Equipment, Upgrade, Software thereof) Security equipment and supplies n.e.c. 40,864.27 234,088.43 54,005.23 94,126.34 53,450.01 76,116.70 33,838.18 52,141.15 BLÜCHER GMBH BRUKER DALTONIK GMBH MICROSOFT IRELAND OPERATIONS LTD ISSUE INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY BV BUYITDIRECT.COM NV CEGELEC BV CEGELEC BV BUYITDIRECT.COM NV BUYITDIRECT.COM NV DELL B.V. DIMENSION DATA NEDERLAND BV MOTIV JOINT ANALYTICAL SYSTEMS BENELUX BV (JSB) FLASH SERVICES NEDERLAND B.V. BAVAK BEVEILIGINGSGROEP BV CORNERSTONE ONDEMAND PROTECTIVE OVERALLS OR TROUSER/JACK TOXIC GAS DETECTION SOFTWARE LICENSES COMPUTERS, LAPTOP/NOTEBOOK COMPUTERS, LAPTOP/NOTEBOOK ELECTRICAL/MECHANICAL INSTALLATION ELECTRICAL/MECHANICAL INSTALLATION HARD DISK ACCESSORIES LAN FILE SERVERS LAPTOP/NOTEBOOK COMPUTER ACCESSORIE PROCESSOR UPGRADES SECURITY EQUIPMENT SPECTROMETERS, MASS, ACCESSORIES TH WALKIE-TALKIE, RADIO-TELEPHONE X-RAY SECURITY EQUIPMENT SOFTWARE LICENSES 55,301.66 42,861.92 242,507.88 144,280.34 68,928.52 45,088.48 42,598.58 35,339.28 32,166.64 141,500.63 61,676.73 31,418.39 116,283.96 53,235.61 81,963.22 39,257.35 GADOR S.A. INVERNESS MEDICAL AUSTRALIA PTY LTD GLAXOSMITHKLINE BIOLOGICA SANOFI-AVENTIS FARMACEUTICA LTDA. LAFEPE. RODAGRO COMERCIO E REPRESENTACOES LTDA CHAMPION FARMOQUIMICO LTD FERSOL INDUSTRIA E COMERC SYNGENTA PROTECAO DE CULT FIOTEC. INTERVAX LIMITED. ANTIRETROVIRAL AGENTS DIAGNOSTIC TEST KITS VACCINE ANTILEISHMANIASIS CHAGAS INSECTICIDES INSECTICIDES INSECTICIDES INSECTICIDES VACCINE VACCINE 131 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement 124,200.00 3,311,400.00 101,964,943.50 2,695,659.20 174,544.45 6,614,500.00 1,365,000.00 532,400.00 442,239.00 1,939,382.00 684,909.24 Major Orders for Goods Placed by Agency During 2011 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of Supplier PAHO Continued Colombia Colombia Colombia Colombia Colombia Costa Rica Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Dominican Republic Dominican Republic Dominican Republic Ecuador El Salvador France France France France France France France Germany Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India Ireland Italy Korea, Republic of Korea, Republic of Mexico Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Norway Panama Panama Panama Panama Spain Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland United Arab Emirates United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America Uruguay Uruguay Name of Supplier Description of Goods FARMA RED S.A.S. PROFICOL ANDINA B.V FITOGRANOS COMERCIALIZADORA AGROINDUST ELECTROFUMIGACION TORO Y CIA. LTDA. BAYER, S/A. ROCHE SERVICIOS S.A. STATENS SERUM INSTITUTE CHEMINOVA A/S. UNFPA, PROCUREMENT SERVICES SECTION. UNFPA, PROCUREMENT SERVICES SECTION. ABBOTT INTERNACIONAL CO VICTORIA TRADING, S.A. AUTOZAMA, S.A. GRUNENTHAL ECUATORIANA C. LTDA. DROGERIA UNIVERSAL. AFRICASOINS. (SANOFI-AVENTIS) CEPHEID SAS. BAYER ENVIRONMENTAL SCIEN SANOFI PASTEUR MERIAL. CEPHEID SAS. MERIAL. NOVARTIS VACC. AND DIAGN. GMBH & CO. KG. BAXTER DE GUATEMALA, S.A. ABBOTT LABORATORIOS S.A. ABBOTT LABORATORIOS S.A. MICRO LABS LTD. MATRIX LABORATORIES LIMITED. HETERO DRUGS LIMITED. STRIDES ARCOLAB LIMITED. HETERO LABS LIMITED. RANBAXY LABORATORIES LIMITED. CIPLA LTD MYLAN LABORATORIES LTD. LUPIN LIMITED. MICRO LABS LTD. MACLEODS PHARMACEUTICALS AOV INTERNATIONAL. TAGROS CHEMICALS INDIA LTD. SERUM INSTITUTE OF INDIA BHARAT BIOTECH INTERNATIONAL LIMITED. PANACEA BIOTEC LTD. SHANTHA BIOTECHNICS LIMITED. AUROBINDO PHARMA LIMITED. BIOTRIN INTERNATIONAL. NOVARTIS VACCINES AND DIAGNOSTICS SRL. GREEN CROSS CORPORATION. GREEN CROSS CORPORATION. MERCK SHARP & DOHME. IMRES IMRES AMSTELFARMA. IDA FOUNDATION. IMRES IMRES IDA FOUNDATION. IDA FOUNDATION. SVIZERA EUROPE BV. AMSTELFARMA. AMSTELFARMA. IMRES MERCK SHARP & DOHME INTERNATIONAL IMRES THE MEDICAL EXPORT GROUP IMRES IMRES POLYNOR. STENDHAL AMERICAS, S.A. CSL BEHRING PANAMA S.A PRODUCTOS ROCHE INTERAMERICANA S.A. CSL BEHRING PANAMA S.A TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOL NOVARTIS PHARMA AG. CRUCELL SWITZERLAND AG. NOVARTIS VACCINES AND DIAGNOSTICS AG. INTERNATIONAL COMPUTING CENTER (ICC) ABU DHABI MEDICAL DEVICES CO HOCKLEY INTERNATIONAL LTD GLAXOSMITHKLINE EXPORT LTD. NOVARTIS VACCINES & DIAGNOSTICS LIMITED. BESTNET EUROPE LTD. LONDON FOG, INC. TALECRIS BIOTHERAPEUTICS. BMIL TECHNOLOGIES, LLC SIEMENS HEALTHCARE DIAGNOSTICS INC BIO-RAD LABORATORIES APPLIED BIOSYSTEMS. THOMAS SCIENTIFIC. HELM MEDICAL. MERCK & CO. INC KOONS ARLINGTON TOYOTA. KOONS FORD OF FALLS CHURCH. LONDON FOG, INC. RAYOMED. INTERNATIONAL BUILDING SE ADVIZING IT. CORE BTS, INC. CORE BTS, INC. CORASWORKS CORPORATION MSLI, GP NORTEC COMMUNICATIONS, INC. CLEARPATH SOLUTIONS GROUP. MERIDIAN BIOSCIENCE, IN CELLESTIS, INC J.REILLY ASSOCIATES NUBENCO. RAYOMED. FRANK PARSONS, INC. DISTRICT CREATIVE PRINTING, INC UNITED BOOK PRESS, INC VB CONSULTING ASSOCIATES H.D. HUDSON MANUFACTURING RAYOMED. CWX GROUP, LLC. ACCELERA SOLUTIONS, INC. TRAVEL-ON LTD. RAYOMED. ROCHE INTERNATIONAL LTD. BECTON DICKINSON DEL URUGUAY S.A. ELECTROLYTES SOLUTIONS INSECTICIDES INSECTICIDES INSECTICIDES INSECTICIDES ANTIRETROVIRAL AGENTS DIAGNOSTIC AGENT INSECTICIDES ADMINISTRATIVE FEES CONDOMS ANTIRETROVIRAL AGENTS ELECTROLYTES SOLUTIONS VEHICLE ANTIRETROVIRAL AGENTS ANTIDIABETIC AGENT ANTILEISHMANIASIS DIAGNOSTIC TEST KITS INSECTICIDES SERA & IMMUNOGLOBULINS VACCINE DIAGNOSTIC INSTRUMENTS VETERINARY VACCINE VACCINE ANTINEOPLASTIC AGENT ANTIRETROVIRAL AGENTS SURFACTANT ANTIFUNGAL ANTIRETROVIRAL AGENTS ANTIRETROVIRAL AGENTS ANTIRETROVIRAL AGENTS ANTIRETROVIRAL AGENTS ANTIRETROVIRAL AGENTS ANTIRETROVIRAL AGENTS ANTIRETROVIRAL AGENTS ANTITUBERCULOSIS ANTITUBERCULOSIS ANTITUBERCULOSIS COLD CHAIN INSECTICIDES VACCINE VACCINE VACCINE VACCINE ANTIRETROVIRAL AGENTS DIAGNOSTIC TEST KITS VACCINE SERA & IMMUNOGLOBULINS VACCINE ANTIRETROVIRAL AGENTS ANALGESICS ANTI HYPERTENSIVE ANTIBACTERIAL ANTIBACTERIAL ANTIFUNGAL ANTIMALARIAL ANTINEOPLASTIC AGENT ANTITUBERCULOSIS ANTITUBERCULOSIS ELECTROLYTES SOLUTIONS PSYCHOTERAPEUTIC DRUGS PSYCHOTERAPEUTIC DRUGS VACCINE VECTOR CONTROL ANTIBACTERIAL MEDICAL & SURGICAL S&E MISCELLANEOUS SYRINGES ANTIRETROVIRAL AGENTS BLOOD DERIVATES DIAGNOSTIC TEST KITS SERA & IMMUNOGLOBULINS VEHICLE ANTIMALARIAL VACCINE VACCINE TECHNICAL SERVICES SYRINGES INSECTICIDES VACCINE VACCINE VECTOR CONTROL AEROSOL GENERATOR BLOOD DERIVATES COLD CHAIN DIAGNOSTIC TEST KITS DIAGNOSTIC TEST KITS LABORATORY S&E LABORATORY S&E SYRINGES VACCINE VEHICLE VEHICLE AEROSOL EQUIPMENT, GENERATOR, PARTS BODY BAGS CLEANING SERVICES COMPUTER LAPTOP COMPUTER S&E COMPUTER SOFTWARE COMPUTER SOFTWARE COMPUTER SOFTWARE LICENSE COMPUTER SOFTWARE LICENSE COMPUTER SOFTWARE LICENSE DIAGNOSTIC TEST KITS HOSPITAL EQUIPMENT JANITORIAL SUPPLIES MEDICAL & SURGICAL S&E MEDICAL & SURGICAL S&E PAPER PRINTING SERVICES PRINTING SERVICES - PUBLI SOFTWARE SERVICES SPRAYERS SURGICAL GOWN TECHNICAL SERVICES TECHNICAL SERVICES TRAVEL AGENCY SERVICES WATER QUALITY S&E ANTIVIRAL DRUG SYRINGES 132 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO Value USD 486,824.00 1,112,892.80 379,842.00 345,364.20 43,246.32 79,550.00 62,500.00 1,176,040.00 585,197.94 11,785,198.00 68,418.63 267,600.00 235,704.00 205,397.50 996,116.48 150,123.12 67,440.00 500,000.00 135,700.00 92,960,809.30 85,000.00 3,359,911.00 1,658,968.50 56,385.12 910,678.00 207,258.00 77,500.00 8,001,671.00 2,231,698.71 1,604,746.00 888,800.00 165,217.50 131,950.00 47,450.00 1,537,085.05 42,000.00 37,968.00 36,000.00 88,950.00 26,264,081.62 676,223.16 630,850.00 321,616.48 4,544,735.00 136,800.00 10,035,629.00 3,148,900.00 9,628,243.00 72,480.00 35,000.00 80,000.00 39,600.00 37,560.00 423,500.00 131,680.00 55,210.00 1,726,615.28 885,212.88 212,360.00 142,400.00 54,000.00 5,569,300.00 59,538.91 44,100.00 123,242.50 67,001.00 330,249.00 2,223,824.52 625,362.15 54,210.01 1,396,196.20 49,531.31 219,021.00 31,184,725.20 600,000.00 40,666.90 519,409.80 338,640.00 73,208,600.00 8,136,030.00 34,820.28 626,900.00 1,869,943.00 98,730.00 403,610.00 300,000.00 99,800.00 97,152.00 2,674,213.00 932,550.00 65,683.20 37,372.89 48,000.00 132,090.00 132,000.00 48,491.40 36,368.80 40,056.00 33,000.00 194,620.00 36,940.00 32,427.35 65,400.00 44,360.00 45,000.00 40,000.00 33,700.00 37,816.00 38,788.00 30,770.00 45,080.00 51,723.00 52,260.00 453,600.00 39,385.25 177,467.00 106,000.00 367,275.00 46,785.60 Major Orders for Goods Placed by Agency During 2011 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of Supplier UNDP Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Angola Angola Angola Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Name of Supplier Description of Goods ABDUL MAJID ALI KHIL LTD AFGHAN BRITISH GROUP CO. (B.R.G) FARHAD ARIF LOGISTIC SERVICES CO MEDIA SUPPORT PARTNERSHIP AFGHANISTAN MEDIA SUPPORT PARTNERSHIP AFGHANISTAN IO GLOBAL SERVICES PRIVATE LIMITED MUSTAFA SKILL TREE GROUP LOGITIC & SUPPLY SERVIC TIME PRO SUPPLY TIME PRO SUPPLY ZARIF ZUBAIR SEDIQ LTD FAISAL ENAIAT ZADA LTD FAISAL ENAIAT ZADA LTD ARMAGHAN AFGHAN LOGISTICS SERVICES CO ARMAGHAN AFGHAN LOGISTICS SERVICES CO ARMAGHAN AFGHAN LOGISTICS SERVICES CO ARMAGHAN AFGHAN LOGISTICS SERVICES CO LIWAL LIMITED ABDULLAH OMAR LOGISTIC & TRADING LTD MEGAPLUS AFGHANISTAN LTD TIME PRO SUPPLY CARTRIDGE GLOBE IT SERVICES CARTRIDGE GLOBE IT SERVICES MEGAPLUS AFGHANISTAN LTD AJS LOGISTICS SERVICES HALO TRUST SKILL TREE GROUP LOGITIC & SUPPLY SERVIC AFGHAN TELECOM DA AFGHANISTAN BRISHNA SHIRKAT DA AFGHANISTAN BRISHNA SHIRKAT ROSHAN TELECOM DEVELOP.CO. AFG.LTD. IO GLOBAL SERVICES PRIVATE LIMITED AL NAKHEEL PRINTING PRESS MEDIA SUPPORT PARTNERSHIP AFGHANISTAN CETENA GROUP TIME PRO SUPPLY ALPHA TECH INTERNATIONAL LTD CARTRIDGE GLOBE IT SERVICES AFGHAN CRYSTAL CO LTD AZARM LTD EMP TRANS LDA CARGO CENTER LUANDA EMP TRANS LDA CARGO CENTER LUANDA UNICEF - COPENHGEN SIEMENS S.A. DROGUERIA COMARSA S.A. DROGUERIA COMARSA S.A. DROGUERIA COMARSA S.A. DROGUERIA COMARSA S.A. FARMED S.A. DROGUERIA COMARSA S.A. RAYOS X DINAN S.A. STILNOVO SA MACOR INSUMOS HOSPITALARIOS S.R.L. WENT S.A. INSTRUEQUIPOS S.A. INSTRUEQUIPOS S.A. DROGUERIA COMARSA S.A. INSTRUEQUIPOS S.A. INSTRUEQUIPOS S.A. INSTRUEQUIPOS S.A. DROGUERIA COMARSA S.A. DROGUERIA COMARSA S.A. DROGUERIA COMARSA S.A. MEDIPHARMA S.A. MEDIFARM S.A. DROGUERIA COMARSA S.A. DROGUERIA COMARSA S.A. MACOR INSUMOS HOSPITALARIOS S.R.L. MACOR INSUMOS HOSPITALARIOS S.R.L. FARMED S.A. FARMED S.A. FARMED S.A. MEDIFARM S.A. FARMED S.A. FARMED S.A. FARMED S.A. FARMED S.A. FARMED S.A. FARMED S.A. FARMED S.A. FARMED S.A. MEDIFARM S.A. DROGUERIA COMARSA S.A. MACOR INSUMOS HOSPITALARIOS S.R.L. CASA PIRO S.A. DROGUERIA COMARSA S.A. DROGUERIA COMARSA S.A. CASA PIRO S.A. DROGUERIA COMARSA S.A. DROGUERIA COMARSA S.A. DROGUERIA COMARSA S.A. DROGUERIA COMARSA S.A. CASA PIRO S.A. DROGUERIA COMARSA S.A. CENTRO DE SERVICIOS HOSPITALARIOS S.A. CENTRO DE SERVICIOS HOSPITALARIOS S.A. MACOR INSUMOS HOSPITALARIOS S.R.L. MACOR INSUMOS HOSPITALARIOS S.R.L. WENT S.A. WENT S.A. INSTRUEQUIPOS S.A. DROGUERIA COMARSA S.A. DROGUERIA COMARSA S.A. DROGUERIA COMARSA S.A. DROGUERIA COMARSA S.A. FARMED S.A. FARMED S.A. CASA PIRO S.A. CASA PIRO S.A. MACOR INSUMOS HOSPITALARIOS S.R.L. MACOR INSUMOS HOSPITALARIOS S.R.L. DROGUERIA COMARSA S.A. DROGUERIA COMARSA S.A. DROGUERIA COMARSA S.A. JOSE ANACLETO E HIJOS SA BG ANALIZADORES SA QUIRO-MED S.A.C.I.F. GRIENSU S.A. GRIENSU S.A. NETSIS SRL Armored vehicles' spare parts, as p ClothingSuplies-CTC Herat Copier machines-Regional EPS Dissemination of Documentary f Dissemination of PSA for TV 1 E) Satellite receivers E) Telephones Exp Adjustment 105830 Expenditure adjustment 97627 Expenditure adjustment 98582 Furniture & Supplies-Drug Rehb Furniture for CTC Kabul Furniture for Herat RTC Furniture for Justice faciliti Furniture for Justice Faciliti Furniture for Justice facilities un Furniture for Justice Facilities un GIS Software, Printer- EPS Gym Equipments for PTCs ICT Equipments - MOI from 2009 Inv#1029- Supplies for CTC IT Equipment for PTC IT Equipmnt,Supplies for CTC ITB - ICT Equips - MOE, the PO Misc Equipments-CTC KBL office supply/ HALO Online UPS, IT Equipmnts-LOTFA Payment for Afghan Telecome for the Payment for electricity Charge of Payment for electricyt Charge Payment for Postpaid for the period Payment for the cost of intern Printing School Notesbooks-GMU Production of Documentary film Provision of script writing, P RDP#10-CTC Stationeries Softwares for EPS- LOTFA Supply &IT Equip for Herat PTC Toners,IT Eqpmnt-EPS Toyota LandCrsr for DM Adm Correct COA Inv 310.008/11Emp EMP-TRANS Payment Reagents, diagnostic or labora Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified 133 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO Value USD 41,540.00 246,870.00 128,230.00 383,000.00 652,920.00 253,780.00 46,300.00 243,060.00 35,380.00 68,350.00 74,310.00 95,310.00 65,290.00 48,210.00 41,880.00 57,020.00 53,140.00 50,310.00 80,050.00 49,850.00 68,350.00 236,920.00 323,210.00 60,700.00 380,130.00 48,650.00 243,060.00 46,280.00 37,850.00 32,680.00 37,180.00 32,340.00 141,760.00 34,820.00 97,960.00 35,380.00 63,400.00 363,870.00 53,840.00 110,000.00 42,220.00 34,720.00 304,860.00 700,000.00 90,160.00 30,420.00 58,030.00 34,840.00 97,450.00 98,340.00 61,300.00 82,280.00 49,390.00 53,870.00 79,280.00 67,080.00 181,190.00 85,820.00 73,260.00 106,760.00 49,050.00 71,190.00 97,630.00 32,950.00 32,790.00 93,820.00 90,070.00 61,970.00 47,740.00 96,490.00 64,260.00 94,700.00 59,230.00 116,110.00 55,570.00 78,150.00 98,060.00 34,550.00 97,490.00 98,300.00 97,390.00 44,100.00 158,930.00 32,640.00 31,930.00 78,020.00 86,570.00 85,260.00 81,420.00 73,010.00 83,280.00 63,950.00 79,780.00 170,950.00 142,450.00 71,920.00 51,640.00 57,170.00 49,100.00 35,530.00 49,330.00 57,190.00 52,910.00 47,070.00 95,400.00 190,720.00 73,180.00 69,240.00 173,290.00 41,120.00 52,490.00 154,030.00 98,020.00 207,030.00 38,140.00 32,640.00 42,550.00 194,050.00 43,620.00 31,380.00 Major Orders for Goods Placed by Agency During 2011 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of Supplier UNDP Continued Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Name of Supplier Description of Goods COLOMBO DANIEL MARCELO PRODMOBI SA DATASTAR ARGENTINA S.A. DELL AMERICA LATINA CORP. JENCK S.A. EDSI TREND ARGENTINA SA INTELEKTRON SA OFFICEXPERTS S.R.L. IT NETWORK SA PRINTER PLANET S.R.L. QUIRO-MED S.A.C.I.F. AEROTERRA S.A. GRUNOW JUAN EDUARDO MARTINS BARRIGA WALTER JAVIER EZCA SERVICIOS GENERALES SA M.O.S.T. SA POLARI MARTIN LEONIDAS ROMERO DIEGO LUIS BRITE PRODUCTIONS LATIN AMERICA SRL 14 AL CENTRO S.A. SORUCO JORGE NICOLAS SOUZA ALBA GHIO JUAN MATIAS DINATECH S.A. AVNET TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS ARGENTINA SA GRUPO AUDIOVISUAL MERIDIANO ARGENTINA SA NEC ARGENTINA S.A. DINATECH S.A. DELL AMERICA LATINA CORP. DELL AMERICA LATINA CORP. DINATECH S.A. COMMSUR SRL NEC ARGENTINA S.A. EUROCALCOGRAFICA SA DINATECH S.A. MEGATRANS SA MEGATRANS SA INSUMOS AMG LA PLATA SA DELL AMERICA LATINA CORP. DELL AMERICA LATINA CORP. PARAMETRO SA IVECAM SA GMS SA NEC ARGENTINA S.A. INSUMOS AMG LA PLATA SA NEC ARGENTINA S.A. INSUMOS AMG LA PLATA SA TELESPAZIO ARGENTINA SA TELESPAZIO ARGENTINA SA TELESPAZIO ARGENTINA SA DINATECH S.A. DINATECH S.A. DINATECH S.A. DINATECH S.A. DINATECH S.A. DINATECH S.A. DINATECH S.A. DINATECH S.A. IVECAM SA SHC SRL TRACKER S.A. LABORATORIO LKM SA LABORATORIO LKM SA LABORATORIO LKM SA LABORATORIOS FILAXIS S.A. ROEMMERS S.A.I.C.F. INGHEN SA GMS SA GMS SA GRAFICA TADDEO SRL ARTES GRAFICAS BUSCHI S.A. COLAVITTO VICTOR MARCELO BG ANALIZADORES SA MEDIPHARMA S.A. LABORATORIOS DUNCAN S.A. LAFEDAR SOCIEDAD ANONIMA LAFEDAR SOCIEDAD ANONIMA ELI LILLY INTERAMERICA INC SUC.ARG. LABORATORIOS DUNCAN S.A. LABORATORIO PABLO CASSARA SRL SAVANT PHARM S.A. KLONAL S.R.L. LABORATORIOS FABRA S.A. LABORATORIOS FABRA S.A. ROFINA S.A.I.C.F. SANT GALL FRIBURG Q.C.I. S.R.L. CASCALES FRANCISCO DRAWER S.A. NARVAEZ VILLARRUBIA CLAUDIA WUILLMA LABORATORIOS DUNCAN S.A. LABORATORIOS DUNCAN S.A. KLONAL S.R.L. LABORATORIOS FABRA S.A. KLONAL S.R.L. LAFEDAR SOCIEDAD ANONIMA LABORATORIOS FABRA S.A. SANT GALL FRIBURG Q.C.I. S.R.L. LABORATORIO PABLO CASSARA SRL BIOCIENTIFICA SA MEDIPHARMA S.A. DRAWER S.A. MICROLAT S.R.L. INVITROGEN ARGENTINA SA LABORATORIO INTERNACIONAL ARGENTINO SA KLONAL S.R.L. DRAWER S.A. KLONAL S.R.L. SAVANT PHARM S.A. INDRA SI SA ESTUDIOS Y PROYECTOS SRL SOUZA ALBA ESTUDIOS Y PROYECTOS SRL ESTUDIOS Y PROYECTOS SRL ESTUDIOS Y PROYECTOS SRL ESTUDIOS Y PROYECTOS SRL DINATECH S.A. DINATECH S.A. SHC SRL DELL AMERICA LATINA CORP. TRACKER S.A. Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified 134 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO Value USD 38,170.00 787,890.00 252,110.00 750,950.00 79,200.00 39,510.00 36,440.00 60,360.00 80,160.00 75,830.00 56,610.00 94,860.00 41,540.00 54,590.00 77,280.00 98,320.00 73,090.00 54,960.00 71,950.00 60,110.00 38,650.00 93,380.00 72,090.00 225,500.00 1,339,620.00 75,000.00 350,570.00 169,810.00 782,130.00 156,430.00 2,867,550.00 288,680.00 4,935,300.00 1,264,290.00 3,903,640.00 1,178,880.00 294,720.00 77,410.00 156,930.00 799,900.00 79,710.00 314,580.00 65,790.00 1,979,520.00 294,830.00 2,632,210.00 88,200.00 666,830.00 80,660.00 45,940.00 89,690.00 639,400.00 3,247,490.00 639,400.00 639,400.00 617,110.00 652,850.00 639,400.00 81,410.00 88,170.00 1,665,830.00 488,660.00 488,330.00 455,820.00 512,270.00 705,090.00 58,960.00 53,000.00 52,010.00 61,000.00 39,310.00 37,020.00 36,840.00 34,940.00 44,850.00 57,390.00 33,860.00 396,110.00 45,060.00 114,550.00 116,790.00 115,490.00 96,570.00 95,650.00 41,020.00 36,230.00 55,410.00 115,750.00 38,060.00 49,320.00 48,560.00 48,300.00 46,380.00 49,440.00 354,130.00 45,660.00 37,110.00 116,210.00 57,390.00 35,450.00 140,300.00 39,250.00 98,050.00 144,120.00 115,490.00 137,020.00 66,160.00 97,150.00 350,860.00 235,260.00 85,020.00 119,350.00 95,000.00 139,710.00 115,850.00 213,830.00 2,336,270.00 89,790.00 1,946,830.00 788,560.00 Major Orders for Goods Placed by Agency During 2011 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of Supplier UNDP Continued Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Armenia Armenia Armenia Armenia Armenia Armenia Armenia Armenia Australia Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Name of Supplier Description of Goods HEWLETT PACKARD ARGENTINA S.R.L. EXO S.A. GRANET S.A. INDRA SI SA DINATECH S.A. MILKAO SA PLANTIE TALLERES GRAFICOS SA CAETANO RUBEN DARIO RANDOM HOUSE MONDADORI SA LATIN GRAFICA S.R.L. AR AND AR DESIGN CONSTRUCTION MAGGA PRODUCTION COOPERATIVE LOGIC INTER LLC MAGGA PRODUCTION COOPERATIVE MAGGA PRODUCTION COOPERATIVE GALOPER Co. Ltd. SEAR GROUP LLC LOGIC INTER LLC STERIDIUM PTY LTD SCHAGERL SCHAGERL AMEX EXPORT-IMPORT GMBH AMEX EXPORT-IMPORT GMBH AMEX EXPORT-IMPORT GMBH AMEX EXPORT-IMPORT GMBH AMEX EXPORT-IMPORT GMBH AMEX EXPORT-IMPORT GMBH AMEX EXPORT-IMPORT GMBH AMEX EXPORT-IMPORT GMBH AMEX EXPORT-IMPORT GMBH AMEX EXPORT-IMPORT GMBH AMEX EXPORT-IMPORT GMBH AMEX EXPORT-IMPORT GMBH AMEX EXPORT-IMPORT GMBH AMEX EXPORT-IMPORT GMBH AMEX EXPORT-IMPORT GMBH AMEX EXPORT-IMPORT GMBH AMEX EXPORT-IMPORT GMBH AMEX EXPORT-IMPORT GMBH AMEX EXPORT-IMPORT GMBH AMEX EXPORT-IMPORT GMBH AMEX EXPORT-IMPORT GMBH AMEX EXPORT-IMPORT GMBH AMEX EXPORT-IMPORT GMBH AMEX EXPORT-IMPORT GMBH AMEX EXPORT-IMPORT GMBH AMEX EXPORT-IMPORT GMBH AMEX EXPORT-IMPORT GMBH AMEX EXPORT-IMPORT GMBH AMEX EXPORT-IMPORT GMBH AMEX EXPORT-IMPORT GMBH AMEX EXPORT-IMPORT GMBH AMEX EXPORT-IMPORT GMBH AMEX EXPORT-IMPORT GMBH AMEX EXPORT-IMPORT GMBH AMEX EXPORT-IMPORT GMBH AMEX EXPORT-IMPORT GMBH AMEX EXPORT-IMPORT GMBH AMEX EXPORT-IMPORT GMBH AMEX EXPORT-IMPORT GMBH AMEX EXPORT-IMPORT GMBH AMEX EXPORT-IMPORT GMBH AMEX EXPORT-IMPORT GMBH AMEX EXPORT-IMPORT GMBH AMEX EXPORT-IMPORT GMBH AMEX EXPORT-IMPORT GMBH AMEX EXPORT-IMPORT GMBH AMEX EXPORT-IMPORT GMBH AMEX EXPORT-IMPORT GMBH AMEX EXPORT-IMPORT GMBH AMEX EXPORT-IMPORT GMBH AMEX EXPORT-IMPORT GMBH AMEX EXPORT-IMPORT GMBH AMEX EXPORT-IMPORT GMBH AMEX EXPORT-IMPORT GMBH AMEX EXPORT-IMPORT GMBH AMEX EXPORT-IMPORT GMBH AMEX EXPORT-IMPORT GMBH AMEX EXPORT-IMPORT GMBH AMEX EXPORT-IMPORT GMBH AMEX EXPORT-IMPORT GMBH AMEX EXPORT-IMPORT GMBH BM Texnologiya Legenda CO Legenda CO Hilal Elektrik Insh. Tur Hilal Elektrik Insh. Tur Legenda CO SINAM MMC New Tech LLC SINAM MMC Sun Master MMC NTC LLC GRAN ELECTRIC A.S. STREAMFORD WORLDWIDE LIMITED Streamford Worldwide Limited AzNetComp MMC SINAM MMC SINAM MMC SINAM MMC GRAN ELECTRIC A.S. AAMRA NETWORKS LIMITED BLUE CANVAS LTD Sterling Multi Technologies Ltd Tech Valley Computers Ltd. Multistar Technologies Initiative Limited Information Solution Ltd Flora Limited Scheme Associates RADIO TRANS.SA Tech Valley Computers Ltd. Tech Valley Networks Ltd D Biz Corporation Initiative Limited Karnaphuli Industries Ltd. Karnaphuli Industries Ltd. Flora Limited Flora Limited Executive Technologies Ltd. Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified RBLAC PUBLICACION REPORT ON SOCIAL REFBICENTENARIO IMPRESION DE 250 EJ Design, manufacturing and deli E) Agricultural machinery & eq E) Food and beverage equipment Geizer 1600 fire extinguish mo Geizer 1600 fire extinguish motor p NISSAN SLX TYPE 2 4WD Procurement of polyethylene ir Slip on Unit in Inox low press Autoclave System, Delivery: Ninh Bi 30% OC 0051/ AJUSTE V 30097 70% OC104,8 TROMPETA-2 TROMBON A) Laboratory Equipment AmpliSens® HIV-Monitor, packin AmpliSens® HIV-Monitor-FRT TR-V0-M( Automated Enzyme Immunoassay A Automated Enzyme Immunoassay Analyz Automated system for mycobater Automated system for mycobaterium d BD FACS Count, PAC-50 BeneHeart D3 is one compact , durab Biological safety cabinet and Biological safety cabinet and spare CD count kits and related item E) Land Transport E) Medical Equipment E) Medical Kits - lot 1 year 2 E) Medical Kits - Lot 2 year 3 ELISA HIV test kits Endoscopic equipment as per th Equipment for real-time PCR an Equipment for real-time PCR analysi Flow Cytometer Partec PAS 3 Co Flow Cytometer Reagents for Partec Freezers, low temperature High Frequency Mobile X-ray Equipme HIV test kits and blood group HIV test kits and related item IFA diagnostics on HIV 1/2 ant Lab furniture Laboratory Eqiupment & Supply LABORATORY EQUIPMENT - Blood D LABORATORY EQUIPMENT - RT PCR LABORATORY EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIE Laboratory Equipment & Supply LABORATORY EQUIPMENT AND REAGE Laboratory equipment and suppl LABORATORY EQUIPMENT- Consumab LABORATORY EQUIPMENT Consumabl Laboratory equipment, special LABORATORY EQUIPMENT, Thermal LABORATORY EQUIPMENT, Thermal Incub LABORATORY SUPPLIES - item 1 and 2 LABORATORY SUPPLIES - item item 3 Medical supplies Medical waste incinerator Microscopes CX21 Reagents and test kits Reagents for BPC Keylab analyz Reagents for Global 300/600 an Reagents for National Microbio Reagents for Pentra 400 analyz Reagents, diagnostic or laboratory, Required after sales Services Sea freight transport item 1 and 2 Sperm Washing Equipment as per Sperm Washing Equipment as per the Sputum cups - polypropylene (PP) Swabs - Sterile swabs, specificatio Syring 2ml and 5 ml with needle, an Syringe 2 ml with needle Tritest Reagent for CD 3/4/45 with Ventilator 2nd tranche (20%) final payme E) Controlling units or device E) Controlling units or device , 80 E) Diesel generators E) Electrical management devi E) Minivans or vans for IBM pr E) Network routers E) Network routers E) Network routers second inst E) Notebook computers E) Software (license) equipment equipment pay. foe equipment Payment to AzNetCompt for proc Payment to SINAM LLC according Payment to Sinam LLC according Payment to SINAM LLC for part procurment of special mechanic Audio Conference Device Billboard Crime Scene Kit for PRP Delivery of 562 Open Licences Desktop PC Desktop PC Desktop PC Desktop PC Equipment and installation of HF , VHF & Telecom Accesories as pe LAN Equipment & Installation f Laptop Computer with Docking s Microsoft Office Professional Mobile Forensic Workstation Motor cycleBrand : YamahaMod Motor CycleBrand: YamahaMode Personal Computer Personal Printers Photocopier 135 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO Value USD 133,800.00 431,740.00 33,140.00 95,180.00 350,590.00 42,860.00 33,320.00 32,940.00 58,060.00 30,850.00 31,440.00 78,000.00 43,330.00 85,400.00 85,400.00 35,120.00 39,170.00 37,350.00 87,280.00 30,880.00 38,250.00 176,640.00 84,400.00 43,000.00 55,730.00 85,220.00 260,620.00 282,850.00 73,070.00 52,380.00 47,520.00 47,310.00 31,710.00 40,120.00 870,440.00 60,010.00 45,380.00 79,120.00 468,510.00 110,850.00 128,570.00 40,730.00 42,370.00 73,150.00 35,100.00 150,860.00 75,870.00 106,780.00 86,450.00 271,270.00 31,240.00 690,100.00 172,670.00 271,270.00 32,110.00 271,270.00 31,530.00 45,140.00 474,070.00 42,700.00 39,220.00 110,480.00 63,760.00 157,210.00 134,200.00 95,090.00 49,190.00 88,330.00 112,640.00 49,060.00 37,090.00 60,780.00 91,910.00 73,010.00 92,050.00 105,170.00 48,020.00 98,200.00 112,750.00 82,470.00 82,660.00 65,990.00 46,940.00 66,240.00 66,240.00 386,080.00 158,980.00 108,400.00 1,081,140.00 200,010.00 93,140.00 36,100.00 522,030.00 142,190.00 132,830.00 103,990.00 62,080.00 90,000.00 50,000.00 85,500.00 138,550.00 43,560.00 35,120.00 103,410.00 276,750.00 114,840.00 88,360.00 69,920.00 42,470.00 39,940.00 31,810.00 275,560.00 45,650.00 33,960.00 73,500.00 83,670.00 160,170.00 44,000.00 37,230.00 67,810.00 Major Orders for Goods Placed by Agency During 2011 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of Supplier UNDP Continued Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Barbados Belarus Belarus Belarus Belarus Belarus Belarus Belarus Belarus Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Benin Benin Benin Benin Benin Benin Benin Benin Benin Benin Benin Benin Benin Benin Benin Benin Benin Benin Bhutan Bhutan Bhutan Bhutan Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bosnia Bosnia Bosnia Bosnia Bosnia Bosnia Bosnia Bosnia Bosnia Bosnia Bosnia Botswana Botswana Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Burkina Faso Burkina Faso Burkina Faso Burkina Faso Burkina Faso Burkina Faso Burkina Faso Burkina Faso Burkina Faso Burkina Faso Burundi Burundi Burundi Burundi Burundi Burundi Burundi Burundi Burundi Burundi Cambodia Name of Supplier Description of Goods Trade Linkers Office Automation Ltd. Flora Limited Thakral Information Systems Pvt. Ltd. MYSTIC BRACNet Ltd Graphic Associates Ltd. Honeycom Automation & Security Pvt. ltd. TOKMAKJIAN INTERNATIONAL INC. RESPUBLIKANSKIY TEATR BEL DRAMATURGII GU PATRIARKH KOMPIUTER SERVIS ZHDANOVICH S. E. IP NONSTOPMEDIA, CHUP Tutankhamon CHUP OOO "COMPANY ALGIMED" DISTILAND OOO LABORATORNYE I VESOVYE SISTEMY, OOO ZETES INDUSTRIES ZETES INDUSTRIES ZETES INDUSTRIES ZETES INDUSTRIES Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd B.D.C INTERNATIONAL S.A. ZETES INDUSTRIES ZETES INDUSTRIES Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Ets GHELOU COMMUNICATION Ets GHELOU COMMUNICATION Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd ELLISSA MEGASTORE Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Ets GHELOU COMMUNICATION Ets GHELOU COMMUNICATION BUFALO COMMUNICATION INGENIERIE SYSTEMES ETS EDITIONS FRIDZEL Ets GHELOU COMMUNICATION BENIN REGULATION COMPTOIR BENINOIS DE PAPIERS ENNOV ENNOV COMPTOIR BENINOIS DE PAPIERS BETON SERVICES SARL Budget Fund Account Budget Fund Account Budget Fund Account Budget Fund Account TAIYO MOTORS S.A. CARLO FRANCO FLORES ESTEPA VEZLA IMPORT EXPORT REPRESENTACIONES SRL CARLO FRANCO FLORES ESTEPA ORG. ELECTORAL PLUR. TRIBUNAL SUP. ELECT AC QUATTRO MY MEDICO AGRO SYSTEM AGS DOO AGROMEHANIKA KOMERC SEMIKEM DOO EXCLUSIVE DOO INFONET DOO NEUTRINO DOO TUZLA ATTRADE DOO HEKO DOO H&H GOREKS MM GOVERNMENT OF BOTSWANA (NACA) SHARPS ELECTRICAL (PTY) LTD NUCELLSYS GMBH CTIS TECNOLOGIA S. A. Nextel Telecomunicacoes Ltda EMPRESA BRASIL DE COMUNICAÇÃO S/A TECNOMINI ICPMMEI LTDA VALSPE COMÉRCIO DE INFORMÁTICA LTDA Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd PENSALAB EQUIPAMENTOS INDUSTRIAIS S.A PROL EDITORA GRAFICA LTDA EPRI INTERNATIONAL HYDROGENICS CORPORATION Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd EMPRESA BRASIL DE COMUNICAÇÃO S/A EMPRESA BRASIL DE COMUNICAÇÃO S/A NET &Co Comercio e Serviços em Informát ARINOS QUÍMICA LTDA. PURCOM QUIMICA LTDA NET &Co Comercio e Serviços em Informát NET &Co Comercio e Serviços em Informát A. A. DE ARAÚJO ME ANIMA PUBLICIDADES E EVENTOS LTDA SYSTECH SISTEMAS E TECNOLOGIA EM INFORMA NUCELLSYS GMBH EPRI INTERNATIONAL ESCRITA E COMÉRCIO E SERVIÇOS TST STAG SA SENAI SP EMBAIXADA DO BRASIL EM SAO TOME SERVIÇO NAC. APRENDIZAGEM INDUSTRIA SONAK BURKINA DISTRILAB SARL CFAO MOTORS CFAO MOTORS CFAO MOTORS INFORMATIQUE LOGISTIQUE & SERVICES IMPRESSO CFAO MOTORS CFAO MOTORS CFAO MOTORS GROUPE MARCK MAGASIN BONAUTO DAN OFFICE TOYOTA BURUNDI TOYOTA BURUNDI NETWORK APPLIANCE CENTER PROMO ART GROUPE MARCK SYMPHONY BURUNDI SOBELEC PARTNERSHIPS FOR DEVELOPMENT RESULTS Photocopier Printer Printer Second Phase (40%) (Payment up Site Router- Cisco 1941 Two Finger Scanner for Rolled Upgradation of CCTV Security S TRUCK Conducting of guest performance "Wh DESKTOP "PARTIARCH" WITH KEYBO E) Audio Visual Productions E) Audio Visual Productions ( E) Audio Visual Productions, f E) Laboratory Equipment (Therm PROJECTOR BenQ MX660P THERMOSTATE ST1200M Continuous support and mainten Coordination, supervision and Deployment of Hardware for the Design and development of Biom Land Cruiser 200 Station Wagon Land Cruiser Hardtop 10 seater SPARE PARTS FOR LAB. EQUIPMENT Supply of Software, including System (hardware and software) Toyota land cruiser Toyota Hillux pick up Toyota Land Cruiser Prado 20.000 Affiches type A1 20.000 Affiches type A2 A) Vehicles - Repair Supplies A) Vehicles - Repair Supplies/ Achat d'encre pour impression ACHAT VEHICULES PVM Affiche sensibilisat type A Affiche sensibilisat type B Bags, cotton Computer hardware or software E) Printing Expense Distribution Fourniture de groupe électrogè Paper Stcker A4 Premier payment avec une déduc Premier payment avec une déduction Printers, automatic typewriter Réfect° infrastructures CPADD 1st Qtr FR-NCSA-B 2011 2nd Qtr FR-ILCCP 2011 2nd Qtr interim FR(GLOF-DGM)A Expense Distribution ADQUISICIONN DE 8CAMIONETAS TB E) Building Maintenance & Repa Pago correspondiente al 20% fi REEMBOLSO DE GASTOS EN TRABAJO Rendicón anticipo may-jun/11 Automobiles, utility vehicles Druga isporuka urinskih screening t E) Agricultural machinery & eq E) Agricultural machinery & eq E) Medical Kits LOT 2 Desktops 61 psc LOT 3 Firewall 17 psc LOT 4. Mcrosoft Office Home an Pregnant heifers - purchase an Purchase and delivery of raspb Sheep farms - construction mat Expense Distribution SUPPLY AND INSTALLATION OF UPS 3º TA C 47-2411 06 - Peças de A) 20 Desktops computers A) Mobile phones ACTIVITY 2 Aquisição de 03 unidades de ex Aquisição de 25 computadores c AQUISICAO DE VEICULO AQUISICAO VEICULO HILUX AQUISICAO VEICULO LAND CRUISER BRA/00/021 - Sub 8.4 BRA/00/021 Sub 1 E) Busses E) Busses E) SUV - LHD HILUX DOUBLE CABIN 5 S EBC - Adesão ao contrato com a empr EBC - Adesão ao contrato firmado co ENTREGA DA DOCUMENTAÇÃO COMPLE Expense Distribution Expense Distribution GERAÇÃO DOS RELATÓRIOS E FINE INSTALAÇÃO DA SOLUÇÃO COMPLETA Lote 04 - Receptor GNSS MATERIAIS PROMOCIONAIS SUST Nova requisição de compras par P8 - Célula H2 - Ônibus a Hidr P8 - Lider Consorcio - ÔNIBUS PLACAS DE IDENTIFICAÇÃO DE UC Storage SUPRIMENTO DE FUNDOS SUPRIMENTO DE FUNDOS SUPRIMENTO DE FUNDOS PARC. 2 Achat de matériel informatique Achat de matériel Labo Physique Uni Achat de TOYOTA LAND CRUISER Achat Toyota Land Cruiser Prad Achat véhicule Toyota Land Cru Equipements informatiques du P S) Printing Toyota Fortuner 4x4 Diesel Véhicule Station Wagon 4x4 TOY Véhicule Station Wagon 4x4 TOYOTA F Achat de 16000 tenues MROP pou Achat de 2 véhicules pickups: Achat dematériels IT conformém Achat d'un vehicule de marque Achat d'un vehicule tout terra E) Network routers G) Corporate uniforms: salopettes p G) Security uniforms Serveur de Reseau local TRANCHE 3 (paiement solde) 2QT2011 FACE Exp 2/3-PfDR 136 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO Value USD 65,700.00 232,100.00 58,820.00 162,880.00 69,690.00 68,750.00 102,990.00 36,000.00 32,000.00 34,210.00 87,900.00 67,290.00 47,150.00 38,300.00 50,150.00 41,520.00 293,000.00 82,540.00 47,760.00 61,350.00 64,620.00 38,550.00 30,120.00 107,770.00 60,360.00 40,810.00 85,160.00 41,170.00 89,310.00 68,540.00 39,180.00 30,050.00 32,050.00 80,680.00 90,050.00 69,100.00 30,990.00 100,190.00 34,150.00 159,150.00 41,370.00 59,820.00 240,810.00 240,810.00 200,010.00 189,190.00 35,780.00 40,710.00 68,450.00 39,660.00 180,000.00 68,840.00 98,130.00 39,420.00 33,000.00 122,190.00 30,720.00 70,330.00 67,050.00 35,410.00 65,670.00 71,310.00 47,300.00 128,310.00 51,210.00 41,440.00 85,950.00 33,470.00 118,920.00 40,690.00 181,850.00 80,000.00 52,890.00 69,620.00 39,420.00 30,370.00 47,480.00 73,810.00 41,700.00 545,990.00 186,870.00 34,790.00 130,000.00 87,830.00 196,160.00 48,560.00 32,380.00 56,050.00 273,480.00 32,160.00 64,980.00 33,250.00 87,380.00 137,700.00 47,660.00 184,990.00 88,430.00 43,800.00 702,820.00 34,760.00 46,700.00 54,070.00 57,610.00 70,860.00 37,250.00 30,880.00 78,960.00 41,530.00 43,560.00 544,400.00 52,500.00 44,450.00 33,220.00 43,270.00 50,650.00 30,500.00 244,500.00 31,670.00 104,330.00 46,100.00 Major Orders for Goods Placed by Agency During 2011 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of Supplier UNDP Continued Cameroon Cameroon Cameroon Cameroon Cameroon Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Cape Verde Cape Verde Cape Verde Cape Verde Central African Republic Central African Republic Central African Republic Central African Republic Central African Republic Central African Republic Central African Republic Central African Republic Central African Republic Chad Chad Chad Chad Chad Chad Chad Chile Chile China China China China China China China China China China China China Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Comoros Comoros Comoros Comoros Comoros Comoros Comoros Congo, Republic of the Congo, Republic of the Congo, Republic of the Congo, Republic of the Congo, Republic of the Congo, Republic of the Congo, Republic of the Congo, Republic of the Congo, Republic of the Congo, Republic of the Congo, Republic of the Congo, Republic of the Congo, Republic of the Congo, Republic of the Congo, Republic of the Congo, Republic of the Congo, Republic of the Costa Rica Costa Rica Costa Rica Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Croatia Croatia Croatia Cuba Cuba Cuba Name of Supplier Description of Goods UN EDUCATIONAL SCIENTIFIC AND CULTURAL IMPRIMERIE POLYPRESSE Sarl ETS HAMADOU ZAHRA ETS GESCO ETS BETGNA CODE INCORPORATED CODE INCORPORATED CODE INCORPORATED CODE INCORPORATED CODE INCORPORATED CYME INTERNATIONAL T&D INC DMAX DISTRIBUTORS LTD CODE INCORPORATED CODE INCORPORATED CODE INCORPORATED CODE INCORPORATED CITATION INTERNATIONAL REDLINE COMMUNICATION INC CODE INCORPORATED ASSOC. AGRI.AVIC.PECU. COLUNATO CHÃO BOM TECNO ATLANTIC LDA UNICEF - COPENHGEN CABO VERDE MOTORS,SARL CFAO CENTRAFRIQUE LITHOTECH EXPORTS LITHOTECH EXPORTS L.T. SERVICES TRADEX RCA CFAO CENTRAFRIQUE TRADEX RCA T.O.T.A.L-CENTRAFRIQUE STRATOS ENERGIE IMPRIMERIE DU TCHAD IMPRIMERIE KOUBIA CSJEFOD CONCEL Societé des Construct° Refect° Entretien DGASR CSJEFOD MEDIA PLANNING CHILE S.A. Telec.y Energia Wireless Ltda. BEIJING ANDE WENHUA FAZHAN YOUXIAN GONG CICETE CICETE CICETE CICETE CICETE CICETE GUANGZHOU WONDFO BIOTECH CO. LTD GUANGZHOU WONDFO BIOTECH CO. LTD TELLHOW SCI-TECH CO.,LTD. VIN MART VIN MART METROKIA SA DELL COLOMBIA INC INFORMACION Y TECNOLOGIA SA INFORMACION Y TECNOLOGIA SA INFORMACION Y TECNOLOGIA SA INFORMACION Y TECNOLOGIA SA INFORMACION Y TECNOLOGIA SA INFORMACION Y TECNOLOGIA SA INFORMACION Y TECNOLOGIA SA INFORMACION Y TECNOLOGIA SA INFORMACION Y TECNOLOGIA SA INDUSTRIAS HACEB SA MABE COLOMBIA SA CHALLENGER SA MABE COLOMBIA SA INDUSTRIAS HACEB SA CHALLENGER SA DATAPOINT DE COLOMBIA SAS ORACLE COLOMBIA LTDA DAVINCI EDITORES & CIA S EN C CODIGO DE DISEÑO CERTIFICADO CODICE LTDA DISTECAR LTDA DISEÑOS TECNOLOGICOS EN AR ORACLE COLOMBIA LTDA QUINTEC COLOMBIA SA ORACLE COLOMBIA LTDA ENTREPRISE MASSULAHA ELEVAGE BARAKA SOCIETE COMORIENNE DE LOISIR Magasin Mohamed Abdallah MADAF CONCEPT ELECTRONIQUE CONCEPT ELECTRONIQUE Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd SOVEMAC UNITED EXPORT LIMITED Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd UNITED EXPORT LIMITED U.A.C. sprl UNITED EXPORT LIMITED UNITED EXPORT LIMITED UNITED EXPORT LIMITED UNITED EXPORT LIMITED UNITED EXPORT LIMITED UNITED EXPORT LIMITED Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd UNITED EXPORT LIMITED UNITED EXPORT LIMITED IMPORTADORA DE TECNOLOGIA GLOBAL YSMR SA UNITED EXPORT LIMITED CAMPBELL SCIENTIFIC, CENTRO CARIBE, S.A. OIS AFRIQUE/FONDS PNUD YITWO DANISH REFUGEE COUNCIL DTE (DATONG ENTREPRISE) ANADER ZONE TANDA DTE (DATONG ENTREPRISE) MEXICHEM COSTA RICA, S.A. INTERNATIONAL RESCUE COMMITTEE (IRC) ANADER ZONE DE SAKASSOU FINGAR ZAGREB D.O.O. YITWO ENEL-ATM D.O.O. B.D.C INTERNATIONAL S.A. HEDOM D.O.O. DMAX DISTRIBUTORS LTD 75755/MOU PNUD/UNESCO CARTON DE PARAVENT 1 EX 380 X1 Livraison et installation moulins Plant protection /PHYTOSANITAR Travaux de construction du centre d 60 L. Translucent Ballot Box AIR TRANSPORT AIR TRANSPORT and delivery to Sana' CARDBOARD VOTING SCREEN WITH L CORRUGATED PLASTIC BALLOT BOX CYMDIST software 2 standalone EFT 100% CTO 608036/11 G) Cardboard booth no laminat Indelible Ink 25% S.N. 100Ml LED CAMPING LAMP WITH BATTERIE Lid for ballot box, dark grey Paiement CITATION INTERNATIONA REDMAX Translucent Ballot Box 60Ltr Aquisição e Fixação de Babosa Fact0111/Fact0112 80% Contrato NW-S0002087 REFRIG.ELECTROLUX Vehicles, all terrain A) Automobiles or cars AIR FREIGHT AND DELIVERY TO WH Air freight and delivery to WH Compilation du Code de Procédu Consommation globale de carbur Fourniture, installation d?un Fuel oils, n.e.c. Fuel oils, n.e.c. Transport des équipements IMPRESSION DE 50 000 GUIDES( v IMPRESSION DES DOCUMENTS DE SU Observation des élections prés Observation des élections Prés Réalisation des travaux de réh S) News and publicity services Sensibilisation & Education Ci DIFUSION CONCIERTOS AÑO JUVENT F2774 TELECOM. Y ENERG.WIRELES E) Tents Expense Distribution FR-CPR/06/209-P51952-Q2/11-USD FR-CPR/10/201-P76400-Q1/11-USD FR-CPR/10/201-P76400-Q2/11-USD FR-CPR09/210-P69270-Q2/11-CNY FR-P51472-CPR06/508-Q2/11-CNY RCC117 SupplyRapidHIVTest Supply of Rapid HIV Tests Supply, Delivery and Installat Tables de bureau simple avec Tables de bureau simple avec r 11185 - OC - 8580 - 00069177 A) Software (license) GARANTIA ANTICPO 20% CABLEADO CABNLEADO ESTRUCTURADO SEDES CONECTIVIDAD ACCESS POINTS ARR CONECTIVIDAD FACT 2981 SERV EN CONECTIVIDAD PUNTOS REGULADOS CONECTIVIDAD SEDES FACT 2971 CONECTIVIDAD SEDES FACT 3000 CONECTIVIDAD SEDES FACT 3004 CONEXION CANALES SEDES JUL Expense Distribution FACE 010 PAGO 30% MEMOR ACUERD FACE 011 PAGO 30% MEMORANDO AC FACE 06 PRIMER PAGO MEMORA386 FACE 07 30% MEMORANDO DE ACUE FACE 08 PAGO 30% SEGUND MEMORA LICENCIAS BASICO MICROSOFT Y A LICENCIAS Y MIGRACIÓN PROCESO 11475 -PS- OBJETO: Servicio S) Printing SERV ARCHIVO 15% CONTRATO DIAG SOFTWARE EXTENCION GARANTIAS SOFTWARE Y SERVICIOS CONEXOS SUMINISTRO SOFTWARE ORACLE CONFECTION TABLES BANCS ET LIT E) Agricultural machinery & eq E) Dump trucks E) Manufactured Articles Expense Distribution POLICE RSS A) Tank trucks Achat 2 véhicules Land Cruiser Charrue portée à 4 disques E) Armored Vehicles HILUX DOUBLE CABIN 6 SEATER MO LAND CRUISER 200 STATION WAGON MOTOR VEHICLES AND PARTS AND ACCESS N°044/CAIM/11 CHARETTEPARSEGD N°90331o Pyt 3e tranche MAE Pièces de rechange de première Pulvérisateur de type offset p Remorque basculant de 4-5 tonn Semoir à grain portée (paddy, Semoir pneumatique à grain pou TOYOTA LAND CRUISER PRADO TX, Tracteurs agricoles à roues 70 Tracteurs agricoles à roues de First and last pymt, SUB-2011PS46852 ADQUISICION DE EQUIPOS Purch.equipm. Casas de Justici DECORTIQUEUSE DE RIZ, CAFE ET DECORTIQUEUSE DE RIZ, CAFE ET MAIS E) Agricultural machinery & eq Expense Distribution Justif 1ere tranche DRC FLT MOTOCULTEURS MODELE DTE - 15 TO CORRECT VCH 52356 -RF1 SAKA TO CORRECT VCH 52357-RF1 OIS TO CORRECT VCH 54627-RF1 TDA E) Building Maintenance & Repa ENEL-ATM additional equipment Equipment for High School's Gy EFT 100% CTO 608036/11 SPARE PARTS FOR LAB. EQUIPMENT TRUCK 137 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO Value USD 322,000.00 62,500.00 32,660.00 54,520.00 70,140.00 278,390.00 345,220.00 153,300.00 40,130.00 95,300.00 38,220.00 100,840.00 67,200.00 1,050,800.00 87,580.00 220,430.00 94,000.00 60,000.00 75,750.00 33,460.00 70,150.00 38,050.00 41,390.00 41,130.00 65,250.00 65,250.00 42,430.00 89,720.00 70,500.00 121,780.00 57,260.00 53,210.00 68,610.00 43,440.00 120,640.00 53,180.00 65,210.00 39,680.00 57,330.00 50,020.00 537,720.00 53,170.00 2,978,690.00 46,770.00 213,200.00 1,073,830.00 70,790.00 108,360.00 48,500.00 97,000.00 63,590.00 33,600.00 33,600.00 32,480.00 101,270.00 49,950.00 181,070.00 39,560.00 40,160.00 47,770.00 40,250.00 40,640.00 42,310.00 36,970.00 553,550.00 371,110.00 310,380.00 247,410.00 553,550.00 310,380.00 115,020.00 335,280.00 30,020.00 41,220.00 45,870.00 67,010.00 61,650.00 81,840.00 45,610.00 44,190.00 63,690.00 47,590.00 77,350.00 36,130.00 46,790.00 279,800.00 141,010.00 50,950.00 719,660.00 113,630.00 57,680.00 73,280.00 54,710.00 796,000.00 968,000.00 35,900.00 93,100.00 30,530.00 108,140.00 38,240.00 52,630.00 804,000.00 74,450.00 263,440.00 36,770.00 35,060.00 37,620.00 115,220.00 32,500.00 31,500.00 45,760.00 41,700.00 123,330.00 35,200.00 199,840.00 34,620.00 31,010.00 100,840.00 30,120.00 36,000.00 Major Orders for Goods Placed by Agency During 2011 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of Supplier UNDP Continued Cyprus Cyprus Cyprus Cyprus Cyprus Democratic Rep. of the Congo Democratic Rep. of the Congo Democratic Rep. of the Congo Democratic Rep. of the Congo Democratic Rep. of the Congo Democratic Rep. of the Congo Democratic Rep. of the Congo Democratic Rep. of the Congo Democratic Rep. of the Congo Democratic Rep. of the Congo Democratic Rep. of the Congo Democratic Rep. of the Congo Democratic Rep. of the Congo Democratic Rep. of the Congo Democratic Rep. of the Congo Democratic Rep. of the Congo Democratic Rep. of the Congo Democratic Rep. of the Congo Democratic Rep. of the Congo Democratic Rep. of the Congo Democratic Rep. of the Congo Democratic Rep. of the Congo Democratic Rep. of the Congo Democratic Rep. of the Congo Democratic Rep. of the Congo Democratic Rep. of the Congo Democratic Rep. of the Congo Democratic Rep. of the Congo Democratic Rep. of the Congo Democratic Rep. of the Congo Democratic Rep. of the Congo Democratic Rep. of the Congo Democratic Rep. of the Congo Democratic Rep. of the Congo Democratic Rep. of the Congo Democratic Rep. of the Congo Democratic Rep. of the Congo Democratic Rep. of the Congo Democratic Rep. of the Congo Democratic Rep. of the Congo Democratic Rep. of the Congo Democratic Rep. of the Congo Democratic Rep. of the Congo Democratic Rep. of the Congo Democratic Rep. of the Congo Democratic Rep. of the Congo Democratic Rep. of the Congo Democratic Rep. of the Congo Democratic Rep. of the Congo Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Name of Supplier Description of Goods TOKMAKJIAN INTERNATIONAL INC. Democr People's Repub of Korea MUSTAFA TAHSIN ShenYang GoldenPack Technic Development ShenYang GoldenPack Technic Development RADIO TELEVISION NATIONALE CONGOLAISE DAN OFFICE AFUNET RADIOCOM ECOMITRA CFAO MOTORS RDC Emballage des préserva AGB KUEHNE + NAGEL A/S KUEHNE + NAGEL A/S The Medical Export Group B.V. BUROTOP SPRL SA PERFECT ADVERTISING GETMA TRANSPORT MULTIMODAL INSTAPRINT AGB AFUNET KUEHNE + NAGEL A/S AFRITRADE SPRL BUROTOP SPRL SA AFUNET AFUNET AFUNET AFUNET AFUNET AFUNET AFUNET AFUNET U.A.C. sprl Sesco sprl DAN OFFICE DAN OFFICE DAN OFFICE DAN OFFICE BIO-ECONOMY AFRICA GENITEC The Medical Export Group B.V. The Medical Export Group B.V. EAGLE SCIENTIFIC Ltd BUROTOP SPRL SA BIO-ECONOMY AFRICA AGB The Medical Export Group B.V. INSTAPRINT Emballage des préserva The Medical Export Group B.V. LAKSHMI SPRL BUROTOP SPRL SA DAN OFFICE UNICEF - COPENHGEN UNICEF - COPENHGEN UNICEF - COPENHGEN UNICEF - COPENHGEN UNICEF - COPENHGEN UNICEF - COPENHGEN UNICEF - COPENHGEN UNICEF - COPENHGEN UNICEF - COPENHGEN UNICEF - COPENHGEN UNICEF - COPENHGEN UNICEF - COPENHGEN UNICEF - COPENHGEN DAN OFFICE UNICEF - COPENHGEN UNICEF - COPENHGEN UNITED NATIONS OFFICE FOR PROJECT SERVIC UNICEF - COPENHGEN UNICEF - COPENHGEN UNICEF - COPENHGEN Copenhagen Election A/S Canon Danmark A/S UNICEF - COPENHGEN UNICEF - COPENHGEN UNICEF - COPENHGEN UNICEF - COPENHGEN UNICEF - COPENHGEN UNICEF - COPENHGEN UNFPA - Copenhagen UNICEF - COPENHGEN UNICEF - COPENHGEN UNICEF - COPENHGEN UNICEF - COPENHGEN UNICEF - COPENHGEN UNOPS UNOPS UNICEF - COPENHGEN UNICEF - COPENHGEN UNOPS Danimex Communication A/S JOHS GRAM-HANSSEN AS ADVIZING IT LTD ADVIZING IT LTD ADVIZING IT LTD DAN OFFICE UNICEF - COPENHGEN UNITED NATIONS CHILDREN FUND ADVIZING IT LTD KUEHNE + NAGEL A/S DAN OFFICE DAN OFFICE UNOPS DAN OFFICE KUEHNE + NAGEL A/S KUEHNE + NAGEL A/S Copenhagen Election A/S SCAN GLOBAL LOGISTICS A/S SCAN GLOBAL LOGISTICS A/S Copenhagen Election A/S KUEHNE + NAGEL A/S PHOENIX DESIGN AID A/S Danimex Communication A/S SCAN GLOBAL LOGISTICS A/S Copenhagen Election A/S KJAER & KJAER A/S Copenhagen Election A/S CMP: Excavation Services Drain Pipe. Inside ? 219 mm. Thickn E) Laboratory Equipment Truck Huanghe ZZ3164G4015C1 Wheel shovel loader Lingong LG953 - 6 Duplicopieur Risographe mo 4 HP multifunction printer las A) Scanners Achat de 100 matelas et 8 rése ACHAT MOTO Senke Achat véhicule 4X4 TOYOTA FORT AIR cargo to Kinshasa Audits sur les dépenses PPTE By 40' reefer to Goma, Congo DRC By 40' reefer to Kinshasa Chaises visiteurs Dataprotecteur Licences Duplication des supports de co E) Marine craft systems E) Printing E) Printing E) Stamps E) Wood & Paper Products E) Wood & Paper Products EVA DISK SHELF AND ADDITIONAL G) Indelible Ink 14% S.N. 80Ml G) Lamps Uv With 4 AA Batteri G) Office machines G) Paper products G) Pens, Pencils, Markers etc. G) Plastic Seals Not Numbered G) Printer or facsimile toner G) Stamps Générateur 27KVA diesel Olympi HIV test kits & Laboratory Sup HP LaserJet P 2055dn Printer HP multifunction printer laser HP Toner CE505A black LJ P2035 HP Universal Rack 10622 G2 Sho Justification Raport Oct-décem Kit solaire de 2000 watts (EGE-SPS0 Laboratory consumables LABORATORY EQUIPMENT LABORATORY EQUIPMENTS & SUPPLI Onduleur 20 KVA Galaxy Rapport Octobre-Décembre 2010 Rapport sur les rétrocessions Reagents and related items S) Printing S) PrintingEmballage des pré Syringes, disposable, with biT shirt type 1 UPS 650 VA UPS, Power PW5115 1000VA 220V Not identified Not identified 100 percent advance payment fo Buffer Determine HIV test kit 30% OC-0033 SET TIMPANIS 3TC 150MG+NVP200MG+AZT300MG TA 3TC15OMG+NVP200MG+AZT300MG TAB 4 Units of Vehicle for CfRIII, 45 liter transparent Ballot Bo 4-way cardboard Voting booths HBC Kit HBC Kits (PSM) HBC Kits replen(PSM) Kit replenishment Freight,Insu & Ins(PSM, Insu & Inspe 72544/ACCNT STMT 15.11.10 73353/1/358METHADONE/V47560 73353/1/416METHADONE/V58565 Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified A) Automobiles or cars: Ford Everes A) Computer servers A) Dell Latitude E6320 note bo A) Desktop computers A) Desktop computers A) Laboratory Equipment A) Minibuses/ Achat de 2 bus Coaste A) Notebook computers A) Notebook computers A) Radio, Wireless Security Co A) Radio, Wireless Security Co A) Station wagons Adjust COA 32 laptops_PO3266 Adjust vchr 31622 et 31623 Air Freight (Charter) and char Air freight and delivery Air Freight Charges Air Freight Charges (2 partial ship Air Freight forwarding from FC Air freight from FCA Newcastle AIR TRANSPORT AIR TRANSPORT Air Transport (Filter sets for Air transport and delivery AIR TRANSPORT for Voting booth AIR TRANSPORT from Turkey 138 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO Value USD 32,520.00 68,000.00 87,760.00 58,000.00 52,290.00 43,800.00 139,380.00 39,520.00 46,540.00 76,200.00 40,000.00 58,780.00 31,770.00 44,960.00 151,380.00 70,560.00 30,850.00 31,800.00 39,980.00 818,820.00 45,270.00 58,040.00 107,500.00 87,500.00 57,740.00 394,670.00 228,680.00 140,040.00 350,790.00 740,490.00 247,080.00 39,930.00 51,080.00 42,000.00 339,150.00 52,400.00 51,460.00 152,970.00 56,340.00 51,670.00 123,480.00 354,540.00 877,000.00 488,720.00 49,000.00 51,600.00 39,040.00 821,950.00 91,290.00 91,290.00 30,040.00 32,500.00 42,620.00 30,590.00 570,790.00 1,904,380.00 496,000.00 147,000.00 99,010.00 168,520.00 35,000.00 200,000.00 111,570.00 189,160.00 72,940.00 985,680.00 35,000.00 54,720.00 117,810.00 63,280.00 90,860.00 65,000.00 46,200.00 1,155,000.00 247,500.00 152,480.00 40,500.00 40,500.00 128,390.00 128,390.00 98,000.00 98,000.00 95,310.00 82,840.00 126,850.00 75,230.00 269,740.00 576,720.00 132,000.00 48,820.00 122,300.00 249,300.00 45,380.00 40,350.00 51,980.00 30,710.00 271,490.00 47,400.00 42,300.00 150,750.00 115,980.00 118,410.00 39,710.00 210,840.00 44,590.00 47,640.00 33,020.00 426,100.00 641,600.00 41,770.00 48,090.00 50,800.00 337,450.00 31,720.00 203,200.00 32,500.00 38,800.00 137,090.00 884,110.00 51,480.00 Major Orders for Goods Placed by Agency During 2011 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of Supplier UNDP Continued Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Name of Supplier Description of Goods Copenhagen Election A/S UNOPS UNICEF COPENHAGEN UNICEF - COPENHGEN UNICEF - COPENHGEN UNICEF - COPENHGEN UNICEF - COPENHGEN UNICEF - COPENHGEN MOBEL-GRUPPEN AS UNICEF - COPENHGEN Danimex Communication A/S UNICEF - COPENHGEN UNOPS UNOPS UNICEF - COPENHGEN Danimex Communication A/S Danimex Communication A/S UNICEF - COPENHGEN UNICEF - COPENHGEN UNICEF - COPENHGEN ShenYang GoldenPack Technic Development Dan Office Aps NET DESIGN A/S ADVIZING IT LTD ADVIZING IT LTD ADVIZING IT LTD Advizing IT (USA & Denmark Branch) ADVIZING IT LTD UNOPS ADVIZING IT LTD ADVIZING IT LTD ADVIZING IT LTD ADVIZING IT LTD ADVIZING IT LTD ADVIZING IT LTD Copenhagen Election A/S ADVIZING IT LTD DAN OFFICE UNICEF - COPENHGEN UNOPS UNICEF - COPENHGEN UNICEF - COPENHGEN ADVIZING IT LTD ADVIZING IT LTD SCAN GLOBAL LOGISTICS A/S UNOPS DAN OFFICE UNOPS UNICEF - COPENHGEN UNICEF - COPENHGEN UNOPS ADVIZING IT LTD DAN OFFICE DAN OFFICE Advizing IT (USA & Denmark Branch) Copenhagen Election A/S Agramkow Fluid Systems A/S NET DESIGN A/S ADVIZING IT LTD DAN OFFICE Copenhagen Election A/S UNICEF - COPENHGEN UNICEF - COPENHGEN UNOPS MOBEL-GRUPPEN AS ADVIZING IT LTD UNOPS UNICEF - COPENHGEN UNOPS KUEHNE + NAGEL A/S KUEHNE + NAGEL A/S SCAN GLOBAL LOGISTICS A/S UNICEF - COPENHGEN UNITED NATIONS CHILDREN FUND UNICEF - COPENHGEN Copenhagen Election A/S Copenhagen Election A/S UNICEF - COPENHGEN UNICEF - COPENHGEN UNICEF - COPENHGEN UNICEF - COPENHGEN UNOPS UNOPS UNICEF - COPENHGEN DAN OFFICE DAN OFFICE DAN OFFICE UNOPS UNOPS Copenhagen Election A/S Danimex Communication A/S Danimex Communication A/S DAN OFFICE ADVIZING IT LTD Agramkow Fluid Systems A/S Agramkow Fluid Systems A/S Agramkow Fluid Systems A/S UNOPS DAN OFFICE ADVIZING IT LTD DAN OFFICE DAN OFFICE UNICEF - COPENHGEN ADVIZING IT LTD UNICEF - COPENHGEN ADVIZING IT LTD Danimex Communication A/S Danimex Communication A/S Danimex Communication A/S Danimex Communication A/S Danimex Communication A/S Danimex Communication A/S Advizing IT (USA & Denmark Branch) UNOPS UNOPS UNOPS UNOPS UNICEF - COPENHGEN UNITED NATIONS CHILDREN FUND PHOENIX DESIGN AID Airfreight to Bangui Airport, Ambulance Minibus Peugeot Boxe Anti-HIV 1+2 Antibodies, kit o Artesunate 50 mg tablets + SP Artesunate Suppositories Balan Artesunate60mg injection/5/PAC Assorted Drugs as per cost Est Assorted Drugs asd per Cost Es AVAMAR Gen4 2.6TB Stg Node Balance for Cabinet Ballistic helmets Being cost amount of HIV/AIDS Canon IR5065N black/white copi Canon Multi-Function copier Clear View Malaria pf VB01 Codan 3040 Automatic Tunning A Codan NGT SRx Transreceiver Compra ARVs Compra de medicamentos Anti Re Compra de Test de VIH Computers, laptop/notebook CSE flooding furniture replace CSE Server/storage infrastruct Dell E5420 Laptop Computers wi Dell equal logic PS 6000XV Dell Latitude E 5420 Laptop Co Dell Latitude E4310 Notebook Dell Latitude E5520 Laptop Dell Latitude E6220 nOTEBOOK Dell Latitude E6220 Notebook Dell Latitude E6320 Notebook DELL Latitude E6410 (AR/EN) DELL OPTIPLEX 980MT DESKTOPS Dell PowerEdge R710 rack server inc Dell PV MD3200i External iSCSI RAID Desktop computers-HP Compaq Elite 8 Desktop Dell Optilex 780MT, DESKTOPS AND ACCESSORIES Drugs affecting the blood E) All terrain vehicles E) Anti Malarials E) Anti Tuberculosis drugs 1 s E) Computer peripheral kit E) Computer servers E) Contraceptive - Condoms E) Desktop computers E) Desktop computers E) Distribution Cost E) Medical Kits E) Medical Kits E) Minibuses E) Notebook computers E) Notebook computers E) Notebook computers E) Notebook computers - Quotation n E) Other Elections Materials E) Photocopiers E) Printing E) Projectors E) Software (license) E) Stationery Kits Enzygnost Anti-HIV 1\2 +test, Expense Distribution Face - Facture 0111200 FLOOD replac.of furniture FLOOD-38 DELL NOTEBOOK For CfRIII Project, Toyota (Ex Freight , Insurance & Ispectio Freight and Insurance Freight by air/road (50%) Freight of Alpha-Cypermethrin, Freight of lab equipment and reagen freight, insurance & inspectio Freight,Insurance and Inspecti G) Anti-retroviral drugs (LPV/ G) Ballot boxes, lids and seal G) Translucent Ballot Box 80Lt Gloves, latex, for examination Handling Fees HEHP-Prevention-SD Bioline HIV HEHP-Prevention-Uni-Gold HIV T High Speed Cutting Machine KBA High Speed Cutting Machine KBA perf HIV EIA Elisa test, kit of 96 HP Color LaserJet (Q3716A) 555 HP Compaq 6000 Pro Base Model SFF P HP LaserJet (CB415A) M3035xs M HYUNDAI H1 2WD 2.4 PETROL Impregnated bednets Indelible ink 80 ml with 25% S Installation Hardware Installation of Communication IT equipment as per offer reci ITEM 01: Recovery Bags ITEM 02: Maintenance Tool Kit ITEM 04: Storage Tanks ITEM 05: Storage Equipments item 1- pelton turbine LAPTOP HP ProBook 6450b, Intel LAPTOP+LATITIUDE-GOV'T Laptops (office fund): 21 pcs Laser printers Malaria R7 Year2 Cabinetes + f MATCHING SERVER - Dell PoweEdg Medicines for treatment of opp MFUs AND ACCESSORIES Motorola 230V Single Unit Char Motorola GM360 Mobile VHF 136Motorola GP380 VHF 136-174MHz Motorola NiMH 1400mAH High Cap Motorola Remote Speaker Microp Motorola Travel Charger MVP IKARAM PAYMENT TO dan:offi Niger UNV Country office Team Nissan (Japan, Ex-stock) Patro Nissan Urvan 15 seat microbus Nissan Urvan 15 seat microbus Paracheck pf RT Device, kit/25 Paracheck pf RT Device,kit/25 Payment for publication of AN 139 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO Value USD 33,830.00 30,940.00 60,550.00 240,000.00 55,560.00 150,000.00 125,010.00 125,010.00 69,270.00 32,960.00 222,640.00 163,290.00 34,190.00 46,190.00 88,250.00 317,680.00 534,230.00 145,090.00 97,990.00 159,320.00 52,300.00 190,160.00 160,990.00 46,730.00 33,550.00 97,100.00 30,050.00 34,050.00 63,850.00 63,490.00 46,580.00 41,740.00 83,340.00 39,310.00 35,690.00 31,680.00 124,320.00 37,830.00 151,200.00 35,100.00 430,820.00 71,680.00 56,010.00 131,570.00 48,340.00 119,750.00 82,360.00 43,030.00 259,670.00 71,050.00 41,980.00 174,700.00 102,620.00 99,160.00 33,600.00 36,640.00 40,140.00 100,290.00 60,650.00 50,440.00 35,650.00 56,890.00 37,780.00 47,930.00 209,390.00 55,180.00 52,950.00 102,700.00 65,720.00 141,750.00 176,340.00 49,890.00 44,130.00 130,000.00 64,000.00 69,310.00 178,270.00 42,680.00 30,400.00 182,400.00 42,550.00 57,960.00 57,960.00 34,140.00 44,850.00 111,830.00 32,060.00 186,220.00 167,930.00 487,940.00 45,530.00 110,000.00 68,810.00 50,390.00 93,650.00 77,500.00 96,160.00 41,180.00 71,400.00 90,410.00 45,940.00 46,500.00 375,400.00 33,680.00 158,420.00 159,450.00 36,810.00 62,370.00 361,150.00 37,170.00 34,770.00 56,960.00 55,920.00 57,590.00 36,060.00 83,040.00 83,040.00 353,000.00 500,000.00 195,500.00 Major Orders for Goods Placed by Agency During 2011 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of Supplier UNDP Continued Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Djibouti Dominican Republic Dominican Republic Dominican Republic Dominican Republic Dominican Republic Dominican Republic Dominican Republic Dominican Republic Dominican Republic Dominican Republic Dominican Republic Dominican Republic Dominican Republic Dominican Republic Dominican Republic Dominican Republic Dominican Republic Dominican Republic Dominican Republic Dominican Republic Dominican Republic Dominican Republic Dominican Republic Dominican Republic Dominican Republic Dominican Republic Dominican Republic Dominican Republic Dominican Republic Dominican Republic Dominican Republic Dominican Republic Dominican Republic Dominican Republic Dominican Republic Dominican Republic Dominican Republic Dominican Republic Dominican Republic Dominican Republic Dominican Republic Dominican Republic Dominican Republic Dominican Republic Dominican Republic Dominican Republic Dominican Republic Dominican Republic Dominican Republic Dominican Republic Dominican Republic Dominican Republic Dominican Republic Dominican Republic Dominican Republic Dominican Republic Dominican Republic Dominican Republic East Timor Ecuador Egypt Egypt Egypt Egypt Egypt Egypt Name of Supplier Description of Goods ADVIZING IT LTD ADVIZING IT LTD UNOPS UNOPS UNOPS UNOPS PHOENIX DESIGN AID DAN PERCUSSION UNOPS UNOPS UNOPS UNITED NATIONS CHILDREN FUND KUEHNE + NAGEL A/S UNOPS ADVIZING IT LTD PHOENIX DESIGN AID PHOENIX DESIGN AID UNICEF - COPENHGEN UNICEF - COPENHGEN UNOPS KUEHNE + NAGEL A/S KUEHNE + NAGEL A/S Copenhagen Election A/S KUEHNE + NAGEL A/S ADVIZING IT LTD UNICEF - COPENHGEN Danimex Communication A/S UNICEF - COPENHGEN UNOPS UNOPS UNOPS UNOPS UNOPS UNOPS UNOPS UNOPS UNOPS UNOPS UNOPS UNOPS UNOPS UNOPS UNOPS UNOPS UNOPS UNOPS Copenhagen Election A/S UNICEF - COPENHGEN UNOPS UNOPS UNOPS UNOPS UNOPS MARILL AUTOMOTIVE SARL SERVIAMED DOMINICANA, SRL MITOPALO POWER S.A PUBLICIDAD FORCADELL PUBLICIDAD FORCADELL TRANSPORTE BLANCO, S.A. MADISON IMPORT S.R.L. BONANZA DOMINICANA MACROTECH FARMACEUTICA S. R. L. MADISON IMPORT S.R.L. LUSAKA S.A MADISON IMPORT S.R.L. MADISON IMPORT S.R.L. FUNDACION SUR FUTURO / SABANA YEGUA MADISON IMPORT S.R.L. SANTO DOMINGO MOTORS CO. AGENCIA BELLA C POR A BLAJIM, S.A. THEMA SRL MARILL AUTOMOTIVE SARL CANYON INDUSTRIES, INC. PUBLICIDAD FORCADELL VIAMAR UNIVERSO ELECTRIC IMPORT F & M SRL TODO AUTOS RC S.A. ITS INFO COMUNICACIONES ITS INFOCOMUNICACION DOMINICANA MADISON IMPORT S.R.L. MADISON IMPORT S.R.L. MADISON IMPORT S.R.L. VIAMAR VIAMAR CONSEJO NACIONAL DE COMPETITIVIDAD MEDIEQUIPOS, S. A. MADISON IMPORT S.R.L. CECOMSA MADISON IMPORT S.R.L. VIAMAR CORVI PVC S.A. SERVIAMED DOMINICANA, SRL FARMACONAL CECOMSA MADISON IMPORT S.R.L. MADISON IMPORT S.R.L. THEMA SRL THEMA SRL MADISON IMPORT S.R.L. MADISON IMPORT S.R.L. MADISON IMPORT S.R.L. PUBLICIDAD FORCADELL AUTOCAMIONES, C. POR A. MACROTECH FARMACEUTICA S. R. L. PUBLICIDAD FORCADELL DARLOCK BUSINESS CORP., S.A. AUTOCAMIONES, C. POR A. MEDI-EQUIPOS, SRL MAGNA MOTORS, S.A. MADISON IMPORT S.R.L. MACROTECH FARMACEUTICA S. R. L. VIAMAR RMA AUTOMOTIVE COMPANY LTD SUMMIT TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS SYSTEMS ENGINEERING OF EGYPT COMPUTEK Int. INTERACT COMPUTER STORES INTERACT COMPUTER STORES COMPUTEK Int. Personal Computer Photocopiers, medium volume (10,000 Pickup Toyota Hilux for Minist Pickup Toyota Hilux for SWAA B Printing Offset press KBA Rapi Printing Offset press KBA Rapida 75 Printing SWVR Report+Overview+ Procurement of the 150 Printer PURCH. OF OFFC. RR. VEHICLE PURCHASE OF 2 UNITS TOYOTA LAN PURCHASE OF ONE UNIT TOYOTA LA Quinine sulfate 300mg tabs/PAC Rail/truck transport Rev.Charge VCH52906- Nissan RSS S) Printing S) Printing Graphic production of B S0003580 SD Bioline Mal Ag pf/ SD Bioline HIV1/2 Box ( 30 ki SEA FREIGHT Sea freight to Niger Sea Freight and charges to Mon Sea freight transport Sea freight transport STORAGE SYSTEM - Dell EqualLo Sulfameth + trimeth. 400+80mg Supply of Motorola GP380 VHF 1 Teaching Microscope Toyota ( ex- factory ) L/C S/W Toyota ( ex- factory ) L/C S/W, gx Toyota (Ex-Factory) Land Cruiser 4W TOYOTA (ex-stock) Land Cruiser PRAD TOYOTA COASTER BUS 4.2I 30SEAT TOYOTA COASTER BUS 4.2I 30SEAT Toyota Hard Top Ambulance Full Toyota Hi-Lux ( Durban ) , 4 x Toyota Hi-Lux ( Durban ) , 4 x 4,pi TOYOTA HI-LUX (acc.Delivery)4X4 PIC Toyota HI-LUX, ( DURBAN ) ( Ac Toyota HI-LUX, ( DURBAN ) ( Accel. Toyota L/C, HARDTOP-HZJ76L-RKM Toyota L/C, HARDTOP-HZJ76L-RKMRS# Toyota Land cruiser 4Wd Pick u Toyota Land Cruiser Prado Stat Toyota Land Cruiser Prado TX, Vehicles, all terrain for 2 ne Wax sticks Weighing scale YAMAHA ( EX-STOCK ) DT175, 2 S YAMAHA ( EX-STOCK ) DT175, 2 STROKE Yamaha (Ex-Stock) DT175, 2 Str Yamaha (Ex-Stock) DT175, 2 Stroke 1 Yamaha Motorcycles, DT125, 2 stroke Toyota Land CRUISER PRADO Stat (80% = USD$212,168.22) MOBILIA 1er Pgo.ImpMaterialPOP-59067 2doPgo.C#611/11-F#17-02/9/11 3erPgo. Campaña Publicitaria A) Agricultural machinery & eq A) All terrain vehicles A) Industrial pumps & compress ARCHIVO DE METAL DE 4 GAVETAS ARMARIO DE METAL DE DOS PUERTA AUTOCLAVE TIPO OLLA BALANZA DE ADULTOS CON TALLIME BANCO DE ESPERA O SET DE SILLA Cableado Estructurado y Sistema Ele CAMA TIPO BOX SPRING DE 39 CAMILLA GINECOLOGICA Camion Isuzu modelo NPS71L-22 CAMIONETA DOBLE CABINA 4WD MEC Compra Toyota 4Runner 2011 CompraMotocicletas-00054013 COMPUTADORA DE ESCRITORIO CON creacion y ejecucion campaña E) Automobiles or cars E) Distribution Cost E) Land Transport E) Telecommunication Services EFT 80% CO. 608508/10 ESCRITORIO MODULAR ESTUFA DE GAS DE 4 HORNILLAS EXTINTOR INCENDIOS FORD RANGER PICK UP XLT 4 X 4 Ford Ranger Pick up, XLT 4 x 4 G) Fibers and threads and yarn G) Industrial Products GAVETERO PEQUENO IMPRESORA LASER JET INVERSOR DE CPRRIENTE ALTERNA KIA SORENTO 7 PAX MOD 2011 SEG KITCHEN EQUIPMENT & ACCESSOR. LAMPARA DE EXAMEN MOVIBLE Liquidacion LIQUIDACION SEGUNDO DESEMBOO MAMPARAS DE DOS CUERPOS PARA C MESA DE MAYO Mobiliario Importado Sede y A Molibiario Importado Oficinas NEVERA DOMESTICA DE 12 PIES CU NEVERA EJECUTIVA DE 5 PIES CUB NEVERA PARA BIOLOGICOS NISSAN FRONTIER 2011 4WD CON T Pgo.CamionetaRegNordeste-54013 PIE DE SUERO O PORTA SUERO RODABLE segundo pago SET DE DIAGNOSTICO OTOFTALMOSC SILLA INDIVIDUAL PARA PACIENTE TABURETE GIRATORIO TANQUE ( BOMBONA) DE OXIGENO C TELEVISOR DE 21 PULGADAS A COL VITRINA DE METAL S) Supply and Delivery workshop Equ 53431-OC-10-215 Compra vehicul 10% against LG po-11-007 30% of PO-10-009 40% of delivered PCsPO-11-003 40% OF DELIVERED UPS PO-11-002 40% OF DELIVERED UPSs PO11-002 40%OF DELIVERED PCS 140 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO Value USD 52,180.00 43,340.00 31,530.00 31,530.00 498,250.00 498,250.00 98,010.00 43,500.00 37,000.00 108,870.00 49,710.00 59,550.00 37,710.00 36,060.00 51,360.00 108,250.00 34,980.00 200,000.00 64,010.00 37,270.00 31,750.00 99,670.00 34,640.00 31,620.00 72,550.00 33,440.00 36,120.00 174,130.00 54,520.00 55,240.00 31,150.00 49,650.00 564,580.00 564,580.00 55,540.00 102,460.00 103,800.00 97,780.00 153,690.00 155,700.00 66,290.00 68,150.00 33,320.00 43,430.00 44,140.00 47,250.00 140,820.00 87,170.00 48,220.00 48,850.00 30,730.00 30,730.00 35,810.00 34,520.00 212,170.00 87,500.00 88,080.00 67,150.00 31,810.00 30,400.00 37,910.00 90,930.00 78,600.00 499,690.00 44,180.00 184,480.00 32,400.00 244,960.00 203,010.00 34,900.00 82,000.00 58,270.00 121,160.00 184,920.00 47,650.00 53,000.00 43,030.00 99,800.00 84,430.00 46,030.00 45,500.00 100,560.00 95,790.00 51,800.00 51,800.00 62,890.00 35,980.00 257,380.00 42,840.00 535,390.00 63,000.00 47,950.00 84,330.00 181,440.00 34,420.00 75,450.00 51,100.00 80,250.00 58,080.00 183,860.00 37,500.00 897,040.00 42,600.00 39,870.00 31,690.00 76,230.00 492,230.00 157,930.00 60,940.00 66,890.00 77,680.00 160,630.00 71,580.00 30,050.00 49,640.00 110,370.00 48,090.00 118,200.00 117,800.00 242,090.00 Major Orders for Goods Placed by Agency During 2011 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of Supplier UNDP Continued Egypt Egypt Egypt Egypt Egypt Egypt Egypt Egypt Egypt Egypt Egypt Egypt Egypt Egypt Egypt Egypt Egypt Egypt Egypt Egypt Egypt Egypt Egypt Egypt Egypt El Salvador El Salvador El Salvador El Salvador El Salvador El Salvador El Salvador El Salvador El Salvador El Salvador El Salvador El Salvador El Salvador El Salvador El Salvador El Salvador El Salvador El Salvador El Salvador El Salvador El Salvador El Salvador El Salvador El Salvador El Salvador El Salvador El Salvador El Salvador El Salvador El Salvador Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Eritrea Eritrea Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Fiji Fiji Fiji Fiji Finland Finland Finland Finland Finland France France France France France France France France France France France France France Gabon Gabon Gabon Gambia Georgia Georgia Georgia Name of Supplier Description of Goods SYSTEMS ENGINEERING OF EGYPT COMPUTEK Int. COMPUTEK Int. INTERACT COMPUTER STORES WOOD & PLEXI Egyptian Micro Solution WHO CAIRO INFORMATION AND DECISION SUPPORT CENTER NATIONAL DEFENSE COUNCIL EXEC.SEC.FOR THE DEM&DEV.OF THE N.W.COST TANANY BOOK SERVICES ATEA BEKHET AZIZ Sameh Ahmed El-Zokm Professional Computer & Electronics SPAD-GOPP SPAD-GOPP INFORMATION AND DECISION SUPPORT CENTER New Car For Trading & Distribution Co. WHO CAIRO WHO CAIRO WHO CAIRO WHO CAIRO WHO CAIRO WHO CAIRO SYSTEMS ENGINEERING OF EGYPT GBM DE EL SALVADOR, S.A. DE C.V. FARMACEUTICOS EQUIVALENTES, S.A. DE C.V. 3M EL SALVADOR, S.A. DE C.V. 3M EL SALVADOR, S.A. DE C.V. DROGUERIA MASTERS, S.A. DE C.V. 3M EL SALVADOR, S.A. DE C.V. 3M EL SALVADOR, S.A. DE C.V. 3M EL SALVADOR, S.A. DE C.V. RENSICA S.A. DE C.V. FREYSSINET EL SALVADOR SISTEMAS DE CONST CAMARA DE COMERCIO E INDUSTRIA DE EL SAL AUTOKIA, S.A. DE C.V. PROMED DE EL SALVADOR, S.A. DE C.V. COMERCIO Y REPRESENTACIONES, SA DE CV OMNISPORT, S.A. DE C.V. COMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL OLINS, S.A. DE C.V. TECNICA UNIVERSAL SALVADOREÑA S.A. DE CV ALGIER'S IMPRESORES, S.A. DE C.V. RED-MEDYCI, S.A. DE C.V. PBS EL SALVADOR, S.A. DE C.V. LOGISTICA EL SALVADOR, S.A. DE C.V. VIDUC, S.A. DE C.V. 3M EL SALVADOR, S.A. DE C.V. 3M EL SALVADOR, S.A. DE C.V. RAF, S.A. DE C.V. GLOBAL MOTORS, S.A. DE C.V. VENSERVA, S.A. DE C.V. PROMED DE EL SALVADOR, S.A. DE C.V. PROMED DE EL SALVADOR, S.A. DE C.V. STAR MOTORS, S.A. DE C.V. PARTEC AFRIQUE CENTRALE, SARL NATIONAL UNION OF ERI YOUTH NATIONAL UNION OF ERI WOMEN NATIONAL CONFEDERATION OF ERI. WORKERS MEYAK ENGINEERING PLC MEYAK ENGINEERING PLC GALDA + LEUCHTER GMBH GALDA + LEUCHTER GMBH UNDP Support Project (HICE) Bishoftu Automotives&Locomotive Industry CORENET Technologies PLC ZOA Refugee Care RIES ENGINEERING S.Co. DIP-Institution of the Ombudsman DIP-Institution of the Ombudsman DIP-Institution of the Ombudsman Ethiopian Leather Industries Association Eth. Chamber of Commerce &Sectoral Asoc. RIES ENGINEERING S.Co. UN World Food Programme INSTITUTE OF LEADERSHIP AND GOOD Somali BoFED Eth. Chamber of Commerce &Sectoral Asoc. INSTITUTE OF LEADERSHIP AND GOOD INSTITUTE OF LEADERSHIP AND GOOD INSTITUTE OF LEADERSHIP AND GOOD SECRETARIAT OF THE HOUSE OF PEOPLE'S REP SECRETARIAT OF THE HOUSE OF PEOPLE'S REP SECRETARIAT OF THE HOUSE OF PEOPLE'S REP SECRETARIAT OF THE HOUSE OF PEOPLE'S REP NATIONAL ELECTORAL BOARD OF ETHIOPIANATIONAL ELECTORAL BOARD OF ETHIOPIANATIONAL ELECTORAL BOARD OF ETHIOPIAFEDERAL AND REGIONAL AUDIT OFFICE DIP INSTITUTE OF LEADERSHIP AND GOOD AVICOM Trading Plc CBS POWER SOLUTION (FIJI) LIMITED CBS POWER SOLUTION (FIJI) LIMITED GEF IWRM UNDP GEF IWRM UNDP VERSEIDAG BALLISTIC PROTECTION OY VERSEIDAG BALLISTIC PROTECTION OY Videra Oy Videra Oy Videra Oy SCPA SIVEX INTERNATIONAL VERGNET HYDRO SAS I E C GEMALTO S.A SFCE-CPS INTERTECH BATINORM SARL STIM PLUS BACKSTAGE VIDEO SAS I E C GEMALTO S.A BACKSTAGE VIDEO BACKSTAGE VIDEO GEMALTO S.A GABON INGENIERIE CONSULTING CETRA GABON GIBRALTAR TOYOTA TRANSPHERE PRINTING SERVICES GALLERY LLC FOUND "ACCION CONTRA EL HAMBRE" GEORGIA ALTA LTD 40%payment of delivered items 50% OF DELIVERED PCs PO11-003 50% payment according to contr 65% of PO-11-004 INTERACT 96.57 OF CONTRACT PRICE A) Videoconferencing systems A.8 ART-OH-TRNG-M&E-COMM adjusting exp funds award letter for procure medic CASSPIR CONTRACT REFUND E) Books; Brochures and Ma Expense Distribution Expense Distribution IT Equipments?LAS Project LIQ_EGY_SPAD_69670 LIQ_JAN2011_SPAD_69670 printing accreditation cards purchase 4x4 car for project Raising Awareness & Participat SDA communication SDA.7-TRNG-M&E-OH-COMM SDA.9 TB Treatment-TRNG-M&E SDA1 SDA4 SETT.OF 1ST 40% OF PO-10-009 106 Tablet PC; Marca: LENOVO 149,000 TAB METROTEXATE 2.5 MG 150,000 LIBR. PASAP.ORIDINARIO 25,000 LIBRETAS PASAPORTE 48PP 3,500 TRIAMCINOLONA 10 MG/VIAL 40,000 PASAPORTES 48PP 70,150PASAPORTE S/PO 2010/032 90,000 PASAPORTES S/PS 2010/03 A) Delivery trucks ADVANCE CONT 74250-003 AGRICULTURAL SUPPLIES CAR PURCHASE FOR PROJ CD4CD8CD3CD45 CON EQUIPO EN COMODAT CENTRIFUGA REFRIGERADA,THERMO SCIEN COOLING CHAMBER DISEÑO, ADECUACION Y EQIPAMIEN E) Cargo trucks E) Printing FIBROBRONCOSCOPIO Marca:OLYMPU G) Color Printers HARDWARE ACQUIS 110 LAPTOPS Lamparas SYLVANIA 2300-2-100hp LIBRETAS PASAPORTE S/A LIBRETAS PASAPORTE S/A 05/2011 ME 4.2: Computadora Personal; Motocicletas; Marca: Yamaha; M Proyector; Marca: EPSON; Model SUMINISTRO 156 SET CD4/CD8 SET SUMINISTRO 71 SET CD4/CD8 SET Vehícuto Van - Tipo Panel; Mar COMPRA DE MEDICAMENTOS ANTIRET Expense Distribution Expense Distribution Expense Distribution 28 Titles ( 540 Copies ) Books 28 Titles ( 540 Copies ) Books for 53 Titles ( 948 Copies ) Books 53 Titles ( 948 Copies ) Books for Allocation of expense Dir Pay- AGP-Bishoftu Automoti Direct Pay-CORENET-ATA Direct Payment 2nd Tranch-ZOA Direct Payment GTZ -RIES 2011 EIO- DIP-1st Quarter 2011 FR EIO-June 2011, 2nd Q FR-DIP EIO-Reverse CoA to charge TRAC F/Report 1st Qurt. F/Report 2011 FORD Ranger PICK UP D/CAB, 4WD Dies FR (aged) 2011 WFP AAP FR 4th Qtr. 2010 - LDI FR Drought Response 2011 DRMFS FR ECCSA 2011 FR for 1&2 Qtr. 2011-LDI FR for 3rd Qtr. 2011 - LDI FR for 3rd Qtr. 2011- LDI HoPR 1st Quarter 2011 FR-DIP HoPR 2nd Qrt 2011 FR-DIP HoPR-3rd Quarter 2011 FR -DIP HPR-Reverse CoA to charge TRAC NEBE - 3rd Quarter 2011 FR-DIP NEBE 2nd Fin Report 2011-DIP NEBE/DIP 3rd Quarter 2011 FR OFAG 2ndQ 2011 additional2 FR Reibursement of exp. - LDI VAT Reversl V. 50608 -AVICOM CBSPower_Solar3rdpm_US38910.51 CBSPower30%_S/Power_US38910.51 Q2'11_FR_IWRM_US$807,438.82 Q3'11_FR_IWRM_US$480,927.31 Airfreight Bullet-proof vests and plates Extended Warranty for 3 years MCU audio/video bridge for CSU Multipoint Conferencing Unit ( 608-457-11 A) Industrial pumps & compress ACCOMPTE COMMANDE 50% Customized Registration softwa E) Minibus Equipements de plongée pour les Dir Inkjet printers Local services (installation, commi PAIEMENT LIVRAISON 50% Product design Radio/television broadcasting Radio/television broadcasting equip Tech. support for 6 mths, to b Expense Distribution Marégraphe, Installation et formati Pick Up double cabine Printing of 15400 T-Shirts Construction Equipment for Po E) Aquaculture equipment E) Desktop computers 141 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO Value USD 77,180.00 60,320.00 303,120.00 60,160.00 69,900.00 458,780.00 35,000.00 33,610.00 51,230.00 528,630.00 75,970.00 71,750.00 39,690.00 81,390.00 59,090.00 37,370.00 33,610.00 37,370.00 68,690.00 78,750.00 96,000.00 58,710.00 40,000.00 136,150.00 61,970.00 151,650.00 46,640.00 550,500.00 91,750.00 69,930.00 146,800.00 211,400.00 326,880.00 94,900.00 328,600.00 47,240.00 33,430.00 55,830.00 40,220.00 53,790.00 30,540.00 39,010.00 54,600.00 42,050.00 38,000.00 36,850.00 30,460.00 107,820.00 477,100.00 38,190.00 78,300.00 54,600.00 95,290.00 53,900.00 33,740.00 72,580.00 39,800.00 32,320.00 32,100.00 50,050.00 50,050.00 50,150.00 57,440.00 107,400.00 349,450.00 56,120.00 224,250.00 63,470.00 88,190.00 40,260.00 40,260.00 62,730.00 37,810.00 59,990.00 210,360.00 45,970.00 45,570.00 38,930.00 47,710.00 32,800.00 49,720.00 360,580.00 119,310.00 107,050.00 119,310.00 85,280.00 159,720.00 188,290.00 33,260.00 32,800.00 63,930.00 38,910.00 38,910.00 61,150.00 86,800.00 92,940.00 4,189,840.00 83,400.00 154,620.00 154,620.00 39,980.00 200,410.00 393,260.00 323,860.00 55,200.00 73,430.00 81,670.00 42,150.00 196,630.00 31,390.00 233,260.00 248,520.00 433,180.00 69,030.00 32,630.00 30,090.00 38,500.00 50,900.00 90,950.00 49,100.00 Major Orders for Goods Placed by Agency During 2011 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of Supplier UNDP Continued Georgia Georgia Georgia Georgia Georgia Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Ghana Ghana Ghana Ghana Ghana Ghana Ghana Ghana Ghana Ghana Ghana Ghana Ghana Ghana Ghana Ghana Ghana Ghana Ghana Ghana Ghana Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guinea Guinea Guinea Guinea Guinea Guinea Guinea Guinea Guinea Guinea-Bissau Guinea-Bissau Guinea-Bissau Name of Supplier Description of Goods UMS- COUTURIER LTD ORIENT LOGIC LTD A.P.S. LTD TOYOTA CENTER TBILISI LTD TECH-SERVICE LTD POLLMANN KRAHMER JOHANNES KLAIS ORGELBAU GmbH & CoKG POLLMANN KRAHMER WOLFGANG JOHANNES SCHARFF POLLMANN KRAHMER BERND MOOSMANN GmbH POLLMANN KRAHMER VALLON GmbH NK Networks & Service GmbH GESELLSCHAFT FUR INTERNATIONALE ZUSAMME CHEMPATEX MEDIZINISCHE Fleischhacker GmbH & Co. Fleischhacker GmbH & Co. Fleischhacker GmbH & Co. Fleischhacker GmbH & Co. DELL COMPUTER GMBH Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Technischa TRANSFAIR GMBH Fleischhacker GmbH & Co. Fleischhacker GmbH & Co. Fleischhacker GmbH & Co. GESELLSCHAFT FUR INTERNATIONALE ZUSAMME F. Unduetsch GmbH DELL COMPUTER GMBH Fatol arzneimittel/production facility Fatol arzneimittel/production facility GTZ F. Unduetsch GmbH Fleischhacker GmbH & Co. Fleischhacker GmbH & Co. DEUTSCHE GESELLSCHAFT FUER DEUTSCHE GESELLSCHAFT I'TNAL ZUSAMMENARB DEUTSCHE GESELLSCHAFT I'TNAL ZUSAMMENARB DEUTSCHE GESELLSCHAFT I'TNAL ZUSAMMENARB DEUTSCHE GESELLSCHAFT I'TNAL ZUSAMMENARB DEUTSCHE GESELLSCHAFT I'TNAL ZUSAMMENARB DEUTSCHE GESELLSCHAFT I'TNAL ZUSAMMENARB DEUTSCHE GESELLSCHAFT I'TNAL ZUSAMMENARB DEUTSCHE GESELLSCHAFT I'TNAL ZUSAMMENARB PHAESUN GmbH PHAESUN GMBH Fleischhacker GmbH & Co. Fleischhacker GmbH & Co. Fleischhacker GmbH & Co. Fleischhacker GmbH & Co. GESELLSCHAFT FUR INTERNATIONALE ZUSAMME PHAESUN GmbH GESELLSCHAFT FUR INTERNATIONALE ZUSAMME Fleischhacker GmbH & Co. Fleischhacker GmbH & Co. Fleischhacker GmbH & Co. Fleischhacker GmbH & Co. SEBA HYDROMETRIEGmbH KAUFBEUREN Fleischhacker GmbH & Co Fleischhacker GmbH & Co. Fleischhacker GmbH & Co. Fleischhacker GmbH & Co. PHAESUN GMBH PHAESUN GMBH F. UNDUTSCH GMBH Fleischhacker GmbH & Co. Fleischhacker GmbH & Co. Fleischhacker GmbH & Co. PHAESUN GMBH PHAESUN GmbH PHAESUN GmbH Fleischhacker GmbH & Co. Fleischhacker GmbH & Co. Tropical Business Solutions ULTIMATE SUPPLIES LIMITED Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd BUKPRESSS Limited BUKPRESSS Limited Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd CENTRAL FURNITURE WORKS TOYOTA GHANA COMPANY LIMITED Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd FAIRLLOP INTERNATIONAL LTD GHANA FAIRLLOP INTERNATIONAL LTD GHANA Ronna Engineering Ltd. BUKPRESSS Limited HOUSING THE MASSES KOFI ANNAN INTERNATIONAL PEACEKEEPING KOFI ANNAN INTERNATIONAL PEACEKEEPING FASYL TECHNOLOGY GHANA LTD. Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd BUKPRESSS Limited TATA AFRICA HOLDINGS (GHANA) LIMITED Pioneer Installations Network PRENSA LIBRE, S. A. GRUPO RADIAL SRM, S.A. PRENSA LIBRE, S. A. AUTOS SUZUKI DE CENTROAMERICA, S. A. RADIO TELEVISION GUATEMALA, S.A. ORGANIZACION RADIAL ALIUS, S. A. DIARIOS MODERNOS, S. A. RCN, S. A. RADIO TELEVISION GUATEMALA, S.A. FAREI, S.A. DIARIOS MODERNOS, S. A. TELEVISIETE, S.A. TELEVISIETE, S.A. COFIÑO STAHL Y COMPAÑIA, S.A. PROGRAMME CONJOINT-GF PROGRAMME CONJOINT-GF PROTEC SA THE BANK OF JAPAN THE BANK OF JAPAN THE BANK OF JAPAN PROGRAMME CONJOINT-GF THE BANK OF JAPAN ETI.SA (informatique & internet) Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd E) Textile and fabric machiner Expense Distribution NISSAN PATHFINDER LE, 4.0 A/T, purchase of Toyota Land Cruise S) Civil engineering 30% CONTRABAJOS, OC 0054 30% OC 0093 ORGANOS 30% OC-97, 6 CONTRABAJOS 70% OC107:3VIOLIN - 2VIOLAS 70% OC 0054 CONTRABAJOS 70% OC 0082 CONTRAFAGOTES 70% OC 0094 CONTRABAJOS 80 % final payment for: 1) U A) Network hubs ABACAVIR 300mg+LAMIVUDINE 150mg+ZID ACT2.6.3.2 Laboratory and Glas BACTEC reagents as per specifi Biohazard bags for autoclaves and w Chest X-Ray System RADspeed MF as p CR Single Cassette (see subsheet C Dell PowerEdge 710 server Direct Payment GTZ(Balance) E) Industrial process machiner E) Laboratory Equipment E) Medical Equipment E) Medical Kits EFAVIRENZ (EFV) 600mg 30 tab/PAC EnCase Forensic Delux version 7 so EqualLogic PS4100X Dell Ethambutol 100mg (500tabs/boxEthambutol 100mg (500tabs/box-20bli Expense Distribution Fixed Computer Forensic Workstation Floor-mounted General Radiography S G) Medical Kits GIZ - ARV pour Ministere Santé GIZ ammendment contract milest GIZ ammendment contract mileston 3 GIZ ammendment contract mileston 5 GIZ ammendment contract milestone 2 GIZ ammendment contrat milesto GIZ ammendment contrat mileston 4 ( GIZ original contract mileston 4 (2 GIZ original contract mileston 5 (t Installation services Installation, commissioning an Laboratory and Medical supplie LABORATORY EQUIPMENT - Closed LABORATORY EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIE LABORATORY EQUIPMENT, microsco LAMIVUDINE 150mg+ZIDOVUDINE 300mg 6 Local transport LOPINAVIR (LPV) 200mg +RITONAVIR RT Lot 2 Surgical (SR) - MEDICAL AND S Lot 4 Medical (MD) includes ENT, OP Lot 9 (OP) - Ophthalmic operation i Medi-Pro/MP Processor METEOROLOGICAL STATIONS Microscopes and immersion lens Partec CD4 easy count kit Partec CD4% easy count kit PCR machine consisting of Cobas Amp Procurement of 26 solar kits t Procurement of 26 solar kits to be Procurement of laboratory equi REAGENT & ASSOSSORIES Reagents and accessories for P Recommended set of spare parts for Solar equipment (30 systems) a Solar Water Pumps (system 1) Solar Water Pumps (system 2) The COBAS® AMPLICOR Analyzer X-ray equipment, diagnostic - X-Ray 30 photocopiers for model CICs 30 projectors for model CICs a A) Automobiles or cars Ballot for presidential run-of Charter freight cost - Deliver Expense Distribution Furniture for MTN ICT Centres Land Cruiser NG Prado TXL Die LHD HILUX DOUBLE CABIN 5 SEATE Motorcycles- YAMAHA YBR 125; W Motorcycles- YAMAHA YBR 125; Warran PAYMENT OF REMAINING 80% OF CO Presidential ballots - size 15 Pymt for UNDP/SADA housing Ini Q2 retirement Q2 Retirement WPSI S) IT Installation S) Land Transport Senate Ballots -MONTESERRADO Tata Telcoline 486 WAN for Prisons 110000004055 IMPRESION 76678 2244 TRANSMISION 76678 2451 PUBLIC.15 MAR 11 76678 COMPRA 12 VEHICULOS 73630 FC 10017 SERV. TELEV. 76678 FC 27657 TRANSMISION 76678 FC 65582 PUBLIC.14MAR11 76678 FC 7516 TRANSMISION 76678 FC 9039 TRANSM PUBLIC.76678 FC1826-1825-1824-1827EQUI75092 FC66820IMP.EINSERC.FOLLET76678 FC7021TRANSM.11AB31MAY1176678 FC7969 SERV.TELEVISION 76678 TOYOTA FORTUNER 72414 3 emé Trim.ADV.PROMO. 3émeTrim Adv.Justi.PROMOJAT Achat de 500 boucliers et de 2 BAL.OF FUND(JAPON) BAL.RELIQUAT DU FOND BALANCE OF FUND JAPON JUSTIFICATION AVANCE RELIQUAT DU FOND V-SAT-Contract 512-NIM. 1 BUS HIACE Commuter A) Vehicles - Repair Supplies Achat 2 voitures Toyota Land C 142 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO Value USD 47,830.00 44,860.00 40,900.00 38,820.00 180,540.00 47,440.00 72,160.00 48,000.00 46,280.00 109,440.00 46,640.00 122,090.00 42,380.00 267,680.00 74,850.00 49,330.00 124,230.00 39,230.00 676,600.00 39,360.00 49,810.00 51,380.00 627,950.00 209,750.00 42,880.00 43,000.00 88,810.00 48,840.00 33,790.00 131,170.00 132,030.00 32,940.00 79,800.00 585,680.00 48,830.00 574,230.00 741,980.00 954,650.00 355,520.00 152,630.00 418,230.00 648,820.00 46,000.00 93,870.00 70,670.00 65,100.00 201,700.00 1,094,510.00 111,800.00 93,010.00 148,900.00 44,450.00 35,640.00 137,830.00 128,350.00 73,440.00 151,840.00 110,660.00 33,570.00 37,550.00 53,650.00 121,100.00 86,900.00 86,900.00 47,190.00 69,780.00 69,780.00 72,260.00 127,530.00 588,330.00 225,820.00 74,100.00 74,540.00 42,000.00 35,160.00 83,200.00 135,200.00 177,000.00 38,680.00 43,250.00 51,600.00 31,680.00 277,270.00 400,000.00 46,310.00 260,000.00 49,850.00 49,380.00 58,170.00 42,000.00 42,110.00 52,890.00 735,000.00 59,990.00 32,840.00 106,420.00 33,000.00 207,950.00 59,980.00 60,480.00 41,210.00 36,550.00 47,060.00 79,140.00 42,350.00 53,920.00 98,830.00 34,830.00 42,650.00 40,910.00 333,410.00 80,000.00 53,000.00 363,580.00 37,670.00 283,580.00 46,480.00 34,000.00 41,180.00 75,070.00 Major Orders for Goods Placed by Agency During 2011 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of Supplier UNDP Continued Guinea-Bissau Guinea-Bissau Guinea-Bissau Guinea-Bissau Guinea-Bissau Guinea-Bissau Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Honduras Honduras Honduras India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Name of Supplier Description of Goods Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd NEGODIS Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd EGUITEL COMUNICACAO,LDA EGUITEL COMUNICACAO,LDA Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd VALERIO CANEZ LES ENTREPRISES DESCHAMPS-FRISCH S.A. TOTAL HAITI S.A. COMPHAITI S.A. UNIVERSAL MOTORS S.A. UNIVERSAL MOTORS S.A. UNIVERSAL MOTORS S.A. UNIVERSAL MOTORS S.A. UNIVERSAL MOTORS S.A. HAYTIAN TRACTOR & EQUIP. S.A. UNIVERSAL MOTORS S.A. UNICEF - COPENHGEN ACCESS HAITI S A ACCESS HAITI S A COMPHAITI S.A. UNFPA JEDCO SERVICES S.A. XEOS CCS DE HONDURAS LAZARUS Y LAZARUS, S.A. DE C.V. PRONAGRI Lupin Limited CONTRACT ADVERTISING (INDIA) PRIVATE LTD Lupin Limited Macleods Pharmaceuticals Ltd Macleods Pharmaceuticals Ltd Macleods Pharmaceuticals Ltd Lupin Limited Lupin Limited DELL INDIA PVT LTD MULTIPLEX BIO-TECH PVT LTD BEST ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGIES BEST ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGIES LUPIN LIMITED IDMC LIMITED NIKHIL OFFSET WII-SNCINDIA-UNFCCC TERI UNDP GEF INDIA BRICK HINDUSTAN INSECTICIDES LIMITED HINDUSTAN INSECTICIDES LIMITED AEROMARINE EQUIPMENT SUPPLY PVT LTD Macleods Pharmaceuticals Ltd CIPLA LIMITED AEROMARINE EQUIPMENT SUPPLY PVT LTD Lupin Limited Lupin Limited Macleods Pharmaceuticals Ltd Strides Acrolab Ltd Lupin Limited Macleods Pharmaceuticals Ltd Macleods Pharmaceuticals Ltd Lupin Limited Lupin Limited Lupin Limited Lupin Limited Macleods Pharmaceuticals Ltd Strides Acrolab Ltd Lupin Limited Lupin Pharma LTD. LUPIN LIMITED Macleods Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Lupin Limited LANDMEGA TEKINDO PT PT ASTRA GRAPHIA TBK UN-REDD PROJECT (UNDP) UN-REDD PROJECT (UNDP) AL-ETHAR HUMANITARIAN FOUNDATION AL-GHAITH COMPUTER OFFICE AL-SAMI GENERAL TRADE COMPANY LTD. Phaesun GmbH Kipp & Zonen B.V. ED Service-Center UNION MOTORS COMPUTER MEDIA CENTER MAYOTEX LTD Gilat Satcom Ltd TEKNION ISRAEL GROUP LTD. JAMAL O. MASRI CO. LTD JAMAL O. MASRI CO. LTD COELMO SRL CORRADO GALZIOO ASSOCIAZIONE CONCERTI WORLD FOOD PROGRAMME (ROME) ECOPLANTS S .R.L. ITALTRADER SRL LUIS HORACIO ROSSI P.A.S.I.S.R.L, La Montagna srl AFRORIENTAL TRADE CENTER SRL ECOPLANTS S .R.L. UN World Food Programme CORIMEC ITALIANA SPA DELEXPORT ITALIA S.R.L COELMO SRL COELMO SRL AFROS SPA CEIA SPA COELMO SRL SEVERN TRENT ITALIA S.p.A. CORIMEC ITALIANA SPA CORIMEC ITALIANA SPA CORIMEC ITALIANA SPA CORIMEC ITALIANA SPA CORIMEC ITALIANA SPA CORIMEC ITALIANA SPA SHELBOX S.P.A SHELBOX S.P.A CORIMEC ITALIANA S.p.A SAIP EQUIPMENT ACS INTERNATIONAL, S. R.L. CLEANVY CORPORATION Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Achat voiture 4x4 Toyota Land E) Solar & Gas Mixt Dryer equipment E) Vehicles and Options selected by ORACLE IAS 10g TYPE Edition par pro ORACLES 10GB Type entreprise Editio Purchase of 2 Vehicles 17DGSDJ165SIV, J165SIV/J150 GENSET, 1st supplementary order of ele 55 carnets de Carburant de 25, A) Notebook computers ACHAT D'1 VEHICULE POUR LA COO ACHAT DE 2 VEHICULES POUR LES ACHAT DE 2 VEHICULES POUR L'UN Achat de 3 Nissan pour le le p ACHAT D'UN VEHICULE POUR LA CO Achat SKID STEER LOADER + FOLL Acquisition de 2 vehicules pour le Anti-infective drugs - OIs Opo Internet connectivity March-No Internet connectivity March-Novembe Lenovo Thinkcentre A58 7522-SF Purchasing of Condoms Septic Tank cleaning, Zone 5, UN PTHOTOCOPIEUR DESTINE AU MI 2: FILTRO DE CONTENIDOS.- Filt DVII-030 GAVIONES PO 17756 Expense Distribution 2 FDC-Rifampicin 150 mg / Ison 2011 Census India project 2FDC 2FDC(R60H30) Bulk pack 1000 ta 3FDC(R150H75E275) Blister shee 3FDC(R60H30Z150) Bulk pack 100 4FDC 4FDC-Rifampicin 150 mg / Isoni A) Notebook computers Acquisition 2 machines Airfreight charges Biogas plant 300m3/day Cat I+III Patient Kit A E) Industrial refrigeration E) Printing FR-II-11Aug-05Sept-2011 FR-Jan-March-2011 Independent Testing Insecticides Marine Craft Accessories New PO for US$303,404.40 agai nn-3rd Pmnt-72344 Procurement of BUOYs. Referen RH 150/150? Blister RH 150/150-Blister sheet 7*4*24 = 6 RH 150/75-blisters 672 tablets RH 150/75-blisters 672 tablets RH-150/75-Blister, 672 tablets RH60/30-Bulk pack 1000 tablets RHE 150/75/275-blisters 672 tablets RHZE 150/75/400/275-blister sheet 7 RHZE 150/75/400/275-Blister sheet 7 RHZE 150/75/400/275-Blister, 6 RHZE 150/75/400/275-Blister, 672 ta RHZE 150/75/400/275-blisters 672 ta RHZE 150/75/400/275-blisters 672 ta Rifampicin 150 mg / Isoniazid Rifampicin 150 mg / Isoniazid Rifampicin 150 mg / Isoniazid Rifampicin 150 mg / Isoniazid Rifampicin 150 mg / Isoniazid 75 mg 7945M2A x3650 M3, 2 intel proc E) Computer printers Project 00073379 - ACT1 Project 00073379 ACT1 Expense Distribution Mobile scratch Reinstallation of PO P/AM084/0 Supply of Complete Wind Power Supply of Solar Resource Asses Supply of Wind Resource Assess A) Automobiles or cars Thre A) Videoconferencing systems Armored Vehicle - UNDSS E) Satellite receivers OQR/Office Furniture (parition Procurement of one ambulance Procurement of 2 Ambulances fo 1 year maintenance after perio 100% OC99- 5 PIANOS AUTOR 1ST QUARTER FUNDS 2DO PG 20% S/C 73263-001-2010 608-109-11 70% OC 0044 8 CLARINETES Combined Seismograph- 10 units E) Tents Expense Distribution Expense Distribution FR (aged) 2011 WFP AAP Freight costs G) Hand Tools Generator 500KVA Generators 500KVA, 250KVA and High-pressure foam dispenser for M METAL DETECTORS Onsite installation, training Pagamento 2nd tranche Prefabricated 3-module buildin Prefabricated 3-module buildings Prefabricated 6-module buildin Prefabricated 6-module buildings Prefabricated offices UNDP all Prefabricated offices UNFPA al Procurement of 20 Office Prefa Procurement of 20 Office Prefabs S) Installation SAIP UNICO PG S/C No. 73263-005-201 nn-Cleanvy Corp pmnt- 41505 Supply and Delivery of Hiace Supply and Delivery of Hiace Vans Supply and Delivery of Pickup Supply and Delivery of Pickups (LH 143 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO Value USD 36,450.00 34,760.00 48,680.00 132,820.00 180,260.00 73,970.00 32,250.00 222,540.00 34,030.00 43,520.00 38,500.00 77,000.00 77,000.00 115,500.00 38,500.00 43,950.00 77,000.00 114,060.00 35,200.00 39,600.00 41,400.00 206,250.00 60,380.00 63,200.00 45,630.00 40,740.00 30,790.00 84,350.00 77,990.00 1,341,700.00 52,480.00 85,480.00 35,640.00 1,456,300.00 88,250.00 48,180.00 64,360.00 111,110.00 63,000.00 40,260.00 31,590.00 49,510.00 33,780.00 39,730.00 58,140.00 204,730.00 42,450.00 303,400.00 968,920.00 87,390.00 41,450.00 33,150.00 471,870.00 471,630.00 115,020.00 171,750.00 240,640.00 90,800.00 62,690.00 82,510.00 116,860.00 598,520.00 587,810.00 993,030.00 769,880.00 44,930.00 35,990.00 163,040.00 33,000.00 90,000.00 36,730.00 36,730.00 34,770.00 91,420.00 51,700.00 47,400.00 30,210.00 43,420.00 56,120.00 30,070.00 130,000.00 148,570.00 46,720.00 57,940.00 133,430.00 74,690.00 160,000.00 49,000.00 31,750.00 46,280.00 30,800.00 93,800.00 37,830.00 261,110.00 102,060.00 210,360.00 38,000.00 40,670.00 67,290.00 385,580.00 265,200.00 65,880.00 33,710.00 557,200.00 50,110.00 51,070.00 32,420.00 99,120.00 83,610.00 147,210.00 195,350.00 204,290.00 47,240.00 163,180.00 110,130.00 122,850.00 573,810.00 2,427,910.00 1,395,470.00 1,668,310.00 Major Orders for Goods Placed by Agency During 2011 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of Supplier UNDP Continued Japan Japan Jordan Jordan Jordan Kazakhstan Kazakhstan Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Korea, Republic of Korea, Republic of Kyrgystan Kyrgystan Kyrgystan Kyrgystan Kyrgystan Kyrgystan Kyrgystan Kyrgystan Kyrgystan Kyrgystan Kyrgystan Kyrgystan Kyrgystan Kyrgystan Kyrgystan Kyrgystan Kyrgystan Kyrgystan Lao People’s Democratic Republic Lao People’s Democratic Republic Lao People’s Democratic Republic Latvia Latvia Latvia Latvia Latvia Latvia Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Madagascar Malawi Malawi Malawi Malawi Malaysia Malaysia Mali Mali Mali Mali Mali Mali Mali Mali Mali Mauritania Mauritania Mauritania Name of Supplier Description of Goods TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION J GERBER & COMPANY (JAPAN) LIMITED. PROTECHNIQUE LTD ANTEMINA INTERNATIONAL L.L.C. Central Press Non-governmenatl Foundation "Akbota" Non-governmenatl Foundation "Akbota" AMARRA AGENCIES (K) LTD VILE & BLIND GENERALSUPPLIERS SAVE THE GENSETS NAIROBI Sight And Sound Computers Ltd ASL LIMITED Radiance Pharmaceuticals Limited SEVENSEAS TECHNOLOGIES LIMITED AMIRAN KENYA LTD INTERIM INDEPENDENT ELECTORAL COMMISSIO COLOURPRINT LTD DISASTER PREPAREDNESS AND MANAGEMENT KJAER & KJAER ASL LIMITED VICTORIA FURNITURES LTD RESOLUTION HEALTH E. AFRICA LIMITED RESOLUTION HEALTH E. AFRICA LIMITED TOYOTA KENYA LIMITED D.T. DOBIE & CO LTD Brand Leadership Africa LTD GATEWAY LOGISTICS & TRANSPORTATION CO. GENERAL MOTORS EAST AFRICA LTD UNITED NATIONS OFFICE AT NAIROBI SIGHT AND SOUND LTD KUEHNE + NAGEL LTD PAX MONDIAL PAX MONDIAL PAX MONDIAL DONG KWANG INTERNATIONAL CORP BLUEBIRD SOFT INC DAN OFFICE DAN OFFICE DAN OFFICE AK CHARDAK LTD DAN OFFICE EUROMED LLC YU-JEN-YUG LLC DAN OFFICE UNIHELP LLC UNIHELP LLC UNIHELP LLC UNIHELP LLC NEMAN FARM LTD NEMAN FARM LTD PRIMEVARA LTD CIC LTD KRIKK MEDTECHTORG LTD EVI AUTOCENTER LTD TOYOTA LAO THANI CO.,LTD SUNLABOB COMMSYSTEMS LTD Latvian Environmental Investment Fund Motors Latvia SIA REGULA BALTIJA LTD REGULA BALTIJA LTD REGULA BALTIJA LTD REGULA BALTIJA LTD ETS. ADO POUR LE COMMERCE ASACO GENERAL TRADE & CONTRACTING SOCIETE LIBAN.POUR L'IND.DU BATIM-ALBINA UMAM D&R SEARCH FOR COMMON GROUND KURBAN TRAVEL SERVICES SOCIETE LIBAN.POUR L'IND.DU BATIM-ALBINA RASAMNY YOUNIS MOTOR CO SAL SOLARNET SOLARNET ASACO GENERAL TRADE & CONTRACTING JOINT VENTURE MMG SAL & EEG SAL DALAL STEEL INDUSTRIES SARL SOCIETE LIBAN.POUR L'IND.DU BATIM-ALBINA ASACO GENERAL TRADE & CONTRACTING HADDAD ENTREPRISES MIDWARE DATA SYSTEMS SAL RASAMNY YOUNIS MOTOR CO SAL INTERTECH BATINORM S.A.L. SOCIETE LIBAN.POUR L'IND.DU BATIM-ALBINA SOCIETE LIBAN.POUR L'IND.DU BATIM-ALBINA Planet PC Planet PC NEW AFRICA TECHNOLOGY COMPANY LIBERIA ANTI CORRUPTION COMMISSION LARA'S TRADING ALTERNATIVE ENERGY, INC. Beever Communications Beever Communications UN-WORLD FOOD PROGRAMME DUBAI Malteco Inc. Indexcom Limited Building Materials Center EFFICIENT LOGISTIC SERVICES Dufaco Trucking Inc. BLUEPOINT TECHNOLOGIES Malteco Inc. BLUEPOINT TECHNOLOGIES PLASCOM DCL ENTERPRISES AFRICA ADAPTATION PROGRAMME NAMPOTA & COMPANY BARLOWORLD EQUIPMENT Dell Sales Malaysia Sdn Bhd Dell Global B.V. (Singapore Branch) Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd VERRERIE DU FUTUR Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Programme de renforc. Capcités de l'A. N ODHD/LCP - PROJET PNUD 00049125 D.C.COMMERCIALES SECURICOM Protect Sarl GROUP DELTA LOG Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd UNICEF - COPENHGEN APAUS CENTRE DE DISTRIBUTON IFORMATIQUE Toyota Land Cruiser Station Wa Yamaha Motorcycle and Helmet M ACT1.1.1.15 CENTRIFUGE (bench E) Automobiles or cars Printing SOPs manuals as per a 1 tranche under micro capital 2 tranche under micro capital 2105 - SUPPLY OF COMPUTERS OPM A) Aeron Chairs Herman Miller with A) Diesel generators A) Network switches ACT 3.4.1 CHW Boxes(InfEq) Assorted drugs for UN Clinic Being the payment of CFPS/005/ Complete amiran farmers kits Expense Distribution Expense Distribution Expense Distribution FORD RANGERS D/CAB XLT (UF1CRA Freight for ACTs BOXES(PSM) Imported chrome frame benches Medical coverage for 45 civil Medical coverage for 45 civil suppo Motor vehicle NZE Corolla New Mercedes Benz E250CGI , 17 Printing and re-designing of daily Procurement of 16 Motorbikes for th Purchase of Sedans S) Printing S) Telecommunication Services Sea Freight Transportation Single Prefab with 18,000 BTU Single prefabs with 18,000 Single Prefabs with 18,000 BTU DRP#MMR/ARU/MRDD/010/TO/2011 Personal Digital Assistants ACT 1.1.2, CARTIDGES FOR FAX M ACT 1.4.1 E) Desktop computers ACT 1.4.1, IT EQUIP FOR CEC Alpha-Cypermethrin, 5%WP, pack E) Computer servers E) Medical Equipment E) Medical Kits E) Printer or facsimile toner Final 50% pmnt PCR,GFHIV Methadone Hydrochloride in pow Methadone Hydrochloride in powder Pmnt final 50%,Bacter Lab Pmnt for medicine,GFHIV Pmnt for springes PRCHS OF LIQUID CHROMATOGRAPH Purchase of mobile pumping sta THERMAL IMAGERS PURCHASE Vehicle for Regional BOMCA of 1 unit of TOYOTA Land Cruiser, A) Industrial pumps & compress Ebinger Large Loop Detectors U 2011 4Q Advance Expend 4Q 2011 A) Minibuses, Folkswagen Caravelle Document examination instrumen Fixed integrated passport read Mono microscope with variable Video spectral comparator - Re 100% upon delivery, installati 15% of entire contract price a 15% upon signature and submiss 1ST PYMT- 75% UPON SIGNATURE O 1st pymt-75% upon signature of 2MSP- TRANSPORTATION 3rd pymt- upon installation,te 4 Wheel Vehicle 70% upon satisfactory submissi 70% upon satisfactory submission an 85% of the goods value upon de 85% of the goods value upon de 85% upon complete delivery, in 85% upon completion of project Customs E) Advertising pillars E) Software (license) Four Wheel Drive Vehicle Supply & delivery of a Bucket Upon completion of additional Upon UNDP complete receipt and A) Radio, Wireless Security Co A) Radio, Wireless Security Comm. E) Awareness Materials Expense Distribution Fabric voter screens Full Sinewave DC/AC, 12 V/220V GP 380 VHF Hand Held Radio Com GP 380 VHF Hand Held Radio Complete Motoral MTR3000 VHF100 Watt Re Police Tactical Boot Polling and Counting Manual. Qty 12 PVC Coated Woven Tarpaulins S) Vehicle rental S) Vehicle rental table 1 bandwidth requirement Tactical BDU Pants VSAT System complete as per ba Achat matériaux et accessoires 50% WEATHER STATIONS PURCHASE AUGUST 2011 FINANCIAL REPORT ICT software delivered in 2008 SUPPLY AND INSTALL GEN SET-NSO Notebook DELL Latitude E6320 Server ACHAT VEHICULE LHD HILUX CABIN Devis N° DE 266269 E) Prado TX Expense Distribution Expense Distribution Expense Distribution Scanner XIS Model Toyota Land Cruiser Prado pour Vehicles, Toyota Land Cruiser Prado Amodiaquine 270mg+Artesunate10 Expense Distribution Expense Distribution 144 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO Value USD 45,470.00 60,520.00 40,000.00 327,000.00 52,970.00 45,000.00 39,050.00 49,350.00 77,230.00 47,870.00 51,620.00 68,040.00 81,580.00 62,590.00 69,240.00 57,100.00 55,680.00 44,290.00 97,850.00 48,500.00 32,000.00 79,380.00 79,380.00 38,550.00 58,800.00 47,940.00 44,800.00 61,080.00 30,090.00 69,000.00 63,230.00 66,000.00 110,000.00 110,000.00 276,000.00 5,862,860.00 36,410.00 59,000.00 69,600.00 125,400.00 36,980.00 32,980.00 47,940.00 47,640.00 44,820.00 48,010.00 51,360.00 47,110.00 30,890.00 49,470.00 34,570.00 40,470.00 42,000.00 33,100.00 33,800.00 134,240.00 38,560.00 39,360.00 41,010.00 31,200.00 43,200.00 32,800.00 32,600.00 75,680.00 36,000.00 39,690.00 85,200.00 76,650.00 37,500.00 44,900.00 36,740.00 123,040.00 123,040.00 204,000.00 148,150.00 42,180.00 224,920.00 37,160.00 34,100.00 44,250.00 40,410.00 44,950.00 55,330.00 157,130.00 49,820.00 49,820.00 52,760.00 38,400.00 98,450.00 37,260.00 47,000.00 47,000.00 61,570.00 154,700.00 49,250.00 54,600.00 3,273,640.00 87,680.00 42,240.00 72,540.00 33,810.00 68,170.00 75,520.00 45,780.00 31,060.00 53,070.00 50,480.00 33,120.00 31,380.00 34,080.00 48,710.00 191,800.00 143,720.00 67,960.00 34,850.00 36,940.00 42,080.00 87,070.00 79,490.00 49,090.00 Major Orders for Goods Placed by Agency During 2011 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of Supplier UNDP Continued Mauritius Mauritius Mauritius Mauritius Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Moldova Moldova Moldova Moldova Moldova Moldova Moldova Moldova Mongolia Mongolia Morocco Morocco Morocco Morocco Morocco Morocco Mozambique Mozambique Mozambique Mozambique Mozambique Mozambique Mozambique Mozambique Mozambique Mozambique Mozambique Mozambique Mozambique Mozambique Mozambique Mozambique Mozambique Mozambique Mozambique Mozambique Namibia Namibia Namibia Nepal Nepal Nepal Nepal Nepal Nepal Nepal Nepal Nepal Nepal Nepal Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Name of Supplier Description of Goods SupplyQuip Limited SupplyQuip Limited SUPPLYQUIP LIMITED DUCRAY LENOIR LIMITED CORPORATIVO BD DE MEXICO, S. DE R.L. DE ALFA LAVAL S.A DE C.V. GREEN BAY MANAGEMENT S.A. DE C.V GREEN BAY MANAGEMENT S.A. DE C.V CONERMEX SA DE CV GRUPO GRANDA S.A. DE C.V. GREEN BAY MANAGEMENT S.A. DE C.V MIGUEL ANGEL CALCANEO HERRERA CONSORCIO MEGA-CONST SA DE CV KHRISTIAN JHONATAN TOVAR MILO DELL MEXICO SA DE CV ALFA LAVAL S.A DE C.V. (R) IZODROMGAZ SRL (R) SA DARNIC GAZ (R) POLIMER GAZ CONDUCTE SRL (R) FORS COMPUTER SRL (R) DAAC SYSTEM INTEGRATOR SRL (R) DAAC AUTO SRL (R) S AND T MOLD SRL (R) IM O VIDEO GRUP SRL SUSTAINABLE LAND MANAGEMENT FOR SUSTAINABLE LAND MANAGEMENT FOR Societe Enova R et T OMNIDATA Lider Gestion SOCOPIM Netopia Solutions Ste Infoteam MICOA - PROJECTO SECA HANDICAP INTERNATIONAL - UNDP DESMINAGEM HANDICAP INTERNATIONAL - UNDP DESMINAGEM DCC-DIGITAL CONNECTION CONSULTING TEC LDA TECNICOS CONSTRUCOES LIMITADA TEC LDA TECNICOS CONSTRUCOES LIMITADA HIDROAFRICA TEC LDA TECNICOS CONSTRUCOES LIMITADA HIDROAFRICA TOYOTA DE MOCAMBIQUE, LDA. MOTORCARE LDA REAL BUSINESS , LDA REAL BUSINESS , LDA AFRITOOL (PTY) LTD FORUM MULHER MAXIMUM CONSULT L.B.R. INVESTIMENTOS CITT - VILA DE LIONDE - CHOKWE UDPMOZ MOTORCARE LDA AUAS MOTORS (PTY) LTD AUAS MOTORS (PTY) LTD AUAS MOTORS (PTY) LTD UNITED NATIONS MISSION IN NEPAL HIMCHULI CONSTRUCTION PVT. LTD. HIMCHULI CONSTRUCTION PVT. LTD. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES PACIFIC COMMERCIAL COMPANY PVT. LTD. NATIONAL CENTER FOR AIDS AND STD CONTROL DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES DOS TRADING PVT. LTD. DOS TRADING PVT. LTD. GLOBAL IMPEX INTERNATIONAL P. LTD. UDECO PVT. LTD. Smartmatic International Holding B.V. WOMY TRADING AND MANAGEMENT, B.V INTERMOTIVE B.V. The Medical Export Group B.V. IDA Foundation The Medical Export Group BV The Medical Export Group B.V. The Medical Export Group B.V. The Medical Export Group B.V. The Medical Export Group B.V. The Medical Export Group BV IDA Foundation IDA Foundation IDA Foundation The Medical Export Group BV The Medical Export Group BV IMRES The Medical Export Group B.V. IDA Foundation IDA Foundation IDA Foundation IDA Foundation IDA Foundation IDA Foundation IDA Foundation IDA Foundation The Medical Export Group B.V. The Medical Export Group B.V. IDA HIV/AIDS GROUP IDA Foundation IDA Foundation The Medical Export Group B.V. The Medical Export Group B.V. Smartmatic International Holding B.V. Smartmatic International Holding B.V. The Medical Export Group B.V. The Medical Export Group B.V. The Medical Export Group B.V. IDA Foundation IDA Foundation IDA Foundation The Medical Export Group B.V. Bench top Digital Colo Bench top Digital Colo Bench top Digital Colo The Medical Export Group B.V. Bench top Digital Colo The Medical Export Group B.V. The Medical Export Group B.V. The Medical Export Group B.V. The Medical Export Group B.V. The Medical Export Group B.V. The Medical Export Group B.V. The Medical Export Group B.V. 20% of total contract amount f 70% of total contract amount f Electric motor compatible with pump REAL TIME PCR(Q2) FOR CENTRAL 1° ENTREGA S/PO 2010/123 1er.PGO.ANTIC.50% CONT52104-00 2011/6151_608576/11 2011/6177_608576/11 E) Electric Motors EFT 100% CTOS 608450 & 449/10 ELECTRIC POT & MILL G) Earth and stone G) Industrial Products G) Manufactured Articles Laptop DELL Latitude E6420-cot ULTIMOPG S/C No.52104-001-2010 E) Agricultural machinery & eq E) Agricultural machinery & eq E) Agricultural machinery & eq E) Notebook computers E) Notebook computers Ford Transit Bus HP ProBook 6550b Sony PMW-EX1R - camcorder FR May 2011- by AFO SLM SLM-FR June 2011 AMO ENOVA Application AGRC E) Software Internal Developed F21/11-77465.MarcheM09/PDTS/11 Portail des collectivités loca RH GD CASA INFOTEAM 3rd Financia Report - 2nd part 3RD QRTR FIN REP HANDICAP/JAP 3RD QRTR FIN REP HANDICAP/TF Computer equipment E) Agricultural machinery & eq E) Agricultural machinery & eq - 20 E) Agricultural machinery & eq - 20 E) Agricultural machinery & eq - Lo E) Agricultural machinery & eq - Wo E) Automobiles or cars E) Automobiles or cars E) Camera accessories E) Computer switch boxes E) Pedal powered vehicles Expense Distribution Expense Distribution Expense Distribution Expense Distribution REVERSAL DEP.261 Vehicle for MAE Project Expense Distribution MOTOR Vehicle Motor Vehicle 14 unit vehicles and 1 unit co 60% PAYMENT FURNITURE & CIVIL 60% PAYMENT FURNITURE & CIVIL WORK Adj DoHS up to 16 July AFIS SOFTWARE MEGAMATCHER Exp Settlement_1Jan10-15 Feb11 Final Adj DOHS up to 16 July Installation and Commissioning Installation and Commissioning of S Life saving equipments kits fo UDECO 20% payment of fabricati 50% contract cost 608291-11 Achat de 2 véhicules modèle TO Air Purification System with comple Amikacin 500mg/2ml inj Unit: 10 VLS Automatic chemistry analyzer (mediu Bactec reagents as per specificatio BD BACTEC? MGIT? Supplement kit BD BACTEC? MGIT? Tubes tube 7ml BD FACSCalibur Flow Cytometer Benchtop Centrifuge ROTOFIX 32A Capreomycin (Cm) 1 gram powder for Capreomycin 1 gram powder for inj/P Capreomycin 1r powder for inj/ COAGULOMETER HumaClot Duo Plus COLORIMETER Commande consommables de Labor Consumable kit for TB Cycloserine 250mg cap Cycloserine 250mg cap Cycloserine 250mg cap /100 CAP Cycloserine 250mg cap /100 CAP BL Cycloserine 250mg cap bl N100 Cycloserine 250mg cap(Pack 100 Cycloserine 250mg cap/PAC-100 Cycloserine 250mg cap/PAC-100 cap Determine HIV 1/2 rapid test kit, P Disinfector washer with dryer, acce Drugs for Opportunistic Infect E) Anti Tuberculosis drugs 1 s E) Anti Tuberculosis drugs 2 s E) Medical Kits Esco Ascent Max Ductless Fume Expense Distribution Extension of Technical Support For purchasing of HIV testing for purchasing of STI testing Freight charges for seafreight deli G) Anti Tuberculosis drugs 1 s G) Anti Tuberculosis drugs 2 s Ganciclovir pwdr inf 500mg via Genscreen ULTRA HIV Ag-Ab Gimsa stain Powder HAEMATOLOGY ANALYSER HumaCount 60 T Hettich Rotofix 32A Benchtop centri HIV test kits Determine INCUBATOR & UPS / Voltage regulator Item 1 - Hettich ROTANTA 460 R benc JMS Pediatric Single Blood Bag, 450 JMS Single Blood Bag, 450ml, with C JMS Transfer bag. Blood transfer ba JMS Transfusion Giving Sets. Blood JMS Triple Blood Bag, 450ml, with C Kit with additional items for the T 145 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO Value USD 43,330.00 162,540.00 49,870.00 61,150.00 85,160.00 37,410.00 41,620.00 49,500.00 245,520.00 134,680.00 32,150.00 50,070.00 32,710.00 40,440.00 33,970.00 37,410.00 99,800.00 99,800.00 94,900.00 91,620.00 32,590.00 54,120.00 44,550.00 30,120.00 30,560.00 75,980.00 237,130.00 66,820.00 75,240.00 73,790.00 77,840.00 826,520.00 55,220.00 34,760.00 73,000.00 69,020.00 58,470.00 194,000.00 80,240.00 98,340.00 115,910.00 49,230.00 34,720.00 41,400.00 35,030.00 61,130.00 354,620.00 68,880.00 45,740.00 39,290.00 166,250.00 45,940.00 37,750.00 35,620.00 35,620.00 107,710.00 36,580.00 39,740.00 33,500.00 56,130.00 54,880.00 49,370.00 43,580.00 49,080.00 72,430.00 58,720.00 165,000.00 46,510.00 84,190.00 51,910.00 38,450.00 55,620.00 185,330.00 30,410.00 113,670.00 313,500.00 38,140.00 209,660.00 46,800.00 86,500.00 41,120.00 30,430.00 64,050.00 106,210.00 49,210.00 41,620.00 60,710.00 121,430.00 142,900.00 35,480.00 83,240.00 83,240.00 222,980.00 63,600.00 32,390.00 41,860.00 1,980,260.00 159,830.00 50,490.00 201,440.00 90,000.00 520,700.00 102,020.00 58,980.00 118,260.00 422,610.00 35,770.00 389,780.00 78,520.00 138,490.00 66,460.00 243,270.00 43,270.00 326,630.00 231,570.00 269,090.00 123,760.00 105,270.00 396,780.00 66,010.00 Major Orders for Goods Placed by Agency During 2011 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of Supplier UNDP Continued Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands New Zealand New Zealand Nicaragua Niger Niger Niger Niger Niger Niger Niger Niger Niger Niger Niger Niger Niger Niger Niger Niger Niger Niger Niger Niger Niger Niger Niger Niger Niger Niger Niger Niger Niger Niger Niger Niger Niger Nigeria Nigeria Nigeria Nigeria Nigeria Nigeria Nigeria Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Oman Oman Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Name of Supplier Description of Goods The Medical Export Group B.V. The Medical Export Group B.V. The Medical Export Group B.V. The Medical Export Group B.V. The Medical Export Group B.V. The Medical Export Group B.V. The Medical Export Group B.V. The Medical Export Group B.V. The Medical Export Group B.V. The Medical Export Group B.V. Bench top Digital Colo Bench top Digital Colo The Medical Export Group B.V. Bench top Digital Colo The Medical Export Group B.V. Bench top Digital Colo IDA Foundation The Medical Export Group B.V. The Medical Export Group B.V. IDA Foundation IDA Foundation IDA Foundation The Medical Export Group B.V. Bench top Digital Colo The Medical Export Group B.V. The Medical Export Group B.V. The Medical Export Group B.V. Bench top Digital Colo The Medical Export Group B.V. The Medical Export Group B.V. Bench top Digital Colo The Medical Export Group B.V. IDA Foundation Bench top Digital Colo The Medical Export Group B.V. VIZADA BV Smartmatic International Holding B.V. The Medical Export Group B.V. The Medical Export Group B.V. The Medical Export Group B.V. Bench top Digital Colo Bench top Digital Colo The Medical Export Group B.V. The Medical Export Group B.V. COMMSYSTEMS LTD ENERTEC MARINE SYSTEMS LTD Inversiones y Negocios de Nicaragua SA ELHADJI ABDOULAYE ALI NOUVELLE IMPRIMERIE DU NIGER IMPRIMERIE PIVANO DU NIGER NOUVELLE IMPRIMERIE DU NIGER IMPRIMERIE BON BERI GROUPE SANECOM IMPRIMERIE LES IMAGES DU SAHEL IMPRIMERIE N.T.I IMPRIMERIE ALBARKA COWIN AGENCE DE COMMUNICATION COWIN ACIS DELTA SERVICES ETS HASSANE MAHAMANE NOUVELLE IMPRIMERIE DU NIGER IMPRIMERIE ALBARKA IMPRIMERIE BON BERI IMPRIMERIE N.T.I GROUPE SANECOM NOUVELLE IMPRIMERIE DU NIGER DELTA SERVICES ETS HASSANE MAHAMANE ETS KANF ELECTRONICS NOUVELLE IMPRIMERIE DU NIGER IMPRIMERIE PIVANO DU NIGER ETS ALKASSOUM DIALLO ABDOUKARIM PROMOTION DES ENERGIES RENOUVELABLES SAHEL TECHNOLOGIES ETS KANF ELECTRONICS IMPRIMERIE BON BERI CFAO NIGER TUNDE S.A. Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd UNICEF HENRICH INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATES LIMITED HENRICH INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATES LIMITED PAMAQUE NIGERIA LIMITED PAMAQUE NIGERIA LIMITED PAMAQUE NIGERIA LIMITED ETAX PRINTING PRESS LEMIX CO. LTD PALESTINIAN EQUIPMENT & TRACTORS CO. JAHAD YASEEN (ABDULRAHMAN YASEEN STORES) EMAD HASSOUNA & PARTNERS CO. JAHAD YASEEN (ABDULRAHMAN YASEEN STORES) ARAB MOTOR TRADE COMPANY SAUD BAHWAN AUTOMOTIVE LLC SAUD BAHWAN AUTOMOTIVE LLC SMEDA ER Project SHIRAZI TRADING CO. (PVT) LTD GENERAL TRADERS PVT LTD SHAHEEN MACHINERY STORE DEVOLUTION TRUST FOR COMMUNITY EMPOWERME HMA PUMPS PVT LTD HMA PUMPS PVT LTD ADAMJEE DIESEL ENG, ISLAMABAD TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE FOR MANAGEMENT EART TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE FOR MANAGEMENT EART AGA KHAN FOUNDATION, PAKISTAN AGA KHAN FOUNDATION, PAKISTAN UROOJ CONTRAK Alternate Power Technologies, LLC NEW HORIZON COMPUTER LIFE CARE CONSULTANCY ICS COMPUTERS ALTERNATE ENERGY SYSTEMS GEMCO CATKIN ENGINEERING SALES & SERVICES IUCN-THE WORLD CONSERVATION UNION ALTERNATE ENERGY SYSTEMS UROOJ CONTRAK UROOJ CONTRAK Solar Power Technologies (Pvt) Ltd LAB Supplies- reagents for cul Laboratories Laboratory and medical supplie LABORATORY EQUIPMENT Laboratory equipment - Plasma LABORATORY EQUIPMENT - RT PCR Laboratory equipment for Cultu Laboratory supplies Laboratory supplies and test k Lot 1 X-Ray (XR) - Radiographic equ MEDICAL AND SURGICAL EQUIPMENT AND Microscope Microscope and related accesso Microscope Olympus CX21-LED and acc Microscopes and accessories Model BWB-XP 5 Channel Flame Photom Moxifloxacin 400mg tab bl/PACK-5 Olympus CX31 with accessories Partec CyFlow miniPOC portable/mobi PAS acid sache eq. to 4 g amin PAS acid sachet eq. to 4 g ami PAS acid sachet eq. to 4 g aminosal PCR station and related items Pharmaceutical Refrigerator Purchasing of biological follo Purchasing of biological follow up Rapid test SD Bioline, Including st RDTs Reagents and test kits Reagents, diagnostic or labora Refrigerator/freezer FCL 300/2TS-AL Registration, Installation and trai Reversal of expenditures SPECTROPHOTOMETER SP-8001 & Require SYSMEX XT-4000i fully automat Technical support and warranty Technical support for a period Tenofovir 300mg+Emtricitabine 200mg UV light wall-mounted and installat Vacutainer needle, 21Gx1.5 (40mm-0" Various chemical products and Vertical type autoclave sterilizer ViroSeq HIV 1 Genotyping Kit Western Blot ConfirmatoryTest Ebinger Large Loop Detectors U Install Desalination Plant-Tuv ORDEN No 74 COMPRA DE ZINC Achat 42000 sacs de marque DEF Achat enveloppes bulles Bulletins de vote Bulletins de vote et specimens Bulletins de vote et specimens Bulletins de vote et specimens BULLETINS DE VOTES ET SPECIMEN Bulletins devote et speciments Confection bulletins de vote Couverture médiatique Frais enveloppes kraft armées Grosse Piles de lampes d'éclai IMPRESSION BULLETIN & DOC ELEC IMPRESSION BULLETIN & DOC ELEC IMPRESSION BULLETIN & DOC ELEC IMPRESSION BULLETIN & DOC ELEC IMPRESSION BULLETIN & DOC ELEC IMPRESSION BULLETINS Lampes d'éclairage à piles (Le Lampes d'éclairage à piles (Le Onduleurs EATON / MGE 30 KVA PRINTING SERVICES PRINTING SERVICES PRINTING SERVICES RAPPORT FINANCIER OCTOBRE2011 RGLMT FACT N° 0199/ST/11/11 Serveurs system 2U DELL Power Tampons avec manchon en bois Toyota Land Cruiser Diesel Sta Travaux d'impression/Elections Vehicle station wagon GX V8 VD Vehicle station wagonGX V8 VDJ vehicule HILUX double cabine L DRUGS PURCHASED FOR 2011 Payment to Herich Int. Assc. L Payment to Herich Int. Assc. Ltd. f Payment to Pamaque Nig. Ltd fo Payment to Pamaque Nig. Ltd for the Payment to Pamaque Nig. Ltd. f S) Printing 118 Semi Fowler and 16 ICU bed A) Diesel generators COST OF GENERATOR GAZA OFFICE Safe Haven Stand by generator , 500KVA Two 4x4 for UNDSSKIA Sportag Cost of Toyota Double Cap, mod Reversal 1st Instalment 2 SMEDA/PCA 300 Fax Machine as per specifi 50 TOSHIBA Multifunctional Dig A) Industrial pumps & compress Advance to DTCE for ER project Balance payment to M/s HMA Pum Balance payment to M/s HMA Pumps Diesel Generator 60KVA PERKINS FR for TAMEER/Jan2011 FR for TAMEER/March2011 FR- June 2011-PEECH FR-January 2011-PEECH/ENV Mobilization advance Mobilization Advance to the pr Procurement of 100 Laptop (HP Procurement of 13 CBDRM Kits ( Procurement of 5000 solar ligh Procurement of Solar Street Li Procurement of the 300 Scanner Procurment of 5000 sloar Lante Reversal of Exp- ER Solar Street Lights Upon importation of 1750 house Upon importation of 1750 household Upon installation of 51 solar 146 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO Value USD 69,990.00 64,750.00 75,360.00 116,230.00 222,040.00 79,240.00 108,080.00 178,010.00 88,650.00 142,990.00 118,160.00 34,380.00 86,500.00 32,720.00 105,670.00 107,590.00 31,510.00 98,990.00 128,880.00 270,610.00 87,980.00 87,980.00 134,740.00 309,570.00 205,630.00 405,700.00 1,524,410.00 522,720.00 204,520.00 80,240.00 50,200.00 49,800.00 95,540.00 42,000.00 456,820.00 300,000.00 48,610.00 43,090.00 49,560.00 39,600.00 97,180.00 156,680.00 96,000.00 44,490.00 38,560.00 46,730.00 33,130.00 42,070.00 213,350.00 179,190.00 4,397,870.00 170,650.00 129,640.00 89,090.00 1,110,570.00 3,284,210.00 38,790.00 279,520.00 73,520.00 2,122,460.00 1,175,760.00 139,190.00 45,100.00 34,570.00 44,280.00 129,290.00 129,290.00 34,440.00 237,220.00 42,850.00 30,420.00 49,400.00 35,120.00 52,050.00 85,010.00 50,150.00 519,810.00 187,620.00 138,330.00 64,140.00 41,340.00 180,120.00 181,040.00 81,550.00 84,280.00 36,500.00 31,110.00 226,780.00 34,000.00 67,500.00 42,330.00 67,500.00 43,600.00 486,850.00 110,650.00 300,230.00 65,640.00 97,170.00 526,650.00 45,000.00 152,410.00 37,970.00 45,970.00 235,860.00 595,380.00 145,030.00 97,340.00 286,090.00 84,580.00 84,820.00 55,600.00 71,140.00 148,230.00 68,700.00 108,660.00 63,990.00 170,700.00 220,820.00 286,090.00 36,650.00 Major Orders for Goods Placed by Agency During 2011 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of Supplier UNDP Continued Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Paraguay Paraguay Paraguay Paraguay Paraguay Paraguay Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Philippines Portugal Portugal Portugal Portugal Portugal Portugal Romania Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Rwanda Rwanda Rwanda Rwanda Rwanda Samoa Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia Senegal Senegal Senegal Senegal Senegal Senegal Senegal Seychelles Sierra Leone Sierra Leone Sierra Leone Sierra Leone Sierra Leone Sierra Leone Sierra Leone Sierra Leone Sierra Leone Sierra Leone Sierra Leone Sierra Leone Sierra Leone Sierra Leone Sierra Leone Sierra Leone Sierra Leone Singapore Singapore Singapore Singapore Solomon Islands Somalia Somalia Somalia Somalia Somalia Somalia Somalia South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa Name of Supplier Description of Goods UROOJ CONTRAK UROOJ CONTRAK UROOJ CONTRAK GRUPO KAPAN INTERNACIONAL S.A. OSSIA MUSIC CORP RICARDO PEREZ, S.A. PRODUCTOS ROCHE (PANAMA), S.A. GRUPO KAPAN INTERNACIONAL S.A. KAIA BUSINESS INTERNATIONAL S.A INTRACOMER, INC. GRUPO KAPAN INTERNACIONAL S.A. LUSAKA PANAMA S.A. LUSAKA PANAMA S.A. GRUPO KAPAN INTERNACIONAL S.A. LUSAKA S.A LUSAKA PANAMA S.A. LUSAKA PANAMA S.A. KAIA BUSINESS INTERNATIONAL S.A INTRACOMER, INC. LUSAKA PANAMA S.A. HALCON INVERSIONS , S.A PRODUCTOS ROCHE (PANAMA), S.A. SONITEL, S.A. FUNDACION PARA LA EDUCACION Y ENTRETENIM PESQUEROS, S.A. RING RING & ENERGY CORPORATION INGENIERIA COSTA, S.A. OROBAR, S.A. CRISTAL VITRO, S.A. PESQUEROS, S.A. PESQUEROS, S.A. INTRACOMER, INC. BAHIA MOTORS, S.A. TECNOPLAN S.A. INFOCENTER S.A. TECNOPLAN S.A. SINTEC S.R.L. TELESPAZIO ARGENTINA SA LOGICALIS PARAGUAY SA CONSORCIO E F M SAC CONSORCIO E F M SAC CONSORCIO E F M SAC GRUPO LEAFAR SAC PAPELERA NACIONAL SA NEXSYS DEL PERU SAC MAXIMA INTERNACIONAL SA PAPELERA NACIONAL SA PAPELERA NACIONAL SA SYSTEM DATABASE SA LABORATORIOS AC FARMA SA MAXIMA INTERNACIONAL SA PAPELERA NACIONAL SA INVERS TEXTILES & AFINES DEL PERU SCRL MAXIMA INTERNACIONAL SA C & S COMPUTERS AND SUPPLIES SAC CONSORCIO E F M SAC NEXSYS DEL PERU SAC NEXSYS DEL PERU SAC GRUPO LEAFAR SAC PUNTO & GRAFIA SAC 7 LAKES COMMUNICATION SYSTEM, INC. CONVEX SIEMENS S.A. QUANTIFFIC, LDA AUDIMOBIL - TELECOMUNICAÇÕES E SERVIÇOS PORTO EDITORA CMIRANDA-SOC. EQUIPAMENTOS ESCOLARES LDA INCHCAPE MOTORS SRL PAPILLON ZAO AzasNature Reserve DAVSAR Ltd. SORIM LTD HYDROBATEL INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT INITIATIVE PROJEC SORIM LTD SORIM LTD South Pacific Regional Environment Prog. ALOFAQ ADVIRTISING ALOFAQ ADVIRTISING AFRIQUE CONCEPTION DISTRIBUTION AFRIQUE CONCEPTION DISTRIBUTION PROGRAMME NATIONAL PLATEFORMES PROJ NAT. COHESION SOCIALE EMP. DES JEUN PROGRAMME NATIONAL PLATEFORMES INTEGRAT° ET ADPATAT° AU CHANGEMENT CLIM PROGRAMME NATIONAL PLATEFORMES TLC Trading Ltd KADIJA ENTERPRISES AND BOUTIQUE Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd SHABASCO GENERAL MERCHANT Political Parties Registration Commissio Political Parties Registration Commissio REO ROMA ENTERPRISES Political Parties Registration Commissio POLITICAL PARTY REGISTRATION COMMISSION POLITICAL PARTY REGISTRATION COMMISSION POLITICAL PARTY REGISTRATION COMMISSION BAYDOUN AND ABESS Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd POLITICAL PARTY REGISTRATION COMMISSION Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd DELL GLOBAL B.V. (SINGAPORE BRANCH) MACROLT SUPPLIES CO. DELL GLOBAL B.V. (SINGAPORE BRANCH) Redington Distribution Pte Ltd ICT SERVICES Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd CITY CENTER ENTERPRISES APJV GENERAL MOTORS EAST AFRICA LTD APJV Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd LITHOTECH EXPORTS LITHOTECH EXPORTS LITHOTECH EXPORTS LITHOTECH EXPORTS Upon successful completion of the p Upon successful installation a Upon successful installation and co 608435-11 70% OC 0048, IMPRESORA MUSICAL Adquisición de una camioneta T COBAS AMPLIPREP/TAQMAN 48 DET HIV V EFT 100% CO. 608182/11 EFT 100% CTO. 608370/10 EFT 100% CTO. 608540/10 VEHICL EFT 100% PARTIAL CO. 608171/11 EFT 100% SUPP. CO.608236/10 EFT 20% LAST CTO. 608264/10 EFT 80% CO. 608496/11 EFT 80% CO. 608508/10 EFT 80% CO. 608521/10 FORESTRY EFT 80% CTO. 608433/10 EFT 90% SUPP 2 CTO.608623/09 EFT CTO. 608477/10 4 VEHICLES EFT PARTIAL CO. 608679/10 G) Expert test systems to dete KIT COBAS Ampliprep/taqMan 48 Orden de Compra PNUD/PAN PS14 PAGO PATROCINIO LEONARDO DA VI PS52224 Suministro y Equipamie PS62184 PECTP/69/11 SUMINISTRO PS62184 Suministro y entrega d PS62869 PARA LA ADQUISICION DE PS62869 Para la adquisición de Suministro y Equipamiento de P Suministro y Equipamineto de P TOYOTA HIACE MINIBUS 16PAX PUR VEHICLE HONDA ODDYSEY 2012 Adq. 220 computadoras Adq. UPS_Orden de Compra Nro. Adquisición de Impresoras/Orde Honorarios mes: /2011 Pago 2do. Hito del Comp. B - C Swith de core. Factura 3892 10 Equipos Radio HF con fuente 10 equipos radio HF con panel 13 equipos radio HF con panel 50% ADQU E IMPLEMENT GROUPWISE ADQ 80,000MILLARES PAPEL BOND ADQ 8LICENCIAS ADOBE PJ ADQ.75 TONER LEXMARK ADQUISI 80MILLARES PAPEL BOND ADQUISICION 80 MILLARES PAPEL ADQUISICION DE LICENCIAS Y BAS ARG/09/005-INV.84282-84560 COMPRA 1600UNID FOTOCOND KIT L COMPRA ADICIONAL DE 80000 MARC COMPRA DE 42,748 FRAZADAS CUARTA ENTREGA PARCIAL TONER M ENT PARC TONER PJ LPI008/2009/ Equipos Radio HF con fuente de PAGO ADQ 38 LIC AUTOO CAD 2011 PAGO MONTO TOAL OC 17-2010 PAGO RESTANTE 50%O/C 15-2011 A SERV EDIC DIAG EDIC 400 ATLAS E) IT Installation ACQUISITION EQUIP.COMUNICATION Doppler ultrasound E) Industrial Products E) Industrial Products E) Wood & Paper Products E) Wood & Paper Products Toyota Land Cruiser 150 Execut Payment for the Year 2 of Syst TARGET FINANC AGR_06.09.11 TWO SETS OF PRINTING PUBLISHIN 002P/11/11 Parliament 1/12/2011 Supreme Court FR 3rd Quarter 2011 Last Payment Parliament Radio PROVISION & INSTALLATION RADIO Expense Distribution Printing brouchures Report Production 1 AVD 20% Expense Distribution Expense Distribution FONDS 30000 FONDS 30000 FONDS 32045 FONDS GATES INSTALLATION OF MACHINERY AND 1 TOYOTA LANDCRUISER FOR SPU A) Automobiles or cars E) Automobiles or cars E) Minivans or vans E) Motorcycles Equipment for APPYA furniture, train& web hosting Generators, diesel maintenance of vec.& cycles PROCUREMENT OF FURNITURES RESOURCE MATERIALS (LIBRARY) TEC SUPPORT PPRC REG OFFICES TOYOTA LAND CRUISER HARDTOP Toyota Land Cruiser Hardtop 13 TRAINING IT & ACCOUNTING STAFF Vehicles Vehicles, 4WD, Toyota Hard top Dell Latitude E4310 with specs Laptop HP Elitebook 2540p Base Procurement of 300 Desktop (De Standard 24-port Manageable Ne Reversal V # 51766 (account) A) All terrain vehicles Cost of Equipment and Furnitur LG EC revesals to 77495 Purchase of Sedans ROLS TRAC reversals to Stipend Toyota Land Cruiser hardtop 10seate Toyota LHD Hilux Double Cabin 6seat Storage Case A for registrat 1 Million Cold lamination pouc 10MP Digital Cameras (w/ same 12V Battery Chargers 147 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO Value USD 71,520.00 30,440.00 214,570.00 43,950.00 51,790.00 40,690.00 103,440.00 47,320.00 70,500.00 60,980.00 56,720.00 31,420.00 37,980.00 35,180.00 46,030.00 108,420.00 119,550.00 86,330.00 141,450.00 33,460.00 55,950.00 281,780.00 148,840.00 35,000.00 209,970.00 31,460.00 33,960.00 31,880.00 41,310.00 304,910.00 69,120.00 32,650.00 35,500.00 319,440.00 33,430.00 100,220.00 233,250.00 72,960.00 107,710.00 35,490.00 46,420.00 60,350.00 525,550.00 590,240.00 75,360.00 30,380.00 585,280.00 585,280.00 296,130.00 117,540.00 55,680.00 585,280.00 222,610.00 550,780.00 45,820.00 31,750.00 201,700.00 192,470.00 525,550.00 38,230.00 177,000.00 52,000.00 34,370.00 163,820.00 91,730.00 71,780.00 63,440.00 51,710.00 63,000.00 74,680.00 55,010.00 66,870.00 39,950.00 45,610.00 44,140.00 111,570.00 100,930.00 66,990.00 111,170.00 52,080.00 226,800.00 110,630.00 187,660.00 107,570.00 36,200.00 99,930.00 39,000.00 46,750.00 43,040.00 164,370.00 138,300.00 70,120.00 76,310.00 104,220.00 78,280.00 39,650.00 66,540.00 40,100.00 35,880.00 47,770.00 38,730.00 40,720.00 42,950.00 42,220.00 54,450.00 33,060.00 240,000.00 34,690.00 37,630.00 101,610.00 56,330.00 118,120.00 61,080.00 40,090.00 72,990.00 80,710.00 113,240.00 66,000.00 78,360.00 41,510.00 Major Orders for Goods Placed by Agency During 2011 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of Supplier UNDP Continued South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Name of Supplier Description of Goods LITHOTECH EXPORTS REN-FORM CC LITHOTECH EXPORTS LITHOTECH EXPORTS LITHOTECH EXPORTS Face Technologies (Pty) Ltd REN-FORM CC REN-FORM CC VOLCANO AGROSCIENCE (PTY) LTD LITHOTECH EXPORTS LITHOTECH EXPORTS Face Technologies (Pty) Ltd Face Technologies (Pty) Ltd LITHOTECH EXPORTS LITHOTECH EXPORTS GLOBAL COMMUNICATIONS LITHOTECH EXPORTS HALFWAY TOYOTA OTTERY Face Technologies (Pty) Ltd REN-FORM CC LITHOTECH EXPORTS LITHOTECH EXPORTS Face Technologies (Pty) Ltd Face Technologies (Pty) Ltd HAIN LIFESCIENCE McCarthy Toyota Arcadia REN-FORM CC LITHOTECH EXPORTS LITHOTECH EXPORTS LITHOTECH EXPORTS Face Technologies (Pty) Ltd Face Technologies (Pty) Ltd LITHOTECH EXPORTS LITHOTECH EXPORTS LITHOTECH EXPORTS LITHOTECH EXPORTS LITHOTECH EXPORTS McCarthy Toyota Arcadia LITHOTECH EXPORTS LITHOTECH EXPORTS LITHOTECH EXPORTS LITHOTECH EXPORTS Face Technologies (Pty) Ltd LITHOTECH EXPORTS DAETA INTERNATIONAL TRADING CC LITHOTECH EXPORTS Face Technologies (Pty) Ltd PEACE MISSION TRAINING CENTRE Face Technologies (Pty) Ltd R & D SCREENING TECHNOLOGIES Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd HONIBA S.A CIRCUTOR S.A. ZERO EMISSIONS TECHNOLOGIES S.A. ZERO EMISSIONS TECHNOLOGIES S.A. ZERO EMISSIONS TECHNOLOGIES S.A. TST STAG SA Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd TST STAG S.A. Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd FABREZ S.L. Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd TST STAG, S.A Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd TST STAG, S.A. Reig Jofre Group Reig Jofre Group Reig Jofre Group Reig Jofre Group Reig Jofre Group Reig Jofre Reig Jofre Group TRIAD PVT LTD METROPOLITAN OFFICE PVT LIMITED Tokyo cement company (lanka)ltd. METROPOLITAN COMPUTERS (PVT) LTD CEDAR INTERNATIONAL PTE LTD Tokyo cement company (lanka)ltd. NEW LANKA TRADERS PVT LTD CITY CIVIL CONSTRUCTION FENAS TRADERS SRI LANKA HANDICRAFTS BOARD ARC TECH LANKA PVT LTD Neil Marine Limited EDNA ENGINEERING(PRIVATE ) LIMITED The Medical Export Group BV DIGITECH MIG AGRICULTURE COMPANY LTD NAPOLI TRADE EG NAPOLI TRADE EG SWITCH CO. FOR TRADING & ENG. LTD The Medical Export Group BV SUTRAC CO. SUTRAC CO. The Medical Export Group BV The Medical Export Group BV SUTRAC CO. SUTRAC CO. CVL GENERAL SUPPLY (SS) LTD CVL GENERAL SUPPLY (SS) LTD Bench top Digital Colo TAAM PETROLEUM PAN-CHINA CONSTRUCTION GROUP CO.LTD YOUTH WITHOUT FRONTIERS ORGANIZATION Alsahm Engineering, Contracting & M LTD PAN-CHINA CONSTRUCTION GROUP CO.LTD ZHONGHAO OVERSEAS CONSTRUCTION ENG CO.LT Alsahm Engineering, Contracting & M LTD PAN-CHINA CONSTRUCTION GROUP CO.LTD Alsahm Engineering, Contracting & M LTD ZHONGHAO OVERSEAS CONSTRUCTION ENG CO.LT PAN-CHINA CONSTRUCTION GROUP CO.LTD ZHONGHAO OVERSEAS CONSTRUCTION ENG CO.LT Alsahm Engineering, Contracting & M LTD PAN-CHINA CONSTRUCTION GROUP CO.LTD Alsahm Engineering, Contracting & M LTD AIR TRANSPORT Ballot 4 to 5 candidates Bulk Items Event 1 (Items 1.50 Bulk Items Event 2 (Items 2.47 Cartes d'électeurs additionnel Case for Digital Mobile Registratio Charter freight costs to Monro Cost of delivery DDU Bangui Deltamethrin, 5%WP (80g/sachet Depliant pour MBVD Digital cameras Digital Kits Voter Registration Sof Digital Webcam Dry Cell Rechargeable Batterie E) Printing E) Radio, Wireless Security Co E) Stationery Kits 15-30 items E) Vehicles - Toyota Landcruis Embedded Computer, including additi Expense Distribution External DC-AC inverter FCA charges for Stationery Kit Fingerprint Scanner Generator GT-BLOT 48 Hilux 3.0D - 4D 4X4 Double Cab HOR Ballots as per detailed pr Impression supplementaire depl Lot 3B (Technical Assistance d Manuel de membres de bureau de Minor Maintenance Kits Photo background cloth Photographic Paper (OPTION A): Polling Kits Event 1 (Items 1 Polling Kits Event 3 (Items 3 Polling Kits Event 2 (Items 2. Portable Printers Quantum 2.5D - 4D 14S Bus Recovery of cost for retrievem Recueil de fiche de simulation Solar powered rechargeable ene Storage Case B for Solar power Technical Assistance for 6 months t Technical support for a period TRACTOR Transport charges to DDU NEC W USB storage device usd395,667.60 output 1 Warranty X - Ray machine 1 UNIT TOYOTA LANDCRUISER 5 DR 100% OC 0055 TROMPETAS 100% Upon receipt of materials 15% of contract value upon sat 20% of contract value upon con 30% of contract value upon sat Adq. equipos refrigeración (id Corolla Sedan 1.8 GLi LHD - COGEL E) Elements and gases Hydrocarbon a E) Minivans or vans EFT 80% CO. 608387/11 Land Cruiser 200 Station Wagon GX V Land Cruiser 200 Station Wangon GX Land Cruiser Prado TX LHD Hilux , double cab Ozone layer depletion - refrig PAYMENT FOR TOYOTA LAND CRUISE PAYMENT TO TOYOTA GIBRALTER STOCKHO REFRIGERATION SUPPLIES Streptomycin 1g Streptomycin 1g (box of 100 vials) Streptomycin 1g vial (box of 1 Streptomycin 1g vial(box of 10 Streptomycin 1g vial-box of 10 Streptomycin 1g-Box of 100 vial Streptomycin1g 5000 books/CDs of Nat HR Act P Canon Compact iR 2520 Cement Bags TOKYO SUPER ORDINARY PO COMPUTOR,UPS,SCANNER E) Air Conditioning E) Industrial Products E) Marine craft systems E) Roofing Material E) Roofing Material LAKSALA ITEMS Purchase of 25 PCs and 25 UPS Suzuki Out boat Motors WATER PUMPS EDGRO 3HP PETROL S Automatic chemistry analyzer (mediu Being cost amount of ACs for Z Being cost amount of the procu Being cost of Shelves for 6 Si Being cost of Shelves for 6 Si Being cost ofShelves for Zon Benchtop Centrifuge ROTOFIX 32A CATERPILLAR GENERATOR - 365 KV CATERPILLAR GENERATOR - 365 KVA. Wa COAGULOMETER HumaClot Duo Plus COLORIMETER Cost for installation and main Cost for installation and maintenan Cost of Dual-Core Laptops Cost of dual-core Laptops Cost of Medical equipment for Diesel and petrol Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified 148 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO Value USD 1,295,700.00 33,760.00 30,500.00 31,730.00 1,393,920.00 513,890.00 245,700.00 77,190.00 197,630.00 88,000.00 234,030.00 229,400.00 56,950.00 266,380.00 425,560.00 73,900.00 597,980.00 285,550.00 806,960.00 56,990.00 42,440.00 38,700.00 317,290.00 284,280.00 34,060.00 50,820.00 134,630.00 64,020.00 384,000.00 396,600.00 55,200.00 73,600.00 442,850.00 214,500.00 209,660.00 221,650.00 180,560.00 44,510.00 60,000.00 97,500.00 563,390.00 181,320.00 622,870.00 150,880.00 36,580.00 783,420.00 56,960.00 75,140.00 71,290.00 79,970.00 40,240.00 37,320.00 51,180.00 65,620.00 43,750.00 65,620.00 85,360.00 30,370.00 74,390.00 198,530.00 60,610.00 65,660.00 63,130.00 143,840.00 32,960.00 188,940.00 47,650.00 57,830.00 69,830.00 300,870.00 37,340.00 209,180.00 304,690.00 79,270.00 85,110.00 60,990.00 40,510.00 79,080.00 71,160.00 46,110.00 65,250.00 35,400.00 49,820.00 154,730.00 51,120.00 43,630.00 30,750.00 39,890.00 58,920.00 55,620.00 36,820.00 664,950.00 107,280.00 35,000.00 45,520.00 38,140.00 86,000.00 86,000.00 41,120.00 30,430.00 38,800.00 38,800.00 31,810.00 31,810.00 43,210.00 63,600.00 573,290.00 251,960.00 120,580.00 524,300.00 251,960.00 120,580.00 603,310.00 181,170.00 160,500.00 368,730.00 120,370.00 90,590.00 259,380.00 78,680.00 Major Orders for Goods Placed by Agency During 2011 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of Supplier UNDP Continued Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Swaziland Sweden Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Syrian Arab Republic Syrian Arab Republic Tajikistan Tajikistan Tajikistan Tajikistan Tajikistan Tajikistan Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Togo Togo Togo Togo Togo Trinidad and Tobago Tunisia Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkmenistan Turkmenistan Turkmenistan Turkmenistan Tuvalu Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates Name of Supplier Description of Goods PAN-CHINA CONSTRUCTION GROUP CO.LTD PAN-CHINA CONSTRUCTION GROUP CO.LTD HUMANITARIAN AID & DEVELOPMENT ORGNIZATI ADVIZING IT LTD ZHONGHAO OVERSEAS CONSTRUCTION ENG CO.LT PAN-CHINA CONSTRUCTION GROUP CO.LTD SUTRAC CO. Bench top Digital Colo Bench top Digital Colo Bench top Digital Colo Bench top Digital Colo PAN-CHINA CONSTRUCTION GROUP CO.LTD ZHONGHAO OVERSEAS CONSTRUCTION ENG CO.LT Alsahm Engineering, Contracting & M LTD Bench top Digital Colo Bench top Digital Colo Bench top Digital Colo Bench top Digital Colo ALSHAFRA TRADING AND ENGINEERING Bench top Digital Colo ALSHAFRA TRADING AND ENGINEERING WORLD TRADE CENTER-KHARTOUM TROJAN ENTERPRISES TROJAN ENTERPRISES ABNOS FOR ENGINEERING AND IT Bench top Digital Colo Bench top Digital Colo ALSHAFRA TRADING AND ENGINEERING ALSHAFRA TRADING AND ENGINEERING TAREK NOUR SUDANA PETROCITY ENTERPRISES SOUTHERN SUDAN RADIO & TV Bench top Digital Colo MIG AGRICULTURE COMPANY LTD GOLDEN ARROW CO LTD GOLDEN ARROW CO LTD Bench top Digital Colo Bench top Digital Colo Leites Motors Volvo Car Corporation LOHRI AG BLASINSTRUMENTE UNCTAD TRUST FUND Novartis Pharma Services A.G Novartis Pharma Services A.G World Health Organisation ( ICC) Novartis Pharma Services A.G NOVARTIS PHARMA SERVICES AG Novartis Pharma Services A.G DE LORENZO GLOBAL SA FAYSAL ABED AL GHANI AL OTRI RAKHA OJSC MADADI TURSUNZODA LLC OVISA PE. PAK YURIY NIKOLAEVICH LLC NURI CHASHM ORBITA LLC PE SHARIFOV FIRUZ ABDULMAJIDOVICH ROCKWORTH CO LTD ASIA WATTANA MOTOR CO LTD RMA AUTOMOTIVE CORPORATION LTD. GLOBAL FLEET SALES CO.,LTD CFAO MOTORS TOGO CIP-AFRIQUE AG PARTNERS TOGO SARL IMPRIMERIE EQUINOXE TELEVISION TOGOLAISE EMA SOCIETE DE L'AUTOMOBILE DU MATERIEL INTERMAK MAKINA IMALAT-ITHALAT SAN VE TI INTERMAK MAKINA IMALAT-ITHALAT SAN VE TI SPEKTRAL BILIMSEL CIHAZLARI KIMYA VE SAN MEGA BASIM YAYIN SAN. VE TIC A.S. BERAY DIS TICARET MAK, SAN, LTD. STI MAHABAT MUDIRLIGI GUNDOGAR YILDIZI COMPANY AK-ENAR HOJALYK JEMGYYETI KAMAZ FTC CORP. LLP GOVERNMENT OF TUVALU ELECTRO WATTS (U) LTD PICFARE INDUSTRIES LIMITED PICFARE INDUSTRIES LIMITED PICFARE INDUSTRIES LIMITED PICFARE INDUSTRIES LIMITED MOTORCARE UGANDA LTD. PICFARE INDUSTRIES LIMITED TELTEC INVESTMENTS LTD UNIFREIGHT TRUCKING SERVICES LIMITED PSB FILMS PSB FILMS PSB FILMS PSB FILMS PSB FILMS PSB FILMS PSB FILMS PSB FILMS PSB FILMS PSB FILMS MNVAP Aviokon proekt ARTERIUM Corporation PSB FILMS UNITED NATIONS WORLD FOOD PROGRAMME EBCOM LIMITED EBCOM LIMITED AL GHURAIR PRINTING & PUBLISHING HOUSE ORIENTAL ELITE TRADING LLC UNITED NATIONS WORLD FOOD PROGRAMME -UAE OKI GENERAL TRADING LLC Titan Group FZE GOLDEN RELIEF RESOURCES LLC WORLD FOOD PROGRAMME, DUBAI, UAE GOLDEN RELIEF RESOURCES LLC MIG COMPUTERS INFORMATION SYSTEMS Quick & Pro Interiors LLC Titan Group FZE GOLDEN RELIEF RESOURCES LLC SDC FZE Ltd. AVC TRADING FZC OKI GENERAL TRADING LLC. OKI GENERAL TRADING LLC. Grundfos Gulf Distribution, FZE WEL Not Identified Not Identified E) Animal containment E) Desktop computers Final Document No.6 Final Document No.7 Generator for UNDP Residnetial Gimsa stain Powder HAEMATOLOGY ANALYSER HumaCount 60 T Hettich Rotofix 32A Benchtop centri INCUBATOR & UPS / Voltage regulator Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified MEDICAL AND SURGICAL EQUIPMENT AND Microscope Microscope Olympus CX21-LED and acc Model BWB-XP 5 Channel Flame Photom Office Containers for Abyei Pharmaceutical Refrigerator Prefabricated Ablutions for Ab Prisons Upgrade ?Kabkabya?s Pr Procurement of Diesel for the Procurement of Diesel for the UNDP Purchase of 10 KVA RDTs Refrigerator/freezer FCL 300/2TS-AL Refund, UN Com - Operations 4 Refund, UN Com - Operations 5 Replacement of message on bilb Residentail compound fuel cost Second Installment SPECTROPHOTOMETER SP-8001 & Require Supply & Installation of 23 x Toyota Hiace minibus Toyota Hi-Lux Double Cab Various chemical products and Vertical type autoclave sterilizer E) Minivans or vans Diplomatic vehicles 100% OC 084/85 INST MUSICALES 1st installment to UNCTAD 3.2.1 Coartem Tab 20/120mg(30 3.2.4 Coartem Tab 20/120mg(30 A) Software (license) ACT3.2.4-Coathem E) Anti Malarials E) Anti Malarials Supply of 1 set of Vehicle and Driv A) Security control system OP Vehicle, Nissan Tiida, Model: A) Agricultural machinery & eq COMPUTERS E) Computer hardware maintenan E) Food and beverage equipment Printing services Purchase and delivery of Warni 11/2-Workstation, Partitions, 15/9 MITSUBISHI PAJERO 4X4 VG E) Vehicles - Repair Supplies VEHICLE 4X4 Dual Cabin? Turbo Diese AQUISICAO DE TRATOR AGRICOLA G) Medical Kits G) Microfilm production equipm IMPRESS° AFFICHES, ENVELOPPES S) Audio Visual Productions FR TPMP II Jan-Mar 2011 4X4 Mitsubishi Pajero Expense Distribution Milk Processing Mini-Plant (Ak PO for Thermal Conductivity Va S) Publishing Supply and Delivery of TEKSAN Gener E) Awareness Materials E) Printing G) Cereal and pulse products Truck, water TUV_NAPA_Q1'11_FR_AU111683.20 Cost 200KVA/160KW Generator, s G) Other Indelible Ink G) Paper products G) Pens, Pencils, Markers etc. Glue for posters Nissan Pick-up Double cabin 3. S) Printing Supply of 4 Racks(19 Inch EIA) Upon completion of the superst 1st tranche/20%/14-20.11/films 1st tranche/20%/14-20.11/films prod 2nd tranche/20%/21-27.11/films 2nd tranche/20%/21-27.11/films prod 3rd tranche/20%/28.11-11.12/fi 3rd tranche/20%/28.11-11.12/films p 4th tranche/20%/12-20.12/films 4th tranche/20%/12-20.12/films prod 5th tranche/20%/21-23.12/films 5th tranche/20%/21-23.12/films prod E) Heating: ITB#UKR/2011/01_in Procurement of Aciclovir bottl VAT/films productionS) VAT (Value A A) Radio, Wireless Security Co Agricultural Equipment for Upp Agricultural Equipment for Upper Ni Bags, T-shirts, Caps, Stickers Complete set of Sokkia Total S Complete set of Standared NGT E) Agricultural machinery & equip E) Desktop computers E) Furniture set E) Radio, Wireless Security Co E) Shipment (Relocation) Expense Distribution FURNITURE HP Elite 7100 Microtower PC (W Other Options will all require Personal Computer Procurement of 7 minibuses for Purchacing of Land Cruiser 201 S) Boxcar transport Solar Water Pumps Grandfos - S 149 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO Value USD 183,720.00 100,080.00 381,170.00 38,270.00 100,540.00 91,930.00 87,500.00 78,520.00 138,490.00 66,460.00 43,270.00 185,590.00 80,250.00 60,390.00 118,160.00 34,380.00 32,720.00 107,590.00 74,510.00 309,570.00 110,430.00 38,490.00 56,900.00 56,900.00 43,840.00 522,720.00 50,200.00 78,880.00 31,550.00 31,280.00 62,290.00 66,210.00 42,000.00 187,960.00 228,400.00 510,000.00 97,180.00 156,680.00 38,710.00 33,800.00 1,249,320.00 136,730.00 101,620.00 99,720.00 182,800.00 99,720.00 2,344,000.00 388,360.00 82,800.00 111,700.00 32,000.00 60,320.00 72,490.00 97,390.00 48,980.00 116,400.00 33,030.00 32,450.00 41,240.00 176,870.00 42,900.00 65,490.00 73,180.00 31,910.00 36,680.00 30,470.00 43,220.00 81,100.00 51,910.00 31,150.00 45,000.00 88,750.00 59,170.00 30,880.00 90,320.00 129,410.00 90,070.00 32,990.00 52,590.00 55,860.00 48,810.00 52,680.00 31,940.00 79,500.00 357,290.00 43,760.00 67,040.00 45,400.00 45,400.00 45,350.00 45,400.00 45,350.00 45,400.00 45,350.00 45,400.00 45,350.00 45,400.00 146,850.00 64,970.00 60,540.00 30,150.00 564,100.00 564,100.00 81,530.00 74,330.00 37,700.00 42,000.00 33,250.00 42,590.00 57,490.00 38,700.00 297,420.00 33,550.00 32,490.00 58,030.00 31,000.00 152,250.00 60,090.00 53,060.00 73,400.00 Major Orders for Goods Placed by Agency During 2011 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of Supplier UNDP Continued United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) Name of Supplier Description of Goods SPECTRUM TENT MANUFACTURING OKI GENERAL TRADING LLC GOLDEN RELIEF RESOURCES LLC OKI GENERAL TRADING LLC. Emirates Motor Company WORLD FOOD PROGRAMME, DUBAI, UAE BILCO TRADING LLC UNIT EXPORT LIMITED Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd EXMED UK LTD B-PLAN INFORMATION SYSTEMS LTD. Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd LANTRADE GLOBAL SUPPLIES LTD Tall Security Print Ltd LANTRADE GLOBAL SUPPLIES (LGS) LANTRADE GLOBAL SUPPLIES (LGS) LANTRADE GLOBAL SUPPLIES i2 Limited SECURITY BLINDS LIMITED ERICOMMERCE INTERNATIONAL LIMITED EAGLE SCIENTIFIC Ltd IBGM LTD LANTRADE GLOBAL SUPPLIES EAGLE SCIENTIFIC Ltd Nixberg Worldwide LLP LANTRADE GLOBAL SUPPLIES (LGS) LANTRADE GLOBAL SUPPLIES EAGLE SCIENTIFIC Ltd AERO VOTE LTD AEGIS ENGINEERING LTD AEGIS ENGINEERING LTD GL INDUSTRIAL SERVICES UK LTD UNIT EXPORT LIMITED AERO VOTE LIMITED RAPISCAN SYSTEMS Ltd. EAGLE SCIENTIFIC Ltd Tall Security Print Ltd MICRON SPRAYERS LIMITED GEESAN LIMITED SKYVISION GLOBAL NETWORKS LTD. EAGLE SCIENTIFIC Ltd Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd TRADE FACTORS OVERSEAS LIMITED Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd ARMOURED PROJECT VEHICLES Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd TRADE FACTORS OVERSEAS LIMITED Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd TRADE FACTORS OVERSEAS LIMITED TRADE FACTORS OVERSEAS LIMITED TRADE FACTORS OVERSEAS LIMITED Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd TRADE FACTORS OVERSEAS LIMITED Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd TRADE FACTORS OVERSEAS LIMITED Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd TRADE FACTORS OVERSEAS LIMITED Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Tents Toyota Coaster Bus Year 2011 YM, Mo Toyota Land Cruiser Hardtop 5 Toyota Land Cruiser HZJ76 Har TRANSPORT EQUIPMENT, OTHER AND Vehicles, 4WD, hard top Vehicles, 4WD, hard top 2012 VOLKSWAGEN CARAVELLE 2.0 l TDI A) All terrain vehicles A) Medical Equipment A) Software (license) Achat de 5 véhicules Toyota po Achat des Dossards Air freight and Delivery to Mo Air freight and delivery to WH AIR FREIGTH AND DELIVERY TO WH AIR TRANSPORT Analyst Notebook version 8 (s Blinds: Security Blinds Instal Expense Distribution Filter sets for Biological cab G) Audio visual accessories G) Indelible Ink 25% S.N. 100M HIV test kits Immuneferment Analyser Set, ec Indelible ink with 20% silver Indelible Ink with Silver Nitr Laboratory Supplies and Test k NCR Registration form Payment for Helmets,Jackets & Payment for Helmets,Jackets & Body PLANNING SOFT WARE AND TRAININ Polaris MV700 ATV and spare pa Presidential ballot paper RAPISCAN SECURE 1000 X-RAY DEV Reagents for Auramine staining Referendum Ballots Sprayers Supply of 52,900 HDPE bottles UNDP Juba Office Backup VSAT (1024/ ViroSeq HIV 1 Genotyping Kit, 1 VEHICLE LAND CRUISER 2 Toyota Land Cruiser Prado TX, 5 d 7 nos. Toyota Hilux Double Cab 76 series-Toyota Land Cruiser A) Armored Vehicles A) Automobiles or cars A) HILUX DOUBLE CABIN achat HILUX double cabin 6 se Achat véhicule Land Cruiser Achat véhicule Land Cruiser Hardtop Achat véhicule Land cruiser Pr ADQUISICION DE 19 VEHICULOS TO BRAND NEW Toyota Land Cruiser Compra de un Vehículo marca LA Corolla Sedan 1.8GLi (unleaded) RHD Corrola Sedan, Model: ZRE142LCorrola Sedan, Model: ZRE142L-AEFNK E) All terrain vehicles (PICKE) All terrain vehicles (PICK-UP LD E) Automobiles or cars Expense Distribution Fourniture de 05 véhicules Toy Fourniture d'un véhicule LAND Fourniture d'un véhicule TOYOT Fourniture d'une ambulance HZJ Fourniture d'une ambulance HZJ78L-R Freight and Insurance in 5 40ft con Freigt IMV Hilux Toyota double cabine Land Cruiser 200 S / W,, GX V8 Land Cruiser 200 S / W,, GX V8 , Mo Land Cruiser 200 Station Wagon Land Cruiser Hardtop 10 Seater Land Cruiser Hardtop 10 seater, 5 d Land Cruiser Hardtop 10 Seater, Mod Land Cruiser Hardtop 10 seater,5 do Land Cruiser Hardtop with it a Land Cruiser Hardtop with it access Land Cruiser Hardtop, 13 seate Land Cruiser Hardtop, 13 seater OoP Land Cruiser Prado TX, 5 door, 7 se Land Cruiser Prado TX, 5door, 7 sea LandCruiser Hardtop, 13 seater, mod Landcruiser Pick up, 3 seater Landcruiser pickup, 3-seater, Landcruiser pickup, 3-seater, Model Landcruiser Prado TX, 5door, 7 seat Procurement of 2 Land Cruiser Procurement of 2 Land Cruiser Hard Procurement of a mini bus 15 S RHD Hilux Double Cabin 6 seater Tur S) Land Transport, TOYOTA land S) Land Transport, TOYOTA land crui Sea freight transport TO CORRECT ACCOUNT CODE Toyota (Ex-Stock) Hilux Double Toyota Double Cabin Hilux, 6 seater Toyota Hilux Double Cab, 6 sea Toyota Hilux Double Cabin Toyota Hilux Double cabin TOYOTA L/C, PRADO TX, 5 DOOR, TOYOTA L/C, PRADO TX, 5 DOOR, 7 SEA Toyota land Cruiser Hard Top 10 sea Toyota Land Cruiser Hardtop Toyota Land Cruiser Hardtop 13 Toyota Land Cruiser Hardtop 13 TOYOTA LAND CRUISER PRADO TX M Toyota Land Cruiser Prado TX, Toyota Land Cruiser Prado TXL, 6 se TOYOTA LAND CRUISER TXL Toyota LandCruiser 200 station wago Toyota Landcruiser Hardtop TOYOTA LANDCRUISER HARDTOP 13 Toyota RHD Hi Lux Double Cab, 6 sea TOYOTA RHD HILUX DOUBLE CAB 6 TWO (2) VEHICLES TOYOTA HILUX TWO (2) VEHICLES TOYOTA L. CRU 150 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO Value USD 42,400.00 66,050.00 163,490.00 70,560.00 55,310.00 96,740.00 43,400.00 208,830.00 56,170.00 215,730.00 41,500.00 145,600.00 47,880.00 107,300.00 99,960.00 49,980.00 45,560.00 38,300.00 38,580.00 91,230.00 350,600.00 62,400.00 560,930.00 152,670.00 32,000.00 81,330.00 538,000.00 157,390.00 129,500.00 54,830.00 56,260.00 119,030.00 271,650.00 99,650.00 160,000.00 41,960.00 85,280.00 88,870.00 47,610.00 41,250.00 37,450.00 75,390.00 92,430.00 192,390.00 41,640.00 109,030.00 35,030.00 1,475,670.00 39,550.00 33,680.00 35,740.00 70,230.00 48,300.00 49,460.00 463,570.00 80,370.00 59,810.00 33,920.00 81,200.00 81,240.00 284,230.00 288,150.00 41,250.00 90,600.00 220,200.00 62,830.00 43,840.00 45,630.00 45,630.00 100,900.00 31,850.00 72,430.00 57,240.00 57,270.00 47,270.00 378,110.00 400,150.00 378,310.00 115,360.00 226,610.00 210,040.00 42,820.00 64,780.00 92,960.00 46,430.00 85,400.00 44,130.00 344,760.00 321,170.00 92,960.00 288,900.00 276,880.00 42,070.00 34,550.00 41,800.00 42,300.00 76,890.00 34,380.00 78,560.00 53,960.00 33,300.00 984,350.00 309,350.00 118,540.00 114,230.00 37,700.00 45,910.00 152,540.00 152,540.00 46,920.00 81,480.00 44,540.00 53,660.00 59,790.00 109,360.00 109,360.00 397,350.00 35,840.00 51,170.00 75,800.00 Major Orders for Goods Placed by Agency During 2011 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of Supplier UNDP Continued United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Republic of Tanzania United Republic of Tanzania United Republic of Tanzania United Republic of Tanzania United Republic of Tanzania United Republic of Tanzania United Republic of Tanzania United Republic of Tanzania United Republic of Tanzania United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America Name of Supplier Description of Goods Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd TANZANIA POLICE FORCE TANZANIA POLICE FORCE MANTRAC TANZANIA ASSOC OF NON-GOVERNMENTAL ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL RESEARCH FOUNDATION TECHNOLOGY ASSOCIATES LIMITED TECHNOLOGY ASSOCIATES LIMITED MANTRAC ZANZIBAR WATER AUTHORITY JP5 GEORGE K. MOSS CO., INC. ADVIZING IT INC Dell Marketing L.P. IETECH INC RTI TECHNOLOGIES INC. Dell Marketing L.P. LYON HEALY HARPS INC S Cisco Systems Inc.(C.C.N.P.) Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd ARMOURED PROJECT VEHICLES Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd EMC CORPORATION Planson International Corporation DELL MARKETING LP CANYON INDUSTRIES, INC. CISCO SYSTEMS INC CISCO SYSTEMS, INC. Planson International Corporation Advizing IT (USA & Denmark Branch) EMC CORPORATION Hewlett-Packard Company MicroSoft Corporation CA, Inc. /Computer Associates Intl, Inc. STRATOS Planson International Corporation Planson International Corporation CISCO SYSTEMS INC. BERGEY WINDPOWER CO INC. BERGEY WINDPOWER CO INC. BERGEY WINDPOWER CO INC. BERGEY WINDPOWER CO INC. BERGEY WINDPOWER CO INC. BERGEY WINDPOWER CO INC. BERGEY WINDPOWER CO INC. Hewlett-Packard Company Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Planson International Corporation Planson International Corporation Planson International Corporation Hewlett-Packard Company BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT & PLANNING CO INC Herman Miller Inc. Planson International Corporation Planson International Corporation Planson International Corporation BORGWALDT KC INC. PHILIPS MEDICAL SYSTEMS EXPORT INC Hewlett-Packard Company Hewlett-Packard Company Hewlett-Packard Company Hewlett-Packard Company Hewlett-Packard Company ARMOURED PROJECT VEHICLES Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd ARMOURED PROJECT VEHICLES Planson International Corporation Broadcast Supply Inc Cisco Systems Inc.(C.C.N.P.) Cisco Systems Inc.(C.C.N.P.) Cisco Systems Inc.(C.C.N.P.) Cisco Systems Inc.(C.C.N.P.) Cisco Systems Inc.(C.C.N.P.) UNICEF NY UNICEF NY CISCO SYSTEMS, INC. Advizing IT (USA & Denmark Branch) Planson International Corporation ADVIZING IT INC ADVIZING IT INC ADVIZING IT INC Advizing IT (USA & Denmark Branch) ADVIZING IT INC Planson International Corporation ADVIZING IT INC Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Hewlett-Packard Company UNFPA PROCUREMENT SERVICES BRANCH Planson International Corporation Progressive Recovery, Inc. Cisco Systems Inc.(C.C.N.P.) Lenovo (United States), Inc. Advizing IT (USA & Denmark Branch) LLC MONTECITO COMPANY CA, Inc. /Computer Associates Intl, Inc. OVERSIGHT SYSTEMS Hewlett-Packard Company C&G MARKETING AND MANUFACTURING Planson International Corporation Gartner Group, Inc. Gartner Group, Inc. Burton Group Inc Hewlett-Packard Company Hewlett-Packard Company Hewlett-Packard Company Hewlett-Packard Company Planson International Corporation Hewlett-Packard Company Hewlett-Packard Company Planson International Corporation IETECH INC DEVELOPMENT GATEWAY ID SOLUTIONS INC Planson International Corporation Planson International Corporation Planson International Corporation Planson International Corporation VEHICLE TOYOTA L. CRUISER PRAD Vehicule Toyota Hilux Pick-UP 6.7 INSTALLMENT 4 6.7 INSTALLMENT 5 A) Diesel generators MARCH - APRIL 2011 - FR MAY 2011 - FR NetApp DS14m2 Disk Shelf with1 NetApp DS14mk2 Disk Shelf with Olympian Diesel Generator Set: Mode ZAWA exp Apr-Jun 2011 01 Autoclave system, 01 Compactor 2010 - OC - 7763 - COMPRA COMP 30% - compra computadores 50% OC 0057/0058 TELF. MOVIL 55 nos Portable Reffrigerant I 70% - compra computadores 70% OC 0081 2 ARPAS STYLE 30 802.11a/g/n Ctrlr-based AP w/C A) All terrain vehicles A) Armored Vehicles A) Automobiles or cars - Hilux A) Automobiles or cars - Hilux 2 Ca A) Automobiles or cars-Hard To A) Automobiles or cars-Hard Top for A) Computer servers A) Computer servers A) Dell Laptop E 6320 A) Industrial pumps & compress A) Network routers A) Network switches A) Notebook computers A) Notebook computers A) Software (license) A) Software (license) A) Software (license) A) Software Product A) Telephones A) Uninterruptible power suppl A) Uninterruptible power suppl A) VPN network security equipm A.4: 10% on arrival inspection of e A.5: Instlation, commissioning & te A.6: Completion of training of oper A:3 25% for equipment/instrume A:3 25% for equipment/instrumentati A:Approval of technical specif A:Approval of technical specificati ACCESORIO M4345MFP HP 500 SHEE Achat de vehicule de terrain p ADQUISICION DE 100 GPS MARCA T ADQUISICION DE CARTUCHOS DE TI ADQUISICION DE COMPUTADORES PO ADQUISICION DE IMPRESORAS ADQUISICION E INSTALACION DE M Aeron Chair - Size "B" -Part # APC SMART UPS RT 6000VA 208V, APC SYMMETRA SOLUTION ISX 7319 APC SYMMETRA SOLUTION ISX 731961-00 Aquisição Máquinas de Fumar ARG/06/009 - INV.144287 Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Armored Toyota LC76 ARMOURED TOYOTA LAND CRUISER 2 Armoured vehicles being payment for the purchase Cámara Videograbadora Cat4500 E-Series 6-Slot Chassi Catalyst 4500 4200W AC dual in Catalyst 4500 E-Series Supervi Catalyst 4500E 48-Port PoE 802 CISCO Cat 4503 Switch comm-pevent-Activity 2.6: IEC communic -prev -Act 2.6 CWDM1550 NM SFP Gigabit Ethern Dell Latitude E4310 Notebook DELL LATITUDE E6400 NOTEBOOK C DELL LATITUDE E6510 NOTEBOOK S DELL LATITUDE TABLET XT2 INTEL DELL OPTIPEX 380 DESK TOP WIND Dell optiplex 780 Desk TopQu DELL OPTIPLEX 780DT DESKTOP, I Dell PowerEdge M905 Svr with 9 Dell Precision T3500 : Standar DEPOSIT 3478 / REPR VCHR 53908 E) Computer servers E) Contraceptive - Condoms E) Desktop computers E) Medical Equipment E) Network routers E) Notebook computers E) Notebook computers - Quotation n E) Optical mark reader E) Software (license) E) Software (license) E) Storage device Kits FCDM/SOLID FRONT Fourniture équipements informatique G) Magazines etc. G) Other Publications G) Other Publications HP COLOR LASERJET CM3530fs MFP HP COMPAQ 6000 MT PC v138 HP COMPAQ 6000 MT PC v75 HP COMPAQ S1922 18.5 INCH LCD HP DESIGNJET T7100 LARGE FORMA HP LASERJET M4345x MFP PRINTER HP LASERJET M5035xs MFP PRINTE HP LASERJET P2055DN, P/N CE459 I 50% OC 0057-58 EQUIP TLF MOV Instalument Agreement Inv 1058 upgrade ECZ proj IT EQUIPMENT BAGHDAD PILOT COU IT EQUIPMENT BASRAH IT EQUIPMENT ERBIL IT EQUIPMENT HIGHER JUDICIAL C 151 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO Value USD 37,900.00 197,960.00 290,170.00 36,270.00 80,460.00 31,440.00 40,940.00 65,470.00 117,910.00 50,240.00 50,120.00 230,560.00 36,320.00 33,420.00 38,920.00 85,250.00 77,990.00 33,920.00 144,210.00 115,130.00 364,610.00 35,640.00 39,380.00 36,660.00 37,180.00 134,480.00 59,150.00 52,070.00 37,910.00 47,130.00 51,790.00 95,830.00 39,710.00 80,190.00 75,100.00 70,240.00 63,000.00 83,730.00 45,100.00 35,180.00 30,000.00 34,000.00 34,000.00 34,000.00 85,000.00 85,000.00 85,000.00 85,000.00 36,180.00 49,750.00 53,320.00 123,840.00 33,250.00 60,300.00 252,090.00 51,480.00 36,900.00 78,990.00 78,990.00 628,740.00 337,880.00 535,160.00 862,170.00 5,900,000.00 740,130.00 279,990.00 272,350.00 147,960.00 114,540.00 53,270.00 39,170.00 52,150.00 76,430.00 313,120.00 213,900.00 63,810.00 260,000.00 231,000.00 52,150.00 30,050.00 43,890.00 34,390.00 50,110.00 108,540.00 65,570.00 211,420.00 35,390.00 30,420.00 49,140.00 58,050.00 327,830.00 32,800.00 130,300.00 31,320.00 35,250.00 33,600.00 40,560.00 63,400.00 60,250.00 70,660.00 64,960.00 45,310.00 88,960.00 179,660.00 127,310.00 38,090.00 119,450.00 74,680.00 32,120.00 61,930.00 306,870.00 165,790.00 31,500.00 38,920.00 40,000.00 100,000.00 128,390.00 121,080.00 132,950.00 34,180.00 Major Orders for Goods Placed by Agency During 2011 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of Supplier UNDP Continued United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America Uruguay Uruguay Uruguay Uruguay Uruguay Uruguay Uzbekistan Venezuela (Bolivarian Rep. of) Venezuela (Bolivarian Rep. of) Venezuela (Bolivarian Rep. of) Venezuela (Bolivarian Rep. of) Venezuela (Bolivarian Rep. of) Venezuela (Bolivarian Rep. of) Venezuela (Bolivarian Rep. of) Venezuela (Bolivarian Rep. of) Venezuela (Bolivarian Rep. of) Venezuela (Bolivarian Rep. of) Venezuela (Bolivarian Rep. of) Venezuela (Bolivarian Rep. of) Venezuela (Bolivarian Rep. of) Venezuela (Bolivarian Rep. of) Vietnam Vietnam Vietnam Vietnam Virgin Islands Yemen Yemen Yemen Yemen Yemen Yemen Yemen Yemen Yemen Yemen Zambia Zambia Zambia Zambia Zambia Zambia Zambia Zambia Zambia Zambia Zambia Zambia Zambia Zambia Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Name of Supplier Description of Goods Planson International Corporation Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Planson International Corporation Planson International Corporation VIDEOCAM CORPORATION Planson International Corporation SYNERGY INTERNATIONAL SYSTEMS, INC SYNERGY INTERNATIONAL SYSTEMS, INC SANTO DOMINGO MOTORS CO. Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd DELL MARKETING L.P. ORACLE USA, Inc. ORACLE USA, Inc. D LIGHT DESIGN LIFE@SCIENCE LTD Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Planson International Corporation Planson International Corporation Planson International Corporation ADVIZING IT INC ADVIZING IT INC Planson International Corporation Planson International Corporation Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd UNFPA Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd LIFE@SCIENCE LTD RTI TECHNOLOGIES INC COLORCRAFT OF VIRGINIA INC. CAMPBELL/HARRIS SECURITY EQUIPMENT CO MINUSTAH FITCH INFORMATION INC. Hewlett-Packard Company Planson International Corporation Kinemetrics Inc. Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd ENTERPRISE SURVEILLANCE SOLUTIONS GROUP MARKETING ENTERPRISES LATIN AMERICA LLC ICS Technologies, Inc. ICS Technologies, Inc. Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd ADVIZING IT INC ADVIZING IT INC UNFPA - United Nations Population Fund PRESTIGE AUTO GROUP UNICEF NY ABACUS S.A. URUDATA S.A. URUDATA S.A. INTERAGROVIAL S.A. PORTO VARESE S.A. LANGECOR SA 'Boston Texnologiya' LLC SISTEMAS MODULARES DIVIDA C.A. MEGA IMPORT SUPPLY, C.A. SETRONIX C.A. MEGA IMPORT SUPPLY, C.A. MEGA IMPORT SUPPLY, C.A. TECNOCOMPUTACION 3000 S.A. TECNOCOMPUTACION 3000 S.A. MEGA IMPORT SUPPLY, C.A. MEGA IMPORT SUPPLY, C.A. MEGA IMPORT SUPPLY, C.A. MODUSISTEMA, C.A. INVERSIONES DAVID AND JOSEPH, C.A. MEGA IMPORT SUPPLY, C.A. PRODUCCIONES F22 C.A. DU AN PHONG CHONG DAI DICH CUM O NGUOI CUC THU Y BQL DU AN DIOXIN DU AN PHONG CHONG DAI DICH CUM O NGUOI KLINOM HOLDING LTD AL-JAWKER FOR MILITARY EQUIBMENT MINE ACTION PROJECT MOHAMMED ALI AHMED AL-NUCIRI COELMO MINE ACTION PROJECT MINE ACTION PROJECT MINE ACTION PROJECT YEMEN MICROFINANCE NETWORK PROFICIENT CONSTRUCTIONS AND TRADING MAM International Corp. NECOR ZAMBIA LTD NEW HORIZON PRINTING PRESS NYIOMBO INVESTMENTS LTD UNFPA UNFPA NEW HORIZON PRINTING PRESS BOILER ROOM ADVERTISING MIPAL PRINTERS LIMITED LOCATION CHALLENGE LIMITED LOCATION CHALLENGE LIMITED ID SOLUTIONS INC PRO-PRINT LTD ZAL ELEVATORS LTD STANDARD CHARTERED BANK ZAMBIA LTD ZIMOCO THOREX CC THOREX CC Tankery Marketing (Pvt) Ltd Regal Systems THOREX CC THOREX CC NITRAF PVT LTD Tankery Marketing (Pvt) Ltd BRANDS TRADING Brain care Marketing BALLFIELD COMMODITIES KINGSPORT INVESTMENTS Regal Systems IT EQUIPMENT MINISTRY OF JUSTI LanCruiser Hardtop 10 Seaters, Land Cruiser Hardtop 10 seater, 5 d Land Cruiser Prado TX, 5 door, Laptop computers and printers LEICA TS1SP (1.5 MGON) TOTAL S Lente Zoom Microsoft Office 2007 Professi Milestone 3 Milestone 4 NISSAN FRONTIER 2011 4WD CON T one Unit, Landruiser Prado TXL, Tur one unit: HZJ76L-RKMRS# / KDJ1 one unit: HZJ76L-RKMRS# / KDJ150-GK one unit: LHD Hilux Double Cab OptiPlex 780 Desktops Oracle database renewal contra Oracle database renewal contract 17 payment to M/s Taxila Service PCR Viral load tests PICK-UPDOUBLE CABINE 4X4 Procurement of IT equipments f Procurement of Q-mac radios fo Procurement of Q-mac radios for the PS62869 ADQUISICION DE EQUIPOS PURCHASE OF 22 DELL LAPTOP COM PURCHASE OF COMPUTER & ACCESSO Purchase of Desktop computer Purchase of Vehicle Purchasing of 1 vehicle Prado Purchasing of Condoms Purchasing of Hilux vehicles f Purchasing of Hilux's vehicle RAC RCC-93 PCR Viral load test RECREACION OC No. 0000007734 A S) Printing HDR2011 FR/Summ SEARCH KITS SERV. RENDUS/1e&2e TOURS ELECT Services via Web Delivery: 1Ja SERVIDOR EN CLUSTER. SEGUN COT Sistemas de potencia ininterru Strong Motion Accelerograph Sub-total price per unit Supply and installation of CCT Supply of 3 sets of Sewing Equipmen Supply V-SAT system and Satell Supply V-SAT system and Satellite i Toyota Hilux, double cabin 5 seater Toyota Land Cruiser Hardtop 5 Toyota Prado, TXL, Haiti , same as Toyota Prado, TXL, Haiti MOSS, VHF, UC Roles ; Marca:Dell;Modelo: UC Roles ; Marca:Dell;Modelo: Power UNAIDS PAF South Africa Sch4 Véhicule Mercedes Benz S-350 Youth Edu-commu-prev-ACT 3 160 MINI PC ZIMPLEX 80% URU02018-352-031 AMPLIACIÓN DE SERVIDORES COMPRA DE MAQUINARIA DESARROLLO APLICACION APIA LICENCIAS DE SOFTWARE 85% prepayment for developing ADQUISICION E INSTALACION DE M ADQUISICION, INSTALACION Y PUE ADQUISICION, INSTALACION Y PUE ColeCtor de Mano TRIMBLE GeoXm Computadores Portátiles HP EL E) Computer localization kits E) VAT (Value Added Tax) ESCANER CONTEX HD 5450 PLUS in Impresora LASER HP CP4525 XH Impresora LASERJET HP M9050 MF INSTALACION DE MOBILIARIO MODU Interface de reproducción de d Proyector EPSON POWERLITE 1830 Servicios concierto por la PAZ FRQ1 2011 72621 JP HEALTH FRQ1 2011 72639-JP HAI II DAH FRQ2 2011 71224 POP-DIOXIN FRQ2 2011 72621 JP HEALTH Procurement of reagents, test COST OF TENTS Expense Distribution Fertilizer - Urea 46% Generators, diesel - Spares an Jun.11 FR 47729-57560 Jun.2011 FR 57560-4000 Nov.11 FR 57560-4000 Oct. & Nov.11 FR 59943 OS6850-P48 PoE CHASSIS w/SSL ( Trunking System by Legrand: 10 1000 USB modems Cost of compound D/Urea fert E) Contraceptive - Condoms E) Contraceptive - Pills E) Printing Expense Distribution Expense Distribution Inv 0264 slots of radio place inv 0265 tv slots ECZ Inv 1058 upgrade ECZ proj Priinting polling staton h/bks Upon cpmpletion of civil works and Wages for elections staff 26 Seater Minibus 5.1..4.2 Replenishment laundr 5.1..4.2 Replenishment LINEN Procurement of statio 6.5.22 Procurement of Photocop ACT 22 Procure Cellphone Nokia ACT 24 Solar Chargers ACT2.6.3.2 Laboratory and Glas Activity HPCE505A, To E) Customs uniforms E) Customs uniforms E) Laboratory Equipment Ladies Dress Activity 18 Photocopier Act 152 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO Value USD 333,810.00 46,710.00 146,480.00 205,330.00 44,530.00 40,050.00 36,270.00 49,900.00 85,870.00 68,700.00 42,600.00 58,130.00 46,930.00 46,930.00 38,460.00 80,950.00 134,280.00 179,040.00 104,000.00 31,000.00 42,300.00 31,770.00 145,600.00 145,600.00 86,000.00 39,060.00 183,320.00 53,550.00 44,880.00 49,730.00 206,250.00 98,760.00 32,920.00 32,000.00 118,800.00 56,890.00 37,320.00 271,460.00 61,830.00 67,890.00 42,700.00 109,260.00 57,270.00 166,320.00 59,700.00 40,310.00 66,330.00 32,500.00 353,950.00 64,820.00 64,820.00 85,920.00 85,920.00 73,490.00 36,000.00 200,000.00 79,200.00 95,100.00 95,090.00 41,500.00 31,620.00 48,320.00 33,910.00 68,810.00 148,010.00 60,720.00 167,550.00 30,140.00 676,570.00 81,190.00 31,640.00 223,750.00 367,630.00 184,150.00 34,270.00 34,060.00 93,830.00 50,130.00 35,210.00 54,620.00 159,380.00 34,910.00 40,000.00 155,800.00 35,000.00 186,790.00 40,730.00 171,920.00 31,940.00 41,340.00 46,790.00 42,170.00 30,500.00 88,930.00 30,850.00 162,490.00 352,910.00 36,480.00 81,660.00 40,060.00 92,140.00 50,440.00 100,000.00 74,100.00 46,910.00 43,340.00 155,250.00 32,970.00 42,260.00 52,080.00 87,580.00 236,400.00 52,200.00 47,200.00 39,200.00 85,110.00 52,210.00 40,760.00 31,170.00 53,310.00 Major Orders for Goods Placed by Agency During 2011 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of Supplier UNDP Continued Zimbabwe Zimbabwe UNESCO Belgium Bosnia and Herzegovina Brazil Brazil Cameroon Cameroon Cameroon Canada China, Hong Kong China, Hong Kong Congo, Republic of the Congo, Republic of the Costa Rica Costa Rica Costa Rica Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Egypt Ethiopia France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France Germany Germany Guinea Iraq Iraq Iraq Ireland Italy Japan Jordan Kenya Name of Supplier Description of Goods SOUTHERN AFRICAN RESEARCH AND DOCUMENTAT CROCO MOTORS Pymntforprinting baseline Vehicles, all terrain, truck, UNDP BRUSSELS UNDP Bosnia and Herzegovina Abc Importacao E Exportacao Ltda Aurus Comercial E Distribuidora Ltd Intek Cameroon Motors Industries SARTESOC-STATE OF THE ART RADIO AND Transcontinental Printing G.P. A. Andrews & Co. (Mail Order) Ltd. A. Andrews & Co. (Mail Order) Ltd. ETS ILIAS ADAM ETS LA PATIENCE CONZULTEK SA Sonivision S.A. ILEJI SA DANOFFICE UNOPS UNOPS PLANSON EUROPE Bukauto A/S DANOFFICE UNOPS PETER JUSTESEN COMPANY A/S Gasser Abdel-Razek UNECA OFP CALIPAGE SARL INSIGHT DELL COMPUTER S.A. BCDS APPLITECH DIVATECH CALESTOR PERIWAY XEROX YUMAN CREATION EUROP GROUPE SARL MARIETTA CFA CENTRE FABRICATION ALUMINIUM LA WASH FRANCO BELGE MISSION VIDEO RICOH France S.A.S. BCES SAS Derichebourg Energie AIC BATIMENT DOUBLON_ DELL See Vendor 700193 VIDEO PLUS Multicam Production NETQOST O2i SA Société Commerciale CITROEN SCOPUS OMNIBADGES ECONOCOM INFOPOINT SA EURO LIGHT SYSTEM Jean-Jacques PEROUZE CLASS STEM PROPRETE TELINDUS FRANCE SAS PERCHE PAPIERS (GE Factofrance) HEIMANN SYSTEMS SA DG PLAFONDS SUSPENDUS COTTON BLUE SARL ATELIER MIRABEAU FRANCE DISTRIBUTION ELECTRIC STE SOPAC ENERGIE MODERN RESTAURATION GESTION (MRG) SOGERES SOLUS'ELEC Sarl MJC IMMOBAT MALMENAYDE ANTALIS GTIE Air § Défense SAS JACKY LADUNE ET FILS SNEF LPBTP AIC BATIMENT DELTA SECURITY SOLUTIONS SCHINDLER SA CFE - Compagnie Française EBSCO DERICHEBOURG POLYURBAINE EBSCO INFORMATION SERVICES SAS PORTALP FRANCE E.G.E. FRANCOIS MOREL CEGELEC PARIS SOCIETE IEC ASV DERICHEBOURG ENVIRONNEMENT REVIVAL Atelier ADJ SILVER CONSTRUCTION VERTE ENTREPRISE EPSILON Consultants CLEMENCON ETS AGFA GEVAERT S.A SAR PEINTURE DECORATION SA MARTINI VERIZON France CTIP CONSEIL AGFA GEVAERT S.A MALMENAYDE QUANTIC SOLUTIONS SAS Derichebourg Energie ANTALIS COPADIP PAPETERIES DE FRANCE HEIDELBERG FRANCE SA LE SERVICE GRAPHIQUE NISCAYAH EDF TOTAL RAFFINAGE MARKETING Klopotek & Partner GmbH UNITED NATIONS VOLUNTEERS Ets Elhadj Boubacar Diallo & Freres Janat Al-Watan Company AL ITESAAQ COMPANY Reem Beladi Company ThirdForce EP Irl Limited BRESCIANI TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION Al Sami General Trade company Ltd. UNON UNITED NATIONS OFFICE AT NAIRO OTHER Purchase Order Commodities Order Commodities Order Purchase Order Purchase Order Small Works Cont. Commodities Order Goods/Services relat Purchase Order Not defined Not defined Goods/Services relat Goods/Services relat OTHER Commodities Order Commodities Order Not defined Not defined Not defined Purchase Order Purchase Order Purchase Order OTHER OTHER Commodities Order Commodities Order Commodities Order Commodities Order Commodities Order Commodities Order Commodities Order Commodities Order Commodities Order Commodities Order Commodities Order Commodities Order Commodities Order Commodities Order Commodities Order Commodities Order Commodities Order Commodities Order Commodities Order Commodities Order Commodities Order Commodities Order Commodities Order Commodities Order Commodities Order Commodities Order Commodities Order Commodities Order Commodities Order Commodities Order Commodities Order Commodities Order Commodities Order Commodities Order Commodities Order Commodities Order Commodities Order Commodities Order Fee contract Fee contract Fee contract Fee contract Fee contract Goods/Services relat Goods/Services relat Not defined Not defined Not defined Not defined Not defined Not defined Not defined Not defined Not defined Not defined Not defined Not defined OTHER OTHER OTHER OTHER OTHER OTHER OTHER OTHER OTHER OTHER OTHER OTHER OTHER Purchase Order Purchase Order Purchase Order Purchase Order Purchase Order Purchase Order Purchase Order Purchase Order ServCompany Contract Utilities Utilities Not defined OTHER Purchase Order Goods/Services relat Goods/Services relat Goods/Services relat Purchase Order Not defined Purchase Order Goods/Services relat OTHER 153 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO Value USD 40,000.00 106,760.00 43,582.14 37,577.75 94,082.84 51,823.16 35,300.75 31,183.62 60,879.73 47,239.11 49,196.20 78,087.60 56,778.48 32,423.81 113,849.07 97,730.00 83,600.00 319,776.09 107,465.34 97,826.78 40,154.00 31,785.00 78,361.85 34,271.96 32,515.00 30,000.00 55,000.00 312,636.81 174,246.70 142,175.38 137,412.85 104,785.18 98,689.31 97,756.32 85,135.74 83,174.56 82,709.57 79,830.72 76,698.37 67,823.44 66,142.67 61,462.62 60,675.08 57,061.91 55,582.54 52,223.04 51,978.38 50,283.02 47,222.48 45,947.64 40,276.22 40,276.18 40,073.23 40,057.10 39,418.23 39,229.68 38,025.86 33,289.49 33,236.99 32,601.91 32,525.33 32,362.04 32,090.39 31,222.85 31,033.83 848,658.00 121,164.50 58,096.30 39,603.31 33,333.25 278,229.43 215,038.05 251,429.72 144,136.24 140,121.50 128,543.05 75,610.65 67,845.02 45,926.64 42,026.47 34,511.33 33,495.34 32,054.86 31,131.73 316,228.39 296,892.98 169,393.66 144,087.32 140,388.60 112,784.81 100,662.72 63,144.42 59,590.20 53,957.42 44,100.53 41,758.32 30,379.80 174,609.15 68,155.48 57,202.93 55,462.18 53,027.02 51,760.47 34,893.70 33,336.42 76,999.92 280,920.15 177,112.00 179,999.55 109,815.42 34,711.80 52,440.00 44,872.00 33,400.00 405,600.80 34,801.42 123,061.51 35,400.00 171,982.50 Major Orders for Goods Placed by Agency During 2011 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of Supplier UNESCO Continued Malaysia Mongolia Mongolia Morocco Namibia Nepal Nicaragua Occupied Palestinian territory Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Papua New Guinea Samoa South Africa Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Thailand Thailand Timor-Leste Turkey Uganda United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Republic of Tanzania United States of America United States of America United States of America Vietnam Zimbabwe UNFPA Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Albania Albania Albania Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Belgium Benin Benin Benin Botswana Burundi Canada Central African Republic Central African Republic Central African Republic Central African Republic Central African Republic Central African Republic Central African Republic Chad Chad China China China China China China China China China, Hong Kong Colombia Congo, Republic of the Congo, Republic of the Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Democratic Rep. of the Congo Democratic Rep. of the Congo Democratic Rep. of the Congo Democratic Rep. of the Congo Democratic Rep. of the Congo Democratic Rep. of the Congo Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Ecuador Egypt Egypt Egypt Egypt El Salvador Ethiopia Finland Finland France France France France Gabon Germany Germany Germany Germany Name of Supplier Description of Goods Dell Global BV Singapore Branch DDISHTV LLC TVTO Ltd HONDA -Dynamic Auto s.a.r.lUNDP UNITED NATIONS DEVELOPMENT Gauri Parbati Nirman Sewa (Pvt) Ltd RDS Red de Desarrollo Sostenible de CHEMPAL COMPANY - MEDICAL AND UNDP UNITED NATIONS DEVELOPMENT Serena Hotel Bizco International Rehman Industries KB STRENGTHS Department of Education PETER MEREDITH & Co Ltd UNIVERSITY OF WITWATERSRAND GeoSIG Ltd. DUCHOSAL FIPOI - FOND IMMEUBLES PR ORGA INT ROSSET ET CIE ISS Facility Services SA Mercedes Benz (Thailand) Limited FIRST INTER BUSINESS LIMITED Auto Timor Leste POLINAR PLASTIK MAKINE VE KALIP SAN MTA Computers Limited MEDIWORLD LIMITED CUSSONS TECHNOLOGY LTD STAR PROJECT VEHICLES LIMITED TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD MERRYWATER LTD Lenovo Inc UNITED NATIONS BLOOMBERG FINANCE LP Service Department for Diplomatic C Dostan Investments (Pvt) Ltd Purchase Order Purchase Order Purchase Order Purchase Order Not defined Not defined Goods/Services relat Not defined Not defined Not defined Purchase Order Purchase Order Purchase Order Not defined Purchase Order Goods/Services relat Not defined Not defined Not defined Not defined Not defined Goods/Services relat Purchase Order Goods/Services relat Goods/Services relat Goods/Services relat Not defined Not defined Goods/Services relat Not defined Purchase Order Commodities Order Not defined OTHER OTHER Purchase Order HEKMAT SHERZAI LOGISTICS & TRADING TORAN NOMAN LTD AFGHAN ARWIN LTD MONTAL SHPK MARKETING DISTRIBUTION JAPAN SERVICE SHPK TECHNOMEDIA LTD INFORMATION SOLUTIONS LIMITED DEVNET LIMITED LERICA TRADING CO BANGLADESH PVT LTD PACIFIC MOTORS LIMITED SASMAR LIMITED SOCIETE EQUIMED CENTRALE D'ACHAT DES MEDICAMENTS CFAO MOTORS - BENIN MOTOR HOLDINGS GABORONE GLOBAL TRADERS COLLABORATION SANTE INTERNATIONALE SOCIETE SUPEXO CARITAS CENTRAFRIQUE AGORA (SERVICE GLOBAL DE COMMUNICATION) DAMECA MAGASIN RIAD ROFFE PHARMA CFAO LE FOYO PEV/MSP/TCHAD GUILIN LATEX FACTORY TIANJIN HUMAN-CARE LATEX CORPORATION QINGDAO DOUBLE BUTTERFLY GROUP CO. LTD SHANGHAI KOYO-ANP I & E CO LTD PEAK INTERNATIONAL TRADE (TIANJIN) CO CHINA NATIONAL MEDICAL EQUIPMENT UNDP BEIJING AO JI TONG FENG RUI AUTO SALES TOP SOURCES TRADING LTD DELL MARKETING L.P. GRASSET SPORAFRIC S.A. ETS LE METROPOLIS BOLLORE AFRICA LOGISTICS COTE D'IVOIRE LIBRAIRIE DE FRANCE GROUPE 2B PUB BLESSING GLOBAL TRADING &TOUR ONAM PRESTATIONS ET DIVERS BATECHNOLOGIES DIXIE MULTI SERVICES GIMED ENTREPRISE IVOIRE LABO SERVICES CÖTE D'IVOIRE-EQUIPEMENTS SOCIETE DE DISTRIBUTION ASRAMES INSTAPRINT CYBERNET SPRL ESSOR EQUIPEMENTS BANGOLO CAMILLE DEPOT PHARMA ENAPH I.T.M ETS PHOENIX DESIGN AID A/S ADVIZING IT LTD DANOFFICE TRADING dan:office PLANSON EUROPE DANIMEX COMMUNICATION LTD UNICEF SUPPLY DIVISION UNOPS UNOPS BAYER S A MOBICA RICHMOND GROUP EGYPT PROFESSIONAL MAKRO CASH & CARRY EGYPT MH-PDDH-RLA6R41A-PREVENCIÓN DE ITS/VIH AMESTEL FAST FOOD AND VEGETABLE BAYER SCHERING PHARMA OY Naps System OY LABORATOIRE HRA PHARMA NEXTIRAONE FRANCE SAS INTERNATIONAL SOS QIAGEN S A GABON MECA BAYER SCHERING PHARMA AG HELM AG STAEDTLER MARS GMBH & CO KG F UNDUTSCH GMBH General office furniture, equipment and supplies IT and Communications Medical Devices, Supplies and Anatomical Models Medical Devices, Supplies and Anatomical Models Medical Devices, Supplies and Anatomical Models Transportation Equipment General office furniture, equipment and supplies IT and Communications IT and Communications Medical Devices, Supplies and Anatomical Models Transportation Equipment Contraceptives Medical Devices, Supplies and Anatomical Models Medical Devices, Supplies and Anatomical Models Transportation Equipment Transportation Equipment Transportation Equipment General office furniture, equipment and supplies General office furniture, equipment and supplies General office furniture, equipment and supplies General office furniture, equipment and supplies General office furniture, equipment and supplies General office furniture, equipment and supplies Pharmaceuticals Transportation Equipment General office furniture, equipment and supplies Medical Devices, Supplies and Anatomical Models Contraceptives Contraceptives Contraceptives General office furniture, equipment and supplies Medical Devices, Supplies and Anatomical Models Medical Devices, Supplies and Anatomical Models Medical Devices, Supplies and Anatomical Models Transportation Equipment General office furniture, equipment and supplies IT and Communications General office furniture, equipment and supplies General office furniture, equipment and supplies General office furniture, equipment and supplies General office furniture, equipment and supplies General office furniture, equipment and supplies IT and Communications IT and Communications IT and Communications IT and Communications Medical Devices, Supplies and Anatomical Models Medical Devices, Supplies and Anatomical Models Medical Devices, Supplies and Anatomical Models Transportation Equipment Contraceptives General office furniture, equipment and supplies IT and Communications Medical Devices, Supplies and Anatomical Models Medical Devices, Supplies and Anatomical Models Medical Devices, Supplies and Anatomical Models General office furniture, equipment and supplies IT and Communications IT and Communications IT and Communications IT and Communications IT and Communications Medical Devices, Supplies and Anatomical Models Transportation Equipment Transportation Equipment Contraceptives General office furniture, equipment and supplies General office furniture, equipment and supplies IT and Communications Pharmaceuticals Contraceptives Medical Devices, Supplies and Anatomical Models Contraceptives General office furniture, equipment and supplies Contraceptives IT and Communications Medical Devices, Supplies and Anatomical Models Medical Devices, Supplies and Anatomical Models IT and Communications Contraceptives Contraceptives General office furniture, equipment and supplies IT and Communications 154 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO Value USD 31,611.00 80,000.00 60,700.00 34,970.24 77,887.99 66,711.69 60,000.00 243,357.00 102,226.00 36,288.10 85,069.53 80,098.76 44,288.86 30,000.00 30,993.10 1,026,919.80 269,075.11 228,916.45 148,995.54 89,041.10 60,587.36 60,585.89 32,716.04 38,618.35 89,650.00 50,878.28 258,323.71 73,851.73 103,508.67 98,406.44 33,825.00 43,951.00 42,501.31 99,300.00 35,000.00 52,815.71 49,473.39 159,605.83 54,486.08 396,922.44 97,619.41 36,180.91 78,726.20 2,310,576.98 422,283.52 35,458.14 442,629.76 303,434.65 32,755.51 31,687.54 74,888.99 35,724.12 35,652.17 37,871.04 59,157.85 58,857.01 39,170.96 34,271.89 30,392.92 57,745.93 73,634.05 32,337.21 74,152.59 4,748,848.59 2,786,157.14 2,223,291.22 83,794.00 2,104,679.72 127,950.00 59,646.24 31,916.28 53,970.00 99,709.12 43,057.69 34,029.08 55,638.98 51,210.26 30,271.70 79,191.36 50,518.75 35,774.68 34,983.98 33,740.54 31,481.23 30,667.96 32,492.42 49,105.96 106,474.57 33,366.00 328,540.00 49,200.00 39,588.00 38,226.00 1,588,421.77 934,881.64 373,705.10 214,400.67 80,512.26 1,406,243.79 8,283,055.49 88,968.75 4,159,724.00 167,064.65 94,194.41 76,091.45 52,720.70 74,800.00 39,790.02 8,133,000.00 76,148.15 106,423.29 148,781.94 110,707.00 57,853.65 40,080.21 14,205,770.17 3,634,000.00 94,959.13 319,348.08 Major Orders for Goods Placed by Agency During 2011 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of Supplier UNFPA Continued Germany Germany Ghana Ghana Guinea Guinea Hungary India India India India India India Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Israel Italy Italy Japan Japan Jordan Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Korea, Republic of Lebanon Lebanon Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Madagascar Madagascar Madagascar Madagascar Malawi Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia Mali Mali Mali Mauritania Mexico Mongolia Mongolia Mongolia Mongolia Mongolia Mongolia Mongolia Mongolia Mongolia Mozambique Mozambique Mozambique Nauru Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Nicaragua Niger Niger Nigeria Nigeria Nigeria Nigeria Nigeria Nigeria Nigeria Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Papua New Guinea Peru Philippines Philippines Philippines Philippines Senegal Sierra Leone Sierra Leone Sierra Leone Sierra Leone Singapore Somalia Somalia Somalia Somalia South Africa Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Swaziland Sweden Switzerland Syrian Arab Republic Syrian Arab Republic Thailand Timor-Leste Timor-Leste Timor-Leste Turkey Uganda Uganda United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates Name of Supplier Description of Goods MSS MANAGED SECURITY GMBH FLEISCHHACKER GMBH AND CO. KG KINGDOM BOOKS AND STATIONERY HALLEL VENTURES MARELA ING & BUSINESS S A R L NELAB-PRESTATION GEDEON RICHTER plc. INDUS MEDICARE LIMITED SURETEX PROPHYLACTICS INDIA LIMITED PREGNA INTERNATIONAL LIMITED SMB CORPORATION OF INDIA HEXAWARE TECHNOLOGIES LTD. EASTERN SURGICAL COMPANY PT. DWITAMA INTERAKSI SELARAS Dharma Polimetal, PT PT. TOYOTA ASTRA MOTOR ORGENICS LTD. ERRECI SRL KARISMEDICA S R L TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION ORIENT TRADING CO LTD AL-MUNSHED TRADE CO UN OFFICE AT NAIROBI (UNON) WOMAN AND CHILD INITIATIVE ISLAMIC RELIEF DEVELOPMENT INITIATIVE ACCESS LINK D T DOBIE + CO K LIMITED UNIDUS CORPORATION SEOHUNG CENTURY MOTOR CO S A L BISCO S A R L Cross Words Ltd. SHARAN ENTERPRISES B-KAY PHARMACY AA Enterprise Ets VOVONANA SICKMED OCEAN TRADE SOCIÉTÉ SITMA S A MALAWI HEALTH SWAp KAREX INDUSTRIES SDN BHD INNOLATEX SDN BHD DELL GLOBAL B V SINGAPORE BRANCH ORANGE MALI SA PKC LOGISTICS SANTE COMPAGNIE GENERALE D'AUTOMOBILE ELIGE RED DE JOVENES POR LOS DERECHOS MASTER PRINT LLC Summit Com Tech Co., Ltd Online Center Co., Ltd MCS Electronics LLC SANKOU MARKETING MONGOLIA LLC H&H CO.,LTD INTER SCIENCE LLC KIEL TUUL CO LTD Khurd Auto Co., Ltd PAPERS & SERVICES LDA VIBRACOES LDA Bytes & Pieces, Lda ALTEL-TELECOMUNIC E SISTEMAS LDA N.V. ORGANON MSD OSS BV IMRES SVIZERA EUROPE B V DISTRIBUIDORA LA UNIVERSAL ACCES AUX SERVICES SR ACCRU REPRESENTATION C+A MULTI FOBAC EQUIPMENT MFG CO LIMITED PATHFINDER INTERNATIONAL SAFMARINE APM TERMINALS APAPA LIMITED PIL NIGERIA LIMITED RICHARD JACKSON AND SONS LIMITED NAHCO CHEMPAL CO. Zant CO. for Medical Supplies & Labs Jamal Omar Masri Co. MEGAPLUS SHAHZAD ENTERPRISES TALIB BROTHERS ENGINEERING WORKS MACCA FREIGHT SYSTEM TOYOTA G T MOTORS ELA MOTORS HONDA DEL PERU S A GOLDEN SMILES MERCHANDISE A M RAMOS TRADING MEDICAL GALLERY TRADING CO. Standard Medical Supplies LA MAISON DU MEDECIN COMPUTER SHOP MOLIBA INTERNATIONAL CONSTRUCTION AND OVERSEAS TRADING & CONSTRUCTION COMPANY NESTPHARMA LTD FLEISCHHACKER LLP Somali Business Machines Ltd COMMUNITY CONCERN ORGANISATION HUMAN DEVELOPMENT CONCERN SOMALI RELIEF AND DEVELOPMENT SOCIETY ZEERUST TOYOTA BENHAM INTERNATIONAL PVT LTD Sri Lanka State Trading (Gen) Corporatio WFP EMERGENCY OPERATION IN SUDAN S F C TRADING SERVICES WORLD TRADE CENTER Eurochamp Limited SGL Technologies (Pty) Ltd VOLVO CAR INTL CUSTOMER SALES (VCIC) UNHCR Geneva MUHAMMED MUGHRABI COSTANTINI SHARIKET ALAMIR LIL MAWAD AL-TIBEYA SURETEX LIMITED CENSUS PROJECT SILVIA XEROX Zeon International ASEL ELEKTRIK IN?AAT VE GIDA SAN TIC LTD THE COOPER MOTOR CORPORATION (U) LTD ATLAS PROCUREMENT CONSULT LIMITED WFP Field & Emergency Support Office UN-WFP BILCO TRADING LLC IT and Communications Medical Devices, Supplies and Anatomical Models General office furniture, equipment and supplies Medical Devices, Supplies and Anatomical Models General office furniture, equipment and supplies Medical Devices, Supplies and Anatomical Models Contraceptives Contraceptives Contraceptives Contraceptives Contraceptives IT and Communications Medical Devices, Supplies and Anatomical Models General office furniture, equipment and supplies Medical Devices, Supplies and Anatomical Models Transportation Equipment Pharmaceuticals General office furniture, equipment and supplies Medical Devices, Supplies and Anatomical Models Transportation Equipment Transportation Equipment Medical Devices, Supplies and Anatomical Models IT and Communications Medical Devices, Supplies and Anatomical Models Medical Devices, Supplies and Anatomical Models Medical Devices, Supplies and Anatomical Models Transportation Equipment Contraceptives Transportation Equipment Transportation Equipment IT and Communications Medical Devices, Supplies and Anatomical Models Medical Devices, Supplies and Anatomical Models Transportation Equipment Medical Devices, Supplies and Anatomical Models Medical Devices, Supplies and Anatomical Models Transportation Equipment Transportation Equipment Medical Devices, Supplies and Anatomical Models Contraceptives Contraceptives IT and Communications IT and Communications IT and Communications Medical Devices, Supplies and Anatomical Models Transportation Equipment Medical Devices, Supplies and Anatomical Models IT and Communications IT and Communications IT and Communications IT and Communications IT and Communications Medical Devices, Supplies and Anatomical Models Medical Devices, Supplies and Anatomical Models Medical Devices, Supplies and Anatomical Models Transportation Equipment General office furniture, equipment and supplies IT and Communications IT and Communications IT and Communications Contraceptives Contraceptives Medical Devices, Supplies and Anatomical Models Medical Devices, Supplies and Anatomical Models General office furniture, equipment and supplies General office furniture, equipment and supplies Pharmaceuticals Medical Devices, Supplies and Anatomical Models Pharmaceuticals Transportation Equipment Transportation Equipment Transportation Equipment Transportation Equipment Transportation Equipment Medical Devices, Supplies and Anatomical Models Medical Devices, Supplies and Anatomical Models Transportation Equipment Not defined Medical Devices, Supplies and Anatomical Models Medical Devices, Supplies and Anatomical Models Premises, rent, purchase, construction and alteration Transportation Equipment Transportation Equipment Transportation Equipment Medical Devices, Supplies and Anatomical Models Medical Devices, Supplies and Anatomical Models Medical Devices, Supplies and Anatomical Models Medical Devices, Supplies and Anatomical Models Medical Devices, Supplies and Anatomical Models Not defined Medical Devices, Supplies and Anatomical Models Medical Devices, Supplies and Anatomical Models Medical Devices, Supplies and Anatomical Models Medical Devices, Supplies and Anatomical Models IT and Communications Medical Devices, Supplies and Anatomical Models Medical Devices, Supplies and Anatomical Models Medical Devices, Supplies and Anatomical Models Transportation Equipment Medical Devices, Supplies and Anatomical Models Medical Devices, Supplies and Anatomical Models General office furniture, equipment and supplies IT and Communications Medical Devices, Supplies and Anatomical Models Premises, rent, purchase, construction and alteration IT and Communications Transportation Equipment General office furniture, equipment and supplies Medical Devices, Supplies and Anatomical Models Medical Devices, Supplies and Anatomical Models Contraceptives General office furniture, equipment and supplies General office furniture, equipment and supplies General office furniture, equipment and supplies IT and Communications Medical Devices, Supplies and Anatomical Models Medical Devices, Supplies and Anatomical Models Transportation Equipment Transportation Equipment Transportation Equipment 155 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO Value USD 242,160.70 4,277,034.28 39,951.75 90,856.49 32,067.37 104,384.93 120,204.50 1,186,239.50 755,100.00 439,734.67 355,245.32 79,905.00 233,425.00 37,448.69 307,695.64 34,491.66 144,000.00 35,417.19 1,052,299.42 48,087.57 32,008.31 39,703.83 30,496.01 96,520.00 94,000.03 80,200.00 35,690.00 1,109,146.00 77,400.00 59,900.00 88,615.00 58,488.00 36,341.00 65,000.00 95,683.07 74,439.24 86,050.10 45,486.08 150,000.00 1,992,020.20 458,679.00 222,664.00 39,052.58 31,548.67 49,952.33 34,296.03 60,000.00 152,841.78 75,295.06 69,895.00 35,819.76 34,619.20 106,150.00 81,005.65 33,630.82 271,720.68 41,957.89 117,072.60 45,726.47 302,889.60 8,595,277.89 345,217.81 8,869,136.47 516,534.98 41,594.96 174,137.48 36,896.44 101,652.75 31,542.00 99,871.26 49,365.39 41,886.02 33,253.13 31,859.67 56,279.00 54,387.00 37,500.00 38,400.12 58,912.28 51,935.03 36,820.82 65,209.31 32,937.50 31,175.88 296,067.68 153,443.07 125,142.40 65,878.47 53,476.76 40,982.50 98,253.00 60,562.00 38,892.28 79,833.53 34,063.00 39,050.00 36,300.00 36,205.00 79,522.39 126,172.82 105,165.57 70,485.00 46,856.50 85,527.14 57,920.00 30,511.52 30,086.00 110,000.00 66,115.73 53,333.33 1,015,022.76 216,276.00 64,000.00 33,074.50 74,549.11 198,583.00 126,411.29 236,422.71 173,346.27 31,900.00 Major Orders for Goods Placed by Agency During 2011 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of Supplier UNFPA Continued United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Republic of Tanzania United Republic of Tanzania United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Zimbabwe UNHCR Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Algeria Angola Australia Bangladesh Belarus Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Botswana Botswana Botswana Botswana Burundi Cameroon Cameroon Cameroon Cameroon Central African Republic Central African Republic Central African Republic Central African Republic Central African Republic Central African Republic Central African Republic Central African Republic Central African Republic Central African Republic Central African Republic Central African Republic Chad Chad Chad Chad Chad Chad Chad Chad Chad Chad Chad Chad Chad Chad Chad Chad China China China China China China Colombia Colombia Congo, Republic of the Congo, Republic of the Congo, Republic of the Congo, Republic of the Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Democratic Rep. of the Congo Democratic Rep. of the Congo Democratic Rep. of the Congo Democratic Rep. of the Congo Democratic Rep. of the Congo Democratic Rep. of the Congo Democratic Rep. of the Congo Democratic Rep. of the Congo Democratic Rep. of the Congo Name of Supplier Description of Goods THE FEMALE HEALTH COMPANY MALLORY INTERNATIONAL LIMITED Cromwell Tools Limtied DRS DATA SERVICES LIMITED GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD SIMPLY COMPUTERS BUSINESS MACHINES (T) LTD ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS RESEARCH INSTITUTE PFIZER OVERSEAS LLC (EXPORT DIVISION) OFFICE DEPOT MACRO INTERNATIONAL INC DAN OFFICE APS CISCO SYSTEMS, INC CONTINENTAL RESOURCES INC HEWLETT PACKARD COMPANY Emerging Markets Communications NXO AMERICAS INC PLANSON INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION TERRA TELECOM, LLC InfraNet Solutions Inc. CAVALIER OFFICE PRODUCTS WOMANCARE GLOBAL GAUMARD SCIENTIFIC COMPANY CLINICAL INNOVATIONS LLC TOTAL ZIMBABWE TRISTAR INSURANCE COMPANY LTD RANK ZIMBABWE EDISAN PRODUCTS P L TA TOP PLA KINGSPORT INVESTMENT P/L FIRSTPACK MARKETING PVT LTD ARKMATE P/L BRIGHT PHARMACIES FLATBRIDGE MEDICAL P/L ACREHALL INVESTMENTS PVT LTD WORLD BICYCLE RELIEF PVT LTD Contraceptives General office furniture, equipment and supplies IT and Communications IT and Communications Transportation Equipment Transportation Equipment IT and Communications IT and Communications Not defined Contraceptives General office furniture, equipment and supplies General office furniture, equipment and supplies General office furniture, equipment and supplies IT and Communications IT and Communications IT and Communications IT and Communications IT and Communications IT and Communications IT and Communications IT and Communications IT and Communications Medical Devices, Supplies and Anatomical Models Medical Devices, Supplies and Anatomical Models Medical Devices, Supplies and Anatomical Models General office furniture, equipment and supplies General office furniture, equipment and supplies General office furniture, equipment and supplies General office furniture, equipment and supplies General office furniture, equipment and supplies General office furniture, equipment and supplies IT and Communications Medical Devices, Supplies and Anatomical Models Medical Devices, Supplies and Anatomical Models Medical Devices, Supplies and Anatomical Models Transportation Equipment JUBAILI BROS L.L.C. AFTECH INTERNATIONAL PVT. LTD. AFGHAN NATIONAL PETROLEUM CO. LTD Haji Baba Fuel Pump station Khalid Safi Trading Co. Ltd AHMAD OMAR EMRAN LTD SHAH LTD NAWID RASOOLI METAL MACHINE JAWAD HABIB ABDULLAH LTD BROMPTON INTERNATIONAL JUBAILI BROS L.L.C. TOYOTA ALGERIE SRMIA CODAN LTD. Kanon ATLANT-M VOSTOK ALPINTER ATLAS COPCO AIRPOWER N.V ALPINTER ALPINTER ALPINTER Engen Marketing Botswana TRIDENT FRANCISTOWN PTY LTD Builders World Francistown Builders World Francistown INTERPETROL BURUNDI ETS GAS SITRACEL COMPLEXE CHIMIQUE INDUSTRIEL DU CAMEROUN NOSA SARL MENUISERIE ROMAIN SERVICES DJERAZENE ALI TOTAL CENTRAFRIQUE ETS FASHION SHOW CFAO TOTAL CENTRAFRIQUE GET GROUP.FZE ROYALE IMPORT EXPORT HUILERIE SAVONNERIE CENTRAFRICAINE DAMECA E-SOLAR CHINA GEO ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIBYA OIL TCHAD SA SOCIETE DES PRODUITS PETROLIERS TCHAD SOPETRANS TOTAL MARKETTING TCHAD ABDELATIF MAHAMAT NOUR SOCIETE DES PRODUITS PETROLIERS TCHAD Entreprise de Grands Travaux (E.G.T) MINURCAT MINURCAT LIBRAIRIE DU LAC LIBYA OIL TCHAD SA AL RAHMA ADOUM AHMAT ABDERAMAN AHMADOU ELHADJ-HALIDOU TRACTAFRIC SCRIT (MAHAMAT ALI AMADAYE) PEAK INTERNATIONAL TRADE(TIANJIN) CO. ANHUI TEA IMP. & EXP. CO., LTD QINGDAO GYOHA EN TECH CO. LTD. iFOUR LIMITED ITI COMPANY SHANGHAI LIMITED SHANGHAI KOYO-ANP IMP.&EXP.CO POLYMARKET LTDA DATA POWER S.A.S. HYDRO DISTRIBUTION X-OIL CONGO MECA - CONGO X-OIL CONGO Laser Informatique SARI SOCIDA TOLES IVOIRES S.A. ENGEN ENGEN RDC AFRI.COM GTZ, FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY(GTZ)PO ALLSTONE ZAHIRA SPRL WAGENIA PHARMA PRODIMPEX YAMAHA MAISON TONDE TONDE AIR COOLED POWER GENERATORS COMPUTERS DIESEL DIESEL DIESEL DOORS/ WINDOWS/ GLASS DOORS/ WINDOWS/ GLASS DOORS/ WINDOWS/ GLASS DOORS/ WINDOWS/ GLASS PREFABRICATED House WATER COOLED POWER GENERATORS MINIBUSES/ BUSES AGRICULTURE/FARM EQUIP HF EQUIPMENT COOKING POTS/PANS/KETTLES MINIBUSES/ BUSES BLANKETS FORMING TOOLS PLASTIC PRODUCTS (SHEETS & ROL TENT/ CAMP/ OUTDOOR EQUIP/ ACC WATER CANS FUEL TANK MAIZE/CORN STRUCTURAL MATERIALS ( TIMBER, TOOL KITS DIESEL CLOTHING PERSONAL CARE PRODUCTS SOAP/CLEANING /HYGIENE SUPPLIE SOAP/CLEANING /HYGIENE SUPPLIE CONSTRUCTION SUPPORT EQUIPMENT CONSTRUCTION SUPPORT EQUIPMENT DIESEL FABRICS/ LEATHER MATERIALS MOTORIZED CYCLES PETROL/BENZINE REGISTRATION EQUIP ROOFING MATERIAL SOAP/CLEANING /HYGIENE SUPPLIE TOOL KITS WATER COOLED POWER GENERATORS WATER TREATMENT EQUIP/ SUPPL DIESEL DIESEL DIESEL DIESEL DIESEL FUEL TANK FUEL TANK GENERAL CARGO TRUCKS MATERIAL HANDLING EQUIP OFFICE FURNITURE OILS POWER GENERATORS SPARE PARTS/ ACCESSORIES TYRES/ TYRE TUBES WATER COOLED POWER GENERATORS WATER PUMPS BAKERY PRODUCTS BEVERAGES PLASTIC PRODUCTS (SHEETS & ROL SOFTWARE WATER CANS WATER COOLED POWER GENERATORS CLOTHING COMPUTERS DIESEL DIESEL FUEL TANK PETROL/BENZINE COMPUTERS MOTORIZED CYCLES PASSENGER VEHICLES ROOFING MATERIAL DIESEL DIESEL DIESEL DOORS/ WINDOWS/ GLASS MARINE TRANSPORT MINIBUSES/ BUSES MISC LABORATORY EQUIP/SUPPL MOTORIZED CYCLES ROOFING MATERIAL 156 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO Value USD 16,598,166.00 91,843.77 895,570.75 161,728.59 721,541.78 330,399.87 87,188.00 49,000.00 36,954.59 12,158,512.30 65,500.00 56,757.00 32,703.00 497,991.64 205,520.00 104,613.52 76,848.00 42,506.20 41,093.00 39,800.58 37,859.50 34,611.00 193,290.50 71,760.00 38,800.00 294,120.94 38,372.02 35,804.04 32,305.00 30,841.50 30,807.33 50,138.00 39,134.95 37,275.00 32,300.00 57,971.50 43,000.00 52,350.00 500,000.00 176,756.63 144,000.00 2,416,980.00 2,414,802.50 941,600.00 618,612.50 241,770.00 85,000.00 56,779.78 88,260.00 132,424.84 32,442.43 40,640.00 1,105,056.00 33,172.00 437,276.00 7,048,918.86 300,896.00 56,849.34 180,369.04 31,367.64 52,272.41 1,795,680.11 81,310.17 217,752.14 1,207,235.31 37,792.68 825,000.00 48,208.89 73,309.65 67,501.33 35,985.82 49,868.40 34,252.09 201,278.56 268,347.60 50,038.37 30,740.73 34,711.45 2,243,269.99 1,150,787.67 932,245.38 291,314.98 133,302.85 634,756.03 56,317.15 178,436.49 51,079.40 37,332.71 149,663.49 68,581.07 107,741.87 40,882.59 117,436.50 101,632.67 187,680.00 538,535.90 3,566,442.25 51,334.70 69,000.00 130,172.00 30,904.84 46,957.09 39,916.86 36,339.76 30,235.71 117,579.00 44,709.65 98,928.28 87,806.69 66,319.56 998,828.71 339,085.00 111,800.00 63,675.00 54,238.91 164,700.00 167,334.66 94,000.00 110,880.00 Major Orders for Goods Placed by Agency During 2011 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of Supplier UNHCR Continued Democratic Rep. of the Congo Democratic Rep. of the Congo Democratic Rep. of the Congo Democratic Rep. of the Congo Democratic Rep. of the Congo Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Djibouti Djibouti Djibouti Djibouti Djibouti Djibouti Djibouti Djibouti Djibouti Djibouti Djibouti Djibouti Djibouti Egypt Egypt Egypt Egypt Egypt Egypt Egypt Egypt Egypt Egypt Egypt Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Finland Finland Finland France France France France France France France Gambia Georgia Georgia Georgia Georgia Georgia Georgia Georgia Georgia Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Ghana Ghana Greece Greece Guinea Guinea India India India India India India India India India India India Name of Supplier Description of Goods MAISON JOHNANTO ETS MAKASI MULTI-SERVICES SPRL CMM PHARMANS CFAO MOTORS RDC MATALA TRADING DANIMEX COMMUNICATION DANOFFICE PLC PLANSON EUROPE BUKKEHAVE GLOBAL SPARE PARTS FZE DANIMEX COMMUNICATION DANOFFICE PLC DANOFFICE PLC DANOFFICE PLC BESTNET A/S KJAER +KJAER A/S UNICEF SUPPLY DIVISION DANOFFICE PLC DANCASS A/S DANOFFICE PLC DANIMEX COMMUNICATION BUKKEHAVE GLOBAL SPARE PARTS FZE DANIMEX COMMUNICATION UNICEF SUPPLY DIVISION DANIMEX COMMUNICATION ETABLISSEMENTS WASSEL TOTAL DJIBOUTI TOTAL SDVK, sarl A.C.RIES ETABLISSEMENTS WASSEL SUPERMARCHE ALGAMIL RED SEA AUTOMOTIVE FZCO ENTREPRISE GO AMIN ENTREPRISE DAASBIYO ENTREPRISE DUR-DUR CENTRE D'ETUDE ET DE RECHERCHE DE DJI ENTREPRISE AL SHEYKI Soft foam Sherkat Alesfeng Almasria Alsad Alaly Company EL TAWHID WAL NOUR GLOBAL BRANDS Ramex for Hotel Supplies Daghash Establishment Al Jumhuria Grocery Shop Jihad Restaurant Fathi Salama and Partners Company Chancel International MOENCO DES GENERAL TRADING PLC KK PLC OXFORD AMALGATED PRIVATE COMPANY LIMITED DH GEDA BALNKET FACTORY MILLION ALEMAYEHU GENERAL IMPORTER AIRMYAS TESFAYE GENERAL IMPORTER Dawit Mekonnen Ready Made Cloth Shop TOTAL ETHIOPIA SC UNITED ALPHA COMMERCIAL PLC SOFONIAS KEBEDE GENERAL IMPORTER NATIONAL OIL ETHIOPIA PLC SUGAR CORPORATION Libya Oil Ethiopia Limited HILINA ENRICHED FOOD PROCESSING CENTER FAFFA FOOD SHARE COMPANY ETAB SOAP FACTORY SNAP TRADING & INDUSTRY PLC TENAYE YIMAM ZELALEM FAMILY PLC TEMESGEN CHACK PLASTIC INDUISTRY ZELALEM FAMILY PRIVATE LIMITED COMPANY PERIPLUS BUSINESS PLC ZENA TEMESGEN GENERAL IMPORTER A.V.A GENERAL TRADING PLC CAPRARI S.P.A TSEMEX GLOBAL ENTERPRISE PLC NAPS SYSTEMS OY VERSEIDAG BALLISTIC PROTECTION OY NAPS SYSTEMS OY SMI EQUIPMENTS SARL ICOM FRANCE OFFICE DEPOT BS S.A.S. NUTRISET SA IEC Telecom ICOM FRANCE ICOM FRANCE JULA KUNDA ENTREPRISE VITALI GAMBASHIDZE IE GURAMI GOGBERASHVILI IE VITALI GAMBASHIDZE IE GURAMI GOGBERASHVILI IE MBC WISSOL PETROLEUM GEORGIA JSC TEMUR MACHARASHVILI IND. ENTERPRISE WISSOL PETROLEUM GEORGIA JSC MOTORENFABRIK HATZ GMBH & CO. KG Farmingtons AUTOMOTIVE Gmbh KOCH Anhangerwerke GmbH and Co. KG FWW FAHRZEUGWERK Gmbh BOSS PRO-TEC FWW FAHRZEUGWERK Gmbh FWW FAHRZEUGWERK Gmbh BOSS PRO-TEC Farmingtons AUTOMOTIVE Gmbh Universal Royal Paper APSTAR ENTERPRISES LIMITED STYLIANOS LEIVADAROS E.E. STYLIANOS LEIVADAROS E.E. TOTAL GUINEE TOTAL GUINEE VANDANA LOGISTICS KITCHEN ESSENTIALS TECHNO RELIEF OVERSEAS (I) PVT LTD M.K. EXIM (INDIA) LIMITED STREAMFLOW POLYWEAVE PVT. LTD. KITCHEN ESSENTIALS ANAND INTERNATIONAL INDO-DANE TEXTILE INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. PARKASH WOOLEN INDUSTRIES BALDEV WOOLLEN INTERNATIONAL TECHNO RELIEF OVERSEAS (I) PVT LTD ROOFING MATERIAL ROOFING MATERIAL SPECIALIZED DRUGS TYRES/ TYRE TUBES TYRES/ TYRE TUBES ANTENNAS/ ANTENNA ACCESSORIES COMPUTERS COMPUTERS GENERAL CARGO TRUCKS HF EQUIPMENT MISC COMPUTER EQUIP/SUPPL MISC OFFICE EQUIP MISC TELECOMS ACCESSORIES MOSQUITO NET MOTORIZED CYCLES NEEDLES/ SYRINGES NETWORK COMPONENTS / ACCESS REGISTRATION SUPPLIES SECURITY/ DETECTION EQUIP/ SUP TELECOMS ACC/ SMALL HARDWARE TYRES/ TYRE TUBES UHF EQUIPMENT VACCINES VHF EQUIPMENT COOKING STOVES DIESEL DIESEL FUELS (UNSPECIFIED) PASSENGER VEHICLES SOAP/CLEANING /HYGIENE SUPPLIE SOAP/CLEANING /HYGIENE SUPPLIE TERRAIN VEHICLES WATER TREATMENT EQUIP/ SUPPL WATER TREATMENT EQUIP/ SUPPL WATER TREATMENT EQUIP/ SUPPL WATER TREATMENT EQUIP/ SUPPL WATER TREATMENT EQUIP/ SUPPL BEDCLOTHES/ MATRESSES/ TOWELS BEDCLOTHES/ MATRESSES/ TOWELS BLANKETS CLOTHING COMPUTERS KITCHENWARE PREFABRICATED House PREPARED/ PRESERVED FOODS PREPARED/ PRESERVED FOODS PREPARED/ PRESERVED FOODS SOAP/CLEANING /HYGIENE SUPPLIE AGRICULTURAL VEHICLES BEDCLOTHES/ MATRESSES/ TOWELS BLANKETS BLANKETS BLANKETS CLOTHING CLOTHING CLOTHING COOKING STOVES DOMESTIC APPLIANCES DOMESTIC APPLIANCES FUELS (UNSPECIFIED) FUELS (UNSPECIFIED) FUELS (UNSPECIFIED) PREPARED/ PRESERVED FOODS PREPARED/ PRESERVED FOODS SOAP/CLEANING /HYGIENE SUPPLIE TONERS/ RIBBONS/ CARTRIDGES TYRES/ TYRE TUBES WATER CANS WATER CANS WATER CANS WATER COOLED POWER GENERATORS WATER PIPES/ RELATED SUPPLIERS WATER PIPES/ RELATED SUPPLIERS WATER PUMPS WATER TANK/ WATER CONTAINERS LAMP/ LAMP COMPONENTS PERSONAL SAFETY/ PROTECTION TELECOMS ACC/ SMALL HARDWARE MISC MEDICAL SUPPLIES MISC TELECOMS ACCESSORIES OFFICE SUPPLIES PREPARED/ PRESERVED FOODS SATELLITE EQUIP/ ACCESSORIES TELECOMS ACC/ SMALL HARDWARE VHF EQUIPMENT PREPARED/ PRESERVED FOODS BEDCLOTHES/ MATRESSES/ TOWELS BEDCLOTHES/ MATRESSES/ TOWELS BLANKETS BLANKETS COMPUTERS DIESEL HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE/EQUIPMENT PETROL/BENZINE AIR COOLED POWER GENERATORS ARMOURED VEHICLES COOKING STOVES GENERAL CARGO TRUCKS GENERAL CARGO TRUCKS MINIBUSES/ BUSES SPARE PARTS/ ACCESSORIES SPARE PARTS/ ACCESSORIES SPARE PARTS/ ACCESSORIES PERSONAL CARE PRODUCTS PREPARED/ PRESERVED FOODS FIRE PROTECTION SECURITY/ DETECTION EQUIP/ SUP DIESEL PETROL/BENZINE BEDCLOTHES/ MATRESSES/ TOWELS BEDCLOTHES/ MATRESSES/ TOWELS BEDCLOTHES/ MATRESSES/ TOWELS BEDCLOTHES/ MATRESSES/ TOWELS BEDCLOTHES/ MATRESSES/ TOWELS BLANKETS BLANKETS BLANKETS BLANKETS BLANKETS BLANKETS 157 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO Value USD 95,367.00 81,000.00 216,401.00 64,828.00 63,000.00 172,022.01 6,426,691.37 1,781,727.00 167,302.72 421,718.45 39,354.50 38,452.06 31,528.50 1,003,289.00 238,174.66 41,737.80 137,559.14 34,359.54 48,900.00 87,572.47 67,828.00 33,923.10 512,515.93 190,198.10 32,768.36 54,760.16 40,042.38 209,603.40 35,203.00 68,361.58 67,570.62 233,156.00 134,440.68 94,598.76 56,065.08 49,717.51 47,295.31 187,060.00 71,669.48 62,176.17 74,847.83 37,160.00 109,075.63 117,600.00 609,490.89 403,893.86 48,724.75 196,871.62 51,397.70 236,611.35 393,653.66 148,204.79 56,770.86 148,534.47 70,183.43 40,350.62 294,314.97 794,847.19 66,452.83 904,235.66 340,919.75 280,962.62 805,012.00 106,910.77 892,003.71 42,211.42 43,878.35 166,069.25 58,461.54 34,709.75 35,966.04 127,202.27 31,242.60 38,000.00 31,672.68 88,785.33 584,428.14 105,082.66 43,184.68 134,246.76 40,871.93 2,676,217.04 48,407.00 77,664.56 654,695.91 45,412.50 86,128.05 46,993.86 42,634.15 38,987.73 33,180.00 149,316.13 225,733.69 76,889.60 280,719.83 1,654,771.43 615,409.68 1,256,705.15 166,902.32 72,280.00 205,579.67 164,634.56 85,128.21 37,248.00 187,675.31 34,870.67 80,000.53 86,579.08 33,607.17 246,960.00 141,400.00 108,268.96 63,580.00 33,741.00 1,610,185.50 1,016,969.32 812,988.80 445,219.20 327,231.00 289,360.50 Major Orders for Goods Placed by Agency During 2011 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of Supplier UNHCR Continued India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India Iran, Islamic Republic of Iran, Islamic Republic of Iran, Islamic Republic of Iran, Islamic Republic of Iran, Islamic Republic of Iran, Islamic Republic of Iran, Islamic Republic of Iran, Islamic Republic of Iran, Islamic Republic of Iran, Islamic Republic of Iran, Islamic Republic of Iran, Islamic Republic of Iran, Islamic Republic of Iran, Islamic Republic of Iran, Islamic Republic of Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Ireland Ireland Ireland Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Name of Supplier Description of Goods D.M. SYSTEMS PVT LTD VANDANA LOGISTICS PRIYANKA (INDIA) PVT LTD TECHNO RELIEF OVERSEAS (I) PVT LTD INDIA IMPEX EASTERN SURGICAL COMPANY GRAPHIC SYSTEMS PVT LTD SUN SHINE ENTERPRISES KITCHEN ESSENTIALS INDO-DANE TEXTILE INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. TOYOP RELIEF PVT LTD TECHNO TARP & POLIMERS PVT LTD HEXAGON NUTRITION PVT. LTD. INDIA IMPEX TOYOP RELIEF PVT LTD SHADILAON NOBAFT COMPANY SANAYE BARTAR KESHVAR SINA COMPUTER CENTER IRAN KHODRO OGHAB AFSHAN INDUSTRIAL & MODIRIYAT TAJHIZAT PEZESHKI IRAN TECHNIC BARTAR JAHANGIR ARIA COMMERCIAL COMPANY SANAYE BARTAR KESHVAR SANAT SAZAN MOSALAT YAZD SINA COMPUTER CENTER MARKAZEH NOO AVARIHAYEH AMOOZESHI SANAYE BARTAR KESHVAR IRTOYA CO. SANAYE BARTAR KESHVAR Abnaa Al Abdully company AL HELAL CO FOR FOAM HEMN Group (IRQ) Company Gulf Land General Trading Al Sami General Trade Company Ltd Jawharat Al- Bakhet Automotive Trading Abnaa Al Abdully company Abnaa Al Abdully company GOV Ireland - Irish Aid GOV Ireland - Irish Aid GOV Ireland - Irish Aid COELMO The UN WORLD FOOD PROGRAMME The UN WORLD FOOD PROGRAMME GOV Italy - DGCS/MFA - Emergency Office COELMO TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION J. GERBER AND COMPANY (JAPAN) LTD. TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION J. GERBER AND COMPANY (JAPAN) LTD. Dokuritsu-gyosei-hojin Kokusai Kyoryoku TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION J. GERBER AND COMPANY (JAPAN) LTD. Dokuritsu-gyosei-hojin Kokusai Kyoryoku TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION NISSAN TRADING CO., LTD. Dokuritsu-gyosei-hojin Kokusai Kyoryoku Horizons Engineering & Contracting Co. P International for foam and Mattresses Amer Juma Trading Est. ARAB MEDICAL & SCIENTIFIC ALLIANCE ANTEMINA INTERNATIONAL TRADE CO Protechnique Co. The Jordan Educational Company Al Mahmoudia Vehicle Trading Company ALBURJ PETROL STATION AL-SAHA for electrical systems Mahari Est. For Office Equipment Al Salam restaurant Food Security stores Security & Defense Technologies co. Baud Telecom Company Ltd AL ABOUD LIL SAYARAT Horizons Engineering & Contracting Co. P SPARTAN RELIEF SUPPLIES LIMITED MBUYU FARMS LTD SPECIALISED FIBREGLASS LTD TOYOTA KENYA LIMITED HASS PETROLEUM (K) LTD GALANA OIL KENYA LIMITED KAY-CONSULT INTERNATIONAL LTD POWERPOINT SYSTEMS (E.A) LTD DAVIS AND SHIRTLIFF CIRCUIT POWER LTD Ryce East Africa Ltd GENERAL MOTORS (KENYA) LTD. SPECIALISED FIBREGLASS LTD SAI RAJ LIMITED GENERAL MOTORS (KENYA) LTD. TOYOTA EAST AFRICA LIMITED KAY-CONSULT INTERNATIONAL LTD Ryce East Africa Ltd CALWIN AGENCIES SPARTAN RELIEF SUPPLIES LIMITED UNITED NATIONS OFFICE AT NAIROBI RELTEX TARPAULINS (AFRICA) EPZ LTD TECHNO RELIEF SERVICES PISU COMPANY LIMITED EDUCATE YOURSELF LIMITED TEXT BOOK CENTRE LTD SPARTAN RELIEF SUPPLIES LIMITED BIDCO OIL REFINERIES LIMITED DIAMOND INDUSTRIES LIMITED D. T. DOBIE AND CO (K) LTD CUSTOMER CARE AUTO SPARES AGENCIES GENERAL MOTORS (KENYA) LTD. Ryce East Africa Ltd PEGRUME LTD BUSINESS CONNEXION KENYA LTD KENYA TENTS LTD KINGSWAY TYRES LTD. DAVIS AND SHIRTLIFF A. A. ENTERPRISE AFRICA MOTORS (LIBERIA) INC. REELIN LIBERIA INC. UNITED NATIONS MISSION IN LIBERIA BEEVER COMMUNICATIONS INCORPORATED AFRICA MOTORS (LIBERIA) INC. THUNDER BIRD CORPORATION COMPUTERS KITCHENWARE KITCHENWARE KITCHENWARE LAMP/ LAMP COMPONENTS MISC MEDICAL SUPPLIES OFFICE FURNITURE OFFICE FURNITURE PACKAGING/ ARCHIVE EQUIP/ SUP PERSONAL CARE PRODUCTS PLASTIC PRODUCTS (SHEETS & ROL PLASTIC PRODUCTS (SHEETS & ROL PREPARED/ PRESERVED FOODS SOLAR GENERATORS/ SUPPLIES WATER BUCKET/ BASINE BLANKETS CLOTHING COMPUTERS MINIBUSES/ BUSES MINIBUSES/ BUSES MISC MEDICAL SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES PASSENGER VEHICLES PERSONAL CARE PRODUCTS PREFABRICATED House PRINTER/ PRINTER ACCESSORIES RECREATIONAL/PLAYGROUND EQUIP RECREATIONAL/PLAYGROUND EQUIP SAFETY/ RESCUE VEHICLE SOAP/CLEANING /HYGIENE SUPPLIE AIR CONDITIONING EQUIP/ SUPPL BEDCLOTHES/ MATRESSES/ TOWELS BEDCLOTHES/ MATRESSES/ TOWELS BEDCLOTHES/ MATRESSES/ TOWELS COOKING STOVES PASSENGER VEHICLES SOAP/CLEANING /HYGIENE SUPPLIE WATER CANS BEDCLOTHES/ MATRESSES/ TOWELS BLANKETS TENT/ CAMP/ OUTDOOR EQUIP/ ACC AIR COOLED POWER GENERATORS PREFABRICATED House PREFABRICATED Warehouse TENT/ CAMP/ OUTDOOR EQUIP/ ACC WATER COOLED POWER GENERATORS ARMOURED VEHICLES DELIVERY VEHICLES/ PICK-UPS MARINE EQUIPMENT MINIBUSES/ BUSES MOTORIZED CYCLES POWER GENERATORS SAFETY/ RESCUE VEHICLE SPARE PARTS/ ACCESSORIES TENT/ CAMP/ OUTDOOR EQUIP/ ACC TERRAIN VEHICLES TERRAIN VEHICLES WATER TANK/ WATER CONTAINERS AIR CONDITIONING EQUIP/ SUPPL BEDCLOTHES/ MATRESSES/ TOWELS COOKING STOVES MISC MEDICAL SUPPLIES MISC MEDICAL SUPPLIES MISC MEDICAL SUPPLIES OFFICE FURNITURE PASSENGER VEHICLES PETROL/BENZINE POWER CONVERSION/ STABILIZER RECREATIONAL/PLAYGROUND EQUIP REGISTRATION SUPPLIES REGISTRATION SUPPLIES SECURITY/ DETECTION EQUIP/ SUP TELEPHONY EQUIPMENT/ SUPPLIES TERRAIN VEHICLES WATER COOLED POWER GENERATORS BLANKETS BRICK-MAKING EQUIPMENT CLOTHING DELIVERY VEHICLES/ PICK-UPS DIESEL DIESEL ELECTRICAL SUPPL ELECTRICAL WIRES/ CABLES FUEL PUMPS GEN ACCESSORIES/ SPARE PARTS GENERAL CARGO TRUCKS GENERAL CARGO TRUCKS MARINE TRANSPORT MARINE TRANSPORT MINIBUSES/ BUSES MINIBUSES/ BUSES MISC TELECOMS ACCESSORIES MOTORIZED CYCLES PERSONAL CARE PRODUCTS PERSONAL CARE PRODUCTS PETROL/BENZINE PLASTIC PRODUCTS (SHEETS & ROL PLASTIC PRODUCTS (SHEETS & ROL PREPARED/ PRESERVED FOODS PRINTED MEDIA PRINTED MEDIA ROOFING MATERIAL SOAP/CLEANING /HYGIENE SUPPLIE SOAP/CLEANING /HYGIENE SUPPLIE SPARE PARTS/ ACCESSORIES SPARE PARTS/ ACCESSORIES TANKERS TANKERS TELEPHONY EQUIPMENT/ SUPPLIES TELEPHONY EQUIPMENT/ SUPPLIES TENT/ CAMP/ OUTDOOR EQUIP/ ACC TYRES/ TYRE TUBES WATER PUMPS AIR COOLED POWER GENERATORS DELIVERY VEHICLES/ PICK-UPS DELIVERY VEHICLES/ PICK-UPS DIESEL HF EQUIPMENT MOTORIZED CYCLES OILS 158 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO Value USD 57,717.82 3,112,781.40 2,319,619.68 142,450.00 953,050.50 42,334.95 64,479.53 33,396.82 45,000.00 132,660.00 1,458,937.50 738,427.80 75,000.00 57,000.00 34,772.64 147,362.60 30,008.70 115,936.71 255,625.23 148,192.55 109,540.31 103,930.70 106,455.18 77,165.25 71,974.98 47,373.84 141,138.47 134,912.47 211,471.78 33,438.27 567,000.00 1,485,650.40 950,000.00 632,700.00 864,000.00 264,500.00 299,997.00 61,600.00 74,400.00 78,370.00 40,544.00 315,532.32 202,801.83 111,664.01 60,967.50 971,255.55 1,396,171.20 1,735,027.96 44,699.86 201,283.70 55,560.98 97,811.48 1,393,152.62 58,726.06 321,075.10 11,615,614.42 414,943.82 50,069.36 47,457.63 625,500.00 49,435.03 239,504.64 62,711.86 42,410.00 131,405.36 40,000.00 37,627.12 52,118.64 60,440.68 36,228.79 32,262.29 77,980.23 31,640.00 36,800.00 47,200.00 908,017.20 66,820.00 86,526.03 1,909,863.20 4,470,248.96 894,564.38 72,650.00 94,433.33 54,785.10 66,480.18 1,479,586.00 996,848.00 191,700.00 69,750.00 919,952.00 43,612.00 76,350.00 51,336.90 102,605.47 69,750.00 39,888.90 669,820.00 548,400.00 2,183,999.13 312,535.21 58,774.77 530,000.00 1,122,125.00 460,350.00 107,665.80 30,066.56 485,768.00 165,820.56 142,293.85 51,956.08 42,385.71 121,196.60 134,271.78 51,000.00 532,800.00 378,300.00 1,009,549.96 37,020.00 265,000.00 44,131.60 Major Orders for Goods Placed by Agency During 2011 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of Supplier UNHCR Continued Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Malawi Malawi Malawi Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia Mauritania Mexico Mozambique Mozambique Mozambique Mozambique Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Norway Norway Norway Norway Norway Norway Norway Oman Oman Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Philippines Philippines Romania Rwanda Rwanda Rwanda Rwanda Rwanda Rwanda Senegal Serbia, Republic of Serbia, Republic of Serbia, Republic of Serbia, Republic of Serbia, Republic of Sierra Leone Somalia Somalia South Africa South Africa South Sudan Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Name of Supplier Description of Goods BUILDING MATERIALSCENTER, INC POWER TECH REELIN LIBERIA INC. AUTO SPARE SERVICE INC. MASTER TRADING CENTER BEEVER COMPANY INC. A.G. ABOO & CO ENGEN LTD YANKHO ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Federation of Reproductive Health Grolier (M) Sdn. Bhd. CHUAN GUAN SYSTEM SUPPLIES ETS ESSAVA - ESCGTP GINZA DEL PACIFICO THE UNITED NATIONS WORLD FOOD PROGRAMME BANDALI COMMERCIAL THE UNITED NATIONS WORLD FOOD PROGRAMME PEP MOÇAMBIQUE, LDA MYANMA PETROLEUM AND PRODUCTS ENTERPRISE Basin International Ltd Golden Bell Pharmacy Lucky Myanmar Hospital Care MYANMA PETROLEUM AND PRODUCTS ENTERPRISE Basin International Ltd Lucky Myanmar Hospital Care PREMIER MACHINERY TRADING CO. LTD. SANTPOORT PROJECT SUPPLIES INTERNATIONAL DISPENSARY ASSOCIATION (ID THE MEDICAL EXPORT GROUP BV IMRES THE MEDICAL EXPORT GROUP BV INTERNATIONAL DISPENSARY ASSOCIATION (ID AUTOCAR INTERNATIONAL BV VIZADA SANTPOORT PROJECT SUPPLIES COMPACT A.S. ROFI INDUSTRIES A/S O.B. WIIK AS RUBB HALL A/S W. GIERTSEN A/S COMPACT A.S. Government of Norway SAUD BAHWAN AUTOMOTIVE LLC SAUD BAHWAN AUTOMOTIVE LLC FMG SUPPLIES IMGC GLOBAL (PVT) LTD NATIONAL TENT HOUSE GOHAR TEXTILE MILLS PVT. LTD H. SHEIKH NOOR-UD-DIN AND SONS (PVT) LTD H. NIZAM DIN AND SONS LTD. Top Star Industries ( Pvt ) Limited MKB ENTERPRISES (PVT) LTD H. NIZAM DIN AND SONS LTD. NATIONAL TENT HOUSE H. SHEIKH NOOR-UD-DIN AND SONS (PVT) LTD IMGC GLOBAL (PVT) LTD PARAMOUNT TARPAULIN INDUSTRIES H. NIZAM DIN AND SONS LTD. ESSA KHAN FILLING STATION PAKISTAN STATE OIL NATIONAL TENT HOUSE DOGAR TRADING CORPORATION (Pvt) Ltd BARKAT ENTERPRISES (Pvt) Ltd PARAMOUNT TARPAULIN INDUSTRIES H. SHEIKH NOOR-UD-DIN AND SONS (PVT) LTD H. NIZAM DIN AND SONS LTD. ZAHRA TENT INDUSTRIES (PVT) LTD EDGRO (PRIVATE) LIMITED PARAMOUNT TARPAULIN INDUSTRIES ZAHRA TENT INDUSTRIES (PVT) LTD PARAMOUNT TARPAULIN INDUSTRIES MICROTECH ENGINEERING SERVICES PAK BUSINESS INTERNATIONAL MANSHA BROTHERS NATIONAL TENT HOUSE IMGC GLOBAL (PVT) LTD NATIONAL TENT HOUSE VPL LIMITED LONG ISLAND ENTERPRISE Medical Gallery Trading Co. INCHAPE MOTORS SRL HASS PETROLEUM RWANDA ENGEN ABACUS PHARMA (A) Ltd-Kigali - 2010 WFP ENGEN ERI-RWANDA PAPETERIE OUEST AFRICAINE REMOD sh.p.k NIS GAZPROM NEFT NNTP "AL-TRADE" Agro Trade NPT SHPK NTP JAPAN PARTS ICT TRAINING COMPLEX Samatar Petroleum Station Ahmed Sudi Transportation and Clearance HYDRAFORM AFRICA TUNING FORK (PTY) LTD DIESEL GENERATORS COMPANY SOUTH SUDAN GOV Spain - AECID REDONDO Y GARCIA S.A. FUNDICION DUCTIL FABREGAS SA GOV Spain - AECID GOV Spain - AECID Hainan Lanka Co. PVT Ltd Suriyages Ltd GIAD TRACTORS & AGRICULTURE EQUIPMENT CO STEPHEN KUTENG DANGA PETROCITY ENTERPRISES UNITED NATIONS MISSION IN SUDAN MAHMOUD ADAM ALI MOHAMMED COMPUTER VISION LIMITED ABDALLA KHATIR MOHAMED FAKI CIVICON LIMITED Abdel Rahim Hussain Transport & Eng. AL-SAHM ENGINEERING, CONSTRACTING LTD El Manara Store MERIT GROUP TAWFIG SOAP FACTORY MERIT GROUP PLASTIC PRODUCTS (SHEETS & ROL POWER GENERATORS SAFETY/ RESCUE VEHICLE SPARE PARTS/ ACCESSORIES SPARE PARTS/ ACCESSORIES WATER COOLED POWER GENERATORS BLANKETS COOKING STOVES WATER PIPES/ RELATED SUPPLIERS INJECTABLE MEDICINES PRINTED MEDIA PRINTER/ PRINTER ACCESSORIES RICE TERRAIN VEHICLES BEANS BLANKETS MAIZE/CORN MOSQUITO NET DIESEL MISC MEDICAL SUPPLIES MISC MEDICAL SUPPLIES MISC MEDICAL SUPPLIES PETROL/BENZINE TENT/ CAMP/ OUTDOOR EQUIP/ ACC WATER BUCKET/ BASINE WATER COOLED POWER GENERATORS GEN ACCESSORIES/ SPARE PARTS MISC DRUGS MISC DRUGS MISC MEDICAL SUPPLIES MISC MEDICAL SUPPLIES MISC MEDICAL SUPPLIES OTHER SPECIALIZED VEHICLES SATELLITE EQUIP/ ACCESSORIES SPARE PARTS/ ACCESSORIES BISCUITES PERSONAL SAFETY/ PROTECTION PREFABRICATED Warehouse PREFABRICATED Warehouse PREFABRICATED Warehouse PREPARED/ PRESERVED FOODS TENT/ CAMP/ OUTDOOR EQUIP/ ACC SPARE PARTS/ ACCESSORIES TYRES/ TYRE TUBES BEDCLOTHES/ MATRESSES/ TOWELS BEDCLOTHES/ MATRESSES/ TOWELS BEDCLOTHES/ MATRESSES/ TOWELS BEDCLOTHES/ MATRESSES/ TOWELS BEDCLOTHES/ MATRESSES/ TOWELS BEDCLOTHES/ MATRESSES/ TOWELS BEDCLOTHES/ MATRESSES/ TOWELS BEDCLOTHES/ MATRESSES/ TOWELS BLANKETS BLANKETS BLANKETS BLANKETS BLANKETS CLOTHING DIESEL DIESEL KITCHENWARE KITCHENWARE KITCHENWARE KITCHENWARE KITCHENWARE KITCHENWARE MOSQUITO NET MOSQUITO NET MOSQUITO NET PERSONAL CARE PRODUCTS PLASTIC PRODUCTS (SHEETS & ROL PREFABRICATED House PREPARED/ PRESERVED FOODS SECURITY/ DETECTION EQUIP/ SUP TENT/ CAMP/ OUTDOOR EQUIP/ ACC WATER BUCKET/ BASINE WATER BUCKET/ BASINE WATER COOLED POWER GENERATORS AGRICULTURE/ GARDEN TOOLS SOAP/CLEANING /HYGIENE SUPPLIE TERRAIN VEHICLES DIESEL DIESEL MISC DRUGS MISC OFFICE EQUIP OILS SOAP/CLEANING /HYGIENE SUPPLIE OFFICE FURNITURE HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE/EQUIPMENT PETROL/BENZINE PREFABRICATED House PREPARED/ PRESERVED FOODS SPARE PARTS/ ACCESSORIES SECURITY/ DETECTION EQUIP/ SUP PETROL/BENZINE TERRAIN VEHICLES BRICK-MAKING EQUIPMENT MOTORIZED CYCLES WATER COOLED POWER GENERATORS KITCHENWARE LAMP/ LAMP COMPONENTS MEASURING/TESTING EQUIP/ SUPPL PLASTIC PRODUCTS (SHEETS & ROL TENT/ CAMP/ OUTDOOR EQUIP/ ACC SPARE PARTS/ ACCESSORIES TOOL KITS AGRICULTURAL VEHICLES AGRICULTURE/ GARDEN TOOLS DIESEL DIESEL FUELS (UNSPECIFIED) NETWORK COMPONENTS / ACCESS OFFICE FURNITURE PREFABRICATED House PREFABRICATED House PREFABRICATED Warehouse PREPARED/ PRESERVED FOODS ROOFING MATERIAL SOAP/CLEANING /HYGIENE SUPPLIE STRUCTURAL MATERIALS ( TIMBER, 159 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO Value USD 82,600.00 35,600.00 58,500.00 46,185.00 36,193.00 70,000.00 40,849.08 39,787.40 92,279.40 37,321.78 30,866.14 36,230.03 32,957.75 42,282.49 57,600.00 47,169.81 131,332.00 52,830.19 61,500.00 297,715.56 76,391.64 34,850.37 76,000.00 113,835.34 31,640.33 34,962.96 119,115.55 835,230.81 610,662.53 425,683.78 201,717.93 47,409.51 216,000.00 62,275.00 70,758.67 983,841.87 151,089.27 193,117.16 136,800.00 99,000.00 101,226.04 90,165.74 987,195.29 477,882.00 1,454,017.56 865,777.31 97,939.38 78,075.16 67,701.13 66,513.24 64,399.07 30,243.20 1,187,359.92 1,081,253.38 451,816.49 292,344.53 162,512.00 131,501.70 113,676.73 106,803.85 429,453.10 377,210.22 291,905.07 80,686.56 74,639.25 74,639.20 80,085.99 47,294.94 44,928.00 265,852.63 238,096.23 59,342.84 398,682.56 136,997.23 10,042,146.50 80,232.17 51,492.47 47,902.32 34,293.55 180,655.03 30,960.56 189,945.67 140,033.50 133,159.40 50,825.42 34,215.67 98,468.42 31,267.79 35,177.33 124,604.79 134,762.18 30,037.11 80,902.25 33,134.19 40,812.00 70,000.00 143,040.00 54,624.20 84,400.00 50,349.60 106,977.60 59,863.57 40,747.50 34,475.70 67,895.53 74,022.08 249,516.28 71,916.67 623,600.55 96,000.00 32,241.67 89,275.67 90,277.78 136,000.00 37,917.24 60,000.00 143,382.35 175,129.76 47,500.00 516,550.16 Major Orders for Goods Placed by Agency During 2011 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of Supplier UNHCR Continued Sudan Sudan Sweden Sweden Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Syrian Arab Republic Syrian Arab Republic Syrian Arab Republic Syrian Arab Republic Syrian Arab Republic Syrian Arab Republic Syrian Arab Republic Syrian Arab Republic Syrian Arab Republic Syrian Arab Republic Syrian Arab Republic Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Togo Togo Togo Tunisia Tunisia Tunisia Tunisia Tunisia Tunisia Tunisia Tunisia Tunisia Tunisia Tunisia Tunisia Tunisia Tunisia Tunisia Tunisia Tunisia Tunisia Tunisia Tunisia Tunisia Tunisia Tunisia Tunisia Tunisia Tunisia Tunisia Tunisia Tunisia Tunisia Turkey Turkey Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom Name of Supplier Description of Goods DIESEL GENERATORS COMPANY LTD DIESEL GENERATOR CO. LTD. VOLVO TRUCK CORPORATION BIAB INTERNATIONAL AB COWISA SA TELECOM SYSTEMS SA PRIMELCO SYSTEM DEVICE AG UNICEF SWISSCOM (Switzerland) Ltd VESTERGAARD FRANDSEN GROUP DOORS COMPUTER S.A. ARP DATACON AG VESTERGAARD FRANDSEN GROUP W. GIERTSEN HALLSYSTEM AS BADGECOM GMBH ROSCHI RHODE & SCHWARZ AG ABDT MORCIANO VICTORINOX COWISA SA ORACLE SOFTWARE GMBH VHF Technologies SA SWISSCOM (Switzerland) Ltd ALBION TRADE & COMMERCE LLC DSM NUTRITIONAL PRODUCTS EUROPE LTD Walid & Nabil & Mhd Khaled Rankousi Alsaady Trading Company L.T.D ALAMIN MEDICAL INSTRUMENTS CO. SHURBAJI, Anas SAMER GHOSSEN TRADING COMPANY SABBAGH & DAKER CO. Al-Amir Co for Food Products/Al Amir Lil NEW MACHINARY CO. KASSEM IT National Business Machines Walid & Nabil & Mhd Khaled Rankousi RICOH (THAILAND) LIMITED K.S.K TEXTILE (1989) CO.,LTD. RUBIA INDUSTRIES LTD. RMA Automotive Company Limited VORACHAK YONT CO., LTD. CFAO TOGO ETS NIMEL-CO ETS MONZONLA Tunisianne Materiel Technique MATHOTEL JERBA STE EL MANARA DISTRIBUTION ET COMMERCE SUPER MOUSSE ULYGROS BECHIR BOUABIDI BRAIN INFORMATIQUE NDARI INDUSTRIES DU BOIS ET DE L'AME BSB - SA SOCIETE LE MOTEUR DIESEL STE EL MANAR DISTRIBUTION COMMERCE MEDITEC - DOMISANTE RIMPEX SARL GEMCO MEDIBIO INSTRUMENT SA UNIVERSAL MEDICAL GEMI SELIM SARL SOCIETE ENNAKL SOCIETE EL WIFACK FLORUS DISTRIBUTION ISOLMETAL ULYGROS MAGRO DISTRIBUTION ABICHOU ENTREPOT FRIGORIFIQUE ZARZIS STE EL MANAR DISTRIBUTION COMMERCE BOULANGERIE HEDI CHARRAD BSB - SA STIS NEGOCE TRAVAUX PUBLIC INTRA BILISIM A.S. KOLEKSIYON MOBILYA SANAYI A.S. MANTRAC PHENIX LOGISTICS UGANDA LTD PHILU (UGANDA) LTD TOTAL UGANDA LIMITED PRECISE CHEMICALS TOYOTA UGANDA LTD TECHNOLOGY FOR TOMORROW LTD RELIEFLINE UGANDA LTD TOYOTA UGANDA LTD COMPUTER VISION LTD CITY TYRES RELIEFLINE UGANDA LTD JACKYS GULF FZE N-R-S INTERNATIONAL - FZE O.K.I. GENERAL TRADING LLC O.K.I. GENERAL TRADING LLC PEACOCK ELECTROMECHANICAL TRADING CO LLC AL TASAHEEL (ASP) TRADING LLC PEACOCK ELECTROMECHANICAL TRADING CO LLC Al Futtaim Trading Co. LLC N-R-S INTERNATIONAL - FZE N-R-S INTERNATIONAL - FZE WESTERN AUTO LLC WESTERN AUTO LLC AMAZON AUTO PARTS L.L.C. AL TASAHEEL (ASP) TRADING LLC O.K.I. GENERAL TRADING LLC VAN VLIET XL GROUP FZE UNITED MERCANTILE RESOURCES FZC PEACOCK ELECTROMECHANICAL TRADING CO LLC VAN VLIET XL GROUP FZE N-R-S INTERNATIONAL - FZE WESTERN AUTO LLC LANDMARK RESOURCES FZCO RVB INTERNATIONAL LTD JACKYS GULF FZE AL TASAHEEL (ASP) TRADING LLC ARMOURED PROJECT VEHICLE TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD GOV United Kingdom - DFID TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD STAR PROJECT VEHICLES LTD TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD HESCO BASTION LTD. WATER COOLED POWER GENERATORS WATER COOLED POWER GENERATORS GENERAL CARGO TRUCKS WATER CANS CLOTHING COMPUTERS MISC COMPUTER EQUIP/SUPPL MISC MEDICAL SUPPLIES MISC TELECOMS ACCESSORIES MOSQUITO NET NETWORK COMPONENTS / ACCESS OFFICE SUPPLIES PLASTIC PRODUCTS (SHEETS & ROL PREFABRICATED Warehouse PRINTER/ PRINTER ACCESSORIES SATELLITE EQUIP/ ACCESSORIES SATELLITE EQUIP/ ACCESSORIES SIGNAGE/ PI ACCESSORIES SIGNAGE/ PI ACCESSORIES SOFTWARE SOLAR GENERATORS/ SUPPLIES TELEPHONY EQUIPMENT/ SUPPLIES TERRAIN VEHICLES VITAMINS/ MINERALS BEDCLOTHES/ MATRESSES/ TOWELS MINIBUSES/ BUSES MISC MEDICAL SUPPLIES MISC MEDICAL SUPPLIES PERSONAL CARE PRODUCTS PERSONAL CARE PRODUCTS PREPARED/ PRESERVED FOODS PREPARED/ PRESERVED FOODS PRINTER/ PRINTER ACCESSORIES SECURITY/ DETECTION EQUIP/ SUP SOAP/CLEANING /HYGIENE SUPPLIE COMPUTERS PERSONAL CARE PRODUCTS SOAP/CLEANING /HYGIENE SUPPLIE SPARE PARTS/ ACCESSORIES TERRAIN VEHICLES DELIVERY VEHICLES/ PICK-UPS PREPARED/ PRESERVED FOODS PREPARED/ PRESERVED FOODS AGRICULTURAL VEHICLES AIR CONDITIONING EQUIP/ SUPPL BEANS BEDCLOTHES/ MATRESSES/ TOWELS BEVERAGES CLOTHING COMPUTERS CONSTRUCTION SUPPORT EQUIPMENT DELIVERY VEHICLES/ PICK-UPS DUMP TRUCKS/TRAILERS LENTILS MISC MEDICAL SUPPLIES MISC MEDICAL SUPPLIES MISC MEDICAL SUPPLIES MISC MEDICAL SUPPLIES MISC MEDICAL SUPPLIES MISC MEDICAL SUPPLIES MISC MEDICAL SUPPLIES PASSENGER VEHICLES PERSONAL CARE PRODUCTS PERSONAL CARE PRODUCTS PREFABRICATED House PREPARED/ PRESERVED FOODS PREPARED/ PRESERVED FOODS PREPARED/ PRESERVED FOODS PREPARED/ PRESERVED FOODS PREPARED/ PRESERVED FOODS SAFETY/ RESCUE VEHICLE SOAP/CLEANING /HYGIENE SUPPLIE STRUCTURAL BUILDING PRODUCTS / COMPUTERS OFFICE FURNITURE AGRICULTURE/FARM EQUIP CLOTHING CONCRETE/ CEMENT/ PLASTER DIESEL MISC DRUGS MOTORIZED CYCLES PERSONAL CARE PRODUCTS PLASTIC PRODUCTS (SHEETS & ROL TERRAIN VEHICLES TONERS/ RIBBONS/ CARTRIDGES TYRES/ TYRE TUBES WATER CANS AIR COOLED POWER GENERATORS BLANKETS BLANKETS DUMP TRUCKS/TRAILERS GENERAL CARGO TRUCKS INSECTICIDE/SPRAYER MATERIAL HANDLING EQUIP OFFICE FURNITURE PACKAGING/ ARCHIVE EQUIP/ SUP PLASTIC PRODUCTS (SHEETS & ROL PUBLIC SAFETY/ CONTROL SPARE PARTS/ ACCESSORIES SPARE PARTS/ ACCESSORIES SPARE PARTS/ ACCESSORIES SPARE PARTS/ ACCESSORIES SPARE PARTS/ ACCESSORIES SPARE PARTS/ ACCESSORIES TANKERS TANKERS TENT/ CAMP/ OUTDOOR EQUIP/ ACC TONERS/ RIBBONS/ CARTRIDGES TYRES/ TYRE TUBES WATER BUCKET/ BASINE WATER COOLED POWER GENERATORS WATER COOLED POWER GENERATORS ARMOURED VEHICLES ARMOURED VEHICLES BLANKETS DELIVERY VEHICLES/ PICK-UPS GENERAL CARGO TRUCKS MINIBUSES/ BUSES OTHER SPECIALIZED VEHICLES PERSONAL SAFETY/ PROTECTION 160 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO Value USD 117,000.00 108,500.00 495,870.35 40,500.00 44,660.00 477,656.00 42,471.00 663,017.07 41,907.97 521,692.00 54,981.99 127,388.54 101,250.00 54,000.00 159,475.50 94,266.68 84,305.10 31,008.68 30,038.28 157,253.32 36,039.87 396,904.99 34,000.00 65,577.60 226,595.00 48,000.00 74,198.31 59,841.00 75,820.00 31,500.00 443,943.23 89,323.69 40,162.14 70,993.91 130,401.00 38,789.09 280,716.34 98,250.72 39,275.00 68,963.64 33,804.86 408,737.96 46,424.77 64,102.94 32,647.06 80,955.22 33,695.65 83,823.53 147,235.38 45,165.44 47,708.03 78,000.00 78,942.63 112,720.59 254,488.00 225,280.11 99,887.96 97,983.19 50,840.34 41,176.47 33,613.45 45,527.07 88,235.29 68,792.41 338,383.14 253,056.41 139,596.37 112,941.18 96,420.74 38,516.40 61,252.89 50,844.15 149,781.02 107,119.00 67,213.11 99,700.00 50,651.09 33,650.32 74,999.60 31,861.15 35,000.00 145,985.70 142,600.00 241,970.00 41,205.00 137,477.67 65,080.65 48,837.00 564,143.75 277,598.40 65,050.00 337,474.00 71,050.00 155,346.00 30,496.44 34,500.00 1,017,071.50 145,250.14 331,839.57 81,180.20 67,847.50 54,367.45 51,737.50 50,800.00 365,664.00 45,066.67 26,692,111.88 99,234.50 62,153.50 55,123.20 104,195.00 96,450.00 337,146.32 34,470.66 165,600.00 555,153.54 440,640.34 242,747.07 98,527.50 1,558,844.83 Major Orders for Goods Placed by Agency During 2011 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of Supplier UNHCR Continued United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Republic of Tanzania United Republic of Tanzania United Republic of Tanzania United Republic of Tanzania United Republic of Tanzania United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America Western Sahara Yemen Yemen Yemen Yemen Yemen Yemen Yemen Yemen Yemen Yemen Zambia Zambia Zambia Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Zimbabwe UNICEF Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Albania Albania Albania Albania Algeria Algeria Angola Angola Angola Angola Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Armenia Australia Australia Australia Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Belarus Belarus Belarus Belgium Name of Supplier Description of Goods F.G. WILSON (ENGINEERING) LTD OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD CTEQ LTD Vocus Europe Ltd EUROCONTROLS AUTOMATION INC. GOV United Kingdom - DFID TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD CTEQ LTD F.G. WILSON (ENGINEERING) LTD DESMI LTD PALINTEST LIMITED Wagtech Projects Ltd. SUNFLAG (TANZANIA) LIMITED MWATEX (2001) LTD ENGEN PETROLEUM (TANZANIA) LTD NET HEALTH LIMITED SOAP AND ALLIED INDUSTRIES LIMITED UNFPA CISCO SYSTEMS INC PRECISION DYNAMICS CORPORATION EMERGING MARKETS COMMUNICATIONS INC ASTROPHYSICS INC MINURSO Furniture Al-Awadi MOHAMMED FARA'A ABDO SPONG MANUFACTURE Furniture Al-Awadi Furniture Al-Awadi MARES OTHMAN ABDO AHMED INTER'L FOR TRADE CONST, & SERVICES LTD SAMADAN STORES Automotive & Machinery Trading Center AMIN HAMID ALI ALAWADHY THE SILVER FILTER COMPANY, LTD. PUMA ENERGY ZAMBIA PLC PRO PRINT LIMITED WORLD FOOD PROGRAMME ZAMBIA FERTS SEED AND GRAIN (PVT) LTD MANA FOODS (PVT) LTD FERTS SEED AND GRAIN (PVT) LTD NATIONAL FOODS LIMITED POWER GENERATORS PRINTED MEDIA SAFETY/ RESCUE VEHICLE SATELLITE EQUIP/ ACCESSORIES SOFTWARE TELECOMS ACC/ SMALL HARDWARE TENT/ CAMP/ OUTDOOR EQUIP/ ACC TERRAIN VEHICLES VHF EQUIPMENT WATER COOLED POWER GENERATORS WATER TANK/ WATER CONTAINERS WATER TREATMENT EQUIP/ SUPPL WATER TREATMENT EQUIP/ SUPPL CLOTHING CLOTHING DIESEL MOSQUITO NET SOAP/CLEANING /HYGIENE SUPPLIE CONTRACEPTIVES NETWORK COMPONENTS / ACCESS REGISTRATION EQUIP SATELLITE EQUIP/ ACCESSORIES SECURITY/ DETECTION EQUIP/ SUP AVIATION FUEL AGRICULTURE/ GARDEN TOOLS BEDCLOTHES/ MATRESSES/ TOWELS BEDCLOTHES/ MATRESSES/ TOWELS FISHING NET/ TRAPS/RELATED GEA PSYCHOTROPIC/NARCOTIC DRUGS REGISTRATION EQUIP SOAP/CLEANING /HYGIENE SUPPLIE TERRAIN VEHICLES WATER PUMPS WATER TREATMENT EQUIP/ SUPPL DIESEL PERSONAL CARE PRODUCTS PREPARED/ PRESERVED FOODS MAIZE/CORN MAIZE/CORN SEEDS/ BULBS/ SEEDLINGS VEGETABLE OIL New Jabel Saraj Transport National Fuel Inc. Kandahar Ariana Petrol Pump Milad Aruoby Store Humaira Ayoub Logistic Services Eisa Jawid Haji Karim Shah Karimi Co Ltd Faiz Nawaey Construction Co. (Fncc) National Fuel Inc. Afghan Profissional Printers Baheer Computer And Printing Co. Ltd Afghan Profissional Printers Ahmad Printing Press, Kabul High Standard Pipe Bnt Electronics Gsa - Grupi Sistemeve Automatike Pegi - Shtepia Botuese & Shtypshkronja Gurten Sh.P.K. RF Burotic Sigma Solution Maianga Produes Culturais, Lda Organizaes Sanysabel EAL - Edicoes De Angola, Lda. Maianga Produes Culturais, Lda Cursorgroup Srl Only Ch Srl Egidio Valentn Giuliani S.A. Tokioba S.H. De Fabian Bonaldo Y Karina Bonaldo Manifesto Argentina Srl Auditron S.A. Anselmo L. Morvillo S.A. Ediciones Emede S.A Impresos Garbarino Hnos. S.A. Baires Print S.A. S.A. La Nacion Dicopack S.A. Printinfo Jv Llc Codan Limited Bmdi Tuta Healthcare Pty Limited Mono Pumps (Australia) Pty. Ltd. Berger Paints Bangladesh Limited Western Engineering Co. Gazi Enterprise Papyrus International Executive Technologies Ltd. Flora Ltd. Thakral Information Systems Private Limited Design Plus Limited AQ Chowdhury Science & Synergy (Pvt) Ltd. Partex Furniture Industries Limited Babel Corporation Ltd. Square Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Renata Limited Evergreen Printing And Packaging Intergraphic Limited Bangladesh Progressive Enterprise Press Ltd. Sustainable Development Resource Center (SDRC) Laser Scan Limited Orchid Printers M. K. Printers And Packaging Andes Ltd Oboni Printing & Packaging Ltd. Goodwill Trade International Pvt Ltd. Masro Printing & Packaging Ltd Western Engineering Co. M/S. Sagir & Brothers Easy Traders Goodwill Trade International Pvt Ltd. Tara Tari Ltd. Project Director, Integrated Community Development Project (ICDP) Comilla Engineering & Casting Ltd Rangpur Foundry Ltd. Western Engineering Co. Icddr, B Belmedtorgservice Altiora - Vivid Colours Atlant-M Vostok Innogenetics N.V. Education Supplies Fuel & Lubricants Fuel & Lubricants IT & Office Supplies IT & Office Supplies IT & Office Supplies IT & Office Supplies IT & Office Supplies IT & Office Supplies IT & Office Supplies Printing Printing Printing Water and Sanitation IT & Office Supplies IT & Office Supplies Printing Printing Education Supplies IT & Office Supplies Communication Equip. Pharmaceuticals Printing Printing Communication Equip. Identific. & Signage IT & Office Supplies IT & Office Supplies IT & Office Supplies Medical Equipment Printing Printing Printing Printing Printing Water and Sanitation Printing Communication Equip. Medical Equipment Water and Sanitation Construction Nonwash Education Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies IT & Office Supplies IT & Office Supplies IT & Office Supplies IT & Office Supplies Laboratory Supplies Medical Equipment Medical Equipment Pharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals Printing Printing Printing Printing Printing Printing Printing Printing Printing Printing Printing Shelter/Field Equip. Shelter/Field Equip. Staff Supplies Transport Transport Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Medical Equipment Printing Transport Diagnostic Test Kits 161 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO Value USD 41,172.00 52,455.79 622,154.96 32,636.50 58,109.86 34,998.00 387,800.00 2,522,401.90 86,463.95 502,472.00 47,215.65 73,451.07 35,375.87 61,603.65 39,146.12 1,840,551.04 332,640.00 634,249.12 83,280.00 775,871.20 46,200.00 1,515,854.67 30,153.00 44,500.00 53,500.00 561,000.00 412,250.00 110,000.00 75,940.09 34,065.00 155,303.08 84,700.00 41,000.00 131,448.80 44,247.45 45,636.18 67,662.00 127,038.50 32,118.00 118,620.58 32,518.95 256,524.41 741,013.16 129,779.76 574,383.75 231,967.97 174,900.51 117,891.82 92,836.33 52,077.72 45,395.90 121,917.79 92,494.60 35,542.83 91,338.00 44,753.91 31,516.17 42,524.17 30,507.81 69,475.73 54,891.61 362,529.33 276,022.08 370,635.93 127,925.32 55,135.35 56,071.42 56,859.75 44,194.12 34,515.23 34,900.96 132,693.79 105,019.09 99,769.06 58,156.16 35,511.49 301,977.00 49,116.92 424,154.75 183,030.26 42,490.00 78,424.40 111,496.15 62,117.33 32,374.63 177,422.85 116,032.57 104,959.03 90,394.90 79,726.54 167,345.23 36,952.47 647,028.24 356,901.40 502,353.53 500,136.39 337,125.29 327,888.20 244,669.16 206,769.50 164,936.88 108,222.81 84,432.77 77,044.50 46,845.74 695,490.72 97,615.02 67,313.00 201,884.71 59,631.10 746,953.08 217,294.21 93,103.45 41,432.36 36,652.02 73,440.62 98,789.87 45,945.16 42,352.09 Major Orders for Goods Placed by Agency During 2011 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of Supplier UNICEF Continued Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belize Benin Benin Benin Benin Benin Benin Benin Benin Benin Benin Bhutan Bhutan Bhutan Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia and Herzegovina Botswana Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Bulgaria Burkina Faso Burkina Faso Burkina Faso Burkina Faso Burkina Faso Burkina Faso Burkina Faso Burkina Faso Burkina Faso Burkina Faso Burundi Burundi Burundi Burundi Burundi Burundi Burundi Burundi Cambodia Cambodia Cambodia Cambodia Cambodia Cambodia Cambodia Cambodia Cambodia Cambodia Cambodia Cameroon Cameroon Cameroon Cameroon Canada Canada Canada Central African Republic Central African Republic Central African Republic Central African Republic Central African Republic Chad Chad Chad Chad Chad Chad Chad Chad Chad Chad Chad Chad Chad Chad Chad Chad Chad Chile China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China Name of Supplier Description of Goods Cameleon IT Solutions Becton Dickinson International Becton Dickinson International Michiels Fabrieken N.V. Purna Pharmaceuticals N.V. Laboratoria Wolfs N.V. Glaxosmithkline Biologicals S.A. A. De Backer & Co Fer De Lance Productions Societe K. Marlou International Sar St Azar Jean Comptoir Beninois De Papier Lotus + Mater. Et Fournitures De Bureau St Tunde S.A. Sonacop Dankeza Magnificat Edition Imprimerie Minute - Sarl Prim'Etic Galing Printing & Desktop Publishing Children's Corner & Sales Jaigaon Steel Centre Confecciones Nova Macontex Majo Dell World Trade L.P. SPC Impresores Artes Grficas Sagitario S.R.L. Confecciones Nova Sociedad Comercial Juan Bautista Ltda. Confecciones Nova Alimplastic Doo Avdic 3A Infologic Arch Design D.O.O. Sarajevo Jordan Studio F-Autocentar Sa D.O.O. Printing And Publishing (Pty) Ltd Rohper Promocoes, Eventos E Empreendimentos Turisticos Ltd. Info Store Computadores Da Amazonia Ltda Editora Globo S.A. Pro Visual Grafica E Editora Ltda-Me Athalaia Grafica E Editora Ltda Grafica E Editora Brasil Ltda Paineis Servicos De Sinalizacao Ltda Bio-Manguinhos Marketing-V Ltd. S B F (Societe Bagagnan Et Fils) Azimut De Travaux Et Fournitures S B F (Societe Bagagnan Et Fils) Eniam-Btiment Sarl Spa Pro Buro Entreprise Koala Meuble De Luxe A.C.D - Adam'S Commerce & Distribution Le Mobilier Oubda Placide Projet De Production Internationale-Mali FGZ Trading Regie Des Productions Pedagogiques Engen Petroleum Burundi General Trading Services "G.T.S" Maimo Mex (Maison Electro Xerographie) Top Imprimerie Tramwex Utema Travhydro Burundi Banna Kea Cheat Total Cambodge Kim Heng Computer Center Neeka Ltd. Modern Printing Design 3D Graphics Publishing C. M. Y. K Printing & Advertising Production Makara Printing House Ouddompheap Advertising And Printing Co., Ltd Publishing & Distribution House Yamaha Motor (Cambodia) Company Limited Etablissement Pacific Action Compagnie Equatoriale Des Travaux Et D'Equipement (Ceteq) ETS Noumsi Et Fils Snob's Bazar Open Text Corporation Banner Pharmacaps (Canada) Ltd Intervax Savex LGR Services Total Centrafrique Vopijus L.T Services Semcogi Boutique Abbo Atelier Menuiserie Le Confort Salim Hassaballah Illustrator Service Continental Group Tidjani Ibrahim ETS Mahacog ETS M.H.M Julie Pudlowski Consulting Illustrator Service Aubaine Graphic Imprimerie Du Tchad E.G.C.A Continental Group ETS Mahacog ETS M.H.M Productora Grafica Andros Ltda Top Sources Trading Ltd. Haier Electrical Appliances Corp Lt Beijing Jialihengye International Trading Co., Ltd HIC International (Shanghai) Co.,Limited. Beiing Yijia Century Internet Technology Co., Ltd Beijing Bridge Telecom Tech. Co. Ltd Beijing Xintongjiu Science & Trade Co. Shanghai Kehua Bio-Engineering Co. Ningbo Binbin Stationery Co.,Ltd. Beijing Jia Yu Tong Trade Corporation Ltd Hangzhou Rongye Furniture Co. Ltd Tianjin Wantex Import & Export Co. Maxleaf Stationery Ltd. Hangzhou Cereal, Oils & Foodstuffs ITI Company (Shanghai) Ltd. IT & Office Supplies Laboratory Supplies Medical Renewable Nutrition Pharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals Vaccines/Biologicals Water and Sanitation Printing Bednets/Insecticides Education Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies Fuel & Lubricants Laboratory Supplies Printing Printing Printing Printing Shelter/Field Equip. Water and Sanitation Education Supplies Education Supplies IT & Office Supplies Printing Printing Shelter/Field Equip. Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Education Supplies IT & Office Supplies Printing Printing Transport Printing Education Supplies IT & Office Supplies Printing Printing Printing Printing Printing Vaccines/Biologicals Water and Sanitation Agriculture Education Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies IT & Office Supplies Printing Education Supplies Fuel & Lubricants IT & Office Supplies Printing Printing Printing Transport Water and Sanitation Education Supplies Fuel & Lubricants IT & Office Supplies IT & Office Supplies Printing Printing Printing Printing Printing Printing Transport Education Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies IT & Office Supplies Pharmaceuticals Vaccines/Biologicals Bednets/Insecticides Education Supplies Fuel & Lubricants Printing Printing Education Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies Identific. & Signage Pharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals Printing Printing Printing Printing Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Printing Clothing & Footwear Cold Chain Equipment Cold Chain Equipment Cold Chain Equipment Communication Equip. Communication Equip. Communication Equip. Diagnostic Test Kits Education Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies 162 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO Value USD 40,722.45 5,640,284.80 9,041,882.49 9,922,535.27 749,510.59 400,015.91 217,306,568.25 212,525.28 34,757.00 35,881.37 94,985.32 55,710.81 54,484.30 50,803.45 120,495.05 77,949.20 107,609.31 85,705.50 58,956.23 30,061.63 235,486.81 237,764.55 65,296.17 34,092.61 44,821.00 81,872.25 32,878.02 39,481.12 77,555.85 49,530.97 38,529.10 30,533.92 35,900.79 40,714.01 34,572.55 68,435.74 47,164.95 31,487.35 33,537.85 116,098.11 43,157.35 40,462.23 38,830.41 32,035.12 1,367,805.00 407,187.73 33,992.00 93,314.70 91,414.04 62,680.35 46,026.50 36,884.74 33,038.49 30,591.42 40,535.08 34,277.15 45,193.37 50,122.48 45,740.68 134,415.02 95,081.73 45,877.04 61,399.94 358,375.11 72,860.04 135,267.00 40,421.90 38,595.71 58,009.80 45,118.54 39,797.07 35,972.01 35,872.21 34,758.87 135,287.98 42,096.24 40,134.66 31,090.43 30,188.48 166,987.26 728,899.00 820,632.78 40,601.00 69,801.82 397,874.03 165,210.22 71,399.80 135,398.99 63,876.04 50,689.28 48,364.44 196,216.08 111,766.89 104,572.74 64,288.73 59,214.95 250,745.58 232,048.12 108,286.92 61,044.60 134,287.01 119,663.48 80,334.77 62,210.08 39,275.59 163,350.00 940,655.20 42,373.00 36,170.69 46,398.43 32,634.38 31,369.59 156,251.52 3,423,767.12 1,936,854.73 796,514.85 451,787.08 441,808.04 141,428.93 131,854.26 Major Orders for Goods Placed by Agency During 2011 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of Supplier UNICEF Continued China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China, Hong Kong China, Hong Kong Colombia Colombia Comoros Comoros Comoros Comoros Comoros Comoros Comoros Comoros Congo, Republic of Congo, Republic of Congo, Republic of Congo, Republic of Congo, Republic of Congo, Republic of Costa Rica Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Croatia Croatia Croatia Cuba Cuba Cuba Cuba Cuba Cuba Cuba Cuba Cuba Cuba Cuba the the the the the the PO Value USD Name of Supplier Description of Goods Atbaby Window International Trade (Beijing) Co., Ltd China Educational Instrument Top Sources Trading Ltd. Beijing Xinhua Bookstore, Wangfujing Branch Beijing Fuminghaotian China-Han Technical Development Corp. Jinhua Longtai Imp. & Exp. Trading Tianjin Yorkool International Hangzhou Cereal, Oils & Foodstuffs Bj 28 Shows Technology Co. Ltd. Shanghai Hewlett-Packard Co.,Ltd Beijing Yibo Shunda Technology And Services Co., Ltd Beijing Huatong Lifeng Science & Technology Co., Ltd Beijing Bridge Telecom Tech. Co. Ltd Dandong Land Trade Company Limited Dandong Sevsuns Trading Co. Ltd Beijing Xintongjiu Science & Trade Co. Dandong Zhongwei Industrial Trading Corporation Beijing Bio-Meditech Co., Ltd Beijing Global Links Medical Technology Ltd. Zhe Jiang Daji Medical Instrument Co. Ltd. China National Medical Equipment Co., Ltd Salt Research Institute, China National Salt Corp. Moneray International Ltd. China National Medical Equipment Co., Ltd Zhe Jiang Daji Medical Instrument Co. Ltd. Bj Zmxy Tech Development Co. Ltd. Beijing Fu Ming Hao Tian International Trade Co., Ltd Occupational Safety And Health (Beijing) Ltd ITI Company (Shanghai) Ltd. Qingdao Mehel International Qingdao Biomate Food Stuff Co. Ltd Haier Medical And Laboratory Products Co., Ltd Guilin Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd Peak International Trade (Tianjin) Xinjiang Int. Economic Cooperation Co. Northern International (Holding) Co., Ltd. Hainan Provincial Postal Business Correspondence Advertisement Bureau Dandong Zhongwei Industrial Trading Corporation Maxshow Printing Co. Ltd, Beijing Qingdao Gyoha Entech Co. Ltd. Beijing Fuminghaotian Xinjiang Int. Economic Cooperation Co. Jincheng Group Imp.& Exp., Co., Ltd Beijing Sanjiangjinke Auto Sales Co. Anhui Jianghuai Automobiles Co., Ltd Dandong Land Trade Company Limited Shanghai Pentagonal Mart Co.,Ltd. Xinjiang Int. Economic Cooperation Co. Dandong Sevsuns Trading Co. Ltd Dandong Land Trade Company Limited Xinjiang Int. Economic Cooperation Co. Top Sources Trading Ltd Northern International (Holding) Co., Ltd. Dandong Zhongwei Industrial Trading Corporation DOFCOM, Guangxi Euro Suisse International Limited A.Andrews & Co.(Mail Order) Ltd. Asia Microcomputadores Ltda. Editorial Gente Nueva Menuiserie Ramadhane Atelier Mohamed Socit Nouvelles De Construction/S.N.C Le Beau Al Anrif Construction Egemo Comor' Optic - New Bazar Euromarche Graphica Imprimerie Atelier Frere Alexandre Societe Momo Internationale CLO-Services ETS M&S Prodimpex - Sarl Co.Dis.Co Amde Computers Corporations, S.A. Unilever Cote D'Ivoire 2 B Pub Graphicolor S2Po Menuiserie Brou Sarl IDT (Innovation Design Technique) Acgim Avila Service Idigaz Total Cote D'Ivoire Multi Prestations Shell Cote D'Ivoire 2 B Pub E.C.M.C Entreprise Mida Entreprise Toure Moussa Ets Alpha Cfao Technologies Spiral (Sdipm) BBGC Medical Ets Toure Et Freres Esquisse Lonaci Print Kims Imprimerie Oceanic Industries S.A. Africauto Unilever Cote D'Ivoire Bernabe Ci Equip Gimat Stega Tisak D.O.O. Grafing Denona D.O.O. Intel Laboratory Investment Empresa Productora De Prefabricado De Granma Lusaka Panama S.A. Valco Import-Export S.A. Grupo Kapan Internacional S.A. Grupo Santa Monica Internacional S.A. Quattroeffe S.R.L. Edetra S.A. Quattroeffe S.R.L. Quattroeffe S.R.L. D'Vinni S.A. Education Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies Household Technology Identific. & Signage Identific. & Signage IT & Office Supplies IT & Office Supplies IT & Office Supplies IT & Office Supplies IT & Office Supplies IT & Office Supplies IT & Office Supplies IT & Office Supplies Laboratory Supplies Laboratory Supplies Laboratory Supplies Laboratory Supplies Laboratory Supplies Medical Equipment Medical Equipment Medical Equipment Medical Equipment Medical Kits Medical Renewable Medical Renewable Medical Renewable Nutrition Other Pharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals Printing Printing 117,768.08 106,423.36 59,029.60 33,818.14 32,745.60 31,692.10 30,282.84 1,097,800.00 1,078,755.00 32,311.32 156,231.43 142,344.08 98,100.57 43,332.54 35,475.47 34,674.00 33,733.03 30,234.72 280,754.72 143,257.71 40,050.00 39,899.21 35,836.00 269,250.00 254,844.13 82,513.83 38,672.80 42,674.53 104,189.47 92,207.20 44,870.00 307,835.91 98,994.36 1,881,573.10 104,832.00 244,388.30 214,823.40 Printing Printing Printing Shelter/Field Equip. Shelter/Field Equip. Shelter/Field Equip. Transport Transport Transport Transport Warehousing Warehousing Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Education Supplies IT & Office Supplies IT & Office Supplies Printing Education Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies Nutrition Nutrition Nutrition Printing Education Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies IT & Office Supplies Transport Water and Sanitation IT & Office Supplies Bednets/Insecticides Bednets/Insecticides Bednets/Insecticides Bednets/Insecticides Education Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies Fuel & Lubricants Fuel & Lubricants Fuel & Lubricants Fuel & Lubricants Fuel & Lubricants Identific. & Signage IT & Office Supplies IT & Office Supplies IT & Office Supplies IT & Office Supplies IT & Office Supplies IT & Office Supplies IT & Office Supplies IT & Office Supplies Printing Printing Printing Shelter/Field Equip. Transport Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Printing Printing Printing Communication Equip. Education Supplies Identific. & Signage Identific. & Signage IT & Office Supplies IT & Office Supplies IT & Office Supplies Laboratory Supplies Nutrition Other Printing 97,705.19 96,500.00 68,354.93 2,935,701.36 629,850.00 100,620.00 211,108.00 115,737.17 81,600.00 31,540.00 502,612.53 236,900.00 519,596.77 222,516.58 173,032.68 156,380.00 153,175.03 150,265.97 131,730.74 281,692.23 466,022.19 57,894.13 34,869.87 52,112.74 47,649.44 45,226.52 44,258.09 136,496.97 66,033.32 47,554.29 86,260.39 46,702.38 46,559.94 38,813.01 40,025.20 93,385.00 42,884.65 30,158.68 149,721.65 53,984.47 53,984.46 43,997.34 248,654.38 134,155.72 52,397.43 189,328.78 128,984.79 115,645.37 107,031.65 94,356.42 75,893.61 111,520.00 110,336.93 108,915.52 72,681.06 54,217.42 49,219.35 42,065.74 41,980.36 89,317.35 85,647.39 32,248.27 32,194.45 40,826.48 166,942.13 80,671.78 53,058.04 35,959.30 32,561.29 31,028.30 58,338.57 33,987.16 45,500.00 45,120.00 200,485.63 97,546.00 48,839.11 54,107.59 73,784.40 47,692.03 145,722.90 163 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement Major Orders for Goods Placed by Agency During 2011 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of Supplier UNICEF Continued Cuba Cuba Cuba Cyprus Czech Republic Czech Republic Democratic Rep. of the Congo Democratic Rep. of the Congo Democratic Rep. of the Congo Democratic Rep. of the Congo Democratic Rep. of the Congo Democratic Rep. of the Congo Democratic Rep. of the Congo Democratic Rep. of the Congo Democratic Rep. of the Congo Democratic Rep. of the Congo Democratic Rep. of the Congo Democratic Rep. of the Congo Democratic Rep. of the Congo Democratic Rep. of the Congo Democratic Rep. of the Congo Democratic Rep. of the Congo Democratic Rep. of the Congo Democratic Rep. of the Congo Democratic Rep. of the Congo Democratic Rep. of the Congo Democratic Rep. of the Congo Democratic Rep. of the Congo Democratic Rep. of the Congo Democratic Rep. of the Congo Democratic Rep. of the Congo Democratic Rep. of the Congo Democratic Rep. of the Congo Democratic Rep. of the Congo Democratic Rep. of the Congo Democratic Rep. of the Congo Democratic Rep. of the Congo Democratic Rep. of the Congo Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Djibouti Djibouti Djibouti Djibouti Djibouti Djibouti Djibouti Dominican Republic Dominican Republic Dominican Republic Dominican Republic Dominican Republic Dominican Republic East Timor East Timor East Timor East Timor East Timor East Timor East Timor East Timor Egypt Egypt Egypt Egypt Egypt Egypt Egypt Egypt Egypt El Salvador Eritrea Eritrea Eritrea Eritrea Eritrea Eritrea Eritrea Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Name of Supplier Description of Goods Molinos Trade S.A. Quattroeffe S.R.L. Comercial Figueroa S.R.L. Remedica Ltd. Papirny Brno A.S. Papirny Brno A.S. Ets Ndamwenge Maison M.L. La Colombiere Qunicaillerie Galaxy Ets La Victoire Business Ets Lokela - Papeterie Et Divers Menuiserie Des Beaux Arts Engen DRC Station I.B.B. United Petroleum/Katanga Station Petro Bunia Petrox Congo Prodimpex Amwili Sprl/Lubumbashi Kinpress (Imprimerie Typo-Ofset) Instaprint Societe Missionnaire De Saint Paul/Lubumbashi Bilem Impressions Adneyd AGB S.P.R.L. Akor Press Congo Graphic Prodimpex Cfao Motors (Ex-Afrima) Ital Motors Ets Tuku Tuku Quincaillerie Atlas Des Secteurs Maison M.L. ASF (Action De Sante Familiale) Cav Chagrovet Quincaillerie Rahim Societe Kotecha Vestfrost A/S H. Jessen Jrgensen A/S Danimex Communication A/S Garmin Danmark A/S Danoffice Aps Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics Aps Alulock Aps Gemini Koncept Huset A/S Atea A/S Canon Danmark A/S Peter Justesen Company A/S Av Center Lyreco A/S Ambu A/S Procurement Services Branch, Unfpa Johs. Gram-Hanssen A/S Dsm Nutritional Products A/S Chr. Bardram Health-Care Aps Kronlein Import & Export Agencies Dsm Nutritional Products A/S Smith & Nephew A/S Novo Nordisk A/S Kjaer Group A/S Statens Serum Institut Dansk Traemballage A/S Atlet Danmark A/S Mc Emballage A/S Translyft Ergo A/S Ganket A/S Psion Teklogix Denmark Kuehne And Nagel-Copenhagen Atlas Copco Kompressorteknik A/S Tech Instrumentering Aps Johs. Gram-Hanssen A/S Itt Flygt A/S Dico Napoleon Total Djibouti Imprimerie Rift Valley Quincaillerie Abdi Quincaillerie Abdoulbasset Ets Abdi Joga Sa Seminsa Equimecoro Vitaset S.A. Omnimedia Conadex, C. Por A. Jape Dept. Store Boa Ventura Sakura Stationery Sylvia Dili Boa Ventura Grafica Patria Grafica Nacional Lay Shop Clinilab Falcon For Technical And Security Systems Al Ahram Commercial Press Metropole-Advanced Printing Facilities International Group For Trading & Distribution International Co. for Manufacture & Assembly of Vehicles El Sharaf For Trading Tools, Nails And Industrial Supplies Middle East Caravan International Scientific Co. Libreria La Nueva San Salvador Sipa Sport Items Processing Asmara Asmara Electric Pvt. Ltd Co. Lion Sweater Factory Senait Textile Factory Mahta Wood And Metal Workshop Arag Wood And Metal Workshop Hidri Distribution Company Ethio-Asian Industries Plc. Abader Way International Business P.L.C Glorious Plc Zenebe Ferew Nails Factory Maky Tx Trading Fares Stationery Shop Oasis Abyssinia Plc. Abebe Rahmeto H & O Furniture P.L.C Printing Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Pharmaceuticals Education Supplies Printing Clothing & Footwear Clothing & Footwear Clothing & Footwear Clothing & Footwear Clothing & Footwear Education Supplies Education Supplies Fuel & Lubricants Fuel & Lubricants Fuel & Lubricants Fuel & Lubricants Fuel & Lubricants IT & Office Supplies Nutrition Printing Printing Printing Printing Printing Printing Printing Printing Transport Transport Transport Transport Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Cold Chain Equipment Cold Chain Equipment Communication Equip. Communication Equip. Communication Equip. Diagnostic Test Kits Education Supplies Identific. & Signage IT & Office Supplies IT & Office Supplies IT & Office Supplies IT & Office Supplies IT & Office Supplies Medical Equipment Medical Equipment Medical Equipment Nutrition Nutrition Nutrition Pharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals Transport Vaccines/Biologicals Warehousing Warehousing Warehousing Warehousing Warehousing Warehousing Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Education Supplies Education Supplies Fuel & Lubricants Printing Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Education Supplies Medical Equipment Medical Equipment Nutrition Printing Printing Education Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies Printing Printing Printing Printing Water and Sanitation Diagnostic Test Kits IT & Office Supplies Printing Printing Transport Transport Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Education Supplies Clothing & Footwear Communication Equip. Education Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies IT & Office Supplies Water and Sanitation Bednets/Insecticides Communication Equip. Communication Equip. Construction Nonwash Education Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies 164 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO Value USD 39,076.00 50,064.73 43,896.88 5,217,791.77 193,465.89 32,451.99 451,900.00 448,994.00 393,393.00 86,634.00 52,743.00 39,381.80 35,041.40 68,579.76 49,215.18 37,051.00 34,898.50 34,600.80 71,650.00 221,432.04 295,950.53 138,626.78 110,517.00 106,480.74 105,071.00 56,987.17 46,433.70 35,700.00 1,209,560.00 254,562.06 141,295.00 86,078.00 476,817.62 469,132.26 102,932.46 98,108.30 59,939.00 49,996.60 1,503,797.89 84,912.88 541,080.91 266,258.49 35,485.55 118,691.72 182,400.00 43,640.80 12,154,276.09 386,136.39 297,283.16 143,819.21 111,622.74 1,714,975.84 246,652.98 148,055.04 623,712.72 252,234.87 157,147.02 254,745.38 117,139.68 60,189.26 855,986.61 1,077,007.52 238,360.32 58,470.02 51,278.69 33,410.02 31,239.64 30,640.99 1,515,000.00 229,595.13 149,712.96 48,330.00 34,038.55 34,590.00 31,613.68 107,407.65 165,172.93 205,161.92 78,686.94 32,907.99 181,298.32 293,816.00 83,408.58 2,693,535.75 45,797.57 36,812.87 177,775.00 86,953.15 44,178.20 112,600.00 62,150.70 40,422.00 32,117.00 82,761.25 35,374.62 38,628.76 52,652.26 40,640.04 53,200.00 51,839.46 188,038.44 84,849.79 35,249.77 41,112.39 103,379.47 37,583.12 108,400.00 61,480.00 39,733.33 49,855.73 139,747.40 43,379.63 148,114.23 64,201.22 38,555.18 848,277.46 473,606.81 128,533.83 127,589.03 Major Orders for Goods Placed by Agency During 2011 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of Supplier UNICEF Continued Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Fiji Fiji Fiji Finland Finland Finland Finland Finland Finland Finland France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France Gambia Gambia Georgia Georgia Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Name of Supplier Description of Goods Melaku Tadesse Modern Household & Office Production Enterprise Omer Ahmed Abdulahi (Himilo Furniture) Kk Building Construction Plc. Abader Way International Business P.L.C Addis Development Vision (Adv) Tsedenia Publisher Mose Furniture National Oil Ethiopia P.L.C (Noc) Total Ethiopia Share. Co. Alta Computec Plc Snap Trading And Industry P.L.C Gellatly Hankey & Co. (Red Sea) S.C. Melaku Tadesse Modern Household & Office Production Enterprise Abebe Rahmeto H & O Furniture P.L.C Information Systems Services General Mercantile Plc Robit Intl . Business Group Pl.C Abader Way International Business P.L.C Helena Soap Factory Oasis Abyssinia Plc. Kahel General Business Plc Integrated Service For Aids Prevention & Support Organization Soney Garment Textile General Trading P.L.C. Hilina Enriched Food Processing Center Plc Fits Private Limited Company Africa Printing Plc. Region 5 Transport Company. Birtukan Tsegaye Yilma, Amanuel Printing Press Merit Management Consult Plc. Ged Private Limited Company Fares Stationery Shop Birtukan Tsegaye Yilma, Amanuel Printing Press Ged Private Limited Company Flamingo Printing Press P.L.C Rehobot Printers Plc. Fame Leather & Canvas Sewing Factory P.L.C Star Printing Press EDM Printing Enterprise Africa Printing Plc. Ultimate Printing Press Plc Tulu Dadi General Trading Plc. Royal Service Ethiopia Plc Double S Business Group P.L.C Getfam Plc. Bags Family Construction P.L.C. Debre Berhan Blanket Factory Kk Private Limited Company Bisrat P.L.C Avon Industries Plc Hambon General Trading Plc Ethio-Asian Industries Plc. Geshen Transport Pvt. Ltd. Company Region 5 Transport Company Moenco Hagbes P.L.C. Yared Seifu Household & Office Furniture Trading Bishan Gari Purification Industries Plc. Population Services International (Psi) Ethiopia Citrus International Trading Plc Abitimech Engineering P.L.C Habtamu Tadesse Importer & Distributer Avon Industries Plc I.G. Entertainment P.L.C. Rift Valley Water Technology P.L.C Sof Omar Constructution Machinery Rental Small Medium Business Solutions Ltd Ricoh Business Centre Quality Print Limited Porkka Finland Oy Naps Systems Oy Naps Systems Oy Ani Labsystems Ltd. Oy Ab Crown Products Oy Pa-Hu Oy Sademan Oy Zhendre S.A. IEC Telecom Bio-Rad Laboratories MP Biomedicals Sarl Sofip Export Sofip Export Agencinox Nutriset S.A.S Africasoins S.A.S Nutriset S.A.S Laboratoire Renaudin Panpharma S. A. Centrale Humanitaire Guerbet S.A. Hachette Livre International Médecins Sans Frontières Sanofi Pasteur Vergnet Hydro Sovema Tenesol S.A. Pronal S.A. Iris Instruments LMS World Water Treatment Groupe GM Nomm Company Limited Elton Gambia Diozeri Ltd Favorite Studio Ltd Boss Pro-Tec Gmbh Phaesun Gmbh Copack Gmbh Abbott Gmbh & Co KG Boss Pro-Tec Gmbh Partec Gmbh Deutsche Gesellschaft Fr Technisch Roche Diagnostics Gmbh Abbott Gmbh & Co KG Deutsche Gesellschaft Fr Technisch Rudolf Riester Gmbh Medicon EG Chempatex Medizinische KD Medical Gmbh Hospital Products Helm Pharmaceuticals Gmbh Education Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies Fuel & Lubricants Fuel & Lubricants IT & Office Supplies IT & Office Supplies IT & Office Supplies IT & Office Supplies IT & Office Supplies IT & Office Supplies IT & Office Supplies IT & Office Supplies IT & Office Supplies Medical Kits Medical Kits Medical Kits Medical Kits Medical Renewable Nutrition Nutrition Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Printing Printing Printing Printing Printing Printing Printing Printing Printing Printing Printing Shelter/Field Equip. Shelter/Field Equip. Shelter/Field Equip. Shelter/Field Equip. Shelter/Field Equip. Shelter/Field Equip. Shelter/Field Equip. Shelter/Field Equip. Shelter/Field Equip. Transport Transport Transport Transport Warehousing Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation IT & Office Supplies IT & Office Supplies IT & Office Supplies Cold Chain Equipment Cold Chain Equipment Communication Equip. Diagnostic Test Kits Education Supplies Medical Renewable Nutrition Cold Chain Equipment Communication Equip. Diagnostic Test Kits Diagnostic Test Kits Education Supplies IT & Office Supplies Medical Equipment Nutrition Pharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals Printing Printing Vaccines/Biologicals Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Bednets/Insecticides Fuel & Lubricants Construction Nonwash Printing Cold Chain Equipment Cold Chain Equipment Diagnostic Test Kits Diagnostic Test Kits Education Supplies Laboratory Supplies Laboratory Supplies Laboratory Supplies Laboratory Supplies Medical Equipment Medical Equipment Medical Equipment Medical Renewable Medical Renewable Medical Renewable 165 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO Value USD 92,069.96 74,453.58 59,556.00 54,675.63 50,593.16 34,416.14 30,584.46 143,465.66 105,612.04 316,000.16 278,911.38 116,730.06 66,176.21 58,360.37 48,644.55 41,617.45 41,161.77 39,496.25 392,042.79 314,156.64 215,621.28 96,640.70 303,606.08 8,045,075.70 49,655.64 98,867.91 96,986.59 49,019.32 44,433.66 32,623.21 32,502.00 179,953.24 172,349.90 153,069.14 127,701.65 117,342.30 113,303.23 64,620.12 58,194.59 41,719.39 36,475.09 33,168.93 598,787.94 337,904.93 192,356.19 125,298.33 103,622.86 56,729.29 55,454.01 43,440.45 37,568.79 194,272.30 178,000.00 69,546.26 51,162.97 39,047.34 203,814.26 101,235.06 86,506.31 51,572.16 45,735.08 43,416.88 43,071.79 39,165.26 36,556.84 51,618.56 37,219.71 35,937.09 320,251.53 210,160.35 535,133.23 84,566.08 169,019.76 860,337.05 43,502.08 1,903,291.35 181,374.09 45,590.61 30,747.48 162,549.23 979,527.80 562,798.19 57,491,923.75 5,051,899.62 1,578,527.28 654,703.46 606,527.57 390,372.77 33,860.28 180,276.83 102,496.68 91,839,442.60 1,861,529.88 318,032.50 163,905.72 113,790.39 44,501.38 39,773.08 34,646.95 46,202.42 32,691.01 94,269.69 341,999.66 138,038.53 200,685.65 58,485.43 79,423.00 1,356,029.47 773,811.59 478,855.26 279,046.10 276,302.79 100,672.82 66,822.39 990,239.61 611,234.68 285,039.00 Major Orders for Goods Placed by Agency During 2011 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of Supplier UNICEF Continued Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Ghana Ghana Ghana Ghana Ghana Ghana Ghana Ghana Ghana Ghana Ghana Ghana Ghana Ghana Ghana Ghana Ghana Ghana Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guinea Guinea Guinea Guinea Guinea Guinea-Bissau Guinea-Bissau Guinea-Bissau Guinea-Bissau Guinea-Bissau Guinea-Bissau Guinea-Bissau Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Hungary Hungary Hungary India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India Name of Supplier Description of Goods Helm Medical Gmbh Henke-Sass, Wolf Gmbh Troge Medical Gmbh Msi Gmbh SECA Gmbh & Co. Kg. Muehlenchemie Gmbh & Co. KG KBI Kunststoffbeutel Prod. Gmbh & Co. Deutsche Gesellschaft Fr Technisch Lomapharm, Rudolf Lohmann Gmbh KG Rotexmedica Gmbh B. Braun Melsungen AG Speedliner Mobility Gmbh Smurfit Kappa Wellpappenwerk Waren Phaesun Gmbh GWE Pumpenboese Gmbh Asantys Systems Gmbh Promens Packaging Gmbh Bernt Lorentz Gmbh & Co KG Fleischhacker Gmbh & Co.Kg Motorenfabrik Hatz Gmbh & Co KG Tintometer Gmbh Pure Faith Ent. Kingdom Books & Stationary Enterprise Pro Web Krif (Ghana) Ltd. Ahenfie Furniture Works Kingdom Books & Stationary Enterprise Royal Crown Press Ltd. Buck Press Limited Koy Printing Ltd. Type Sharp Impressions Select Business Solutions Universal Literacy Company God Shadow Ent. Cool Keep Trading Agency Overstep Agency God Shadow Ent. Kuul Trade Enterprise Ingenieria Y Representaciones S.A. Libreria Y Papeleria Progreso S.A. Metrica Sisteco Nutrimed Abbott Laboratorios S.A. Gare De Creacion,Sociedad Anonima Gpo Gigantografias Ferreterias El Tejar, S.A. Fibrasol, S.A. Durman Esquivel Guatemala, S.A. Metaloplastica, S.A. Sodefa Total Guinee Mix-Marketing Service Imprimerie Du Centre (Dakar) Mix-Marketing Service Blotch Servicos Lda Comprocesmad Sarl Maca Madeira Lda. J.O.A.C. Balcar Petromar Novagrafica Lda Worldwide Modular Construction Dopasmax JBA Construction MGR Papeterie Global Home & Office Smart S.A Papeterie La Pleiade Maison Henri Deschamps Kopivit L'Action Sociale Total Haiti S.A Micro-Centre Elf Servigaz Verrettes C & I Office Supplies Office Star La Perle S.A. La Perle S.A. Delog Services Imprimerie Le Natal Editions Des Antilles Affiche-Toi! G.S. Industries, S.A. Casami Global Home & Office Smart S.A Papeterie La Pleiade Vardeca Beverage Ltd. Office Star Worldwide Modular Construction Dsi La Perle S.A. Plastech Solutions S.A. Acra Petionville Tida Import Export Teva Pharmaceutical Works Pannonpharma Pharmaceutical Ltd. Alkaloida Chemical Company Zrt. Doorbhash International Blow Kings AOV International Apex International M/S. Nilkamal Limited Sagar Electricals Business Octane Solutions P Ltd Meera & Ceiko Pumps Pvt Ltd Premier Medical Corporation Limited Orchid Biomedical Systems J. Mitra & Co. Ltd Garg Sports International Hindustan Plastics Nikhil Offset Aadarsh Private Limited Roopayan Sports Land Overseas (Pvt.) Ltd. Doorbhash International Lahore Music House M/S Sports Land Overseas Pvt Ltd. G&A International Tagros Chemicals India Ltd Thakral Computers Pvt. Ltd. Kadam Marketing Ltd Medical Renewable Medical Renewable Medical Renewable Nutrition Nutrition Nutrition Pharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals Transport Warehousing Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Bednets/Insecticides Education Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies IT & Office Supplies IT & Office Supplies Printing Printing Printing Printing Printing Printing Printing Transport Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Communication Equip. Education Supplies IT & Office Supplies IT & Office Supplies Nutrition Pharmaceuticals Printing Printing Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Education Supplies Fuel & Lubricants Identific. & Signage Printing Printing Education Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies Fuel & Lubricants Printing Construction Nonwash Education Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies Fuel & Lubricants Fuel & Lubricants IT & Office Supplies IT & Office Supplies Laboratory Supplies Medical Kits Other Printing Printing Printing Shelter/Field Equip. Shelter/Field Equip. Staff Supplies Staff Supplies Staff Supplies Warehousing Warehousing Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Pharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals Clothing & Footwear Cold Chain Equipment Cold Chain Equipment Cold Chain Equipment Cold Chain Equipment Cold Chain Equipment Communication Equip. Communication Equip. Diagnostic Test Kits Diagnostic Test Kits Diagnostic Test Kits Education Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies Household Technology IT & Office Supplies IT & Office Supplies 166 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO Value USD 259,854.00 133,830.19 41,544.93 2,753,848.80 1,479,627.01 114,597.84 5,736,136.95 3,099,765.35 2,175,717.45 624,694.72 133,619.58 195,384.00 432,021.79 290,579.28 270,499.45 260,846.94 158,022.66 107,251.29 84,615.14 78,847.26 52,652.26 440,615.38 57,431.96 42,819.31 32,871.37 99,101.69 34,575.56 233,037.47 88,764.55 64,655.17 46,968.71 41,875.68 37,652.39 33,899.52 51,488.03 394,946.12 358,083.85 88,959.27 32,516.55 38,371.15 44,801.71 68,300.74 68,091.30 38,819.88 795,927.96 88,631.29 49,823.07 79,495.05 78,327.71 47,483.98 37,698.01 90,314.21 166,818.40 79,102.67 47,450.80 39,953.22 101,980.89 73,691.59 56,235.29 51,783.96 44,672.98 81,867.11 35,132.24 32,000.00 1,010,278.59 375,033.80 71,498.40 44,081.58 40,915.15 39,821.04 34,541.79 513,971.39 318,151.77 75,171.73 32,289.94 109,020.18 59,408.56 151,399.69 101,344.64 42,695.08 38,040.00 45,737.89 30,491.93 93,089.64 56,119.96 30,600.00 53,354.65 36,295.00 557,750.00 441,864.86 185,272.55 147,232.60 100,075.77 1,041,040.23 113,667.28 30,654.00 54,113.30 1,025,261.20 468,995.50 156,061.41 140,971.35 40,268.93 61,087.59 49,571.89 1,645,614.90 1,514,200.00 179,545.49 336,295.71 186,530.51 170,191.53 163,044.94 89,403.69 58,871.89 53,733.18 47,562.16 44,232.00 35,751.36 1,055,490.00 217,779.78 69,768.76 Major Orders for Goods Placed by Agency During 2011 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of Supplier UNICEF Continued India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Iran, Islamic Republic of Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Israel Israel Israel Name of Supplier Description of Goods C J Living Wipro Limited Martech Systems And Services Bharat Commercial Agency, Patna Mbi Kits International M/S Surya Surgical Industries Narang Medical Ltd. Atlas Surgical Bird Meditech Emco Meditek Private Limited Hindustan Syringes & Medical Sutures India Pvt. Ltd. Kanam Latex Industries Private Ltd. Suru International Pvt. Ltd. Poly Medicure Ltd. Eastern Surgical Company Narang Medical Ltd. Murliwala Agrotech Private Limited Calibre Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. Compact India Pvt. Ltd. Salter India Limited Piramal Healthcare Limited Nutrivita Foods Pvt. Ltd Mbi Kits International Park View, 3Rd Floor Fdc Limited Door Darshan Marketing Matrix Laboratories Ltd Cipla Ltd. Ranbaxy Laboratories Ltd. Hetero Labs Ltd Hetero Drugs Ltd. Aurobindo Pharma Limited Micro Labs Limited Ipca Laboratories Limited Strides Arcolab Limited Piramal Healthcare Limited Fdc Limited Alkem Laboratories Ltd. Medopharm Sirmaxo Chemicals Pvt. Ltd Milan Laboratories(India) Pvt.Ltd Mepro Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd Galentic Pharma (India) Pvt. Ltd Intas Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Emcure Pharmaceuticals Limited Ajanta Pharma Limited Nikhil Offset New Dilip And Company Poddar Screen Printers Patna Offset Press The Offsetters India Pvt. Ltd. S. Narayan & Sons Rajdhani Offset Pvt. Ltd., Bhubaneswar Print House India Pvt. Ltd. AB Imaging & Prints Pvt. Ltd Roopayan Swapna Printing Works Pvt. Ltd. Reliable Art Printery (Ahmedabad) Pvt.Ltd. Krishna Flexi Printers Kailash Paper Conversion (P) Ltd R.B. Lamination Industries (P) Ltd Jaipur Printers Pvt. Ltd Bhabani Print & Publications Print Vision Private Limited Kumar & Company Oudh Publishing House Nav Jyothi Press Army Printing Press Scholastic India Pvt Ltd Shree Om Enterprises Pvt. Ltd., Sri Vani Print And Pack, Hyderabad Sansiya Aadarsh Private Limited Fairgraphics Media Services (P) Limited Pragati Enterprises Reshmi Enterprise, Kolkata Excel Advertising Agency, Patna Toyop Relief Private Limited Kitchen Essential Union Quality Plastics Ltd. Amrit Sales Corporation Daga Polycontainers (P) Ltd. Atlas Cycles (Haryana) Ltd Toyota Kirloskar Motor Pvt. Ltd. Serum Institute Of India Ltd. Panacea Biotec Limited Bharat Biotech International Ltd. Haffkine Bio-Pharmaceutical Corpora Biological E. Limited Shantha Biotechnics Ltd. Ajay Industrial Corporation Ajay Industrial Corporation Span Pumps Private Limited Kitchen Essential K.K.Nag Ltd GVS Trade Inc. Advance Steel Tubes Limited Water-Chem Laboratories M/S L Tek Systems Bhaskar Power Projects (P) Ltd. Techno Relief Overseas India Pvt. L Pt. Pabrik Kertas Tjiwi Kimia Tbk Pt Tisa Diamanta Kusuma Pt. Dharma Polimetal Pt Putera Segara Anakan Aksara Buana, Cv P.T. Bio Farma (Persero) Megaps Co. Impulse For General Trading & Information Technology Al-Mothalath Al-Massy For Lab. Co. Al-Saafa For Trading & Storing Co. Ltd Al-Rad Co. Transport & Trade & General Contracts Ltd. Al Hujurat Company Trinity Biotech Janssen Pharmaceutical Ovelle Limited Tibotec Pharmaceuticals Ltd Medentech Ltd Orgenics Ltd. Computer Media Center Orastel Office Furniture IT & Office Supplies IT & Office Supplies IT & Office Supplies IT & Office Supplies Laboratory Supplies Medical Equipment Medical Equipment Medical Equipment Medical Equipment Medical Equipment Medical Renewable Medical Renewable Medical Renewable Medical Renewable Medical Renewable Medical Renewable Medical Renewable Nutrition Nutrition Nutrition Nutrition Nutrition Nutrition Nutrition Nutrition Nutrition Pharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals Printing Printing Printing Printing Printing Printing Printing Printing Printing Printing Printing Printing Printing Printing Printing Printing Printing Printing Printing Printing Printing Printing Printing Printing Printing Printing Printing Printing Printing Printing Shelter/Field Equip. Shelter/Field Equip. Shelter/Field Equip. Shelter/Field Equip. Shelter/Field Equip. Transport Transport Vaccines/Biologicals Vaccines/Biologicals Vaccines/Biologicals Vaccines/Biologicals Vaccines/Biologicals Vaccines/Biologicals Warehousing Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Education Supplies Education Supplies Medical Equipment Medical Equipment Printing Vaccines/Biologicals Printing Communication Equip. Laboratory Supplies Medical Renewable Printing Water and Sanitation Diagnostic Test Kits Pharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals Water and Sanitation Diagnostic Test Kits IT & Office Supplies IT & Office Supplies 167 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO Value USD 56,675.41 52,424.85 34,119.72 33,719.30 52,302.14 195,768.00 183,210.00 146,968.08 116,687.19 65,102.45 5,372,304.34 752,677.00 513,320.91 100,406.27 77,332.94 41,580.00 32,256.00 5,711,641.00 2,031,465.00 1,646,293.87 589,178.73 566,995.50 247,315.32 85,580.53 33,656.99 31,148.66 38,354,748.12 19,160,320.95 14,842,025.33 14,158,676.80 13,248,088.00 12,956,690.48 8,998,148.99 5,046,392.97 2,321,366.82 1,369,737.57 732,745.33 714,665.42 699,266.37 631,513.03 480,000.00 155,180.00 96,351.68 65,926.42 55,770.00 30,150.00 941,626.25 520,231.95 511,797.12 280,910.92 209,695.16 193,624.28 182,603.41 176,546.90 160,754.80 148,183.51 124,832.29 106,739.65 103,111.46 92,121.39 91,591.20 89,762.95 88,649.88 87,963.74 68,336.64 60,992.35 57,992.65 57,737.07 50,352.93 46,033.00 43,728.01 39,921.77 37,840.35 36,673.37 36,436.01 32,229.19 754,774.80 294,060.00 131,829.48 48,823.53 47,555.71 40,922.92 38,908.84 216,176,788.92 78,697,677.52 3,108,234.10 2,892,500.00 844,097.20 651,004.82 32,253.60 1,252,245.91 782,199.24 179,766.30 164,590.72 62,332.52 59,220.00 37,442.89 35,250.00 32,511.20 31,228.48 370,860.48 36,120.94 243,493.31 47,841.52 46,404.75 21,196,640.00 83,469.61 39,590.00 70,000.00 33,000.00 40,973.00 699,695.00 3,410,188.95 210,719.98 168,616.64 76,336.96 947,224.19 13,777,241.08 83,035.43 71,508.09 Major Orders for Goods Placed by Agency During 2011 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of Supplier UNICEF Continued Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Jamaica Jamaica Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Korea, Dem. People's Rep. Korea, Dem. People's Rep. Korea, Dem. People's Rep. Korea, Dem. People's Rep. Korea, Dem. People's Rep. Korea, Dem. People's Rep. Korea, Dem. People's Rep. Korea, Dem. People's Rep. Korea, Dem. People's Rep. Korea, Dem. People's Rep. Korea, Republic of Korea, Republic of Kyrgyzstan Kyrgyzstan Kyrgyzstan Kyrgyzstan Kyrgyzstan Kyrgyzstan Name of Supplier Description of Goods Jamal Sons Company Medical Supplies And Services Zant Co. For Medical Supplies & Labs Lan-Lee International Ltd. Al Assbah Co. For Heavy Equipment & Truck Future Iron Pipes Mushtaha For Plastic Industry Bashir Siksik & Co. Ltd. Mips Informatica Srl Fazzini S.R.L. Karismedica S.R.L. Cer.Far. Sas Di Travani Domenico Nuova Industrie Biscotti Crich S.P. Fazzini S.R.L. Pharmatex Italia Srl Biologici Italia Laboratories Srl L. Molteni & C. Dei F.Lli Alitti So Beltapharm Spa Fulton Medicinali S.P.A. Laboratorio Farmacologico Milanese Industria Farmaceutica Nova Argenti Ferrino & C. S.P.A. Novartis Vaccines And Diagnostics S Coelmo S.R.L. Tasco S.R.L Euro Mec S.R.L. Saponerie M. Fissi S.P.A. Caprari S.P.A. Bruno S.R.L. Adriatech Drilling Tools Lithographic Printers Limited Pear Tree Press Ltd Fujirebio Inc. Sumitomo Chemical Co. Ltd. J. Gerber & Company (Japan) Ltd. Nissan Trading Co., Ltd Toyota Motor Corporation Japan Bcg Laboratory Al-Mumaiaz For Contracting Co. Integrated Standard Solutions (ISS) Al-Sayyad Industrial & Decor Target Scientific Supplies Rahma Integrated System Company Ahmad Maiqle Est. For Contracting Jordan Petroleum Refinery Co. Integrated Standard Solutions (ISS) Technical Distribution Agency General Computers & Electronics Co. Beyond Art For Printing Services Bc Grafix Techno Relief Services Ltd. Diamond Industries Limited Alpha Knits Limited Techno Relief Services Ltd. Sight And Sound Limited Adva Tech Office Supplies Techno Relief Services Ltd. Nairobi Sports House Ltd. Lino Stationers Africa Limited Priyanka Kenya Limited Alpha Knits Limited MFI Office Solutions Mustek East Africa Limited Techno Relief Services Ltd. Lisal Chemicals Company Ltd Partec East Africa Limited Tarpo Industries Limited Kapa Oil Refineries Ltd Techno Relief Services Ltd. Insta Products (Epz) Ltd Wood Products (K) Ltd Export Trading Co. Ltd Spartan Relief Supplies Limited East African Supplies & Logistics Ltd. Bidco Oil Refineries Limited English Press Ltd Printfast Ltd Unon Print Shop Nation Media Group Ltd Techno Relief Services Ltd. Tarpo Industries Limited Spartan Relief Supplies Limited East African Supplies & Logistics Ltd. Africa Expeditions Ltd. Priyanka Kenya Limited Toyota Kenya Ltd Car & General Limited Toyota East Africa Ltd Techno Relief Services Ltd. Spaceline Investments Limited Techno Relief Services Ltd. Rift Valley Machineries Kenpoly Manufacturers Limited Davis & Shirtliff Limited Chujio Ceramics Kentainers Ltd Doshi & Co (Hardware) Ltd Spartan Relief Supplies Limited Diamond Chemicals Limited East African Supplies & Logistics Ltd. Lisal Chemicals Company Ltd Nakuru Deflouridation Company Ltd Korea Apro Co. Meisho Yokoh Co.Ltd General Bureau For Dip. Missions Korea Apro Co. Korea Apro Co. Meisho Yokoh Co.Ltd Beijing Jangdae Development Co. Ltd. Korea Apro Co. Korea Jang Saeng J.V Corporation Korea Jinung Trading Company Standard Diagnostics Inc. LG Life Sciences Ltd. Baratova T. A., Private Entrepreneur Continent Umarbekova S.J., Private Entrepreneur Intermedia Ltd Kirland Printing House Printhouse Ltd IT & Office Supplies Medical Equipment Medical Equipment Shelter/Field Equip. Transport Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation IT & Office Supplies Medical Equipment Medical Equipment Nutrition Nutrition Nutrition Pharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals Shelter/Field Equip. Vaccines/Biologicals Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Printing Printing Diagnostic Test Kits Household Technology Transport Transport Transport Vaccines/Biologicals Construction Nonwash Education Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies Fuel & Lubricants IT & Office Supplies IT & Office Supplies IT & Office Supplies Printing Printing Bednets/Insecticides Bednets/Insecticides Clothing & Footwear Clothing & Footwear Communication Equip. Education Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies Identific. & Signage IT & Office Supplies IT & Office Supplies Laboratory Supplies Laboratory Supplies Laboratory Supplies Medical Equipment Nutrition Nutrition Nutrition Nutrition Nutrition Nutrition Nutrition Nutrition Printing Printing Printing Printing Shelter/Field Equip. Shelter/Field Equip. Shelter/Field Equip. Shelter/Field Equip. Shelter/Field Equip. Shelter/Field Equip. Transport Transport Transport Warehousing Warehousing Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Construction Nonwash Education Supplies Fuel & Lubricants Fuel & Lubricants IT & Office Supplies Printing Printing Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Diagnostic Test Kits Vaccines/Biologicals Education Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies IT & Office Supplies Printing Printing 168 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO Value USD 53,486.01 109,736.77 41,590.49 714,884.80 134,656.08 206,924.24 132,793.65 60,121.29 30,235.43 431,505.53 323,110.09 12,349,556.70 338,631.69 50,631.00 829,963.62 210,728.63 151,536.00 144,636.90 135,025.79 130,684.63 44,767.77 1,870,580.00 33,643,595.00 1,337,748.46 377,840.01 266,627.00 143,496.63 113,242.30 43,389.91 36,419.96 71,378.62 63,610.48 64,850.00 14,751,790.00 3,523,826.60 1,360,718.79 1,284,568.76 3,125,820.00 134,576.00 375,395.89 171,119.84 62,171.38 48,403.95 35,225.00 45,877.12 62,902.61 51,465.38 43,730.08 99,330.95 66,318.05 635,507.00 129,773.65 310,500.00 116,812.63 63,298.31 1,090,910.45 392,862.73 149,510.56 64,931.90 39,251.34 129,956.97 139,084.03 55,845.00 599,727.62 202,747.19 30,853.33 41,500.00 4,780,116.00 2,934,671.73 635,746.23 390,008.83 332,800.00 301,634.43 73,470.60 35,576.92 2,162,037.78 213,372.04 42,984.20 36,824.06 7,062,253.85 427,105.41 239,793.91 221,634.86 77,612.00 46,252.61 469,629.51 112,000.00 83,154.07 59,722.22 30,500.00 1,431,205.41 357,254.93 296,250.00 253,117.38 179,469.58 172,073.75 156,222.82 126,500.00 113,659.07 60,060.00 50,274.86 34,450.13 64,206.95 194,246.77 213,800.29 179,453.45 215,543.36 337,259.13 303,959.22 282,383.92 126,704.98 40,746.75 2,621,848.55 2,053,460.00 196,053.97 171,135.18 89,959.31 52,652.73 73,169.52 58,591.45 Major Orders for Goods Placed by Agency During 2011 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of Supplier UNICEF Continued Kyrgyzstan Kyrgyzstan Lao People’s Democratic Rep. Lao People’s Democratic Rep. Lao People’s Democratic Rep. Lao People’s Democratic Rep. Lao People’s Democratic Rep. Lao People’s Democratic Rep. Lao People’s Democratic Rep. Lao People’s Democratic Rep. Lebanon Lesotho Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Luxembourg Madagascar Madagascar Madagascar Madagascar Madagascar Madagascar Madagascar Madagascar Madagascar Madagascar Madagascar Madagascar Madagascar Madagascar Madagascar Madagascar Madagascar Madagascar Madagascar Madagascar Madagascar Madagascar Madagascar Madagascar Madagascar Madagascar Madagascar Madagascar Madagascar Madagascar Malawi Malawi Malawi Malawi Malawi Malawi Malawi Malawi Malawi Malawi Malawi Malawi Malawi Malawi Malawi Malaysia Malaysia Mali Mali Mali Mali Mali Mali Mali Mali Mali Mali Mali Mauritania Mauritania Mauritania Mauritania Mexico Mexico Mexico Mongolia Mongolia Mongolia Mongolia Mongolia Mongolia Mongolia Mongolia Mongolia Mongolia Mongolia Morocco Morocco Mozambique Mozambique Mozambique Mozambique Mozambique Mozambique Mozambique Mozambique Mozambique Mozambique Mozambique Mozambique Mozambique Myanmar Myanmar Name of Supplier Description of Goods Edem Printing House Ltd Primevara Ltd Sahaphanh O. A. Service Provincial Health Dept. Vientiane Provin Chornambadan Mr Bounxom Provincial Health Dept. Oudomxay Sisavath Printing Press Xaignavong Group Provincial Health Dept. Phongsaly Province Khampheng Ounkhamphanh Construction Younes Bross Sarl Office Concepts Un-Drive Supermarket Longman Liberia Books Inc Imagi Printing And Publishing Company Aaronlyn Inc. Stella Maris Polytechnic Bookstore Sabanoh Printing Press National Printers Longman Liberia Books Inc Speedo Print Inc Matelco Inc Exclusive Super Store Africa Motors (Liberia) Inc. Thunder Bird Corporation No Lemon Dometic S.A.R.L. Sodim Chandarana & Cie Menuiserie D'Art Bucomad Cominor Expart Mye Cnapmad Alu Bois Metallique (Abm Construction) Somacoprim Jovenna Madagascar Galana Distribution Petroliere Sa Societe Jb Societe Jb Savonnerie Tropicale S.A. Mye Newprint Ecoprim - Etude Conception Production Impression Graphoprint Sandrify Madagascar Sicom - St D'Industrie Et De Commerce Niag -Nouvelle Imprimerie Des Arts Graphiqu Chandarana & Cie Bucomad Toyota Rasseta Sicam Socit Industrielle Commerciale Automobile Malagasy Entreprise Haika Construction Etablissement Nandrasana Cominor Delta M & G Industries Mapanga Furniture Limited Classic Collection Total Malawi Limited Continental Outdoor Media Project Peanut Buttr (PPB) Valid Nutrition Fattani Offset Printers Capital Printing Press Dalmem Exclusives Hardware Shopping Centre Arkay Plastics Industry Limited Osman Wholesalers Petroleum Services (M) Limited Wheels & Exhaust Centre SM Pharmaceuticals Sdn. Bhd Hovid Berhad Inc. Issa Yara Total- Mali Shell Imprim-Services Sarl Ciss Mamadou Decor Entreprise Imprimerie Mangane & Fils Nouvelle Imprimerie Bamakoise Mas Imprim (Mamadou Alou Sangare) Matrans (Manutention Transit Au Mali) Ets Amoudjata Dembl Seeba (Sahlienne De L'Energie De L'Eau Et Du Btiment) Star Oil Mauritania Ets Abdallahi Ould Noueygued Freres Finess International Equipement Plasti Estril S.A. De C.V. Servicio Continental De Mensajeria, S. A. De C. V. Mega Direct, S. A. De C. V. Nomin Holding Co., Ltd Shijir Impex Co., Ltd New Sonic Co., Ltd Anun Center Co., Ltd Summit Computer Technology Co., Ltd Nomin Holding Co., Ltd Best Color International Co., Ltd Mongol Ger Hujirt Co., Ltd Hurd Auto Co.,Ltd Hyundai Motors Mongolia Llc Anu Sales Co., Ltd Diagone S.A.R.L. Mjb Cration Serigrafia Aquarius Plural Editores, Lda Randcom, Lda Movarte - Mveis E Arte Moexport, Lda Industria Madeireira De Mocambique Lda Acadmica, Lda Procomputers Moambique Lda Dataserv Lda Brithol Michcoma (Moc) Lda. Acadmica, Lda Leima Consultoria, Trading Afritool (Pty) Ltd Basin International Ltd. Mingalar General Trading Co-Op Ltd. Printing Water and Sanitation Communication Equip. Other Other Other Printing Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Printing Bednets/Insecticides Education Supplies Identific. & Signage Medical Equipment Printing Printing Printing Printing Printing Shelter/Field Equip. Shelter/Field Equip. Transport Transport Transport Cold Chain Equipment Education Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies Fuel & Lubricants Fuel & Lubricants Nutrition Nutrition Other Printing Printing Printing Printing Printing Printing Printing Printing Printing Transport Transport Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Education Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies Fuel & Lubricants Identific. & Signage Nutrition Nutrition Printing Printing Printing Shelter/Field Equip. Shelter/Field Equip. Transport Transport Transport Pharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals Education Supplies Fuel & Lubricants Fuel & Lubricants Printing Printing Printing Printing Printing Transport Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Fuel & Lubricants IT & Office Supplies IT & Office Supplies Other Pharmaceuticals Printing Printing Communication Equip. Education Supplies IT & Office Supplies IT & Office Supplies IT & Office Supplies IT & Office Supplies Printing Shelter/Field Equip. Transport Transport Water and Sanitation Education Supplies Printing Clothing & Footwear Education Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies IT & Office Supplies IT & Office Supplies Printing Printing Printing Transport Clothing & Footwear Clothing & Footwear 169 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO Value USD 48,955.24 38,441.58 79,630.78 61,442.42 43,420.22 31,237.60 34,038.64 97,729.56 55,991.96 50,925.23 81,074.00 81,079.82 112,328.40 710,029.00 77,000.00 30,800.00 236,640.00 136,775.50 117,594.10 63,483.51 63,000.00 50,700.00 35,867.40 303,149.60 188,520.00 58,611.00 4,109,651.04 490,289.71 444,243.63 227,472.07 188,326.61 156,127.13 123,065.07 108,258.72 95,246.46 31,240.21 31,235.03 90,088.40 82,447.39 1,379,494.54 980,978.14 43,000.00 461,356.58 160,948.94 154,882.35 64,733.92 42,235.82 34,474.12 34,105.25 34,044.74 31,799.23 240,219.85 33,707.93 68,188.61 63,761.27 47,058.12 41,975.49 1,328,078.41 1,053,888.71 42,285.37 145,349.74 40,225.49 1,764,023.07 517,666.30 179,597.15 102,914.90 46,255.52 52,181.25 35,632.91 91,092.39 76,560.42 33,624.90 1,065,155.74 379,200.00 48,197.69 312,551.25 87,459.61 155,755.49 92,051.29 43,537.32 42,965.80 31,692.88 91,964.84 164,425.49 48,697.85 141,386.52 569,940.80 62,099.80 47,244.25 246,920.00 96,111.40 81,549.26 59,473.50 32,083.63 80,964.39 65,932.28 49,525.28 34,075.76 80,765.44 55,952.39 71,834.05 44,000.00 80,838.91 54,045.90 41,118.06 78,493.42 695,728.02 456,500.00 106,786.26 55,867.32 47,206.31 35,143.86 55,071.60 43,009.56 192,082.38 49,623.13 46,749.83 351,473.89 119,941.40 111,385.00 Major Orders for Goods Placed by Agency During 2011 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of Supplier UNICEF Continued Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Namibia Namibia Nepal Nepal Nepal Nepal Nepal Nepal Nepal Nepal Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands New Zealand New Zealand Nicaragua Nicaragua Nicaragua Nicaragua Nicaragua Nicaragua Niger Niger Niger Niger Niger Niger Niger Niger Niger Niger Niger Niger Niger Niger Niger Niger Niger Niger Niger Niger Niger Nigeria Nigeria Nigeria Nigeria Nigeria Nigeria Nigeria Nigeria Nigeria Nigeria Nigeria Norway Norway Norway Norway Norway Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Name of Supplier Description of Goods Mingalar General Trading Co-Op Ltd. Pho Pyone Cho Stationery Basin International Ltd. Mingalar General Trading Co-Op Ltd. Best Colour Co.,Ltd. MAN International (Services) Co., Ltd. Shwe Naing Ngan Printing House Mercury Offset Printing Moe Kaung Kin Offset Mahar Swe Advertising Co., Ltd. Shay Saung Printing Press Shwe Htee Press Mingalar General Trading Co-Op Ltd. The Worldwide Moving Services Co.Ltd Pan Theingi Trading Co.,Ltd. (Mudon Maung Maung) Basin International Ltd. Myanmar Pipes & Accessories Co.,Ltd Basin International Ltd. Mingalar General Trading Co-Op Ltd. Multi-Vortex Trading Co., Ltd. John Meinert Ritter'S Toyota Innovative Forum For Community Development Cybernetics Pvt. Ltd. CAS Trading House Pvt Ltd Creative Press P. Ltd. Quality Printers (Pvt) Ltd. Sewa Printing Press Multi Graphic Press Pvt Ltd Environment And Public Health Organization (ENPHO) The Medical Export Group BV Ricoh International B.V. Development And Relief Corporation The Medical Export Group BV Development And Relief Corporation The Medical Export Group BV The Medical Export Group BV Project Production International BV Abbott Logistics B.V. Ida Foundation- International Dispe The Medical Export Group BV International Procurement Agency NVI (Netherlands Vaccine Institute) Trimble Europe BV Enertec Marine Systems Logtag Recorders Ltd SPC Internacional, S. A. Comtech, S. A. Marcos Antonio Sarria Espinales Y/O T.M.I. Mercedes Del Carmen Rocha Morales Y/O Bolonia Printing Complejo Grfico Tmc Casa Pellas, S.A. Amadou Nouhou Maiga Ets Hassane Salifou Ali Entreprise Nigerienne De Textiles (Enitex) Librairie Nigemat Ebbd-Entreprise Btp H Et Mnui, Allu Mtal Et Bois Aga /// Elh Moumouni Ganda Ali Librairie La Farandole Des Livres Sarl Hamdallaye Meubles Ets Ibs Ibrahim Boubacar Sidi Unifam (Unite Nigerienne De Fabrication)/ El Hadji Yahaya Moussa Total Niger Etablissement Acadmie Niger Stores Aga /// Elh Moumouni Ganda Ali STA (Socit De Transformation Alimentaire) Groupe Sanecom Imprimerie Imb Imprimerie Albarka Graphitec Imprimrie Bon Bri Nouvelle Imprimerie Du Niger N. Danco Nigeria Limited Yankari Oil Sheriff Petroleum Resources Limited Greenlane Nigeria Limited Auto Safety Nigeria Limited Petra Digital Press Mediaserve Prints Ltd. Yaliam Press Limited D. O. Akpunonu & Sons Nig Ltd Unipumps Nigeria Limited Panar Limited Laerdal Medical A/S Laerdal Medical A/S Compact As O.B. Wiik As Protan As Bright Business Links Nizam Traders New Al-Fareed Stationers & Printers M/S Printage Arshad Stationery Mart M/S Time Stationers Coral Trading & Contracting Co. National Tent House National Tent House Iqbal Stationery Mart MKB Enterprises (Pvt) Ltd. IMGC Global (Pvt) Ltd. M/S Printage IMGC Global (Pvt) Ltd Izharsons Printers M/S Shahid Brother Bukhari Traders Arshad Stationery Mart M/S Time Stationers Irfan Trading Corporation Karachi Paper And Stationers M/S Javed Trading Corporation Shahid Trading Company Coral Trading & Contracting Co. Arshad Brothers Nizam Traders Top Star Industries (Pvt) Ltd. Royal Steel Furniture Style Furnishers Jubilee Traders Communication Equip. Education Supplies Identific. & Signage Identific. & Signage Printing Printing Printing Printing Printing Printing Printing Printing Printing Shelter/Field Equip. Transport Warehousing Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Printing Transport Education Supplies IT & Office Supplies IT & Office Supplies Printing Printing Printing Printing Water and Sanitation Diagnostic Test Kits IT & Office Supplies Laboratory Supplies Laboratory Supplies Medical Equipment Medical Equipment Medical Renewable Nutrition Pharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals Transport Vaccines/Biologicals Water and Sanitation Cold Chain Equipment Cold Chain Equipment IT & Office Supplies IT & Office Supplies Medical Equipment Printing Printing Transport Agriculture Clothing & Footwear Clothing & Footwear Education Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies Fuel & Lubricants IT & Office Supplies IT & Office Supplies Medical Equipment Nutrition Printing Printing Printing Printing Printing Printing Education Supplies Fuel & Lubricants Fuel & Lubricants Fuel & Lubricants IT & Office Supplies Printing Printing Printing Shelter/Field Equip. Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Education Supplies Medical Equipment Nutrition Warehousing Water and Sanitation Clothing & Footwear Clothing & Footwear Clothing & Footwear Clothing & Footwear Clothing & Footwear Clothing & Footwear Clothing & Footwear Clothing & Footwear Education Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies 170 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO Value USD 31,270.60 46,340.30 189,988.65 34,565.00 333,902.00 316,880.80 120,414.00 84,907.50 76,443.20 75,949.00 75,374.00 54,241.00 54,084.50 42,639.80 41,105.75 63,048.98 149,978.00 69,840.00 55,650.00 35,369.00 58,412.23 40,315.50 305,914.27 68,016.07 34,587.49 92,128.36 87,552.48 54,533.39 46,967.46 30,199.04 32,545.47 93,633.94 3,468,821.65 120,408.78 3,148,716.06 2,759,416.89 151,489.07 58,453.66 2,395,764.71 904,772.02 641,070.40 118,107.17 302,727.83 184,126.80 110,040.92 61,034.00 77,073.24 68,737.58 35,990.17 58,144.52 39,415.61 53,142.66 35,132.26 116,221.36 40,328.90 86,184.01 80,796.06 64,508.12 62,583.43 52,510.60 51,834.42 32,334.48 238,136.03 53,296.91 34,904.83 51,374.09 10,035,511.48 292,317.12 225,607.05 74,637.85 53,317.68 30,902.39 30,295.52 46,871.36 94,726.74 35,837.71 33,466.29 35,722.69 314,012.17 188,094.02 36,243.76 40,819.52 239,254.85 80,207.85 554,318.00 194,000.58 2,213,829.82 194,857.73 129,371.58 184,642.99 171,482.44 128,894.28 96,089.68 94,906.98 85,570.27 83,720.93 33,599.08 577,700.51 467,824.15 279,318.57 271,020.07 268,223.39 263,648.20 218,013.24 177,574.98 173,204.85 147,019.53 133,535.23 131,395.91 124,768.80 123,038.38 111,004.80 101,678.14 98,834.31 83,405.12 70,882.98 52,643.78 50,623.16 37,516.96 Major Orders for Goods Placed by Agency During 2011 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of Supplier UNICEF Continued Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Panama Panama Panama Panama Papua New Guinea Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Philippines Philippines Philippines Philippines Philippines Philippines Philippines Name of Supplier Description of Goods Khan Steel Company M/S Darul Fanoon Sajjad Stationers Artikka Enterprises Al-Aziz Textile Print King Faisal Multi Sign Service Adflow Communications, New Khalil Printings Screen Graphic Get Fast International, IMGC Global (Pvt) Ltd M/S Javed Trading Corporation Chand Engineering Works Mardan Traders Style Furnishers Mass Internatoinal (Private) Ltd Kashif Steel Products Jubilee Traders Shaan International Mehran Enterprises Jackpot Maher Enterprises Falcon Furniture Industry Ali Brothers Buraq Surgical Corporation IMT Co. Quicksilver Instruments Towne Brothers (Pvt.) Ltd Bright Business Links N.B. Tent & Textiles Pvt. Ltd. Noble Enterprises Contech International Bright Business Links Shaco Enterprises N.B. Tent & Textiles Pvt. Ltd. Human Resource Development Society Comsats Institute Of Information Technology, UBC Convertec (Pvt) Ltd. King Faisal Multi Sign Service New Khalil Printings Agha Jee Printers Crystal Printers Noorani Printing & Packing Industry Pakistan International Printers (Pvt) Ltd. Fazleesons (Pvt) Limited, M/S Instant Print System (Pvt) Ltd. Strengths Innovations Waseem Enterprises M/S Public Art Press Quick Process N.A.H Style Irfan Printing Press H.Sheikh Noor-Ud-Din & Sons (Pvt) Ltd. Paramount Tarpaulin Industries National Tent House Zahra Tents Industries (Pvt) Ltd. Maher Enterprises DYL Motorcycle Limited Irfan Trading Corporation National Tent House Pak Enterprise Kawsar Engineering (Pvt) Ltd. H.Sheikh Noor-Ud-Din & Sons (Pvt) Ltd. Coral Trading & Contracting Co. Hope Marketing Services (Private) Limited, N.B. Tent & Textiles Pvt. Ltd. Colgate Palmolive (Pakistan) Limited Mian's Enterprises Human Resource Development Society M/S Polyset Industries Ali Abdullah Enterprises Nexus Enterprise Prime Star Industries (Pvt) Ltd. New Tech Bright Business Links IMGC Global (Pvt) Ltd. M/S Sarhad Plastic Industries (Pvt) Ltd. Swabi Hand Pump Factory, Akbar & Zikria Pipes (Pvt) Ltd. H. Nizam Din & Sons (Private) Limited Progressive Steel Industries, Shaco Enterprises Shafisons Engineering (Pvt) Ltd. Technology & Services Comsats Institute Of Information Technology, Flowpak Pump Industries (Pvt) Ltd. Piranha Company Irfan Trading Corporation Victory Pipe Industries (Pvt) Limited Worldwide Equipment Services Dadex Eternit Ltd. Super Star Traders Usman Trading Company Advance Business Components BBJ Pipe Industries (Pvt) Ltd. Mak Pump (Pvt) Ltd., Bukhari Traders (Regd.) National F.R.P. Industries Pvt. Ltd. Bashir Pipe Industries (Pvt) Ltd. M/S Islamia Trading Company M.A. Polymers Canon Panama, S.A Energy Control Panama Organitec Panama, S.A. Productos Roche (Panama), S.A. Uramina & Nelson Limited Punto Serigrfico E.I.R.L. Inversiones Y Publicidad E.I.R.L. Abbott Laboratorios S.A. Walter Luis Ponce De Leon Morante Industria Grafica Cimagraf S.R.L. Tarea Asociacion Grafica Educativa Mavila Hnos. S.A. Anssel Enterprises Central Home Furnishing Inc. Contrade Enterprises, Inc. Gem Stationery Inc. J.D.E.S. Enterprises Adarna House, Inc. Early Learners Enterprise Education Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies Identific. & Signage Identific. & Signage Identific. & Signage Identific. & Signage Identific. & Signage Identific. & Signage IT & Office Supplies IT & Office Supplies IT & Office Supplies IT & Office Supplies IT & Office Supplies IT & Office Supplies IT & Office Supplies IT & Office Supplies IT & Office Supplies IT & Office Supplies IT & Office Supplies IT & Office Supplies IT & Office Supplies IT & Office Supplies Medical Equipment Medical Equipment Medical Equipment Medical Equipment Medical Kits Medical Kits Medical Kits Medical Kits Medical Renewable Medical Renewable Medical Renewable Other Other Printing Printing Printing Printing Printing Printing Printing Printing Printing Printing Printing Printing Printing Printing Printing Shelter/Field Equip. Shelter/Field Equip. Shelter/Field Equip. Shelter/Field Equip. Staff Supplies Transport Warehousing Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation IT & Office Supplies IT & Office Supplies IT & Office Supplies Laboratory Supplies Printing Education Supplies Education Supplies Pharmaceuticals Printing Printing Printing Transport Education Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies 171 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO Value USD 36,232.56 33,647.98 33,152.62 30,477.52 227,854.75 201,292.48 108,245.91 97,297.56 75,378.04 33,096.32 491,546.84 476,277.41 201,156.69 191,169.66 170,325.64 163,054.52 147,043.01 103,274.74 85,702.67 79,247.54 61,395.35 45,802.33 35,645.11 33,495.00 310,375.00 54,253.42 39,390.00 30,300.00 627,750.00 342,718.85 114,253.77 67,612.91 891,140.14 716,279.07 151,158.20 386,780.67 139,853.15 532,088.34 287,904.64 178,016.10 155,304.33 123,843.89 112,647.51 112,530.89 110,381.88 91,996.78 66,559.80 60,873.03 47,545.16 40,108.96 37,256.78 31,202.19 1,035,388.66 429,302.38 205,441.40 105,334.88 48,731.75 33,181.40 40,301.77 3,245,671.91 2,025,932.36 1,005,370.03 1,001,164.76 867,635.80 591,377.54 513,456.16 439,399.32 411,045.71 358,525.80 348,034.90 313,325.89 273,081.40 248,691.05 199,684.83 176,341.13 174,673.20 170,728.65 168,162.85 150,530.28 149,395.35 145,564.18 137,741.83 118,266.92 118,058.14 116,023.30 114,848.85 113,145.76 89,860.46 87,575.48 83,155.45 83,125.89 67,012.77 59,474.00 58,601.76 55,363.65 54,761.63 52,926.29 52,856.30 50,706.60 49,409.63 42,853.02 69,500.00 53,038.30 36,479.46 66,240.00 185,418.13 127,959.47 58,695.65 35,665.92 43,024.77 31,657.07 31,373.33 40,108.75 152,962.78 91,278.92 73,681.39 73,680.54 39,805.49 36,039.94 33,292.98 Major Orders for Goods Placed by Agency During 2011 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of Supplier UNICEF Continued Philippines Philippines Philippines Philippines Philippines Philippines Philippines Philippines Philippines Philippines Philippines Philippines Philippines Philippines Poland Romania Romania Romania Romania Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Rwanda Rwanda Rwanda Senegal Senegal Senegal Senegal Senegal Senegal Serbia, Republic of Serbia, Republic of Serbia, Republic of Serbia, Republic of Sierra Leone Sierra Leone Sierra Leone Sierra Leone Sierra Leone Sierra Leone Sierra Leone Sierra Leone Sierra Leone Sierra Leone Sierra Leone Singapore Singapore Slovak Republic Slovak Republic Solomon Islands Somalia Somalia Somalia Somalia Somalia Somalia Somalia Somalia Somalia South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa Spain Spain Spain Spain Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Name of Supplier Description of Goods Educational Marketing Mentors Ctlink Systems, Inc. Jerrmed Distributors Exal Industries Corporation Golden Smiles Merchandise EC-Tec Commercial Transprint Corporation Acm Graphics Anssel Enterprises Anssel Enterprises Golden Smiles Merchandise Central Home Furnishing Inc. A.M. Ramos Trading Lsy Pharma & Gen. Mdse Warsaw Pharmaceutical Works Joint S Ranco Promotional Products Titan Traco Sa Expert Mob Design Srl Infomed Fluids S.R.L. PKF Alma Resonans Leader Sport IP Godzhieva I.A. Kairov Tamerlan Borisovitch, Entrepneo IP Kulchiev Vladimir Vladimirovitch Vivas Ooo Medex Partner Verdi Best Print PKF Alma Fsue Of Chumakov Ipve, Rams Engen Rwanda Sarl Printex Ltd Brand Revolution Ltd Fermon Labo Senegal Spia Total Novosen Imprimerie Du Centre Institut Pasteur De Dakar Simpo A.D.Vranje Comtrade Computers Ilir Canon Grafika Rezniqi Chriskal Printing Enterprises N P (Sl) Ltd Sierra Leone National Petroleum Co. Ltd Integrated Power & Control Solutions A.A. Enterprises Ro-Marong Industries Ltd Chriskal Printing Enterprises Print Point Limited Adnan & Adel Mullah & Sons Ltd Ali Abess Transport & General Enterprises Mantrac Fleischhacker Llp (Singapore Office) Fleischhacker Llp (Singapore Office) PKP Bardejov S.R.O. Monarflex S.R.O. Y. Sato (Roviana) And Company Limited Tawakal Mobile Al Aqsa Gas Station National Fuel Station Color Creations Africa Ltd. Bulaal Trading Company Kenpoly Manufacturers Limited Khayrdoon General Trading Co. SRCS Biyo Miire Factory Barwaqo Supplies Wefco Marketing Cc Sedgars Sports Warehouse ICT Diagnostics Reboni Furniture Group Supersport International (Pty) Ltd Bayer Pty (Ltd) Townsend International Pty Ltd. Reboni Furniture Group Office Furniture Direct Reakgona Stationery Supplies C.C. All Office Equipment (Pty) Ltd Sterling Export Corporation Spss -SA Pronto It Solutions Roche Products (Pty) Limited Zans African Medical Nbssales Neomedic (Pty) Ltd Diva Nutritional Products (Pty) Ltd Dsm Nutritional Products (Pty) Ltd Maviga Za Pty Limited Davey Industrial Equipment (Pty) Ltd Fresenius Kabi South Africa Seriti Printing (Pty) Ltd. Handmade Communications Business Print Centre M Projects The Ranger Production Co Sa (Pty) Ltd Seriti Printing (Pty) Ltd. Townsend International Pty Ltd. Saficon Industrial Equipment (Pty) Ltd T/A Toyota Forklift Grundfos South Africa (Pty) Ltd Edeni Chemical Trading Cc D.H Brothers Industries (Pty) Ltd T/A Willowton Oil & Cake Mills Townsend International Pty Ltd. Arch Chemicals (Pty) Ltd Brand Pack (Pty) Ltd Ss Profiling (Pty) Ltd Griffin Exports Cc Laboratorio Aldo-Union S.A. Fontaga S.A Cartay Productos De Acogida S.L. Aguas De Mondariz Fuente De Val S.A Metco Trading Company (Pvt) Ltd Metco Trading Company (Pvt) Ltd Lallans Sports Goods Mnfctrer Pvt Ltd Richard Trading Co (Pvt) Ltd Narah Stationers Woodman Lanka (Pte) Ltd Gimhan Furnitures Education Supplies IT & Office Supplies Medical Equipment Medical Kits Medical Kits Printing Printing Printing Printing Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Pharmaceuticals Education Supplies IT & Office Supplies Medical Equipment Pharmaceuticals Education Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies IT & Office Supplies IT & Office Supplies IT & Office Supplies Medical Kits Other Printing Printing Rehab./Disabilities Vaccines/Biologicals Fuel & Lubricants Printing Printing Education Supplies Education Supplies Fuel & Lubricants IT & Office Supplies Printing Vaccines/Biologicals Education Supplies IT & Office Supplies IT & Office Supplies Printing Education Supplies Fuel & Lubricants Fuel & Lubricants IT & Office Supplies IT & Office Supplies Printing Printing Printing Transport Transport Warehousing Medical Kits Water and Sanitation Nutrition Water and Sanitation IT & Office Supplies Education Supplies Fuel & Lubricants Fuel & Lubricants Shelter/Field Equip. Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Agriculture Clothing & Footwear Diagnostic Test Kits Education Supplies Education Supplies Household Technology Identific. & Signage IT & Office Supplies IT & Office Supplies IT & Office Supplies IT & Office Supplies IT & Office Supplies IT & Office Supplies IT & Office Supplies Laboratory Supplies Laboratory Supplies Laboratory Supplies Medical Equipment Nutrition Nutrition Nutrition Nutrition Pharmaceuticals Printing Printing Printing Shelter/Field Equip. Transport Warehousing Warehousing Warehousing Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Pharmaceuticals Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Bednets/Insecticides Clothing & Footwear Education Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies 172 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO Value USD 30,110.87 49,639.49 49,730.44 93,922.36 34,308.15 155,787.67 60,422.00 42,730.06 37,949.49 179,802.13 142,110.31 129,427.91 114,377.90 84,612.80 101,407.06 71,067.32 46,802.69 41,348.39 1,738,662.74 122,221.39 42,916.48 40,004.51 35,059.75 52,385.69 43,180.04 41,216.70 168,450.38 42,572.51 126,708.80 81,632.76 34,131.00 3,798,564.00 192,493.99 130,925.42 32,376.05 44,882.18 30,740.73 49,989.42 32,196.50 34,785.89 706,745.00 42,927.39 51,146.51 34,192.02 73,061.84 33,683.04 217,601.82 45,426.62 48,474.18 30,167.13 114,947.70 71,793.31 39,179.47 68,279.06 63,000.00 36,827.59 182,944.48 73,900.00 297,213.61 369,563.87 43,945.32 92,214.00 144,000.00 53,146.55 69,967.14 284,764.00 181,980.00 102,300.00 52,000.00 39,042.76 230,167.87 228,197.37 1,404,650.00 324,641.24 68,971.29 43,680.00 994,517.65 339,264.77 201,130.00 197,500.00 120,052.24 107,614.65 33,885.71 30,890.33 2,216,099.00 707,484.80 124,743.90 108,000.00 12,813,311.50 1,572,352.93 895,125.00 113,618.16 39,450.00 89,321.12 46,446.38 39,774.10 108,206.14 65,768.70 344,956.44 36,204.64 33,036.73 645,921.23 564,809.60 402,979.13 350,102.19 169,512.50 133,701.80 122,522.20 78,919.97 150,786.35 559,046.50 546,320.81 400,879.31 38,374.31 51,361.14 352,383.64 115,904.35 115,904.34 85,354.75 44,839.77 Major Orders for Goods Placed by Agency During 2011 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of Supplier UNICEF Continued Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Swaziland Sweden Sweden Sweden Sweden Sweden Sweden Sweden Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Syrian Arab Republic Syrian Arab Republic Syrian Arab Republic Syrian Arab Republic Syrian Arab Republic Syrian Arab Republic Syrian Arab Republic Syrian Arab Republic Syrian Arab Republic Syrian Arab Republic Syrian Arab Republic Syrian Arab Republic Syrian Arab Republic Syrian Arab Republic Tajikistan Tajikistan Tajikistan Tajikistan Tajikistan Tajikistan Tajikistan Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand PO Value USD Name of Supplier Description of Goods Gimhan Furnitures Lapro Technologies (Pvt) Ltd Metropolitan Office (Pvt) Ltd Sujith Furniture Manufacturers CBA - Ceylon Business Appliances Ltd Technomedics International (Pvt) Ltd Premium International (Pvt) Ltd Mervynsons Private Limited Medex Holdings (Pvt) Ltd Printcare Packaging (Pvt) Ltd Hunter & Company Plc Stafford Motor Company Limited Tawfig Soap Factory Hemedan International Soap Factory Sharaf Banaga Fortrico/Ready Clothes Al Magari For Engineering Services Enterprise Trojan Enterprises (/Ss) Limited Petrocity Enterprise Ltd Nile Petroleum Co. Amonia For Petroluem South Sudan Promotion & Advertising Agency (Sspaa) Nagi Elsadig Printing & Design Rama International Isnad Engineering Co. Ltd. Nile Furniture & Office Supplies Hurria Printing Press Aramco Trading For Multi Activity Co. H.M.R. Printing Press & Enterprise Amira Printing & Publishing Creative Designers & Screen Printers Aro Printing Press & Gen. Commercial New Life Printing Press South Sudan Promotion & Advertising Agency (Sspaa) Afristar International Limited Car And General (Kenya) Limited United Nations Mission In Sudan (UNMIS) Eurochamp Limited Eurochamp Limited Technology of Submersible Pumps Omaski Sai Infra Co. Ltd Sudanese Tractor Co. Ltd. Albaraka Plastic Factory Diesel Generator Co. Ltd. Azoom Plastic Factory A.M.S Plastic Ropes Factory Rama International Albatrik Trading & Services Co. Al Batrik Trading & Services Co. Ltd. Macmillian Publishing Co. Sibir International Ab Dometic Ab Biab International Ab Hemocue Ab Smurfit Kappa Lagamill Ab Halmstad Tryckeri Ab LCS Promotion International Ab Berlinger & Co. AG Connectis Vestergaard Frandsen Group SA BASF Agro B.V., Arnhem (Nl) Syngenta Crop Protection Ag Telios S.A Medela Ag WHO - World Health Organization Novartis Pharma Services A.G. Schering-Plough Central East Ag Mepha Ltd. Baxter AG Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd. Atar Sa Crucell Switzerland Ag Al Sebai For Teaching Aids/ Isam Ziad Al Sebai IT & Office Supplies IT & Office Supplies IT & Office Supplies IT & Office Supplies IT & Office Supplies Medical Equipment Medical Equipment Medical Equipment Medical Equipment Printing Transport Transport Bednets/Insecticides Bednets/Insecticides Clothing & Footwear Education Supplies Fuel & Lubricants Fuel & Lubricants Fuel & Lubricants Fuel & Lubricants Identific. & Signage Identific. & Signage IT & Office Supplies IT & Office Supplies IT & Office Supplies Printing Printing Printing Printing Printing Printing Printing Printing Printing Transport Transport Transport Warehousing Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Education Supplies Cold Chain Equipment Cold Chain Equipment Education Supplies Laboratory Supplies Medical Renewable Medical Renewable Water and Sanitation Cold Chain Equipment Communication Equip. Household Technology Household Technology Household Technology IT & Office Supplies Medical Equipment Medical Equipment Pharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals Printing Vaccines/Biologicals Education Supplies 142,177.92 138,438.34 113,251.68 96,118.52 47,125.91 182,063.40 58,009.79 47,814.70 31,855.85 78,296.70 313,926.11 115,455.40 453,295.14 262,946.16 124,327.08 52,420.14 554,355.36 293,255.35 40,819.50 30,546.96 173,858.26 36,484.88 148,095.67 89,657.95 86,242.42 439,690.00 321,180.54 319,342.27 222,299.33 108,829.98 98,645.79 76,804.87 47,121.48 35,562.60 130,660.04 71,176.00 40,066.67 155,333.35 645,012.98 424,225.08 420,020.49 385,948.28 366,595.60 242,742.41 130,000.00 100,711.15 67,724.14 43,014.84 70,784.89 942,767.08 30,549.91 427,034.20 1,113,343.22 1,554,433.63 65,661.75 52,562.18 429,707.66 38,256.90 67,291,439.80 4,233,956.10 87,880.00 80,685.50 736,918.70 494,843.00 10,906,222.80 698,040.00 331,405.10 147,759.81 105,934.65 40,303.01 211,431,692.00 258,813.78 Rend Child Kingdom/Mhd Sadek Al Rejjal And Or Mhd Nahed Kaheel Digital Plus Computer Information Systems Ltd Automatic Business Solutions Techno-Media Center Alico/ Mohammad Ali Hasan Al Shaheer Besherab Maysaa Rejleh Al-Manar For Graphic Arts Al-Razi Est. For Printing & Binding Al Manar For Printing Arts/Shwaiki Brother Co Salhani Printing Est/Ibrahim & Yassin Salhani Mhd Khaled & Mhd Anas Rankousi Al Houda Co Alhouda Company Private Entrepreneur Sobirov A Private Entrepreneur Murodov Ulugbek Private Entrepreneur Yusupov Sherzod LLC Burkhyon LLC Rudsoz Contrast LLC LLC Rudsoz Planet Communications Asia Co., Ltd. Football Thai Factory Sporting Goods Co., Ltd. Saengroong Books Factory Co., Ltd Dha Siamwalla Co., Ltd. Siam Quality Industries Co., Ltd. S.C. Stationery Industry Co., Ltd. Thai Sports Co., Ltd. P & P Stationery Ltd. Nan Mee Industry Co., Ltd. Tana Netting Co., Ltd Romar Industrial Company Limited First Interbusiness Ltd. Loxbit Pa Public Company Limited Siam Integrated Technology Co., Ltd. Ricoh (Thailand) Limited Thantawan Industry Public Company Ltd. Pimolchai Suksakorn Co. Ltd. Advanced Country Education Co., Ltd. Sirivatana Interprint Public Co.Ltd Phongwarin Printing Ltd. Amarin Printing And Publishing Plc. Daiei Papers (S) Pte., Ltd. C.A.S Paper Co.,Ltd. Darnsutha Press Co., Ltd. Thammada Press Co., Ltd. Hua Nam Printing Co., Ltd. Good Luck Steel Tubes Ltd. Education Supplies IT & Office Supplies IT & Office Supplies IT & Office Supplies IT & Office Supplies Medical Equipment Medical Equipment Printing Printing Printing Printing Shelter/Field Equip. Water and Sanitation Education Supplies Education Supplies IT & Office Supplies Medical Kits Nutrition Printing Water and Sanitation Communication Equip. Education Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies Household Technology Identific. & Signage IT & Office Supplies IT & Office Supplies IT & Office Supplies IT & Office Supplies Medical Renewable Nutrition Printing Printing Printing Printing Printing Printing Printing Printing Printing Water and Sanitation 42,470.39 75,144.05 67,240.80 62,192.36 45,250.79 77,963.43 44,279.92 95,703.96 67,776.45 48,628.31 44,501.82 293,224.37 57,450.00 116,822.42 80,188.76 69,302.15 43,752.64 33,645.71 83,631.81 34,530.37 87,991.61 136,056.75 126,176.66 87,644.64 75,139.24 61,325.90 53,480.98 47,306.26 43,505.66 748,500.00 613,390.76 147,273.65 128,234.72 45,978.56 41,336.36 59,804.16 593,840.00 624,645.21 508,723.29 313,615.27 156,020.45 98,100.00 96,824.06 89,508.74 73,558.74 64,486.52 357,200.00 173 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement Major Orders for Goods Placed by Agency During 2011 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of Supplier Name of Supplier UNICEF Continued Promotion Of Appropriate Technology Thailand Rma Automotive Co., Ltd Thailand Sopon Lab Center Co., Ltd. Thailand Berli Jucker Public Co., Ltd. Thailand Saha Srirattanasomboon Co. Thailand The Former Yugoslav Rep. of Macedon Anhoch The Former Yugoslav Rep. of Macedon Datapons Doo Ets. Synergie-Plus Savanes Togo CENPATO Togo Ets Ipacom Togo Espace Technologie Togo Socit De Biologie Et De Services Industriels Tunisia Brain Informatique Tunisia Adev - Nissan Tunisia Prefabrik Yapi Insaat San. Ve Tic. A.S. Turkey Atabay Pharmaceuticals Factory A.S. Turkey Erbosan Erciyas Boru Sanayii. Ve Ti Turkey World Point Group Uganda Davis & Shirtliff (International) Ltd Uganda Appliance World Ltd Uganda Safi Net (U) Ltd Uganda Asiatic Sports Ltd Uganda Dot Early Childhood Development Centre Uganda Shell (Uganda) Uganda PC World Computers Ltd Uganda Raps Uganda Ltd Uganda Technology Associates Ltd Uganda Performance Furnishings (U) Ltd Uganda Hwan Sung Industries Limited Uganda Atlas Procurement Consult Ltd (Apc) Uganda Atlas Procurement Consult Ltd (Apc) Uganda New Vision Printingg & Publishing Corp. Uganda World Point Group Uganda Artfieldgraphics Uganda Techno Relief Services (U) Ltd Uganda Tents Africa Ltd Uganda Rajan Enterprises (U) Ltd Uganda Roadmaster Cycles (U) Ltd Uganda Nile Fishing Co (NIFCO) Ltd Uganda Arrow Centre Uganda Toyota Uganda Limited Uganda Rajan Enterprises (U) Ltd Uganda Appliance World Ltd Uganda Foliant Printing Centre Ukraine Leader Sport Trading United Arab Emirates Abu Dhabi Medical Devices Co. L.L.C United Arab Emirates Emirates Refining Co. United Arab Emirates Banadir Gate General Trading (L.L.C United Arab Emirates Gulf Pharmaceutical Industries United Arab Emirates Al Ghurair Printing & Publishing House Co. L.L.C. United Arab Emirates N-R-S International Fzco United Arab Emirates Oki General Trading Llc United Arab Emirates Dulas Ltd. United Kingdom True Energy Limited United Kingdom Hattersley Aladdin Limited United Kingdom Sollatek UK Limited United Kingdom Sollatek UK Limited United Kingdom Thales UK Limited United Kingdom Lab21 Healthcare Limited United Kingdom WRS Group, Ltd. United Kingdom Bestnet Europe Limited United Kingdom Cromwell Tools Limited United Kingdom Innovyze Ltd United Kingdom Tinius Olsen Ltd. United Kingdom Morningside Pharmaceuticals Ltd. United Kingdom Maviga Europe Ltd United Kingdom Holbud Limited United Kingdom The Crown Agents For Overseas United Kingdom Avery Weigh-Tronix Limited United Kingdom Smartlogic Semaphore Ltd United Kingdom Medreich Plc United Kingdom Morningside Pharmaceuticals Ltd. United Kingdom Durbin Plc United Kingdom Mallory International Limited United Kingdom Sdms Security Products Limited United Kingdom Aegis Engineering Ltd United Kingdom Jankel Armouring Limited United Kingdom Unatrac Limited United Kingdom Evenproducts Limited United Kingdom Hydrachem Limited United Kingdom Wagtech Projects Ltd. United Kingdom Osprey Ltd. United Kingdom BWA Water Additives United Kingdom Delagua Water Testing Limited United Kingdom Palintest Ltd. United Kingdom Butyl Products Ltd. United Kingdom A.J. Cope & Son Ltd United Kingdom Green & Carter Ltd United Kingdom Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd. United Kingdom (Gibraltar) Tanzania Printing Services Ltd. United Republic of Tanzania Mpely Furniture United Republic of Tanzania Net Health Ltd United Republic of Tanzania Step In Limited United Republic of Tanzania Power Foods Industries Limited United Republic of Tanzania Jamana Printers Limited United Republic of Tanzania Iprint Limited United Republic of Tanzania CI Group Limited United Republic of Tanzania Tanzania Printing Services Ltd. United Republic of Tanzania Step In Limited United Republic of Tanzania Kilimanjaro Blanket Corp. Limited United Republic of Tanzania Sundanzer Refrigeration, Inc. United States of America Computer Network Solutions United States of America Manhattan Information Systems, Inc. United States of America Access Bio, Inc. United States of America Chembio Diagnostics Systems, Inc. United States of America Orasure Technologies, Inc United States of America One World Futbol United States of America Books of Hope LLC United States of America Gaumard Scientific Company, Inc. United States of America Replogle Globes, Inc. United States of America Clarke International LLC United States of America Microsoft Corporation United States of America Atlantic Business Systems, Inc. United States of America Insight Direct Usa, Inc. United States of America Sap America Inc. United States of America Manhattan Information Systems, Inc. United States of America Shi International Corp. United States of America Oracle America Inc. United States of America International Business Machines United States of America Hewlett Packard United States of America 174 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement Description of Goods Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation IT & Office Supplies Printing Agriculture Education Supplies Printing Printing Cold Chain Equipment IT & Office Supplies Transport Construction Nonwash Pharmaceuticals Water and Sanitation Clothing & Footwear Communication Equip. Communication Equip. Communication Equip. Education Supplies Education Supplies Fuel & Lubricants IT & Office Supplies IT & Office Supplies IT & Office Supplies IT & Office Supplies Medical Kits Medical Kits Other Printing Printing Printing Printing Shelter/Field Equip. Shelter/Field Equip. Transport Transport Transport Transport Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Printing Medical Equipment Medical Renewable Nutrition Nutrition Pharmaceuticals Printing Shelter/Field Equip. Shelter/Field Equip. Cold Chain Equipment Cold Chain Equipment Cold Chain Equipment Cold Chain Equipment Communication Equip. Communication Equip. Diagnostic Test Kits Education Supplies Household Technology IT & Office Supplies IT & Office Supplies IT & Office Supplies Medical Renewable Nutrition Nutrition Nutrition Nutrition Other Pharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals Printing Shelter/Field Equip. Staff Supplies Transport Transport Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Transport Education Supplies Education Supplies Household Technology IT & Office Supplies Nutrition Printing Printing Printing Printing Shelter/Field Equip. Shelter/Field Equip. Cold Chain Equipment Communication Equip. Communication Equip. Diagnostic Test Kits Diagnostic Test Kits Diagnostic Test Kits Education Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies Household Technology IT & Office Supplies IT & Office Supplies IT & Office Supplies IT & Office Supplies IT & Office Supplies IT & Office Supplies IT & Office Supplies IT & Office Supplies IT & Office Supplies PO Value USD 141,687.00 82,415.00 65,078.03 47,139.14 31,209.36 34,291.37 46,218.87 34,496.10 34,227.80 115,036.80 110,685.71 70,182.83 30,783.31 34,200.74 375,133.70 261,488.97 117,285.77 48,425.22 80,491.51 52,991.34 35,982.70 149,508.20 37,521.85 252,804.18 50,342.28 47,612.26 40,205.35 31,413.56 46,405.43 38,566.04 60,063.22 291,911.45 170,021.52 39,773.03 32,820.90 76,449.56 38,711.32 321,130.57 228,591.60 47,673.85 43,617.00 253,903.21 64,766.41 30,031.89 36,534.06 5,083,802.50 3,472,924.00 604,175.00 794,149.50 139,700.00 957,186.50 44,491.20 4,118,086.65 468,278.49 268,769.81 83,807.00 83,800.00 39,770.53 53,190.83 46,822.57 3,643,565.00 733,637.76 91,075.00 31,538.38 2,550,751.22 1,125,000.00 960,000.00 885,629.00 115,080.00 55,200.00 3,987,248.75 682,718.86 462,919.20 81,961.38 37,264.05 104,795.75 1,086,746.00 159,720.00 1,046,256.93 390,619.80 225,637.82 214,031.06 194,529.72 112,745.77 108,400.07 86,586.50 66,219.94 53,290.59 12,146,542.55 525,629.42 51,499.35 10,290,191.27 32,679.88 60,683.82 1,029,809.38 75,717.32 67,745.00 35,591.91 96,511.80 41,528.46 479,644.00 61,128.00 38,086.96 1,206,313.40 149,475.00 74,000.00 89,039.64 41,850.00 40,375.60 30,643.20 3,950,860.00 2,902,403.22 2,215,092.60 1,077,755.28 995,590.89 496,040.46 310,361.45 290,462.16 263,505.62 192,621.39 Major Orders for Goods Placed by Agency During 2011 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of Supplier UNICEF Continued United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America Uruguay Uzbekistan Uzbekistan Uzbekistan Uzbekistan Uzbekistan Uzbekistan Uzbekistan Uzbekistan Venezuela (Bolivarian Rep. of) Venezuela (Bolivarian Rep. of) Venezuela (Bolivarian Rep. of) Yemen Yemen Yemen Yemen Yemen Yemen Yemen Yemen Yemen Yemen Yemen Yemen Yemen Yemen Yemen Yemen Yemen Yemen Yemen Yemen Yemen Yemen Yemen Yemen Yemen Yemen Yemen Zambia Zambia Zambia Zambia Zambia Zambia Zambia Zambia Zambia Zambia Zambia Zambia Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Zimbabwe UNIDO Angola Austria Austria Austria Name of Supplier Description of Goods Citrix Systems, Inc. GSX Groupware Solutions Fast Search & Transfer Inc. Wisconsin Aluminum Foundry Co. Inc. Steris Corporation Edesia Tabatchnick Fine Foods Inc Weigh And Measure, LLC Challenge Dairy Products, Inc. Cardinal Scale Manufacturing Company Sap America Inc. Hewlett Packard Microsoft Corporation Cisco Systems, Inc Citrix Systems, Inc. Vmware, Inc. International Business Machines Hatteras Press Inc. Shi International Corp. Rapid Access Communication Manhattan Information Systems, Inc. T & G Industries, Inc. Lindenmeyr Munroe Eminentware Llc B&H Foto & Electronics Corp. Gilead Sciences Incorporated Brodock Press, Inc. Colorcraft Of Virginia, Inc. Pfizer Inc. Industrial Test Systems, Inc. Procter & Gamble Company Hedwin Corporation DMA International, LLC Lamotte Company Meralir S.A. Simfo Pvt Vartex Glory Trade Office Print Ruta Print Jv Business Communication Centre Avrora Media Es-Print Sergeli Avtotexservis Sc Grupo Promotex C.A. Total Office Venezuela C.A. Servicios Gz C.A. Al-Awadhi For Furniture And General Services Bilal Al-Hubaishi For Trading & Agencies Al-Adel For General Trading Multaka Al-Karat For Marketing (Mk) Al-Jeel Al-Jadeed Group Al-Jeel Al-Jadeed Group Garsan Stationery Al-Maktaba Maktabati Stationery Faisal Fare'A Abdo For Steel Forming Saba Furniture Centre Al-Khalil For Tech. & Computer Mam International Corp. Al-Fakhry For General Trading & Agencies Al-Prince For Printing & Publishing Print Art Onex Design And Advert Multaka Al-Karat For Marketing (Mk) A.M.T.C. (Toyota Agent) Silver Filters Company Al-Awadhi For Furniture And General Services Multaka Al-Karat For Marketing (Mk) Al-Adel For General Trading Bilal Al-Hubaishi For Trading & Agencies Torwada For Trading Abdulla Hasson Al-Sunaidar Al-Watary Trading And Agriculture Supersonic International Zambia Ltd Micmar Investments Limited New Horizon Printing Press Afriprint Office Solutions Keren Motors Limited Tata (Z) Limited Freight & Passenger Services Ltd Kingdom Investments Limited Micmar Investments Limited Saro Agro Industrial Ltd Ethaleni Solutions Limted Amalgamated Steel Engineering Compagny Neyhom Enterprises T/A Progress Marketing Fabco Pvt Ltd T/A Fabs Projects Tassa Enterprises (Pvt) Ltd Strauss Logistics Limited National Oil Company Of Zimbabwe Bsky Energy Daeta International Trading Cc Mm African Technologies (Pvt) Ltd Medsure Healthcare (Pvt) Ltd Varichem Pharmaceuticals Ltd. College Press Publishers Longman Zimbabwe ZPH Publishers Sable Press (Pvt ) Ltd CTP Printers Cape Town World Bicycle Relief Nissan South Africa (Pty) Ltd Nissan Trading Co. Ltd Chemplex Corporation Limited A.I. Davis & Co. (Pvt) Ltd Loyal Crown International Neyhom Enterprises T/A Progress Marketing V. And W. Engineering Pvt. Ltd. Nayee Brothers (Pvt) Ltd T/A Wholesale Centre Graniteside Electrical & Hardware Zimplastics (Pvt) Ltd Olivine Industries Curechem Overseas P/L Lafarge Cement Zimbabwe Limited Fabco Pvt Ltd T/A Fabs Projects IT & Office Supplies IT & Office Supplies IT & Office Supplies Medical Equipment Medical Equipment Nutrition Nutrition Nutrition Nutrition Nutrition Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Pharmaceuticals Printing Printing Vaccines/Biologicals Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Printing Education Supplies IT & Office Supplies Printing Printing Printing Printing Printing Transport Clothing & Footwear IT & Office Supplies IT & Office Supplies Bednets/Insecticides Bednets/Insecticides Bednets/Insecticides Bednets/Insecticides Clothing & Footwear Education Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies IT & Office Supplies IT & Office Supplies IT & Office Supplies Nutrition Printing Printing Printing Shelter/Field Equip. Transport Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Education Supplies IT & Office Supplies Printing Printing Transport Transport Transport Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Agriculture Agriculture Education Supplies Fuel & Lubricants Fuel & Lubricants Fuel & Lubricants IT & Office Supplies Laboratory Supplies Laboratory Supplies Pharmaceuticals Printing Printing Printing Printing Printing Transport Transport Transport Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation RESTAURANT BAR YÉLICA Miscellaneous Obligations Miscellaneous Obligations Miscellaneous Obligations CATERING SERVICES Engines, inboard, for marine propul Hand tools, masonry Hand tools, plumbing 175 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO Value USD 78,841.75 57,428.62 56,875.00 667,134.24 31,729.92 4,013,039.18 3,323,041.25 647,297.50 327,605.00 132,354.00 5,898,354.00 3,308,871.36 1,894,294.49 925,446.01 316,661.70 98,283.35 88,466.75 87,205.67 75,102.40 71,727.25 69,615.69 69,026.56 57,120.00 55,950.00 45,509.66 371,250.00 160,540.00 81,308.00 143,847,900.00 505,980.30 456,111.92 73,776.00 44,932.48 32,543.55 70,351.23 54,101.81 60,586.86 163,098.97 66,674.64 64,339.77 49,335.98 42,870.18 37,440.46 38,058.05 36,181.82 34,030.36 206,733.83 138,715.86 106,123.56 63,519.34 52,941.29 292,542.63 118,737.25 84,420.25 79,954.13 61,438.35 99,450.81 43,300.22 33,199.06 75,150.26 79,817.36 75,698.59 50,090.88 39,680.37 66,200.00 532,311.00 294,775.10 255,710.46 253,640.09 121,836.38 84,279.50 78,687.00 49,078.26 46,238.94 72,273.43 313,123.45 52,127.71 54,520.01 40,890.48 37,735.07 193,216.20 165,218.91 101,685.99 77,497.65 57,459.51 197,101.14 98,323.85 106,988.00 520,335.45 187,478.08 60,390.00 31,205.13 264,496.00 51,793.50 905,547.02 3,491,425.20 2,504,409.00 1,743,725.66 97,319.90 30,972.22 127,668.06 58,368.00 37,484.00 3,203,311.60 1,292,570.00 487,146.00 320,482.17 115,013.65 107,161.91 86,902.86 85,732.00 78,713.60 69,897.68 61,429.56 33,769.63 138,846.00 110,000.00 100,000.00 120,000.00 Major Orders for Goods Placed by Agency During 2011 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of Supplier UNIDO Continued Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Bangladesh China China China China China China Cote d'Ivoire Denmark Denmark Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany India Indonesia Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Jordan Lao People’s Democratic Rep. Lao People’s Democratic Rep. Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Mauritius Mauritius Mexico Mexico Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Nigeria Singapore South Africa South Africa Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Sweden Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Thailand Thailand The fm Yugoslav Rep. of Macedonia Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey United Arab Emirates United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United States of America United States of America United States of America Venezuela (Bolivarian Rep. of) Zambia UNOG Finland France France France France France Germany Ireland Ireland Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Norway Norway PO Value USD Name of Supplier Description of Goods Miscellaneous Obligations Miscellaneous Obligations SHIMADZU Handelsgesellschaft AMEX Export Import GmbH Miscellaneous Obligations Miscellaneous Obligations Miscellaneous Obligations Miscellaneous Obligations NanoTech YUTONG GROUP CO JDM JingDa Machine (Ningbo) Co Ltd Hangzhou Nannan Hydropower Development Co. Ltd JDM JingDa Machine (Ningbo) Co Ltd Chin Fu Industrial Corp. Chin Fu Industrial Corp. Toles Ivoire AGRAMKOW Fluid Systems AGRAMKOW Fluid Systems Flottweg AG Hydrogenics GmbH Umwelttechnik MCZ GmbH Umwelttechnik MCZ GmbH LABSCO Laboratory Supply Company LABSCO Laboratory Supply Company Analytik Jena AG Specialized Services LABTECH INTERNATIONAL LTD SOVIMP Srl TECMON S R L Impianti OMS Spa Afros S p A Galileo TP Process Equipment Srl Impianti OMS Spa Impianti OMS Spa Galileo TP Process Equipment Srl Afros S p A EKOSYSTEM S.R.L. Afros S p A GAMMA MECCANICA S.p.A. Galileo TP Process Equipment Srl Galileo TP Process Equipment Srl Galileo TP Process Equipment Srl Afros S p A Galileo TP Process Equipment Srl Impianti OMS Spa ANTEMINA INTERNATIONAL LLC Sunlabob Renewable Energy Ltd Sunlabob Renewable Energy Ltd INTERTECH BATINORM SAL INTERTECH BATINORM SAL INTERTECH BATINORM SAL SupplyQuip Limited SupplyQuip Limited UNIDO Mexico Office Imprest Account FAX MEXICO SA DE CV DRC International b.v. IMANTS B V DEVOTRA B V DEVOTRA B V Synapse Technologies Du Pont Company (Singapore) Pte Ltd DIGITAL VOICE PROCESSING (PTY) LTD LTE Energy Pty Ltd INMESOL S L COMERCIAL J. HUETE S.L TST STAG S A TST STAG S A TST STAG S A TST STAG S A TST STAG S A INKOA SISTEMAS S L INKOA SISTEMAS S L INKOA SISTEMAS S L Kinnarps AB ISO Central Secretariat Environmental Technology Ltd(ETI) Rhenus Freight Logistics AG Global Fleet Sales Co Ltd Global Fleet Sales Co Ltd ARIAZONE INTERNATIONAL EUROPE SEM DIS TICARET KOLL STI LABORATORY EQUIPMENT Laboratory equipment, miscellaneous Laboratory equipment, miscellaneous Laboratory testing Ozone layer depletion - halons PROCUREMENT SERVICES Sea freight transport Solar equipment Computer network communication equi Buses and coaches over 15 seats MACHINERY, GENERAL PURPOSE PROCUREMENT SERVICES Tools, hand, powered, flexible shaf Training systems, audio Wood and bamboo working equipment a Roofing sheets, corrugated, of plas Circuit tester systems Test equipment for radiocommunicati Extraction plants Fuel cells LABORATORY EQUIPMENT LABORATORY EQUIPMENT Laboratory testing PROCUREMENT SERVICES Spectrometers, proton LABORATORY EQUIPMENT ODS (Ozone Depleting Substances) ph Food processing equipment Food processing equipment Generators INSTALLATION OF MACHINERY AND EQUIP Leak detectors Machinery, electrical equipment and Mixing machines Nitrogen Ozone layer depletion - foams Ozone layer depletion - refrigerati Ozone layer depletion - solvents Pumping equipment related services Pumps, fitted or designed to be fit Pumps, vacuum Refrigerant compressors Supervision/inspection of equipment Test equipment for radiocommunicati Ventilation equipment Compressors PROCUREMENT SERVICES Solar energy systems Crushers for the cement, ceramics a PC accessories Testing equipment n.e.c. Food processing equipment Food processing equipment Calibration equipment Fumigation kits Deviation calibrators Fumigation kits Metrology equipment n.e.c. RUBBER INDUSTRY Chromatographs, gas Laboratory testing Education equipment computer Solar equipment Generators, electric Greenhouses ODS (Ozone Depleting Substances) ph Ozone layer depletion Refrigerators Seed processing equipment, general Toolboxes Tractors Tractors, 4WD Trailers, agricultural, general pur Furniture, school BOOKS, BROCHURES AND LEAFLETS, MAPS Laboratory or chemical reagents for TRANSPORT, STORAGE, MANUFACTURING S Automobiles, utility vehicles TRANSPORT, STORAGE, MANUFACTURING S ODS (Ozone Depleting Substances) ph Chromatographs, gas DEKA Múhendislik Yangin Guvenlik Sistemleri ve Insaat San. Tic Ld. Sti HABAS Sinau ve Tibbi Gazlar Endustrisi AS HABAS Sinau ve Tibbi Gazlar Endustrisi AS UNIDO ICHET Istanbul USD Imprest Account Landmark Resources FZCO Unit Export Limited Labquip Projects Limited SOTEX INTERNATIONAL LTD CROMWELL International Tools Limited i 2 Limited Unit Export Limited SOTEX INTERNATIONAL LTD Proptek Ltd CROMWELL International Tools Limited TEMP AIR INC Data Power Inc TEMP AIR INC TRANE Service First CA CFAO Zambia Limited Fire extinguishers maintenance and Hydrogen Hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, carbon Supply and demand Motor vehicles, passenger, public t Calibration equipment LABORATORY EQUIPMENT Laboratory equipment, agricultural, Millstones, grindstones, grinding-w Notebooks PROCUREMENT SERVICES PROCUREMENT SERVICES Trays, dishes, plates, cups and the VOCATIONAL TRAINING Heaters, water, instantaneous gas PROCUREMENT SERVICES TRAINING Air conditioning equipment Pick-ups 118,052.00 420,000.00 80,000.00 127,607.20 115,000.00 151,083.92 105,596.96 186,361.06 67,782.66 32,858.80 254,824.00 158,051.48 63,262.00 234,731.78 67,500.00 537,266.00 84,000.00 580,000.00 239,633.76 OSPREY SCIENTIFIC INC. SILLINGER S.A. VERSEIDAG BALLISTIC PROTECTION OY SOCIETE FRANCAISE DE COMMERCE EURO ICOM FRANCE SAS NOVACOM SERVICES GROUPE MULLIEZ FLORY ARMOURED PROJECT VEHICLES MICROSOFT IRELAND OPERATIONS LTD METALLURGICA ITALO OTTINETTI s.r.l METALLURGICA ITALO OTTINETTI s.r.l METALLURGICA ITALO OTTINETTI s.r.l COELMO s.r.l. COELMO s.r.l. COELMO s.r.l. MICROSOFT IRELAND OPERATIONS LTD ROFI INDUSTRIER AS ROFI INDUSTRIER AS Machinery for sorting, screening, s Boats, inflatable Crowd control equipment Motor vehicles, passenger, other Radio broadcast and television rece Satellite communication systems Clothing of textile materials Motor vehicles, passenger, other Software application packages Domestic metal products Domestic metal products Domestic metal products Electric motors, generators and the Electric motors, generators and the Electric motors, generators and the Software application packages Camping equipment Camping equipment 112,612.98 93,900.00 47,084.00 69,900.00 95,553.19 283,170.00 40,110.72 234,251.84 35,672.00 192,397.25 64,132.42 62,251.20 215,344.87 203,991.48 198,007.73 71,334.00 230,831.60 150,911.25 176 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement 1,097,393.68 253,390.56 147,410.82 79,404.00 740,000.00 136,000.00 120,000.00 74,000.00 92,445.02 187,797.54 100,000.00 1,460,150.02 72,000.00 62,860.00 95,440.00 186,042.00 627,432.50 1,013,732.06 789,362.66 928,586.00 181,289.20 158,260.00 104,210.00 224,906.00 71,250.00 244,170.10 136,714.00 497,044.34 67,407.40 77,750.00 4,071,999.98 836,713.90 265,560.00 102,230.00 256,130.80 2,787,980.00 251,369.40 4,200,000.00 885,730.00 251,444.14 657,918.24 501,057.22 1,725,420.00 172,457.76 65,700.00 119,184.00 1,456,233.62 344,872.18 316,379.40 69,912.00 187,170.02 190,948.94 119,252.02 400,000.00 183,281.36 74,417.01 380,000.00 219,724.26 359,459.00 260,044.00 148,800.00 111,321.60 353,335.20 222,892.00 1,213,367.72 205,510.00 333,047.20 91,020.00 168,552.00 831,200.00 184,476.10 142,672.06 62,669.88 153,700.00 145,947.36 173,228.00 90,190.74 178,983.52 62,500.00 275,688.00 185,250.00 Major Orders for Goods Placed by Agency During 2011 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of Supplier UNOG Continued Norway Norway Norway Norway Norway Norway Norway Norway Norway Norway Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America Name of Supplier Description of Goods ROFI INDUSTRIER AS ROFI INDUSTRIER AS SCANDINAVIAN WATER TECHNOLOGY AS SCANDINAVIAN WATER TECHNOLOGY AS SCANDINAVIAN WATER TECHNOLOGY AS SCANDINAVIAN WATER TECHNOLOGY AS SCANDINAVIAN WATER TECHNOLOGY AS COELMO s.r.l. SCANDINAVIAN WATER TECHNOLOGY AS VIZADA NETWORKS AS TA TRIUMPH-ADLER VISINFO AG TECHNICONGRES MARTANO SA SCANDINAVIAN WATER TECHNOLOGY AS GARAGE DU RHONE SENFTEN CEDRIC NOS NEW ORGANISATION SYSTEM SA ROUND OFFICE SA ROUND OFFICE SA ROUND OFFICE SA ROUND OFFICE SA ROUND OFFICE SA ROUND OFFICE SA ROUND OFFICE SA ELECTROPLAST SA ETI UMWELTTECHNIK AG MINERG-APPELSA SA MIB SUISSE SA DAN OFFICE SA DAN OFFICE SA DAN OFFICE SA DAN OFFICE SA LENOVO (Schweiz) GmbH DELL SA DAN OFFICE SA DELL SA DELL SA MIB SUISSE SA DELL SA DELL SA DELL SA DAN OFFICE SA DELL SA DELL SA ACCELERIS GmbH DAN OFFICE SA PRO-DATA LGI SA DELL SA MIB SUISSE SA DELL SA CHALUT GREEN SERVICE SA LARAG SA SATIGNY CHEVALLEY ANDRE SA PITNEY BOWES (SWITZERLAND) AG ARCTICA SA ABSOLIS SA EMC COMPUTER SYSTEMS SA EMC COMPUTER SYSTEMS SA EMC COMPUTER SYSTEMS SA ANTALIS SA SPACECOM SYSTEMS (CSL) Sarl AVISION AG VISUALS (Switzerland) Sarl INTERSITAG BUROROY SA INTERSITAG BUROROY SA INTERSITAG BUROROY SA INTERSITAG BUROROY SA NOS NEW ORGANISATION SYSTEM SA MAX C. MEISTER AG IT CONCEPTS SOLUTIONS GmbH DELL SA TORSON KUNSTSTOFFTECHNIK AG EMC COMPUTER SYSTEMS SA DAN OFFICE SA DAN OFFICE SA DAN OFFICE SA DAN OFFICE SA KSB ZURICH SA HEIMGARTNER FAHNEN AG TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD. TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD. TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD. TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD. TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD. TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD. TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD. TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD. TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD. TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD. TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD. TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD. TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD. TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD. TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD. TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD. TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD. TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD. TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD. TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD. TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD. TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD. TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD. TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD. TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD. TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD. TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD. TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD. TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD. TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD. TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD. TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD. GRIMM FRERES SA RELTEX RELIEF SUPPLIES LTD. RELTEX RELIEF SUPPLIES LTD. ARMOURED PROJECT VEHICLES ARMOURED PROJECT VEHICLES ASC (ARMORED SPECIALTY CARS) Gmbh ARMOURED PROJECT VEHICLES GLOBAL FLEET SALES LTD., GLOBAL FLEET SALES LTD., GLOBAL FLEET SALES LTD., TRI-MED SERVICES LTD. Camping equipment Camping equipment Containers for compressed or liquef Containers for compressed or liquef Disinfectants & Antiseptics Domestic metal products Domestic metal products Electric motors, generators and the Filtering and purifying equipment Satellite communication systems AUDIO VISUAL EQUIPMENT AUDIO VISUAL EQUIPMENT Construction materials of plastic; Domestic appliances other than cool FURNITURE Furniture, office, other than chair Furniture, office, other than chair Furniture, office, other than chair Furniture, office, other than chair Furniture, office, other than chair Furniture, office, other than chair Furniture, other, n.e.c. Insulated wire and cable; optical f Machinery for sorting, screening, s Measuring, checking and testing app Micro-computers Micro-computers Micro-computers Micro-computers Micro-computers Micro-computers Micro-computers Micro-computers Micro-computers Micro-computers Micro-computers Micro-computers Micro-computers Micro-computers Micro-computers Micro-computers Micro-computers Micro-computers Micro-computers Micro-computers Micro-computers Micro-computers Micro-computers Motor vehicles, goods transport Motor vehicles, goods transport Motor vehicles, passenger, public t Office machines, other Office machines, other Optical input/output units, such as Optical storage units Optical storage units Optical storage units Paper of paperboard n.e.c., for pri PC software, general Recording and reproducing apparatus Recording and reproducing apparatus Seats and chairs Seats and chairs Seats and chairs Seats and chairs Seats and chairs SECURITY AND SAFETY EQUIPMENT Software application packages Software application packages Stoppers, caps, lids and other meta STORAGE UNITS AND STORAGE MEDIA FOR Super-computers Super-computers Super-computers Super-computers Taps, cocks, valves and similar app Textile articles made-up, other Motor vehicles, passenger, other Motor vehicles, passenger, other Motor vehicles, passenger, other Motor vehicles, passenger, other Motor vehicles, passenger, other Motor vehicles, passenger, other Motor vehicles, passenger, other Motor vehicles, passenger, other Motor vehicles, passenger, other Motor vehicles, passenger, other Motor vehicles, passenger, other Motor vehicles, passenger, other Motor vehicles, passenger, other Motor vehicles, passenger, other Motor vehicles, passenger, other Motor vehicles, passenger, other Motor vehicles, passenger, other Motor vehicles, passenger, other Motor vehicles, passenger, other Motor vehicles, passenger, other Motor vehicles, passenger, other Motor vehicles, passenger, other Motor vehicles, passenger, other Motor vehicles, passenger, other Motor vehicles, passenger, other Motor vehicles, passenger, other Motor vehicles, passenger, other Motor vehicles, passenger, other Motor vehicles, passenger, other Motor vehicles, passenger, other Motor vehicles, passenger, other Motor vehicles, passenger, other Motor vehicles, special purpose Plastic articles n.e.c. Plastic articles n.e.c. Motor vehicles, passenger, other Motor vehicles, passenger, other Motor vehicles, passenger, other Motor vehicles, passenger, other Motor vehicles, passenger, other Motor vehicles, passenger, other Motor vehicles, passenger, other Sanitaryware and plumbing fixtures, 177 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO Value USD 96,543.55 49,869.60 58,711.54 40,714.29 83,777.47 55,844.78 54,069.37 521,015.34 209,443.68 173,405.00 96,026.88 66,232.36 64,115.35 148,327.90 230,510.31 799,559.45 406,182.23 406,182.23 124,344.32 37,646.05 30,077.39 43,514.45 53,789.24 129,869.00 40,870.49 147,750.85 133,950.00 133,950.00 124,500.00 122,677.00 120,960.00 88,920.85 79,650.00 71,982.28 67,625.44 62,915.07 51,478.83 50,866.59 49,527.42 48,450.00 44,471.54 42,463.84 38,883.33 37,354.00 37,225.84 36,576.55 36,289.02 31,827.55 64,060.80 52,120.71 83,128.12 39,511.40 31,090.81 30,451.11 126,687.00 76,750.00 70,000.00 37,639.52 39,824.25 53,151.69 36,402.32 223,731.81 95,107.78 60,721.87 47,000.00 43,822.29 37,448.43 63,925.10 33,740.98 36,427.80 315,350.00 221,390.00 109,740.00 98,070.00 52,347.00 32,983.98 48,324.83 502,405.27 404,212.56 281,890.92 233,571.30 206,952.48 193,863.35 162,122.83 161,289.46 160,760.52 133,698.83 122,009.50 116,512.23 114,631.39 112,177.34 111,145.90 105,044.59 103,773.04 93,270.34 78,033.69 71,313.83 69,756.67 68,802.58 66,997.06 66,225.98 63,244.30 62,634.56 62,357.96 59,022.26 56,819.02 52,640.95 47,242.02 46,344.95 45,705.00 110,000.00 68,750.00 236,170.51 234,225.17 150,762.43 120,309.92 34,699.16 34,499.16 30,783.47 50,000.00 Major Orders for Goods Placed by Agency During 2011 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of Supplier UNOG Continued United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America UNON Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Austria Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Denmark Denmark Dominican Republic Dominican Republic France Germany Germany Germany Hong Kong Italy Italy Japan Japan Japan Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Mauritius Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan PO Value USD Name of Supplier Description of Goods JB INTERNATIONAL INC. CISCO SYSTEMS INC CISCO SYSTEMS INC CISCO SYSTEMS INC CISCO SYSTEMS INC Software application packages Transmitting and communicating equi Transmitting and communicating equi Transmitting and communicating equi Transmitting and communicating equi Shafiq Amiri Construction Co. Citizen Group of Companies Apex global services (Nasseh Group) ASA Logistic and Services Habibullah Haseeb Printing and Advertising Company Prozha tabati Ahmadi Habibullah Haseeb Printing and Advertising Company EMC COMPUTER SYSTEMS AUSTRIA GMBH ICAO GENESIS INTEGRATION CDW CANADA INC TELUS QUEBEC SNOWDON FURNITURE DanOffice your IT Specialist LTA AUTO APS Rican Inversiones EIRL Lusaka Panama S.A. STEELCASE SA FLEISCHHACKER GMBH & CO. KG FLEISCHHACKER GMBH & CO. KG EDV-WERBEARTIKEL.DE GMBH R.M Asia (HK) Limited MECCANOTECNICA SPA TECHNOGYM NISSAN TRADING COMPANY LTD. ITOKI NISSAN TRADING COMPANY LTD. ELITE COMPUTERS LTD KENYA SHELL LIMITED ELITE COMPUTERS LTD E.P. DIS KENYA LTD KENYA ORDNANCE FACTORIES CORPORATION TYPOTECH IMAGING SYSTEMS LTD TYPOTECH IMAGING SYSTEMS LTD ULTRA EQUIPMENT LTD TOYOTA E.A.LTD D.T. DOBIE & COMPANY (KENYA) LTD AMAZON MOTORS LTD MAGENTA (K) LIMITED ADPLAST LTD TYPOTECH IMAGING SYSTEMS LTD TOYOTA E.A.LTD KIM-FAY EAST AFRICA LTD REGIONAL GROUP (K) LTD RYCE EAST AFRICA LTD SOLAR WORLD EA LIMITED HEIDELBERG E.A. LTD RAPISCAN AFRICA LIMITED Innovative Pvt Ltd Kamran & Brothers, Govt. Contractor & General Orde Kamran & Brothers, Govt. Contractor & General Orde Rehman & Brother Kamran & Brothers, Govt. Contractor & General Orde Chappal Trader Rehman & Brother Ductile Iron Valves Pipes Adaptors for Kandahar water supply project Generators for Kandahar water supply scheme High Density Polyethylene pipe for Kandahar water supply project Polyethlene Pipe for Kandahar water supply scheme phase I Printing of Lesson plan Chapter 17-24 for LCEP II Project Printing of Vfs and Learner books for LCEP II Project Printing record keeping books- Learning for Community Empowerment Prog.-II Project SUPPLY OF STORAGE AREA NETWORK 13,000 UNDB Folders and 31 Fact Sheets in 5 UN Languages Purchase and installation of A/V material and ICT system Purchase of 47 PC for new offices on 6th floor - Government of Canada Purchase of a VOIP system, cabling of new offices and new communication carrier service. Purchase of office furniture, chairs and panels for new premises Desk top,Laptop,Printer,UPS for Peace-Building in Afghanistan Toyota Prado TX9 ceiling supplies contract Payment of purchase of concrete blocks equipment. Office Furniture Medical Equipement from Fleischackker.(Partial delivery). SECURITY MEDICAL EQUIPMENT, UNON To provide 4500 USB sticks for Eurobats, CMS, CMS Abu Dhabi Office, Motor Grader SG21-3 with Spare parts for Mazar Municipality office Book-binding Sewing Machine for UNON Division of Conference Services (DCS) Gym Equipment. Purchase of security vehicles - 4 x 4. REQ No. 11-018-KD Office furniture including re-design of the office Supply of official vehicle 5% retention fee to be released after 12 months DUTY FREE FUEL FOR Commercial Operations Unit (COU), UNON One year consumables worthy of Clicks PHARMACEUTICAL PRODUCTS AND VACCINES, UNJMS, UNON Purchase of Ammunition PURCHASE OF CTP DIRECT THERMAL PLATES Purchase of CTP Direct Thermal plates for UNONPrintshop. Purchase of Gym equipment- 2 treadmills,1 recline excite-bike, 1 vario excite for the UNRC. Purchase of Security vehicles Purchase of Security vehilce - Van. Purchase of Vehicle for UNON Director General. Purchase of X-ray scanner and Bomb Explosive detectors Replenishment of Photocopying paper for UNON Stores Supply of Laminating Material for for UNON DCS Supply of new motor vehicles Toilet Paper 6 Months Supply TONER CATRIDGES Toyota Land Cruiser-Station Wagon Model HZJ76L URRC swimming pool heating system -complete delivery and installation of equipment. Various Spare Parts for DI Quickmaster Heidelberg Printing Machine SUPPLY OF SECURITY EQUIPMENT FOR CMMF 10 UPS. 8 and 10 KVA for GIS Labs. Bamboo an dother materials for shelter PO 804 Pakistan Bamboo and plastic materials for Shelter Programme Pakistan PO 761 Bamboo and plastic supplies PO 772 PAK Construction material Po No 106. Construction meterial (PO 2011-0118) Hand pump materials PO 726 PAK Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan AWAISIA WHOLE SALE BAG BOOKS DEALER & GENERAL ORDE IMPO EXPO International H. Sheikh Noor-Ur-Din & sons Kamran & Brothers, Govt. Contractor & General Orde Kamran & Brothers, Govt. Contractor & General Orde Kamran & Brothers, Govt. Contractor & General Orde GeoMap Pakistan House construction materials PO 758 PAK PO 2011-0067-Amendment A, construction meterial PO 2011-PAK-0129, procurement of Plastic Sheet PO 62.Hygiene Kits for Sindh. PO-61. Hygiene Kits for Sindh. PO-63 Hygiene kits for jacocabad sindh. POO-124 -Satellite images. Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan AWAISIA WHOLE SALE BAG BOOKS DEALER & GENERAL ORDE Trade Point & Services shahid trading company East & West Infiniti (Pvt) Ltd. Shafi & CO Shirakat Enterprises IMPO EXPO International Trade Point & Services ZAHRA TENTS INDUSTRIES (PVT) LTD Kamran & Brothers, Govt. Contractor & General Orde Infotech 31,548.72 65,757.14 135,522.04 67,027.97 85,510.51 214,051.07 44,862.30 76,339.70 135,386.00 102,074.78 56,337.47 Pakistan Pakistan Kamran & Brothers, Govt. Contractor & General Orde IMGC GLOBAL (PVT) LTD Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Panama Singapore Singapore Singapore South Africa Ultra Soft Computers GeoMap Pakistan CanoTech Pvt Ltd Topline International Pvt. Topline International Pvt. Topline International Pvt. Topline International Pvt. REFRIVIALCA PANAMA, S.A. Dell Global BV Singapore Branch Dell Global BV Singapore Branch Dell Global BV Singapore Branch SPESCOM SYSTEMS (PTY) LTD Spain Sweden Switzerland TST STAG S.A. SOLVATTEN AB HEWLETT PACKARD PO-XB-PAK-778 Awaisia Whole Sale PAK10X11 42.04 Shelter toolkits PO-XB-PAK-797 Trade Point & Services PAK10X12 42.01 Latrine construction material Procurement of 11000 Hygiene Kits for Punjab procurement of 155 GPS hand sets Procurement of 44100 hygiene kits for baluchistan Procurement of Bamboos Procurement of Chicks PO 2011-PAK-0117 Procurement of Construction materials Procurement of Hygiene Kits 5600 - PO 2011-PAK-0110 procurement of poplar wood via PO POG-2011-PAK-0138 Procurement of SAN and server under D325 PO PAK0030 Procurement of Shelter meterial for 1500 shelters at Jaffarabad, Baluchistan against PO 857 from Kamran & Brother procurement of Solar LED Lantern via PO 2011-PAK-0147 Purchase of 03 HP Printer 1606DN, Laptop IMB T420 Qty 35 and Generator SW5000 QTY 02 PO 909 Satellite Images Scanners PO-0013 Soaps and other cleaning items PO 796 PAK Soaps and other cleaning items PO793 PAK Soaps and other cleaning items PO794 PAK Soaps and other cleaning items PO795 PAK AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEM, EQUIPMENT, INSTALATION AND MATERIALS 28 Dell Computers PQ 22 PO 19,20,21 & 22 for theprocurement of 50 Dell Laptops Purchased 16 Dell M4600 for GIS census team PO950, Purchase of Streaming Equipment Supply of Training (Refrigeration) Equipment with the Project on National Phase Out-Plan of Iraq for UNEP ROWA Solar safe water system, SSWS-10, No.63825123 DL380 G7 Servers for Lotus Domino and Active Directory for ICTS Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America HEWLETT PACKARD HEWLETT PACKARD HEWLETT PACKARD HEWLETT PACKARD HEWLETT PACKARD HEWLETT PACKARD HEWLETT PACKARD INTELLIGENT FINISHING SYSTEMS (IFS) INTELLIGENT FINISHING SYSTEMS (IFS) SHEARGOLD LIMITED CISCO SYSTEMS INC. EDART GTI, INC CISCO SYSTEMS INC. CISCO SYSTEMS INC. SOME'S WORLD WIDE UNIFORM CISCO SYSTEMS INC. Laptops (36) and work stations for UNEP Department of Environmental Policy Implementation (DEPI) LAPTOPS FOR UNEP, Office of the Executive Director LAPTOPS FOR UNON SERVICES LAPTOPS FOR UNON STORES LAPTOPS FOR UNON, DCS Purchase of HP Servers for UN Habitat Deal No. 87548319 (Tele Lead TSA) SUPPLY OF LAPTOPS FOR UNEP, Division of Regional Cooperation (DRC) Purchase of Book Binding Equipment Purchase of Horizon HCB Case Binder Machine Supply of printing paper for UNON Print shop.ref.ITB/10/0049/NM Cisco Phones _REQ/10/0834 LCD PROJECTORS Purchase of Cisco Phone for Common Services for UNON, Stores. Rack Top Switches for ICTS UNON Security uniforms and accessories UNON Cisco Phones 43,095.96 33,443.61 50,072.36 31,253.36 38,000.00 34,534.04 30,415.60 148,872.79 132,260.39 258,591.00 75,094.40 35,600.00 38,994.90 141,842.00 130,437.73 126,696.30 178 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement 30,180.00 713,554.86 351,984.82 95,682.60 41,816.30 68,802.00 85,500.00 215,729.13 116,903.33 34,786.19 49,443.69 35,010.50 370,795.00 31,867.70 39,853.40 44,289.88 90,915.15 73,644.83 44,148.00 42,630.00 99,419.20 99,968.85 50,110.97 34,394.75 36,678.46 34,096.60 148,483.00 176,933.15 36,780.51 72,441.80 30,038.51 38,465.97 33,464.90 10,430,003.00 123,635.76 49,177.10 32,863.62 39,900.00 39,900.00 36,201.72 145,421.69 36,000.00 79,729.00 192,500.00 90,000.00 36,992.12 59,950.00 44,056.20 46,494.13 48,415.00 57,585.47 39,441.98 153,523.00 48,079.02 168,960.00 183,964.00 86,730.00 40,345.09 70,808.24 60,890.00 34,220.00 69,277.77 92,682.93 56,787.30 53,398.21 42,339.57 57,146.91 227,354.49 98,531.15 68,271.36 39,981.98 33,796.65 44,220.00 46,100.00 45,800.00 46,100.00 120,438.58 53,480.00 42,020.00 39,880.00 54,460.00 234,614.00 38,803.00 157,011.21 Major Orders for Goods Placed by Agency During 2011 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of Supplier UNOPS Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Name of Supplier Description of Goods Rashed Elham Trading Company Ltd. ASRI PARWAN MAZAR LTD ALLIED MACHINERY LIMITED Star Oil Company Star Oil Company Star Oil Company Star Oil Company Star Oil Company Toilful Logistics Services co. Toilful Logistics Services co. E.C.L Afghan Limited E.C.L Afghan Limited E.C.L Afghan Limited E.C.L Afghan Limited E.C.L Afghan Limited E.C.L Afghan Limited E.C.L Afghan Limited E.C.L Afghan Limited E.C.L Afghan Limited E.C.L Afghan Limited Star Oil Company Kabul Wazir Abad Pump Station Halal Habib Zada LTD Istanbul Furniture United Uniform construction Company Kabul Kaihan Kawsar Ltd Kabul Wazir Abad Pump Station ECL Afghan Ltd Rashed Elham Trading Company Ltd. Aria Maihan Ltd HAJI DAWOOD JAGHARAGAI LTD KB Strengths Ltd DA HERAT BRESHNA SHERKAT Afghan Creative Cooperation (ACC) Jaffer Brothers Afghanistan Limited Hilton Star Group Afghanistan (HSGA) Kabul Aiden Ltd. Megaplus Afghanistan Ltd Halal Habib Zada LTD MAGMACINE SRL HUINCA CINE S.A. TRIVIALMEDIA S.R.L FUNDAMUS FUNDACION PARA LA MUSICA MACANUDOS PRODUCCIONES S.R.L. CRU FILMS SRL ZOELLE SRL GOLOSINA CINE SRL MICROMUNDOS SRL RUNA FILMS SRL CABRA CARRIL SRL Fraternidad Antidisc. del Sur Asoc Civil EXOS S.A Viditec S.A LALECHUZAPRODUCCIONES SRL PROYECTO WEB S.A TEASER PRODUCCIONES S.R.L CONSULTORA TECNICA INTEGRAL SRL LUCERO IMAGEN Y SONIDO SRL. PIRAÑA FILMS S.A ART DEPOT SRL FZERO SRL PROMYS SRL MALLKU FILMS SRL SKATO SRL COASIN COMUNICACIONES S.A Tecnologia Educativa S.A VEREDIT S.A. ANGEL ESTRADA Y COMPAÑÍA S.A.I. EDITORIAL ESTRADA S.A. EMELEC SA EMELEC SA INDRA SI S.A. INDRA SI S.A. COLECCION S.A.C.I.F. PLANETA FRIO SA DINATECH S.A. RANKO SA DINATECH S.A. BASESIDE S.R.L . Tacco Calpini S.A EURO SWISS S.A. BIOFAR S.A. AGIMED S.R.L. PROPATO HNOS. SAIC INSUMOS XXI SA JOSE ANGEL BAGUETTE E HIJOS S.A.I. Y C. LABORATORIOS IGALTEX S.R.L. Rayos X Dinan S.A PROPATO HNOS. SAIC TOPSAL S.A. PROPATO HNOS. SAIC PROPATO HNOS. SAIC LABORATORIOS IGALTEX S.R.L. EURO SWISS S.A. INSUMOS XXI SA BIOFAR S.A. PETTINARI METAL SACIFIA PROPATO HNOS. SAIC LABORATORIOS IGALTEX S.R.L. SEYER SH LABORATORIOS IGALTEX S.R.L. TWIN MEDICAL S.A Griensu S.A AGIMED S.R.L. DRAGER MEDICAL ARGENTINA S.A. MEDIX I.C.S.A. JAEJ S.A. Ivecam S.A FIAT AUTO ARGENTINA S.A RENAULT ARGENTINA S.A. GALANTE D´ANTONIO S.A. Viditec S.A Instrumentos Musicales S.A. DINATECH S.A. RANKO SA REDFARM S.A. MEDIFARM S.A. PROPATO HNOS. SAIC DRAWER S.A. DROGUERIA COMARSA S.A. Armored Vehicles Cables, electrical Construction machinery/equipment manufacture Diesel fuel Diesel fuel Diesel fuel Diesel fuel Diesel fuel Equipment and accessories for connecting EDP equipment into Equipment and accessories for connecting EDP equipment into Fuel oils Fuel oils Fuel oils Fuel oils Fuel oils Fuel oils Fuel oils Fuel oils Fuel oils Fuel oils Fuel pumps, motor operated Fuel storage containers, soft Fuel storage containers, soft FURNITURE Gates, metal Generators Generators, diesel Generators, diesel GLASS AND GLASS PRODUCTS Office furniture, wooden Pick-ups, 4WD, petrol, double cab Portable Norcotics Detectors Power supplies Road maintenance machinery Road maintenance machinery Road maintenance machinery Stabilisers, voltage Uninterruptable power supply, battery cabinet Vehicles Audio Visual Equipment Audio Visual Equipment Audio Visual Equipment Audio Visual Equipment Audio Visual Equipment Audio Visual Equipment Audio Visual Equipment Audio Visual Equipment Audio Visual Equipment Audio Visual Equipment Audio Visual Equipment Audio Visual Equipment Audio Visual Equipment Audio Visual Equipment Audio Visual Equipment Audio Visual Equipment Audio Visual Equipment Audio Visual Equipment Audio Visual Equipment Audio Visual Equipment Audio Visual Equipment Audio Visual Equipment Audio Visual Equipment Audio Visual Equipment Audio Visual Equipment Audio Visual Equipment Audio Visual Equipment Books; Brochures and Maps Books; Brochures and Maps Books; Brochures and Maps EDP Equipment/Machinery EDP Equipment/Machinery Electrical Equipment Electrical Equipment Furniture General Purpose Machinery Input/Output Units for EDP Input/Output Units for EDP Input/Output Units for EDP Input/Output Units for EDP Input/Output Units for EDP Medical / Surgical / Orthop. Medical / Surgical / Orthop. Medical / Surgical / Orthop. Medical / Surgical / Orthop. Medical / Surgical / Orthop. Medical / Surgical / Orthop. Medical / Surgical / Orthop. Medical / Surgical / Orthop. Medical / Surgical / Orthop. Medical / Surgical / Orthop. Medical / Surgical / Orthop. Medical / Surgical / Orthop. Medical / Surgical / Orthop. Medical / Surgical / Orthop. Medical / Surgical / Orthop. Medical / Surgical / Orthop. Medical / Surgical / Orthop. Medical / Surgical / Orthop. Medical / Surgical / Orthop. Medical / Surgical / Orthop. Medical / Surgical / Orthop. Medical / Surgical; other Medical / Surgical; other Medical / Surgical; other Medical / Surgical; other Medical / Surgical; other Medical / Surgical; other Motor Vehicle Bodies Motor Vehicles and Parts Motor Vehicles and Parts Motor Vehicles and Parts Musical Instruments Musical Instruments Office & Accounting Machinery Office & Accounting Machinery Pharmaceuticals & Vaccines Pharmaceuticals & Vaccines Pharmaceuticals & Vaccines Pharmaceuticals & Vaccines Pharmaceuticals & Vaccines 179 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO Value USD 115,000.00 33,333.50 249,900.00 40,994.28 40,400.16 37,727.00 37,727.00 36,538.00 44,904.00 30,184.00 47,422.83 46,052.04 43,794.42 41,706.34 39,958.04 36,178.21 33,786.64 33,499.34 33,279.33 31,287.36 34,140.00 37,219.00 36,300.00 32,088.00 38,664.00 33,000.00 33,594.00 33,450.00 43,135.96 36,290.00 41,500.00 33,760.00 131,703.22 235,000.00 101,517.00 92,000.00 48,500.00 36,040.00 77,100.00 98,039.22 98,015.93 98,014.71 97,843.14 97,622.55 97,560.98 97,560.98 97,475.12 97,475.12 97,170.73 96,507.32 96,078.43 79,024.39 51,458.02 49,019.61 48,973.04 48,920.34 48,780.49 48,779.07 48,753.41 48,709.80 48,585.37 48,585.37 48,550.20 44,937.68 41,354.36 36,490.00 48,178.39 44,095.10 43,874.63 192,605.00 86,656.00 1,797,739.00 212,896.00 46,894.73 678,468.90 2,452,219.40 578,100.00 458,513.81 241,696.63 43,101.48 773,356.56 460,575.64 394,076.00 325,428.81 250,171.70 191,706.00 187,350.48 185,853.08 180,276.37 117,142.86 81,755.98 71,356.78 55,843.51 51,592.21 49,788.71 46,723.62 44,381.51 44,222.58 42,738.70 39,061.68 34,058.25 635,000.00 599,130.00 532,576.00 164,454.99 97,997.06 63,935.00 2,904,284.43 1,165,380.00 37,684.24 34,908.87 390,040.00 162,381.40 3,781,595.40 32,349.00 798,614.04 480,347.51 410,518.73 295,746.50 286,698.11 Major Orders for Goods Placed by Agency During 2011 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of Supplier UNOPS Continued Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Name of Supplier Description of Goods LAFEDAR S.A. MEDIFARM S.A. MAZZONI ALBERTO JUAN MEDIFARM S.A. DENVER FARMA S.A. LABORATORIO FABRA S.A. DROGUERÍA AVANTFAR S.A. LABORATORIOS RICHET SA FADA PHARMA SA DROGUERIA BIOWEB S.A. DENVER FARMA S.A. LABORATORIOS DUNCAN S.A. RODOLFO EDUARDO FRISARE SA MEDIPHARMA SA LABORATORIO FABRA S.A. MEDIFARM S.A. BIOFARMA S.R.L.. LABORATORIOS PUNTANOS S.E. RODOLFO EDUARDO FRISARE SA AXXA PHARMA S.A LABORATORIO SANT GALL FRIBURG QCI S.R.L. CASA OTTO HESS S.A. NORGREEN SA SAVANT PHARM S.A. DENVER FARMA S.A. Pro Med Internacional S.A LABORATORIO DE HEMODERIVADOS UNC DRAWER S.A. SAVANT PHARM S.A. MERCK SHARP Y DOHME ARGENTINA INC BIOFAR S.A. DROGUERÍA AVANTFAR S.A. DRAWER S.A. RODOLFO EDUARDO FRISARE SA MERCK SHARP Y DOHME ARGENTINA INC SAVANT PHARM S.A. BIOFAR S.A. MERCK SHARP Y DOHME ARGENTINA INC KLONAL S.R.L. GADOR SA. B BRAUN MEDICAL SA LABORATORIO LKM S.A. LABORATORIOS RICHET SA LABORATORIO NORTHIA SACIFIA LABORATORIO NORTHIA SACIFIA LABORATORIO RICHMOND SACIF CEVALLOS SALUD SRL ABBOTT LAB.ARGENTINA S.A SAVANT PHARM S.A. LABORATORIO VANNIER S.A. LABORATORIOS RICHET SA ABBOTT LAB.ARGENTINA S.A VEINFAR INDUSTRIAL Y COMERCIAL S.A. LABORATORIOS BAGO SA GOBBI NOVAG SA CASA OTTO HESS S.A. BIOTENK S.A. AXXA PHARMA S.A Laboratorio Internacional Argentino S.A. MEDIPHARMA SA LABORATORIO LKM S.A. DENVER FARMA S.A. ABBOTT LAB.ARGENTINA S.A LABORATORIO FABRA S.A. LABORATORIO RICHMOND SACIF LABORATORIO DE HEMODERIVADOS UNC LABORATORIO PABLO CASSARA SRL GOBBI NOVAG SA CORADIR S.A. HEWLETT-PACKARD ARGENTINA SRL AKTIO SOCIEDAD ANONIMA AKTIO SOCIEDAD ANONIMA CORADIR S.A. AVNET TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS ARGENTINA S.A DINATECH S.A. DELL AMERICA LATINA SUCURSAL ARG CORADIR S.A. CORADIR S.A. HEWLETT-PACKARD ARGENTINA SRL CORADIR S.A. EXO S.A. Tecnologia Educativa S.A EUROCALCOGRAFICA S.A. EUROCALCOGRAFICA S.A. EUROCALCOGRAFICA S.A. EUROCALCOGRAFICA S.A. TLEU UNION TRANSITORIA DE EMPRESAS TLEU UNION TRANSITORIA DE EMPRESAS TLEU UNION TRANSITORIA DE EMPRESAS CORADIR S.A. CORADIR S.A. TELEFONICA MOVILES ARGENTINA S.A. DINATECH S.A. EXO S.A. DATASTAR ARGENTINA S.A CORADIR S.A. STYLUS S.A. SERVICIOS GLOBALES DE INFORMATICA S.A. Proyecciones Digitales S.A DINATECH S.A. SONDA ARGENTINA SA CORADIR S.A. DINATECH S.A. EPSON ARGENTINA S.R.L. EDSI TREND ARGENTINA S.A. INFOR GLOBAL (ARGENTINA) S.A. DINATECH S.A. G&B S.R.L. RANKO SA Mall Argentina S.R.L. SONDA ARGENTINA SA DELL AMERICA LATINA SUCURSAL ARG VALID SOLUCIONES S.A. VALID SOLUCIONES S.A. VALID SOLUCIONES S.A. VALID SOLUCIONES S.A. ALCATEL-LUCENT DE ARGENTINA S.A. SIEMENS ENTERPRISE COMMUNICATIONS SA EMMES DISEÑO SRL THE FK GROUP SRL Pharmaceuticals & Vaccines Pharmaceuticals & Vaccines Pharmaceuticals & Vaccines Pharmaceuticals & Vaccines Pharmaceuticals & Vaccines Pharmaceuticals & Vaccines Pharmaceuticals & Vaccines Pharmaceuticals & Vaccines Pharmaceuticals & Vaccines Pharmaceuticals & Vaccines Pharmaceuticals & Vaccines Pharmaceuticals & Vaccines Pharmaceuticals & Vaccines Pharmaceuticals & Vaccines Pharmaceuticals & Vaccines Pharmaceuticals & Vaccines Pharmaceuticals & Vaccines Pharmaceuticals & Vaccines Pharmaceuticals & Vaccines Pharmaceuticals & Vaccines Pharmaceuticals & Vaccines Pharmaceuticals & Vaccines Pharmaceuticals & Vaccines Pharmaceuticals & Vaccines Pharmaceuticals & Vaccines Pharmaceuticals & Vaccines Pharmaceuticals & Vaccines Pharmaceuticals & Vaccines Pharmaceuticals & Vaccines Pharmaceuticals & Vaccines Pharmaceuticals & Vaccines Pharmaceuticals & Vaccines Pharmaceuticals & Vaccines Pharmaceuticals & Vaccines Pharmaceuticals & Vaccines Pharmaceuticals & Vaccines Pharmaceuticals & Vaccines Pharmaceuticals & Vaccines Pharmaceuticals & Vaccines Pharmaceuticals & Vaccines Pharmaceuticals & Vaccines Pharmaceuticals & Vaccines Pharmaceuticals & Vaccines Pharmaceuticals & Vaccines Pharmaceuticals & Vaccines Pharmaceuticals & Vaccines Pharmaceuticals & Vaccines Pharmaceuticals & Vaccines Pharmaceuticals & Vaccines Pharmaceuticals & Vaccines Pharmaceuticals & Vaccines Pharmaceuticals & Vaccines Pharmaceuticals & Vaccines Pharmaceuticals & Vaccines Pharmaceuticals & Vaccines Pharmaceuticals & Vaccines Pharmaceuticals & Vaccines Pharmaceuticals & Vaccines Pharmaceuticals & Vaccines Pharmaceuticals & Vaccines Pharmaceuticals & Vaccines Pharmaceuticals & Vaccines Pharmaceuticals & Vaccines Pharmaceuticals & Vaccines Pharmaceuticals & Vaccines Pharmaceuticals & Vaccines Pharmaceuticals & Vaccines Pharmaceuticals & Vaccines Processing Units for EDP Processing Units for EDP Processing Units for EDP Processing Units for EDP Processing Units for EDP Processing Units for EDP Processing Units for EDP Processing Units for EDP Processing Units for EDP Processing Units for EDP Processing Units for EDP Processing Units for EDP Processing Units for EDP Processing Units for EDP Pulp. Paper and Paperboard Pulp. Paper and Paperboard Pulp. Paper and Paperboard Pulp. Paper and Paperboard Pulp. Paper and Paperboard Pulp. Paper and Paperboard Pulp. Paper and Paperboard Software; Computer Software; Computer Software; Computer Software; Computer Software; Computer Software; Computer Software; Computer Software; Computer Software; Computer Software; Computer Software; Computer Software; Computer Software; Computer Software; Computer Software; Computer Software; Computer Software; Computer Software; Computer Software; Computer Software; Computer Software; Computer Software; Computer Storage Units / Media for EDP Surveillance/Control Systems Surveillance/Control Systems Surveillance/Control Systems Surveillance/Control Systems Telecommunication Equipment Telecommunication Equipment Textile Articles made up Textile Articles made up 180 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO Value USD 241,202.93 219,862.56 215,116.48 207,125.63 200,945.41 197,574.04 192,855.88 179,269.42 174,595.96 157,399.11 157,324.39 157,143.00 151,893.18 143,421.36 143,072.12 133,571.02 128,498.67 125,757.82 122,745.38 120,412.68 111,927.96 111,395.12 107,946.82 106,529.93 101,568.12 98,330.04 98,026.06 93,147.45 88,415.27 85,529.01 82,399.10 80,671.01 79,354.37 78,568.03 74,900.00 72,832.22 72,796.18 72,560.98 67,016.99 66,210.46 60,165.30 59,933.60 58,392.88 57,643.84 57,561.61 57,345.13 57,321.52 55,971.46 47,576.47 47,252.14 47,214.64 45,196.33 41,935.67 40,927.98 40,821.43 40,341.99 39,871.12 39,682.19 39,009.86 38,565.36 37,614.00 35,463.20 34,860.66 31,973.16 31,861.20 31,673.76 30,634.19 30,006.34 3,564,000.00 2,088,086.00 1,912,877.00 896,701.00 801,900.00 612,500.00 499,740.00 405,987.66 352,265.00 297,000.00 252,659.00 148,500.00 41,100.00 36,900.00 6,663,392.25 6,663,392.25 4,442,261.50 2,221,130.75 1,826,226.00 1,826,226.00 913,113.00 11,583,000.00 1,967,166.60 1,454,780.50 591,450.24 402,150.00 331,002.60 329,068.32 312,775.40 180,038.44 154,833.00 127,955.00 119,250.00 74,649.77 68,916.80 68,175.36 66,772.98 46,583.36 46,519.66 43,362.00 41,266.97 35,970.00 31,000.00 117,955.99 1,459,015.62 553,755.60 269,498.82 102,274.96 390,377.16 56,096.00 241,404.96 214,204.80 Major Orders for Goods Placed by Agency During 2011 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of Supplier UNOPS Continued Argentina Argentina Argentina Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Austria Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Brazil Bulgaria Burundi Burundi Cameroon Central African Republic China China China China China China China Congo, Republic of the Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Democratic Rep. of the Congo Democratic Rep. of the Congo Democratic Rep. of the Congo Democratic Rep. of the Congo Democratic Rep. of the Congo Democratic Rep. of the Congo Democratic Rep. of the Congo Democratic Rep. of the Congo Democratic Rep. of the Congo Democratic Rep. of the Congo Democratic Rep. of the Congo Democratic Rep. of the Congo Democratic Rep. of the Congo Democratic Rep. of the Congo Democratic Rep. of the Congo Democratic Rep. of the Congo Democratic Rep. of the Congo Democratic Rep. of the Congo Democratic Rep. of the Congo Democratic Rep. of the Congo Democratic Rep. of the Congo Democratic Rep. of the Congo Democratic Rep. of the Congo Democratic Rep. of the Congo Democratic Rep. of the Congo Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Dominican Republic Ecuador Egypt El Salvador El Salvador Ethiopia France France France France France France Name of Supplier Description of Goods IMAK ARGENTINA SRL ICAP S.A. LOGICALIS ARGENTINA S.A. Minelab Electronics Pty Ltd CODAN LIMITED CODAN LIMITED CODAN LIMITED CODAN LIMITED Barefoot POWER PTY LTD INVOLUTION NV/SA CASE MATRIX NETWORK- CMN PHARMACIE DE LA COURS NEO-TECH Sprl ARCELORMITTAL BRASIL SA Strategy Object OOD EPAL Techologies EPAL Techologies CAMI TOYOTA ELECTROMENAGER CETRAFRICAINE Peak International Trade (Tianjin) Co., Peak International Trade (Tianjin) Co., Peak International Trade (Tianjin) Co., NUCTECH COMPANY LIMITED Peak International Trade (Tianjin) Co., Jiangxi Jiangling Motors Import & Export Guilin Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. GRASSET SPORAFRIC S.A. PENIWELE INFORMATIQUE ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATION SAMA ENTREPRISE SAMA ENTREPRISE UNIVERSAL TECHNOLOGY LIBYA OIL COTE D'IVOIRE AFRICAUTO Lav Business Services CFAO MOTORS RDC M.INTERCOM sprl BUROTOP IRIS SPRL LES CONSULTANTS INFORMATIQUES , LCI Sprl Trading Congo MEBECO Sprl STANDARD COMPANY STANDARD COMPANY Unions des Ingénieurs en Construction VIFRAN SPRL MEBECO Sprl ETS CORNEILLE Ginki BUROTOP IRIS SPRL CELTEL RDC CELTEL CONGO RDC ZAHIRA SPRL CFAO MOTORS RDC Prodimpex SARL Prodimpex SARL New RIZCO Sprl GILEMBE AIR SOUTENANCE/GISAIR L.T. CIMPEX KIVU MOTOR DANIMEX COMMUNICATIONS LTD UNICEF, COPENHAGEN UNICEF, COPENHAGEN UNICEF, COPENHAGEN UNICEF, COPENHAGEN PETER JUSTENSEN CO AS Bestnet Europe Ltd Bestnet Europe Ltd UNICEF, COPENHAGEN Planson Europe JOHS GRAM-HANSSEN A/S UNICEF, COPENHAGEN JOHS GRAM-HANSSEN A/S DAMASEC UNICEF, COPENHAGEN Africa Automotive A/S KUEHNE & NAGEL A/S BUKKEHAVE LTD JOHS GRAM-HANSSEN A/S KJAER & KJAER A/S KJAER & KJAER A/S BUKKEHAVE LTD BUKKEHAVE LTD BUKKEHAVE LTD KJAER & KJAER A/S KJAER & KJAER A/S KJAER & KJAER A/S KJAER & KJAER A/S KJAER & KJAER A/S KJAER & KJAER A/S KJAER & KJAER A/S KJAER & KJAER A/S KJAER & KJAER A/S Bukauto A/S KJAER & KJAER A/S CANON DANMARK A/S Bukauto A/S ATEA DANMARK A/S KJAER & KJAER A/S KUEHNE & NAGEL A/S KUEHNE & NAGEL A/S BUKKEHAVE LTD BUKKEHAVE LTD NetDesign A/S JOHS GRAM-HANSSEN A/S Africa Automotive A/S KJAER & KJAER A/S COPENHAGEN GLOBAL A/S Africa Automotive A/S CORPORATION DE ASFALTO S.A Palmeras de los Andes S.A. Unatrac International Monelca, S.A. de C.V. AUTOMAX, S.A. de C.V. Information Systems Services JA DELMAS EXPORT CFAO PROCUREMENT SERVICE CFAO PROCUREMENT SERVICE onduline SA onduline SA PEUGEOT SODEXA Textile Articles made up TV / Radio Receivers Wireless access point Detectors HF - transceiver, radio voice system Radio broadcast and television receivers Transceiver, HF Transceiver, HF Lanterns Clothing of textile materials Databases First aid kits Furniture, school Bars, of iron or steel, for building Computer network communication equipment Solar equipment Solar equipment Boats; Utility Office & Accounting Machinery Ice makers Motor Vehicles and Parts Motor Vehicles and Parts Scanners Vehicles Vehicles Vials, injection Transport Equipment; motorcycles etc. computer Fuel energy applications Fuel energy applications Fuel energy applications Fuel oils Fuel oils Trucks Antenna, HF Compactors Computer accessory kits Computer servers EDP EQUIPMENT/MACHINERY, OTHER, AND PARTS THEREOF Furniture, camping Furniture, school Furniture, school Furniture, school Furniture, school Furniture, school Furniture, school Furniture, school Gas oils (diesel oil) Laser printers Mobile cellular communications Mobile cellular communications Motor Vehicles and Parts Motor Vehicles and Parts Solar equipment Solar Panels Tools TRANSPORT EQUIPMENT, OTHER AND PARTS THEREOF Vehicles, 4WD, canvas top Vehicles, 4WD, canvas top Antennae, radio communication Anti-retroviral drugs (ARV) Antiviral drugs Antiviral drugs Antiviral drugs AUDIO VISUAL EQUIPMENT FOR USE AS A TEACHING AID Bed nets, impregnated Bed nets, impregnated Bed nets, impregnated COMPUTERS Fishing equipment HIV test kits Iron and Steel Products Laser printers Medical / Surgical; other Motor Vehicles and Parts Motor Vehicles and Parts Motor Vehicles and Parts Motor Vehicles and Parts Motor Vehicles and Parts Motor Vehicles and Parts Motor Vehicles and Parts Motor Vehicles and Parts Motor Vehicles and Parts Motorcycles Motorcycles, exceeding 50 cc but not 250 cc Pick-ups, 4WD, diesel, double cab Pick-ups, 4WD, diesel, double cab Pick-ups, 4WD, diesel, double cab Pick-ups, 4WD, diesel, double cab Pick-ups, 4WD, diesel, double cab Pick-ups, 4WD, diesel, double cab Pick-ups, 4WD, diesel, single cab Pick-ups, 4WD, petrol, double cab Police vehicles Printers, portable Snow-ploughs and snow-blowers Software application packages Station wagons, 4WD, diesel driven, exceeding 1,500 cc, but Station wagons, 4WD, diesel driven, exceeding 2,500 cc Station wagons, 4WD, diesel driven, exceeding 2,500 cc Station wagons, 4WD, diesel driven, exceeding 2,500 cc Station wagons, 4WD, diesel driven, exceeding 2,500 cc STORAGE UNITS AND STORAGE MEDIA FOR EDP Telescopes Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles, 4WD, hard top Vehicles, 4WD, hard top Asphalt or similar material, articles thereof Oil Seeds and Oleaginous Fruit Backhoes, wheeled Iron and Steel Products Motor Vehicles and Parts Software; Computer Earth moving equipment Motor Vehicles and Parts Motor Vehicles and Parts Roofing sheets, corrugated, of plastic Roofing sheets, corrugated, of plastic Station wagons, 4WD, diesel driven 181 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO Value USD 145,005.04 83,633.51 227,800.00 609,840.00 40,057.69 39,247.42 37,509.67 30,939.25 31,862.60 57,394.62 40,192.50 31,472.54 124,032.09 66,097.96 119,751.00 607,678.58 218,764.29 43,376.80 37,056.55 269,040.00 44,170.00 40,773.00 111,060.00 81,991.00 52,872.00 62,980.50 31,628.07 79,212.47 281,268.30 47,503.09 43,752.85 37,502.44 32,574.56 279,489.72 44,125.00 47,360.00 34,321.00 96,144.00 64,921.00 49,687.00 97,335.00 58,805.76 55,409.40 36,710.00 32,490.00 31,168.70 30,720.00 36,585.00 41,092.00 35,745.42 33,993.79 119,800.00 41,800.00 680,050.00 44,250.00 32,572.40 152,484.00 216,300.00 31,500.00 45,116.76 59,498.00 135,657.48 33,339.03 31,247.46 77,628.29 2,851,119.00 547,540.00 45,210.50 145,497.00 128,400.00 193,295.91 85,023.45 4,086,692.00 207,799.20 468,583.00 221,940.57 114,638.87 89,500.00 77,187.50 66,776.00 43,151.26 36,132.21 33,150.11 3,589,088.00 244,752.14 378,168.00 375,139.20 170,000.00 79,800.00 78,444.00 73,662.00 1,977,570.00 70,701.00 145,562.66 33,001.00 2,571,473.34 47,373.00 3,574,170.00 131,392.71 46,461.28 40,024.74 36,631.60 96,040.15 267,587.61 643,152.24 45,220.00 1,049,959.00 91,440.00 47,800.00 284,980.72 258,000.00 33,782.94 48,870.00 48,825.00 3,991,482.00 106,550.00 63,424.84 47,960.72 47,268.59 48,159.54 Major Orders for Goods Placed by Agency During 2011 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of Supplier UNOPS Continued France France France France Gambia Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India Israel Israel Israel Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Name of Supplier Description of Goods CFAO PROCUREMENT SERVICE CFAO PROCUREMENT SERVICE CFAO PROCUREMENT SERVICE CPS Ministry of Trade, Industry and EMPL DEUTSCHE GESELLSCHAFT FUR GIZ GmbH Project Support Vehicles GmbH & Co. KG EBINGER PRUF UND ORTUNGSTECHNIK GMBH PHYWE Systeme GmbH & Co.KG PHYWE Systeme GmbH & Co.KG PHYWE Systeme GmbH & Co.KG Seba Dynatronic Mess- und Ortungstechnik FLEISCHHACKER Koenig&Bauer AG DE OFICINA, S.A. INNOVACIONES MEDICAS COMPAÑIA DE EQUIPO MEDICO HOSPITALARIO COMPAÑIA DE EQUIPO MEDICO HOSPITALARIO OXI-RENT, S.A. EQUIPOS MEDICOS Y COMPAÑIA LIMITADA DISTRIBUIDORA MEDICA DE CENTRO AMERICA INNOVACIONES MEDICAS OXI-RENT, S.A. T.A.G., S.A. REPRESENTACIONES MAGERSA MEDICORP LABTRONIC, S.A. SERVICIOS QUIRURGICOS, S.A. EQUIPOS MEDICOS Y COMPAÑIA LIMITADA ALMAR DIAGNOSTICA, S.A. PROMOCION MEDICA, S.A. MERCK, S.A. MERCK, S.A. COVESA BIO-NUCLEAR DE GUATEMALA, S.A. DENTECO, S.A. IMPELSA BIO-NUCLEAR DE GUATEMALA, S.A. CORTIACERO CONCRETOS, S.A. INNOVACIONES MEDICAS DENTECO, S.A. GRUPO RAF DE GUATEMALA, S.A. AUTO PLAZA S.A HAYTIAN TRACTOR & EQUIPMENT CO QUINCAILLERIE NOUVELLE S.A. BATI- PLUS MATERIAUX DE CONSTRUCTION Cimenterie Nationale S E M Mosaïques Gardere S A Mosaïques Gardere S A KHAMACO S.A Altesse & Fils S A Altesse & Fils S A PAVAGE Espoir en Dieu AUTOMECA Transport a la minute EXPRESS GAZ S.A EXPRESS GAZ S.A DISTRIBUTEURS NATIONAUX S.A. PHD S.A OFFICE STAR UNIVERSAL SUPPLY ENERSA PERFECTA.S.A UNIVERSAL SUPPLY MSC PLUS FGL Distribution MSC PLUS MSC Trading S.A. ENTREPRISES MAXIME CASTERA MICA S.A VFM EXPRESS GAZ S.A EXPRESS GAZ S.A SOCOPROSA Span Diagnostics Ltd Macleods Pharmaceuticals Ltd. CIPLA LTD Hetero Drugs Limited Ranbaxy Laboratories Limited CIPLA LTD EMCURE PHARMACEUTICALS LTD. CIPLA LTD CUPID LIMITED Bharat Parenterals Ltd Bharat Parenterals Ltd CHANDRIKA ENTERPRISES SYSTEM PLUS SALTER INDIA LIMITED SALTER INDIA LIMITED HLL Lifecare Ltd Phoenix Medical Systems Pvt Ltd Philips Electronics India Limited MEDI WAVES INC. VARIETY VYAPAAR PVT LTD Anaecon India Healthcare Pvt. Ltd. Maquet Medical India Pvt. Ltd. Schiller Healthcare India Pvt. Ltd. Phoenix Medical Systems Pvt Ltd Philips Electronics India Limited HARDIK MEDI TECH. Wipro GE Healthcare Pvt. Ltd., Schiller Healthcare India Pvt. Ltd. South India Surgical Co. Ltd. Inter Module Systems CAREWELL MEDICAL SYSTEMS HANS COMPUTER SOLUTIONS AND MAINTAINENCE Biomedicare Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. Ofer Motor Company LTD Ofer Motor Company LTD ODIS FILTERING LTD VENEFIR S.N.C VENEFIR S.N.C VENEFIR S.N.C VENEFIR S.N.C VENEFIR S.N.C CISA S.p.A. CISA S.p.A. World Food Programme Rome, Italy Telecommunication Equipment Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles, all terrain Furniture Anti Tuberculosis drugs 2 st line Armoured 4X4 motor vehicles Detectors Furniture, school Furniture, school Furniture, school Leak detectors Medical / Surgical; other Offset printing presses, large for paper greater than A3 Furniture Medical / Surgical; other Medical / Surgical; other Medical / Surgical; other Medical / Surgical; other Medical / Surgical; other Medical / Surgical; other Medical / Surgical; other Medical / Surgical; other Medical / Surgical; other Medical / Surgical; other Medical / Surgical; other Medical / Surgical; other Medical / Surgical; other Medical / Surgical; other Medical / Surgical; other Medical / Surgical; other Medical / Surgical; other Medical / Surgical; other Medical / Surgical; other Medical / Surgical; other Medical / Surgical; other Medical / Surgical; other Medical / Surgical; other Medical / Surgical; other Medical / Surgical; other Medical / Surgical; other Medical / Surgical; other Software; Computer Automotive repair kits, all types Backhoes, wheeled Bars, of iron or steel, for building Building materials testing equipment Cements Cements Cements Cements Concrete blocks Concrete blocks Concrete hollow blocks Doors and their frames and thresholds, of wood Excavators, tracked Forklift, extra heavy Fuel oils Fuel oils Fuel oils Fuel oils Furniture, other Generators Lighting systems, solar Motorcycles OFFICE SUPPLIES Plywood PVC pipes and fittings PVC pipes and fittings PVC pipes and fittings Roofing sheets, corrugated, of galvanised iron Roofing sheets, corrugated, of galvanised iron Sands Truck, fuel Truck, fuel Vehicles, 4WD, hard top Allergy and diagnostic kits Anti Tuberculosis drugs 1 st line Antimalarial drugs Anti-retroviral drugs (ARV) Anti-retroviral drugs (ARV) Anti-retroviral drugs (ARV) Anti-retroviral drugs (ARV) Chloroquine phosphate tablets 150 mg base (1000 x) Condoms Drugs for Opportunistic Infections (OI) Drugs for Opportunistic Infections (OI) Drugs for Opportunistic Infections (OI) Instruments, medical and surgical, other Instruments, medical and surgical, other Instruments, medical and surgical, other Kits, medical LABORATORY EQUIPMENT LABORATORY EQUIPMENT LABORATORY EQUIPMENT LABORATORY EQUIPMENT LABORATORY EQUIPMENT LABORATORY EQUIPMENT LABORATORY EQUIPMENT LABORATORY EQUIPMENT LABORATORY EQUIPMENT LABORATORY EQUIPMENT LABORATORY EQUIPMENT LABORATORY EQUIPMENT LABORATORY EQUIPMENT Office furniture, wooden Refrigerators, refrigerators/freezers combined for vaccines Software; Computer Syringes, disposable, w/needle, not auto-destructing Helmets, motorcycle Scooters Water purification, mobile systems ANAESTHETICS; ANALGESICS, ANTIALLERGICS, ANTIDOTES, ANTIEPIL FURNITURE FURNITURE FURNITURE FURNITURE Medical / Surgical; other Medical / Surgical; other Security control system LP 182 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO Value USD 34,780.00 46,992.94 32,860.00 192,724.68 75,000.00 834,940.36 356,811.99 44,316.00 442,474.62 337,032.15 194,207.36 339,399.73 65,814.57 548,011.93 49,880.93 522,065.92 405,051.79 393,924.10 214,103.62 159,642.40 99,843.60 97,925.45 97,780.98 97,730.58 87,762.91 87,385.71 82,385.73 78,871.89 76,220.07 61,428.57 55,271.81 49,672.51 46,857.24 46,513.71 45,605.39 45,468.00 43,886.40 43,225.88 40,972.76 36,841.80 31,246.52 30,771.52 34,768.53 35,186.80 49,932.00 39,008.92 105,635.59 100,776.00 57,212.00 40,260.00 31,780.00 62,600.00 62,208.59 49,941.98 45,814.60 30,032.20 32,349.72 54,279.12 43,048.39 40,046.78 35,211.09 39,984.40 48,762.00 34,500.00 137,385.00 30,000.00 126,917.50 159,338.86 114,680.00 32,880.86 49,270.00 46,723.00 45,062.50 34,454.00 31,119.97 33,000.00 83,424.15 1,164,101.94 842,605.54 424,101.69 187,223.76 139,631.32 102,115.56 31,360.00 167,569.90 152,105.25 61,331.35 44,459.37 37,333.33 34,220.53 33,654.64 3,979,281.36 1,242,849.23 904,308.56 687,856.54 361,188.52 338,135.08 320,155.98 214,448.65 199,540.66 194,342.31 173,349.57 148,235.29 119,640.62 39,133.55 43,705.46 46,961.94 201,000.00 43,778.33 32,102.50 69,620.00 59,860.00 67,724.49 339,613.27 59,702.00 51,826.04 44,229.70 263,010.93 31,934.04 64,876.00 Major Orders for Goods Placed by Agency During 2011 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of Supplier UNOPS Continued Italy Italy Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Name of Supplier Description of Goods COM.INT SPA EUROMEC SRL NISSAN TRADING Co.,LTD. TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION (JAPAN) NISSAN TRADING Co.,LTD. TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION (JAPAN) TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION (JAPAN) TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION (JAPAN) TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION (JAPAN) TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION (JAPAN) TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION (JAPAN) TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION (JAPAN) TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION (JAPAN) TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION (JAPAN) TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION (JAPAN) TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION (JAPAN) TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION (JAPAN) TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION (JAPAN) TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION (JAPAN) TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION (JAPAN) NISSAN TRADING Co.,LTD. TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION (JAPAN) TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION (JAPAN) TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION (JAPAN) TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION (JAPAN) J. GERBER AND CO. (JAPAN) LTD TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION (JAPAN) NISSAN TRADING Co.,LTD. TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION (JAPAN) TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION (JAPAN) TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION (JAPAN) TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION (JAPAN) TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION (JAPAN) NISSAN TRADING Co.,LTD. 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Motor Vehicles and Parts Motor Vehicles and Parts Motor Vehicles and Parts Motor Vehicles and Parts Motor Vehicles and Parts Motor Vehicles and Parts Motor Vehicles and Parts Motor Vehicles and Parts Motor Vehicles and Parts Motor Vehicles and Parts Motor Vehicles and Parts Motor Vehicles and Parts Motor Vehicles and Parts Motor Vehicles and Parts Motor Vehicles and Parts Motor Vehicles and Parts Motor Vehicles and Parts Motor Vehicles and Parts Motor Vehicles and Parts Motor Vehicles and Parts Motor Vehicles and Parts Motor Vehicles and Parts Motor Vehicles and Parts Motor Vehicles and Parts Motor Vehicles and Parts Motor Vehicles and Parts Motor Vehicles and Parts Motor Vehicles and Parts Motor Vehicles and Parts Motor Vehicles and Parts Motor Vehicles and Parts Motor Vehicles and Parts Motor Vehicles and Parts Motor Vehicles and Parts Motor Vehicles and Parts Motor Vehicles and Parts Motor Vehicles and Parts Motor Vehicles and Parts Motor Vehicles and Parts Motor Vehicles and Parts 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double cab Pick-ups, 4WD, diesel, double cab Pick-ups, 4WD, diesel, double cab Pick-ups, 4WD, g.v.w. up to 1.5 tons Station wagons, 4WD, diesel driven, exceeding 1,500 cc, but Station wagons, 4WD, diesel driven, exceeding 2,500 cc Station wagons, 4WD, diesel driven, exceeding 2,500 cc Station wagons, 4WD, diesel driven, exceeding 2,500 cc Station wagons, 4WD, diesel driven, exceeding 2,500 cc Station wagons, 4WD, diesel driven, exceeding 2,500 cc Station wagons, 4WD, diesel driven, exceeding 2,500 cc Station wagons, 4WD, diesel driven, exceeding 2,500 cc Station wagons, 4WD, diesel driven, exceeding 2,500 cc Station wagons, 4WD, diesel driven, exceeding 2,500 cc Station wagons, 4WD, diesel driven, exceeding 2,500 cc Station wagons, 4WD, diesel driven, exceeding 2,500 cc Station wagons, 4WD, diesel driven, exceeding 2,500 cc Station wagons, 4WD, diesel driven, exceeding 2,500 cc Station wagons, 4WD, diesel driven, exceeding 2,500 cc Station wagons, 4WD, diesel driven, exceeding 2,500 cc Station wagons, 4WD, diesel driven, exceeding 2,500 cc Station wagons, 4WD, diesel driven, exceeding 2,500 cc 183 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO Value USD 58,293.33 43,964.39 202,090.11 50,623.78 45,230.55 10,012,133.35 1,500,882.78 794,410.51 636,826.38 454,101.91 413,760.47 372,649.71 317,537.18 313,593.71 312,262.32 309,424.48 303,081.48 295,441.95 291,718.24 237,493.81 170,300.00 127,280.01 109,251.75 107,635.33 83,031.25 80,183.16 79,109.11 74,375.46 74,066.85 66,935.53 66,559.69 52,132.84 48,899.42 43,948.30 43,592.45 40,042.36 39,037.02 38,409.20 38,330.48 38,128.91 37,955.73 37,187.73 36,370.83 36,360.98 35,728.23 35,217.71 35,203.95 34,929.21 34,927.57 34,300.84 34,185.80 33,973.34 33,914.86 33,914.06 33,414.38 33,129.64 33,087.89 32,919.27 32,565.32 32,478.57 32,284.69 32,214.70 32,169.97 32,095.16 32,046.88 31,695.35 31,650.83 31,565.10 31,456.63 31,450.54 31,099.90 31,050.69 31,044.27 31,044.27 30,900.54 30,893.48 30,637.30 30,588.09 30,568.56 30,510.98 30,475.45 30,430.48 30,316.53 30,311.43 30,311.43 30,215.85 30,189.02 30,148.78 1,997,329.35 115,182.36 109,754.19 65,637.55 48,572.68 43,334.94 34,010.94 30,418.11 127,544.27 32,718.98 422,752.65 373,737.70 96,788.05 79,474.39 50,236.99 1,066,903.75 114,570.76 105,322.55 102,965.71 96,657.56 80,036.37 72,825.23 68,209.72 65,225.14 52,489.40 51,882.31 50,436.99 46,726.83 40,096.12 39,816.84 38,246.09 37,528.65 Major Orders for Goods Placed by Agency During 2011 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of Supplier UNOPS Continued Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Korea, Republic of Korea, Republic of Name of Supplier Description of Goods TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION (JAPAN) TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION (JAPAN) TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION (JAPAN) NISSAN TRADING Co.,LTD. NISSAN TRADING Co.,LTD. TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION (JAPAN) TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION (JAPAN) TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION (JAPAN) NISSAN TRADING Co.,LTD. NISSAN TRADING Co.,LTD. TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION (JAPAN) TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION (JAPAN) TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION (JAPAN) TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION (JAPAN) TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION (JAPAN) NISSAN TRADING Co.,LTD. TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION (JAPAN) TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION (JAPAN) TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION (JAPAN) TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION (JAPAN) TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION (JAPAN) NISSAN TRADING Co.,LTD. TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION (JAPAN) NISSAN TRADING Co.,LTD. TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION (JAPAN) TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION (JAPAN) TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION (JAPAN) NISSAN TRADING Co.,LTD. TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION (JAPAN) TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION (JAPAN) TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION (JAPAN) TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION (JAPAN) TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION (JAPAN) TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION (JAPAN) TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION (JAPAN) TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION (JAPAN) TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION (JAPAN) NISSAN TRADING Co.,LTD. NISSAN TRADING Co.,LTD. TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION (JAPAN) TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION (JAPAN) TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION (JAPAN) TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION (JAPAN) TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION (JAPAN) TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION (JAPAN) TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION (JAPAN) TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION (JAPAN) TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION (JAPAN) TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION (JAPAN) TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION (JAPAN) TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION (JAPAN) TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION (JAPAN) TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION (JAPAN) TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION (JAPAN) TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION (JAPAN) TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION (JAPAN) TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION (JAPAN) TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION (JAPAN) TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION (JAPAN) TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION (JAPAN) NISSAN TRADING Co.,LTD. TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION (JAPAN) TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION (JAPAN) TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION (JAPAN) TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION (JAPAN) TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION (JAPAN) TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION (JAPAN) NISSAN TRADING Co.,LTD. NISSAN TRADING Co.,LTD. TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION (JAPAN) TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION (JAPAN) TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION (JAPAN) TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION (JAPAN) TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION (JAPAN) TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION (JAPAN) TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION (JAPAN) TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION (JAPAN) TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION (JAPAN) TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION (JAPAN) TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION (JAPAN) TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION (JAPAN) TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION (JAPAN) TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION (JAPAN) TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION (JAPAN) TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION (JAPAN) TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION (JAPAN) TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION (JAPAN) TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION (JAPAN) TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION (JAPAN) NISSAN TRADING Co.,LTD. TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION (JAPAN) TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION (JAPAN) TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION (JAPAN) TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION (JAPAN) DAHAB Corporation Ibn Sina Center Global construction solutions ltd Global construction solutions ltd Al Munshed Trade Company Al Munshed Trade Company DAHAB Corporation Al Munshed Trade Company Antemina International Trade Co. World Food Programme - Sudan SPECIALISED FIBREGLASS LTD. CMC MOTORS GROUP LTD SUTRAC SOUTH COMPANY LIMITED SUTRAC SOUTH COMPANY LIMITED DAHABSHIIL MONEY TRANSFER AGENCY. SUTRAC SOUTH COMPANY LIMITED GAS MART LIMITED ROSEWOOD OFFICE SYSTEMS LIMITED Kasand Ltd DAHABSHIIL MONEY TRANSFER AGENCY. PASICO EASTERN AFRICA LTD GAS MART LIMITED UNITY RESOURCES GROUP LIMITED UNITY RESOURCES GROUP LIMITED Amerikor Sales and Hanwha Corporation Amerikor Sales and Hanwha Corporation Station wagons, 4WD, diesel driven, exceeding 2,500 cc Station wagons, 4WD, diesel driven, exceeding 2,500 cc Station wagons, 4WD, diesel driven, exceeding 2,500 cc Station wagons, 4WD, diesel driven, exceeding 2,500 cc Station wagons, 4WD, diesel driven, exceeding 2,500 cc Station wagons, 4WD, diesel driven, exceeding 2,500 cc Station wagons, 4WD, petrol driven, exceeding 1,500 cc Station wagons, 4WD, petrol driven, exceeding 3,000 cc Station wagons, 4WD, petrol driven, exceeding 3,000 cc Station wagons, 4WD, petrol driven, exceeding 3,000 cc Station wagons, 4WD, petrol driven, exceeding 3,000 cc Station wagons, 4WD, petrol driven, exceeding 3,000 cc Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles, all terrain Bullet-proof vests Caravans Chairs, office Computers, laptop/notebook Furniture, office, melamine Furniture, office, melamine Mine detectors Radio towers Truck, tractor Antennae, radio communication Boats; Utility Bulldozers Construction machinery/equipment manufacture Diesel generators Fuel oils Generators, diesel Kitchen equipment, iron or steel km_furniture (desk 1,5*0,8*0,8) Laptop/notebook computer accessories Motor Vehicles and Parts Pumps, spares and accessories Stoves Vehicles Vehicles Motor Vehicles and Parts Vehicles 184 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO Value USD 36,130.39 36,074.31 35,051.37 32,007.88 30,925.28 30,300.71 32,666.18 173,510.42 97,541.94 65,027.97 39,002.83 38,750.00 846,826.48 348,123.29 296,242.50 183,456.74 180,897.60 130,821.38 127,884.12 123,434.66 122,393.23 117,174.02 107,582.85 105,192.65 102,738.70 98,291.67 92,818.00 89,609.40 76,243.18 72,924.17 72,836.40 72,836.40 72,311.09 64,924.26 63,868.29 62,403.51 60,036.91 58,048.78 57,708.02 53,495.07 52,563.37 52,034.66 51,469.44 50,834.40 50,409.71 47,783.41 47,638.18 47,529.35 47,140.24 45,741.46 45,472.92 45,413.41 45,398.32 45,265.37 45,262.55 45,260.73 45,260.73 45,232.53 44,659.61 42,639.65 40,384.14 39,855.27 39,105.47 38,697.58 38,395.91 37,376.67 36,239.64 35,797.59 34,304.50 33,696.34 33,536.17 33,449.40 33,424.73 33,199.56 32,774.09 32,587.35 32,472.84 32,382.62 32,302.08 32,227.85 32,188.31 32,081.81 31,595.17 31,427.06 31,159.18 30,952.99 30,812.03 30,779.32 30,744.86 30,734.27 30,379.76 30,339.57 30,099.66 35,042.23 65,100.00 133,420.00 45,273.20 92,517.50 45,689.00 38,107.00 32,040.00 33,170.00 264,600.00 63,876.60 85,750.00 39,611.11 836,120.00 235,340.00 49,941.00 56,526.00 36,374.00 34,688.00 30,000.00 36,630.00 41,492.03 180,320.00 140,500.00 124,500.00 50,110.00 203,665.00 Major Orders for Goods Placed by Agency During 2011 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of Supplier UNOPS Continued Kosovo Kosovo Kosovo Kosovo Kosovo Kosovo Kuwait Kyrgyzstan Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Malaysia Mauritius Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands New Zealand Nicaragua Nicaragua Nicaragua Nicaragua Nicaragua Nicaragua Nicaragua Nicaragua Norway Norway Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Paraguay Paraguay Paraguay Paraguay Paraguay Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Name of Supplier Description of Goods NGQ Meta Company COMTRADE COMPUTERS Bis Oil Team NDT Europrinty CACTTUS SH.A. N.T.SH. SHKODRA Al Ragheeb United General Trading & Cont Greenbridge LLC INTERTECH BATINORM SAL INTERTECH BATINORM SAL INTERTECH BATINORM SAL Khatib & Alami Offshore Khatib & Alami Offshore Khatib & Alami Offshore Elias Antoune Motors Aaronlyn Inc UNITED NATIONS MISSION IN LIBERIA AFRICA MOTORS PRESTIGE MOTOR LODGE FURNITURE INDUSTRIES SDN BHD LOTTERING AUC Accel International Co.Ltd POPULATION SERVICES INTERNATIONAL Europ Continents Myanmar BASIN INTERNATIONAL LTD. Shwe Ou Daung Co., Ltd DRC PROJECTS B.V. Svizera Europe BV IDA Foundation IDA Foundation BIOMED LTD CEMEX NICARAGUA PBS De Nicaragua S.A. PRODUCTIVE BUSINESS SOLUTIONS Alianza Tecnologica (ALTEC) MAQUINARIA Y EQUIPOS S.A. Abner Alfonso Pineda Ubeda Grupo Amano Internacional Servicio Automotriz Mantica S.A. W. GIERTSEN HALLSYSTEM A/S W. GIERTSEN HALLSYSTEM A/S ORASTEL OFFICE FURNITURE Lamasat General Trading Company ORASTEL OFFICE FURNITURE MODERN ARABIAN BUSINESS CORP. Excellent Systems BCI for Communication & Advanced Technol Computer Media Center Ltd Sabti Trading & Industrial Co. Hilal Construction Company Almalki Sports Dream Land Co. MAAYEH MFG COMPANY Tamimi Medical Co. LTD Lamasat General Trading Company UNITED MOTOR TRADE CO. LTD UNITED MOTOR TRADE CO. LTD UNITED MOTOR TRADE CO. LTD MAAYEH MFG COMPANY MAAYEH MFG COMPANY Lamasat General Trading Company PCNC 2000 Networking Co. Inter. Telecom. Elect. Corporation BCI for Communication & Advanced Technol BCI for Communication & Advanced Technol BCI for Communication & Advanced Technol Al Jaffal Group Co Excellent Systems Pal - Mark Group Computer Media Center Ltd Computer Media Center Ltd Computer Media Center Ltd Al Shahbaz CNG Station Dadu Shakir Traders Asia Global Network Care Enterprises TAPE RUVICHA S.A. TAPE RUVICHA S.A. Rieder & Cia S.A.C.I. Indufar C.I.S.A. Ventas Paraguayas S.A.E.C.A. GRUPO LEAFAR S.A.C. IMPORTACIONES Y REPRESEN ELECTRONICAS SA NISSAN MAQUINARIAS S.A. POSITIVO SERVICIOS GRAFICOS S.A.C. VIDEO BROADCAST S.A. ESLAY VENTAS S.A COMMIT SAC INDUSTRIAS ROLAND PRINT S.A.C. CONSORCIO CREATIVIDAD TEXTIL INDUSTRIAL METAX INDUSTRIA Y COMERCIO S.A.C. METAX INDUSTRIA Y COMERCIO S.A.C. MANUFACTURAS METALICAS HERJISA S.A.C. METAX INDUSTRIA Y COMERCIO S.A.C. MANUFACTURA TECNI STYLE EIRL MANUFACTURAS METALICAS HERJISA S.A.C. FABRICACIONES INDUSTRIALES METALIC S.A.C CONS. MANUF.TECNI STYLE EIRL- SERVITECS METAX INDUSTRIA Y COMERCIO S.A.C. JOEL METAL E.I.R.L. METAX INDUSTRIA Y COMERCIO S.A.C. METAX INDUSTRIA Y COMERCIO S.A.C. FABRICACIONES INDUSTRIALES METALIC S.A.C FABRICACIONES INDUSTRIALES METALIC S.A.C IBERO PERU S.A.C. JAVIER ANTONIO SANTISTEBAN SIESQUEN CYMED MEDICAL S.A.C. CONSORCIO GEIP/CYE MEDICA S.A. GRUPO TECNOLOGICO DEL PERU SA CYMED MEDICAL S.A.C. CONS.VARIAN MEDICAL SYST BRASIL LTDA.CYE CONSORCIO JP REHAB S.R.L. Y PHYMED S.R.L EL TUMI PERU S.R.L. GRUPO TECNOLOGICO DEL PERU SA GRUPO TECNOLOGICO DEL PERU SA TECNOLOGIA INDUSTRIAL Y NACIONAL S.A. ELECTROMEDICA PERUANA S.A. MEDELCO SRL INTRAMEDICA S.A.C. Siemens s.a.c. Boxes, cases, crates and similar articles, of plastics COMPUTERS Fuel oils OFFICE SUPPLIES Projectors Vehicles, all terrain Motor Vehicles and Parts Solar energy systems Rangefinders Rangefinders Scanners Urban information systems Urban information systems Urban information systems Earth moving equipment FURNITURE Gas oils (diesel oil) Motor vehicles, goods transport Vehicles, all terrain Furniture, school Vehicles Color Printers Deltamethrin LABORATORY EQUIPMENT Pharmaceuticals & Vaccines Plastic Products Medical / Surgical; other Microscopes Pharmaceuticals & Vaccines Pharmaceuticals & Vaccines Narcotic drugs Building materials testing equipment Cloud height, visibility meters Cloud height, visibility meters Computers, laptop/notebook General purpose machinery, parts and accessories thereof Mobile cellular communications Office & Accounting Machinery Road transportation equipment/plant maintenance Tent halls Tent halls Bedspreads, woven, cotton fabric Bins, waste Chairs, office COMPUTERS COMPUTERS COMPUTERS Computers, laptop/notebook Dryers Electrical insulation materials Fitness equipment Fitness equipment FURNITURE Instruments, medical and surgical, other Kitchen sets Motor vehicles for travelling on snow, golf cars and similar Motor vehicles for travelling on snow, golf cars and similar Motor vehicles for travelling on snow, golf cars and similar Office furniture, wooden Office machinery and equipment manufacture Office machinery and equipment manufacture Printers, portable Radio, Wireless Security Comm. Radios, VHF Scanners Telephone systems Telephone systems Ultra violet lights, laboratory Utensils, kitchen Wiring systems Wiring systems Wiring systems Diesel Oil Mining Construction Machinery Road maintenance machinery Sands Motor Vehicles and Parts Motor Vehicles and Parts Motor Vehicles and Parts Pharmaceuticals & Vaccines Pharmaceuticals & Vaccines AUDIO VISUAL EQUIPMENT, PARTS AND ACCESSORIES Audio visual instruments, inspection for water wells Automobiles, utility vehicles Boards, panels Cameras, television and video, consumer type Case, portable computer Computer systems, special purpose other Educational equipment (didactic) Fabrics, cotton for clothing Furniture, medical, surgical or veterinary Furniture, medical, surgical or veterinary Furniture, medical, surgical or veterinary Furniture, medical, surgical or veterinary Furniture, medical, surgical or veterinary Furniture, medical, surgical or veterinary Furniture, other, parts thereof Furniture, other, parts thereof Furniture, other, parts thereof Furniture, other, parts thereof Furniture, other, parts thereof Furniture, other, parts thereof Furniture, other, parts thereof Furniture, other, parts thereof Furniture, other, parts thereof Furniture, school Medical / Surgical; other Medical / Surgical; other Medical / Surgical; other Medical / Surgical; other Medical / Surgical; other Medical / Surgical; other Medical / Surgical; other Medical / Surgical; other Medical / Surgical; other Medical / Surgical; other Medical / Surgical; other Medical / Surgical; other Medical / Surgical; other Medical / Surgical; other 185 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO Value USD 46,049.05 141,861.03 45,511.12 71,842.10 80,954.85 71,175.82 84,960.42 199,160.00 33,199.00 30,682.67 341,370.60 1,400,974.00 168,290.11 80,639.00 629,756.95 36,075.00 34,300.37 43,635.00 66,628.00 1,155,210.00 566,559.00 45,033.96 153,300.00 204,497.56 41,326.84 66,212.56 220,177.37 163,721.37 504,712.80 293,862.60 182,976.00 46,504.34 45,715.56 45,715.56 72,421.58 174,000.00 55,224.00 124,372.38 112,000.00 56,000.00 46,000.00 30,338.41 44,775.00 69,873.92 56,032.00 47,235.00 39,805.00 36,602.00 39,084.50 59,941.35 74,056.91 45,826.30 99,461.86 45,084.50 49,065.00 76,200.00 49,800.00 47,370.00 183,959.55 105,940.68 91,800.00 57,653.00 55,885.36 89,400.00 76,887.00 282,768.00 61,386.00 85,800.00 48,934.44 305,463.59 104,774.37 47,879.56 43,424.81 32,197.68 129,000.00 30,795.35 551,799.35 117,647.06 78,850.00 71,213.64 44,162.49 1,601,423.49 65,019.82 335,008.85 45,874.81 216,069.13 31,065.68 111,390.00 39,452.62 3,745,933.27 540,809.44 138,837.76 131,507.16 70,243.04 40,927.40 35,604.14 513,255.27 323,619.07 283,679.15 157,892.36 132,947.54 108,931.08 99,867.88 74,226.76 46,859.20 36,016.25 2,775,509.12 2,359,000.00 2,294,000.44 2,073,973.45 1,500,667.50 1,228,084.31 1,108,200.00 1,067,634.50 1,067,634.50 817,780.99 810,823.70 773,100.14 673,739.95 659,420.08 Major Orders for Goods Placed by Agency During 2011 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of Supplier UNOPS Continued Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Name of Supplier Description of Goods MULTI MED PERU S.A.C. EL TUMI PERU S.R.L. ELECTROMEDICA PERUANA S.A. ROCA S.A.C. GRUPO TECNOLOGICO DEL PERU SA GRUPO TECNOLOGICO DEL PERU SA ROCA S.A.C. ELECTROMEDICA PERUANA S.A. Siemens s.a.c. INTRAMEDICA S.A.C. CYMED MEDICAL S.A.C. EL TUMI PERU S.R.L. EL TUMI PERU S.R.L. INTERNATIONAL DIAGNOSTIC IMAGING S.A.C. COMERC.E INDUST. DENTAL TARRILLO BARBA ALBUJAR MEDICA S.A.C. GRUPO TECNOLOGICO DEL PERU SA INTERNATIONAL DIAGNOSTIC IMAGING S.A.C. EL TUMI PERU S.R.L. ELECTROMEDICA PERUANA S.A. TECNOLOGIA INDUSTRIAL Y NACIONAL S.A. SILMED S.A.C. ELECTROMEDICA PERUANA S.A. EL TUMI PERU S.R.L. DRAGER MEDICAL AG & CO. KG SUC DEL PERU ELECTROMEDICA PERUANA S.A. ATILIO PALMIERI S.R.L. CYMED MEDICAL S.A.C. PREMIUM MEDICAL EIRL A.JAIME ROJAS REPRESENTACIONES GRLES SA ELECTROMEDICA PERUANA S.A. TECNOLOGIA INDUSTRIAL Y NACIONAL S.A. CONSORCIO CARIMEX PERU-MEDIMAR AHSECO PERU S.A. GRUPO TECNOLOGICO DEL PERU SA DENT IMPORT S.A. MEDIC IMPORT S.R.LTDA. GRUPO TECNOLOGICO DEL PERU SA CYMED MEDICAL S.A.C. CONSORCIO SURGICAL MEDICAL SRL-TEKNO VISION S.A. CYMED MEDICAL S.A.C. CONSORCIO SURGICAL MEDICAL SRL-TEKNO AHSECO PERU S.A. A. TARRILLO BARBA S.A. COMERC.E INDUST. DENTAL TARRILLO BARBA INTERNATIONAL DIAGNOSTIC IMAGING S.A.C. EL TUMI PERU S.R.L. GRUPO TECNOLOGICO DEL PERU SA CONSORCIO CYMED MEDICAL SAC-SOJITZ CORP. CONS.SPECTRUM ING.SAC - ESTERILIZA S.A. ELECTROMEDICA PERUANA S.A. BIOMEDICAL DISTRIBUTORS S.A.C. ELECTROMEDICA PERUANA S.A. AHSECO PERU S.A. MEDISPEC PERU S.A.C. AHSECO PERU S.A. IMPLANTES EXTERNOS PERUANOS S.A.C. AHSECO PERU S.A. CONSULTORA Y EQUIPADORA MEDICA S.A. AHSECO PERU SA TECNOMED S.A. A.JAIME ROJAS REPRESENTACIONES GRLES SA A.JAIME ROJAS REPRESENTACIONES GRLES SA CONS BIOMEDICAL DISTRIBUTORS SAC /ETMDS REPRESENTACIONES MEDICAS MARY S.R.Ltda. INTRAMEDICA S.A.C. ROCA S.A.C. ELECTROMEDICA PERUANA S.A. JP REHAB S.R.L. JP REHAB S.R.L. CONSORCIO CARL ZEISS MEDITEC-ROCA SAC ELECTRO MEDICAL EQUIPEMENT S.A.C FRESENIUS MEDICAL CARE DEL PERU S.A. SILMED S.A.C. EL TUMI PERU S.R.L. NIPRO MEDICAL CORPORATION SUCURSAL DEL P SURGICAL MEDICAL S.R.LTDA. GRUPO TECNOLOGICO DEL PERU SA A.JAIME ROJAS REPRESENTACIONES GRLES SA SURGICAL MEDICAL S.R.LTDA. BIOMEDICAL DISTRIBUTORS S.A.C. SURGICAL MEDICAL S.R.LTDA. ROCA S.A.C. TECNOMED S.A. ELECTROMEDICA PERUANA S.A. SURGICAL MEDICAL S.R.LTDA. BIOMEDICAL DISTRIBUTORS S.A.C. CONSORCIO GEIP/CYE MEDICA S.A. A.JAIME ROJAS REPRESENTACIONES GRLES SA A. TARRILLO BARBA S.A. AHSECO PERU S.A. A.JAIME ROJAS REPRESENTACIONES GRLES SA A.JAIME ROJAS REPRESENTACIONES GRLES SA OXIMEDIC SAC CONS.SPECTRUM ING.SAC - ESTERILIZA S.A. AHSECO PERU S.A. CONSORCIO GEIP/CYE MEDICA S.A. MANUFACTURA TECNI STYLE EIRL Medical / Surgical; other Medical / Surgical; other Medical / Surgical; other Medical / Surgical; other Medical / Surgical; other Medical / Surgical; other Medical / Surgical; other Medical / Surgical; other Medical / Surgical; other Medical / Surgical; other Medical / Surgical; other Medical / Surgical; other Medical / Surgical; other Medical / Surgical; other Medical / Surgical; other Medical / Surgical; other Medical / Surgical; other Medical / Surgical; other Medical / Surgical; other Medical / Surgical; other Medical / Surgical; other Medical / Surgical; other Medical / Surgical; other Medical / Surgical; other Medical / Surgical; other Medical / Surgical; other Medical / Surgical; other Medical / Surgical; other Medical / Surgical; other Medical / Surgical; other Medical / Surgical; other Medical / Surgical; other Medical / Surgical; other Medical / Surgical; other Medical / Surgical; other Medical / Surgical; other Medical / Surgical; other Medical / Surgical; other Medical / Surgical; other Medical / Surgical; other Medical / Surgical; other Medical / Surgical; other Medical / Surgical; other Medical / Surgical; other Medical / Surgical; other Medical / Surgical; other Medical / Surgical; other Medical / Surgical; other Medical / Surgical; other Medical / Surgical; other Medical / Surgical; other Medical / Surgical; other Medical / Surgical; other Medical / Surgical; other Medical / Surgical; other Medical / Surgical; other Medical / Surgical; other Medical / Surgical; other Medical / Surgical; other Medical / Surgical; other Medical / Surgical; other Medical / Surgical; other Medical / Surgical; other Medical / Surgical; other Medical / Surgical; other Medical / Surgical; other Medical / Surgical; other Medical / Surgical; other Medical / Surgical; other Medical / Surgical; other Medical / Surgical; other Medical / Surgical; other Medical / Surgical; other Medical / Surgical; other Medical / Surgical; other Medical / Surgical; other Medical / Surgical; other Medical / Surgical; other Medical / Surgical; other Medical / Surgical; other Medical / Surgical; other Medical / Surgical; other Medical / Surgical; other Medical / Surgical; other Medical / Surgical; other Medical / Surgical; other Medical / Surgical; other Medical / Surgical; other Medical / Surgical; other Medical / Surgical; other Medical / Surgical; other Medical / Surgical; other Medical / Surgical; other Medical / Surgical; other Medical / Surgical; other Medical / Surgical; other Medical / Surgical; other Medical / Surgical; other Medical / Surgical; other 186 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO Value USD 554,656.62 552,375.82 524,510.00 519,335.64 510,676.50 498,804.25 493,736.07 471,400.07 469,338.93 460,276.31 457,644.97 443,243.70 423,600.00 414,215.40 389,230.83 372,795.72 368,357.10 341,232.50 315,118.54 306,826.03 300,118.00 299,849.82 281,992.01 274,650.01 269,016.71 256,047.68 245,091.92 238,574.74 233,000.00 215,875.29 207,156.67 205,923.88 202,807.99 197,883.82 190,763.92 188,744.17 178,029.29 160,869.18 155,926.02 151,701.80 151,376.33 145,491.64 144,575.00 140,463.72 139,355.58 131,501.84 119,892.50 117,987.01 112,501.98 107,827.32 105,240.00 104,573.92 92,955.02 91,676.91 90,072.90 89,712.86 83,286.26 82,646.57 81,095.16 81,025.28 80,529.07 76,636.02 76,629.82 76,144.50 75,658.61 70,298.16 70,277.06 69,479.30 69,229.09 67,386.99 67,386.99 67,205.20 62,928.11 62,384.87 61,500.05 60,505.60 56,952.54 56,810.00 54,500.00 53,292.95 52,061.31 51,587.87 50,218.00 48,600.00 47,652.19 46,704.80 43,379.46 43,214.00 40,238.00 40,180.70 39,742.64 39,699.32 36,833.32 35,736.74 34,280.35 34,261.45 34,169.50 32,922.00 32,769.49 Major Orders for Goods Placed by Agency During 2011 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of Supplier UNOPS Continued Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Portugal Saudi Arabia Serbia, Republic of Sierra Leone Sierra Leone Sierra Leone Sierra Leone Singapore South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Sudan South Sudan South Sudan Spain Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sudan Sudan Sweden Sweden Sweden Switzerland Switzerland Tajikistan Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda Name of Supplier Description of Goods A.JAIME ROJAS REPRESENTACIONES GRLES SA ELECTROMEDICA PERUANA S.A. NEGOCIAR S.A.C. KOSSODO S.A.C. FERREYROS S.A.A. SERV.GENER. DE TELECOMUNICACIONES EIRL MEGA DISPLAY E.I.R.L. ONCH SERVICIOS Y SUMINISTROS INDUSTRIALE IMPORTACIONES Y REPRESEN ELECTRONICAS SA TELVICOM S.A. BANCO CONTINENTAL-AMERICA MOVIL PERU S.A TELEFONICA DEL PERU S.A.A. VIDEO BROADCAST S.A. IMECON S.A. CONS CONFEC RIVERA - IND ESTRELLA AZUL DIVEIMPORT S.A. DIVEIMPORT S.A. FERREYROS S.A.A. CONSORCIO NETKROM TECHN - AIR TELECOM TELVICOM S.A. INTEGRACIONES ELECTRICAS S.A.C. CORPORACION EFAMEINSA E INGENIERIA S.A. FUTURVIDA, LDA Azbar for Industry, transportation & Ser BOTEK INFINITY TRADING PREMIER PROCUREMENTS&PETROLEUM PRODUCTS SUNRISE COMMERCIAL SERVICES VOICE AND DATA INTEGRATED SERVICES CTT Computer IAFRICA TRANSCRIPTIONS(PTY) LTD Hydraform International (Pty) Ltd CONTAINER WORLD (PTY) LTD Denel (PTY) Ltd FOUR SEASONS CONSERVATORIES Denel (PTY) Ltd Toyota South Africa Motors (Pty) Ltd Toyota South Africa Motors (Pty) Ltd Toyota South Africa Motors (Pty) Ltd Toyota South Africa Motors (Pty) Ltd Toyota South Africa Motors (Pty) Ltd Toyota South Africa Motors (Pty) Ltd Toyota South Africa Motors (Pty) Ltd Toyota South Africa Motors (Pty) Ltd Toyota South Africa Motors (Pty) Ltd Toyota South Africa Motors (Pty) Ltd Toyota South Africa Motors (Pty) Ltd Toyota South Africa Motors (Pty) Ltd Toyota South Africa Motors (Pty) Ltd Toyota South Africa Motors (Pty) Ltd Toyota South Africa Motors (Pty) Ltd Toyota South Africa Motors (Pty) Ltd Toyota South Africa Motors (Pty) Ltd Toyota South Africa Motors (Pty) Ltd Toyota South Africa Motors (Pty) Ltd Denel (PTY) Ltd Trade Hook LTD Trade Hook LTD Trade Hook LTD TECNOVE S.L. Ind-Sri Industrial Corporation (Pvt) Ltd GTB Colombo Corporation (Pvt) Ltd Sierra Cables Ltd Tokyo Super Cement Co.Lanka (Pvt) Ltd Tokyo Super Cement Co.Lanka (Pvt) Ltd Tokyo Super Cement Co.Lanka (Pvt) Ltd Royal Ceramics Lanka Ltd. Tharaka Dilshan Denagama Vitharana Nugegoda Electricals (pvt) ltd Newrow Electrical Engineering (Pvt) Ltd Gimhan Furnitures Hayleys Industrial Solutions Ltd. Senok Trade Combine (Pvt)Ltd P C L Solutions (Pvt) Ltd UNITED TRACTOR & EQUIPMENT LTD. UNITED TRACTOR & EQUIPMENT LTD. Biomed International (Pvt) Ltd Gateway Metals Reliance Trading Company Lanka Aluminium Industries PLC Sirikanthi Enterprises (PVT) Ltd. N.Vaitilingam & Co.,Ltd N.Vaitilingam & Co.,Ltd N.Vaitilingam & Co.,Ltd Kuru Construction Rajagopal Sivashankar Queen Marketing (Pvt) Ltd R.N Ulluwishewa Tissa Saw Mill & Timber Stores Gamini Furnitures & Timber Stores Diesel & Motor Engineering CO Ltd. Diesel & Motor Engineering CO Ltd. Lanka Asok Leyland Ltd Lanka Asok Leyland Ltd Lanka Asok Leyland Ltd SUDAN CONSULT Golden Arrow co. LTD SAAB DYNAMICS AB Volvo Car Corporation AB Mala Geoscience AB Vestergaard Frandsen Group SA BASF Agro B.V., Arnhem (NL) TOJIR-LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY BAYER THAI COMPANY LIMITED BAYER THAI COMPANY LIMITED RMA AUTOMOTIVE CO LTD RMA AUTOMOTIVE CO LTD RMA AUTOMOTIVE CO LTD Nam Grup Tekstil Urunleri Reklamcilik Sa Erta Pazarlama Tekstil Insaat Taah San EDE Construction & Trade Company Inc EDE Construction & Trade Company Inc BERAY DIS TIC. MAK. SAN. LTD. STI. BERAY DIS TIC. MAK. SAN. LTD. STI. SARRON Construction Ltd. Hi-Tech International Group Ltd Hi-Tech International Group Ltd NITRO CHEMICALS UGANDA LTD National Implementation Unit, EIF UGA Hi-Tech International Group Ltd Medical / Surgical; other Medical / Surgical; other Medical / Surgical; other Medical / Surgical; other Motor vehicles, goods transport Multiplex equipment, telephone and data Panels and hangers Pipes, water, PVC (polymers of vinyl chloride), rubber joint Radio and television equipment manufacture RADIO AND TELEVISION RECEIVERS, RECORDING, REPRODUCING AND A Telecommunication Equipment Telephone equipment Television broadcasting Transformer, power supply Uniforms Vehicles, all terrain, truck, specialised Vehicles, all terrain, truck, specialised Vehicles, all terrain, truck, specialised Video identifcat system Video studio equipment Video studio equipment Washing machines, laundry-type, including machines which bot Mobile clinics Tractors, parts and accessories thereof Network, switch Electricity Equipment Motor Vehicles and Parts Software; Computer Telecommunication Equipment Computers, laptop/notebook Audio Visual Equipment Brickmaking machine, manual Containers, refrigerated Earth moving equipment, parts and accessories thereof Machines and mechanical appliances, other, for special purpo Motor vehicle, military, armouring Motor Vehicles and Parts Motor Vehicles and Parts Motor Vehicles and Parts Motor Vehicles and Parts Motor Vehicles and Parts Motor Vehicles and Parts Motor Vehicles and Parts Motorcycles, exceeding 50 cc but not 250 cc Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles, goods, g.v.w. exceeding 20 tons Electricity distribution or control apparatus Electricity distribution or control apparatus Electricity distribution or control apparatus Buses, special purpose Bars and rods of iron or steel, hot rolled Bars and rods of iron or steel, hot rolled Cables, electrical Cements Cements Cements Ceramic wall tiles Concrete, sand, aggregates and stone products industry Electrical machinery manufacture ELECTRICITY DISTRIBUTION OR CONTROL APPARATUS AND EQUIPMENT Furniture, school Generators Geotextiles Incinerators MACHINERY, SPECIAL PURPOSE, OTHER AND PARTS THEREOF MACHINERY, SPECIAL PURPOSE, OTHER AND PARTS THEREOF Medical / Surgical; other Pipe fittings, water, galvanised steel Pipes, water, galvanised steel Plates, of aluminium Plywood Roofing sheets, corrugated aluminium Roofing sheets, corrugated aluminium Roofing sheets, corrugated aluminium Sands Sands Steel, mild, reinforcement, iron, round and indented Stone quarrying, clay and sand pits Timber, hard Timber, soft Tractors Tractors Trucks Trucks Trucks Culverts Vehicles, 4WD, hard top Maps, geographical Motor Vehicles and Parts Radar sets, ground Bed nets, impregnated Bed nets, impregnated Forklift trucks Deltamethrin Deltamethrin Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles, all terrain Bags, folding Bullet-proof vests Desks, school Desks, school Machinery and equipment for rubber and plastic processing PC, advanced / graphics based Building and construction teaching equipment COMPUTERS Desktop computers Detonators, electric Furniture Generators 187 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO Value USD 32,696.76 32,011.00 30,606.80 30,320.81 30,000.00 64,096.34 511,571.28 916,088.91 103,961.97 396,872.59 72,975.04 67,235.00 184,588.80 74,096.75 121,367.05 146,024.24 141,174.38 31,985.12 275,743.28 61,764.25 31,000.00 55,808.82 77,104.80 53,130.00 35,608.99 52,500.00 32,000.00 30,255.62 47,126.44 92,420.00 49,074.06 127,435.44 35,029.00 38,541.66 47,559.06 72,380.00 207,411.06 123,066.06 96,602.41 74,444.01 72,372.05 50,965.84 46,472.04 220,933.25 1,117,034.33 400,365.23 240,506.98 206,476.75 171,440.24 165,318.23 118,734.94 98,706.67 72,191.38 68,963.86 57,779.40 1,009,077.89 216,415.17 134,160.00 134,160.00 99,592.59 301,307.37 273,064.22 42,760.68 79,427.46 42,838.35 37,994.02 83,503.08 39,076.78 33,014.61 32,762.47 44,490.24 35,556.10 109,906.21 35,886.01 115,000.00 111,000.00 33,618.85 108,879.31 220,690.56 49,251.31 30,565.69 56,428.31 46,542.55 41,054.80 32,419.28 31,050.23 268,964.26 32,110.09 53,881.93 49,240.87 35,648.99 34,372.14 147,810.22 98,720.29 40,137.61 103,680.00 39,900.00 70,000.00 31,333.33 76,680.00 1,128,210.50 404,060.00 38,600.00 329,600.00 78,531.25 255,322.00 73,743.00 69,780.00 49,768.80 46,280.00 380,887.00 204,574.00 247,735.00 54,715.00 89,396.36 51,725.00 48,304.00 77,586.80 125,000.00 171,000.00 Major Orders for Goods Placed by Agency During 2011 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of Supplier UNOPS Continued Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United States of America United States of America Name of Supplier Description of Goods Hi-Tech International Group Ltd Hi-Tech International Group Ltd Taam Petroleum Ltd Hi-Tech International Group Ltd COMPUTER VISION LIMITED MASCOT LOGISTICS ULTIMATE ARMOUR WORKS FZE ULTIMATE ARMOUR WORKS FZE ULTIMATE ARMOUR WORKS FZC ULTIMATE ARMOUR WORKS FZC ULTIMATE ARMOUR WORKS FZC ULTIMATE ARMOUR WORKS FZC O.K.I General Trading L.L.C OKI General Trading LLC RA International RA International GOLDEN RELIEF RESOURCES LLC SUPREME FUELS TRADING FZE SUPREME FUELS TRADING FZE HIVISION Technology LLC. HIVISION Technology LLC. ULTIMATE ARMOUR WORKS FZC OKI General Trading LLC OKI General Trading LLC UN WORLD FOOD PROGRAM - DUBAI ULTIMATE ARMOUR WORKS FZE OKI General Trading LLC Winchester Procurement Ltd AEGIS ENGINEERING LTD Mabey Bridge Limited Sheargold Limited DANDO DRILLING INTERNATIONAL LTD. MINE TECH INTERNATIONAL LTD MINE TECH INTERNATIONAL LTD BLAYTHORNE LTD Sotex International Ltd CONRICO INTERNATIONAL LIMITED CONRICO INTERNATIONAL LIMITED AES KJAER AUTOMATIVE EXPORT SUPPLIERS AES KJAER AUTOMATIVE EXPORT SUPPLIERS MOTOROLA INC. Radiocoms Systems Limited UNIT EXPORT LIMITED TIGRISNET LTD MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS UK Ltd. CONRICO INTERNATIONAL LIMITED CONRICO INTERNATIONAL LIMITED CONRICO INTERNATIONAL LIMITED UNIT EXPORT LIMITED Lantrade Global Supplies Toyota Gibraltar Stockholding Ltd. Toyota Gibraltar Stockholding Ltd. Toyota Gibraltar Stockholding Ltd. Toyota Gibraltar Stockholding Ltd. Toyota Gibraltar Stockholding Ltd. Toyota Gibraltar Stockholding Ltd. Toyota Gibraltar Stockholding Ltd. Toyota Gibraltar Stockholding Ltd. Toyota Gibraltar Stockholding Ltd. Toyota Gibraltar Stockholding Ltd. Toyota Gibraltar Stockholding Ltd. Toyota Gibraltar Stockholding Ltd. Toyota Gibraltar Stockholding Ltd. Toyota Gibraltar Stockholding Ltd. Toyota Gibraltar Stockholding Ltd. Toyota Gibraltar Stockholding Ltd. Toyota Gibraltar Stockholding Ltd. Toyota Gibraltar Stockholding Ltd. Toyota Gibraltar Stockholding Ltd. Toyota Gibraltar Stockholding Ltd. Toyota Gibraltar Stockholding Ltd. Toyota Gibraltar Stockholding Ltd. Toyota Gibraltar Stockholding Ltd. Toyota Gibraltar Stockholding Ltd. Toyota Gibraltar Stockholding Ltd. Toyota Gibraltar Stockholding Ltd. Toyota Gibraltar Stockholding Ltd. Toyota Gibraltar Stockholding Ltd. Toyota Gibraltar Stockholding Ltd. Toyota Gibraltar Stockholding Ltd. Toyota Gibraltar Stockholding Ltd. Toyota Gibraltar Stockholding Ltd. Toyota Gibraltar Stockholding Ltd. Toyota Gibraltar Stockholding Ltd. 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Access Bio, Inc PLANSON INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION Generators Generators Generators, diesel Laser printers Personal computers (PC), general purpose Stoves Armoured 4X4 motor vehicles Armoured 4X4 motor vehicles Armoured 4X4 motor vehicles Armoured 4X4 motor vehicles Armoured 4X4 motor vehicles Armoured 4X4 motor vehicles Automotive workshop equipment Culverts Diesel generators Diesel generators Earth moving equipment Fuel oils Generators, diesel Laptop/notebook computer accessories Laptop/notebook computer accessories Motor Vehicles and Parts Processing Units for EDP Processing Units for EDP Radios, VHF Vehicles Vehicles, 4WD, canvas top BOATS, UTILITY Body armour, overvest Bridges and bridge sections Desktop computers Drilling machines EDP Equipment/Machinery EDP Equipment/Machinery First aid kits without medicaments Mechanical components Motor Vehicles and Parts Motor Vehicles and Parts Motor vehicles, passenger, other Pick-ups, 4WD, g.v.w. up to 1.5 tons Radio transmitter, broadcast Radio/communication equipment, solar-powered SECURITY AND SAFETY EQUIPMENT Software; Computer Telecommunication Equipment Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles, 4WD, hard top Vehicles, all terrain Weighing machinery Ambulances Ambulances Ambulances, 4WD Ambulances, 4WD Ambulances, 4WD Buses Motor Vehicles and Parts Motor Vehicles and Parts Motor Vehicles and Parts Motor Vehicles and Parts Motor Vehicles and Parts Motor Vehicles and Parts Motor Vehicles and Parts Motor Vehicles and Parts Motor Vehicles and Parts Motor Vehicles and Parts Motor Vehicles and Parts Motor Vehicles and Parts Motor Vehicles and Parts Motor Vehicles and Parts Motor Vehicles and Parts Motor Vehicles and Parts Motor Vehicles and Parts Motor Vehicles and Parts Motor Vehicles and Parts Motor Vehicles and Parts Motor Vehicles and Parts Motor Vehicles and Parts Motor Vehicles and Parts Motor Vehicles and Parts Motor Vehicles and Parts Motor Vehicles and Parts Motor Vehicles and Parts Motor Vehicles and Parts Motor Vehicles and Parts Motor Vehicles and Parts Motor vehicles, parts and accessories thereof, other Motor vehicles, passenger, other Pick-ups, 4WD, diesel, double cab Pick-ups, 4WD, diesel, single cab Pick-ups, 4WD, diesel, single cab Station wagons, 4WD, diesel driven, exceeding 2,500 cc Station wagons, 4WD, diesel driven, exceeding 2,500 cc Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles, 4WD, hard top Vehicles, 4WD, hard top Vehicles, all terrain, truck, specialised Vehicles, all terrain, truck, specialised Antimalarial drugs COMPUTERS 188 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO Value USD 118,400.00 88,800.00 43,696.55 42,350.00 32,386.00 109,770.00 240,630.00 236,840.00 141,300.00 124,220.00 121,400.00 107,600.00 70,986.00 137,600.00 34,168.65 33,909.30 288,550.00 49,089.85 65,619.00 50,229.00 40,361.00 342,750.00 52,840.00 33,749.00 48,623.92 130,995.00 150,904.00 171,967.28 33,917.38 267,216.71 48,700.00 46,535.26 49,169.25 49,000.00 37,763.60 93,539.30 73,960.00 38,938.00 144,864.00 59,800.00 35,619.24 45,736.75 75,768.33 31,586.75 6,447,393.17 32,938.00 30,630.00 30,856.00 232,417.59 32,875.90 3,244,102.41 59,626.67 1,967,961.69 59,626.67 44,483.07 72,505.07 581,835.00 474,662.05 373,856.60 238,849.12 216,938.85 200,166.47 187,565.11 169,898.56 156,937.49 144,713.01 129,643.37 128,861.50 112,295.47 92,169.45 80,569.37 72,267.49 65,796.58 58,398.66 54,404.35 48,208.75 42,057.12 41,948.67 41,948.67 40,720.51 39,280.81 38,730.83 38,521.16 35,020.06 34,876.30 32,620.42 114,606.09 304,202.12 32,167.94 158,997.82 99,766.85 178,643.84 61,022.84 470,891.94 275,215.51 195,935.08 186,084.72 168,887.79 144,152.74 143,364.80 135,771.78 123,894.94 92,576.55 89,369.86 84,149.72 80,765.51 73,862.64 71,133.71 66,353.96 45,507.17 39,473.66 39,060.91 35,827.24 35,737.44 65,132.53 34,679.64 73,427.07 31,168.13 415,552.80 690,248.00 Major Orders for Goods Placed by Agency During 2011 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of Supplier UNOPS Continued United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America Uruguay UNOV Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Cape Verde Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Italy Switzerland United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America UN-PD Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Algeria Australia Australia Australia Australia UN-PD Continued Australia PO Value USD Name of Supplier Description of Goods ADVIZING IT Ltd ADVIZING IT Ltd COMPUTER VISION LTD. ADVIZING IT Ltd GEOTECH INSTRUMENTS, LLC CSS INTERNATIONAL HOLDINGS, INC. CEDAR SUPPLY NORTH,INC. CEDAR SUPPLY NORTH,INC. Florida Purchasing Agency Inc SPACELABS HEALTHCARE Inc CEDAR SUPPLY NORTH,INC. CSS INTERNATIONAL HOLDINGS, INC. COLOSSUS, incorporated dba interAct Derive Technologies LLC ADVIZING IT Ltd ADVIZING IT Ltd Global Fleet Sales, Inc Global Fleet Sales, Inc Shaoyang Hengyuan Zijiang Hydroelectric MARATHON, INC. MARATHON, INC. SPATIAL SOLUTIONS INC Tumac Lumber Co. Tumac Lumber Co. TCS SUPPLY CO INC Intec Billing Inc. ADVISING IT,INC. MSLI Latam Inc. EMERGING MARKETS COMMUNICATIONS, INC. Microsoft Licensing G.P. MSLI Latam Inc. PLANSON INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION The Armored Group LLC CSS INTERNATIONAL HOLDINGS, INC. Tumac Lumber Co. TITAN Lumber Corporation SEBITUR SA COMPUTERS COMPUTERS Computers, laptop/notebook Desktop computers Electrical Equipment Fences and gates, wooden General hardware manufacture General hardware manufacture Hand tools, carpentry Medical / Surgical; other Nails Panels and hangers PBX equipment PC, notebook Personal computers (PC), general purpose Personal computers (PC), general purpose Pick-ups, 4WD, diesel, double cab Pick-ups, 4WD, diesel, double cab Power plants, Hydro Road rollers Road rollers Satellite imagery Sheets of zinc Sheets of zinc Software (license) Software; Computer Software; Computer Software; Computer Software; Computer Software; Computer Software; Computer Uninterruptable power supply, battery cabinet Vehicles Warehouses, prefabricated WOOD, TIMBER WOOD, TIMBER Security and Safety Equipment 42,694.52 31,459.15 61,225.00 60,243.00 50,208.00 100,536.00 209,483.89 89,393.26 35,002.10 528,247.00 108,934.02 146,000.00 119,902.50 37,119.00 30,730.00 30,730.00 489,600.00 164,700.00 229,187.60 50,500.00 50,500.00 73,339.20 132,780.47 56,007.08 38,610.00 144,692.31 128,484.91 117,000.00 90,684.00 36,000.00 36,000.00 93,270.00 386,738.55 96,399.10 720,983.08 446,711.76 211,980.00 Bechtle GmbH Sitexs-Databusiness IT Solutions GmbH Sitexs-Databusiness IT Solutions GmbH AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES GMBH Oesterreich Emerson Network Power GmbH WIESENTHAL & CO Compta Cabo Verde, Tecnologias de Informacao SA DAN OFFICE DAN OFFICE DAN OFFICE DAN OFFICE DAN OFFICE DAN OFFICE DAN OFFICE DAN OFFICE L.Molteni & C. Dei Fratelli Alitti S.p.A. LIPOMED AG Smiths Detection-Watford Limited Tsamota Ltd. Tsamota Ltd. Smiths Detection-Watford Limited Smiths Detection-Watford Limited TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD CISCO SYSTEMS INC CISCO SYSTEMS INC CISCO SYSTEMS INC CISCO SYSTEMS INC CISCO SYSTEMS INC Campbell/Harris Security Equipment Company Campbell/Harris Security Equipment Company 600GB FC disks EMC VNX5300 system EMC VNX5300 System High Pressure Liquid Chromatography Agilent 1260 UPS system Vehicel Telephone equipment Computer hardware or software renta HP equipment HP equipment HP equipment HP equipment HP equipment HP equipment HP hardware Medical research Reference samples of drugs Aldridge-ICHEM combined Database Crime scene investigators kits Crime scene investigators kits Safety equipment, laboratory Safety equipment, laboratory Land Cruiser 200 Station Wagon CallManager device Lic 100 units Cisco equipment Cisco equipment Cisco equipment Cisco equipment Contraband search kits Contraband team kit 44,316.24 197,379.36 141,333.80 57,435.40 47,492.29 72,904.15 178,563.00 35,809.86 70,587.00 68,310.00 53,783.00 38,450.00 30,801.30 30,656.00 126,753.00 75,402.14 56,640.00 244,057.05 103,417.72 96,150.95 57,215.07 50,632.91 128,528.72 136,358.00 302,296.00 162,020.00 46,388.40 31,314.20 73,246.54 53,636.19 NASHITA LLC DIN SONS LTD. ALHAM ZAHID C.C KANDAHAR BASTAN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY AMERICAN GULF TOTAL CONSTRUCTION AFGHANISTAN (A.G.T) KABUL ELECTRIC KHAIR KHWA FUEL LOGISTICS GROUP NATIONAL FUEL INC. MUSLEM INSAF DIESEL PUMP JAMSHIDI PUMP STATION BILAL OIL COMPANY LTD BAND AMIR PUMP STATION PAIMAN FUEL TANK YASIN PETROL PUMP H.M. RASOOL AND YASINULLAH PUMP STATION NASEER FUEL PUMP STATION ASHUQULLAH WAF LTD CENTRAL 57 PUMP STATION HEKMAT PETROL PUMP ARIANA DIESEL PUMP STATION FEROZ KOH FUEL STATION NOOR AHMAD HAQIQAT PUMP STATION INSAF FAHIM CO. LTD (IFF) NATIONAL FUEL INC. SANG MAHR PUMP STATION RED ORANGE GENERAL TRADING LLC HAMED HABIB TRADING DAWI OIL LTD DIN SONS LTD. ELMI LTD RED ORANGE GENERAL TRADING LLC RED ORANGE GENERAL TRADING LLC ALHAM ZAHID C.C DIN SONS LTD. SAMBROS INTERNATIONAL INCORPORATION AMERICAN GULF TOTAL CONSTRUCTION AFGHANISTAN (A.G.T) RED ORANGE GENERAL TRADING LLC ARIA STATIONERY BILAL AHMAD DIN SONS LTD. RARE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY QWO JOINT STOCK COMPANY NAFTAL SPA Aerials and antennae Bars and rods of iron or steel, hot rolled Carpets and other textile floor coverings, knotted Containers of iron, steel or aluminium Electric motors, generators and the like Electrical equipment, parts and accessories thereof Fuel oils, n.e.c. Fuel oils, n.e.c. Fuel oils, n.e.c. Fuel oils, n.e.c. Fuel oils, n.e.c. Fuel oils, n.e.c. Fuel oils, n.e.c. Fuel oils, n.e.c. Fuel oils, n.e.c. Fuel oils, n.e.c. Fuel oils, n.e.c. Fuel oils, n.e.c. Fuel oils, n.e.c. Fuel oils, n.e.c. Fuel oils, n.e.c. Fuel oils, n.e.c. Furniture, domestic Gas oils (diesel oil) Gas oils (diesel oil) Lighting equipment Linen, household Motor spirit (gasoline), including aviation spirit Pebbles, gravel, broken or crushed stone, macadam etc. Photocopying apparatus Protection devices for edp equipment Radio or television transmission apparatus; television cameras Sanitaryware and plumbing fixtures, plastic Sanitaryware and plumbing fixtures, plastic Security equipment, special purpose Security equipment, special purpose Software licences Stationery articles n.e.c. Television receivers, parts thereof Timber, hard Timber, hard Waters, not sweetened Jet fuel, spirit type (gasoline type) HOLYMAN SHIPPING SERVICES PTY LTD TRADING AS PDL TOLL EXPRO QLD PTY LTD VINDICATOR CAST PROJECTILES PTY LTD T/AS TEX GUN SUPPLIES HOLYMAN SHIPPING SERVICES PTY LTD. Electric motors, generators and the like Electric motors, generators and transformers, parts thereof Holyman Shipping Services PTY LTD Gas oils (diesel oil) 189 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement Firearms and ammunition Gas oils (diesel oil) 45,000.00 55,561.81 30,000.00 195,000.00 401,370.00 236,603.00 2,932,605.00 1,291,388.63 357,056.02 181,334.13 157,300.82 154,260.85 148,761.10 108,130.39 59,940.93 59,829.02 53,768.56 47,828.97 47,063.42 45,597.34 40,827.04 36,555.37 44,028.00 2,008,663.70 48,190.30 31,816.41 34,840.13 6,039,062.69 49,155.72 62,047.11 99,759.20 32,909.66 92,547.00 31,760.00 133,520.00 41,331.00 51,600.00 99,738.33 58,986.20 49,510.11 34,657.08 33,173.61 135,000.00 598,762.27 37,373.99 38,445.74 22,998,757.11 3,173,088.32 Major Orders for Goods Placed by Agency During 2011 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of Supplier Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Name of Supplier EXPRO QLD PTY LTD DARWIN FUNERAL SERVICES PTY.LTD. HOLYMAN SHIPPING SERVICES PTY LTD. BP AUSTRALIA LIMITED A.P. MOTORS (NO.3) PTY LTD TRADING AS BRIDGE TOYOTA HOLYMAN SHIPPING SERVICES PTY LTD. BARRETT COMMUNICATIONS PTY LTD KREPS HANDELSGESELLSCHAFT KEG. AUDIO VIDEO CONSULTING GMBH SCHRACK TECHNIK GMBH KREPS HANDELSGESELLSCHAFT KEG KREPS HANDELSGESELLSCHAFT KEG KREPS KG SCHRACK TECHNIK GMBH SCHRACK TECHNIK GMBH KREPS HANDELSGESELLSCHAFT KEG DSCHULNIGG GMBH & CO KG GLOCK GES.M.B.H. Description of Goods Gymnasium or athletics articles and equipment Mortuary supplies Motor spirit (gasoline), including aviation spirit Motor spirit (gasoline), including aviation spirit Motor vehicles, goods transport Petroleum oils, light, and other light oils Radio broadcast and television receivers Antidotes and other substances used in poisonings Audio and video accessories Bars and rods of iron or steel, hot rolled Carpets and textile floor coverings, other (including thoseof felt) Chemical elements, n.e.c. Domestic metal products Electricity distribution or control apparatus Electricity distribution or control apparatus, parts and accessories thereof Expendables for use with edp equipment Firearms and ammunition Firearms and ammunition Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Burundi Burundi Burundi Burundi Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Central African Republic Central African Republic Central African Republic Central African Republic Central African Republic Central African Republic China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire KREPS HANDELSGESELLSCHAFT NACHFOLGE GMBH & CO KG KREPS HANDELSGESELLSCHAFT KEG. SCHRACK TECHNIK GMBH KREPS KEG PKE ELECTRONICS AG KREPS KEG KREPS HANDELSGESELLSCHAFT KEG. KREPS H. KEG KREPS ROSENBAUER INTERNATIONAL AG KREPS KREPS HANDELSGESELLSCHAFTKEG KREPS KEG KREPS HANDELSGESELLSCHAFT KEG SSI SCHAFER KREPS HANDELSGESELLSCHAFTKEG KREPS HANDELSGESELLSCHAFT KEG DSCHULNIGG GMBH & CO.KG ENGEN PETROLEUM BURUNDI S.A ENGEN PETROLEUM BURUNDI S.A ENGEN PETROLEUM BURUNDI S.A ENGEN PETROLEUM BURUNDI S.A DICKINSON MARINE MDA GEOSPATIAL SERVICES, INC. MDA GEOSPATIAL SERVICES MDA GEOSPATIAL SERVICES INC. (MDA GSI) MDA GEOSPATIAL SERVICES INC.* MDA GEOSPATIAL SERVICES INC MDA GEOSPATIAL SERVICES, INC. MDA GEOSPATIAL SERVICES INC. LIFTKING INDUSTRIES INC SARPD - OIL / RCA TRADEX CENTRAFRIQUE S.A. TOTAL CENTRAFRIQUE SARPD - OIL / RCA TRADEX CENTRAFRIQUE S.A. ENERGIE CENTRAFRICAINE (ENERCA) TOP SOURCES TRADING LTD. PEAK INTERNATIONAL TRADE (TIANJIN) CO. LTD PEAK INTERNATIONAL TRADE (TIANJIN) CO. LTD. PEAK INTERNATIONAL TRADE (TIANJIN) CO. LTD. PEAK INTERNATIONAL TRADE (TIANJIN) CO. LTD PEAK INTERNATIONAL TRADE ( TIANJIN ) CO.LTD PEAK INTERNATIONAL TRADE (TIANJIN) CO. LTD. PEAK INTERNATIONAL TRADE (TIANJIN) CO.LTD. PEAK INTERNATIONAL TRADE ( TIANJIN ) CO.LTD PEAK INTERNATIONAL TRADE (TIANJIN) CO. LTD. PEAK INTERNATIONAL TRADE PEAK INTERNATIONAL TRADE (TIANJIN) CO. LTD SHANGHAI RONGTAI COSTUME CO. LTD. PEAK INTERNATIONAL TRADE (TIANJIN) CO. LTD. OVG TRADING & CONSULTING LTD PEAK INTERNATIONAL TRADE (TIANJIN) PEAK INTERNATIONAL TRADE (TIANJIN) CO. LTD ZHEIJANG KANGLE GROUP IMPORT & EXPORT CO. LTD ZHEIJANG KANGLE GROUP PEAK INTERNATIONAL TRADE (TIANJIN) CO. LTD. PEAK INTERNATIONAL TRADE (TIANJIN) CO. LTD. PEAK INTERNATIONAL TRADE (TIANJIN) CO. LTD ZHEJIANG KANGLE GROUP IMPORT & EXPORT CO., LTD ZHEJIANG KANGLE GROUP IMPORT AND EXPORT CO., LTD SHANGHAI KOYO-ANP I & E CO., LTD PEAK INTERNATIONAL TRADE A. ANDREWS & CO. (MAIL ORDER) LTD. PEAK INTERNATIONAL TRADE (TIANJIN) CO. LTD. PEAK INTERNATIONAL TRADE (TIANJIN) CO. LTD PEAK INTERNATIONAL TRADE (TIANJIN), CO., LTD. PEAK INTERNATIONAL TRADE CO. LTD PEAK INTERNATIONAL TRADE (TIANJIN) CO. LTD PEAK INTERNATIONAL TRADE (TIANJIN) CO. LTD. PEAK INTERNATIONAL TRADE (TIANJIN) CO. LTD. PEAK INTERNATIONAL TRADE PEAK INTERNATIONAL TRADE (TIANJIN) CO. LTD PEAK INTERNATIONAL TRADE (TIANJIN) CO. LTD PEAK INTERNATIONAL TRADE (TIANJIN) CO. LTD PEAK INTERNATIONAL TRADE PEAK INTERNATIONAL TRADE (TIANJIN) CO. LTD. PEAK INTERNATIONAL TRADE (TIANJIN) CO.LTD. PEAK INTERNATIONAL TRADE (TIANJIN) PEAK INTERNATIONAL TRADE ( TIANJIN ) CO.LTD PEAK INTERNATIONAL TRADE (TIANJIN) CO. LTD PEAK INTERNATIONAL TRADE (TIANJIN) CO. LTD. PEAK INTERNATIONAL TRADE TOP SOURCES TRADING LTD. ZHEJIANG KANGLE GROUP IMPORT AND EXPORT CO., LTD CACOMIAF SA CMC LIMAS COMPAGNIE SARL BERNABE-CI GLOBE ASSISTANCE E.C.G (EMERAUDE COMMERCE GENERAL) CMC SCA (STE DE CIMENTS D'ABIDJAN) CMC ELITYS ZEN CREATION IDT (INNOVATION, DESIGN, TECHNIQUE TOTAL COTE D'IVOIRE CMC Food packaging and bottle cleaning equipment; spraying machinery Insulated wire and cable; optical fibre cables Insulated wire and cable; optical fibre cables Ironmongry Measuring, checking and testing appliances n.e.c. Metal goods n.e.c. Micro-computers Mini-computers Motor vehicle parts and accessories Motor vehicles and parts and accessories thereof Photographic and cinematographic equipment Photographic and cinematographic equipment Photographic and cinematographic equipment Safety clothing and headgear; other headgear of rubber or plastics Structures, other, and sections of iron, steel or aluminium Super-computers Telephonic apparatus, other Training and demonstrational models, other; articles, other Fuel oils, n.e.c. Gas oils (diesel oil) Motor spirit (gasoline), including aviation spirit Petroleum oils, light, and other light oils Domestic cooking and heating equipment Insulated wire and cable; optical fibre cables Maps and charts Maps and charts Maps and charts Maps and charts Maps and charts Maps and charts Motor vehicles and parts and accessories thereof Gas oils (diesel oil) Gas oils (diesel oil) Motor spirit (gasoline), including aviation spirit Motor spirit (gasoline), including aviation spirit Motor spirit (gasoline), including aviation spirit Transformers, electrical Accumulators, electric Air conditioning, cold chain and refrigerating equipment Air conditioning, cold chain and refrigerating equipment Alternative energy systems; steam, hydraulic and gas turbines Angles, shapes and sections, of iron or non-alloy steel Angles, shapes and sections, of iron or non-alloy steel Angles, shapes and sections, of iron or non-alloy steel Bending and forming machines for metal working Brushes Construction materials of plastic; containers of plastic Containers of iron, steel or aluminium Detergents, perfumes and washing preparations Detergents, perfumes and washing preparations Diodes, transistors and similar semi-conductor devices Domestic cooking and heating equipment Electric motors, generators and the like Electric motors, generators and the like Electric motors, generators and transformers, parts thereof Electric motors, generators and transformers, parts thereof Electricity distribution or control apparatus, parts and accessories thereof Electronic components, parts and accessories thereof Filtering and purifying equipment Filtering and purifying equipment Fuel oils, n.e.c. Furniture, office, other than chairs General purpose machinery, parts and accessories thereof Insulated wire and cable; optical fibre cables Insulated wire and cable; optical fibre cables Lighting equipment Lighting equipment Lighting equipment Lighting equipment, parts thereof Lighting equipment, parts thereof Machinery and equipment for the pharmaceutical industry Machinery and equipment for the pharmaceutical industry Metal goods n.e.c. Optical and photographic equipment, parts and accessories thereof Pumps, water Radio or television transmission apparatus, parts and accessories thereof Stoppers, caps, lids and other metal packing accessories; wire and wire products Structures, other, and sections of iron, steel or aluminium Structures, other, and sections of iron, steel or aluminium Structures, other, and sections of iron, steel or aluminium Structures, other, and sections of iron, steel or aluminium Telecommunication equipment, parts and accessories thereof Telecommunication equipment, parts and accessories thereof Timber, soft Tubes, pipes and hoses, and fittings therefor, of plastics Accumulators, electric Air conditioning, cold chain and refrigerating equipment Air conditioning, cold chain and refrigerating equipment Bars and rods of iron or steel, hot rolled Bars and rods of iron or steel, hot rolled Bricks, blocks, tiles etc. and ceramic goods, other Carpets and other textile floor coverings, knotted Cements Cements Clothing of textile materials Clothing of textile materials Containers of iron, steel or aluminium Containers of iron, steel or aluminium Electricity distribution or control apparatus 190 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO Value USD 67,112.30 31,446.54 30,401,818.52 277,835.66 33,458.28 19,783,903.06 57,145.03 65,986.81 33,236.26 215,922.75 61,033.33 46,782.40 221,924.59 288,768.57 127,282.28 33,165.24 41,223.79 36,962.00 68,925.93 54,194.00 43,610.73 73,628.04 64,903.13 50,964.44 62,042.02 96,033.72 52,558.58 1,361,691.30 80,340.93 31,872.70 31,360.47 35,782.05 128,811.35 41,745.66 38,547.47 38,249.32 985,750.02 500,060.02 270,000.00 162,564.75 216,146.79 58,589.35 446,991.87 200,015.08 54,476.68 51,459.00 49,735.92 31,598.40 351,026.46 165,834.95 104,092.14 203,092.24 140,359.58 39,764.98 120,966.83 53,974.00 1,063,390.00 521,122.00 172,794.00 307,939.40 197,255.00 95,343.92 116,754.64 497,078.00 767,727.00 49,594.10 47,162.30 35,033.07 165,904.20 31,995.00 339,600.00 48,094.84 248,924.67 180,627.45 254,625.00 118,503.00 4,183,528.30 134,555.92 314,239.39 74,331.60 1,059,610.00 403,801.00 308,450.00 643,460.00 253,902.28 92,779.74 1,368,835.00 499,690.50 886,293.00 151,308.60 52,472.00 81,428.00 261,494.00 31,245.00 753,758.10 431,970.60 112,975.20 94,532.00 80,690.00 2,319,022.50 402,026.60 101,782.91 54,628.00 72,723.57 288,058.00 56,136.83 162,555.81 58,137.12 31,050.74 35,578.59 170,246.02 51,304.93 144,718.97 53,205.12 93,814.74 81,436.41 86,865.50 Major Orders for Goods Placed by Agency During 2011 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of Supplier UN-PD Continued Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cyprus Cyprus Cyprus Cyprus Cyprus Cyprus Cyprus Cyprus Cyprus Cyprus Czech Republic Czech Republic Czech Republic Czech Republic Czech Republic Democratic Rep. of Democratic Rep. of Democratic Rep. of Democratic Rep. of Democratic Rep. of Democratic Rep. of Democratic Rep. of Democratic Rep. of Democratic Rep. of Democratic Rep. of Democratic Rep. of Democratic Rep. of Democratic Rep. of Democratic Rep. of Democratic Rep. of Democratic Rep. of Democratic Rep. of Democratic Rep. of Democratic Rep. of Democratic Rep. of Democratic Rep. of Democratic Rep. of Democratic Rep. of Democratic Rep. of Democratic Rep. of Democratic Rep. of Democratic Rep. of Democratic Rep. of Democratic Rep. of Democratic Rep. of Democratic Rep. of Democratic Rep. of Democratic Rep. of Democratic Rep. of Democratic Rep. of Democratic Rep. of Democratic Rep. of Democratic Rep. of Democratic Rep. of Democratic Rep. of Democratic Rep. of Democratic Rep. of Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark the Congo the Congo the Congo the Congo the Congo the Congo the Congo the Congo the Congo the Congo the Congo the Congo the Congo the Congo the Congo the Congo the Congo the Congo the Congo the Congo the Congo the Congo the Congo the Congo the Congo the Congo the Congo the Congo the Congo the Congo the Congo the Congo the Congo the Congo the Congo the Congo the Congo the Congo the Congo the Congo the Congo the Congo PO Value USD Name of Supplier Description of Goods ALFARIS RHEVA TECHNOLOGIES MEUBLIVOIRE INTER TOTAL COTE D'IVOIRE TOTAL COTE D'IVOIRE MAX SERVICES CMC TECHNIBAT HIRONDELLE TRADING SICABLE (SOCIETE IVOIRIENNE DE CABLES VEILLE INDUSTRIELLE & TECHNOLOGIQUE (VIT) CODELEC S.A DMEIB (DISTRIBUTION DE MATERIEL ELECTRIQUE INDUSTRIELS & BATIMENTS) EIP ALFARIS IVOIRE ENERGIE COMMERCE GENERAL CÔTE D'IVOIRE (C.G.CI) TOTAL COTE D'IVOIRE SOCIETE IVOIRENNE D' ASSISTANCE ET DE MAINTENANCE D' AVIATION ("SIAMA") CMC MISSION MEDICALE INTERNATIONALE (2MI) CMC TOTAL COTE D'IVOIRE SOCIETE IVOIRENNE D' ASSISTANCE ET DE MAINTENANCE D' AVIATION ("SIAMA") TOTAL COTE D'IVOIRE DROCOLOR CMC SACOBAT ACGIM HIRONDELLE TRADING NETDJOVE-COM DAWUD ENTREPRISE ETS EL ACHKAR SORE IBRAHIMA DIABATE MATERIAUX PLURIEL ENTREPRISE ETS EL ACHKAR CMC E.C.G (EMERAUDE COMMERCE GENERAL) CMC GLOBE ASSISTANCE CMC SECTRONIC MTN CMC HIRONDELLE TRADING BERNABE-CI CACOMIAF SA TARMAC ASFALT-BETON-INSAAT LTD. S. HADJICHRISTOFI CONSTRUCTION LTD PETROLINA (HOLDINGS) LTD. N. BASMAN VE OGULLARI LTD. BP EASTERN MEDITERRANEAN LTD. TSOULOFTAS CONSTRUCTIONS LTD. LATOMIA SHIAS LIMITED E.M. APOSTOLOU FORMULA LTD E.M. APOSTOLOU FORMULA LTD JOINT VENTURE, ASTRA SELF DRIVE CARS PUBLIC LTD & PETSAS & SONS PUBLIC LTD SVOS SPOL S.R.O. PRELOUC SVOS SPOL. S.R.O SVOS SPOL. S.R.O.* SVOS SPOL. S.R.O. SVOS SPOL. S.R.O. ETS LIMIF TRADING BUYORA HOUSE MINGI IMMOBILIER GROUPE CORELEC MAISON KARIBU ETS MANDUNGU KOJACK MAISON MKH E.M.S ENTREPRISE BKM TRADING QUING MATERIAUX S.P.R.L GROUPE CORELEC QUING MATERIAUX S.P.R.L ENGEN DRC ELF OIL RDC QUING MATERIAUX S.P.R.L NTAGAHWA MIRENGE PANDA MIMPRIKIN ETS LIMIF TRADING PHARMACIE WAGENIA ETS MAISON LA VICTOIRE BKM TRADING GROUPE BATIMEUBLE S.P.R.L CFAO MOTORS RDC SPRL AUTO PEINT QUING MATERIAUX S.P.R.L PEINTURE MAG GENITEC S.P.R.L. GROUPE CORELEC BUHENDWA BAGALWA ELF OIL RDC ENGEN DRC QUING MATERIAUX S.P.R.L ETS MWAJUMA AMZA CONSTRUCTION ETS MAISON LA VICTOIRE BEKI CONSTRUCT QUING MATERIAUX S.P.R.L LA ROYALE MSON. JLM CONSTRUCT QUINCAILLERIE GLOIRE A DIEU BUHENDWA BAGALWA QUINCAILLERIE KIVU STARS KUEHNE & NAGEL JOHS. GRAM-HANSSEN A/S JOHS. GRAM-HANSSEN A/S DAN OFFICE DANOFFICE TRADING DANOFFICE KUEHNE AND NAGEL PETER JUSTESEN COMPANY A/S DANOFFICE PLC DANOFFICE APS DANOFFICE APS Electricity distribution or control apparatus Expendables for use with edp equipment Furniture, office, other than chairs Gas oils (diesel oil) General purpose machinery, parts and accessories thereof General purpose machinery, parts and accessories thereof General purpose machinery, parts and accessories thereof Hand tools (including glaziers diamonds) n.e.c. Hand tools (including glaziers diamonds) n.e.c. Insulated wire and cable; optical fibre cables Insulated wire and cable; optical fibre cables Insulated wire and cable; optical fibre cables 48,877.48 55,298.90 37,753.92 3,183,264.55 473,243.25 49,352.80 40,834.53 92,832.14 53,201.32 407,494.75 129,919.51 60,284.15 Insulated wire and cable; optical fibre cables Lighting equipment Lighting equipment Lighting equipment Linoleum Lubricating preparations 30,179.18 124,000.50 66,965.53 50,400.65 34,259.37 6,479,700.24 Lubricating preparations Machinery for sorting, screening, separating, kneading earth, stone, ores etc. Modelling pastes, dental plaster preps., laboratory reagents etc. Mortars and concretes, non-refractory Motor spirit (gasoline), including aviation spirit 400,000.00 47,116.77 32,857.43 530,748.22 1,194,578.25 Motor spirit (gasoline), including aviation spirit Packing cases, boxes, crates, drums etc.;cable drums of wood Paints and varnishes (including enamels and lacquers) and related products Pebbles, gravel, broken or crushed stone, macadam etc. Pebbles, gravel, broken or crushed stone, macadam etc. Pebbles, gravel, broken or crushed stone, macadam etc. Pebbles, gravel, broken or crushed stone, macadam etc. Pebbles, gravel, broken or crushed stone, macadam etc. Pebbles, gravel, broken or crushed stone, macadam etc. Pebbles, gravel, broken or crushed stone, macadam etc. Pebbles, gravel, broken or crushed stone, macadam etc. Pebbles, gravel, broken or crushed stone, macadam etc. Pipes and other accessories, for use with pumps Printing and plotting devices for edp equipment Sacks and bags, of a kind used for the packing of goods Sands Sands Sanitaryware and plumbing fixtures, plastic Sanitaryware and plumbing fixtures, plastic Security equipment, special purpose Telecommunication equipment, parts and accessories thereof Timber, hard Timber, hard Timber, hard Tyres, pneumatic new, inner tubes, solid or cushion tyres, etc. Asphalt or similar material, articles thereof Filtering and purifying equipment Gas oils (diesel oil) Gas oils (diesel oil) Jet fuel, spirit type (gasoline type) Mortars and concretes, non-refractory Pebbles, gravel, broken or crushed stone, macadam etc. Safety equipment Sound or visual signalling apparatus, electric, other 60,000.00 487,482.77 79,031.97 809,441.15 204,826.10 190,180.11 174,608.53 140,761.19 60,728.28 46,509.70 36,136.06 33,505.26 145,738.60 43,860.92 37,281.50 35,169.04 31,488.74 70,934.04 64,193.45 157,704.31 203,265.25 214,822.50 53,387.23 39,028.64 74,263.49 190,634.62 38,304.00 1,083,391.15 141,016.77 173,422.50 67,450.14 157,734.80 36,396.01 38,931.62 Telecommunication equipment, parts and accessories thereof Motor vehicle parts and accessories Motor vehicle parts and accessories Motor vehicle parts and accessories Motor vehicles and parts and accessories thereof Motor vehicles, special purpose Angles, shapes and sections, of iron or non-alloy steel Angles, shapes and sections, of iron or non-alloy steel Bituminous mixtures based on natural asphalt, on natural bitumen etc. Cements Cements Cements Cements Cements Clothing of textile materials Electrical equipment n.e.c. Electricity distribution or control apparatus Furniture, domestic Gas oils (diesel oil) Gas oils (diesel oil) General purpose machinery, parts and accessories thereof Granite, sandstone and other monumental or building stone Hats and headgear Iron and steel metallurgy, primary materials thereof Laboratory equipment n.e.c. Machinery and equipment for rubber and plastic processing Microphones, loudspeakers, headphones, earphones, amplifiers Mortars and concretes, non-refractory Motor vehicle parts and accessories Motor vehicle parts and accessories Orthopaedic appliances; physiological appliances Paints and varnishes (including enamels and lacquers) and related products Pebbles, gravel, broken or crushed stone, macadam etc. Pebbles, gravel, broken or crushed stone, macadam etc. Pebbles, gravel, broken or crushed stone, macadam etc. Petroleum oils, light, and other light oils Petroleum oils, light, and other light oils Plywood Prefabricated buildings, parts thereof Propane and butane, liquefied Rubber, articles thereof, n.e.c. Sands Sanitaryware and plumbing fixtures, plastic Soap and cleaning preparations Timber, hard Timber, hard Timber, hard Tyres, pneumatic new, inner tubes, solid or cushion tyres, etc. Air conditioning, cold chain and refrigerating equipment Angles, shapes and sections, of iron or non-alloy steel Crowd control equipment Edp equipment n.e.c. Edp equipment n.e.c. Edp equipment n.e.c. Electric motors, generators and the like Electric motors, generators and transformers, parts thereof Electronic components, parts and accessories thereof Electronic storage units/media Equipment and accessories for connecting edp equipment intonetworks 1,249,555.08 145,827.14 113,532.80 49,453.49 8,546,658.53 257,328.61 40,150.00 30,000.00 669,000.00 180,000.00 75,000.00 74,000.00 73,500.00 32,800.00 33,300.00 30,000.00 72,272.50 196,950.00 5,276,928.83 805,956.59 30,000.00 53,919.00 46,900.00 35,000.00 43,706.78 38,582.00 87,164.33 34,650.00 60,000.00 30,000.00 40,920.00 31,748.00 205,300.00 71,900.00 69,000.00 9,140,000.15 3,436,823.00 116,666.00 35,000.00 48,900.00 31,200.00 37,260.00 30,000.00 47,670.00 72,520.71 65,000.00 47,000.00 35,000.00 46,020.00 101,500.00 212,520.00 176,735.50 117,750.00 75,660.00 91,400.00 30,287.28 182,944.00 30,410.18 457,321.00 191 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement Major Orders for Goods Placed by Agency During 2011 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of Supplier UN-PD Continued Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Dominican Republic Dominican Republic Dominican Republic Dominican Republic Dominican Republic Dominican Republic Dominican Republic Dominican Republic Dominican Republic Dominican Republic Dominican Republic Dominican Republic Finland Finland Finland France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Name of Supplier Description of Goods DAN:OFFICE APS DAN OFFICE PLC DANOFFICE PETER JUSTESEN COMPANY A/S DANOFFICE PLC DANOFFICE DANOFFICE DAN OFFICE PLC DANOFFICE PLC DANOFFICE APS DAN OFFICE LTD DANOFFICE TRADING DAN OFFICE TRADING DAN OFFICE DAN:OFFICE APS DAN OFFICE PLC JOHS. GRAM-HANSSEN A/S DANOFFICE DAN OFFICE TRADING DAN OFFICE LTD DANOFFICE TRADING DAN:OFFICE APS DANOFFICE PLC BUKKEHAVE BUKKEHAVE CORPORATION A/S BUKKEHAVE LTD. DHL GLOBAL FORWARDING DANOFFICE DANOFFICE DANOFFICE DAN OFFICE PLC DANOFFICE DAN OFFICE PLC DANOFFICE DANOFFICE TRADING DAN OFFICE PLC DANOFFICE PLC DAN:OFFICE APS DANOFFICE PLC DANOFFICE DAN OFFICE PLC DSV AIR & SEA A/S DAN OFFICE DANOFFICE PLC DAN OFFICE TRADING CICCI APS CICCI APS CICCI APS JOHS. GRAM-HANSSEN A/S JOHS.GRAM-HANSSEN A/S CONNECTRA APS JOHS.GRAM-HANSSEN A/S. DANOFFICE KUEHNE & NAGEL DANOFFICE APS HECKSHER LINIEAGENTURER A/S JOHS. GRAM-HANSSEN A/S DANOFFICE APS DAN:OFFICE APS DANIMEX COMMUNICATIONS LTD. DANOFFICE PLC DAN OFFICE TRADING DANOFFICE DANOFFICE APS PETER JUSTESEN COMPANY A/S PETER JUSTESEN COMPANY A/S PLANSON EUROPE CICCI HOLDING HECKSHER LINIEAGENTURER A/S DAN OFFICE LTD CICCI HOLDING DANOFFICE DAN:OFFICE APS DANOFFICE PLC DANOFFICE DAN OFFICE PLC DANOFFICE APS SCAN GLOBAL LOGISTICS A/S DANOFFICE BUKKEHAVE CORPORATION A/S CORPORACION DE ASFALTO, S.A. MADIG DOMINICANA HOYO DE LIMA INDUSTRIAL MADIG DOMINICANA FERRETERIA POPULAR CXA. CREALSA MADIG DOMINICANA PREMIUM & CO, SRL MADIG DOMINICANA LABORATORIOS BIO-MEDICA MG, S.A. ERIKGAS PARQUE CIBERNÉTICO SANTO DOMINGO, S.A. STONESOFT CORPORATION STONESOFT CORPORATION PATRIA LAND & ARMAMENT OY G. FERON - E. DE CLEBSATTEL S.A. GROUPE MULLIEZ FLORY F.E.V.A.M. IND. CO. LTD. FLORIDA PURCHASING AGENCY PARIS ECONOMAT DES ARMEES ECONOMAT DES ARMES ECONOMAT DES ARMEES SPOT IMAGE ECONOMAT DES ARMEES ECONOMAT DES ARMEES MANITOU MAINTLOG CIFCAA SAS RENAULT TRUCKS SAGEM DEFENSE SECURITE ZHENDRE S.A GROUPE MULLIEZ FLORY G. FERON - E. DE CLEBSATTEL S.A. IEC TELECOM FLEISCHHACKER GMBH & CO. KG FLEISCHHACKER GMBH & CO. KG FLEISCHHACHER GMBH & CO.;KG FLEISCHHACKER GMBH & CO. KG, GERMANY FLEISCHHACKER GMBH & CO.;KG FLEISCHHACKER GMBH & CO. KG Equipment and accessories for connecting edp equipment intonetworks Equipment and accessories for connecting edp equipment intonetworks Equipment and accessories for connecting edp equipment intonetworks Equipment and accessories for connecting edp equipment intonetworks Equipment and accessories for connecting edp equipment intonetworks Expansion cards & other add-on hard- or firm-ware Expendables for use with edp equipment Expendables for use with edp equipment Expendables for use with edp equipment Expendables for use with edp equipment Expendables for use with edp equipment Expendables for use with edp equipment Expendables for use with edp equipment Expendables for use with edp equipment Expendables for use with edp equipment Furniture, office, other than chairs Iron or steel, flat rolled products thereof, not further worked than hot rolled Micro-computers Micro-computers Micro-computers Micro-computers Micro-computers Micro-computers Motor vehicle parts and accessories Motor vehicle parts and accessories Motor vehicle parts and accessories Motor vehicle parts and accessories Office and accounting machinery, parts and accessories thereof Optical input/output units, such as scanners, optical readers etc. Optical storage units Paints and varnishes (including enamels and lacquers) and related products Photocopying apparatus Photocopying apparatus and office equipment n.e.c. Printing and plotting devices for edp equipment Printing and plotting devices for edp equipment Printing and plotting devices for edp equipment Printing and plotting devices for edp equipment Printing and plotting devices for edp equipment Processing units for edp, other Protection devices for edp equipment Protection devices for edp equipment Protection devices for edp equipment Protection devices for edp equipment Protection devices for edp equipment Radio broadcast and television receivers Radio broadcast and television receivers Radio or television transmission apparatus, parts and accessories thereof Radio or television transmission apparatus; television cameras Sacks and bags, of a kind used for the packing of goods Safety clothing and headgear; other headgear of rubber or plastics Safety equipment Sands Satellite communication systems Seats and chairs Software application packages Stoppers, caps, lids and other metal packing accessories; wire and wire products Stoppers, caps, lids and other metal packing accessories; wire and wire products Storage unit accessories Storage unit accessories Telecommunication equipment Telecommunication equipment, other Telecommunication equipment, parts and accessories thereof Telecommunication equipment, parts and accessories thereof Telecommunication equipment, parts and accessories thereof Telecommunication equipment, parts and accessories thereof Telephone equipment Testing equipment n.e.c. Trailers and semi-trailers; containers Trailers and semi-trailers; containers Transformers, electrical Transformers, electrical Transformers, electrical Transformers, electrical Transmitting and communicating equipment for edp, eg. modems, pc servers etc. Transmitting and communicating equipment for edp, eg. modems, pc servers etc. Transmitting and communicating equipment for edp, eg. modems, pc servers etc. Transmitting and communicating equipment for edp, eg. modems, pc servers etc. Transmitting and communicating equipment for edp, eg. modems, pc servers etc. Twine, cordage, rope and cables Tyres, pneumatic new, inner tubes, solid or cushion tyres, etc. Bars and rods of iron or steel, hot rolled Bitumen and asphalt, natural; asphaltites and asphaltic rock Cement, concrete or artificial stone, other articles thereof Clothing of textile materials Domestic metal products Doors, windows and their frames, of iron, steel or aluminium Insulated wire and cable; optical fibre cables Lubricating preparations Metal goods n.e.c. Modelling pastes, dental plaster preps., laboratory reagents etc. Motor spirit (gasoline), including aviation spirit Sands Equipment and accessories for connecting edp equipment intonetworks Equipment and accessories for connecting edp equipment intonetworks Motor vehicle parts and accessories Air conditioning, cold chain and refrigerating equipment Clothing of textile materials Clothing of textile materials Expendables for use with edp equipment Food products, other Food products, other Food products, other Maps and charts Meat and edible offal, fresh, chilled or frozen n.e.c. Meat, meat offal or blood, preserves and preparations thereof Motor vehicle parts and accessories Motor vehicle parts and accessories Motor vehicle parts and accessories Motor vehicles and parts and accessories thereof Optical instruments Radio or television transmission apparatus, parts and accessories thereof Security equipment and supplies n.e.c. Soldering, brazing or welding machinery and apparatus Telecommunication equipment Antidotes and other substances used in poisonings Articles for medical or surgical purposes n.e.c. Articles for medical or surgical purposes n.e.c. Articles for medical or surgical purposes n.e.c. Articles for medical or surgical purposes n.e.c. Boring, grinding, cutting, pressing, pumping, heating equipand baths laboratory 192 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO Value USD 282,201.00 254,082.00 248,435.42 86,855.00 54,945.00 31,572.00 1,027,953.65 610,548.77 516,299.19 481,353.81 240,523.33 234,746.24 205,510.90 63,787.09 53,580.49 47,404.00 39,044.92 994,122.00 580,735.00 405,100.00 347,762.00 52,574.00 40,322.00 392,873.19 305,680.55 92,969.78 35,876.76 146,890.20 203,405.00 310,033.00 65,521.98 159,615.00 40,720.00 520,881.00 270,270.00 183,814.00 135,743.00 106,637.00 128,195.00 781,800.00 161,398.00 129,273.26 40,860.00 30,980.00 277,015.00 72,943.68 41,764.96 617,541.31 41,222.53 45,380.00 385,860.40 31,199.04 65,520.00 213,434.00 88,911.00 81,400.00 39,745.00 244,220.00 136,000.00 49,735.00 132,298.00 675,036.95 205,923.50 99,820.00 83,529.50 103,300.00 40,367.00 632,905.98 136,752.14 205,034.00 52,254.36 45,700.00 43,496.00 668,816.00 556,088.00 265,339.00 61,418.00 35,138.80 144,100.00 33,076.41 488,766.90 73,750.00 55,713.94 317,142.60 68,384.68 38,670.21 172,310.00 41,641.60 36,180.00 60,000.00 43,567.43 40,304.34 488,231.20 37,183.97 182,027.64 120,054.95 312,675.85 128,000.00 35,953.99 12,385,923.00 2,274,508.26 1,585,096.15 98,935.44 2,354,978.58 307,090.52 253,066.88 37,466.67 33,967.47 1,691,230.13 76,780.63 45,894.00 343,347.80 96,739.44 43,059.80 63,175.48 1,727,510.28 248,878.18 120,995.61 97,574.23 30,156.17 Major Orders for Goods Placed by Agency During 2011 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of Supplier UN-PD Continued Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Ghana Ghana Guinea-Bissau Guinea-Bissau Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti India India India India India India Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel UN-PD Continued Name of Supplier Description of Goods NOWAR SECURITY EQUIPMENT GMBH NOWAR SECURITY EQUIPMENT GMBH KAERCHER FUTURETECH GMBH BARCO CONTROL ROOMS GMBH NOWAR SECURITY EQUIPMENT GMBH HECKLER & KOCH GMBH NOWAR SECURITY EQUIPMENT NOWAR SECURITY EQUIPMENT GMBH FLEISCHHACKER FLEISCHACKER GMBH & CO., KG ALFRED KARCHER GMBH & CO.KG. FLEISCHHACKER GMBH & CO. KG SUPREME FOODSERVICE AG SUPREME FOODSERVICE GMBH FLEISCHHACKER GMBH & CO. KG FLEISCHHACKER, GMBH & CO., KG FLEISCHHACKER GMBH & CO. KG KASSBOHRER GELANDEFAHRZEUG AG MOTOROLA LIMITED MOTOROLA;INC. SUPREME FOODSERVICE GMBH BRAHLER ICS AG HECKLER & KOCH GMBH SUPREME FOODSERVICE GMBH FLEISCHHACKER SPARKLING OASIS CO. LTD INGRID PRESTIGE LIMITED PETROMAR - SOCIEDADE DE ABASTECIMENTOS PETROLIFEROS, LDA PETROMAR - SOCIEDADE DE ABASTECIMENTOS PETROLIFEROS, LDA SODEC INTERNATIONAL DG'S INTERNATIONAL GIGATECH ADDITEC, S.A. L.V.M. & ASSOCIATES FAVEUR DE DIEU MATERIAUX DE CONSTRUCTION FRITZNER COMPANY S.A. MEDIA & COMMUNICATION (MEDIACOM) CIMENTERIE NATIONALE S.E.M. (CINA) A & D CONSTRUCTIONS MAISON MAX LAROCHE TOTAL HAITI S.A. DISTRIBUTEURS NATIONAUX S.A.(DINASA) HAYTIAN TRACTOR AND EQUIPMENT CO S.A. (HAYTRAC) PHIFA MEDIA & COMMUNICATION (MEDIACOM) DISTRIBUTEURS NATIONAUX S.A.(DINASA) SEILA KENNELS ECO-MAINTENANCE S.A. MAISON MAX LAROCHE ADDITEC, S.A. JETEC CONSTRUCTION PISCES CONSTRUCTION MEDIA & COMMUNICATION (MEDIACOM) RENAISSANCE FILMS INC. UNIVERSAL MOTORS S. A CULLIGAN - CARIBBEAN BOTTLING COMPANY S.A. HAITI HYDRAULIQUE ORGANISATION S.A. BCS SWITCHGEAR INDUSTRIES BCS SWITCHGEARS INDUSTRIES BCS SWITCHGEAR INDUSTRIES TRANS-IMAGE CORPORATION BCS SWITCHGEAR INDUSTRIES ALI MOHAMMAD BABA &SONS AISG, INC DALO CONSTRUCTION COMPANY AL SAMI GENERAL TRADE COMPANY LTD. THURAYA AL KHALEEJ ALHARITH PALACE COMPANY FOR GENERAL TRADE AND CONTRACTS ERBIL FUEL DISTRIBUTION DIRECTORY ALHARITH PALACE COMPANY FOR GENERAL TRADE AND CONTRACTS DUBAI CO. LTD. FOR GENERAL CONTRACTING AMER COMPANY FOR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS & TRANSPORTATION LTD. HILAL MEARY AND PARTNERS COMPANY FOR CONTRACTORS AHMED JASSIM PRESAM OFFICE USAID-IRAQ MISSAN ENGINEERING & CONTRACTING CO., LTD. DUBAI CO. LTD. FOR GENERAL CONTRACTING SUKHTIAN INDUSTRIAL TRADING COMPANY AL SAMI GENERAL TRADE COMPANY LTD. KAR FOR CONTRACTING PROJECTS, ENGINEERING CONSULTANCY AND PRIVATE GUARDING SERVICES, LTD. AL SAMI GENERAL TRADE COMPANY LTD. MMI GROUP LTD. GLOBAL ARMOUR LIMITED FG WILSON (ENGINEERING) LTD. FG WILSON ENGINEERING LTD M.M.I. GROUP LTD. MMI GROUP LTD. MMI GROUP LTD DISTRICT BAKERY LADM LIMITED ODIS FILTERING LTD ODIS FILTERING LTD LAN-LEE INTERNATIONAL LTD. TNUVA LTD ODIS FILTERING LTD TENDERS SYSTEM E-DRIVE TECHNOLOGY LTD. JOHN BRYCE TRAINING LTD. ODIS FILTERING LTD ODIS FILTERING LTD. ISRAEL ENGINEERS & TRAILERS CO. LTD. ATARA LTD DELEK -ISRAEL FUEL CORPORATION LTD. L. A. D. M. AGENCIES LTD. PAZ OIL COMPANY LTD. E-DRIVE TECHNOLOGY LTD. ODIS FILTERING LTD CLASSICA INTERNATIONAL LTD. WISE-TECH LTD. E-DRIVE TECHNOLOGY LTD. E-DRIVE TECHNOLOGY LTD CLASSICA INTERNATIONAL LTD. LAN-LEE INTERNATIONAL LTD Clothing of textile materials Crowd control equipment Decanting, distilling, evaporating, extracting, filtering equipment etc. Equipment and accessories for connecting edp equipment intonetworks Firearms and ammunition Firearms and ammunition Firearms and ammunition Footwear, of rubber or plastics Furniture, medical, surgical or veterinary Furniture, medical, surgical or veterinary General purpose machinery, parts and accessories thereof Luggage, handbags and the like Meat and edible offal, fresh, chilled or frozen n.e.c. Meat and edible offal, fresh, chilled or frozen n.e.c. Mechano-therapy appliances, respiration apparatus etc. Medical, surgical or dental instruments and appliances Medical, surgical or dental instruments and appliances Motor vehicle parts and accessories Optical input/output units, such as scanners, optical readers etc. Optical input/output units, such as scanners, optical readers etc. Packing and sealing articles of plastics Recording and reproducing apparatus, for sound and video Safety clothing and headgear; other headgear of rubber or plastics Waters, not sweetened X-ray or alpha, beta or gamma radiation apparatus, medical and surgical Motor vehicle parts and accessories Security equipment, special purpose 193 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement Fuel oils, n.e.c. Lubricating preparations Air conditioning, cold chain and refrigerating equipment Angles, shapes and sections, of iron or non-alloy steel Bars and rods of iron or steel, hot rolled Bars and rods of iron or steel, hot rolled Bars and rods of iron or steel, hot rolled Bars and rods of iron or steel, hot rolled Bars and rods of iron or steel, hot rolled Clothing of textile materials Domestic metal products Domestic metal products Domestic metal products Gas oils (diesel oil) Lubricating preparations Lubricating preparations Lubricating preparations Luggage, handbags and the like Motor spirit (gasoline), including aviation spirit Motor spirit (gasoline), including aviation spirit Regulating instruments; mechanical property testing appliances Sands Sands Sands Structural components, prefabricated, of cement or concrete Telecommunication equipment, parts and accessories thereof Telecommunication equipment, parts and accessories thereof Tyres, pneumatic new, inner tubes, solid or cushion tyres, etc. Waters, not sweetened Waters, not sweetened Angles, shapes and sections, of iron or non-alloy steel Bars and rods of iron or steel, hot rolled Electricity distribution or control apparatus, parts and accessories thereof Equipment and accessories for connecting edp equipment intonetworks Furniture, office, other than chairs Transformers, electrical Containers of iron, steel or aluminium Electric motors, generators and the like Firearms and ammunition Fuel oils, n.e.c. Fuel oils, n.e.c. Fuel oils, n.e.c. Furniture, domestic Insulated wire and cable; optical fibre cables Motor spirit (gasoline), including aviation spirit Paper and paperboard products, other Protection devices for edp equipment Recording and reproducing apparatus, for sound and video Safety equipment Seats and chairs Security equipment, special purpose Security equipment, special purpose Waters, not sweetened Waters, not sweetened Clothing of textile materials Crowd control equipment Electric motors, generators and the like Electric motors, generators and the like Metal goods n.e.c. Metal goods n.e.c. Metal goods n.e.c. Bread, other, and bakers' wares, other Brushes Carboxylic acids and their anhydrides, halides, peroxides and peroxyacids Disinfectants Domestic metal products Eggs, birds' in shell Electrical equipment n.e.c. Electricity distribution or control apparatus Electronic components, parts and accessories thereof Equipment and accessories for connecting edp equipment intonetworks Filtering and purifying equipment Filtering and purifying equipment Forklift trucks and other works trucks Fruit, other, fresh Fuel oils, n.e.c. Furniture, domestic Gas oils (diesel oil) Hand tools (including glaziers diamonds) n.e.c. Insulated wire and cable; optical fibre cables Insulated wire and cable; optical fibre cables Measuring, checking and testing appliances n.e.c. Motor vehicle parts and accessories Motor vehicle parts and accessories Paints and varnishes (including enamels and lacquers) and related products Protection devices for edp equipment PO Value USD 30,269.00 46,655.00 150,368.73 142,364.01 2,448,414.66 248,460.00 31,208.93 36,643.00 67,788.96 50,722.33 114,935.35 101,689.56 5,525,181.41 1,492,933.88 1,337,830.30 100,625.36 38,925.61 46,378.00 153,568.16 47,560.44 14,671,400.15 44,240.00 165,069.33 281,133.71 46,216.62 36,530.00 52,003.41 189,398.60 63,284.13 36,054.00 66,098.34 372,601.50 319,245.00 57,630.00 47,722.00 31,130.00 72,000.00 610,000.00 144,500.00 58,250.00 6,581,000.00 418,130.28 171,194.04 51,450.00 59,250.00 3,100,000.00 48,000.00 34,560.00 69,925.00 48,000.00 31,900.00 38,340.00 306,100.00 217,864.80 263,100.00 133,820.45 35,700.00 106,125.00 279,845.50 63,550.00 42,515.00 282,660.00 34,008.61 75,062.00 284,240.00 120,700.00 1,011,600.00 847,275.00 164,102.56 60,940.00 56,550.00 36,930.00 31,742.00 37,625.00 200,570.12 363,000.00 43,950.00 382,340.00 108,800.00 254,916.48 33,800.00 248,000.00 476,900.00 1,082,015.76 98,765.58 274,611.03 240,793.11 189,065.44 53,982.30 119,805.20 139,953.68 218,975.50 108,106.15 30,386.74 152,545.00 158,170.00 145,200.00 48,037.50 1,225,388.60 53,489.35 107,371.79 193,600.00 143,979.99 324,500.00 138,893.13 117,308.00 136,906.49 135,912.68 31,148.00 355,419.00 169,757.30 122,181.00 186,529.33 Major Orders for Goods Placed by Agency During 2011 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of Supplier Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy UN-PD Continued Name of Supplier GAMATRONIC ELECTRONIC INDUSTRY LAN-LEE INTERNATIONAL LTD MIFRAM LIMITED MIFRAM LIMITED LAN LEE INTERNATIONAL LTD. LAN-LEE INTERNATIONAL LTD. LAN-LEE INTERNATIONAL LTD. C.M.C COMPUTER MEDIA CENTER LTD. MIFRAM LIMITED ODIS FILTERING LTD INTERTRADE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES INTERTRADE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES S.R.L. ERRECI S.R.L. LM IMPIANTI DI LAERA MARIO SECONDO INTERTRADE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES S.R.L. INTERTRADE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES SRL A. BELLOMI S.R.L. INTERTRADE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES S.R.L. A. BELLOMI A. BELLOMI S.R.L ERRECI S.R.L CORIMEC ITALIANA S.P.A. CORIMEC ITALIANA S.P.A DELEXPORT ITALIA R.I. S.P.A. CORIMEC ITALIANA SPA INTERTRADE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES ERRECI S.R.L. INTERTRADE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES S.R.L. GIUSEPPE VETRUGNO AMBIENTE SRL EDILCERAMICHE DI RUGGIERO LUIGI EURO MEC SRL INTERTRADE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES CORIMEC ITALIANA S.P.A AMA SPA INTERTRADE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES SRL INTERTRADE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES EURO MEC SRL INTERTRADE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES S.R.L. AGMIN ITALY S.R.L. ERRECI S. R.L. INTERTRADE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES;S.R.L DELEXPORT ITALIA S.R.L. ERRECI S.R.L. INTERTRADE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES INTERTRADE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES SRL INTERTRADE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES S.R.L. INTERTRADE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES S.R.L. INTERTRADE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES (IIS) INTERTRADE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES COELMO SRL JAS S.P.A - FORWARDING WORLDWIDE COELMO SRL INTERTRADE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES S.R.L. INTERTRADE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES (IIS) INTERTRADE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES COELMO S.R.L CO.EL.MO. S.R.L. INTERTRADE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES SRL IMIEL A&G SRL DELEXPORT ITALIA INTERTRADE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES SRL INTERTRADE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES S.R.L. ELETTRONICA COMPONENTI S.R.L. IMIEL A&G SRL INTERTRADE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES;S.R.L COELMO S.R.L. EURO MEC SRL AMA SPA EMC COMPUTER SYSTEMS ITALIA SPA SOFTWAY SRL INTERTRADE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES INTERTRADE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES (IIS) EURO MEC S. R. L. EUROMEC SRL INTERTRADE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES S.R.L. AGMIN ITALY S.R.L. ERRECI SRL ERRECI S.R.L. ERRECI S.R.L INTERTRADE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES S.R.L. JAS FORWARDING WORLDWIDE SPA ERRECI S. R.L. ELECTROLUX PROFESSIONAL SPA ERRECI S.R.L. ERRECI SRL ERRECI S. R.L. ERRECI S.R.L ERRECI S. R.L. ELPACK S.R.L. CORIMEC ITALIANA SPA INTERTRADE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES SRL INTERTRADE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES S.R.L. INTERTRADE INT'L SERVICES S.R.L. INTERTRADE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES INTERTRADE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES (IIS) INTERTRADE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES INTERTRADE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES S.R.L. INTERTRADE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES SRL INTERTRADE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES S.R.L. EMILIANA SERBATOI SRL INTERTRADE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES S.R.L. INTERTRADE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES (IIS) INTERTRADE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES (IIS) INTERTRADE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES;S.R.L INTERTRADE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES (IIS) ERRECI S.R.L ERRECI S.R.L. INTERTRADE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES S.R.L. INTERTRADE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES INTERTRADE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES S.R.L. CORIMEC ITALIANA S.P.A INTERTRADE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES LIMONGELLI SRL INTERTRADE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES;S.R.L INTERTRADE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES SRL INTERTRADE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES S.R.L. GRUPPO CADINI SRL INTERTRADE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES;S.R.L TEREX ITALIA S.R.L. 194 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement Description of Goods Radio-broadcasting, reception apparatus, parts and accessories thereof Sampling equipment, water purification and histology equipment, laboratory Security and safety equipment Security equipment and supplies n.e.c. Sound or visual signalling apparatus, electric, other Stoppers, caps, lids and other metal packing accessories; wire and wire products Telecommunication equipment, parts and accessories thereof Telephone equipment Trailers and semi-trailers; containers Tubes, pipes and hoses, and fittings therefor, of plastics Air conditioning, cold chain and refrigerating equipment Air conditioning, cold chain and refrigerating equipment Air conditioning, cold chain and refrigerating equipment Air conditioning, cold chain and refrigerating equipment Bars and rods of iron or steel, hot rolled Bars and rods of iron or steel, hot rolled Binders, folders and file covers Binders, folders and file covers Binders, folders and file covers Binders, folders and file covers Blankets and travelling rugs Buildings, prefabricated for office, school, home or warehouse Buildings, prefabricated for office, school, home or warehouse Buildings, prefabricated for office, school, home or warehouse Buildings, prefabricated for office, school, home or warehouse Buildings, prefabricated for office, school, home or warehouse Calculating machines and similar calculating devices Camping equipment Clothing of textile materials Construction goods, ceramic, other Construction goods, ceramic, other Construction materials of plastic; containers of plastic Construction materials of plastic; containers of plastic Containers for compressed or liquefied gas, or atomic energy purposes Containers of iron, steel or aluminium Containers of iron, steel or aluminium Containers of iron, steel or aluminium Decanting, distilling, evaporating, extracting, filtering equipment etc. Detergents, perfumes and washing preparations Domestic appliances other than cooling and heating equipment Domestic appliances other than cooling and heating equipment Domestic cooking and heating equipment Domestic cooking and heating equipment Domestic metal products Domestic metal products Domestic metal products Domestic metal products Electric motors, generators and the like Electric motors, generators and the like Electric motors, generators and the like Electric motors, generators and the like Electric motors, generators and the like Electric motors, generators and transformers, parts thereof Electric motors, generators and transformers, parts thereof Electric motors, generators and transformers, parts thereof Electric motors, generators and transformers, parts thereof Electric motors, generators and transformers, parts thereof Electric motors, generators and transformers, parts thereof Electric motors, generators and transformers, parts thereof Electrical equipment, parts and accessories thereof Electricity distribution or control apparatus Electricity distribution or control apparatus Electricity distribution or control apparatus, parts and accessories thereof Electronic components, parts and accessories thereof Electronic components, parts and accessories thereof Engines and motors, hydraulic and pneumatic power Engines and motors, hydraulic and pneumatic power Engines and turbines, parts thereof Engines, internal combustion, other than for motor vehiclesand aircraft Equipment and accessories for connecting edp equipment intonetworks Expendables for use with edp equipment Expendables for use with edp equipment Fabrics, cotton for clothing Filtering and purifying equipment Filtering and purifying equipment Forklift trucks and other works trucks Furniture, domestic Furniture, domestic Furniture, domestic Furniture, domestic Furniture, domestic Furniture, domestic Furniture, domestic Furniture, kitchen Furniture, office, other than chairs Furniture, office, other than chairs Furniture, office, other than chairs Furniture, office, other than chairs Furniture, other, n.e.c. Furniture, other, n.e.c. Furniture, other, n.e.c. Furniture, workshop, shop etc. General purpose machinery, parts and accessories thereof Gymnasium or athletics articles and equipment Hand tools (including glaziers diamonds) n.e.c. Hydrocarbons and their halogenated, sulphonated or nitrosated derivatives Industrial catering equipment Industrial catering equipment Industrial catering equipment Insulated wire and cable; optical fibre cables Iron and steel metallurgy, primary materials thereof Ironmongry Laboratory glassware Lamps, electric filament or discharge; arc lamps Lighting equipment Lighting equipment Linen, household Linen, household Measuring, checking and testing appliances n.e.c. Metal cutting machine tools Metal goods n.e.c. Metal goods n.e.c. Metal goods n.e.c. Metal goods n.e.c. Microphones, loudspeakers, headphones, earphones, amplifiers Mini-computers Modelling pastes, dental plaster preps., laboratory reagents etc. Motor spirit (gasoline), including aviation spirit Motor vehicle parts and accessories Motor vehicles and parts and accessories thereof PO Value USD 46,823.40 472,763.01 269,720.00 55,785.00 59,673.00 137,690.00 179,645.85 77,401.00 1,013,112.50 176,490.80 683,817.70 176,112.00 86,612.80 63,833.56 248,656.35 56,213.82 317,912.19 284,105.87 226,248.19 173,416.42 237,129.63 5,835,621.21 626,615.16 197,955.00 135,758.21 117,824.56 49,749.84 35,876.67 136,210.00 54,226.32 42,918.45 249,444.44 53,104.00 30,164.44 284,615.38 56,675.63 37,133.41 842,995.56 43,462.68 202,238.87 52,888.89 106,642.12 89,108.91 63,171.62 57,341.31 53,048.28 50,027.81 468,600.00 153,794.30 88,647.26 85,652.00 45,275.00 809,422.34 426,166.16 298,107.44 212,972.90 163,247.38 35,968.55 33,582.36 47,925.61 296,322.49 46,529.50 212,602.70 85,836.91 32,904.15 334,443.99 43,156.68 119,479.49 147,581.20 606,907.00 95,680.52 40,310.44 44,937.61 2,302,477.78 849,937.95 58,231.19 294,364.80 242,550.29 96,809.86 75,125.19 60,898.00 59,529.00 44,996.15 38,695.52 975,857.15 775,433.27 153,326.67 123,453.30 677,619.53 99,427.92 84,615.38 31,509.49 119,255.30 96,003.52 70,472.79 45,832.42 142,373.92 45,354.58 31,363.30 98,339.10 287,487.18 282,689.45 50,498.58 38,761.54 61,560.00 54,893.10 101,969.82 40,280.00 50,867.00 80,392.38 267,807.84 215,541.84 56,738.77 35,765.38 45,762.50 36,909.68 47,577.25 31,183.00 47,367.67 1,441,202.13 Major Orders for Goods Placed by Agency During 2011 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of Supplier Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Korea, Republic of Korea, Republic of Korea, Republic of Korea, Republic of UN-PD Continued Name of Supplier INTERTRADE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES;S.R.L INTERTRADE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES;S.R.L INTERTRADE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES SRL ERRECI S.R.L. A. BELLOMI S. R. L. A. BELLOMI S.R.L FAGIOLI S.P.A. A BELLOMI S.R.L INTERTRADE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES;S.R.L MAGELLANO SRL BDB INFORMATICA DI BIANCO GIOVANNI INTERTRADE INT'L SERVICES S.R.L. R.I. S.P.A. A. BELLOMI INTERTRADE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES SRL PUBLIMAX SNC INTERTRADE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES SRL INTERTRADE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES S.R.L. INTERTRADE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES INTERTRADE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES EUROMEC SRL EURO MEC SRL AMA SPA - ITALY INTERTRADE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES (IIS) EURO MEC S. R. L. EURO MEC S.R.L EUROMEC SRL INTERTRADE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES (IIS) A. BELLOMI S.R.L. INTERTRADE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES S.R.L. LET IT SHINE SRL INTERTRADE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES (IIS) VRM ITALIA S.P.A. A. BELLOMI S.R.L. LIMONGELLI SRL INTERTRADE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES S.R.L. A.BELLOMI S.R.L. INTERTRADE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES SRL INTERTRADE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES S.R.L. ERRECI S.R.L. ERRECI SRL INTERTRADE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES;S.R.L INTERTRADE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES S.R.L. INTERTRADE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES BG & PARTNERS SRL INTERTRADE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES S.R.L. ERRECI S.R.L. A. BELLOMI S.R.L. A. BELLOMI S.R.L A.BELLOMI S.R.L. A. BELLOMI A. BELLOMI SRL EUROMEC SRL INTERTRADE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES S.R.L. INTERTRADE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES INTERTRADE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES (IIS) EUROMEC SRL R.I. S.P.A. INTERTRADE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES S.R.L. INTERTRADE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES S.R.L. INTERTRADE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES S.R.L. DB ELECTRONICA TELECOMMUNICAZIONI SPA INTERTRADE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES INTERTRADE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES ERRECI S. R.L. INTERTRADE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES SICOM S.P.A. R.I. SPA SICOM SPA INTERTRADE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES S.R.L. NEW HOUSE S.P.A. CORIMEC ITALIANA S.P.A INTERTRADE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES (IIS) INTERTRADE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES SRL TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION NISSAN TRADING CO. LTD NISSAN TRADING CO. LTD. NISSAN TRADING CO.LTD NISSAN TRADING CO.;LTD. NISSAN TRADING CO., LTD. TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION NISSAN TRADING CO., LTD. NISSAN TRADING CO., LTD. NATIONAL EXPRESS JORDAN PETROLEUM REFINERY AMMAN WEST STORES CASH COMMERCIAL INVESTMENT CO.,LTD( C.C.I ) KINGSWAY TYRES LIMITED METROLINE BUSINESS SOLUTIONS CORONARY SUPPLIES LIMITED KENSON AND COMPANY LIMITED PROMED PHARMACEUTICALS LTD TOPPOINTT (K) LIMITED TOPPOINTT (K) LIMITED ROTO MOULDER LTD DWT EAST AFRICA LTD. CIVICON LIMITED ARTHUR MARCUS TRADING FREIGHT FORWARDERS (KENYA) LTD. ANDREW GRIFFIN LTD PM ELECTRICAL & ENGINERING LTD BLACKWOOD HODGE KENYA LIMITED KENSON AND COMPANY LIMITED ALLIED WHARFAGE LIMITED DHL GLOBAL FORWARDING KENYA LTD ANDREW GRIFFIN LTD MARC INVESTMENTS JOCHAMU ENTERPRISES PERIMAX KENYA LIMITED OFFICE 2000 PLUS LTD MOGADISHU STARS GENERAL TRADING CO LTD KENYA FIRE APPLIANCES COMPANY LIMITED JOLEMAC FIRE PROTECTION LTD FREIGHT IN TIME LTD MOGADISHU STARS GENERAL TRADING CO LTD CARAVAN ENGINEERED STRUCTURES, INC. CARAVAN ENGINEERED STRUCTURES, INC CARAVAN ENGINEERED STRUCTURE INC. CARAVAN ENGINEERED STRUCTURES INC. (FORMERLY CARAVAN INT'L CO.) 195 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement Description of Goods Office machines, other Optical input/output units, such as scanners, optical readers etc. Paints and varnishes (including enamels and lacquers) and related products Paper and paperboard products, other Paper of paperboard n.e.c., for printing or other graphic purpose Paper of paperboard n.e.c., for printing or other graphic purpose Paper of paperboard n.e.c., for printing or other graphic purpose Paper of paperboard n.e.c., for printing or other graphic purpose Pc software, general Photocopying apparatus Photocopying apparatus Photocopying apparatus Plastic articles n.e.c. Primary cells and primary batteries Primary cells and primary batteries Printing and bookbinding equipment Printing and plotting devices for edp equipment Printing and plotting devices for edp equipment Printing and plotting devices for edp equipment Protection devices for edp equipment Pumps, compressors, valves, etc., parts thereof Pumps, compressors, valves, etc., parts thereof Pumps, compressors, valves, etc., parts thereof Pumps, compressors, valves, etc., parts thereof Pumps, water Pumps, water Pumps, water Pumps, water Punch card or paper tape readers or punchers Radio broadcast and television receivers Radio broadcast and television receivers Radio or television transmission apparatus, parts and accessories thereof Recording and reproducing apparatus, for sound and video Registers, account books, note books, order books etc. Safety clothing and headgear; other headgear of rubber or plastics Safety equipment Safety equipment Sampling equipment, water purification and histology equipment, laboratory Satellite communication systems Seats and chairs Seats and chairs Security equipment, special purpose Security equipment, special purpose Security printing, finished articles Software licences Soldering, brazing or welding machinery and apparatus Sports or outdoor games, articles and equipment therefor, other Stationery articles n.e.c. Stationery articles n.e.c. Stationery articles n.e.c. Stationery articles n.e.c. Stationery of paper or paperboard Sterilizers, medical, surgical or laboratory Stoppers, caps, lids and other metal packing accessories; wire and wire products Stoppers, caps, lids and other metal packing accessories; wire and wire products Stoppers, caps, lids and other metal packing accessories; wire and wire products Stoppers, caps, lids and other metal packing accessories; wire and wire products Structural components, prefabricated, of cement or concrete Structural components, prefabricated, of cement or concrete Telecommunication equipment, parts and accessories thereof Telephone equipment Telephone equipment Telephonic apparatus, other Television receivers, parts thereof Television receivers, parts thereof Trailers and semi-trailers; containers Trailers and semi-trailers; containers Trailers and semi-trailers; containers Trailers and semi-trailers; containers Trailers and semi-trailers; containers Trailers and semi-trailers; containers Trailers and semi-trailers; containers Tubes, pipes and hoses, and fittings therefor, of plastics Vehicles n.e.c. Motor vehicle parts and accessories Motor vehicle parts and accessories Motor vehicle parts and accessories Motor vehicle parts and accessories Motor vehicle parts and accessories Motor vehicles and parts and accessories thereof Motor vehicles and parts and accessories thereof Motor vehicles, passenger, other Vehicles n.e.c. Fuel oils, n.e.c. Motor spirit (gasoline), including aviation spirit Pumps, water Textile working machinery Accumulators, electric Air conditioning, cold chain and refrigerating equipment Air conditioning, cold chain and refrigerating equipment Angles, shapes and sections, of iron or non-alloy steel Antitoxins/sera Camping equipment Components for telecommunication equipment Containers of iron, steel or aluminium Crowd control equipment Crowd control equipment Decanting, distilling, evaporating, extracting, filtering equipment etc. Derricks; cranes Domestic metal products Electric motors, generators and the like Electric motors, generators and transformers, parts thereof Equipment and accessories for connecting edp equipment intonetworks Fuel oils, n.e.c. Furniture, domestic Lifting, handling, loading or unloading machinery, other Motor vehicle parts and accessories Packing and sealing articles of plastics Paints and varnishes (including enamels and lacquers) and related products Paper of paperboard n.e.c., for printing or other graphic purpose Sacks and bags, of a kind used for the packing of goods Safety equipment Safety equipment Stoppers, caps, lids and other metal packing accessories; wire and wire products Weighing equipment, micrometers, gauges etc. Buildings, prefabricated for office, school, home or warehouse Camping equipment Camping equipment Camping equipment PO Value USD 34,257.70 61,433.42 82,745.64 52,113.37 1,029,312.91 176,529.00 62,118.00 41,449.89 118,283.30 55,492.96 38,671.66 31,538.42 576,980.06 69,301.65 40,935.00 66,000.00 94,747.75 66,285.30 54,205.30 212,018.52 411,201.04 195,670.78 74,704.40 43,728.65 1,447,934.47 194,268.26 98,508.61 37,948.72 43,050.80 720,751.49 49,249.66 35,691.65 61,176.64 471,289.56 37,978.11 60,391.40 44,360.99 221,263.08 92,682.40 961,014.93 87,479.56 58,048.20 38,793.30 42,103.86 40,190.24 126,837.61 32,727.20 595,369.84 450,954.10 156,373.03 83,312.45 45,417.14 178,106.67 2,514,470.45 1,250,700.55 255,708.60 76,267.05 352,684.51 34,494.09 93,954.42 167,796.00 112,003.26 91,539.55 184,181.05 41,496.00 2,166,305.00 1,016,028.78 895,641.20 94,291.55 92,182.00 57,546.67 33,577.53 39,509.02 49,776.16 2,664,286.14 1,861,492.63 848,966.27 69,008.76 33,201.59 12,244,473.72 584,421.11 1,146,791.62 52,011.88 126,129.94 264,000.00 35,078.67 253,746.36 62,624.89 40,361.11 34,833.33 54,750.00 59,771.77 451,980.00 36,000.00 31,512.47 114,218.50 50,800.00 34,887.50 38,385.00 124,535.14 120,468.15 34,455.88 130,170.00 170,252.27 603,550.00 35,469.95 311,268.21 97,500.00 109,143.28 34,881.27 468,230.00 79,989.84 30,408.56 37,121.00 61,558.10 660,500.00 598,500.00 84,000.00 52,100.00 Major Orders for Goods Placed by Agency During 2011 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of Supplier Korea, Republic of Korea, Republic of Korea, Republic of Korea, Republic of Korea, Republic of Korea, Republic of Korea, Republic of Kuwait Kuwait Kuwait Kuwait Kuwait Kuwait Kuwait Kuwait Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Libya Mauritius Mauritius UN-PD Continued Mauritius PO Value USD 1,040,450.00 331,650.00 1,322,643.14 198,026.54 5,450,000.00 88,060.00 41,290.00 17,293,894.79 Name of Supplier CARAVAN ENGINEERED STRUCTURES, INC CARAVAN ENGINEERED STRUCTURES, INC. CARAVAN ENGINEERED STRUCTURES, INC. CARAVAN ENGINEERED STRUCTURES, INC YOUYANG AIRPORT LIGHTING EQUIPMENT INC. CARAVAN ENGINEERED STRUCTURES, INC LONGBRIDGE, INC. AGILITY DGS LOGISTICS SERVICES CO. KSC (C) AGILITY DGS LOGISTICS SERVICES CO. KSC (C) (VENDOR SUSPENDED BY PD) MC KINLEY GROUP INTERNATIONAL CO. W.L.L. AGILITY DGS LOGISTICS SERVICES CO. KSC (C) (VENDOR SUSPENDED BY PD) ADVANCED FUTURE GROUP INTERNATIONAL GENERAL TRADING & CONTRACTING GULF CATERING COMPANY FOR GENERAL TRADE AND CONTRACTING W.L.L (TRADE NAME GCC SERVICES) KUWAIT AVIATION FUELLING CO. (KAFCO) Description of Goods Electric motors, generators and the like Furniture, office, other than chairs Insulated wire and cable; optical fibre cables Insulated wire and cable; optical fibre cables Lighting equipment Lighting equipment Telecommunication equipment, parts and accessories thereof Food products, other Insulated wire and cable; optical fibre cables Motor spirit (gasoline), including aviation spirit 66,439.20 287,822.88 GLOBAL INTERNATIONAL GENERAL TRADING & CONT. CO. W.L.L. CONSTRUCTION SERVICES COMPANY SARL * 22 DEGREES SAL FARJALLAH TRADING COMPANY S.A.L. ABDUL MAGID DABBOUS TRADING EST. A.M. DABBOUS ASACO GENERAL TRADE & CONTRACTING SULTAN STEEL SARL ALBINA SAL PARISSIS STEEL ENG. & CONT. CO. SARL PARISSIS STEEL ENG. & CONT. CO. SARL HADDAD ENTERPRISES HAIDAR TRADING EST CECOM-THE CORPORATED ENGINEERING CO. S.A.R.L. VULCAN INTERNATIONAL OFFSHORE S.A.L MEDIROPA COMPANY ASACO GENERAL TRADE & CONTRACTING A.M. DABBOUS ABDUL MAGID DABBOUS TRADING EST. TECHNO DIESEL PARTS SARL POWER INDUSTRIAL MACHINERY CO. (PIMCO) MULTIPARTS TRADING & SUPPLY S.A.R.L. MULTIPARTS TRADING & SUPPLY S.A.R.L.* A.M. DABBOUS SIMON ELECTRIC CENTER SARL ASACO GENERAL TRADE & CONTRACTING SLEEP COMFORT LIBAN S.A.L. MEDITERRANEAN OIL SHIPPING & TRANSPORT COMPANY (MEDCO). S.A.L. OCTAGON INVEST. SARL CLASS SPORT STE. OMEGA TOUFIC ABOU KHALIL & CO. HICE (HOSPITALITY IND. CATERING EQUIP) SARL ABDUL MAGID DABBOUS TRADING EST. SULTAN STEEL SARL MEDITERRANEAN OIL SHIPPING & TRANSPORT COMPANY (MEDCO). S.A.L. LEBECO S.A.L. LEBANESE EUROPEAIN COMPANY FOR COMMERCE & INDUSTRY A.M. DABBOUS DAHER FOR CONTRACTING MEDITERRANEAN OIL SHIPPING & TRANSPORT COMPANY (MEDCO). S.A.L. MEDCO MOUSSA EST. FOR GENERAL TRADING TINOL PAINTS INTERNATIONAL CO. SARL SIMA INT'L SARL IMAGE SYSTEMS S.A.L. SIDACO S.A.L. HAIDAR TRADING EST VENT NOUVEAU SAL SIMA INT'L SARL MECANIX SHOPS SARL A.M. DABBOUS ASACO GENERAL TRADE & CONTRACTING ABDUL MAGID DABBOUS TRADING EST. CELLULAR POWER ASACO GENERAL TRADE & CONTRACTING A.M. DABBOUS MECANIX SHOPS SARL RIM NATURAL SPRING MINERAL WATER S.A.L. ENGINEER MAROUN ASSAF ESTABLISHMENT SETHI BROTHERS INC. SETHI BROTHERS INC. SETHI BROTHERS INC. CEMENCO C.C.O. BUSINESS INC. MATELCO INC. SETHI BROTHERS INC. TOTAL LIBERIA INC. TOTAL LIBERIA INC. H & A CORPORATION - (FORMERLY - H & A ENTERPRISES) TOTAL LIBERIA INC. BASHIR BUSINESS CENTER INC TOTAL LIBERIA INC. NO LEMON LIBERIA, INC. REELIN (LIBERIA) INC. MATELCO INC. KIASON GENERAL CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTORS KIASON GENERAL CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTORS U-SURDYS RESOURCES INC. KIASON GENERAL CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTORS MATELCO INC. SETHI BROTHERS INC. MATELCO INC. U-SURDYS RESOURCES INC. KIASON GENERAL CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTORS YOUNKAN CONTRACTORS INC. ST. UMAH INTERNATIONAL SERVICES /COMPANY (SUISCO) SETHI BROTHERS INC. SETHI BROTHERS INC. AFRICAN UNION WOOD PARADISE ATLANTIC GENERAL ENTERPRISE (AGE) INC. KIASON GENERAL CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTORS GLOBE-X INC. THUNDER BIRD CORPORATION LIBERIA BEVERAGES & BOTTLING COMPANY (LBBC) ASSAHER SUPPLYQUIP LIMITED SUPPLYQUIP LIMITED Security equipment, special purpose Air conditioning, cold chain and refrigerating equipment Air conditioning, cold chain and refrigerating equipment Air conditioning, cold chain and refrigerating equipment Alternative energy systems; steam, hydraulic and gas turbines Alternative energy systems; steam, hydraulic and gas turbines Alternative energy systems; steam, hydraulic and gas turbines Bars and rods of iron or steel, hot rolled Books, brochures, leaflets and similar printed matter Bridges, bridge sections, towers and lattice masts, of ironor steel Buildings, prefabricated for office, school, home or warehouse Buildings, prefabricated for office, school, home or warehouse Cements Chemical elements, n.e.c. Clothing of textile materials Curtains and blinds Domestic cooking and heating equipment Domestic metal products Electric motors, generators and the like Electric motors, generators and transformers, parts thereof Electric motors, generators and transformers, parts thereof Electric motors, generators and transformers, parts thereof Electric motors, generators and transformers, parts thereof Electricity distribution or control apparatus Electricity distribution or control apparatus, parts and accessories thereof Electronic components, parts and accessories thereof Furniture, office, other than chairs 177,915.00 194,879.10 107,207.90 57,030.00 179,299.26 106,159.82 59,605.00 52,850.00 32,099.15 48,600.00 204,950.00 30,000.00 60,355.00 31,672.00 39,747.63 37,000.00 58,705.00 41,240.00 55,342.86 73,174.00 57,000.00 55,203.26 52,561.00 70,148.15 78,804.90 360,500.00 35,197.00 SUPPLYQUIP LIMITED Carpets and other textile floor coverings, knotted 196 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement Food products, other Forklift trucks and other works trucks 32,776.20 33,250.00 Furniture, domestic 14,423,770.05 Furniture, domestic 99,690.00 Gas oils (diesel oil) Glass, unworked, flat glass and pressed or moulded glass for construction Gymnasium or athletics articles and equipment Industrial catering equipment Industrial catering equipment Insulated wire and cable; optical fibre cables Iron and steel metallurgy, primary materials thereof 22,849,813.22 30,160.00 31,966.00 111,508.55 41,450.00 704,840.00 110,655.00 Lubricating preparations 518,547.03 Metal goods n.e.c. Mini-computers Mortars and concretes, non-refractory 34,883.72 32,100.00 199,540.00 Motor spirit (gasoline), including aviation spirit Motor spirit (gasoline), including aviation spirit Motor vehicle parts and accessories Paints and varnishes (including enamels and lacquers) and related products Paper of paperboard n.e.c., for printing or other graphic purpose Photocopying apparatus Propane and butane, liquefied Sands Seats and chairs Structures, other, and sections of iron, steel or aluminium Tableware, kitchenware, other household articles and toiletarticles, ceramic Telecommunication equipment, other Telecommunication equipment, other Telecommunication equipment, parts and accessories thereof Telephone equipment Transformers, electrical Tubes, pipes and hoses, and fittings therefor, of plastics Vehicles n.e.c. Waters, not sweetened Wood for joinery and carpentry, other Angles, shapes and sections, of iron or non-alloy steel Bars and rods of iron or steel, hot rolled Brushes Cements Clothing of textile materials Construction materials of plastic; containers of plastic Construction materials of plastic; containers of plastic Domestic appliances other than cooling and heating equipment Gas oils (diesel oil) Hydrocarbons and their halogenated, sulphonated or nitrosated derivatives Lubricating preparations Lubricating preparations Motor spirit (gasoline), including aviation spirit Motor vehicle parts and accessories Motor vehicle parts and accessories Paints and varnishes (including enamels and lacquers) and related products Paints and varnishes (including enamels and lacquers) and related products Pebbles, gravel, broken or crushed stone, macadam etc. Pebbles, gravel, broken or crushed stone, macadam etc. Plywood Pumps, compressors, valves, etc., parts thereof Pumps, compressors, valves, etc., parts thereof Pumps, water Sands Sands Structural components, prefabricated, of cement or concrete Structural components, prefabricated, of cement or concrete Structures, other, and sections of iron, steel or aluminium Tiles, flagstones, bricks etc. of cement, concrete or artificial stone Timber, hard Timber, hard Transformers, electrical Tyres, pneumatic new, inner tubes, solid or cushion tyres, etc. Tyres, pneumatic new, inner tubes, solid or cushion tyres, etc. Waters, not sweetened Insulated wire and cable; optical fibre cables Bars and rods of iron or steel, hot rolled Capacitors, electrical 137,897.37 30,480.00 34,000.00 38,025.75 63,750.00 44,400.00 329,862.53 531,859.65 30,700.00 57,350.00 38,500.00 60,320.00 39,200.00 285,334.24 56,318.20 317,861.04 55,060.00 70,183.00 111,650.00 64,943.00 88,176.00 189,720.00 60,687.50 227,663.40 35,000.00 97,700.00 50,750.00 35,000.00 12,487,440.17 235,166.50 747,675.00 110,690.00 13,140,808.00 105,000.00 93,500.00 140,234.35 127,900.00 259,600.00 33,332.50 107,875.00 76,951.57 43,811.70 57,260.17 66,000.00 56,550.00 58,685.00 37,945.60 160,000.00 63,750.00 65,000.00 53,000.00 38,726.05 111,951.50 102,500.00 54,934.00 136,907.50 31,210.00 64,243.80 59,640.00 Major Orders for Goods Placed by Agency During 2011 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of Supplier Mauritius Mauritius Mauritius Mauritius Mauritius Mauritius Mauritius Mauritius Mauritius Morocco Morocco Morocco Morocco Morocco Morocco Namibia Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands New Zealand New Zealand New Zealand New Zealand New Zealand New Zealand Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Qatar Romania Serbia, Republic of Serbia, Republic of Serbia, Republic of Sierra Leone Sierra Leone Singapore Singapore Singapore Singapore Somalia South Africa Name of Supplier SUPPLYQUIP LIMITED SUPPLYQUIP LIMITED - (FORMERLY - FLOATDENE INTERNATIONAL LIMITED) SUPPLYQUIP LIMITED SUPPLYQUIP LIMITED SUPPLYQUIP LIMITED SUPPLYQUIP LIMITED SUPPLYQUIP LIMITED SUPPLYQUIP SUPPLYQUIP LIMITED R.M.S (ROTOMOULAGE DU SUD) TRALAM LA SOCIETE ATLAS SAHARA S.A. SOCIÉTÉ SHELL DU MAROC LANNET, INGENIERIE DES RESEAUX INFORMATIQUES ET TELECOM AYYACH PIÈCES ET ACCÉSSOIRES AUTO WINDHOEKER MASCHINENFABRIK (1998) PTY LTD IMRES BV IMRES B.V IMRES BV IMRES BV IMRES DEVOTRA BV SANTPOORT PROJECT SUPPLIES BV DEVOTRA B.V. DEVOTRA B. V. SANTPOORT PROJECT SUPPLIES BV IMRES BV SANGUIN BLOOD BANK NORTH-WEST STICHTING SANQUIN BLOEDVOORZIENING SANQUIN IMRES BV SANQUIN BLOOD BANK SANQUIN BLOOD BANK NORTH WEST RVB INFRA BV SANTPOORT PROJECT SUPPLIES INTERNATIONAL PROCUREMENT AGENCY IMRES BV SANTPOORT PROJECT SUPPLIES SANTPOORT PROJECT SUPPLIES SANTPOORT PROJECT SUPPLIES BV ENECO BUSINESS B.V. SANTPOORT PROJECT SUPPLIES BV SANTPOORT PROJECT SUPPLIES BV SANTPOORT PROJECT SUPPLIERS B.V. OMNICARD B.V. SANTPOORT PROJECT SUPPLIES KEMPER EN VAN TWIST DIESEL BV SANTPOORT PROJECT SUPPLIES BV ENECO BUSINESS B.V. SANTPOORT PROJECT SUPPLIES DEVOTRA B.V SANTPOORT PROJECT SUPPLIES BV DEVOTRA B. V. DEVOTRA BV DEVOTRA B.V. DEVOTRA B.V. HOLLAND AVIATION V.O.F SANTPOORT PROJECT SUPPLIES BV SANTPOORT PROJECT SUPPLIES DEVOTRA B. V. DEVOTRA B.V. IMRES BV DEVOTRA B.V NFGD ZOETERMEER BV IMRES BV AUTOCAR INTERNATIONAL BV. INTERNATIONAL PROCUREMENT AGENCY B.V. TSS INTERNATIONAL B.V. SANTPOORT PROJECT SUPPLIES B.V. IMRES BV IMRES BV SANTPOORT PROJECT SUPPLIES B.V. IMRES BV IMRES IMRES BV SANTPOORT PROJECT SUPPLIES SANTPOORT PROJECT SUPPLIES IMRES BV HOLLAND AVIATION 2CONNECT-IT EMC COMPUTER SYSTEMS HOLLAND AVIATION OFFICE DEPOT ONSIGHT SOLUTIONS BV SANTPOORT PROJECT SUPPLIES BV 2CONNECT-IT SANTPOORT PROJECT SUPPLIES BV 4RF COMMUNICATIONS LTD. 4RF COMMUNICATION LTD. 4RF COMMUNICATIONS LTD. 4RF COMMUNICATION LTD. 4RF COMMUNICATIONS LTD 4RF COMMUNICATIONS LTD. MICRO ELECTRONICS INTERNATIONAL (PVT) LTD PAKISTAN STATE OIL COMPANY LIMTED FORBES FORBES CAMPBELL & COMPANY (PVT) LTD INVINCIBLE TRADERS MULTI TECH SYSTEMS (PVT) LTD ES-KO INTERNATIONAL INC. ES-KO INTERNATIONAL INC. ES-KO ES-KO INTERNATIONAL INC. ES-KO INTERNATIONAL INC. ES-KO QATAR INTERNATIONAL TRADING ELECTRO ALFA INTERNATIONAL S.R.L. N.N.SH "SHL BUILDING CONSTRUCTION" N.P.N PRO-ING SHPK HIB PETROL SH.P.K. SAFECON PETROLEUM (SL) LTD TOTAL SIERRA LEONE LTD MEGA-TECH AIR CONDITIONING & ENGINEERING PTE LTD KHATIBENG ESTABLISHMENT KHATIBENG ESTABLISHMENT ZYLAB ASIA PACIFIC PTE LTD I.A.G.INTERNATIONAL CO. L.L.C SGR MEDICAL SUPPLIES 197 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement Description of Goods Construction goods, ceramic, other PO Value USD 113,516.08 Electric motors, generators and transformers, parts thereof Electrical equipment n.e.c. Floor coverings of plastics Gymnasium or athletics articles and equipment Insulated wire and cable; optical fibre cables Machinery, general purpose, n.e.c. Metal goods n.e.c. Stoppers, caps, lids and other metal packing accessories; wire and wire products Containers of iron, steel or aluminium Detergents, perfumes and washing preparations Fuel oils, n.e.c. Jet fuel, spirit type (gasoline type) 139,390.00 44,161.50 106,650.00 80,662.51 914,491.05 91,208.00 38,539.90 143,840.00 38,103.31 44,425.24 1,031,869.81 2,526,617.07 Protection devices for edp equipment Tyres, pneumatic new, inner tubes, solid or cushion tyres, etc. Motor vehicle parts and accessories Analgesics, antipyretics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs Analgesics, antipyretics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs Antibacterials, other Articles for medical or surgical purposes n.e.c. Articles for medical or surgical purposes n.e.c. Automotive workshop equipment Automotive workshop equipment Automotive workshop equipment Automotive workshop equipment Bars and rods of iron or steel, hot rolled Blending, dispersing, homogenizing and mixing equipment, laboratory Blood products and plasma substitutes Blood products and plasma substitutes Blood products and plasma substitutes Blood products and plasma substitutes Blood products and plasma substitutes Blood products and plasma substitutes Construction goods, ceramic, other Construction materials of plastic; containers of plastic Containers of iron, steel or aluminium Contraceptives Disinfectants Electric motors, generators and transformers, parts thereof Electric motors, generators and transformers, parts thereof Electrical energy Electrical equipment, parts and accessories thereof Electricity distribution or control apparatus Engines and motors, hydraulic and pneumatic power Expansion cards & other add-on hard- or firm-ware Filtering and purifying equipment Filtering and purifying equipment Forklift trucks and other works trucks Gas - coal gas, water gas, producer gas and similar gases General purpose machinery, parts and accessories thereof Hand tools Hand tools Hand tools (including glaziers diamonds) n.e.c. Hand tools (including glaziers diamonds) n.e.c. Hand tools (including glaziers diamonds) n.e.c. Hand tools, powered Hydrographic, hydrological, meteorological or geophysical instruments Insulated wire and cable; optical fibre cables Insulated wire and cable; optical fibre cables Insulated wire and cable; optical fibre cables Insulated wire and cable; optical fibre cables Laboratory equipment, miscellaneous Machine tools, parts and accessories thereof Microphone, loudspeakers, headphones, earphones etc., partsthereof Modelling pastes, dental plaster preps., laboratory reagents etc. Motor vehicle parts and accessories Motor vehicle parts and accessories Motor vehicle parts and accessories Motor vehicle parts and accessories Non-epi vaccine Non-epi vaccines Optical instruments Pharmaceutical products n.e.c. Pharmaceutical products n.e.c. Plastic articles n.e.c. Primary cells and primary batteries Radio or television transmission apparatus; television cameras Regulating instruments; mechanical property testing appliances Rolling stock, other Satellite communication systems Software application packages Sound or visual signalling apparatus, electric, other Stationery articles n.e.c. Telecommunication equipment, other Telecommunication equipment, parts and accessories thereof Telephone equipment Weighing equipment, micrometers, gauges etc. Satellite communication systems Telecommunication equipment, other Telecommunication equipment, other Telecommunication equipment, parts and accessories thereof Telecommunication equipment, parts and accessories thereof Telecommunication equipment, parts and accessories thereof Aerials and antennae Motor vehicle parts and accessories Radio broadcast and television receivers Structural components, prefabricated, of cement or concrete Transmitting and communicating equipment for edp, eg. modems, pc servers etc. Containers, paper and paperboard Food products, other Food products, other Gas oils (diesel oil) Security printing, finished articles Waters, not sweetened Gymnasium or athletics articles and equipment Electric motors, generators and the like Asphalt or similar material, articles thereof Construction goods, ceramic, other Fuel oils, n.e.c. Gas oils (diesel oil) Motor spirit (gasoline), including aviation spirit Air conditioning, cold chain and refrigerating equipment Containers of iron, steel or aluminium Electric motors, generators and transformers, parts thereof Software application packages Pumps, water Articles for medical or surgical purposes n.e.c. 30,832.27 33,480.58 64,362.60 109,909.11 68,812.49 42,432.29 1,089,452.64 72,698.07 141,109.40 137,347.78 120,706.81 40,074.83 55,056.00 54,391.38 356,455.82 299,652.87 207,884.22 103,280.00 84,509.56 40,450.00 34,936.73 43,817.50 30,463.96 139,145.01 71,085.47 176,863.60 147,674.18 171,896.32 65,485.00 131,331.85 70,299.33 72,115.38 93,460.85 48,908.35 71,846.00 84,583.90 58,835.04 308,385.57 38,645.00 104,620.54 66,692.86 36,852.36 118,080.31 80,060.00 350,169.00 179,637.00 119,116.35 40,697.28 172,575.40 84,256.89 47,058.67 62,343.00 67,250.71 50,546.51 46,745.00 33,375.82 48,297.81 64,141.13 128,453.85 656,094.57 118,505.61 41,195.04 92,841.88 56,782.00 135,333.00 55,552.00 545,600.00 187,866.59 53,241.00 61,386.67 45,333.33 30,515.11 520,050.00 32,532.19 203,691.70 112,040.00 33,881.72 117,859.80 44,419.40 32,102.00 196,073.54 120,618.24 165,121.48 49,542.92 72,281.08 2,683,004.08 79,615,808.55 1,179,921.64 10,275,000.00 1,648,650.27 181,568.00 67,672.00 1,035,937.05 51,996.37 68,486.20 472,263.43 1,392,700.00 128,700.00 35,750.00 168,665.00 113,459.10 65,077.04 33,553.94 52,472.04 Major Orders for Goods Placed by Agency During 2011 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of Supplier UN-PD Continued South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain PO Value USD Name of Supplier Description of Goods Clothing of textile materials Curtains and blinds Engines, internal combustion, other than for motor vehiclesand aircraft General purpose machinery, parts and accessories thereof Glass, unworked, flat glass and pressed or moulded glass for construction Instruments for measuring temperature or other physical properties n.e.c. Insulated wire and cable; optical fibre cables Motor vehicle parts and accessories Motor vehicles, special purpose Radio broadcast and television receivers Weighing equipment, micrometers, gauges etc. Automotive workshop equipment Electrical equipment, parts and accessories thereof Equipment and accessories for connecting edp equipment intonetworks Furniture, office, other than chairs Furniture, office, other than chairs Furniture, office, other than chairs Furniture, other, n.e.c. Hydrographic, hydrological, meteorological or geophysical instruments Insulated wire and cable; optical fibre cables Insulated wire and cable; optical fibre cables Microphone, loudspeakers, headphones, earphones etc., partsthereof Seats and chairs Software licences Surveillance/control systems, other Spain Spain Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan TOWNSEND INTERNATIONAL (PTY) LTD. TOWNSEND INTERNATIONAL (PTY) LTD. HYDRAFORM AFRICA ( PTY ) LTD OSPREA LOGISTICS SA PTY LTD OSPREA LOGISTICS SA PTY LTD CONCILIUM TECHNOLOGIES LTD ADC KRONE PTY.LTD BAE SYSTEMS N4 TRUCKS LIMITED - PANZER TECHNOLOGIES ALCOM MATOMO (PTY) LTD. ELCONDOR TRADING REDONDO Y. GARCIA S. A. SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC IT SPAIN S.L. SIEMENS IT SOLUTIONS AND SERVICES S.L. ARTURO MANUEL S.A. OFIFRAN SL ACTIU BERGEGAL Y FORMAS, S.A. AF STEELCASE SA ADVANCED GEOSCIENCES EUROPE S.L. T-SYSTEMS ELTEC S.L. REDONDO Y GARCIA S.A. ARTEGRAF INDUSTRIAS GRÁFICAS, S.A. ACTIU BERGEGAL Y FORMAS, S.A. ALCYONE, CENTRO DE SISTEMAS CAD, S.L. GECI ESPANOLA SA THALES TRANSPORT SIGNALLING AND SECURITY SOLUTIONS,S.A.U ELECTROTECNIA BASTIDA SL DEAL DEVELOPMENT COMPANY AL MARASIM TRADING AND SERVICES REPRO COMPANY LTD SKYLINE CONTRACTING CO LTD SDV TRANSINTRA SUDAN LTD INTEGRATED BUSINESS CO. (IBC) AL-FAISAL SPECIALIZED HOSPITAL SILVER STAR PRINTING PRESS ONYX FOR ENGINEERING & INTEGRATED SOLUTIONS CO. LTD. PASHTOON TRADING & INVESTMENT COMPANY LTD. BIRAWI INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT CO. LTD DEAL DEVELOPMENT COMPANY AL MARASIM TRADING AND SERVICES CONSSUDA ENGINEERING INVESTMENT CO. LTD. Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan AHMED ELGHAZI FOR PETROLEUM & TRANSPORTATION WORKS SKYLINE CONTRACTING CO LTD JUBA BEIJING CONSTRUCTION CO. LTD PASHTOON TRADING & INVESTMENT COMPANY LTD. REPRO COMPANY LTD TRISTAR ENERGY AL BORAI WORKS FOR FURNITURE & DECORS MERIT GROUP AL BARAJOUB ENGINEERING COMPANY LTD MAHMOUD AHMED SALIM STORE ADEN LTD. TRISTAR ENERGY KATHRIN FURNITURE PETRONAS MARKETING SUDAN LTD TRISTAR ENERGY MEGATRADE CO. LTD AL MARASIM TRADING AND SERVICES AL WALEED FOR TRANSPORT TRISTAR ENERGY TRISTAR ENERGY ADVANCED ENGINEERING WORKS CO. LTD. HAWADIN STORES DAL MOTORS CO.LTD Cements Cements Cements Clothing of textile materials Clothing of textile materials Containers of iron, steel or aluminium Cork and straw or other plaiting materials; basketwork and wickerwork Doors, windows and their frames, of iron, steel or aluminium Electric motors, generators and transformers, parts thereof Electrical equipment, parts and accessories thereof Footwear, safety Fuel oils, n.e.c. Furniture, domestic Gas oils (diesel oil) Gas oils (diesel oil) Hand saws, files, rasps, pliers, pincers, tweezers, spanners etc. Hand tools Insulated wire and cable; optical fibre cables Jet fuel, spirit type (gasoline type) Lubricating preparations Motor vehicle parts and accessories Motor vehicle parts and accessories Motor vehicle parts and accessories Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan AHMED ELGHAZI FOR PETROLEUM & TRANSPORTATION WORKS MAKA MOTOR WORKS LTD DBA C.A.M.WORKSHOP DIESEL HEAVY EQUIPMENT DEAL DEVELOPMENT COMPANY (DDC) SKYLINE CONTRACTING CO LTD NORTHERN BARI PAYAM PETRONAS MARKETING SUDAN LTD DEAL DEVELOPMENT COMPANY AZBAR FOR INDUSTRY, TRANSPORTATION AND SERVICES LTD. CO. ADEN LTD. AZBAR FOR INDUSTRY, TRANSPORTATION AND SERVICES LTD. CO. PROMARK FOR PROMOTIONS AND MARKETING CO. LTD ARAB COMPANY FOR OPTICALS, MEDICINE, MEDICAL EQUIPMENT CO. LTD. (ACOMMASE) MANO FOR ROADS & BRIDGES PETRONAS MARKETING SUDAN LTD AL MARASIM TRADING AND SERVICES KADOVER FOR TRADING, CONTRACTING & PETROLUEM SERVICES CO. LTD CLEOPATRA CONSTRUCTION & LOGISTICS CO. LTD. MEIMAR STORES ZEMASCO FOR INVESTMENT CO. LTD ABU REEM FOR TRANSPORT Motor vehicle parts and accessories Motor vehicle parts and accessories Motor vehicle parts and accessories Paper of paperboard n.e.c., for printing or other graphic purpose Pebbles, gravel, broken or crushed stone, macadam etc. Pebbles, gravel, broken or crushed stone, macadam etc. Petroleum oils medium, and other medium oils Printing and plotting devices for edp equipment AHMED ELGHAZI FOR PETROLEUM & TRANSPORTATION WORKS HANEER ENGINEERING CO. WAD HAMDAN FOR TRADING ABU DASHA FOR TRADING AND TRANSPORT AND CONSULTANTS CO. LTD WAD ALZAKY FOR TRADING BAYAN FOR CONTRACTING & ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTION SUDAN CONSULT AL WALEED FOR TRANSPORT MEIMAR STORES ABNOS FOR ENGINEERING AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AZBAR FOR INDUSTRY, TRANSPORTATION AND SERVICES LTD. CO. MEIMAR STORES ATM TRADING & SERVICES AL MARASIM TRADING AND SERVICES NON-STOP TRANSPORT ENTERPRISE SOUTHERN SUDAN BEVERAGES LIMITED BIAB INTERNATIONAL AB BIAB INTERNATIONAL AB BIAB INTERNATIONAL AB BIAB INTERNATIONAL AB LEX SOLUTIONS SAAB AB Structures, other, and sections of iron, steel or aluminium Structures, other, and sections of iron, steel or aluminium Structures, other, and sections of iron, steel or aluminium 124,163.00 87,000.00 63,000.00 Structures, other, and sections of iron, steel or aluminium Structures, other, and sections of iron, steel or aluminium Structures, other, and sections of iron, steel or aluminium Telecommunication equipment, other Trailers and semi-trailers; containers Transfers (decalcomanias); printed calendars; other printedmatter Tubes, pipes and hoses, and fittings therefor, of plastics 56,310.68 40,344.83 39,236.11 85,952.00 107,500.00 225,536.20 360,255.00 Tubes, pipes and hoses, and fittings therefor, of plastics Tubes, pipes and hoses, and fittings therefor, of plastics Tyres, pneumatic new, inner tubes, solid or cushion tyres, etc. Waters, not sweetened Waters, not sweetened Waters, not sweetened Brushes Buildings, prefabricated for office, school, home or warehouse Camping equipment Domestic metal products Equipment and accessories for connecting edp equipment intonetworks Ironmongry 190,209.00 185,319.00 183,182.00 891,608.58 468,818.19 50,326.20 517,245.00 98,095.40 43,745.00 33,965.00 62,440.00 56,409.23 Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sweden Sweden Sweden Sweden Sweden Sweden 198 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement Surveillance/control systems, other Telecommunication equipment, parts and accessories thereof Accumulators, electric Accumulators, electric Advertising material, trade, commercial catalogues and the like Air conditioning, cold chain and refrigerating equipment Air conditioning, cold chain and refrigerating equipment Antidotes and other substances used in poisonings Blood products and plasma substitutes Books, brochures, leaflets and similar printed matter Bricks, blocks, tiles etc. and ceramic goods, other Cements Cements Cements Cements Cements 137,862.60 82,756.54 109,250.99 339,809.16 87,397.52 141,860.00 682,663.13 71,764.94 6,651,418.39 48,470.00 47,036.57 58,059.44 82,677.47 356,576.58 339,351.93 218,383.42 91,491.56 673,987.32 96,669.72 67,074.15 50,837.75 37,460.40 74,915.38 34,733.62 65,304.07 47,269.73 87,975.05 38,600.00 38,550.00 78,800.00 122,400.00 89,840.00 30,724.29 81,614.36 110,611.11 55,172.41 388,800.00 247,569.44 163,812.50 132,000.00 104,640.00 102,900.00 68,250.00 66,300.00 65,862.07 39,485.00 52,400.00 44,400.00 43,019.31 112,735.41 116,431.00 31,270.00 8,555,712.53 120,527.59 58,823,918.10 13,424,927.75 215,375.00 48,700.00 149,340.00 9,391,724.76 1,814,914.94 100,377.42 100,347.22 100,035.00 50,347.22 38,665.00 33,316.82 39,164.00 248,550.00 39,105.90 109,676.25 94,527.08 Protection devices for edp equipment Pumps, water 42,440.00 35,912.00 Registers, account books, note books, order books etc. Registers, account books, note books, order books etc. 54,800.00 50,000.00 Safety equipment Sands Security equipment and supplies n.e.c. Soap and cleaning preparations 31,248.28 389,172.41 8,845,688.00 34,627.20 Structural components, prefabricated, of cement or concrete Structural components, prefabricated, of cement or concrete Structures, other, and sections of iron, steel or aluminium Structures, other, and sections of iron, steel or aluminium Structures, other, and sections of iron, steel or aluminium 396,996.50 68,400.00 1,374,866.29 215,647.76 142,448.28 Major Orders for Goods Placed by Agency During 2011 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of Supplier Name of Supplier UN-PD Continued BIAB INTERNATIONAL AB Sweden BIAB INTERNATIONAL AB Sweden GRATTS INTERNATIONAL AB Sweden VOLVO CAR CORPORATION Sweden WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION Switzerland E-SECURE SARL Switzerland SUPREME FOODSERVICE GMBH Switzerland SUPREME FOODSERVICE AG Switzerland SUPREME FOODSERVICE GMBH Switzerland ECDL SWITZERLAND AG Switzerland SUPREME FOODSERVICE GMBH Switzerland SABRI MOHAMMAD YOUSIEF Syrian Arab Republic NADER HAMIDA Syrian Arab Republic RAFIQ RIFAI TRADING ESTABLISHMENT Syrian Arab Republic SABRI MOHAMMAD YOUSIEF Syrian Arab Republic R & E HOMSI Syrian Arab Republic MHD/SULEIMAN AUDAH BASHI Syrian Arab Republic SADCOP (MAHROUKAT) Syrian Arab Republic MAHMALJI TRADING Syrian Arab Republic NADER HAMIDA Syrian Arab Republic SYROLIBAN INTERNATIONAL S.A.L (OFFSHORE) Syrian Arab Republic GENERAL COMPANY FOR FILLING FIGEH SPRING WATER Syrian Arab Republic RMA AUTOMOTIVE COMPANY LIMITED Thailand The Former Yugoslav Rep. of Macedon GENES KOMPANI DOOEL EXPRESS DISTRIBUTION SERVICES I, UNIPESSOAL LDA. Timor-Leste PT. PERTAMINA (PERSERO) Timor-Leste AUTO TIMOR LESTE LDA Timor-Leste RMS ENGINEERING & CONSTRUCTION PTY LTD Timor-Leste DONG NAM ENGINEERING, LDA Timor-Leste MAKIKIT HARDWARE, UNIPESSOAL LDA Timor-Leste LORO SAE COMPUTER SERVICES Timor-Leste ALFA DILI UNIPESSOAL LDA Timor-Leste ORBIT ENGINEERING, CONSTRUCTION & PROCUREMENT SERVICES CO. LTD Turkey APPLIANCE WORLD LIMITED Uganda GREAT HUNTERS (U) LIMITED Uganda MOTORCARE UGANDA LTD Uganda HOME MADE COMMODITIES (U) LTD. Uganda SAAHIB ENTERPRISES LIMITED Uganda PROCURE SERVICES LTD Uganda SUMADHURA TECHNOLOGIES LTD. Uganda DRACO (U) LTD. Uganda GREAT LAKES REGIONAL DISTRIBUTORS (U) LIMITED Uganda PEACE (U) LTD Uganda GREAT HUNTERS (U) LIMITED Uganda REHNA INTERNATIONAL Uganda SAAHIB ENTERPRISES LIMITED Uganda MALAYSIA FURNISHING CENTRE Uganda HWAN SUNG INDUSTRIES LTD Uganda MEGHA INDUSTRIES (U) LTD Uganda TOTAL (U) LTD. Uganda TOYOTA UGANDA Uganda TOTAL (U) LTD. Uganda AKKAB AUTOMOBILE STORE Uganda ARROW CENTRE (UGANDA) LIMITED Uganda TOTAL (U) LTD. Uganda BATTERY PLUS LIMITED Uganda REHNA INTERNATIONAL Uganda SAAHIB ENTERPRISES LIMITED Uganda PERFORMANCE FURNITURE (U) LTD Uganda SAAHIB ENTERPRISES LIMITED Uganda GREAT LAKES REGIONAL DISTRIBUTORS (U) LIMITED Uganda HOME MADE COMMODITIES (U) LTD. Uganda GOLDEN RELIEF RESOURCES LLC United Arab Emirates EBASCO TRADING CORPORATION United Arab Emirates YAMULKY GENERAL TRADING L.L.C. United Arab Emirates EBASCO TRADING CORPORATION United Arab Emirates AL AZHAR TRADING CO. (L.L.C.) United Arab Emirates O.K.I. GENERAL TRADING LLC United Arab Emirates OKI GENERAL TRADING United Arab Emirates TRILOK United Arab Emirates O.K.I. GENERAL TRADING LLC United Arab Emirates PINNACLE GLOBAL GENERAL TRADING LLC United Arab Emirates RED ORANGE United Arab Emirates TRUEBELL MARKETING & TRADING LLC United Arab Emirates O.K.I. GENERAL TRADING LLC United Arab Emirates YAMULKY GENERAL TRADING L.L.C United Arab Emirates YAMULKY GENERAL TRADING L.L.C United Arab Emirates TRILOK MARKETING & TRADING LLC United Arab Emirates EBASCO TRADING CORPORATION United Arab Emirates NK GLOBAL FZE United Arab Emirates OKI GENERAL TRADING United Arab Emirates EBASCO TRADING CORPORATION United Arab Emirates TRUEBELL MARKETING & TRADING L.L.C United Arab Emirates O.K.I GENERAL TRADING LLC United Arab Emirates WORLDTRADE FZE United Arab Emirates TRILOK MARKETING & TRADING LLC United Arab Emirates TRUEBELL MARKETING & TRADING L.L.C United Arab Emirates WESTERN AUTO LLC United Arab Emirates TRUEBELL MARKETING & TRADING L.L.C. United Arab Emirates O.K.I GENERAL TRADING United Arab Emirates TRUEBELL MARKETING & TRADING LLC United Arab Emirates O.K.I GENERAL TRADING United Arab Emirates ADWIN INTERNATIONAL United Arab Emirates TRILOK MARKETING & TRADING LLC United Arab Emirates O.K.I. GENERAL TRADING LLC (PROVISIONAL) United Arab Emirates UNITY RESOURCES GROUP PTE LTD United Arab Emirates SUPREME FOODSERVICE GMBH United Arab Emirates SUPREME FUELS TRADING FZE United Arab Emirates SUPREME FUELS TRADING FZE United Arab Emirates ADWIN INTERNATIONAL United Arab Emirates OKI GENERAL TRADING United Arab Emirates NK GLOBAL FZE United Arab Emirates O.K.I GENERAL TRADING LLC United Arab Emirates TRISTAR TRANSPORT LLC United Arab Emirates O.K.I GENERAL TRADING LLC United Arab Emirates *TACTICAL-TRADING (FZE) United Arab Emirates TRILOK MARKETING & TRADING LLC United Arab Emirates O.K.I. GENEAL TRADING LLC United Arab Emirates TRUEBELL MARKETING & TRADING LLC United Arab Emirates O.K.I GENERAL TRADING LLC United Arab Emirates TRILOK MARKETING & TRADING LLC United Arab Emirates O.K.I GENERAL TRADING LLC United Arab Emirates TRUEBELL MARKETING & TRADING LLC United Arab Emirates TRUEBELL MARKETING & TRADING United Arab Emirates O.K.I GENERAL TRADING LLC United Arab Emirates EBASCO TRADING CORPORATION United Arab Emirates YAMULKY GENERAL TRADING L.L.C. United Arab Emirates RED ORANGE GENERAL TRADING LLC United Arab Emirates SUPREME FOODSERVICE GMBH United Arab Emirates 199 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement Description of Goods Machinery, general purpose, n.e.c. Metal goods n.e.c. Timber, hard Vehicles n.e.c. Articles for medical or surgical purposes n.e.c. Computer systems, special purpose other Food products, other Food products, other Meat and edible offal, fresh, chilled or frozen n.e.c. Training materials, edp Waters, not sweetened Air conditioning, cold chain and refrigerating equipment Detergents, perfumes and washing preparations Domestic metal products Domestic metal products Electric motors, generators and transformers, parts thereof Fruit, other, fresh Gas oils (diesel oil) Textile working machinery Toilet tissue stock; miscellaneous other papers Tyres, pneumatic new, inner tubes, solid or cushion tyres, etc. Waters, not sweetened Tyres, pneumatic new, inner tubes, solid or cushion tyres, etc. Furniture, other, n.e.c. Ethylene, propylene, butylene, butadiene and other petroleum gas Motor spirit (gasoline), including aviation spirit Motor vehicle parts and accessories Pebbles, gravel, broken or crushed stone, macadam etc. Plywood Structures, other, and sections of iron, steel or aluminium Transmitting and communicating equipment for edp, eg. modems, pc servers etc. Waters, not sweetened Containers of iron, steel or aluminium Air conditioning, cold chain and refrigerating equipment Bars and rods of iron or steel, hot rolled Camping equipment Cements Chemical products, other Clothing of textile materials Coal or rock cutters and tunnelling, boring and sinking machinery Coal or rock cutters and tunnelling, boring and sinking machinery Containers of iron, steel or aluminium Doors, windows and their frames, of iron, steel or aluminium Electrical equipment n.e.c. Electricity distribution or control apparatus Fuel oils, n.e.c. Furniture, domestic Furniture, domestic Furniture, domestic Gas oils (diesel oil) Hydrocarbons and their halogenated, sulphonated or nitrosated derivatives Motor spirit (gasoline), including aviation spirit Motor vehicle parts and accessories Motor vehicle parts and accessories Petroleum oils, light, and other light oils Primary cells, primary batteries and electric accumulators,parts thereof Protection devices for edp equipment Safety equipment Seats and chairs Timber, hard Timber, soft Tubes, pipes and hoses, and fittings therefor, of plastics Accumulators, electric Accumulators, electric Air conditioning, cold chain and refrigerating equipment Air conditioning, cold chain and refrigerating equipment Air conditioning, cold chain and refrigerating equipment Automotive workshop equipment Bars and rods of iron or steel, hot rolled Bars and rods of iron or steel, hot rolled Binders, folders and file covers Brushes Clothing of textile materials Coal or rock cutters and tunnelling, boring and sinking machinery Construction materials of plastic; containers of plastic Construction materials of plastic; containers of plastic Containers of iron, steel or aluminium Containers of iron, steel or aluminium Containers, paper and paperboard Containers, paper and paperboard Curtains and blinds Domestic cooking and heating equipment Domestic cooking and heating equipment Domestic cooking and heating equipment Electric motors, generators and transformers, parts thereof Electric motors, generators and transformers, parts thereof Electric motors, generators and transformers, parts thereof Electric motors, generators and transformers, parts thereof Electrical insulating fittings of plastics Electricity distribution or control apparatus Electricity distribution or control apparatus Equipment and accessories for connecting edp equipment intonetworks Expansion cards & other add-on hard- or firm-ware Expendables for use with edp equipment Filtering and purifying equipment Firearms and ammunition Food products, other Fuel oils, n.e.c. Furniture, domestic Furniture, domestic Furniture, domestic Furniture, other, n.e.c. Furniture, other, n.e.c. Gas oils (diesel oil) General purpose machinery, parts and accessories thereof Glass articles, other Gymnasium or athletics articles and equipment Hand tools (including glaziers diamonds) n.e.c. Hand tools (including glaziers diamonds) n.e.c. Hand tools (including glaziers diamonds) n.e.c. Industrial catering equipment Insulated wire and cable; optical fibre cables Insulated wire and cable; optical fibre cables Insulated wire and cable; optical fibre cables Lighting equipment Linen, household Machinery for sorting, screening, separating, kneading earth, stone, ores etc. Machinery, general purpose, n.e.c. Meat and edible offal, fresh, chilled or frozen n.e.c. PO Value USD 95,200.00 115,672.55 52,740.00 37,083.11 129,032.00 94,554.25 8,696,717.58 7,416,641.25 715,298.80 58,210.00 244,635.39 109,391.89 40,739.97 46,129.31 39,600.17 69,201.66 512,190.14 2,310,147.76 31,928.23 35,598.38 58,800.00 149,941.82 40,953.00 663,985.23 150,080.00 1,047,505.81 32,500.00 50,000.00 35,116.50 73,500.00 46,322.00 201,953.25 66,750.00 147,163.00 45,902.00 56,415.22 83,200.00 570,944.00 70,028.70 74,600.00 49,171.00 106,000.00 99,000.00 55,300.00 37,639.64 44,790.00 74,723.34 68,119.40 31,548.20 12,987,325.64 34,066.63 7,150,000.00 60,500.00 37,036.25 344,658.00 35,600.00 198,700.00 141,495.00 36,400.00 73,500.00 144,398.41 53,703.87 286,900.00 47,454.25 32,973.33 32,928.03 30,646.87 210,100.00 55,147.50 43,513.75 31,175.00 53,984.00 55,250.00 80,885.00 116,761.39 52,095.04 53,532.67 36,455.00 59,828.68 37,245.88 183,100.00 76,000.40 55,100.00 46,126.00 101,405.00 81,770.00 71,139.41 31,154.02 61,598.50 95,790.00 65,469.00 298,838.00 102,065.80 37,493.00 53,590.00 139,252.20 66,945,486.30 18,811,829.56 13,997,798.55 72,761.00 38,250.00 270,510.04 118,954.20 34,899,461.00 37,470.72 57,555.00 35,150.00 97,019.10 96,081.50 47,714.53 50,600.00 453,243.97 53,980.30 30,600.00 105,219.30 82,636.37 385,630.71 131,050.00 2,041,994.68 Major Orders for Goods Placed by Agency During 2011 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of Supplier UN-PD Continued United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom Name of Supplier Description of Goods O.K.I GENERAL TRADING EBASCO TRADING CORPORATION BLUE FLAG SUPPLIERS FZC TRUEBELL MARKETING & TRADING HEADLINK GENERAL RADING LLC TRISTAR TRANSPORT LLC ENOC INTERNATIONAL SALES L.L.C. YAMULKY GENERAL TRADING L.L.C. GOLDEN RELIEF RESOURCES LLC NATIONAL UNITED TRADING COMPANY (NUTICO) TRUEBELL MARKETING & TRADING HEADLINKS GENERAL TRADING LLC VAN VLIET XL GROUP FZE INTERNATIONAL ARMORED GROUP FZE VAN VLIET XL GROUP FZE ADWIN INTERNATIONAL TRUEBELL MARKETING & TRADING L.L.C. YAMULKY GENERAL TRADING, LLC TRUEBELL MARKETING & TRADING L.L.C. AL AZHAR TRADING CO. (LLC) O.K.I. GENERAL TRADING LLC TRUEBELL MARKETING & TRADING L.L.C. O.K.I GENERAL TRADING LLC SUPREME FUELS TRADING FZE O.K.I. GENERAL TRADING LLC M/S EBASCO TRADING CORPORATION O.K.I. GENERAL TRADING LLC O.K.I GENERAL TRADING LLC FLEMINGO INTERNATIONAL LTD RA INTERNATIONAL FCZO O.K.I. GENERAL TRADING LLC UNITY RESOURCES GROUP PTE LTD *TACTICAL-TRADING (FZE) OKI GENERAL TRADING EBASCO TRADING CORPORATION O.K.I GENERAL TRADING LLC UNITY RESOURCES GROUP PTE LTD TRUEBELL MARKETING & TRADING L.L.C. PINNACLE GLOBAL GENERAL TRADING LLC TRILOK MARKETING & TRADING LLC ADWIN INTERNATIONAL TRACK24 FZE O.K.I GENERAL TRADING LLC TRILOK MARKETING & TRADING LLC WESTERN AUTO LLC TRUEBELL MARKETING & TRADING L.L.C. TRUEBELL MARKETING & TRADING L.L.C. GOLDEN RELIEF RESOURCES LLC TRUEBELL MARKETING & TRADING L.L.C. ABA STRONALVA LIMITED WINCHESTER PROCUREMENT LIMITED EUROCONTROLS AUTOMATION INC RAINBO SUPPLIES AND SERVICES LTD SHEARGOLD LIMITED MEDIWORLD LTD BLAYTHORNE LTD SHEARGOLD LIMITED RAINBO SUPPLIES AND SERVICES LTD UNIT EXPORT LIMITED SHEAR GOLD LTD FG WILSON (ENGINEERING) LTD. WINCHESTER PROCUREMENT LIMITED EURO CONTROLS AUTOMATION ABA STRONALVA LIMITED LANTRADE GLOBAL SUPPLIES LIMITED CROMWELL TOOLS LIMITED ETON INTERNATIONAL DANDO DRILLING INTERNATIONAL LTD BUTYL PRODUCTS LIMITED SHEARGOLD LIMITED RAINBO SUPPLIES AND SERVICES LTD. WATERSIDE MANUFACTURING LTD T/A ENGLANDS SAFETY EQUIPMENT GREENHAM EXPORT RAINBO SUPPLIES AND SERVICES LTD HESCO BASTION LIMITED RAINBO SUPPLIES & SERVICES LTD RICOH INTERNATIONAL B.V. SHEARGOLD LIMITED RAINBO SUPPLIES AND SERVICES LTD FG WILSON (ENGINEERING) LTD. HESCO BASTION F.G.WILSON ENGINEERING F.G WILSON (ENGINEERING) LTD FG WILSON (ENG) LTD F.G.WILSON (ENGINEERING) LTD. FG WILSON (ENGINEERING) LIMITED ETON INTERNATIONAL WINCHESTER PROCUREMENT LIMITED FG WILSON (ENGINEERING) LTD. WINCHESTER PROCUREMENT LIMITED RICHARDSON SUPPLY COMPANY LIMITED F.G.WILSON (ENGINEERING) LTD. SHEARGOLD LTD. BARHAM GLOBAL LTD RAINBO SUPPLIES & SERVICES LTD SHEARGOLD LTD. DHL DANZAS AIR & OCEAN A/S SHEARGOLD LIMITED SHEAR GOLD LTD VOCALITY INTERNATIONAL LTD RICHARDSON SUPPLY COMPANY LTD MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS UK LIMITED ETON INTERNATIONAL SHEARGOLD LIMITED RICHARDSON SUPPLY CO.LTD. ETON INTERNATIONAL LTD FG WILSON (ENGINEERING) LIMITED RAINBO SUPPLIES AND SERVICES LTD. RAINBO SUPPLIES & SERVICES LTD TUF WORK & SAFETYWEAR RAINBO SUPPLIES AND SERVICES LTD RAINBO SUPPLIES AND SERVICES LTD RAINBO SUPPLIES & SERVICES LTD. RICHARDSON SUPPLY COMPANY LIMITED ASTEL (UK) LTD RICHARDSON SUPPLY CO. LTD RAINBO SUPPLIES & SERVICES LTD. WINCHESTER PROCUREMENT LIMITED RAINBO SUPPLIES & SERVICES LTD. Metal goods n.e.c. Metal goods n.e.c. Metal goods n.e.c. Micro-computers Mini-computers Motor spirit (gasoline), including aviation spirit Motor spirit (gasoline), including aviation spirit Motor vehicle parts and accessories Motor vehicle parts and accessories Motor vehicle parts and accessories Motor vehicle parts and accessories Motor vehicle parts and accessories Motor vehicles, passenger, other Motor vehicles, special purpose Motor vehicles, special purpose Motors and engines for aircraft, other aircraft equipment Office and accounting machinery, parts and accessories thereof Office machines, other Paints and varnishes (including enamels and lacquers) and related products Paper and paperboard products, other Paper of paperboard n.e.c., for printing or other graphic purpose Paper of paperboard n.e.c., for printing or other graphic purpose Petroleum oils, light, and other light oils Pharmaceutical products n.e.c. Plates, sheets, film, foil and strip of plastics, other Projecting equipment, other Protection devices for edp equipment Protection devices for edp equipment Radio broadcast and television receivers Sacks and bags, of a kind used for the packing of goods Safety clothing and headgear; other headgear of rubber or plastics Safety clothing and headgear; other headgear of rubber or plastics Safety clothing and headgear; other headgear of rubber or plastics Sands Security equipment and supplies n.e.c. Security equipment, special purpose Security equipment, special purpose Security equipment, special purpose Soap and cleaning preparations Stoppers, caps, lids and other metal packing accessories; wire and wire products Structures, other, and sections of iron, steel or aluminium Telecommunication equipment, parts and accessories thereof Telephone equipment Tiles, flagstones, bricks etc. of cement, concrete or artificial stone Transformers, electrical Transformers, electrical Tubes, pipes and hoses, and fittings therefor, of plastics Tyres, pneumatic new, inner tubes, solid or cushion tyres, etc. Tyres, pneumatic new, inner tubes, solid or cushion tyres, etc. Accumulators, electric Accumulators, electric Aerials and antennae Air conditioning, cold chain and refrigerating equipment Angles, shapes and sections, of iron or non-alloy steel Antidotes and other substances used in poisonings Articles for medical or surgical purposes n.e.c. Articles for medical or surgical purposes n.e.c. Articles for medical or surgical purposes n.e.c. Automotive workshop equipment Automotive workshop equipment Bars and rods of iron or steel, hot rolled Bars and rods of iron or steel, hot rolled Bridges, bridge sections, towers and lattice masts, of ironor steel Buildings, prefabricated for office, school, home or warehouse Clothing of textile materials Clothing of textile materials Clothing of textile materials Coal or rock cutters and tunnelling, boring and sinking machinery Construction materials of plastic; containers of plastic Construction materials of plastic; containers of plastic Construction materials of plastic; containers of plastic 200 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement Crowd control equipment Detergents, perfumes and washing preparations Detergents, perfumes and washing preparations Diodes, transistors and similar semi-conductor devices Disinfectants Domestic cooking and heating equipment Domestic metal products Domestic metal products Electric motors, generators and the like Electric motors, generators and the like Electric motors, generators and the like Electric motors, generators and the like Electric motors, generators and the like Electric motors, generators and the like Electric motors, generators and the like Electric motors, generators and the like Electric motors, generators and the like Electric motors, generators and transformers, parts thereof Electric motors, generators and transformers, parts thereof Electric motors, generators and transformers, parts thereof Electric motors, generators and transformers, parts thereof Electric motors, generators and transformers, parts thereof Electric motors, generators and transformers, parts thereof Electric motors, generators and transformers, parts thereof Electricity distribution or control apparatus Electricity distribution or control apparatus Electricity distribution or control apparatus, parts and accessories thereof Engines and motors, hydraulic and pneumatic power Equipment and accessories for connecting edp equipment intonetworks Equipment and accessories for connecting edp equipment intonetworks Expendables and accessories for use with edp equipment n.e.c. Expendables for use with edp equipment Expendables for use with edp equipment Expendables for use with edp equipment Expendables for use with edp equipment Filtering and purifying equipment Filtering and purifying equipment Food products, other Footwear, safety Forklift trucks and other works trucks Furniture, domestic Furniture, kitchen Furniture, office, other than chairs Furniture, office, other than chairs Furniture, other, n.e.c. Furniture, other, n.e.c. Glass articles, other Gymnasium or athletics articles and equipment PO Value USD 109,710.00 38,768.10 32,263.00 39,360.00 45,099.88 23,000,000.00 748,465.83 107,406.97 72,450.00 47,500.00 37,558.35 33,183.65 244,000.00 923,825.00 676,800.00 42,096.00 52,570.20 70,282.76 32,253.75 42,874.52 51,782.00 37,242.00 43,940.00 107,113.39 306,313.90 92,033.92 129,150.00 106,395.00 31,523.00 672,652.04 238,919.74 63,994.00 46,470.00 61,622.00 104,580.10 299,320.05 115,825.00 36,526.40 53,984.00 59,401.50 33,120.85 243,530.00 38,825.00 429,045.92 44,306.00 32,796.02 48,381.55 566,810.00 106,370.00 69,008.40 34,653.50 74,913.00 285,765.00 49,200.00 32,207.20 519,850.00 286,750.00 37,661.83 39,750.00 31,568.00 1,354,436.89 68,434.00 304,575.46 74,422.05 500,650.00 129,702.86 39,050.00 2,895,708.03 133,669.01 51,310.00 50,795.66 64,013.16 40,015.21 31,428.21 92,237.27 121,900.66 82,557.84 136,880.00 72,303.10 4,643,918.14 3,847,208.54 1,815,948.40 610,991.43 202,000.29 156,804.61 101,487.85 61,058.70 56,070.56 1,999,177.43 174,245.69 86,135.08 71,478.45 46,993.00 42,991.33 32,560.03 65,208.89 39,076.01 129,747.50 62,851.00 70,654.95 36,337.96 112,697.63 57,278.70 36,831.70 36,311.86 31,033.35 116,775.80 95,734.65 98,118.78 54,686.90 37,957.48 2,356,823.00 69,336.06 103,334.03 38,103.83 119,705.69 36,075.97 49,767.27 33,655.05 Major Orders for Goods Placed by Agency During 2011 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of Supplier UN-PD Continued United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Republic of Tanzania United Republic of Tanzania United Republic of Tanzania UN-PD Continued Name of Supplier Description of Goods SHEARGOLD LIMITED RICHARDSON SUPPLY COMPANY LIMITED SHEARGOLD LTD. HESCO BASTION LTD. RAINBO SUPPLIES AND SERVICES LTD SHEARGOLD LIMITED ABA STRONALVA LIMITED SHEAR GOLD LTD FG WILSON (ENGINEERING) LTD. WINCHESTER PROCUREMENT LIMITED UNIMED INTERNATIONAL LTD RAINBO SUPPLIES AND SERVICES LTD. FG WILSON (ENGINEERING) LIMITED SHEARGOLD LIMITED METALITE AVIATION LIGHTING RICHARDSON SUPPLY COMPANY LIMITED CROMWELL TOOLS LIMITED ETON INTERNATIONAL UNIT EXPORT LIMITED WESTMINSTER INTERNATIONAL LTD. SHEARGOLD LIMITED CTEQ LTD. DOMINO TELECOM SOLUTIONS LIMITED JANKEL ARMOURING LIMITED JANKEL ARMOURING LTD CTEQ LTD. SHEARGOLD LIMITED BRANDCONTACT (UK) LTD. CTEQ LTD ABA STRONALVA LIMITED WINCHESTER PROCUREMENT LIMITED SHEARGOLD LTD JANKEL ARMOURING LTD. AIR CHARTER SERVICE PLC JANKEL ARMOURING LTD. MEDIWORLD LTD CTEQ LTD ASTEL (UK) LTD RAINBO SUPPLIES AND SERVICES LTD RAINBO SUPPLIES & SERVICES LTD DOMINO TELECOM SOLUTIONS LIMITED RICHARDSON SUPPLY COMPANY LIMITED SOFT-EX (UK) LTD ROSETTA STONE (UK) LTD MEDIWORLD SHEARGOLD LIMITED RAINBO SUPPLIES AND SERVICES LTD ETON INTERNATIONAL SHEAR GOLD LTD SHEARGOLD LIMITED MOTOROLA LIMITED BARRETT EUROPE LTD. BARRETT EUROPE LIMITED BARRETT EUROPE LIMITED MOTOROLA LIMITED ( UNITED KINGDOM ) RAINBO SUPPLIES AND SERVICES LTD SHEARGOLD LIMITED ETON INTERNATIONAL RICHARDSON SUPPLY COMPANY LIMITED EUROCONTROLS AUTOMATION INC SHEAR GOLD LTD RICHARDSON SUPPLY COMPANY LIMITED MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS UK LIMITED J & S FRANKLIN LTD RAINBO SUPPLIES & SERVICES LTD RAINBO SUPPLIES AND SERVICES LTD. RAINBO SUPPLIES & SERVICES LTD ETON INTERNATIONAL RAINBO SUPPLIES & SERVICES LTD SHEARGOLD LIMITED STRATOS WIRELESS INC PARABY LIMITED SHEARGOLD LIMITED DOMINO TELECOM SOLUTIONS LIMITED RAINBO SUPPLIES AND SERVICES LIMITED HESCO BASTION UNIT EXPORT LIMITED RAINBO SUPPLIES & SERVICES LTD GREENHAM EXPORT PUBLISHING TECHNOLOGY (EUROPE) LTD SOFT-EX COMMUNICATIONS LTD RAINBO SUPPLIES AND SERVICES LTD HESCO BASTION LTD. HESCO BASTION LIMITED WINCHESTER PROCUREMENT LIMITED FG WILSON (ENGINEERING) LTD. HESCO BASTION LIMITED RAINBO SUPPLIES AND SERVICES LTD. BARRETT EUROPE LIMITED BARRETT EUROPE LIMITED MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS UK LTD.( FORMERLY MOTOROLA INC.) MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS UK LIMITED ALLEN VANGUARD LTD. ALLEN-VANGUARD LTD MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS UK LTD MOTOROLA LIMITED* ALLEN-VANGUARD LTD MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS UK LIMITED BARRETT EUROPE LTD BARRETT EUROPE LIMITED EUROCONTROLS AUTOMATION INC. MOTOROLA LIMITED STRATOS WIRELESS INC BRANDCONTACT RAINBO SUPPLIES & SERVICES LTD RAINBO SUPPLIES AND SERVICES LTD. MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS UK LIMITED HESCO BASTION LIMITED EURO CONTROLS AUTOMATION PETERS & MAY LTD. WINCHESTER PROCUREMENT LIMITED RAINBO SUPPLIES AND SERVICES LTD RAINBO SUPPLIES & SERVICES LTD RAINBO SUPPLIES AND SERVICES LTD. RAINBO SUPPLIES AND SERVICES LTD RAINBO SUPPLIES AND SERVICES LTD INTERSOFT TECHNOLOGIES MATHER + PLATT TANZANIA LIMITED LIFELINE COMMERCIAL AGENCIES LTD Hydrocarbons and their halogenated, sulphonated or nitrosated derivatives Instruments for measuring temperature or other physical properties n.e.c. Insulated wire and cable; optical fibre cables Insulated wire and cable; optical fibre cables Insulated wire and cable; optical fibre cables Insulated wire and cable; optical fibre cables Insulated wire and cable; optical fibre cables Insulated wire and cable; optical fibre cables Insulated wire and cable; optical fibre cables Ironmongry Laboratory equipment miscellaneous n.e.c. Laboratory glassware Lamps, electric filament or discharge; arc lamps Lamps, electric filament or discharge; arc lamps Lighting equipment Lubricating preparations Machine tools, parts and accessories thereof Machinery, special purpose, other Measuring, checking and testing appliances n.e.c. Measuring, checking and testing appliances n.e.c. Micro-computers Mortuary supplies Motor spirit (gasoline), including aviation spirit Motor vehicle parts and accessories Motor vehicle parts and accessories Motor vehicle parts and accessories Motor vehicle parts and accessories Motor vehicle parts and accessories Motor vehicle parts and accessories Motor vehicle parts and accessories Motor vehicle parts and accessories Motor vehicle parts and accessories Motor vehicles and parts and accessories thereof Motor vehicles, passenger, other Motor vehicles, special purpose Non-epi vaccines Optical and photographic equipment, parts and accessories thereof Optical input/output units, such as scanners, optical readers etc. Packing and sealing articles of plastics Packing and sealing articles of plastics Pc software, general Pc software, general Pc software, general Pc software, general Pharmaceutical products n.e.c. Photocopying apparatus Primary cells and primary batteries Processing units for edp, other Protection devices for edp equipment Pumps, other than water pumps; air or other gas compressors Radio broadcast and television receivers Radio broadcast and television receivers Radio broadcast and television receivers Radio broadcast and television receivers Radio broadcast and television receivers Radio broadcast and television receivers Radio broadcast and television receivers Radio broadcast and television receivers Radio or television transmission apparatus, parts and accessories thereof Radio or television transmission apparatus; television cameras Radio or television transmission apparatus; television cameras Radio or television transmission apparatus; television cameras Radio or television transmission apparatus; television cameras Sacks and bags, of a kind used for the packing of goods Sacks and bags, of a kind used for the packing of goods Safety clothing and headgear; other headgear of rubber or plastics Safety clothing and headgear; other headgear of rubber or plastics Safety clothing and headgear; other headgear of rubber or plastics Safety equipment Sands Satellite communication systems Satellite communication systems Satellite communication systems Satellite communication systems Seats and chairs Security equipment, special purpose Security equipment, special purpose Soap and cleaning preparations Soap and cleaning preparations Software application packages Software application packages Stationery articles n.e.c. Stoppers, caps, lids and other metal packing accessories; wire and wire products Stoppers, caps, lids and other metal packing accessories; wire and wire products Stoppers, caps, lids and other metal packing accessories; wire and wire products Structural components, prefabricated, of cement or concrete Structures, other, and sections of iron, steel or aluminium Structures, other, and sections of iron, steel or aluminium Telecommunication equipment Telecommunication equipment, other Telecommunication equipment, other Telecommunication equipment, other Telecommunication equipment, other Telecommunication equipment, other Telecommunication equipment, other Telecommunication equipment, other Telecommunication equipment, parts and accessories thereof Telecommunication equipment, parts and accessories thereof Telecommunication equipment, parts and accessories thereof Telecommunication equipment, parts and accessories thereof Telecommunication equipment, parts and accessories thereof Telecommunication equipment, parts and accessories thereof Telephone equipment Telephone equipment Testing equipment n.e.c. Textile articles made-up, other Trailers and semi-trailers; containers Trailers and semi-trailers; containers Trailers and semi-trailers; containers Trailers and semi-trailers; containers Transfers (decalcomanias); printed calendars; other printedmatter Tubes, pipes and hoses, and fittings therefor, of plastics Tyres, pneumatic new, inner tubes, solid or cushion tyres, etc. Tyres, pneumatic new, inner tubes, solid or cushion tyres, etc. Tyres, pneumatic new, inner tubes, solid or cushion tyres, etc. Weighing equipment, micrometers, gauges etc. Hand tools (including glaziers diamonds) n.e.c. Insulated wire and cable; optical fibre cables Paper of paperboard n.e.c., for printing or other graphic purpose 201 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO Value USD 68,250.00 31,667.71 362,750.00 200,208.33 152,316.90 118,138.00 70,466.00 53,934.00 51,491.97 38,523.70 33,546.80 43,643.69 202,173.58 44,120.00 37,168.00 32,531.27 60,990.26 52,675.00 387,727.00 53,541.12 60,545.00 73,971.27 30,000.00 317,691.77 262,513.57 224,301.50 79,791.00 58,069.16 50,346.72 39,583.30 35,683.48 30,585.88 37,203.36 65,500.00 861,964.72 49,400.00 34,297.84 53,994.48 49,016.64 45,127.10 90,708.00 54,060.98 53,405.99 38,626.61 34,145.84 83,230.00 51,596.00 36,175.00 179,910.00 84,050.00 822,056.15 606,373.69 228,716.95 106,804.72 57,696.38 56,560.60 52,060.00 36,225.00 65,312.43 114,927.66 55,902.00 51,006.25 40,014.00 432,071.60 397,208.00 53,052.30 49,514.88 48,360.30 41,534.20 92,750.00 133,367.52 74,506.00 34,170.80 32,400.00 33,988.04 275,512.50 52,475.00 249,516.50 98,732.34 323,500.00 102,271.49 31,576.40 1,332,733.91 354,662.48 40,187.00 31,577.30 256,769.86 112,895.80 194,412.64 1,770,556.88 1,477,088.74 739,419.18 469,943.78 304,174.92 98,130.10 75,315.64 3,428,180.39 408,660.69 259,893.05 178,763.72 39,281.00 37,663.70 239,840.87 38,900.02 31,421.73 30,274.15 1,910,826.00 933,427.34 36,200.00 35,794.00 32,163.61 352,173.93 345,245.96 306,082.54 71,320.00 224,441.67 36,845.33 42,380.00 57,600.00 Major Orders for Goods Placed by Agency During 2011 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of Supplier United Republic of Tanzania United Republic of Tanzania United Republic of Tanzania United Republic of Tanzania United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America UN-PD Continued Name of Supplier JUBILEE TYRES 2002 LTD INTERSOFT TECHNOLOGIES CHART INVESTMENT COMPANY LIMITED JUBILEE TYRES 2002 LTD GLOBECOMM SYSTEMS INC. SDV (USA) INC. ALEXANDER WOLF + SON ALLIED GLOBAL, INC. EVER READY FIRST AID & MEDICAL SUP. ABBOTT LABORATORIES TCS SUPPLY CO CENTER INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS, INC. CISCO SYSTEMS, INC. GIMCO ALLIED GLOBAL, INC. DADE SKY TRADING GIMCO THE MCGRAW-HILL COMPANIES, INC. MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS CISCO SYSTEMS INC. BLOOMSBURG CARPET CONSOLIDATED CARPET TRADE WORKROOM, ASTROPHYSICS INC. GIMCO SOME'S UNIFORMS INC. SOME'S UNIFORMS, INC SOME'S WORLD WIDE UNIFORMS AASTRA TELECOM SWEDEN AB GLOBECOMM SYSTEMS INC LENOVO GROUP LENOVO, INC. IBM CORPORATION CHARLES RIVER SYSTEMS, INC. CITRIX SYSTEMS CSU INDUSTRIES RSA SECURITY, LLC LENOVO (UNITED STATES) INC. PRESIDENT CONTAINER INC. UNFPA MINE SAFETY APPLIANCES COMPANY MICROSOFT CORPORATION DTI OF WASHINGTON, LLC DADE SKY TRADING KUEHNE & NAGEL INC. DADE SKY TRADING LA CRESTA COMMUNICATIONS INC. CISCO SYSTEMS, INC. EMC CORPORATION CISCO SYSTEMS INC CISCO SYSTEMS INC. CSU INDUSTRIES LENOVO (US) INC. CISCO SYSTEMS, INC. CISCO SYSTEMS INC. XEROX CORPORATION CSU INDUSTRIES LENOVO, INC. CAVALIER OFFICE PRODUCTS COMP-U-FIELD BANCROFT GLOBAL DEVELOPMENT SDV USA INC GIMCO SANTPOORT PROJECT SUPPLIES VB PETROCELLI ELECTRIC COMPANY, INC. W.W. GRAINGER, INC. CISCO SYSTEMS INC SIEMENS HEALTHCARE DIAGNOSTICS MOTOROLA INC GLOBECOMM SYSTEMS INC. MICRO CONNECTIONS INC. CISCO SYSTEMS, INC. CISCO SYSTEMS INC. CISCO SYSTEMS CISCO SYSTEMS INC MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS PLANSON INTERNATIONAL CORP. CORPORATE COMPUTER SOLUTIONS CISCO SYSTEM;INC. EMC CORPORATION COMP-U-FIELD LENOVO, INC. CISCO SYSTEMS, INC TCS SUPPLY CO. LA CRESTA COMMUNICATIONS INC. KUEHNE & NAGEL INC. COMPUTHINK INC TEREX CORPORATION LOGISTICS, INC. ARENSON OFFICE FURNISHINGS, INC. SKANSKA USA BUILDING INC. HERMAN MILLER INC. THE GUNLOCKE COMPANY LLC WALDNERS BUSINESS ENVIRONMENTS ARENSON OFFICE FURNISHINGS, INC. KUEHNE & NAGEL INC. ARENSON OFFICE FURNISHINGS, INC. ON SITE GAS SYSTEMS, INC. ACME INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY INC. GIMCO DADE SKY TRADING RODEN INDUSTRIES, INC. STANLEY SUPPLY & SERVICES INC. GIMCO GIMCO GIMCO DADE SKY TRADING PLANSON INTERNATIONAL CORP. MICHAELS ELECTRICAL SUPPLY CORP. MID-ISLAND ELECTRICAL SALES CORP. ALLIED GLOBAL, INC. KUEHNE & NAGEL INC. LA CRESTA COMMUNICATIONS INC. GIMCO ALLIED GLOBAL, INC. MICHAELS ELECTRICAL SUPPLY CORP. REGENCY ENTERPRISES, INC. DADE SKY TRADING GIMCO ALLIED GLOBAL, INC. ASTROPHYSICS INC. 202 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement Description of Goods Rubber tyres and tubes Security equipment, special purpose Stationery articles n.e.c. Tyres, pneumatic new, inner tubes, solid or cushion tyres, etc. Aerials and antennae Aerials and antennae Air conditioning, cold chain and refrigerating equipment Air conditioning, cold chain and refrigerating equipment Articles for medical or surgical purposes n.e.c. Articles for medical or surgical purposes n.e.c. Audio and video accessories Audio and video accessories Audio visual equipment Bars and rods of iron or steel, hot rolled Bars and rods of iron or steel, hot rolled Bars and rods of iron or steel, hot rolled Binders, folders and file covers Books, brochures, leaflets and similar printed matter Buildings, prefabricated for office, school, home or warehouse Buildings, prefabricated for office, school, home or warehouse Carpets and other textile floor coverings Carpets and other textile floor coverings Chemical products, other Clothing of textile materials Clothing of textile materials Clothing of textile materials Clothing of textile materials Components for telecommunication equipment Components for telecommunication equipment Computer display terminals Computer display terminals Computer monitored systems, industrial, for measuring, steering etc. Computer systems, special purpose other Computer systems, special purpose other Computer systems, special purpose other Computer systems, special purpose other Computer systems, special purpose other Containers, paper and paperboard Contraceptives Crowd control equipment Databases Databases Detergents, perfumes and washing preparations Domestic cooking and heating equipment Domestic cooking and heating equipment Domestic cooking and heating equipment Edp equipment n.e.c. Edp equipment n.e.c. Edp equipment n.e.c. Edp equipment n.e.c. Edp equipment n.e.c. Edp equipment n.e.c. Edp equipment/machinery, other, and parts thereof Edp equipment/machinery, other, and parts thereof Edp equipment/machinery, other, and parts thereof Edp equipment/machinery, other, and parts thereof Edp equipment/machinery, other, and parts thereof Edp equipment/machinery, other, and parts thereof Edp equipment/machinery, other, and parts thereof Electric motors, generators and the like Electric motors, generators and the like Electric motors, generators and the like Electric motors, generators and transformers, parts thereof Electrical equipment, other and parts thereof Electrical equipment, parts and accessories thereof Electricity distribution or control apparatus Electro-diagnostic apparatus, including ecg, eeg, ultrasound scanners Electronic components, parts and accessories thereof Electronic components, parts and accessories thereof Electronic components, parts and accessories thereof Equipment and accessories for connecting edp equipment intonetworks Equipment and accessories for connecting edp equipment intonetworks Equipment and accessories for connecting edp equipment intonetworks Equipment and accessories for connecting edp equipment intonetworks Equipment and accessories for connecting edp equipment intonetworks Equipment and accessories for connecting edp equipment intonetworks Equipment and accessories for connecting edp equipment intonetworks Equipment and accessories for connecting edp equipment intonetworks Expansion cards & other add-on hard- or firm-ware Expendables and accessories for use with edp equipment Expendables and accessories for use with edp equipment Expendables for use with edp equipment Expendables for use with edp equipment Expendables for use with edp equipment Expendables for use with edp equipment Expendables for use with edp equipment Forklift trucks and other works trucks Furniture Furniture Furniture Furniture Furniture Furniture Furniture, office, other than chairs Furniture, office, other than chairs Furniture, other, n.e.c. Gas generators, distilling plant General purpose machinery, parts and accessories thereof Gymnasium or athletics articles and equipment Gymnasium or athletics articles and equipment Gymnasium or athletics articles and equipment Hand tools Hand tools Hand tools, powered Insulated wire and cable; optical fibre cables Insulated wire and cable; optical fibre cables Insulated wire and cable; optical fibre cables Insulated wire and cable; optical fibre cables Insulated wire and cable; optical fibre cables Insulated wire and cable; optical fibre cables Insulated wire and cable; optical fibre cables Insulated wire and cable; optical fibre cables Ironmongry Lamps, electric filament or discharge; arc lamps Lamps, electric filament or discharge; arc lamps Lamps, electric filament or discharge; arc lamps Lubricating preparations Luggage, handbags and the like Luggage, handbags and the like Machinery, special purpose, other PO Value USD 32,824.00 184,200.40 44,000.00 67,000.00 776,520.00 167,297.73 84,262.00 35,000.00 66,555.90 45,000.00 52,195.00 50,000.00 42,143.30 437,478.00 118,600.00 56,069.35 59,273.12 32,344.50 950,082.67 424,777.50 36,596.33 30,000.00 77,715.00 98,962.55 77,189.04 46,735.40 44,044.00 57,508.27 46,875.00 795,280.00 76,700.00 55,387.50 384,078.19 152,900.00 88,200.00 38,927.70 36,881.00 32,515.00 41,021.75 3,100,634.75 161,380.68 133,907.00 31,806.95 69,464.00 47,675.00 35,015.66 4,424,341.22 1,823,121.00 1,730,463.20 236,613.90 82,900.00 82,655.00 354,393.84 241,883.20 111,675.00 108,200.00 68,705.00 65,705.00 30,000.00 319,667.85 186,060.00 30,845.00 43,459.00 60,467.00 50,000.00 628,778.00 75,000.00 165,970.70 53,992.67 33,092.00 10,397,264.72 9,051,430.32 2,957,201.70 2,129,518.74 493,831.72 347,262.00 61,080.00 55,952.60 175,200.00 50,000.00 36,110.00 261,525.70 79,689.00 57,837.05 40,867.28 31,823.33 588,945.19 1,287,880.00 307,360.80 150,000.00 85,592.00 78,862.70 75,801.50 881,520.15 42,100.00 498,080.00 48,765.95 50,000.00 235,776.00 91,429.10 77,095.00 160,805.03 63,587.00 33,570.00 193,985.00 101,025.25 50,067.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 49,000.00 42,785.00 31,826.10 74,037.00 60,000.00 50,000.00 40,000.00 168,461.10 215,275.00 32,720.00 95,043.00 Major Orders for Goods Placed by Agency During 2011 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of Supplier United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United 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United States of United States of United States of America America America America America America America America America America America America America America America America America America America America America America America America America America America America America America America America America America America America America America America America America America America America America America America America America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America UN-PD Continued United States of America Name of Supplier LENOVO, INC. RODEN INDUSTRIES, INC. GIMCO ASTROPHYSICS INC. RODEN INDUSTRIES, INC. LENOVO, INC. LENOVO INC. LENOVO; INC. LENOVO (UNITED STATES) INC. LENOVO GROUP LENOVO ( UNITED STATES ) INC LENOVO DYNAMIC SYSTEMS INC. LENOVO INTERNATIONAL CISCO SYSTEMS, INC. TCS SUPPLY CO. IBM/LENOVO (UNITED STATES) INC. TCS SUPPLY CO DASCOM SOLUTIONS LLC LENOVO INC. LENOVO, INC. NEW YORK FUNERAL SUPPLY WORLD FUEL SERVICES CORP EXXON MOBIL FLEET/GECC DADE SKY TRADING GIMCO MAJOR AUTOMOTIVE GROUP GLOBAL FLEET SALES, LLC GLOBAL FLEET SALES INC. TEREX CORPORATION TLD AMERICA CORPORATION CATERPILLAR INC. DOOSAN INFRACORE AMERICA CORP. INTERNATIONAL FLEET SALES INC PERRY FORD OF NATIONAL CITY, LLC GLOBAL FLEET SALES, LLC MINISTRY OF NATIONAL DEFENSE OF THE REPUBLIC OF POLAND MARQUARDT & COMPANY TCS SUPPLY CO CROWLEY MICROGRAPHICS, INC MOTOROLA, INC TERA INTERNATIONAL MOTOROLA INC. SEA BOX, INC. DADE SKY TRADING MARQUARDT & COMPANY COMPUTHINK INC. PREMIER & COMPANIES, INC. CONSOLIDATED EDISON COMPANY MTS-INTEGRATRAK, INC. ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS RESEARCH INSTITUTE;INC CISCO SYSTEMS;INC. CISCO SYSTEMS, INC. COLORID, LLC COMPUTHINK GIMCO CPFILMS, INC. U.S. POSTAL SERVICE SAS GRAPHIC SUPPLY INC KWAPLAH INTERNATIONAL;INC. COMP-U-FIELD CISCO SYSTEMS INC. TCS SUPPLY CO. CISCO SYSTEMS INC DADE SKY TRADING GIMCO MOTOROLA INC. MOTOROLA INC CISCO SYSTEMS INC MOTOROLA, INC CEIA-USA DADE SKY TRADING AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL RADIO;INC. MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS AASTRA TELECOM SWEDEN AB MOTOROLA INC. LA CRESTA COMMUNICATIONS BEERS ENTERPRISES, INC. SOC LLC MOTOROLA INC EMTEC FEDERAL, INC., CISCO SYSTEMS INC. LENOVO SDV USA INC H.G. MAYBECK CO.,INC. MINISTRY OF NATIONAL DEFENSE OF THE REPUBLIC OF POLAND SOME'S UNIFORMS, INC DADE SKY TRADING GIMCO GLOBECOMM SYSTEMS INC. ND SATCOM, INC. CISCO SYSTEMS INC MOTOROLA INC. MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS O'GARA SATELLITE SYSTEMS, INC. GLOBECOM SYSTEMS INC SINTEL SATELLITE SERVICES GLOBECOMM SYSTEM INC WALDNERS BUSINESS ENVIRONMENTS CPFILMS INC. MADICO INC. ALLIED GLOBAL;INC COMPUTHINK;INC. ALLIED GLOBAL, INC. DADE SKY TRADING ORACLE AMERICA, INC. WOODWING SOLUTIONS LLC PITNEY BOWES LENOVO (UNITED STATES) INC. LENOVO ( UNITED STATES ) INC CA, INC. CITRIX SYSTEMS SHI INTERNATIONAL CORP. CISCO SYSTEMS MICROSOFT CORPORATION ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS RESEARCH INSTITUTE, INC. (ESRI) CAVALIER OFFICE PRODUCTS Description of Goods Mainframe computers Measuring, checking and testing appliances n.e.c. Measuring, checking and testing appliances n.e.c. Metal goods n.e.c. Metal goods n.e.c. Micro-computers Micro-computers Micro-computers Micro-computers Micro-computers Micro-computers Micro-computers Micro-computers Micro-computers Micro-computers Micro-computers Micro-computers Micro-computers Microphones, loudspeakers, headphones, earphones, amplifiers Mini-computers Mini-computers Mortuary supplies Motor spirit (gasoline), including aviation spirit Motor spirit (gasoline), including aviation spirit Motor vehicle parts and accessories Motor vehicle parts and accessories Motor vehicle parts and accessories Motor vehicles and parts and accessories thereof Motor vehicles and parts and accessories thereof Motor vehicles and parts and accessories thereof Motor vehicles and parts and accessories thereof Motor vehicles and parts and accessories thereof Motor vehicles and parts and accessories thereof Motor vehicles, goods transport Motor vehicles, goods transport Motor vehicles, passenger, other INTERACTIVE VISUALIZATION SYSTEMS Software application packages 203 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO Value USD 244,070.00 245,401.00 123,940.00 291,072.00 34,000.00 7,064,419.00 1,477,868.00 1,167,447.00 866,742.00 297,850.00 264,520.00 247,727.00 215,215.62 111,897.00 100,656.80 63,500.00 44,842.00 37,080.00 44,940.00 821,330.00 213,718.00 129,042.00 2,515,500.00 80,000.00 46,600.00 31,758.45 30,929.52 4,390,435.51 1,735,923.42 445,527.82 330,600.00 249,243.26 35,833.09 192,042.00 83,245.00 111,834.96 Motor vehicles, special purpose Newsprint, hand made-paper and punch card stock Office and accounting machinery, parts and accessories thereof Office machines, other Optical input/output units, such as scanners, optical readers etc. Optical input/output units, such as scanners, optical readers etc. Optical input/output units, such as scanners, optical readers etc. Packing and sealing articles of plastics Paints and varnishes (including enamels and lacquers) and related products Paper of paperboard n.e.c., for printing or other graphic purpose Paper of paperboard n.e.c., for printing or other graphic purpose Paper of paperboard n.e.c., for printing or other graphic purpose Pc software, general Pc software, general Pc software, general Pc software, general Photographic and cinematographic equipment Photographic and cinematographic equipment Photographic and cinematographic equipment Photographic and cinematographic equipment Plastic articles n.e.c. Postage, revenue or similar stamps, unused Printing and bookbinding equipment Printing and plotting devices for edp equipment Processing units for edp and accessories and parts thereof Processing units for edp, other Processing units for edp, other Protection devices for edp equipment Pumps, compressors, valves, etc., parts thereof Pumps, water Radio broadcast and television receivers Radio broadcast and television receivers Radio broadcast and television receivers Radio broadcast and television receivers Radio broadcast and television receivers Radio broadcast and television receivers Radio broadcast and television receivers Radio or television transmission apparatus; television cameras Radio or television transmission apparatus; television cameras Radio or television transmission apparatus; television cameras Radio or television transmission apparatus; television cameras Radio or television transmission apparatus; television cameras Radio or television transmission apparatus; television cameras Radio-broadcasting, reception apparatus, parts and accessories thereof Recording and reproducing apparatus, for sound and video Recording and reproducing apparatus, for sound and video Registers, account books, note books, order books etc. Sacks and bags, of a kind used for the packing of goods Sacks and bags, of a kind used for the packing of goods 44,334.64 123,193.89 32,433.00 99,987.00 114,174.36 60,600.00 30,596.04 95,940.00 170,824.80 1,001,705.80 265,967.41 41,000.00 105,000.00 47,142.00 41,122.88 31,547.28 229,049.74 68,446.30 59,014.71 55,885.00 74,932.00 40,000.00 36,975.00 45,908.00 100,000.00 243,315.96 87,760.00 219,214.40 58,324.18 76,705.00 2,419,060.69 999,725.92 169,860.56 160,715.51 94,940.00 52,628.75 31,653.70 290,410.02 281,697.31 166,558.20 109,954.00 40,800.00 33,690.00 308,155.00 99,495.00 89,628.60 82,622.00 155,800.00 136,650.00 Safety equipment Safety equipment Sands Sands Satellite communication systems Satellite communication systems Satellite communication systems Satellite communication systems Satellite communication systems Satellite communication systems Satellite communication systems Satellite communication systems Satellite communication systems Seats and chairs Security equipment and supplies n.e.c. Security equipment, special purpose Security equipment, special purpose Security printing, finished articles Soap and cleaning preparations Soap and cleaning preparations Software application packages Software application packages Software application packages Software application packages Software application packages Software application packages Software application packages Software application packages Software application packages Software application packages Software application packages Software application packages 522,056.07 78,814.00 198,574.22 78,606.50 638,869.00 440,560.00 109,562.00 85,590.00 81,974.55 40,530.00 39,738.00 34,325.00 30,954.00 215,448.00 35,822.24 223,003.00 44,810.00 49,842.54 83,500.00 47,617.99 1,258,280.28 311,500.00 141,361.98 140,680.00 132,690.00 112,182.00 74,836.00 74,690.00 73,288.80 73,128.40 45,989.51 45,000.00 37,158.00 Major Orders for Goods Placed by Agency During 2011 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of Supplier United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America Western Sahara UNRWA BELGIUM BELGIUM BELGIUM China China China China China China CYPRUS CYPRUS CYPRUS CYPRUS CYPRUS CYPRUS CYPRUS CYPRUS CYPRUS CYPRUS CYPRUS CYPRUS CYPRUS DENMARK DENMARK GERMANY Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Israel Israel Israel Israel Name of Supplier PLANSON INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION MOTOROLA INC PLANSON INTERNATIONAL CORP. MPEX INC IBM CORPORATION MICROSOFT CORPORATION EMC CORPORATION VMWARE, INC. IBM CORPORATION LENOVO, INC. I2 INC CISCO SYSTEMS, INC. LAWSON SOFTWARE AMERICAS INC. DINI COMMUNICATIONS INC. GIMCO OFFICE DEPOT BUSINESS SERVICES DIV EMC CORPORATION KUEHNE & NAGEL INC. GIMCO PLANSON INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION CISCO SYSTEMS, INC. TRIGYN TECHNOLOGIES INC VOCALITY INC. EDART GLOBAL TRADE INTERNATIONAL, MOTOROLA INC. VOCALITY INC. CISCO SYSTEMS INC. CISCO SYSTEMS GLOBECOMM SYSTEMS INC. AASTRA TELECOM SWEDEN AB CISCO SYSTEMS, INC AVIAT US INC. PITNEY BOWES LA CRESTA COMMUNICATION INC. MOTOROLA;INC. AVIAT U.S. INC. * AASTRA TELECOM SWEDEN AB MOTOROLA INC TRIGYN TECHNOLOGIES INC. MOTOROLA INC. GLOBECOMM SYSTEMS INC. STANLEY SUPPLY AND SERVICES AVIAT U.S ND SATCOM INC. MOTOROLA ALLIED GLOBAL, INC. TCS SUPPLY CO. CHEAP-TEL, INC. MOTOROLA INC.. CISCO SYSTEMS LA CRESTA COMMUNICATIONS INC. AASTRA TELECOM SWEDEN AB GENERAL DYNAMICS GIMCO LENOVO, INC. AASTRA TELECOM SWEDEN AB AASTRA TELECOM SWEDEN AB MOTOROLA INC CISCO SYSTEMS INC. PLANSON INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION GIMCO MPEX INC AASTRA TELECOM SWEDEN AB LA CRESTA COMMUNICATIONS INC. ALSTOM POWER RENTALS LLC GLOBECOMM SYSTEMS INC. CISCO SYSTEMS INC. ND SATCOM, INC. CISCO SYSTEMS;INC. CISCO SYSTEMS, INC. TCS SUPPLY CO. INTERNATIONAL VIDEO-CONFERENCING INC LENOVO INC. RODEN INDUSTRIES INC. AMERIKOR SALES & HANWHA CORPORATION I & E TIRE CORPORATION MAY AVENUE FORD LLC GABRIELLI TRUCK SALES, LTD. DAVIS AND WARSHOW ALLIED GLOBAL, INC. ASTROPHYSICS INC. JAMAL AHMED BEN M'BAREK OU JAMAA Description of Goods Software application packages Software licences Software licences Software licences Software licences Software, computer, including manuals Software, computer, including manuals Software, computer, including manuals Software, computer, including manuals Software, computer, including manuals Software, computer, including manuals Software, computer, including manuals Software, computer, including manuals Software, computer, including manuals Soldering, brazing or welding machinery and apparatus Stationery articles n.e.c. Storage unit accessories Structural components, prefabricated, of cement or concrete Structural components, prefabricated, of cement or concrete Super-computers Telecommunication equipment Telecommunication equipment Telecommunication equipment Telecommunication equipment Telecommunication equipment, other Telecommunication equipment, other Telecommunication equipment, other Telecommunication equipment, other Telecommunication equipment, other Telecommunication equipment, other Telecommunication equipment, other Telecommunication equipment, other Telecommunication equipment, other Telecommunication equipment, other Telecommunication equipment, other Telecommunication equipment, other Telecommunication equipment, parts and accessories thereof Telecommunication equipment, parts and accessories thereof Telecommunication equipment, parts and accessories thereof Telecommunication equipment, parts and accessories thereof Telecommunication equipment, parts and accessories thereof Telecommunication equipment, parts and accessories thereof Telecommunication equipment, parts and accessories thereof Telecommunication equipment, parts and accessories thereof Telecommunication equipment, parts and accessories thereof Telecommunication equipment, parts and accessories thereof Telecommunication equipment, parts and accessories thereof Telecommunication equipment, parts and accessories thereof Telecommunication equipment, parts and accessories thereof Telecommunication equipment, parts and accessories thereof Telecommunication equipment, parts and accessories thereof Telecommunication equipment, parts and accessories thereof Telecommunication equipment, parts and accessories thereof Telecommunication equipment, parts and accessories thereof Telecommunication equipment, parts and accessories thereof Telephone equipment Telephone equipment Telephone equipment Telephone equipment Telephone equipment Telephone equipment Telephone equipment Telephonic apparatus, other Timber, hard Transformers, electrical Transmitting and communicating equipment for edp, eg. modems, pc servers etc. Transmitting and communicating equipment for edp, eg. modems, pc servers etc. Transmitting and communicating equipment for edp, eg. modems, pc servers etc. Transmitting and communicating equipment for edp, eg. modems, pc servers etc. Transmitting and communicating equipment for edp, eg. modems, pc servers etc. Transmitting and communicating equipment for edp, eg. modems, pc servers etc. Transmitting and communicating equipment for edp, eg. modems, pc servers etc. Transmitting and communicating equipment for edp, eg. modems, pc servers etc. Tyres, pneumatic new, inner tubes, solid or cushion tyres, etc. Tyres, pneumatic new, inner tubes, solid or cushion tyres, etc. Tyres, pneumatic new, inner tubes, solid or cushion tyres, etc. Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Water pipe fittings and accessories Waters, not sweetened X-ray or alpha, beta or gamma radiation apparatus, medical and surgical Waters, not sweetened Rhenus Logistics nv Rhenus Logistics nv Rhenus Logistics nv Top Sources Trading Limited Top Sources Trading Limited Top Sources Trading Limited Shandong Medicines & Health Products IMP. & EXP. Corporation Top Sources Trading Limited Top Sources Trading Limited Remedica Ltd. Remedica Ltd. Remedica Ltd. Remedica Ltd. Remedica Ltd. Remedica Ltd. Remedica Ltd. Remedica Ltd. Remedica Ltd. Remedica Ltd. Remedica Ltd. Remedica Ltd. Remedica Ltd. Buk-Auto Ltd. Buk-Auto Ltd. F. Undutsch Gmbh Human Ges. Biochemica & Diagnostica Human Ges. Biochemica & Diagnostica F. Undutsch Gmbh Henke-Sass, Wolf GmbH, Kronenstrass Henke-Sass, Wolf GmbH, Kronenstrass Henke-Sass, Wolf GmbH, Kronenstrass Paz Oil Co. Dor Alon Energy (1988)Ltd. Paz Oil Co. Paz Oil Co. Sugar Sugar Sugar Office Stationery & Scho. Major Equipment & Furniture Major Equipment & Furniture Pharmaceutical and Hospital Sundries Sports Clothing Sports Clothing Drugs and Chemicals Drugs and Chemicals Drugs and Chemicals Drugs and Chemicals Drugs and Chemicals Drugs and Chemicals Drugs and Chemicals Drugs and Chemicals Drugs and Chemicals Drugs and Chemicals Drugs and Chemicals Mental Supplies Mental Supplies Transport Equipment Transport Equipment Laboratory Supplies & Chemicals Laboratory Supplies & Chemicals Laboratory Supplies & Chemicals Laboratory Supplies & Chemicals Pharmaceutical and Hospital Sundries Pharmaceutical and Hospital Sundries Pharmaceutical and Hospital Sundries Lubricants Lubricants Benzene Benzene 204 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO Value USD 35,800.00 156,511.00 69,955.00 40,700.00 34,850.00 1,032,783.29 644,897.00 376,432.80 94,140.00 58,050.00 47,437.00 44,544.00 37,315.07 31,080.00 81,144.00 2,047,917.46 1,170,546.00 190,598.29 35,894.11 47,221.44 151,898.24 126,000.00 51,217.11 50,490.00 2,123,636.28 166,035.41 134,379.04 125,900.60 118,966.00 118,960.40 96,313.10 71,773.98 70,949.67 44,378.00 38,079.85 30,390.48 2,109,418.59 500,576.68 288,480.00 225,875.03 197,698.00 179,431.76 154,463.00 139,860.00 138,391.60 121,555.00 76,280.00 66,241.50 60,654.15 54,048.90 49,945.00 48,562.18 48,049.00 47,198.75 45,000.00 1,182,255.84 588,638.81 420,699.95 276,542.30 80,174.00 60,875.00 30,713.00 614,444.73 35,329.00 2,295,310.00 765,065.00 535,978.00 437,790.00 396,816.00 55,877.00 45,275.00 40,648.00 38,300.00 408,074.00 120,343.64 68,295.00 106,579.00 33,100.00 50,000.00 52,500.00 435,194.84 68,718.43 615,502.00 346,494.00 61,146.00 51,264.14 608,236.00 199,740.00 31,780.20 640,090.71 225,000.00 589,772.48 505,075.20 413,105.52 372,749.97 178,802.45 98,250.33 40,607.39 37,506.05 37,346.67 34,479.56 31,043.96 58,984.15 38,148.55 121,600.00 117,322.00 63,154.85 47,476.70 34,377.57 30,064.39 266,218.67 175,305.93 43,724.17 38,063.74 35,200.00 32,375.30 32,172.83 Major Orders for Goods Placed by Agency During 2011 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of Supplier UNRWA Continued Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Name of Supplier Description of Goods Paz Oil Co. Paz Oil Co. Paz Oil Co. Paz Oil Co. Paz Oil Co. Paz Oil Co. Paz Oil Co. Paz Oil Co. Paz Oil Co. Paz Oil Co. Paz Oil Co. Paz Oil Co. Paz Oil Co. Paz Oil Co. Paz Oil Co. Paz Oil Co. Computer Media Center Ltd. (CMC) Computer Media Center Ltd. (CMC) Computer Media Center Ltd. (CMC) Computer Media Center Ltd. (CMC) Computer Media Center Ltd. (CMC) Computer Media Center Ltd. (CMC) Computer Media Center Ltd. (CMC) Computer Media Center Ltd. (CMC) Mayotex Ltd E-Drive Technology Ltd Union Motors Ltd. David Czapnik and Sons Ltd Fiat Group Automobiles SPA Fiat Group Automobiles SPA Kartell Altay Sientific SPA Fiat Group Automobiles SPA Fiat Group Automobiles SPA Fiat Group Automobiles SPA Fiat Group Automobiles SPA Fiat Group Automobiles SPA Fiat Group Automobiles SPA Fiat Group Automobiles SPA Fiat Group Automobiles SPA e-Tech System Specialized Technical Services (STS) Specialized Technical Services (STS) Jordan Chalk Manufacturing Co. Middle East Pharm. & Chem. Indust. Jordan Petroleum Refinery Co. Jordan Petroleum Refinery Co. Golden Star Factory For Plastic Specialized Technical Services (STS) Khoury Dental Novo-Nordisk A/S Novo-Nordisk A/S Novo-Nordisk A/S Novo-Nordisk A/S Novo-Nordisk A/S Novo-Nordisk A/S United Pharmaceutical Mfg. Co. Ltd. United Pharmaceutical Mfg. Co. Ltd. Novo-Nordisk A/S Novo-Nordisk A/S Novo-Nordisk A/S United Pharmaceutical Mfg. Co. Ltd. United Pharmaceutical Mfg. Co. Ltd. Novo-Nordisk A/S United Pharmaceutical Mfg. Co. Ltd. Novo-Nordisk A/S United Pharmaceutical Mfg. Co. Ltd. Ibn-Rushd Drug Store Al-Wafi Group for Marketing& Int'l Trade Prime Medical & Scientific Supplies Co. Amman Pharmaceutical Industries Co. WLL Amman Pharmaceutical Industries Co. WLL Amman Pharmaceutical Industries Co. WLL Omnitrade - Ch.R & M. BRAWISH FOR A/C TECHNOLOGY CO. Hassouneh Carpentry Shayboob Company First Advanced Trading Co. Rasheed's Plastic Company Shayboob Company Shayboob Company Ministry of Education Majdalawi Masterpieces Specialized Technical Services (STS) Specialized Technical Services (STS) Information Technology & Automation Co. Shayboob Company Shayboob Company Specialized Technical Services (STS) UNITY Trading Est. Mediterranean Oil Shipping&Tran. Co Mediterranean Oil Shipping&Tran. Co Mediterranean Oil Shipping&Tran. Co Mediterranean Oil Shipping&Tran. Co Mediterranean Oil Shipping&Tran. Co Mediterranean Oil Shipping&Tran. Co Mediterranean Oil Shipping&Tran. Co Mediterranean Oil Shipping&Tran. Co Mediterranean Oil Shipping&Tran. Co Mediterranean Oil Shipping&Tran. Co Mediterranean Oil Shipping&Tran. Co Mediterranean Oil Shipping&Tran. Co Mediterranean Oil Shipping&Tran. Co Mediterranean Oil Shipping&Tran. Co Mediterranean Oil Shipping&Tran. Co Mediterranean Oil Shipping&Tran. Co Mediterranean Oil Shipping&Tran. Co Fairco International Fairco International Fairco International Mediterranean Oil Shipping&Tran. Co Mobitel Amine Aour Middle East Foods S.A.L. Amine Aour Middle East Foods S.A.L. Future Golden Jamal Toufic Ali Serhal Est. Future Golden Jamal Hanilor s.a.l. Hanilor s.a.l. Zein J. Harb & Partners S.A.L. Benzene Gas Oil Gas Oil Gas Oil Gas Oil Gas Oil Gas Oil Gas Oil Gas Oil Gas Oil Gas Oil Gas Oil Gas Oil Gas Oil Gas Oil Gas Oil Stand-alone Computer HW <$500 Stand-alone Computer HW <$500 Stand-alone Computer HW <$500 Stand-alone Computer HW <$500 Stand-alone Computer HW <$500 Stand-alone Computer HW <$500 Stand-alone Computer HW <$500 Stand-alone Computer HW <$500 Transport Equipment Transport Equipment Transport Equipment Transport Equipment Spare Parts & Accessories Automotive Spare Parts & Accessories Laboratory Supplies & Chemicals Major Equipment & Furniture Transport Equipment Transport Equipment Transport Equipment Transport Equipment Transport Equipment Transport Equipment Transport Equipment Transport Equipment Computer Software Computer Software Computer Software Office Stationery & Scho. Antibiotics Benzene Benzene Cleaning Supplies Computer Hardware Equipment Dental Supplies Drugs and Chemicals Drugs and Chemicals Drugs and Chemicals Drugs and Chemicals Drugs and Chemicals Drugs and Chemicals Drugs and Chemicals Drugs and Chemicals Drugs and Chemicals Drugs and Chemicals Drugs and Chemicals Drugs and Chemicals Drugs and Chemicals Drugs and Chemicals Drugs and Chemicals Drugs and Chemicals Drugs and Chemicals Major Equipment & Furniture Major Equipment & Furniture Major Equipment & Furniture Medical Supplies Medical Supplies Medical Supplies Mental Supplies Minor Equipment & Furniture Minor Equipment & Furniture Oils & Fats Oils & Fats Printed Forms Pulses Rice School Textbooks School Textbooks Stand-alone Computer HW <$500 Stand-alone Computer HW <$500 Stand-alone Computer HW <$500 Sugar Sugar Sundry Supplies Transport Equipment Benzene Benzene Benzene Benzene Benzene Benzene Gas Oil Gas Oil Gas Oil Gas Oil Gas Oil Gas Oil Gas Oil Gas Oil Gas Oil Gas Oil Gas Oil Office Stationery & Scho. Office Stationery & Scho. Office Stationery & Scho. Benzene Computer Hardware Equipment Food Package Food Package Food Package Food Package Food Package Food Package Food Package Food Package 205 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO Value USD 30,415.41 212,367.74 210,914.16 155,056.60 128,398.32 127,943.53 123,918.25 109,912.33 101,286.92 100,648.58 99,759.91 99,254.06 98,143.25 96,799.07 94,382.30 94,375.07 100,562.00 81,796.00 43,472.00 43,472.00 42,750.00 35,700.00 34,880.00 30,780.00 216,200.00 153,976.40 73,481.48 65,193.37 52,610.05 46,985.68 58,665.91 123,418.96 161,918.26 93,816.69 81,706.67 77,497.78 41,847.89 32,648.57 31,272.23 30,480.00 116,281.00 81,108.49 32,395.70 40,567.09 89,940.00 50,974.58 50,974.58 36,503.88 62,797.00 39,060.17 807,293.23 636,077.29 494,262.20 478,180.73 287,409.51 188,220.43 156,767.52 141,994.00 129,704.72 110,284.68 98,795.38 96,170.77 50,120.00 49,370.87 40,865.96 37,190.00 33,202.00 41,542.37 37,200.00 33,100.00 238,372.30 86,046.53 63,614.70 42,598.77 43,050.85 37,769.77 50,423.73 42,998.87 66,083.33 47,607.01 167,627.12 61,848.45 38,520.00 77,030.00 41,870.00 34,025.42 325,536.72 82,750.71 85,049.00 66,384.18 62,612.48 62,263.59 55,193.66 38,606.20 33,877.22 32,052.25 68,476.83 48,929.54 47,372.00 42,817.00 42,596.00 41,656.69 38,720.00 37,326.99 37,111.83 37,095.56 31,729.40 59,877.70 44,443.78 33,828.42 30,698.45 32,348.00 228,472.40 182,407.50 107,423.64 62,730.36 58,288.50 56,025.00 56,025.00 51,953.40 Major Orders for Goods Placed by Agency During 2011 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of Supplier UNRWA Continued Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Name of Supplier Description of Goods M. M Sinno & Sons M. M Sinno & Sons M. M Sinno & Sons Amine Aour Middle East Foods S.A.L. Amine Aour Middle East Foods S.A.L. Bitar International s.a.l. Khalil Fattal & Fils BMB Amine Aour Middle East Foods S.A.L. Amine Aour Middle East Foods S.A.L. ETS. George Hawa Agriculture-commerce DIAPAPER SAL. Amine Aour Middle East Foods S.A.L. Amine Aour Middle East Foods S.A.L. Amine Aour Middle East Foods S.A.L. Amine Aour Middle East Foods S.A.L. Amine Aour Middle East Foods S.A.L. Amine Aour Middle East Foods S.A.L. Amine Aour Middle East Foods S.A.L. Zein J. Harb & Partners S.A.L. Zein J. Harb & Partners S.A.L. Educational Co. for Printing, Publishing and Distribution M. M Sinno & Sons Educational Co. for Printing, Publishing and Distribution Ali Saleh Est. Golden Vision Abo Riad Co. For Trade City Plast Nippon Motors Corporation Sal Amstelfarma B.V Amstelfarma B.V Hoogwegt Int. BV Hoogwegt Int. BV Hoogwegt Int. BV Hoogwegt Int. BV Hoogwegt Int. BV Hoogwegt Int. BV Hoogwegt Int. BV Hoogwegt Int. BV Hoogwegt Int. BV Hoogwegt Int. BV Hoogwegt Int. BV Hoogwegt Int. BV Hoogwegt Int. BV Hoogwegt Int. BV Hoogwegt Int. BV Hoogwegt Int. BV Hoogwegt Int. BV Hoogwegt Int. BV Hoogwegt Int. BV Hoogwegt Int. BV Hoogwegt Int. BV Hoogwegt Int. BV Hoogwegt Int. BV Limako Suiker BV Limako Suiker BV Limako Suiker BV Limako Suiker BV Limako Suiker BV Limako Suiker BV Limako Suiker BV Limako Suiker BV Limako Suiker BV Limako Suiker BV Limako Suiker BV Limako Suiker BV Al-Jala' Pharmaceutical Co. Leader for General Trading Co. Mohammad Said El-Rifi Pharmacare PLC Hirbawi Investment & Int.Trade Co. Worldnet Co. for Computers Networks Hard Rock Co. Gen.Trad. Const. Rafiq El-Saka & Sons Co For General Brothers For Trading and Computers Sport King Al-Jala' Pharmaceutical Co. Birzet Pharmaceuticals Co. Abu Mari Co. for industry & general Trad Mussa Hemaid Sons Co. Ltd. Al-Nasher Technical Services Est. Badawi Information Systems Jamal Sons Telecom Computer System Palestinian Commercial Services Co. Eibal Dent (Tool & Lab) German Medical Care El-Salam Mills Co. Abu Ghali General Trading Co. El-Salam Mills Co. El-Eman Mills Company El-Salam Mills Co. El-Eman Mills Company Sakher Factory for Food Stuff Abu Ghali General Trading Co. El-Salam Mills Co. Sakher Factory for Food Stuff Gaza Biggest Flour Mills Co. Gaza Biggest Flour Mills Co. Gaza Biggest Flour Mills Co. Sakher Factory for Food Stuff El-Eman Mills Company El-Salam Mills Co. El-Salam Mills Co. Sakher Factory for Food Stuff Abu Ghali General Trading Co. Abu Mari Co. for industry & general Trad Leader for General Trading Co. Bahloul & Salah Co. for Petrol Bahloul & Salah Co. for Petrol Bahloul & Salah Co. for Petrol Bahloul & Salah Co. for Petrol Bahloul & Salah Co. for Petrol Bahloul & Salah Co. for Petrol Bahloul & Salah Co. for Petrol Bahloul & Salah Co. for Petrol Bahloul & Salah Co. for Petrol Bahloul & Salah Co. for Petrol Bahloul & Salah Co. for Petrol Bahloul & Salah Co. for Petrol Intermed Co. Food Package Food Package Food Package Food Package Food Package Food Package Major Equipment & Furniture Major Telecommunication Equipment >$1000 Milk Powder Milk Powder Minor Equipment & Furniture Office Stationery & Scholastic Supplies Oils & Fats Oils & Fats Oils & Fats Oils & Fats Oils & Fats Oils & Fats Oils & Fats Rice Rice School Textbooks Sugar Sundry Supplies Sundry Supplies Sundry Supplies Sundry Supplies Sundry Supplies Transport Equipment Medical Supplies Medical Supplies Milk Powder Milk Powder Milk Powder Milk Powder Milk Powder Milk Powder Milk Powder Milk Powder Milk Powder Milk Powder Milk Powder Milk Powder Milk Powder Milk Powder Milk Powder Milk Powder Milk Powder Milk Powder Milk Powder Milk Powder Milk Powder Milk Powder Milk Powder Sugar Sugar Sugar Sugar Sugar Sugar Sugar Sugar Sugar Sugar Sugar Sugar Antibiotics Bread Bread Medical Supplies Office Stationery & Scho. Office Stationery & Scho. Office Stationery & Scho. Office Stationery & Scho. Protective Clothes Recreational Supplies Antibiotics Antibiotics Canned Meat. Canned Meat. Computer Hardware Equipment Computer Hardware Equipment Computer Hardware Equipment Construction Material Dental Supplies Dental Supplies Flour Flour Flour Flour Flour Flour Flour Flour Flour Flour Flour Flour Flour Flour Flour Flour Flour Flour Flour Food Package Food Package Fuel Fuel Fuel Fuel Fuel Fuel Fuel Fuel Fuel Fuel Fuel Fuel Laboratory Supplies & Chemicals 206 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO Value USD 48,129.00 40,965.00 40,965.00 38,715.50 38,713.75 30,020.64 62,000.00 34,068.90 836,542.08 299,497.28 81,136.00 62,791.06 867,600.99 192,130.11 158,304.00 126,675.00 121,481.96 82,450.00 48,940.20 56,742.00 37,523.05 96,923.09 91,267.50 132,194.67 81,552.00 38,500.00 36,328.59 34,546.00 60,400.00 96,423.46 42,394.85 2,892,307.68 2,684,307.68 1,842,768.39 965,045.99 953,460.49 770,060.08 702,957.71 604,741.14 598,855.59 566,266.09 482,523.00 378,515.69 330,025.75 299,427.79 275,156.89 223,720.80 220,017.17 115,261.80 113,716.74 110,472.10 96,504.60 48,252.30 48,252.30 897,023.00 672,735.00 598,560.00 315,448.00 236,070.00 197,800.00 112,574.00 111,370.00 79,980.00 78,002.00 78,002.00 62,952.00 99,990.00 69,531.67 37,089.08 43,362.00 1,412,232.24 131,415.00 93,713.33 79,040.00 43,140.00 33,890.00 82,086.80 59,471.10 1,274,540.83 440,725.03 44,799.64 36,120.00 32,030.00 39,561.83 35,339.31 63,839.74 3,900,600.00 3,008,005.50 2,618,412.00 2,459,396.53 1,235,959.20 853,561.50 681,556.93 675,546.00 558,636.98 483,765.60 414,907.68 410,182.08 396,005.28 380,474.73 342,337.50 342,337.50 205,861.50 169,619.46 69,204.00 535,937.60 465,725.05 77,040.46 75,171.56 73,779.50 71,395.58 70,983.28 69,957.37 59,457.73 59,255.46 58,466.81 58,466.76 49,904.89 39,061.41 51,306.00 Major Orders for Goods Placed by Agency During 2011 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of Supplier UNRWA Continued Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Name of Supplier Description of Goods Al Haj Ibrahim El Yazji and Sons Company Al Haj Ibrahim El Yazji and Sons Company Palestinian Tractor & Equipment Co. Eng. Mostafa Mourtaga & Sons Co. Intermed Co. Qaraman Office Automation Co. Ltd., A/Fattah Hasan Safi & Sons Company El-Mughrabi & Partiners Co. Sport King Qaraman Office Automation Co. Ltd., A/Fattah Hasan Safi & Sons Company Al Safi for Trade & Investment Ltd. Eng. Mostafa Mourtaga & Sons Co. Al-Raid for Medical Equipment Co. Intermed Co. Adeeb El-Gherbawi Co. for General Trade Eng. Mostafa Mourtaga & Sons Co. German Medical Care German Medical Care Medical Supplies & Services Co. Ltd. Advanced-Tech Co. Labtech for Advanced Solutions. Zant Co. for Medical Supplies & Lab Zant Co. for Medical Supplies & Lab Al-Mashreq Trading Company Ltd. Sultan Co. Photo & Lab. Lemix Qaraman Office Automation Co. Ltd., Network Medical systems Company Intermed Co. Network Medical systems Company Qaraman Office Automation Co. Ltd., Al-Raid for Medical Equipment Co. EL-QUBTI ELECTRONIC Hassouneh for Building Materials Al-Jazeera for Medical Supplies & Cosm. Medical Supplies & Services Co. Ltd. NABLUS MEDICAL APPLIANCES CO.LTD NABLUS MEDICAL APPLIANCES CO.LTD Al-Jazeera for Medical Supplies & Cosm. MIRKAZ AL-RAM Nablus Medical Appliances Co. Ltd Al-Jazeera for Medical Supplies & Cosm. Modern Industrial Group Zakout for Metal Works Esmael Alawa & Sons. Co. Technical Workshop for Office & G.T Modern Industrial Group Zakout for Metal Works A/Fattah Hasan Safi & Sons Company Medical Supplies & Services Co. Ltd. Modern Industrial Group El-Wadi Economical Establishment Dajani Company El-Wadi Economical Establishment Network Medical systems Company A/Fattah Hasan Safi & Sons Company Ma'ayeh Manufacturing Co. El-Wadi Economical Establishment Modern Cooling House Air Condition AL-Dajani National Company. Scientific Supplies Centre Rafiq El-Saka & Sons Co For General Abu Mari Co. for industry & general Trad Abu Mari Co. for industry & general Trad Sakher Factory for Food Stuff Arab Medical Instruments & Equip (AMIE) NABLUS MEDICAL APPLIANCES CO.LTD Abu Mari Co. for industry & general Trad Omar Mahmoud Romia and Brothers Co. Abu Mari Co. for industry & general Trad Mahmoud Hassan Radwan Abu Mari Co. for industry & general Trad Khudair Bros. Co. Ltd. Leader for General Trading Co. Muian Hamdouna for General Trading AI-Jebrini Co. for Dairy & Food Industri Diab Ibraheem El Balawi Al-Juneidi Dairy & Food Products Co. Yousef Khalil Zumlot & Partner Co. for General Trade Zehour El-Rabea' Co. Mansour Bookshop & Press Dar El-Arqam Bookshop Abu Mari Co. for industry & general Trad Mansour Bookshop & Press Mansour Bookshop & Press Mansour Bookshop & Press Nabeel Husain Hamad Company Abu Mari Co. for industry & general Trad Zalmout Distribution Co. Ltd. Zalmout Distribution Co. Ltd. Abu Mari Co. for industry & general Trad Ministry of Education (Gaza) Parakouni Print Shop Mansour Bookshop & Press Mansour Bookshop & Press Ministry of Education (Gaza) Mansour Bookshop & Press Ministry of Education (Ramallah) Parakouni Print Shop National Co. for Textile Industries Sport King Jerusalem Information Technology Jerusalem Information Technology Jamal Sons Telecom Computer System Jerusalem Information Technology Jerusalem Information Technology Brothers For Trading and Computers Abu Mari Co. for industry & general Trad Abu Mari Co. for industry & general Trad Sakher Factory for Food Stuff Sakher Factory for Food Stuff Abu Mari Co. for industry & general Trad Zalmout Distribution Co. Ltd. Zalmout Distribution Co. Ltd. Up to Date Plastics Co. (ELASRYA) Mohammed Nabil ALmaziny Co. General Sports World Al Mashharawi for Indust. & Trading Up to Date Plastics Co. (ELASRYA) Library and Textbooks Library and Textbooks Major Equipment & Furniture Major Equipment & Furniture Major Equipment & Furniture Major Equipment & Furniture Major Equipment & Furniture Major Equipment & Furniture Major Equipment & Furniture Major Equipment & Furniture Major Equipment & Furniture Major Equipment & Furniture Major Equipment & Furniture Major Equipment & Furniture Major Equipment & Furniture Major Equipment & Furniture Major Equipment & Furniture Major Equipment & Furniture Major Equipment & Furniture Major Equipment & Furniture Major Equipment & Furniture Major Equipment & Furniture Major Equipment & Furniture Major Equipment & Furniture Major Equipment & Furniture Major Equipment & Furniture Major Equipment & Furniture Major Equipment & Furniture Major Equipment & Furniture Major Equipment & Furniture Major Equipment & Furniture Major Equipment & Furniture Major Equipment & Furniture Major Equipment & Furniture Major Equipment & Furniture Medical Supplies Medical Supplies Medical Supplies Medical Supplies Medical Supplies Medical Supplies Medical Supplies Medical Supplies Minor Equipment & Furniture Minor Equipment & Furniture Minor Equipment & Furniture Minor Equipment & Furniture Minor Equipment & Furniture Minor Equipment & Furniture Minor Equipment & Furniture Minor Equipment & Furniture Minor Equipment & Furniture Minor Equipment & Furniture Minor Equipment & Furniture Minor Equipment & Furniture Minor Equipment & Furniture Minor Equipment & Furniture Minor Equipment & Furniture Minor Equipment & Furniture Minor Equipment & Furniture Minor Equipment & Furniture Office Stationery & Scholastic Supplies Office Stationery & Scholastic Supplies Oils & Fats Oils & Fats Oils & Fats Pharmaceutical and Hospital Sundries Pharmaceutical and Hospital Sundries Printed Forms Printed Forms Printed Forms Printed Forms Printed Forms Printed Forms Printed Forms Printed Forms Printed Forms Printed Forms Printed Forms Printed Forms Printed Forms Printed Forms Printed Forms Printed Forms Printed Forms Printed Forms Printed Forms Printed Forms Rice Rice Rice Rice School Textbooks School Textbooks School Textbooks School Textbooks School Textbooks School Textbooks School Textbooks School Textbooks Sports Clothing Sports Clothing Stand-alone Computer HW <$500 Stand-alone Computer HW <$500 Stand-alone Computer HW <$500 Stand-alone Computer HW <$500 Stand-alone Computer HW <$500 Stand-alone Computer HW <$500 Sugar Sugar Sugar Sugar Sugar Sugar Sugar Sundry Supplies Sundry Supplies Sundry Supplies Sundry Supplies Sundry Supplies 207 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO Value USD 51,792.50 35,706.00 336,000.00 328,800.00 210,000.00 185,600.00 181,645.52 180,000.00 180,000.00 173,604.00 149,180.00 137,000.00 134,000.00 129,600.00 86,800.00 85,000.00 69,300.00 69,000.00 69,000.00 54,600.00 53,820.00 51,321.00 45,725.00 44,000.00 42,624.00 40,722.27 39,650.00 39,600.00 39,477.00 39,400.00 36,167.00 34,250.00 32,400.00 31,600.00 31,220.00 85,428.57 63,480.80 60,762.71 52,648.08 49,978.99 41,777.78 38,735.45 30,222.22 385,296.60 337,685.20 142,975.00 101,785.00 96,523.00 60,860.00 59,784.00 59,488.00 57,460.00 43,049.50 40,494.22 40,179.53 38,140.00 36,400.00 35,379.96 33,265.41 33,060.00 31,891.00 62,365.31 52,269.76 349,143.71 199,997.60 176,347.21 95,658.64 57,477.00 1,713,890.00 817,268.89 689,960.00 461,321.22 379,989.21 372,616.50 370,906.31 350,000.00 343,007.08 340,541.03 313,133.81 295,344.35 190,433.85 169,479.80 160,342.12 158,717.77 115,207.40 90,552.93 88,971.75 60,473.85 816,140.00 121,600.00 91,200.00 46,117.50 98,616.24 89,204.30 81,507.00 80,852.00 59,733.05 50,109.05 47,733.45 33,018.49 448,609.35 30,260.00 274,793.00 108,045.00 80,905.00 40,740.00 37,047.00 30,780.00 198,875.00 168,000.00 92,396.25 92,396.25 67,987.50 54,180.00 36,120.00 94,990.25 91,796.25 88,122.00 75,600.00 72,197.00 Major Orders for Goods Placed by Agency During 2011 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of Supplier UNRWA Continued Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Occupied Palestinian territory Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Syrian Arab Republic Syrian Arab Republic Syrian Arab Republic Syrian Arab Republic Syrian Arab Republic Syrian Arab Republic Syrian Arab Republic Syrian Arab Republic Syrian Arab Republic Syrian Arab Republic Syrian Arab Republic Syrian Arab Republic Syrian Arab Republic Syrian Arab Republic Syrian Arab Republic Syrian Arab Republic Syrian Arab Republic Syrian Arab Republic Syrian Arab Republic Syrian Arab Republic Syrian Arab Republic Syrian Arab Republic Syrian Arab Republic Syrian Arab Republic Syrian Arab Republic Syrian Arab Republic Syrian Arab Republic Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Kingdom United States of America Name of Supplier Description of Goods Mohammed Nabil ALmaziny Co. General Hard Rock Co. Gen.Trad. Const. Abu Munther Dibwani Hassouna Trade Press Ahmed Mohammed El-Laqtah Company KAKA sport Company Zeyad Shihab and his Sons Co. Arabian Co. for Meat Imports United Motor Trade Co. United Motor Trade Co. United Motor Trade Co. United Motor Trade Co. United Motor Trade Co. United Motor Trade Co. United Motor Trade Co. United Motor Trade Co. United Motor Trade Co. Meskay & Femtee Trading Company (PVT) LTD Meskay & Femtee Trading Company (PVT) LTD Meskay & Femtee Trading Company (PVT) LTD Wa'el Taher Auodeh Mohamad Sultan Al Hakim Barakat Pharmaceutical Industries Medical Bahri Co. Domina Pharmaceutical Barakat Pharmaceutical Industries Medical Bahri Co. The Arab Drug Manufacturing Company Barakat Pharmaceutical Industries The Arab Drug Manufacturing Company Medical Bahri Co. Adamco Pharma Sebaei Co. & Partners The Arab Drug Manufacturing Company Husam Mahmoud Zarzour Mohd Samir M. Salim Bani Marji Mohd Samir M. Salim Bani Marji Damascus Training Center \ SAR Mohamad Hashim Al Kotobi (Printing Unit) Mohd Bashar Al-Majzoub General Est. for Printed & Txt (GOV) General Est. for Printed & Txt (GOV) Mohammed Hisham Ziad Al Sebaei General Est. for Printed & Txt (GOV) General Est. for Printed & Txt (GOV) General Est. for Printed & Txt (GOV) General Est. for Printed & Txt (GOV) Capital Rice Co. Ltd Capital Rice Co. Ltd Capital Rice Co. Ltd Capital Rice Co. Ltd Capital Rice Co. Ltd Capital Rice Co. Ltd Doruk Marmara UN Mersin Un Sanayi Ve Ticaret Ltd.Sti Doruk Marmara UN Ulusoy Un Sanayi Ve Ticaret A.S. Doruk Marmara UN Doruk Marmara UN Mersin Un Sanayi Ve Ticaret Ltd.Sti Kucukbay Yag ve Deterjan Sanayii Kucukbay Yag ve Deterjan Sanayii Kucukbay Yag ve Deterjan Sanayii Nadir Tekstil Deri Ve Yag Kucukbay Yag ve Deterjan Sanayii Kucukbay Yag ve Deterjan Sanayii Kucukbay Yag ve Deterjan Sanayii Kucukbay Yag ve Deterjan Sanayii Kucukbay Yag ve Deterjan Sanayii Kucukbay Yag ve Deterjan Sanayii Kucukbay Yag ve Deterjan Sanayii Kucukbay Yag ve Deterjan Sanayii Kucukbay Yag ve Deterjan Sanayii Kucukbay Yag ve Deterjan Sanayii Kucukbay Yag ve Deterjan Sanayii Kucukbay Yag ve Deterjan Sanayii Kucukbay Yag ve Deterjan Sanayii Kucukbay Yag ve Deterjan Sanayii Memisoglu Tarim Tic. Memisoglu Tarim Tic. Memisoglu Tarim Tic. Bayamtas Ithalat-Ihracat A.S Memisoglu Tarim Tic. Memisoglu Tarim Tic. Memisoglu Tarim Tic. Armada Gida Tic. San. Ltd. Sti. Armada Gida Tic. San. Ltd. Sti. Armada Gida Tic. San. Ltd. Sti. Memisoglu Tarim Tic. Mersin Seker Dogal Minerlalli Armada Gida Tic. San. Ltd. Sti. Memisoglu Tarim Tic. Arbel Pulse Grain Industry Arbel Pulse Grain Industry Arbel Pulse Grain Industry National United Trading Co. National United Trading Co. Gulf Pharmaceutical Industries Gulf Pharmaceutical Industries Gulf Pharmaceutical Industries Gulf Pharmaceutical Industries Gulf Pharmaceutical Industries Gulf Pharmaceutical Industries Gulf Pharmaceutical Industries Gulf Pharmaceutical Industries GLAXO SMITHKLINE Gulf Pharmaceutical Industries Gulf Pharmaceutical Industries GLAXO SMITHKLINE GLAXO SMITHKLINE Gulf Pharmaceutical Industries GLAXO SMITHKLINE ASPEN HEALTHCARE FZ LLC ASPEN HEALTHCARE FZ LLC GLAXO SMITHKLINE ASPEN HEALTHCARE FZ LLC ASPEN HEALTHCARE FZ LLC Gulf Pharmaceutical Industries HTSPE Ltd Nubenco Enterprises, Inc Sundry Supplies Sundry Supplies Sundry Supplies Sundry Supplies Sundry Supplies Sundry Supplies Sundry Supplies Supplemental & Fresh Food Transport Equipment Transport Equipment Transport Equipment Transport Equipment Transport Equipment Transport Equipment Transport Equipment Transport Equipment Transport Equipment Rice Rice Rice Gas Oil for Heating Office Stationery & Scho. Drugs and Chemicals Drugs and Chemicals Drugs and Chemicals Drugs and Chemicals Drugs and Chemicals Drugs and Chemicals Drugs and Chemicals Drugs and Chemicals Drugs and Chemicals Drugs and Chemicals Drugs and Chemicals Drugs and Chemicals Milk Powder Minor Equipment & Furniture Minor Equipment & Furniture Minor Equipment & Furniture Office Stationery & Scholastic Supplies Rice School Textbooks School Textbooks School Textbooks School Textbooks School Textbooks School Textbooks School Textbooks Rice Rice Rice Rice Rice Rice Flour Flour Flour Flour Flour Flour Flour Oils & Fats Oils & Fats Oils & Fats Oils & Fats Oils & Fats Oils & Fats Oils & Fats Oils & Fats Oils & Fats Oils & Fats Oils & Fats Oils & Fats Oils & Fats Oils & Fats Oils & Fats Oils & Fats Oils & Fats Oils & Fats Pulses Pulses Pulses Pulses Rice Rice Rice Rice Rice Rice Rice Rice Rice Rice Sugar Sugar Sugar Canned Meat. Canned Meat. Drugs and Chemicals Drugs and Chemicals Drugs and Chemicals Drugs and Chemicals Drugs and Chemicals Drugs and Chemicals Drugs and Chemicals Drugs and Chemicals Drugs and Chemicals Drugs and Chemicals Drugs and Chemicals Drugs and Chemicals Drugs and Chemicals Drugs and Chemicals Drugs and Chemicals Drugs and Chemicals Drugs and Chemicals Drugs and Chemicals Drugs and Chemicals Drugs and Chemicals Medical Supplies Drugs and Chemicals Drugs and Chemicals 208 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO Value USD 49,610.00 49,521.00 49,442.99 47,940.00 37,581.70 34,164.76 33,625.20 344,431.04 89,850.00 89,850.00 89,850.00 62,800.00 62,800.00 43,950.00 43,950.00 43,950.00 32,350.00 187,050.00 70,305.00 59,125.00 38,873.20 31,853.49 134,820.00 90,555.00 72,400.00 66,385.00 59,190.00 58,250.00 56,638.00 52,720.00 46,180.00 41,747.20 32,820.00 31,600.00 51,856.00 93,142.40 44,780.00 30,625.27 30,161.74 41,925.00 477,426.24 336,842.36 184,755.01 92,128.82 91,897.29 45,675.11 34,324.90 472,570.00 175,526.00 108,704.00 67,510.00 54,008.00 39,732.00 3,642,311.68 1,173,581.28 600,623.76 411,823.15 305,681.88 128,708.16 115,992.00 1,775,835.00 1,751,353.20 1,250,923.50 1,164,410.88 612,889.00 530,318.40 438,340.80 399,668.40 373,860.00 264,355.20 255,430.80 219,974.40 165,825.00 109,585.20 98,640.00 93,525.30 93,465.00 75,097.50 46,053.00 39,925.50 39,924.30 32,035.00 530,620.00 464,185.00 229,620.00 200,165.00 194,360.00 194,080.50 131,580.00 111,714.00 84,280.00 77,830.00 1,183,510.50 68,434.50 40,205.00 475,426.56 345,100.00 1,459,731.43 1,142,772.77 1,007,109.60 945,315.04 583,268.23 568,463.00 284,456.00 173,257.50 120,395.63 108,776.00 91,695.50 91,177.46 73,947.96 71,087.00 58,396.30 49,765.35 45,488.10 34,982.39 33,393.50 31,539.15 58,310.00 77,002.72 118,837.00 Major Orders for Goods Placed by Agency During 2011 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of Supplier UNRWA Continued United States of America UNV Finland France Germany Germany UPU Danemark France Japan Lao People’s Democratic Republic Lesotho Pakistan Pakistan Samoa Samoa Sudan WFP Afghanistan Algeria Argentina Australia Bangladesh Belgium Benin Bhutan Bolivia (Plurinational State of) Brazil Bulgaria Burkina Faso Cambodia Cameroon Canada Chad China Colombia Congo, Republic of the Cote d'Ivoire Democratic Rep. of the Congo Denmark Ecuador Egypt El Salvador Ethiopia France Germany Ghana Guatemala Haiti Honduras India Indonesia Iran, Islamic Republic of Ireland Italy Japan Kazakhstan Kenya Kyrgyzstan Lao People’s Democratic Republic Lesotho Liberia Lithuania Madagascar Malawi Malaysia Mali Mexico Morocco Mozambique Myanmar Namibia Nepal Netherlands Nicaragua Niger Norway Occupied Palestinian territory Oman Pakistan Philippines Russian Federation Rwanda Senegal Sierra Leone South Africa South Sudan Sri Lanka Sudan Syrian Arab Republic Tajikistan Thailand Togo Tunisia Turkey Uganda Ukraine United Arab Emirates United Republic of Tanzania United States of America Uruguay Viet Nam Yemen Zambia Zimbabwe WMO China Czech Republic Finland Finland France France France France Germany Japan Kenya Kenya Switzerland Switzerland PO Value USD Name of Supplier Description of Goods Nubenco Enterprises, Inc Drugs and Chemicals 32,156.00 VIDERA OY Service Medical International (SMI) NK Networks & Service GmbH DELL COMPUTER GMBH Computer Hardware Medical Kits Computer Hardware Computer Hardware 48,525.00 87,220.00 368,766.00 221,774.00 Dan Office Sodexa Toyota Micro-Info Sha computer Honda Capital Islamabad Hinopak Motors Limited Asco Motor Motor 1 Samoa Ateek Computers, servers Vans Vans UPS, printers, scanners, routers Computers Motorcycles Trucks Vans Vans UPS, computers, printers, scanners, licenses Various suppliers Various suppliers Various suppliers Various suppliers Various suppliers Various suppliers Various suppliers Various suppliers Various suppliers Various suppliers Various suppliers Various suppliers Various suppliers Various suppliers Various suppliers Various suppliers Various suppliers Various suppliers Various suppliers Various suppliers Various suppliers Various suppliers Various suppliers Various suppliers Various suppliers Various suppliers Various suppliers Various suppliers Various suppliers Various suppliers Various suppliers Various suppliers Various suppliers Various suppliers Various suppliers Various suppliers Various suppliers Various suppliers Various suppliers Various suppliers Various suppliers Various suppliers Various suppliers Various suppliers Various suppliers Various suppliers Various suppliers Various suppliers Various suppliers Various suppliers Various suppliers Various suppliers Various suppliers Various suppliers Various suppliers Various suppliers Various suppliers Various suppliers Various suppliers Various suppliers Various suppliers Various suppliers Various suppliers Various suppliers Various suppliers Various suppliers Various suppliers Various suppliers Various suppliers Various suppliers Various suppliers Various suppliers Various suppliers Various suppliers Various suppliers Various suppliers Various suppliers Various suppliers Various suppliers Various suppliers Various suppliers Various suppliers Various suppliers Various suppliers Various suppliers Various suppliers Various suppliers Food supply Food supply Food supply Food supply Food supply Food supply Food supply Food supply Food supply Food supply Food supply Food supply Food supply Food supply Food supply Food supply Food supply Food supply Food supply Food supply Food supply Food supply Food supply Food supply Food supply Food supply Food supply Food supply Food supply Food supply Food supply Food supply Food supply Food supply Food supply Food supply Food supply Food supply Food supply Food supply Food supply Food supply Food supply Food supply Food supply Food supply Food supply Food supply Food supply Food supply Food supply Food supply Food supply Food supply Food supply Food supply Food supply Food supply Food supply Food supply Food supply Food supply Food supply Food supply Food supply Food supply Food supply Food supply Food supply Food supply Food supply Food supply Food supply Food supply Food supply Food supply Food supply Food supply Food supply Food supply Food supply Food supply Food supply Food supply Food supply Food supply Food supply Zhuzhou Research & Design Institute of Rubber & Plastic Ataco Vaisala OYJ Vaisala OYJ Modem Modem Modem CIMEL Graw Radiosondes Meiseic Electric Toyota East Africa Toyota East Africa Carosserie Garage Casale Automobiles belle Croix Meteorological balloons CLIDATA, IT equipment and supplies Meteorological radiosondes Meteorological radiosondes and ozone interface kit Ground System and meteorological radiosondes for Mauritius Ground System and meteorological radiosondes for Sudan Ground System and meteorological radiosondes for Tanzania Supply and installation of two (2) Automatic Weather Stations Ground System and meteorological radiosondes Meteorological radiosondes Toyota Fortuner Toyota Land Cruiser Prado Chevrolet Volt Chevrolet Volt 209 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement 46,414.83 62,722.74 56,906.63 38,317.89 81,425.52 39,116.18 90,092.66 39,116.18 35,694.94 44,476.12 9,852,082.94 3,456,461.81 15,470,025.48 10,570,336.62 11,569,884.16 50,576,625.90 2,630,848.88 27,954.75 3,487,387.34 27,448,586.45 328,355.10 3,347,577.30 5,653,363.39 1,946,539.00 14,551,918.56 196,243.37 5,484,855.52 2,552,592.06 89,940.64 776,632.03 3,530,555.92 1,582,477.91 618,837.41 13,782,524.15 5,772,310.83 42,684,636.19 50,178,400.10 7,559,469.00 3,672,512.79 7,686,954.38 2,105,531.65 23,782,467.47 75,841,674.68 117,984,471.37 1,143,001.25 2,336,539.58 62,807,537.93 2,571,010.66 12,866,351.67 22,867,268.65 2,608,153.04 294,023.82 1,355,622.07 94,500.00 284,625.00 915,548.56 40,031,320.55 3,121,523.24 10,128,655.23 7,746,904.52 4,251,934.61 11,574,521.07 17,238,487.53 266,226.00 4,007,429.25 1,987,660.00 1,226,110.24 1,683,962.75 997,811.78 6,164,182.89 1,051,884.00 80,211,407.16 1,492,983.65 135,190,963.20 4,540,917.71 877,640.41 216,863.96 53,360,596.58 364,960.00 5,240,647.69 21,573,616.14 892,941.60 11,671.25 3,101,227.73 2,493,695.51 3,454,475.92 56,367,966.43 18,538,048.23 12,017,129.75 14,232,478.92 20,030,781.97 5,529,542.54 155,520.00 12,149,643.40 21,127,301.38 9,056,677.64 1,378,247.54 97,474.00 234,628.00 370,549.00 37,697.00 59,886.00 59,751.00 59,615.00 150,584.00 1,153,676.00 36,305.00 35,050.00 56,286.00 56,189.00 55,809.00 Major Orders for Goods Placed by Agency During 2011 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of Supplier WMO Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America WTO SPAIN SPAIN SPAIN SPAIN Name of Supplier Description of Goods ORACLE software Dell Computer SA Dell Computer SA ELS/Express Logistic Services Droplet Measurement Technologies CTI Sutron Corporation Sutron Corporation Sutron Corporation Sutron Corporation EBS licenses KECE for workstations, laptop and tablets Office computers Office furniture EEC ozonesondes Licenses for Google Apps Tide gauges stations for Cape Verde Tide gauges stations for Mauritania Tide gauges stations for Senegal Tide gauges stationsfor Gambia Mdtel Irium Consulting Optize Bureau Info Profinsa Cable Installation Electronics IT accessories Laptops 210 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO Value USD 149,830.00 30,771.00 83,112.00 46,326.00 38,235.00 30,000.00 413,796.00 271,177.00 418,882.00 156,912.00 56,263.48 83,988.33 33,280.61 78,023.48 Major services and works contracts by UN agencies ($30,000 or more) 211 | 2010 Annual Statistical Report on United Nations Procurement Major Contracts for Services Placed by Agency During 2011 (Contracts of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of Supplier ECA Algeria Belgium Botswana Chad Denmark Denmark Djibouti Egypt Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Guinea Italy Kenya Madagascar Mauritius Netherlands Portugal South Africa Tunisia United Kingdom United Republic of Tanzania United States of America Zambia Zambia Zimbabwe ECLAC Argentina Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Colombia Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Trinidad and Tobago Trinidad and Tobago United States of America United States of America ESCAP Bangladesh India Indonesia Korea, Republic of Korea, Republic of Korea, Republic of Netherlands Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Contract Value USD Name of Contractor Description of Services CENEAP ATMIRE BIDPA CABINET DE CONS CENTER AFRICAIN PHOENIX DESIGN AI UNIVERSITY DE D IBN KHALDUN CEN SAMUEL SAHLEMARIA Fere Construction ETHIOPIAN ELECTRI WT & T Constructi GLIMMER CONSTRUCT Sherefa Shafi B.C GLIMMER CONSTRUCT SAFETRA PLC. Green international ETHIOPIAN ELECTRI MKTY IT SERVICE M & M TRANS AFRIC 2011 Annual Invenotry Clerical Services Data Entry Services STAT VIEW INTER INTERTRADE INTERN CAMERAPIX CABINET ECR STRACONSULT LTD SWETS Information TRADUCTA IDASA INSTITUE ARABE OVERSEAS DEVELO UNIVERSITY OF DAR DEEP WEB TECHNO THE UNIVERSITY CENTRE FOR POLI MASS PUBLIC OPI Institutional Contractor Institutional Contractor Institutional Contractor Institutional Contractor Institutional Contractor Printing and Publishing Services Institutional Contractor Institutional Contractor Construction Works Construction Works Construction Works Construction Works Construction Works Construction Works Construction Works Customs Clearance & Related Services Customs Clearance & Related Services Electro Mechanical Works Institutional Contractor Maintenance and Repairs - Equipment Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Institutional Contractor Electro Mechanical Works Photography & Video Recording Institutional Contractor Institutional Contractor Subscriptions & Memberships Printing and Publishing Services Institutional Contractor Institutional Contractor Institutional Contractor Institutional Contractor Institutional Contractor Institutional Contractor Institutional Contractor Institutional Contractor 40,000.00 52,175.00 38,996.96 34,500.00 40,000.00 40,000.00 35,000.00 35,000.00 2,507,995.43 94,925.73 91,886.92 84,365.90 65,766.00 65,623.00 60,493.46 30,000.00 30,000.00 96,000.00 31,655.00 124,289.02 50,000.00 35,000.00 32,000.00 40,000.00 74,734.13 89,900.00 41,000.00 33,200.00 132,680.83 50,000.00 49,410.00 35,000.00 30,000.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 40,000.00 33,143.00 46,500.00 ACIFI S.A. MASTER CLIMA S.A. EMPRESA DE SERVICIOS ENERGETICOS SA CERO UNO ARQUITECTOS LIMITADA Schultz Ingenieria y Maquinarias Lt SECURITY ADVISOR CHILE LTDA. GONZALEZ ACKERKNECHT LIMITADA CONSTRUCTORA LIPANGUE LTDA. FINNING CHILE S.A. INMOBILIARIA ALFABETA ARTES GRAFICA INGENIERIA INTEGRAL FRAY JORGE S.A. SERVICIOS INTEGRALES LTDA. GTD INTERNET S.A. SONDA S.A. CONTRERAS, AREVALO Y VALDES LTDA. POSADAS DE CHILE E. HOTELEROS LTDA. SOCIEDAD LAGO ATRAVESADO S.A. DIMACOFI S.A. MARCO ANTONIO BARRERA FLORES DIMACOFI S.A. GRAFICA ANDES LTDA. GRUPO HOTELERO MAR Y SOL S.A. LAVA TAP S.A. DE C.V. INMOBILIARIA DATA S.C. FREDI ABDO SILVERA TUACHI Y COP. ATXK DISEÑO Y CONSTRUCCIÓN, S.A. D MARITIME LIFE (CARIBBEAN) LIMITED TELECOM SECURITY SERVICES CISCO SYSTEMS, INC. C.S.U. INDUSTRIES INC. Office lease Air conditioning installation Air conditioning maintenance Arquitecture services Building construction Check point safe@office 1000NW wireless appliance Cleaning services Contruction of new building and remodelling Diesel generators maintanence Document printing Gardening services Internal messenger services Internet connection services IT helpdesk service LAN room relocation Lodging, meeting rooms and catering Paneling for office space Photocopying services (lease) Piping provision and installation for fiber optic Printing on Demand/Digital duplication Printing services (book) Hotel Cleaning services Office lease Office lease Office space retrofitting Office lease Security services Cisco smartnet support Servers maintenance 133,200.00 410,618.10 113,511.77 39,953.81 3,940,140.00 43,709.51 460,172.82 2,163,002.00 47,034.00 34,755.68 98,829.85 68,175.68 36,237.42 299,822.00 39,918.40 33,302.12 33,865.99 91,746.85 52,089.06 199,189.09 31,203.52 31,000.00 64,965.55 540,934.50 55,407.12 1,131,139.56 337,326.07 44,275.00 42,304.00 33,120.00 DHAKA SHERATON HOTEL N.S. ASSOCIATES PVT. LTD. LEMBAGA PENELITIAN PENDIDIKAN DAN PENERANGAN EKONO JINSAN HOTEL & RESORT L.L.C. IOCONVEX KAL HOTEL NETWORK (HYATT REGENCY INCHEON) SWETS INFORMATION SERVICES B.V. AMARI HOTEL AND RESORTS AMARI HOTEL AND RESORTS ADVANCED INFO SERVICE PUBLIC CO., LTD. SODEXO SUPPORT SERVICES (THAILAND) LTD. AURECON CONSULTING (THAILAND) CO., LTD. PRO-EN TECHNOLOGIES LTD. WORLD DECORATION GROUP CO., LTD. PROPERTY CARE SERVICES (THAILAND) LTD. PROPERTY CARE SERVICES (THAILAND) LTD. PROPERTY CARE SERVICES (THAILAND) LTD. PROPERTY CARE SERVICES (THAILAND) LTD. ADECCO PHAHOLYOTHIN RECRUITMENT LTD. PROPERTY CARE SERVICES (THAILAND) LTD. ADECCO PHAHOLYOTHIN RECRUITMENT LTD. ADECCO PHAHOLYOTHIN RECRUITMENT LTD. PROPERTY CARE SERVICES (THAILAND) LTD. ADECCO PHAHOLYOTHIN RECRUITMENT LTD. ADECCO PHAHOLYOTHIN RECRUITMENT LTD. ADECCO PHAHOLYOTHIN RECRUITMENT LTD. ADECCO PHAHOLYOTHIN RECRUITMENT LTD. PROPERTY CARE SERVICES (THAILAND) LTD. ADECCO PHAHOLYOTHIN RECRUITMENT LTD. ABB LIMITED OTIS ELEVATOR CO. (THAILAND) LTD. DHL GLOBAL FORWARDING (THAILAND) LIMITED TNT EXPRESS WORLDWIDE (THAILAND) CO., LTD. ABB LIMITED MEINHARDT (THAILAND) LTD. MEINHARDT (THAILAND) LTD. ROCKWORTH PUBLIC CO., LTD. ZENITH COMP CO., LTD. APPLICAD CO. LTD. EGISPRO CO. LTD. BURKE CONSTRUCTION CO., LTD. BURKE CONSTRUCTION CO., LTD. Meeting Package and Accomodation Construction work for subregional office in New Delhi, 53,216.00 113,630.36 Provision of contractual services Accommodation and meeting package Event Organizing services for the 2nd Regional Forum for APCICT Hotel accommodations for the 2nd Regional Forum for APCICT Supply of annual subscription Meeting Package and Accomodation Meeting Package and Accomodation Blackberry Services Consultancy Services for Renovation of Kitchen Facilities in UN Premises-2011 Consultancy services for the marble cladding renovation project Consultancy Services:Renovation of Bldg.&Lightning Earthing Systems Contract No. C-0037/11 : The Renovation of Carpet Flooring in the UNCC Contractual personnel Contractual personnel Contractual personnel Contractual personnel Contractual personnel Contractual personnel Contractual personnel Contractual personnel Contractual personnel Contractual personnel Contractual personnel Contractual personnel Contractual personnel Contractual personnel Contractual personnel LV Switchboard additional works Maintenance Services of OTIS elevators/escalators-2011 Moving and Shipping 2 shipments for UNFCCC Pouch and courier services in MOU from 1 October to 201 to 31 May 2011 Preventive maintenance and general repair services for ABB GIS Substation Provision of consultancy services for structural and water leakage, C-0016/11 Provision of Consultancy Services for the Beuilding Envelopes, C-0011/11 Provision of rental of office partition and furniture with lockable doors Renewal of annual SW & support:LotusNotes Scanning and Digitalization of Architectural and Engineering Drawings Supply and installation of fire stop materials throughout the ESCAP complex Supply and installation of fire/smoke resistant doors at link bridges Supply and installation of power outlets in ESCAP Hall and CR-1, 2, 3, 4 in UNCC 71,194.00 35,713.04 31,892.93 35,981.90 94,850.00 34,337.87 32,609.54 54,315.39 36,197.67 31,889.74 30,480.21 41,233.87 598,917.72 410,135.78 316,882.64 193,969.28 80,786.74 71,836.00 60,591.75 58,567.50 54,558.46 46,918.86 45,646.61 39,534.32 34,492.50 31,859.74 30,621.33 81,902.34 52,253.28 32,878.41 54,043.44 33,518.06 37,771.48 70,821.52 72,427.54 36,646.30 65,155.81 151,051.30 37,519.67 46,526.59 212 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement Major Contracts for Services Placed by Agency During 2011 (Contracts of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of Supplier ESCAP Continued Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand United States of America United States of America ESCWA Ireland Contract Value USD Name of Contractor Description of Services OTIS ELEVATOR CO. (THAILAND) LTD. FMA GROUP CO., LTD. GRENZONE (THAILAND) CO., LTD. SEMPLE COCHRANE (ASIA) CO., LTD. TAKACHIHO FIRE, SECURITY&SERVICES (THAILAND) LTD. TRIGYN TECHNOLOGIES INC. ORACLE USA, INC. The Modernization of OTIS Elevators at Secretariat Bldg and UNCC-2012 Total Services Agreement: 50 photocopiers UNCC Roof Renovation and Solar Panel Installation Under Vehicle Scanning System Upgrade of fire alarm system at the UNCC and the Service Buildings Contract to provide on-site skilled resources for Oracle PeopleSoft modules Oracle Consultancy Services (INSPIRA Project) VMware International Limited The Lebanese Company for Development and Reconstruction of Beirut Central District COMPUTER INFORMATION SYSTEMS Advanced Technology Services S.A.L. ASSIYANA SAL QUANTECH SAL LADKANI OFFICE SOLUTIONS S.A.L. CISCO SYSTEMS, INC. The Bassiouni Group Purchase of VMWare Licenses Operation and Maintenance Services at the UN House from 01 January - 31 December 2011 Outsouced End User IT Services Preparation of design for the Project Access Control Technology (PACT) Provision of Cleaning and Gardening Services Provision of IBM Lotus Notes Domino Enterprise Server Processecor Rental of 10 Photocopy Machines, Olivetti, for 1 year period, 15/03 to14/03/2013. CISCO Smartnet Coverage Provision of ESCWA Subprogramme 2006-2011 387,889.00 40,716.67 44,400.00 207,001.00 39,183.33 31,007.75 45,164.00 60,000.00 VISIONTIME PTY LTD VISIONTIME PTY LTD MULTICORPORA INTERNATIONAL INC HENDYPLAN SA/NV SITA (OFFICE IN FRANCE) SITA (OFFICE IN FRANCE) CUSTOMER EXPRESSIONS SHL CANADA INC SHL CANADA INC Editorial and Publishing Services for complex publications in "multiple languages" Editorial and Publishing Services for complex publications in "multiple languages" Amend: Provision of Multicorpora Licences, maintenance and support Amendment: Renewal of Troll software licenses 15 Jan 2011-14 Jan 2012 Global Telecomms Service - Voice/Data Traffic SITA for Sita WAN 2011 billing PR 46233 - Contract GF/HQR/CPA 268146-2011/AUDD PR 46964 - GF/HQR/CPA 260982-2010/CSHT - Amd. No. 1 PR 47045 - GF/HQR/CPA 280589-2011/CSHT - MACs 70,237.00 47,186.57 62,017.00 62,370.00 800,000.00 300,000.00 48,920.00 80,000.00 432,000.00 Denmark Denmark France France France Germany UNITED NATIONS OFFICE FOR PROJECT SERVICES (UNOPS) DANOFFICE LTD TREDI SA PROCOPTERE AVIATION NOVACOM SERVICES SPRINGER CUSTOMER SERVICE CENTER GMBH 149,955.00 38,937.51 232,676.00 800,000.00 123,119.02 59,518.67 Haiti BETRACO Haiti PLANCONSULT Haiti OLBWAD Haiti SOGECA Haiti India SOCAP NETWORK INTELLIGENCE INDIA PVT LTD Amendment to Contract no. TF/HAI/CPA 261057-2010/TCEO - Road rehabilitation works CISCO Systems Smartnet Maintenance & Support Services Amendment no.2 to contract TF/SYR-MLW-AFG/CPA - Disposal of obsolete pesticides Contract Service Helicopters in Madagascar Two Year agreement for Satellite Data Reporting (1st October 2011 - 30 September 2013) PR 48039 - Springerlink 2012 Annual Renewal - OEKML Amend 1 to contract TF/HAI/CPA 259652-2010/TCEO - Supervision of works for the construction of cisterns and irrigation pools in Haiti Amend. 2 to Contract TF/HAI/CPA 258516-2010/TCEO - Construction de citernes familiales en plaques de beton dans le department du Nord est Haiti Amendment 2 to Contract TF/HQR/CPA 258311-2010/TCEO - Construction de bassis de rétention d'eau dans le Département du Nord-est Haiti Construction de 2 lot de 10 bassins de retention d'eau (20 bassins en total) dans le departement du Nord-est Haiti Construction de 4 lots de citernes (200 citernes) familiales en plaques de béton dans le département du Nord-est Haiti Provision of IT Security Assessment India India Italy Italy RAJ PROCESS EQUIPMENTS AND SYSTEMS PRIVATE LIMITED SIFY TECHNOLOGIES LTD BODINO ENGINEERING SRL ALES 24 SRL Italy Italy FONDERIA D'ARTE MASSIMO DEL CHIARO ORACLE ITALIA SRL Italy AMA SPA Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy BODINO ENGINEERING SRL A.T.I. SANITAL-PIEMONTE-LATECNICA DE BESI - DI GIACOMO SPA ENGINEERING INGEGNERIA INFORMATICA SPA BODINO ENGINEERING SRL ITALIA LOGISTICA SRL FT 2000 SRL ROTOCLASS SRL ELETTROSERVICE SPA CARLSON WAGONLIT TRAVEL CARLSON WAGONLIT TRAVEL CARLSON WAGONLIT TRAVEL CARLSON WAGONLIT TRAVEL CARLSON WAGONLIT TRAVEL MARIENI PAOLO POSTE ITALIANE SPA - SEDE LAZIO AYS AT YOUR SERVICE AYS AT YOUR SERVICE POSTE ITALIANE SPA - SEDE LAZIO DHL EXPRESS (ITALY) SRL DHL EXPRESS (ITALY) SRL ITALIA LOGISTICA SRL HEWLETT PACKARD ITALIANA SPA Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy HARPA ITALIA SRL GEOSOLUTIONS SAS DI SIMONE GIANNECCHINI ENGINEERING INGEGNERIA INFORMATICA SPA ENGINEERING INGEGNERIA INFORMATICA SPA ENGINEERING INGEGNERIA INFORMATICA SPA ENGINEERING INGEGNERIA INFORMATICA SPA ENGINEERING INGEGNERIA INFORMATICA SPA ENGINEERING INGEGNERIA INFORMATICA SPA ENGINEERING INGEGNERIA INFORMATICA SPA GEOSOLUTIONS SAS DI SIMONE GIANNECCHINI ILO - INTERNATIONAL LABOUR OFFICE INTEROUTE SPA INTEROUTE SPA CARLSON WAGONLIT TRAVEL ALES 24 SRL ALES 24 SRL COLT TECHNOLOGY SERVICES SPA COLT TECHNOLOGY SERVICES SPA SWISS POST PORTA A PORTA SPA FERRAMENTA MESSINA SNC WURTH SRL ZANZI SERVIZI SPA ZANZI SERVIZI SPA ZANZI SERVIZI SPA ZANZI SERVIZI SPA ZANZI SERVIZI SPA ZANZI SERVIZI SPA KONE SPA SIEMENS BUILDING TECHNOLOGIES SPA KONE SPA SIEMENS BUILDING TECHNOLOGIES SPA IMPACT ITALIA SRL Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon United States of America United States of America FAO Australia Australia Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Canada Canada Canada 213 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement Spray drying plant for dairy formula dried products, Pinar del Rio, Cuba Technical Design and E-learning Programme Production for FAO Corporate Programmes "Construction of the FAO Sheikh Zayed International Media Conference Centre" "Ordinary Maintenance and Construction Works" "Servizio di fonderia per la realizzazione di un' opera monumentale per celebrare l' eradicazione della peste bovina" Advanced Customer Support Service - CIOD AMA - Garbage collection and differentiated disposal service from 1 October 2011 to 30 September 2012 Amendment 1 to Contract Phase 2 Demolition and civil-reconstruction work; Supply and installation of Multimedia Systems Cleaning Multiservices Computer Main Frame Insurance Policy Consultancy Service Engineering Services for the Sheikh Zayed International Media Centre External Storage FAO Letters of Agreement training 10-21 October 2011 to F.T. 2000 Casa San Bernardo Fees for the period 1 July 2011 - 30 June 2012 - Maintenance of archive machines Fornitura di materiale elettricoFramework Agreement for Events, Managements Solution Framework Agreement for Events, Managements Solution Framework Agreement for the organization of meetings and events Framework Agreement for the organization of meetings and events Framework Agreement for the organizationof meetings and events Glazing Services Handling of ORGs Mail and Distibution Service Handling of the Organization's Mail and Distribution Services Handling of the organization's Mail and Distribution Services 2011) Handling of the organizations Mail and Distribution Services: Remailing Handling of the Organization's Mail and Ditribution Services Handling of the Organization's Mail and Ditribution Services Handling of the Organization's Publications Hardware and Software maintenance for HP servers Harpa Italia - Renewal until 31 December 2013 of maintenance contract Performance Load Testing Software Tool ICT Consultancy Services ICT Consultancy Services ICT Consultancy Services ICT Consultancy Services ICT Consultancy Services ICT Consultancy Services ICT Consultancy Services ICT Consultancy Services ICT Consultancy ServicesFrom June to December 2011 Incorporating Impact Assessment in programme design - TCSFD Internet Connectivity services - GF/HQR/CPA 260484-2010/CIOF - One Yera from Dec 2011 Interoute Joint Preferred Hotel Programme (PHP)-Hotel Sourcing and Contracting Services - CSAD lavori e servizi di manutenzione ordinaria e lavori di costruzione e ristrutturazione Lavori e servizi di manutenzione ordinaria e lavori di costruzione e ristrutturazione" Long Distance Telephone calls -Least Cost Routing Long Distance Telephone Calls-Least Cost Routing Mailing Service - Trail period (3 months) - Swiss Post Roma Maintenance Materials Supplies Service Maintenance Materials Supplies Service - Part 2 Maintenance of Electrical Installation, fire detection and alarm system Maintenance of electrical installation, fire detection and alarm systems Maintenance of electrical installation, fire detection and alarm systems Maintenance of Electrical Installations and Fire Detection and Alarm Systems Maintenance of Electrical Installations and Fire Detection and Alarm Systems Maintenance of Electrical Installations and Fire Detection and Alarm Systems Maintenance of elevators and freight elevators Maintenance of fire detection and alarm systems Maintenance of Lift Maintenance of Siemens Fire Detection Control Panels Management and Leadership Programmes - (MLC) 374,567.20 45,121.37 117,340.26 42,965.06 186,690.59 167,000.00 44,000.00 41,518.40 37,000.00 59,435.36 116,713.03 83,361.96 62,723.93 42,500.00 1,184,692.00 100,000.00 72,364.67 265,009.36 100,427.35 49,961.00 359,617.93 5,589,107.19 68,681.32 31,603.90 39,835.84 119,891.01 77,793.49 36,974.01 43,458.57 68,681.32 36,208.87 33,254.79 167,889.73 31,267.53 277,175.97 68,681.32 206,043.96 412,087.91 66,666.67 95,759.23 755,494.51 41,039.67 231,607.63 229,712.68 43,077.33 118,025.75 44,814.81 44,814.81 42,914.67 41,946.67 32,831.74 30,313.39 45,849.00 131,459.23 49,928.67 31,200.00 33,900.00 50,872.09 118,233.62 121,082.62 142,857.14 157,687.25 42,253.52 131,406.04 65,703.02 220,416.21 188,549.75 50,824.87 247,252.75 91,667.09 53,331.53 91,661.97 65,798.57 44,697.80 35,511.63 362,092.86 Major Contracts for Services Placed by Agency During 2011 (Contracts of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of Supplier FAO Continued Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Name of Contractor Description of Services CARLSON WAGONLIT TRAVEL MICROSOFT SRL VODAFONE OMNITEL N.V. VODAFONE OMNITEL N.V. VODAFONE OMNITEL N.V. ALESSANDRO PICCA IN ARTE ALESSANDRO ROMANO ORACLE ITALIA SRL ORACLE ITALIA SRL Meeting for the TCE to be held in Fiuggi from 30 April 2011 to 11 May 2011 Microsoft Alliance Premium Support Contract Mobile Telecommunication Services Mobile Telecommunication Services Mobile Telecommunication Services Monumento alla Peste Bovina Oracle - OLSA Umbrella Agreement for the Procurememnt of Oracle Corp Licenses Oracle Italia OLSA Umbrella Agreement Oracle OLSA Umbrella Agreement - Maintenance for 2012-2013 Oracle EBS Technology products and Oracle Discoverer Desktop Edition product Ordinary Maintenance Ordinary maintenance Ordinary Maintenance Ordinary Maintenance and Construction Works Ordinary Maintenance and Construction Works Ordinary Maintenance and Construction Works Ordinary Maintenance and Construction Works Ordinary Maintenance and Construction Works Ordinary Maintenance and Construction Works Ordinary Maintenance and Construction Works Ordinary Maintenance and Construction Works Ordinary Maintenance and Construction Works Ordinary Maintenance and Construction Works Ordinary Maintenance and Construction Works Ordinary Maintenance and Construction Works Ordinary Maintenance and Construction Works Ordinary Maintenance and Construction Works Ordinary Maintenance and Construction Works Ordinary maintenance and Construction Works Ordinary Maintenance and Construction Works Ordinary Maintenance and Construction Works Ordinary Maintenance and Construction Works Ordinary Maintenance and Construction Works Ordinary Maintenance and Construction Works Ordinary Maintenance and Construction Works Ordinary maintenance and Construction Works Ordinary Maintenance and Construction Works Payment of Invoices (10 April to 9 August 2011) Payment of Invoices (from 10 August to 09 October 2011) PR 46211 - GF/HQR/CPA 223542-2008/KCTP - OLSA Umbrella Contract) PR 46491 - GF/HQR/CPA 263332-2010/CSAI - A.T.I. Sanital-Piemonte-LaTecnica "Multiservice Contract" PR 47026 - OT/GF/HQR 270064-2011/CSAC - Consultancy Services PR 47539 - GF/HQR/CPA 261762-2010/CIOF - From Dec 2011 to Dec 2012 PR 48087 - GF/HQR/CPA 270827-2001/CSAI - Amend. No. 2 ( Sheikh Zayed Center) PR 48321 - Indesign Server - GF/HQR/CPA 263099-2010/CIO PR 48333 - Investement Days 2011 - TCIDD Preparation of the 8th International Conference on Diet and Activity Methods, 14-17 May 2012, Rome Procurement Training, Rome 12-16 July 2010 Ref Radisson Blue Hotel Projection and Audio Video systems fot the Sheikh Zayed International Media Centre Provision of Customized Metereological Data on a daily basis to the desert locust Provision of information communications and technologies consulting services Provision of Sophos End Point Protection System PRs 48525 and 48701 - GF/HQR/CPA 270827-2011/CSAI Renewal and Extension of IBM-FileNet Rental of black and white duplicating system Rental of Duplicating Sytem Running and maintenance of A/C and heating systems - Umbrella PO for WO Running and Maintenance of Air Conditioning Running and Maintenance of Air Conditioning and Heating Systems Running and Maintenance of Air Conditioning and Heating systems Running and Maintenance of Air Conditioning and Heating Systems Running and Maintenance of Air Conditioning and Heating Systems Running and Maintenance of Air Conditioning and Heating Systems Running and Maintenance of Air Conditioning and Heating Systems" Contract Value USD 38,334.73 124,800.00 239,616.24 200,493.28 173,655.85 44,444.44 33,504.95 129,320.00 Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy ORACLE ITALIA SRL ALES 24 SRL ALES 24 SRL ALES 24 SRL ALES 24 SRL ALES 24 SRL ALES 24 SRL ALES 24 SRL ALES 24 SRL ALES 24 SRL ALES 24 SRL ALES 24 SRL ALES 24 SRL ALES 24 SRL ALES 24 SRL ALES 24 SRL ALES 24 SRL ALES 24 SRL ALES 24 SRL ALES 24 SRL ALES 24 SRL ALES 24 SRL ALES 24 SRL ALES 24 SRL ALES 24 SRL ALES 24 SRL ALES 24 SRL ALES 24 SRL VODAFONE OMNITEL N.V. VODAFONE OMNITEL N.V. ORACLE ITALIA SRL Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy A.T.I. SANITAL-PIEMONTE-LATECNICA BUSINESS VALUE SRL COLT TECHNOLOGY SERVICES SPA BODINO ENGINEERING SRL BG & PARTNERS SRL CARLSON WAGONLIT TRAVEL Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy FASI SRL CARLSON WAGONLIT TRAVEL EDISCO SRL METEO CONSULT BV GARTNER ITALIA SRL GESCA SRL BODINO ENGINEERING SRL IBM ITALIA SPA XEROX SPA CANON ITALIA SPA HITRAC ENGINEERING GROUP SRL HITRAC ENGINEERING GROUP SRL HITRAC ENGINEERING GROUP SRL HITRAC ENGINEERING GROUP SRL HITRAC ENGINEERING GROUP SRL HITRAC ENGINEERING GROUP SRL HITRAC ENGINEERING GROUP SRL HITRAC ENGINEERING GROUP SRL Italy HITRAC ENGINEERING GROUP SRL Italy HITRAC ENGINEERING GROUP SRL Italy HITRAC ENGINEERING GROUP SRL Running and Maintenance of air-conditioning and heating systems Running and manintenance of air-conditioning and heating systems Yearly fee (11 Nov 2010 - 10 Nov 2011) & Amendment No. 6mendment No. 6 Running and manintenance of the HVAC systems and catering equipment - Amendment No. 7 (contract extension until g 31 pp Dec g 2012) g Italy Italy Italy HITRAC ENGINEERING GROUP SRL VILLANI E VILLANI SRL XEROX SPA frigorifera con tre gruppi frigoriferi raffreddati ad aria Sound /light systems for the Sheikh Zayed International Media Center Supply & Maintenance of Multifunction copiers and printers Italy XEROX SPA Supply and Maintenance of Multifunction copiers 215,793.87 Italy XEROX SPA Supply and maintenance of multifunction copiers and printers 216,893.51 Italy Italy Italy Italy XEROX SPA XEROX SPA EGEA COMMERCIALE SRL ITEL SRL Supply and Maintenance of Multifunction copiers and printers Supply and Maintenance of Multifunction copiers-printers Supply of Electricity for 2012 Technical Assistance in system Development and Support and ICT Support Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy SOFTLAB SPA SOFTLAB SPA SOFTLAB SPA SOFTLAB SPA SOFTLAB SPA PROGE SOFTWARE SRL PROGE SOFTWARE SRL SOFTLAB SPA SOFTLAB SPA SOFTLAB SPA SOFTLAB SPA SOFTLAB SPA SOFTLAB SPA SOFTLAB SPA SOFTLAB SPA SOFTLAB SPA SOFTLAB SPA SOFTLAB SPA PROGE SOFTWARE SRL SOFTLAB SPA SOFTLAB SPA SOFTLAB SPA SOFTLAB SPA SOFTLAB SPA SOFTLAB SPA PROGE SOFTWARE SRL SOFTLAB SPA SOFTLAB SPA SOFTLAB SPA SOFTLAB SPA PROGE SOFTWARE SRL PROGE SOFTWARE SRL Technical Assistance in Systems Development and Support and ICT Support Technical Assistance in Systems Development and Support and ICT Support Technical Assistance in Systems Development and SUpport and ICT Support Technical Assistance in Systems Development and Support, and ICT Support Technical Assistance in Systems Development and Support, and ICT Support Technical Assistance in Systems Development and Support, and ICT Support Technical Assistance in Systems Development and Support, and ICT Support Technical Assistance in Systems Development Support and ICT Support Technical Assistance in Systems Development Support and ICT Support Technical Assistance in Systems Development Support and ICT Support Technical Assistance in Systems Development Support and ICT Support Technical Assistance in Systems Development Support and ICT Support Technical Assistance in Systems Development Support and ICT Support Technical Assistance in Systems Development Support and ICT Support Technical Assistance in Systems Development Support and ICT Support Technical Assistance in Systems Development Support and ICT Support Technical Assistance in Systems Development Support and ICT Support Technical Assistance in Systems Development Support and ICT Support Technical Assistance in Systems Development Support and ICT Support Technical Assistance in Systems Development Support and ICT Support Technical Assistance in Systems Development Support and ICT Support Technical Assistance in Systems Development Support and ICT Support Technical Assistance in Systems Development Support and ICT Support Technical Assistance in Systems Development Support and ICT Support Technical Assistance in Systems Development Support and ICT Support Technical Assistance in Systems Development Support and ICT Support Technical Assistance in Systems Development Support and ICT Support Technical Assistance in Systems Development Support and ICT Support Technical Assistance in Systems Development Support and ICT Support Technical Assistance in Systems Development Support and ICT Support Technical Assistance in Systems Development Support and ICT Support Technical Assistance in Systems Development Support and ICT Support 214 | 2011 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement 1,282,524.64 152,497.05 71,225.07 71,225.07 995,303.73 743,193.58 390,430.41 333,333.33 280,437.76 246,666.67 129,871.41 125,901.92 114,825.58 98,530.59 82,079.34 80,336.65 65,165.61 54,174.15 52,055.80 50,481.73 48,133.33 46,666.67 43,733.33 40,101.11 38,402.67 35,466.67 32,669.29 30,029.60 415,572.59 168,415.54 49,947.00 4,225,442.31 30,800.00 40,329.22 129,064.71 38,153.27 33,254.58 62,947.07 47,852.11 495,459.84 30,450.00 94,640.00 226,640.00 1,016,072.83 116,000.00 120,845.07 151,549.30 542,582.42 49,692.16 412,100.43 78,687.15 67,752.40 58,411.44 56,949.21 66,755.94 52,564.36 637,161.31 140,144.21 1,708,114.99 31,333.33 231,527.03 148,148.15 80,975.27 1,825,068.04 56,103.00 43,846.15 30,497.85 30,367.52 64,692.42 60,735.04 57,682.40 43,076.92 114,623.80 105,981.53 105,516.41 100,509.19 100,509.19 100,509.19 100,068.40 97,209.30 97,209.30 97,209.30 97,209.30 88,148.15 80,634.81 79,599.86 76,240.85 66,837.89 66,008.17 65,514.81 64,495.77 64,069.77 64,069.77 64,069.77 64,069.77 57,435.90 56,480.22 Major Contracts for Services Placed by Agency During 2011 (Contracts of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of Supplier FAO Continued Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Norway San Marino San Marino Name of Contractor Description of Services SOFTLAB SPA SOFTLAB SPA SOFTLAB SPA PROGE SOFTWARE SRL SOFTLAB SPA PROGE SOFTWARE SRL PROGE SOFTWARE SRL SOFTLAB SPA SOFTLAB SPA SOFTLAB SPA SOFTLAB SPA SOFTLAB SPA SOFTLAB SPA SOFTLAB SPA SOFTLAB SPA SOFTLAB SPA SOFTLAB SPA SOFTLAB SPA SOFTLAB SPA PROGE SOFTWARE SRL PROGE SOFTWARE SRL SOFTLAB SPA SOFTLAB SPA PROGE SOFTWARE SRL SOFTLAB SPA SOFTLAB SPA SOFTLAB SPA SOFTLAB SPA PROGE SOFTWARE SRL PROGE SOFTWARE SRL PROGE SOFTWARE SRL SOFTLAB SPA SOFTLAB SPA SOFTLAB SPA PROGE SOFTWARE SRL PROGE SOFTWARE SRL EPS DATACOM SRL ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS SRL CONSORZIO DEL BO SCARL MITSA SRL INSTITUTE OF MARINE RESEARCH KARNAK SPA KARNAK SPA Technical Assistance in Systems Development Support and ICT Support Technical Assistance in Systems Development Support and ICT Support Technical Assistance in Systems Development Support and ICT Support Technical Assistance in Systems Development Support and ICT Support Technical Assistance in Systems Development Support and ICT Support Technical Assistance in Systems Development Support and ICT Support Technical Assistance in Systems Development Support and ICT Support Technical Assistance in Systems Development Support and ICT Support Technical Assistance in Systems Development Support and ICT Support Technical Assistance in Systems Development Support and ICT Support Technical Assistance in Systems Development Support and ICT Support Technical Assistance in Systems Development Support and ICT Support Technical Assistance in Systems Development Support and ICT Support Technical Assistance in Systems Development Support and ICT Support Technical Assistance in Systems Development Support and ICT Support Technical Assistance in Systems Development Support and ICT Support Technical Assistance in Systems Development Support and ICT Support Technical Assistance in Systems Development Support and ICT Support Technical Assistance in Systems Development Support and ICT Support Technical Assistance in Systems Development Support and ICT Support Technical Assistance in Systems Development Support and ICT Support Technical Assistance in Systems Development Support and ICT Support Technical Assistance in Systems Development Support and ICT Support Technical Assistance in Systems Development Support and ICT Support Technical Assistance in Systems Development Support and ICT Support Technical Assistance in Systems Development Support and ICT Support Technical Assistance in Systems Development Support and ICT Support Technical Assistance in Systems Development Support and ICT Support Technical Assistance in Systems Development Support and ICT Support Technical Assistance in Systems Development Support and ICT Support Technical Assistance in Systems Development Support and ICT Support Technical Assistance in Systems Development Support and ICT Support Technical Assistance in Systems Development Support and ICT Support Technical Assistance in Systems Development Support and ICT Support Technical Assistance in Systems Development Support, and ICT Support Technical Assistance in Systems Development Support, and ICT Support Tipping Point Intrusion System Trend Micro ScanMail for Exchange Maintenance Upgrading of 13 lifts Water treatment of heating/cooling systems and disinfection of a/c systems Ecosystem and Pelagis survey in North West Africa using research Vessel Office Stationary Stationery and office supplies Amendment no. 3 to Contract TF/SUD/CPA 205096-2007/FRSUD - V-Sat communication/Internet services for FAO/ECU Sudan Offices V-Sat communication services for FAO ECU Sudan services rendered to FAO on UNLPs, UN certificates and UN family certifacates Allianz Suisse Flat premium 2011 and actual 2010 in excess of the flat premium (less credits) Contract Value USD 56,142.27 56,026.28 55,376.07 54,924.55 54,190.14 53,543.66 53,488.37 50,878.93 49,046.51 49,046.51 47,500.00 47,500.00 47,364.67 46,688.57 42,252.91 39,767.44 36,280.06 36,280.06 36,126.76 35,458.28 34,971.43 33,553.78 33,392.70 33,260.57 32,300.00 32,300.00 31,580.03 31,580.03 31,432.47 31,377.90 31,377.90 30,497.85 30,410.84 30,367.52 57,281.83 47,533.33 146,111.87 36,803.00 487,473.35 529,123.99 810,805.00 618,131.87 246,238.03 Sudan Sudan Switzerland CONQUERS COMPUTER & ENGINEERING CO LTD CONQUERS COMPUTER & ENGINEERING CO LTD UNITED NATIONS Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Tunisia United Kingdom United Kingdom ALLIANZ SUISSE MANNET SARL ERNST & YOUNG AG EUROPEAN BROADCASTING UNION GLOBAL TRADE INFORMATION SERVICES INC SADIKA RMA VEOLIA ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES (UK) CORNERSTONE ON DEMAND LTD United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom READING ROOM LTD EDINBURGH RESEARCH AND INNOVATION LTD MARSH UK LTD KUSH COMMUNICATIONS LTD OXFORD POLICY MANAGEMENT LTD (OPM) UNIVERSITY OF WOLVERHAMPTON MICROSOFT IRELAND OPERATIONS LTD MICROSOFT IRELAND OPERATIONS LTD IN-TEND LTD LEARNING TREE INTERNATIONAL LEARNING TREE INTERNATIONAL United Kingdom OXFORD POLICY MANAGEMENT LTD (OPM) Review of the Design and Implementation of the Immediate Plan of Action (IPA) Contract NO. GF/HQR/CPA 280076-2011/CSDB - FAO/ERP Quality Assurance TV/Radio Live Transmission fo rthe Sheikh International Media and Knowledge Centre PR 47901 - Gloabl Trade Atlas Database - ESTDD Cultural enhancement component of the Sheikh Zayed Media and Knowledge Centre Amendment 2 to contract: Disposal of obsolete pesticides Amendment No. 4 to Contract:Learning Management Platform to deliver e-learning courses Design and Development of Technical Cooperation Department Intranet and Toolkit for Effective Programming Intranet Development and improvement of the SWARMS software Fidelity Guarantee Coverage - year 2011 Global South-South Expo Production - TCSFD Lesotho Child Grants Programme Impact Evaluation Mainstreaming results-based principles and practice in FAO Microsoft EA Contract for Software Licenses (3rd year payment) Micrososft Enterprise Agreement - Amd. N. 1 PR 264491 - GF/HQR/CPA 212435-2007/AFSP - Amendment No. 2 Provision of Specialized IT Training Provision of specialized IT Training Qualitative research and analyses of the economic impacts of cash transfer programs in Sub Saharan Africa United Kingdom United Kingdom MRAG LTD TRILOGY BUSINESS SUPPORT LIMITED Regional Observer Programme on carrier vessels-transhipments at sea in the IOTC Area pr 47644 Software Maintenance and Support (ARIES Publishing Manager) - Amd. 1 932,489.33 44,000.00 United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of
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