Picture Books - Gallimard Jeunesse
Picture Books - Gallimard Jeunesse
Children's Books Contents BOOKS FOR TODDLERS p.04 MUSIC & SOUND BOOKS p.07 ILLUSTRATED FICTION p.10 CHARACTERS p.16 FICTION p.22 ART & ACTIVITIES p.33 FIRST DISCOVERY p.38 NON FICTION p.42 LICENSES p.48 APPLICATIONS p.52 This Foreign rights catalogue is, of course, only a partial picture of our list. Our complete catalogue of over 3,500 titles will tell you the whole story. It is available on our stand, or we can post it to you. It is of course also available online: www.gallimard-jeunesse.fr. You know us through our own authors and creations, but also through the outstanding international authors, illustrators, series which we are proud to publish in France, in the field of picture books, fiction, non-fiction and digital apps. In over 40 years of publishing, we have drawn from the world over the excellence of children’s books past, present and… future To name but a few, we are the French publishers of: A Janet & Allan AHLBERG Joan AIKEN David ALMOND K. A. APPLEGATE B Jutta BAUER Stephen BIESTY Quentin BLAKE John BOYNE Ann BRASHARES (Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants) Ken & Ruth BROWN Melvin BURGESS C David CARTER Emma CHICHESTER CLARK Babette COLE Eoin COLFER (Artemis Fowl) Ally CONDIE Frank Cottrell BOYCE Andrea CREMER D Roald DAHL Paula DANZIGER Berlie DOHERTY Julia DONALDSON Siobhan DOWD Roddy DOYLE Jeanne DUPRAU E THE EYEWITNESS SERIES F Anne FINE Nancy FARMER Michael FOREMAN James FREY Cornelia FUNKE G Sally GARDNER Leon GARFIELD Jamila GAVIN Sarah GIBB Morris GLEITZMAN Holly GOLDBERG SLOAN Alison GOODMAN Michael GRANT John GREEN Philippa GREGORY Jens Christian GRØNDAHL H Lian HEARN (Tales of the Otori) Helme HEINE Kevin HENKES Carl HIAASEN Charlie HIGSON Alice HOFFMAN Mary HOOPER Ted HUGHES I Eva IBBOTSON Roberto INNOCENTI L Elizabeth LAIRD Derek LANDY Ursula LE GUIN David LEVITHAN C.S. LEWIS (The Chronicles of Narnia) Sue LIMB E. LOCKART Lois LOWRY M Alexander MCCALL SMITH Margaret MAHY Fred MARCELLINO Yann MARTEL Anne MARTIN (Baby-Sitter Club series) Mercer MAYER Patricia MACLACHLAN David MCKEE Colin MCNAUGHTON Michael MORPURGO Jill MURPHY (The Worst Witch) N Steve JACKSON & Ian LIVINGSTONE Pete JOHNSON Maureen JOHNSON Jandy NELSON E. NESBIT Patrick NESS Garth NIX Helen NICOLL William NICHOLSON K O I-L Dick KING-SMITH Satoshi KITAMURA Joyce Carol OATES Uri ORLEV Ludmilla OULITSKAÏA P Leonardo PATRIGNANI Lincoln PEIRCE (Big Nate series) Sylvia PLATH Jan PIENKOWSKI Beatrix POTTER (Peter Rabbit) Philip PULLMAN R Louise RENNISON (Georgia Nicholson Diaries) Philip REEVE Tony ROSS Michael ROSEN JK ROWLING (Harry Potter) Carrie RYAN S Axel SCHEFFLER Maurice SENDAK Ruta SEPETYS Francesca SIMON (Horrid Henry series) Dodie SMITH Lane SMITH Lauren ST JOHN William STEIG Andreas STEINHOFEL Rosemary SUTCLIFF T Shaun TAN Laini TAYLOR Kay THOMPSON (Eloïse) JRR TOLKIEN (The Lord of the Rings) V Susan VARLEY Charlotte VOAKE W David WALLIAMS Rosemary WELLS Jeanne WILLIS Jacqueline WILSON Diana WYNNE JONES (The Chrestomanci Novels) Who’s Who Chairman Antoine GALLIMARD President Hedwige PASQUET EDITORIAL DIRECTION Christine BAKER Editorial Director, Gallimard Jeunesse Colline FAURE-POIRÉE Editorial Director, Giboulées imprint EXECUTIVE EDITORS (BUYING ONLY) Alice LIÈGE Young Children’s Books Paule du BOUCHET Music and Sound Books Thomas DARTIGE Non-Fiction, Characters & Tie-in licenses FOREIGN RIGHTS (SELLING ONLY) Anne BOUTELOUP Foreign Rights Director Fiction, Picture Books & TV Tie-in licenses anne.bouteloup@gallimard-jeunesse.fr Nolwenn LEBRET Foreign Rights Manager Non fiction, Music & Sound Books, Giboulées imprint nolwenn.Lebret@gallimard-jeunesse.fr Marie BRUN Coedition Manager First Discovery and Early Learning marie.brun@gallimard-jeunesse.fr Elsa COLAS-ADLER Administration elsa.colas-adler@gallimard-jeunesse.fr Aurélia STEMMLER Production and TV Tie-In Approvals Aurelia.Stemmler@gallimard-jeunesse.fr Thierry LAROCHE Fiction & Graphic Novels Térence MOSCA Digital Consultant terence.mosca@tmconsultingparis.com OUR MAIN SUB-AGENTS Graphic Novels (all territories) Sylvain COISSARD sylcoissard2@orange.fr BRAZIL Patricia SEIBEL patseibel@seibelpublishingservices.com BULGARIA Nika Literary Agency, Vania KADIYSKA nika@techno-link.com CHINA Bardon Chinese Media Agency, Jian-Mei WANG jianmei@bardonchinese.com HUNGARY DS Budapest, Margit GRUBER margit.gruber@dsrights.com JAPAN Motovun Tokyo, Mari KOGA koga_motovun@mbd.ocn.ne.jp SOUTH KOREA Sibylle Books Agency, Young Sun CHOI youngsun.choi@sibyllebooks.com ROMANIA, BALKAN STATES & POLAND Livia Stoia Agency, Livia STOIA livia.stoia@dsrights.com SLOVAKIA, CZECH REPUBLIC & BALTIC STATES Kolar Rights and Translation, Josef KOLAR josef.Kolar@dsrights.com TAIWAN Bardon Chinese Media Agency, Cynthia CHANG cynthia@bardonchinese.com RIGHTS SOLD: ABBREVIATIONS Unless otherwise specified, the rights granted are world rights. In case only the number of languages is specified, the list of the rights sold in available upon request. Arabic: Ar • Albanian: Alb • Basque: Basq • Bulgarian: Blg • Catalan: Cat • Chinese complex: ChiC • World except People’s Republic of China: W ex PRC • Chinese simplified: ChiS • People’s Republic of China: PRC • Croation: Cro • Czech: Cz • Danish: Dk • Dutch: Du • English: Eng • European Union & Commonwealth: UE & CW • North America (USA & Canada): NA • Estonian: Es • Finnish: Fi • German: Ger • Greek: Gr • Hungarian: Hu • Indonesian: Ind • Hebrew: Heb • Italian: It • Japanese: Jp • Korean: Kr • Latvian: Lat • Lithuanian: Lit • Macedonian: Mac • Malaysian: Mal • Norwegian: No • Polish: Pol • Portuguese: Por • Brasil: BR • Portugal: PR • Romanian: Ro • Russian: Ru • Serbian: Srb • Slovakian: Slk • Slovenian: Slv • Spanish: Sp • Latin America: LA • Spain: SP • Swedish: Sw • Turkish: Tur • Thai: Th • Ukrainian: Ukr • Vietnamese: Vt Books for Toddlers An enticing new range to amaze toddlers My Very First Books A series for the little ones from 0 to 3 in three novelty formats. A charming, affective and modern art and design created by a young talented illustrator, Camille Chincholle. Ecologically responsible with a vegetal ink and cardboard from sustainable forest and material respectful for the environment. 4 My First Cloth Book From birth Books For Toddlers 175 x 230 x 45 mm • 8 pages A soft cloth book in a lovely box with a ribbon: the perfect birth gift! A velvet cover with an extremely soft touch! Lively colors and tender illustrations. An attractive little box to keep the small baby’s treasures and souvenirs. My First Touch-and-Feel Book A Cuddle for Baby Good Night Baby From 9 months 195 x 195 mm • 10 pages Delightful boardbooks with a foam padded cover, round corners I Do Love Cuddles I Do Love Games new Big lift-the-flaps new Flocking and embossing both on the cover and on the inside pages. Adressing directly to toddlers, the interactive text encourages dialogue between adults and children. An adorable artwork and themes close to little ones' world. I Like The Night I Like Bedtime Stories June 2015 June 2015 Books For Toddlers My Little Library 4 titles • 12 pages • 90 x 90 mm Boardbooks • Case: 92 x 98 x 52 mm June 2015 0-3 year olds From 9 months 4 attractive picture dictionaries with rounded corners in a pretty gift box, to help discover the world. An ideal format and an easy handling for small hands. Numbers Colors Everyday Life Nature Books For Toddlers 5 From 1 My First Little Suitcase 170 x 163 x 63 mm Suitcase + boardbook 14 pages A lovely set with a small suitcase holding a boardbook and 9 very light and yet strong cubes. Perfect for little fingers to stack them up or have fun arranging the blocks to discover six images. A handle to carry the suitcase around everywhere you go and scratches to open and close it easily. Lively texts full of humour. Animals: the bear, the whale, the cameleon, the peacok, the ladybird and the monkey. I Love To Play! A small suitcase, a boardbook and 9 cubes for the little ones to play. Flash Cards 4 foam padded cards 80 x 130 mm in a cardboard box 12 months+ Specially made for little hands, ultra light soft foam padded cards featuring hyperrealistic illustrations. For toddlers to play endlessly: make pairs, recognize, distinguish or play memory games with these smart and colorful cards. Available: Vehicles, Wild Animals, Farm Animals, Fruits and Vegetables. New Cards March 2015: Baby’s day, Food, Pets, Little Bugs. Books For Toddlers 6 Boardbooks by Thierry Laval Couleurs Children can find out the colours behind some flaps, which reveal a delightful world. Green.. as a frog, black... as a witch, blue... as a siren... Chiffres Children can find out number behind the flaps: one spider and... one witch! Two stars and... two rockets! etc. 160 x 160 mm • 10 pages • 1+ Animaux An original and colorful picture book where children can find out animals behind the flaps! Eng (US) Formes Children can learn and recognize shapes behind the flaps: tons of triangles, countless squares, or piles of stars... Dedans Behind the flaps, children will discover what's inside everyday objects, such as a washing machine, a house, a tree or a book. Cat Cat Eng (US), Cat Boardbooks by Annette Tamarkin 205 x 205 mm • 18 pages • 2+ Rida OUERGHI Elsa FOUQUIER Le Pilates pour les petits Oh les bébés ! Colourful babies jump and open their arms as soon as you open this cheery popup book for toddlers. Grand Petit A playful and colorful popup book to raise toddlers awarness on notions such as big and small. Chat ! Chat ! Chat ! A pink cat, a smiling cat, a stripped cat… lift the flap and turn the page to discover a cheerful cat company! Animaux en formes On a cercle, add a round eye, a small fin and here is a nice fish! A small geometrical zoo combining a lot of colors and shapes… One is never too young to benefit from pilates: Help your child to slowly increase his body awareness thanks to a series of simple and playful movements. Coupled with adorable illutrations, 12 exercises for a fun and easy pilates session with your child! 28 Pages - 210 x 210 mm - 2+ ChiS (PRC), ChiC (W ex PRC) Music & Sound Books Music & Sound Books My Little Sound Books 16 titles • 12 pages 6 sounds • 150 x 150 mm 1-3 year olds Illustrated by Marion BILLET Cat, Du, Eng (UK), Fi, Frisian, Ger, Gr, Heb, It, Jp, Kr, No, Sp, Sw 10 months to 3 years old A huge international success, with over three million copies sold worldwide! A series of original sound and picture dictionaries for the youngests, which associates true noises directly with the images, thanks to a micro-chip. Instruments 2 Instruments of the World 1 Instruments of the World 2 Farm Animals Nature In the Countryside My Pets Baby Animals Birds Exotic Birds Jungle Honks and Horns Music Notes Zoo Toys Sing Along Titles Large Format with Flaps 2 titles • 12 pages, 6 flaps, 7 sounds 215 x 215 mm Where Is Baby Tiger? 18 months+ By Elsa FOUQUIER 2 titles • 12 pages, 6 sounds • 150 x 150 mm 12 months+ Where Is My Blanket? Listen to 6 famous nursery rhymes, sung by children and sing along with them. Specific international developments possible. My Rhymes My Ditties 7 Music & Sound Books Instruments 1 By Magali LE HUCHE 4 titles • 24 pages • 16 sounds • 185 x 210 mm Basq, Cat, Du, Fi, Ger, Gr, It, No, Sp, Sw Paco 3+ A new series of interactive sound books with an innovative technology: a larger format, hardcover, with non-cardboard pages. A delightful bestiary to entertain children and make them recognize music instruments one by one, before listening to all of them together. 16 sounds of 20 seconds each. l’orchestre et Gallimard Jeunesse Musique Mes petits Mes livres petits sonores livres sonores Paco & the Orchestra COVER IN PROGRESS COVER IN PROGRESS 16 musiques à écouter www.gallimard-jeunesse.fr Gallimard Jeunesse 5, rue Gaston-Gallimard 75007 Paris - France Imprimé en Chine ISBN : 978-2-07-065839-8 -:HSMARA=[Z]X^]: Mes petits livres sonores Paco & the Brass Band Sound Dictionaries Paco is a Rock Star Paco & Jazz Music 4 titles • 36 pages and a CD 150 x 150 mm Boardbooks • 1+ In each title, 32 words, 32 sounds and 32 pictures allow children to develop their sensitivity to sounds and their ability to associate a sound with the matching word and item. My First Sound Picture Book Wild Animals My Most Beautiful Musics 4 titles • 12 pages, 6 flaps, 7 sounds • 215 x 215 mm Instruments Music A selection of 17 musical themes for the little ones to discover, with tender illustrations in a chunky boardbook format. pour les petits Illustré par Elsa Fouquier, Alexandra Huard, Clotilde Perrin et Charlotte Roederer 2 Billie Holiday 3 Sarah Vaughan 4 Louis Armstrong 5 Anita 6 Ann Richards 7 Ella Fitzgerald 8 Peggy 9 Sarah Vaughan 10 Duke Ellington 11 Ella Fitzgerald 12 Django 13 Frank 14 Nina 15 Ella Fitzgerald 16 Bing 17 Ben Webster Lee O’Day Reinhardt new berceuses jazz et autres musiques douces pour les petits mes plus belles 1 Dean Martin ATTENTION ! Ne convient pas à un enfant de moins de 36 mois : petits éléments. Durée d’écoute du CD : 52 min env. mes plus belles berceuses jazz Les plus belles berceuses jazz à mettre entre toutes les petites oreilles pour s’éveiller à la beauté du monde… Classical Musics 1 It Classical Musics 2 -:HSMARA=[[X][[: Crosby 16,90€ éveil musical Simone ISBN : 978-2-07-066386-6 A66386 Sinatra www.gallimard-jeunesse.fr Gallimard Jeunesse 5, rue Gaston-Gallimard 75007 Paris - France Imprimé en Europe Music & Sound Books 8 fanfare TiMi A65839 Pour activer le module sonore, positionner sur « ON ». Ce livre fonctionne avec 3 piles boutons AG 10 Gallimard Jeunesse Musique 13,50 € -:HSMARA=[Z]X]V: A65838 ISBN : 978-2-07-065838-1 ores la et new Important, instructions à lire attentivement : - Pour enlever et mettre en place les piles, dévisser le couvercle du compartiment des piles avec un tournevis. Après remplacement, replacer le couvercle et le revisser. - Les piles ne doivent pas être rechargées. - Diff érents types de piles ou des piles neuves et usagées ne doivent pas être mélangés. - Les piles doivent être mises en place en respectant leur polarité. - Les piles usées doivent être enlevées du livre. - Les bornes d’une pile ne doivent pas être mises en court-circuit. dès 3 ans www.gallimard-jeunesse.fr Gallimard Jeunesse 5, rue Gaston-Gallimard 75007 Paris - France Imprimé en Chine e Écoute le fifre, la clarinette, la trompette, le trombone, le tuba, le soubassophone, le banjo, le saxophone, la grosse caisse, la caisse claire, les cymbales et... 4 sons surprise ! 16 musiques à écouter Important, instructions à lire attentivement : - Pour enlever et mettre en place les piles, dévisser le couvercle du compartiment des piles avec un tournevis. Après remplacement, replacer le couvercle et le revisser. - Les piles ne doivent pas être rechargées. - Diff érents types de piles ou des piles neuves et usagées ne doivent pas être mélangés. - Les piles doivent être mises en place en respectant leur polarité. - Les piles usées doivent être enlevées du livre. - Les bornes d’une pile ne doivent pas être mises en court-circuit. le module sonore, sur « ON ». Ce livre vec 3 piles boutons AG 10 Paco passe devant le cirque. Tiens, de la musique ! C’est la répétition pour le spectacle de ce soir ! 13,50 € Écoute la clarinette, le piano, le violon, la contrebasse, le xylophone, le piccolo, le célesta, le violoncelle, la flûte traversière, le basson et... l’orchestre du Carnaval des animaux de Saint-Saëns ! Illustré par Magali Le Huche Appuie sur l’icône et découvre les instruments de la fanfare. new Magali Le Huche Une histoire à lire et 16 musiques à écouter ! PACO et la fanfare PACO et l’orchestre Paco est très content ! Ce soir, il y a concert dans la forêt. Mais où sont donc les musiciens ? En route pour une balade tout en musique et en malice ! Gallimard Jeunesse Musique Magali Le Huche re et 16 musiques à écouter ! tré par Magali Le Huche éveil musical Classical Lullabies Jazz Lullabies Kr, It April 2015 Music & Sound Books 1-3 year olds Magical encounters between an author, a composer and an illustrator: a wonderful access to the world of music. First Discovery of Music 14 titles • 32 pages and a CD • 150 x 180 mm • Hardcover • 3+ African Music Brazilian Music Gipsy Music Indian Music Jazz Rap Keyboards Strings The Guitare The Violin 5 titles • 32 pages and a CD • 185 x 215 mm • Hardcover • 5+ The Drums The Piano Discovering Composers A series that presents the great classical composers through key moments of their childhood and musical extracts. 15 titles • 24 pages and a CD • 195 x 195 mm • Hardcover • 6+ Cat, ChiS (PRC) & ChiC (W ex PRC), Du, Eng (UE &CW), Hu, It, Kr, Pol, Sp (SP &LA) Jean-Sébastien Bach Frédéric Chopin Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Antonio Vivaldi Music & Sound Books 9 Illustrated Fiction Picture Books new Illustrated Fiction 10 Arnaud ALMÉRAS ROBIN Arnaud ALMÉRAS ROBIN Arnaud ALMÉRAS ROBIN Claire BABIN Marguerite COURTIEU Moi j’aime quand Papa Moi j’aime quand Maman Brazéro, la dispute La main de Maman Brazéro and Anouk, his sister, are two little dragons who breathe fire when they quarrel. It really scares Annie, their bat. Brother and sister relationships are not easy, but it’s normal! Mum’s hand smells like a cuddle. She combs my hair so I’m even prettier. She knows when I hesitate. She dries my tears with her fingertips… A simple powerful text children can easily relate to, with modern illustrations. "I like when Daddy takes me on his shoulders, or when he watches a rugby game with me on TV." Small everyday moments of complicity between father and child. 48 pages – 220 x 260 mm – 3+ ChiS (PRC), Kr "I like when Mummy waters the flowers on the balcony because I get to help her and she congratulates me: you watered you feet well, they’ll grow well!" Small everyday moments of complicity between mother and child. 28 pages – 205 x 205 mm – 4+ 32 pages – 225 x 225 mm – 2+ April 2015 48 pages – 220 x 260 mm – 3+ ChiS (PRC) Giovanna CALVINO Iris de MOÜY Lewis CARROLL Emmanuel POLANCO Rolande CAUSSE Amélie FONTAINE My Inner Witch The Nursery Alice A little girl tells how she lives with "her inner witch", who keeps warning her against the outside world. Her constant presence and relentless negative advice inhibit the little girl. A sensitive evocation of inside demons and selfconfidence. Twenty years after publishing Alice in Wonderland, Lewis Carroll wrote The Nursery Alice, the same story but for younger readers! A classic story revisited in and fresh a modern style. Contes de la terre mère 44 pages – 225 x 275 mm – 5+ Rights available for the illustrations only. Text rights with the Wylie Agency 56 pages – 235 x 300 mm – 4+ Por (BR) From Oceania to India, France or Amazonia, discover 9 traditional tales that sound like 9 modern ecological stories. 48 pages – 210 x 250 mm – 6+ Sp (SP) Alex COUSSEAU Charles DUTERTRE Le roi qui n’a rien In the Upside-Down country, everyone has everything but the king doesn't want to own anything. When a cat with no name comes along and only wants to be with him, the king soon understands that he has the most precious thing: a friend. 36 pages – 295 x 205 mm – 5+ Hu Illustrated Fiction CRUSHIFORM CRUSHIFORM À toute vitesse Trompe l’œil Did you know a tornado travels faster than a racecar? Full Speed Ahead! directly compares the speeds of animals, modes of transport and forces of nature in a highly graphic and playful style. A wonderfully illustrated bestiary where deception has never been more enjoyable: each die-cut page reveals how much the patterns of animals can be confusing for the eye... 64 pages – 250 x 305 mm – 7+ ChiS (PRC), Du, Eng, Ger, It, Kr, Por (Br) 64 pages – 260 x 320 mm- 6+ 2-7 year olds Charles DUTERTRE Vincent CUVELLIER Charles DUTERTRE Vincent CUVELLIER L’enfant qui grandissait La première fois que je suis née Josef and Karel have known each other for a long time. While Karel is a boy like others, Josef has a problem: he is continuously growing. What can he do when everything seems too small for him? A moving story about accepting one’s differences. Full of tenderness and humour, each spread evokes a "first time", big or small step, discovery or experience that progressively build the moving story life of a girl, from being born to giving birth. 204 pages – 205 x 205 mm – 6+ Ger, Hu, It, Kr, Sp (SP), Th 44 pages – 175 x 345 mm – 4+ Vincent CUVELLIER ROBIN Vincent CUVELLIER Aurélie GUILLEREY Vincent CUVELLIER Vincent MATHY Vincent CUVELLIER Suzanne AHREX Le grand secret Les enfants sont méchants La plus grande bataille de polochons du monde La guerre des bisous Children are naughty and parents are nice. Some children bite and don’t share their toys and there are some who fight and make lots of noise. Let’s remember that parents were young once too! But were they as nice back then? A mountain summer camp's dormitory in the 50's. Kids are sleeping and everything is dark. Silence. Suddenly, a small fart and then laughter... A pillow flies. Then two. And that’s the start of the biggest pillowfight in the world. A wordless story. 28 pages – 235 x 250 mm – 4+ Eng, Sp (LA) 36 pages – 230 x 205 mm – 4+ Sp DEDIEU & COMPAGNIE Étienne DELESSERT Zoo Jeux d’enfants An original way of discovering zoo animals, with a twisted situation: behind the bars of their cages, the animals are watching visitors who look incredibly like them! A simple yet refined picture book to learn letters, colors and numbers. I have a secret that I keep to myself. I can't help telling it the snail, who whispers it to the cat, who says it to the mouse… A tender book about the joy of having a little sister. 36 pages – 200 x 265 mm – 4+ Nobody knows how it started exactly... A little boy was coming out of the bathrooms when a little girl went right at him and SMACK, she kissed him on the mouth! Precisely! A big kiss! I think that’s how the War of the Kisses started... 32 pages – 200 x 255 mm – 5+ new Vincent CUVELLIER Rémi COURGEON J'aime pas les clowns A little boy who doesn’t like clowns goes to the circus with his grandmother, the opportunity for her to share an important moment of her own life when she was a child. 32 pages – 220 x 290 mm – 7+ April 2015 30 pages – 240 x 335 mm – 3+ 96 pages – 234 x 310 mm – 4+ Eng, Sp Dominique DEMERS Nicolas DEBON Tous les soirs du monde The perfect bedtime story: parents and children will recognize themselves in this shared ritual that takes all the pain out of going to bed. 32 pages - 232 x 312 mm - 4+ Eng (NA), Por (Br) Illustrated Fiction 11 DEYROLLE L'Imagier Deyrolle A small format, easy to handle for toddlers, opens on nearly 200 classic drawings of flowers, fruits or animals amongst the most beautiful from the Deyrolle catalogue. 192 pages – 150 x 150 mm – 2+ Du Jacob and Wilhelm GRIMM Lorenzo MATTOTTI Catherine GRIVE Muriel KERBA Jo HOESTLANDT Nathalie NOVI Hänsel & Gretel 1 seconde 1 minute 1 siècle Trois sœurs The cruel beauty of this classic tale is magnified by the tragic black and white India ink illustrations with a fantastic use of the white of the paper to bring light in the darkest of the forest. A version with a text by Neil Gaiman is also available. Contact upon request. 56 pages – 205 x 305 mm – 8+ Cat, Du, Eng, Ger, Sp (SP) How long does a second, three minutes or a century last? In spite of appearances, clocks don't really say anything on the matter. So let's ask it: what can happen or be done within a given time span? 36 pages – 255 x 285 mm – 5+ A poetic and tender story about three close sisters living in their parents’ house, until each one, in turn, leaves the house to explore and discover the world. A timeless narrative that sounds as a philosophical tale dealing with a universal topic: growing up. 48 pages – 217 x269 mm – 5+ new Illustrated Fiction 12 Aldous HUXLEY Beatrice ALEMAGNA The Crows of Pearblossom The unique children book by the author of Brave New World. The taste of a traditional tale with a pinch of humour, and the surprising collage illustrations by Beatrice Alemagna. Martin JARRIE Rêveur de cartes Bologna ragazzi Mention 2013 – Fiction A poetical geography of imaginary countries or islands: the city of Tomorrow, the Principality of Octogonia or the grottos of Anamnezia. 80 pages – 257 x 365 mm – 10+ 28 pages – 250 x 300 mm – 4+ Gr, It, Ko, Por. Rights available for the illustrations only. Text rights with the Fielding Agency Françoise JAY Frédérick MANSOT Fanny JOLY Fred BENAGLIA Wakanda et les rêves volés Rendez-moi mes totottes In the tribe of Wakanda, the small Native American girl, children can no longer dream. Where have the dreams gone? Wakanda decides to solve this mystery. Will she be strong enough to face evil spells? Charlotte just LOVES her dummies. She has many, all over the house and can’t keep it out of her mouth. And it is starting to be annoying… 40 pages – 217 x 269 mm – 3+ April 2015 32 pages – 240 x 300 mm – 5+ new Benoît MARCHON ROBIN MASSIN Laure MASSIN Susie MORGENSTERN Serge BLOCH Florence NOIVILLE Alice CHARBIN Dans le monde il y a... Le piano des couleurs La valise rose 44 pages - 235 x 255mm - 6+ It, Kr 32 pages – 220 x 320 mm- 5+ Por (BR), ChiC (W ex PRC) When he was born, Benjamin received all sorts of nice things. Blankets, toys, sleepers… even a swing! But nobody really understood when grandma came with her own present: a suitcase, for a baby, really? And pink on top of that? Bébé Jules qui ne voulait pas naître In the world, there are all sort of things. Beautiful things and ugly things, living or still, and there are all sorts of people, of all colors and sizes and... there is you! To enhance his son's gift, his father invented an instrument able to compose paintings with the music of the most famous composers: the Keyboard of Colours. "And now ladies and gentlemen, listen and watch"! 32 pages – 205 x 225 mm - 7+ March 2015 Ms Bigbelly's belly is getting bigger and bigger, big as a hot-air balloon, big as a whale, for she is pregnant. Nine months have gone by but Baby Jules feels quite good inside. Only his mum can find the secret words that finally induce him to come into this world. 28 pages - 173 x 208 mm - 5+ It Illustrated Fiction Amos OZ Georg HALLENSLEBEN Soudain dans la forêt profonde A beautiful tale by Amos Oz, one of the greatest Israelian author, sumptuously illustrated by Georg Hallensleben. Rights available for the illustrations only. Text rights with Deborah Owen Agency 96 pages – 230 x 280 mm - 6+ Du 2-7 year olds Vincent PIANINA Alexandra PICHARD PITTAU & GERVAIS Jungle Cher Bill Imagier An explorer is not simply travelling, an explorer is not just doing tourism, an explorer… explores! Going into the jungle, as you can imagine… that’s the dream… or maybe a nightmare: it depends on which day and which page you stop! "Thank you for your letter, I think we will get along well. I, too, like to play ping pong and watch TV." A quirky correspondence between two unusual pupils: Oscar the little ant and Bill the nice octopus. A strawberry, a ladybird, a poppy, a tomato: what do they have in common? Red! A frog, a leaf, a grasshopper, a fir tree: Green! The sun is yellow like a lemon. Many things look nothing like each other but have one thing in common: their colour... 44 Pages - 205mm x 285 mm - 3+ 36 pages - 235 x 325 mm - 3+ 128 Pages - 275mm x 265 mm - 3+ Ger, Heb, Kr PITTAU & GERVAIS PITTAU & GERVAIS François PLACE Emmanuel POLANCO Quand j’étais petit Quand je serai grand A little boy, full of imagination and humour, shows us the world viewed with children's eyes. He meets some difficulties but also sees the advantages he had when he was younger. When I am Grown Up is the successor of When I Was Little. The same adorable boy imagines how it will be when he is older. He swears, watches TV and has a girl friend. But he would also have to go to work, wear big glasses and lose his teeth… Le sourire de la montagne Les animaux dans la neige Inspired by the destruction of Bamiyan buddhas in 2001, the story of a king who once decided to have a huge statue sculpted in a cliff. The statue of a peaceful and benevolent god that would give strength and courage to travellers on their way to the Land of Silk, over the mountains. A beautiful black and white picture book to learn counting while observing animals who play hideand-seek in the snow: 2 zebras, 7 penguins, 1 polar bear, 3 Siberian tigers... 44 pages - 165 x 175 mm - 6+ Kr, Sp (SP+LA) 44 pages - 165 x 175 mm - 3+ Kr, Sp (SP+LA) 54 Pages - 262mm x 262 mm - 4+ ChiS (PRC) 48 pages - 220 x 360 mm - 10+ Emmanuel POLANCO Claude PONTI Claude PONTI Claude PONTI Les animaux dans la nuit L’album d’Adèle Adèle s’en mêle Adèle et la pelle Sorcières Award A tale without words.Flowers are speaking, trees are able to see, a checkered cow is wandering on the page… What about Adèle? She enters the world of this surprising picture book and follows her friends throughout an incredible journey! A tale without words. What can be done with a good and decent shovel? Adèle rebounces on the ticklish grassland, makes mockery to the Terrible Sand Beast, discovers the wonders of a island made of cake… Adèle travels! Who said that at night, everything is grey, everything is black? Children will search with curiosity these subtle illustrations to see many shapes emerge from the shadows, irresistibly caught in a poetic game of hide-and-seek. 36 Pages - 230mm x 305 mm - 4+ A tale without words. When Adèle immerses herself in her picture book, she meets with all of her friends. At first sight, they are wise but in fact their lives are terriblly turbulent! The chicks makes mischieves, the turtle looks puzzled, the bear and the doll dance like fools… 24 pages - 425 x 265 mm - 2+ Ger, ChiS (PRC), Dk, Jp, Eng (US) 40 pages - 425 x 265 mm - 3+ Jp, ChiS (PRC) 48 pages - 322 x 255 mm - 4+ ChiS (PRC) Illustrated Fiction 13 J’ai un ours J’ai un ours Mariana Ruiz Johnson new Mariana Ruiz Johnson esse.fr \[W: A64276 Marianna RUIZ-JOHNSON Marianna RUIZ-JOHNSON Alex SANDERS Alex SANDERS J’ai un ours L’enfant du jardin Le Piratosaure In this touching, hopeful story that reads like a modern classic, a young girl befriends a bear in the zoo. Using a gentle tone, spare language, and gorgeous illustrations, Mariana Ruiz Johnson reminds young readers that being a good listener is what makes for a good friend. An adorable friendship story between a little boy and a cat. From the dark night arise the Piratosaur… He attacks ships and steals their treasuries. But this time, he attempts to board the ship of the Queen of England. A merciless battle is underway with the Admiral Victor and the Piratosaur is taken prisoner! Le Piratosaure, roi des pirates 40 pages – 250 x 250 mm March 2015 28 Pages - 250 x 250 mm - 4+ ChiS (PRC), Eng (W ex UE & CW), Kr, Sp (LA) 36 pages - 215 x 255 mm - 2+ The terrible Piratosaur wants all the treasuries of seas and oceans. He loots the ships and amasses fortunes : billion of golden coins, emeralds, rubies, diamonds, sapphires in his topsecret place… All the pirates' chiefs dream to find his legendary cave : all against the Piratosaur! 36 pages - 215 x 255 mm - 2+ new Illustrated Fiction 14 Alex SANDERS Alex SANDERS Alex SANDERS Le Piratosaure contre les monstres Le Piratosaure et le fantôme de Barbedur The Piratosaur, king of pirates, and his friend Pirate-Cat discover a message in a bottle thrown into the sea: a treasure-map of the mysterious Turtle island where is the biggest pink diamond in the world! Unfortunately, the treasure is very well held by monsters… During a tempest, the ship of the Piratosaur grounds on a strange and worrisome island inhabited by small carnivorous monsters and the phantom of the Captain Hardbeard… Le Piratosaure et le Yéti de la montagne d’or 36 pages - 215 x 255 mm - 2+ 36 pages - 215 x 255 mm - 2+ 36 pages - 215 x 255 mm - 2+ April 2015 Séverine VIDAL Amélie GRAUX Oscar WILDE Georges LEMOINE J’aime mes cauchemars Le prince heureux A funny story of a little girl who likes her scary nightmares filled with wolves, noises in the attic, hairy monsters and dark forests. Long live the nightmares! 28 pages - 200 x 280 mm - 3+ It In all the pirates taverns, one speaks about the mysterious story of the golden mountain on an unknown island but "beware of the terrible monster!" warns a freebooter. Nothing can stop the Piratosaur unless maybe… A timeless story that Oscar Wilde would write for his own children, lavishly illustrated a century later by Georges Lemoine. 48 pages - 210x 200 mm - 9+ Gr, Kr, Sp (SP) Samir SENOUSSI Henri FELLNER La rentrée des animaux Let’s imagine that animals do also have their first day at school! Humor, tenderness… an irresistible picture book to enjoy with the small ones. Long lives school! 36 pages - 255 x 305 mm - 3+ ChiS(PRC), It Illustrated Fiction Classic tales 2-7 year olds The Reference Collection of Classic Tales A unique collection of the world's greatest fairy tales in their unabridged authentic initial version for today’s readers. A refined layout with a dynamic rhythm and gorgeous illustrations.w At the end of each title, two richly illustrated double spreads shed a light on the author and his time, on the role of oral tradition, on the meaning and the various versions of the tale throughout time... Picture Books • 8 titles • 32 pages • 230 x 265 mm • 5+ Hans Christian ANDERSEN Henri GALERON Hans Christian ANDERSEN Henri GALERON Hans Christian ANDERSEN René METTLER Jacob & Wilhelm GRIMM Henri GALERON The Ugly Duckling Thumbelina The Fir Tree Kr, Por (BR), Eng (US), Ru Ru Kr The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats Ru ANONYMOUS Jean–Claude GÖTTING Charles PERRAULT ZAÜ Charles PERRAULT Georg HALLENSLEBEN Charles PERRAULT Miles HYMAN Anansi, An African tale Bluebeard Little Red Riding Hood Tom Thumb Por (BR) Kr, Por (BR) Kr Kr, Por (BR) Pocket Book Format • 2 titles • 48 pages • 124 x 178 mm • 7+ Il était une fois une jeune fille aussi douce que bonne. Hélas, sa marâtre et ses deux filles traitaient la pauvre enfant comme une servante. Elles l’avaient surnommée Cendrillon. Un jour, le fils du roi donna un bal. Comme ses sœurs, Cendrillon avait très envie d’y aller. Sa marraine transforma alors la souillon en princesse et une citrouille en carrosse doré… Charles Perrault - Claire de Gastold Cendrillon new new Charles Perrault Cendrillon illustré par Claire de Gastold L’inoubliable conte de Charles Perrault, dans sa version authentique, avec de nouvelles illustrations de Claire de Gastold. LE L’ É D NA TITRE Illustrated by Claire de GASTOLD COMMAND RE AR ÉP Illustrated by François PLACE Sleeping Beauty TI O N N ATI O U CA Cinderella 9:HSMARA=[[ZZZ[: FCPL625_Cendrillon_COUV.indd Toutes les pages 625 ISBN 978-2-07-066555-6 catégorie 2 A66555 www.gallimard-jeunesse.fr August 2014 dès 8 ans March 2015 23/01/15 11:27 Illustrated Fiction 15 Characters Trotro By Bénédicte GUETTIER ChiS (PRC), It Trotro is a little donkey full of energy. He is discovering the world with plenty of enthusiasm, trying to reach a certain autonomy when faced with new situations Trotro stories are told with a sweet humour aimed at children who will identify with him. Children will feel both joy and anger, pain and tenderness. Board Books 53 titles • 12 pages • 130 x 170 mm • 1+ Picture Books 31 titles • 24 pages • 180 x 190 mm • 2+ Characters 16 Super Trotro À l’eau Trotro ! L’âne Trotro a un secret L’âne Trotro et la main de Nana L’amoureuse de Trotro La maman de Trotro L’âne Trotro fait dodo L’âne Trotro range sa chambre Le Tour du Monde de Trotro et Zaza Je joue avec Trotro Gift books & Activities • 13 titles new L'Anniversaire de Trotro April 2015 Le Livre-Jeux de Trotro Stickers • 4 titles • 40 to 100 stickers • 2+ Available: La chambre de Trotro • Le jardin de Totro • Trotro, Papa, Maman et Zaza • Trotro et ses amis Characters Funny Little Bugs 2-5 year olds By Antoon KRINGS Cat, ChiS (PRC), Cz, Gr, Jp, Kr, Por (BR), Ru, Slv, Sp With over 50 characters, the Funny Little Bugs’ garden is a world full of colours, both entertaining and developmental. A successful property with nearly 17 million copies sold worldwide, a TV series and a large range of merchandising products available. Picture Books Tales 57 titles • 32 pages • 195 x 195 mm • 3+ 5 titles • 84 pages • 235 x 235 mm • 3+ Mireille l’abeille Contes de printemps Contes d’été L’herbier des Drôles de Petites Bêtes Les recettes des Drôles de Petites Bêtes Léon le bourdon 17 Noël des Drôles de Petites Bêtes Le grand livre de jeux des Drôles de Petites Bêtes Lou Little Wolf Characters Gift books & Activities • 14 titles A new series with gorgeous illustrations by Antoon Krings, the author of the popular Funny Little Bugs series. A young hero who turns the classic figure of the wolf upside down. By Antoon KRINGS Picture Books • 4 titles • 28 pages • 195 x 195 mm • 3+ // Gr new Lou P'tit Loup et les abeilles Lou P'tit Loup et le grand méchant loup Lou P'tit Loup et la bergère Lou P'tit Loup est jaloux March 2015 Eliott By Françoise de GUIBERT Illustrated by Olivier LATYK Eliott is a happy and mischievous little tiger children can easily identify with. Far from the traditional clichés and in a modern environment, his adventures, simple everyday life, are designed to accompany children and help them find their way in life, by using the appropriate words to express their emotions. Picture Books • 4 titles • 20 pages, 5 flaps • 182 x 205 mm • 2+ • May 2015 Characters 18 Eliott Cooks With His Dad It is raining. Eliott stays at home to cook with his dad. Sugar, flour, chocolate and 3 eggs… everything you need to bake a good cake. Eliott Isn’t Tired Tonight, Eliott is not tired. He is too hot, he is thirsty and his blanket requests a bedtime story. But it is very late now, it's time to sleep! Eliott Goes on Holidays Hooray! Holidays! After quite a journey with mum, Eliott will eventually find Grandpa and Grandma. He will have fun at the sea! new Eliott’s Birthday Today, it is Eliott's birthday. He has invited all his friends: Coco, Caspar and Chaïma. Balloons, the cake and sweets are ready. Hurry! the doorbell is ringing! Large format 1 title • 14 pages, with flaps 255 x 315 mm • 5+ Eliott’s School new • A beautiful large format picture book with flaps and folders. • Dialogues and informative captions help parents and child get ready for their first year in pre-school and discover the daily activities. A playful and shared reading with flaps inviting small hands to explore the story. Boardbooks for 2-4+ : a format easy to handle, resistant with rounded corners. Characters 2-5 year olds By Vincent CUVELLIER, Illustrated by Ronan BADEL ChiS (PRC), Du, Ger, Hu, Ro, Sp Émile Emile is not stubborn. He is really, really stubborn. His numerous whims and fancies always create comical situations, familiar to every parent. Vincent Cuvellier knows how to capture the spirit of the children’s world in his texts. Along with the brilliant illustrations by Ronan Badel, it is the perfect recipe to delight kids as well as their parents. Picture Books • 11 titles • 28 pages •175 x 205 mm • 3+ 2 8 Vincent Cuvellier & Ronan Badel Vincent Cuvellier & Ronan Badel Aujourd’hui... Émile doit jouer avec les autres ! C’est comme ça et pas autrement ! ÉMILE ÉMILE est invisible et les autres même collection les autres et Émile invite une copine 3 ÉMILE ÉMILE faIt La fêtE Émil e Émil e 6 euros veut un plâtre t invisible es 6 euros 6 euros www.gallimard-jeunesse.fr isbn : 978-2-07-064424-7 Émile a froid isbn : 978-2-07-064835-1 Émile veut une chauve-souris new ut un plât ve A 64835 -:HSMARA=[YYWY\: A 64424 A 65115 www.gallimard-jeunesse.fr isbn : 978-2-07-065115-3 t la fête fai Émil e Dans la même collection ut une ch ve Émil e t invisible es Émil e ÉMILE vEut unE chauvE-sourIs Émil e Émile ÉMILE a froId ÉMILE re une ch ut a ve www.gallimard-jeunesse.fr 6 euros Émil e Émil e Émil e ÉMILE SE DÉGUISE Émil e Émil e Émil e Dans la même collection Émil e 6 euros 6 euros ÉMILE ve-souris au Émil e Vincent Cuvellier & Ronan Badel Émile veut un plâtre. C’est comme ça et pas autrement ! veut une chauve-souris t la fête fai 1 title • 64 pages 205 x 295 mm • 3+ February 2015 4 Vincent Cuvellier & Ronan Badel -souris ve u Émil e Émile fait la fête 08/02/13 15:51 1 Émile veut une chauve-souris. C’est comme ça et pas autrement ! a froid même collection Activity Book A 64834 Émile se déguise 30/01/14 16:56 Vincent Cuvellier & Ronan Badel ÉMILE new isbn : 978-2-07-064834-4 6 hui... Émile a froid. e ça et pas autrement ! ut un plât ve www.gallimard-jeunesse.fr A 65114 A 65703 Deguise_Couv.indd 1 roid af t la fête fai ISBN : 978-2-07-065114-6 Émile fait un cauchemar t invisible es t invisible es WWW.GALLIMARD-JEUNESSE.FR ISBN : 978-2-07-065703-2 déguise se Émil e ÉMILE FAIT UN CAUCHEMAR Émil e Émil e Émil e déguise se ut une ch ve re ut un plât ve Dans la même collection t la fête fai ve-souris au Émil e t invisible es WWW.GALLIMARD-JEUNESSE.FR -:HSMARA=[Z\UXW: ÉMILE fait la fête Dans la même collection ut une ch ve re mar he les autres et Émile veut faire la fête. C’est comme ça et pas autrement ! se déguise ve-souris au re ut un plât ve Vincent Cuvellier & Ronan Badel Vincent Cuvellier & Ronan Badel Aujourd’hui... C’est carnaval. Tout le monde doit se déguiser. C’est comme ça et pas autrement ! fait un cauchemar même collection 30/01/14 16:23 5 Vincent Cuvellier & Ronan Badel ÉMILE Émile et les autres emile autres couv.indd 1 ÉMILE vEut un pLâtrE 6 euros 6 euros ISBN : 978-2-07-065704-9 7 t un cauc fai A 65704 -:HSMARA=[Z\UY^: A 64425 WWW.GALLIMARD-JEUNESSE.FR -:HSMARA=[YYWZY: Émile est invisible t la fête fai ÉMILE ET LES AUTRES Émil e Émil e ut un plât ve Émil e t un cauc fai Émil e Émil e Émil e Émil e t la fête fai isbn : 978-2-07-064425-4 sibl e le roid af www.gallimard-jeunesse.fr Émile a fait un cauchemar. me ça et pas autrement ! le t invisible es mar he déguise se re ut une ch ve Émil e Dans la même collection ÉMILE Est InvIsIbLE t invisible es ve-souris au -souris ve u Émil e ha "Emile is invisible" won the Prix Sorcières in the early reading category in 2013 and the Quebec Booksellers’ Prize 2013. Émile veut un plâtre new Joue avec Émile, c'est comme ça et pas autrement ! Émile descend les poubelles Émile, il est 7 heures 19 Characters urd’hui, Émile est invisible. e ça et pas autrement ! Pénélope By Anne GUTMAN, Illustrated by Georg HALLENSLEBEN ChiC (W ex PRC), ChiS (PRC), Jp, Kr, Por (BR), Th A young blue koala, a loveable and mischevious character, in a tender and irresistible world for the youngests. Inquisitive, mischievous and resourceful, Pénélope is very close to young children. She takes them into stories full of punch and humour that keep the attention of the young reader going thanks to constant and comical surprises. Animated Books 9 titles • 12 pages • 222 x 222 mm • 3+ Large Animated Books 4 titles • 12 pages • 285 x 285 mm • 3+ Characters 20 Pénélope fait un gâteau Pénélope à l’école Joyeux Noël Pénélope ! Pénélope fête son anniversaire Pénélope à la ferme Pénélope fait du sport Pénélope à Paris Pénélope au Louvre Pénélope s’habille La semaine de Pénélope Pénélope aime sa planète Le livre ardoise de Pénélope Le livre anti–cauchemar de Pénélope Pénélope se déguise Picture Books • 15 titles • 32 pages • 195 x 195 mm • 3+ Pénélope connaît les couleurs Gift Books • 10 titles C’est doux ou ça pique ? Characters Pyjamasks 2-5 year olds By ROMUALD ChiS (PRC), Tur Three smart mini super-heroes for the very young readers. Each of them draws his own particular super power from his very special pyjamas. When the bell rings midnight, Bibou, Gluglu and Yoyo, the three inseparable friends, slip on their magical pyjamas and set off for new adventures. Picture Books • 18 titles • 28 pages • 225 x 205 mm • 3+ new Les Pyjamasques et le Père Noël rebelle Les Pyjamasques et le marchand de sable Les Pyjamasques et le robot-blizzard February 2015 Yok-Yok By Étienne DELESSERT ChiS (PRC), Sp (LA) The famous little imp with the red hat is back! Everybody knows that imps don't grow old. The famous character created by Etienne Delessert in the 80’s is now the hero of a brand new series about nature, ecology and friendship, full of poetry and fantasy. Picture Books 10 titles • 36 pages • 175 x 175 mm • 3+ Une noix Large format Picture Books 2 titles • 32 pages • 230 x 310 mm • 3+ Les bons et les mauvais Promenade en forêt Cache–cache Le chat qui parle trop Le hibou blanc 21 Characters Les Pyjamasques et le Grogarou Fiction 7+ Fiction Bogueugueu • By Béatrice FONTANEL, illustrated by Marc BOUTAVANT • Full colour illustrations • 7+ Fiction 22 A delightful chronicle of life at school, full of realistic yet funny details, told with verve, humour and sensitivity. A touching hero, stories of friendship, solidarity and tolerance, enhanced by the witty illustrations of Marc Boutavant. Bogueugueu My Buddy Bogueugueu In the Fifth Grade Bogueugueu’s Trip To London Bogueugueu Is In Love 44 pages - 150 x 210 mm ChiC/PRC, Chi/W ex PRC, Heb, It, Kr 48 pages - 124 x 178 mm ChiC/PRC, Chi/W ex PRC, It, Kr 44 pages - 150 x 210 mm Chi/W ex PRC 48 pages - 124 x 178 mm Berthus, agent secret • By Olivier MÜLLER, illustrated by Benjamin ADAM Full colour illustrations • 64 pages • 124x 178 mm • 8+ The tribulations of Berthus, a very untypical hamster: between a wheel turn in his cage and enjoying his croquette, he is the indispensable assistant of Christopher Mix, the secret agent. Thrilling and humourous investigations to snack on with no restraint! new Berthus Secret Agent Explosive Mission A Mess in Tapistan Pschit Alert! April 2015 Fiction 7 and up Cucu la praline • By Fanny JOLY, illustrated by Ronan BADEL Black & White illustrations • 112 pages • 124x 178 mm • 8+ The cheerful adventures of Angèle, nicknamed Cucu la praline, a little girl who rebels against her two terrible brothers and solves plenty of mysteries. In each title, three tenders and funny episodes, that reconciliate naughty brothers with their adorable young sister. Cucu la praline Is In Top Form Cucu la praline Takes Off Cucu la praline Goes Wild new new COVER IN PROGRESS Cucu la praline Has Her Witty Say Cucu la praline Calls The Tune Cucu la praline Is Plucky Cucu la praline Makes Her Scene June 2015 Lou Pilouface • By François PLACE • Full colour illustrations • 64 pages • 124x 178 mm • 8+ The nautical adventures of the unruly Lou Pilouface, hectic, tender and funny, on board of the ship of her uncle Boniface. A bunch of unforgettable characters, from Anastasia, the skeleton best friend of Lou, to Tycho the cook or Titus the chief mecanic. new A Stowaway Passenger The Kidnapping Of The Parrot new Panic In The Bayou The Carnival Of The Skeletons April 2015 June 2015 23 Fiction Cucu la praline Mon Histoire Viviane KOENIG Minemes, Explorer On Behalf of Pharao Narrative of an exploration at the time of Thoutmosis. 192 pages • Chis/PRC A series of historical novels in the form of fictional diaries of children or young adults, each combining a personal story with History, thus making the latter captivating. Viviane KOENIG At The Time of Greek Theater Diary of Cleo a Young Comedian, 468 BC 144 pages Paule du BOUCHET At The Time of the Christian Martyrs Diary of Alba 175-178 Hardcover novels • 135 x 195 mm • 9+ 192 pages Catherine de LASA Blanche de Castille Future queen of France, 1199-1200 112 pages Sophie HUMANN Martin, Apprentice of Gutenberg Travel diary of a printer,1467-1478 24 144 pages • ChiS/PRC Fiction Isabelle DUQUESNOY Li Mei, Handmaiden In The Forbidden City 1692-1693 176 pages • Blg Dominique JOLY Christine FERET-FLEURY Sigrid RENAUD Isabelle DUQUESNOY The Ashes of Pompei, year 79 Guillaume, Son of a Viking Chief Constance, Mozart’s Fiancée Diary of Briséis the slave Normandy Chronicle, 911-912 1781-1783 144 pages • ChiS/PRC 144 pages • Blg, ChiS/PRC 160 pages 192 pages • ChiS/PRC Christine FERET-FLEURY Yves, Prisoner of Pirats April-August 1718 Vivaldi’s Singer Diary of Lucrezzia, Venice, 1720 144 pages • ChiS/PRC Clara BOURREAU The Impressionists Diary of Pauline, 1873-1874 128 pages • ChiS/PRC Dominique Joly Léon, On The Eiffel Tower Building Site Diary of a worker, 1888-1889 160 pages Yaël HASSAN My Dream of America Reïzel a Young Russian Emigrant in the US, 1914-1915 144 pages Catherine de LASA Christine FERET-FLEURY Anne-Marie POL Sissi S.O.S. Titanic Diary of Elisabeth, the future Empress of Austria 1853-1855 Diary of Julia Facchini, 1912 The Dawn of the Russian Revolution 192 pages 160 pages • Blg, ChiS/PRC Diary of Liouba, 1916-1917 176 pages • ChiS/PRC Yaël HASSAN 176 pages • Blg, ChiS/PRC Isabelle DUQUESNOY Geisha Apprentice Diary of Ayami, Tokyo, 1923 I Flew Away From Nazi Germany Diary of Ilse, 1938-1939 112 pages • ChiS/PRC Fiction 10 7 and and up up 10+ Fiction Jean–Philippe ARROU–VIGNOD Une famille aux petits oignons The French Thirteen By The Dozen, the hilarious chronicle of a family of six boys in the Sixties, the bindup of a best-selling series (over (500,000 copies sold). 336 pages • Pol, Ru, Srb, Vt Jean–Philippe ARROU–VIGNOD Jean–Philippe ARROU–VIGNOD Jean–Philippe ARROU–VIGNOD Jean–Philippe ARROU–VIGNOD Enquête au collège 1 Enquête au collège 2 Enquête au collège 3 Detective stories full of spirit, fun and invention. The bind-up of the first three stories in a successful series of six titles, with more than 1,7 million copies sold. The bind-up of the next three stories of the adventures of P.P. Cul Vert and of his two school mates and friends, Rémi and Mathilde. A seventh and completely new story in the series. P.P. Cul Vert has disappeared. Rémy and Mathilde find out he has become the king of a tiny island and set off on his tracks. La cerise sur le gâteau Approx. 384 pages • Pol, Th 384 pages • Pol, Th The sequel of Une famille aux petits oignons and for the six brothers, the discovery of an unknown species: Girls! 224 pages • Pol, Th 192 pages • Pol, Ru, Srb, Vt new Un hiver glacial s’est abattu sur le grand-duché de Sillyrie. Dans la capitale, les enfants des rues disparaissent, enlevés par des hommes-loups. Malgré son agilité de chat et ses talents de voleuse à la tire, la jeune Mimsy Pocket tombe dans un guet-apens. La voilà emmenée avec ses camarades à travers les forêts enneigées vers une destination inconnue. De son côté, son ami Magnus Million chemine en train jusqu’à un monastère haut perché où l’attend une dangereuse mission. Mais des fantômes surgissent bientôt du passé… Minuscule, renversante, imprévisible, qui est vraiment Mimsy Pocket ? De complot en révélations, un récit fantastique où souffle la grande aventure. Gallimard Jeunesse Illustration : Erwann Surcouf -:HSMARA=[[ZZ^Y: A66559 14,90 e ISBN : 978-2-07-066559-4 www.gallimard-jeunesse.fr Gallimard Jeunesse Jean–Philippe ARROU–VIGNOD Jean–Philippe ARROU–VIGNOD Pierre–Marie BEAUDE Tahar BEN JELLOUN Magnus Million Mimsy Pocket et les enfants sans nom Jeremy Cheval L’école perdue Prix de Brives A captivating ecological western in which the unbelievable happens: Jeremy turns into a horse! He is left with no choice but to share the fierce and dangerous life of a horse herd in the prairie. Recommended by the French Ministry of Education A fable that exposes the devastation caused by the exploitation of children and by ignorance, the actual source of poverty and intolerance. Prix Mickey roman, Prix Al terre Ado An anti-hero who reveals a courageous and generous character through the confrontation with nameless dangers and uncontrollable characters, some moving, some evil. 368 pages • Pol This is winter in Friecke. The children of the Lower City disappear, kidnapped by the wolf-men. Even Mimsy Pocket, in spite of her agility and her talent as a pickpocket, is taken away, whilst Magnus Million is entrusted a highly diplomatic mission. Ghosts from the past are going to reappear. 368 pages • Pol • March 2015 160 pages • Sp/LA 96 pages Fiction 25 Yann DARKO Trilogy: Chat Noir Who is Black Cat? A dangerous criminal? A dispenser of justice? The Lord of the Two-Mists city is promising an always higher reward for capturing him, dead or alive. A new series set in an imaginary Middle-Ages, adventures full of twists and turns. 256 pages new Le secret de la tour Montfrayeur Le naufragé de l’île maudite Timothée de FOMBELLE Timothée de FOMBELLE Céleste ma planète Victoria rêve A delightful fable in which ecological fight appears under the form of a love story in a future struck by pollution. Adventure and emotion, with sensitive and moving characters. Accused of holding three Cheyennes prisoners, Victoria catches a glimpse of her father disguised as a cow-boy. What does all this mean? A sensitive short novel about the power of reading and of imagination. 96 pages • Ger, Cat, It 112 pages • Hu, Kr, Tur May 2015 Fiction 26 Trilogies By Erik L'HOMME Le Livre des étoiles Terre-Dragon Guillemot of Troïl is a child of the Land of Ys, halfway between our Certain World and the perilous Uncertain World. In this Land, threatened by the Shadow and ruled by the magic of the Book of the Stars and of its Graphems, Guillemot sets off in search of his identity and origin… A best-selling trilogy with over 700,000 copies sold in France alone. A captivating adventure set in a mystical and archaic world rich with the magic of the "thun-lawz". Four fugitives unite in their quest for salvation in the kingdom of Dragon-Earth. Aegir, the bear-child, Sheylis the young witch, Doom the bard and the old Gaan are fleeing the Naatfarir warriors and the priests of the Skull. 880 pages • English text available • Rights sold in 19 languages English sample available Port/BR Qadehar le sorcier Le souffle des pierres Le chant du fleuve 256 pages 208 pages Le Seigneur Sha new COVER IN PROGRESS Le Visage de l’Ombre Les sortilèges du vent Approx. 250 pages • Autumn 2015 Fiction 10 7 and and up up Erik L’HOMME • Pierre BOTTÉRO Complete series A comme Association His name is Jasper, he is 15, her name is Ombe, she is 18. Both have been recruited as Trainee Agents by the Association, a secret and powerful organisation, because of their very special gifts. Their mission? Ensuring a peaceful cohabitation between the Normal People, the human beings, and the Abnormal People, vampires, trolls, werewolves, goblins and other creatures from the Earth or Water. English samples available • Bas, Cat, Sp La pâle lumière des ténèbres Les limites obscures de la magie 160 pages 192 pages L'étoffe fragile du monde 208 pages Le subtil parfum du soufre 192 pages Fiction 27 Là où les mots n’existent pas Ce qui dort dans la nuit 208 pages 208 pages Erik L’HOMME Contes d’un royaume perdu Three traditional tales picked up by the author himself in the Kingdom of Chitral, a kingdom hidden in the mountains, in the North of Pakistan. 48 pages • English translation available Eng/NA, Por/BR Patrick MODIANO SEMPÉ Catherine Certitude Catherine has discovered that her glasses allow her to live in two different worlds: the real world, and when she takes them off, another world full of softness. The only children's book by an author awarded the Nobel Prize of Literature. 96 pages • English translation available Rights sold in 18 languages Parce que nos cœurs sont hantés Le regard brûlant des étoiles 208 pages 384 pages Jean–Claude MOURLEVAT Jean–Claude MOURLEVAT La ballade de Cornebique La troisième vengeance de Robert Poutifard Prix Bernard Versele, Prix Graine de lecteurs, Prix Ruralivre, Prix Gavroche. Cornebique the billy goat is griefstricken because of a failed love story. Heavy-hearted, his banjo slung across his chest, he leaves his village. He now lives only for singing, until the day he is entrusted to the care of Pié, a baby dormouse that sleeps around the clock. Helped by Adolphino, an old amnesic rooster, he tries to save Pié, chased by ferocious weasels. 192 pages • ChiS/PRC, Kr, Jp Prix Chronos, Prix Bernard Versele, Prix Beaugency, Prix Graines de Lecteurs. During his farewell party, Robert Poutifard thinks to himself that his 37 years as a primary school teacher have been a 37-year-long nightmare. Because kids have always been a source of agony for him, Robert decides to take his revenge, carefully picking out three victims, three of his former torturers, who will “pay for them all”. 160 pages • ChiS/PRC, ChiC/W ex PRC, Kr Christophe MAURI Mathieu Hidalf A five-volume series set in Astria, a Middle-Ages-like kingdom based upon a series of contracts between an exasperated father and his clever but mischievous son. A hero as unbearable as he is charming, who cannot wait to be a grown-up. Impatient and egoistic, but smart and resourceful, he uses the means of the adults to fulfill his goals as a child and finds himself involved into the pitiless struggle between Astria and the fearsome Estaffes brothers. Complete series English sample available It, Pol, Ru, Ser, Sp Daniel PENNAC François PLACE Les aventures de Kamo Le vieux fou de dessin Told by his best friend, the adventures of the inspired and unpredictable Kamo: confronting an evil paper or learning English with a mysterious penfriend, Kamo is always of a genius! Prix Janosch Korczak, Prix Chronos In 19th century Japan, Tojiro, a street vendor boy, meets a strange old man who spends his time drawing: Hokusai, Japan’s greatest artist, master printmaker and inventor of the manga comic art. Fascinated by the master’s talent, Tojiro becomes his apprentice. 304 pages English sample available Ar, Cz, Blg, It, Jp, Kr, Mac, Por (BR), Ru, Srb Also available in a B&W version English translation available Eng/NA, Gr, Kr, Por/BR Mathieu Hidalf et la foudre fantôme 256 pages 352 pages Mathieu Hidalf et le sortilège de Ronces Mathieu Hidalf et la bataille de l’aube 384 pages 350 pages Fiction 28 Le premier défi de Mathieu Hidalf Claude ROY Claude ROY Désiré Bienvenu Le chat qui parlait malgré lui So much desired, Désiré Bienvenu is a cat smart as a monkey, cheerful as a bird, friendly as a dog and sensitive…as a cat. But there are not so many cats who travel around the world, as he does with Céline, his mistress. And there are still less cats that end up as a Nobel Peace Prize… 96 pages • Jp, Lit, Ru, Sp/LA, Tur, Th Prix Bernard Versele One day, Gaspard, the cat friend of Thomas, surprises himself talking, in prose and even in verses! He now is a smart and poet cat. Will the two friends be able to keep this terrible secret to themselves? Recommended by the French Ministry of Education 128 pages • Jp, Lit, Ru, Sp/LA, Tur, Th Claude ROY La maison qui s’envole Is it reasonable to leave a very sleepy grandfather to the care of four boisterous kids? Kids that only dream of dismantling everything, from the clock to the staircase. The house becomes a battleground when the objects decide to rebel. Recommended by the French Ministry of Education. 96 pages • Kr, Ru, Tur, Vt La dernière épreuve de Mathieu Hidalf 544 pages Fiction YA and Crossover YA Fiction A wealth of French talented authors, in a great variety of styles and themes, from fantasy to chick lit, from historical novels to teenager’s issues, from funny stories to initiation novels. new Pierre–Marie BEAUDE Pierre–Marie BEAUDE Pierre–Marie BEAUDE Anne-Laure BONDOUX Leïla, les jours Issa, l’enfant des sables La maison des lointains Tant que nous sommes vivants Grand prix du comité français pour l’Unicef. Issa is four. Driven away by the drought, his parents are fleeing away north throughout the desert. They come across Marie, a doctor who is going to try and save the child. Recommended by the French Ministry of Education. Jan, the son of Afrikaaner settlers, was born in the Veld, the Namibian bush. After the tragic disappearance of his parents, he finds himself on his own, facing the hostile immensity of the Veld. Bo and Hama work in the same factory. They fall in wild love at first sight. One day, a disaster occurs and they have to flee away from the city. A timeless atmosphere, vibrant characters on their quest to their place in this world. Prix Saint-Exupéry, Prix Nouvelle Revue Pédagogique Leïla and Soufiane are nomads who have been separated from each other. A beautiful and moving text which deals with fundamental questions such as the search for one’s origins. 160 pages – 14+ 140 pages – 12+ 304 pages - 13+ • English language sample available • Ger, Hu, It 126 pages – 12+ • Jp Paule du BOUCHET Paule du BOUCHET Sylvie BRIEN Florence CADIER Chante, Luna Mon amie, Sophie Scholl Spirit Lake Le rêve de Sam Québec, May 1915, in the infirmary of the detention camp of Spirit Lake. Peter Gaganovitch, 14, is about to die on a campbed. He is only 14. How could this happen? He arrived in Canada three months earlier. An ignored and tough episode in the history of immigration. Prix des Incorruptibles Through the life of Sam, a black teenager living in 1952 in the south of the USA, the stages of the non-violent fight of Martin Luther King for the civil rights of the black people. Prix des Ados. Warsaw, 1939. Luna is 14 and Jewish. She has one passion only: singing. She takes part into the resistance of the ghetto. Recommended by the French Ministry of Education. 272 pages – 13+ • Ger, Tur In 1941, Elisa, a fictional friend of Sophie,tells in her diary her admiration for her best friend, a Resistance fighter against the Nazis. 144 pages – 13+ 240 pages – 13+ 192 pages – 13+ Fiction 29 new Jean-François CHABAS Orianne CHARPENTIER Orianne CHARPENTIER Sarah COHEN–SCALI Les rêves rouges Après la vague In a wild run to escape the tsunami wave, Max fails to save Jade, his twin sister. For him, there is no word, no tear, no present, no future any longer. Running away, encounters make the reader witness a poignant mourning and reconstruction. La vie au bout des doigts Max Lachlan is an 14-year old Amerindian who never met his father and lives alone with his mother in Canada. He befriends Daffodil, a weird student. One day the two friends witness the appearance of Ogopogo, the mythical monster of Lake Okanagan, but who can believe them? 114 pages – 13+ 288 pages – 13+ English sample available • March 2015 During World War I, a young girl, sensitive, mystic and courageous, struggles with the hardships of life on the home front, but also to penetrate her family secret and her own self. Both an intimist novel and a historical fresco, inspired and richly documented. Prix Sorcières, Prix des libraires du Québec, Prix Tatoulu, Prix des Dévoreurs de livres, Prix Passages. An extraordinary novel with a compulsively readable voice telling a horrifying but devastatingly true story. A chilling account of the "Lebensborn" programme, initiated by Himmler in 1936. 416 pages – 13+ 480 pages – 15+ English translation available Eng, Gr, Hu, Por (BR), Ro, Slo, Sp (LA) Fiction 30 Elisabeth COMBRES Christelle DABOS Marie DESPLECHIN Marie DESPLECHIN La mémoire trouée Trilogy La passe-miroir La belle Adèle Le bon Antoine In order to better get integrated into their high school, Adèle and Frédéric decide to pretend they are a couple in love, until the idea turns into an unexpected trap. A more than true dive into the contemporary teenage world. Though innocent, Antoine is punished: he has to get up at 7 to come and clean the school. In the cleaning team, he meets Bébé, a young woman, who asks him to babysit her son and then, disappears. That’s how it all starts... Prix Nouvelle Revue Pédagogique, Prix des lycéens allemands. Moments of grace and tenderness undercut the terror and pain of this powerful story of the genocidal war in Rwanda. Recommended by the French Ministry of Education 128 pages – 12+ • Eng (NA) English translation available 1. Les fiancés de l’hiver Winner of the Gallimard Jeunesse First Novel Competition. A completely new universe full of wonder and magic, in which people have settled on the numerous Arks now floating around the Earth, a deceptively fragile and moving heroine who is going to reveal the strength of her personality. 160 pages – 12+ It, Sw 160 pages – 12+ 528 pages – 14+ • Hu Victor DIXEN Trilogy: Le cas Jack Spark Victor DIXEN Animale Grand prix de l’Imaginaire. In 1832, when young Blonde sets in search of her identity, she discovers in herself a dark, animal part. At the heart of her history, a terrible secret lies: she was born struck by the Curse of the Bear. An unforgettable heroine, a breathtaking quest, a wild love. 160 pages – 12+ • ChiS (PRC), Por (BR) English sample available Saison 1 - Eté mutant When Jack, a young insomniac of 15, arrives in the "therapy" Redrock ranch, his life turns upside down. The therapy is appalling. And how can Jack explain the strange mutations his body undergoes after each session? 640 pages – Crossover Saison 2 - Automne traqué Washington, New York, Dublin, Tokyo: Jack and his friends are now scattered all over the world. They are not aware the same danger is threatening them. Jack wants to protect the planet, but he is also at risk to loose his soul. Or more? Saison 3 - Hiver nucléaire Jack and his friends have not been able to protect the Eearth from the evil of the Xenotron. In a postapocalyptic environment, they have only one hope: joining forces with the last resistance fighters and counter the Xenotron will of extermination. 736 pages – Crossover 832 pages – Crossover Fiction new YA and Crossover Timothée de FOMBELLE Two-part novel: Vango From the roofs of Paris to the cliffs of Sicilian islands, in the strange atmosphere of a Scottish castle or on board of a Zeppelin, a magnificent adventure story full of suspense and romance. The extraordinary destiny of Vango, a young fugitive in search of his identity, a particularly romantic and compelling hero, mysterious and fragile, but also determined and indomitable. English translation available • Rights sold in 19 languages. Timothée de FOMBELLE Dis-moi qu’il y a un ouragan Le livre de Perle The irony and frankness of the energetic Lea change the life of her new schoolmates. As she puts it, "this year was very special for me: I was a bisexual psychokiller, became the girlfriend of a vampire, saved the life of an immortal girl, met an extra-terrestrial girl and married her to the future black dalaï-lama". 272 pages – 13+ • It, Sw Pépite du Roman ado européen 2014. Joshua Perle is a man expelled from the Faeries into our world, that does not believe in tales nor in fairies. His life of fugitive, torn apart by a love story, is also a mysterious quest. The new spellbounding novel of an internationally best-selling and award-winning author. 320 pages – 13+ • English sample available Cat, Cz, Du, Eng, Ger, Hu, It, Por (BR), Slv, Sp (SP), Tur Timothée de FOMBELLE, illustrated by François PLACE Two-part novel: Tobie Lolness List of the French and International awards available upon request. An original and convincing world of miniature people whose continent is an oak tree. A fascinating novel of adventure, friendship and love, full of atmosphere and twists, with unforgettable and lovable characters. A long-term best-seller with over 350,000 copies sold in France alone. 1. Entre ciel et terre 2. Un prince sans royaume 384 pages – 12+ 400 pages – 12+ new new 31 COVER IN PROGRESS English translation available • Rights sold in 27 languages. Aurélie GERLACH Roland GODEL La Légende de Lee-Roy Gordon Dans les yeux d’Anouch Anouch, 13, is an Armenian and lives in Turkey. In 1915, a long and frightful exodus starts. Her only ray of sunshine: her friend Dikan. They are soon driven apart, with Dikan and his family deported towards an unknown location. But Anouch clings to a wild hope: Dikan is alive and she will see him again. 1. La vie suspendue 2. Les yeux d’Elisha Morgane, a 17 year-old teenager becomes the coach of a 70 year-old rock’n roll star, about to record his first record in 40 years with a small independent label, endowed with a wild personality. The relations between the musician and the teenager are going to grow explosive. 320 pages - 12+ 352 pages -12+ Approx. 290 pages – 13+ - May 2015 200 pages – 12+ English sample available - March 2015 Hervé JAOUEN Jean–Claude MOURLEVAT Jean–Claude MOURLEVAT Jean–Claude MOURLEVAT Mamie mémoire Terrienne Le combat d’hiver Le chagrin du roi mort Prix Chronos, Prix des Incorruptibles. Between laughs and tears, a poignant story on the Alzheimer disease, however never desperate. A reflection on the past and the relations between generations, often funny and moving. Prix Européen Utopiales, Prix Chimère, Prix Farniente. The quest of a simple and sincere girl for her beloved sister, caught and held prisoner in another world, cold and implacable. A tensed intrigue, with courageous and moving heroes. Prix France Télévision, Prix Saint Exupéry, Prix Sorcières, Prix des Incorruptibles. In an imaginary country evocative of Central Europe by the middle of the 20th century, a poignant and powerful hymn to love, freedom and music. Recommended by the French Ministry of Education Prix de Brives, Prix littéraire Ada, Prix Adolire. An epic Nordic fresco, a powerful tale of brotherhood and betrayal, a deeply moving love story carried on by unforgettable characters. 400 pages – 13+ • It, Hu 432 pages – 13+ • English translation available - Rights sold in 17 languages 224 pages – 12+ Ger, Hu, It, Jp, Kr, Port (BR), Srb, Th, Tur 464 pages – 12+ • Kr, Sp (LA), Ru Fiction Fabrice EMONT Jean MOLLA Susie MORGENSTERN Jean-Paul NOZIÈRE Isabelle PANDAZOPOULOS Sobibor Premier amour dernier amour Un été algérien On s’est juste embrassés Prix de Brives, Prix Sorcières, Prix Escapages. Anorexia, family secret, the weight of the unconscious, the importance of memory, these themes all contribute to structure a tough and poignant story. 192 pages – 13+ English translation available Eng (UE & CW), Hu, Jp, Mac, Ro, Sp (LA), Tur She is eighteen, American and studies in Jerusalem. He is French and takes part into a symposium. They fall in love at first glance. Differences matter little. Prix Totem Télérama, Grand Prix de la SGDL The unavoidable disintegration of the friendship between Salim, the Algerian and Paul, the son of a French colonist, in the middle of the war of Algeria during the summer of 1958. 112 pages – 11+ Ger, Kr, It, Vt 144 pages - 13+ • Ger Prix Ados en Colère. The victim of a false rumour, Aïcha, 15, finds herself on her own. But she is going to fight back. A story that deals with the relationships between boys and girls and the search for one’s identity. 160 pages - 13+ Guillaume PRÉVOST Trilogy: Le livre du temps Fiction 32 12+ English translation available ChiS (PRC), Du, Ger, Hu, It, Jp, Kr, Port (BR), Ro, Srb, Th, Tur Isabelle PANDAZOPOULOS François PLACE La Décision La douane volante Predator drug and pregnancy denial: two difficult issues tackled with an exceptional psychological sensitivity. A long and difficult way to go for Louise, a girl without problem until the day she gives birth without knowing it. Prix Lire, Grand prix de l’Imaginaire The extraordinary life of Gwen the Cougher in the Land of the Twelve Provinces. A fascinating journey between dream and reality, from Brittany in the early 20th century to the fringes of a parallel world. 256 pages - 14+ English sample available 336 pages - 13+ ChiC (W ex PRC), Cz, Ger, It Ten days ago, Sam Faulkner’s father disappeared. Ten minutes ago, Sam discovered a hidden room. Two minutes ago, he found a way to travel through Time. The adventure begins... 294 pages Stéphane SERVAN Hugo VERLOMME Guadalquivir Trilogy: Samouraï Océan Prix Chronos. A story close to an initiatory tale, a road-movie through contemporary Spain and the superb portrait of a teenager on edge, told in a modern language. 208 pages - 14+ • Hu Book 1 in a new trilogy. Through a captivating fiction, a plea in favour of the threatened sea species. 352 pages - 12+ English sample available ChiS (PRC) Sam takes one last series of trips through Time to find and defeat his enemy once and for all. 462 pages Now Sam knows where and when his father is: the dungeon of Dracula’s castle in the year 1462. 336 pages Art & Activities 2-10 year olds Art & Activities Mila BOUTAN C’est toi l’artiste ! Each artist has his own way of looking at things. You are the artist! Look at your own drawings, look at things around you, look at famous paintings and make your own creations burst out on the page! Artistic Initiation 60 pages - 3 transparents 233 x 247mm - 5+ Kr Mila BOUTAN Mila BOUTAN Jade FOURÈS-VARNIER Le grand livre de la couleur Et si... on dessinait ? Mwat Mwat Both playful and pedagogical, a splendid gift book in two colours, elegant and refined. A dot, a few lines: a spider, a mouse, the sun... A straight line: a tree, a forest... A real repertoire of shapes, in which everyone can dig and create their own drawings and stories. Half-&-Half is a playful drawing method where one half of the page represents half of an image and the other half page is left blank, for the child to actively participate. Following the original design or creating one of his own, the child animates the entire picture. 192 Pages - 240 x 310mm - 3+ ChiS (PRC), Kr 96 Pages - 250 x 310mm - 4+ 80 Pages - 250 x 250mm - 8+ COLLECTIVE COLLECTIVE Le grand livre d’activités Deyrolle 1 Le grand livre d’activités Deyrolle 2 Ana SALVADOR Pablo PICASSO Ana SALVADOR Joan MIRÓ A large creative and instructive activity book to have fun and discover the secrets of nature during holidays. 21 of the most beautiful plates of flaura and fauna from the Deyrolle catalogue are coupled with games, activities and a "green" section to increase children's ecological awareness. Further to the success of the first title, discover more plates from Deyrolle and find out more secrets about nature. Dessiner avec… Pablo Picasso Dessiner avec… Joan Miró Doves, Flowers, Faces or Animals... thanks to a thoughtful selection of drawings by Picasso, children get better acquainted with the world of Picasso. This activity book teach children how to draw on the basis of Miró’s artwork. A very simple method where entertainement remains at the forefront. 48 pages - 221 x 310 mm - 3+ ChiS (PRC), Eng, It, Kr, Ru 48 Pages - 220 x 310mm - 3+ ChiS (PRC), Eng, Ru Primary colours, complimentary colours, warm and cold colours, optical effects and colour shades… Joyful and poetic, the ultimate reference book about colours for young children through a progressive and interactive approach to the familiar yet complex world of colours. Philippe NESSMANN Laurent CILLUFO Un monde en couleurs This title casts a different light on colours: where they come from, what is their symbolism in different cultures, what kind of historical event does it refer to and how it has been used in art.An original and clever gift book! 64 Pages - 245 x 245 mm - 3+ ChiS (PRC), It, Kr 48 Pages - 260 x 340mm - 7+ Hu, Po, Ru 48 Pages - 260 x 340mm - 7+ Hu, Po, Ru Art & Activities 33 Coffee Table Books Jean-Baptiste de PANAFIEU Histoires de squelettes Spectacular, mysterious or elegant: animals as you never saw them before! A unique and surprising family album to observe and compare skeletons and better understand evolution. 34 Pages - 285 x 285mm - 8+ Ger, It Antoine de SAINT-EXUPÉRY Le grand livre pop-up du Petit Prince An elegant, faithful and clever adaptation of the integral text and illustrations, that restitutes the poetical and literary qualities of the work and reinforces its meaning and emotion. 72 pages - 176 x 250 mm - 9+ new new Art & Activities 34 Charles PERRAULT, illustrated by Georg HALLENSLEBEN Susumu SHINGHU Little Red Riding Hood A Mysterious Little Wood The full text of the famous tale Little Red Riding Hood by Charles Perrault and beautifully illustrated by Georg Hallensleben, now with 4 gorgeous pop-up double spreads! 32 pages, 232 x 266 mm - 5+ // KR, Por (BR) Art series A poetic walk through a mysterious wood, animated with nine spectacular pop-ups. 9 spreads with pop-ups – 225 x 225mm - 5+ // Jp, It October 2015 150 x 175 mm • 24 pages 6 acetates • 5+ ChiC (ex PRC), Eng, Kr In the First Discoveries series, a witty and interactive introduction to painting and sculpture. Available: Fernand Léger, Paul Gauguin, Vincent Van Gogh, Impressionism, Animals, Landscapes, Art and portraits, Painting, Sculpture, Le Louvre. L'Impressionnisme Le Louvre Vincent Van Gogh Le Château de Versailles Art & Activities 2-10 year olds First Discovery Activities 4 First Discovery Boxes of Stickers new COLLECTIVE In a lovely and yet sturdy match box discover the pleasure to collect and stick the gorgeous hyperrealistic illustrations of the famous First Discovery series. 100 stickers • Box: 100 x 190 mm • 3+ January 2015 new La ferme 80 Des images à décorer, des puzzles à compléter, des formes à comparer… 16 pages de jeux, tout en autocollants repositionnables, qui stimulent la curiosité, l’imagination, le sens de l’observation et le plaisir de découvrir. La ferme 80 DANS LA MÊME COLLECTION : AUTOCOLLANTS Les pirates DES INFOS DOCUMENTAIRES DES DÉCORS À COMPLÉTER DES JEUX 16 pages • 200 x 285 mm • 3+ • March 2015 A66554 5,40 € -:HSMARA=[[ZZY^: DES JEUX 80 AUTOCOLLANTS La ferme DES INFOS DOCUMENTAIRES DES DÉCORS À COMPLÉTER www.gallimard-jeunesse.fr ISBN 978-2-07-066554-9 DES INFOS DOCUMENTAIRES DES DÉCORS À COMPLÉTER DES JEUX ISBN 978-2-07-066553-2 ATTENTION ! Ne convient pas à un enfant de moins de 36 mois. Contient de petits éléments pouvant être détachés et avalés. (Informations à conserver) MPD_ferme_Couv.indd 1-2 -:HSMARA=[[ZZXW: A66553 DANS LA MÊME COLLECTION : www.gallimard-jeunesse.fr ATTENTION ! Ne convient pas à un enfant de moins de 36 mois. Contient de petits éléments pouvant être détachés et avalés. (Informations à conserver) Les pirates Qui sont les pirates ? Où vivent-ils ? Comment se passe l’abordage d’un galion ? De belles images précises et réalistes pour vivre la grande aventure des pirates en s’amusant. DES JEUX 35 ANTS AUTOCOLL Les pirates Des images à décorer, des puzzles à compléter, des formes à comparer… DES INFOS 16 pages de jeux, tout en autocollants repositionnables, DOCUMENTAIRES qui stimulent la curiosité, l’imagination, le sens de l’observation et le plaisir de découvrir. DES DÉCORS À COMPLÉTER De belles images précises et réalistes pour découvrir le petit monde de la ferme en s’amusant. Farm Animals 80 ANTS AUTOCOLL ANTS AUTOCOLL Que voit-on à la ferme ? Où vivent les animaux ? Que mangent-ils ? 2 large stickers albums with a non-fiction content and a playful layout to have fun and enrich children knowledge through activities: silhouette and association games, wide double spreads to decorate, settings to complete, jigsaws, riddles... 80 80 ANTS AUTOCOLL By Delphine BADREDDINE Wild Animals 5,40 € My First Stickers Album Little Bugs 16/01/15 15:09 MPD_pirates_Couv.indd 1-2 The Farm 16/01/15 15:03 Pirates Trotro Activities Trotro Boxes new By Bénédicte GUETTIER In a lovely drawer box to keep and 100 stickers to create, decorate and have fun with all the family. 100 stickers • Box: 100 x 190 mm • 2+ • February 2015 Trotro, Mum, Dad and Zaza Trotro and his Friends Little Trotro Pockets By Bénédicte GUETTIER new 40 stickers to place on a Trotro’s bedroom or garden setting. 40 stickers • Box: 130 x 180 mm • 2+ • February 2015 Trotro’s Bedroom Trotro’s Garden Art & Activities Dinosaurs Decorating My Little World 2 titles • 32 pages 230 x 300 mm • 3+ February 2015 The most famous tales with a text for two readers and large double spreads to colour and decorate. Use more than 150 removable stickers to reinvent your favorite tale! new new Marion COCKLICO Mélanie COMBES The Little Red Riding Hood The Three Little Pigs Building My Little World 2 titles • 32 pages • 230 x 300 mm • 3+ September 2015 A clever book to unfold, that transforms into 4 settings to play with, and that contains tons of informations. Each flap describes the environment and the book can be read in a classic way, and when you're ready, you can unfold it at 360° to create 4 settings and play with the removable stickers, the cardboard characters and the papertoys. new mon petit monde à Construis ton garage à l’aide d’autocollants, joue avec les personnages et les papertoys Cover in progress Gallimard Jeunesse Illustrated by KIKO The Garage Illustré par Kiko La boutique 2 Illustrated by Ilaria FALORSI Attention ! Contient de petits éléments pouvant être ingérés ou inhalés. Ne convient pas aux enfants de moins de 36 mois. A66442 12,90 € -:HSMARA=[[YYW^: ice 2 ISBN : 978-2-07-066442-9 tion-serv Copyright © 2015 Gallimard Jeunesse, Paris N° d’édition : 276529 Dépôt légal : octobre 2015 Loi n° 49-956 du 16 juillet 1949 sur les publications destinées à la jeunesse Imprimé en Chine La sta new Le garage The Riding-School 2 papertoys de voitures à fabriquer soi-même 3 personnages en carton prédécoupés pour jouer au garagiste 2 tique euma ue 2 La boutique 2 ce 2 4 scènes à décorer à l’aide de 8 planches d’autocollants repositionnables et pn et pneumatiq sserie carro carrosserie liers Les ate La station-servi mon petit monde à 3 cardboards characters to play with Les ateliers Art & Activities 36 2 papertoys to build yourself 4 settings to decorate thanks to 8 sheets of removable stickers Art & Activities 2-10 year olds Early learning An early learning series specifically designed for kids from 3 to 6 to help and accompany them. An adapted content developped in partnership with teachers to suit the needs and evolution of the child. Simple and playful exercises to progress step by step at home and on vacation! Por (BR), Ru, Slv, Tur All the program • 3 titles • 64 pages + stickers• 230 x 300 mm 7,60 € • 3 up to 6 4,55 € • 3 up to 6 100 premiers jours d’école By Mathilde BRÉCHET Illustrations Amandine LAPRUN 44 pages • 255 x 315 mm • 5+ 37 Inspired by the pedagogical method of the "100 days", a ritual around mathematics used by many teachers. Every school-related issue is dealt with, in order to reassure the child about to go to school. Maths • 3 titles • 32 pages + stickers • 230 x 300 mm 4,55 € • 3 up to 6 After School Activities! By Mathilde BRÉCHET Illustrations Amandine LAPRUN 228 x 300 mm • 24 pages • 5+ • June 2015 Both playful and educational, activities, challenges and little enigma to prepare the child for school. 2 exercise books to complete My First 100 days at school. Activity with coloured sticky labels • 3 titles 32 pages + 150 re-usable labels • 230 x 300 mm • 5,90 € • 3 up to 6 new My Exercise Book for Days 1 to 50 new My Exercise Book for Days 50 to 100 Art & Activities Graphism • 3 titles • 32 pages + poster • 230 x 300 mm First Discovery 88 titles • 24 to 30 pages • Transparent pages: 4 to 8 175 x 150 mm • Boardbooks Spiral bound • 9 € 2-4 year olds Basq, Cat, ChiC (W ex PRC), ChiS (PRC), Eng (NA, UE & CW), Ger, Hu, It, Jp, Kr, Slv, Sp (SP, LA), Th, Tur, Ro Classic series Tractors A non-fiction series for the youngest readers that has remained a must in every child's library worldwide for over 20 years, thanks to the magic double-sided acetates now available in a chunky boardbook format. new new First Discovery 38 Animal Babies The Airport September 2015 September 2015 Torch Light The Body Flowers Firefighting 33 titles • 24 to 30 pages • Transparent pages: 6 • 175 x 150 mm Boardbooks Spiral bound • 9 € • 2 to 5 year olds Basq, Cat, ChiC (W ex PRC), ChiS (PRC), Eng, Ger, Hu, It, Jp, Kr, Slv, Sp (SP, LA), Th, Tur, Ro A playful series to explore fascinating worlds. Thanks to its magical effect, the lamp reveals little by little thousands details hidden in the illustrations. Fish Underwater Pirates The Forest The Car How Animals Sleep First Discovery The Little Encyclopedia 2-6 year olds 12 titles • 68 to 80 pages • Transparent pages: 4 to 6 • 187,5 x 225 mm • Hardcover • Padded cover Spiral bound • 10,65 € • 3 to 6 year olds Basq, ChiS (PRC), Ger, Sp (SP) A wealth of pictures to discover, become familiar with and recognize without ever growing tired, animated by spectacular transparent pages and complemented by lively, easy-to-read texts. A delightful way to become aware of the world and to enrich children's early knowledge. At School Nature Animal Babies Transports 80 pages - 5 acetates 80 pages - 6 acetates 80 pages - 6 acetates 80 pages - 4 acetates 39 Animal Life Children of the World 68 pages - 4 acetates 68 pages - 4 acetates First Discovery new The Little Encyclopedia of Why (Provisory Cover) 68 pages - 5 acetates - September 2015 Torch Light Encyclopedia 4 titles • 68 to 80 pages • Transparent pages: 4 to 6 187,5 x 225 mm • Hardcover • Padded cover Spiral bound • 11,70 € • 3 to 6 year olds ChiS (PRC), Eng (UE & CW), It, Ger, Sp (SP) A simple concept for a spectacular effect, enhanced by a bigger format: use your magical lamp to discover all the secrets and hidden details in each illustration. What Happens During the Night? 80 pages - 6 acetates Life of our Ancestors Dinosaurs Small Animals 80 pages - 4 acetates 68 pages - 4 acetates 68 pages - 4 acetates First Discovery Sound Books 12 titles • 6 spreads • 6 sounds 150 x 175 mm • Boardbooks • 11,10 € • 2+ Ger An attractive sound book series to learn identifying the sounds of nature, familiar sound and sounds from the past. Listen to The Sound of Engine Listen to The Sound of The Forest Listen to The Sound of Farm Animals Listen to The Sound of Pirates First Discovery 40 My First Picture Dictionary 5 titles • 108 pages • 200 x 246 mm • Hardcover 15,00 € • 2 to 5 year olds Du, Eng (NA), Ger, It, Ru, Sp (SP), Th A series which allows children to discover and recognize the world around them thanks to delightful and realistic illustrations. My First Picture Dictionary My First Animals Picture Dictionary My First Picture Dictionary of Nature My First Picture Dictionary of Everyday Life My First Transports Picture Dictionary First Discovery First Discovery Treasuries 2-6 year olds The ideal gift book for the younger with hours of fun and discovery. A wealth of animations, as simple as effective, for a playful reading full of surprises: holes, flaps, pull-the-tabs and transparent pages. Easy to handle for small hands, that develops the coordination of movements, the sense of observation and imagination. 3 titles • 30 pages • 210 x 250 mm • Hardcover • 20 € • 2+ // Eng (NA) , Ger, Sp (SP) Treasury of the Human Body 41 First Discovery Treasury of Colors New! September 2015 2 titles • 16 pages • 210 x 250 mm • Hardcover • 14,90 € 2+ Treasury of Nature After the success of Treasury of Nature, Treasury of Human Body and Treasury of Colors, we are developping a range of more affordable animated books, in the same format but with less pages, starting with two attractive encyclopedic themes: Animals and The Earth. Always with a wealth of animations! new Animals new The Earth Non Fiction Children's Psychology By Catherine Dolto and Colline Faure-Poirée Illustrated by Frédérick Mansot 76 titles • 28 pages • 165 x 177 mm • 2+ Alb, ChiS (PRC), Cz, Jp, Kr, Pol, Por (PR), Ro, Sp, Vt A well-known child psychotherapist, Dr. Catherine Dolto believes that addressing the child directly is the best way to help him grow. She tackles with humour and tact the important questions of his biological and affective life. Simple texts rely upon the child’s experience and invite him to express his feelings in a similar situation. Non Fiction 42 Expecting a Little Brother or Sister Being Angry Poo And Fart Kindergarten Respect My Body Night And Darkness Being Scared Mums Being Sad Enough With the Dummies Adopting Each Other Françoise DOLTO • Catherine DOLTO • Colette PERCHEMINIER Words for Adolescents First published in 1988, this text offers ideas on overcoming difficult situations and address important issues. It is also designed to help parents detach themselves from their children less painfully and with more respect. 168 pages - 12+ // Alb, Blg, Ger, Gr, Hu, It, Pol, Ro, Ru, Slk, Sp (SP) Baby At Home Non Fiction 2-16 year olds Nature With René Mettler An invitation to the pleasure of nature observation, thanks to the incredibly realistic and detailed illustrations by René Mettler. 64 pages with 12 flaps • 245 x 350 mm • 6+ Focus on Nature A splendid lesson of nature observation and a true art book based on an original “zoom” effect, to share with the whole family. 44 pages - 220 x 340 mm - 3+ ChiS (PRC), ChiC (W ex PRC), Kr The Big Book of Trees And Forests An exhaustive book explaining the life of trees and of forests around the world, the physiology of trees, how they grow or the process of photosynthesis. Nature Along Water Follow the course of a river from its source to the ocean and throughout the seasons, from springtime to wintertime, and discover the variety of the environments along the way. Du, Ger, Kr, Slv, Sp (SP) 56 pages - 275 x 345 mm - 7+ ChiS (PRC), Sp, Ru Perpetual Calendar A calendar to enjoy the artwork of René Mettler throughout the months. 32 pages - 460 x 335 mm - 3+ Nature Throughout Day And Night Watch a landscape throughout day and night, every two hours, with changes in the weather conditions, in the fauna and flora and in the human activity. Kr, Slv Nature Throughout The Year Watch a landscape through the 12 months of the year, to discover the changes brought by the seasons and by the time of the day in a wealth of details. Du, Kr, Slv Non Fiction 43 The Animated World A new series of animated non-fiction books, playful and educational, to develop and feed the curiosity of children. A narrative text, full of life and accessible, explaining everyday life as if you were there, complemented by numerous short non-fiction inserts. Full-page illustrations in a colourful and witty style, with a wealth of details to observe, reaching for the child’s humour and imagination, enhanced by a wide array of animations. 4-7 year olds • 2 titles • 14 pages • 230 x 200 mm • September 2015 To be published in 2016: Savannah Animals • Circus Tous les matins, les pompiers s’entraînent pour être en pleine forme. C’est important pour être efficaces lors de leurs interventions ! Non Fiction 44 new La sirène est testée régulièrement pour vérifier son fonctionnement ! Toujours prêts Un beau matin du Crétacé Nous sommes à l’époque du Crétacé, il y a 66 millions d’années. Le soleil vient de se lever. Un jeune tricératops vient de se réveiller. Il commence à brouter les buissons et les fougères. La caserne est un lieu d’entraînement, un immense garage mais aussi la maison des pompiers. new Le centre d’appel, les pompiers répondent aux appels jour et nuit. On vient de signaler un accident de la route, il faut vite envoyer ! Dans le centre d’appel, les pompiers répondent aux appels jour et nuit. On vient de signaler un accident de la route, il faut vite envoyer des secours ! Pas de temps mort pour les pompiers ! Certains font des pompes, d’autres du jogging. Les nouveaux apprennent les règles de sécurité et le secourisme. Les véhicules de secours sont vérifiés pour ne pas risquer de tomber en panne. 2 3 Jean-Michel BILLIOUD • Julie MERCIER Jean-Baptiste de PANAFIEU • Nathalie CHOUX Firemen Dinosaurs 6-10 year olds • 7 titles • 22 pages • 250 x 250 mm • 6-10 year olds // Du Jean-Michel BILLIOUD Olivier LATYK Jean-Baptiste de PANAFIEU Guillaume PLANTEVIN Anne-Sophie BAUMANN Elsa FOUQUIER Brigitte COPPIN Deborah PINTO On Board the Pirate Ship At the Time of First Men Welcome to the Riding-School Living in a Castle Board on a pirates’ ship in the Caribbean, share the adventures and the everyday life of all the crew members. Discover the origins of humanity, from the first hominids over 2 million years ago in the Rift Valley in Africa, to their settlement and therefore the end of prehistory. Meet the different kind of horses in the riding school, learn how to recognize them, take care and ride them. new new new Cover in progress Anne-Sophie BAUMANN Vincent MATHY Jean-Michel BILLIOUD Simone MASSONI Christophe CHAFFARDON KIKO The Building Site Paris Through the Ages Space From digging the foundations, to masonry, to connecting buildings to electricity or water networks, discover how buildings and cities are created. Discover the Gallo-Roman city if Lutecia, explore the filthy alleys of medieval Paris or stroll down the spacious Haussmannian boulevards… Board a space rocket and discover our solar system, find out more about a trip on the Moon and the scientific experiences carried out on Mars. From the ramparts to the drawbridge or the dungeon, live in a medieval castle for a day. Non Fiction 2-16 year olds Diary of a Child From discovering the everyday life of a child through his personal diary, young readers immediately identify with their foreign counterparts. The plot of each title is built around an exciting event in the life of the young hero, allowing a better insight into his or her culture. Numerous flaps allow the unfolding of stunning artworks in each title. Children from abroad • 15 titles • 64 pages • 200 x 235 mm • 8+ Japan Brazil China USA Spain India Algeria Great-Britain Morocco Russia Senegal Guadeloupe Sweden Germany Italy Non Fiction 45 A geographical, cultural, historical and economical approach to the countries of each continent, with a modern layout combining photographs and a wealth of maps. Single Titles & Sets 168 pages - 250 x 300 mm 12+ 46 Geneviève CLASTRES Lucile PLACIN Carole SATURNO, Thomas BAAS Jean-Pierre VERDET Christian BROUTIN A Taste For Travels The World in Your Kitchen The Story of the Earth A cooking book, combining recipes from around the world with tons of anecdotes and tips. A first initiation to the mysteries of our universe from the Big Bang to Humanity, in a gorgeous large format. More than a simple guidebook: an incentive to travel, discover new cultures and increase your awareness to responsible tourism. All the answers to your questions before, during or after a trip! 96 pages - 255 x 315 mm - 8+ Africa 32 pages - 225 x 320 mm - 5+ Bsq, Heb, Kor, Sp 80 pages - 230 x 270 mm - 8+ Non Fiction Fabrice HERVIEU-WANE new Emma STARCK Guillaume PLANTEVIN France BOURBOULON Flore GEOFFROY-KEARLEY Carole SATURNO Bee or Wasp: What’s Different? A graphic miscellany with a retro feel to stop confusing bees and wasps, noodles and pasta, pistols and revolvers and finally master the delicate art of precision. Americas 144 pages - 190 x 270 mm - 8+ - October 2015 A daring combination of historical documents boldly twisted with impertinent illustrations. An easy and entertaining introduction to History, Sciences, Arts and Literature. 215 x 275 mm - Hardcover - 10+ Sakina BOUKHAIMA Geneviève CLASTRES Philippe PATAUD-CÉLÉRIER Asia Anne BLANCHARD & Jean-Bernard POUY, Serge BLOCH Anne BLANCHARD, Jean-Bernard POUY & Francis MIZIO, Serge BLOCH Anne BLANCHARD, Jean-Bernard POUY & Francis MIZIO, Serge BLOCH The Big Book of Dummies The Big Book of Rebels The Big Book of Heroes A humoristic re-discovery of 31 famous personalities, recognized as geniuses nowadays but considered as rebels or dunces during their childhood. The portrait of 25 rebels in politics, science or art, who simply couldn’t accept the world "as it is". A selection of 25 fictional heroes whose adventures and accomplishments deeply marked our collective memory. 144 pages Rights sold in 16 languages 124 pages Rights sold in 11 languages 124 pages It, Kr, Ru, Srb, Vt Jean-Michel BILLIOUD Europe Non Fiction 2-16 year olds Philosophy 30 titles • 64-112 pages - 125 x 200 mm • 11+ Alb, Ger, Por (BR), CHiS (PRC), Kr, Jp, Ru, Vt Thinking is great! Thinking with others, with friends, parents, teachers but also by oneself. It’s great to grow up by asking essential questions, even if we do not always find the answer. That’s what brings philosophers and children close to each other.This series opens up a space for philosophy with original texts, illustrated with humour and sensitivity. Jean & Cécile ROBELIN Lionel KOECHLIN What is a Man? Myriam REVAULT D'ALLONNES Jochen GERNER Why Do Men Make War? Anissa CASTEL Morgan NAVARRO Céline SPECTOR El Don GUILLERMO Are We Free? It's Not Fair! Valérie GÉRARD Clément PAURD Françoise DASTUR Anne HEMSTEGE Fabien LAMOUCHE Alexandra PICARD Marie GAILLE Alexis BEAUCLAIR Obeying? Revolting? Why Death? Being Responsible? Living With a Foreigner Geneviève FRAISSE El Don GUILLERMO Michaël FŒSSEL Aurore CALLIAS Anissa CASTEL Christelle ENAULT Martine GASPAROV Violaine LEROY The Mixing of the Sexes Why Do Men Argue About God? Loving a Little, a Lot... Like Crazy? Little Philosophy of Meals Non Fiction 47 TV Tie-In Licenses The Little Prince Based upon the TV series adapted from Antoine de Saint Exupéry’s masterpiece. The universe is in danger! Determined to sink it into darkness, the Snake is turning planets off. The Little Prince must leave his beloved Rose behind and begins a wild chase from planet to planet with his friend the Fox. Bedtime Stories • by Katherine QUENOT • 12 titles • 24 pages • 140 x 140 mm • 2,30 ¤ • 2+ TV Tie-in Licenses 48 Le Cirque d’Arobase Le Mystère des Livres Le Train de Rosetta Le Tricheur de Ludokaa Picture Books • by Katherine QUENOT • 15 titles • 32 pages •185 x 225 mm • 5 ¤ • 5+ Le Petit Prince et Coppelius Le Petit Prince et l’Astronome Le Petit Prince et le Gargand Le Petit Prince et Okoda Paperback Novels 6+ • by Vanessa RUBIO-BARREAU • 2 titles • 48 pages • 142 x 190 mm • 4,90 ¤• 6+ La Couronne de l’Oiseau de Feu Au secours de la Rose TV Tie-in Licenses All ages Paperback Novels 8+ • by Fabrice COLIN • 17 titles, 1 title in June 2015 • 96 pages • 121 x 178 mm • 5 ¤ • 8+ La Planète d’Ashkabaar La Planète des Okidiens La Planète des Amicopes La Planète des Lacrimavoras Hardback Novels • by Fabrice COLIN • 2 titles • 124 pages • 140 x 205 mm • 8+ 49 L’Ultime défi du Serpent TV Tie-in Licenses Coup double pour le Serpent Books For The Family The Gift Box 220 x 240 mm, with 4 card games and a picture book • 16,90 E The Big Book of Games The 3-D Colouring Book 48 pages + 1 sticker plate + 4 cut-out plates • 220 x 240 mm • 6,90 E 16 pages • 210 x 297 mm • 6,90 E Large picture book + audio-CD • 48 pages • 305 x 255 mm • audio CD of 30 min • 18,20 ¤• 6+ TM D’après le chef-d’œuvre d’Antoine de Saint-Exupéry © 2011 Adapted for television by Matthieu Delaporte and Alexandre de la Patellière. Designs by Bertrand Gatignol. Directed by Pierre-Alain Chartier. A LPPM, Method Animation, Sony Picture Home Entertainment (France), Fabrique d’images, DQ Entertainment (International) Limited, ARD co-production. In association with France Télévsions, WDR, RAI Fiction, TSR et TV5 Monde. Le Petit Prince : La Planète du Temps Le Petit Prince : La Planète de l’Astronome Le Petit Nicolas LE PETIT NICOLAS ® Based on the work by René Goscinny and Jean-Jacques Sempé © IMAV Editions / Goscinny - Sempé World adaptation rights: IMAV Editions Adapted by Alexandre de la Patelilère, Matthieu Delaporte, Cédric Pilot, directed by Arnaud Bouron, graphic creation by Pascal Valdès A M6 Studio-Method Animation production, in co-production with Luxanimation - DQ Entertainment (International) Limited and M6-Métropole Télévision • With the participation of ZDF/ZDFE Based upon the TV series adapted from the masterpiece by René Goscinny and Jean-Jacques Sempé. The adventures of Little Nick, the most engaging boy in European literature, have charmed and provoked laughter for generations of readers. Chapter Books • by Emmanuelle LEPETIT • 26 titles, 1 title in June 2015 • 32 pages • 140 x 190 mm • 4,80 ¤ • 6+ TV Tie-in Licenses 50 L’attaque du château fort Pauvre baby-sitter ! N° 23 N° 24 La petite souris est passée ! Sur la piste des Indiens N° 26 N° 25 Hardback novels • Valérie LATOUR-BURNEY • 4 titles • 128 pages • 140 x 205 mm • 10,50 ¤ • 8+ Adieu les mauvaises notes ! Le match de l’année Les meilleurs copains du monde Games & Jokes • 3 titles • 96 pages • 130 x 160 mm • Paperback • 5,90 ¤ • 8+ Jeux, blagues et cie pour la récré Jeux, blagues et cie de plein air Jeux, blagues et cie pour jours de pluie Drôle de Noël ! TV Tie-in Licenses School-Related Activities 5 titles • 64 pages • 215 x 190 mm Spiral binding, slate, dry wipe marker From 5 to 10 • 8,90 ¤ From 5 to 6 From 6 to 7 All ages Activity Le grand livre d’activités : C’est chouette l’école ! 32 pages with cut-out and sticker plates • 215 x 275 mm • Paperback • 5,50 E Le grand livre de jeux 80 pages • 230 x 290 mm • Paperback 9,90 E Gift Book L’album de l’année From 7 to 8 80 pages • 230 x 290 mm • Hardcover 9,90 E My Small Sticker Suitcase • 2 titles 170 x 250 mm • 80 full-colour stickers • 6,90 ¤ • 4+ The Park Cars Activity Hide and Seek in the City My Big Activity Book 12 pages • 220 x 305 mm • Boardbooks 13,50 € • 4+ 80 pages • 230 x 290 mm • Softcover 9,90 €• 6+ Game, Drawing & Colouring Books Story Picture Books Cars Charlie's Cabin by Céline CANDIE • 2 titles • 58 pages • 295 x 205 mm 8,30 ¤ • 5+ The Restaurant by Arnaud HUBERT • 2 titles • 28 pages • 220 x 170 mm 7,90 ¤ • 6+ The Treasure Hunt TV Tie-in Licenses Chaplin and Co Based upon a TV series of 104 episodes of 6’ The acclaimed and unique touch of Charlie Chaplin, with a modern rendition of the famous style that captivated generations of kids. Charlie Chaplin tm © 2011 Bubbles Incorporated S.A. © 2011 MK2 TV – MethodAnimation – LP Animation – DQ Entertainment Limited – Fabrique d’Images – avec la participation de France Télévisions, RAI Fiction 51 Kid Apps Art for Kids Apps In association with great museums, an original initiation to art. Applications that can be adapted to introduce the masterpieces of any museum in the world. Kid Apps 52 Children of 4 and up interact with the masterpieces by searching details in various and playful ways, favoring a full appropriation and understanding of their construction. The range of activities includes puzzles, coloring, collage, memory games, etc. Pompidou Kids Louvre Kids 3,99 € on iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch & Android • 4+ 3,99 € on iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch & Android • 4+ The first app to discover the Centre Georges-Pompidou for the children of 4 to 10, with a selection of 24 works of art by modern artists: • an interactive approach of artistic movements of the 20th century: Opt Art, Design, Surrealism, etc. • artists such as Kandinsky, Brancusi, Dali, Miro, Matisse, Calder or Chagall, but also designers such as Le Corbusier, André Lurçat or Yaacov Agam. 16 famous masterpieces of one of the most renowned museums in the world, thanks to 12 interactive games. A selection of major masterpieces of Le Louvre period, from Antiquity to the 18th century: • The Mona Lisa, Leonardo da Vinci, circa 1503-1506 • The Wedding Feast of Cana, Paolo Veronese, 1562-1563 • Autumn, Giuseppe Arcimboldo, 1573 • The Molo, Canaletto, circa 1730 • The Winged Victory of Samothrace, Greece, circa 190 BC • Venus de Milo, circa 100 BC • The Seated Scribe, Egypt, circa 2500 BC • The Cheat with the Ace of Diamond, Georges de la Tour, 1635 • Air, Jan Breughel the Elder, 1621 • The Schoolmaster, Adrien van Oestade, 1662 • Archer of Darius, Mesopotamia, Susa, 522-486 BC • Horse of Marly, Guillaume Coustou, 1739-1745 • Sarcophagus of Tamutnefret, Egypt, circa 100 BC Kid Apps 4-7 year olds First Discovery Apps An obvious and interactive adaptation of our internationally renowned non-fiction series for the youngest. Children discover the beauties and mysteries of nature thanks to innovative, playful and accessible interaction and gorgeous illustrations. 3,99 € on iPad 2,99 € on iPhone & iPod Touch 4+ • ChiS (PRC), Eng, Ger, Tur The Forest 3,99 € on iPad 2,99 € on iPhone & iPod Touch 4+ • ChiS (PRC), Eng, Ger Discovering the world of these intriguing tiny creatures: • Playing with their wings and wing cases • Feeding them • Counting their points • Discovering various species • How they reproduce and grow • How they hide in winter Exploring the forests and their ecosystems: • Telling leafy trees from conifers • The cycle of the seasons • The fauna & the flora • Working in a forest • The ecological role of the forests • Forests of the world Dinosaurs Jungle Animals 3,99 € on iPad & Android 2,99 € on iPhone & iPod Touch 4+ • Eng 5,99 € on iPad, Android & PC 5+ • Eng The world of dinosaurs, from 200 million years ago to nowadays: • The various species of dinosaurs with a time scale, from -200 to -65 million years • Creatures in the sea • The size of the dinosaurs compared to ours • The possible causes of their extinction • Playing with fossils • The descendants of the dinosaurs still living on our planet nowadays In partnership with the National Center of Pedagogical Documentation, an educational tour through the mysterious jungle, that presents 7 iconic animals: the toucan, the parrot, the caiman, the howler monkey, the chameleon, the jaguar and the emerald tree boa. Each animal is introduced through 6 activities: its identity sheet, its distinctive features, the discovery of its specific vocabulary, a counting game, a memory game and a geometric puzzle. 53 Kid Apps The Ladybug