Oct - Penn Coachmen


Oct - Penn Coachmen
October 2011
Volume 2, No. 7
Edited by Louise Birett—lbirett@comcast.net
Gettysburg Campground - September 23 – 25, 2011
Friday – a rainy day, but the Penn Coachmen “ducks” still hit the road for some on-their-own sightseeing.
Some folks found roads closed by standing and/or flowing water. On their return to the campground, they
discovered some waterfront campsites. No members lost – all returned to the campground in time for Friday’s mini-meal of pizza and dessert of cookies/ cakes plus beverages.
Executive Board:
Bob Moss, President
Ellis Brown, Exec. V.P.
Bill Freed, Treasurer
Barbara Arcati, Secretary
Don Lassen, Area VP
Jim Lexa, Area VP
Jim Lothert, Area VP
Larry Troutman Area VP
2011 Rallies:
4/15-4/17—Schnecksville, PA
5/27-5/30—Centre Hall, PA
6/23-6/26—Cherry Hill, MD
7/15-7/17—Lebanon, PA
8/19-8/21—Bloomsburg, PA
9/23-9/25—Gettysburg , PA
10//9-10/17—GEAR Pre-Rally
Winston-Salem, NC
11/11-11/13—Camp Swatera,
Bethel, PA
President Bob Moss called our Annual Meeting to order and we dispensed with the reading of previous
meeting’s minutes. The Treasurers report revealed we are on our way to meeting our goal of ending the
camping season with $5,000 in the bank.
The following officers were elected to serve for 2012 and will be sworn in at our November rally. President
- Ron Buckley, Vice President - Fred Thum, Secretary – Barbara Arcati, Treasurer – Bill Freed. Area Vice
Presidents are: Jim Lexa, Ron Becker, Larry Troutman and Jim Lowthert. Congratulations! We look forward to a great 2012 season.
Saturday’s events included a pre-arranged bus trip for 54 of our members to what some of us remember as
the “Eisenhower Farm” – now called “Eisenhower National Historic Site.” Mamie and Ike lived there after
leaving the White House. The property is maintained by the U.S Department of the Interior – National Park
Service. A visit is a great way to catch up on some American history. One of our members commented that
Mamie and Ike lived as ordinary people. Ike was a farmer at heart; Mamie had a passion for pink - - - curtains, towels and even a pink toilet seat.
The Gettysburg National Military Park (and Museum and Battlefield) is the centerpiece for information
about the Battle of Gettysburg. This new museum is loaded with Civil War/Gettysburg Battle information.
You probably remember the old electric map. It’s gone. The museum has the Cyclorama painting; a magnificent view of The Battle. The three days in July 1863 - July 1, 2 and 3 – probably saw more destruction
to life and property than any fighting done on our soil. Killed, wounded and missing: 23,000 Union and
28,000 Confederate.
Some of our members climbed the Pennsylvania Monument on the Battlefield. At the top, a much older
tourist pointed to one of our not so old members and said: “See – that old man made it.” No names being
Saturday dinner was at Pickett’s Buffet. If you didn’t get enough to eat, it was your own fault. Superb eats.
Mamie joined our group for a Saturday evening chat. She mentioned how much she and Ike enjoyed their
time in Gettysburg. It was the first house they ever owned and felt it was a great get-a-way after a very full
life with Ike serving his country in many ways. She commented that being elected president gave them a
home for four consecutive years (and maybe eight); something they never had while in the service. Mamie’s fudge recipe is include elsewhere in this newsletter.
The Saturday and Sunday breakfasts were well attended. Menus included a wide variety of fruit, cereals,
breads and pastries and juice and coffee.
Book swap – A table full of books covering a wide variety of subjects. Both F and NF. Leftovers were
donated to the campground.
Sunday worship service was led by Harold Henning. In spite of lack of instrumental accompaniment, the
congregation did indeed “make a joyful noise unto the Lord.”
The numbers: Coach count: 35, with 54 people making the trip to the Eisenhower Farm.
We will be back at Gettysburg Campground in 2012 for those who missed this year and for those who didn’t see all they wanted to see. See you there.
Submitted by Jake and Betty Kessler
Barbara Arcati delivering the check to a local foodbank.
A huge thank you and much appreciation to the following winners of the 50-50
drawing at Gettysburg who graciously consented to turn their winnings over to
help folks suffering from the aftermath of the recent storms that caused so much
flooding and devastation in central Pennsylvania.
Joanne Freeman
Maryanna Hall
George Moyer
Jacob Rubritz
An anonymous donation of $200.00
A Semi-Annual Membership Meeting of the Penn Coachmen Chapter of FMCA was held on Friday, September 23, 2011, at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, with the following officers in attendance:
Bob Moss, President
Jim Lexa, Area Vice-President
Ellis Brown, Sr. Vice-President
Jim Lowthert, Area Vice-President
Bob Moyer, Alternate National Director
Barbara Arcati, Secretary
Bob Moss called the meeting to order at 8 PM and everyone stood for the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Bob Moss expressed appreciation to all who bought 50/50 tickets. The proceeds are to go to a local Pennsylvania food bank. There
has been much devastation in the area due to the recent hurricane and tropical storm. There are still places in Middletown without
Bob Moss certified that there were more than 15 family units represented at the meeting thus a quorum was achieved.
Secretary Report:
Minutes of Semi-Annual meeting in May, 2011 were posted in the June newsletter. It was motioned and seconded to waive the reading of those minutes.
Treasurer’s Report:
Our treasurer, Bill Freed is traveling with his wife, Diane, in the Northwest so Bob Moss read the report:
Balance at beginning of year = $5,618.22. Received $17,656.35. Disbursed $19,043.00. Current balance = $4,231.26.
After the first of the year we had to pay for the yearbooks.
When we add the monies to be collected for membership and dues, we should be at or close to our goal of $5,000 by the end of this
It was motioned and seconded to approve the treasurer’s report.
Executive Vice-President’s Report:
The rallies for next year, 2012, are all set up and the lists are posted on the bulletin board.
Schnecksville for April, Centre Hall for May, Turning Stone Resort, NY for June, Lebanon for July, Bloomsburg for August, Gettysburg for September, Gear for Oct (location to be determined), White Oak in Strasburg for Nov to be Monday through Thursday
instead of the weekend. Turning Stone is a Thursday, Friday, Saturday rally as an extra day is needed for the distance. We
still need rally masters for Schnecksville.
We have a policy of adding two new places each year. In order to add two new ones, we may need to drop two traditional sites.
John Breisch submitted a report that was read by Bob Moss.
The international rally was held in Madison, Wisconsin, in August, 2011.
There were 487 potential board members (chapters like us). Of that number there were 373 present.
The member services committee has added several new benefits.
A partnership with Fantasy RV tours
A $10 gift card with the renewal of SAM’S CLUB membership
Special rates for UPS
A discount program with Michelin Tire
There will be no winter convention in 2012.
The summer convention will be in Indianapolis, Indiana in 2012.
The summer convention will be in Hutchinson, Kansas in 2013.
The summer convention will be in Perry, Georgia in 2014.
Any time there was to be a convention where there will be elections that convention will be held west of the Allegheny Mountains and east of the Rockies.
Elections: Charlie Schrenkel won for National President by 13 votes. Allen Rein = Senior Vice President, Vicky Ferrari = Secretary, Will Young = Treasurer.
FMCA has a current membership of 89,000.
The report will be posted on the bulletin board so members may read it.
Hal Amos reported on the recently held Hershey RV show. Hal and John Breisch ran the FMCA recruiting booth at the show.
73 new members were recruited for FMCA. Quite a few of those new members were also interested in the Penn Coachmen chapter. He has some give-a-ways from FMCA such as FMCA Assist cards, Road Atlas’s for $10 (or free if you can recruit a new
FMCA member), and FMCA pill boxes. Hal received a round of applause for a great job.
Report of the Membership Chairperson:
Nancy Breisch’s report was read by Bob Moss:
Membership as of September, 2011, is 200 plus one honorary member = 201.
Ninety e-mails were sent out and 36 letters since January 1 to those who have joined FMCA and reside in Pennsylvania.
The majority of those enquiring want information via e-mail and are interested in the website.
Reminder, dues for 2012 are due and payable. $15 a year or $40 for 3 years. Betty Moyer will be happy to take your money
and see that Nancy gets it.
In order to have your name in the new yearbook, your dues need to be paid. Any changes to your address, please let Nancy
know. If you have your winter mail forwarded, it will not get to you as the yearbooks are sent out via bulk mail. You need an
actual winter address in the yearbook for you to receive it.
Report of the Sunshine Lady
Mary Amos would appreciate it if you let her know of anyone who needs a card.
Report of the Webmaster
Hal Amos reported on the e-mail list and on the website. No mail is sent out except by e-mail. Please advise him of any
changes in your e-mail address. If you don’t have e-mail, please give us the e-mail of a neighbor, friend, son or daughter. It
costs $45 a quarter for the e-mail program that Hal uses.
The website is down now. The web host is currently down and they are not responding to any phone calls. We needed to find a
new web host, and after reviewing 3 web hosts, Hal decided on One & One as our new web host. We will have to pay for it –
about $5/month. He wants to get a 3 year subscription. Hoping it will be up in a week.
When the website is up and the rally information is listed, you can sign up to attend a rally on the internet. No money or credit
card information is needed. You can fill out the form on the site and click ―submit,‖ and the rally master will know that you
plan to come to the rally and will expect your check to come in the mail.
Report of the Nominating Committee
Barbara Thum, Dan Zydorczyk and Ron Lee reported. They have no candidates for the office of President and Executive VicePresident.
Nominees for these offices are:
Barbara Arcati
Bill Freed
Area Vice President
Jim Lexa
Area Vice President
Jim Lowthert
Area Vice President
Larry Troutman
Area Vice President
Ron Becker
National Director
Bob Moss
Alt. Nat’l Director
Karl Deardorff
It was motioned and seconded to accept the report of the Nominating Committee.
It was motioned and seconded to close nominations for the listed offices.
Bob Moss asked for nominations from the floor for the offices of President and Executive Vice-President.
Bob Moss adjourned the meeting at 7:05 PM for 10 minutes and he will reopen the meeting at 7:15 PM.
Meeting called to order at 7:15 PM.
Bob Moss wanted to add that there are many qualified ladies in this audience.
Are there any nominations from the floor for the position of President of Penn Coachmen?
Are there any volunteers from the floor? Are there any nominations from the floor for the position of Executive Vice President?
Much discussion ensued.
A question for the President in his own words ―What is involved with the office?‖
―What is involved with the office of Executive Vice President?‖
Harold Henning nominated Fred Thum for office of President and it was seconded. Fred said that he thinks someone else is more
qualified. He declined.
Jim Lexa nominated Harold Henning and it was seconded. Harold said he really can’t do it as he already has a job. He declined.
Norma Moss nominated Ron Buckley for office of President and it was seconded. After much discussion, Ron accepted the nomination.
Ron Buckley nominated Fred Thum for office of Executive Vice-President and it was seconded. Fred accepted the nomination.
Report on Ambassadors:
Carol Becker called people on her page in the yearbook and asked them why they have not come to a rally. She was favorably impressed and the people were happy that someone took time to call them and they promised to try to come to a rally next year.
Report on GEAR:
Jon Hall will be running the ladder golf game at GEAR, and he is asking if anyone has the game to bring it with them.
Report on rally at Centre Hall:
Fred Thum advised that it is not too early to register to go to Centre Hall for next year, and he promises a great rally.
Motion made and seconded to adjourn the meeting.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara Arcati
Hobbies or craft how-tos
Request from the Editor:
In order to make forthcoming newsletters interesting, I would
like to request your help by sending me any of the following
throughout the year at lbirett@comcast.net:
Vacation tidbits or advice
Poems, stories, vignettes
New camping gear/equipment you have learned about and
where to purchase them
Special camping experiences
Seeking items to purchase or items for sale
Funny pet stories
Family news such as births, deaths, illnesses, prayer concerns,
accomplishments, etc.
Funny grandchildren stories or sayings
Favorite recipes
Motor home repair/upkeep advice
Life on the road
Interesting people you have met along the way
Interesting stories or vignettes
Nature encounters
Out of the way places you have found to be of interest
Photos taken at rallies
Special anniversary celebrations
Members and former Penn Coachmen who are ill, have had
surgery, or have passed away
Betty Moyer—Recovering from neck surgery.
Ken Frazier —Undergoing cancer treatment.
Carolyn Thurston—Undergoing cancer treatment.
Wayde Kelly—Passed away. Rest in peace..
Bill Doering—Psssed away. Rest in peace.
Remember, once you get over the hill, you will
pick up speed.
Middle age is when broadness of mind and narrowness of the
waste change places.
Whatever hits the fan will not be evenly distributed.
Opportunities always look bigger going than coming.
Everyone has a photographic memory. Some like
me don’t have any film.
I always know God won’t give me more than I can
handle. There are times I wish he didn’t trust me
so much.
Dogs have owners. Cats have staff.
Never be too open-minded. Your brains may fall
Just going to church doesn’t make you a Christian.
Not any more than standing in a garage makes you
a car.
A balanced diet is a cookie in each hand.
Junk is something you’ve kept for years and throw away three
weeks before you need it.
By the time you can make ends meet, they move the ends.
Hold your loved ones close, tell them you love them, for if tomorrow never comes, you’ll have no regrets about today.
Enjoy today whatever you do.
Coming Soon:
Eastern Area Rally, Oct. 19-23, 201l, Winston-Salem, NC
Western Area Rally, Jan. 11-15, 2012, Indio, CA
Southeast Area Rally, Feb. 1-5, 2012, Brooksville, FL
Great Lakes Area Rally, May 24-28, 2012, Berrien Springs, MI
Northwest Area Rally, June 21-24, 2012, North Bend, OR
Northeast Area Rally, July 19-22, 2012, Essex Junction, VT
FMCA’s 87th Family Reunion, August 27-30, 2012, Indianapolis, IN
Those known to be celebrating a birthday in October and November:
October 7
Al Heller
October 7
Keith Garber
October 7
Betty Moyer
October 12
Ruth Morrell
October 13
Louise Birett
October 20
Edwin Miles
October 29
Bill Rollins
October 27
Roger Swetland
November 4
Joe Gilbert
November 8
Bob Salzman
November 10
Don Lassen
November 14
Allene Wolfe
November 24
Ed Milinsky
November 26
Bob Benziewicz
November 26
Pearl Moyer
Quote: "May today there be peace within. May you trust that you are exactly where you are meant to be. May you not forget the
infinite possibilities that are born of faith in yourself and others. May you use the gifts that you have received, and pass on the love
that has been given to you. May you be content with yourself just the way you are. Let this knowledge settle into your bones, and
allow your soul the freedom to sing, dance, praise and love. It is there for each and every one of us."
12 Oz Semisweet Chocolate Bits
12 Oz German Sweet Chocolate, Broken into bits
One Pint Marshmallow Cream
Two Cups Chopped Walnuts or Pecans.
In a saucepan, over medium heat, combine milk, sugar, butter
and salt. Bring to boiling, stirring constantly. Simmer, stirring
continuously, for six to seven minutes. Pour the boiling milk and
sugar mixture over the reserved chocolate-nut mixture, and beat
until the chocolate is melted and the fudge is creamy.
Four and One-Half Cups Sugar
Pour fudge mixture into a buttered 9 x 9 inch pan, let cool at
room temperature for a few hours or overnight before cutting
into squares. Store in a tin box or other air tight container.
Two Tablespoons Butter
Makes about 5 pounds of fudge. Enjoy!
One Can (13 oz) Evaporated Milk
Pinch of Salt
In a large bowl, combine Semisweet Chocolate Bits, Sweet
Chocolate, Marshmallow Cream and Chopped Nuts. Re-