• eyes on the road: testing drivers • laser surgery: what opticians


• eyes on the road: testing drivers • laser surgery: what opticians
winter 2004/5
geoff mcconville opticians belfast
the ultimate guide to eye fashion & health
• eyes on the road: testing drivers
• laser surgery: what opticians really think
• is winter suns doing you damage?
• too mean to clean? Specs amnesty!
7 CHI CHE ST ER STRE ET • BEL FAS T BT 1 4J A • 02 8 90 23 66 29
a clean start
kay, time to come clean –
onboard. We also welcome optical
when was the last time you
assistant, Celine Folan.
really cleaned your specs?
As always, Geoff McConville Opticians
An informal survey of visitors to our
prides itself on the latest in frame and
practice confirms what we suspected –
lens technology – from ultra-light
our specs are the most neglected
frames and wafer-thin lenses to funky
element of our daily wardrobe and yet
new arrivals from Oasis, Eye’ DC,
they are the first thing people notice.
Artic and Vera Wang, we’re living up
Well, the good news for those who
to our promises to make wearing
want a clean start for the New Year...
glasses fun as well as functional.
we’re helping out with a great free offer
– check out page 4 for details.
Stuck for Christmas pressie ideas?
A new pair of sunspecs or glasses is
While we’re on the subject of New
as good as it gets – and if you are
Year’s resolutions, why not book
spoilt for choice, just opt for one of our
yourself an eye-test – the recent shock
gift vouchers, in £20 denominations.
news from the RNIB national survey
Go on, give someone a new image for 05!
shows that a third of us could cause a
hazard to other drivers on the road due
Have a peaceful Christmas – and look
forward to seeing you in the New Year
to poor vision.
Thanks to the arrival of new
optometrist, Lucia Dalton, the
practice can accommodate even more
appointments and offer an extra layer
Chichester Townhouse
of service – we’re delighted to have her
7 – 9 Chichester St, Belfast BT1 4JA
optique autumn/winter 2004/5
the recent shock
news from the
RNIB national
survey shows that a
third of us could
cause a hazard
to other drivers
on the road
due to poor vision
in focus
from here to eternity
or those who yearn
Now available: Prada from £150
for the ultra-light look
of rimless frames, but
need the structure of
frames, the new
INFINITY range from Polaris delivers.
• Combining light-as-a-feather aesthetics within a
frame, Infinity lives up to its name – and is bound
to be a big hit with design fanatics.
• A polycarbonate frame gives strength while
keeping it cosmetically thin, keeping the weight
Oasis start from £99
down to just 1 gram, while the scratch resistant
coating means frames are durable and kept looking
Possibly the hottest young
fresh much longer than conventional plastic models.
high street brand du jour,
The arms are made from Beta titanium, a very light
Oasis arrived at Geoff
metal with a spring effect.
McConville this season.
Designed to appeal to the
typical Oasis customer – hip,
catwalk-conscious and
2005 Chanel, Dior and Emporio Armani sunglasses are
beautifully packaged, the
now in stock. These designer sunglasses are available
with prescription lenses starting from £155.
Oasis frames start at £99
have their own bag, cloth and
ultra-smooth case.
optique autumn/winter 2004/5
Eyewear by Dolce & Gabana
from £150
Mont Blanc starting from £250
Prada from £150
optique autumn/winter 2004/5
Dolce & Gabana from £150
in focus
wrap it up...
with arm a n i
What do sports fanatics want to
find under the tree this
Aside from a pair of tickets to the
World Cup final, the next best
thing might be the new futuristic
sunspecs from Emporio Armani.
The ultimate in wrap styling, they
are available in three colour ways
and are about as cool as face
furniture gets. For women, Armani
has added an extra frisson to
frames – the new ranges sports
diamante Swarovski detail.
screen test
A recent report from Japan has
highlighted the potential danger of
overexposing eyes to computer
screens – over nine hours can put
you at risk.
• Researchers at Toho University in
Japan tested ten thousand workers,
average age 43, as part of a general
medical check. The results showed
5% had visual field abnormalities,
and suggested a significant link
between long daily computer use
and long and short sighted workers.
• More detailed eye tests showed
that a third had suspected glaucoma.
There has long been debate about
the link between short sight and
glaucoma – and it is also suspected
that short-sighted workers are more
susceptible to damage through long
spells at the computer.
• About 2% of people over 40 develop
glaucoma, which if diagnosed early
can usually be treated with eyedrops.
We advise anyone over 40 should
have regular eye tests to ensure early
optique autumn/winter 2004/5
Specs, sunspecs and contact lenses are
becoming popular options for Christmas
presents, and we have a host of gift ideas
from fashionistas to grandparents:
Check out the new Vera Wang range just
arrived - stylish, sleek and impeccably
presented in the manner of a Park Avenue
kay, the hygiene
police are on
the prowl. And
that means
around 80% of
specs wearers
need to clean
up their act.
The vast majority of specs wearers
walking our streets, are in a word, filthy –
and the problem is right on their noses.
Check out the Polaris Infinity range by Stefan
Whether they are too posh to wash, or too
Preutz- the ultimate in lightweight eyewear.
mean to clean, we’re not sure, but we do
know they are harbouring a six-month’s
A three month supply of daily disposables is
stockpile of city grime on their designer
a great, safe, bet for those who prefer
practicality over opulence!
• It all starts so simply. An accidental
There’s a huge choice - all of the 2005 have
smudge here, a spray of rain there, a
arrived early - help them get a head\start in
fingerprint of make-up and before you
next summer with the new sunspecs from
Chanel, Prada, Armani, Dolce e Gabbanna
know it, your specs are as foggy as a
February day.
Chanel is the label du jour, enjoying a huge
revival right now - any woman will love a pair
of their oversized shades. For men, Oakleys
are still the most reliable bet.
• We’ll the good news, is, we’re declaring
an amnesty at Geoff McConville – we’re
going to help you clean up for the New
Year. Just call in to the practice between
now and Christmas with the last frames
you bought with us and we’ll give you a
free clean-up kit of cloth and spray – and
we’ll give you a thorough clean, to get
you started.
optique autumn/winter 2004/5
in focus
eyes on
the road
A staggering third of drivers have
such poor vision they could be
putting themselves and others at risk
hat was the conclusion of
two years and urges people to
this autumn’s RNIB report
think of it as a full MOT for
The Road Ahead, which
their eyes. Regular eye tests
revealed that 13 million people are
are of vital importance to
not having their eyes tested regularly.
maintain eye health. A full eye
Therefore any changes in vision,
test can detect serious
including not being able to see road
conditions such as diabetic
signs clearly or wearing the wrong
retinopathy and age-related
glasses for driving, are going
macular degeneration (AMD)
which is the leading cause of
sight loss in older people.
The report includes additional
Many eye conditions will affect
research from Warwick
driving performance, for
University on people who don’t
example cataracts increase
wear glasses. This showed
glare from bright lights at
that of the one in three people
night. Opticians can advise
who failed a basic eye chart
how to deal with these
test, 65 per cent were drivers –
and 33 per cent of the sample
• Drivers who need glasses or
contact lenses must always wear
them while driving.
• Driving with uncorrected
defective vision is an offence
and carries a fine of up to
£1,000, three penalty points and
possible disqualification.
• Drivers should be able to read
in good light a number plate
from a distance of 20.5 metres
(about the length of five cars).
If a driver cannot meet this
standard they are breaking the
law and their insurance may be
who failed said they were not
Many people, such as the over
surprised as they had
60s, those on low income,
suspected their sight was not
people with certain eye
• The police have the power to
conditions or with a family
test a driver’s eyesight if they
have reason to believe that he
history of glaucoma are
The RNIB recommends
entitled to a free eye test
everyone has an eye test every
without charge under the NHS.
or she cannot meet the above
David Coulthard, Formula One Racing Driver, has got behind the RNIB Eye Test
Action Day last month:
“Driving with poor sight and not getting your eyes tested regularly is
dangerous. I urge everyone to book an eye test today.”
optique autumn/winter 2004/5
ood style, good sense
Sunglasses no longer go into
retirement for the winter season – yearround protection is the smart option.
Geoff McConville has some advice
• Look around city streets this
winter and you’ll see an
emerging phenomenon –
sunspecs out of season. The
reason for this rapid
appearance of sunspecs in
winter is a result of two trends
converging – the role of
sunspecs moving from
functional to fashion accessory
and an increased awareness of
the damage that harsh winter
sun can wreak on eyes and skin.
• At the practice we have
already noticed the first trend
emerge. Many people now have
a portfolio or sunshades for
different occasions and
destinations. Sunshades are
treated as any other fashion
accessory – it’s perfectly
acceptable to change your
eyewear to suit your outfit. Of
course, if this sounds like an
extra excuse to spend money,
don’t worry – with the lowering
cost of prescription frames you
can now get complete
prescription spectacles from
Rodenstock from only £95.
• While sporting shades in
winter might make for some
happy shopping, the real issue
is eye health – and the big
danger is cataracts. There is
irrefutable evidence linking sun
damage and premature
glaucoma, which at best can be
uncomfortable and at worst can
lead to serious loss of sight. The
severity of sunglare and dazzle
in winter – reflecting off wet or
icy roads, car mirrors – directs
UV rays into unprotected eyes,
resulting in mild sunburn to the
cornea. While occasional
exposure doesn’t do much
harm, long-term exposure can
be a cause for concern.
• If that doesn’t persuade you to
put on your shades next time
you venture out on a crisp
sunny winter’s day, perhaps
vanity will. Excessive straining
and squinting in sun leads to
premature wrinkling – and that
doesn’t stop in winter. Sun
damage is at its fiercest in the
delicate eye area, so at any time
of year, UV protection is
paramount. Make carrying
sunspecs as much as a priority
as your daily moisturiser with
UV protection.
optique autumn/winter 2004/5
eye clinic
cutto the chase
Answering some of the most frequently asked questions about laser eye surgery (LASIK)
time. The final outcome cannot be
What is LASIK?
LASIK is a laser eye correction
treatment, which involves lasering
under the surface of the cornea.
Is there any pain involved
with LASIK surgery?
There is a slight discomfort, but no
pain during the procedure. After the
surgery, most people report a slightly
irritated eye for a few hours, like if
you rubbed an eyelash in your eye.
Are there any side effects
with laser surgery?
As with any type of surgery, side
guaranteed and you must be aware
that side effects of laser eye surgery
can in some cases be permanent.
The healing process differs from one
patient to another.
Can you be too young or too
old for laser corrective surgery?
There is no such thing as being "too
old" for laser corrective surgery,
however most doctors prefer patients
to be at least 23 years of age. The
best way to determine your
Can anyone have laser
correction surgery done to
correct eye problems?
candidacy is with a proper screening
and thorough evaluation, with age
being only one factor.
Corrective surgery (LASIK, etc.) is not
necessarily for everyone. The best way
to determine your candidacy is with a
proper screening and thorough evaluation.
Do not drive until you are completely
Luci and Geoff can give advice here.
comfortable. If only one eye has been
When will I be able to drive?
treated this is normally after 5-10
effects and complications can occur.
Serious complications are rare but do
complications after laser surgery?
happen in all laser surgery
It usually takes about three months
establishments throughout the world.
for the nerves of the cornea to heal
Actual and theoretical complications
after a procedure like LASIK. During
are described in detail in the Consent
that time it is not unusual to feel
Form and should be explained in full
some dryness, which is helped with
during consultation. Most
eyedrops. It would be very rare to have
in the future?
complications resolve themselves in
a dry eye problem in the long run.
The majority of patients should not
What about "dry eye"
days. For the small number of
patients affected by complications,
sight may be considerably worse at
night, making night driving
Will I need glasses
need glasses for distance vision
The majority of patients should not
need glasses for distance vision
again. All patients will need reading
glasses from around the age of 45
again. All patients will need reading
glasses from around the age of 45, as
do all normal-sighted people on
reaching this age. Later in life there is
a drift to long sight and glasses will
be needed, especially for reading.
optique autumn/winter 2004/5
Our new autumn and winter collection
of frames is available now
Please note our new
contact details:
Lock View
Dell Lane
Little Hallingbury
Hertfordshire CM22 7SH
T 01279 600 042
F 01279 600 160