Istanbul University - İstanbul Üniversitesi | Veteriner Fakültesi
Istanbul University - İstanbul Üniversitesi | Veteriner Fakültesi
1453 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 1972 1 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Editors : Prof.Dr. Halil GÜNEŞ (Dean) Prof.Dr. Kemal AK (Vice Dean) Prof.Dr. İsmail KIRŞAN (Vice Dean) Prof.Dr. Alev AKDOĞAN KAYMAZ Prof.Dr. Bülent EKİZ Prof.Dr. Ali AYDIN Assoc.Prof. Dr. Serkan İKİZ Assoc.Prof.Dr. Kamber DEMİR Dr. Karlo MURATOĞLU Dr. Lora KOENHEMSİ Redactor (English) : Prof. Dr. Serhat ALKAN Departments’ Responsible for the Content : Doç.Dr. Meltem ULUTAŞ ESATGİL Doç.Dr. İbrahim AKYAZI Assist.Prof.Dr.Dr. Altan ARMUTAK Dr. Alper DEMİRUTKU Dr. Atilla ATEŞ Dr. A. İzem SANDAL Dr. Banu DOKUZEYLÜL Dr. Ceren ANLAŞ Dr. Damla HAKTANIR Dr. Emek DÜMEN Dr. Kemal METİNER Dr. Kozet AVANUS Dr. Onur KESER Dr. Osman Burak ESENER Dr. Ozan GÜNDEMİR Dr. Özge TURNA YILMAZ Dr. Utku ÇİZMECİGİL Design : Ali Oğuz CAN İlknur UYGUN “Medicana hominem curat Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 2 t veterinaria humanitatem” 3 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Contents Mission Vision 5 Rector 7 Dean 11 Vice Dean 15 Vice Dean 17 History of Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 18 The Plan of Avcilar Campus 22 The Plan of Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 23 Academic and Administrative Staff 24 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Physical Structure of The Faculty 25 Campus Life and Social Amenities in Avcilar Campus 37 Transportation 44 Administrative Staff 45 Departments 53 Education 98 1st Semestre Courses 2ndSemestre Courses 3rdSemestre Courses 4rd Semestre Courses 5th Semestre Courses 6th Semestre Courses 7thSemestre Courses 8th Semestre Courses 9th Semestre Courses 10thSemestre Courses Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 101 115 127 147 167 191 223 251 279 313 4 Mission To educate scientific and capable veterinarians by using the recent education principles, in Istanbul which connects the Asian and Europen continennets and vicinity, producing information and service to improve public health and animal production with healthy animals. Vision Being a respectable and preferred international and leading national faculty 5 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 6 Prof. Dr. Mahmut AK Rector 7 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine FROM RECTOR To see Turkey among other powerfull countries in future we need to be a knowledge producing country. The countries which public sector, private sector, non-governmental organizations and universities come together and everybody do one’s part are developing rapidly. Only then we will be able to mention about hopeful future with sustainable improvement, sustainable life. Significant researches has been done in our university. Several scientists of ours are producing information with hard working. We are following these closely and be proud of them. But we want to increase the number of these researchs as well as using the results for the benefit of society, make industry to use these informations, convert these informations to products and make people to meet these informations in their routine life. Let us improve such a labour policy and make the society feel that so as the future of the industry and products of it can be improved and need to cooporate with universities. The universities should have become the research center of the tecnological improvement of industry. Domestic income and life quality of the society should be increased only in this way. We have valuable academicians and industrialists find to cooperate. But beside the individual relations we need to improve the relations between foundations. This should be the main duty of the university and we need to build and improve this relation. This also requires a cultural change. A change is necessary in industry, society, civilian public organization as well as in universities. We need to make a change in two main subjects. For this reason, in one hand while building close relations between public in the field of education by using the units such as Kid University, Sustained Education Center, Open and Distance Education Center which were built in last 6 years effectively, in the other hand we are trying to build close relations with industrial foundations in the subject of claiming patents for the researches and commercialize them. Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 8 We live in a huge competitive world. You produce and sell a thing in the huge amount and others earn more by producing other products in grammes. For this reason in the present time beside the education of qualified individuals, production of new information and convert it into a product is gaining more importance. Universities produce and share information, express this information to talented human beings, educate “many talented human beings, pr ovide the infor mation to effect the society, convert information to high technology, work with industry, civilian public organisation and authorities and convert the information to additional benefits and transport it into the society, countries which have that kind of universities increase rapidly. In developed countries, universities are educating and researching, improving new products and services together with industry and become a global brand. We are living in the age of not only one university but couple of universities come and work together and international collaboration is privilege. Different universities come together in the fields which they are powerful and establish projects. It is the way to catch the rate of the world. As known for the last 3 years, TUBITAK put in an order the most entrepreneur and innovative universities in Turkey. What is an entrepreneur and innovator university? Index of entrepreneur and innovative university consist of 5 parameters. Scientific and Technological Researching Capability, Knowledge-Capturing Products, Collaboration and Interaction, Culture of Entrepreneur and Innovative and Economical Contribution and Commercialization. When we put in an order the collaboration with industry, producing and sharing the information, being entrepreneur and innovative, the importance of the Istanbul University emerge. We see the effective works of our Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in the subjects mentioned above. I congradulate the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine for this endeavor of them and wish their success to continue. With my respects. Prof.Dr. Mahmut AK Rector 9 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 10 Prof. Dr. Halil GÜNEŞ Dean 11 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine FOREWORD The origins of the veterinary institutes which are the main dynamics of the veterinary medicine were appeared in 1762. French philosophers have pushed the boundaries and succeeded such a hard task with the establishment of the first school which trains students as a veterinarian at Lyon in 1762. This progress which achieved 252 years before present time, created intellectual foundations of the other veterinary schools which entered the service after a while all over the world. These schools where expanded from France and were formed according to each country’s funds effect the veterinarian services positively in such a short time in European continent. In the Ottoman Empire where innovative attempts were happening intensively and internal problems were ongoing in that age, veterinary medicine education had come with 80 years of delay. Finally; early in the 1842 under the management of Prussian Military Veterinarian Godlewsky a school which is equal with Western standars and trains military veterinary students was built in Istanbul; this school was followed by the establishment of the ‘Civil Veterinary School’ in 1889 which was for the animals of public. Military and civil veterinary school then were combined together in the same building at Selimiye under the name of ‘Veterinary College’. This school was moved to Ankara in order to establish the ‘Agricultural Institute’ in 1933. While the progress of veterinary medicine was ongoing at Ankara University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in republic period, Fırat, Istanbul, Uludag and Konya University Veterinary Faculties then were joined and the progress of ‘Five Major Veterinary Faculties’ was completed. These faculties served well for the animal husbandry in Turkey by contributed to the establishment and improvement of other veterinary faculties. Place of the Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine is different in terms of establishing and improving, among the other faculties while their number is getting closer to 25 in today’s Turkey. Closing and moving of the united ‘Veterinary College’ to Ankara which was in service of military at first then civil for 91 years in Istanbul between the years of 18421933 left Istanbul away from the veterinary faculty services for 39 years. In the end Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine has started to be in service in 1972-1973 academic year at the historical buildings of ‘Veterinary College’ which was closed in 1933. In this case the school for the training of Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 12 the veterinary medicine students was established 3 times in, Istanbul first in 1842 then in 1889 and for the last in 1972 which is a rare condition in terms of establishment and construction. Working for 15 years under the restricted and hard conditions of historical buildings at Selimiye Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine then continued its academic and research activities devotedley and succesfully at Istanbul University Campus of Avcilar since 1987. In the Great Earthquake of Marmara (1999) the buildings of Faculty of Veterinary Medicine was harmed but even under this bad conditions the services of Veterinary Faculty were never hampered. As it is seen Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine kept its respectfull and active attitude for raising the veterinarians and veterinary scientists at different regions with different names and at different buildings for 91 years between 1842-1933 and then 43 years from 1972 till today, for total of 134 years. It is percieved as a mission against to elder generations who served to this institute and future generation who will have education in our institute to prepare a book for the purpose of introduction of Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine not only to students, academic members and faculty staff but also to different enviroments. In this regard, little guide booklets were prepared to introduce our faculty but a book like this is planned for the first time. I would like to thank a lot to all of my collagues, who contributed and supported this significant study espacially vice deans Prof. Dr. Kemal AK and Prof. Dr. İsmail KIRŞAN. I am pleased for presenting this introduction book which is supported with visual materials and full of detailed and actual approaches with main informations not only to academic and professional enviroments but also to my dearest young students; I wish most benefits and best introduction of our institute from this book and I offer my most sincere love and respect. Prof. Dr. Halil GÜNES Dean 13 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 14 Prof. Dr. Kemal AK Vice Dean 15 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 16 Prof. Dr. İsmail KIRŞAN Vice Dean 17 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine History of Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine The first institution of higher education in world that gives scientific veterinary medicine education was opened in the early 1762 in Lyon by Claude BOURGELAT and his friends. This institution was established to control epidemic cattle plague and it had been achieved in a short time. This great accomplishment that Lyon Veterinary Faculty had reached, allowed for many new veterinary faculties to be established and to be attented in a short time in Europe. Scientific veterinary medicine education in our country has started in 1842 for the first time in Istanbul. The military veterinary academy which was established by the leadership of Prusian Military Veterinarian Godlewsky, took on a responsibility of training veterinarians only for rider cavalry. But in Ottoman Empire, who was in a serious economical difficulty, mostly cattles from villages weren’t really in a good situation as health. To find a solution for this problem, Lieutenant-Colonel Veterinarian Mehmet Ali Bey had started efforts to open another civil veterinary academy again in Istanbul and this academy was finally opened in 1889. The First Veterinary Academy Military (Macka Barracks, 1842) Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 18 Without any doubt, the most important student of this civil veterinary academy was Mehmet Akif ERSOY, who was going to be titled as national writer. This great writer, who signed in to the academy in 1889, gratuated with a first place in 1893. After working in a veterinary medicine organization for 20 years, he resigned from this mission and later on to join in National Turkish War for Independence, he went to Ankara where Mustafa Kemal Paşa was. Without any doubt the greatest honour for the National Veterinary Academy was raising a national writer veterinarian Mehmet Akif ERSOY. Mehmet Akif ERSOY The military and civil veterinary academies were united as one academy named High Education Veterinary Academy in 1920 and until 1933 it threw up many students that were built up in Selimiye-Istanbul. This academy in Selimiye was moved to Ankara to build up a new High Agriculture Institue Faculty of Veterinary Medicine which was going to be opened in 1933. Veterinary Medicine education, which started in 1842 in Istanbul and which also continued improving for 91 years until 1933 again in Istanbul was going to be given in the heart of the country, Ankara. Higher Veterinary College (Selimiye-Istanbul 1910) 19 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Enterance Gate of Civil Veterinary School (Sultanahmet-Istanbul, 1901) But after Worl War-II, increasing population in the country and the need of animal origined foodl, alerted new Veterinary Faculties to be opened and with this Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine started education again in the buildings in Selimiye once more in 1972. Higher Veterinary College-Military and Civil (Selimiye, 1909-1933) Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 20 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (Selimiye, 1972-1987) Until 1987, Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine kept up their education programme under restricted possibilities and in the buildings which were in Selimiye. At the end it was moved to the Istanbul University Avcılar Campus Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in 1987 and also today veterinary medicine education is given in those buildings. Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine has been proud of letting almost 5000 veterinary medicine students to be graduated and over 40 years helping in science and also stockbreeding since 1977 when it included 5 main departments, 17 departments and let gratuated first veterinary medicine students with almost 100 academic staff. Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (Avcilar, 1987) 21 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Avcilar Campus Plan 2 3 1 4 5 6 8 1. Main Enterance 2. Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 3. Engineering Faculty 4. Technical Sciences and Vocational School 5. Fratery 6. Faculty of Management 7. Faculty of Sports Science 8. Faculty of Transportation and Logistics 9. Students Dormitory 7 9 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 22 Faculty Plan 1. BLOCK A Basement floor: Student relations bureau, Internal services bureau Dean Office Parazitology Dept. Microbiology Dept. Virology Dept. 1. Floor: 2. Floor: 3. Floor: 4. Floor: 5 4 2. BLOCK B Basement floor : 1. Floor: 2. Floor: 3. Floor: 4. Floor: Necropsy Hall Patalogy Dept. Physiology Dept. Biochemistry Dept. Pharmacology and Toxicolog Dept. 3. BLOCK C Basement Floor: Slaughter house 1. Floor: Histology and Embryology Dept. Anatomy Dept. 2. Floor: Food Hygene and Technology Dept. 3. Floor: Animal Nutrition and Nutritional Diseases Dept., History of Veterinary Medicine and Deontology Dept. 4. Floor: Animal Breeding Dept. 4. Reproduction and Artificial Insemination 5. Education and Research Hospital 3 2 1 23 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Academic and Administrative Staff ACADEMIC STAFF Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Research Assistant Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 69 31 2 57 Total ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF 159 General Administrative Services Health Services Technical Services Auxiliary Services Security Services Cleaning Services Animal Care Services Staff 40 24 14 20 14 22 12 Total 146 24 The Physical Structure of the Faculty Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine includes 44.146 m2 indoor area, 3 main buildings and 305 decares open area in Avcilar Campus. Main Building : Includes 29.269 m2 indoor area and A, B, C blocks. In Block A : Dean, ViceDean, Faculty Secretary, Administrative offices And also Parasitology, Microbiology and Virology Departments. In Block B : Pathology, Physiology, Biochemistry, Pharmacology &Toxicology Departments. : Anatomy, Histology & Embryology, Food Hygiene & Technology, Veterinary Medicine History & Deontology, Animal Nutrition & Nutritional Diseases, Animal Breeding & Husbandry Departments, Faculty Slaughterhouse. Also there is an Osteoarkeology unit between block B and block C. In Block C In the main building, there are 4 lecture theatres each has 180 student capacity, 2 classrooms each has 70 student capacity, 13 student application laboratory each has 60 student capacity, 13 seminar rooms, 25 Research Laboratory, a library, a student internet room and a canteen. 25 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Clinics and Animal Hospital: Includes 13.540 m2 indoor area. Internal Medicine, Surgery, Obstetrics & Gynecology Departments, Animal Hospital, Patient Acceptance Unit, animal boxes (big ruminant, small ruminant, horse, exotic animal, cat & dog), 3 small ruminant, 2 big ruminant operation rooms, imaging centre, pharmacy, 4 policlinic unit, Central Laboratory are located. Also there are 1 clinical theatre, 3 classroom, 3 seminar rooms for clinical education. An incinerator is located beside of the building for disposal of infected material. Department of Reproduction & Artificial Insemination Building: Includes 1.337 m2 indoor area. There are closed and open areas for bulls and other type of animals, 1 student application laboratory, 3 research laboratories, and a seminar room. Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 26 Rehabilitation-Therapy Unit for Wild Animals: In this unit treatment, nursing and rehabilitation of wild animals are carried. 27 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Education - Training - Research and Application Farm: It is 12 km far from Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. It includes 2700 decares open area, 10.000 m2 indoor area. There are dairy cattle, beef cattle, sheep and feed units. Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 28 Animal Breeding & Husbandry Research and Application Farm: It includes 500 m2 indoor area with sheep and beef cattle units 29 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine The Unit of Animal Breeding &Husbandry Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 30 The Unit of Animal Breeding &Husbandry 31 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Faculty Library There are 2477 printed books, 477 Master’s and Doctora’s Thesis, 55 foreign and 30 national periodical publications. In addition, there is continuous access to electronic databases. Besides, our students can benefit from the rich archives of Istanbul University Central Library. The scope of this library and access rules are detailed in In this context, several journals that are the member of SCI, SCI-expanded and Scopus can be reached. Electronic book access is available from ten different ports. Other then, all departments’ libraries are open for the students. Access to library services may be via electronic and individual applications. Electronical access can be done from computers in the internet club (equipped with 25 computers and 2 printers) or from outside the faculty with personal computers. Remote access can be done after entry of the IP number, personal IU e-mail address and password which are taken from the faculty. By searching with the catalog programmes via access, the desired publications can be achieved. Students can borrow books with individual applications for a period of one week. Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 32 Faculty Units and Other Negotiated Units for Clinical Practices: * Education - Training - Research and Application Farm * Animal Breeding & Husbandry Research and Application Farm * Faculty Animal Hospital * Municipality Animal Hospitals * Private Dairy Cattle Property (700 milking cows) * Istanbul Cattle Breeders Association * Istanbul Sheep Breeders Association * Turkey Jockey Club Faculty Student Clubs * Beekeeping Club * Kemalist Thought Club * Horse Riding Club * Computing Club * Scientific Research Club * Farm Animal Medicine Club * Food Hygienists Club * Sports Club * Wild Life Research and Conservation Club * Dog Education and Psychology Club * International Veterinary Students Association (IVSA) Club * Veterinary Public Health Club 33 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine The Student Ac Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 34 ctivities of Clubs 35 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Our Differences There is an Animal Hospital approved by the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock. Work permission has been taken from the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock. The Education-Research and Administration Farm, Cattle Production Unit has the “Disease Free Certificate” from the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock. The first and unique pet animals blood bank is in charge at the Physiology Department. There is a student education slaughterhouse controlled by the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock. The unique govermental Kıvırcık stud herd in the Trakia Region is owned by our faculty. There is an Osteoarcheology Unit under the frame of our Anatomy Department. There is a Fossil DNA Laboratory in the Biochemistry Department. A clonning and Transgenic Animal Producing Laboratory is founded in The Reproduction and Arficial Insemination Department. Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 36 Campus Life and Social Amenities Avcilar Campus Avcilar campus is the largest (4293 acres) campus in Istanbul University and includes Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Faculty of Business, Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Sports, Faculty of Transport and Logistics, as well as Vocational Schools of Technical Sciences and Veterinary Medicine. Sport Multipurpose court, volleyball court, basketball court, soccer field, indoor and outdoor tennis courts and an indoor sports hall is located in the campus area. Istanbul University students, can benefit from existing or planned courses by contacting the Directorate of Sports Union. 37 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Library Student reading room which is in the Student Cultural Center contains 168 seats and serves 24 hours. Also at the Faculty of Engineering has 2, Faculty of Business Administration and Faculty of Veterinary Medicine has one library. Meal In the student cafeteria there were 4468 people seats and three meals a day given; breakfast (7:30 to 9:00), lunch (11:30 to 14:00) and dinner (16:30 to 18:30). In addition, a la carte menu is offered to students, academic and administrative staff in the Lake Restaurant. Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 38 Health A primary health care unit (Medico) with various branches and 112 Ambulance Center render service for 24 hours a day to students. In Medico includes Infectious Diseases, General Medicine, Internal Medicine, Dentistry, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Pediatrics, Psychiatry, Ear-NoseThroat specialists departments. Students who do not have health insurance through their Families; if family income is above a certain level, it will increase gradually form their general health insurance by themselves and if family income is below a certain level, students' overall health insurance premiums are paid by the government. Students can benefit from dental clinic this service for just 1 TL. The Premium of the Turkey Scholarship for Foreign Students is paid by "Abroad and Related Communities Department of the Prime Minister” Students without scholarship, can benefit from health services in Medico after they contact to SGK within 3 mounths of begining of their education. They have to pay their premiums. 39 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Guidance Counseling and Social Support Guidance Counseling and Social Support Unit (IUREB), supports individual, social and academic developments of Istanbul University students during their college education any support. IUREB includes scholarship organization of public or private agencies, psychotherapy services, student orientation program and social and cultural activities. Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 40 Scholarship Scholarships services begins working in September every year. Type of scholarship, the number of students who will be given scholarships, scholarships inclusion criteria and time will be announced at IUREB (in and university ( website pages. These announcements can be monitored IUREB facebook ( and twitter (@iurehberlik) addresses. Merit Scholarships: Undergraduate placement of the first 200 students who prefer Istanbul University, provided scholarships given free food and shelter services monthly basis. Also given a laptop computer as a gift. Private Scholarships: Scholarships are given by private institutions and organizations, will be anounced by IUREB to the students that which scholarship will be given to which kind of professional groups, student number, scholarship criteria and duration. Credit and Dormitories Institution Scholarship: Credit and Dormitories Institution gives quota allocated scholarship (gratuitous money given to support students that has needy, higher education and successful) and loans (young Turk students with higher education to support financially, social and cultural development in order to facilitate continued their given during the normal education of higher education institutions, mandatory debt service obligations without financial support) Istanbul University students every year. Scholarship announcements are posted on the web pages IUREB and Istanbul University. 41 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Psychotherapy Central Campus and Campus Hunters psychotherapy support students with separation from the family, the new living environment, new friendships, relationships, new teaching methods, financial difficulties and so on. Problems. Psychotherapy services provided by İÜREB is free, and students can make an appointment directly from our psychologists by referring İÜREB secretariat. Student Cultural Centre Clubs in Istanbul University Istanbul University Spring Festival is held at the Avcilar Campus, in May each year. Student Cultural Centre Clubs in Istanbul University incluedes; Istanbul Nature Sports Club, Social Activities Club, Drama Club, Photography and Cinema Club, Activity and Career Club, Music Club, Dance Club, and Aviation Club. Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 42 Dormitory Facilities A dorm with a capacity of 908 persons with 644 male students and 264 female students are available in Avcilar Campus. Beylikdüzü Dormitory capacity is 152 male students and 142 female students. Guest House The guest house has 33 rooms with a capacity of 60 guests within the boundaries of the campus. 43 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Transportation Metrobus, bus and sea bus can be exploited for transportation to Avcılar campus. Istanbul Avcilar can be reached with buses from Istanbul's central points like Taksim (145T, Flat-Taksim), Mecidiyeköy (HT48, MimarsinanAvcılar), Topkapi (34GB, Avcılar, iükampüs-Topkapi) and Bakirköy (76, Bakırköy-Beylikdüzü). It is possible to go Avcılar via Metrobus from Anatolian side (34Z, Zincirlikuyu-Söğütlüçeşme; 34A, Cevizlibağ-Söğütlüçeşme; 34B, BeylikdüzüAvcılar, İÜ Kampüs; 34C, Beylikdüzü-Cevizlibağ; 34G, BeylikdüzüSöğütlüçeşme 34G, Beylikdüzü-Söğütlüçeşme) and Zincirlikuyu (34, Avcılar, İÜKampüs-Zincirlikuyu). In addition, with sea buses, IDO (Avcılar-Bakırköy, Avcılar-Kadıköy, Avcilar-Bostancı) Avcılar can be reached via sea. Our University Campus from Atatürk Airport (17 km) can be reached in 20 minutes by taxi without the traffic. For transportation charges coin, Istanbul Card and Akbil are used. Students can request a discount card corporate or individual from the internet ( Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 44 Administrative Staff 45 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Emine HALAÇ Administrative Secretary İlknur UYGUN Dean Office Hatice KESKİN Administrative Secteratry Office Arzu ONAT-Ayla ÖZTORUN Cem YİĞİT Vice Dean Office Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 46 Levent KARAKURT-Tülay İZGİ Şeyda YALKIN-Necibe BATUK Employee Affairs Office Ahmet YÜCEL-Hülya SUİÇMEZ Salary Office Necip UYGUN Kadir KIDIL-İlker CARAN Mahmut BAKAN-Cemil ARTIK Financial Affairs Office Sait TUNÇEL Ayten ŞAHİN-Şeyma GENÇ Revolving Fund Office Gülen AYDIN-Nihal ŞEN Bilal ULAŞAN-Ramazan ÇOBAN Registry Office Nilüfer UYSAL Ali İhsan AKŞAHİN-Aylin ÇAKAL Student Affairs Office 47 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Sebahat UZUNALAN-Korhan ÇİFCİLİ Library Doğan Zeki ŞEN-Şeref CANDEMİR Salih ALTUN Internal Services Office Resul KAYA-Mustafa ÖZDİLEK Printing Facility Ali Oğuz CAN I.T. Technician Ali BAŞER- Rıdvan AK Ergin FİLİZ-Süleyman SOYDAN Gökhan TEZGÜRLER Drivers Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Erçin ÖZDEMİR-Kemal TECİR Technical Support Offices 48 Mehmet KUŞ Tuğşad Ata TÜRKMEN-Önder ÇİÇEK Satiye KUŞ-Semiha EDİZ Aysel DEMİRKAYA Vocational School Mustafa TURAN-İzzettin TUNÇ Hospital Management Mehmet TURHAN Cashier's Office Pınar OKTAY Pharmacy Ayşenur ÖZDEMİRAL Hospital Admission Zatiye GÜLER Nurcan ERÖZKAN Central Analysis Laboratory 49 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 50 51 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 52 The Departments 53 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 54 Division of Veterinary Basic Sciences Department of Anatomy Department of Biochemistry Department of Physiology Department of Histology & Embryology Department of Veterinary Medicine History & Deontology 55 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Department of Anatomy Is a department examining and researching, circulation, respiration, digestion, urinary, genital, nervous, endocrine system, breast, anatomical and functional properties of sensory organs in animals. Prof.Dr. K.Oya Kahvecioğlu (Head of Department ) Prof.Dr. Rıfat Mutuş Prof.Dr. Vedat Onar Prof.Dr. Hasan Alpak Assoc.Prof.Dr Gülsün Pazvant Assoc.Prof.Dr Nazan Gezer İnce Res.Asst. Ozan Gündemir Secretary Ayşe Kaya Technician Erdinç Savaş Phone E-mail +90 212 473 70 70/17190 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 56 Laboratory Infrastructure Library, student practice laboratory, research laboratory, osteoarchaeology museum, osteoarchaeology laboratory, maceration unit, cadavers storage unit, cadaver storage pool. Fields of Study Osteoarchaeology, comperative anatomy, stereology, avian anatomy, radiologic studies (MR, ultrasonography, radiography). 57 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Department of Biochemistry Biochemistry means “living chemistry” and it is the study of chemical basic compounds and its chemical processes within and relating to living cells. Prof.Dr. Kemal Özdem Öztabak (Head of Department ) Prof.Dr. Süleyman Korkut Tekeli Prof.Dr. Gülhan Türkay Hoştürk Prof.Dr. Ayşen Altıner Prof.Dr. Nezir Yaşar Toker Prof.Dr. Hasret Demircan Yardibi Assoc.Prof.Dr. Feraye Esen Gürsel Dr. Atila Ateş Dr. Iraz Akış Akad Secretary Süheyla Demir Phone E-mail +90 212 473 70 70/17130 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 58 Laboratory Infrastructure There are four laboratories in the Department of Biochemistry; Student Practice Laboratory, DNA Analysis Laboratory, Ancient DNA Laboratory and Biochemistry Research Labratory. Fields of Study In the department of Biochemistry, studies on hormones, enzymes, minerals and metabolites are conducted. Metabolic effects of several food supplements are analyzed. The gene polymorphisms affecting production traits and causing genetic diseases are determined. The genetic relationships of the indigenous livestock breeds in Turkey are identified based on modern and ancient DNA analyses. 59 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Department of Physiology Physiological fundamentals of the cell, body fluids, circulation, neurological system, respiratory system, digestive system and the physiology of environmental adaptation in various species are been comperatively examined in the scientific area of this department. Prof.Dr. Murat Arslan (Head of Department ) Prof.Dr. Ülker Çötelioğlu Prof.Dr. Mukaddes Özcan Prof.Dr. Erdal Matur Assoc.Prof.Dr. Elif Ergül Ekiz Assoc.Prof.Dr. İbrahim Akyazı Dr. Evren Eraslan Secretary Ahmet Çakar Phone E-mail +90 212 473 70 70/17113 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 60 Laboratory Infrastructure In Physiology Department there are two Student Laboratories, one Small Animal Blood Bank, which is used for research purposes, one real time PCR Laboratory, one Flow-Cytometer Laboratory, one Animal Behaviour Laboratory, and a General Research Laboratory in which ELISA analysis, automated blood count, and spectrophotometric analysis are performed. Fields of Study Scientific researches regarding physiology and behaviours of laboratory animals, poultry, small and large animals, and small animal blood banking are carried out in Physiology Department. 61 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Department of Histology & Embryology Histological properties and embrional development of tissues and organs of the animals are the research and education topics of this department. Prof.Dr. H. Hakan Bozkurt (Head of Department ) Prof.Dr. Suzan Dağlıoğlu Assoc.Prof.Dr. Abit Aktaş Assoc.Prof.Dr. Elif İlkay Armutak Assoc.Prof.Dr. M.Başak Ulkay Dr. Osman Burak Esener Dr. Funda Yiğit Veterinary Surgeon Serdal Uğurlu Technician Erol Altun Secretary Süheyla Demir Janitor Osmaniye Kaya Phone E-mail +90 212 473 70 70/17199 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 62 Laboratory Infrastructure Histology Research Laboratory, Stereological Inspection and Analyse Laboratory, Electron Microscope sample preparing Laboratory, Student Practice Laboratory. Fields of Study Male and female reproductive system, peripheral nervous system, stereologic applications, evaluation of cell death, proliferation and autophagy in experimental breast cancer models (invivo) with immunohistochemistry and TUNEL methods. 63 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Department of Veterinary Medicine History & Deontology This department gives information about veterinary medicine history and ethics and also animal rights and welfare. Assist.Prof.Dr.Dr. Altan Armutak (Head of Department) Secretary Melahat Bakan Phone E-mail +90 212 473 70 70/17200 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 64 Laboratory Infrastructure There was an archieve room with lots of things and documents and a library with 10.000 books volumes. Fields of Study Veterinary medicine history, animal rights and welfare, ethics and deontology, veterinary legislation, animal-mythology-religion relations, ethics in experimental animals, products of animals in art and culture. 65 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 66 Division of Preclinical Sciences Department of Pharmacology & Toxicology Department of Microbiology Department of Parasitology Department of Pathology Department of Virology 67 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Department of Pharmacology & Toxicology Pharmacology and Toxicology is the scientific discipline that examines the effects, action mechanisms and treatment principles of veterinary drugs, as well as toxic agents for animals also diagnosis and treatment methods of toxication orginated from these agents. Prof.Dr. Murat Yıldırım (Head of Department ) Prof.Dr. Oya Üstüner Prof.Dr. Tülay Bakırel Assoc.Prof.Dr. Handan Vural Dr. Fulya Üstün Alkan Dr. Ceren Anlaş Res.Asst. Ataman Bilge Sarı Res.Asst. Yiğit Güneş Secretary Cumali Tölü Phone E-mail +90 212 473 70 70/17146 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 68 Laboratory Infrastructure There are fully equipped cell culture, instrumental analysis, galenic pharmacy and student practice laboratories in our department. Fields of Study Current areas of research investigation in the department include pharmacokinetic and genetic toxicology, as well as we are carrrying out molecularly specific targeted therapy studies that requires advanced technology. It is aimed to provide accurate and reliable results to veterinarians in terms of pharmaceutical industry and drug safety within the content of pharmacokinetics by giving importance to bioequivalance and bioavailability studies. In the field of genetic toxicology, it is aimed to determined mutagenic substances causing genetic damage also cancer risk on next generations and to assess genetic risk potential. Also, in recent years molecular studies relating to medicinal plants and treatment options with medicinal plants are been carried out. 69 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Department of Microbiology Microbiology is the scientific discipline that examines microbial properties of living beings and their relationship with each other. In Veterinary Microbiology, pathogenic microorganisms in animals, microorganisms that can be transmitted from animals to humans and environmental samples are analyzed. Prof.Dr. Seyyal Ak (Head of Department ) Prof.Dr. N. Yakut Özgür Prof.Dr. A. Funda Bağcıgil Assoc.Prof.Dr. Serkan İkiz Dr. Kemal Metiner Dr. Beren Başaran Kahraman Dr. Belgi Diren Sığırcı Dr. Baran Çelik Res.Asst. M. Cemal Adıgüzel Res.Asst. Barış Halaç Secretary Gülten Karakuz Phone E-mail +90 212 473 70 70/17080 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 70 Laboratory Infrastructure In our department, 1 routine Diagnostic and Research Laboratory, 1 Poultry Inspection and Diagnostic Laboratory, 3 Molecular Biology Laboratories, 1 Fluorescence Antibody Microscopy Laboratory, 1 Mycology Research Laboratory, 1 Serology and 3 Student Practice Laboratories are located . Fields of Study In the Department of Microbiology, pathogenic microorganisms in animals, microorganisms that can be transmitted from animals to humans and environmental samples are examined. In our laboratories, bacterial and mycological (fungus) culture, serological diagnosis and molecular diagnosis are currently available. 71 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Department of Parasitology Parasitology is a science that deals with the (protozooan, helminths, arthropods) morphological pecularities, life cycles, epizootiology, pathogenesis, clinical and laboratory diagnosis, the prevention, control of the parasites which causes illness in the animals and can be transmited from animals to humans. Prof.Dr. Cem Vuruşaner (Head of Department ) Prof.Dr. Müfit Toparlak Prof.Dr. Hayrettin Akkaya Prof.Dr. Aynur Gülanber Assoc.Prof Dr. Handan Çetinkaya Assoc.Prof.Dr. Meltem Ulutaş Esatgil Dr. İ. İlker Efil Dr. Kerem Öter Dr. Zahide Bilgin Secretary Mustafa Kara Phone E-mail +90 212 473 70 70/17036 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 72 Laboratory Infrastructure Student Laboratory, Routine Laboratory, Molecular Parasitology Laboratory, Honeybee Diseases Laboratory, microscope room. Fields of Study In Parasitology Department, protozoan, helminth and arthropods are investigated for the diagnosis of parasitic diseases occurs in animals. In addition, parasites having zoonotic and vectoral importance specimens and intermediate hosts in enviroment are investigated in our laboratories. These protozoans, helminths and arthropods are diagnosed by using classical and molcular methods. We have got a huge archive concerning with parasites to show our students and researchers. 73 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Department of Pathology The cores of our objective are to develop a contemporary and innovative training about veterinary pathology and provide the students with good communicative skills and help them to gain cognitive recognition and interpretative approach to the scientific issues. Furthermore, to be one of the pioneers in the field of veterinary pathology in terms of providing scientifically significant research and an expeditious, infallible and laboratory service of high quality. Prof.Dr. S.Seçkin Arun (Head of Department ) Prof.Dr. Aydın Gürel Prof.Dr. İbrahim Fırat Prof.Dr. Ahmet Gülçubuk Assoc.Prof.Dr. Funda Yıldırım Assis.Prof. Dr. Gülbin Şennazlı Dr. Damla Haktanır Dr. Özge Erdoğan Dr. Kıvılcım Sönmez Dr. Gülay Yüzbaşıoğlu Öztürk Secretary Hülya Algül Laborant Sevgi Eren Phone E-mail +90 212 473 70 70/17095 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 74 Laboratory Infrastructure Necropsy Room, Gross Dissection Unit, Routine Tissue Processing and Cytology Laboratory, Immunohistochemistry and Molecular Biology Laboratory, Microscopic Examination Room, Seminary Room for clinical practice and interns Microscopy Room for students. . Fields of Study The area of expertise of department includes: To figure out the cause of death in pet animals (dog, cat etc.), farm animals (horse, cattle, sheep and goat and etc.), avian species (poultry, pigeons, exotic bird particularly parrots and etc.) and laboratory animals (rabbit, mice and rats and etc.) on the basis of postmortem findings and microscopic evaluation within the framework of cross-departmental collaboration (microbiology, virology, toxicology and the clinics); to develop a diagnostic approach for submitted specimens (cytologic or tissue biopsy materials) on the basis of immunohistochemistry, molecular analyses or immunofluorescence as well as a conventional histopathological evaluation; to make a contribution to the experimental animal model of diseseas (of any etiology like infectious, toxicologic, molecular and oncologic) by histopathology or immunohistochemistry. To expertise the cause of death in forensic cases. 75 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Department of Virology Virology is a scientific discipline that responsible for teaching and researching of viral diseases in animals and viral zoonoses, molecular and serological diagnosis of viral diseases, virus detection and virus isolation methods, genetic analysis of viruses, measurement of developing immunity against viruses and protection methods on the control and eradication of viral diseases. Prof.Dr. Hüseyin Yılmaz (Head of Department ) Prof.Dr. Nuri Turan Prof.Dr. Mustafa Hasöksüz Dr. Eda ALTAN Tarakçı Res. Assist. Utku Çizmecigil Secretary Cumali Tölü Technician Gülden Günaydın Phone +90 212 473 70 70/17069 E-mail Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 76 Laboratory Infrastructure Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory, Serology Laboratory, Cell Culture Laboratory. Fields of Study Virology Department working in areas such as viral diseases and viral zoonoses in animals, molecular and serological diagnosis of viral diseases, virus detection and virus producing methods, genetic analysis of viruses, measurement of developing immunity against viruses and protection methods on the control and eradication of viral diseases. 77 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 78 Division of Clinical Sciences Department of Surgery Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology Department of Reproduction & Artificial Insemination Department of Internal Medicine 79 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Department of Surgery Department of surgery interests examination, diagnosis, medical and surgical treatment of surgical diseases in birds, small domestic, large and exotic animals. Prof.Dr. Serhat Özsoy (Head of Department ) Prof.Dr. Kürşat Özer Prof.Dr. Kemal Altunatmaz Secretary Filiz Demiray Prof.Dr. Özlem Güzel Vet.Technician Necmettin Ataoğlu Prof.Dr. Yalçın Devecioğlu Vet.Technician Mehmet Hacıoğlu Assoc.Prof.Dr. Mustafa Aktaş Vet.Technician Ömer Hacıhasanoğlu Assoc.Prof.Dr. Oktay Düzgün Vet.Technician Yusuf Vatansever Assoc.Prof.Dr. Zihni Mutlu Vet.Technician Nigar Ferhatoğlu Assoc.Prof.Dr. Dilek Olgun Erdikmen Vet.Technician Fahrettin Mutlu Dr. Alper Demirutku Vet.Technician Hasan Serdar Kırmacı Dr. Didar Aydın Vet.Technician Yunus Aktaş Dr. Murat Karabağlı Staff Ümit Benli Dr. Ebru Eravcı Staff Ferdi Tunç Res. Asst. Ümit Uğurlu Phone E-mail +90 212 473 70 70/17291 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 80 Laboratory Infrastructure Surgery department has 5 small animal operation rooms, 2 small animal examination rooms, 1 ear and eye examination room, 1 reanimation and recovery room, physiotherapy section and x-ray section. Fields of Study Medical and surgical treatment of soft tissue, orthopedic diseases, neurologic diseases, eye diseases, ear diseases, dentistry and physiotherapy applications in pets and exotic animals. Examination, diagnosis, medical and surgical treatment of soft tissue and orthopedic diseases in equine and large animals. 81 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology Reproductive physiology and diagnostic and terapeutic procdures which are related to the female reproductive diseases in various animals are held by this department. Prof.Dr. M.Ragıp Kılıçarslan (Head of Department ) Prof.Dr. İsmail Kırşan Prof.Dr. Hayri Ekici Prof.Dr. Çağatay Tek Prof.Dr. Güven Kaşıkçı Assoc.Prof.Dr. Kazım Güvenç Assoc.Prof.Dr. Mehmet Can Gündüz Assoc.Prof.Dr. Ahmet Sabuncu Assoc.Prof.Dr. Melih Uçmak Assoc.Prof.Dr. Sinem Özlem Enginler Secretary Dr. Tuğba Seval Fatma Toydemir Technician Dr. Özge Turna Yılmaz Technician Dr. Gamze Evkuran Dal Technician Res. Asst. Zeynep Günay Phone E-mail +90212 473 70 70/17314 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 82 Nursel Yılmaz Hikmet Baytar Mehmet Ok Nuran Kılıçaslan Laboratory Infrastructure There are small and large animal exam room, imaging room for Doppler ultrasonograpy and endoscopy, operation rooms, closed circuit system for anesthesia, IVF laboratory and inpatient animal service in our department. Fields of Study Ovariohysterectomy, gynecologic disorders, gynecologic oncology, pregnancy diagnose and problems, infertility, mammary gland disorders in pet and exotic animals; gynecological diseases, infertility, pregnancy diagnose and problems, udder problems in large animals 83 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Department of Reproduction & Artificial Insemination Is a discipline that teaching and researching of the methods about improving the reproductive performance and diagnosis and treatment of reproductive problems in farm and pet animals. Prof.Dr. Kemal Ak (Head of Department ) Prof.Dr. Serhat Pabuçcuoğlu Prof.Dr. Sema Birler Prof.Dr. Serhat Alkan Prof.Dr. Alper Baran Prof.Dr. Mithat Evecen Prof.Dr. Özen Banu Özdaş Assoc.Prof.Dr. Kamber Demir Dr. Asiye İzem Sandal Res.Asst. Ramazan Arıcı Secretary Technician Ayşe Ata Ercan Ketenci Phone E-mail +90 212 473 70 70/17269 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 84 Laboratory Infrastructure Spermatology and Andrology Research Laboratory, In Vitro Culture and Embryo Transfer Laboratory, Cloning and Stem Cell Research Laboratory, Advanced Analysis Laboratory, Pet Animal Inspection and Operation Room, The examination of cattle and operations area. Fields of Study Improving the technic of collecting semen and freezing infarm animals, pets, fish, cats and dogs, freezing of gamete and embryocells, cloning and transgenicstudies in female animals, embryo transfer studies, studies of differentartificial inseminationmethods (laparoscopic, recto-vaginal, cervical,intra-uterine). 85 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Department of Internal Medicine Diagnostic and terapeutic procdures which are related to the internal medicine diseases like respiratory, circulatory, digestive, skin, urinary etc. are held by this department in various animals. Prof.Dr. M. Erman Or (Head of Department ) Prof.Dr. Tarık Bilal Prof.Dr. Abdülkadir Uysal Prof.Dr. Alev Akdoğan Kaymaz Prof.Dr. Utku Bakırel Prof.Dr. Remzi Gönül Assoc.Prof.Dr Abdullah Kayar Dr. Sinem Ülgen Dr. Banu Dokuzeylül Dr. Lora Koenhemsi Secretary Dr. Onur İskefli Vet.Technician Dr. Asiye Nur Meltem Kablan Kal Vet.Technician Res.Asst. Alper Bayrakal Technician Phone E-mail +90 212 473 70 70/17274 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 86 Nesrin Çiçek Bilgiç Dinçer Çavuşoğlu Şerif Hacıoğlu Ünal Çataklı Laboratory Infrastructure Small animal examination room, large animal examination room, fluid therapyinfusion room, ıntensive care unit, Electrocardiography (ECG), Holter, Echocardiography, Doppler, Ultrasonography (USG), Electroencephalography (EEG) and Endoscopy units, dermatology clinic, infectious and non-infectious small animal inpatient services, peritoneal dialysis service. Internal medicine diagnosis and treatment of cats and dogs, horses, ruminants, poultry and exotic animals and forensic science. 87 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 88 Division of Food Hygiene and Technology Department of Food Hygiene & Technology 89 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Department of Food Hygiene & Technology Is a field of science that examines safety of the animal origin food products, their production technologies, storage conditions and food legislation, as well as makes the microbiologic, toxicologic and chemical analyses of the foods and interprets the results for the public health. Prof.Dr. Özer Ergün (Head of Department) Prof.Dr. Harun Aksu Prof.Dr. Gürhan Raif Çiftçioğlu Prof.Dr. Ali Aydın Prof.Dr. Hilal Çolak Üzüm Prof.Dr. Ömer Çetin Prof.Dr. Özge Özgen Arun Assoc.Prof.Dr. Tolga Kahraman Assoc.Prof.Dr. Enver Barış Bingöl Assoc.Prof.Dr. Emek Dümen Dr. Karlo Muratoğlu Dr. Funda Yılmaz Eker Res.Asst. Gülay Merve Bayrakal Secretary Meral Şen Phone E-mail +90 212 473 70 70/17188 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 90 Laboratory Infrastructure There are food microbiology, food chemistry, meat technology, GMO, molecular analysis, student practice laboratories and a slaughterhouse for research and student practice. Fields of Study There are researchs in progress about food hygiene, food technology, food microbiology, food chemistry, food biochemistry, foodborne bacteria / pathogen genetics, food manufacturing processes, food security systems, hygiene applications, public health, foodborne infections/intoxications, foodborne viruses, foodborne parasites, organic/inorganic residues in foods, food immitation and adulterations. 91 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 92 Division of Animal Nutrition and Husbandry Department of Animal Nutrition & Nutritional Diseases Department of Animal Breeding & Husbandry 93 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Department of Animal Nutrition & Nutritional Diseases It is a since field that examines nutrition principles, metabolic and nutritional disorders and their mechanism in farm and pet animals, feeds, feed stuffs and diets using in animal nutrition, and also provides scientific and rational solutions against nutritional problems. Prof.Dr. Tanay Bilal (Head of Department) Prof.Dr. Müjdat Alp Prof.Dr. Neşe Kocabağlı Prof.Dr. Recep Kahraman Prof.Dr. İsmail Abaş Prof.Dr. Gülcan Demirel Assoc.Prof.Dr. Ahmet Yavuz Pekel Dr. Halil Can Kutay Dr. Onur Keser Dr. Ayşe Şebnem Bilgin Secretary Gülnur ÇELİK Phone E-mail +90 212 473 70 70/17235 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 94 Laboratory Infrastructure In this department, there is one laboratory for routine physical and chemical analysis of feeds and feed stuffs, one research laboratory and one student practice room. Nutrients and their metabolisms, nutrient and energy requirements of animals, nutrition and feeding techniques of farm animals pets, exotic and laboratory animals, fish nutrition, clinical nutrition of animals, nutritional and metabolic diseases of animals, feeds and feed stuffs, feed technology, feed additives, antinutritional factors in feeds and feestuffs physical and chemical analysis of feed stuffs. 95 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Department of Animal Breeding & Husbandry The department is teaching and researching on methods both for gaining genetic improvement in production and morphological & physiological characteristics and breeding strategies of various species of livestock animals. Prof.Dr. Ahmet Altınel (Head of Division) Prof.Dr. Hıdır Demir (Head of Department) Prof.Dr. Halil Güneş Prof.Dr. Mustafa Özcan Prof.Dr. Alper Yılmaz Prof.Dr. Bülent Ekiz Assoc.Prof.Dr. Harun Cerit Assoc.Prof.Dr. Ömür Koçak Assoc.Prof.Dr. Ferhan Kaygısız Dr. Kozet Avanus Dr. Hülya Yalçıntan Res. Asst. Nurşen Doğan Res. Asst. Pembe Dilara Akın Secretary Officer Vehbi ARAS Refik YOLAGELDİ Phone E-mail +90 212 473 70 70/17136 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 96 Laboratory Infrastructure There are Milk Quality Laboratory, Carcass and Meat Quality Laboratory, Moleculer Genetics Laboratory and Wool Laboratory in our department. Fields of Study Our department is focused on carcass and meat qualityand production, animal welfare in various production systems, milk production and quality in various dairy animal breeds, inherited diseases caused by single gene mutations in both livestock and pet animals, gender determination in monomorphic birds with moleculer tecniques, gene polymorphisms and their relations with traits in farm animals. 97 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine EDUCATION Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 98 Curriculum Education consist of theoretical lessons, laboratory and practical applications, internship program, education of improving veterinary medicine and is accomplished with a constant cirruculum in our faculty. Tenth semester of our education is an ''Internship'' period and full with practical applications. In this semester students choose one of the constant study fields and find opportunity to convert the theoretical knowledge to practical knowledge. Beside these, students are improving their clinical practices with ambulatory clinic applications and night shifts at the clinic of the Veterinary Faculty. Our students have to do an obligatory internship program in the 3 rd and 4th class which is determined by the faculty council for the purpose of improving the practical knowledge under the field condition. Also with Erasmus and Farabi student exchange programs, students can study in different universities and different countries for one or two semesters. 99 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 100 st 1 SEMESTER 101 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 102 st 11. Semester Yarıyıl Total ECTS 4 8 7 2 0 2 3 Chemistry 2 1 3 3 Medical Biology 3 2 5 4 Biometrics 2 0 2 3 History of Veterinary Medicine 2 0 2 3 History of Atatürk's Principles & Revolutions I 2 0 2 2 Turkish Language I 2 0 2 2 Foreign Language I 2 0 2 2 Elective Course(Group I) 1 0 1 1 COURSES T P Anatomy I 4 Medical Physics ELECTIVE COURSES (I GRUP / GROUP I) Fine Arts I 1 0 1 1 Physical Training ı 1 0 1 1 History of Civilization 1 0 1 1 Veterinary Anatomy Therminology 1 0 1 1 COMPULSORY COURSES 29 ELECTIVE COURSES 1 1. TOTAL ECTS OF 1st SEMESTER 30 T: P: Theoretical Practical 103 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine ANATOMY I Department : Anatomy Course Hours: 4 Theoretical-4 Practical ECTS :7 Purpose: In osteology, macroscopic structures of sceleton at domestic mammals and their differences between species are examined. Skeleton bones and their functional relations are examined in arthrology. Properties of cartilages are examined in chondrology. In myology, general muscle definiation, muscle types, macroscopic structures of muscles, their names, functions and active movement of skeleton system are examined. Course Content: To teach the structures of bone, articulation, cartilage and muscles constituting the body, and evaluating differences between animal species. References: 1. Bahadır, A., Yıldız, H., 2004. Anatomi 1 (Hareket Sistemi). Ezgi Yayınları. Bursa. 2. Çalışlar, T., 1995. Evcil Hayvanların Sistematik Anatomisi. İ.Ü. Basımevi. İstanbul. 3. Çalışlar, T., 1996. Evcil Hayvanların Anatomisi (Genel). İ.Ü. Basımevi. İstanbul. 4. Dursun, N., 1996. Veteriner Anatomi 1. Medisan Yayınevi. Ankara. 5. Getty, R., 1975. Sisson and Grossman's: The Anatomy of The Domestic Animals. 5th ed. Philadelphia, USA. 6. Popesko, P., 1977. Atlas of Topographical Anatomy of he Domestic Animals. Ed. W.B. Saunders. Philadelphia. USA. Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 104 MEDICAL PHYSICS Department : Dean Office Course Hours: 2 Theoretical ECTS :3 Purpose: Providing information on basic physical principles and their applications in veterinary medicine. Course Content: Anemia and its evaluation, ratio and proportion, basic principles of physics, x-ray and its usage in veterinary medicine, the basic principles of ultrasound, the basic principles of endoscopy. References: 1. Güner, Z., 1982. Tıp ve Biyoloji Öğrencileri için Fizik I. İmren, H.Y. 1994. Veteriner İç Hastalıklarına Giriş. Or, M.E., 2005. Medikal Fizik. 105 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine CHEMISTRY Department : Biochemistry Course Hours: 2 Theoretical-1 Practical ECTS :3 Purpose: To teach the basics of chemistry and the macromolecular forms of substances. Course Content: Basic forms of the substances, structure of the atom, water and solutions, acids, bases and pH, benzenes, carcinogenic methyl compounds, amine disulfide and sulphuric acids, hydroxy and keto carboxylic acids, chemical structures of carbohydrates, lipids and proteins. References: 1. Ası, T., 1996. Tablolarla Biyokimya, cilt I. Nobel Tıp Kitabevi, Ankara, Türkiye. 2. Champee, P.C., Harvey, R.A., 2007. Lippincott’s Biyokimya. Nobel Tıp Kitabevi, Ankara, Türkiye. 3. Gözükara, E.M., 2010. Biyokimya. Nobel Tıp Kitabevi, Ankara, Türkiye. 4. Klug, W.S., Cummings, M.R., 2007. Genetik Kavramlar. Palme Yayıncılık, Ankara, Türkiye. 5. Muray, R.K., 2004. Harper Biyokimya. Nobel Tıp Kitabevi, Ankara, Türkiye. 6. Nelson, D.L., Cox, M.M., 1970. Lehninger’s Biyokimyanın İlkeleri. Palme Yayıncılık, Ankara, Türkiye. 7. Pamuk, F., 2010. Biyokimya. Gazi Kitabevi. Ankara, Türkiye. 8. Serpek, B., 2013. Organik Kimya. Nobel Yayın Dağıtım. Türkiye. Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 106 MEDICAL BIOLOGY Department : Histology & Embryology Course Hours: 3 Theoretical-2 Practical ECTS :4 Purpose: Teaching fundamental biological knowledge to form a strong basis for clinical courses and to give biological interpretation ability. Course Content: Besides fundamental knowledge in basic biology, metabolic events in molecular level that occur in the cell. References: 1. Başaran A., 2008. Tıbbi Biyoloji Ders Notları. Penguen Tıp Yayınları. 107 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine BIOMETRICS Department : Animal Breeding &Husbandry Course Hours: 2 Theoretical ECTS :3 Purpose: To provide information about the basic statistical concepts to students, which will be needed in their professions and in the lectures of the forthcoming semesters, and also to enable the students to use of computer programs for statistical analyses. Course Content: Basic statistical concepts and use of statistics in scientific research; estimation of mean, variance, standard deviation, coefficient of variation and standard error of mean, and estimation of population mean; comparison of two groups; comparison of more than two groups; chi-squares (X²) test; correlation and regression analysis. References: 1. Evrim, M., Güneş, H., 2000. Biyometri Ders Notları. İstanbul Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Yayını, Ders Notu No:113. İstanbul. 2. Özdamar, K., 1999. SPSS ile Biyoistatistik. Kaan Kitabevi. Eskişehir. Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 108 HISTORY OF VETERINARY MEDICINE Department : Veterinary Medicine History & Deontology Course Hours: 2 Theoretical ECTS :3 Purpose: Reveal the history of the veterinary medicine in our country and in the world, giving information about the profile, vision, mission of the veterinary medicine proffession, development of proffessional consciousness by teaching faculties history and institutions. Course Content: Domestication, to give a form of the veterinary profession and throughout the ages practise of veterinary medicine is progressed by the first veterinary school in the world and in our country. References: 1. Bekman, M., 1940. Veteriner Tarihi. Ankara Basım ve Ciltevi, Ankara. 2. Dunlop, R.H., Williams, D.J., 1995. Veterinary Medicine. An Illustrated History. Mosby, USA. 3. Erk, N., 1978. Veteriner Tarihi. Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Yayını, Ankara. 109 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 110 ELECTIVE COURSES (GROUP I) 111 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine HISTORY OF CIVILIZATION Department : Veterinary Medicine History & Deontology Course Hours: 1 Theoretical ECTS :1 Purpose: Provide to understanding todays world by the throughout the history of world civilization. Course Content: Determining on comparative history of the eastern and western civilization in today’s world and learning the clash of civilizations. References: 1. Kültür Tarihi. Anadolu Üniversitesi Yayınları.2013, Eskişehir. 2. Taciser, S., 2011. Uygarlık Tarihi. Anadolu Üniversitesi Yayınları, Eskişehir. 3. Tanilli, S., 1981. Uygarlık Tarihi. Çağdaş Dünyaya Giriş. Say Kitap Pazarlama, İstanbul. Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 112 VETERINARY ANATOMY THERMINOLOGY Department : Anatomy Course Hours: 1 Theoretical ECTS :1 Purpose: Teaching of general rules of the Anatomical terminology, determination of the places of animal species in the zoological system and planums. Course Content: Anatomical terminology and its requirements will be specified, planes and specific anatomical concepts will be focused. References: 1. Çalışlar, T., 1996. Evcil Hayvanların Anatomisi (Genel). İ.Ü. Basımevi, İstanbul. 2. Getty, R., 1975. Sisson and Grossman's: The Anatomy of The Domestic Animals. 5th ed. Philadelphia, USA. 3. International Committee on Veterinary Gross Anatomical Nomenclature, 2005. Nomina Anatomica Veterinaria (N.A.V.), 5th ed., World Association of Veterinary Anatomists, Hannover, Columbia, Gent, Sapporo. 113 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 114 2nd SEMESTER 115 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 2nd Semester 2. Yarıyıl COURSES T P Total ECTS Anatomy II 4 6 10 7 Genetics 2 0 2 2 Histology I 2 1 3 3 Physiology I 4 2 6 5 Biochemıstry I 3 2 5 4 History of Atatürk's Principles & Revolutions II 2 0 2 2 Turkish Language II 2 0 2 2 Foreign Language II 2 0 2 2 Elective Course(Group II) 1 0 1 1 Elective Course(Group III) 2 0 2 2 ELECTIVE COURSES (GROUP II) Fine Arts II 1 0 1 1 Physical Training II 1 0 1 1 Communication Techniques 1 0 1 1 Animal Rights 1 0 1 1 ELECTIVE COURSES (GROUP III) Disasters Culture 2 0 2 2 Scientific Research Techniques 2 0 2 2 COMPULSORY COURSES 27 ELECTIVE COURSES 3 TOTAL ECTS OF 2nd SEMESTER 30 T: P: Theoretical Practical Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 116 ANATOMY II Department : Anatomy Course Hours: 4 Theoretical-6 Practical ECTS :7 Purpose: It is aimed to teach anatomical structures and functional properties of circulation, respiration, digestive, excretion, genital, neural, endocrine systems, mamary, sense organs having important place in veterinary surgeon in order to ease prognosis and treatment of diseases of these systems and poultry animals. Course Content: Respiration system, circulation system, digestive system, organs of male and female genital system (external and internal), theoretically dealing of general structure of neural system, anatomies of mammary, opthalmic, nail, ear and skin and anatomy of birds. References: 1. Bahadır, A., Yıldız H., 2004. Veteriner Anatomi II (Hareket Sistemi). Ezgi Yayınları, Bursa. 2. Çalışlar, T., 1995. Evcil Hayvanların Sistematik Anatomisi. İ.Ü. Basımevi, İstanbul. 3. Çalışlar, T., 1996. Evcil Hayvanların Anatomisi (Genel). İ.Ü. Basımevi, İstanbul. 4. Dursun, N., 1995. Veteriner Anatomi II, Medisan Yayınevi, Ankara. 5. Getty, R., 1975. Sisson and Grossman's : The Anatomy of The Domestic Animals. 5th ed. Philadelphia, USA. 6. Popesko, P., 1977. Atlas of Topographical Anatomy of the Domestic Animals. W.B. Saunders. Philadelphia, USA. 7. Taşbaş, M., 1996. Veteriner Aesthesiologia. Tamer Yayınları, Ankara. 117 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine GENETICS Department : Animal Breeding &Husbandry Course Hours: 2 Theoretical ECTS :2 Purpose: To teach the heredity characteristics of animals and their possibility of inheritance to the next generation and basic concepts of genetics. Course Content: The structure and functions of the hereditary material, basic genetic concepts as replication, transcription and translation, and the effect of hereditary material on the animal phenotypes. References: 1. Altınel, A., Dağlıoğlu, S., 1993. Genetik Ders Notları. İstanbul. 2. Klug, W.S., Cummings, M.R., 2003. Genetik Kavramlar. Palme Yayıncılık, Ankara. 3. Oraler, G., 1990. Genetik I, Temel Genetik. T.C. İstanbul Üniversitesi Yayınları, Sayı: 3592, Fen Fakültesi No:215. İ.Ü. Fen Fakültesi Basımevi, İstanbul 4. Russel, P.J., 2003. Essential Genetics. Benjamin Cummingspublishing, San Fransisco, USA. 5. Yalçın, B.C., 1969. İmmunogenetik ve Hayvan Yetiştiriciliği Yönünden Önemi. Lalahan Zootekni ve Araştırma Enstitüsü Dergisi, 9 (1-2), 15-18. Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 118 HISTOLOGY I Department : Histology & Embryology Course Hours: 2 Theoretical-1 Practical ECTS :3 Purpose: Teaching the tissue types that constitute organs and systems in body, differences between spicies, how to use light microscope efficiently and easily, how to distinguish tissue types under ligth microscope and phisiological effects because of the morphological structure. Course Content: Microscopic structure and organization of the living organizm, cytological and histological properties, fundamental structures of tissues that constitute organs and systems, differences between spicies. References: 1. Papadopoulos, G. C., Michaloidi Pavlou, M., Çeviri Editörleri: Mutuş, R, Bozkurt, H. H., Aktaş A., 2012. Karşılaştırmalı Histoloji Atlası. Nobel Tıp Kitabevi, İstanbul. 2. Sağlam, M., Aştı, R. N., Özer A., 2001. Genel Histoloji. Yorum Matbaacılık, Ankara. 119 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine PHYSIOLOGY I Department : Physiology Course Hours: 4 Theoretical -2 Practical ECTS :5 Purpose: Teaching the fundamentals about the cell physiology, body fluid physiology, hematology, neurophysiology, sensory physiology, endocrinology, reproductive physiology and muscle physiology. Course Content: Basic functions and mechanisms related to cell physiology, body fluid physiology, hematology, neurophysiology, sensory physiology, endocrinology, reproductive physiology and muscle physiology. References: 1. Reece, W.O., 2012. Evcil Hayvanların Fonksiyonel Anatomisi ve Fizyolojisi. Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık, Ankara. 2. Noyan, A., 2012. Yaşamda ve Hekimlikte Fizyoloji. Palme Yayınevi, İstanbul. 3. Çötelioğlu, Ü., 2007. Pratik Fizyoloji Ders Notları. İ.Ü.Veteriner Fak. Yayını, Ders Notu: 141, İstanbul. Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 120 BIOCHEMISTRY I Department : Biochemistry Course Hours: 3 Theoretical -2 Practical ECTS :4 Purpose: To teach basic information of Biochemistry in the molecular level. Course Content: Subjects of this lesson include bioelements, carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, enzymes, hormones, vitamins, co-enzymes and basic principles of biochemistry References: 1. Ası, T., 1996. Tablolarla Biyokimya, cilt I. Nobel Tıp Kitabevi, Ankara, Türkiye. 2. Champee, P.C., Harvey, R.A., 2007. Lippincott’s Biyokimya. Nobel Tıp Kitabevi, Ankara, Türkiye. 3. Gözükara, E.M., 2010. Biyokimya. Nobel Tıp Kitabevi, Ankara, Türkiye. 4. Klug, W.S., Cummings, M.R., 2007. Genetik Kavramlar. Palme Yayıncılık, Ankara, Türkiye. 5. Muray, R.K., 2004. Harper Biyokimya. Nobel Tıp Kitabevi, Ankara, Türkiye. 6. Nelson, D.L., Cox, M.M., 1970. Lehninger’s Biyokimyanın İlkeleri. Palme Yayıncılık, Ankara, Türkiye. 7. Pamuk, F., 2010. Biyokimya. Gazi Kitabevi, Ankara, Türkiye. 121 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 122 ELECTIVE COURSES (GROUP II – III) 123 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine COMMUNICATION TECHNIQUES Department : Veterinary Medicine History & Deontology Course Hours: 1Theoretical ECTS :1 Purpose: Suggest ways of comunication to veterinarians with people who come from different cultere and places. Course Content: General rules of communication, clinical communication skills, communication ways, how to use body language and emphaty. References: 1. Kertz, S., Draper, S., 1998. Tıpta İletişim Teknikleri. Beyaz Yayınları, İstanbul. 2. Özkan, Z., 2010. Sağlıkta İletişimin Gücü: 66 Soruda. İletişim Yayınları, İstanbul. Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 124 ANIMAL RIGHTS Department : Veterinary Medicine History & Deontology Course Hours: 1 Theoretical ECTS :1 Purpose: Giving information to the students about animal rights. Course Content: Essentials of animal rights, historical roots, effects on todays world movement, differences between animal welfare. References: 1. Grazia, D., 2009. Hayvan Hakları. Dost Yayınları, İstanbul. 2. Francione, G., 2008. Hayvan Haklarına Giriş. İletişim Yayınları, İstanbul. 3. Bekoff, M., 1998. Encyclopedia of Animal Rights and Animal Welfare. Greenwood Press, Westport, Connectisut. USA. 125 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH TECHNIQUES Department : Veterinary Medicine History & Deontology Course Hours: 2 Theoretical ECTS :2 Purpose: Teaching how to make a scientific research and characteristics of scientific philosophy. Course Content: Planing a scientific research, publishing and other works. References: 1. Kaptan, S., 1998. Bilimsel Araştırma ve İstatistik Teknikleri. Bilim Yayınları, Ankara. 2. Dinçer, F., 1996. Bilimsel Araştırma Teknikleri. Yayımlanmamış Ders Notları, Ankara. Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 126 3th SEMESTER 127 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 128 3rd Semester COURSES T P Total ECTS Embryology Animal Breeding & Husbandry I Histology II Physiology II Biochemistry II General Microbiology 2 3 3 3 3 2 0 1 2 2 2 2 2 4 5 5 5 4 2 4 4 4 4 4 FeedStuffs & Feed Technology 2 2 4 4 Elective Course (Group IV) 2 0 Elective Course (Group V) 1 0 ELECTIVE COURSES (GROUP IV) City Culture & Istanbul 2 0 Biotechnology 2 0 ELECTIVE COURSES (GROUP V) AREA ELECTIVE COURSES Anatomy of Egzotic Animal 1 0 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 Feed Legislatıon and Quality Control 1 0 1 2 Food & Nutrition Culture 1 0 1 2 COMMON ELECTIVE COURSES Exercise Physiology The Use of Instruments in Biochemistry Laboratory 1 0 1 2 1 0 1 2 Anatomy of the Laboratory Animal 1 0 1 2 COMPULSORY COURSES 26 ELECTIVE COURSES 4 TOTAL ECTS OF 3rd SEMESTER 30 T: Theoretical P: Practical 129 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine EMBRYOLOGY Department : Histology & Embryology Course Hours: 2Theoretical ECTS :2 Purpose: Teaching the main constituents of embrionic and fetal development, the differences between species. Course Content: Differentiation and development in tissues and organs in the period from the formation of zygote (fertilized cell) to the birth, differences between species. Male and female gametes, genital cycle, fertilisation and divisions, developmental stages after fertilisation, implantation and placenta types, lenght of pregnancy in animals, twinning and exfetation. Organs and systems that develop from ectoderm, endoderm and mesoderm. References: 1. Hassa, O., Aştı, R. N., 2003. Embriyoloji. Yorum Basın Yayın Sanayi Ltd. Şti., Ankara. Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 130 ANIMAL BREEDING & HUSBANDRY I Department : Animal Breeding &Husbandry Course Hours: 3 Theoretical -1 Practical ECTS :4 Purpose: To teach morphological and physiological characteristics, production functions, genotypic improvement methods of production and rational breeding principles of livestock animals. Course Content: Agriculture and animal production in agriculture, the contribution of animal production to the national economy, actual issues of national animal production; concepts of genus, species, breed and variety, introduction of morphological characteristics of livestock animals; important production characteristics (fertility, milk yield, growth, meat yield) of livestock animals and various factors affecting on these characteristics; term of environment in animal breeding, ecosystems, the effects of environment on livestock animals, mechanisms of animal adaptation to environment and control of environment; selection, culling, estimation of breeding value and breeding metohds. References: 1. Akçapınar, H., Özbeyaz, C., 1999. Hayvan Yetiştiriciliği Temel Bilgileri. Kariyer Matbacılık, Ankara. 2. Yalçın, B. C., 1981. Genel Zootekni. İ.Ü. Veteriner Fakültesi Yayınları, Rektörlük No: 2769. Dekanlık No:1, İstanbul. 131 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine HISTOLOGY II Department : Histology & Embryology Course Hours: 3 Theoretical-2 Practical ECTS :4 Purpose: Teaching the structural properties of organs and how to distinguish them, the interaction between morphological structure and metabolic function. Course Content: The microscopic structure and organization of the organs and systems of animals in the field of Veterinary Medicine. References: 1. Özer A. (Editör), 2008. Veteriner Özel Histoloji. Nobel Yayın Dağıtım, Ankara. 2. Papadopoulos, G. C., Pavlou, M. Çeviri Editörleri: Mutuş, R., Bozkurt, H. H., Aktaş, A., 2012. Karşılaştırmalı Histoloji Atlası. Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri, İstanbul 3. Tanyolaç, A., 1999. Özel Histoloji. Yorum Basın Yayın Sanayi Ltd. Şti., Ankara. Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 132 PHYSIOLOGY II Department : Physiology Course Hours: 3 Theoretical -2 Practical ECTS :4 Purpose: Teaching the fundamentals about the cardiovasculary system physiology, digestion physiology, respiratory physiology, urinary system physiology, and thermoregulation mechanisms. Course Content: Physiology of cardiovasculary system, digestion, respiraton, urinary system and thermoregulation mechanisms. References: 1. Reece, W. O., 2012. Evcil Hayvanların Fonksiyonel Anatomisi ve Fizyolojisi. Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık, Ankara. 2. Noyan, A., 2012. Yaşamda ve Hekimlikte Fizyoloji. Palme Yayınevi, İstanbul. 3. Çötelioğlu, Ü., 2007. Pratik Fizyoloji Ders Notları. İ.Ü. Veteriner Fak. Yayını, Ders Notu:141, İstanbul. 133 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine BIOCHEMISTRY II Department: Biochemistry Course Hours: 3 Theoretica-2 Practical ECTS :4 Purpose: To teach carbohydrate, lipid and protein metabolisms and biochemical reactions of the organs. Course Content: Concepts of metabolic reactions of bioelements; vitamins, hormones, metabolism of carbohydrate, lipid and proteins, biochemical changes in tissues and organs. References: 1. Ası, T., 1996. Tablolarla Biyokimya, cilt I. Nobel Tıp Kitabevi, Ankara, Türkiye. 2. Champee, P.C., Harvey R.A.,2007. Lippincott’s Biyokimya. Nobel Tıp Kitabevi, Ankara, Türkiye. 3. Gözükara, E.M., 2010. Biyokimya. Nobel Tıp Kitabevi, Ankara, Türkiye. 4. Klug, W.S., Cummings, M.R., 2007. Genetik Kavramlar. Palme Yayıncılık, Ankara, Türkiye. 5. Muray, R.K., 2004. Harper Biyokimya. Nobel Tıp Kitabevi, Ankara, Türkiye. 6. Nelson, D.L., Cox M.M., 1970. Lehninger’s Biyokimyanın İlkeleri. Palme Yayıncılık, Ankara, Türkiye. 7. Pamuk, F., 2010. Biyokimya. Gazi Kitabevi, Ankara, Türkiye. Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 134 GENERAL MICROBIOLOGY Department : Microbiology Course Hours: 2 Theoretical-2 Practical ECTS :4 Purpose: Teaching of general characteristics of the all microorganisms is aimed. In detail, giving basic information on classification and denomination of the microorganisms which are causes of infectious diseases in domestic animals, morphological and cultural properties of them, their genetic characters, isolation and identification of the microorganisms and control of microbial growth were aimed. Course Content: Microbiology, microorganisms, bacterial classification, bacterial morphology, macroscopic and microscopic morphology, the anatomical structure of bacteria, the chemical structure of the bacteria, classification according to feeding and nutrition of bacteria, growth of bacteria and factors on growth, anaerobiosis, bacterial enzymes and metabolism, structure and functions of genetic material in bacteria, DNA replication, variations in bacteria, bacteriophages, transfer of genetic material in bacteria, extrachromosomal genetic elements in bacteria, general characteristics of fungi, fungal replication References: 1. Arda, M., 2011. Temel Mikrobiyoloji. Medisan Yayınevi, Ankara. 135 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine FEEDSTUFFS & FEED TECHNOLOGY Department : Animal Nutrition & Nutritional Diseases Course Hours: 2 Theoretical-2 Practical ECTS :4 Purpose: To give detailed informations about general characteristics of feeds and feedstuffs using in animal nutrition, the purpose of feed processing, technological methods in the feed processing, feed additives, feed hygiene and quality. Course Content: Description and classification of feeds and feedstuffs (roughages, grains, industrial by-products, fats, vitamin-mineral premixes, feed additives), feed microbiology and technologies, methods and equipments in the determination of nutrient compositions of feeds and feedstuffs, feed processing methods, feed hygiene and quality control. References: 1. Ergün, A., Tuncer, Ş.D., Çolpan, İ., Yalçın, S., Yıldız, G., Küçükersan, M.K., Küçükersan, S., Şehu, A., Saçaklı, P., 2011. Yemler, Yem Hijyeni ve Teknolojisi. 4. Baskı. ISBN: 975-97808 -3-8. A.Ü.Veteriner Fakültesi Hayvan Besleme ve Beslenme Hastalıkları Anabilim Dalı, Ankara. 2. Khajarern, J., Khajarern, S., 2008. Yem Mikroskopisi ve Kalite Kontrol El Kitabı. (Çevirenler: Coşkun B., Çizmeci, S.Ü.). 3. Baskı. ISBN: 974-676-334-2. 3. Şenel, H.S., 1993. Hayvan Besleme. İ.Ü. Veteriner Fakültesi Yayınları. 2. Baskı. ISBN: 375-404-352-3, İstanbul. Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 136 ELECTIVE COURSES (GROUP IV–V) 137 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine CITY CULTURE & ISTANBUL Department : Veterinary Medicine History & Deontology Course Hours: 2 Theoretical ECTS :2 Purpose: Giving information about İstanbul which is the one of the important and biggest cities. Course Content: Architecture, religions, folklore, geography, culture and art of İstanbul, social and economical panorama of the city. References: 1. Şehir ve Kültür: İstanbul Araştırmaları.(2010). Ebru Matbaacılık A.Ş., İstanbul. 2. Koçu, R.E., 2000. İstanbul Ansiklopedisi. Tarih Vakfı Yayınları İletişim Yayınları, İstanbul. Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 138 BIOTECHNOLOGY Department : Biochemistry, Animal Breeding & Husbandry, Microbiology; Reproduction & Artificial I0,1nsemination Course Hours: 2 Theoretical Purpose: To give basic and current informations in fields of molecular biology, microbiology, animal breedıng and husbandry, genetics, biochemistry, and reproduction and artificial insemination. Course Content: Using of recombinant DNA technology in veterinary medicine, Nucleic acid amplification methods, The nucleic acid blotting, hybridization methods. Biotechnology in microbiology; polymerase chain reaction hybridization methods, molecular typing methods, terms, PFGE. Teaching of basic facts and actual scientific improvements about reproductive biotechnology. References: 1. Arda, M., 2000. Temel Mikrobiyoloji, Genişletilmiş İkinci Baskı, Medisan Yayınevi, Ankara. 2. Genetik Tiplendirmede PCR uygulamaları II., 2007. Uygulamalı yaz eğitim kitabı. İstanbul Üniversitesi Biyoteknoloji ve Genetik Mühendisliği Araştırma ve Uygulama Merkezi, İstanbul. 3. İleri, K., Ak, K., Pabuccuoğlu, S., Birler, S. 1994-1997-2000. Evcil Hayvanlarda Reprodüksiyon ve Suni Tohumlama, İ.Ü. Veteriner Fakültesi Yayını, İstanbul. 4. Klug, W.S., Cummings, M.R., 2007. Genetik Kavramlar. Palme Yayıncılık, Ankara. 139 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine ANATOMY OF EGZOTIC ANIMAL Department : Anatomy Course Hours: 1 Theoretical ECTS :2 Purpose: The circulation, respiratory, digestive, excretory, nervous, endocrine system, genital organs, breast, sensory and functional properties exotic animals details of these systems anatomical structure is aimed to teach. Course Content: Systema locomotorium, systema digestorium, systema respiratorium, systema urogenitalis, systema nervosum, angiologia and aesthesiology in exotic animals. References: 1. Çalışlar, T., 1978. Laboratuvar hayvanlarının Anatomisi. Fırat Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Yayınları, No:14. Elazığ. 2. Malley, O.B., 2005. Clinical Anatomy and Physiology of Exotic Species, Structure and Function of Mammals, Birds, Reptiles, and Amphibians. 1st ed. Elsevier Saunders, Toronto. Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 140 FEED LEGISLATION AND QUALITY CONTROL Department : Animal Nutrition & Nutritional Diseases Course Hours: 1 Theoretical ECTS :2 Purpose: To inform students about codex concerning veterinary services, phytosanitary, food and feed, notification about undesired substances in feeds, regulations for feed hygiene, feed additives, the presentation to the market and the use of feeds, sampling and analysis methods for official control of feeds. Course Content: Codex concerning veterinary services, phytosanitary, food and feed, notification about undesired substances in feeds, regulations for feed hygiene, feed additives, the presentation to the market and the use of feeds, sampling and analysis methods for official control of feeds. References: 1. Veteriner Hizmetleri, Bitki Sağlığı, Gıda ve Yem Kanunu, 2010. Resmi Gazete, 13.06.2010, Sayı: 27610 141 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine FOOD & NUTRITION CULTURE Department : Food Hygiene & Technology Course Hours: Theoretical ECTS :2 Purpose: To provide information about the importance of nutrition and various dietary cultures. Course Content: The importance and history of nutrition, food sources, bulk nutrition, nutritional disorders. References: 1. Demirci, M., 2002. Beslenme. Rebel Yayıncılık, Tekirdağ. 2. Gürsoy,D., 2013. Tarihin Süzgecinde Mutfak Kültürümüz. Oğlak Yayıncılık, İstanbul. 3. Soysal,S., 2011. Kalaylı Kaplarda Alaylı Yemekler. Doğan Egmont Yayıncılık, İstanbul. Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 142 EXERCISE PHYSIOLOGY Department : Physiology Course Hours: 1 Theoretical ECTS :2 Purpose: Teaching the changes in locomotor, respiratory and circulatory systems caused by excersize and the basic physiological background needed for creating training programs of racing horses. Course Content: Basic concepts of exercise physiology, muscle contraction mechanism, walking and running types of animals, effects of exercise on respiration, circulation, blood parameters and electrolyte balance, thermoregulation during exercise and doping in racing horses. References: 1. Hinchcliff, K.W., Kaneps, A.J., Geor, R.J., 2007. Equine Exercise Physiology: The Science of Exercise in the Athletic Horse. Elsevier, Philadelphia, USA. 143 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine THE USE OF INSTRUMENTS IN BIOCHEMISTRY LABORATORY Department : Biochemistry Course Hours: 1 Theoretical ECTS :2 Purpose: To teach the working principles of devices used in the laboratory and methods of analysis. Course Content: Basic rules to be followed in the laboratory, analysis and use of diagnostic equipment. References: 1. Champee, P.C., Harvey R.A., 2007. Lippincott’s Biyokimya. Nobel Tıp Kitabevi, Ankara, Türkiye. 2. Muray, R.K., 2004. Harper Biyokimya. Nobel Tıp Kitabevi, Ankara, Türkiye. 3. Nelson, D.L., Cox M.M., 1970. Lehninger’s Biyokimyanın İlkeleri. Palme Yayıncılık, Ankara, Türkiye. Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 144 ANATOMY OF THE LABORATORY ANIMAL Department : Anatomy Course Hours: 1 Theoretical ECTS :2 Purpose: The circulation, respiratory, digestive, excretory, nervous, endocrine system, genital organs, breast, sensory and functional properties experimental animals details of these systems’ anatomical structure is aimed to teach. Course Content: Systema locomotorium, systema digestorium, systema respiratorium, systema urogenitalis, systema nervosum, angiologia and aesthesiology in experimental animals. References: 1. Cook M.J., 1965. The Anatomy of the Laboratory Mouse. Academic Press. London. 2. Hebel R., Stromberg M.W., 1976. Anatomy of the Laboratory Rat. The Williams &Wilkins Company. Baltimore, USA. 3. Hau J.,Van Hoosier G.L., 2003. Handbook of Laboratory Animal Science Second Edition. Vol.2. CRC Press. Boca Raton London New York Washington, D.C. USA. 4. Olds R.J., OldsJ.R.,1984. Farbatlas der Anatomie der Ratte. Schober Verlags. 5. Weisbroth S.H., Flatt R.E., Kraus A.L., 1974. The Biology of the Laboratory Rabbit. Academic Press, London, UK. 145 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 146 4th SEMESTER 147 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 4th Semester COURSES T P Toplam AKTS Animal Welfare 2 0 2 2 Immunology & Serology 2 2 4 4 Animal Breeding & Husbandry II 3 2 5 5 Animal Nutrition & Nutritional Diseases 3 1 4 5 Laboratory Animals 2 1 3 3 General Parasitology 1 1 2 2 Ethology 2 0 2 2 Radiology 1 0 1 1 Epizootiology 2 0 2 2 Topographic Anatomy 1 1 2 2 Elective Course (Group VI) 1 0 1 2 ELECTIVE COURSES (GROUP VI) AREA ELECTIVE COURSES Physiology of Exotic Animals 1 0 1 2 Organic Animal Nutrition 1 0 1 2 Food Chemistry 1 0 1 2 COMMON ELECTIVE COURSES Nutrition of Laboratory Animals 1 0 1 2 Biochemical Differences of Animals 1 0 1 2 Animal Blood Bank 1 0 1 2 COMPULSORY COURSES ELECTIVE COURSES 28 2 TOTAL ECTS OF 4th SEMESTER 30 T: P: Theoretical Practical Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 148 ANIMAL WELFARE Department : Animal Breeding & Husbandry Course Hours: 2 Theoretical ECTS :2 Purpose: To inform the students about directives of animal welfare, welfare problems and solutions in entire breeding practices (including housing, feeeding, caring, transporting, slaughtering, etc.); inspection, measuring and evaluation of animal welfare parameters. Course Content: Animal welfare concept; the five freedoms; assessment parameters of animal welfare; principles of welfare assessment based on herds; welfare evaluation in broiler and lying hen production; primary welfare issues about sheep and goats; welfare assessments in beef production and dairy farms; companion animal welfare; horse welfare; animal welfare issues during transport, at the animal markets and in slaughterhouses; welfare issues in laboratory animals. References: 1. Dwyer, C.M., 2008. The Animal Welfare of Sheep. Springer Science Business Media B.V. 2. Fraser, A.F., Broom, D.M., 1997. Farm Animal Behaviour and Welfare. Baillière Tindall, London, UK. 3. Grandin, T., 2009. Livestock Handling and Transport. CABI publishing, New York, USA. 149 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine IMMUNOLOGY & SEROLOGY Department : Microbiology Course Hours: 2 Theoretical-2 Practical ECTS :4 Purpose: The objective of the course is to give information about the basic structure and function of the immune system. Course Content: Immunity, factors effecting the immunity, antigens, organs and cells of the immune system, immunoglobulins, receptors of antigen, tissue compatibility system, cytokines, antigen processing and presentation, antigenpresenting cells, the processing of exogenous and endogenous antigens, cellular and humoral immune response, complement system, mucosal immunity, hypersensitivity reactions types and mechanisms, autoimmunity. References: 1. Diker S., 2009.İmmunoloji. Medisan Yayınevi, Ankara. Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 150 ANIMAL BREEDING & HUSBANDRY II Department : Animal Breeding & Husbandry Course Hours: 3 Theoretical -2 Practical ECTS :5 Purpose: To teach planning of farm animal production, species specific genetic improvement methods, shelters, herd management and herd health in cattle, sheep-goat, poultry, horse, pig, dog and cat breeding. Course Content: Production principles and methods in cattle, sheep and goat, poultry, horse, pig, dog and cat breeding, species specific animal production and enterprise models, scientific and technical methods used in these enterprises, models of animal shelters and equipments, animal breeding, herd health, biosecurity concept in hygienic animal production. References: 1. Altınel, A., 1999. Tavuk Yetiştirme (Özel Zootekni Ders Notu). İ.Ü. Veteriner Fakültesi Yayını, Ders Notu No:103, İstanbul. 2. Aytuğ, C.N., Yalçın, B.C., Alaçam, E., Türker, H., Gökçen, H., Özkoç, Ü., 1990. Koyun-Keçi Hastalıkları ve Yetiştiriciliği. Tüm Vet Hayvancılık Hizmetleri Yayını, No:2, İstanbul. 3. Demir, H., 2000. At Yetiştiriciliği Ders Notları. İ.Ü. Veteriner Fakültesi Yayını, Ders Notu No:120, İstanbul. 4. Evrim, M., Güneş., H., 2000. Sığır Yetiştiriciliği (Özel Zootekni Ders Notu). İ.Ü. Veteriner Fakültesi Yayını, Ders Notu No:114, İstanbul. 151 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine ANIMAL NUTRITION & NUTRITIONAL DISEASES Department : Animal Nutrition & Nutritional Diseases Course Hours: 3 Theoretical -1 Practical ECTS :5 Purpose: To teach the nutrients and their metabolism, the principles of the nutrition of different animal breeds, nutritional diseases, disorders and their mechanism and prevention, ration and diet formulations for different animal species. Course Content: Nutrition, classification and description of nutrients, metabolism and utilization of water, proteins, lipids, carbonhydrates, vitamins and minerals, principles of the nutrion of cats & dogs, poultries, beef cattles, dairy cows, sheep, goats, horses and pigs, their nutritional diseases and formulation of balanced ration and diets. References: 1. Ergün, A., Tuncer, Ş.D., Çolpan, İ., Yalçın, S., Yıldız, G., Küçükersan, M.K., Küçükersan, S., Şehu, A., Saçaklı, P., 2011. Hayvan Besleme ve Beslenme Hastalıkları. 5. Baskı. ISBN: 975-97808-2-8. A.Ü. Veteriner Fakültesi, Hayvan Besleme ve Beslenme Hastalıkları Anabilim Dalı, Ankara. 2. Sarı, M., Bolat, D., Çerçi, İ.H., Önol, A.G., Deniz, S., Azman, M.A., Şahin, K., Güler,T., Seven, P.T., Karslı, M.A., Şahin, N., Nursoy, H., Çiftçi, M., Bingöl, N.T., 2008. Hayvan Besleme ve Beslenme Hastalıkları. ISBN: 978-975-6676-29-5. Medipres Matbaacılık Yayıncılık Ltd. Şti., Malatya. 3. Şenel, H.S., 1993. Hayvan Besleme. İ.Ü. Veteriner Fakültesi Yayınları. 2. Baskı. ISBN: 375-404-352-3. İstanbul. 4. Umucalılar, H.D., Nurettin Gülşen, N., 2005. Çiftlik Hayvanlarında Beslenme Hastalıkları. Selçuk Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Hayvan Besleme ve Beslenme Hastalıkları Anabilim Dalı. Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 152 LABORATORY ANIMALS Department : Hystology &Embryology Course Hours: 2 Theoretical-1 Practical ECTS :3 Purpose: Teaching the anatomy, physiology, breeding and clinical knowledge of laboratory animals. Course Content: Basic characteristics, breeding and nutrition of laboratory animals. Building research models, choosing appropriate animal spicies and strains. Basic manipulation methods. References: 1. Altuğ, T., 2005. Laboratuvar Hayvanları Ders Notları (Yayınlanmamış Ders Notları), İstanbul. 2. Anonim, 2004. Laboratuvar Hayvanları. Nobel Tıp Yayınevleri, İstanbul. 3. Başaran, A., 2008. Deney Hayvanları Laboratuvar Teknikleri. Nisan Yayınevi, İstanbul. 153 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine GENERAL PARASITOLOGY Department : Parasitology Course Hours: 1 Theoretical-1 Practical ECTS :2 Purpose: Giving the basic principles of parasitism to students, providing the students the ability to examine and distinguish parasites. Course Content: Taxonomy, evolution, morphology of parasites, host parasite interactions, phases of parasitism, transmission and spread, pathogenesis, immunity, diagnosis, control and treatmentof parasitic infections. References: 1. Özcel M.A., 2013 (Editör) Veteriner Hekimliğinde Parazit Hastalıkları. Türkiye Parazitoloji Derneği, Yayın No: 24, ISBN978-605-87556-1-1(Tk) 978-605-87556-2-8 (1.c), İzmir. 2. Toparlak, M., Tüzer, E., 1994. Paraziter Hastalıkların Tanısında Laboratuvar Teknikleri. Pfizer Hayvan Sağlığı Bölüm Yayını, Istanbul. 3. Toparlak, M., Vuruşaner, C., 2007. Veteriner Parazitolojiye Giriş. Aktif Yayıncılık,İstanbul Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 154 ETHOLOGY Department : Physiology Course Hours: 2 Theoretical ECTS :2 Purpose: Teaching the ethological fundamentals of animal behaviour comperatively. Course Content: The reason and mechanisms of animal behaviour, the difference between instinct and learning, behaviour types in different animal species, abnormal behaviours, the effects of domestication on behaviours, and basic principles of animal teaching. References: 1. Scott, G., 2004. Essential Animal Behavior. Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford. 2. Barrows, E.M., 2000. Animal Behavior Desk Reference: A Dictionary of Animal Behavior, Ecology, and Evolution. CRC Press, Florida. 3. Houpt, K.A., 2011. Domestic Animal Behavior for Veterinarians and Animal Scientists. Wiley-Blackwell, Singapore. 155 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine RADIOLOGY Department : Surgery Course Hours: 1 Theoretical ECTS :1 Purpose: To teach physics of x-ray, structure of equipments, x-ray positions and techniques and evaluation of x-ray view. Course Content: Formation harmful effects of x-ray, tools, techniques and positions, factors that effecting quality of the x-ray. References: 1. Alkan, Z., 1999. Veteriner Radyoloji.Mina Ajans, Ankara. 2. Thrall, D.E., 2013. Textbook of Veterinary Diagnostic Radiology. 6th Ed. Elsevier, USA. 3. Lawinm, L.M., 2006. Radiography in VeterinaryTechnology. Elsevier, USA. Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 156 EPIZOOTIOLOGY Department : Microbiology Course Hours: 2 Theoretical ECTS :2 Purpose: To teach the incidence of animal diseases on the basis of population, distribution, and examine the factors affecting the formation of the disease, methods of struggle against these diseases, determine the definition of the discipline at the level of graduate students. Course Content: Definition of epidemiology, goal and sections, health and disease, determinants of diseases, the transmission and contagion of the infections, infection types, diseases in population, special and temporal distribution of diseases, ecological approach, epidemiologic research types, epidemiologic research steps, health schemas and fighting with diseases. References: 1. Diker S., 1994. Epidemiyoloji. Medisan Yayınevi, Ankara. 157 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine TOPOGRAPHIC ANATOMY Department : Anatomy Course Hours: 1 Theoretical-1 Practical ECTS :2 Purpose: To understand anatomical structures and to evaluate relations of anatomical structures with each other. Course Content: Head area (Regiones capitis), Neck area (Regiones colli), Breast area (Regiones pectoris), Abdominal area (Regiones abdominis), Pelvis area (Regiones pelvis) Fore extremity area (Regiones membri thoracici) and Hind extremity area (Regiones membri pelvini). Information on anatomical properties of sense organs. References: 1. Çalışlar, T., Kahvecioğlu, K.O., Mutuş, R., 1996. Veteriner Topografik Anatomi. Medisan Yayınevi, Ankara. 2. Dursun, N., 2002. Veteriner Topografik Anatomi. Medisan Yayınevi, Ankara. 3. Pasquini, C., Spurgeon T, Pasquini S., 1992. Anatomy of Domestic Animals: Systemic and Regional Approach. 5 ed. Sudz Publishing, Dallas, USA. 4. Taylor, J.A., 1955. Regional and applied anatomy of the domestic animals. v.1. Head and neck - v.2. Thoracic limb. Lippincott, Philadelphia, USA. 5. Yıldız, H., Yıldız, B., Bahadır, A., 2004. Topografik Anatomi. U.Ü. Veteriner Fakültesi Yayınları, Bursa. Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 158 ELECTIVE COURSES (GROUP VI) 159 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine PHYSIOLOGY OF EXOTIC ANIMALS Department : Physiology Course Hours: 1 Theoretical ECTS :2 Purpose: Teaching the fundamentals of the physiology of exotic animals commonly seen in our country. Course Content: Basic physiological and behavioral features of pet and wild birds, reptiles, turtle, iguana, weasel, squirrel, rabbit, guinea pig, gerbil, hamster, hedgehog, chameleon, primates and aquarium fish. References: 1. O'Malley, B., 2005. Clinical Anatomy and Physiology of Exotic Species: Structure and function of mammals, birds, reptiles and amphibians. Saunders, Philadelphia, USA. Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 160 ORGANIC ANIMAL NUTRITION Department : Animal Nutrition & Nutritional Diseases Course Hours: 1 Theoretical ECTS :2 Purpose: The aim of this course is teaching feding strategies of livestock animals and poultry with producing feed stuff in organic animal nutrition. Course Content: General principles of organic animal breeding, conservation of environmental balance, legislation and certification applications for organic animal breeding. References: 1. Organik Tarımın Esasları Ve Uygulanmasına İlişkin Yönetmelik, 2010. Resmi Gazete Tarihi: 18.08.2010 Resmi Gazete Sayısı: 27676. 161 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine FOOD CHEMISTRY Department : Food Hygiene & Technology Course Hours: 1 Theoretical ECTS :2 Purpose: To give imformation about nutrients, the components of foods, the biochemical changes during the process and food spoilage. Course Content: The nutrients (water, proteins, lipids, carbonhydrates, vitamins and minerals), the basic components of foods and food spoilage. References: 1. Demirci, M., 1999. Gıda Kimyası. Trakya Üniversitesi Yayını, Tekirdağ. 2. Fennema, O.R., 1996. Food Chemistry. Marcel Dekker Publication, New York, USA. 3. Keskin, H., 1987. Besin Kimyası, Cilt I-II. Güryay Matbaacılık, İstanbul. 4. Tayar, M., Çıbık, R., 2011. Gıda Kimyası. Dora Yayın, Bursa. Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 162 NUTRITION OF LABORATORY ANIMALS Department : Animal Nutrition & Nutritional Diseases Course Hours: 1 Theoretical ECTS :2 Purpose: Nutrition of laboratory animals such as rat, mice, guinea pigs, hamsters and rabbits and fur animals (mink, fox, marten and chinchilla), experimental diets, feeds and feedstuffs using in the nutrition of these animals and preparation of practical diets are explained in detail for students. Course Content: To inform students about nutrition of laboratory animals (such as rat, mice, guinea pigs, hamsters and rabbits) and fur animals (mink, fox, marten and chinchilla), experimental diets, feeds and feedstuffs using in the nutrition of these animals, effects of nutrition on fur and fertility, requirements of energy and nutrients, and nutrition diseases in these animals. References: 1. Ergün, A., Tuncer, Ş.D., Çolpan, İ., Yalçın, S., Yıldız, G., Küçükersan, M.K., Küçükersan, S., Şehu, A., Saçaklı, P., 2011. Hayvan Besleme ve Beslenme Hastalıkları. 5. Baskı, ISBN: 975 -97808-2-8, A.Ü. Veteriner Fakültesi, Hayvan Besleme ve Beslenme Hastalıkları Anabilim Dalı, Ankara. 2. Şenel, H.S., 1993. Hayvan Besleme. İ. Ü. Veteriner Fakültesi Yayınları, 2. Baskı, ISBN: 375-404-352-3, İstanbul. 3. Şenel H.S. Laboratuvar Hayvanlarının Beslenmesi, İ.Ü. Yayın No: 4070, Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Yayın No: 5, Edebiyat Fakültesi Basımevi, İstanbul, 1997 ISBN 975-404-478-3. 163 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine BIOCHEMICAL DIFFERENCES OF ANIMALS Department : Biochemistry Course Hours: 1 Theoretical ECTS :2 Purpose: The aim of this lesson is to teach biochemical difference between animal species. Course Content: Comparison of metabolik differences in ruminant, equine, carnivor and avian. References: 1. Ası, T., 1996. Tablolarla Biyokimya, Cilt I ve II. Nobel Tıp Kitabevi, Ankara. 2. Kalaycıoğlu, L., Serpek, B., Nizamlıoğlu, M., Başpınar, N., Tiftik, A.M., 2013. Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık, Ankara. Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 164 ANIMAL BLOOD BANK Department : Physiology Course Hours: 1 Theoretical ECTS :2 Purpose: Teaching the determination of appropriate donors for blood donation, calculation of the amount of blood that will be donated, preparation of blood products and physiological and technical fundamentals of veterinary transfusion medicine. Course Content: Amount and content of body fluids in animals, structure and function of blood, and blood groups in animals, preparation and storage of blood products, and animal blood banking. References: 1. Berkem, R., Ayhan, Y., Karakoç, A.E., Pelit, N.B., 2008. Kan Bileşenlerinin Hazırlanma, Kullanım ve Kalite Güvencesi Rehberi. Avrupa Konseyi Yayınları, İstanbul. 2. Feldman, B., 2004. Practical Transfusion Medicine for the Small Animal Practitioner. Teton New Media, Wyoming. 165 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 166 th 5 SEMESTER 167 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 5th Semester l COURSES T P Bacteriology & Mycology Virology Entomology Helminthology Food Hygiene Food Safety 4 3 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 0 0 6 5 2 4 2 2 6 5 2 3 2 2 Internal Clinical Examination Methods 2 0 2 2 Surgery Clinic Examination Techniques 2 0 2 2 Clinical Examinations 0 4 4 2 Elective Course(Group VII) 1 0 Elective Course(Group VIII) 1 0 ELECTIVE COURSES (GROUP VII) AREA ELECTIVE COURSES Biochemistry of Exotic Animals 1 0 Shelter Feasibility & Hygiene 1 0 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 Food Processing & Preservation Techniques 1 2 1 1 2 2 Vector Control Avian Anatomy 1 0 1 0 1 0 ELECTIVE COURSES (GROUP VIII) COMMON ELECTIVE COURSES Total ECTS Biochemistry Of Metabolic & Hereditary Diseases 1 0 1 2 Viral Vaccine Preparation Techniques Bee Diseases Laboratory Animal Parasites Clinical Biochemistry 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 COMPULSORY COURSES 26 ELECTIVE COURSES 4 th TOTAL ECTS OF 5 SEMESTER T: P: Theoretical Practical Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 168 30 BACTERIOLOGY & MYCOLOGY Department : Microbiology Course Hours: 4 Theoretical-2 Practical ECTS :6 Purpose: To teach the etiology, epizootiology, pathogenesis, clinic and necropsy findings, diagnosis, treatment, prevention and control procedures of the bacterial and fungal infections of animals. Course Content: Contagious Equine Metritis (CEM), Rhodococcus equi pneumonia in foals and R. equi infections in other animals, Glanders, Strangles and other streptococcal infection, Tetanus, Enterobacteria infections, Tuberculosis and paratuberculosis, Caseous lymphadenitis of small ruminant, Anthrax, Brucellosis, Listeriosis, Pasteurellosis, Mastitis, Campylobacter infections, Bacterial diseases of pigs, Actinomycosis and actinobacilosis, Leptospirosis, Cat scratch disease, Lyme disease, Mycoplasma infections, Anaerobe bacteria, Cutan mycoses, Subcutan mycoses, Systemic mycoses, Opportunistic mycoses. References: 1. Songer, J.G., Post, K.W., 2012. Veteriner Hekimlik Mikrobiyolojisi, Nobel yayınevi, İstanbul. 2. World Organization for Animal Health [OIE]. Manual of diagnostic tests and vaccines for terrestrial animals [online]. 169 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine VIROLOGY Department : Virology Course Hours: 3 Theoretical -2 Practical ECTS :5 Purpose: To teach etiology, epidemiology, patogenesis, diagnosis and control of animal viral diesases with the giving information about morphological structure, replications and diagnostic methods of viruses. Course Content: General characteristics of viruses, classification and the mechanism of infection; epidemiology, laboratory diagnosis, protection and control methods of viral diseases of animals (cattle, horse, sheep, goat, dog, cat and swine) and zoonotic diseases. References: 1. Fields, B.N., Knipe, D.M., Howley, P.M., 1986. Fundamental Virology. Raven Press. Minnesota, USA. 2. Flint, S.J., Enquist, L.W., Racaniello, V.R., Skalka, A.M., 1999. Principles of Virology. Molecular Biology, Pathogenesis and Control of Animal Viruses. American Society Microbiology Press, USA. 3. Murphy, F.A., Gibbs, E.P.J., Horzinek, M.C., Studdert, M.J., 1999. Veterinary Virology, Academic Press, San Diego, USA. 4. Specter, S., Hodinka, R.L., Young, S.A., 2009. Clinical Virology Manual. American Society Microbiology Press, USA. Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 170 ENTOMOLOGY Department : Parasitology Course Hours: 1 Theoretical -1 Practical ECTS :2 Purpose: Teaching morphology, physiology, ecology and behavior patterns of insects of medical and veterinary importance. Describing the importanceof these insects in human and animal life. Teaching how to recognize order and family of insects. Teaching how insects can be controlled. Course Content: Recognizinginsects; life cycle, vector roles, epizootiology and control measures of insects; clinical and pathological findings, diagnosis, treatment and control measures of diseases caused by the insects. References: 1. Özcel, M.A., 2013. Veteriner Hekimliğinde Parazit Hastalıkları. Türkiye Parazitoloji Derneği Yayın No: 24., İzmir, ISBN978-605-87556-1-1 (Tk) 978-605-87556-2-8 (1.c) 2. Tüzer, E., Toparlak, M., 1997. Veteriner Entomoloji Ders Notu. 1. Vuruşaner, C., 2006. Artropodoloji Uygulama. Medisan Yayın Serisi: 62, Ankara. 171 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine HELMINTHOLOGY Department : Parasitology Course Hours: 2 Theoretical -2 Practical ECTS :3 Purpose: To teach the morphological, biological, epizootiologic properties of animal and human disease-causing parasitic helminths, understand pathogenesis and clinical symptoms, gain ability to select the diagnostic methods, aquaring enough information about helminth problems. Course Content: Control principles of helminth diseases, morphological, biological, epizootiological properties, pathogenesis and clinical symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of helminth infections. References: 1. Toparlak, M., Vuruşaner, C., 2005. Helmintoloji Uygulama. Medisan Yayın Serisi : 59,1 Baskı, Ankara. 2. Toparlak, M., Tüzer, E., 2012. Veteriner Helmintoloji. İ.Ü. Veteriner Fakültesi Yayın No: 5064. Istanbul. 3. Özcel M.A., 2013. Veteriner Hekimliğinde Parazit Hastalıkları. Türkiye Parazitoloji Derneği Yayın No:24., İzmir, ISBN978 -605-87556-1-1(Tk) 978-605-87556-2-8 (1.c). Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 172 FOOD HYGIENE Department : Food Hygiene & Technology Course Hours: 2 Theoretical ECTS :2 Purpose: To give information about foodborne risks and prevention methods, especially related with animal food products and to teach basic principles of food microbiology. Course Content: Nutrition and animal foods, food safety and veterinary public health, physical, chemical and microbiological contaminants and prevention in foods, naturally toxic foods, food spoilage, factors affecting microbial growth, food storage and decontamination methods, food production facility hygiene and hygienic production, quality management systems. References: 1. Doyle, M.P., Buchanan, R.L., 2013. Food Microbiology: Fundamentals and frontiers. 4th Edition. ASM press, Washington DC., USA 2. Erol, İ., 2007. Gıda Hijyeni ve Mikrobiyolojisi, Pozitif Matbaacılık Ltd. Şti., Ankara. 3. Fehlhaber, K., Kleer, J., Kley, F., 2007. Handbuch Lebensmittelhygiene, Behr’s Verlag. Hamburg, Almanya 4. Uğur, M., Nazlı, B., Bostan, K., 2001. Gıda Hijyeni. Teknik Yayınevi, İstanbul. 173 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine FOOD SAFETY Department : Food Hygiene & Technology Course Hours: 2 Theoretical ECTS :2 Purpose: To give information to the students management of food safety. Course Content: Food safety along the food process chain; introduction to GMP and GHP in food industry; introduction to GMP elements; cleaning and sanitation management; pest control; equipment maintenance and control; prevention of physical and chemical hazards; waste manegement; verification of food safety applications and audition; food safety manegment in food enterprizses; introduction to HACCP system, manegement of HACCP system, food safety application during sales and transport, food safety legislations. References: 1. BRC Food Standard, İngiltere. Codex Alimentrtarius standartları. TS EN ISO 22000, 2006Gıda Güvenliği Yönetim Sistemi, TSE Türkiye. 2. Türk Gıda Mevzuatı. Uğur, M., Nazlı, B., Bostan, K., 2001. Gıda Hijyeni. Teknik Yayınevi. İstanbul. Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 174 INTERNAL CLINICAL EXAMINATION METHODS Department : Internal Medicine Course Hours: 2 Theoretical ECTS :2 Purpose: Defining the diseases and introducing the examination methods according to the animal species and systems, is purposed. Course Content: Anamnesis; symptoms; introduction to the systems; examination methods used in diagnosis; enjection, infusion and drow blood techiniques. References: 1. Bilal, T., 2012. Veteriner Hekimlikte Klinik Muayene Yöntemleri 2. İmren, H.Y., 1994. Veteriner İç Hastalıklarına Giriş 3. Radostits, O.M., Mayhew, I.G., Houston, D. 2000. Veterinary Clinical Examination and Diagnosis 175 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine SURGERY CLINIC EXAMINATION TECHNIQUES Department : Surgery Course Hours: 2 Theoretical ECTS :2 Purpose: To teach approaching to small and large animals, grasping and common examination methods. Course Content: Approach and holding techniques in small and large animals, main and supporting examination methods (auscultation, percussion, palpation etc.). References: 1. Taylor, S.M., 2013. Küçük Hayvan Klinik Yöntemleri. Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri, İstanbul (Çeviri Editörü: M. Aktaş). 2. Bilal, T., 2012. Veteriner Hekimlikte Muayene Yöntemleri. Nobel Tıp Kitapları, İstanbul. 3. Jakson, P., Cockcroft, P.D., 2002. Clinical Examination of Farm Animals. BlackwellScience, Hong Kong. Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 176 CLINICAL EXAMINATIONS Department: Internal Medicine, Surgery Course Hours : 4 Practical ECTS :2 Purpose: Teaching practical examination methods in different systems in different kind of animals. Course Content: Examination methods, anamnesis, restraining, examination of the conjunctiva and mucous membranes, mouth opening and examination, capillary refill time, measurement of body temperature, examination of lymph nodes, pulse examination, blood draw, palpation of the kidneys, palpation of the urinary bladder, skin scraping and examination, ınjection (IM, SC, IV), ınjection (IP, IT), auscultation and percussion of lungs, auscultation of the heart, radiography, abdominal palpation and percussion, auscultation of intestines, oral drug administration, detection of respiration, detection of respiration types. References: 1. Taylor, S.M., 2013. Küçük Hayvan Klinik Yöntemleri. Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri, İstanbul. Çeviri Editörü: M. Aktaş 2. Bilal, T., 2012. Veteriner Hekimlikte Muayene Yöntemleri. Nobel Tıp Kitapları, İstanbul. 3. Jakson, P., Cockcroft, P.D., 2002. Clinical Examination of Farm Animals. Blackwell Science, Hong Kong. 177 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 178 ELECTIVE COURSES (GROUP VII–VIII) 179 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine BIOCHEMISTRY OF EXOTIC ANIMALS Department : Biochemistry Course Hours: 1 Theoretical ECTS :2 Purpose: To teach the metabolic reactions and biochemical parameters in birds, reptiles and amphibians. Course Content: Carbohydrate’s, lipid’s and protein’s chemical structure, synthesis and disintegration in exotic animals. References: 1. Uğurlu, S., 2013. Egzotik Evcil Hayvanlar Biyolojileri, Bakımları, Beslenmeleri ve Hastalıkları. Nobel Tıp Kitabevi, Ankara. Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 180 SHELTER FEASIBILITY AND HYGIENE Department : Animal Breeding &Husbandry Course Hours: 1 Theoretical ECTS :2 Purpose: The aim of this course is to inform about planning of different shelter types belonging to various species by taking farm hygiene, EU criteria, animal health and welfare in to consideration. Course Content: General information about investment, feasibility aspects, technical issues of planning the projects about cattle (diary and beef), water buffalo, sheep and goat farms, estimation of enterprise establishment costs, estimation of both capital and costs, hygiene concept and cares in enterprises. References: 1. Evrim, M., Güneş, H., 2000. Sığır Yetiştiriciliği (Özel Zootekni Ders Notu). İ.Ü. Veteriner Fakültesi Yayını, Ders Notu No: 114, İstanbul. 181 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine FOOD PROCESSING & PRESERVATION TECHNIQUES Department : Food Hygiene & Technology Course Hours: 1 Theoretical ECTS :2 Purpose: To teach preservation techniques such as to increase the shelf life of several foods, gaining popularity, ease of use, etc. Course Content: Importance of food preservation techniques, food durability effected applications, traditional preservation techniques; drying, condensation on foods and using chemicals; preservation with acidic fermantation, high pressure application, microwave application, irradiation, modified atmospher packaging, packaging type / methods which are use for food preservation, active packaging, smart packaging. References: 1. Doyle, M.P., Beuchat, L.R., 2007. Preservatives and Preservation methods. In Food Microbiology, Fundamentls and Frontiers. 3th Edition. USA. 2. Gould, G.W., 1996. New Methods of Food Preservation. Blackie Academic & Professional, London. Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 182 VECTOR CONTROL Department : Parasitology Course Hours: 1 Theoretical ECTS :2 Purpose: Teachingto recognize strategies for vector control. vectors and developing Course Content: Vector habitats, controlling these habitats, chemicalagents used for vector control and their application techniques,biological techniques used for vector control. References: 1. Alten, B., Çağlar, S.S., 1998. Vektör Ekolojisi ve Mücadelesi. Sağlık Bakanlığı Yayınları, Ankara. 2. Özcel, M.A., Daldal, N., 1997. Parazitolojide Artropod Hastalıkları Vektörler. Türkiye Parazitoloji Derneği, Yayın No:13. 3. Pest Control Operators Course, Module 102 Principles of Pest Control; Tshwane University of Technology, 2000. 4. Pesticides and their application. For the control of vectors and pests of public health importance. WHO/CDS/NTD/WHOPES/ GCDPP/2006.1. 5. Reiter, P., Nathan, M.B., 2001. Guide lines for Assessing the Efficacy of Insecticidal Space Sprays for Control of the Dengue Vector Aedes Aegypti. WHO. 6. Space Spray application of insecticides for vector and public health pest control A practitioner’s guide,WHO/CDS/ WHOPES/GCDPP-2003. 7. WHO, 2003. Draft guidelines on the management of public health pesticides. Report of the Interregional WHO consultation Chiang Mai, Thailand 25-28 February 2003. 8. Willadsen, P., 2006. Tick Control: Thoughts on a research agenda. Veterinary Parasitology, 138, 161-168. 183 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine AVIAN ANATOMY Department : Anatomy Course Hours: 1 Theoretical ECTS :2 Purpose: Respiratory, digestive, excretory, genital, nervous, endocrine system of birds and functional features of the structure in detail is intended to teach for diagnose breast and sensory organs disease easier and treat these systems. Course Content: Systema locomotorium, systema digestorium, systema respiratorium, systema urogenitalis, systema nervosum, angiologia and aesthesiology in birds. References: 1. Çalışlar, T., 1977. Tavuk Diseksiyonu. Ankara Üniv Basımevi. Ankara. 2. Dursun, N., 2002. Evcil Kuşların Anatomisi. Medisan Yayınevi. Ankara. 3. King, A.S., Mclelland, J., 1984. Birds: Their Structure and Function. Bailliere Tindall, 2nd edt., London, UK 4. Nickel, R., Schummer, A., Seiferle, E., 1977. Anatomy of the Domestic Birds. Verlag Paul Parey. Berlin, Germany. Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 184 BIOCHEMISTRY OF METABOLIC & HEREDITARY DISEASES Department : Biochemistry Course Hours: 1 Theoretical ECTS :2 Purpose: To teach the biochemical mechanisms of the metabolic hereditary diseases in animals. Course Content: Biochemical mechanisms of the metabolic hereditary diseases like disorders of carbohydrate metabolism, disorders of amino acid metabolism, urea cycle disorder or urea cycle defects, disorders of organic acid metabolism, disorders of fatty acid oxidation and mitochondrial metabolism, disorders of porphyrin metabolism, disorders of purine or pyrimidine metabolism, disorders of steroid metabolism, disorders of mitochondrial, disorders of peroxisomal function, lysosomal storage disordersin in ruminants, horses, dogs and cats. References: 1. Kalaycıoğlu, L., Serpek, B., Nizamlıoğlu, M., Başpınar, N., Tiftik A.M., 2013. Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık, Ankara, Türkiye. 185 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine VIRAL VACCINE PREPARATION TECHNIQUES Department : Virology Course Hours: 1 Theoretical ECTS :2 Purpose: To teach preparation methods of viral vaccine. Course Content: Varieties of vaccines used against viral diseases, vaccine preparation techniques, vaccination methods. References: 1. Arda, M., Sareyyüpoğlu, B., 2004. Aşıların Hazırlama Teknikleri. İnkansa Matbacılık Ltd. Şti., Ankara. 2. Badur, S., Bakır, M., 2012. Aşı Kitabı. Akademi Yayınevi. İstanbul. 3. Flint, S.J., Enquist, L.W., Racaniello, V.R., Skalka, A.M., 1999. Principles of Virology. Molecular Biology, Pathogenesis and Control of Animal Viruses, American Society Microbiology, USA 4. Murphy, F.A., Gibbs, E.P.J., Horzinek, M.C., Studdert, M.J., 1999. Veterinary Virology, Academic Press, San Diego,USA. Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 186 BEE DISEASES Department : Parasitology, Microbiology, Virology Course Hours: 1 Theoretical ECTS :2 Purpose: Educating veterinarians their responsibility on beekeeping; teaching bacterial, fungal, parasitic and viral diseases of bees and preparing veterinarians with technical management techniques. Course Content: Honeybee keeping, honeybee diseases, pests and enemies. American foulbrood, European foulbrood, bacillus para-alvei infections, cha.,septicaemia disease, chronic paralysis virus, acute paralysis virus, sacbrood virus and iridovirus infections. References: 1. Akkaya, H., 2002. Arıcılık Arıcının Temel El Kitabı. Temel Petek Yayınları-1. 64 p. İstanbul 2. Akkaya, H., 2008. Balarısı Hastalıkları. 3. Akkaya, H., Vuruşaner, C., 1997. Balarısı Hastalıkları ve Zararlıları. Teknik Yayınları, (Değiştirilmiş ikinci baskı), Avcılar, İstanbul. 4. Kurt M., Gür Y., 2006. Bal Arısı Hastalık ve Zararlılarına Karşı Korunma, Mücadele ve Tedavi Yolları, Samsun Tarım İl Müdürlüğü Çiftçi Eğitimi ve Yayım Şubesi Yayını, Samsun. 5. Uygur S.Ö., Girişgin A.O., 2008. Bal Arısı Hastalık Ve Zararlıları Arı Dergisi, Kasım, 8 (4):130-142. 187 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine LABORATORY ANIMAL PARASITES Department : Parasitology Course Hours: 1 Theoretical ECTS :2 Purpose: To teach parasites species of laboratory animals used in experiments such as rats, mice, rabbits, gerbils and guinea pigs and treatment and control methods of diseases caused by these parasites. Course Content: Internal and external parasites of laboratory animals used in experiments such as rats, mice, rabbits, gerbils and guinea pigs, morphology, disorders they cause in the host, diagnosis, transmission and spread of these parasitic infections and their control and treatment. References: 1. Benirschke, K., ve ark., 1978. Pathology of Laboratory Animals. Volume 2, New York, USA. 2. Burgu, A., Karaer, Z., 2005. Veteriner Hekimliğinde Parazit Hastalıklarında Tedavi. Türkiye Parazitoloji Derneği, Yayın No: 19, Bornova, İzmir 3. Clemons, D.J., Terril, L.A., Wagner, J.E., The Laboratory Animal Medicine and Science, series II, V-9025. 4. Durgut, R., Yarsan, E., 2007. Laboratuvar Hayvanları Hastalıkları ve Sağaltımı, Medisan Yayın Serisi no: 66. 1. Baskı, Ankara. 5. Griffiths, H.J., 1971. Some Common Parasites Of Small Laboratory Animals. Laboratory Animals, 5, 123-135. Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 188 CLINICAL BIOCHEMISTRY Department : Biochemistry Course Hours: 1 Theoretical ECTS :2 Purpose: To examine and interpret body fluids and tissues using molecular biologic methods and organ function tests. Course Content: Urine analysis and the normal levels and clinical significance of some blood parameters (bilirubin, uric acid, creatinine, albumin and total protein) are explained in this course. References: 1. Turgut, K., 2000. Veteriner Klinik Laboratuvar Teşhis. Bahçivanlar Basım San. A.Ş., Konya, Türkiye. 189 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 190 6th SEMESTER 191 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 6th Semester 6. Yarıyıl T 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 0 1 2 0 1 1 1 COURSES Meat Inspection Meat Hygiene & Technology Milk Hygiene & Technology Pharmacology I Anesthesia & Reanimation Protozoology General Pathology Clinical Examinations Fish Diseases Population Genetics Food Applications Elective Course (Group IX ) Elective Course(Group X) Elective Course(Group XI) P 0 0 0 2 0 2 1 4 0 0 3 0 0 0 Total 2 2 2 5 2 4 3 4 1 2 3 1 1 1 ECTS 2 2 2 4 2 3 3 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 ELECTIVE COURSES (GROUP IX) AREA ELECTIVE COURSES Nutrition of Exotic Animals Organic Animal Breeding Hygienic Controls in Food Production Facilities Biochemistry of Immunology & Tumours Avian Physiology 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 ELECTIVE COURSES (GROUP X) AREA ELECTIVE COURSES Exotic Animal Parasites 1 0 Nutrition in Culture-Based Fisheries 1 0 Food Legislation 1 0 Fluid Electrolyte Therapy 1 0 Avian Biochemistry 1 0 ELECTIVE COURSES (GROUP XI) COMMON ELECTIVE COURSES Fish Pathology 1 0 Food Environment & Public Health 1 0 Viral Zoonoses 1 0 Animal Genomes 1 0 Clinical Bacteriology 1 0 Pathology of Laboratory Animals 1 0 24 6 30 COMPULSORY COURSES ELECTIVE COURSES TOTAL ECTS OF 6th SEMESTER T: Theoretical P: Practical Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 192 MEAT INSPECTION Department : Food Hygiene & Technology Course Hours: 2 Theoretical ECTS :2 Purpose: To give information about the methods for working of domestic and foreign slaughterhouses, to teach the viral, bacterial, parasitic diseases and their symptoms in cattle and sheep. Course Content: Examination of cattle and sheep before slaughter, slaugtering, skinning, evisceration, cutting and meat inspection of carcasses. References: 1. Arslan, A., 2013. Et Muayenesi ve Et Ürünleri Teknolojisi, Medipres Matbaacılık, Malatya. 2. Gürbüz, Ü., 2009, Mezbaha Bilgisi ve Pratik Et Muayenesi, Selçuk Üniversitesi Basımevi, Konya. 3. Tayar, M., 2013. Et Muayenesi, Dora Basım Yayın Dağıtım, Bursa. 4. Uğur, M, Nazlı B., Bostan, K., 1999. Mezbaha Bilgisi Ve Et Muayenesi Ders Notu, İ.Ü. Veteriner Fakültesi Yayını, İstanbul. 193 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine MEAT HYGIENE & TECHNOLOGY Department : Food Hygiene & Technology Course Hours: 2 Theoretical ECTS :2 Purpose: To teach properties and structure of meats of slaughtered animals; hygiene, prepariation and manufacturing of different meat products. Course Content: Description of meat, microbiological, chemical and physical characteristics of meat, valuation and utilization of different types of meat and its products, production technologies of widely consumed meat products. References: 1. Gracey, J.F., 1981. Thornton’s Meat Hygiene, Baillière Tindall, London, UK. 2. Ugur, M., Nazlı, B., Bostan, K., Aksu, H., 1998. Et ve Et Ürünleri Teknolojisi Ders Notu, İ.Ü. Veteriner Fakültesi Yayını, İstanbul. 3. Yıldırım, Y., 1996. Et Endüstrisi, Kozan Ofset, Ankara. Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 194 MILK HYGIENE & TECHNOLOGY Department : Food Hygiene & Technology Course Hours: 2 Theoretical ECTS :2 Purpose: To teach the hygiene and production technology of milk and dairy products. Course Content: Milk structure, characteristics, the important points of the acceptance of milk to the factories, production of milk, ice cream production from milk powder and cocentrated milk, fermented milk product technologies such as yoghurt, cheese and butter. References: 1. İnal, T., 1990. Süt ve Süt Ürünleri Hijyeni ve Teknolojisi, İstanbul. 2. İnal, T.,Ergün, Ö., 1996. Süt Ürünleri Teknolojisi, Teknik Yayınları, İstanbul. 3. Tekinşen, C.,Tekinşen, K., 2005. Süt ve Süt Ürünleri Teknolojisi, Selçuk Üniversitesi Basımevi, Konya. 195 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine PHARMACOLOGY I Department : Pharmacology & Toxicology Course Hours: 3 Theoretical -2 Practical ECTS :4 Purpose: Teaching the main information about drugs, drugs usage and the treatment principles with chemotherapeutic agents. Course Content: The sources, general principles and action mechanisms of drugs used for prophylaxis and treatment in veterinary medicine; chemotherapeutic drugs that use against pathogen agents suhc as bacteria, parasite and viruses. References: 1. Şener, S., 2006. Veteriner Farmakoloji. İ.Ü. Veteriner Fakültesi Yayın No: 26. 2. Şener, S., 2004. Veteriner Genel Farmakoloji. İ.Ü. Veteriner Fakültesi Yayın No: 20. 3. Kaya, S., Pirinçci, İ., Bilgili, A., 2002. Veteriner Hekimliğinde Farmakoloji. Medisan Yayın Serisi: 54, Cilt 1- 2. 4. Kaymakçalan, Ş., Türker, K., 1964. Deneysel Farmakoloji. A.Ü. Tıp Fakültesi Yayınları, 142. Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 196 ANESTHESIA & REANIMATION Department : Surgery Course Hours: 2 Theoretical ECTS :2 Purpose: To provide safe anesthesia and wakening the patients, to teach anesthetic concept and drugs. Course Content: Description of anesthesia, anesthetic drugs and application methods, monitorization, cardiopulmonary resusitation techniques. References: 1. Topal, A., 2005. Veteriner Anestezi. Nobel & Güneş Kitapevi, İstanbul. 2. Koç, B., Sarıtaş, Z.K., 2004. Veteriner Anesteziyoloji ve Reanimasyon. Medipres, Malatya. 3. Tranquilli, W.J., Thurmon, J.C., Grimm, K.A., 2007. Lumb & Jones' Veterinary Anesthesia and Analgesia. Blackwell, USA. 4. Grimm, K.A., Tranquilli, W.J., Lamont, L.A., 2011. Essential Small Animal Anesthesia and Analgesia. Blackwell, United Kingdom. 197 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine PROTOZOOLOGY Department : Parasitology Course Hours: 2 Theoretical -2 Practical ECTS :3 Purpose: To teach the morphological, biological, epizootiologic properties of animal and human disease-causing parasitic protozoons, understand pathogenesis and clinical symptoms, gain ability to select the diagnostic methods, aquaring enough information about protozoon problems Course Content: Taxonomy, evolution, morphology of parasites; host parasite interactions, phases of parasitism, as well as transmission and spread, pathogenesis, immunity, epizootiology, diagnosis, control and treatment of protozoon infections. References: 1. Dumanlı, N., Karaer, Z., 2010. Veteriner Protozooloji. Medisan Yayın Serisi: 70, ISBN: 978-975-7774-67-9. 2. Özcel M.A. (editör) Veteriner Hekimliğinde Parazit Hastalıkları. Türkiye Parazitoloji Derneği Yayın No: 24. İzmir 2013. ISBN: 978-605-87556-1-1 (Tk) 978605-87556-2-8 (1.c). 3. Toparlak, M., Vuruşaner, C., 2008. Protozooloji Uygulama. İ.Ü. Veteriner Fakültesi Yayın No: 4769, Vet. Fak. Yayın No: 27 Istanbul. ISBN: 978-975-404-811-7. 4. Tüzer,E., Toparlak, M., 1999. Veteriner Protozooloji. İ.Ü. Vetereriner Fakültesi Parazitoloji Anabilim Dalı, Istanbul. Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 198 GENERAL PATHOLOGY Department : Pathology Course Hours: 2 Theoretical -1 Practical ECTS :3 Purpose: To teach the fundamental principles and concepts of basic pathology and veterinary oncology; to elucidate the mechanisms of diseases, inflammation and tissue injury. Course Content: Causes of tissue injury, general mechanisms of cellular changes, caused by detrimental agents; the adaptive mechanisms of injured mature cells such as atrophy, hypertrophy, metaplasia and etc; pathogenesis and outcome of disorders in hemodynamics of tissues (hemorrhage, anemia, hyperemia, congestion, dehydration, edema and shock); causes, morphology and results of deposition of pigments and mineral matters; pathogenesis and types of inflammation, histochemical, functional and morphologic changes in the tissues and organs caused by inflammation; regeneration and reparation; ethiopathology of tumors; pathogenesis of tissue abnormalities References: 1. Gürel, A., 2010. Veteriner Patoloji Ders Notları 2. Erer, H., Kıran, M.M., Çiftçi, K., 2000. Veteriner Genel Patoloji. Bahçıvanlar Basımevi. Konya. 3. Patoloji Uygulama Dersi Preperat Fotoğrafları. Anabilim dalı yayını. 4. Robbins, S.L., Angell, M., 2000. Basic Pathology. W.B. Saunders Philadelphia, USA. 5. McGavin, M.D., Zachary, J.F., 2006. Pathologic Basis of Veterinary Disease. Elsevier Mosby, USA. 199 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine CLINICAL EXAMINATIONS Department : Internal Medicine, Surgery Course Hours: 4 Practical ECTS :2 Purpose: Teaching approach to the patient, basic knowledge about patient and disease, clinical examination principles and methods, appropriate systematic examination. Course Content: Capillary refill time, cardiac auscultation, cardiac percussion, cardiac radiography, echocardiography, electrocardiography, examination of the nervous system, examination of reflexes, urinary tract examination, urinary tract catheterization of dogs and cats, laboratory examination (blood, biochemistry, feces), urine analysis, prescription, examination of rumen, reticulum and omasum in ruminants, evaluation of ruminary contractions, abomasum examination, opening the mouth and examination, rumen catheterization, abdominal palpation and percussion, endoscopy, abdominal ultrasonography, examination of rumen fluid, examination of infusorias, nazogastric tubing, clinical examination methods and systemic examination schema. References: 1. Bilal, T., 2012. Veteriner Hekimlikte Muayene Yöntemleri. Nobel Tıp Kitapları, İstanbul. 2. Jakson, P., Cockcroft, P.D., 2002. Clinical Examination of Farm Animals. Blackwell Science, Hong Kong. 3. Taylor, S.M., 2013. Küçük Hayvan Klinik Yöntemleri. Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri, İstanbul. Çeviri Editörü: M. Aktaş Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 200 FISH DISEASES Department : Microbiology, Virology, Parasitology Course Hours: 1 Theoretical ECTS :1 Purpose: To teach information on the etiology, epizootiology, diagnosis, treatment, prevention and control of bacterial and fungal diseases of aquatic animals. Course Content: Clinical finding of fish diseases, Sampling methods and transportation of the samples for diagnosis, zoonotic fish diseases, noticeable fish diseases, frunculosis, bacterial hemorrhagic septicemia, vibriosis, bacterial kidney disease, pasteurellosis, streptococcal infections, Mycobacterium infections, crayfish plaque, Koi Herpes Virus, infectious hematopoietic necrosis, viral hemorrhagic septicemia, spring viraemia of carp, infectious pancreatic necrosis, vaccination of fish. Biology of fish parasites, harms they cause in fish, their diagnosis, treatment and control. References: 1. Akkaya, H., Türkmen, H., Vuruşaner, C., 1996. Balık Parazitleri. Teknik Yayıncılık, İstanbul. 2. Arda, M., Seçer, S., Sarıeyyüpoğlu, M., 2002. Balık Hastalıkları. Ankara. 3. Hoffman, G.L., 2013. Parasites of North American Freshwater Fishes. Second Edition. 4. Möller, H., Anders, K., 1986: Diseases and Parasites of Marine Fishes. Kiel: Möller, s 365 5. OIE. Manual of Diagnostic Tests for Aquatic Animals (2013): 6. Roberts, R. 1989. The Parasitology of Toleosts. In: Fish Pathology. Bailliere-Tindall. Oxford, UK. 7. Smith, S.A., 2009. Bölüm 5. Balık Parazitleri. In. (Edts. Anne M. Zajac and Gary A. Conboy, Veteriner Klinik Parazitoloji (Çeviri Editörü, Yıldız K., Medipres Yayıncılık, Malatya. 201 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine POPULATION GENETICS Department : Animal Breeding &Husbandry Course Hours: 2 Theoretical ECTS :2 Purpose: The aim of this course is to teach the ways to improve genetic structure of animals by the use of methods like pure breeding and crossbreeding and by this way to develop the financially significant production characteristics in each generation to increase the contribution of animal breeding in the national economy. Course Content: Quantitative characteristics and variation of these characteristics, genetic stuctures of the populations, influence of selection on gene frequencies, phenotypical and genotypical parameters, basic principles of selection methods, hybridization and inbreeding methods, genetic improvement methods in various animal species. References: 1. Evrim, M., Güneş., H., 1996. Hayvan Islahı Ders Notları. İ.Ü. Veteriner Fakültesi Yayını, Ders Notu No:87, İstanbul. Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 202 FOOD APPLICATIONS Department : Food Hygiene & Technology Course Hours: 3 Practical ECTS :1 Purpose: To teach the laboratory analyses of foods. Course Content: Laboratory principles and microbiological analyses of foods. References: 1. Pichhardt, K., 2004. Gıda Mikrobiyolojisi, Literatür Yayıncılık, İstanbul. 2. Uylaşer, V., Başoğlu, F., 2011. Temel Gıda Analizleri, Dora Yayıncılık, Bursa. 203 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 204 ELECTIVE COURSES (GROUP IX - XI) 205 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine NUTRITION OF EXOTIC ANIMALS Department : Animal Nutrition & Nutritional Diseases Course Hours: 1 Theoretical ECTS :2 Purpose: To inform about nutrition principles, digestive physiology, nutrient requiremets and nutritional diseases of exotic animals. Course Content: Nutrition principles, digestive physiology, feed intake, nutritional diseases of exotic animals (turtles, tropical animals, pigeons, parrots..etc.) and principles of diet preparation to meet nutrient and energy requiremets of these animals are explained in detail for students. References: 1. Ergün, A., Tuncer, Ş.D., Çolpan, İ., Yalçın, S., Yıldız, G., Küçükersan, M.K., Küçükersan, S., Şehu, A., Saçaklı, P., 2011. Hayvan Besleme ve Beslenme Hastalıkları. 5. Baskı. ISBN: 975-97808-2-8. A.Ü. Veteriner Fakültesi, Hayvan Besleme ve Beslenme Hastalıkları Anabilim Dalı, Ankara. 2. Özsoy., S., 2012. Papağangil ve Ötücü Kafes Kuşu Hastalıkları. Nobel Tıp Kitabevi. ISBN: 978-975-420-883-2. Nobel Matbaacılık, İstanbul. Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 206 ORGANIC ANIMAL BREEDING Department : Animal Breeding& Husbandry Course Hours: 1 Theoretical ECTS :2 Purpose: The aim of this course is teaching how to breed livestock animals and poultry with producing feed stuff and meadow usage in organic animal breeding. Course Content: Course aimed to infrom students about general principles of organic animal breeding, conservation of environmental balance, legislation and certification applications for organic animal breeding. References: 1. Resmi Gazete, 2010. Organik Tarımın Esasları ve Uygulanmasına İlişkin Yönetmelik, Resmi Gazete Sayısı: 27676, 18.08.2010. 207 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine HYGIENIC CONTROLS IN FOOD PRODUCTION FACILITIES Department : Food Hygiene & Technology Course Hours: 1 Theoretical ECTS :1 Purpose: Teaching food plants hygiene, cleaning and disinfection practicals, pest control, air, water, personnel and equipment hygiene. Course Content: Hygiene practices, information about important microoranisms, cleaning and disenfection, personal, air and water hygiene, food machines hygiene, waste management, pest control, ISO 22000 standards. References: 1. Erol, İ., 2007. Gıda Hijyeni ve Mikrobiyolojisi, Pozitif Matbaacılık Ltd. Şti., Ankara. 2. Göktan, D., Tunçel, G., 2010. Gıda İşletmelerinde Hijyen, Meta Basım, İzmir. 3. Uğur, M., Nazlı, B., Bostan, K., 2001. Gıda Hijyeni, Teknik Yayınevi, İstanbul. Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 208 BIOCHEMISTRY OF IMMUNOLOGY & TUMOURS Department : Biochemistry Course Hours: 1 Theoretical ECTS :2 Purpose: To teach the causes and formation of cancer disease, metabolism of a cell with cancer and tumour. Course Content: Progress in cancer cells, metabolic differentiations of cancer cells, metastasis, markers used in diagnosis of cancer. References: 1. Ası, T., 1996. Tablolarla Biyokimya, Cilt II. Nobel Tıp Kitabevi, Ankara, Türkiye. 2. Champee, P.C., Harvey R.A., 2007. Lippincott’s Biyokimya. Nobel Tıp Kitabevi, Ankara, Türkiye. 3. Nelson, D.L., Cox M.M., 1970. Lehninger’s Biyokimyanın İlkeleri. Palme Yayıncılık, Ankara, Türkiye. 209 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine AVIAN PHYSIOLOGY Department : Physiology Course Hours: Theoretical ECTS :2 Purpose: Teaching the fundamentals of avian physiology and it’s differences from mammals’ physiology. Course Content: Basic information about the physiology, various systems of avians (including digestive, respiratory, reproductive, urinary, cardiovascular, nervous, endocrine, and sensory systems), comparatively to mammals. References: 1. Whittow, G.C., 1999. Sturkie's Avian Physiology. Academic Press, San Diego, USA. Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 210 EXOTIC ANIMAL PARASITES Department : Parasitology Course Hours: 1 Theoretical ECTS :2 Purpose: To teach common parasites of exotic animals, their possible harms, clinical symptoms, transmission routes, diagnosis and control methods. Course Content: Parasites of animals such as cage and preybirds, turtles, lizards, iguanas, some reptiles, squirrels, rabbits, hedgehogs, hamsters, chameleons, primates, and aquarium; their morphology, disorders they cause in the host, diagnosis, transmission and spread of these parasitic infections, their control and treatment. References: 1. Bowman, D.D., 2003. Companion and Exotic Animal Parasitology, IVIS Publisher, Ithaca, New York, USA. 2. Girling, S.J., 2013. Veterinary Nursing of ExoticPets, Second Edition, Wiley-Blackwell, USA. 3. Stebbins, R.C., 2003. Reptiles and Amphibians, Third edition, Hougton Mifflin Com. Boston, New York, USA. 211 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine NUTRITION IN CULTURE-BASED FISHERIES Department : Animal Nutrition & Nutritional Diseases Course Hours: 1 Theoretical ECTS :2 Purpose: To inform students about nutrition principles in culture fishing and digestive physiology, nutrient requirements and nutritional diseases of culture fish. Course Content: Nutrition principles, digestive physiology, feed intake, nutritional diseases of culture fish, feeds and feedstuffs using in culture fishing and principles of diet preparation to meet nutrient and energy requiremets of these animals are explained in detail for students. References: 1. Ergün, A., Tuncer, Ş.D., Çolpan, İ., Yalçın, S., Yıldız, G., Küçükersan, M.K., Küçükersan, S., Şehu, A., Saçaklı, P., 2011. Hayvan Besleme ve Beslenme Hastalıkları. 5. Baskı. ISBN: 975-97808-2-8. Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi, Hayvan Besleme ve Beslenme Hastalıkları Anabilim Dalı, Ankara. 2. Sarı, M., Bolat, D., Çerçi, İ.H., Önol, A.G., Deniz, S., Azman, M.A., Şahin, K., Güler,T., Seven, P.T., Karslı, M.A., Şahin, N., Nursoy, H., Çiftçi, M., Bingöl, N.T., 2008. Hayvan Besleme ve Beslenme Hastalıkları. ISBN: 978-975-6676-29-5. Medipres Matbaacılık Yayıncılık Ltd. Şti., Malatya. Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 212 FOOD LEGISLATION Department : Food Hygiene & Technology Course Hours: 1 Theoretical ECTS :1 Purpose: To give information on the concept of legislation, how to reach, understand and followed. Course Content: Explanation of terms and definitions related to legislation; introduction to Turkish food legislation; the methods of reaching to the legislation; reading food law; case studies on reading regulation; comparation of international food legislation with Turkish food legislation; application in voluntry area (product certification etc.); the organisation structure of TSE and product standarts. References: 1. AB Mevzuatı. 2. Türk Gıda Mevzuatı. 213 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine FLUID ELECTROLYTE THERAPY Department : Internal Medicine Course Hours: 1 Theoretical ECTS :2 Purpose: Giving enough information about fluid therapy including its indications and the importance in veterinary internal medicine. Course Content: Key points in fluid terapy, asid-base disorders, fluid terapy in different kind of disease. References: 1. Bilal, T. 2011. Sıvı Sağaltımı. 2. Wickstorm, A.M., 2006. Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Disorders in Small Animal Practice. Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 214 AVIAN BIOCHEMISTRY Department : Biochemistry Course Hours: 1 Theoretical ECTS :2 Purpose: Metabolisms of carbohydrates, lipids and proteins in the poultry. Course Content: General informations about the carbohydrate, lipid and protein metabolisms of poultry. References: 1. Ası, T., 1996. Tablolarla Biyokimya, Cilt II. Nobel Tıp Kitabevi, Ankara, Türkiye. 215 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine FISH PATHOLOGY Department : Pathology Course Hours: 1 Theoretical ECTS :2 Purpose: To teach the necropsy techniques, pathogenesis and development of diseases in fish. ethiology, Course Content: Necropsy techniques in fish; pathology of bacterial, viral and parasitic infections, nutritional and neoplastic diseases; toxicologic pathology in fish. References: 1. Roberts R.J., 2001. Fish Pathology. W.B.Saunders, USA. Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 216 FOOD, ENVIRONMENT & PUBLIC HEALTH Department :Food Hygiene & Technology, Pharmacology & Toxicology, Microbiology, Parasitology Course Hours: 1 Theoretical ECTS :1 Purpose: To teach the microbial, parasitic and chemical hazards, importance of aforementioned hazards for environment and importance for food chain, protective measures. Course Content: Relationship between microbiological and parasitological diseases, medical drugs, hormone and toxic compounds, food safety and quality, legal requirements and waste management. References: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Anonim, 2006. Pesticides and Their Application. For the control of vectors and pests of public health importance. Sixth edition, WHO, WHO/CDS/NTD/WHOPES/ GCDPP/2006. Anonim, 2006. T.C. Çevre Kanunu, T.C. Çevre ve Şehircilik Bakanlığı. Çağlar, S.S., İpekdal, K., Karacaoğlu., 2006. Eklembacaklı Zararlılarla Mücadele., Personel Teknik Eğitim Notları, Biotek. Kaya, S., Pirinççi, İ., Bilgili, A., 1998. Çevre Bilimi ve Çevre Toksikolojisi. Medisan Yayın Serisi:36, Ankara,104 s. Lancaster, J.L., Meisch, M.V., 1986. Arthropods in Livestock and Poultry Production. Ellis Horvood Limited, Chichester, West Sussex, England. (First edition) 401 pp. Songer, J.G, Post, K.W., 2012. (Atilla Ilgaz, Seyyal Ak, N. Yakut Özgür, Serkan İkiz Veteriner Hekimlik Mikrobiyolojisi. Stafford, III KC., 2007. Tick Management Handbook. The Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station, The Connecticut General Assembly. Bull., No.1010, LLC, South Windsor, Connecticut. 02.04.2010 Zaim, M., 2000. Global Collaboration for Development of Pesticides for Public Health (GCDPP). Public Health, Bayer Environmental Science Journal No.15, pps:40-47. 217 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine VIRAL ZOONOSES Department : Virology Course Hours: 1 Theoretical ECTS :2 Purpose: To teach transmission, prevalence, pathogenesis, immunogenic features, laboratory diagnosis, control and proteciton of viral diseases that transmissing from animals to human. Course Content: Viral diseases transmitted to humans directly or through vectors from animals and protection methods. References: 1. Murphy, F.A, Gibbs, E.P.J., Horzinek, M.C,, Studdert, M.J., 1999. Veterinary Virology, Academic Press, San Diego, USA. 2. Flint, S.J., Enquist, L.W., Racaniello, V.R., Skalka, A.M., 1999. Principles of Virology. Molecular Biology, Pathogenesis and Control of Animal Viruses, American Society Microbiology, USA. 3. Fields, B.N., Knipe, D.M., Howley, P.M., 1986. Fundamental Virology. Raven Press. Minnesota, USA. 4. Specter, S., Hodinka, R.L., Young, S.A., 2009. Clinical Virology Manual. American Society Microbiology Press, USA. Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 218 ANIMAL GENOMES Department : Biochemistry Course Hours: 1 Theoretical ECTS :2 Purpose: To teach animal genome and analysis strategies Course Content: General informations structures, functions and analysing methods. about genome References: 1. Champee, P.C., Harvey, R.A.,2007. Lippincott’s Biyokimya. Nobel Tıp Kitabevi, Ankara, Türkiye. 2. Cocket, N.E., Kole, C., 2009. Genom Mapping and Genomics in Domestic Animals. Springer Links. 3. Lüleyap, H.Ü., 2008. Moleküler Genetiğin Esasları. Nobel Kitabevi, Adana, Türkiye. 219 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine CLINICAL BACTERIOLOGY Department : Microbiology Course Hours: 1 Theoretical ECTS :2 Purpose: To educate the students about clinical bacteriological diagnosis of infectious diseases of animals. Course Content: Rules in microbiology laboratory, biosecurity, basic equipments in microbiology laboratory, laboratory waste management, sampling methods for bacteriologcal examinations and transportation of those materials to the laboratory, morphological examination methods, culture of samples, inoculations into/onto bacteriological media, methods to achieve pure cultures, counting bacterial growth, antimicrobials and microorganisms, detection of beta-lactamases and methicillin resistance, determination of minimum inhibitory concentration and minimal lethal concentration, disinfections and determination of the efficiency of them, fast diagnosis systems in microbiology, pathogenity tests. References: 1. Songer, J.G., Post, K.W., 2012. Veteriner Hekimlik Mikrobiyolojisi, Nobel Yayınevi, İstanbul. 2. Arda, M.,2011. Temel Mikrobiyoloji. Medisan Yayınevi, Ankara. Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 220 PATHOLOGY OF LABORATORY ANIMALS Department : Pathology Course Hours: 1 Theoretical ECTS :2 Purpose: To teach the ethiology, pathogenesis and symptoms of diseases in laboratory animals Course Content: Necropsy techniques in laboratory animals (particularly mouse, rat, rabbit, guinea pig and etc) The pathology of the nutritional diseases, bacterial, viral and parasitic infections; pathogenesis and morphology of neoplastic diseases. References: 1. Percy, D.H., Barthold, S.W., 2008. Pathology of Laboratory Rodents and Rabbits. Wiley 221 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 222 7th SEMESTER 223 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 7th Semester COURSES T P Top AKTS Special Pathology (A) General Surgery & Operation Techniques Obstetrics & Gynecology I Internal Medicine I Pharmacology II Clinical Pathology Practical (A) Food Application 4 2 4 3 3 0 0 1 1 2 2 0 0 0 0 5 2 0 0 0 6 2 4 3 3 5 2 1 1 2 5 3 4 3 3 3 1 2 2 4 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Elective Course(Group XII) Elective Course(Group XIII) Elective Course(Group XIV) ELECTIVE COURSES (GROUP XII) AREA ELECTIVE COURSES Pathology of Exotic Animals 1 0 Water Buffalo Nutrition 1 0 Special Histological Examination Methods 1 0 Diagnostic Imaging Methods in Internal Medicine 1 0 Poultry Parasites 1 0 ELECTIVE COURSES (GROUP XIII) AREA ELECTIVE COURSES Internal Diseases of Exotic Animals 1 0 Nutrition of Pets 1 0 Management of Food Establishment 1 0 Antineoplastic Drugs 1 0 Poultry Nutrition 1 0 ELECTIVE COURSES (GROUP XIV) COMMON ELECTIVE COURSES 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Material Submission & Reporting Emergency Surgical Applications Zoonotic Parasites Doping Clinical Pharmacokinetic Veterinarian Services in Municipalities Reproductive Ultrasonography 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ELECTIVE COURSES 22 8 TOTAL ECTS OF 7th SEMESTER 30 COMPULSORY COURSES T: P: Theoretical Practical Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 224 SPECIAL PATHOLOGY (A) Department : Pathology Course Hours: 4 Theoretical -2 Practical ECTS :5 Purpose: To give comprehensive knowledge about the pathology of the organs of digestive, nervous respiratory, urinary and endocrine systems in domestic animals. To teach gross and microscopic evaluations of tissue disorders in these systems. Course Content: Pathogenesis, gross and microscopic evaluation of the inflammatory, infectious, nutritional and neoplastic diseases of the organs of gastrointestinal track, nervous, respiratory, urinary and endocrine systems in domestic animals. References: 1. Alibaşoğlu, M., Yeşildere, T., 1989. Veteriner Sistemik Patoloji Cilt I–II. Bakoğlu Matbaası. İstanbul 2. Berkin, Ş., Alçığır, G., 1999. Nekropsi. Medisan Yayınevi, Ankara, 3. McGavin, M.D., Zachary, J.F., 2006. Pathologic Basis of Veterinary Disease. Elsevier Mosby, USA. 4. Milli, Ü.H., Hazıroğlu, R., 2000. Veteriner Patoloji Cilt I-II. A.Ü. Basımevi. Ankara 5. Van Dijk J.E, Gruys, E., Mouwen, J.M.V.M., 2007. Color Atlas of Veterinary Pathology. Saunders, Toronto, Canada. 6. Veteriner Özel Patoloji I Uygulama Dersi Preparat Fotoğrafları. Anabilim Dalı yayını 225 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine GENERAL SURGERY & OPERATION TECHNIQUES Department : Surgery Course Hours: 2 Theoretical ECTS :3 Purpose: Veterinary surgical information, rules of the asepsis and antisepsis, holding and tying the animals, common surgical principles and useful common materials. Pathogenesis of common surgical diseases and treatment methods. Course Content: Classification, diagnosis, treatment and surgical procedures of surgical cases. Diagnosis, treatment methods, operation techniques of general surgical lesions (abscess, hernia, bursitis etc.). References: 1. Aslanbey, D., 2002. Veteriner Genel Operasyon Bilgisi. Medipres Yayınevi, Ankara. 2. Slatter, D., 2003. Textbook of Small Animal Surgery Vol. I - II. 3rd Ed. Sounders, Philadelphia, USA. 3. Tobias, K.M., Johnston, S.A., 2012. Veterinary Surgery Small Animal Vol. I – II. Elsevier, Canada. Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 226 OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY I Department : Obstetrics & Gynecology Course Hours: 4 Theoretical ECTS :4 Purpose: To educate reproductive physiology of different species, increasing reproductivity, contraception. Course Content: Anatomy of female genital tract, reproductive physiology, pregnancy, pregnancy problems. References: 1. Alaçam, E., 2005. Evcil Hayvanlarda Doğum ve İnfertilite. Medisan Yayınevi, Ankara. 2. Kaymaz, M.., Fındık, M., Rişvanlı A., Köker, A., 2013. Kedi ve Köpeklerde Doğum ve Jinekoloji. Medipres Yayınevi, Malatya. 3. Noakes, D.E., Parkinson, T.J., Englandi G.C.W., Arthur, G.H., 2003. Arthur’s Veterinary Reproduction and Obstetrics. Saunders, London, UK. 4. Semacan, A., Kaymaz, M., Fındık, M., Rişvanlı A., Köker, A., 2012. Çiftlik Hayvanlarında Doğum ve Jinekoloji. Medipres Yayınevi, Malatya. 227 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine INTERNAL MEDICINE I Department : Internal Medicine Course Hours: 3 Theoretical ECTS :3 Purpose: Gastrointestinal system, respiratory system, circulatory system and blood diseases of cats, dogs, livestock animals and horses will be teached. Course Content: Gastrointestinal system, respiratory system, circulatory system and blood diseases of cats, dogs, livestock animals and horses. References: 1. 2. 3. 4. Batmaz, H., Sığırların İç Hastalıkları Gül, Y., Geviş Getiren Hastalıkların İç Hastalıkları Aytuğ, N., Köpek ve Kedilerin İç Hastalıkları Klinik El Kitabı Ettinger, S.J., Feldman, E.C., 2009.Textbook of Veterinary Internal Medicine. 5. King, L.G., Textbook of Respiratory Disease in Dogs and Cats 6. Moïse, F.S., Textbook of Canine and Feline Cardiology 7. Rose, R.J., Hadgson, D.R., Klinik Pratikte At Hekimliği) Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 228 PHARMACOLOGY II Department : Pharmacology & Toxicology Course Hours: Theoretical ECTS :3 Purpose: Teaching drugs that used for veterinary practice and their indications. Course Content: Drugs that used for veterinary medicine and treatment options with these agents on the basis of organ systems. References: 1. Şener, S., 2006. Veteriner Farmakoloji. İ.Ü. Veteriner Fakültesi Yayın No: 26, İstanbul. 2. Kaya, S., Pirinçci, İ., Bilgili, A., 2002. Veteriner Hekimliğinde Farmakoloji. Medisan Yayın Serisi:54, Malatya. 229 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine CLINICAL PATHOLOGY PRACTICAL (A) Department : Surgery, Internal Medicine, Obstetrics & Gynecology, Pathology Course Hours: 5 Practical ECTS :3 Purpose: İmplement of different kind of clinical information (obstericts, internal medicine, surgery) into practice. Course Content: Patient examination methods, injection and blood taking, catheterization, fluid infusion, skin scrabing and its examination, catheterization of bladder and cystocentesis, punction, submiting and processing a pathologic material including cadavers and report the gross and histopathologic findings of the cases submitted to Pathology Department from either private or the faculty’s hospital clinics, References: 1. Berkin, Ş., Alçığır, G., 1999. Nekropsi Yöntemleri. Medisan Yayınevi, Ankara. 2. Bilal, T., 2012. Veteriner Hekimlikte Muayene Yöntemleri. Nobel Tıp Kitapları, İstanbul. 3. Gürel A. 2009. Klinik Patoloji Ders Notları. Patoloji Anabilim Dalı, İstanbul. 4. Jakson, P., Cockcroft P.D., 2002. Clinical Examination of Farm Animals. Blackwell Science, Hong Kong. 5. Taylor, S.M., 2013. Küçük Hayvan Klinik Yöntemleri. Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri, İstanbul. Çeviri Editörü: M. Aktaş. Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 230 FOOD APPLICATION Department : Food Hygiene & Technology Course Hours: 2 Practical ECTS :1 Purpose: The purpose of this study is to give knowledge about the microbiological analyses in food. Course Content: Laboratory principles and microbiological analyze methods. References: 1. Pichhardt, K., 2004. Gıda Mikrobiyolojisi. Literatür Yayıncılık, İstanbul. 2. Uylaşer, V., Başoğlu, F., 2011. Temel Gıda Analizleri. Dora Yayıncılık, Bursa. 231 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 232 ELECTIVE COURSES (GROUP XII-XIII-XIV) 233 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine PATHOLOGY OF EXOTİC ANIMALS Department : Pathology Course Hours: 1 Theoretical ECTS :2 Purpose: To teach the necropsy techniques and the etiology and pathogenesis of the diseases of exotic animals Course Content: Necropsy techniques of exotic animals (notably iguana, turtle, salamander, parrot and parakeet). Pathogenesis of Infectious, nutritional and neoplastic diseases in these species and morphologic manifestations of these disorders and diseases. References: 1. Schmidt, R.E., Reavill, D.R., Phalen, D.N., 2008. Pathology of Pet and Aviary Birds. Wiley-Blackwell. Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 234 WATER BUFFALO NUTRITION Department : Animal Nutrition & Nutritional Diseases Course Hours: 1 Theoretical ECTS :2 Purpose: To inform students about nutrient and energy requirements of water buffaloes and nutrition according to their physiological periods. Course Content: Nutrition principles of water buffaloes to meet nutrient and energy requirements for maintenance and production, factors affecting milk yield and composition, requirements for enery and nutrient during lactation period, nutrition in dry period, nutrition of weaned buffalo calves, the effects of nutrition on sex hormones and fertility, and nutritional diseases. References: 1. Ergün, A., Tuncer, Ş.D., Çolpan, İ., Yalçın, S., Yıldız, G., Küçükersan, M.K., Küçükersan, S., Şehu, A., Saçaklı, P., 2011. Hayvan Besleme ve Beslenme Hastalıkları. 5. Baskı. ISBN: 975 -97808-2-8. Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi, Hayvan Besleme ve Beslenme Hastalıkları Anabilim Dalı, Ankara. 2. Sarı, M., Bolat, D., Çerçi, İ.H., Önol, A.G., Deniz, S., Azman, M.A., Şahin, K., Güler,T., Seven, P.T., Karslı, M.A., Şahin, N., Nursoy, H., Çiftçi, M., Bingöl, N.T., 2008. Hayvan Besleme ve Beslenme Hastalıkları. ISBN: 978-975-6676-29-5. Medipres Matbaacılık Yayıncılık Ltd. Şti., Malatya. 3. Şenel, H.S., 1993. Hayvan Besleme. İstanbul Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Yayınları. 2. Baskı. ISBN: 375-404-352-3. İstanbul. 4. Umucalılar, H.D., Nurettin Gülşen, N., 2005. Çiftlik Hayvanlarında Beslenme Hastalıkları. Selçuk Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Hayvan Besleme ve Beslenme Hastalıkları Anabilim Dalı. ISBN: 975-270-588-X. Konya. 235 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine DIAGNOSTIC IMAGING METHODS IN INTERNAL MEDICINE Department : Internal Medicine Course Hours: 1 Theoretical ECTS :2 Purpose: Determining and confirming the disease, following the prognosis by using diagnostic imaging methods like x-ray and ultrasonography will be teached. CourseContent: The usage of the secondary diagnostic methods such as veterinary radyography and ultrasonography in the diagnosis of animals’ internal diseases. References: 1. Barr, F.J., Gaschen, L., BSAVA Manual of Canine and Feline Ultrasonography 2. Bilal, T. Veteriner Ultrasonografi 3. Burk, R., Feeney, D. Small Animal Radiology and Ultrasonography. Diagnostic Atlas and Text 4. Nyland, T.G., Mattoon, J.S., 2002. Small Animal Diagnostic Ultrasound 5. Or, M.E., Medikal Fizik Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 236 POULTRY PARASITES Department : Parasitology Course Hours: 1 Theoretical ECTS :2 Purpose: To teach the parasite species of poultry and, treatment and control of the diseases caused by these parasites. Course Content: Parasites of poultry, their morphology, disorders they cause in the host, diagnosis, transmission and spread of these parasitic infections, their control and treatment. References: 1. Burgu, A., Karaer, Z., 2005. Veteriner Hekimliğinde Parazit Hastalıklarında Tedavi. Türkiye Parazitoloji Derneği, Yayın No: 19, Bornova, İzmir 2. Bennett, G.F., 1989. Parasitology, Hematozoa., in Ed. Burr, E. W. Diseases of Cage Birds. T.F.H. Publications, USA., pps.120-128. 3. Burr, E. W., 1989. Parasitology, Digestive Tract Protozoa., in Ed. Burr, E. W., 1989. Diseases of Cage Birds. T.F.H. Publications, USA., pps.129-134. 4. Shanthikumar, S.R., 1989. Part 6 Parasitology, 22. Helminthology., in (Ed. Burr, E. W., Diseases of Cage Birds. T.F.H. Publications, USA. Pps.247) pps.135-146. 5. Gilchrist, P.T., 1989. Preventive Medicine, Health, Hazards, Miscellaneous Conditions., Quarantine and Isolation., in Ed. Burr, E. W. Diseases of Cage Birds. T.F.H. Publications, USA., pps.216-220. 6. Turner, G.V., 1989. Preventive Medicine, Health, Hazards, Miscellaneous Conditions., Zoonotic Diseases., in Ed. Burr, E. W. Diseases of Cage Birds. T.F.H. Publications, USA., pps.221-225. 7. Soulsby, E. J. L., 1987. Helminths, Arthropods and Protozoa of Domesticated Animals. Bailliere Tindall, London, UK. 237 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine INTERNAL DISEASES OF EXOTIC ANIMALS Department : Internal Medicine Course Hours: 1 Theoretical ECTS :2 Purpose: Giving information about the infectious, non-infectious diseases, diagnosis and therapy options in exotic animal medicine. Course Content: To handle an exotic animal, gastrointestinal, respiration, circulation and urinary system disease in birds, gren iguanas, turtles, hamsters etc. References: 1. Carpenter, J.W. Exotic Animal Formulary 2. Meredith, A. BSAVA Manual of Exotic Pets 3. Rival, F. Antibiotic therapy in exotics and wild animals. Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 238 NUTRITION OF PETS Department : Animal Nutrition & Nutritional Diseases Course Hours: 1 Theoretical ECTS :2 Purpose: To inform students about nutrient and energy requirements of cats & dogs and nutrition according to their physiological periods. Course Content: Nutritional differences, nutrient and energy requirements of cats and dogs, nutrition of breeders, pregnants, motherless kitties and puppies, performance dogs, sick cats and dogs, nutrition principles according to their different physiological period (adolescent, adult and geriatric), dermatological effects of nutrition, the importance of diet in liver diseases, the relationship between kidney diseases and nutrition, the importance of diet in obesity, foods and food additives in the nutrition, holistic nutrition principles. References: 1. Ergün, A., Tuncer, Ş.D., Çolpan, İ., Yalçın, S., Yıldız, G., Küçükersan, M.K., Küçükersan, S., Şehu, A., Saçaklı, P., 2011. Hayvan Besleme ve Beslenme Hastalıkları. 5. Baskı. ISBN: 975-97808-2-8. Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi, Hayvan Besleme ve Beslenme Hastalıkları Anabilim Dalı, Ankara. 2. Sarı, M., Bolat, D., Çerçi, İ.H., Önol, A.G., Deniz, S., Azman, M.A., Şahin, K., Güler, T., Seven, P.T., Karslı, M.A., Şahin, N., Nursoy, H., Çiftçi, M., Bingöl, N.T., 2008. Hayvan Besleme ve Beslenme Hastalıkları. ISBN: 978-975-6676-29-5. Medipres Matbaacılık Yayıncılık Ltd. Şti., Malatya. 3. Şenel, H.S., 1993. Hayvan Besleme. İstanbul Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Yayınları. 2. Baskı. ISBN: 375-404-352-3. İstanbul. 4. Ergün, A., Muğlalı, H., 1998. Köpek ve Kedi Besleme, Beslenme Hastalıkları ve Klinik Besleme, Ankara. 239 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine MANAGEMENT OF FOOD ESTABLISHMENT Department : Food Hygiene & Technology Course Hours: 1 Theoretical ECTS :2 Purpose: To teach the managing informations and effective coordination between the relevant departments of food establishments. Course Content: System structure and organization of food establishments, the importance of education and human resources, purchasing and sales management and coordination of production, consumer and customer relationships, food logistics and food retail system management, information about the supply-demand balance improving and understanding of quality management issues. References: 1. Çetin B., 1999. Gıda Sanayi Ekonomisi ve İşletmeciliği, Ceylan Matbaacılık, Bursa. 2. Keskin M. H., 2008, Lojistik, Nobel Yayın Dağıtım, İstanbul. Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 240 ANTINEOPLASTIC DRUGS Department : Pharmacology & Toxicology Course Hours: 1 Theoretical ECTS :2 Purpose: Teaching the antineoplastic drugs used in animals and drug therapy options with these agents. Course Content: Cancer biology and the pharmacology of drugs that used for cancer therapy, pharmacology of immunosuppressive drugs, antineoplastic drugs that used for types of cancer in animals. References: 1. Kaya, S., Pirinçci, İ., 2002. Veteriner Hekimliğinde Farmakoloji. Medisan Yayın Serisi: 54. Malatya. 2. Şener, S., 2006. Veteriner Farmakoloji. İ.Ü. Veteriner Fakültesi Yayın No: 26, İstanbul. 3. Withrow, S.J., Vail, D.M., Page, R., 2013. Withrow and Mac Ewen's Small Animal Clinical Oncology. 241 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine POULTRY NUTRITION Department : Animal Nutrition & Nutritional Diseases Course Hours: 1 Theoretical ECTS :2 Purpose: To give detailed informations about nutrition methods, ration formulation, applications to increase feed conversion ratio and performance and nutritional diseases in poultries. Course Content: General informations about digestion physiology, feed consumption and nutrient requirements of chicken. Chicken (broilers, layers and breedings) nutrition, nutrient requirements and the preparation of suitable rations. Practical ration farmulations for laying hens and broilers. Principles of nutrition of meat chickens and laying hens according to their energy and nutrient requirements, breeder chicken nutrition, feeding methods and nutritional diseases. References: 1. Ergün, A., Tuncer, Ş.D., Çolpan, İ., Yalçın, S., Yıldız, G., Küçükersan, M.K., Küçükersan, S., Şehu, A., Saçaklı, P., 2011. Hayvan Besleme ve Beslenme Hastalıkları. 5. Baskı. ISBN: 975-97808-2-8. Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi, Hayvan Besleme ve Beslenme Hastalıkları Anabilim Dalı, Ankara. 2. Sarı, M., Bolat, D., Çerçi, İ.H., Önol, A.G., Deniz, S., Azman, M.A., Şahin, K., Güler,T., Seven, P.T., Karslı, M.A., Şahin, N., Nursoy, H., Çiftçi, M., Bingöl, N.T., 2008. Hayvan Besleme ve Beslenme Hastalıkları. ISBN: 978-975-6676-29-5. Medipres Matbaacılık Yayıncılık Ltd. Şti., Malatya. 3. Şenel, H.S., 1993. Hayvan Besleme. İ.Ü. Veteriner Fakültesi Yayınları. 2. Baskı. ISBN: 375-404-352-3. İstanbul. 4. Türker, H., 1998. Bilimsel Yönleriyle Tavuk Besleme, İstanbul. 5. Umucalılar, H.D., Nurettin Gülşen, N., 2005. Çiftlik Hayvanlarında Beslenme Hastalıkları. Selçuk Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Hayvan Besleme ve Beslenme Hastalıkları Anabilim Dalı. ISBN: 975-270-588-X. Konya. Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 242 MATERIAL SUBMISSION & REPORTING Department : Pathology Course Hours: 1 Theoretical ECTS :2 Purpose: To develop the students’ skills of sample collection for cytological and histopathologic evaluation, preparing smear samples, learning and application of quick and pre-diagnostic staining techniques, material submission techniques for histopathologic diagnosis, evaluation of their findings and writing a pathology report. Course Content: Material selection for pathologic evaluations and general considerations, criteria for cytological sample collections from live animals and submission for pathologic examinations, criteria for tissue sample collections from live animals and submission for pathologic examinations, evaluation of macroscopic findings while writing a pathology report, criteria for conclusive statements while writing a pathology report, criteria for writing pathology report for biopsy and cytological samples, criteria for preparation of systemic necropsy report and the fundamentals of writing pathology reports for forensic cases. References: 1. Gurel, A., 2010. Klinik Patoloji Ders Notları. Anabilim Dalı Yayını, İstanbul. 2. Raskin, R.E., Meyer, D.J., 2010. Canine and Feline Cytology. A color Atlas and Interpretation Guide. Reno, Nevada, Saunders Elsevier, USA. 243 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine EMERGENCY SURGICAL APPLICATIONS Department : Surgery Course Hours: 1 Theoretical ECTS :2 Purpose: To teach medical or surgical treatment of traumatic or surgical complications. Course Content: Emergency application methods of the critical cases. References: 1. Taylor, S.M., 2013. Küçük Hayvan Klinik Yöntemleri. Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri, İstanbul. Çeviri Editörü: M. Aktaş 2. Mazzaferro, E.M., 2010. Blackwell’s Five-Minute Veterinary Consult Small Animal Emergency and Critical Care.Blackwell, Singapore . 3. King, L., Boag, A., 2007. BSAVA Manual of Canine and Feline Emergency and Critical Case. 2nd Ed. BSAVA, İndia. Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 244 ZOONOTIC PARASITES Department : Parasitology Course Hours: 1 Theoretical ECTS :2 Purpose: Teaching the epidemiology, transmission routes and risks related to these routes, diagnosis, pathological consequences, prevention, and control of parasitic zoonoses. Course Content: Zoonotic parasite species, their morphology, disorders in the host, diagnosis, transmission and spread of these parasitic infections, their control and treatment. References: 1. James, M.T., Harwood, R.F., 1969. Herms's Medical Entomology 6th ed. Mac Millan, New York, USA. 2. Kettle, D.S., 1995. Medical and Veterinary Entomology 2 nd ed. CAB International, Wallingford, Oxon, UK. 3. Kreier,J.P., 1977. Parasitic Protozoa, Vol.1-4. Academic Press, London. 4. Levine, N.D., 1985. Veterinary Protozooloji. Iowa State Univ. Press, Ames. 5. Soulsby, E.J.L., 1974. Parasitic Zoonoses. Clinical and Experimental Studies. Academic Press, Inc. 6. Soulsby, E.J.L., 1982. Helminths, Artropods and Protozoa of Domesticated Animals 7th ed. The English Language Book Society and Bailliere-Tindall, London, UK. 7. Unat, E.K.; Yücel, A., Altaş, K., Samastı, M., 1991. Unat'ın Tıp Parazitolojisi. 4.Baskı. İ.Ü. Cerrahpaşa Tıp Fakültesi Yayınları, İstanbul. 245 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine DOPING Department : Pharmacology & Toxicology Course Hours: 1 Theoretical ECTS :2 Purpose: Teaching doping substances, also controls and analyzes of doping. Course Content: Substances used for doping and the importance of doping in terms of veterinary medicine. References: 1. Şener, S., Yıldırım, M., 2000. Veteriner Toksikoloji. Teknik Yayıncılık, Akademik Eserler Serisi: 001. İstanbul Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 246 CLINICAL PHARMACOKINETIC Department : Pharmacology & Toxicology Course Hours: 1 Theoretical ECTS :2 Purpose: Teaching the basic concepts and information related to clinical pharmacokinetic, factors affecting pharmacokinetic parameters, the dose- concentration- effect relationship, dose calculations and drug interactions. Course Content: Quantitative research the basic concepts of clinical pharmacokinetic and dose- concentration- response relationship. References: 1. Kaya, S., Pirinçci, İ., Bilgili, A., 2002. Veteriner Hekimliğinde Farmakoloji. Medisan Yayın Serisi: 54, Malatya 2. Kayaalp, O., 2001. Rasyonel Tedavi Yönünden Tıbbi Farmakoloji. 3. Şener, S., 2004. Veteriner Genel Farmakoloji. İstanbul Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Yayın No: 20. İstanbul. 4. Şener, S., 2006. Veteriner Farmakoloji. İ.Ü. Veteriner Fakültesi Yayın No: 26. İstanbul. 247 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine VETERINARIAN SERVICES IN MUNICIPALITIES Department: Food Hygiene & Technology, Internal Medicine, Surgery, Obstetrics &Gynecology Course Hours: 1 Theoretical ECTS :2 Purpose: To give knowledge about laws and regulations about the veterinarians services in municipalities. Course Content: Veterinarians duties and authorities in municipalities, specified by laws and regulations. References: 1. Turk Gıda Kodeksi Yönetmelikleri Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 248 REPRODUCTIVE ULTRASONOGRAPHY Department : Obstetrics & Gynecology Course Hours:1 Theoretical ECTS :2 Purpose: To educate physics of ultrasound and physiologic and pathologic ultrasonographic images of genital organs and mammary glands. Course Content: Ultrasound physics, parts of the machine, basic ultrasound images and artefacts, sonographic examination methods in domestic animals. References: 1. Alaçam, E., 2005. Evcil Hayvanlarda Doğum ve İnfertilite. Medisan Yayınevi, Ankara. 2. Kahn, W., 1994. Veterinary Reproductive Ultrasonography. Schlüterssche Verlagsgesellschaft mbH&Co., Hannover, Germany 3. Kaymaz, M., Fındık, M., Rişvanlı A., Köker, A., 2013. Kedi ve Köpeklerde Doğum ve Jinekoloji. Medipres Yayınevi, Malatya. 4. Semacan, A., Kaymaz, M., Fındık, M., Rişvanlı A., Köker, A., 2012. Çiftlik Hayvanlarında Doğum ve Jinekoloji. 249 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 250 8th SEMESTER 251 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 8th Semester COURSES T P Special Pathology (B) 4 2 Foot Diseases & Orthopedics (A) 3 0 Obstetrics & Gynecology II 4 0 Internal Medicine II 3 0 Reproduction & Artificial InseminationI 2 0 Surgery 3 0 Veterinary Forensic Medicine 1 0 Clinical Pathology Practical (B) 0 5 Elective Course(Group V) 1 0 Elective Course(Group XVI) 1 0 Elective Course(Group XVII) 1 0 ELECTIVE COURSES (GROUP XV) AREA ELECTIVE COURSES Bacterial & Fungal Diseases of Exotic Animals 1 0 Herd Health & Managment 1 0 Poultry Meat Hygiene & Technology 1 0 Drug Usage in Bee, Fish & Exotic Animals 1 0 Avian Medicine 1 0 ELECTIVE COURSES (GROUP XVI) AREA ELECTIVE COURSES Viral Diseases of Exotic Animals 1 0 Assisted Reproductive Technologies in Farm 1 0 Animals Aquatic Food Products Hygiene & Technology 1 0 Gynecologic Emergency Interfere 1 0 Pathology of Poultry 1 0 ELECTIVE COURSES (GROUP XVII) COMMON ELECTIVE COURSES Behavioural Disorders in Animals 1 0 Clinical Parasitology 1 0 Reanimation in Newborns & Neonatology 1 0 Molecular Diagnosis of Diseases 1 0 Eye Diseases 1 0 Hematopathology 1 0 Pathology of Tumors 1 0 Total 6 3 4 3 2 3 1 5 1 1 1 ECTS 5 3 4 3 2 3 1 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 COMPULSORY COURSES ELECTIVE COURSES 24 6 TOTAL ECTS OF 8th SEMESTER 30 T: T heoretical P: Practical Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 252 SPECIAL PATHOLOGY (B) Department : Pathology Course Hours: 4 Theoretical -2 Practical ECTS :5 Purpose: To establish a background for the students to gain comprehensive information about the disorders of male and female reproductive systems, musculoskeletal hematopoietic and cardiovascular systems as well as skin disorders in domestic animals including the abnormalities, vascular disorders, substance depositions, inflammations of the relevant organs. To teach gross and microscopic evaluation of infectious, and neoplastic diseases of these systems. Course Content: Congenital abnormalities, vascular disorders; pathogenesis and gross and microscopic evaluation of the inflammatory, infectious, and neoplastic diseases of the male and female reproductive systems, musculoskeletal hematopoietic and cardiovascular systems as well as skin disorders in domestic animals. References: 1. Alibaşoğlu, M., Yeşildere T., 1989.Veteriner Sistemik Patoloji Cilt I-II. Bakoğlu Matbaası, İstanbul 2. Berkin, Ş., Alçığır, G., 1999. Nekropsi. Medisan Yayınevi, Ankara, 3. McGavin, M.D., Zachary, J.F., 2006. Pathologic Basis of Veterinary Disease. Elsevier Mosby, USA. 4. Milli, Ü.H., Hazıroğlu, R., 2000. Veteriner patoloji Cilt I-II. Ankara Üniversitesi Basımevi. Ankara 5. Van Dijk, J.E, Gruys, E., Mouwen, J.M.V.M., 2007. Color Atlas of Veterinary Pathology. Saunders, Toronto, Canada. 253 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine FOOT DISEASES & ORTHOPEDİCS (A) Department : Surgery Course Hours: 3 Theoretical ECTS :3 Purpose: To teach general ortopedic subjects, diagnoses and treatment of orthopedic diseases of cats and dogs. Course Content General orthopedic rules and classification of fractures, orthopedic instruments, approach to the bone and osteosynthesis applications, joint diseases, treatment of luxations, hereditary, metabolic and traumatic orthopedic diseases, diseases of the spine and the treatment methods. References: 1. Denny, H.R., Butterworth, S.J., 2000. A Guide to Canine and Feline Orthopaedic Surgery 4th Ed. Blackwell Science, USA. 2. Brinker, W.O., Piermathei, D.L.,Flo, G., 1990. Handbook of Small Animal Orthopedics and Fracture Treatment. 2nd Ed. Saunders, USA. Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 254 OBSTETRICS&GYNECOLOGY II Department : Obstetrics & Gynecology Course Hours: 4 Theoretical ECTS :4 Purpose: To educate the diagnosis, treatment and prognosis of the gynecological diseases. Course Content: Symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of gynecological diseases in different animal species. References: 1. Alaçam, E., 2005. Evcil Hayvanlarda Doğum ve İnfertilite. Medisan Yayınevi, Ankara. 2. Alaçam, E., 2008. Köpek ve Kedilerde Üreme Süreci ve Sorunları. Medisan Yayınevi, Ankara. 3. Kaymaz, M.., Fındık, M., Rişvanlı A., Köker, A., 2013. Kedi ve Köpeklerde Doğum ve Jinekoloji. Medipres Yayınevi, Malatya. 4. Noakes, D.E., Parkinson, T.J., Englandi G.C.W., Arthur, G.H., 2003. Arthur’s Veterinary Reproduction and Obstetrics. Saunders, London, UK. 5. Semacan, A., Kaymaz, M., Fındık, M., Rişvanlı A., Köker, A., 2012. Çiftlik Hayvanlarında Doğum ve Jinekoloji. Medipres Yayınevi, Malatya. 255 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine INTERNAL MEDICINE II Department : Internal Medicine Course Hours: 3 Theoretical ECTS :3 Purpose: Urinary system, skin diseases, endocrine system, immune system and muscle diseases of cats, dogs and livestock animals and horses will be teached. Course Content: Urinary system, skin diseases, endocrine system, immune system and muscle diseases in cats, dogs, livestock animals and horses. References: 1. Aytuğ, N., Köpek ve Kedilerin İç Hastalıkları 2. Dewey, C.W., A Practical Guide to Canine and Feline Neurology 3. Gönül, R., Sinir Sistemi Hastalıkları (Öğrenci Ders Notları) 4. Guaguere, E., A Practical Guide to Feline Dermatology 5. Gül, Y., Geviş Getiren Hayvanların İç Hastalıkları 6. Hnilica, K.A., Small Animal Dermatology, Color Atlas and Therapeutic Guide 7. Ok, M., Veteriner Nöroloji Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 256 REPRODUCTION & ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATION I Department : Reproduction & Artificial Inseminatıon Course Hours: 2 Theoretical ECTS :2 Purpose: Teaching of the reproductive anatomy, physiology and endocrinology in farm animals. Course Content: Teaching the Reproductive anatomy, physiology and endocrinology in farm animlas. Examination of the genital organs of the male and female and in vitro embryo production. References: 1. İleri, İ.K., Ak, K., Pabuccuoğlu S., Birler, S.: Evcil Hayvanlarda Reprodüksiyon ve Suni Tohumlama, İ.Ü. Veteriner Fakültesi Yayını, İstanbul. 257 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine SURGERY Department : Surgery Course Hours: 3 Theoretical ECTS :3 Purpose: To teach head, neck, thorax and abdominal lesions and medical and surgical treatments. Course Content: Surgery of skin, thorax and abdomen, digestive system, male reproductive system, urinary system, head, neck and perineal region of domestic animals. References: 1. Yücel, R., 1992. Veteriner Özel Cerrahi. Pethask Yayınları, İstanbul. 2. Samsar, E., Akın, F., 2010. Veteriner Özel Cerrahi. Medipres Yayınevi, Ankara. 3. Fossum, T.W., 2013. Small Animal Surgery 4th Ed. Elsevier, Canada Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 258 VETERINARY FORENSIC MEDICINE Department : Internal Medicine Course Hours: 3 Theoretical ECTS :3 Purpose: To emphasize how to approach and applicate craft knowledge to clarify objectively judicial problems about both court and party regarding Veterinary Medicine. Course Content: İntroduction to veterinary forensic medicine, evalution of expert report in damages and assurance. References: 1. Maden, M., Veteriner Adli Tıp 2. Şentürk, S., Veteriner Adli Tıp 259 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine CLINICAL PATHOLOGY PRACTICAL (B) Department : Surgery, Internal Medicine, Obstetrics & Gynecology, Pathology Course Hours: 5 Practical ECTS :3 Purpose: Implement of different kind of clinical information (obstericts, internal medicine, surgery) into practice. Course Content: Patient examination methods, injection and blood taking, catheterization, fluid infusion, skin scrabing and its examination, catheterization of bladder and cystocentesis, punction, submiting and processing a pathologic material including cadavers and report the gross and histopathologic findings of the cases submitted to Pathology Department from either private or the faculty’s hospital clinics. References: 1. Berkin, Ş., Alçığır, G.,1999. Nekropsi Yöntemleri. Medisan Yayınevi, Ankara. 2. Bilal, T., 2012. Veteriner Hekimlikte Muayene Yöntemleri. Nobel Tıp Kitapevi, İstanbul. 3. Gürel A. 2009. Klinik Patoloji Ders Notları. Patoloji Anabilim Dalı, İstanbul. 4. Jakson, P., Cockcroft, P.D., 2002. Clinical Examination of Farm Animals. Blackwell Science, Hong Kong. 5. Taylor, S.M., 2013. Küçük Hayvan Klinik Yöntemleri. Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri, İstanbul. Çeviri Editörü: M. Aktaş. Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 260 ELECTIVE COURSES (GROUP XV-XVI-VII) 261 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine BACTERIAL & FUNGAL DISEASES OF EXOTIC ANIMALS Department : Microbiology Course Hours: 1 Theoretical ECTS :2 Purpose: To give information on the etiology, epizootiology, diagnosis, treatment, prevention and control of bacterial and fungal diseases of exotic animals. Course Content: Bacterial and fungal diseases of cage birds, wild and water birds, reptiles, rodents, non-human primates, marine mammals and wild carnivores. References: 1. Arda, M., Minbay, A., Aydın, N., Akay, O., İzgür, M., Yardımcı, H., Esendal, O.M., Erdeğer, J., Akan, M., 2002. Kanatlı Hayvan Hastalıkları, Medisan Yayınevi, Ankara. 2. OIE. Manual of Diagnostic Tests for Aquatic Animals. 3. Songer, J.G., Post, K.W., 2012. Veteriner Hekimlik Mikrobiyolojisi, Nobel Yayınevi, İstanbul. Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 262 HERD HEALTH & MANAGMENT Department : Animal Breeding & Husbandry Course Hours: 1 Theoretical ECTS :2 Purpose: The aim of this course is to teach about factors that threat herd health in livestock animals, their harms to animals and to enteprises, preventing them by profylactic veterinary applications. Course Content: Health management planning, improving prevention methods against animal diseases, continuing animal productivity by protecting animal health. References: 1. Akçapınar, H., 2000. Koyun Yetiştiriciliği. İsmat Matbaacılık, Ankara. 2. Aytuğ, C.N., Yalçın, B.C., Alaçam, E., Türker, H., Gökçen, H., Özkoç, Ü., 1990. Koyun-Keçi Hastalıkları ve Yetiştiriciliği. Tüm Vet Hayvancılık Hizmetleri Yayını, No: 2, İstanbul. 3. Oğan, M., Türkmen, İ.İ., İntaş, K.S., Şentürk, S., Orman, A., 2011. Temel Sürü Sağlığı Yönetimi. T.C. Anadolu Üniversitesi Yayını No: 2333, Açıköğretim Fakültesi Yayını No: 1330, Eskişehir. 4. Özenli, F., 1998. Sağlık ve Hijyen, Veteriner Hekimlikte Dezenfaksiyon ve Hastalıklara Karşı Önlemler. Mega Basım Yayın San. ve Tic. A.Ş., İstanbul. 5. Thomas, D.G.M., 1983. Animal Husbandry. Baillière Tindall, London, UK. 263 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine POULTRY MEAT HYGIENE & TECHNOLOGY Department : Food Hygiene & Technology Course Hours: 1 Theoretical ECTS :2 Purpose: To give information about properties and structure of poultry meats, production and preservation technologies. Course Content: The description, characterics and classification of poultry meat; poultry meat sector and sectoral processes; obtaining poultry meat, hygiene, storage conditions; deboning of poultry meat and information about meat product technology. References: 1. Mead, G.C., 2004.Poultry Meat Processing and Quality, CRC Press. 2. Ugur, M., Nazlı, B., Bostan, K., Aksu, H., 1998. Et ve Et Ürünleri Teknolojisi Ders Notu. İ.Ü. Veteriner Fakültesi Yayını, İstanbul. 3. Redman, N.E., 2007. Food Safety: A Reference Handbook. ABC Clio Inc., California, USA. Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 264 DRUG USAGE IN BEE, FISH & EXOTIC ANIMALS Department : Pharmacology & Toxicology Course Hours: 1 Theoretical ECTS :2 Purpose: Providing information about drugs that used for bee, fish and exotic animals, route of drug administration and treatment principles in minor species. Course Content: Drug usage in bee, fish and exotic animals, main principles of species- specific treatment, route of drug administration, species- specific pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties of drugs and inappropriate drugs in minor species. References: 1. Carpenter, J. W., 2013. Exotic Animal Formulary. Elsevier Saunders, USA. 2. Kahn, C.M., Line, S., 2010. The Merck Veterinary Manual. Whitehouse Station N.J.: Merck & Co. 265 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine AVIAN MEDICINE Department : Internal Medicine Course Hours: 1 Theoretical ECTS :2 Purpose: Giving information about the infectious/noninfectious diseases, diagnosis and therapy options in avian medicine. Course Content: Respiratory, gastro-intestinal, urinary, circulation systems and their disease in avian medicine; treament protocols. References: 1. Doneley, B., 2010. Avian Medicine and Surgery in Practical (companion and aviary birds). 2. Forbes, N.A., Altman, R.B., 1998. Self-Assessment of Colour Review of Avian Medicine. Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 266 VIRAL DISEASES OF EXOTIC ANIMALS Department : Virology Course Hours: 1 Theoretical ECTS :2 Purpose: To teach agents characteristics, pathogenesis, immunogenic features, laboratory diagnosis, prevention and control of exotic animal’s important viral diseases. Course Content: Viruses that effects exotic animals and their characteristics, laboratory diagnosis, prevention and control methods of exotic animal’s viral diseases. References: 1. Murphy, F.A, Gibbs, E.P.J., Horzinek, M.C., Studdert, M.J., 1999. Veterinary Virology, Academic Press, San Diego, USA. 2. Flint, S.J., Enquist, L.W., Racaniello, V.R., Skalka, A.M., 1999. Principles of Virology. Molecular Biology, Pathogenesis and Control of Animal Viruses. American Society Microbiology, USA. 3. Specter. S., Hodinka, R.L., Young, S.A., 2009. Clinical Virology Manual. American Society Microbiology Press, USA. 267 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine ASSISTED REPRODUCTIVE TECHNOLOGIES IN FARM ANIMALS Department : Reproduction & Artifıcial Insemination Course Hours: 1 Theoretical ECTS :2 Purpose: To teach biotechnological methods used to enhance the reproductive performance characteristics of cattle, goats and sheep Course Content: Synchronization programs in livestock, artificial insemination techniques, IVF, embryo transfer, sperm and embryo sexing, cloning, transgenic animals, etc. obtained. assisted reproductive techniques. References: 1. İleri, İ.K., Ak, K., Pabuccuoğlu S., Birler, S. Evcil Hayvanlarda Reprodüksiyon ve Suni Tohumlama, İ.Ü. Veteriner Fakültesi Yayını, İstanbul. Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 268 AQUATIC FOOD PRODUCTS HYGIENE & TECHNOLOGY Department : Food Hygiene & Technology Course Hours: 1 Theoretical ECTS :2 Purpose: To give information about characteristics of fishery products, fishing methods, the cultivation, processing, technological methods and regulations. Course Content: Nutritional properties of seafood products and classification, hunting and transporting for seafood products, contaminations, quality changes and spoilage in seafood products, pre-handling techniques, cooling and freezing, drying, irradiating, salting and acidifying, marination and smoking methods, preservation by high temperature- heating and cooking and modified atmosphere packaging procedures in seafood products, legal requirements in seafood hygiene and technology. References: 1. Arslan A., 2013. Et Muayenesi ve Et Ürünleri Teknolojisi, Medipres Matbaacılık, Malatya. 269 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine GYNECOLOGIC EMERGENCY INTERFERE Department : Obstetrics & Gynecology Course Hours: 1 Theoretical ECTS :2 Purpose: To educate the diagnosis and treatment of obstetrical emergency case in domestic animals. Course Content: The emergencies in sexuel cycles, pregnancy, obstetrics, postpartum period and mammary glands. References: 1. Alaçam, E., 2005. Evcil Hayvanlarda Doğum ve İnfertilite. Medisan Yayınevi, Ankara. 2. Alaçam, E., 2008. Köpek ve Kedilerde Üreme Süreci ve Sorunları. Medisan Yayınevi, Ankara. 3. Kaymaz, M.., Fındık, M., Rişvanlı A., Köker, A., 2013. Kedi ve Köpeklerde Doğum ve Jinekoloji. Medipres Yayınevi, Malatya. 4. Noakes, D.E., Parkinson, T.J., Englandi G.C.W., Arthur, G.H., 2003. Arthur’s Veterinary Reproduction and Obstetrics. Saunders, London, UK. 5. Semacan, A., Kaymaz, M., Fındık, M., Rişvanlı A., Köker, A., 2012. Çiftlik Hayvanlarında Doğum ve Jinekoloji. Medipres Yayınevi, Malatya. Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 270 PATHOLOGY OF POULTRY Department : Pathology Course Hours: 1 Theoretical ECTS :2 Purpose: To provide the students with the knowledge about the pathogenesis and findings of the diseases of the poultry. Course Content: The etiology and transmission of the poultry diseases; Pathology of non-infectious diseases; pathogenesis and morphology of bacterial viral fungal, parasitic and neoplastic diseases. References: 1. Swayne D.E., Glisson J.R., McDougald L.R., Nolan L.K., Suarez D.L., Nair V.K., 2013. Diseases of poultry. WileyBlackwell, USA. 271 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine BEHAVIOURAL DISORDERS IN ANIMALS Department : Internal Medicine Course Hours: 1 Theoretical ECTS :2 Purpose: It is supposed to give information about the factors that affects animal behaviours, diagnostic approach to behavioural disorders and medical therapy options. Course Content: The clinical importance, classification, diagnosis and medical therapy of behavioural disorders which are mostly seen in domestic animals. References: 1. Dodurka, T., Köpek Psikolojisi 2. Dodurka, T., Köpeklerde Davranış Bozukluklarına Yaklaşım 3. Hart, B.L., Hart, L.A., Bain, M., Canine and Feline Behaviour Therapy (2nd Edition) 4. Overall, K.L., Clinical Behavioral Medicine For Small Animals Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 272 CLINICAL PARASITOLOGY Department : Parasitology Course Hours: 1 Theoretical ECTS :2 Purpose: Teaching the laboratory diagnostic methods for identification of parasite infections commonly seen in animals referred to clinics. Course Content: Parasite morphology, symptoms associated with parasitic infections, correct diagnosis and treatment of infections seen in domestic animals which are referred to clinics. References: 1. Toparlak, M., Vuruşaner, C., 2007. Klinik Parazitoloji. İstanbul Medikal Yayıncılık, 1. Baskı, ISBN-975-6395-57-5. 2. Allen, G.A., Pringle, J.K., Smith, D.A., Conlon, D.P., Burgmann, P.M., 1993. Handbook of Veterinary Drugs, J.B., Lippincott Company. Philadelphia, USA. 3. Boch, J., Supperer, R., 1983. Veterinarmedizinische Parasitologie. Paul Parey, Berlin 4. Bowman, D.D., Lynn, R.C., 1999. Georgis’ Parasitology for Veterinarians (7th edition). W.B.Saunders Company, USA. 5. Burgu, A.; Karaer, Z., 2005. Veteriner Hekimliğinde Parazit Hastalıklarında Tedavi. Türkiye Parazitoloji Derneği Yayın no: 19, İzmir 6. Kaufmann, J., 1996. Parasitic Infections of Domestic Animals. Birkhauser Verlag, Berlin, Germany. 7. Roberts, L.S., Janovy, J.J., 2000. Gerald D.Schmidt and Larry S.Roberts’ Foundations. 8. Saygı, G., 2000. Parazitoloji Atlası. Esnaf Ofset Matbaacılık, Sivas. 9. Sloss, M.W., Kemp, R.L., Zajac , A.M., 1994. Veterinary Clinical Parasitology (6th Ed.). Iowa State 10. Yaşarol, Ş., 1984. Medikal Parazitoloji (ikinci baskı).Ege Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Yayınları No: 93, Bornova, İzmir. 273 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine REANIMATION IN NEWBORNS & NEONATOLOGY Department : Obstetrics & Gynecology Course Hours: 1 Theoretical ECTS :1 Purpose: To educate reanimation and care of new-born animals. Course Content: Post-natal reanimation and care of new-borns, possible states during and after birth in a new-born, importance of colostrum in new-borns. References: 1. Alaçam, E., 2005. Evcil Hayvanlarda Doğum ve İnfertilite. Medisan Yayınevi, Ankara. 2. Alaçam, E., 2008. Köpek ve Kedilerde Üreme Süreci ve Sorunları. Medisan Yayınevi, Ankara. 3. England, G, Heimendahl, A., 2011. Manual of Canine and Feline Reproduction and Neonatology, BSAVA, UK. 4. Kaymaz, M.., Fındık, M., Rişvanlı A., Köker, A., 2013. Kedi ve Köpeklerde Doğum ve Jinekoloji. Medipres Yayınevi, Malatya. 5. Noakes, D.E., Parkinson, T.J., Englandi G.C.W., Arthur, G.H., 2003. Arthur’s Veterinary Reproduction and Obstetrics. Saunders, London 6. Semacan, A., Kaymaz, M., Fındık, M., Rişvanlı A., Köker, A., 2012. Çiftlik Hayvanlarında Doğum ve Jinekoloji. Medipres Yayınevi, Malatya. Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 274 MOLECULAR DIAGNOSIS OF DISEASES Department : Biochemistry Course Hours: 1 Theoretical ECTS :2 Purpose: To teach analysis methods used in molecular diagnosis. Course Content: Basic methods in laboratory of molecular genetics, molecular diagnostics. References: 1. Temizkan G., Arda N., 2007. Moleküler Biyolojide Kullanılan Yöntemler. Nobel Tıp Kitabevi, Ankara, Türkiye. 275 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine EYE DISEASES Department : Surgery Course Hours: 1 Theoretical ECTS :2 Purpose: Anatomy, physiology, examination of the eye, instruments for the examination and to teach the diagnoses and treatment methods of eye diseases in domestic animals. Course Content: Structure, physiology, examination methods of the eye, instruments, drugs, medical and surgical treatment methods using fort he eye diseases in domestic animals. References: 1. Akın, F., Samsar, E., 2005. Göz Hastalıkları.Medipres Yayınevi, Ankara. 2. Gelatt, K.N., Gelatt, J.P., 2003. Small AnimalOpthtalmic Surgery. Elsevier, USA. Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 276 HEMATOPATHOLOGY Department : Pathology Course Hours: 1 Theoretical ECTS :2 Purpose: The students will have knowledge about the pathogenesis and findings of diseases, macro and microscopic changes in effected organs and they will have ability to interpret the cases they encountered. Course Content: Introduction to blood diseases; diseases of bone marrow and its effects on blood cells; pathogenesis of the diseases that affects erythrocytes, leukocytes, platelets; tumors of blood and bone marrow; diseases that affect the blood plasma; blood cytology; interpretation of hemograms. References: 1. Baker, R., Lumsden, J.H., 1999. Color Atlas of Cytology of the Dog and Cat. Elsevier Health Sciences Division, USA. 2. Rich, L.J., 1991. The Morphology of Canine and Feline Blood Cells. Ralston Purina Co, USA. 3. Valli V.E., 2008. Veterinary Comparative Hematopathology. Wiley-Blackwell, USA. 277 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine PATHOLOGY OF TUMORS Department : Pathology Course Hours: 1 Theoretical ECTS :2 Purpose: To provide the students with the knowledge about the mechanisms of tumor formation caused by various carcinogenic agents, the prognostic features of benign and malign tumors, differentiation of tumors, identification of tumors by clinical and histological findings. Course Content: Pathogenesis, causes, prognosis and diagnostic methods of tumors; skin tumors; mammary tumors; tumors of gastrointestinal, respiratory, nervous, urinary, genital and reticuloendothelial and endocrine systems; ear channel tumors; tumors of skeletal and muscle system. References: 1. Goldblum, J.R., Folpe, A.L., Weis, S.H., 2001. Enzinger and Weiss's Soft Tissue Tumors. Elsevier Saunders, USA. 2. Meuten, D.J.; 2002. Tumors in Domestic Animals. WileyBlackwell, USA 3. Milli, Ü.H., Hazıroğlu R., 2000. Veteriner Patoloji Cilt I-II. Ankara Üniversitesi Basımevi. Ankara Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 278 9th SEMESTER 279 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 280 9th Semester Total ECTS T P Internal Medicine III 4 Managerial Economics of Animal Breeding 2 Toxicology 2 Foot Diseases & Orthopedics (B) 3 Reproduction & Artificial Insemination II 2 Poultry Diseases 2 Clinical Examinations 0 Professional Ethics & Veterinary Legislation 1 Elective Course(Group XVIII) 5 ELECTIVE COURSES (GROUP XVIII) AREA ELECTIVE COURSES Exotic Animal Surgery 1 Slaughterhouse & Veterinary Medicine 1 Clinical Oncology & Chemotherapy 1 AREA ELECTIVE COURSES Reproductive Disorders in Exotic Animals 1 Food Quality Management Systems 1 Gynecologic Oncology 1 AREA ELECTIVE COURSES Drug Residues & Public Health 1 Oncologic Surgical Procedures 1 Assisted Reproductive Techniques in Fowl 1 COMMON ELECTIVE COURSES Assisted Reproductive Techniques in Cats & Dogs 1 Emergency in Internal Medicine 1 Physiotherapy Methods 1 Neurosurgery 1 Geriatric Diseases in Cats & Dogs 1 Udder Health & Control Program 1 Advanced Imaging Techniques 1 Clinical Endocrinology 1 Special Food Products Hygiene & Technology 1 Molecular Techniques Used in The Diagnosis of Parasitic 1 Diseases Small Animal Dentistry 1 0 0 2 0 0 1 5 0 0 4 2 4 3 2 3 5 1 5 4 2 3 3 2 3 2 1 10 0 0 0 1 1 1 2 2 2 0 0 0 1 1 1 2 2 2 0 0 0 1 1 1 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 0 1 2 0 1 2 COURSES COMPULSORY COURSES 20 ELECTIVE COURSES 10 th 30 TOTAL ECTS OF 9 SEMESTER T: Theoretical P: Practical 281 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine INTERNAL MEDICINE III Department : Internal Medicine Course Hours: 4 Theoretical ECTS :4 Purpose: Metabolism diseases, toxications, neonatal diseases, ambulatory medicine, egzotic animal diseases, behaviour and infectious diseases will be teached. Course Content: Metabolism diseases, toxications, neonatal diseases, ambulatory medicine, egzotic animal diseases, behaviour and infectious diseases. References: 1. Radostits V., 2007. Veterinary Medicine a Textbook of the Diseases of Cattle, Sheep, Pigs, Goats & Horses. 2. Gül, Y., 2006. Geviş Getiren Hayvanların İç Hastalıkları. 3. Turgut, K., Veteriner Klinik Laboratuvar Teşhis. Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 282 MANAGERIAL ECONOMICS OF ANIMAL BREEDING Department : Animal Breeding& Husbandry Course Hours: 2 Theoretical ECTS :2 Purpose: To inform about basic economical concepts and basic business administration principals, planning and management of livestock enterprises, creating solutions for problems in management. Course Content: Basic concepts of economy and economic activity in livestock enterprises. References: 1. Aral, S., 1997. Hayvancılık İşletme Ekonomisi Ders Notları. Ankara Üniv. Vet.Fak. Hayvancılık İşletme Ekonomisi Anabilim Dalı, Ankara. 2. Erkuş, A., Bülbül, M., Kıral, T., Açıl, F., Demirci, R., 1995. Tarım Ekonomisi. Ankara Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Eğitim, Araştırma ve Geliştirme Vakfı Yayını, Ankara. 3. Müftüoğlu, T., 1989. İşletme İktisadı. Turhan Kitabevi, Ankara. 4. Rehber, E., 1993. Tarımsal İşletmecilik ve Planlama. Uludağ Üniversitesi Güçlendirme Vakfı Yayın Sıra No:84, Uludağ Üniv. Basımevi, Bursa. 5. Rehber, E.,Çetin, B.,1998. Tarım Ekonomisi. Uludağ Üniversitesi Güçlendirme Vakfı Yayın Sıra No: 10, Uludağ Üniv. Basımevi, Bursa. 283 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine TOXICOLOGY Department : Pharmacology & Toxicology Course Hours: 2 Theoretical-2 Practical ECTS :3 Purpose: Providing information about toxic compounds and toxicity, also the causes, diagnosis and treatment of toxication. Course Content: The toxic compounds for animals also diagnosis and treatment methods of toxication originated from these agents. References: 1. Şener, S., Yıldırım, M., 2000. Veteriner Toksikoloji. Teknik Yayıncılık, Akademik Eserler Serisi: 001. 2. Kaya, S., 2006. Zehirli Maddelerin Laboratuvar Analizi. Medisan Yayın Serisi, 64, Malatya. Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 284 FOOT DISEASES & ORTHOPEDICS (B) Department : Surgery Course Hours: 3 Theoretical ECTS :3 Purpose: To teach the barn structure and foot disorders of Horse, cattle, sheep and goat, understanding of the relationship between foot disorders and raising, teaching to treatment and protection methods of patient animals and herd. Course Content: Diagnosis and treatment of surgical and orthopedic disease at foot and claws area in horse and cattle. The structure of foot, the barn structure, diagnosis and treatment methods, hoof trimming practice and equipments, shoeing and shoe making, diagnoses and traetment of musculoskeletal disorders. References: 1. Amstel, S., Shearer, J., 2006. Manual for Treatment and Control of Lameness in Cattle. Blackwell, USA. 2. Weaver, D., Jean, G., Steiner,A., 2005. Bovine Surgery and Lameness. 2nd Ed. Blackwell, USA. 3. Yücel, R., 2005. Atların Ortopedik Hastalıkları. Aktif Yayıncılık, İstanbul. 285 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine REPRODUCTION & ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATION II Department : Reproduction & Artificial Inseminatıon Course Hours: 2 Theoretical ECTS :2 Purpose: Teaching and control of the reproductive system in farm and companion animals. Course Content: Reproductive organs differences in farm and pet animals, mating problems, collection of semen, laboratory examinations and freezing techniques, appropriate time of insemination, cloning, transgenic animal production methods and scientific benefits. References: 1. İleri, İ.K., Ak, K., Pabuccuoğlu S., Birler, S. Evcil Hayvanlarda Reprodüksiyon ve Suni Tohumlama, İ.Ü. Veteriner Fakültesi Yayını. Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 286 POULTRY DISEASES Department : Microbiology Course Hours: 2 Theoretical-1 Practical ECTS :3 Purpose: To examine bacterial, viral and fungal diseases of poultry. Course Content: Poultry industry in turkey, biosecurity, association between nutrition and infectious diseases, monitoring, salmonella infections of poultry, fowl cholera and infectious coryza, escherichia coli infections, mycoplasma infections, chlamydiosis, psittacosis, ornithosis. campylobacter infections, avian tuberculosis, newcastle disease, avian influenza, infectious bronchitis, infectious laryngotracheitis, EDS 76, infectious bursal disease, marek's disease, neoplastic diseases, encephalomyelitis, chicken infectious anemia, swollen head syndrome, avian reovirus infections, fowl pow, aspergillosis, dactylariosis, candidiasis, favus, mycotoxicosis. References: 1. Arda, M., Minbay, A., Aydın, N., Akay, O., İzgür, M.,Yardımcı, H., Esendal, O.M., Erdeğer, J., Akan, M., 2002. Kanatlı Hayvan Hastalıkları, Medisan Yayınevi, Ankara. 287 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine CLINICAL EXAMINATIONS Department : Obstetrics & Gynecology, Surgery, Internal Medicine, Reproduction & Artificial Insemination Course Hours : 5 Practical ECTS :2 Purpose: Teaching practical examination methods in different systems in different kind of animals. Course Content: Clinical examination methods, electrocardiography (ECG), ultrasonography (USG), obtaining and evaluation of the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), drug information and prescription, patient follow-up and evaluation. References: 1. İmren, H.Y. 1994. Veteriner İç Hastalıklarına Giriş. 2. Bilal, T., 2012. Veteriner Hekimlikte Klinik Muayene Yöntemleri. 3. Radostits, M.O., Mayhew, I.G., Houston, D., 2002. Veterinary Clinical Examination and Diagnosis. Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 288 PROFESSIONAL ETHICS & VETERINARY LEGISLATION Department : Veterinary Medicine History & Deontology Course Hours: 1 Theoretical ECTS :1 Purpose: Development of consciousness by genereal ethical rules, ethical problems and their solutions, non-ethical prosedures, animal rights and animal legislation, empathy, euthanasia, deontology, profession of vow, regulatory information veterinarians need to know. Course Content: Ethical problems that can be seen in veterinary profesions and their solutions, to display the fields and authority of the veterinarians via veterinary legislation and aproach to deontology. References: 1. Tannenbaum, J., 1993. Veterinary Ethics. Blackwell Publishing Ltd., USA. 2. Bekoff, M., 1998. Encyclopedia of Animal Rights and Animal Welfare. Greenwood Press, Westport, Connectisut, USA. 289 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 290 ELECTIVE COURSES (GROUP XVIII) 291 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine EXOTIC ANIMAL SURGERY Department : Surgery Course Hours: 1 Theoretical ECTS :2 Purpose: Medical applications in birds, reptiles and rodents, emergency and critical care of patients, to teach the diagnoses, medical and surgical treatment methods of surgical diseases. Course Content: Medical applications (holding, grasping, injection, blood sampling etc.) on common exotic species brought to surgery clinic, anesthetic applications, medical and surgical treatment of orthopedic and surgical diseases, rehabilitation of wild animals. References: 1. Meder, D.R., 2006. Reptile Medicine and Surgery. 2nd Ed. Saunders, Canada. 2. Meredith, A.,Redrobe, S., 2005. BSAVA Manual of Exotic Pets. 4th ed. BSAVA, Spain. 3. Samour, J., 2000. Avian Medicine. Mosby, China. Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 292 KNOWLEDGE OF SLAUGHTERHOUSE & VETERINARY MEDICINE Department : Food Hygiene & Technology Course Hours: 1 Theoretical ECTS :2 Purpose: To give information about slaugtherhouses, meat inspections and the missions of veterinarians Course Content: Salughterhouse knowledge; importance of slaughterhose, slaughterhouses in our country, in EU and in non EU countries; classification and types of slaugterhouses; the relationship between slaughterhouse, public health and veterinarians, the duties and authorities of veterinarians working in slaughterhouses; inspection methods applied to animals for slaughter (antemortem inspection, post-mortem examination, the relevant laws, rules and regulations for slaughterhouse and veterinarians. References: 1. Arslan, A., 2013. Et Muayenesi ve Et Ürünleri Teknolojisi, Medipres Matbaacılık, Malatya 2. Gürbüz, Ü., 2009. Mezbaha Bilgisi ve Pratik Et Muayenesi, Selçuk Üniversitesi Basımevi, Konya. 3. Tayar, M., 2013. Et Muayenesi, Dora Basım Yayın Dağıtım, Bursa. 4. Uğur, M, Nazlı, B., Bostan, K., 1999. Mezbaha Bilgisi ve Et Muayenesi Ders Notu, İ.Ü. Veteriner Fakültesi Yayını, Ders Notu 109, İstanbul. 293 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine CLINICAL ONCOLOGY & CHEMOTHERAPY Department : Internal Medicine Course Hours: 1 Theoretical ECTS :2 Purpose: Giving information about cancerogenic diseases and treatment methods in cats and dogs. Course Content: Neoplasms’ pathology, cancer biology and metastasis, diagnostic cytology and important topics in clinical oncology, taking biopsy alternative treatment methods in oncology, radiotherapy applications, nutrition of cancer patients, cancer complications and treatment procedures, skin tumors, mast cell tumors, soft tissue sarcomas, clinical approach to gastrointestinal tumors. References: 1. Withrow, S.J., Vail, D.M., 2007. Withrow & MacEwen’s Small Animal Clinical Oncology.4th Ed. Saunders, Canada. Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 294 REPRODUCTIVE DISORDERS IN EXOTIC ANIMALS Department : Obstetrics & Gynecology Course Hours: 1 Theoretical ECTS :2 Purpose: To educate reproductive physiology, reproductive problems and metabolic and infectious diseases related to reproduction in exotic animals. Course Content: Sexual cycle, reproductive physiology and pathology, pregnancy/laying, metabolic and infectious diseases related reproduction in different species of exotics. References: 1. Meredith, A., Redrobe, S., 2012. Manual of Exotic Pets. BSAVA, England. 295 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine FOOD QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS Department : Food Hygiene & Technology Course Hours: 1 Theoretical ECTS :2 Purpose: To give information about quality concept applications and to explain the importance of quality concept applications in food industries. Course Content: Explenation of quality terms and introduction to quality; quality assurance, quality control and qaulity management; quality mangement history; introduction to accreditation and sertficiation; introduction to HACCP system and explanation of definitions; HACCP methodology; HACCP case study (meat, dairy, poultry, ready to eat food industries); other standarts used in food industry; introduction to ISO 9001 standard; introduction to ISO 22000 standard; introduction to ISO 17025 standard. References: 1. Başoğlu, F., 2011. Gıda Kalite Kontrolünün Esasları ve Gıda Güvenliği Yönetim Sistemleri, Dora Yayın, Bursa. 2. BRC Food Standards. 3. International Food Standard (IFS). 4. TS EN ISO 22000 Gıda Güvenliği Yönetim Sistemi, 2006, TSE Türkiye . 5. TS EN ISO 9000 terimler ve tarifler. 6. TS EN ISO 9001 Kalite Yönetim Sistemi Standartı. Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 296 GYNECOLOGIC ONCOLOGY Department : Obstetrics & Gynecology Course Hours: 1 Theoretical ECTS :2 Purpose: To educate the dignosis and treatment of tumors in female genital tract and mammary glands. Course Content: Current methods in prevention, diagnose and treatment of female genital tract tumors. References: 1. Alaçam, E., 2005. Evcil Hayvanlarda Doğum ve İnfertilite. Medisan Yayınevi, Ankara. 2. Alaçam, E., 2008. Köpek ve Kedilerde Üreme Süreci ve Sorunları. Medisan Yayınevi, Ankara 3. Kaymaz, M.., Fındık, M., Rişvanlı A., Köker, A., 2013. Kedi ve Köpeklerde Doğum ve Jinekoloji. Medipres Yayınevi, Malatya. 4. Noakes, D.E., Parkinson, T.J., Englandi G.C.W., Arthur, G.H., 2003. Arthur’s Veterinary Reproduction and Obstetrics. Saunders, London. 5. Semacan, A., Kaymaz, M., Fındık, M., Rişvanlı A., Köker, A., 2012. Çiftlik Hayvanlarında Doğum ve Jinekoloji. Medipres Yayınevi, Malatya. 297 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine DRUG RESIDUES & PUBLIC HEALTH Department : Pharmacology & Toxicology Course Hours: 1 Theoretical ECTS :2 Purpose: Providing information about veterinary drug residues, food safety, importance of drug use in veterinary medicine in terms of public health and scientific basis of legal regulation. Course Content: Drug residues, food safet, importance of drug use in veterinary medicine in terms of public health and scientific basis of legal regulation. References: 1. Kaya, S., Pirinçci, İ., Bilgili, A., 2002. Veteriner Hekimliğinde Farmakoloji. Medisan Yayın Serisi: 54, Cilt:1- 2, Ankara. 2. Şener, S., Yıldırım, M., 2000. Veteriner Toksikoloji. Teknik Yayıncılık, Akademik Eserler Serisi: 001, İstanbul. Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 298 ONCOLOGIC SURGICAL PROCEDURES Department : Surgery Course Hours: 1 Theoretical ECTS :2 Purpose: To teach tumor structures, diagnostic methods, chemotherapy, radiotherapy and surgical intervention. Course Content: Classification of animal tumors and evaluation of conservative or surgical treatment methods. Classification and properties of tumors, prognosis, chemotherapeutic, radiotherapeutic and surgical treatment choices of system tumors. References: 1. Kudnig, S.T.,Sepuin, B., 2012. Veterinary Surgical Oncology. Wiley-Blackwell, UK. 2. Withrow, S.J.,Vail, D.M., 2007. Withrow & MacEwen’s Small Animal Clinical Oncology. 4th Ed. Saunders, Canada. 299 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine ASSISTED REPRODUCTIVE TECHNIQUES IN FOWL Department : Reproduction & Artifıcial Insemination Course Hours: 1 Theoretical ECTS :2 Purpose: Teacing the Assisted Reproductive Techniques in Fowl. Course Content: The reproductive organs and semen collection methods, laboratory examination of semen in different poultry species, the appropriate time of insemination and techniques. References: 1. İleri, İ.K., Ak, K., Pabuccuoğlu S., Birler, S. Evcil Hayvanlarda Reprodüksiyon ve Suni Tohumlama, İ.Ü. Veteriner Fakültesi Yayını, İstanbul. Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 300 ASSISTED REPRODUCTIVE TECHNIQUES IN CATS & DOGS Department : Reproduction & Artifıcial Insemination Course Hours: 1 Theoretical ECTS :2 Purpose: Teaching the Assisted Reproductive Techniques in Cats and Dogs. Course Content: Mating problems, sperm collection and evaluation methods, synchronization of the female hormone, informations about the appropriate time of artificial insemination and techniques. References: 1. İleri, İ.K., Ak, K., Pabuccuoğlu S., Birler, S. Evcil Hayvanlarda Reprodüksiyon ve Suni Tohumlama, İ.Ü. Veteriner Fakültesi Yayını, İstanbul. 301 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine EMERGENCY IN INTERNAL MEDICINE Department : Internal Medicine Course Hours: 1 Theoretical ECTS :2 Purpose: Giving information about the emergency interventions in internal diseases of animals. Course Content: Acute abdomen; allergic reactions; cardiac, gastrointestinal, metabolic, urinary, neurologic and respiratory emergencies, coma, shock, seizure. References: 1. Macintire, D.K., Drobatz, K.J., Haskins, S.C., Saxon, W.D., 2012. Küçük Hayvan Acil Müdahale ve Yoğun Bakımı, 2nd ed. Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 302 PHYSIOTHERAPY METHODS Department : Surgery Course Hours: 1 Theoretical ECTS :2 Purpose: To teach physiotherapeutic instruments, types and applications using for locomotor and neurologic system diseases. Course Content: Physiotherapy and rehabilitation in cats and dogs. Description, methods, instruments and application techniques of physiotherapy. References: 1. Watson, P., Lindley, S., 2010. BSAVA Manual of Canine and Feline Rehabilitation, Supportive and Palliative Care. BSAVA, İndia. 2. Millis, D.L., Levine, D., Taylor, R., 2004. Canine Rehabilitation Physical Therapy. Saunders, USA. 3. McGowan, C.M., Goff, L., Stubbs, N., 2007. Animal Phsiotherapy. Blackwell, Hong Kong. 303 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine NEUROSURGERY Department : Surgery Course Hours: 1 Theoretical ECTS :2 Purpose: To show the basics of neurosurgery. To give information about syptoms, diagnosis, treatment methods and prognosis of traumatic and other causes of brain and spinal cord lesions. Course Content: Anatomic and physiologic structures of brain and spinal cord and symptoms, diagnosis, medical and surgical treatment methods of the lesions, Functions and reflex findings of central nad periferal nerves. References: 1. Oliver, J.E., Lorenzand, M.D., Kornegay, J.N., 1997. Handbook of Veterinary Neurology. Saunders, USA. 2. Lorent, M., Coates, J.R., Kert, M., 2011. Handbook of Veterinary Neurology. 5th Ed. Elsevier, USA. 3. Fitzmaurice, S., 2010. Small Animal Neurology. Elsevier, USA. Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 304 GERIATRIC DISEASES IN CATS & DOGS Department : Internal Medicine Course Hours: 1 Theoretical ECTS :2 Purpose: Clinical significance, classification, diagnosis and medical treatment of geriatric animal diseases will be teached. Course Content: Geriatric animals’ nutrients and requirements, aging effects on animal’s behaviour, pharmacological principles, usage of cancer therapeutics, cardiac diseases, gastrointestinal diseases, liver and pancreas diseases, skin diseases, urinary tract infections, nervous system diseases. References: 1. Hoskins, J.D., 2004. Köpek ve Kedilerde Geriatri ve Gerontoloji (2. Baskı) (Çeviri Editörü: Prof. Dr. Alev Akdoğan Kaymaz) 305 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine UDDER HEALTH & CONTROL PROGRAMS Department : Obstetrics & Gynecology Course Hours: 1 Theoretical ECTS :2 Purpose: To educate about udder health and control and preventing udder diseases. Course Content: Anatomy of the mammary glands, physiology of lactation, lactation anomalies, methods to cease lactation, the techniques for milking, mammary gland diseases and operations. References: 1. Alaçam, E., 2005. Evcil Hayvanlarda Doğum ve İnfertilite. Medisan Yayınevi, Ankara. 2. Baştan, A., 2013. İneklerde Meme Sağlığı ve Sorunları. Kardelen Ofset, Ankara. 3. Kaymaz, M.., Fındık, M., Rişvanlı A., Köker, A., 2013. Kedi ve Köpeklerde Doğum ve Jinekoloji. Medipres Yayınevi, Malatya. 4. Semacan, A., Kaymaz, M., Fındık, M., Rişvanlı A., Köker, A., 2012. Çiftlik Hayvanlarında Doğum ve Jinekoloji. Medipres Yayınevi, Malatya. Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 306 ADVANCED IMAGING TECHNIQUES Department : Surgery Course Hours: 1 Theoretical ECTS :2 Purpose: To give information about the x-ray, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), computed tomography (CT), scintigraphy and ultrasound. To teach positions and techniques of the viewing methods and commentation of the images. Course Content: Working mechanism, using area, commentation of the images of X-ray (CR and DR systems), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), computed tomography (CT), scintigraphy and ultrasound. References: 1. Denni, R., Kirberger, R.M., Barr, F., Wrigley, R. 2010. Handbook of Small Animall Radiology and Ultrasound. 2nd. ed. Elsevier, China. 2. Gauin, P.R., Bogley, R.S., 2009. Practical Small Animal MRI. Wiley-Blackwell, Singapore. 307 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine CLINICAL ENDOCRINOLOGY Department : Obstetrics & Gynecology, Internal Medicine Course Hours: 1 Theoretical ECTS :2 Purpose: To educate the clinical & laboratory diagnose and treatment methods of systemic diseases related hormones in pregnant and non-pregnant animals. Course Content: Role of hormones, the hormones affecting on systems and metabolism, diseases related insufficiency and over-secretion of a hormone. Hypo and hyperadrenocorticoizm; diabetus mellitus; diabetus inspidus; hypo- and hypertroidism; estrogen, progesteron and androgen related disorders. References: 1. Alaçam, E., 2005. Evcil Hayvanlarda Doğum ve İnfertilite. Medisan Yayınevi, Ankara. 2. Alaçam, E., 2008. Köpek ve Kedilerde Üreme Süreci ve Sorunları. Medisan Yayınevi, Ankara. 3. Kaymaz, M., Fındık, M., Rişvanlı A., Köker, A., 2013. Kedi ve Köpeklerde Doğum ve Jinekoloji. Medipres Yayınevi, Malatya. 4. Mooney, C.T., Peterson, M. 2012. BSAVA Manual of Canine and Feline Endocrinology. 5. Noakes, D.E., Parkinson, T.J., Englandi G.C.W., Arthur, G.H., 2003. Arthur’s Veterinary Reproduction and Obstetrics. Saunders, London 6. Rand, J., Behrend, E., Gunn-Moore, D., Campbell-Ward, M. 2013. Clinical Endocrinology of Companion Animals. 7. Semacan, A., Kaymaz, M., Fındık, M., Rişvanlı A., Köker, A., 2012. Çiftlik Hayvanlarında Doğum ve Jinekoloji. Medipres Yayınevi, Malatya. 8. Şenünver, A., Horoz, H., Kılıçarslan, R., Ekici H., Konuk, C., Kırşan, İ., 1999. Veteriner Jinekolojik Endokrinoloji. İ.Ü. Veteriner Fakültesi Masaüstü Yayımcılık Ünitesi, İstanbul. Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 308 SPECIAL FOOD PRODUCTS HYGIENE & TECHNOLOGY Department : Food Hygiene & Technology Course Hours: 1 Theoretical ECTS :2 Purpose: To provide information about the most widely consumed animal, vegetable and mixed foods consumed directly. Course Content: Animal and vegetable originated and complex foods, hygienic production methods and production stage by taking into account of the food safety risks. References: 1. Uğur M., Nazlı B., Bostan K., 2003. Gıda Hijyeni. Teknik Yayın Evi, İstanbul. 2. Yiğit V., Duran T., 1997. Toplu Beslenme Teknolojisi. Ekin Yayıncılık, İstanbul. 309 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine MOLECULAR TECHNIQUES USED IN THE DIAGNOSIS OF PARASITIC DISEASES Department : Parasitology Course Hours: 1 Theoretical ECTS :2 Purpose: To give information about molecular techniques targeting parasite DNA which are used in the diagnosis of parasitic diseases, recovering parasite DNA, storage conditions, utilizing DNA. Course Content: From which organs the parasites would be obtained, recovering DNA from blood, tissue or organs, storage of recovered DNA, determining the method on recovered parasite DNA, protocols of molecular techniques and visualization of DNA. References: 1. Freifelder, D., 1990. Molecular Biology, 2 nd edition, Narosa Publishing, New Delhi, India. 2. Lewin, B., 2004. Genes VIII Pearson Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, USA. 3. Hyde, JE., 1990. Methods in Molecular Parasitology Volume 21: Protocols in Molecular Parasitology, Human Press, Totowa, New Jersey. 4. Özcel, M., Tanyüksel, M., Eren, H., 2009. Moleküler Parasitology, Türkiye Parazitoloji Derneği Yayını No: 22, İstanbul. 5. Sambrook, J., Russel, DW., 2001. Molecular Cloning Volume 1,2,3 A laboratory Manuel, Cold Spring Harbor, New York, USA. Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 310 SMALL ANIMAL DENTISTRY Department : Surgery Course Hours: 1 Theoretical ECTS :2 Purpose: To teach the structures of tooth, gingiva and alveols and diagnosis, medical or surgical interventions of the lesions. Course Content: Tooth anomaly and diseases. Normal structures, anomalies, lesions, medical and surgical treatments of tooth, gingiva and alveols. References: 1. Bellows, J., 2010. Feline Dentıstry.Wiley-Blackwell,Singapore. 2. Niemiec, B.A., 2013. Veterinary Periodontology. WileyBlackwell, İndia. 311 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 312 10th SEMESTER 313 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 10th Semester COURSES T P Total AKTS Elective Course(Group XIX) 0 40 40 30 ELECTIVE COURSES (GROUP XIX) Tracking Programme of Poultry Breeding & Diseases 0 40 40 30 Tracking Programme of Food Hygiene & Technology 0 40 40 30 Tracking Programme of Animal Breeding & Husbundary 0 40 40 30 Tracking Programme of Clinical Laboratory Diagnostic 0 40 40 30 ELECTIVE COURSES 30 TOTAL ECTS OF 10th SEMESTER 30 T: Theoretical P: Practical Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 314 TRACKING PROGRAMME OF POULTRY BREEDING & DISEASES Department: Internal Medicine, Surgery, Obstetrics & Gynecology, Reproduction & Artifıcial Insemination, Microbiology, Pathology, Parasitology, Animal Breeding & Husbandry, Animal Nutrition & Nutritional Diseases, Biochemistry, Pharmacology & Toxicology, Physiology, Virology Course Hours ECTS : 40 Practical : 30 Purpose: To gain experience on the subjects about breeding and feeding patterns and diseases of the poultry. 315 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine TRACKING PROGRAMME OF FOOD HYGIENE & TECHNOLOGY Department: Food Hygiene & Technology, Internal Medicine, Surgery, Obstetrics & Gynecology, Reproduction & Artificial Insemination, Microbiology, Pathology, Parasitology, Hystology & Embryology, Biochemistry, Pharmacology & Toxicology, Physiology, Virology Course Hours : 40 Practical ECTS : 30 Purpose: To provide necessary experience to undergraduate students in food sector and veterinary medicine. Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 316 TRACKING PROGRAMME OF ANIMAL BREEDING&HUSBUNDARY Department: Internal Medicine, Surgery, Obstetrics & Gynecology, Reproduction & Artificial Insemination, Animal Breeding & Husbandry, Animal Nutrition & Nutritional Diseases Course Hours : 40 Practical ECTS : 30 Purpose: Gain experience in breeding, nutritional and reproduction aspects, prevention of herd health, diagnosis and treatments of diseases in livestock animals. 317 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine TRACKING PROGRAMME OF CLINICAL LABORATORY DIAGNOSTIC Department : Internal Medicine, Surgery, Obstetrics & Gynecology, Reproduction & Artificial Insemination, Microbiology, Pathology, Parasitology, Animal Nutrition & Nutritional Diseases, Biochemistry, Pharmacology & Toxicology, Physiology, Virology Course Hours : 40 Practical ECTS : 30 Purpose: To gain experience about clinical laboratory diagnosis methods related with Veterinary Medicine applications. Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 318 319 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine ADEMICIANS WHO WORKED FOR THE FACULTY Prof.Dr. Hüsniye DOĞRUMAN Prof.Dr. İ. Kamuran İLERİ Prof.Dr. İhsan ALPERDEN Prof.Dr. Kamil BOSTAN Prof.Dr. Kamil GÖKSU Prof.Dr. Kamil ÖCAL Prof.Dr. Adem ŞENÜNVER Prof.Dr. Adnan ÖZKOCA Prof.Dr. Ahmet MENGİ Prof.Dr. Ahmet MİNBAY Prof.Dr. Akın FİNCİ Prof.Dr. Ali BAHADIR Prof.Dr. Kemal OZAN Prof.Dr. M. Ercan ARTAN Prof.Dr. Mehmet ALİBAŞOĞLU Prof.Dr. Mehmet EVRİM Prof.Dr. Metin KAYA Prof.Dr. Muammer UĞUR Prof.Dr. Murat ŞAROĞLU Prof.Dr. Muzaffer BEŞE Prof.Dr. Neyhan ERGENE Prof.Dr. Nihal ERK Prof.Dr. Nuray UZUNÖREN Prof.Dr. Nuri ARIKAN Prof.Dr. Osman HASSA Prof.Dr. Ömer AKAY Prof.Dr. Rauf YÜCEL Prof.Dr. S. Erdem ACAR Prof.Dr. Satı BARAN Prof.Dr. Süleyman ŞENER Prof.Dr. Tahsin YEŞİLDERE Prof.Dr. Tanju ASI Prof.Dr. Tayyip ÇALIŞLAR Prof.Dr. Turgut ÖZGÜDEN Prof.Dr. Tuncay ALTUĞ Prof.Dr. Umay Banıçiçek FIRAT Prof.Dr. Yaşar ALTAN Prof.Dr. Atilla ILGAZ Prof.Dr. Atilla TANYOLAÇ Prof.Dr. Ayhan ÜNSAL Prof.Dr. Aysel ÖZPINAR Prof.Dr. Ayşe BURGU Prof.Dr. B. Cahit YALÇIN Prof.Dr. Behiç SERPEK Prof.Dr. Bülent NAZLI Prof.Dr. Cemal OMURTAG Prof.Dr. Çetinkaya ŞENDİL Prof.Dr. Erkut TÜZER Prof.Dr. Fahri BÖLÜKBAŞI Prof.Dr. Gülden OMURTAG Prof.Dr. H. Servet ŞENEL Prof.Dr. H. Tamer DODURKA Prof.Dr. H. Turan İNAL Prof.Dr. Halil ÖZCAN Prof.Dr. Haluk ERGÜVEN Prof.Dr. Hasan BAŞPINAR Prof.Dr. Hasan BÜYÜKÖNDER Prof.Dr. Haydar ÖZPINAR Prof.Dr. Hilmi TÜRKER Prof.Dr. Huriye HOROZ KAYA Prof.Dr. Hüseyin ERK Prof.Dr. Hüseyin TAN Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 320 ADEMICIANS WHO WORKED FOR THE FACULTY Doç.Dr. Aysan TANTAŞ Doç.Dr. Ayşen GARGILI Doç.Dr. Celalettin AKKAYAN Doç.Dr. Cem PERK Doç.Dr. Cengiz KONUK Doç.Dr. Ruhi TÖRE Doç.Dr. Ümüt CİRİT Yard.Doç.Dr. Abbas BAKAN Yard.Doç.Dr. Erol Güçlü GÜLANBER Yard.Doç.Dr. Fethi TAMYÜREK Yard.Doç.Dr. Fikret ÖZENLİ Yard.Doç.Dr. İhsan ÇÖREKÇİ Yard.Doç.Dr. Nesrin ÇELEN BİLGİÇ Yard.Doç.Dr. Şebnem GÜNDAL ÇÖREKÇİ Yard.Doç.Dr. Türker BERAH Yard.Doç.Dr. Vehbi ALTUNÇUL 321 Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Correspondence Address Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Avcilar Campus, 34320, Avcilar, Istanbul Tel : (+90 212) 473 70 70 Faks: (+90 212) 473 72 41 E-posta : Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 322