

Information Visit and Conference
The greener, the merrier? Innovative approaches
towards city development in France and Germany
From November 15th to the 20th 2015
- Program Organized by
Copyright : Vincent Callebaut Architectures
Program of the Information Visit
p. ϯ
List of participants for the Information Visit
p. 1Ϯ
Program of the Conference (FR)
p. 3ϰ
Program of the Conference (DE)
p. 3ϳ
Presentation of the DAAD
p. ϰϬ
During the information visit, the language of communication will be English.
Simultaneous interpretation from French to German and vice versa will be
provided at the conference (November 19th ).
Sunday, November 15th, Paris
Individual arrival in Paris and check-in at the
Grand Hotel Malher
5, rue Malher
75004 Paris
00 33 1 42 72 60 92
Take Metro 1, get off at stop
Walk across Rue de Rivoli and
Rue Malher. You will find the
hotel on the left hand side.
Distance: 80 meters
Hotel France Louvre
40, rue de Rivoli
75004 Paris
00 33 1 42 71 29 28
Take Metro 1, get off at Hotel de
Ville (exit: Rue Lobau).
Cross Rue Lobau, cross Rue de
Rivoli, follow Rue de Rivoli. You’ll
find the hotel on your left hand
Distance: 180 meters
To get from Hotel Louvre Rivoli
to Hotel Malher (420 m) and
further to the DAAD office
(430 m), follow the route on this
Please note: Hotel Malher is our
Pick up point during the whole
Contact persons :
Christiane Schmeken
DAAD Paris Office
Christiane Schmeken
Mobile phone
0033 6 99 59 61 31
Lotta Resch
In charge of the scholarship programs for
DAAD Paris Office
Lotta Resch
Mobile phone
0033 6 52 24 72 26
Monday, November 16th, Paris
Track 1: Climate and the city: politics and policies
Group will be picked up at the hotel lobby
(Hotel Malher) and guided to the CIDAL
by Christiane Schmeken & Lotta Resch
DAAD Paris
Opening and welcoming remarks, presentation
of participants and introduction into the topic
Presentation about
CIDAL (Centre d'information sur
31, rue de Condé
75006 Paris
x activities of the German Embassy in the
context of the COP21 (Stefan Kern,
scientific attaché)
x activities of the CIDAL in the context of
the COP21 (Stefanie Schneider, head of
the CIDAL)
x activities of the City of Paris for a
sustainable city and of the Agence
Parisienne du Climat (Anne Ged, head of
the Agence Parisienne du Climat)
Lunch at restaurant Le Cosi
Le Cosi
9, rue Cujas
75005 Paris
Visit of the Alliance of higher education
institutions Sorbonne Universités (SU)
26, rue des Fossés Saint-Jacques
75005 Paris
14 :30
14 :45
x Welcome and presentation about the
international activities of SU (Cornelia
x Overview of the teaching and research
projects in urbanism of the faculty
“Geography and urbanism” of the
Université Paris-Sorbonne (Guy Chemla
and Anna Geppert)
15 :30
16 :00
16 :30
x Presentation about the series of
conferences and lectures at the Université
Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC): ΗThe
climate : scientifical and social challengesΗ
related to the topics of climate,
ecosystem earth, nature and urbanism
(Irini Paltani)
x Presentation about the interdisciplinary
program SU-IRD initiating bachelor
students into field work and research
activites on urbanisation/urban growth
and environmental issues (Delphine
x Presentation about the international
summer school “The European capitals of
the future in the context of innovation
and eco-sustainability” (Patrizia Ingallina)
Walk across the Seine to the Marais
Roundtable discussion Ăƚthe Deutsches
Historisches Institut Paris (DHIP) about the
history of climate research in France and in
Europe, in presence of Emmanuel Le Roy
Ladurie, the pioneer of the historical climate
research in France and Christian Pfister (OCCR
Bern), presented by Anouchka Vasak (EHESS)
and Grégory Quenet (Université Versailles
Dinner reception with participants of the
conference at DHIP and members of the
association DAAD Alumni France
8, rue du Parc Royal
75003 Paris
Tuesday, November 17th, Paris
Track 2: Le Grand Paris: a city in motion
Group will be picked up at the hotel lobby
(Hotel Malher) and guided to the A/'W
by Christiane Schmeken & Lotta Resch
DAAD Paris
Palais de Tokyo
13, avenue du président Wilson
75116 Paris
Visit and discussion with Mireille Ferri, head
of the Atelier International du Grand Paris
Cruise trip on the Seine with a BateauMouche
Transfer to Noisy-le-Grand and Marne-laVallée (lunchbox)
Visit and discussion with Florence Castel,
Executive Director of Advancity – dhe
^mart Metropolis ,ub (Pôle de
c/o Groupe ESIEE
2, Boulevard Blaise Pascal
93162 NOISY-le-GRAND Cedex
Visit of the Ecole d’Urbanisme de Paris
(EUP) and ŵĞĞƚŝŶŐ with the representatives
of the different research groups
Cité Descartes - Bâtiment
Bienvenue - Plot A
14-20, bld Newton
77454 Marne La Vallée Cedex 2
x Welcome by Christian Lefèvre, Codirector of the EUP and Christine
Lelévrier, head of international relations
x Presentation of the Grand Paris area by
Christian Lefèvre and Aurélien Delpirou,
x Presentation of the Lab’Urba (Urban
development) by Christine Lelévrier,
director and Cécile Cuny, researcher
x Presentation of the LVMT (Mobility and
Transport) by Pierre Zembri, director
x Presentation of LATTS (Territorial
development) by Olivier Coutard,
x Presentation of the Master 2
“International urban planning and
studies, option urban regeneration and
city planning in Europe” by Christine
Lelévrier and Frédéric de Coninck, heads
of the master program
x Presentation of the LABEX “Futurs
urbains / urban futures” by Frédéric de
x Presentation of the graduate school
Ecole Doctorale VTT (Ville, Transports et
Territoires) by Caroline Gallez, Vice
Transfer to Paris
Dinner at restaurant “Camille”
24 Rue des Francs Bourgeois
75003 Paris
Wednesday, November 18th, Paris
Track 3: Nature within the city – Green spaces and ecological projects
x Presentation about the activities of the
City of Paris and La Promotion du Paris
durable by David Crave, head of the
Urban Ecology Agency, Department of
green spaces and environment of the
City of Paris (invited)
x Presentation about the activities of the
association Veni Verdi (Promotion du
Paris durable 2015) and discussion with
Green walk in the 2nd district of Paris and
visit of the urban agriculture project on a
rooftop terrace in the rue d’Aboukir
(cooperation between Veni Verdi, Ville de
Paris and ERDF)
13 :15
Transfer to the Ile Seguin (BoulogneBillancourt)
Guided tour of the Info Pavilion on the Ile
Seguin by Laurent Forestier (Deputy Director
General), Inaisse Baghdadi (Head of Public
Relations), SAEM Val de Seine
Aménagement, and Aélis Frechet
(Information officer of the Pavilion)
8, rue du Parc Royal
75003 Paris
Walk across the quarter Ile Séguin – Val de
Seine (Trapèze) and presentation about the
criteria for the label Ecoquartier by Pierre
Mourey, Deputy head of the Mission
sustainable development, DRIEA Île-deFrance (invited)
Transfer to Paris
Dinner at restaurant “Ambassade
22 Rue du Grenier Saint-Lazare
75003 Paris
Thursday, November 19th, Paris
Conference: The greener, the merrier?
Innovative approaches towards city development in France and Germany
Exchange between French and German
scientists and stakeholders on urban
Conference program (see detailed
program on page 3ϰ - 3ϵ)
x Innovation in urban developmentʹ
who are the agents of change?
x Climate change – how shall we react?
x City and nature – is there a way to
reconcile them?
x The urban space – how do we want to
live together?
x Architecture and ecological city
developmentʹhigh-tech or low-tech?
from 18:00
Free evening, at your leisure
8, rue du Parc Royal
75003 Paris
Friday, 20th of November, Paris
Track 4: Beyond the fence: an international perspective on urban development
Group will be picked up at the hotel lobby and
guided to the OECD Headquarters
by Christiane Schmeken & Lotta Resch
DAAD Paris
Meeting at the OECD Headquarters, Welcome
by Abel Schumann, Economist/Policy Analyst,
Urban Policy Program, and presentation of
x OECD: Urban Policy, Cities and Green
Growth, by Abel Schumann, Urban Policy
x UNESCO: MAB (Man and Biosphere
Programme), by Miguel Clüsener-Godt,
Chief of Section͕ MAB Research and
Policy͕ Ecology and Biodiversity
Wrap up and feedback session
End of the official program
Departure according to individual
OECD Headquarters
2 rue André Pascal
75116 Paris
Prof. Dr. Sven Bienert, International Real Estate Business School, University of Regensburg
Dr.-Ing. Bernd Eisenberg, Institute of Landscape Planning and Ecology, University of Stuttgart
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dieter Genske, Faculty of Engineering, DepĂƌƚŵĞŶƚ Landscape Technology,
Nordhausen University of Applied Sciences
Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Kerstin Gothe, Faculty of Architecture, KIT (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
Dr. Ing. Christoph Gromke, Laboratory of Building and Environmental Aerodynamics, KIT
(Karlsruhe Institute of TechnologyͿ
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Susanne Junker, Faculty of Architecture and Building Services, Beuth Hochschule für
Technik Berlin
Prof. Dr. Elke Mertens, Garden Architecture and Open Space Management,
Hochschule Neubrandenburg University of Applied Sciences
Dr. Philipp Späth, Institute for Environmental Social Sciences and Geography, University of Freiburg
DAAD Paris
Christiane Schmeken, Director:
Lotta Resch:
Dathias Nofze, Journalist
Prof. Dr. Sven BIENERT
IRE|BS Institut für Immobilienwirtschaft, University of Regensburg
Universitätsstraße 31
Vielberth Gebäude VG 3.08
D - 93040 Regensburg
Tel: +49 (0) 941 943 6012
Languages spoken
German (fluent), English (fluent), Spanish (fluent)
French skills
Current position
Head of the IRE|BS International Real Estate Business School
Head of the IRE|BS Competence Center of Sustainable Real Estate
Chair of ‘Sustainable Real Estate’
Research Focus / Interests
We ought to analyze the impact of sustainability on real estate properties from a scientific and
applied point of view. Our interpretation of sustainability is affected by the Triple Bottom Line
approach. Therefore either the ecological (`Green Buildings`), the economic and the sociocultural
dimension play an outstanding role. Our research focus are:
- `Identify and Understand`: e.g. intergenerational challenges, Sustainability Due Diligence
- `Avoid and Adapt`: e.g. CSR/ GRI in the real estate business, quantification of sustainable
features (e.g. LCC)
- `Modify and Innovate`: e.g. creation/ harmonization/ enhancements of certification
standards, advancement of `Green Leases`
Publications (Short List)
„ImmoRisk - Risk assessment of future climate impacts in real estate economy“, together with Jens
Hirsch and Thomas Braun, Editor and Author: Ministry for Infrastructure, Construction and Urban
Development (BMVBS), Bonn 2013, Heft 159, ISSN 1435 – 4659, ISBN 978-3-87994-491-0.
„Sustainable Corporate Governance in the Real Estate Industry“, Sven Bienert et al. (Editor.), Rudolph
Müller Verlag, ca. 300 pages, Publication 2014.
„Extreme Weather Events and Property Values Assessing New Investment Frameworks for the
Decades Ahead”, Sven Bienert, Urban Land Institute, 50 pages, ISBN: 978-0-87420-338-7, Publication
„Studies in Economics and Finance”, accepted for publication in 2014, Can Investing in Corporate
Social Responsibility Lower a Company’s Cost of Capital?, Cajias M., Fürst F., Bienert S.
"Journal of Corporate Real Estate”, 2013, The Asset Allocation of Sustainable Real Estate: A Chance
for a Green Contribution?, Geiger, P., Cajias, M., Bienert, S.
Dr.-Ing. Bernd EISENBERG
Institute of Landscape Planning and Ecology
University of Stuttgart
Keplerstr. 11
D - 70174 Stuttgart
Tel: +49 (0) 711 688 3376
Languages spoken
German, English
French skills
Current position
Senior researcher
Research Focus / Interests
- Green infrastructure
- Climate change adaptation
Eisenberg, B., Gölsdorf, K., Weidenbacher, S., Schwarz-von Raumer, H.-G. (2015): Report on Urban
Climate Comfort Zones and the Green Living Room Ludwigsburg.
Eisenberg, B., Nemcova, E, Poblet, R., Stokman, A.: (2014) Ecological Infrastructure Strategy.
Nemcova, E, Eisenberg, B., Poblet, R. & Stokman, A. (2014): Water-Sensitive Design of Open Space
Systems – Ecological Infrastructure Strategy for Metropolitan Lima, Perú. In: Czechowski, D., Hauck,
T., Hausladen, G. (Hg.): Revising Green Infrastructure – Concepts between Nature and Design.
Eisenberg, B. (2010): Park und Struktur – ein Städtevergleich. In: Strobl, J.; Blaschke, T. & G.
Griesebner (Hg.): Angewandte Geoinformatik 2010 – Beiträge zum 22. AGIT-Symposium Salzburg,
Eisenberg B, Brombach; K. (2010): Geoinformationssysteme in der Stadt- und Landschaftsplanung. In:
Städtebau-Institut (Hg.) 2014: Lehrbausteine Städtebau.
Eisenberg, B. (2009): Parkstrukturmerkmale – ein Beitrag zur Quantifizierung des Nutzungspotenzials
öffentlicher Grün- und Erholungsanlagen. Dissertation. Betreut von Prof. Dr. G. Kaule. Stuttgart.
Universität Stuttgart, Institut für Landschaftsplanung und Ökologie. Online:
Prof. Dr.–Ing. Dieter GENSKE
Faculty of Engineering, Dep. Landscape Technology
Nordhausen University of Applied Sciences
Weinberghof 4
D - 99734 Nordhausen
Tel: +49 (0) 3631 420 337
Languages spoken
German, English
French skills
Intermediate to fluent (Diplôme de Langue Française / Alliance Française)
Current position
Full Professor at Nordhausen University of Applied Sciences, Germany
Research Focus / Interests
- Sustainable Development
- Urban transformation
- Environment
Droege P, Genske DD, Ruff A, Schwarze M (2014) Der BAER-Atlas als integriertes Modell und
regionales Werkzeug / The BAER energy model as a regional planning tool. In P Droege (ed)
Regenerative Region: Energy and Climate Atlas Lake Constance-Alpine Rhine, Oekom Munich, 75
Genske DD, Messari-Becker L (2013) Energetische Stadtsanierung und Klimaschutz.
Bauphysikkalender, Ernst & Sohn Berlin, 581-605.
Genske DD, Henning-Jacob J, Joedecke T, Ruff A (2010) Energy Atlas: Future Concepts Renewable
Wilhelmsburg. Internationale Bauausstellung IBA Hamburg (ed.). Jovis, Berlin: 43-66, 79-119.
Genske DD, Porsche L, Ruff A (2009) Urban energy potentials: A step towards the use of 100%
renewable energies. In: P Droege (ed) 100 % renewable. Earthscan, London: 251-262.
Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Kerstin GOTHE
Faculty of Architecture
KIT (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
Englerstrasse 11
D - 76131 Karlsruhe
Tel: +49 (0) 721 608 42169
Languages spoken
German, English
French skills
Current position
Research Focus / Interests
- Applied research on planning of housing and social infrastructure and the implementation
of innovations (in urban regions like Karlsruhe and Seoul)
- Planning and building in rural areas
- « Baukultur » especially in rural areas
K. Gothe: Economy of rural spaces – two results of our work with students, Documentation of the
Conference in Berlin, March 12 - 14 2013: The Role of Open Spaces in the Transformation of Urban
Landscape, 2014.
K. Gothe, T. Gürtler Berger (Editors): Kirchenräume neu denken, Heft 4/ 2012 der Reihe Forum Stadt,
Vierteljahreszeitschrift für Stadtgeschichte, Stadtsoziologie, Denkmalpflege und Stadtentwicklung
„New thinking about churches “.
K. Gothe, S. Netsch: Abandoned and Re-Used Churches in Germany, Lecture at the CORP Conference
in Rome, 20. - 23. Mai 2013, .
K. Gothe: „Raumbilder für das Land – Impulse für Bauten, Orte und Regionen“ in: Raumbilder für das
Land, Heft 1/2011 aus der Reihe: Der Bürger im Staat
„Images for the countryside –ideas for buildings, communes and regions“.
Dr.-Ing. Christof GROMKE
Laboratory of Building and Environmental Aerodynamics
KIT (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
Kaiserstrasse 12
D - 76131 Karlsruhe
Tel: +49 (0) 721 608 47307
Languages spoken
German, English, Dutch, French, Italian
French skills
Current position
Research Focus / Interests
Pollutant dispersion in the urban environment, vegetative climate change adaptation measures for
urban heat islands, flow and turbulence in and above plant canopies, wind erosion (soil and snow)
and sheltering effects of vegetation
Gromke, C., Blocken, B., Janssen, W., Merema, B., van Hooff, T., Timmermans, H. (2015) CFD analysis
of transpirational cooling by vegetation: Case study for specific meteorological conditions during a
heat wave in Arnhem, Netherlands. Building and Environment, Vol. 83, pp. 11-26.
Gromke, C., Ruck, B. (2012) Pollutant concentrations in street canyons of different aspect ratio with
avenues of trees for various wind directions, Boundary-Layer Meteorology, Vol. 144, pp. 41-64.
Gromke, C. (2011) A vegetation modeling concept for Building and Environmental Aerodynamics
wind tunnel tests and its application in pollutant dispersion studies, Environmental Pollution, Vol.
159, pp. 2094-2099.
Gromke, C., Buccolieri, R., Di Sabatino, S., Ruck, B. (2008) Dispersion study in a street canyon with
tree planting by means of wind tunnel and numerical investigations - Evaluation of CFD data with
experimental data, Atmospheric Environment, Vol. 42, pp. 8640-8650.
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Doris GSTACH
Faculty of Architecture and Urban Development
Erfurt University of Applied Sciences
Schlüterstr. 1
D - 99089 Erfurt
Tel: +49 (0) 361 6700 445, mobil : +49 (0) 176 56952569
Languages spoken
German (native), English (fluent)
French skills
Current position
Research Focus / Interests
- Integrated approaches of urban open space development
- Open space related approaches towards climate protection and climate change
- Typologies and production processes of open spaces in the postindustrial city
- Urban gardening
Gstach, Doris / Hill, Alexandra (2015): Stadtentwicklung und Informalität, in: RaumPlanung 2-2015, S.
Grimm-Pretner, Dagmar / Grimm, Karl / Gstach, Doris (2014): Ideas and Rules. The Idea of Everyday
Urban Landscapes in Design Guidelines. In: ECLAS 2014: Landscape: A Place of Cultivation, Book of
Proceedings, Porto, S. 79-82.
Gstach, Doris / Grimm-Pretner, Dagmar (2013): Die Atlanta BeltLine. Mehr als grünes „retrofitting“,
in: Stadt+Grün 8/2013, S. 9-14.
Gstach, Doris (2013): Auf dem Weg zur Etablierung einer neuen Gartenkultur, in: Mauer, Thomas;
Spitthöver, Maria (Hg.): Der Selbsterntegarten Wiener Strasse und andere Gemeinschaftsgärten in
Kassel, Kassel University Press, S. 10-14.
Gstach, Doris / Hubenthal, Heidrun / Spitthöver, Maria (Ed.s) (2009): Gärten als Alltagskultur – ein
internationaler Vergleich/Gardens as everyday culture – an international comparison.
Documentation of the international conference held in Kassel/Germany in May 2008. Arbeitsberichte
des Fachbereichs Architektur, Stadtplanung, Landschaftsplanung, Heft 169. Universität Kassel.
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Susanne JUNKER
Faculty of Architecture and Building Services
Beuth Hochschule für Technik Berlin
Luxemburger Strasse 10
D - 13353 Berlin
Tel: +49 (0) 30 4504 2562
Languages spoken
German, English
French skills
French reading/understanding good, speaking intermediate
Current position
Professor for Design, Interior Design and Visualization,
International Coordinator Architecture
Research Focus / Interests
Research and design dealing with European cities of constant "smart" transformation within a
historical frame
Junker, Susanne: Architektur studieren - was ist gefordert, was fehlt den Erstsemestern, Baumeister
das Architekturmagazin, München 2013 (10) pp. 88-91.
Junker, Susanne: Stadt der "vertikalen" Kieze, Baumeister Online Magazin, München 2014;; 24.7.2014.
Junker, Susanne/Willi Hasselmann/Cleo-Trix Lutz/Sabine Eggers: MoleculART - schwimmende
Pontonhäuser für künstlerische Events auf innerstädtischen Gewässern in Berlin, in: Monika
Gross/Sebastian von Klinski (Eds.): Research Day 2015 - Stadt der Zukunft, Berlin 2015, pp. 218-223.
Junker, Susanne: Arbeitsraumhaus Flughafenstrasse - Urbane Rückbebauung einer Brandwandschneise, Fokus Neukölln, Berlin, Wissenschaftszentrum WZB Discussion Paper 6.2015.
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jörg KNIELING
Department of Urban Planning and Regional Development
HafenCity University Hamburg
Überseeallee 16
D - 20457 Hamburg
Tel: +49 (0) 40 42827 4515 / +49 (0) 175 8962452
Languages spoken
German, English
French skills
Current position
Professor of Urban Planning and Regional Development
Research Focus / Interests
My research activities are focused on sustainable urban and regional development. Against my
background as urban planner and social scientist this includes a broad range of topics mainly related
to land use, e.g. the protection and development of nature and open space versus housing or
economic use, but also transportation, technical infrastructure or leisure and recreation. The current
“hot topic” of climate change underlines the necessity of green city development. Therefore, our
recent research has been dealing with concepts for adapted and resilient cities and regions.
Besides those different issues of urban and regional development our research is focused on
governance issues tackling actors and institutions, and questions of formal regulation and informal
As a member of the Advisory Board for Spatial Development of the German Federal Ministry of
Transport and Digital Infrastructure I can contribute aspects from the German political discussion,
e.g. regarding climate change policy, energy transformation, or the ministry’s new national concept
on urban and spatial development – “Leitbilder und Handlungsstrategien für die Raumentwicklung in
Deutschland” – which currently is in process.
Since 2013 I have actively been involved in the agenda-process “Zukunftsstadt” (City of the Future)
that was organised by the German Ministry of Research (see: For the French partners it might be of interest to exchange thoughts about this
new research agenda and the way it was developed.
Allmendinger, P.; Haughton, G.; Knieling, J.; Othengrafen, F. (Hg.) 2015: Soft Spaces in Europe. Renegotiating governance, boundaries and borders, Series Regions and Cities, London: Routledge, 248
Duvernet, C. Knieling, J.; 2014: Conflits urbains, participation et démocratie. Exemples allemands
pour une gouvernance urbaine innovate, Francosphères, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 145-157.
Jain, M.; Knieling, J.; Taubenböck, H. 2015: Urban transformation in the National Capital Territory of
Delhi, India: The emergence and growth of slums? Habitat International, vol. 48, pp. 87-96.
Knieling, J. 2015: Stadtentwicklung in Zeiten des Klimawandels. Von der konsumorientierten Stadt zur
Transition Town, INDES – Zeitschrift für Politik und Gesellschaft (2), 107-119.
Knieling, J. 2012: Metropolregionen – Strategische Handlungsfelder für eine zukunftsfähige Stadtund Regionalentwicklung, in: Monstadt, J.; Zimmermann, K.; Robischon, T.; Schönig, B. (eds.), Die
diskutierte Region. Probleme und Handlungsfelder der Metropolregion Rhein-Main, pp. 13-40,
Frankfurt: Campus (peer review).
Knieling, J.; Leal Filho, W. (eds.) 2013: Climate Change Governance, Series Climate Change
Management, Heidelberg: Springer, 318 pp.
Knieling, J.; Müller, B. (eds.) 2015: Klimaanpassung in der Stadt- und Regionalentwicklung, Ansätze,
Instrumente, Maßnahmen und Beispiele, Reihe Klimawandel in Regionen zukunftsfähig gestalten,
vol. 7, 461 pp., München: oekom-Verlag.
Knieling, J.; Othengrafen, F. 2013: A Concept to Explain the Evolution of Planning Policies and
Processes in Europe? In: Stead, D. (Hg.), Differential Planning: Understanding and explaining distinct
trajectories of planning policies, processes and outcomes in European territories, European Planning
Studies (special issue) (doi: 10.1080/09654313.2015.1018404).
Knieling, J.; Roßnagel, A. (eds.) 2015: Governance der Klimaanpassung. Akteure, Organisation und
Instrumente für Stadt und Region, Reihe Klimawandel in Regionen zukunftsfähig gestalten, vol. 6,
München: oekom-Verlag.
Termeer, C.; Buuren, A.v.; Knieling, J.; Gottschick, M. 2015: Reconciling collaborative action research
with existing institutions: insights from Dutch and German climate knowledge programmes, Journal
of Water and Climate Change, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 89-103.
Prof. Dr. Rainer LUICK
Department of Conservation & Landscape Management
Rottenburg University of Applied Forest Sciences
D - 72108 Rottenburg
Tel: +49 (0) 7472 951 238/ +49 (0) 7739 781
Languages spoken
French skills
Spoken: Intermediate; Understanding: Good
Current position
Head of Dep. Conservation & Landscape Management
Research Focus / Interests
- Extensive land use systems
- Rural development and policies
- Renewable energies (biomass)
- Urban ecology
LUICK, R., JEDICKE, E. & METZNER, J. (2015): Extensive Beweidung von Grünland.- Natur und
Landschaft 90(6), 283-289.
LUICK, R. (2014): Agricultural Biodiversity in the prospect of the new EU Common Agricultural Policy
(CAP) – situation, threats and potentials of HNV farming.- Proceedings of the 2nd GreenNet
Conference, 19 / 20 of February 2013, Vienna (How to push the implementation of the European
Green Belt by landscape policy instruments?), 13-38, Vienna & Erfurt.
LUICK, R. (2014): Fleischgenuss und Landschaftsgestaltung.- In: Nachhaltige Lebensstile – Welche
Beiträge kann ein bewusster Fleischkonsum zu mehr Naturschutz, Klimaschutz und Gesundheit
leisten (Hrsg.: VOGET-KLESCHIN, L.; BOSSERT, L. & OTT, K.), Beiträge zur Theorie und Praxis starker
Nachhaltigkeit, Metropolis-Verlag, Marburg, 134-150.
LUICK, R. & REIF, A. (2013): Debatten um neue Wildnis im Nordschwarzwald.- Naturschutz und
Landschaftsplanung 45 (2), 37-44.
LUICK, R. & AMMERMANN, K. (2012): Nachhaltigkeitskriterien für die energetische
Biomasseerzeugung: Wo stehen wir? Wo müssen wir hin?- Natur und Landschaft 87/12, 538-542.
LUICK, R., JONES, G. & OPPERMANN, R. (2012): Semi-natural vegetation: pastures, meadows and
related vegetation communities.- In: High Nature Value Farmland in Europe – 35 European countries
– experiences and perspectives (eds. OPPERMANN, R., BEAUFOY, G. & JONES, G.), Verlag
Regionalkultur, Ubstadt-Weiher, 544 S.
Prof. Dr. Elke MERTENS
Department of Landscape Architecture
Hochschule Neubrandenburg - University of Applied Sciences
Brodaer Straße 2
D - 17033 Neubrandenburg
Tel: +49 (0) 395 5693 4508
Languages spoken
English, Spanish, Portuguese
French skills
Current position
Full Professor (garden architecture and open space management)
Research Focus / Interests
- Green cities and management of green/open spaces
- Climate Change and the Resilience of cities
- The role of Landscape Architects in climate change policy
Elke Mertens: Visualizing landscape architecture, Birkhäuser, 2010.
LE:NOTRE Landscape Forum 2012 (as co-editor): Landscape Architecture in a changing world. Linking
Education, Research and Innovative Practice, 2013.
Bickel, K., E. Mertens, S. Pulkenat: Nachhaltiges Grünflächenmanagement in Gemeinden des
Landkreises Mecklenburgische Seenplatte, (hochschulinterne Forschung) 2013.
Prof. Dr. Therese NEUER-MIEBACH
Faculty of Social Work and Health / Faculty of Architecture
Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences
Nibelungenplatz 1
D - 60318 Frankfurt
Tel: +49 (0) 176 99 25 67 13
Languages spoken
English, Italian
French skills
Current position
Professor in the faculty of Social work and health / in the faculty of architecture, Civil Engineering,
Research Focus / Interests
Research in Urban Sociology: Living / housing conditions and social chances; Social Structure and
Urban Planning; Participation of residents in the context of planning processes; socio-spatial
interrelation; social cohesion
Neuer-Miebach, Therese/ Schneider/Johann/Pfeiffer, Alexander: Aktivierung der BewohnerInnen
und des Stadtteillebens. Schlussbericht der Begleitforschung HEGISS. HEGISS-Materialien
Begleitforschung 3. Frankfurt 2006.
Neuer-Miebach, Therese: Sozialraumuntersuchung Wohnsiedlung Riederwald – Empirische
Untersuchung mit AG Sozialraum im Auftrag des Diakonischen Werks Frankfurt des Evangelischen
Regionalverbandes Frankfurt. Frankfurt 2010.
Neuer-Miebach, Therese: Tourisme intégré ou ségrégé `Agadir ? In : DIRISSAT, No spécial : Sociologie.
No 14 2011, 7 – 17.
Alexandra Schleyer-Lindenmann/Therese Neuer-Miebach (Hg.): Soziale Arbeit im Dialog – Le travail
social en dialogue. Frankfurt 2011.
Neuer-Miebach, Therese /Alexandra Schleyer-Lindenmann: Immigration en France et en Allemagne.
Différences, convergences et une même interrogation pour le travail social. In : Hirlet, P./Meyer, J.L./
Molina, Y./Muller, B. (Dir.): Travail Social sans frontières: innovation et adaptation, Presses de
l’EHESP, Rouen 2013, 45-62.
Neuer-Miebach, Therese : Bewohner : zwischen Funktion und Nutzung energetisch ausgerichteter
(Wohn-)Räume. Präsentation zum Kongress Energiesog Ballungsraum. Fachbereich Architektur, /
Fachhochschule Frankfurt, Forum III Dimension Gebäude - Mensch, 18.2.3013. homepage- Pfad:
2013/energiesog-ballungsraum/videos/html. 29.6.2015.
Prof. Dr. Marcel ROBISCHON
Faculty of Life Sciences, Department of Agricultural Economics
Humboldt Universität zu Berlin
Unter den Linden 6
D - 10099 Berlin
Tel: +49 (0) 30 2093 6570
Languages spoken
English, Portuguese and Italian
French skills
Current position
Junior Professor
Research Focus / Interests
- Conservation,
- Environmental Education
- learning in green spaces
- intangible natural heritage
Robischon M. 2015. Blue Tigers, black Tapirs and the Pied Raven of the Faroe Islands. Teaching
genetic drift using real-life examples. The American Biology Teacher 77(2):108–112.
Robischon M. 2015. Ghost of the Forest: the Tangible and Intangible in Natural and Cultural Heritage.
International Journal of Intangible Heritage 10:19-30.
Robischon M. 2015. Do cytokinins function as two-way signals between plants and animals?
BioEssays 37(4):356–363.
Robischon M. 2014. Hugh's book and Krogh's animals: biodiversity and textbook examples in
teaching. Advances in Physiology Education 38(3):195-198.
Robischon M. 2014. A Tale of Two Fishes or A Quick Fix for Fick's Law. The American Biology Teacher
Prof. Dr.-Ing Annette RUDOLPH-CLEFF
Faculty of Architecture, Department of Urban Development
Technische Universität Darmstadt
El-Lissitzky-Str. 1
D - 64287 Darmstadt
Tel: +49 (0) 6151 163034
Languages spoken
English, German
French skills
Current position
Chair of Urban Design and Urban Development
Academic Director of the international Master Program Mundus Urbano
Research Focus / Interests
- urban energy concepts
- urban district networks
- urban resilience and sustainability
- urban health games
Rudolph-Cleff, A. (2015): Migration als Herausforderung, in: der architekt, N°2/2015, S. 20-25.
Rudolph-Cleff, A. Pfeifer, G. (2015): Heiße Luft, in: DBZ 1/2015, S. 52-59.
Knöll, M., Neuheuser, K., Vogt, J., & Rudolph-Cleff, A.(2015): Einflussfaktoren der gebauten Umwelt
auf wahrgenommene Aufenthaltsqualität bei der Nutzung städtischer Räume. Umweltpsychologie , II
(35), 84-102.
Rudolph-Cleff, A. und Schaal, S. (2012): Im Kontext denken. Planungsfragen zu energetischen
Quartierskonzepten., in: BDA (Hrg): Energetische Sanierung: Denken im Quartier, Berlin, p. 16-20.
Rudolph-Cleff. A (1996): Wohnungspolitik und Stadtentwicklung. ein deutsch-französischer Vergleich,
reihe « Stadtforschung aktuell », Basel, Berlin, Boston.
Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Leonhard SCHENK
Faculty of Architecture and Design
Konstanz University of Applied Sciences
Brauneggerstr. 55
D - 78462 Konstanz
Tel: +49 (0) 171 7466705
Languages spoken
German, English
French skills
Basics / intermediate
Current position
Full time Professor, Department “Urban Planning and Design”,
Faculty of Architecture and Design
Research Focus / Interests
- Planning Sustainable Cities
- Participatory Planning
- Designing Cities
- Housing Concepts
Schenk, Leonhard: Designing Cities. Basics, Principles, Projects; Birkhäuser, Basel 2013.
Schenk, Leonhard; Van Gool, Rob: Neuer Wohnungsbau in den Niederlanden. Konzepte, Typologien,
Projekte; Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, München 2010.
Professional Magazines
Schenk, Leonhard: Gestaltqualität beim städtebaulichen Entwerfen. Gestalttheorie und
Wahrnehmungspsychologie bei der Gestaltung von Stadtraum; in: Informationskreis für
Raumplanung IfR e.V. (Hg.): RaumPlanung Heft 175/5-214; Dortmund 2014.
Conference Proceedings
Schenk, Leonhard: Stadtbaustein Baugemeinschaft. Rück- und Ausblick; in: Landeshauptstadt
Stuttgart Amt für Stadtplanung und Stadterneuerung, Bundesverband Baugemeinschaften e.V. (Hg.):
Baugemeinschaften in neuen Stadtquartieren, Bau- und Wohnmodelle für Stuttgart; Stuttgart 2014
Schenk, Leonhard: Citizens making City: Self-build Cooperative Groups in the Südstadt District,
Tübingen; in: Soygenis, Sema u.A. (Hg.): Environment and Design 2014, Bahçesehir University Press,
Istanbul 2014.
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christina SIMON-PHILIPP
Faculty of Architecture and Design
University of Applied Sciences Stuttgart
Schellingstraße 24
D - 70174 Stuttgart
Tel: +49 (0) 711 89262616/2618
Languages spoken
German (first language), English (good)
French skills
Current position
Professor of Urban Planning, Faculty of Architecture and Design, Dean of Studies of Urban Planning
Research Focus / Interests
- urban planning, sustainable urban development,
- integrated urban renewal,
- district centre regeneration,
- development of the building and architectural heritage of the 50´s to the 70´s,
- urban design und public spaces
Hopfner, Karin; Simon-Philipp, Christina; Wüstenrot Stiftung (editor 2013): Residential Buildings in
the 1950s and 1970s – Urban Reneval and Transformation.
Wüstenrot Stiftung (editor) 2012: Projects and Strategies for Sustainable Use of one Family Houses in
the 1950s and 1970s (authors: Hopfner, Karin ; Simon-Philipp, Christina, et al.).
Kuhn, Gerd; Dürr, Susanne, Simon-Philipp, Christina (editor) 2012: LBS Foundation Building and
Living: Strategies aimed at Enhancing Public Space.
Brombach, Karoline; Kurth, Detlef; Simon-Philipp, Christina: District Centre Regeneration a European
Perspective ICE Publishing. In: ICE Urban Design Publishing. 40 Marsh Wall, London E14 9TP, ISSN:
1755-0793, E-ISSN: 1755-0807, DOI: 10.1680/udap.11.00007 2012
Brombach, Karoline; Kurth, Detlef; Simon-Philipp, Christina (editor) 2011: District Centre
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Heidi SINNING
ISP – Institute of Urban Research, Planning and Communication
Erfurt University of Applied Sciences
Altonaer Straße 25
D - 99089 Erfurt, Germany
Tel: +49 (0) 173 260 9051
Languages spoken
French skills
Current position
Professor of Urban Planning and Communication
Dean of Urban and Spatial Planning-Program (B.Sc., M.Sc.)
Research Focus / Interests
My scientific background in green city development is broad inter- and transdisciplinary research in
the field of participation and sustainable development (see:, for example the
DBU (German Federal Environmental Foundation) model project „Energy Efficiency and Housing
Industry. Exploring Environmental Communication Concepts for Energy Efficient Behavior of
Residents in Housing Stock“. The current research „Sustainable Models of Consume of Shared
Economy in the Housing Industry” (Federal Ministry of Education and Research) analyses future
trends of shared economy and living with regard to sustainable behavior of residents in urban
neighborhoods. Research focus are mainly public or cooperative housing companies, the research
approach is based on the governance model of cooperative urban development including public,
private and civil society stakeholder.
Originally, I did my PhD about green cities and city-regions analyzing innovative stakeholder
cooperation for implementing concepts of green cities (Sinning 2003). Against this background, I
would be very pleased to get to know more about comparable green city-approaches in Paris.
Furthermore, in the urban planning program at Erfurt University of Applied Sciences (FHE) I am
responsible for modules on urban and spatial planning which are directly linked to the green citytopic, e.g. “City Planning in the international context”, “City and Settlement Planning” and
“Participation and Communication in Planning”. All are supposed to contribute to the normative idea
of sustainability which also is a main focus of research and education at FHE.
Bischoff, A.; Selle, K.; Sinning, H. 2005: Informieren, Beteiligen, Kooperieren. Kommunikation in
Planungsprozessen. Eine Übersicht zu Formen, Verfahren und Methoden, 4. überarbeitete und
erweiterte Neuauflage, Dortmund.
Löbe, Luciana; Sinning, Heidi 2014: Energiewende als Kommunikationsaufgabe am Beispiel
energieeffizienten Bewohnerverhaltens in Bestandssiedlungen, in: Forum Wohnen und
Stadtentwicklung, H. 4_14, S. 215-221.
Sinning, Heidi 2014: Co-Creation and Sustainable Neighborhoods: how a joint effort of housing
economy, city and residents contributes to quality of life, paper, AESOP Congress 2014, From control
to co-evolution, Utrecht (reviewed).
Sinning, H. 2012: Age-based neighbourhood development - challenges for sustainable cities, in:
AESOP (ed.), Planning to Achieve / Planning to Avoid: The Need for New Discourses and Practices in
Spatial Development and Planning. Book of Abstracts and paper, AESOP-Congress 2012, Ankara
Eizenhöfer, R.; Sinning, H. 2009: Kostenwahrheit bei der Wohnstandortwahl - Entscheidungshilfe als
Steuerungsinstrument für nachhaltige Siedlungsentwicklung, in: Bock, S.; Hinzen, A., Libbe, J. (Hg.):
Nachhaltiges Flächenmanagement - in der Praxis erfolgreich kommunizieren; Beiträge aus der RefinaForschung, Reihe REFINA, Bd. 4, S. 133-144, Berlin.
Dr. Philipp SPÄTH
Institute for Environmental Social Sciences and Geography
University of Freiburg
Tennenbacherstrasse 4
D - 79106 Freiburg
Tel: +49 (0) 761 203 3725
Languages spoken
German, English
French skills
Current position
Principal Investigator of DFG-Project “Smart Ecocities” (with ANR in F, ESRC in UK et al.)
Research Focus / Interests
(Urban) Environmental Governance
Transformation of energy, mobility and food systems
Regional and municipal energy, climate and transport policies
Multi-level governance
The role of ‘model districts’ in urban sustainability transitions
Smart City initiatives
Coordination through guiding visions and scenarios
Späth, P. & Rohracher, H. (2015). "Cities and socio-technical change - Dynamics at an urban junction
of heat infrastructure and building standards." Energy Policy 78: 273-280.
Späth, P. & Rohracher, H. (2014). "Beyond Localism: The Spatial Scale and Scaling in Energy
Transitions". In: Padt,, F.; Opdam, P., Polman, N. & Termeer, C.. Scale-sensitive Governance of the
Environment. Oxford, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd: 106-121.
Späth, P. and Rohracher, H. (2012). "Local demonstrations for global transitions - Dynamics across
Governance Levels Fostering Socio-Technical Regime Change Towards Sustainability." European
Planning Studies 20(3).
Späth, P. and Rohracher, H. (2011). „‘Eco-Cities’ and the social dynamics of urban climate policies and
energy transitions “. In: Bulkeley, H., Broto, V.C., Hodson, M. and Marvin, S.: “Cities and low carbon
transitions”, Routledge. pp: 88-106.
Späth, P. & Rohracher, H. (2010). "‘Energy regions’: The transformative power of regional discourses
on socio-technical futures." Research Policy 39 (4): 449-458.
Prof. Dr. Dr. Christian ULRICHS
Faculty of Life Sciences
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Lentzeallee 55, D - 14195 Berlin, Tel: +49 (0) 30 209346422
Languages spoken
German, English
French skills
Current position
Head Division Urban Plant Ecophysiology
Research Focus / Interests
The mission of my research group is to improve quality of life by enhancing the functions of plants
within urban ecosystems. Our program integrates plant stress physiology, horticultural science, plant
ecology and chemical ecology and applies them to the following areas:
- The selection, evaluation and propagation of superior plants with improved tolerance of
biotic and abiotic stresses, and enhanced functional uses in the disturbed landscape.
- The development of improved technologies for assessing and ameliorating site
limitations to improve plant growth and development
- To understand the impact of urban stressors on plant quality parameters
- Identification of chemical communication pathways between plants and their
environment; e.g. Plant-insect interactions leading to IPM strategies in urban
Bubner, B., Wunder, S., Zaspel, I., Zander, M., Gloger, J., Fehrenz, S. & Ulrichs, Ch. 2014: Melampsora
rust species on biomass willows in central and north-eastern Germany. Fungal Biology DOI:
Förster, N., Ulrichs, Ch., Schreiner, M., Arndt, N., Schmidt, R., & Mewis, I. 2015: Ecotype variability in
growth and secondary metabolite profile in Moringa oleifera - Impact of sulfur and water availability.
J. Agric Food Chem. DOI: 10.1021/jf506174v.
Khan, M.A.M., Ulrichs, Ch. & Mewis, I. 2011: Water stress alters aphid-induced glucosinolate
response in Brassica oleracea var. italica differently. Chemoecology 21 (4) 235-242. DOI
Mewis, I., Khan, M.A.M., Glawischnig, E., Schreiner, M. & Ulrichs, Ch. (2012) Water stress and aphid
feeding differentially influence metabolite composition in Arabidopsis thaliana (L.). PLoS ONE 7(11):
e48661. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0048661.
Mewis, I., Schreiner, M., Nguyen, C.N., Krumbein, A., Ulrichs, Ch., Lohse, M., Zrenner, R. 2012: UV-B
irradiation changes specifically the secondary metabolite profile in broccoli sprouts Induced signaling
overlaps with defense response to biotic stressors. Plant & Cell Physiology 53 (9): 1546-1560. DOI
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Silke WEIDNER
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Urban Planning
Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg
Konrad-Wachsmann-Allee 4,
D - 03046 Cottbus
Tel: +49 (0) 355 693350
Languages spoken
French skills
Current position
Head of Chair Urban Management und Vice-Dean Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and
Urban and Regional Planning
Research Focus / Interests
- Smart cities
- Urban Sustainability
- Development Planning
- Land Use Planning
- Urban Management
- Urban Heritage
- Retail
Silke Weidner and Gerhardt, Jens; DV: Huttenloher, Christian; Engels, Rolf G.; Bühler, Barbara, (2015)
"Die Städtische Dimension in den deutschen Strukturfondsprogrammen 2.0", BMUB 2015.
Weidner, Silke (2014), Wozu Stadtökonomie? in: Amey, Frank; Ringel, Johannes (Hrsg.): HOT SPOTS
der Stadtentwicklung. Methoden, Praxis und Perspektiven zur gemanagten Stadt, Dorothea RohnPublishers, 2014, S. 33-44.
Weidner, Silke, and Tanja Korzer (2014), Auswirkungen innerstädtischer Shopping Center auf
tradierte innerstädtische Einzelhandelslagen - Langzeitstudie Höfe am Brühl in Leipzig, in: Kulke,
Elmar; Rauh, Jürgen (Hrsg.): Das globale Shopping-Center Phänomen – aktuelle Entwicklungen und
Wirkungen, Sammelband Geographische Handelsforschung, Band 22, 2015, S. 73-108.
Weidner, Silke (2013), PPP in Urban Development in Germany Illustrated Using Two Pilot Projects in
Leipzig, in: Remo Dalla Longa (Hrsg.): Urban Models and Public-Private Partnership, SpringerPublishers, Berlin/Heidelberg S. 213-265.
Weidner, Silke, Jens Gerhardt (2012), Nachhaltige Stadtentwicklung in: Schulte, Karl-Werner (Hrsg.)
Immobilienökonomie: Band III; Stadtplanerische Grundlagen, Oldenbourg- Publishers, S. 281-314.
Colloque franco-allemand dans le cadre de la semaine d’études
« La ville de demain : approches innovantes en France et en Allemagne »
Une manifestation du DAAD Paris dans le cadre de la campagne „Research in Germany“ et
dotée du label COP21.
Paris, 19 novembre 2015
Au-delà de leurs liens économiques particulièrement étroits, France et Allemagne
entretiennent des partenariats privilégiés dans les domaines de l’enseignement
supérieur et de la recherche. Près de 6000 étudiants partent, chaque année, découvrir
le système d’études du pays voisin. On compte également 3000 coopérations entre
établissements français et allemands et quelques 7000 publications conjointes par an.
Enfin, près de 200 chercheurs travaillent respectivement dans des laboratoires, de part
et d’autre de la frontière. Tous ces chiffres témoignent de l’ampleur et du dynamisme
des relations académiques. Les établissements d’enseignement supérieur français ainsi
que les ComUE nouvellement créées participent activement aux échanges en amont de
la conférence mondiale COP 21 à Paris. Ils investissent des moyens considérables pour
renforcer la recherche autour des sujets climatiques. Ce contexte est donc
particulièrement propice à l’intensification des liens franco-allemands, dans l’objectif de
trouver des réponses communes aux défis actuels dans les domaines du climat et du
développement urbain. Les deux thèmes sont d’ailleurs étroitement liés : à l’heure
actuelle, les trois quarts de l’énergie consommée se concentrent dans les villes et 70%
des gaz à effet de serre y sont émis. Qui souhaite opérer en faveur d’une vie durable,
doit d’abord convaincre les habitants des villes. La science et la recherche sont des
moteurs puissants pour y parvenir. La manifestation a pour but de présenter des
exemples de bonne pratique, de fournir des idées et de donner des impulsions pour une
coopération franco-allemande accrue dans le domaine.
Date et horaires
19 novembre 2015, de 9 h à 17 h 30
DAAD Paris
Hôtel Duret-de-Chevry
8, rue du Parc-Royal
75003 Paris
M° Saint-Paul (ligne 1) ou Chemin-Vert (ligne 8)
Langues utilisées
Le colloque fera l’objet d’une traduction simultanée français-allemand.
Renseignements et inscription
Lotta Resch, DAAD Paris,, Tel. +33 1 44 17 02 35
9 h 00
Allocutions de bienvenue
M. Nikolaus Meyer-Landrut, ambassadeur d’Allemagne à Paris
M. Jean-Louis Missika, adjoint à la maire en charge de l'urbanisme, de
l'architecture, du développement économique et de l’attractivité de la ville de
Paris (sous réserve)
Mme Christiane Schmeken, directrice du bureau parisien de l’Office allemand
d’échanges universitaires (DAAD)
9 h 30
Table ronde : l’innovation en matière de développement urbain – qui sont les
acteurs ?
M. Jörg Knieling, département aménagement urbain et développement régional,
HafenCity Universität Hamburg
M. Patrick Le Galès, directeur de recherche CNRS, professeur à Sciences Po
Mme Florence Castel, directrice générale du pôle de compétitivité Advancity
Mme Johanna Schlaack, directrice du ressort développement urbain, Fondation
Sozialpädagogisches Institut „Walter May“
Mme Anna Geppert, UFR Géographie et aménagement, Université ParisSorbonne
11 h 00
11 h 30
Axe thématique 1 : le changement climatique – comment réagir ?
Exposés liminaires de :
M. Sven Bienert, IRE|BS Institut pour l’économie immobilière, Universität
Regensburg : ImmoRisk – évaluation des risques des évolutions climatiques
futures pour l’économie immobilière
Mme Morgane Colombert, Ecole des Ingénieurs de la Ville de Paris (EIVP) :
Adaptation de l’agglomération parisienne aux canicules
Mme Kerstin Gothe, département aménagement du territoire et espace rural,
KIT Karlsruhe : Densification urbaine versus confort climatique – des recherches
et modélisations dans la région de Karlsruhe
Discussion avec la salle animée par :
Mme Laurence Rocher, institut d’urbanisme de Lyon, Université de Lyon 2
12 h 30
13 h 30
Axe thématique 2 : ville et nature – comment les réconcilier ?
Exposés liminaires de :
M. Bernd Eisenberg, institut de l’aménagement du territoire et écologie,
Universität Stuttgart : La chambre verte Ludwigsburg – un atout pour le climat
urbain et la qualité du séjour
M. Philippe Clergeau, professeur au Muséum national d'histoire naturelle, Paris :
Trame verte, trame bleue – quels réseaux écologiques pour demain ?
M. Christian Ulrichs, faculté des sciences de la vie, écophysiologie urbaine,
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin : Quel avenir pour la végétalisation verte en
ville ?
Discussion avec la salle animée par :
Mme Christiane Blancot, Atelier parisien d'urbanisme (Apur)
14 h 30
Axe thématique 3 : L’espace urbain – comment y vivre ensemble ?
Exposés liminaires de :
M. Leonhard Schenk, faculté d’architecture et de design, département
urbanisme et conception, Hochschule Konstanz (Université de sciences
appliquées) : Les citoyens créent leur ville – l’exemple de Tübingen
Mme Heidi Sinning, institut de recherche et d’aménagement urbains et de
communication, Fachhochschule Erfurt (Université de sciences appliquées) :
Participation et développement urbain social
M. Jean-Philippe Vassal, Lacaton & Vassal Architectes, Paris : Plus d’espace, plus
de lumière, plus de verdure – une nouvelle conception du logement social
Discussion avec la salle animée par :
Mme Christine Lelévrier, directrice du laboratoire d'urbanisme (LAB'URBA), Ecole
d'Urbanisme de Paris (EUP)
15 h 30
16 h 00
Table ronde : architecture et aménagement éco-responsables de la ville : hightech ou low-tech ?
M. Bernard Blanc, directeur général d‘Aquitanis, Bordeaux
M. Jacques Ferrier, Jacques Ferrier Architectures, Paris
M. Philippe Madec, atelierphilippemadec (apm), Paris
M. Cord Soehlke, maire adjoint à l'habitat, Tübingen
Modération: Mme Dominique Gauzin-Müller, rédactrice en chef du magazine EK
(EkologiK), Stuttgart
17 h 30
Fin du colloque
Kolloquium im Rahmen der deutsch-französischen Studienwoche
„Stadt der Zukunft: Innovative Konzepte in Deutschland und Frankreich“
Eine Veranstaltung des DAAD Paris im Rahmen der Kampagne „Research in Germany“,
ausgezeichnet mit dem Label COP21.
Paris, 19. November 2015
Deutschland und Frankreich sind füreinander nicht nur die wichtigsten
Wirtschaftspartner: Auch in Wissenschaft und Forschung besteht ein intensiver
Austausch und eine beispiellos enge Kooperation. 6000 Austauschstudierende pro Jahr
auf jeder Seite, 3000 deutsch-französische Hochschulkooperationen, 7000 gemeinsame
Publikationen jährlich und 200 in Labors des anderen Landes tätige Forscher zeugen von
der Vielfalt und der Lebendigkeit der Beziehungen. Die französischen Hochschulen und
die neuen Universitätsverbünde ComUE bringen sich aktiv in den Diskurs im Vorfeld der
Weltklimakonferenz ein und investieren erhebliche Ressourcen in relevante
Forschungsfelder. Dies alles sind gute Voraussetzungen für eine noch engere
Zusammenarbeit bei grenzüberschreitenden Fragen wie etwa dem Klimawandel und der
Zukunft der Städte. Beide Themen sind eng miteinander verbunden: Heute werden in
Städten drei Viertel der Gesamtenergie verbraucht und 70 Prozent der von Menschen
erzeugten Treibhausgase emittiert. Wer sich für ein nachhaltiges Leben einsetzen will,
muss zunächst die Stadtbewohner davon überzeugen. Das gelingt nur mit Wissenschaft
und Forschung. Die Veranstaltung soll Beispiele guter Praxis aufzeigen, Ideen liefern und
Anstöße für eine engere deutsch-französische Zusammenarbeit geben.
Datum und Uhrzeit
19. November 2015, 9:00 bis 17:30 Uhr
DAAD Paris
Hôtel Duret-de-Chevry
8, rue du Parc-Royal
75003 Paris
M° Saint-Paul (Linie 1) oder Chemin-Vert (Linie 8)
Verwendete Sprachen
Das Kolloquium wird simultan deutsch-französisch übersetzt.
Auskunft und Anmeldung
Lotta Resch, DAAD Paris,, Tel. +33 1 44 17 02 35
9 h 00
Dr. Nikolaus Meyer-Landrut, Deutscher Botschafter in Paris
Jean-Louis Missika, stellvertretender Bürgermeister, zuständig für Stadtplanung,
Architektur, wirtschaftliche Entwicklung und Attraktivität der Stadt Paris
Christiane Schmeken, Leiterin des Pariser Büros des Deutschen Akademischen
Austauschdienstes (DAAD)
9 h 30
Podiumsrunde: Innovative Stadtentwicklung: wer sind die Akteure?
Prof. Dr. Ing. Jörg Knieling, Fachgebiet Stadtplanung und Regionalentwicklung,
HafenCity Universität Hamburg
Prof. Dr. Patrick Le Galès, CNRS, Sciences Po
Florence Castel, Generaldirektorin von Advancity
Dr. Johanna Schlaack, Geschäftsbereichsleitung Stadtentwicklung, Ausnahme &
Regel, Stiftung Sozialpädagogisches Institut „Walter May“ (SPI)
Moderation: Prof. Dr. Anna Geppert, Fachbereich Geographie und
Raumplanung, Universität Paris-Sorbonne
11 h 00
11 h 30
Forschungspanel 1: Klimawandel – wie stellen wir uns darauf ein?
Impulsstatements von:
Prof. Dr. Sven Bienert, IRE|BS Institut für Immobilienwirtschaft, Universität
Regensburg: ImmoRisk – Risikoabschätzung der zukünftigen Klimafolgen in der
Immobilien- und Wohnungswirtschaft
Dr. Morgane Colombert, Ecole des Ingénieurs de la Ville de Paris (EIVP):
Anpassung des Großraums Paris an die Hitzewellen
Prof. Dr. Kerstin Gothe, Fachgebiet Regionalplanung / Ländlicher Raum, KIT
Karlsruhe : Innenentwicklung versus Klimakomfort - Untersuchungen und
Modellierungen im Raum Karlsruhe
Moderation der Diskussion mit dem Publikum :
Dr. Laurence Rocher, Institut d’urbanisme de Lyon, Université de Lyon 2
12 h 30
13 h 30
Forschungspanel 2: Stadt und Natur – wie geht das zusammen?
Impulsstatements von:
Dr.-Ing. Bernd Eisenberg, Institut für Landschaftsplanung und Ökologie,
Universität Stuttgart: Das Grüne Zimmer Ludwigsburg – Ein Plus für Stadtklima
und Aufenthaltsqualität
Prof. Dr. Philippe Clergeau, Muséum national d'histoire naturelle, Paris:
Grüngürtel und Wasserflächen – wie sehen die ökologischen Netze der Zukunft
Prof. Dr. Dr. Christian Ulrichs, Lebenswissenschaftliche Fakultät, Urbane
Ökophysiologie, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin: Vertikale Begrünung – ein
Moderation der Diskussion mit dem Publikum :
Dr. Christiane Blancot, Atelier parisien d'urbanisme (Apur)
14 h 30
Forschungspanel 3: Urbaner Raum – wie wollen wir zusammen leben?
Impulsstatements von:
Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Leonhard Schenk, Fakultät Architektur und Gestaltung,
Fachgebiet Städtebau und Entwerfen, Hochschule Konstanz: Bürger machen
Städte – Das Beispiel der Südstadt Tübingen
Prof. Dr. Ing. Heidi Sinning, Institut für Stadtforschung, Planung und
Kommunikation, Fachhochschule Erfurt: Partizipation in der sozialen
Jean-Philippe Vassal, Lacaton & Vassal Architectes, Paris : Mehr Raum, mehr
Licht, mehr Grün – eine neue Vision für den sozialen Wohnungsbau
Moderation der Diskussion mit dem Publikum :
Prof. Dr. Christine Lelévrier, Leiterin des « laboratoire d'urbanisme » (LAB'URBA),
Ecole d'Urbanisme de Paris (EUP)
15 h 30
16 h 00
Podiumsrunde: Ökologische Architektur und Stadtplanung: High-Tech oder
Bernard Blanc, Generaldirektor der Wohnungsbaugesellschaft Aquitanis,
Jacques Ferrier, Jacques Ferrier Architectures, Paris
Philippe Madec, atelierphilippemadec (apm), Paris
Cord Soehlke, Baubürgermeister der Universitätsstadt Tübingen
Moderation: Dominique Gauzin-Müller, Chefredakteurin der Zeitschrift EK
(EkologiK), Stuttgart
17 h 30
Ende des Kolloquiums
The DAAD worldwide
The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) is the world’s largest funding
organisation for the international exchange of students and researchers. Since it was
founded in 1925, more than 2 million scholars in Germany and abroad have received
DAAD funding. It is a registered association and its members are German institutions
of higher education and student bodies. Its activities go far beyond simply awarding
grants and scholarships. The DAAD supports the internationalisation of German
universities, promotes German studies and the German language abroad, assists
developing countries in establishing effective universities and advises decision
makers on matters of cultural, education and development policy.
Its budget is derived mainly from the federal funding for various ministries, primarily
the German Federal Foreign Office, but also from the European Union and a number
of enterprises, organisations and foreign governments. Its head office is in Bonn, but
the DAAD also has an office in the German capital, Berlin, to which the famous Berlin
Artists-in-Residence Programme (Berliner Künstlerprogramm) is closely affiliated. It
maintains contact with and provides advice to its main partner countries on every
continent via a network of regional offices and information centres.
In 2014, the DAAD funded more than 121,000 German and international scholars
worldwide. The funding offers range from a year abroad for undergraduates to
doctoral programmes, from internships to visiting lectureships, and from information
gathering visits to assisting with the establishment of new universities abroad.
Voluntary, independent selection committees decide on the funding. The selection
committee members are appointed by the DAAD's Executive Committee according to
certain appointment principles. The DAAD supports the international activities of
German institutions of higher education through marketing services, publications,
the staging of events and training courses.
The DAAD in France
The cooperation with France is enhanced by numerous programmes that address
academic profiles of French and German higher education. The DAAD’s range of
offers includes scholarships for students on Bachelor’s, Master’s, doctoral and postdoctoral levels as well as research stays for established researchers of all disciplines.
The DAAD also administers programs for French students studying German which are
financed by the French government.
The DAAD supports a network of almost 50 lectors working in a large number of
French universities where they teach German language, literature and culture. Some
of them also offer courses in specific subject areas, for example in law or economics.
The DAAD offers German researchers grants to spend up to six months at a French
university. In the other direction, the French government supports stays of French
researchers at German institutions of higher education.
In the course of the last 50 years, nearly 46.500 students and researchers from
German universities and 31.300 from French universities were supported in the
framework of these programmes. In its function as the German National Agency, the
DAAD coordinates the funding programmes of the European Union. Nearly 55.000
German students and 40.000 French students have benefited from support for a stay
in the respective neighbouring country during the last 15 years.
Scholarships for Germany:
Scholarships for France: