14891 Washington Street
14891 Washington Street
.£sta61Ufwf i.l799 ZONING PERMIT#:zfzo/2./I0 S NOTE: rltis application musl bi JiU~d oul C'ompltlt(r and 0/1 C'ompontnts o/submlssion rtqulr~mtnlS must bi mil bi/ort rile nppllcorlon em, IH. accepted lind sChtdNltdfor rn'ittV/htnrlng. ZONING ACTIVITY: o (Check 01/ that apply) [J New Construction New Tenant/Use Cia Alte ration/Re pair Q Addition D Change of Use o Relocation NAME OF BUSINESS/APPLICANT:::M",8"d",is"0l",Ic:C",0"rn=er" G=ift-,-S"",,,0,,,p, -_ __ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ PROPOSED USE: _N_i_ A_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ Size (Sq. Ft./Length) of Construction:..:N"IA =-=---_ __ _ 14891 Washington Street SITE ADDRESS: Parcel 10 #: .!.No:'!A' .C -_ _ _ __ _ Lot Size: ..:N"'IA=-=---_ _ _ _ _ __ Subdivision Name : N /A ZONING DISTRICT: - - -- - -- ------[J R-l [J R-2 IZI 8-1 [J 8-2 [J 1-1 [J C-l Special Use Permit Required : [J Yes WI No Homeowners Association (HOA) Approval: 0 Yes W1 No Spaces Provided:_N_i_A_ _ _ _~-- Spaces Required: -'N-'I"A"-______ Off-street Parking: Site Plan Required : [J Yes WI No BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITY: (i.e. previous use, type and dimensions 0/ $igns~ height/length 0/fencing, ~tc.) Proputy roor lraks. Rc:pJ..ciD, the airtiu! p'q'1lilver tin root a DOt cost efliectiw ad: !be VW1ICl w'"-lId like to Iq)bt:e tile gq/sihu tiD with p'teII ~ WnPes lUI mI1r.bes the rjstin' tiD root Also thtbuttin! aidi¥ 10 thel"ootbe¥¥ replact 00. the mIih hWdinr and the bid lieSt olthe rteMinuvall will be mllaee4 with b.udy-boniD3. The colClf of the hardy botri:iog will lIM1eh the e:IIi5q _din!. me Supporting Documentation (Qttoched] : [J Narrative t:J Plan/Plat l:J Specification Sheet FEE: !;a $25.00 Residential 0 $50.00 ZONING DISTRICT: Special Use Permit Required: Off-street Parking: [J Yes WJ No Homeowners Association (HOA) Approval: [J Yes 121 No Spaces Re quired: ~N",,'A.:... , _ _ _ _ __ Spa ce s Provided:_N_!_A_ _ _ _ _ __ BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITY: (i.e. previous use, type ond dimensions 01 signs, height/leng/h ollencing, etc.) Property rootlnl.-s. ~.cln! Ibc exiJliag pq.1J:iM:r tin roota 001 cost dl":ective ad the (!wad would like to "PIKe Ibe fP.Y.1*il'~ liD lrith P'ftD ~ WogIcs tIW matches tbt ai!ti.mr: men tiP. JOOt Abo the b.Jttiy" IidUur; to Ihe roorbeiPa rept.«: Ob the JDaiJI buildin!E aod dto bad: aeSt otlhe media! wall will be!!pbced with hardy..boarding. The color or fbe Jw:dy boI.Iding will match tbt tzisting ~. Supp orting Documentation (Qttoched) : [J Narrative l:J Plan/Plat r:l Specification Sheet FEE: !;a $25.00 Residential 0 $50.00 Commercial ..." )... , ~.. ~J··· ,) ·:·<,i,-)\ t.:~''7~:',' J ' f;: t ~. .. I"~ (- " ._~ '. .... , \ <. ,.-1 . I'~( t . I,' ) .< I / ' , !" . , ' J ! ..}," , ... . <~':." ADDITIONA L DESCRIPTION: (i.e. color, type olmaterio~/ont style, etc.) Color ad Matcrialll:UmJllel hue beengiveD. 10 the ARB Chair foe m.-iew. Tbty wiU Deed to be BiveD b.tk to the colllnlc:ton""When ~ <:oostructiOll bepns. Supporting Documentation (attached): [J Specification Shee.t WI Photograph(s} PERMIT HOlDER INFORMATION PROPERTY OWNER INFORMATION Name Name Address Address City State Zip City 703 .967.0968 Phone Email Phone# State vpno1an@usgs.gov Email Zip APPLICANT / PROPERTY OWNER SIGNATURE * ** * ** REQUI RED* * * * ** I, as owner or authorized agent for the above-ref erenced parcel, do hereby certify that I have th e authority to make the foregoing application and that the information provided herein is correct. Construction of improvem ents described herein and as shawn on the attached plat, plan and/ or specifications will comply with the ordinances of the Town of Haymarket and any additional restrictions and/or conditions prescribed by the Architectural Review Board (ARB), Planning Commission, or the Town Council and all other applicable laws. ~ e-rnJ Applicant Signature Date Filed : Property Owner Signature 11'-!7 - f Z--- Fee Amount: DATE TO ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW BOARD (ARB): DAPPROVED D DISAPPROVED Date Paid : /(- d,-(~ DTABLED UNTIL: DDEFERRED UNTIL: ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW BOARD CHAIR : SIGNATURE PRINT CONDITIONS : L tJ /il DATE TO PLANNING COMMISSION: DAPPROVED DDISAPPROVED DTABLED UNTIL : DDEFERRED UNTIL : PLANNING COMMISSION (where required) : SIGNATURE PRINT CONDITIONS : tJW DATE TO TOWN COUNCIL: DAPPROVED I DDISAPPROVED z/ZDr ZiI () 5 - ***OFFI~** ZONING PERMIT #: DTABLED UNTIL: DDEFERRED UNTIL: TOWN COUNCIL (where required): SIGNATURE PRINT CONDITIONS : P.G. Box 1230· Haymarket. Virginia 20 168·703-753-2600 · FAX: 703-753-2800 Zoning Permil Application Page 2 of2 ~ Revised 12-/ 9-11 > Sherrie Wilson From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: kluersen@verizon .net Monday, November 05, 20126:24 PM vpnolan@usgs.gov; kluersen@verizon .net eivancic; Jennifer Preli; Katherine Harnest Gmail ; kluersen@verizon.net; laureldesign@aol.com; sjarboe@iafc.org; Sherrie Wilson ; vpnolan@usgs.gov; vivianpnolan@hotmail.com Re: Re: Fw: Madison Corner Gift Shop Madison Corner Shop COA Form.doc Looks like I can't get a good copy of the edited eOA. So, here is a screen shot On 11/01112, Vivian P Nolan<vpnolan@usgs.gov>wrote: Dear Ken: Thank you very much for sending the email. Please note that after further examining the roof, we opted to match that center roof with green (evergreen color) shingles (instead of grey/silver shingles) to match the rest of the other green roof areas of that entire building. It will provide more consistency and flow throughout the entire building and will look a lot better. We also opted for shingles because replacing that small section of the roof with tin/metal will cost us over double in price. I would like to stress that the center roof in question is not visible from the main road. Please note that we are consistently getting water damage inside the building, and replacing that center roof is of the essence. There is a temporary tarp & plastic on the roof right now to help keep water out, but we have started to get leaks again. Knowing that time is of the essence the roofing contractor is scheduled to begin work middle of next week, weather permitting. Regards, Vivian Nolan kluersen@verizon.net 111011201211:45AM To kluerse n@verizon .net, swilson@townofhaymarket.org , kayakat1970@qmai l.com , eivancic@townofhaymarket .orq , sjarboe@iafc.org , laureJdes ign@aol .com cc jpreli@townofhaymarket.ora, vpnolan@usgs ,gov Subject Re : Fw: Madison Corner Gift Shop Folks f Vivian Nolan from the Madison Corner Gi ft Shop n eeds t o repair t he shop ' s roof. She wants to ge t our consensus before the next meeting sothat s h e can start the ~vork immedia t ely to prev ent further wate r damage to the int e rior . Attached is a picture of t he shop from the t'1adison street side . As ment i oned be l ow , she wa nt s to remove the grey/silver portion of the t i n roof and replace i t with Grey/silver shingles . She says it is not visible f rom the street , but I did a iva l k ar ound t his morning and feel differently. I t is visible from Madison St .; from the n eighbor ' s prope r t y behind the shop ; and there is a piece of roof that separates the two major b uildings (on the oppo site side of the bottom pic . ) that might be obstructe d by the vege t ati o n , but can still be see n from Washington street if you purposely loo k for it . The ques t ion here: do we fee l that the change o f materials t o the roof effect the architect u ral and historical significa n ce of the house? 1 If you answer no , I ha ve another question for you . Since the materia ls of the roof presently are the same , a change in color - Green to Silver is used to add an accent to the character . If you change the material, do you want the material change to add to that accent by keeping it grey/sil ver or should it be more subtle by using a Green shin gle th at closely ma t ches t h e green tin roof and let t ing the materia l textures create the accent . This is just an idea to further expand the options. If you could do a walk around by this weekend , I would appreciate it . I will personall y pop by to talk with you about it o n Saturday/Sunday . That way , I can get a response to Vi v ian by Monday . Vivian - feel free to call me if you \·lould like to know \vhat is on my mind . reached a t 571 . 239 . 8295 . I can be Thanks al l, Ken On 10/31/12 , Vivian P Nolan<vpnolan@usgs . go v> wrote : Mr . Ken : I wanted to connect sinc e Jennif er is out these next few weeks . The center roof between the main building and the smaller building which is lea kin g and needs rep lacement is NOT visible from the street/road . We have had a temporary fix (tarp over the roof area) but need to get it replaced asap because it has been leaking . Things have no\~ been finalized vlith the roofing contrac t or for Hork to begin in the next 2 weeks . Please advise if I still need to go through ARB . Gene Swe aringen had at one time mentioned to download a buildi ng permit from the Town of Haymarket website , but I don ' t see one listed .... I see a " cons truct ion permit " but not a "building permit ": http :/ /Hww . townofhaymarket. org/index.php/2012 - 06 -04- 2 0-50-37/ forms-applic a tions - 2 . Again , this center roof is not visible from the street . Thank you . Vivian ----- Forwarded by Vivia n P Nolan/DO/USGS / DOI on 10/31/20 12 11 :4 3 ~l - -- -- " Jennifer Preli " jpreli@townofha ymarket . org> 10/19/2012 03 : 15 PM To " Vivian P Nolan " vpnolan@u sgs . gov> cc <vivianpnolan@hotmail . com> Subject FW : Madison Corner Gift Shop Hi Vi v ian? ; You ca n proc eed with the painting , see e mail below . We ? ll get back to you on the shingle s. I?m sure you can do it , just may need an application . 2 Jennifer Preli, Toltm Clerk PO Box 1230 Haymarke t , Virgi nia 20168 703-753-2600 703-753-2800 Fax From : kluersen@verizon . net [mailto:kluersen@verizon .net ] Sent: Friday , October 19 , 2012 3:05 PM To:Jennifer Preli ; kluersen Cc:Sherrie Wilso n Subject : Re : Madison Corner Gift Shop Jennifer , Painti ng t he roof the same color (or a c l ose match) does not need to come through the board. These are standard repairs t hat do no t change the architectural look of the bui lding . As for the addition of shingles , I will need to research. Off the cuff I would say since the roofing is a major element of a buildings architecture , that a change in materials and/or color would need to be reviewed . Typ i ca lly , i f i t were hidden , it would be a no brainer ; but since it is visible in the photos .... Le t me look at our guidelines and do a once around the bui l ding , and I will get back I,,;ith you . Cheers, Ken On 10/19/12 , Jennifer Prelijpreli@ t ownofhaymarket.org> wrote : Ms . Evans daughter, Vivian , stopped by toda y . She needs to do some work on the roof and showed me exactly what they are proposing to do . I really don?t think it needs to go through ARB , but thought I ?d check "ith you to be sure . Everywhere you see green , it?s just getting repainted to its original green . color (Tinner Green) : http://www.calbarinc.com/product description2.html Here?s the The part tha t is get t ing shingles is the gra y area in the pictures , it is not visible from the road , but will be the same silver color , just in shingles (this is the area tha t is l eaki ng). Let me know your t houghts , she is scheduled to have the painting do ne next week , but the replacement is a b i t out s t ill . Jennifer Preli , Town Clerk PO Box 1230 Haymarket , Virgi n ia 20 1 68 703-753-2600 703-753 - 2800 Fax [attachme nt "Picture of Roof 10 - 19-2012 .jpg" deleted by Vivian P Nolan/OO/USGS/OOlj 3 M~tal Roof and Metal Siding Paint Page 1 of 1 __ ~ r __ _ , • BUSIn.s Opportul"UtIIS • Ask the Expert • @i!!lli~ Products » Resoul"ces • Contact Us Metal Roof Paints » Shower-Proof 'WB' [ Search ""toll Nool Piunr Smce 1020 Products -- Select Product - Shower-Proof 'WB' Features: Product C.ter Ofll'll • Metal Roof Paints • Metal Roof Primers • Metal Siding Paint • Pool Paints • Metal Roof Repairs • Historic Roof Paint • Polyurethane Floor Paint • Osha Colors Paint • • • • • Descrlpt.on Apply to All Metals No Primer Needed Dries in I Hour-Flat Finish Roll or Spray On Less Surface Preparation Colors - - --. Shower-Proof 'WB'is available in these colors* (Click on the thumbnails to view enlarged) Patina Green Tinner's Black Tinner's Brown Find a Dea ler Tinner's White * The colors shown on this website are a mere representation of the actual colors, and may not be an exact match Click here for MSDS © PennValley Paint, Inc. All rights reserved. http://www.calbarinc.comlproduct_description12.html 10/1212012 Metal Roof and Metal Siding Paint Page 1 of2 Products" Metal Roof Paints » Shower-Proof 'WB' [ Search El Products l' T Ar~~' @' -- Select Product - Shower-Proof 'WB' Features: Metal Roof Paints o Metal Roof Primers o Metal Siding Paint o Pool Paints o Metal Roof Repairs o Historic Roof Paint • Polyurethane Floor Paint o Osha Colors Paint o o Find a Dea ler o o o o Description Apply to All Metals No Primer Needed Dries in I Hour-Flat Finish Roll or Spray On Less Surface Preparation Colors "WB " may be rolled or sprayed. Use smooth, light, even strokes ending with all going in the same direction. Apply thickly at 200 ft.2/gal. Seals pin holes and other minor defects. Apply waterborne SHOWER-PROOF "WB" over asphalt coatings, vinyl, copper, or any zinc coated (galvanized) metal, including Follansbee™ Terne n™ Clean up: "WB": use soap and water Cautions: Paint only when weather conditions are warm and dry. Apply only at temperatures from 40" F to 80" F (air and surface). Do not paint if rain is forecast within the tack-free time. Starting after 10 am and stopping by 4 pm gives best results. Condensation on wet paint film will not affect adhesion or durability. Never paint over condensation. Painting at temperatures above 80" F could cause coatings to dry too quickly, resulting in poor adhesion and flexibility. Re-coating too quickly can delay thorough drying and cause bubbling and wrinkling. Refer to the Material Safety Data Sheet for complete health and environmental information. o o o o o It is suggested that painters wear rubber-soled shoes while working to minimize wear on the metal roof paint. Avoid unnecessary walking on the metal roof. Do not use the metal roof for storage. Do not apply when ambient or surface temperatures are below 40" F or above 80" F. Do not apply when there is a threat of rain. Not recommended for use on EPDM roofing. Not recommended for use on f1uoropolymer (i.e. KYNAR) finishes. Protect "WB" From Freezing Surface preparation of new Terne II: Surface to be coated must be clean and free of water, oil, rust, dirt, mildew, soldering fluxes , tree sap, or any foreign matter that can potentially interfere with adhesion. If cleaning is necessary, we recommend a detergent wash and rinse as described below. Apply two coats of SHOWER-PROOF "WB" by roller or spray. http://www.calbarinc.com/produccdescriptionI2.html 10/1212012 Metal Roof and Metal Siding Paint Page 2 of2 Surface preparation for previously coated Terne: If the surface is not clean, power wash with TSP to remove "chalk", dirt, rust and loose paint. Rinse thoroughly and let dry completely. Alternately, hand scrape peeling sections either wood or plastic scraper (the sharp end of a cedar shake works well) then clean rust areas with a stiff bristle brush - a wire brush or metal scraper cou ld damage the tin. Then pour a heavy-duty solution of TSP in warm water on roof and scrub with stiff bristled brush or floor broom. Rinse thoroughly and let dry completely. If rust is present after cleaning, spot prime rusted areas with Calbar red oxide primer 10-520 Tintingffhinning: Not recommended, but "WB" only may be thinned up to 2% (3 ounces/gal.) to improve workability in hot, windy conditions. Stirring: Stir the paint thoroughly, immediately before using and frequently during application. Cl ick here for MSDS © Penn Valley Paint, Inc. All rights reserved. http://www.calbarinc.com/produccdescription12.html 10/1212012