April 2015 - Reedley Buddhist Church
April 2015 - Reedley Buddhist Church
P.O. BOX 24 ~ 2035 15TH ST., REEDLEY, CALIFORNIA 93654 PHONE & FAX (559) 638-2146 http://reedleybc.org April 2015 April Calendar Message from Rev. Nakagawa Calendar of Events 4 5 6 Buddhist Broadcast on KBIF (900 AM) Lumbini’s Garden Thereafter Rev. Kakei Nakagawa 7:25 am No Family Dharma Service CBE Lecture “Dharma of Avatar” Gary Mukai at Reedley 7:00 pm 7 Board Meeting 7:00 pm 9 MAP Training Class 6:30 pm 11 Buddhist Broadcast on KBIF (900 AM) Hanamido Construction in Conference Room 7:25 am 6:00 pm 12 Hanamatsuri Service / Dharma School Parents’ Appreciation & LUNCHEON Guest Speaker - Rev. Kubose 9:30 am 18 Buddhist Broadcast on KBIF (900 AM) BWA Bingo Day 7:25 am 1:00 pm 19 Combined Family Dharma Service & Monthly Memorial Service 9:30 am 25 - 26 FDSTL Conference - Los Angeles 25 Buddhist Broadcast on KBIF (900 AM) 26 Church Beach Outing 7:00 am 10:30 am 30 CCDC of BCA Meeting at Fowler 7:00 pm APRIL TOBAN: BWA - Area 2 - Nishinaka & Kawamoto Church - Sakata & Takanishi It was on the end of year 2013, British archaeologists may have uncovered evidence of the oldest Buddhist shrine yet discovered, dating to around 550 B.C. Since, a series of archaeological surveys have been proceeding in the so-called ‘Lumbini’s Garden’, and the result of this survey is now recognized as among the world’s top 10 discoveries of 2014 by UNESCO. The excavations showed that older wooden structures lay beneath the walls of the later brick Buddhist shrine. The layout of the more recent shrine duplicates the layout of the earlier wooden structures, pointing to a continuity of Buddhist worship at the site. Continuing to dig beneath a central shrine, the Scholars uncovered postholes pointing to a wooden railing surrounding a tree shrine and dating to around 550 B.C. They also found an older brick structure. The center of the shrine was unroofed, the team found, and contained mineralized tree roots, surrounded by clay floors worn smooth by visitors. It was likely an ancient ‘tree shrine’ that existed before Buddhism. The tree roots appear to have been fertilized, and although ‘tree shrines’ are found in older Indian traditions, the Lumbini’s shrine lacked the signs of sacrifices or offerings found at such sites. It was very clean, in fact, pointing to the Buddhist tradition of non-violence and non-bloodshed offerings. And also, there is a fact that the early Buddhists never built their temples on the ground of other religious sites because Buddha prohibited any actions insulting other traditions. This discovery may push back the Buddha’s birth date a century. Before this time event, there was a strong argument in Buddha’s birth date. Northern Buddhists (Tibet, China etc.) insisted that Buddha lived 463 B.C. to 383 B.C. and Southern Buddhists (Theravaden, etc.) insisted that Buddha lived 565 B.C. to 485 B.C. Now we must reconsider an origin of Buddhism. Buddha is the founder of Buddhism and we celebrate his birthday in April, whenever his birthdate really was. Hanamatsuri or Flower Festival is a service of rejoicing in which we commemorate the birth of Sakyamuni Buddha with decorating a flower pavilion and the rite of Bathing the Baby Buddha (Kanbutsu). Please join your fellow temple members at your temples’ annual Hanamatsuri service. See picture on page 5 PAGE 2 A P R I L, 2 0 1 5 Church Acknowledges Dana Mr. & Mrs. Steve Hendricks—Newsletter Donation $ 25.00 The Tavlan Family - Ohigan Service 25.00 Mr. Terashi Ibara & Mrs. Lillian Kuwata Ohigan Service 200.00 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Harris - In Memory of Mrs. Lily Takasaki 50.00 Mrs. Mary Hirata & Family - In Memory of Mr. Bill Hirata 500.00 Ms. Susan Lew & Mr. Joel Hayashida In Memory of Mr. Bill Hirata 25.00 Mrs. Fumiko Ikemiya & Family - In Memory of Mr. Joe Ikemiya 1000.00 The Tavlan Family/Moonlight Packing Co. - In Memory of Mr. Joe Ikemiya 1000.00 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Huebert - In Memory of Mr. Joe Ikemiya 100.00 Dr. & Mrs. Stephen Ikemiya - In Memory of Mr. Joe Ikemiya 100.00 Mr. & Mrs. Hiko Shimamoto - In Memory of Mr. Joe Ikemiya 100.00 Mr. Mark Nakata - In Memory of Mr. Joe Ikemiya 50.00 The Family of Mrs. Miyoko Kunishige In Memory of Miyoko Kunishige 1000.00 Mr. & Mrs. Larry Iwasaki - In Memory of Mrs. Lily Takasaki 20.00 Mr. & Mrs. Larry Iwasaki - In Memory of Mrs. Miyoko Kunishige 20.00 49th Day Service for Mr. Joe Ikemiya Mrs. Fumiko Ikemiya & Family Mrs. Toshiko Kawagoe Mrs. Kikuyo Ikemiya Mrs. Ruby Yukawa Mr. Mark Nakata Mrs. Jane Ota & Mr. Glenn Ota Rev. & Mrs. George Shibata Drs. Kent & Diane Kawagoe Dr. & Mrs. Stephen Ikemiya Mr. & Mrs. Gary Tahara Mr. & Mrs. Ty Tavlan Mr. & Mrs. Frank Nishikawa Mr. & Mrs. Shiz Kimura Mrs. Kazuko Tatami 250.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 40.00 30.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 20.00 20.00 January Memorial Service Mr. Terashi Ibara & Mrs. Lillian Kuwata 100.00 February Memorial Service Mrs. Ayako Alma Sunamoto 30.00 March Memorial Service $10.00 Mrs. Nancy Abe Mr. & Mrs. Harry Inn Mr. Alan Kubota Mr. & Mrs. Dale Okamura Mrs. Mary Uyeda $20.00 Mr. & Mrs. Hitoshi Aoki Mrs. Setsuko Kimura Mr. & Mrs. Robert Kobayashi Mr. Michio Miyamoto Mrs. Amy Naito Mr. & Mrs. Larry Nishida Mr. & Mrs. Ben Nobuhiro Mrs. Nancy Sakata Mrs. Hiroko Shimozono Mrs. Keiko Sugai & Family Mrs. Yukiye Takayama & Family Mr. Akio Tatami $25.00 Ms. Marissa Okamura & Ms. Stephanie Okamura $30.00 Mrs. Sue Kawamoto Mr. Johnnie Togioka $50.00 Mr. Stanley Hirahara The Otani Family Ms. Shizuko Taguchi $100.00 Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Donaldson Mr. & Mrs. Dale Okamura Mrs. Ruth Sasaki & Ms. Debbie Diaz In Sympathy We extend our deepest sympathy to the family members of Mrs. Miyoko Kunishige, wife of Mr. Mas Kunishige, who passed away on March 3, 2015 at the age of 81. PAGE 3 11th Annual Crab Feed & Silent Auction A HUGE SUCCESS! The Crab Feed and Silent Auction Committee and the Reedley Buddhist Church would like to thank everyone for their hard work and the many countless hours of planning to put on such a successful Crab Feed and Silent Auction! We appreciate all the goods and services from the many businesses and individuals that were generously donated and we hope you will patronize their businesses throughout the year. Most of the comments have been very positive and if we had more seating available, we could have sold even more tickets! A P R I L, 2 0 1 5 PAGE 4 A P R I L, 2 0 1 5 The Best Gift You Can Give Someone is…? At the end of February, I drove down to Los Angeles to visit my Uncle on my way to the BCA National Council Meetings in San Diego. He has recently experienced a rough case of Pneumonia and was hospitalized for about a week, and then he had to spend a few weeks in a Rehabilitation Center before returning home. I entered his home and was warmly greeted, as always, by my Aunt. My cousin happened to be there too since they just returned from my Uncle’s doctor appointment. He was sitting at the kitchen table eating lunch. He had lost some weight and was obviously weak from his extended stay in the hospital and rehab center. But, as always, he had a huge smile to greet me. He asked how I was and how Renka was, and of course, how everything in Fresno was. I asked him how he was feeling, and he replied that the time in the hospital and rehab center were the “most terrible time” he had experienced. It was obvious from his smile and his words that he was very happy to return home. He started to tell me stories about his times and friends at the past BCA National Council Meetings, and his memory was as clear as if it had just occurred. It was at this point that I realized that the greatest gift that we could give someone, especially family members, is OURSELVES. This was only my 5th time back to Los Angeles since I had moved to Fresno. I had thought that the 3 to 4 hour drive took too long and that I could utilize my time better doing something else. I WAS WRONG! I realized that gifts, food or money couldn’t replace the twinkle in my Uncles eyes, nor was there anything more valuable than sitting with him. He may have told me the same stories that I heard over and over again from before, you know the ones that I could probably finish for him. But, that time we share with our loved ones is irreplaceable. We take for granted so many things in our lives. We should be grateful for our health and just being able to wake up in the morning. Or, how about the cup of coffee or tea you may have in the morning? Are we thankful for the ability to drink? What about all the people that had to work hard to provide us with that coffee, tea, hot water, and cup…just to name a few? This “taking things for granted” attitude extends way beyond the morning ritual. How about the one’s that we love? Do you say “thank you,” or that you appreciate them or even a simple “love you?” Do you spend time with them? The sense of appreciation we have has gotten dull over time as we take things for granted. Rev. Gyomay Kubose wrote, “Buddhism is awareness.” Continued in next column This simple sentence is spot on! How aware are we today in our busy lives? We need to take an inventory of what is truly important before we can appreciate all that we are fortunate to have and experience. Sometimes it takes a swift kick in the rear, and sometimes, it takes sitting across a kitchen table from relative who is truly a Bodhisattva. It takes a Bodhisattva to show us the path to a BuddhaDharma life. I am very fortunate to have found a Bodhisattva who has and continues to teach me how to live. Finally, my advice to you? Go and visit that family member. If necessary, put aside any differences you have, and remember that the greatest gift that you can give is YOURSELF. I go to the Buddha for guidance. I go to the Dharma for guidance. I go to the Sangha for guidance. Rev. Alan Sakamoto Reedley BWA members at the CCBWL Conference. PAGE 5 A P R I L, 2 0 1 5 Hanamatsuri Sunday, April 12, 2015 The Reedley Buddhist Church will commemorate the birth of Prince Siddhartha Gautama, who became known as Sakyamuni Buddha upon attaining Enlightenment, with a family Hana Matsuri Service on Sunday, April 12th at 9:30 A.M. The Dharma School students will be presenting a short Parents’ Appreciation Program following the service and a luncheon sponsored by the Buddhist Women’s Association and Dharma School teachers will follow the program. Please plan on attending and enjoy a day of fellowship! Enclosed is an envelope requesting donations for the Hana Matsuri Service. Please bring it with you to the service or mail it back to the church if you are not able to attend. Hanamido Flowers Thank you for your support of the Jr. YBA Fried Rice Breakfast! The Hanamido for the Hana Matsuri Service will be decorated on Saturday, April 11th at 6:00 p.m. Members who have fresh flowers in their gardens are asked to bring them to the church between 9:00 and 10:00 a.m. Anyone who is available to help decorate the Hanamido is invited to come! PAGE 6 A P R I L, 2 0 1 5 CCBWL Conference A P R I L, 2 0 1 5 PAGE 7 April Monthly Memorial Service The April Monthly Memorial Service will be held on Sunday, April 19th at 9:30 AM. Families and fr iends are asked to attend and offer incense. The deceased and seshu (observant) for April are as follows: DECEASED: SESHU (OBSERVANT) George Kikuo Harada Yietaro Antoku Tomichi Kawakami Kitaro Asakawa & Mari Miyasaki Yoneko Hatanaka Richard Yoshito Hirata Roger Hiyama George Masanori Hosaka Akira Shimizu Shigeo Naito, Mitsuharu Naito & Mume Kawasaki Nancy Abe Kay Antoku Betty Aoki Shizuko Nakata Chonosuke Ikemiya & Hiroaki Takaoka Fumiko Yamamoto Charles Kiyoshi Iwasaki Kiyoshi Kawamoto Yasuzo Sakai Sakano Ito Tadato Kubota Michiko Miyamoto Tomo Nakagawa Jo Nishida Tokino Kubo Kazuo Jim Omori Tom Minoru Sakata Douglas Sasaki Kimiko Shiine MinoruYokota & Chiye Yokota Tomokichi Sunamoto Chisako Betty Matoba Haruko Tsuboi Misa Hatakeda Tatsuko Hatanaka Mary Hirata Bradley Hiyama Todd Hosaka Eloise Ibara Cont. DECEASED: SESHU:(OBSERVANT) Suye Tsuji George Tsuji Ai Fujiwara & Koichi Wada Ayako Yamada Mitsuko Hashimoto, Kinu Yamagata, & Hiroshi Kawasaki Ellen Yamada THANK YOU FROM THE BWA On behalf of the Reedley Buddhist Women’s Association, we would like to thank those who were in attendance and the many members who assisted in making it a successful conference. Michiko Ikeda & Sets Kimura Carolyn Ikemiya Toshiko Kawagoe Chizuko Iwasaki Larry Iwasaki Sue Kawamoto Satoko Kim Helen Kimura Ben Kubota Michio Miyamoto Sammy Nakagawa Julia Ueda & Larry Nishida Kathleen Omachi Nancy Omori Nancy Sakata & Gary Sakata Paul Sasaki & Susumu Sasaki Hideo Shiine Keiko Sugai & Janet Quiroz Alma Sunamoto & Kathy Hamada Yukiye Takayama & George Takasaki Margo Toyota continued next column Contact Number for Church Business Reedley Church Phone: (559) 638-2146 Church President: Mrs. Kathy Nishinaka Phone: (559) 905 - 3107 Funeral Committee Chair; Mr. Gary Sakata at: Cell Phone: (559) 250-9687 Fresno Betsuin Office - Lee Osaki: (559) 442-4054 (requesting minister or schedule family service in Reedley after contacting Reedley president for church availability) Reedley Buddhist Church 2035 15th Street - P.O. Box 24 Reedley, CA 93654 Phone/FAX: (559) 638-2146 Website: http://www.reedleybc.org Email Pres. Kathy Nishinaka: reedleybcpres@gmail.com Email Newsletter/Webmaster: jk108@sbcglobal.net ARTICLES/NEWS All submissions must be made no later than the 21st of each month to be included in the bulletin /newsletter. We appreciate your help in adhering to the deadline. If your article or advertisement is print ready, you may email it to: jk108@sbcglobal.net PAGE 8 A P R I L, 2 0 1 5