2014 Kerbela Divan


2014 Kerbela Divan
The Official Publication of Kerbela Shrine Temple Knoxville Tennessee
Wayne Bell,PP - Recorder, Donald R. Nicholson - High Priest & Prophet, Charles M. Clawson- Assistant Rabban, Robert D. Moore - Potentate, Larry G. Hubbs - Chief Rabban, Terry M. Vittetoe
- Oriental Guide, Robert T. Green, PP - Treasurer
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POTENTATE'S PAGE January/February 2014 Kerbela Knews
Published by and under the auspices of
Kerbela Shrine
315 Mimosa Avenue, SE
Knoxville, TN 37920-2140
Wayne Bell, PP, Editor
(865) 573-1901
e-mail address: kerbelashriners@comcast.net
Published Irregularly
Imperial Dromedary Award Publication
Elected Divan
Illustrious Potentate-Robert D. Moore
Chief Rabban-Larry G. Hubbs
Assistant Rabban-Charles M. Clawson
High Priest & Prophet-Donald R. Nicholson
Oriental Guide-Terry M. Vittetoe
Treasurer-Robert T. Green, P.P.
Recorder-P. Wayne Bell, PP
Representatives To Imperial Council
R. Danny Moore-Potentate
Larry Hubbs-Chief Rabban
Bart Iddins, PP
Robert L. "Bobby" Vann, PP
William L. Grigsby, PP (Emeritus)
Leonard Smith, PP (Emeritus)
Robert H. Bailey, P.P. (Emeritus)
Bart Iddins, PP (Emeritus) - Colorado Corp.
Representatives To S.E.S.A.
R. Danny Moore-Potentate
P. Wayne Bell, PP-Recorder
Robert L. Vann, P.P.
Charles M. Clawson (Asst. Rabban)
William C. Gregg (Emeritus)
Representatives To S.A.S.A.
R. Danny Moore-Potentate
Larry G. Hubbs-Chief Rabban
Charles M. Clawson-Assistant Rabban
Donald R. Nicholson-High Priest & Prophet
Terry M. Vittetoe-Oriental Guide
P. Wayne Bell, PP-Recorder
Ben C. Barbee (Emeritus)
Rodger Ricker PP (Emeritus)
Leonard W. Smith, PP (Legal Chairman,
Representative, Parliamentarian)
Appointed Divan
First Ceremonial Master-C. Wayne Burkett, PP
Second Ceremonial Master-Edward R. Navarro
Director-Jimmy D. Gammon
Captain of the Guard-Johnny M. Branch
Marshal-Gary L. Thompson
Outer Guard-Christopher O. Madison
Chaplain-Carl V. Vandiver
Executive Advisor - Brian R. Johnson, PP
Executive Advisor - Robert L. Vann, PP
Chief Aide-G. Scott Trotter
Deputy Chief Aide - George M. Turner
Chief of Staff - Rodger D. Ricker, PP
Commander-James D. Johnson
Circus Chairman-Larry G. Hubbs, Chief Rabban
Circus Director - C. Wayne Burkett, PP
Fun Fest Chairman -Ernest K. Combs
Legal Advisors - T. Scott Jones
Paper Sale Chairman - Stacy Worthington
Parade Marshall - William A. Pavlis
Photographer - George Webster
Poster Child's Aide - Stacy Worthington
Membership Chairman - Michael C. Hatmaker
Chief Ambassador - Clifford Cooke, PP
Potentate’s Message
Nobles and Ladies,
The Horse gallops in with
renewed passion in 2014!
That is how Kerbela sees
the New Year – with
renewed passion! It’s
time to take the horse by
the reins and lead it where
we will have it go. New
beginnings, new promises,
new plans, new deals, new
strength, new members all in
I would like to thank all the
Nobles of Kerbela for your confidence
to elect me as your Potentate, and also
your support as I serve in 2014. I will
cherish the experience for many years
to come. To the Divan, whom I have
served with for the past five years, it
has been a great pleasure working with
you. To the entire 2014 Staff, I want to
thank you for agreeing to serve Kerbela
with me this year. I am truly thankful for
the hard work and dedication you have
shown to this great Temple.
The slogan this year is, “Moore for
the Kids”. We have all come together
here at Kerbela with one great thing
in common, and that is the children –
remember it is all about them. We are
all working together towards one goal
and that is helping as many children as
we can. So with that in mind, let’s try to
remember to put aside our differences,
our personal dislikes or disputes and
build a stronger foundation for Kerbela
Shriners and the children that we take
care of.
As each brother travels taking the
children to the hospitals and events at the
Shrine center and other places, we wish
you safe travels, and also a big thank
you for your time and dedication. To
the clubs and units, we pray for growth,
harmony, and strength of brotherhood
for all of you. We as brothers should
always remember our Blue Lodges and
the lessons learned from attending.
One thing to focus on this year is
getting the Shriners “known” again.
To many times we assume that people
know who we are and what we do. But
remember we are “the best kept secret
in the world”. So, with that in mind, let’s
start re-introducing people to
the Shriners and get the ball
rolling on a new generation
of Shriners to keep the
flame lit for the children of
the future – remember it’s
still all about – “Moore
for the Kids.”
Vickie and I would like
to take the opportunity to
say thank you, our Shrine
family, for all your love and
As we move forward in 2014,
I want to thank every Noble for their
support, and also the Divan in leading
this temple forward. I hope everyone
had a great time at the Victory Party!
A special thanks to the 2014 Staff for
their hard work and the Ladies for the
Happenings in and around the
Temple over the next few weeks include:
Gun Show – February 8-9
Potentates Cruise – February 8-14
Valentine Dance – February 14
Kerbela Patrol Unit Dance on March
Dates for upcoming Poster Child
February 20th – Clinch Valley
February 24th – Blount County
March 6th – Monroe County
March 11th – Jefferson County
March 12th – North Knox
Fraternally Your,
R. Danny Moore
Potentate 2014
WEBSITES - Check Them Out!
Shriner International
Kerbela Temple
Kerbela Knews January/February 2014
Is there a better way to end 2013 than
a New Year Eve Party? Of course there
is! Especially when you do it the Kerbela way – WOW! What a magnificent
New Year Eve event we had, and a huge
attendance of nobility and guest. It has
been a very long time since our Temple
has been that well attended! Let’s keep
events like this up, as they are one of
the best ways for us to get new nobles
to join our ranks. A great big thank you
to Illustrious Sir Bill Gentry and his staff
for all their hard work in 2013!
Illustrious Sir Danny Moore has a
great year planned in 2014, and we need
everyone to help make it successful. The
first step is to start getting new members,
so start rounding up your candidates for
the May 10th Hot Sands Ceremonial at
Fun Fest.
Just around the corner we have the
Valentine Dance on February 14th. The
doors open from 8:00pm to 11:30pm.
So, put on your dancing shoes, and plan
on dancing the night away. Bring your
wife, bring your sweetheart (just don’t
bring them together – only kidding),
bring your friends and their sweethearts
too, and join us for a fantastic evening!
Also, coming in fast is the Paper
Sale, so if you haven’t already, now is
the time to start pre-solicitations for this
year’s Paper Sale fund raiser.
On behalf of the Nobility, Divan, and
office staff, we wish to extend our heartfelt sympathy to Illustrious Sir Danny
Moore in the loss of his beautiful Lady
Vickie. She will be forever missed, but
never forgotten.
Dates to remember:
January 25 Past Masters – Temple
8:00am with Breakfast
February 4 Unit Meeting
February 14 Valentine Dance
February 18 Stated Meeting
February 25 Past Masters Meeting &
Breakfast 8:00am
Page 3
God Bless our Service Men and
Women wherever they may be in protecting our freedom. May God continue
to bless them and their families and
bring them home safe. May God bless
each of you and God Bless America!
Wayne Bell, PP
in the
William E. Phillip
Brandon T. Johnson
Danny Moore
In Memory of
Vickie Moore
100 Million Dollar
Club Members
Kerbela has 863 members in
The 100 Million Dollar Club—
give $100 and feel like a million
13 Nobles created
Warren L. Matous - Ben Hur
Thomas E. Adkins - Al Bedoo
Tommy D. Allen
Kevin C. Poe
Shannon L. Hamilton
Johnny L. Holt
Steven E. Dixon - Jericho
Fred E. Castle - Jericho
Darrel C. Hunt - Jericho
Benjamin A. Hunt - Jericho
James L. Aiken
William Guy Wheeler
James. W. Culpepper
Jackie L. Miller
Larry B. Stargel
54 Nobles suspended 12/31/13 N.P.D.
Membership as of 1/14/14....... 2020
Table of Contents
Potentate’s Message ......................................................................................... 2
From the Desk of the Recorder ........................................................................ 3
Unit News ........................................................................................................ 5
Poster Child Visit Schedule.............................................................................. 9
Sick & Shut Ins .............................................................................................. 11
Club News ...................................................................................................... 13
Hospital News................................................................................................. 15
Other News..................................................................................................... 22
Fund Raising Regulations............................................................................... 26
Petition............................................................................................................ 27
Scrapbook....................................................................................................... 28
Calendar ......................................................................................................... 31
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January/February 2014 Kerbela Knews
Kerbela Knews January/February 2014
Exotic Cars
Greetings Fellow Shriners,
Wishing all a
bright and beautiful new year.
The Morristown Christmas
Parade on Thursday, December 5th, was
even better than last year in the way of
floats and participants. There was a big
turnout of parade watchers, too. Bob
Barwick and Carl Trammel drove their
“EXOTIC” cars through downtown
Our Christmas celebration on Saturday, December 7th, at Justin’s Restaurant
in Morristown was most enjoyable. The
meal was delicious and we all won a
door prize. FANTASTIC!
The children’s Christmas party on
Sunday, December 8th, went very well.
The children and their families enjoyed
lunch and then Santa Claus paid a visit
and gave out gifts. Thanks to all those
who helped make this event a success.
Our officers for 2014 have been
elected. Don Ball is Captain. Ken Sheffield is head of the Children’s division.
Bob Barwick is Secretary, Treasurer, and
in charge of the Paper Sale.
I would like to report that Don Ball
has a very interesting and informative article written about him by Stan
Johnson in the January, 2014 magazine,
“Over 50.” The article gives a first-hand
account of Don’s battle with diabetes.
His last words in the article were, “The
best advice I can give people is get it
checked.” In other words, have your
blood checked for diabetes.
The next two Exotic Cars meetings
are Thursday, January 16th and Thursday,
February 20th at the Golden Corral in
Morristown. Dinner is at 6:00 p.m. and
the meeting begins at 7:00 p.m.
If you have not paid your 2014 dues,
please take care of this matter as soon as
you possibly can. Thanks.
Fred Southern continues to experience serious health issues. Keep him
in your thoughts and prayers. A visit,
phone call, or card would be appreciated.
Clyde Helton, who was an active
member in Exotic Cars and served as
chaplain, passed away in December.
He enjoyed participating in parades and
was a big help at our pancake breakfasts.
Clyde loved the Lord and now he is with
Him. Clyde will be greatly missed by
all of us. Our heartfelt sympathy go out
to his wife, Sally, and his family.
Happy Birthday to Sally Helton on
January 2nd, Carl Trammel on January
15 th, Bob Barwick on January 24th,,
Carolyn Barwick on February 13th, and
Roger Basinger on February 18th. Remember – count your blessings and not
the years!
Happy Valentine’s Day! May love
surround you today and always.
Keep on truckin’ . . .
R. E. Barwick
I wonder why he
won't ask me?
I'd love to join the
is the key to continuing our philanthropic endeavors.
Legion of Honor
Page 5
Welcome and Congratulations to the
New 2014 Potentate and Divan. We are
looking forward to serving Ill. R. Danny
Moore and his Divan to the best of our
abilities in the ensuing year. We enjoyed
posting the Colors for the annual meeting and again at the public installation
and also the Memorial Service.
The next LOH meeting will be
February 1 at 7:00 p.m. We have a lot
to talk about for the upcoming year.
Commander Reed has some wonderful
plans and needs each LOH member to
help make things happen. We hope to
have a large turn-out for the next meeting. Any noble who has served in the
military honorably is welcome to come
and join us at our meetings. We would
like you to become a member. We are in
great need of young men who can carry
on the grand tradition in the upcoming
years. If any Noble knows of an eligible
veteran who interested in becoming a
member of the LOH, please have them
contact us – my personal contact information is provided below. It is a great
unit with a proud history and a calling
to serve the Shrine Center as its Color
Guard. The cost is minimal, as we have
several uniforms currently available at
a very reasonable price.
Please keep all those Kerbela LOH
veterans who are sick and home bound
or unable to attend Kerbela functions
in your thoughts and prayers. Also,
remember the men and women of our
military who are serving in many areas
of the world and pray for their safety and
a speedy return to family and friends.
Become part of a great unit with a
proud history - Join the LOH today!
Gary L. Thompson, PC, Adjutant,
865-992-2922 or 865-591-4392
Page 6
Kerbela Corvette Unit Morristown Sheiks
Well it looks like winter is finally upon
cold for me; I’m
ready for spring.
to Illustrious (Ill)
Sir William W. (aka Bill) Gentry on great
year; everyone who attended temple
events and/or functions had a wonderful
time; you could tell by all the smiles.
Congrats to all trophy winners and
especially the Corvette Unit on being
presented with the Parade Marshall’s
Trophy for the year 2013.
Let all nobles, units and clubs take
it upon themselves and step forward to
help make Ill. Sir Danny Moore’s year a
very successful one for the record books.
Also congrats to the other elected Divan
members on moving forward to their
next phase of leadership.
The Corvette Unit continues to grow
and could not continue to do so without
the help from behind the scenes of those
special Corvette Ladies; Ladies we
thank you! The Corvette Unit will be on
the parade route in force throughout the
year of 2014; lookout other units here
we COME.
If your car is in need of some small
or even big mechanical repair….try and
have the part available on the day of
practice; we will try to repair it then, or
call Captain Carl and we will schedule
a day to work on all vehicles needing
February Birthdays: Lou Pierce –
Feb. 3 and Harold Seiber – Feb. 4. The
Corvettes with you a Happy Birthday
February Anniversaries: Harold and
Jean Seiber – February 12. The Corvettes wish you a Happy Anniversary!
Remember to keep those serving
this great Nation in your thought and
prayers; they are the reason we have
what we DO!
Also, remember to keep those who
are sick or injured and not able to attend
lodge, unit meetings, shrine club meetings in your thoughts and prayers.
“Never trouble another for what you
can do for yourself.” Thomas Jefferson
January/February 2014 Kerbela Knews
Greetings Nobles and Ladies:
Well, we ushered out 2013 with
a BANG!! Staying busy with the
Christmas Parades and all the different
activities during the BUSY HOLIDAY
The Morristown Sheiks held their
Christmas Dinner at Morristown Lodge
#231 this year. It was a GREAT turnout
of ALL the Sheiks and their Families,
and afterwards we had a BLAST having
a Chinese Christmas.
We have closed the year out with
Elections and are about to begin
the New Year with a new Divan. A
Illustrious Sir R. Danny Moore. We look
forward to another GREAT YEAR with
these newly elected officials. We would
like to THANK the exiting Potentate Bill
Gentry and Lady Kim for a GREAT JOB
in 2013!!!
Remember The Sheiks meetings are
every 4th Thursday at 7:00 pm at the
Morristown Lodge.
In closing ALWAYS keep our
ARMED FORCES in your thoughts and
Prayers, as they stand ready
Lester J. Carey
Captain Morristown Sheiks
Welcome New Nobles
Created Nov. 19, 2013
Gary Lyn Johnson....................................Midway, TN 37809
Created Dec. 7, 2013 Hot Sands Ceremonial
Ricky D. Bailey...................................Lenoir City, TN 37771
Michael W. Cox.............................. Maynardville, TN 37807
David A. Flynn....................................Lenoir City, TN 37771
Jessee D. Flynn...................................Lenoir City, TN 37771
Bradley D. Hair.....................................Knoxville, TN 37923
Brandon T. Johnson.............................. LaFollette, TN 37766
Jesse C. Miracle....................................Jacksboro, TN 37757
Benny L. Phillips................................... Caryville, TN 37714
John C. Turner, Jr................................. Dandridge, TN 37725
Eric J. Yopp.............................................Seymour, TN 37865
Created Dec. 31, 2013
James R. Foster.....................................Knoxville, TN 37918
Henry "Hank" Hamlin Jr..................... La Follette, TN 37766
Kerbela Knews January/February 2014
Hillbilly Unit
Hello Nobles and Kerbillies,
I hope all is well in your Hollar.
As we start a brand new year I hope
that we as Nobles of this wonderful
Kerbela Shrine Center will set one of
our new years resolutions to strive to be
better in supporting our Units and fellow
Nobles and their Units in their events.
We seem at times, in my opinion,
to be over looking why we all became
Shriners - Helping the Children. The
special groups, organizations and clicks
we tend to involve ourselves in are
slowly ruining our Shrinerdom with the
“politics” of such. Nobles we cannot
let in house “politics” and personalities
close our eyes to our main cause, raising money for the care of the Children.
It doesn’t matter who, what, or how it’s
done - we need to stand together and
support any cause or event that assist our
purpose. Childish bickering and working
against each other is only hurting the
Children. We are MASONS first and
foremost and we are above that type
of behavior. Please take a moment to
revisit your Oaths and act accordingly.
I have been honored to be asked once
again to head up the Kerbela Hillbilly
Unit, and I have accepted with pleasure.
I need your help and support in doing
so. Please support the Unit and attend
the meetings and events to continue to
have an active Kerbela Hillbilly Unit.
The January Hillbilly Unit Meeting
will be Thursday, January 16, 2014, always the third Thursday of the month, at
the Shoney’s Restaurant, 4020 Rutledge
Pike, Knoxville. Meet and social at 6:30
PM, eat at 7:00 PM. As always, we will
have a guest speaker to enjoy.
Like always we invite all Nobles to
our meetings to enjoy the fellowship.
You do not have to belong to our Hillbilly Unit to attend our meetings and
events. It’s all about fun and fellowship
with us.
All Nobles come join all of us for the
2nd Annual “Hillbilly Winter Jamboree”
Weekend in Pigeon Forge on February 20, 21 and 22, 2014 sponsored by
the Kerbela Hillbilly Unit and Smoky
Mountain Hillbilly Clan 24. See the
event flyer in the newsletter. A weekend
of Fun, Food, Music and Entertainment
along with a Hillbilly Degree to be put
on by Clan 24 and a Turtle Degree available to enjoy. Call me at 865-414-7233
for more information and booking. A
weekend package is available including
all food, hotel and shows. This event is
open to all.
Join us for a group visit to the Biblical Times Dinner Theater Show in
Pigeon Forge on Saturday March 15,
2014. The cost is $45.00 per person. We
will go as a group and enjoy the Dinner
and Show. Motel accommodations are
available in Pigeon Forge in you wish
to spend the night at $40.00 plus tax.
Call Terry for booking Show and Motel,
If anyone has any good ideas on helping local folks in any way we can as a
Unit I would love to look at doing so,
whether it be clothing, food, school supplies, toys, etc. I’m certain we all have
used good items that we can donate to
those in need. Let me know you thoughts
and let’s help some folks out. Remember Nobles - need has no season.
Don’t forget to support the Smoky
Mountain Hillbilly Clan 24’s - 4th Annual Hillbilly Fund raising Cruise.
You still have time to book when you
read this. Remember we are all in this
together to help the Kids.
The Kerbela Hillbillies we will be
staying and hosting other out of town
Hillbilly’s at the Mountain Breeze Motel
in Pigeon Forge for Fun Fest this year. I
will have more information and rates to
follow in the next newsletter. Call Terry
for more information.
The Kerbela Unit is selling the “Poor
George” Hillbilly Calendars for $5.00
each; see any member to get yours. They
are a very funny calendar to enjoy all
year long.
Nobles this is our Temple and it’s
up to us who share this common bond
of Brotherhood to keep it active and
Isn’t it great to be a Shriner in the
best Temple in the world here at Kerbela? Try to recruit new members to our
Temple, let them know how much fun it
is to be a Kerbela Shriner. Help spread
the word to the younger generation how
great Masonry and Shrinedom is.
Let us work to resurrect that time
honored method of shaking a Nobles
hand and saying hello when you meet
Page 7
and work together to continue to make
this the strongest, the best Temple in
Take time to call a Brother who is
unable to get out due to sickness or
whatever and just say hello and make
their day.
Remember to keep all of our Nobles
and their Families that are in need
of God’s touch in your thoughts and
Prayers as well as our Military personnel.
Hope to see you all at our January
Hillbilly Unit meeting.
God Bless You All
Terry Christie
Captain Kerbela Hillbilly Unit
Join the Kerbela Hillbilly
Unit for the
Biblical Times Dinner
In Pigeon Forge
March 15, 2014
6:00 PM
Tickets are $45.00 per person
Open to all, we will be attending
as a group
Motel accommodations available
for those wishing to spend the
night in Pigeon Forge $40.00
plus tax
Call Terry Christie for booking
Page 8
Kerbela Motor Corps
The Holidays
are over, and it’s
time to get back to
work helping kids
and having fun. The
Christmas party was
great! It was held at
Angelos at the Point, with 38 Nobles,
Ladies and guests in attendance. The
ornament exchange hosted by Lady
Stephanie was lot of fun. Director Jason
Merritt presented gifts and thank yous
were given to out-going officers. The Ill.
Wayne Bell installed the new officers.
They are as follows: Noble Terry Marler
– Unit Director, Noble Roy Gibson –
Assistant Director, and Noble Dennis
Sauerwein – Secretary and Treasurer.
Noble Huey Long, who did a great
job as Ride Captain, has again accepted
that position. He has already been busy
putting together rides for this year.
They are as follows: April 12th, Ride to
Chicamauga Battle Fields, with a guided
tour. Also in April we will be hosting a
poker run starting and ending at the Elks
Lodge in Morristown. In May we are
planning to ride to Nashville to spend a
fun filled weekend. The exact date has
not been determined. In June we are
going to Maggie Valley, North Carolina.
Watch for updates on this ride. In July
January/February 2014 Kerbela Knews
we will again be riding to E. Tennessee
and connecting with Jericho Temple.
August 15th-17th we’ll be going on our
annual Greenville Hospital Teddy Bear
Run. This is a great ride that everyone
should try to make. In September, we
will be riding to Myrtle Beach for
S.A.S.A. October will be another Teddy
Bear Run, this time to the Lexington
Kentucky Hospital. Thank you Huey
Long for a job well done!
The dance seems like a long way
away, but it will be here quick. Let’s
start collecting BBQ and auction items
now. Many businesses need to make
their commitments at this time.
Lady Carolyn wants to double the
number of bears we collected last year.
This is a great program and we all need to
support her. Let’s start collecting money
and really get behind this program.
We ended last year on a very sad
note, the passing of Lady Vickie. She
was the wife of our Illustrious Potentate,
Danny Moore. I want to thank all of the
Nobles who stood to honor her. Our
deepest sympathy goes out to the Moore
Please try to make it to the next unit
meeting on February 4th. Noble Denny
Sauerwein will be making dinner.
In closing, please pray for the
Kerbela Shrine
Valentine's Dance
February 14th, 2014
Dance 8pm-11:30pm
Music by the "Parrott Brothers Band"
$20 per person Shriners
$25 per person non-Shriners
Kerbela Patrol
Greetings Nobles and Ladies,
We would like
to congratulate
Illustrious Sir
Danny More and
the rest of the
2014 Divan. We
hope everyone
had a great Holiday season. The Patrol
had a great time parading this past
year and we are looking forward to a
wonderful year ahead.
Valentine’s Day is coming up fast
– so, remember your sweetheart(s) –
From me to you – I hope you all have a
wonderful and Happy Valentine’s Day!
The Patrol is having a dance on
March 15, 2014. It will be a Sock Hop
Dance at the temple from 7:00pm to
11:00pm. The tickets are $10.00 per
couple and are available now from any
patrol member and they will be available
at the door. Come and support our Unit
and have a blast from the past.
If you would like to join an active
and fun Unit, give us a try – we are
always looking for new members. Our
meetings are at 7:00pm on the first
Tuesday of the month at the Temple.
If you need help repairing your jeep,
I’ll be happy to help – give me a call at
865-992-8027 or 865-256-4831.
Anniversaries in January
Noble Bill and Charlene Burt – January
Birthdays we are celebrating in
Lady Arielle Monroe – 5th
Lady Michelle Butcher – 10th
Noble Darrell Cook – 11th
Ladie Jackie Isreal – 14th
Noble Tom McLemore – 15th
Lady Charlene Burt – 22nd
In closing, please remember our sick,
shut-ins, Divan, hospitals, military and
one another.
May God Bless You and Keep you,
Be Proud to be a Shriner.
Captain Mike Smith
Kerbela Knews January/February 2014
Vintage Wheels
Greetings to
all and Happy
New Years from
members of the
Vintage Wheels
Wow, what a year. It sure went fast
and a lot of things have happened. We
have lost several friends and members.
I am looking forward to a great New
Year and hope everyone has a great,
happy and prosperous New Year. I ate
a lot of black-eyed peas and hog jowls
on New Year’s Day. It was a fantastic
family meal and a fun day. We had to
cook chicken nuggets for the grandsons.
For some reason they just did not want
peas and hog jowls – just can’t figure
that out – can you?!
The Vintage Wheels Christmas party
was great and the food was excellent as
always. There was not as many people
Page 9
attending the party as usual, but everyone there had a lot of fun. Captain Eddie
Hatfield, Lady Emma, and Lady Sue did
a great job planning the party and dinner. Thank You! I hope everyone had a
nice Christmas and got all the gifts they
wanted. All I got was a bag of coal! Only
kidding ;) We took our tree down the day
after Christmas.
If you know a Mason that’s not a
Shriner, invite them to a meeting - We
are always on the lookout for more
Shriners to help with this great cause.
Also, the Vintage Wheels is looking for
more members, our Unit has seen better
numbers and we would like to see the
membership increased once again!
Remember the sick and shut-ins,
and remember our soldiers. I will sign
off wishing all a Happy New Year with
health, wealth, and much happiness.
Noble Marvin Yarber
Did you take pictures of a
current Shriner event, Unit
event or Club event?
Why not share them in the
Kerbela Knews?
Please make sure to include the who,
what, when and where!
Due to conflicts of meetings on the 3rd Tuesday of each month, there will
be a change in the meetings times for 2014 for the following:
Knoxville Shrine Club
Kerbela Van Drivers Unit
Knoxville Shrine Club will meet at 5:00pm
Kerbela Van Drivers Unit will meeting at 5:30pm
Page 10
Kerbela Motorcycle
H e l l o
Tramps, the
New Year is
here and my
Harley wants
to come out
and play.
I hope this cold weather gets out of
here real fast. I need to get a little wind
on the three hairs I have left on my head.
Maybe it won’t be too long before the
weather breaks and I can get back in the
saddle. In the mean time I’ll just have to
be satisfied with wrenching on the old
bike and getting it all clean and shiny.
I want to congratulate Danny Moore
on being elected Potentate of Kerbela
Shrine. Danny I know that you, your
Divan and your staff will all work hard
for the nobility and keep Kerbela one of
the top Temples in Shrinedom. If there is
anything that the Tramps can do to help
you out just let us know. We got your
back, Bro.
I also want to congratulate our new
Oriental Guide Noble Terry Vittetoe and
his Lady Debra. Terry jump in, hang on
and enjoy every minute of it.
I would like to thank the men that
have stepped up to be our Unit officers
for 2014; Captain- Chris Porter, Treasurer- Ill. Sir Ray Skiles, Secretary- Bob
Sammons, and Drill Lt. - Myron Hubbard. The unit is in good hands. Tramps,
your officers are excited and they are
working hard for you. We need to support them with our attendance, help and
To give you a little hint of the new
and exciting events your officers have
planned for the year, right off the bat we
will be honoring our Ladies by taking
them out for a wonderful Valentines dinner at the Greenbrier in Gatlinburg. After
that Fun Fest and sweet riding weather
will be just around the corner. Then in
June (21 & 22) we are looking at heading
down to Stone Mountain, Georgia “just
for the fun of it”. On July 19th and 20th
we will again make our annual ride to
the Lexington Hospital. We might even
make a small side trip on the way up,
and then on to Lexington for a night of
R & R after a hard days ride.
January/February 2014 Kerbela Knews
In September (the 18th - 21st) we will
be headed to SASA. Again it will be in
Myrtle Beach at the Compass Cove;
again I will be trying my darndest to get
to the Nosy Oyster. I may even have to
leave out on the 17th.
The circus will be Oct 17th, 18th and
19th and we will finish out the year (Dec
13) at the Kerbela Room for our Unit
Christmas Party.
This is just a hint of our activities
for the coming year. For a complete list
your Captain will be sending out a list
of “Gathering for 2014” or you can pick
one up in the Unit room. Speaking of the
Unit Room, The last time I was down
there I think I saw a new picture of the
Tramps with “Always” Rick’s shiny face
right in the middle.
Tramps 2013 was a great year for
the Unit because of YOUR support. We
made a lot of progress, did a lot of riding
and had a lot of fun. Not only was your
participation up, but we took in 12 new
members and got a few of the old heads
back in the Unit. We also raised a lot of
money for the Lexington Hospital. Now,
in 2014, the challenge is to keep things
rolling. We can’t stand still. The status
quo is not good enough. We must always
be moving forward.
Our first Unit meeting will be February 4, 2014. Let’s all met upstairs at 7:00
PM to show Ill. Sir Danny that we support him. A couple of rows of Tramps,
wearing their Unit shirts, sure would
look good.
Tramps this year we need to make
that extra effort to support our UNIT,
Kerbela, and other Units. We need to
be an active and vital part of Kerbela.
We need to be Kerbela Strong.
Hope to see all of you at the Greenbrier, February 15, 2014 at 6:00 PM.
Ride Safe, Ride Proud,
The Fossil
Grainger County Shrine Club
Knoxville Shrine Club
Clinch Valley Shrine Club
Blount County Shrine Club
Monroe County Shrine Club
Jefferson County Shrine Club
North Knox Shrine Club
Campbell County Shrine Club
Kerbela Roane Shrine Club
Greene County Shrine Club
West Knox Shrine Club
Great Smoky Mountain Shrine Club
Union County Shrine Club
Loudon County Shrine Club
Scott County Shrine Club
Cocke County Shrine Club
Kerbela Knews January/February 2014
Page 11
Strengthening the Connection between the
Fraternity and Philanthropy
Shriners International is proud to have members
who are committed to the dedicated work of the
fraternity and philanthropy. Andrew Borske and
Taylor Richmond, both members on local Shriners
Hospitals for Children® Boards of Governors, are
two exemplary members who demonstrate the
connection between the fraternity and philanthropy.
Andrew Borske, Past Potentate,
Sesostris Shriners
A former patient of Shriners Hospitals for
Children — Chicago, Andrew Borske credits the
health care system with giving him the hope and
encouragement to live undefined by his condition.
In 1969, Borske was born with a congenital
limb deficiency involving the lower portion of his
right arm. As is typical at Shriners Hospitals, the
physicians included Borske in the discussions about
his care plan. “Even though I was only a kid, the
physicians would kneel down to my eye level to
talk with me about the care process,” said Borske.
Realizing the worth of his opinion was a pivotal
point in his emotional and physical development. “I
wanted to be able to make that kind of difference
in the lives of other children,” said Borske, who in
1998, became a member of Sesostris Shriners in
Roca, Neb.
Borske was recently appointed to the Board
of Governors of the Twin Cities hospital. A vice
president of sales and marketing, he is committed
to increasing brand awareness for both Shriners
International and Shriners Hospitals for Children.
“We have such a wonderful system that stands
behind physical, emotional and developmental care
and it is my personal goal to go out and promote
both organizations,” said Borske. As a member of
the Board of Governors, Borske hopes to increase
community involvement in the local temple
events. “Shriners are men dedicated to more than
themselves who want to help the community grow
and prosper,” said Borske. “We achieve this by
helping those most in need, which is children.”
Taylor Richmond, Osiris Shriners
Taylor Richmond, a graduate student at West
Virginia University and a member of Osiris Shriners
in Wheeling, W.Va., was recently appointed an
associate member of the Board of Governors of
the Erie health care facility. Richmond, 24, is the
youngest person currently serving in this capacity
across the system. Jeffrey Stephenson, the Erie
facility’s Board of Governors Chairman, commended
Richmond on his new role and said, “It is always
Andrew Borske
Taylor Richmond
great to see young Shriners involved in our hospitals,
and to have one on our board is especially beneficial.
They can bring fresh ideas and a fresh perspective to
our governance.”
In addition to serving on the board, Richmond
hopes to promote the fraternity to other likeminded young men with a desire to give back. He
believes that an effective formula for membership
recruitment is, “… to continue to highlight our role
as a philanthropy, the number of children whose
lives have been changed by this great organization
and the enjoyment the Shriners have while making
a difference.”
Richmond is very active in his temple and
is a member of the Morgantown Shrine Club,
Mountaineer Patrol Unit, Hillbilly Clan #154 and the
Child Transport Team. Chairman of the WVU Beads 4
Needs Project, Richmond assists this effort, which
was started by a patient, by making bracelets to sell
to benefit the health care system.
Page 12
January/February 2014 Kerbela Knews
Sick & Shut-Ins
The following Nobles have been reported to the Temple office as being sick at home or in the
hospital. A visit phone call or card would be most appreciated.
Sick at home:
Arlie Allen
W.H. Anderson
Vernon P. Baker
Junior Ball
Clifford Barger
Darrell Birchfield
Ray Blake
Samuel H. Brown Jr.
Robert Browning
E.F. Bruce
George Brummett
Coy L. Bunch
L.T. Burris
Kermit B. Campbell
Wilburn Cate
Bill Choate
Haynes Chumley
Ocee C. Cole
Robert M. Cole
Bobby Collier
Bill Collins
Bert Cox
Laverne Cravens
Boyd Crowder
Gordon B. Denton
Paul Dickenson
Cisco Dockery
Ralph Dyer
Sanford E. Fielden
Sam Freshour
James E. Gass
Jack Gentry
Walter H. Gibson
Timothy Grady
Glen Griffin
Sam Hammer
Cecil G. Henry
John E. Hill
Johnny L. Holt
Robert D. Kite
Lowell W. Leggett
Kermit Lowe
Jerry L. Lynch
Justin A. Maples
Ralph E. Maples
William R. McCamy III
James C. McCullough
William R. McCullock
Bob McFalls
Brad Patten
George Peak
Orville R. Phelps
Joe Pennell
D.C. Ramsey
Jame E. Rector
James Reynolds
James Edward Rich
Don Rines
W. Ramsey Roberts
Howard Rush
Albert Russell
Charles E. Sealock Sr.
John Sheldon
Andrew Smith
Fred Southern
Johnny Stookesbury
Dennis E. Stubblefield
John L. Summitt
Bob Taylor
James L. Teffeteller
Sam Valentine
Benny Walker
James A. Wallace
Sammie Weaver
Wade Whiteside
Hobart Williams
Jerry Wolfenbarger
Wayne Wood
In the hospital:
None Report
In a nursing home:
Robert C. Allen - Chandler House
John Anderson - NHC - Pomano Beach FL
Marion C. Brock - Hillcrest North, Room 223
David Butler - Colonial N.H. Maryville
Ted Chapman - Pigeon Forge Rehab
Hugh T. Christie - VA Hospital
Walter F. Dyer PP - Life Care, Greeneville
James Ferguson - NHC - Harriman
Ronnie Harrison - Wellington Assisted Living
Willard K. Johns - Terrace Estates Morristown TN
George Kamp - Ben Atchley Home
John. H. Mitchell Jr - Ben Atchley Home
William E. "Red" Phibbs - Atria Asst. Living
Quinis E. Richmond - VA Hospital
Harry Robinson, PP - Morristown Life Care
Joe Searcy - Morristown Life Care
Kenny Walker - Ben Atchley Home
Willard L. Walker - Broadway Towers, Maryville
Ken Yates - Renaissance Terrace
Delbert E. York - Shannondale - Maryville, TN
Kerbela Knews January/February 2014
Page 13
Annual Burn Awareness Campaign Scheduled to
Begin in February
Shriners Hospitals for Children® continues to
be determined to decrease the number of
preventable pediatric burn injuries by raising
awareness. One program in this effort is the
annual Burn Awareness campaign, which
began more than 20 years ago.
During the first full week of February, our public
relations efforts emphasize Burn Awareness Week,
the kickoff of a yearlong educational campaign
aimed at burn awareness and prevention, including
offering free educational materials via our website.
The items, including posters, activity books and fact
sheets, are designed to be a resource for firefighters,
teachers, parents and others concerned with the
safety and well-being of children. Many of the items
are available in both English and Spanish.
We are once again using the theme “Be Burn
Aware,” and focusing preventing burn injuries in the
home because the vast majority of preventable burn
injuries continue to occur in residences. Homes are
the sites of thousands of burn injuries to children
every year, including scalds, fire-related injuries,
and even electrical burns. Many of these incidents
could have been easily prevented by following and
implementing some basic safety tips. In the U.S. the
occurrence of major pediatric burn injuries
has decreased; these educational efforts do have
an impact.
“At Shriners Hospitals for Children, preventing
burn injuries and providing burn awareness
education is an ongoing effort,” said Kenneth
Guidera, M.D., chief medical officer, Shriners
Hospitals for Children. “In 2014, our campaign,
‘Be Burn Aware,’ will again focus on teaching
children and their parents ways to avoid burn injuries
at home, with added information on preventing fire
and electrical–related injuries. So many of these
injuries – as well as those caused by scalds or
other incidents around the home – could have been
prevented. We hope our annual campaign helps
reduce pediatric burn injuries.”
The campaign features two child-friendly
characters who showcase and share our messages.
Boots and Brewster – a caped, cuddly bear and a
googly-eyed teapot – are featured in activity books
for children ages 3-7 and 8-12. The entertaining
duo leads the children through the various rooms
of a house, pointing out dangers, and how to
easily correct or avoid them. The coloring pages,
word searches, cartoons, and other activities are
designed to grab the children’s attention and present
the information in a memorable, age-appropriate
manner. The campaign also includes a poster
of safety tips, as well as materials emphasizing
prevention of scalds, fire-related and
electrical burns.
“Shriners Hospitals for Children is committed
to improving and protecting the lives and health of
children,” said Richard Kagan, M.D., chief of staff,
Shriners Hospitals for Children — Cincinnati and
member of the physician executive team. “Our burn
awareness campaign is one element of that effort.
Following prevention guidelines can keep children
and families safe and help them avoid potentially
serious, devastating injuries.”
All available materials will be available for viewing
and ordering at burnawareness.org.
Shriners Hospitals for Children is also assisted
in its burn prevention efforts by members of the
Shriners fraternity, who promote the campaign in
their local communities in a variety of creative ways.
Page 14
Kerbela Roane Shrine
Greetings Nobles and Ladies,
The New Year of 2014 came in with
Old Man Winter’s wrath in full fury.
All 48 states in the continental U.S.
were affected by record-setting cold
temperatures, snowfall, and wind chills.
We have also seen, locally, houses and
apartment buildings catching fire and
burning people out of their homes trying
to keep warm. Folks, safety is essential
during the Winter season, most of all
for our family, our brethren, and our
neighbors, especially the elderly.
Our Children’s Christmas Party
at K.R.S.C. was a success with 26 attending to get Christmas gifts and see
Santa Clause. All the Children enjoyed
themselves having hotdogs, chili, chips,
soda pop and cookies and being happy.
Thanks to all the Nobles and Ladies of
K.R.S.C who gave of their time to shop
for the gifts and make it all happen for
the kids. Some very grateful parents
voiced their gratitude.
Congratulations to Robert “Danny”
Moore on being elected Illustrious
Potentate at Kerbela Temple for 2014.
We are K.R.S.C. wish him success during his tenure and pledge our support
Speaking of elections, our new officers are as follows: Club President
– Richard Johnson; Club VP – Ron Sheldon; Club Secretary – Louis Devillon;
January/February 2014 Kerbela Knews
Club Treasurer – Danny Morgan; Club
Paper Sale Chairman & C0-chairman
Joel Crowe and Robert Lee III, respectively; Club children’s Transportation
Chief – Ed Collins; Club Chaplain – Ray
Skiles, P.P. We look forward to seeing
our new Poster Children for 2014 and
getting the Paper Sale underway for
Roane and Morgan counties.
The Black Camel took 3 of our members at the end of 2013:
• Noble Clifford Eugene Davis of
Deer Lodge. Brother Davis was a
Past Master at Emerald Masonic
Lodge #377 in Wartburg, TN and
consistent supporter of the Paper
• Noble William “Bill” Ferguson of
Kingston, TN who was a member
of Union Masonic Lodge #38, a
Navy veteran and survivor on the
attack on Pearl Harbor.
• Noble Lawrence Moore, who was
a 67-year member of Southgate
Masonic Lodge #569 in Harriman,
TN, the construction of which he
supported both in terms of supplying construction materials and
monitorial resources along with
his other charter members. He
was also a Past Mater, Past Worthy Patron of Laurel Chapter #22,
Order of the Easter Star, a Grand
Lodge Officer, a charter member
of Kerbela Roane Shrine Club,
a 50-year member of Kerbela
Temple and a 33nd Degree Mason.
Brother Moore passes away at the
age of 99.
The servitude of these Nobles leaves
a legacy to be greatly admired and proud
of for all they have done for Shrinedom.
Our hearts go our to these Nobles families in sympathy and support for them.
Finally, the Ladies of the Nile will
be having a fundraiser/bean dinner on
Friday, January 17th at 5:30pm. For those
who are hungry this is something not to
be missed!
I close by re-emphasizing that all
precautions be implemented during this
could winter for safety’s sake. We all
need to look out, not only for ourselves,
but also for each other. Remember, our
sick and shut-ins and troops, both here
and abroad. Also, remember our police,
corrections officers and employees, hospital employees, EMTs, and Firefighters.
Pray that God will place angels before
them and behind them when they are
performing their duties. And may God
bless you when you do in not forgetting
Keep the Faith,
Robert E. Lee III
Kerbela Patrol Unit Dance
Sock Hop
Saturday, March 15, 2014
Kerbela Shrine Center • 7pm-11pm
Light Hors d'oeurues will be served • $10.00 per couple
Kerbela Knews January/February 2014
Nobles and Ladies of West Knox
Shrine Club (WKSC) hope your holidays were filled with much joy. It looks
like we facing colder weather than normal; however, now that we have a new
facility that is well heated the weather
will not be a factor as it once was.
For the last several years WKSC
President Bob Williamson and his Lady
Judy has worked hard to keep our Club
going during those dark days while it
was being rebuilt. They opened their
home and welcomed Club members to
attend meetings. Also working behind
the scenes during those dark days were
Ron and Shirley Adam’s, Terry and Debbie Marler; I know there may have been
many others I failed to mention, please
Let’s welcome back Past-President
of WKSC Gary Lee and his Lady Sandy,
as President and First Lady of WKSC for
2014. Gary has numerous ideas planned
Page 15
for his year; let’s all get behind him with
all our support.
The WKSC would like to extend an
open invitation to all Nobles and Ladies
come visit our club and maybe join if
you have not already found a shrine
club. We have a social hour between
5-6 pm with dinner to follow; always a
great meal. Afterwards, a short business
meeting and most always a special guest
speaker…………please come and join.
Mark your calendar for February 11,
2014, WKSC will celebrate Valentine’s
Day; with some DJ entertainment and a
fine dinner. So, bring your special valentine lady or maybe someone else’s special lady………..only kidding; please
come and enjoy some great fellowship.
WKSC would like to take this opportunity to say congratulation’s to Illustrious
(Ill) Sir William W. (aka Bill) Gentry on
his year as potentate for Kerbela Temple
2013. Also extending congratulation’s to
Ill. Sir Danny Moore on being the potentate for 2014 and the Divan members on
moving forward to their next phase of
leadership; WKSC will be there to support Ill. Sir Danny Moore and the Divan
all throughout the year 2014.
Remember to keep those serving
this great Nation in your thought and
prayers; they are the reason we have
what we DO!
Also remember to keep those who
are sick or injured not able to attend
lodge, unit meetings, shrine club meetings in your thoughts and prayers.
“A banker is a fellow who lends you
his umbrella when the sun is shining,
but wants it back the minute it begins
to rain.” Mark Twain
Mike Wise aka Iceman
Come On—
Get out there and get
those petitions signed.
Help us Grow!
National Burn
Awareness Week
February 2-9, 2014
Page 16
January/February 2014 Kerbela Knews
News from Cincinnati
Specialty care beyond the burn
Cincinnati Hospital Launches New Website
GREAT NEWS! Shriners Hospitals for Children® – Cincinnati is pleased to
announce the launch of the Cincinnati hospital’s new website:
www.shrinershospitalcincinnati.org. This website was created to showcase our pediatric plastic surgery specialties and rehabilitation services, as well
as our burn care expertise.
Cincinnati continues to make referring a patient and obtaining an appointment
for care easier than ever. Every page has a Schedule An Appointment and a
Contact Us feature; both are easy forms that families can complete and submit
online directly to the hospital. Other methods to contact the hospital and make
appointments are also readily available.
Every page is populated with photographs and information about the conditions
we treat and information is provided about the numerous additional services
available at the Cincinnati hospital. The home page features a video about
Shriners Hospitals for Children – Cincinnati.
The new hospital website is designed to be user friendly and easy to navigate,
and provide families with information that they can use to help seek treatment
for their child.
All Services Provided Regardless
of the Families’ Ability to Pay
If you know a child we can help, please call:
Kerbela Knews January/February 2014
Page 17
Mark Your Calendar
Greenville Shriners Hospital’s
Annual Shrine Day
2nd Saturday of Every March!
TO: Editors - Shriners Monthly Newsletter Magazines
FROM: The Publicity and Public Relations Committee
Shriner's Hospital Lexington
Details of the 2014 event on
coming soon!
Lexington Shriners Hospital for Children
Report for November 2013
Inpatient Surgeries
Outpatient Surgeries
Inpatient Satisfaction
Last Year
To Date
Last Year
To Date
To Date
Al Menah
* Composite Inpatient Satisfaction Scores - The average score of
overall inpatient satisfaction from the Press Gainey Satisfaction
Survey. Each patient discharged is mailed the survey to complete
and return. A perfect score would be 100%.
Outpatient visits
* * Composite Outpatient Satisfaction Scores - The average score of
overall patient satisfaction from the Press Gainey Satisfaction Survey.
Random sample of outpatients are mailed the survey to complete
and return. A perfect score would be 100%.
Beni Kedem
El Hasa
Changing the world.
Caring for kids.
Every gift makes a difference in the life of a child!
Page 18
January/February 2014 Kerbela Knews
Pediatric Specialty Care
Board Meeting Take Home Points
December 23, 2013
Greenville’s Volume Data:
New Patients for Treatment
Outpatient Appointments
Inpatient Discharges
Surgical Cases
Patient Satisfaction: (Goal = >90%)
Outpatient – Overall
Outpatient – Likelihood of Recommending
Inpatient – Overall
Inpatient – Recommend Hospital to Others
Outpatient Surgery – Overall
Outpatient Surgery – Recommend Hospital to Others
Jan. – Oct.
Raw Score
Jan. – Nov.
Raw Score
Adjusted Patient Days: November Inpatient = 124; Outpatient (Adjusted) = 217.2; Total = 341.2
The Average New Patient Wait-to-Clinic Times:
61.4 days
52.1 days
33.2 days
28.6 days
Public Relations and Community Outreach:
November 2013:
October 2013:
November 2012:
October 2012
Hosted Shrine Bowl of the Carolinas Players visit and tour
Hosted Imperial Potentate visit and lunch
Human Resources:
Mr. John Surber, Clinical Analyst, MIS, was selected as the November Employee of the Month.
Kerbela Knews January/February 2014
Page 19
News from Cincinnati
Specialty care beyond the burn
Thank You...
On January 12, 2004, the Administrator at
Shriners Hospitals for Children® – Cincinnati,
received a letter from the Zorah Shrine Divan recommending the nomination of Noble
Jerry Hardisty for associate membership to
the hospital’s Board of Governors. At that
time the Divan wrote, “Jerry represents our
Shrine with dignity and dedication and he
will endeavor to serve our hospital with the
same zeal.” Fast forward ten years and Jerry
Hardisty has done just that; now Chairman
of the Board of Governors, Jerry is passing
his leadership torch, along with his passion
for improving the lives of children, as he moves to Emeritus status at the end
of this year.
Jerry’s personal qualities of integrity, credibility and dedication to Shriners Hospitals for Children are paramount. Over the years, he has partnered with the Administrator of the Cincinnati hospital as well as other board members and staff
to provide governance leadership and strategic fundraising support to move the
organization into a sustainable entity. “He was the right man, at the right time,
to lead the board of Governors and the hospital forward during what I believe
has been the most challenging time of our existence” states Chairman-elect
Doug Sitzler.
Chairman Hardisty’s extensive professional experience and career accomplishments have allowed him to attract and recruit other well-qualified, experienced and high-performing board members. He has been a trusted advisor and
has developed and helped to implement strategic plans that will ensure
Shriners Hospitals for Children’s mission and goals continue long into the future.
Jerry’s work for the hospital will continue. As an emeritus board member, he
will continue to play an active role with the board by chairing the newly formed
Research Committee whose first meeting is scheduled in January of 2014.
It is easy to see that Jerry is passionate about the success of the organization and he treats Shriners Hospitals for Children as a top philanthropic priority. As acting ambassador for the Cincinnati hospital, he has developed and
maintained relationships with funders, partners and other stakeholders. Vice
Chairman-elect Dave Aaronson shares “For four years Chairman Hardisty has
led Shriners Hospital for Children - Cincinnati with leadership and foresight as
only he could, leaving a proud history of accomplishments that will serve us all
for years to come.”
To Chairman Hardisty; thank you for championing the cause, for being a
steward of our mission, and for strengthening and securing the future of Shriners
Hospitals for Children – Cincinnati.
If you know a child we can help, please call:
Conditions Treated at
the Cincinnati Hospital
• Burn injuries
• Inhalation injuries
• Burn reconstruction & rehabilitation
• Congenital ear deformities
• Congenital hairy nevus (large birthmarks)
• Cleft lip and palate
• Brachial plexus injuries
(nerve damage affecting upper extremities)
• Congenital hand malformations
• Gynecomastia
(abnormal breast development in teenage boys)
• Congenital breast deformities
• Hidradenitis (chronic sweat gland disorder)
• Post trauma deformities
(treadmill injuries, dog bites, lawnmower accidents)
• Purpura Fulminans
• Necrotizing skin infections &
Necrotizing Fasciitis
• Stevens-Johnson Syndrome
• Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis
• Port wine stains
All Services Provided Regardless
of the Families’ Ability to Pay
Page 20
Shriners Hospital for Children® - Lexington
January/February 2014 Kerbela Knews
Maximizing Our Mission - Care, Education and Research
Ground breaking for the new state-of-theart Shriners Hospital for Children® - Lexington is scheduled for early this year and doors
will open to children in early 2016. The new
five-story, 110,000 square foot facility will be
located across the street from the University
of Kentucky. The new facility will be built as
an outpatient facility meaning approximately
2,000 more patients will be treated each year.
If the patient requires an overnight stay, they
will be cared for at the University of Kentucky
Children's Hospital, without having to switch
A closer proximity to the University of
Kentucky will foster a more collaborative
relationship between two of the region's top
healthcare systems. With a shorter transit
time for residents and medical students, the
possibilities for educational programs are
Being on campus will provide our professionals access to the University's research facilities, leading to improved clinical
research and the potential for ground-breaking studies in partnership with the University.
January is National Blood Donor Month
A message from Carrie Blackburn, BS, MT (ASCP)
Directory of Laboratory Services, Shriners Hospitals for Children - Lexington
"Because the holiday season is such a busy time for us all, it is easy to forget that one of the most important gifts we can
give is the gift of life through blood donation. According to statistics, each year 4.5 million Americans will require a blood
transfusion. One pint of blood takes about 10 minutes to donate and can be broken down into blood components such as red
cells, platelets and plasma, each of which can help improve or save the lives of up to three patients. And remember, donating
blood is a good health check! During the screening process, a mini-physical that includes readings for pulse, temperature
and blood pressure will be performed. Your local blood center will also check to see if your iron level is high enough to
safely donate."
Your donation is a gift of life.
Kerbela Knews January/February 2014
Page 21
FEBRUARY 8 & 9, 2014
Page 22
January/February 2014 Kerbela Knews
Thank You
for the
issue of the
Kerbela Knews
is Feb
4, 2014
Shriners and Ladies of Kerbela Temple,
With words or action, I am unable to express my deepest and sincerest
appreciation to you, our outpouring of thoughts, prayers and gifts during
the hospitalization of my Lady Hollie. On November 12, 2013, God blessed
Lady Hollie and me with the birth of a healthy 9lb 7oz baby boy, Jaxon
Carter Hicks.After the birth, my Lady Hollie suffered numerous internal
complications, requiring 3 additional surgeries in the following 2 weeks.
Your numerous thoughts and prayers are what pulled us though a most
difficult time in our lives. Your many texts and calls are what lifted our
spirits when we were not at our best. Your love and thoughtfulness has
been, and always will be, an invaluable part of our lives. Your unselfish
gifts allowed us to carry on as a family, and will never be forgotten. My
time in Shrinedom has always been imbedded in my heart, but your love
for my family has imbedded it even deeper. Your generosity has allowed
me to show my older children that Shrinedom is not only about helping
children in need, BUT, it’s also about helping Shriners when Shriners
themselves are in need. “Only” because of your thoughtfulness, prayers,
and heart-felt generosity, our family is back home, together, healing and
very grateful to the Shriners of Kerbela Temple.
The Bible says: Far better is it to have genuine friends who become
like family and love at all times.
Each and every one of you are, and always will be, a very special part
of my family; and my family’s love for you will never fade.
May God bless you, as you have blessed my family.
Yours in the Faith,
Noble Greg (Hooty) Hicks
2013 Award Recipients
• Kerbela Shriner of the Year:........................ Noble William E. (Red) Phibbs
• Kerbela Outstanding Club:......................... West Knox Shrine Club
• Kerbela Outstanding Unit of the Year:........ Kerbela Motor Corps
• Kerbela Parade Unit of the Year:................ Kerbela Corvette Unit
• Kerbela Magnanimous Award:.................... Noble Buck King • Kerbela Benevolent Award:........................ Illustrious Sir Bobby Vann PP
• Kerbela Hall of Fame
Lifetime Meritorious Service Award:.............. Illustrious Sir Bart Iddins PP
• Rookie of the Year Award:.......................... Noble James Waller
Kerbela Knews January/February 2014
Daughters of the Nile
miscellaneous items. The total cash
value collected was approximately $850.
Thank you Don Keener for getting these
items to the Lexington hospital!
Our Christmas social was a festive
evening. We enjoyed a lot of good food
and a time of fellowship. Rather than a
gift exchange, members in attendance
contributed gift cards to be sent to the
Lexington hospital. The total amount of
the gift cards was $145.
Some upcoming dates to remember:
Feb. 13 – Stated Session 7:30 (social
time 6:45)
March 13 – Stated Session, elections
7:30 (social time 6:45)
To all of those who are sick or unable
to get out, we are thinking of you and
we hope you are feeling better soon.
On behalf of Abdiel Temple No. 147,
I would like to extend sympathies to
those who have lost a loved one. May
you find peace during this difficult time.
Shining With Nile Love,
Kay Arp
Princess Royal
Fellow Officers and Ladies of the
I hope everyone
had a wonderful holiday season. As I look
ahead to the New Year,
I find myself inspired
to work a little harder
for our cause. So, I guess you could call
that my New Year’s Resolution.
The Supreme Queen’s official
visit to our Temple was an enjoyable
evening. Thank you to all who came
to the banquet, and to the member’s
who attended the Ceremonial Session.
We truly appreciate your support. We
enjoyed a delicious dinner catered by
Eddie and Brenda Everhart. Supreme
Queen Margaret Ann Risk spoke about
raising awareness for Daughters of the
Nile and encouraged us to get the word
out there. After the Ceremonial, she
gave very positive remarks about our
Temple session. Thanks to: PQ Pamela
Johnson and everyone who came to help
set up for the evening and the Ambassadors Unit for welcoming the Supreme
Welcome new members: Christy
Ann Bowers, Paula Carroll, Clara Jo
(CJ) Johnson, and Debra Ann Vittetoe.
We look forward to seeing you at the
next session.
The Item of the Month has been a
huge success. Since we began the Item
of the Month drive in August, members
have contributed pillows, pillow cases,
men’s and ladies briefs, sweatpants and
sweatshirts, cash, gift cards and other
Commercial • Residential
Striping • Sealing
DACO Asphalt Paving Co.
Experience & Equipment For Any Size Job
Gerald H. Turner Two Decades of Service in East Tennessee
Licensed & Bonded
Page 23
Winter Jamboree–
more info
It was brought to my attention that
a few local folks would be interested in
attending the event but not the all of the
shows and maybe not the hotel stay. I
had already planned for that and have a
"menu" available for those who would
like to pick and choose.
In regards to anyone in a wheelchair
all of the shows, attractions, hotel, etc.
are handicap accessible.
See Below Hotel $55.00 Per Night Per Couple
Food - Single $74.00 Couple $148.00
Food Purchase Includes 2 - Group Private Breakfast, Friday and
Saturday mornings
Note: The hotel does have a hot breakfast for hotel guest available daily all
three days our Friday and Saturday
2 - Group Lunches
2 - Group dinners Friday and Saturday
nights only
NOTE: The big package does offer dinner for three nights. Individual
purchasing of the food doesn't, it only
offers Friday and Saturday nights Dinner. The Thursday night Dinner is part of
the Hatfield and McCoys Dinner Show
in the big package.
They can also pick and choose if they
want to do one show or attraction and
not the other,
Prices per person Hatfield & McCoy Dinner Show $45.00
Comedy Barn Show $ 25.00
Wax Museum $15.00
Titanic $25.00
Saturday Night Entertainment $10.00
Tax is included on all prices.
This is a fund raising event for the
Hillbilly Unit. Please come out and
support us.
I think that covers all of the charges.
Call me if you have any questions: 865414-7233
Page 24
January/February 2014 Kerbela Knews
A Note From The Office
Greetings Nobles and Ladies!
The Kerbela Temple office staff would like to request that each Shriner please provide
us with updated information for the database. You can call the office at 865-573-1901 or
email us at Kerbelashriners@comcast.net
To help us make sure that we update the records correctly we need the following:
Spouses Name
Current Mailing Address
Phone numbers, i.e. home, work, cell, whatever is applicable
e-Mail addresses – (ESPECIALLY e-mail addresses)
Thank you so much for your time and consideration.
Juanita and Michelle
Kerbela Knews January/February 2014
Application for Membership
 Yes I (we) want to Share in the
 I have previously made a Will
leaving a Bequest (of $100 or
more) to the Shriners Hospitals
for Children endowment fund.
 I have added a provision in my
Will leaving a Bequest (of $100
or more) to the Shriners Hospitals for Children endowment
 I prefer to make a cash donation
at this time (of $100 or more).
Make your check payable to:
Page 25
Total Membership as reported December 31, 2012......... 2,065
NOTE: Includes Associate Members
Nobles created:.......................................................46
Nobles affiliated:......................................................6
Nobles restored:.....................................................25
Nobles associated:....................................................4
Total Gain......................................................................... 81
Total............................................................................. 2,146
Nobles demitted:......................................................8
Nobles suspended:.................................................57
Nobles expelled:.......................................................0
Nobles deceased:....................................................59
Nobles resigned:.......................................................0
Associated members dropped:.................................3
Total Deductions............................................................. 127
Total membership as reported December 31, 2013
Note: Includes Associate Members............................. 2,019
Net Loss for the year: -46
Michelle Nesbit
Independent Beauty Consultant
Temple Member?
Mail to:
Kerbela Shriners
315 Mimosa Ave
Knoxville TN 37920
Call to schedule a complimentary facial and makeover
Wear Your Fez—
It's Important!
State Zip
You may give a $100 Million
Dollar Club Membership in
another person’s name as a
special anniversary birthday or
appreciation gift. Please have
the member certificate read
Shop online with me 24/7
Page 26
January/February 2014 Kerbela Knews
It is natural to associate the fez with Shriners Hospitals for
children. Because of this, meticulous attention must be given to
all fund-raising activities, including circuses, to make certain that
a contributor is not led to believe that his money will be used for
the Hospitals when all or a portion thereof will be used otherwise.
The integrity of our charity and of our fraternity must remain above
Your specific attention is call to the following fraternal and
charitable bylaws:
§335.3 USE OF NAME
“Shriners Hospitals for Children” or reference to the Hospitals in
connection with any fund-raising activity by a temple or Noble
without the written consent of the Imperial Potentate and the
chairman of the board of Trustees of the hospitals is prohibited.
§503.10 The use of the name “Shriners Hospitals for Children” or
reference to the hospital in connection with any commercial product
or business enterprise is prohibited unless the written consent of the
Board of Directors and Trustees has be first obtained.
Now, therefore, IT IS HEREBY ORDERD:
1. Fund-Raising for Fraternal Purposes:
(a) No Noble (in his capacity as a Shriner), club, unit,
organization of Nobles or affiliated or appendant
corporation, shall engage in any fund-raising activity
without the express written consent of the potentate
of the temple having jurisdiction thereof.
(b) There can be no representation, express or implied,
that the proceeds will be for the benefit of Shriners
Hospitals for Children
(c) The temple potentate shall carefully examine all
phases of the advertising, promotion and solicitation
to determine that it complies with£335.3 and£503.9
of the fraternal and charitable bylaws.
(d) The temple potentate must approve the terms and
provision of any contract for a fund-raising activity
after receiving the advice of the temple attorney, and,
additionally, as may be required by the temple bylaws.
(e) A copy of the temple potentate’s written consent
shall be mailed to the Imperial Recorder. Further,
such written material pertaining to the fun-raising
activity, as requested by the Imperial Recorder, shall
be promptly mailed to him.
2. Fund-Raising for Charitable Purposes:
(a) No Noble (in his capacity as a Shriner), club, unit,
organization of Nobles or affiliated or appendant
corporations shall engage in any charitable fundraising activity other than for Shriners Hospitals for
Children. Permission therefore must be first obtained
in writing from the temple potentate. The temple
potentate must then obtain written permission form
the Imperial Potentate and the Chairman of the Board
of Trustees. This requires for written permission shall
be sent to the Executive Vice President-Fraternal,
Imperial Council, P.O. Box 31356, Tampa, FL 336313356
(b) 100% of the net proceeds from the charitable fundraising must be given to Shriners Hospitals for children
except for such portions therefore as may be permitted
to be retained for the temple Shrine Hospital Patient
Transportation fund pursuant to the Special Purpose
Funs provisions of any existing General Order.
The temple shall report the result of each charitable
fund-raising activity within sixty (60) days of the
activity, to Shriners Hospital for children, on the
Shrine Charity Activity Form (CAF) provided to the
(d) This section shall not apply to activities exempt
und£335.4(b) of the bylaws of The Imperial Council.
(e) Each independent corporation or entity that receives
the permission of the Imperial Potentate and the
Chairman of the Board of Trustees to raise money for
Shriners Hospitals for children, and which does not
have its financial accounts audited pursuant to£§334.5
& 337.8 of the bylaws of the Imperial Council, shall
have its financial accounts audited by a certified,
chartered or licensed public accountant and shall
submit such audit report to The Imperial Council
within 120 days of the activity.
3. Statement of Purpose and disclosure:
(a) Every fund-raising activity must contain information
on its solicitation materials, tickets, programs and
documents regarding the use of the proceeds.
“Proceeds are for the benefit of (____________
Temple) (___________Shrine Club) activities.”
“Proceeds are for the benefit of Shriners Hospitals
for Children.”
(b) Every fund-raising activity which is not entirely for
the benefit of Shriners Hospitals for children shall
prominently state on the solicitation material, tickets
and documents that “payments are not deductible as
charitable contributions.”
(c) There must be compliance with the Revenue Act of
1987 provision of any existing general order by U.S.
4. Compliance with Applicable Laws:
It is the responsibility of the temple potentate, after receiving
the advice of the temple attorney, to determine that there is
compliance with all applicable laws in its jurisdiction for
the temple’s fund-raising activities.
5. Financial Records:
(a) The temple shall maintain detailed financial records
pertaining to all fund-raising activities involving
Nobles, clubs, units, organizations of Nobles or
affiliated or appendant corporations. Details of all
revenues and disbursements shall be maintained in
such financial records.
(b) The temple must retain such detailed financial records
for a period of seven (7) years.
(c) There must be compliance with the financial Reporting
on charitable Funds and Activities provision of any
existing general order.
6. Notification to Nobility:
A copy of the fund-Raising Activities provisions of this
General Order shall be printed in the temple publication
at least once every calendar year. If there is no temple
publication, then a copy shall be mailed to each Noble in the
temple not later than the last day in March of each calendar
Any officer, Noble or temple which violates a provision of
Fund-Raising Activities is subject to discipline pursuant to
the bylaws of The Imperial Council.
Kerbela Knews January/February 2014
Page 27
Page 28
January/February 2014 Kerbela Knews
Cincinnati BOG Kerbela Presentation of Paper Sale Proceeds
Marshall Andy receiving the
West Knox recognition award,
“The Camels Milk Jug”, from
President Bob Williamson.
Marshall Andy informed us later
that week that he was having
trouble obtaining camel’s milk
locally, but he had some “good”
bourbon that would work until
his search was successful.
Kerbela Knews January/February 2014
Page 29
Motorcycle Unit Fish Camp
Motorcycle Unit Christmas Party
Page 30
January/February 2014 Kerbela Knews
“Es Selamu Aleikum”
Life is a story in volumes three the past the present the yet to be.
The first we’ve written and laid away.
The second we’re reading day by day.
The third and last of the volumes
Is locked from our sight and God keepeth the key.
James M Clark
Berge W. Woolridge
Clifford E. Davis
Samuel Belcher Jr
Brownlee Reagan
William T. Fergueson
Lawrence L. Moore
Clyde Helton Jr
James M. Fox
Ted G. Barton
Jesse F. Marcum
Jack D. Bowers
Jesse P. Dillingham
BLOUNT COUNTY SHRINE CLUB-4th Monday Shoney's, Maryville 6pm
CAMPBELL COUNTY SHRINE CLUB-4th Monday Campbell Co Lodge #778 LaFollette 6pm
CLINCH VALLEY SHRINE CLUB-3rd Thursday Shoney’s 2405 Andersonville Hwy. 6pm
COCKE COUNTY SHRINE CLUB-3rd Monday Shrine Bldg. Newport 7pm
GRAINGER COUNTY SHRINE CLUB-4th Monday Down Home Restaurant Rutledge 6:30pm dinner 7pm meeting
GREAT SMOKY MTN. SHRINE CLUB-2nd Thurs. The Gondolier, 904 Dolly Parton Pkwy,
Sevierville Dinner 6pm Meeting 7pm
GREENE COUNTY HILLBILLY UNIT-1st Fri. Little Chicago, 6:30pm
GREENE COUNTY SHRINE CLUB-1st Thursday Fat Boyz, 906 Tusculum Boulevard, Greeneville 7pm
GREENEVILLE KLOWN KLAN - 1st Friday, Fat Boyz, 6pm
GREENVILLE MOTOR PATROL-1st Friday, Fat Boyz, Mosheim 6pm
HAM RADIO UNIT-1st Tuesday Kerbela Temple 7pm
JEFFERSON COUNTY SHRINE CLUB-2nd Tuesday Captin's Galley, Dandridge 6:30pm
KERBELA ENGINEERS-2nd Tuesday Davy Crockett Restaurant, 3282 E. Morris Blvd,
Morristown, 7:30pm
KERBELA EXOTIC CARS-3rd Thursday Golden Coral Dinner 6pm Meeting 7pm
KERBELA HILLBILLY UNIT-3rd Thursday, Louis Restaurant, Knoxville 7:30pm
KERBELA KLOWN KORP-1st Tuesday Kerbela Temple 7pm
KERBELA ROANE SHRINE CLUB - 3rd Thursday South Gate Lodge Harriman Dinner
6pm Meeting 7:30pm
KNOXVILLE SHRINE CLUB-3rd Tuesday Kerbela Temple Knoxville 5pm
KERBELA VAN DRIVERS UNIT-3rd Tuesday Kerbela Temple Knoxville 5:30pm
KOCKE KOUNTY KLOWNS-2nd Monday Shoney’s Newport 7pm
LOUDON COUNTY SHRINE CLUB-5th Thursday 6:30pm Avery Lodge #593 Lenoir City
MONROE COUNTY SHRINE CLUB-1st Monday Tellico Lodge #80s Madisonville 8pm
MORRISTOWN SHEIKS-4th Tuesday Morristown Lodge #231 7pm
MORRISTOWN SHRINE CLOWNS-2nd Thursday Hamblen Library 7pm
MORRISTOWN SHRINE CLUB-2nd Tuesday Davy Crockett Restaurant, 3282 E. Morris
Blvd, Morristown, Dinner 6pm, Meeting 7pm
NORTH KNOX SHRINE CLUB-2nd Wed Shoney's Emory Rd at I-74 Powell; Dinner
6pm Meeting 7pm
ROCO KLOWNS - 1st Tuesday Kerbela Temple 8pm
SCOTT COUNTY SHRINE CLUB-1st Thursday Oneida Lodge Oneida 7pm
UNION COUNTY SHRINE CLUB - 3rd Thursday J.C. Baker Lodge Maynardville 7pm
WEST KNOX SHRINE CLUB-2nd Tuesday West Knox Shrine Club Bldg. Loop Rd Dinner
6pm Meeting 7pm
Publication Dates
The following dates are proposed for the publication of the Kerbela Knews. We will
try to stay as close to them as possible. If material is submitted to the office by the
deadline date it should make it into the Kerbela Knews to be published approximately
1 1/2-2 weeks later. Dated material and announcements of events should be submitted at least two months prior to the event to ensure that it will be published in time.
Issue Deadline Publication Date
Feb. 4
Feb. 14, 2014
April March 4
March 14, 2014
February 2014
7pm Legion of Honor
4:30pm Divan Meeting
6pm Finance Meeting
7pm Unit Meeting
7:30pm Bluegrass Band
7pm Membership &
Blue Lodge Ambassadors
7pm Greene Co SC
7pm Monroe Co SC
7pm Scott Co SC
6pm Greene Co Klowns
6pm Hillbilly - Greene Co
6pm Greeneville Motor
Temple Cruise
6pm Morristown SC
6:30pm Jeff. Co SC
7PM West Knox SC
7pm Kerbela Engineers
7pm North Knox SC
7pm Morristown Clowns
7pm DON
8pm Valentine's
4pm Innovators
Valentine's Day
Temple Cruise
7pm Vintage Wheels
7pm Cocke Co SC
4:30pm Divan Meeting
5pm Knoxville SC
5:30pm Van Drivers
6:30pm BOG Meeting
7pm Stated Meeting
6pm District 20 Mtg
6pm Clinch Valley SC
6pm Kerbela Roane SC
6:30pm Kerbela
7pm Exotic Cars
7pm Union Co SC
6:30pm Hillbilly
Clan #24
President's Day
Temple Cruise
6pm Blount Co SC
7pm Grainger Co SC
7pm Campbell Co SC
7:30pm Provost Guard
7pm Morristown
March 2014
8am Past Masters
7pm Legion of Honor
6pm Morristown SC
6pm Jeff. Co SC-PC
7PM West Knox SC
7pm Kerbela Engineers
4:30pm Divan Meeting
5pm Knoxville SC
5:30pm Van Drivers
6pm Finance Meeting
6:30pm BOG Meeting
7pm Stated Meeting
7pm Morristown
SPRING FORWARD set your clocks 1 hour
6pm Fun Fest Meeting
7pm Vintage Wheels
7pm Cocke Co SC
St Patrick's Day
6pm Blount Co SC
7pm Grainger Co SC
7pm Campbell Co SC
4:30pm Divan Meeting
6pm Finance Meeting
7pm Unit Meeting
7:30pm Bluegrass Band
7pm Membership &
Blue Lodge Ambassadors
7pm Greene Co SC
7pm Monroe Co SC
7pm Scott Co SC
7pm North Knox SC
7pm Morristown Clowns
7pm DON
6pm District 20 Mtg
6pm Clinch Valley SC
6pm Kerbela Roane SC
6:30pm Kerbela
7pm Exotic Cars
7pm Union Co SC
6:30pm Hillbilly
Clan #24
6pm Campbell Co SC
Poster Child Visit
7:30pm Provost Guard
6pm Greene Co Klowns
6pm Hillbilly - Greene Co
6pm Greeneville Motor
Cabri Meeting
4pm Innovators
7pm Kerbela Patrol Unit
8am Past Masters
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