Bedouin Temple A.A.O.N.M.S. July 2011 Oasis Of Muskogee • Desert Of Oklahoma Volume 113, Number 7 Camel Tracks Published Monthly Address All Communications to P.O. Box 1667 • Muskogee, OK 74402 1-918-682-2761 1-888-782-8117 Mark Hamrick, P.P. - Editor All News items must be submitted no later than the 15th of the month preceding publication. Fax: 918-682-6511 Bedouin Website Web Master: Mike Brawley Elected Divan Potentate Steve Willcox.................................Home 918-485-9488 Cell Chief Rabban Edward Warren Palmer....................Cell 918-429-2965 Home 918-423-9325 Assistant Rabban Mike Brawley....................................Cell 918-348-6032 Home High Priest and Prophet Gordon Carlin.............................................918-351-4070 Oriental Guide Jerry Davidson.....................................Cell 918-441-6952 Treasurer Billy Ray Williamson, P.P. ......................918-687-6775 Cell 918-869-9119 Recorder Gregory Schuler, P.P. .............................918-682-2761 Vice Chairman of Shreveport Board of Governers Harvey Johnson, P.P. .............................918-521-2594 Hospital Chairman and Public Relations Director Jim Ritchey.............................................918-781-9803 Chaplain B.K. Smith...............................................918-687-6238 Commandant Rick Beikenbile........................................918-781-9555 Chief Aide Todd Rackley..........................................918-869-6424 Membership Chairman Brian Tannehill........................................918-822-3442 Special Aide Jim Eskew...............................................405-643-2447 Parade Marshal Don Bedouin Shrine Clubs Presidents Cher-O-Dair, Hubbard Stanley.....................918-931-2879 Haskell County, Rory Robertson.................918-839-7923 Leflore County, Tommy Robertson.............918-647-6119 Latimer County, Jason Lawrence................918-465-7318 Little Dixie, Dan Earley................................580-920-8870 McCurtain County, Charles Trapp...............580-345-2021 Okmulgee County, William Jackson............918-282-5259 Pittsburg County, Vance Rochelle...............918-426-3831 Wagoner County, Mark Hamrick,P.P.............918-520-2463 McIntosh County, Keith Nelson.....................918-843-1099 Bedouin Shrine Units Clowns..................................................................President Todd Rackley.............................................918-869-6424 Drum Corp............................................................President Frank Catron...............................................918-360-5100 Flying Fez..........................................................Commander J.D. Stevens...............................................405-808-8673 Iron Horse Patrol..................................................President Ryan Rosson.............................................918-869-9300 Legion of Honor ..............................................Commander Chuck Wendland.......................................918-605-6158 McClowns.............................................................President Norl Cochran..................................................Unavailable Merri Makers........................................................President J.R. Salyers................................................918-682-6161 Mounted Patrol.........................................................Captain Barry Neel..................................................918-869-2942 Fire Brigade...........................................................Fire Chief Paul Diehl...................................................918-470-1548 Van Drivers...........................................................President Art Carter...................................................918-348-0880 Potentate’s Message... I hope that you all had a good time at this year’s Summer Cooler! I would like to thank our Commandant Rick Berkenbile for putting together a great event. Approximately 50 years ago the three temples in Oklahoma; India, Akdar and Bedouin held the first Tri-Temple Ceremonial. During the month of August Bedouin has the distinct honor of hosting the second Tri-Temple Ceremonial including both India and Akdar on August 13th. Immediately following the seremonial will be a Masonic Parade led by one of Bedouins own, our Deputy Grand Master Randy Rogers. He will be followed by 50 Mason carrying the state flags of our great Nation, representatives from both the Scottish and York Rites, and the three temples. For the first time in our history, the “Shrine Arch Degree” will be presented by th ceremonial teams from all three Temples. This degree is open to both Nobles and their Ladies, so be sure to bring them with you to the event. If you have never seen the Arch Degree, I promise that you will not want to miss this rare opportunity. In the March edition of the Camel Tracks, I spoke about the challenge of our declining membership and challenged the membership with a goal of 100 creations in 2011. To date we have added 24 creations / restorations to the membership roster. While this is good news, it should also be a call to action for us all. Every one of us knows at least one good Mason that is not a Shriner, or one good man that would make a great Shrine Mason. We just need to share our message of Fun and Fellowship with a Purpose and invite them to join our temple during the upcoming Tri-Temple Centennial Ceremonial, or the Fall Ring Race scheduled later in the year. In closing, I would like to thank you for your continued sup port of both our great Shrine Temple and the greatest philanthropy in the world, Shriners Hospitals for Childern. Yours in Faith, Steve Willcox, Potentate “100 Years of Fun and Fellowship with a Purpose” Living Past Potentates 1969 ...................................................Bartis M. Kent, M.D. 1971 .........................................................Albert Matthews 1972 ...................................................John W. Russell, Jr. 1974...............................................................William Kaad 1978..................................................................Henry Peak 1985............................................................John E. Rogers 1986................................................................Jim Bushnell 1989................................................Harvey C. Johnson, Jr. 1990..............................................................Jim Alexander 1991.....................................................................Leo Beller 1992....................................................................Don Cluck 1993......................................................................Lyle Bibb 1994..........................................................Gregory Schuler 1996.................................................................Bud Morgan 1997..................................................................Dick Morris 1998..............................................................Mark Hamrick 1999....................................................Billy Ray Williamson 2000......................................................Andy Killingsworth 2001....................................................Billy Ray Williamson 2002.................................................................Bob Starkey 2003..............................................................Clint Warnock 2004.................................................................Gary Dunlap 2006................................................................Steve Wright 2007...............................................................John Godwin 2008...............................................................Ray Caviness 2009..............................................................Randy Griffith 2010..................................................................Paul Center From the Recorder It may seem like we have talked about South Central convention for months. Well, it is over and done. But, I have got to say….Wow, what a great job was done! In addition to the many compliments we heard as people were leaving, I have received numerous cards, e-mails & text, saying what a good time they had. The three Imperial officers made numerous comments about the how everyone seemed to work so well together and how well organized all of the events were and what a great time they had. So, in closing the books on SCSA convention, I want to say ‘THANK YOU, BEDOUIN’ ! Thank you… to each and everyone that gave their time, effort and ATTITUDE to make this happen. You should be so proud! Just a reminder to bring any items you wish to send to Afghanistan to Gordon, our High Priest & Prophet, to the August Dinner Club. Or, you can drop them off at the Temple anytime. In case you did not get a list, some of the things that were on the list….shampoo, toothpaste, toothbrushes, razors, jerky, all nuts, chips, cookies, foot powder, deodorant, gatorade packets, bath soap, any snack items. He said that he enjoys sharing his stuff with the others in his unit, so everything sent will be appreciated! Reminder, No Dinner Club in July…….because our Divan will be attending the Imperial Business Session in Denver, Co. Yours in the Faith, Greg Schuler, P.P. Recorder Transportation Report for May 2011 Shreveport 6 Trips with 7 Patients St. Louis 1 Trip with 1 Patient Galveston 3 Trips with 3 Patients Friendswood 1 Trip with 1 Patient Membership Report As Of June 14, 2011 Begin Members..................1025 Creations..............................0 Affiliations...........................0 Restorations.........................2 Expires ...................................-1 Demits.................................0 Resignations.........................0 Suspensions..........................0 Dropped...............................0 Net Gain..................................1 _________________________ Members 1026 Bedouin Temple is publishing a yearbook for 2011. If you can’t make an appointment to get your picture taken, please send in a picture so that it can be included in the yearbook. As Shriners we have all taken an obligation not just to have fun in the world’s greatest philanthropy but to help children in their time of need. Here is a short story about a courageous 2 year old little girl named Mia Barnes. On March 14, 2011 after her accident she was transported to Muskogee Regional Medical Center (MRMC) where she was treated for burns to her face and upper left arm. Recorder Greg Schuler P.P. and Jim Ritchey, Hospital Chairman responded as part of the Bedouin Temple Burn Team. After talking to the doctors at MRMC they were instrumental in getting them in contact with the doctors at Galveston Shrine Hospital. At that time it was determined that the burns Mia received were not life threatening and she could be transported by Muskogee County EMS to Galveston for treatment. Sarah, Mia’s mother, wanted to show Mia’s progress as a result of her treatment at Galveston Hospital through pictures. Her story started March 14, 2011 when Mia was transported to Galveston for treatment. Upon arrival, Dr Lee and the nurses took special care of Mia, as they do to all of our kids that are transported to Galveston. The fourth picture that you see is where they removed skin off of the back of her head to use as skin grafts for arm. You can see in the 5th picture that the skin graft area has healed and you can’t even tell. The Van Drivers of Bedouin Temple are a dedicated group of Shriners that are willing to give their time to help kids in need. Mickey Akers and Bill Hereden are two such drivers that made the first impression upon the Barnes family. Mia has gone from being severely injured to walking on the beaches of Galveston Island in four short months. The last picture shows a tired little girl that is coming home from one of her checkups from the hospital. A BIG THANKS to the Doctors and Nurses of Galveston Hospital and to all of our Van Drivers that transport our kids up and down the highway to all of our Shrine Hospitals. Jim Ritchey Hospital Chairman Mark Hammrick P.P. Thank you Rick Hamm for providing the parade vehicles for the visting imperial sirs for the South Central Shrine Association Parade Mark Hamrick P.P. Back Then May 7th, 1945 Not all men make Shriners. They become members, but not Shriners. A Shriner is a fellow who has the mind of a poet, the philosophy of Marcus Aurelius, the patience of Job, the maturity of a Chesterfield, who does not believe he is capable of giving advice to Allah, or of running the universe; whose mirth bubbles up like the fountain of Elim (Exodus 15:17), whose way is not the only way, who recognizes humanity in man, is tolerant of his foibles, forgives his sins and is great in the little things of life that’s the fellow we want. The Shrine is going to be for you just what you make of it a place for the forming of friendships and the cementing of ties that will last the whole life through or it’s going to be a fleeting place and a romping station. The Shrine teaches a lesson that no man can afford to forget. It’s application to everyday life will make him bigger, broader, better than he ever was before and he can have his play at the same time. The Shrine is a great institution and it’s up to you to make it a still greater one by being interested in putting into practical use its teachings, by being a ‘good fellow’ in everyday life as well as on the night of the meeting, by teaching you toleration of the shortcomings of your fellows and inspiring you to lend a lifting hand where help is needed. Date Parade Name Location Line-up Start time 16-Jul-11 Peach Parade Porter 10:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 29-Jul-11 Whole Hog Day Eufaula 5:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. Iron Horse Patrol Dear Fellow Iron Horse Patrol July is here and the temperatures can prove that. I hope you all enjoyed the summer cooler at Lake Eufaula. In our last meeting we discussed putting together a group to compete in the “Field Drill Competition” at the South Central and the Central States Shrine Conventions. We will need to get started on the maneuvers this month to have time to work something up for the Central States Convention in Overland Park, Kansas. Please consider if this is something you would be interested in. We will need Nobles to ride as well as help with other aspects of a field drill. We have two parades this month, I know it’s hot, but please try to attend them. Thank you to the 6 that represented us at the Checotah parade. Remember if you can’t get it going with zip-ties and duct tape, you know it’s serious! Till next time.... Yours in Faith Ryan “Kingpin” Rosson World Famous Mounted Patrol Greetings Nobles, from the Mounted Patrol, It’s a hot July, and I would like to Thank Joe ‘’Needles’’ Gates and Lady Gail, Jon ‘’Big Jon’’ Knehans and Lady Deborah for their help at the Infinity Concert without them it would have not been as successful as it was. THANK YOU!! As we prepare for Central States with practice and the many things that go alone with getting ready to travel, we will also be in the hay fields and trying to make a few parades. WOW!! is it HOT out there and that makes it ruff on us and our horses as this summer moves forward. Last but not least THANKS to all who made the parade during SCSA, even though we were out done by both the Iron Horse Patrol and Fire Brigade units GOOD JOB GUYS!. Next meeting will be dark in July. SEE YA THERE!!! Thanks from the Mounted Patrol and Captain, Barry “Trophy’’ Neel Bedouin Shrine Legion of Honor Bedouin Clowns May was a very busy month. I would like to thank everybody who helped with visiting the nursing home and the birthday party for one of our Shrine patients. We also made a trip to the Italian Festival in McAlester two of our newest clowns participated in this event. I would also like to thank those that helped work South Central and the Outlaws & Lawmen Poker Run. Lets get started thinking about the trip to Central States Shrine Association in Overland Park Kansas. We have a few clowns that are thinking about competing, and don’t forget the night shirt parade the Temple should have something planned for this event. Thanks Again. Well, the onion sales are over, and a big thanks to all who sold Todd Rackley them for the L.O.H. We sold 500 bags. Thanks again. It’s a big help Clown President. when we all work together for a common cause, Helping the kids. By now the Checotah Parade is history, but I would like to thank all the nobles who stopped at Checotah Lodge and had lunch and supported the Boy Scouts troop. We are looking forward the Porter Peach Festival parade on July 16, and Whole Hog Day at Eufaula on July 29, hope to see all of you there. The Legion of Honor will be there to kick it off for the Shriners. Anyone who would like to join the Legion of Honor is welcome, veteran or not, we have an opening for you. Just ask any of us we’ll be glad to help you. We are proud to present colors at all Shrine functions. I would like to remind all that the Legion of Honor picnic will be at Spaniard Creek on October 8, 2011. Jim Kinser, Secretary Greetings From Pittsburg County Shrine Club First of all I would like to say, “Wasn’t that a great time had by all at South Central.” Congratulations to all who competed in competition. The Bedouin Fire Brigade placed 1st in Competition and 1st in the Obstacle course. Great work guys, you looked good. Thanks to Robert Padgett and his crew for cooking the chicken Tuesday night. The hot wings and chicken chunks were wonderful. Next month our meeting will be held on July 12th and the meal will be Mexican pot-luck. So ladies bring your favorite dish and enjoy. I know that the Divan will be in Colorado for Imperial, and we wish them all well. Looking forward to the Circus in September. Yours in Faith, Vance Rochelle Pittsburg County Shrine President Asti McFarland, Ed Palmer C.R., and Gary Palmer recieves check from James Smith for $5,000 towards Bedouin Temple Transportation Fund Coal County 4-H Horse Club Ranch Rodeo Presents Bedouin Shrine Temple $6,500 towards Transportation Fund MAKE arrangements now for CENTRAL STATES SHRINE ASSOCIATION CONVENTION IN OVERLAND PARK KANSAS SEPTEMBER 1st – 4th, 2011 BEDOUIN HOTEL IS SPRINGHILL SUITES by MARRIOTT What disease did cured ham actually have? PH ONE • IN TE R T TE LEV IRELE • W SS ISION • ET Reservations must be made no later than august 12, 2011 LE N TELL THEM YOU’RE WITH BEDOUIN SHRINE SUITES ARE $79.00 PER NIGHT WHICH INCLUDES A FULL BUFFET BREAKFAST E MAKE RESERVATIONS BY CALLING 913-491-0010 CENTENNIAL 19 11-2011 Card Night Welcome Our New Member Kenneth W. Bellah Call Has Been Issued For Special Meetings NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE SPECIAL MEETING OF BEDOUIN TEMPLE WILL BE HELD AT THE MOSQUE AT 201 SOUTH 6TH STREET ON July 11th, 2011 at 6:00pm FOR THE SINGLE PURPOSE OF RECEIVING AND BALLOTING ON CANDIDATE PETITIONS YOUR 2011 DUES CARD IS REQUIRED ATTEST: ILL. POTENTATE STEVE WILLCOX RECORDER, GREG SCHULER,P.P. Calling all Nobles!!! Come out and join us for an evening of fun and fellowship!! We are going to get together for a friendly game of cards on Thursday, July 14th at 7:00 pm and play until……. This event will be for Nobles only. Don’t miss out on this event. And for those of you who haven’t been around in a while, as well as for our new Nobles, this evening will provide a great chance to get acquainted and enjoy some Bedouin Hospitality!!! See you there!!! JULY 2011 Sun 3 Imperial Council Session 10 Mon 4 Imperial Council Session 11 Divan Meeting Tue Wed 5 Thur 6 Imperial Council Session Imperial Council Session Haskell Co. No Dinner Club 12 Pittsburg Co. 13 24 18 Wagoner Co. 25 Latimer Co. 31 1 7 8 Sat 2 9 Imperial Council Session 14 McIntosh Co. Card Night (Nobles Only) Special Meeting for Balloting 17 Fri 16 15 McCurtain Co. Unit Head Meeting 19 Okmulgee Co. 26 Little Dixie 20 Scottish Rite Luncheon 27 21 22 23 28 29 30 LeFlore Co. Cher-O-Dair McClowns AUGUST 2011 Sun 7 Mon 1 8 Divan Meeting Tue 2 Haskell Co. 9 Pittsburg Co. Wed 3 Dinner Club Thur 10 McIntosh Co. Fri 4 5 11 Sat 6 12 13 Card Night (Nobles Only) Unit Head Meeting 14 15 Wagoner Co. 16 Okmulgee Co. 17 Stated Business Meeting 18 19 25 26 20 McCurtain Co. Scottish Rite Luncheon 21 28 22 23 Latimer Co. Little Dixie McClowns 29 30 24 Cher-O-Dair 31 LeFlore Co. 27 Bedouin Temple A.A.O.N.M.S Non-Profit Organization U.S. POSTAGE PAID P.O. Box 1667 Muskogee, OK 74402-1667 PERMIT NO 41 MUSKOGEE, OK Return Service Requested Bedouin Temple A.A.O.N.M.S. DONATIONS Gene and Wilma Cook Elaine Green Jamatt RV Sales XX Rick Berkenbile XX+ Motor Sports of Muskogee 9X McCurtain County Shrine Club 5X Benjamin J. Curtis, In Memory of Pat Pate, Sr. Elaine Green
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