October 2015 - Syrian Shrine
October 2015 - Syrian Shrine
OCTOBER 2015 The Shriek OCTOBER 2015 Greetings Nobles & Ladies, Welcome to fall! We have a very busy October ahead of us. Pumpkin Run and Aurora Parade on the same weekend, Annual Firefighter Awards at the hospital, Rummage sale, and another paper crusade date opportunity, fundraiser at the Old Firehouse Brewery, Halloween Party and Trunk or Treat. These are all great events and you’re sure to have some fun when attending them. In case you haven’t been to the temple lately, we’ve recently had the parking lot sealed. This needed to be done before the weather turned cold and it turned out great. Looking ahead to our fall ceremonial in November, if you know of a perspective candidate for Shrine membership, please get their petitions to the temple as soon as possible. We have many new nobles whom we’ve taken in over the past few months and they will be returning to participate in the ceremonial. It should be a good crowd of new Shriners. Please plan to attend and help make our newest Shriners feel at home. The membership team has done a fantastic job this year in recruitment of new nobles. Let’s continue to keep up the momentum as we prepare to move into the final quarter of the year and continue to beef up our efforts in attracting new Shriners. Please remember to reach out to our newest nobles and make them feel welcome and encourage them to join and get active in a unit. We are one of the most visible representatives of Shriners Hospitals for Children and we continually need to add to the ranks of our units so that we can do outreach for the hospital by maintaining participation in our parades and other events. Please help us in these efforts. Yours in faith Dave Rees 2015 Potentate MASONIC DAY - A BIG HIT PARADE HARVEST HOME ALWAYS A GREAT TIME RIVER DAYS IN PORTSMOUTH OHIO SPECIAL DATES NOBLES OCTOBER BIRTHDAY 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 14 15 16 F.E. DEBRA CLIFFORD FULLMAN, PP 33RD CHARLES A PATRICK DARYL L NOEL MAYUR P KADAKIA JIMMIE R PRICE, SR. EDWARD L GAULT JACK A HUNTER WILLIAM R BUTLER MEL W HAGEMEYER RAYMOND T MOZENA CHARLES WELLS RICHARD L SHIPP ROBERT J CRISP JOHN E BURGESS GEORGE F ARMSTRONG JACK A MURDOCK CHARLES L SHORT MICHAEL F WHEELER MICHAEL J HUSSEY ERWIN “PETE” KOHLMORGEN WILLIAM M STEWART JAMES F TRUSKE, SR RONALD R CRAFT ADAM C HARVEY ROBERT P RINGLAND, 33RD HERMAN D TOPE, JR COY D SPARKS HENRY M. ANDREW, JR MICHAEL G CHAMBERS ALLEN L HICKS RAPLH WINKLER GILBERT OWENS WENDELL F CHANEY RAYMOND NASH JAMES M SINGER CARL L WATSON DANIEL R BROOKS WILLIAM T HARRISON WILLIAM A JETTER, PH.D. RICHARD H BROCK HAROLD W CLUXTON CLETIS M JACKSON WILLIAM R POWERS, JR GEORGE FRANKENSTEIN, IV RONALD W HUGO RICHARD K JONES ROBERT PENNINGTON ROBERT W SHIELDS, JR WILLIAM R WOOD ROBERT E NEALAN WILLIAM BECKMAN JAMES C BROWN WILLIAM T FRANKLIN ELLIOTT J GREENBERG JOSEPH N KENNER, JR DONALD MESSERSCHMITT JERRY L REEVES RALPH G SININGER ROGER D SPURLOCK GALE H TINSLEY JOHN E MCCALL CHRISTOPHER ZICKEFOOSE CHARLES T. EASTER GERALD W MESSER FRED ROBINSON, PP STEPHEN M ALLEN DOLTH K PEAK, JR JERRY G OBANION 16 16 16 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 18 18 18 18 19 19 19 20 20 20 20 20 20 21 21 21 22 23 23 23 23 24 24 24 24 24 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 26 26 26 26 27 27 27 28 28 29 29 29 29 29 29 30 31 31 31 HENRY E NICHOLAS, JR ROBERT L SMITH, JR CARL E IDLER DALE A ABBOTT ROBERT G CROPPER ARTHUR PROVENZANO STARLIN SHAFER MATTHEW A STANSBURY RICHARD C WATERFIELD RICHARD R WORTHING, 33 RD PHILIP E SATTERFIELD DONALD C ACKERMANN LARRY D RUSK WALLACE A HUFF LELAND H SHORT EDGAR WILHITE, JR.PP FRANK J RAYBURN JACK PAYNE ARKLE WILLIAM C POTTS ERIC E METZ ROY M BERTRAM MORRIS FRIEDMAN GEORGE W KOEHNKE, III BILLIE JOE THOMPSON FRANK V MILILLO NEIL S STRAWSER JOHN R BAMBER GEORGE C PILLE, JR HOWARD L ABRAHAM LEWIS E FRITH REES D HARDY, JR WM R MILLER, MD LOYD W MEEKS WILLIAM H KNIGHT CHARLES L CANTERBERRY JACK ROSEN, 33RD HARRISON S WALTZ DALE M HUDSON CURTIS J FIELDS RODGER C CRAUDER RICHARD W DEPRATO RICHARD F MANIFOLD, 33RD JAMES R NOONAN DOUGLAS R SMITH GRANT E BROWN CARL R MOTZ MICHAEL J KAMINSKY RANDALL P PROCTOR BILLY G KENDRICK LESLIE H MITCHELL DOUGLAS E SITZLER JOSEPH D LIND OLIVER P HARVILLE ROBERT E MEANS HERBERT L KERN BOBBY C LISCHKGE ROBERT T WOOTEN SYLVESTER W DEPASTURE CLINTON W FLANNERY JOSEPH V SCHOTT, II RICHARD D BARRETT JEROME L INSKO TERRENCE M BOSSMAN CHARLES D GREGORY HOWARD E AYLOR JERRY D DAMRON GERALD T LACY 2015 CALENDAR OF EVENTS OCTOBER & NOVEMBER OCTOBER 2-4 FASTIQUES PUMPKIN RUN – CLERMONT COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS 3 AURORA PARADE 5 DIVAN/TRUSTEES MEETING 6:00 – UNIT DIRECTORS/CLUB PRESIDENTS 7:00 6 FUNDRAISING MEETING 6:30 10 RUMMAGE SALE 12 BUSINESS MEETING - 7:00 P.M. @ 9730 READING ROAD, 45215 16 & 17 FALL PAPER CRUSADE 17 OLD FIREHOUSE BREWERY FUNDRAISER 19 F.M.D.O.A. MEETING – HANSELMANN LODGE #208 20 CIRCUS MEETING 6:30 P.M. 24 GRAVEYARD SCAVENGER HUNT & PARTY 25 BONA COURT LOTUS SOCIAL – CALL ANY BONA COURT MEMBER FOR DETAILS 27 DIVAN/TRUSTEES MEETING 6:30 – LADIES MEETING 6:30 28 HOSPITAL BOARD MEETING 30 TRUNK OR TREAT 6-8 31 HALLOWEEN NOVEMBER 1 2 DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME ENDS DIVAN/TRUSTEES MEETING 6:00 – UNIT DIRECTORS/CLUB PRESIDENTS 7:00 3 ELECTION DAY 3 FUNDRAISING MEETING 6:30 7 PINEWOOD DERBY 9 BUSINESS MEETING - 7:00 P.M. @ 9730 READING ROAD, 45215 11 VETERNS DAY 16 F.M.D.O.A. MEETING – KILWINNING LODGE #356 17 CIRCUS MEETING 6:30 P.M. 18 HOSPITAL BOARD MEETINGMEETING MOVED DUE TO THANKSGIVING 21 CEREMONIAL & POTE ROAST 24 DIVAN/TRUSTEES MEETING 6:30 – LADIES MEETING 6:30 26 & 27 THANKSGIVING – TEMPLE CLOSED THURSDAY & FRIDAY Hamilton Shrine Club THESE WE DO NOT FORGET IN MEMORIAM Robert C. Porter, Jr. ..............................08/09/2015 Pickney J. Brewer .................................08/22/2015 Levi W. Byess .......................................08/24/2015 Hilbert G. Sapp (Bert) ............................09/05/2015 Supporting Syrian Shrine SYRIAN SHRINE UNITS Antique Caravan Hamilton Shrine Club I hope each of you both Caravan members and non-members had a summer of parades, pic-nics, family reunions, vacations and summer fun. It’s now time to get back into our fall activities, both personal and fraternal. Many of our Caravan members are very active in their Blue Lodges, these members know working together with Masonic lodges is critical to Shrine membership growth, and it’s no coincidence that these members are often among the most active and successful with unit and Shrine recruitment. Both Shriners and Masons are dedicated to improving our communities and helping others, by us working together it can only increase the bonds of brotherhood and strengthen both organizations. Both Jim our past Director and Chuck our newest Director understand the importance of this relationship and remain deeply involved in their efforts at their individual lodges, and encourage “all” Caravan members to do so also. Finally, Shrine Masons are committed to improving the lives of children especially through our philanthropy, Shriners Hospitals for Children. Caravan member’s together as Shrine-Masons, are making our temple and communities a better place. Gary Greetings Nobles and friends. Our last meeting, held on September 1, was attended by three members. Needless to say, not a lot of business was conducted. However, there are a number of important decisions the membership must make in the near future. With the apparent loss of interest in the operation of HSC, we are at the point of deciding if we should continue on as a viable Syrian Shrine Club. All attempts to encourage member participation have failed. If any members wish to express their desire and ideas to keep HSC going, we are open to hear them. Also, if it turns out that there is no interest, our next steps are to dissolve the club and the treasury. To accomplish this we will work through Syrian Shrine Center, and will continue to meet each month through this year with the hope that all can be resolved by then. Very sad to report the passing of the HSC Secretary Emeritus, Bert Sapp. Bert was a dedicated member of Syrian Shrine, Antique Car Caravan and the Hamilton Shine Club. Our sincere sympathies to Bert’s family. Next meeting will be held October 6 th , 6:00 P.M. Dinner/Meeting to follow. Location to be determined. Dick Manifold Flying Fez So much has happened since the start of the p a r a d e s e a s o n . We h a d t h e o p p o r t u n i t y t o participate in so many Parades that I lost count. I was part of the Parade scheduling for many years, right after Don Orme turned the job over to Dave Bullock who worked hard placing the schedule together but I have yet to see as many parade chances as we did this year. Thanks to our Parade Marshall Joe Harper who went out and beyond the Parade Marshall’s duties. This job is very challenging and needs the support of all Units, Clubs and all those that participate in parades yet we go about our own private schedule. Another great month has quickly passed us by with several Shriner Parades and many activities at our Temple. I understand that our last Parade at Portsmouth, was covered by several of our Units and clubs participating in the festivities. Many thanks to all those that made it there. We need to show a stronger support for our Portsmouth brethren. They have worked hard to keep our name out for the public to realize who Syrian are. We are NOT a group of men from Syria or rather the Middle East as I was asked last week. We need to work harder to support those who support us. If we look closer at Portsmouth and there faithfulness to us, coming all the way to Cincinnati, how often do we visit them. I would like to leave you with this golf story. A Shriner golfer of the Syrian Temple and his wife are on the ninth green when suddenly she collapses from a heart attack! The husband calls 911 on his cell phone and talks for a few minutes, picks up his putter, and lines up his putt. His wife raises her head off the green and stares at him. “I am dying here and you are putting?” “Don’t worry dear” says the husband calmly, “They found a Doctor on the second hole and he is coming to help you. “Well, how long will it take for him to get here?” she asks feebly. “No time at all,” says the husband. “Everybody’s already agreed to let him play through” Esalamu Aleikum Sam Mattar Hospital Host Greetings Nobles and friends. Our meeting schedule is back to twice each month. 2 nd and 4 th Tuesday, 9:30 A.M., in the hospital auditorium. Parking in the hospital garage. Nobles interested in joining a working unit that performs satisfying hospital volunteer work, we are looking for YOU! Our functions entail, driving our Syrian Shrine vans to local points to bring patients and parent/ guardian to the hospital, as well as transporting Syrian Shrine sponsored patients to the Shriners Orthopedic Hospital in Lexington, KY. We conduct hospital tours, assist registration in the Out Patient Department, deliver hospital mail, develop the van driver’s, daily patient pick up schedule, just to name a few. By performing these tasks, we are able to save our Shriners Hospital for Children, thousands of dollars in operating costs. By picking up patients/parents at the local airports we are able to save their sponsoring Shrine Centers hundreds of dollars in cab and transportation fees. This Syrian Shrine Unit is made up primarily, of retired Nobles who are willing and able to give a day or two each month for a terrific cause. If you would like to get up off that couch or easy chair a couple of days a month, and make something good out of that retirement time, come check us out. You won’t be sorry. Our sick list is improving. Jerry Lacy, with some serious health issues is back, as well as Dave Johnson, also, Dick Worthing, is now without the back surgery body brace, he is recuperating, although not back to 100%, he is mobile. Now the one about the Noble that had great news. He just figured it out…he’s a Seenager (senior teenager) he has everything he wanted as a teenager, only 60 years later. He doesn’t have to go to school or work. He gets an allowance (pensions.) He has his own pad. He doesn’t have a curfew. He has a driver’s license (so far) and his own car. He has an I.D. that gets him into bars and the Beer Store. And last but not least, the people he hangs around with are not scared of getting pregnant, and…he doesn’t have acne. Life is great!! My friends, live life…laugh often…love much…and keep on smiling. Dick Manifold-Unit Director Hillbilly Clan #5 The Hillbilly Clan is looking for help Oct 3rd and 4 th to park cars at the Pumpkin Run in Owensville. We will start at 7:00 am on Saturday and Sunday and go over to help serve the bean dinner about 3:00 pm. Come on out and help the clan at this annual event. Come for a few hours or all day. The clan is doing a Barrel of Cheer raffle on 12-52015, so get with any hillbilly to purchase your tickets. All hillbillies are encouraged to come to the monthly meeting on the 4 th Monday each month at the Shrine Center. On the Sept 28 meeting, nomination of officer’s were held and election of officer’s will be on Oct 28. If any flatlander guys or gals want to become a hillbilly, and be part of the best club the Shrine, let Jerry or Judy Ulm know so the clan can schedule a date. Mini Racers We have had a fantastic summer and parade season. The great attendance at Amberly Village and Portsmouth river days as well as Harvest Home and Mason shows the dedication and caring of the Mini Racer group. Heading into the fall season we had a great time at the Pig Roast and would like to thank Jacque and Greg for all of their kindness. Thank you to all who pitched in to help make this such a success and fun event. Mini Racers have our fall fund raiser at Liberty Park October 3rd with arrival at 9;30 for setup and food service from 11-3 pm . Please come out to have some fun and enjoy the day. We will be helping with the fall temple functions and operations at the Rummage sale. Wishing all Syrian Shriners good cheer. Doc Hakes SYRIAN SHRINE UNITS doing well, Way to go Grumpy! Would like to remind all Bandsmen and Syrian Nobles that the annual Paper Crusade/Tabloid Days where we collect $ for our Hospitals is coming up this month on Friday October 16 th and Saturday October 17 th. Let’s have a good turnout of Units, Clubs and Individuals for this Hospital fundraising effort. Until next month, take care! John Longsworth O.B. Scribe Roadsters Northern Kentucky Shrine Club The Northern Kentucky Shrine Club would like to congratulate Noble Phil Patenaude on being elected to regular membership on the hospital’s Board of Directors. Noble Phil will take his seat in January. Also, we are pleased to inform you that the golf outing that was sponsored by one of our hospital’s former burn patients raised over $40,000 for the hospital. Her high school class also raised over $35,000. NKSC would like to thank this young lady and her classmates for their efforts in giving back to our hospital. Our CCDW class that was originally scheduled for August 23 rd has been rescheduled for October 25 th at the South Campbell Fire Station. Brother Mike Klein, of the Alexandria Masonic Lodge, will be teaching the class. He is very qualified to teach this class. He has 42 years of law enforcement experience. He has served with the U.S. Marshals, the Kentucky State Police and the Campbell County Sheriff ’s office. He is a Kentucky certified CCDW instructor as well as an NRA instructor. The South Campbell Fire Station is located at 1050 Race Track Road in Alexandria. Cost for this class is $75. Fifty dollars has to make its way back to Frankfort and the other twenty-five dollars will help the NKSC’s fund raising efforts for the hospital. You may register for this class by contacting Brother Klein at 859/801-8687 (cell), 859/ 4489595 (home), or e-mail his at mklein@twc.com. The class begins at 8:00 AM and will end at 5:00 PM. You may want to get there early to check in. One last reminder, reservations for this class will close on October 11 th . If you have been thinking about getting your concealed carry permit, then this is the class for you. What better way to get your permit and help our hospital at the same time. If any Noble would like a flyer for this class, to place in your lodge or in a business, e-mail me at aetucker@fuse.net or Ralph Steele at ralphsteele@zoomtown.com. We will be glad to send you one. Since we are in Kentucky, we can only offer this class to Kentucky residents. At the End of The World party on December 5 th, NKSC will be raffling a 20 gauge Remington Model 870 shotgun. Ticket prices are $10 each or 3 for $25. Raffle tickets for this shotgun will be available soon. If there are NKSC members who haven’t given me their address, along with their lady, please e-mail it to me at aetucker@fuse.net. If you haven’t been receiving our club’s minutes, please e-mail me so that I can check your e-mail address against what I currently have. I’ll make the necessary changes so that you will be up to date on what is going on with the Northern Kentucky Shrine Club. The Northern Kentucky Shrine Club meets the fourth Thursday of each month at PeeWee’s in Crescent Springs. The business meeting begins at 7:00 PM. Bring your family, have dinner and enjoy the fellowship. Al Tucker, Secretary Oriental Band Dan Dependbrock, Director Greetings Nobles and Friends…The Oriental Band followed up our summer break by re-starting our weekly Practices/Meetings in September as well as participating in the annual Harvest Home Parade. One of our O.B. members, Sam “Grumpy” Potts was briefly hospitalized in September but is back home and Parade season is winding down with us doing the Harvest Home Parade on September 10th. What a fast summer. We still have cars that are looking for drivers!! Contact any Roadster and come out and test drive one. We have our monthly meetings the 4thTuesday at 6:30 p.m. with a cookout, weather permitting, at the Shrine shelter house. We have “well wishes” going out to Holger who had surgery this summer and is now resting at home. Looking forward to having him parade with us next year. Have a speedy recovery, Holger, we miss you. We also have “well wishes” going out to Norman, who had knee surgery earlier this summer, which Jan said that he recovered very well. The second surgery will be early September. He is hoping for another speedy recovery - we miss you. Belated Birthday wishes go out to Mary Wermuth on September 10th. Happy Birthday to Jeanne on October 8th. Your Shrine needs Your Support. Get involved there are a lot of fun activities going on. Let’s get our Roadster group together and do the Graveyard Scavenger Hunt & Party - details at our next meeting. Your Director, Don West Side How fast time passes us by when you’re having fun as autumn will be with us when this Shriek reaches you. WSSClub meets on the 2nd Tuesday of the month so we will be getting together again on 10/13/ 15 at the Nathanael Green Lodge on 6394 Wesselman Rd in Green township. The doors open at about 4:00 PM The meeting starts at 6:00 PM then dinner is served, you really have to serve yourself Come on over and join us as we do have a great time visiting after which we proceed to the game table for lots of fun. At our last meeting we tried to find our 2016 President as we need to know before committing our self for another year at the Lodge with our yearly payment that needs to be made very soon. That meeting brought back to mind about four Shriners that go by those names. Everybody, Somebody, Anybody and Nobody. There was an important job to be done and everybody was sure somebody will do it. Anybody could have done it, but nobody did it. Somebody got angry about that because it was Everybody’s job. Everybody thought that anybody could do it but nobody realized that everybody wouldn’t do it. It ended up that everybody blamed somebody when nobody did what anybody could have done. Your Scribe Sam Mattar SMattar731@aol.com MEMBERSHIP AND FUNDRAISING Membership Committee Greetings Nobles, rounding third and heading home for 2015!!!!Syrian had 16 new members at out September business meeting. November is going to be a very big Hot Sands on November 21st. should have around 40 new nobles, please do your best to attend and welcome our new nobles into our Temple. Gary Wainscott and I will be attending the Membership conference on October 1, 2 and 3rd in Tampa Florida. Friendly reminders; if you haven’t sent in your 2015 dues, please make arrangements. We will be suspending folks who have not paid their 2015 dues in December. We still have 80 plus nobles on the non-paid list. Dues are needed to continue running the needs of OUR Temple. Please send that check or credit payment in to Sue or Debbie at Syrian office, at 513-751-3800. The Membership Committee is STILL reaching out to all Units/Clubs (one member) to sign up to be a Shrine Ambassador. New Shriners will be assigned to each unit to be mentored for their first year as a noble. Please contact Bruce Pendleton (859-445-6829) to be a listed mentor, supporting your club or unit. Great things happen when units and clubs recruit, active membership rises. The best way to enjoy your membership in the Shriners fraternity is to participate, and a great way to participate is to join a club or unit. Shrine clubs essentially serve as “mini-temples.” Each of Shriners International’s 195 temples is in a specific city, and many times that temple’s jurisdiction is vast. Clubs are created in the temple’s outlying areas to keep nobles active and involved in Shriners activities – kind of like satellite groups, with all members belonging to the same temple. Units are made up of groups of nobles with similar interests. Service units benefit the nobility or the temple and may include policing, maintenance, first-aid or hospitality. Performing units primarily provide entertainment for Shriners or the general public. Examples include clown groups, marching bands and mini-car drivers. Units usually participate in community parades, and many compete against similar units from other temples. History of the month, despite its theme, the Shrine is not connected to Arab culture or Islam. It is a men’s fraternity rather than a religion or religious group. Its only religious requirement is indirect: all Shriners must be Masons (with the exception being in the State of Arkansas), and petitioners to Freemasonry must profess a belief in a Supreme Being. To further minimize confusion with religion, the use of the words “temple” and “mosque” to describe Shriners’ buildings has been replaced by “Shrine Center”, although individual local chapters are still called temples. Until 2000, before being eligible for membership in the Shrine, a person had to complete either the Scottish Rite or York Rite degrees of Masonry, but now any Master Mason can join. Shriners count among their ranks presidents, senators, local business leaders, professional golfers, country music stars, astronauts and racecar drivers. Women’s auxiliaries Daughters of the Nile at Montreal Shriner’s Hospital in 1948. While there are plenty of activities for Shriners and their wives, there are two organizations tied to the Shrine that are for women only: The Ladies’ Oriental Shrine and the Daughters of the Nile. They both support the Shriners Hospitals and promote sociability, and membership in either organization is open to any woman 18 years of age and older who is related to a Shriner or Master Mason by birth, marriage, or adoption. The Ladies Oriental Shrine of North America was founded in Wheeling, West Virginia, in 1903, and the Daughters of the Nile was founded in 1913 in Seattle, Washington, The latter organization has locals called “Temples”. There were ten of these in 1922. Among the famous members of the Daughters of the Nile was First Lady Florence Harding, wife of Warren G. Harding. Please pass the word, to our Masonic brothers, to join OUR Fraternity For information about joining the Syrian Shriners , please contact Bruce Pendleton 859-445-6829, Sincerely! Fundraising Heading into the last quarter of the year we are in the final stretch. We still have about 5 events left to come and enjoy food, music and fellowship or any combination of these mentioned. As a reminder all events are open to the public which means you can bring your neighbors, friends, and extended family, whomever you wish to show off YOUR Shrine Center to. Mark your calendars – check the blast and or Shriek for additional details: Oct 10 Rummage Sale – come and buy or sell contact the temple for more information Oct 16-17 Paper Crusade is our last hosptial fundraiser for 2015 so please contact your units for more info Oct 17 Octoberfest at the Old Firehousre Brewery in Williamsburg Oct 24 Scavenger Hunt and Halloween Party 2016 Dues Card Information This October you will receive a Dues Card straight from Shriners International with your dues notice, this will be a permanent plastic dues card. From 2016 forward, you will get some type of sticker that will apply to your permanent dues card. IMPERIAL UPCOMING EVENT Dale W. Stauss Chairman of the Board of Trustees Kem Shriners Dale W. Stauss of Grand Forks, N.D., was elected Chairman of the Shriners Hospitals for Children Board of Trustees, and named Jr. Past Imperial Potentate, during the Shriners’ 2015 Imperial Session, held in Houston July 5 – July 9. Stauss is currently serving his 12th term as a member the Boards of Directors for Shriners International and Shriners Hospitals for Children. As Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Stauss also serves as President and CEO of Shriners Hospitals for Children. He served as Imperial Potentate of Shriners International during the 2014 – 2015 Imperial Year. Stauss joined East Grand Forks Red River Lodge #292 in 1982, and served as Master in 1989. He is a 33rd degree member of the Scottish Rite, and a member of the Royal Order of Jesters. Stauss became a member of Kem Shriners in Grand Forks in 1982 and served as the temple’s Potentate in 1997. He is a member of the Kem Drum and Bugle Corps, and he served on the board of the North Dakota Shrine Bowl for 16 years. In 1995, he received the Samsar Award for his service to Kem Shriners. In 2000, Dale served the region’s Shriners as president of the Midwest Shrine Association. As an Imperial Officer, Stauss has served as chairman of the Imperial Athletic Committee, the East-West Shrine Game, the Shriners Hospitals for Children Golf Tournament, and the Imperial Membership Committee. Stauss also served on the Planning Committee and the Buildings and Equipment Committee. Stauss graduated from the University of North Dakota and has been involved in the real estate management field for more than 25 years. He recently retired from Century Properties, Inc., a property management company, after serving as its president for 22 years. His civic activities include serving more than 20 years on the East Grand Forks School Board in East Grand Forks, Minn., as well as serving on the 2000 Minnesota All-State School Board. He and his wife, Cheryl, have three daughters, one son and 14 grandchildren. They enjoy spending their spare time with the family at their lake cabin. East-West Shrine Game Since 1925, the East-West Shrine Game® has been more than just a football game. It’s been a showcase for the next generation of NFL greats and a priceless benefit event for Shriners Hospitals for Children. Become a part of the tradition. Join your fellow Shriners at the 91st East-West Shrine Game on January 23, 2016 at Tropicana Field in St. Petersburg, Fla. The game will be televised on NFL Network at 4 p.m. EST. Special ticket packages for Shriners are available! CLICK HERE for details. To sponsor this event, visit shrinegame.com. Follow the game on Facebook and Twitter. SBE CERTIFIED Custom Fabrication AWS D1.1, D1.5 SAUERWEIN WELDING “Small Jobs a Specialty” 605 Wayne Park Drive P.O. Box 15033 Cincinnati, Ohio 45215 DON SAUERWEIN Phone: (513) 563-2979 Fax: (513) 563-1063 HOSPITAL NEWS Shriners Hospitals for Children Open The 2015 tournament will take place October 19–25 at TPC Summerlin in Las Vegas, Nev. The final rounds will be televised live on The Golf Channel. For more information or to become a sponsor of this event, visitshrinershospitalsopen.com. Follow tournament updates on Twitter and become a fan on Facebook. UPCOMING EVENT IN SUPPORT OF Syrian Shrine and Syrian Shriek Cliff and Caryl Fullman UPCOMING EVENT UPCOMING UP COMING EVENT EVENT UPCOMING UP COMING EVENT EVENT UPCOMING UP COMING EVENT EVENT UPCOMING UP COMING EVENT EVENT UPCOMING EVENT HOSPITAL DINNER CRUISE Syrian Temple A.A.O.N.M.S Syrian Shirne Center 9730 Reading Road Cincinnati, Ohio 45215 P:1-513-751-3800 • F:1-513-672-2018 www.syrianshrine.org Email: office@syrianshrine.org Office Hours: M-F 9 AM-3PM Syrian Shrine Shriek published monthly Potentate: David Rees Chief Rabban: Arthur Weingartner Assistant Rabban: Robert H. Smith High Priest and Prophet: Greg Pelfrey Oriental Guide: Tim Redrow Treasurer: Clifford E. Fullman Recorder: Gary Caudill Trustees; Dave Sparks, Tony Bowling, Josph M. Harper, Joseph P. Hancock, Ed Demaris Office Staff Sue Martini, Debbie Idler NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO. 1736 CINCINNATI, OHIO CIRCUS 2016 FEBRUARY 26, 27, AND 28, 2016 Imperial Per-Capita Dues Increase Syrian Shrines oldest member passed in September at the age of 102. Bert was one of the founding members of the Antique Caravan in 1973. He is pictured here preparing to drive in the July 4th parade in Hamilton, Ohio, in 2013, at the age of 100, his 819th parade as a Caravan member making him the oldest Shriner to parade in a four-wheel parade go-cart. At the 2015 Imperial in Houston, a per capita dues increase was passed by the voting representatives. This particular per-capita focuses on the operating budget for our Tampa headquarters. Headquarters has experienced the same issues as we have due to the membership declines. The last headquarter per-capita increase was in 2014, which raised it to $15.00. Effective in 2016, the headquarter per-capita portion of our dues will be $30.00, the hospital per-capita of $5.00 and our temple dues of $100.00, will remain the same. Your total dues owed Syrian Shrine in 2016 will be $135.00.
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