Paper Sale - Kerbela Shriners


Paper Sale - Kerbela Shriners
Kerbela Knews
The Official Publication of Kerbela Shrine Knoxville Tennessee
VOLUME LXX MAY 2013 Paper Sale
May 13-19, 2013
Illustrious Sir
William W. Gentry, Jr. and
Kerbela 2013 Poster Child,
Page 2
Kerbela Knews
Published by and under the auspices of
Kerbela Shrine
315 Mimosa Avenue, SE
Knoxville, TN 37920-2140
Wayne Bell, PP, Editor
(865) 573-1901
e-mail address:
Published Irregularly
Imperial Dromedary Award Publication
Elected Divan
Illustrious Potentate-William W. Gentry, Jr.
Chief Rabban-Robert D. Moore
Assistant Rabban-Larry G. Hubbs
High Priest & Prophet-Charles M. Clawson
Oriental Guide-Donald R. Nicholson
Treasurer-Robert T. Green, P.P.
Recorder-P. Wayne Bell, PP
Representatives To Imperial Council
William W. Gentry, Jr-Potentate
R. Danny Moore-Chief Rabban
Bart Iddins, PP
Robert L. "Bobby" Vann, PP
William L. Grigsby, PP (Emeritus)
Leonard Smith, PP (Emeritus)
Robert H. Bailey, P.P. (Emeritus)
Bart Iddins, PP (Emeritus) - Colorado Corp.
Representatives To S.E.S.A.
William W. Gentry, Jr-Potentate
P. Wayne Bell, PP-Recorder
Robert L. Vann, P.P.
Larry G. Hubbs (Asst. Rabban)
William C. Gregg (Emeritus)
Representatives To S.A.S.A.
William W. Gentry, Jr-Potentate
R. Danny Moore-Chief Rabban
Larry G. Hubbs-Assistant Rabban
Charles M. Clawson-High Priest & Prophet
Donald R. Nicholson-Oriental Guide
P. Wayne Bell, PP-Recorder
Ben C. Barbee (Emeritus)
Rodger Ricker PP (Emeritus)
Leonard W. Smith, PP (Legal Chairman,
Representative, Parliamentarian)
Appointed Divan
First Ceremonial Master-C. Wayne Burkett, PP
Second Ceremonial Master-Edward R. Navarro
Director-Jimmy D. Gammon
Captain of the Guard-Johnny M. Branch
Marshal-Gary L. Thompson
Outer Guard-Christopher O. Madison
Chaplain-Bart O. Iddins, PP
Executive Advisor - Robert L. Vann, PP
Chief Aide-Jackson V. "Jack" Walker
Chief of Staff - Terry M. Vittetoe
Commander-Brian Scott Smith
Aide de Camp - Carl R. Huckaby
Circus Chairman-R. Danny Moore, Chief Rabban
Fun Fest Chairman -Terry M. Vittetoe
Legal Advisors - T. Scott Jones, Richard Armstrong
Mini Clinic Chairman - Robert E. "Buck" King
Paper Sale Chairman - William L. "Bill" Reece
Parade Marshall - William A. "Billy" Pavlis
Membership Chairman - Michael C. Hatmaker
Public Relations Chairman-George A. Bove, J.W. Tindell
Transportation Director- James R. "Pup" Lawson
Webmaster-Tim Coscia
May 2013 Kerbela Knews
Potentate’s Message
Dear Nobles,
Have you seen the beautiful sunrise from the Temple
Parking lot or the sunset
from the West side of the
Temple lately? I invite
you to take an active part
in Kerbela Shriners and
enjoy being a real Shriner.
You ask what are you talking about, I pay my dues, I
attend the Stated Meetings
and enjoy a dance once in a
while. Why do you ask such a
silly question like seeing the sunrise or
sunset? You see, the point is, when you
have seen the sunrise on the road going
to a hospital visit or board meeting, then
you know what I’m talking about, the
complete satisfaction of being a real
Shriner. The Roadrunners and Nobles
of Kerbela know that feeling. When you
visit a Shriners Hospital you’re giving a
lot of your time and energy. Then when
you are home, worn out mentally and
physically from the trip, you are at peace
with life. You realize that you have tried
to do something in this life that is worthwhile. You have given of your time, the
most valuable resource that we have as
human beings. Once you have spent it,
you cannot get it back. I commend you
for all you do each month with your duties as Roadrunners and caring Nobles.
This year’s Fun Fest is on us and I encourage all of you to get the car packed
up and bring the kids or grandkids to the
mountains for this year’s Fun Fest in the
Smokies. We have a gr eat time planned
for you and your Lady, with lots of
events. We will be having a Ceremonial
after the parade on Saturday morning, so
bring your candidates and their ladies for
this fun-filled weekend. There will be
a Marketplace in the Music Road Hotel
Convention Center and the vendors are
ready to make a deal. They will have
all the hard to get items that you can get
only at a Shrine Marketplace. Let’s support them and stock up on shirts, hats,
pins, and all the other Masonic items
that you need and want. Parties and dinners await you to enjoy with all of your
friends and family when you attend the
Fun Fest this year. The Fun Fest Feast
will be held on Saturday night honoring
the new Nobles and Ladies of Kerbela,
so join us for this grand celebration. I look forward to seeing
all Units participating in the
parade and at the hospitality events.
I need to remind you of
the upcoming Paper Sale,
May 13-19, 2013. This
is our main fundraiser for
the hospitals and isyour
time to shine. Get out your
Fez and put on the sunblock
to protect your nose and ears
from getting burned up and sell
those papers. If you’re unable to sell
papers, then sell plaques. You can make
more money for the hospitals by selling
just a few plaques then you would ever
hope to make in one day at Walmart
selling papers. Bailee is counting on
you and your support to help make our
goal this year. Unrealistic or not, a million dollars for this year’s Paper Sale is
only reachable if you set your mind to
it. Sometimes you get what you ask for
and I have found that if you don’t ask
you won’t get it. So JUST ASK.
The new Nobles that been created are
posted in the Kerbela Knews. They are
only listed by where they live. It’s up to
the Shrine Club presidents to contact the
office and get their contact information,
so you can invite them to the Shrine Club
in their area. If you don’t contact them
they probably will not show up or ever
get active. It’s up to you as the presidents of the clubs to make the contact
and invite them. JUST ASK!
Thank you, to all the Nobles and
Ladies who helped out in last month’s
Easter Egg Hunt, Onion Sales, and especially the Shrine Directors Association
Convention that we hosted. Kerbela
really has a way of making people know
their welcome in East Tennessee and the
SDA event was a great example.
I look forward to seeing you at
Fun Fest and the Spring Ceremonial
in Pigeon Forge, or on the road selling
William W. Gentry, Jr
Kerbela Knews May 2013
“Though April showers may come
your way, they bring the flowers that
bloom in May…”. If the words from
this old song are true we should have an
abundance of color this month. So pick
a real pretty bloom put it in your lapel
grab a hand full of petitions for those
candidates you’re going to get to fill out
for Fun Fest. Then while your resting get
a bundle of Shrine papers and help make
this the biggest Shrine Paper Sale ever.
Now in between all this don’t forget to
take your lady some place real nice to
eat for Mothers Day. Boy, how’s that for
covering a month fast.
With Fun Fest being our biggest ceremonial of the year, I’m going to make
you an offer. To the first Noble to turn in
20 new petitions for Fun Fest, I’ll give
you a new Apple iPad computer and the
Potentate said he would give one to the
second Noble to turn in 20 petitions.
Upcoming events:
Apr 27
Van Drivers & Paper Sale
Kick-Off Dinner
May 7
Unit Meeting
May 8-12 Fun Fest
May 13-19 Paper Sale
May 21
Stated Meeting
May 27
Memorial Day
Temple office closed
June 4
Unit Meeting
June 15
Temple Picnic 12:00pm
18 Stated Meeting
July 1-4
Imperial Session
July 16
Stated Meeting &
50-Year Members
God bless our Troops and bring them
home safe. God bless you and God bless
Wayne Bell, PP
Page 3
All Nobles having a birthday
for the month are invited to
celebrate their birthday with a
free dinner on the 3rd Tuesday
at 5:30pm. This is Stated
Meeting night so come and
enjoy a free meal before the
All Nobles who have birthdays
in May your free birthday
dinner will be:
May 21, 2013.
RSVP the
Temple Office 573-1901.
Check the Parade
Schedule and make
plans to participate!
Vital Statistics
4 Noble created March 19, 2013
Joe Harrison, Jr
Larry Phillips
Robert B. Campbell - Sameses
Membership as of 4/2/13......... 2069
in the
Your Name Could Be Here
100 Million Dollar
Club Members
Kerbela has 852 members in
The 100 Million Dollar Club—
give $100 and feel like a million
WEBSITES - Check Them Out!
Shriner International
Kerbela Temple
Table of Contents
Potentate’s Message ........................................................................................... 2
From the Desk of the Recorder .......................................................................... 3
Unit News .......................................................................................................... 5
Sick & Shut Ins ................................................................................................ 12
Club News ........................................................................................................ 14
Other News....................................................................................................... 19
Hot Sands Ceremonial...................................................................................... 20
Petition.............................................................................................................. 21
Shrine Hospital News....................................................................................... 23
Pictures.............................................................................................................. 27
Calendar ........................................................................................................... 31
Page 4
May 2013 Kerbela Knews
Kerbela Knews May 2013
Beloved Shriner Red Skelton to be
Honored in 2013
2013 marks the 100th birthday of fellow Mason and Shriner Red Skelton
The year 2013 will mark the 100th birthday of
fellow Mason and Shriner of 58 years, Richard “Red”
Skelton. Red was a member of both the Vincennes
Blue Lodge in Vincennes, Ind. and Al Malaikah
Shriners in Los Angeles.
A tribute to Red – who was often celebrated as
the “world’s greatest clown” – will be held at the Red
Skelton Museum Clown School – on the campus of
Vincennes University in Vincennes, Ind., June 4-9,
2013. All Shrine clowns and fraternity members are
invited to take part in the commemoration of the life
and legacy of Red Skelton. For more information
about the event and the Red Skelton Museum, please
visit the Red Skelton Museum website.
The Legacy of Red Skelton
Born the son of a circus clown in 1913, Richard “Red” Skelton was destined
to entertain the world. By age 15, Red was employed as a full-time entertainer,
with assignments ranging from vaudeville to circus performances. It was not
long until Red’s slapstick comedic parodies captured the American public’s
attention. In 1941, Red premiered his own radio
show, The Raleigh Cigarette Program. Ten years
later, CBS adapted the popular program for television, with Red as their first host televised in color.
By the 1950s, Red had expanded his performances and appeared in more than 30 MGM
films, which included Having a Wonderful Time
and Bathing Beauty. In addition to being a television and radio entertainer, Red was also a famed
interpretive clown and, in 1989, was inducted into
the International Clown Hall of Fame in Baraboo,
Near the end of his life, Red enjoyed the
fine arts of writing, music and painting. Some of his best work is displayed
at the Red Skelton Museum, including scrapbooks and photos of his eclectic
life. Brother Red is buried at the Forest Lawn Memorial Park Cemetery in
Glendale, Calif.
Vintage Wheels
Page 5
Greetings to
all from members of the Vintage Wheels
Unit. Spring has
arrived but it still
feels like winter to me. That groundhog
lied to us. Oh well, it should warm up
soon. It is time to plant our gardens
and look forward to those homegrown
tomatoes! I have green onions out, but
that is all. Speaking of which,those who
ordered Vadalia onions should be getting
them around 23 April. They sure are
The Vintage Wheels Unit has lost
so many people from our unit in the
past couple of years. Our previous Unit
Captain (Bruce Alfred Nave) passed
away on 21 March of this year. Bruce
passed away after a pretty long illness
at his home. Bruce was a friend to all
who knew him. He had a great sense of
humor, and was always laughing and
cutting up. Bruce loved to call his friends
on the phone usually every day. I sure do
miss his phone calls as I am sure all the
rest of the people he called does. Rest in
peace Bruce. We all miss You.
Fun Fest is coming very soon. Try to
attend some of the functions even if you
are not staying at the motel. Fun can and
will be had by all who attend. The dates
are 9-12 May.
It is time to start working hard on
selling ads for the Circus Book. Last
year we fell a little short . Lets try to
make this the best year ever.
We all have a lot of things to be
thankful for in this great nation. We need
to remember the sick and shut ins, and
their caregivers , widows, and all of the
soldiers past and present . I will sign off
wishing everyone health, wealth, and
Noble Marvin Yarber
Parade Schedule 2013
Fri. April 12 Southfest, Opening Ceremonies, Emory 5 & 10 4:30pm
Sat. April 13 Southfest, Spotlight on Shriners, Disc Exchange, 10am
Sat. May 11 37th Annual Smoky Mt. Fun Fest Parade, Line up 8am Methodist Street at River Rd, Step off 9am
ends at Jake Thomas Rd, Light #5
Sun. June 2 Mosheim Fun Days Parade, Line up 1pm Main St., Step off 2pm
Mon. July 1 2013 Impersial Session, Indianapolis, IN, Line up TBA, Step off TBA
Wed. July 3 Gatlinburg's 38th Annual 4th of July Parade, Line up 10:30pm place TBA, Step off 12am July 4th
Page 6
Kerbela Motorcycle
Okay, the
are back!
Many, many
thanks to The
Fossil for doing such a
great job keeping everyone updated
with the Knews and Rick Hicks and his
lovely wife for taking notes while I was
enjoying the sunshine. Wow, friends like
that are hard to find-guys you will be
I understand the monthly Gatherings
have been very successful. I am sorry
that I missed out on all the fun, good
food and fellowship in January and
February. However, I was able to make
the March Gathering at Don Pablo’s in
Knoxville. Great fellowship and good
food was enjoyed by all who were able
to attend. It just happened to have been
Sherry’s birthday. I guess she didn’t
want to be reminded or she didn’t want
to hear “us” sing! Happy Belated Birthday Sherry!
Can you believe that April is almost
here and we are looking forward to the
April Gathering- a ride to the Cumberland Mountain Park on April
21st? Weather permitting, we will leave
Kerbela at 10 am and return around 5
pm on the same day. Pray for warm and
sunny weather!
We are in the process of making reservations for Fun Fest in Pigeon Forge,
May 9-12. Fun Fest always proves to be
a good time with lots of fun, food and
The Blue Ridge Parkway Run to
Little Switzerland in NC will be a
wonderful trip for June 22-23. If you
have not made your reservations at the
Big Lynn Lodge, call 800-654-5232 or
828-765-4257. You may also go online
at We will be
leaving from Kerbela at 8:30 am on
May 2013 Kerbela Knews
June 22nd and returning late afternoon
of June23rd.
By the way, the word out is that the
Unit Room is lookin’ good. I have not
personally had the opportunity to see
for myself, but am looking forward to
seeing a big crowd (including ladies) at
the April Unit meeting. Let me second
the big thank-you to those responsible
for the updates. Let’s work hard to grow
our Unit and sincerely enjoy the true
spirit of being a Shriner.
Always remember our Troops and
keep them and their families in your
God Bless America and God Bless
the Shrine!
Bob “Right Hand” Sammons
Paper Sale
May 13-19
Kerbela Knews May 2013
Kerbela Klown Korp
As I am writing
this I am wondering
where spring is, but
when you read this
spring has arrived.
The Kerbela
Clowns are putting
the final touches on
the Klown competition for Fun Fest. We
hope to have large
number of clowns competing. Everyone
is invited to come, sit and see all the different costumes, and then the skits that
they will have.
The Kerbela Klowns will host a very
nice banquet on Friday evening and
trophies will be presented.
Klowns be sure you are ready to
show off at the parade.
After this busy weekend, don’t forget that the Paper Sale is the following
Hope to see everyone at Pigeon
Forge and don’t forget to honor your
Mother on Mother’s Day.
Did you take pictures of a
current Shriner event, Unit
event or Club event?
Why not share them in the
Kerbela Knews?
Email your pictures to:
Please make sure to include the who,
what, when and where!
Kerbela Patrol
Greeting to all Nobles and Ladies,
Well spring
has sprung and
its time to start
getting ready
for the parades.
May is going to
be busy. First is
Fun Fest May 9-12, 2013. Hope to see
everyone in Pigeon Forge for the parade
and a great time.
May 12th I would like to wish all
mothers a Happy Mother’s Day.
I hope everyone will help support
this year’s Paper Sale May 13-19. The
children and the Shrine Hospitals need
our help.
May 27th, let’s remember all our
Veterans and I would like to say a great
big “Thank You” for all they do.
If you need help working on your
jeep to get ready for the parades, please
give me a call at 992-8027 and I would
be glad to help.
Anyone interested in joining an “active” group, please give us a try. Please
call Mike Smith at 992-8027 or come
to one of our meetings the first Tuesday
night of the month at the Temple at
7pm. We are always looking for new
Celebrating Birthday in May:
Lady Brooke Boling – 23rd
Noble Robert Monroe – 26th
No Anniversaries in May.
In closing, please remember our
sick and shut-ins, Divan, hospitals and
children, military and one another.
May God bless you,
be proud to be a Shriner.
Captain Mike Smith
Page 7
Kerbela Motor Corp
We’ve been hoping to get on the road
again and not look like an Eskimo while
trying riding.
Maybe, it won’t be to much longer.
Changes have been made to the upcoming riding schedule.
May 24-25 Nashville, TN run - Flying J
Watt Rd. I-40 ext. 369 at 9 a.m.
July 13 Back Bone Rock thru Damascus
Mountain - Shoney’s Rutledge Pike
at 8 a.m.
Aug. 23-25 Greenville, S.C. - Perkins
Restaurant I-40 ext 417 at 9 a.m.
Sept. 14 Chickamauga Battle Fields
- Flying J Watt Rd. I-40 ext. 369 at
9:30 a.m.
Questions contact Huey Long (423)
Our latest meet/eat was held at Dead
End Bar-B-Q across from West High
School. The crowd was small, but good
food and fellowship was in order.
Roy Gibson and Glen Hayes birthdays were celebrated with two large
cookie cakes, yum!!!!!
By the time this gets out Fun Fest
will have come and gone, hope everyone
had a great time.
Remember the paper sale cause
without it the hospitals can’t survive and
without the hospitals the Shrine will not
Remember the defenders of Our
freedom where ever they may be.
GOD bless America.
Think membership,
Grainger County Shrine Club
Clinch Valley Shrine Club
Paper Sale Kick-off & Van
Drivers Appreciation Dinner
Greene County Shrine Club
Cocke County Shrine Club
West Knox Shrine Club
Union County Shrine Club
Page 8
Kerbela Van Drivers
This is
the May issue of the
Knews, but
it will reach
you in mid-April, so I again would like
to remind you of the Van Drivers Appreciation and Paper Sale Kick-Off Dinner
to be held on Saturday April 27, 2013
beginning at 5:00 PM. We hope you will
be able to attend. Remember to RSVP
the Temple Office by April 24, 2013 so
you may be included in the count for the
“food” to be ordered.
The Paper Sale will need the efforts
of every Noble to be a successful campaign in 2013. The children, and the
hospitals that care for them, look to us
to put forth every effort to succeed. You
will never spend a more worth while
time than when selling Shrine papers.
Please contact your Shrine Club Paper
Sale Chairman, and volunteer in this
most Noble effort for the children.
We want to wish a Happy Birthday
to the following Nobles who celebrate
their’s in May…Nobles Brandon R.
Carr, Ted Chapman, Brad Patten, and
Stephen M. Skeens. Remember Nobles
you eat free on the Stated Meeting
month of your birthday. Noble Pat
Ramsey serves a delicious “hot meal”
for $8.00 for the rest of us. The fellowship is free.
We want to welcome two new
members to our Unit. Nobles Aaron D.
Campbell and Phil Holbert joined the
Unit on March 19, 2013 We currently
stand at 63 members, and still there is
room for more. Nobles we again ask
that you check to see if you are current
in the Van Drivers Dues. We still have
several in arrears for 2012. Those who
have not paid by our April 16th meeting
will be dropped from the Unit. Please
check your wallet, we don’t want to
loose anyone for non-payment.
That about does it for another month.
I would like to leave you with the following thought from the book…“The
Complete Live and Learn and Pass
It On“, by H. Jackson Brown. “ I’ve
learned that maturity has more to do
with what types of experiences you’ve
had and what you’ve learned from them
and less to do with how many birthdays
you’ve celebrated”.
Please remember the young men and
women of our Nation’s Armed forces
and their families in your thoughts and
Prayers. They go in harms way so we
can live in Peace. Until next time, Please
drive carefully.
Fred D. Wyrick
Secretary K.V.D.U.
your Fez
May 2013 Kerbela Knews
In the words of our Recorder:
"Pick a real pretty bloom,
put it in your label, grab
a hand full of petitions for
those candidates you're
going to get to fill out for
Fun Fest!"
Time's a wastin'
2805 E. Broadway Ave. Maryville TN 37804
Jim Murrell Bob Murrell
Welcome New Nobles
Created March 19, 2013
Steve E. Collins........... Knoxville, TN 37931
Robert P. Copeland....... Knoxville, TN 37921
Enos E. Lawson........... Knoxville, TN 37922
Charles C. Walker...... Oak Ridge, TN 37830
Kerbela Knews May 2013
Kerbela Corvette Unit
“Punxsutawney Phil” was
brought up on
charges for giving
hope to an early
spring with loads of sun shine; charges
were later dropped and he was pardoned
of any wrong doing.
Well looks like we ALL made it
through Saint Patrick’s Day without
too many problems; hope no one had
any visit from the little leprechaun. Our
focus is now on Fun Fest May 8-12; be
sure to have your reservation and all
applicable fees paid.
Captain Carl will soon be calling
for a dress rehearsal for the upcoming
Fun Fest in Pigeon Forge; be sure to
have your cars tuned and your parade
uniform ready. Also remember to have
your communication radio charged; we
can expect to be ask to participate in
parades throughout this coming year;
let’s try and make as many as possible.
May Birthday’s: Shawn George –
May 12 and Jeff White – May 1. Happy
Birthday from the Corvettes.
May Anniversaries: Rickie and Joanna Bolinger – May 6, Jeff and Frances
White – May 26. Happy Anniversary
from the Corvettes.
Remember to keep those serving
this great Nation in your thought and
prayers; they are the reason we have
what we DO!
Also remember to keep those who
are sick or injured not able to attend
lodge, unit meetings, shrine club meetings in your thoughts and prayers. Remember to keep Harold Seiber and Jean
in your thoughts and prayers; Harold is
home recovering from major surgery; if
not already doing so, drop a card in the
Page 9
mail from time-to-time and let him know
you are thinking about him; Harold is
one of the oldest charter members of the
Corvette Unit.
“Better to remain silent and be
thought a fool than to speak out and
remove all doubt. Abraham Lincoln
Unit or Club got plans
Make sure they are in the
Kerbela Knews.
Deadline for June issue
is May 7
Come On—
Get out there and get
those petitions signed.
Help us
Grow Kerbela!
Deadline for July/August
issue is June 4.
Masonic Members
RV Camping Group Just for Masons
East Tenn Club
East Tenn Stars #206
Jack Johnson 865-588-2702
Vernon "Smokey" Peck 865-679-0949
Page 10
Application for Membership
 Yes I (we) want to Share in the
 I have previously made a Will
leaving a Bequest (of $100 or
more) to the Shriners Hospitals
for Children endowment fund.
 I have added a provision in my
Will leaving a Bequest (of $100
or more) to the Shriners Hospitals for Children endowment
 I prefer to make a cash donation
at this time (of $100 or more).
Make your check payable to:
Temple Member?
State Zip
You may give a $100 Million
Dollar Club Membership in
another person’s name as a
special anniversary birthday or
appreciation gift. Please have
the member certificate read
Mail to:
Kerbela Shriners
315 Mimosa Ave
Knoxville TN 37920
May 2013 Kerbela Knews
All Units Night
Friday, May 24, 2013
at 7:00pm
All Nobles and Ladies are Invited!
A great Time for New Nobles to Discover Kerbela's variety
of Units!
Let's have 100% participation from Kerbela Units.
Everyone come whether you are in a Unit or not. A good
time for all. Each Unit has a special table of food to share
with all!
Dress: Casual
Exotic Cars
Greetings Fellow Shriners,
Warmer days!
More sunshine!
Birds singing!
Green grass!
Flowers blooming! Spring is upon us! FINALLY!!
It’s great to be able to get outside and
enjoy all that spring has to offer.
Our March meeting was well attended. Way to go, fellow nobles!
The paper sale is fast approaching.
I will be contacting our club members
for commitments to help out in this
very important fundraiser. It’s difficult
sometimes, I know, but well worth all
the effort that we put forth.
Don Ball and Fred Southern continue
to experience serious health problems.
Please keep these two nobles in your
thoughts and prayers; a card or a call
would be most welcome, too.
The next two Exotic Cars meetings
are Thursday April 18th and Thursday,
May 16th. We meet at the Golden Corral
in Morristown. Dinner is at 6:00 p.m.
and the meeting begins at 7:00 p.m.
“Happy Birthday” to Glenn Noe on
May 12th and Fred Southern on May 29th.
Many best wishes for a wonderful day.
“Happy Anniversary” to Evelyn and
Bill Grigsby on May 20th. Wishing a
very special couple a very special day!
REMEMBER: Of all the “attitudes”
we can acquire, surely the attitude of
gratitude is the most important and by
far the most life-changing.
Keep on truckin’ . . .
R. E. Barwick
Extraordinary care
puts children first.
At Shriners Hospitals for Children®
we believe in family-centered care.
Here, the child and family are at the
heart of our medical team. Every treatment we choose, every decision we
make is geared toward giving a child
the skills and abilities to live a healthy,
productive life.
The care given here is the best in the
world, and many techniques and treatments that are common in hospitals
around the country today were pioneered right here at Shriners Hospitals
for Children.
Kerbela Knews May 2013
Page 11
Annual Paper Sale
Van Drivers
Saturday, April 27, 2013
at 5pm
RSVP to Temple Office by
Tues. April 24, 2013 • 865-573-1901
Ramsey's Catering
Mother's Day Lunch
May 12, 2013
at Kerbela Temple
315 Mimosa Avenue, Knxoville, TN
From 11:00am until 3:00pm
For Reservations of 6 or More, please call 865-257-2894
Carryout Also Available
Bring This Ad with you, and $1 will be donated to the Kerbela Paper Sale.
Page 12
May 2013 Kerbela Knews
Sick & Shut-Ins
The following Nobles have been reported to the Temple office as being sick at home or in the
hospital. A visit phone call or card would be most appreciated.
Sick at home:
Don L. Akers
Arlie Allen
John Anderson
W.H. Anderson
Robert L. Arwood
Marion F. Baker
Vernon P. Baker
Junior Ball
Clifford Barger
Sam Belcher
Darrell Birchfield
Ray Blake
Samuel H. Brown Jr.
E.F. Bruce
George Brummett
Coy L. Bunch
L.T. Burris
Harold G. Byrd
Kermit B. Campbell
Ed Chapman
Bill Choate
Haynes Chumley
Donald L. Clark
Ocee C. Cole
Bobby Collier
Bill Collins
Bert Cox
Laverne Cravens
Boyd Crowder
Clifford E. Davis
Gordon B. Denton
Cisco Dockery
Mike Douglas
Tester Duncan
Ralph Dyer
Walter Dyer P.P.
Sanford E. Fielden
James Freshour
Bruce Garner
Jack Gentry
Walter H. Gibson
Timothy Grady
Glen Griffin
Sam Hammer
Walter Hawsey
Cecil G. Henry
John E. Hill
Henry Johnson
Jack Johnson
Joe T. Johnson
Robert D. Kite
Verl Loveday
Kermit Lowe
Justin A. Maples
Ralph E. Maples
Lawrence Moore
William R. McCamy III
James C. McCullough
William R. McCullock
Bob McFalls
Brad Patten
George Peak
Joe Pennell
D.C. Ramsey
James Reynolds
James Edward Rich
Don Rines
Howard Rush
Charles E. Sealock Sr.
Joe Searcy
John Sheldon
Delmar L. Simmons
Andrew Smith
Fred Southern
Robert B. Stair
Johnny Stookesbury
Dennis E. Stubblefield
John L. Summitt
Bob Taylor
James L. Teffeteller
Sam Valentine
Benny Walker
James A. Wallace
Sammie Weaver
Bill Webb
Wade Whiteside
Hobart Williams
Jerry Wolfenbarger
Wayne Wood
In the hospital:
None Reported
In a nursing home:
Robert C. Allen - Chandler House
Marion C. Brock - Hillcrest North, Room 223
David Butler - Colonial N.H. Maryville
Hugh T. Christie - VA Hospital
Paul C. Dickenson - Asbury Place, Maryville
James Ferguson - NHC - Harriman
Charles E. "Chuck" Hardway - Ben Atchley Home
Ronnie Harrison - Wellington Assisted Living
Willard K. Johns - Terrace Estates Morristown TN
George Kamp - Ben Atchley Home
Harry Robinson, PP - Morristown Life Care
Kenny Walker - Ben Atchley Home
Willard L. Walker - Broadway Towers, Maryville
Ken Yates - Renaissance Terrace
Kerbela Knews May 2013
Page 13
Page 14
Campbell County
Shrine Club
Nobles and Ladies by the time you
read this our paper sale will be history.
Please thank all the SHRINERS and
their wives that helped with the paper
sale this year. The road blocks and store
front sales is to raise money to support
the SHRINE HOSPITALS for Children.
Let’s not forget that. As some of you
know our ranks are getting very thin and
we need Shriner’s to step up and help our
cause. We are getting very few to attend
our meetings and need some new ideas.
Please join us at the Campbell County
lodge on April 22.
The dinner will be by Helen Nicely,
bring a desert and join us you should be
home by 8:00 PM.
All shiners’ and ladies are welcome,
dinner at 6:00. Meeting to follow.
Remember “Freedom is not free Pray
for our troops.
Fraternally Yours
Charles McDaniel
Great Smoky
Mountain Shrine
THANK YOU: for helping me collect aluminum cans for the Shriners
hospitals. The bad news is the price of
cans is down. The good news is that
with your help, we made over $800.00
for the hospitals. Thanks for your help.
Ray Gray
Kerbela Roane
Shrine Club
Greetings Nobles & Ladies:
As this was written Spring made an
appearance and then apparently decided
to allow Old Man Winter to have a say
again before his departure. As Bro.
Mark Twain noted: “Everyone talks
about the weather, but no one does anything about it.”
Like other Shrine clubs in our area,
Kerbela Roane has begun soliciting Paper Sale contributions and
making preparations for this important annual fundraising event.
While it requires considerable
financial resources to support our 22
children’s hospitals, the other important
component of what we do is identifying children in need of our help. As our
Kerbela Poster child’s family pointed
out, Bailee’s mother found our help
when she made a donation during our
Paper Sale. The Noble inquired about
Bailee’s condition and how she was
receiving treatment, and was referred
to our Lexington, KY hospital.
It can’t be overstated, that each of us
should be looking for children in need
of our help and be prepared to provide
their families with all the necessary information and assistance to obtain that
help. A business card with the Shrine
toll-free number (1-800-237-5055) on
it, is an easy way to provide that basic
contact information.
Please remember our sick and shutins and keep our military men and
women in your prayers.
Until next month.....
Lou Devillon, Secretary
Impressive Designs dba Ftn. City Sign
(across from Louis' Restuarant)
4666 Old Broadway, Knoxville, TN
T-Shirts, Embroidery, Vinyl (Window) Decals,
Banners, Flyers, Business Cards & Forms, Signs,
Posters, Vinyl Lettering, Stickers, etc...
Paul McMahan 865-661-5120
May 2013 Kerbela Knews
Kerbela Hillbilly
Come Join Us
Please Make A
Kerbela Hillbillys
will not meet
April 25, 2013
due to the Temple
being rented.
Kerbela Knews May 2013
Knoxville Shrine Club
Well the “Dogwood Arts Festival” is
over and most of the Spring blooms are
gone. I do believe Spring is my favorite
time of the year. I was beginning to think
though that warmer weather was never
going to arrive. March and it‘s “Cold”
weather tried to hang around forever.
I think though when we are wanting
something so bad, it always has a way
of putting us off to the last possible moment.
2013 is moving on and waiting for
no one. The Paper Sale Kick-Off Dinner
will be held on April 27, 2013 beginning at 5:00 PM at the Temple. We urge
every Noble who possibly can to be in
attendance. As Shriners we have as our
total mission the helping of children
with Special Needs and the raising of
“funds” for our Shrine Hospitals. That
and only that. If we have fun along the
way, that is an added reward. Please
RSVP the Temple Office by April 24,
2013 so you can be counted in the food
that will be ordered.
Noble Eugene Headrick the Paper
Sale Chairman for Knoxville Shrine
Club ask at our March Meeting for vol-
unteers in the Paper Sale. Noble “Gene”
begins his campaign before May 19th by
greeting shoppers at various stores in
South Knoxville. You will never spend
a better and more worth while time than
when you are selling Shrine Papers. So
please contact your Shrine Club Paper
Sales Chairman and volunteer for this
years Campaign. You’ll be glad you did.
I was disappointed that so few of
our members were present when our
Poster Child “Bailee” and her family
visited on march 19th. This young lady
is a wonderful ambassador for Kerbela
Shrine during 2013. Her father spoke
briefly concerning Bailee’s birth defect
and the procedures the Shrine Hospital
performed to help her achieve a normal
life. He informed us that she is presently
involved in aerobatics and doing quite
well. He thanked the Shrine for their
help in securing a productive life for
his daughter. “Bailee” sold her tickets
and raised about $100.00 for the Shrine
Hospital. We hope you are in attendance
when she comes to your Unit or Shrine
Club, she will warm your heart.
We welcome our newest member
Noble Gene Summers to Knoxville
Page 15
Shrine Club, and we wish to extend
the hand of fellowship to him. Nobles
twenty-two of our member have paid
their 2013 Shrine Club Dues, and there
are several who have yet to pay 2012
dues. I know you get hard of hearing
me beat the drum for your payment, but
$5.00 is not a great amount to pay. You
can’t get a hamburger meal at Burger
King for that amount. Each of you are
needed, so please won’t you check to
see if you are current. Here in fail not.
Don’t forget the “Onion Sale”. You
must have your orders in by April 12th in
order to receive onions. Well that about
does it for another month. I would like
to leave you with the following thought
from…A Father’s Book of Wisdom by
H. Jackson Brown, “Success is best
measured by how far you’ve come with
the talents you’ve been given”.
Please remember the young men and
women of our Nation’s Armed Forces
and their families in your thoughts and
Prayers. They go in harms way so we
can live in Peace. Please drive carefully.
Fred D. Wyrick
Secretary K.S.C.
Page 16
May 2013 Kerbela Knews
Nobles, only you can make
Anyone who contributes
$25 or more will be
given a Certificate that
will be updated each year
with a red Fez sticker
showing their continuing
Bronze Sponsor Plaque
Anyone who contributes
$100 or more will be given a
Bronze Sponsor Plaque that
will be updated each year with
an annual sticker showing
their continuing support.
All donations to the Paper Sale and
Shriners Hospitals for Children are
tax deductible.
Kerbela Knews May 2013
our Paper Sale successful!
Page 17
Silver Sponsor Plaque
This Silver Sponsor Plaque
was designed for businesses or
individuals who would like to make
a larger contribution of $500 or
more, and will be updated annually
showing their continuing support.
Gold Sponsor Plaque
This Gold Sponsor
Plaque was designed for
businesses or individulas
who would like to make
a larger contribution
of $1,000 or more,
and will be updated
annually showing their
continuing support of our
Per new IRS tax deductible reporting regulations, a contributor wishing to take a charitable deduction on their income tax
return must provide a receipt to the IRS. The Paper Sale Receipt forms supplied by Kerbela Temple satisfies this requirement.
Please note - the form must be filled out completely for the deduction to be acceptable including the name of the contributor,
their full address and amount of their donation.
Page 18
FINALLY!! We have a new building
and will have held our 1st meeting in
April. The building is very pretty and
is functional for us as a clubhouse. We
invite all of you out to see it. We still
meet at 6pm on the 2nd Tuesday of the
month. We are also offering CHARTER
$25.00 will get you a 2013 dues card,
a certificate (suitable for framing), a
special dues card and your name will
be conspicuously placed in a position
of honor on a wall at the club house. A
big thanks to President Bob Williamson
for working so diligently to secure the
building. WKSC is active again and we
look forward to Paper Sale Week so we
can once again support the hospitals.
May all of you be safe and please keep
our troops in your prayers. God Bless
May 2013 Kerbela Knews
Bailee's Hospital Fundraiser
Be the proud owner of one of these
"Limited Edition" Model Bus Banks
$100 each
100% goes to support our hospitals.
The Emblem
The Emblem
Just like Mercedes-Benz is known for its three-pointed-star symbol, the Shriners fraternity
is known for its Crescent, or “Jewel of the Order.” Carrying on the Near East theme, the emblem
is composed of the claws of a tiger, united in the middle with the head of a sphinx. On the back
of the emblem are a pyramid, urn and star. Additionally, the emblem bears the motto “Robur et
Furor,” which means “Strength and Fury.” The Crescent hangs from a scimitar, while a five-pointed
star dangles from the sphinx.
Just as Mercedes’ star represents something - domination of land, sea and air - so does the
Shriners’ emblem. The scimitar stands for the backbone of the fraternity, its members. The two claws are for the
Shriners fraternity and its philanthropy, Shriners Hospitals for Children. The sphinx is representative of the governing
body of the Shriners, while the star hanging beneath it represents the thousands of children helped by the philanthropy
every year.
Kerbela Knews May 2013
Social Marketing
Fellow Nobles, Ladies, friends and
family. The social marketing of Kerbela is coming along very nicely. We
are continuing to find new ways to get
Kerbela’s name and mission out in the
public eye. The intentions are to have a
shriner in a fez in the newspaper, on the
tv and radio as much as we can. If you
know of an upcoming event we need to
make sure someone is at, please let the
temple office know. We receive at least
on average either a phone call or an
email from the PR/ media lady in Tampa
every 2 weeks. She always comments on
how active Kerbela is and the good job
we are doing getting info and pictures of
events on the internet and in the public
view. That being said. We still need your
help. Anytime you are at a shrine event
or even a masonic event take a picture.
Most of the cell phones have a decent
camera. Email the pic to golfnfire@ You can even text the info
and pic to (865)803-9919. We need what
the pic is about and who is in it. Our
temple photographers are doing a super
job, but can’t be everywhere. We would
prefer the pics in an electronic format as
opposed to a stack of hand held photos.
We have to scan and upload the paper
style pictures to use them.
We are up over 325+ followers on
Facebook and usually with a general
picture without “tagging” a particular
person in it we average 185-190 people
seeing it. If we “tag” an individual in
the picture we usually see numbers from
300 to 600 folks seeing our pictures. For
instance the picture of the Temple cruise
group has been seen by 1,200+ people.
Now, that includes our nobles and family, other temples, other masons. Tampa
looks at us every day. We also know
for a fact we have people in 6 different
countries looking at Kerbela’s good
work and fun on the internet.
Please please please remember the
age groups Membership chairman Noble
Hatmaker showed us the last couple
months on the projector. We have less
than 50 nobles below the age of 35. We
have over 1400 nobles above the age
of 65. Take the opportunity when you
are out and about at events to talk to
people about being a shriner. Any event,
masonic events, family events, com-
munity events. Talk about the different
clubs and units we have. Remember
not everyone will want to be in a unit.
I know that’s shocking to you die hard
unit folks. But that’s ok, we have plenty
of other things they can be involved with
and help with in our temple. It takes all
kinds and types of people to make us
successful. Guys, I know this may hurt
but we need young family men 21-35.
If their children grow up around us and
see the fun and the reason we do what
we do. Then they are much more likely
to continue the tradition and be a legacy.
We don’t have enough young members
to fill in and transition into the rolls of
65+ when the time and need arises. That
is a main reason we are loosing membership numbers every year. Less members
means less shriners to do the work, to
raise money, to parade, to drive the vans.
There maybe a time in the future where
the need is greater than the amount of
support Kerbela can physically handle
or give. Either through decreasing manpower or decreasing financial ability.
Not trying to be a doomsdayer but the
numbers don’t lie.
Poster child visits. If you have any
pictures you would like to share from the
visits please send them in. As of now,
all poster child visits to date have had a
picture of the event and the story sent to
the local newspapers that serve that area.
If we missed a paper please let me know
which one and we will send it. If you
see the picture and story in a newspaper
please let me know and bring a copy to
the temple. I know that Blount Co SC
poster child visit was published in the
Show host Russ Jensen
foreground, Noble Lee
Rayburn middle and
Illustrious Sir Brian Johnson
PP on the Knoxville Now!
radio show.
Page 19
Daily Times on a Sunday. Remember we
have no control over whether or not the
newspaper publishes the pic and story.
Now for the big exciting news. If you
have not heard, Kerbela Shriners was
asked to fill a 1 hour vacancy on Thursday night 4/4 on the Knoxville NOW!
radio show that airs on Praise 96.3 from
6:30-7:30pm. The show went great, we
were able to give out a lot of information
about shriners and talk about exciting
new treatments going on at Shriners
Hospitals for Children. It went so good
we have been invited back for a Friday
afternoon block in May where we can
hit the highlights, take calls and answer
questions. The potentate and divan were
already scheduled in Scott Co for a
poster child visit on the 4th. Illustrious
Sir Bill Gentry agreed we could not turn
down a 1 hour radio spot and so he sent
the standby team complete with “eye
candy” for a radio show. A special thank
you to Russ Jensen and his Knoxville
Now! radio show for having us and to
Jamie with Praise 96.3 who had the online listening to the show unlocked. We
had folks in Fla, KY, Ohio tune into the
show via the internet just to hear us. If
you missed the show we will be getting
a disk of the show and will let you know
when we have it.
The website is still “under reconstruction” by the web master.
Have a blessed early spring season
and keep your camera handy.
R. Lee Rayburn
Fire-Rescue-EMS Instructor
Kerbela Shriners of Knoxville
Social Marketing
(865) 803-9919
Page 20
May 2013 Kerbela Knews
37th Annual Smoky Mountain Fun Fest
Hot Sands Ceremonial
Saturday, May 11, 2013
Continental Breakfast........................................Kerbela Headquarters
Candidate Registration.......................................... Convention Center
Registration Booth Open....................................... Convention Center
Parade Line-Up............................................................... Pigeon Forge
Parade Step-Off.............................................................. Pigeon Forge
Shrine Market Place Open........................................Quartet Ballroom
Lunch, Nobles & Candidates................................. Convention Center
(Ticket Required)
Fun Fest Ceremonial........................................... Symphony Ballroom
Kerbela Hospitality.....................................................Music Road Inn
Parade Marshall Trophy Presentations........ Music Road Inn/Poolside
Kerbela Knews May 2013
Page 21
Page 22
Smoky Mountain
Hillbilly Clan 24
Hello Cuzzins and friends. I hope
everything is well in your hollar.
Fun Fest is coming up soon, we hope
you will join us there. We will be putting on a Hillbilly Degree at Fun Fest
so come on out and enjoy the fun and
festivities. If your not a Hillbilly come
join Clan 24, we would love to have you
and your Gal.
There is a change in the time of
the Hillbilly Degree at Fun Fest. The
degree will be on Friday at 4:30 PM.
We will have a booth in the market
place again this year and we need Clan
members to help, we are in need of folks
to help man the booth, even for a hour
or two at a time. Call Cuzzin Denise
Madison if you can help volunteer some
time at the booth 865-256-8222.
Cuzzins please help your Clan out
and stay active in Clan activities. We
need your help and support.
We are already booking the 2014
Hillbilly Cruise. The 4th Annual Hillbilly
Cruise will be January 20-25 2014 out
of Charleston SC. We will leave here on
buses on January 17 and spend the pre
cruise weekend in Charleston with tours,
events and activities. Cabins as low as
$429.19 per person all taxes and port
charges included. Call Terry Christie
for more information and booking at
We are selling chances to win the
2014 Hillbilly Cruise, the five day cruise
for two people completely paid for, for
$5.00 a donation, 6 tickets for $25.00 or
30 tickets for $100.00. See any Clan 24
member for more information.
If you have thought about joining
Clan 24 or want to know more about us
come join us at any of our meetings. We
meet at the Temple the fourth Thursday
of each month at 6:30 PM for dinner and
a meeting. You and your gal are more
than welcome to visit us.
One thing about the Hillbilly Clan is that
the Gals are very welcome to participate.
In our Clan they play an important role,
we couldn’t do it without them. Belonging to the Clan will not interfere in your
membership in any of the Units as it is
a separate organization.
If you haven’t been to a meeting in
a while Cuzzins cook up some grub and
come join us next meeting, we miss you.
That’s about all for now, we will see
you around the general store.
The Ole Cruise Skipper
Candidates are
out there....
keep looking.
May 2013 Kerbela Knews
for the
issue of the
Kerbela Knews
May 7
Kerbela Knews May 2013
Page 23
“One phone call changed our lives.”
River Woolwine was born on August 2, 2002, with
multiple medical issues requiring many
hospitalizations. As his parents struggled to deal
with each issue, always with a hope and prayer,
they met every health challenge with a positive
attitude. “There were so many surgeries,” said
Shawna Toler, River’s mother. When River
needed orthopaedic care, she remembered the
business card a nurse gave her at the hospital
where he was born. It was information about
Shriner’s Hospitals for Children® - Lexington. She
made a phone call and in her words, “That one
phone call totally changed our lives. A little over
two-years-old, River was seen at Shriners. He
immediately fell in love with the hospital and I felt
we had found the perfect place for
River’s treatment,” said Shawna.
He was three-years-old when he
had his first Ilizarov, an external
device used to correct limb-length
differences, put on his left arm. He
had two more arm-lengthening
surgeries, one in 2009 and one in January, 2013.
Each time, he gained around an inch of length to
his left arm. “I cannot tell you what a difference
these surgeries have made in his life,” said
Shawna. She and husband, Steve Toler, are very
proud of how well he is doing. “He even made his
school basketball team this year!” She added,
“Shriner’s Hospital is his safe haven. This is the
only place he can feel completely at home with
other kids. We are so grateful to Shriners Hospital
for helping our son be a happy ten-year-old.” As for
River, he says, “Now, I’m in the ballgame.”
“Now I’m in the ballgame!”
call 1-800-444-8314
Page 24
May 2013 Kerbela Knews
Everyone Can Participate in Sports
Adaptive sports can play a significant role in the
rehabilitation and quality life of persons with
disabilities. Participation in these sports encourages
patients to develop a healthy lifestyle, become
independent, gain confidence, make new friends
and achieve goals.
Shriners Hospitals for Children® values the
importance of adaptive sports and many of our
facilities provide programs to help get patients
involved. For example, the Shriners Hospitals for
Children — Erie facility offers a six-week wheelchair
basketball program every summer. The Erie facility
also sponsors a sled hockey team that plays in
tournaments throughout the region and has helped
establish other teams in Pittsburgh, Pa., Columbus,
Ohio, and other locations.
And, each summer the recreation therapy and
child life department of Shriners Hospitals for
Children — Chicago hosts a sports camp that gives
patients the opportunity to participate in a variety
of adaptive activities including adaptive golf, tennis,
softball, kayaking and archery. The hospital also
works closely with the Wheelchair Bulls, a team
sponsored by the Chicago Bulls, to help patients
get involved with wheelchair basketball. Several
professional sports teams help support or sponsor
adaptive sports teams, and our hospitals work
closely with them to encourage patient involvement.
Being physically active is important for everyone
and there are adaptive sports opportunities for
virtually every activity and every skill level. Today,
many communities offer adaptive programs through
local organizations, such as BlazeSports. In addition,
some colleges offer adaptive sports opportunities.
Participants can play for fun or compete as seriously
as any other athlete. The top athletes may even find
a spot on their nation’s Paralympic team.
The Paralympics
The Paralympic Games are held every four years,
following the Olympic Games. The first Paralympic
Games were held in Rome in 1960 and featured
400 athletes from 23 countries. The event has
grown significantly over the years, and is now the
second-largest sporting event in the world. The
2012 Paralympic Games, held in London, featured
4,200 athletes from 165 countries, and had recordbreaking ticket sales.
The event features more than 20 sports such as
archery, cycling track, football, judo, powerlifting,
rowing, sailing, swimming, sitting volleyball,
wheelchair basketball, wheelchair fencing,
wheelchair rugby and wheelchair tennis. In order to
compete in these events, every athlete must meet
the “Minimum Qualifying Standard,” as set by the
International Paralympic Committee.
The Paralympic Games helps inspire people with
disabilities to become involved in sports, and helps
change public perceptions about the limitations
of disability.
At the 2012 Summer Paralympics, held in
London, England, at least five current or former
patients from Shriners Hospitals for Children
competed, including Jordan Bird, Anjali Forber-Pratt,
Dalton Herendeen, Hannah and Tatyana McFadden
and Jerome Singleton. Congratulations to them all.
(Top left to right) Anjali Forber-Pratt, Hanna McFadden,
Tatyana McFadden (Bottom left to right) Jerome
Singleton, Dalton Herendeen, Jordan Bird
Kerbela Knews May 2013
Page 25
Shriners Hospitals for Children Encourages Safe
Driving to Help Reduce the Risk of Spinal Cord Injury
Motor vehicle crashes are the number one cause
of death for those between the ages of 16 and 24,
and the leading cause of spinal cord injuries in all
age groups. Nearly 6,000 teens die and more than
325,000 are seriously injured in traffic accidents
each year. Approximately one in five new teenage
drivers will be involved in a crash within the first
year of becoming a licensed driver. Improving driving
skills, especially for young drivers, may be the key to
fewer deaths and injuries.
Tips for Safe Driving
• Give driving your full attention.
• Follow the rules of the road and obey
speed limits.
• Always wear a seat belt.
• If transporting younger passengers, remember
to restrain children under age 12 properly in
the back seat, and to place children in age- and
height-appropriate safety or booster seats.
• Never get behind the wheel after
drinking alcohol.
• Be aware of the side effects of prescription
medications you are taking before driving.
• Use your side and rearview mirrors every five
to seven seconds.
• Never write, read or send text messages
while driving.
• Always have a safety zone: a space to your left
or right to drive into during an emergency.
• Your safety zone can also be the cushion of
space in front of your vehicle when a tailgater
follows too closely.
• Scan the space you are driving in by moving
your eyes left and right to get a sense of your
surroundings. Use your mirrors frequently.
• Keep your eyes up. Look as far ahead as you
can see. Do not focus only on the vehicle in
front of you.
• Scan your surroundings.
• Avoid distractions unrelated to driving.
Distractions Include:
• Texting or reading
• Talking on the phone – including using a
Shriners Hospitals for Children® is committed to
headset, earpiece or speakerphone
raising awareness to help prevent spinal cord injuries.
• Eating
The health care system has created a brochure
• Fatigue
promoting safe driving among teens, as well as
• Arguing
additional materials raising awareness of spinal cord
• An animal that is loose in the car
injury prevention. The brochure is available through
• Disruptive passengers
the website, www.shrinershospitalsfor children.
• Alcohol or other drugs
org, and the other items can be obtained through
• Loud music
the online ordering system. In addition the Shriners
Hospitals for Children in Chicago and Texas have
Helpful Online Resources
participated in distracted driving summits, further
raising awareness in their communities.
Being aware of the risk factors that typically cause
a motor vehicle crash and reinforcing safe driving
tips – especially among younger drivers – may also
lessen the risk of motor vehicle crashes and spinal
cord injury.
Page 26
May 2013 Kerbela Knews
Marching with the School Band:
A “Wow” Moment for Joseph
Since the first Shriners Hospital opened in 1922 in
Shreveport, La., caring for children with orthopaedic
conditions has been a primary mission of our health
care system. The orthopaedic diseases and disorders
we treat are wide-ranging and diverse. Whether
we are treating bone deformities such as clubfoot,
neuromuscular conditions such as cerebral palsy,
or genetic anomalies such as achondroplasia, our
goal is to help each child become as independent,
confident and healthy as possible. Here is one
patient’s story:
Hartless says Shriners Hospitals for Children—
Lexington has changed her child’s life. “In four years,
we progressed from Joseph never having walked to
‘Hey, Mom, where are my drumsticks?’ For that, I
simply say thank you from the bottom of my heart.”
When Joseph Van Hofwegen was born in February
2001, he was immediately diagnosed with
caudal regression syndrome, which impairs the
development of the lower half of the body. In this
disorder, the bones of the lower spine are frequently
misshapen or missing, and the corresponding
section of the spinal cord can be irregular or missing.
In Joseph’s case, his legs were bent with the
knees pointing out to the side and his feet tucked
underneath the hips. Joseph could crawl as a baby,
but only by dragging his lower extremities. Kristen
Hartless, Joseph’s mother, accepted the probability
he would never walk.
The family learned of Shriners Hospitals for
Children ®— Lexington and made an appointment
to discuss possible surgical solutions. Janet
Walker, M.D., a pediatric orthopaedic surgeon
who researches club feet, limb deficiencies, limb
misalignment and children with amputations,
examined Joseph. Dr. Walker advised that Joseph,
then age 6, have amputation surgery, followed
by prosthetics.
After a successful surgery, Joseph was very
nervous about preparing for his new prosthetic
legs. “He was worried he would walk like a cartoon
robot,” said Hartless. “Oh, and also, he
wanted toes!”
The prosthetics department at the Lexington
Shriners Hospital went to work and soon Joseph had
his new legs. Now 12 years old, Joseph continues
to come to the hospital for fittings and therapy every
six months. Recently, he announced a big event in
his life.
“I have been playing the drums for several
years, and we figured out how to attach the drums
to my walker. Next spring, I will be in my middle
school marching band as a drummer,” Joseph said.
“Walking, marching, playing my drums. Wow!”
Top: Joseph Van
Hofwegen, 6 years old
here, waits for surgery
that will give him two
prosthetic legs.
Bottom: Along with
his love of music,
Joseph also enjoys
playing sports.
Kerbela Knews May 2013
Page 27
Mayor Burchett
and Potentate
Bill Gentry
at Kerbela
Temple for
Unit Meeting
night in April
to promote
"Southfest" on
April 12 and 13.
Illustrious Sir Bill and his "Illustrious Sippy" cup. Look
at that smile after realizing he found his favorite sippy.
Monroe County Shrine Club ~
Poster Child Visit, March 14
Page 28
Jefferson County Shrine Club ~
Poster Child Visit, March 12
Campbell County Shrine
Club ~ Poster Child Visit,
March 15
May 2013 Kerbela Knews
Kerbela Knews May 2013
Page 29
Kerbela Roane Shrine
Club ~
Poster Child Visit
Knoxville Shrine Club ~ Poster Child Visit
Stated Meeting, March 19
Page 30
May 2013 Kerbela Knews
“Es Selamu Aleikum”
Life is a story in volumes three the past the present the yet to be.
The first we’ve written and laid away.
The second we’re reading day by day.
The third and last of the volumes
Is locked from our sight and God keepeth the key.
John C. Gaddis
Oneal A. Dubose
John B. Whaley
Carl E. Harmon
John. W. Glass
Bruce A. Nave
Samuel H. Yardley
James E. Tiller
Have you got
your petitions
Time to do it is
BLOUNT COUNTY SHRINE CLUB-4th Monday Shoney's, Maryville 6pm
CAMPBELL COUNTY SHRINE CLUB-4th Monday Campbell Co Lodge #778 LaFollette 6pm
CLINCH VALLEY SHRINE CLUB-3rd Thursday Shoney’s 2405 Andersonville Hwy. 6pm
COCKE COUNTY SHRINE CLUB-3rd Monday Shrine Bldg. Newport 7pm
GRAINGER COUNTY SHRINE CLUB-4th Monday Down Home Restaurant Rutledge 6:30pm dinner 7pm meeting
GREAT SMOKY MTN. SHRINE CLUB-2nd Thurs. The Gondolier, 904 Dolly Parton Pkwy,
Sevierville Dinner 6pm Meeting 7pm
GREENE COUNTY HILLBILLY UNIT-1st Fri. Little Chicago, 6:30pm
GREENE COUNTY SHRINE CLUB-1st Thursday Fat Boyz, 906 Tusculum Boulevard, Greeneville 7pm
GREENEVILLE KLOWN KLAN - 1st Friday, Fat Boyz, 6pm
GREENVILLE MOTOR PATROL-1st Friday, Fat Boyz, Mosheim 6pm
HAM RADIO UNIT-1st Tuesday Kerbela Temple 7pm
JEFFERSON COUNTY SHRINE CLUB-2nd Tuesday Captin's Galley, Dandridge 6:30pm
KERBELA ENGINEERS-2nd Tuesday Davy Crockett Restaurant, 3282 E. Morris Blvd,
Morristown, 7:30pm
KERBELA EXOTIC CARS-3rd Thursday Golden Coral Dinner 6pm Meeting 7pm
KERBELA HILLBILLY UNIT-4th Thursday Kerbela 7:30pm
KERBELA KLOWN KORP-1st Tuesday Kerbela Temple 7pm
KERBELA ROANE SHRINE CLUB - 3rd Thursday South Gate Lodge Harriman Dinner
6pm Meeting 7:30pm
KNOXVILLE SHRINE CLUB-3rd Tuesday Kerbela Temple Knoxville 6:30pm
KERBELA VAN DRIVERS UNIT-3rd Tuesday Kerbela Temple Knoxville 5:30pm
KOCKE KOUNTY KLOWNS-2nd Monday Shoney’s Newport 7pm
LOUDON COUNTY SHRINE CLUB-5th Thursday 6:30pm Avery Lodge #593 Lenoir City
MONROE COUNTY SHRINE CLUB-1st Monday Tellico Lodge #80s Madisonville 8pm
MORRISTOWN SHEIKS-4th Tuesday Morristown Lodge #231 7pm
MORRISTOWN SHRINE CLOWNS-2nd Thursday Hamblen Library 7pm
MORRISTOWN SHRINE CLUB-2nd Tuesday Davy Crockett Restaurant, 3282 E. Morris
Blvd, Morristwon, Dinner 6pm, Meeting 7pm
NORTH KNOX SHRINE CLUB-2nd Wed Shoney's Emory Rd at I-74 Powell; Dinner
6pm Meeting 7pm
ROCO KLOWNS - 1st Tuesday Kerbela Temple 8pm
SCOTT COUNTY SHRINE CLUB-1st Thursday Oneida Lodge Oneida 7pm
UNION COUNTY SHRINE CLUB - 3rd Thursday J.C. Baker Lodge Maynardville 7pm
WEST KNOX SHRINE CLUB-2nd Tuesday West Knox Shrine Club Bldg. Loop Rd Dinner
6pm Meeting 7pm
Publication Dates
The following dates are proposed for the publication of the Kerbela Knews. We will
try to stay as close to them as possible. If material is submitted to the office by the
deadline date it should make it into the Kerbela Knews to be published approximately
1 1/2-2 weeks later. Dated material and announcements of events should be submitted at least two months prior to the event to ensure that it will be published in time.
Issue Deadline Publication Date
May 7
May 17
June 4
June 14
May 2013
11am-3pm Lunch at
6pm Greeneville
Motor Patrol
4:30pm Divan Meeting
7pm North Knox SC-PC
6pm Finance Meeting
7pm Unit Meeting
7:30pm Bluegrass Band
Kerbela Knews Deadline
for June issue
6:30pm Jeff. Co SC-PC
7pm Morristown Clowns
7pm West Knox SC
Mother's Day
6pm District 20 Mtg
7pm Greene Co SC
7pm Scott Co SC
6:pm Greene Co Klowns
6pm Hillbilly - Greene Co
6:30 Pizza Party
7pm Morristown Clowns
12pm Ladies Luncheon
6pm Caribbean Beach
Party by the pool
7pm Membership &
Blue Lodge Ambassadors
7pm Legion of Honor
9am Parade
12pm Ceremonial
6pm Moslem Feat &
4pm Innovators
Fun Fest
6pm Clinch Valley SC
6pm Kerbela Roane SC
7pm Exotic Cars
7pm Union Co SC
Paper Sale Week
4:30pm Divan Meeting
6pm Finance Meeting
6pm Van Drivers
6:30pm BOG Mtg
6:30pm Knoxville SC
7pm Vintage Wheels
7pm Cocke Co SC
6pm Blount Co SC
6:30 Grainger Co SC
7pm Campbell Co SC
7:30pm Provost Guard
Memorial Day
7pm Morristown
Paper Sale
6:30pm Kerbela
7:30pm Hillbilly Clan #24
7pm All Units Night
8am Past Masters
7pm Unit Dance
Temple Office Closed
June 2013
7pm Legion of Honor
7pm Membership &
Blue Lodge Ambassadors
7pm North Knox SC
7pm Morristown Clowns
6pm District 20 Mtg
6pm Clinch Valley SC
6pm Kerbela Roane SC
7pm Exotic Cars
7pm Union Co SC
6:30pm Kerbela
7:30pm Hillbilly Clan #24
6pm Greeneville
Motor Patrol
6:30pm Jeff. Co SC
7pm Morristown SC
7PM West Knox SC
7pm Vintage Wheels
7pm Cocke Co SC
4:30pm Divan Meeting
6pm Finance Meeting
6pm Van Drivers
6:30pm BOG Mtg
6:30pm Knoxville SC
6pm Blount Co SC
7pm Grainger Co SC
7pm Campbell Co SC
7:30pm Provost Guard
7pm Morristown
Father's Day
4:30pm Divan Meeting
6pm Finance Meeting
7pm Unit Meeting
7:30pm Bluegrass Band
Kerbela Knews Deadline
for July/Aug issue
7pm Greene Co SC
7pm Monroe Co SC
7pm Scott Co SC
6pm Greene Co Klowns
6pm Hillbilly - Greene Co
12pm Temple PicnicMuseum of Appalachia
4pm Innovators
8am Past Masters
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