Nuclear Contour and Nuclear Membrane


Nuclear Contour and Nuclear Membrane
Nuclear Contour and Nuclear Membrane
Nucleus is round to oval (mesothelial cell, ventricular
lining cell) or bean-shaped (reactive lymphocyte)
with a regular nuclear contour. The nuclear membrane is prominent and distinct.
An irregular nuclear shape or contour may be present. The nucleus may be disintegrating, with rounded vesicle-like projections or “blebs” at the periphery.
The nuclear membrane may be indistinct or jagged.
nuclear projections
uniform shape (round,
oval, bean-shaped)
indistinct or jagged
nuclear membrane
MALIGNANT: This is an undifferentiated carcinoma
involving the peritoneal cavity. The large cell is contrasted with adjacent lymphocytes and has an eccentric irregular nuclear membrane.
MALIGNANT: This adenocarcinoma involved the pleura. The large malignant cell has an eccentric nucleus
with several irregular nuclear projections extending towards the right cell border.
MALIGNANT: A macrophage (left) is adjacent to a malignant cell (embryonal carcinoma). Nuclear contours
are irregular, and there is a nuclear fragment in the
upper left part of the cell cytoplasm.
MALIGNANT: The large malignant cell on the right
is contrasted to three reactive mesothelial cells. The
malignant cell has a folded and lobated nuclear membrane with detached masses of nuclear material.
MALIGNANT: This is breast carcinoma in pleural fluid.
Several malignant cells are present, manifesting very
irregular nuclear contours with deep indentation and
lobular projections of the nuclear membranes.
MALIGNANT: Two malignant cells from an anaplastic carcinoma show lobated and overlapping, irregular
regular contour
irregular nuclear shape
distinct nuclear membrane
BENIGN: Mesothelial cells show uniform round or oval
nuclei. The two cells also are separated by a clear space
or “window” (see discussion page 190).
BENIGN: The reactive mesothelial cells have round
or oval nuclei with mild variation in nuclear size. The
overall nuclear contours are uniform, and the nuclear
membrane is not thickened.
Miscellaneous Cells
Miscellaneous Cells