youth services 2012 report - Catholic Community Services of
youth services 2012 report - Catholic Community Services of
youth services 2012 report youth services at catholic community services youth services Catholic Community Services supports young people as they transition to successful adult lives. Youth Services is comprised of the Groundwork Project, the University District Youth Center, and the Youth Tutoring Program. We are guided by our commitment to offering all youth what they need to thrive: safe places, stable environments, and supportive connections. Safety We believe that youth deserve to grow up in a safe environment. Youth Services provides youth with a place to feel safe, a respite from the violence and trauma of the streets, as well as support finding temporary shelter and transitioning to long-term housing. Stability We believe that youth need stability to learn, grow, and thrive. Youth Services builds upon the strengths of youth to develop life and work skills, foster academic success, and access stable and safe places. Supportive Connections We believe in helping youth strengthen family and community connections. Youth Services and volunteers offer youth mentorship and guidance in developing strong networks of supportive people in their lives. 1 Youth Services 2012 Report 1,460 26,740 youth were served this year by Youth Services. nutritious meals and snacks were served to youth this year. For some youth, this was their only meal of the day and for others it was a snack to feed their bodies and brains after a long day of school. SAFETY, STABILITY, SUPPORTIVE CONNECTIONS Youth Services 2012 Report 2 Ytp 96% 93% 82% 96% 55 of youth reported their grades improved as a result of YTP.* of YTP youth reported improvements in math skills.* of teachers reported YTP helped students improve their overall academics.* *percentages include maintenance of already strong grades and skills UDYC of youth enrolled in supportive case management acheived two or more personal goals. youth obtained employment experience through a Youth Services’ employment program. University District Youth Center For over twenty years, the University District Youth Center (UDYC) has provided homeless youth with the tools and support needed to transition off the streets. Every year eight hundred young people drop in to the center. Some youth take a warm shower and pick up deodorant or toothpaste while others replace grayed socks with a clean pair. Nearly everyone eats lunch, which may be their only meal of the day. In addition to meeting immediate needs, youth also come to UDYC to meet with case managers and work on their goals of obtaining health services, housing, and employment; other youth arrive each day ready to work through early employment programs. Youth Tutoring Program The Youth Tutoring Program (YTP) works to tutor, guide, and inspire at-risk youth to achieve academic success. Four days a week hundreds of students stream into one of six tutoring centers in the low-income and public housing neighborhoods of Rainier Vista, High Point, Jackson Park, Yesler Terrace, New Holly, and Lake Washington. Each student locates his or her tutor and settles down for an hour of work. In that hour, tutors help students with homework, build academic skills, strengthen students’ attitudes about school, and provide mentoring and friendship. In addition to offering individualized tutoring, YTP partners with parents, teachers, and schools to ensure the students get what they need to succeed. 3 Youth Services 2012 Report Youth Services 2012 Report 4 810 GROUNDWORK 120 810 team meetings were held to support Groundwork youth as they worked toward their goals. On any given night, approximately 1,000 youth are homeless in King County. 120 youth obtained stable housing through Homeless Youth Services. total revenue $2,321,306 The Groundwork Project The Groundwork Project works with young people throughout King County who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless. This High Fidelity Wraparound program differs from and augments other community services by drawing upon the strengths of each youth to address multiple concurrent problems, including the need for stable housing, mental health issues, and addiction. Like any young person, homeless youth need a web of support – which can include family, friends, professional service providers, and even pets – to assist them in achieving their goals and maintaining progress over time. This year wrap facilitators gathered teams of advocates for one hundred thirty-five young people without supportive connections to build and repair ruptured networks. total expenses $2,321,306 5 Youth Services 2012 Report Youth Services 2012 Report 6 THANK YOU Ms. Amal Abdulrahman Mr. Haben Abraham Ms. Celena Adler Ms. Hillary Adler Ms. Samantha Adler YTP Ms. Fran Agather Ms. Joy Aherns Mr. Bogdan Albu Ms. Genevieve Alcorn Ms. Marissa Alcorn Dr. and Mrs. Adam M. Alessio Youth Services Mr. Mark Alexander Mr. Abdulrahman Alhagbani Ms. Fatima Ali Ms. Amna Ali Mr. Amar Ali Ms. Kelly Allen Mr. Charles E. Alpers and Ms. Ingrid M. Peterson YTP Ms. Sara Alvarado Ms. Kristina Alvarez Ms. Libby Anderson Ms. Charlene Apok Mr. Tosin I. Arasi Youth Services Archdiocese of Seattle - Rice Bowl UDYC & YTP Association for Catholic Childhood Circles UDYC & YTP Association for Catholic Childhood UDYC & YTP Assumption Catholic Church UDYC Ms. Mary Athappilly Ms. Sheila Babb YTP Ms. Christy Bacon Mr. and Mrs. Hall Baetz Youth Services Mr. Matthew Bahner Mr. Allen Bai Ms. Krista Bair Mr. Theo Baird Ms. Taryn Bakkane Ms. Asha Balasubramanian Mr. Edward Banti YTP Ms. Lorraine Barnes YTP Ms. Moriah Barth Mr. James Bassingthwaighte UDYC Mr. John Baum Mr. and Mrs. John N. Baumann YTP Ms. Stephanie Bell UDYC & Youth Services Ms. Elizabeth Benitez-Martinez Ms. Shandra Benito Mr. Andy Benjamin Youth Services Ms. Fatima Bennett Mr. Chester Bennett Ms. Amanda Bentley 7 Youth Services 2012 Report Ms. Beverly Beppler Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Berger YTP Mr. Geoffrey Berguig Betsy Goodman Designs Youth Services Ms. Sally Betzing Ms. Alaina Bever Ms. Subrahmanya Bhat Ms. Karen Bianchi Ms. Zoe Bill Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Matching Gifts UDYC & Youth Services & YTP Mr. Derek Bishop Mr. Chadwick Bissette Mr. Shameek Biswas Mr. Enrique Black Ms. Jennifer Blackford Ms. Jen Blackwood Ms. Leah Bledsoe Bloom Family Foundation Mr. Ziggy Bobo Mr. Grace Bogne Ms. Marie Bolster Ms. Erin Boniface Ms. Olita Bracking Ms. Olivia Branham Ms. Maggie Brassil YTP Ms. Meg J. Brennand YTP Mr. Mark W. Brewster YTP Mr. Peter Brodsky Mr. Peter Brooks Ms. Leslie Brooks and Mr. Brandon Chang Ms. Amanda Brothers YTP Mr. Nate Brown Ms. Teresa Brown Ms. Claire Brummet Mr. Nathaniel Buck Ms. Brenda Bui Ms. Buu Bui Ms. Phu Bui Mr. Keegan Burns Mr. Mathew Butler Ms. Cheryl Butler Ms. Mary Butler Mr. Richard By Mr. Jeremy Cahill YTP Mr. Jonah Caine Mr. and Mrs. Kevin E. Campbell YTP Ms. Tori Cardenas Ms. Isabel Caro-Leverich Mr. and Mrs. Steven Carroll YTP Ms. Diane M. Catt YTP Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cepollina UDYC Youth Services Mr. Christopher Cericola Mr. Jeff Chamberlain Mr. Christopher Chambers Ms. Annaliese Chapa YTP Ms. Melissa Chapina Ms. Janna Charles Ms. Cynthia Chavira Mr. Nick Chavkin Mr. and Mrs. Paul W. Chemnick UDYC Mr. WoQin Chen Mr. Allen Chen Ms. Cary Chin Ms. Lilian Chin-Martin Mr. David Choi City of Seattle Ms. Sarijana Clark Ms. Rita M. Clark UDYC Mr. Dennis Clark YTP Ms. Paula Clayton Mr. Saul Clifasefi Ms. Miriam Clithero Mr. Thomas Cobb YTP Mr. Ryan Coe Mr. Jeffrey Cole YTP Ms. Christine Colomban YTP Mr. and Mrs. Aaron J. Colwell Youth Services Ms. Susan Conley-Evenson Mrs. Madeleine B. Connolly Youth Services Ms. Elisa Cotrell YTP Mr. Ryan Cotton UDYC Ms. Pam Cowan YTP Ms. Krycia P. Cowling YTP Mr. Lewis Cramer Mr. Douglas R. Crandall and Ms. Kathy Crane Ms. Patty Crossland Mr. Dan Crowley Ms. Rosie Cullen Ms. Erika Currier Ms. Michele Cusick Ms. Bridget Dacres YTP Mr. Aram Dagavarian Ms. Christina Dantico Mr. Coleman Dash Ms. Jessica Davidson Ms. Katherine Davis Mr. Jonis Davis YTP Mrs. Kimberly G. Davis YTP Mr. Scott Dawson Ms. Sarah Delaney YTP Mr. Larry Denenholz Ms. Anna DePasquale Ms. Valerie Desrochers Ms. Dianne Dettling UDYC Mr. Daniel Dettling Mr. Kiran Dhillon Ms. Theresa A. DiJoseph YTP Ms. Michelle Dirkse Ms. Marian Dobles Ms. Marquicia Domingue Ms. Dana Donaly UDYC Ms. Margaret Donegan-Ryan Ms. Theresa L. Dunne YTP Ms. Amanda Dykes Ms. Jennifer Eklund Elizabeth A. Lynn Foundation YTP Ms. Anna C. Ellis UDYC Ms. Jill M. Elwell YTP EMPI: A Bayside Company Ms. Theresa Endoso Ms. Virginia Erickson Mr. and Ms. Kurt E. Erickson Youth Services Ms. Maridel Estigoy Mr. Jim Evenson Mr. Michael Ezzo Mr. Kevin Fallon Mr. Chris C. Farnsworth and Ms. Kathleen C. Day Mr. Joseph Farrell Mr. Parker Fath Youth Services Ms. Dana Faust Ms. Alexis Fein Mr. Bill Fellows Ms. Maryjane Fielding Youth Services Ms. Jennifer Figley Mr. Quinn Finnigan Ms. Emily Fleming Mr. Josh Fliegel Ms. Nancy Folsom Mr. Jeffrey Foster Ms. Anna Franzen Mr. and Mrs. Karl Fredrickson YTP Ms. Rhianna Fronapfel YTP Ms. Sarah Fry Ms. Julie Frye UDYC Ms. Nicole Fulfer Ms. Marta Galan Ms. Barbara A. Gallagher YTP Ms. Rachael Gallaher Ms. Vaani Ganeson Ms. Michelle Gantz-Carpenter Ms. Vicky Garner Ms. Melanie Gasper Ms. Marcia Gaul YTP Ms. Laura Gee YTP Ms. Annemarie Geerling YTP Ms. Kathryn Gehrett Mr. and Mrs. A. Richard Gemperle Youth Services Ms. Erin Gengo Ms. Tamara Gill Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Glew YTP Ms. Claire Godbout Mr. Vaibhav Goel Ms. Deborah GohrkeYouth Services Ms. Elaine R. Goldstein Youth Services & YTP Mr. Jacob Gonzalez Ms. Maddy Gould Ms. Nelly Gozdek Grace Seattle Church Community Group Ms. Lyly Graffam Ms. Karen Gray YTP Ms. Anna Gray Mr. Alex Green Ms. Jennifer Griffiths Ms. April Grover Ms. Julia Guerette Ms. Erika Guerette Mr. Joel Guros Mr. David Ha-Becherer Ms. Sylvia Hadnot YTP Mr. Brian Hagelin Ms. Tracey Hale Mr. and Mrs. William E. Hallerman Youth Services Ms. Lindsay Halm Mr. Timothy J. Halm and Ms. Mary Beth Green YTP Ms. Melissa Hamasaki Ms. Nicole M. Hamilton and Mr. Ken Torres YTP Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Hamilton YTP Ms. Anna Hammal Mrs. Eleanor Harris YTP Mr. Colin Hartke Mr. Matthew Hartter Mr. Halimo Hassan Mr. Hamdi Hassan Ms. Sarah Hatley YTP Mr. Joel Hautshorn YTP Mr. Bradley Havard Ms. Gretchen Hawkins Mr. Weinian He Ms. Miranda Helck Ms. Pat Helgren Ms. Dora-Faye Hendricks Ms. Rebekah Hensley Ms. Kelsey Hentges Ms. Katherine Hetherington YTP Ms. Victoria Hill Mr. Xuan Ho Ms. Kathleen Hoarty Mr. Aaron Hockett UDYC Ms. Susan Hodges Ms. Devi Hoglund Ms. Amanda Hollands Ms. Mary A. Hotchkiss YTP Ms. Amy Hou Mr. Justin Huard Ms. Adrianna Hulscher YTP Mrs. Christina L. Humburgs YTP Ms. Claudia Hung YTP Ms. Jennifer Hunter Ms. Helen Huynh Ms. Juweriya Idris Ms. Christine Iwanyk Ms. Andrea Jacks Mr. Lavonte Jackson Ms. Allessandra Jadwin Ms. Laura Jaeger Mr. Bob James Ms. Ann Janikowski Ms. Pat Janssen UDYC Mr. and Mrs. Peter Jarvis YTP Ms. Margaret Jayich Mr. Matthew Jeakle Ms. Hamedia Jemal Mr. Ryan Jess Ms. Carol Jia Ms. Mahal Johnson Mr. Jordan Jones Ms. Allison Jorgensen YTP Mr. and Mrs. C. James Judson Youth Services Ms. Lydia Jurcys Youth Services Ms. Iiana Kalmbach Ms. Eva Kammel Mr. Ron Kaplan and Mrs. Patty Lyman YTP Ms. Elie Karsen Ms. SamSam Kasim Mrs. Shannon M. Katka YTP Mr. Daniel Keating and Ms. Evelyn Bravata YTP Ms. Brianna Keen Ms. Druscilla M. Keenan YTP Mr. Sopath Keith Ms. Christina Kelsey Ms. Danielle Kelsey Mr. Kris Kendall Mrs. Nancy J. Kenney YTP Ms. Sarah Kermgard Mr. Gregory Kermgard YTP Mrs. Zohreh Khajehmiri Ms. Anisa Khaleel Mr. Michael Kim Ms. Diana Kim Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. King UDYC King County Mr. Darian Kis-Young Mr. Jaryd Kiyabu Ms. Yi Lian Klimecki Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Klinke YTP Mr. Peter Klipstein Ms. Joyce Klontz Ms. Mandy Knudtson Mr. Brandon Koeller Mr. and Mrs. Fredrick W. Konkell YTP Ms. Karla Koon Youth Services Mr. Simon Kornelis YTP Ms. Amy Krzyminski Ms. Emily Kubota Mr. and Mrs. Bruce A. Kuenzel YTP Ms. Rebecca J. Kuenzel YTP Ms. Kellye Kuh Mr. Ryan Kuhar Mr. Kevin Kuo Mr. John M. La Manna and Ms. Ann E. Downer YTP Mr. Armand P. La Porte YTP Mr. Richard A. Lafreniere UDYC Ms. Natalie Lamberjack YTP Ms. Lauren Lane Ms. Samara Lane Ms. Stefanie Lau Ms. Natalie Laura Ms. Mercy Laurino Mr. Gary L. Lauritsen and Ms. Marjanne K. Masterman YTP Mr. Peter Le Ms. Deanna Leatherman Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Lederman YTP Ms. Robin Lee Mr. Aram Lee Ms. Keanne Legget YTP Ms. Eileen Lennon YTP Ms. Benita Lenz Mr. Nick Leung Ms. Anna Lewis Youth Services 2012 Report 8 Ms. Sheridan Lewis Mr. Go-Zong Li Ms. Vickie Li YTP Ms. Cindy Libowsky Ms. Anna Lindberg Ms. Andrea Lipper YTP Mr. Carson Lipscomb Ms. Leanara Litmanovich Mr. and Mrs. Darran Littlefield YTP Mr. Wenlan Liu Ms. Cat Long Ms. Alana Lopex Ms. Olivia Lopez Ms. Tracy Lorelli YTP Ms. Erin Loughney Ms. Marilyn Love Ms. Alicia Lowen Ms. Sasha Lucas Ms. Yulia Ludwig Mr. William R. Ludwig and Ms. Dianna L. Finnerty Youth Services Mr. Jesse Macadangdang Mr. Robert C. Macaulay and Ms. Keri Ellison YTP Mr. and Mrs. Andrew S. MacDonald YTP Ms. Shannon Mackey Ms. Eleanor Madsen Ms. Lauren Maeda Mr. Byung Maeng YTP Ms. Joyce Major Ms. Simarjeet Malhi Mr. Matt Maloney Mr. William Mangialardi Mr. Williams Mannschreck Mr. Douglas Mansell Ms. Amanda Maranon Ms. Deborah A. Maranville YTP Ms. Gina L. Marble Youth Services Mr. Valerio Marcelli Mr. Chris Margard Ms. Natalie Martin Ms. Angel Martinez Mr. and Mrs. Andrew B. Mason YTP Dr. and Mrs. Patrick L. Mathiasen YTP Ms. Laurie Matthews Ms. Sandra Mathews Mr. Carson May Ms. Sidney L. May YTP Mr. Matthew Mayberg Ms. Katie Maynard Mr. John McAlpin Mr. and Mrs. James F. McAteer Youth Services Ms. Julie McFarland Youth Services Ms. Michaela McGonigle Mr. Kenneth McGrady YTP Mr. Alexander McIntyre Mr. Ian McKelvey Mr. Sean McKenna Mr. Anthony McMichael UDYC Mr. and Mrs. James E. McMurrer, Jr. YTP Ms. Katy McNaughton Medina Foundation YTP Ms. Colleen C. Meicke UDYC Ms. Ana Memmel Ms. Clara Merlino Ms. Nancy Merrill YTP 9 Youth Services 2012 Report Ms. Kate Meyers Mr. Jay Mezistrano Ms. Alisha Migliore Mr. James Miller Mr. Ryan Miller Mr. James Milliken Ms. Jen Mills Mr. Justin Milne Mr. Colin Milne Mr. Stanley Moffett Ms. Muna Mohamed Mr. Mohamed Mohamud Mr. Hafso Mohamud Mr. Richard W. Mohan UDYC Mr. Andrew Monko Mr. and Mrs. Ray L. Mooers YTP Ms. Joyce Moon Ms. Kelsey Moore Ms. Jennifer Moore Ms. Larisa L. Moore YTP Ms. Norma Moquino Ms. Alicia Moreno Mr. Bryan Morris Mr. John Morrison Ms. Emily Morse Ms. Hanna Mulat Mr. Obianuju Muoneke Ms. Maggie Murphy YTP Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Murphy Youth Services Ms. Anna Mwendar Ms. Nicolette Myers Ms. Lindsey Myers Ms. Antoinette B. Myers YTP Ms. Alex Napier YTP Mr. Dale Nasman Mr. Karthikeyan Natarajan Mr. Jeffrey Nathan Ms. Monica Ng Mr. Phuong Nguyen Ms. Thai Hang Nguyen Mr. Ryan Nguyen Ms. Cindy Nguyen Mr. Gary Nichols Ms. Cassandra Nickerson Mr. Dale Nienow YTP Mr. Douglas J. Nierman YTP Ms. Marjory Noble YTP Mr. John Nolan Mr. Gregory J. Nolan YTP Ms. Peggy Noll YTP Mr. Patrick Noonan Mr. Don W. Nordness and Ms. Judith M. Kulk Services Ms. Cicily Nordness Youth Services Northwest Children’s Fund UDYC & YTP Mr. Rolf Norton Mr. Abiram Nukalapati Ms. Willow Nye Mrs. Kathy C. O’Briant YTP Ms. Nancy P. O’Brien Youth Services Ms. Nancy Odell YTP Ms. Kelsey O’Keefe YTP Mr. and Mrs. Brian H. O’Leary Youth Services Mr. Mark Olmstead Ms. Kathryn Olson Ms. Britt Olson Ms. Ingrid M. Olson YTP Ms. Lauren O’Neill Ms. Kathleen O’Neill YTP Ms. Chiew Ong YTP Ms. Jennifer Osborne Ms. Alicia Ossenkop Ms. Michelle Pan Mr. Patrick Pan Ms. Jaime Pardo Mr. Jacob Parikh Mr. Cheol Soon Park Mrs. Carmi A. Parker Danks and Mr. Michael Danks YTP Youth Ms. Linda Parr Ms. Judy Parsons Youth Services Mr. Phillip-Justus Pascual Mr. Milan Patel Mr. Thomas Paulsen Ms. Chelsea Peltier Mr. Will Pentecost Perkins Coie LLP UDYC Ms. Esther Perry Mr. Paul Peterhans and Ms. Mary E. DeRosas YTP Ms. Aria Peters Mr. Kyle Petersmark Ms. Elise Peterson Ms. Robin Pfohman Youth Services Mr. Thanh Pham Mr. Loi Pham Mr. Kieran M. Phelan and Ms. Priscilla B. Walker YTP Mr. Riccardo Pieri Mr. Mikkel Pile Ms. Danielle Platt Youth Services Mr. Joe Plumb Ms. Joanne Polayes Mr. Schuyler Porter Mr. Kenvin Prak Ms. Kay Purcell Ms. Meaghan Quinlan YTP Ms. Elizabeth Quinley Dr. Peter S. Rabinovitch and Ms. Jacqueline Sherris YTP Ms. Aparna Rae YTP Ms. Renuka Ramanathan Ms. Joyce Ramee YTP Ms. Kelly Randall Ms. Mayra Rangel Ms. Teresa Rao Mr. Vinayak Rao Ms. Auzeen Rasaie RealNetworks Foundation YTP Ms. Rebecca Rebbe Groundwork & UDYC Ms. Kimberly Reed Ms. Courtney Rees Lyles Ms. Linda Regan-Yonck Mr. Cameron Rementer Mr. Lucio Reveles Mr. Brendan Reville YTP Mr. Robert A. Reynolds YTP Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Reynolds YTP Ms. Robin Rice YTP Ms. Adria Ridolfi Ms. Catherine Riviello Ms. Meredith Roberts Ms. Rachel Roberts Mr. Nicole Robinson Mr. Tyler Robinson Mr. and Mrs. Jon Robinson YTP Mr. Dan Roller YTP Ms. Laura Root Mr. Ryan Routsong Ms. Venetia A. Runnion Youth Services & YTP Ms. Nina Sackett Ms. Paige Safadago Safeco Insurance Foundation YTP Ms. Sharon Sayler Ms. Alyssa Sanchez Ms. Elischa Sanders Mr. John Sanders Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Sanderson YTP Ms. Annie Sauvage Ms. Jennifer Sawyer Ms. Carol Scalon YTP Ms. Susan Scanlon Ms. Chelsey Schaplow Ms. Jacqueline Scheibert Ms. Molly Schopen Mr. David Schor YTP Mr. Hansel Scott YTP Seattle Housing Authority Seattle Public Schools Seattle University Ms. Marcie Seely Ms. Stephanie Seibert Mr. Colin Sexton YTP Ms. Karina Seyler Ms. Rachel Shands YTP Ms. Katy Sharrock Ms. Alison Shaw Ms. Ashley Shaw Ms. Kristen Shaw Mr. and Mrs. Don Shaw Youth Services Mr. Woojoong Shin Ms. Jessica Simanton Ms. Elizabeth Simmons-O’Neill Ms. Valerie Skelton Ms. Suzanne Skone YTP Mr. Therapon Skotiniotis Ms. Andrea Sledge YTP Ms. Catherine Smith Ms. Rose Smith Ms. Victoria Smith Mr. and Mrs. Mark Smith YTP Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Sonnen YTP Ms. Nancy L. Sorensen Youth Services Mr. Jay Spencer Ms. Amy Spencer Youth Services Mr. and Mrs. Samuel R. Sperry YTP Mr. Tyler Springer Ms. Elizabeth Stafford State of Washington Office of State Treasurer UDYC & YTP Ms. Ashley Stefanoff Mr. Darrow Steffes YTP Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Steffes YTP Ms. Denise R. Steffes YTP Ms. Andrea Steiner Ms. Danielle Stern Mrs. Rachael L. Steward Youth Services Ms. Bettina Stix YTP Mr. and Mrs. Robert Storment YTP Ms. Kelley A. Storment and Mr. Charles Miller YTP Ms. Michele E. Storms YTP Mr. Thomas Strawn Ms. Sara Stubbs Ms. Emily Suhadolnik Ms. Jamila Sulayman Ms. Caitlin Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. Albert Swanson YTP Ms. Alexia Syrmos Mr. Yvan Tabellion Mr. Babak Tarassoli Mr. Thierry Tatie The Seattle Foundation YTP Mr. and Mrs. Joel A. Theisen Youth Services Ms. Tina Theriot TIA International Photography Youth Services Ms. Kristina Tilker Ms. Sarah Timm Ms. Sarah A. Timm YTP Mr. Patrick L. Tippy Youth Services Ms. Brianda Torres-Taylor Ms. Amy Tower Mr. and Mrs. Timothy M. Tower YTP Mr. Charles Traylor Ms. Jamie Tremel Ms. Kristin Trinca Mr. Taylor Trippe Ms. Maryyah Trodep Ms. Hallea Tse Ms. Yuen Ling Tsui Ms. Sandra Tudor UDYC Mr. Justin Twenter UCUCC Women’s Fellowship UDYC Umpqua Bank YTP United Way of King County YTP University Congregational United Church of Christ UDYC Mr. Pedro Urbina Escos YTP Mr. Zach Vaders Ms. Elishia Van Luven Ms. Rebecca Van Maren Ms. Andrea Vanhorn YTP Varlamos Pizza Ms. Cathleen Vasquez Ms. Nikita Vasser Ms. Susan J. Vaughn YTP Mr. Aaron Vederoff Ms. Sarah Voss Ms. Malyta Vue Mr. Wint Wai Mr. Ben Waite Ms. Kelsey Walker Ms. Zoe Walker Mr. Elijah Wallace Mr. Clay Walton-House Youth Services Mr. Mike Wampold YTP Mr. Geoffrey F. Wang YTP Ms. Rosemary Ward Ms. Irene Ward YTP Ms. Jacki Watson Watson & McDonell, PLLC Youth Services Mrs. Rachael G. Waugh YTP Ms. Sarah Waugh YTP Ms. Carina Wayman Mr. and Mrs. Christopher S. Weber YTP Mr. Kevin Weidenbaum Mr. Michael Weinberg Mr. Philip M. Weinberg YTP Ms. Laurel Wells Mr. Scott Wenburg Ms. Courtney Westcott YTP Ms. Mary Whisner Groundwork, UDYC & YTP Ms. Rebecca White Ms. Jillian Whitney Mr. and Mrs. James Wickwire Youth Services Ms. Bridget Wilhelm Mr. Mackenzie P. Williams YTP Mr. Russell E. Williams Youth Services Ms. Angela Wilson Windward Environmental, LLC YTP Ms. Cheryl Ann Witt YTP Mr. Dawit Wondimagegn Ms. Kim Woo Mr. Peter Woodburn Ms. Heather Wooding Mr. Russell Woods YTP Mr. and Mrs. Christopher R. Worswick Youth Services & YTP Ms. Michele Worthy Ms. Shannon Wotherspoon Mr. and Mrs. Clint Wright YTP Ms. Corrine Wurden Ms. Brenda Xu Ms. Neerupama Yadav Ms. Fayna Yahiaoui Mr. Anthony Yak Mr. Rick Yang Ms. Sofia Yassen Ms. Michiko Yee Ms. Grace Yi Mr. Michael Yoo Mr. Thomas Yoo Ms. Portia Young Ms. Sally R. Young YTP Mr. Ross M. Youngs YTP Ms. Carolyn A. Yund UDYC Ms. Kimberly A. Zabelle YTP Ms. Yizhou Zhang Ms. Jingwan Zhang Volunteers Donors Volunteers and Donors Thank you to all our dedicated donors, partners, and volunteers who have given generously to support Youth Services during the fiscal year July 1, 2011 through June 30, 2012. We appreciate your support! Please accept our apology for any errors or omissions. For corrections, please call 206-328-5659. Youth Services 2012 Report 10 Non-Profit U.S. Postage PAID Seattle, WA Permit No. 957 Catholic Community Services 100 23rd Avenue South Seattle, WA 98144 (206) 323-6336 Return Service Requested how to get involved Make a Gift The generosity of individuals, corporations and foundations makes our work possible. Support the work we do by making a financial or in-kind contribution to Youth Services and/or inform us of grant opportunities. For more information or to make a donation, please contact us at 206-328-5659. Spread the Word Help increase the visibility of our programs by spreading the word about the work we do. Attend one of our fundraisers, program celebrations, or trainings and invite others to join you. Visit our website or sign up for our newsletter to stay updated. Volunteer Share your time or talents with us! We offer many opportunities to help transform the lives of youth. Our volunteer needs can accommodate various skills and schedules. Contact us at 206-328-5953 to learn more. Mark Your Calendar! September 5 - First Day of School (Seattle Public Schools) September 10 - YTP School Year Program Starts September 21 - United Way King County Day of Caring October 12 - UDYC Zine Graduation October 15-27 - YTP Read-A-Thon October 18 - United Way King County Community Resource Exchange October 20 - Read-A-Thon Bonus Breakfast October 27 - All-City Tutor Training Launching Soon…Youth Services and its programs are getting ready to unveil fresh, new logos this year! Get ready for take-off! Photography - TIA International Photography Design - Betsy Goodman