GÂNDIRE, LIMBAJ COMUNICARE “Creierul- cel mai puternic organ al corpului...” Hipocrate- 460 î.c. -Inima sediul mişcării si vieţii psihice -T.inexcitabilităţii cerebrale Aristotel 384-322 î.c. - Medicul regelui Filip cel frumos după 1300 scrie: “creierul este... rece şi umed pt. a diminua extrema căldură şi uscăciune a inimii, alb pt. a fi ca o tabula rasa şi a primi orice imagine, lax şi moderat de vâscos pt. ca lucrurile percepute să-l străbată uşor... gândire limbaj comunicare forme de manifestare a INFORMAŢIEI ”O imagine științifică asupra lumii care nu înglobează problemele conștiinței nu poate avea pretenții serioase de completitudine. Conștiința este parte a Universului nostru și deci orice teorie fizică care nu-i face loc, eșuează în încercarea de a da o descriere fidelă a lumii” Încertitudinile rațiunii. Umbrele minții. R. Penrose. Ed. Tehnică. 1999 Gândirea - amprentă a identității - forță transformatoare - factor de sănătate Gândirea amprentă a identității ”Poate, dacă suntem norocoși, roboții de mâine ne vor păstra ca pe niște animale răsfățate… sau dacă suntem destul de deștepți, am putea transfera roboților ”structurile noastre proprii de informație” R.P Sea squirt Halobacterium salinarium The effects of laughter on postprandial glucose levels and gene expression in type 2 diabetic patients . Takashi Hayashi , Kazuo Murakami. Life Sciences 85 In transgenerational epigenetic inheritance, phenotypic information not encoded in DNA sequence is transmitted across generations. In germline-dependent mode, memory of environmental exposure in parental generation is transmitted through gametes, leading to appearance of phenotypes in the unexposed future generations. The memory is considered to be encoded in epigenetic factors like DNA methylation, histone modifications and regulatory RNAs Environmental exposure may cause epigenetic modifications in the germline either directly or indirectly through primarily affecting the soma. The latter possibility is most intriguing because it contradicts the established dogma that hereditary information flows only from germline to soma, not in reverse. As such, identification of the factor(s) mediating soma to germline information transfer in transgenerational epigenetic inheritance would be pathbreaking Factors such as RNAs and hormones, including neurohormones and europeptides, have previously been considered to potentially mediate soma to germline communication in epigenetic inheritance In last decade, small non-coding RNAs (sncRNAs) such as small interfering RNAs (siRNAs), microRNAs (miRNAs) and piwiinteracting RNAs (piRNAs) have emerged as master regulators of gene expression in eukaryotes It is in this context that we would like to consider the genomic “darkmatter,” one of the major mysteries of the postgenome era. Perhaps no other topic in contemporary genomics has inspired such diverse viewpoints as the 95% of the genome,previously known as “junk DNA,” that does not code for proteins. Transgenerational epigenetic inheritance: Focus on soma to germline information transfer. A. Sharma Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology (2012) E.O. Wilson has learned a great deal about human behavior by studying ants, termites, and bee http://www.news.harvard.edu/gazette/2005/09.29/13-colonies.html Language defines the very structure of information. This is more than an empirical truth; it is a rational and scientific necessity; the laws of nature are a language. The Cognitive-Theoretic Model of the Universe: A New Kind of Reality Theory. Christopher Michael Langan. 2002. Maintenance of cognitive control is a major concern for many human disease condition, therefore a major goal of human neuroprosthetics is to facilitate and/or recover cognitive function when such circumstances impair appropriate decision making. Robert E. Hampson et all. Facilitation and Restoration of Cognitive Function in Primate Prefrontal Cortex by a Neuroprosthesis that Utilizes Minicolumn- Specific Neural Firing. J Neural Eng.2012 A brain-to-brain interface (BTBI) enabled a real-time transfer of behaviorally meaningful sensorimotor information between the brains of two rats. A Brain-to-Brain Interface for Real-Time Sharing of Sensorimotor Information. Scientific reports.2013 •Snsibilitate odoranta •Insecte- o mol/ feromon /receptor •Vertebrate 0,1 picoM- micromolarcâteva mii-10.000 de mirosuri/ molecule sau grupari chimice •Suportul genetic pentru receptori: de la cateva sute la cca 2000 gene pseudogene Kaupp U.B. Olfactory signalling in vertebrates and insects: differences and commonalities Nature Review Neuroscience 2010 The studies show that the onset of the neural events associated with free decisions precede the reported onset of the awareness of intention, and suggest that conscious intention cannot be a causal factor for free decisions. Filevich E. Brain correlates of subjective freedom of choice. Consciousness and cognition. 22. 2013 Katrin Amunts of the Research Centre Jülich in Germany and her team announced that they had done it last month, when they published a threedimensional reconstruction of a human brain in unprecedented detail. To build it, they painstakingly sliced the brain of a 65year-old woman into 7,400 layers 20 micrometres thick, stained them, imaged them with a light microscope and then used 1,000 hours on two supercomputers to piece the terabyte of data together. …Jeff Lichtman and Winfried Denk are working with the German optics company Carl Zeiss on a new electron microscope that would image even thinner slices- 25 nm “Then you get to see every little damn thing in the brain, from every neuron to every subcellular organelle, from every synapse to every spine neck. •The new machines will have 61 scanning beams operating in parallel and will shrink this time down to months. Denk estimates that this will allow them to make a computational reconstruction- “a mouse brain in a box” Denk’s lab scanned minuscule volumes of mouse retina, one of the simplest parts of the mammalian brain. But computing alone was not able to reconstruct the 300 gigabytes of image data the effort generated, so the lab enrolled 230 people to help to trace, by eye, the neurons as they meander through the slices. “We’ll have to develop algorithms to get machines to do the job as well as the human eye.” Abbott A. Solving the brain. NATURE, 499. 2013.. “The human brain produces in 30 seconds as much data as the Hubble Space Telescope has produced in its lifetime.” Neuroscience research provides basic discoveries about how the brain works and about how the brain controls behavior. These discoveries are then applied for the good of humankind. Donald W. Pfaff. Neuroscience in the 21st Century. From Basic to Clinical. Springer. 2013 ”The individuals…having largely increased their needs according as the societies which they formed became larger, had to multiply their ideas to an equivalent extent, and thus felt the need for communicating them to theyr fellows. We may imagine that this will have compelled them to increase and vary in the same degree the signs which they used for communication these ideas…” Lamarck J B. Philosophie Zoologique. I809 Comunicarea este liantul Universului holistic Using MRI scans, scientist can now read thoughts circulating in our brains. Scientist can also insert a chip into the brain of patient who is totally paralyzed and connect it to a computer, so that through thought alone that patient can surf the web, read, and write e-mails, play video games, control their wheel chair, operate housholde appliance, and manipulate mechanical arms. ”The question of all questions for humanity, the problem which lies behind all other and is more interesting than any of them, is of determination of man's place in Nature and his relation to the Cosmos”. Th. Huxley Computers are now powerful enough to record the electrical signals emanating from the brain and partially decode them into a familiar digital language. This makes it possible for the brain to directly interface with computers to control any object around it. Centuries from now, one can imagine placing our entire neural blueprint on a laser beams, which will then sent into deep space, perhaps the most convenient way for our consciousness to explore the stars. Scientists are going even furthure, by connecting the brain directly to exoskeleton that these patient can wear around their paralyzed limbs. One day, our astronauts may even explore the planets by mentally controling mechanical surrogates from the comfort of their living rooms. Part of this rapid progress has occured because physicists today have a good understending of electromagnetism, which governs the electrical signal racing through our neurons. Maintenance of cognitive control is a major concern for many human disease condition, therefore a major goal of human neuroprosthetics is to facilitate and/or recover cognitive function when such circumstances impair appropriate decision making. Robert E. Hampson et all. Facilitation and Restoration of Cognitive Function in Primate Prefrontal Cortex by a Neuroprosthesis that Utilizes Minicolumn- Specific Neural Firing. J Neural Eng.2012 Neuroscience is awaiting for a breakthrough: An essay bridging the concepts of Descartes, Einstein, Heisenberg, Hebb and Hayek with the explanatory formulations in this special issue. E. Başar, Karakaş . Intern. J. Psychophysiology. 60 (2006) 194–201 ... understanding the brain/body–mind complex is possible only when these three are considered as a holistic entity and not as discrete structures or functions. Câmpul electromagnetic este realitatea fizică cu care suntem în contact permanent şi nemijlocit, deşi nu avem simţuri pentru a o percepe. În odaia în care stăm, în parcurile în care ne plimbăm, în noi înşine, totul este plin de câmp electromagnetic, în fiecare moment, datorită câmpului electromagnetic, fiecare cută a fiinţei noastre este pătrunsă de toate melodiile care se cântă pe Pământ, ba şi de şoapte din afara lui, rostite poate cu miliarde de ani în urmă. A.Ţugulea- Câmpul electromagnetic? Ed. Agir, 2011 Sistemul de transport ionic membranar (STIM) - Canale ionice - Pompe ionice - Transportori ionici Molecule hidrofobe O2 CO2 N2 Subst. steroidice Molecule mici nepolare Apă Glicerol Uree Molecule mari nepolare Glucoză Zaharoză Ioni Na+, H+, K+ Ca2+, Mg2+ HCO3-, Cl- Extracelular Bistrat lipidic (3nm) Retinal legat de lizina Citosol Bacteriorodopsina (Alberts B. 2008) transport membranar canal proteic transportori bistrat lipidic difuzie simpla Gradient de concentraţie mediată mediată de mediată de de canale transportori pompe transport pasiv transport activ adaptat după MOLECULAR BIOLOGY OF THE CELL. 2008 Distribuţia sarcinilor electrice Concentraţia intra- extracelulară a principalilor ioni în celula mamiferelor (mMol) Ion Na+ K+ Ca2+ Cl– Mg2+ Extracelular Intracelular 145 12 4 155 1.8 0.001(rep)– 0.1(activ.) 123 4.2 1.5 0.8 0 mV Potenţial de acţiune PA Na+ 50 K+ Transmiterea şi procesarea semnalului în sistemul nervos I.Transmiterea sinaptică Transmiterea sinaptică chimică Transmiterea sinaptică electrică II. Transmiterea nonsinaptică Transmiterea hormonală Transmiterea auto- paracrină Transmiterea efaptică Transmiterea şi procesarea semnalului în sistemul nervos I. Date generale SNC - 1011 neuroni; - 1000 sinapse/neuron - neuron=microprocesor ? - alte mecanisme de comunicare Transmiterea şi procesarea semnalului în sistemul nervos Repere istorice L.Galvani- electricitatea animală 1797 A.Volta-bateria electrică 1800 H.C.Oersted-electromagnetism 1820 Sinapsa chimică Segment presinaptic AGONIŞTI ANTAGONIŞTI E Celulă glială Sinapsă excitatorie Sinapsă inhibitorie Segment postsinaptic Neurotransmiţători cu moleculă mică şi enzimele lor de biosinteză Neurotransmiţător Enzime Activitate ACETIL COLINĂ Colin acetiltransferază Specifică Dopamină Tirozin hidroxilază Specifică Epinefrină Tirozin hidroxilază şi dopamin b hidroxilază Norepinefrină Tirozin hidroxilază şi dopamin b hidroxilază Specifică Serotonină Triptofan hidroxilază Specifică Histamină Histidin decarboxilază Specificitate incertă AMINE BIOGENE AMINOACIZI GABA Glutamat decarboxilază Specificitate probabilă Glutamat Enzime din metabolismul general Cale specifică nedeterminată Glicină Enzime din metabolismul general Cale specifică nedeterminată Peptide cerebrale neuroactive clasificate după localizarea tisulară Categoria Peptide HORMONI ELIBERATORI HIPOTALAMICI TRH, GnRH, Somatostatin, CRH, GH-RH HORMONI NEUROHIPOFIZARI Vasopresină, Oxitocină PEPTIDE HIPOFIZARE ACTH, B-endorfină, A-MSH, Prolactină, LH, GH, TSH PEPTIDE GASTROINTESTINALE VIP, CCK, Gastrină, Neurotensină, MetEnkefalină, Leu-Enkefalină, SP, Insulină, Glucagon, Bombezină, Secretină, SST, TRH, Motilină PEPTIDE CARDIACE PAN ALTELE Angiotensina II, Bradikinină, Calcitonină, CGRP, NPYY, Galanină, Substanţa K (Neurokinina A), Peptide de somn Sinapsa Colinergica Transportor Transportor vezicular de ACh Transportor de colina ACh Nicotinici musc. suxametoniu Nicotinici nn. lobelina vesamicol Muscarinici atropina Nicotinici musc. D-tubocurarina ACh ChAT Colina ACh Nicotinici nn. hexametoniu AcCoA hemicolinium AChE ACh Ach Muscarinici carbachol edrofoniu Colina + Ac Colina + Acfizostigmina - M.Gravis ?... BNCh 188 La nivelul cel mai elementar, noi nu suntem o reacţie chimică ci o sarcină electrică... Rodrigo Quian Quiroga, Itzhak Fried and Christof Koch. Brain Cells for Grandmother Scientific American. 2013 Membrane ATPases are capable of absorbing energy from oscillating electric fields of defined frequency and amplitude and using it to perform chemical work. The concept of the 'electroconformational coupling' is used to explain how an electric signal can modulate the activity of a membrane protein. Tsong TY. Deciphering the language of cells. Trends Biochem.Sci 1989 A brilliant new scientific landscape that will reshape human destiny is now trully opening up. We are now entering a new golden age of neuroscience. Consciuosness is just another state of matter, likea solid, liquid or gas Max Tegmark. Solid. Liquid. Consciousness. New Scientist. 2014 Gândului de Puterea însufleţite ale Pământului, Vlăstare Tinere Suntem