The Jackson Journal - The Association of Jackson Communities


The Jackson Journal - The Association of Jackson Communities
The As
f Jackson
The Jackson Journal
News and Happenings in the Neighborhood
Issue 1, 2008
Police (Nonemergency): 972.495.2271
Jackson Hills & Jackson Meadows
CMA (Homeowners Association Management
Company): Liz King: 972.943.2850
Fire (Nonemergency): 972.675.1633
Welcome to the Jackson Journal
At the Annual Meeting of the Jackson Communities
Homeowners’Association (HOA), members strongly
voiced the need for improved communications. In
response to that request, the newly elected Board
of Directors has committed to produce a quarterly
newsletter to keep the community updated on
the business, social activities and interests of
Jackson Hills and Jackson Meadows, the Jackson
Communities. A web site has also been developed
to improve communications. Check it out at
The newsletter will feature columns such as
upcoming events, future treasurer’s report,
committee reports, architectural guidelines,
feature articles, newcomer and homeowner’s news
and more. We hope the newsletter and web site
will provide homeowners with a new way to keep
up-to-date and to communicate with the Board.
Let us know how you like the newsletter and what
you would like to see in future issues by sending
an e-mail to
New Board of Directors Elected
The Jackson Communities elected a new Board of
Directors at the May Annual Meeting. The new
Board is comprised of committed homeowners
and was the first step in transitioning Board
responsibilities from the Herzog family who
previously held the Board positions. The
Animal Control: 972.495.8393
homeowners voted to have a five member Board
with representatives from both Jackson Hills and
Jackson Meadows serving one and two year terms.
Here’s a brief introduction to your new Board.
Fay Ybarra, President. Fay is a long time
resident of Jackson Meadows. Fay and her
husband moved into the 6th house built in the
neighborhood and watched as the community
came to life. Fay works for EDS
as a Program Manager and
brings years of financial, project
and program management to the
position. Fay agreed to accept the
nomination to the Board because
she believes that together, we can
create an organization that meets the majority
of our HOA needs, strengthens our connections
to our neighbors, and improves our ability to
influence the direction of the City of Sachse by
speaking with a unified voice.
Kirk Wood, Vice President. Kirk lives with
his wife and two children in Jackson Meadows and
works for EDS in database reporting. His vision
is that two neighborhoods
become one working together
for the common good. His goal
is to provide a means to help
neighbors meet each other.
Kirk is getting the social
committee up and running,
along with the help of Tricia Lindsey, with events
being planned for this year.
Board of Directors – Continued on Page 2
Board of Directors – Continued from Page 1
Michael Light, Treasurer. Michael is a CPA
and brings a strong financial and city government
background to the position of Treasurer. Michael
and his family have lived in the
Jackson Hills development since
2005. Michael wants to help the
neighborhood to “get to know
each other” through community
social activities and the Crime
Watch Committee.
Linda Hughes, Secretary and Newsletter
Editor / Designer. Linda is a graphic designer
with background in marketing, technology
consulting and project management.
She and her husband have lived in
Jackson Meadows since September,
2003. Linda hopes to help improve
communications, contribute to
ensuring our HOA supports the
interests of both communities, and
work to address areas affecting
financial responsibility and services
to HOA members.
Wendy Huber, Committee Liaison. Wendy
brings a strong insurance background to the
position. She has been a
homeowner in Jackson Hills
since October 2005. Wendy
is committed to keeping
our neighborhoods safe and
desirable communities in which
to live in and to addressing the
financial issues and concerns of
the homeowners.
Thanks to all who attended the Annual Board
Meeting and a special thanks to the newly elected
Board members for their time and commitment
to the Jackson Communities. 
City of Sachse News
New Parking Ordinance. The Sachse City
Council passed an ordinance that restricts parking
in the 4300 and 4400 block of Haverhill Lane,
Briarcrest Lane and Hunters Ridge Dr. between
the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. on school days.
Violators will first be issued a warning sticker for
a first time offense. After that, citations carry up
to a $200 fine. Further details are available on
the City of Sachse web site.
Alarm Permit. The City of Sachse requires
that if your home or business has an alarm,
you must have a permit. You can get an alarm
permit application from the City of Sachse web
site. Complete your application and mail it to or
drop it off at the police station located at 3815
Sachse Road. R
Curfew. The City of Sachse has a juvenile curfew
for minors under the age of 17. Hours are:
▪▪ Sunday
11:00 p. m. to 6:00 a.m.
▪▪ Monday
11:00 p. m. to 6:00 a.m.
▪▪ Tuesday
11:00 p. m. to 6:00 a.m.
▪▪ Wednesday
11:00 p. m. to 6:00 a.m.
▪▪ Thursday
11:00 p. m. to 6:00 a.m.
▪▪ Friday
12:01 a..m. to 6:00 a.m.
▪▪ Saturday
12:01 a..m. to 6:00 a.m.
Minors found to be in violation of the curfew may
be issued a citation.
Sachse Animal Shelter. The Sachse Animal
Shelter lists the following need for donations on
their web site. Their wish list includes:
▪▪ Trash Bags (kitchen and large black size)
▪▪ Laundry detergent
▪▪ Dish washing liquid
▪▪ Mops and brooms
▪▪ Dryer sheets
▪▪ Cat / dog treats
▪▪ Wet food for cats / dogs
▪▪ New / used collars and
leashes (all sizes and
▪▪ New / used crates,
carriers, dog houses
▪▪ Used digital camera
Toll Tags. The Utility Customer Service
counter at Sachse’s City Hall now processes
new applications for NTTA Toll tags. You may
submit your application and receive a new Toll
Tag (Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 5 p.m.).
Please note, you cannot obtain replacement tags
at this office nor can you apply money to your
account. You will have to contact the NTTA to
conduct these transactions. R
Jumpin’ Jackson.
for upcoming events.
...the column to jump to
Sachse’s 5th Annual July 4th Parade.
“Reach for the Stars” will feature Sachse residents’
floats, beginning at 10:00 a.m. on Friday, July
4 in the Sachse Library Parking lot (gather at
9:30 a.m.). The parade will end at Heritage Park
(4408 Hudson Dr.) where prizes will be awarded,
games will be played, and will end with a “splash
down” by the Sachse Fire department. All ages
are welcome and there are no fees!
Fireworks Spectacular. The City of Sachse
and the Sachse Economic Development Corp. are
hosting a Fireworks Spectacular on Thursday,
July 3 starting at 9:30 p.m. at Heritage Park,
just off of Miles Road. Public parking will only
be allowed in the Sachse High School parking
lot. The show will last approx. 25 minutes. (Info
courtesy of the City of Sachse web site).
Star Spangled 4th. Garland presents this
annual event on Friday, July 4, 2008, 10 a.m.
– Midnight at Firewheel Town Center, State
Highway 78 at State Highway 190.
See the City of Garland web site
for more info.
Jumpin’ Jackson.
23rd Annual Sachse Fall Fest.
The Sachse Chamber of Commerce
indicates the Fall Fest will be held
on Saturday, Oct. 11, from 10 a.m.
to 4 p.m. at Heritage Park.
2008 Calendar (July – October)
July 3 ............................Sachse Fireworks Spectacular & Parade
July 4.............................................................Star Spangled Fourth
July 15.......................................... Special Session Board Meeting
July 26............................................................Cars Under the Stars
August 5.................................................. Quarterly Board Meeting
September 1.....................................................................Labor Day
September 9...................................................... Grandparent’s Day
September 13......................................................... Rosh Hashanah
September 17..........................Constitution Day / Citizenship Day
September 22................................................................ Yom Kippur
October 7............................................................National Night Out
October 11..................................................... 23rd Annual Fall Fest
October 13................................................................ Columbus Day
Call for Volunteers
Thanks to all who
submitted volunteer
forms at the Annual
Meeting. The following
committees are in the
process of forming and
volunteers are still
Committee Name
Board Liaison
Committee(s) .............................................................Wendy Huber
Architectural Review (ARC) . ....................................... Fay Ybarra
Social Committee............................................................Kirk Wood
Crime Watch Committee.......................................... Wendy Huber
Yard of the Month & Landscaping............................Wendy Huber
Communications: Newsletter ..................................Linda Hughes
Communications: Web Site ...........................................Kirk Wood
A brief description of the function of each
committee is listed below to help you choose.
Architectural Review Committee. This committee
will review all submissions in conjunction with
the Management Company and / or Board for
Approval. The committee will work with the
Board to periodically review the Architectural
guidelines and make recommendations for Board
review and approval. A special committee is also
being formed to perform the initial global review
of the guidelines.
Social Committee. Plans and executes approved
events for the homeowners. Coordinates newcomer
and homeowner activities which could range from
social events such as a pot luck dinner welcome
to the neighborhood, our neighborhood annual
garage sale, or National Night Out activities.
The committee will provide pre-event notification,
post-event wrap-up and a summary report to
the Board on the actual events (e.g., estimated
attendance, feedback, lessons learned).
Crime Watch Committee. This group’s goal will be
to work to establish a Crime Watch organization to
foster the safety of our community, establish and
coordinate block captains for the neighborhoods
who will be responsible for communications to
the members on their designated block(s) and for
distributing the newsletter to their neighbors.
Call for Volunteers – Continued on Page 4
Call for Volunteers – Committees Continued from Page 3
Yard of the Month / Landscaping Committee.
Selects and awards the Yard of the Month winner
with their gift card, photographs the winners yard,
submits the winner’s acceptance / consent form
for publication of their photograph in the Jackson
Another important duty of the Landscaping
committee is the determination of the standards
for the landscaping used in all common areas and
ensuring adherence to these standards.
...this is your Homeowner’s
Your participation is
important and appreciated!
How to Volunteer
It’s easy. Simply complete the form on the last
page of the newsletter and send it to:
Attn: Jackson Communities – Volunteers
Liz King, CMA Association
1800 Preston Park Blvd., Suite #101
Plano, TX 75093
Or, if you prefer to submit your information
electronically, go to our web site and click on
Volunteer Form to complete the forms on-line:
2008 Jackson Communities Directory
Are you interested in having a community
directory specifically designed for the Jackson
One of the most important features of the
directory would be addressing potential concerns
for privacy. A key feature of the directory would be
the ability for a homeowner to “opt in”. No name
would be published in the directory without the
homeowner’s indication that the he / she wanted
to be published in the directory.
Potential listings could include:
▪▪ Homeowner Association Vital Information,
–– Management Company Contacts
–– Board of Directors
–– Block Captains
–– Committees and Coordinators
▪▪ Information about Jackson Hills and Jackson
–– Homeowner Listing
• By Name
• By Street
–– By-Laws of Jackson Communities, Inc.
–– Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions
–– Architectural Guidelines
–– Jackson Communities’ Crime Watch
–– Membership Form / Directory Update
–– Service Providers / Vendor Referral List*
(See Below for more information)
–– Listing of schools
–– Street Map of both communities
–– Things to do in Dallas-Fort Worth
*What is the proposed list of Service
Providers / Vendor Referral List?
The list would serve as an opportunity to share
great experiences with reliable vendors with your
neighbors. The only way a vendor could be listed
in the homeowner’s directory would be if they were
referred by a homeowner member of the Jackson
Communities. A Service Provider submission
form would be included in the directory for that
submission. The vendor would then be offered the
opportunity to advertise in our annual directory
and / or our newsletter. The cost to the vendors of
placing ads would be very reasonable and would
help to offset costs of producing the directory.
We would like to know what you think about the
idea of a Jackson Communities Directory and the
idea of having a Service Provider listing section in
the directory or as part of the newsletter.
Let us know by returning the questionnaire
included at the back of the newsletter or send an
email to
Neighborhood E-Mail Distribution
We are considering developing a homeowner’s
e-mail distribution list for use in notifying the
neighborhood about important information such
as HOA meetings and / or social events, Crime
Watch, etc.
The e-mail list will be held
in strict confidence and
used only for distribution
of HOA related material.
If you would like to be
included, please complete
the form included on the
last page of the newsletter or forward your e-mail
address to
Jackson Says:
New Yard
of the Month Program for
2008 – 2009
The Board is pleased to
announce a new yard of the
month program for 2008 – 2009. Along with being
featured in the newsletter and having a “Yard
of the Month” sign in your front yard, you’ll be
awarded a $50 gift certificate compliments of
Calloway’s Nursery.* The newsletter will also
feature a discount coupon for use at any of the
Calloway’s Nursery locations.
Call for Feedback
The Board would like to hear from you and requests
your feedback. The Board wants to know about
the top 3 priority items you would like to have
them address during their first year. This is an
opportunity for you to help direct the business of our
HOA. Use the form at the back of the newsletter
and send it to
Faye Ybarra
4921 Jackson Meadows Dr.
Sachse, TX 75048
or, fill out the Volunteer form on our web site at
and check Architectural Guideline Revision in the
committee list
or, send an e-mail to
or, call Liz King at CMA (972) 943-2862.
Please include your name, address, phone and
e-mail along with the top three items you would
like the Board to address.
We will collect, tabulate and publish the results in
the next issue of the The Jackson Journal. R
This could be your home in the next edition along witth a $50 gift certificate!
Timely Tips for Smmer Gardeners. Each
month, a useful “Calloway’s Monthly Tip” will be
featured in this column that will help make your
yard even more beautiful.
Ya r d
of the Month
Landsca ping Commitee
Volunteers Needed.
Responsibilities will be:
▪▪ Selecting the winner each
▪▪ Establishing the guidelines for selecting the
winner, including holiday and winter months
▪▪ Coordinating the placement of the “Yard of the
Month” sign in the winner’s yard.
▪▪ Presenting the $50 Gift card to the winner
▪▪ Photographing the winner’s yard using a digital
camera and submitting to the newsletter editor
along with the completed Yard of the Month
Winner’s Form which provides permission
for publishing the photograph and to enable
inclusion in the newsletter and the web site.
*Acceptance of Jackson Communities in the Calloway’s Nursery “Good
Neighbor” program for 2008 is pending approval by Calloway’s Nursery.
Jackson Says: Read the Current Inspection
For each newsletter, we will feature a section of
the by-laws, guidelines, covenants, conditions and
restrictions for your information. Reading all of
the material can be overwhelming to say the least.
Please provide feedback to the Committee Liaison
regarding this section. This month’s feature
was prepared by CMA and lists the inspection
guidelines used by CMA to notify the homeowner
of any deviation from the Guideline.
Association of Jackson Communities, Inc.
– Inspection Guidelines / ARC Guidelines
▪▪ Landscape Beds
–– Landscape beds must be kept clear of weeds,
grass, trash and debris.
–– Dead plant material must be removed
▪▪ Lawn:
–– Grass should be no higher than 6” (front &
back of home).
–– Clippings must be bagged or mulching mower
should be used.
–– No dallis grass allowed (considered a weed).
–– No weeds of any kind allowed in front, side
or rear of home.
–– Lawns must be edged (front, side, rear of
home and along fences).
▪▪ Trees:
–– Trees must be trimmed to 8’ from ground as
to not hang over sidewalk or alleyways.
–– Dead trees must be removed.
–– Tree-wells must be free of weeds and dead
–– Bracing stakes must be removed when trees
become stable.
▪▪ Hedges:
–– Shrubs must be trimmed and topped off as
–– Dead shrubs must be removed.
–– Hedges must comply with Section 3.4(e)(4) of
the Declaration of Covenants Conditions and
▪▪ Fences: (Modifications including color changes
need ARC approval)
–– Missing slats must be replaced.
–– Rotten slats must be replaced.
–– Broken slats must be replaced.
–– Warped slats must be replaced.
–– All pickets must be securely attached.
–– Fence must be upright and not leaning.
–– Gates must be in good working order.
–– Wrought iron fences must be painted black.
–– Bottom of fences must be kept clear of grass
and weeds.
–– Fences constructed adjacent to HOA installed
wrought iron fences along Teel may not extend
above the wrought iron fence.
–– Fences constructed to a height in excess of the
HOA installed privacy walls along Teel and
High Shoals must slope down from a point 8
feet from the privacy wall to a point adjacent
to the privacy wall where such point may not
exceed the privacy wall.
–– Homeowner lots with an engineered retaining
wall may not alter any such retaining
wall, construct any fence on top of the
retaining wall, or enter into any other type of
construction requiring interference with the
retaining wall without prior written approval
from the HOA.
–– Without prior written approval from the ARC
Committee, no changes to the exterior of your
home may be made. To include: New fences,
fence extensions, color changes, electronic
Landscape changes.
–– Arbors.
–– Patio covers and overhangs.
–– Play equipment.
–– Outdoor storage buildings.
–– Animal enclosures above fence line.
–– Any structure that is visible above a
homeowner fence.
–– Flag Pole
–– Boats, trailers, RV’s may not be stored on the
street or in driveways. If they do not fit in
garage, they must be stored off-site.
Garbage Containers:
–– Front Entry Homes – containers may be
put out the day of pick-up ONLY and must
be stored back inside the garage or in back
yard. If containers will not fit into the garage,
they may be stored on the side of the house.
Screening is preferred.
Inspection Guidelines – Continued on Page 7
Welcome Newcomers!
We hope you’ll find the Jackson Communities to
be a caring and kind neighborhood committed
to making it the best place to live for you and
your family. We would like to welcome you to the
Let us know if you would like to be featured in our
next newsletter. Contact us to receive newcomer’s
information and if we can assist you with any
information, feel free to contact any of the Board
members by emailing us at
f Jackson
Attn: Jackson Journal Editor
c/o Liz King
CMA Management Association
1800 Preston Park Blvd., Suite 101
Plano, TX 75093
or you can mail the form to:
Jackson Hills & Jackson Meadows
We’re glad you have chosen to join us in the
Jackson Communities of Jackson Hills and
Jackson Meadows.
Letters to the Editor
At any time, please feel free to submit your
feedback, ideas for articles, or questions
regarding the newsletter to
Remember to return your Volunteer and Feedback
forms. To complete the forms on-line, go to:
▪▪ Signs:
–– One (1) per lot advertising for sale or for rent.
No other advertising, contractor signs, etc.
–– See Section 3.4(e)(10) of the Declaration of
Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for
other requirements.
▪▪ Satellite Dishes:
–– Large satellite dishes must be below the fence
line and in the rear of the home as not to be
visible from the street.
–– Small satellite dishes to be located as far
toward the rear of the home as possible as to
not interfere with reception.
▪▪ Floodlights:
–– Floodlights require prior approval before
installation and may not be offensive to
adjacent homeowners.
▪▪ Porches:
–– Porches must be kept clear of trash and
–– Porches may not be used as a storage area.
–– No upholstered furniture will be allowed for
outdoor use.
▪▪ Flagpoles:
–– Homeowner must submit for approval from
ARC before installing a flag pole.
–– Flag pole must not exceed 12’ in height
–– Homeowners are limited to one per lot
▪▪ Holiday Lights:
–– Holiday lighting must be taken down by
January 10th of each year.
Homeowners are advised to read the Declaration
of Covenants Conditions and Restrictions provided
to you at the time of purchase. To provide feedback
on the Design Guidelines, send an e-mail to
The As
Inspection Guidelines – Continued from Page 6
Your inquiry will be directed to the
person that can best answer your
This newsletter is a regular publication of
the Jackson Communities, Inc. Homeowners’
Association. Views expressed in this newsletter do
not necessarily represent those of Jackson Hills,
Jackson Meadows and/or Jackson Communities,
Inc., its officers, directors, or constituents. 
Linda Hughes, Kouba Graphics, Inc.
Printer: Evans Graphics Consultants, LLC
Yes, I want to Volunteer for:
Jackson Hills q
Jackson Meadows q
The As
Jackson Hills & Jackson Meadows
Return form to:
Jackson Communities Volunteer Form
AttN: Liz King CMA Management Association
1800 Preston Park Blvd. Suite # 101
Plano, TX 75093
Phone (Home)
Phone (Cell)
f Jackson
Architectural Review Committee.......................................... .q
Architectural Design Guidelines............................................... .q
Social Committee....................................................................... .q
Crime Watch (Block Captain/Distribution)................................. .q
Yard of the Month / Landscaping............................................... .q
Communications........................................................................ .q
Newsletter Reporter.............................................................. .q
Web site .q
. q
To The Board:
The top three priorities are:
1. _____________________________________________________________________________________
Jackson Hills q
Jackson Meadows q
2. _____________________________________________________________________________________
3. _____________________________________________________________________________________
I want to be included in the Jackson Communities e-mail distribution list:
I want to be included in the Jackson Communities Directory: Yes q Noq
Yes q Noq
Phone (Home)
Phone (Cell)
Return form to:
Jackson Communities Volunteer Form
AttN: Liz King CMA Management Association
1800 Preston Park Blvd. Suite # 101
Plano, TX 75093