jxÄvÉÅx àÉ jxÄvÉÅx àÉ - First Christian Reformed Church
jxÄvÉÅx àÉ jxÄvÉÅx àÉ - First Christian Reformed Church
10/16/11 jxÄvÉÅx àÉ First Christian Reformed Church Sharing God’s _Éäx with People Who Have Intellectual Disabilities 9:30 AM Worship (*Please stand if you are able) Prelude Call to Worship Song of Praise: “Holy, Holy, Holy” G249 *God’s Greeting *We Greet Each Other Accompanist Laura Ten Pass Children & Worship Teacher: Dominique Van Hill Helpers: Collin Huizenga Jordan De Jager God’s Will Fellowship Coffee Jim & Lois Groenewold Disability Concerns Sunday Litany led by Gretchen and Heather Hoekstra (responsively) Greeters Wilma Navis Special Music by Stephanie Buteyn Congregational Prayer Children’s Message by Brian O’Donovan (Children ages 3 years through 4th grade may come forward. Afterwards, children ages 3-6 may leave for Children & Worship upstairs.) Nursery Charlie & Lori Kitchner Lexi De Jager Sound System Pete Vander Werff Transportation Glen G. (346-5152) Paul V.K. (324-8981) Prayer of Illumination by Wayne Miedema Ushers Norm Buwalda Jordan De Jager Dan Montsma Trevor Zonnefeld We Study God’s Word: “At the King’s Table” Video Projection Katie De Jager Prayer Missionary Letters Steve T. to Daryl Pfantz+ Dorothy T. to Brother Bob Pastor Craig to Chaplain Peter Song: Senior version of Jesus Loves Me *Scripture: II Samuel 9:1-13 *Response in Song: “When Hands Reach Out” (To the tune of “All Praise to You, My God, This Night” G 441) Offertory Prayer + Please pray especially for this missionary family this week. Offering for Local Budget Connections/Friendship PowerPoint *Benediction *Parting Song: “Blest Be the Tie That Binds” G315 *Postlude 7:00 PM Worship (*Please stand if you are able) Prelude Call to Worship Songs of Praise led by Dewey Pausma Prayers of the People led by Ken Homan Offering for Faith Promise *We Study God’s Word: Esther 3 *Song of Response: “Standing in the Need of Prayer” G265 *God’s Will for Our Lives: “As a Rule of Gratitude” G1017 (responsively) *Benediction *Parting Song: “God Be With You Till We Meet Again” G316 vs. 1 *Postlude Accompanist Laura Ten Pass Greeters Joe & Karen Durant Library Faith Miedema Janice De Vries Sandy Greenfield Nursery Andrea Buwalda Lori Venhuizen Jordan De Jager Sound System Pete Vander Werff Transportation Glen G. (346-5152) Paul V.K. (324-8981) Video Projection Katie De Jager Welcome to First CRC We welcome our visitors and hope that you enjoy worshiping with us. If you are presently seeking a church home, we welcome you to join our fellowship. If you would like further information about our church, check out our website at www.waupuncrc.com or contact Pastor Craig (324-2249) or the church office (324-2898). The songs and responsive readings will be displayed on the video screens, but feel free to use the hymnals if you wish. The Celebration Hymnals (R) are located under the pew in front of you. Large-print bulletins and children's bulletins are available from an usher or the back sanctuary rack. Please feel free to check one of the “Visitor” mail slots in the narthex for additional materials. Worship Notes Today is Disability Concerns Sunday – a time for us to be reminded that, even though 17 percent of the population lives with at least one disability, everybody belongs in the family of God. We welcome Stephanie Buteyn as you lead us in music ministry this morning. We are thankful that Wilma Navis is able to greet us and worship with us this morning. Thanks also to Gretchen and Heather Hoekstra for participating in the service. This morning’s offering is for the Local Budget—to pay the church’s operating expenses, which includes the minister’s salary and living expenses, church utilities, support staff wages, and other supplies and services needed to run the church. We continue studying God's Word on Sunday nights by looking at the book of Esther. Tonight we continue our look at Esther 3. 1. What did Bigthana and Teresh want to do? 2. Why didn't they succeed? 3. What is ironic about Haman being honored by the king? 4. What did Haman want to do? Why? 5. Should Mordecai have bowed to Haman? This evening’s offering is for Faith Promise—to support missionaries and mission organizations as designated by our church Council. This fund currently supports Brother Bob’s Outreach, Daryl and Mary Pfantz (Wycliffe Bible Translators), Scott Ritzema (Youth for Christ), The Union, Local Deaconal Outreach, Waupun Area Cadets, Waupun GEMS, and Pastor K. (The full name of the last Faith Promise recipient has been omitted for security reasons.) Verse of the Week: 2 Samuel 9:11 “Then Ziba said to the king, ‘Your servant will do whatever my lord the king commands his servant to do.’ So Mephibosheth ate at David’s table like one of the king’s sons.” Now that we have all of the important characters in place, next Sunday night we will look at what Mordecai and Esther do in response by looking at Esther 4. 1. Was Haman's response to destroy the Jews justified? 2. What did Mordecai and the Jews do when they heard Haman's plan? 3. How did Esther try to help Mordecai? Did it help? 4. What excuse did Esther give for not going to the king? Mark your calendar with the following upcoming special services: November 6 7:00 PM Combined Mission Emphasis @ Bethel CRC November 20 9:30 AM Community Philippians Service November 23 7:00 PM Thanksgiving Eve Worship Our Family We rejoice with the following who will celebrate an anniversary or birthday this week: Anniversary: Steve & Melissa Wierenga 16 Birthday: Jack Stahmann Bob Mulder Delores Vande Kolk 16 17 18 Kim Hofman Germaine Navis Jason Morgan 20 21 22 A Word of Thanks “Thanks to Pastor Craig for your visits and others for your gifts of food, cards, and prayers concerning the passing of Kathy’s mother.” – The Byron & Kathy Kamphuis family “Thank you to Pastor Craig, Pastor Haan, and the entire congregation for remembering us in many ways in our time of loss.” – The Alice Redeker family "Dear Friends: Thank you for supporting CRWRC's work among communities affected by disaster in North America and around the world with your gift for disaster response! CRWRC's programs are possible because of your faithful compassion for those whose lives are in crises nearby and around the world. Thank you for giving to CRWRC." - Andrew Ryskamp, CRWRC U.S. Director Church News Council Notes from October 11, 2011: 1. Council decided that the second worship service on October 30 (Pastor Appreciation Sunday) will be at CWC at 1:15 PM, following the potluck dinner. 2. Council also decided that, in the future when we have a noon dinner, the second worship service will follow the potluck or similar dinner. 3. Council encourages parents of Cadet age boys to consider attendance in this very important program. The last few years have seen declining numbers, and the leaders are looking for guidance regarding the future of this program. Monthly Budget Update 3 Months through September 2011 Fund Local Budget Denominational Ministry Shares Classical Ministry Shares Faith Promise Fund Year to Date Receipts $30,525.76 $6,844.51 $4,970.38 $3,729.00 Year to Date Budget $36,423.75 $18,708.48 $5,206.65 $3,900.00 Difference ($5,897.99) ($11,863.97) ($236.27) ($171.00) If you have not yet turned in your Ministry Survey, please pick one up from the narthex counter, fill it out, and place it in the “RETURN” mailslot today. If you are willing to serve as a worker on the General or Funeral Lunch Committee, please mark the appropriate committee and cross out the word “Organize.” If there is a ministry area listed that you already enjoy doing, please recommit yourself to that ministry by marking it on the form. St. Ben’s Project – Fall 2011: Please take a moment to sign up in the basement today. We will be providing the evening meal on Friday, October 28, and there are lots of slots available. Thanks in advance for your continued support of this important project. You can still support Bob Mulder efforts in yesterday’s year’s annual CROP (Communities Responding to Overcoming Poverty) Walk. Twenty-five percent of the money raised by our church will go to the Waupun Area Food Pantry and 75% will go to Christian Reformed World Relief Committee (CRWRC). Let Bob know today if you can serve God’s Kingdom in this way. Sunday Night Small Group will begin a new year at 5:30 PM today. We meet on the third Sunday of the month at Gregg and Kristi’s house. If you would like more information please contact Gregg. Connections & Friendship Bible Studies will meet tomorrow at Bethel CRC. Connections at 5:45-6:45 PM; Kids Friendship (ages 7-18) at 5:45-6:45 PM; Adults Friendship at 7:00-8:00 PM. Please inform Ann Hoekstra if you know of anyone (child or adult) with intellectual disabilities who would like more information or would like to join. The Safe Church Committee will meet in the basement this Tuesday at 6:30 PM. GEMS will have a Club Night this Wednesday, 6:15-8:00 PM, at Bethel CRC. Bring along your Tastefully Simple fundraiser packet to hand in. When Godly People Do Ungodly Things is a Beth Moore Bible study on arming yourself in the age of seduction. This exciting Bible Study starts this Wednesday at 6:30 PM at Linda Pausma’s. All women are invited to join us every 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month. Call Linda at 324-4128 to order a book. Youth Group Members: We will be carving pumpkins and having a bonfire out at Gene and Toni Hofman's this week. Please meet at church by 6:45 with your pumpkin. We will be car pooling out there. If you have any questions please talk to Dominique Van Hill or Jenna Mulder. Also, don't forget that you need to turn in your Winter Retreat forms next week Wednesday so that we can get the early bird price. Please turn them in to Dominique Van Hill, make sure you have included your check for $20.00 and a copy of your insurance card front and back. If you have any questions please call or talk to Dominique. Worship Committee will meet this Thursday, 5:00 PM, at CWC. The Third Thursday Bible Study has changed its name and moved to a new night. We will now be meeting on the Third Friday of each month at 6:30 PM. We will be reading the book Crazy Love by Francis Chan and watching the DVD by the same name. Our first meeting will be this Friday at Pastor Craig and Dominique's. Kids are welcome to come. New members are always welcome! Are you looking for an area to serve?! Chaperone a Middle School Dance @ The Union Youth Center this Friday from 6:30 to 9:30 PM. Sign up in the narthex. Talk to Kim Venhuizen if you have questions. If you were unable to get your photo taken with Olan Mills, we still want you included in the directory. Please submit a 4X6 photo to Kim Greenfield by next Sunday. Please label the photo and it will be returned to you. If you have a family member in the service, please submit their photo as well. Needed: Items for the next issue of First Family Ties. Do you have a favorite old photo you are willing to share? Do you have a recipe that needs sharing? Maybe you know something about another member that is newsworthy, or your child has written something worth sharing.... Please help us keep the newsletter full of interesting bits of information by sharing with us—we need your help! Articles can be emailed to Lois at lois.mulder@att.net or placed in her mailslot by next Sunday. Mark your calendar for our Pastor Appreciation potluck at 12:15 PM on Sunday, October 30, at CWC. Grilled hamburgers and brats, lemonade, coffee, and dessert will be provided. Please bring your own table service and one dish to pass (potatoes, beans, vegetable, salad, etc.). Council encourages members to express your appreciation to Pastor Craig and our Associate Pastors Norman Haan and Chaplain Hofman by way of a card, word of thanks or encouragement, etc. Monetary donations may be given to any Council member. School Notes CWC’s fall musical will be here before you know it! Come enjoy Once Upon a Mattress on November 10, 11, and 12. Reserve the dates on the calendar now! Tickets will go on sale tomorrow at the high school office. Community Happenings The 31st annual Christian Couples Retreat is fast approaching and there is still room for you to attend, but time is running out. This year’s retreat will be January 20-22, 2012 at the Paper Valley Hotel in Appleton. This year’s theme “Let Us...Run the Race" will be presented by Dave and Mari Lynne Katsma, pastor of Marsh View Ministries in Horicon. This is a time when husband and wife can spend a weekend away from the helter skelter of work, family and life—a time to relax, be entertained, be taught from God's Word, worship and grow in togetherness. Brochures or more information is available by contacting Steve and Donna Katsma at 3263836. On Sunday, October 30 at 3:00 PM, Emmanuel Reformed Church will host a concert featuring Voices of Peace and Norm Jansma. Voices of Peace is the husband/wife duet of Bud and Carolyn McAtee from Hilbert, WI. Their music is gospel bluegrass. They have written 15 of their own songs, including one voted number 5 in the nation. Their program is filled with inspiring music, humorous stories, and encouragement for everyone. Norm’s goal is to provide music that glorifies God and lifts the spirit of everyone he meets. There is no admission charge for the concert and an offering will be received for Voices of Peace and Norm Jansma. Around the World Subscribe to CRC News - Emailed every Wednesday, CRC News is the main e-newsletter of the CRC. Over the past month, we've featured stories about the CRC man who designed the 9/11 water memorial, church members living out their faith at Artprize, and how the CRC seems to be bucking the aging trend of other denominations. Don't miss out. See back issues and subscribe at www.crcna.org/news. Connecting the CRC - Every week, thousands of CRC members across the US and Canada gather on The Network to share tips about ministry. Whether you're a deacon, tech person, Sunday school teacher, GEMS leader, small group member, elder, or help with any other ministry in your church, hop online to connect with folks who do that same ministry in other churches. Let's learn from each other! Visit www.crcna.org/Network. Christian Reformed World Missions’ newest DVD, The Call of Islam, shares what’s being done internationally to share the Gospel with Muslims as well as in your own backyard. Learn more and see how you can become involved in ministry to Muslims by watching the movie at www.crwm.org/videos. Global Missions Webinar - October 19 at 12:00 PM (ET): The Belhar Confession. Join in to hear about practical applications of the Belhar’s lessons, and discuss the Belhar’s potential to transform the lives of those who study its teachings. Presenter: Kris Van Engen, Congregational Justice Coordinator (US). Go to www.crcna.org/MissionWebinars for information and registration. Global Outreach Conference: Register now the GO Conference sponsored by Christian Reformed World Missions on November 19 at Elmhurst CRC in Elmhurst, IL. For more information, visit www.crwm.org/goelmhurst or contact Idella at 616-224-5894 or iwinfield@crcna.org. The Hugh & Eve Meeter Calvinism Awards for High School Seniors are given annually for research papers on a topic dealing with John Calvin or Calvinism. Awards are payable to student tuition accounts at the following colleges: Calvin, Dordt, King's (Canada), Redeemer (Canada), Kuyper, and Trinity Christian. 1st Prize is $2,500 and 2nd Prize is $1,250. The topic for 2012 is "John Calvin and the Role of Providence in Human Suffering". Papers must have a January 16 postmark. For information and guidelines visit http://www.calvin.edu/meeter and click on the Fellowships and Scholarships tab. Or contact the Meeter Center at meeter@calvin.edu or 616-526-7081. Group 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Elder Dale Huizenga Steve Homan Jack De Jager Wayne Miedema Dan Scheuers Dave Rens Byron Kamphuis Glen Greenfield Deacon Ray Hofman Percy De Vries Brian Ten Pass Eric Schaver Steve Wierenga Todd Schouten Calendar Today: Mon: Tue: Wed: Thu: Fri: Next Sun: 8:15 AM 8:45 AM 9:30 AM 10:45 AM 5:30 PM 7:00 PM 5:45 PM 5:45 PM 7:00 PM 6:30 PM 6:30 PM 6:15 PM 6:30 PM 6:45 PM 5:00 PM 6:30 PM 8:15 AM 8:45 AM 11th/12th Catechism First Fellowship Morning Worship Sunday School/Catechism Sunday Night Small Group @ Gregg & Kristi’s Evening Worship Connections @ Bethel CRC Kid’s Friendship Bible Study @ Bethel CRC Adult’s Friendship Bible Study @ Bethel CRC DivorceCare @ the Pizza Ranch Safe Church Committee GEMS @ Bethel CRC Women’s Bible Study @ Linda Pausma’s Youth Group carpool to Gene & Toni’s Worship Committee @ CWC Third Friday @ PC & Dominique’s 11th/12th Catechism First Fellowship Next Week Accompanist Lois Mulder Children’s Message Laura Venhuizen Children & Worship Teacher: Tabbie Vander Werff Helpers: Becca Smits Dylan Vander Berg Fellowship Coffee Steve & Melissa Wierenga Greeters AM – Nathan, Jamie, Micah, Lydia, Jonah & Aaron Fikkert PM – Scott, Ashley, Melissa & Shelby Fry Nursery AM – Brad & Rhonda Schouten Jason De Jager PM – Nathan & Jamie Fikkert Kaytlin Smits Offering AM – Denominational Ministry Shares PM – Building Fund Pastoral Prayer Brian O’Donovan Sound System Seth Aylesworth Transportation Glen Greenfield (346-5152) Paul Vande Kolk (324-8981) Library Marge Vande Streek Angela Buwalda Arlene De Jager Ushers Norm Buwalda Jason De Jager Dan Montsma Trevor Zonnefeld Musical Praise Merle Schouten Video Projection Randall Greenfield Prayer List Shut-Ins Gerald Bossenbroek Bea Heideman Eugene Kikkert Wilma Navis Wiebe Buwalda Junice Kamphuis Millie Kuiper Minnie Tobak Josie Looman Liz Van Zanen Health Gerald Bossenbroek, Wiebe Buwalda, and Minnie Tobak as they struggle with their health. Toni Hofman’s nephew, Blaine, who is struggling with drug addiction. Harry Homan as his back pain has returned. Dave Katsma as he undergoes cancer treatment. Sylvia Montsma who in undergoing colon testing. Dewey & Lois Pausma’s neighbor, Ralph, as he has become weaker in his fight against cancer. Liz Van Zanen as she struggles with back pain. Louie Wierenga’s sister, Connie, who is now doctoring in Milwaukee for her cancer. Gregg & Kristi Zonnefeld’s friend, Janna, who is receiving experimental medicine for her cancer. Military Larry & Trix Daane’s grandson, Jeff Daane (Navy aircraft carrier) Jack & Marla De Jager’s nephew, Jonathan Sturing (Afghanistan) Chaplain Peter Hofman (Fort Bragg, NC) Marge Vande Streek’s grandson, Brian Vande Streek (Germany) Louie & Nancy Wierenga’s grandson, Devin Terry (Guam) Requests Restoration of broken relationships. Those affected by the Burke Center transition. God’s blessing on Sue Buwalda’s parents, Harold & Marlys Mulder, and the DRS Team in Galveston, TX. 10/9 Is there anyone interested in serving a life of ministry to Filipino men in prison? Neen is - and will be doing a great job but having a man "on staff" would mean a lot to the culture here and some of our state-side supporters, not to mention the primary motive of serving the Lord - responding to his "Great Commission." Brother Bob 10/11 Greetings: Neen and I are stranded on another island (Bacolod) where I've been teaching. What a great thing to be able to do again - at least in part. Neen has a tendency to say I'm on my way to "cured" and I'm at peace with whatever the Lord chooses. Suffice to say all the cancer symptoms are still there and I only know (1) I feel good enough to do some teaching and (2) your prayers are hard at work. And as I've been telling the inmates - "just because I seem to be back from the dead - that is no reason to stop praying." God is good. While we're here - a typhoon develops and strikes quickly so here we are stuck twiddling our thumbs - so to speak. But this teaching "tour" is complete. God is still good to this unworthy servant and I am still grateful beyond telling. Thanks for standing with us. Brother Bob and Neen
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