January 24, 2016 - First Christian Reformed Church


January 24, 2016 - First Christian Reformed Church
Welcome to
First Christian Reformed Church
Pastor Craig Van Hill
Home: 920.324.2249
Cell: 920.539. 3848
We welcome our visitors and hope that you enjoy worshipping with us. If
you are presently seeking a church home, we welcome you to join our
fellowship. You will find a visitor card in your pew, please fill one out and
place it in the offering bag. If you would like further information about our
church, check out our website at www.waupuncrc.com or contact Pastor
Craig (324-2249) or the church office (324-2898).
Large-print bulletins and children's bulletins are available from an usher
or the back sanctuary rack.
You can tune in to AM 1170 every Sunday morning at 8:30 to hear last
week’s sermon. You are also able to listen to sermons from our website as
well as view the bulletin. Website address is www.waupuncrc.com
Church Office Hours
Tuesday from 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Thursday from 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM
All announcements due in the office by 9:00 AM Thursday
Phone: 920-324-2898 email: waupuncrc@gmail.com
9:30 AM Worship Service
(*Please stand if you are able)
We Gather In Worship
Lois Mulder
*Call to Worship
*Opening: Jesus Messiah – Binder 92
*God’s Greeting and We Greet One
We Are Renewed in God’s Grace
Confessing Our Faith: Belgic
Confession- Article 19
We believe that by being thus
conceived the person of the Son
has been inseparably united
and joined together with human
nature, in such a way that there
are not two Sons of God, nor two
persons, but two natures united in
a single person, with each nature
retaining its own distinct
Thus his divine nature has always
remained uncreated, without
beginning of days or end of life,
filling heaven and earth.
Christ’s human nature has not
lost its properties but continues
to have those of a creature—it has
a beginning of days; it is of a
finite nature and retains all that
belongs to a real body.
And even though he, by his
resurrection, gave it immortality,
that nonetheless did not change
the reality of his human nature;
for our salvation and resurrection
depend also on the reality of his body.
Children & Worhsip
Leader: Mackenzie Mulder
Helpers: Elise Ritzema
Miranda Vander Berg
Fellowship Coffee
Gregg & Kristi Zonnefeld
Randall, Kim, Megan & Ryer
Ben & Alyssa Homan
Cassie Holden
Sound System
Seth Aylesworth
Louie Wierenga (324-3683)
Percy De Vries (324-4678)
Keith Buwalda
Norm Buwalda
Gene Hofman
Ben Mulder
Video Projection
LeAnne Holden
Missionary Letters
Trix D. to Daryl Pfantz+
Dale D. to Neen
Gary D. to Chaplain Peter
Please pray especially for this
missionary family this week
But these two natures are so united together in one person that
they are not even separated by his death.
So then, what he committed to his Father when he died was a real
human spirit which left his body.
But meanwhile his divine nature remained united with his human
nature even when he was lying in the grave; and his deity never
ceased to be in him,
just as it was in him when he was a little child, though for a while it did
not so reveal itself.
These are the reasons why we confess him to be true God and
truly human—true God in order to conquer death by his power,
and truly human that he might die for us in the weakness of his
Song: Oh Jesus, I have Promised – R676 vs 1-4
Congregational Prayer
Offertory and Our Offerings: Classical Ministry Shares
Children are dismissed for Walk Out Worship
God Speaks through His Word
*Scripture: Matthew 16:13-20
Sermon: Who is Jesus?
We Respond to God’s Word
Song of Response: All Hail King Jesus – R103 going into Oh Worship the
King – R104 vs 1, 2 & 5
We Leave to Serve God
*God’s Parting Blessing
*Doxology: God Be with You – G316 v 1
6:00 PM Evening Worship Service
(*Please stand if you are able)
Call to Worship
*God’s Greeting
Opening Songs led by Toni Hofman
Prayers of the People led by Merle Schouten
We Study God’s Word: Habakkuk 1:1-11
*Song of Response: Be Still and Know – R585 vs 1-5
*Affirmation of our Faith: Apostle’s Creed
Lois Mulder
Sound System
Seth Aylesworth
Louie Wierenga
Percy De Vries
Video Projection
LeAnne Holden
*Closing Song: Glory Be To The Father – G635
Evening offering for January is for Neen Benevolent Needs
Worship Notes
Next Sunday we begin our Lenten series. Because Pastor Craig will be in
Haiti one Sunday during Lent and the series is one week longer than Lent
we are starting early. This series deals with the topic of the 7 Deadly Sins,
a series that was preached 5 years ago, but is being reworked. On this
Sunday morning we will look at sloth. This is a sin that we often think is
not a part of our life because we are busy and work hard but we can be
slothful and work hard. While we are busy with one thing we may be failing
to do something that we should. Our jobs can be ways to excuse ourselves
from family time. Our busy schedules are seen as a good reason to avoid
time with God. But these are examples of sloth in our lives. This is one of
the sins that sent Jesus to the cross and we all commit it.
Next Sunday evening we will be joining with Bethel at 7:00pm. The United
Men of Praise will lead us in a hymn sing. Come and enjoy a night filled with
music praising God.
Verses of the Week: Simon Peter answered, “You are the Christ, the Son
of the living God.” Matthew 16:16
This week be in prayer for:
- The East coast as they recover from a record-setting storm
- Those who do not have clean drinking water
- Calvin College
- Hmong CRC in Sheboygan
Give thanks to God for:
- Free will
- The great gift of life
- Christians standing up in the face of persecution
Last Weeks Offerings
Local Budget
Denominational Ministry Shares
Neen Benevolent Needs
$ 975.25
$ 114.00
Our Family
We rejoice with the following who will celebrate an anniversary & a
birthday this week:
Jeanette Tjepkema
Heather Hoekstra
As you pray this week please remember these people in your prayers:
- Norm Jansma for strength and lessened pain as he recovers from
knee replacement surgery. We also give thanks that the surgery
went smoothly and glad that he was able to have this done since
his knee was in very bad shape.
- Kevin Buwalda as he recovers from surgery correcting his carpal
tunnel syndrome. May he be able to enjoy some time off from work
and find his recovery to be easy.
- Morris TeGrootenhuis as he deals with skin cancer. He will be
having surgery next week Thursday (28th) to remove it. Pray that it
will all be eliminated and that further testing will come back clear.
Zechariah Aho as he prepares for surgery next week (27th). Pray
that he will stay healthy and that his surgery will accomplish what is
Sandy Greenfield for healing & pain relief as she slowly recovers
from a sternum fracture & a bruise from a fall.
Church News
The deacons would like to encourage you to prayerfully consider
your giving to the general fund at this time as the numbers are low.
Young Marrieds Bible Study @ Zonnefeld's house Today at 5:00PM.
The Sunday School will be raising money the remainder of the year to
help "Buy a Farm" for a family in need through World Renew. Their goal
is to raise $376 to purchase 1 goat, 1 duck, 1 sheep, 1 calf, 1 pig and 1
chicken. If you would like to help the children with this project contact Brian
Don't delay! This is your chance to make profession of faith. A class is
starting soon. Talk to Pastor Craig this week to make sure that you are a
part of this class. Take a stand and say that you too believe in God.
Randolph Community Choir Easter cantata practice is today at 4 at the 1st
Ref'd Church in Randolph. Any questions, call Mary 382-2048
Come out and support the CWC Freshman class on Friday, January 29.
No need to cook dinner, we will be serving a baked potato and taco bar
during the evening basketball festivities! The meal will be served from 5:00
to 7:00, and free will donations will be accepted.
CWC Pre-K Registration opens January 30th
Central Wisconsin Christian will begin taking enrollment sign-ups for our
Pre-K programs on Saturday, January 30th. Our on-line registration
process will begin at 8AM for our three-day 4K (AM or PM) and two-day
Transitions 3/4K AM class. Spaces are limited and in high demand. For
more information, you can look on line at discovercwc.org, or call the
Advancement Office at 920.324.4233.
Kiwanis, Central Wisconsin Christian, and Edgewood are teaming up with
the American Red Cross for a Blood Drive that will be held on
Thursday, January 28 from 11:30-4:30 at Edgewood Church. Please
consider donating a pint of blood and even better bring a friend! Call 1800-RED-CROSS to make an appointment.
The Cadets are still selling Eaton's pizzas. All money raised
directly supports our group and the Union. Please talk to one of the cadet
boys if you would like to buy some pizza! Any questions contact Josh Bos
@ 9209040430
A Singing Valentine: Youth for Christ will send a Barbershop Quartet to
an office, home, classroom, restaurant….Anyplace in Waupun or
surrounding area on Friday, February 12th. The Quartet will arrive
unannounced and search out the person. They will sing 2 special Love
Songs, present your sweetheart with a long stemmed rose, a box of
chocolates, and a card (naming the sender). All for $40 to help support the
Union here in Waupun. For more details see the flyer on the bulletin board
in the narthex.
different tastes and preferences, but when is that diversity and when is it
individualism – and what does it mean for covenant community? Join
Groundwork as we study Deuteronomy 12 and 29 to address these
questions. Never miss an episode; subscribe for free weekly email
notifications and listen now at GroundworkOnline.com.
FAMILY FIRE - is an online community exploring Spirit-led family, marriage,
parenting, in-laws, blended families, and intimacy. Find encouraging articles
and devotions at familyfire.com. Subscribe for regular email updates and
connect with our Family Fire community on Facebook.
HOW MANY CHANNELS? - Cole has a new 100 inch TV with 1,000
channels! When Cole, Liz and Spike spend hours upon hours in front of the
TV they learn a very valuable lesson from an unlikely source. Follow the
adventures of Liz and his pals every week: subscribe for free at
getkidscorner.com. Find more great resources for kids and parents at
kidscorner.net. This month's offer includes a 2016 KC calendar.
Next Sunday:
8:45 AM
9:30 AM
10:45 AM
10:45 AM
5:00 PM
6:00 PM
6:00 PM
8:00 AM
9:00 AM
9:00 AM
7:00 PM
8:45 AM
9:30 AM
10:45 AM
10:45 AM
6:00 PM
First Fellowship
AM Worship Service
Sunday School & Catechism
Choir Practice
Young Marrieds Bible Study @
PM Worship Service
First Place 4 Heath @ 1st CRC
Prayer Meeting
First Place 4 Health @ 1st CRC
Coffee Break @ Bethel CRC
Youth Group @ the Union
First Fellowship
AM Worship Service
Sunday School & Catechism
Choir Practice
PM Combined Worship Service @
Bethel CRC
Next Week
Cara Aylesworth
Faith Promise
January Evening Offering:
Neen Benevolent Needs
Children & Worship
Leader: Breanna Smits
Helpers: Dylan Vander Berg
Megan Greenfield
Al Venhuizen
Sound System
Joe Bresser
Fellowship Coffee
Bob & Michelle Mulder
Louie Wierenga (324-3683)
Percy De Vries (324-4678)
Bill & Ann Hoekstra
Keith Buwalda
Norm Buwalda
Gene Hofman
Ben Mulder
Musical Praise
Michelle Mulder
Danielle & Marissa Jansma
Megan Greenfield
Video Projection
Lois Mulder
Ken Homan
Jon Venhuizen
Denny Vande Berg
Jim Groenewold
Scott Ritzema
Dan Montsma
Brian Bresser
Joe Durant
Mike Vander Berg
Brad Schouten
Gregg Zonnefeld
Dave Venhuizen
Al Venhuizen
Brian O’Donovan
Proclaiming Evidence for Truth
The Queen of All Herbs
Go up into Gilead, and take balm, O virgin, the
daughter of Egypt: in vain shalt thou use many
medicines; [for] thou shalt not be cured. –
Jeremiah 46:11
The ancient Greeks called it the "queen of all
herbs." The earliest mention of this common shrub
refers to its medicinal value.
The peonies with which most of us are familiar are painstakingly developed
hybrids. Greece, as well as much of the rest of the world's temperate zone,
offers many species of wild peony. It gets its name from the Greek god, Paeon,
who was, in legend, a follower of the Greek god of medicine. According to the
myth, Paeon used the healing properties of the peony to heal Pluto after he was
injured in the Trojan War. This made the Greek god of medicine jealous, and he
wanted to kill Paeon. To save Paeon's life, says the legend, Pluto changed Paeon
into a peony plant.
According to medicinal encyclopedias dating back as far as the first century
A.D., the peony was thought to offer a cure for lunacy and epilepsy. Peony roots
were said to offer medication for kidney and bladder problems, and abdominal
pains. The seeds were said to be effective against nightmares and hysteria.
Medical research may someday confirm that the ancients understood more
about the medicinal effects of the peony than science does today. Is it possible
that such knowledge was originally given by God to Adam and Eve?
Ref: Julie Miller. 1984. "Greek Portraits of a Queen." Science News, Vol. 126, July 28, pp. 56-57.
© 2016, Creation Moments. Churches and parents may freely copy these bulletin inserts.
P. O. Box 839 • Foley, MN 56329 • 800-422-4253
If these bulletin inserts are a blessing to you, please consider making a donation of any amount so
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