January 18, 2015 - St. Leo the Great Catholic Church | Fairfax, Virginia


January 18, 2015 - St. Leo the Great Catholic Church | Fairfax, Virginia
Dear Friends,
This week marks the 42nd anniversary of Roe v.
Wade. Thursday January 22 has been designated by
the bishops as a “day of penance for violations to the
dignity of the human person committed through acts of
abortion, and of prayer for the full restoration of the
legal guarantee of the right to life.”
Our Holy Father Pope Francis in addressing
members of the Association of Italian Catholic
Doctors last year stated:
“Attention to human life, especially when it is
most in difficulty, in the case of the sick, the
elderly, and children, profoundly involves the
mission of the Church. She is also called upon to
participate in the debate on human life, presenting
her outlook based on the Gospel. In many contexts,
quality of life is linked predominantly to economic
conditions, 'well-being', beauty and the pleasure of
life in a physical sense, forgetting other deeper
dimensions – relational, spiritual and religious – of
existence. In reality, in the light of faith and good
reason, human life is always sacred and always 'of
quality'. There does not exist a human life that is
more sacred than another, just as there is no human
life qualitatively more significant than another,
simply on the basis of greater means, rights, and
economic and social opportunities…Prevalent
thought offers a 'false compassion': that which sees
abortion as being in favor of women, procuring
euthanasia as an act of dignity, and the 'production'
of a child – considered as a right instead of being
welcomed as a gift – as a scientific conquest, as
well as using human lives as 'guinea pigs',
presumably to save others. Instead, compassion
based on the Gospel is that which accompanies in
times of need, that of the Good Samaritan, who
'sees', who 'has compassion', who approaches and
offers concrete help…. Faithfulness to the Gospel of
life and the response to it as a gift from God will at
times require courageous, counter-current decisions
that, in particular circumstances, may lead to
conscientious objection, and to the many social
consequences that such fidelity leads to. We are
living in a time of experimentation with life. But it
is a bad form of experimentation. … Playing with
life … is a sin against the Creator: against God the
Creator, Who created all things as they are”.
January 18, 2015
In an address to members of the Italian ProLife Movement, also last year, Pope Francis reminded
them that the “first and most fundamental right is the
right to life: which is not subordinate to any condition,
neither qualitative, nor economic, much less
ideological….We must therefore reiterate the strongest
opposition to any direct attack on life, especially
innocent and defenseless life, and the unborn child in
the womb is the most concrete example of
innocence… Let us remember the words of the Second
Vatican Council: From the moment of its conception,
life must be guarded with the greatest care while
crimes.” (Gaudium et Spes, 51).
The United States Conference of Catholic
Bishops in “Forming Consciences for Faithful
Citizenship” states “[T]o correctly form our
consciences, we must recognize the importance of all
issues affecting human rights and dignity – from the
moment of conception until natural death and at every
stage in between – and appreciate that such issues are
not abstractions but rather realities that determine
whether families thrive or struggle, whether
individuals are respected or exploited, and even
whether people live or die. At the same time, the
proper formation of conscience also means discerning
the differences in moral gravity among various issues.
Disregarding the right to life itself- the foundation
upon which all other human rights are based and
without which no other right could possibly exist – is
more serious than any other human rights violation.”
This Wednesday evening, January 21,
beginning at 7:30 PM we will have all-night
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament with prayers of
reparation and atonement for the offenses against
human life, for the healing of those harmed by
abortion, and for the conversion of our nation.
Exposition will conclude with Benediction at 6AM
Monday morning.
In Christ,
Rev. David A. Whitestone, Pastor
—Please remember in your prayers the repose
of the souls of the faithful departed, especially:
Edna Steinkamp sister of Mary Ann Chezem;
Elmer Alan Guseman, husband of Mary Sue
—We ask you to remember those in need of our daily
prayers, especially: Richard Centracchio.
HOLIDAY CLOSING: The parish office will be closed on
Monday, January 19th for the Martin Luther King Holiday.
Would you like to go to the March for Life
but don’t want to hassle with traffic or
the metro? Join Father David Dufresne on
a rented bus! If you are interested, please
email him at:
StLeoMarch4Life@gmail.com or call the
parish office at 703-273-5369.
We will depart after the Thursday, January
22nd 9:00am Mass and return by 3:00pm. Spots will fill up
quickly, so reserve yours today!
FRASSATI FAIRFAX Under the patronage of
Bl. Giorgio Frassati, we are a community of
young adults (20's-30's, singles and couples)
who are striving to deepen our faith, serve the
community, and evangelize the culture, all
while enjoying coffee and outdoors-y activities.
Friday, January 23: join us for CAAAAAA (Confession,
Adoration, and Amphora! Confessions available 7:008:00pm, then join us for adoration from 8:00-9:00pm. After
that, we will head over to Amphora for some delicious food!
Saturday, February 7: join us for 9:00am Mass, Holy Half
Hour and Coffee! See our Facebook page for more details!
Find us on Facebook! https://www.facebook.com/groups/
For more Info, contact us at: FrassatiFairfax@gmail.com
Follow us on Twitter: @FrassatiFairfax
Father Diamond Scholarship Council 6292 will award a 4
year $500 scholarship to a Catholic student entering 9th
grade in a Catholic HS starting in the Fall 2015. The
application is on the council website: www.6292.kofcva.org
in the News Headlines section. Contact Tim Tilson at 703273-9436 or via email at HMSLYDIA@msn.com.
This month Bishop Loverde will send a mailing
regarding the 2015 Bishop’s Lenten Appeal
(BLA). The theme for the 2015 BLA is
“Stewards of Christ Sharing Gospel Joy!” After reflecting upon
the many blessings that God has given you, please prayerfully
consider making a sacrificial pledge of support to this important
appeal that funds many programs and ministries that serve
thousands of people in our diocese. When we join together as
one Body in Christ, we can do so much for so many!
Heb 5:1-10; Mk 2:18-22
Heb 6:10-20; Mk 2:23-28
Heb 7:1-3, 15-17; Mk 3:1-6
Heb 7:25—8:6; Mk 3:7-12
Heb 8:6-13; Mk 3:13-19
Heb 9:2-3, 11-14; Mk 3:20-21
Jon 3:1-5, 10; 1 Cor 7:29-31;
Mk 1:14-20
January 19 through January 25
Donald Ramroth
Judith Ross
Kathryn Cotner
Albert Savoli
Natalie Moser
Aubrey Brewer
Donald Ramroth
Respect Life
Catherine LaCroix
Rose Karmazin
Stephen Pepin (anniv.)
Marion Quinlan
For the Parish
Marion T. Quinlan
Alan David Castro
Marcolina Rivera
Flynn Family
In addition to the regular schedule of Masses, Mass has
been offered for the following intentions: Celine Bortnichak,
Patricia Suppes, Allen Dobey, Allen Dobey.
Leo. The next class is Tuesday, February 10th at
7:30 pm in the St. Mark room. Please call the
rectory office (703-273-5369) to register.
Low Gluten Hosts are available for those who need them.
Please inform the sacristan before Mass begins.
The second collection next weekend benefits the Church in
Latin America. Please be generous.
“Behold the Lamb of God.” Could it be that
you are being called to point out the Lord to
others as a priest, deacon or in the
consecrated life?
Call Father J.D. Jaffe at 703-841-2514 or
write: j.jaffe@arlingtondiocese.org.
Saint Leo the Great Catholic School
Development Committee presents
Live & Silent Auction
featuring 7-night Caribbean Cruise
Buffet Dinner & Beverages
Vegas Style Gaming
Please visit the school website www.saintleothegreatschool.org
or event website – stleosch.ejoinme.org/Cruising2015
for more details and to purchase tickets
Saint Leo the Great
Catholic School
invites interested parents to visit the
school and learn what makes us a
National Blue Ribbon School of Excellence
Applications for the current school year are
available in the school office. You may stop by to
pick one up during school hours, 8:00 am-3:00
pm or access forms on our website at:
Applications for the 2015-2016 school
year are available. Join us for an
Open House on any of the following
dates: Jan. 25, 12:00pm; Feb. 26,
10am, or call the school office to make
an appointment for a tour 703-273-1211.
In case of inclement weather please check the website or call
the school office.
Financial Aid packets available upon request.
PLEASE NOTE: Saint Leo parishioners receive preferential
status in Pre-School through eighth grade applications.
In-parish families must be registered.
January 18, 2015
Faith & Food at P.J. Skidoos
Please join us on Monday, February 2nd at
7:00 pm, for an evening of fellowship and
lively discussion over dinner (appetizers on
us!). Be sure to bring your friends! All ages are
welcome! To suggest topics or submit questions you
would like answered, please contact Carolyn:
carolynsmith.stleos@gmail.com, 703-273-7277.
Pilgrimage to Italy sponsored by St.
Leo the Great's Adult Faith Formation
Travel with Fr. Matthew DeForest and
Carolyn Smith to Rome, Tuscany,
Florence, Siena, Orvieto, Milan, Sordevolo, and
Turin. See the Holy Shroud in Turin which will not be
on display again until 2025! The trip will be from June
3 – 13, 2015. ALL inclusive price is $3,999.00. This
includes airfare, all hotels, breakfasts, dinners
(including red and white wine), tips, entrances, and
private guide. Mass will be celebrated daily.
register, please contact Proximo Travel at (855) 8428001 or (508) 340-9370. You can also register online
at www.proximotravel.com. You can see an online
brochure at www.stleofairfax.com.
For more information, please contact Carolyn at
carolynsmith.stleos@gmail.com or 703-273-5369.
All Saints Catholic Church presents The Westminster
Concert Bell Choir from Rider University’s Westminster
Choir College in Princeton, N.J. on Friday, Jan. 23, 7:30
pm at All Saints Catholic Church (9300 Stonewall Rd.,
Manassas. This unique ensemble of talented students are
hailed for their virtuosity and perform a wide variety of
repertoire on the largest set of handbells in the world.
Admission is free, with a free-will offering taken. All are
welcome. For more information, please call 703-393-2146
or visit www.allsaintsvachurch.org.
Busy Couple’s 7-Day Online Retreat with Bishop
Loverde In honor of National Marriage Week 2015, Bishop
Loverde will lead an online retreat for couples beginning on
World Marriage Feb. 8 through Feb. 14. Each day, Bishop
Loverde will offer reflections and practical steps for growing
closer to Jesus and to your spouse. The retreat will
conclude at 10 am on St. Valentine’s Day, Feb. 14, with a
live reflection, exposition and Holy Mass led by Bishop
Loverde at the Cathedral of St. Thomas More, in Arlington.
To learn more about the retreat, visit:
Religious Education News
There will be no classes on Monday, January 19 because
of the Martin Luther King Holiday.
8th Grade Religious Education classes continue with the
Bible Study “Encounter”. We look forward to seeing your
child on Mondays, 7:00 -8:15 pm.
Religious Education Office:
Overcoming Sin & Evil at this Year’s Men’s Conference
on March 7 All men of the parish are invited to the sixth
annual diocesan Men’s Conference on March 7. This year’s
conference –Victory Over the Common Enemy– will feature
Fr. Larry Richards and author Neal Lozano exploring the
presence of sin and evil in our lives and how to overcome
them. Breakfast, lunch, and Mass with Bishop Loverde are
included. New Conference location: Foxchase Manor,
Manassas. Visit: www.arlingtondiocese.org/men for more
details or to register.
Kerri Caviezel & Kathleen Wilson to speak at the
2015 Women’s Conference on March 28
All women of the Diocese are encouraged to
attend the annual Women’s Conference at
Foxchase Manor in Manassas on March 28
with Kerri Caviezel, and the founder of
Mary’s Shelter, Kathleen Wilson. The
conference will focus on Transforming
Suffering into Joy. It will begin with Mass
celebrated by Bishop Loverde at 8:45
am. Confessions offered from 7 -8:45
am. Register Online. No registration at the
door. Please visit www.arlingtondiocese.org/
women for registration and additional information.
Father Diamond Council
Events & Calendar
Meetings – 2nd and 4th Tuesdays
8:00 PM
Providence Hall
Family Breakfast - after 7:30 & 9:00 AM Masses
March for Life – Downtown, DC
KofC Bus Leaves from St Leo at 10:30
7:00 Rosary, 8:00 PM - 2nd Degree -Providence Hall
followed by meeting
3rd Degree @school gym –candidates arrive 10:15
Degree begins at 11:00 – lunch served after degree
Giant, Shoppers Food Warehouse & Safeway Food Cards for
sale – at Parish Hall every weekday at 3:00 PM or call Larry
Novak - 703-978-6137
Join the Knights – Contact Pat McGuire – 703-218-2986
NO HSYN TONIGHT! Enjoy the holiday weekend
with your families!! Join us next week in gym aer
the 5:00pm Mass, for dinner, games, and friends, 6:00pm8:00pm. Fr. David Dufresne will be sharing his story about his
journey to the Priesthood!
RCIT (Rite of Chris*an Ini*a*on for Teens) If you are in high
school and are looking to receive, Bap*sm, First communion,
or Confirma*on email Erik at stleosyouth@gmail.com
Registra*ons for sacramental prep classes now available!
NO Girls CLC is this week! Join us next week, Monday,
January 26. Each week we break open the Gospels and reflect
on scripture. Having tea par*es and ea*ng cupcakes are part
of the weekly fun! Interested? Contact Laura Benne8
at stleosgirlsclc@gmail.com
NO Boys CLC is this week! Join us next week, Wednesday,
January 28. Each week we break open the Gospels and reflect
on scripture. Playing ul*mate frisbee, board games, or
jamming out are part of the weekly fun! Interested? Contact
Erik Teter at stleosyouth@gmail.com
Middle School
NO "Thursday Takeovers" this week due to the March for
Life! Join us next week, January from 3:30-5:00pm. 6th-8th
graders are invited to come for snacks, games, and ul*mate
frisbee. We will meet in the Youth Room.
Our next "On Fire!" is Saturday, February 7, 5:00-8:00 pm.
We will meet for Mass, followed by a free dinner in the gym,
games ,a brief talk, giveaways, and a bonfire with s'mores.
"On Fire!" is a once month, large group event. This year's
theme is "Living a Life of Virtue." 6th-8th graders welcome!
Volunteer! Do you have a heart for youth ministry? We
are looking for YOU! We need adult volunteers with
hearts on fire for Christ! Must be at least 21 years of age,
and be fully compliant with the requirements of the
Diocesan Office for the Protec@on of Children/Young
People. We need volunteers for both our High School and
Middle School Youth Ministry Programs.
Questions? Email Erik or Melissa at: stleosyouth@gmail.com.
We are here. Putting smiles on faces. Showing our
brothers and sisters what love looks like. Feeding
the hungry. Helping to restore lives and picking up
the pieces. Looking out for the less fortunate.
Sharing stories of God's goodness. "It's not about how much
you're giving. It's about the heart you are giving it with...if you
can bring anything, that amount will help somebody
somewhere." Volunteer Opportunities: 703/352-3509.
St. Leo Mom's Group Welcoming all mothers
for faith-filled fellowship. We have monthly bible
studies, outings with the children, mom's night
out and meals for new moms. For more info,
contact Michele Healy: healym08@gmail.com
or Lisa Harsh: Lisa10404@aol.com.
Gabriel Project Pregnant? Need Help? The Gabriel
Project is a Pro-Life movement offering parishbased pastoral care to women in a crisis
pregnancy or expectant mothers simply in need
of support. St. Leo the Great is an active
participant in this ministry with volunteer
“Angels” willing and able to help. For volunteer
information on Gabriel Project contact
stleogabrielproject@gmail.com or for help call
Horarios e Información
Santas Misas:
domingos a la 1:00 pm
sábados–5 pm (Vigilia),
domingos–7:30, 9, 11:00, 5pm
Confesiones en español: Los domingos desde las 12:00pm
a 12:50pm.
Bautizos: Preparación- llamar a Carlos Cea: 703-8362139.
RCIA Para Adultos: Domingos 11:00am-12:15pm, Salón Juan
en el Centro Parroquial. Para información, llamar al Diácono
José López, 703-222-7704.
Matrimonio: Todo Católico que desee contraer matrimonio
debe contactar la parroquia por lo menos seis meses antes del
evento. Para mayor información comunicarse con Diacono
Jose Lopez 703-222-7704.
Catequesis Para Niños y Jóvenes: domingos 11– 12:30.
Llamar a: 703-273-4868.
Sacramentos para Estudiantes de Secundaria: llamar
a la Oficina de Jovenes al teléfono 703-591-6089, ó email a
Legion de Maria: sabado 5:00—6:30 pm ó domingo 11
am—12:30 pm.
Información: Virginia Pierson —vpierson@stleofairfax.com
January 18, 2015
“Éste es el Cordero de Dios”. ¿Podría ser que
estás siendo llamado a señalar el Señor a los
demás como un sacerdote, diácono o en la vida
llama al Padre J.D. Jaffe al (703) 841-2514 o
escribele a: j.jaffe@arlingtondiocese.org.
No Habra’ clases el Domingo 25 de Enero.
2015! Este mes, Monseñor Loverde enviará correspondencia
sobre la Petición Cuaresmal del Obispo (PCO) de 2015. El
tema de esta PCO es ¡Servidores de Cristo que comparten la
alegría del Evangelio! Después de reflexionar sobre las
muchas bendiciones recibidas de Dios, les ruego que en
espíritu de oración y sacrificio consideren la posibilidad de
hacer na promesa de contribución para apoyar este importante
llamamiento que permite financiar muchos programas y
ministerios al servicio de miles de personas de nuestra
Diócesis. Cuando nos unimos como un cuerpo en Cristo,
¡podemos hacer tanto para ayudar a tantas personas!
Coro de San Leo: El coro está en busca de participantes. Si
tiene interés y desea formar parte, venga a la práctica los
miércoles a las 7:30pm en el salón San Juan y los comingos a
las 12:00pm en el salón St. Cecilia. Para mayor información
enviar email a nsolares4@gmail.com.
Se ofrece clases de inglés Caridades Catolicas–Hogar
Hispano ofrece clases de inglés en la Iglesia San Leo
Magno los sábados de 10 am a 12 pm. Ofrecemos varios
niveles de clase. Llame a 571-208-1572.
Grupo Divina Misericordia y Compasión ¿Conoce a alguien
que se encuentre solo y enfermo? ¿Sabe de alguien que
necesite de la palabra de Dios y de la compañía de miembros
de su iglesia? Un grupo de personas de nuestra parroquia
visita a los miembros de la comunidad que se encuentran
enfermos en los hospitales ó en sus casas. Se brinda
oraciones y compañía a todas aquellas personas delicadas de
salud. Tambien un ministro le puede traer comunión ó puede
pedir que un sacerdote le visite para recibir los sacramentos.
Por favor llamen a Gilma Orozco al 571-238-6634.
Estudio Bíblico: Gálatas- Liberados para Vivir una Vida Plena
El grupo de estudio bíblico se volverá a reunir a partir de
viernes, 23 de enero, todos los viernes de 7:30-9:00pm en el
salón San Juan. Estamos comenzando un nuevo estudio
sobre la Carta a los Gálatas. Personas que no estuvieron en la
sesión anterior que deseen integrarse lo pueden hacer, el
costo de material es $10. Para mayor información contactar a
Gustavo y Sandra Solares 703-346-0409.
GED: Los domingos de 2:30 a 4:00pm en el salón Guadalupe.
Hora Santa: Jesus nos dijo ¿No puedes acompañarme por
una hora? El grupo de oración de la parroquia los invita a
una Hora de Adoración delante del Santísimo normalmente
todos lo últimos sábados del més. La próxima hora santa
será el 31 de enero.
Alfabetización: Los domingos de 2:30 a 4:00pm en el Centro
Grupo de Oración Sábados 6-8:30pm, Salon de Nuestra Sra
de La Guadalupe. Información: Jose Ferrufino: 703-250-1343.
Para mas información, llamar al Diacono José López 703222-7704.
January 18, 2015

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