city council meeting agenda
city council meeting agenda
CITY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA City Council Chambers – Lower Level – 7:00 P.M. 611 E. Grand River, Howell, MI 48843 Visit the City of Howell website at Monday, May 4, 2015 COUNCIL MANAGER GOVERNMENT Council members and other officials normally in attendance: 1. Dennis L. Perkins City Attorney 2. Jan Lobur Council Member 3. Jeffrey Hansen Council Member 4. Doug Heins Council Member 5. Shea Charles City Manager 6. Nick Proctor, Mayor 7. Jane Cartwright City Clerk 8. Scott Niblock Council Member 9. Bob Ellis, Council Member 8. Steven L. Manor Mayor Pro Tem SEATING: Above list arranged according to seating order; left to right. 1. Regular Meeting Called to Order 2. Pledge of Allegiance (all stand) 3. Approve Minutes: A. April 20, 2015 Regular Meeting B. April 20, 2015 Executive Session C. April 25, 2015 Work Session 4. Citizens’ Comments (items not on agenda) 5. Reports by Council Members Serving on Commissions 6. Council Correspondence: 7. Presentation: Mayor’s Proclamation, Les Rodwell 8. Discussion – Park Street Walnut Tree Report 9. Discussion/Approval – Civic Event Application, Memorial Day Parade, May 25, 2015 10. Discussion/Approval – Ordinance Amendments, International Fire Code 2012 Edition (introduced by Member Manor, 4/20/2015): A. Ordinance No. 892, Chapter 1610 B. Ordinance No. 893, Chapter 1612 11. Discussion/Introduction – Ordinance No. 894, Rezoning B2 to R1, 237 N. National 12. Discussion – Barnard Center Facility Condition Assessment Report 13. Discussion/Approval – Chemical Feed Modification, Water Treatment Plant 14. Discussion – City Hall Repair Options Report 15. Award Bids/Purchases: A. Bennett Center Parking Lot, Allied Construction, $104,621.10 B. DPS Maintenance Building Roof, Ferguson Roofing, $11,407 C. Depot Storm Drain Maintenance, Michigan Land Works, $6,200 Visitors are cordially invited to attend all meetings of the Council. If you wish to address the Council, you will be recognized by the Mayor. Please refer to the printed guidelines on the back of the agenda. April 20, 2015 16. Approve payment of bills ending 05/04/2015 in the amount of $326,157.05 and payroll to cover the period which ended 05/02/2015 17. City Manager’s Report: A. 2015/2016 Budget, Schedule Public Hearing 18. Old Business 19. New Business 20. Executive Session – Labor Negotiations 21. Adjournment Public Comment Guidelines Members of the public are permitted to address a meeting of Council upon recognition by the Mayor. Each person shall begin by stating their name and address and shall be permitted to speak once on each agenda item for three (3) minutes. Agenda item 4 allows for Citizens’ Comments on any non-agenda item. Where the Agenda provides Public Hearing comment, each person addressing the Council shall be limited to five (5) minutes regarding the specific agenda Public Hearing item. The Mayor may allow additional time at his/her discretion. All remarks shall be addressed to the Council as a body, and not to any member. No person, other than members of the Council and the person having the floor, shall be permitted to enter into any discussion, either directly or through the members of the Council. No questions shall be asked the Council Members, except through the Mayor. Any person making personal, impertinent or slanderous remarks, or who shall become boisterous, while addressing the Council, may be requested to leave the lectern. Interested parties, or their authorized representatives, may address the Council by written communication in regard to any matter concerning the City’s business or over which the Council has control at anytime by direct mail or by addressing the City Clerk, and copies will be distributed to Council Members. Regular Meeting of the Howell City Council Monday April 20, 2015 Howell City Council Chambers – Lower Level 611 E. Grand River Howell, Michigan 48843 517-546-3502 1. The regular meeting of the Howell City Council was called to order by Mayor Nick Proctor at 7:00 p.m. Council Members Present: Jeff Hansen, Doug Heins, Steve Manor, Scott Niblock, Jan Lobur, and Mayor Nick Proctor. Members Absent: Robert Ellis. Also Present: City Manager Shea Charles, City Attorney Dennis Perkins and City Clerk Jane Cartwright. Others in Attendance: Police Chief George Basar, Finance Director/Treasurer Catherine Stanislawski, DPS Director Erv Suida, Community Development Director Tim Schmitt, IT Director Mike Pitera, DPW Superintendent Marcel Goch, Cemetery Supervisor Devin LaRowe, Michael Mulvahill, Rebecca Niblock, John Davis, Michelle Tokan, Kirk Tokan, Pam Leach, Steve Monet, Kevin Doak, J. Pearce, Carol Davis. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. APPROVED MINUTES: MOTION by Hansen, SUPPORT by Lobur, “To approve the minutes of the regular meeting of the City Council held April 13, 2015.” MOTION CARRIED (6-0). 4. CITIZENS’ COMMENTS • Steve Monet, representing Gleaner’s Community Food Bank, announced that Saturday May 2, 2015 was the 13th annual fill the gazebo food drive sponsored by the Livingston County Association of Realtors. Pam Leach, Executive Director of LCAR distributed a press release with details and locations for drop-offs. 5. REPORTS – COUNCIL MEMBERS SERVING ON COMMISSIONS • Mayor Proctor reported on the April 15, 2015 Planning Commission meeting. Received an update on the Master Plan which is out for public review; approved a special land use for the Howell Chiropractic residential unit; recommended denial of the proposed amendments to the MXD ordinance regarding drive through restaurants; approved the special land use for a sign at HOWELL CITY COUNCIL MTG. MINUTES -2- APRIL 20, 2015 515 W. Grand River; approved the lot split at 237 N. National and recommended approval of the rezoning from B2 to R1. 6. COUNCIL CORRESPONDENCE • None. 7. APPROVED – CIVIC EVENT APPLICATIONS: A. Michigan Challenge Media Night, June 17, 2015. MOTION by Niblock, SUPPORT by Hansen, “To approve the Civic Event application submitted by the Howell Area Chamber of Commerce for Michigan Challenge Media Night scheduled for June 17, 2015 at Howell City Park, contingent upon receipt of updated certificate of insurance.” Michelle Tokan stated the Chamber values and appreciates the support from the City. MOTION CARRIED (6-0). B. Michigan Challenge Balloon Festival, June 26-28, 2015. MOTION by Niblock, SUPPORT by Hansen, “To approve the Civic Event application submitted by the Howell Area Chamber of Commerce for Michigan Challenge Balloonfest scheduled for June 26-28, 2015 including the use of City Park if needed, and incorporating staff comments. Member Heins questioned the expense to support an event held on school property. City Manager Charles referenced the discussion and direction at the January retreat session for staff to research the legality of spending public funds on special events, and start the process of phasing in amendments to the policy over the next 2 to 3 years. It was noted that some of the payroll cost tracked to special events would be incurred anyway. MOTION CARRIED (6-0). MOTION by Manor, SUPPORT by Hansen, “To approve the permit for fireworks display as presented by the Howell Area Chamber of Commerce.” MOTION CARRIED (6-0). 8. APPROVED – EXTENSION OF MEDICAL MARIJUANA MORATORIUM MOTION by Lobur, SUPPORT by Niblock, “To extend the moratorium on medical marijuana facilities to April 30, 2016.” Community Development Director Schmitt indicated the continued extension would allow staff to address the proposed legalization effort at the same time which may appear on the November 2016 ballot. Any new developments will be presented to the Planning Commission and City Council. MOTION CARRIED (6-0). 9. APPROVED – RESOLUTION NO. 15-04, ARBOR DAY MOTION by Manor, SUPPORT by Hansen, “To adopt Resolution No. 15-04 in observance of Arbor Day.” The ceremony will be held Friday April 24, 2015 at the Countryside Veterinary Dog Park. MOTION CARRIED (6-0). HOWELL CITY COUNCIL MTG. MINUTES -3- APRIL 20, 2015 10. APPROVED – RESOLUTION NO. 15-05, NOTICE OF INTENT, 2015 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BONDS MOTION by Hansen, SUPPORT by Lobur, “To adopt Resolution No. 15-05, Notice of Intent Resolution, 2015 Capital Improvement Bonds, for an amount of $500,000 to finance the potential structural repairs and generator for Howell City Hall.” City Manager Charles reported the bond amount was increased to accommodate the generator upgrade for City Hall. The notice of intent does not commit the City to borrow the full amount; staff will also look at Homeland Security Grant Funds for the generator. Council questioned the need at this time. City Manager Charles indicated it is not an emergency and doesn’t need to be done immediately however a proactive approach was used to include the project in the notice providing the greatest flexibility should Council decide to move forward. Staff will come back with a full report prior to final approval. MOTION CARRIED (6-0). 11. APPROVED – REQUEST TO PURCHASE MERS SERVICE CREDIT MOTION by Lobur, SUPPORT by Hansen, “To approve the request of Donald Banfield to purchase five years of additional MERS service credit at a cost of $78,741 with the total cost of the additional service credit paid by the employee.” MOTION CARRIED (6-0). 12. APPROVED – MANAGED PRINT SERVICES AGREEMENT MOTION by Manor, SUPPORT by Hansen, “To approve Image One’s Managed Print Services Agreement at a cost of $428 a month.” MOTION CARRIED (6-0). 13. INTRODUCED – ORDINANCE AMENDMENTS, INTERNATIONAL FIRE CODE 2012 EDITION Member Manor introduced Ordinance 892 & Ordinance 893, updates to various City Codes related to the International Fire Code, 2012 edition. City Manager Charles stated the amendments incorporate the 2012 edition of the International Fire Code; the current ordinance is based on the 2003 edition. 14. APPROVED – RESOLUTION NO. 15-06, BUDGET AMENDMENTS MOTION by Hansen, SUPPORT by Manor, “To adopt Resolution No. 15-06 Budget Amendments.” MOTION CARRIED (6-0). 15. AWARDED BIDS/PURCHASES: A. John Deere 1575 Tractor, Bader & Sons, $23,700. MOTION by Manor, SUPPORT by Hansen, “To award the bid for the purchase of a new front deck 4WD tractor with attachments to Bader & Sons for an amount not to exceed $23,700.” MOTION CARRIED (6-0). B. Utility Vehicle, D & G Equipment, $5,663.33. MOTION by Lobur, SUPPORT by Hansen, “To award the bid for the purchase of a new utility vehicle to D & G Equipment for an amount not to exceed $5,663.33.” MOTION CARRIED (6-0). HOWELL CITY COUNCIL MTG. MINUTES -4- APRIL 20, 2015 C. Beach Cleaner, Cherrington Screeners, $18,047. MOTION by Hansen, SUPPORT by Manor, “To award the bid for the Department of Public Works Beach Cleaner to Cherrington Screeners for an amount not to exceed $18,047.” Discussion followed on the need, historical factors, life expectancy of the equipment (20 years), and potential cost sharing. Member Manor suggested a presentation to the Council on the background of the Recreation Authority. MOTION CARRIED (5-1). Member Heins opposed. 16. APPROVED – PAYMENT OF BILLS MOTION by Hansen, SUPPORT by Niblock, “To approve payment of bills ending April 20, 2015 in the amount of $301,146.08 and payroll to cover the period which ended April 18, 2015.” MOTION CARRIED (6-0). 17. CITY MANAGER’S REPORT • The draft Master Plan update is out for public review from the surrounding jurisdictions (pursuant to state law); it is also posted on the City website and copies were distributed to City Council for review. Staff is hoping for a June approval. • The budget work session is scheduled for Saturday April 25, 2015 starting at 8:30 a.m. Council reviewed potential dates for a second work session the first week in May. MOTION by Manor, SUPPORT BY Hansen, to schedule an additional budget work session May 6, 2015 at 6:00 p.m. MOTION CARRIED (6-0). 18. OLD BUSINESS • Mayor Proctor requested that the follow up discussion regarding the Walnut Tree problem for Melissa Kendall be scheduled for the May 4, 2015 meeting agenda. 19. NEW BUSINESS • MOTION by Manor, SUPPORT by Niblock, “To excuse member Robert Ellis from the April 20, 2015 Council meeting due to being out of town.” MOTION CARRIED (6-0). 20. EXECUTIVE SESSION – PENDING LITIGATION 8:12 p.m. MOTION by Manor, SUPPORT by Niblock, “To adjourn to executive session to discuss pending litigation with a roll call vote.” Manor – yes, Lobur – yes, Hansen – yes, Heins – yes, Niblock – yes, Proctor – yes. MOTION CARRIED (6-0). 8:33 p.m. MOTION by Hansen, SUPPORT by Niblock, “To reconvene the regular meeting.” MOTION CARRIED (6-0). HOWELL CITY COUNCIL MTG. MINUTES -5- APRIL 20, 2015 MOTION by Manor, SUPPORT by Hansen, “To conclude the case involving DiPonio Construction and suspend any further appeal options. MOTION CARRIED (6-0). 21. ADJOURN MOTION by Heins, SUPPORT by Hansen, “To adjourn the regular meeting of the City Council at 8:34 p.m. MOTION CARRIED (6-0). ________________________________ Nick Proctor, Mayor ________________________________ Jane Cartwright, City Clerk Work Session of the Howell City Council Saturday April 25, 2015 Howell City Hall 611 E. Grand River, 2nd Floor Conference Room Howell, Michigan 48843 517-546-3502 The Budget Work Session was opened by Mayor Proctor at 8:30 a.m. Council Members Present: Steven Manor, Scott Niblock, Jan Lobur, Doug Heins, and Mayor Nick Proctor. Council Members Absent: Robert Ellis & Jeff Hansen Also Present: City Manager Shea Charles, City Clerk Jane Cartwright, Finance Director/Treasurer Catherine Stanislawski, Police Chief George Basar, Police Captain Scott Mannor, Community Development Director Tim Schmitt, Assessor Gladys Niemi (arrived at 10:25 a.m.), IT Director Mike Pitera, Cemetery Supervisor Devin LaRowe, DDA Treasurer Kevin McCarthy Call to the Public: No response. Mayor Proctor reviewed rules of order previously used for an informal constructive discussion noting that all opinions would be heard and silence is consensus. City Manager Charles thanked Finance Director Catherine Stanislawski and her staff as well as all department heads that developed the proposed 2015/2016 budget. Decision points that need qualification are: millage rate, target level for General Fund fund balance, potential projects for the 2015/2016 fiscal year, Perpetual Care fund levels, and Equipment Pool funding. City Manager Charles updated Council on the 2014/2015 budget reviewing the following factors that may still affect the estimated General Fund balance of $1.484 million: Bennett Center Parking lot bids came in $16,000 under engineers estimate (construction deferred until the 2015/2016 FY). Property Re-inventorying project deferred due to Department of Treasury audit which has started. Barnard Center Roof replacement was deferred (building assessment will be presented at the May 4th Council meeting). Increase in building permit revenues due to large projects; ie, Library, Livingston County Jail & Thai Summit expansion. City Hall repairs. DiPonio lawsuit. HOWELL CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION 2 April 25, 2015 2015/2016 General Fund Review: Tax revenue expected to grow by 4.3% or $195,000; one year increase in personal property tax attributed to Thai Summit shifting of equipment. With personal property tax reform, this increase is eliminated the following year and the City will see a reduction of $55,000. Loss in revenue sharing over the last 10 years has been $5 million. If Proposal 1 on the May 5th Special Election Ballot passes, the City would see a net gain of $89,000 in constitutional revenue sharing and it would also provide $360,000 per year in road funding. Fund Balance reduction of $1,021 to $1,483,850 with the proposed General fund budget. The proposed budget reflects a continuation of the wage freeze and no change in benefits. A 6 month extension for all union contracts will be presented to City Council at the May 4th meeting. Items eliminated from staff’s proposed budgets total $1,136,500. 2015/2016 Major & Local Streets: Winter maintenance budget reflects a typical winter. Local Streets includes Phase II of the Braeview Drainage repairs. Minimal amounts included in both Major & Local for Street Asset Management. Garbage Fund: Proposed millage levy of 1.2 mills. General Fund transfer of $37,073 to fully cover operational costs. Water & Sewer Funds: Rate studies will be presented at the May 18, 2015 meeting. Any potential rate increases have not been included in the 2015/2016 proposal budgets. WWTP improvements included in the 2015/2016 budget total $613,000. Engineering for the Thompson Lake Dam Lift Station upgrade due to increased development north of M-59 (construction proposed for the 2016/2017 budget). Report on pH balancing for the WTP will be presented at the May 4th meeting. Design work to replace the I-96 raw water line. Equipment Pool: The City currently uses MDOT’s schedule C to charge back hourly rental rates which doesn’t accurately account for depreciation. An annual report to MDOT is required on the expenditure of Act 51 revenues. The City could develop their own rental rate or charge actual expense subject to MDOT audits. The Equipment Pool fund balance will be reduced to $153,567 with the 2015/2016 budgeted replacements. The City will need to start allocating more revenue into the equipment pool to finance purchases. Discussion followed on industrial vs. commercial grade equipment, realistic life of equipment to obtain the best trade in value, and operational needs. Fewer pieces of equipment will reduce services. Increases in change back rates will increase all departmental budgets. HOWELL CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION 3 April 25, 2015 Cemetery Perpetual Care Fund: $75,000 was included in the 2014/2015 budget to rebuild the Field Stone Mausoleum; $60,000 has been included in the 2015/2016 budget to rebuild the Fishbeck Mausoleum. Staff has concerns using Perpetual Care funds for the repairs however the safety issues need to be addressed. Discussion followed on the option of using decorative fencing to secure the area or creating a memorial with the family name. The purpose of the Perpetual Care Fund is for the general care of the cemetery; the City is not responsible for the care of head stones or other personal property that belongs to families. Cemetery Supervisor LaRowe noted that experts in municipal cemeteries do not recommend touching anything unless it is a safety issue. After 50 years of inactivity, the City can take back burial rights however not personal property. Staff will provide a report on safety issues; Council concurred not to spend funds to rebuild the mausoleums. Mayor Proctor requested Council decide on the millage rate and fund balance percentage. Discussion followed regarding different analogies on the appropriate percentage of fund balance. Points made were that it was not a good practice to save tax dollars and cut services; fund balance is for unintended expenses as well as opportunities; 15% is recommended and dipping below that may affect borrowing ratings. Council also discussed the sale of City property (Highland/Howell) which would repay borrowed funds from external sources and internal funds. The general consensus was to maintain fund balance at 20% and keep the millage rate the same. A break was taken at 9:40 a.m. Mayor Proctor called the work session back to order at 9:55 a.m. and requested the discussion remain at the strategic level. Once the Master Plan is in place, resources should be allocated toward the vision. Review the larger capital expenditures as well as projects eliminated from the proposed budget noting that he was reluctant to remove funding for the police department vacancy ($68,000), building demolition to adhere to blight ordinances ($20,000), and assorted street projects ($211,500). It was suggested that Council continue with review of the proposed budget before going back to the projects that were removed. City Manager Charles suggested starting with General Fund Expenditures found on page 31 of the enhanced budget looking at projects that are included: Mayor & City Council – no projects. City Manager – no projects. Finance – no projects. Clerk & Elections – 2 elections are scheduled. It was noted that some of the expense for the May 5, 2015 special election and the March 8, 2016 Presidential Primary will be reimbursed by the State of Michigan. IT – card access to the police department. City Hall – irrigation & 3rd floor carpet were removed; repairs to the east wall are not budgeted. City Attorney – no significant changes. Personnel – increase in labor attorney fees due to union negotiations. HOWELL CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION 4 April 25, 2015 Cemeteries – Repairs to Fishbeck Mausoleum is included in projected activity as well as $98,000 in repairs to the Cemetery Maintenance building (funded through the Perpetual Care fund). Forestry/Conservation – tree trimming/removal was reduced from $30,000 to $20,000. Public Works – no significant projects. Police Department – the school resource officer position was eliminated (HPS are not participating in the 50% funding). Acquisition of 3 patrol rifles and $12,000 for new vests are budgeted. Police Chief Basar discussed the advantages of safety and visual presence associated with the resource officer position; when the position is vacant everyday situations can be handled without taking an officer off the road. They also attend all special events and sporting activities. Discussion followed. Community Development – no projects; staff is looking at redevelopment ready community grant opportunities to fund updates to the zoning code. Engineering – placeholder for projects that may come up. Community Action Promotion – standard support of projects/special events; contribution to the Economic Development Council; City calendar; holiday decorations; beautification; and Recycle Livingston. Parks & Neighborhood – Bennett Center Parking lot split between 2 fiscal years; removal of bleachers at Page Field. Resurfacing the track & replacement of bleachers were removed from the budget. Undesignated – assorted miscellaneous costs. Tax Tribunal Refunds – no major cases expected. Transfers Out – garbage fund, local streets, and Lucy Road monitoring, etc. Discussion followed on repairs to the cemetery building; expense to mail utility bills ($5,600 per year to mail utility bills split between water/sewer); increase in daily pass fee to launch boats on Thompson Lake (add to future Council agenda for discussion and invite the Recreation Director to participate); updates to the entire fee schedule; and the option of funding repairs to the east wall of City Hall by issuing bonds instead of using General Fund dollars. Mayor Proctor presented the conceptual idea of issuing bonds to fund major infrastructure improvements to include a 2 level parking structure on parking lot No. 2, utility line burial for parking lot 4 and the alley to encourage additional investment in that quadrant of the city, and support the major investment of the Heart of Howell project. Discussion followed on key elements of being development ready, the DDA capture of revenues to enhance the downtown, and the use of general tax dollars to support private development. DDA Treasurer Kevin McCarthy requested the DDA be involved in the discussion noting the project is very much in line with the discussions of the Board. Mayor Proctor indicated he would roll out the project to Council and then take the concept to the DDA board; he would like to work toward a decision in the next 6 months. City Manager Charles reviewed changes at the state level that funded job creation grants that the City hoped to fund some of these infrastructure improvements. Council also expressed concern with the condition of the alley behind Heart of Howell. If Council HOWELL CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION 5 April 25, 2015 concurred to start exploring the concept in depth, staff could make some temporary paving repairs to the alley to enhance safety. City Manager Charles also indicated the current fiscal capacity could not handle a significant amount of additional debt load without some changes. Council expressed a willingness to explore filling the vacant police officer position however wanted to hold off until after labor negotiations and to see if there was potential interest in cooperation from the schools. Council also expressed support for the building demolition to support the master plan and blight ordinances noting it was a one-time cost of $20,000. Council concurred to move forward with holding an additional budget work session on May 6, 2015 at 6:00 p.m. The work session adjourned at 11:30 a.m. _____________________________ Jane Cartwright, City Clerk NOTES MAYOR'S PROCLAMATION IN APPRECIATION OF LesRodwell WHEREAS, Les started his career as a volunteer Firefighter for the Howell Fire Department in 1978; became a · Reserve Officer for the Howell City Police Department in 1983; accepted a position as Howell City Police Officer in 1986; transferred to the Howell Fire Department as Fire Inspector in 1997; and was promoted to Fire Marshal in 1999; and, WHEREAS, Over the course of his career Les received many letters of commendation and earned recognition including; Fire Inspector of the Year by the Michigan Fire Inspector's Society, Firefighter of the Year by the Howell Area Fire Department, and Police Officer of the Year by the City of Howell Police Department; and, WHEREAS, Les has always sought opportunities to serve the community. After graduation from Howell High School, Les trained at the National Fire Academy and completed training at the Oakland Police Academy. He also participated in a variety of committees and organizations including; the State Fire Safety Board and Michigan Fire Inspector's Society, the Howell Area Chamber of Commerce Fantasy of Lights Parade, and the Michigan State Firemen's Association; and, WHEREAS, We wish to recognize long time employee Les Rodwell for 37 years of dedication to this community and for his exemplary service and contributions to the Howell City Police Department and Howell Area Fire Authority. NOW, THEREFORE, I, MAYOR OF THE CI1Y OF HOWELL, hereby express the appreciation of a grateful community and sincere heartfelt thanks to Leslie Rodwell and offer best wishes for a well deserved retirement from the Howell Area Fire Authority. Signed this 4th day of May, 2015 Nick Proctor, Mayor City of Howell, Michigan CITY OF HOWELL MEMORANDUM TO: MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL FROM: ERVIN J. SUIDA DATE: APRIL 22, 2015 RE: WALNUT TREE AT 225 PARK ST. At the April 6th Council Meeting the resident at 225 E. Park Street came to Council requesting further assistance with the Walnut tree(s) located within the right of way adjacent to her property. Mayor and Council asked Staff for a report to determine if and how they may be able to further assist the resident with this hardship. I have included her original email and the memo to Council from October 2013 regarding options available to address those concerns. At that time Council authorized Staff to proceed with inoculations of the larger tree and determine if this would alleviate enough of the problem without removing the tree. The first treatment was done in the fall of 2013 with an additional treatment in the spring of 2014. Both Jeremy Hertz of the Family Tree Doctor and I noticed a significant reduction in walnuts; our estimate was in the 50% to 60% reduction range. In subsequent discussions with Jeremy this reduction would continue to increase every year, up to approximately an 80% total reduction. This tree is very mature and even a 50% to 60% reduction still results in several hundred walnuts. I recently met a forestry company Blackhaus Forestry from Fenton, Michigan to discuss if they would be interested in the trees. At that point they performed an evaluation and determined that there is enough “good” timber available to make the trees profitable. They offered to remove the trees to ground level, taking all the wood except for the canopy and paying the City $1,000.00 for both the large and small Walnut trees. If we only want them to take the large Walnut by the driveway they would pay the City $800.00. The small tree by itself is not profitable so if we want it removed this would be the time to remove it. DPW crews will be responsible for removing the brush from the canopy and stump grinding. The brush and stump grinding is estimated to cost less than $500.00. Blackhaus Forestry LLC is licensed, insured and bonded. I hope this report provides Council with enough information to provide staff with direction on proceeding. REVIEWED AND APPROVED FOR SUBMISSION: Shea Charles, City Manager Page 1 of 1 Erv Suida - letter From: To: "" <> Date: 7/3/2013 11 :27 AM Subject: letter To Whom it may concern, My name is Melissa Kendall and I live at 225 East Park Street. I am writing because I have trees that are on City property and they cause problems. The Walnut trees have damaged my car and I need to park there because I have a hard time walking and that is the entrance that is fixed for me to use and its the only driveway I have. There is also a berry tree that leaves the sidewalk just covered with berries and the wires from pole are wrapped around it. My doctor has now declared me disabled. Is there room in your rules for someone like me who is going through hardship and needs trees taken down? Thank You, Melissa Kendall I fi le://C:\Documents and Settings\esuida.DPW\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\51D40A8... 7/26/2013 CITY OF HOWELL MEMORANDUM TO: MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL FROM: ERVIN SUIDA, PUBLIC SERVICE DIRECTOR DATE: OCTOBER 17, 2013 RE: 225 E. PARK TREE CONCERN Staff has been in the process of researching alternatives to address the concerns regarding the walnut trees at 225 E. Park. These alternatives included inoculating the tree to reduce the production of nuts and looking into logging the walnut trees for a profit to purchase and plant different varieties of trees more conducive to an urban setting. We received the information back on the inoculation and found that while it may reduce the production by upwards of 80% it is not guaranteed and will require as a minimum two initial injections, followed by subsequent injections every year. The cost per injection is $200.00. If we were to just do the tree that overhangs the driveway the year one cost would be $400.00 and every year after that would be $200. The potential for additional injections may be required depending on results. I have also spoken with several persons in the logging and milling industry regarding the potential of selling the trees. The overwhelming response was that they do not purchase street trees because they are layered with metal, typically nails and hooks from hanging signs and sometimes even chains and car parts. This metal not only damages their equipment but it ruins the veneer of the wood resulting in costly repairs and a poor product. By using a metal detector I was able to confirm that metal is present within the tree. Staff was able to locate a firm through our Arborist who would take the tree down at no cost and assume the risk of dealing with any metals. At this point staff is seeking direction on how to proceed. Options to consider include the two mentioned above or leaving the trees as they stand. REVIEWED & APPROVED FOR SUBMISSION: Shea Charles, City Manager CITY OF HOWELL MEMORANDUM TO: MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL FROM: ERVIN SUIDA, PUBLIC SERVICE DIRECTOR DATE: SEPTEMBER 4, 2013 RE: 225 E. PARK TREE CONCERN Last year the resident at 225 E. Park St. came to Council concerning mature Walnut and Berry trees that overhang her property. The specific concern was the tree that hangs over the driveway and house. Staff’s recommendation at that time was to trim the tree back to limit the amount of overhanging branches and monitor it with the resident. This work was performed last fall. Attached is a recent email received from Ms. Kendall requesting further action be taken regarding two trees. I have included a picture showing both trees in question and Ms. Kendall will be available for any further clarification. If removal is considered we can include the work as part of the 2013/14 Tree Maintenance Program. REVIEWED & APPROVED FOR SUBMISSION: Shea Charles, City Manager CITY OF HOWELL MEMORANDUM TO: MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL FROM: JANE CARTWRIGHT, CITY CLERK DATE: APRIL 29, 2015 RE: CIVIC EVENT APPLICATION, MEMORIAL DAY PARADE Attached is the completed Civic Event application filed by the American Legion Post #141 for the Memorial Day Parade scheduled for May 25, 2015. Staff has reviewed the application and their comments are attached. ACTION REQUESTED: A motion to approve the Civic Event application submitted by the American Legion Post #141 for the Memorial Day Parade scheduled for May 25, 2015 contingent upon MDOT approval for the closure of GrandRiver. REVIEWED & APPROVED FOR SUBMISSION: Shea Charles, City Manager CITY OF HOWELL CIVIC EVENT APPLICATION STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS & COMMENTS EVENT TITLE: MEMORIAL DAY PARADE Public Services: Erv Suida Comments: Approved without comment. The 2014 cost for this event was $1,377.09. Police: George Basar Comments: Approved without comment. The 2014 cost for this event was $1,969.39. Fire: Andy Pless Comments: Approved without comment. Community Development: Tim Schmitt Comments: Approved without comment. City of Howell Civic Event Application Complete and return this application to the City Clerk's Office ***A new application must be submitted each year. EVENT Event Name:Memorial Day Parade Event Purpose:Memorial To Deceased Veterans SPONSORING ORGANIZATION INFORMATION Legal Business Name: American Legion Post #141 rgJNon-Profit OCity Operated/Sponsored 0For-Profit City:Howell Address:3265 W. Grand River State:Mi Mailing Address:SameCity:Same Telephone:517-546-2534 . State:Mi Zip:48855 Zip:Same Email Address: Contact Name:Ralph Sharp Telephone:517 -546-3546 0Co-Sponsored Title:Manager Cell phone: Email CONTACT PERSON ON DAY OF EVENT Title:Manager Name:Ralph Sharp Address:225 W. Barron Telephone:517 -546-3546 City: Howell Cell: Email Address: TYPE OF EVENT (Check One) 0Marathon/Race 0Biock Party 0Festivai/Fair 0Wedding 0Political or Ballot Issue Event 0Video or Film Production OOther (describe):X Non-Profit EVENT INFORMATION Event Date(s): May 25 2015 to May 25 2015 Rain Date(s}: May 25 2015 to May 25 2015 Event Location(s}:Howell Library to Lakeview Cemetery Describe and attach a map Event Hours: 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Estimate date/time for set up:Monday May 25 2015 9:00a.m. Estimate date/time for clean up:Monday May 25 2015 11 :00 a.m. Describe set up and clean up procedures: Use City R.eceptides EVENT INFORMATION (continued) Estimated Attendance: 5000 Describe crowd control plans for this event: To be handled by The Howell Police Department Describe the Civic Event's impact on adjacent commercial and residential property: Mininum Impact - Grand River to be dosed only two hours. SIDEWALKS Will sidewalks be used: [g]Yes If yes, include a detailed map outlining the proposed sidewalk use. 0No Describe sidewalk use: Citizens viewing parade STREETS Will street closures be necessary: [g]Yes 0No If yes, include a detailed map including street closures and emergency vehicles access. Describe street closures: Grand River to George St. to Fowler St., Barnard St. from Grand River to Madison St, Madison St from Barnard St to Cemetery entrance. Also , the 100 Blocks of North and South Chestnut Streets for staging. Street closed date/time: Monday May 25 2015 0900 a.m. Street re-open date/time: Monday May 25 2015 11:00 a.m. If the proposed event is a parade, list the point of origin, path, termination point and the number of entries: Approximately 20 entries. Starting on Grand River at Chestnut St. East on Grand River to Barnard St. North on Barnard St. to Madison St. East on Madison St. to Lakeview Cemetery entrance. PARKING LOTS Will parking lot closures be necessary: DYes [giNo If yes, include a detailed map indicating proposed closures. Parking Lot(s) Location: Parking Lot(s) closure date/time: p.m. Parking Lot(s) re-open date/time: p.m. What parking arrangements are proposed to accommodate potential attendance: MUSIC Will music be provided/included during the event: [g]Yes 0No Describe type of music proposed: [g]Uve 0Recorded Proposed time music will begin: 10:00 a.m. 0Amplification Music must conform to City Ordinance 0Loudspeakers Proposed time music will end: 11 :00 a.m. Proposed location of live band/ disc jockey /loudspeakers/equipment: Describe noise control: Howell High School Marching Band EVENT INFORMATION (continued) Will the event require the use of any of the following municipal equipment: [g!Yes DTrash Receptacles Quantity: [giBarricades Quantity: 100 [giT raffic Cones Quantity: 100 DNo DOther (describe) Will the following be constructed or located in the event area? No stakes of any kind allowed on asphalt. DBooths Quantity: DTables Quantity: DTents Quantity: DR ides Quantity: DAwnings Quantity: DPortable Toilets Quantity: DCanopies Quantity: DOther (describe) You must attach a plan of the proposed layout. Include the proposed location of booths, tents, tables, rides, routes, portable toilets, etc. Will the event have kiddie rides, inflatable, (i.e. moonwalk), amusement rides, climbing walls, live anima Is, etc? DYes [giNo If yes, additional insurance coverage will be required. If yes, describe in detail the types of attractions proposed: Will electric service be needed: DYes Will other utilities be needed: [giNo If yes, describe in detail: DYes [giNo If yes, describe in detail: Will other City facilities be needed? DYes [giNo If yes, describe in detail: Will the event have food, beverage or concessions: DYes IZ.lNo If yes, please attach copy of valid food license. Describe: Do you plan to have alcohol served at this event: DYes IZ.lNo If yes, Liquor Liability Insurance is required, as well as a Special License from the Michigan Liquor Control Commission. If yes, describe measures to be taken to prohibit the sale of alcohol to minors. Do you plan to have special event signs: DYes IZ.lNo Describe proposed locations for signs: Signs must conform to City Ordinance APPLICATION CHECK LIST (Failure to provide necessary documentation will delay application review and approval) I have attached the following items: !S!Completed Application 0Event Map (includes detailed event layout and boundaries for all activities) !S!Detailed Plan showing road closures, sidewalk uses, etc. 0Certificate of Insurance and Indemnification (due to City Clerk's office 30 days prior to the first day of event) 0Event Signage (description) 0Schedule of activities for event 0Driver's license of Applicant If a document is missing, please explain: The applicant and sponsoring organization understands and agrees to: Provide a certificate of insurance with all coverage deemed necessary for the event, name the City of Howell as an additional insured on all applicable policies, and submit the certificate to the City Clerk's Office no later than thirty (30) days prior to the event. Execute an Indemnification Agreement on the sponsoring organizations letterhead and submit it to the City Clerk's Office at the time of application. Comply with all City and County ordinances, policies and applicable State and Federal laws, and acknowledges that the civic events permit does not relieve the applicant or sponsoring organization from meeting any application requirements of law or other public bodies or agencies. All sponsors are required to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act when applicable. The ADA does not require the City of Howell to take any action that would fundamentally alter the nature of its services, programs, activities and facilities, or impose undue financial or administrative burden. Promptly pay any billing for City services which may be rendered or deemed necessary as part of the event and event approval. Applicant and sponsoring organization further understands the approval of this civic event may include additional requirements and/or limitations based in the City's review of this application, in accordance with the City's Civic Event Policy. The applicant and sponsoring organization understands that it may be necessary to meet with City staff during the review of this application and the City Council approval will be necessary. The applicant agrees the sponsoring organization will operate the event in conformance with the written approval. Applicant understands that he/she (or the sponsoring organization) is responsible for contacting the Michigan Liquor Control Commission and or the County Health Department to secure any and all permits required for this event. As the duly authorized agent of the sponsoring organization, I hereby apply for approval of the Civic Event and affirm the above understandings. The information provided on this application is true and complete to the best of my knowledge. Applicant Signature Date COMPLETE THIS APPLICATION AND RETURN IT TO THE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE PRIOR TO THE APPLICATION DEADLINE. ***NOTE A NEW APPLICATION MUST BE SUBMITTED EACH YEAR. INDEMNIFICATION AGREEMENT The agree(s) to defend; indemnify; and hold harmless the City of Howell, Michigan; from any claim; demand; suit; loss; cost of expense; or any damage which may be asserted; claimed or recovered against or from the by reason of any damage to property; personal injury or bodily injury; including death; sustained by any person whomsoever and which damage; injury or death arises out of or is incident to or in any way connected with the performance of this contract; and regardless of which claim; demand; damage; loss; cost of expense is caused in whole or in part by the negligence of the City of Howell or by third parties; or by the agents; servants; employees or factors of any of them. Signature Date Witness Date Page 1 of 1 Map of Howell, MI 48843 Map of Howell, Ml 48843 ' II I ~ ~ ·~ ·- -- .. ,' =.:= -=== .. In.W!! rnt!ss II Rd E·caleo0 ; "' .g ":J, . i • . • i (i_l'~ , I '111 ~= 3 - '' --, ttl II II -.1, I ~ ~~ 1_. ' ' I ' II_ ·· ..:·· .. ··... ·. .. ... ..._ .... <-; ~ " ~~ , ouJI~ sr:. n ¥ahoo!W10,Data~ NAVTEQl009 When using any driving directions or map, it's a good idea to do a reality check and make sure the road still exists, watch out for construction, and follow all traffic safety precautions . This is only to be used as an aid in planning.!print?mvt=m&ioride=us&tp= 1&stx=&fcat=&frat=&clat=42.609199... 8/5/2011 CITY OF HOWELL MEMORANDUM TO: MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL FROM: SHEA CHARLES, CITY MANAGER DATE: APRIL 30, 2015 RE: INTERNATIONAL FIRE CODE UPDATE At the April 20, 2015 meeting Ordinance 892 & 893 were introduced by Council Member Manor. These ordinances adopt the 2012 edition of the International Fire Code. Ordinance 892 amends Howell City Code Chapter 1610 to adopt by reference the updated fire code. Ordinance 893 amends Howell City Code Chapter 1612 which covers permit issuance and fee collection as it relates to the updated fire code. Ordinance No. 892 & Ordinance No. 893 are now ready for adoption. ACTION REQUESTED: A motion to adopt Ordinance 892 and Ordinance 893, updates to various City Codes related to the International Fire Code, 2012 edition. Shea Charles City Manager ORDINANCE NO. 892 An Ordinance to amend Chapter 1610 of the Howell City Code to adopt by reference the International Fire Code, 200912 edition, the NFPA 1, 2003 edition and the NFPA 101, 2003 edition. THE CITY OF HOWELL ORDAINS: Chapter 1610 of the Howell City Code is amended as follows: 1610.01 ADOPTION BY REFERENCE. Pursuant to Section 6.5 of the Howell City Charter, the International Fire Code, 200312 edition, including Appendix Chapters A, B, C, D, E, F, and G, H, I and J, as published by the International Code Council, NFPA 1, 2003 edition and NFPA 101, 2003 edition, both as published by the National Fire Protection Association, are hereby adopted by reference as if the same were fully set forth herein, save and except such portions as may be hereinafter amended or deleted, and the shall hereafter be know as the Fire Prevention Code for the City of Howell. 1610.02 PURPOSE. The purpose of the Fire Prevention Code, as adopted in Section 1610.01, is to prescribe regulations governing conditions hazardous to life and property from fire or explosion and to provide for inspections and regulations relating thereto. 1610.025 CODE OFFICIALS; BOARD OF FIRE CODE APPEALS. (a) All references made in the Fire Prevention Code to the code official shall be a reference to the Howell Area Fire Authority Chief, or his or her designee, and the Howell Area Fire Authority Chief is hereby given authority and charged with the administration and enforcement of this Code. (b) The Board of Zoning Appeals, formed pursuant to Chapter 1240, Article 12 of the Zoning Ordinance, is hereby constituted as the Board of Fire Code Appeals and shall decide all appeals pursuant to the Code, notwithstanding anything contained in this Fire Prevention Code to the contrary. 1610.03 FILE AND DISTRIBUTION COPIES. Printed copies of the Fire Prevention Code, as adopted in Section 1610.01, shall be kept in the office of the City Clerk, available for inspection by and distribution to the public at all times. 1610.04 CONFLICTS. In the event of a conflict between any of the provisions of the Fire Prevention Code, as adopted in Section 1610.01, and a provision of any local ordinance, resolution, rule or regulation, the stricter standard shall prevail. However, in the event of a conflict between any of the provision of the Fire Prevention Code, as adopted in Section 1610.01, and Chapter 1630 of this Code, the less restrictive standard shall prevail. In the event of a conflict between the Fire Prevention Code and a provision of any State of Michigan code adopted by reference by the City, the provision of the State code shall prevail. 1610.05 AMENDMENTS. (REPEALED) (EDITOR’S NOTE: Section 1610.05 was repealed by Ordinance 542, passed March 25, 1991.) 1610.99 PENALTY. (EDITOR’S NOTE: See Section 202.99 for general Code penalty if no specific penalty is provided.) Section 2. All Ordinances inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. Section 3. This Ordinance shall take effect pursuant to the Howell City Charter. ADOPTED by the Howell City Council at its regular meeting this 4th day of May, 2015. BY: NICK PROCTOR, MAYOR BY: JANE CARTWRIGHT, CLERK CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and complete copy of Ordinance No. 892, adopted by the City Council of the City of Howell, Livingston County, Michigan, at a regular meeting held on the 4th day of May, 2015 and that the meeting was held and the minutes therefore were filed in compliance with Act No. 267 of the Public Acts of 1976. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereto affixed my official signature this 4th day of May, 2015. BY: Howell City Clerk -2- ORDINANCE NO. 893 An ordinance to amend various sections of Chapter 1612 to the Howell City Code for purposes of providing for the issuance of permits and collection of fees as it affects compliance and enforcement of Chapter 1610 of the Howell City Code, the Fire Prevention Code for the City of Howell. For clarity and future publication purposes, all sections of 1612 are contained, below, regardless of whether or not the same has been amended. THE CITY OF HOWELL ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. 1612.01 Referenced codes and standards. The codes and standards referenced in this code shall be those that are listed in Chapter 4580 of Chapter 1610.01 and such codes and standards shall be considered part of the requirements of this code to the prescribed extent of each such reference. Where differences occur between the provisions of this code and the referenced standards, the provisions, which establish the higher standard for the promotion of the safety and welfare of the public and the protection of the public, or as otherwise determined by the State of Michigan law, shall apply. Where conflicts occur between the International Fire Code, NFPA 1, and NFPA 101, the following shall apply. If the conflict applies to life safety, then NFPA 1 and NFPA 101 shall apply, if it applies to new construction, then International Fire Code shall apply. 1612.02 ENFORCEMENT RESPONSIBILITIES. On behalf of and under the auspices of the City, the Howell Area Fire Authority, through the Howell Area Fire Department, shall be responsible for fire prevention, inspection activities and code enforcement of buildings and occupancies as related to the risk of fire or explosion within the City. The function of the Authority and Department shall be the implementation, administration and enforcement of the provisions of this code and the codes and standards referenced in Chapter 4580 of Chapter 1610.01. 1612.03 UNLAWFUL BOARDING OR TAMPERING WITH AUTHORITY/DEPARTMENT EQUIPMENT. A person shall not, without proper authorization from the fire official in charge of said fire authority/department emergency equipment, cling to, attach to, climb upon or into, board, or swing upon any fire authority/department emergency vehicle, whether the same is in motion or at rest, operate any emergency warning equipment, or to manipulate or tamper with any levers, valves, switches, starting devices, brakes, pumps, or any equipment or protective clothing on, or a part of, any fire department emergency vehicle. 1612.04 DAMAGE / INJURY TO AUTHORITY/DEPARTMENT EQUIPMENT/PERSONNEL. It shall be unlawful for any person to damage or deface, or attempt or conspire to damage or deface, any fire department emergency vehicle or equipment at any time; or to injure, or 1 attempt or conspire to injure, fire authority/department personnel while performing authority/departmental duties. 1612.05 GENERAL AND REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS. Permits shall be in accordance with section 1610.01, otherwise being section 105 of the International Fire Code of the Fire Prevention Code. Where reference is made to this section for permits elsewhere in this code and there are no provisions for issuing said permits by the department of fire prevention, the code official is authorized to waive the particular permit requirement. The code official is authorized to issue operational permits for the operations set forth herein and in Chapter 1610 of the Code. Where there are no provisions for issuing said permits, the code official is authorized to waive the particular permit requirement. 1612.06 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS REFERENCES. The following subsections of the International Fire Code as adopted pursuant to Section 1610.01 of the Howell City Code are hereby amended as follows: Section 105.6.2120 Hazardous Materials. An operational permit is required to store, transport on site, dispense, use or handle hazardous materials in excess of the amounts listed in Table 105.6.2120. An operational permit, once issued, shall remain valid until revoked or until the occupancy for which the permit was issued shall change ownership. Upon any change of ownership, a new operational permit for the occupancy shall be required to store, transport or site, dispense, use or handle hazardous materials in excess of the amounts listed in Table 105.6.2120. Notwithstanding the fact that no additional permit need be issued, nor any further fee charged, for a change in the operation or manner of storage, transportation, dispensing, use or handling of the permitted hazardous substance, nor for any change in the type of hazardous substance being so used, any such change from the conditions of the original permit shall create a duty on the permit holder to advise the Fire Marshal or his designee of such changes forthwith. Failure to comply with this notification mandate may be cause for revocation of an operational permit where the circumstances surrounding such permit have been changed without notice to the fire marshal. Exception: (1) Nothing in this subsection shall apply to a farm or farm operation as defined in Section 202 of this Code and Michigan Complied Laws Section 286.472, that being the Michigan Right to Farm Act, Act 93 of the Public Acts of 1981, as amended. (2) Nothing in this subsection shall apply to one or two family dwelling occupancies. Section 105.6.2120.1 Required amounts for reporting. Reportable quantities shall be considered the maximum amount of hazardous material on site at any given time. This amount is required to be reported to the fire department as indicated in Table 105.6.2120. 2 Section 105.6.2120.2 Permit Fees. The following fees shall be applied to the maximum quantity of each form of hazardous materials: Quantity & Form 0-1,000 lbs.; 0-100 cu. ft.; 0-330 gal. 1,001-20,000lbs; 101-6,000 cu.ft; 331-990 gal. 20,001+ lbs.; 6,001+ cu. ft.; 991+ gal. Fee $100.00 $250.00 $500.00 1612.07 INSTALLATION OF FIRE SUPPRESSION AND PERMIT FEES; INSTALLATION OF FIRE ALARM/DETECTION SYSTEMS AND PERMIT FEES. The following subsections of the International Fire Code as adopted pursuant to Section 1610.01 of the Howell City Code are hereby amended as follows: Section Installations. Before any fire suppression system or component is installed, enlarged, extended or modified, a permit shall be obtained from the code official. This shall include any device or relay connected to or controlled by the fire suppression system. A qualified installer who is properly licensed and/or certified to perform such work as determined by the code official must perform all work. Construction documents shall be reviewed by the code official prior to the issuance of the permit. Upon issuance of the permit, the permit must be posted at the job site in plain view. Section Permit fees. Permit fees cover initial plan review and two inspections. Sprinkler Systems: Riser(s) & Sprinkler Heads 1-20 heads 21-50 heads 51-100 heads 101-200 heads 201-300 heads 301-400 heads 401-500 heads 501-1000 heads > 1001 heads Fee $80.00 $90.00 $100.00 $120.00 $140.00 $160.00 $180.00 $200.00 $0.50 per heads Standpipes: $45.00 per standpipe. Fire pump: $50.00 Dry or wet chemical fire suppression systems: $90.00 per system. Each additional system in the same building reviewed at the same time is $45.00. Alterations, additions, or modifications to each existing system are $35.00. 3 Total flooding agent extinguishing systems: $90.00 plus appropriate detection system fee. Plan Reviews: the code official might require an outside third party. This review will be charged at the current fire safety consultants or plan reviewer's rates. These fees shall be paid prior to issuance of the permit. Section Installations. Before any fire alarm or detection system or component is installed, enlarged, extended or modified, a permit shall be obtained from the code official. This shall include auxiliary devices such as magnetic locks, electronic locks, or any device or relay connected to or controlled by the fire alarm or detection system. A qualified installer who is properly licensed and/or certified to perform such work as determined by the code official must perform all work. Construction documents shall be reviewed by the code official prior to the issuance of the permit. Upon issuance of the permit, the permit must be posted at the job site in plain view. Section Permit fees. Permit fees cover initial plan review and two inspections. Device Fee Control Panel $20.00 First initiating or auxiliary Control devises (smoke detector, Heat detector, control switch, etc.) $10.00 Each additional initiating or aux control Device $0.50 per device First audio/visual indicating or Communications device (horn, strobe, Bell, etc.) Each additional audio/visual indicating or communications device $10.00 $0.50 per device Plan Reviews: The code official might require an outside third party. This review will be charged at the current fire safety consultants or plan reviewer’s rates. These fees shall be paid prior to issuance of the permit. 1612.08 PERMIT ISSUANCE; ADDITIONAL FEES; CANCELLATION FEES. The following subsections of the International Fire Code as adopted pursuant Section 1610.01 of the Howell City Code are hereby amended as follows: Section 105.7.1317 Permit issuance. A permit granted hereunder shall not be transferable nor shall any such permit be extended beyond the time set fourth therein unless approved by the fire official. When work is started without a permit, the permit fee shall be doubled. 4 Section 106.45 Additional fees. The following fees may be charged for a re-inspection and shall apply to each inspector performing the re-inspection. These fees shall be paid in full prior to the re-inspection being performed. 1. $30.00 per re-inspection during normal working hours. 2. $75.00 per re-inspection during non-working hours. Section 106.56 Cancellation fees. Handling cost of permits canceled after being issued is 35% of the permit fee or $10.00, whichever is greater. 1612.09 BOARD OF APPEALS. The following subsections of the International Fire Code as adopted pursuant to Section 1610.01 of the Howell City Code are hereby amended as follows: Section 108.4 Board of appeals members. The board of appeals shall consist of the following: Two (2) members of the Howell Area Fire Authority board. Three (3) certified fire inspectors from a jurisdiction outside the Howell Area Fire Authority. No member of the appeals board shall have a conflict of interest with the issue being addressed. 1612.10 VIOLATIONS; PENALTIES; MUNICIPAL CIVIL INFRACTIONS; COLLECTION OF CHARGES. The following subsections of the International Fire Code as adopted pursuant to Section 1610.01 of the Howell City Code are hereby amended as follows: Section 109.34 Violation penalties. Persons who shall violate a provision of this code or shall fail to comply with any of the requirements thereof or who shall erect, install, alter, repair, or do work in violation of the approved construction documents or directive of the code official, or of a permit or certificate used under provisions of this code, shall be responsible for a municipal civil infraction. The sanction for a violation which is a municipal civil infraction shall be a civil fine in an amount as set forth in section 202.99 of the Howell City Code, plus any costs, damages, expenses and other sanctions, as authorized by the Revised Judicature Act, MCL 600.101, et.seq., that being Act No 236 of the Public Acts of 1961, as amended, and other applicable laws. Section 109.45 Prohibited parking; exception; bus-loading zone; violation as civil infraction. The code official may issue a civil infraction against a person who parks a vehicle in such a manner as to conflicts, obscure, prevent or obstruct access to fire hydrants, fire stations, accidents, emergency exits for egress from a building, within 500 feet of a fire blocking designated fire lanes or any other violation under Ordinance No. 745 or Ordinance No. 746 of the Howell City Code as it relates to fire safety violations. 5 Section 109.45.1 Fee Schedule. For any violation of the parking requirements listed in Section 109.4 of this Code, the fine for such an offense shall be as set forth in Chapter 430.05 of the Howell City Code. Section 109.45.2 Towing and Storage Costs. In addition to the above violation penalties, a person who violates this section shall be responsible for all vehicle towing and storage costs incurred if the Fire Chief and/or his/her designees, as defined in Section 109.45 (2) herein, determines that the vehicle parked in violation of section 109.45 must be towed to insure public safety and/or fire department access to a building or emergency scene. Section 109.56 Application and allocation for fees, fines. Payment for any permit fees shall be paid to the Howell Area Fire Authority. Payment for civil infraction or municipal civil infraction fines and costs shall be paid to the City. Section 109.56.1 Issuing of tickets for violations. The Fire Chief and/or his/her designees, who shall be the Deputy Fire Chief, Assistant Fire Chiefs, Fire Marshal, and fire inspectors assigned to the Fire Marshal’s Division shall be authorized to issue tickets for violation of any code within this Chapter. Section 111.4 Failure to comply. Any person who shall continue any work after having been served with a stop work order, except such work as that person is directed to perform to remove a violation or unsafe condition, shall be issued a municipal civil infraction violation notice pursuant to Chapter 202 of the Howell City Code. Section 111.5 Collection of charges. The Howell Area Fire Authority may proceed in a court of appropriate jurisdiction to collect any monies remaining unpaid for services provided as a mature debt of the Howell Area Fire Authority and shall have any and all other remedies provided by law for the collection of all charges. Section 114.1 False alarms; inspections; orders to correct. (1) A fire, sprinkler, or water alarm system experiencing more than two false alarms within a thirty-day (30) period or four false alarms within the calendar year is deemed defective. Upon written notice to the owner or lessee of the alarm system by the Fire Chief and/or his/her designee, the owner or lessee shall have the system inspected by an alarm system contractor who shall, within fifteen days, file a written report to the fire chief and/or his/her designee of the result of his/her inspection, the probable cause of the false alarms and his/her recommendation for eliminating false alarms. (2) Upon receipt of the report, the fire chief and/or his/her designee shall forward the same to the owner or lessee, ordering corrections, based upon recommendations contained in the report. (3) The owner or lessee shall have three working days from the receipt of the order to make such corrections. Thereafter, to defray the cost of responding to false alarms, the owner or lessee of an alarm system shall pay to the fire authority the amount of the response as per the cost recovery fees for each false alarm received and responded 6 to by the fire department during the calendar year in which the order to correct the system was issued. The amount due to the fire authority shall be paid forthwith upon demand by the fire department and if not so paid, the fire authority and/or designee shall have the right, along with all of the other rights it may have, to impose a lien on the real and personal property of the owner or lessee and such lien shall be enforced in the same manner as are delinquent taxes. Section 114.2 Misrepresented False Alarms. It shall be unlawful for any person to summon, in any way, the fire department unless a valid reason for their response is present. The fire chief and/or his/her designee shall have the authority to issue fines as per the cost recovery ordinance to any person causing a false alarm, if the person causing a false alarm is a minor the fines shall be the responsibly of the minors legal supervisor. 1612.11 DEFINITIONS. The following subsections of the International Fir Code as adopted pursuant to Section 1610.01 of the Howell City Code are hereby amended as follows: Section 202 General Definitions. The following definitions shall be in addition to the definitions noted in the International Fire Code, 200312 edition. “Code Official” The fire chief, fire marshal, fire inspector, code enforcement officer, or other designated authority charged by the applicable governing body with the duties of administration and enforcement of the code, or duly authorized representative. The term “fire official" may be used interchangeably with "code official" in this code. “False Alarm” Means the activation of an alarm of an alarm system through mechanical failure, malfunction, improper installation or the negligence of the owner or lessee of an alarm system or his/her employee or agent. “False alarm” does not include the alarm caused by severe weather or other violent conditions beyond the control of the owner or lessee of an alarm system or his/her employee or agent. “Farm” Means the land, plants, animals, buildings, structures, including ponds used for agricultural or aqua cultural activities, machinery, equipment, and other appurtenances used in the commercial production of farm products. MCL 286.472(a). “Farm Operations” Means the operation and management of a farm or a condition or activity that occurs at any time as necessary on a farm in connection with the commercial production, harvesting, and storage of farm products. MCL 286.472(b). “Fire Watch”. A temporary measure intended to ensure continuous and systematic surveillance of a building or portion thereof by one or more qualified individuals for the purposes of identifying and controlled fire hazards, detecting early signs of unwanted fire, raising an alarm of fire and notifying the fire department by method(s) approved or recommended by the code official. 7 “Misrepresented False Alarm” The willful and knowing initiation or transmission of a signal, message or other notification of event of fire or the emergency when no danger exists. “Water Capacity” The amount of water, in either pounds or gallons, at 60 deg. F (15.6 deg. C) required to fill a container full of water. 1612.12 OPEN BURNING REGULATION. The following subsections of the International Fire Code as adopted pursuant to Section 1610.01 of the Howell City Code are hereby amended as follows: Section 307.1.2 Local Burning Ordinances Preserved. Nothing in this Code shall be construed as prohibiting the City from regulating matters of open burning pursuant to Chapter 1613 of the Howell City Code. In the event of a conflict between this Code and Chapter 1613, Chapter 1613 shall be deemed to supersede this Code and control, for so long as it remains in force. Notwithstanding Chapter 1613, however, the Fire Chief, Fire Marshal, or fire code official shall retain the authorization under Section 307.7 of this code to ban all open burning if conditions warrant. Section 307.56Fire department training. Open burning is allowed for the purpose of training fire fighters in fire fighting practice, or for the purpose of training the public, including workers or employees, or for the purpose of demonstration by the fire official or other trained fire personnel, when such burning is done in accordance with accepted practice. Section 307.67 Banning open burning. The Fire Chief, Fire Marshal, or fire code official shall be authorized to issue a ban on all open burning if condition are to hazardous in the opinion of the fire code official to allow the open burning, open flame, etc. Section 308.3 Open Flame. A person shall not utilize or allow to be utilized, an open flame in connection with any public meeting or gathering for purpose of deliberation, entertainment, amusement, instruction, education, recreation, awaiting transportation or similar purpose in assembly or educational occupancies without first obtaining approval from the code official. 1612.13 MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS. The following subsections of the International Fire Code as adopted pursuant to Section 1610.01 of the Howell City Code are hereby amended as follows: Section 312.2.1 Maintenance. It shall be the property owner's responsibility to provide and maintain this protection. Section 505.1 Address numbers. New and existing building shall have approved address numbers, building numbers, or approved building identification placed in a position that is plainly legible and visible from the street or road fronting this property. These numbers 8 shall contrast with their background. Address numbers shall be Arabic numbers or alphabetical letters. Numbers shall be a minimum of 6 inches high with a minimum stroke width of 0.5 inch. Section 506 Locks and Key switches. An approved lock or key switch shall be installed on gates or similar barriers when required by the fire code official. Section 5087.5 Fire Hydrants systems. Fire hydrant systems shall comply with section 5087.5.1 through 507.5.6 and shall be in accordance with Appendix C and Howell Area Fire Department standards and polices. Section 507.5.4.1. Removal of obstructions. If upon the expiration of the time mentioned in a notice of violation, obstructions or encroachments to fire hydrant, or to other fire protection equipment, are not removed, the code official shall proceed to remove or have removed the same. The expense incurred shall be a debt to the local governing body from the responsible person and shall be collected as any other debt to the Howell Area Fire Authority. Section 805.1 General. In occupancies of Group A, B, E, F, H, I, M, R-1 and dormitories in Group R-2, R-4, S, and U, curtains, draperies, hangings and other decorative materials suspended from walls or ceiling shall be flame resistant in accordance with Section 805.2 and NFPA 701 or be noncombustible. Exception: Curtains, draperies, hangings and other decorative materials suspended from walls or ceiling located in areas protected by an approved automatic fire sprinkler systems installed in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1 or 903.3.1.2 shall not be prohibited in Group A. B, F, M, S, and U. Section 901.6.2 Records. Records of all system inspections, tests, and maintenance required by the referenced standards shall be maintained on the premises for a minimum of 3 years and made available to the code official upon request. The service company or individual performing such work shall also send a copy to the code official. Section 901.6.3 Anti-freeze fire sprinkler systems. Fire sprinkler systems designed and installed to protect areas prone to freezing shall be drained and tested, then refilled and maintained to insure the solution is operable to -40 degrees F or as otherwise approved by the code official. Section 903.3.5.3 Required pressure margin. Due to unforeseeable and changing conditions within the water supply, the code official is authorized to require a pressure margin of up to 20 lbs. over the minimum design criteria for installed automatic fire sprinkler systems. Where this margin cannot be achieved, approved means shall be taken to provide this margin. Section 904.3.5 Monitoring. A supervising station in accordance with NFPA 72 as approved by the code official shall monitor automatic fire extinguishing systems. Where a 9 building fire alarm system is installed, automatic fire-extinguishing systems shall be monitored by the building fire alarm systems in accordance with NFPA 72 and shall automatically annunciate their location at the building's fire alarm control panel, and activate the building's appropriate fire protective signaling sequence. Section 907.4.4 Signs. Where fire alarm systems are not monitored by a supervising station, an approved permanent sign that reads, THIS ALARM DOES NOT NOTIFY THE FIRE DEPARTMENT - TO REPORT A FIRE DIAL 911. Such sign shall be installed adjacent to each manual fire alarm box. Exception: Where the manufacturer has permanently provided this information on the manual fire alarm box and as approved by the code official. Section 907.7.1 Annunciation. Where fire suppression systems exist in multi-tenant occupancies, i.e., strip malls, separate annunciation shall be required for each separately addressed tenant space unless otherwise approved by the code official. Section 907.10.2.1 Temporal Code-3. Audible alarm notification appliances shall sound in temporal code-3 pattern as approved by the code official. Section 907.10.2.2 Audible alarm appliance silencing. Where required by the code official, there shall be a means provided at the fire alarm control panel to silence audible alarm devices without resetting the panel. Where audible alarm devices are provided in connection with visual alarm devices, there shall be a means provided to silence the audible alarm devices without disabling the visual alarm devices or resetting the panel. Section 907.12.1 Remote annunciation. Where required by the code official, a means of remote annunciation such as a light or other visible indicator shall be installed and marked with an approved description of the detector location in order to indicate the presence and location of detectors in accordance with NFPA 72. Section 909.16.1 Smoke control systems. Fans within the building shall be shown on the fighter's control panel. A clear indication of the direction of airflow and the relationship of components shall be displayed. A means of confirming equipment function such as an atmospheric pressure switch, air velocity switch, or electrical current differential device, shall be installed to indicate the status of fans, dampers, or other associated equipment during alarm activation or smoke control operations. Status indicators shall be provided for all smoke control equipment, annunciated by fan and zone and by pilot-lamp-type indicators as follows: 1) Fans, dampers and other operating equipment in their normal status - WHITE. 2) Fans, dampers and other operating equipment in their off or closed status - RED. 3) Fans, dampers and other operating equipment in their on or open status - GREEN. 4) Fans, dampers and other operating equipment in a fault status YELLOW/AMBER. 10 Section 912.2 Location. With respect to hydrants, driveways, buildings and landscaping, fire department connections shall be so located that fire apparatus and hose connected to supply the system will not obstruct access to the buildings for other fire apparatus. The location of fire department connections shall be within 100 feet of a hydrant and shall be approved by the fire code official. Section 9145.1 General. Precautions shall be taken in all rooms and areas containing fire sprinkler equipment such as piping, valve(s), and fire pump(s), to prevent freezing of said equipment during times of extremely cold temperatures. Section 1201.1 Scope. Dry cleaning plants and their operations shall comply with the requirements of this chapter and NFPA 32, and the Michigan Fire Prevention Code 1941 PA 207, as amended, or its equivalent. 1612.14 FLAMMABLE AND COMBUSTIBLE LIQUIDS AND MATERIALS; AEROSOL PRODUCTS; BUSINESS OPERATIONS, STORAGE, DISPENSING AND IDENTIFICATION. The following subsections of the International Fire Code as adopted pursuant to Section 1610.01 of the Howell City Code are hereby amended as follows: Section 222301.1 Scope. Automotive motor fuel-dispensing facilities, marine motor fueldispensing facilities, fleet vehicle motor fuel-dispensing facilities, aircraft motor-vehicle fuel-dispending facilities and repair garages shall be in accordance with this chapter and the International Fuel Gas Code, International Building Code and International Mechanical Code, and the Michigan Storage and Handling of Flammable and Combustible Liquids Rules, as amended, or their equivalent. Such operations shall include both public accessible and private operations. Section 222306.1 General. Storage of flammable and combustible liquids shall be in accordance with Chapter 3457 and Sections 22306, and the Michigan Storage and Handling of Flammable and Combustible Liquids Rules, as amended, or their equivalent. Section 222306.7.8 Gravity and pressure dispensing. Flammable or combustible liquids shall not be dispensed by gravity from tanks, drums, barrels, or similar containers. Flammable or combustible liquids shall not be dispensed by a device operating through pressure within a storage tank, drum or container. Approved pumps taking suction from the top of the container shall be utilized. Exception: (1) Tanks, drums, barrels, or similar containers used in farms or farm operations as defined within this code. (2) Tanks, drums, barrels or similar containers used at one or two family residential dwellings. Section 285103.2 Identification. Cartons shall be identified on at least one side with the classification level of the aerosol products contained within the carton as follows: 11 LEVEL AEROSOLS The side of the carton marked shall be clearly visible when stored in configurations of two or more cartons. 1612.15 EXPLOSIVE MATERIALS, FIREWORKS AND ROCKETRY; REQUIRMENTS AND PROHIBITIONS. The following subsections of the International Fire Code as adopted pursuant to Section 1610.01 of the Howell City Code are hereby amended as follows: Section 3301.5601.1.1 Explosive materials standards. In addition to the requirements of this chapter, NFPA 495 shall govern the manufacture, transportation, storage, sale handling and use of explosive materials, and the Michigan Explosive Law 1970 PA 202, as amended, or its equivalent. Section 335601.1.3 Fireworks. The possession, manufacture, storage, sale, handling and use of fireworks are prohibited unless in compliance with the Michigan Fireworks Safety Act, being Act 256 of 2011, as amended by Act 65 of 2013, and as hereinafter amended, or its equivalent, and Chapter 1614 of the Howell City Code, as amended. Section 335601.1.4 Rocketry. The storage, handling and use of model and high-power rockets shall comply with the requirements of NFPA 1122, NFPA 1125, and NFPA 1127, and the Michigan Model Rocket Law 1965 PA 333, as amended, or its equivalent. Section 335608.1 General. The display of fireworks, including proximate audience displays and pyrotechnic special effects in motion picture, television, theatrical, and group entertainment productions, shall comply with this chapter and NFPA 1123 or NFPA 1126. Approved public displays shall be handled by an approved competent operator, and the fireworks shall be arranged, located, discharged and fired in a manner that will not be a hazard to property or endanger any person. 1612.16 STORAGE TANK REGULATIONS FOR FLAMMABLE AND COMBUSTIBLE LIQUIDS; ABOVEGROUND AND UNDERGROUND TANKS; PERMITS. The following subsections of the International Fire Code as adopted pursuant to Section 1610.01 of the Howell City Code are hereby amended as follows: Section 345701.3 Referenced documents. The applicable requirements of Chapter 2750, other chapters of this code, the International Building Code, and the International Mechanical Code pertaining to flammable liquids, and the Michigan Storage and Handling of Flammable and Combustible Liquids Rules, as amended, or their equivalent shall apply. Section 345701.4 Permits. Permits shall be required as set forth in Section 105.6 and 105.7, and the Michigan Fire Prevention Code 1941 PA 207, as amended, or its equivalent. Section 345704.2.9 Aboveground tanks. Above-ground storage of flammable and combustible liquids in tanks shall comply with Section 345704.2 and Sections 345704.2.9.1 12 through 345704., and the Michigan Above-ground Storage Tanks Rules, or their equivalent. Exception: (1) Above-ground storage tanks used in farms or farm operations as defined within this code. (2) Above-ground storage tanks used at one or two family residential dwellings where the water capacity of said tank is less than 1,100 gallons. Section 345704.2.11 Underground tanks. Underground storage of flammable and combustible liquids in tanks shall comply with section 345704.2 and Sections 345704.2.11.1 through 345704., and the Michigan Underground Storage Tank Rules, or their equivalent. Section 3406.2.5.2 Tanks for gravity discharge. When approved by the code official, tanks with a connection in the bottom or end for gravity-dispensing liquids shall be mounted and equipped as follows: 1. Supports to elevate the tank for gravity discharge shall be designed to carry all required loads and provide stability. 2. Bottom or end openings for gravity discharge shall be equipped with a value located adjacent to the tank shell, which will close automatically in the event of fire through the operation of an effective heat-activated releasing device. Where this valve cannot be operated manually, a second, manually operated valve shall supplement it. The gravity discharge outlet shall be provided with an approved hose equipped with a self-closing valve at the discharge end of a type that can be padlocked to its hanger. Section 386101.2 Permits. Permits shall be required as set forth in sections 105.6 and 105.7 and the Michigan Fire Prevention Code 1941 PA 207, as amended, or its equivalent. Distributors shall not fill LP-gas container for which a permit is required unless a permit for installation has been issued for that location by the fire code official. Section 2. All Ordinances inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. Section 3. This Ordinance shall take effect pursuant to the Howell City Charter. 13 ADOPTED by the Howell City Council at its regular meeting this 4th day of May, 2015. ___________________________________ BY: NICK PROCTOR, MAYOR ____________________________________ BY: JANE CARTWRIGHT, CLERK CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and complete copy of Ordinance No. 893, adopted by the City Council of the City of Howell, Livingston County, Michigan, at a regular meeting held on the 4th day of May, 2015 and that the meeting was held and the minutes therefore were filed in compliance with Act No. 267 of the Public Acts of 1976. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereto affixed my official signature this 4th day of May, 2015. BY:________________________________ Howell City Clerk 14 CITY OF HOWELL MEMORANDUM TO: MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL FROM: TIMOTHY R. SCHMITT, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR DATE: APRIL 30, 2015 RE: REZONING – 237 NORTH NATIONAL AND VACANT SURROUNDING PROPERTY B-2, GENERAL BUSINESS, TO R-1, SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT The Planning Commission evaluated the proposed rezoning of two parcels on the east side of North National Road (property ID: #4717-36-402-029 and -030). The parcel at 237 North National has an existing single-family home on it and the other parcel is vacant. The properties are currently zoned B-2, General Business, as are the majority of properties on North National in this area. The proposed rezoning was initiated by the new property owner, TRS Enterprises, who ultimately wants to build new single-family homes on the vacant property. Lot split and variance applications have been submitted and reviewed under a separate heading. The Planning Commission reviewed the request at their April meeting and unanimously recommended approval of the rezoning request. ACTION REQUESTED: Introduction of Ordinance 894, Rezoning of the property at 237 North National and the vacant property surrounding it, from B-2, General Business, to R-1, Single Family Residential District. REVIEWED & APPROVED FOR SUBMISSION: Shea Charles, City Manager ORDINANCE NO. 894 An Ordinance to amend Section 4.02 of the Howell City Zoning Code. THE CITY OF HOWELL ORDAINS: Section 1. Section 4.02 Boundaries. Zoning Map is hereby amended to read as follows: The boundaries of the districts enumerated in Section 4.01 are hereby established as shown on the Zoning Map which accompanies this Zoning Ordinance and which, with all notations, references and other information shown thereon, shall be as much a part of this Zoning Ordinance as if fully described herein. Unless shown otherwise, the boundaries of the districts are lot lines; the centerlines of streets, alleys, roads or such lines extended; and the corporate limits of the City. Where unzoned property exists, or where, due to the scale, lack of detail or illegibility of the Zoning Map, there is any uncertainty, contradiction or conflict as to the intended location of any district boundary line shown thereon, the exact location of a district boundary line shall be determined, upon written application, or upon its own motion, by the Board of Zoning Appeals. Provided, further that the following described land and premises shall be classified from B-2, General Business, to R-1, Single Family Residential: 4717-36-402-029 Vacant – North National Street Section 36, T3N R4E City of Howell, T.W. Mizner’s Washington Heights Addition, Block 15, Lots 11, 12, 15, 16 & Lots 21 Thru 26 4717-36-402-030 237 North National Street Section 36, T3N R4E City of Howell, T.W. Mizner’s Washington Heights Addition, Block 15, Lots 13 & 14 Section 2. All Ordinances inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. Section 3. This Ordinance shall be known as and may be cited as an ordinance amending the Howell City Zoning Code being Ordinance # 894. Section 4. This Ordinance shall take effect 7 days after publication and pursuant to the Howell City Charter. ADOPTED by the Howell City Council at its regular meeting this 18th day of April, 2015. BY: NICK PROCTOR, MAYOR BY: JANE CARTWRIGHT, CLERK CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and complete copy of Ordinance No. 894, adopted by the City Council of the City of Howell, Livingston County, Michigan, at a regular meeting held on the 18th day of May, 2015 and that the meeting was held and the minutes therefore were filed in compliance with Act No. 267 of the Public Acts of 1976. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereto affixed my official signature this ____day of ________, 2015. BY: Howell City Clerk City of Howell Planning Commission April 15, 2015 611 E. Grand River Avenue Howell, MI 48843 ______________________________________________________________________________ The regular meeting of the Planning Commission was called to order by Chairman Streng at 7:00 p.m. PRESENT: City Manager Shea Charles, Paul Streng, Jeanette Ambrose, Robert Spaulding, Mayor Nick Proctor, Stewart Howe, Erin Britten, Jan Lobur, Erin Perdu, Alex Stankovich of Carlisle Wortman Associates, Community Development Director Tim Schmitt, and Recording Secretary Deanna Robson. ABSENT: Maryanne Vukonich. GUESTS: Martin and Roberta Zella, John T. Jones, David Brauer, Theo Paddock, Ted Paddock, and Tony Kisiel. APPROVAL OF February 18, 2015 MINUTES MOTION by Ambrose, SUPPORTED by Howe, “To approve the February 18, 2015 minutes as presented.” MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. CALL TO THE PUBLIC John T. Jones, A+ U-STORE IT Mini Storage at 727 S. Michigan Ave., inquired about contamination at Diamond Chrome Plating. City Manager Charles responded that the City has been informed that there are no concerns about direct contact and is working with the Department of Environmental Quality to ensure public safety. Chairman Streng introduced and welcomed Jan Lobur to the Planning Commission, also citing her work on other boards and commissions and her history as a resident of the community. Chairman Streng also congratulated Commissioner Proctor on his recent appointment to Mayor. STAFF REPORT Timothy Schmitt, Community Development Director, reviewed the staff report and provided the Commission with updates regarding Regal Auto Salvage, Livingston County Jail, Taco Bell, Thai Summit, Gallery Park and Howell Estates. He stated that Staff has met with the contractors for Taco Bell and they are working on changes to the foundation, although no official design has yet been approved by the City. Staff has also been working through the receiver at Howell Estates – they have begun work on the initial 11 units that were abandoned and tagged; 5 have been demolished and they are working on a remediation plan for the remaining 6 units. Commissioner Howe inquired about the Gallery Park development. Mr. Schmitt responded that the developer is looking into options for changing the remaining structures to detached, single family homes. Page 2 EXCERPT - PC Meeting April 15, 2015 PUBLIC HEARINGS #15-006 – Rezoning Request – 237 N. National from B-2 to R-1 Chairman Streng opened the public hearing at 8:14 pm Community Development Director Schmitt stated that TRS Enterprises is requesting rezoning of the subject parcels from B-2, General Business, to R-1, Single-Family Residential. He noted that zoning in the area is varied, but it is almost entirely residential in nature. Mr. Schmitt commented that he has researched the history of zoning in the area and there are a series of single family homes that are zoned commercial. The applicant has also applied for a lot split, which would allow for the construction of two new single-family detached homes if both the rezoning and lot split are approved. Discussion followed regarding zoning of surrounding properties and property acquisitions. Theo Paddock, 237 N. National, stated that the lot is u-shaped – 8 lots that are vacant and 2 that the existing house sits on. Trying to make all three the same size and shape. Chairman Streng closed the public hearing at 8:20 pm. MOTION by Proctor, SUPPORTED by Britten, “To approve the rezoning request (#15006) for 237 North National Street and the vacant property surrounding it to the north, south, and east, parcel id numbers 4717-36-402-030 and 4717-36-402-029, from B-2, General Commercial to R-1, Single-Family Residential.” MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. CITY OF HOWELL REZONING ANALYSIS APPLICANT INFORMATION APPLICANT: TRS Enterprises, LLC. ADDRESS: 237 North National and vacant land surrounding that property PROPERTY ID #: 17-36-402-030 and -029 ZONING: B-2, General Business DATE: April 8, 2015 REZONING REQUEST The applicant is requesting rezoning of the subject parcels from B-2, General Business, to R-1, Single-Family Residential. The applicant has applied for a lot split under a separate heading, which would allow for the construction of two new single-family detached homes if both the rezoning and lot split are approved. SURROUNDING PROPERTIES The area of North National Street is largely residential in nature, between the commercial property in the south along Grand River Avenue and the industrial properties near the railroad tracks in the north. The properties immediately to the north, south, and west are single-family residential homes. To the west is a wooded, vacant portion of an industrial property. The buildings on that property are located to the southeast and are home to a number of tenants. Further northwest is the former Livingston County Road Commission garage building. FUTURE LAND USE MAP AND CURRENT ZONING The Future Land Use map calls for local commercial uses on the east side of North National Road, from the railroad tracks to the properties just north of Rite Aid. On the west side of North National, the map calls for office uses to the north of Clinton Street and General Commercial uses south of Clinton Street. The current zoning in the area is somewhat varied, as shown on the attached zoning map. The property in question, as well as the properties to the north and partially to the south, are zoned B2, General Business. There are two properties to the south, along with the majority of the properties on the west side of the road, that are zoned R-1, Single-Family Residential. Along #15-006 Rezoning – 237 North National Page 2 Clinton Street and further south are additional B-2 zoned properties. And to the northwest and southeast, there are properties zoned I-1, Light Industrial. R-1 DISTRICT STANDARDS The purpose of the R-1 district is “to provide for one-family dwelling sites and residentially related uses in keeping with the density character of the City. The preservation of the natural terrain and the standards under which the community has had its development take place are reflected in the controls set forth in this Article.” The district permits largely residentially oriented uses. Under Section 4.06 of the zoning code, the following use are permitted: (2) Permitted Uses. A. One-family detached dwellings; B. Publicly owned and operated libraries, parks, parkways and recreational facilities; C. Home occupations subject to requirements set forth in Section 5.09; and D. Accessory buildings and uses customarily incidental to any of the uses permitted in this subsection, and subject to the applicable requirements of Section 5.02. (3) Special Land Uses. A. Public, parochial and private elementary, intermediate and/or high schools subject to the requirements of Section 6.07; B. Municipal office buildings, subject to the requirements of Section 6.08; C. Churches and other facilities normally incidental thereto, subject to the requirements of Section 6.09; D. Utilities and public service buildings and uses (without storage yards), subject to the requirements of Section 6.10; E. Golf courses, country Clubs, recreational centers, and swim Clubs, subject to the requirements of Section 6.11; F. Cemeteries, subject to the requirements of Section 6.13; G. Spouse abuse/domestic violence shelters; H. Bed and breakfast accommodations, subject to the requirements of Section 6.14; I. Child day-care facilities, when located within a church or school, subject to the requirements of Section 6.02; and J. Domestic units with 3 or more residents in accordance with Section 5.14 . STAFF REVIEW/COMMENT The zoning throughout much of North National Road is inconsistent with the use of the property. The area is zoned B-2, intended for commercial use, but there are single-family homes on nearly each of the properties. This combination makes each house non-conforming and could create some issues should one of the homes burn down or the owners desire to expand them. The #15-006 Rezoning – 237 North National Page 3 request in front of the Planning Commission would eventually allow for the construction of new single-family homes in the neighborhood. Given the current use of the property and surrounding properties, along with the extreme difficulty in property acquisition and the fact that North National is not a main thoroughfare, commercial development seems highly unlikely in this area. Typically, Staff would rely on the Future Land Use map in the Master Plan for decisions of this nature, but the Plan is being updated and this area was identified as an area to be studied in depth. The City should strongly consider aligning the zoning with the use at this point, as the residential properties are not likely to go away in the future. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Planning Commission approve the rezoning request (#15-006) for 237 North National Street and the vacant property surrounding it to the north, south, and east, parcel id numbers 4717-36-402-030 and 4717-36-402-029, from B-2, General Commercial to R1, Single-Family Residential. 0 125 250 Feet Subject Property ´ City of Howell Date: 4/6/2015 City of Howell Parcels Legend #15-006 - 237 North National Proposed Rezoning CLINTON NORTH NATIONAL PARK 0 125 250 Feet Subject Property #15-006 - 237 North National Proposed Rezoning CLINTON NORTH NATIONAL PARK ´ T-C City of Howell Date: 4/6/2015 SMich R-T R-M R-2 R-1 PUD P-1 O-1 MXD I-2 I-1 H-L2 H-L1 CBD B-2 B-1 Current Zoning City of Howell Parcels Legend HOWELL HIGH UM BER LA N D MASON GABRIEL ING WN BR O M-59 MC PHERSON PARK BONET OAK CLUSTER LD GAY HIGHLANDER HIGHLANDER YORKSHIRE NOEL RIDDLE CHANDLER N VERSA ILS GILMORE SIBLEY SWA NN CHEVALIER ORLEANS FRONTENAC LS HO LLY HIL MAPLE CRANE JEWETT WE FACTORY TM OR E INVERNESS CALEDONIA BRIGG DORCHESTER WELLAND WEST YORK NE L IV MORGAN PULFORD MARION CR A T SO BROOKS WASHINGTON GR A ND RIVE R ING RS O N WO RTY PH E SPR MC GR IS HU T ST ON ARGYLE IN G M-59 BURNS Y HIG G IN HE N BROOKS RY S WARBLER SIB LE Y LAKE ROE ON IA SUM M MADIS ON PS ON M ON THO M CA R D LE UR BE PAULINE TH WA CARDINAL OCEOLA SH ING TO N RT H TO N NO CL IN IT CREST LAKESIDE GLEN BATE S BAINBRIDGE KIMBALL CARLISLE ALGER GREGORY LIBE TOMPKINS T WE S PINCKNEY UT RT CO U CT S PE PR O ABERDEEN DU BOIS LINCOLN CH ES TN ER NT CE O AK ISBELL SE IGAN M ICH FOWLER IRE SQU LE GRAND N STILL VALLEY NORMANDY BIJOU IGA N MIC H GEORGE ANNETTE MOTOR ROXANNE MC C NU WA L HADDEN BA AR TH G M IN F LE RN BO DE AR CO UR T AR D RN ST AT E BOSTON CO UR T JONES HEATHER HEATH HE S W BRAE VIE MEADOWLARK ON MO ON AL B YR TH TARNOW SO U H M NW IC TANAGER E GRE EL ROOSEVELT EY M SH VA LL M BU DED Y O K W OO L LE RN VA C GR AN DR PA R A CO N NATIONAL BYR W NS IV E R INDIANA SUTTON DETROIT CE NT RA L PRIVATE THIRD E TO O AN E OV GR RO SE L K OA CATRELL SECOND FIRST FAIR GAL LOWAY 6 I-9 CITY OF HOWELL MASTER PLAN PARK 1,000 2,000 Feet Carlisle/Wortman Associates, Inc. Community Planners & Landscape Architects Ann Arbor, Michigan February 26, 2007 O 0 LIVINGSTON COUNTY, MI FUTURE LAND USE MAP 6 Downtown District Authority Township Property Recreation Public/Quasi-Public General Industrial Mixed Use Research & Development Limited Industrial Mixed Use Residential / Commercial Mixed Commercial Central Business District General Commercial Local Commercial Office / Research Park Office Mixed Density Residential Mobile Home Park Multiple Family Residential Single Family Residential Legend CITY OF HOWELL MASTER PLAN 611 E. Grand River Ave. CITY OF HOWELL Howell, MI 48843 REQUEST FOR REVIEW HO"W'Ell. MICHIGAN b Date _ ).L--t[4-'>£-l FAX: (517) 546-6030 Permit# _ _ _ _ __ '/- - /- l .( . . . ._ - - : - - - - - - - Location of Property (517) 546-3861 -2'-""-~'3__.'7'--f\) -/J--'t-.: .{.J. . d~ .IL!:.L:J:. .: . . .-L--_ ff . .f./-. . L. .rr/ ilc..:. . . .Jf =:- - " - - - - - - - - - - - - - - City Charter, Ordinance Chapter, Section and Paragraph you are petitioning under (ARTICLE 7 SIGNS) Body(s) to be Addressed 0 ~Planning Commission Zoning Board of Appeals 'PROPERTY ·owNER INFORMATION {(L S (t1 fu (•/-)(_ S ~ Ch. y Address 0{ S:O f Name Propez ~ f- City -~CS L....Lr----'-0+--'-'~c. .~ :.....::.___ State ~ Zip Jf 1/ b Signature giving consent to petition Signatu ~ Present SfePlan 0 Appeal C!] Proposed f2.- I 0 0 Nature of Petition Zoning rc.J.. 0 Corner Lot Yes Property Setbacks 0 No Lot Size width 0 5-cc Other _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 5vtrt·r depth _ _ _ _ _ _ sq. footage _ _ _ _ __ front _ _ _ _ _ _ rear _ _ _ _ _ _ right side _ _ _ _ _ _ left side _ _ _ _ __ State your case, be specific. If you desire a type of special consideration or special use, so state. If additional space is needed, attach as EXHIBIT A. 6 ( '{ 1;-tr ~ ;- J., r •J J,J. ,.J u~ ( ~ ro f os~ i7 rr{~~...vt.. 'f f fr,r., 1· k. Attach the following documentation with your request: 0 Legal Description of the Property (EXHIBIT A-1) 0 Architect/Engineering Drawing (EXHIBIT A-2) 0 Location Map (EXHIBIT A-3) Continued on back. Section 12.04(e) of the Zoning Ordinance requires that the applicant present evidence to show that if the Zoning Ordinance is strictly applied, practical difficulties will result to the applicant. Please provide a narrative and evidence concerning how all four (4) of these practical difficulties apply to your property. The Board of Zoning Appeals may not grant a variance unless it determines that each of the following circumstances exist. If additional space is needed, attach as EXHIBIT B. . 1. That the restrictions of the Zoning Ordinance would unreasonably prevent the owner from using the property for a permitted purpose. 3. That the plight of the landowner is due to the unique circumstances of the property. 2. That the variance would do substantial justice to the applicant as well as to other property owners in the district and a lesser relaxation than that requested would not give substantial relief to the owner of the property or be more consistent with justice to other property owners. 4. That the alleged hardship has not been created by any person presently having an interest in the property. Attach the following documentation with your request: 0 Survey of Property depicting the use/dimentional request (EXHIBIT B-1) 0 Construction Drawing(s) of Proposed Structure, if applicable (EXHIBIT B-2) Phone(~--~·---------------------- Cell(_) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Email _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Adilless ____________________________________________ City------------------- State _ _ Zip ___________ I hereby certifY that the proposed work, is authorized by the owner of record and that I have been authorized to make this application as his/her authorized agent, and we agree to conform to all laws of the State of Michigan. All informacion submitted on this application is accurate to the best of my knowledge. Section 23a of the State Construction code Act of 1972, Act No. 230 of the Public Acts of 1972, being Section 125.1523a of the Michigan Complied Laws, prohibits a person from conspiring a circumvent the licensing requirements of this state relating to persons or a residential structure. Violators of Section 23a are subject to civil fines. SignatureofApplicant -t-~--~~--~-----------------------------------Due __]___-~(~~---~(~)~-------Please Print ----tTA '-----/-(-"'.e_"-'o,_ ·- -4--- -"'---'--"--'--"'--"'V. "'-L ..__ - ---~ +---/Z =5__ Tide _____,{"--_ / u __.. 'ld """A.. "--'-- - - - - - - Tax Description Item No. 4717-36-402-029 Section .36, Town 3 North, Range 4 East. City of Howell, T.W. Mizner's Washington Heights Addition, Lots 11, 12, 15, 16, and 21 through 26, Block 15. Tax Description Item No. 4717-36-402-030 Section 36, Town 3 North, Range 4 East, Crty of Howell, T.W. Mizner's Washington Heights Addition, Lots 1.3 and 14, Block 15. Commonly known as: 237 North Notional Street TAX I.D. 17-36-400-038 198' 33' 33' I ~ LOT 22 LOT 21 LOT 23 I LOT 24 LOT 25 LOT 26 ~ I EXJSnNG PARCEl.. "' 1;; N "'~ N 0 I 0 I . ~ I ~ 9 .."' I I I') ~ <D "' I ~ ~ --- I ~ 9 I X 15 ~ I LOT 16 LOT 12 LOT 15 LOT 11 I ~ I I 33' 33' 33' 66' N. NATIONAL ST. TO GRAND RIVER AVE. TO E. CUNTON ST. EXISTING PARCELS TAX ITEM NUMBER 4617-36-402-029 TAX ITEM NUMBER 4611-36-402-o30 PART OF SECTION 36, TOWN 3 NORTH, RANGE 4 EAST, CITY OF HOWELl... UVINGSTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN DAlE: 3-16-15 JOB NO.: N.NATIONALST. SCALE: 1"=30' Gary K. Wuerfel, L.L.C. UCENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER 18224 JAMESTOWN CIR. NORTHVILLE, MI. 48168 734--216-0791 EMAIL: DRAWN BY: GW CHECK: GW SHEET: 1 OF4 CITY OF HOWELL MEMORANDUM TO: MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL FROM: ERVIN J. SUIDA DATE: APRIL 22, 2015 RE: BARNARD BUILDING ASSESSMENT REPORT Please find included with this memo the completed Facility Condition Assessment report from Lindhout and Associates. This report summarizes many of the challenges associated with the building including the physical condition, utilization and operational deficiencies. Also included in this report are options for improving the facility and costs associated with those options. Staff is confident that this report provides the detail necessary to strategically plan and budget for improvements necessary to the operations of this facility. Mr. Piet Lindhout and staff will be attending the meeting to answer any questions you may have on the report. REVIEWED AND APPROVED FOR SUBMISSION: Shea Charles, City Manager Lindhout Associates architects aia pc Our Mission April 10, 2015 Integrity in architecture and design in client relationships in employee relationships in community relationships Mr. Ervin Suida, Public Service Superintendent The City of Howell 150 Marion Street Howell, MI 48843 advancement in all these efforts Re: Barnard Center Dear Mr. Suida, The following report is issued per the City’s request, to serve as a tool to identify the assets and challenges involved with the Barnard Center. Currently used for storage and for the Howell Teen Center, the building is under-utilized, difficult to maintain, and has high operating costs at this time. This report is intended to assist the City in evaluating the highest and best use for the facility and to identify areas that can be improved to better serve the citizens of the community and to operate more efficiently in the future. The building was studied by our team of professionals: Licensed Architect – Piet W. Lindhout, Lindhout Associates Architects Licensed Mechanical Engineer – James Busha, PE, Mechanical, Electrical, Engineering Consultants, Inc. (MEEC) Licensed Electrical Engineer – Jordan Kovacs, PE, MEEC. The report findings included herein include: Physical conditions present at the time of our inspections. Current use plans Potential future use plans Potential improvement cost estimate We appreciate the confidence shown in our firm by the City of Howell and are pleased to provide this report. Please let me know if you have any questions in this regard. Respectfully Submitted, Piet W. Lindhout, Architect, CEO william p. lindhout michael j. o’leary frank l. pierron bradley m. alvord 10465 citation drive, brighton, michigan 48116 piet w. lindhout john w. eckstein robert j. king d. jason mcintyre michael j. kennedy holly a. osterhout david a. richardson joshua l. hendershot 810-227-5668 (fax) 810-227-5855 Lindhout Associates Architects Barnard Center Report April 10, 2015 Page 2 FACILITY REPORT Barnard Community Center City of Howell, Howell Parks and Recreation Authority March – 2015 Physical Conditions - Exterior Exterior walls and roof structure appear to be in satisfactory condition. The normal signs of temperature movement are present and some minor tuck pointing and sealing of masonry is needed. The roof shows signs of leaking in the interior ceiling, most notably in the gymnasium area, yet the roof showed no signs of fatigue on the exterior. Roof drains were clear and open, ballast was distributed well, and no signs of shrinkage (a common problem with EPDM ballasted roofs) were present. The age of the roof implies that a new membrane should be considered necessary in the near future, regardless of the visual appearance. It was noted that staff reports continued vandal issues with roof access. Water Collection Tub The most serious issue noted with the exterior walls is the failure of the exterior insulation and finish system (E.I.F.S.) in the retrofitted portion of the walls. Where the old windows were removed and replaced with EIFS, the birds have taken haven in the expanded polystyrene insulation. This allows moisture and temperature to penetrate the walls and causes long term problems. These areas should be repaired with a more durable material as soon as possible. Lindhout Associates architects aia pc 10465 citation drive, brighton, michigan 48116 810-227-5668 (fax) 810-227-5855 Lindhout Associates Architects Barnard Center Report April 10, 2015 Page 3 Masonry wall cracks were noted in the lower level of the Multi-Purpose room’s southwest corner and the two exterior walls in the southeast lower level mechanical room. These cracks appear to be wider at the top than the bottom, which is a sign of foundation movement, rather than the more common and less concerning temperature cracks. The southeast and southwest corners of the building should be stabilized with a deep foundation or other means. The southeast corner of the upper level multipurpose room has a crack on the exterior brick only, and indicates some movement, not shrinkage. Lindhout Associates architects aia pc 10465 citation drive, brighton, michigan 48116 810-227-5668 (fax) 810-227-5855 Lindhout Associates Architects Barnard Center Report April 10, 2015 Page 4 Serious foundation wall leakage was noted at the stage area, with structural degradation of the concrete block apparent. The wall needs repair and waterproofing in the very near future to maintain the integrity of the structure. Most hollow metal exterior doors and frames have failed. Years of salt applications for snow and ice control have damaged the doors beyond repair. Complete replacement is necessary. The exterior exit doors each have a concrete pad on the exterior. Current codes required all of these pads to be at floor level, and at least 48” x 60” to accommodate and exiting wheelchair. Most of the existing pads are less than this minimum size. Lindhout Associates architects aia pc 10465 citation drive, brighton, michigan 48116 810-227-5668 (fax) 810-227-5855 Lindhout Associates Architects Barnard Center Report April 10, 2015 Page 5 Physical Conditions - Interior Interior walls and doors from the original construction period appear to be in serviceable condition. Several changes made since the original construction include wood paneling partitions, hollow core wood doors, foamed plastic insulated ceiling panels, and other inappropriate materials. These elements should be removed and replaced with proper materials. Durability, Michigan Building Code requirements and Fire Code rules all come in to play in this regard. There was a noted separation of wall and floor slab in the upper level multi-purpose room on the west wall. This is of some concern, but appears to be a condition present for many years. The ceiling to wall joint directly above this area showed similar signs of movement. Further investigation of this area must be made prior to recommendation of repair. Due to the age of the facility, many doors, all plumbing fixtures, and both of the lower levels do not comply with the Michigan Barrier Free Design requirements, nor the Americans with Disabilities Act. Because the facility met the Codes of the period when constructed, upgrades solely for barrier free issues are not required. Any renovation work must comply, and once more than 50% of the structure is renovated, all of it must comply. More importantly, a community center should serve all of the community, including disabled and aged citizens. It is our recommendation to bring the facility up to current accessibility codes if continued use is desired. Lindhout Associates architects aia pc 10465 citation drive, brighton, michigan 48116 810-227-5668 (fax) 810-227-5855 Lindhout Associates Architects Barnard Center Report April 10, 2015 Page 6 All interior signage does not comply with the barrier free / ADA rules of today. Size, location, and lack of raised text + braille text are all issues that should be address with a renovation. Codes have changed over the years and the existing exit stair that connects the two floors does not comply with current codes. Any renovation work should include proper 1 hour rated enclosures with correct fire rated doors for the stair. The ceiling in the lower level multi-purpose room shows signs of mis-use and neglect. Upon first look, it appeared that there are multiple roof leaks, except there is not a roof above the ceiling. Many holes exist in the original plaster, perhaps from repairs made in the past. There is also an application of expanded polystyrene insulation board over the plaster. Again, there is occupied space above the room, so the insulation must have been installed for sound issues encountered by the Community Theater group. Regardless of the need, the insulation is likely to fail flame spread and smoke developed rating requirements for interior finishes. This should be removed and replaced with a different material that complies with code. Lindhout Associates architects aia pc 10465 citation drive, brighton, michigan 48116 810-227-5668 (fax) 810-227-5855 Lindhout Associates Architects Barnard Center Report April 10, 2015 Page 7 Throughout the building, 9”x9” floor tile was observed. Typically, this is vinyl asbestos floor tile and may contain asbestos. There were also signs of previous asbestos removal on the piping system for the boiler. Typically, these efforts do not remove all the asbestos, just that portion easily accessible. If major renovations were to occur, there is the likelihood of additional pipe insulation remediation. Any work on the floor would also require remediation of the 9x9 tile. There is a serious code violation in the teen center at this time. Technically speaking, there is only one exit out of the large gathering space. The exterior door in the movie room is not permitted to be counted as an exit for the large room, as exiting through adjoining spaces/rooms is not permitted in the Michigan Building Code. This may be accepted by the Fire Inspector during annual inspections. Generally speaking, the interior of the facility is painted concrete block. This is a very institutional look and not consistent with many of the potential users of the community center. Renovation work may include adding gypsum board to the walls to enhance the appearance. Another section of this report identifies the exterior walls as lacking insulation. Adding insulation and gypsum boards to the interior surface of the exterior walls will improve the energy performance and appearance of those walls. Physical Conditions – Energy Performance Common for the era of the original construction, the existing masonry walls have little or no insulation. The roof replacement in 1997 included adding 1 ½” of rigid insulation to the existing 1” of insulation. Today’s energy codes require at least 4” of rigid insulation. Adding another 1 ½” to 2” of insulation with a replacement membrane roof is in order. Lindhout Associates architects aia pc 10465 citation drive, brighton, michigan 48116 810-227-5668 (fax) 810-227-5855 Lindhout Associates Architects Barnard Center Report April 10, 2015 Page 8 We also recommend an adhered 60 mil. EPDM roof system instead of the ballasted EPDM roof system. The exterior masonry walls have little or no insulation. As a minimum, we recommend the addition of 1 ½” to 2” of rigid insulation be added to the interior surface, with a gypsum board interior finish surface added. As noted earlier, the EIFS installation on the exterior has failed in many places. Each failure point is an energy leak. Replacement of the EIFS should include re-insulating where necessary. Code requires 90 minute battery back up lighted exit signs and egress lighting systems. Several of the rooms lack exit signs and egress lighting, and where it is provided it is often inefficient candescent type. Renovation should include replacing these elements. The lighting and mechanical systems in place are energy hogs and should be replaced. Please refer to the mechanical and electrical sections of this report for those recommendations. Physical Conditions - Plumbing The building has a 2”domestic water supply with the meter located in the boiler room on the upper level at the front of the building. This size water service is ample for most uses in this size of building. Most of the water piping in the building except for that located in the boiler room appears to be original to the building. The plumbing fixtures also appear to be original to the building and will need to be replaced. Lindhout Associates architects aia pc 10465 citation drive, brighton, michigan 48116 810-227-5668 (fax) 810-227-5855 Lindhout Associates Architects Barnard Center Report April 10, 2015 Page 9 Many of the original single toilet rooms located in the old classrooms appear to have not been used in some time and the fixtures had even been removed from some of them. Domestic hot water for the building is being generated by a single gas fired 40 gal water heater that was installed in 2006. The roof drainage system is also original to the building and in working condition. There is a sump pump located in the basement that is currently working, the cover could not be removed to inspect the condition of the pump and interior of the pit during our site visit, the piping from the pit has been replaced at some point since the building was built. Physical Conditions – Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) In 1997 much of the heating system was replaced including the hot water boiler, distribution pumps and the distribution piping located on the upper level. The current boiler is a standard efficiency copper tube unit manufactured by Raypak. The system is piped in a primary/secondary configuration with a single primary boiler pump and two secondary distribution pumps, one active and one stand-by. Heating hot water is distributed to finned tube radiation, convectors, cabinet unit heaters and unit ventilators. Some of the unit ventilators have been replaced but all the other devices appear to be original to the building. There was some distribution piping exposed in the lower level ceiling that is original with the original insulation that should be checked for asbestos. Lindhout Associates architects aia pc 10465 citation drive, brighton, michigan 48116 810-227-5668 (fax) 810-227-5855 Lindhout Associates Architects Barnard Center Report April 10, 2015 Page 10 Heating units are being controlled by an old pneumatic control system that is in need of repair or replacement. The air compressor is very old and visually appears to be in poor condition, the air dryer is no longer functioning so moisture has most likely entered the system and affected many of the control components. There are currently 3 roof exhaust fans on the roof that all appear to be in poor condition, these fans serve the toilet rooms. A wall exhaust fan is also located in the lower level kitchen that is in poor condition and needs to be replaced. If the kitchen is to be re used with cooking then present day code would require a grease hood and make-up air system be installed. Some portions of the upper level are being air conditioned with ductless split systems or through the wall air conditioning units of various vintage from 3 years to approximately 10 years old. While these systems can condition the space they do not provide the code required ventilation air. During the heating season the units ventilators have the capability to provide ventilation air if they are functioning properly. To provide the required ventilation air during the cooling season all the unit ventilators would need to be replaced with heating and cooling type units. The building roof structure is to low to allow for a conventional ducted HVAC system. The current single phase electrical system may also not be large enough to accommodate the additional air conditioning load. Physical Conditions – Electrical Service The existing electrical service is rated 120/240-volt, single-phase, three-wire and is served from an overhead service drop with two weatherhead attachments. The electrical service is secondary metered with an indoor CT cabinet and utility company kilowatt-hour meter, located in the existing Boiler Room. The CT cabinet serves two separate enclosures, a 200-amp rated safety disconnect switch, and Panelboard “A”. Panelboard “A” is provided with a main circuit breaker, but the rating of this device or the bus is not indicated. The existing safety switch was manufactured by Frank Adams and Panelboard “A” is a Bulldog-Pushmatic. This dates the Lindhout Associates architects aia pc 10465 citation drive, brighton, michigan 48116 810-227-5668 (fax) 810-227-5855 Lindhout Associates Architects Barnard Center Report April 10, 2015 Page 11 service equipment back to the original building construction circa 1955-1956, which means the equipment is obsolete and should be replaced. The Bulldog-Pushmatic circuit breakers are unreliable, and may not trip under overload or short circuit conditions. The flags on the circuit breaker that indicate status (tripped, on, off) are also known to fail and indicate false status - a known safety issue. Several subpanels are located throughout the building. The subpanels are as follows: - Panelboard “LP-1” 120/240-volt, single-phase, three-wire 225-amp, main-lug only, 30-circuit Manuf. By: Frank Adams, No. AC Date: 1955-56 Location: Flush mounted in block wall near Multi-Purpose Rm on Lower Level Notes: Panel in need of repair. The cover latch is broken and not lockable and some of the circuit breakers empty positions are missing covers. Since the location is accessible to the public this panelboard must be kept locked per the National Electrical Code (NEC). - Panelboard “LP-2” 120/240-volt, single-phase, three-wire 100-amp, main-lug only, 20-circuit Manuf. By: Frank Adams, No. D Date: 1955-56 Lindhout Associates architects aia pc 10465 citation drive, brighton, michigan 48116 810-227-5668 (fax) 810-227-5855 Lindhout Associates Architects Barnard Center Report April 10, 2015 Page 12 Location: Flush mounted in block wall on stairwell Teen Center Computer Rm. on Upper Level. Notes: The fire rating of the stairwell enclosure (if required) may be compromised by the opening created by the flush mounted panelboard, and the associated conduit and wiring. - Load Center #1 120/240-volt, single-phase, three-wire 100-amp, main-lug only, 12-circuit Manuf. By: Square D, QO Load Center Location: Surface mounted in mechanical room near the Multipurpose Room. Notes: The load center panels serve general lighting, receptacle, and airconditioning loads, and are in good condition. - Load Center #2 120/240-volt, single-phase, three-wire 100-amp, main-lug only, 14-circuit Manuf. By: Square D, QO Load Center Location: Surface mounted in mechanical room near the Multipurpose Room. Notes: The load center panels serve general lighting, receptacle, and airconditioning loads, and are in good condition. Physical Conditions Conduit, Wiring, and Devices In general, the existing conduit and wiring system in the building is installed haphazardly. Several small renovations have been constructed throughout the building, resulting in a piecemeal distribution of branch circuits. In particular, the branch circuits installed in the Teen Center and Teen Center Computer Room (originating from Panel LP-2) are routed in unsupported conduit systems with open and unsupported junction boxes, and with improperly supported MC cable. Lindhout Associates architects aia pc 10465 citation drive, brighton, michigan 48116 810-227-5668 (fax) 810-227-5855 Lindhout Associates Architects Barnard Center Report April 10, 2015 Page 13 Conduit, wiring and MC cable is routed exposed through the stairwell adjacent to the Teen Center Computer room, which may impact the rating of the stairwell enclosure, if a fire rating is required by current building Codes. In the existing Classrooms the conduit and wiring system is in better condition, however, some of the surface mounted perimeter conduit systems are in need of new concrete anchor supports to refasten them securely to the wall. Most of the receptacle boxes are provided with steel cover plates that are in good condition. However, several of the thermoplastic cover plates - especially switch plates - are in bad condition, with some have openings that present a safety hazard. There is also an air compressor installed in the Janitor’s Closet that is not provided with a local disconnect switch as required by NEC, and the conduit serving the air compressor is not supported. Lindhout Associates architects aia pc 10465 citation drive, brighton, michigan 48116 810-227-5668 (fax) 810-227-5855 Lindhout Associates Architects Barnard Center Report April 10, 2015 Page 14 Due to the age and condition of the conduit system, it is assumed that the existing equipment grounding system is not adequate to meet current NEC requirements. The existing metal condition and box system should be checked for tightness of all connections to ensure a solidly-connected low-resistance ground path is maintained. All flexible conduits should be checked for the presence of an equipment grounding conductor. In conclusion, significant repairs will need to be performed to bring the existing conduit, wiring and wiring device system into safe and code-compliant condition. Physical Conditions - Lighting The interior lighting system consists primarily of fluorescent lighting fixtures that utilize T12 lamps and magnetic ballasts. This technology is no longer considered energy-efficient and is obsolete. Several lighting fixtures have damaged lens or other physical defects, especially in the Teen Center area. Some of the existing lamps are not installed, damaged, or burned out and some of the ballasts are not functioning. Due to the inefficient energy usage and poor condition of the existing lighting fixtures, replacement is recommended. There is an existing dimming control panel installed in the Multipurpose Room that was intended to control stage lighting. It is not functioning and this system needs to be removed completely, including all associated conduit, wiring, devices and fixtures. Lindhout Associates architects aia pc 10465 citation drive, brighton, michigan 48116 810-227-5668 (fax) 810-227-5855 Lindhout Associates Architects Barnard Center Report April 10, 2015 Page 15 EXTERIOR LIGHTING The exterior lighting fixtures are building mounted, and are controlled by a time clock. There are existing recessed squares in the front canopy that are in poor condition and should be upgraded with a retrofit kit, or replaced. There are two HID wall packs with acrylic refractors on the south elevation of the building that are also in poor condition, and should be replaced. There is one newer wall pack on the east elevation that has a glass refractor and is in good condition. EMERGENCY AND EGRESS LIGHTING The path of egress is fairly well identified throughout the building with a mixture of new and old exit signage. Most of the newer exit signs are LED type and are functioning, but the older exit signage is no longer illuminated and needs to be replaced. Additional exit signage would be required to meet current Codes. Emergency lighting along the path of egress is provided mainly by combination exit sign / emergency battery units with incandescent lamp heads. The performance of the emergency lighting system is not adequate to meet minimum lighting level requirements along the path of egress during a power outage. Additional emergency lighting fixtures and increased battery life would be required to meet current Codes. None of the exterior egress doors are provided with emergency lighting on the exterior side as required by current Codes. FIRE ALARM SYSTEM The existing fire alarm system is not functioning and should be removed or replaced, depending on the Michigan Building Code requirements of the new occupancy, which is driven by the number of occupants. (Intended future use is needed to address requirements, Senior Center use will not require a system) The exterior doors at the south end of the Multipurpose Lindhout Associates architects aia pc 10465 citation drive, brighton, michigan 48116 810-227-5668 (fax) 810-227-5855 Lindhout Associates Architects Barnard Center Report April 10, 2015 Page 16 Room are not provided with a fire alarm pull station within 5-feet of the doors, as required by NFPA. The occupant notification system consists of audible horns only, visual strobes are not provided per ADA requirements. Physical Conditions - Site The parking lot show signs of age and lacks the concrete curbing common in municipal lots today. Parking lot lighting is limited to inefficient flood lights attached to the building façade, which is not considered appropriate by today’s planners. A major reconstruction is in order. There are some significant historical elements associated with the athletic fields, most notably the cut marble stone identifying the “John S. Page Athletic Field” and “Class of 1942”. These elements should be preserved and made a part of any re-construction effort. Potential Renovations – Option One During staff discussions, many potential uses for the facility were explored. One such option was the conversion of the Barnard Center to Community Education and Senior Center function. A potential senior center / community education building program was developed with staff and a potential floor plan was produced. The program was developed with Mr. Paul Rogers based upon his knowledge of the program needs and functions. The new plan responds to the program fairly well. It requires a good deal of demolition work, the most noteworthy is the removal of the stage in the upper level multipurpose room, and construction of many new interior partitions. The interior improvements address all the significant items identified as needing correction in the existing conditions report. Also a part of Option One is the addition of new barrier free toilet rooms, a new elevator, and a new ramp. The addition addresses the major components of the accessibility issues noted in the existing conditions report. Centrally located barrier free toilet rooms on each floor level, and a full service elevator are included in the addition. The appendix of this report includes the following drawings on 11”x17” paper: G-1 Program Requirements for the Senior Center X-1 Existing Floor Plan X-2 Conceptual Floor Plan showing Senior Center Re-Purposing of Building. Lindhout Associates architects aia pc 10465 citation drive, brighton, michigan 48116 810-227-5668 (fax) 810-227-5855 Lindhout Associates Architects Barnard Center Report April 10, 2015 Page 17 Option One Costs It is very early in the design process, but for the purposes of discussion, we have developed the following cost estimate for the corrective work. COMPONENT DESCRIPTION UNITS UNIT COST TOTAL Site Work Demo Site Work New Curbing New Asphalt New Concrete Walks New Site Lighting New Landscaping $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Roofing Remove Existing New PVC Roof & Insulation New Edge Metal 9808 9808 622 2.5 5.75 24 $24,520.00 $56,396.00 $14,928.00 Demo EIFS Replace EIFS Remove and Replace Doors 1662 1662 10 5.5 12.5 2200 $9,141.00 $20,775.00 $22,000.00 Demolition Renovation Area 13692 13692 5.5 45 $75,306.00 $616,140.00 Renovation Area 13692 12 $164,304.00 Renovation Area 13692 9.5 $130,074.00 Barrier Free Toilets + Elev. 1450 250 $362,500.00 Professional Fees Contingency Furnishings Other 10% 15% 0% 5% 1496084 1496084 $149,608.40 $224,412.60 $0.00 $93,505.25 Exterior Walls Interiors Mechanical Electrical Addition Soft Costs TOTAL PROJECT COSTS Lindhout Associates architects aia pc 10465 citation drive, brighton, michigan 48116 1870105 $1,963,610.25 $129.68 Per S.F. 810-227-5668 (fax) 810-227-5855 Lindhout Associates Architects Barnard Center Report April 10, 2015 Page 18 Option One would require 4 to 6 months to renovate, if the building was vacated for the entire work period. Potential Energy Savings Our recent work in the areas of energy efficient renovations and additions has proven to be quite successful. The lack of any outside air being introduced into the mechanical system at the Barnard Center will limit our savings, as the costs of heating or cooling outside air has not been a factor in the past. None the less, we will still see utility bill reductions with the proposed renovations. Right now, the building is costing over $9000.00 per year in Gas and Electric consumption charges. Our experience predicts a savings of at least 40%, resulting in yearly savings of roughly $3,700.00. Option 2 – Demolish and Re-Build It is very premature to go too far with this option without a schematic plan of the potential site and building, but rule of thumb type estimating for a 10,000 S.F. Community Center indicates costs of roughly $1,800,000 to $2,000,000 for a concrete block and brick, wood roof framed structure. Comparison Discussion We have always found that new construction offers few compromises compared to renovating an older structure. It is likely that a new facility will function better and operate more smoothly for the Recreation Department. New projects also are likely to suffer from project creep – the project scope will grow as more needs are identified. I would predict if option 2 was selected, a larger building would eventually be constructed. As citizens of the earth, we owe strong consideration for re-use and renovate over demolish and replace. The unknowns of a renovation projects disappear when a new facility is designed and constructed. We often say that there are many skeletons in the closets of older buildings. End of the Barnard Report Lindhout Associates architects aia pc 10465 citation drive, brighton, michigan 48116 810-227-5668 (fax) 810-227-5855 • ...... iiw ~~0 ...w~:z: z z<( 1¥ w 1- z w u 1¥ < 0 II ====/111 z .... < 0~ >X:u 1- ..... .. _J 0... 0! 0 -!!l 0_J ~ ()0 :r Ill LL TEEN CENTER ........ l! @l~~ lbww a<II<D< J t:Hl~ ~zz aC'!C'! Ill .. !XIST. necHAIICAL r---, ,---, I I I I .:,2;!f! T~E S55 UPPER LEVEL Lll!. L!.G!.ND "'' PWL/VI1F ck'd• PWL - CQIIITIIIICTIOII ... IMLL CONIT. . . . PLOOR CONIT. LOWER LEVEL - · - · - · - · - IDGITING TO RIIIAII - - - - - tmDI!NIIDRit • • • • • • • • • • • • IDGITING TO ee ....,.,., --· .. ~--:.:w: -~ ~--~~~lr~r:~~~)r~~~~~~--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~====;::::::r=====:~--------------------~L_-iT·~·•:=u EXISTING FLOOR PLAN o s 2~ =.."'-~~ ...... app'd• fi PREP KI1CIEN 19'-9" 114'-o" 278.5 S.F. SR. COORD. CFF. 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Ill • 50 ~ REI10VE EXISTING EXIT DOOR AND PROVIDE N~ WALL .... :z:: z z<( < w I¥ w 1- ifi u REI10VE STAC.E AND STAIRS 0 """' < 0~ _J u 0.... >~ ... Ol 0 < ~ 0 z I¥ -= _J < Ill 0~ 1L I¥ INSTALL FLOOR LEVEL N~ SR?5%f~:.··" ·~ .......... EXISTING MECH. ROOM ~bill .... ~ il 000 UPPER LEVEL nl I d'• $101'-2" LOWER LEVEL RENOVATION-----NEW CONSTRUCTION TOTAL RENOVATION N~ CONSTRUCTION ~,1.28 d<'d• PWL SF ~~SF Nai"LDOII CDHIT. - · - · - · - · - IXIITIMG TO atAIN 10,5&4 SF -----~-~DDeMIOIK •••••••••••• ==.TOM 1.0111 SF 1~1 SF .,,,,.Hiiidliiil;:,..-~oo- 0 PWL/VMF 21 e2015 •"" ' CITY OF HOWELL MEMORANDUM TO: MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL FROM: ERVIN J. SUIDA, DPS DIRECTOR DATE: APRIL 22, 2015 RE: CHEMICAL FEED MODIFICATION Mayor and Council recently authorized a feasibility study to determine if we have the capability to convert our pH reduction system from Sulfuric Acid to CO2. This request was driven by an incident at the Water Treatment Plant when one of its stored Sulfuric Acid tanks ruptured causing the entire 300 gallon content to leak out. This rupture required notification to the Pollution Emergency Alerting System (PEAS), the Howell Area Fire Department HAZMAT Team and an environmental cleanup company. The spill was contained and cleaned with no injury or loss to property. However, the cleanup cost alone was over $27,000. HRC completed their study and found that the conversion to a CO2 process is feasible. However, the estimated cost for this conversion is higher than staff anticipated with equipment cost alone in the $200,000 range plus installation, engineering and contingencies making the total estimated project cost $345,000. This study is included in the memo. To better refine the costs and provide some additional savings Staff is recommending taking a slightly different approach. Refer to email from Jon Booth of HRC. This approach would authorize HRC to perform a limited set of design plans that would meet the minimum requirements of an MDEQ permit and allow us to receive accurate equipment pricing. Staff will also use these plans to seek pricing from our current process contractor working at the Wastewater Treatment Plant for installation pricing. Additional considerations, other than the cost of the equipment, are the proven benefits of using CO2 instead of Sulfuric Acid. As stated in HRC’s Feasibility Study Summary, Sulfuric Acid is a hazardous chemical that poses certain risks to property and employee safety during handling and use. Additionally, CO2 is not a hazardous material regulated under Part 5 of PA 451; it is also readily available and easy to use. The cost of CO2 is $0.04 cheaper than Sulfuric Acid per pound and should result in a savings between $10,000 and $12,000 annually. If we use the HRC estimate of $345,000 from the feasibility study this would be a Return On Investment (ROI) of 28 to 34.5 years. It is anticipated that conversion costs will be lower thus making the ROI more advantageous. Based on the feasibility study and discussions with our engineer, Staff is recommending proceeding with the design of converting our pH reduction from Sulfuric Acid to CO2. Staff recommends funds come from line item 591-564-801.004, Engineering Services. Funds have not been budgeted for this expense and a future budget adjustment of $15,000 will be necessary within the water fund. If Council authorizes Staff to proceed we will bring back the total project costs for approval at a future Council meeting. ACTION REQUESTED: Authorize HRC to develop the drawings necessary for the pH adjustments at the WTP in accordance with the Engineering Contract for an amount not to exceed $15,000. REVIEWED AND APPROVED FOR SUBMISSION: Shea Charles, City Manager Page 1 of 2 Erv Suida - pH Modifications at the WTP From: To: Date: Subject: Cc: Booth Jonathan <> "Erv Suida (" <> 3/30/2015 2:50 PM pH Modifications at the WTP Faught Nancy <>, "Wagenmaker, Trevor" <twagenmaker@h... Erv, As we chatted about last week, the conceptual estimate for the pH improvements at the water treatment plant (WTP) is higher than what was expected, and the amount is more than the City has budgeted for the coming fiscal year. We collectively agreed that while this project has a great deal of merit to proceed forward, unless we can get the project costs worked out, it will not be able to be built. From our draft report, to simply purchase just the equipment for this project is over 75% of the construction cost estimate. Currently, there is only 1 reputable supplier of the carbon dioxide equipment in Michigan, TOMCO. While there are other national suppliers, they are out of state and HRC has had no experience with their service after the sale on this critical piece of treatment equipment. Since the installation of the equipment for the pH project is such a small percentage of the overall project costs, HRC is recommending that the City not prepare a full set of plans and specs for “regular” bidding on this job. As an alternative, we are recommending the City purchase the equipment directly from TOMCO and solicit a quote from RCL (the general contractor currently working at the wastewater treatment plant) for the installation at the WTP. In order to obtain an accurate pricing from RCL, and for the City to be able to secure a permit from the MDEQ for the pH adjustment change, HRC proposes the following modified scope of design work for this assignment: · · · · · Prepare drawings showing proposed work, to include new CO2 tank outside of existing building with new electric feed and CO2 piping into building. This will include details for: a new concrete base for CO2 tank; a new control panel with electrical feed & SCADA connection; new water/ CO2 piping in the existing building; new diffuser installation in existing process piping; new pH probe installation plan, detail & wiring. We propose to use existing record drawings of the WTP as background drawings and write over them for the proposed work. This will save engineering effort versus creating all new building background drawings of the existing facility. No formal bidding specifications will be prepared. However, HRC will work with TOMCO to finalize a scope and cost for the direct City purchase of the equipment. We will prepare a MDEQ permit application so the City can secure a construction permit from them. HRC will transmit all this info to RCL for a price quote and will review their proposal. We will also write a recommendation letter to the City. We would recommend the City budget $15,000 for HRC to prepare the necessary drawings for the pH adjustment at the WTP. We would invoice the City on an hourly basis, up to this limit, in accordance with our existing contract. This amount would not be exceeded without your authorization. file:///C:/Users/esuida/AppData/Local/Temp/XPgrpwise/551962ADGWDOMAINCITHO... 4/23/2015 Page 2 of 2 Please let me know if you find this acceptable, and if you do, we will get working on this assignment right away. Also, if you need me to formalize this into a proposal, I can do that too….just let me know. Thanks! Jon Booth Hubbell, Roth & Clark 248-454-6340 office 1 517-292-1484 office 2 517-552-6099 fax 248-535-3316 mobile/text mess file:///C:/Users/esuida/AppData/Local/Temp/XPgrpwise/551962ADGWDOMAINCITHO... 4/23/2015 March 10, 2015 PRINCIPALS George E. Hubbell Thomas E. Biehl Walter H. Alix Keith D. McCormack Nancy M . D . Faught Daniel W. Mitchell Jesse B. VanDeCreek Roland N. Alix SENIOR ASSOCIATES Gary J. Tressel Kenneth A. Melchior Randal L. Ford William R. Davis Dennis J. Benoit Robert F. DeFrain Thomas D. LaCross ASSOCIATES Jonathan E. Booth Michael C. MacDonald Marvin A. Olane Marshall J. Grazioli James F. Burton Donna M. Martin Charles E. Hart Colleen L. Hill-Stramsak Bradley W. Shepler Karyn M. Stickel HUBBELL, ROTH & CLARK, INC. OFFICE: 105 W. Grand River Howell, MI 48843 PHONE: 517.552.9199 FAX: 517.552.6099 WEBSITE: EMAIL: City of Howell 611 E. Grand River Ave Howell, MI 48843 Attn: Mr. Erv Suida, DPW Director Re: Feasibility Study pH Chemical Feed Modifications City’s Water Treatment Plant (WTP) HRC Job No. 20140923.02 Dear Mr. Suida: As you are aware, the City of Howell currently utilizes a lime softening process to treat the potable water it sells to its customers. During lime softening treatment, the pH of the process water increases to approximately 11.0. To adjust it back down to an acceptable level prior to storage and distribution, the WTP feeds sulfuric acid to the flow downstream of the ClariCone tank. The final pH level of the water delivered to the City’s customers is less than 9.0. While the use of sulfuric acid provides adequate performance for the desired pH adjustment, it is a hazardous chemical which poses safety risks to WTP personnel and has the potential to damage equipment at the WTP. Therefore, the City requested Hubbell, Roth & Clark (HRC) to investigate an alternate chemical for pH adjustment. Carbon dioxide (CO2) is a proven chemical system used for pH adjustment of lime softened water at WTPs throughout Michigan. It is the popular chemical system of choice because it is very safe, readily available and easy to use. Typically a CO2 feed system consists of a liquid storage tank (usually set outside the plant with temperature/pressure control equipment), a feed/control panel in the plant (which meters the gaseous CO2 and mixes it with service water to produce carrier water) and a diffuser system (for dispersing the carrier water into the high pH softened water). The design average daily flow for the City of Howell’s WTP is 3.1 million gallons per day (MGD). The WTP is currently experiencing average day flows closer to 1.0 MGD. Based on this current flow, the average daily feed rate of CO2 needed to adjust the pH from 11.0, to just under 9.0, is 450 lbs/day. Based on our recent field visit to the WTP, HRC anticipates a new CO2 system could be configured as follows: • A new 14 ton liquid CO2 tank (approximately a 60 day supply) would be installed on a new concrete pad, just outside the WTP, near the employee parking/water fill station area. A 460V electrical feed for the control equipment of the tank would also be required. Y:\201409\20140923\06_Corrs\Design\2015 03 10 Feasibility Study_final.docx Mr. Erv Suida March 10, 2015 HRC Job Number 20140923.02 Page 2 of 3 • A new CO2 gas feed pipe would be installed from the new storage tank, thru the outside concrete wall of the WTP, into the existing pipe chase between the filters and the clear well. It would extend down to a new control panel to be located in the existing lower sludge pump area. The new control panel would be wired for electrical service and be able to receive the pH level signal from the pH probe. The existing pH probe will be replaced as part of the project due to its age and current condition. • A new 2” water feed line will be installed from downstream of the backflow preventer to the new control panel. This feed line would supply water to the control panel for mixing with the CO2 gas (the combination of water and CO2 gas forms carbonic acid). Approximately 55 gallons per minute of carrier water will be needed for this mixing operation. The panel will control the feed rate of the CO2 gas automatically based on the pH set-point, and will mix it with the water to create carrier water. • From the control panel, the carbonic acid would be fed via a new 2” pipe to the process water, just downstream of the ClariCone. To provide sufficient mixing of the carbonic acid with the process water, a new diffuser will be installed in the submerged section of the piping in this location. • A sampling tank will be added offline from the main flow, downstream of the diffuser. This will provide a sampling location for more accurate pH level readings. Traditionally, WTPs are equipped with a recarbonation tank that would provide ±15 minutes of detention time for the pH reduction to occur. Unfortunately, there is insufficient room/space within the existing WTP for a new recarbonation tank; and constructing a recarbonation tank outside of the existing WTP would be very costly. However, there other WTPs in Michigan feeding CO2 without utilizing a recarbonation tank. This modified operation has proven to perform well in a WTP like Howell’s where there is an on-site finished water storage reservoir to provide additional detention time before the water is pumped into the distribution system. There will be one operational/maintenance issue with installing the CO2 diffuser in the existing piping downstream of the ClariCone. It’s one of accessibility, due to the elevated height above the floor. It’s possible to mitigate this situation by modifying the piping to bring the diffuser closer to the floor, or by constructing an additional catwalk to it. We have included an allowance under Alternate Items in the attached Engineers Opinion of Probable Project Cost for the City’s consideration on this matter. The feed rate for the CO2 is automatically controlled in the new control panel. This is accomplished by the panel receiving the signal from pH meter and adjusting the CO2 feed accordingly to maintain an operator inputted set point. However, the control setpoint must be input into the control panel. While the plant’s SCADA system will Y:\201409\20140923\06_Corrs\Design\2015 03 10 Feasibility Study_final.docx Mr. Erv Suida March 10, 2015 HRC Job Number 20140923.02 Page 3 of 3 continuously monitor the pH level in the finished water, it will not be able to control the CO2 feed system. We have attached an Engineers Opinion of Probable Project Cost for the proposed CO2 modifications. The total estimated cost to implement this work is projected to be $345,000, which includes an allowance for engineering and contingencies. A permit from the MDEQ will be required for this work which will require sealed, engineered plans & specifications be prepared. Due to the relatively small size/cost of the modifications, and since this type of CO2 equipment is manufactured by a single company, HRC believes it would be more cost effective for the City to purchase the equipment directly from the manufacturer, and then hire a local contractor for installation. The attached Engineers Opinion of Probable Project Cost is based on this methodology. If the City were to prefer to publically bid the project, we would recommend that the Engineers Opinion of Probable Project Cost be increased by 10% to account for the additional administration costs. If you have any questions or require any additional information, please contact the undersigned. Very truly yours, HUBBELL, ROTH & CLARK, INC. Trevor Wagenmaker, P.E. TSW/JB/tsw/jb Attachment pc: City of Howell; S. Charles, J. Webster HRC; N. Faught, J. Booth, M. Darga, file Y:\201409\20140923\06_Corrs\Design\2015 03 10 Feasibility Study_final.docx ENGINEER'S OPINION OF PROBABLE PROJECT COST Howell, MI Telephone: 517-552-9199 PROJECT: Carbon Dioxide Feed DATE: 3/11/2015 LOCATION: City of Howell Water Treatment Plant PROJECT NO. 20140923 BASIS FOR ESTIMATE: [x] CONCEPTUAL WORK: [ ] PRELIMINARY [ ] FINAL ESTIMATOR: City purchase of CO2 equipment and contractor installation TSW CHECKED BY: CURRENT ENR: ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION QUANT. UNIT UNIT AMOUNT TOTAL AMOUNT 1 Carbon dioxide storage tank & feed equipment 1 LS $ 200,000 $200,000 2 Concrete pad for tank & restoration 1 LS $ 10,000 $10,000 3 CO2 gas piping 75 LF $ 50 $3,750 4 Water piping 50 LF $ 70 $3,500 5 Installation of diffuser control panel 1 LS $ 23,000 $23,000 6 Electrical feed to panel & outside tank 1 LS $ 15,000 $15,000 7 New pH probe, controller & wiring 1 LS $ 5,000 $5,000 8 New sampling pipe 1 LS $ 5,000 $5,000 Subtotal $265,250 Engineering $39,750 Contingencies (~15%) $40,000 Project Total $345,000 Alternate Items 20" piping reconfiguration or catwalk for maintenance 1 LS $40,000 CITY OF HOWELL MEMORANDUM TO: MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL FROM: SHEA CHARLES, CITY MANAGER DATE: APRIL 30, 2015 RE: CITY HALL REPAIRS Hubbell Roth & Clark (HRC), in preparation to design the east wall repairs, conducted an additional investigation of the building. Unfortunately their effort revealed additional structural issues which are discussed in the attached report. The report includes options from basic repairs to consideration of a new building. The HRC investigation revealed that the north and south load bearing walls are not tied to the internal structural framework and none of the outside walls have any vertical reinforcement. Staff has recently noticed the south wall is showing signs of movement on the third floor. The level of effort and cost to address the structural issues is significant and HRC’s recommendation is the City considers a new building. Given the City’s current fiscal dynamics I do not feel this is an option and recommend pursuing the basic fix and monitoring. This option will allow the City to develop a long term plan for the building. HRC representatives will be in attendance to review their report and answer any questions. Shea Charles City Manager City of Howell City Hall Building Wall Crack Investigation & Evaluation HRC Job No. 20140750 PRINCIPALS George E. Hubbell Thomas E. Biehl Walter H. Alix Keith D. McCormack Nancy M . D . Faught Daniel W. Mitchell Jesse B. VanDeCreek Roland N. Alix SENIOR ASSOCIATES Gary J. Tressel Kenneth A. Melchior Randal L. Ford William R. Davis Dennis J. Benoit Robert F. DeFrain Thomas D. LaCross Albert P. Mickalich ASSOCIATES Jonathan E. Booth Michael C. MacDonald Marvin A. Olane Marshall J. Grazioli James F. Burton Donna M. Martin Charles E. Hart Colleen L. Hill-Stramsak Bradley W. Shepler Karyn M. Stickel HUBBELL, ROTH & CLARK, INC. OFFICE: 555 Hulet Drive Bloomfield Hills, MI 48302-0360 MAILING: PO Box 824 Bloomfield Hills, MI 48303-0824 PHONE: 248.454.6300 FAX: 248.454.6312 WEBSITE: EMAIL: April 29, 2015 GENERAL: A detailed investigation of the City Offices at 611 East Grand River was performed by Hubbell, Roth & Clark, Inc. (HRC) on April 2, 2015. This investigation followed two previous investigations performed by our firm. The first was a preliminary structural evaluation that was conducted in November of 2013 and the second was a laser scan survey of the east and west stairwells that was performed in January of 2015. All were conducted in response to observations made by the City regarding the development of cracks at building walls, suspected to be related to the performance of the building’s structural system. The original building design drawings (circa 1977) indicate that the building structure consists of steel columns, beams and open-web steel joists with exterior walls constructed of concrete masonry units (CMU) faced with brick. The floors are comprised of wire mesh-reinforced concrete slab over corrugated metal deck. Wide rib metal decking supports a loose-laid membrane roof system. SUMMARY OF FIELD INVESTIGATION FINDINGS: The key focus of the recent April 2nd investigation was to verify the existing conditions relating to the structural connections between the aforementioned building components, in order to determine why interior wall cracks continue to develop in the building. It was of particular importance to document the presence or absence of connections between the exterior walls and the steel roof/floor structure. The original design drawings indicate that the beams and joists were “to be grouted or bricked tight into wall pockets.” During the investigation, it was confirmed that the physical connection between the exterior load-bearing CMU walls (north and south) and the steel structure relies solely on the use of grout and solid masonry units grouted around the beams and joists to “hold” them in place (SEE FIGURE 1). Though the beams are grouted into the wall pockets, this connection method is not in keeping with current industry standards, because the beams are not physically attached to the walls with an anchored bearing plate between them. Further, the investigation confirmed that there are no essential connections between the steel beams/joists and the non-load bearing CMU walls on the east and west sides of the building (SEE FIGURE 2). In HRC’s January 28, 2015 report following the laser scanning of the east and west stairwells, it was noted that the original design drawings called for a length of structural steel angle north of the east stairwell on the second and third floors only. It was also noted in the report that the presence or absence of this connection had not yet been field verified. The April 2nd investigation confirmed that there is no structural steel connection between the 2nd and 3rd floors and the walls in these areas. It is important to note that the presence of structural connections between \\VH16\Projdocs\201407\20140750\03_Studies\Working\CKC\4_29_15_report\field_investigation_report.docx Mr. Shea Charles, City Manager City of Howell April 29, 2015 HRC Job Number 20140750 Page 2 of 16 the floors/roof and the walls for the full perimeter is essential to the building’s ability to properly resist lateral structural loads, in particular, wind loads. In addition to documenting whether or not there are connections between the exterior CMU walls and the steel structure, HRC’s investigation also focused on the masonry wall system as a whole. Because the walls are a critical component to the means by which a building moves and breathes, HRC was looking to confirm the existence of additional key details whose presence better ensures a robust building system. Inspection of the walls from both the interior and exterior of the building confirmed the following: • • A lack of joints in both the brick and CMU layers of the wall system to allow for controlled cyclic movement due to temperature, humidity and settlement (SEE FIGURE 3). A lack of weep holes to allow for water/condensation drainage out of the wall cavity and to allow ventilating air to enter behind the wall to help dry the structure (SEE FIGURE 4). Based on HRC’s review of the original design drawings, the wall construction appears to be a “mass” type wall, with no real airspace or gap between the CMU and face brick. At the time the building was constructed, this design was an acceptable construction practice. Current industry standards recommend that a 1-inch to 2-inch air space be provided between the CMU and face brick. This airspace is now understood to be critical to allow moisture that is present within the wall cavity from wind-driven rain and condensation to collect and run down the cavity space where it drains via weep holes located at the base of the wall assembly. Review of the original design drawings also confirmed that there was no requirement in the drawings for continuous vertical steel reinforcement grouted into the cores of the block walls. Though it is not entirely unusual for a building of this vintage to lack vertical reinforcement in the masonry, the development of analytical methods for the design of engineered masonry has furthered the belief that vertical reinforcement is essential for resistance to horizontal wind load as it provides additional continuity and strength within the CMU wall mass. In addition, this reinforcement within the block helps to transfer the loads imposed on the wall into the steel structure. The lack of vertical reinforcement in combination with the lack of adequate structural connection between the walls and steel structure mean that there is a troubling discontinuity between the steel structure and the walls enclosing the building. It is believed that the building’s lack of “best practice” construction details, such as those summarized above, have contributed to the cracking of the interior CMU, particularly along the east perimeter wall of the building. In the southeast corner of the 3rd floor Mechanical Equipment Room, HRC documented a notable gap where an interior partition wall meets the east perimeter wall (SEE FIGURE 5). Measurements could not be taken for verification as access behind an adjacent duct shaft was limited. \\VH16\Projdocs\201407\20140750\03_Studies\Working\CKC\4_29_15_report\field_investigation_report.docx Mr. Shea Charles, City Manager City of Howell April 29, 2015 HRC Job Number 20140750 Page 3 of 16 HRC investigated the interior side of the walls for the full perimeter of the building on all (4) floor levels, where access was allowed. In general, evidence of deterioration of some of the interior finishes was documented including broken grout joints at the interface of cove and floor tile in the restrooms (SEE FIGURE 6). Cracks in the drywall where interior partition walls meet the perimeter walls were noted where wallpaper or built-in casework did not cover these interfaces. In some cases, it was noted that the vertical joints at these walls had been caulked for the full height of the room, which would indicate that signs of separation have been evident for a significant time period. Wall cracks were observed along both the east building wall and also along the south perimeter wall, including the City Manager’s office suite and the adjacent conference room. Cracks through the concrete block faces and mortar joints were observed in the 2nd floor vault, which is located in the northeast corner of the building. The walls in the vault have been painted in the recent past, making it more difficult to identify the cracks, but HRC was able to determine the presence of cracks beneath the paint. Similar to the observation of caulk in the corners of rooms with drywall along the south wall, it appears as though cracking has been occurring over an extended period of time leading up HRC’s April 2nd inspection. Though it cannot be concluded definitively, it is likely that these signs of deterioration may be attributed to the lack of physical connection between the steel structure and masonry walls. No structural cracks were observed in the drywall-finished walls of the offices along the north wall of the building. Though cracks were observed frequently at the interior CMU walls (where HRC had visual access to them), no ostensible cracking was documented in the face brick during inspection of the building exterior. Typically, the face brick absorbs moisture more readily because it is made of clay. In addition, its exposure to both weather and solar conditions causes it to expand and contract more frequently than the concrete block layer, which remains more dimensionally stable because there is less temperature and humidity fluctuation on the interior of the building. The resulting differential behavior of the brick and block, combined with the fact that they are physically linked together in the wall construction via horizontal wire ties that are laid in the mortar joints, results in a transfer of stress from one layer to the other. In this case, the brick appears to be stronger than the block. Because there are no control joints in either the brick or block layers, there is no natural path to relieve the stress of this cyclic movement and so cracking has occurred in the concrete block and mortar joints. LASER SCAN RESULTS & FIELD INVESTIGATION OF STAIRWELLS: It is important to this analysis of the cracking issues in the building to make reference to HRC’s January 28, 2015 letter, which detailed the process and outcome of HRC’s laser scanning of the east and west stairwells earlier that month. The primary purpose \\VH16\Projdocs\201407\20140750\03_Studies\Working\CKC\4_29_15_report\field_investigation_report.docx Mr. Shea Charles, City Manager City of Howell April 29, 2015 HRC Job Number 20140750 Page 4 of 16 of the scan was to verify if any exterior walls had moved out of alignment in the vertical direction and to document the extent of that movement. The laser scanning was performed with the objective that the data collected would provide a benchmark for the conditions at that time. The laser scan performed by HRC was started on the east side of the building using known survey control points and continued around the entire exterior of the building. The control was then surveyed into the stairwell and used to scan into the basement level of the stairwell and up to the third floor by traversing using laser targets. This process was repeated for the west stairwell. The scanned images were combined to reconstruct each stairwell and the exterior of the building in 3D. East Stairwell: The scan of the east stairwell revealed that the face brick of the perimeter wall had migrated easterly, or away from the building, an average of one inch at the third floor level and approximately 3/8-inch at the second floor level (SEE FIGURE 7). The base of the brick at grade was found to be plumb. For the CMU in this same nonloadbearing perimeter wall, the scan results showed that the block had migrated easterly an average of 5/8 inch at the third floor level. Again, the base of the CMU at the basement level and at grade remained plumb. The increase in the out-of-vertical measurements toward the second and third floors is likely attributed to the decrease in self-weight towards the top of the wall. This cumulative self-weight, which is greatest at the bottom, helps to keep the wall nearer to grade from migrating away from the rest of the structure. Thus, the focus of remediation, should this option be pursued, will be at the interface of each the roof, third and second floors with the perimeter wall(s). Cracking of the CMU in the east stairwell was also noted in various locations, particularly on the second and third floors. As documented in HRC’s report following the preliminary structural evaluation conducted in November of 2013 and recorded again on April 2nd, a notable gap was observed where the north interior partition wall separating the Mechanical Equipment Room from the stairwell meets the east perimeter wall (SEE FIGURE 8). This gap was observed at the same wall interface, but from the Mechanical Equipment Room side, as illustrated in Figure 5. Results from the January 2015 laser scan of the other interior walls in the east stairwell indicated that these walls are within construction tolerance, with the exception of the previously-noted interface of the north interior wall and the east perimeter wall. On the third floor, a crack was noted beginning at the top corner of the window and continuing up through the five courses of block above the window to the top of the parapet wall at the roof. The width of the crack was documented at approximately 3/8inch on April 2nd (SEE FIGURE 9). \\VH16\Projdocs\201407\20140750\03_Studies\Working\CKC\4_29_15_report\field_investigation_report.docx Mr. Shea Charles, City Manager City of Howell April 29, 2015 HRC Job Number 20140750 Page 5 of 16 West Stairwell: The January 2015 laser scan results of the west stairwell indicated that the west perimeter wall was still within construction tolerance, the base of the perimeter wall was plumb at grade, and the vertical alignments of the other interior walls of the west stairwell were within construction tolerance. As noted in HRC’s report following the preliminary structural evaluation conducted in November of 2013, the south wall of west stairwell is an interior partition wall that separates the stairwell from the office area. Cracks were observed in the concrete block of this interior wall on the 3rd floor (SEE FIGURE 10). These cracks are not believed to be indicative of a migration of the west perimeter wall away from the steel structure, as is the case with the east wall. Rather, they are more likely caused by the open web joists as they span over this interior partition to bear on the north perimeter wall. The joists were grouted solidly into this partition wall using a combination of grout and solid brick units, essentially locking them into the wall and causing a direct transfer of stress from the joists to the masonry during seasonal expansion and contraction of the different materials (SEE FIGURE 11). Cracks were also noted around the stairwell window on the 2nd floor, migrating horizontally through the mortar joints across the landing to the future knockout panel that was constructed in the west perimeter wall. In addition, HRC observed a gap where the east interior partition wall, separating the stairwell from the elevator, meets the north perimeter wall (SEE FIGURE 12). At the basement level of the west stairwell, HRC documented evidence of water intrusion where the vinyl baseboard molding is adhered to the concrete block at the floor. It was noted that the paint was blistered but that no moisture was present at the time of the inspection on April 2nd (SEE FIGURE 13). VIBRATION MONITORING STUDY: In October of 2014, HRC performed vibration monitoring and corresponding traffic counts in an attempt to correlate the movement of trucks on Grand River Avenue and the vibrations being felt by staff on the second and third floors of the City Offices. In HRC’s February 3, 2105 report, it was concluded that none of the vibrations recorded during the study exceeded established values associated with a detrimental effect on a building structure. Approximately 4% of the data that was collected registered as perceptible by humans, a much lower threshold. In the report, HRC concluded that the vibrations into the building appear to be independent of the cracking that is occurring in the exterior CMU walls. The April 2nd investigation confirmed definitively that there is an absence of connections between the exterior walls and the steel roof/floor structure. This, combined with the building’s lack of “best practice” construction details, has contributed to the deterioration of the CMU walls, not vibration due to Grand River traffic. \\VH16\Projdocs\201407\20140750\03_Studies\Working\CKC\4_29_15_report\field_investigation_report.docx Mr. Shea Charles, City Manager City of Howell April 29, 2015 HRC Job Number 20140750 Page 6 of 16 CONSTRUCTION OPTIONS SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS: As stated previously, it is HRC’s opinion that the signs of deterioration at the walls may be attributed to the lack of physical connection between the steel structure and the perimeter masonry walls. This appears to be especially notable at the east wall, where a significant portion of the cracking has been observed, and the wall is migrating away from the building. It is important to note that this wall is most in need of remediation as there are concerns that if this wall continues to migrate further away from the building, gravity will start to have an effect on the wall’s stability. Based on HRC’s review of the site conditions and our current understanding of the issues with the building structure, it is recommended that until the City determines what course of action to pursue in remedying the building issues, the area to the east of the building should be cordoned off with fencing and signage, indicating that the area is restricted from access. The limits of this zone should be established at a distance from the wall equal to the height of the wall plus four feet, at a minimum. It is also recommended that temporary protection be provided over the egress door and sidewalk at the east stairwell (SEE FIGURE 14). This provision addresses the possibility of isolated units or small portions of the masonry wall falling to grade if the wall begins to move past its equilibrium point and experience localized failure of the masonry. Further, the City may elect to construct temporary protection over the atgrade electrical transformer located at grade next to the east wall. Damage to the air chiller unit on the east side is less of a concern due to its distance from the building and the fact that isolated units or small portions of the masonry wall are not likely to fall at a trajectory away from the building but rather straight down. HRC recommends that these safety and protection measures be taken as soon as possible as the spring season has arrived and with it, the potential for threatening weather events. As it relates to the joists that were grouted solidly into the partition wall in the west stairwell resulting in cracking of the CMU, HRC recommends removal of the grout and solid brick units from around the joists where they span over the interior partition wall. Infill of the voids around the joists with flexible fire-rated materials is essential to achieve the proper fire rating of the stairway as required by code. After considering all of the data collected in our investigations of the building, HRC has devised several construction options to mitigate building movement issues. Two options for construction of an entirely new building have been provided as well. All options include an allowance for providing temporary protection over the egress door and sidewalk at the east wall, to be installed now, and remain in place until remediation efforts have been completed. \\VH16\Projdocs\201407\20140750\03_Studies\Working\CKC\4_29_15_report\field_investigation_report.docx Mr. Shea Charles, City Manager City of Howell April 29, 2015 HRC Job Number 20140750 Page 7 of 16 For each option, HRC has provided an estimated life expectancy and project cost as well as factors that should be considered by the City as the pros and cons of these options are weighed (SEE Construction Options Summary). Option 1 – East Wall Tie Back & Repointing This option focuses solely on remediating the east wall, as it is HRC’s area of critical concern. Lengths of rectangular steel tube would be placed on the exterior of the building to align with steel framing at the 2nd floor, 3rd floor and roof, and connected through the exterior wall to both new and existing interior steel framing to prevent the wall from continuing to migrate away from the building. Once the wall has been stabilized, the interior CMU mortar joints at exposed locations would be repointed (existing mortar removed and new mortar installed in joints). Cracks in the grout of the tiled toilet rooms at the southeast corner of the building would also be renovated, amongst other architecturally-related repairs. This option would prevent a catastrophic failure of the east wall, but would not prevent cracks from reappearing as the wall itself would still lack key construction details like vertically-reinforced masonry, an airspace and weep holes. Option 2- East Wall Tieback, Repointing and Control Joints This option is similar to Option 1, with the addition of control joints in the exterior brick of the east wall. The brick would be saw cut vertically from the base of the wall to the parapet cap. The joint would be filled with backer rod and sealant to complete the system. The addition of these joints in the brick would aid in relieving the stress transfer from brick movement to the CMU. It would not eliminate cracks in the CMU walls from reforming, but it would offer additional movement capacity to reduce the potential for additional cracking. Add: South Wall Connection to Beams/Joists up to Column Line D (± 30 feet from SE corner) This addition considers the connection of the exterior masonry wall to the steel beams and joists at the 2nd and 3rd floors and roof from southeast corner of the building along the south wall for approximately 30 feet. Included in this addition are architecturallyrelated components such as the replacement of the existing acoustical ceiling tile system with an alternative ceiling system after it is removed to gain access for the structural work, repair of cracks in the grout of the tiled toilet rooms, and repair and repainting of drywall as required. Add: South Wall Monitoring Program This addition provides for the installation of crack-monitoring gauges on the interior of the building (were accessible) for approximately 30 feet along the south wall. Readings will be taken from the gauges on a prescribed schedule. The data will be plotted and the results interpreted. This option includes cost for installation of the gauges, monthly readings and data interpretation for a 12 month period. \\VH16\Projdocs\201407\20140750\03_Studies\Working\CKC\4_29_15_report\field_investigation_report.docx Mr. Shea Charles, City Manager City of Howell April 29, 2015 HRC Job Number 20140750 Page 8 of 16 Option 3- East Wall Rebuild This option calls for the full rebuild of the east wall with vertically-reinforced concrete masonry units (CMU) faced with brick and tied to the existing steel structure using industry-standard methods. It should be noted that temporary relocation costs for the building’s occupants are not included. Option 4- Single Story New Construction This option includes demolition of the existing building and reconstruction of a new 10,000 square foot single-story office building with a steel roof deck and brick-onblock exterior walls. Temporary relocation costs are not included. Option 5- Two-Story New Construction This option includes demolition of the existing building and reconstruction of a new 10,000 square foot two-story office building with a steel roof deck and brick-on-block exterior walls. Again, temporary relocation costs are not included. HRC recommends the City choose either Options 4 or 5 for construction of a new building. While the other options can be provided at a lower cost, they do not offer a long-term solution. For Options 1 and 2, the deterioration issues will not be permanently addressed and will require future investment of both time and money within the coming years. For Option 3, it is highly likely that the rebuilt east wall will outlast the life expectancy of the rest of the building systems. Further, as the entire rest of the building continues to age, the mounting costs of capital improvements may lead the City to consider a new construction alternative on this basis alone. If funding does not allow for the consideration of either of the new construction options, HRC recommends that the City pursue a combination of either Options 1 or 2 (to connect the east wall to the existing steel structure) and a monitoring program along the south wall for a distance of about 30 feet, beginning at the southeast corner. \\VH16\Projdocs\201407\20140750\03_Studies\Working\CKC\4_29_15_report\field_investigation_report.docx Mr. Shea Charles, City Manager City of Howell April 29, 2015 HRC Job Number 20140750 Page 9 of 16 Solid brick unit & grout Figure 1- Exterior load-bearing masonry wall with steel joist grouted into masonry wall pocket Figure 2- No physical connection of any kind was found between steel structure and the non-load bearing walls on the east and west behind polystyrene insulation boards \\VH16\Projdocs\201407\20140750\03_Studies\Working\CKC\4_29_15_report\field_investigation_report.docx Mr. Shea Charles, City Manager City of Howell April 29, 2015 HRC Job Number 20140750 Page 10 of 16 Figure 3- No joints in either the brick and block layers to allow for cyclic movement Figure 4 - No weep holes to allow for water drainage and ventilation of wall cavity \\VH16\Projdocs\201407\20140750\03_Studies\Working\CKC\4_29_15_report\field_investigation_report.docx Mr. Shea Charles, City Manager City of Howell April 29, 2015 HRC Job Number 20140750 Page 11 of 16 East perimeter wall Gap Interior partition wall Figure 5 – 3rd Floor Mechanical Room- notable gap where interior partition wall meets the east perimeter wall Figure 6- Broken grout joints at cove to floor tile interface in restrooms \\VH16\Projdocs\201407\20140750\03_Studies\Working\CKC\4_29_15_report\field_investigation_report.docx Mr. Shea Charles, City Manager City of Howell April 29, 2015 HRC Job Number 20140750 Page 12 of 16 Figure 7 - East stairwell face brick has migrated away from the building an average of one inch at the third floor level \\VH16\Projdocs\201407\20140750\03_Studies\Working\CKC\4_29_15_report\field_investigation_report.docx Mr. Shea Charles, City Manager City of Howell April 29, 2015 HRC Job Number 20140750 Page 13 of 16 Gap Figure 8 – 3rd Floor Stairwell- notable gap where an interior wall meets the east perimeter wall Figure 9 – 3rd Floor Stairwell- crack beneath window \\VH16\Projdocs\201407\20140750\03_Studies\Working\CKC\4_29_15_report\field_investigation_report.docx Mr. Shea Charles, City Manager City of Howell April 29, 2015 HRC Job Number 20140750 Page 14 of 16 Figure 10 – 3rd Floor Stairwell- cracking in south interior partition wall Figure 11- Joist grouted solidly into the interior partition wall as it spans across to bear on north perimeter wall \\VH16\Projdocs\201407\20140750\03_Studies\Working\CKC\4_29_15_report\field_investigation_report.docx Mr. Shea Charles, City Manager City of Howell April 29, 2015 HRC Job Number 20140750 Page 15 of 16 West perimeter wall Gap Interior partition wall Figure 12 – 3rd Floor Stairwell- gap where interior partition wall meets north perimeter wall Blistered paint at base molding Figure 13 – Evidence of water intrusion at basement level of the west stairwell \\VH16\Projdocs\201407\20140750\03_Studies\Working\CKC\4_29_15_report\field_investigation_report.docx Mr. Shea Charles, City Manager City of Howell April 29, 2015 HRC Job Number 20140750 Page 16 of 16 Stairwell Door Transformer behind screen wall Figure 14- Consider temporary scaffolding to protect the transformer and egress door of the east stairwell \\VH16\Projdocs\201407\20140750\03_Studies\Working\CKC\4_29_15_report\field_investigation_report.docx Option Construction Options Summary Construction Option Description Estimated Life Expectancy 2 East Wall Tieback + Repointing + Control Joints 10 years Similar to Option 1 plus sawcutting control joints in exterior brick, full height of building (includes (see considerations) treatment of joint w/ filler, backer rod & sealant) Add Add 1 East Wall Tieback + Repointing - Add framing to connect to existing steel structure at 2nd & 3rd floors and roof (3 levels along east) and repoint cracked block joints from interior South Wall Connection to Beams/Joists- at 2nd & 3rd floors and roof, up to Column Line D (+ 30 feet from SE corner) 10 years (see considerations) 10 years South Wall Monitoring Program up to Column Line D (see considerations) (+ 30 feet from SE corner) 3 East Wall Rebuild- Eliminate window pilasters, add control joints in both interior block and exterior brick wythes 4 5 Howell City Offices- Wall Investigation HRC Job No. 20140750 Estimated Project Cost 1 Considerations $247,000 Will avoid catastrophic failure but must anticipate continuation of symptomatic signs due to antiquated construction detailing 2 $395,000 Degree/continuation of symptomatic signs will be reduced over Option 1 because addition of control joints should relieve stress transfer between brick and block $41,000 Includes costs for replacement of existing acoustical ceiling tile system with alternative ceiling tile system after removal to gain access for structural work $5,000 For installation of crack-monitoring gauges & 6 months of data interpretation Likely that this wall will "outlive" the rest and/or the mounting costs of capital improvements. Does not include temporary relocation costs. 20 + years (see considerations) $450,000 Single-Story New Construction 50 + years $2,950,000 Assume 10,000 SF for City Offices only. Includes demo of existing building. Does not include temporary relocation costs. Two-Story New Construction 50 + years $3,500,000 Assume 10,000 SF for City Offices only. Includes demo of existing building. Does not include temporary relocation costs. 1 includes 15% for contingencies, design & construction administration services and allowance for protective scaffolding design/construction 2 lack of bearing plates, wall connection to steel structure, reinforcement in masonry, airspace, weep holes \\VH16\Projdocs\201407\20140750\03_Studies\Working\CKC\4_29_15_report\Constr_options_CKC_REVISED.xlsx CITY OF HOWELL MEMORANDUM TO: MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL FROM: ERVIN J. SUIDA, DPS DIRECTOR DATE: APRIL 28, 2015 RE: BENNETT LOT PROJECT AWARD The City received 4 sealed bids for the Bennett Recreation Center Lot Improvement Project. These bids were publicly opened at 2 pm on April 24, 2015 and recorded. Attached you will find a bid tabulation sheet and a recommendation from the project engineer. The low bidder was Allied Construction of Clarkston, Michigan. Staff concurs with the Engineers recommendation to award the bid to Allied Construction of Clarkston, Michigan. Allied has performed work for the City in the past and has done an excellent job. Funds for this expense have been budgeted in the 2014/15 and 2015/16 budget at $60,000 each fiscal year for a total of $120,000. ACTION REQUESTED: A motion to award the Bennett Parking Lot Improvement Project to Allied Construction of Clarkston Michigan for the unit price bid amount of $104,621.10. REVIEWED AND APPROVED FOR SUBMISSION: BUDGETED & AVAILABLE: Shea Charles, City Manager Catherine M. Stanislawski, Fin. Dir. April 28, 2014 Erv Suida Director of Public Services City of Howell 150 Marion Street Howell, MI 48843 Re: Bennett Recreation Center Parking Lot Recommendation of Contract Award Mr. Suida, On April 24, 2015, bids were received for the Bennett Recreation Center parking lot improvements. The project consists of pulverizing the existing asphalt pavement and recycling it for an aggregate base for the new parking lot. New asphalt pavement will be placed and additional parking spaces will be added to the lot. ADA accessible upgrades will also be made throughout the site. Enclosed is a tabulation of the bids received. A total of four (4) bids were received, with the low being $104,621.10 and high being $131,395.00. The low bid was submitted by Allied Construction of Clarkston, MI. The final engineer’s estimate for the project was $115,000. The three low bidders are summarized as follows: Contractor Allied Construction Company, Inc. T&M Asphalt Paving Asphalt Specialists, Inc. Bid Amount $104,621.10 $114,330.00 $127,554.75 Allied Construction has successfully completed other projects similar to the Bennett Recreation Center parking lot, and they have received favorable recommendations from their references. Therefore, we recommend the award of this project to Allied Construction Company, Inc. at the unit prices bid which, when applied to the estimated quantities, result in a total bid amount of $104,621.10. If you have questions or need additional information, please do not hesitate to contact our office. Sincerely, Philip A. Westmoreland, P.E. Project Manager SPICER GROUP, INC 125 Helle Blvd. Dundee, MI 48131 Phone: (517) 375-9449 mailto: CC: SGI File Stronger. Safer. Smarter. Spicer. WWW . SPICERGROUP . COM 811)$ FON. UENNETT kECREATION CENTI!k PAR KINO LOT REPLACEMENT CITY OF HOWF.I.l TAK&I ON: Moodoy, April ~7. :!<liS AIDOF.RS>> AlliN Cornlruttion Cl:~tbfn.ll, Ml .... C..r~N~cd I. :us 2. :l,lSO 3. 2.15 l.Jn. i!L 4. 1.10 s. hc,m Qus r:IIIf Umt ~01100 Sq. Yd. Umt J'me Amo'lnf T&M A~phtlt P<tVII\1 Sprci<~lis:ts., Inc. Molfbnl, Ml Pnrrlt:lt:, Ml Vnu Pnoe Amour~l Unit hice N;~;IC!! Po~vrng Co. N~~1 . A lnOI~ol Ml Uml t'nl"C A,...,. P'aw'JIII:Ul\;1) S7.JS $.2...1{)2.2$ $5.00 SI~.OO $5.1121 111 Sl6.00 $ 5.360.01) HM.A Rase!! CMhmC~td ~h~p u~o;: SJ 70 s 12,025.001 Sl..lO SMO §J.l,uoo.uu Sl.BO s 12.3:10.00 Cum. Cone:., lk1 t-"2 S21.8S 5},134.75 Sll.OO S22•.Stl SS,l87.SOI 52:!.00 SS.IlU.OO Sq. Yd. A~~"!''~: SIS.6~ Sl..1•7.SOI !ll!.OO Sl.lOO.OUI Sll.OO Sl.l<Oil!JOII St1.oo $1.800.00 7.10 Tnu HMA. SF.l $76.<0 sss.m .ool !80.00 s~uoo.ool $12.00 Sl2,liiU.OOI SR1.00 Y.O.S'l<UIIl 6. !3S Sq. Yd. Couc . ...11\'1,, Nonn."lrrf. V inct\ Sl9.7S S9J41.2S Sftt.OO $70.85 $15.00 SI7.62S.OOI 7. 1 UuupSum l.ornpSuJu S2 ,U.'iO.ou Lump Sum ssoo.oo l.ump Sunr 52,000.001 Lump Sum S2.SOO,OO K I,SSU Sq. f!t. $3.15 $.1 .882.~0 S·tOO S6.20fi.OO SS.2S sa, m.~n Sf,.oo ~9.}00.001 9. I lADI]) Sl)tn Lump Svm $3.2~0.001 10 I I I. I ll. l9 ll I Sq. Y~. Aast, 9-)n..:h.liAA 1'~'-cowru M:trk•n~ Sidc:walks. Corte'.• 4·•nth LumpS~• Lump Sam Lti!IQ~l'l S.l.OOO.OO I.IIOlf'I .~U111 s:;ocu111 lumpS~;~m l.vmp .'itun S) .OOO.llll S6U,UO $1 ,740.00 sss.oo S.StUxt SI ,4SO.OO lllmJ'I s~nl llil!!!1!!l Lllmp Sum luU!p S1.1111 ~ Lump S~m Llimp S1am Lvmp Soos TniTJt cn..,JMI. t.b:Ji r~tt~ '""""' S.m l.&ld~ Lun'PSum Scdl.n11:'1U .-znd £rusKJn Ca ~tt l\la lANp Sutn 55).65 E.xh Du~er ew:tow:rc B"niPCt aJor:ts lufi'{ISUill S•t.<! M.cstanumn Lt~mp Sum TOTAL MIOUNJ' OF BID M -'\I: IY1¥SI:1!fll4 · l~tl k«"'~l.u'lh!l~ ),iltJiillf•lo+JkM:~t kn:l'ftlil•"t.'twt ~~~ ~ ....~t_li~ $10~,621.10 '""'j s.uw $114,lJU.OO SHI.)IlOJ)( SIZ7.SS4.7S I Sll1,39S.tll CITY OF HOWELL MEMORANDUM TO: MAYOR AND COUNCIL FROM: MARCEL GOCH, DPW SUPERINTENDENT DATE: APRIL 23, 2015 RE: DPW MAINTENANCE BUILDING ROOF REPLACEMENT For the last few years we have noticed a deterioration of the Public Works Maintenance building roof (former Marion Street Sub Station). In trying to get as much life out of it as possible we have made small repairs to get by, but a rough winter has taken its toll and we determined that a full replacement is warranted. Attached to this memo you will find three quotes that were obtained through the sealed bid process that correspond with the prices below. $10,995.00 Weather Guard Roofing - Canton, MI $11,407.00 Ferguson Roofing Inc. - Howell, MI $23,000.00 CEI Commercial Roofing, - Howell, MI (Did not submit) DR Roofing-Howell, MI (Did not submit) Spirit & Sons Roofing Per City policy the local contractor was within 5% and within $500 of the lowest price which makes Ferguson Roofing the low bid. $90,000 was budgeted in line 641-441-975-000 for roof replacement of the main building as well as the DPW maintenance building. Staff will be bidding out the main building later this year. ACTION REQUESTED: A Motion to approve Ferguson Roofing of Howell Michigan to perform roof replacement of DPW Maintenance Building for a price not to exceed $11,407.00 REVIEWED AND APPROVED FOR SUBMISSION: BUDGETED & AVAILABLE: Shea Charles, City Manager Catherine M. Stanislawski, Fin. Dir. FERGUSON ROOFING INC 2015 Moorlands View Howell, MI 48855 (517) 545-3362 Office (810) 908-2231 Mobile April14, 2014 To: Howell Public Works Attention: Marcel Goch Work to be performed at 150 Marion St, Howell, MI 48843. *Tear-off existing roof * Replace any rotten or damaged roof decking (1/2" CDX), is $1.50 per sheet ft. installed. *Install new 1 1h" faced drip edge along all eves and rakes (white) *Install three feet of ice and water shield on all eves (1 row) *Install 15 lb felt underlayment to the entire remaining roof deck * Install approximately 51 squares of Royal Sovereign three-tab shingles *Install new aluminum based pipe flashings *Install Snow Country ridge vent ventilation system *Install new gutters and downspouts (1,200.00 included in total cost) *Clean up and debris removal included Material and Labor Total: $11,407.00 We the undersigned agree to the following terms. X.__________________________________________________________ *Terms: 50% of total due at booking and the remaining balance due upon completion of the job. Sincerely, Vance Ferguson Ferguson Roofing Inc RFP Process Tracker Contractor or Supplier shall include a separate proposa l sheet on their company letterhead that identifies the scope of work and the cost breakdown for each task. Bidder shall include the total cost of the work as outlined in their proposal sheet in the appropriate box below . Any alternates to this RFP by the Bidder shall be entered as an alternate with the associated cost spelled out below . l:ir.i~ ! '~' 'illUI~ Roof Replacement • 0 • ··-=1.. fTi' •. , :t>/0; dUG , t../g ,~/~0~;;:1 f.~v~O Roof Sheathing replacement {if needed) .:.ll~-1@ Trim replacement{if needed) Square foot cost=$ $ Yz.'' c.. t> x sr_. i-t hiS \-c.J.J ....d I· SO f Square foot cost=$ ~-r lr ;'()', w\·,' 1-t t.. , C> I cl $ :!J,oo pr:;'i:: -l=4- A Jnsf-o.-llc. . Schedule Bidder is required to submit start dates, delivery dates and completion dates as outlined below . The City may reject a bid if these dates do not meet the needs as outlined within the scope of work. Delivery Please deliver or Mail your sealed RFP to the City of Howell Clerks Office at 611 E. Grand River Ave. Howell MI, 48843, attention to "City Clerk" with the Project name clearly marked on the envelope . RFP must be received prior to the date and t ime identified as the RFP deadline. This information is located on sheet one of this proposal. Acknowledgement The Contractor I Supplier acknowledges that this is a request for proposals and not an agreement to perform or supply work or materials. Once the City selects the successful bidder and council approves the RFP the City and Contractor I Supplier shall enter a contractual agreement to provide the services as outlined within the successful Bidders proposal. Bidders may also be required to submit at a minimum the following insurance requirements : 3/25/2015 Request for Proposal Process Tracker Page 4 Proposal I Contract 8217 Ronda Dr Canton, Ml48187 Phone: (734) 425-9665 Fax: (734) 545-8361 Novi: (248) 344-4966 Brighton: (810) 229-6003 Licensed & Insured Proposal Submitted To: Howell Public Works - Quote No.: 10982 Street: 150 Marion St Home Phone: 517-546-7510 City, State, And Zip: Howell, Ml Cell Phone: Referred By: Internet Job Location : Quote Date: 3/26/2015 We hereby submit specification and estimate for: Tear-off & Reroof House ( ) Garage ( X ) • Remove existing layers of shingles and inspect roof deck. • Replace bad wood as needed, Extra cost of $40.00 per 4X8 sheet or $3.00 per linear ft 1X6. • Install drip edge to entire roof perimeter, white, black, brown, almond. • Valleys (if any) to have triple layer closed valley system (Ice Guard in valley). • Install Ice & Watershield 6 ft. up on eaves and around skylights and chimneys. • Install High Performance Synthetic Underfayment. • Install a total of 0 new bird proof vents. • Install continuous ridge vent? Yes • Install new pipe flanges. • Install new chimney flashing . • Cover landscape to protect from damage, clean up and haul away debris and clean gutters. Also use magnet for yard clean up. • LEAK FREE GUARANTY 10-12 YEAR WORKMANSHIP WARRANTY from Weather Guard Roofing. • Install heavy weight starter shingles and accented hip and ridge caps. • Install new heavy weight shingles to manufacturers specifications and provide city permits. Installed Prices for Limited Lifetime Roofing Systems Color: Undecided Price Good: Owens Coming Oak Ridge $10,995.00 Better: Certainteed Landmark or GAF Timberline High Definition $11,445.00 Best: Owens Coming Duration True Definition $11 ,795.00 'Add On: W e Propose hereby to furnish material and labor-complete in accordance with the above soecifications. for the sum of: Dollars: l$. L. : : .0.:. ;.0. ;:..:0~------' Payment to be made as follows: No Money Down -Pay In Full Upon Completion or 12 Months No Interest or Low Monthly Payments All materials are guaranteed to be as specified. All work to be completed in a workmanlike manner according to standard practices. Any alteration or deviation from above specifications involving extra costs will be executed only upon written orders, and will become an extra charge over and above the estimate. All agreements are contingent upon strikes, accidents or delays beyond our control. Contractor to carry necessary liability and workman's insurance . Contractor will assume no liability for damages or leaks which have been caused by acts of god including but not limited to hail, gale winds, ice dams, foundation or rafter shifts, or any other action outside control of contractor. Submitted By: Steve Bicoll ~~~~~~--------------- Note: This proposal may be withdrawn by us if not accepted within 30 days. Acceptance of Proposal · The above prices and conditions are satisfactory and are hereby accepted. You are authorized to do the work as specified . Payment will be made as outlined above. Authorized Signature: Acceptance: --::::; M,~p~J~P:=~::,2::::.6:::"::!:2::,0~~=='5~,=====----I Date of V I n ..... _ uo ~c r....~t-H.OIIVC . ~m~~· ~====================~ - HO\- f =.LJ . . JC HICi1\ X City of Howell Request for Pricing (RFP) From Department of Public Works on DPW Mainte nance Building Roof Replaceme nt Overview The RFP process invites suppliers to submit competitive bids for project work or products. This process encourages competition and provides prospects with fa ir and honest dealings w ith suppliers . This RFP is issued by invitation only. Proposa l I nformati o n This section identifies a scope of work so bidders can provide an accurate proposal. I f bidder requires clarification or additional information they must contact t he projects manager in writing (email acceptable). This information, if pertinent to the bid will be sent to al l other proposal holders . • Maintenance Building Roof Replacement t •• Ap r il 15, 2015 3-DPW-15 2:00PM Scope Please subm it the quote using the below scope of work, alternates o r add itions to th is scope must be clearly identified as such on the proposal. Tear off and disposal of asphalt shingle roof on DPW Maintenance Building Replace anv damaged wood sheathing or trim if necessary Install new asphalt shingle roof with all required underlayment's Install new storm gutters and down spouts Materials and installation must meet all building code Job Requirement & General information On site inspection required before RFP is submitted Contractor will be r e sponsible for obtaining proper permits including inspections. Work times are Monday-Friday from 8:00a.m. -7:00p. m. Once job has been started contractor is required t o finish project in its entirety. When job is finished work area to be cleaned of all nails and debris and inspected by DPW representative before payment will be issued. Contractor will work on placement of dumpster with DPW representative as to not interfere with daily operation. ---'=L= = 3/ 25/2015 ~~-===-c:..-.-~"r.::l!' ·----------==--.. Request for Proposal Process Tracker =:;=:::r" ~~ ·- ~-=-··~~-· Page 2 RFP Process Tracker Any and all unforeseen changes to this Contract must be discussed and agreed upon by both parties. Specifications Roof replacement must include removal and proper disposal o f materials Asphalt shingle-minimum25 year life expectancy-(to be selected by owner) Applicabl e Ridge vent Aluminum gutter & down spout material Roof sheathing and trim replacement material must match existing with approval of DPW Representative A sheathing replacement cost must be provided at per a square foot price and needs to include removal and installation. Sheathing replacement will be with approval of DPW Representative. A trim replacement cost must be provided in a per square foot price and needs to include removal and installation. Trim replacement will be with approval of DWP Representative. Project Management The City's contact information for the person and depa rtment in charge of this proposal. 517-546-7510 ofhowell.or 517-546- 6019 Proposal Sheet (This portion to be filled out by the bidder) Provide the contact information of the person r esponsible for t his RFP who is authorized by this company to execute an agreement with the City of Howell. ! address Z.l 4o I v ' .,..~ ~·n l-l'o~vcu.....I AI 3/25/2015 : Email I phone numbers I A-l, U•~ 4otl.t~ Request for Proposal Process Tracker J i>E"T£•\5-C.V (tte'i bttov~ i...L.C • £.,; /"\ ~I 7 .:)\;'(! JC>C"Y! Page 3 RFP Process Tracker Contractor or Supplier shall include a separate proposal sheet on their company letterhead that identifies the scope of work and the cost breakdown for each task. Bidder shall include the tota l cost of the work as outlined in their proposal sheet in the appropriate box below. Any alternates to this RFP by the Bidder shall be entered as an alternate with the associated cost spelled out below. L:i~" J Ro~f Replac_e_m_e_n_t~~------~,~--~-----~·--i-- Roof Sheathing replacement (if needed) Square foot cost=$ 'J../;,.:>c Trim replacement(if needed) Square foot cost=$ ~.oo $ Schedule Bidder is required to subm it start dates, delivery dates and completion dates as outlined below. The City may reject a bid if these dates do not meet the needs as outlined within the scope of work. Delivery Please deliver or Mail your sealed RFP to the City of Howell Clerks Office at 611 E. Grand River Ave. Howell MI, 48843, attention to "City Clerk" with the Project name clearly marked on the envelope . RFP must be received prior to the date and time identified as the RFP deadline. This information is located on sheet one of this proposal. Acknowledgement The Contractor 1 Supplier acknowledges that this is a request for proposals and not an agreement to perform or supply work or materials. Once the City selects the successful bidder and council approves the RFP the City and Contractor I Supplier shall enter a contractual agreement to provide the services as outlined within the successful Bidders proposal. Bidders may also be required to submit at a minimum the following insurance requirements : 3/25/2015 Request for Proposal Process Tracker Page 4 RFP Process Tracker o Insurance certificates: General Liability PD $500,000/500,000, PL $500,000/500,000, with the City of Howell as added insured on the policy. Not as certificate holder. o Workmen's Compensation- Michigan Statutory or acceptable in Michigan as full and exclusive coverage. o 3/25/2015 Proof of insurance on trucks and equipment. - -- - - - - - -- - - - - - --·----- - Request for Proposal Process Tracker Pege 5 -- CITY OF HOWELL MEMORANDUM TO: MAYOR & COUNCIL FROM: MARCEL GOCH, DPW SUPERINTENDENT DATE: APRIL 21, 2015 RE: DEPOT STORM DRAIN MAINTENANCE PROJECT The Howell Storm Sewer system expands through many parts of the City and has several outfalls. As this system collects water runoff from roads, parking lots and other surfaces it collects sediment (sand and debris). From time to time the areas of discharge (outfalls) need to be cleaned out by digging or dredging to maintain proper drainage. One such area is the Depot Drain Outfall, North of the rail road tracks on Wetmore Street. This drain leads to the pond behind the Depot building. The area receives storm water runoff from surrounding streets and over time becomes obstructed with sediment decreasing its flow. This maintenance is required every ten to fifteen years and was last done at this location in 2000. The removal of sediment at this specific outfall requires the use of equipment that the City does not possess. Based on this need Staff developed an RFP for this work and invited five local firms to bid. Please find below three (3) quotes we received through the sealed bid process to perform the work required. $6,200.00 Michigan Land Works LLC- Howell, Michigan $7,190.02 Regal Rigging and Demolition Inc.-Howell, Michigan $19,000.00 TLS Construction-Howell, Michigan Did not submit Prolime Did not submit Kensington Valley Excavating Staff is comfortable recommending this work to the low bid Michigan Land Works LLC. Funds for this work have been budgeted and are available in line item 202-454967.000 in the amount of $10,000. ACTION REQUESTED: A motion to approve the contract with Michigan Land Works LLC of Howell Michigan to perform maintenance of the Depot Drain for a price not to exceed $6200.00 REVIEWED AND APPROVED FOR SUBMISSION: BUDGETED & AVAILABLE: Shea Charles, City Manager Catherine M. Stanislawski, Fin. Dir. Michigan l .a nd Works - Jason Ocha Phone: (517)-202-9251 5364 Norton rd. Howell M l - RFP 2-dpw-2015 - Dredging city drain North of great Lakes ra il road - $4700 - Too c lear brush North of great lakes rail road - $1500 Total: $6200 RFP Process Tracker Schedule Bidder is required to submit start dates, delivery dates and completion dates as outlined below. The City may reject a bid if these dates do not meet the needs as outlined within the scope of work. No later than June 15, 2015 Depot Storm Drain Maintenance Project Delivery Please deliver or Mail your sealed RFP to the City of Howell Clerks Office at 611 E. Grand River Ave. Howell MI, 48843, attention to "City Clerk" with the Project name clearly marked on the envelope. RFP must be received prior to the date and time identified as the RFP deadline. This information is located on sheet one of this proposa l. Acknowledgement The Contractor I Supplier acknowledges that this is a request for proposals and not an agreement to perform or supply work or materials. Once the City selects the successful bidder and council approves the RFP the City and Contractor I Supplier shall enter a contractual agreement to provide the services as outlined within the successful Bidders proposal. Bidders may also be required to submit at a minimum the following insurance requirements: 3/20/2015 o Insurance certificates: General Liability PD $500,000/500,000, PL $500,000/500,000, with the City of Howell as added insured on the policy. Not as certificate holder. o Workmen's Compensation- Michigan Statutory or acceptable in Michigan as full and exclusive coverage. o Proof of insurance on trucks and equipment. Request for Proposal Process Tracker Page 4 RFP Process Tracker Job Requirements Onsite meeting and start date information with DPW Representative will be required when project is awarded. Some brush clearing may need to take place to enter area . Contractor is required to make contact, obtain permitting and follow guidelines given by Great Lakes Railroad for crossing of tracks prior to work beginning. Methods of crossing will also need to be approved by Great Lakes Railway and supplied by contractor, i.e. muck pads, planking. Project Management The City's contact information for the person and department in charge of this proposal. Proposal Sheet (This portion to be filled out by the bidder) Please provide complete name for the business . . .. LLL Provide the contact information of the person responsible for this RFP who is authorized by thi s company to execute an agreement with the City of Howell. . . Name Contractor or Supplier shall include a sepa rate proposal sheet on their company letterhead that identifies the scope of work and the cost breakdown for each task. Bidder shall include the total cost of the work as outlined in their proposal sheet in the appropriate box below. Any alternates to thi s RFP by the Bidder shall be entered as an alternate with the associated cost spelled out below. a· • - ) • .. . ... . .. Depot Storm Drain Maintenance Project 3/20/2015 'L(I.JW..:..1111Lilllo."11.:::11:Ujt'l•:.t:{IJ::.llj.."f.:.110 $ Request fo r Proposal Process Tracker bdOO Page 3 :1 645 Lucy Road· Howell, Mi. 48843 (517) 546-3820 · Fax (51 «) 546-4159 To: Howell Department of Public Services Contact: Marcel Goch, Public Works Superintendent Phone# (517)-546-751 0 Re: 2015 Depot Storm Drain Maintenance Project This proposal includes all of the outlined criteria in RFP # 2-DPW-2015. Permits will be pulled by Regal Rigging and Demolition. Job will take 3-4 days. It will take one day to mobilize in, one day to mobilize out, and 1-2 days to execute the work. Required equipment (D-6 dozer, 330 long stick excavator, matting for RIR crossing and to support 330. Coordination with Great Lakes RIR for crossings. $7190.02 This agreement does not include and is the responsibility of Owner where applicable: 1. Environmental (if needed). Other Terms: 1. Regal will not be held liable for any damages upon entering and exiting said property due to trafficking (i.e. curbs, gutters, spoils, concrete, etc) except to the extent cause by Regal Recycling, Inc. including negligence on behalf of employees. 2. Regal shall maintain all necessary insurances. 3. Regal will complete the project within the project requirements. Payment Terms: Within 30 days of completion. Thank you, Jeff LaFave Director of Field Operations/Purchasing 517-518-2177 Overview The RFP process invites suppliers to submit competitive bids for project work or products. This process encourages competition and provides prospects with fair and honest dealings with suppliers. This RFP is issued by invitation only. Proposal Information This section identifies a scope of work so bidders can provide an accurate proposal. If bidder requires clarification or additional information they must contact the projects manager in writing (email acceptable). This information, if pertinent to the bid will be sent to all other proposal holders. ~P~gject r," RFP.Oeadline City of Howell Depot Storm Drain Cleaning April 14th 2:00PM _ RFP number 2-DPW-2015 Scope Please submit the quote using the below scope of work, alternates or additions to this scope must be clearly identified as such on the proposal. . L . . ~cope ~f Ylork proposed Dredging of City drainage ditch from cement storm drain north of Great Lakes Railroad to open water pond area. Location of work Csite visit required) Lot next to Howell Train Depot at corner of Wetmore Street & Walnut Street. Work will take place on north side of Great Lakes Railroad tracks. A Picture of area has been provided with this RFP indicating loading & unloading area, dredging location and spoils area. All spoils to remain onsite. Estimated work time of 1-2 days. Possible equioment needed Long Stick Excavator Muck Pads Rubber matting or wood planking Brush clearing equipment General conditions Job completion and billing invoice must be submitted no later than June 15, 2015. Care will be taken not to damage road by using rubber matting or planking when loading and unloading equipment if machinery cannot be unloaded off of street. 3/20/2015 Request for Proposal Process Tracker Page 2 RFP Process Tracker l ob Requir ements Onsite meeting and start date information with DPW Representative will be required when project is awarded. Some brush clearing may need to take place to enter area. Contractor is required to make contact, obtain permitting and follow guidelines given by Great Lakes Railroad for crossing of tracks prior to work beginning. Methods of crossing will also need to be approved by Great Lakes Railway and supplied by contractor, i.e. muck pads, planking. Project Management The City's contact information for the person and department in charge of this proposal. Proposal Sheet (This portion to be filled out by t he bidder) Please provide complete name for the business. Provide the contact information of the person responsible for this RFP who is authorized by th is company to execute an agreement with the City of Howell. . ' ' Contact information Name Email / phone numbers address 0S l.u4-' ~1 iI ~-u,ft11 J f<£-fa.v e. et>z,'c.:./-, . c.;T'I ~1-:::J--S?s~.::lt-:j-:f- 1 . 77r'i?. . 1 . ~ -r L ~2:st:;.(:.[fU',f'~leJ"'«.:/~OJ,, Contractor or Supplier shall include a separate proposal sheet n tne1r company letterneaa t:nat identifies the scope of work and the cost breakdown for each task. Bidder shall include the total cost of the work as outlined in their proposal sheet in the appropriate box below. Any alternates to this RFP by the Bidder shall be entered as an alternate with t he associated cost spelled out below. Project Company proposal number Depot Storm Drain Maintenance Project 3/20/2015 TOTAL COST FROM PROPOSAl-- $ Request for Proposal Process Tracker 7/90, Co/ Page 3 · RFP Process Tracker Schedule Bidder is required to submit start dates, delivery dates and completion dates as outlined below. The City may reject a bid if these dates do not meet the needs as outlined within the scope of work. , Project Project Start I delivery date Depot Storm Drain Maintenance Project Compl_etion Date I Work pays No later than June 15, 2015 Delivery Please deliver or Mail your sealed RFP to the City of Howell Clerks Office at 611 E. Grand River Ave. Howell MI, 48843, attention to "City Clerk" with the Project name clearly marked on the envelope. RFP must be received prior to the date and time identified as the RFP deadline. This information is located on sheet one of this proposal. Acknowledgement The Contractor I Supplier acknowledges that this is a request for proposals and not an agreement to perform or supply work or materials. Once the City selects the successful bidder and council approves the RFP the City and Contractor I Supplier shall enter a contractual agreement to provide the services as outlined within the successful Bidders proposal. Bidders may also be required to submit at a minimum the following insurance requirements: o Insurance certificates: General Liability PD $500,000/500,000, PL $500,000/500,000, with the City of Howell as added insured on the policy. Not as certificate holder. o Workmen's Compensation - Michigan Statutory or acceptable in Michigan as full and exclusive coverage. o Proof of insurance on trucks and equipment. 3/20/2015 Request for Proposal Process Tracker Page4 Overview The RFP process invites suppliers to submit competitive bids for project work or products. This process encourages competition and provides prospects with fair and honest dealings with suppliers. This RFP is issued by invitation only . Proposal Information This section identifies a scope of work so bidders can provide an accurate proposal. If bidder requires clarification or additional information they must contact the projects manager in writing (email acceptable) . This information, if pertinent to the bid will be sent to all other proposal holders. Scope Please submit the quote using the below scope of work, alternates or additions to this scope must be clearly identified as such on the proposal. Dredging of City d rainage ditch from cement storm drain north of Great Lakes Railroad to open water pond area. Location of work (site visit required) Lot next to Howell Train Depot at co rner of Wetmore Street & Walnut Street. Work will take place on north side of Great Lakes Railroad tracks. A Picture of area has been provided with this RFP indicating loading & unloading area, dredging location and spoils area . All spoils to remain onsite. Estimated work time of 1-2 days . Possible equipment needed Long Stick Excavator Muck Pads Rubber matting or wood planking Brush clearing equipment General conditions Job completion and billing invoice must be submitted no later than June 15, 2015. Care will be taken not to damage road by using rubber matting or planking when loading and un loading equipment if machinery cannot be unloaded off of street. 3/20/2015 Request for Proposal Process Tracker Page 2 RFP Process Tracker Job Requirements Onsite meeting and start date information with DPW Representative will be required when project is awarded. Some brush clearing may need to take place to enter area. Contractor is required to make contact, obtain permitting and fo llow guidelines given by Great Lakes Railroad for crossing of tracks prior to work beginning . Methods of cross ing wi ll also need to be approved by Great Lakes Railway and supplied by contractor, i.e. muck pads, planking. Project Management The City's contact information for the person and department in charge of th is proposal. Proposal Sheet (This portion to be filled out by the bidder) Please provide complete name for the business. Provide the contact information of the person responsible for this RFP who is authorized by this company to execute an agreement with the City of Howell. Contractor or Supp lier shall include a separate proposal sheet on the ir com pany letterhead that identifies the scope of work and the cost breakdown for each task. Bidder shall include the total cost of the work as outlined in their proposal sheet in the appropriate box below. Any alternates to this RFP by the Bidder shall be entered as an alternate with the associated cost spelled out below. . ... . .. Depot Storm Drain Maintenance Project 3/20/2015 $19,000.00 ££ Request for Proposa l Process Tr acker Page 3 RFP Process Tracker Schedule Bidder is required to submit start dates, delivery dates and completion dates as outlined below. The City may reject a bid if these dates do not meet the needs as outlined within the scope of work. Depot Storm Drain Maintenance Project No later than June 15, 2015 Delivery Please deliver or Mail your sealed RFP to the City of Howell Clerks Office at 611 E. Grand River Ave. Howell MI, 48843, attention to "City Clerk" with the Project name clearly marked on t he envelope. RFP must be received prior to the date and time identified as the RFP deadline. This information is located on sheet one of this proposal. Acknowledgement The Contractor I Supplier acknowledges that this is a request for proposa ls and not an agreement to perform or supply work or materials. Once the City selects the successful bidde r and council approves the RFP the City and Contractor I Suppli er shal l enter a contractual agreement to provide the services as outlined within the successful Bidders proposal. Bidders may also be required to submit at a minimum the following insurance requirements: o Insurance certificates: General Liability PD $500,000/500,000, PL $500,000/500,000, with the City of Howell as added insured on the policy. Not as certificate holder. o Workmen's Compensation- Michigan Statutory or acceptable in Michigan as full and exclusive coverage. o 3/20/2015 Proof of insurance on trucks and equipment. Request for Proposal Process Tracker Page 4 CITY OF HOWELL 5/5/2015 Name Amount Description Up North Décor $ (1,000.00) DDA Payment MERS $ 64,728.18 H.S.A. $ 2,000.00 TOTAL $ 65,728.18 BALANCE FORWARD $ 260,428.87 TOTAL $ 326,157.05 ******* PAYROLL 4-21-2015 $ 139,905.33 included***** sign incentive paid from DDA employer contribution Health Savings Account 04/29/2015 02:24 PM User: Daus DB: Howell Page : INVOICE APPROVAL BY INVOICE REPORT FOR CITY OF HOWELL EXP CHECK RUN DATES 05/05/2015 - 05/05/2015 BOTH JOURNALIZED AND UNJOURNALIZED OPEN AND PAID BANK CODE: GEN A/P Vendor Code Ref # Invoice Date Vendor name Address City/State/Zip Post Date CK Run Date Disc. Date Due Date Invoice PO Disc. % Bank Invoice Description Hold Sep CK 1099 PERF/BONDS 67345 04/21/2015 ABDOO, JOHN L. 1802 OAK SQUIRE CT HOWELL MI, 48855 04/21/2015 05/05/2015 / / 04/21/2015 PB15-016 GEN N Y N PD CK# 81865 04/21/2015 GL NUMBER 101-000-283.000 0.0000 DESCRIPTION DEV ESCROW ALEXANDER CHEMICAL CORPORATION 16932 COLLECTION CENTER DR CHICAGO IL, 60693 Open GL NUMBER 591-564-775.004 ALEX CHEM 67366 04/20/2015 AMOUNT 200.00 Open GL NUMBER 591-564-775.004 04/10/2015 05/05/2015 / / 05/05/2015 SCL 10008665 0.0000 DESCRIPTION CHEMICALS ALEXANDER CHEMICAL CORPORATION 16932 COLLECTION CENTER DR CHICAGO IL, 60693 GEN N N N CREDIT TOTE RETURN 04/20/2015 05/05/2015 / / 05/05/2015 SLS 10030932 0.0000 DESCRIPTION CHEMICALS AMCOMM TELECOMMUNICATIONS INC. 10431 HIGHLAND RD WHITE LAKE MI, 48386 Open GL NUMBER 101-265-931.000 GEN N N N CHEMICALS 04/16/2015 05/05/2015 / / 05/05/2015 417486 0.0000 GEN N N N DESCRIPTION BUILDING MAINTENANCE APPLIED IMAGING 7718 SOLUTION CENTER CHICAGO IL, 60677-7007 Open GL NUMBER DESCRIPTION (400.00) 0.00 (400.00) 1,681.65 0.00 1,681.65 AMOUNT 1,681.65 1,281.65 CITY FIBER RUN RISER GUARD REPLACEMENT 120.00 0.00 120.00 AMOUNT 120.00 VENDOR TOTAL: APPLIED IM 67525 04/28/2015 200.00 AMOUNT (400.00) VENDOR TOTAL: AMCOMM TEL 67469 04/16/2015 Gross Amount Discount Net Amount BOND REFUND 1109 N MICHIGAN AVE 200.00 0.00 200.00 VENDOR TOTAL: ALEX CHEM 67367 04/10/2015 1/23 04/28/2015 05/05/2015 / / 05/05/2015 674376 0.0000 GEN N Y N COPY CHARGES AMOUNT 120.00 397.90 0.00 397.90 04/29/2015 02:24 PM User: Daus DB: Howell Vendor Code Ref # Invoice Date Vendor name Address City/State/Zip 101-172-727.000 101-301-727.000 101-191-727.000 Page : INVOICE APPROVAL BY INVOICE REPORT FOR CITY OF HOWELL EXP CHECK RUN DATES 05/05/2015 - 05/05/2015 BOTH JOURNALIZED AND UNJOURNALIZED OPEN AND PAID BANK CODE: GEN A/P Post Date CK Run Date Disc. Date Due Date Invoice PO Disc. % Bank Invoice Description Hold Sep CK 1099 OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES 2/23 Gross Amount Discount Net Amount 22.68 66.31 308.91 397.90 VENDOR TOTAL: PERF/BONDS 67490 05/01/2015 B5 CONTRACTOR SERVICES LLC 3510 BROPHY RD HOWELL MI, 48855 Open GL NUMBER 101-000-283.000 05/01/2015 05/05/2015 / / 05/05/2015 PB15-024 0.0000 GEN N Y N DESCRIPTION DEV ESCROW BOND REFUND 114 W HIGHLAND BARCO PRODUCTS COMPANY 24 N WASHINGTON AVE BATAVIA IL, 60510-1961 Open GL NUMBER 101-751-775.006 04/10/2015 05/05/2015 / / 05/05/2015 041500416 0.0000 GEN N N N DESCRIPTION MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES / PARKS PET LITTER BAGS BLUE PRINTS ETC 8105 GRAND RIVER BRIGHTON MI, 48114 PD CK# 81876 04/23/2015 GL NUMBER 101-000-627.000 04/23/2015 05/05/2015 / / 04/23/2015 04212015 0.0000 GEN N N N DESCRIPTION COPIES COPIES FOR FOIA REQUEST C & D FENCE LLC 7475 SANFORD RD HOWELL MI, 48855 Open GL NUMBER 101-000-283.000 DESCRIPTION DEV ESCROW 444.22 0.00 444.22 444.22 103.50 0.00 103.50 AMOUNT 103.50 VENDOR TOTAL: PERF/BONDS 67491 05/01/2015 200.00 AMOUNT 444.22 VENDOR TOTAL: BLUE PRINT 67386 04/23/2015 200.00 0.00 200.00 AMOUNT 200.00 VENDOR TOTAL: BARCO PROD 67368 04/10/2015 397.90 05/01/2015 05/05/2015 / / 05/05/2015 PB15-019 0.0000 GEN N Y N BOND REFUND 1109 BOWER AMOUNT 200.00 103.50 200.00 0.00 200.00 04/29/2015 02:24 PM User: Daus DB: Howell Vendor Code Ref # Invoice Date Page : INVOICE APPROVAL BY INVOICE REPORT FOR CITY OF HOWELL EXP CHECK RUN DATES 05/05/2015 - 05/05/2015 BOTH JOURNALIZED AND UNJOURNALIZED OPEN AND PAID BANK CODE: GEN A/P Vendor name Address City/State/Zip Post Date CK Run Date Disc. Date Due Date Invoice PO Disc. % Bank Invoice Description Hold Sep CK 1099 3/23 Gross Amount Discount Net Amount VENDOR TOTAL: CARLISLE 67539 04/13/2015 CARLISLE/WORTMAN ASSOCIATES INC 605 S MAIN ST SUITE 1 ANN ARBOR MI, 48104 Open GL NUMBER 101-371-801.000 CARLISLE 67370 04/13/2015 2135331 GEN N / / 05/05/2015 0.0000 N N DESCRIPTION PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CARLISLE/WORTMAN ASSOCIATES INC 605 S MAIN ST SUITE 1 ANN ARBOR MI, 48104 Open GL NUMBER 101-371-801.000 04/13/2015 05/05/2015 BUILDING OFFICIAL AMOUNT 1,800.00 04/13/2015 05/05/2015 2135332 GEN N / / 05/05/2015 0.0000 N N DESCRIPTION PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CARQUEST OF HOWELL P.O. BOX 404875 ATLANTA GA, 30384-4875 Open GL NUMBER 640-441-775.000 CARQUEST 67500 04/02/2015 INSPECTIONS FOR MARCH 2015 Open GL NUMBER 640-441-775.000 CARQUEST 67499 04/02/2015 Open GL NUMBER 04/01/2015 05/05/2015 / / 05/05/2015 1599-194925 0.0000 GEN N N N 0.00 910.00 DESCRIPTION 2,710.00 AIR FILTERS, OIL FILTERS AND BRAKE ROTOR 96.38 0.00 96.38 AMOUNT 96.38 04/02/2015 05/05/2015 / / 05/05/2015 1599-195012 0.0000 GEN N N N DESCRIPTION MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES CARQUEST OF HOWELL P.O. BOX 404875 ATLANTA GA, 30384-4875 910.00 AMOUNT 910.00 DESCRIPTION MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES CARQUEST OF HOWELL P.O. BOX 404875 ATLANTA GA, 30384-4875 1,800.00 0.00 1,800.00 VENDOR TOTAL: CARQUEST 67502 04/01/2015 200.00 AIR FILTERS 60.30 0.00 60.30 AMOUNT 60.30 04/02/2015 05/05/2015 / / 05/05/2015 1599-195026 0.0000 GEN N N N BATTERY TERMINAL AMOUNT 3.82 0.00 3.82 04/29/2015 02:24 PM User: Daus DB: Howell Vendor Code Ref # Invoice Date Vendor name Address City/State/Zip 590-564-740.000 CARQUEST 67526 04/02/2015 Open CARQUEST 67501 04/02/2015 Open CARQUEST 67504 04/08/2015 Open CARQUEST 67503 04/08/2015 Open CARQUEST 67498 04/15/2015 Open GL NUMBER 591-564-930.008 04/02/2015 05/05/2015 / / 05/05/2015 1599-195040 0.0000 GEN N N N Gross Amount Discount Net Amount CORE CHARGES CREDITED (108.00) 0.00 (108.00) AMOUNT (108.00) 04/02/2015 05/05/2015 / / 05/05/2015 1599-195041 0.0000 GEN N N N TARP 15.85 0.00 15.85 AMOUNT 15.85 04/08/2015 05/05/2015 / / 05/05/2015 1599-195238 0.0000 GEN N N N FUEL FILTER 8.13 0.00 8.13 AMOUNT 8.13 04/08/2015 05/05/2015 / / 05/05/2015 1599-195276 0.0000 GEN N N N DESCRIPTION MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES CARQUEST OF HOWELL P.O. BOX 404875 ATLANTA GA, 30384-4875 4/23 3.82 DESCRIPTION MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES CARQUEST OF HOWELL P.O. BOX 404875 ATLANTA GA, 30384-4875 GL NUMBER 640-441-775.000 Bank Invoice Description Hold Sep CK 1099 DESCRIPTION OPERATING SUPPLIES CARQUEST OF HOWELL P.O. BOX 404875 ATLANTA GA, 30384-4875 GL NUMBER 591-564-775.000 Invoice PO Disc. % DESCRIPTION REPAIR & MAINT - PLANT CARQUEST OF HOWELL P.O. BOX 404875 ATLANTA GA, 30384-4875 GL NUMBER 590-564-740.000 Post Date CK Run Date Disc. Date Due Date OPERATING SUPPLIES CARQUEST OF HOWELL P.O. BOX 404875 ATLANTA GA, 30384-4875 GL NUMBER 590-564-930.007 Page : INVOICE APPROVAL BY INVOICE REPORT FOR CITY OF HOWELL EXP CHECK RUN DATES 05/05/2015 - 05/05/2015 BOTH JOURNALIZED AND UNJOURNALIZED OPEN AND PAID BANK CODE: GEN A/P SNOW BROOM 45.24 0.00 45.24 AMOUNT 45.24 04/15/2015 05/05/2015 / / 05/05/2015 DESCRIPTION REPAIR & MAINT - PUMP STATION 1599-195567 0.0000 GEN N N N RADIATOR CAP FOR WELL GENERATOR 12.09 0.00 12.09 AMOUNT 12.09 VENDOR TOTAL: 133.81 04/29/2015 02:24 PM User: Daus DB: Howell Page : INVOICE APPROVAL BY INVOICE REPORT FOR CITY OF HOWELL EXP CHECK RUN DATES 05/05/2015 - 05/05/2015 BOTH JOURNALIZED AND UNJOURNALIZED OPEN AND PAID BANK CODE: GEN A/P Vendor Code Ref # Invoice Date Vendor name Address City/State/Zip Post Date CK Run Date Disc. Date Due Date Invoice PO Disc. % Bank Invoice Description Hold Sep CK 1099 CHEMCO 67510 04/21/2015 CHEMCO PRODUCTS INCORPORATED 1349 GRAND OAKS DR HOWELL MI, 48843 04/21/2015 05/05/2015 / / 05/05/2015 104378 GEN N N N Open GL NUMBER 590-564-775.004 0.0000 DESCRIPTION CHEMICALS POLYMER PO4 REMOVAL COMCAST CABLE P O BOX 7500 SOUTHEASTERN PA, 19398-7500 Open GL NUMBER 101-228-850.008 04/14/2015 05/05/2015 / / 05/05/2015 09588/CH/5/2015 GEN N 0.0000 Y N DESCRIPTION COMMUNICATIONS - INTERNET INTERNET FOR C.H. 04/21/2015 CRAMPTON ELECTRIC CO INC P O BOX 380 FOWLERVILLE MI, 48836 Open GL NUMBER 590-536-930.008 04/21/2015 05/05/2015 112994 GEN N / / 05/05/2015 0.0000 N N DESCRIPTION REPAIR & MAINT - PUMP STATION CUSTOM SIGN & AWNING INC. 5282 SHRUBOAK DR STERLING HEIGHTS MI, 48310 PD CK# 81867 04/21/2015 GL NUMBER 101-000-283.000 04/21/2015 05/05/2015 / / 04/21/2015 Open 157.35 AMOUNT 815.00 PB15-014 0.0000 GEN N Y N DESCRIPTION DEV ESCROW D & G EQUIPMENT INC 2 INDUSTRIAL PARK DR WILLIAMSTON MI, 48895 157.35 0.00 157.35 0.00 815.00 815.00 BOND REFUND 1202 E GRAND RIVER 200.00 0.00 200.00 AMOUNT 200.00 VENDOR TOTAL: D&G EQUIP 67512 04/23/2015 864.00 INSTALL PHASE MONITOR @ DAMSITE & R/R 815.00 VENDOR TOTAL: PERF/BONDS 67346 04/21/2015 864.00 0.00 864.00 AMOUNT 157.35 VENDOR TOTAL: CRAMPTON 67511 Gross Amount Discount Net Amount AMOUNT 864.00 VENDOR TOTAL: COMCAST 67474 04/14/2015 5/23 04/23/2015 05/05/2015 / / 05/05/2015 292573 0.0000 GEN N N N CHAIN SAW BLADE 200.00 31.59 0.00 31.59 04/29/2015 02:24 PM User: Daus DB: Howell Vendor Code D&G EQUIP Ref # 67512 Invoice Date 04/23/2015 Vendor name D & G EQUIPMENT INC Address 2 INDUSTRIAL PARK DR City/State/Zip WILLIAMSTON MI, 48895 Open GL NUMBER 101-285-740.019 Page : INVOICE APPROVAL BY INVOICE REPORT FOR CITY OF HOWELL EXP CHECK RUN DATES 05/05/2015 - 05/05/2015 BOTH JOURNALIZED AND UNJOURNALIZED OPEN AND PAID BANK CODE: GEN A/P Post Date 04/23/2015 CK Run Date 05/05/2015 Disc. Date / Date / Due 05/05/2015 Invoice 292573 PO Disc. % 0.0000 Bank Invoice Description GEN CHAIN SAW BLADE Hold N Sep CK N 1099 N DESCRIPTION OPER SUPP/SMALL EQUIPMENT 04/17/2015 DONNA HOSTETLER UP NORTH DECOR 113 E GRAND RIVER AVE HOWELL MI, 48843 Open GL NUMBER 248-729-967.010 04/17/2015 05/05/2015 2015 SIGN GEN N / / 05/05/2015 0.0000 Y N DESCRIPTION PROJECT COSTS - DESIGN DTE ENERGY P O BOX 740786 CINCINNATI OH, 45274-0786 PD CK# 81874 04/22/2015 GL NUMBER 590-536-920.004 0.00 1,000.00 AMOUNT 1,000.00 04/20/2015 05/05/2015 / / 04/21/2015 5-/8-2015 0.0000 GEN N N N DESCRIPTION 1158 LAKESIDE - LIFT STATION (AROUND 7TH CITY UTILITIES 04/03/2015 DUBOIS-COOPER ASSOCIATES INC. 905 PENNIMAN P O BOX 6161 PLYMOUTH MI, 48170-0161 Open GL NUMBER 590-536-930.008 04/03/2015 05/05/2015 967901 GEN N / / 05/05/2015 0.0000 N N DESCRIPTION REPAIR & MAINT - PUMP STATION F.A.S. BUILDING & REMODELING 1379 CENTRAL AVE HOWELL MI, 48843 Open GL NUMBER DESCRIPTION 04/16/2015 05/05/2015 / / 05/05/2015 50.32 0.00 50.32 50.32 REPLACEMENT SPRINGS BROWNING LIFT STAT 52.50 0.00 52.50 AMOUNT 52.50 VENDOR TOTAL: F.A.S. BUI 67372 04/16/2015 1,000.00 AMOUNT 50.32 VENDOR TOTAL: DUBOIS-COO 67347 31.59 SIGN INCENTIVE REIMBURSMENT 1,000.00 VENDOR TOTAL: DET EDISON 67365 04/20/2015 Gross Amount 31.59 Discount 0.00 Net Amount 31.59 AMOUNT 31.59 VENDOR TOTAL: MISC 67489 6/23 4-13-2015 0.0000 GEN N N N BOARD WALK REPAIRS AMOUNT 52.50 1,050.00 0.00 1,050.00 04/29/2015 02:24 PM User: Daus DB: Howell Vendor Code Ref # Invoice Date Vendor name Address City/State/Zip 101-747-740.000 Page : INVOICE APPROVAL BY INVOICE REPORT FOR CITY OF HOWELL EXP CHECK RUN DATES 05/05/2015 - 05/05/2015 BOTH JOURNALIZED AND UNJOURNALIZED OPEN AND PAID BANK CODE: GEN A/P Post Date CK Run Date Disc. Date Due Date Invoice PO Disc. % OPERATING SUPPLIES Bank Invoice Description Hold Sep CK 1099 7/23 Gross Amount Discount Net Amount 1,050.00 VENDOR TOTAL: PERF/BONDS 67348 04/17/2015 FARRAND, MARTHA & GREGORY 222 S TOMPKINS HOWELL MI, 48843 PD CK# 81869 04/21/2015 GL NUMBER 101-000-283.000 04/17/2015 05/05/2015 / / 04/21/2015 PB14-118 0.0000 GEN N Y N DESCRIPTION DEV ESCROW BOND REFUND 222 S TOMPKINS FAULK & FOSTER REAL ESTATE, INC. P.O. BOX 2568 MONROE LA, 71207 PD CK# 81870 04/21/2015 GL NUMBER 101-000-283.000 04/17/2015 05/05/2015 / / 04/21/2015 PB13-173 0.0000 GEN N Y N DESCRIPTION DEV ESCROW FIBERTEC INC 1914 HOLLOWAY DR HOLT MI, 48842 Open GL NUMBER 590-537-801.000 FIBERTEC 67513 04/22/2015 AMOUNT 300.00 Open GL NUMBER 590-537-801.000 04/16/2015 05/05/2015 / / 05/05/2015 INV67228-01 0.0000 GEN N N N DESCRIPTION PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FIBERTEC INC 1914 HOLLOWAY DR HOLT MI, 48842 QUARTERLY TESTING 04/22/2015 05/05/2015 / / 05/05/2015 INV67316-01 0.0000 GEN N N N DESCRIPTION PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Open FIRE SYSTEMS OF MICHIGAN INC 26109 GRAND RIVER REDFORD MI, 48240 300.00 FOR MERCURY 220.00 0.00 220.00 AMOUNT 220.00 REQ TESTING LOW-LEVEL MERCURY 95.00 0.00 95.00 AMOUNT 95.00 VENDOR TOTAL: FIRE SYST 67476 04/27/2015 500.00 BOND REFUND 152 S HIGHLANDER WAY 300.00 0.00 300.00 VENDOR TOTAL: FIBERTEC 67371 04/16/2015 500.00 0.00 500.00 AMOUNT 500.00 VENDOR TOTAL: PERF/BONDS 67349 04/17/2015 1,050.00 04/27/2015 05/05/2015 / / 05/05/2015 155758 0.0000 GEN N N N 315.00 FIRE EXTINGUISHERS INSPECTED CITY WIDE 1,359.25 0.00 1,359.25 04/29/2015 02:24 PM User: Daus DB: Howell Vendor Code Ref # FIRE SYST Invoice Date 67476 04/27/2015 Vendor name Address FIRE SYSTEMS OF MICHIGAN INC City/State/Zip 26109 GRAND RIVER REDFORD MI, 48240 Open GL NUMBER 101-751-931.000 640-441-775.000 641-441-740.026 590-564-930.007 591-564-775.000 101-276-931.000 101-751-931.000 101-265-775.000 101-301-930.000 Page : INVOICE APPROVAL BY INVOICE REPORT FOR CITY OF HOWELL EXP CHECK RUN DATES 05/05/2015 - 05/05/2015 BOTH JOURNALIZED AND UNJOURNALIZED OPEN AND PAID BANK CODE: GEN A/P Post Date CK Run Date 04/27/2015 Disc. Date 05/05/2015 Due Date / / 05/05/2015 Invoice PO 155758 Disc. % 0.0000 8/23 Bank Invoice Description Hold Gross Amount GEN CITY WIDE Sep CK FIRE EXTINGUISHERS INSPECTED Discount N 1,359.25 1099 Net Amount N 0.00 N 1,359.25 DESCRIPTION BUILDING MAINTENANCE MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES OPER SUPP/SAFETY EQUIPMENT REPAIR & MAINT - PLANT MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES BUILDING MAINTENANCE BUILDING MAINTENANCE MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES REPAIR & MAINTENANCE AMOUNT 37.40 287.50 59.30 387.50 160.95 70.30 235.40 55.40 65.50 1,359.25 VENDOR TOTAL: G2 CONSULT 67479 04/01/2015 G2 CONSULTING GROUP, LLC 1866 WOODSLEE ST TROY MI, 48083 Open GL NUMBER 591-564-801.004 591-536-801.004 04/01/2015 05/05/2015 / / 05/05/2015 150563 0.0000 DESCRIPTION ENGINEERING SERVICES ENGINEERING SERVICES GEN N N N 1,359.25 PROPOSED WATER MAIN REPLACEMENT 4,325.00 0.00 4,325.00 AMOUNT 2,162.50 2,162.50 4,325.00 VENDOR TOTAL: GEMPLER 67514 04/22/2015 GEMPLER'S 401 S WRIGHT RD JANESVILLE WI, 53546-1368 Open GL NUMBER 590-536-740.000 04/22/2015 05/05/2015 / / 05/05/2015 1020598936 0.0000 GEN N N N DESCRIPTION OPERATING SUPPLIES 4,325.00 FIRST AID KITS FOR TRUCKS AND GARAGE 93.75 0.00 93.75 AMOUNT 93.75 VENDOR TOTAL: PERF/BONDS 67527 05/01/2015 GENTRY, MICHAEL AND LAURA 111 W CALEDONIA HOWELL MI, 48843 Open GL NUMBER DESCRIPTION 05/01/2015 05/05/2015 / / 05/05/2015 PB14-190 0.0000 GEN N Y N BOND REFUND 111 W CALEDONIA AMOUNT 93.75 500.00 0.00 500.00 04/29/2015 02:24 PM User: Daus DB: Howell Vendor Code Ref # Invoice Date Vendor name Address City/State/Zip 101-000-283.000 Page : INVOICE APPROVAL BY INVOICE REPORT FOR CITY OF HOWELL EXP CHECK RUN DATES 05/05/2015 - 05/05/2015 BOTH JOURNALIZED AND UNJOURNALIZED OPEN AND PAID BANK CODE: GEN A/P Post Date CK Run Date Disc. Date Due Date Invoice PO Disc. % Bank Invoice Description Hold Sep CK 1099 DEV ESCROW GORDON FOOD SERVICE INC. PO BOX 88029 CHICAGO IL, 60680-1029 Open GL NUMBER 101-747-880.004 04/22/2015 05/05/2015 / / 05/05/2015 758120135 0.0000 GEN N N N DESCRIPTION ARBOR DAY CELEBRATION FOOD FOR ARBOR DAY GRAINGER DEPT 825552573 PALATINE IL, 60038-0001 Open GL NUMBER 591-564-775.000 GRAINGER 67516 04/22/2015 Open GL NUMBER 591-564-930.009 04/09/2015 05/05/2015 / / 05/05/2015 9712090373 0.0000 GEN N N N DESCRIPTION MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES GRAINGER DEPT 825552573 PALATINE IL, 60038-0001 SAFETY GLOVES 04/22/2015 05/05/2015 / / 05/05/2015 9722557080 0.0000 GEN N N N DESCRIPTION REPAIR & MAINT - EQUIPMENT GRAYMONT WESTERN LIME INC. DEPT CH 16910 PALATINE IL, 60055-6910 Open GL NUMBER 591-564-775.005 BELTS FOR POLYMER PUMP 04/14/2015 05/05/2015 / / 05/05/2015 53856 RI 0.0000 DESCRIPTION MAINTENANCE SUPPLY - LIME Open GRUNDY'S ACE HARDWARE 1250 E GRAND RIVER HOWELL MI, 48843 217.34 51.96 0.00 51.96 14.14 0.00 14.14 AMOUNT 14.14 GEN N N N LIME 66.10 5,600.00 0.00 5,600.00 AMOUNT 5,600.00 VENDOR TOTAL: GRUNDYS AC 67517 04/21/2015 217.34 0.00 217.34 AMOUNT 51.96 VENDOR TOTAL: WESTERN LI 67480 04/14/2015 500.00 AMOUNT 217.34 VENDOR TOTAL: GRAINGER 67350 04/09/2015 Gross Amount Discount Net Amount 500.00 VENDOR TOTAL: GORDON FD 67515 04/22/2015 9/23 04/21/2015 05/05/2015 / / 05/05/2015 78574 0.0000 GEN N N N CAULK GUN & CAULK 5,600.00 25.44 0.00 25.44 04/29/2015 02:24 PM User: Daus DB: Howell Vendor Code Ref # GRUNDYS AC Invoice Date 67517 04/21/2015 Page : INVOICE APPROVAL BY INVOICE REPORT FOR CITY OF HOWELL EXP CHECK RUN DATES 05/05/2015 - 05/05/2015 BOTH JOURNALIZED AND UNJOURNALIZED OPEN AND PAID BANK CODE: GEN A/P Vendor name Address GRUNDY'S ACE HARDWARE City/State/Zip 1250 E GRAND RIVER HOWELL MI, 48843 Open GL NUMBER 202-463-775.000 202-463-775.000 Post Date CK Run Date 04/21/2015 Disc. Date 05/05/2015 Due Date / / 05/05/2015 Invoice PO 78574 Disc. % 0.0000 Bank Invoice Description Hold GEN Sep CK CAULK GUN & CAULK N 1099 N N DESCRIPTION MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES 10/23 Gross Amount Discount 25.44 Net Amount 0.00 25.44 AMOUNT 7.47 17.97 25.44 GRUNDYS AC 67518 04/22/2015 GRUNDY'S ACE HARDWARE 1250 E GRAND RIVER HOWELL MI, 48843 Open GL NUMBER 590-564-740.000 04/22/2015 05/05/2015 / / 05/05/2015 78587 0.0000 GEN N N N DESCRIPTION OPERATING SUPPLIES PIPE CLEANER & ROUND UP AMOUNT 30.98 VENDOR TOTAL: HABLE, SCO 67373 04/01/2015 HABLE, SCOTT 04/01/2015 05/05/2015 / / 05/05/2015 , Open GL NUMBER 641-441-741.000 FEB2015 0.0000 GEN N N N DESCRIPTION UNIFORMS/CLOTHING ALLOWANCE BOOT ALLOWANCE HOME PRO ROOFING 680 N CEDAR RD FOWLERVILLE MI, 48836 Open GL NUMBER 101-000-283.000 05/01/2015 05/05/2015 / / 05/05/2015 PB15-012 0.0000 GEN N Y N DESCRIPTION DEV ESCROW HOWELL AREA PARKS & RECREATION 925 W GRAND RIVER HOWELL MI, 48843 Open GL NUMBER 101-966-999.061 70.03 0.00 70.03 70.03 BOND REFUND 527 (407) GREENWICH 300.00 0.00 300.00 AMOUNT 300.00 VENDOR TOTAL: HOW AREA R 67481 04/21/2015 56.42 AMOUNT 70.03 VENDOR TOTAL: PERF/BONDS 67528 05/01/2015 30.98 0.00 30.98 04/21/2015 05/05/2015 / / 05/05/2015 DESCRIPTION TO REC AUTHORITY - PARK MGMT 220.0421001 0.0000 GEN N N N 300.00 2015 CITY PARK MANAGEMENT FEE 35,000.00 0.00 35,000.00 AMOUNT 35,000.00 04/29/2015 02:24 PM User: Daus DB: Howell Page : INVOICE APPROVAL BY INVOICE REPORT FOR CITY OF HOWELL EXP CHECK RUN DATES 05/05/2015 - 05/05/2015 BOTH JOURNALIZED AND UNJOURNALIZED OPEN AND PAID BANK CODE: GEN A/P Vendor Code Ref # Invoice Date Vendor name Address City/State/Zip Post Date CK Run Date Disc. Date Due Date Invoice PO Disc. % Bank Invoice Description Hold Sep CK 1099 HOW HARDW 67506 04/13/2015 HOWELL HARDWARE 1076 S MICHIGAN AVE HOWELL MI, 48843 04/13/2015 05/05/2015 / / 05/05/2015 074969 GEN N N N VENDOR TOTAL: Open GL NUMBER 591-536-775.000 HOW HARDW 67507 04/14/2015 DESCRIPTION MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES HOWELL HARDWARE 1076 S MICHIGAN AVE HOWELL MI, 48843 Open GL NUMBER 590-564-740.000 HOW HARDW 67505 04/08/2015 Open HOW HARDW 67509 04/16/2015 Open GL NUMBER 101-757-775.000 HOW HARDW 67508 04/21/2015 074999 0.0000 GEN N N N Open DESCRIPTION MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES 35,000.00 PLUMBING SUPPLIES 11.66 0.00 11.66 BATTERY FOR VOLTAGE TESTER 5.19 0.00 5.19 AMOUNT 5.19 04/08/2015 05/05/2015 / / 05/05/2015 075014 0.0000 GEN N N N CEMETERY WATER REPAIR 21.99 0.00 21.99 AMOUNT 21.99 04/16/2015 05/05/2015 / / 05/05/2015 075838 0.0000 GEN N N N DESCRIPTION MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES HOWELL HARDWARE 1076 S MICHIGAN AVE HOWELL MI, 48843 GL NUMBER 101-276-775.000 04/14/2015 05/05/2015 / / 05/05/2015 DESCRIPTION CEMETERY MAINTENANCE HOWELL HARDWARE 1076 S MICHIGAN AVE HOWELL MI, 48843 Gross Amount Discount Net Amount AMOUNT 11.66 DESCRIPTION OPERATING SUPPLIES HOWELL HARDWARE 1076 S MICHIGAN AVE HOWELL MI, 48843 GL NUMBER 101-276-931.001 0.0000 11/23 N. PARK DRINKING FOUNTAIN REPAIR 14.79 0.00 14.79 AMOUNT 14.79 04/21/2015 05/05/2015 / / 05/05/2015 075892 0.0000 GEN N N N EMEREY CLOTH FOR PLUMBING REPAIR 8.79 0.00 8.79 AMOUNT 8.79 VENDOR TOTAL: 62.42 04/29/2015 02:24 PM User: Daus DB: Howell Page : INVOICE APPROVAL BY INVOICE REPORT FOR CITY OF HOWELL EXP CHECK RUN DATES 05/05/2015 - 05/05/2015 BOTH JOURNALIZED AND UNJOURNALIZED OPEN AND PAID BANK CODE: GEN A/P Vendor Code Ref # Invoice Date Vendor name Address City/State/Zip Post Date CK Run Date Disc. Date Due Date Invoice PO Disc. % Bank Invoice Description Hold Sep CK 1099 JOHNDEEREL 67519 04/20/2015 JOHN DEERE LANDSCAPES 24110 NETWORK PLACE CHICAGO IL, 60673-1241 04/20/2015 05/05/2015 / / 05/05/2015 71387363 GEN N N N Open GL NUMBER 101-284-740.018 0.0000 DESCRIPTION OPER SUPP/LANDSCAPING 12/23 Gross Amount Discount Net Amount FERTILIZER AMOUNT 230.04 VENDOR TOTAL: KIMBALL 67374 04/01/2015 KIMBALL MIDWEST DEPT L-2780 COLUMBUS OH, 43260-2780 Open GL NUMBER 640-441-775.000 04/01/2015 05/05/2015 / / 05/05/2015 4159964 0.0000 GEN N N N DESCRIPTION MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES WIRE BRUSH KRUZEL, CORLEEN , Open GL NUMBER 101-191-860.000 04/29/2015 05/05/2015 / / 05/05/2015 4/29/2015 0.0000 GEN N N N DESCRIPTION CONFERENCE /TRANSPORTATION MILEAGE MMTA CONFERENCE LINCOLN NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE P.O. BOX 0821 CAROL STREAM IL, 60132-0821 PD CK# 81875 04/22/2015 GL NUMBER 101-000-081.000 101-000-040.000 101-000-081.001 101-290-714.002 18.04 0.00 18.04 04/20/2015 05/05/2015 / / 04/21/2015 DESCRIPTION DF OTHER GOVERNMENT UNITS ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE DUE FROM REC AUTHORITY EMP DISABILITY / LIFE INSURANCE 18.04 125.35 0.00 125.35 AMOUNT 125.35 VENDOR TOTAL: LINCOLN NA 67363 04/20/2015 230.04 AMOUNT 18.04 VENDOR TOTAL: KRUZEL 67535 04/29/2015 230.04 0.00 230.04 MAY 2015 0.0000 GEN N N N 125.35 MAY 2015 LIFE AND DISABILITY INSURANCE 3,284.96 0.00 3,284.96 AMOUNT 207.58 53.49 143.46 2,880.43 3,284.96 VENDOR TOTAL: 3,284.96 04/29/2015 02:24 PM User: Daus DB: Howell Page : INVOICE APPROVAL BY INVOICE REPORT FOR CITY OF HOWELL EXP CHECK RUN DATES 05/05/2015 - 05/05/2015 BOTH JOURNALIZED AND UNJOURNALIZED OPEN AND PAID BANK CODE: GEN A/P Vendor Code Ref # Invoice Date Vendor name Address City/State/Zip Post Date CK Run Date Disc. Date Due Date Invoice PO Disc. % Bank Invoice Description Hold Sep CK 1099 LIV BUSIN 67375 04/01/2015 LIVINGSTON BUSINESS FORMS P.O.BOX 677 HOWELL MI, 48844 04/01/2015 05/05/2015 / / 05/05/2015 32723 GEN N N N Open GL NUMBER 101-751-900.004 LIV BUSIN 67492 04/15/2015 DESCRIPTION PRINTING BUDGET LIVINGSTON BUSINESS FORMS P.O.BOX 677 HOWELL MI, 48844 Open GL NUMBER 101-301-881.000 LIV BUSIN 67493 04/15/2015 Open LIV BUSIN 67494 04/15/2015 Open GL NUMBER 101-301-881.000 LIV BUSIN 67484 04/17/2015 32741 0.0000 GEN N N N Open 927.03 0.00 927.03 COLORING BOOKS 148.96 0.00 148.96 AMOUNT 148.96 04/15/2015 05/05/2015 / / 05/05/2015 32742 0.0000 GEN N N N BADGES STICKERS 328.46 0.00 328.46 AMOUNT 328.46 04/15/2015 05/05/2015 / / 05/05/2015 32743 0.0000 GEN N N N DESCRIPTION COMMUNITY PROMOTION LIVINGSTON BUSINESS FORMS P.O.BOX 677 HOWELL MI, 48844 GL NUMBER 590-536-727.000 591-290-727.000 04/15/2015 05/05/2015 / / 05/05/2015 DESCRIPTION COMMUNITY PROMOTION LIVINGSTON BUSINESS FORMS P.O.BOX 677 HOWELL MI, 48844 Gross Amount Discount Net Amount AMOUNT 927.03 DESCRIPTION COMMUNITY PROMOTION LIVINGSTON BUSINESS FORMS P.O.BOX 677 HOWELL MI, 48844 GL NUMBER 101-301-881.000 0.0000 PARK PASSES 13/23 BADGES - PLASTIC 870.96 0.00 870.96 AMOUNT 870.96 04/17/2015 05/05/2015 / / 05/05/2015 32744 0.0000 GEN N N N DESCRIPTION OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES ENVELOPES / SHUT OFF 508.46 0.00 508.46 AMOUNT 254.23 254.23 508.46 LIV BUSIN 67485 04/20/2015 LIVINGSTON BUSINESS FORMS P.O.BOX 677 HOWELL MI, 48844 04/20/2015 05/05/2015 / / 05/05/2015 32745 0.0000 GEN N N N ENVELOPES (10000) 406.00 0.00 406.00 04/29/2015 02:24 PM User: Daus DB: Howell Vendor Code Ref # Invoice Date LIV BUSIN 67485 04/20/2015 Vendor name Address City/State/Zip LIVINGSTON BUSINESS FORMS P.O.BOX 677 HOWELL MI, 48844 Open GL NUMBER 101-172-727.000 641-441-727.000 101-191-727.000 590-536-727.000 591-290-727.000 Page : INVOICE APPROVAL BY INVOICE REPORT FOR CITY OF HOWELL EXP CHECK RUN DATES 05/05/2015 - 05/05/2015 BOTH JOURNALIZED AND UNJOURNALIZED OPEN AND PAID BANK CODE: GEN A/P Post Date CK Run Date Disc. Date 04/20/2015 Due Date 05/05/2015 / / 05/05/2015 Invoice PO Disc. % 32745 0.0000 Bank Invoice Description Hold Sep CK GEN ENVELOPES (10000) 1099 N N N DESCRIPTION OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES 14/23 Gross Amount Discount Net Amount 406.00 0.00 406.00 AMOUNT 120.00 80.00 126.00 40.00 40.00 406.00 VENDOR TOTAL: LIV CNTY R 67520 04/20/2015 LIVINGSTON COUNTY ROAD COMMISSION 3535 GRAND OAKS DR. HOWELL MI, 48843 Open GL NUMBER 202-463-775.000 203-463-775.000 101-286-775.000 04/20/2015 05/05/2015 / / 05/05/2015 MAR - 15 0.0000 GEN N N N DESCRIPTION MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES COLD PATCH 3,189.87 302.04 0.00 302.04 AMOUNT 92.29 167.80 41.95 302.04 LIV CNTY R 67486 04/01/2015 LIVINGSTON COUNTY ROAD COMMISSION 3535 GRAND OAKS DR. HOWELL MI, 48843 Open GL NUMBER 101-265-740.018 101-276-740.000 101-286-740.018 101-444-740.000 101-751-775.006 202-478-740.007 203-478-740.007 04/01/2015 05/05/2015 / / 05/05/2015 MAR-15 0.0000 GEN N N N DESCRIPTION OPER SUPP/LANDSCAPING OPERATING SUPPLIES OPER SUPP/LANDSCAPING OPERATING SUPPLIES MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES / PARKS OPERATING SUPP/SALT/SAND/CHL OPERATING SUPP/SALT/SAND/CHL SALT 3,743.11 0.00 3,743.11 AMOUNT 56.08 14.02 140.19 56.08 98.13 1,598.18 1,780.43 3,743.11 VENDOR TOTAL: MAMC 67522 04/20/2015 Open MAMC KIRK CAITHAMER, MAMC TREASURER 400 S HARRISON ST LUDINGTON MI, 49431 04/20/2015 05/05/2015 2015/CONF GEN N / / 05/05/2015 0.0000 Y N 4,045.15 CONFERENCE REGISTRATION - LAROWE 85.00 0.00 85.00 04/29/2015 02:24 PM User: Daus DB: Howell Vendor Code Ref # MAMC Invoice Date 67522 04/20/2015 Vendor name Address MAMC City/State/Zip KIRK CAITHAMER, MAMC TREASURER 400 S HARRISON ST LUDINGTON MI, 49431 Open GL NUMBER 101-276-860.000 Page : INVOICE APPROVAL BY INVOICE REPORT FOR CITY OF HOWELL EXP CHECK RUN DATES 05/05/2015 - 05/05/2015 BOTH JOURNALIZED AND UNJOURNALIZED OPEN AND PAID BANK CODE: GEN A/P 15/23 Post Date CK Run Date 04/20/2015 Disc. Date 05/05/2015 Due Date Invoice PO 2015/CONF Disc. % Bank Invoice Description Hold Gross Amount GEN CONFERENCE REGISTRATION - LAROWE Sep CK Discount N 85.00 1099 Net Amount / / 05/05/2015 0.0000 Y N DESCRIPTION CONFERENCE /TRANSPORTATION 0.00 85.00 AMOUNT 85.00 VENDOR TOTAL: MARCYS LAU 67352 04/09/2015 MARCY'S LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANING CNTR 920 E GRAND RIVER HOWELL MI, 48843 Open GL NUMBER 101-301-741.002 04/09/2015 05/05/2015 / / 05/05/2015 03-2015 0.0000 GEN N N N DESCRIPTION UNIFORMS/CLEANING/ RENTAL MARCH 2015 DRY CLEANING MATHESON TRI-GAS INC P.O. BOX 347297 PITTSBURGH PA, 15251-4297 Open GL NUMBER 591-536-775.000 04/15/2015 05/05/2015 / / 05/05/2015 11136138 0.0000 GEN N N N DESCRIPTION MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES LINE FREEZE RECHARGE MERIT LABORATORIES 2680 EAST LANSING DR EAST LANSING MI, 48823 Open GL NUMBER 590-537-801.000 04/14/2015 05/05/2015 / / 05/05/2015 65095 0.0000 GEN N N N DESCRIPTION PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CYANIDE TESTING 4-14-2015 MICHIGAN LOCAL GOVERMENT MGMT ASSN P.O. BOX 7409 ANN ARBOR MI, 48107-7409 Open GL NUMBER DESCRIPTION 37.41 0.00 37.41 37.41 65.00 0.00 65.00 AMOUNT 65.00 VENDOR TOTAL: MI LOC GOV 67521 04/20/2015 240.00 AMOUNT 37.41 VENDOR TOTAL: MERIT LAB 67353 04/14/2015 240.00 0.00 240.00 AMOUNT 240.00 VENDOR TOTAL: VALLEY GAS 67376 04/15/2015 85.00 04/20/2015 05/05/2015 / / 04/21/2015 2015 0.0000 GEN N Y N 2015 MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION AMOUNT 65.00 110.00 0.00 110.00 04/29/2015 02:24 PM User: Daus DB: Howell Vendor Code Ref # Invoice Date Vendor name Address City/State/Zip 101-172-840.000 Page : INVOICE APPROVAL BY INVOICE REPORT FOR CITY OF HOWELL EXP CHECK RUN DATES 05/05/2015 - 05/05/2015 BOTH JOURNALIZED AND UNJOURNALIZED OPEN AND PAID BANK CODE: GEN A/P Post Date CK Run Date Disc. Date Due Date Invoice PO Disc. % Bank Invoice Description Hold Sep CK 1099 DUES & MEMBERSHIPS 16/23 Gross Amount Discount Net Amount 110.00 VENDOR TOTAL: MI MUN RSK 67377 04/15/2015 MICHIGAN MUNICIPAL RISK MANAGEMENT 14001 MERRIMAN RD LIVONIA MI, 48154 Open GL NUMBER 101-265-910.000 04/15/2015 05/05/2015 / / 05/05/2015 05-20-2015 0.0000 DESCRIPTION INSURANCE GEN N Y N INSURANCE MICHIGAN PIPE & VALVE P.O. BOX 4370 JACKSON MI, 49204-4370 Open GL NUMBER 591-564-775.000 MI PIPE 67523 04/15/2015 Open GL NUMBER 591-536-775.000 04/14/2015 05/05/2015 / / 05/05/2015 L485798 0.0000 GEN N N N DESCRIPTION MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES MICHIGAN PIPE & VALVE P.O. BOX 4370 JACKSON MI, 49204-4370 WATER PLANT SUPPLIES 04/15/2015 05/05/2015 / / 05/05/2015 L485863 0.0000 GEN N N N DESCRIPTION MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES NORTH EASTERN UNIFORMS & EQUIPMENT 900 WEST NORTH AVE PITTSBURGH PA, 15233 Open GL NUMBER 101-301-741.000 CURB BOX LIDS 04/17/2015 05/05/2015 / / 05/05/2015 4056 0.0000 GEN N N N DESCRIPTION UNIFORMS/CLOTHING ALLOWANCE Open OFFICE DEPOT P O BOX 633211 CINCINNATI OH, 45263-3211 939.00 0.00 939.00 96.00 0.00 96.00 AMOUNT 96.00 UNIFORM BOOTS - KELLEHER 04/08/2015 05/05/2015 / / 05/05/2015 1,035.00 124.99 0.00 124.99 AMOUNT 124.99 VENDOR TOTAL: OFFICE DEP 67379 04/08/2015 3,800.00 AMOUNT 939.00 VENDOR TOTAL: NORTH EAST 67378 04/17/2015 3,800.00 0.00 3,800.00 AMOUNT 3,800.00 VENDOR TOTAL: MI PIPE 67524 04/14/2015 110.00 764516106001 0.0000 GEN N N N OFFICE SUPPLIES 124.99 50.78 0.00 50.78 04/29/2015 02:24 PM User: Daus DB: Howell Vendor Code Ref # OFFICE Invoice DEP Date 67379 04/08/2015 Vendor name Address OFFICE DEPOT City/State/Zip P O BOX 633211 CINCINNATI OH, 45263-3211 Open GL NUMBER 101-722-727.000 101-172-727.000 Page : INVOICE APPROVAL BY INVOICE REPORT FOR CITY OF HOWELL EXP CHECK RUN DATES 05/05/2015 - 05/05/2015 BOTH JOURNALIZED AND UNJOURNALIZED OPEN AND PAID BANK CODE: GEN A/P Post Date CK Run Date 04/08/2015 Disc. Date 05/05/2015 Due Date / / 05/05/2015 Invoice PO 764516106001 Disc. % 0.0000 Bank Invoice Description Hold GEN Sep CK OFFICE SUPPLIES N 1099 N N DESCRIPTION OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES 17/23 Gross Amount Discount 50.78 Net Amount 0.00 50.78 AMOUNT 21.59 29.19 50.78 OFFICE DEP 67381 04/08/2015 OFFICE DEPOT P O BOX 633211 CINCINNATI OH, 45263-3211 Open GL NUMBER 101-172-727.000 OFFICE DEP 67530 04/15/2015 Open OFFICE DEP 67529 04/15/2015 Open OFFICE DEP 67382 04/16/2015 Open OFFICE DEP 67380 04/16/2015 Open GL NUMBER 04/15/2015 05/05/2015 / / 05/05/2015 765398079001 0.0000 GEN N N N DESCRIPTION 3.99 0.00 3.99 INK CARTRIDGE 52.24 0.00 52.24 AMOUNT 52.24 04/15/2015 05/05/2015 / / 05/05/2015 765399353001 0.0000 GEN N N N MAINT SUPPLIES 40.49 0.00 40.49 AMOUNT 40.49 04/16/2015 05/05/2015 / / 05/05/2015 765851803001 0.0000 GEN N N N DESCRIPTION OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE DEPOT P O BOX 633211 CINCINNATI OH, 45263-3211 OFFICE SUPPLIES AMOUNT 3.99 DESCRIPTION MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES OFFICE DEPOT P O BOX 633211 CINCINNATI OH, 45263-3211 GL NUMBER 101-722-727.000 0.0000 GEN N N N DESCRIPTION OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE DEPOT P O BOX 633211 CINCINNATI OH, 45263-3211 GL NUMBER 591-564-775.000 764516574001 DESCRIPTION OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE DEPOT P O BOX 633211 CINCINNATI OH, 45263-3211 GL NUMBER 641-441-727.000 04/08/2015 05/05/2015 / / 05/05/2015 COPY PAPER 44.89 0.00 44.89 AMOUNT 44.89 04/16/2015 05/05/2015 / / 05/05/2015 765851874001 0.0000 GEN N N N FOLDERS AMOUNT 5.46 0.00 5.46 04/29/2015 02:24 PM User: Daus DB: Howell OFFICE DEP Vendor Code 67380 Ref # 04/16/2015 Invoice Date OFFICE DEPOT Vendor name P O BOX 633211 Address CINCINNATI OH, 45263-3211 City/State/Zip Open GL NUMBER 101-172-727.000 OFFICE DEP 67495 04/23/2015 04/16/2015 Post Date 05/05/2015 CK Run Date / /Date Disc. 05/05/2015 Due Date 765851874001 Invoice PO 0.0000 Disc. % GEN FOLDERS Bank Invoice Description N Hold N Sep CK N 1099 DESCRIPTION OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE DEPOT P O BOX 633211 CINCINNATI OH, 45263-3211 Open GL NUMBER 101-301-727.000 OFFICE DEP 67531 04/23/2015 Page : INVOICE APPROVAL BY INVOICE REPORT FOR CITY OF HOWELL EXP CHECK RUN DATES 05/05/2015 - 05/05/2015 BOTH JOURNALIZED AND UNJOURNALIZED OPEN AND PAID BANK CODE: GEN A/P Open GL NUMBER 590-564-740.000 591-564-775.000 5.46 Gross Amount 0.00 Discount 5.46 Net Amount AMOUNT 5.46 04/23/2015 05/05/2015 / / 05/05/2015 767114917001 0.0000 GEN N N N DESCRIPTION OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE DEPOT P O BOX 633211 CINCINNATI OH, 45263-3211 18/23 OFFICE SUPPLIES 94.62 0.00 94.62 AMOUNT 94.62 04/23/2015 05/05/2015 / / 05/05/2015 767126972001 0.0000 GEN N N N DESCRIPTION OPERATING SUPPLIES MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES MAINT SUPPLIES 80.98 0.00 80.98 AMOUNT 40.49 40.49 80.98 VENDOR TOTAL: PAYROLL 67364 04/18/2015 PAYROLL FUND 04/18/2015 05/05/2015 / / 04/21/2015 , PD CK# 81872 04/21/2015 GL NUMBER 101-000-001.002 04-21-2015 0.0000 DESCRIPTION PAYROLL CHECKING GEN N N N PAY ENDING 4-18-2015 PERDUE, ERIN 290 MARKET ST, UNIT 606 MINNEAPOLIS MN, 55405 Open GL NUMBER 101-722-860.000 04/27/2015 05/05/2015 / / 05/05/2015 4/27/15 0.0000 GEN N Y N DESCRIPTION CONFERENCE /TRANSPORTATION PYRAMID NETWORK SERVICES, LLC 6519 TOWPATH RD EAST SYRACUSE NY, 13057 04/14/2015 05/05/2015 / / 139,905.33 MASTER PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING 115.09 0.00 115.09 AMOUNT 115.09 VENDOR TOTAL: PERF/BONDS 67354 04/14/2015 139,905.33 0.00 139,905.33 AMOUNT 139,905.33 VENDOR TOTAL: MISC 67475 04/27/2015 373.45 PB13-151 0.0000 GEN N Y 115.09 BOND REFUND 152 S HIGHLANDER WAY 200.00 0.00 04/29/2015 02:24 PM User: Daus DB: Howell Vendor Code Ref # Invoice Date Vendor name Address City/State/Zip PERF/BONDS 67354 04/14/2015 PYRAMID NETWORK SERVICES, LLC 6519 TOWPATH RD EAST SYRACUSE NY, 13057 PD CK# 81873 04/21/2015 GL NUMBER 101-000-283.000 Page : INVOICE APPROVAL BY INVOICE REPORT FOR CITY OF HOWELL EXP CHECK RUN DATES 05/05/2015 - 05/05/2015 BOTH JOURNALIZED AND UNJOURNALIZED OPEN AND PAID BANK CODE: GEN A/P Post Date CK Run Date Disc. Date Due Date 04/14/2015 05/05/2015 / / 04/21/2015 Invoice PO Disc. % PB13-151 0.0000 19/23 Bank Invoice Description Hold Gross Amount Sep CK Discount 1099 Net Amount GEN BOND REFUND 152 S HIGHLANDER WAY N 200.00 Y 0.00 N 200.00 DESCRIPTION DEV ESCROW AMOUNT 200.00 VENDOR TOTAL: PERF/BONDS 67496 05/01/2015 R. GARI SIGN & DISPLAY, INC 9043 BUCKHORN LANE BRIGHTON MI, 48116 Open GL NUMBER 101-000-283.000 05/01/2015 05/05/2015 / / 05/05/2015 PB15-011 0.0000 GEN N Y N DESCRIPTION DEV ESCROW AMOUNT 200.00 VENDOR TOTAL: REDICARE 67487 04/01/2015 REDICARE PARTNERS, PLLC 4185 E GRAND RIVER AVE HOWELL MI, 48843-8523 Open GL NUMBER 101-270-835.000 REDICARE 67488 04/17/2015 Open GL NUMBER 101-270-835.000 REDICARE 67532 04/23/2015 GL NUMBER 101-270-835.000 116807 0.0000 GEN N N N 04/17/2015 05/05/2015 / / 05/05/2015 04/23/2015 05/05/2015 / / 05/05/2015 DESCRIPTION PHYSICALS / MEDICAL EXPENSE SUMMER HELP PRE -EMPLOYMENT 200.00 95.00 0.00 95.00 AMOUNT 95.00 116810 0.0000 GEN N N N DESCRIPTION PHYSICALS / MEDICAL EXPENSE REDICARE PARTNERS, PLLC 4185 E GRAND RIVER AVE HOWELL MI, 48843-8523 Open 04/01/2015 05/05/2015 / / 05/05/2015 DESCRIPTION PHYSICALS / MEDICAL EXPENSE REDICARE PARTNERS, PLLC 4185 E GRAND RIVER AVE HOWELL MI, 48843-8523 200.00 BOND REFUND 113 E GRAND RIVER 200.00 0.00 200.00 SEASONAL HELP,PRE EMPLOYMENT PHYSICAL 95.00 0.00 95.00 AMOUNT 95.00 116992 0.0000 GEN N N N SEASONAL EMPLOYEE PHYSICAL 95.00 0.00 95.00 AMOUNT 95.00 VENDOR TOTAL: 285.00 04/29/2015 02:24 PM User: Daus DB: Howell Page : INVOICE APPROVAL BY INVOICE REPORT FOR CITY OF HOWELL EXP CHECK RUN DATES 05/05/2015 - 05/05/2015 BOTH JOURNALIZED AND UNJOURNALIZED OPEN AND PAID BANK CODE: GEN A/P Vendor Code Ref # Invoice Date Vendor name Address City/State/Zip Post Date CK Run Date Disc. Date Due Date Invoice PO Disc. % Bank Invoice Description Hold Sep CK 1099 PERF/BONDS 67533 05/01/2015 ROOFING DEPOT LLC 1280 IRWIN DR WATERFORD MI, 48327 05/01/2015 05/05/2015 / / 05/05/2015 PB15-032 GEN N Y N Open GL NUMBER 101-000-283.000 0.0000 DESCRIPTION DEV ESCROW 20/23 Gross Amount Discount Net Amount BOND REFUND 940 W GRAND RIVER 300.00 0.00 300.00 AMOUNT 300.00 VENDOR TOTAL: PERF/BONDS 67497 05/01/2015 SMOLINSKI ENTERPRISES, LLC 46 LEGAULT CT HOWELL MI, 48843 Open GL NUMBER 101-000-283.000 05/01/2015 05/05/2015 / / 05/05/2015 PB14-210 0.0000 GEN N Y N DESCRIPTION DEV ESCROW BOND REFUND 321 E CLINTON ST 04/01/2015 STANDARD ELECTRIC COMPANY P O BOX 5289 SAGINAW MI, 48603-0289 Open GL NUMBER 590-564-930.007 04/01/2015 05/05/2015 1411237-00 GEN N / / 05/05/2015 0.0000 N N DESCRIPTION REPAIR & MAINT - PLANT RAG MACHINE VFD I/O STRATEGIC PRODUCTS & SERVICES, LLC P.O. BOX 5365 NEW YORK NY, 10087-5365 Open GL NUMBER 101-000-081.001 SPS 67383 04/01/2015 Open GL NUMBER DESCRIPTION 159.56 AMOUNT 159.56 04/01/2015 05/05/2015 / / 05/05/2015 SI664529 0.0000 GEN N N N DESCRIPTION DUE FROM REC AUTHORITY STRATEGIC PRODUCTS & SERVICES, LLC P.O. BOX 5365 NEW YORK NY, 10087-5365 200.00 0.00 159.56 VENDOR TOTAL: SPS 67356 04/01/2015 200.00 0.00 200.00 AMOUNT 200.00 VENDOR TOTAL: STD ELEC 67355 300.00 159.56 OCEOLA REC PHONE INSTALLATION SUPPORT 70.00 0.00 70.00 AMOUNT 70.00 04/01/2015 05/05/2015 / / 05/05/2015 SI665418 0.0000 GEN N N N REC - IP PHONE LICENSES AMOUNT 231.00 0.00 231.00 04/29/2015 02:24 PM User: Daus DB: Howell SPS Vendor Code 67383 Ref # 04/01/2015 Invoice Date STRATEGIC Vendor namePRODUCTS & SERVICES, LLC P.O. BOX 5365 Address NEW YORK NY, 10087-5365 City/State/Zip Open GL NUMBER 101-000-081.001 Page : INVOICE APPROVAL BY INVOICE REPORT FOR CITY OF HOWELL EXP CHECK RUN DATES 05/05/2015 - 05/05/2015 BOTH JOURNALIZED AND UNJOURNALIZED OPEN AND PAID BANK CODE: GEN A/P 04/01/2015 Post Date 05/05/2015 CK Run Date / /Date Disc. 05/05/2015 Due Date SI665418 Invoice PO 0.0000 Disc. % GEN REC - IPDescription PHONE LICENSES Bank Invoice N Hold Gross 231.00 Amount N 0.00 Sep CK Discount N 1099 Net 231.00 Amount DESCRIPTION DUE FROM REC AUTHORITY AMOUNT 231.00 VENDOR TOTAL: TREE'S N S 67534 04/20/2015 TREES 'N' SCAPES, INC. 1775 W VERMONTVILLE HWY. CHARLOTTE MI, 48813 Open GL NUMBER 101-285-974.002 101-747-880.004 21/23 04/20/2015 05/05/2015 / / 05/05/2015 2629 0.0000 GEN N N N DESCRIPTION NEIGHBORHOOD TREE PROGRAM ARBOR DAY CELEBRATION TREES 301.00 1,570.00 0.00 1,570.00 AMOUNT 120.00 1,450.00 1,570.00 VENDOR TOTAL: USA BLUEBK 67357 04/01/2015 USA BLUEBOOK P O BOX 9004 GURNEE IL, 60031-9004 Open GL NUMBER 590-564-930.007 04/01/2015 05/05/2015 / / 05/05/2015 607169 0.0000 GEN N N N DESCRIPTION REPAIR & MAINT - PLANT SAFETY SUPPLIES 04/29/2015 VSP P.O. BOX 742788 LOS ANGELES CA, 90074-2788 Open GL NUMBER 101-000-081.001 101-290-714.000 303.19 0.00 303.19 AMOUNT 303.19 VENDOR TOTAL: VSP 67536 1,570.00 04/29/2015 05/05/2015 5/2015 GEN N / / 05/05/2015 0.0000 N N DESCRIPTION DUE FROM REC AUTHORITY EMPLOYEE MEDICAL INSURANCE 303.19 MAY 2015 VISION INSURANCE ACTIVE EMPLOYEES 929.89 0.00 929.89 AMOUNT 49.02 880.87 929.89 VSP 67537 04/29/2015 VSP P.O. BOX 742788 LOS ANGELES CA, 90074-2788 Open GL NUMBER DESCRIPTION 04/29/2015 05/05/2015 MAY2015/RET GEN N / / 05/05/2015 0.0000 N N MAY 2015 RETIREES VISION 187.22 0.00 187.22 AMOUNT 04/29/2015 02:24 PM User: Daus DB: Howell VSP 67537 Vendor Code Ref # 04/29/2015 Invoice Date VSP Vendor name P.O. BOX 742788 Address LOS ANGELES CA, 90074-2788 City/State/Zip Open GL NUMBER 101-000-083.001 Page : INVOICE APPROVAL BY INVOICE REPORT FOR CITY OF HOWELL EXP CHECK RUN DATES 05/05/2015 - 05/05/2015 BOTH JOURNALIZED AND UNJOURNALIZED OPEN AND PAID BANK CODE: GEN 04/29/2015 MAY2015/RET GEN A/P 05/05/2015 Post Date CK Run Date / /Date Disc. 05/05/2015 Due Date Invoice PO 0.0000 Disc. % MAY 2015 RETIREES VISION N 187.22 Bank Invoice Description Hold Gross Amount N 0.00 Sep CK Discount N 1099 Net 187.22 Amount DESCRIPTION DF FORMER EMPLOYEE/HLTH INS AMOUNT 187.22 VENDOR TOTAL: WASTE MAN 67384 04/01/2015 WASTE ATTN: 48797 WIXOM MANAGEMENT OF MICHIGAN JENNIFER ADAMS ALPHA DR SUITE 150 MI, 48393 Open GL NUMBER 226-528-804.019 641-441-920.003 101-276-920.003 226-528-804.019 226-528-804.019 226-528-804.019 226-528-804.019 101-747-881.002 101-265-920.003 226-528-804.019 226-528-804.020 226-528-804.020 226-528-804.020 226-528-804.020 226-528-804.020 226-529-804.015 226-528-804.016 226-528-804.017 226-528-804.017 22/23 04/01/2015 05/05/2015 APR 2015 GEN N / / 05/05/2015 0.0000 N N DESCRIPTION CONTR SERV - CBD COMPACTOR UTILITIES - RUBBISH UTILITIES - RUBBISH CONTR SERV - CBD COMPACTOR CONTR SERV - CBD COMPACTOR CONTR SERV - CBD COMPACTOR CONTR SERV - CBD COMPACTOR RECYCLE LIVINGSTON SERVICES UTILITIES - RUBBISH CONTR SERV - CBD COMPACTOR CONTR SERV-CORRUGATED CARDBRD CONTR SERV-CORRUGATED CARDBRD CONTR SERV-CORRUGATED CARDBRD CONTR SERV-CORRUGATED CARDBRD CONTR SERV-CORRUGATED CARDBRD CONTRACT SERV - YARD WST PROG CONTRACT SERV - RESIDENT PICKP CONTRACT SERV - RES CURB CART CONTRACT SERV - RES CURB CART 1,117.11 WASTE REMOVAL CITY CONTRACT 39,277.16 0.00 39,277.16 AMOUNT 170.10 300.04 149.91 1,909.44 636.48 954.72 954.72 37.51 300.04 954.72 131.04 148.72 223.08 297.44 223.08 1,545.12 24,832.35 5,148.85 359.80 39,277.16 VENDOR TOTAL: MISC 67538 04/21/2015 ZORO P.O. BOX 5233 JANESVILLE WI, 53547-5233 Open GL NUMBER 591-564-775.004 DESCRIPTION CHEMICALS 04/21/2015 05/05/2015 / / 05/05/2015 INV1012351 0.0000 GEN N Y N ACID CONTAINMENT TOTE 39,277.16 954.02 0.00 954.02 AMOUNT 954.02 VENDOR TOTAL: 954.02 04/29/2015 02:24 PM User: Daus DB: Howell Vendor Code Ref # Invoice Date Vendor name Address City/State/Zip INVOICE APPROVAL BY INVOICE REPORT FOR CITY OF HOWELL EXP CHECK RUN DATES 05/05/2015 - 05/05/2015 BOTH JOURNALIZED AND UNJOURNALIZED OPEN AND PAID BANK CODE: GEN A/P Post Date CK Run Date Disc. Date Due Date Invoice PO Disc. % Page : Bank Invoice Description Hold Sep CK 1099 TOTAL - ALL VENDORS: 23/23 Gross Amount Discount Net Amount 260,428.87 CITY OF HOWELL MEMORANDUM TO: MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL FROM: SHEA CHARLES, CITY MANAGER DATE: APRIL 30, 2015 RE: BUDGET WORK SESSION & BUDGET HEARING There will be a work session at 6:00 pm on Wednesday, May 6th to complete City Council’s review of the proposed 2015-2016 Budget. Remaining areas for review include DDA/Main Street Budget, Water & Sewer Funds as well as the Internal Service Funds. Consensus of City Council from the April 25th session includes the following: 1) Maintain millage rates at their current levels (15.9443 mills Operating & 1.2 mills Garbage Service). 2) Set a target General Fund Balance of 20%. 3) Add the demolition of the fuel storage building adjacent to Page Field ($20,000). Projects listed in my budget memo City Council determined the following: Department Police Police IT IT CD Cemetery Parks City Hall Item Current Vacant Patrol Officer Equipment Reserve City Wireless Project City Hall security system upgrade Zoning Code update Memorial Cemetery Irrigation Barnard Center Roof Irrigation System City Hall 3rd Floor Carpet replacement Parks Parks Parks Parks Streets Sidewalks Miscellaneous Total Page Field Track Page Field Bleachers Thompson Lake Bathroom Upgrades Building Demolition Assorted Street Projects Sidewalk Program Net Reduction $68,000 $15,000 $6,000 $8,000 $25,000 $50,000 $110,000 $10,000 Fund Yes/No wait until negotiations No No No No No wait until report No $28,000 No $200,000 $20,000 $125,000 $20,000 $211,500 $40,000 $200,000 $1,136,500 No No No Add to budget No No No POLICE POSITION This week the City received the resignation of one our officers who is leaving for another department. We wish this officer the best of luck in his future endeavors! Before finalization of the proposed budget I authorized the Police Chief to begin the search process for the vacant Police Officer position formerly held by the SRO. The search process continued after the budgetary elimination of the second vacant Police Officer position as we anticipated this resignation. Interviews were conducted this week and two individuals emerged as potential candidates. We have extended an offer of employment to the top candidate and assuming they pass the background and psychological tests, field training will begin in June. As we have two viable candidates I am recommending to City Council to authorize hiring of an additional officer increasing the proposed budget by $30,000. A new officer annual cost is $68,000 with two positions being $136,000, while the position being vacated costs $106,000/year. The cost difference comes from lower wages for starting officers, additionally new hires have a different retirement program with a much lower annual contribution rate. The officer’s annual cost will increase under the union contract but we anticipate some retirements in the next two to three years. Given all of these dynamics, I feel it is prudent to proceed with the additional hiring. BUDGET HEARING Pursuant to the City Charter the annual budget must be adopted by May 18th. I am requesting City Council proceed with scheduling the required budget hearing and truth in taxation hearing for Monday, May 18th at 7:00 pm. We will publish the notice with an operating millage of 15.9443 mills and a Garbage Millage of 1.2 Mills. ACTION REQUESTED: Motion to set a public hearing to consider the 2015-2016 City of Howell Budget at 7:00 pm, Monday May 18, 2015 at Howell City Hall. Shea Charles City Manager