2016 Northern Maine Fair Handout
2016 Northern Maine Fair Handout
July 30th & 31st Street rodS • Vintage CarS • truCkS • SnowmobileS & motorCyCleS tranSportation exhibit in the Forum Featuring: General Lee & Sheriff Cars and Daisy’s Jeep For information to exhibit a vehicle call: Rick Guerrette 551-4788 Come Have some fun With sheriff rosco & Boss Hog impersonators Meet Tom Sarmento General Lee Car Builder special appearance of an original tV series meet K.i.t.t. from the tV show Knight rider General lee Autographed by David Hasselhoff HarneSS racing Friday, July 29 ..........................6 PM Monday, August 1 .................. 6 PM Tuesday, August 2 .................. 2 PM Wednesday, August 3........... 2 PM Thursday, August 4 ................ 6 PM Friday, August 5...................... 2 PM ~Monday Special~ $1.00 adMiSSion Monday, August 1 For EVERYONE 6 years and up for the whole day, and Smokey will have all rides $1.00 each all day. 5IF/PSUIFSO.BJOF'BJSJTEFEJDBUFEUPQSPWJEJOHBGVOTBGFBOEFYDJUJOHDVMUVSBMGBJSFYQFSJFODFUIBUQSPNPUFTBOE TVQQPSUTIFBMUIZDPNNVOJUJFTBOEUPCBDDPGSFFFOWJSPONFOUT4NPLJOHJTPOMZBMMPXFEJOEFTJHOBUFETNPLJOHBSFBGPSBHFTBOEBCPWF :PVUIBHFBOEZPVOHFSBSFOPUBMMPXFEXJUIJOGFFUPGEFTJHOBUFETNPLJOHBSFB7FOEPSTBSFQSPIJCJUFEGSPNEJTQMBZJOHPSTFMMJOHUPCBDDP QSPEVDUTPSFMFDUSPOJDOJDPUJOFEFWJDFT.BJOFMBXQSPIJCJUTTNPLJOHNFEJDBMNBSJKVBOBJOQVCMJDQMBDFT Tobacco policy GENERAL INFORMATION FIRST AID The First Aid Station is located in the north end of the Midway Building behind the Grandstand. Basic first aid is provided during fair operating hours. Crown Ambulance maintains an ambulance for transporting patients to TAMC, if needed, during all events at the Grandstand. PLEASE NOTE t0OMZTFSWJDFBOJNBMTBSFBMMPXFEPOUIFGBJSHSPVOET t1FUTBSF/05QFSNJUUFEFYDFQUJO$BNQFSBSFBT t$PPMFSTCBDLQBDLTBOEXBHPOTBSFTVCKFDUUPTFBSDI t FIREWORKS AND FIRE ARMS ARE NOT ALLOWED ON GROUNDS! t "5.JTMPDBUFEJOUIF'PSVN LOST AND FOUND — Dates & Hours of aDmission — __________________________________________________ Dates Midway Hours Exhibition Hall Hours Friday, July 29 ................. 1.1. ............1.1. Saturday, July 30...........1.1. ........... 1.1. 4VOEBZ+VMZ .............1.1. ........... 1.1. .POEBZ"VHVTU .......... 1.1. ............1.1. Tuesday, August 2 ........1.1. ............1.1. Wednesday, August 3 .. 1.1. ............1.1. Thursday, August 4 ....... 1.1. ............1.1. Friday, August 5 ............ 1.1. ............1.1. Saturday, August 6 .......1.1. ........... 1.1. *Midway may close early depending upon crowd. 0VSMPTUBOEGPVOEJTMPDBUFEBUUIFTFDVSJUZPóDFJOUIF Midway Building behind the Grandstand. ACCESSIBILITY Most of the grounds are accessible by wheelchair with UIFFYDFQUJPOPGTPNFSFTUSPPNT'PSVNCBUISPPNTBSF handicapped accessible. SECURITY 5IFTFDVSJUZPóDFJTMPDBUFEJOUIFOPSUIFOEPGUIF.JEXBZ Building and handles lost children, lost parents and other security issues. PARKING 1BSLJOHJTQSPWJEFEPOUIF fairgrounds free of charge. Fairground entrances are on State Street and Mechanic Street. See map for more info and driving instructions. General aDmission - us funDs Children 6 and under ........................... FREE $IJMESFO .......................................$ 2.00 BOEPMEFS ......................................... 8FFL1BTTBOEPMEFS.................. $40.00 8FFL1BTT$IJMESFO ................ Lifetime Membership.....................$200.00 This program is subject to change without notice and the Northern Maine Fair Association is NOT responsible for typographical errors or time changes. open Mic eVenTS! ag exHibiTion building Spotlighting Local Performers! Individuals, Duos, Groups…Sing, Dance, Comedy, Poetry…whatever your talent this is your chance to shine. Accomplished Solo Artist and GPVOEFSPGBXBSEXJOOJOHUSJP4FMBI nicol Sponberg Sun., July 31 at 3 PM Music Hall Stage Stop in to view beautiful entries from MPDBMDPOUFTUBOUTFOUFSBDPPLJOHDPOUFTU sample food… there is always lots to do BOETFFJOi063$06/5:w cooking conTeSTS ScHedule friday, July 29 Girls & Boys bring your favorite princess & pirate costume and dress up for a Princess Tea & Pirate Party, receive crowns and dig for buried treasure. Bring all of your Friends!! Located in the -BEJFT1BWJMJPOJOUIF $PNNFSDJBM&YIJCJUJPO #VJMEJOH'PSBHFT See the schedule for dates and times. 4QFDJBM5IBOLTUP Wintergreen Arts Center saturday, July 30 sunday, July 31 Children’s Cupcake Decorating Contest 0OTJUF$VQDBLFEFDPSBUJOHDPOUFTU-*7& .1. monday, august 1 Parent/Child Cookie Contest Judging .........................................................1. tuesday, august 2 Raspberry Pie Contest: Judging..........1. Wednesday, august 3 Strawberry / Strawberry-Rhubarb Pie Contest: Judging.......................................1. Chili Cook-Off: 1VCMJD+VEHJOH..............1. thursday, august 4 Two Crust Apple Pie Contest: Judging ... 1. friday,august 5 “Pie in the Sky” Contest: Judging.......1. saturday, august 6 Wild Maine Blueberry Pie Contest Judging .........................................................1. agricultural exhibition Hall Hours This is not a contest…See website for more details dreSS up for... a princeSS Tea & piraTe parTy Whoopie Pie Contest: Judging ............1. Maine Potato Soup Contest - New Format: Entries Due by .......................................... /PPO Judging (Followed by public sampling) . /PPO1. Sat., July 30 at 2 PM Open Mic Afternoon Sun., July 31st 5 PM Gospel Open Mic Night luMberjack roundup & logging expo “A signature event of the Northern Maine Fair” Saturday, August 6 at 9 AM Behind the Forestry Building. Come see professional and student woodsmen compete in a variety of logging FWFOUTJODMVEJOHDIPQQJOHBYFUISPXJOH QVMQUISPXJOHTLJMMFUUPTTCVDLTBXMPH rolling, chain saw cutting and tea boiling. See website for rules and events information. WoodcarVing & arT SHoW inTernaTional TracTor & Truck pulling IN FRONT OF THE GRANDSTAND Co-sponsored by: MPG Truck & Tractor, Silverstar Enterprises/Northern Storage, and Milestone Sat., July 30 at Noon & 6 PM Co-sponsored by: Dead River Company, Carroll’s Auto Sales and Crown Equipment Sun., July 31 at 1 PM See website for rules and events information. Miss Northern Maine Fair Pageant! Friday, August 5t1.tForum Divisions: t.JTT(SBEFT$PMMFHF t+VOJPS.JTT(SBEFT Freshman through senior t1SF5FFO.JTT(SBEFT OPUUPFYDFFE) t-JUUMF.JTT(SBEFT, t5FFO.JTT(SBEFT tMini Miss ZFBSTPME Woodcarving artistry from new england and Canada July 29-31 8FFLFOET ..................................../PPO1. 8FFLEBZT .............................................1. Wednesday Seniors Day .................1. 4-H baby beef aucTion See website for rules and entry information. -JWFTUPDL4IPX3JOH Thurs., Aug. 4 at 6 PM Sponsored by: Theriault Equipment Mandy McQueen Photo Friday, August 5 schedule of events Continued Thursday, August 4 Pepsi Day 6OMJNJUFE3JEFTGPSGSPN1. Available at Midway ticket booths. Midway Open - Smokey’s Greater Shows 'JSFNBO'SFE4IPX.VTJD)BMM4UBHF 'BDF1BJOUJOH$PNNFSDJBM&YIJCJUJPO#VJMEJOH i-JM'BSNFSTBUUIF'BJSwo'3&& )JTUPSJDBM1BWJMJPO'PSVN )4UFBL%JOOFSTU4JUUJOH The Flying Wallendas - FREE Show! )BSOFTT3BDJOH(SBOETUBOE )#BCZ#FFG"VDUJPO-JWFTUPDL4IPX3JOH #FBOP.JEXBZ )4UFBL%JOOFSOE4JUUJOH 5XP$SVTU"QQMF1JF$POUFTU"HSJDVMUVSF &YIJCJUJPO#VJMEJOH&OUSJFTEVF1. 1. $PVOUSZ$PNCP+B[[(SPVQ.VTJD)BMM4UBHF 7:30 PM The Flying Wallendas - FREE Show! /PPO %SBGU)PSTF(BNF%BZ(FPSHF"MMFO"SFOB 3FHJTUSBUJPO"./PPO 1. )BSOFTT3BDJOH(SBOETUBOE 4 PM Midway Open - Smokey’s Greater Shows 1. 'JSFNBO'SFE4IPX.VTJD)BMM4UBHF 1. )"OJNBM$PTUVNF4IPX-JWFTUPDL4IPX3JOH 1. 'BDF1BJOUJOH$PNNFSDJBM&YIJCJUJPO#VJMEJOH 1. i-JM'BSNFSTBUUIF'BJSwo'3&& 1. )0CTUBDMF$PVSTF-JWFTUPDL4IPX3JOH 1. i1JFJO5IF4LZw$POUFTU+VEHJOH"HSJDVMUVSBM &YIJCJUJPO#VJMEJOH&OUSJFTEVF1. 6 PM Tuff Truck Competition Finals - Grandstand 6 PM The Flying Wallendas - FREE Show! 6 PM Northern Maine Fair Pageant - The Forum 1. #FBOP.JEXBZ 1. .VUUPO#VTUJO-JWFTUPDL4IPX3JOH Registration Begins at 5:30 1. .VEEZ3VDLVT.VTJD)BMM4UBHF 7:30 PM Dukes Stunt Show Featuring Corey Eubanks Grandstand 7:30 PM The Flying Wallendas - FREE Show! 6OMJNJUFE3JEFTGPSGSPN1. Available at Midway ticket booths. Smith’'S Farm Day 4 PM 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 6 PM 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. Saturday, August 6 s.W. Collins Co. & Presque isle Pharmacy Day Building schedules friday saturday sunday monday Old McDonald’s Farm & Petting Zoo Agriculture & Commercial Buildings Blacksmith Shop Agriculture Heritage Building Forestry Building 10A-9P 4P-9P 4P-9P 4P-9P 4P-8P 10A-9P 12P-9P 12P-9P 12P-9P 12P-8P 10A-9P 12P-9P 12P-9P 12P-9P 4P-8P 10A-9P 4P-9P 4P-9P 4P-9P 4P-8P 9 AM Lumberjack RoundupOFYUUPUIF'PSFTUSZ Building Noon Midway Open - Smokey’s Greater Shows /PPO 'JSFNBO'SFE4IPX.VTJD)BMM4UBHF 1. i-JM'BSNFSTBUUIF'BJSwo'3&& 1. -BTFS5BH'3&&'PSVN 1. 8JME.BJOF#MVFCFSSZ1JF$POUFTU+VEHJOH #FHJOT"HSJDVMUVSF&YIJCJUJPO#VJMEJOH &OUSJFTEVF1. 1. )4IFFQ4IPX-JWFTUPDL4IPX3JOH 3 PM The Flying Wallendas- FREE Show! 1. 4USJOHTPG$BMBNJUZ.VTJD)BMM4UBHF 1. 1SJODFTT1JSBUF1BSUZ$PN&YIJC#VJMEJOH 1. 1PLFS5PVSOBNFOU'PSFTUSZ#VJMEJOH 1. 'BDF1BJOUJOH$PNNFSDJBM&YIJCJUJPO#MEH 1. $PMPS(VBSE1SFTFOUBUJPO 1. "OUJRVF$BS1BSBEF (Weather Permitting) 5 PM The Flying Wallendas - FREE Show! 1. #FBOP.JEXBZ 6 PM Demolition Derby - Grandstand 7 PM The Flying Wallendas - FREE Show! 1. (VOUIFS#SPXO.VTJD)BMM4UBHF tuesday Wednesday thursday 10A-9P 4P-9P 12P-9P 12P-9P 4P-8P 10A-9P 4P-9P* 2P-9P 2P-9P 4P-8P 10A-9P 4P-9P 4P-9P 4P-9P 4P-8P friday saturday 10A-9P 4P-9P 4P-9P 4P-9P 4P-8P 10A-9P 12P-8P 12P-9P 12P-9P 10A-3P * Agriculture Exhibition Hall opens at 2 PM on Wednesday. — LEGEND — Map of fairgroundS 3BDF)PSTF#BSOT 4IPXBOE%SBGU)PSTF#BSOT (FPSHF"MMFO.FNPSJBM)PSTF"SFOB 'PSFTUSZ&YIJCJUJPO#VJMEJOH $PNNFSDJBM&YIJCJUJPO#VJMEJOH -BEJFT1BWJMJPO 6. Restaurants 7. The Flying Wallendas (SBOETUBOE 3BDF5SBDL#BS(SJMM 1BEEPDL /PSUIFSO.BJOF'PSVN +PIO3#SBEFO.FNPSJBM "HSJDVMUVSBM&YIJCJUJPO#VJMEJOH -JM'BSNFST"U5IF'BJS&YIJCJU 1FUUJOH;PP3BCCJU#BSO )3FTUBVSBOU -JWFTUPDL(SBOETUBOE -JWFTUPDL4IPX3JOH 20. Maintenance Shop 0ME.BD%POBMET'BSN )$FOUFOOJBM2VPOTFU "HSJDVMUVSBM)FSJUBHF#VJMEJOH -VNCFSKBDL3PVOEVQ"SFB 25. Logging Equipment Displays 26. Designated Smoking Area 1JDOJD"SFB Rest Rooms 84 Mechanic Street Presque Isle, Maine 04769 Diaper-Changing and Nursing room is located in the Ladies Pavilion in the Commercial Exhibition Building and Lil’ Farmer’s Building for your convenience. Diapers not provided. for all contest rules and entry information visit www.northernmainefair.com Friday, July 29 ScHedule of eVenTS aroostook savings & loan Day 5PEBZ0OMZUniformed, Active ))PSTF4IPX(FPSHF"MMFO"SFOB )''")PSTF+VEHJOH(FPSHF"MMFO"SFOB Midway Open - Smokey’s Greater Shows 8PPEDBSWJOH"SU4IPX'PSFTUSZ#VJMEJOH i-JM'BSNFSTBUUIF'BJSwo'3&& 'BDF1BJOUJOH$PNNFSDJBM&YIJCJUJPO#VJMEJOH The Flying Wallendas - FREE Show! #FBOP.JEXBZ )BSOFTT3BDJOHo(SBOETUBOE 8IPPQJF1JF$POUFTU"HSJDVMUVSF&YIJCJUJPO #VJMEJOH&OUSJFTEVFCZ1. 1. 'JSFNBO'SFE4IPX.VTJD)BMM4UBHF 7:30 PM The Flying Wallendas - FREE Show! Saturday, July 30 mmG insurance & B.s. smith Carpentry, llC Day ". 0QFO)PSTF4IPX(FPSHF"MMFO"SFOB Noon Midway Open - Smokey’s Greater Shows Noon International Tractor & Truck Pulling Grandstand /PPO /FX1PUBUPFT.BJOF1PUBUP4PVQ$POUFTU "HSJDVMUVSF&YIJCJUJPO#VJMEJOH&OUSJFTEVF CZOPPO1VCMJDKVEHJOH/PPO8JOOFST BOOPVODFEJNNFEJBUFMZGPMMPXJOH Sponsored by: Maine Potato Board 1. 8PPEDBSWJOH"SU4IPX'PSFTUSZ#VJMEJOH 1. i-JM'BSNFSTBUUIF'BJSwo'3&& 1. 3PET3JEFTBOE3FMJDTo5SBOTQPSUBUJPO &YIJCJU'FBUVSJOH(FOFSBM-FF4IFSJòDBST BOE%BJTZT+FFQo'PSVN 1. 0QFO.JD"GUFSOPPO.VTJD)BMM4UBHF 4FFXFCTJUFGPSFOUSZEFUBJMT 3 PM The Flying Wallendas - FREE Show! 1. )4XJOF4IPX4XJOF1FOT 1. 'BDF1BJOUJOH$PNNFSDJBM&YIJCJUJPO Building 1. 1SJODFTT1JSBUF1BSUZ$PN&YIJCJUJPO#MEH 1. 8BMLJOHPG#BCZ#FFG-JWFTUPDL4IPX3JOH 5 PM The Flying Wallendas - FREE Show! 6 PM International Tractor and Truck Pulling Grandstand 1. 'JSFNBO'SFE4IPX.VTJD)BMM4UBHF 1. #FBOP.JEXBZ 7 PM The Flying Wallendas - FREE Show! Saturday, August 6, 2016 at 4:00 Registration begins at 3:30 • Forestry Building Pre-registration recommended • 100 players Entry Fee: $100 (plus admission to the Fair) Free admission if registration is paid in advance. www.NorthernMaineFair.com Tuesday, August 2 taco Bell invites you to live mas at the fair Day Coca Cola & save-a-lot Day Children’s Dayt family fun night 4-H & ffa Day 6OMJNJUFE3JEFTGPSGSPN1. Available at Midway ticket booths Cub/Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts and Leaders Admitted FREE at the Gate. ". /PPO 4 PM 1. 1. 1. 5:30 PM 1. 1. 1. Sunday, July 31 ". 0QFO)PSTF4IPX(FPSHF"MMFO"SFOB /PPO (After Lunch) ,JET)PSTF(BNFT Noon Midway Open - Smokey’s Greater Shows SVOEBZ,JET(BNFT"MMJO-JWFTUPDL4IPX3JOH 12 kid limit per class for all classes /PPO ,JET1FEBM5SBDUPS1VMMMCT 1. &&-3BDJOHLJET 1. ,JET1FEBM5SBDUPS1VMMMCT 1. &&-3BDJOHLJET 1. 1JH4DSBNCMFLJET 1. .655*/#645*/VQUPMCT MCT 1. 3PET3JEFTBOE3FMJDTo5SBOTQPSUBUJPO &YIJCJU'FBUVSJOH(FOFSBM-FF4IFSJòDBST BOE%BJTZT+FFQo'PSVN 1. 8PPEDBSWJOH"SU4IPX'PSFTUSZ#VJMEJOH 1. i-JM'BSNFSTBUUIF'BJSwo'3&& 1 PM International Tractor & Truck Pulling Grandstand 1. /JDPM4QPOCFSH.VTJD)BMM4UBHF 3 PM The Flying Wallendas - FREE Show! 1. $IJMESFOT$VQDBLF%FDPSBUJOH$POUFTU-JWF "HSJDVMUVSF&YIJCJUJPO#VJMEJOH 3FHJTUSBUJPO1. 1. 1SJODFTT1JSBUF1BSUZ$PNNFSDJBM&YIJCJUJPO Building 1. 'BDF1BJOUJOH$PNNFSDJBM&YIJCJUJPO#VJMEJOH 1. 8BMLJOHPG#BCZ#FFG-JWFTUPDL4IPX3JOH 1. (PTQFM0QFO.JD/JHIU.VTJD)BMM4UBHF 4FFXFCTJUFGPSFOUSZEFUBJMT 5 PM The Flying Wallendas - FREE Show! 1. 5Vò5SVDL1SFMJNJOBSZ$PNQFUJUJPO(SBOETUBOE 1. #FBOP.JEXBZ 7 PM The Flying Wallendas - FREE Show! 6OMJNJUFE3JEFTGPSGSPN1. Available at Midway ticket booths Noon 1. 1. 1. 2 PM 1. 1. 1. 1. 4:30 PM 1. 1. Midway Open - Smokey’s Greater Shows i-JM'BSNFSTBUUIF'BJSwo'3&& )''"0QFOJOH$FSFNPOJFTo)(SBOETUBOE )BSOFTT3BDJOH(SBOETUBOE The Flying Wallendas - FREE Show! )''"iAG OLYMPICSwo)(SBOETUBOE 'JSFNBO'SFE4IPX.VTJD)BMM4UBHF 'BDF1BJOUJOH$PNNFSDJBM&YIJCJUJPO#VJMEJOH )JTUPSJDBM1BWJMJPO'PSVN The Flying Wallendas - FREE Show! 8BMLJOHPG#BCZ#FFG-JWFTUPDL4IPX3JOH 8PSLJOH8JUI8PPM1SPDFTTJOH%FNPo -JWFTUPDL"SFB 1.1JH4DSBNCMF3FHJTUSBUJPO,JETBHFT Grandstand 1. ,JET/JHIUPOUIF5SBDL(SBOETUBOE3BDF 5SBDL 1. 3BTQCFSSZ1JF$POUFTU+VEHJOH"HSJDVMUVSBM &YIJCJUJPO#VJMEJOH&OUSJFTEVF1. 1. #FBOP.JEXBZ 1. 5SBDUPS3PEFP(FPSHF"MMFO"SFOB 1. #JLF%SBXJOH(SBOETUBOE3FH1. 7 PM The Flying Wallendas - FREE Show! 1. 1SFTRVF*TMF8FTMFZBO$IVSDI#BOE Music )BMM4UBHF 1. )1VCMJD4QFBLJOH%FNPOTUSBUJPOT$POUFTU "HSJDVMUVSF&YIJCJUJPO#VJMEJOH 7:30 PM Pig Scramble & Gold Coin Scramble Grandstand 1. #JLF%SBXJOH(SBOETUBOE3FHJTUSBUJPO1. Dark FireworksXJUI&NDFF'JSFNBO'SFE(SBOETUBOE Wednesday, August 3 Monday, August 1 star City, mars Hill, & Hillside iGa & Whited ford truck Center Day northeast Packaging Day armed services Day Seniors Day - 60 years of age and older will be admitted for $4 at the gate. "OZBDUJWFEVUZNJMJUBSZQFSTPOOFMTQPVTF BENJUUFE'3&& $1.00 admission - $1.00 rides 4 PM 1. 1. 1. 1. 5-8 PM 6 PM 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 7:30 PM Midway Open - Smokey’s Greater Shows )(PBU4IPX-JWFTUPDL4IPX3JOH 'JSFNBO'SFE4IPX.VTJD)BMM4UBHF 'BDF1BJOUJOH$PNNFSDJBM&YIJCJUJPO#VJMEJOH i-JM'BSNFSTBUUIF'BJSwo'3&& Working with Wool: Shearing Demo - Livestock Area The Flying Wallendas - FREE Show! )BSOFTT3BDJOH(SBOETUBOE 1BSFOU$IJME$PPLJF$POUFTU+VEHJOH"H &YIJCJUJPO#VJMEJOH&OUSJFT%VF1. 8FJHIJOHPGUIF#BCZ#FFG-JWFTUPDL4IPX3JOH #FBOP.JEXBZ 5SBDUPS3PEFP(FPSHF"MMFO"SFOB %PMM$IBSBDUFS1BSBEF.VTJD)BMM4UBHF #PZT(JSMT"HFT 8BMLJOHPG#BCZ#FFG-JWFTUPDL4IPX3JOH The Flying Wallendas - FREE Show! 1. 1. 1. 4 PM 1. 1. 1. 1. 4:30 PM 1. 1. 1. 6:30 PM 1. 1. 7:30 PM 8 PM )#FFG%BJSZ4IPX-JWFTUPDL4IPX3JOH )BSOFTT3BDJOHo(SBOETUBOE 8BSOFS"SDIFS.VTJD)BMM4UBHF Midway Open - Smokey’s Greater Shows 'BDF1BJOUJOH$PNNFSDJBM&YIJC#VJMEJOH i-JM'BSNFSTBUUIF'BJSwo'3&& )JTUPSJDBM1BWJMJPO'PSVN $PNNFSDJBM#VJMEJOH0QFO The Flying Wallendas - FREE Show! )#BCZ#FFG4IPX-JWFTUPDL4IPX3JOH 4USBXCFSSZ4USBXCFSSZ3IVCBSC1JF$POUFTU +VEHJOH"H&YIJC#MEH&OUSJFTEVF1. #FBOP.JEXBZ Monster Energy MX Freestyle Motocross Stunt Show – FREE! Grandstand 8FEOFTEBZ&WFOJOH'JEEMFST.VTJD)BMM4UBHF $IJMJ$PPL0ò1VCMJD+VEHJOH"HSJDVMUVSBM &YIJCJUJPO#VJMEJOH3FHJTUSBUJPO1. The Flying Wallendas - FREE Show! Monster Energy MX Freestyle Motocross Stunt Show – FREE! Grandstand for all contest rules and entry information visit www.northernmainefair.com doll & cHaracTer parade MuSic Hall STage ScHedule .POEBZ"VHt1. (Music Hall Stage in Commercial Exhibition Building) For Girls & Boys ages 2-12) Bring your favorite doll along, or dress in costume and parade GPSZPVSDIBODFUPXJOBQSJ[F Please pre register online at www.northernmainefair.com kidS nigHT on THe Track at the Commercial Exhibition Building Monday & Tuesday, August 1 & 2 friday, July 29 3FHJTUSBUJPO1.t(BNFT1. Obstacle Courses, Feats Of Skill, Games & Fun For The Whole Family Entry Info At: www.northernmainefair.com saturday, July 30 1. 0QFO.JD"GUFSOPPO 1. Fireman Fred Show sunday, July 31 1./JDPM4QPOCFSH 1. (PTQFM0QFO.JD/JHIU Tuesday, aug. 2 • 5:30 - 7:15 PM All of the listed events below will take place at the Grandstand. $PNFUSZUIF5".$0CTUBDMF$PVSTF BUUFOEUIF1SJODFTTBOE1JSBUFT1BSUZWJTJU the Anah Shrine Clowns, sign up to win a CJLFBOE.03& Bicycle Give Away in front of Grandstands 6:30 and 9:00- Must be present to win! 5XFMWF#JLFTXJMMCFHJWFO away. (Children under 12 may enter) 1. Fireman Fred Show monday, august 1 deMoliTion derby Saturday, August 6 at 6 PM at the Grandstand Sponsored by: Katahdin Trust Company & Katahdin Financial Services 4 1. Fireman Fred Show 1. /.'$IJMESFOT%PMM$IBSBDUFS 1BSBEF"HFT tuesday, august 2 - family night 1. Fireman Fred Show 7 1. 1SFTRVF*TMF8FTMFZBO$IVSDI Band Wednesday, august 3 1. i8BSOFS"SDIFSw 1. i8FEOFTEBZ&WFOJOH'JEEMFSTw thursday, august 4 1. 'JSFNBO'SFE4IPX 1. $PVOUSZ$PNCP+B[[(SPVQ Sponsored by: friday, august 5 1. 'JSFNBO'SFE4IPX 1. .VEEZ3VDLVT fireWorkS At Dark With Emcee Fireman Fred lil' farMerS aT THe fair Title Sponsor $IJMESFOCFDPNFi-JM'BSNFSTwBUUIJTGSFF IBOETPOFYIJCJUBTUIFZBSFQSPWJEFEUIF PQQPSUVOJUZUPFYQFSJFODFGBSNJOH schedule pig ScraMble Tuesday, August 2 at 7:30 PM In Front of Grandstand 3FHJTUSBUJPOGSPN1.GPS,JETBHFT 1BSFOUTNVTUCFQSFTFOUUPSFHJTUFSBDIJME See Website for Details! Friday, July 29 .................................. 4 - 8 PM Saturday, July 30 .......................... 12 - 8 PM Sunday, July 31 ............................. 12 - 8 PM Monday, August 1........................... 4 - 8 PM Tuesday, August 2 ........................ 12 - 8 PM Wednesday, August 3 .....................4 - 8 PM Thursday, August 4......................... 4 - 8 PM Friday, August 5 .............................. 4 - 8 PM Saturday, August 6 ........................ 12- 6 PM saturday, august 6 /PPO 'JSFNBO'SFE4IPX 1. 4USJOHTPG$BMBNJUZ 1. (VOUIFS#SPXO Schedule subject to change.
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