dolfyn - SOFiSTiK AG


dolfyn - SOFiSTiK AG
The DOLFYN version with full SOFiSTiK integration is
distributed exclusively through SOFiSTiK and its sales
partners and competence centres. Automatic mesh
generation, wind definition and graphical interactive postprocessing may require additional SOFiSTiK licenses.
Single seat licence of DOLFYN for SOFiSTiK:
No multi-licence discount.
Ask us for individual offers and consulting …
Cyclone Fluid Dynamics BV
Sweelincklaan 4 · NL-5583 XM Waalre
Bruckmannring 38 · 85764 Oberschleißheim
Tel.: +49 (0)89 315878-0
Fluid Dynamics powered by
Cyclone Fluid Dynamics BV
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is a standard numerical method for solving any kind of fluid motion and the
transport of heat or particles within the fluid. SOFiSTiK has
gained consulting and project experience during the past
years and is now supporting DOLFYN (,
an open source CFD-Solver used in practice in many engineering fields.
DOLFYN is a Finite Volume software to solve incompressible
fluid dynamic problems in 3D.
Wind loading on bridge cross-sections
Applications in Civil and Structural Engineering
• Wind loading on buildings (bluff bodies)
• Wind loading on moving bodies, especially bridges
• Wind comfort and nuisance to cyclists and pedestrians
• Wind energy
• Heating and Ventilation (HVAC)
• Fire safety engineering
• Wave loadings
Windtunnel or CFD?
A wind tunnel is just a model of the reality, so is any CFD
model. The wind tunnel needs scaling, Reynolds number is
not the same and there are cases where this does matter.
For flexible structures, the measurement equipment may
change the effects considerably. On the other hand there
are known deficiencies of numerical analysis, which do not
allow taking all results for granted. “The purpose of computing is insight, not numbers.” said R. Hamming in 1962.
So the question is not which technique to be used but how
to combine both methods to their best use.
DOLFYN Features
• Standard k-ɛ and RNG turbulence models
• Stable numerical procedures
• Temperature / scalars / particles included
• Postprocessing with ParaView / VisIt (VTK-files)
Full integration in the SOFiSTiK environment
• Mesh generation with SOFIMSHA / SOFIMSHC
• Automatic tetrahedral meshing (NETGEN)
• Post-processing with WinGRAF
• Full CADINP support including formulas for boundary and
initial conditions
• Easy wind definition (atmospheric boundary layer) directly
or via SOFiLOAD
• Standard wind profiles with turbulence parameters
according to EN 1991-4, SIA, DIN, SNIP
• Direct generation of resulting wind loading in the data base
Wind loading on buildings