from KCC
from KCC
KANSAS CORPORATION COMMISSION Confidentiality Requested: No ✔ Yes 1217333 OIL & GAS CONSERVATION DIVISION Form ACO-1 August 2013 Form must be Typed Form must be Signed All blanks must be Filled WELL COMPLETION FORM WELL HISTORY - DESCRIPTION OF WELL & LEASE 31938 OPERATOR: License # API No. 15 - 15-007-24157-00-00 Name: Indian Oil Co., Inc. Spot Description: Address 1: PO BOX 209 E2 - E2 - SE - Address 2: 2507 SE US 160 HWY 1320 Feet from 330 Feet from State: KS MEDICINE LODGE City: Contact Person: Anthony Farrar Phone: ( 620 886-3763 ) CONTRACTOR: License # Zip: 67104 + 0209 15 Sec. 5822 NE North / ✔ South Line of Section ✔ East / Datum: ✔ SE NW GPS Location: Lat: Wellsite Geologist: Scott Alberg West Line of Section SW , Long: (e.g. xx.xxxxx) NAD27 NAD83 Share Trust Lease Name: Designate Type of Completion: New Well Re-Entry Workover ✔ Oil WSW SWD SIOW Gas D&A ENHR SIGW ✔ OG GSW Temp. Abd. Well #: 1 Field Name: Producing Formation: Mississippian Elevation: Ground: 1371 Kelly Bushing: Total Vertical Depth: 5100 Amount of Surface Pipe Set and Cemented at: 855 Cathodic Other (Core, Expl., etc.): Multiple Stage Cementing Collar Used? If Workover/Re-entry: Old Well Info as follows: If yes, show depth set: Operator: If Alternate II completion, cement circulated from: Well Name: feet depth to: Original Comp. Date: Re-perf. Commingled Conv. to ENHR w/ Conv. to SWD Drilling Fluid Management Plan (Data must be collected from the Reserve Pit) sx cmt. Location of fluid disposal if hauled offsite: Operator Name: GSWPermit #: Date Reached TD bbls Dewatering method used: Evaporated ENHRPermit #: 4/13/2014 ppm Fluid volume: 100 Chloride content: 4000 Permit #: Permit #: Spud Date or Recompletion Date Yes ✔ No Feet Conv. to Producer Dual Completion Permit #: 4/4/2014 Feet Original Total Depth: Plug Back Conv. to GSW 1382 Plug Back Total Depth: CM (Coal Bed Methane) SWD (e.g. -xxx.xxxxx) WGS84 County: Barber Purchaser: Deepening East ✔ West Footages Calculated from Nearest Outside Section Corner: Val Energy, Inc. Name: Twp. 35 S. R. 12 Lease Name: 05/08/2014 Completion Date or Recompletion Date Quarter Sec. License #: Twp. County: S. R. East West Permit #: INSTRUCTIONS: The original form shall be filed with the Kansas Corporation Commission, 130 S. Market - Room 2078, Wichita, Kansas 67202, within 120 days of the spud date, recompletion, workover or conversion of a well. If confidentiality is requested and approved, side two of this form will be held confidential for a period of 2 years. Rules 82-3-130, 82-3-106 and 82-3-107 apply. Drill Stem Test, Cement Tickets and Geological Well Report must be attached. AFFIDAVIT I am the affiant and I hereby certify that all requirements of the statutes, rules and regulations promulgated to regulate the oil and gas industry have been fully complied with and the statements herein are complete and correct to the best of my knowledge. KCC Office Use ONLY Confidentiality Requested ✔ Date: 08/05/2014 Confidential Release Date: ✔ Wireline Log Received Signature: Title: Submitted Electronically Date: Geologist Report Received UIC Distribution ALT ✔I II III Approved by: NAOMI JAMES Date: 08/12/2014 Page Two 1217333 Share Trust Oil Co., Inc. Operator Name: Indian Sec. 15 Twp.35 S. R.12 Lease Name: East ✔ West County: Well #: 1 Barber INSTRUCTIONS: Show important tops of formations penetrated. Detail all cores. Report all final copies of drill stems tests giving interval tested, time tool open and closed, flowing and shut-in pressures, whether shut-in pressure reached static level, hydrostatic pressures, bottom hole temperature, fluid recovery, and flow rates if gas to surface test, along with final chart(s). Attach extra sheet if more space is needed. Final Radioactivity Log, Final Logs run to obtain Geophysical Data and Final Electric Logs must be emailed to Digital electronic log files must be submitted in LAS version 2.0 or newer AND an image file (TIFF or PDF). Drill Stem Tests Taken Yes ✔ No Log No STARK SHALE 4534 -3153 HUSHPUCKNEY SH 4566 -3184 BKC 4566 -3184 PAWNEE 4716 -3334 CHER GP 4761 -3379 MISS 4832 -3450 (Attach Additional Sheets) Samples Sent to Geological Survey ✔ Yes Formation (Top), Depth and Datum Sample NameTop Datum ✔ Cores TakenYes No ✔ Yes Electric Log Run No List All E. Logs Run: dual comp porosity nuetron density ✔ New CASING RECORD Used Report all strings set-conductor, surface, intermediate, production, etc. Size Hole Drilled Purpose of String Size Casing Set (In O.D.) Weight Lbs. / Ft. Setting Depth Type of Cement # Sacks Used SURFACE 12.25 8.625 24 855 65/35 3% CC, 3%GEL 250 PRODUCTION 7.875 5.5 15.50 5092 60/40 4% GEL; ASC 150 Type and Percent Additives KOLSEAL ADDITIONAL CEMENTING / SQUEEZE RECORD Depth Top Bottom Purpose: Perforate Protect Casing Plug Back TD Plug Off Zone # Sacks Used Type of Cement Type and Percent Additives - Did you perform a hydraulic fracturing treatment on this well? Does the volume of the total base fluid of the hydraulic fracturing treatment exceed 350,000 gallons? ✔ Yes No (If No, skip questions 2 and 3) ✔ Yes No (If No, skip question 3) Yes ✔ No Was the hydraulic fracturing treatment information submitted to the chemical disclosure registry? 1 4892-4902, 4836-4842 2 4872-4881, 4842-4868 TUBING RECORD: Acid, Fracture, Shot, Cement Squeeze Record PERFORATION RECORD - Bridge Plugs Set/Type Specify Footage of Each Interval Perforated Shots Per Foot Size: (If No, fill out Page Three of the ACO-1) Set At: Oil DISPOSITION OF GAS: Vented ✔ Sold (If vented, Submit ACO-18.) Bbls. Gas Used on Lease No Producing Method: Pumping Flowing Estimated Production Per 24 Hours 4836-4902 Liner Run: Packer At: Yes Date of First, Resumed Production, SWD or ENHR. Depth (Amount and Kind of Material Used) hybrid frac; 369300 gal total base fluid Open Hole Mcf Gas Lift Water Other (Explain) Bbls. METHOD OF COMPLETION: Perf. Dually Comp. (Submit ACO-5) Gas-Oil Ratio Gravity PRODUCTION INTERVAL: Commingled (Submit ACO-4) Other (Specify) Mail to: KCC - Conservation Division, 130 S. Market - Room 2078, Wichita, Kansas 67202 HYDRAULIC FRACTURING FLUID PRODUCT COMPONENT INFORMATION DISCLOSURE Fracture Date: 5/8/2014 County: Barber Operator Name: Indian Oil Company Well Name and Number: Share Trust #1 Total Base Fluid Volume (gal)*: 369300 296000 400000 5000 73300 80000 Hydraulic Fracturing Fluid Composition: Trade Name Plexslick 957 Plexsurf 580 ME Plexsurf 580 ME Claymax Plexcide B7 Plexcide B7 Plexgel Breaker XPA Plexset 730 Plexset 730 Frac Sand Plexgel 907L-EB Plexgel Breaker 10L Supplier Chemplex Chemplex Chemplex Chemplex Chemplex Chemplex Chemplex Chemplex Chemplex Uniman Chemplex Chemplex Purpose Friction Reducer Product Stabalizer Product Stabalizer Clay Stabalizer Biocide Biocide Breaker/Slickwater Activator Activator Propant Gelling Agent Breaker/Gel Ingredients Petroleum Hydrotreated Light Distillate Methyl Alcohol 2-Butoxyethanol No hazardous ingredient Sodium Hydroxide Alkaline Bromide Salts Hydrogen Peroxide Methanol Alcohol Ethoxylates Crystalline Silica in the form of Quartz Hydrocarbons No Hazardous Ingredient Chemical Abstract Service Number (CAS#) 64742-47-8 67-56-1 111-76-2 N/A 1310-73-2 N/A 7722-84-1 67-56-1 Mixture 14808-60-7 68476-34-6 N/A Maximum Ingredient Concentration in Additive (% by mass)** 25% 10% 50% 0% 5% 0% 7% 50% 60% 60% 100% 0% Maximum Ingredient Concentration in HF Fluid (% by mass)** 0.0200169% 0.0025183% 0.0125914% 0.0000000% 0.0002500% 0.0000000% 0.0014189% 0.7000000% 0.8400000% 26.4% 0.5457026% 0.0000000% 237 93 93 185 20 20 60 70 70 10000 400 4 August 12, 2014 Anthony Farrar Indian Oil Co., Inc. PO BOX 209 2507 SE US 160 HWY MEDICINE LODGE, KS 67104-0209 Re: ACO-1 API 15-007-24157-00-00 Share Trust 1 SE/4 Sec.15-35S-12W Barber County, Kansas Dear Anthony Farrar: K.A.R. 82-3-107 provides for all completion information to be filed within 120 days of the spud date. Subsection(e)(2) of that regulation states "All rights to confidentiality shall be lost if the filings are not timely." The above referenced well was spudded on 4/4/2014 and the ACO-1 was received on August 05, 2014 (not within the 120 days timely requirement). Therefore, your request for confidential treatment of data contained within the ACO-1 filing cannot be granted at this time. If you should have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at (316)337-6200. Sincerely, Production Department