Complete August Issue - Physical Therapy Journal
Complete August Issue - Physical Therapy Journal
August 2015 Volume 95 Number 8 ProfessionWatch 1087 1142 Ambulatory Activity Decline in Parkinson Disease 1151 Adaptive Riding in Children With Cerebral Palsy Interpreting Effectiveness Evidence in Pain Research Reports 1095 What Works to Prevent Falls? 1163 Trunk Support and Upper Extremity Function 1111 Skin Intrinsic Fluorescence in Diabetes Mellitus 1172 Group- and Individual-Level Responsiveness of 3 Measures Stratified Primary Care Model for Outpatient Low Back Pain Management Perspective Physical Activity in Parkinson Disease 1184 1120 1135 Nobel Prize for Physical Therapy? Physical Therapy f Volume 95 f Number 8 f August 2015 Editorials 1082 Appointment of the Editor in Chief, 2016 –2020 / Sharon L. Dunn 1084 In Tribute: David L. Sackett / Paul Stratford ProfessionWatch Gustave Caillebotte (French, 1848 – 1894). Boating Party. 1877. Photo credit: Scala/White Images / Art Resource, NY. 1087 Interpreting Effectiveness Evidence in Pain: Short Tour of Contemporary Issues / Neil E. O’Connell, G. Lorimer Moseley, James H. McAuley, Benedict M. Wand, Robert D. Herbert Known for his use of unusual perspectives, Caillebotte has seated the viewer in the boat, opposite the rower. The rower’s head turns to the left, his center of gravity shifts right, and the boat tilts. The rower’s hands grip the oars fiercely, out of character with the vague, glassy calm of the river beyond. Research Reports 1095 What Works to Prevent Falls in Community-Dwelling Older Adults? Umbrella Review of Meta-analyses of Randomized Controlled Trials / Brendon Stubbs, Simone Brefka, Michael D. Denkinger 1111 Relationship Between Skin Intrinsic Fluorescence—an Indicator of Advanced Glycation End Products—and Upper Extremity Impairments in Individuals With Diabetes Mellitus / Kshamata M. Shah, B. Ruth Clark, Janet B. McGill, Catherine E. Lang, John Maynard, Michael J. Mueller 1120 Pragmatic Implementation of a Stratified Primary Care Model for Low Back Pain Management in Outpatient Physical Therapy Settings: Two-Phase, Sequential Preliminary Study / Jason M. Beneciuk, Steven Z. George 1135 Levels and Patterns of Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior in Elderly People With Mild to Moderate Parkinson Disease / Martin Benka Wallén, Erika Franzén, Håkan Nero, Maria Hagströmer 1142 Toward Understanding Ambulatory Activity Decline in Parkinson Disease / James T. Cavanaugh, Terry D. Ellis, Gammon M. Earhart, Matthew P. Ford, K. Bo Foreman, Leland E. Dibble Craikcast Editor in Chief Rebecca Craik gives her unique insights on the August issue. Available at and through iTunes. 1078 f Physical Therapy Volume 95 Number 8 August 2015 1151 1163 Therapist-Designed Adaptive Riding in Children With Cerebral Palsy: Results of a Feasibility Study / Departments Mattana Angsupaisal, Baudina Visser, Anne Alkema, Marja Meinsma-van der Tuin, Carel G.B. Maathuis, Heleen Reinders-Messelink, Mijna Hadders-Algra 1197 News from the Foundation for Physical Therapy Effect of Trunk Support on Upper Extremity Function in People With Chronic Stroke and People Who Are Healthy / Seng Kwee Wee, Ann-Marie Hughes, Martin B. Warner, Simon Brown, Andy Cranny, Evangelos B. Mazomenos, Jane H. Burridge 1172 Yi-Jing Huang, Kuan-Lin Chen, Yeh-Tai Chou, I-Ping Hsueh, Chieh-Yi Hou, Ching-Lin Hsieh 1184 Nobel Prize for Physical Therapy? Rise, Fall, and Revival of Medico-Mechanical Institutes / Nils Hansson, Anders Ottosson August 2015 1199 Product Highlights 1200 Ad Index Resources Comparison of the Responsiveness of the Long-Form and Simplified Stroke Rehabilitation Assessment of Movement: Group- and Individual-Level Analysis / Perspective Scholarships, Fellowships, and Grants Abstracts of Papers to be Presented at APTA’s NEXT Conference (added every May): PTJ Submission Guidelines: iOS App: ptj_app.xhtml APTA Membership Statistics: June issue PTJ Statement of Ownership: December issue Volume 95 Number 8 Physical Therapy f 1079 Physical Therapy Editor in Chief Deputy Editor in Chief Daniel L. Riddle, PT, PhD, FAPTA Richmond, VA Rebecca L. Craik, PT, PhD, FAPTA Philadelphia, PA Editor in Chief Emeritus Jules M. Rothstein, PT, PhD, FAPTA (1947–2005) Editorial Board Rachelle Buchbinder, MBBS(Hons), MSc, PhD, FRACP, Malvern, Victoria, Australia; W. Todd Cade, PT, PhD, St Louis, MO; James R. Carey, PT, PhD, Minneapolis, MN; John Childs, PT, PhD, MBA, Schertz, TX; Leonardo Costa, PT, PhD, São Paulo, Brazil; Janice J. Eng, PT/OT, PhD, Vancouver, BC, Canada; Janet K. Freburger, PT, PhD, Durham, NC; Mary Gannotti, PT, PhD, Hartford, CT; Steven Z. George, PT, PhD, Gainesville, FL; Arlene Greenspan, PT, DrPH, Atlanta, GA; Kathleen Gill-Body, PT, DPT, NCS, Boston, MA; Jill C. Heathcock, PT, PhD, Columbus, OH; Rana Shane Hinman, PT, PhD, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia; Diane U. Jette, PT DSc, FAPTA, Boston, MA; Sarah H. Kagan, PhD, FAAN, RN, Philadelphia, PA; Teresa Liu-Ambrose, PT, PhD, Vancouver, BC, Canada; Christopher Maher, PT, PhD, Sydney, NSW, Australia; Chris J. Main, PhD, FBPsS, Keele, United Kingdom; Sarah Westcott McCoy, PT, PhD, FAPTA, Seattle, WA; Patricia J. Ohtake, PT, PhD, Buffalo, NY; Elizabeth K. Rasch, PT, PhD, Bethesda, MD; Darcy Schwartz Reisman, PT, PhD, Wilmington, DE; Linda Resnik, PT, PhD, Providence, RI; Samuel R. Ward, PT, PhD, La Jolla, CA; Philip J. van der Wees, PT, PhD, Nijmegen, the Netherlands; Advisor, Clinical Practice Guidelines: James J. Irrgang, PT, PhD, ATC, FAPTA, Pittsburgh, PA; Chair, Rothstein Roundtable: Anthony Delitto, PT, PhD, FAPTA, Pittsburgh, PA Statistical Consultants Hang Lee, PhD, Boston, MA; Xiangrong Kong, PhD, Baltimore, MD; Gregory F. Petroski, PhD, Columbia, MO; Michael E. Robinson, PhD, Gainesville, FL; Paul Stratford, PT, MSc, Hamilton, Ont, Canada; David Thompson, PT, PhD, Oklahoma City, OK; Samuel Wu, PhD, Gainesville, FL Committee on Health Policy and Ethics Linda Resnik, PT, PhD, OCS (Chair), Providence, RI; Janet Freburger, PT, PhD, Chapel Hill, NC; Alan M. Jette, PT, PhD, FAPTA, Boston, MA; Michael Johnson, PT, PhD, OCS, Philadelphia, PA; Justin Moore, PT, DPT, Alexandria, VA; Ruth B. Purtilo, PT, PhD, FAPTA, Boston, MA Senior Reviewers Karen Abraham-Justice, PT, PhD; Peter Altenburger, PT, PhD; Paul Beattie, PT, PhD, OCS, FAPTA; Leanne Bisset, PhD; Timothy Brindle, PT, PhD, ATC; Donna Cech, PT; Daniel Cipriani, PT, PhD; Barbara H. Connolly, PT, DPT, EdD, FAPTA; Chad Cook, PT, PhD, MBA, OCS, FAAOMPT; Gammon Earhart, PT, PhD; Christian Evans, PT, PhD; Manuela Ferreira, PT, PhD; Cheryl Ford-Smith, PT, DPT, MS, NCS; Jorge Fuentes, PT, BSc, MSc, RS, PhD Candidate; Meryl Gersh, PT, PhD; Adam Goode, PT, DPT, PhD; Kathy Green, PhD; Bruce Greenfield, PT, PhD, OCS; Mijna Hadders-Algra, MD, PhD; Lisa (Elizabeth) Hannold, PhD; Regina Harbourne, PT, PhD, PCS; Karen Hayes, PT, PhD, FAPTA; Jessie Huisinga, PhD; Kenton Kaufman, PhD; Suzanne Kuys, GDPublth, BPhysio(H); Merrill Landers, PT, DPT, OCS; Sandra Levi, PT, PhD; Kathleen Mangione, PT, PhD, GCS; Sunita Mathur, PT; Karen McCulloch, PT, PhD, NCS; Christine McDonough, PT, PhD; Irene McEwen, PT, PhD, FAPTA; Michael Mueller, PT, PhD; Susan Muir, PT; Gina Musolino, PT, MSEd, EdD; Jacqueline Nuysink, PT, MSc, PCS; Stéphane Poitras, PhD; Emilio Puentedura, PhD; Kathleen Rockefeller, PT, MPH, ScD; Mark Damian Rossi, PT, PhD, CSCS; Susan Roush, PhD; Lisa Selby-Silverstein, PT, PhD, NCS; Mary Shall, PT, PhD; Elizabeth Skinner, PhD; Beth Smith, PT, DPT, PhD; Jane Sullivan, PT, PhD, NCS; Greg Thielman, PT, EdD, ATC; David Thompson, PT, PhD; Carole Tucker, PT, PhD, PCS; Ann Vendrely, PT, DPT, EdD; Susan Wainwright, PT, PhD; Joseph Zeni, PhD PTJ Editorial Office Managing Editor: Jan P. Reynolds,; PTJ Online Editor / Assistant Managing Editor: Steven Glaros; Associate Editor: Stephen Brooks, ELS; Editorial Assistant: Natacha Leonard; Editorial Tracking Manager: Karen Darley Association Staff Chief Executive Officer: J. Michael Bowers; Vice President of Research: Robyn Watson Ellerbe, PhD; Director of Publishing / Member Communications: Lois Douthitt Advertising Manager: Julie Hilgenberg; Permissions / Reprint Coordinator: Michele Tillson Advertising Sales Ad Marketing Group, Inc, 2200 Wilson Blvd, Suite 102-333, Arlington, VA 22201; 703/243-9046, ext 102; President / Advertising Account Manager: Jane Dees Richardson Board of Directors President: Sharon L. Dunn, PT, PhD, OCS; Vice President: Lisa K. Saladin, PT, PhD, FASAHP; Secretary: Laurita M. Hack, PT, DPT, MBA, PhD, FAPTA; Treasurer: Elmer Platz, PT; Speaker of the House: Susan R. Griffin, PT, DPT, MS, GCS; Vice Speaker of the House: Stuart Platt, PT, MSPT; Directors: Susan A. Appling, PT, DPT, PhD, OCS; Jeanine M. Gunn, PT, DPT; Roger A. Herr, PT, MPA, COS-C; Matthew R. Hyland, PT, PhD, MPA; Kathleen K. Mairella, PT, DPT, MA; Sheila K. Nicholson, PT, DPT, JD, MBA, MA; Carolyn Oddo, PT, MS, FACHE; Robert H. Rowe, PT, DPT, DMT, MHS, FAAOMPT; Sue Whitney, PT, DPT, PhD, NCS, ATC, FAPTA 1080 f Physical Therapy Volume 95 Number 8 August 2015 Subscriptions Physical Therapy (PTJ) (ISSN 00319023) is published monthly by the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA), 1111 North Fairfax Street, Alexandria, VA 22314-1488, at an annual subscription rate of $12 for members, included in dues. Nonmember rates are as follows: Individual (inside USA)—$129; individual (outside USA)—$149 surface mail, $209 air mail. Institutional (inside USA)—$169; institutional (outside USA)—$189 surface mail, $249 air mail. Periodical postage is paid at Alexandria, VA, and at additional mailing offices. 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As the leading international journal for research in physical therapy and related fields, PTJ publishes innovative and highly relevant content for both clinicians and scientists and uses a variety of interactive approaches to communicate that content, with the expressed purpose of improving patient care. PTJ is the official scientific journal of the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA). August 2015 Readers are invited to submit manuscripts to PTJ. PTJ’s content—including editorials, commentaries, and letters—represents the opinions of the authors and should not be attributed to PTJ or its Editorial Board. Content does not reflect the official policy of APTA or the institution with which the author is affiliated, unless expressly stated. PTJ Online at PTJ Online is available via RSS feeds. PTJ posts articles ahead of print and rapid reader responses to articles. Articles, letters to the editor, and editorials are available in full text starting with Volume 79 (1999) and in searchable PDF format starting with Volume 60 (1980). Entire issues are available online beginning with Volume 86 (2006) and include additional data, video clips, and podcasts. Indexing and Document Delivery PTJ is indexed by MEDLINE, PubMed, Cumulative Index to Nursing & Allied Health (CINAHL), EMBASE/Exerpta Medica, AgeLine, Allied and Complementary Medicine Database (AMED), Index Medicus, and Science Citation Index (SCI), among others. A complete list is available from site/misc/about.xhtml. Article abstracts are available online at (1980 through present) and via MEDLINE, PubMed, Allied and Complementary Medicine Database (AMED), Cumulative Index to Nursing & Allied Health (CINAHL), Dialog, and OCLC FirstSearch, among others. Full-text articles are available for free at 12 months after the publication date (1980 to present). Full text is also provided through Dialog, EBSCOhost, InfoTrac, ProQuest, and Westlaw. Reprints Readers should direct requests for reprints to the corresponding author of the article. Students and other academic customers may receive permission to reprint copyrighted material from this publication by contacting the Copyright Clearance Center Inc, 222 Rosewood Dr, Danvers, MA 01923. Authors who want reprints should contact June Billman, Cadmus Communications, at 800/4875625, or Nonacademic institutions needing reprint permission information should go to Advertising Advertisements are accepted by PTJ when they conform to the ethical standards of the American Physical Therapy Association. PTJ does not verify the accuracy of claims made in advertisements, and acceptance does not imply endorsement by PTJ or the Association. Acceptance of advertisements for professional development courses addressing advanced-level competencies in clinical specialty areas does not imply review or endorsement by the American Board of Physical Therapy Specialties. Statement of Nondiscrimination APTA prohibits preferential or adverse discrimination on the basis of race, creed, color, gender, age, national or ethnic origin, sexual orientation, disability, or health status in all areas including, but not limited to, its qualifications for membership, rights of members, policies, programs, activities, and employment practices. APTA is committed to promoting cultural diversity throughout the profession. Volume 95 Number 8 Physical Therapy f 1081 Editorial Appointment of the Editor in Chief, 2016 –2020 O n behalf of APTA’s Board of Directors, I am pleased to announce the appointment of Alan M. Jette, PT, PhD, FAPTA, as editor in chief* of Physical Therapy (PTJ), effective January 1, 2016. Dr. Jette will succeed Rebecca Craik, PT, PhD, FAPTA, who has led the journal to new heights since 2006 and whose second and final term ends December 31, 2015. Over the next few months, she will prepare the Journal for its next phase, working with Alan to achieve a smooth transition. Alan is no stranger to PTJ; through the years he has been an author (known particularly for outcomes research), a reviewer, an Editorial Board member, a special issue editor, and a deputy editor. Most significantly, 10 years ago, he served as interim editor during Editor in Chief Jules Rothstein’s medical leave. This was a time when the Journal was undergoing major change, due not only to Dr. Rothstein’s illness and death but to rapid developments in both physical therapy research and the publication of science. Alan recognized that “electronic publishing is accelerating the expectations of all participants in scholarly publication and that the Journal was at a critical juncture,”1 and he helped set the Journal on the right path. To his role as editor in chief, Alan will bring his experience on the “researcher side” of publication, having received more than $50 million in grants from the National Institutes of Health, the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, the Social Security Administration, and others. He also will bring his experience in health policy related to disability, perhaps epitomized by his 2013 election to the National Academies of Science’s Institute of Medicine (IOM), where he co-chaired the IOM Forum on Aging, Disability, and Independence. This rich experience, combined with his history of prestigious academic appointments, uniquely qualifies Alan to take the helm of PTJ—what he calls a natural extension of his interest in fostering the research of others.2 Alan’s greatest asset may be his enthusiasm for the Journal and its role in supporting the profession. In 2012, as the 43rd Mary McMillan Lecturer, Alan described a physical therapy culture that “has matured sufficiently to strive toward a future that is outward in its orientation,”3(p1224) referring to what Purtilo called a “Period of Societal Identity” where the challenge “will be to establish the moral foundations for a true professional partnering with the larger community of citizens and institutions . . . to become full partners with society.”4(pp1114,1117) Alan asked our profession, “Are we ready to embrace the emerging season of physical therapy’s Period of Societal Identity with confidence and renewed energy?”3(p1228) The Board of Directors believes that Alan will vigorously embrace the emerging season of PTJ’s Period of Societal Identity, which has great synergy with APTA’s outward-facing vision of “Transforming society by optimizing movement to improve the human experience.” On behalf of the Board of Directors, and also as former vice president who served as chair of the editor-in-chief search committee, I would like to take this opportunity to thank the To comment, submit a Rapid Response to this editorial posted online at: 1082 f Physical Therapy * The editor in chief is appointed by APTA’s Board of Directors for a 5-year term, with possible reappointment for another 5-year term, as per Board of Director policy “Journal Editor-in-Chief” (BOD Y05-14-02-02 [Amended BOD Y03-04-15-38; BOD 03-03-26-72; BOD 03-94-13-30; BOD 03-88-36-124]). No editor in chief shall serve more than 2 consecutive 5-year terms. Volume 95 Number 8 August 2015 Editorial search committee members—Susan M. Chalcraft, PT, MS; Kathleen Gill-Body, PT, DPT, NCS, FAPTA; Daniel L. Riddle, PT, PhD, FAPTA; and Philip J. van der Wees, PT, PhD—for their hard work and their thoughtful deliberation regarding our excellent candidates. The Board of Directors and I look forward to PTJ’s next evolutionary phase, which will build on the strong accomplishments of Dr. Craik and her editorial board. Sharon L. Dunn S.L. Dunn, PT, PhD, OCS, is President, APTA. References 1 Reynolds J. Extraordinary people. Phys Ther. 2006;86:6. 2 Alan M. Jette, PT, PhD, FAPTA, Named PTJ Editor-in-Chief. News release. Available at: http://www.apta. org/Media/Releases/Association/2015/6/1. Accessed June 17, 2015. 3 Jette AM. Forty-Third Mary McMillan Lecture: Face into the storm. Phys Ther. 2012;92:1221–1229. 4 Purtilo RB. Thirty-First Mary McMillan Lecture: A time to harvest, a time to sow: ethics for a shifting landscape. Phys Ther. 2000;80:1112–1119. [DOI:10.2522/ptj.2015.95.8.1082] August 2015 Volume 95 Number 8 Physical Therapy f 1083 Editorial In Tribute: David L. Sackett T he health care community has lost a remarkable human being who had a profound impact on research methodology and the way clinical practice has evolved over the past 5 decades. Dr. David Sackett (Figure), recognized as the father of evidence-based medicine (practice) (EBM), died on May 13, 2015. Evidence-based medicine (practice) is defined as “the integration of best research evidence with clinical expertise and patient values”1,2 and was ranked by BMJ as one of the top 10 medical breakthroughs since 1840.3 Sackett was born in Chicago and received a medical degree from the University of Illinois and a master’s degree in epidemiology from Harvard University. His original medical training was in internal medicine and nephrology; however, at the time of the Cuban Missile Crisis, he was drafted and assigned to the US Public Health Service (USPHS). It was during his experience with the USPHS that he began to conceive how epidemiological principles could be applied to clinical practice. “Big-E” epidemiology examines the distribution and determinants of disease and injury in populations, whereas clinical epidemiology is concerned with the determinants and effects of clinical decisions. The following is a brief account of Sackett’s career in his own words and edited by Dr. Brian Haynes. It appeared in an interview-style document that he wrote in response to questions about his career: After training in internal medicine, nephrology and epidemiology, David Sackett re-coined the term “clinical epidemiology” and began his 1st career (age 32) as the founding Chair of Clinical Epidemiology & Biostatistics at McMaster University’s new medical school. In his 2nd career he began to design, execute, interpret, nominate, write and teach about randomized clinical trials, an activity that continues to the present, some 200 trials later. His 3rd career was dedicated to developing and disseminating “critical appraisal” strategies for busy clinicians and ended when he decided he was out of date clinically and returned (at age 49), in his 4th career, to a 2-year “retreading” residency in Hospitalist Internal Medicine. His 5th and 6th careers were largely clinical, as Physician-in-Chief at Chedoke-McMaster Hospitals, and as Head of the Division of General Internal Medicine for the Hamilton region. In 1994 a chair was created for him at the University of Oxford, where he took up his 7th career as Foundation Director of the National Health Service at the John Radcliffe Hospital, Foundation Chair of the Cochrane Collaboration Steering Group, and Foundation Co-Editor of Evidence-Based Medicine. Retired from clinical practice in 1999, he began his 8th career by returning to Canada and setting up the Trout Research & Education Centre, where he reads, researches, writes and teaches about randomized clinical trials. Along the way, he has published 12 books, chapters for about 60 others, and over 300 papers in medical and scientific journals.4(p7) To comment, submit a Rapid Response to this editorial posted online at: 1084 f Physical Therapy Sackett’s lifelong commitment was to improve patient outcomes through the application of the best available evidence. Quite simply, his raison d’ être was to “train the masses” to transform research findings into clinical actions that best served individual patients. Although many of his efforts focused on the design, conduct, reporting, and interpretation of randomized clinical trials, he made equally important contributions to many other areas of clinical practice and education. For example, in a series of 27 monographs published in the journal Clinical Trials, he and his coauthors addressed a spectrum of topics including time management, mentoring, sabbaticals, fabrication of data, and modernization of graduate education courses. Regardless of his topic, the hallmark of his teaching was to use the clinical vignette as a way to grab the attention of his readers. One example concerning prognosis: “Suppose, for example, you detect 10 to 15 degrees of scoliosis in an otherwise healthy 12-year-old Volume 95 Number 8 August 2015 Editorial student who has come for her preschool examination. Do you tell her and her parents (and, if so, what do you say?), refer her to an ‘orthopod’ or what?”2 These seemingly simple vignettes not only served as a “hook” to catch the interest of learners but provided the starting point for a process of inquiry and learning. The “Sackett process” typically involved the following steps: (1) structure a researchable question, (2) select the most likely resource, (3) design an effective search strategy, (4) summarize and critique the evidence, (5) apply the evidence to the patient of interest, and (6) evaluate the process and outcome. Although Sackett’s name will forever be synonymous with EBM and clinical practice, he last wrote and spoke about it more than 15 years ago. His reasoning provides further insight into his character and values: Figure. David L. Sackett, OC, FRSC, MD, MSc(Epidemiology), ScD, FRCP (Canada, London, Edinburgh). Professor Emeritus, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. I had long held the view that ‘experts’ inevitably became detrimental to the fields of their expertise, for 2 reasons. First, their opinions and pronouncements about their field carried a far greater persuasive power than they deserved on the basis of evidence alone. Second, subconsciously (if not consciously), experts’ acceptance or rejection of new ideas about their field (presented in the grants and manuscripts they were asked to referee) were influenced by the extent to which these new ideas challenged their prior expert pronouncements. For these reasons, I had ‘resigned’ from the field of compliance research back in the early 80’s. Matters were even worse for me as the EBM expert: I was considered a nice guy, and colleagues who disagreed with my views were worried about hurting my feelings. Shortly after our return to Canada [circa late 1990’s] I published my resignation from EBM in the BMJ, and with the exception of these interviews, I haven’t refereed, written, or lectured about EBM since.4(p57) Over the decades, David Sackett received numerous awards, including induction into the Canadian Medical Hall of Fame, the Gairdner Wightman Award, and Officer of the Order of Canada. Although these recognitions and scholarly achievements are exceptional, the man himself was even more remarkable. He genuinely cared about his patients, colleagues, and students, and he never sought to upstage those around him. Although his name will forever be synonymous with evidence-based practice, his legacy is the countless number of clinicians and researchers he influenced and their “ripple effect” on others. He will be missed. Paul Stratford P. Stratford, PT, School of Rehabilitation Science, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Comment From Editor in Chief Rebecca Craik and Deputy Editor Daniel Riddle I (R.C.) was chair of the Strategic Planning Committee for the APTA Section on Research from 1992 to 1996. Consistent with planning that occurred in many sections at that time, the mission and vision statements addressed diverse and sometimes divergent member needs. For the Section on Research, long-term objectives and action items had to meet the needs of members interested in becoming informed consumers of research, whereas other objectives had to address the needs of members interested in improving August 2015 Volume 95 Number 8 Physical Therapy f 1085 Editorial research design, methodology, and analysis. We struggled. I still remember Lynn SnyderMackler, PT, PhD, FAPTA (APTA’s most recent Mary McMillan Lecturer), bursting into the room at one of our meetings, carrying a tome. She was so excited to share the Users’ Guides to the Medical Literature I-IX that had been published in JAMA in the early 1990s (the first aptly called “How to Get Started”5). The Evidence-Based Medicine Working Group, which had developed those guides, included David Sackett. Lynn advocated for these articles to serve as a framework for continuing education courses in physical therapy and for section research efforts. It is amazing how quickly the term “evidence-based practice” (EBP)—though not necessarily evidence-based actions— became part of our lexicon. Sackett and his colleagues have inspired so many activities and provided a foundation for essentially all EBP curricula in physical therapy. Sackett’s impact on physical therapy is profound; here we list only a few contributions: • The evaluative criteria6 used by the Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education (CAPTE) require that the curriculum prepare students for EBP. • The Centre for Evidence-Based Physiotherapy,7 established in 1999, strives to maximize the effectiveness of services by facilitating the application of the best available evidence. • PEDro,8 the physiotherapy evidence database, contains about 30,000 randomized controlled trials, systematic reviews, and clinical practice guidelines and can be accessed online for free. • Stroke Engine9 is a free site designed by the Canadian Partnership for Stroke Recovery to bridge the gap in knowledge translation between research findings and current clinical practice. • PTNow,10 APTA’s clinician website, is designed to help physical therapist and physical therapist assistant members use evidence in patient care. To this Sackett-inspired list, we add that PTJ developed the feature “Linking Evidence And Practice (LEAP)” to demonstrate how to apply evidence to practice. We thank Paul Stafford, one of PTJ’s statistical consultants and one of Sackett’s fellow Canadians, for speaking to Sackett’s accomplishments and honoring his memory. References 1 Sackett DL, Straus SE, Richardson WS, et al. Evidence-based Medicine: How to Practice and Teach EBM. 2nd ed. Toronto, Ontario, Canada: Churchill Livingstone; 2000. 2 Sackett DL, Haynes RB, Tugwell P. Clinical Epidemiology: A Basic Science for Clinical Medicine. Boston, MA: Little, Brown and Company; 1985. 3 BMJ Poll Results: Medical Milestones. Available at: suppl_1.DC3. Accessed June 19, 2015. 4 Sackett DL. Interview in 2014 and 2015: pp7, 57. Reprinted with permission. Available at: http://fhs. Accessed June 19, 2015. 5 Oxman AD, Sackett DL, Guyatt GH. Users’ guides to the medical literature. I. How to get started. Evidencebased Medicine Working Group. JAMA. 1993;270:2093–2095. 6 Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education (CAPTA). Evaluative Criteria for Accreditation of Education Programs for the Preparation of Physical Therapists. Available at: http://www. EvaluativeCriteria_PT.pdf. Accessed June 19, 2015. 7 Centre of Evidence-Based Physiotherapy. Available at: Accessed June 19, 2015. 8 Physiotherapy Evidence Database (PEDro). Available at: Accessed June 19, 2015. 9 Canadian Partnership for Stroke Recovery. Stroke Engine. Available at: Accessed June 19, 2015. 10 PTNow. Available at: Accessed June 19, 2015. [DOI:10.2522/ptj.2015.95.8.1084] 1086 f Physical Therapy Volume 95 Number 8 August 2015 ProfessionWatch Interpreting Effectiveness Evidence in Pain: Short Tour of Contemporary Issues Neil E. O’Connell, G. Lorimer Moseley, James H. McAuley, Benedict M. Wand, Robert D. Herbert P eople with pain and the clinicians who help them are faced with a maze of treatment options, each backed by enthusiastic and highly motivated advocates, all of whom lay claim to “evidence.” Negotiating the treatment maze has never been more difficult. How can patients make an informed choice about their own care and how can clinicians best inform that choice? Clinical trials remain the best tool for reducing uncertainty about the effects of treatment. The recent growth in the number of clinical trials and systematic reviews, of both high and low quality, makes it vital that clinicians, researchers, patients, and policy makers have the skills and knowledge to critically interpret the available evidence. Here, we discuss some contemporary issues regarding evidence of effectiveness from clinical trials and systematic reviews in pain—issues that we think are critical to understanding the field. Clinical trials can be designed to test efficacy (whether an intervention delivers an effect in ideal conditions) or effectiveness (whether an intervention delivers an effect in the real world). In reality, many trials test something that falls somewhere on a continuum between the two.1 We focus on evidence of effectiveness of treatments for pain, particularly chronic pain. We also examine evidence from the world of pharmacological interventions for pain to consider what lessons there may be for interpreting nonpharmacological evidence. Many of these issues also are relevant to evidence of efficacy of treatments for pain and are trans- August 2015 ferable across the spectrum of evidence-based practice. Beyond “P”: The Search for Importance In effectiveness research, the P value has long been a critical determinant of whether a treatment is thought to work. We contend that the P value has been a significant barrier to efforts to establish which treatments are truly effective and, therefore, worthwhile. There has been an implicit acceptance among researchers, and users of evidence, that statistical significance represents clinical effectiveness. Unfortunately, this position suffers from substantial conceptual flaws.2,3 It is possible for a treatment effect to be statistically significant and clinically meaningless. Conversely, although perhaps less commonly in the field of pain research, a treatment might provide important benefits to patients but be unjustly ignored because it does not cross this arbitrary statistical threshold. Recently, overreliance on the P value to determine treatment effectiveness has come under further scrutiny.4 Although it is commonly held that a P value of ⬍.05 suggests a type I error rate of less than 5%, the actual false discovery rate is dependent on the prior probability of a treatment having an effect.4 For example, if we assume that just 10% of the various interventions that we test might provide a real treatment effect, an alpha level of ⬍.05 would actually translate to a false discovery rate of 36% rather than the nominal 5% (for a review of this concept, see Colquhoun4). This finding is particu- larly pertinent for chronic pain trials where we recruit participants who have proven refractory to interventions, and hence the prior probability of intervention success is likely to be low. Aside from this problem, inappropriate, or perhaps innovative, statistical analyses can yield supportive-looking P values.5 When assessing the effectiveness of a treatment, the size, precision, and subsequent clinical importance of the treatment’s effects are of greater importance than whether the apparent effect could have occurred by chance. Most patients with chronic pain want a cure for their pain,6 and treatments are routinely promoted and marketed as delivering large benefits quickly. Unfortunately, the prospect of such an outcome remains very unlikely. So the question shifts to one of how much improvement would be needed to be meaningful to a patient. This minimal clinically important difference (MCID)7 or smallest worthwhile effect (SWE)8 should represent the minimum treatment effect with which patients would be satisfied. Recognizing this metric is a step forward, it allows us to classify a treatment as imparting enough of an effect to be of value in the real world. What exactly constitutes an MCID, or an SWE, on any given outcome measure remains contentious, although various methodological approaches are being applied to the problem (for a review with regard to back pain, see Ferreira et al8). Remarkably, it seems that many of these approaches do not actively Volume 95 Number 8 Physical Therapy f 1087 ProfessionWatch: Interpreting Evidence in Pain consider the patient’s perspective.8 It is likely that what a patient would be satisfied with might differ substantially between individuals, patient groups, interventions,9 the point in the care pathway at which the patient arrives, and a range of other possible factors. In addition, people almost certainly have variable thresholds of what level of risk, inconvenience, or cost associated with the intervention they would consider to be prohibitive—an issue that, to our knowledge, has received very little attention. This variability—and the requirement that any potential benefit of an intervention must be weighed against its potential harms (including cost and inconvenience)—suggests that the construct of a generic MCID for chronic pain interventions is problematic. Initiative on Methods, Measurement, and Pain Assessment in Clinical Trials The Initiative on Methods, Measurement, and Pain Assessment in Clinical Trials (IMMPACT) has offered some provisional benchmarks for important change in chronic pain. These benchmarks are based on studies that compared pain scores with global impression of change in patients with neuropathic pain,10 arthropathies,11 and pain following spinal cord injury or amputation.12 According to the IMMPACT, a 30% reduction in pain in an individual patient represents the lower threshold for considering an effect to be moderately clinically important, and a 50% reduction represents a substantially clinically important change.13 There are obvious problems with applying cutoffs arbitrarily and across-the-board. For example, it does not seem reasonable to assume that we might require the same degree of change when agreeing to receive a short educational booklet as we might when agreeing to undergo an invasive surgical proce- 1088 f Physical Therapy Volume 95 dure. These cutoffs also are sensitive to baseline levels of symptoms. A 30% improvement in a severe intractable pain is probably quite a different proposition from a 30% change in a mildly bothersome ache or twinge. Rather than focusing on the SWE, a number of studies have used the Patient-Centered Outcomes Questionnaire (PCOS) to investigate the threshold of symptom improvement required for people with chronic pain to consider treatment successful.14 –16 These studies suggest that around 54% to 58% improvement in pain intensity and 63% to 68% improvement in pain interference are required for treatment success. However, as with the SWE, we might expect judgments of success to be specific to the intervention and other contextual factors. Zeppieri et al16 investigated participants about to start physical therapy, whereas Robinson et al14 and O’Brien et al15 sampled patients from pain clinics and a rheumatology department, respectively, with no intervention specifically identified. Thus, although estimates suggest that large changes may be necessary, it is not appropriate to assume that these estimates should apply across all interventions. The Elusive “Average” Patient and the Elusive “Responder” The IMMPACT benchmarks and the thresholds derived from them reflect within-patient change from baseline. This is an appealing concept because it has a real-world resonance, being the amount of change experienced by an individual undergoing the intervention of interest. Unfortunately, within-patient change from baseline provides a poor measure of the effects of the intervention because it includes the influences of natural recovery, statistical regres- Number 8 sion, and the nonspecific effects associated with clinical contact, including but not limited to “placebo effects”17 (see Moseley,18 however, for an alternative understanding of placebo). Within-patient change in outcome might tell us how much an individual’s condition improved, but it does not tell us how much of this improvement was due to treatment. In most common randomized trial designs, the only value that can help us estimate the actual effect of the intervention is the average between-group difference after treatment.19 It is only recently that this important principle has been applied to MCID or SWE research. Ferreira et al9 used the benefitharm trade-off method to try and determine the SWE for physical therapy in people with chronic low back pain based on intervention-control between-group comparison, attempting to capture change due to treatment, not simply change over time. Participants were informed that their pain and disability are likely to improve 30% without intervention and were asked to estimate how much additional improvement would be needed to make the intervention worthwhile. The results of this study suggest that, on average, people with chronic low back pain would need to experience an additional 20% improvement in pain and disability compared with no treatment to perceive that the effect of physical therapy was worthwhile, that is, an overall 50% change. There are limitations inherent in interpreting the average effects of interventions in clinical trials. The question arises of who, if anyone, experiences the average treatment effect. It has been argued that, in the world of pharmaceutical trials for chronic pain, the response pattern is often bimodally distributed.20 –22 Simply put, some patients do very well August 2015 ProfessionWatch: Interpreting Evidence in Pain with the intervention, some have minimal to no effects, and very few experience intermediate (moderate) effects. In this instance, the average effect might be the effect that the fewest participants actually demonstrate.20 The commonly proposed solution to this problem is to conduct a “responder analysis,” which compares the proportion achieving a clinically important improvement from baseline in the treatment and control groups. It has been proposed that this type of analysis better quantifies individual participant responses to treatment20 and that it enables the calculation of easily interpreted measures such as the number needed to treat (NNT). The NNT is the number of people we would need to treat with the intervention instead of the control condition for one more participant to achieve the outcome of interest (often a predefined MCID). This approach also has important limitations. The term “responder analysis” is a misnomer and is frequently misunderstood.23 In this type of analysis, “responders” are identified by within-person change from baseline. For many participants in each group, we are not really measuring treatment “response,” we are measuring “good outcome,” which, as mentioned above, might be due to natural recovery, nonspecific treatment effects, and regression to the mean, as well as (or instead of) the effects of the intervention. Also, it is possible that some individuals who responded strongly to the intervention might not be counted as responders. If the natural history of individuals during the treatment period would have been significant worsening, yet with treatment their condition remains stable, they will be counted as nonresponders despite receiving significant benefit from the intervention. So, even though the between-group differ- August 2015 ence in the proportion of participants who experience a good outcome reflects the net increase in the proportion of patients who responded during the treatment period, it does not get any closer to telling us about the effects of intervention on individual people. Methods for distinguishing true responders from those who improved regardless of the treatment have their own substantial difficulties.24 Responder analysis for a subjective outcome measured on a continuous scale (eg, pain severity) may be sensitive to the cutoffs used to define clinical importance, and these cutoffs are often arbitrary. Moreover, because the outcome is measured imperfectly and responders may be frequently misclassified, responder analyses might underestimate true effects.25 This approach also potentially introduces the problem of only detecting positive change, not negative change. That is, all “nonresponders” are considered equal. In reality, the response within this group might vary from mild improvement to severe deterioration. Finally, the dichotomization of outcomes in responder analyses greatly reduces the precision of estimates of effect. Although the use of responder analysis is growing, currently such data remain scarce, particularly for nonpharmacological interventions.26 A good case for responder analyses in rehabilitation trials has not been clearly established. The observation that patterns of outcome may be bimodal for some specific interventions is not evidence that they are necessarily bimodal for others. More importantly, evidence of bimodal outcomes is not evidence of bimodal treatment effects. The belief that responder analysis will demonstrate treatment effects on individuals that are not apparent in other analyses may be unfounded. Data from drug trials in chronic pain, where such analyses are more common, rarely show NNTs below 6.20 Do Clinical Trials Underestimate Effectiveness? It is commonly argued that clinical trials are not fit for the purpose of evaluating physical interventions because they fail to capture the true effects of physical therapy treatments. Such arguments seem common at physical therapy conferences, particularly from therapists who find the disappointing results from clinical trials to be at odds with their clinical experience. The most common criticisms are that treatments are inadequately targeted in clinical trials because they are shoehorned into a one-size-fits-all approach; therapies in clinical trials differ from real-world therapy, which is complex, tailored, and often multimodal, and the effects of treatment are diluted by the application of single interventions to a complex, heterogeneous group with diverse treatment needs. These criticisms are certainly justified in some, but not all, trials. In the field of chronic pain, additional difficulties are presented in establishing meaningful diagnoses. Existing diagnostic labels (eg, chronic nonspecific low back pain, complex regional pain syndrome, fibromyalgia) often identify heterogeneous cohorts of people who share similar symptom profiles but not necessarily similar disease mechanisms. The one-size-fits-all criticism is arguably an unfair characterization of many modern therapy trials. Indeed, in recent years, many, if not most, trials allowed therapists some discretion to tailor their approach to the individual, usually within a specific theoretical framework and often in a way that closely modeled existing clinical practices. For example, in Volume 95 Number 8 Physical Therapy f 1089 ProfessionWatch: Interpreting Evidence in Pain the manipulation arm of the UK back pain exercise and manipulation trial,27 therapists were free to deliver a range of soft tissue, joint, and neural manual therapy techniques. In addition, therapists could prescribe various exercises for the spine and hip, provide education on activity and return to work, and address simple psychological issues.28 In the recent PROMISE trial of exercise for chronic whiplash,29 therapists were able to tailor multimodal exercise, manual therapy, and cognitivebehavioral techniques to the individual patient. Furthermore, in the SWIFT trial, participants randomized to the physical therapy arm received a combination of individualized education or advice, exercise therapy, and manipulative therapy at the discretion of the treating physical therapist based on usual practice.30 Currently, there are no firmly established robust and widely accepted models for subgrouping patients with chronic pain to facilitate better targeting of treatment. Efforts at subgrouping have largely returned mixed outcomes.31 Much of this work has focused on the management of low back pain, both acute and chronic, for which numerous approaches to subgrouping have been developed and tested. The picture that emerges is one in which positive trials32,33 tend to demonstrate small, positive effects on primary outcomes, although these trials often fail to be replicated34 –37 or are currently awaiting independent replication.38 Subgrouping algorithms are frequently based on retrospective analysis of trial data rather than on prospective tests of predictions based on theoretical frameworks or biological mechanisms. Moreover, some subgroup analyses have been shown to be dependent on the cutoff points used to determine MCID,39 and many subgroup analyses conducted within trials have been 1090 f Physical Therapy Volume 95 severely underpowered and poorly reported.40 Better tailoring or subgrouping of cohorts to treatments may still improve outcomes, but so far the promise of subgrouping remains largely unfulfilled. A further assertion is that the true effects of an intervention are lost in the cacophony of competing realworld variables, including social and psychological factors, competing therapies, adherence, and participation. This assertion maintains that the signal of effective treatment cannot always be detected in the presence of noise. Again, there may be some truth in this assertion, but the best way around it is to conduct large trials that can provide precise estimates of average treatment effects. Therein lies the challenge facing all health interventions: to demonstrate clear benefit in the chaos of the real world. The “noise” may be particularly loud in chronic pain, but we should recognize that, in both clinical practice and research, interventions cannot be provided in the clinical equivalent of a soundproofed room. Recently, specifically in the case of cognitive-behavioral therapy interventions, Morley41 argued for greater integration of “practice-based evidence,” in which data generated from routine clinical practice is afforded greater importance. In this approach, clinical outcome data are compared to “benchmark” effect sizes generated from the treatment and control arms of clinical trials. This comparison allows a degree of control over the effects of natural history and nonspecific effects of treatment, although it does not offer the high level of control offered by randomization. One possible risk associated with this approach is that where effect sizes are sufficiently low, it may encourage the celebration of possibly dubious successes. Number 8 As such, it seems best suited to demonstrating “proof of concept” of new hypotheses regarding treatment innovation for subsequent testing in RCTs. Exaggeration, Misreporting, and Spin It also is worth considering the alternative possibility that clinical trials might generate exaggerated estimates of effectiveness. In the context of clinical trials for physical interventions, treatments are often provided by more experienced clinicians, patients are given more time, and greater steps are taken to ensure treatment adherence than would be the case in routine clinical practice, potentially offering a more effective package of care than might be realized in routine clinical practice. More importantly, the observed effectiveness of a treatment is represented by the true effect of treatment plus the effect of biases that also can positively influence outcome. These biases are often suboptimally controlled in clinical trials so the observed effect represents both the effectiveness of the intervention and bias. Many readers will be familiar with the conventional risk of bias criteria by which trials are assessed in systematic reviews. Meta-epidemiological evidence shows that these criteria are associated with treatment effect sizes, particularly for subjective outcome measures such as pain.42,43 Blinding of patients and care providers is often not achieved in trials of physical or psychological treatments,44 and it is notable that trials of physical interventions commonly fall short on a number of other criteria. Although quality is improving,45 it is likely that the effect sizes reported in most clinical trials represent more than just the effects of treatment on patient outcomes. August 2015 ProfessionWatch: Interpreting Evidence in Pain In clinical trials, size matters; small studies increase the risk of false negatives by virtue of their low statistical power, but in clinical trials, they tend to also result in false positives and inflated effect sizes.46 – 48 There are a number of possible reasons for this phenomenon: small studies may include more homogeneous clinical groups for which effects are more consistent,49 and it is easier to deliver high-quality interventions in smaller trials.49 Small trials also are often more loosely controlled and of lower methodological quality. Negative small studies have a tendency not to be published, rendering the available sample of published small trials unrepresentatively positive. Large and significant effects arising from small, underpowered studies are at higher risk of being false positives than if they arose from large, well-powered studies.50 The benefits of meta-analysis do little to correct this problem— even where a pooled estimate includes a large number of participants, it may be prone to small study bias if it is dominated by small studies. Managing loss to follow-up of participants and protocol violation during trials is difficult. Traditionally, we look for an intention-to-treat analysis, in which all participants are analyzed by the treatment to which they were allocated, regardless of what follows that allocation. Currently, the application and reporting of intention-totreat analyses in analgesic trials are inconsistent,51 reflecting a common risk of bias in this field. Common methods for dealing with missing data themselves introduce bias. Evidence from drug trials in chronic pain suggests that the commonly used “last observation carried forward” approach to imputing data inflates effect sizes.52 This is often an issue with adverse event withdrawal, where the last observation precedes the adverse event, but also might August 2015 hold true for other reasons for withdrawal—withdrawal may be associated with worsening symptoms or a realization that the treatment is not really helping, both of which may occur after the last formal observation. New methods for analyzing clinical trials, particularly multiple imputation, may improve estimates of effect in the presence of substantial loss to follow-up,53 although further data are needed to formally evaluate this perspective. Beyond these threats related to methodology are challenges to the balanced conduct and communication of trials. Selective outcome reporting is considered as a risk of bias in many assessment tools and involves the selective presentation of results that are more positive or statistically significant, as well as the withholding on negative or nonsignificant results.54 This selective reporting can be achieved through poor practices such as deviating from the trial protocol by switching the primary outcomes in light of the trial results. A recent review of analgesic trials55 compared records in international trials registers with the final published study reports and showed discrepancies between the primary outcomes in 79% of the available data, with 30% of trials containing what were defined as “unambiguous” discrepancies, where a registered primary outcome was either not reported in the published trials or was demoted to a secondary outcome. A similar review of acupuncture trials56 showed inconsistency in the primary outcomes in 45% of available trials, of which 71% had a discrepancy that favored a statistically significant “positive” result on the primary outcome. There is also evidence of a strong positivity bias in the interpretation and presentation of results from clinical trials. Boutron et al57 found evi- dence of “spin”—presenting an experimental treatment as beneficial—in 40% of statistically negative trials. In rheumatology trials, Mathieu et al58 found that 23% of the trials had conclusions that were misleading and that the only predictor of misleading conclusions was a statistically negative result. This pattern also is apparent in the analgesic trial literature. Worryingly, some type of positive spin was identified in at least one part of the abstract of 61% of analgesic trials with statistically nonsignificant results in their primary analysis, most commonly the placing of undue emphasis on statistically significant results from secondary analyses.59 It seems that beyond the difficulty of getting negative results published, researchers do not like to accept negative results in the first place. Perhaps this attitude is partially motivated by the “publish or perish” culture of modern research. Notwithstanding that, it clearly represents a failure of the scientific process in which there is a bias toward one possible answer to the research question. For consumers of research articles, the message is that simply looking to the abstract or conclusions of a trial for the truth carries risk—an issue we have touched on previously.60 Pursue Success, Expect Failure? Looking across the Cochrane Library at reviews of common interventions for chronic pain, and being somewhat selective by avoiding interventions where the evidence suggests no effect at all, reveals that most “effective” therapies appear to provide only very small, short-term effects on pain or other important patient-centered outcomes such as function, distress, and quality of life. We must bear in mind that, particularly for complex interventions, the meta-analyses that produce these estimates contain multiple sources Volume 95 Number 8 Physical Therapy f 1091 ProfessionWatch: Interpreting Evidence in Pain of clinical heterogeneity that have the potential to influence effect size; they combine interventions that are often quite different in terms of content and dose61; the quality of the intervention is often hard to determine, although of great potential importance49; the theories underpinning the interventions often vary significantly among studies or are not clearly established62; the contextual equivalence of the control group interventions is variable63; and adherence levels vary, and patients are drawn from diverse sources. But accepting these limitations, we suggest that, when we do not currently have robust means of identifying a priori those patients who might respond to treatment, it is the average between-group effects that represent our best estimate of the intervention-specific benefit for any individual. our field) and rigorous evidence of effectiveness.64 Reviewing this evidence can leave one with a somewhat negative impression. We acknowledge that there is a danger here—that such focused attention on rigor and bias can appear hypercritical and unduly negative and take away whatever desire clinicians and patients may have had to negotiate the evidence maze. That, however, is our challenge: to be dispassionate, recognize bias, and make balanced appraisals of the strength and direction of the evidence, and that must in the end be a positive step. In the words of the physicist Richard Feynman, “For a successful technology, reality must take precedence over public relations, for Nature cannot be fooled.”65 For drug therapies, treatment response, when it comes, is usually rapid. Moore and colleagues20 recommend that when we introduce a new therapy, we should expect failure, be alert to a lack of treatment response, and switch quickly to another agent if outcomes are poor. Such an approach might maximize the chance of finding an effective option as quickly as possible while minimizing the risks of adverse events from drugs that confer no individual benefit, although it makes the potentially tenuous assumption that, without intervention, the patient’s symptoms would not have changed substantially. These issues are not unique to the field of chronic pain research—many of them apply across the range of clinical disciplines. This applicability is important because there are examples from other clinical fields of the development and validation of clearly successful interventions, investigated by high-quality clinical trials and systematic reviews. Such compelling evidence of effectiveness from other, comparably complex fields, offers genuine hope for our own field. For example, we can now be confident that stress urinary incontinence can be prevented and treated with pelvic-floor muscle training66 and the risk of falling in the elderly population can be decreased with exercise programs.67 Could this approach be applied to nonpharmacological interventions? We think so, but to avoid pushing patients through a mill of ineffective therapies, we also think that we should limit the potential options to interventions that possess at least biological plausibility (a foundation stone that can be difficult to find in We should reflect that, in chronic pain treatment and research, we all have some sort of vested interest.68 If we offer assessments of the evidence for our treatments without due diligence regarding bias and limitations, we will not serve our patients well. Our patients may be given a choice but not the choice they need. By its 1092 f Physical Therapy Volume 95 Number 8 very nature, clinical research should threaten current practice. Acknowledging what does not work, as well as what does (and by how much), is of great value and will force us to innovate. In fair tests,69 if our treatments achieve their goals meaningfully and consistently, the effect sizes will reflect that truth. An appreciation of how to interpret evidence of effectiveness is a critical skill not only for those engaged with research but also for those who want to use it in clinical practice. Altering the natural course of any clinical condition is a difficult and complex challenge. In the words of epidemiologist Archie Cochrane, after whom the Cochrane Collaboration is named: “[O]ne should. . .be delightfully surprised when any treatment at all is effective, and always assume that a treatment is ineffective unless there is evidence to the contrary.”70 This statement has genuine resonance in chronic pain, in which we set ourselves the substantial challenge of changing symptoms in a group defined by the fact that those symptoms have so far proven unchangeable. We suggest that we should always have that perspective in mind, while remaining ready to be delightfully surprised. N.E. O’Connell, PhD, Health Economics Research Group, Institute for the Environment Health and Societies, Department of Clinical Sciences, Brunel University London, Kingston Lane, Uxbridge, UB8 3PH United Kingdom. Address all correspondence to Dr O’Connell at: neil.oconnell@brunel. G.L. Moseley, PhD, Sansom Institute for Health Research, University of South Australia, Adelaide, Australia, and Neuroscience Research Australia, Randwick, Australia. J.H. McAuley, PhD, Neuroscience Research Australia. B.M. Wand, PhD, School of Physiotherapy, The University of Notre Dame Australia, Fremantle, Australia. August 2015 ProfessionWatch: Interpreting Evidence in Pain R.D. Herbert, PhD, Neuroscience Research Australia. [O’Connell NE, Moseley GL, McAuley JH, et al. Interpreting effectiveness evidence in pain: short tour of contemporary issues. Phys Ther. 2015;95:1087–1094.] © 2015 American Physical Therapy Association Published Ahead of Print: April 30, 2015 Accepted: April 19, 2015 Submitted: October 24, 2014 Dr O’Connell, Dr Moseley, Dr McAuley, and Dr Wand provided concept/idea/project design. All authors provided writing. Dr Moseley and Dr Herbert are supported by the National Health and Medical Research Council of Australia. DOI: 10.2522/ptj.20140480 References 1 Gartlehner G, Hansen RA, Nissman D, et al. Criteria for Distinguishing Effectiveness From Efficacy Trials in Systematic Reviews. Rockville, MD: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality; 2006. Technical Reviews 12, Report 06-0046. 2 Gardner MJ, Altman DG. Confidence intervals rather than P values: estimation rather than hypothesis testing. Br Med J (Clin Res Ed). 1986;292:746 –750. 3 Kline RB. Beyond Significance Testing: Reforming Data Analysis Methods in Behavioral Research. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association; 2004. 4 Colquhoun D. 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Umbrella Review of Meta-analyses of Randomized Controlled Trials Brendon Stubbs, Simone Brefka, Michael D. Denkinger Background. Preventing falls is an international priority. There is a need to synthesize the highest-quality falls prevention evidence in one place for clinicians. Purpose. The aim of this study was to conduct an umbrella review of metaanalyses of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) of falls prevention interventions in community-dwelling older adults. Data Sources. The MEDLINE, EMBASE, CINAHL, AMED, BNI, PsycINFO, Cochrane Library, PubMed, and PEDro databases were searched. Study Selection. Meta-analyses with one pooled analysis containing ⱖ3 RCTs that investigated any intervention to prevent falls in community-dwelling older adults aged ⱖ60 years were eligible. Sixteen meta-analyses, representing 47 pooled analyses, were included. Data Extraction. Two authors independently extracted data. Data Synthesis. Data were narratively synthesized. The methodological quality of the meta-analyses was moderate. Three meta-analyses defined a fall, and 3 reported adverse events (although minor). There is consistent evidence that exercise reduces falls (including the rate, risk, and odds of falling), with 13/14 pooled analyses (93%) from 7 meta-analyses demonstrating a significant reduction. The methodological quality of meta-analyses investigating exercise were medium/high, and effect sizes ranged from 0.87 (relative risk 95% confidence interval⫽0.81, 0.94; number of studies⫽18; number of participants⫽3,568) to 0.39 (rate ratio 95% confidence interval⫽0.23, 0.66; number of meta-analyses⫽6). There is consistent evidence that multifactorial interventions reduce falls (5/6, 83% reported significant reduction). There is conflicting evidence regarding the influence of vitamin D supplementation (7/12, 58.3% reported significant reduction). B. Stubbs, PT, MSc, MCSP, Faculty of Education and Health, University of Greenwich, Southwood Site, Avery Hill Road, Eltham, London, United Kingdom SE9 2UG. Address all correspondence to Mr Stubbs at: brendonstubbs@ S. Brefka, MD, AGAPLESION Bethesda Clinic, Department of Geriatrics, Ulm University, Ulm, Germany. M.D. Denkinger, MD, Competence Centre of Geriatrics and Aging Research Ulm/Alb-Donau, Ulm, Germany. [Stubbs B, Brefka S, Denkinger MD. What works to prevent falls in community-dwelling older adults? Umbrella review of meta-analyses of randomized controlled trials. Phys Ther. 2015;95:1095–1110.] © 2015 American Physical Therapy Association Published Ahead of Print: February 5, 2015 Accepted: January 26, 2015 Submitted: October 16, 2014 Limitations. Meta-analyses often used different methods of analysis, and reporting of key characteristics (eg, participants, heterogeneity, publication bias) was often lacking. There may be some overlap among included meta-analyses. Conclusions. There is consistent evidence that exercise and individually tailored multifactorial interventions are effective in reducing falls in community-dwelling older adults. Post a Rapid Response to this article at: August 2015 Volume 95 Number 8 Physical Therapy f 1095 What Works to Prevent Falls? F alls represent a substantial threat to the aging global population’s quality of life and remain a leading cause of morbidity and mortality.1–3 Falls are common and affect around 30% of those aged over 65 years of age living in the community, and the risk increases with age.2,4,5 The financial costs of falls also are profound. For instance, after accounting for inflation, the direct cost of health care provision following a fall in the United States was estimated at $30 billion in 2010.6 Not surprisingly, numerous national and international guidelines have been developed that seek to prevent falls.1,7,8 A diverse range of interventions have been developed and tested through robust randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and subsequently summarized in systematic reviews and meta-analyses. Conclusions based on systematic reviews of RCTs are considered the top of the hierarchy of evidence.9 Although there are some criticisms of systematic reviews as an entity (eg, prone to bias in original studies, publication bias, and may miss landmark well-powered primary studies10), a well-conducted systematic review does have the ability to make robust, generalizable conclusions over and above those from a single study. In addition, meta-analyses have the potential to provide the closest effect size of an intervention.11 Although metaanalyses based on systematic reviews are considered the “gold standard,” there is increasing recognition that even a perfect meta-analysis with perfect data can provide only a partial overview of the interventions available to clinicians.12 This finding is particularly true in complex interventions such as falls prevention, where many different options are available to clinicians. With this realization, the popularity of umbrella reviews, or systematic reviews of systematic reviews, has 1096 f Physical Therapy Volume 95 increased to provide clinicians, policy makers, and researchers with the highest-quality information in one place regarding any particular intervention. Concerning the prevention of falls, a range of interventions has been considered with systematic reviews and meta-analyses, including single interventions such as exercise13 and vitamin D supplementation14 or more complex multifactorial interventions.4 Physical therapists have an integral role in the prevention of falls, and it is essential they have knowledge of the highest-quality evidence of interventions that reduce falls. Because of this proliferation in high-quality falls prevention research, we sought to conduct a comprehensive umbrella review of all systematic reviews containing meta-analyses of RCTs on the prevention of falls in community-dwelling older adults. Method This umbrella review followed a predetermined published protocol (PROSPERO registration: CRD42014010715). Eligibility Criteria Meta-analyses of RCTs that investigated any intervention that sought to reduce falls in community-dwelling older adults were included. More specifically, meta-analyses had to meet the following criteria: Population. The study population comprised community-dwelling older adults (ie, living in the community and not in a long-term care facility, with a mean age of ⱖ60 years). We did not include studies conducted in hospitals or long-term care facilities. We excluded reviews in specialist populations (eg, stroke, Parkinson disease). Number 8 Interventions. Any intervention that sought to prevent falls was included. Outcome measures. Our primary outcome measure was the effect of interventions on the rate of falls or the number of fallers. In this study, a fall was defined as “an unexpected event in which the participants come to rest on the ground, floor, or lower level.”15(p1619) We considered any type of falls, including recurrent (2 or more falls over the study period) and injurious falls. We did not place any language restriction upon our searches. If we encountered manuscripts published in languages other than English, German, French, or Spanish, we planned to contact the authors to acquire the data of interest. Meta-analyses not informed by a systematic review were excluded. Meta-analyses must contain at least one pooled analysis with ⱖ3 RCTs. Because some metaanalyses conducted multiple subgroup and sensitivity analyses, we report the primary analysis (effect size) for each intervention they investigated. If we encountered meta-analyses that were updates from previous reviews (eg, updated Cochrane review), we included only the most recent meta-analysis. If we encountered reviews on similar topics with different methods of analysis, inclusion criteria, and results, we included both reviews (decided by 3 authors). Meta-analyses including some controlled trials were included if ⱖ80% of the included studies within the pooled analysis were RCTs. Available With This Article at • eAppendix: Articles Excluded From Community-Dwelling Umbrella Review: Reasons for Exclusion August 2015 What Works to Prevent Falls? Search Procedure Two independent authors (B.S., S.B.) conducted a systematic search of the MEDLINE, EMBASE, CINAHL, AMED, BNI, PsycINFO, Cochrane Library, PubMed, and PEDro databases from inception to August 2014. A third author (M.D.D.) was available as a mediator. The key words used in the searches were “falls” or “fall*” or “recurrent falls” or “injurious fall” or “fall prevention” AND “randomised control trial” or “RCT” or “systematic review” or “meta-analysis” AND “older adult” or “elderly” or “age” AND “intervention” AND “exercise” AND “vitamin D supplementation” and “multifactorial.” The reference lists of all potentially eligible articles were reviewed. Data Extraction and Synthesis Two authors (B.S., S.B.) independently extracted data, and a third reviewer (M.D.D.) was available. Data extracted included: first author, year of publication, country, setting, aim, search strategy, eligibility criteria, type of fall investigating, falls definition used, details of falls intervention, number of studies and number of participants, participant demographics, main results (effect size with 95% confidence intervals [95% CIs]), adverse events, heterogeneity, publication bias, and conclusions. In the literature, a range of statistical methods has been used to assess the effect of interventions on falls, including rate ratios (RaR⫽rate of falls), risk ratios/relative risk (RR⫽ number of people who have fallen/ risk of falls), and odds ratios (OR⫽odds of having a fall during the trial). The RaR provides a summary of the rate of falls between the intervention and control groups.4 The RR, on the other hand, compares the number of people who have fallen between the intervention and control groups,4 and the OR is the ratio of the odds of a fall happening in each group.16 Collectively, we refer to the effect of the interventions on August 2015 falls. However, when we refer to individual meta-analyses, we refer to the actual measurement used in each study. Where possible, we extracted data on heterogeneity from each pooled analysis and, in accordance with the Cochrane collaboration, report the I2 statistic, which refers to the percentage of total variation across studies that is due to heterogeneity rather than chance.16,17 Low, moderate, and high I2 values of 25%, 50%, and 75%, respectively, are commonly accepted.17 Due to the heterogeneity in the populations, interventions, and other key characteristics, the results are presented in a narrative synthesis.12 Methodological Quality Assessment Two authors (B.S., S.B.) independently completed the Assessment of Multiple Systematic Reviews (AMSTAR).18 A third reviewer (M.D.D.) was available. The AMSTAR is a reliable and valid way to assess the methodological quality of systematic reviews and meta-analyses.19 The AMSTAR tool consists of 11 items that are rated as “met,” “unclear,” or “unmet,” and scores are given ranging from 0 (low quality) to 11 (highest quality).18,19 The AMSTAR scores are graded as high (8 –11), medium (4 –7), or low (0 –3) quality.18 –20 Results Description of Search Results Using the search strategy, 112 full texts were considered, and 96 articles were excluded (see eAppendix, available at, for list of excluded articles). Within the final sample, 16 separate metaanalyses reporting 47 pooled analyses were represented.4,14,21–34 Full details of the search results are presented in the Figure. Description of Included Meta-analyses Details of the included meta-analyses are summarized in Table 1. In brief, the meta-analyses included between 3 and 2223 individual RCTs and between 34823 (education and exercise analysis, number of studies⫽3) and 27,52221 participants across the pooled analyses. Only 3 metaanalyses provided a definition for a fall.4,24,26 Three meta-analyses provided details of adverse events of the RCT interventions,4,24,29 which were all minor. Overall, the quality of the meta-analyses was medium to high. Specifically, 8 metaanalyses were graded as high quality,4,14,22,24 –26,29,32 7 were graded as medium quality,21,23,27,28,30,31,33 and 1 was considered as low quality34 (see Tab. 1 for AMSTAR scores). Single Interventions Exercise. Seven meta-analyses investigated a range of exercise interventions,4,23,24,27,29,30,34 and from these meta-analyses, 13 out of 14 pooled analyses demonstrated that exercise significantly reduced falls (including the rate and risk of falling). Exercise was responsible for reductions in falls, ranging from a 13% reduced risk29 (RR⫽0.87; 95% CI⫽0.81, 0.94); number of trials⫽18; number of participants⫽3,568) and a 61% reduction in the rate of falls24 (RaR⫽0.39; 95% CI⫽0.23, 0.66; number of trials⫽6) and rate of falls causing fracture (number of trials⫽6). Only one study34 demonstrated a nonsignificant reduction in falls, although it was rated as low quality. Overall, the methodological quality of exercise MAs was moderate to high. Guo et al23 pooled 22 studies (number of participants⫽4,912) investigating a range of exercise interventions and found that exercise significantly reduced the odds of falling (OR⫽0.78; 95% CI⫽0.65, 0.93). El-Khoury et al24 found that exercise Volume 95 Number 8 Physical Therapy f 1097 What Works to Prevent Falls? Figure. Flow diagram of search strategy. RCT⫽randomized controlled trial. significantly reduced the rate of injurious falls (RaR⫽0.63; 95% CI⫽0.51, 0.77; number of trials⫽10; I2⫽50%), the rate of falls resulting in medical care (RaR⫽0.70; 95% CI⫽0.54, 0.92; number of trials⫽8; I2⫽20%), the rate of falls causing serious injury (RaR⫽0.57; 95% CI⫽0.36, 0.90; number of trials⫽7; I2⫽46%), and the rate of falls causing a fracture (RaR⫽0.39; 95% CI⫽0.23, 0.66; number of trials⫽6; I2⫽0%). Petridou et al27 reported that exercise significantly reduced risk of falls (RR⫽0.67; 95% CI⫽0.52, 0.85). Gillespie et al4 demonstrated that exercise reduced the rate of falls regardless of whether it was conducted in a group setting (RaR⫽0.71; 95% CI⫽0.63, 0.82; number of trials⫽16; number of participants⫽3,622; I2⫽48%) or at home (RaR⫽0.68; 95% CI⫽0.58, 0.80; number of trials⫽7; number of participants⫽951; 1098 f Physical Therapy Volume 95 I2⫽0%). They also established that exercise focused on gait, balance, or functional training reduces the rate of falls (RaR⫽0.72; 95% CI⫽0.55, 0.94; number of trials⫽4; number of participants⫽519; I2⫽0), whereas tai chi, although significant, was borderline and heterogeneous (RaR⫽ 0.72; 95% CI⫽0.52, 1.00; number of trials⫽5; number of participants⫽1,563; I2⫽72%). Michael et al29 reported that physical therapy– based exercises resulted in a reduction in risk of falls (RR⫽0.87; 95% CI⫽0.81, 0.94; number of trials⫽18; number of participants⫽3,986; I2⫽4%). Thomas et al30 reported the Otago exercise program significantly reduced the rate of falls across 6 studies involving 1,466 people (RaR⫽0.68; 95% CI⫽0.56, 0.79; I2⫽0%). Number 8 In conclusion, there is consistent evidence (93% or 13/14 pooled analyses) to support the effectiveness of exercise as a single intervention to prevent falls (including the risk, odds, and rate of falls). This finding is primarily based on medium-high quality evidence. Vitamin D supplementation. Seven meta-analyses investigated the influence of vitamin D supplementation on falls,4,14,21,23,26,29,33 and from 12 pooled analyses, 7 established that vitamin D supplementation significantly reduced falls. The effect size ranged from a 22% reduced odds of falling when vitamin D supplementation was combined with calcium23 (OR⫽0.78; 95% CI⫽0.63, 0.98; number of trials⫽6; number of participants⫽4,326) to a 12% reduced risk of falls without calcium26 (RR⫽0.88; 95% CI⫽0.81, August 2015 What Works to Prevent Falls? 0.96; number of trials⫽10; number of participants⫽12,701). Guo et al23 pooled 11 RCTs (6 with vitamin D supplementation and calcium and 5 with vitamin D supplementation alone) and found there was no significant effect on the odds of falling. In a subgroup analysis, the authors established that vitamin D supplementation when combined with calcium reduced the odds of falling (OR⫽0.78; 95% CI⫽0.63, 0.98) but vitamin D supplementation alone did not (OR⫽1.02; 95% CI⫽0.82, 1.28). Kalyani et al26 pooled 10 studies and reported that vitamin D supplementation significantly reduced the risk of falls (RR⫽0.88; 95% CI⫽0.81, 0.96; number of participants⫽12,701; I2⫽34%). Gillespie et al4 pooled the data from 7 RCTs (number of participants⫽9,324) and reported that vitamin D supplementation had no significant effect on falls rate (RaR⫽1.00; 95% CI⫽0.90, 1.11; I2⫽69%). Murad et al14 and Michael et al29 pooled the data on RCTs of vitamin D supplementation with and without calcium and found that the risk and odds of falls were respectively reduced (Michael et al29: RR⫽0.83; 95% CI⫽0.77, 0.89; number of trials⫽9; number of participants⫽5,809; I2⫽3%; Murad et al14: OR⫽0.80; 95% CI⫽0.69, 0.93; number of trials⫽16; number of participants⫽unclear). Bolland et al21 reported that vitamin D supplementation had no significant effect on the risk of falls (RR⫽0.96; 95% CI⫽0.90, 1.02; number of trials⫽14; number of participants⫽27,522); this finding remained true in subgroup analyses for vitamin D supplementation alone (RR⫽0.96; 95% CI⫽0.88, 1.04; number of trials⫽11; number of participants⫽20,861) and when combined with calcium (RR⫽0.93; 95% CI⫽0.85, 1.02; number of trials⫽5; number of participants⫽9,336). August 2015 In summary, there is conflicting evidence (58.3% or 7/12 pooled analyses) regarding the effectiveness of vitamin D supplementation to reduce falls (including the rate, odds, and risk), although the influence of vitamin D supplementation appears more effective when combined with calcium. Environmental interventions. In total, 3 meta-analyses considered environmental interventions to reduce falls, and 7 different pooled analyses were available.4,23,31 All 3 meta-analyses reported one analysis that demonstrated environmental interventions reduced falls; overall, 4 out of the 7 pooled analyses demonstrated a statistically significant reduction in falls. Guo et al23 reported in the pooled environmental and assistive technology analysis that the odds of falling were not significantly reduced (OR⫽0.83; 95% CI⫽0.68, 1.01; number of trials⫽13; number of participants⫽6,353). However, when they conducted a subgroup analysis of these results, they demonstrated that home visit and modification did significantly reduce the odds of falling (OR⫽0.75; 95% CI⫽0.56, 0.99; number of trials⫽7; number of participants⫽3,531), whereas assessment and modification alone did not (OR⫽1.11; 95% CI⫽0.83, 1.48; number of trials⫽3; number of participants⫽1,956). In their Cochrane review, Gillespie et al4 demonstrated that home safety and modification reduces the rate of falls (RaR⫽ 0.81; 95% CI⫽0.68, 0.97; number of trials⫽6; number of participants⫽4,208; I2⫽64%). They then demonstrated that home safety interventions were significantly effective when delivered by an occupational therapist (RaR⫽0.69; 95% CI⫽0.55, 0.86; number of trials⫽4; number of participants⫽1,443) but not when delivered by a non-occupational therapist (RaR⫽0.91; 95% CI⫽0.75, 1.11; number of trials⫽4; number of participants⫽3,075; I2⫽42%). Finally, Clemson et al31 conducted a review focusing solely on environmental interventions and found that interventions that adapted and modified the environment resulted in a reduction in the risk of falls (RR⫽0.79; 95% CI⫽0.65, 0.97; number of trials⫽6; number of participants⫽3,298; I2⫽69%). Overall, there is conflicting evidence (57%, 4/7 pooled analysis) to suggest that environmental interventions may reduce falls in communitydwelling older adults. This finding was based on moderate-quality meta-analyses. Surgery. Two meta-analyses4,23 reported a pooled analysis investigating the influence of surgery on falls. Gillespie et al4 pooled data from 3 RCTs investigating cardiac pacing surgery and found that it significantly reduced the rate of falls in older adults with carotid sinus hypersensitivity, a condition that causes sudden changes in heart rate and blood pressure (RaR⫽0.73; 95% CI⫽0.57, 0.93; number of participants⫽349; I2⫽51%). Guo et al23 pooled 2 studies investigating cardiac pacing and 1 study investigating cataract surgery and found there was a nonsignificant reduction in the odds of falling (OR⫽0.87; 95% CI⫽0.45, 1.66; number of participants⫽704). Overall, there is limited evidence to suggest that surgical interventions can reduce falls. Other Single Interventions Guo et al23 reported that education did not significantly reduce the odds of falling (OR⫽0.75; 95% CI⫽0.51, 1.10; number of trials⫽4; number of participants⫽810). Campbell and Robertson28 pooled a range of single interventions and reported a statistical reduction in the rate of falls (RaR⫽0.77; 95% CI⫽0.67, 0.89; Volume 95 Number 8 Physical Therapy f 1099 What Works to Prevent Falls? number of trials⫽10; number of participants⫽unclear). Multifactorial Interventions Six meta-analyses investigated the efficacy of individually tailored multifactorial interventions.4,25,27–29,34 Of these meta-analyses, 5 reported that falls were significantly reduced,4,25,27,28,34 and 1 showed a nonsignificant trend toward reducing falls.29 Multifactorial falls preventions reduced falls by between 10%25,27 and 35%,34 although the study by Weatherall et al34 scored low (2) on the AMSTAR tool. Choi and Hector25 pooled 12 RCTs (number of participants⫽unclear) and found that multifactorial interventions reduced the risk of falls (RR⫽0.90; 95% CI⫽0.85, 0.96; Q⫽1.757; P⫽.185), which is comparable to the effect found in the meta-analysis by Petridou et al27 (RR⫽0.90; 95% CI⫽0.82, 1.00; number of trials⫽5; number of participants⫽1,952; Q⫽6.9; P⫽.1). Gillespie et al4 pooled data from 19 RCTs investigating multifactorial interventions and found that the rate of falls was significantly reduced (RaR⫽0.76; 95% CI⫽0.67, 0.86; number of participants⫽9,503; I2⫽85%). Campbell and Robertson28 pooled data from 6 RCTs and established that the rate of falls was reduced (RaR⫽0.78; 95% CI⫽0.68, 0.89; number of participants⫽ unclear; I2⫽38%). component” interventions, where the interventions were not individually tailored. They found that multicomponent interventions significantly reduced the risk of falls (RR⫽0.86; 95% CI⫽0.80, 0.92; number of participants⫽unclear; I2⫽0%). Another meta-analysis32 pooled data from 4 nurse-led RCTs and found that the intervention had no significant effect on the odds of falling (OR⫽0.51; 95% CI⫽0.19, 1.36; number of participants⫽1,392; I2⫽89%). Overall, there is limited evidence from one meta-analysis that multicomponent interventions reduce falls, and there is no evidence that nurse-led interventions reduce falls. Summaries of the interventions are presented in Table 2. Discussion Overall, there is consistent evidence (83%, 5/6 pooled analyses) that multifactorial interventions reduce falls (including the rate and risk of falling) in community-dwelling older adults. This finding was based on moderate- to high-quality meta-analyses. Within this umbrella review, we have demonstrated that there is consistent moderate- to high-quality evidence (13/14 pooled analyses or 6/7 meta-analyses) that exercise can significantly reduce falls (including the rate, risk, and odds of falling). There is conflicting evidence that environmental and vitamin D supplementation interventions can reduce falls. There is evidence from moderateand high-quality meta-analyses that multifactorial interventions can reduce falls among older adults (5/6 pooled analyses reported significant reduction). Surprisingly, there is a dearth of information on the harms from fall prevention interventions reported in the meta-analyses included in our umbrella review. However, in those meta-analyses that did report such information, the reported harms were all relatively minor, and this dearth of information may be a reflection of the lack of reporting in the original studies. Other Combined and Multicomponent Interventions Goodwin et al22 pooled the data from 15 RCTs investigating “multi- The results of this review support the notion that exercise should be provided to community-dwelling older adults to prevent falls. Our 1100 f Physical Therapy Volume 95 Number 8 findings echo those of individual meta-analyses13 showing strong evidence that exercise is effective in preventing falls (albeit pooled analyses across mixed settings). The exact type (eg, balance, strengthening, tai chi), duration, frequency, and setting of such interventions do show some variations in the effect of the results, but describing these variations in greater detail is beyond the scope of this review. Still, with regard to the optimal nature of exercise, a balanced program including endurance, balance, and strength exercises could be recommended.35 Perhaps the most robust included metaanalysis investigating exercise was the Cochrane review by Gillespie et al.4 All 4 pooled analyses that we included demonstrated a similar significant reduction in falls, regardless of whether it was in a group (RaR⫽0.71), was at home (RaR⫽ 0.68), involved balance training (RaR⫽0.72), or was tai chi-based (RaR⫽0.72). In an innovative review, El-Khoury et al24 found that exercise had profound effects on reducing a range of different types of injurious falls (including fractures); thus, exercise has an integral role in the management of falls in the community. Overall, about half of the pooled analyses investigating exercise (5/11 pooled analyses) had low to moderate heterogeneity (I2⬍50% or nonsignificant Cochran Q). Therefore, together with the moderateand high-quality nature of these meta-analyses, we can be confident that exercise helps to prevent falls. Ultimately, outside evidence on the frequency, intensity, and type (FIT) principles, the patients’ preference also should be considered, as it can influence adherence to exercise programs. In addition, some older adults may have specific physical comorbidities (eg, musculoskeletal pain3), meaning that they may need a physical therapist to provide an assessment and deliver appropriate adapAugust 2015 What Works to Prevent Falls? tive interventions. Specifically, the effectiveness of physical therapy– based exercise interventions was established in the US Preventive Services Task Force meta-analysis.29 The results of the current umbrella review affirm the central role of physical therapists in the prevention of falls in community-dwelling older adults. When one considers that exercise has a range of wider health benefits, such as comparable effects of medication interventions on preventing mortality,36 the standout benefits of exercise on falls prevention are encouraging. We recommend, therefore, that all older people at risk for falling or known to fall should be encouraged to exercise, and for those who are particularly high risk and have a range of limitations, physical therapists should oversee this process. in a recent review by the same group, the authors concluded that any benefit of calcium supplements on preventing fracture is outweighed by increased cardiovascular events.41 So far, weighing current evidence and balancing risks (few) and benefits (fair) beyond the outcome falls (in the preceding sentences, we discuss the wider implications of vitamin D; here, we are saying vitamin D may have other benefits outside of falls prevention), we support current recommendations of most guidelines: sufficient vitamin D supplementation of at least 1,000 IE daily or serum 25-hydroxy-vitamin D supplementation concentrations of 30 ng/mL (75 nmol/L) and higher, especially with respect to frail older adults and those with very low vitamin D supplementation levels.42 The evidence regarding vitamin D supplementation is conflicting, although this intervention does appear more promising when combined with calcium supplementation. In their recent sequential meta-analysis, Bolland et al21 demonstrated that vitamin D supplementation did not reduce falls or alter the relative risk by 15% or more. They recently compared the results of their metaanalysis21 and an earlier one,14 which arrived at opposite conclusions, and stated that the different conclusions were due to methodological differences and different statistical approaches.37 Other groups have criticized these findings because of the inclusion of low-quality RCTs and the importance of appropriate doses.38,39 Although even small effects of vitamin D supplementation could still result in public health recommendations because of overall low serum levels in older adults, little adverse effects, and low price, calcium has to be considered separately. Calcium supplementation has been associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular events,40 and Regarding environmental falls prevention strategies, the interventions were generally not well defined and appear heterogeneous, although they may be effective in reducing falls, particularly when conducted by an occupational therapist.4 Multifactorial interventions, in which particular risk factors are identified and then interventions are individually tailored, have become popular in the medical literature and clinical practice. The results from our umbrella review support the use of this approach, although delivering multifactorial interventions and identifying individual risk factors can be time-consuming. Therefore, the finding from the recent meta-analysis that multicomponent interventions (in which the intervention is not specifically tailored to the individual) also can reduce falls is of great interest.22 This finding again seems to account particularly for programs where exercise is part of the intervention. However, effect sizes do not differ very much from those that build on exercise alone. August 2015 Limitations and Strengths Our umbrella review has a number of strengths. We conducted a comprehensive search, including only the highest-quality evidence (metaanalyses of RCTs), and condensed this evidence in one place to make it readily accessible for physical therapists and other clinicians. The overall methodological quality of the included meta-analyses was moderate. Although this is the first umbrella review, a number of limitations should be acknowledged, which are largely reflected by limitations in the original studies. First, not all of the studies assessed heterogeneity, and as shown in Table 1, only studies of 10 meta-analyses reported a heterogeneity statistic. Often, the studies analyzed the effect of the intervention using different summary measures (eg, RaR, RR, OR), making it more challenging for the reader to interpret. Second, the meta-analyses often did not publish specific details regarding the included studies. Thus, it was not always possible to determine clinical homogeneity. Third, several metaanalyses may have included similar studies in their analyses. Also, it is unclear if the lack of adverse events reported in the included metaanalyses is due to the absence of these in the original studies. In addition, relying upon systematic reviews may mean that landmark primary studies are not highlighted. Finally, we could not include several reviews that investigated falls prevention interventions with metaanalysis in mixed settings that did not provide subgroup analysis for community-dwelling older adults. Nevertheless, allowing for these caveats, our umbrella review is the first such review and provides key evidence to position physical therapists to be well equipped to manage falls in community-dwelling older adults. In essence, the available evidence suggests that exercise inter- Volume 95 Number 8 Physical Therapy f 1101 What Works to Prevent Falls? ventions are the most consistently effective and robust interventions to tackle falls in older adults, and it could be hypothesized that exercise also largely accounts for the effect seen in multifactorial/multicomponent programs. However, future research should investigate the frequency, intensity, and type of intervention and setting and test their effectiveness in clinical practice. Very few meta-analyses reported on the harms associated with falls prevention interventions—an important outcome that was likely limited by the primary studies. Regardless, policies are often made based on systematic reviews of interventions. Therefore, it is important that authors of studies of interventions adequately report any harmful side effects and clearly define their outcome measures in advance. In conclusion, we found consistent evidence to suggest that exercise is associated with a reduction in the rate, risk, and odds of falling (including falls resulting in injury), thus affirming physical therapists’ central position to lead in international efforts to prevent falls. There also is consistent evidence regarding the effectiveness of multifactorial interventions. All authors designed the study, which was prospectively registered, and helped acquire the data. Mr Stubbs and Dr Denkinger wrote the manuscript. Dr Brefka provided input. All authors approved the final version. PROSPERO registration: http://www.crd. ID⫽CRD42014010715. References 1 Panel on Prevention of Falls in Older Persons, American Geriatrics Society and British Geriatrics Society. Summary of the updated American Geriatrics Society/British Geriatrics Society clinical practice guideline for prevention of falls in older persons. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2011;59:148 – 157. f Physical Therapy 3 Stubbs B, Binnekade T, Eggermont L, et al. Pain and the risk for falls in communitydwelling older adults: systematic review and meta-analysis. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2014;95:175–187.e79. 4 Gillespie LD, Robertson MC, Gillespie WJ, et al. Interventions for preventing falls in older people living in the community. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2012;9: CD007146. Volume 95 16 Higgins JPT, Green S, eds. Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions Version 5.1.0. Updated March 2011. The Cochrane Collaboration. Available at: http://handbook.cochrane. org. Accessed October 1, 2014. 17 Higgins JPT, Thompson SG, Deeks JJ, Altman DG. Measuring inconsistency in metaanalyses. BMJ. 2003;327:557–560. 18 Shea BJ, Grimshaw JM, Wells GA, et al. Development of AMSTAR: a measurement tool to assess the methodological quality of systematic reviews. BMC Med Res Methodol. 2007;7:10 –17. 5 Rubenstein LZ. Falls in older people: epidemiology, risk factors and strategies for prevention. Age Ageing. 2006;35:ii37– ii41. 19 Shea BJ, Hamel C, Wells GA, et al. AMSTAR is a reliable and valid measurement tool to assess the methodological quality of systematic reviews. J Clin Epidemiol. 2009; 62:1013–1020. 6 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Cost of falls among older adults. 2014. Available at: homeandrecreationalsafety/falls/fallcost. html. Accessed October 1, 2014. 20 Sharif MO, Janjua-Sharif FN, Ali H, Ahmed F. Systematic reviews explained: AMSTAR— how to tell the good from the bad and the ugly. Oral Health Dent Manag. 2013;12:9 –16. 7 National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE). Falls: assessment and prevention of falls in older people. NICE guidelines [CG161]. June 2013. Available at: cg161. Accessed October 1, 2014. 21 Bolland MJ, Grey A, Gamble GD, Reid IR. Vitamin D supplementation and falls: a trial sequential meta-analysis. Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol. 2014;2:573–580. 8 WHO Global Report on Falls Prevention in Older Age. Geneva, Switzerland: World Health Organization; 2007. 9 Moe RH, Haavardsholm EA, Christie A, et al. Effectiveness of nonpharmacological and nonsurgical interventions for hip osteoarthritis: an umbrella review of highquality systematic reviews. Phys Ther. 2007;87:1716 –1727. 10 Matheson SL, Shepherd AM, Carr VJ. How much do we know about schizophrenia and how well do we know it? Evidence from the Schizophrenia Library. Psychol Med. 2014,44:3387–3405. 11 Button KS, Ioannidis JPA, Mokrysz C, et al. 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Development of a common outcome data set for fall injury prevention trials: the Prevention of Falls Network Europe consensus. J Am Geriatr Soc 2005; 53:1618 –1622. Number 8 22 Goodwin VA, Abbott RA, Whear R, et al. Multiple component interventions for preventing falls and fall-related injuries among older people: systematic review and metaanalysis. BMC Geriatr. 2014;14:15. 23 Guo JL, Tsai YY, Liao JY, et al. Interventions to reduce the number of falls among older adults with/without cognitive impairment: an exploratory meta-analysis. Int J Geriatr Psychiatry. 2014;29: 661– 669. 24 El-Khoury F, Cassou B, Charles MA, Dargent-Molina P. The effect of fall prevention exercise programmes on fall induced injuries in community dwelling older adults: systematic review and metaanalysis of randomised controlled trials. BMJ. 2013;347:f6234. 25 Choi M, Hector M. Effectiveness of intervention programs in preventing falls: a systematic review of recent 10 years and meta-analysis. J Am Med Dir Assoc. 2012; 13:188.e113– e121. 26 Kalyani RR, Stein B, Valiyil R, et al. Vitamin D treatment for the prevention of falls in older adults: systematic review and metaanalysis. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2010;58:1299 – 1310. 27 Petridou ET, Manti EG, Ntinapogias AG, et al. What works better for communitydwelling older people at risk to fall? J Aging Health. 2009;21:713–729. 28 Campbell AJ, Robertson MC. Rethinking individual and community fall prevention strategies: a meta-regression comparing single and multifactorial interventions. Age Ageing. 2007;36:656 – 662. 29 Michael YL, Whitlock EP, Lin JS, et al. Primary care-relevant interventions to prevent falling in older adults: a systematic evidence review for the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force. Ann Intern Med. 2010;153:815– 825. August 2015 August 2015 United Kingdom Goodwin et al,22 2014 Taiwan New Zealand Bolland et al,21 2014 Gou et al,23 2014 Country Study 5 (n⫽9,336) Vitamin D with calcium Volume 95 Number 8 Nutritional supplement: Non tai chi exercise Exercise vs control: 11 (n⫽9,750) 20 (n⫽4,150) 22 (n⫽4,912) 15 (n⫽?, 5,034 in total) 11 (n⫽20,861) Vitamin D without calcium Multicomponent interventions (2 or more interventions not individually tailored) 14 (n⫽27,522) RCTs Included (nⴝNumber of Participants) Vitamin D with or without calcium Intervention Summary and Results of Included Studiesa Table 1. Older adults without cognitive impairment Mean age⫽ 64.5–89.0 y Mean age⫽ 69–86.4 y, 38%–100% female Mean age⫽67–81 y in RCTs, 24%–100% female participants in RCTs Participants’ Details No No No Define a Fall? OR⫽0.89 (0.75, 1.04) ORⴝ0.78 (0.64, 0.95) ORⴝ0.78 (0.65, 0.93) RaRⴝ0.78 (0.71, 0.85) RRⴝ0.86 (0.80, 0.92) RR⫽0.93 (0.85, 1.02) RR⫽0.96 (0.88, 1.04) RR⫽0.96 (0.90, 1.02) Main Results (95% CI) NR I2⫽20% I2⫽0% NR NR NR Heterogeneity NR NR NR Adverse Events AMSTAR 4 9 5 Conclusion (Continued) Vitamin D supplementation with calcium reduces falls, but vitamin D alone does not Exercise reduces falls in older adults Multicomponent interventions not specifically tailored to an individual’s risk factors reduce the number of fallers and rate of falls Vitamin D supplementation with or without calcium does not reduce the risk of falling in communitydwelling older adults What Works to Prevent Falls? Physical Therapy f 1103 1104 f Physical Therapy El-Khoury et al,24 2013 Study Continued Table 1. France Country Volume 95 Number 8 3 (n⫽704) Surgery (2⫻ cataract and 1⫻ cardiac pacing) 17 (n⫽4,305) 3 (n⫽348) Education and exercise Exercise 4 (n⫽810) 7 (n⫽3,531) Home visit and modification Education intervention: 13 (n⫽6,353) Environment/assistive technology: 3 (n⫽1,956) 6 (n⫽4,326) Vitamin D ⫹ calcium Assess and modification 5 (n⫽5,424) Vitamin D alone Intervention RCTs Included (nⴝNumber of Participants) Mean age⫽76.7 y, 77% female Participants’ Details Yes Define a Fall? Injurious falls I2⫽50% Falls requiring medical care I2⫽20% Serious injury I2⫽46% RaR for falls requiring medical careⴝ0.70 (0.54, 0.92, number of trialsⴝ8) RaR for serious injuryⴝ0.57 (0.36, 0.90, number of trialsⴝ7) Heterogeneity RaR for injurious fallsⴝ0.63 (0.51, 0.77, number of trialsⴝ10) OR⫽0.87 (0.45, 1.66) OR⫽1.16 (0.40, 3.32) OR⫽0.75 (0.51, 1.10) OR⫽1.11 (0.83, 1.48) ORⴝ0.75 (0.56, 0.99) OR⫽0.83 (0.68, 1.01) ORⴝ0.78 (0.63, 0.98) OR⫽1.02 (0.82, 1.28) Main Results (95% CI) AMSTAR 9 Yes, 6 RCTs reported, a total of 8 participants had minor injuries No major adverse events Adverse Events (Continued) Exercise significantly reduces all types of injurious falls, including falls requiring medical care or resulting in severe injury or fractures Surgery does not reduce falls Education alone or when combined with exercise has no effect on falls Home visits and modification reduce falls Conclusion What Works to Prevent Falls? August 2015 August 2015 Greece United States Kalyani et al,26 2010 Petridou et al,27 2009 United States Country Choi and Hector,25 2012 Study Continued Table 1. Volume 95 Number 8 Multifactorial interventions only Exercise only Exercise and multifactorial interventions: Vitamin D supplementation Multifactorial interventions (n⫽15) or single interventions (n⫽2) Intervention 5 (n⫽1,952) 5 (n⫽597) 10 (n⫽2,549) 5 (n⫽1,504) 10 (n⫽12,701) 12/17 community dwelling (n⫽?, total⫽5,501) RCTs Included (nⴝNumber of Participants) All ⱖ65 years of age Age range⫽ 71–92 y NR Participants’ Details No Yes No Define a Fall? Falls causing fracture I2⫽0% Heterogeneity RRⴝ0.90 (0.82, 1.00) RRⴝ0.45 (0.29, 0.71) RRⴝ0.67 (0.52, 0.85) RRⴝ0.79 (0.69, 0.92) for participants ⬍80 years of age who defined a fall RRⴝ0.88 (0.81, 0.96) Q⫽6.9 (P⫽.14) Q⫽18.5 (P⬍.001) Q⫽51.4 (P⬍.001) I2⫽29% I2⫽34% Q⫽1.757, Multifactorial P⫽.185 interventions, community only RRⴝ0.90 (0.85, 0.96, Nⴝ12) RaR for falls causing fractureⴝ0.39 (0.23, 0.66, number of trialsⴝ6) Main Results (95% CI) NR NR NR Adverse Events 5 9 8 AMSTAR (Continued) Exercise and multifactorial interventions both reduce falls Vitamin D therapy reduces falls in communitydwelling older adults younger than 80 y regardless if a fall was defined or not Multifactorial interventions reduce falls Conclusion What Works to Prevent Falls? Physical Therapy f 1105 1106 f Gillespie et al,4 2012 Study Continued Table 1. Intervention Physical Therapy Volume 95 Number 8 RaR⫽1.00 (0.90, 1.11) RaRⴝ0.72 (0.55, 0.94) RaRⴝ0.72 (0.52, 1.00) Home safety by OT 4 (n⫽1,443) RaRⴝ0.69 (0.55, 0.86) RaRⴝ0.81 (0.68, 0.97) 3 (n⫽349) Surgery: cardiac pacing 6 (n⫽4,208) 7 (n⫽9,324) Vitamin D: I2⫽48% Heterogeneity AMSTAR I2⫽58% (Continued) Home safety and modification are effective in reducing falls I2⫽64% Fitting cardiac pacing device reduces falls Vitamin D does not reduce falls Tai chi has marginal effect on falls Exercise as a single intervention reduces falls (including multiple components and balance) Conclusion Environmental interventions and modifications reduce falls when delivered by an OT to individuals at high risk of falling Minor adverse events Vitamin D 10 Yes Resistance, 2 trials reported musculoskeletal injuries Adverse Events I2⫽51% I2⫽69% I2⫽0% I2⫽72% RaRⴝ0.68, (0.58, 0.80) I2⫽0% RaRⴝ0.71 (0.63, 0.82) Main Results (95% CI) Home safety and modification 4 (n⫽519) Gait, balance, or functional training Yes Define a Fall? RaRⴝ0.73 (0.57, 0.93) 5 (n⫽1,563) Tai chi 70% female All ⱖ60 years of age Participants’ Details Environment: 7 (n⫽951) 16 (n⫽3,622) Home-based exercises containing multiple components vs control Group exercise: multiple categories vs control United Exercise single Kingdom interventions: Country RCTs Included (nⴝNumber of Participants) What Works to Prevent Falls? August 2015 August 2015 Country New Zealand United States Study Campbell and Robertson,28 2007 Michael et al,29 2010 Continued Table 1. Volume 95 Vitamin D (with or without calcium) Exercise/ physical therapy Multifactorial interventions Single intervention 9 (n⫽5,809) 18 (n⫽3,568) 19 (n⫽7,099) 14 (n⫽5,968) 19 (n⫽9,503) Multifactorial interventions Multifactorial interventions 4 (n⫽3,075) Home safety not by OT Intervention RCTs Included (nⴝNumber of Participants) All studies included people ⬎65 years of age 67% female All ⬎65 years of age Participants’ Details No No Define a Fall? RRⴝ0.83 (0.77, 0.89) RRⴝ0.87 (0.81, 0.94) RR⫽0.94 (0.87, 1.02) RaRⴝ0.77 (0.67, 0.89, number of trialsⴝ10) RaRⴝ0.78 (0.68,0.89, number of trialsⴝ6) RaRⴝ0.76 (0.67, 0.86) RaR⫽0.91 (0.75, 1.11) Main Results (95% CI) I2⫽3% I2⫽4% I2⫽73% I2⫽54% I2⫽38% Heterogeneity Number 8 No evidence vitamin D increases falls, no reported harms No evidence of increased falls in physical therapy studies 5/19 reported harms, all minor NR Adverse Events 8 7 AMSTAR (Continued) Physical therapy/ exercise and vitamin D significantly reduces falls, but it is unclear if multifactorial assessment and interventions reduce falls Both multifactorial and single interventions reduce falls and are equally effective Multifactorial interventions reduce falls Conclusion What Works to Prevent Falls? Physical Therapy f 1107 1108 f Physical Therapy Volume 95 Number 8 United Kingdom United Kingdom New Zealand Tappenden et al,32 2012 Jackson et al,33 2007 Weatherall,34 2004 5 (n⫽860) 11 (n⫽3,350) Multifactorial interventions 3 (n⫽784) 4 (n⫽1,392) 6 (n⫽3,298) 16 (n⫽?, overall sample) 6 (n⫽1,466), 1 study was CCT Exercise Vitamin D Nurse-based health promotion interventions Environmental interventions (adaptations and modifications to environment) Vitamin D Otago exercise program Intervention RCTs Included (nⴝNumber of Participants) No No ⬎60 years of age NR No No No No Define a Fall? Age range⫽ 71.9–83 y Mean age⫽79.6 y Mean age⫽76 y, 78% female Mean age⫽81.6 y Participants’ Details ORⴝ0.65 (0.52, 0.81) OR⫽0.79 (0.58, 1.08) RR⫽0.92 (0.75, 1.12) OR⫽0.51 (0.19, 1.36) RRⴝ0.79 (0.65, 0.97) ORⴝ0.80 (0.69, 0.93) RaRⴝ0.68 (0.56, 0.79) Main Results (95% CI) NR I2⫽44% NR NR I2⫽89% NR NR NR 4 studies reported minor adverse events Adverse Events I2⫽69% NR I2⫽0% Heterogeneity AMSTAR 2 6 8 7 8 7 Conclusion Note: very lowquality metaanalysis Exercise does not significantly reduce falls, but multifactorial interventions do Vitamin D does not reduce falls Nurse-based health promotion interventions do not appear to significantly reduce falls Focused home assessment interventions reduce falls, particularly in high risk groups Vitamin D combined with calcium reduces falls and number of fallers among communitydwelling older adults The Otago exercise program significantly reduces falls a NR⫽not reported, OR⫽odds ratio, CI⫽confidence interval, AMSTAR⫽Assessment of Multiple Systematic Reviews, RR⫽risk ratio (number of people who fall) or relative risk, RaR⫽rate ratio (fall rate), ?⫽unclear how many participants were included in the analysis, OT⫽occupational therapist, CCT⫽controlled clinical trial. Bolded results are statistically significant. Australia United States Australia Country Clemson et al,31 2008 Murad et al,14 2011 Thomas et al,30 2010 Study Continued Table 1. What Works to Prevent Falls? August 2015 August 2015 a Intervention 7 3 2 1 1 Vitamin D Environmental Surgery Education Single interventions combined 1 1 2 7 12 14 Volume 95 Number 8 Physical Therapy f 1 1 Education and exercise combined Multicomponent interventions (not individually tailored) 2 1 1 6 0 0 1 (2)22 0 0 0 5 (5)4,25,27,28,34 Limited No evidence 1 (1)23 0 No evidence ⫹83% (5/6) Limited 1 (1)32 1 (1)29 0 No evidence 1 (1)23 There is conflicting evidence that environmental interventions can reduce falls. Home assessment and modification are effective, particularly when delivered by an occupational therapist. ⫹57% (4/7) One MA established that multicomponent interventions not tailored to the individual reduce falls Education and exercise had no significant effect on falls One MA found that nurse-led combined interventions do not reduce falls 5 out of 6 MAs demonstrated that multifactorial interventions reduce falls, whereas 1 MA showed a trend toward reduction of falls. One MA demonstrating positive results had low methodological quality. 1 MA pooled various single interventions and did not differentiate the type of intervention but found it reduced falls 1 MA demonstrated that education does not reduce falls There is limited and inconsistent evidence that surgery reduces falls, although one MA suggests that cardiac pacing surgery does reduce falls. There is conflicting evidence that vitamin D supplementation prevents falls. Best evidence exists for combination with calcium. ⫹58.3% (7/12) Limited There is consistent evidence that exercise significantly reduces falls (rate, risk, and odds), including those that cause injury. Only one MA of low methodological quality demonstrated a nonsignificant reduction in falls. Comment ⫹93% (13/14) % of Overall Effect (Pooled)a 1 (1)23 2 (3)4,23 3 (5)4,23,33 1 (1)34 Nonsignificant Effect Overall effect⫽number of supporting associations versus overall number (pooled), limited⫽only 1 MA investigating an intervention. 1 6 Nurse-led falls prevention Individually tailored multifactorial interventions 0 0 0 1 (1)4 1 (1)28 0 3 (4)4,23,31 0 0 5 (7)14,21,23,26,29 0 0 Reduces Falls Increases Falls Number of MAs (Number of Pooled Analyses) 6 (13)4,23,24,27,29,30 Multifactorial, combined, and multicomponent interventions 7 Exercise Single interventions Number of MAs Number of Pooled Analyses Overview of Findings of the Meta-Analyses (MAs) Included in the Umbrella Review Table 2. What Works to Prevent Falls? 1109 What Works to Prevent Falls? 30 Thomas S, Mackintosh S, Halbert J. Does the “Otago exercise programme” reduce mortality and falls in older adults? A systematic review and meta-analysis. Age Ageing. 2010;39:681– 687. 31 Clemson L, Mackenzie L, Ballinger C, et al. Environmental interventions to prevent falls in community-dwelling older people: a meta-analysis of randomized trials. J Aging Health. 2008;20:954 –971. 32 Tappenden P, Campbell F, Rawdin A, et al. The clinical effectiveness and costeffectiveness of home-based, nurse-led health promotion for older people: a systematic review. Health Technol Assess. 2012;16:1–72. 33 Jackson C, Gaugris S, Sen SS, Hosking D. The effect of cholecalciferol (vitamin D3) on the risk of fall and fracture: a metaanalysis. QJM. 2007;100:185–192. 1110 f Physical Therapy Volume 95 34 Weatherall M. Prevention of falls and fallrelated fractures in community-dwelling older adults: a meta-analysis of estimates of effectiveness based on recent guidelines. Intern Med J. 2004;34:102–108. 35 Landi F, Marzetti E, Martone AM, et al. Exercise as a remedy for sarcopenia. Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care. 2014;17:25– 31. 36 Naci H, Ioannidis JPA. Comparative effectiveness of exercise and drug interventions on mortality outcomes: metaepidemiological study. BMJ. 2013;347:f5577. 37 Bolland MJ, Grey A, Reid IR. Differences in overlapping meta-analyses of vitamin D supplements and falls. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2014;99:4265– 4272. 38 Bischoff-Ferrari HA, Orav EJ, Willett WC, Dawson-Hughes B. The effect of vitamin D supplementation on skeletal, vascular, or cancer outcomes. Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol. 2014;2:363–364. Number 8 39 Bischoff-Ferrari HA, Dawson-Hughes B, Staehelin HB, et al. Fall prevention with supplemental and active forms of vitamin D: a meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials. BMJ. 2009;339:b3692. 40 Bolland MJ, Avenell A, Baron JA, et al. Effect of calcium supplements on risk of myocardial infarction and cardiovascular events: meta-analysis. BMJ. 2010;341: c3691. 41 Bolland MJ, Grey A, Reid IR. Calcium supplements and cardiovascular risk: 5 years on. Ther Adv Drug Saf. 2013;4:199 –210. 42 American Geriatrics Society Workgroup on Vitamin D Supplementation in Older Adults. Recommendations Abstracted from the American Geriatrics Society Consensus Statement on Vitamin D for Prevention of Falls and Their Consequences. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2014;62:147–152. August 2015 What Works to Prevent Falls? eAppendix. Articles Excluded From Community-Dwelling Umbrella Review: Reasons for Exclusion No meta-analysis in the systematic review 1 Karlsson MK, Vonschewelov T, Karlsson C, et al. Prevention of falls in the elderly: a review. Scand J Public Health. 2013;41: 442– 454. 2 Karlsson MK, Magnusson H, von Schewelov T, Rosengren BE. Prevention of falls in the elderly: a review. Osteoporos Int. 2013;24:747–762. 3 Martin JT, Wolf A, Moore JL, et al. The effectiveness of physical therapist–administered group-based exercise on fall prevention: a systematic review of randomized controlled trials. J Geriatr Phys Ther. 2013;36:182–193. 4 Simek EM, McPhate L, Haines TP. Adherence to and efficacy of home exercise programs to prevent falls: a systematic review and meta-analysis of the impact of exercise program characteristics. Prev Med. 2012; 55:262–275. 5 Neyens JC, van Haastregt JC, Dijcks BP, et al. Effectiveness and implementation aspects of interventions for preventing falls in elderly people in long-term care facilities: a systematic review of RCTs. J Am Med Dir Assoc. 2011;12:410 – 425. 6 Latham NK, Anderson CS, Reid IR. Effects of vitamin D supplementation on strength, physical performance, and falls in older persons: a systematic review. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2003;51:1219 –1226. 7 Stern C, Jayasekara R. Interventions to reduce the incidence of falls in older adult patients in acute-care hospitals: a systematic review. Int J Evid Based Healthc. 2009;7:243–249 8 Cadore EL, Rodrı́guez-Mañas L, Sinclair A, Izquierdo M. Effects of different exercise interventions on risk of falls, gait ability, and balance in physically frail older adults: a systematic review. Rejuvenation Res. 2013;16:105–114. 9 Lam FM, Lau RW, Chung RC, Pang MY. The effect of whole body vibration on balance, mobility and falls in older adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Maturitas. 2012;72:206 –213. 10 Carter ND, Kannus P, Khan KM. Exercise in the prevention of falls in older people: a systematic literature review examining the rationale and the evidence. Sports Med. 2001;31:427– 438. 11 Bunn F, Dickinson A, Simpson C, et al. 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J Hosp Med. 2012;7:497–503. 52 Leung DP, Chan CK, Tsang HW, et al. Tai chi as an intervention to improve balance and reduce falls in older adults: a systematic and meta-analytical review. Altern Ther Health Med. 2011;17:40 – 48. 53 Desapriya E, Subzwari S, Scime-Beltrano G, et al. Vision improvement and reduction in falls after expedited cataract surgery: systematic review and meta-analysis. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2010;36:13–19. 54 Fox MT, Persaud M, Maimets I, et al. Effectiveness of acute geriatric unit care using acute care for elders components: a systematic review and meta-analysis. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2012;60:2237–2245. 2 f Physical Therapy Volume 95 56 Hill-Westmoreland EE, Soeken K, Spellbring AM. A meta-analysis of fall prevention programs for the elderly: how effective are they? Nurs Res. 2002;51:1– 8. Not looking at RCTs for fall prevention 57 Pritchard E, Brown T, Lalor A, Haines T. The impact of falls prevention on participation in daily occupations of older adults following discharge: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Disabil Rehabil. 2014; 36:787–796. 58 Fairhall N, Sherrington C, Clemson L, Cameron ID. Do exercise interventions designed to prevent falls affect participation in life roles? A systematic review and meta-analysis. Age Ageing. 2011;40:666 – 674. 59 Sawka AM, Boulos P, Beattie K, et al. Do hip protectors decrease the risk of hip fracture in institutional and communitydwelling elderly? A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Osteoporos Int. 2005;16:1461–1474. 60 McClure R, Turner C, Peel N, et al. Population-based interventions for the prevention of fall-related injuries in older people. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2005;1:CD004441. 61 Kemmler W, Häberle L, von Stengel S. Effects of exercise on fracture reduction in older adults: a systematic review and metaanalysis. Osteoporos Int. 2013;24:1937– 1950. 62 Nyman SR, Victor CR. Older people’s participation in and engagement with falls prevention interventions in community settings: an augment to the Cochrane systematic review. Age Ageing. 2012;41:16 – 23. 63 Davis JC, Robertson MC, Ashe MC, et al. Does a home-based strength and balance programme in people aged ⬎ or ⫽80 years provide the best value for money to prevent falls? A systematic review of economic evaluations of falls prevention interventions. Br J Sports Med. 2010;44:80 – 89. 66 Bergman GJ, Fan T, McFetridge JT, Sen SS. Efficacy of vitamin D3 supplementation in preventing fractures in elderly women: a meta-analysis. Curr Med Res Opin. 2010; 26:1193–1201. 67 Granacher U, Gollhofer A, Hortobágyi T, et al. The importance of trunk muscle strength for balance, functional performance, and fall prevention in seniors: a systematic review. Sports Med. 2013;43: 627– 641. 68 Schwenk M, Jordan ED, Honarvararaghi B, et al. Effectiveness of foot and ankle exercise programs on reducing the risk of falling in older adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. J Am Podiatr Med Assoc. 2013;103: 534 –547. 69 McMahon S, Fleury J. External validity of physical activity interventions for community-dwelling older adults with fall risk: a quantitative systematic literature review. J Adv Nurs. 2012;68:2140 –2154. Specialist population 70 Batchelor F, Hill K, Mackintosh S, Said C. What works in falls prevention after stroke? A systematic review and meta-analysis. Stroke. 2010;41:1715–1722. 71 Verheyden GS, Weerdesteyn V, Pickering RM, et al. Interventions for preventing falls in people after stroke. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2013;5:CD008728. 72 Tomlinson CL, Patel S, Meek C, et al. Physiotherapy intervention in Parkinson’s disease: systematic review and meta-analysis [with consumer summary]. BMJ. 2012; 345:e5004. 73 Allen NE, Sherrington C, Paul SS, Canning CG. Balance and falls in Parkinson’s disease: a meta-analysis of the effect of exercise and motor training. Mov Disord. 2011;26:1605–1615. 74 Allen J, Koziak A, Buddingh S, et al. Rehabilitation in patients with dementia following hip fracture: a systematic review [with consumer summary]. Physiother Can. 2012;64:190 –201. 75 Jensen LE, Padilla R. Effectiveness of interventions to prevent falls in people with Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias. Am J Occup Ther. 2011;65:532–540. 76 Iwamoto J, Takeda T, Matsumoto H. Sunlight exposure is important for preventing hip fractures in patients with Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, or stroke. Acta Neurol Scand. 2012;125: 279 –284. (Continued) 64 Donaldson MG, Sobolev B, Cook WL, et al. Analysis of recurrent events: a systematic review of randomised controlled trials of interventions to prevent falls. Age Ageing. 2009;38:151–155. 65 Bischoff-Ferrari HA, Willett WC, Wong JB, et al. Fracture prevention with vitamin D supplementation: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. JAMA. 2005; 293:2257–2264. Number 8 August 2015 (eAppendix, Stubbs et al) What Works to Prevent Falls? eAppendix. Continued Not informed by a systematic review 77 Province MA, Hadley EC, Hornbrook MC, et al. The effects of exercise on falls in elderly patients: a preplanned metaanalysis of the FICSIT trials. Frailty and Injuries: Cooperative Studies of Intervention Techniques. JAMA. 1995;273:1341– 1347. 78 Robertson MC, Campbell AJ, Gardner MM, Devlin N. Preventing injuries in older people by preventing falls: a meta-analysis of individual-level data. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2002;50:905–911. Language difficulties 79 Park M, Song R. Effects of Tai Chi on fall risk factors: a meta-analysis [in Korean]. J Korean Acad Nurs. 2013;43:341–351. Overlap of already included review 80 Lucke JE. Fall-prevention programs for the elderly: a Bayesian secondary meta-analysis. Can J Nurs Res. 2004;36:48 – 64. 81 Gillespie WJ, Gillespie LD, Parker MJ. Hip protectors for preventing hip fractures in older people. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2010;10:CD001255. Update in: Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2014;3:CD001255. Not relevant/different outcomes 82 Jung D, Lee J, Lee SM. A meta-analysis of fear of falling treatment programs for the elderly. West J Nurs Res. 2009;31:6 –16. 83 Beswick AD, Rees K, Dieppe P, et al. Complex interventions to improve physical function and maintain independent living in elderly people: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Lancet. 2008;371:725–735. August 2015 (eAppendix, Stubbs et al) 84 Tricco AC, Cogo E, Holroyd-Leduc J, et al. Efficacy of falls prevention interventions: protocol for a systematic review and network meta-analysis. Syst Rev. 2013;2:38. 85 McPhate L, Simek EM, Haines TP. Programrelated factors are associated with adherence to group exercise interventions for the prevention of falls: a systematic review [with consumer summary]. J Physiother. 2013;59:81–92. Not community dwelling 86 Cameron ID, Gillespie LD, Robertson MC, et al. Interventions for preventing falls in older people in care facilities and hospitals. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2012; 12:CD005465. 87 Silva RB, Eslick GD, Duque G. Exercise for falls and fracture prevention in long-term care facilities: a systematic review and meta-analysis. J Am Med Dir Assoc. 2013;14:685– 689.e2. Did not separately pool community-dwelling adults/contain sufficient number of RCTs in community-dwelling adults for separate analysis 88 Bischoff-Ferrari HA, Dawson-Hughes B, Staehelin HB, et al. Fall prevention with supplemental and active forms of vitamin D: a meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials. BMJ. 2009;339:b3692. 89 Sherrington C, Whitney JC, Lord SR, et al. Effective exercise for the prevention of falls: a systematic review and meta-analysis. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2008;56:2234 – 2243. 90 Gates S, Fisher JD, Cooke MW, et al. Multifactorial assessment and targeted intervention for preventing falls and injuries among older people in community and emergency care settings: systematic review and meta-analysis. BMJ. 2008;336: 130 –133. 91 Coussement J, De Paepe L, Schwendimann R, et al. Interventions for preventing falls in acute- and chronic-care hospitals: a systematic review and meta-analysis. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2008;56:29 –36. 92 Oliver D, Connelly JB, Victor CR, et al. Strategies to prevent falls and fractures in hospitals and care homes and effect of cognitive impairment: systematic review and meta-analyses. BMJ. 2007;334:82. 93 Bischoff-Ferrari HA, Dawson-Hughes B, Willett WC, et al. Effect of Vitamin D on falls: a meta-analysis. JAMA. 2004;291: 1999 –2006. 94 Chang JT, Morton SC, Rubenstein LZ, et al. Interventions for the prevention of falls in older adults: systematic review and metaanalysis of randomised clinical trials. BMJ. 2004;328:680. 95 Sherrington C, Tiedemann A, Fairhall N, et al. Exercise to prevent falls in older adults: an updated meta-analysis and best practice recommendations. N S W Public Health Bull. 2011;22:78 – 83. 96 Santesso N, Carrasco-Labra A, BrignardelloPetersen R. Hip protectors for preventing hip fractures in older people. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2014;3:CD001255. Volume 95 Number 8 Physical Therapy f 3 Research Report Relationship Between Skin Intrinsic Fluorescence—an Indicator of Advanced Glycation End Products— and Upper Extremity Impairments in Individuals With Diabetes Mellitus K.M. Shah, PT, PhD, Department of Physical Therapy, Arcadia University, Glenside, Pennsylvania. At the time of the study, Dr Shah was affiliated with the Program in Physical Therapy, Washington University School of Medicine, St Louis, Missouri. Kshamata M. Shah, B. Ruth Clark, Janet B. McGill, Catherine E. Lang, John Maynard, Michael J. Mueller Background. Accumulation of advanced glycation end products (AGEs) is thought to contribute to limited joint mobility in people with diabetes mellitus (DM), but the relationships among AGEs, shoulder structural changes, movement, and disability are not understood. Objective. The purpose of this study was to determine the differences and relationships among skin intrinsic fluorescence (SIF), a proxy measure of AGEs, biceps and supraspinatus tendon thickness, upper extremity movement, and disability in groups with and without DM. Design. This was a cross-sectional, case-control study. Methods. Fifty-two individuals participated: 26 with type 2 DM and 26 controls matched for sex, age, and body mass index. The main outcome measures were: SIF; biceps and supraspinatus tendon thickness; 3-dimensional peak shoulder motion; and Disability of the Arm, Shoulder and Hand (DASH) questionnaire scores. Results. Mean SIF measurements were 19% higher in the DM group compared with the control group (P⬍.05). Biceps tendons (mean and 95% confidence interval [CI]) (4.7 mm [4.4, 5.0] versus 3.2 mm [2.9, 3.5]) and supraspinatus tendons (6.4 mm [5.9, 6.8] versus 4.9 mm [4.4, 5.3]) were thicker and peak humerothoracic elevation (139° [135°, 146°] versus 150° [146°, 155°]) and glenohumeral external rotation (35° [26°, 46°] versus 51° [41°, 58°]) were reduced in the DM group compared with the control group (P⬍.05). In the DM group, SIF was correlated to biceps tendon thickness, DASH score, and shoulder motion (r⫽.44 –.51, P⬍.05). The SIF score and shoulder strength explained 64% of the DASH scores (P⬍.01). Limitations. Because this was a cross-sectional study design, a cause-effect relationship could not be established. Conclusions. Accumulation of AGEs in the connective tissues of individuals with DM appears to be associated with increased tendon thickness and decreased shoulder joint mobility and upper extremity function. Physical therapists should be aware of these possible metabolic effects on structure, movement, and disability when treating people with diabetes. B.R. Clark, PT, PhD, Program in Physical Therapy, Washington University School of Medicine. J.B. McGill, MD, Division of Endocrinology, Metabolism and Lipid Research, Department of Medicine, Washington University School of Medicine. C.E. Lang, PT, PhD, Program in Physical Therapy, Program in Occupational Therapy, Department of Neurology, Washington University School of Medicine. J. Maynard, MS, MDDC, Albuquerque, New Mexico. M.J. Mueller, PT, PhD, FAPTA, Program in Physical Therapy and Department of Radiology, Washington University School of Medicine, Campus Box 8502, 4444 Forest Park Ave, Ste 1101, St Louis, MO 63108-2212 (USA). Address all correspondence to Dr Mueller at: [Shah KM, Clark BR, McGill JB, et al. Relationship between skin intrinsic fluorescence—an indicator of advanced glycation end products—and upper extremity impairments in individuals with diabetes mellitus. Phys Ther. 2015;95:1111–1119.] © 2015 American Physical Therapy Association Published Ahead of Print: April 9, 2015 Accepted: April 2, 2015 Submitted: August 1, 2014 Post a Rapid Response to this article at: August 2015 Volume 95 Number 8 Physical Therapy f 1111 Skin Intrinsic Fluorescence in Individuals With Diabetes Mellitus U pper extremity musculoskeletal complications occur more frequently in people with diabetes mellitus (DM) compared with those without DM.1– 4 Larkin et al,5 in a recent prospective study, reported that 66% of their 1,217 participants with type 1 diabetes had cheiroarthropathy, defined as the presence of any one of the following: adhesive capsulitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, flexor tenosynovitis, Dupuytren contracture, or a positive prayer sign. Prevalence of shoulder impairments is reported to be about 11% to 50% in people with DM compared with 2% to 20% in those without DM.6 –9 Limited joint mobility (LJM) is a systemic problem documented in the hands, shoulders, ankles, and feet of people with DM.4,10 –15 In its beginning stage, LJM at the shoulders and hands can be painless and go unnoticed but may be a precursor to the severe upper extremity impairments associated with pain and disability.13–15 The excessive accumulation of advanced glycation end products (AGEs) in the connective tissues is thought to contribute to LJM and the high incidence of musculoskeletal problems seen in DM.14 Advanced glycation end products accumulate in all people and are formed by oxidative stress and the nonenzymatic condensation of glucose and proteins.16 –18 This process is greatly accelerated, however, in the presence of high levels of glucose, as seen in people with DM. Excessive levels of AGEs lead to pathological collagen cross-linking and structural changes in the tissues. Of particular interest is the excessive cross-linking in the collagen-rich musculoskeletal tissues such as tendons, ligaments, skin, and muscle.18 –20 Structural changes that occur in the shoulders of individuals with diabetes as a result of excessive levels of AGEs include increased thickness in the biceps and supraspinatus tendons.14,21,22 Additionally, fibrous contractures and dense collagen matrix have been observed in the shoulder joint capsule, with adherence to the head of the humerus, rotator interval area, and coracohumeral ligament.23,24 We hypothesize that these excessive AGEs and structural changes lead to upper extremity movement impairments, pain, and disability (Fig. 1). The accumulation of AGEs can be estimated noninvasively, in vivo using skin intrinsic fluorescence (SIF). This method uses nearultraviolet and blue light to excite and measure the fluorescence produced by AGEs.25–27 Estimating AGEs levels in the skin is particularly beneficial because AGEs that accumulate in the skin have an estimated half-life of 15 to 20 years and, therefore, are a good indicator of long-term glycemic exposure of collagen-rich tissues.28,29 Previous research has shown that this SIF measure is correlated to the severity of complications related to tissue-specific diabetes such as peripheral neuropathy (seen mainly in the distal lower extremities), increased arterial stiffness, and nephropathy.25,30,31 A 2014 study by Larkin et al5 showed differences in skin fluorescence, glycated hemoglobin, and functional disabil- ity between groups with and without upper extremity impairments in a sample of people with type 1 DM. However, the complete set of relationships outlined in Figure 1 among AGEs, shoulder structural changes, 3-dimensional joint motion, and upper extremity pain and disability needs to be evaluated, especially in people with type 2 DM. Such investigation should provide insight into the mechanism and management (ie, prevention or rehabilitation) of these upper extremity impairments in individuals with DM. The purpose of this study was to determine group differences (DM versus control) and relationships among SIF (an indicator of AGEs accumulation in the skin), structural changes, and upper extremity movement impairments and disability in the group with DM (Fig. 1). We hypothesized that: (1) the SIF measure would be higher, the biceps and supraspinatus tendons would be thicker, and upper extremity movement would be reduced in the group with DM compared with the control group; (2) the SIF measure would be positively correlated to the tendon thickness and upper extremity disability and negatively correlated to shoulder movement; and (3) a significant amount of the variance of the upper extremity disability would be explained by SIF, biceps tendon thickness, movement impairments, and shoulder strength. Method Participants We recruited a total of 52 participants: 26 participants with type 2 Figure 1. Theoretical framework for upper extremity (UE) impairments. 1112 f Physical Therapy Volume 95 Number 8 August 2015 Skin Intrinsic Fluorescence in Individuals With Diabetes Mellitus Table 1. a Demographic Information Variable Age (y) Sex (male/female) Height (m) Weight (kg) 2 BMI (kg/m ) HbA1c (%) DM Group Control Group Pb 64.5 (61.5, 66.8) 64.2 (61.9, 66.4) .80 13/13 13/13 1.7 (1.66, 1.74) 1.00 86.2 (71.9, 101.1) 1.7 (1.6, 1.8) 86.6 (81.7, 91.6) .80 30.1 (23.7, 36.4) 30.0 (28.3, 31.4) .90 6.9 (6.4, 7.3) Diabetes duration (y) 13.0 (5.4, 20.4) Dominance (right/left) 22/4 Prayer sign (positive/negative) 15/11 22/4 9/17 .14c a All data presented as mean (95% confidence interval) or number of participants. DM group⫽participants with diabetes mellitus, control group⫽participants without diabetes mellitus, BMI⫽body mass index, HbA1c⫽glycated hemoglobin. b Significance determined using independent-sample Student t tests. c Significance determined using chi-square analysis. diabetes and 26 controls matched for age, body mass index (BMI), and sex who did not have diabetes (selfreported) or shoulder pain. The participants’ demographic information is shown in Table 1. Both groups were recruited from the outpatient diabetes center of a large medical hospital and the Volunteers for Health at Washington University School of Medicine, St Louis, Missouri. All participants signed an institution-approved consent form prior to the clinical examination. The intent of recruitment to meet the aims of this study was to include individuals without acute or severe shoulder problems who were attending an outpatient diabetes clinic and at high risk for developing shoulder LJM and subsequent shoulder impairments and compare them with a control group without DM or shoulder pain. Characteristics associated with systemic LJM include duration of diabetes5– 8,32 and a positive prayer sign (ie, an inability to fully extend the interphalangeal joints of the hands when pressed together).32 Therefore, inclusion criteria for the group with DM were: duration of diagnosed diabetes of more than 10 years or a positive prayer sign and age August 2015 between 40 and 70 years. We wanted to include the insidious development of shoulder impairments; therefore, we did not exclude individuals in the group with DM based solely on their pain levels. To eliminate other potential confounders, participants in the control group were matched for age, BMI, and sex. We also matched groups for side of hand dominance, as it may affect range of motion (ROM), strength, and possibly tendon size and would allow us to make appropriate comparisons between the DM and control groups. In both groups, individuals were excluded if they had acute or severe shoulder problems, including a history of or current adhesive capsulitis, rotator cuff tears, recent upper extremity injury or fractures, or surgery in the upper extremity or thorax; neck pain; stroke with residual upper extremity involvement; rheumatic conditions; hypothyroid malfunctions; angina or other symptoms of myocardial ischemia; severe skin allergies in the area to be tested; known or at risk for photosensitivity reactions; or known connective tissue diseases. In addition, participants with a BMI greater than 35 kg/m2 were excluded, as the kinematic measurement errors are known to be large in people with high BMI.33 Control participants were screened by phone for shoulder pain because we wanted the group with DM to be compared with a control group without any shoulder impairments. All measurements were made by a single, trained physical therapist during a single session on the right arm using the following standardized methods for all participants. Measurements Skin intrinsic fluorescence. Skin intrinsic fluorescence was measured as an indicator of AGEs (Fig. 1). Duplicate measurements of SIF were obtained from the skin on the underside of the left forearm using a SCOUT skin fluorescence spectrometer (VeraLight, Albuquerque, New Mexico). The SIF was excited with a light-emitting diode (LED) centered at 435 nm and was detected over the emission range of 470 to 655 nm. Skin reflectance was assessed with a white LED over the 435- to 655-nm spectral region. The measured skin reflectance was used to compensate for absorbance due to melanin and hemoglobin as well as individualspecific light scattering using the intrinsic fluorescence correction5 formula expressed in the equation: f xm ⫽ F xm k Rm R xk x m where the measured fluorescence (Fxm) is divided by reflectance values from the excitation and white LEDs (Rx and Rm, respectively). The reflectance values are adjusted by the dimensionless exponents, kx and km. For these analyses, the 435-nm excited fluorescence was utilized with kx set to 0.4 and km set to 0.9. The resulting intrinsic fluorescence (fxm) was integrated over the 470- to 655-nm spectral region and multiplied by 1,000 to represent SIF, Volume 95 Number 8 Physical Therapy f 1113 Skin Intrinsic Fluorescence in Individuals With Diabetes Mellitus reported in arbitrary units. The intraindividual skin variation in SIF assessed by the SCOUT has previously been documented in 1,185 participants with type 1 diabetes and was 4.2%.27 Tendon thickness. Tendon thickness was measured as an indicator of structural changes occurring in the shoulder secondary to the accumulation of AGEs (Fig. 1). Ultrasound examination (Acuson XP 128/10, Siemens Medical Solutions Inc, Mountain View, California) for tendon thickness of the long head of the biceps and supraspinatus tendons was performed using a highresolution, multifrequency (7–10 MHz) linear transducer by a single examiner. Images of the transverse view and longitudinal view were obtained for the biceps and supraspinatus tendons, respectively, as described previously.21,22 The tendon thickness was measured using the ImageJ (version 1.45s, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland) computerized image analysis program. The maximum thickness of the biceps tendon in the transverse view was measured within the bicipital groove of the humerus. In the longitudinal view, the maximum supraspinatus tendon thickness was measured just in front of the lateral part of the humeral head, close to its insertion (anatomical neck) on the lesser tubercle. We took an additional measurement at the midpoint of the anatomical footprint (greater tubercle of the humerus) of the supraspinatus tendon to account for differences in the anatomy of the tendon among individuals. The longitudinal thickness was an average of these 2 measurements. The average of 3 thickness measurements for each tendon was used for data analyses. Upper extremity movement. Three-dimensional humerothoracic (humerus relative to thorax) and 1114 f Physical Therapy Volume 95 glenohumeral (humerus relative to scapula) joint motion was measured using the Flock of Birds electromagnetic tracking device (Ascension Technology Inc, Burlington, Vermont) and Motion Monitor software (The Motion Monitor, Innovative Sports Training Inc, Chicago, Illinois). The humerus sensor was attached to a thermoplastic cuff to reduce rotation errors and attached to the humerus using tapes. Standard methods were used to build the anatomic segments and define the motion.34,35 Measurements for 3 trials were collected during full, painfree active ROM during scapularplane elevation, defined as elevation in a plane 40 degrees anterior to the frontal plane. Using the same methods, the difference between the surface marker and a bone pin marker for humerus motion was 0 to 4 degrees for elevation angle and 1.7 to 2.3 degrees for axial rotation movements.33 The angles extracted for this study were the peak humerothoracic elevation and peak glenohumeral external rotation. Shoulder flexor muscle strength. The isometric strength of the shoulder flexor muscles was measured using a handheld, digital strain-gauge dynamometer (Microfet, Hoggan Health Industries Inc, West Jordan, Utah). Each participant was in the supine position, and standard stabilization and test positions were used.36 An average of 2 trials was used for the data analysis. Measure of upper extremity disability. We measured upper extremity disability using the Disability of the Arm, Shoulder and Hand (DASH) self-report questionnaire,37 which has been used previously in the diabetes population and has excellent reliability.4,7 The DASH has 30 questions, including questions on disability as well as pain. The scores were calculated for a range between Number 8 0% and 100%, where a higher number indicates more impairments. Statistical Analyses Study size was based on our preliminary studies of goniometric shoulder ROM differences (effect sizes⫽1.21–1.22)38 and previously published supraspinatus and biceps tendon thickness differences between groups with and without DM (effect size⫽1.8 and 1.31, respectively).21 We conservatively estimated that 26 participants per group would be required to see differences in primary variables between groups and allow multiple regression analysis in the group with DM (statistical power level⫽0.8, alpha⫽.05). Statistical analyses of the data were performed using IBM SPSS Statistics for Windows version 22.0 (IBM Corp, Armonk, New York). Means, standard deviations, and percent changes were used to describe the variables. Differences in the demographic variables were analyzed using independent-sample Student t tests (continuous variables) and chisquare analysis (categorical variable: hand LJM, as examined by a positive prayer sign). The mean peak humerothoracic elevation and peak glenohumeral external rotation angles were converted to positive values for ease of understanding. All variables were tested for their distribution, and appropriate statistics were used. For all variables included in the a priori hypotheses, independent-sample 1-tailed Student t tests were used to examine the differences between the 2 groups. Mean and 95% confidence interval (CI) were calculated and reported. Pearson product moment correlation coefficients was used to examine relationships between SIF and tendon thickness, peak humerothoracic elevation and glenohumeral external rotation, and upper extrem- August 2015 Skin Intrinsic Fluorescence in Individuals With Diabetes Mellitus Table 2. Differences in Metabolic, Structural, and Upper Extremity Movement and Function in Between Groupsa Variable Pb DM Group Control Group SIF (AU) 3.1 (2.5, 3.8) 2.6 (2.4, 2.8) .047 BT thickness (mm) 4.7 (4.4, 5.0) 3.2 (2.9, 3.5) ⬍.001 SST thickness (mm) 6.4 (5.9, 6.8) 4.9 (4.4, 5.3) ⬍.001 Peak humerothoracic elevation (°) 139 (135, 146) 150 (146, 155) .002 35 (26, 46) 51 (41, 58) .008 Peak glenohumeral external rotation (°) Flexor strength (kg) 13.0 (11.2, 14.7) 16.6 (14.8, 18.4) DASH score (%) 19.4 (9.8, 30.0) 2.6 (0.6, 4.9) .004 ⬍.001 a All data presented as mean (95% confidence interval). DM group⫽participants with diabetes mellitus, control group⫽participants without diabetes mellitus, SIF⫽skin intrinsic fluorescence, AU⫽arbitrary units, BT⫽biceps tendon, SST⫽supraspinatus tendon, DASH⫽Disability of the Arm, Shoulder and Hand questionnaire. b Significance determined using independent-sample Student t test (one tailed) to examine group differences (P⬍.05). ity pain and disability in the group with DM. We further conducted a hierarchical multiple regression analysis to explain the variance of the DASH scores in the group with DM (n⫽26). The variables of interest were SIF scores, biceps tendon thickness, peak glenohumeral external rotation, and shoulder flexor muscle strength. These variables were selected a priori from the sequence of events described in Figure 1. Shoulder flexor muscle strength was added to the model because a combination of shoulder mobility and strength is necessary for adequate upper extremity function. A hierarchical multiple regression analysis was run by adding one variable at a time. The independent variable was left in the overall equation if: (1) the overall P value (for the F value) was less than .05, (2) the individual P value (based on the t-test value) was less than .10, and (3) the variable added at least 5% unique variance beyond the preceding variables. If all of these criteria were not met, the variable was removed from the equation, and the next variable was entered. Statistical significance was set at P⬍.05. August 2015 Role of the Funding Source This study was supported by a grant from the Research Division of the Program in Physical Therapy, Washington University School of Medicine, St Louis, Missouri; by grant 1 R21 DK100793-01 from the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, National Institutes of Health (Dr Mueller); and by Diabetes Research and Training Center (Grant No. P30 DK020579). Results Differences Between Groups The differences between groups are shown in Table 2. The mean SIF measure was higher in the DM group compared with the control group (3.1 arbitrary units [95% CI⫽2.5, 3.8] versus 2.6 arbitrary units [95% CI⫽2.4, 2.8], respectively; P⫽.047). The biceps tendon and supraspinatus tendon were 47% and 31% thicker (P⬍.001), respectively, in the DM group compared with the control group. Peak humerothoracic elevation was decreased by 11 degrees (139° [95% CI⫽135°, 146°] in the DM group versus 150° [95% CI⫽146°, 155°] in the control group; P⫽.002), and peak glenohumeral external rotation was decreased by 16 degrees (35° [95% CI⫽26°, 46°] in the DM group versus 51° [95% CI⫽41°, 58°] in the control group; P⫽.008). Shoulder flexor strength was reduced by 27% (P⫽.004) in the DM group compared with the control group. The mean DASH score was 19.4% (95% CI⫽9.8, 30.0) in the DM group, indicating that these individuals had some complaints of upper extremity disability and pain. Four control participants reported very low levels of pain and disability during their laboratory visit (mean DASH score⫽2.6 [95% CI⫽0.6, 4.9]; P⬍.01; Tab. 2). Relationships Between SIF and Tendon Thickness, Upper Extremity Movement, and Pain and Disability in the DM Group The SIF measure was correlated to biceps tendon thickness (r⫽.44, P⫽.023; Fig. 2A) but not correlated to supraspinatus tendon thickness (r⫽.28, P⫽.2). The SIF measure was negatively correlated to humerothoracic elevation (r⫽⫺.44, P⫽.024; Fig. 2B) but not correlated to glenohumeral external rotation (r⫽⫺.32, P⫽.13). The SIF measure was not related to shoulder flexor muscle strength (r⫽.07, P⫽.7). The SIF measure was correlated to the DASH scores, a measure of upper extremity disability (r⫽.51, P⫽.009; Fig. 2C). Figure 2 shows the relationship between the SIF and biceps tendon thickness, humerothoracic elevation, and DASH scores in the DM group. The control group data are shown for comparison only, and these values were not included in the correlation analyses. The SIF (R2⫽.24, P⫽.013) and shoulder flexor muscle strength (R2 change⫽.40, P⬍.001) explained 64% of the variance of the DASH scores in the DM group. The biceps tendon thickness and peak glenohumeral external rotation were not included in the final model because the individual contributions of these predictors were not significant, Volume 95 Number 8 Physical Therapy f 1115 Skin Intrinsic Fluorescence in Individuals With Diabetes Mellitus tively correlated to the peak humerothoracic elevation. This study uniquely examined and provides insights about the relationships among a proxy measure of AGEs, structural changes, and upper extremity LJM and disability in people with type 2 DM. The results are consistent with our a priori hypotheses and the suspected deleterious effect of excessive AGEs on structure, joint movement, and pain and disability as outlined in Figure 1. Figure 2. Correlations between skin intrinsic fluorescence and (A) biceps tendon thickness, measured in the bicipital groove (DM group: r⫽.44, P⫽.02); (B) peak humerothoracic elevation (DM group: r⫽⫺.44, P⫽.02); and (C) Disability of the Arm, Shoulder and Hand (DASH) questionnaire scores (DM group: r⫽.51, P⫽.009). Data points for the control group are included for comparison of distribution. Data analyzed for DM group using Pearson product moment correlation coefficients. DM⫽diabetes mellitus, AU⫽arbitrary units. beyond the variables already entered (Tab. 3). Discussion The results of this study demonstrated that the biceps and supraspinatus tendons were thicker and shoulder movements, especially 1116 f Physical Therapy Volume 95 humeral external rotation and muscle strength, were substantially reduced in the group with DM compared with the age-matched group without DM. The SIF, an indicator of AGEs accumulation, was related to the biceps tendon thickness and upper extremity disability and nega- Number 8 The SIF measure was approximately 19% higher in individuals with DM compared with controls in this study (Tab. 2), which is in a similar range as previous reports placing the SIF values about 17% to 33% higher in patients with DM compared with the The control population.25,30,31 recent study by Larkin et al5 indicated higher SIF values in people with type 1 DM and upper extremity musculoskeletal problems compared with those with DM who did not have musculoskeletal problems. Previous studies have used SIF to understand the relationship between accumulation of AGEs and diabetesrelated complications such as coronary artery disease30,31 and polyneuropathy25 in individuals with type 1 and type 2 DM. Furthermore, the noninvasive dermal SIF may be a better marker for understanding the musculoskeletal complications in individuals with DM than blood or serum markers because the turnover of collagen is so much longer than that of red blood cells (18 years versus 3– 4 months).28,29 For example, SIF has been reported to be more strongly associated with the presence of peripheral neuropathy than the mean 18-year average of the glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c).25 In our study, the SIF measures were related to biceps tendon thickness, upper extremity movement, and pain and disability but not to supraspinatus tendon thickness. August 2015 Skin Intrinsic Fluorescence in Individuals With Diabetes Mellitus Table 3. Hierarchical Regression Analysis to Predict Variance in Disability of the Arm, Shoulder and Hand (DASH) Questionnaire Scores in Participants With Diabetes (n⫽26) Predictor Variablesa Constant Skin intrinsic fluorescence Unstandardized Coefficients (B) Standard Error 39.0 11.4 8.8 2.1 Standardized Coefficients (B) t 3.4 0.54 R2 P 4.2 .002 ⬍.01 .24 Biceps tendon thickness ⫺2.57 4.6 ⫺0.09 ⫺0.6 .58 .24 Peak external rotation ⫺0.44 0.2 ⫺0.04 ⫺0.3 .77 .25 Shoulder flexor muscle strength ⫺1.6 0.3 ⫺0.64 ⫺4.9 ⬍.01 .64 a Variables are listed in the order that they were entered in the model; bold variables indicate significant unique variance after previous variables had been entered. The biceps and supraspinatus tendons were considerably thicker in the group with DM compared with the age-, BMI-, and sex-matched control group (Tab. 2). Previous work in this area has shown similar results, with biceps and supraspinatus tendons thicker in groups with DM compared with control groups (4.0 mm versus 3.0 –3.2 mm and 6.2– 6.6 mm versus 4.9 –5.2 mm, respectively).21,22 A unique contribution of our study is that the SIF measure was related to biceps tendon thickness, indicating that as the skin accumulation of AGEs increases, the tendon tends to be thicker. However, the SIF measure was not correlated to supraspinatus tendon thickness. Possible reasons for this discrepancy include: (1) SIF is an indirect measure of AGEs and, the study was underpowered to identify a relationship between the SIF measure and supraspinatus tendon thickness (a post hoc power analysis indicated 77 participants would be needed); (2) there is slightly greater measurement variability in the thickness of the supraspinatus tendon compared with the biceps tendon; and (3) other factors besides AGEs levels may uniquely affect tendon thickness in people with diabetes. Besides thickness, however, AGEs levels have been shown to be correlated to the intrinsic tendon properties of August 2015 cross-link formation, distortion of the physiologic pattern of the tendon fibers, and tendon fiber sliding, all of which would affect tendon stiffness properties.39,40 Other structural changes thought to be associated with AGEs levels include fibrous contractures in the capsule and coracohumeral ligament in the shoulders of individuals with DM.23,24 In general, we hypothesize that changes in tendon thickness and other structures (ie, shoulder capsule) are primarily a result of the accumulation of AGEs that leads to LJM and movement impairments in the upper extremity (Fig. 1). Future studies need to examine in vivo extrinsic and intrinsic properties of the tendons, capsules, and connective tissues to understand better the influence of increased accumulation of AGEs on these structures. There was substantial loss of peak glenohumeral external rotation (humerus relative to scapula) and humerothoracic (humerus relative to thorax) elevation in the DM group compared with the control group. Decreased elevation motion (about 20°) has been reported in people with DM using traditional goniometric methods of assessing ROM.13,14 A recent study in our laboratory demonstrated similar decreases of about 22 degrees and 10 degrees in the humerothoracic elevation and external rotation movement.38 We also observed decreased flexor muscle strength (10.9 kg versus 14.7 kg, respectively) in the cohort with DM and the age- and BMI-matched control group.38 High levels of AGEs accumulation in older adults have been associated with low grip strength values.41,42 Higher concentrations of AGEs in the intramuscular connective tissue may contribute to decreases in muscle function and increased disability. The SIF measure was negatively related to the peak humerothoracic elevation, indicating that as the skin AGEs accumulation increases, the movement decreases. We hypothesized that a significant portion of the upper extremity disability would be explained by SIF, biceps tendon thickness, peak glenohumeral external rotation movement, and flexor muscle strength. Sixty-four percent of the variance in the DASH scores was explained by SIF and shoulder flexor muscle strength (Tab. 3). Therefore, accumulation of AGEs and a decrease in shoulder flexor muscle strength are important correlates of adverse outcomes of upper extremity disability. Further exploration of these relationships, especially the relationship between selfreported pain and disability and AGEs, is warranted in future prospective studies. The effect of joint movement and exercise on the development or pre- Volume 95 Number 8 Physical Therapy f 1117 Skin Intrinsic Fluorescence in Individuals With Diabetes Mellitus vention of LJM in DM is not known. Shoulder LJM may not be related to complaints of pain at the early stage. We postulate that the insidious loss of ROM and strength may hit a “threshold” and manifest as severe symptoms of pain and disability. The appropriate type and dosage of exercise prescribed may be useful in reducing LJM, strength deficits, and pain and disability. Additional research is needed to investigate the interaction of movement and metabolic complications on musculoskeletal problems in people with DM. If impairments related to functional limitations are detected early, rehabilitation and pharmaceutical (glucose lowering, AGEs inhibiting, and cross-link breaking agents) therapies may be developed to help prevent additional detrimental changes. In addition, close control of glucose level is thought to be important in minimizing the deleterious effects of diabetes on the musculoskeletal system.5 Limitations for this study are acknowledged and discussed to facilitate interpretation of the results. We assessed tendon thickness but not the intrinsic tendon qualities such as histology, stiffness, and strength. Although we evaluated tendon thickness in individuals with DM to see how it relates to movement impairments, there are other factors (eg, bone spurs, muscle stiffness, capsule stiffness) that may influence shoulder LJM. The full 3-dimensional kinematic descriptions of the humerus and scapula during reaching was beyond the scope of this article but are reported elsewhere.43 Results should not be generalized beyond the characteristics of these study groups. The DM group had relatively good control of their diabetes (mean HbA1c⫽6.9 [95% CI⫽6.4, 7.3]). Furthermore, individuals with a BMI greater than 35 kg/m2 were excluded due to documented problems obtaining their kinematic mea1118 f Physical Therapy Volume 95 surements.33 Therefore, this sample does not fully represent the entire population with diabetes, especially those with poor control of their diabetes or severe obesity. Additionally, control participants self-reported their diabetes status and may have had impaired glucose levels, especially those who had high BMI. Therefore, the effect sizes observed in this study may be different but likely even greater in individuals with worse glucose control or obesity compared with a control group with documented exclusion of DM. However, control participants were screened by phone to exclude those with shoulder pain to allow comparison of the group with DM to a fully nonimpaired control group. Such an exclusion criterion for the control group may have overestimated the deficits of the group with DM, but we aimed to highlight this unique group of people with DM at high risk for LJM and subsequent shoulder problems by comparing them with an impairment-free control group. As this was a cross-sectional study design, we were not able to establish a cause-effect relationship. Also, we do not have information about the temporal relationship of the risk of diabetes and development of shoulder problems. Longitudinal studies are needed to clarify the causal relationship of these variables. A single therapist who was not blinded to group status allows the potential for measurement bias. This bias was minimized by using highly standardized measures and methods. The sample size was relatively small but, due to large effect sizes, was conservatively powered to determine differences between individuals with DM and those without DM. The sample size of participants with DM was small for regression analysis in the DM group. Additional prospective studies with larger sample sizes are necessary to confirm these findings Number 8 and further clarify the relationships outlined in Figure 1. In summary, accumulation of AGEs in the connective tissues of individuals with DM appears to be associated with increased tendon thickness and decreased shoulder joint mobility and upper extremity function. Physical therapists should be aware of these possible metabolic effects on structure, movement, and disability when treating people with diabetes. These insights can help focus future rehabilitation and pharmaceutical interventions on the mechanisms of upper extremity musculoskeletal problems in people with DM and develop targeted strategies to treat them. Dr Shah, Dr Clark, Dr McGill, Dr Lang, and Dr Mueller provided concept/idea/research design. All authors provided writing. Dr Shah and Dr McGill provided data collection. Dr Shah, Dr Clark, Dr Lang, and Dr Mueller provided data analysis. Dr Shah and Dr Mueller provided project management. Dr Mueller provided fund procurement. Dr McGill provided participants. Mr Maynard and Dr Mueller provided facilities/equipment. Dr McGill and Dr Mueller provided institutional liaisons. Dr McGill, Mr Maynard, and Dr Mueller provided consultation (including review of manuscript before submission). The authors thank Victor Cheuy, Emily Martin, Lisa Simone, and Molly Burns for helping with data collection and analysis. Parts of this study were presented in abstract form (podium) at the Combined Sections Meeting of the American Physical Therapy Association; January 4 – 6, 2014; Las Vegas, Nevada. This study was a part of Dr Shah’s doctoral thesis presented to the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences at the Washington University School of Medicine. This study was supported by a grant from the Research Division of the Program in Physical Therapy, Washington University School of Medicine, St Louis, Missouri; by grant 1 R21 DK100793-01 from the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, National Institutes of Health (Dr Mueller); and by Diabetes Research and Training Center (Grant No. P30 DK020579). DOI: 10.2522/ptj.20140340 August 2015 Skin Intrinsic Fluorescence in Individuals With Diabetes Mellitus References 1 Ramchurn N, Mashamba C, Leitch E, et al. Upper limb musculoskeletal abnormalities and poor metabolic control in diabetes. Eur J Intern Med. 2009;20:718 –721. 2 Arkkila PE, Gautier JF. Musculoskeletal disorders in diabetes mellitus: an update. Best Pract Res Clin Rheumatol. 2003;17:945– 970. 3 Arkkila PE. Hand and shoulder abnormalities in diabetic patients: association with diabetes-related complications and diabetes [academic thesis]. 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George, PT, PhD, Department of Physical Therapy, University of Florida, and Brooks Rehabilitation–College of Public Health and Health Professions Research Collaboration. [Beneciuk JM, George SZ. Pragmatic implementation of a stratified primary care model for low back pain management in outpatient physical therapy settings: two-phase, sequential preliminary study. Phys Ther. 2015;95:1120 –1134.] © 2015 American Physical Therapy Association Published Ahead of Print: April 9, 2015 Accepted: April 2, 2015 Submitted: September 25, 2014 Background. The effectiveness of risk stratification for low back pain (LBP) management has not been demonstrated in outpatient physical therapy settings. Objective. The purposes of this study were: (1) to assess implementation of a stratified care approach for LBP management by evaluating short-term treatment effects and (2) to determine feasibility of conducting a larger-scale study. Design. This was a 2-phase, preliminary study. Methods. In phase 1, clinicians were randomly assigned to receive standard (n⫽6) or stratified care (n⫽6) training. Stratified care training included 8 hours of content focusing on psychologically informed practice. Changes in LBP attitudes and beliefs were assessed using the Pain Attitudes and Beliefs Scale for Physiotherapists (PABS-PT) and the Health Care Providers Pain and Impairment Relationship Scale (HC-PAIRS). In phase 2, clinicians receiving the stratified care training were instructed to incorporate those strategies in their practice and 4-week patient outcomes were collected using a numerical pain rating scale (NPRS), and the Oswestry Disability Index (ODI). Study feasibility was assessed to identify potential barriers for completion of a larger-scale study. Results. In phase 1, minimal changes were observed for PABS-PT and HC-PAIRS scores for standard care clinicians (Cohen d⫽0.00 – 0.28). Decreased biomedical (⫺4.5⫾2.5 points, d⫽1.08) and increased biopsychosocial (⫹5.5⫾2.0 points, d⫽2.86) treatment orientations were observed for stratified care clinicians, with these changes sustained 6 months later on the PABS-PT. In phase 2, patients receiving stratified care (n⫽67) had greater between-group improvements in NPRS (0.8 points; 95% confidence interval⫽0.1, 1.5; d⫽0.40) and ODI (8.9% points; 95% confidence interval⫽4.1, 13.6; d⫽0.76) scores compared with patients receiving standard physical therapy care (n⫽33). Limitations. In phase 2, treatment was not randomly assigned, and therapist adherence to treatment recommendations was not monitored. This study was not adequately powered to conduct subgroup analyses. Conclusions. In physical therapy settings, biomedical orientation can be modified, and risk-stratified care for LBP can be effectively implemented. Findings from this study can be used for planning of larger studies. Post a Rapid Response to this article at: 1120 f Physical Therapy Volume 95 Number 8 August 2015 Stratified Primary Care Model for Outpatient LBP Management S tratified care approaches for low back pain (LBP) management are appealing because they involve targeting treatment to subgroups of patients based on key characteristics (eg, psychological factors).1 Recently, Hill and colleagues2 reported that a riskstratified primary care model (ie, STarT Back approach) resulted in greater improvements in clinical outcomes and cost savings when compared to current best practice for patients with LBP. The effectiveness of prognostic risk stratification for LBP management has not been evaluated when initiated outside of primary care. Therefore, preliminary studies are warranted to determine feasibility of stratified care in secondary care settings and to provide estimates of effect sizes for a larger clinical trial. Considering that not all patients will enter the health care system through primary care, there is a need to have physical therapists who are adept in implementing risk stratification approaches for LBP management. Psychologically informed physical therapist practice is a secondary prevention approach for chronic LBP that merges impairment-focused physical therapy with cognitivebehavioral principles.3 The primary goal of psychologically informed physical therapist practice is prevention of future LBP-associated disability by emphasizing: (1) identification of individuals who are at high risk for developing chronic LBP based on the presence of psychological distress and (2) targeted treatment aimed at psychological factors in conjunction with traditional, impairment-based physical therapy.3 Biomedical or impairment-based perspectives are predominantly emphasized during the education and clinical practice of many physical therapists, with little, if any, content being provided from a biopsychosocial perspective.3– 8 Therefore, sustained clinician attiAugust 2015 tudes and beliefs toward biomedical treatment orientations may serve as a barrier for clinical practice approaches that rely heavily on psychologically informed principles.4,9 Consequently, there is a need to evaluate whether implementation strategies for shifting clinicians’ attitudes and beliefs to a biopsychosocial treatment orientation9 are effective for alignment with current conceptualization of pain experiences.10 Attempts at changing physical therapists’ attitudes and beliefs toward a more biopsychosocial treatment orientation have provided mixed results,11–16 with few studies evaluating patient outcomes.12,14 Embedding psychological elements into physical therapist management strategies for LBP is associated with several challenges, including uncertainty about education, implementation, and clinician culture.4 Prior to embracing a stratified care approach that consists of psychologically informed practice principles, there is a need to further investigate implementation strategies in physical therapy settings. First, there is a need to evaluate training and education strategies geared toward increasing a biopsychosocial treatment orientation for physical therapists. Second, there is a need to evaluate if improved clinical outcomes are associated with therapists who received stratified care training following the training for a biopsychosocial treatment orientation. and education strategies, and (3) estimates of training and education effect on clinicians’ attitudes and beliefs. For the second phase of this study, our feasibility objectives were to assess: (1) patient recruitment, sampling methods, and follow-up rates and (2) sample size estimations that would allow for future subgroup analyses. Providing estimates of stratified care treatment effect on shortterm clinical outcomes also was an objective for the second phase of the study. For exploratory purposes, we compared stratified care and standard care groups by risk categorization for 4-week clinical outcomes to provide preliminary subgroup estimates. The results of this study will be used for planning of future studies that will determine if primary care– based risk stratification strategies can be successfully translated to secondary care settings. Method Design Overview This was a 2-phase, sequential study that evaluated feasibility and generated preliminary treatment effects for 4-week clinical outcomes (Fig. 1). The first phase consisted of clinician training and education (February 2013–April 2013). The second phase consisted of patient outcome collection from the previously trained clinicians (May 2013–February 2014). All clinicians and patients were selected from 7 outpatient physical therapy clinics of Brooks Rehabilitation (Jacksonville, Florida). Therefore, the primary purpose of this study was to assess the feasibility of biopsychosocially oriented stratified care in a physical therapy setting and provide an estimate of the subsequent treatment effect on commonly used clinical outcomes for LBP. For the first phase of this study, our feasibility objectives were to assess: (1) clinician recruitment and sampling methods, (2) implementation of pragmatic clinician training Volume 95 Available With This Article at • eTable: Descriptive Characteristics of Physical Therapists Number 8 Physical Therapy f 1121 Stratified Primary Care Model for Outpatient LBP Management Figure 1. Flow diagram for 2-phase study. PABS-PT⫽Pain Attitudes and Beliefs Scale for Physical Therapists, HC-PAIRS⫽Health Care Providers’ Pain and Impairment Relationship Scale, LBP⫽low back pain. Phase 1. Physical therapists (n⫽63) employed by a large rehabilitation health system who practiced in an outpatient setting were recruited by email to participate in this study. The only criterion for participation was that therapists commonly evaluate and treat patients with LBP. Twelve clinicians (19%) 1122 f Physical Therapy Volume 95 responded and were randomly assigned to 1 of 2 groups (standard care or stratified care) using a random number generator (http:// with blocked design to ensure an equal number of clinicians in each group. This randomization process resulted Number 8 in 6 clinicians in each group (eTable, available at Standard care group clinicians attended 3 formal group meetings over the course of 4 weeks, each lasting approximately 60 minutes, where they were provided with a description of the study and received August 2015 Stratified Primary Care Model for Outpatient LBP Management protocol training (eg, informed consent process, study packet review, screening and outcome measure administration). Stratified care group clinicians received similar study descriptions and protocol training; however, they received an additional 8 hours of stratified care education. Clinicians randomized to receive stratified care education attended 3 sessions over the course of 4 weeks. Each session was provided by the study authors and lasted 2 to 4 hours in duration. Educational content (Appendix) focused on psychologically informed physical therapist practice principles3 and was developed to reflect protocols that have been used in previous studies,17–19 including both theoretical and clinical application components. The overall objective of this multifactorial education approach was for clinicians to embrace the biopsychosocial model of pain and disability.20 As a component of stratified care education, physical therapists were trained on implementation of the STarT Back approach for LBP management.2,21 The STarT Back approach provides an example of stratification based on prognostic risk for persistent LBP-related disability that consists of 2 corresponding components. First, patients are categorized into 1 of 3 subgroups (low, medium, or high risk) for persistent LBP-related disability using the 9-item STarT Back Screening Tool (SBT), which consists of statements about physical or psychological prognostic factors that are considered modifiable with treatment.22 Second, suggested targeted treatment pathways are matched to each SBT subgroup such that patients categorized as being at low risk receive minimal care, primarily consisting of reassurance and education. Patients categorized as being at medium risk also receive reassurance and education, but their treatment is suppleAugust 2015 mented with physical therapy focused on restoring function and targeting physical symptoms. For patients categorized as being at high risk, physical therapy is focused on restoring function using a combination of physical and psychological approaches. In addition, physical therapists in the stratified care group were educated on utilization of the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) Orthopaedic Section LBP clinical practice guidelines (CPGs),23 specifically for targeting physical symptoms and impairments. Validated questionnaires for attitudes and beliefs about LBP were completed by all participating clinicians and administered before training, upon completion of training, and 6 months later. Physical therapists’ attitudes and beliefs were measured using the Pain Attitudes and Beliefs Scale for Physical Therapists (PABS-PT)24 and the Health Care Providers’ Pain and Impairment Relationship Scale (HC-PAIRS).25 The PABS-PT consists of 19 items about treatment orientation that are rated using a 6-point Likert scale ranging from “totally disagree” to “totally agree.”24 The PABS-PT biomedical scale (10 items) has a potential score range from 10 to 60, and the PABS-PT biopsychosocial scale (9 items) has a potential score range from 9 to 54, with higher scores indicating increased treatment orientation for the respective scale. The PABS-PT has been reported to have fair-to-excellent levels of internal consistency (Cronbach ␣ [biomedical scale: .77–.84, psychosocial scale: .58 –.68]) and is responsive to educational interventions.26 The original HC-PAIRS consisted of 15 items and was developed to assess health care providers’ attitudes and beliefs about the relationship between LBP and physical func- tion.27 We used a revised 13-item version based on previous recommendations25 and removed the term “chronic” from statements describing LBP.28,29 Responses to items are rated using a 6-point Likert scale ranging from “completely disagree” to “completely agree.” This version of the HC-PAIRS has a potential score range from 13 to 78, with higher scores indicating beliefs in a strong relationship between pain and impairment and attitudes that LBP justifies disability and limitation of activities. The HC-PAIRS has been reported to have adequate levels of internal consistency (Cronbach ␣⫽.78 –.84); however, its responsiveness to educational interventions has not been adequately evaluated.30 Phase 2. The same group of physical therapists (n⫽12) who completed phase 1 of this study provided treatment for patients with LBP that was consistent with the type of training and education received. The participants in this phase of the study were consecutive patients across 7 outpatient clinic locations who were referred by a physician for physical therapy for LBP and evaluated by a physical therapist and who had completed phase 1 of the study. The outpatient clinics were part of a large rehabilitation system located in the southeastern region of the United States where physical therapy treatment is provided for a wide spectrum of musculoskeletal conditions. Physical therapists recruited and screened all patients with LBP for study eligibility prior to enrollment. Potential study participants were consecutively recruited to determine if the following criteria were met before being enrolled in the study: (1) between the ages of 18 and 65 years and seeking physical therapy for LBP (defined as having symptoms at T12 or lower, including radiating pain into the buttocks and lower extremity) and (2) ability to Volume 95 Number 8 Physical Therapy f 1123 Stratified Primary Care Model for Outpatient LBP Management read and speak the English language. Potential study participants were ineligible to participate in this study for any of the following: (1) the presence of systemic involvement related to metastatic or visceral disease, (2) recent spinal fracture, (3) osteoporosis, or (4) pregnancy. All eligible patients were briefed on the study, and informed consent was obtained in compliance with the University of Florida’s Institutional Review Board. Study participants were asked to complete a standardized self-report questionnaire consisting of questions related to age, sex, race, ethnicity, education, household income, marital status, and employment status. Information involving LBP clinical characteristics (ie, prior surgery, symptom duration, symptom onset, symptom location, workrelated LBP) also was obtained. The STarT Back Tool (SBT) consists of 9 items related to physical and psychosocial factors used to categorize patients with LBP in primary care settings based on their risk for poor future disability outcomes.22 The SBT overall scores (ranging from 0 to 9) are determined by summing all positive responses, and SBT psychosocial subscale scores (ranging from 0 to 5) are determined by summing items related to bothersomeness, fear, catastrophizing, anxiety, and depression. Based on overall and psychosocial subscale scoring, patients are categorized as “high risk” (psychosocial subscale scores ⱖ4), in which high levels of psychosocial prognostic factors are present, with or without physical factors present; “medium risk” (overall score ⬎3; psychosocial subscale score ⬍4), in which physical and psychosocial factors are present but not a high level of psychosocial factors; or “low risk” (overall score: 0 –3), in which few prognostic factors are present. The SBT has dem1124 f Physical Therapy Volume 95 onstrated adequate-to-high levels of test-retest reliability,22 concurrent validity,31 and predictive validity.32,33 For the current study, the SBT was self-administered by all patients at intake and 4 weeks later; however, only physical therapists in the stratified care group were educated on SBT scoring methods. Prior to beginning this study, the SBT was not used in any of the clinics to assist with initial treatment decision making. Patients were not randomized to different treatment groups in this study. Physical therapists in the standard care group were instructed to provide treatment for patients with LBP as they normally would have administered if not participating in this study. Physical therapists in the stratified care group received an additional 8 hours of training and education consisting of content related to psychologically informed physical therapist practice principles3,17 and APTA Orthopaedic Section LBP CPGs.23 As a component of these training experiences, clinicians were directed to incorporate the knowledge and skills learned into subsequent management strategies for their patients with LBP. Specifically, we asked clinicians to utilize SBT categorization to guide initial treatment decision making. For patients categorized as SBT low risk, we suggested a minimal physical therapist intervention approach (1–2 sessions per week) and adherence to the APTA Orthopaedic Section CPGs. For patients categorized as SBT medium risk, we suggested an increased physical therapist intervention approach (2–3 sessions per week) with adherence to the APTA Orthopaedic Section CPGs. For patients categorized as SBT high risk, we suggested an increased physical therapist intervention approach (2–3 sessions per week) with adherence to the APTA Orthopaedic Section CPGs and psychologically informed practice principles previously learned as Number 8 a component of prestudy training (Appendix). Self-report outcome measures were collected at intake and 4 weeks later and are described in more detail below. Pain intensity was rated using a numerical pain rating scale (NPRS), ranging from 0 (“no pain”) to 10 (“worst pain imaginable”). Participants were asked to rate their current pain intensity as well as their best and worst levels of pain intensity over the previous 24 hours. These 3 pain ratings were averaged and used as the NPRS variable in this study.34 The NPRS has been found to have sound psychometric properties,34 –36 with a minimal clinically important difference reported to be 2 points.37 A ⱖ30% improvement in NPRS scores from baseline has been recommended as a useful threshold for identifying clinically meaningful improvement for patients with LBP.38 Therefore, reporting the proportion of patients achieving this magnitude has been suggested.39 Low back pain–related disability was assessed with a modified version of the ODI, which has 10 items that assess how LBP affects common daily activities.40,41 The ODI has a range of 0% (“no disability due to LBP”) to 100% (“completely disabled due to LBP”), with higher scores indicating higher disability from LBP. The ODI has been found to have sound psychometric properties,40,42,43 with a reported minimal clinically important difference of 10 percentage points.38 A ⱖ30% improvement in ODI scores from baseline has been recommended as a useful threshold for identifying clinically meaningful improvement for patients with LBP.38 Therefore, reporting the proportion of patients achieving this magnitude has been suggested.39 August 2015 Stratified Primary Care Model for Outpatient LBP Management We analyzed and reported NPRS and ODI data on a continuous scale (primary outcome) and on a binary scale (secondary outcome) to generate treatment effect estimates for future study planning. Data Analysis All statistical analyses were performed using IBM SPSS version 21.0 (IBM Corp, Armonk, New York). Descriptive statistics were used to provide a summary of data. Point estimates and 95% confidence intervals (95% CIs) were reported for selected analyses based on previous recommendations for evaluating pilot study findings.44 We also incorporated hypothesis testing and reported associated P values and effect sizes for selected analyses to provide preliminary estimates for treatment effectiveness.45 Phase 1. Differences between clinician groups for demographic characteristics, PABS-PT (biomedical and biopsychosocial scale), and HC-PAIRS scores before training were tested using independentsamples t tests (for continuous data) and chi-square tests (for categorical data). We used separate 2 ⫻ 3 repeated-measures analysis of variance (ANOVA) models to test for relationships between training and attitude and belief scores, with clinician group (standard or stratified education) as the between-subjects variable and time (before training, upon completion of training, and 6 months later) as the within-subject variable. For this study phase, we were particularly interested in detection of a 2-way interaction between time and clinician group to determine if clinicians who received stratified care education were associated with changes in attitudes and beliefs favoring a biopsychosocial treatment approach. We also were interested in determining if within-group changes were observed immediately following education intervention August 2015 and if those changes were maintained 6 months later. Three separate repeated-measures ANOVA models were used, with either PABS-PT (biomedical or biopsychosocial) or HC-PAIRS scores serving as the dependent variables. Phase 2. Differences between patient groups for demographic and clinical characteristics were tested using independent-samples t tests (for continuous data) and chi-square tests (for categorical data). We used separate 2 ⫻ 2 repeated-measures ANOVA models to test for relationships between treatment approaches and clinical outcome scores, with clinician group (standard or stratified care) as the between-subjects variable and time (intake and 4 weeks) as the within-subject variable. For this study phase, we were particularly interested in detection of a 2-way interaction between time and clinician group to determine if patients who received treatment from clinicians who received stratified care education were associated with superior outcomes. Two separate repeated-measures ANOVA models were used, with either NPRS or ODI scores serving as the dependent variables. We calculated effect sizes using the Cohen d coefficient to provide an estimate of magnitude between groups using the following formula: [(stratified care group change score ⫺ standard care group change score)/pooled standard deviation], with an effect size of 0.2 considered small, 0.5 moderate, and 0.8 large.46 A proportional responder analysis was performed to provide an indication of the percentage of patients achieving clinically meaningful improvement. A ⱖ30% improvement in NPRS and ODI scores from baseline has been recommended as a useful threshold for identifying clinically meaningful improvement for patients with LBP.38 Therefore, reporting the proportion of patients achieving this magnitude has been suggested.39 We also provided a full range of cutoff scores to provide data on the proportion of participants achieving above and below 30% improvement. Percent change scores were calculated for both the NPRS and ODI using the following formula: [(initial score ⫺ 4-week score)/initial score ⫻ 100]. Each patient was then coded as having “clinically meaningful improvement” (percent change ⱖ30%) or “nonclinically meaningful improvement” (percent change ⬍30%) for NPRS and ODI outcomes at 4 weeks. Relative risk (RR) estimates were calculated based on previous recommendations47 to compare clinically and nonclinically meaningful improvement status between stratified and standard care. A cumulative proportion responder analysis48,49 figure was generated to describe the proportion of participants who experienced 4-week changes at each NPRS and ODI threshold level or higher. For planned exploratory analyses, we compared stratified care and standard care groups by SBT risk categorization for visit frequency and 4-week changes in NPRS and ODI scores using independent-samples t testing. Our rationale for these analyses was to provide preliminary findings related to: (1) SBT low-risk participant visit frequency based on previous suggestions that overtreatment for patients categorized as SBT low risk should be avoided1,2,21 and (2) SBT high-risk participant outcomes because our stratified education content placed a strong emphasis on psychologically informed practice. Results Phase 1 Physical therapists. A total of 12 physical therapists participated in this study. There were no differences between clinician groups for Volume 95 Number 8 Physical Therapy f 1125 Stratified Primary Care Model for Outpatient LBP Management Table 1. PABS-PT and HC-PAIRS Scoresa Group Pretraining (95% CI) Posttraining (95% CI) 6 mo (95% CI) PABS-PT (biomedical) Stratified care 28.5 (25.2, 31.8) 24.0 (18.7, 29.2) 23.0 (16.7, 29.2) Standard care 26.7 (20.2, 33.1) 28.7 (20.4, 36.9) 26.7 (19.9, 33.3) PABS-PT (biopsychosocial) Stratified care 36.0 (33.6, 38.3) 41.5 (39.8, 43.2) 40.5 (36.3, 44.6) Standard care 36.0 (31.6, 40.3) 36.7 (33.5, 39.8) 36.1 (31.4, 40.9) HC-PAIRS Stratified care 33.3 (27.9, 38.7) 28.0 (18.8, 37.1) 27.6 (18.1, 37.2) Standard care 28.3 (20.9, 35.7) 28.7 (18.9, 38.3) 28.7 (18.4, 38.9) Measure a All values are reported as mean point estimate (95% confidence interval). PABS-PT⫽Pain Attitudes and Beliefs Scale for Physical Therapists (biomedical scale, potential range: 10 – 60), (biopsychosocial scale, potential range: 9 –54); HC-PAIRS⫽Health Care Providers’ Pain and Impairment Relationship Scale (potential range: 13–78). most demographic characteristics and PABS-PT and HC-PAIRS scores before training (eTable). The only exception was that standard care group clinicians were associated with a higher number of years in practice (X⫽10.1, SD⫽5.3) compared with stratified care group clinicians (X⫽4.4, SD⫽2.9), which may have been influenced by 2 clinicians who had more than 15 years of practice. Physical therapists’ attitudes and beliefs. Results from the repeatedmeasures ANOVA indicated statistically significant group ⫻ time interactions for PABS-PT biomedical scale scores (F2,20⫽4.91, P⫽.018) and PABS-PT biopsychosocial scale scores (F2,20⫽4.95, P⫽.018). Compared with pretraining PABS-PT biomedical and biopsychosocial scores, minimal changes were observed during posttraining assessment (biomedical: mean change⫽⫹2.0, SD⫽3.0, Cohen d⫽0.28; biopsychosocial: mean change⫽⫹0.7, SD⫽3.3, Cohen d⫽0.19), with no changes observed 6 months later (biomedical: mean change⫽0.0, SD⫽4.5, Cohen d⫽0.0; biopsychosocial: mean change⫽⫹0.1, SD⫽2.7, Cohen d⫽0.02) for the clinician group that did not receive stratified care training (Tab. 1). For the stratified care–trained clinicians, decreased PABS-PT biomedical scale 1126 f Physical Therapy Volume 95 scores (mean change⫽⫺4.5, SD⫽2.5, Cohen d⫽1.08) and increased biopsychosocial scale scores (mean change⫽⫹5.5, SD⫽2.0, Cohen d⫽2.86) were observed during posttraining assessment, with these findings also maintained 6 months later (Tab. 1). Results from the repeated-measures ANOVA indicated no statistically significant group ⫻ time interactions for HC-PAIRS scores (F2,20⫽2.62, P⫽.097) or main effects (F2,20⫽2.06, P⫽.154). Compared with pretraining HC-PAIRS scores, minimal changes were observed during posttraining assessment (mean change⫽⫹0.4, SD⫽4.4, Cohen d⫽0.05) for the clinician group that did not receive stratified care training, with these findings also maintained 6 months later (Tab. 1). For the stratified care clinicians, decreased HC-PAIRS scores (mean change⫽⫺5.3, SD⫽6.4, Cohen d⫽0.74) were observed during posttraining assessment, with these findings also maintained 6 months later (Tab. 1). Phase 2 During the study period, a total of 254 consecutive patients were screened for eligibility to participate in this study (Fig. 1). Of these patients, 145 were excluded from study participation, with the most Number 8 common reason being that they were older than 65 years of age (n⫽91). Two patients were consulting with a lawyer due to workrelated LBP and refused to participate. The remaining 109 patients provided informed consent and were enrolled in the study. Of these patients, 9 were not able to complete the study and provide 4-week follow-up data due to personal reasons. Therefore, intake data were obtained from 109 patients, and 4-week follow-up data were obtained from 100 patients. Baseline demographic and clinical data for the entire study sample are presented in Table 2. Baseline characteristics were similar across treatment groups for all variables, with the exception of the frequency of participants reporting work-related LBP (standard care: n⫽6, 15.3%; stratified care: n⫽3, 14.3%), with 6 fully employed, 2 part-time employed, and 1 unemployed. An approximately normal distribution for initial pain intensity (NPRS scores) and LBP-related disability (ODI scores) was suggested based on visual inspection of histograms and normality plots. Overall, the 4-week follow-up rate was 91.7%, with differences observed between groups (84.6% standard care, 95.7% stratified care) August 2015 Stratified Primary Care Model for Outpatient LBP Management Table 2. Descriptive Characteristics of Study Samplea Variable Age (y) Total Sample (Nⴝ109) Standard Care Group (nⴝ39) Stratified Care Group (nⴝ70) P 46.2 (12.2) 46.6 (11.2) 46.0 (12.8) .821 64 (58.7) 22 (56.4) 42 (60.0) .133 Sex, female, n (%) Race .987 Caucasian 83 (76.1) 30 (76.9) 53 (75.7) Black or African American 20 (18.3) 7 (17.9) 13 (18.6) 6 (5.5) 2 (5.1) 4 (5.7) Other Employment status .095 Employed 87 (79.8) 29 (74.4) 58 (82.9) Unemployed 13 (11.9) 8 (20.5) 5 (7.1) Retired 9 (8.3) 2 (5.1) 7 (10.0) 9 (8.3) 6 (15.3) 3 (4.3) 6 (5.5) 3 (7.7) 3 (4.3) Subacute (15–90 d) 40 (36.7) 13 (33.3) 27 (38.6) Chronic (ⱖ91 d) 63 (57.8) 23 (59.0) 40 (57.1) Low 30 (27.5) 14 (35.9) 16 (22.9) Medium 47 (43.1) 16 (41.0) 31 (44.2) High 32 (29.4) 9 (23.1) 23 (32.9) Work-related LBP (yes) Symptom duration .044 .694 Acute (ⱕ14 d) SBT risk .297 Outcome measure NPRS 4.9 (2.0) 4.9 (2.1) 4.8 (1.9) .676 ODI 33.5 (14.9) 34.7 (15.0) 32.8 (15.0) .530 a Estimates are provided as frequency count (%), with the exception of age and outcome measures, which are presented as mean (SD). LBP⫽low back pain, SBT⫽STarT Back Tool, NPRS⫽numerical pain rating scale (potential range: 0 –10), ODI⫽Oswestry Disability Index (potential range: 0%–100%). (P⫽.044). For participants who provided follow-up data, the average number of physical therapy visits at 4 weeks was similar among groups (X⫽6.3, SD⫽2.3, minimum⫽1, maximum⫽12) (P⫽.174). Four-week physical therapy status also was similar at 4 weeks, with participants still currently receiving physical therapy (73.0%), having completed and were discharged from physical therapy (11.0%), or electing to not continue with physical therapy (16.0%) (P⫽.559). Results from the repeated-measures ANOVA indicated statistically significant group ⫻ time interactions for 4-week NPRS scores (F1,98⫽4.08, P⫽.046, Cohen d⫽0.40) and ODI August 2015 scores (F1,98⫽13.6, P⬍.001, Cohen d⫽0.76) (Figs. 2A and 2B). From a group perspective, participants who received stratified care were associated with greater improvements in NPRS scores (between-group difference⫽0.8 points; 95% CI⫽0.1, 1.5) and ODI scores (between-group difference⫽9.0 percentage points; 95% CI⫽4.1, 13.6) compared with those who received standard care. Achievement of ⱖ30% improvement rates for NPRS and ODI scores following 4 weeks of physical therapy is reported in Table 3. Thirty-nine percent of the participants achieved ⱖ30% improvement in NPRS scores, with a greater proportion observed for stratified care (47.8%) compared with standard care (21.2%) (RR⫽2.25; 95% CI⫽1.11, 4.55). Fiftytwo percent of the participants achieved ⱖ30% improvement in ODI scores, with a greater proportion observed for stratified care (61.2%) compared with standard care (33.3%) (RR⫽1.84; 95% CI⫽1.10, 3.08). Interpretation of the cumulative distribution of responders based on NPRS scores (Fig. 3A) and ODI scores (Fig. 3B) indicates a similar trend, with a greater proportion of participants who received stratified care compared with those who received standard care achieving improvement for a range of threshold change scores. Volume 95 Number 8 Physical Therapy f 1127 Stratified Primary Care Model for Outpatient LBP Management 95% CI⫽⫺1.1, 2.2) or ODI scores (9.8 percentage points; 95% CI⫽⫺3.8, 23.4); however, changes in ODI scores alone (16.7 percentage points; 95% CI⫽10.2, 23.2) favored stratified care at 4 weeks. Discussion Figure 2. Changes in (A) pain intensity scores and (B) ODI scores. ODI⫽Oswestry Disability Index, NPRS⫽numerical pain rating scale. Error bars represent 1 standard error of the mean. For exploratory analyses, we used independent-samples t tests to compare frequency of visits and changes in NPRS and ODI scores following 4 weeks of physical therapy between treatment groups by SBT risk categorization (Tab. 3). For participants categorized as SBT low risk, there were no differences between groups in the mean number of treatment sessions (stratified care group: X⫽6.5, SD⫽1.7; standard care group: X⫽6.6, SD⫽2.2). There were no between-group differences for changes in NPRS scores (0.1 points; 95% CI⫽⫺1.3, 1.2) or ODI scores (4.2 percentage points; 95% CI⫽⫺3.0, 11.4); however, changes in ODI scores alone (10.4 percentage points; 95% CI⫽5.0, 15.9) favored 1128 f Physical Therapy Volume 95 stratified care at 4 weeks. For participants categorized as SBT medium risk, there were no differences between groups in the number of treatment sessions (stratified care group: X⫽6.3, SD⫽2.5; standard care group: X⫽5.9, SD⫽2.3). Between-group differences for changes in NPRS scores (1.4 points; 95% CI⫽0.2, 2.6) and ODI scores (11.5 percentage points; 95% CI⫽5.1, 17.8) favored stratified care at 4 weeks. For participants categorized as SBT high risk, those who received stratified care had more visits (X⫽6.9, SD⫽2.1) compared with those who received standard care (X⫽4.6, SD⫽2.2). There were no between-group differences for changes in NPRS scores (0.6 points; Number 8 This study investigated the feasibility of a risk stratification approach for LBP management that was initially implemented outside of primary care, and the results were favorable for the translation to physical therapy settings. In addition, we generated estimates of treatment effects based on 4-week clinical outcomes that may be helpful for planning of future studies. Specifically, our findings demonstrated that clinician biomedical treatment orientations can be modified and that patients who received stratified physical therapy care were associated with greater improvement compared with those who received standard physical therapy care. Furthermore, there was a greater cumulative proportion of positive pain intensity and disability responders among patients who received stratified care compared with those who received standard care. Collectively, these findings suggest that physical therapists’ attitudes and beliefs can be changed and maintained toward a biopsychosocially oriented treatment approach and that those changes may positively influence patient clinical outcomes when combined with a stratified care approach. To our knowledge, this is the first study conducted in the United States that has shown favorable clinical outcomes using risk-stratified care in combination with guideline recommendations in settings outside of primary care. Feasibility Issues–Phase 1 Several feasibility issues may aid in planning future studies. First, alternative clinician recruitment methods may be needed to generate a more August 2015 Stratified Primary Care Model for Outpatient LBP Management Table 3. Changes in NPRS and ODI Scores Following 4 Weeks of Physical Therapya SBT Risk Categorization Total Sample Low Risk Medium Risk High Risk Stratified care Variable N⫽67 n⫽15 n⫽31 n⫽21 Standard care N⫽33 n⫽14 n⫽12 n⫽7 Stratified care 6.5⫾2.2 6.5⫾1.7 6.3⫾2.5 6.9⫾2.1 Standard care 5.9⫾2.3 6.6⫾2.2 5.9⫾2.3 4.6⫾2.2 Number of visits NPRS Stratified care 1.4 (1.1, 2.0) 0.8 (0.2, 1.6) 1.7 (1.0, 2.4) Standard care 0.7 (0.1, 1.3I) 0.9 (⫺0.2, 2.0) 0.2 (⫺0.9, 1.3) 0.9 (⫺0.9, 2.0) Between-group difference 0.8 (0.1, 1.5) 0.1 (⫺1.3, 1.2) 1.4 (0.2, 2.6) 0.6 (⫺1.1, 2.2) 0.40 0.06 Effect sizeb 1.5 (0.8, 2.4) 0.86 0.31 ⱖ30% improvement Stratified care 47.8% Standard care 21.2% P⫽.010 26.7% P⫽.909 28.6% 64.5% P⫽.005 16.7% 38.1% P⫽.243 14.3% ODI Stratified care 13.2 (10.6, 16.0) 10.4 (5.0, 15.9) 12.3 (9.4, 15.2) 16.7 (10.2, 23.2) Standard care 4.4 (0.3, 8.7) 6.1 (1.0, 11.3) 0.8 (⫺6.8, 8.4) 6.8 (⫺9.7, 23.0) Between-group difference 8.9 (4.1, 13.6) 4.2 (⫺3.0, 11.4) 11.5 (5.1, 17.8) 9.8 (⫺3.8, 23.4) 0.76 0.46 Effect sizeb 1.14 0.61 ⱖ30% improvement Stratified care 61.2% Standard care 33.3% P⫽.009 53.3% 42.9% P⫽.573 71.0% P⬍.001 16.7% 52.4% P⫽.663 42.9% a Values are reported as mean (95% confidence interval), unless otherwise indicated. Number of visits are reported as mean⫾SD. NPRS⫽numerical pain rating scale, ODI⫽Oswestry Disability Index, SBT⫽STarT Back Tool. Effect sizes (Cohen d) were calculated using the following formula: [(stratified care group change score – standard care group change score)/pooled standard deviation]. b diverse pool of physical therapists. For example, we used email to recruit potentially interested physical therapists, and a majority of the physical therapists who participated were residency or fellowship trained. In the future, we plan to provide brief in-service presentations at several clinical sites to describe potential research opportunities with the intent to improve clinician and researcher engagement and recruit a more heterogeneous group of physical therapists. Second, using the PABS-PT and HC-PAIRS as measures for educational intervention responsiveness appears to be appropriate based on the direction August 2015 of changes observed; however, interpreting the magnitudes of change still warrants further investigation. For future study planning, we will consider analyses that evaluate relationships between magnitude of changes in PABS-PT and HC-PAIRS scores and clinical outcome scores. Finally, in retrospect, our educational intervention for clinicians may be improved by including more in-depth content related to cognitive-behavioral principles that is provided by a clinical psychologist and including follow-up mentoring sessions.9,50 Physical Therapists’ Attitudes and Beliefs We expected that adaptions toward less biomedical and more biopsychosocial treatment orientation would be observed for clinicians who received 8 hours of training and education focusing on psychologically informed physical therapist practice principles. Pretraining PABS-PT biomedical (X⫽28.1, SD⫽4.9) and biopsychosocial (X⫽36.2, SD⫽3.2) scores observed in this study were similar to those of previous studies11,15; however, HC-PAIRS scores (X⫽30.5, SD⫽6.2) were lower compared with findings of previous studies that involved physical thera- Volume 95 Number 8 Physical Therapy f 1129 Stratified Primary Care Model for Outpatient LBP Management of the current study. Our findings indicate that training periods for belief changing can be shortened from what was previously reported in the literature. The clinical meaningfulness of changes in PABS-PT and HC-PAIRS scores remains unclear and warrants further investigation.11,26,30 The findings from phase 2 of this study, however, provide a preliminary indication that these changes in beliefs and attitudes were potentially sufficient to affect clinical outcomes for patients who received stratified care education. Figure 3. (A) Cumulative proportion of responders for 4-week pain intensity outcomes highlighting 47.8% of stratified care group (21.2% of standard care group) achieved at least 30% improvement in numerical pain rating scale (NPRS) (potential range: 0 –10). Nonpositive responders for NPRS changes (ie, less than 0%) are not indicated in the figure. (B) Cumulative proportion of responders for 4-week pain disability outcomes highlighting 61.2% of stratified care group (33.3% of standard care group) achieved at least 30% improvement in Oswestry Disability Index (ODI) scores (potential range: 0%–100%). Nonpositive responders for ODI changes (ie, less than 0%) are not indicated in the figure. pists.11,29 Although the responsiveness of the PABS-PT and HC-PAIRS has not been extensively evaluated,26,30 within-group changes in PABS-PT biomedical (⫺4.5 points) and biopsychosocial (⫹5.5 points) scores and HC-PAIRS scores (⫺5.3 points) observed in this study for stratified care clinicians are consistent with the findings of previous 1130 f Physical Therapy Volume 95 studies that incorporated similar biopsychosocially oriented training programs.11,15 For example, a previous study11 investigating the effect of an 8-day biopsychosocially oriented course netted similar improvements and maintenance of beliefs that were measured using the PABS-PT and HC-PAIRS, although the findings varied slightly in magnitude from those Number 8 Feasibility Issues–Phase 2 The findings of phase 2 of this study also will inform planning of future studies. First, to allow for appropriately powered subgroup analyses, the number of patients categorized as SBT high risk needs to be considered. For example, 29% of the patients in this study were initially categorized as SBT high risk, and previous studies32,33 conducted in similar settings have indicated between 19% and 26%. For future study analyses, we will need to consider determining sample size calculations based on multiple hypothesis tests comparing stratified care and standard care by SBT categorization, similar to previous study protocols.21,51 We observed differences in clinical outcomes between stratified and standard care that were driven by SBT medium-risk categorization in our cohort (Tab. 3), which is not consistent with previous study findings of higher benefit for patients at high risk.2,52 One potential strategy to consider for future studies is to power differences in clinical outcome scores between medium and low risk or high and low risk, as the ability to detect differences between medium and high risk may be more difficult. Second, the influence of treatment visits on clinical outcomes will need to be accounted for in future analyAugust 2015 Stratified Primary Care Model for Outpatient LBP Management ses, particularly if we are suggesting a minimal treatment approach for patients categorized as SBT low risk. Finally, implementation of our stratified care approach could be improved on several levels. For example, we recommended a minimal physical therapist intervention approach consisting of 1 or 2 treatment visits per week for patients at low risk who are receiving stratified care; however, similar rates were observed for stratified and standard care groups at 4 weeks. During future study planning, we will better structure clinician adherence for treatment of patients at low risk. We also will incorporate consistent mentoring sessions between clinicians and researchers during training and active study time periods that will provide opportunities to address potential barriers to implementation. Estimates of Treatment Effects for Clinical Outcomes Greater improvements in LBP clinical outcomes at 4 weeks were observed in patients who received physical therapy following a stratified care management approach. Further inspection of pain and disability outcomes indicated betweengroup differences favoring stratified care, with associated small (Cohen d⫽0.40) and moderate (Cohen d⫽0.76) effect sizes, respectively. These results are similar to 4-month findings of the larger STarT Back trial2 that compared stratified care (n⫽568) with current best practice (n⫽283) in UK primary care settings. In that study, Hill et al2 reported between-group differences for NPRS and Roland-Morris Disability Questionnaire scores favoring stratified care, with smaller respective (Cohen d⫽0.24 and 0.29) effect sizes. Specifically related to patients categorized as SBT high risk, we observed a large effect size (0.61) for improvements in ODI scores favoring stratified care; however, we acknowledge August 2015 that this study was not powered for subgroup analyses. Patients at SBT high risk who received stratified care had more visits (6.9) compared with those who received standard care (4.6), suggesting the beneficial effects may have been due to extended treatment and increased attention as designed by psychologically informed practice. Collectively, these findings provide continuing evidence that stratified care with SBT categorization has the potential to improve LBP outcomes when combined with psychologically informed practice. We also incorporated a proportional responder analysis to determine if different statistical approaches would provide variations in the appraisal of our clinical outcomes data. The analysis of treatment response using previously suggested thresholds (ie, ⱖ30% improvement) for clinically important changes in NPRS and ODI scores provided similar results. A greater percentage of patients in the stratified care group achieved the clinically relevant change threshold for NPRS (47.8%) and ODI (61.2%) scores compared with the standard care group (21.2% and 33.3%, respectively). These differences were not trivial, as patients who received stratified care were approximately 2 times more likely to achieve ⱖ30% improvement on the pain intensity and disability measures. Furthermore, compared with the standard care group, there was a consistent trend for a higher cumulative percentage of patients in the stratified care group who achieved a wide range of NPRS (Fig. 3A) and ODI (Fig. 3B) thresholds for improvement across the continuum, potentially providing further validation for the outcomes reported in this study. The greatest percentage of positive responders observed in the current study (71.0%) and the STarT Back trial (71.0%) were patients at SBT medium risk who received stratified care. Several factors need to be considered prior to interpreting these findings related to treatment response. For example, treatment response in this study was based on 4-week clinical outcomes; however, 73.0% of the patients were still receiving physical therapy care at that time. Therefore, we cannot speculate on long-term implications. Strengths and Limitations One strength of this study is that there was a planned combination of internal (phase 1) and external (phase 2) validity. Clinicians were randomized to different training and education groups during phase 1, and we intentionally incorporated a pragmatic approach to be consistent with typical clinical management for LBP during phase 2. Neither stratified care nor standard care clinicians were required to follow rigid treatment protocols for patients with LBP. Rather, clinicians utilized the knowledge and strategies learned during training sessions (stratified care group) or their normal management strategies (standard care group) for patients with LBP. Another strength of the study is that, compared with previous studies,2 the stratified care education content provided was brief, but similar outcomes were obtained. Previous studies53,54 have indicated that one of the most significant barriers to attending postprofessional education courses is time. Therefore, it was our intent to provide the necessary education for this study in reasonable intervals that also accommodated clinicians’ schedules (ie, 8 hours over multiple sessions) in order to improve retention rates and be consistent with our pragmatic approach. This study also had several limitations that have not already been mentioned. First, most physical therapists participating in this study were either orthopedic residency trained (n⫽11, 91.7%) or manual Volume 95 Number 8 Physical Therapy f 1131 Stratified Primary Care Model for Outpatient LBP Management therapy fellowship trained (n⫽8, 66.7%), or both (n⫽8, 66.7%), which may limit the generalizability of these findings. In addition, only 12 of 63 eligible physical therapists (19%) volunteered to participate in this study; therefore, the influence of volunteer bias should be considered, which also may limit the generalizability of these findings. However, the overall influence of this bias was likely minimized by randomly assigning therapists to training groups (ie, stratified or standard care). Second, patients older than 65 years were not eligible to participate in this study, which may limit the generalizability of our findings, especially considering that 35.8% of the patients were not eligible based on the age criterion. In addition, 2 patients were consulting with a lawyer due to work-related LBP and refused to participate. Future studies are needed to determine if the risk-stratified care approach used in this study is generalizable across all age groups and for individuals receiving work-related disability. Third, in phase 2, patients were not randomized to different treatment groups in this observational study, nor did we assess for clinician selection bias of patients; therefore, our outcome findings should be interpreted with caution. Planning of future larger-scale studies (eg, comparative effectiveness research) may not necessarily require randomization of patients to treatment groups, particularly if the intent is for pragmatic implementation in routine clinical practice.55 Finally, 4-week outcomes provide a short-term perspective on the impact of patient management. Ideally, longer follow-up data would have been available. apy settings. However, estimates of specific treatment effects for the clinical outcomes reported in this article should be interpreted with caution based on this study design. Findings from this preliminary study can be used for planning of future studies that more definitively determine the impact of stratified care on patient outcomes. Clinical Implications Overall, our results indicated that implementation of stratified care based on the STarT Back approach and APTA Orthopaedic Section CPGs is feasible in outpatient physical ther- 4 Foster NE, Delitto A. Embedding psychosocial perspectives within clinical management of low back pain: integration of psychosocially informed management principles into physical therapist practice— challenges and opportunities. Phys Ther. 2011;91:790 – 803. 1132 f Physical Therapy Volume 95 Both authors provided concept/idea/research design and writing. Dr Beneciuk provided data collection and analysis, project management, and fund procurement. Dr George provided consultation (including review of manuscript before submission). The authors acknowledge the following clinicians from Brooks Rehabilitation in Jacksonville, Florida: Trent Harrison, Renata Salvatori, Monika Beneciuk, Raine Osborne, Brian Hagist, Tasha Mouton, Timothy Shreve, Jenny Hagist, Sara Cristello, Sara Bertrand, Nate Moore, and Steve Pompilio. The authors also acknowledge the following administrative personnel from Brooks Rehabilitation: Douglas Baer, Michael Spigel, Amanda Osborne, Victor Derienzo, Robert Rowe, Holly Morris, Flo Singletary, and Mallorey Smith. This study was funded by the 2012 Brooks Rehabilitation Collaborative Grant. The manuscript was written while Dr Beneciuk received support from the National Institutes of Health Rehabilitation Research Career Development Program (K12-HD055929). DOI: 10.2522/ptj.20140418 References 5 Smart K, Doody C. The clinical reasoning of pain by experienced musculoskeletal physiotherapists. 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Stratified Care Education Content Introduction and Overview of Study Pain Neuroscience Variability in Musculoskeletal Pain Development and Maintenance of Chronic Low Back Pain Patient Subgrouping Psychologically Informed Physical Therapist Practice STarT Back Approach Identification (Screening) Management (Targeted Treatment) Interventions Communication Skills Education-Based Intervention Pain Neuroscience Activation Philosophy Activity-Based Intervention Graded Exercise or Activity Graded Exposure Physical Impairment-Based Intervention American Physical Therapy Association Orthopaedic Section Clinical Practice Guidelines Outcome Measures Treatment Monitoring Case Examples Adherence Implementation Challenges 1134 f Physical Therapy Volume 95 Number 8 August 2015 Stratified Primary Care Model eTable. Descriptive Characteristics of Physical Therapistsa Total Sample (Nⴝ12) Standard Care Group (nⴝ6) Stratified Care Group (nⴝ6) P 6 (50) 3 (50) 3 (50) .999 Years of practice 7.3 (5.0) 10.1 (5.3) 4.4 (2.9) .042 Residency (yes) 11 (91.7) 6 (100) .296 5 (83.3) .221 Variable Sex (female) Fellowship (yes) 8 (66.7) PABS-PT (biomedical)b PABS-PT (biopsychosocial) HC-PAIRSb b 5 (83.3) 3 (50.0) 27.6 (4.7) 26.7 (6.1) 28.5 (3.1) .529 36.0 (3.1) 36.0 (4.1) 36.0 (2.2) .999 30.8 (6.4) 28.3 (7.0) 33.3 (5.1) .191 a Values are reported as mean (SD), with the exception of sex, residency, and fellowship, which are reported as frequency count (%). PABS-PT⫽Pain Attitudes and Beliefs Scale for Physical Therapists (biomedical scale, potential range: 10 – 60), (biopsychosocial scale, potential range: 9 –54); HCPAIRS⫽Health Care Providers’ Pain and Impairment Relationship Scale (potential range: 13–78). b Pretraining and education scores. August 2015 (eTable, Beneciuk and George) Volume 95 Number 8 Physical Therapy f 1 Research Report Levels and Patterns of Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior in Elderly People With Mild to Moderate Parkinson Disease Martin Benka Wallén, Erika Franzén, Håkan Nero, Maria Hagströmer Background. Decreased movement ability, one of the hallmarks of Parkinson disease (PD), may lead to inadequate physical activity (PA) and excessive time spent in sedentary behaviors—2 factors associated with an elevated risk for lifestyle-related diseases, poor management of PD, and premature death. To identify the extent to which people with PD are physically active, a comprehensive characterization of PA in this population is needed. Objective. The study objective was to describe levels and patterns of PA and sedentary behaviors in elderly people with PD. Design. This cross-sectional study involved a free-living setting and 53 men and 42 women (mean age⫽73.4 years) with mild to moderate idiopathic PD. Methods. Time spent in PA and sedentary behaviors was assessed for 1 week with accelerometers. Results. Mean daily step counts were 4,765; participants spent 589 minutes in sedentary behaviors, 141 minutes in low-intensity activities, 30 minutes in moderateintensity lifestyle activities, and 16 minutes in moderate- to vigorous-intensity ambulatory activities. No differences were found between weekdays and weekend days. Patterns were characterized by a rise in total PA in the morning, peaking between 10 am and 3 pm, and a gradual decline toward the late evening. The proportion achieving 150 minutes of moderate- to vigorous-intensity PA per week was 27%, and 16% achieved 7,000 or more steps per day. Limitations. Nonrandomized selection of participants may limit the generalizability of the results. Conclusions. Physical activity levels were generally low, in terms of both total volume and intensity, with only minor variations over the course of a day or between days. These results emphasize the need to develop strategies to increase PA and reduce time spent in sedentary behaviors in elderly people with mild to moderate PD. M. Benka Wallén, PhD, RPT, Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society, Division of Physiotherapy, Karolinska Institutet, Alfred Nobels Alle 23, 141 83 Huddinge, Sweden. Address all correspondence to Dr Benka Wallén at: E. Franzén, PhD, RPT, Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society, Division of Physiotherapy, Karolinska Institutet, and Department of Physical Therapy, Karolinska University Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden. H. Nero, MSc, RPT, Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society, Division of Physiotherapy, Karolinska Institutet. M. Hagströmer, PhD, RPT, Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society, Division of Physiotherapy, Karolinska Institutet, and Department of Physical Therapy, Karolinska University Hospital. [Benka Wallén M, Franzén E, Nero H, Hagströmer M. Levels and patterns of physical activity and sedentary behavior in elderly people with mild to moderate Parkinson disease. Phys Ther. 2015;95: 1135–1141.] © 2015 American Physical Therapy Association Published Ahead of Print: February 5, 2015 Accepted: January 28, 2015 Submitted: August 27, 2014 Post a Rapid Response to this article at: August 2015 Volume 95 Number 8 Physical Therapy f 1135 Physical Activity in Parkinson Disease P arkinson disease (PD) is a progressive, neurodegenerative disorder characterized by rigidity, tremor, impaired postural stability, decreased walking ability, and an increased risk of falls.1 These symptoms affect movement abilities in everyday tasks,1,2 leading to decreased physical activity (PA) and increased time spent in sedentary behaviors. This situation may, in turn, lead to a cycle of poorer balance, muscle weakness, fear of falling, and a sedentary lifestyle. Insufficient PA is associated with many adverse health outcomes, and several studies have demonstrated PA to be effective in the treatment and prevention of a number of diseases.3– 6 A systematic review recently highlighted the therapeutic value of PA,7 which reduces mortality for many common health conditions at rates similar to those of pharmaceutical treatments. In addition, PA is essential for healthy aging and has been shown, when in the form of structured exercise, to have positive effects on PD symptoms and complaints—such as improved gait performance, balance control, muscular strength, cardiovascular fitness, and quality of life (for reviews, see Speelman et al8 and Goodwin et al9). Recent research based on selfreport10 or accelerometry11 indicated that people with PD are approximately 30% less physically active than people in a control group matched for age. In addition, the volume of PA diminishes with a higher level of disease severity, as shown in both cross-sectional11 and longitudinal12 studies. However, little is known about any PA occurring in the lower range of the intensity spectrum. Emerging evidence has suggested that low-intensity PA (LPA) not only may decrease sedentary time—which, by itself, is a risk factor for disease5,6,13— but also may pro1136 f Physical Therapy Volume 95 vide significant health benefits on its own.13 It was recently suggested that total daily activity counts may be more strongly associated with adverse health outcomes than moderate- to vigorous-intensity PA (MVPA)14 and, therefore, should be estimated along with time spent at different intensity levels in studies of PA (for a review, see Bassett et al15). To our knowledge, such data have not been presented for people with PD. Another aspect of PA that is particularly relevant for PD is the diurnal pattern. Specifically, motor performance in people with PD has been shown to fluctuate over the course of a day, characterized primarily by morning activity levels that are lower than those of people who are healthy.16 However, to our knowledge, a more detailed characterization of diurnal variations, in which different intensity levels are quantified separately, has not been published. Thus, the 3 aims of this study were: (1) to quantify the total volume of daily and weekly PA in elderly people with mild to moderate PD, (2) to determine the amount of time spent daily at different intensity levels, and (3) to characterize patterns of different intensity levels of PA and sedentary behaviors over the course of a day, including a comparison of weekdays with weekend days. Method Study Design The present study was a substudy of an ongoing randomized controlled trial examining the effects of a balance training program on outcomes related to PD (the BETA-PD study; clinical trial number NCT01417598). The BETA study procedure has been described elsewhere.17 Accelerometer data collected at baseline (in 2012 and 2013) were analyzed in the present study. Number 8 Participants People who had mild to moderate PD and dwelled in the community were recruited through advertisements in local newspapers, from Karolinska University Hospital, or from the Swedish Parkinson Association. Inclusion criteria were an age of 60 years or older and a clinical diagnosis of idiopathic PD, according to the Queen Square Brain Bank Criteria18 and Hoehn and Yahr stages 2 and 3.19 Exclusion criteria were atypical PD, according to Hughes et al20; a Mini-Mental State Examination score of ⱕ2421; and other neuromuscular disorders that influence gait and balance. The study included 95 people (42 women) with idiopathic PD, classified as stage 2 (n⫽41) or 3 (n⫽54), according to Hoehn and Yahr.19 The means for various characteristics were as follows: age, 73.4 years (SD⫽5.7 years); weight, 76.6 kg (SD⫽14.2 kg); height, 171.4 cm (SD⫽9.3 cm); body mass index, 25.8 kg/m2 (SD⫽3.7); and disease duration, 5.9 years (SD⫽5.0 years). All participants provided written informed consent. Instrumentation Physical activity was assessed by use of ActiGraph GT3X⫹ accelerometers (ActiGraph, Pensacola, Florida) with firmware version 2.5.0. GT3X⫹ accelerometers sample changes in force at a frequency of 30 Hz before converting them to digital counts with a 12-bit analog-to-digital converter.22 To exclude nonhuman motion, accumulated data can be processed through 1 of 2 band-pass filters: either a normal filter (0.25– 2.4 Hz) or a low-frequency extension option (bandwidth not specified by manufacturer). ActiGraph suggests applying the low-frequency extension filter for the assessment of people who exhibit very low acceleration outputs, such as elderly people.23 However, we have found August 2015 Physical Activity in Parkinson Disease this option likely to overestimate PA in people with PD and, therefore, selected the normal filter setting.24 One-minute epochs were used to determine the time spent at different intensity levels (definitions of PA levels are given below). Data Acquisition Upon arrival at the laboratory, participants were assessed for height and weight and evaluated with the motor part of the Unified Parkinson Disease Rating Scale.25 Each participant was then provided with an accelerometer attached to a belt and given verbal and written instructions on its proper use. The belt was to be worn around the waist at hip level during all time awake for 7 consecutive days, except when showering, swimming, or bathing. Data Reduction ActiLife 6 (ActiGraph) was used to process all accelerometer data: data cleansing, filtering, and computation of different PA parameters. In accordance with previous research on elderly people, episodes ⱖ90 minutes of consecutive zeroes (ie, inactivity) were excluded.26 Wear time was determined by subtracting nonwear time from total time. Hours with ⱖ54 minutes of data (90%) were included. The following outcome variables were generated: total volume of PA, defined as vector magnitude counts per minute; steps per day; and minutes spent at different intensity levels per day, based on vertical axis counts. Total daily vector magnitude counts, representing the sum of averaged triaxial vector counts per minute, have been suggested to provide a more reliable means of operationalizing PA than estimating time at different intensity levels15 and, therefore, also were included. Because the ActiGraph system has not been calibrated for people with PD and preliminary analyses demonstrated August 2015 zero or very few minutes at vigorous intensity per week—that is, greater than 6 metabolic equivalents (METs)— cutoffs that were previously used in epidemiological studies of elderly people27,28 were applied as follows: for sedentary behaviors, 1 to 1.5 METs or 0 to 99 cpm; for LPA, 1.5 to 2.9 METs or 100 to 759 cpm; and for moderateintensity PA or higher (MPA⫹), ⱖ3 METs or ⱖ760 cpm. Moderateintensity PA or higher was further divided into moderate-intensity lifestyle activities (MPALS; 3 METs or 760 –2,019 cpm), for activities such as sweeping, vacuuming, raking, and shoveling,27 and moderate- to vigorous-intensity ambulatory activities (MVPA; ⬎3 METs or ⬎2,019 cpm), corresponding to a walking speed of 4 km/h or more.28 Data Analysis Levels. In accordance with previous research,28 –30 days with ⱖ10 hours of valid data were used to summarize the total amount of daily PA and the time spent at different intensity levels in terms of means and 95% confidence intervals (CIs). New variables representing average time at different intensity levels per day (Monday–Sunday) were determined from the mean values for a minimum of 4 and up to 7 days per week, depending on how many valid days were available. The requirement for 4 recording days was based on previous research on adults who were healthy31 and adults who were overweight,32 and the assessment of 4 days of PA was shown to agree highly with the assessment of a full week of PA.29,31 To determine the proportion meeting the guideline of 150 minutes of MVPA weekly or 7,000 or 8,000 steps per day, proportions and 95% CIs (binomial exact method) were estimated. Average values for 4 to 7 valid days were multiplied by 7 to obtain time spent in MVPA per week. The cutoff for meeting the PA recommendation was set to ⱖ150 minutes of accumulated time spent in MVPA per week. Two cutoffs for meeting the recommendation for total daily steps were used: 7,000 steps and 8,000 steps. Patterns. Outcome variables representing weekdays were generated from the mean values for 3 to 5 weekdays (ie, Monday–Friday), and outcome variables representing weekend days were determined from the mean values for both Saturday and Sunday. That is, a minimum of 3 weekdays or both weekend days, respectively, was required for inclusion in the analyses. Statistical analyses were performed with STATA version 11 (StataCorp LP, College Station, Texas). All variables demonstrated an approximately normal distribution when evaluated on a histogram, except for MVPA, which was skewed to the right. Log10 and natural log transformations did not improve the distribution; hence, nontransformed data were used. Differences between weekdays and weekends with respect to time spent at different PA intensity levels and steps per day were estimated with a one-way repeated-measures analysis of variance or a Wilcoxon signed rank test for MVPA. The alpha level was set at Pⱕ.05. To describe the patterns of PA and sedentary behaviors over the course of a day, we plotted time (minutes per hour) spent at different intensity levels over an 18-hour time frame between 6 am and 11 pm for weekdays and weekend days. Because the values for MVPA and MPALS were very low and difficult to evaluate on a graph, their combined values (MPA⫹) were used to illustrate the number of minutes spent in PA of moderate or higher intensity each hour. All valid hours within the given time frame were selected to calculate the average number of minutes Volume 95 Number 8 Physical Therapy f 1137 Physical Activity in Parkinson Disease Table 1. Characteristics of Participants From Whom Valid Data Were Obtained for Various Periodsa Characteristic Minimum of 4/7 d/wk (nⴝ79) Age, y Women, n (%) Height, cm Weight, kg BMI, kg 䡠 m UPDRS score, mean (range) Weekend Daysb (nⴝ62) 73.2 (5.7) 73.3 (5.7) 73.5 (5.9) 37 (47) 36 (46) 29 (47) 171.5 (8.8) 171.8 (9.1) 171.9 (8.4) 75.1 (13.9) 2 3–5 Weekdays (nⴝ79) 75.6 (14.4) 75.9 (12.8) 25.4 (3.7) 25.5 (3.7) 25.6 (3.6) 35.3 (14–62) 35.7 (14–62) 34.8 (17–62) a Data are presented as means (standard deviations) unless indicated otherwise. BMI⫽body mass index, UPDRS⫽Unified Parkinson Disease Rating Scale (motor part). b Saturday and Sunday. spent at different intensity levels for each time point (ie, for each hour). Role of the Funding Source The study was funded by the Swedish Research Council, StratNeuro Karolinska Institutet, NorrbackaEugenia Foundation, and the national doctoral school in health care sciences at Karolinska Institutet. Results Participant characteristics are shown in Table 1. Valid data were obtained from 79 participants for a minimum of 4 of 7 days per week, from 79 participants for 3 to 5 weekdays, from 62 participants for weekend days, and from 59 participants for both weekdays and weekend days. Levels of PA Of the 13 hours 6 minutes of wear time for an average day of the week, 9 hours 49 minutes (75%) was spent in sedentary behaviors, 2 hours 21 minutes (18%) was spent in LPA, 30 minutes (4%) was spent in MPALS, and 16 minutes (2%) was spent in MVPA. The mean total time spent in MVPA per week was 114.8 minutes (SD⫽150.4 minutes). Table 2 shows means and 95% CIs for total time spent in PA (vector magnitude counts per day and per minute and step counts per day) as well as time spent at different PA intensity levels and in sedentary behaviors for an average day of the week, weekday, and weekend day. Estimations of binomial proportions demonstrated that 27% (95% CI⫽18%, 36%) met the guideline of 150 minutes of MVPA per week. The proportion achieving 7,000 or more steps per day was 16% (95% CI⫽8%, 25%), whereas 11% (95% CI⫽4%, 19%) achieved 8,000 or more steps per day. Patterns of PA There were nonsignificant trends toward more time being spent in sedentary behaviors (mean difference⫽9 minutes) and LPA (mean difference⫽0.9 minute) on weekdays and more time being spent in higherintensity PA on weekend days (mean difference in MPALS⫽0.6 minute; mean difference in MVPA⫽3.2 minutes; mean difference in steps⫽167) Table 2. Accelerometer Outcomes Determined for Various Periodsa Activity SB, min 䡠 d Minimum of 4/7 d/wk (nⴝ79) ⫺1 ⫺1 LPA, min 䡠 d MPALS, min 䡠 d⫺1 MVPA, min 䡠 d ⫺1 Steps per day VM, counts 䡠 d⫺1 VM, counts 䡠 min⫺1 ⫺1 Wear time, h 䡠 d 3–5 Weekdays (nⴝ79) Weekend Daysb (nⴝ62) 588.9 (571.6, 606.1) 593.9 (575.6, 612.3) 584.5 (561.0, 608.0) 140.6 (126.5, 154.6) 143.0 (128.7, 157.2) 142.1 (124.2, 160.0) 30.1 (25.3, 34.9) 30.7 (26.0, 35.4) 31.3 (23.6, 39.0) 16.4 (11.6, 21.2) 15.2 (10.8, 19.7) 18.4 (11.1, 25.7) 4,765 (4,071, 5,461) 4,721 (4,038, 5,403) 4,888 (3,896, 5,881) 293,614 (259,255, 327,972) 291,470 (256,899, 326,041) 305,269 (262,068, 348,469) 374 (77, 1,146) 368 (73, 1,144) 388 (83, 1,229) 13.1 (12.7, 13.4) 13.2 (12.8, 13.6) 13.1 (12.7, 13.6) Data are presented as means (95% confidence intervals). SB⫽sedentary behaviors, LPA⫽low-intensity physical activities, MPALS⫽moderate-intensity lifestyle activities, MVPA⫽moderate- to vigorous-intensity physical activity, VM⫽vector magnitude. No statistically significant differences were found between weekdays and weekend days for any of the outcomes (P⬎.05). b Saturday and Sunday. a 1138 f Physical Therapy Volume 95 Number 8 August 2015 Physical Activity in Parkinson Disease (Tab. 2). Similarly, vector magnitude counts per day (mean difference⫽13,799) and per minute (mean difference⫽167) were higher on weekend days than on weekdays; however, these differences were not statistically significant (all P values ⬎.5). The differences were even smaller when wear time (5 minutes longer on weekdays) was taken into account; when expressed as a percentage of daily wear time, sedentary behaviors represented 75% of weekdays and 74% of weekend days, and LPA, MPALS, and MVPA represented 18%, 4%, and 2%, respectively, of both weekdays and weekend days (Tab. 2). Descriptive data for weekdays and weekend days are shown in Table 2. The Figure shows PA patterns over the course of a day, with weekdays and weekend days being displayed separately. Physical activity patterns over the course of a day showed that LPA increased starting at approximately 7 am, climbed toward a peak at 10 to 11 am, and then gradually tapered off toward a low plateau at approximately 9 pm. A slight increase was again observed between 10 and 11 pm. Weekdays and weekend days showed virtually identical patterns at this intensity level. Time in MPA⫹ followed a similar pattern, although at a consistently lower level. Again, similar patterns were found between weekdays and weekend days, with 2 exceptions: the first between 1 and 3 pm and the second between 10 and 11 pm. At both of these times, MPA⫹ tended to be higher on weekend days than on weekdays. This elevation was paralleled by a decrease in sedentary behaviors during the same times. Apart from this difference, patterns of sedentary behaviors were similar on weekdays and weekend days. Discussion The main finding of the present study was that approximately 75% of August 2015 Figure. Illustration of the average number of minutes spent in sedentary behaviors (prefix S), low-intensity physical activities (prefix L), and a combination of moderate-intensity lifestyle activities and moderate- to vigorous-intensity ambulatory activities (prefix M⫹) on an hour-to-hour basis for weekdays (W; black symbols) and weekend days (WE; gray symbols). all time awake was spent in sedentary behaviors, 18% was spent in LPA, and 6% was spent in a combination of MPALS or MVPA. These results are in line with previous research demonstrating that people with mild to moderate PD are ambulatory at moderate or higher intensity only 5% of the day.11 They also largely agree with the previous finding that 76% of all time awake comprises sedentary behaviors.33 When explicitly studying people who had PD and led a sedentary lifestyle, other authors found that 98% of all time awake comprised a combination of sedentary behaviors and LPA, whereas less than 2% represented moderate- to vigorous-intensity PA.34 Despite several methodological differences among these studies, the results collectively indicate that people with PD lead a lifestyle characterized by excessive sedentary behaviors and insufficient MPA⫹. The findings of the present study have important clinical implications because both excessive time in sedentary behaviors and insufficient MVPA predispose people to many comorbidities, such as coronary heart disease, stroke, diabetes, hypertension, cancer, depression, and premature death.3– 6 In addition, a sedentary lifestyle may have a direct negative effect on disease management and progression because the potentially positive effects of exercise on symptoms specifically related to PD are lost.8 Recent epidemiological studies suggested that LPA and sedentary behaviors are independently associated with metabolic syndrome13 and that total activity counts are more strongly associated with biomarkers for cardiovascular disease than boutaccumulated MVPA.14 On the basis of these findings and others, it has been proposed that total daily PA, in terms of activity counts, should be considered in the evaluation of PA, rather than time spent in MVPA alone.15 In the present study, we found that 18% of the day was spent in LPA, which together with MPALS and MVPA adds up to a little more than 3 hours in any PA daily and total Volume 95 Number 8 Physical Therapy f 1139 Physical Activity in Parkinson Disease daily activity counts to 293,614. Additional research that relates daily activity counts to adverse health outcomes is needed to interpret these results. In a few studies, PA behavior in people with PD and PA behavior in people in a similarly aged control group were compared directly. Using questionnaire data, van Nimwegen et al10 found that people with PD were 29% less physically active than people in a control group. Similarly, using accelerometry, Lord et al11 found that the level of ambulatory PA was 27% lower in people with PD than in a control group of people who were healthy. Lord et al11 also found that the step count was 5,500 steps per day; this count was similar to the count of 4,760 steps per day reported here but in stark contrast to the daily count of 10,200 steps reported by Cavanaugh et al.12 This rather large discrepancy is most likely due to methodological differences, further emphasizing the need to standardize PA measurements across studies. When we evaluated diurnal PA patterns, only minor fluctuations were seen over the course of a day, confirming previous research.16 Expanding on what was previously known, we found patterns of low variability across all intensity levels. On weekdays, PA levels peaked at about 10 to 11 am before gradually declining, whereas they remained elevated until the early afternoon on weekend days. This finding suggests that motor symptoms may be less prominent at midday and during the early afternoon, even though this notion was not explicitly studied. Although these findings provide a better understanding of PA patterns in people with PD on a group level, several different mechanisms—including fatigue, fear of falling, lack of motivation, physical constraints, and symptoms related to pharmacologi1140 f Physical Therapy Volume 95 cal treatment— could underpin PA on an individual level. Therefore, to provide each patient with the most appropriate recommendations, PA programs may need to be individually tailored on the basis of a thorough anamnesis and accelerometer assessment of each patient. In addition to describing the levels and patterns of PA, we also estimated the extent to which PA recommendations were met in the studied population; we found that 73% of the participants failed to achieve 150 minutes of MVPA per week. Most studies evaluating PA in various populations use the guidelines set forth by the American College of Sports Medicine (2008),4 according to which older adults are advised to perform a total of 150 minutes of MVPA per week, preferably in bouts no shorter than 10 minutes. These guidelines were derived from self-reported data, which have been shown to agree rather poorly with objective methods, generally returning higher levels of PA than accelerometry.35 This incongruence becomes particularly striking when the rule of 10-minute bouts of accumulated MVPA is applied; whereas one study based on self-report estimated that more than 46% of the general adult population achieved 150 minutes of MVPA (in bouts) per week,36 a study based on accelerometry found that less than 5% reached the same level.28 Discrepancies between self-reported PA and accelerometry also have been found in studies of people with PD specifically.37 Collectively, these studies demonstrate that PA recommendations derived from self-reports likely do not apply to accelerometry. Taken together, our results demonstrate that people with mild to moderate PD spend a large part of their day in sedentary behaviors and only a small amount of time in PA. These findings are important to physical Number 8 therapists and other health care professionals who may promote and prescribe PA. Although the benefits of PA in disease prevention and management are now widely recognized, the specific methods and procedures that may be effective for increasing PA in people with mild to moderate PD have yet to be determined. Limitations One of the main challenges for assessing PA by means of accelerometry is to define appropriate cutoffs to represent different types of PA. Because the ActiGraph system has not been calibrated for people with PD, we used cutoffs that have been developed from the general population. It is possible that these thresholds do not validly reflect intensity levels in people with PD because, among other issues, PD generally presents with an altered gait pattern that is likely more energy demanding than “normal” gait.38 The present study was part of an ongoing project in which participants were recruited locally rather than being randomly selected from the whole population of people with PD. The way in which this method may have affected the results is not easily discerned; however, it likely limits the generalizability of the study. Moreover, we specifically included people with mild to moderate PD, and additional studies are needed to characterize PA and sedentary behaviors in people with more severe PD. The present study demonstrated that elderly people with mild to moderate PD displayed low levels of PA, in terms of both total volume and intensity. Much of their day was spent in sedentary behaviors, with small variations in PA over the course of a day and over different days of the week. Taken together, the results emphasize the need to develop strategies that will increase PA levels and August 2015 Physical Activity in Parkinson Disease reduce time spent in sedentary behaviors in this population. Dr Benka Wallén, Dr Franzén, and Dr Hagströmer provided concept/idea/research design. All authors provided writing. Dr Benka Wallén, Dr Franzén, and Mr Nero provided data collection. Dr Benka Wallén and Dr Hagströmer provided data analysis. Dr Franzén, Mr Nero, and Dr Hagströmer provided project management. Dr Franzén and Dr Hagströmer provided fund procurement, participants, and facilities/equipment. Dr Franzén provided institutional liaisons. Mr Nero provided administrative support and consultation (including review of manuscript before submission). The authors acknowledge PhD students David Conradsson and Niklas Löfgren for support with data collection. The Regional Board of Ethics in Stockholm, Sweden, granted approval for the study. The study was funded by the Swedish Research Council, StratNeuro Karolinska Institutet, Norrbacka-Eugenia Foundation, and the national doctoral school in health care sciences at Karolinska Institutet. DOI: 10.2522/ptj.20140374 References 1 Marsden CD. Parkinson’s disease. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 1994;57:672– 681. 2 Franzén E, Paquette C, Gurfinkel VS, et al. Reduced performance in balance, walking and turning tasks is associated with increased neck tone in Parkinson’s disease. Exp Neurol. 2009;219:430 – 438. 3 Lee IM, Shiroma EJ, Lobelo F, et al. Effect of physical inactivity on major noncommunicable diseases worldwide: an analysis of burden of disease and life expectancy. Lancet. 2012;380:219 –229. 4 Physical Activity Guidelines Advisory Committee. 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Adult participation in recommended levels of physical activity: United States, 2001 and 2003. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2005;54:1208 –1212. 37 van Nimwegen M, Speelman AD, Overeem S, et al. Promotion of physical activity and fitness in sedentary patients with Parkinson’s disease: randomised controlled trial. BMJ. 2013;346:f576. 38 Katzel LI, Ivey FM, Sorkin JD, et al. Impaired economy of gait and decreased six-minute walk distance in Parkinson’s disease. Parkinsons Dis. 2012;2012: 241754. Volume 95 Number 8 Physical Therapy f 1141 Research Report Toward Understanding Ambulatory Activity Decline in Parkinson Disease James T. Cavanaugh, Terry D. Ellis, Gammon M. Earhart, Matthew P. Ford, K. Bo Foreman, Leland E. Dibble J.T. Cavanaugh, PT, PhD, Department of Physical Therapy, University of New England, Portland, ME 04103 (USA). Address all correspondence to Dr Cavanaugh at: T.D. Ellis, PT, PhD, Department of Physical Therapy and Athletic Training, Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts. G.M. Earhart, PT, PhD, Program in Physical Therapy, School of Medicine, Washington University, St Louis, Missouri. M.P. Ford, PT, PhD, Department of Physical Therapy, Samford University, Birmingham, Alabama. K.B. Foreman, PT, PhD, Department of Physical Therapy, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah. L.E. Dibble, PT, PhD, Department of Physical Therapy, University of Utah. [Cavanaugh JT, Ellis TD, Earhart GM, et al. Toward understanding ambulatory activity decline in Parkinson disease. Phys Ther. 2015:95:1142–1150.] © 2015 American Physical Therapy Association Published Ahead of Print: April 9, 2015 Accepted: April 2, 2015 Submitted: November 4, 2014 Background. Declining ambulatory activity represents an important facet of disablement in Parkinson disease (PD). Objective. The primary study aim was to compare the 2-year trajectory of ambulatory activity decline with concurrently evolving facets of disability in a small cohort of people with PD. The secondary aim was to identify baseline variables associated with ambulatory activity at 1- and 2-year follow-up assessments. Design. This was a prospective, longitudinal cohort study. Methods. Seventeen people with PD (Hoehn and Yahr stages 1–3) were recruited from 2 outpatient settings. Ambulatory activity data were collected at baseline and at 1- and 2-year annual assessments. Motor, mood, balance, gait, upper extremity function, quality of life, self-efficacy, and levodopa equivalent daily dose data and data on activities of daily living also were collected. Results. Participants displayed significant 1- and 2-year declines in the amount and intensity of ambulatory activity concurrently with increasing levodopa equivalent daily dose. Worsening motor symptoms and slowing of gait were apparent only after 2 years. Concurrent changes in the remaining clinical variables were not observed. Baseline ambulatory activity and physical performance variables had the strongest relationships with 1- and 2-year mean daily steps. Limitations. The sample was small and homogeneous. Conclusions. Future research that combines ambulatory activity monitoring with a broader and more balanced array of measures would further illuminate the dynamic interactions among evolving facets of disablement and help determine the extent to which sustained patterns of recommended daily physical activity might slow the rate of disablement in PD. Post a Rapid Response to this article at: 1142 f Physical Therapy Volume 95 Number 8 August 2015 Ambulatory Activity Decline in Parkinson Disease T he natural course of idiopathic Parkinson disease (PD) is one of ongoing disablement.1,2 Despite pharmacological intervention, disablement in PD commonly evolves in a multifaceted, cumulative fashion as impairments in motor and nonmotor systems, limitations in functional mobility and activities of daily living (ADL), and restrictions in the ability to participate in recreation, travel, exercise, or other physical activities.3–5 Importantly, the rate of disablement in PD may not be uniform across its various underlying components. Motor impairments with minimal activity limitations or participation restrictions are generally characteristic of disease onset.6,7 Worsening of motor impairments and increased difficulty with walking tend to appear earlier than limitations in some gait-dependent ADL tasks, including housework, dressing, and traveling in the community.3,6 Postural instability and gait impairments often mark the transition from early- to middle-stage disease, before the onset of difficulty with cognitively based ADL (eg, managing medication or money, using the telephone) in advanced disease.3,6 Declining ambulatory activity in PD has recently emerged as a growing concern8 –11 because of its implications for health12–14 and its potential association with accelerating disability.7 Whether it precedes clinical impairments, evolves gradually throughout the early and middle stages of disease, or emerges more dramatically in concert with postural instability and gait impairment has not yet been determined. A better understanding of ambulatory activity decline in the context of other facets of disablement could inform clinical interventions designed to slow the rate of functional decline in PD.15 In a preliminary investigation,8 we began the process of examining August 2015 ambulatory activity decline over a 1-year period in 33 people with early- to middle-stage PD. Ambulatory activity was measured directly with a step activity monitor for up to 7 days at baseline and follow-up. In addition to levodopa dosage, clinical measures of motor impairments, walking endurance, and maximal gait speed were collected at each time point. After 1 year, the participants displayed significant declines in the amount and intensity of daily ambulatory activity; concurrent changes in clinical measures were not observed. The results provided insight into physical activity and exercise behavior and suggested that the participants had difficulty meeting recommended physical activity guidelines.13,16 The findings also revealed that the amount and intensity of ambulatory activity, which characterizes many behaviors in the participation domain of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF),2,17,18 may be relatively more useful than at least some clinical measures for detecting early disablement in PD. The purpose of the present study was to extend our preliminary examination of ambulatory activity decline in PD by adding a newly collected, second year of step activity data to the analysis. We also expanded our comparison of ambulatory activity decline with concurrently evolving facets of disablement by including a broader array of clinical measurement data from the baseline, 1-year, and 2-year assessments. The clinical measures collectively represented the body structure and function, activity, participation, and contextual factor domains of the ICF model (Figure). On the basis of our preliminary results,8 we hypothesized that measures reflecting the amount and intensity of daily ambulatory activity would be relatively more responsive to disablement than clinical measures. In a secondary exploratory analysis, we sought to provide a foundation for future research by identifying baseline variables that were relatively more likely to be associated with ambulatory activity at the 1- and 2-year assessments. Method Study Design and Sample Participants were selected from the sample of a previously described 2-year, prospective, longitudinal cohort study19 on the basis of the availability of annual ambulatory monitoring data. Participants were recruited from outpatient movement disorder clinics and local support groups at Boston University and the University of Utah. Inclusion criteria were as follows: a diagnosis of idiopathic PD according to the criteria of the Parkinson’s Disease Society Brain Bank (London, United Kingdom),20 modified Hoehn and Yahr stages 1 through 4, age ⱖ40 years, living in the community (not in an institution), and ability to attend assessment sessions and provide consent. Participants were excluded if they had a diagnosis of atypical parkinsonism, a classification of Hoehn and Yahr stage 5, or previous surgical management of their PD. All participants provided informed consent after initial screening. The present study was based on a subset of people who had PD, whose baseline and 1-year ambulatory activity data we had analyzed in our preliminary study (n⫽33),8 and for whom ambulatory activity data from the 2-year assessment also were available (n⫽17). Reasons for missing ambulatory activity data at the 2-year assessment (n⫽16) included the limited supply of monitors, the availability of a monitor on a particular day, a participant’s willingness to wear a monitor, and the presence of cognitive or integumentary impairments that might have interfered with the wearing protocol. Additional ambu- Volume 95 Number 8 Physical Therapy f 1143 Ambulatory Activity Decline in Parkinson Disease with lower scores indicating greater activity limitations. The reliability, internal consistency, and validity of the FGA total score were established in adults who were healthy and in patients with neurological disorders.28,29 The 10-Meter Walk Test (10MWT) was used to assess gait speed during the discrete task of walking a short distance over an uncluttered, flat indoor surface. The time to walk 10 m was recorded at a participant’s self-selected pace with a standardized protocol.23 Lower values indicate greater activity limitations. Gait speed is a reliable and valid indicator of gait function in people with PD.23,30 Figure. Study measures categorized according to International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health model domains. MDS-UPDRS⫽Movement Disorder Society– Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale, PDQ-39⫽39-item Parkinson’s Disease Questionnaire. latory activity monitoring details are given below. Measures Body structure and function domain. Section III of the Movement Disorder Society–Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale (MDSUPDRS) was used to assess motor function.21,22 Section scores can range from 0 to 132, with higher scores indicating greater impairments related to bradykinesia, tremor, rigidity, freezing, and postural control. The reliability of the MDS-UPDRS for people with PD was previously established.23 The Geriatric Depression Scale was used to assess self-reported depressive symptoms.24 Total scores can range from 0 to 30, with higher scores indicating greater mood impairments. The Geriatric Depression Scale was previously validated for people with PD.25 1144 f Physical Therapy Volume 95 Activity domain. Section II of the MDS-UPDRS was used to assess selfreported limitations in discrete ADL tasks. Section scores can range from 0 to 52, with higher scores indicating greater activity limitations. The Berg Balance Scale (BBS) was used to assess static and dynamic balance performance during a series of 14 discrete sitting or standing tasks.26 Total scores can range from 0 to 56, with lower scores indicating greater activity limitations. The validity and high test-retest reliability of the BBS total score were demonstrated across a variety of populations, including patients with PD.23,27 The Functional Gait Assessment (FGA) was used to assess dynamic balance performance during a series of 10 discrete walking tasks, each conducted over a short distance. Total scores can range from 0 to 30, Number 8 The Six-Minute Walk Test (6MWT) was used to assess sustained walking performance during the discrete task of walking a relatively long distance over an uncluttered, flat indoor surface, according to the protocol outlined by the American Thoracic Society.31 Scores are represented as distance walked in 6 minutes, with lower scores indicating greater activity limitations. The test-retest reliability of the 6MWT for people with PD is high.23 The Nine-Hole Peg Test (9HPT) was used to assess dominant upper extremity finger dexterity and movement time during the discrete task of placing into and removing from holes in a board 9 pegs as quickly as possible. Scoring is represented as the total time to complete the task, with higher scores indicating greater activity limitations. The 9HPT has high interrater reliability and good test-retest reliability in people with PD.32 Participation domain. Natural ambulatory activity was captured at each annual assessment with a StepWatch 3 Step Activity Monitor (SAM, Orthocare Innovations, Mountlake August 2015 Ambulatory Activity Decline in Parkinson Disease Terrace, Washington). The SAM is the size of a pager, weighs only 38 g, and attaches at the ankle with Velcro (Velcro USA Inc, Manchester, Hew Hampshire) closures. It was validated previously for use in populations with impaired gait.8,17,33,34 Participants received a SAM at each annual assessment and were instructed to wear it during customary activity, including exercise but excluding bathing, showering, or swimming, during waking hours for 7 consecutive days. Monitors were configured to record stride counts in 1-minute intervals. The ability to detect steps was optimized according to each participant’s height, typical walking speed (slow, normal, or fast), and leg motion (dynamic/fidgety, normal, or gentle/geriatric). Participants wore the SAM on the ankle of the leg with the least severe motor impairment, which was determined from scores on the lower extremity items of the MDS-UPDRS motor subsection. Oral and written instructions were provided regarding proper SAM placement and wearing schedule. Optimal accuracy was verified during the first minutes of recording by comparing monitor step counts, identified by a flashing indicator light, with visual observation. Participants returned the SAM to the researchers after 7 days. Consistent with our preliminary investigation,8 one investigator (J.T.C.) used SAM manufacturer software to transform recorded 1-minute stride counts into step counts (step count ⫽ stride count ⫻ 2) and to calculate mean daily values for the amount and intensity of ambulatory activity. Steps, defined as the total number of steps accumulated, were used as the sole indicator of daily activity amount. Moderate-intensity minutes, defined as the mean number of minutes per day in which greater than 100 steps were recorded,13 and maximum output, defined as the mean step rate (steps August 2015 per minute) during the 30 most active consecutive minutes of the day, were used to indicate daily activity intensity. Daily values were calculated for 24-hour intervals, including time spent sleeping or with the monitor off, from 12:00 am to 11:59 pm. Lower values for each parameter indicated greater participation restrictions. The 39-item Parkinson’s Disease Questionnaire is a health status instrument that is used to measure the degree of healthful, competent, and satisfying participation in daily life activities.35,36 Total scores can range from 0 to 100, with higher scores indicating greater participation restrictions. The reliability, validity, and sensitivity to change of the 39-item Parkinson’s Disease Questionnaire were established in people who had PD and dwelled in the community.36 Personal factors. The Self-Efficacy for Exercise Scale was used to capture participants’ confidence in their ability to continue exercising despite barriers to exercise.37 The SelfEfficacy for Exercise Scale score is represented by an average item score from 0 (“not confident”) to 10 (“very confident”), with lower values indicating lower self-efficacy. The reliability, validity, and internal consistency (Cronbach ␣⫽.92) of the Self-Efficacy for Exercise Scale have been established.37 Environmental factors. Drug name, dose, and frequency data were collected as ICF environmental factors at each assessment.2 The levodopa equivalent daily dose was calculated by use of an established protocol.38 Procedure All measures were administered at baseline and at 1- and 2-year annual assessments. Participants were tested in an on-dopamine- replacement-medication state that was scheduled 0.75 to 1.5 hours after they took their dopamine replacement medications. To ensure the consistency of clinical testing procedures at the sites, we provided research personnel with a standard operating procedure manual and an instructional video that described the protocol for administering and scoring each clinical test for people with PD. Before study participants were enrolled, each evaluator rated 2 video examples of participants undergoing testing on 2 occasions separated by 1 week. We subsequently verified the intrarater and interrater reliability of the measures, with intraclass correlation coefficients (1,4) ranging from .64 to .89 across measures. Data Analysis All data were analyzed with the IBM SPSS statistical software program, version 21.0 (IBM Corp, Armonk, New York). Point estimators of central tendency and dispersion as well as interval estimators were calculated for demographic, clinical, and ambulatory activity parameters to describe sample characteristics. Differences among baseline, 1-year, and 2-year assessment scores were evaluated by use of a 1-way repeatedmeasures analysis of variance. To accommodate any violations of the sphericity assumption, we relied on the more conservative GreenhouseGeisser F test. Degrees of freedom used for the corrected F test were not necessarily whole numbers. Post hoc pair-wise comparisons between time points were evaluated by use of the least significant difference method. P values of less than .05 were considered statistically significant. The cumulative magnitude of 1and 2-year changes relative to the baseline was quantified for each measure by use of the Cohen d for withinsubject designs.39 In a secondary analysis, we used Pearson productmoment correlations (r) to explore Volume 95 Number 8 Physical Therapy f 1145 Ambulatory Activity Decline in Parkinson Disease Table. Baseline, 1-Year, and 2-Year Values for Study Variables, Organized by ICF Domaina Domain Baseline Assessment Variable 1-Year Changeb 29.3 (21.7, 36.9) ⫺0.1 (0.01) 2-Year Assessment 36.8 (28.2, 45.4)c 2-Year Changeb BS and BF MDS-UPDRS section III GDS 6.1 (3.6, 8.6) 6.7 (4.4, 9.0) 0.6 (0.13) 7.5 (4.9, 10.0) 1.4 (0.29) Activity MDS-UPDRS section II 9.4 (6.4, 12.3) 9.7 (6.7, 12.7) 0.3 (0.05) 11.1 (7.7, 14.4) 1.7 (0.27) Berg Balance Scale 51.9 (48.6, 55.3) 50.7 (46.9, 54.5) FGA (n⫽16) 23.1 (20.3, 26.0) 21.9 (19.3, 24.6) ⫺1.2 (0.18) 10MWT, m/s (n⫽16) 1.31 (1.16, 1.47) 1.24 (1.09, 1.39) ⫺0.07 (0.21) 1.16 (1.04, 1.29)c ⫺0.15 (0.42) 6MWT, m (n⫽13) 508.9 (445.1, 572.8) 518.1 (439.6, 596.7) 9.2 (0.06) 533.7 (453.9, 613.5) 24.8 (0.20) 9-Hole Peg Test, s (n⫽16)d 26.3 (23.3, 29.3) 27.6 (23.1, 32.1) 1.3 (0.14) 27.1 (23.2, 31.0) 0.8 (0.11) Participation 29.4 (23.8, 35.0) 1-Year Assessment Daily steps 9,328 (7,503, 11,154) ⫺1.2 (0.16) 7,976 (6,678, 9,275)c c Moderate-intensity minutes 18.8 (10.3, 27.3) 11.5 (5.6, 17.5) Maximum output 62.0 (48.3, 75.7) 55.8 (44.1, 67.6)c PDQ-39 Environmental factors LEDD Personal factors SEE Scale 17.2 (11.4, 23.0) 270.6 (155.2, 386.0) 7.0 (6.3, 7.8) 15.5 (9.5, 21.5) 399.4 (229.1, 570.0)c 6.3 (5.4, 7.2) ⫺1,352 (0.38) ⫺7.3 (0.46) ⫺6.2 (0.23) ⫺1.7 (0.15) 128.8 (0.41) ⫺0.7 (0.42) ⫺0.5 (0.06) 51.5 (48.2, 54.8) ⫺1.6 (0.24) 21.5 (18.0, 25.0) 7,383 (5,936, 8,830)c,e 9.9 (3.2, 16.6) c,e 46.6 (35.5, 57.8)c,e 15.0 (10.2, 19.8) 521.4 (308.3, 735.0)c,e 6.3 (5.5, 7.0) 7.4 (0.41) ⫺1,945 (0.59) ⫺8.9 (0.56) ⫺15.3 (0.58) ⫺2.2 (0.21) 250.9 (0.64) ⫺0.8 (0.48) a All values are reported as means (95% confidence intervals) (n⫽17) unless otherwise indicated. Bold type denotes a statistically significant change (P⬍.05). ICF⫽International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health; BS and BF⫽body structure and function; MDS-UPDRS⫽Movement Disorder Society– Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale (sections II and III); GDS⫽Geriatric Depression Scale; FGA⫽Functional Gait Assessment; 10MWT⫽10-Meter Walk Test; 6MWT⫽Six-Minute Walk Test; PDQ-39⫽39-item Parkinson’s Disease Questionnaire; LEDD⫽levodopa equivalent daily dose; SEE⫽Self-Efficacy for Exercise. b Values represent cumulative changes relative to the baseline and are reported as the mean change (Cohen d [effect size]) for within-subject designs. c Significant change relative to the baseline. d Values are for the dominant arm. e Significant change relative to the 1-year assessment. the strength of relationships between baseline variables and mean daily steps at 1 year and between baseline variables and mean daily steps at 2 years (␣⫽.05). Role of the Funding Source This study was funded primarily by the Davis Phinney Foundation and the Parkinson Disease Foundation. Additional funding was provided by Boston University Building Interdisciplinary Research Careers in Women’s Health (K12 HD043444), the National Institutes of Health (R01NS077959), the Utah Chapter of the American Parkinson Disease Association (APDA), the Greater St Louis Chapter of the APDA, and the APDA Center for Advanced PD Research at Washington University. 1146 f Physical Therapy Volume 95 Results The sample comprised 12 men and 5 women with a baseline mean age of 65.6 years (SD⫽9.9) and a mean duration from diagnosis of 5.1 years (SD⫽4.6). For 15 participants at baseline, 14 participants at 1 year, and 12 participants at 2 years, the modified Hoehn and Yahr stage was less than 3. Participants generally adhered to wearing ambulatory activity monitors for an entire week (mean days of wear at baseline, 1 year, and 2 years were 6.8 [SD⫽0.5], 7.0 [SD⫽0.6], and 6.8 [SD⫽0.5], respectively). The amount and intensity of ambulatory activity declined significantly during the 2-year period (for mean daily steps: F1,81⫽7.3, P⫽.003; Number 8 for moderate-intensity minutes: F1,37⫽10.5, P⫽.002; for maximum output: F1,82⫽16.0, P⬍.001). Post hoc comparisons revealed significant declines (P⬍.05) between baseline and the 1-year assessment, between baseline and the 2-year assessment, and between the 1-year and 2-year assessments (Table). The effect sizes for changes in ambulatory activity variables ranged from 0.23 to 0.46 at 1 year and from 0.56 to 0.59 at 2 years (Table). For the statistically significant changes observed, the rates of change at 1-year and 2-year intervals for mean daily steps, moderateintensity minutes, maximum output, and levodopa equivalent daily dose were relatively higher than the rates of change for 10MWT and MDSUPDRS section III values. August 2015 Ambulatory Activity Decline in Parkinson Disease Several other significant changes occurred during the 2-year period (Table). Like ambulatory activity, therapeutic levodopa regimens evolved (F1,38⫽9.4), with significant increases in levodopa equivalent daily dose occurring between baseline and the 1-year assessment (P⫽.03), between baseline and the 2-year assessment (P⫽.004), and between the 1-year and 2-year assessments (P⫽.009). Motor impairment worsened (F1,89⫽6.2), but a significant increase in MDS-UPDRS section III scores relative to those at the baseline occurred only at the 2-year assessment (P⫽.003). Similarly, gait speed declined (F1,97⫽6.0), but a significant change relative to gait speed at the baseline occurred only after 2 years (P⫽.005). Effect sizes corresponding to statistically significant changes in clinical measures ranged from 0.41 to 0.64. None of the remaining clinical measures changed significantly at either the 1-year or the 2-year assessment (P⬎.05). Baseline values for all ambulatory activity and physical performance measures (mean daily steps, moderate-intensity minutes, maximum output, BBS, FGA, 10MWT, 6MWT, and 9HPT) were significantly associated with mean daily steps at the 1- and 2-year assessments (P⬍.05). For each of these relationships, the mean correlation coefficient was at least .6, with the highest mean correlation occurring for baseline mean daily steps (r⫽.76). Age was the only factor unrelated to physical performance to have a similar mean strength of association (r⫽.59). The remaining baseline factors all had weaker, nonsignificant relationships with 1- and 2-year mean daily steps (mean correlation coefficients of ⬍.5). Without exception, greater previous impairment, activity limitation, or participation restriction was associated with reduced future ambulatory activity. August 2015 Discussion In the present study, we analyzed ambulatory activity data and related factors collected annually over 2 years from a sample of people (n⫽17) whose baseline and 1-year data had been included in our preliminary work (n⫽33).8 Our 2-year results revealed a continued pattern of decline in the amount and intensity of ambulatory activity (Table). Specifically, the mean number of accumulated steps per day (ie, steps) and the mean step rate during the 30 most active consecutive minutes of the day (ie, maximum output) declined during the second year at rates similar to those observed during the first year. In contrast, the rate of decline in the mean number of minutes per day in which at least 100 steps were recorded (ie, moderateintensity minutes) was lower during the second year than during the first year. Nonetheless, consistent with the previous study,8 the collective cumulative 2-year decline in ambulatory activity appeared to outpace the worsening of all other impairments, activity limitations, and participation restrictions under study. The results suggested that natural ambulatory behavior may be a particularly robust indicator of decline, especially during the earliest stages of PD, when motor impairment remains relatively mild. However, whether the rate of the observed 2-year decline in ambulatory activity would have continued in a relatively linear fashion with further disease progression remains unclear. Moreover, given that participants were enrolled in the study at various, although relatively early, points in the disease process, the collective rate of ambulatory activity decline (Table) was more likely to have reflected sample characteristics rather than population characteristics. These caveats highlight the preliminary nature of the study and lay an important foundation for future research. The study findings may have been confounded by methodological differences between ambulatory monitoring and clinical assessment approaches. Ambulatory monitoring is relatively unobtrusive and allows people to interact naturally with their customary environment over an extended period of time. In contrast, clinical assessments are often conducted under optimal performance conditions, in which patients with PD are likely to have taken medications; walking surfaces are uncluttered, flat, and well lit; and few distractions are present. Clinical assessments may be more subject than ambulatory monitoring to patients’ awareness that they are being scrutinized, which may engender beliefs about researcher or clinician expectations and thereby lead to alterations in behavior.40 Taken together, these methodological differences are important considerations when rates of disablement across the domains of the ICF model are compared. Expanded Comparison With Clinical Measures The ICF model portrays decrements in human function and disability as the product of dynamic interactions among various health conditions and contextual factors.1 In the present study, we sought to expand our preliminary work8 by attempting to compare the individual trajectories of representative measures from each domain of the ICF model (Figure). Consistent with previous investigations,3–5,7 our results supported the idea that individual trajectories of worsening motor, mobility, and ADL function are not parallel; they appear instead to occur at different rates and at different points in the overall disease course. Volume 95 Number 8 Physical Therapy f 1147 Ambulatory Activity Decline in Parkinson Disease In our sample, the primary driver of disablement during the study period appeared to be the dynamic interactions of worsening motor function (ie, impairment), declining gait speed (ie, activity limitation), and diminishing ambulatory activity (ie, participation restriction). Disablement emerged despite relatively minimal disability at baseline and contextual factors that were likely to support optimal functioning (ie, sustained self-efficacy for exercise and increasing levodopa dosage [Table]). The results were consistent with a previous report of difficulty with walking as a relatively early symptom of impending disability.3 Baseline Variables Associated With Future Ambulatory Activity The prospect of progressive inactivity in PD is of great concern because of its implications for health8,12–17 and its potential association with accelerating disability.7 In this context, baseline variables that might predict future ambulatory activity are of interest to clinicians and researchers seeking to develop effective exercise and physical activity interventions. Although many of the variables that we studied showed predictive potential, it appeared that baseline ambulatory activity was most strongly associated with ambulatory activity at the 1- and 2-year assessments. This result appeared to be consistent with the popular maxim that past behavior often predicts future behavior, especially when the behavior is well learned and routinely performed in stable contexts.41 Moreover, this result was remarkable for its simplicity, especially given the potential for many factors to influence exercise and physical activity behavior in people with PD.42 Interestingly, self-efficacy, which we previously reported to be associated with current exercise behavior in PD,42 was only weakly associated 1148 f Physical Therapy Volume 95 with future ambulatory activity. In our view, this result did not necessary call into question the important role of self-efficacy in exercise behavior; rather, it highlighted the potential differences between factors affecting current and future exercise behaviors and between the more specific construct of exercise behavior and the broader construct of ambulatory activity in general.43 Clinical Implications A “secondary prevention” approach to health promotion, injury prevention, and rehabilitation intervention for people with PD is one designed to delay the onset of and to slow the rate of disablement.44 Our results suggested that people in relatively early disease stages, especially before the onset of measurable postural instability or overt gait disturbance, may benefit from interventions that specifically target public health recommendations for daily physical activity.12–14,16 Whether social, recreational, occupational, or related to exercise, recommended levels of routine physical activity provide the necessary substrate for sustaining long-term reductions in disability risk and optimal levels of health-related quality of life.45,46 Limitations and Future Directions The present study and our related, preliminary work8 were intended to contribute to a growing body of evidence suggesting that physical activity decline is an important feature of early disablement in PD.9 –11 However, the study clearly had limitations. First, our small, relatively homogeneous sample of people in relatively early disease stages limited the external validity of our findings. Second, the participants in the present study (n⫽17) may not have been fully representative of the original cohort (n⫽33). Although reasons for withdrawal were not collected, health conditions, cognitive impairment, or both may have limited at Number 8 least some participants’ ability to successfully wear an activity monitor at the 2-year assessment. As a result, the collective decline of the remaining participants during the second year was likely to have been a conservative estimate. Third, compared with other ICF domains, the ICF activity domain was highly represented by our measures. Finally, although ambulatory activity metrics have the potential to reveal much about ongoing and evolving ambulatory behavior, our sample was evaluated at only 2 time points separated by 1 year; therefore, our study was limited by low resolution. Future PD research that combines ambulatory activity monitoring with a broader and more balanced array of measures across ICF domains would help to further illuminate the dynamic interactions among evolving facets of disablement, either as they occur naturally or in response to intervention. In particular, measures that capture impairments in body structure or function, participation restrictions, or personal and environmental factors are needed. The inclusion of larger, more diverse samples of people with PD would help to more fully describe the problem of physical inactivity across disease stages. Ultimately, investigators should seek to determine the extent to which—and the physiological mechanisms for how—sustained patterns of recommended daily physical activity might slow the rate of disablement in PD. All authors provided concept/idea/research design. Dr Cavanaugh, Dr Ellis, and Dr Dibble provided writing. Dr Ellis, Dr Ford, Dr Foreman, and Dr Dibble provided data analysis. Dr Ellis, Dr Earhart, Dr Foreman, and Dr Dibble provided project management and fund procurement. Dr Ellis, Dr Foreman, and Dr Dibble provided participants and facilities/equipment. Dr Ellis, Dr Earhart, and Dr Foreman provided consultation (including review of manuscript before submission). The authors acknowledge the participants in August 2015 Ambulatory Activity Decline in Parkinson Disease this research as well as Tami DeAngelis, PT, GCS, for her assistance and persistence in educating participants, programming the monitors, and ensuring the return of the monitors. The institutional review board at each institution approved the study protocol. This study was funded primarily by the Davis Phinney Foundation and the Parkinson Disease Foundation. Additional funding was provided by Boston University Building Interdisciplinary Research Careers in Women’s Health (K12 HD043444), the National Institutes of Health (R01NS077959), the Utah Chapter of the American Parkinson Disease Association (APDA), the Greater St Louis Chapter of the APDA, and the APDA Center for Advanced PD Research at Washington University. DOI: 10.2522/ptj.20140498 References 1 Jette AM. Toward a common language for function, disability, and health. Phys Ther. 2006;86:726 –734. 2 International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health: ICF. Geneva, Switzerland: World Health Organization; 2001. 3 Shulman LM, Gruber-Baldini AL, Anderson KE, et al. The evolution of disability in Parkinson disease. Mov Disord. 2008;23:790 – 796. 4 Alves G, Wentzel-Larsen T, Aarsland D, Larsen JP. Progression of motor impairment and disability in Parkinson disease: a population-based study. Neurology. 2005; 65:1436 –1441. 5 Jankovic J, Kapadia AS. 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It is debatable whether adaptive riding (AR) in children with cerebral palsy (CP) improves postural control and gross motor development. Objective. The study aim was to explore the feasibility of an extensive assessment M. Angsupaisal, PT, MSc, Division of Developmental Neurology, Department of Paediatrics, University of Groningen, University Medical Center Groningen, Groningen, the Netherlands. B. Visser, PT, MPPT, Division of Developmental Neurology, Department of Paediatrics, University of Groningen, University Medical Center Groningen. A. Alkema, BSc, Division of Developmental Neurology, Department of Paediatrics, University of Groningen, University Medical Center Groningen. protocol for a randomized controlled trial of therapist-designed adaptive riding (TDAR) in children with CP, with the goals of assessing the effect on child outcomes and evaluating working mechanisms of sitting postural control. M. Meinsma-van der Tuin, MD, Rehabilitation Center Revalidatie Friesland, Beetsterzwaag, the Netherlands. Design. A pretest-posttest group design with 2 baseline measurements was used. C.G.B. Maathuis, MD, PhD, Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Center for Rehabilitation, University of Groningen, University Medical Center Groningen. Methods. Six children (1 girl, 5 boys; age range⫽6 –12 years, median age⫽8 years 9 months) with bilateral spastic CP (Gross Motor Function Classification System level III) participated. Outcomes were evaluated 3 times (T0, T1, and T2) at 6-week intervals. T0 and T1 were baseline measurements; between T1 and T2, a TDAR intervention including an integrated program of postural challenge exercises (2 times per week for 1 hour) was applied. The complex protocol included the 88-item Gross Motor Function Measure (GMFM-88) and electromyographic (EMG) recording of postural muscle activity during reaching while sitting (EMG recording at T1 and T2 only). Results. The protocol was feasible. Median GMFM-88 scores changed from 64.4 at T0 to 66.7 at T1 and from 66.7 at T1 to 73.2 at T2. The change scores for all children exceeded the minimal clinically important difference of the GMFM-88. Five of 6 children showed a decrease in stereotyped top-down recruitment between T1 and T2. Limitations. Study limitations included the lack of a control group, small sample size, and potential assessor bias for all but the EMG parameters. Conclusions. The feasibility of the complex protocol was established. The data suggested that a 6-week TDAR intervention may improve gross motor function and may reduce stereotyped postural adjustments in children with CP. The limited results warrant replication in a well-powered randomized controlled trial. H. Reinders-Messelink, PhD, Rehabilitation Center Revalidatie Friesland. M. Hadders-Algra, MD, PhD, Division of Developmental Neurology, Department of Paediatrics, University of Groningen, University Medical Center Groningen, Y3208, Hanzeplein 1, 9713 GZ Groningen, the Netherlands. Address all correspondence to Dr Hadders-Algra at: [Angsupaisal M, Visser B, Alkema A, et al. Therapist-designed adaptive riding in children with cerebral palsy: results of a feasibility study. Phys Ther. 2015;95: 1151–1162.] © 2015 American Physical Therapy Association Published Ahead of Print: April 23, 2015 Accepted: April 13, 2015 Submitted: April 4, 2014 Post a Rapid Response to this article at: August 2015 Volume 95 Number 8 Physical Therapy f 1151 Adaptive Riding in Children With Cerebral Palsy E quine-assisted activities and therapies are frequently used in children with cerebral palsy (CP).1,2 However, it is debatable whether equine-assisted activities and therapies are effective in reducing bodily impairments, such as spasticity and impaired posture and balance, and in lessening limitations in activities and limitations in participation in nonequine contexts.2,3 The limited evidence on effectiveness may be partially explained by the heterogeneity in the therapies applied. The heterogeneity is reflected in past and present terminology. In the past, therapies were labeled “hippotherapy,” “therapeutic riding,” or “horseback riding therapy.”1,2 However, these terms were confusing because the services delivered in the different approaches overlapped partially. The American Hippotherapy Association1 recently suggested standard terminology to describe the 2 basic forms of equineassisted activities and therapies: (1) hippotherapy, implying that a therapist (physical therapist, occupational therapist, or speech therapist) uses the movement or the environment of the horse (or both) to reach specific therapy goals, and (2) adaptive riding (AR), implying recreational horseback riding lessons adapted for people with disabilities.1 Hippotherapy sessions are one-to-one sessions of a therapist and a patient, whereas AR is provided to groups.1 A systematic review and meta-analyses of the 2 forms of equine-assisted activities and therapies revealed that hippotherapy has been better investigated than AR.3 Short-term hippotherapy was found to be associated with a significant reduction in asymmetrical activity of the hip adductor muscle.3,4 The meta-analyses3 indicated that neither hippotherapy nor AR was associated with a statistically significant improvement in gross motor function, as measured with the Gross Motor Function Measure 1152 f Physical Therapy Volume 95 (GMFM),5 or with an improvement in stride length. Equine-assisted activities and therapies are assumed to improve the postural control of children with CP and therewith to improve gross motor function and eventually function in daily life.1,2,4,6,7 Dysfunctional postural control is a major limitation in children with CP. The postural dysfunction directly influences daily activity performance, the extent depending on the degree of disability.8 In the organization of postural control, 2 functional levels can be distinguished. The first level consists of direction specificity, meaning that when the body sways forward, such as during reaching, primarily dorsal muscles are activated, whereas backward body sway results primarily in ventral muscle recruitment.9 The second level of control is involved with fine-tuning of the directionspecific adjustments in a particular situation, for instance, by changing the order of recruitment of the direction-specific muscles.10 Children with CP generally have direction-specific adjustments.8,10 However, children with CP virtually always show dysfunction at the second level of control. For instance, during reaching in the sitting position, they show stereotyped topdown recruitment instead of the variable recruitment of peers developing typically.10 Children developing typically exhibit a mixture of top-down, bottom-up, and more variable patterns of recruitment order.8,10 Recent literature indicates that therapy based on the principles of motor learning,11,12 including trial-and-error learning, is more effective in improving the motor abilities of children with CP than therapy that involves handling and assisting the child (hands-on therapy).13,14 Therefore, we opted to study the effect of an AR intervention supervised by a pediatric physical therapist. The therapist- Number 8 designed AR (TDAR) intervention involved minimal hands-on guidance and maximal self-practice of the child and included an integrated program of varied postural challenge exercises. The primary aim of this preliminary study was to explore the feasibility of an extensive assessment protocol for a randomized controlled trial (RCT) of the effect of TDAR in children with spastic CP, with the goals of assessing effectiveness across all levels of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health: Children and Youth Version—(ICF-CY)15 and evaluating working mechanisms underlying a potentially beneficial effect of TDAR. A pretest-posttest group design with 2 baseline measurements was used. The secondary aim of this preliminary study was to assess the effect of the intervention. The primary outcome parameter was gross motor function, measured with the 88-item Gross Motor Function Measure (GMFM-88),5 with dimension D (standing) and dimension E (walking, running, and jumping) serving as goal areas.5 We hypothesized that 6 weeks of TDAR would result in change scores in dimensions D and E that would exceed the minimal clinically important differences (MCIDs).16 Secondary outcome parameters were spasticity, function in daily life, quality of life, and selfesteem. An important tool for assessing one of the working mechanisms was the evaluation of postural control by means of surface electromyographic (EMG) recording during reaching while sitting.10,17 Available With This Article at • eAppendix: Classification of Activities and Assistance During Equine Movement August 2015 Adaptive Riding in Children With Cerebral Palsy Method Participants Six participants (5 boys, 1 girl; age range⫽6 –12 years, median age⫽8 years 9 months) were recruited through the outpatient clinic at Rehabilitation Center Revalidatie Friesland, Beetsterzwaag, in the northern part of the Netherlands. The pediatric physiatrist (M.M.) and pediatric physical therapist (B.V.) had prescribed TDAR with the aim of improving the children’s gross motor function. Children older than 8 years and all parents signed an informed consent form for participation; this form was approved by the Medical Ethical Committee of the University Medical Center Groningen. All participants met the following 4 inclusion criteria: diagnosis of spastic CP,18 Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS)19 level II or III, age of 6 to 12 years, and ability to cooperate and follow verbal instructions. Children were excluded if they had a predominantly dyskinetic movement disorder (because their postural problems might differ from those of children with spastic CP), severe behavioral problems, unstable epilepsy (ⱖ2 seizures per week), or a known allergy to or fear of horses or if they had received treatment with botulinum toxin during the preceding 6 months or orthopedic or neurologic surgery during the preceding year. All 6 participants were diagnosed with bilateral spastic CP (GMFCS level III). They needed walking aids and orthoses in daily life. Four children had no AR experience; the 2 oldest children had 6 to 8 months of AR experience (in the preceding year). All participants received their regular therapy at the same frequency throughout the baseline and intervention periods of the study. Design of the Study A pretest-posttest group design with 2 baseline measurements was used. August 2015 Figure 1. Schematic presentation of the study design, including the outcome measures. Moments of evaluation: T0⫽6 weeks before the start of the therapist-designed adaptive riding (AR) intervention, T1⫽start of the intervention, T2⫽end of the intervention. V1 and V2 represent the moments of video recording of the intervention during the second and eleventh sessions, respectively. In addition to the measurements shown, the child’s appreciation of each intervention session was assessed with a 5-point “smiley scale.” The therapist-designed AR program was delivered with minimal hands-on guidance and maximal self-practice (1-hour group class, twice weekly). GMFM-88⫽88-item Gross Motor Function Measure, EMG⫽surface electromyography, PEDI⫽Dutch version of the Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory. Outcomes were evaluated with an extensive assessment protocol 3 times (T0, T1, and T2) at 6-week intervals (Fig. 1). T0 and T1 were baseline measurements; between T1 and T2, a TDAR intervention (2 times per week for 1 hour) was applied. Two sessions were video recorded to improve understanding of the contents of the TDAR program. TDAR The TDAR intervention was conducted in the indoor arena of the Riding Center Onder de Linde, which collaborates with Rehabilitation Center Revalidatie Friesland. All children participated in the same 1-hour group class, which met twice weekly. It started at T1 and lasted until T2; that is, 12 TDAR sessions were provided over 6 weeks. Before the study began, the pediatric physical therapist (B.V.) discussed the individual goals and challenges of each child with the certified therapeutic riding instructor, and together they designed the contents of the TDAR intervention for each child and each session. Next, the riding instructor selected 6 trained horses, all of which fit the riding needs of each participant. Our TDAR intervention deliberately opts for varied experience with horses because variation in practice and across contexts is associated with better skill development.13,20 In addition, the instructor selected for each child a saddle pad, a helmet, an experienced horse handler, and a trained side walker (one or none). The therapeutic riding instructor directed the class with the 6 pairs of children and horses. The instructor herself was coached by the pediatric physical therapist (B.V.), who attended each riding class session. Coaching is one of the novel and promising strategies used in pediatric physical therapy and pediatric rehabilitation.21,22 The riding instructor coached and responded to the group of children as a whole. We opted for a group approach for 2 reasons. First, our program emphasizes the need for self-practice and Volume 95 Number 8 Physical Therapy f 1153 Adaptive Riding in Children With Cerebral Palsy minimization of hands-on guidance—also a strategy in line with novel approaches in pediatric physical therapy.13,20 Second, group practice fosters a child’s social skills and is, in general, associated with increased pleasure. The horse handler led the horse according to the instructor’s directions. The side walker walked alongside the horse, coached the child during riding, and ensured safety on the basis of the instructions from the riding instructor. To avoid a horse-specific effect on the children’s performance and to increase variation in experience, we rotated horse use: each week, each child used a different horse, so that at the end of the intervention, each child had been riding for 1 week on 1 of the 6 horses.13,20 The TDAR protocol included an integrated program of postural challenge exercises in various riding situations (eAppendix, available at ptjournal. The protocol also focused on riding skills, as mastery of riding skills is a major motivator for activity based on equine movement performance. The program became increasingly difficult during the course of 12 sessions, challenging the child’s postural control. Examples of exercises included raising the arms high up, giving a high five to a side walker, rewarding the horse by tapping the horse’s neck (involving forward leaning), or leaning backward to touch the back of the horse when the horse stood still. Five types of saddles were used: sheepskin, 2 different modifications of sheepskin, and 2 typical saddles (Western and English saddles) (eAppendix). The sheepskin modification saddles may be regarded as the “golden mean” between the sheepskin and the typical saddles because— on the one hand—they are less broad and less firm than a typical saddle and do not include stirrups, but— on the other hand—they are more preformed and more firm than a sheepskin saddle. 1154 f Physical Therapy Volume 95 The use of the saddles was varied across children, horses, and sessions.13,20 Note that backward leaning exercises could be performed only when a sheepskin saddle or a sheepskin modification saddle was used. To adapt the contents of the TDAR sessions to individual capacities, the therapeutic riding instructor recorded the children’s riding performances in activity logs. The pediatric physical therapist (B.V.) used the activity logs in her coaching of the riding instructor to adjust the contents of the next riding session for the children’s needs and challenges. which is a new approach for detecting meaningful change in clinical and research settings.16,26 Recently, the MCID of the total GMFM-88 was studied in children who were 2 to 7 years of age.26 In addition, the MCIDs of goal dimensions D and E were established in children and adolescents who were 4 to 18 years of age.16 For children functioning at GMFCS level III, the minimum change scores needed for MCIDs of medium (0.5) and large (0.8) effect sizes for dimension D were 1.5 and 2.4, respectively; those for dimension E were 1.8 and 3.0, respectively.16 Outcome Measures We used an extensive assessment protocol. The same assessment battery was used at each evaluation, with 1 exception: At T0, no EMG recordings were obtained. Electromyographic recordings and GMFM-88 and Tardieu Scale assessments for each child were completed within 1 day at Rehabilitation Center Revalidatie Friesland. All children were tested within 1 week, with T1 occurring in the week before the start of the TDAR intervention and T2 occurring in the week after the last TDAR session. The parents completed questionnaires within 3 days after the assessment date. The complex assessment protocol was administered by experienced pediatric physical therapists (B.V. and M.A.), who were not masked with regard to assessment time (T0, T1, or T2). The spasticity of the hip adductor, hamstring, gastrocnemius, and biceps brachii muscles was measured with the modified Tardieu Scale.27 This scale27 takes into account the velocity dependence of spasticity for describing the quality of muscle reaction from grades 0 to 4 and defines the moment of the “catch,” seen in the passive range of motion at a particular joint angle at a fast passive stretch. The difference between the 2 angles (R2 [passive range of motion following slow velocity stretch] R1 [angle of catch following fast velocity stretch] range) represents the level of dynamic restriction in the joint.27 The reliability and validity of the scale are sufficient.28 The GMFM-88 was the primary outcome measure; dimension D (standing) and dimension E (walking, running, and jumping) were the goal areas, as the participants were school-aged children who were able to walk with walking aids.5 The reliability, validity, and responsiveness of GMFM scores in children with CP are highly acceptable.5,23–26 It is important to understand the MCID, Number 8 The Dutch version of the Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory (PEDI)29 was used to measure function in daily life. The PEDI assesses function in 3 domains: self-care, mobility, and social function. The interrater and intrarater reliabilities of the PEDI are good (intraclass correlation coefficients⫽.95–.99).30 The PEDI has been validated as a responsive tool, allowing the detection of change over a 6-month period in children with CP.31 In addition, MCIDs for the PEDI mobility domain were recently established by Ko.26 August 2015 Adaptive Riding in Children With Cerebral Palsy The range of MCIDs (0.3 SD, 0.5 SD, and 0.8 SD at baseline) for the PEDI mobility domain for children functioning at GMFCS level III ranged from 2.61 to 6.96.26 The parents completed 3 questionnaires: the Behavioral Rating Scale of Presented Self-Esteem,32 the generic KIDSCREEN-52,33 and the CP module of the disease-specific DISABKIDS.34 We included these questionnaires on the basis of anecdotal reports of parents stating that their child’s self-esteem and overall pleasure in life improved during TDAR. The Behavioral Rating Scale of Presented Self-Esteem has 15 items assessing children’s behavioral manifestations of self-esteem (eg, self-confidence, independence, and initiative) and children’s socialemotional expression. Items are rated on a 4-point Likert scale. The scale has good validity and internal consistency.32 The KIDSCREEN-5233 and the DISABKIDS34 are tools for measuring health-related quality of life (eg, independence, physical limitations and well-being, self-perception, and peer and social support). Both tools are suitable for a large age range and have acceptable test-retest reliability, internal consistency, and validity; the tested domains cover a substantial part of the ICF-CY domains.33–35 Data on the sensitivity to change, including MCIDs, of the 3 questionnaires are lacking. The children’s appreciation of TDAR was evaluated with a 5-point “smiley scale” after each session. Assessment of Postural Control Procedures. At T1 and T2, postural control during sitting while reaching was measured with surface EMG. The children sat on a table without back or foot support. The children reached with their dominant arm to a small toy presented in the midline at arm-length distance. Muscle activity was recorded continuously with bipolar surface elecAugust 2015 trodes (interelectrode distance: 14 mm). Electrodes were applied to the reaching side of the body on 5 postural muscles (sternocleidomastoid, neck extensor, rectus abdominis, thoracic extensor, and lumbar extensor) and 4 arm muscles (deltoid, pectoralis major, biceps, and triceps brachii). The sessions were recorded in frontal-lateral and lateral views by 2 video cameras. The EMG signal was recorded at a sampling rate of 500 Hz with the Portilab software program (Twente Medical Systems International, Enschede, the Netherlands).17 EMG analysis. Electromyographic analysis was performed by a medical master’s degree student (A.A.) who had not been involved in data collection and who was masked for the timing of the assessment (before or after intervention). The analysis was carried out with the PedEMG program (Division of Developmental Neurology, Department of Paediatrics, University Medical Center Groningen, Groningen, the Netherlands).17 The author who performed the EMG analysis was trained to use PedEMG, which allows for a synchronous analysis of EMG and video data. In brief, the PedEMG program integrates video analysis and EMG analysis to allow for continuous monitoring of the results. The program uses the dynamic threshold statistical algorithm of Staude and Wolf36 to determine onsets of phasic EMG activity. Before onsets were determined, the signal was filtered for 50-Hz noise with a fifth-order Chebyshev stop-band filter. Signal artifacts and cardiac activity were identified when appropriate. Clear signal artifacts were identified manually. Cardiac activity (QRS complexes) was identified by use of a pattern recognition algorithm based on a linear derivative approximation of the signal with a combination of the repeating pattern and specific shapes of the QRS complexes.17 The activity of the postural muscles was considered to be related to the arm movement if increased muscle activity was found within a time window consisting of 100 milliseconds before activation of the “prime mover,” that is, the arm muscle that was activated first, and the duration (the first 1,000 milliseconds) of the reaching movement. For each postural evaluation session, 2 parameters were calculated. The first parameter was the percentage of direction-specific trials at the neck or trunk level (or both); direction specificity meant that the “directionspecific” (ie, dorsal) muscle was recruited before the antagonistic ventral muscle or without antagonistic activation. The second parameter was the order of recruitment of the direction-specific muscles in the direction-specific trials, resulting in the percentage of trials with topdown, bottom-up, simultaneous, or mixed order of recruitment. Recruitment order could be determined only when at least 2 directionspecific muscles showed significant phasic activity. We also determined the preferred recruitment order, defined as the order that was used most frequently.17 Video Recording of TDAR Sessions The second and eleventh sessions (V1 and V2, respectively; Fig. 1) were video recorded by 6 master’s degree students, each filming one child-horse pair. The TDAR contents were analyzed with The Observer (version XT 9.0, Noldus, Wageningen, the Netherlands), which was designed for behavioral observation (see Dirks et al22). The Observer allows for the quantification of behavioral data in terms of duration, frequency, and serial order of defined actions. Using theory and practice, we designed a protocol for evaluating the TDAR sessions (eAppendix). Next, the observation protocol was translated into a coding Volume 95 Number 8 Physical Therapy f 1155 Adaptive Riding in Children With Cerebral Palsy Table 1. Frequencies of Posture and Balance Challenges During TDAR Sessionsa V1 Median (Range) V2 Median (Range) P (Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test) Arm challenges 5.5 (3–8) 14 (6–19) .027 Body sway challenges 3.5 (1–5) TDAR Component 9 (4–11) .042 Horse challenges 0 (0–2) 12 (12–13) .026 Total challenges 9 (4–13) 35 (23–42) .027 a The quantitative data were from video analysis of therapist-designed adaptive riding (TDAR) sessions at the beginning (V1) and at the end (V2) of the program. Data represent the number of challenges performed; P values represent the differences between V1 and V2 (Wilcoxon signed rank test). In arm challenges, posture and balance were challenged by exercises such as “raise your arms high up in the air” and “fly like an airplane”; in body sway challenges, posture and balance were challenged by exercises such as lying prone or leaning backward on the horse; in horse challenges, posture and balance were challenged by, for instance, a change from walking to trotting. scheme for The Observer. In this step, we focused on the frequency of specific TDAR components that challenged postural control. The observer (A.A.) was trained in the application of The Observer and the protocol. During video analysis, she was unaware of the timing of the video (V1 or V2). The interrater reliability of the assessment of postural challenges, performed by 2 authors (A.A. and B.V.), was good (ICC [2,1]⫽.96, range⫽.86 –.98). Data Analysis Data analysis started with a graphic presentation of the developmental trajectories of the individual participants. Next, we applied the Wilcoxon signed rank test (IBM SPSS version 20, IBM Corp, Armonk, New York) to analyze changes over time in the group data for GMFM-88 and all of the other outcome parameters. Probability values of less than .05 were considered statistically significant. Probability values were not adjusted for multiple comparisons because of the preliminary nature of the study. Role of the Funding Source The Stichting Beatrixoord NoordNederland and Stichting GroningenAlmelo funded the study. Results All participants completed the 12 sessions of TDAR and all assess1156 f Physical Therapy Volume 95 ments. No adverse effect of the intervention was reported. Moreover, the smiley scales revealed that all children rated the TDAR sessions as 5, that is, as very pleasant. About 70% of the riding time was spent on riding a walking horse. The time spent on exercises challenging postural control increased from 3.3% at V1 to 14.5% at V2 (Wilcoxon signed rank test, P⫽.046; for details on the number of challenges, see Tab. 1). At V1, 4 children were accompanied by a side walker, but the 2 oldest children (11 and 12 years of age), who were also the 2 children with past AR experience, were not. At V2, only 2 children (6 and 7 years of age) needed a side walker. For 5 children, the side walkers did not touch the children; for 1 child, the side walker occasionally supported the child at the level of the hips. The therapeutic riding instructor, the pediatric physical therapist (B.V.), and the horse handlers were present at all 12 sessions. Figure 2 shows the changes in the total scores and the scores on dimensions D and E of the GMFM-88 for the group and for the individual participants. During the baseline period (between T0 and T1), the total GMFM-88 scores for 2 children (participants 2 and 3) increased considerably, whereas those for the others did not; during the intervention (between T1 and T2), the scores for Number 8 all 6 children increased. A more or less similar picture was present for GMFM-88 dimensions D and E: during the baseline period, 3 children improved, and during TDAR, all 6 obtained better scores. During the baseline period, the scores of 2 children exceeded in dimension D the MCID of a large effect size (2.4), whereas in none of the children did the changes in dimension E exceed the threshold of the MCID of a large effect size (3.0) (Tab. 2). In contrast, during the intervention, the changes in dimensions D and E largely exceeded in all children the MCIDs of a large effect size in children functioning at GMFCS level III (Tab. 2). Group analyses indicated that the total GMFM-88 scores did not change significantly between T0 and T1, but they did change significantly between T1 and T2 (Fig. 2). None of the secondary outcome measures showed statistically significant changes over time (Tab. 2). The EMG analysis revealed that 75% of reaches during both measurements (median value, range⫽27%– 100%) were accompanied by direction-specific activity in the neck and trunk muscles. The frequency of topdown recruitment of the directionspecific muscles decreased in 5 of 6 children between T1 and T2 (Figs. 3 and 4). The child (participant 2) who did not show a decrease in top-down recruitment was the only child who, during the EMG assessments, was characterized as showing inattentive and fidgeting behavior. Group analyses indicated that top-down recruitment decreased from 41% to 16% (Wilcoxon signed rank test, P⫽.17). Discussion This preliminary study indicated that it is feasible to conduct a TDAR intervention study with a complex assessment protocol in children with spastic CP. The results suggested that a TDAR intervention of 6 weeks, with an intensity of 1 hour, twice per August 2015 Adaptive Riding in Children With Cerebral Palsy Figure 2. Development of 88-item Gross Motor Function Measure (GMFM-88) scores. (A) Box plots of total GMFM-88 scores for the group data 6 weeks before the start of the therapist-designed adaptive riding (AR) intervention (T0), at the start of the intervention (T1), and at the end of the intervention (T2). Horizontal lines indicate median values, boxes indicate interquartile ranges, and vertical lines indicate the full range. Wilcoxon signed rank test: P⫽.075 for T1 versus T0 and P⫽.028* for T2 versus T1 (asterisk represents significant difference). (B–D) Individual developmental trajectories of the percentage scores for the total GMFM-88 (B) and the goal areas (GMFM-88 dimension D [standing] [C] and GMFM-88 dimension E [walking, running, and jumping] [D]) during the baseline (T0 to T1) and during the therapist-designed AR intervention (T1 to T2). Participants 4 and 5 had previous AR intervention experience; the other children did not. For clarity, the GMFM-88 scales (y-axes) in panels C and D differ from those in panels A and B. week, was associated with a significant improvement in GMFM-88 scores. All children were enthusiastic about TDAR. In addition, the assessment protocol was feasible, notwithstandAugust 2015 ing its complexity. We hypothesized that TDAR would affect, in particular, gross motor function, especially dimensions D and E of the GMFM88 —and that was the case. However, we also wanted to know whether TDAR would affect the ICF-CY domain participation (PEDI), the children’s personal factor selfesteem, the overall measure quality of life, and the underlying working mechanisms (postural control and spasticity). The limited data of the feasibility study (Tab. 2) suggest that Volume 95 Number 8 Physical Therapy f 1157 Adaptive Riding in Children With Cerebral Palsy Table 2. Group Comparisons of Outcome Measures at Each Assessmenta Median Change Scorec From T0 to T1 From T1 to T2 T0b T1b T2b Total score 64.40 (46.96–75.00) 66.66 (51.10–76.78) 73.18 (65.69–82.65) 1.71 7.06 NA Dimension D 37.18 (25.64–61.54) 47.44 (25.64–66.67) 55.13 (38.46–76.92) 2.56 10.25 2.4 Dimension E 15.28 (11.11–37.50) 16.67 (11.11–38.89) 21.53 (18.06–45.83) 0.69 6.25 3.0 0 0 NA Outcome Measure MCID GMFM-88d Level of the ICF-CY A PEDI A/P Self-care Mobility 58 (33–69) 58.5 (33–69) 60 (33–69) A/P 40 (28–52) 40.5 (28–53) 41.5 (30–53) 0 1 6.96 A 54.5 (36–66) 55 (36–66) 55 (38–66) 0 0 NA P 50.5 (38–57) 49 (40–57) 51 (39–57) ⫺0.5 1 NA Pe DISABKIDS 22.5 (18–26) 23.5 (18–27) 28 (26–32) 0.5 6 NA QoL KIDSCREEN-52 45.5 (41–50) 46 (43–48) 41 (37–44) 0.5 ⫺5.5 NA QoL NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Social function Parent questionnaires QoL Self-esteem e Modified Tardieu Scale BS/F Hip adductor muscle Spasticity grade R2⫺R1 (range) 2 18.25 (5–35) 2 19.75 (11–50) 2 20 (8.5–35) Hamstring muscle Spasticity grade 2 R2⫺R1 (range) 37 (11–67) 2 40 (7–66) 2 35.5 (19–76) Gastrocnemius muscle Spasticity grade 2 2 2 R2⫺R1 (range) ⫺9 (⫺22 to 16) ⫺9 (⫺19 to 0) ⫺2 (⫺24 to 7) Biceps brachii muscle Spasticity grade 0 (n⫽2), 1 (n⫽1), 2 (n⫽3) 0 (n⫽2), 1 (n⫽1), 2 (n⫽3) 0 (n⫽3), 1 (n⫽1), 2 (n⫽2) R2⫺R1 (range) 3 (0–93) 0 (0–91) 6 (0–90) a T0⫽6 weeks before the start of the therapist-designed adaptive riding (TDAR) intervention; T1⫽start of the TDAR intervention; T2⫽end of the TDAR intervention; MCID⫽minimal clinically important difference of a large effect size for Gross Motor Function Classification System level III18; ICFCY⫽International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health: Children and Youth Version; GMFM-88⫽88-item Gross Motor Function Measure; A⫽activity; NA⫽not available; PEDI⫽Dutch version of the Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory; A/P⫽activities and participation; P⫽participation; QoL⫽quality of life; Self-Esteem⫽Behavioral Rating Scale of Presented Self-Esteem; Pe⫽personal factors; DISABKIDS⫽cerebral palsy module of disease-specific DISABKIDS (higher scores denote a poorer outcome); KIDSCREEN-52⫽generic KIDSCREEN-52; BS/F⫽body structure and function. b Values are reported as median (range) (minimum–maximum) for the 6 participants unless otherwise indicated. c Bold values exceeded the MCIDs. d The goal areas of the GMFM-88 were dimension D (standing) and dimension E (walking, running, and jumping). e In the modified Tardieu Scale, a 5-point rating scale (grades) was used to describe the quality of the muscle reaction. A grade of 0 indicated no resistance throughout the course of the passive movement; a grade of 1 indicated slight resistance throughout the course of the passive movement (no clear “catch” at a precise angle); a grade of 2 indicated a clear catch at a precise angle, interrupting the passive movement, followed by release; a grade of 3 indicated fatigable clonus (⬍10 seconds when maintaining the pressure and appearing at a precise angle); and a grade of 4 indicated infatigable clonus (⬎10 seconds when maintaining the pressure at a precise angle). Spasticity grades were obtained for 6 participants unless otherwise indicated. In addition, 2 angles (R1 and R2) were determined: R1 was the angle of catch after a high-velocity stretch, and R2 was the passive range of motion after a low-velocity stretch. The difference between the 2 angles (R2⫺R1) represented the level of dynamic contracture in the joint. Negative values indicated plantar flexion at the ankle joint. 1158 f Physical Therapy Volume 95 Number 8 August 2015 Adaptive Riding in Children With Cerebral Palsy Figure 3. Examples of electromyographic (EMG) recordings of postural muscle activity during reaching while sitting. (A) Trial for participant 1 before the therapist-designed adaptive riding (TDAR) intervention. (B) Trial for participant 1 at the end of the TDAR intervention. The vertical dashed lines represent the presence of the reaching movement; the left line represents the moment at which the video indicated the start of the reaching movement, and the right line represents the end of the reaching movement, as observed in a video. The short, bold vertical lines denote the onset of significant EMG bursts, as defined by the computer algorithm. The biceps brachii muscle was the prime mover in both trials; that is, it was the arm muscle initiating the reaching movement. The vertical dotted line indicates the onset of the reaching movement by the prime mover. Both trials showed direction specificity at the neck and trunk levels. In both trials, the neck extensor muscle was activated before the neck flexor muscle. At the trunk level, direction specificity was expressed in 2 different ways: In panel A, thoracic extensor and lumbar extensor muscles were activated but the rectus abdominis muscle was not recruited; in panel B, the thoracic and lumbar extensor muscles were recruited before the rectus abdominis muscle. Panel A illustrates top-down recruitment, during which the neck extensor muscle was recruited before the thoracic and lumbar extensor muscles. Panel B illustrates a mixed order of recruitment of the dorsal muscles. a large RCT study would be needed to determine if there are any changes in the participation measures. The assessment of postural control seems to be a promising way to improve insight into the mechanisms underlying changes in gross motor function. Ideally, postural control also should be assessed during an intervention; future studies may embark on this endeavor. Muscle tone is considered to be another potential mechanism underlying changes in motor performance in children with CP.37 The Tardieu Scale is the best clinical tool available, but it is not a perfect tool.28 To assess muscle tone more reliably, future studies should include the August 2015 evaluation of muscle tone by EMG recordings, similar to the evaluation in the study of McGibbon et al,4 who reported a significant improvement in hip adductor symmetry after hippotherapy. Our secondary aim was to assess the effect of TDAR. Therapist-designed AR was associated with improvements in GMFM-88 dimensions D and E that exceeded the MCIDs. The latter finding suggested that the changes were clinically meaningful.16 The data indicated that some children showed larger changes than others, both during the baseline and during the intervention. The children with the largest changes (participants 2 and 3) were relatively young (6 –7 years of age) and, therefore, had the largest potential to improve GMFM-88 scores. Our secondary outcome measures assessed functions at other levels of the ICFCY; the data did not suggest an effect of TDAR. These data correspond to the findings of Davis et al,38 who studied the effect of AR (once per week) in a relatively large RCT. Three factors may explain the absence of an effect of TDAR on our secondary outcomes: the small group size, the short duration of the TDAR intervention, and insufficient sensitivity of the tools used to evaluate the effect of TDAR (eg, the parent questionnaires on quality of life).33–35 A significant improvement in GMFM-88 scores in a small study group needs to be interpreted with caution. It may be a chance finding, as the review of Tseng et al3 indicated that equine-assisted activities and therapies were not associated with significant improvements in GMFM scores. However, the review did indicate that hippotherapy may be associated with improved postural control; a similar effect of AR (without an integrated program of postural exercises) was less clear. Interestingly, in studies (2 on hippotherapy7,39 and 2 on AR40,41) in which the intervention was applied twice per week—as in the present study—a significant improvement in GMFM scores was reported. These data suggested that the intensity of therapy may be a significant factor in determining outcome, similar to what has been reported for other types of physical therapy in children with CP.42 Three other elements that may have contributed to the improvement in GMFM-88 scores were the hands-off approach, favoring self-practice; the variation in experience resulting from the use of 6 different horses per child; and the use of an integrated program of varied postural challenge exercises in Volume 95 Number 8 Physical Therapy f 1159 Adaptive Riding in Children With Cerebral Palsy Figure 4. Changes in top-down recruitment order from T1 (before the intervention) to T2 (after the intervention). (A) Box plots of the group data for the various types of recruitment order at T1 (white boxes) and T2 (gray boxes). The horizontal bars indicate the median values, the boxes indicate the interquartile ranges, the vertical lines indicate the full range, and the circle is an outlier. In group analyses of the effect of the therapist-designed adaptive riding intervention on top-down recruitment order, the P value was .173 (Wilcoxon signed rank test). (B) Individual data on frequency of top-down recruitment order at T1 (white bars) and T2 (black bars). The frequency in participant 5 at T2 was 0%. our TDAR program. The postural EMG data suggested that the improvement in GMFM-88 scores during TDAR may have been associated with an improved fine-tuning of postural activity because, after the intervention, the recruitment order closely resembled the typical pattern of varied recruitment order. The video recordings of TDAR showed that at the end of the intervention, fewer children were accompanied by a side walker; this result may suggest that their riding skills improved and that they were able to perform more challenging postural exercises. The latter observation supports the suggestion that postural control improved with increasing intervention time. The limitations of the present study are related to its design as a feasibility study with a small sample of children who had CP and functioned at GMFCS level III—a design that did not allow for generalization to all children with CP. In addition, the use of only one postintervention 1160 f Physical Therapy Volume 95 assessment precluded conclusions about long-term effects. Another limitation was that the assessors were not masked with regard to the intervention; this limitation posed the risk of detection bias.43 The exception to this rule was the masked assessor of the EMG data; she did not know whether the EMG recordings that she analyzed were obtained before or after the intervention. We suggest that future studies of TDAR use an RCT design to compare the outcome of an intervention and the outcome for nonriding controls with similar assessment tools, such as a battery evaluating outcome across the levels of the ICF-CY,15,20 and—if possible—an assessment of working mechanisms. Relatively large numbers of participants are needed because CP is characterized by heterogeneity.18 We recommend block randomization for the severity of CP (GMFCS levels I–III versus GMFCS levels IV and V). In addition, we suggest that TDAR last for 3 months (1 hour, 2 times per week) Number 8 and that evaluation (carried out by masked assessors) include follow-up at least 3 months after the intervention. We encourage practitioners to describe their intervention protocols and to evaluate the protocols with video analysis to determine which aspects of the intervention are beneficial and have an impact on a child’s life.20 The present study suggests that it is feasible to perform an RCT of TDAR with our complex protocol. The data from this feasibility study suggest that TDAR may enhance gross motor function and postural adjustments in children who have CP and function at GMFCS level III. Mrs Angsupaisal, Dr Maathuis, Dr ReindersMesselink, and Dr Hadders-Algra provided concept/idea/research design. Mrs Angsupaisal, Mrs Visser, Dr Reinders-Messelink, and Dr Hadders-Algra provided writing and project management. Mrs Angsupaisal and Mrs Visser provided data collection. Mrs Angsupaisal, Mrs Visser, Ms Alkema, and Dr Hadders-Algra provided data analysis. Dr Hadders-Algra and Dr Reinders-Messelink August 2015 Adaptive Riding in Children With Cerebral Palsy provided fund procurement. Dr Meinsmavan der Tuin provided participants and facilities/equipment. Dr Meinsma-van der Tuin and Dr Hadders-Algra provided institutional liaisons. Mrs Angsupaisal provided administrative support. Mrs Angsupaisal, Dr Meinsma-van der Tuin, and Dr Maathuis provided consultation (including review of manuscript before submission). 7 Kwon JY, Chang HJ, Lee JY, et al. Effects of hippotherapy on gait parameters in children with bilateral spastic cerebral palsy. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2011;92:774 – 779. The authors acknowledge the skillful collaboration of the team at the Riding Center Onder de Linde; the support of Tineke Dirks, PT, in the development of the video protocol for the classification of activities and assistance during equine movement; the assistance of the students who filmed the therapist-assisted adaptive riding sessions; and the encouragement and support of Stichting ZorgPKs, Federatie Paardrijden Gehandicapten, and the parent organization, BOSK. 9 Forssberg H, Hirschfeld H. Postural adjustments in sitting humans following external perturbations: muscle activity and kinematics. Exp Brain Res. 1994;97:515– 527. This study was approved by the Medical Ethical Committee of the University Medical Center Groningen. The Stichting Beatrixoord Noord-Nederland and Stichting Groningen-Almelo funded the study. DOI: 10.2522/ptj.20140146 References 1 American Hippotherapy Association Inc. Hippotherapy vs therapeutic riding. Available at: downloads/american.pdf. 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For each specific action, one or more examples of concrete TDAR intervention actions are provided (third level of observation). A. Involvement and educational actions The extent to which people are involved in the TDAR intervention for the child and the extent of guidance, interference, coaching, or training by the instructor and volunteers during the TDAR intervention session A.1 People involved in the guidance of the child People involved in the TDAR intervention session 1. The child is leading the horse and does not receive assistance from a side walker; the instructor and the horse handler are present 2. One side walker is coaching the child; the instructor and the horse handler are present 3. Two side walkers are coaching the child; the instructor is present A.2 Educational actions A.2.1 The type of interference by the instructor with the child’s activities 1. 2. 3. 4. The The The The child receives no instructions instructor asks the child to stop in order to provide the child with additional instructions, hands-off instructor asks the child to stop in order to provide the child with additional instructions, hands-on instructor challenges the child to give verbal commands to the horse (eg, “ho,” “step,” “trot”) A.2.2 The type of guidance given to the horse handler and side walker(s) by the instructor 1. The instructor demonstrates and explains how global tasks can be monitored; for example, the instructor tells the horse handler, the side walker(s), or both (or all) to increase the pace of the horse 2. The instructor demonstrates and explains the importance of an erect and symmetrical body posture 3. The instructor demonstrates and explains the principles of variation and challenging motor behavior and postural abilities B. Situation The instructor creates various situations during the TDAR session to challenge the child’s motor and cognitive abilities B.1 Type of situation 1. 2. 3. 4. Mounting Walking Trotting Standing still, that is, halting the horse (Continued) August 2015 (eAppendix, Angsupaisal et al) Volume 95 Number 8 Physical Therapy f 1 Adaptive Riding in Children With Cerebral Palsy eAppendix. Continued B.2 Exercise during walking 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Down the center line Stop at a specific sign (letter, number) Change from walk to trot Change from trot to walk Circle Turn Serpentine Follow arena track Change rein Across long diagonal Figure-of-eight B.3 Exercise on the horse while standing still or walking 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Sit relaxed with arms hanging down alongside the body Lift right hand up Lift left hand up Reward the horse by tapping the horse Give someone a high five Put both hands in the air like an airplane— both hands high up in the air Cross both arms Do swimming movements: breaststroke Do swimming movements: crawl Do swimming movements: backstroke Lie prone on the horse Lean backward on the horse Commands about the use of reins, for example, “Get your reins” B.4 Performance of exercise Indicate for each of the above-mentioned exercises how the exercise is performed 1. Child performs action adequately or performs action with great effort (regardless of result) 2. Child shows moderate performance and shows limited signs of effort 3. Child does not perform the task C. Postural support All actions in which the child is given opportunities to explore his or her postural capacities (Continued) 2 f Physical Therapy Volume 95 Number 8 August 2015 (eAppendix, Angsupaisal et al) Adaptive Riding in Children With Cerebral Palsy eAppendix. Continued C.1 No postural support The child tries out his or her own postural capacities. Examples of concrete actions: • One side walker walks beside the horse for safety reasons (hands-off), and the child leads the horse; the child may hold onto the handle of the saddle • The horse handler leads the horse by a rope but does not touch the child (hands-off); the child may hold onto the handle of the saddle C.2 Minimal postural support The instructor or side walker provides as little support as possible in order to challenge the postural behavior of the child. The challenge is reflected by the presence of swaying movements made by the child to maintain balance. Examples of concrete actions: • The horse handler leads the horse, and the side walker has her or his hands behind the child on the back of the horse • The side walker or instructor assists (by means of a single action of ⱕ3 seconds) the child to achieve the midline position on the horse (hands-on) C.3 Clear postural support The instructor or side walker provides evident support to parts of the child’s body. The amount of support provided leaves the child with some but limited postural challenge; that is, it is clear from the video that some postural effort of the child is required, but not to such an extent that it often results in swaying movements. Examples of concrete actions: • The horse handler leads the horse, and the side walker has her or his hands on the knee or back of the child • The side walker or instructor assists the child in maintaining a symmetrical, erect midline position on the horse by means of hands-on actions lasting more than 3 seconds C.4 Full support The instructor or side walker provides excessive postural support or assistance, leaving no opportunity for the child to practice balancing capacities. D. Communication All communication between the instructor, horse handler, and side walker and the child D.1 Type of information exchange All communication during which information is exchanged during the TDAR session; the instructor, horse handler, or side walker provides the opportunity for the child to tell about experiences related to daily life activities and events 1. The instructor, horse handler, or side walker asks the child about the horse riding therapy 2. The instructor provides information about the roles of the instructor, horse handler, and side walker (Continued) August 2015 (eAppendix, Angsupaisal et al) Volume 95 Number 8 Physical Therapy f 3 Adaptive Riding in Children With Cerebral Palsy eAppendix. Continued D.2 Type of instruction All communication in which the child is given instructions on the TDAR intervention 1. The instructor explicitly explains how to sit on the horse in terms of posture, asymmetry or symmetry, and hand placement 2. The instructor explicitly explains how to perform a task; for example, the instructor explains how to ride a figure-of-eight or how to make the horse walk faster or slower 3. The instructor gives hints or provides a suggestion or clue in a very indirect way D.3 Type of feedback All communication in which the performance of the child is evaluated 1. The instructor gives positive feedback (what went fine) 2. The instructor gives negative feedback (what went wrong) 3. The instructor asks for and listens to the opinion of the child E. Not specified All time during the TDAR session that cannot be classified into the above-defined categories 1. Technical problems interfering with assessment (eg, child, horse, or both out of view, blurred image) 2. Video is acceptable, but actions are not specified F. Behavioral state 1. Alert and smiling during the TDAR session 2. Alert neutral mood during the TDAR session 3. Alert but withdrawn, fussy, or reluctant G. Posture of the child on the horse 1. Most of the time in an upright position 2. Most of the time in a collapsed posture H. Postural support by devices on the horse H.1 Type of saddle 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Sheepskin “Wendy Molenaar” saddle (modification of sheepskin) “Ariane de Ranitz” saddle (modification of sheepskin) English saddle Western saddle (Continued) 4 f Physical Therapy Volume 95 Number 8 August 2015 (eAppendix, Angsupaisal et al) Adaptive Riding in Children With Cerebral Palsy eAppendix. Continued H.2 Type of stirrups 1. Ordinary stirrups 2. Adapted stirrups 3. Absent H.3 Foot protection 1. Yes 2. No H.4 Type of handles on saddle 1. One midline firm handle 2. Two more laterally placed firm handles 3. One midline relatively flexible saddle belt H.5 Rider belt 1. Yes 2. No (Continued) August 2015 (eAppendix, Angsupaisal et al) Volume 95 Number 8 Physical Therapy f 5 Research Report S.K. Wee, PT, Rehabilitation and Health Technologies Research Group, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Southampton, Bldg 45, Highfield Campus Southampton, Southampton, United Kingdom SO17 1BJ, and Rehabilitation Centre, Tan Tock Seng Hospital, Singapore. Address all correspondence to Mr Wee at: skw1g12@ or seng_kwee_wee@ Effect of Trunk Support on Upper Extremity Function in People With Chronic Stroke and People Who Are Healthy Seng Kwee Wee, Ann-Marie Hughes, Martin B. Warner, Simon Brown, Andy Cranny, Evangelos B. Mazomenos, Jane H. Burridge Background. Trunk control is thought to contribute to upper extremity (UE) function. However, this common assumption in neurorehabilitation has not been validated in clinical trials. Objective. The study objectives were to investigate the effect of providing external trunk support on trunk control and UE function and to examine the relationship between trunk control and UE function in people with chronic stroke and people who were healthy. Design. A cross-sectional study was conducted. Methods. Twenty-five people with chronic stroke and 34 people who were healthy and matched for age and sex were recruited. Trunk control was assessed with the Trunk Impairment Scale (TIS), and UE impairment and UE function were assessed with the UE subsection of the Fugl-Meyer Assessment (FMA-UE) and the Streamlined Wolf Motor Function Test (SWMFT), respectively. The TIS and SWMFT were evaluated, with and without external trunk support; the FMA-UE was evaluated without trunk support. Results. With trunk support, people with stroke showed improvement from 18 to 20 points on the TIS, a reduction in SWMFT performance times from 37.20 seconds to 35.37 seconds for the affected UE, and improvement from 3.3 points to 3.4 points on the SWMFT Functional Ability Scale for the function of the affected UE. With trunk support, the SWMFT performance time for people who were healthy was reduced from 1.61 seconds to 1.48 seconds for the dominant UE and from 1.71 seconds to 1.59 seconds for the nondominant UE. A significant moderate correlation was found between the TIS and the FMA-UE (r⫽.53) for people with stroke. Limitations. The limitations included a nonmasked assessor and a standardized height of the external trunk support. Conclusions. External trunk support improved trunk control in people with chronic stroke and had a statistically significant effect on UE function in both people with chronic stroke and people who were healthy. The findings suggest an association between trunk control and the UE when external trunk support was provided and support the hypothesis that lower trunk and lumbar stabilization provided by external support enables an improvement in the ability to use the UE for functional activities. August 2015 Volume 95 A-M. Hughes, PhD, Rehabilitation and Health Technologies Research Group, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Southampton. M.B. Warner, PhD, Rehabilitation and Health Technologies Research Group, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Southampton. S. Brown, BSc(Hons), Rehabilitation and Health Technologies Research Group, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Southampton. A. Cranny, PhD, Electronics and Computer Science, Faculty of Physical Sciences and Engineering, University of Southampton. E.B. Mazomenos, PhD, Electronics and Computer Science, Faculty of Physical Sciences and Engineering, University of Southampton. J.H. Burridge, PhD, Rehabilitation and Health Technologies Research Group, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Southampton. [Wee SK, Hughes A-M, Warner MB, et al. Effect of trunk support on upper extremity function in people with chronic stroke and people who are healthy. Phys Ther. 2015;95:1163–1171.] © 2015 American Physical Therapy Association Published Ahead of Print: February 26, 2015 Accepted: February 17, 2015 Submitted: October 28, 2014 Number 8 Post a Rapid Response to this article at: Physical Therapy f 1163 Trunk Support and Upper Extremity Function S troke affects the control of the trunk muscles and, therefore, the ability to remain upright, adjust to weight shifts, and perform selective trunk movements to maintain stability during static and dynamic postural adjustments.1,2 The trunk is thought to play an integral role in postural stabilization by supporting controlled movement of the extremities during task performance.2,3 The development of trunk stability and control is considered to be a prerequisite to upper extremity (UE) function and use of the hand.4 It has been hypothesized that proximal stability allows for independent use of the arms and hands in manipulative and purposeful activity.4 However, this common assumption in neurorehabilitation has not been validated in clinical trials. There is strong evidence that trunk control is an important predictor of overall functional outcome after stroke.5–9 The reported variance of functional recovery after stroke that is explained by trunk control ranges from 45%5,8 to 71%.10 Various studies5–10 have clearly illustrated that trunk control affects many facets of recovery in people with stroke, such as activities of daily living, balance, and gait. However, no research has built upon these findings to investigate the effect of trunk control on the recovery of UE function in people with stroke specifically, even though the UE plays a vital role in the performance of activities of daily living.11,12 Several studies on the use of trunk restraint in people with chronic stroke13–20 have demonstrated that stabilizing the trunk to restrict compensatory trunk movements leads to improved shoulder and elbow movements and thereby results in improvements in reaching to grasp. Our recent systematic review and meta-analysis revealed that trunk restraint has moderate effects in 1164 f Physical Therapy Volume 95 terms of the reduction of UE impairment, increased shoulder flexion, and the reduction of excessive anterior trunk movement during reaching in people with chronic stroke.21 Taken together, the findings suggest a possible relationship between trunk control and UE function. However, in previous studies,13,14,17,18 the trunk was restrained with a chest harness, which eliminated the need for trunk control. Our aims were to investigate the effect of external trunk support on trunk control and UE function and to examine the relationship between trunk control and UE function in people with chronic stroke and people who were healthy. The trunk support that we used, unlike the trunk restraints used in other studies,13,14,17,18 provided stability to the trunk without restricting normal movement. We hypothesized that a more stable trunk enables improved dissociation of the UE from the trunk for function. Our findings could advance the understanding of how trunk control affects UE function in people with stroke and subsequently inform the design of targeted rehabilitation programs for the trunk and UE to optimize functional outcomes after stroke. at a 5% significance level, we determined that 25 participants per group were required. Participants For this cross-sectional study, participants were recruited between November 2013 and March 2014 via paper and electronic advertisements and talks at 7 local stroke clubs. Participants were matched for age and sex. Inclusion criteria for participants with chronic stroke were as follows: 18 years of age or older, more than 6 months after stroke, able to understand the purpose of the study and follow simple instructions, and able to sit unsupported for 10 seconds. Exclusion criteria for participants with chronic stroke were as follows: brain stem or cerebellar stroke, presence of neurological or orthopedic pathology, and presence of acute low back pain. Inclusion criteria for people who were healthy were as follows: 18 years of age or older and able to understand the purpose of the study and follow simple instructions. Exclusion criteria for people who were healthy were as follows: history of neurological injury or disease, orthopedic spinal pathology, and orthopedic UE pathology. All participants provided written informed consent. Method Sample Size Calculation Sample size was determined with a power calculation based on the between-group (people with stroke versus people who are healthy) difference in performance times on the Wolf Motor Function Test (WMFT), the primary UE function outcome measure. Mean WMFT scores have been recorded for people who are healthy (X⫽1.20 seconds, SD⫽0.20)22 and for people with chronic stroke (X⫽7.05 seconds, SD⫽6.85).23 To detect a difference of 5.85 seconds in WMFT performance times between groups and to achieve 85% power in a 2-sided test Number 8 Outcome Measures The Trunk Impairment Scale (TIS) was used to evaluate trunk control in the participants.1 The TIS consists of 3 subscales that assess static sitting balance, dynamic sitting balance, and trunk coordination on a scale ranging from 0 to 23 points. A higher score indicates better trunk control. Upper extremity motor impairment after stroke was measured with the UE subsection of the Fugl-Meyer Assessment (FMA-UE).24 Each of the 33 items of the FMA-UE was rated on a 3-point scale. The maximum score is 66 points. Upper extremity motor August 2015 Trunk Support and Upper Extremity Function function was measured with the Streamlined Wolf Motor Function Test (SWMFT).25 The 6 SWMFT tasks appropriate for people with chronic stroke were lifting the hand from a table to a box, lifting a can to the mouth, lifting a pencil with a 3-jaw chuck grasp, folding a towel, turning a key in a lock, and extending the elbow against a 0.45-kg (1-lb) weight.26 The performance time on the SWMFT tasks was measured with a stopwatch, and a 6-point Functional Ability Scale (FAS) was used to rate the quality of movement during the performance of the tasks.26 Good psychometric properties and good clinical utility that are appropriate for people with subacute and chronic stroke have been demonstrated for the TIS, FMA-UE, and SWMFT.27 Procedure All assessments were conducted in the research laboratory of the University of Southampton, Southampton, United Kingdom. The participants sat unsupported on a height-adjustable plinth with their thighs fully supported on the plinth, knees at 90 degrees, and feet flat on the ground as the starting position. The assessment of UE impairment (with the FMA-UE) was conducted only for people with stroke. Trunk control was assessed with the TIS, once with no external trunk support and once with an adjustable highdensity foam support around the trunk (Fig. 1). The use of an appropriately sized trunk support, which fit snugly at the posterior and lateral aspects of the trunk (up to the level between the tenth and twelfth thoracic vertebrae), provided trunk support but allowed free forward movement and minimal movement in the posterior and lateral directions. After the trunk assessment, the UE function of the participants was assessed with and without trunk support (with the SWMFT). People with August 2015 Figure 1. Trunk support. stroke performed the SWMFT tasks with the unaffected UE and then with the affected UE. The order of testing with trunk support and without trunk support was randomized by use of blocked randomization,28 with a block size of 4, to avoid possible order bias due to practice or fatigue while ensuring equal numbers in the order protocols. People who were healthy performed the SWMFT tasks with the dominant UE and then with the nondominant UE. Hand dominance was determined with the Edinburgh Handedness Inventory–Short Form.29 Data Analysis Data analysis was performed with IBM SPSS Statistics 20 software (IBM SPSS, Chicago, Illinois). The level of statistical significance was set at a P value of less than .05 for all tests. The Shapiro-Wilk test was used to confirm normal data distribution. In view of the comparison of 2 groups (people with chronic stroke and people who were healthy) under 2 support conditions (with trunk support and without trunk support), a split-plot analysis of variance (SPANOVA) was used to ana- lyze the results for the TIS and SWMFT performance times because they were interval variables. The affected UE of people with stroke was compared with the nondominant UE of people who were healthy. This design allowed participants with hemiparesis in the nondominant arm to be at less of a comparative disadvantage.30 The main effect of group, the main effect of support, and the interaction effect (interaction between group and support conditions) were analyzed. The results for the SWMFT FAS (ordinal scale) under the 2 support conditions were analyzed with the Wilcoxon signed rank test. The SPANOVA was used to compare the difference in SWMFT performance times on the basis of sex, hand dominance, the order of testing of trunk support, the type of stroke, and the side of the affected UE for people with stroke and people who were healthy. The association between the TIS and SWMFT performance times under the condition of no trunk support was determined with the Pearson correlation coefficient because the Volume 95 Number 8 Physical Therapy f 1165 Trunk Support and Upper Extremity Function Table 1. Characteristics of Participantsa People Who Were Healthy (nⴝ34) Characteristic Age (y) People With Stroke (nⴝ25) X SD Range X SD Range 60.4 12.4 38–82 65.3 12.0 38–84 107.1 12–432 15.3 14–64 Sex (no. of participants) Men 18 15 Women 16 10 Time since stroke (mo) N/A 100.4 Ischemic N/A 18 Hemorrhagic N/A 7 Type of stroke (no. of participants) Hand dominance (no. of participants) Right Left 30 23 4 2 Affected upper extremity (no. of participants) Right N/A 9 Left N/A 16 N/A 41.4 Fugl-Meyer Assessment (FMA) UE subsection score No. of participants with FMA score of: a ⱕ20 (severe impairment) N/A 4 21–50 (moderate impairment) N/A 12 51–66 (mild impairment) N/A Trunk Impairment Scale score 22.62 9 1.00 19–23 18.00 3.80 10–23 N/A⫽not applicable, UE⫽upper extremity. data were normally distributed. The Spearman rho () was used to determine the relationship between the TIS and the SWMFT FAS because the SWMFT FAS is an ordinal scale. Because of the normal distribution of FMA-UE data, the Pearson correlation coefficient was used to determine the relationship between the TIS and the FMA-UE. Role of the Funding Source This work was partly supported by the European Union under the Seventh Framework Programme, grant agreement #288692, StrokeBack. The funds were used to cover the transportation cost for the participants. Tan Tock Seng Hospital, Singapore, provided funding for the first author’s PhD study at the University of Southampton, United Kingdom. 1166 f Physical Therapy Volume 95 Results SWMFT performance times, from 37.20 seconds to 35.37 seconds (P⬍.05), for the affected UE with trunk support relative to no trunk support (Tab. 2). Participants Twenty-five people with chronic stroke (mean age⫽65.3 years, SD⫽12.0) and 34 people who were healthy and matched for age and sex (mean age⫽60.4 years, SD⫽12.4) were recruited (Tab. 1). There was no significant difference in age between people with stroke and people who were healthy. All of the participants were able to perform the SWMFT tasks. With trunk support, the SWMFT performance times of people who were healthy was reduced significantly, from 1.61 to 1.48 seconds (P⬍.001) for the dominant UE and from 1.71 to 1.59 seconds (P⬍.001) for the nondominant UE (Tab. 2). Clinical Outcomes People with stroke demonstrated significant improvement in TIS scores, from 18 points to 20 points (P⬍.001), significant improvement in SWMFT FAS scores, from a median of 3.3 points to 3.4 points (P⬍.01), and a significant reduction in Comparison of Clinical Outcomes in People With Chronic Stroke and People Who Were Healthy The results of the SPANOVA revealed a statistically significant difference (F1,57⫽44.39, P⬍.001) in TIS scores between people with stroke and people who were Number 8 August 2015 Trunk Support and Upper Extremity Function Table 2. Clinical Outcomes of People Who Were Healthy and People With Strokea People Who Were Healthy (nⴝ34) Without Trunk Support Outcome Measure X Trunk Impairment Scale score (maximum score⫽23) 22.62 People With Stroke (nⴝ25) With Trunk Support SD X 1.02 22.85 b SWMFT performance time of dominant UE in people who were healthy/affected UE in people with stroke 1.6b 0.38 1.48 SWMFT performance time of nondominant UE in people who were healthy/unaffected UE in people with stroke 1.71b 0.34 1.59b SWMFT FAS score of dominant UE in people who were healthy/affected UE in people with stroke (maximum score⫽5) 5 5 SWMFT FAS score of nondominant UE in people who were healthy/ unaffected UE in people with stroke (maximum score⫽5) 5 5 Without Trunk Support With Trunk Support SD 95% CI X SD X SD 95% CI 0.70 ⫺0.10, 0.48 18.00b 3.76 20.00b 2.80 1.12, 2.88 0.35 0.08, 0.18 37.20c 49.22 35.37c 47.37 0.15, 3.80 0.30 0.04, 0.19 8.12 9.18 7.31 8.82 ⫺0.59, 2.22 3.3 (1.8–4.3)d 3.4 (1.9–4.4)d 5 5 a CI⫽confidence interval (CI of difference between the 2 means [without trunk support versus with trunk support]), SWMFT⫽Streamlined Wolf Motor Function Test, UE⫽upper extremity, FAS⫽Functional Ability Scale. b P⬍.001. c P⬍.05. d Reported as median (first quartile through third quartile). P⬍.01. healthy, regardless of the support conditions (Tab. 3). The partial etasquared (2p), a measure of effect size, was found to be 0.44 (large effect size). By convention, 2p values of 0.01, 0.06, and 0.14 represent small, moderate, and large effect sizes, respectively.31,32 People with stroke had significantly lower TIS scores (X⫽18.00 points) than people who were healthy (X⫽22.62 points). The difference between TIS scores with trunk support and TIS scores without trunk support, regardless of the groups, was significant (F1,57⫽33.06, P⬍.001), and the effect size was large (2p⫽0.37) (Tab. 3). Further analysis revealed a large significant interaction effect (between group and support conditions) (F1,57⫽20.60, P⬍.001, 2p⫽0.27). The results of the SPANOVA revealed a significant difference (F1,57⫽17.63, P⬍.001) in SWMFT performance times between people Table 3. SPANOVA Results for TIS Scores and SWMFT Performance Time in People Who Were Healthy and People With Strokea X (SD) Clinical Outcome TIS score SWMFT performance time Group Without Support With Support People with stroke 18.00 (3.76) 20.00 (2.80) People who were healthy 22.62 (1.02) 22.85 (0.70) People with stroke 37.20 (49.22) 35.37 (47.37) People who were healthy 1.71 (0.34) 1.59 (0.30) F P Partial Eta-Squared Group 44.39 ⬍.001 0.44 Support 33.06 ⬍.001 0.37 Support ⫻ group 20.60 ⬍.001 0.27 Group 17.63 ⬍.001 0.24 Support 5.59 ⬍.05 0.09 Support ⫻ group 4.37 ⬍.05 0.07 Effect SPANOVA⫽split-plot analysis of variance, TIS⫽Trunk Impairment Scale, SWMFT⫽Streamlined Wolf Motor Function Test, support ⫻ group⫽interaction effect. a August 2015 Volume 95 Number 8 Physical Therapy f 1167 Trunk Support and Upper Extremity Function Discussion In the present study, we investigated the effect of providing external trunk support on trunk control and UE function and examined the relationship between trunk control and UE function in people with chronic stroke and people who were healthy by using clinical scales. Figure 2. Moderate significant interaction effect between group and support conditions (P⬍.05, partial eta-squared⫽0.07). SWMFT-Time⫽Streamlined Wolf Motor Function Test performance time. with stroke and people who were healthy, regardless of the support conditions (Tab. 3). The effect size was large (2p⫽0.24). The difference in SWMFT performance times between the 2 support conditions, regardless of the groups, was significant (F1,57⫽5.59, P⬍.05), and the effect size was moderate (2p⫽0.09). There was a moderate significant interaction effect (between group and support conditions) (F1,57⫽4.37, P⬍.05; 2p⫽0.07). Although SWMFT performance times were significantly reduced with trunk support in both groups, the reduction was significantly larger in people with stroke (from 37.20 seconds to 35.37 seconds) than in people who were healthy (from 1.71 seconds to 1.59 seconds) (Fig. 2). There was no significant difference in SWMFT performance times between people with stroke and people who were healthy on the basis of sex (F1,57⫽0.08, P⫽.78), hand dominance (F1,57⫽0.52, P⫽.48), or the order of testing of trunk support (F1,57⫽2.32, P⫽.14). For people with stroke, there was no significant difference in SWMFT per1168 f Physical Therapy Volume 95 formance times on the basis of the type of stroke (F1,23⫽0.95, P⫽.34) or the side of the affected UE (F1,23⫽0.07, P⫽.80). Association Between TIS and Clinical Variables There was no significant correlation between the TIS and SWMFT performance times (Pearson correlation coefficient r⫽⫺.31, P⬎.05) or between the TIS and the SWMFT FAS (Spearman ⫽.38, P⬎.05) in people with stroke and without trunk support. A significant moderate correlation was found between the TIS and the FMA-UE (r⫽.53, P⬍.01) in people with stroke and without trunk support. No association was found between the TIS and SWMFT performance times in people who were healthy and did not receive trunk support (r⫽⫺.08, P⬎.05). The coefficient of correlation between the TIS and the SWMFT FAS in people who were healthy was not calculated because all achieved the maximum score of 5 on the SWMFT FAS. Number 8 With trunk support, there were significant improvements in trunk control (TIS) in people with stroke and significant improvements in the performance of UE tasks (SWMFT performance times) and UE function (SWMFT FAS) in both people with stroke and people who were healthy. The significant reduction in the SWMFT performance time of 1.83 seconds with trunk support in people with chronic stroke was considered a clinically important difference. The minimal clinically important difference for WMFT time was reported to be 1.5 seconds to 2 seconds for people with chronic stroke.23 However, it is important to recognize that the SWMFT did not distinguish between tasks accomplished by UE movements and those accomplished by UE movements assisted by trunk movement because no kinematic analysis was conducted in the present study. We plan to conduct a kinematic analysis of the trunk and UE during performance of the SWMFT tasks to understand the mechanisms underlying the changes in outcome measures in a future study. A significant interaction effect (between group and support conditions) was demonstrated for the TIS and SWMFT performance times. The findings demonstrated that a higher TIS score was associated with better UE function and supported the common assumption that a stable trunk enables the dissociation of the UE from the trunk for function. In the present study, we did not investigate the mechanisms associated with the improved UE function. August 2015 Trunk Support and Upper Extremity Function However, we propose possible explanations for the significant reduction in SWMFT performance times and the improvement in SWMFT FAS scores when the trunk was supported. It is possible that a stabilized trunk enabled improved movement of the proximal and distal segments of the UE to occur against a background of stabilized core muscles of the body. This notion is supported by a study demonstrating a significant improvement in the functional reaching ability of the UE in people with stroke after an intervention consisting of trunk stability exercise.33 These data suggest that trunk stability has an effect on the stability of the shoulders which, in turn, improves the movement of the elbow, wrist, and fingers.34 A stable trunk provides a solid foundation for the torque generated by the extremities.35 Performing a reaching movement on a stable surface is different from the challenges faced when attempting to reach for objects while balancing on an unstable surface. Studies have demonstrated that unstable conditions can lead to decreased force output and muscle activation of the extremities.36,37 the upper trunk and the lower trunk.39 In other words, the motor system has to manage at least 32 DOFs during a reaching task in an unsupported seated condition. Our external trunk support aided in the stabilization of the trunk, limiting trunk excursion or reducing the number of DOFs, especially in the lower trunk. This scenario could have led to a decrease in the overall demand on the motor system to reorganize the DOFs of the UE into a coordinated pattern of reaching movement and thus might have led to improvements in SWMFT performance times and SWMFT FAS scores. This notion is congruent with the finding, in a recent systematic review, that the manipulation of mechanical DOFs of the trunk via trunk restraint during reaching enhances the recovery of UE function after stroke.40 Previous trunk restraint studies13–21 demonstrated that the restriction of compensatory trunk movements by a physical restraint can lead to improved shoulder and elbow movements and thereby result in improvements in reaching to grasp. The present study demonstrated an improvement in UE function (SWMFT performance times and SWMFT FAS scores) with external trunk support that was not constraining. Taken together, the results indicate that stabilizing or physically restricting the trunk improves UE function. This effect may be explained by considering the concept of degrees of freedom (DOFs). The improvements in SWMFT performance times and SWMFT FAS scores might have been due to the design (“C-shaped”) of the trunk support and its height (up to approximately the T10 –T12 vertebral levels). The external support might have assisted the pelvis in tilting more anteriorly, thus facilitating a more extended position of the lower lumbar region. This alteration might have led to postural improvement for UE task performance. This postulation is supported by studies demonstrating that trunk posture and alignment affect UE performance.3,41 A neutral trunk posture and alignment significantly improved UE performance relative to flexed3,41 and laterally flexed3 trunk postures. Taken together, the findings of the present study and previous studies3,41 support the hypothesis that a stable trunk with good postural alignment enables the dissociation of the UE from the trunk for function. There are a minimum of 26 DOFs for UE movement38 and 3 DOFs each in No association was found between the TIS and SWMFT performance August 2015 times or between the TIS and SWMFT FAS scores in people with stroke; this result may have been due to the relatively small sample size. However, the observation of an improvement in UE function with trunk support demonstrates a link between trunk control and UE, which is supported by a significant moderate correlation between trunk control and UE impairment (FMA-UE). On the basis of our results, it can be suggested that incorporating external trunk support may offer an opportunity for better movement reeducation and facilitate better retraining of the UE. However, this concept must be explored further, and appropriately designed intervention studies are needed to examine the effect of providing external trunk support on UE function during rehabilitation after stroke. The results of the present study must be considered in light of methodological limitations. All of the assessments with the TIS, FMA-UE, and SWMFT were administered by the principal investigator. This design may have introduced an element of observer bias to the study. Another potential limitation of the present study was the standardized height of the trunk support; the superior part of the trunk support was at different contact points on the posterior and lateral aspects of the trunk for the participants. However, the height of the trunk support was designed so that none of the participants would experience restrictions as they performed lateral flexion of the trunk during the TIS assessment. For addressing this limitation, however, trunk supports with different height dimensions could be created. We acknowledge that the use of external trunk support would invalidate the administration of the TIS. The reason for the inclusion of trunk support in the experimental procedure was to Volume 95 Number 8 Physical Therapy f 1169 Trunk Support and Upper Extremity Function simulate the presence of someone with a “better” TIS score (ie, with better trunk control) in the same session and then to investigate its effect on UE function. Another limitation that might have confounded the observed improvements in the outcome measures was the Hawthorne effect. To minimize any presence of the Hawthorne effect or performance bias, we did not inform the participants of the hypothesis of the study. Eliminating the Hawthorne effect completely in the present study would have been challenging because providing a sham condition would have been difficult, but this goal is an important consideration for future studies. Because the present study was crosssectional, a causal relationship cannot be drawn from the results unless future randomized controlled trials are conducted to verify the association reported here.42 In the present study, we measured trunk control not from a kinematic perspective but with a clinical scale based on the TIS. In a future study, we plan to capture kinematic data to shed light on the mechanisms associated with the improvements in UE function with external trunk support. The observed improvements in trunk control and UE function with trunk support were immediate effects; carryover was not assessed because it was not the aim of the present study. It remains unknown whether a period of UE training with external trunk support for people with stroke will yield sustainable gains in the observed improvements in trunk control and UE function. In the future, we may conduct a randomized controlled trial to investigate the effectiveness of trunk support in improving UE function. port on trunk control and UE in patients with trunk ataxia due to neurological disorders, such as cerebellar stroke or brain stem stroke. Gaining a deeper understanding of the mechanisms underlying trunk stability and trunk control may provide insights into a new therapeutic approach for the management of trunk ataxia and UE in neurorehabilitation. External trunk support improved trunk control in people with chronic stroke and had a statistically significant effect on UE function in both people with chronic stroke and people who were healthy. The findings suggest an association between trunk control and UE when external trunk support was provided and support the hypothesis that lower trunk and lumbar stabilization provided by external support enables an improvement in the ability to use the UE for functional activities. Mr Wee, Dr Hughes, Dr Warner, Dr Cranny, Dr Mazomenos, and Dr Burridge provided concept/idea/research design. Mr Wee, Dr Hughes, Dr Warner, and Dr Burridge provided writing. Mr Wee, Dr Warner, Mr Brown, Dr Cranny, and Dr Mazomenos provided data collection. Mr Wee and Dr Warner provided data analysis. Mr Wee and Dr Hughes provided project management and study participants. Mr Wee and Dr Burridge provided fund procurement. Mr Brown, Dr Warner, Dr Cranny, and Dr Mazomenos provided facilities/equipment. Mr Wee, Dr Hughes, Dr Warner, and Dr Burridge provided consultation. The Institutional Review Board of the University of Southampton, United Kingdom, approved the study (Ethics Number 7547). This work was partly supported by the European Union under the Seventh Framework Programme, grant agreement #288692, StrokeBack. Mr Wee acknowledges Tan Tock Seng Hospital, Singapore, for funding his PhD study at the University of Southampton, United Kingdom. DOI: 10.2522/ptj.20140487 Future researchers may consider investigating the effect of trunk sup1170 f Physical Therapy Volume 95 Number 8 References 1 Verheyden G, Nieuwboer A, Mertin J, et al. The Trunk Impairment Scale: a new tool to measure motor impairment of the trunk after stroke. Clin Rehabil. 2004;18: 326 –334. 2 Davies PM. Steps to Follow: The Comprehensive Treatment of Patients With Hemiplegia. 2nd ed. Berlin, Germany: Springer; 2000. 3 Gillen G, Boiangiu C, Neuman M, et al. Trunk posture affects upper extremity function of adults. Percept Mot Skills. 2007;104:371–380. 4 Rosenblum S, Josman N. The relationship between postural control and fine manual dexterity. 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Y-T. Chou, MS, Department of Psychology, National Chung Cheng University, Chiayi, Taiwan, and Research Center for Psychological and Educational Testing, National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, Taiwan. I-P. Hsueh, MA, School of Occupational Therapy, College of Medicine, National Taiwan University, 4F, No. 17, Xuzhou Road, Taipei 100, Taiwan, and Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, National Taiwan University Hospital. Address all correspondence to Ms Hsueh at: iping@ C-Y. Hou, MS, Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, E-Da Hospital/I-Shou University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan. C-L. Hsieh, PhD, School of Occupational Therapy, College of Medicine, National Taiwan University, and Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, National Taiwan University Hospital. [Huang Y-J, Chen K-L, Chou Y-T, et al. Comparison of the responsiveness of the long-form and simplified Stroke Rehabilitation Assessment of Movement: groupand individual-level analysis. Phys Ther. 2015;95:1172–1183]. © 2015 American Physical Therapy Association Published Ahead of Print: March 5, 2015 Accepted: February 17, 2015 Submitted: August 1, 2014 Comparison of the Responsiveness of the Long-Form and Simplified Stroke Rehabilitation Assessment of Movement: Group- and IndividualLevel Analysis Yi-Jing Huang, Kuan-Lin Chen, Yeh-Tai Chou, I-Ping Hsueh, Chieh-Yi Hou, Ching-Lin Hsieh Background. The group-level responsiveness of the original, 30-item Stroke Rehabilitation Assessment of Movement measure (STREAM-30) is similar to that of the simplified STREAM (STREAM-15), even though the STREAM-30 has twice as many items as those of the STREAM-15. Objective. The purpose of this study was to compare the responsiveness of the STREAM-30 and STREAM-15 at both group and individual levels in patients with stroke. For the latter level, the Rasch-calibrated 27-item STREAM (STREAM-27) was used because the individual-level indexes of the STREAM-30 could not be estimated. Design. A repeated-measurements design was used. In total, 195 patients were assessed with the STREAM-30 at both admission and discharge. Methods. The Rasch scores of the STREAM-27 and STREAM-15 were estimated from the participants’ responses on the STREAM-30. We calculated the paired t-test value, effect size, and standardized response mean as the indexes of group-level responsiveness. The significance of change for each participant was estimated as the individual-level responsiveness index, and the paired t test and test of marginal homogeneity were used for individual-level comparisons between the STREAM-27 and STREAM-15. Results. At the group level, the STREAM-30, STREAM-27, and STREAM-15 showed sufficient and comparable responsiveness. At the individual level, the STREAM-27 detected significantly more participants with significant improvement and fewer participants with no change or deterioration compared with the STREAM-15. Limitations. Few patients with subacute stroke showed deterioration at discharge, so the abilities of the 2 measures to detect deterioration remain inconclusive. Conclusions. The STREAM-27 detected more participants with significant recovery compared with the STREAM-15, although the group-level responsiveness of the 2 measures was the same. The STREAM-27 is recommended as an outcome measure to demonstrate the treatment effects of movement and mobility for patients with stroke. Post a Rapid Response to this article at: 1172 f Physical Therapy Volume 95 Number 8 August 2015 Group- and Individual-Level Responsiveness of 3 Measures R esponsiveness can be defined as the ability of a measure to detect change when it has occurred.1–3 Outcome measures should be responsive in order to demonstrate treatment effects and monitor patients’ progress.4 Some authors have argued that the responsiveness of a measure should be examined at both the group level (detection of the average amount of change in a group) and the individual level (detection of change in an individual patient).2 To date, most studies examining the responsiveness of measures have used grouplevel indexes, which show the average treatment effect of a patient population.2,3 However, group-level indexes can hardly be applied to interpret change in individual patients in clinical or research settings,5 and individual-level indexes can help interpret individual patients’ treatment effects that group-level indexes cannot. Therefore, both the group-level responsiveness and the individual-level responsiveness of an outcome measure are critical for researchers and clinicians to identify changes over time in patients. Moreover, it has been argued that group-level comparisons of the responsiveness of competing measures (eg, long-form and short-form measures) potentially misrepresent the responsiveness of measures, possibly leading users to select a rather unresponsive outcome measure.6 – 8 In the past, short-form measures were recommended for efficiently quantifying patients’ progress due to their briefness, speediness, and ability to detect change (ie, group-level responsiveness) similar to that of the long-form measures.9 –12 Nevertheless, in these studies, only grouplevel comparisons were conducted, casting doubt on the implications of the findings. Previous studies compared the responsiveness of shortform and long-form measures August 2015 (eg, the 5-item short-form Postural Assessment Scale for Stroke Patients [PASS] versus the 12-item PASS, the 12-item short-form Fugl-Meyer Motor Scale [FM] versus the 50-item FM) at both group and individual levels.6 – 8,13 The short-form measures were found to have inferior individuallevel responsiveness, although both short-form and long-form measures have equivalent group-level responsiveness. Thus, the responsiveness of outcome measures should be compared at both group and individual levels to provide comprehensive and robust evidence for clinicians and researchers to select from among competing measures. Movement and mobility impairments are very frequent sequelae after stroke.14 To plan treatment and monitor progress, it is crucial to assess movement and mobility functions in patients with stroke. The original, 30-item Stroke Rehabilitation Assessment of Movement (STREAM-30) is one of the recommended objective and quantitative outcome measures for assessing voluntary upper and lower limb movement (UL and LL) and basic mobility (MO) difficulties after stroke.15,16 Its psychometric properties (reliability, validity, and group-level responsiveness) have been well supported by previous studies based on the classical test theory.16 –20 The STREAM-30 is recommended and preferred over other related movement or mobility measures for measuring and monitoring motor function in patients with stroke.19,20 However, the STREAM-30 has a weakness in the construct validity revealed by Rasch analysis.21 Furthermore, the STREAM-30 requires 15 to 35 minutes to complete.22 Such a time-consuming administration limits the utility of the STREAM-30 in clinical settings. Accordingly, the 27-item STREAM (STREAM-27) and its short form, the 15-item simplified STREAM (STREAM-15), have been constructed to improve the psychomet- ric properties and clinical utility of the STREAM-30.21 The STREAM-15 is brief and quick to administer, and its psychometric properties are similar to those of the STREAM-30, particularly the grouplevel responsiveness.10,21,23 However, as mentioned above, the similarity in group-level responsiveness does not guarantee similar abilities to detect change in an individual patient. Due to the lack of evidence supporting the individual-level responsiveness, clinicians and researchers cannot select a more responsive measure that can detect changes in movement and mobility in more patients. To ameliorate this situation, this study aimed to compare the responsiveness of the STREAM-30, STREAM-27, and STREAM-15 at both group and individual levels in patients with stroke. However, the STREAM-30 was not used in the individual-level comparison because the Rasch scores of the STREAM-30, used for calculating individual indexes, could not be estimated. Because the STREAM-27 has more items and thus provides more information for assessing movements and mobility, we hypothesized that the STREAM-27 would have superior individual-level responsiveness. Method Participants The data used in this study were obtained from a previous longitudinal follow-up study.10 Participants were recruited from the departments of physical medicine and rehabilitation at 5 hospitals in Taiwan between April 2004 and October 2005. Patients were eligible for the study if they met the following criteria: (1) first or recurrent onset of cerebrovascular accident without other major diseases (eg, cancer, amputation, severe rheumatoid arthritis), (2) subacute stroke with hemiparesis or hemiplegia, (3) ability to follow instructions to com- Volume 95 Number 8 Physical Therapy f 1173 Group- and Individual-Level Responsiveness of 3 Measures plete the measure, and (4) informed consent given personally or by proxy. Patients discharged within 1 week of admission for rehabilitation were excluded. Procedure Each participant was assessed with the STREAM-30 at admission to the rehabilitation wards and reassessed at discharge. The assessments were administered by 1 of 12 therapists (3 physical therapists and 9 occupational therapists) who were experienced in using the STREAM-30. The interrater reliability of these raters on the 3 subscales of the STREAM-30 was sound (intraclass correlation coefficients ⬎.96).10 The data of both the STREAM-27 and STREAM-15 were obtained from the STREAM-30 data of the same sample. Measures The STREAM-30 contains 30 items equally divided into 3 subscales (ie, 10 items in each of the UL, LL, and MO subscales).16 The items of the UL and LL subscales are scored on a 3-point ordinal scale (0 –1–2) for rating the excursion and quality of limb movement as compared with the less impaired side. The items of the MO subscale are scored on a 4-point ordinal scale (0 –1–2–3) for rating the quality, completion, and assistance required of the task. A total of 20 points can be obtained from each limb subscale, and 30 points can be obtained from the MO subscale. The STREAM-27 was revised from the STREAM-30 based on Rasch analysis to improve the psychometric properties of the STREAM-30.21 The responses of 3 items in the STREAM-30 (2 UL susbscale items: scapular elevation and opposition; 1 LL subscale item: hip abduction) did not conform to the Rasch model’s assumptions24 (ie, unidimensionality and equal item discrimination). Thus, the misfit items were deleted to obtain the advantages of Rasch 1174 f Physical Therapy Volume 95 analysis, such as the resulting scores can be viewed as intervals rather than ordinal scores, and the standard error (SE) of each score can be estimated for users.21 The STREAM-27 consists of 27 items: 8 UL subscale items, 9 LL subscale items, and 10 MO subscale items. The scaling of each subscale is the same as that of the STREAM-30. All 27 items in their respective subscales showed good fit to the Rasch model. The 3 subscales of STREAM-27 have good-toexcellent Rasch reliability.21 The STREAM-15 was constructed to improve the administrative efficiency of the STREAM-30. The STREAM-15 was developed from the STREAM-27 by retrieving 5 items in each of the subscales according to Rasch analysis and item representativeness.21 The scaling of the STREAM-15 is identical to that of the STREAM-30. The psychometric properties of the STREAM-15 are comparable to those of the STREAM-30 and STREAM-27, including the Rasch reliability, test-retest reliability, unidimensionality, concurrent validity, predictive validity, discriminative validity, and group-level responsiveness.10,21,23 The Barthel Index (BI) was developed to assess basic activities of daily living (ADL) function in patients with neurological or musculoskeletal problems.25 The total score ranges from 0 to 20. The BI has satisfactory psychometric properties in patients after stroke.26,27 We used the BI as the external criterion to investigate the external responsiveness of the 3 STREAM measures. Data Analysis In this study, we used the raw scores of the STREAM-30 and the Rasch scores of the STREAM-27 and the STREAM-15 for data analyses. We estimated the Rasch scores and standard errors of the 3 subscales for both the STREAM-27 and the STREAM-15 using the multidimen- Number 8 sional Rasch rating scale model. The Rasch score for each subscale was linearly transformed to a range of 0 to 100 for ease of understanding. The linear transformation equation for each subscale was: Rasch score ⫻ 100 ⫼ (maximum Rasch score ⫺ minimum Rasch score). All item parameter estimates (ie, difficulty logits) were fixed to the values obtained from the original data in the study by Hsueh et al.21 This process was used to ensure that the Rasch parameters of each item were consistent across assessments at the 2 time points. Comparison of the group-level responsiveness. To examine the group-level responsiveness of the 3 subscales of the STREAM-30, STREAM-27, and STREAM-15, both the internal and external responsiveness were inspected. Regarding the internal responsiveness, we calculated 3 indexes: paired t test, effect size (ES), and standardized response mean (SRM). Paired t tests were performed to determine the significance of the change scores in each subscale from admission to discharge. Two-sided P⬍.05 was considered statistically significant. Both the ES and SRM provided information on the magnitude of change. Effect size was calculated by dividing the mean change scores by the standard deviation of the baseline scores.28 The SRM was calculated by dividing the mean change scores by the standard deviation of the change scores.28 Effect size and SRM values ⱖ0.80 were considered large, values of 0.50 to 0.80 were considered moderate, and values of 0.20 to 0.50 were considered small.29,30 To investigate the external responsiveness, the correlation between change scores in each subscale of the 3 STREAM measures and those in the external criterion, the BI, was calculated using the Pearson correlation coefficient (r). Pearson coefficients ⱖ.60 were consid- August 2015 Group- and Individual-Level Responsiveness of 3 Measures 2 2 SEdifference ⫽ 冑SEadmission ⫹ SEdischarge ered high, values of .30 to .60 were considered moderate, and values ⱕ.30 were considered poor.31 A moderate correlation was considered to indicate sufficient external responsiveness. (2) We used the bootstrap approach32 to compare statistical differences of the group-level internal and external responsiveness among the 3 STREAM measures. We drew 10,000 bootstrap samples, each equal in size to the number of participants observed. For each of the 10,000 samples, we calculated the ES, SRM, and r values for each subscale and calculated pair-wise differences of the ES, SRM, and r values among the 3 STREAM measures. We examined whether zero was included in the 98.4% bootstrap percentile confidence intervals (CIs) of differences. The critical alpha level was adjusted down to .016 (ie, ␣/n comparisons⫽.05/3) applying the Bonferroni correction for multiple comparisons. If zero was not included, the group-level internal or external responsiveness of those 2 measures was considered significantly different. With respect to the external responsiveness, we calculated the percentages of the participants who had significant improvement in each STREAM measure and had improvement above the minimal clinically important difference (MCID) in the BI. Significant improvement in the STREAM measures was determined as an SC ⱖ1.96 ⫻ linear transformation equation. The MCID of the BI, the lowest benchmark to determine whether the changes are important to patients with stroke, has been estimated to be 1.85.34 Comparison of the individuallevel responsiveness. Both the internal and external responsiveness were investigated at the individual level. To examine the individuallevel internal responsiveness of the STREAM-27 and STREAM-15, we estimated the significance of change (SC) for each participant. The SC was adopted to quantify the size of an individual participant’s Rasch change score between admission and discharge, which was expressed in units of his or her own SE of the Rasch score.6 The SE for each participant’s score was estimated by Rasch analysis. The SC was calculated using the following formulas6,33: (1) SC ⫽ Rasch scoredischarge ⫺ Rasch scoreadmission SEdifference August 2015 A brief description of the deduction of the SEdifference formula is provided in the Appendix. To compare the individual-level responsiveness between the STREAM-27 and STREAM-15, we conducted paired t tests, marginal homogeneity tests (G2 statistics), and tests for difference of proportion (DP) in the comparisons of internal responsiveness, as well as DP in the comparisons of external responsiveness. In terms of the internal responsiveness, paired t tests were adopted to determine the statistical differences of the mean SCs of both measures. In addition, we used G2 statistics to examine whether the distributions of participants detected to achieve different levels of SC by the 2 measures were different. We categorized the SCs according to their sizes and directions into the following 3 groups: (1) significant improvement: SC ⱖ1.96 ⫻ linear transformation equation; (2) nonsignificant improvement: 0 ⬍ SC ⬍ 1.96 ⫻ linear transformation equation; and (3) no change or deterioration: SC ⱕ0. A P value of ⬍.05 in G2 statistics was considered statistically significant. The 95% CI for the DP was used to compare the 2 proportions in each SC group. Zero in this interval meant that there was no difference between the 2 proportions. As for the comparisons of the external responsiveness, we examined whether zero was included in the 95% CI for the DP between the 2 STREAM measures in each subscale. Floor and ceiling effects. The floor and ceiling effects of the 3 subscales in each STREAM measure were examined. We calculated the percentages of the participants who obtained the lowest and highest possible scores to indicate floor and ceiling effects, respectively. Floor and ceiling effects ⬎15.0% were considered significant.35 Role of the Funding Source This study was supported by research grants from the E-Da Hospital (EDAHT102015 and EDAHT103027). Results A total of 388 participants were assessed using the STREAM-30 at admission, but 193 of these participants were lost at second assessment either because they were in an unstable condition or were discharged without prior notification. The remaining 195 participants (50.3%) completed the assessments at both admission and discharge, and their data were used for further analyses. The baseline scores of the 3 subscales of the STREAM-30 of the remaining 195 participants were not significantly different (P⬎.05) from those of the 193 participants lost at second assessment. The scores of the 195 participants were scattered across the entire ranges of the 3 subscales’ possible scores.10 As expected, deterioration during hospitalization was detected by the STREAM-30 in a few of the participants (10, 12, and 6 participants for the UL, LL, and MO subscales, respectively). The demographic characteristics of the participants and the raw scores and Rasch scores Volume 95 Number 8 Physical Therapy f 1175 Group- and Individual-Level Responsiveness of 3 Measures Table 1. Demographic Characteristics and Descriptive Statistics of the STREAM-30, STREAM-27, and STREAM-15 in Participants With Stroke (n⫽195)a Characteristic Value Sex (n), male/female 130/65 Age (y), X (SD) 63.4 (13.7) Side of lesion (n), right/left 109/86 Measure STREAM-30 (raw score) STREAM-27 (raw score) Subscale Admission/Discharge X (SD) UL 8.7 (8.2)/10.5 (8.3) LL 8.0 (7.3)/10.4 (7.7) MO 11.5 (8.5)/15.8 (8.9) UL 6.9 (6.6)/8.4 (6.8) LL STREAM-15 (raw score) STREAM-27 (Rasch score) STREAM-15 (Rasch score) 7.4 (6.6)/9.5 (6.9) MO 11.5 (8.5)/15.8 (8.9) UL 4.4 (4.2)/5.3 (4.3) LL 4.2 (3.7)/5.3 (3.9) MO 6.2 (4.1)/8.4 (4.2) UL 47.6 (27.1)/55.5 (27.4) LL 47.3 (25.1)/56.3 (25.5) MO 41.9 (20.9)/52.6 (21.6) UL 47.4 (28.1)/55.3 (28.4) LL 46.3 (26.4)/55.8 (27.0) MO 43.6 (21.6)/54.6 (21.9) a STREAM-30⫽the original Stroke Rehabilitation Assessment of Movement, STREAM-27⫽the 27-item STREAM, STREAM-15⫽the 15-item STREAM, UL⫽upper limb movement, MO⫽basic mobility, LL⫽lower limb movement. of the STREAM-30, STREAM-27, and STREAM-15 are shown in Table 1. Comparison of the Group-Level Responsiveness Table 2 presents the scores for grouplevel internal and external responsiveness of the STREAM-30, STREAM-27, and STREAM-15. Regarding the internal responsiveness, the changes in score between admission and discharge of each subscale in the 3 measures were all significant (t⫽ 7.89 –15.05, all P values ⬍.001). The ES and SRM values showed the 3 STREAM measures to have similar and small-to-large group-level internal responsiveness. As to the external responsiveness, the correlation between the change scores of each subscale and those of the BI were similar among the 3 STREAM measures. The UL and LL subscales demonstrated 1176 f Physical Therapy Volume 95 moderate external responsiveness, and the MO subscale showed high external responsiveness. Table 3 shows the results of comparisons of group-level internal and external indexes among the 3 STREAM measures. In terms of the internal indexes (ES and SRM), zero was included in most 98.4% CI values of the differences. Particularly, the STREAM-15 had ES and SRM values similar to those of the STREAM-30 and STREAM-27, except for the comparisons in UL and LL subscales between the STREAM-15 and STREAM-30. That is, the ES and SRM values of the UL subscale and the SRM values of the LL subscale of the STREAM-15 were significantly higher than those of the STREAM-30, but the magnitudes of difference were small. Concerning the external indexes (r values), all of the 98.4% CI values Number 8 embraced zero, indicating that the external responsiveness did not differ significantly among the 3 STREAM measures. Comparison of the IndividualLevel Responsiveness The results for individual-level internal and external responsiveness of the STREAM-27 and STREAM-15 are listed in Table 4. For internal responsiveness, the mean SCs of the STREAM-27 were higher than those of the STREAM-15, and the differences were significant in all 3 subscales (t⫽3.56 – 6.00, all P values ⬍.001). The G2 statistics show that the distributions of participants in the 3 SC groups were significantly different between the STREAM-27 and STREAM-15 (P⫽.002–.011). In terms of the proportions in each SC group, more participants were August 2015 Group- and Individual-Level Responsiveness of 3 Measures Table 2. Group-Level Internal and External Responsiveness of the STREAM-30, STREAM-27, and STREAM-15 (n⫽195)a Subscale Measure UL LL MO 1.9 (3.4) 2.3 (3.3) 4.4 (4.4) STREAM-30 raw score Mean change score (SD) Internal responsiveness 7.89 (⬍.001) 9.98 (⬍.001) 14.00 (⬍.001) ES t (P) 0.23 0.32 0.52 SRM 0.57 0.72 1.00 External responsiveness r (P) .38 (⬍.001) .40 (⬍.001) 7.9 (10.5) 9.0 (9.9) .67 (⬍.001) STREAM-27 Rasch score Mean change score (SD) 10.7 (9.9) Internal responsiveness 10.45 (⬍.001) 12.71 (⬍.001) 15.05 (⬍.001) ES t (P) 0.29 0.36 0.51 SRM 0.75 0.91 1.08 External responsiveness r (P) .35 (⬍.001) .40 (⬍.001) .64 (⬍.001) 7.9 (11.2) 9.5 (10.8) 11.0 (10.6) STREAM-15 Rasch score Mean change score (SD) Internal responsiveness 9.84 (⬍.001) 12.26 (⬍.001) 14.39 (⬍.001) ES t (P) 0.28 0.36 0.51 SRM 0.71 0.88 1.03 External responsiveness r (P) .38 (⬍.001) .45 (⬍.001) .62 (⬍.001) a STREAM-30⫽the original Stroke Rehabilitation Assessment of Movement, STREAM-27⫽the 27-item STREAM, STREAM-15⫽the 15-item STREAM, UL⫽upper limb movement, MO⫽basic mobility, LL⫽lower limb movement, ES⫽effect size, SRM⫽standardized response mean. detected to achieve “significant improvements” of LL and MO function by the STREAM-27 (22.6%– 35.9%) than by the STREAM-15 (18.5%–29.2%). The UL subscales of both measures exhibited trends similar to those of the LL and MO subscales. On the other hand, a significantly smaller proportion of participants were categorized as having “no change or deterioration” in each of the 3 subscales by the STREAM-27 (12.8%–18.5%) than by the STREAM-15 (18.5%–24.1%). Regarding the external responsiveness, significantly more participants were found to have significant/imAugust 2015 portant improvement by both the STREAM-27 and BI (20.0%–32.8%) than by both the STREAM-15 and BI (17.4%–26.7%) in the MO subscale. The UL and LL subscales also showed similar trends. The Figure shows the distributions of the SE values (vertical axis) across UL, LL, and MO subscale functions (horizontal axis) for the STREAM-27 and STREAM-15 at admission and discharge. The curves of the SE values of both measures appeared to be parallel. Particularly, at every time point and subscale, a majority of the SE values of the STREAM-15 were larger than those of the STREAM-27, and the mean SE values of the STREAM-15 were significantly larger than those of the STREAM-27 (t⫽22.46 – 46.56, all P values ⬍.001). Floor and Ceiling Effects Table 5 shows that the STREAM-30 demonstrated both significant floor effects (21.0%–31.3%) and ceiling effects (19.0%–26.2%) in the UL subscale at both time points, a significant floor effect (20.5%) at admission, and a significant ceiling effect (19.5%) at discharge in the LL subscale and no significant floor or ceiling effects in the MO subscale. Neither a floor effect nor Volume 95 Number 8 Physical Therapy f 1177 Group- and Individual-Level Responsiveness of 3 Measures Table 3. Bootstrap Analyses for Comparisons of Group-Level Internal and External Responsiveness Among the STREAM-30 (Raw Score), STREAM-27 (Rasch Score), and STREAM-15 (Rasch Score) in Participants With Stroke (n⫽195)a 98.4% CI of Differencesb Measure UL LL MO Internal responsiveness ES STREAM-30 vs STREAM-27 ⫺.10, ⫺.02c ⫺.07, .00 ⫺.02, .03 STREAM-30 vs STREAM-15 ⫺.09, ⫺.01c ⫺.08, .00 ⫺.04, .06 STREAM-27 vs STREAM-15 ⫺.01, .03 ⫺.03, .03 ⫺.03, .04 STREAM-30 vs STREAM-27 ⫺.30, ⫺.08c ⫺.28, ⫺.12c ⫺.13, ⫺.02c STREAM-30 vs STREAM-15 ⫺.26, ⫺.03c ⫺.27, ⫺.06c ⫺.11, .06 STREAM-27 vs STREAM-15 ⫺.01, .10 ⫺.06, .12 ⫺.04, .14 STREAM-30 vs STREAM-27 ⫺.08, .12 ⫺.08, .07 ⫺.01, .07 STREAM-30 vs STREAM-15 ⫺.11, .09 ⫺.15, .04 ⫺.02, .13 STREAM-27 vs STREAM-15 ⫺.07, .02 ⫺.12, .02 ⫺.04, .09 SRM External responsiveness Pearson r a STREAM-30⫽the original Stroke Rehabilitation Assessment of Movement, STREAM-27⫽the 27-item STREAM, STREAM-15⫽the 15-item STREAM, UL⫽upperlimb movement, MO⫽basic mobility, LL⫽lower limb movement, CI⫽confidence interval, ES⫽effect size, SRM⫽standardized response mean. b Applying the Bonferroni correction for multiple comparisons, the critical alpha level was adjusted down to .016 (ie, ␣/n comparisons⫽.05/3). Thus, we used 98.4% CI. c ES or SRM values between 2 measures were significantly different. a ceiling effect was found in the 3 subscales of the STREAM-27 and those of the STREAM-15. Discussion The main purpose of this study was to investigate whether the ability of the STREAM-15 to detect patients’ progress is similar to those of the STREAM-30 and STREAM-27 at both the group and individual levels. We found that the STREAM-15 showed sufficient and similar group-level responsiveness, both in internal and external indexes, to the STREAM-30 and STREAM-27; however, the STREAM-27 had greater individuallevel internal and external responsiveness than the STREAM-15. These results demonstrate that the STREAM30, STREAM-27, and STREAM-15 are equally able to identify changes in movement status and mobility when used in a group and that the group changes in the 3 STREAM measures can comparably reflect the corre1178 f Physical Therapy Volume 95 sponding changes of ADL function assessed with the BI. As for detection of an individual patient’s movement and mobility recovery, the STREAM-27 can detect more patients with significant movement and mobility improvement than the STREAM-15. In addition, the STREAM-27 revealed a greater number of patients achieving both significant recovery in movement and mobility and clinically important improvement in ADL function. Accordingly, the STREAM-27 is recommended as an outcome measure to demonstrate treatment effects of movement and mobility for patients with stroke in both clinical and research settings. The superior ability of the STREAM-27 over that of the STREAM-15 to detect change in movement and mobility in individuals was supported by 2 individual-level indexes. First, all of the SCs of the STREAM-27 were signifi- Number 8 cantly higher than those of the STREAM-15. That is, the STREAM-27 could identify greater amounts of change in movement and mobility for individual patients compared with the STREAM-15. Second, the DP showed that the STREAM-27 detected significantly more patients with significant movement and mobility recovery and fewer patients with no change or deterioration of movement and mobility function compared with the STREAM15. The reason for the better individual-level responsiveness of the STREAM-27 could be that the STREAM-27 yields smaller measurement errors (ie, SE values) of the scores for individual patients, as shown in the Figure. With a narrower distribution (smaller SE values) of estimated scores, the score differences between admission and discharge of each patient are more likely to be significant. These observations indicate that the STREAM-27 is a better August 2015 2.6 (⫺0.4, 5.6) 18.5 (36) 21.0 (41) BI improvement ⬎MCID STREAM-27⫽the 27-item Stroke Rehabilitation Assessment of Movement, STREAM-15⫽the 15-item Stroke Rehabilitation Assessment of Movement, UL⫽upper limb movement, MO⫽basic mobility, LL⫽lower limb movement, CI⫽confidence interval, BI⫽Barthel Index, DP⫽difference of proportion, SC⫽significance of change, MCID⫽minimal clinically important difference. The STREAM-30 was not included in individual-level comparisons because its Rasch scores and standard errors could not be estimated using Rasch analysis. b DP was significant (P⬍.05). a 6.2 (1.7, 10.6)b 26.7 (52) 32.8 (64) 2.6 (⫺1.0, 6.2) 17.4 (34) DP (95% CI) DP (95% CI) 20.0 (39) DP (95% CI) Significant Improvement % (n) Significant Improvement % (n) Significant Improvement % (n) Significant Improvement % (n) External Responsiveness Significant Improvement % (n) Significant Improvement % (n) ⫺5.6 (⫺10.0, ⫺1.3)b 18.5 (36) 12.8 (25) ⫺5.1 (⫺9.6, ⫺0.7)b 20.0 (39) ⫺5.6 (⫺10.2, ⫺1.1)b 24.1 (47) 18.5 (36) No change or deterioration 14.9 (29) ⫺1.0 (⫺7.8, 5.8) 52.3 (102) 51.3 (100) 1.0 (⫺5.0, 7.1) 61.5 (120) 2.1 (⫺3.8, 7.9) 54.9 (107) 56.9 (111) Nonsignificant improvement 62.6 (122) 6.7 (1.5, 11.8)b 29.2 (57) 35.9 (70) 4.1 (0.1, 8.1) 18.5 (36) 22.6 (44) 3.6 (0.0, 7.2) 21.0 (41) 24.6 (48) % (n) DP (95% CI) Significant improvement % (n) % (n) DP (95% CI) % (n) % (n) SC Group % (n) 1.2 (1.6) G2 (P) SC, X (SD) b 6.00 (⬍.001) 1.4 (1.3) 1.7 (1.5) 3.56 (⬍.001) 9.0 (.011) 1.0 (1.1) 4.23 (⬍.001) 1.1 (1.5) 1.1 (1.2) 9.5 (.009) t (P) STREAM-15 STREAM-27 t (P) STREAM-15 STREAM-27 Internal Responsiveness Measure 12.6 (.002) t (P) STREAM-15 STREAM-27 MO LL UL Individual-Level Internal and External Responsiveness of the STREAM-27 (Rasch Score) and STREAM-15 (Rasch Score) (n⫽195)a Table 4. August 2015 DP (95% CI) Group- and Individual-Level Responsiveness of 3 Measures outcome measure than the STREAM-15 at the individual level. Floor and ceiling effects limit a measure’s ability to detect changes in individuals who score the minimum and maximum scores, respectively,36 thereby decreasing both the grouplevel and the individual-level responsiveness of a measure. Our results imply that both the STREAM-27 and STREAM-15 can differentiate among individuals with low or high levels of movement and mobility function, but the STREAM-30 cannot. Such an observation results from the fact that more measurement information from the related subscales was taken into account using multidimensional Rasch scaling model in the STREAM-27 and STREAM-15. That is, a patient’s Rasch score on one subscale (eg, UL) was estimated by considering the same patient’s responses on the other 2 subscales (ie, LL and MO). Thus, the STREAM-27 and STREAM-15 were more likely than the STREAM-30 to reveal the fine distinctions among patients with very low or high levels of function, and the floor and ceiling effects of the STREAM-27 were the smallest. These findings may be one of the reasons why the STREAM-27 and STREAM-15 had similar but slightly higher group-level responsiveness than the STREAM-30 and why the STREAM-27 had the best individuallevel responsiveness. Previously, the STREAM-15 was recommended as an efficient and reliable substitute for the STREAM-30 because its group-level psychometric properties were shown to be as robust as those of the STREAM-30 and STREAM-27.10,21,23 However, we found that the STREAM-15 is less able than the STREAM-27 to demonstrate treatment effects for individual patients in clinical trials or clinical settings. Our findings were consistent with those of previous studies Volume 95 Number 8 Physical Therapy f 1179 Group- and Individual-Level Responsiveness of 3 Measures Figure. Comparison of standard errors across function location on the upper limb movement (UL), lower limb movement (LL), and basic mobility (MO) subscales between the 27-item Stroke Rehabilitation Assessment of Movement (STREAM-27) and 15-item STREAM (STREAM-15) at admission and discharge. The standard error for each participant’s Rasch score was estimated by Rasch analysis. The standard errors showing U-shaped distribution, as shown in the other Rasch-calibrated measures,37–39 indicate that the measurement errors of 2 extreme levels of function were larger. The large measurement errors were due to the smaller number of items developed for both extremely difficult levels of function and led to less precise measurement. comparing both the group-level and individual-level responsiveness of long-form and short-form outcome measures.6 – 8,13 Long-form measures are expected to be more responsive than any of their short-form measures because more items with different difficulty levels would provide more useful information to estimate patients’ abilities. Thus, the measurement errors (SE) would decrease, which would yield better individual1180 f Physical Therapy Volume 95 level responsiveness. These results imply that using only the group-level responsiveness is insufficient, and the misguided belief in its sufficiency might have led clinicians and researchers to choose a less responsive outcome measure. Furthermore, the individual-level responsiveness of outcome measures can provide individual-level effects (eg, individual patient’s progress, number of patients with significant improve- Number 8 ment) that the traditional indexes of group-level responsiveness cannot provide. This information can help researchers to interpret the treatment effects and assist clinicians in translating the evidence from research to clinical settings (eg, how many patients could benefit from the treatment protocol). Thus, we strongly suggest that individual-level responsiveness needs to be included in the examination of responsiveness August 2015 Group- and Individual-Level Responsiveness of 3 Measures Table 5. Floor and Ceiling Effects of the STREAM-30, STREAM-27, and STREAM-15 at Admission and Discharge (n⫽195)a Admission, n (%) Measure STREAM-30 raw score STREAM-27 Rasch score STREAM-15 Rasch score Subscale Discharge, n (%) Floor Effect Ceiling Effect Floor Effect Ceiling Effect UL 61 (31.3) 37 (19.0) 41 (21.0) 51 (26.2) LL 40 (20.5) 23 (11.8) 25 (12.8) 38 (19.5) MO 8 (4.1) 0 (0.0) 5 (2.6) 3 (1.5) UL 6 (3.1) 0 (0.0) 4 (2.1) 3 (1.5) LL 6 (3.1) 0 (0.0) 4 (2.1) 3 (1.5) MO 6 (3.1) 0 (0.0) 4 (2.1) 3 (1.5) UL 10 (5.1) 1 (0.5) 4 (2.1) 3 (1.5) LL 10 (5.1) 1 (0.5) 4 (2.1) 3 (1.5) MO 10 (5.1) 1 (0.5) 4 (2.1) 3 (1.5) a STREAM-30⫽the original Stroke Rehabilitation Assessment of Movement, STREAM-27⫽the 27-item STREAM, STREAM-15⫽the 15-item STREAM, UL⫽upper limb movement, MO⫽basic mobility, LL⫽lower limb movement. The extents of the floor and ceiling effects on the 3 subscales of either the STREAM-27 or the STREAM-15 were all the same because in the multidimensional Rasch model, only the participants who obtained the lowest or highest raw scores of all 3 subscales simultaneously had the lowest or highest Rasch scores, respectively. of outcome measures in order to provide comprehensive empirical evidence. This study had 3 limitations. First, only 3% to 6% of the participants, as expected, deteriorated during hospitalization. Therefore, the abilities of the STREAM-27 and STREAM-15 to detect deterioration of movement and mobility in patients with stroke remain unknown. Second, the participants were in the subacute stage. Consequently, the individual-level responsiveness of the STREAM-27 and STREAM-15 may not be generalized to the patients with acute or chronic stroke. Last, the high attrition rate (49.7%) might limit the generalizability of our findings. However, the limitation of the generalizability might be trivial for the following 2 reasons. First, we found that the differences in movement and mobility impairments between the remaining 195 patients and the 193 participants lost at second assessment were not significant. In addition, the 195 participants covered a wide range of movement and mobility deficits. In summary, our findings demonstrate that the STREAM-27 is better August 2015 able than the STREAM-15 to detect movement and mobility improvement for an individual patient, although the STREAM-15 and the STREAM-27 are equally able to detect change in a group. Thus, the STREAM-27 is recommended as an outcome measure to demonstrate treatment effects of movement and mobility for patients with stroke in both clinical and research settings. 2 Beaton DE, Bombardier C, Katz JN, Wright JG. A taxonomy for responsiveness. J Clin Epidemiol. 2001;54:1204 –1217. 3 Wright JG, Young NL. A comparison of different indices of responsiveness. 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August 2015 Group- and Individual-Level Responsiveness of 3 Measures Appendix. Deduction of SEdifference Formulaa In classical test theory, the observed scores comprise true scores and measurement errors. If a patient’s ability (ie, true score) has not changed between assessments, which is a necessary assumption in the estimation of reliability, the fluctuation of observed scores between 2 assessments obtained on the same measure by the same patient comes solely from the measurement errors (formulas 1 and 2). Therefore, the variance of the observed change scores (measurement error between repeated assessments) is equal to the variance of the difference of the measurement errors (formula 3). In addition, the measurement errors are random variables and are assumed to be independent between repeated assessments. Thus, the covariance of the measurement errors between admission and discharge should be zero and could be ignored for calculation of SEdifference (formula 4). The deduction of SEdifference formula are presented as follows: (1) Rasch scoreadmission ⫽ True score (T) ⫹ Measurement error (E)admission (2) Rasch scoredischarge ⫽ True score (T) ⫹ Measurement error (E)discharge (3) 2 SEdifference ⫽ Variance (Rasch scoredischarge ⫺ Rasch scoreadmission) ⫽ Variance (T ⫹ Edischarge ⫺ T ⫺ Eadmission) ⫽ Variance (Edischarge ⫺ Eadmission) ⫽ Variance (Edischarge) ⫹ Variance (Eadmission) ⫺ 2 Covariance (Edischarge, Eadmission) 2 2 ⫹ SEdischarge ⫺0 ⫽ SEadmission 2 2 ⫽ SEadmission ⫹ SEdischarge (4) SEdifference ⫽ 2 冑SEadmission 2 ⫹ SEdischarge a The abbreviation “SE” here means measurement error, not standard error of the mean. The SE represents the measurement error of an individual patient’s Rasch score, and the SEdifference means the measurement error of an individual patient’s Rasch change score between repeated assessments. August 2015 Volume 95 Number 8 Physical Therapy f 1183 Perspective Nobel Prize for Physical Therapy? Rise, Fall, and Revival of MedicoMechanical Institutes Nils Hansson, Anders Ottosson N. Hansson, PhD, Institute for the History of Medicine and Medical Ethics, University of Cologne, Joseph-Stelzmann-Strasse 20, 50931 Köln/Cologne, Germany. Address all correspondence to Dr Hansson at: A. Ottosson, PhD, Department of Historical Studies, Gothenburg University, Gothenburg, Sweden. [Hansson N, Ottosson A. Nobel Prize for physical therapy? Rise, fall, and revival of medicomechanical institutes. Phys Ther. 2015;95:1184 –1194.] This historical vignette explores the considerations of the Nobel Prize Committee for Physiology or Medicine by vetting the Nobel Prize chances of Dr Gustaf Zander (1835–1920). His way to stardom started 150 years ago when he began mechanizing the passive and active movements that physical therapists manually used to treat diseases. A glance at his machines shows that they parallel surprisingly well what can be found in modern fitness studios. By combining files from the Nobel Prize Archive and sources from the first physical therapists, this vignette pieces together why Zander was considered one of the best candidates for the Nobel Prize in 1916. By providing this glimpse of history, questions about the origin of physical therapy concepts and the profession of the physical therapist are raised. © 2015 American Physical Therapy Association Published Ahead of Print: February 5, 2015 Accepted: January 26, 2015 Submitted: June 24, 2014 Post a Rapid Response to this article at: 1184 f Physical Therapy Volume 95 Number 8 August 2015 Nobel Prize for Physical Therapy? D id a researcher with physical therapy interests ever have a chance to receive the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine? In this overview, we will examine the discussions of the Nobel Prize committee concerning a major contributor to the development of presentday fitness studios—who, as we will see, was a very strong candidate for the Nobel Prize in 1916. The aim of this article is to shed light on overlooked aspects of the history of the physical therapy profession by relating to a Nobel Prize nomination and a Nobel committee report as well as to sources from the first physical therapists. Although the Nobel Prize Archive at the Karolinska Institute in Solna, Sweden, has gained scholarly attention among historians,1– 8 this specific area has, to date, been neglected. First, we will briefly contextualize the rise of the physical therapy profession and mechanomedical medicine in Sweden and identify some important historical figures. Second, we will highlight the remarkable transfer of their theories and praxis within Europe and to the United States. We argue that not only Zander’s machines but also the US physical therapy profession could be better understood if the context and transfer of knowledge put forward here were better included in historical analyses. Finally, we reconstruct and discuss how the Nobel Prize committee dealt with mechanomedical medicine and in what way their arguments were tainted by the First World War. In his will of 1895, the Swedish innovator Alfred Nobel stipulated that 1 of 5 yearly Nobel Prizes should go to the person “who [had] made the most important discovery within the domain of physiology or medicine.”9 The first Nobel Prize was awarded in 1901. Today, it is seen as the most prestigious benchmark of excellence in medicine, and it is used for ranking universities and gauging the sciAugust 2015 Figure 1. Torso rotator. Source: Tekniska Muséet, Stockholm, Sweden. entific reputation of whole nations. It is the job of the Nobel Prize committee at the Karolinska Institute to, each year, single out 1, 2, or 3 prizeworthy individuals. In the first 2 decades of the 20th century, hundreds of scholars were nominated for the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine. The majority of all nominees were physiologists, such as Eduard Pflüger (unsuccessfully nominated 40 times!)10; bacteriologists, such as the 1905 Nobel Prize laureate Robert Koch11; or surgeons, such as Theodor Kocher12, the Nobel Prize recipient of 1909, all praised for their promising lab-oriented research. However, in the Nobel Prize committee’s shortlist of candidates in 1916, 1 of the 6 possible laureates was atypical: the Swedish physician Jonas Gustaf Wilhelm Zander (1835–1920). Zander’s 5 competitors were very much on par with the contemporary scientific profile and reflected the kind of biomedical cutting-edge research that was in vogue at the time. Zander was nominated for his so-called medicomechanical devices, which aimed at treating and curing many chronic diseases and orthopedic deformities (eg, scoliosis). Altogether, he had designed no fewer than 76 apparatuses13,14(p258) “to twist every part of the body in every possible direction”15(p493) (Figs. 1 and 2). Although not selected by the Nobel Prize committee, Zander did not stand out only for his physical therapy interests. He also was one of Volume 95 Number 8 Physical Therapy f 1185 Nobel Prize for Physical Therapy? Figure 2. “Swedishroom” at Dr Harvey Kellogg’s world-famous sanitarium, Battle Creek, Michigan. The machines are Zander’s but could be modified. Kellogg was known to alter and mix different practices. Source: Willard Library, Battle Creek, Michigan. Europe’s leading theosophians (from the Greek the- ⫹ sophia–wisdom) and published more than 200 articles on this matter.16 The theosophians represented an esoteric and mystic philosophy in search of the divine organic truths of life and nature. It is tempting to view Zander’s odd but strong candidacy as only an expression of the nationalistic “zeitgeist” found in Europe at the time and assume that he was favored because he was a Swedish physician. If you overlook the theosophian part of Zander’s career, it is not hard to see why this could be the case. Few Swedish physicians can match his impact on a global scale. From 1864 (when he opened his first mechanomedical institute in Stockholm, Sweden) onward, Zander’s machines reached almost every corner of the world. They were found at universities, sanitariums, and hospitals in Scandinavia, the United States, Argentina, Bulgaria, France, Great Britain, Portugal, Switzerland, Hol1186 f Physical Therapy Volume 95 land, Russia, Italy, and Spain. The list continues with Belgium, Chile, South Africa, Egypt, and Cuba. In Germany, the success was particularly pronounced. The first Zander institute was founded in BadenBaden in 1884, and in 1911 about 120 Zander institutes were in operation.17,18 Moreover, large oceangoing ships, such as the Titanic, were equipped with Zander’s machines, allowing passengers to handle their ailments during the long trips. Zander gained worldwide recognition within the scientific community. His devices were shown at international exhibitions—for example, in Brussels in 1876, in Philadelphia in 1876, and in Paris in 1878 — and he received the Swedish Medical Society’s gold medal for his dissertation titled “On the Treatment of Chronic Scoliosis With Mechanical Gymnastics/Physical Therapy.”17 Number 8 Mechanical Medicine and Pehr Henrik Ling As alluring as it might be to interpret Zander’s Nobel Prize nomination merely as a patriotic gesture from his Swedish countrymen, there are other historical circumstances that can help us understand why Zander caught the eyes of the Nobel Prize committee. We believe that these circumstances can be best understood by relating his invention to the therapeutic and scientific discourse from which they clearly evolved. This discourse is forgotten today but was very prominent during the 19th century. Zander’s gym machines reflect the influence of the work of Pehr Henrik Ling (1776 –1839), known as the “father” of Swedish gymnastics. Ling’s influence on institutionalized physical education is well appreciated in international literature. His gymnastic system contained a branch of physical education (peda- August 2015 Nobel Prize for Physical Therapy? Figure 3. Patients treated at the Royal Central Institute of Gymnastics (RCIG) polyclinic, 1896. Source: The library of the Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences (current name of RCIG). gogical gymnastics) deemed as prolific as German gymnastics (Turnen), English sports, and the Sargent system in the United States. Ling was first mentioned in the United States in sources dating back to the 1830s, although it was during the last decades of the century that his impact became immense. Many physicians favored Ling’s physical education over sports and other systems because they believed that Ling’s model was based on existing rational and scientific principles.19 –21 No longer well known, however, is how much physicians also favored a different branch of Ling’s gymnastic system, his physical therapy (in Swedish, “sjukgymnastik,” and in English, then called “medical gymnastics” or “remedial gymnastics”). Many approved of his curative movements and manipulations to the August 2015 extent that it is not an exaggeration to state that Ling’s impact on 19th century medicine even trumped Zander’s—also in the United States.22 Giants in physical medicine, such as Dr Harvey Kellogg and Dr Douglas Graham, have many connections to Ling and his physical therapy, with frequent references to him in their publications.23,24 It is no coincidence that Swedish Movements on Medical Gymnastics, written by the most authoritative author of textbooks on Ling’s physical therapy in the 19th century, the Swedish Professor T.J. Hartelius, was translated into English and published in Battle Creek, Michigan, with a foreword by Kellogg himself.25 Ling’s legacy still is very much present. In 1813, he founded the Royal Central Institute of Gymnastics (RCIG) in Stockholm, which had a great impact on the education and professional identity of physical therapists (Fig. 3). The RCIG provided the first formal education for physical therapists more than 200 years ago. To avoid conceptual confusion, it should be noted that the title “physical therapist” or “physiotherapist” was not used as a distinct professional designation until a couple of decades into the 20th century. Today, most countries have changed their former vernacular names to “physiotherapist.” The Germans, for instance, turned “Krankengymnast” into “Physiotherapeut” in 1994, and the Swedes recently did the same with “sjukgymnast.” However, this only entails nomenclature. Movements and manual techniques are still the core of physical therapist practice and physical therapists’ professional identity. Volume 95 Number 8 Physical Therapy f 1187 Nobel Prize for Physical Therapy? With this in mind, we can readdress the RCIG and its 19th century curriculum. Apart from anatomy, physiology, and pathology, the training program offered included Ling’s system of gymnastics, which in addition to physical therapy and pedagogical gymnastics (or physical education) also contained a branch of military gymnastics (mostly fencing). The system was viewed as an organism, meaning that it could not reach its full capacity unless all branches communicated with each other. An RCIG examination rendered its alumni a competence cluster, allowing them to operate with both sick and healthy bodies, in the army as well as in civil society. When training students and soldiers, he was a physical educator, and when treating sick people, he was a physical therapist. In 1887, this competence was given the official prestigious title of “Director of Gymnastics,” a title referring to an owner of a clinic where sick people were treated with physical therapy. The physical therapists earned the right to be licensed by the government the very same year. When the first women were allowed to enter the RCIG in 1864, they gained the same competence as the men, the military part excluded. To understand Ling’s (and hence Zander’s) impact on physical therapy historically, we believe it is important to note that it was the physical therapy component of Ling’s system that made it scientific, something Ling and his numerous followers agreed on during the major part of the 19th century.23,26 Equally important to grasp are the full intentions Ling had with his physical therapy. Ling, and the physical therapists walking in his footsteps, wanted to revolutionize orthodox medicine, which they believed was too occupied with pharmacological cures. Instead, Ling believed that orthodox medicine should be 1188 f Physical Therapy Volume 95 oriented more toward mechanical modes of treating illness, ergo his physical therapy movements and manipulations of the body. These were seen as potent a remedy as drugs and surgery. Hence, the medical sciences needed theoretical and practical knowledge of Ling’s physical therapy, or the physicians’ regimens would remain unbalanced and even “poisonous.” The RCIG’s main objective, in fact, was to “cure” orthodox medicine from its onesidedness.14(pp130 –139) The healing powers of every undertaken movement and manipulation were declared to have a certain physiological value, which rigorous scientific work had proven valid. It also was believed possible to direct their effects to certain areas of the body via blood vessels and nerves. In light of the current popular trend in prescribing physical activity to patients, it is interesting to note that 19th century physical therapists did the same. After careful examinations in order to give a correct diagnosis, the “cure” was administrated via individualized prescriptions containing a combination of movements and manipulations. Although not free from contemporary criticism, Ling’s impact on orthodox medicine did become immense and was especially evident in Sweden. Despite the fact that Ling was not affiliated with a faculty of medicine, the government sanctioned the RCIG’s objective to educate “doctors of gymnastics,” a title referring to a “drug-physician” also competent in “mechanics,” ergo trained in the same way as physical therapists. During several occasions in the second half of the 19th century, the Karolinska Institute advocated Ling’s physical therapy as a compulsory part of physicians’ curricula. Orthopedists especially were enthusiastic, and they even used Ling to help orthopedics reach scientific and therapeutic status. The Number 8 scientific status of the RCIG was so great that physical therapists, without being physicians, could receive the title “professor of the Swedish government.” Some physicians even worked as employees at clinics owned and headed by physical therapists. Worth noting is that Ling was by no means the only person interested in systemized mechanical cures. There were others competing with him, expressing similar interests and ambitions, including physicians.27 Yet, it was his system of physical therapy that reached the greatest scientific and therapeutic recognition. One rival, for example, was Dr Daniel Gottlieb Moritz Schreber’s German “Kinesiatrik.” But it was not until the end of the 19th century that a physician started challenging Ling’s top-ranking position in mechanical medicine: the Dutch physician Johann Metzger, who received the epithet “inventor of scientific massage.”28 Regardless, the RCIG became an international node and authoritative center for physical therapists and physicians interested in cures using movements and manipulations. The main proponents of Ling’s physical therapy outside of Sweden were his many disciples, physicians as well as physical therapists. They were convinced that they were representatives of a new science destined to convert the one-sided orthodox medicine taught at the universities. Consequently, they opened physical therapy clinics abroad and wrote books, theses, and pamphlets praising Ling and his mechanical doctrines.29 –34 Ling’s Links to Physical Therapy in the United States Before focusing on Zander’s Nobel Prize nomination, it is worth asking August 2015 Nobel Prize for Physical Therapy? ourselves if Ling’s influence needs to be better accounted for in the analyses of the history of the physical therapy profession. Ling’s physical therapy is not touched upon in current research on the US physical therapy profession. The accepted premise is that the profession came into being during World War I. The experience of the war had made American physicians see a need for personnel able to rehabilitate soldiers who were maimed and wounded. They directed their attention toward female physical education teachers, whose knowledge of fitness, anatomy, and physiology made them ideal to be trained as “reconstruction aides” in so-called “war emergency courses.”35–37 It is also briefly mentioned in the literature that the physical therapists-to-be were already educated in techniques of manual therapy as well as massage. Little has been done, to date, to investigate what kind of “manual therapy” the first physical therapists knew and where they had acquired their skills. Figure 4. Although this still is a terra incognita, this white spot is easy to map, at least tentatively, if we look more closely at what kind of physical education the first physical therapists mastered. The first 6 schools where the reconstruction aides were recruited and where the “war emergency courses” were set up are well known: Reed College (Portland, Oregon), Normal School of Gymnastics (Battle Creek, Michigan), New Haven Normal School of Gymnastics (New Haven, Connecticut), Boston Normal School of Gymnastics, American School of Physical Education (Boston, Massachusetts), and Posse Normal School of Gymnastics (Boston, Massachusetts; originally Posse Gymnasium). When cross-referencing these schools with studies on the history of North American physical educaAugust 2015 A manual torso rotator. Here, 2 physical therapists fixate the patient’s body, and 2 physical therapists are executing the movement. This is exactly the same movement mimicked by Zander in Figure 1. A comparison reveals how labor-intensive “manual machines” could be compared with Zander’s machines. At most, 5 different physical therapists or assistants were needed to execute a movement or technique. Source: National Archives, Sweden. tion, it becomes evident that many of these schools, if not all, had Ling’s gymnastic system as a kingpin. At the closing decade of the 19th century, Ling’s system became the favorite of the normal schools training women to become physical educators. Physical therapy (then called “medical gymnastics” or “remedial gymnastics”), therefore, was often included in the curriculum.19(p178),21 The system’s greatest promoter during the 1880s and 1890s, Dr Edward M. Hartwell, believed the RCIG produced the best physical educators in the world because its students were trained to also handle children not fit enough for the gymnasium.38,39 It may not be far-fetched to assume that the reconstruction aides coming from these Normal Schools did not need to be taught much of the basics. To physical educators trained with Ling’s system, working with sick bodies was not alien. Boston Normal School of Gymnastics and Posse Normal School of Gymnastics carried the very distinctive marks of the RCIG alumnus Baron and Lieutenant Nils Posse. He is sometimes referred to as the “Father of Swedish Gymnastics” in the United States,40 although when he Volume 95 Number 8 Physical Therapy f 1189 Nobel Prize for Physical Therapy? physical therapy clinics prior to the war.43 Gustaf Zander and Ling’s Physical Therapy Figure 5. Bending and stretching the upper arm. Source: National Archives, Sweden. first arrived in Boston in 1885, it was as a physical therapist with the intention of propagating Ling’s physical therapy. The idea of a strong Ling connection also is reinforced when highlighting the background of 2 of the leading figures in early US physical therapy history: Marguerite Sanderson and Mary McMillan. Sanderson was sent to Walter Reed General Hospital in Washington, DC, in 1917 to organize units of the Reconstruction Aide Corps. She was a graduate of the Boston Normal School of Gymnastics. When Sanderson left for Europe to inspect her trainees, Mary McMillan took her place. McMillan, in turn, had “graduate work in physical culture and corrective exercises, including Swedish gymnastics and the dynamics of scoliosis.”41 Because 1190 f Physical Therapy Volume 95 she advanced and became organizer of and instructor at the largest of the “War Emergency Courses” (Reed College) and founded the American Physical Therapy Association (originally the American Physiotherapy Association), we believe it is time to pay more historical and sociological attention to what McMillan says in her most influential publication, where she states that it is to “Peter (sic) Henry Ling and Swedish systemized order that we owe much today . . . in the field of medical gymnastics or therapeutic exercise.”42 Further research will try to substantiate the validity of the questions raised in the present article, but it is clear that students from the Boston Normal School of Gymnastics could open Number 8 Having put forward the works and the possible early influence of Ling on the emerging American physical therapy profession, we now turn our attention to Dr Zander and his accomplishments. Zander considered himself one of Ling’s successors. He wanted to duplicate the many active and passive movements (including massage techniques) found in Ling’s physical therapy. He believed that machines could execute the movements better than humans and that machines guaranteed a more accurate way to measure results, which made them more scientific. In other words, Zander’s machines did not add anything new to the actual movements; they had been practiced systematically for a long time, but manually.44 Using weights and levers, Zander came up with an alternative method that was less labor-intensive. It did not require as many physical therapists who would otherwise be needed for the treatment. Steam engines were engaged for many of the so-called passive movements (Figs. 4, 5, and 6). Given the many physicians and physical therapists depending on “manual” machines (scientifically and financially), it took a while before Zander’s inventions were accepted. Many feared that their expertise and work could be replaced with machines. Within a few years after the machines had been launched, critics questioned their effects. Some physicians were cautious and contended that the treatment had to be thoroughly evaluated before any reliable assumptions could be made. Others were much more harsh. The German physician Georg Hünerfauth ironically referred to the machines as “magnificent toys for large chilAugust 2015 Nobel Prize for Physical Therapy? dren.”45 Swedish orthopedists even accused Zander of ruining Ling’s great science.14(pp261–263),46 In the end, however, the critics could not prevent Zander from achieving success, with an epicenter in Germany. Zander appears frequently as a key figure in German books on the history of medicine.47–53 The extreme popularity in Germany can be explained partly by the mandatory accident insurance that was imposed on employers in 1884. Through this insurance, rehabilitation and economic concerns became entangled. The worse the invalidity caused by a work injury was, the more costly the insurance became for the employer. Using Zander’s machines to treat individuals with chronic or acute musculoskeletal injuries could lower their economic burden because patient care did not require a large staff of physical therapists to provide passive mobilization and 1-on-1 to 5-on-1 care. Zander’s machines could lower their economic burden. Unlike a large staff of physical therapists, they did not need a salary; hence, their services were more affordable—at least this seems very likely (Fig. 7).14(pp258 –262) It is our belief that Zander’s Nobel Prize nomination cannot be fully appreciated if this lively competitive scientific discourse of mechanical medicine is not highlighted. This belief is confirmed with the Nobel Prize nomination of Zander, written by Patrik Haglund (1870 –1937), Sweden’s first professor of orthopedics at the Karolinska Institute and the main organizer of Sweden’s care of people with movement disorders and disabilities. He also was one of those doctors of gymnastics who completed a formal examination from the RCIG, meaning he had the same mechanical training and competence as a physical therapist. August 2015 Figure 6. Bending and stretching the upper arms in Zander’s apparatus. Source: Tekniska Muséet, Sweden. Haglund’s support for Zander’s medico-mechanical machines, as he wrote in his nomination, was strongly influenced by the First World War and the great effect of restoring the functional abilities of soldiers who were maimed and wounded. Haglund personally vouched for this when sharing his experiences from a trip to Germany during the summer of 1915. He had witnessed great qualitative and quantitative progress in the Zander treatment of soldiers with joint, skeletal, and muscle problems. He stressed that several surgeons and orthopedists were convinced that no alternative treatment was as effective.54 Haglund also declared that Zander training would be valuable to a wide range of patient groups, such as people with overweight, nervousness, symptoms in the digestive tract, neuralgia, and heart, vascular, and joint diseases (Fig. 8). Evaluation of Zander by the Nobel Prize Committee The surgeon Jules Åkerman was chosen as reviewer of Zander. Earlier, he had evaluated primarily surgeons, such as Victor Horsley in 1911, John B. Murphy in 1912, and Alexis Carrel in 1912. In 1912, Åkerman managed to persuade his peers in the Nobel Prize committee that Alexis Carrel should receive the prize because of his development of a vascular suture. He had then stressed that the suture could be of great importance during wartimes to treat gunshot wounds. The First World War facilitated the consideration of various aspects of how to treat injured soldiers, which Volume 95 Number 8 Physical Therapy f 1191 Nobel Prize for Physical Therapy? Figure 7. Zander also invented anthropometric devices. Here, we have the “Bålmätningsapparaten” (trunk measuring apparatus) used to monitor the results of scoliosis treatment. Source: Tekniska Muséet, Sweden. were brought up in Nobel Prize nominations. Scientists who had developed limb prosthetics were repeatedly nominated, such as the German surgeon Ferdinand Sauerbruch.6 In that sense, the Nobel Prize committee’s interest in Zander’s devices was quite on par and not peculiar. In his 13-page report, written on August 19, 1916, Åkerman summarized that Zander would be a worthy Nobel Prize candidate.55 He put forward several advantages already highlighted above. Zander’s apparatuses, with their precise calibration (each machine could be adjusted to suit each individual’s strength, and 1192 f Physical Therapy Volume 95 the machine was targeted at a specific set of muscles), were of paramount significance. They also reduced the labor force (ie, massage therapists and physical therapists) and could handle many patients. According to Åkerman, the remarkable number of Zander’s machines was due, to a large extent, to the German physician Hermann Nebel (1835–1930). Nebel was one of the strongest promoters of the machines in Germany. He was head of Zander institutes in Hamburg and Frankfurt and was convinced that the machines could strengthen muscles and bring about a better life for each Number 8 new user. He was also a prolific writer on the subject.56 –59 The many German physicians praising Zander probably gave a silver lining to his candidacy. Swedish physicians at the time were strongly influenced by medical progress in Germany. After Åkerman had recommended Zander, the other members of the Nobel Prize committee requested more information about him. Patrik Haglund was called upon to elaborate, and he submitted a more comprehensive background to his nomination. In this written supplement, Zander’s recognition in Germany was reinforced. It primarily dealt with the opinions of German physicians. At the end of the letter (dated September 21, 1916), Haglund even gave this a patriotic twist. He stated, “In contemporary Germany, all manifestations of life breathe Germanism, ‘Deutschtum’ and ‘Deutschland über alles,’ the Germans have recognized a very important therapeutic method by a foreigner as superior. This seems to be the best proof of what Gustaf Zander has done to benefit mankind.”54 In other words, there was some chauvinistic flavor to Zander’s nomination, but not in the simple form the first impression provided us with. However, the Nobel Prize candidacy of Zander had an unexpected turn. The reason for this sudden turn harbors a good dose of historic irony. The Nobel Prize became a victim of World War I. Due to the war, the Nobel Prize committee chose not to award the prize to anyone in 1916. Thereby, Zander’s Nobel Prize case was closed. As Zander was not nominated in the following years, the Nobel Prize committee never again brought him up as a candidate. By the time Zander died in 1920, the popularity of his machines had decreased. The distribution of Zander’s machines reached its peak during World War I, but the interest August 2015 Nobel Prize for Physical Therapy? dropped to a minimum a few years later. The lack of interest in his machines was probably due to 2 intertwined factors. One factor was the ongoing advances in medicine that had opened up new possibilities, such as the scientific progress of orthopedic surgery, including anesthesia and asepsis/antisepsis procedures. The other was the depression caused by the war. The high initial costs of installing a full gym of machines were no longer affordable in the bleak economic times. It would take almost 50 years for the gym machines to make a comeback, then in the form of the Nautilus concept, which was invented by Arthur Jones (1926 –2007). Nowadays, gym machines can be found in fitness studios everywhere. In terms of their biomechanical function, they seldom differ from Zander’s machines. The only thing that strongly separates Zander’s machines from modern gym machines is that they were primarily intended for people who were sick and not used for bodybuilding. Conclusion The Nobel Prize was, and still is, not seen as a reward for a lifetime achievement. It usually is awarded for a discovery or an innovation that has the character of a breakthrough—the establishment of a new fact or technique that is intended to open up new ways of treating patients or understanding the natural world. It is easy to view the Nobel Prize as merely an arena reflecting what we often understand as hard-core science. But as displayed in this article, excellence in science and medicine can sometimes mean something else, especially if not focusing on the actual laureates. Thereby, one can better understand the medical profession and its allied professions historically: how they evolved, took different shapes, and engaged different levels of society. Gustaf Zander was a candidate August 2015 Figure 8. A manual leg curl targeting the hamstring muscles. Source: National Archives, Sweden. rooted in a tradition “scienticized” by physical therapists outside the ranks of physicians. When looking beyond the realms of the medical profession and contextualizing Zander’s scientific success historically, a window is opened into a forgotten past of the history of the physical therapy profession. 3 Crawford E, ed. Historical Studies in the Nobel Archives: The Prizes in Science and Medicine. Tokyo, Japan; Universal Academy Press; 2002. 4 Norrby E. Nobel Prizes and Nature’s Surprises. Hackensack, NJ: World Scientific Publishing Co Inc; 2013. 5 Hansson N, Daan S. Politics and physiology: Hermann Rein and the Nobel Prize. J Physiol. 2014;592:2911–2914. 6 Hansson N, Schagen U. In Stockholm they apparently had some kind of countermovement: Ferdinand Sauerbruch (18751951) and the Nobel prize. NTM. 2014;22: 133–161. Both authors provided concept/idea/project design, writing, and data analysis. Dr Hansson provided data collection, project management, and consultation (including review of manuscript before submission). The authors thank Julia Perry, Göttingen, for proofreading the manuscript. 7 Hansson N, Packy LM, Halling T, et al. Vom Nobody zum Nobelpreisträger: Der Fall Werner Forßmann [article in German]. Urologe A. 2015;54:412– 419. 8 Hansson N, Schlich T. “Highly Qualified Loser”? Harvey Cushing and the Nobel Prize. J Neurosurg. 2015 Jan 2 [Epub ahead of print]. 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Die Heil-Gymnastik oder die Kunst der Leibesübungen, Angewandt zur Heilung von Krankheiten nach dem Systeme des Schweden Ling und Seiner Schüler Branting, Georgii, de Ron, Sowie nach Eigenen Ansichten und Erfahrungen. Berlin, Germany: Jeanrenaud; 1852. 35 Linker B. Strength and science: gender, physiotherapy, and medicine in earlytwentieth-century America. J Womens Hist. 2005;17:107–109. 36 Linker B. War’s Waste: Rehabilitation in World War I America. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press; 2011:61–72. 37 Heap R. Training women for a new women’s profession: physiotherapy education at the University of Toronto, 1917-40. Hist Educ Quart. 1995;35:135–158. 38 Barrows CI. Physical Training: A Full Report of the Papers and Discussions of the Conference Held in Boston in November 1889. Boston, MA: Press of George H. Ellis; 1890:61. 39 Park RJ. Edward M. Hartwell and physical training at the Johns Hopkins University, 1879-1890. J Sport Hist. 1987;14:108 –119. 40 Howell RA. Baron Nils Posse: the “father” of Swedish gymnastics in the United States. In: 8th International Congress for the History of Sport and Physical Education; Uppsala, Sweden; 1979. 1979:209 – 219. 41 Swisher LL, Page CG. Professionalism in Physical Therapy: History, Practice & Development. St Louis, MO: Saunders; 2005:32. 42 McMillan M. Massage and Therapeutic Exercise. Philadelphia, PA: WB Saunders Co: 1921:209. Number 8 43 Gritzer G, Arluke A. The Making of Rehabilitation: A Political Economy of Medical Specialization, 1890-1980. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press; 1985. 44 Kreck HC. Die Medico-Mechanische Therapie Gustaf Zanders in Deutschland: Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Krankengymnastik [dissertation]. Frankfurt, Germany: Orthopadische Universitatsklinik Friedrichsheim, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universitat Frankfurt am Main; 1987:74. 45 Hünerfauth G. Handbuch der Massage: Für Studierende und Aertze. Leipzig, Germany: Vogel; 1887. 46 Zander G. Några ord till Belysning af Frågan om de Tvänne Olika Behandlingsmetoderna, den Manuella och den Mekaniska. Stockholm, Sweden: Nya Dagligt Allehanda Tryckeri; 1872. 47 Neuburger M, Pagel J. Handbuch der Geschichte der Medizin: Band III. Jena, Germany: Gustav Fischer Verlag; 1905: 124, 339, 351–353. 48 Sudhoff K. Geschichte der Medizin. Berlin, Germany: Verlag von S. Karger; 1922: 434. 49 Diepgen P. Geschichte der Medizin. Berlin/Leipzig, Germany: Springer; 1928:75. 50 Fischer I, ed. Biographisches Lexikon der Hervorragenden Ärzte der Letzten Fünfzig Jahre. München/Berlin, Germany: Urban & Schwarzenberger; 1932:1717. 51 Mayrhofer B. Wörterbuch zur Geschichte der Medizin. Jena, Germany: Verlag von Gustav Fischer; 1937:223. 52 Ackerknecht EH. Geschichte der Medizin: Kurze Geschichte der Medizin. Stuttgart, Germany: Ferdinand Enke Verlag; 1959: 160. 53 Ackerknecht EH. Geschichte der Medizin, 3: Überbearbeitete Auflage von Kurze Geschichte der Medizin. Stuttgart, Germany: Ferdinand Enke Verlag; 1977: 172. 54 Nobel Prize Archive for Physiology or Medicine, P. Haglund 1916 (nomination Zander). 55 Nobel Prize Archive for Physiology or Medicine, J. Åkerman 1916 (evaluation Zander). 56 Nebel H. Über Heilgymnastik und Massage. Wiesbaden, Germany: J.F. Bergmann; 1886. 57 Nebel H. Beiträge zur Mechanischen Behandlung: Mit Besonderer Berücksichtigung der Schwedischen Heilgymnastik Speciell der Mechanischen Gymnastik des Dr. Gust. Zander. Wiesbaden, Germany: J.F. Bergmann; 1888. 58 Nebel H. Bewegungskuren Mittelst Schwedischer Heilgymnastik und Massage: Mit Besonderer Berücksichtigung der Mechanischen Behandlung des Dr. G. Zander. Wiesbaden, Germany: J.F. Bergmann; 1889. 59 Nebel H. Die Behandlung Mittelst Bewegungen und Massage: Ihre Bedeutung, Handhabung und Indikationen. Wiesbaden, Germany: J.F. Bergmann; 1891. August 2015 Who said you can’t take PTJ with you? PTJ Mobile @ PTJ Mobile, a streamlined version of PTJ Online, is compatible with most smartphones and tablet devices. The mobile site includes all the essential features you have come to expect from PTJ Online, such as: • Access to full-text and PDF articles from January 1999 to the present • Access to PTJ’s archive from January 1980 through December 1998 in PDF • Accepted manuscripts published ahead of print at Online First • Figure/table-only views • Keyword, title, and author search capabilities • Fully linked reference lists • PTJ’s podcasts • Ability to manage your alert settings to receive the monthly e-Table of Contents, citation alerts, and notifications when Online First articles are posted Scholarships, Fellowships, and Grants News from the Foundation for Physical Therapy Recent Publications by Foundation Alumni “Bone Is Not Alone: The Effects of Skeletal Muscle Dysfunction in Chronic Kidney Disease,” by Avin KG and Moorthi RN, was published in Current Osteoporosis Reports (2015;13:173–179). Keith G. Avin, PT, PhD, was awarded a Florence P. Kendall Doctoral Scholarship in 2008, a Promotion of Doctoral Studies (PODS) I scholarship in 2009, and a PODS II scholarship in 2010. “In-Field Gait Retraining and Mobile Monitoring to Address Running Biomechanics Associated With Tibial Stress Fracture,” by Willy RW, Buchenic L, Rogacki K, Ackerman J, Schmidt A, and Willson JD, was published online in the Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports on February 4, 2015. Richard W. Willy, PT, PhD, OCS, was awarded PODS I scholarships in 2008 and 2009 and a PODS II scholarship in 2010. John D. Willson, PT, PhD, was awarded PODS I scholarships in 2004 and 2005 and a PODS II scholarship in 2006. “What Is the Relationship Between Depressive Symptoms and Pain During Functional Tasks in Persons Undergoing TKA? A 6-Year Perioperative Cohort Study,” by Riddle DL, Perera RA, Nay WT, and Dumenci L, was published online in Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research on February 21, 2015. Daniel L. Riddle, PT, PhD, FAPTA, was awarded a Doctoral Training Research Grant in 1990. Congratulations to PODS and NIFTI Recipients As part of its postprofessional Doctoral Opportunities for Clinicians and Scholarships (DOCS) program to fund the most highly qualified doc- August 2015 toral and postdoctoral students preparing for research careers, the Foundation awards PODS I scholarships of $7,500 each year to physical therapists or physical therapist assistants who have completed at least 2 full semesters or 3 full quarters of their coursework toward a postprofessional doctoral degree. PODS II scholarships of up to $15,000 each are awarded to physical therapists or physical therapist assistants who have been formally admitted to postprofessional doctoral candidacy. These scholarships are funded by the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) Fund, the Neurology Endowment Fund, and the Center of Excellence/Health Services Research (COE/HSR) Fund. Congratulations to the 2015 PODS I scholarship recipients: Amelia Arundale, PT, DPT, University of Delaware; Daniel Bittel, PT, DPT, Washington University in St Louis; Jason Falvey, PT, DPT, GCS, CEEAA, University of Colorado, Denver; Timothy Faw, PT, DPT, NCS, The Ohio State University; Abbigail Fietzer, PT, DPT, University of Southern California; Allison Kosir, PT, DPT, University of Colorado, Denver; and Trevor Lentz, PT, University of Florida. Timothy Faw, PT, DPT, NCS, The Ohio State University, is the recipient of the 2015 Patricia Leahy Award for his outstanding application in postprofessional studies within neurology. This award is given in memory of Patricia Leahy, PT, MS, NCS, an APTA Section on Neurology member, an accomplished physical therapist, and a Foundation Doctoral Training Research Grant recipient. Leahy was a professor at the University of the Sciences in Philadelphia and was one of the first physical therapists ever to receive the Neurologic Certified Specialist certification. This scholarship is generously supported by members of the Neurology Section through the Foundation’s Neurology Endowment Fund. Trevor Lentz, PT, DPT, University of Florida, has been named as the recipient of the Miami-Marquette Challenge Award for exceptional achievement within a PODS application. This award was made possible by the 2014 –2015 Miami-Marquette Challenge. The Challenge is the signature annual fundraising initiative of the Foundation, raising more funds each year than any other Foundation activity. The Challenge is coordinated and carried out by physical therapist and physical therapist assistant students across the country. Students organize grassroots fundraisers on their campuses and in their local communities that raise awareness for and benefit the Foundation for Physical Therapy. Since its inception, the Challenge has raised more than $3 million and has specifically funded more than 20 research grants and scholarships. The 2015 PODS II Scholarship recipients are: Allyn Bove, PT, DPT, University of Pittsburgh; Kendra CherryAllen, PT, DPT, Washington University in St Louis; Andrew Kittelson, PT, DPT, University of Colorado, Denver; Rebekah Lawrence, PT, DPT, OCS, University of Minnesota; Philip Malloy, PT, MS, Marquette University; Jacqueline Palmer, PT, DPT, University of Delaware; and Andrew Smith, PT, DPT, Northwestern University. Andrew Smith, PT, DPT, Northwestern University, is the recipient of the 2014 Mary Lou Barnes Award for his outstanding PODS II application in postprofessional studies within neurology. This award is given in honor of Mary Lou Barnes, PT, FAPTA, an Volume 95 Number 8 Physical Therapy f 1197 Scholarships, Fellowships, and Grants APTA Section on Neurology member and an accomplished physical therapist. Barnes was the founding director of the West Virginia University physical therapy program and served as chair of Georgia State University’s program. During her terms, both programs achieved national recognition. Members of the Neurology Section provided generous support for this award through the Foundation’s Neurology Endowment Fund. Kendra Cherry-Allen, PT, DPT, Washington University in St Louis, has been named the Viva J. Erickson Award recipient for exceptional academic and leadership achievement within a PODS II application. The award is given in honor of Viva J. Erickson, PT, an accomplished physical therapist and leader in APTA. The $78,000 New Investigator Fellowship Training Initiative (NIFTI) was awarded to Amee Seitz, MS, PT, DPT, PhD, OCS, of Northwestern University. Her fellowship will include a research training experience entitled “Mechanisms of Painful Rotator Cuff Tears: Establishing Scientifically-Based Treatment.” She will be mentored by Jules Dewald, PT, PhD, Director of the Neuroimaging and Motor Control Laboratory in the Department of Physical Therapy and Human Movement Science at the Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, and by Ana Maria Acosta, PhD, an Associate Professor in the Department of Physical Therapy and Human Movement Sciences at Northwestern University. This award is supported through the APTA Supporting the Profession Fund and the APTA Fund. 1198 f Physical Therapy Volume 95 The NIFTI supports postprofessional, doctorally prepared physical therapists as they begin their research careers. It is designed to accommodate both traditional postdoctoral and new faculty applicants for a closely mentored research experience. Alumni Shout-Outs Foundation alumnus Timothy Faw, PT, DPT, NCS (2013 Kendall Scholarship, 2014 PODS I), was recently elected to serve on the APTA Neurology Section’s Spinal Cord Injury Special Interest Group (SIG) Nominating Committee, and alumna Alexandra Borstad, PT, PhD, NCS (2009 PODS I), was elected to the section’s Stroke SIG Nominating Committee. Foundation alumna Bernadette Gillick, PT, MSPT, PhD (2009, 2010 PODS II, 2014 Magistro Grant), was recently interviewed on PBS NewsHour for a segment on noninvasive brain stimulation. Watch the full video at watch?v⫽yoEu2mEdLjw. Foundation alumna Amy Bastian, PT, PhD (1995, 1994 Doctoral Training Research Grant), was recently named as the first Chief Science Officer of the Kennedy Krieger Institute. Sarah Gilliland, PT, DPT, PhD, CSCS (2011, 2012 PODS I, 2014 PODS II) successfully defended her dissertation and graduated from University of California, Irvine in July. She will begin a tenure-track position at Chapman University this summer. defended her dissertation and graduated from Northwestern University. She began a postdoctoral fellowship with fellow Foundation alumna Amy Bastian, PT, PhD, at Johns Hopkins University. Share Your News and Announcements with the Foundation To have your information posted in the Foundation’s section of Physical Therapy, please email Rachael Crockett at RachaelCrockett@ Stay Connected with the Foundation in Four Easy Ways: 1. foundation4PT 2. Visit our Web site: 3. Follow us on Twitter: 4. Receive the monthly newsletter for updates on donors, Foundation Alumni, events, and much more! Email RachaelCrockett@foundation to subscribe. [DOI: 10.2522/ptj.2015.95.8.1197] Kristan Leech, PT, DPT, PhD (2010 Kendall Scholarship, 2012 PODS I, 2013, 2014 PODS II), successfully Number 8 August 2015 Product Highlights August 2015 Volume 95 Number 8 Physical Therapy f 1199 Product Highlights Ad Index MedChex.......................................................Cover 2 Parker Laboratories ........................................Cover 4 Raintree Systems ................................................1077 ReDoc ............................................................Cover 3 APTA Products and Services Electrotherapeutic Terminology in Physical Therapy ...........................................................1077 First Hand Student Kits.......................................1196 PTJ Mobile .........................................................1195 Request FREE Product Information on products advertised in PTJ. Go to APTA’s online resource at: 1200 f Physical Therapy Volume 95 Number 8 August 2015