Worship Leader Robert Smtih # 993 What A Mighty God We Serve
Worship Leader Robert Smtih # 993 What A Mighty God We Serve
Volume XLVI I I Number 39 For those who take the time to read scripture slowly and carefully two truths emerge. The first is we are all sinners. All of us share the same damage, the same failure, the same brokenness. The story of Noah, where God adds water to His new world starter kit makes this very clear. God chooses a righteous man, the best the world has to offer, and almost before he’s off the boat sin has grabbed hold of him. Even the best of us are sinners. Worship Leader # 993 What A Mighty God We Serve The second truth the Bible spells out for us is that God loves sinners. God loves us so much he gave his son for us. Even the worst of us is still loved by God not because we deserve it but because that’s who God is, that’s how God acts. So whoever you are, wherever you came from, you’re sitting with a bunch of folks who are sinners. Just like you. And just like you they’re loved by God. That’s what we’re here to proclaim this morning. We’ve gathered to worship the one who loves us and loved us even when we were unlovable. —Randy Robert Smtih # 171 Above All Else Welcome Robert Smith # 533 I Am A Sheep Scripture Reading Dan Spaeth Luke 15:11-24 Prayer # 324 Alas! And Did My Savior Bleed? Dan Spaeth # 769 May I Call You Father? Communion Corey Boucher Bread # 377 He Still Came Cup # 377 He Still Came Offering Corey Boucher Body Life Corey Boucher Prayer Time Robert Smith Dismiss Bible Hour (2yrs.-2nd gr.) Robert Smith # 1014 Jesus Loves Me # Sermon Welcome to worship. October 4,2015 Blessing Lord Reign In Me “Go Wash Your Hands” Randy Brown Randy Brown The following remain on our prayer list: Frank and Janice Farris, Harrison Wilborn, Evelyn Urbick, Rosalee Cleveland and Ray Shannon. Jenny Slavik will have a procedure in Sugarland tomorrow. She is hoping the procedure will prevent her from having hip surgery. Dorothy Williams has been in the hospital in Houston this week due to heart issues. You are invited to the The Annual Acappella Picnic at the Hallettsville Church of Christ on Saturday, October 10 from 10-3. Come and sing along or sit back and enjoy the singing. A meal will be provided. 1. When scripture says “all have sinned,” what does this mean in your life? How does the fact you’ve sinned affect your day to day activity? 2. How do you deal with guilt? Ignore it? Deny it? Imagine it? Do you ever doubt your forgiven status and your place in the family of God? Why or why not? 3. The church is the community where forgiveness reigns. What should this look like? Why would this be attractive to outsiders? 4. Living a life of being forgiven and forgiving is proof we believe the Kingdom has come. What does a forgiven life look like? What does a forgiving life look like? 5. When we pray, forgive us our sins, there is a cosmic aspect to our words. We are the world. What are some sins all humans share? What are the results of the sins? What is the Kingdom’s response to these sins? Next Sunday we will be serving lunch in the annex immediately following worship. Bring a dish and come prepared to share a meal with your brothers and sisters. If you have been visiting and plan to be here next week, please be our guest. Dear Central, Thanks to Randy Brown for the lovely service and thanks to the church for the meal, cards and prayers. Our mom was so blessed to have Central as her church family. Thanks for all your love and concern. The Family of Estella Martinez Trunk or Treat In keeping with Central’s Mission Statement: “To be God’s heart and God’s hands in this community and beyond,” I want to take up this week’s bulletin article with the e-mail that Jodie sent out from Andrea the other day. If you have ANY questions, please feel free to ask Andrea or me and we will do our best to answer, explain, or clarify anything we can. I strongly believe this to be a great avenue to reach out to our community; how do I know? I’ve seen it repeatedly work and we cannot go wrong putting faces to the sign out front to let people know we are human too. 4. If someone would like to donate funds toward a bounce house, that would be a HUGE draw for our community. Wednesday night, October 28, from 68pm we are hosting a Trunk or Treat for our Central families and the community around us! This is an excellent way to bring Central to the community. Yes, there will be other churches doing this, but for our nearby community, we will be serving them! To do this easy, large project we need 100% commitment from our Central family. Here is how you can help: The most important need is the trunks. It’s hard to have a Trunk or Treat without the trunks! Every family can do this, including younger and older members. If you have younger children and want to have them participate, this is absolutely possible. And kids get a big kick out of serving the community too! They can do both! If you need ideas, please come see Joey or Andrea for ideas on how to dress your trunk up. “Pinterest” is a fabulous way to find ideas. 1. Host a Trunk! What this means is you bring your car/truck/suv and decorate the trunk. I have attached examples to this email for you to see some ideas. You can go elaborate or simple! Make it more fun by dressing up yourself! WEDNESDAY Sept. 23, 2015 Bible Study 141 THURSDAY Oct. 1, 2015 Ladies Class 13 SUNDAY September 27, 2015 Bible Class AM Worship Evening Service Small Groups CONTRIBUTION WEEKLY BUDGET 148 229 105 Dismissed $ 9,566.72 $12,399.00 SPECIAL CONTRIBUTION $19,000.00 YEAR-TO-DATE $567,212.91 Fiscal Year October to October 2. Donate CANDY! Now is the time to hit up the stores before the candy prices skyrocket! Buy the individual piece candy. We are hoping to see possibly 200 kids or more! So make sure you have enough candy. We will have a setup of some kind near the Welcome Center or possibly under the new Central Student Ministry Board in the foyer. Please donate candy, and we will distribute that among the cars if we need to help those that run out. You may begin donating candy TODAY! 3. I am recruiting a couple of students to face paint. Of course, they don't know that yet. 5. If we serve food, usually it is something simple. That is an available "Station". 6. REGISTRATION — We will need at least four people to handle registrations. This is a way to keep track of visiting community, send them a thank you note, invite them to church! This job requires happy, positive, energetic (bilingual is a plus, but not mandatory) people! Sign up starts this Today! We need to know ASAP that you are willing to help! Sign up with Andrea! Thank you for wanting to make Central a better church family. Reaching out to our community is one of the easiest ways to bring our community together and share Jesus at the same time. Be Jesus, — Andrea Wrape