Feb 2012 - Sedona Gem and Mineral Club
Feb 2012 - Sedona Gem and Mineral Club
Sedona Gem and Mineral Club P.O. Box 3284, Sedona, AZ 86340 www.sedonagemandmineral.org General Meetings are held on the third Tuesday of the month at 7:00 PM at the Sedona Library off of Dry Creek Road in West Sedona. The Board of Directors meets at 5:00 PM the week before the General Meeting, also at the library. Members and guests are always welcome to attend. FEBRUARY, 2012 Volume 58, Issue 2 MEMBER AMERICAN FEDERATION OF MINERALOGICAL SOCIETIES MEMBER ROCKY MOUNTAIN FEDERATION OF MINERALOGICAL SOCIETIES Newsletter Editor: Patti Polk Email: rockhound_86326@yahoo.com Start planning now for our annual Sedona Gem and Mineral Show in October, 2012! FEBRUARY PROGRAM “New Grand Canyon Formations” Presented by Stan Beus WE HAVE AN INTERESTING PRESENTATION COMING UP THIS MONTH, BUT ALAS, NOT THE ONE THAT WAS ORIGINALLY SCHEDULED. IN PLACE OF SUE AND STAN CELESTIAN, DR. STAN BEUS HAS GRACIOUSLY STEPPED UP TO THE PLATE TO OFFER WHAT SOUNDS LIKE A VERY INTERESTING TOPIC; EXPLORATION OF A NEW FORMATION (AND NOT TOO LONG AGO), DISCOVERED IN THE GRAND CANYON. THOUGH GROWING UP ON A DAIRY FARM IN IDAHO, IT SEEMS GEOLOGY HAS BEEN A FOREVER LOVE OF HIS; CULMINATING IN A B.S AND M.S. IN GEOLOGY FROM UTAH UNIVERSITY AND A P.HD IN GEOLOGY FROM UCLA. . EARLY ON, HE MOVED TO ARIZONA AND BEGAN TEACHING AT NAU, RETIRING AFTER 32 YRS. AS REGENTS PROFESSOR. CURRENTLY HE IS PROFESSOR EMERITUS AT NAU AND ADJUNCT PROFESSOR AT YAVAPAI COMMUNITY COLLEGE. TO FIND OUT MORE ABOUT HIS INTERESTS AND RESEARCH, LOOK FOR AUTHORED BOOKS AND ARTICLES THAT INCLUDE: THE CENTENNIAL FIELD GUIDE, VOLUME 2, ROCKY MOUNTAIN SECTION,GEOLOGICAL SOCIETYOF AMERICA AND GRAND CANYON GEOLOGY, OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS, JUST TO MENTION A FEW. FEBRUARY Field Trip Coalition Trip Hosted by The Mingus Gem & Mineral Club Date: Saturday, February 18th Siderite at the Copper Chief Mine. Meeting time: 10:00am. Meeting Place: Dirt Lot across from the Maverick Gas Station located on the corner of Hwy 89 W and W Mingus Ave in Cottonwood, AZ. Vehicle Requirements: High Clearance. Parking – Very limited – PLEASE carpool. Reference: Minerals, Fossils, and Fluorescents of Arizona; A Field Guide for Collectors by Neil Bearce – Site 25. We will be visiting the old mine dump for root beer colored Siderite and various interesting examples of other minerals. Please arrive on time. SO PLEASE COME OUT TO HEAR A SPEAKER WHO HAS A DEEP COMMITMENT TO GEOLOGY AND THE WILLINGNESS TO SHARE HIS VAST KNOWLEDGE. It is a 20-25 minute drive from meeting location on dirt road to collecting site. THE ROCK AND MINERAL CLUB MEETING WILL BE FEB. 21, 2012, AT THE SEDONA LIBRARY, AT 7:00 PM. Trip leader – Sarah Knowles. ~ by Laura Castree h h h h h h h h Please call 928-282-0074 (home) or 928-2036250 (cell phone on before and during trip only) PLEASE RSVP! Sedona Gem & Mineral Club Annual Club Dues Are Due! Just a gentle reminder - our annual club membership dues were due in January, so please be sure to bring your checkbook with you to the February meeting if you have not yet paid. Page 2 FEBRUARY BIRTHSTONES Traditional Birthstone Amethyst - Modern Birthstone and Traditional Birthstone. Also, ancient Arabic, Hebrew, Polish, Italian, Roman, and Russian February Birthstone. Planetary Stones Membership dues for one year are as follows: Individual membership: $15.00 Family membership: $25.00 Junior (9-18 yrs old) membership: $5.00 If you would like a club badge, please include $6.00 (per badge) with your application. Club membership entitles you to all the benefits of belonging to the Sedona Gem & Mineral Club, including meetings with educational programs and speakers, raffles, special classes, club functions such as the summer picnic and Christams party, field trips, our newsletter, and our fantastic annual gem and mineral show. And also, just as importantly - the opportunity to get to know a bunch of friendly (and a little crazy) rockhounds for fun and adventure! Turquoise for Aqaurius and Aquamarine for Pisces. Talismatic Birthstone Ruby for Pisces and Jasper for Aquarius. Mystical Birthstone Bloodstone - A green and red Jasper that is used as good luck stones. It is thought to increase vitality, stamina, and endurance and to promote emotional balance and charity while relieving melancholy, fever, gallstones, and eye problems. Ayurvedic Birthstone Sun Sign (Star Sign) - Aquarius: Opal, Garnet ,and Agate. Sun Sign (Star Sign) - Pisces: Sapphire, Garnet, and Rock Crystal. Don’t forget Valentine’s Day – Red gemstones are never a bad idea. See you soon! By Marge Schwartz – Remembrance, Sunshine and Cookies Don’t forget President’s Day! Did you know that Abraham Lincoln was a February baby, born Feb. 12, 1809 and was the first president to wear a beard? Lincoln was also fond of pets and owned horses, cats, dogs, and a turkey. Sedona Gem & Mineral Club Field Trip Information The field trip up to Rodeo Flats was quite a success. We had a blend of new members, first timers, and veterans of field trips. All came away with intersting pieces of agate, jasper and druzy to make an enjoyable trip. Eight of us in all. We left McDonalds and their FREE coffee and proceeded up to the Flats. Along the way we were joined by two Black Angus calves who seemed to be looking for a hand out as they galloped along beside us......no herd in site. As we approached the parking area a deer jumped across the road. We soon broke into groups. Some taking the pipeline others the road. One woman headed out on her own up the mountain. I stayed in radio contact with her. She did real well with the collecting and managed to carry two 5 gal. buckets full, back with her. She also found a rusty old knife up there.......our imaginations were stirred. We spent only 2.5 hours at the site as the weather turned cold and blustery so we voiced our desire to do it again in Febuary. I also mentioned that we could do the Salt Mine area at any time....just give me a call. In March I would like to take a group up to the Obsidian/ Fossil deposit west of Flagstaff. April will be our coalition trip......no decision has been made as to where yet. May will be to the Dobell ranch near Holbrook for petrifird wood. Anybody planning on going to Southern California in the summertime I can give them information on the gem mines of Northern San Diego County. Happy rockhounding, Darryl Berghorn, Intrepid Field Trip Leader Page 3 Fieldtrip Report- Bouse Coalition Trip Dec 31, 2011 & Jan 1, 2012 There were 32 rockhounds that showed up at Midway for this New Years fieldtrip. They represented at least 8 different clubs from around Arizona including Rick Olson from the White Mtn club in Show Low. Rock collecting was divided between both days of the weekend where we visited 3 sites on Saturday and 3 more on Sunday, New Years Day. Most of the collecting was for various rocks and minerals common to the old mines in the area as well as a really good lapidary material at the end of the second day. Rocks collected included augite, gneiss, epidote, marble, rhyolite and granite. Minerals collected included chrysocolla, dioptase, brochantite, barite, calcite, jasper, jarosite, fluorite, hematite, magnetite, willemite, malachite and cummingtonite. The highlight of the rock collecting came at the 3rd site we visited. I was hoping that rockhounds would be able to come away with the two hardest-to-find minerals in the area- cummingtonite and magnetite. The results far exceeded our expectations. Ed Sullivan had already found one specimen of cummingtonite at an earlier site we visited, but everyone found nice specimans almost immediately upon arriving at this site. Cool. Especially considering that cummingtonite is one of the rarest minerals in Arizona. It is not especially showy so it takes some practice to discern the tan, fibrous material on almost equally-colored host rock. The most pleasing highlight of collecting at this site was our frantic search for the equally non-descript magnetite crystals. At first we were finding a few at the bottom of the hill below some old mine workings. But the real hero of the day was 8-year-old Chloe Massey from Scottsdale who came with her Mom Julie. Chloe was searching the slope near the top of the hill and began finding fistfuls of neat magnetite crystals. She was really excited and the rest of us were just pleased with her success. Good job, Chloe! Saturday night, New Years Eve, was a special part of this fieldtrip. After rockhounding all day, we all gathered together back at camp for a group Potluck. What wonderful food, drink and camaraderie under the stars out in the beautiful Arizona desert! To top it off, as we all sat around a nice warm campfire, a huge meteor streaked across the sky off to the southeast. Later on we were entertained to the soothing sound of wooden flute music by Dan Willems of Wenden, Arizona. What a lovely treat. We all did a toast to the New Year around 8:30. Jim Van Wert, Coalition Trip Leader Ted Schultz speaking about his collection at the January club meeting. Photo courtesy of Bob Yee. Sedona Gem & Mineral Club CLASSIFIED SECTION This is a brand new section for club members to share information about items or services that they would like to buy, trade, or sell. If you would like to submit information to be included in the classified section, please email Patti P. with your complete announcement at:rockhound_86326@yahoo.com before the end of the month to be included in the next month’s newsletter. Wire Wrapping Classes Learn to make wire wrapped jewelry. A 3 hour class is $40.00 (non members) or $25.00 for Sedona Gem and Mineral club members. Limit of 4 students per class. You can see my work at www.akobaart.com. My work is also for sale. If you would like to purchase jewelry or sign up for a class, contact Amy at paintrocks@hotmail.com, or call 928-451-6339. PMC Classes If you would like to learn the art of using Precious Metal Clay, Patti P. is offering individual classes at her home covering all the techniques necessary to complete a Fine Silver or Copper patinaed pendant ready for hanging on your favorite chain. Classes are two 1 1/2 hour sessions, and materials are included. Email Patti for details at rockhound_86326@yahoo.com. Lapidary Equipment For Sale For sale. Raytech 4 inch Jem Saw in good condition with ten brand new 4” Pro-Slicer diamond blades- $300.00 for all. Also have 15 brand new Pro-Slicer 6” diamond blades for sale- buy the lot for $200.00, or individually for $15.00 each. These four and six inch blades sell for over $20.00 each. Also for sale: Brand new Raytech Yellow Blazer 12 inch diameter saw blade- $50.00, and a brand new Raytech Red Blazer 14 inch diameter saw blade- $65.00. Contact Greg Capatch at (928)554-4615. Happy Valentines Day! Did You Know? That the club has a member’s corner at every meeting? What is a member’s corner, you ask? It is an area where members can bring different items to display, give away, or sell - rocks, jewelry, magazines, whatever. And, if you bring something to sell that doesn’t sell, and you don’t want to haul it home, you can always donate it to the club to be used as a raffle prize or as a prize for the kid’s table at our annual rock show. We can also use small rocks, beads, & jewelry making supplies for the kid’s table too. Page 4 New Club Merchandise Info The Sedona Gem & Mineral Club now has hats and embroidered patches for sale. Hats are $12.00 and Patches are $4.00. Support your club and show your enthusiasm for our hobby! Also, if you are a club member and would like to purchase a membership badge, the cost for a badge is $6.00. Sedona Gem and Mineral Club Februar y Newsletter, 2012 18-19 MESA, AZ: 46th Annual Gem, Jewelry, & Rock Show Apache Junction Rock & Gem Club. Sat. 9AM-5PM, Sun. 10AM-4PM. Adult donation $3.00, Students $1.00 with student card, children under 12 free accompanied by an adult. Skyline High School, 845 S. Crismon, Mesa, AZ. MARCH 2012 FEBRUARY 2012 For a list of all the Tucson Gem & Mineral Shows: http://tucsongemandmineralshows.net/2012-tucson-gem-show. htm 9-12 TUCSON, AZ: 58th Annual Tucson Gem & Mineral Show “Minerals of Arizona” Tucson Convention Center, 260 S. Church St., Tucson, 85701, (520) 322-5773 Hours: February 9-11th 10 AM-6PM, February 12th 10AM -5PM. Website: www.tgms.org/2012show.htm Sedona Gem & Mineral Club P.O. Box 3284 Sedona, AZ 86340 17-18 COTTONWOOD, ARIZONA: Jewelry, Gem & Mineral Show. Sat. 10AM-5PM & Sun. 10AM-4PM. Adult admission $3.00, children under 12 free with paying adult. Jewelry, gems, beads, rocks, fossils, lapidary supplies & machinery, plus wire wrapping on the premises. Food & much more. Mingus Union High School, 1801 E. Fir St., Cottonwood, AZ. Call 928-649-4455 for directions. Contact Sharon Szymanski at goldcanyon2@yahoo.com for more information. 24-25 YUMA, ARIZONA: Jewelry, Gem & Mineral Show. Sat. 10AM-5PM & Sun. 10AM-4PM. Adult admission $3.00, children under 12 free with paying adult. Jewelry, gems, beads, rocks, fossils, lapidary supplies & machinery. Yuma Civic Center, Yuma, AZ. Contact Sharon Szymanski at goldcanyon2@yahoo.com for more information.
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