IBSB Cooking Lessons - International British School of Bucharest
IBSB Cooking Lessons - International British School of Bucharest
International British School of Bucharest Friday, April 22, 2016 WEEK 30 NEWS Primary | Secondary | Whole School IBSB Cooking Lessons On Tuesday, 8S had a wonderful opportunity to spend some time with a chef at the London Street Atelier to improve our cooking skills. Our goal was to prepare a 3-course Italian meal, in a limited amount of time, which for some of us was going to be tough. We started off slowly, working in two teams: Team A (nicknamed “Manic”), and Team B. Team A worked on the main course: home-made ravioli with spinach and ricotta, as well as a Genovese pesto for the starter dish. Team B worked on the entrée and dessert: 3 types of bruschetta’s, one of which included the pesto made by Team A, along with a lovely Tiramisu (Fun fact: Mr Storey claims that it means “pick me up” in Italian). We began slowly and in a messy way, as every beginner does, but as we got the hang of it, we started speeding up, but still with quite a lot of mess unfortunately: 2 people flattening out the once sticky dough, and another two working on the fillings for the ravioli. The pace that we managed to achieve inn the end was great! In the end I have to say that it is experiences like these, where we can learn from our mistakes, that help us to and grow, and so I highly recommend all students to give cooking a go. I can also safely say that it was an enjoyable experience for everyone. International British School of Bucharest UK University Fair A group of students joined Mr Tiplea on a trip to AISB to attend a UK University Fair. This was one of many opportunities the students from Years 10-13 have had this year to visit fairs in Bucharest and in London helping students to make a more informed choice when it comes time to selecting a university. Friday, April 22, 2016 SOME IMPORTANT NOTICES GCSE/A Level Practical and Oral Exams: FINAL Week Oral and practical exams continue next week. Paper Exams officially start May 3rd, and so for some students they will have exams over the May Break. Please ensure you are aware of the exam schedule if your children are taking IGCSE/A Level Exams this summer session. Raffle Prizes needed for the Student Council Raffle If you have not yet contributed an item to the Spring Show Raffle, please do so as all the money raised from Ticket Sales goes to the Student Council for our students to use as they wish for charity projects and student council events. Sfanta Macrina Easter Basket We are collecting Easter Eggs and Easter Bunnies for Ms Katie Bickell to organise a Easter Basket on April 27 for the children from the Stfanta Macrina Orphanage. We hope that every IBSB family will contribute something. IBSB Students 3rd Place in Interschool Dragons Den Well done to Mihai Tudor (Y10) and Mihai Szabo (Y10) for receiving the 3rd Place prize for their Free Talk GTM entry into the Interschool Dragons Den Competition. PTF Social Event– St Georges Dinner If you are joining us for the PTF outing to the St Georges Dinner this weekend, on Saturday night, we look forward to enjoying your company. Once again the IBSB students will be performing live. Wishing everyone a great weekend ahead, despite the possibility of some scattered showers. Sincerely, SLT Daimon Club MembershipSPECIAL OFFER Daimon Club are offering a special membership price for the first 50 booking on April 26/27. If you are interested in taking advantage of this membership offer, Contact 0723998266 www.diamonclub.ro International British School of Bucharest Friday, April 22, 2016 Studying Romanian Literature Year 11 - A Level Induction Day This week, in Romanian, the students from Year 4H studied some of Caragiale΄s short stories: “Vizita”, “Dl Goe…” and “Bubico”. We read the stories, watched the movie based on “Vizita” and then it was time for the children to act! They were divided in 4 teams- each group had to distribute the roles, discuss the acting strategies, and practice the plays. They showed great teamworking skills, creativity in interpreting the script, and impressive drama skills. Next week, we are looking forward to presenting our shows in front of the class! Tuesday was the Year 11 ‘A Level Induction Day’: a day when the Year 11 students have the opportunity to join Year 12 AS Level classes to experience what life is like in the Sixth Form (Years 12 & 13). The students also have the chance to wear non-uniform and to eat lunch at Casa J, as the Sixth Formers are allowed to eat of campus at lunch. In the afternoon the parents attended the Year 9 IGCSE and Year 11 A Level Options evening, where they were explained the various options available to them for next year. Al that is left now if for the students to make their choice with plenty of subjects to choose from, including Business Studies, Economics, Psychology, Sociology, ICT, Law, and Modern Foreign Languages, to name just a few. International British School of Bucharest Friday, April 22, 2016 Term 3a: Week 31 (Week starting Monday, April 25) Description Date/Time Location PTF Event St Georges Dinner Saturday, April 23 Athenee Palace Hotel Primary School Easter Egg Competition Monday, April 25 IBSB EYFS Trip Animal Farm Monday, April 25 9.00-12.00pm Pantelimon KS3 Healthy Eating Day Monday, April 25 IBSB AS/A2 Spanish Oral Exam Monday, April 25 IBSB AS German Edexcel Oral Exam Tuesday, April 26 IBSB Primary School Spring Show Rehearsals Tuesday, April 26 Elisabeta Theatre Sfanta Macrina Easter Egg Hunt Wednesday, April 27 IBSB A2 Spanish Edexcel Oral Exam Wednesday, April 27 IBSB Primary School Early finish for Spring Show Wednesday, April 27 2.00pm IBSB Key Stage 2 Spring Production Wednesday, April 27 6.00pm-8.00pm Elisabeta Theatre Year 2 Cinema Trip Thursday, April 28 9.30-12.30pm Mega Mall Years 6-8 UK Junior Maths Challenge Thursday, April 28 IBSB IGCSE ICT Practical Paper B Thursday, April 28 Session 1: 10:50 - 13:20 / Session 2: 13:30 - 16:00 IBSB School Closed April 29-May 08 IGCSE/A Level Paper Exams May 03– June 10 Term 3b Starts – Monday, May 09, 2016 Looking a little further ahead to Term 3b Key Events Years 11-13 Study Leave Period Begins Monday, May 09 IBSB Primary School World Religions Week May 9-13 IBSB Year 7 Cooking Workshop Tuesday, May 10 11.45-2.50pm London Street Atélier U14/16/Open Football Lumina Cup Friday/Saturday, May 13/14 ISB Year 10I Cooking Workshop Tuesday, May 17 11.45-2.50pm London Street Atélier U9/11/13 Football Lumina Cup Friday/Saturday, May 21/22 ISB IBSB Sports Day Friday, May 27 8.30am-1.00pm TBC International British School of Bucharest Friday, April 22, 2016 Term 3a: Week 31 (Week starting Monday, April 25) Description Date/Time Location Looking a little further ahead to Term 3b Key Events PTF Social Event- Pool Party Free Entry (Places Limited) Sunday, May 29 10.00am-5.00pm Year 9 Cooking Workshop Primary School Prefects Curtea Veche Charity Trip Year 8C/9 End of Year Trip Year 10S Cooking Workshop Key Stage 3 Interschool Debate Competition Years 11-12 Work Experience Programme Secondary School Prize Giving &Year 13 Graduation Ceremony Primary School Yr 6 Graduation Ceremony Whole School Summer Fete Tuesday, May 31 11.45-2.50pm Friday June 3rd 9.30-2.00pm Daimon Club London Street Atélier Negoiesti Village June 5-11 Maramures Tuesday, June 07 11.45-2.50pm London Street Atélier Friday, June 10 French School June 13-24 Bucharest Friday, June 17 5.30-8.00pm Friday, June 24 9.00-10.00am Friday, June 24 11.00-2.00pm Biblioteca Centrala Universitara “Carol I” IBSB IBSB Summer Break, June 25- August 28 [School Closed] Wishing everyone an enjoyable, relaxing weekend ahead.
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