KS4 Curriculum Handbook 2015 - 2016
KS4 Curriculum Handbook 2015 - 2016
KEY STAGE 4 CURRICULUM HANDBOOK 2015—2016 ACADEMIC YEAR The curriculum in the Secondary School at Tenby International School (TIS), Setia Eco Park is comprehensive and holistic and this document provides only a brief overview of what we offer. The intention of the document is to provide parents and student with enough information for them to get a ‘feel’ for the curriculum. More detailed explanations of a variety of areas are provided in ‘sister’ documents that area also available on our website. The Key Stage 4 (KS4) Experience The KS4 curriculum at Tenby International School, Setia Eco Park offers breadth and balance and culminates in our students sitting their IGCSE examinations. Although acquiring strong passes in IGCSE subjects is a key goal of KS4, the Tenby experience in Years 10 and 11 is about far more than just examinations. Whilst navigating their KS4 journey our students are encouraged to pursue a variety of different experiences and challenges including those within the formal curriculum but also experiences that stem well beyond it. Our students will experience camps in both Years 10 and 11, they will be required to participate in lunchtime and co-curricular activities and to lead across a variety of areas; some students will represent the school as they pursue their sporting interests, others will participate in musical and dramatic productions whilst others still will take up leadership roles on the school’s prefectural board. KS4 at TIS is full of opportunity to mature academically and personally and we are quick to point out that we expect our students to use the opportunities that they are given to develop holistically. Please read through this document and should you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact the school. Kind regards, Tenby International Secondary School, Setia Eco Park Students 'build' population pyramids in Y11 Economics The curriculum at TIS is firmly based on the National Curriculum for England (2000), leading to A Levels. Key Stage 4 student work towards IGCSE qualification. Useful Website Cambridge International Examinations: www.cie.org.uk The British Council: www.britishcouncil.my/exam/scho ol Video on IGCSEs: www.youtube.com/watch?v=uWY GylPy43Q Email The following email addresses may prove useful should you have any KS4 curriculum questions: Head of Year 10: Mr Ellis ellis.denyer@tenby.edu.my Head of Year 11: Mr Faulkner anthony.faulkner@tenby.edu.my Deputy Head: Mr Ison jeffrey.ison@tenby.edu.my ASSESSMENT A Personalised Approach Personalised progress in all of the IGCSE subjects that we offer is key to our learners realising their potential. To do this we need to have a clear idea of what a student’s potential is in each subject so that we can measure how they are doing at different points against this potential. At TIS we use a multitude of data including CAT4 (fourth generation Cognitive Ability Test) to inform student targets. All students in Year 10 will take the CAT4 assessment in September (students joining after the start of Year 10, of which there will only be a few, will take the assessment as part of our admissions process) and they will then receive aspirational targets in each subject in October. Individual student progress will then be tracked against these targets throughout the year. Targets will be reviewed at the start of each subsequent academic year and re-issued again in October. IGCSE Grading & Progress Throughout KS4 students are assessed using a conventional grading system that runs from A* down to G. These grades are then further divided in to upper, middle and lower boundaries so that we can better measure your child’s progress as they move through their IGCSE courses. Every 5-8 weeks from October onwards the progress of your son/daughter will be measured against their end of year target grade. This progress will be reported using a snap-shot report (see example below) that provides a student’s Forecast Grade (FG) and the Value Added (VA) or number of ‘sub-grades’ they are away from achieving their end of year target. For example, if a student’s target is an upper ‘A’ grade (‘Au’) and they are forecast a ‘Bu’ then their VA would be -3, or three sub-grades from target. Further information about tracking reports can be found in “How to interpret your tracking report – KS4”: www.tenby.edu.my/photo/pdf/KS4_Inter pret_Tracking_2014-2015.pdf University of Cambridge International Examinations (CIE) and the International General Certificate of Education (IGCSE) At TIS, the majority of IGCSEs offered are by CIE. CIE is the world’s largest provider of international qualifications for 14-19 year olds. They are an awarding body for the IGCSE qualification, an internationally recognised equivalent to the GCSE and precursor to post-16 study. “For learners, Cambridge IGCSE helps improve performance by developing skills in creative thinking, enquiry and problem solving. It is the perfect springboard to advanced study. Source: www.cie.org.uk/programmes-andqualifications/cambridge-secondary-2/cambridgeigcse/curriculum/ (March, 2014) Under normal circumstances, Cambridge IGCSE courses are delivered over two-years and are assessed at the end of this period through a mixture of written and oral tests, coursework and practical assessment. The exact assessment scheme varies between subjects. In some subject areas, there is a choice between core and extended curricula making IGCSE suitable for a wider range of abilities. This allows the school to decide upon the entry level that is in each student’s best interests. The IGCSE is benchmarked using eight internationally recognised grades: A*, A, B, C, D, E, F and G. Grade A* is the highest level of achievement and grade G is the minimum awarded. Most post-16 institutions require students to have a minimum of five IGCSE grade Cs or above, though more realistically students require a B grade or higher in those subjects that they intend to study at post-16 level in order to do well. The Cambridge ICE Group Award Where a students has taken seven or more subjects and their subject selection includes the following, students will also qualify for the Cambridge International Certificate of Education (ICE): Group I: Languages (two subjects) Group II: Humanities and Social Sciences (one subject) Group III: Sciences (one subject) Group IV: Mathematics (one subject) Group V: Creative, Technical and Vocational (two subjects) Our options process is set up to ensure that all students have the option of taking nine subjects and that groups I, III and IV are covered by all students. Individual subject choices will dictate whether or not subjects in groups II and V are studied. Further information about the Cambridge ICE can be found at: www.cie.org.uk/programmes-and-qualifications/cambridgesecondary-2/cambridge-ice/ What We Offer TIS currently offer the IGCSE in: Accounting Additional Mathematics* Art & Design Biology Business Studies Chemistry Design & Technology (AQA) Graphic Products, Textiles Technology Food Technology Drama Economics English as a Second Language (E2L)* English Language English Literature French Geography History Information Communication Technology (ICT) Malay Language Mandarin Chinese (Foreign Language) Mandarin Chinese (Second Language)* Mathematics Music Physical Education (PE) Physics *Additional Mathematics, Mandarin Chinese (Second Language) and E2L are not IGCSE options available as choices for all students. Rather, these courses are offered to students selected by the school as a means of supplementing and enriching their learning. Students themselves CANNOT choose to study these courses. The options choices at TIS have been designed to provide all students with a breadth of study that will ensure the widest and least restrictive subject combination with which to enter post-16 study. For this reason there are four compulsory areas: English Language and English Literature Mathematics Science - pupils are expected to study at least ONE science (Biology, Chemistry or Physics) Modern Foreign Languages - pupils are also required to study a minimum of ONE foreign language (French, Malay or Mandarin Chinese). Pupils must have studied this language in Year 9. If students are Malaysian Passport holders then they MUST study Malay. Students also select four further subjects based on the options blocks available to the particular year group. These options blocks change each year to ensure that they best meet the needs of our Year 9 students selecting their IGCSE subjects at that time. The nature of blocking means that some subject combinations may not always be possible but we do our best to ensure that all of our students get the choices that they want. The ‘Contract’ When students select their IGCSE subjects they are entering into a contract. This ‘contract’ is an obligation to complete the subjects that they have chosen by way of being entered for their final examinations with CIE. The school has an expectation that all students will see their commitments through to the very end, unless it is decided by the school that they would benefit from having a subject removed in Term 3 of Year 11. Subjects CANNOT just be dropped by students and/or their parents. Curriculum Delivery Each subject area will broadly follow the subject specific syllabus provided by the exam board. During KS4 all of the necessary syllabus content will be covered though the exact sequence of delivery may not follow that of the syllabus. Although KS4 is exam driven we aim to deliver lessons that are varied, interesting, activating and purposeful. Lessons are designed and planned to ensure syllabus content coverage, skill acquisition and to develop learner capacities. Where appropriate lessons will take learning beyond the syllabus and will stretch each learners understanding and capacity. Curriculum Map The remaining pages of this document provide a brief overview of each subject’s topic coverage by half term. Should you require further information about specific subject syllabi please visit the CIE website: www.cie.org.uk/programmes-andqualifications/cambridge-secondary-2/cambridgeigcse/subjects/ Y11 Art Coursework Curriculum Map: Accounting Y10 Half Term 1 Topics/skills covered Double entry bookkeeping, books of prime entry, income statements 2 Balance sheets, depreciation, bad debts, bank reconciliations 3 Control accounts, incomplete records 4 Clubs, partnerships, manufacturing accounts 5 Final accounts of limited companies, ratio analysis 6 Revision using past exam papers Y11 Half Term 1 2 3 4 5 - 6 - Topics/skills covered Double entry bookkeeping, books of prime entry, income statements, balance sheets Bank reconciliations, partnerships, incomplete records, accounts of limited companies Income statements & balance sheets revision, control & suspense accounts manufacturing accounts, clubs & societies, depreciation, bad debts Curriculum Map: Additional Mathematics Y10 – students follow the standard IGCSE Mathematics Syllabi condensed into one year. Additional Mathematics is then started in half terms 5 and 6. Half Term 1 Topics/skills covered Indices Sequences Rational and irrational numbers Percentages Approximation Area and volume Collecting and representing data Expanding brackets and factorising Probability Linear graphs Ratio and proportions Variation 3 Transformations Congruency and similarity Collecting and presenting data Pythagoras’ theorem and trigonometry 4 Quadratic expressions and equations Circle theorems Further graphs Speed, distance and time Vectors in two dimensions Mock Exam 5 IGCSE Mathematics Start Additional Mathematics Additional Mathematics 2 6 Y11 – students complete the additional mathematics syllabus in Y11 Half Term Topics/skills covered 1 Quadratic Functions Factors of polynomials Straight line graphs 2 Trigonometry Differentiation 3 Mock exam – Jan 2014 Integration 4 Revision for IGCSE Vectors in 2 Dimensions 5 6 - Curriculum Map: Art Y10 Half Term 1 2 3 4 5 6 Topics/skills covered Natural & Organic Forms: Observational & Interpretational Studies This is the first project on IGCSE Art & Design which aims to give students full experience of a piece of coursework as well as completing a final piece of artwork under the 8 hour timed, exam session. Within this project students will explore all the visual elements of art- Line, tone, colour, texture, shape and form whilst studying natural and organic forms. This will allow them to build a big portfolio of artwork consisting of observational drawings and paintings. Natural & Organic Forms: Design Assignment Students will learn about compositional development and be able to develop their original drawings and paintings, the influences from their artists into a final piece of artwork. Using the observational drawings and paintings from Project 1, produce a range of design ideas for a food packaging product of their choice. Final Coursework This is final major coursework project on IGCSE Art & Design; this should be the student’s strongest project and the one that they select for their 50% IGCSE submission. Within this project students will explore all the visual elements of art- Line, tone, colour, texture, shape and form whilst studying natural objects that decay or grow. Again they will build a big portfolio of artwork consisting of observational drawings and paintings. Y11 Half Term 1 2 Topics/skills covered Final Coursework This coursework is continued from Year 10. Students will again experiment with a wide range of media and techniques, showing more confidence and making more informed choices about their uses. Students will by now have their own selection of inspirational artists and they can use their influence to inspire their ideas. 3 Mock Exam of 8 Supporting Sheets Students will be able&toCompletion confidently show compositional development and be able to Students will sit an 8 hour, timed, art exam which will allow them complete develop their original drawings and paintings, the influences fromtotheir artists their into afinal piece of artwork from their Coursework final piece of artwork. Students will professionally present their artwork and carefully select their most successful pieces of artwork for their supporting portfolio of artwork. 4 Exam Question & Preparation Students will be given the exam question from Paper 1 and Paper 2 in the first week of their final project. Students will start by exploring the theme and build a portfolio of artwork that, exactly like their coursework, leading to the creation of a final piece of artwork. Students will have 8 weeks to fully prepare for the exam. 5 6 - Curriculum Map: Biology Y10 Half Term 1 Topics/skills covered Characteristics and classification of living organisms Organisation of the Organism 2 Movement in and out of cells Biological Moleculs 3 Enzymes Plant Nutrition 4 Human nutrition Transport in Plants Respiration 5 Transport in Animals Diseases and Immunity Respiration Excretion in Humans 6 Y11 Half Term 1 Topics/skills covered Coordination and Response Drugs 2 Reproduction Inheritance 3 Variation and Selection Biotechnology and Engineering 4 Organisms and their Environments Human Influences on Ecosystem 5 6 - Curriculum Map: Business Studies Y10 Half Term 1 2 Topics/skills covered Primary, secondary, tertiary Business activity sectors Business organisations Government&influence business Technology businesson reaction to market change Exports abroad Types of business organisation Communication Source & use of financial resources for the business Marketing Marketing 5 Marketing Production Business organisation Economic environment Production 6 Income statements, balance sheets, Cash flow, forecasts End of year examination Production End of year examination Review of year 3 4 Y11 Half Term 1 2 3 4 5 6 Topics/skills covered Human needs ,wants & motivation People and work Recruitment, training & dismissal Business regulations, Location, Working environment, Business cycle Environment, structure, finance, marketing Business finance and accounting External influences Production, Financial Reports, People in business Regulations Year review Exam preparation - *Y10BS Block F students will follow the structure in blue. *Y10BS students in block B will follow the structure in black. Curriculum Map: Chemistry Y10 Half Term Topics/skills covered 1 Lab procedures and Safety evaluation Plant Earth States of Matter 2 Theory of Matter Atoms Ions and Isotopes The Periodic Table and Trends Chemical Bonding Chemical Formulas Moles and Avogadro’s Constant Chemical Equations Stoichiometry Oxidation and Reduction Electrolysis Acids Bases and Salts Chemical Energetics Rates of Reactions Reversible Reactions Chemical Equilibrium 3 4 5 6 Y11 Half Term Topics/skills covered 1 2 3 4 5 - 6 - Properties of Metals Reactivity Series Electrochemical Cells Industrial Inorganic Chemistry Organic Chemistry Petrochemical and Polymers Chemical Analysis Curriculum Map: Drama Y10 Half Term 1 2 3 4 5 6 Y11 Half Term 1 2 3 4 5 6 - Topics/skills covered Unit 1 – The language of drama Workshop skills Unit 2 – Approach to devised drama Unit 3 – Approaches to text Unit 7 – Writing about drama Unit 6 – Solo performance Unit 4 - Devising drama Unit 5 – Page to stage Topics/skills covered Text into performance Devising for performance Writing about drama Exam preparation Curriculum Map: Economics Y10 Half Term 1 2 3 4 5 6 Topics/skills covered The basic economic problem - Factors of production - Opportunity cost - Resource allocation - PPC/PPF How the market works - Economic systems - Demand and supply analysis - Elasticity How the market works - Elasticity - Market failure - True economic impact – social costs and benefits Individual as producer, consumer and borrower - Functions of money - Process of exchange - Financial institutions Individual as producer, consumer and borrower - Labour markets - Saving, spending and borrowing Private firm as producer and employer - Organisation types and sizes - Factor demand/derived demand - Costs and revenue - Profit maximisation and business goals - Perfect competition - Monopoly and oligopoly - Economies of scale Private firm as producer and employer - Perfect competition - Monopoly and oligopoly - Economies of scale Y10 Examinations Review Y11 Half Term 1 2 3 4 5 6 Topics/skills covered The macroeconomy - Aggregate demand and supply - Government macroeconomic goals - Demand and supply-side policies - Taxation - Conflicting macroeconomic policies Economic indicators - Price indices - Inflation and deflation - Employment and unemployment - The economic cycle - GDP and other measures of living standards Y11 Mock Examinations Economic indicators - The economic cycle - GDP and other measures of living standards Developed and developing economies, trends in production, population and living standards - Developed and developing countries - Absolute and relative poverty - Population - Differences in living standards International aspects - Specialisation – absolute and comparative - Protectionism - The balance of payments - Exchange rates - Curriculum Map: English Language and Literature Y10 Half Term 1 Topics/skills covered Writing to describe (Language Unit 1) Analysing and scaffolding the features of descriptive writing Writing to describe coursework 2 Prose (Literature Unit 1) No Longer at Ease – developing PEEAL written responses 3 Prose (Literature unit 1) No Longer at Ease – developing PEEAL written responses Summary writing (Paper 2 question 3) (Language Unit 2) Writing to persuade/ inform (Language Unit 3) Analysing and scaffolding the features of persuasive writing Coursework piece 2 4 Drama (Literature Unit 2) A View From the Bridge - developing PEEAL written responses 5 Drama (Literature Unit 2) A View From the Bridge - developing PEEAL written responses 6 Drama (Literature Unit 2) A View From the Bridge - developing PEEAL written responses Directed Writing: Paper 2 question 1 (Language Unit 4) Y11 Half Term 1 2 Topics/skills covered Directed writing: Paper 2 question 1 (Language Unit 4) Poetry (Literature Unit 3) Thomas Hardy - developing PEEAL written responses Poetry (Literature Unit 3) Thomas Hardy - developing PEEAL written responses PEEAL writing : Paper 2 question 2 (Language Unit 5) Writing to argue (Language Unit 6) Analysing and scaffolding the features of writing to argue Coursework piece 3 3 Mock examination Poetry (Literature Unit 3) Thomas Hardy - developing PEEAL written responses 4 Poetry (Literature Unit 3) Analysing and scaffolding the features of persuasive writing Unseen poetry (Literature Unit 4) Paper 3 5 6 - All information correct at time of publication. Curriculum Map: French Y10 Topics/skills covered Half Term 1 Home life, school routine Information about daily routine. Household tasks. Information about school, school descriptions, subjects studied, rules and regulations, likes and dislikes. 2 Eating and drinking, health and fitness Food and drink. Eating habits and favourite food. Healthy diet. The importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. 3 Leisure, entertainments, invitations, eating out Opinions about entertainments. Accepting and refusing invitations to go out and giving excuses. Questions on food requirements. 4 Festival and special occasions, holidays, getting around, accommodation Significant festivals in French-speaking countries. Different types of holidays and appropriate means of transport. Questions about accommodation requirements. 5 Home town and geographical surroundings, finding the way, shopping, public services Information about the local area. Giving and seeking directions. Information about different shops. Opinions on clothes and fashion. 6 Natural environment, weather Problems affecting the environment such as climate change and pollution and remedial measures such as conservation and recycling. Y11 Half Term 1 2 Topics/skills covered Further education, training, future career plans Exams and preferences for future study. Discuss exam preparation and revision. Work experience. Preferences for work and careers. Different aspects of a job, parttime jobs and pocket money. Meeting people, places and customs General facts about people from other countries. Different ways of meeting people. Festivals and customs in other countries. 3 Life in other countries and communities Places around the world. Food and drink from different parts of the world. Preparation to oral exam. Exam practice. 4 World events and issues Different viewpoints about world issues. Preparation to oral exam. Exam practice. 5 6 - All information correct at time of publication. Curriculum Map: Geography Y10 Half Term 1 Topics/skills covered Population dynamics Migration 2 3 Settlements Plate tectonics Natural hazards 4 Geographic skills for paper 2 Weathering, rocks and soil 5 Rivers Marine processes 6 Marine landforms Weather Y11 Half Term Topics/skills covered 1 Climate and ecosystems Industry and tourism 2 Agriculture Energy and water 3 Paper 4- alternative to course work Revision and past papers 4 Revision and past papers 5 - 6 - All information correct at time of publication. Curriculum Map: Graphic Products Y10 Half Term 1 2 3 4 5 6 Topics/skills covered Communication Free hand drawing, isometric, formal drawing, orthographic projection, presentation shading techniques, developments (cubes, prisms), modelling (card), geometrical constructions, ellipses Design PROJECT: packaging design Design process: situation, brief, specification, research, ideas, realisation, evaluation, health and safety Communication, aesthetics Software: Photoshop, Illustrator Communication Free hand drawing, isometric, formal drawing, orthographic projection, presentation shading techniques, developments (cylinders, cones), modelling (foam, MDF), data graphics, reprographics Design PROJECT: Point of Sale Display Design Process: situation, brief, specification, research, anthropometrics and ergonomics, ideas, planning, control, realisation, evaluation, health and safety Communication, aesthetics, CNC, tools and techniques Software: Photoshop, Illustrator, Sketch-Up Communication Free hand drawing, isometric, formal drawing, orthographic projection, data graphics, reprographics Design PROJECT: logo design Design process: situation, brief, specification, research, anthropometrics and ergonomics ideas, planning, control, realisation, evaluation, health and safety Communication, aesthetics, layout Software: Photoshop, Illustrator, IGCSE Coursework Research Y11 Half Term Topics/skills covered 1 2 3 4 5 - 6 - IGCSE Coursework Situation Brief Research Specification Initial Ideas Development Making Evaluation Revision All information correct at time of publication. Curriculum Map: History Y10 Half Term Topics/skills covered 1 Were the peace treaties of 1919-1923 fair? 2 To what extent was the League of Nations a success? 3 Why had international peace collapsed by 1939? 4 Who was to blame for the Cold War? 5 How effectively did the USA contain the spread of Communism? 6 How secure was the USSR’s control over Eastern Europe, 1948–c.1989? Y11 Half Term Topics/skills covered 1 Why did events in the Gulf matter, c.1970–2000? 2 How far did the US economy boom in the 1920s? How far did US society change in the 1920s? 3 4 What were the causes and consequences of the Wall Street Crash? How successful was the New Deal? Revision/Past Papers 5 - 6 - All information correct at time of publication. Curriculum Map: ICT Y10 Half Term Topics/skills covered Theory Practical 1 Networks Database essentials 2 Internet & society Database features 3 Data types Spreadsheet essentials 4 Introduction to systems analysis Hardware/software Spreadsheet features 5 Practical work: document production Website authoring 6 Exam preparation Website authoring Y11 Half Term Topics/skills covered Theory Practical 1 Systems analysis Presentation authoring 2 Student led topics Integration of software 3 Revising for exam Outputting data 4 Revising for exam Revising for exam 5 - - 6 - - All information correct at time of publication. Curriculum Map: IGCSE PE Y10 Half Term Topics/skills covered 1 Athletics/badminton- factors affecting performance 2 Athletics/badminton- factors affecting performance 3 Athletics/badminton- factors affecting performance 4 Athletics/badminton- health, safety and training 5 Swimming- health, safety and training 6 Swimming- health, safety and training Y11 Half Term Topics/skills covered 1 Athletics/fitness- health, safety and training 2 Athletics/fitness- reasons and opportunities for participation in physical activity. 3 Athletics/fitness- reasons and opportunities for participation in physical activity. 4 Athletics/fitness- reasons and opportunities for participation in physical activity. 5 - 6 - All information correct at time of publication. Curriculum Map: Malay Y10 Half Term 1 Topics/skills covered THEME: a. Innovations b. Technology Reading and Comprehension : Short Story Grammar : Kata Nama am dan Khas, Kata Kerja Listening and Speaking : Topic Presentation Writing : Report 2 THEME: a. School b. Discipline Reading and Comprehension : News Grammar : Kata Adjektif Listening and Speaking : Debates Writing : News 3 THEME: a. Histories b. Cultures Reading and Comprehension : Reports Grammar : Kata Ganda Listening and Speaking : Role Play Writing : Direction/Map 4 THEME: a. Malaysian Cultures b. Malaysian Foods Reading and Comprehension : Short Story Grammar : Kata Terbitan Listening and Speaking : Topic Presentation Writing : Guided Writing/Story 5 THEME: a. Business b. Agriculture Reading and Comprehension : Email/latter Grammar : Kata Majmuk Listening and Speaking : General Conversation Writing : Email/latter 6 THEME: a. Neighbors b. Society Reading and Comprehension : Formal Latter Grammar : Frasa Listening and Speaking : Topic Presentation Writing : Formal Latter All information correct at time of publication. Y11 Half Term 1 Topics/skills covered THEME: a. Holidays b. Tourism Reading and Comprehension : Short Story Grammar : Kata Nama am dan Khas Listening and Speaking : Topic Presentation Writing : Guided Writing/Story 2 THEME: a. Inventions b. Communications Reading and Comprehension : News Grammar : Kata Adjektif Listening and Speaking : Topic Presentation Writing : Direction/map 3 THEME: a. Malaysia b. Cultures Reading and Comprehension : Short Story Grammar : Frasa Listening and Speaking : Dialog Writing : Dialog/Postcard 4 THEME: a. Social b. Health Reading and Comprehension : Dialog Grammar : Penjodoh bilangan Listening and Speaking : Topic Presentation Writing : Email/Guided Story 5 IGCSE 6 IGCSE All information correct at time of publication. Curriculum Map: Mandarin Y10 Half Term 1 Topics/skills covered Topic Snacks, food & nutrition Comprehension Story, dialogue, Informal letter, article, speech & advertisement Writing Continuous writing: informal and formal letters, completing story and article Directed writing: short story, postcard, memo and email Speaking Role play and speech 2 Topic Shopping Buying presents Money Comprehension Story, dialogue, memo, formal letters and article Writing Continuous writing: informal and formal letters, completing story and article Directed writing: short story, postcard, memo and email Speaking Role play and Speech 3 Topic Stationery and gifts & measure words Comprehension Story, speech, dialogue and report Writing Continuous writing: informal and formal letters, completing story and article Directed writing: short story, postcard, memo and email Speaking Role play and speech 4 Topic Furniture and electrical appliance in the house Comprehension Story, informal letter and article Writing Continuous writing: informal and formal letters, completing story and article Directed writing: short story, postcard, memo and email Speaking Role play and speech 5 Topic Life at home Comprehension Story, dialogue, informal letter and report Writing Continuous writing: informal and formal letter, completing story and article Directed writing: short story, postcard, memo and email Speaking Role play and speech 6 Topic Instructions (I finally found his house) Comprehension Dialogue, speech, informal and formal letters and article Writing Continuous writing: informal and formal letters, completing story and article Directed writing: short story, postcard, memo and email Speaking Role play and speech All information correct at time of publication. Y11 Half Term 1 Topics/skills covered Topic Food, colour, clothes & past year papers Comprehension Dialogue, speech, informal and formal letter and article Writing Continuous writing: informal and formal letter, completing story and article Directed writing: short story, postcard, memo and email Speaking Role play and speech 2 Topic Holidays, weather, hobbies & past year papers Comprehension Dialogue, speech, informal and formal letters and article Writing Continuous writing: informal and formal letter, completing story and article Directed writing: short story, postcard, memo and email Speaking Role play and speech 3 Topic School subjects, daily activities and past year papers Comprehension Dialogue, speech, informal and formal letters and article Writing Continuous writing: informal and formal letter, completing story and article Directed writing: short story, postcard, memo and email Speaking Role play and speech 4 Topic School facilities and past year papers Comprehension Dialogue, speech, informal and formal letters and article Writing Continuous writing: informal and formal letters, completing story and article Directed writing: short story, postcard, memo and email Speaking Role play and speech 5 6 - All information correct at time of publication. Curriculum Map: Mathematics Y10 Half Term 1 2 Topics/skills covered Indices Sequences Rational and irrational numbers Percentages Approximation Area and volume Expanding brackets and factorising Ratio and proportions Variation 3 Congruency and similarities Pythagoras’ theorem and trigonometry 4 Quadratic expressions and equations Circle theorems 5 Linear graphs Collecting and representing data 6 Year 10 Internal exam – June 2014 Probability Y11 Half Term 1 Topics/skills covered Transformation Congruency and Similarity Averages Cumulative Frequency 2 Pythagoras Theorems Circle theorems Further graphs Further trigonometry Further Algebraic Methods Vectors 3 Mock exam – Jan 2014 Revision for IGCSE 4 5 6 Revision for IGCSE - All information correct at time of publication. Curriculum Map: Music Y10 Half Term Topics/skills covered 1 Core content 1: key signatures, pulse, rhythm, metre, harmony, cadences, aural, ornaments, scales, intervals, modulation, exploring melody 2 Baroque and ground bass 3 Harmony, nature and expression 4 Art gallery: composition projects 5 World music 6 Tango CAOS 6 Pop CAOS 7 Y11 Half Term Topics/skills covered 1 Prescribed focus: Chinese music 2 Set work: Mendelssohn, MSND Op. 21 3 Coursework submission Composition 1 and 2 Performance: solo ensemble 4 Revision 5 - 6 - All information correct at time of publication. Curriculum Map: O’ Level Fashion and Textiles Y10 Half Term 1 Topics/skills covered Pattern Cutting and Textiles Terminology Basic pattern cutting skills and terminology, seam and hem finishes, use of specialist equipment, sleeve and collar adaptations. Project Shirt project using quarter scale pattern 2/3 Coursework Project One Design and make a bag with supporting portfolio of evidence. Skills Research, design, development, planning, manufacture, evaluation 4/5/6 Coursework Project Two Design and make a fashion garment with supporting portfolio of evidence. Skills Research, design, development, planning, manufacture, evaluation Y11 Half Term 1 Topics/skills covered Revision for exam Skills Fibres and fabrics, fabric finishes, labeling, environmental factors, CAD/CAM in textiles, process, patterns. COURSE COMPLETED BY NOVEMBER 2015 All information correct at time of publication. Curriculum Map: Physics Y10 Half Term Topics/skills covered 1 Measurements and units Forces and motion 2 Forces and pressure 3 Forces and pressure Thermal effect 4 Waves and sound Rays and waves 5 Electricity 6 Magnets and current Y11 Half Term Topics/skills covered 1 Thermal effect 2 Electricity 3 Magnets and current 4 Electron and electronics, atoms and radioactivity 5 - 6 - All information correct at time of publication.