Flght brews over bllls on Gondemnatlon
Flght brews over bllls on Gondemnatlon
DuTROIT Cn,uI{S BUSINE SS @Entire contents copyright 2005 by Crain Communications Inc. All rights reserued Flght brews over blllson Gondemna TIIIsJUST IN plans Investnentgoup tobuyUniBoring An investment group led by two private-equity funds and a former FoldMotor Co. and Covisintexecutive agreedto buy auto supplier Unl BorlngInc. out of bankruptcy. The company will be renamed DlverslfledMachlne lnc. UCInvestorslnc.- which includes The CarlyleGroup, . TheRelatlvltyFundlJMEand Bruce Swift - have an agreementto buy Uni Boring for $21million plus the assumption of several million dollars in liabilities. Another private-equity fund, Insight Equity L.L.P., was the highest bidder at a Septemberauction with a $27.3million bid. But the fund walked away from the deal last month. Uni Boring, working with investment banker Stout RlslusRosslnc., then contacted UC Investors, which was the secondhighest bidder. Uni Boring was owned by Facundo Bravo. He will not be a part of the reorganized company, said a spokesman for the new owners. But the Howell-basedautomotive machining supplier still will be a minority business enterprise, the owners said in a release. Joyce Johnson-Miller, managing partner of The Relativity Fund, is African-American. Johnson-Miller made an unsuccessful bid for Key Plastics L.t.C.in 2001. Swift, who was a purchasirrg executive at Ford and was president of Covisint, will be CEO.Stephen Bay, a former Metaldyne Corp.and SimpsonIndustries executive, will be COO. Shankar Kiru, a former Covisint and AllledSlgnalexecutive,will be CFO. The company employs 500and has plants in Howell, Detroit and Canton Township. - Terry Kosdrosky SeeThis Just In, Page2 JOHN F. MARTIN Some zrJorrA Campbell/Manix Presldent Doug Manix says hls company has had to take on new klnds of projects, such as Llberty Lofts In Ann Arbor. Rebuilding a G0ntractor [mnnur DoMATN cHANc[s aboutsti,fli,ng deaelopment By Aryry Larn CAPITOL CORRESPONDENT Campbell IM an'ind;iaers,if,ies T,a'itll condns,speci,alty rnork BY JENNETTn Snnnn Manix, lost within about two weeks. Manix said the company alt took Campbell/Manlx Inc. I ready had been working on grow decades to into a nearly I strategic planning, and had put I $100 million contractor for money in reserve in case of a major automotive slowdown. Still, facoffice buildings. It ing such a dramatic took days for most loss rapidly sped up of its upcoming the company's diwork to disappear. versification plan. Clients like Oetptrl "In hindsight, Corp.and ValeoS.A. we've come out of it hired the Southa better company," field-based compaManix said. ny for research cenThe biggest ter and office changewas to enter projects in Troy and the residential marAuburn Hills. It's ket with condominiA recurringfeature how Campbell/ abouthowSoutheast um construction. Manix rode the real Michigan businesses Other categories, estate boom of the areadjustingtoa such as education, late '90s along with changing economy. were harder to its peers. break into, CampThen cameSept.11,2001. With bell/Manix decided. the uncertain business climate "We did a lot of homework, did that followed the terrorist at- interviews with attorneys," tacks, Campbell/Manix lost half Manix said. There was much to its construction backlog. That learn, such as getting to know adamountedto about $30million to $35million, said President Doug SeeCampbell, Page 37 CRAIN'SDETROIT BT/SINESS Reinvention LANSING - Urban-development and private-property rights are clashing in the Capitol over measuresthat would make it harder for governments to condemn blighted property. SenateBill 693and a resolution to amend Michigan's constitution are meant to permanently preservea 2004MichiganSupreme Court ruling in favor ofproperty owners' rights. But the measures,passedearlier this month by the Senate,go be- What Senate Bill 693 and Senate Joint Resolution E would do: I Requiregovernments to show "clear and convincingevidence" that taking of property to remove blight is a public use. There is no clear standard in existing law. I Preserve a2OQ4 Michigan Supreme Court ruling that governments cannot take private propertyfor economic development orto benefit another private party. yond both the court decision and current law. And to local governments,that's an alarming change. "It is going to stifle redevelopment efforts," said Arnold Weinfeld. director of state and federal a-ffairsfor the MlchiganMunlcipal League."It will make it prohibitive SeeCondemn,Page37 Covisinthasplan to cut GM healthcosts BY ANDREw Drnronnrcn ffi million in 2004. Covisint CEO Bob Paul said Detroit-basedGovlsinthas subduring the conmitted a plan to GeneralMotors ference that the Corp.that Peter Karmanos Jr. said savings would could save the automaker a possicomeby making ble $660million in annual health health care care costs. more manageKarmanos. chairman and CEO able through of Compuware Corp.,said on Nov. 7 Karmanos more efficient that Covisint submitted the proinformationposal to GM. He revealedthe infor- sharing amongprivate care physimation during the GoldmanSachs cians, hospital networks and inSoftware& lT ServlcesRetleat2005 surance companies via a secure tech conferencein New York City. Compuwarebought Covisint for g7 See Couisint, Page 35 CRAI N'S DET ROI? BUSINSSS =N r{ =Ef ry> =.oid =6> =-r=r hIEt,IS UPDATED DAILY BUSINEES COt'l RT tll,ltl. CRRIHSDETREIT. Cnnn's LISTS Gleam fades for jewelers, Woman-owned family-owned businesses, pages Page3 lenders, 1r,zo SBA -^t -vvg vnAlt J gElnvtl guJItE$ raEs se GovisintPlan couldsaveGM money lFromPage 1 network fully compliant with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. The potential is to provide real-time information about health care coststo the company, Paul said. CYain'sdid not attend the conference, but listened to the comments from an audiotape.GM confirmed the proposal. "We have received a proposal from them," said Carey Osmundson, assistant manager for health care communications at GM. "However, we have not had the opportunity to evaluate it. We are certainly going to review it and will know something at a later date." In a written statement, Karmanos objected to Crain's reporting the figure that he used during the conference. "The projection that Compuware discussedat the Goldman Sachs Software and IT Services Retreat remains exactly that - a projection basedon government and industry data to form a basis of discussionswith our customer," the statementsaid. Covisint was started in 2000bv Inc. in January 2004.Terms were not disclosed. Karmanos sa,id Compuware bought Covisint's assets in March 2004. during the call that remaining Covisint sells in three areas:messaging and Web services, identity Coa'is'intwill security, and portal platforms, which are highly secure, custom"eas'ily" haae made networks. Much of the technology was developedbefore Comreue,nueof more than puware bought Covisint. Since being purchased by Comff1 00 mi,lli,on w,ithi,n puware, Covisint has been trying to sell into new markets, such as four Aears. health care and finance. Paul said during the presentaGM, FordMotorGo.,DalmlerChrysler tion that studies AG, RenaultS.A. and NlssanMotor from the federal Co. Ltd. They'd hoped to create an government inonline trade exchange that would dicate that 30 percent link suppliers and automakers and of parts essentially make car a comhealth care modity. costs in the U.S. Paul said the companiespoured could be saved million into developing the by consolidating $400 technology. But Covisint flouninformation and dered as suppliers questioned its improving the value. flow of commuThe trade exchange part of Cov- nication among the entities inisint's original business was sold volved in providing health care. "For the first time in a long to Pittsburgh-basedFreeMarkets time, you're seeing these corporations actually proactively invest in health care information technology - giving it to the providers, to the hospital networks, the primary care physicians and everybody else - becausethey know it's going to have an impact downstream on overall health care costs," Paul said at the conference. General Motors has made cutting health care costs a priority after losing nearly g4 billion so far this year. GM and the UAW agreed to a deal Oct. 17in which $t billion in health care costs would be cut annually. As Crain's first reported Which is to soy we don't hondoff cosesor clientsto ossociotes May 23, health care is an area or where Covisint executives see other portners.Our ottorneysore totollyhondson,with the potential. In early Septemhuge legol skillsto help you from stortto finish. ber, BlueCrossBlueShleldof MlchlColl Mork Schlussel: 248-723-1650.And we'll hondleevery'hing. gan said creating a statewide health care portal through CovS CHL U S SE L isint would be part of its plan to I:'I spend $200million to $300million SCHEFMANpLT modernizing its information techlcgll rnindl.lurircscnindcd.tr nology. During the presentation to investors, Paul said the company 322NorthOldWoodword, Birninghom, Michigon 48009 also is now looking into expanding into financial servicesand government. In an Oct. 27 conferencecall for Compuware, Paul said Covisint continues to grow. GM and DaimIerChrysler expandedthe scopeof existing contracts with Covisint in Locating Debt and Equity for the following: the company'ssecondquarter. The company also added six new supI BusnwssAceutsITIoN plier contracts, openedan office in Shanghaiand said it plans to open r ExpaNsroN an office in Frankfurt, Germany, o TunN.qRouND in January. Also, it added three new logistics customers. Karmanos said during the call Additional servicesinclude: that Covisint will "easily" have o BusINess BRoKERAGE revenue of more than 9100million within four years. r LocatrNc vENTURE cApITAL "We think Covisint should be I AIvo MUCH MoRE able to grow its bookings around 100percent per year over the next few years ... given its growth proTo learn more about Mid-States Capital contact us at: file, dominance in the auto sector 18720Mack Avenue, Suite200 and the potential around the health GrossePointe Farms, MI48236 care vertical," David Rudow, senior research analyst in the MinT e l : ( 3 1 3 )8 8 6 - 9 7 8 0F a x :( 3 1 3 )8 8 6 - 9 2 8 1 neapolis, Minn. ofiice of plper JafEmail: jpa@midstatescapital.com fray& Co.,said in a Nov. 4 report. Contact: Joseph P. Alam Andrew Dietderich: (AIJ) 4460315, adietderich@arain.com Iu 9 uu- o V' v, LIJ z ,n l co SoutheostMichigon's exclusivetechline deoler UJ 9 vvvvv 0 uJ : o I Ourclientsrun their buginesses hqnds-on. Wehondletheir legolwolk the rotnewdy. Yoursmqll business is our BIGGEST priority MID-STATES CAPITALLLC otechline. II Functional.By design.