Compuware makes changes
Compuware makes changes
January30, 20Oo CRAIN'S DETROIT BUSINESS STtlCK TIrunG AREAPUBLICCOMPANIES NEWSABOUTDETROIT changes makes Compuware decline 3QreYenue following Bv Aunnpw DTETDERTcH CMI N'SDETROITBUSIN'SS Compuware Corp. said it's making changes desigled to imProve sales without layoffs after revenue fell from $330.5 million in the third quarter of 2005 to $305.9 million this year. Peter Karmanos Jr.. chairman and CEO of Compuware (Nasdaq: CPWR), also said the comPanY plans to hold sales staff more accountable for revenue and that the way they are paid will reflect the change in attitude. Further. he said, the company is bringing back some of its top sales staff from the 1990sthat "have matured and are far more senior" along with someof its best performers from Europe. The goal, he said, is to motivate sales staff and imProve revenue and earnings without resorting to layoffs. Consulting World Class atLittletoNoCost "I'm doing what anY good CEO does,"Karmanossaid ThursdaYin a conferencecall with analysts,investors and media. "I'm going to try and hold their pay as low as possibleand give them as much reward as possibleon the uPside." Karmanos said compensation would be an issue at its uPcoming planning conference. "The days of living comfortably, if you're a salesperson,on Your basepay, are over," he said. The company rePorted net income of $37.7million or 10 cents a share on revenue of $305.9million for the quarter, which endedDec. 31. That compareswith $41.7million or 11 cents on revenue of $330.5million for the samePeriod in 2004. For the first nine months of its fiscal year, Compuware rePorted net income of $86.5million or 22 cents a share on revenue of$895.9 million, comparedwith about $49.8 million or 13 cents on revenue of about $913million for the samePeriod a year ago. Under the new organization, Hank Jallos has been appointed president and COOof ComPuware UniversiW of Michigan Global MBA students can helP You! ofBusiness Ross School oftheworld-renowned theguidance Under bring: students ofdedicated facul$, ourteams inmalor experience managerial r Anaverage oftenyears Asian companies coursework MBA allrequired completed r Knowledge fromhaving methods andresearch information r Access skills, tothelatest market ofallsizesinclude bycompanies hosted PR0JECTS PREYI0US orlaunch, process development newproduct redesign, entrystrategies, plandevelopment. andbusiness andstrategies, financial analysis Products.In the role, he will be responsible for sales and mainte' nance of all Compuwareproducts. He had been corporate executive vice president. Bob Paul will retain his position as leader of Compuware'sCovisint division but with the new title of president and COOof Coqtpuware Covisint. Tommi White has been appointed president and COO of Compuware Services. She will be responsible for the sales and delivery of all services. She had beenCOO. David Rudow, senior analyst at PlperJaffray& co. in MinneaPolis, said the changesare welcome and he expectsto seeresults starting in the first quarier offiscal 2fi)7. Compuware's fiscal year ends March 31. "While we believe the execution problems are repairable, if these problemscontinue beyondthe new few quarters, we believe the company will need to explore alternative ways to unlock shareholder value." Rudow said. Andrew Dietderich: (313) 4460315, ad.intderich@rrain. com EnnNINGS Inc. AninMerltor IIYSE: ARM otherjoint venturesof $46.7 million.In total,these itemsamountedto $1.284 billionbeforetaxes. 2004 2005 Dec. 31 lst Quarter S2'067,000,000 Revenue....................$2,086'000'0dl 0xfordBankCorp. 518,00,000 ....................$34,0(n,0(n Netincome $'2C 4th QuarterDec.31 Eamingspershare:....................$,49 0ICBB:OXBG Payable Record date date 2006 2006 3-15 4-t ................537,700,000 541,702,000 Netincome S'11 Eamingspershare:..................$.10 9 months: ..................S895,879,1X10 $913'056'000 Revenue ................S86,513,000 349,756,000 Netincome S.13 Eamingspershare:..........,.......$.22 flagstar Banorp I{YSE:FBC 17,2006 February DEADLIIIE: PR0P0SAL PROJECT 'I4 GAINERS'22 LOSERS'12 UI{CHAI{GED THISWEEK'SSTOCKTOTALS: 1. 2, 3, 4. 5. 6. 7. 8, 9. 10. GLSBALh' T}A Catuity Inc. ArvlnMerltorlnc. GeneralMotors Corp. CaracoPharmaceutlcalLabs Ltd. Ford Motor Co. SomanetlcsCorP. CovansysCorP. Inc. Technologles Rofln-Slnar FlagstarBancorplnc. OrlgenFlnancialInc. CDB'SLOWPERFORMERS 1, 2, 2004 2005 4th QuarterDec.31 3. $4,286,100,000 ....................$4,403,300,000 Revenue 4, S123,000,m0 tNet income..............($596,0fi1'000) 5. t E a m i n g s p e r s h a r e : . . . . . . . . . . . . ( $ ' E . 8 8 )$ 1 ' 8 2 12 months: 6, ..................$t?,095,200,000516,960,000,000 Revenue 7. 5422'200'000 t Netincome..........($1,375,000'000) 8. l E a r n i n g s p e r s h a r e : . . . . . . . . . . ( $ . 2 0 ' 4 8 19 5 ' 7 7 t- Thelosswaspartlydueto specialcharges0f 9. and of good-will about$1.28billion,consisting 10. impairmentchargesof $1.1 billionrelat- LearCorp. Factto know:Ankeny is the residentexperton all things Detroitand experience has morethan 40 yearsin the newsbusiness,withextensive coveringthe courts,the law and localgovernment. in'com; (3 13 ) 446-0404 contactinfo:ban keny@cra DwruEnus 2004 2005 $7'210,000 Revenue........................$8,318,000 ilasdaq:CPWR Netincome..................S1'348'ln0S!571'000 Corp. Gompuware E a m i n E i s p e r s h a r e : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 1 . 0S51 ' 2 3 2004 2005 Dec.31 3rdQuarter ..................5305,905,000 S330,5:t5,000 12 months: Revenue $27,769,000 ....,...............S31,081,000 Revenue CDB'SIOP PERFORMERS WqyneCounty about:Cityof Detroit, Reports law development, government andeconomic loinedCnin's:1996 Netincome..................S4,420,000 s5,217,1X10 pershare:................53.45 s4.08 Eamings LEA I{YSE: lixed-asset ed t0 Lea/sinteriorsegment;costsrelatedto reactionsof $102.8 million;litigation structuring chargesof $39.2 million;and lossesresultingfrom of two the saleof oneandthe capitalrestructuring u27 ctosE r/20 ctosE PBCEM cllll{oE $8.10 15.98 23.80 11.63 8.65 2a.62 15.45 Ll2 15.19 7.O2 $6.28 L3.23 20.05 10.55 7.90 26.45 L4.34 44.86 L4.22 6.62 28.98 20.79 18.70 LO.24 9.49 8.20 7.74 7.27 6.42 6.04 t/20 cr.osE PERCEI{I cllAllcE 1/27 ctosE EnergyConversionDevicesInc. $47'90 7.24 Perceptronlnc. 38.09 UnltedAutoGroupInc. 24'00 DearbornBancorpInc. 42.44 DTEEnergyco. MeadowbrookInsuranceGrouplnc. 5.75 LL.62 HandlemanCo. 39.74 PutteHomesInc. 14.80 CMSEnergycorp. 30.10 Agree RealtyCorP. $54.45 7.55 39.40 24.60 43.37 5.85 L1-.79 40.29 15.OO 30.50 -L2.O3 4.LL -3.33 -2.44 -2.O5 -L.7t -L.44 -L'37 -1.33 -1.31 Source:BloombergNews. From a list of publiclyowned companies with headquarters in Wayne, Oakland, Macomb, Washtenaw or Livingston counties. Note: Stocks trading at less than $5 are not included.
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