Palm Sunday - Faith Lutheran Church


Palm Sunday - Faith Lutheran Church
M"#$% 20, 2016!
! !
P"-. S012"3 !
Schedule for Holy Week
Holy Week Schedule!
Vital Signs!
Church Council !
News of Our !
Faith Family!
Future Readings!
Maundy Thursday
Faith Talks!
March 24—bilingual service at 7pm
The Vicar’s Voice!
Good Gifts!
LTD Open !
Worship Ministries’
Thrivent Update!
Palm Sunday
Easter Day
Faith’s Calendar!
Women for Peace!
Grief Recovery!
Cultivating the Sky! 13!
Donations !
Make a Difference!
Staff & Council!
Good Friday
March 25—services at 12pm (English) & 7pm (bilingual)
Evangelism Events! 8!
Christian Education! 9!
Faith Works!
March 20—regular worship schedule
9am English; 11am Spanish
March 27—services at 7am, 9am & 11am
For more information, see page 7
Page 2
for Sunday, March 6, 2016!
Attendance:! 9am " ! ! ! ! 118!
! ! !
! 11am " ! !
! !
General Fund Offering: ! $4,416.36!
for Sunday, March 13, 2016!
Attendance:! 9am " ! ! ! !
11am " !!
! ! ! ! !
!! !
General Fund Offering:
! !
B"##$ R'()*++, S4$#45"#3!
H78%-78%59 :; 5%4 M"#$% 8, 2016 C:01$7- M445718!
Pastor Lara Forbes met with Terros, attended Madison School District Faith Leaders Breakfast,
and a meeting of Grand Canyon Synod leaders held by Bishop Stephen Talmage. !
Council and Ministry Team Leaders’ Meeting will be held at the Valders’ residence on Sunday,
April 10 from 2:00 to 5:00 PM.!
Council explored ideas for consolidating meetings and ministry teams.!
Synod Delegates for this year’s Synod Assembly in Las Vegas will be recommended to the !
congregation at our Annual Meeting in May.!
The Evangelism Team had a booth at the 7th Avenue Street Fair, and will share a booth with
Grace Lutheran at Pride April 2"3.!
The Preschool Dinner and Silent Auction will be held on Saturday, April 9 from 6"9pm at Ajo Al’s
Mexican Café.!
The Stewardship Team has organized two Mosaic events: March 19 to decorate clay pots and
April 9 to plant succulents in the decorated clay pots. Pots will be given away to attendees of
Mosaic’s annual fundraising luncheon.!
Full minutes of the meeting and Team Liaison reports will be posted on the breezeway bulletin board
when approved at the next meeting.!
Page 3
News of Our Faith Family
March 28 will be a special
day for Faith’s Sexton,
DENNIS HART. He hits a
milestone birthday, and let’s
just say, it doesn’t rhyme
with “Lordy” or “Nifty.” No
matter what the numbers
say, we know that he is
very young at heart! Our C"Time the day !
before his birthday is Easter Brunch, but we
are planning to take a few minutes to surprise
him with a cake and a rousing rendition of
“Happy Birthday.” We hope everyone will
make it a point to stop in and wish him well. !
PASTOR LARA asked that the following !
message be shared: Thank you for your
cards, thoughts and prayers for me and for
my family these past few weeks following my
stepdad’s passing.! Thank you, too, for your
generous donations to the Juvenile Diabetes
Research Foundation (JDRF) in Les’
memory.! Your support is a blessing and truly
appreciated during this time. !
This past week, we received the following
With a heavy heart and much prayer and discernment, I have made the decision to leave
my formation with the Lutheran Deaconess
Association. This was a difficult choice for me
to make and I want to thank all of
you for your continued prayers
and support that you have given
me over the last two years when I began my
journey. With guidance from the Holy Spirit
and much prayer, God has directed my !
servant heart to a familiar path. With a !
passion for science and public health, I am
returning to ASU in the fall to begin a second
degree in Health Education and Promotion. I
ask that you please continue to pray for me
as I begin this new calling. !
A BIG thank you goes out to all those who
made our Wednesday evening Soup and
Bread suppers a success: J'.# / S"12##*
J'.#3+'#42"5., L2"72 / D$9: K'.7$#5,
D')'7*3 / D'# R*.<3, M2>2)$#* H2#3*#, D2#$*))* B'(*#!W*$31<2##, K27*#
N'C29.*:, N$9: P*5*)'(, G2$) T"7#*7,
E7$9 U73$# 2#> D2C* H")$#. "
If you know of anything newsworthy happening in the life of a member of our Faith family
and/or one of their loved ones, such as !
4.K-:3.415, .:L49, 9K4$7"- "M"#29,
N7#5%9, N"K579.9, ."##7"849, 24"5%9, !
94#7:09 7--149949, %:9K75"-7O"57:19, !
L"$"57:19, 8#"20"57:19, :# "13 :5%4# !
7.K:#5"15 4L4159, please contact the
Church Office and let us know.!
Future Readings:
Readings for this Sunday, March 20: !
Luke 19:28!40 (Procession)"
Luke 22:14!46"
R*2>$#53 d'7 #*e+ S"#>2f, M279. 27:"
A9+3 10:34!43"
P32)< 118:1!2, 14!24"
1 C'7$#+.$2#3 15:19!26"
LUKE 24:1-12
Page 4
Faith Talks …
March 20th, First Day of Spring, my Mother's Birthday!
My thoughts are of her wonderful example of mentoring and involvement within the community I grew
up in. Her motives were not money, popularity, power, pleasure or prestige. She was about her devotion
to her 4 girls, the students she taught and the school district, the youth of our church, and the community
as a whole. She constantly put everyone's needs before herself. The memories I have are of the youth rallies, basketball tournaments, spending time planning the menus, assisting in the kitchen and serving the
youth; that was my mother. After all this was completed she refereed the girls basketball games that same
I remember one summer Mother thought it would be a great experience for us to give back to the
church. For 3 months, every Saturday bright and early after we got our "chores done" we would drive to
the church to mow the grass, sweep the church classrooms, dust the pews, the lectern and pulpit. She
taught by example. This was who she was. A natural born leader people looked to for advice, guidance
and assistance. There was never a time that I heard " I'm not able” or “no I don't have time". There was
always time for those in need.
This was my mother, a loving, giving woman who gave so much of herself that in the prime of life she
passed at the age of 46. To this day I adore her and thank her for giving me a great model to live my life by.
I love you Mother. Happy Birthday.
Barbara Andrew
The Stewardship Team continues our monthly Faith Alive! column that celebrates the generous giving of service, leadership, and finances in
our daily Christian walk. We hope to hear your reflections, stories, appreciation of others, passions, philosophies, etc. If you would like to
offer a submission or suggest a topic or writer, please email Donna Rae Cintora, coordinator:!
Page 5
V$927 A4*) A77'f'"
In the last few days I’ve been paying particular attention to the primaries, not
only because I wish I could participate # if you remember, I’m not a US citizen
yet " but because this seems to be one of those times when people are taking
their political affiliations very personally. !
I don’t mean this in a bad way. Being involved in a movement you believe in is part of living in !
society, and even to have the space and freedom to voice our opinions freely should be a reason to
celebrate, not to be concerned about. !
During the last couple of weeks my social media newsfeeds have been filled with opinions, !
reactions, pictures, memes, and articles of people # more often than not friends " who have something to say about their political affiliation. I’ve engaged with them in conversation, asked questions
to try and shed some light into why they endorse the candidates they do, and overall, tried to learn
about the process, the candidates, and their proposals. !
It may come to a surprise to you all to hear that your vicar falls somewhere towards the liberal side
on the political spectrum, or actually, this may not be a surprise at all. I do my homework, voice my
opinions, read the articles, follow on Twitter and “like” on Facebook. I send my donations to a !
campaign and yeah, low key help organizing some events. !
However, a few days ago, I was completely shocked when I read a Buzzfeed article titled “Here’s
What Trump Supporters Believe Will Happen If He Doesn’t Win” with a picture of a young man !
holding a piece of paper that read “God will smite us! USA”, and I wasn’t just shocked by the article,
or the quotes some of the Trump sympathizers shared, but my shock came from realizing that these
were real people.!
You may be thinking “Abel, of course they’re real people” and you would be right. Of course they
are! But somehow this cold hard fact managed to escape me, and shamefully so. !
As I looked through the comment section and read some vicious, and I mean VICIOUS comments
directed toward these people who were willing to voice their opinions, just like any of us would, I !
realized that I really was no better. Yeah, I wasn’t calling them names or making fun of their clothes
or grammar, but it suddenly hit me, my silence to the disrespect to their dignity was just as bad.!
I don’t agree with Donald Trump. Just the other day he called immigrants “snakes” while doing a !
dramatic reading, and to be honest I felt quite hurt and angry; but this is no reason for me to !
discount his followers’ humanity. !
And yes, it’s hard for me to relate to someone who sees me as “the threatening other” and my first !
impulse is to defend myself, but what those pictures in the article showed me was, that beyond the
politics, and beyond the statements, there were people, and they were afraid. !
You see, I don’t expect to ever agree with them in terms of political views. And maybe we don’t
have a lot in common in terms of life experience, and perhaps my sense of what is just and right
may be radically different than theirs, but after all of that is said and done, they are people with their
own hopes and fears, made in the image of God. !
What surprised me from this realization is that, for me, it’s so much easier to say it at church where
we are all # hopefully " of one spirit. But I have to confess, I blinded myself by forgetting that behind
every protestor, every rally attendant, behind every person who wants to “Feel the Bern” or wants to
“Make America Great Again,” there is a beloved child of God trying to make sense of a broken !
system. !
Easter is March 27. Make your Easter baskets extra sweet with a surprise from ELCA Good
Ten chicks, for just $10, make a perfect addition to Easter gifts # and they have the potential to
make real, lasting change for a family in need. Nutritious eggs to eat and sell on the market help a
family take one giant step toward ending hunger for good.!
Celebrate God’s love in Jesus Christ by sharing that love with others!"
The topic for the!next session for LTD (Learning, Thinking, Discussing) is Michelangelo!! Currently
there is a special exhibit at the Phoenix Art Museum of Michelangelo's work and history, open
through Sunday, March 27.! Anyone interested in learning more about Michelangelo, his work, and
his influence on many aspects of humanity, is encouraged to attend the next session of LTD on
Thursday, March 31 in Bob & Patsy Wasbotten's home at 7PM.! A visit to see this current exhibit at
the Phoenix Art Museum is a plus, though not required.! All who are interested are invited to gather
from their own experiences of Michelangelo's works and attend Learn, Think, and Discuss.!
LTD is an opportunity to sit with other people who are interested in the topic at hand to do just that…
learn, think, discuss.! There is not a team membership, no reports, no Robert's Rules; just a !
willingness to learn, think, and discuss in a friendly & respectful atmosphere with other members of
Faith and their friends on a variety of interesting topics...what might YOUR suggestion be?! Come,
join in!!
Please join in this timely topic with your experiences and views! !
Page 7
Worship Ministries’ Plans
D*##$3 H27+, N$9: P*5*)'(, / D2#$*))* B'(*#!W*$31<2## , C:"T4". L4"24#9!
! P"-. S012"3 D4$:#"5718:! Saturday, March 19 at 8am Volunteers are needed to help
set up the palms and other decorations in the sanctuary and the courtyard.!
P"-. S012"3 'D4"K"-.718':! Monday, March 21 at 10am Volunteers are needed to !
remove palm fronds from the sanctuary.!
E"954# D4$:#"5718:! Saturday, March 26 at 8am We are requesting donations of
white, unscented candles with clear, glass candle holders, as well as flowering spring
plants. They can be dropped off at the Church Office during the week prior to Easter
(9am"1pm) or you can bring them on Saturday morning. Please label them for easy !
identification in returning them. Volunteers are also needed to help place the flowers and
other decorations.!
! P"-./P"997:1 S012"3:!Worship services at 9am (English) & 11am (Spanish)! The 9am
service will begin in the courtyard, and following the blessing of the palms, the congregation
will join in a lively procession into the sanctuary. !
M"0123 T%0#92"3:! Worship service at 7pm! This bilingual service will include foot
washing, Holy Communion, & stripping of the altar.!
G::2 F#72"3: Worship services at 12 Noon & 7pm Two opportunities to worship in the
solemnity of this holy week. We commemorate the passion and suffering of Christ as his
death on the cross is fully realized. The 12 noon service will be the Stations of the Cross.
The 7pm service will be centered upon the Veneration of the Cross and the Solemn !
Reproaches, as we observe Christ’s journey to the crucifixion.!
E"954# S012"3: !
! Worship service at 7am This early morning service celebrates the Resurrection of
Our Lord outside in the courtyard and will include music and communion.!
Worship service at 9:00am This joyous Festival Worship (in English) will celebrate
the Resurrection of Our Lord with Holy Communion and music from our Chancel Choir.
It will be followed by a special Easter C"Time hosted by our Fellowship Team (see page
9) and an Easter Egg Hunt for the children. !
Worship service at 11:00am Misa de Pascua (in Spanish) will celebrate the !
Resurrection of Our Lord with Holy Communion and the music of El Coro. !
Page 8
F7*> C'()*f, C%"K54# C::#271"5:#!
You may remember that Tom Sawyer conned several acquaintances into whitewashing a massive
picket fence while he pursued his own pleasures. Tom slyly made the task look so inviting and so
skill"demanding that his counterparts couldn’t resist picking up paint brushes and going to work.!
Earlier this month…16 Faith Thrivent volunteers were gently persuaded (not really conned) into
painting a humongous picket fence and lengthy 6"foot high cement block wall on the grounds of The
Solution"5A residential facility. (5A clients are being helped to overcome various addiction problems). It took two perfect"weather days and 20 gallons of paint (paid for with a Thrivent Action Team
grant) to do the job. (Actually, when the good natured and generally enthusiastic painters reached a
point of exhaustion, there were still quite a few unpainted pickets and an adequate amount of paint
remaining. The plan is for 5A clients to organize a “Paint Party” in coming days to finish the job).!
B$)) K'9.*#>*7d*7, T4". L4"24#!
The Melrose 7th Ave Street Fair was a big success! Temperature! around 80º! and partly sunny
brought a large crowd out to enjot the festivities. Approximately 80 people made inquiries about
Faith Lutheran Church.! Bookmarks, pencils, key chains and information were handed out to our !
visitors. Thanks to our volunteers: B$)) K'9.*#>*7d*7, B'4 G72#+, B*+3f L'*.#$3, B274272
A#>7*(, F72#:$* G'7+27*1, S9'++ U)<*7, C27')$#* C*7>2, 2#> K27*# N'C29.*:. Without
our booth hosts this project would not succeed.!
Our next event is Phoenix Pride Festival on April 2 & 3.! A booth host sign"up sheet will be on the
breezeway bulletin beginning Sunday, March 20.!!We will be sharing the booth again this year with
Grace Lutheran. !
Page 9
Christian Education
M2>2)$#* H2#3*# / N2#9f M2e(*)), T4". C:"L4"24#9
Adult Forum !
Child Friendly Choices
Each Sunday, all children are !
encouraged to take one of the !
animals from NOAH’S ARK (in
the narthex) and care for it during
worship. Activity sheets are also available
for children ages Pre"K through 4th grade,
with stories, puzzles and games to complete
during the worship service. We offer a !
BALCONY CRY ROOM for parents with !
children under the age of 3 to use during
Sunday morning worship. !
Each week, children of all ages are invited to
the altar for a Children's Sermon, and on the
first Sunday of the month are invited to take
part in collecting our CHANGE FOR
CHANGE offering. !
Today at 1:30, we will meet in Parish
Hall for our final regular Confirmation
Class of the 2016 Spring session. Having
spent the last seven weeks learning about
every aspect of worship, the confirmands
will begin to plan their own worship service
with a little bit of help from leaders !
P"#$%& L"&", P"#$%& S$%+,-, D"+/,00,
V/9"& A;,0 and N/9= P,>,0%2. Stay
tuned... !
Tuesday Morning
Bible Study
usually meets each Tuesday at 9:30am in
Parish Hall. However, we will not meet this
Tuesday, March 22, but we will resume the !
following Tuesday, March 29 with a special DVD
presentation on the GOSPEL OF MATTHEW by
A"#$ N'(. Please arrive a little early so that we
can start promptly at 9:30am. !
Join us in Parish Hall each week
following !
C"Time for our ADULT FORUM. !
F"75%’9 S:$7"- J0957$4 T4". !
P7*3*#+3 S2<2#+.2 P3+7'33"
Our guest speaker will be the new Executive !
Director of the Arizona Advocacy Network.!
She will update us on legislation and ballot
measures that affect democratic processes
like voting, disclosure of anonymous campaign spending, Arizona’s clean elections
system, changes in primary elections, and
criminal penalties if you deliver your neighbor’s absentee ballot.! ! Major changes are in
the works affecting how we govern ourselves
and elect our leaders.! Bring your questions! !
Happy Easter!
No Adult Forum
Join us for C-Time Easter Brunch &
Children’s Easter Egg Hunt
Thursday Evening
Bible Study
held the first and fourth Thursdays of each
month. However, because the fourth !
Thursday of March is Maundy Thursday,
there will be no Bible Study. We hope you
will join us when we gather again on !
Thursday, April 7 in the Office Conference
Room for a Bible study and discussion
that is bound to be stimulating and !
informative. !
Page 10
Faith’s Calendar for March 20 ~ March 26!
C"#$%&'()%"# C+(,,! ! ! ! ! ! ! Sunday, 1:30pm (PH)!
W?%)@?"A,@ A+ A#"# C A+()@@#! ! ! Sunday, 6:30pm (FC, PH)!
P(,)"& L(&(’, D(I O$$! ! ! ! ! ! Monday, all day!
T?A#O@&P%&O A+ A#"#! ! ! ! ! ! Monday, 7:30pm (PH) !
P()?$%#O@&, AA! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Monday, 8:00pm (FC)!
S)($$ M)S.! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Tuesday, 10:45am (O)!
P&@,Y?""+ B"(&O M)S.! ! ! ! ! ! Tuesday, 6:30pm (O)!
S"Y%(+ JA,)%Y@ M)S.! ! ! ! ! ! ! Tuesday, 7:00pm (PH)!
C?(#Y@+ C?"%& R@?@(&,(+! ! ! ! ! Wednesday, 7:00pm (S)!
M(A#OI T?A&,O(I W"&,?%] S@&^%Y@! ! Thursday, 7:00pm (S)!
G""O F&%O(I W"&,?%] S@&^%Y@! ! ! ! Friday, 12 noon & 7:00pm (S)!
D@Y"&()@ $"& E(,)@&!! ! ! ! ! ! Saturday, 8:00am (S)!
! !
!Faith’s Calendar for March 27 ~ April 2!
W?%)@?"A,@ A+ A#"# C A+()@@#!
C?A&Y? O$$%Y@ C+",@O! ! ! !
T?A#O@&P%&O A+ A#"#! ! ! !
P()?$%#O@&, AA! ! ! ! ! !
TA@,O(I M"&#%#S B%P+@ S)AOI! !
P&@,Y?""+ C?(]@+! ! ! ! !
M@# "$ F(%)?/L( F@!! ! ! ! !
Sunday, 6:30pm (FC, PH)!
Monday, all day!
Monday, 7:30pm (PH) !
Monday, 8:00pm (FC)!
Tuesday, 9:30am (PH)!
Friday, 10:00am (PS, S)!
Saturday, 7:30am (PH)!
PH = Parish Hall!! FC = Faith Center! O= Church Office Conference Room!
! BW = Breezeway! S = Sanctuary! CY = Courtyard! ! CH = Chapel!
The next issue of Faith Alive! will be published on the weekend of April 3. !
(Deadline: noon, Wednesday, March 30)!
Page 11
Page 12
Page 13
California Lutheran University, !
in partnership with the Center for Equality and Justice, !
the SEEd Project (Sustainable Edible Education), !
and the Segerhammar Center for Faith and Culture !
invite you to tune into a live stream presentation of!
“Cultivating the Sky: How the Ethics of Food Matters to the Politics of Climate Change” !
by esteemed speaker, Willis Jenkins.!
Thursday, March 31, 2016 at 7:00 p.m.!
Watch the event live at and join the conversation with #CLUfaithculture!
W$))$3 J*#:$#3 writes and teaches about issues at the intersections of religious and philosophical
ethics, climate change and theology. His award"winning books include! The Future of Ethics: !
Sustainability, Social Justice, and Religious Creativity!(2013) and!Ecologies of Grace: Environmental
Ethics and Christian Theology! (2008). In this lecture, he will outline a “moral ecology of food” that
relates to how communities address the effects of climate change.!
Jenkins is an associate professor of religious studies and director of graduate studies at the !
University of Virginia, where he earned both a master’s and Ph.D. in religious studies. He is a former
director of UVA’s Environmental Humanities program and previously taught at Yale University !
Divinity School.!
The Segerhammar Center for Faith and Culture has been established at California Lutheran !
University as a forum for inquiry into questions of faith, learning, and vocation.! In particular, the
Center will seek ways to establish new connections between the church, the academy, and the community, and to promote common reflection on what vocation means in our American culture and the
broader global community. !
Page 14
This space in our newsletter is for anyone who
has a service they would
like to advertise or a!
needed service that they
would like to find someone to hire to do. We can
either print your business
card or run small blurbs
(no larger than the size of
a business card). We will also, on occasion,
print ads from other churches that we are affiliated with. We are hoping that we will be able to
help connect those in our Faith family with others who are looking for help " yard work, house
cleaning, handyman jobs, or any other jobs that
you might think of. !
If you or someone you know is looking for
a caregiver, please consider me,
M27$3*)2 G'<*1. I have prior experience as a care"giver and referrals are
available upon request. You can contact
me at 602"368"4483 (home) or at !
602"295"8616 (cell). Thank you!!
C"-- R:9"#7: T"K7"!
602"677"8106 (cell)!
Voice and Piano Lessons
C"-- I9"N4- G"3:99:!
602"575"8897 !
References Available!
Are your favorite pants not fitting
quite the way you’d like?
I will
teach you to do your own alterations,
or will do them for you.!
M"&- SA>A/$"+ 602"795"9107!
Joseph Cruz
Educator. Composer. Arranger.
Conductor. Trainer. Performer.
Music Theorist. Clarinet Player.
Classical and Broadway Music Repertoire.
Certified Montessori Teacher.
C"-- M"#7$4-" " 602"466"4313 !
References Available!
Devotionals Available!
for AK#7-, M"3 } J014 2016!
are currently available on the Infomobile. !
A small number of large print !
are available as well. !
Page 15
Your Donations Make a Difference!
Faith’s Outreach Team has “C"#4 } S%"#4” collection baskets in the Breezeway for the !
• M5. :; O-7L49 L05%4#"1 C%0#$% " F::2 C-:945 } T%#7;5 S%:K " canned goods and
other non"perishable foods; gently used clothing and household items !
• G#"$4 L05%4#"1 C%0#$% M71795#3 5: 5%4 H:.4-499 " clothing & personal care items!
• H"757 " F442718 I.K:L4#79%42 C%7-2#41 " aluminum Cans !
• N"L"ƒ: L05%4#"1 M7997:1, R:$„K:715, AZ " Campbell’s soup labels and General Mills
box tops "
• F"75% L05%4#"1 P#4"S$%::- " snacks, tissues, and supplies!
• R4$3$-4 W#754 " used pens, pencils, and markers !
Collection of any and all of these items is on"going, although we do focus on the third !
Sunday of each month as our “T.$7> S"#>2f F''> D7$C*” for Mount of Olives’ Food !
Closet. !
Something to ponder . . .!
How do you want friends and associates to
perceive Faith Lutheran Church?
Faith Evangelical Lutheran Church!
801 E. Camelback Road, Phoenix, AZ 85014!
Church Office: 602"265"3394!
Fax: 602"248"8398!
Sunday morning worship times:!
9a.m. (English); 11a.m. (Spanish)!
Adult Forum " 10:30 a.m. !
R*C. L272 F'74*3, P"95:#!
D**>** U73$#, O;;7$4 A2.71795#"5:#!
B'4 G72#+, D7#4$5:# :; M097$!
D*##$3 H27+, S4‚5:1!
V$927 A4*) A77'f', P"95:#"- I154#1!
S.2)$#$ H2)v*, P#49$%::- D7#4$5:# !
B*#w2<$# O)<*>', C095:27"1!
2015 " 2016 !
S"12##* J'.#3+'#42"5. ! P#4972415"
A) K'#'( ! V7$4 P#4972415!
S:$7"- J0957$4 L7"79:1 !
B"##$ R'()*++ ! S4$#45"#3!
W:#9%7K M71795#749 L7"79:1"
D2C* H")$# ! T#4"90#4#"
2015"2016 !
J*##f B*739. ! S54M"#29%7K "
C27')$#* C*7>2 ! O05#4"$% "
J2$<* D"27+* ! EL"184-79. "
A<f D"*<)*7!Tf)*7 ! P#:K4#53"
J'#2+.2# G'<*1 ! F71"1$4!
M2>2)$#* H2#3*# ! C%#7957"1 E20$"57:1 }
J2# K"*#1)$ ! P#49$%::-!