- Saint James Catholic Church
SA I N T JA M E S CAT H O L I C PA R I S H The Love of Christ In the Heart Of Sewickley SECOND SUNDAY of advent 200 Walnut Street - Sewickley, PA 15143 Reverend Thomas J. Burke, Pastor PHONE: 412-741-6650 FAX: 412-741-4782 EMAIL: saintjamesparish@comcast.net WEB SITE: www.saintjames-church.com Rectory Office Hours: Monday - Friday / 8:30am - 5:00pm SUNDAY MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Vigil - 5:00pm Sunday - 7:30am, 9:30am and 11:30am Confessions: Saturdays 9:30 - 10:30am With God, All Things Are Possible! ST. JAMES MISSION STATEMENT St. James is a community filled with hope striving to keep alive the apostolic spirit of our namesake. By virtue of our common baptism and in union with the Diocese of Pittsburgh, we believe in the Love of God, the Father, the Presence of God, the Son, and the Guidance of God, the Holy Spirit. Founded in 1863, our legacy of persistence and resilience gives us the confidence to journey forward into the future. The Eucharist is the center of our lives forming us into a people that mirror the boundless embrace of Christ’s Love where all can find a home at St. James. December 8, 2013 Volume 2013, Issue 49 PASTORAL STAFF Pastor............................. Reverend Thomas J. Burke ........................................ thomasburke70@hotmail.com Parochial Vicar……..…..Reverend Frederick W. Gruber …………………………….fgruber@diopitt.org Retired/In-Residence....Reverend Matthew Tosello, Ph.D …………………………….cuniit@gmail.com SV Hospital Ministries...Deacon Jim Olson …………………….………412-996-3578 Business Manager..…...Greg Curran …………………………….gdcurran@gmail.com Office Manager .............. Karin Masterani ........................................ kmasterani@saintjames-sewickley.org Office Assistant ............ Susan Ponticello ........................................ sponticello@saintjames-sewickley.org Dir. Music Ministries ..... Lou Valenzi ........................................ Associate, Sharron Schaefer ........................................ Website: www.stjamesmusic.org Dir. Religious Ed ........... Karen Conroy, 412-741-6766 ........................................ stjamesreled@comcast.net Saint James Catholic School ……………..412-741-5540 Principal…………….....Sister Christy Hill, extension 108 ........................................ chill@saintjames-sewickley.org Secretary .................... Marcy Knobloch, extension 100 School Website .......... www.stjamesschool.us Youth Minister ............... Maria Brown, 412-749-3745 ........................................ mbrown@saintjames-sewickley.org Maintenance .................. Mike Glumac, Dan O’Rourke, …………………………….Kyle Devlin and Bill Hawthorne Housekeeping ............... Patty Smitz DECEMBER 8, 2013 SAINT JAMES CHURCH Shepherd’s Voice December 8, 2013 Second Sunday of Advent REPENT! This time of year is a popular time for people to come to the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Recently I met with a parishioner who has been struggling with various circumstances in their life. There has been a lot of hurt and anger in their heart and they wanted to become “clean” for the holidays. After we finished the Sacrament of Reconciliation they were filled with peace. This weekend we celebrate the Second Sunday of Advent. The readings this weekend focus on repentance. In the first reading of the prophet Isaiah, a prophet announces the birth of a future king. He will bring healing and justice to the people. In the Second reading to the Romans, Paul reminds us to welcome one another as Christ welcomes us. In the Gospel of Matthew, we are introduced to John the Baptist who is a cousin of Jesus. John is a major figure during the Season of Advent who focuses on repentance. As we continue traveling through this Advent Season, let us forgive those around us, forgive ourselves and seek healing and reconciliation. Let us not look backward, but look for. REPENT! Advent Penance Services Advent is a wonderful time to get refreshed and renewed. There are various Penance services being conducted the next several weeks to get ready for the Christmas season. Penance services will be conducted at 6:30pm at the following neighboring parishes: Tuesday, December 10 – St. Margaret Mary (Moon Twp.) Tuesday, December 17- St. Joseph (Coraopolis) We will also participate in “The Light Is On For You” which every parish will participate in this coming Wednesday, December 11. The church will be open and confessions will be available from 6:00 to 9:00pm. Campaign For The Church Alive! We are in full swing for Our Campaign For the Church Alive! This campaign provides us with the opportunity to help serve the needs of our brothers and sisters in the Diocese of Pittsburgh, as well as nourishing our Catholic community here at St. James. 60% of what is collected will go to the Diocese and 40% will stay here at St. James for our own needs which amount SECOND SUNDAY OF ADVENT to $614,000. If we surpass this target, we will retain sixty percent of all funds we raise above goal. Our parish target is $1,535,000. As of this week our parish is at 75% of the goal! Every registered parishioner will be receiving a pledge card and asked to participate. Please return your pledge card to the Rectory. I ask that you open your heart to participate in this historic campaign as we help the Diocese of Pittsburgh and St. James Catholic Parish. Additional Responsibilities Bishop Zubik has recently appointed me to be a “Mentor” for newly ordained Deacon Tony Giordiano who is from Good Samaritan Parish in Ambridge. The purpose of a mentor is to facilitate the movement of the newly ordained deacon into effective ministry. Deacon Tony is the Pastoral Associate at St. John the Baptist Parish in Monaca and also the Chaplain at the Beaver Valley Medical Center in Beaver. I am honored that the Bishop trust’s my leadership to help Deacon Tony in his Ministry. I have also been appointed Chaplain to the St. Anthony School Program which is a Catholic based education and training program for children ages 5-21 with Autism, Down Syndrome and other serious intellectual disabilities. In addition to being the Pastor of St. James Parish, I am also: Chaplain to the Catholic Committee on Scouting, Chaplain to the Pittsburgh Police Department, Chaplain to the Pittsburgh Pirates, Member of the College of Consultors for the Diocese, and a Board of Director Member of the Pittsburgh Athletic Association in Oakland. Parish Improvements Pitt Chemical Company of Pittsburgh recently installed new royal blue soap dispensers, hand sanitizer, and paper towel dispensers throughout the campus at no cost to the parish. Ron Parisi Remodeling of Ambridge recently cleaned the gutters, roof tops, and drains of the campus buildings removing leaves and debris and also cut some tree limbs. Congratulations Congratulations to Ariana Noelle Kostelnik and Robert Kenneth Stevenson who are being Baptized this weekend. Wedding Bells Congratulations to Nicole Sarver and Christopher Sproul who were married on November 23, and Katherine Tedesco and Philip Diemert who were married on November 30. Something to Think About… An error gracefully acknowledged is a victory won. - Caroline Leigh Gascoigne With God, All Things Are Possible! Fr. Tom Burke Pastor Email - thomasburke70@hotmail.com The Sacrament of Baptism is available any Sunday of the month at Hospitalized and Homebound parishioners please contact us or have a fam12:45PM. Couples expecting a child should attend Baptism class. To ily member do so. If you know of a parishioner who is unable to get to make arrangements for a Baptism or class, please call (412) 741-6650. Church and would like to receive Communion, please call (412) 741-6650. The Sacrament of Marriage requires that the couple meet with one of the If you are in need of prayer and would welcome the spiritual support parish priests at least six (6) months before the proposed date of the wedding. of your parish family, please call Connie (412)741-5611. Please call to make an appointment with one of the priests. Altar Servers…………………Molly Torbic…….....259-8059 Baptism Preparation ............... Jim & Margi Gregory741-1005 Bereavement .......................... Nancy Miklos ........... 741-9463 Bible Studies Sunday Morning.................. John Bunce ............... 741-1050 Men’s Saturday. .................. Ernie Tucci ............... 741-4539 Women ................................ Nan O’Connor .......... 741-1547 Centering Prayer Group ............ Victoria Graham ............ 897-1646 ………………………………...Richard Whittier……..855-3981 Christian Mother’s/Guild ....... Rose Flaherty ............ 741-3844 Eucharistic Ministers for Parish ................................ 741-6650 For Hospital………………...Deacon Jim Olson .... 996-3578 Faith Formation Committee ... Karen Conroy............ 741-6766 55+ Club ................................ Starr Hull .................. 259-8347 PARISH YEAREND SUMMARY JULY 1- JUNE 30, 2013 2012-2013 ACTUAL 2012-2013 BUDGET 2011-2012 ACTUAL Operating Income: Collections at Offertory Donations and Bequests General Fundraising Investment Income Other Operating Income Total Operating Income 877,238.00 51,582.00 6,712.00 506.00 7,050.00 963,000.00 66,000.00 0.00 1,000.00 2,500.00 911,957.52 144,307.18 2,770.00 1,097.08 3,991.25 943,088.00 1,032,500.00 1,064,123.03 126,584.00 188,726.00 261,827.00 84,656.00 22,860.00 82,181.00 56,109.00 2,002.00 0.00 (3,881.00) (19,093.00) 104,000.00 139,977.00 204,105.00 281,507.00 67,631.00 24,981.00 82,356.00 46,238.00 0.00 500.00 10,000.00 (6,900.00) 180,000.00 138,107.12 205,489.62 260,054.66 66,813.02 20,613.90 67,252.52 48,819.17 398.23 900.00 10,433.84 (12,530.46) 200,000.00 905,971.00 37,117.00 1,030,395.00 2,105.00 1,006,351.62 57,771.41 Operating Expenses: Liturgical Expense Administration Expense Operation & Maintenance Expense Rectory Expense Property & Liability Insurance Religious Education Program Youth Ministry Program Adult Education Program Community Programs & Donations Social Activities Rental Property Operation School Subsidy Expense Total Operating Expenses NET OPERATING SURPLUS/(DEFICIT) SCHOOL YEAR END SUMMARY JULY 1 - JUNE 30, 2013 OPERATING INCOME: Tuition and Fees Donations & Bequests General Fund Raising Investment Income Other Operating Income Total Operating Income OPERATING EXPENSES: Instructional Expense Administration Expense Operation & Maintenance Expense Property & Liability Insurance Food Service Program Student Activities Program Bookstore Operation Preschool Program Extended Day Service Program Total Operating Expenses NET SURPLUS/(DEFICIT) BEFORE SUBSIDY Subsidy - Parish/Other Net Operating Surplus/(Deficit) 2012-2013 ACTUAL 2012-2013 BUDGET 2011-2012 ACTUAL 652,367.00 18,709.00 170,190.00 66.00 0.00 724,525.00 10,000.00 158,000.00 0.00 0.00 713,418.92 9,151.40 147,463.60 116.53 14,629.04 841,332.00 892,525.00 884,779.49 619,558.00 127,670.00 216,242.00 10,290.00 1,381.00 4,344.00 (3.00) 7,616.00 (2,374.00) 671,624.00 163,623.00 236,318.00 11,551.00 2,500.00 15,000.00 (700.00) 131.00 (5,927.00) 732,813.32 147,459.84 213,254.69 9,526.60 1,816.95 4,884.24 (50.00) 8,685.97 (7,386.82) 984,724.00 1,094,120.00 1,111,004.79 (143,392.00) 144,000.00 608.00 (201,595.00) 220,000.00 18,405.00 (226,225.30) 240,000.00 13,774.70 The net operating surpluses reflect a transfer after the 2012-2013 fiscal year from the parish to the school. As we conclude the 2013 year, I would like to call your attention to our Annual Fiscal Report for the 2012-2013 year. The year 2012 was a year “in transition” for St. James, as I became your Pastor on August, 27, 2012. Since it has been a year and four months, we have seen a lot of positive changes in our parish: increase in membership and increase in major improvements throughout the campus. Our overall operating parish income has gone up, total operating parish expenses have dramatically come down. For the school, our operating income has declined due to a slight drop in enrollment, but our school expenses have declined. With the addition of a full day four year-old pre-school program this year our enrollment in pre-school has increased. The new School Advisory Board that has been established to assist Sister Christy and myself has been a tremendous help in looking at Academic Excellence, Recruitment/ Retention, Financial and Advancement. Since the fall of 2012 we have welcomed over 150 new families to St. James. There is a positive spirit of energy in the parish. Our parish continues to be a generous outreach ministry in supporting the Union Aid Society, St. Vincent de Paul, the Center for Hope, Girls Hope, Habitat for Humanity and many other various outreach projects. I want to thank the parish and school staff for all of their tremendous work this past year and thank all the wonderful volunteers who help make St. James be the Love of Christ in the Heart of Sewickley. Thank you for your continued generosity. With God, All Things Are Possible! Fr. Thomas J. Burke - Pastor Finance Council Members: David Aloe, Greg Curran, Bob DeBiase, Chuck Etta, Joann Matten, John Moraca, John Nicolaus, Judy Spanos, David Thompson, and Andrea Vescio YOUTH MINISTRY NEWS Our church was sure "Alive" for our O.C. group (Operation Christ Middle School Youth Group) as we began our "Movie Night in November" with attending Mass first. Many of the kids were able to take part in carrying out some of the responsibilities during Mass, such as lecturing, greeting, and carrying the gifts up to the altar. Following the Mass, our group participated in the service project which was to assemble many small gifts in Christmas stockings for the children at Center for Hope. All 50 stockings were filled with winter hats, gloves, toys and candy. Following dinner, we traveled to Cinemark in Monaca to view the new animated film "Free Birds" in 3D. A movie about turkeys on a crusade to save themselves from turkey dinner! Great fun was had by all. Worship...Service to others... and Fellowship. A perfect way to begin our Christmas season! Finance Council......................Andrea Vescio .......... 741-8776 [David Aloe, Bob DeBiase, Chuck Etta, Joann Matten, John Moraca, John Nicolaus and Judy Spanos] Greeters ..................................John Tucci ................ 741-4539 Home & School ......................Mary Jo Wise .......... 264-3962 Knights of Columbus .............Ed Schuring .............. 741-8062 Lectors………………………. ................................. 741-6650 Marriage Preparation…….Jim & Margi Gregory .... 741-1005 Men’s Retreat…………....Kevin Daily…...………..741-6211 Pastoral Council………....Mike Killian…………....741-6650 Saint Vincent de Paul ........Bob Brown ..................... 741-6650 RCIA .................................Bob Basl ......................... 741-3889 SCRIP Program .................Susan Ponticello ............. 741-6650 Ushers ....................................................................... 741-6650 Worship Committee ..........Kevin Daily .................... 741-6211 LOOK WHAT’S HAPPENING IN OUR PARISH THIS WEEK Monday, December 9 Knights of Columbus Children’s Christmas party (Gathering Space) - 6:00pm Tuesday, December 10 Prayer Group for our children and grandchildren (Church) 2:00pm St. James School band concert (Gathering Space) - 7:00pm Girl Scout meeting (Cafeteria) - 6:30pm Wednesday, December 11 Children’s Choir (Music Room) - 4:00pm Bell Choir (Church) - 7:00pm Thursday, December 12 H.S.A. meeting (M.R. #1) - 12:45pm RCIA (M.R. #2) - 7:00pm St. James School Gala meeting (Gathering Space) - 6:15pm Friday, December 13 Legion of Mary meeting (M.R. #1) - 9:45am AA meeting (Gathering Space) - 7:15pm Saturday, December 14 Men’s Bible Study (M.R. #1) - 7:30am Centering Prayer Group (M.R. #1) - 9:30am CHOIR CHRISTMAS CONCERT NEWS It's time once again for our annual Music Ministries' concert and reception, featuring our Adult, Bell and Children's choirs and the Christmas orchestra. This year's concert features seasonal music as well as notso-seasonal favorites. A reception will follow in the Gathering Space. This annual event will take place on Sunday, December 15 at 7:30pm in the church. All are invited! There is no admission charge, however, there will be a free-will offering collected to defray expenses. ST. JAMES SCHOOL NEWS The St. James School 4th graders are studying the Corporal Works of Mercy. Feed the Hungry is one of the works of mercy. They decided to buy Thanksgiving dinners for those who may go without a meal on this holiday. The students brought in $2.00 of their own money to cover the cost of a Thanksgiving dinner at the Light of Life Mission. The class then asked the whole school to contribute some of their own money to purchase even more dinners. The 4th grade is happy to say they are able to supply Thanksgiving dinner for 150 people. Thank you to all who helped us reach this goal! Sunday, December 15 Choir Christmas concert (Church) - 7:30pm Bible Study (M.R. #1) - 8:30am CCD OLSH (Our Lady of the Sacred Heart) Honor Roll - The following students who graduated from Saint James have been named to the OLSH 2013-2014 First Quarter Honor Roll: HIGHEST HONORS: Rachel Osheka, Gregory Strong, Zane Travis, Ryder Ballou, C.J. Benzinger, Jr., Alexis Brezny, Sarah Habazin, Heidi Langhorst, Robert Monks, Cora Saftner, Kaitlin Swick, Brandon George, Matthew Wojtechko, Hannah Feldhues, Alexis Griesacker, Daniel Joyce, Jessica Kerecman, Aesling McCullough, Dylan Osheka and Emma Saftner. HIGH HONORS: Lauren Kunde, Katherine Meurer, Emma Balouch, Matthew Mezzio, Luke Travis and Sadi Kunde. HONORS: Alexander Michalenko, Austin Schorr and Madeline Ciarallo. CENTRAL CATHOLIC HONOR ROLL - HIGH HONORS: Brendan Murray and John Peilert. HONORS: Joseph Auth, Clifford Krey, Austin Lemieux, Lucas Peilert and Jeffrey Van Kooten. Weekly collection for November 24, 2013 $13,774.35 Typhoon Second collection $5,758.71 Weekly collection for December 1, 2013 $20,857.03 The Sanctuary Candle Is Lit This Week As a Special Intention for the Schuring Family From John Tucci MARCH FOR LIFE NEWS The annual march for Life in Washington, DC, is scheduled for Wednesday, January 22, 2014. St James parish will once again sponsor a bus to this national Pro-Life rally and walk. Please join us in this life-affirming event! SEATING IS LIMITED! Please contact Cindy Rinaldi at (412)779-8429 for reservations. Be the voice for those who can’t speak for themselves. We look forward to another strong turnout from the faithful at St James. Sunday, December 8, 2013 thru Sunday, December 15, 2013 SECOND SUNDAY OF ADVENT 5:00 PM + Frederick Tate (Peter & Donna Peduzzi) FWG 7:30 AM + Kathleen Dillinger (Sister) FMT 9:30 AM + Tom Kelley (Wife & Family) FWG 11:30 AM For the People TJB MONDAY THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION OF THE VIRGIN MARY (December 9) 6:45 AM + Josephine Whitfield (Mr. & Mrs. Lou Hopkins) 7:30 PM + Virginia Cercone (The Santeufemia Family) TUESDAY ADVENT WEEKDAY (December 10) 6:45 AM + Sarah, James & Joseph Vasiladiotis (The Vasiladiotis Family) 9:00AM + Angelo & Betty Milano (Daughter, Angela) WEDNESDAY ADVENT WEEKDAY (December 11) 6:45 AM + Della Rae DiFolco (The Oczypok Family) 9:00 AM + Harry Butcher (Marie Value) THURSDAY OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE (December 12) 6:45 AM + Mary Kerr (Daughter, Beth Kaminski) 9:00 AM + Marie Joyce (Friends of Marie Joyce) FRIDAY SAINT LUCY (December 13) 6:45 AM + Guilo Vettorazzi (Family) 9:00 AM + William Shaughnessy (Sandy Foody) SATURDAY SAINT JOHN OF THE CROSS (December 14) 9:00 AM + Bryon Harriger, Jr. (Flo Munizza) 5:00 PM + Jerry & Margaret Veshio (Family) TJB THIRD SUNDAY OF ADVENT 7:30 AM For the People TJB 9:30 AM + Jasper & Adele Mancini (Janet & Gary Chace)FMT 11:30 AM + Mary & Francis Ariana (The Foley Family) FWG TJB = Father Tom FMT = Father Matthew FWG = Father Gruber Pregnancy Hot Line 1-800-395-HELP Diocesan Abuse Response Line 1-888-808-1235 MINISTRY SCHEDULE FOR DECEMBER 14 - 16 Mass Time Altar Servers Eucharistic Ministers Lectors 5:00pm Jackie, Julianna & Johnathon Nicolaus Ron Carlson, Larry Castner, Dick McCormack, Peter & Donna Peduzzi, Jim Pifko and Tom Smolinski Mike Mangan 7:30am Alexis & Eddie Brezny and Dylan Crimm Jean Brown, Bob Druga, Sara Hess, Debra Sexton and Marie Torrito Beth Joyce 9:30am Alexa & Reilly Collins and Rory Steinmetz John Bunce, Ruth & Dan Darragh, Larry & Bonnie Megan, Kathy Terosky and Carolyn Verszyla Starr Hull 11:30am Owen Moran, Paul Ratkovich and Ibie Alfonso, Karen Conroy, Kathleen Green, Maria Macchione, Barry Mickaleen Webster Pitek and Doreen & Paul Ropon 7:30pm Monday John Tucci & Connie Boschetto Julie Pitcavage Rich Zalenski Irvine Chapel 702 Beaver Street Sewickley, PA 15143 Jessica Copeland Volante, Supervisor 412-741-7100 SEWICKLEY HEARING AIDS Mary P. Murray Doctor of Audiology, Sharon H. Russo, Au.D., Joseph A. Pope, M.A., CCC-A Attorney-At-Law (412) 264-0440 Design • Installation Custom Layout Serving the area for over 30 Years 412-741-5670 Associated with Straka & McQuone, Inc. Lori Anne Weber Associate Broker Patronize One of Our Advertisers agentweber@gmail.com Eat the Best Forget The Rest 445 Beaver St., Sewickley (412) 741-9150 Free Home Comfort Plan with a new system Free water test with any plumbing service Electrical service ■ Plumbing service ■ HVAC service and maintenance ■ Loyalty credits to save you money ■ Reputable technicians ■ Excellent service & Pricing Don’t Delay! 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With God, All Things Are Possible!
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E-Mail: thomasburke70@hotmail.com