- Saint James Catholic Church
S T. J A M E S C H U R C H St. James Chronicler Volume 2010 Issue 18 May 2, 2010 5th Sunday of Easter The Love of Christ In the Heart Of Sewickley PHONE: 412-741-6650 FAX: 412-741-4782 200 Walnut Street - Sewickley, PA 15143 EMAIL: saintjamesparish@comcast.net WEB SITE: www.saintjames-church.com Office Hours: Monday through Friday - 8:30am - 5:00pm SUNDAY MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Vigil - 5:00pm Sunday Morning - 7:30am, 9:30am and 11:30am Confessions: Saturdays 11:00am - Noon I give you a new commandment, “Love one another!” TRANSFORMATION When we clean, repair, or otherwise restore things in our possession, we often say "good as new" or "just like new." This, according to the book of Revelation, is what happens to anything that is filled with the glory of Christ. When scripture uses the word "new" it doesn't merely mean "a different one, a replacement" (as our advertisements do), but it carries the sense of something being transformed so fully and completely that it is now almost unrecognizable. Our world is filled with tears, death, pain, thirst, darkness; but the new world--the new heavens and new earth brought about by Christ's resurrection--is filled with joy, everlasting life, glory, living water, and light. As Paul noted in his second letter to the church at Corinth, if we are in Christ, then we are a new creation. And disciples who are a new creation, who live in the new heaven MAY 2, 2010 SAINT JAMES CHURCH and earth brought about by Christ, are also daily practitioners of a new commandment: to love one another with that transforming, renewing love that Christ bestowed on us. (c) Copyright, J. S. Paluch Co. READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: 1 Cor 15:1-8; Jn 14:6-14 Tuesday: Acts 14:19-28; Jn 14:27-31a Wednesday: Acts 15:1-6; Jn 15:1-8 Thursday: Acts 15:7-21; Jn 15:9-11 Friday: Acts 15:22-31; Jn 15:12-17 Saturday: Acts 16:1-10; Jn 15:18-21 Sunday: Acts 15:1-2, 22-29, Ps 67; Rv 21:10-14, 22-23; Jn 14:23-29 FIFTH SUNDAY OF EASTER NEWLY BAPTIZED AT SAINT JAMES We welcome Jacob Scott Wengryn, son of Scott and Katharine(Hayes) Wengryn who was baptized on April 4th and Braden Eric Wildasin, son of Eric and Dawn (Kenneweg) Wildasin who was baptized on April 25th. Our congratulations to both families as they experience the Light of Christ shining through their boys. Our prayers go with you! REMEMBERING THE SICK In this space each week, we will let you know who is sick in our parish, and in need of our prayers. Please remember Robert Sabatelle, Eleanor Skapik, Eleanor Farbo, Mike LoBello, Frank Wojtarowicz, Eleanor Paul, Robbie Hawranko, Sue Etters, William Kelly and Dolorita Harasin in your prayers. MINISTRY SCHEDULE FOR MAY 8 - 10 (ALSO INCLUDES THE VIGIL/HOLY DAY MAY 12 & MAY 13) Mass Time Altar Servers Eucharistic Ministers Lectors 5:00pm Vigil Dylan, Morgan & Rachel Osheka Kevin Daily, Dan & Ruth Darragh, Donna & Peter Peduzzi, Don Sabo and Marlene Todd 7:30am Sunday William & Joshua Leeman and Matthew Mezzio Carole & William Battisti, Caroline Brown, Ray Schuerger and Victoria Graham Debra Sexton 9:30am Sunday Michael & Molly DeFilippo and Nathan Fardo Kathy & Bob Basl, Bonnie & Larry Megan, Mary Kay Russo and Beth & Manny Villegas Tony Cerminaro 11:30am Sunday Michael Napoleone, Michael Rice and Ian Rodgers Ibie Alfonso, Gregory Dendinger, Martin & Joanne McDaniel, Garnette Muders, Doreen & Paul Ropon MaryLu Giver Connie Boschetto & John Tucci Rich Zalenski Emma & Cora Saftner and Jackson House Phyllis Biondi, Trudy Guy, Sara Hess, Marie Joyce, Marie Torrito and Ernie Tucci Rich Zalenski Laura & Connor Mangan and Jake Smiley Carole & William Battisti, John Bunce, Maureen & Paul Oczypok and Mary Kay Russo Molly Torbic 7:30pm Monday Ascension (vigil) May 12-7pm Ascension May 13 7:00pm Joann Jabour The Sacrament of Baptism is available any Sunday of the month at Hospitalized and Homebound parishioners please contact us or have a fam12:45PM. Couples expecting a child should attend Baptism class. To ily member do so. If you know of a parishioner who is unable to get to make arrangements for a Baptism or class, please call (412) 741-6650. Church and would like to receive Communion, please call (412) 741-6650. The Sacrament of Marriage requires that the couple meet with one of the If you are in need of prayer and would welcome the spiritual support parish priests at least six (6) months before the proposed date of the wedding. of your parish family, please call Carmela 412-741-6790. Please call to make an appointment with one of the priests. TRI-COUNTY CHOIR CONCERT CELEBRATING OUR 20TH YEAR AND LOOKING FOR PAST MEMBERS! The TriCounty Choir Institute, former Sewickley Choir Institute, is celebrating 20 years, since its inception, with an Anniversary Concert on Sunday, May 16, at 4:00pm in the St. James Gymnasium. To show our appreciation, we are rolling back the price of tickets, as they would have been 20 years ago! If you have been one of our 750 Choral Singers, who have sung with any of our choirs over the past 20 years, your ticket will be only $2! Just identify yourself as a past singer and sign in at the door to be recognized at our concert. Also if you would like to actually sing in our "Alumni Choir" in our finale number of "God Bless America", be there by 3:15pm that day for a short rehearsal with our four choirs: The Choraleers, The Teen Chorale, the Village Quintet and the Village Singers. Our ticket price at the door for adults will be $5, and if purchased ahead of time will be only $4. Children under 12 are $4 at the door and $3 if purchased ahead of time. For more information, please call the director, Linda Wallace at (412)741-3463 or lindaswallace@comcast.net. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION NEWS THE CONFIRMATION CANDIDATE/PARENT MEETING FOR THOSE WHO WISH TO BE CONFIRMED IN THE SPRING OF 2011 WILL BE WEDNESDAY, MAY 5 FROM 7:00-8:30PM IN THE GATHERING SPACE. This meeting is for current 7th graders and their parents. Confirmation is received in the spring of the 8th grade year. Since the candidates will be taking on more responsible roles in the Church, they should attend the meeting accompanied by one or both parents. The various components of the Confirmation program will be discussed. SONQUEST RAINFOREST VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL REGISTRATION (children 4 years through 5th grade in fall of 2010) will be conducted at the same time. VBS is scheduled for July 12-16, 9:00am - 12:30pm. The cost will be $25 for each child attending. Scholarships are available for families in need and we will continue to accept donations in memory of Deb Monski for this purpose. Special priority will be given to parishioners and children in our school until June 1 and will be open to all children in the community after that date. Registration will be on a first come first serve basis so register early. Registration is limited to 105 children. Registration deadline is June 14. New volunteers are always needed and welcome and are guaranteed a great week of fun! The last opportunity for RELIGIOUS EDUCATION REGISTRATION (CCD) FOR 2010-2011 will be May 15 and 16 after the 5:00pm, 9:30am and 11:30am Masses in the Gathering Space. Families are required to re-register each year, so that information can be updated. We ask that this be done before June 1 to allow for adequate planning for the fall. Registration impacts the number of catechists and textbooks and other materials needed, room assignments and a host of other considerations, so it is important that you register before June 1. Sunday times will remain 9:15-11:00am. Fees will be $45 for one child, $65 for two children and $75 for three or more children through June 1. After June 1, fees will increase by $10. Baptismal certificates are required for children entering the program for the first time. All children should be enrolled in either a Catholic school or a religious education program by first grade, so that they have the required catechesis prior to reception of the sacraments in second grade. Preschool and Kindergarten programs are also available, but space is limited. If you can volunteer in some way, please call the office A.S.A.P. Additional catechists are always needed as are volunteers to help in other ways, such as office or classroom aids or Advent and Lenten Family Gathering planning. Sign up sheets will be available at registration. SISTERS OF ST. JOSEPH AUXILIARY NEWS THANK YOU!! The Sisters of St. Joseph Auxiliary wishes to thank EVERYONE who supported their annual Patron drive, the Palm Sunday Bake Sale, and the Raffle sale. Proceeds benefit Sisters for Ministries. Your very generous support is greatly appreciated by the Sisters and the Auxiliary. 55 PLUS CLUB NEWS IMPORTANT NOTICE FOR ALL 55 PLUS CLUB MEMBERS The May meeting for the 55 Plus Club will be held on Thursday, May 20. Lunch and entertainment in the Gathering Space will begin at 12:30pm. The cost for the luncheon is $6 per person and $6.50 per guest. Please make checks payable to Saint James 55 Plus Club. Please note it is very important that the reservations be in no later than 9:00am Monday, May 16. Reservations may be placed in the collection basket, dropped off at the Rectory or mailed to Lucille Ujhazy, 55 Plus Club, St. James Church, 200 Walnut Street, Sewickley. Be sure to write “55 Plus” on the envelope. Payments made be dropped in the collection basket or at the Rectory. LUCHEON RESERVATION FORM $6 for members and $6.50 per guest Name(s) ________________________________ Phone Number___________________________ Amount enclosed $_________________ Make checks payable to St. James 55 Plus Club THE ASCENSION In Eastern Christianity this is called the Feast of the Analepsis or the “taking up” of the Lord. It is the culmination of the mystery of the Incarnation marking the end of the physical presence of Jesus. It is the consummation of the union between God and man. As Jesus is taken up into heaven the next great stage of redemption comes with “the taking up” of Jesus life within his people, the Church. The church races rapidly to its birth at Pentecost. With the coming of the Holy Spirit, the overshadowing of the world (like Mary) takes place giving rise to the new Body of Christ, the Church. Mass times for the Ascension - The Ascension is a Holy Day of obligation. Mass times are Wednesday, May 12 at 7:00 pm and Thursday, May 13 at 6:45 am, 9:00am and 7:00 pm. WOMEN’S GUILD NEWS - INSTALLATION Elegant Junk Sale sponsored by the Saint James Women’s Guild will take place on Sat., July 31. See future bulletins for more information. ST. JAMES SCHOOL NEWS SCIENCE FAIR A SUCCESS! Our 7th and 8th grade students did a fabulous job hosting their first science fair! They enlightened the entire student body, their parents and others who attended the Saint James School science fair. A huge thank you to all who joined us; and another thank you to those who provided the wonderful, yummy donations for our evening of Science. THANK YOU! Way to go 7th and 8th grade scientists! Wanted: Surgical Gloves The Science Lab is in need of surgical gloves. If you are able to donate some to our classroom, we’d be most appreciative. We have depleted our supplies recently with the six dissections in 7th grade. CALLING ALL SAINT JAMES SCHOOL ALUMNI In anticipation of the 100th anniversary of our school (2013), we are looking to reconnect and update records for all formers students (graduates and non-graduates)! Please complete the following form and return it to the Rectory, drop it in the collection basket (marked St. James School alumni) or email your information to missmarcysjs@yahoo.com On Wednesday, April 27 the 72nd Annual Installation Dinner was held at St. James. The officers for the 2010-2011 year are President, Kathy Basl, Vice President, Nancy Miklos, Recording Secretary, Mary Jane Wasco, Corresponding Secretary, Margaret Tirimacco, Spiritual Secretary, Marie Joyce and Treasurer, Lori Haley. The Trustees are Phyllis Biondi, Ann Edel, Rose Flaherty, Rose Morris and Mary Wennemer. The Committee Heads are Nancy Miklos, Marie Joyce (Bereavement), Winnie Quinn, Sundy Vescio, Carmela Valenzi (Hospitality), Mary Kristof (Program), Sara Hess (Publicity), Nancy Miklos, Inny Palaio and Terri Robichaud (Ways & Means). Congratulation! ELEGANT JUNK SALE - Start cleaning out your cupboards, closets (no clothing or shoes please), garages and storage places. Jewelry and small working appliances are most welcome. The Annual We’re looking forward to getting together! __________________ First Name ____ M.I. ____________________ Last Name _________________________ Maiden Name ____________________________________ Address _____________________ City ______ State _________________ Phone Number _________________ Graduation year or last attended _______ Zip Code __________________ Email address KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS NEWS FIRST COMMUNION - April 24, 5:00pm The Knights of Columbus Queen of Peace Council 5367 would like to invite everyone to join us on Saturday, May 8 at 5:00pm Mass for a dedicated “Respect Life Mass”. This will coincide with our “Mother’s Day” Pancake Breakfast the next morning Sunday, May 9 from 7:00am until 1:00pm in the Cafeteria. Owen Burke, Kaitlynn Donohue, Eric Oelhaf, Christian DeBiase, Lydia Levesque and Luca Stasa FIRST COMMUNION - April 25, 9:30am Mother’s Day - Sunday, May 9 7:00am to 1:00pm - In the Cafeteria Give Mom a day off and let us do the cooking! ALL YOU CAN EAT Pancakes, Sausage, Scrambled Eggs, Fruit Cup, Coffee, Tea or Orange Juice Adults - $5.00 Under Five - $3.00 Everyone Welcome! PICTURES OF THE WEEK The Ladies Guild and Christian Mothers is the longest standing organization in our parish. All the women of our parish are members of this organization. We congratulate them as they begin another year. Seen below are those who enjoyed dinner and the installation. Eliza Atwood, Liam Guerin, Benjamin Mohan, Vinka Bencic, Jackson Kenyon and Heidi VandenBosche FIRST COMMUNION - April 25, 11:30am Nathan Blackmer, Jonathan Nicolaus, Daniel Russell, Aubree Evans, Aidan O’Donnell, Julia Susie, Kylee Evans, Kayle Rodenbaugh, Amy Wilson and Nicole Jackson Baptism Preparation ...............Jim & Margi Gregory741-1005 Bereavement...........................Nancy Miklos........... 741-9463 Bible Study Sunday Morning ..................John Bunce............... 741-1050 Men’s Saturday....................Ernie Tucci............... 741-4539 Women ................................Ruth Darragh............ 749-0103 Centering Prayer Group ............ Victoria Graham ............897-1646 ………………………………...Richard Whittier……..855-3981 Christian Mother’s/Guild....... Kathy Basl................ 741-3889 Eucharistic Ministers for Parish ............................... 741-6650 For Hospital………………... ................................. 741-6650 Faith Formation Committee .. Karen Conroy ........... 741-6766 REMEMBER ALL THOSE SERVING IN THE MILITARY FROM OUR PARISH VERY SPECIAL PROM FOR SPECIAL NEEDS ADULTS – The St. Louise de Marillac Youth Ministry will be hosting A PROM on Saturday, June 12 from 7:00 to 9:00pm in Le Gras Parish Center for Adults who have mental and/or physical disabilities. Volunteers from the new nonprofit charitable organization “The Celebration of Life” www.thecelebrationoflife.net are partnering with St. Louise youth to cohost the Very Special PROM event at no cost for these special guests. Local businesses and parishioners may help support this event by donating food, beverages, PROM gowns and fancy dresses, shoes, jewelry & formal men's wear. NOTE: Most needed are Misses sizes 16 to 26. For pick-up of any donated PROM items, please call Ginny at (412) 719-5933, or Mary Beth at (724)327-4318. To have enough PROM food & drink provisions available...REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED: To register a special needs family member or friend to attend the PROM as our VIP guest, please call Kathy at (724)745-7418. Michael Mitchell (Army), Lt. Brian Naranjo (Coast Guard), S.A. Melinda “Minny” Mowery, Colonel Mark VanKooten (Air Force National Guard), Captain Christopher Stepanek (Air Force), Lieutenant Jaymie Stepanek (Air Force), Colonel Joseph Martin (Army), Lt. Col. Bryan J. O’Neill (Air Force), Jonathan and David Miller (Air Force Academy), Ben and Sam Rinaldi (Air Force Academy), Captain Matthew J. DiGiacomo (Army), Austin Kisow (Marines), Lt. Lewis F. Giammaria (Navy) and Major Sean T. Auth (Air Force), Captain Bo Bear (Air Force) 2010 Quigley Catholic Golf Outing - GOLFERS Wanted: Please join us on Monday, May 24, at The Club at Shadow Lakes, just off the Aliquippa exit of Route 60 for a day of golf, fun and prizes. Registration and breakfast: 8:00-9:00am; Shotgun start (scramble format): 9:00am; Lunch, door prizes & raffles: 1:30pm. Donation: $125/golfer. Tee sponsors & door prizes are also needed! For more information or to register contact Mike Rubino at (724)869-2188 extension 26, email at rubino@qchs.org or visit www.qchs.org. Pastor:............................ Rev. Daniel A. Valentine, D.Min. ....................................... dval948@comcast.net Retired/In-Residence…...Rev. Matthew Tosello, Ph.D Deacon:.......................... Dr. Robert Sabatelle, 412-741-4024 SV Hospital Ministries:…Deacon Steve M. Deskevich, ……………………………412-848-6245 Business Manager ......... Mr. Bob DeFilippo, ……………………………Bobd.stjames@comcast.net Development Director…. Joann Matten, 412-859-1281 …………………………….jmatten@comcast.net Office Manager: ............. Mrs. Karin Masterani ....................................... saintjamesparish@comcast.net Office Assistant: ............. Mrs. Susan Ponticello ....................................... saintjamesrectory@comcast.net Dir. Music Ministries:...... Mr. Lou Valenzi ....................................... Associate, Mrs. Sharron Schaefer ....................................... Web Site: www.stjamesmusic.org Dir. Religious Ed: ........... Mrs. Karen Conroy, 412-741-6766 ....................................... stjamesreled@comcast.net Saint James Catholic School …………………..412-741-5540 Principals:……………..Sister Diane Cauley, extension 106 …………………………...srdianesjs@yahoo.com ……………………………Sister Christy Hill, extension 108 …………………………...srchristysjs@yahoo.com Secretary:.................... Mrs. Marcy Knobloch, extension 100 School Website: .......... www.stjamesschool.us Youth Minister ................ Mr. Daniel Weikert, 412-749-3745 ....................................... stjamesyouth@comcast.net Maintenance .................. Mr. Mike Glumac & Mr. Dan O’Rourke Housekeeping ................ Mrs. Patty Smitz FELICIAN SISTERS SPRING CRAFT SHOW - Come enjoy and shop for Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Graduation, Birthdays, Anniversaries, etc at the Felician Sisters Spring Craft Show in Saturday, May 8 from 10:00am until 4:00pm, 1500 Woodcrest Avenue in Coraopolis. The sisters and their friends have created many beautiful items. Any questions please contact Sister Roseann at (412)264-2890. ANNUAL SPRING LUNCHEON & CARD PARTY - The Women’s Guild of Saint Mary Church (444 Glenfield Road/Sewickley) would like to invite you to their annual Spring luncheon (Chicken Divan, rice, molded applesauce jello, award-winning gourmet cupcakes) and card party on Tuesday, May 18 from Noon until 3:00pm. Cost is $8 per person. There will be a 50/50 raffle, and door prizes. Reservations are appreciated before June 1 at (412)741-6460. CHILD SAFETY SEAT INSPECTION - State Farm representative, Jennifer Johnsen-Nazareth will be sponsoring a free child safety seat inspection by certified technicians. The event will take place on Saturday, May 15 between 10:00am-2:00pm at the Sewickley Fire Department, 601 Thorn Street. Over 75% of child safety seats are incorrectly installed! Take advantage of this free community service to have your seat inspected by calling (412)741-1600 to schedule an appointment. Finance Council......................Andrea Vescio.......... 741-8776 [John McNally, Chuck Etta, Jack Marlovits, Tom Hajdukiewicz, and Bob DeBiase] Greeters ..................................John Tucci ................ 741-4539 Home & School......................Janet Renner............ 741-1267 Knights of Columbus..............Sam Oriskovich........ 741-7479 Lectors....................................Dr. Bob Sabatelle ..... 741-4024 Marriage Preparation..............Jim & Margi Gregory741-1005 Please contact the rectory if you would like to add a name to our listing of service men and women. PASTORAL STAFF Pastoral Council….Carolyn Verszyla; Facilitator….741-9185 Saint Vincent de Paul ....... Bob Brown..................... 741-4971 RCIA ................................ Bob Basl ........................ 741-3889 SCRIP Program ................ Susan Ponticello ............ 741-6650 .......................................... Rosemary Jancart........... 262-4839 Ushers............................... .. ..................................... 741-6650 Worship Committee.......... Kevin Daily ................... 741-6211 Financial Summary As of April 25, 2010 Collection Expenses Over/Under Last Week $13,920 $18,426 -$4,506 July 1 thru Last Week $720,632 $760,226 -$39,594 Thank you for your generous support throughout the year. We will soon be offering the convenience of online giving. Details will follow soon. LOOK WHAT’S HAPPENING IN OUR PARISH THIS WEEK Monday, May 3 Women’s AA meeting (Cafeteria) - 7:00pm Tuesday, May 4 Prayer Group for our children and grandchildren (Church) - 2:00-3:10pm Girl Scout meeting (Cafeteria) - 2:30pm Wednesday, May 5 Bell Choir practice (Church) - 7:00pm Confirmation parent/candidate meeting (Gathering Space) - 7:00pm Pastoral Council meeting (Cafeteria) - 7:00pm Thursday, May 6 Adult choir practice (Music Room) - 7:00pm Friday, May 7 Saint James School Athletic Banquet (Gym) A.B.A. meeting (Library) - 6:00-7:00pm Saturday, May 8 Men’s Bible Study (M.R. #1) - 7:30-8:30am Centering Prayer Group (M.R. #1) - 9:30-11:00am Farmer’s Market (Parking Lot) - 9:00am-1:00pm Sunday, May 9 Bible Study (Rectory) - 8:30-9:30am Pancake Breakfast (Cafeteria) - 7:00am-1:00pm Throughout the month of May, Catholics have traditionally honored Mary, the mother of Jesus. During the month all mothers are honored for they share with her a very special dignity. Their embrace of human life has made a significant impact upon the world. We encourage everyone this month to pray for an increase in respect for human life by praying the rosary. Pregnancy Hot Line 1-800-395-HELP Diocesan Abuse Response Line 1-888-808-1235 Sunday, May 2, 2010 thru Sunday, May 9, 2010 FIFTH SUNDAY OF EASTER 5:00 PM + Anthony Yanckello (Wife) 7:30 AM For the People 9:30 AM + Erma Welshhans (Niesslein Family) 11:30 AM + Maria Aiello Crapis (Crapis Granddaughters) MONDAY SAINTS PHILIP & JAMES (May 3) 6:45 AM + Shirley Sgro (Dan & Judy Plakosh) 9:00 AM + Maria Crapis (Daughter, Josephine Mastroianni) 7:30 PM + Harry Markie (The Peduto Family) TUESDAY EASTER WEEKDAY (May 4) 6:45 AM + Isabella Jane Sirianni (Carey & Mike Sirianni) 9:00AM + Alfred Awais (Ron & Kathy Johnson) WEDNESDAY EASTER WEEKDAY (May 5) 6:45 AM + Dominick Spinelli (The Skrabut Family) 9:00 AM + Michelina & Antonio Gallo (Daughter in-law, Mario Gallo and Family) THURSDAY EASTER WEEKDAY (May 6) 6:45 AM + Frederick C. Whittier, Sr. (Richard Whittier) 9:00 AM + Sam Finch, Jr. (Wife, Dorothy (Finch) Barilaro & children, Ken & Linda) FRIDAY EASTER WEEKDAY (May 7) 6:45 AM + Mildred Butler (The Nard Family) 9:00 AM + Joyce Helsing (Dan & Ruth Darragh) SATURDAY EASTER WEEKDAY (May 8) 9:00 AM + Gene Dendinger (Robert & Ann Marie Sabatelle) 5:00 PM + Deceased members of the Zipparo, Tallerico, Gamber & Vaccaro families (Mary Zipparo and Family) SIXTH SUNDAY OF EASTER 7:30 AM + Joseph Roppa (Wife & Children) 9:30 AM For the People 11:30 AM + Shirley Sgro (John Tucci) NEW PARISHIONER REGISTRATION FORM Have you considered becoming part of our St. James Parish family. We would love to have you. If you are interested, kindly fill out the form below, and return it by mail or in the Sunday collection. Name ______________________________________ Address ____________________________________ ____________________________________________ Phone ______________________________________ WELCOME! WELCOME! WELCOME! To register on the internet log onto: https://myownchurch.com/Pittsburgh SEWICKLEY HEARING AIDS Doctors of Audiology • Sharon H. Russo, Au.D., Paula Sandoe, Au.D. and Linda St. Clair M.Ed. 412-741-7446 Associated with John A. Straka, M.D., Shelly J. McQuone, M.D., Matthew B. Straka, M.D. and Deborah A. Eaton, M.D. 1099 Ohio River Blvd., Sewickley, PA 412-977-3839 445 Beaver St., Sewickley (412) 741-9150 Call Fr. Matthew McClain Vocation Office Diocese of Pittsburgh (412) 456-3123 412-716-1559 Massage / Hypnosis / Craniosacral Therapy KIM YOUNG / WWW.BODYANDBIRTH.COM PAUL A. TAICLET, DMD Beaver Elder Care and Rehabilitation Center FAMILY DENTISTRY 1712 MT. NEBO ROAD SEWICKLEY, PA 15143 616 GOLF COURSE RD., ALIQUIPPA 724-375-0345 412-741-3337 Big Enough to meet your needs - Small Enough to Care 724-843-8000 RAPID, RELIABLE SERVICE Premier Women’s Health 301 Ohio River Blvd. Sewickley, PA 15143 Eat the Best Forget The Rest Interested in: Diocesan Priesthood? AND BIRTH WELLNESS Celebrating the Family thru Touch BODY ADRIAN PLUMBING Serving our community over 30 years * Insured / Reasonable * VISA - Mastercard ULTIMATE PASTRY SHOP www.premierwomenshealth.org Providing obstetrical and 1009 Beaver Grade Road gynecological care Moon Township, PA 15108 412-741-6530 412-264-2450 Pro-life ADS = SALES PLACE YOUR AD HERE WINDOWCLEAN Residential • Commercial Insured and Bonded CATHERINE M. MITCHELL, Au.D., CCC-A BRANDY R. WINN, Au.D., CCC-A Doctors of Audiology 724-774-4070 GerardPlumbing.com Window & Gutter Cleaning Traci 724-378-2410 Gerard 412-262-2900 or 724-457-2900 or 724-375-2400 549 Beaver Street 412/741-5858 www.sewickleygallery.com Design • Installation Custom Layout Serving the area for over 26 Years Ohio Valley General Hospital Edgeworth Commons Medical Office Bldg., Suite 202 301 Ohio River Blvd. McKees Rocks Sewickley In Association with Drs. Bell, Froman & Orsini (412) 741-2221 • 1-888-933-7755 • Whole Home Audio • Flat Panel TV Sales & Installation • Systems Tailored To Your Needs • In Home Consultations Custom Home Theater Installations Computer 192 Ohio River Boulevard • 724-266-3500 Sales & Service 337 State Avenue Beaver Serving Beaver and Allegheny counties with office locations in Beaver, Chippewa, Hopewell, Sewickley and Wexford. Ellwood City Hospital 304 Evans Dr. Ellwood City 412-741-4519 John & Peggy Wick - Parishioners Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. For further information, please call the Parish Office. Thomas Jewelers FINE JEWELRY - DIAMONDS - REPAIRS 405 BEAVER STREET (412) 741-3866 SEWICKLEY Fax (412) 741-2000 JENNIFER JOHNSEN - NAZARETH AGENT State Farm Insurance Providing Insurance and Financial Services Coa Guc ch www.eyegotcha.net See Website For Coupon 412.741.1600 1508 Mt. Nebo Road www.seeJennifer.com ci Across From Primadonna (412) 331-9696 John Paul Piccolo, D.M.D Family and Cosmetic Dentistry 522 Beaver Street 412-741-7325 649 California Avenue • 412-766-6662 Hours by Appointment Tues.-Wed.-Thurs. 11:00 a.m.-9:00 p.m., Fri. 11:00 a.m.-10:00 p.m., Sat. 4:00 p.m.-10:00 p.m. BYOB Charge $2.00 Per Person — Cash Only TARASI & TARASI, P.C. Join Us Every Sunday for Brunch 10 AM - 2 PM ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW ELIZABETH M. TARASI 510 THIRD AVENUE, PITTSBURGH, PA 15219 (412) 391-7135 Website: www.tarasilaw.com Fax (412) 471-2673 Email: emt@tarasilaw.com SAFRANS SUPERMARKET • Non Sectarian • Non Profit Open Mon. thru Sat. 9 AM ‘till 9 PM • Sun 9 - 4 429 Walnut Street, Sewickley, PA 412-741-8110 412-741-4409 Check Out Our Patio Dining by the Waterfall (412) 761-6700 255 Camp Horne Road, Pittsburgh, PA www.sunnyjimstavern.com Pittsburgh Upper Cervical Chiropractic LLC Natural effective health care for your entire family 412-766-0321 8110 Ohio River Blvd. www.PittsburghUpperCervical.com 870 4th Ave., Coraopolis NORTHWEST SAVINGS BANK W h e r e p e o p l e m a k e t h e d i f fe r e n c e . L e o A . G ra n d ov i c • O f f i c e M a n a g e r 412-741-7389 www.northwestsavingsbank.com 369300 St James Church 414 Beaver Street Early Bird Specials Saturdays Only 5 PM-7 PM www.4thavenuegrille.com Jim Muzik - Owner 412-299-9225 www.jspaluch.com For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-945-6629
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