July 2013 Newsletter - north carolina association of perianesthesia
July 2013 Newsletter - north carolina association of perianesthesia
North Carolina Association of PeriAnesthesia Nurses JULY 2013 Volume 32 Number 2 CAROLINA BREATHS ASPAN National Newsletter Competition Winner 2000, 2004, 2009, 2012 Pg 2 President Message Continued Pg 3 Copyright, NCAPAN, ASPAN,ABPANC Pg 4 BOD Contacts, Reminder Pg 5 Editor Comments Pg 5 New Certified RN’s Pg 6 Picture National Conf Pg 6 Chapter Presidents Pg 7 Conference Pix Pg 8 Scholarships Pg 8 Nurse of Year Info Pg 9 Treasurer Report Pg 9 Scholarship Winners Pg 9 Upcoming Events Scholarships, Treasurer report Pg 10 Past Nurses of Year Pg 11 ASPAN President Note Pgs12-13 ASPAN Standards Article Pg 14 Meet Our New President Pg 14 NCAPAN NC Attendees Pg 15 District Reports Pg 16 BOD Minutes Pg 17 International Conf. Pg 17 BOD and District Reports Cont. Pg 18 ASPAN Position Statement Pg 19 New Region V Director FROM OUR PRESIDENT, RONNIE PITTMAN Recently, a 102 year old woman celebrated her birthday by jumping off a bridge with a seasoned bungee jumper. A year earlier she parachuted out of an airplane at the age of 101. I cannot imagine the journey which she experienced, but it was what she had set her mind to complete as part of her journey on the road of life. Her determination and strength are amazing. Can you imagine what her children, grandchildren, and friends were thinking about her? As an outsider looking at this experience, I had more questions than the reporter shared about her life. Whatever the “unknowns” were for me, I know this lady has been on life’s journey with many accomplishments to her credit. She has stretched her will power and seemed un-fearful of the world’s view of boundaries. She saw, reached and stepped outside the box. PeriAnesthesia nurses have lots in common with this 102 year old. As a national specialty organization of PeriAnesthsia Nurses we too have saw, reached, and stepped outside the box to provide safe quality care to our patients. We may not have 102 years of achievements to look back on but we have taken a journey which has lead us to specialty certifications, publishing a professional journal, specialty competency, users/contributors to evidenced based practice and collaborators with the international nurses of our specialty. I am extremely proud of being part of ASPAN, NCAPAN which provided me the opportunity to stretch and experience a journey like no other. At National conference there was a flurry of activity starting at the “Dream Walk.” It may have been cool and rainy at 0600, but not enough to dampen the spirit of providing monies for perianesthesia nurses who will benefit from your unselfish giving. As Angela McClendon and I sat in Representative Assembly we shared in the excitement of all the “past, present, and future” energy of PeriAnesthesia Nursing by our ASPAN leaders who shared the “hurdles” and “victories” of our organization. We can be confident to our peers as we practice ASPAN’s standards and guidelines. A resolution was presented and passed by the Representative Assembly concerning a position statement on social media and perianesthesia practice (please read in its entirety in this issue). As part of national conference we participated in many activities e.g. education offerings, CPAN/ CAPA luncheon, Development Conference, President Luncheon, Component Night, President Reception, SPG meetings, with the etc. being sightseeing and standing in the rain. It was a wonderful time and we are fortunate to have had 56 from North Carolina register for the conference. Our component social was attended by 16 NC Perianesthesia Nurses at O’Shea’s. We had great fellowship and fun. NCAPAN nurses won several C a r o l i naBreaths Carolina B r ea t h s Page 2 J U LY 2 013 President’s Message Cont. awards, Angela McClendon in Recruiting and Kathy Daley in Above and Beyond Recognition. Congratulations to everyone recognized for their participation in ASPAN’s activities and achievements. We have a new Region 5 Director, Sara Cartwright (see her note to members in this edition) who is our liaison to the ASPAN board. She will to assist us with any concern we may have. Congratulations Sara!! On the state level, seventy (70) NCAPAN members voted via Survey Monkey to change the NCAPAN bylaws to reflect ASPAN bylaws on the definition of status (i.e. active, retired, affiliate, student). We appreciate everyone who participated. Angela McClendon is the new NCAPAN President and Susan Knowles is Vice-President/president elect. In the election process for vice-president/president we also had Robin Davis who was willing to place her name on the ballot. The 102 year old had something to say about stepping forward and taking a chance in her bungee jump. It is often difficult to step forward and be willing to serve on the national, state, or local level for perianesthesia nurses. But, we all gain from those who are willing to stretch and mentor those who need guidance, and support those who serve. I know I have been blessed with mentors like Judy Schneider and others on the board. Marcie has been patient with me when I have been late with deadlines – Thanks Marcie. In our journey of serving we are surrounded by so many dear friends and encouragers –each of has many who are there for us. You are not alone on this journey. Be ready to step outside the box! Please contact any board member with a concern you have about NCAPAN or perianesthesia nursing. The Piedmont Chapter is well underway with completing the planning and preparation for NCAPAN’s 31st Annual State Conference to be held in Charlotte, NC at the Sheraton—Airport. Please watch for information concerning the conference “Passport to PeriAnesthesia Excellence,” on the NCAPAN Web Site. We will be emailing and mailing the brochure in the near future. Please set aside Sept 21 & 22 for a time to network, learn, and have fellowship with your peers. See you there!! Please consider completing the necessary forms to nominate a nursing peer for “NCAPAN PeriAnesthesia Nurse of the Year.” Please mail nomination to Judy Schneider, 1407 Kenbrook Dr., Garner, NC 27529. I know there is a deserving nurse you know that meets the criteria (Deadline July 31). Continue to have a wonderful summer with all the unexpected changes Mother Nature continues to present to us. We do have each other for the support of PeriAnesthesia Nursing. Page 3 CAROLINA BREATHS NCAPAN COPYRIGHT INFORMATION All rights reserved. No part of Carolina Breaths may be copied or reproduced in any form without prior written permission from the editor. Permission may be granted to copy or reproduce part or parts of Carolina Breaths when use will further the mission of NCAPAN. NCAPAN MISSION STATEMENT To promote high standards of PeriAnesthesia and Ambulatory Surgery nursing care, to recognize our specialty and provide educational opportunities. ASPAN MISSION STATEMENT The American Society of PeriAnesthesia Nurses advances nursing practice through theory, education, research and standards. CONTACT ASPAN 90 Frontage Road Cherry Hill, NJ 08004 (877) 737-9696 FAX: (856) 616-9601 Email: aspan@aspan.org 475 Riverside Dr, 6th Floor New York, NY, 10115-0089 Phone: 1-800-6ABPANC Fax: 1-212-367-4256 Email: abpanc@proexam.org Carolina Breaths is the official publication of the North Carolina Association of PeriAnesthesia Nurses © November 2011 by NCAPAN All rights reserved. No part of Carolina Breaths may be copied or reproduced in any form without prior written permission from the editor. Permission may be granted to copy or reproduce part or parts of Carolina Breaths when use will further the mission of NCAPAN. Editor: Marcelene McLure RN CPAN 900 Navidad Bank Court New Bern, N.C. 28560 (252-633-2539) NCAPAN encourages articles and items of interest for publication in Carolina Breaths. It is the responsibility of the author to verify the accuracy of information submitted. Opinions expressed in Carolina Breaths are those of the author and may not reflect the opinion of ASPAN, the NCAPAN board of directors or the membership in general. Published three times per year by NCAPAN. Submission Deadlines February 7 for March Issue June 7 for July Issue October 7 for November Issue Membership Information/ Applications Willingness to Serve forms Scholarship Application forms Bylaws Officers and Committee Chair Names Can all be found by visiting our web site at: www.ncapan.org Carolina Breaths Page 4 NCAPAN CONTACT INFO Director Research Susan Knowles rlknow@charter.net Webmaster Kathy Daley kathydaley@charter.net Kathy.daley@va.gov Newsletter Marcelene McLure steelersfan1@suddenlink.net NCAPAN’s Board of Directors President Ronnie Pittman Ronnie.pittman@caromonthhealth.org Public Relations Judy Schneider judy.schneider@rexhealth.com jschn_2000@yahoo.com Members at Large: Vice-President Angela McClendon angela.mcclendon@duke.edu Joyce Hillman joyce.hillman@va.gov jah354@morrisbb.net Secretary Laura Haynes mythresons@suddenlink.net Debra Marshall bonnielass53@gmail.com debra.marshall@rexhealth.com Treasurer Chris Ford cmwford@bellsouth.net christina.ford@va.gov Sonia Huff sonia@huffdesign.com shuff@wfubmc.edu Immediate Past President Judy Schneider judy.schneider@rexhealth.com jschn_2000@yahoo.com PLEASE REMEMBER to add a donation to ASPAN DEVELOPMENT when you renew your ASPAN membership! Governmental Affairs Cynthia Warren cwarren@sampsonrmc.org AND Director of Education Tamara Barnett bbarnett8@att.net tamara.barnett@rexhealth.com Please let your Component President know so we can use the information for our GOLD LEAF APPLICATION next year. Page 5 EDITOR’S NOTE I would like to ask you, the members of NCAPAN, what you think about your newsletter? Do you have any suggestions for content? Do you like the format? It seems I only hear comments from the Board of Directors and although that is VERY welcomed, I really would like to know what you think since this is meant for you. I believe it is helpful to plan ahead for upcoming seminars, classes, meetings etc. so if I can get the information out in a timely manner calendars can be made up and travel plan made! So, if your specific region is having an event, let me know so I can get the information out for you! It is FREE advertising! Why not take advantage? We have placed reminders for you to think about nominating someone for the NURSE of the YEAR. Don’t let this opportunity slip away. I feel sure we all know a worthy colleague! Also, when renewing your ASPAN membership, please include a donation to the Foundation and then let someone on the BOD know that you did so we can use the information for the Gold Leaf award application. One last thing, if we plan to enter the newsletter contest next year we need to have some NON-BOAD members write an article! Since I did some judging, I can make the other requirements happen but we NEED YOU, the members to help us with your input! Try it, we will help edit and fix it as necessary. PS...We do have permission to post the pictures and articles included in this issue. Until next time! I am always available at steelersfan1@suddenlink.net! NEW CPAN ASHLEY COATES-WYNN ELIZABETH BEAUTZ CAROLINE VERDE JOY CORINE HOLMES LINDA HICKS COSTON JOHNATHAN DAVID ELLIOTT NEW CAPA ELIZABETH MIZELLE BRABBLE TAMMY WRIGHT CAMPBELL SUSAN P CASEY ROBIN RENEE CLENDENIN SHERI J. DERIENZO GWEN GARGANO GRACE MARIE INFANTE DANA JONES TERESA KAYE LEWIS MELISSA MESSER MEHAFFEY SHERI NORMAN STEPHANIE SCANLIN SHELLEY SIKORA SMITH MARCELENE McLURE EDITOR Carolina Breaths Page 6 ASPAN NATIONAL CONFERENCE NCAPAN Members NCAPAN Chapter Presidents Foothills marykill2112 @gmail.com Piedmont Jane Elkovich c130nurse@aol.com Triad Barbara Walls tooslowbarb@aol.com Photo of our President, Ron and President elect Angela at the RA. Triangle Donna Hutson dlhutson@frontier.com Southeast Cynthia Warren cwarren @sampsonrmc.org Downeast Jane Davenport jdavenport@nhcs.org Group shot of Ron and Angela with other component leaders from district 5, at ASPAN's National Conference. Coastal Robin Davis robin.davis@nhrmc.org robindavis@gmail.com Mountain Jennifer White Jennifer.white @pardeehospital.org Carolina Breaths ASPAN NATIONAL CONFERENCE Nurses at CaroMont Regional Medical Center with poster presentation for Successful Practices at ASPAN National Conference. 1st Picture Susan Padgett, RN, CAPA (PASS Coordinator) 2nd Picture Linda Wollak, RN, CAPA (RN in DOSU), 3rd Picture Ronnie Pittman, RN, BSN, CPAN, CAPA (Coordinator DOSU). Presented for Mae Stamey, RN, BSN, CAPA and Angela Jones, BSN,CAPA who were unable to attend the National Conference. Page 7 Carolina Breaths Page 8 NCAPAN MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIPS Each year, in keeping with the Mission of the North Carolina Association of PeriAnesthesia Nurses, memorial scholarships will be awarded to members of NCAPAN to help fund educational opportunities. A recipient must wait 3 years before eligible for another scholarship. CRITERIA FOR CONSIDERATION • • • • • • • • • • Submission of a Memorial Scholarship Application Active ASPAN/NCAPAN membership for at least 2 years as verified by your district president on the application. ASPAN/NCAPAN membership for at least one (1) year for CPAN/CAPA Certification or Recertification Active employment in some aspect of PeriAnesthesia Nursing as verified by your nurse manager on the Memorial Scholarship Application Submission of a copy of offering registration form Submission of professional/community activities information with Memorial Scholarship Application. LIMITATIONS: Recipients of a Memorial Scholarship musts wait for a period of three (3) years before applying for another scholarship. Scholarship funds may be used for funding registration, transportation, and housing only. If funding is also provided through another source, the scholarship amount will be limited to the balance unpaid by the other source. All Scholarships may not be awarded in every year. All decisions of the Memorial Scholarship Committee are final. DISBURSEMENTS OF FUNDS: NCAPAN PERI-ANESTHESIA NURSE OF THE YEAR It is time to select a NCAPAN PeriAnesthesia Nurse of the Year to be recognized at the 2013 NCAPAN State Conference in Charlotte, NC, September 21-22, 2013. This prestigious honor is awarded with your completing a nomination form and written documentation to substantiate the nominee’s qualifications. Make sure you include the nomination form and the written material for your nominee for the selection process. Please mail to : Judy Schneider, 1407 Kenbrook Drive, Garner, NC 27529. The Nurse of the Year receives :Registration and lodging for the annual NCAPAN seminar; a plaque or other similar personal award of recognition presented at the NCAPAN seminar; nomination to the NC Great 100, ASPAN Excellence in Clinical Practice Award, and dinner and one night lodging the following year to attend the annual NCNA Awards Banquet. • • • • Candidate must be a registered nurse in North Carolina actively employed in the practice, management or teaching of PeriAnesthesia Nursing. Membership in the North Carolina Association of PeriAnesthesia Nurses for a minimum of one year is required. Nominations for the award may come from any source, i.e. consumers, supervisors, constituent associations, peers, etc. A nurse may self-nominate. The nominations form and a resume/list of professional accomplishments must be provided by the nominee or persons knowledgeable of the professional contribu tions of the candidate, i.e. supervisor, peer, anesthesia ologist, committee chair person if participating on a committee Please provide: Monies will be disbursed by the NCAPAN Treasurer Print and Complete Nomination form. upon receipt of required documentation and approval by the NCAPAN Memorial Scholarship Committee. Resume/professional work history, including accomplishments DEADLINE FOR REQUESTING SCHOLARSHIPS: in and contributions to Perianesthesia Nursing. • • Applications for Memorial Scholarships will be accepted at any time. Print APPLICATION and mail with professional/ community activities information to: Tamara Barnett, Director of Education 2813 Bishopgate Drive Raleigh, NC 27613 bbarnett8@att.net or tamara.barnett@rexhealth.com Two letters of recommendation from persons knowledgeable of the candidates accomplishments in and contributions to PeriAnesthesia Nursing (or one letter signed by two persons.) NOTE: Due to BOD meeting date, all entries MUST be to the BOD by JULY 31 SEE NCAPAN WEB SITE for further information and Nomination form Carolina Breaths Page 9 Treasurer Report Upcoming Events Reported by: Christina Ford Treasurer Checking account 44,913.83 Savings account 27,398.88 Total CD’s 3,790.64 UPCOMING EVENTS August 10 NCAPAN BOARD meeting Winston Salem July 31 DEALINE for NCAPAN NURSE of the YEAR Nominations NCAPAN Memorial Scholarship Awards Denise Cassone Susan Dudley Michael Fleckenstein Nancy Rojas Alice Topps Sept 6-8 CDI Conference Kansas City, Mo. Sept. 21-22 NCAPAN State Conference Charlotte, NC Oct 19 TRIAD District Conference Carolina Breaths 2012 Leanne LeClair RN, BSN, CPAN UNC Health Care- Rex 2011 Laura Haynes, RN, CPAN Rocky Mount, N.C. 2010 Deborah Waters RN, BS, CPAN Greenville, N.C. 2009 Ronnie Pittman, RN, CAPA, CPAN Dallas, N.C. 2008 Florence Ann Glover BSN, RN, CAPA Greenville, N.C. 2007 Angela McClendon BSN, RN, CPAN, CNIV Raleigh, N.C. 2005 Chris Ford, BSN, RN, CAPA, CPAN Black Mountain, N.C. 2004 Debra Marshall BSN, RN, CPAN Raleigh, NC. 2003 Hilda Nelson RN Jamestown, N.C. Page 10 2001 Vanessa Bibbs RN, CAPA Greenville, N.C. 2000 Karen Niven BSN, RN, CPAN Charlotte, N.C. 1999 Helen Keller RN CPAN Fletcher, N.C. 1998 Joyce Hillman BSN, RN, CPAN, CAPA Fletcher, N.C. 1997 Gena Near BSN, RN, CPAN Lewisville, N.C. 1996 Nita Grubbs ADN, RN, CPAN Julian, N.C. 1995 Janie Rowland RN, CPAN Fuquay-Varina, N.C. Carolina Breaths Page 11 Message From ASPAN President Happy Nurses Week! Nurses Week is a me of celebraon and acknowledgement of the numerous accomplishments made throughout the year. All of us should be proud of the fact that we are trusted by our paents, families and the community since we are recognized as the number one trusted profession year a er year. Take me this week to thank your co-workers and the other nurses throughout your se#ng. We make a difference to our paents of all ages and their family members. The following is a quote by Sasha Azevedo: "What they are interested in is what [nurses] have to offer freely--hope, strength, love and the power to make a difference!" We do make a difference each and every day, and this week is no different than any week when we are there at the bedside to care for our paents. Nurses have strength in our numbers and we know that we do make a difference--by holding the hand of someone in pain, listening to the concerns of the family, or holding the pediatric paent unl parents arrive. Please take the me to reflect with other nurses that you will come in contact with today and over the next year. Let them know that together we are all a part of a greater specialty organizaon which is nursing. We face challenges but are willing parcipants to make each day be0er for those that we care for. Take care of each other and thank each other during this week and the weeks to come. Thank you for being the nurse you are today and will be in the future. Celebrate and be an inspiraon to everyone you meet and care for this week and in the weeks to come. Thank you for being the dedicated professional that you are. Have a great week!!! ASPAN President 2013-2014 "Dealing with Challenges: Winning with Power Pracce Purpose" Carolina Breaths Page 12 ASPAN STANDARDS ASPAN Standards 2012-2014- How do I staff my units? Laura Williams, MSN, RN, CPAN ASPAN standards provide direction for our PeriAnesthesia practice and define our practice to protect consumers by assuring the delivery of quality service. These standards were developed in 1984 and every 2 years since are monitored and updated to support practice changes. The most recent edition was published for the 2012-2014 years. The standards encompass the care the patient and family/significant other along the continuum of PeriAnesthesia care. The practice recommendations for staffing seem to cause much frustration on how to staff your units. So let’s look at the basics you need to know from the 2012-2014 edition. This does not mean that the other sections- scope of PeriAnesthesia nursing practice, principles of PeriAnesthesia practice, standards of PeriAnesthesia nursing practice, clinical practice guidelines, ASPAN position statements, or ASPAN resources are not important. Focusing on this one area will hopefully spark your interest in learning your standards and how they guide your practice. It is important to understand that if you don’t follow these recommendations that you have policies in place to protect your practice. Staffing in all phases of PeriAnesthesia nursing is based on patient acuity, census, flow, and physical layout. Clinical judgment and critical thinking is needed to determine patient ratios, patient mix and staffing mix. Pre-Anesthesia Phases The pre-anesthesia phase involves preadmission and day of surgery/procedure. In both of these areas staffing should be based on the following: • Patient safety • Number and acuity of patients • Complexity and required nursing interventions (average patient prep time, education, medication, med reconciliation, blood, charting, etc) • Moderate sedation, if applicable • Procedures, if applicable • Additional process within the units (blending of levels of care, etc) Post-Anesthesia Phases Phase I In the post-anesthesia phase the same considerations are needed to provide competent care. The focus in phase I is to provide nursing care to the patient in the immediate post-anesthesia period and transition them to Phase II level of care, inpatient setting or to critical care. In Phase I there must always be 2 RNs, one who is competent in Phase I nursing, in the same room/unit. It is important in this stage of care that a RN is not left alone with the patient. The second nurse should be immediately available. • Critical elements* are defined by the standards as: • patient has a stable/secure airway, • initial assessment is complete, • patient is hemodynamically stable, and patient is free from agitation, restlessness, or combative behaviors. Carolina Breaths Page 13 ASPAN STANDARDS Cont. Staffing should reflect a one: two nurse patient ratio to allow for the nursing process to take place. As the patient acuity changes so can the nursing assignments. New admissions should be assigned so the nurse can devote their attention to the care of that admission until the critical elements* are met. Staffing patterns will have to be adjusted based on changing acuity and nursing requirements and as discharge criteria is met. It is important to note that as critical elements in phase I are met, the patient ratios can increase as the acuity change. Phase I is one of the most important aspects of PeriAnesthesia nursing to ensure their safe return to the pre operative state. Phase II The role in this phase of perianesthesia nursing is to prepare the patient/significant other for discharge or extended care. Two competent personnel, one who is an RN competent in Phase II must be present in the same room/unit when Phase II nursing care is being delivered. A RN is also required to be in Phase II at all times. Normally Phase II RNs have a 1:3 patient ratio which is also subject to change as patient acuity changes. Extended Care This area focuses on the patient who needs extended observation or intervention after transfer from Phase I and Phase II. These patients could be waiting on a ride home, have no caregiver, had a procedure that it is ordered they stay a certain time frame, or they are holding for an inpatient bed. A 1:3/5 RN/patient ratio is usually adequate for this level of care. Blended levels of care Some post-anesthesia units may provide all levels of care in the same environment. This is where the nurse leader must use critical thinking and clinical judgment to staff based on acuity, interventions and nursing observations. In this level the same principles of staff apply, it’s just that now it’s all in the same area. You would still need to incorporate all the levels of post anesthesia care and follow the same guidelines for staffing. You cannot get all that you need just from this one section of ASPAN standards. More staffing guidelines are located in the 2012-2014 standards book that addresses more staffing classifications. As you can see there are many factors that affect the staffing in the PeriAnesthesia unit. If you know your staffing requirements and staff according to recommendations by ASPAN you will be providing the best of our National standards to your daily practice and giving patient safety the number one priority. ASPAN (2012). 2012-2014 Perianesthesia Nursing Standards, Practice Recommendations and Interpretive Statements Carolina Breaths Page 14 I am, Angela McClendon, the next President of NCAPAN following Ronnie Piman. I have been on the NCAPAN board for over 20 years. From District President to Member at Large to Governmental Affairs Rep to VP/President Elect. I con+nue with Ronnie's passion for PACU Nursing. I manage the main PACU at Duke Raleigh with 27 staff members. I encourage all my RN's to be ASPAN members and CPANs I am a cer+fica+on coach-s+ll working on my staff members for this. I am also a NCNA member and do go to the legisla+ve events when schedule. I have aended the NCNA yearly conven+on. The NCNA staff know me. I enjoy caring for pa+ents, networking with nurses, and doing community work. I am also a Visit Our Website volunteer withNew the Girl Scouts for fundraisers and trips. You will find me at Duke Raleigh Hospital 919-954-3285 ABPANC has updated our website, making easier find such valuable resources as: or angela.mcclendon@duke.edu . See ityou at to the August 10 board mee+ng in Winston Salem. Angela McClendon RN • Certification and Recertification Handbooks • Practice Exams • Schedule & Fee Information • Award Applications • News &NCAPAN Events COMPONENT • Opportunities to Share Your Story participants at ASPAN National Conference ...all with the goal of supporting CPAN® & CAPA® Certification: Nursing Passion in Ac- Beacons of Change... Focusing on the Future ASPAN's National Conference is Apr. 15-19. • Earn contact hours for recertification. • Learn about perianesthesia-related research • Receive information on new products and services for quality patient care • Refer to their program for certification-related activities. We’re looking forward to seeing you in Orlando. Conference Details This is Perianethesia Nurse Awareness Week - Feb. 6-12 Visit Facebook and tell us how your unit will be recognizing CPAN & CAPA nurses. March 19th is Certified Nurses Day Visit our online store for CPAN / CAPA gifts and free posters. ........................................................ Encourage Nursing Passion in Action Online Like Us on Facebook Carolina Breaths Page 15 DISTRICT REPORTS Piedmont District District Education: Piedmont District held a meeting at Presbyterian on May 20 Community Service: Individual Prepared Snacks for the Pregnancy Resource Center New CPANs /CAPAs: Kristen Williams, Sherry Derienzio Scholarships awarded: Discussion of diminishing members at the district levels. Motion, seconded, and vote approved to have state funds distributed to each district for one registration scholarship to encourage attendance at the state conference. Each district was encouraged to have a drawing for the free conference registration. Member news: Abstracts for poster presentations have been accepted by Mae Stamey and Angela Jones and Linda Wollak from Caromont at Nationals. New district news: Vice President Teresa Broome confirmed Continue to work on preparation for State Conference. State Conference: Contact hours will come from ASPAN Theme still under consideration, Discussion of speakers of and topics National Conference: ASPAN approved a resolution on social media use in the workplace. 58 NCAPAN members attended/ registered for the conference. About 16 members attended the NCAPAN meet and greet. 5 posters were presented. 1 research, 4 successful practices from NC. Kathy Daley was awarded an Above and Beyond Award. Angela McClendon was awarded a Get a Member Award. Long term Projects -Develop a continuity book -Transfer/Orientation checklist for transition of officers -Job description developed for all local chapter officers (DONE) -Develop a quarterly newsletter for Piedmont chapter with photos from local meetings -Develop a local/state/national chain of command -Lengthy discussion with Ronnie Pittman who asked members in the room if anyone in any of the facilities knew of anything that was being worked on regarding post-op blood sugars-ranges at home especially. Each facility will bring their process with approval from their facility to compare process POC: Ronnie Pittman TRIAD District The Triad District of NCAPAN hosted a meeting June 11, 2013 at High Point Regional Hospital, with 5 members in attendance. Mary Ellen St. Clair, Sonia Huff, and Beverly Harrelson gave a summary of the events they attended at the National Conference. The Triad District Officers for the 2013-2015 calendar year will remain the same: Barbara Walls, RN, President, Mary Ellen St.Clair, RN, Secretary, and Sonia Huff, RN, Treasurer. The Triad Fall Seminar will be held October 19, 2013 at Forsyth Medical Center from 7:45 am until 1:15 pm. The cost of the seminar will $40.00 for members, and $50.00 for nonmembers, and attendees will receive 5 contact hours for nursing education. The Nursing School Scholarship received no response from any stu- dents. Plans for future scholarship or offerings were undecided. Review for the Triad District By Laws were put on hold until September. The Triad Chapter will consider offering a Teleconference Meeting in September to increase participation of members in the meeting. The next meeting is Tuesday, September 10, 2013 at 7 pm. TAPAN District TAPAN had a meeting on March 11, 2013 at the Davis Ambulatory Center. Dr. Mackey presented a lecture on breast cancer which was enjoying by all. Prior to the lecture we had dinner and socialization. In honor of PANAW we had donated 500 dollars to the NC Epilepsy Society. A discussion on tips for attending the ASPAN National Conference was discussed with many good ideas for the first timers going to National conference. By Laws were handed out to review for the next meeting. The service project was supporting the Durham Rescue Mission. The meeting scheduled for May 13, 2013 at Wake Med Cary was cancelled due to unexpected issues. Instead of the meeting we met and started discussions on planning a conference for February. Our next meeting is scheduled on July 8 at Durham Reginald Hospital. Details will be sent to members via email. Foothills District District Education: Foothills District met March 21, 2013 CVMC with Paula J. Weeks speaking on Native American Medicine How Diverse Is Their Care and Belief In Healing”. 15 nurses attended this and received one contact hour. Foothills Annual Spring Update took place at CVMC on April 27. Thirty six nurses attended the event and obtained 4.25 contact hours. A collection of canned goods was collected and will be delivered to local food bank. New Certifications: none Research: Title: Comparison of Controlled Breathing with or without Peppermint Aromatherapy for the Relief of Postoperative Nausea and/or Vomiting. Participants: Debra Sites RN, MHA ; Jackie Miller MSN,RN; Nancy Johnson BSN, RN, Polly Tornbusch, RN, CAPA; Janice Hardin, BSN, RN, CPAN; Tara Fox MSN, CRNA; Dr. Rebecca Tart PhD . The article has be submitted to JOPAN and is under review. Member News: May 8 dinner out for informal planning for next year. Mountain District Mountain district will meet September 16, at the Asheville Surgery center. Melissa Mehaffey will present the program. MAPAN is beginning to plan for the 2014 NCAPAN conference in Asheville. Carolina Breaths Page 16 NCAPAN BOARD MINUTES May 4, 2013 Members present: Ronnie Pittman, Angela McClendon, Laura Haynes, Chris Ford, Jane Davenport, Judy Schneider, Tamara Barnett, Susan Knowles, Kathy Daley, Sonia Huff, Donna Hutson, Robin Davis, Jane Elkovich, Mary Killian, Barbara Walls, Debbie Marshall Members absent: Marcie McLure, Joyce Hillman, Cindy Warren Meeting called to order at 0933 Welcome and Announcements Discussion of new BOD member: Ann Smith as Member at Large. According to policy and procedures there is no defined process and the BOD found discrepancies in the policy & procedure manual. The BOD decided to table the discussion until August BOD meeting to define and clarify the election process. The BOD agreed to strongly recommend to the district presidents to bring the district secretary to the August BOD meeting. National Conference: ASPAN approved a resolution on social media use in the workplace. 58 NCAPAN members attended/registered for the conference. About 16 members attended the NCAPAN meet and greet. 5 posters were presented. 1 research, 4 successful practices from NC. Kathy Daley was awarded an Above and Beyond Award. Angela McClendon was awarded a Get a Member Award. Approval of minutes: Approval prior to meeting. Treasurer’s report: Reviewed our checking account balances. Profit of $231 from Kindle Fire raffle at ASPAN Website Will post awards from ASPAN. Please send any photos to Kathy from the ASPAN conference. Kathy will set up a new “page” Newsletter: Need to include the note from Sarah Cartwright, Area 5 Regional Director. Please send your articles and photos to Marcie. Governmental Affairs : No report Education Cathy Hedrick is applying for RN to BSN degree. Dawn Yeargan is applying for BSN to MSN degree. Motion, seconded and vote approved for both $500 scholarships. Discussion of awarding scholarships retroactive does not meet the criteria. Denied scholarship for certification exam because application did not meet criteria. Old Business: Bylaws Review/Policy & Procedure Article 3—Membership; the following changes were approved: Section 2…following seven (7) classes…Student, Corporate, and International. Associate (was Affiliate) Retired…but not hold executive office…Corporate— corporate members shall be companies or organizations that support the mission, purposes and goals of the organization. Corporate members may attend meetings, but not propose motions or vote. International— International members shall be any duly licensed health care professionals who have an interest in perianesthesia patient care and reside outside the US and Bermuda. International members may attend meetings, but not propose motions or vote. See report from Judy Schneider. Motion, seconded, and vote to approved these changes was done. A Survey Monkey will be sent by Kathy to the district presidents and dispersed to the NC membership. Vice President/President Elect: Two candidates have been nominated for VP/PE—Robin Davis and Susan Knowles After much discussion, a motion, second, and vote was done where the BOD agreed to vote via email to Ronnie and Angela. Ronnie will send the original email to the BOD. After the vote has been certified, Ronnie will make the announcement. There was also discussion about the Research position if Susan Knowles is elected. Sonia was encouraged to think about assuming this role. State Conference: Contact hours will come from ASPAN Theme still under consideration. Discussion of speakers of topics. Public Relations: No Report. New Business: CDI is September 6-8th at Kansas City, MO. Plan to send Angela and the VP. Discussion of sending more BOD members. Motion, seconded and vote passed to send Angela, Susan, Robin, Mary Killian, Jane Elkovich, and Jane Davenport. The BOD will provide registration on 3 attendees (2 attendees are paid for Carolina Breaths International Conference 2013 ICPAN Registration Fee Scholarships from ASPAN ASPAN is pleased to offer “registration fee” scholarships to the 2013 International Conference for PeriAnesthesia Nurses (ICPAN) being held September 19-22, 2013, in Dublin, Ireland. Postmark deadline for ICPAN scholarships is May 1, 2013. Instructions and required forms are now available on the ASPAN Web site. Please read instructions carefully for eligibility requirements. From the ASPAN Homepage visit Members/ Scholarship Program / 2013 ICPAN Scholarships. ASPAN's Membership Campaign Each year, ASPAN nurses help recruit nearly 1,000 new, and returning, members. To encourage participation and thank you for this valuable work, ASPAN conducts an annual Member-Get-A -Member Campaign, which runs from January through December. A variety of awards are available, including gift certificates, free registration to National Conference, the Redi-Ref for Perianesthesia Practices guide, and more. We invite you to participate in the campaign by asking your colleagues to join ASPAN! Additional information is available on the MGM Homepage. Page 17 BOD MINUTES Cont. by ASPAN). Airfare and the room will be covered for eve- ryone except Jane Elkovich. Jane will be funded by her district. Suggestion made by Susan to have one person coordinate the travel arrangements. Susan agreed to make these arrangements. NC/SC ASA meeting in Asheville this year September 68th. Kathy and Chris have agreed to attend this and set up a table. Discussion of who has table cloth and banner. Joyce has the table cloth. The banner cannot be located at this time. Kathy agreed to secure space with Kara Weishaar, Executive Director for the NC Society of Anesthesiologists. Discussion of Triad’s fall conference date. The district is asking for approval to have the conference 3 weeks after the state conference. After looking at the dates, it is 4 weeks after the state conference. The BOD encouraged Triad to continue planning for the fall conference. Discussion of diminishing members at the district levels. Motion, seconded, and vote approved to have state funds distributed to each district for one registration scholarship to encourage attendance at the state conference. Each district was encouraged to have a drawing for the free conference registration. District Reports Foothills—Mary Killian Southeast—Cindy Warren Piedmont—Jane Elkovich Triad—Barbara Walls Triangle—Donna Hutson Downeast—Jane Davenport Coastal—Robin Davis Mountain—Joyce Hillman Next BOD meeting August 10th, 2013 in Winston Salem Meeting adjourned at 1159am. District Reports Cont. The Coastal Chapter had their 1st annual Perianesthesia Nursing Care Workshop on Saturday May 18th with 75 people in attendance. We had to deny 25 people attendance. We are already looking for a new venue for next year that will accommodate a larger group size. Our next meeting will be August 26th where we will be discussing next years conference and different venue options. There will also be a raffle for a free state conference registration and a Mary Kay gift bag valued at 300.00. Dinner will be provided. Page 18 ASPAN Position Statement A Position Statement on Social Media and Perianesthesia Practice 4. Perianesthesia nurses will know and endorse institutional policies and procedures related to social media. The American Society of PeriAnesthesia Nurses (ASPAN) has the responsibility for defining the principles of safe, quality nursing practice in the perianesthesia setting. This includes professional conduct which reflects an understanding and respect for the moral, ethical and legal issues of perianesthesia practice. ASPAN, therefore, sets forth this position to acknowledge the impact of social media on clinical practice, patient safety and professional behaviors. 5. Clinical leadership will provide mechanisms to report any observed breach. Background An expanding array of devices (including but not limited to smartphones, tablets, readers, netbooks, notebooks and laptop computers) as well as the enhanced ease of access to the Internet have dramatically changed the ability of professionals and consumers to communicate, socialize and find/share information at incredible rates of speed across the continents. Numerous social media sites allow for the ready access and sharing of news, information (personal and professional), images and other content. Several basic media types currently exist. These more common platforms include virtual group rooms for information sharing, picture and video sharing sites, email and instant messaging and virtual gaming. In addition to the benefits associated with access to the social media world, there are a number of disadvantages for healthcare providers. These include the potential for: • Breach of privacy and confidentiality standards • Violation of professional boundaries • Abuse and/or misuse of technology both personally and professionally • Questionable reliability of information sources from Internet Position 6. Educational curriculum will support education providing principles of professionalism, privacy and confidentiality. 7. Consider the reliability of the source when utilizing the internet for medical information. 8. Perianesthesia nurses will refrain from using digital means of socializing during patient care and work hours. Expected Outcomes ASPAN recognizes the added value that digital and social media brings to perianesthesia practice as well as the consequences that improper use of digital and social media can raise. Creating and maintaining a healthy work environment and relationship to digital and social media are essential priorities for perianesthesia nurses. Approval of Statement This statement was recommended by a vote of the ASPAN Board of Directors on April 13, 2013 and approved by a vote of the ASPAN Representative Assembly on April 14, 2013 in Chicago, Illinois. BIBLIOGRAPHY American Nurses Association. 6 Tips for Using Social Media. ANA, Sept 2011. Available at http://www.nursingworld.org/ FunctionalMenuCategories/AboutANA/Social-Media/Social Networking-Principles-Toolkit/6-Tips-for-Nurses-Using-SocialMedia-Poster.pdf. Accessed September 13, 2012. American Society of Perianesthesia Nurses. Principles of Perianesthesia Nursing Practice: Perianesthesia Standards for Ethical Practice. Perianesthesia Nursing Standards, Practice Recommendations and Interpretive Statements 2012-2014. Cherry Hill, NJ: ASPAN; 2012:10. ASPAN is highly committed as an advocate for a culture of safety and to the principles of the Perianesthesia Standards for Ethical Practice in all perianesthesia practice settings, for the patient, the nurse and the healthcare team. This commitment Emergency Nurses Association. Social Networking by Emerincludes the impact of technology on perianesthesia practice. ASPAN provides the following recommendations when consid- gency Nurses. ENA, 2012. Available at http://www.ena.org/ SiteCollectionDocuments/Position%20Statements/ ering the use of social media: SocialNetworkingByERNurses.pdf. Accessed September 13, 1. The privacy and confidentiality of patients will be maintained 2012. at all times. 2. Perianesthesia nurses shall avoid posting or commenting on any negative reflections of colleagues, employers or clinical situations in a public social media forum. 3. Perianesthesia nurses will protect their personal information in public social media forums. Page 19 Region 5 Update- New Beginnings I can hardly believe that Summer is beginning! Wasn’t it just yesterday that we were enjoying the snowy April days in Chicago during this past National Conference? What a wonderful opportunity National Conference was to network with colleagues and friends both old and new. Over 2000 perianesthesia nurses were in attendance providing avenues for conversation, growth and support for our profession. I wanted to take the time to introduce myself to you all as the incoming Region V director. It is my responsibility to assist the member components to meet your strategic plans for growth and education. It is my pleasure to be a source of support and to facilitate any information to and from the ASPAN board of directors. A little bit about me: I am married to Bobby and we have a blended family of 5 children, 4 boys, 1 girl. Our oldest is 21 and youngest is 14. I think everyone in our family is in school one way or anotherwe are lifelong learners! I have been a nurse since 1994, and a perianesthesia nurse since 1998. I was welcomed into ASPAN through my home component of GAPAN in 1999 and have been excited to be a part of this society at every level. I work at an academic medical center, and that has afforded me the opportunities to see all kinds of interesting cases, which I use to build upon my practice. My work with GAPAN/ASPAN began because I had a mentor who took the time to encourage me in my growth as a nurse, a professional and a leader. I hope that you, too, have had someone reach out to empower you on your professional journey. During my tenure as Regional Director for Region 5 it is my sincere hope that I can, in some small way, reach out to you and ignite the spark that keeps burning for perianesthesia nursing. Whether at the bedside or through a role in your component, you are leader already having shown through your membership the willingness to raise the bar for your peers and our practice. Congratulations! I am so proud to know you, and to know of the great things you are doing. Over the next two years I will be sharing information from ASPAN and the Region 5 components to assist in planning activities, promoting practice, and being effective liaisons. I hope that you will find increased information regarding what is happening out and about in Region 5 as well as across the nation. We are in the planning stages for the Component Development Institute scheduled September 6-8 in Kansas City, Missouri. Look for more information to come regarding this exciting opportunity to development leadership, innovation and mentoring opportunities. Thank you and Cheers to a new beginning! Sarah M. I. Cartwright, BA, RN, CAPA Region V Director 2013 - 2015 American Society Of PeriAnesthesia Nurses (ASPAN) Phone: 706.231.8895 Email: scartwright@aspan.org Address: 228 Cavalier Drive Martinez, GA, 30907 (Printed with permission from Sarah)
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